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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII$36.90 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII$25.90 #GI7:9 5+*I I I I I I I I I I $41.90 ARCTIC CAT NOSE CONE $R+:+: 5*+I _=9 N7FF I $F &R+:6: :N5I _==FN+ N7N< N6'! N< N7#N+ N9#2 #GI<5 6N:,(. #GI<5 6N: +<,#. POLARIS REAR BUMPER >H'I #GI<5 7+5IIIIIIIIIIIII $46.90 POLARIS NOSE CONE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII$26.90 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $23.90 $R976+N9* +*+I _F%Q==I ,'>==7++3:9+.I $# R5=*+*7*I _&=+ =N%I #GI<5 7++IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $31.90 #GI<5 7+<IIIIIIIIIIIIII $44.90 $# R9557666 +:*I _&== N=F%Q2 I #GI<5 7++ +<IIIIIIIIIIII YAMAHA NOSE CONES $26.90 #GI7:9 5<5IIIIIIIIIIIIIII _=7 NN#,F.I $36.90 #GI7:5 :<+( I I I I I I $94.50 #GI7:5 :<<RedI I I I I I I I I I I $94.50 _&NN +6', .I #GI7:9 5<6IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 7:5 :<+ 7:5 :<9 _&NN +6/I%%, .I $36.90 _N5 N:4>9++3:++3*9+3=++I _G#N9 +< 5+++& , .I #GI7:9 7++IIIIIIIIIIIIIII #GI7:5 :<9(I I I I I I I $115.90 #GI7:5 :<:Red I I I I I I I I I I I $111.90 $36.90 WINDSHIELD BLANKS _A!N* +7# F & , .I #GI7:9 :+5IIIIIIIIIIIIIII )* &! ?^ $36.90 & >=!&%G)=* &!R &A> =)@!= &% =)?QA=!&AA=)&RK & *ARA )>=)&>@ Y)%A = &U >=&&= A& K&A%=&Y) MOUNTING HARDWARE "AA=Z&X @& =&>* &!A) = @ )=R&=K @A&&K &== ! = #&%= [:G\; )RR@AA=J;+L 75¢ [:G\\ A @J[+/T#L 75¢ [:G\I @ @JVT#L 75¢ [:G\: #=*J&=K%L 75¢ W7GVI; ?&= 90¢ /;[G]V; A!= 70¢ R A&)&[I]TQVITQW\;T=! 39-75 =/;VGWIV$39.90 =/;VGWI[A-[::W 39-77 39-78 BLACK WINDSHIELDTRIM A@%&=!* &!@ >AK &)K AR A&)&[\;TQVIQW\;T=! 39-79 7WT @QV\;T=! ! =/;]GIWV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.90 18 06-185 PUSH PIN WINDSHIELD DART 453-215 V+/T=%&&_\7]V;W; G? % =!=&Y)K &=RK! K&)=> K%%= Y) @> = A) =>&= A?R+)&R+#)R )&!=K%%&=?= R= &&= =% >&= ]%&=G]&U&?R =/;[G]WW[+V7=IW` =/;[G]W]V+/T=80¢ STAR SERIES HANDGUARD SYSTEM Snowmobile Hand Protection System ' - F2 2 -2 riders hands warm 2- riders needs F22 2 F W - 2 22 ) = @=&&&%=K <75+7 (3( [ 34.95 <75+* <75+N $3( 1 1/3( 34.95 <756+ (3 - 34.95 34.95 "( <759+ <7595 Mounting Kit Z 2 $22.95 Z F43 22.95 OIL CADDY Underhood Oil Storage & 2K # 2 2 - % 2 & F2 2- - where you are on the trail - ' storage area of your snowmobile F K 2 K&?R X)% <7=++ <7=+< ( # $29.95 29.95 BRAND - SPECIFIC OIL CADDIES Underhood Oil Storage # 2 Q % 2 & K 2 - ' rear storage area of your snowmobile ?R R K <7=+7 <7=+9 <7=+: <7=+* <7=+N <7=<< H 8,!T<NN9 +6. $29.95 # ,F/ %%. 29.95 [,F23 . 29.95 # ,'. 29.95 F &, . 29.95 F &,5+++ +7>=++Q0 . 29.95 19 Plastic Skis &III 2 I H -2 2 I " 2 - 2>&# I # I I 2 I & F""'$$F%G&FHZ%" 2 I G' #F$GHI Z% 8%'G%HG Z''" 1'%/1 1%##%G/ '%/1] $'&H'G8'8 W' #$%&' N+<+&Z *E!7<E +I=*9E NI7I #23H $139.90 $132.00 E+Q) @A) = @!* HW$%G/&FHZ% " 2 #F$GHI Z% 8%'G%HG Z''" 1'%/1 1%##%G/ '%/1] $'&H'G8'8 W' #$%&' N++5&Z 9E>6NE +I=*9E *I6I $129.90 -VV:WW E+Q) @A) = @!* HWG%G/Z% #F$GHI 8'&$%#%HG #$%&' N++ZF F & F%%%%44 narrow mount $59.00 N++Z# # % 59.00 N++Z( 8 8F 59.00 N++Z(T 8 F8F T!& 59.00 N++Z($ ( $'4 59.00 N++Z[ [ 4 ><NN* NN 5+++ +6IF2 59.00 &F$(%8'$WGG'$ #F$GHI 8'&$%#%HG '86 N69+ 87 N69+ 8 N69+ 87 N69+ 8: N69+ 8= N69+ 7E :E =E 7E8 I :E8 I =E8 I 20 #$%&' $53.90 66.90 89.90 52.90 62.90 83.90 STEFFES APPLICATION SKIS - ALL SKIS ARE STEEL BLACK ENAMEL - SOLD EACH PART NO. ARCTIC CAT - All applications using Part No. 10-59 that have reverse on sled, use Part No. 10-82. $79.90 Bearcat 340 95-99 Bearcat 440 95-98 Bearcat Widetrack 95-97 Cheetah 72-75 Cheetah 76-79 Cheetah 86-89/93-94 Cheetah Touring 88-92 Cougar 68 Cougar 85-92 Cougar 93-94 Cougar 95-98 Cougar Mt. Cat 90 Cougar Mt. Cat 93-94 Cougar 2-up 92 El Tigre 73-74 El Tigre 75-81/84 El Tigre 85-89 El Tigre EXT 89-91 El Tigre EXT Mt. Cat 90-91 El Tigre EXT Special 90 EXT/Mt. Cat 92-93 EXT/Mt. Cat (All) 94-97 EXT Special 91 EXT 580 EFI 98 EXT 600 Triple 97-98 Jag 75 Jag 76-79 Jag 340/440 88 Jag 340/440 98-99 Jag 440/Dlx. 99 Jag/Dlx. 80-81/85-90 Jag/Dlx. 92-96 Jag/Dlx. 97 Jag Mt. Cat 90-91 Jag AFS/Dlx. 89-91 Jag AFS Spec./LT 91-93 Jag Z 93-94 Lynx 71-75 Lynx 76-80 Lynx II 74 Lynx AFS/Dlx. 91-93 Lynx AFS Mt. Cat 92-93 Pantera 75 Pantera 79-81/85 Pantera 86-90/95-97 Pantera 91-94 Panther 67-75 Panther 76-79 Panther 80-81/84-89 Panther AFS/Dlx. 90-91 Panther AFS Mt. Cat 90-91 Panther AWS/Dlx. 92-95 Panther/Dlx./Liquid 96-99 Prowler 91-94 Prowler Mt. Cat/Special 91 Prowler 2-up 92-94 Prowler 2-up 95 Puma 70-73 Puma (All) 94-96 Puma (All) 97 Super Jag 87-92 10-59 10-59 10-59 10-03 10-06 10-59 10-59 10-03 10-59 10-69 10-59 10-59 10-69 10-59 10-03 10-08 10-59 10-59 10-59 10-59 10-69 10-59 10-69 10-59 10-59 10-03 10-06 10-08 10-59 10-59 10-08 10-69 10-59 10-08 10-59 10-59 10-60 10-03 10-06 10-03 10-59 10-59 10-03 10-08 10-59 10-69 10-03 10-06 10-08 10-59 10-59 10-69 10-59 10-69 10-69 10-69 10-59 10-03 10-69 10-59 10-08 APPLICATION ARCTIC CAT (CONTINUED) Thundercat 93-96 Trail Cat 79-81 VIP 74 Wildcat 650 88-90 Wildcat 650 Mt. Cat 90 Wildcat 700 91 Wildcat 700 EFI/Mt. Cat 91-92 Wildcat (All) 94 Wildcat (All) 95-96 Z 370 99 Z 440 94-96 ZR/ZRT (All) 94-96 JOHN DEERE All models 72-78 Liquifire/Sportfire/Trailfire 79-84 MOTO-SKI Futura (All) 76-82 Grand Prix Special 79-81 Mirage (All) 80-83 Mirage III 85 Nuvik (All) 75-79 Sonic (All) 76-78 Sonic L/C 84 Super Sonic 79-81 Super Sonic Cross Country 79 Ultra Sonic 80-82 POLARIS All models 69-82(exc. Cent. Indy) Centurion Indy 500 81-82 Indy 340 (All) 99-03 Indy 400 84-91 Indy 440 92 Indy 440 93-96 Indy 500 (All) 89-92 Indy 500 (All) 93-96 Indy 600 (All) 83-87 Indy 650 (All) 88-92 Indy Classic (All) 93 Indy Cross Country 83 Indy Lite (All) 91-98 Indy Sport (All) 87-92 Indy Sport (All) 93-96 Indy Storm/SKS 94-97 Indy Supertrak 89-92 Indy Trail (All) 83-93 Indy Trail (All) 94-96 Indy Trail/Touring 97-00/02-03 Indy Tran Sport 96 Indy Widetrak 90-92 Indy Widetrak (All) 93-96 *while quantities last 21 PART NO. 10-59 10-59 10-03 10-59 10-59 10-59 10-59 10-69 10-59 10-59 10-59 10-59 *10-24 *10-24 10-33 10-33 10-19 10-57 10-33 10-33 10-57 10-33 10-33 10-33 10-07 10-39 *10-79 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 *10-79 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-39 - ALL SKIS ARE STEEL BLACK ENAMEL - SOLD EACH APPLICATION POLARIS (CONTINUED) Indy XC/XCR 91-92 Indy XCR/RXL/Touring 600 95-96 Indy XLT 93-96 Indy XLT (All w/steel ski) 97-98 Long Track/LTR 84-89 Sport 440 83 Sprint (All) 86-90 SS440 (All) 83-86 Star (All) 83-90 StarTrak 87-90 TX-L Indy 80-82 SKI-DOO Blizzard 246 71 Citation 300 78-79 Elan (All) 71-96 Formula EFI 94 (narrow) Formula EFI 94 (wide) Formula III 95-97 (narrow ) Formula III 95-97 (wide) Formula 500 97-98 Formula 500 LC 2000 Formula Dlx. 380/500 F/C 99-01 Formula Grand Touring 93 (narrow) Formula Grand Touring 93 (wide) Formula Mach I (All) 89-96 (narrow) Formula Mach I (All) 89-96 (wide) Formula MX (All exc. XTCR) 85-95 (narrow) Formula MX (All exc. XTCR) 85-95 (wide) Formula Plus (All) 85-93 (narrow) Formula Plus (All) 85-93 (wide) Formula SP 85-86 Formula S/SL/SLS 95-00 Formula SS 85-86 Formula ST/STX 94 (narrow) Formula ST/STX 94 (wide) Formula Z 94-96 (narrow) Grand Touring/XTC/SE 94 (narrow) Grand Touring/ XTC/SE 94 (wide) Grand Touring 500 96 Grand Touring 580-670 95-96 (narrow) Grand Touring 580-670 95-96 (wide) Legend 380/500 Fan 02 Mach I 94-96 (narrow) Mach I 94-96 (wide) Mach Z 93-96 (narrow) Mach Z 93-96 (wide) MX Z 93-95 (narrow) MX Z 93-95 (wide) MX Z Fan (All) 01-02 Olympique 65-79 Safari 377/E, 447/E, 503 84-88 Safari Deluxe 94 Safari Grand Luxe 85-86 Safari L/LE/LC/LCE/LX/LXE 90-94 Safari Sage 89 Safari Scout/E 89 Skandic 377/503 86-87 Skandic II/R 92-94 PART NO. APPLICATION 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-81 10-07 10-07 10-07 10-07 10-07 10-07 10-39 *10-32 *10-32 *10-32 10-76 10-58 10-76 10-58 10-78 10-78 10-78 10-76 10-58 10-76 10-58 10-76 10-58 10-76 10-58 10-57 10-78 10-57 10-76 10-58 10-76 10-76 10-58 10-78 10-76 10-58 10-78 10-76 10-58 10-76 10-58 10-76 10-58 10-78 10-33 10-57 10-75 10-57 10-75 10-57 10-57 10-57 10-75 22 STEFFES Skandic II 503R SLT 95 (narrow) Skandic II 503R SLT 95 (wide) Skandic (All) (exc. Wide Trak) 95-99 SS-25 84 Summit 94 (narrow) Summit 94 (wide) TNT 70-78 Touring E/LE/SLE 96-00 Touring 380/500 Fan 01 Tundra/LT/LTS 85-89 Tundra II/LT/R 93-98 YAMAHA Bravo 82-93 Bravo 94-00 Enticer (All) 77-84 Enticer (All) exc. L/T 85-88 Enticer L/T 82-88 Enticer 400 89-91 Enticer 410 92-96 Excel III 81/83-84 Excel III 85-88 Exciter (All) 76-81 Exciter L/C 87-90 Exciter II 91-93 GP (All) 76-77 GS (All) 76-77 Ovation 89-99 Phazer (All) 84-89 Phazer (All) 90-98 Phazer Mountain Lite 96-99 SRV 80-86 SRV 87-91 SRX 81 Venture (All) 91-96 Vmax 540 83-86 Vmax 540 87-91 *while quantities last 08-291 $83.90 08-334 61.90 08-336 77.90 10-03 68.90 10-06 68.90 10-07 68.90 10-08 68.90 10-28 68.90 10-29 68.90 10-24 74.90 10-39 99.90 10-57 68.90 10-58 119.90 10-59 107.90 10-62 107.90 10-63 102.90 10-64 80.90 10-68 101.90 10-69 107.90 10-75 119.90 10-76 119.90 10-78 109.90 10-79 106.90 SKIS PART NO. 10-76 10-58 10-78 10-57 10-76 10-58 10-33 10-78 10-78 10-57 08-291 10-29 08-334 10-29 *10-28 *10-28 *10-28 08-336 10-29 *10-28 *10-28 *10-64 10-68 *10-28 *10-28 10-68 10-62 10-68 10-68 10-63 *10-64 10-63 08-336 10-63 *10-64 SKI SKINS #- 2 I %- I '> I I F- I 63<:E I <3=E I 2 2 I 8 2I (Polaris may require drilling one hole.) I All Ski Skins ........................................... $57.90 SOLD IN PAIRS. Description Arctic Cat 8 F7 2 F6 F2 N9 +9 Part No. Black Part No. Blue Part No. Neon Green Part No. Neon Pink Part No. Orange Part No. Purple 9+< <++ 9+< <+< 7N* <++ Part No. Black Part No. Blue 9+< <++ =7 9+< <+< =7 7N* <++ =7 Part No. Neon Green 9+< <+< N+ Part No. Purple 9+< <++ =< 9+< <+< =< Part No. Red 9+< <++ =: 9+< <+< =: 7N* 5++ =6 9+< 5++ =7 9+< 5++ =: 9+< 5+< =: 9+< 5++ =5 9+< 5+< =5 7N* 5++ =5 Part No. Blue Part No. Purple Part No. Red Part No. Yellow 9+< 7++ =6 9+< 7++ =5 9+< 7++ =* 9+< 7+< =: 9+< 7+< =5 9+< 7+< =* 9+< 7+5 =: 9+< 7+5 =5 9+< 7+5 =* Part No. Blue Part No. Neon Pink Part No. Orange Part No. Purple Part No. Red 9+< :++ =6 9+< :++ =: 9+< :++ =5 9+< :+< =5 9+< :+5 =: 9+< :+5 =5 9+< :+6 =: 9+< :+6 =5 ]7NN :++ =5 Polaris F%QN5 9+< 5++ F%QN6 +:, . 9+< 5+< FN* +:, . 7N* 5++ (except sidehiller & all Classic’s 03-05) Part No. Black Ski-Doo G2,F.<<* 9+< 7++ 7 <35E2 >7+ <35E ,F.<6N 9+< 7+< 9 <35E2 >7+ <35E 5+++ 9+< 7+5 9 <35E2 >6: <35E Part No. Black Yamaha 7%N= 9+< :++ 6%N= 9+< :+< Enticer 92-95; Venture 91-96; Venture XL/TR 97-98; 4 ,4Z97+.N6 +5 9+< :+5 4-1/2” wide. Phazer 500 99-00; Vmax/Vmax 4 (All) 97-00; 4,F.N* ++ 9+< :+6 5-1/2” wide. Phazer 500 99-00; Vmax/Vmax 4 (All) 97-00; 4,F.N* ++ 9+< :+7 Vmax/Mt. Max 800 92-97, ]7NN :++ 6Inserts Yamaha Blue SKI BOOTS PROTECTS YOUR TRAILER BED, LOADING RAMPS, DRIVEWAY, AND GARAGE FLOORS FROM CARBIDE DAMAGE. F > -2 I W - _ -2 I *E2 , .>75EI ' -I 8 22 I ( I SOLD IN PAIRS. Part No. 503-505 ............... $85.90 Part No. 503-505BL ...........$75.90 23 Carbide Runners Extender Trail III™ 4” :+ K < <35E 22 *3<:E I K ,2 -. - I PRICE $53.90 Trail Blazer IV™ 6” :+ K < <35E 22 <35E I K ,2 -. - I PRICE $66.90 Executive™ 8” :+ K < <35E 22 <35E I K ,2 -. - I PRICE $89.90 For Application Guide - MODEL EXTENDER TRAIL III™ Per Pair TRAIL BLAZER IV™ Per Pair EXECUTIVE™ Per Pair PART NO. PART NO. PART NO. 'F6 N=9+ EAT3-9750 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9850 'F6 NN*9 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9975 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9975 EAT3-9850 EAT3-9750 EAT3-7050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-9975 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9975 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9975 EAT3-9750 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9850 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9850 EAT3-9975 EAT3-9750 EAT3-7050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-7050 'F6 NN*9 EAT3-6050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9750 'F6 NN*9 EAT3-9975 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-6050 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-7050 EAT3-9850 EAT3-9975 F7 N=9+ TAT4-9750 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9850 F7 NN*9 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9975 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9975 TAT4-9850 TAT4-9750 TAT4-7050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-9975 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9975 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9975 TAT4-9750 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9850 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9850 TAT4-9975 TAT4-9750 TAT4-7050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-7050 F7 NN*9 TAT4-6050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9750 F7 NN*9 TAT4-9975 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-6050 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-7050 TAT4-9850 TAT4-9975 F N=9+ WAT-9750 WAT-7050 WAT-9750 WAT-9850 F NN*9 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-6050 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-7050 WAT-9750 WAT-9975 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-6050 WAT-6050 WAT-6050 WAT-9750 WAT-7050 WAT-9750 WAT-9750 WAT-9975 WAT-9850 WAT-9750 WAT-7050 WAT-6050 WAt-9975 WAT-9750 WAT-9975 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-9975 WAT-9750 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-9750 WAT-9850 WAT-7050 WAT-9850 WAT-9975 WAT-9750 WAT-7050 WAT-6050 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-7050 F NN*9 WAT-6050 WAT-9750 WAT-9750 F NN*9 WAT-9975 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-6050 WAT-7050 WAT-9750 WAT-7050 WAT-9850 WAT-9975 YEAR ARCTIC CAT F ,2. All plastic (composite) skis Bearcat (steel ski) Bearcat (plastic ski) Bearcat (molded) (9*+333F 39*+!3T<! Cheetah Cheetah Touring Cougar Cougar/Pantera AFS Cougar/2-Up Cougar Mt. Cat Cougar Deluxe/MC (plastic ski) Crossfire 5/6/7/8/1000/R1000/R800 El Tigre EXT/EXT MC EXT 580 Z EXT MC (wave track) EXT 600 EXT 600 (plastic ski) EXT Powder Special EXT Powder Spec./Deluxe EFI (plastic ski) EXT Touring (plastic ski) Firecat F5/F6/F7/F8/F1000/LXR/Sno Pro Four Stroke (molded) Four Stroke Trail/Touring Jag/Jag DLX/AFS/L/T Jag Special/Z Jaguar Z1 King Cat King Cat 900 EFI Lynx 300 Lynx M-5, M-6, M-7, M-8, M-1000 Mountain Cat Pantera Pantera (steel ski) Pantera (plastic ski) Pantera 550 (molded) Panther Panther (molded) Panther 370/570/660/Trail/Touring Powder Extreme/Special/EFI Powder Special Powder Special Prowler Prowler Puma 9++3:++3*++3*++'! Thundercat/MC/Wild Cat (wave track) Thundercat/MC (plastic ski) Triple Touring 600 ::+3 3 3"'33T< TZ1/TZ1 LXR/T500/T570 Wild Cat Wild Cat Wild Cat Wild Cat/MC Z (plastic ski) Z 370 (steel ski) Z 370/440/570/ES/ESR/LX (molded) Z 370/570/LX 5+++ +9 1996-05 1995-99 1999-05 2000-05 5++: +N 1988-91 1992-93 1988-91 1990-91 1992-98 1992-98 1998 2006-09 1988-91 1991-97 1993 1994-97 1997-98 1997-98 1995 1995-98 1998 2003-09 2002 2003-05 1992-99 1992-94 2007 2004-06 2006 1991 1992-93 2005-09 2003-05 1988-90 1991-97 1997-05 2003 1992-99 2000-05 2006-07 1997-00 1991 1992 1990 1991-95 1991-97 5++7 +: 1994-96 1997-02 2000-01 5++7 +N 2009 1988-90 1991/EFI 1992 1992-94 1995-96 1995-99 1999 2000-06 2007 24 Carbide Runners - Cont. For Application Guide - EXTENDER TRAIL III™ Per Pair PART NO. TRAIL BLAZER IV™ Per Pair PART NO. 1995-96 5++N 1995-03 1994-96 1995-01 2002-05 2006 EAT3-6050 'F6 NN*9 EAT3-9750 EAT3-6050 EAT3-9750 EAT3-9975 EAT3-9975 TAT4-6050 F7 NN*9 TAT4-9750 TAT4-6050 TAT4-9750 TAT4-9975 TAT4-9975 WAT-6050 F NN*9 WAT-9750 WAT-6050 WAT-9750 WAT-9975 WAT-9975 All All ECA3-5000 ECA3-6000 TCA-5000 TCA-6000 WCA-5000 WCA-6000 All ESD3-9350 TSD4-9350 WSD-9350 1984-87 1987 1995-96 1990-06 1990-06 1997-06 5++6 +9 2005-09 2005-07 2007 2007 5++* +N 2007 2007 2007 2009 EPI3-6100 EPI3-1225 EPI3-6155 EPI3-3180 EPI3-1225 EPI3-1225 '#%6 N<59 EPI3-7125 EPI3-1225 ESD2-9350 ESD2-9350 '#%6 <<59 EPI3-1125 ESD2-9350 EPI3-9125 EPI3-1125 TPI4-6100 TPI4-1225 TPI4-6155 TPI-3180 TPI4-1225 TPI4-1225 #<7 N<59 TPI4-7125 TPI4-1225 TSD4-9350 TSD4-9350 #%7 <<59 TPI4-1125 TSD4-9350 TPI4-9125 TPI4-1125 WPI-6100 WPI-1225 WPI-6155 WPI-3180 WPI-1225 WPI-1225 #% N<59 WPI-7125 WPI-1225 WSD-9350 WSD-9350 #% <<59 WPI-1125 WSD-9350 WPI-9125 WPI-1125 2005 2005-06 2005 2009 1997-98 1997 1993-96 1997-98 1999 1990-94 1990-95 1996 1999-00 2000-01 1999-00 1997-02 1995-00 1995-96 2006-07 2009 1994 1993/95 1996 1994-96 1997-98 2002 1999-02 2003 2003 2004-05 2006-09 2009 2009 2006-09 2009 2009 2009 2002 2002-05 5++6 +7 2009 1996-97 ESD3-9250 ESD3-9350 ESD3-8250 ESD3-9350 ESD3-6175 ESD3-8150 ESD3-7150 ESD3-8150 ESD3-8250 ESD3-6150 ESD3-6150 ESD3-6150 ESD3-8250 ESD3-8250 ESD3-8250 ESD3-6175 ESD3-6175 ESD3-6175 ESD3-9350 ESD3-9455 ESD3-7150 ESD3-6150 ESD3-6175 ESD3-7150 ESD3-8150 ESD3-6175 ESD2-8250 ESD3-9350 ESD3-9250 ESD3-9250 ESD3-9455 ESD3-9550 ESD3-9550 ESD3-9455 ESD3-9550 ESD3-9550 ESD3-9550 ESD3-8250 ESD3-9250 '86 N69+ ESD3-9455 ESD3-6180 TSD4-9250 TSD4-9350 TSD4-8250 TSD4-9350 TSD4-6175 TSD4-8150 TSD4-7150 TSD4-8150 TSD4-8250 TSD4-6150 TSD4-6150 TSD4-6150 TSD4-8250 TSD4-8250 TSD4-8250 TSD4-6175 TSD4-6175 TSD4-6175 TSD4-9350 TSD4-9455 TSD4-7150 TSD4-6150 TSD4-6175 TSD4-7150 TSD4-8150 TSD4-6175 TSD4-8250 TSD4-9350 TSD4-9250 TSD4-9250 TSD4-9455 TSD4-9550 TSD4-9550 TSD4-9455 TSD4-9550 TSD4-9550 TSD4-9550 TSD4-8250 TSD4-9250 87 N69+ TSD4-9455 TSD4-6180 WSD-9250 WSD-9350 WSD-8250 WSD-9350 WSD-6175 WSD-8150 WSD-7150 WSD-8150 WSD-8250 WSD-6150 WSD-6150 WSD-6150 WSD-8250 WSD-8250 WSD-8250 WSD-6175 WSD-6175 WSD-6175 WSD-9350 WSD-9455 WSD-7150 WSD-6150 WSD-6175 WSD-7150 WSD-8150 WSD-6175 WSD-8250 WSD-9350 WSD-9250 WSD-9250 WSD-9455 WSD-9550 WSD-9550 WSD-9455 WSD-9550 WSD-9550 WSD-9550 WSD-8250 WSD-9250 8 N69+ WSD-9455 WSD-6180 MODEL Z 440 (Steel Ski) T<3T<"!$3T<"!$ ZL/ZRT (plastic ski) ZR 440/580/700 (steel ski) ZR ZR 500/600/800/900 EFI ZR 900/Sno Pro YEAR EXECUTIVE™ Per Pair PART NO. C & A PRO Race & Trail Ski Sport Advantage Ski CAMOPLAST Camoplast Ski POLARIS Indy (except Sport 87) Indy Sport XCR 440 (SLP ski only) Shur-Steer (all steel/ composite) All Indys (steel ski) All Indy’s (plastic ski) $Z3Z32 ,5 . All IQ Chassis Sleds (2 per ski) All IQ Chassis Sleds (1 per ski) 340 Touring 340/550 lX 8$Z32 3:++3=++ 600 HO RMK Supersport Widetrack LX Widetrack LX SKI DOO Elite (precision) Expedition Sport Expedition TUV Expedition TUV 600/V-800 Formula 583/Z 500 DLX Formula 500 Deluxe Formula Z/III/Mach Z Formula Z/III/III LT Formula Z Formula Plus X/EFI Formula MXZ/MX LT/STX/LT Formula SS Formula III/Z 700 (flex ski) Formula 500 LC/700 Formula 500 LC/583/600/670 Dlx./700 Dlx. Formula 500/380 DLX/Fan (steel) Formula S/SL/SE Formula SLS Freestyle Freestyle Back Country Grand Touring Grand Touring/470 Grand Touring 500 Grand Touring 583/SE Grand Touring 500/583/700/SE (plastic ski) Grand Touring 380/500 Fan Grand Touring (flex ski) Grand Touring 380/550 Grand Touring 500/600/700/V-1000 GSX Rev/GTX Rev (precision ski) GSX Fan/Sport/Ltd. GSX Sport 500 SS GSX Limited 600 E-tec/1200 4-tec GTX Fan/Sport/Ltd. GTX Sport 500 SS GTX LE 1200 4-tec/600 4-tec GTX SE 1200 4-tec Legend (composite flex) Legend (precision ski) ",2 . Legend Touring MXZ 440/583/670 (steel) 25 For Application Guide MODEL MXZ 440 fan (steel) MXZ 440/fan (flex ski) MXZ/REV (precision ski ) MXZ 380/440/500 Fan (steel) !T6=+399+,2 . MXZ 380/550 Fan/X MXZ 500 Trail SS MXZ 550/Fan/X MXZ 500 Trail SS/Adrenaline 600/800 MXZ, MXZ TNT (2&4 Stroke) MXZ Adrenaline/Renegade MXZ Blizzard 600/800 MXZX (composite) MXZX 500/600/700/800 Trail/Sport MXZX 600/700/800 Adrenaline/Renegade MXZ-XRS/X600/X800 Mach I Mach I Mach I/Z/ZLT (plastic ski) Mach I/Z (flex ski) Mach Z Mach Z-X Adrenaline / Pilot 5.7 & 6.7 Ski Renegade (2&4 Stroke) Rev 600/800-Sport/X Safari (all) Skandic Skandic 380/500 Skandic Wide Track Skandic SUV Skandic LT/Tundra Skandic Tundra Fan 300/800 Skandic Sport Skandic SWT/WT Summit 500/583 Summit 500/583/670 (plastic ski) Summit (flex ski) Summit (all) / Fan 2009 Summit Everest/Summit X Touring E/ELT/LE/SLE EXTENDER III™ Per Pair TRAIL BLAZERIV™ Per Pair EXECUTIVE™ Per Pair PART NO. PART NO. PART NO. YEAR 1996-98 1998-01 2002-05 2001 5++6 +9 2006 2006-09 2009 2009 2006-07 2007 1997-99 2002 2002 2007 1989-94 1995-96 1997-98 1999-02 2003-05 2006-07 2009 2003 1990-94 1993 1995-01 1998 2005 2003-05 2006-07 2003-04 2003-05 1994-96 1997-98 1999-05 2006/09 2009 1995-01 ESD3-6180 ESD3-8250 ESD3-9250 ESD3-6175 '86 N69+ ESD3-9455 ESD3-9455 ESD3-9550 ESD3-9550 ESD3-9455 ESD3-9455 ESD3-8250 ESD3-8250 ESD3-9250 ESD3-9455 ESD3-6150 ESD3-7150 ESD3-8150 ESD3-8250 ESD3-9250 ESD3-9455 ESD3-9550 ESD3-9250 ESD3-6150 ESD3-6150 ESD3-6175 ESD3-6180 ESD3-8250 ESD3-6175 ESD3-9350 ESD3-9350 ESD3-8150 ESD3-7150 ESD3-8150 ESD3-8250 ESD3-9455 ESD3-9550 ESD3-6175 TSD4-6180 TSD4-8250 TSD4-9250 TSD4-6175 87 N69+ TSD4-9455 TSD4-9455 TSD4-9550 TSD4-9550 TSD4-9455 TSD4-9455 TSD4-8250 TSD4-8250 TSD4-9250 TSD4-9455 TSD4-6150 TSD4-7150 TSD4-8150 TSD4-8250 TSD4-9250 TSD4-9455 TSD4-9550 TSD4-9250 TSD4-6150 TSD4-6150 TSD4-6175 TSD4-6180 TSD4-8250 TSD4-6175 TSD4-9350 TSD4-9350 TSD4-8150 TSD4-7150 TSD4-8150 TSD4-8250 TSD4-9455 TSD4-9550 TSD4-6175 WSD-6180 WSD-8250 WSD-9250 WSD-6175 8 N69+ WSD-9455 WSD-9455 WSD-9550 WSD-9550 WSD-9455 WSD-9455 WSD-8250 WSD-8250 WSD-9250 WSD-9455 WSD-6150 WSD-7150 WSD-8150 WSD-8250 WSD-9250 WSD-9455 WSD-9550 WSD-9250 WSD-6150 WSD-6150 WSD-6175 WSD-6180 WSD-8250 WSD-6175 WSD-9350 WSD-9350 WSD-8150 WSD-7150 WSD-8150 WSD-8250 WSD-9455 WSD-9550 WSD-6175 EYV3-6500 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6250 EYV2-6300 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6450 EYV3-6550 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6550 EYV3-5500 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6300 EYV3-6550 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6300 EYV3-6350 EYV3-6350 EYV3-6450 EYV3-6450 EYV3-6450 EYV3-6450 EYV3-6500 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6250 EYV3-6450 EYV3-6450 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 EYV3-6580 TYV4-6500 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6300 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6450 TYV4-6550 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6550 ----TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6300 TYV4-6550 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6300 TYV4-6350 TYV4-6350 TYV4-6450 TYV4-6450 TYV4-6450 TYV4-6450 TYV4-6500 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6250 TYV4-6450 TYV4-6450 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 TYV4-6580 WYV-6500 WYV-6580 WYV-6580 WYV-6250 WYV-6250 WYV-6250 WYV-6300 WYV-6250 WYV-6250 WYV-6450 WYV-6550 WYV-6580 WYV-6250 WYV-6250 WYV-6250 WYV-6250 WYV-6550 ----WYV-6580 WYV-6580 WYV-6580 WYV-6580 WYV-6580 WYV-6300 WYV-6550 WYV-6580 WYV-6580 WYV-6250 WYV-6300 WYV-6350 WYV-6350 WYV-6450 WYV-6450 WYV-6450 WYV-6450 WYV-6500 WYV-6580 WSD-6250 WYV-6580 WYV-6250 WYV-6450 WYV-6450 WYV-6580 WYV-6580 WYV-6580 YAMAHA All Plastic Skis 1998-99 Apex ER/GT/Mtn./RTX/LTX/LTX GT/MTX 2006-09 Attack/GT 2006-07 Bravo LT 1998-00 Enticer 400 1991 Excel V (XLV) 1985 Exciter 1988-90 Exciter 1991-93 Exciter II SX 1993 Mountain Max 600/700 1997 Mountain Max 600/700 1998-04 Nytro/ER/FX/RTX/RTX SE/XTX/MTX 2006-09 Ovation 1984-99 Ovation LE 1990-99 Phazer 1984-98 Phazer/SS/Mountain Lite/LE 1990-99 Phazer Mountain Lite 2000-01 Phazer 500 1999-00 Phazer 500/DLX 2001 Phazer/GT/FX/Mtn. Lite/RTX/MTX 2007-09 RS Vector/ER/GT/MTN/SE/Rage/Venture/LTX/LTX GT 2005-09 RS Venture/GT 2009 RX-I/ER/Mtn/Warrior 2003-06 SRV 1988-91 SRX/SXR 2000-03 SX Viper/Mtn./ER 2002-06 SX Venom/ER 2004-06 V-Max 1983-86 V-Max 1987 V-Max 500/600/LE/DX/XT/Mt. Max 1994-96 V-Max 4/Mountain Max 1992-97 V-Max 500 XT/XTC 1997-98 V-Max 600 XT/XTC/SX/ST 1997-98 V-Max 700 XT/XTC/SX/ST 1997-98 V-Max 500/600/700/DLX 1999-00 V-Max 500/600/700 SX (plastic ski) 1999 V-Max 500/600/700 DLX/ER 2001-03 VK540 II/III 1998-04 VK Professional 2006-09 Venture XL/TR 1988-98 Venture 500/600/700 1997-00 Venture XL 1999-00 Venture 500/600/700 2001-05 Venture 600 2006 Venture Lite 2007-09 26 Dooly Runners ™ 8 2*3<:E 2 7E:E=E I7E:E=E:+¡IF 8 22 2 2 2- IH 2 < <35E 2I> 2 I'8 - I For Application Guide Model Year Price $52.90 87E Sold Each Part Number Price $62.90 8:E Sold Each Part Number Price $83.90 8=E Sold Each Part Number ARCTIC CAT 4-Stroke Trail/Touring Bearcat (Composite) (9*+333F 39*+!3T<! Cougar Dlx/MC Crossfire 5/6/7/8 Sno Pro/1000/R1000/R800 EXT Powder Special/Dlx. EFI (Composite) EXT Touring (Composite) 33# Jaguar Z1 King Cat 900 EFI M-5, M-6, M-7, M-8, M-1000 Mountain Cat/All Pantera (Composite) Panther 370/570/660/Trail/Touring Thunder Cat/MC (Composite) Powder Extreme (Composite) Powder Special/EFI ::+3 3 3"'33T< TZ1/TZ1 LXR/T500/T570 Triple Touring 600 Z (Composite) Z 370/570/LX T<3T<"!$T<3"!$ ZL/ZRT (Composite) ZL (Composite) ZR ZR 2003 1999-05 5++: +N 1998 2006-09 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 8F7 NN*9 DA4-9750 DA4-9975 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 8F: NN*9 DA6-9750 DA6-9975 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 8F= NN*9 DA8-9750 DA8-9975 1995-98 1998 5++6 +N 2007 2006 2005-09 2003-05 1997-05 2006-07 1997-02 1997-98 1999-00 2004-09 2009 2000-01 1995-99 2007 5++N 1995-02 2003 1995-01 2002-06 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 8F7 NN*9 DA4-9975 DA4-9975 DA4-9975 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 DA4-9975 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 DA4-9975 DA4-9975 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 DA4-9975 8F7 NN*9 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 DA4-9750 DA4-9975 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 8F: NN*9 DA6-9975 DA6-9975 DA6-9975 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 DA6-9975 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 DA6-9975 DA6-9975 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 DA6-9975 8F: NN*9 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 DA6-9750 DA6-9975 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 8F= NN*9 DA8-9975 DA8-9975 DA8-9975 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 DA8-9975 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 DA8-9975 DA8-9975 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 DA8-9975 8F= NN*9 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 DA8-9750 DA8-9975 All DS4-9350 DS6-9350 DS8-9350 1990-06 DP4-1225 DP6-1225 DP8-1225 1997-06 2005-07 2007-09 2007 2007 DP4-1225 DP4-1225 DS4-9350 DS4-9350 DS4-9350 DP6-1225 DP6-1225 DS6-9350 DS6-9350 DS6-9350 DP8-1225 DP8-1225 DS8-9350 DS8-9350 DS8-9350 2009 2000-01 1999 2000 1999 1999-00 2006-07 1999-02 2002 1997-99 2002 2002 1998-01 1999-00 1999-02 2006-07 1999-05 DS4-9350 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-9350 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-8250 DS4-9350 DS4-8250 DS6-9350 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-9350 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-8250 DS6-9350 DS6-8250 DS8-9350 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-9350 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-8250 DS8-9350 DS8-8250 Apex ER/GT/MTN/RTX Attack/GT Mountain Max 600/700 Nytro Phazer Mtn. Lite Phazer 500/500 Dlx Phazer/GT/FX/Mtn. Lite RS Vector/ER/GT/MTN/Rage/Venture RS Venture/GT RX-1/ER/Mtn./Warrior SXR/SRX SX Viper/ER/Mtn. /Venom/ER 2006-08 2006-07 2000-04 2006-08 2000-01 2001 2007-08 2005-08 2009 2003-06 2000-03 2002-06 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6550 DY4-6580 DY4-6550 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6550 DY4-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6550 DY6-6580 DY6-6550 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6550 DY6-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6550 DY8-6580 DY8-6550 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6550 DY8-6580 Venture 500/600/700 Venture 600 Venture Lite V-Max 500/600/700/Dlx/ER VK Professional 2001-05 2006 2007 2001-03 2006 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY4-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY6-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 DY8-6580 CAMOPLAST Camoplast Ski POLARIS All Indys (Steel Ski) All Composite (except Sidehiller 2 skis and Accutrak with 2 skis) All IQ Chassis Sleds (1 per ski) 340 Touring/Trail 340/550 LX Supersport SKI DOO Expedition TUV 600/V-800 Formula 500 LC/700 Formula 583/670 Dlx Formula 500/600/700 Dlx Formula Z Formula III/Z 700 Freestyle Grand Touring (Composite) Legend Sport 500/600/700/800 MXZX (Composite) MXZX 500 Trail MXZX 600/700/800/Trail/Sport MXZ (Composite) MXZ 440 Fan Mach I/Z Skandic Tundra 300F/800 Summit YAMAHA 27 CARBIDES -! I :+¡ I :+¡ I F *3<:E2 >:+¡ <E2 I F ->- I F""&F$(%8'H"8#'$#F%$ X-CALIBAR II (505 SERIES) $49.90 7E :+¡CONTROLLING CARBIDE. Q I 7E :+¡ - longevity. <E 2- > wear resistance. $84.90 $64.90 :E :+¡CONTROLLING CARBIDE. *3<:E :EI # I 5 <E 2I MODEL ARCTIC CAT 4-Stroke Touring/Trail 02-04 F:9 *7,>I'!