click here - Maldon Yacht Club


click here - Maldon Yacht Club
The name of the Club shall be MALDON YACHT CLUB.
The object of the Club is the promotion of the sport of yachting.
The design of the Club Burgee shall be as follows :
An upper section of black, bearing the cipher of the letters "M.Y.C."; a narrow central
horizontal strip of white; a lower section of green. The form of ties and badges shall be at
the discretion of the Executive Committee.
The Club Membership may take the following forms only:
(a) Permanent Members:
(i) (ii) (iii)
Cadet Members: Any person over the age of fourteen years and under the age of
eighteen years who is interested in the sport of yachting shall be eligible for
election as a Cadet Member. Any child under the age of fourteen years whose
parent or guardian is a Full or Life Member shall be eligible for election as a Cadet
Honorary Members: The Executive Committee may elect any person
to be an Honorary Member. This class of membership shall be conferred as a
Senior Member: Any member who is 55 years of age or over and whose years of
membership added to his or her age total 80 or more may claim to pay the Senior
subscription. The Senior subscription shall be 50% of the full or family rate
Life Members: Only those Members who held Life Membership before October
1972 shall be eligible to continue to do so.
Student Member: Any Full Member under the age of 23 who is engaged in full time
education may claim to pay the Student subscription. The Student subscription shall
be 50% of the subscription for a Full Member.
Full Members: Any person over the age of eighteen years who is interested in the
sport of yachting shall be eligible for election as a Full Member.
Family Members: Any couple over the age of eighteen years and any of their
children under the age of 14 years who are interested as a family in the sport of
yachting shall be jointly eligible for election as Family Members. For the purpose of
these Rules, adult Family Mem bers shall be hereafter considered to be Full Members
in their own right, and Junior Family Members considered to be Cadet Members.
Respective rights and privileges of membership shall be afforded accordingly.
(a) Full, Life Senior, Student, Family and Cadet Members:
All Candidates for election as Members shall make application in writing to the
Membership Secretary upon such form as shall be prescribed by the Executive
All Candidates must be proposed and seconded in writing by two Full or Life Members
of the Club.
Any Candidate applying for Membership who is not known by and been proposed and
seconded by an existing member shall attend an informal interview with the Committee.
The Proposer of a Candidate shall write to the Membership Secretary stating that he or
she has personal knowledge of such Candidate and can propose him or her for
membership with confidence.
All completed application forms shall be displayed on the Club Notice Board for a
minimum period of fourteen days during which time the Candidate shall have the rights
and privileges of an Honorary Member. The application shall then
be submitted to the next meeting of the Executive Committee and at such meeting the
Committee shall proceed to the election or rejection of the Candidate. A simple majority
vote shall exclude. Should any Full or Life Member object to the
election of a Candidate he or she should inform the Membership Secretary in writing
within the afore mentioned fourteen days. Upon such objection being received the
election of the Candidate shall be referred to a General Meeting of the Club
and a secret ballot taken. A simple majority vote shall exclude. A Candidate's
application form must be accompanied by his or her entrance fee. Upon election his or
her subscription shall be due within two months.
Subscriptions and entrance fees shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting. Changes
of subscriptions and entrance fees shall be treated as a change in rules under Rule 23.
Every Member elected to Full or Cadet Membership shall pay the Honorary Treasurer
the annual subscription due from such Member and it shall be paid as to the first of such
subscription within the two months of election and thereafter on the first day of January
in each year.
A Member elected after the thirtieth day of September in any year who shall have paid
the subscription for that year shall not be required to pay any subscription the following
Privileges of membership shall be withdrawn from any member whose subscription is
unpaid by the First Day of March, and he/she shall be notified of the fact by post.
Should a member's current subscription be unpaid on the 31st of May of the same year
he/she shall be deemed to have resigned.