*< *5. F*9 *N>2 &&*N All models 80-81/84-90 ,>">02. Bearcat (All steel ski) 95-99 Bearcat (All plastic ski) 99-08 Cheetah 86-88 Cheetah Touring 88-91 Cheetah Touring 92-93 Cheetah 94-95 Cougar (All) 85-91 Cougar (All) 92-98 Cougar 98 (plastic ski) Cougar DLX/Mt. Cat 98 Crossfire 06-08 ' *9 =7 El Tigre 85-89 El Tigre EXT 89-90 El Tigre EXT 91 EXT 550/EFI/Mt. Cat 92-94 EXT 580 Dlx. 98 EXT 580/EFI 94-98 EXT 580 Mt. Cat 95 EXT 580 Mt. Cat 96 EXT 580Z 93 EXT 600 Triple 97-98 EXT 600 Triple Touring 98 EXT Powder Special 95-96 F5/F6/F7 Firecat 03-06 F Series 07-08 V38"!*9 *N Jag AFS 89-91 Jag AFS L/T 92 Jag/DLX/Mt. Cat 92-99 Jag Liquid 96 Jag Special 91 Jag Special 92 Jag Z 93-94 Jaguar Z1 07-08 Kingcat 05-06 Lynx/DLX/Mt. Cat 91 Lynx/DLX/Mt.Cat 92-93 Mountain Cat (All) 01-04 M Series 05-08 #=+ =9 Pantera 86-90 Pantera 91 Pantera 92-96 Pantera (All) 97-04 Panther 90-91 Panther 92-99 Panther (All) Fan 00-07 Panther 2008 Powder Extreme 97-98 Powder Special (All) 96-00 Prowler/Mt. Cat/2up 90 Prowler/Mt. Cat/2up 91 Prowler/Mt. Cat/2-up 92-95 Prowler Special 91 Prowler Special 92 Puma/DLX/2-up 91-97 +7 +: X-CALIBAR IV (507 SERIES) X-CALIBAR III (506 SERIES) 505-SERIES PART NO. 506-SERIES PART NO. 507-SERIES PART NO. 505-120 9+9 <+5 9+9 <+5 9+9 <+7 506-120 507-120 9+9 <+7 505-113 505-120 505-110 505-110 505-113 505-113 505-110 505-113 505-120 505-120 505-120 9+9 <+7 505-110 505-110 505-112 505-113 505-120 505-113 505-118 505-115 505-118 505-113 505-120 505-119 505-122 505-122 9+9 <+5 505-110 505-113 505-113 505-113 505-112 505-118 505-118 505-122 505-120 505-110 505-113 505-120 505-122 9+9 <+7 505-110 505-112 505-113 505-120 505-110 505-113 505-120 505-122 505-120 505-120 505-110 505-112 505-113 505-112 505-118 505-113 9+9 <55 506-113 506-120 506-110 506-110 506-113 506-113 506-110 506-113 506-120 506-120 506-120 506-110 506-110 506-112 506-113 506-120 506-113 506-118 506-115 506-118 506-113 506-120 506-119 506-122 506-122 506-110 506-113 506-113 506-113 506-112 506-118 506-118 506-122 506-120 506-110 506-113 506-120 506-122 506-110 506-112 506-113 506-120 506-110 506-113 506-120 506-122 506-120 506-120 506-110 506-112 506-113 506-112 506-118 506-113 9+: <55 507-113 507-120 507-110 507-110 507-113 507-113 507-110 507-113 507-120 507-120 507-120 507-110 507-110 507-112 507-113 507-120 507-113 507-118 507-115 507-118 507-113 507-120 507-119 507-122 507-122 507-110 507-113 507-113 507-113 507-112 507-118 507-118 507-122 507-120 507-110 507-113 507-120 507-122 507-110 507-112 507-113 507-120 507-110 507-113 507-120 507-122 507-120 507-120 507-110 507-112 507-113 507-112 507-118 507-113 9+* <55 =E :+¡CONTROLLING CARBIDE. 8 I *3<:E=E I 5 <E 2- >> wear resistant. MODEL Sno Pro 02-04 Thundercat/Mt. Cat 93-95 Thundercat/Mt. Cat 96 Thundercat/Mt. Cat 97-02 &*N =< Triple Touring 99-01 T660 33 3 04-06 T660 33 07-08 T21/T570/T500 Touring 2008 Wildcat 650 88-90 Wildcat 700/Mt. Cat 91 Wildcat 700/Mt. Cat 92 Wildcat 700 EFI/Mt. Cat 92-93 Wildcat 700 EFI/Mt. Cat 94-95 Wildcat 700 EFI Mt. Cat 96 Wildcat Touring 95-96 Z370 (steel ski) 99 Z440 95-96 Z/ZL (All plastic ski) 97-07 ZR440/580 93 ZR 440 (plastic ski) 95 ZR (All) (steel ski) 94-95 ZR (All) 96-01 ZR (All) (except ZR 120) 02-06 ZRT 600 95 ZRT 600/800 96-02 ZRT 800 95 505-SERIES PART NO. 506-SERIES PART NO. 507-SERIES PART NO. 505-122 505-113 505-115 505-120 9+9 <+7 505-120 505-120 505-122 505-122 505-110 505-112 505-113 505-118 505-113 505-115 505-113 505-113 505-115 505-120 505-118 505-119 505-115 505-120 505-122 505-119 505-120 505-119 506-122 506-113 506-115 506-120 506-120 506-120 506-122 506-122 506-110 506-112 506-113 506-118 506-113 506-115 506-113 506-113 506-115 506-120 506-118 506-119 506-115 506-120 506-122 506-119 506-120 506-119 507-122 507-113 507-115 507-120 507-120 507-120 507-122 507-122 507-110 507-112 507-113 507-118 507-113 507-115 507-113 507-113 507-115 507-120 507-118 507-119 507-115 507-120 507-122 507-119 507-120 507-119 9+9 *+6 9+9 9+7 9+9 7<= 9+9 7<= 9+9 7<= 9+9 7<= 9+9 7+= 9+9 7<= 9+9 7<= JOHN DEERE F*5 =7 KAWASAKI F*= =5 MOTO SKI All models 76-79 ,>I 0 . F=7 =9 =+ =5 =+ =< =+ =6 =+ =< W =+ =5 POLARIS F*< =9 9+9 5+5 F=: =*,>I=*. 9+9 5+6 All models w/steel ski 88-05 505-204 506-204 All models w/plastic ski 88-06 505-205 506-205 ,> 5 +6 +7. All RMK/SKS w/ Sidehiller 2 dual runner skis & widetrack w/ deep snow dual +6 +:9+9 5+: 9+: 5+: F$Z2 / +* += 9+9 5+= 9+9 5+= Classic 700/800 w/ Accu-Trak 2 dual +79+9 5+* 9+: 5+* Fusion w/ Accu-Trak dual +9 +:9+9 5+* 9+: 5+* 32 23 runner skis 05-06 505-205 506-205 All IQ/Classic/Touring/M-10 w/ dual +: +*9+9 5+* 9+: 5+* 28 507-204 507-205 507-205 Super Sport/340-550 Edge X/340 Trail 232 +*9+9 76< Indy Sport 87 505-204 9+: 76< 506-204 507-204 506-431 506-430 506-431 506-430 506-421 506-428 506-429 506-426 506-428 506-426 506-426 507-431 507-430 507-431 507-430 507-421 507-428 507-429 507-426 507-428 507-426 507-426 506-429 506-422 506-421 506-422 506-422 506-421 506-422 506-422 506-422 506-426 506-426 506-429 506-426 507-429 507-422 507-421 507-422 507-422 507-421 507-422 507-422 507-422 507-426 507-426 507-429 507-426 506-422 506-422 506-421 506-428 506-429 506-431 506-429 506-426 506-422 506-426 506-426 507-422 507-422 507-421 507-428 507-429 507-431 507-429 507-426 507-422 507-426 507-426 506-428 506-421 506-429 506-430 506-421 506-430 9+: 76: 506-431 9+: 76: 506-426 506-429 506-430 506-429 506-430 506-431 506-421 506-428 506-429 506-421 506-429 506-430 9+: 76: 506-427 506-429 506-426 506-430 506-429 506-430 506-431 9+: 76: 9+: 76: 507-428 507-421 507-429 507-430 507-421 507-430 507-431 507-426 507-429 507-430 507-429 507-430 507-431 507-421 507-428 507-429 507-421 507-429 507-430 507-427 507-429 507-426 507-430 507-429 507-430 507-431 506-422 507-422 SCORPION F*6 =<232 Z=+ =< =+ =< 9+9 =+5 9+9 <+5 9+9 <+5 SKI DOO F *= N9 9+9 7<= ( *= =:,F. 9+9 7<= & =+ N< 9+9 7+= &&*N 9+9 7<= Camoplast Blow-Molded skis 03-08 505-431 '3*< N: 9+9 7+= Elite 04-05 505-430 '-*9 =7,F. 9+9 7<= Expedition Sport/550F 05-08 505-431 Expedition TUV 05 505-430 Formula III 96 505-421 Formula III (All) 97-98 505-428 Formula III 600/700 99-00 505-429 Formula 500/583 97-0 505-426 Formula 500 DLX/583 DLX 97-98 505-428 Formula 500 LC 2000 505-426 Formula DLX 380/500 F/C 99-01 505-426 Formula DLX 500 LC/583/600/ 670/700 99-01 505-429 Formula EFI 93 505-422 Formula Grand Touring 93 505-421 Formula Grand Touring 94-95 505-422 Formula MX (All) 85-95 505-422 Formula MX Z 93 505-421 Formula MX Z 94-95 505-422 Formula Mach I (All ) 89-94 505-422 Formula Plus (All) 85-93 505-422 Formula S/SL 95-98 505-426 Formula S 2000 505-426 Formula SL 99 505-429 Formula SLS 95-96 505-426 #3=9 =: 9+9 7<= Formula SS/STX/ STX-LT/S 95-96 505-422 Formula ST/STX/STX II 94-95 505-422 Formula Z 94-96 505-421 Formula Z (All) 97-98 505-428 Formula Z (All) 99-00 505-429 Freestyle 06-08 505-431 /">=9 =: 9+9 7<= Grand Touring (All) 99-01 505-429 Grand Touring 380 Fan 02 505-426 Grand Touring 470 95 505-422 Grand Touring 500 96 505-426 Grand Touring 500 Fan/Sport 02 505-426 Grand Touring 500/583/ 700/SE 97-98 505-428 Grand Touring 580/SE 95-96 505-421 Grand Touring 600/700/800(All) 02 505-429 Grand Touring 600/700/800(All) 03 505-430 Grand Touring SE 670 95 505-421 GSX (exc. Fan) 04-05 505-430 /!+: +=9+9 76: GTX Fan 05 505-431 /!+: +=9+9 76: Legend 380/500 Fan 02 505-426 Legend 500/600/700 Sport 02 505-429 Legend 600/800 SE 02 505-430 Legend G.S 600/700 02 505-429 Legend (All) (exc. all fan’s) 03-04 505-430 Legend V-800 07-08 505-431 Mach I 95-96 505-421 Mach I/Z/Z LT 97-98 505-428 Mach I/Mach Z 99-00 505-429 Mach Z/Mach Z LT 93-96 505-421 Mach Z 800 (All) 01-02 505-429 Mach Z 800 03 505-430 T+: +*9+9 76: MX Z (3/8 host exact OEM) 96-97 505-427 MX Z (All) (exc. 2001 Fan) 98-01 505-429 MX Z Fan (All) 01-02 505-426 MX Z (All) (exc. Fan & all Trl) 02-03 505-430 MX Z Trail (All) 02 505-429 MX Z (All) (exc. 380/500 Fan) 03-04 505-430 MX Z Rev Fan 05 505-431 !T$-+: += 9+9 76: G =5 =6 9+9 7<= H K*: *N 9+9 7<= # ,I0I.+: +=9+9 76: $34*: *= 9+9 7<= =7 == 9+9 7<= Safari L/LE/LX/LXE/ GLX/LC 90-94 505-422 /8>=7 =: 9+9 7<= =N 9+9 7<= 29 =N N< ,F.=6 =: ,F.=* Skandic II/IIR 92 Skandic II 377/377R/ 503R/SLT 93-94 ,F.,>I2.N9 +7 Skandic Tundra 06-08 Skandic Sport 500F/550F 03-05 59=7 == Summit (All) 94-96 Summit (All) 97-98 Summit (All) 99-03 Summit 04 Summit 05 +: += G3FSG*63*: *= Touring E/E(LT)/L/LE/SLE 95-00 Touring 380/500 Fan 01 =9 ,F.=: N= Tundra/R 99-00/02-04 4=N YAMAHA Apex ER/GT/RTX 06-08 Apen Mtn. 06-08 Attak 06-07 (-=5 N+3N5 N6 (-== ++ ' ** =< ' =N N+ ' %%"N5 N: ' 67+=5 == '>%%%=< =7 '>4,!"4.*N =+ Excel V (XLV) 85-89 '> ** =< Exciter L/C 87-90 Exciter L/C 91-93 /#!*7 *9 /6++37++** %- =* N+ Mountain Max 600/700 97 Mountain Max 600/700 98-99 Mountain Max 600/700 00-04 Mountain Max 800 96-97 Nytro/ER 06-08 Ovation/E 89-90/92-99 Phazer (All) 84-99(exc. Phazer 500) #9++NN ++ Phazer/FX/GT/RTX 07-08 Phazer 500/500 DLX 01 Phazer Mountain Lite 99 Phazer Mountain Lite 00-01 Phazer Mountain Lite 07-08 RS Rage 05 RS Rage 06-07 RS Vector/ER/GT 05-07 $4_$! <I+9 +* RS Vector/LTX 08 RS Venture 05-06 RS Venture 07 RS Venture 08 RS Venture GT 07 RS Venture GT 08 RX-1/ER 03-04 RX Warrior 04-05 $4=+ =7 SRV 85-86 SRV 87-91 $!*: =< SRX (All) 98-99 SRX 00-02 77+=+ =: SX 500/600/700 00-03 SX 600R 03 SX Viper/ER 02-04 SX/SX-R 00-03 SX Venom/ER 04-06 SX Viper Mtn. 03-06 SX Viper S 04 Venture 500/600/700 97-00 Venture 500/600/700 01-04 4/3$3!"N< N= Venture XL 99-00 Venture Lite 07-08 Vmax 4 92-97 Vmax 83-86 Vmax 87 Vmax 500/600 94-96 Vmax 500DX/600DX 94-96 Vmax (All) 97-00(exc.SX & Vmax 4) Vmax 500/600/700 DLX 01 Vmax 600/700 ER 02-03 Vmax SX (All) 97-98 Vmax SX (All) 99 VK540 (Viking) 88-92 4Z97+,4 .N6 +7 VK540 III 05 VK Pro 06-08 9+9 7<= 9+9 7<= 9+9 7+= 505-422 506-422 507-422 505-422 9+9 75: 505-431 505-431 9+9 7<= 9+9 756 505-421 505-428 505-429 505-434 505-433 9+9 76: 9+9 7<= 505-426 505-426 9+9 7+= 9+9 7<= 505-426 9+9 756 506-422 9+: 75: 506-431 506-431 506-421 506-428 506-429 506-434 506-433 9+: 76: 506-426 506-426 506-426 507-422 9+* 75: 507-431 507-431 507-421 507-428 507-429 507-434 507-433 507-426 507-426 507-426 505-628 505-629 505-628 9+9 :+7 9+9 :+= 9+9 :+7 9+9 :+= 9+9 :59 9+9 :+= 9+9 :+7 9+9 :+= 505-616 9+9 :+= 505-617 505-616 9+9 :+7 9+9 :+= 9+9 :+7 505-621 505-626 505-627 505-618 505-628 505-616 505-616 9+9 :55 505-628 505-628 505-616 505-627 505-629 505-629 505-628 505-628 9+9 :5N 505-628 505-629 505-628 505-629 505-629 505-628 505-629 505-629 9+9 :+7 505-616 505-617 9+9 :+7 505-626 505-627 9+9 :<+ 505-627 505-628 505-628 505-627 505-628 505-629 505-629 505-621 505-628 9+9 :59 505-621 505-628 505-618 505-616 505-617 505-618 505-619 505-621 505-628 505-628 505-621 505-626 505-616 9+9 :59 505-629 505-629 506-628 506-629 506-628 506-616 506-617 506-616 506-621 506-626 506-627 506-618 506-628 506-616 506-616 9+: :55 506-628 506-628 506-616 506-627 506-629 506-629 506-628 506-628 9+: :5N 506-628 506-629 506-628 506-629 506-629 506-628 506-629 506-629 506-616 506-617 506-626 506-627 506-627 506-628 506-628 506-627 506-628 506-629 506-629 506-621 506-628 9+: :59 506-621 506-628 506-618 506-616 506-617 506-618 506-619 506-621 506-628 506-628 506-621 506-626 506-616 9+: :59 506-629 506-629 507-628 507-629 507-628 507-616 507-617 507-616 507-621 507-626 507-627 507-618 507-628 507-616 507-616 507-628 507-628 507-616 507-627 507-629 507-629 507-628 507-628 9+* :5N 507-628 507-629 507-628 507-629 507-629 507-628 507-629 507-629 507-616 507-617 507-626 507-627 507-627 507-628 507-628 507-627 507-628 507-629 507-629 507-621 507-628 507-621 507-628 507-618 507-616 507-617 507-618 507-619 507-621 507-628 507-628 507-621 507-626 507-616 507-629 507-629 Tie Rod Ends ARCTIC CAT/ JOHN DEERE/ POLARIS TIE ROD ENDS ARCTIC CAT/JOHN DEERE/POLARIS/MOTOSKI TIE ROD ENDS Replaces Arctic Cat #0105-234/235 _*+ *7S*9">59+ Replaces Arctic Cat #0105-166, 236 _*9 *==: N<&S=N& Touring; 87-91 Cougar; 75-91 El Tigre; 75-91 Jag; 87-92 Super Jag; 90-91 Jag Mt. Cat, 197590 Pantera, Panther; 88-91 Wildcat. Replaces John Deere #AM 53380/81 _*: =&3" K S*: =<" K S=+ =< S 79-81 Trailfire Replaces John Deere #AM52354 _*: **6++7++S*6 *99++:++V8!7: 8; 78-82 Spitfire; 82-84 Sprintfire, Snowfire. Replaces Moto Ski #570-6700-05/07 _*5 *7& S*6 *9&S*5 *6TS*5 *6S*7 Futura/Grand Sport/TS. Replaces Polaris #7060112 _*N =+FS*= *N&S*7 *=&S*7 Custom; 81-82 Cutlass; 74-77 Electra; 80-81 Galaxy; 79-83 Gemini; 83-89 Long Track; 83-86 SS; 83-90 Star; 86-90 Sprint; 87-90 Star Trak; 74-75 TX. Replaces Polaris #7060125/24 Fits; 76-82 TX/TXL; 79-82 Centurion; 80-82 Indy 340; 83-95 Indy all (except Indy lite GT 95); 76 Starfire. #F$GHI+= <+5 +="I1I63=E>57E PRICE $14.95 #F$GHI+= <+5 +*$I1I63=E>57E PRICE $14.95 MOTO SKI/POLARIS/ SKI DOO/ SKIROULE TIE ROD ENDS Replaces #414-1258, 1358, 1782-00 L.H. #414-1257, 1357, 1781-00 R.H. _Moto Ski 76, 80-82 Futura; 79-81 Grand Prix Spec.; 75-79 Nuvik; 75-78 Sonic; 79-81 Super Sonic; 76-83 Spirit; 80-82 Ultra Sonic. _Ski-Doo 72-74 Nordic; 72-73 Skandic; 72-79 Olympique; 72-78 TNT; 73-87 Elan; 74, 78-82 Elite; 77-83 Everest; 77-79 RV; 78-84 Blizzard; 78-79 Citation. Replaces Skiroule #2030-5016, 5017 Fits Skiroule 76 Laser 340/440; 72-73 RT440; 72-74 RTX447; 75 Sonar 440; 76 Sprint 340; 75-76 Ultra. Replaces Polaris #7060110 L.H., 7060111 R.H. _<N*6! I #F$GHI+= <+6 <5"I1I63=E>57E PRICE $16.95 #F$GHI+= <+6 <<$I1I63=E>57E PRICE $16.95 YAMAHA TIE ROD END R.H. Thread Replaces #86X-23841. Fits 82-01 Bravo 250/T; 86-90 CF 300; 89-99 CS 340E; 81-88 EC 340; 79-80 EC 540; 77-81 ET 250; 79-84 ET 300; 77-88 ET 340; 89-90 ET 400; 92-95 ET 410; 79-81 EX 440; 79 EX 540; 87-93 EX 570; 84-98 PZ 480; 80-85 SS 440; 80-91 SR 540; 81 SRX 440; 88-90 SV 80; 90-91 SV 125; 88-00 VK 540; 02 VK 540E; 83-87 VMX 540; 91-98 VT 480; 94-96 VX 500, VX 600; 92-94 VX 750; 95-97 VX 800; 85-90 XL 540. PART NO. 08-103-15 PRICE $16.95 YAMAHA TIE ROD END L.H. Thread Replaces #86X-23845-00 _=5 +<($59+S=< =='&67+S*N =+'&97+S 77-81 ET 250; 79-84 ET 300; 78-88 ET 340; 89-90 ET 400; 79-81 EX 440; 79 EX 540; 81-85 SS 440; 88-91 VK 540; 85-90 XL 540; 88-90 SV 80; 90-91 SV 125 PART NO. 08-103-16 PRICE $16.95 #F$GHI+= <+5 +5"II1I63=E!57E#$%&'$14.95 #F$GHI+= <+5 +<$I1I63=E!57E PRICE $14.95 YAMAHA TIE ROD END - L.H. Thread Replaces #87S-23847. Fits 86-90 CF 300; 89-99 CS 340; 81-88 EC 340; 79-80 EC 540; 77-81 ET 250; 79-84 ET 300; 78-88 ET 340; 89-90 ET 400; 92-95 ET 410; 01 PZ 500 DX; 79 EX 540; 87-93 EX 570; MM 600/700 97-01; MM 800 97-02; 84-99 PZ 480; 99-01 PZ 500; 80-91 SR 540; 81 SRX 440; 98-99 SRX 600/SX/SXS; 98-02 SRX 700/Mtn/S; 01 SX 500R; 00-02 SX 600R; 00-01 SX 700R; 02 SX Viper 700/ER; 88-00 VK 540; 83-87 VMX 540; 91-98 VT 480; 97-01 VT 500/600; 99-00 VT 500 XL; 02 VT 600/700; 98-01 VT 700; 02 VK540E; 94-00 VX 500; 98-01 VX 500/600/700 DLX; 94-99 VX 600; 98 VX 700 XT/ UNIVERSAL SKI SPREADERS 2 IZ with all necessary hardware for installation. 1-63=E \E \-E 2I 2 2 2 . Part No. 163..................$21.90 ARCTIC CAT SPINDLE ARM Replaces #0105-161. All steel, heavy duty construction. Fits many models from 72-76. Part No. 08-1801.........$23.50 XTC; 98-00 VX 700 SX/SXS; 92-94 VX 750; 95-97 VX 800. PART NO. 08-103-17 PRICE $14.95 SKI RUBBER BUMPER POLARIS/YAMAHA Polaris Replaces #5221094. _=+ N:%QI, . Part No. 08-401 ........................................ $9.90 Polaris Replaces #5411094. _N* +<%QI,# . Part No. 08-403 ........................................ $8.30 Yamaha Replaces #8VO-23743-01. _=N NNH- S=7 NN#S 91-00 Venture. LEAF SPRING RETAINER PINS Retainer pins have a cotter pin hole to fit almost any ski. Part No. Length Part No. 08-400 ........................................ $9.90 += <+9 += Yamaha Replaces #8AB-23743-00. _N7 N:4>9++3:++I Part No. 08-402 ........................................ $8.30 Yamaha Bolt and Spacer Kit Optional on specific Yamaha skis. 80-91 SRV 540, SRX 440, & Vmax 540. Part No. 08-230 ........................................ $8.20 30 5 <3=E += <+9 +: 5 *3<:E <5 <**= +< 5 63=E += <+9 +< 5 93=E <5 <**= 6E <5 <**= +5 6 93<:E Width Price 93<:E .99¢ 93<:E .59¢ 93<:E .59¢ 93<:E .59¢ 93<:E .59¢ 93<:E .59¢ Suspension Trailing Arms **New stronger version with chromoly tubes and an increase to 1.3mm steel plate thickness** For Polaris, Ski Doo and Yamaha Fits Model POLARIS Right Side Left Side Edge RMK models 02-05 (Red) Edge RMK models 02-05 (Yellow) RMK models w/tipped in design 00-01 XC and SKS models w/tipped in design 98-00 340/500/550/600/700/800 Classic/Touring/ Classic Touring/Edge 03-06; 500/600/700/ 800 XC/XC SP/Edge/Edge Touring 03-06; Frontier Classic/Touring 04-05; Supersport 04-05; Sport Touring/Trail Touring 04-06 (Red) Models with Xtra 10 front suspension N: NN RMK 600/700 97-99 All Indy models 80-96 except ! 2 Storm 93-95; Indy 440/500/Trail 95; XLT Touring 95; Widetrak 95-96 Vertical Escape 03-05 (Red) SM-08094 SM-08094-1 SM-08093 SM-08093-1 SM-08044 SM-08043 SM-08050 SM-08049 SM-08134 SM-08133 +=+N+ SM-08090 +=+N< SM-08091 += 795 += 796 08-454 SM-08126R 08-455 SM-08127R += 77= += 77N += 79+ += 79< 08-459 08-458 YAMAHA 08-462 08-459 08-462 08-450 08-448 08-463 08-458 08-463 08-451 08-449 Mountain Lite 00-01 Mountain Max 97-03 Phazer 500 99-00 SX 500/600/700 00-02 Venture 500/600/700 97-00 V-Max (all) 500/600/700 97-00 Fits Model SKI DOO Fits all DSA models 93-98 (DSA models have shocks from . Fits all PRS models 85-94 (PRS models have shocks under the hood and connect to trailing . Fits all CK3 triple cylinder models 98-00 Fits models with ZX Chassis design 00-02 Formula III 600/700/800 98-00 Formula Dlx, Z 500/600/700 00-01 Formula Mach I/II 92-93 Formula 500/Dlx/583 97-98 OEM # 506-1270-10 506-1271-10 506-0806/1092-00 506-0807/1093-00 1822041/48/52/62/67 1822428 1822042/49/53/63/67 1822427 1822188 1822187 506-1283/1422/1424-00 506-1284/1423/1425-00 8CR/8CS-2382F-01 8CR/8CS-2382E-01 505-0707-645/521 505-0707-646/522 Right Side Left Side SKI DOO - Cont. PART NO. PRICE 08-448 08-449 08-450 08-451 $75.95 75.95 69.95 69.95 08-452 68.95 08-453 08-454 08-455 08-458 08-459 08-460 08-461 08-462 08-463 68.95 68.95 68.95 81.95 81.95 88.95 88.95 81.95 81.95 31 Formula III/LT 95-97 Formula Mach Z 93 08-448 08-448 08-449 08-449 Formula MX/II/E/LT/XTC/E/R 92-93 Formula MXZ 93-94 Formula Plus (all) 92-93 Formula S/SL/SLS/SS 95-97 Formula ST/STX/STX LT 94-96 Formula Z 94-98 Grand Touring /XTC/SE 94 Grand Touring (all) 95-97 Grand Touring 550/600 00-03 Grand Touring 380/500/700/800 01-03 Grand Touring 700/SE 98-00 Legend (all) 02-05 Mach I/Z 98-00 Mach I 94 Mach I 95-97 Mach Z/LT 94-97 MX ZX 440 00-01 MXZ 95-97 MXZ 380/500/600/700/800 00-04 Skandic 380/550 95-99 Skandic 500/550 FC Sport 03-04 Summit 500 FC 02-04 Summit 94-98 Summit 600/700/800 00-03 Touring 500 00 Touring E/LE/LT/LEFC/SLE 95-00 08-450 08-448 08-450 08-448 08-448 08-448 08-450 08-448 08-462 08-462 08-459 08-462 08-459 08-450 08-448 08-448 08-462 08-448 08-462 08-448 08-462 08-462 08-448 08-462 08-462 08-448 08-451 08-449 08-451 08-449 08-449 08-449 08-451 08-449 08-463 08-463 08-458 08-463 08-458 08-451 08-449 08-449 08-463 08-449 08-463 08-449 08-463 08-463 08-449 08-463 08-463 08-449 08-460 08-460 08-460 08-460 08-460 08-460 08-461 08-461 08-461 08-461 08-461 08-461 OEM # PART NO. PRICE 1820687 1820688 1820713 1820714 2201471 2201470 1821201/293 1821202/293 1821201/216 1821202/216 5246413 5246412 1821165 1821166 SM-08043 SM-08044 SM-08049 SM-08050 SM-08090 SM-08091 SM-08093 SM-08094 SM-08093-1 SM-08094-1 SM-08126R SM-08127R SM-08133 SM-08134 89.95 89.95 89.95 89.95 88.95 88.95 106.95 106.95 106.95 106.95 110.95 110.95 97.95 97.95 Suspension Bushing Kits FRONT END BUSHING KITS Polaris TRAILING ARM BUSHING KIT - Polaris For Indy’s 1984 and newer (excluding Xtra’s) SM-08017 This new bushing kit features an offset design for side and narrow ski stances. Replaces the rear stock rubber bushing to eliminate unwanted flex in trailing arm mount. Steering becomes more positive. Kit contains two (2) Delrin bushings, two (2) bolts, two (2) collars and four (4) washers. SM-08018 Includes radius rod bushings, ski spindle bushings, trailing arm bushings and tie rod boot bushings. PART NO. SM-08017 Fits Indy 1984-1993 PRICE $39.95 PART NO. SM-08018 Fits Indy 1994-1996 PRICE $40.95 PART NO. SM-08014 Polaris Fits 1984-93 Indy’s PRICE $14.95 RADIUS ROD BUSHING KITS - Polaris For Indy’s PART NO. SM-08011 PRICE $16.95 Fits 1994-2002 Indy’s except RXL and XLT Special 1997-98 Fits: 500/600/700 XC 1997-00 PART NO. SM-08022 PRICE $35.95 Polaris PART NO. SM-08012 PRICE $18.95 Fits RXL and XLT Special 1997-98 PART NO. SM-08032 PRICE $18.95 Fits: all models 1997-00 except RXL, XLT, SP and 500/600/700 XC. PART NO. SM-08023 PRICE $46.95 Polaris SPINDLE BUSHING KIT - Polaris Fits Indy’s 1981 and newer except 1998 Indy Storm. Kit contains two (2) upper and two (2) lower bushings and two (2) lower washers. Fits: RXL, SP and XLT 1997-98. PART NO. SM-08031 PRICE $36.95 Ski Doo PART NO. SM-08010 PRICE $9.95 SKI SPINDLE BUSHING KIT - Polaris Fits Indys with steel ski only. Fits: all Ski Doo models 1996-98 PART NO. SM-08025 PRICE $47.95 Yamaha This ski spindle bushing kit will eliminate the side to side play in the skis. Manufactured from premium Delrin AF material. Complete set with grade 8 bolts. PART NO. SM-08013 PRICE $18.95 YAMAHA FRONT END SHIM KIT Fits: all 1997-01 Yamaha with independent front suspension. Will not fit any T.S.S. front suspension models. PART NO. SM-08024 PRICE $49.95 32 Fits Yamaha T.S.S. front suspension. If the steering on your snowmobile is non-responsive and loose, use this shim kit to tighten it up. Kit includes 12 stainless steel and 12 Nylatron spacer washers and 18 stainless steel shims. PART NO. SM-08019 PRICE $31.95 Independent Front Ski Suspension Gas Shocks FITS MODEL YEAR FITS MODEL PART # YEAR PART # PRICE PRICE ARCTIC CAT - Cont. ARCTIC CAT Bearcat 340/440/550 1995-00 Cheetah (All) 1986-94 Cougar (All) AFS 1985-92 Cougar (All) AWS 1993-94 Cougar MC 1995-96 Cougar (All) 1997-98 El Tigre (All) 1985-91 El Tigre EXT (All) AFS 1989-91 EXT (All) AWS (exc. 580 Z) 1992-93 EXT 580 EFI MC 1994-96 EXT 580 Powder Special/EFI 1995-97 Jag (All) AFS 1989-92 Jag (All) AWS 1992-94 Jag Deluxe 1997-99 Jag 440Z 1994 Jag 440Z 1995-96 Lynx (All) AFS 1991-93 Mt. Cat 800/EFI/1000 2001-02 Pantera AFS 1986-90 Pantera AWS 1991-94 Pantera 1995-96 Pantera 550 2002-03 Pantera 580 1999-01 Pantera 600/800/1000/EFI 1999-05 Panther (All) AFS 1990-91 Panther Deluxe AWS 1992-95 Panther Deluxe, LC 1996 Panther 340/440/550 1997-98 Panther 340/440 1999-00 Panther 370 2001 Panther 440/550/ESR 2000-02 Panther 570 esr 2002-03 Panther 580 EFI 2001 Powder Special 1997 Powder Special 600/EFI/LE/7001998-99 Prowler 1990-94 Prowler 1995 Puma/Dlx/2 Up 1994-95 Puma 2-Up/Deluxe 1996-97 T660 Turbo/Touring 2004-05 Thundercat 900 1993-97 Thundercat/MC 1999-00 Thundercat 2001-02 Touring 4 Stroke 2002-03 Trail 4 Stroke 2002-03 Triple Touring 595/600 1999-01 Wildcat (All) AFS 1988-92 Wildcat 700 EFI/MC Touring 1995-96 Z 370/ES 1999-03 Z 440/ES 1998-03 Z 570SS/ESR 2002-03 ZL 440 1998-00 ZL 500/EFI/ESR 1998-02 ZL 550/ESR 2000-01 ZL 580/EFI/ESR 2000 ZL 600/EFI 1999-03 ZL 700 2000 ZL 800 EFI/ESR 2001-03 ZR 500 1998-01 ZR 500 2002 08-152 08-150 08-150 08-151 08-152 08-153 08-150 08-150 08-151 08-152 08-152 08-150 08-151 08-153 08-151 08-152 08-150 08-173 08-150 08-151 08-152 08-170 08-171 08-171 08-150 08-151 08-152 08-153 08-170 08-170 08-170 08-170 08-171 08-152 08-172 08-151 08-152 08-151 08-153 08-171 08-152 08-172 08-173 08-170 08-171 08-171 08-150 08-152 08-170 08-170 08-170 08-171 08-171 08-171 08-171 08-171 08-171 08-171 08-172 08-173 $79.95 61.95 61.95 75.95 79.95 76.95 61.95 ZR 600/EFI/LE Reverse ZR 600/EFI ZR 700/LE Reverse ZR 800/LE ZR 800/EFI ZRT 600 ZRT 600 LE ZRT 800 ZRT 800/LE 1998-01 2002 1999-00 2001 2002-03 1999-03 2001 1999-00 2001 08-172 08-173 08-172 08-172 08-173 08-172 08-173 08-172 08-173 $73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 08-157 08-157 08-157 08-158 08-158 08-157 08-158 08-166 08-163 08-164 08-163 08-166 08-164 08-162 08-165 08-163 08-157 08-164 08-162 08-165 08-166 08-165 08-163 08-157 08-157 08-157 08-158 08-157 08-157 08-165 08-157 08-157 08-158 08-157 08-158 08-157 08-157 08-158 08-158 08-157 08-158 08-165 08-157 08-166 08-157 08-157 08-158 75.95 75.95 75.95 77.95 77.95 75.95 77.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 75.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 75.95 75.95 75.95 77.95 75.95 75.95 73.95 75.95 75.95 77.95 75.95 77.95 75.95 75.95 77.95 77.95 75.95 77.95 73.95 75.95 73.95 75.95 75.95 77.95 08-154 08-167 08-167 08-154 08-156 08-154 08-167 08-167 08-167 08-168 76.95 73.95 73.95 76.95 79.95 76.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 61.95 75.95 79.95 79.95 61.95 75.95 76.95 75.95 79.95 61.95 73.95 61.95 75.95 79.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 61.95 75.95 79.95 76.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 79.95 73.95 75.95 79.95 75.95 76.95 73.95 79.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 61.95 79.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 POLARIS Indy (All) 1983-92 Indy 340/DLX/Touring 1999 Indy 440/SKS/XCR 1992-95 Indy 440 1997-98 Indy 500/Classic/Touring 1997-00 Indy 500/EFI 1990-95/97 Indy 500/SKS 1997-98 Indy 500 RMK 2000-02 Indy 500 XC 2001-03 Indy 500 XC SP 1999 Indy 600 Edge X 2001 Indy 600 RMK 2000-01 Indy 600 XC SP 1998-99 Indy 600 XC SP 2000 Indy 600 XCR 1997-98 Indy 600/700 Classic/Edge/Touring2001-04 Indy 650 1988-92 Indy 700 XC SP 1998-99 Indy 700 XC SP 2000 Indy 700 XCR 1998-99 Indy 700/800 RMK 1998-01 Indy 800 XCR 1999 Indy 700/800 Classic Touring 2002-04 Centurion, Indy 500 1981-82 Indy Classic/SKS 1991-95 Indy Classic Touring 1994 Indy Classic Touring 1997-00 Indy Lite/Dlx./GT/Starlite/GT 1991-98 Indy RXL/SKS 1993-95 Indy Storm/SE 1997-98 Indy Storm 1993-94 Indy Sport/Sport Touring 1987-96 Indy Sport Touring 1997-02 Indy Super Sport 1993-95 Indy Super Sport 1997-98 Indy Supertrack 1991-92 Indy Trail (All) 1983-95 Indy Trail/Touring 1997-03 Indy Triumph 2000 Indy Transport 1996 Indy Ultra 1997-98 Indy Ultra SPX/SE 1997-98 Indy Widetrack 1991-96 Indy Widetrak LX 2001-03 TXL-Indy 1980-82 XLT/SKS/SP/Touring 1993-95 XLT Limited/Touring 1997-99 SKI DOO Escapade Formula Dlx. GS/GSE Formula 500/Dlx. Formula 500/Dlx. 583 Formula III 600/LT Formula III 600 LT Formula III 600 LT Formula 600/700/Dlx. Formula III 700 Formula III 700/800 33 1987-89 2001 2001 1997-00 1995-96 1997 1998 2000-01 1998 1999-00 Independent Front Ski Suspension Gas Shocks FITS MODEL YEAR PART # FITS MODEL PRICE YEAR PART # PRICE Grand Touring SE/700 1998 Mach I 1989-94 Mach I 1995-96 Mach Z 1993-96 Mach Z LT/R 1998 Mach Z LT/Z LT R 1999 MXZ 500 2000 MXZ 600/700 1999-00 MXZ Trail 500/600/700 2001 MXZ Adrenalin E 500/600/700/8002003 MXZ Renegade 600/800 2003 Skandic 380/500 1995-96 Stratos, Voyageur 1987-89 Summit 1994-96 08-167 08-155 08-156 08-156 08-167 08-168 08-169 08-169 08-167 SU-08000 SU-08001 08-156 08-154 08-156 $73.95 59.95 79.95 79.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 81.95 85.95 79.95 76.95 79.95 SKI DOO - Cont. SKI DOO - Cont. Formula Mach I 1989-94 Formula Mach I 1995-96 Formula Mach Z/LT 1993-96 Formula Mach I 1997 Formula Mach Z LT 1997 Formula (All), MX, Plus 1985-92 Formula MX, Plus 1993 Formula MX 1994-95 Formula MX Z 1993-94 Formula MX Z 440F 1997 Formula S/SL 1997 Fomula SS 1995 Formula ST/STX/Z 1994-95 Formula Z/670 1997-99 Formula Z 600/700 2000 Grand Touring XTC/SE 1994 Grand Touring 470/580/670 1995 Grand Touring 500 1996 Grand Touring 500/583/700 1997 Grand Touring 500/600/700/GS2001 Grand Touring 700 1999-00 Grand Touring 700 1998 Grand Touring SE 1999-00 08-155 08-156 08-156 08-154 08-154 08-155 08-155 08-156 08-156 08-154 08-154 08-156 08-156 08-154 08-167 08-155 08-156 08-156 08-154 08-167 08-168 08-167 08-168 $59.95 79.95 79.95 76.95 76.95 59.95 59.95 79.95 79.95 76.95 76.95 79.95 79.95 76.95 73.95 59.95 79.95 79.95 76.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 73.95 YAMAHA ET410 TR - Enticer Exciter PZ480/E - Phazer SRV 540 Vmax 540 Vmax 500/600 VT480 - Venture 1992-00 1989-93 1990-99 1988-90 1988-90 1997-00 1991-00 08-160 08-160 08-160 08-160 08-160 08-161 08-160 78.95 78.95 78.95 78.95 78.95 85.95 78.95 Rear Suspension Gas Shocks MODEL & YEAR FRONT MODEL & YEAR REAR PART NO. PRICE PART NO. REAR PRICE PART NO. PRICE ARCTIC CAT - Cont. ARCTIC CAT Bearcat 340/440 95-00 Bearcat 550 WT 95-96 Bearcat 550 WT 97-01 Cougar 85-88 Cougar (All) 89-95 Cougar MC 94-96 Cougar MC 97 Cougar (All) 98 El Tigre 5000 87-88 El Tigre 6000 84-89 El Tigre EXT 89-91 EXT Mtn. Cat 92 EXT Special 89-90 EXT 550/580/MC/EFI 92-93 EXT 580 Powder Special/EFI 95-97 EXT 580 EFI/Deluxe/MC 96 EXT 580 EFI/Deluxe/600 97 EXT 580 EFI/Deluxe 98 EXT 600 Triple/Touring 98-00 Jag AFS/Special 89-92 Jag Deluxe 92 Jag Deluxe Z 93 Jag Deluxe, LC 94-96 Jag Deluxe 97-99 Jag 440 Z 94-96 Mt. Cat 500/570/600 EFI 01-02 Mt. Cat 600 EFI LE 02 Mt. Cat 600 VEV 01 Mt. Cat 800/1000 01-02 Pantera 88-89 Pantera 90-91 Pantera 92 Pantera 93-96 Pantera 580/800 98-99 Pantera 580 EFI 00-01 Pantera 550/600/800 EFI 03 Pantera 1000 00-01 Panther 91 Panther/Deluxe 92-93 FRONT PART NO. PRICE 04-263 04-263 04-259 $79.95 79.95 77.95 04-263 04-259 04-255 79.95 77.95 82.95 04-263 79.95 04-263 04-263 04-263 04-259 04-255 04-255 79.95 79.95 79.95 77.95 82.95 82.95 04-263 04-259 04-263 04-255 79.95 77.95 79.95 82.95 04-255 04-511 82.95 81.95 04-263 04-263 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-263 79.95 79.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 79.95 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2601,2 04-2611,2 $71.95 71.95 71.95 81.95 71.95 04-2561,2 04-2601,2 04-2601,2 04-2611,2 04-262 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-262 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 69.95 81.95 81.95 71.95 67.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 67.95 71.95 71.95 04-256 04-256 04-256 04-2601,2 04-2611,2 04-262 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 69.95 69.95 69.95 81.95 71.95 67.95 71.95 71.95 04-2611,2 04-262 71.95 Panther/Deluxe 94-96 Panther 340/440/550 97-99 Panther 340/440 00-01 Panther 440 ESR 00-01 Panther 440 02 Panther 550 00-01 Powder 600 Extreme 97 Powder 600 Extreme 98-00 Powder Special EFI 98-00 Powder Special 500 EFI 99-00 Powder Special 2K 00 Powder Special 500 EFI LE/ 600 LE/700/LE 00 Powder Special 600/EFI/LE/ 700/LE 98-99 Prowler (All) 90-92 Prowler 93 Prowler 94-95 Puma 2-Up 94-96 Puma 2-Up 97 Puma /Deluxe 94-97 Thundercat 900/MC 93-96 Thundercat 900/MC 97 Thundercat/MC 98-99 Thundercat/MC 00-01 Touring 4 Stroke 03 Trail 4 Stroke 03 Triple Touirng 98-00 Wildcat 650 88 Wildcat 650/700 89-92 Wildcat MC 91 Wildcat 700 MC 92 Wildcat 700 EFI/MC/Touring 93-96 Z440 98-99 ZL440/500 98-99 ZL440/580 EFI ESR/700 00 ZL500/EFI/500 ESR 00-02 ZL600/EFI 99-03 ZL 800 01-03 ZR440 Sno Pro 98-99 67.95 1 Includes upper bushing 34 2 Includes lower bushing 04-263 04-259 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-263 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-510 $79.95 77.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 79.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 81.95 04-511 81.95 04-510 04-263 81.95 79.95 04-263 04-263 04-259 77.95 04-2611,2 04-256 04-256 69.95 69.95 04-2611,2 04-256 04-256 04-256 04-512 71.95 69.95 69.95 69.95 81.95 04-256 69.95 04-512 04-262 04-2611,2 79.95 04-2611,2 79.95 04-2611,2 04-263 04-259 04-510 04-511 04-255 04-255 04-255 79.95 77.95 81.95 81.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 04-263 04-263 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-255 04-510 79.95 79.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 82.95 81.95 $71.95 81.95 67.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-512 04-512 71.95 71.95 71.95 81.95 81.95 04-2611, 2 04-2601,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-262 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-2611,2 04-256 04-256 04-256 04-256 04-512 71.95 81.95 71.95 71.95 67.95 71.95 71.95 71.95 69.95 69.95 69.95 69.95 81.95 Rear Suspension Gas Shocks - Cont. MODEL & YEAR FRONT PART NO. PRICE REAR PART NO. MODEL & YEAR PRICE 04-511 04-510 04-511 $81.95 81.95 81.95 04-511 04-510 04-511 04-511 04-511 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 04-510 04-511 04-511 81.95 81.95 81.95 04-512 04-512 04-256 04-512 04-2611,2 04-512 04-512 04-256 04-512 04-512 04-2611,2 04-512 04-256 04-512 $81.95 81.95 69.95 81.95 71.95 81.95 81.95 69.95 81.95 81.95 71.95 81.95 69.95 81.95 2 72.95 04-2702 72.95 04-2702 04-2702 04-272 04-2702 72.95 72.95 86.95 72.95 04-2702 72.95 04-270 2 72.95 04-2702 04-2702 72.95 72.95 04-272 04-2702 04-2702 86.95 72.95 72.95 04-503 84.95 Indy 600 XC 98 Indy 600/XC Deluxe 00 Indy 600/XC SP 01 Indy 650/SKS/RXL 88-92 Indy 700/800 RMK (144”) 01 Indy 700 RMK/SKS 97-00 Indy 700 SKS 99-01 Indy 700 XC 98 Indy 700/600 XC SP 99 Indy 700 XC SP 00 Indy 800 RMK/SP 01 Indy Classic/SKS 93-95 Indy Classic Touring 99-00 Indy Classic Touring 00 Indy Classic Touring 96-98 Indy Lite/Deluxe 91-92 (CENTER) Indy Lite GT 91-92 Indy Lite Deluxe 93-96 Indy Lite GT 97 Indy Trail/Deluxe 85-88/92 Indy Trail/Deluxe 93 Indy Trail Deluxe 94-95 Indy Trail /RMK/Touring 96-97 Indy Trail Touring 99-03 Indy Trail RMK 98 Indy Trail RMK 99-02 Indy Long Track 84 Indy Sport 83 Indy Sport SKS/Touring 94-95 Indy Sport Touring 96-97 Indy Sport Touring/ES 98-03 Indy SS 83-85 Indy SS 86 Indy Star 83-90 Indy Starfire GT 93-95 Indy Star Trak 87-90 Indy Super Sport 96-98 Indy Super Sport 99-00 Indy Super Sport 01-03 Indy Super Sport 93-95 Indy Transport 96-98 Indy Triumph 600 00 Starfire 76 TX 73-77 TX 80 TX-C/TX-L 79-82 TX Starfire 73 Indy Ultra SKS 96 Indy Ultra 97 Indy Ultra/Touring 98 Indy Widetrack GT/LX 90-97 Indy XLT/SKS 93 Indy XLT/SKS/Touring 94-95 Indy XLT RMK/SKS 96-97 XLT Classic/LTD 98-99 XLT SP 98-99 04-503 84.95 SKI DOO 04-272 04-503 04-503 04-503 04-503 04-503 04-503 86.95 84.95 84.95 84.95 84.95 84.95 84.95 KAWASAKI Intruder 1978-82 Invader 1978-80 04-269 04-269 81.95 81.95 MOTO SKI Futura 1976-82 (CENTER) Grand Luxe L/C 1985 (CENTER) Grand Prix 1979-81 (CENTER) Mirage 1979-83 (CENTER) Mirage III 1985 (CENTER) Nuvik 1975-79 (CENTER) Sonic 1975-78 (CENTER) Sonic L/C 1984 (CENTER) Super Sonic 1978-81 (CENTER) Ultra Sonic 1980-82 (CENTER) Centurion 79-80 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-2702 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 72.95 POLARIS Centurion Indy 81-82 Colt 72-77 Custom 74 Cutlass 81-82 Electra 74-77 Galaxy 80-81 Gemini 83 All Indy w/Xtra 12 Indy 440 84-92 Indy 440/SKS 94 Indy 440 XCR 93 Indy 440 XCR 94 Indy 440 95 Indy 440 SKS 95 Indy 440 96-98 Indy 500/SKS/SP Classic 89-92 Indy 500 EFI/SKS 94-95 Indy 500 EFI 96 Indy 500 Carb./EFI/SKS 96 Indy 500 RMK/SKS 97-99 Indy 500 00 Indy 500 01-02 Indy 500/Classic 99-01 Indy 500/Classic 02 Indy 550 Classic 02-03 Indy 500 Classic Touring 01-03 Indy 500 RMK 98-99 Indy 500 RMK (136”) 02 Indy 500/600/700/800 RMK 99-01 Indy 500 XC 00-03 Indy 500/600/700 XC/SP 99 Indy 500/600/700/800 XC SP 99-01 Indy 550 Trail Touring 00 Indy 600 Classic Touring 01-03 Indy 600 RMK 99 Indy 600 Touring 00 Indy 600 XC 83-87 Indy 600 XCR 96 PRICE REAR PART NO. PRICE POLARIS - Cont. ARCTIC CAT - Cont. ZR440 Sno Pro 00-01 ZR500/600/EFI/LE/XC 98-99 ZR500/600/EFI 00-01 ZR500 LE 01-02 ZR 580/EFI 96 ZR600 EFI LE 00-01 ZR700 99 ZR700 00 ZR700 LE 00-01 ZR800 01 ZRT 600/800 96 ZRT 600/800 98-99 ZRT600 00 ZRT800 00 FRONT PART NO. 04-270 04-271 04-271 86.95 86.95 04-271 86.95 04-258 04-271 04-271 04-271 04-271 04-271 04-271 04-257 04-271 04-271 04-257 04-257 04-257 04-501 04-501 04-502 04-501 04-501 04-502 04-500 04-500 04-500 04-501 04-501 89.95 86.95 86.95 86.95 86.95 86.95 86.95 79.95 86.95 86.95 79.95 79.95 79.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 04-500 04-258 04-501 04-258 04-271 81.95 89.95 81.95 89.95 86.95 04-272 04-2702 04-272 04-2702 04-2702 04-501 04-502 04-501 04-271 81.95 81.95 81.95 86.95 04-503 84.95 04-503 04-2702 04-503 04-2702 04-2702 84.95 72.95 84.95 72.95 72.95 04-502 04-501 04-501 04-504 04-500 04-271 04-502 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 86.95 81.95 04-503 04-2702 84.95 72.95 04-258 89.95 04-272 04-272 04-270 04-2702 86.95 86.95 72.95 72.95 04-271 04-271 04-271 04-271 86.95 86.95 86.95 86.95 04-2702 04-2702 04-2702 72.95 72.95 72.95 04-271 04-257 04-500 86.95 79.95 81.95 04-2702 72.95 04-500 04-271 81.95 86.95 04-503 04-503 04-2702 04-2702 84.95 84.95 72.95 72.95 04-271 04-257 04-501 86.95 79.95 81.95 04-2702 04-2702 04-2702 72.95 75.95 72.95 04-271 86.95 04-271 04-271 04-257 04-500 04-501 04-271 04-271 04-501 04-271 04-271 86.95 86.95 79.95 81.95 81.95 86.95 86.95 81.95 86.95 86.95 04-2702 04-2702 04-2702 04-2702 72.95 72.95 72.95 72.95 04-2702 04-2702 72.95 72.95 04-2702 04-2702 04-2702 72.95 72.95 72.95 04-272 86.95 04-262-01 04-2702 64.95 72.95 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-292 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 82.95 04-508 04-508 04-508 04-509 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 04-271 04-257 86.95 79.95 04-502 04-271 04-271 04-271 04-257 04-502 04-501 81.95 86.95 86.95 86.95 79.95 81.95 81.95 Blizzard 78-84 (CENTER) Citation 78-88/91 (CENTER) Elite (All) 78-82 (CENTER) Everest L/C 80-83 (CENTER) Forrmula 500/Dlx./583 97-98 04-264 Formula 500/Dlx. 99-00 04-507 Formula 500 Dlx. 01 04-506 Formula 600/700 Dlx. 00-01 04-506 Formula 600/700/GS/GSE 01 04-506 Formula 500 Dlx. L//C 99-00 04-507 86.95 72.95 86.95 72.95 $72.95 1 Includes upper bushing 35 2 Includes lower bushing 79.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 Rear Suspension Gas Shocks - Cont. MODEL & YEAR FRONT PART NO. REAR PART NO. PRICE MODEL & YEAR PRICE SKI DOO - Cont. PRICE REAR PART NO. PRICE SKI DOO - Cont. Formula 583 Dlx. 98-99 04-507 Formula III 600 95 (CENTER) 04-265-02 Formula III 600 96 04-265-02 Formula III 600/R 97-99 04-505 Formula III 600 LT 98 04-507 Formula III 700/800 98-99 04-507 Formula III LT 97 04-507 Formula MX (All) 85-89 04-265 Formula MX (All) 90 04-265 Formula MX (All) 91 04-265 Formula MX (All exc. Z) 92-93 04-265 Formula MX 94-95 04-265 Formula Plus (All) 85-89 04-265 Formula Plus (All) 90 04-265 Formula Plus (All) 91 04-265 Formula Plus/X/EFI 92-93 04-265 Formula S/SL/SLS 95-98 04-264 Formula SP/SS 85 (CENTER) Formula ST/STX 94-95 04-265 Fomula STX/LT 94-95 04-265 Formula Z 94 04-265 Formula Z 95 04-265-02 Formula Z 96 Formula Z 97 04-507 Formula Z 500 99 04-507 Formula Z 583 98-99 04-507 Formula Z 600/700 00 04-506 Grand Touring 93 04-265 Grand Touring/XTC/SE 94 04-265 Grand Touring 500/583 95-96 04-264 Grand Touring 500/583 97-99 04-507 Grand Touring 500/600 01 04-506 Grand Touring 700 98-00 04-507 Grand Touring 700/GS 01 04-506 Grand Touring SE/699/796 97-00 04-507 Mach I (All) 89-90 Mach I (All) 91-92 04-265 Mach I XTC/Mach Z 93-94 04-265 Mach I/Mach Z 96 04-265-02 Mach I 97 04-505 Mach I/R/Z/ZR 98 04-505 Mach I/R/Z/ZR/MHR 99 04-505 Mach Z 97 04-505 Mach Z 00 04-505 Mach Z LT 96 04-265-02 Mach Z LT 97 04-507 Mach Z LT/Z LTR 98-99 04-507 MX Z 93-95 MX Z 440/583/670 96-97 MX Z 440F 97-98 04-264 $81.95 $81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 79.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 79.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 04-268-01 04-508 04-509 04-508 04-265 04-266 04-266-01 04-268 04-268-01 04-265 04-266 04-266-01 04-268-01 04-292 04-267 04-268-01 04-268-01 04-268-01 04-268-01 04-293 04-509 04-508 04-268 04-268-01 04-292 04-266 04-266 04-268-01 04-268-01 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 126.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 126.95 82.95 59.95 126.95 126.95 126.95 126.95 84.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 126.95 82.95 81.95 04-508 81.95 04-268-01 04-293 79.95 04-292 Shock Bushings REPLACES OEM 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 81.95 04-293 $82.95 04-293 84.95 04-508 SU-04004 SU-04000 SU-04003 SU-04001 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-267 04-292 04-267 81.95 04-268-01 79.95 04-292 SU-04002 04-267 04-267 79.95 04-292 81.95 94.95 90.95 94.95 90.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 82.95 59.95 126.95 82.95 94.95 59.95 59.95 82.95 81.95 81.95 YAMAHA Bravo 82-94 Bravo T/TS 84-03 Enticer (All) 77-91 Enticer II ET410 TR 92-01 Excel III 82-84 Exciter 77-81 Exciter 570 87-88 Exciter 570 89-90 GP/GS 78-79 Mountain Lite 500 00 Phazer 84-89 Phazer II (All) 90-98 Phazer Mountain 99 SRV 83-91 SRX 78-79 VK 540/E/II 89-98 Venture 480 91-96 Venture 480/GT/XL/TF 91-97 Venture 500/600/700 97-03 V-Max 83-91/94-96 V-Max 500/600/700 97-98 XL 540 85-91 81.95 81.95 126.95 126.95 04-508 04-268-01 04-508 MXZ 500 98 04-505 MXZ 583/670 98 04-505 MXZ 583/670 96-97 04-505 MXZ 600/700 99 04-505 MXZ Trail 500/600/700 01 04-506 MXZ Adrenalin 03 MXZ Adrenalin 03 (CENTER) MXZ Renegade 03 MXZ Renegade 03 (CENTER) Nordik 81-83 (CENTER) Olympic 74-79 (CENTER) RV 340 77-78 (CENTER) Safari 377/447/503 84-88 (CENTER) Safari Citation 89-90 (CENTER) Safari Scout 89-92 (CENTER) Scout 91-92 (CENTER) Skandic 82-87 (CENTER) Skandic 380/500 95-98 SS 25 84 (CENTER) Summit 470/583/670 94-95 04-265 Summit 500/583/670 96-99 04-264 Smmit 600/700/800 02 (CENTER) TNT 74-78 Tundra/LT 84-92 Touring (All) 95-98 04-264 Touring SL/SLE 99 04-507 Touring 500/LC 00 04-507 126.95 81.95 126.95 81.95 126.95 84.95 82.95 1 Includes upper bushing DESCRIPTION FRONT PART NO. 04-263-01 04-263-01 79.95 79.95 04-263-02 79.95 04-263-02 79.95 04-287 89.95 04-2811 04-2801,2 04-2801,2 04-283 04-2801,2 04-2801,2 04-286 04-285 04-2801,2 04-2801,2 04-282 04-283 04-283 04-284 04-2801,2 04-283 04-283 04-283 04-288 04-284 04-288 04-282 67.95 67.95 67.95 64.95 67.95 67.95 75.95 67.95 67.95 67.95 64.95 64.95 64.95 82.95 67.95 64.95 64.95 64.95 107.95 82.95 107.95 64.95 2 Includes lower bushing FITS SHOCK PART NO. NO. OF BUSHINGS PART NO. PRICE 1 2 04-229 04-278 $1.95 4.95 1 1 1 1 04-230 04-273 04-273-01 04-274 3.25 2.95 2.95 2.95 2 04-277 4.95 ARCTIC CAT Lower bushing Rear suspension 0103-099 - 04-245 04-261 SKI DOO Center suspension Rear & front suspension Rear suspension Rear suspension Rear & front 572-0307-00 04-231 572-0320-00 04-266-01, 04-268, 08-155 universal w/1” opening at each end 572-0322-00 04-265, 04-266, 04-245 573-1637-00 04-252, 04-265, 04-265-02, 04-266, 04-266-01, 414-9423-00 04-268, 04-268-01, 04-242, 04-243, 04-263-02, 08-112, 08-155 YAMAHA Upper bushing Lower bushing O.D. 16.2mm x I.D. 14.3mm x height 11.8mm O.D. 16.2mm x I.D. 14.3mm x height 14.8mm O.D. 18.3mm x I.D. 16.5mm x height 19.7mm 90387-123G4-00 8VO-47371-00 04-242, 04-243, 04-244 04-242, 04-243, 04-244 1 1 04-275 04-276 3.25 3.25 90384-14096 TSS type shocks 4 SM-08034 5.95 903084-14091 TSS type shocks 4 SM-08035 5.95 903084-16251 TSS Pro Action shocks 4 SM-08037 5.95 36 Ski & Independent Front Suspension Shocks - Hydraulic DIMENSIONS AND PRICES LENGTH PART NO. 08-111 08-112 08-113 08-114 08-114-02 08-114-07 08-114-08 08-114-09 08-114-14 08-114-15 08-114-16 08-807 SM-08129 SM-08131 OPEN 10” 10-1/8” 13” 11-1/8” 11-1/2” 9-1/2” 12” 12” 11-3/4” 12-5/8” 12” 14-1/8” ----- CLOSED 7-9/16” 8-3/4” 9-7/8” 7-1/2” 7-5/8” 7” 8-1/2” 8-3/4” 8” 9-1/4” 8” 10-1/8” ----- BUSHING I.D. TOP 5/8” 1” 3/8” 5/8” 13/32” 7/16” 7/8” 7/16” 5/8” 7/16” 7/16” 1/2” ----- BOTTOM 5/8” 1” 3/8” 5/8” 13/32” 7/16” 7/8” 7/16” 5/8” 7/16” 7/16” 1/2” ----- PRICE $27.95 24.95 32.95 21.95 21.95 22.95 22.95 22.95 22.95 22.95 22.95 24.95 54.95 54.95 OEM NO. TO PART NO. REFERENCE OEM NO. PART NO. ARCTIC CAT 0103-125 0103-133 0103-205 0103-243 0106-199 0106-307 0106-379 0106-563 0114-685 0603-022 0603-023 0603-085 0603-098 0603-099 OEM NO. PART NO. 08-114 08-114-14 08-114-02 08-114-14 08-114-14 08-114-14 08-114-14 08-114-14 08-114-02 08-111 08-111 08-111 08-111 08-111 7040122 7041012 7041044 7041056 7041082 7041086 7041101 7041123 7041124 7041134 7041143 7041144 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-113 08-114-15 08-113 08-113 414-1190-00 414-1341-00 414-1545-00 414-2104-00 414-2315-00 414-3208-00 414-3626-00 414-3962-00 414-3964-00 414-3966-00 414-3968-00 414-4073-00 414-4428-00 414-4434-00 505-0711-13 505-0708-47 PART NO. FITS MODEL PART NO. FITS MODEL APPLICATIONS FITS MODEL MOTO SKI - Cont. ARCTIC CAT Cheetah 72-78 Cheetah F/C, L/C 86-88 Cheetah/Touring 86-94 Cougar (All) 85-92 Cross Country Cat 76 El Tigre 72-74 El Tigre Z 76 El Tigre 78-84 El Tigre 85-91 El Tigre EXT/Mt. Cat 89-91 EXT 72 Jag 77-78 Jag 85-91 Jag AFS/Dlx./ Long Track 89-93 Lynx 74 Lynx/Dlx. Mt. Cat 91-93 Pantera 75 Pantera 79-81/85 Pantera 76-78 Pantera 86-90 Panther 72-79 Panther 81-89 Panther 90-91 Puma 72-73 Wildcat AFS 88-92 08-114-14 08-111 08-111 08-111 08-114 08-114-14 08-114 08-114-02 08-111 08-111 08-114-14 08-114-14 08-114-02 08-111 08-114-14 08-111 08-114-14 08-114-02 08-114 08-111 08-114-14 08-114-02 08-111 08-114-14 08-111 MOTO SKI All models 73-78 (except Spirit) Futura 74-79 Grand Prix Special 79-81 Mirage 300 79 OEM NO. 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-07 Mirage 80-83/85 Nuvik 75-79 Sonic LC 84 Super Sonic 79 Super Sonic X/C 79 Ultra Sonic 82 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-113 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 37 OEM NO. PART NO. SKI DOO / MOTO SKI - Cont. 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-07 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-08 08-114-09 08-114-08 08-114-09 08-114-08 SM-08129 SM-08129 PART NO. Indy Long Track 83-89 Indy Sprint 86-90 Indy SS 78-86 Indy Star 84-90 Indy Starlite 91-92 Indy Starlite/GT 91-98 Indy Star Trak 87-90 Indy Storm 93-94 Indy Super Sport (SS) 83 Indy Super Sport 93-95 Indy Super Trak 91-92 Indy Trail 83-92 Indy Trail/Dlx. 93-95 Indy Transport 96 TX (All) 72-80 TXL 77-82 TXL Indy 80-82 Indy XLT/SKS/SP/Touring 93-95 Indy Widetrak 91-92 Indy Widetrak GT/LX 93-95 505-0707-52 414-4789-00 414-4827-00 414-5017-00 414-5070-00 414-5269-00 414-5859-00 540-0212-70 540-7100-28 YAMAHA SM-08131 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-112 08-114-09 08-114-09 8J5-23350-00 8J6-23350-00 AE7-4748-00 8F3-4748-00 8H9-4748-00 08-114-16 08-114-16 08-807 08-807 08-807 FITS MODEL PART NO. SKI DOO - Cont. POLARIS - Cont. 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-06 08-114-06 08-114-06 POLARIS Apollo 340 79-80 Centurion 79-80 Centurion Indy 500 81-82 Charger 72 Cobra 78-79 Colt (All) 72-77 Custom 73-74 Cutlass 81-82 Electra 74-77 Galaxy 80-81 Indy (All) 83-93 Indy 340/Dlx. 99 Indy 340 Touring 99 Indy 440 SKS/XCR 92-93 Indy 440/SKS 94-95 Indy 500 90-92 Indy 500 EFI 93-95 Indy 650 88-92 Indy Classic/SKS 91-95 Indy Classic Touring 94 Indy Lite/GT 91-93 Indy Lite/Dlx./GT 94-98 Indy RXL/SKS 93-95 Indy Sport/Sport Touring 87-96 PART NO. SKI DOO / MOTO SKI POLARIS 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-113 08-113 08-114-15 08-113 08-114-15 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-114-15 08-114-15 08-113 08-113 08-113 08-113 SKI DOO Formula MX/Plus 85-93 Formula SP 85-86 Formula SS 85 Grand Touring, XTC, SE 94 Grand Luxe 85-86 Legend 500/600/700/800 02 MXZ Trail 500/600 03 Nordik 82-83/85 Nordik 50/60 87-88 Olympic 75-79 RV X Country 79 Safari 84-88 Safari Cheyenne 89-91 Safari Citation 89-91 Safari Saga 89 Safari Scout 89-91 Skandic 82-87 SS25 84 Summit 600/700/800 02 TNT 72-78 Tundra (All) 85-92 08-112 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-112 08-114-08 SM-08129 SM-08129 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-08 08-114-08 SM-08131 08-114-09 08-114-08 YAMAHA Alpine 73-87 Blizzard 78-79/82-84 Blizzard 80-81 Citation 80-88 Citation 300 79 Elite 73-75/78-82 Everest 74-83 Formula (All) 85-92 (except below) Formula Mach I 89-94 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-114-08 08-114-07 08-114-09 08-114-09 08-112 08-112 Bravo 250T/TS 82-03 Bravo LT 85-95 Enticer 80-91 Excel III 81-84 Exciter 77-81 SRX 78-79 08-114-16 08-807 08-114-16 08-114-16 08-807 08-807 Rear Slide Suspension Shocks !"%! ' DIMENSIONS AND PRICES LENGTH OEM NO. TO PART NO. REFERENCE OEM NO. PART NO. OEM NO. ARCTIC CAT 0106-173 0106-353 0114-124 0114-228 04-250 04-250 04-245 04-245 KAWASAKI 45014-3501 04-238 POLARIS 1540486 1540552 7041027 7041043 FITS MODEL 04-235 04-235 04-237 04-237 FRONT 7041045 7041053 7041057 7041058 7041104 7041113 7041118 7041121 7041130 7041142 7041154 REAR - 04-250 04-250 04-245 04-250 04-250 04-245 04-250 04-250 04-245 04-250 04-245 04-250 04-245 04-250 04-250 - 04-238 04-238 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 - 04-235 04-235 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-235 04-237 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 KAWASAKI Intruder 78-82 Invader 340/440 78-80 POLARIS Centurion 500 79-80 Centurion Indy 500 81 Colt 72-77 except 175 72-75 Colt SS 72-77 Custom II 74 Cutlass 81-82 (All) Electra 74-77 Galaxy 81 Indy 440/SKS 94-95 Indy 440 96-98 Indy 440 XCR 93-94 Indy 500/Classic 89-92 Indy Classic/SKS 93 Indy Classic 94-95 Indy 500 SKS/SP 89-92 Indy 500 EFI SKS 93 Indy 500 EFI/SKS 94-95 Indy 500 Carb/EFI SKS 96 Indy 600/XC 83-87 Indy 600 XCR 96 Indy 650/SKS 88-92 Indy 650 RXL/SKS 90-92 Indy 700 RMK/SKS 96-98 Indy Lite/Deluxe 91-92 OPEN 04-231 04-235 04-237 04-238 04-242 04-243 04-244 04-245 04-250 04-252 7041097 SM-04111 SM-04114 SM-04118 SM-04124 SM-04125 7-5/8” 15” 10-1/4” 13-1/2” 9-1/4” 15-5/8” 14-3/4” 11-1/16” 7-1/2” 13” 10-1/4” ----------- OEM NO. 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-237 04-235 6” 9-1/2” 7-1/8” 9-1/8” 6-7/8” 10-1/8” 9-5/8” 7-3/8” 6-1/8” 9-7/8” 7-1/2” ----------PART NO. 414-2073-00 414-2680-00 414-3965-00 414-4427-00 414-5087-00 414-5257-00 414-5355-00 414-5356-00 414-5773-00 503-1897-64 503-1897-63 503-1898-93 FITS MODEL FRONT TOP 3/8” 5/8” 3/8” 7/8” 20mm 20mm 20mm 5/8” 7/16” 25.7mm 7/16” ----------- BOTTOM PRICE $22.95 22.95 24.95 25.95 24.95 27.95 27.95 22.95 24.95 27.95 16.95 54.95 54.95 54.95 71.95 71.95 7/8” 7/16” 3/8” 3/8” 25mm 25mm 25mm 5/8” 7/16” 25.7mm 7/16” ----------- OEM NO. PART NO. SKI DOO / MOTO SKI - Cont. 04-231 04-231 04-231 04-231 04-231 04-231 04-252 04-252 04-231 SM-04111 SM-04114 SM-04118 REAR BUSHING I.D. CLOSED SKI DOO / MOTO SKI POLARIS - Cont. ARCTIC CAT Cheetah 72-78 (All) El Tigre 73-77 (All) El Tigre 78-84 (All) EXT 71-73 (All) Jag 75-78 Jag 79-86 (All) King Kat 71 (All) Lynx 72-75 (All) Lynx 77-80 (All) Pantera 75 Pantera 80-85 (All) Panther 72-78 (All) Panther 79-86 (All) Puma 70-73 (All) VIP 74 PART NO. POLARIS - Cont. PART NO. 503-1898-04 503-1898-05 SM-04124 SM-04125 YAMAHA 8OL-47480-00-00 8OL-47481-00-00 8VO-47480-00-00 8VO-47481-00-00 8Y3-47481-00-00 8Y3-47480-00-00 FITS MODEL 04-243 04-242 04-243 04-242 04-242 04-244 FRONT REAR SKI DOO / MOTO SKI - Cont. Indy Lite/Deluxe/GT 93-96 Indy Lite GT 91-92 Indy Lite GT 97 Indy Long Track 84 Indy RXL/SKS 93 Indy Sport 83 Indy Sport/GT 89 Indy Sport 90-91 Indy Sport GT 90-91 Indy Sport/GT 92 Indy Sport 93-96 Indy Sport SKS/Touring 94-95 Indy Sport Touring 96-97 Indy Sprint 86-90 Indy SS 83-84 Indy SS 85-86 Indy Star 83-90 Starfire 76 Indy Starlite 91-92 Indy Starlite/GT 93-95 Indy StarTrak 87-90 Indy Storm/SKS 93-95 Indy Super Sport (SS) 83 Indy Super Sport 93-95 Indy Super Sport 96-00 Indy Supertrak 89-92 Indy Trail/Deluxe 85-92 Indy Trail/Deluxe 94-95 Indy Trail Touring 96-00 Indy Transport 96-98 Indy Ultra SKS 96 Indy XLT/SKS 93 Indy XLT/SKS/Touring 94-95 Indy XLT SKS 96 Indy Widetrak LX 94-97 Indy Widetrak/GT 90-97 TX/Starfire 73-77 (All) TX 80 TX-C 79-82 TXL 79-82 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-235 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-237 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 04-235 SKI DOO / MOTO SKI Blizzard 78-84 (All) Citation 78-91 (All) Elite 78-82 - 38 04-231 04-231 04-231 Everest 500 LC 500 80-83 (All) 04-231 Formula MX 94-95 04-252 Formula MX/LT/Plus 82-89 04-252 04-252 Formula MX 94-95 04-252 Formula MX/XTC/Plus 90-93 04-252 Formula Plus X/EFI 92-93 04-252 Formula SS 85 04-231 Formula ST/STX 94-95 04-252 Futura 76-82 (All) 04-231 Grand Prix Special 79-81 04-231 Grand Touring 93 04-252 Grand Touring/XTC/SE 94 04-252 Legend 500/600/700 Sport 02 SM-04125 Legend 500/600/700 Sport 02 (CENTER) SM-04124 Legend 600/700/800 GS/SE 02 SM-04111 Legend 600/700/800 GS/SE 02 (CENTER)SM-04114 Mach I/XTC 91-92 04-252 Mach I/XTC/Z 93-94 04-252 MXZ Trail 500/600 03 SM-04111 MXZ Trail 500/600 03 (CENTER) SM-04114 Nordik 81-83 04-231 Olympic 74-79 (All) 04-231 RV 340 77-78 04-231 Safari Deluxe/L/Rally 93-94 04-252 Safari L, LE, LC, LEC, LX, LXE, GLX 91-92 04-252 Safari Scout 89-92 04-231 Safari 377/447/503 84-88 04-231 Skandic 82-87 (All) 04-231 Skandic II 92-94 (All) 04-252 Sonic 76-84 (All) 04-231 SS-25 84 04-231 Summit 470/583/670 94-95 04-252 Summit 600/700/800 02 (CENTER) SM-04118 TNT 74-78 (All) 04-231 Tundra/LT 84-92 (All) 04-231 YAMAHA CS 340E-Ovation 91-00 Enticer 340 85-88 Excel III 85-88 Phazer 84-89 (All) XLV 85-91 04-242 04-242 04-242 04-242 04-242 UNIVERSAL 7041097 04-244 04-244 04-243 04-243 Slides (")%*+,/: POLYETHYLENE SLIDES 2 / WI1III#I'I > F 2 &- MODEL YEAR OUR LENGTH GRAPHITE SLIDES / 0 "2 $- STYLE OEM COLOR PART # PRICE 40-8 40-8 40-9 40-1 40-9 40-6 40-8 40-6 40-6 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-1 40-6 40-5 40-6 40-6 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-1 40-6 40-6 40-8 40-6 40-1 40-6 40-6 40-6 40-8 40-8 $14.20 14.20 14.30 11.70 14.30 11.90 14.20 11.90 11.90 14.20 11.90 14.20 11.70 11.90 7.10 11.90 11.90 14.20 11.90 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 11.90 14.20 11.70 11.90 11.90 14.20 11.90 11.70 11.90 11.90 11.90 14.20 14.20 ARCTIC CAT ;<=)(">?@,J?@,Q(?@,VWXZ[Z%X("Z"=(\=<'X)%,%%%("]=)X) 4 StrokeTouring/Trail Bearcat 340/440/550/Widetrack Bearcat 340/440/550/Widetrack/Turbo Cheetah Cheetah FC/LC Cheetah 440 Cheetah 340/550 Cheetah Touring Cougar/SE/Mt. Cat Cougar/Mt. Cat/2-Up/Dlx. Cross Country Crossfire El Tigre, EXT El Tigre/Z El Tigre Z El Tigre EXT/EXT Mt. Cat EXT/Mt. Cat EXT 550. EXT 580, EFI Z EXT 580 Mt. Cat EXT 580 EFI/Dlx./Mt. Cat EXT 600/Touring EXT Powder Special EXT Special Firecats Jag Jag/AFS Jag Special Jag Dlx./440 Z/LC Jag AFS Long Track Lynx, Puma Lynx Lynx/Deluxe Lynx Mt. Cat Lynx Mt. Cat Mountain Cat 500/600/EFI 02-03 95-98 99-07 72-78 86-88 93-94 94 89-92 85-92 93-98 76-79 06 71-77 78-90 75 89-91 93 93 93 93-96 93-98 97-98 95-96 91-92 03-07 75-78 79-92 91-92 93-99 92-93 71-75 77-80 91-93 92 93 01-04 53.75” 53.75” 64” 52” 64” 46.5” 53.75” 46.5” 46.5” 53.75” 46.5” 53.75” 52” 46.5” 38.25” 46.5” 46.5” 53.75” 46.5” 53.75” 53.75” 53.75” 53.75” 46.5” 53.75” 52” 46.5” 46.5” 53.75” 46.5” 52” 46.5” 46.5” 46.5” 53.75” 53.75” 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 0604-640 0604-640 1604-401 104-217 0604-230 0604-248 0604-640 0604-230/433 0604-248 0604-640 0114-408 0604-640 0104-217 0114-408 0219-143 0604-248/319 0604-248/319 0604-640 0604-319 0604-640 0604-640/786 0604-640/786 0604-640 0604-240/319 0604-640 0104-217 0604-248/319 0604-319/248 0604-640 0604-248 0104-217 0114-408 0604-248 0604-319 0604-640 0604-640 39 Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Purple Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Slides - Cont. (")%*+,/: MODEL OUR LENGTH YEAR STYLE OEM COLOR PART # 0604-640 0604-640 0104-217 0114-408 0604-640 0104-217 0604-640 0604-248 0604-640 0604-640 0604-248 0604-640 0604-319 0604-640 0604-319 0604-583 0604-640 0604-640 0604-230 0604-248 0604-640 0604-319 0604-640 1604-408 0114-408 0604-319 0604-640 0604-583 0604-786 0604-640/786 0604-640/786 0604-786 0604-640 0604-640 0604-786 0604-640 0604-640 0604-640/786 0604-786 0604-640 0604-786 0604-786 0604-786 0604-640 0604-640 Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 40-8 40-8 40-1 40-6 40-8 40-1 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-9 40-6 40-8 40-6 40-8 40-8 40-6 40-6 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 40-8 PRICE ARCTIC CAT - Cont. Mountain Cat 570 Mountain Cat 800/1000 Pantera Pantera Pantera Panther Panther (All) Panther/Mt. Cat Powder Extreme Powder Special/EFI/EFI LE/2K Prowler/Mt. Cat/Spec. Prowler Prowler 2-Up Prowler 2-Up Puma/Dlx. Puma/Dlx. Puma 2-Up Sabercats Super Jag Super Jag T660 Turbo/Touring Thundercat 900 Thundercat 900/Mt. Cat/Touring Triple Touring 600 Trail Cat Wildcat/Mt. Cat Wildcat 700/EFI/Mt. Cat/Touring Z 370/es/LX Z 570/esr/SS/LX Z 440/es/LX/Sno Pro ZL 440 ZL 500/EFI/esr ZL 550/esr ZL 580 EFI/esr ZL 600/EFI/esr/SS/esr ZL 700 ZL 800/EFI/esr/SS ZR 440/Sno Pro ZR 500/EFI/LE ZR 580/580 EFI/580 EFI ETT ZR 600/EFI/LE/2K ZR 700 ZR 800/CC/EFI/EFI CC/LE ZR 900 ZRT 600/LE/800/LE 02-04 53.75” 01-04 53.75” 75 52” 76-92 46.5” 93-06 53.75” 69-78 52” 93-07 53.75” 79-92 46.5 97 53.75” 97-00 53.75” 90-92 46.5” 93-94 53.75” 91-93 46.5” 94-95 53.75” 94-96 46.5” 97 53.75” 95-97 53.75” 04-06 53.75” 87-91 64” 92 46.5” 04-07 53.75” 93 46.5” 94-02 53.75” 99-01 53.75” 79-81 46.5” 88-92 46.5” 93-97 53.75” 99-07 53.75” 02-07 53.75” 95-05 53.75” 97-00 53.75” 98-03 53.75” 00-03 53.75” 00 53.75” 99-03 53.75” 00 53.75” 01-03 53.75” 94-01 53.75” 98-03 53.75” 94-97 53.75” 98-03 53.75” 94-95, 99-00 53.75” 01-03 53.75” 03-06 53.75” 95-02 53.75” 10 10 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 $14.20 14.20 11.70 11.90 14.20 11.70 14.20 11.90 14.20 14.20 11.90 14.20 11.90 14.20 11.90 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.30 11.90 14.20 11.90 14.20 14.20 11.90 11.90 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 COLORED SLIDES FOR ARCTIC CAT PART # 40-6GN 40-6PL 40-8GN 40-8OR 40-8PL 40-9GN 40-9OR 40-9PL COLOR Neon Green Purple Neon Green Orange Purple Neon Green Orange Purple PART # GR40-6 GR40-8 GR40-9 COLOR Black Black Black STYLE 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 LENGTH 46.5” 46.5” 53.75” 53.75” 53.75” 64” 64” 64” PRICE LENGTH 46.5” 53.75” 64” PRICE $14.90 14.90 17.20 17.20 17.20 18.30 18.30 18.30 GRAPHITE SLIDES FOR ARCTIC CAT STYLE 10 10 10 $16.65 16.65 18.30 MOTO-SKI OUR MODEL YEAR 75-86 LENGTH 47” STYLE 1 OEM 560-3026 COLOR Black PART # PRICE 44-8 $14.20 GRAPHITE SLIDES FOR MOTO-SKI PART # GR44-8 COLOR STYLE LENGTH PRICE 1 47” $18.30 Black 40 Slides - Cont. (")%*+,/: OUR YEAR LENGTH STYLE MODEL OEM COLOR PART # PRICE 42-3 42-10 42-1 42-3 42-3 42-3 42-10 42-3 42-10 42-10 42-3 42-10 42-14 42-14 42-14 42-16 42-18 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-18 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-16 42-10 42-1 42-18 42-18 42-10 42-3 42-10 42-3 42-1 42-10 42-10 42-10 $11.35 13.90 9.85 11.35 11.35 11.35 13.90 11.35 13.90 13.90 11.35 13.90 13.95 13.95 13.95 12.35 17.70 12.35 12.35 12.35 17.70 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 13.90 9.85 17.70 17.70 13.90 11.35 13.90 11.35 9.85 13.90 13.90 13.90 ;<=)(":?