Membership may be restored at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
3 (b)
Change of Membership A man and wife holding separate memberships who wish to
jointly become Family Members shall pay only the difference, if any, between the
prevailing subscription and entrance fee rates of the senior membership held between
them and the prevailing rates for Family membership. Cadet members will automatically
mature to an adult membership upon reaching the age of 18 years. The member may
choose the type of membership in which to mature (i.e. either Full, Student or Family
Membership - if eligible) and shall accordingly pay the applicable subscription on the
following first day of January. Any change of membership thereafter will be subject to
Rules 5 and 6.
Any member wishing to resign from the Club shall communicate in writing his or her
desire to the Membership Secretary not later than the thirty-first day of December,
failing this he or she shall be liable to the ensuing year's subscription.
Every member, upon election and thereafter is deemed to have notice of, and impliedly
undertakes to comply with, the Club Rules and the current Byelaws and Regulations of
the Club. Any refusal or neglect to do so or any conduct which in the opinion of the
Executive Committee is either unworthy of a member or otherwise injurious to the
interests of the Club shall render a member liable to expulsion by the Executive
PROVIDED THAT before expelling a member, the Executive Committee shall call
upon such member for a written explanation of the Member's conduct and shall give the
member full opportunity of making explanation to the Executive Committee or of
resigning. A Resolution to expel a member shall be carried by a two thirds majority of
those members of the Executive Committee present and voting on the Resolution.
(a) ALL PERMANENT MEMBERS shall be entitled to make full use of the Clubhouse
and its facilities, subject to the provisions of Rule 18. They shall receive copies of all
Maldon Yacht Club Publications and shall receive notice of and be entitled to attend all
General Meetings of the Club. They may introduce Guests to the Club, each of whom
shall have his name entered in the Visitors' Book and countersigned by the Member
introducing them. No member may introduce more than two Guests in any one day, or
one particular Guest more than six times in one calendar year.
to helm in races organised by the Club.
Extraordinary General Meetings.
(d) TEMPORARY MEMBERS may make full use of the Club House and its facilities,
subject to the provisions of Rule 18 for the duration of their visit. They are not entitled to
any of the other privileges of Permanent Membership and may not themselves introduce
The Officers of the Club shall consist of a President (who may be an Honorary Member,
in which case, notwithstanding (b) below, the position is Non-Executive). A number of
Vice Presidents, who may be Honorary Members and (or elected for a period longer than
one year) who shall be notwithstanding (b) below Non Executive, a Commodore, a
Vice-Commodore, a Rear-Commodore, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer,
an Honorary Sailing Secretary, Cruiser Secretary, an Honorary Social Secretary and an
Honorary Membership Secretary.
The general affairs of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee consisting
of the Officers of the Club and four other elected Members.
The sailing affairs of the Club shall be conducted by a Sailing Committee consisting of
the Vice-Commodore, the Honorary Sailing Secretary, the Cruiser Secretary, the Fleet
Captains and up to three other Members approved by the Executive Committee.
If a Member of the Executive Committee fails to attend three consecutive Committee
Meetings without adequate reason then that Member shall be deemed to have resigned
from the Executive Committee and a replacement may be co-opted under Rule 11(h).
The Treasurer shall keep such books of accounts as are necessary to show the Club's true
financial position at all times.
(a) Every Candidate for election to any executive position shall be a Full or Life Member.
(b) Any Candidate for election to the Executive Committee shall have been a Full or Life
Member for a minimum of twelve calendar months.
Any Candidate for election to Flag Rank shall have previously been an elected Member
of the Executive Committee.
Any Candidate for election of the Rank of Commodore shall have previously held Flag
An Executive Committee Member, other than a Club Officer, shall not serve for more
than three consecutive years and an interval of one year must elapse before he may again
serve in the same capacity.
No Flag Officer shall remain in the same office for longer than three consecutive years
and an interval of one year must elapse before he may again take office in the same rank.
(c) The President, all Club Officers and all other Executive Committee Members shall be
elected each year at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the next
Annual General Meeting, The election, if any, of non-executive Vice-Presidents (see
Rule 9(a) shall also take place at the Annual General Meeting.
(d) Candidates for election as Club Officers or Members of the Executive Committee shall
be proposed and seconded by Full or Life Members.