^,_@?^,_??^,_J?^,_QWXZ[Z%X("Z"=(\=<'X)% SEE END OF POLARIS POLARIS Apollo Centurion/Indy Charger/SS Cobra Colt & SS Custom II Cutlass/SS Electra Galaxy (cleated) Galaxy (rubber track) Gemini Indy all (except below) Indy RXL Indy Storm Indy XLT SPL Indy 340/Dlx./Touring/Classic/Edge Indy 440 Pro X/FC Indy 500 Carb/Edge Indy 500/600/700/800 RMK Indy 500 RMK Indy 600/700/800 RMK Indy 500/600/700 Classic/Edge/Touring Indy 700 XC SP/Edge Indy 500/600/700/800 XC SP/Edge Indy Lite/Dlx./Touring Indy Frontier Classic/Touring Indy Sport/Touring Indy Supersport/Edge Indy Trail RMK Indy Trail Touring/Dlx Indy Widetrack/LX Mustang RMK Vertical Edge-144”/151” tracks Switchback (all) Sport, Sprint/ES, SS,Star/LT SS Star Trak TX TX/Charger/Colt/Racer TX TXC, TXL, TXL Indy TXC,TXL/Indy 79-80 79-82 71-73 78-79 72-78 73-74 80-82 74-77 80 80-81 79-81 82-03 92-97 93-96 95 99-06 01-02 01-05 00-01 02 02-06 02-07 01-04 01-06 97-98 03-05 98-04 01-06 99-06 03-06 02-06 70-73 04 04-06 83-90 78 87-90 73-75 70-72 80 82 79-81 45” 53.88” 47” 45” 45” 45” 53.88” 45” 53.88” 53.88” 45” 53.88” 53.50” 53.50” 53.50” 57.00” 64.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 64.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 53.88” 47” 64.00” 64.00” 53.88” 45” 53.88” 45” 47.25” 53.88” 53.88” 53.88” 7 15 6 7 7 7 15 7 15 15 7 15 18 18 18 23 24 23 23 23 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 15 6 24 24 15 7 15 7 6 15 15 15 5521062 5521104 5521038 5521062 5521062 5521062 5521104 5521062 5521104 5521104 5521062 5521320 5521275 5521275 5521275 5521452 5521450 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521450 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521452 5521320 5521038 5521450 5521450 5521104 5521062 5521296 5521062 5521038 5521077 5521104 5521069/70 Black Black Purple Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Purple Black Black Black Black Black Black Purple Black Black Black COLORED SLIDES FOR POLARIS PART # COLOR 42-10B 42-10PL 42-10DR 42-10W 42-14PL 42-16B 42-16R 42-16W 42-18B 42-18R 42-18YL Blue Purple Red White Purple Blue Red White Blue Red Yellow PART # GR42-10 GR42-14 GR42-16 GR42-18 COLOR Black Black Black Black STYLE LENGTH 15 15 15 15 18 23 23 23 24 24 24 53.88” 53.88” 53.88” 57.00” 53.5” 57.00” 57.00” 57.00” 64.00” 64.00” 64.00” $17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.95 16.35 16.35 16.35 22.50 22.50 22.50 PRICE LENGTH 53.88” 53.5” 57.00” 64.00” $17.90 17.95 16.65 22.65 GRAPHITE SLIDES FOR POLARIS MODEL STYLE 15 18 23 24 OUR YEAR LENGTH STYLE OEM COLOR PRICE PART # PRICE ;<=)(":>??,`??,Q??,V??,_@??,_?/??,_JWXZX("Z"=/\=<' SEE END OF SKI-DOO SKI-DOO All Models Rear Only All Models Front Only Alpine/Alpine II 70-71 72 72 88-95 16” 16” 18.5” 55.38” 3 3 3 1 560-3003 560-3003 560-3013 560-3087 41 White White Purple Black 44-1 44-1 44-2 44-7 7.25 7.25 7.90 16.85 Slides - Cont. (")%*+,/: MODEL SKI-DOO - Cont. YEAR OUR LENGTH STYLE OEM COLOR PART # PRICE Blizzard/MX Citation/SS Citation LS/LSE Elan 294SS Elan 250 Deluxe Elite Escapade Escapade Everest Formula Grand Touring Formula III/LT/600/700/800 Formula III/LT Formula Dlx. 380/500FC/500LC/ 583/600/670/700 Formula Mach I XTC Formula Mach I/II Formula Mach Z/Formula MXZ Formula MX LT/XTC Formula MX/MX ll Formula MX LT Formula Plus/E/EFI/II/X Formula Plus LT/XTC Formula S/SL/SLS/SS/STX/STX LT Formula SP/SS Formula SS/STX/STX 2/ST Formula Z/500/583/600/700 Formula Z Grand Touring (All) Grand Touring (All except below) Grand Touring SE Grand Touring 800 SE Legend Mach I/R/Z/ZLT/ZR/Sport Mach I/Z/ZLT MXZ (All) (Except Renegade) MXZ 600/800 HO Trail/Adrenaline/X Mach Z MX/MXZ MXZx 440 Nordic Nordic Nordic Olympic TNT Olympic RV SC-4 Suspension models using style #26 SC-4 Suspension models using style #26 SC-4 Suspension models using style #26 SS-25 Safari 377, E Safari 477, E Safari 503R/Cheyenne Safari 503 Safari Rally 503 Safari Saga Safari Scout Safari DL/GLX/L/LC/LE/LX Skandic Skandic/II 503R/SLT 78-84 78-84 85-91 74-75 78 78-82 87-88 89 74-83 93 97-99 95-96 47” 47” 37” 36” 47” 47” 47” 48.25” 47” 47” 51.57” 55.38” 1 1 17 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 560-3051 560-3030 560-3068 560-3022 560-3028 560-3030 560-3085 560-3102 560-3028 560-3127 560-1032 560-1019 Black Black Black Purple Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 44-8 44-8 44-6 44-3 44-8 44-8 44-8 44-12 44-8 44-8 44-9 44-7 $14.20 14.20 9.60 10.30 14.20 14.20 14.20 12.35 14.20 14.20 13.10 16.85 99-01 90-93 89-93 93 90-93 85-93 86-89 85-93 90-93 95-99 85-86 94-95 96-00 94-95 94-95 96-99 96 01-03 02-04 97-03 94-96 96-04 05 05 94-95 97, 99 73 81-83 88-91 73-74 75-79 76-80 06-07 06-07 06-07 84 84-88 84-87 88-91 88 93-94 89 89-92 90-94 82-89 93-94 51.57” 55.38” 47” 55.38” 55.38” 47” 47” 47” 55.38” 51.57” 47” 55.38” 51.57” 55.38” 55.38” 51.57” 55.38” 55.38” 51.57” 51.57” 55.38” 51.57” 41.63” 41.63” 55.38” 51.57” 36” 47” 55.38” 36” 47” 47” 41.63” 49.00” 55.00” 47” 47” 47” 47” 55.38” 55.38” 55.38” 47” 55.38” 47” 55.38” 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 21 1 1 21 1 1 21 21 1 21 26 26 1 21 8 1 1 8 1 1 26 26 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 560-1033 560-3106 560-3108 560-1013 560-3106 560-3069 560-3082 560-3069 560-3108 560-3140 560-3075 560-1013 560-1023 560-1014 560-1020 560-1023 560-3128 560-3128 560-1033 560-1033 560-1013 560-1022 503-1906-29 503-1906-29 560-3128 560-3148 560-3022 560-3028 560-3085 560-3022 560-3030 560-3030 503-1905-73 503-1910-87 503-1910-87 560-3063 560-3075 560-3076 560-3087 560-3106 560-3107 560-3075 560-3075 560-3107 560-3058 560-3126 Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Purple Black Black Purple Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 44-9 44-7 44-8 44-7 44-7 44-8 44-8 44-8 44-7 44-9 44-8 44-7 44-9 44-7 44-7 44-9 44-7 44-7 44-9 44-9 44-7 44-9 44-10 44-10 44-7 44-9 44-3 44-8 44-7 44-3 44-8 44-8 44-10 44-16 44-14 44-8 44-8 44-8 44-8 44-7 44-7 44-7 44-8 44-7 44-8 44-7 13.10 16.85 14.20 16.85 16.85 14.20 14.20 14.20 16.85 13.10 14.20 16.85 13.10 16.85 16.85 13.10 16.85 16.85 13.10 13.10 16.85 13.10 11.35 11.35 16.85 13.10 10.25 14.20 16.85 10.25 14.20 14.20 11.35 13.05 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 16.85 16.85 16.85 14.20 16.85 14.20 16.85 Skandic II 377/R Skandic 380/500 Stratos Summit (All) Summit (All) TNT F/C TNT F/C TNT F/A & RV with t-slots Touring (All) Tundra Tundra/LT/LTS Voyager 92-94 95-99 87-88 94-95 96-99 73 74-78 75-78 95-99 85-92 85-04 89 55.38” 51.57” 47” 55.38” 51.57” 36” 47” 47” 51.57” 47” 55.38” 47” 1 21 1 1 21 8 1 1 21 1 1 1 560-3126 560-3141 560-3086 560-3147 560-1023 560-3022 560-3024 560-3028 560-1020 560-3028 560-3058 560-3086 Black Black Black Black Black Purple Black Black Black Black Black Black 44-7 44-9 44-8 44-7 44-9 44-3 44-8 44-8 44-9 44-8 44-7 44-8 16.85 13.10 14.20 16.85 13.10 10.25 14.20 14.20 13.10 14.20 16.85 14.20 42 Slides - Cont. (")%*+,/: COLORED SLIDES FOR SKI-DOO PART # 44-7DR 44-7PL 44-7YL 44-8DR 44-8PL 44-8YL 44-9DR 44-9PL 44-9YL 44-10YL 44-16YL COLOR Red Purple Yellow Red Purple Yellow Red Purple Yellow Yellow Yellow PART # GR44-7 GR44-8 GR44-9 GR44-10 GR44-14 COLOR Black Black Black Black Black MODEL YEAR STYLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 21 21 21 26 LENGTH 55.38” 55.38” 55.38” 47” 47” 47” 51.57” 51.57” 51.57” 41.63” 49.00” $21.65 21.65 21.65 18.30 18.30 18.30 16.85 16.85 16.85 14.30 16.45 PRICE LENGTH 55.38” 47” 51.57” 41.63” 55.00” $21.65 18.30 16.60 16.60 18.30 GRAPHITE SLIDES FOR SKI-DOO STYLE 1 1 19 26 26 OUR LENGTH STYLE OEM COLOR PRICE PART # PRICE ;<=)(":>?`,`(?`,QWXZ[Z%X("Z"=(\=<'X)%,%%%("]f!' Apex/Attak 06-08 56.89” 25 82-93 85-01 77-81 79-84 78-84 85-88 81-83 84-91 92-95 81-88 79-82 76-81 87-90 91-92 93 2008 74-78 76-78 74-75 86-90 97-99 2006-07 89-00 84-89 90-00 99-01 98-01 07-08 76-77 05-08 03-05 05 80 81-91 76-79 80 81 98-02 98-00 80 81-88 76-77 00-05 05-06 74-75 88-00,05 83-91 97-03 94-96 92-96 41.42” 54.72” 41.42” 41.42” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 52.36” 54.72” 52.36” 56.89” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 54.72” 49.96” 56.89” 54.72” 54.72” 52.36” 49.96” 49.96” 56.89” 54.72” 56.89” 49.96” 56.89” 41.42” 54.72 54.72” 41.42” 54.72” 49.96” 49.96” 41.42” 54.72” 54.72” 49.96” 56.89” 54.72” 52.36” 54.72” 49-96” 52.36” 52.36” 13 12 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 12 16 25 12 12 12 12 20 25 12 12 16 20 20 25 12 25 20 25 13 12 12 13 12 20 20 13 12 12 20 25 12 16 12 20 16 16 - Black 47-12 $14.90 Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 47-3 47-7 47-3 47-3 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-8 47-7 47-8 47-12 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-7 47-10 47-12 47-7 47-7 47-8 47-10 47-10 47-12 47-7 47-12 47-10 47-12 47-3 47-7 47-7 47-3 47-7 47-10 47-10 47-3 47-7 47-7 47-10 47-12 47-7 47-8 47-7 47-10 47-8 47-8 7.85 11.90 7.85 7.85 11.90 11.90 11.90 11.90 11.90 11.90 11.90 11.90 12.70 11.90 12.70 14.90 11.90 11.90 11.90 11.90 12.45 14.90 11.90 11.90 12.70 12.45 12.45 14.90 11.90 14.90 12.45 14.90 7.85 11.90 11.90 7.85 11.90 12.45 12.45 7.85 11.90 11.90 12.45 14.90 11.90 12.70 11.90 12.45 12.70 12.70 YAMAHA Bravo Bravo T/LT Enticer 250 Enticer 300 Enticer 340 Enticer 340 Enticer 340T Enticer 340T/400T LT Enticer II, 410TR Excel III EC 340 Excel V EC 540 Exciter 340/440 Exciter 570 Exciter II Exciter II/SX FX Nytro/MTX GP Models GS Models GPX Inviter CF 300 Mtn. Max 600/700/800 Nytro Ovation/LE CS 340 Phazer Phazer II/LE/ST Phazer PZ 500/Dlx. Phazer Mt. Lite Phazer Prestige RS Rage/Vector/Venture RX-1/RX Warrior RX1 ER/Mtn SRV SRV SRX SRX SRX SRX 600/700/S SRX 700 Mtn. SS SS STX 340/440 SX 500R/600R/700R SX Viper/Mtn. TL VK-540 Viking V-Max 540 V-Max 500/600/700 (All) V-Max 500/600/LE/ST/XT/Dlx. V-Max 4 750/800/ST 8R4-47421-00 8X0-47421-00 8F3-47421-00 8N4-47421-00 8N5-47421-00 8Y3-47421-00 8R3-47421-00 8X0-47421-00 88T-47421-00 8Y3-47421-00 8H8-47421-00 8N5-47421-00 82M-47421-00 88R-47421-01 8AV-47421-00 8FK-47421-00 890-47421-00 890-47421-00 878-47421-00 81E-47421-00 8CW-47421-20 8FK-47421-00 8Y3-47421-00 8V0-47421-00 87F-47421-00 8CM-47421-20 8CW-47421-20 8FK-47421-00 890-47421-00 8FK-47421-00 8FK-47421-00 8K2-47421-00 8R9-47421-00 8A7-47421-00 8K2-47421-00 8R9-47421-00 8CM-47421-20 8CW-47421-20 8K2-47421-00 8N8-47421-00 890-47421-90 8CM-47421-20 8FK-47421-00 890-47421-00 83R-47421-00 8R9-47421-00 8CM-47421-20 8AB-47421-20 8AX-47421-10 43 Slides - Cont. (")%*+,/: MODEL YAMAHA OUR YEAR LENGTH STYLE - OEM COLOR PART # PRICE Cont. V-Max 4 800 Venture VT480/GT/TR/XL Venture VT 480Tr/XL Venture VT 500/XL/600/700 Venture Lite XLV Excel V 97 91-97 98-99 97-06 07-08 85-90 49.96” 52-36” 49.96” 49.96” 56.89” 54.72” 20 16 20 20 25 12 8CM-47421-20 8AV-47421-00 8CW-47421-20 8CW-47421-20 Black Black Black Black Black Black 8Y7-47421-00 47-10 47-8 47-10 47-10 47-12 47-7 $12.45 12.70 12.45 12.45 14.90 11.90 COLORED SLIDES FOR YAMAHA PART # 47-7DR 47-7MJ 47-8DR 47-8MJ 47-10DR 47-10RB 47-12R 47-12B COLOR Red Magenta Red Magenta Red Blue Red Blue STYLE 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 25 LENGTH 54.72” 54.72” 52.36” 52.36” 49.96” 49.96” 56.89” 56.89” $14.15 11.60 15.80 13.40 15.80 15.80 18.90 18.90 PRICE LENGTH 54.72” 52.36” 49.96” 56.89” PRICE $16.60 16.60 16.60 18.90 GRAPHITE SLIDES FOR YAMAHA PART # GR47-7 GR47-8 GR47-10 GR47-12 COLOR Black Black Black Black STYLE 12 16 20 25 Ski Doo Tunnel Rails SKI DOO TUNNEL RAIL SKI DOO TUNNEL RAIL 9+E <35E2 <E 9+E <35E2 637E $H'R7<7 :7=6 ++ _F" K <N*= +7I / - 637EH'I 8 I 8 - I <NN:2IH' I PART NO. 550-004 PRICE $15.90 PART NO. 550-003 PRICE $15.90 44 Traction Products For Application Guide GOLD DIGGER 60 DEGREE CARBIDE TRACTION MASTER SIGNATURE SERIES™ STAINLESS STEEL 60° CARBIDE STUDS durability of the old 80 degree Traction Masters with added traction on hard-packed and icy trails. :+ in diameter. H 3 I F - I 57N:<77<+++ and nyloc nuts. PART NO. GDP6-7500 GDP6-8750 GDP6-8755 GDP6-8755-B GDP6-8755-C GDP6-9200 GDP6-9200-B GDP6-9200-C GDP6-9205 GDP6-9205-B GDP6-9205-C GDP6-1000 GDP6-1000-B GDP6-1000-C GDP6-1005 GDP6-1005-B GDP6-1005-C GDP6-1075 GDP6-1075-B GDP6-1075-C GDP6-1175 GDP6-1175-B GDP6-1175-C GDP6-1325 GDP6-1325-B GDP6-1450 GDP6-1450-B Q - stainless steel with their performance proven designs at a competitive price. The high corrosion resistance allows you to use the Signature Series™ in rigorous environments and maintain its attractive bright apperance. The stainless steel combined with the 5/16” shank and the 15/16” head is resistant to impact even at extreme temperature variations ensuring you a reliable grip on the trail with the 60° carbide tip. Steel lock nuts included. QTY. LENGTH THREAD PRICE 24 24 24 96 144 24 96 144 24 96 144 24 96 144 24 96 144 24 96 144 24 96 144 24 96 24 96 .750 .875 .875 .875 .875 .920 .920 .920 .920 .920 .920 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.175 1.175 1.175 1.325 1.325 1.450 1.450 7mm 7mm 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 7mm 7mm 7mm 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 7mm 7mm 7mm 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” $49.95 49.95 49.95 197.95 290.95 49.95 197.95 290.95 49.95 197.95 290.95 49.95 197.95 290.95 49.95 197.95 290.95 49.95 197.95 290.95 49.95 197.95 290.95 49.95 197.95 49.95 197.95 PART NO. SSP-1005-A SSP-1005 SSP-1005-B SSP-1005-C SSP-1175-A SSP-1075 SSP-1075-B SSP-1075-C SSP-1175A SSP-1175 SSP-1175-B SSP-1175-C SSP-1325-A SSP-1325 SSP-1325-B SSP-1325-C SSP-1450-A SSP-1450 SSP-1450-B SSP-1450-C SSP-1450-M QTY. 24 48 96 144 24 48 96 144 24 48 96 144 24 48 96 144 24 48 96 144 1000 LENGTH THREAD 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.175 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.175 1.175 1.175 1.175 1.325 1.325 1.325 1.325 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” PRICE $29.95 60.30 117.25 175.85 29.95 60.30 117.25 175.85 29.95 60.30 117.25 175.85 29.95 60.30 117.25 175.85 29.95 60.30 117.25 175.85 1220.95 MEGA BITE CARBIDE STUD * * * * \!)q Woodys Grand Master studs are for use with all camoplast single ply tracks. All kits come complete with studs, nuts and plates. 5/16” THREAD WITH 60° point 15/16” diameter head Black coated-through hardened Studs and lock nuts Round Plate Kit PART NO. G-MPR-1075-96 G-MPR-1325-96 THREAD QTY. 5/16 5/16 96pc. 96pc. PRICE $279.90 $299.90 K#Z PART NO. G-MPS-1075-96 G-MPS-1325-95 THREAD QTY. 5/16 5/16 96pc. 96pc. PRICE $279.90 $299.90 45 PART NO. QTY. LENGTH THREAD PRICE MEG-8755 MEG-1005 MEG-1075 MEG-1075-B MEG-1325-B MEG-1450 MEG-1575 MEG-1740 MEG-1740-B 24 24 24 96 96 24 24 24 96 .875 1.00 1.075 1.075 1.325 1.450 1.575 1.740 1.740 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” $42.95 42.95 42.95 167.95 167.95 42.95 42.95 42.95 167.95 Traction Products - Cont. For Application Guide TRIANGLE DIGGER® SUPPORT PLATE ! NEW 2 8 support plate is race track tested and a proven winI K shape generates less rotating resistance whch will result in faster track speed. F- 93<:E* PART NO. QTY. HOLE SIZE PRICE AWT-3775 AWT-3775-M 48 1000 5/16” 5/16” $30.95 606.95 BIG NUT w/Nylon Insert G- F 93<:E 57I G2- 2 I I ALN2-4500-B STEEL SQUARE SUPPORT PLATES PART NO. #- I *I+=*E I+N<E < <3=EK 93<:EI<79E < <37EKI PART NO. AWS-3650 AWS-3650-B AWS-3650-C AWS2-3675 AWS2-3675-B AWS2-3675-C QTY. 24 96 144 24 96 144 HOLE SIZE 7mm 7mm 7mm 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” ALN2-4500 ALN2-4500-B ALN2-7000 ALN2-7000-B PRICE QTY. 24 96 144 24 96 144 NYL-5000 NYL-5010 NYL-5020 NYL-5030 NYL-5040 HOLE SIZE 7mm 7mm 7mm 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 1.325” 1.325” 1.450” 1.450” studs studs studs studs PRICE and shorter and shorter and longer & longer QG master studs. G[" 9+6+ G[" 9+7+ PART NO. QTY. HOLE SIZE #- I * I<59E < <3=KI 93<:EI<79E < <37EKI PART NO. ASW-3725 ASW-3725-B ASW-3725-C ASW2-3775 ASW2-3775-B ASW2-3775-C HOLE SIZE 24 96 24 96 $11.95 41.95 11.95 41.95 NYLOC - NUTS FOR TRACTION MASTER STUDS $6.95 23.95 34.95 7.95 28.95 41.95 ALUMINUM SQUARE PLATES QTY. ALN2-7000-B 48 48 48 48 48 7mm 1/4”-28 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” PRICE $8.95 8.95 8.95 11.60 29.95 TRACK HOLE CUTTER K I PRICE &I $11.95 44.95 63.95 13.95 51.95 77.95 PART NO. HOLE SIZE PRICE 1/4” 5/16”/7mm $9.95 9.95 DRILL-14 DRILL-7 ANGLED ALUMINUM SUPPORT PLATE DOUBLE DIGGER SUPPORT PLATE Angled and Flat F2 H If you thought the single Angle Support Plate was awesome, how about putting TWO studs together. The Woody’s exclusive 7” angle & flat design and the double digger plate design that originated at Woody’s are another example of Woody’s innovative developments. Available in aluminum 5/16” and 7mm. PART NO. QTY. SIZE PRICE ADA-3725 ADA-3725-B ADA2-3775 ADA2-3775-B ADD2-3775 ADD2-3775-B 12 48 12 48 12 48 7mm angled 7mm angled 5/16” angled 5/16” angled 5/16” flat 5/16” flat $16.95 63.95 16.95 63.95 13.95 50.95 46 PART NO. QTY. HOLE SIZE PRICE ANG-3775 ANG-3775-B 24 96 5/16” 5/16” $15.95 61.95 Traction Products - Cont. Camoplast Track Clips & Prices TEMPLATES .625” Guide 1.0” Lightweight 1.0” Guide, Racing PART NO. 012-0068 PRICE $3.00 LONG-TEMP “While Supply Lasts” .937” Guide Wide, Racing PART NO. 012-0100 PRICE $1.30 Flat - Lightweight PART NO. 012-0070 PRICE $3.75 .728” Guide Wide, Racing PART NO. 012-0101 PRICE $1.30 Flat - Holes PART NO. 012-0071 PRICE $3.75 PART NO. 012-0102 PRICE $1.25 12 scratch line template for 53 and 54 lug tracks to simplify stud layout on long tracks. Placement for 54 to 162 studs PART NO. LONG-TEMP PRICE $19.95 COMB-TEMP This includes Trail-Temp and Perf-Temp patterns on one template. It has patterns from 48 to 192 studs with the exception of the 72 stud pattern. Constructed from heavy card stock with a laminate protective cover that will fit 15” wide track configurations. PART NO. COMB-TEMP PRICE $11.95 COMB-TEMP - P Standard Flat , Ribbed Same as above but made of poly-carbonate. PART NO. COMB-TEMP-P .728” Guide 1.496” Wide PRICE $24.95 135-TEMP 13.5” X 128” track template Firecats. Made of laminated heavy card stock with patterns of 96 single, 96 Double Digger™, and 144 studs. PART NO. 135-TEMP PRICE $11.95 PART NO. 012-0076 PRICE $1.10 655” Guide 1.460” Wide PART NO. 500-0027 PRICE $1.30 PART NO. 012-0079 PRICE $1.90 .625” Guide 1.0” Holes PART NO. 500-0031 PRICE $1.90 Flat .810” Wide PART NO. 012-0099 PRICE $1.50 PART NO. 570-0031 PRICE $1.75 .728” Guide .807” Wide LONG-TEMP-2 Laminated template for 15” x 136” and 15” x 144” tracks. Expands for 16” tracks. PART NO. LONG-TEMP-2 PRICE $19.95 FCSC-TEMP 128” and 144” x 13.5 track template PART NO. FCSC-TEMP PRICE $14.95 Track Clips ARCTIC CAT Replaces #0102-255 Fits: All Arctic Cat rubber tracks 1980-94. PART NO. 611-111 PART NO. 611-051 (with guide) (without guide) 1-3/8” PRICE $1.50 PRICE $1.50 2” 1” 3/4” JOHN DEERE Replaces #M67013 _<N*=3=+ =7" K S<N=5 =7 I KAWASAKI/SNO-JET Replaces #060694 _<N**FS<N*=% 3%- I 1-5/8” POLARIS Replaces #5220015 Fits: All Polaris rubber tracks 1977-92. 2 # 2 :<< +9< _<N== N5%7++377+S <N=N N5%9++S<N== N5%& 3%:9+3$!"S<N=N N5%/S<N== N50 Widetrack/Star/Starlite. Use Part No. 611-406 if guide is needed. 1-1/2” 1” YAMAHA Replaces #8A5-47115-00-00, 8R4-47115-00, 8G9-47115-00 Fits: Most Yamaha models 1979-98, CS 340 1999 and used on OEM # 8A5-47110-00 and other tracks with prefix No. 82M, 87F, 8F3, 8G9, 8H9, 8J6, 8L1, 8L9, 8U9, 8V0, 8X0 and YMC-00830. PART NO. 611-211 PART NO. 611-051 (with guide) (without guide) PRICE $1.50 PRICE $1.50 1-3/8” 1-1/2” 3/4” SKI-DOO Replaces #500-0027-00 _<N*7 *:GS<N*73** =6'-S<N*9 *NH S<N*= =5' S<N=5 =6G S <N=5 =7( S<N=5 =*3N6 N: S<N=7 N9 S<N=9 N6!# %S<N=9 N:3"S<N=* =='S<N== N9F <NN< N5 1-1/2” all models. PART NO. 611-406 (with guide) PRICE $1.50 PART NO. 611-051 (without guide) PRICE $1.50 47 2” 1-3/8” 1” 3/4” TRACK CLEATS Heavy duty track cleats meet or exceed original equipment quality. Priced and sold each. OVERALL LENGTH MODEL REPLACES OEM NO. PART NO. OVERALLREPLACESPART PRICE AMF MODEL LENGTH OEM NO. NO. PRICE JOHN DEERE (Continued) F23<*E <: <35E <++5=+7 :<+ <+< $3.00 <: <35E <<E <+ <35E <+E <+E <+E <: <35E <: <35E <<E <: <35E <<E <+E <<E <+ <35E <: <35E <<E <: <35E <+E +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 +<+5 :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ :<+ $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 <7 <35E <7 <35E <7 <35E ::+6= ::+6= ::+6= ARCTIC CAT &*5 &*6 *= &&&*: ' 67+377+*7 ' 3F*9 =+ V*9 =< Z Z*< ">*< *5 ">*6 ">3%3%%67+*7 ">%%77+*7 ">*9 *N #*9 #*: *N #:* *5 #*6 *N #*+ *6 &*N =< +59 +=: 5+5 +N6 +N6 +N6 +59 +59 +N9 +59 +=: +N6 +=: 5+5 +59 +=: +59 +N6 <+< <+7 <+: <+9 <+9 <+9 <+< <+< <+7 <+< <+7 <+9 <+7 <+: <+< <+7 <+< <+9 V8!73 *7 *9 V8!:3V8!=*7 *9 " K *: ] - ,536. " K ** *= 2 =5 =7 *= =5 =+ =< =5 =7 *N =7 <7 <35E <7 <35E <7 <35E ::+6= ::+6= ::+6= +7 +N* +7 +N* +7 +N* <+ <+ <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 ::*99 :=6=< :=6=< ::N=N :=6=< :=6=< +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 <7 93=E <* <37E <* <37E 955<759 955<:N6 955<:N6 :<+ 5+5 $3.00 +7 +N: +< $5.90 +7 +N: +< $5.90 <+E <+E <+ <35E +76N95 +76N95 +76=5: :<+ <+9 :<+ <+9 :<+ <+: 93<:E <35E 637E 637E 637E 637E 637E +N* +N* +N* +N* +N* +N* +N* $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 +< +6 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 POLARIS F*5 =<2 <9E &*7 '*7 ** SCORPION $ *: *= ** *N *: *N $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 JOHN DEERE &*: *= V85N93*7 V867+3*7 RIVETS +7 +N* +7 +N* +7 +N* $5.90 $5.90 $5.90 Quality steel rivets for snowmobile tracks, chassis, and other traction product installation. Sold in bags of 100. 9365E 2 <37E 93<:EI 9365E 2 63=E 63=E IWF &> I 63<:E 2 63=E 63=EIW I #GI:6+ +<:I I I I I I I I $3.90 #GI:6+ +9:I I I I I I I $11.90 #GI:6+ +:78 I I I I I I $15.00 63<:E 2 63=E 93=EI 63<:E 2 <35E 63=E IW $ F &2 I #GI:6+ +:=I I I I I I $17.50 #GI:6+ +::"I I I I I I I I$17.50 BACKUP WASHER <35EHI8I63<:E -I 63<:E 2 637E 63<:E 2 <35E 93=E 93=E I I <++I #GI:6+ +:="I I I I I I I $21.50 #GI:6+ <++I I I I I I I I I $7.50 #GI:6+ :<5"I I I I I I I I$31.50 48 OUR BEST SELLING TRACKS ICE RIPPER COBRA XT Next generation high-performance trail track with cupped lugs gives better acceleration in soft or loose VQRZ\HWZLWKRXWVDFUL¿FLQJWRSHQGVSHHGRUWKHDELOLW\ to slide the back end. 9052H 9061H 15 x 121 15 x 136 1.352” 1.352” HACKSAW 12 x 121 15 x 136 1” 1” +LJKOO\DJJUHVVLYHZLWKDQJOHGSUR¿OHVIRURXWVWDQGing forward and lateral bite. Superior handleing and acceleration in a wide variety of snow conditions. 13.5 x 128 15 x 121 15 x 136 49 15 x 121 15 x 136 1.25” 1.25” Factory pre-studded hacksaw derivative provides superior handling and control on hard packed trails. 9028H 9029H 15 x 121 15 x 136 1.063” 1.063” ENERGY RIPSAW 9001H 9921H 9969H 9077H 9079H ICE ATTAK )HDWXULQJFUHVFHQWSUR¿OHVZLWKUHFHVVHGWLSVDQGFXWting edges for hard packed snow excellent handleing characteristics. 9009H 9010H Factory pre-stutted Ripsaw derivative uses new “sharp tip” studs for better bite. 1.25” 1.25” 1.25” Light weight, economical general replacement track. 9797T 9793T144 9794T WWW.CAMOPLAST.COM 15 x 121 15 x 121 15 x 136 1” 1” 1” 49 PART # Track Design W L Lug Ht. Camoplast Wt. Pitch RipSaw RipSaw RipSaw W L Lug Ht. Wt. Pitch Touring Tracks Hi Performance Trail Tracks 9001H 9006H 9007H PART # Track Design 13.5 15 15 128 144 151 1.250 1.250 1.250 34 45 49 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9753T 9754T 9755T DuraSport 1000 DuraSport 530 DuraSport 530 15 15 15 121 114 114 1.000 0.530 0.530 38 36 30 2.52” 1.97” 1.97” 9009H HackSaw 9010H HackSaw 9010H162HackSaw 15 15 15 121 136 136 1.000 1.000 1.000 33 38 38 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9756T 9783T 9791T DuraSport 530 DuraSport 725 DuraSport 725 15 15 15 114 136 121 0.530 0.725 0.725 34 41 36 1.97" 2.52" 2.52" 9021H 9027H 9028H RipSaw HackSaw ICE Attak 16 14 15 136 121 121 1.250 1.000 1.063 46 32 38 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9791T144DuraSport 725 9793T Energy 9793T144Energy 15 15 15 121 121 121 0.725 1.000 1.000 36 32 32 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9029H 9037H 9040H ICE Attak ICE Attak RipSaw 15 15 15 136 128 128 1.063 1.063 1.250 43 40 41 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9794T 9796T 9863T 15 15 15 136 116 136 1.000 0.725 1.000 36 37 43 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9041H ICE Ripper XT 9042H ICE Ripper XT 9043H144HackSaw 15 15 15 120 137 121 1.250 1.250 1.000 36 40 36 2.86" 2.86" 2.52" Cross Country Tracks 9048H 9049H 9052H RipSaw RipSaw Cobra 15 15 15 120 120 121 1.000 1.250 1.352 31 33 37 2.86" 2.86” 2.52" 9061H 9077H 9078H Cobra ICE Ripper XT ICE Ripper XT 15 15 15 136 121 128 1.352 1.250 1.250 42 39 42 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9079H 9080H 9081H ICE Ripper XT RipSaw Cobra 15 15 15 136 137 128 1.250 1.250 1.352 44 38 40 2.52" 2.86" 2.52" 9092H 9093H 9094H Cobra Cobra Cobra 15 15 15 120 137 146 1.352 1.352 1.352 33 38 40 2.86" 2.86" 2.86" 9106H 9107H 9110H ICE Attak Cobra HackSaw 15 15 14 144 144 128 1.063 1.352 1.000 45 44 34 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9120H 9136H 9137H Cobra ICE Attak ICE Attak 15 15 15 146 120 137 1.352 1.375 1.375 40 TBD TBD 2.86" 2.86" 2.86" 9138H 9146H 9147H ICE Attak RipSaw HackSaw 15 15 15 146 121 121 1.375 1.250 1.000 TBD 35 32 2.86" 2.52" 2.52" 9148H 9149H 9833H RipSaw RipSaw Carve 15 15 15 121 121 121 1.000 1.250 1.25 32 34 39 2.86” 2.86" 2.52" 9834H Carve 9837H Carve 9837H144Carve 15 15 15 136 121 121 1.25 1.000 1.000 45 37 37 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9838H 9921H 9922H 15 15 15 136 121 136 1.000 1.250 1.250 42 36 40 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9960H HackSaw 9968H RipSaw 9968H144RipSaw 13.5 15 15 128 121 121 1.000 1.250 1.250 31 39 39 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9969H RipSaw 9969H162RipSaw 15 15 136 136 1.250 1.250 43 43 2.52" 2.52" Carve RipSaw RipSaw Energy DuraSport 725 DuraSport 1000 9003C 9004C 9005C CrossOver CrossOver CrossOver 15 15 15 144 151 159 1.500 1.500 1.500 50 52 51 2.52" 2.52” 2.52" 9033C 9044C 9045C FreeRide FreeRide RipSaw 1.5 14 14 15 121 144 128 1.500 1.500 1.500 38 46 40 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9069C 9070C 9071C Challenger Trail Challenger Trail Back Country 16 16 15 120 137 121 1.750 1.750 1.750 39 45 41 2.86" 2.86" 2.52" 9072C 9073C 9074C Back Country Back Country Back Country 15 15 15 128 136 144 1.750 1.750 1.750 43 45 47 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9075C 9076C 9095C RipSaw 1.5 RipSaw 1.5 RipSaw 1.75 15 15 15 120 137 120 1.500 1.500 1.750 37 42 42 2.86" 2.86" 2.86" 9096C 9108C 9109C RipSaw 1.75 Intense Challenger Trail 15 15 16 137 136 121 1.750 1.500 1.750 49 41 43 2.86" 2.52" 2.52" 9112C 9113C 9121C RipSaw 1.5 RipSaw 1.5 RipSaw 1.75 15 15 15 121 136 146 1.500 1.500 1.750 41 46 52 2.52" 2.52" 2.86" 9140C 9141C 9142C Back Country Back Country Back Country 15 15 15 121 128 136 1.750 1.750 1.750 40 42 44 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9143C 9803C 9930C Back Country Intense Intense 15 15 15 144 121 121 1.750 1.500 1.500 46 36 39 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9933C Challenger Trail 16 136 1.750 48 2.52" WWW.CAMOPLAST.COM 50 PART # Track Design W L Lug Ht. Camoplast Wt. Pitch PART # Track Design Mountain Tracks W L Lug Ht. Wt. Pitch Back Country Grass / Ice Drag RipSaw 1.75 15 13.5 15 121 144 120 1.750 0.525 1.750 40.5 2.52” 35 2.52” 42 2.86” Back Country X Asphalt Drag Grass / Ice Drag 15 15 15 120 121 121 1.750 0.625 0.525 TBD 2.86” 53 2.52” 28 2.52” Grass / Ice Drag 15 Ice Oval & Lemans 15 Grass / Ice Drag 15 121 121 136 0.525 0.525 0.525 33 33 37 2.52” 2.52” 2.52” Asphalt Drag Asphalt Drag Asphalt Drag 10.625 10.625 10.625 121 128 136 0.625 0.625 0.625 33 35 37 2.52” 2.52” 2.52” Grass / Ice Drag Grass / Ice Drag Grass / Ice Drag 13.5 13.5 13.5 128 136 136 0.525 0.525 0.525 33 29 34 2.52” 2.52” 2.52” Grass / Ice Drag Ice Oval & Lemans Ice Oval & Lemans Ice Oval & Lemans 13.5 13.5 15 15 144 116 116 121 0.525 0.725 0.725 0.725 31 27.5 30.5 36 2.52” 2.52” 2.52” 2.52” 20 20 15 20 15 156 156 139 154 156 1.250 1.250 0.725 1.375 1.000 68 72 45 TBD 49 Racing Tracks 9025M 9035M 9036M Maverick 15 Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger Extreme 16 