5 (e) The names of such Candidates together with the names of their proposers and seconders
shall be communicated in writing to the Honorary Secretary seven days before the date
of the Annual General Meeting in each year. The names of the proposers and seconders
shall be published at the Annual General Meeting.
(f) If there be more Candidates for election than vacancies a ballot shall be held in
accordance with these Rules at the next Annual General Meeting.
(g) If the number of Candidates for election is equal to or less than the number of vacancies
to be filled, all Candidates shall be deemed to be elected.
(a) The Executive Committee may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn and
otherwise regulate their Meeting as they think fit, but they shall meet at least every two
(b) Any three Members of the Executive Committee, by notice in writing, addressed to the
Honorary Secretary, stating as far as practicable the business to be transacted, may
convene a Meeting of the Executive Committee.
(c) The Honorary Secretary shall give written notice of any Meeting of the Executive
Committee to all Members of that Committee.
(d) Five Members personally present shall form a Quorum.
(e) Questions arising at any Meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes and in case of
equality of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote (see
Rule 17g).
(f) The Senior Flag Officer present shall take the chair at Meetings of the Executive
Committee, but if none of the Flag Officers shall be present within fifteen minutes after
the time appointed for holding the same, Members of the Executive Committee present
shall choose one of their number to be Chairman of such Meeting.
(g) The Executive Committee shall cause proper Minutes to be made at all proceedings of
the Executive Committee and of the attendance thereat.
(h) The Executive Committee shall be empowered to co-opt any Full or Life Member of the
Club to fill a casual vacancy that may occur in the Committee during its tenancy. Such
co-opted Member shall have the full rights and privileges of a member of the Executive
Committee until the next Annual General Meeting
(a) The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club according to the Rules
and shall cause the funds of the Club to be applied solely to the objects of the Club or for
a benevolent or charitable purpose nominated by General Meeting.
(b) The Executive Committee shall make such Byelaws and Regulations as shall from time
to time think fit and shall cause the same to be exhibited in the Club premises 14 days
before the date of implementation. Such Byelaws and Regulations shall remain in force
until approved or set aside by a vote at a General Meeting of the Club
(c) The Executive Committee may appoint such sub-Committees as it shall deem necessary
and may delegate such of its powers as it shall think fit upon such terms and conditions
as shall he deemed expedient and/or required by the law. Such sub-Committees shall
consist of such members of the Club as the Executive Committee may think fit. Officers
of the Club shall be exofficio members of all such sub-committees.
(d) A member of the Executive Committee, of a sub-committee or any Officer of the Club,
in transacting business for the Club, shall disclose to third parties that he is so acting.
(e) The Executive Committee, or any person or sub-committee delegated by the Executive
Committee to act as agent for the Club or its members, shall enter into contracts only so
far as expressly authorised, or authorised by implication, by the members. No one shall,
without the express authority of the membership in General Meeting, pledge the credit of
the membership.
(f) In pursuance of the authority vested in the Executive Committee by members of the
Club, members of the Executive Committee are entitled to be indemnified by the
members of the Club against any liabilities properly incurred by them or any one of them
on behalf of the Club wherever the contract is of a duly authorised nature or could be
assumed to be of a duly authorised nature and entered into on behalf of the Club.
The limit of an individual member's indemnity in this respect should be a sum equal to
one year's subscription at the then current rate for that category of membership unless
the Executive Committee has been authorised to exceed such limit by General Meeting
of the Club.
(a) The purchase for the Club of excisable goods and the supply of the same on Club
premises shall be exclusively and solely under the control of the Executive Committee or
of a special sub-Committee appointed by the Executive Committee. Intoxicating liquor
may only be sold for consumption on the Club premises to persons over the age of 18
and entitled to the use of the Club premises in pursuance of the Rules, Byelaws and
Regulations at the time being in force. No junior Member under the age of 18 may
purchase or attempt to purchase intoxicating liquor within the Club premises nor may a
Junior Member under the age of 16 purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco or cigarettes
within the Club premises.