153 174 174 2.250 2.500 2.500 48 63 67 9064M 9065M 9066M Challenger Challenger Challenger 16 16 16 146 154 163 2.313 2.313 2.313 49 53 57 9086M 9087M 9088M Challenger Challenger Challenger 15 15 15 137 146 154 2.000 2.000 2.000 44 48 51 9099M 9102M 9103M Challenger 16 Challenger Extreme 16 Challenger Extreme 16 136 155 163 2.313 2.500 2.500 53 59 61 9104M 9105M 9115M Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger Extreme 16 155 163 174 2.500 2.500 3.000 55 57 75 9116M 9144M 9145M 9788M Challenger Extreme 16 Challenger Extreme 16 Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger 15 162 146 146 141 3.000 2.500 2.500 2.000 71 56 52 52 9797M 9798M 9841M Challenger Challenger Challenger 15 15 15 136 121 121 2.000 2.000 2.000 50 45 45 3.00” 3.00” 9067R 3.00” 9084R 9098R 2.86” 2.86” 9128R 2.86” 9802R 9810R 2.86” 2.86” 9811R 2.86” 9812R 9862R 2.52” 2.86” 9895R 2.86” 9896R 9897R 2.86” 2.86” 9902R 3.00” 9929R 9937R 3.00” 2.86" 9976R 2.86" 9982R 2.52" 9995R 9997R 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9842M 9866M 9867M Challenger Challenger Challenger 15 15 15 136 144 151 2.000 2.000 2.000 50 49 51 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9871M 9872M 9875M Finger Finger Challenger 15 15 15 144 151 144 2.250 2.250 2.000 56 60 51 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9876M 9884M 9889M Challenger Challenger Finger 15 15 15 151 159 144 2.000 2.000 2.000 54 57 50 2.52" 2.52" 2.52" 9899M 9919M 9939M Challenger Challenger Challenger 16 16 16 144 151 144 2.000 2.000 2.313 55 2.52" 57.5 2.52" 57.5 2.52" 9940M 9941M 9942M Challenger 16 Challenger 16 Challenger Extreme 15 151 159 144 2.313 2.313 2.500 60.5 2.52" 63.5 2.52" 54 3.00" 9943M 9944M 9951M Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger Extreme 16 Challenger Extreme 15 162 162 150 2.500 2.500 2.500 59 62 56 974M 9975M 9979M Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger Extreme 16 Challenger 16 156 156 162 2.500 2.500 2.313 57 3.00" 60 3.00" 64.5 2.52" 9984M 9985M 9986M Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger Extreme 15 Challenger Extreme 15 141 153 162 2.250 2.250 2.250 47 50 53 Utility Tracks 9002U 9008U 9011U 9089U 9806U RipSaw Full ICE WideTrack Explore 725 RipSaw Full Explore 3.00" 3.00" 3.00" 3.00" 3.00" 3.00" WWW.CAMOPLAST.COM WWW.CAMOPLAST.COM 51 2.52" 2.52" 1.97" 2.86" 2.52" ATV DRIVE BELTS PART NO. PRICE PART NO. PRICE UA400 UA401 UA402 UA403 UA406 UA407 UA409 UA410 UA411 UA412 UA413 UA414 UA415 UA416 UA417 UA418 UA419 UA420 UA421 UA422 UA423 UA424 UA425 UA429 UA435 UA436 $61.90 $63.25 $42.75 $39.50 $69.90 $62.50 $66.90 $32.00 $69.50 $44.90 $44.90 $39.90 $39.90 POLARIS $64.90 $62.90 $62.00 $69.90 $69.90 $42.90 $64.90 $64.90 $69.90 $64.90 $55.90 $62.50 $39.90 ATV all 85-98 ATV all 99-00 non EBS Diesel Models 00-01 PTV 4x4/6x6 04 UTV 2x4/4x4/6x6 04 Ranger 2x4/4x4/6x6 03-04 Sportsman 6x6 00-06 90 Sportsman 03 250 Trail Blazer 00-06 325 Magnum 00-01 325 Trail Boss 00-01 325 Xpedition 01 330 ATP 04-05 330 Magnum 2x4 03-05 330 Magnum 4x4 03-06 330 Trail Boss 03-06 335 Sportsman 00 400 Scrambler 2x4/4x4 00 400 Scrambler 01-02 400 Sportsman 02-05 400 Trailblazer 03 400 Xplorer 00-01 450 Sportsman 450 06 500 Magnum 00 500 Magnum w/EB 00-01 500 Magnum/RMK/HDS 02 500 ATP HO 04-05 500 Scrambler 4x4 00-03 500 Scrambler 04-06 500 Sportsman 00 500 Sportsman RSE 00 500 Sportsman 500 EFI 06 500 Sportsman 500 HO/DUSE/RDE 01 500 Sportsman 500 HO/DUSE w/EB 01 500 Sportsman 500 HO 03-06 600 Sportsman 600 Twin 03-05 700 Sportsman 700 Twin/EFI 02-06 700 Sportsman MV7 05-06 800 Sportsman 800 Twin EFI 06 800 Sportsman 800 EFI 06 ARCTIC CAT 50 Youth 04-05 50 Youth 06 90 Automatic 02-04 90 Automatic 05 90 Automatic 06 375 Auto 02 400 4x4 03 400 2x4 Auto FIS 4x4 03-04 400 4x4 Auto/FIS 03-05 400 4x4 FIS/VP Auto 06 400 TBX 4x4 04-05 400 TBX/TVR 4x4 06 500 4x4 Auto 00-02 500 i 02 500 TBX 02-06 500 4x4 Auto FIS 03-06 500 TRV 4x4 03-06 650 H1 LE 05-06 650 SE/Twin FIS Auto 04-06 UA402 UA403 UA402 UA414 UA415 UA400 UA400 UA400 UA400 UA400 UA400 UA400 UA401 UA401 UA401 UA401 UA401 UA406 UA418 SUZUKI BOMBARDIER DS50 03-06 DS90 04-06 Rally 200 03 Outlander 330 HO 04-05 Outlander 400 03 Outlander 400 HO 06 Quest 500 2x4/4x4 03 Traxter 500 Auto CVT 04 Traxter 500 Auto CVT 05 Quest 650/XT 03 Traxter/Max 650 Auto CVT 04-05 Outlander 800 HO EFI 4x4 06 Q.U.V. 05 LT80 87-06 LT-A400 Eiger 2x4 02-04 LT-A400 Eiger 4x4 02-06 LT-A500F Quad Master Auto 4x4 00 LT-A500F Quad Master/Vinson 4x4 01-06 LT-A700 King Quad 4x4 05-06 LT-V700 Twin Peaks 4x4 04-06 UA436 UA436 UA420 UA435 UA435 UA435 UA420 UA400 UA435 UA420 UA420 UA419 UA429 UA421 UA400 UA400 UA401 UA400 UA401 UA418 YAMAHA YFA125 Breeze 89-04 YFM125 Grizzly 04-06 YFM 350 Bruin 04 YFM 350 Bruin 4x4 05 YFM 350 Bruin 2x4/4x4 06 YFM 400 Kodiak 2x4/4x4 00-04 YFM 400 Kodiak 4x4 05-06 YFM 450FA Kodiak 4x4 01-06 YFM 600FW Grizzly 98-01 YFM 660 FW Grizzly 02-06 KAWASAKI KFX80 04-06 KVF300 Prairie 99-02 KVF360 Prairie 2x4 04 KVF360 Prairie 2x4 06 KVF360 Prairie 4x4 05-06 KVF400 Prairie 4x4 96-98 KVF400 Prairie 4x4 99-02 KVF650 Prairie 4x4 02-03 KVF650 Brute Force 4x4 05-06 KFX700 V-Force 04-06 KVF700 Prairie 4x4 04-06 KVF750 Brute Force 4x4 05-06 Mule 2500 C1/C5 Mule 2510 4x4 A1/A5 Mule 2500 B1/B5 UA412 UA412 UA413 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA413 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA413 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA413 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA412 UA413 UA413 UA413 UA412 UA412 UA413 UA412 UA424 UA412 UA413 UA424 UA424 UA413 UA413 UA424 UA424 UA421 UA409 UA407 UA418 UA418 UA411 UA410 UA418 UA418 UA418 UA418 UA418 UA429 UA429 UA429 52 UA421 UA425 UA417 UA417 UA416 UA417 UA417 UA417 UA423 UA422 Snowmobile Drive Belts ULTIMAX® 4 BELTS PRICE $83.90 THE INCREDIBLE MAX® 3 MAX 2 PRICE $44.90 ULTIMAX3 - 9++ G 22 #22 - the world! F> 2 lasts longer > F$FF!© MAX 3 PART NO. WIDTH LENGTH MAX-1032-3 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1035-3 MAX-1039-3 MAX-1042-3 MAX-1048-3 MAX-1049-3 MAX-1060-3 MAX-1062-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1067-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1078-3 MAX-1080-3 MAX-1082-3 MAX-1084-3 MAX-1089-3 MAX-1092-3 43-3/8” 43-1/16” 49-1/8” 44-7/8” 44-1/8” 43-1/4” 43-3/16” 43-1/2” 43-5/8” 42-1/2” 45-11/16” 44-5/8” 46-11/16” 46-3/16” 43-1/2” 44” 42-3/4” 42-23/32” 1-1/2” 1-3/16” 1-3/8” 1-3/16” 1-3/16” 1-3/8” 1-1/4” 1-3/16” 1-3/8” 1-5/16” 1-3/8” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-3/16” MAX-1093-3 MAX-1103-3 MAX-1105-3 MAX-1106-3 MAX-1107-3 MAX-1108-3 MAX-1109-3 MAX-1110-3 MAX-1112-3 MAX-1114-3 MAX-1115-3 MAX-1116-3 MAX-1118-3 MAX-1121-3 MAX-1122-3 MAX-1130-3 MAX-1131-3 MAX-1132-3 45-1/2” 44” 47-1/4” 43-5/16” 47-1/8” 44-1/8” 46-7/16” 41-27/64” 45-5/8” 42-1/2” 43-5/8” 44-9/16” 44-7/32” 40-7/8” 45-1/8” 47-3/4” 49” 47-3/4” 1-1/4” 1-5/16” 1-3/8” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 31/32” 1-3/8” 1-1/4” 1-3/16” 1-3/16” 1-3/8” 1-3/16” 1-1/4” 1-3/8” 1-7/16” 1-13/32” W > 6- 8 > $-<+ ( &2 2 I - K ULTIMAX 4 PART NO. 125-4320-4 131-4400-4 138-4316-4 138-4332-4 138-4340-4 138-4353-4 138-4400-4 138-4416-4 138-4432-4 138-4548-4 138-4628-4 138-4716-4 138-4748-4 138-5120-4 138-5232-4 140-4352-4 140-4748-4 140-4800-4 140-5157-4 144-4340-4 144-4353-4 144-4616-4 144-4640-4 144-4740-4 144-4824-4 144-4900-4 144-5018-4 144-5028-4 145-4358-4 146-4440-4 146-4540-4 146-4626-4 147-4407-4 147-4416-4 147-4457-4 147-4462-4 147-4524-4 147-4711-4 ULTIMAX XS BELTS Q 2I &> F> 2 2W >! more dependable and will run cooler than any other abelt on the market. F> - -- 2 Q I XS PRICE $104.95 53 XS801 XS803 XS805 XS807 XS809 XS811 XS813 XS815 XS817 REPLACES MAX NO. 1106 1103 WIDTH 43-5/16” 44” 43-1/4” 43-1/2” 43-5/8” 43-53/64” 44” 44-1/4” 44-1/2” 45-3/4” 46-7/16” 47-1/4” 47-3/4” 51-20/64” 52-32/64” 43-52/64” 47-48/64” 48” 51-57/64” 43-40/64” 43-53/64” 46-16/64” 46-40/64” 47-40/64” 48-3/8” 49” 50-18/64” 50-28/64” 43-58/64” 44-5/8” 44-25/32” 44-1/4” 44-57/64” 41-31/32” 45-3/8” 47-5/32” 1062 1108 1118 1109 1105 1130 1132 1131 45-11/64” 44-7/32” 45-1/8” 51-25/32” 47-3/32” 45-23/64” 46-7/64” 48-27/32” 46-57/64” LENGTH 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-3/8” 1-13/32” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-10/64” XS802 XS804 XS806 XS808 XS810 XS812 XS814 XS816 48-7/32” 44-7/8” 44-1/16” 44-23/32” 44-11/16” 45-1/64” 49-41/64” 48-3/32” 1-1/4” 1-5/16” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-13/32” 1-13/32” 1-3/8” 1-13/32” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-15/32” 1-31/64” 1-31/64” 1-29/64” 1-7/16” 1-29/64” 1-29/64” 1-3/8” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” 1-7/16” Drive Belts For Updaed Application - DRIVE BELT APPLICATION CHART YEAR / MODEL MAX 3 XS ULTIMAX 4 YEAR / MODEL XS ULTIMAX 4 ARCTIC CAT - Cont. ALOUETTE All 1977 models Brute 340/440 1976 Sno Duster 1976 Sno Duster 295/340 1974-75 Sno Brute 440 1974-75 (Z77+<N*: Super Brute 250 1976 (5N967+<N*7 *9 Super Brute 440 1974-75 MAX 3 MAX-1093-3 MAX-1093-3 MAX-1060-3 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1071-3 F! <+:+ 6 MAX-1093-3 F! 5+++ 6 MAX-1071-3 ARCTIC CAT Bearcat 340 1995-00 MAX-1131-3 144-4900-4 Bearcat 440 1995-00 MAX-1131-3 144-4900-4 Bearcat 550 1995-97 MAX-1131-3 144-4900-4 Bearcat 550 Widetrack 1998-02 MAX-1131-3 144-4900-4 Bearcat Widetrack 2004-08 144-5018-4 Bearcat Widetrack 2003 144-5028-4 Bearcat 570/570 LT 2004-08 144-4900-4 Bearcat Widetrack Turbo 2007-08 147-4407-4 Bearcat W.T. Turbo Articulating 2007-08 147-4407-4 Cheetah 340 1972 MAX-1042-3 Cheetah 340/440 1974 MAX-1049-3 Cheetah 440 1972 MAX-1084-3 Cheetah 399 1972 MAX-1060-3 Cheetah 1973 (All) MAX-1062-3 Cheetah (All) 1975 MAX-1078-3 Cheetah 4000/5000 1976-77 MAX-1049-3 Cheetah F/C 1986-87 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 Cheetah L/C Touring 1987-89 MAX-1048-3 Cheetah 1988 MAX-1048-3 Cheetah Touring 1990-93 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 Cheetah 1994 (All) MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 Cougar 1985-86 138-4332-4 Cougar 500 1987-89 MAX-1048-3 Cougar 1990-94 (All)/MC 1994 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 &<NN9 N*,F.3&<NN9N* F! <<6+ 6<6= 7*7= 7 Cougar/Dlx./Mt. Cat 1998 MAX-1132-3 140-4748-4 Cross Country Cat 1976-77 MAX-1078-3 Cross Country El Tigre 1979 MAX-1049-3 & 9:5++* += 146-4626-4 & :++3*++3'%3'%2#3'%'(5++: XS801 146-4540-4 & =32#5++* += XS817 & <+++32#5++* += XS817 El Tigre 1973 (All) MAX-1084-3 El Tigre 1974 (All) MAX-1093-3 El Tigre 1975-77 (All) MAX-1078-3 El Tigre 1978-80 (All) MAX-1049-3 El Tigre 5000 1981 138-4332-4 El Tigre 5000 1986 138-4332-4 El Tigre 5000 1987 138-4340-4 El Tigre 5000 1988 MAX-1048-3 El Tigre 6000 1981/84-86 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 El Tigre 6000 1988-89 MAX-1048-3 El Tigre/EXT 1990-91 MC MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 EXT 1971 (All) MAX-1084-3 EXT 1992-93 (All) MC MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 EXT Special 1991-92 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 EXT 580 Z 1993 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 EXT 580/EFI/MC/Dlx. 1994-97 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 EXT 580 EFI/Dlx./600 1998 MAX-1132-3 140-4748-4 EXT Powder Special 1995-96 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 EXT 600 1997 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 F5/LXR/570 2007-08 146-4626-4 F6/LXR/Snow Pro 2007-08 146-4626-4 F8/LXR/Snow Pro 2007-08 XS817 F1000/LXR/Snow Pro 2007-08 XS817 54 F5-F7 Firecat 2003-04 9:*5++9 9:*5++: :*5++9 +: 4-Stroke Touring/Trail 2002 4-Stroke Touring/Trail 2003 440 Snow Pro 2004-05 77+2# $5++9 Jag Z1 2007-08 Jag 1975-81 (All) Jag 340 1985-91 Jag 440 1986 Jag 440 1990-96 (All) Jag/Jag Dlx. 1997-98 (All) Jag/Jag Dlx. 440 1999 King Cat 900/900EFI 2004-06 ">5N55N967+<N*< *6,F. ">5N55N967+77+<N*7,F. Lynx 250 1975-77 Lynx 2000S/2000T 1978-80 Lynx/Dlx. 1991-93 Lynx Mt. Cat 1992-93 M5/M6/M7 2005-06 M6 2007-08 M8/Snow Pro 2007-08 M1000/Snow Pro 2007-08 Mt. Cat 1000 2001-02 Mt. Cat 500 EFI 2001 Mt. Cat 570 2002-04 Mt. Cat 600 EFI/LE 2001-04 Mt. Cat 800/LE/EFI 2001-04 Mt. Cat 900 2003-04 #<N*9*= =< Pantera 1976-77 Pantera 1985-86 Pantera 1987-89 Pantera 1990-94 Pantera 1995-97 Pantera 580 1998 Pantera 550/600EFI/800EFI 2002-05 Pantera 580 EFI 1999-01 #=++<NN= NN'%+5 +7 Pantera 1000/ESR 2000-01 #<N*6*7*: =< Panther 440 1975 Panther 1984-85 Panther 1987-89 (All) Panther 1986 Panther/Dlx. 1990-95 Panther 370 2001 Panther 370/370r 2003-08 Panther 340/440 1998-99 Panther 340 2000 Panther 440/ESR 2000-02 Panther 440/550 Dlx. 1996-97 Panther 550/570 1998-06 Panther 570/ESR/R 2002-06 Panther 660 Touring 2006 Panther 660 Touring/Trail 2007-08 Powder Extreme 1997-98 Powder/Powder Spec. EFI 1997-98 Powder Special 500 EFI 1999-00 Powder Special 600/600 EFI/ 700 1999-00 Prowler 1990-94 (All) Prowler 2-Up 1995 140-4748-4 <7: 777+ 7 <7* 779* 7 <7+ 7*7= 7 140-4748-4 144-4900-4 138-4748-4 <7+ 7*7= 7 XS818 MAX-1093-3 MAX-1112-3 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 140-4748-4 140-4748-4 F! <+75 6 F! <+7N 6 MAX-1089-3 MAX-1049-3 138-4332-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 146-4540-4 146-4626-4 XS817 XS817 140-4748-4 140-4748-4 140-4748-4 140-4748-4 140-4748-4 140-4748-4 F! <+*= 6 MAX-1049-3 138-4332-4 MAX-1048-3 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 F! <<65 6!=+5<7+ 7*7= 7 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 F! <+7N 6 MAX-1084-3 138-4332-4 138-4332-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1131-3 144-4900-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1131-3 144-4900-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 144-4900-4 XS814 138-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 MAX-1062-3 MAX-1130-3 XS802 140-4748-4 138-4340-4 138-4748-4 Drive Belt Application Chart - Cont. YEAR / MODEL MAX 3 XS For Updaed Application - ULTIMAX 4 YEAR / MODEL ARCTIC CAT - Cont. Puma 399 1972 Puma 440 1972-73 Puma 340 1972 Puma/Dlx./2-Up 1994-96 Puma 2-Up/Dlx. 1997 9++3"!3'%5++75++: Sabercat 600/700/EFI/EXT/LX 2004-06 Super Jag 1986 Super Jag LT 440 1987-89 Super Jag LT 440 1990-92 T500/570 2008 TZ1 Touring 2008 T660 Touring 2004-06 T660 Turbo/Touring 2004-05 T660 Turbo ST/Touring 2007 Trail Cat 1979-81 Thundercat 1993-97 Thundercat 1998-02 Triple Touring 600 1999-01 Wildcat 650 1987-90 Wildcat 650 1989-90 Wildcat 700/EFI/Mt. Cat 1991-92 Wildcat 700 1992 Wildcat EFI 1993 Wildcat MC 1993 Wildcat EFI 1994 Wildcat EFI/MC/Touring 1995-96 Z370 2001-08 Z370/ES/LX 1999-00 Z440 1996-97 Z440 1998-99 Z440/ES/ESR 2000-03 Z440 LX 2004-06 Z570/ESR/SS/LX 2002-07 ZL440 1997 ZL440 1998-00 ZL500/EFI 1998-02 ZL500 EFI/ESR 2001-02 ZL550/ESR 2000-03 ZL580 EFI 2000 ZL600/EFI ESR/EFI SS 1999-03 ZL700 2000 ZL800/EFI esr/SS 2001-03 T$77+<NN7 N=++ ZR440/Snow Pro 1999 ZR500/EFI 1998-02 ZR580/EFI 1994-97 ZR600/EFI/LE 1998-02 ZR700 1994-95 ZR700 1999-00 ZR800 EFI 2002-03 ZR800/LE 2001-02 ZR900 2003 ZR 900/EFI/Snow Pro 2004-05 ZR900 EFI/Snow Pro 2006 ZRT600 1996-97 ZRT600 1998-02 ZRT800 1995-97 ZRT800 1998-01 XS ULTIMAX 4 ZFFFZ%0GH V' MAX-1060-3 MAX-1084-3 MAX-1042-3 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 F! <<65 6!=+5<7+ 7*7= 7 140-4800-4 MAX-1112-3 138-4532-4 138-4332-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 146-4626-4 XS818 144-4900-4 144-4616-4 147-4711-4 MAX-1049-3 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1112-3 138-4532-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 MAX-1067-3 138-4548-4 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 138-4548-4 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 138-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 F! <<6+ 6<6= 7*7= 7 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 XS808 XS811 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 MAX-1130-3 138-4748-4 MAX-1132-3 XS802 140-4748-4 VH1G8''$' 9++:++=++,F. 300 1974-77 JDX4 1973 400 1972-73 JDX4 1975 400 1974-77 JDX4 Special 1974 JDX6 (All) JDX8 1973-75 JD295S 1974 All 1976-84 except below " K <N=+ =< 2 <N=5 =7 <N=+ =5 MAX 3 %- <N** *= %-<N** *= Intruder 1977-78 Intriguier 440 1977-78 Intriguer 1977-78 LTD 1979-81 %%-<N*N =< 8 <N*N =< Interceptor 550 1982 % %- <N*= %%-<N=5 8 67+377+<N=5 V <N*+ Starjet 1971 Superjet 1972 Starjet Plus 2 1972 Starjet 1972 Starjet 1972 SST 1972 Whisperjet 1973 Starjet 1973 SST 1973 Whisperjet 440 1974 Stratojet 295 1974 SST 295/340/440 1974 Sabrejet 440 1974 Astrojet 295/340/440 1974 SST Free Air SX340/440 1975 Astrojet 295 1975 SST F/C 1976-78 FF<N*: *= F! <+=5 6 F! <+*= 6 MAX-1078-3 MAX-1078-3 MAX-1082-3 MAX-1078-3 F! <+*= 6 F! <+=5 6 MAX-1078-3 F! <+=5 6 F! <+*= 6 F! <+*= 6 F! <+67 6 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1060-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1060-3 MAX-1060-3 MAX-1060-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1082-3 MAX-1065-3 MAX-1082-3 F! <+:9 6 '$&W$[F$%G' All 1976 340 SR 1975 340 SST 1975 440 MX 1975 77+<N*9 440 Max 1972-74 Hurricane Mark I & II 1972-74 Lightning 1971-74 Mark II 1975 Sno-Twister 1972-74 MAX-2000-3 MAX-1093-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1093-3 F! <+*< 6 MAX-1078-3 MAX-1078-3 MAX-1078-3 MAX-1093-3 MAX-1071-3 MOTO-SKI Futura 1976 MAX-1039-3 "3&<N*= =5** =5 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 Grand Prix Special 1979-81 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 Grand Prix Special M/X 1981 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 Mirage 1979 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 %%%<N=+ =5 except Mirage Spec. 1982 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 <N=5 %%<N=6 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 Mirage III 1985 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 G- <N*: *N F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 W <N*9 =< F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 Sonic 1982 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 Sonic LC 1984 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Spirit 1976-83 MAX-1034-3 Ultra Sonic 1982 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 F! <+*< 6 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1071-3 MAX-1080-3 F! <<+* 6 F! <<+* 6 F! <<+* 6 SPARE DRIVE BELT HOLDER 1- - 2 I #F$GHI<5 <:7 +<#$%&'$1.90 55 Drive Belt Application Chart - Cont. YEAR / MODEL MAX 3 XS For Updaed Application - ULTIMAX 4 YEAR / MODEL POLARIS F4Q,. Apollo 1979-80 Centurion 1979-80 Centurion Indy 500 1981 &&<N*5 Cobra 1978-79 &&<N*5 *= Custom II 1974-75 Cutlass & SS 1981 Cutlass SS 1982 Cutlass SS 1983 Dragon IQ600 2008 Dragon IQ/IQ FST Turbo 2007-08 Dragon Switchback 600/700 2007-08 Electra 1974-77 Fusion 900 2005 FST IQ Cruiser/Touring/FS 2007-08 Galaxy 1980-81 Gemini 1979-81 Grizzly 1985-86 Indy X-Country 1983 Indy Classic/Touring 1994-96 Indy Classic Touring 1997-00 Indy Frontier Classic 2003-05 Indy Frontier Touring 2003-05 Indy Lite 1992 Indy Lite/Dlx. 1992 Indy Lite/Dlx. 1993-99 Indy Lite GT 1992 Indy Lite GT 1993-97 Indy RXL/Touring 1992-97 Indy Sport 1987-89 Indy Sport 1990 Indy Sport 1994-99 Indy Sport GT 1990 Indy Sport GT 1991-93 Indy Sport/Touring 1994-99 Indy Sport Touring/ES 2000-03 Indy Starlite 1991-93 Indy Starlite GT 1994 Indy Starlite 1994-95 Indy Storm/SKS 1994-98 Indy Super Sport 1994-96 Indy Super Sport 1997-00 Indy Super Sport 2001-08 Indy Supertrak 1992 Indy Switchback 600 2007-08 Indy Switchback 700 2008 Indy Switchback FST Turbo 2008 Indy 400 (All) 1984-91 Indy 440 (All) 1992-98 Indy Trail/Dlx./Touring (All) 1983-97 % <NN= +++6 Indy Trail RMK 1999-03 Indy Trail RMK 2004-06 Indy Trail Touring/Dlx. 2004-06 Indy Trail Touring Edge 550 2008 Indy Tran Sport 1996-99 Indy Triumph 2000 Indy Ultra SP/SKS 1996-98 Indy Widetrak /GT/LX 1991-08 Indy XCF 1997-99 Indy XCF SP 2001-02 Indy XLT (All) 1993-99 Indy 340 Edge Classic/Touring 2004-08 Indy 340 Dlx./Touring 1999-03 Indy 440 XCR 1992-98 Indy 440 XCR 1999 Indy 440 Pro X Fan/4 2003-04 Indy 440 IQ Snow Pro 2006-07 Indy 488 Widetrack 2007-08 Indy 500 1989-00 Indy 500 2001-06 Indy 500 Classic/Touring 2001-03 Indy 500 EFI/RMK/SKS 1993-97 MAX 3 XS ULTIMAX 4 POLARIS - Cont. F! <<5< 6 MAX-1067-3 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 <6= 7*<: 7 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 F! <+:* 6 138-4716-4 MAX-1038-3 MAX-1109-3 138-4628-4 MAX-1105-3 XS809 144-4640-4 XS809 144-4640-4 XS809 144-4640-4 138-4716-4 XS809 144-4640-4 XS813 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1067-3 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 145-4340-4 145-4340-4 MAX-1116-3 MAX-1115-3 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 MAX-1092-3 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1109-3 138-4628-4 MAX-1115-3 MAX-1122-3 MAX-1109-3 MAX-1116-3 MAX-1122-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1117-3 MAX-1123-3 MAX-1123-3 XS809 144-4640-4 MAX-1122-3 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 XS809 144-4640-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 XS809 144-4640-4 XS809 144-4640-4 XS813 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 <6= 7*<: 7 138-4716-4 XS809 144-4640-4 XS809 144-4640-4 XS809 144-4640-4 MAX-1122-3 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 XS809 144-4640-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 XS809 144-4640-4 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 144-4740-4 XS809 144-4640-4 147-4524-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 XS809 144-4640-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 56 Indy 500 RMK 2000-02 144-4740-4 Indy 500 XC/SP 1999-00 144-4740-4 Indy 500 Classic/XC/SP 2001-06 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 550 Classic 2003-06 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 550 Pro X Fan 2004 XS809 144-4640-4 %%^ 3$$:++5++= <7* 7957 7 Indy 600 (All) 1983-87 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 Indy 600 Classic 2001 144-4824-4 Indy 600 Classic/Edge Touring/Touring 2000-06 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 600 Classic Touring/Touring 2000-03 144-4740-4 Indy 600 Edge X 2002 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 600 IQ Touring 2008 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 600 RMK 1998-01 144-4824-4 Indy 600 RMK/HO RMK/HO Fusion/RMK 144” 2002-06 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 600 XC/SP 2000 144-4740-4 Indy 600 XC SP 1999-99 144-4824-4 Indy 600 XC SP/Edge 2001-05 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 600 XCR/SE/SP 1995-98 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 Indy 600 Pro X/X 2 2003-04 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 600 Switchback HO 2004-06 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 650/SKS 1988-92 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 Indy 700 Classic 2001 144-4824-4 %*++& 5++5 5++75++: !=+N<77 7:7+ 7 Indy 700 Classic Touring 2003 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 700 Fusion 2006 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 700 Pro X/X 2 2003-04 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 700 RMK/SKS 1997-02 144-4824-4 Indy 700 RMK/SKS 2003-05 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 700 RMK 144”/151”/159” 2005-06 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 700 Switchback 2004 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 700 Touring 2006 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 700 XCR 1999 144-4740-4 Indy 700 XCR 1998 138-4716-4 Indy 700 XC/XC SP 1998-00 144-4824-4 Indy 700 XC SP/Edge 2001-05 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 750 IQ Turbo Dragon/LX 2008 XS813 Indy 800 Classic/Edge/Touring 2004-05 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 800 LE 2001-02 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 800 Pro X/X2/800 SKS 2003-04 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 800 RMK 2000-01 144-4824-4 Indy 800 RMK 2002-05 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 800 Switchback 2004-05 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 800 XC SP/Edge 2001-05 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 800 XCR 1999-03 144-4740-4 Indy 900 Fusion 2005-06 XS809 144-4640-4 Indy 900 RMK 151”/159”/166” 2006 XS809 144-4640-4 Long Track 1983-84/87 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 "$-<N=* =N F! <<+9 6<6= 7*<: 7 Long Track 1985-86 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 Mustang 1972-73 MAX-1067-3 Sport 1983 MAX-1109-3 138-4628-4 '<N=: N+ F! <<+N 6<6= 7:5= 7 SS 1983-86 MAX-1109-3 138-4628-4 Star 1983-90 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 <N*: F! <+69 6<6= 7*<: 7 Star Trak 1987-90 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 Super Sport M-10 2006 XS809 144-4640-4 TX 1973-75 (All) MAX-1035-3 TX 1976-80 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 TXC 1979-81 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 TXC 1982 MAX-1067-3 TXL 1977-82 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 TXL Indy 1980-82 MAX-1105-3 138-4716-4 1972 MAX-1034-3 RAIDER 34TT 1973-74 44TT 1973-74 Double Eagle 1974 Eagle 1974 Hawk 1974 MAX-1089-3 MAX-1089-3 MAX-1078-3 MAX-1089-3 MAX-1034-3 Drive Belt Application Chart - Cont. YEAR / MODEL MAX 3 XS For Updaed Application - ULTIMAX 4 YEAR / MODEL RUPP All 1968-75 Magnum 1976 G <N*: =+ Rally 1978-80 Sport 1976-80 GTX Fan 380F/550F 2005-06 GTX 600/Limited HO SDI 2007-08 GTX 600/ HO SDI 2007-08 GTX Sport 600 HO 2007-08 Grand Touring/XTC 580 1994 Grand Touring 470 1995 MAX-1060-3 MAX-1093-3 F! <+N6 6 MAX-1093-3 MAX-1060-3 &H$#%HG All models 1966-81 (except sidewinder) Sidewinder 1980-81 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1062-3 138-4340-4 SKI DOO All models 1965-75 Alpine 1976-80 Alpine 1981-85 Alpine 1986-87 Alpine II 1988-95 ( 99++3*9++3N9++<N*N:9++<N*= ( N9++<N*NS99++*9++ 9500 & MX 1980-84 Blizzard 9700 1983-84 &&$<N=N N5 Citation/LS 1985-91 & & <N=: N5 Citation 1978-79 & 69++79++0<N=+ =5 Citation 3500 1983-84 Citation 4500 & SS 1983 &&<N**$4<N** *= Elan 1971-96 (All) Elite 1980-82 Escapade 1987-89 '-<N*7 *: '-<N** =< '-<N=5 =6 Expedition Sport 550F 2005-08 Expedition Sport V-800 2008 Freestyle Back Country/Park 550F 2007-08 Freestyle Session 300F 2007-08 Freestyle Session 550 2007 Formula Dlx. 380/500 Fan 1999-00 Formula Dlx. Standard 500 2001 Formula Dlx. Standard 500 2001 Formula 500 Dlx./LC 1997-00 Formula Dlx. 600/700/GSE 2000-01 Formula Dlx. 670 1999 Formula Dlx. 700 2000 Formula Dlx. GS/GSE 700 2001 Formula MX 1985-86 Formula MX 1987-93 Formula MX-LT 1986-92 Formula MX-XTC 1993 Formula MX/MXZ 1994 Formula MXZ 500 1997-98 Formula Plus 1985 Formula Plus/Plus LT 1986-90 Formula Plus/Plus XTC 1991-93 Formula Plus-X 1991-93 Formula S 1996-97 Formula S/Electric 1998-00 Formula SL 1995-99 Formula SLS 1996 Formula ST 1994 Formula STX/LT/STX II 1994-96 Formula SP 1985-86 Formula SS 1985 Formula SS 1995-96 Formula Z 1994-97 Formula Z 500 1997-00 Formula Z 583 1997-99 Formula Z 670 1998-99 Formula Z 700 2000 Formula III/LT 1995 Formula III 1996-97 Formula III 600/LT/700 1998 Formula III 600/700/800 1999-00 GSX/GTX 380/500/580/600/800 2004-05 GSX/GTX 500 SS/600/800 2004-08 GSX 550 Fan 2007-08 GSX Limited/600 HO SDI 2007-08 GSX Sport 500 SS 2007-08 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1119-3 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 F! <+67 6 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 138-4332-4 XS803 140-4352-4 138-4332-4 138-4310-4 138-4332-4 138-4332-4 138-4353-4 138-4332-4 MAX-1048-3 138-4332-4 XS806 144-4353-4 XS806 144-4353-4 138-4332-4 144-4535-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 138-4400-4 138-4316-4 138-4332-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1048-3 138-4316-4 138-4332-4 138-4332-4 138-4332-4 138-4332-4 138-4332-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 138-4353-4 MAX-1048-3 138-4332-4 MAX-1048-3 138-4332-4 138-4332-4 XS806 144-4353-4 138-4332-4 138-4353-4 138-4353-4 140-5157-4 138-5120-4 XS803 140-4352-4 XS803 140-4352-4 138-4332-4 XS803 140-4352-4 XS803 140-4352-4 MAX 3 XS XS803 XS803 XS803 MAX-1108-3 MAX-1048-3 ULTIMAX 4 138-4332-4 140-4352-4 140-4352-4 140-4352-4 138-4400-4 138-4316-4 Grand Touring 500 1996-02 138-4332-4 Grand Touring 580/583 1995-96 XS806 144-4353-4 Grand Touring 600 2000-02 144-4332-4 Grand Touring GS 600 2002 XS807 138-5120-4 Grand Touring 700 1998 140-5157-4 Grand Touring 700 1999-00 XS807 138-5120-4 Grand Touring GS 700 2001-02 XS807 138-5120-4 Grand Touring Sport 500/600 2002-03 138-4332-4 Grand Touring Sport 700 2002 XS807 138-5120-4 Grand Touring Sport 700 2003 XS806 144-4353-4 Grand Touring Sport V1000 2003 XS803 140-4352-4 Grand Touring SE 1994 138-4400-4 Grand Touring SE 1995-97 138-4353-4 Grand Touring SE 1998 140-5157-4 Grand Touring SE (All) 1999-02 XS807 138-5120-4 Grand Touring SE 600 2003 138-4332-4 Grand Touring SE 700 2003 XS806 144-4353-4 Grand Touring 800 SE 2003 XS803 140-4352-4 Legend 380/500/550/F/RER 2002-04 138-4332-4 Legend GS/SE 2002 XS806 144-4353-4 Legend Sport 500/RER 2002-04 138-4332-4 Legend Sport GT 500 2004 138-4332-4 Legend GT SE 600 HO SDI 2004 138-4332-4 Legend Sport 600/SE/700 2002 XS806 144-4353-4 Legend Sport/700/SE/RER 2003-04 XS806 144-4353-4 Legend Sport/600 SE/RER 2003 138-4332-4 Legend Sport/GT 600 HO SDI 2004 XS803 140-4352-4 Legend SE/GT/Sport 600/800/V-1000 2004-05 XS803 140-4352-4 Legend SE/GT/Sport 700 2004 XS806 144-4353-4 Legend Sport V-1000 2003-04 XS803 140-4352-4 Legend SE 800 RER 2003 XS803 140-4352-4 Legend Touring/Trail/4-tec/V800 2007-08 XS803 140-4352-4 Legend V-1000 GT/SE/Sport/GT SE 2005 XS808 147-4416-4 Mach I (All) 1991-94 138-4400-4 Mach I 1995 XS806 144-4353-4 Mach I 1996-97 138-4353-4 Mach I 1998 140-5157-4 Mach I 1999-00 XS807 138-5120-4 Mach Z 1993 XS806 144-4353-4 Mach Z 1994 138-4353-4 Mach Z/Z LT 1996-97 138-4353-4 Mach Z/LT 1998 140-5157-4 Mach Z/R/LT/LT R/Tech Plus (All)/ Sport 1999-03 XS807 138-5120-4 Mach Z Adrenaline HO SDl 2005 XS808 147-4416-4 MX 1995 MAX-1048-3 138-4316-4 MXZ 1995-96 138-4332-4 MXZ 380/500/550/F/RER/550X 2001-08 138-4332-4 MXZ 440/440 Fan 1997-01 138-4332-4 MXZ 440 LC 2004 144-4358-4 MXZ 500 1998-02 138-4332-4 MXZ 583 1996-98 138-4332-4 MXZ 600 (All) 1999-02 138-4332-4 MXZ 670 1997 138-4353-4 MXZ 670/H.O. 1998-99 XS806 144-4353-4 MXZ 700 (All) 2000-01 XS806 144-4353-4 MXZ Adrenaline 500/600/800 2004-06 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZ Adrenaline 600 HO SDI 2007-08 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZ Adrenaline 800R/HO Powertek 2007-08 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZ Adrenaline 600/800 2001-02 138-4332-4 MXZ Adrenaline 700 2001 XS806 144-4353-4 MXZ Adrenaline 700 2002 138-4332-4 MXZ Adrenaline 700/800 2003 XS806 144-4353-4 MXZ Adrenaline 600 2003 XS806 140-4352-4 MXZ Adrenaline 500 2003 138-4332-4 MXZ Renegade 600 2002-03 138-4332-4 MXZ Renegade 700/800 2002-03 XS806 144-4353-4 MXZ Renegade 600 HO SDI 2006/08 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZ Renegade 800R 2008 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZ Renegade 1000 SDI/2-tec SDI 2006-07 XS804 !TG3 9++5++= !