7 (b) Subject to the requirements of the licensing authorities, the Executive Committee shall
cause the Club bar to be open at convenient times (and such times shall be prominently
exhibited in the Club premises) for the sale of excisable goods to persons who are
entitled to the use of the premises of the Club in pursuance of these rules (except Junior
members as aforesaid). PROVIDED THAT visitors' names and addresses and the name
of their introducer shall have been entered in the Visitor's Book upon entry to Club
(c) No person shall take a commission, percentage or other such payment in connection with
the purchase of excisable goods for the Club. Any profit deriving from the sale of such
goods shall (after deduction of the costs of providing such goods for the benefit of the
club) be applied to the provision of additional amenities or the purchase of property to be
held in trust for the benefit of the Club.
(d) Proper accounts of all purchases and receipt shall be kept and presented at the Annual
General Meeting in each year and such information as the Secretary or Auditors may
require shall be furnished to enable any statutory return or statement and the payment of
excise or other duty or tax to be made.
(a) There shall be at least three Trustees of the Club who shall be appointed from time to
time as necessary by the Executive Committee of the Club from among all Full, Family
or Senior members who are willing to be so appointed.
A Trustee shall hold office so long as he remains a member of the Club or until he shall
resign, by notice in writing given to the Executive Committee, or until a resolution
removing him from office shall be passed at a meeting of the Executive Committee by a
majority comprising two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote.
(b) All the property of the Club including land and investments, shall be held by the
Trustees for the time being, in their own names so far as it is necessary and practicable,
on trust for the use and benefit of the Club. On the death, resignation or removal from
office of a Trustee, the Executive Committee shall nominate a new Trustee in his place,
and shall as soon as possible thereafter take all lawful and practicable steps to procure
the vesting of all Club property into the names of the Trustees as constituted after such
nomination. For the purpose of giving effect to any such nomination, the Secretary for
the time being is hereby nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees of the Club
within the meaning of section 36 of the Trustee Act 1925 and he shall by Deed duly
appoint the person or persons so nominated by the Executive Committee
(c) The Trustees shall deal with the property of the Club as directed by resolution of the
Executive Committee and recorded in the Executive Committee minutes and they shall
be indemnified against cost and expense out of the Club property.
(a) The Sailing Committee may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn and
otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit.
(b) Any three Members of the Sailing Committee, by notice in writing, addressed to the
Honorary Sailing Secretary, stating as far as practicable the business to be transacted,
may convene a Meeting of the Sailing Committee.
(c) The Honorary Sailing Secretary shall give written notice of any Meeting of the Sailing
Committee to all Members of that Committee.
(d) Four Members personally present form a Quorum.
(e) Questions arising at any Meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. The Chairman
of the Meeting shall not be entitled to a vote save that is the case of equality of votes
either on show of hands or on a ballot, the Chairman of the Meeting shall be entitled to a
casting vote.
(f) The Vice-Commodore shall take the chair at Meetings of the Sailing Committee, but if
he is not present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the same, the
Members of the Sailing Committee present shall choose one of their number to be
Chairman of such Meeting.
(g) The Sailing Committee shall meet together not less than four times each year.
(a) An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in October each year on such day,
time and place the Executive Committee shall determine.
Notice of any resolution to be proposed at this Meeting shall be sent to the Honorary
Secretary to arrive not later than the fourteenth day of August of that year.
(b) The Executive Committee rnay call an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever they
consider such course necessary, or upon the request, in writing of any thirty Members
(or if the total membership of the Club is less than 150, one-fifth of the said total)
entitled to vote at a General Meeting they shall call a General Meeting, to consider such
matters as shall be stated in the request.
(c) Twenty-one day’s notice at least of any General Meeting shall be given to each Member
entitled to attend such Meetings. Such notices shall specify the place, the day and the
hour of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted.
(d) The Honorary Treasurer shall present the Club's Accounts at each Annual General
Meeting which shall have been audited by an independent Accountant.
(a) At all General Meetings the Chair shall be taken by the Commodore or failing him, one
of the Flag Officers.
If neither the Commodore nor either of the Flag Officers shall be present within thirty
minutes after the time appointed for the holding the Meeting the Members present shall
choose one of their number to take the Chair.
(b) No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present when
the Meeting proceeds to business, and for purposes the quorum shall be Members
personally present and entitled to vote not being less than twenty. If thirty minutes after
the time appointed for the Meeting a quorum be not present, the Meeting if convened
upon the request of or by Members, shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall stand
adjourned to such day and to such place as may be appointed by the Chairman. At any
such adjourned Meeting the Members present and entitled to vote, whatever their
number, shall have the power to decide upon all matters which could properly have been
disposed of at the Meeting from which the adjournment took place.
(c) The Chairman may, with the consent of the Meeting, adjourn any General Meeting from
time to time and from place to place but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned
meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the
adjournment took place.
(d) Every question shall be determined by a majority of votes, unless otherwise expressly
provided by these Rules.
(e) A resolution put to the vote of the Meeting may be decided by a show of hands unless
before or upon the declaration of the show of hands a ballot be demanded by the
Chairman or by at least five persons present and entitled to vote at the Meeting, and
unless a ballot be so demanded a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on a
show of hands been carried or carried unanimously or by a particular majority, or lost or
not carried by a particular majority, shall be conclusive, and an entry to the Minute Book
shall be conclusive evidence thereof.
(f) If a ballot be demanded in the manner aforesaid, it shall be taken immediately and in
such manner as the Chairman may direct, and the result of the ballot shall be deemed to
be the resolution of the Meeting.
(g) The Chairman of the Meeting shall not be entitled to vote save that is the case of equality
of votes either on show of hands or on a ballot, the Chairman of the Meeting shall be
entitled to a casting vote.
An applicant for Permanent Club Membership or a person just elected to Honorary Membership
may use the Club Bar only as a Permanent Member (Rule 8(a) until his or her name has been on
the Club Notice Board for two full days.
19. Any person who is a competitor in any race sponsored or organised by or on behalf of the Club
or in a race starting from Maldon and any person who is a member of the crew of such competitors
for the purpose of the race is entitled to use the Club premises within a period of twenty-four hours
before and after the race in which they are competing.
20. Intoxicating liquor may be sold to or for the consumption on the premises by those persons
over the age of 18 who are entitled to the use of the premises of the Club in pursuance of Rule 13.
21. The Honorary Secretary or any other person who has received the authority of two Members of
the Executive Committee may expel temporarily or permanently any person who has the right to
use the Club premises only under Rule 13.
22. No money or property of the Club or any gain arising from the carrying of the Club shall be
applied otherwise than for the benefit of the Club or for benevolent or charitable purpose to be
nominated by General Meeting
(a) Notice of any alteration to the Rules intended to be proposed by a Member of the Club
shall be given to the Honorary Secretary in writing before the fourteenth day of August
if the same is to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting or at least one month before
any Extraordinary General Meeting at which that same is to be brought forward, and full
particulars of any such proposed alterations or additions shall be set out in the notice
convening the Meeting.
(b) Any proposed alteration or addition to the Rules shall be put to the vote of the Meeting
and provided that on a show of hands, or by ballot if demanded, not less than two-thirds
of the Members present and entitled to vote in favour, such proposition shall be deemed
to be carried.
A notice or any other document may be served by the Club upon any Member, either personally,
or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to such Member, at his last known
address, but the accidental omission to give such notice or other document to, or the non-receipt of
such notice or other document by any such Member shall not invalidate any resolution passed or
election connected herewith.
Any case occurring that is not provided for in these Rules shall be referred to the Executive
Committee, whose decision shall be final.
If at any time any mooring or dinghy park fees payable to the Club by any member or former
member shall be three months or more in arrears:
(a) The Committee shall be entitled to move the boat to any other part of the premises
without being liable for any loss of or damage to the boat howsoever caused.