=+6<7+ 7695 7 MXZX 600 HO SDI 2007-08 XS803 140-4352-4 57 Drive Belt Application Chart - Cont. YEAR / MODEL MAX 3 XS For Updaed Application - ULTIMAX 4 YEAR / MODEL MXZX 800R/RS HO Powertek 2007-08 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZ Sport 500/600 2002 138-4332-4 MXZ Sport 700/800 2002 XS806 144-4353-4 !T$-3$-!:++5++6 !=+6<7+ 7695 7 !T$-3$-!=++5++6 !=+6<7+ 7695 7 MXZ Trail 500/600 2002-03 138-4332-4 MXZ Trail 700/800 2002 138-4332-4 MXZ Trail 500/500SS/600/600 HO 2004-06 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZX 440 LC 2004 145-4358-4 MXZX 440 LC 1999 138-4332-4 MXZX 440 Racing 2003 138-4332-4 MXZX 600 2001 138-4332-4 MXZX 600 2002 XS806 144-4353-4 MXZX 600/800 2004-06 XS803 140-4352-4 MXZX 700/800 2001-02 XS806 144-4353-4 G 6NN77+<N:N *5 F! <+67 6 G :7+<N*+ *7 F! <+67 6 G <N=< =6 F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 G 9+3:+<N=N N< F! <<+= 6 Olympic 1963-75 MAX-1034-3 Olympic 300 Mono 1976-77 MAX-1034-3 H 6++67+77+<N*: *N F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 Renegade 600/800/X/HO/SDI 2004-06 XS803 140-4352-4 RV/X-Country 1977-78 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 <N=7 =*,F. F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 6**3'<N== F!<<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 9+63$<N== F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 &<N=N F! <<+6 6<6< 77++ 7 '3334 8>3"<NN6 N7 F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 /"!<NN+ N5 F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 "3"'"!3"!'<NN+ N6 F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 $<NN6 N7 F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 <NN+ N5 F! <<+= 6<6= 77++ 7 Skandic 1971/73 MAX-1034-3 Skandic 1983-86 (All) MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 Skandic 377R 1987 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 Skandic 380/500 1995-00 138-4332-4 Skandic II 377/377R 1992-94 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Skandic 503 1987 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Skandic II 503R 1993-94 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Skandic II SLT 1993-94 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Skandic WT/WT LC/SWT 1995-98 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Skandic WT/SWT/SUV/WT LC 1999-04 138-4400-4 Skandic LT 440 2001-06 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Skandic Tundra 280F 2002 138-4400-4 Skandic Tundra 280F/RER 2003 138-4332-4 Skandic Tundra 280 2004 131-4400-4 Skandic Tundra 300F 2008 138-4310-4 Skandic Tundra LT 550F 2008 138-4332-4 Skandic Tundra V-800 2008 XS803 140-4352-4 Skandic Sport 550 2004 138-4400-4 Skandic SUV/SWT/WT/550F/ 600 2003-06 138-4400-4 Skandic Sport 500/550/FC 2003-04 138-4332-4 Sno Pro 440 REV 2004 144-4340-4 SS25 1984 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Stratos 1987-88 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 Summit 470 1994 MAX-1048-3 138-4316-4 Summit 500 1996-97 138-4332-4 Summit 500 1998 XS806 144-4353-4 Summit 500 1999-00 138-4332-4 Summit 500 Fan 2001-04 138-4332-4 Summit 550F Fan 2004-08 138-4332-4 Summit 583 1994-96 138-4332-4 Summit 583 1997-98 138-4353-4 Summit 600 (All) 1999-00 138-4332-4 138-4353-4 Summit 670 1995-98 Summit/X 670 1998-99 XS806 144-4353-4 Summit 700 2000-01 XS806 144-4353-4 Summit X 700/800 2001-03 XS806 144-4353-4 Summit Sport 2002 (All) XS806 144-4353-4 Summit 700/800 Highmark/X 2001-02 XS806 144-4353-4 Summit 700 Highmark 151 2003 XS806 144-4353-4 Summit 800 Highmark/X151 2003 XS803 140-4352-4 Summit 800 HO Powertek/X144/X151/X159 2006 XS803 140-4352-4 Summit HM/Extreme/Sport 800 2004 XS803 140-4352-4 Summit X 600/800 2004-05 XS803 140-4352-4 Summit Adrenaline 600 2003-06 XS803 140-4352-4 Summit Adrenaline 700 2003 Summit Adrenaline 800 2003-06 Summit Adrenaline 600 HO SDI 2008 '-=++$5++= Summit Highmark/X 1000 SDI 2007 Summit X 800R/Powertek 800 2007 Summit XRS 800R/Powertek 800 2007 Summit 1000 HM/X HO SDl 2005 Summit X 1000 SDI 2005 G<N:N *9,F. G<N*: *=,F. Touring 1995-00 (All) Tundra 1985-05 (All) Valmont 1971-73 Voyageur 1989 MAX 3 XS ULTIMAX 4 XS806 144-4353-4 XS803 140-4352-4 XS803 140-4352-4 !=+6<7+ 7695 7 XS804 147-4416-4 XS803 140-4352-4 XS803 140-4352-4 XS804 147-4416-4 XS804 147-4416-4 F! <+67 6 F! <<+6 6 138-4332-4 MAX-1103-3 131-4400-4 MAX-1034-3 MAX-1108-3 138-4400-4 YAMAHA F>/$3/3G3$!5++: !=+9<6= 7765 7 F>/3"!3"!/3!'G3'$3$!+* +!=+9<6= 7765 7 Attak 2006 XS805 138-4432-4 (-3"<N=6 ++(-59+5++= F! <<+: 6 <59 765+ 7 Enticer II/LT 1992-95 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 Enticer 410 TR 1996 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 Enticer 1985-91 (All) MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 ET 1977-84 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 Excell (EC) 1981-87 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 '> 77+<N=< =5=* =N F! <<+: 6 <59 765+ 7 Exciter/LE 1990 138-4400-4 Exciter 1991-93 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 %- <N=: =N F! <<+: 6 <59 765+ 7 138-4416-4 Mtn. Max 600 1997-99 Mtn. Max 600 2000-02 XS805 138-4432-4 Mtn. Max 700 1997 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 Mtn. Max 700 1998-04 XS805 138-4432-4 G!3!3$!3'$5++: += !=+9<6= 7765 7 H- <N=N NN F! <<+: 6 <59 765+ 7 Phazer 1985-91 MAX-1106-3 138-4320-4 Phazer 1992-98 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 Phazer Mt. Lite/500/Dlx 1999-01 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 Phazer/GT/FX/Mtn Lite/MTX Mtn/RTX 07-08 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 RS Rage 2005-06/Rage GT 2007 XS805 138-4432-4 RS Vector/ER/Mtn/GT/SE/Vent/LTX 2005-08 XS805 138-4432-4 RX-1/ER/Mtn/Warrior 2003-06 XS805 138-4432-4 Snoscoot MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 SRV 1980-91 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 SRX 1981 MAX-1080-3 SRX600 1998 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 SRX600 1999-00 XS805 138-4432-4 SRX700 1998-02 XS805 138-4432-4 SX 500R 2000-01 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 SX 600R/700R 2000-01 XS805 138-4432-4 SX 600 2002-03 XS805 138-4432-4 SX Venom/ER 2004-06 XS805 138-4432-4 SX Viper/ER/Mtn./S 2002-06 XS805 138-4432-4 Venture XL 1991 MAX-1106-3 125-4320-4 Venture 1992-96 (All) TR/XL 1997-98 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 49++3:++<NN* N=NN +< F! <<<= 6 <6= 77<: 7 4:++3*++<NN=NN +: !=+9<6= 7765 7 Venture RS/GT/TF 2008 XS805 138-4432-4 Venture Lite 2008 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 Venture Multi-Purpose/XL 2008 XS805 138-4432-4 Venture XL 1999-00 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 4 # 5++* += F! <<<= 6 <6= 77<: 7 4Z97+<NN6 N=5++=,F. F! <<<= 6 <6= 77<: 7 VK540 III 1999-05 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 V-Max 1983-87 MAX-1080-3 V-Max 500 (All) 1994-01 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 V-Max 600 XT/XTC/XTCD 1996-98 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 4 >:++8>I3"'<NN7 N:NN ++ !=+9<6= 7765 7 V-Max 600/700 ER 2002-03 XS805 138-4432-4 V-Max 600 ST 1994-96 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 V-Max 600 SX 1997-99 XS805 138-4432-4 V-Max 700 SX 1997 MAX-1118-3 138-4416-4 V-Max 700 SX/ST/XTC/Dlx. 1998-99 XS805 138-4432-4 V-Max 800 4/ST 1992-97 138-5232-4 !"4<N=9 ==N+ F! <<+: 6 <59 765+ 7 58 THE SUPER CLUTCH . . . 108 4-PRO SUPER PERFORMANCE SUPER DURABILITY SUPER POWER NOTE: THESE CLUTCHES ARE FOR RACING ONLY! =E <+=7 # 2 I <+=7 #$H 2 I F 22 2 I W <+5 &<+= &<+='!#I & -22-- 2 I 8 I G2-- 2 >I ** ALL COMET 108 4-PRO CLUTCHES COME WITHOUT CAM ARMS AND SPRINGS ** ** FOR CALIBRATION, SEE CALIBRATION GUIDE OR CONTACT COMET INDUSTRIES ** PART NO. PRICE APPLICATION 219600 $477.50 6+<_<+< 63=E2 I& / I &2 <+='!#GI5<*9++I FITS 30MM 1:10 TAPER WHERE A FLUSH TAPER BORE IS DESIRED. 219607 $477.50 6+*I9_<< 63=E2 I& / I &2 <+='!#GI5<*9+*I FITS 30MM 7.5:1 TAPER (Ski-Doo). 108 4-PRO SERVICE PARTS PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5<*<:* 5<*=99 217170 217186 5<*<*7 - # - Spider kit Spider parts kit &- PRICE $140.90 $29.90 $183.90 $92.90 $61.90 108 EXP SERVICE PARTS PART NO. DESCRIPTION 215271 5<96++ 5<96<< 5<:67N 215315 Spider roller kit &- # -93<:E # -<37E Spider complete PRICE $118.90 $43.50 $31.50 $30.50 $197.90 ATV CLUTCHES - 103HPQ KAWASAKI & POLARIS PART NO. PRICE APPLICATION 218875 $359.90 # F4&I# I( I% - I 219118 $359.90 Z2 F4&I# I( I% - I For Current Calibrations - 59 108EXP E X P A N D E D FOR . . . MORE POWER MORE ENDURANCE MORE OF EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR SPEED! )[%)::: NOW BETTER )_@Q%<Q:, : (:X: Z: _@Q: : ) : _VV` : ]]]F""&H'<+='!#&"W&1'&H'%1HW&FF$FG8#$%G/]]] POLARIS SKI-DOO 30MM 1:10 tapered bore; accepts 1-3/8” wide belts. This clutch is 8N*++2 8 I<N=9 #! 2 F 5&F #208221A1 and Yellow/Green Spring #208228. ''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I 6+<_<+S< 63=E2 I 2 F &2 < 63=E2 IF # <NN+['> I&< <37 2 I& _''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I #GI5<*9+7 ......................................$339.90 #GI5<N9+6with gear bosses....................$339.90 SKI-DOO ARCTIC CAT Ski-Doo taper. 30MM 1:7.5 bore. Limited application. Fits all 8Q2 2TT<NN6I & _''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I 6+<_<+S< 63=E2 I" 5<*9+6> K 2 > F &I& _ ''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I #GI5<N9+* ......................................$339.90 SKI-DOO #GI5<N9++ with gear bosses ....................$339.90 /!3/!6=+399+&ª+9/ 6=+399+ª+6"99+ª+6 +7! T77+&ª+<! T99+ª+6 +9 ªNN +6 5=+3ª+7 +9 6=+ªNN ++ ª+6 "ª+5 +7 99+3W43 ª+7 +9 99+ª+6 +9 'ªNN ++I & _''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I ARCTIC CAT 66I :ª+7 +9 * ª+6Q+9:3*ª+9 &=++ª+5 +6 &N++ª+6 +7#=++ª+6 +78:++"!'%ª+7 +9*++ '%'!ª+7 +9::+ ª+9T"=++ª+6T$=++3N++ ª+6IQ+9I& _''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I #GI5<NN+6 ......................................$339.90 YAMAHA #GI5<N9+= ......................................$339.90 For Current Snomobile Calibrations - 30MM 1:10 tapered bore; accepts 1-1/4” wide belts. Limited I [4><N=9I& [4>2 F 6&FR5+=5:=F< - R5+7=<=I''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I #GI5<*9+: ......................................$339.90 YAMAHA <N=+$!=+ N+$4=+ =677+=7 =N Phazer & 87-89 Exciter. Use 217503 with F-2 Cam Arms #211333A1 - R5+7=<=N+'> IW<+5&R5+=6+:=<3=5 $!IWR5<5:++*: *N$!IW5+=6++N+#I& can be adjusted to 1-3/8” wide belt. Use C-2 Cam Arms #208968A1 # R5+*===$!I& 2 5&F R5<<665F< - R5+7=<=$477+I ''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I 2 heads on 80 SRX injection pump. #GI5<*9+< .................................... $339.90 YAMAHA 30MM 1:10 tapered bore; accepts 1-3/8” wide belts. Fits Exciter ª=* N+I& 2 F <R5+*=:N - #204818. Clutch can be adjusted to a 1-1/4” wide belt. #GI5<N*+6with gear bosses....................$339.90 60 102C HI-PERFORMANCE CLUTCH : _@^_, _J_,_? _,_J: )_@^`,_^ : > , : JOHN DEERE/ KAWASAKI/ YAMAHA UNIVERSAL &H'%1HW&FF$FG8#$%G/I 30MM 1:10 tapered bore; accepts 1-1/4” wide belts and < 93<:EI 2 Z&&,Z .V"H 1 Z2 Z ! [$>,( .I2 -6+S <+5&I12- -I & _''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I #GI5<5:++ ............................... $339.90 6+<_<+ I Z2 K in Kawasaki brand and John Deere brand snowmobiles and <N=<[$!I& _( <&F #207801A1 and Purple Spring #207888. Calibration is not I <N=< SRX and most Kawasaki. #GI5+=6+: ............................... $389.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI 30MM 1:10 tapered bore; accepts 1-5/16” wide belts. " I ( 2 K N9++*9++W I& _& 5& FR5+=N:=F< - R5+7=<=I #GI5+=6+5 ............................... $389.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI YAMAHA &H'%1HW&FF$FG8#$%G/I 6+<_<+< <37E2 < 93<:EI <N=* =N'> S=7 N+ Phazer; 80-90 SRV; 80-82 SRX; 80-83 SS440. & _''&F"%($F%HG/W%8'I #GI5+=6++ ............................... $339.90 30MM 1:10 tapered bore; accepts 1-5/16” wide belts. This ( <N*:2 K ( 99++& '- I& _ 5&FR5<<666F< and White Spring #203474. #GI5+=6+6 ............................... $389.90 For Current Snowmobile Calibrations- YAMAHA 6+<_<+ I [ <N*7 2 K - I% \/#E '> I & 2 [ \EI& _ 5&FR5<<666F< - R5+7=<=I #GI5+=6+< ............................... $409.90 61 FOR UNIVERSAL 30MM 1:10 tapered bore. Adjusts to belts 1-3/16” - 1-1/2” wide. &< 63<:EI& >5+9N<=5+99=6 I 2 2 Z&&V"H1 Z2 I -6+<_<+ 8I 59#GI5+7*NN,- .I #GI5+:+N7 ............................... $249.90 UNIVERSAL 5+:+N72 -- and ajusts to belts 1-3/16” wide. Comes with 205828 spacer kit installed. Stock 211493 thus accepts both 1-3/16” and 1-1/4” wide belts. Contains >5<<7**5+99=6 I 5+:+N7 I #GI5<<7N6 ............................... $249.90 UNIVERSAL 1” bore wtih 1/4” keyway. For 1-3/16”wide belt. Contains six 206514 5+9=9= I 7 ( ZI #GI5+:+N9 ............................... $249.90 Identical to 206095 except it is 1-1/8” bore. #GI5+N*6N ............................... $273.90 94C DUSTER CLUTCHES ENGINES WITH A MAX OF 70 H.P. F2 I SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI 637E <:\$>EI< 63<:E2 I& six 205918 pucks and 205858 pink spring. Older and smaller Ski-Doo 2 K I #GI5+:+N* ............................... $249.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI *3=E <7\$>EI< 63<:E2 I& >5+9N<=5+9=7* I" 8 2 K I #GI5+:+N= ............................... $249.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI 6+<_<+< 93<:E2 5+:<765+9=<=2 I >:\E - ( I,'- III2 & .I #GI5<<=*N& I #GI5+NN75 ............................... $249.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI 6+<_<+< 93<:E2 > 5+9N<=5+99=6 I >:\E - I 8& I #GI5<<=*N ............................... $249.90 KITTY CAT CLUTCH YAMAHA ?:,Q, Q< #35 single chain #GI5+N*7=F(11 tooth) .................. $58.50 #GI5<<:5*F(12 tooth) .................. $58.50 POLARIS 6+<_<+< <37E2 I& >5+9N<= 5<5:6< I&2 (-/#/#!' '> 77+! SL338 1970-86. #GI5<5:5N ............................... $291.90 6+<_<+\E# I \65E - I< 63=E2 I& >5+9N<= 205583 orange spring. For Polaris snowmobiles only - 1972 and later K 2 # 3 I #GI5+:+N: ............................... $249.90 94C DUSTER CLUTCH REPLACEMENT PARTS ACTIVATOR PUCKS (Sold in Sets of 3) TENSION LBS. SPRINGS PART NO. COLOR O.D. 205583 205818 205819 205820 205821 205847 205857 205858 212631 5<9+N* Orange Yellow Green White Red Blue Black Pink Red - 1-5/16 1-5/16 1-5/16 1-5/16 1-5/16 1-9/16 1-9/16 1-9/16 1-9/16 < 93<: AT COMP. HGT. ^,_J _,_? 74 86 66 99 75 99 85 43 74 6< 223 205 150 285 160 196 156 87 223 56< PRICE $15.90 $19.90 $19.90 $15.90 $15.90 $23.90 $26.00 $23.90 $17.90 $15.00 PART NO. BELT WIDTH 5+9N<= 5+:<76 ROUND COVER STYLE 9 59I9 9 637E 5+I+ $10.55 $10.55 5<5+5N 5<<7** RIBBED COVER STYLE 9 637E 5+I+ 9 59I9 $15.00 $18.90 PART NO. #GI5+99N< ....................................$7.50 62 PRICE BELT SPACER KITS MOUNTING BOLT &GQ5+:+N75+NN755<<7N65<<=*N 5<5:5N5<6+9<I9I9EI<35E 5+I WEIGHT 205828 205829 205830 BELT WIDTH PRICE 1-1/4” $11.90 1-5/16” $20.00 1-3/8” $22.50 PART NO. 205831 205832 BELT WIDTH PRICE 1-7/16” $22.50 1-1/2” $22.50 102C, 108C, 108 EXP AND 108 4-PRO REPLACEMENT PARTS MOVEABLE FACE SPIDER KITS BUSHING KITS % 2I W<+5&Q<N=9I 1-5/8” ID x 2-1/16” OD x 3/4” long. #GI5+75=+ ................................. $44.90 #GI5<7N<* <+5&............... $106.90 #GI5<7N<+ <+=&............... $106.90 #GI5<96<9 <+='!# ......... $197.90 #GI5<*<*+ <+=7 # ....... $183.90 ROLLER BUTTON KITS FOR SPIDERS Roller Button-Button 9/16” (Black). Roller 3/8” x 9/16” O.D. Pin 1” x 3/8” O.D. Fits <+5&Q <N*+QI W<+5&Q<N=:<+=&Q<N== <+='!#Q<NN6 N9I< 93=E%8>< *3=EH8>637EI #GI5<65:9 ................................. $26.00 W<N=*<+=&QI< <35E%8>< 637EH8>637EI #GI5<6=56 ................................. $23.90 MOUNTING BOLT KIT, 30MM & 2 - I 30MM <35 5+>: <35EI 5+9++75+=6++5+=6+<5+=6+6 5+=6+95+=6+:5+=5<95+N+++5+N++<5<<:++5<55<95<5:++ 5<5:+<5<677+5<7+++I #GI5+*:97 ................................. $15.90 #GI5+76:+ ................................. $55.90 POLARIS Roller Button-Button 11/16” (Black). Roller 3/8” x 9/16” O.D. Pin 1” x 3/8” O.D. Fits 102C Spider #207757 and 108C Spider #213818 on clutches thru 1988 except 1987 clutches built in <N=:I<N=* paint dot next to the inner hub. Roller button kits are no longer - R5<7N<*2-I 7/16 - 20 x 6-1/4” length. Fits 208305 and 214002 clutches on those # 2 # 3 2 PTO extends into clutch approximately 2 inches. #GI5+**9: ................................. $58.90 108 EXP 1993-95 $( &/ I$2 63=E I.D Pin 3/8” x 1” long. Fits 102C Spider #214917 (1990) and <+=& R5<7N<+,<NN+.I \$E, .I _@Q%<_VVJ,@?_@Q?,< #GI5<7N5+ ................................. $69.90 $2 2> <+='!# R5<96<9I #GI5<95*< ............................... $118.90 $2 2> <+=7 # R5<*<*+I #GI5<<59* ................................. $26.00 YAMAHA 1/2 - 20 x 7” length. Fits Yamaha clutches. #GI5+=*N7 ................................. $12.90 * <37EI R5<:7++5<:7+<5<:7+65<:7+75<:7+9 and 216406. #GI5<9*=7 ................................. $27.50 <35 5+>: <35EI <+='!#GI5<*9++<+=7 #GI 217600. #GI5<*<<* ................................. $31.90 _@Q%<_VVJ,@?_@Q?,< <35 5+>:I*9EI <+='!#GQ5<*9+<5<*9+95<*9+: <+=7 #GI5<*:+9I #GI5<*<9= ................................. $31.90 #GI5<*<=: ................................. $93.90 SPIDER SPACERS BELT SPACER SHIMS ( 2< 93<:E <+5& clutches. 1-25/64” ID x 1-5/8” OD x 1/16” thick. Spider spacers are sold in pairs with either one or two being used. #GI5+*6N=,<I..................$7.50 (( <N=*<+=&< <37E to 1-5/16” or 1-3/8”. 1-1/4” ID x 1-1/2” OD x 1/16” thick. #GI5<6=*:,5I............... $10.90 ( <N==<+=&<+='!#<+= 7 #< <37E< 93<:E< 63=EI #GI5<76N6,5I............... $10.90 #GI5+6<9+, <+5&. ............. $10.90 #GI5<6=*9, <+=&. ............. $17.50 #GI5<:69+, <+='!# & 108 4-Pro)........... $17.50 63 102C, 108C, 108 EXP AND 108 4-PRO REPLACEMENT PARTS COVER PLATE CAM ARM PIVOT BOLT KIT With Duralon bushing. 6 2 <+5&<+=I8 -*+I I - I# application. #GI5+*=:N,&Z . ......... $17.50 <+='!#2 93<:E -I #GI5<96<<,&Z . ......... $31.50 <+='!#2 <37E -I #GI5<:67N,&Z . ......... $30.50 #GI5+*<5+ <+5&................ $54.50 #GI5<6N66 <+=&................ $52.90 #GI5<96++ <+='!# .......... $43.50 #GI5<*<*7 <+=7 # ........ $61.90 &- <+5&I #GI5+*5N: ...................................$6.50 GUIDE WASHER &- 2 2 clutch bolt. Fits 108 4-Pro clutches. Fits 102C and 108C except clutch R5+N+++5+N++55+N++65<5:++I #GI5<*=99,&Z . ......... $29.90 #GI5+5NN: ................................ $13.50 CAM ARM BUSHING KIT Cam arm special I Kit includes 3 bushings. #GI5+=675 ................................. $22.50 ENGAGEMENT RPM ADJUSTING SHIMS <+5&RQ5+N+++5+N++55+N++65<5:++I #GI5+75*= ................................ $13.50 Fits 108 EXP and 108 4-Pro. #GI5<*<<: ................................ $16.50 COVER PLATE BUSHING <+5&-2 , >.- I<N=5 =9I &I #GI5<<5=: ................................ $29.00 25MM CONVERTER BUSHING Each shim will raise the engagement approximately 200 rpm and no more than three can be used. Make sure the spring \E2 I 2 I <+5& and 108C. #GI5+6=7N,6I............... $10.50 64 Adapts 30mm 1:10 tapered bore clutches to most 25mm 1:10 tapered >- \> EI #GI5+7*NN ................................. $22.50 CAM ARMS FOR 102C, 108C, 108 EXP & 108 4-PRO F2 -¬ I*92 2 &2 -I \+ \+ <(: < < <(: < *A-1 207689A1 48.5 $17.20 *AB-2 208457A1 47.7 *A-1 MOD 209940A1 47.3 $20.10 AC 215218A1 57.3 *A-2 208221A1 48.0 $14.20 *AC-1 215242A1 52.3 *A-3 208268A1 44.9 $14.20 *AC-3 215922A1 54.3 *A-4 212135A1 48.7 $22.05 *B-1 207801A1 46.0 *A-5 212639A1 46.8 $19.35 *B-2 208232A1 41.3 *A-6 212821A1 43.8 $19.35 *B-3 209431A1 44.7 *A-7 212822A1 42.3 $19.35 *B-4 211331A1 42.7 *A-8 212820A1 44.3 $19.35 C-1M 208967A1 38.0 *A-9 213370A1 44.8 $20.10 *C-2 208968A1 43.7 *A-10 213371A1 41.3 $20.10 *C-2M 209403A1 37.6 *A-11 213400A1 49.0 $18.20 D 203088A1 42.6 *A-12 213864A1 45.3 $20.10 E 203089A1 40.0 *A-13 213867A1 43.3 $20.10 *F-2 211333A1 54.0 *A-14 214172A1 40.3 $19.35 HE-1 205353A1 51.7 *A-15 214255A1 50.0 $17.20 HE-3 205385A1 45.7 *A-16 214898A1 50.0 $19.10 HE-4 206995A1 55.9 *A-17 215149A1 46.5 $17.20 *HE-5 207820A1 45.7 *A-18 215400A1 52.7 $17.20 HE-6 209776A1 56.3 *A-19 215407A1 46.2 $17.20 K-1 209011A1 59.7 *A-20 215575A1 49.2 $17.20 K-2 213337A1 54.0 *A-21 215865A1 45.5 $21.70 L 203837A1 38.6 *A-22 215867A1 46.9 $19.35 ]G < 5+N:75F< 79I9 *A-23 216061A1 53.5 $19.35 Q 206911A1 56.9 *A-24 216065A1 44.0 $19.35 R 205249A1 59.6 *A-25 216087A1 49.5 $19.35 R-1 207674A1 57.7 *A-26 216089A1 51.5 $27.85 T 205137A1 48.1 *A-27 216091A1 39.7 $22.15 U 205169A1 63.0 *A-28 216381A1 46.5 $20.70 U-1 207753A1 61.5 *A-35 217282A1 35.3 $15.90 W 205257A1 59.5 *A-37 217285A1 37.3 $19.35 X 207270A1 56.7 *A-39 217288A1 39.3 $19.35 Z 207400A1 37.1 *A-52 214897A1 52.5 $17.20 Z-1 207422A1 40.7 *A-54 214651A1 54.3 $17.20 Z-2 207439A1 33.4 *AA-1 208394A1 44.3 $16.40 *AA-2 208395A1 43.3 $16.40 *AB-1 208455A1 40.8 $20.90 < $14.20 $17.20 $24.25 $17.20 $16.40 $20.10 $19.15 $16.40 $23.10 $17.20 $20.10 $16.95 $9.90 $16.40 $18.90 $17.90 $17.70 $24.70 $17.20 $14.20 $20.10 $18.90 $18.60 $15.70 $17.05 $15.70 $17.90 $21.20 $23.10 $17.90 $17.20 $22.35 $23.85 $23.85 ;) "!%) ,: q(:^@Q ?^ : (* : REPLACEMENT SPRINGS FOR 102C, 108C, 108 EXP, & 108 4-PRO <(: Black Blue Brown Gold Orange Pink Pink Purple Purple Red Red/Blue - -3( -3/ -3H -3$ White White Yellow Yellow/Green Yellow/Red Yellow/White 204115 202552 205040 208175 203472 202789 203473 207758 207888 207877 209833 5+7=<= 5+N:N: 5+NN69 5+NN6: 5+N:** 202467 203474 202551 208228 208238 211361 "::: ' + : 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2-1/16” 2.06” 5E 5 <365E 5I+6E 5I+:E 5I+6E 2” 2” 2” 2” 2-1/16” 2.06” 3-1/8” 4-7/8” 2-7/8” 3-1/2” 3” 3-1/2” 3” 4-1/8” 3-15/32” 3-1/4” 3-1/16” 6 <9365E 6 563:7E 6I:6=E 6I+*E 6I<<E 3-3/4” 3-1/8” 4-1/16” 3-13/32” 2-29/32” 3.0” .192 .177 .192 .207 .156 .177 .177 .192 .192 .207 .207 I<N5 I<N5 I<=* I5+* I<=* .177 .187 .177 .207 .207 .207 < = + X< (: )'* _,_Q^, Q < 5 198 50 118 $18.60 5-1/2 187 118 55 $22.40 4.4 195 50 116 $20.90 6 296 129 123 $25.30 5-1/2 74 25 40 $28.35 5-1/2 130 45 72 $44.45 5 142 45 92 $28.35 5.2 254 136 92 $17.20 5.3 226 106 96 $17.20 5-3/8 254 92 130 $17.20 4-3/4 236 74 129 $20.70 9I5 <N+ =9 =7 $20.90 9 <35 5+6 =9 N< $17.20 9I* <N: NN *= $20.70 9 5=6 NN <75 $17.20 9 <=N :* N* $29.70 5-1/2 160 82 62 $25.15 5 187 65 100 $28.35 5-1/2 187 100 69 $17.20 5-1/2 Solid@1-3/16” 134 130 $17.20 5 275 93 146 $25.30 5 233 76 123-129 $31.75 (* : X _@: 65 CAM SLIDER SHOES **Cam Slider Shoes Are Sold Each - 3 required** ARCTIC CAT CAM SLIDER SHOES KAWASAKI CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #0148-177. $R976+7:9976+7::I Replaces #49048-3002. Fits: 84-97 (All) except Kitty Cat; 85-98 Cougar; 98-99 Jag 340/440; 84-99 Panther. #GI+6 <9< <7. . . . . . . . $1.00 Fits:78-82 Intruder 440; =5%99+S*= =<%-67+377+S 79-81 LTD 440. #GI+6 <9< <=. . . . . . . . $1.00 MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO CAM SLIDER SHOES ARCTIC/KAWASAKI CAM SLIDER SHOES Fits: 74-78 Cheetah; 76-77/79 Cross Country; 74-79 El Tigre; 76-81 Jag; 76-80 Lynx; 76-81 Pantera; 74-81 Panther All (except 295); 79-81 Trail Cat; 76-77 Z. q **F67+377+S*N =<8 340/440; *=% S*=%- S**67+377+I #GI+6 6:NIIIIIIIIIIIIII$1.00 ARCTIC CAT/SCORPION/SNO-JET CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #0148-005; #086790; , #050144. Fits: 72-73 Cheetah; 73 El Tigre; 72-75 Lynx/I/II; 71-73 Panther; 74 Panther/Wankel; 71-73 Puma. 72-80 all models. , 68-69 all models; 74 Astro Jet/SS; 70 Jet Flite; 70-73 Star Jet; 71-72 Super Jet; 70-71 Super Sport/SS; 71-72 SL; 72-73 SST; 71-72 SW models. $1.00 JOHN DEERE CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #AM53842/AM54278. $1.00 MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces Bombardier #4140126-00. Fits: !, 75-79 Futura; 79-83 Mirage; 85 Mirage III; *9 *NG- S*9 *= S=7 "3&S 76-83 Spirit; 79 Super Sonic. , 67-87 Alpine; 70-72 Blizzard; 78 Blizzard 6500 Plus; 78-85 Citation; *< N6'S*6 *73*= =5' S*7 *9'-S =9#3S:N *7G S=< =63=* N<G S:* *NH KS** *=$467+S =7 =9 S*+ *6 S=5 =* S =759S*: *NG'-S*6 *9G3FS :N *=G3&S*:G$4S=9S*< 73 Valmont. #GI+6 <9< . . . . . . . . . #GI+6 <9< +7. . . . . . . $1.00 SKI-DOO CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #414-5793/9180-00. Fits: 88-95 Alpine II; 96-00 Formula III; 97-01 Formula 500/583/DLX; 01 Formula DLX 600/700 GS/GSE: 89-94 Formula Mach I; 87-93 Formula MX; 86-93 Formula Plus; 94-00 Formula ST/ STX/SS/SL/Z; 93-01 Grand Touring; 94-01 Mach Z/MX Z; 00-01 MX ZX 600/700/800; 95-00 Skandic; 94-01 Summit; 95-00 Touring. #GI+6 <9< +<. . . . . . . . $1.00 YAMAHA CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #801-17688-10. Fits: 77-91 Enticer; 81-88 Excel III; 73 EL; 72-73 EW; 71-77 GP; 74-75 GPX; 75**/S=: =N%- S:N *7"S *6 *7S*< *6$S*+ *<I YAMAHA CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces [ #504-120200. Fits: !,=5 _*: *=&67+377+S*:" K S *: *=" K S=5 =72 S*= =5 S Ultra Sonic. , 82-84 ( N9++!99++S=5 =6'-"&S =5 =7 S*N =7 I 85-86 Formula MX; 85 Formula Plus. 66 POLARIS CAM SLIDER SHOES $1.00 #GI+6 <9< <+. . . . . . . $1.00 MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO CAM SLIDER SHOES #GI+6 <9< <N . . . . . . . $1.00 #GI+6 6:= . . . . . . . . . #GI+6 69N . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Fits: 99-00 Indy 340/Dlx./Touring; 91-98 Indy Lite/Dlx./GT; 98 Indy Lite Touring; 91-99 Indy Sport; 91-92 Indy Sport GT; 95-99 Indy Sport Touring; 91-95 Indy Starlite/GT; 93 Indy Trail Dlx.;94-96 Indy Super Sport; 96-99 Tran Sport Fits: !, 80-81 Futura 500; *N =</# > S=+ =< Ultra Sonic. , 79-81 Blizzard; 81 Blizzard MX; =+ =<'-I #GI+6 695 . . . . . . . . . Fits: 73-01 all models except the 2#GI+6 <9< +7I Replaces #5430766. Replaces [ #504-120700. Replaces Arctic Cat #0148061/148; q #49048-3501. #GI+6 <9< . . . . . . . . . . POLARIS CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #8R4-17688-00. _=5 +<(-59+S** =<$!I $1.00 #GI+6 <9< <6. . . . . . . $1.00 CAM SLIDER SHOES & GUIDE BUTTONS CLUTCH PARTS ;;%, ;; ;;\[%,J=;; SKI-DOO GUIDE BUTTON YAMAHA CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #8X6-17688-00. Fits: 92-01 Enticer; 79-80 Excel V; 78-81/87-93 Exciter; 84-95 Phazer; 80-91 SRV; 77-81 SRX; 80-83 SS 440; 78 SSR; 91-00 Venture 480; 88-01 VK 540; 83-91 Vmax; 92 Vmax 4; 85-90 XL-V. COMET CLUTCH LUBE &Q2/#*6+F 22 K-IF I& organic resin binder. 11 oz. (312 grams) spray can. Replaces #420-4600-45. Fits: 85-97 all Formula models with $FSN9 N*/ " I Replaces #417-222-107. #GI+6 <9< <<. . . . . . . . $1.00 HI-PERFORMANCE GUIDE BUTTONS For Polaris Drive Clutches Fits: 98-00 Formula III 600/700/800; 98-00 / *++3'SN= ++% T!T!77+I #GI+6 <95 . . . . . . . . . $2.50 YAMAHA CAM SLIDER SHOES Replaces #5430445. Fits: 79-80 Centurion; 81-82 Centurion Indy; 88-93 Indy Classic; 83 Indy Cross Country; 89-93 Indy RXL; 87-93 Indy Sport; 89-92 Indy Super Trak; 83-93 Indy Trail; 90-93 Indy Wide Trak; 91 Indy XC; 92-93 Indy XCR; 93 Indy XLT; 84-91 Indy 400; 92-93 Indy 440; 89-93 Indy 500; 83-87 Indy 600; 88-93 Indy 650; 83-89 Long Trak; 85-86 SS; 86-90 Sprint; =9 N+S=* N+S*: S *: =+!S*:! S*N =5! &S** =5 #GI5+7+N* . . . . . . . . $24.50 LOCTITE "2 - - I #- I +I9I'<5 I #GI5+:N9+ . . . . . . . . . .