(b) The Committee shall be entitled upon giving one month's notice in writing to the
Member or former Member, at his last known address shown in the register of members,
to sell the boat and to deduct any monies due to the Club (whether by ways of arrears of
subscriptions or mooring fees or otherwise) from the net proceeds of sale before
accounting for the balance (if any) to the member or former member.
(c) Alternatively any boat which in the opinion of the Committee cannot be sold may, upon
such notice as aforesaid, be disposed of in any manner the Committee may think fit and
the expenses recovered from the Member or former Member. Any arrears as aforesaid
shall be deemed debt owing to the Club by the Member or former Member.
(d) Further the Club shall, at all times, have a lien over Member's or former Member's boats
parked or moored on the Club's premises or Club moorings in respect of all monies due
to the Club, whether in respect of arrears of mooring fees or subscriptions or otherwise.
12 As at October 2014
Trophies restricted to M. Y. C. Members
1. Races will be sailed under Maldon Yacht Club Sailing Instructions.
2. Open only to Full, Life, Senior, Student and Cadet Members.
3. Handicap Races open only to single hulled sport and half decked (O.H.D.)
boats up to 20 ft. L.O.A. and handicapped by the Portsmouth Harbour System,
with B.J.R.C. amendments where applicable.
4. Two boats to start to make any race.
5. In Ladies and Cadets events, the Lady and Cadet helms only to handle tiller
and mainsheet. Cadets to be under 18 years on 1st January of the year in which
the event is held.
Six handicap races plus Round the Islands Race and M.Y.C. positions in
Coronation Cup. Count 5/8.
Helmsman Trophy
First Helmsman overall
Crew Trophy
First Crew overall
Pitman Plate
Second Helmsman overall
The Lewis Trophy
The best placed Member in the Helmsman Series who has not in previous
years won a club perpetual trophy for helming.
Eleven Handicap races. Count 6/11
Baines Cup
First overall
Silhouette Trophy
First single handed boat
Hornet Trophy
First Hornet
Binder Cup
First Snipe
First GP14
Laser Trophy
First Laser
13 3,1
Trophies awarded for first overall
Fitting Out Trophy Series. Count 3/4
Handicap Series at start of season
Autumn Series Trophy. Count 3/4
Handicap Series at end of season
Cadet Anchor Trophy Series. Count 4/7
Handicap Series for Cadet Members
Trophies awarded for first overall or in class
Saturday Handicap Trophy. Count 4/6
First Overall
Saturday GP 14 Cup
First GP 14 in Saturday Handicap Series
Saturday Snipe Cup
First Snipe in Saturday Handicap Series
Saturday Scratch Series. Count 5/11
Handicap Series through season
The Marlin Spike. Count 3/5
Handicap Series at end of season.
Lancaster Cup
Individual Handicap Pursuit Race, Handicaps decided by Executive
Whitsun Tankard
Handicap race sailed during Whitsun Weekend. 3/5
Round the Islands Shield
Handicap race round Northey Island
Round the Island Trophy (Madoc Trophy)
Handicap race round Northey Island
Ladies Cup
Handicap race for Lady Members
Cadet Cup
Handicap race for Cadet Members
Commodore's Cup
Handicap race, to be sailed single-handed in fully rigged two person boats
Wright Trophy
Special Seamanship Race, format decided by Executive Committee
Maldon Oyster
Club Handicap Cruiser Race
Jubilee Trophy
Awarded at the discretion of the President
M.Y.C. Trophy
Awarded at the discretion of the Commodore for outstanding performance in
the season
14 6.3
The Vie Baxter Trophy
Highest turnout during a season without winning any trophy or prize race
(open to members of W.R.C. Clubs)
Coronation Cup
Open Handicap Race
Ladies Coronation Cup
As above, first lady helm
M.Y.C. Cruiser Plate
Race run as part of W.R.C. cruiser series
(open to members of any Club)
Maldon Hornet Keg
Hornet Class Open Meeting
R.N.LI Pennant
Charity race for Lifeboats
Easter Bunny Series
Regatta over Easter Holiday 3/4
Brass Monkey
First race of season
Laying up race
Last race of season