$8.50 Replaces #8AV-17688-10. Fits: 01 Mt. Lite 500; 97-01 Mountain Max 600/700; 96-01 Phazer; 98-01 SRX 600/700; 00-01 SX 500R/600R/700R; 97-01 Venture 500/600/700; 94-01 Vmax 500/600; 97-01 Vmax 700; 95-97 Vmax 800. STANDARD GUIDE BUTTONS For Polaris Drive Clutches Replaces #5430269. Fits: 73-84 all models. #GI+6 <9< +N . . . . . . . . $1.50 TX-L; 80-82 TX-L Indy. #GI+6 6:5 . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 #GI+6 6:< . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 CHAINCASE GASKETS & O-RINGS ARCTIC CAT CHAINCASE GASKETS AND O-RINGS H H' I CHAINCASE GASKETS F Cheetah 72-73 Cheetah 74-78 Cross Country Cat 76-77/079 El Tigre 73-84 EXT 71 EXT 71 Jag 75-81 Lynx 71-74 Lynx 77-80 Pantera 75 Pantera 76-81 Panther 70-73 Panther 74-Wankel Panther 74-79 Panther 80-84 Puma 70-73 O-RINGS H'GI #GI H'GI #GI 107-020 107-326 107-214 107-214 107-214 107-020 107-214 107-020 107-646 107-326 107-214 107-020 107-326 107-326 107-214 107-020 1710 1708 1707 1707 1707 1710 1707 1710 1709 1708 1707 1710 1708 1708 1707 1710 107-050 107-003 107-003 107-003 107-003 107-003 107-003 107-050 107-003 107-003 107-003 107-050 107-050 107-003 107-003 107-050 1712 1711 1711 1711 1711 1711 1711 1712 1711 1711 1711 1712 1712 1711 1711 1712 67 #GI<*+* ....... $1.95 #GI<*+= ....... $1.95 #GI<*+N ....... $1.95 #GI<*<+ ....... $2.25 #GI<*<< ....... $ .90 #GI<*<5 ....... $ .90 CLUTCH PULLERS :' : CP-1010 CP-1130 CP-2183 CP-2208 CP-2212 CP-2224 CP-2226 CP-2228 CP-2230 CP-3100 CP-4000 CP-4005 ] ARCTIC CAT <(: FF > All Arctic clutches 93-04 &# <+<+ *CP-2230 < $28.90 $33.90 ] <(: < &# 555: clutch puller CP-2227 $17.90 CP-4000 &# 7+++ CP-2208 CP-2208 CP-2208 CP-2208 CP-4000 $21.90 $21.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $21.90 CP-2212 CP-4000 CP-2212 CP-4000 CP-2208 CP-2208 CP-4000 CP-2212 CP-4000 $30.90 $21.90 $30.90 $21.90 $30.90 $30.90 $21.90 $30.90 $21.90 COMET YAMAHA All Comet Arctic *CP-2224 $38.90 FF&3&<+=&*59 +*+$43.50 90-95 w/ recessed (short) , . N:T$77+N:2 580 & 700 engines OEM#0644-096 102C & 108C plus 108 EXP thru 95 (1 pc.) CP-1130 $21.90 N7&85+:+N75<<7N6 5+NN755<<=*N5+6+9< &# <+<+ $28.90 108EXP and 108 4-Pro 96-04 CP-2183 $32.50 All Yamaha with YPZ-YXR clutches (-59+1=* =N Enticer 78-88 Excel III 81-88 Excel V 79 Exciter 340/440 77-79 Exciter 87-89 Exciter 90 (102C with metric thread) Phazer 84-91 SRV 83-84 SRV 85-90 SRX 340/440 76-81 SS 440 80-83 SS 440 84-85 Vmax 83-87 XLV 85-90 KAWASAKI All models except where they F > 8 *N =+ % %- *= &# <<7: &# <+<+ &# <+<+ $12.90 $28.90 $28.90 &# <+<+ $28.90 MERCURY All models with Arctic Cat > POLARIS All models 71 and earlier CP-2183 All models 72-97 (1 pc.) CP-1130 All U.S. twins 440/500/ 600/700 97-99 CP-3100 All U.S. twins 500/600/700 00-04 CP-4005 Edge 440 99-01 CP-4005 XCR 700/800 99-04 CP-4005 $32.50 $21.90 Clutch Pullers $42.95 $50.95 $50.95 $50.95 15-868 RUPP All models with hex clutch 75-78 CP-1010 ]'>2 - Arctic Cat and the Ski-Doo MX models. 15-872 15-870 $28.90 SALSBURY *$*=+=++N<+ &# <+<+ $28.90 SKI-DOO FK*9 =9 (except T.R.A.C. & 85 Citation & Mirage) CP-2183 !T0!QN7 &# 555= All 583 engines CP-2228 !TN9:*+Q (includes 3 clutch button retainer clips) *CP-2226 15-874 $32.50 $30.95 $30.95 $21.90 68 ] Scorpion w/Dulco Clutch 'F &$ Moto-Ski Mirage $&,I$. Ski-Doo Citations All Yamaha F/A & F/C 74-76 engines (1pc.) 15-875 <(: < <9 =*9 15-874 <9 =*+ 15-874 $17.95 $16.95 $17.95 $16.95 15-868 $16.95 Primary (Drive) and Secondary (Driven) Clutch Rebuild Kits ) <<QffW : )<XZX _VV^,VJ: POLARIS POLARIS Drive Clutch Kit Drive Clutch Kit q* _J_ __J: _# # =92 2,I69+E.<N=N to 1997. #F$GHI +6+=* #$%&'$47.95 YAMAHA Drive Clutch Kit q* J^ __V: _# # =92 2 ,I97+E.<NN7 to 1997. #F$GHI +6+== #$%&'$62.95 POLARIS Driven Clutch Kit q*__ JJ: _[4!&[2 1994 to present. #F$GHI +6+N+ #$%&'$38.95 YAMAHA Driven Clutch Kit q*^ : _[4!&[2 1994 to present. #F$GHI +6+N< q*_ : Fits: Polaris P-85 #$%&'$25.95 #F$GHI +6+=N 69 #$%&'$28.95 Seals & Chains CHAINCASE OIL SEAL - Upper & Lower CHAINCASE OIL SEAL - LOWER Replaces Ski Doo #581-0565-00. Fits FORMULA 500/Dlx 1997-99; Formula Dlx 500 LC/583/670 1999; Formula Grand Touring/XTC/SE 1993-94; Formula Mach I/II/XTC 1989-94; Mach Z 1993; Formula MX/II/LT/XTCR 198993; Formula MXZ 1993-94; Formula Plus/II/E/EFI/LT/XTC/X/XTCE 1989-93; Formula SLS 1996; Formula SS 1995-96; Formula STX/LT 1994-96; Formula III/ LT 1995-97; Formula III 600/LT/R 1998-99; Formula III 700/R 1998-00; Formula III 800 1999-00; Formula Z 1994-96; Formula Z 500 1999; Formula Z 583 Dlx 1998-99; Formula Z 670 1998-99; Grand Touring 470/500/580/ SE/XTC/583/700/700 SE 1994-99; Mach I/R/ZR/ZLTR/Z/ZLT 1994-99; MXZ/440/500/583/670/HO/T.H. 1994-99; Summit 470/550/583/670/X670 199403 and Touring 500 LC 2000. Measures 30 x 63.2 x 11.5mm #F$GHI+6 <+* #$%&'$3.90 Replaces Polaris #3610030. Fits Indy Lite GT 1992; Indy RXL/ Z<NN< N5S%/<NN5% 38>I<NN5S%77+3 XCR 1992; Indy 500/Classic/SKS/S/SPX 1992; Indy 650 1992; All Indy 1993-01 (except Widetrack/GT/LX 1993-00). Indy 340 Classic/Edge/Touring 2003-05; Indy 440 FC Pro X 2003-04; All Indy 500/600/700/800 2003-05; Indy Frontier Classic/Touring 2003-05; Indy Sport touring/Super Sport Edge 2003-05; Indy Trail RMK/Trail Touring 200305; Indy 550 Pro X 2004; Indy 550 Classic 2005; Indy 600/800 Switchback 2005 and Indy 900 Fusion 2005. Measures 30 x 47.4 x 6.6mm #F$GHI+6 <+=#$%&'$4.90 CHAINCASE OIL SEAL Upper & Lower SILENT CHAIN Replaces Moto-Ski #581-1017-00. Fits lower chain case - most models 1975-83. Replaces Ski Doo #581-1017-00. Fits upper chain case - Skandic 377R 1984-87 GF<N*6 *9I Replaces Ski-Doo #581-1017-00. Fits lower chain case - all models 1963-88. Formula S/SL/SE 199600; Formula Dlx. 380/500 1999-01; MXZ 380 FC 2001; MXZ 440 FC 1997-01; MXZ 500 FC 2001; Skandic 380/500 1996-01; Skandic 440 FC 2001-05; Summit 500 FC 2001; Touring E/ELT/LE/SLE 1995-00; Touring 380 FC/500 FC 2001 and Tundra R 1989-05. Measures 23 x 52 x 9 mm w/spring. #F$GHI+6 <+:#$%&'$3.90 CHAINCASE OIL SEAL - Upper Replaces Ski Doo # 414-5312-00. Fits Formula 500 1997; Formula Grand Touring/XTC/SE 1993-94; Formula Mach I/II/XTC/Z 1989-93; Formula MX/II/LT/E/XTC/ XTCE/XTCR 1985-93; Formula MXZ 1993; Formula Plus/II/E/EFI/LT/XTC/X/XTCE 1989-93; Formula SS 1995-96; Formula ST/STX/STX LT 1994-95; Formula III/ LT 1995-97; Formula Z 1994-97; Formula Z 583 1998-99; Formula Z 670 1998-99; Grand Touring 470/580/XTC 1994-95; Grand Touring SE 1995-97; Mach I/Z/ZLT 1994-97; MXZ/440 LC/500/583/670/ HO/T.H. 1995-99; Summit 470/583 1994-95 and Summit 670/X670 1996-99 Measures 27 x 52.2 x 8mm. #F$GHI+6 <+* +< #$%&'$3.90 70 $H' F &V8 # 8[I & 2 I F- <<<6<92 2 PART NO. 03-164 03-166 03-168 03-170 03-172 812-764 812-766 812-768 812-770 812-772 812-755 812-564 812-566 812-568 812-570 812-572 812-574 PITCH 64 66 68 70 72 64 66 68 70 72 74 64 66 68 70 72 74 WIDTH 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 PRICE $49.90 50.90 52.90 53.90 55.90 58.90 59.90 60.90 62.90 64.90 66.90 79.90 81.90 83.90 85.90 87.90 89.90 Sprockets F#% I ' I Top Sprocket 7/8” - 13 spline Fits Arctic and most Polaris 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth PART NO. 11 WIDE `Q,_ <ZX(% <=X% PART NO. 13 WIDE `Q,_ <ZX(% <=X% SM-03016 SM-03017 SM-03018 SM-03019 SM-03020 SM-03021 SM-03022 SM-03023 SM-03024 SM-03025 SM-03026 $16.95 16.95 17.95 17.95 18.95 19.95 19.95 20.95 21.95 22.95 23.95 SM-03116 SM-03117 SM-03118 SM-03119 SM-03120 SM-03121 SM-03122 SM-03123 SM-03124 SM-03125 SM-03126 $16.95 16.95 17.95 17.95 18.95 19.95 19.95 20.95 21.95 22.95 23.95 PART NO. 13 WIDE _,_<ZX(% <=X% Top Sprocket 1” - 15 spline Fits many Polaris 96-97 Triples & some Yamaha 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth PART NO. 13 WIDE _,_<ZX(% <=X% SM-03318 SM-03319 SM-03320 SM-03321 SM-03322 SM-03323 SM-03324 $17.95 17.95 18.95 19.95 19.95 20.95 21.95 Bottom Sprocket 1” - 15 spline F &# 2[ PART NO. 11 WIDE _,_<ZX(% 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth SM-03035 SM-03036 SM-03037 SM-03038 SM-03039 SM-03040 SM-03041 SM-03042 ------ <=X% SM-03135 -----SM-03137 SM-03138 SM-03139 SM-03140 SM-03141 SM-03142 SM-03143 $35.95 38.95 39.95 40.95 41.95 41.95 42.95 43.95 $35.95 39.95 40.95 41.95 41.95 42.95 43.95 44.95 Ski Doo Sprockets - 13 wide Fits PRS & DSA models 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth TOP SPROCKET 15 SPLINE _^,!! <=X% SM-03718 SM-03719 SM-03720 SM-03721 SM-03722 SM-03723 SM-03724 SM-03725 SM-03726 $18.95 18.95 20.95 20.95 20.95 22.95 22.95 23.95 23.95 71 36 38 40 41 42 Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth BOTTOM SPROCKET 17 SPLINE _,__J,^`!! <=X% SM-03736 SM-03738 SM-03740 SM-03741 SM-03742 $39.95 40.95 41.95 42.95 43.95 BRAKE PADS/SHOES/LEVER AND CALIPER BODY Brake Caliper Brake Pad Set <(: < 05-102 05-152-35FM (Full Metal) $9.90 05-108 05-104 <(: < $14.50 05-105 05-152-14FM (Full Metal) <(: 05-106 Brake Pad Set < $16.90 $18.90 05-115 05-109 (Semi-Metalic) < $6.90 <(: < $14.90 05-111 <(: 05-112 05-113 05-152-24FM (Full Metal) < $9.90 <(: 05-120 Brake Pad Set Brake Pad Set <(: < $9.90 05-116 <(: < $9.90 05-117 <(: 05-118 Brake Pad Set <(: 05-119 05-152-25FM (Full Metal) < $8.90 < $8.90 <(: < <(: 05-121A 05-152-43FMA (Full Metal) $24.90 05-122 05-152-40FM (Full Metal) $29.90 < $9.90 $23.90 <(: 05-124 05-152-42FM (Full Metal) $16.90 < $9.90 $13.90 < $9.90 $14.90 Brake Pad Brake Pad Set Brake Pad Set < $12.90 Brake Pad Set Brake Shoe $9.90 Brake Pad Set 05-107 05-152-32FM (Full Metal) Brake Pad Set Brake Pad Set Brake Pad Set <(: <(: <(: < $10.90 05-110 <(: Brake Pad Set Brake Pad Set < $9.90 Brake Pad Set Brake Pad < $16.90 $19.90 Brake Pad Set <(: <(: <(: < $9.90 $26.90 05-125 05-152-45FM (Full Metal) < $9.90 $16.90 GI< GI5 Brake Pad Set Brake Pad <(: 05-129 (Full Metal) Caliper Body < $17.50 <(: 05-152-03 < $10.90 <(: Brake Lining < 05-152-26 ,GI<. $16.90 05-152-27 ,GI5. $16.90 <(: 05-152-31 05-152-31FM (Full Metal) Brake Pad < $9.90 <(: $16.90 < 05-152-41FM (Full Metal) $17.90 BRAKE PAD APPLICATION CHART Brake Pad Set <(: 05-152-50FM (Full Metal) Brake Pad Set < $21.90 <(: < 05-152-51FM (Full Metal) !f ARCTIC CAT 4 Stroke Touring/Trail 02-03 Bearcat 340 95-00 Bearcat 440 95-00 Bearcat 550/WT 95-99 Bearcat 550/WT 00-03 $41.90 <(: <(: ]! — 05-107 05-122 05-122 05-121A 05-152-41FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-40FM 05-152-40FM 05-152-43FMA !f ARCTIC CAT (CONTINUED) Cheetah (All) 72-78 Cheetah (All) 86-94 Cougar 85-94 Cougar 95-97 Cougar/Dlx. 98 Cross Country 340 76-79 El Tigre (All) 73-77 El Tigre 5000/6000 78-79 El Tigre 5000/6000 81-89 El Tigre EXT 89-91 El Tigre EXT F/A 73 EXT 550/580 92-93 EXT 580/EFI/MC 94 72 <(: <(: ]! 05-115 05-107 05-107 05-122 — 05-116 05-116 05-119 05-107 05-107 05-116 05-107 05-122 — 05-152-32FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-40FM 05-152-41FM — — 05-152-25FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-32FM — 05-152-32FM 05-152-40FM BRAKE PAD APPLICATION CHART !f ARCTIC CAT (CONTINUED) EXT 580/EFI/MC 95-98 EXT 600 Triple 97-01 Firecat F5/F7/Sno Pro 03-06 Jag (All) 79-89 Jag (All) 90-94 Jag (All) 95-99 Jag 275/340 F/A 75-78 Jag 440Z 95-97 Lynx 2000 77-80 Mountain Cat (All) 01-04 Pantera 85-94 Pantera 340/440 75 Pantera 5000 FA/FC 76-78 Pantera 5000 F/C 79-81 Pantera 550/600 02-03 Pantera 580 95-01 Pantera 800 98-03 Pantera 1000 00-01 Panther (All) 74-79 Panther/Dlx. 84-91 Panther 340 98-99 Panther 370 01-07 Panther 440/550 95-02 Panther 570 ESR 02-07 Panther 4000 81 Powder EXT/SP 95-98 Powder Special (All) 97-00 Prowler 90-94 Puma/Dlx. 94-97 Super Jag 87-93 Thundercat 93-02 Trail Cat F/C 79/81 Triple Touring 600 98-01 Wildcat 650/700/MC 88-94 Wildcat 700 EFI/MC 95-96 Z 250/340/440 76-77 Z 370/ES 99-06 Z 440/ES 98-06 Z 440 Sno-Pro 99-06 Z 570 ESR/SS 02-06 ZL (All) 97-03 ZR (All) 93-03 ZRT 600/800 96-02 BOA-SKI Mark I/II (All) 72-76 JOHN DEERE " K 77+=+ =7 2 67+=5 =7 67+*N =5 77+=+ =7 67+ 67+377+*N =7 KAWASAKI 8 67+377+3F*N =+ Intriguer 440 78 Intruder 440 78-82 %-77+3"8I*= =< %- 67+*= KAWASAKI/SNO-JET Astro 340/440 77 SST 340/440 77 MOTO-SKI Capri (All) 73-74 Chimo 440 74-75 Futura (All) 77-82 Futura 440 76 Futura 74-75 <(: <(: ]! — — — 05-119 05-107 05-122 05-116 — 05-115 — 05-107 05-115 05-116 05-119 — — — — 05-115 05-107 05-107 05-122 05-122 — 05-119 — — 05-107 05-107 05-107 — 05-119 — 05-107 — 05-116 05-122 05-122 — — — — — 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-25FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-40FM — 05-152-41FM — 05-152-41FM 05-152-32FM 05-109 — 05-152-25FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-109 05-152-32FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-40FM 05-152-40FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-25FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-25FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-32FM 05-152-41FM — 05-152-40FM 05-152-40FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-152-41FM 05-115 05-109 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 <95 <95 <95 <95 <95 <95 6< 6< 6< 6< 6< 6< +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 <95 <95 <95 <95 <95 <95 6< 6< 6< 6< 6< 6< +9 <<9 05-115 05-116 +9 <<: +9 <<9 +9 <+N 05-109 — +9 <+N 05-115 05-115 05-109 05-109 05-115 05-115 05-111 05-110 05-115 05-109 05-109 — — 05-109 <(: <(: !f MOTO-SKI (CONTINUED) Grand Prix SP 79-81 05-111 Grand Sport 440 74-75 05-115 Mirage 300 79 05-111 Mirage III 85 05-111 *6 +9 <<9 G- ,F.*9 *N +9 <<< Sonic 82/84 05-111 Sonic 250/340 75-76 05-110 Sonic 340 77-78 05-111 Spirit 250 76-83 05-118 Super Sonic/XC 79-81 05-111 TS-400 74-75 05-115 Ultra Sonic 80-82 05-111 Zephyr 340/440 73 05-115 POLARIS Apollo 340/440 79-80 05-117 Centurion 500 79-82 05-105 Charger 72-73 05-117 Cobra 340/440 78-79 05-117 Colt (All) 72-78 05-117 Custom I/II 73-74 05-117 Cutlass 340/SS 440 81 05-112 Electra 250/340/440 74-77 05-117 Galaxy 80-81 05-117 Gemini 79-83 05-117 Indy 340/Dlx./ 05-152-31 Touring 99-03 (lining only) Indy 400/SKS/Classic 84-93 05-105 Indy 400 XC/XCR 91-92 05-105 Indy 440 XCR 93-98 05-121A Indy 500 EFI/RMK/SKS 93-98 05-121A Indy 500/SKS/Classic/ SP 89-93 05-105 Indy 500 Classic/Touring 99-03 — Indy 500 Edge/XC Edge 03 — Indy 500/600/700/XC/XC SP 98-03 — Indy 550 Classic 03 — Indy 600 Classic Touring 01-03 — Indy 600/700 RMK 98-03 — Indy 600/700 Classic 01-03 — Indy 600/SE/LE 83-87 05-105 Indy 650 RXL 90-92 05-105 Indy 650/SKS 88-92 05-105 Indy 700/800 SKS 99-03 — Indy 800 RMK 00-03 — Indy 800 XC SP 01-02 — Indy 800 XC SP Edge 03 — Indy 800 XCR 99-03 — Indy Classic/Touring 94-98 05-121A Indy Lite/Dlx./GT 91-98 05-106 Indy Lite/Dlx./ 05-152-31 GT 91-98 (lining only) Indy RXL/RMK/SKS 93-97 05-121A Indy Sport 83 05-106 05-152-31 Indy Sport 83 (lining only) Indy Sport/GT 87-93 05-105 Indy Sport/Touring 94-98 05-121A Indy Sport Touring 99-03 — Indy Starlite/GT 91-97 05-106 Indy Starlite/GT 91-97 (lining only) 05-152-31 Indy Storm (All) 93-97 05-121A Indy Storm 98 — Indy Super Sport 94-98 05-121A Indy Super Sport 99-03 — Indy Trail 83-85 05-105 Indy Trail/Dlx./Touring 93-98 05-121A Indy Trail Touring/RMK 99-03 — 73 ]! — 05-109 — — +9 <+N — — — — — 05-109 — 05-109 — 05-152-14FM — — — — — — — — 05-152-31FM 05-152-14FM 05-152-14FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-43FMA 05-152-14FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-14FM 05-152-14FM 05-152-14FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-51FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-31FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-31FM 05-152-14FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-51FM 05-152-31FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-51FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-51FM 05-152-14FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-51FM BRAKE PAD APPLICATION CHART <(: !f POLARIS (CONTINUED) Indy Trail/ES/SKS/Dlx. 86-93 05-105 Indy Trail Supertrak 89 (lining only) 05-152-31 Indy Ultra (All) 96-98 05-121A Indy XLT (All) 93-99 05-121A 05-152-31 Long Track 84-89 (lining only) Mustang 72-73 05-117 Sprint ES 86-90 05-106 05-152-31 Sprint ES 86-90 (lining only) Star/LT 83-90 05-106 05-152-31 Star/LT 83-90 (lining only) 59+367+*: +9 <95 +6 Startrak 87-90 05-106 05-152-31 Startrak 87-90 (lining only) Super Sport SS 83-86 05-106 Super Sport SS 83-86 (lining only) 05-152-31 Supertrak 89-91 05-152-03 Supertrak 92-93 05-152-31 Tran Sport 96-99 05-121A TX (All) 72-75 05-117 TX 250/340/440 79-80 05-105 TX Racer 72 05-117 ! *9 *= +9 <95 +6 TX-C 340/440 79-82 05-105 TX-L 340 77-78 05-152-03 TX-L 340 79-82 05-105 TX-L 340 Indy 80-82 05-105 Widetrack 90-91 05-152-03 XCF 98 05-121A XCR 600/SP 96-98 05-121A SCORPION - (All) 71-80 must redrill hole 05-118 SKI-DOO Alpine 75-87 05-111 Alpine II 88-95 05-102 Blizzard (All) 78-84 05-111 Blizzard 246 71 05-118 Blizzard 291/336/397/437 71 05-115 Blizzard 636/797 71 05-115 Citation (All) 88-91 05-102 Citation 300 78-79 05-111 Citation LS/LSE 85 05-102 Citation LS/LSE 86-87 05-111 Elan 250 (All) 74-96 05-118 Elan 250 SS 73 05-115 Elite 78-82 05-111 '4=* =N +9 <+5 '-,F.** =6 +9 <<< '-77+*7 *: +9 <<+ Formula III (All) 95-00 — Formula Dlx. 500/600/700 (All) 01 — Formula Dlx. 670 99 — Formula MX/LT/XTC 87-95 05-124 Formula MX/LT 85-86 05-102 Formula MX Z 93-95 — Formula MX Z 96-01 — Formula Plus/LT 85-86 05-102 Formula Plus/LT/XTC 87-93 05-124 Formula S 96-98 05-124 Formula SS 95 05-124 Formula SS 96-97 — Formula SS/SP 85-86 05-111 Formula ST/STX/Z 94-95 05-124 Formula Z 96-00 — Grand Touring (All) ,>I+5/ 6=+ 96 Grand Touring 500/580) 96-03 — Grand Touring/SE/XTC 93-95 05-124 Legend (All)(exc. 02 380 Fan) 02-04 — <(: ]! 05-152-14FM 05-152-31FM 05-152-43FMA 05-152-43FMA 05-152-31FM — 05-152-31FM 05-152-31FM 05-152-31FM 05-152-31FM — 05-152-31FM 05-152-43FMA — 05-152-14FM — 05-152-14FM — 05-152-14FM 05-152-14FM — 05-152-43FMA 05-152-43FMA — — 05-152-35FM — — 05-109 05-109 05-152-35FM — 05-152-35FM — — 05-109 — +9 <95 69 05-129 05-129 05-129 05-152-42FM 05-152-35FM 05-152-41FM 05-129 05-152-35FM 05-152-42FM 05-152-42FM 05-152-42FM 05-129 — 05-152-42FM 05-129 05-129 05-152-42FM 05-129 <(: !f SKI-DOO (CONTINUED) Mach I 670/700 95-00 — Mach I/XTC 89-94 05-124 Mach Z 780 93-94 05-124 Mach Z 780/800 95-03 — MX Z (All)(>I+< +66=+) 96-07 — G ,F.:N *< +9 <<= G 77+3:7+*5 *6 +9 <<9 G :7+*7 +9 <<+ G 9+3:+=* N< +9 <+5 H K,F.:N *7 +9 <<= H K,F.*9 *N +9 <<< H K6++,.*: ** +9 <<= 6**377*=7 =* +9 <<< 6**39+6&== N< +9 <+5 /""3&=9 =: +9 <<< /"!3"&3"&'N+ N5 +9 <+5 "3$38>IN6 +9 <57 "3$38>IN7 +9 <+5 "3"'N+ N< +9 <+5 "!3"!'N+ N< +9 <+5 =N N< +9 <+5 Skandic 335 70-73 05-118 Skandic 377-R 85-87 05-102 Skandic 380 95-98 05-124 Skandic 500 Sport F/C 03 — Skandic 500/600 SWT/WT 02-03 — Skandic 503 87 05-111 Skandic 600 SUV 03 — Skandic II 377/503/R 93 05-124 Skandic II 377/503/R 94 05-102 Skandic Super WT 97-01 — SS-25 84 05-111 Stratos 87-88 05-102 Summit (All) 94-96 05-124 Summit (All) 97-07 — G,F.:N *< +9 <<= G,F.*5 *6 +9 <<9 G67+377+F3&*93** *= +9 <<< GF3&3$4*6 *: +9 <<+ G$4** *N +9 <<< Touring L/SL/SLE 95 05-124 Touring 500 01 — Tundra/LT 85-87 05-111 Tundra/LT 88-99 05-102 SKIROULE Lazer 340/440 74/76 05-110 RT 300 74 05-110 RT 300/340/440 72-73 05-116 RTW 300 73-74 05-116 RTX 300/340/440/447 72-73 05-116 RXT 300/340/440/447 74 05-110 Sonar 440 75 05-110 Sprint 340 76 05-110 Ultra 340/440/447 75-76 05-110 SNO-JET All models 69-71 05-115 Astro Jet 295/340/440 74-76 05-115 Astro SS 74 05-115 Astro SS 75-76 05-110 Sabre Jet 74 05-110 SST F/A 75 05-110 SST F/C (All) 72-74 05-115 SST F/C 440 75-76 05-110 Star Jet (All) 72-73 05-115 Strato Jet 74 05-115 Super Jet 72 05-115 Thunder Jet 75 05-115 Whisper Jet 73-74 05-115 74 <(: ]! 05-129 05-152-42FM 05-152-42FM 05-129 05-129 +9 <+N +9 <95 69 +9 <95 69 +9 <95 69 +9 <95 75 +9 <95 69 +9 <95 69 +9 <95 69 +9 <95 69 — 05-152-35FM 05-152-42FM 05-129 05-129 — 05-129 05-152-42FM 05-152-35FM 05-129 — 05-152-35FM 05-152-42FM 05-129 +9 <+N 05-152-42FM 05-129 — 05-152-35FM — — — — — — — — — 05-109 05-109 05-109 — — — 05-109 — 05-109 05-109 05-109 05-109 05-109 BRAKE PAD APPLICATION CHART & BRAKE LEVERS <(: <(: !f ]! SUZUKI All models 05-108 — YAMAHA (-($59+,F.=5 +* +9 <95 5:,GI<. +9 <95 5*,GI5. EL 73 05-120 — Enticer 250/300/340 77-88 05-104 — Enticer 400T/TR 89-91 05-104 — Enticer 410TR 92-01 05-113 05-152-24FM EW 72-73 05-120 — Excel 340 81-88 05-104 — Excel 540 79-82 05-113 05-152-24FM Exciter 76-81 05-113 05-152-24FM Exciter 570 87-91 05-113 05-152-24FM GP 73-78 05-120 — GPX (All) 74-75 05-113 05-152-24FM %- &6++=: =N +9 <+7 Mountain Lite 500 00-02 — 05-152-50FM Mountain Max 600/700 98-03 — 05-152-50FM H- 67+=N ++ +9 <<6 +9 <95 57 Phazer 480/Mountain 480 84-99 05-113 05-152-24FM Phazer 500/Dlx. 99-01 — 05-152-50FM Prestige 76-77 05-120 — SL 74 05-120 — Mikuni/Throttle Lever Fits: All Rupp with Mikuni Carbs All Kawa with Mikuni Carbs All Merc with Mikuni Carbs All John Deere with Mikuni Carbs #GIN5* +5 ......... $1.90 REPLACEMENT BRAKE LEVER ASSY. A replacement -2 many models. #GIN5* +6 ......... $1.90 !f YAMAHA (CONTINUED) SR 540 80-91 SRX 76-81 SRX 600/700 98-99 SRX 700 00-02 SS 440 80-83 SSR 78 STX 76-77 SV 80/125 88-92 SW 72-73 SX 500R/600R/700R 00-02 SX Viper ER/Mountain 02-05 TL 75 TW 74 Venture 480 91-01 Venture 500/600/700 97-03 Venture 500/XL 00-01 VK 540 89-03 Vmax 500/E/DX/ST 94-96 Vmax 500/600/700 (All) 97-01 Vmax 540 83-91 Vmax 600 94-96 Vmax-4 750 92-94 Vmax-4 800/ST 95-96 XL 540 85-90 ARCTIC BRAKE LEVER <(: <(: ]! 05-113 05-113 — — 05-113 05-113 05-113 05-113 05-120 — — 05-120 05-120 05-113 — — 05-113 05-125 — 05-113 05-125 05-125 05-125 05-113 05-152-24FM 05-152-24FM 05-152-50FM 05-152-50FM 05-152-24FM 05-152-24FM 05-152-24FM 05-152-24FM — 05-152-50FM 05-152-50FM — — 05-152-24FM 05-152-50FM 05-152-50FM 05-152-24FM 05-152-45FM 05-152-50FM 05-152-24FM 05-152-45FM 05-152-45FM 05-152-45FM 05-152-24FM MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO BRAKE LEVER ASSY F - F R+<+N :+NI Fits: 72-80 all models (except hydraulic types). Replaces Bombardier #581-1189-00. Fits: !, 80-83 Mirage. ,=+ =7& S=< =6G S 82-86 Skandic 377. Sold each. #GIN5* +< . . . $1.90 #GI+9 <95 <6 . . . . $13.90 YAMAHA BRAKE LEVER Replaces Yamaha #803-83912-00-38 & #8H8-83912-00-00. Fits: 69-01 all models ,>24>N* NN >049++3:++.I& I #GI+= <+= ............. $1.90 COMPLETE BRAKE CALIPER ASSEMBLY Universal Complete disc brake assembly with - machines. F K Arctic Cat & others. F- 101 200 or H&H 440 series brake. <(: < UB-110 05-115 05-103-01 05-116 75 H&H 200 Assy. $24.90 $6.90 H&H 440 Assy. $31.90 Replacement brake pads $9.90 Replacement brake pads Pistons All pistons are sold with rings, wrist pins and circlips. Extra rings are sold per set. Manufactured to O.E.M. specs. All are interchangeable with O.E.M. components. The letter “L” & “R” behind the size means left and right. Piston rings are black surfaced rings that work in both chrome or cast cylinders. RING SET MODEL YEAR CC PISTON CYL BORE SIZE PART # PRICE PART # PRICE 2 60mm STD .010 .020 R09-685 R09-685-01 R09-685-02 $13.90 13.90 13.90 09-685 $39.90 ARCTIC CAT/KAWASAKI 340 F/C & F/A (T1 series) 1971-75 339 09-685-02 39.90 440 F/C & F/A (T1 series) 1971-75 436 2 68mm STD .020 .040 R09-688 R09-688-02 R09-688-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-688 09-688-02 09-688-04 46.90 46.90 46.90 El Tigre 440 (T7 series) 1975-77 440 2 68mm STD .010 .020 R09-689 R09-689-01 R09-689-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-689 58.90 Jaguar 2000 F/A Lynx 2000T 1976-80 275 1977-80 2 54mm STD .020 R09-690 R09-690-02 10.90 10.90 09-690 09-690-02 49.90 49.90 Jaguar 3000 F/A Jaguar & Trail Cat 3000 F/C Jag 340/Deluxe Jag Mountain Cat Lynx/Dlx./Mc Cheetah 340 Puma/Dlx./2-Up Bearcat 340 Panther 340 1976-80 339 2 1976-80 1976-77, 87-90, 98-99 1990-91 1991-93 1994 1994-96 1995-00 1998-00 60mm STD R09-692 12.90 09-692 39.90 .020 .040 R09-692-02 R09-692-04 12.90 12.90 09-692-02 09-692-04 39.90 39.90 Panther 370 Panther 370 w/reverse Z370/ES Z370/LX 2001, 04 370 2005-06 2001-02 2004-06 2 60mm STD R09-603 16.90 09-603 71.90 Cheetah, El Tigre Panther 4000 1976 1976 431 2 65mm STD R09-696 12.90 09-697 43.90 Panther 4000 El Tigre 4000 F/A 1977-78 431 1977 2 65mm STD R09-696 12.90 09-698 43.90 Trail Cat 4000 F/C Panther 440 Jag 440 DLX Jag 440 Z Super Jag/LT Jag AFS Jag 4000 Bearcat 440 Z440/ES Cheetah 440 1980-81 431 2 65mm 1980-81, 84, 89-90, 93, 98-01 1987-99 1993-94 1987-92 1989-93 1981, 85-86 1995-00 1995-98,00-02 1994 STD R09-696 12.90 09-696 66.90 El Tigre 6000 L/C El Tigre Cross Country Pantera L/C, El Tigre 5000 L/C Cheetah Touring and Cougar/Mtn. Cat Prowler/Special 440 ZL 440 ZR 440 1978-79 436 1979 1985-92 1987-88 1991-94 1990-94 1997-99 1994-95 STD .010 .020 R09-695 R09-695-01 R09-695-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-695 09-695-01 09-695-02 49.90 49.90 49.90 ARCTIC CAT/SPIRIT 2 68mm 76 Pistons - Cont. MODEL YEAR CC CYL BORE ZR 440 ZR 440 (Consumer Model) 96-97 98 438 2 66.50mm ZR 500 ZL 500/EFI/esr Powder Special 500 EFI 2001 497 1998-00 2000 2 71mm Mountain Cat 500 EFI ZL 500/EFI/esr ZR 500/EFI 2001-02 497 2001 98-99, 01-02 2 Panther 5000 Cheetah 5000 Pantera 5000 F/A & F/C El Tigre 5000 Lynx 2000S (Single Cyl.) Cougar SE Panther 1976-79 500 1976-78 1976-81 1976-81 1977-80 250 1985 1986-88 2 El Tigre 6000 L/C 1980-85 500 Cheetah F/C Cougar SIZE RING SET PART # R09-168 PRICE $16.90 STD R09-679 71mm STD 70mm 2 1986-90 500 1985-90 T500 F5 Sabercat 500/LX M5/EFI Crossfire PISTON PART # *09-168 PRICE $76.90 19.90 *09-679 76.90 R09-679 19.90 *09-605 69.90 STD .020 .040 R09-693 R09-693-02 R09-693-04 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-693 09-693-02 09-693-04 66.90 66.90 66.90 70mm STD R09-693 14.90 09-694 66.90 2 70mm STD .010 .020 R09-693 R09-693-01 R09-693-02 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-691 09-691-01 09-691-02 56.90 56.90 56.90 2003-08 500 2004-06 2005-06 2007-08 2 71mm STD R09-141 17.90 09-141 74.90 El Tigre 6000 L/C Cheetah L/C El Tigre EXT, Mtn. Cat 1986-89 529 1986-88 1989-91 2 72mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-699 R09-699-01 R09-699-02 R09-699-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-699 09-699-01 09-699-02 09-699-04 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 EXT Special/EFI/Mtn. Cat EXT 550/EFI/EF Pantera Cheetah 550 Cougar 550 Bearcat 550/WT Panther/Dlx. Prowler 550 ZL 550/esr 1991-92 550 1993-94 1993-94, 02-05 1994 1995-98 1995-02 1997-01 1995 2000-03 2 73.4mm STD R09-687 19.90 09-687 71.90 EXT 580 LC/EFI/Dlx. 580 Powder Special ZR580 Pantera 580 ZL 580 EFI esr 1993-98 580 1995-97 1994-97 1995-01 2000 2 75.4mm STD R09-681 R09-681-04 19.90 19.90 09-681 09-681-04 66.90 66.90 ZRT 600 EXT 600, Powder Extreme EXT Touring Triple Touring 1996-00 594 1997-98 1998 1999-00 3 66.5mm STD R09-601 16.90 09-601 64.90 ZL 600, EFI ZR 600, EFI Powder Special/EFI 1998-99 599 1998-99 1998-99 2 78mm STD R09-077 17.90 09-077 83.90 Mountain Cat 600 Pantera 600 EFI Powder Special 600 ZL 600 ZR 600 2001-04 599 2002-05 2000 2000-03 2000-02 2 78mm STD R09-609 16.90 09-609 83.90 1 77 Pistons - Cont. RING SET MODEL Crossfire 6/Sno Pro F6 Firecat/EFI/EXT/Sno Pro F6 LXR M6 Sabercat 600 EFI/LX YEAR CC 2006-08 600 04-08 2008 05-08 04-06 CYL 2 BORE 73.8mm SIZE STD PART # R09-163 Wildcat 650 Mountain Cat 1988-90 650 1990 2 78mm STD .010 .020 R09-684 R09-684-01 R09-684-02 Wildcat 700/MC/EFI ZR 700 ZL 700 Powder Special 700 1991-96 699 1994-95/99-00 2000 1999-00 2 81mm STD .020 .020 Crossfire 700 EFI Firecat EFI/EXT/Sno Pro M7 Sabercat 700 EFI, EFI EXT, EFI LX 2006 700 2003-06 2005-06 2004-06 2 79.70mm Mountain Cat 800 Pantera 800 ZL 800 ZR 800 2001-04 785 2002-04 2001-03 2001-03 2 Pantera 800 ZRT 800 1998-99 794 1995-01 ZR900/EFI/Sno Pro Mountain Cat 900/EFI King Cat 900/EFI 03-06 03-04 04-06 PISTON PRICE PART # 09-163 PRICE 21.90 21.90 21.90 09-684 09-684-01 09-684-02 49.90 49.90 49.90 R09-682 R09-682-01 R09-682-02 19.90 19.90 19.90 09-682 09-682-01 09-682-02 83.90 83.90 83.90 STD R09-143 19.90 09-148 79.90 81mm STD R09-682 19.90 09-611 83.90 3 72mm STD R09-699 16.90 09-602 51.90 862 2 85.00mm STD R09-164 16.90 09-164 99.90 Thundercat 900 1993-97 895 3 76.5mm STD R09-686 13.90 09-686 74.90 Mountain Cat 1000 Pantera 1000 Thundercat 1000 2001-02 1000 2000-01 1998-03 3 81mm STD R09-682 19.90 09-612 83.90 1975 339 1976-77 1978 2 2.372” .010 L .010 R --------- 09-031 09-032 41.90 41.90 Scorpion, Raider & other 400cc, 18mm pin 398 2 65mm STD .010 .020 R09-665 R09-665-01 R09-665-02 09-665 09-665-01 09-665-02 42.90 42.90 42.90 John Deere, Scorpion, Raider & other 400/22, reed valve18mm pin 398 2 65mm .020 L ----- 09-8047-02 48.90 1976-78 438 1974-75 2 66mm STD L .010 .020 .040 R09-666 R09-666-01 R09-666-02 R09-666-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-666 09-666-01 09-666-02 09-666-04 42.90 42.90 42.90 42.90 STD R .010 .020 .040 R09-666 R09-666-01 R09-666-02 R09-666-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-667 09-667-01 ----09-667-04 42.90 42.90 $16.90 $83.90 CCW/KIORITZ/JOHN DEERE JDX4 400, Cyclone 340 Cyclone 340-340/22 reed valve, 18mm pin John Deere Liquifire John Deere Cyclone Scorpion, Raider & other 440/22 reed valve, 18 mm pin 78 --------- 16.90 16.90 16.90 ----- ----42.90 Pistons - Cont. MODEL YEAR RING SET PART # CC CYL BORE SIZE 438 2 66mm STD L R09-9042 .020 R09-9042-02 .040 R09-9042-04 STD R R09-9042 .020 R09-9042-02 .040 R09-9042-04 PRICE PISTON PART # PRICE $13.90 13.90 13.90 13.90 13.90 13.90 ----09-8042-02 09-8042-04 09-8043 09-8043-02 09-8043-04 $44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 CCW/KIORITZ/JOHN DEERE - Cont. Scorpion, Raider & other 440/21 440/21 reed valve, 16mm pin ----- CUYUNA/JLO/ROCKWELL L227 227 1 70mm STD R09-900 11.90 L230 227 1 70mm STD R09-900 11.90 LR340/2 thru 9 Cuyuna 340, 4 & 6 port 339 2 60mm STD .010 .020 R09-660 R09-660-01 R09-660-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-660 09-660-01 09-660-02 43.90 43.90 43.90 LR399/2 thru 9 Cuyuna 400 398 2 65mm STD .010 .020 R09-661 R09-661-01 R09-661-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-661 09-661-01 09-661-02 45.90 45.90 45.90 LR440/2 thru 9 Cuyuna 440-2F 438 2 67.5mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-662 R09-662-01 R09-662-02 R09-662-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-662 09-662-01 09-662-02 09-662-04 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 JOHN DEERE & KAWASAKI +These rings will not fit the OEM pistons for John Deere. 340 Trailfire, Drifter Spitfire Snofire Inviter 1979-82 339 1980-82 1980-84 1978 2 Intriguer Sportfire Trailfire 1978 1979-82 1978-82 2 2 2 Liquifire, Trailfire Drifter Invader, Intruder Sportfire Invader LTD 1978-82 436 1978-80 1978-82 1979-82 1980 60mm STD .010 .020 *R09-685 *R09-685-01 *R09-685-02 13.90 13.90 13.90 09-685 39.90 09-685-02 39.90 68mm STD .020 .040 R09-688 R09-688-02 R09-688-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-688 09-688-02 09-688-04 46.90 46.90 46.90 2 68mm STD .010 .020 *R09-689 *R09-689-01 *R09-689-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-689 58.90 338 2 62mm STD .010 .020 R09-670 R09-670-01 R09-670-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-670 09-670-01 09-670-02 44.90 44.90 44.90 Charger, Mustang, Voyager 488 Colt Custom II TC 1970-71 244 1972-78 488 1974 1974-75 1 2 72mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-700 R09-700-01 R09-700-02 R09-700-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-700 09-700-01 09-700-02 09-700-04 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 Electra Gemini Star Star L/T Star Trak Indy Starlite 1975-77 244 1979-81/83488 1983-90 1984 1987-90 1991-95 1 2 72mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-700 R09-700-01 R09-700-02 R09-700-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-700 09-700-01 09-700-02 09-700-04 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 Colt 250 Twin F/A Colt SS 250 1976-78 250 1976 2 53.5mm STD .020 R09-702 ----- 16.90 16.90 09-702 09-702-02 39.90 39.90 TX 250 Starfire 250 1976-79 249 1976 2 53.4mm STD R09-703 7.90 09-703 38.90 KOHLER K340-2AX, 2FA POLARIS-FUJI 79 Pistons - Cont. MODEL TX 335 TX 500 F/A TX 340 Colt SS Colt 340 YEAR CC 1972 335 1972-73 500 1973-74 1974-76 1975-76 CYL 2 3 TXL 1977-82 333 2 TXL Indy Indy XC 340 Centurion Centurion Indy 500L/C Indy 500 1980-83 500 1983 1979-80 1981 1982 3 Colt SS SS340 Cobra Apollo Galaxy Cutlass 340 F/C 1977 333 1978 1978-79 1979-80 1980 1981 2 Starfire TX TXC 340 F/A TX 500 1976 336 1975-80 500 1979-80 1974-75 Indy Lite/GT/Dlx./Touring Sprint/ES Indy Sport/GT Indy 340 Classic Edge Indy 340/Dlx./Touring RING SET SUG. PISTON SUG. PART # R09-701 RETAIL PART # 09-701 RETAIL BORE 62mm SIZE STD 61.78mm STD R09-706 9.90 09-706 34.90 .010 .020 R09-706-01 R09-706-02 9.90 9.90 09-706-01 09-706-02 34.90 34.90 62mm STD .020 R09-708 R09-708-02 13.90 13.90 09-708 09-708-02 47.90 47.90 2 3 62mm STD .010 R09-706-01 R09-706-02 9.90 9.90 09-706-01 09-706-02 34.90 34.90 1991-98 340 1986-90 1987-90 2003-07 1999-07 2 62.3mm STD .020 R09-717 R09-717-02 16.90 16.90 09-717 09-717-02 58.90 58.90 Indy 400 2 Cyl. Indy 600 3 Cyl. 1984-91 398 1984-87 597 2 3 65mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-707 R09-707-01 R09-707-02 R09-707-04 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 09-707 09-707-01 09-707-02 09-707-04 58.90 58.90 58.90 58.90 Cutlass/SS TXC Long Track, SS Sport 432 Cobra Galaxy 1981-82 432 1981 648 1983-86 1983 1979 1980-81 2 3 67.75mm STD .010 .020 R09-704 R09-704-01 R09-704-02 7.90 7.90 7.90 09-704 09-704-01 09-704-02 37.90 37.90 37.90 TX 440 1976-80 432 650 2 3 67.75mm STD R09-705 7.90 09-705 37.90 TXC Indy Trail Long Track Indy Sport/GT/Touring Indy Super Sport Indy XCF Indy Transport 1982 432 1983-86 1984-90 1991-99 1995-96 1997-98 1996-99 2 67.72mm STD .020 R09-704 R09-704-02 7.90 7.90 09-710 09-710-02 37.90 37.90 Indy 440XC/XCR Indy Trail/Deluxe Indy 440 SKS 1992-94 432 1993 1995-98 2 67.75mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-713 R09-713-01 R09-713-02 R09-713-04 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-713 09-713-01 09-713-02 09-713-04 66.90 66.90 66.90 66.90 Indy Trail 488 (all) Indy 500/EFI/RMK/SKS/Classic/Touring Indy Supertrack Super Sport 1986-99 488 1986-06 1990-92 1997-98 2 72mm STD .010 .020 R09-712 R09-712-01 R09-712-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-712 09-712-01 09-712-02 66.90 66.90 66.90 Indy Indy Indy Indy 1999-00 1999-05 2000-02 2003 70.5mm STD .010 R09-720 R09-720-01 R09-720-02 19.90 19.90 19.90 09-720 09-720-01 09-720-02 74.90 74.90 74.90 500 XC 500 XC SP RMK 500 L/C 500 Classic 500 2 80 $16.90 $42.90 Pistons - Cont. MODEL YEAR CC CYL BORE SIZE RING SET PART # PRICE PISTON PART # PRICE $19.90 09-726 $79.90 POLARIS-FUJI - Cont. Indy 500 RMK/SKS Indy Classic Touring Indy Widetrak LX 1997-99 500 1997-00 1999-02 2 72.00mm STD R09-719 Indy Indy Indy Indy Indy Indy 1999-07 544 1999-05 1999-08 2000, 03-08 2002-06 2004 2 73mm STD .010 .020 R09-727 R09-727-01 R09-727-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-727 09-727-01 09-727-02 78.90 78.90 78.90 1993-94 579 3 64mm STD .010 .020 R09-714 R09-714-01 R09-714-02 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-714 09-714-01 09-714-02 59.90 59.90 59.90 .040 R09-714-04 17.90 09-714-04 59.90 550 550 550 550 550 550 Supersport Sport Touring Trail RMK Trail Touring Classic Pro X Fan Indy 580 XLT, XLT Special Indy 600 Classic/RMK/XC/DLX/XCSP Big Block 1998-01 593 2 74.5mm STD R09-721 14.90 09-721 76.90 Indy XLT 600/Special/Touring/ Classic/SKS/RMK/LTD/SP Indy XCR Indy Triumph 1995-98 597 1995-96 2000 3 65mm STD .020 .040 R09-716 R09-716-02 R09-716-04 18.90 18.90 18.90 09-716 09-716-02 09-716-04 61.90 61.90 61.90 Indy 600 XCR SP Indy 600 XCR SE Indy 600 XCR 1996-98 598 1997 1997-98 3 62.50mm STD R09-729 16.90 09-729 71.90 R09-728 19.90 09-728 79.90 Indy 600 Touring/Classic Touring/XCSP/ 2000-08 600 2 Classic/Edge Touring/ProX, X2/Fusion RMK/Switchback/HOIQ /IQ, LX, CFI/DRAGON, SHIFT, TOURING Small Block 77.25mm STD Indy 650, SKS Indy 650 RXL, SKS 1988-89 648 1990-97 3 67.75mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-713 R09-713-01 R09-713-02 R09-713-04 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-713 09-713-01 09-713-02 09-713-04 66.90 66.90 66.90 66.90 Ultra/SP Ultra SPX, SKS, SE Ultra Touring 1996-98 680 1997 1998 3 66.60mm STD R09-718 19.90 09-718 66.90 Indy 700 XC SP/Dlx./Classic/Touring 1997-05 700 Indy 700 RMK/SKS/Pro X/Pro X2/Switchback 2 81mm STD R09-722 19.90 09-722 76.90 Indy Storm 800 1994-98 794 3 72mm STD R09-719 19.90 09-719 66.90 Indy 800 LE/XC SP/Pro X/Pro X2/R Switchback/HO Classic/Edge/Touring Indy 800 RMK/SKS 2000-06 800 2 85mm STD R09-730 19.90 09-730 89.90 Indy 800 XCR 1999-03 800 3 72mm STD R09-731 16.90 09-731 79.90 Indy 900 Fusion, 900 rmx 2005-06 900 2 83mm STD R09-165 19.90 09-165 99.90 436 2 67.5mm STD .010 .020 R09-200 R09-200-01 R09-200-02 13.90 13.90 13.90 09-200 09-200-01 09-200-02 47.90 47.90 47.90 Olympic Elan Spirit 250 1963-68 247 1971-78 1976-78 1 69mm STD .020 R09-740 R09-740-02 16.90 16.90 09-740 43.90 43.90 Elan 250 Twin Elan 250 Deluxe Elan 250 Spirit 250 1973-74 248 1975-79 1979-94 250 1979-83 2 54mm 69.5mm R09-745 ----R09-740-02 16.90 ---16.90 09-745 09-745-02 1 STD .020 STD 43.90 43.90 43.90 SACHS SA 440/2 (except RX & C) SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI/ROTAX 81 Pistons - Cont. RING SET MODEL YEAR CC PISTON CYL BORE SIZE PART # PRICE PART # PRICE *09-741 *09-741-01 *09-741-02 *09-741-04 $66.90 66.90 66.90 66.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI/ROTAX - Cont. Citation 3500 Tundra/LT Skandic 277 Citation LS & LSE Mirage I Tundra 11 LT/R/RER 1980-84 269 1985-98 248 1983 1985-91 1980-82 1999-05 1 1 72mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-741 R09-741-01 R09-741-02 R09-741-04 $17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 Elan SS TNT 1972 292 1970-72 1 76mm STD .020 R09-742 R09-742-02 14.90 14.90 09-742 09-742-02 49.90 49.90 Olympic 12/3SS Olympic 300 Alpine 300 Olympic 320 1969 1967-77 299 1968 319 1969 1 1 76mm STD .020 R09-742 R09-742-02 14.90 14.90 09-742 49.90 49.90 Olympic 335 Skandic Olympic SS 320 TNT 340 1970-73 335 1971-73 1969 1970-71 1 78mm STD .010 .020 R09-746 R09-746-01 R09-746-02 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-746 09-746-01 09-746-02 48.90 48.90 48.90 TNT Elan Citation 300 Mirage 300 1973-74 294 1974-75 1978-79 1979 2 57mm STD .010 .020 R09-764 R09-764-01 R09-764-02 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-764 09-764-01 09-764-02 43.90 43.90 43.90 TNT F/C Nuvik Futura 340 Everest Olympic 1972-76 339 1975-79 1975 1977-79 1975-79 2 59.5mm STD L .010 .020 .030 .040 STD R .010 .020 .030 .040 R09-748 R09-748-01 R09-748-02 R09-748-03 R09-748-04 R09-748 R09-748-01 R09-748-02 R09-748-03 R09-748-04 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-747 09-747-01 09-747-02 09-747-03 09-747-04 09-748 09-748-01 09-748-02 09-748-03 09-748-04 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 340 TNT F/A 1973-78 339 2 59.5mm STD .020 .040 R09-765 R09-765-02 R09-765-04 9.90 9.90 9.90 09-765 45.90 09-765-04 45.90 Blizzard 6500 Blizzard 7500 Cross Country 340 L/C Super Sonic 1978 339 1979-81 1979-81 1979-81 2 59.5mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-750 R09-750-01 R09-750-02 R09-750-04 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 09-750 09-750-01 09-750-02 09-750-04 35.90 35.90 35.90 35.90 340 TNT, RV Sonic 340 1976-79 346 1976-78 2 63mm STD R09-767 9.90 09-767 39.90 Citation 4500, SS Mirage II & Special Nordic Skandic 377 Skandic 380 Safari 377 Mirage III Safari L/LE, Saga, Scout Formula S/SE Formula DLX 380 Touring E/LT Grand Touring 380 Fan Legend 380/GT FC MXZ 380 FC GSX/GTX 380 FC 1979-83 369 1980-83 1981-84 1982-94 1998-00 1984-94 1985 1989-92 1995-96, 98-00 1999-01 1996-01 2001-04 2002-04 2001-06 2005-06 2 62mm STD .020 .030 .040 R09-751 R09-751-02 R09-751-03 R09-751-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-751 09-751-02 09-751-03 09-751-04 59.90 59.90 59.90 59.90 Olympic Alpine, Nordic TNT F/C Valmont 1970-74 399 1970-71 1969-70 1971 2 64.5mm STD L .020 STD R .020 R09-754 R09-754-02 R09-754 R09-754-02 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-753 09-753-02 09-754 09-754-02 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 82 Pistons - Cont. RING SET MODEL YEAR CC CYL BORE SIZE 2 67.5mm STD .020 .040 PISTON PART # PRICE R09-766 R09-766-02 R09-766-04 $9.90 9.90 9.90 PART # PRICE 09-766 $42.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI/ROTAX - Cont. 440 TNT F/A Blizzard 438 1974-75/77436 1972 Alpine TNT F/C Olympic Nordic Valmont 440 Elite Everest, TNT F/C 1972-74 436 1971-73 1973-74/76 1972 1972-73 1973-75 1974 2 67.5mm STD L R09-757 .010 R09-757-01 .020 R09-757-02 STD R R09-757 .010 R09-757-01 .020 R09-757-02 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-756 09-756-01 09-756-02 09-757 09-757-01 09-757-02 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 Everest Olympic, Nuvik 440 TNT F/C (5 port) Futura 1974-79 436 1977 1975, 1977-78 1975-79 2 67.5mm STD L R09-757 .010 R09-757-01 .020 R09-757-02 STD R R09-757 .010 R09-757-01 .020 R09-757-02 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 14.90 09-758 09-758-01 09-758-02 09-759 09-759-01 09-759-02 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 Blizzard 9500 Ultra Sonic 440 L/C 1979-82 1980-82 436 2 67.5mm STD .020 .040 R09-760 R09-760-02 R09-760-04 7.90 7.90 7.90 09-760 09-760-02 09-760-04 49.90 49.90 49.90 Safari 447 Nordic 50 Safari LX MXZ 440 FC Skandic LT 440 Touring LE 1984-86 1987-91 1990-93 1997-01 2001-02 1997-00 436 2 67.5mm STD .010 .020 R09-752 R09-752-01 R09-752-02 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-752 09-752-01 09-752-02 51.90 51.90 51.90 Everest Elite, Futura Formula MX, SP, SS, MX-LT, XTC Formula ST & MXZ SS25, Sonic L/C Safari GLX/LCE/LC Summit 470 Grand Touring 470 1978-83 1978-82 1985-95 1993-94 1984 1990-92 1994 1995 436 463 2 2 69.5mm STD .010 .020 R09-761 R09-761-01 R09-761-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-761 09-761-01 09-761-02 66.90 66.90 66.90 MXZX 440 L/C (453 engine type) 1999-05 440 2 STD R09-146 Blizzard 5500, Grand Prix Special Futura 500, Everest 500 MX Blizzard Sonic Blizzard 9700 Alpine 500/11 Safari/Grand Luxe Formula Plus, XTC Formula SL Formula DLX 500 FC Escapade Skandic 503/500 Skandic Sport SWT/WT Stratos Voyageur Cheyenne, Nordic 60 Touring 500 FC/SLE Grand Touring 500 FC Legend 500 FC MXZ 500 FC Summit 500 FC Tundra R 1979-84 497 1980-83 503 1983-84 521 1982 1983-84 1983-91/94 1985-88 1985-91 1995-99 1999-01 1987-89 1987-94, 97-02 1998-03 1987-88 1989 1987-91 1995-02 2001-02 2002 2001-02 2001-02 2005 2 72mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-741 R09-741-01 R09-741-02 R09-741-04 Formula 500 Dlx./SLS Grand Touring 500 MXZ 500 Skandic WT L/C Summit 500 Touring 500 L/C Formula Z 500 1996-00 1996-99 1998-99 1999-00 1996-99 2000 1999 2 69.50mm STD R09-780 R09-780-02 R09-780-04 499 83 09-146 69.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-741 09-741-01 09-741-02 09-741-04 66.90 66.90 66.90 66.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-780 09-780-02 09-780-02 66.90 66.90 66.90 8.90 Pistons - Cont. RING SET MODEL YEAR CC CYL BORE SIZE PART # 69.50mm STD R09-784 R09-784-02 STD ----- PISTON PRICE PART # PRICE SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI/ROTAX - Cont. Formula Dlx. 500 L/C Grand Touring 500 L/C Grand Touring 500 Sport Legend 500 Sport MXZ 500 (all) 2001 499 2001 2002-03 2002-03 2000-03 2 Expedition 550F GSX/GTX Legend MXZ Skandic/SWT/WT/SUV Summit Freestyle 550F BackCountry 2005-08 550 2005-08 2004 2004-08 2004-08 2003-08 2007-08 2 Formula Mach I, XTC Formula Plus/E/XTC/X/II/EFI Grand Touring/XTC Formula STX/STX2 Formula Z Formula 583/Dlx. MXZ 583 Summit 583 1989-92 580 1992-93 617 1994-99 1994-96 1994-99 1997-99 1997-98 1994-98 2 76mm STD .010 .020 .040 R09-772 R09-772-01 R09-772-02 R09-772-04 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-772 09-772-01 09-772-02 09-772-04 69.90 69.90 69.90 69.90 GSX/GTX 500 SS Sport Legend 500 SS Sport/GT MXZ 500 SS Formula DLX 600/GSE Summit 600/Sport MXZ Trail/Adrenaline/Sport/X Skandic/WT/SUV Grand Touring 600 Legend 600/GS/SE / Sport Legend GT 500 SS Sport 2004-08 597 2004 2004-06 2000-01 1999-02 1999-08 2001-05 2000-03 2002-03 2004 2 76mm STD .010 .020 R09-785 R09-785-01 R09-785-02 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-785 09-785-01 09-785-02 72.90 72.90 72.90 GTX 600 LTD/Sport GSX 600 HO Sport/Limited Legend 600 HO Legend GT 600 HO MXZ 600 HO MXZ 600 REV HO MXZ 600 Adrenaline/Renegade Skandic 600 Adrenaline Skandic 600 SUV Summit 600 HO 2006-08 2004-08 594 2004 2004 2003-04 2003 2003-08 2005-08 2008 2003-04 2 72mm STD R09-144 8.90 Formula III 600 1995-99 600 3 64.5mm STD R09-774 14.90 09-774 47.90 640 Alpine Nordic TNT 18” Valmont 1969-82 635 1970-74 1971-72 1971-72 2 76mm STD L .010 .020 STD R .010 .020 R09-763 R09-763-01 R09-763-02 R09-763 R09-763-01 R09-763-02 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-762 09-762-01 09-762-02 09-763 09-763-01 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 Formula Mach I/XTC Formula DLX/Z Grand Touring SE Formula SS 670 Summit 670 MXZ 670 Mach I 1989-93 669 1998-99 1994-95 1994-96 1995-97 1997-98 1994-96 2 78mm STD .020 .040 R09-773 R09-773-02 R09-773-04 19.90 19.90 19.90 09-773 09-773-02 09-773-04 74.90 74.90 74.90 MXZ 670 HO Summit X (HO engine) 1999 670 1998-99 2 78mm STD R09-147 19.90 09-147 73.90 Formula III Grand Touring/SE Mach I/R 1998-00 699 1997-00 1997-00 3 69.8mm STD R09-781 17.90 09-781 69.90 $8.90 ----- 09-784 09784-02 $69.90 09-081A 89.90 76mm Park/Session 84 09-144 74.90 Pistons - Cont. RING SET MODEL YEAR CC PISTON CYL BORE SIZE PART # PRICE PART # PRICE $19.90 09-783 $76.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI/ROTAX - Cont. MXZ 700/RER/Adrenaline/Renegade/Sport/ Trail/X Grand Touring/GS/Sport Formula DLX 700, Z700 Summit 700/X/RER/HM/GS/Sport Skandic Legend 700/RER/GS/GT/SE/Sport 2000-03 700 2001-03 2000-01 2000-03 2001 2002-04 2 78mm STD R09-085 Mach Z Mach Z LT 1993-96 772 1996 3 69.5mm STD .020 .040 R09-780 R09-780-02 R09-780-04 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-780 09-780-02 09-780-04 66.90 66.90 66.90 Mach Z/ZLT/ZLTR/ZR/Sport/Tech Plus Formula III 800 1997-03 796 1999-00 3 70.5mm STD R09-780-04 17.90 09-780-04 66.90 Grand Touring 1999-01 MXZ 800 (All) Summit (All) REV 800/RER Grand Touring SE Legend 800 SE/GT 800 SE GSX/GTX Limited 2001-06 800 2001-06 2003 2002-03 2002-04 2004-05 2 82mm STD R09-145 09-145 79.90 Mach Z Adrenaline Mach Z X MXZ LT 1000 MXZ Renegade 100 Summit Highmark/X 2005-08 997 2005-08 2007-08 2007 2005-08 2 88mm STD 340 - All Models 1972-75 336 2 59mm STD .020 .040 R09-9060 R09-9060-02 R09-9060-04 8.90 8.90 8.90 09-8060 09-8060-02 09-8060-04 32.90 32.90 32.90 360 - All Models 1971-72 359 2 61mm STD .020 .040 R09-9061 R09-9061-02 R09-9061-04 8.90 8.90 8.90 09-8061 09-8061-02 09-8061-04 32.90 32.90 32.90 400 - All Models 1971-75 395 2 64mm STD .040 R09-9062 R09-9062-04 8.90 8.90 09-8062 09-8062-04 40.90 40.90 440 Fury F/A 1975 431 2 64.5mm STD R09-9002 13.90 09-8002 41.90 Bravo Bravo TS Bravo T 1982-93 246 1984-93 1985-01 1 70mm STD .020 R09-800 R09-800-02 17.90 17.90 09-800 09-800-02 54.90 54.90 Enticer 250 1977-81 246 1 73mm STD .020 R09-801 R09-801-02 14.90 14.90 09-801 09-801-02 56.90 56.90 SL (2 Ring Piston) SM 1971-73 292 1973/75 1 73mm STD .020 R09-810 R09-810-02 16.90 16.90 09-810 09-810-02 49.90 49.90 GP (1 Ring Piston) GS 1972-76 292 1976-77 1 73mm STD .010 R09-812 R09-812-01 16.90 16.90 09-812 09-812-01 09-812-02 49.90 49.90 49.90 Enticer 300 1979-84 294 2 56mm STD .010 R09-811 R09-811-01 12.90 12.90 09-811 09-811-01 49.90 49.90 Enticer 340, T, TR Excel 340 Ovation 340 (CS 340) 1978-88 338 1981-88 1989-00 2 60mm .020 STD .010 .020 R09-811-02 R09-802 R09-802-01 R09-802-02 12.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 09-811-02 09-802 09-802-01 09-802-02 49.90 59.90 59.90 59.90 Exciter 340 STX 340 1976-78 338 1976-77 2 60mm STD R09-804 $9.90 09-804 38.90 .020 R09-804-02 09-804-02 38.90 8.90 09-167 115.90 SUZUKI YAMAHA 85 9.90 Pistons - Cont. RING SET MODEL GP SL GS YEAR CC 1973 338 1974-75 1976-79 CYL 2 BORE 60mm GPX 1974-75 338 2 60mm SS 433 GP 433 SL 433 1971-75 433 1972-74 1972-75 2 68mm GP 433 Prestige & STX GP 440 Exciter 440 1975-78 1976-77 1976-78 1976-81 433 2 68mm SR 433 GPX 433 1971-73 1974-75 433 2 68mm SS 440 1980-85 437 2 66mm SRX 440 1978-80 439 2 SRX 1981 437 Phazer all Phazer/DLX/Mtn. Lite Venture 480 GTS/XL Venture 500 XL 1984-99 1999-01 1991-99 2000 V-Max 500 (All) SX 500 R 1994-01 1999-01 Venture 500 Excel 540 SRV 540 XLV 540 VK 540 1997-01 1979,82 1980-91 1985-90 1988-05 V-Max PART # R09-803 R09-803-01 R09-803-02 .040 STD PISTON $14.90 14.90 14.90 PART # 09-803 09-803-01 09-803-02 $44.90 44.90 44.90 R09-803-04 R09-815 14.90 7.90 09-803-04 09-815 44.90 42.90 .020 STD .040 R09-815-02 R09-827 R09-827-04 7.90 9.90 9.90 09-815-02 09-827 09-827-04 42.90 49.90 49.90 STD .010 .020 .030 R09-806 R09-806-01 R09-806-02 R09-806-03 15.90 15.90 15.90 15.90 09-806 09-806-01 09-806-02 09-806-03 43.90 43.90 43.90 43.90 .040 STD .020 R09-806-04 R09-814 R09-814-02 15.90 9.90 9.90 09-806-04 09-814 ----- 43.90 42.90 .040 STD .010 .020 R09-814-04 R09-807 R09-807-01 R09-807-02 9.90 15.90 15.90 15.90 09-814-04 09-807 09-807-01 09-807-02 42.90 49.90 49.90 49.90 68.5mm STD .020 R09-818 R09-818-02 7.90 7.90 09-818 09-818-02 37.90 37.90 2 66mm STD .020 R09-9023 R09-9023-02 11.90 11.90 09-8023 09-8023-02 48.90 48.90 485 2 72mm STD .010 .020 R09-813 R09-813-01 R09-813-02 13.90 13.90 13.90 09-813 09-813-01 09-813-02 69.90 69.90 69.90 493 2 68mm STD .020 R09-825 R09-825-02 14.90 14.90 09-825 09-825-02 66.90 66.90 535 2 73mm STD .010 .020 R09-817 R09-817-01 R09-817-02 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-808 09-808-01 09-808-02 69.90 69.90 69.90 .040 R09-817-04 17.90 09-808-04 69.90 1983-91 535 2 73mm STD .020 R09-816 R09-816-02 16.90 16.90 09-816 09-816-02 49.90 49.90 Exciter, Exciter II 1987-92 569 2 73mm .040 STD .010 .020 .040 R09-816-04 R09-817 R09-817-01 R09-817-02 R09-817-04 16.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 17.90 09-816-04 09-817 09-817-01 09-817-02 09-817-04 49.90 59.90 59.90 59.90 59.90 Mtn. Max 600 SX 600R Venture 600 V-Max 600 Dlx./SX SX Venom/ER 2000-02 2000-02 1999-06 1999-02 2004-06 593 3 65mm STD R09-830 19.90 09-830 72.90 V-Max 600 LE/DLX/ST/SX/XT/XTC Mtn. Max 600 Venture 1994-99 1998-99 1997-98 598 2 74.8mm STD R09-826 16.90 09-826 76.90 SRX 700/S/Mtn. SXV 700/ER Viper/Mtn. Venture 700 1998-02 2002-06 2004 696 3 69mm STD R09-831 19.90 09-831 79.90 SX 700 R V-Max 700 SX, XTC, Dlx Mountain Max 700 Venture 700 2000-02 1997-02 1998-03 1998-03 698 3 70.5mm STD R09-828 19.90 09-828 69.90 86 SIZE STD .010 .020 PRICE PRICE ----- Engine Gasket Sets '<\ ] : MODELS CYL FULL SET PRICE ARCTIC/KAWASAKI 60, Kitty Cat, All 150, Lynx, Puma, All 250, EXT, El Tigre, 1972-73 250, El Tigre “Z”, 1975 290, EXT, El Tigre, 1972-74 292, EXT, 1970 292, Lynx, 1971-73 292, Lynx I, 1974 292, Panther, 1970/72 292, Puma, 1970 295, El Tigre, 1974 340, Cheetah, 1972-75 340, El Tigre, 1973-74 340, El Tigre, 1975 340, El Tigre “Z”, 1975 340, EXT 1971-72, 340, EXT 1973 340, Jag 1975 340, Lynx II, 1974 340, Pantera, 1975 340, Panther, 1971-74 340, Puma, 1971-72 400, Cheetah, 1972-73 400, El Tigre, 1973-74 400, Panther, 1971-73 400, Puma, 1971-72 440, Cheetah, 1972-75 440, El Tigre, 1973-75 440, El Tigre “Z”, 1975 440, EXT 1971 440, Lynx II, 1974 440, Pantera, 1975 440, Panther, 1971-75 440, Puma, 1971-73 440, VIP Panther, 1974 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/A 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711148 711034 711053 711053X 711054 711034 711034 711034 711034 711034 711054 711032 711032 711055 711055 711032 711055 711032A 711032 711032 711032 711032 711033A 711056 711033A 711033A 711033 711056X 711056X 711033 711033 711033 711033 711033 711033 $21.90 25.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 30.90 32.90 32.90 30.90 30.90 32.90 30.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 30.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 30.90 30.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 60, Kitty Cat-Spirit, 1977-99 1 F/C 120, Kitty Cat- 4 cycle (ZR 120), 2000-08 1 F/C 250, Lynx 2000S, 1977-80 1 F/A 275, Jag 2000, 1976-80 2 F/A 275, Lynx 2000T, 1977-80 2 F/A 340, Bearcat, 1995-00 2 F/C 340, Cheetah, 1994 2 F/C 340, El Tigre Cross Country, 1979 2 L/C 340, Jag 3000, 1977-80 2 F/A 340, Jag/Trail Cat 3000, 1979-80 2 F/C 340, Jag, Deluxe, Mtn. Cat, 1987-91 2 F/C 340, Jag, Deluxe, Panther, 1998-00 2 F/C 340, Lynx, Deluxe, Mtn. Cat, 1991-93 2 F/C 340, Puma, Deluxe, 1994-97 2 F/C 370, Panther, 2001 2 F/C 370, Z 370, ES, LX, Panther, 1999-08 2 F/C 440, Bearcat, 1995 2 F/C 440, Bearcat, 1996 2 F/C 440, Bearcat, 1997-00 2 F/C 440, Cheetah 4000, 1976 2 F/C 440, Cheetah Touring, 1991-93 2 L/C 440, Cheetah, 1994 2 F/C 440, Cougar, 2-Up, 1991-94 2 L/C 440, El Tigre 4000, 1976-77 2 F/A 440, El Tigre 5000, 1978-80/87-88 2 L/C 711105 711248 711061A 711057 711057 711063B 711063B 711063F 711058 711063B 711063B 711063B 711063B 711063B 711244 711244 711060A 711219 711224 711059 711179 711060A 711179 711059 711063A 21.90 20.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 32.90 32.90 41.90 30.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 37.90 37.90 32.90 35.90 37.90 32.90 44.90 32.90 44.90 32.90 40.90 ARCTIC/SPIRIT 87 MODELS CYL 440, EL Tigre 6000, 1978-79 2 L/C 440, Jag 4000, 1981/85-88 2 F/C 440, Jag, Deluxe, 1990-95 2 F/C 440, Jag 1997-00 2 F/C 440, Jag 1996 2 L/C 440, Jag 1996 2 F/C 440, Pantera, 1990-93 2 L/C 440, Pantera, 1985-89 2 L/C 440, Panther 4000, 1976-80 2 F/C 440, Panther, 1980-81/84-85 2 F/C 440, Panther, Deluxe, Mtn. Cat, 1989-95 2 F/C 440, Panther, 1996 2 F/C 440, Panther, 1996 2 L/C 440, Panther, ES, 1997-02 2 F/C 440, Prowler, 2 Up, 1990-94 2 L/C 440, Prowler Special, 1991-92 2 L/C 440, Super Jag Long Track, 1987-92 2 F/C 440, Trail Cat, 4000, 1980-81 2 F/C 440, Z440, 1995 2 F/C 440, Z440, 1996 2 F/C 440, Z440/ES/LX, 1997-06 2 F/C 440, Z 440 Sno Pro, 1999-00 2 F/C 440, Z 440 Sno Pro, 2002 2 F/C 440, ZL440, 1997-00 2 L/C 440, ZR440, 1994-95 2 L/C 440, ZR440, 1996-98 2 L/C 440, ZR440 SnoPro, 1998-01 2 L/C 440, ZR440 Sno Pro, 2002-06 2 L/C 500, Cheetah 5000, 1976-78 2 F/C 500, Cheetah, 1986-89 2 F/C 500, Cheetah Touring, 1988-90 2 F/C 500, Cougar 5000, 1985 2 F/C 500, Crossfire, 2005-08 2 L/C 500, Cougar, Cougar Mt. Cat, 1986-90 2 F/C 500, El Tigre 5000, 1976-77 2 F/A 500, El Tigre 5000, 1978-81 2 F/A 500, El Tigre 6000, 1980/84-85 2 L/C 500 , Firecat F5/Sno Pro, 2003-07 2 L/C 500 , FS EFI/LXR, T500, 2008 2 L/C 500 , M5 EFI Attack, 2005-06 2 L/C 500, Mountain Cat EFI, 2001-02 2 L/C 500, Pantera 5000, 1976-78 2 F/A 500, Pantera 5000, 1977-81 2 F/C 500, Panther, 1986-89 2 F/C 500, Panther, 1976-81 2 F/C 500, Powder Sp, EFI/LE, 2000 2 L/C 500, Sabercat, LX, 2004-06 2 L/C 500, ZL500, ZR500, 1998-00 2 L/C 500, ZL500, ZR500/EFI/esr, 2001-02 2L/C 530, Cheetah, El Tigre 6000, 1986-89 2 L/C 530, EXT 1989-91 2 L/C 550, Bearcat, 1995-96 2 L/C 550, Bearcat Widetrak, 1996-02 2 L/C 550, Cheetah, 1994 2 L/C 550, Cougar, Mt. Cat, Dlx., 1995-98 2 L/C 550, EXT 580Z, 1993 2 L/C 550, EXT Special, EXT, Mtn. Cat, 1991-93 2 L/C 550, Pantera, 1993-94, 02-05 2 L/C 550, Panther, 1997-01 2 L/C 550, Prowler, 2-Up, 1995 2 L/C 550, ZL 550 esr, 2000-03 2 L/C 570, Bearcat, 2005-08 2 F/C 570, F570/T570, 2008 2 F/C 570, Mountain Cat 570, 2002-04 2 F/C 570, Panther 570, 2002-07 2 F/C 570, Z570/SS/ESR/LX, 2002-07 2 F/C FULL SET PRICE $40.90 32.90 32.90 37.90 44.90 35.90 44.90 711063A 711060A 711060A 711224 711179 711219 711179 711063A 711059 711060A 711060A 711219 711179 711224 711179 711188 711060A 711060A 711060A 711219 711224 711245 711272 711179 711188 711225 711226 711273 711063 711063E 711063E 711063 711290 711063E 711063 711061 711063C 711276 711290 711290 711266 711063 711063 711063 711063 711227 711290 711227 711266 711063D 711063D 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711270 711270 711270 711270 711270 40.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 35.90 44.90 37.90 44.90 44.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 35.90 37.90 37.90 37.90 44.90 44.90 49.90 49.90 78.90 32.90 34.90 34.90 32.90 112.90 34.90 32.90 32.90 40.90 94.90 112.90 112.90 77.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 60.90 112.90 59.90 77.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 46.90 46.90 46.90 46.90 46.90 Engine Gasket Sets - Cont. MODELS 580, Bearcat Wide Track, 1998-00 580, EXT, EFI, Mt. Cat, 1993-98 580, EXT Powder Spec., 1995-97 580, Pantera 580 EFI, 1995-01 580, Panther, 1998-00 580, Z580,ZR 580/EFI, 1993-97 580, ZL 580 EFI esr, 2000 600, Crossfire 6, 2006-08 600, EXT 600, 1997-98 600, F6, EFI, Sno Pro, 2004-08 600, M6, EFI, 2005-08 600, Mountain Cat EFI, 2001-04 600, Pantera 600/EFI, 2002-05 600, Powder Extreme, 1997-98 600, Powder Spec., EFI, 1998-99 600, Powder Sp, LE, EFI, LE, 2000 600, Sabercat 600 EFI, 2004-05 600, ZL 600, EFI, 1999 600, ZL 600, EFI, 2000 600, ZL 600/EFI, 2001-03 600, ZR 600, EFI, LE, XC, 1998-99 600, ZR 600 Blair Morgan, 2000 600, ZR 600, EFI, EFI LE, 2000 600, ZR 600/EFI, 2001-02 600, ZRT 600, Triple Touring, 1995-02 650, Wild Cat, 1988-90 700, Crossfire 700, 2006 700, Firecat F7, EFI Sno Pro, 2003-06 700, M7 EFI 700, Limited, Carb, 2005-06 700, Powder Special, LE, 1999-00 700, Sabercat EFI, LX, EXT, 2004-06 700, Wild Cat, EFI, Mt. Cat, 1991-95 700, Wild Cat, Mt. Cat, Touring, 1994-96 700, ZL 700, 2000 700, ZR 700, 1994-95 700, ZR 700, 1999-00 800, F8, LXR, Sno Pro, 2007-08 800, M8, Sno Pro, 2007-08 800, Mountain Cat/EFI, 2001-04 800, Crossfire 8, Sno Pro, 2007-08 800, Pantera 800, 2003-04 800, Pantera, 1998 800, ZL 800, ZR 800, 2001-03 800, ZRT 800, 1995-01 900, King Cat EFI, 2004-06 900, Mountain Cat 900, 2003-04 900, Thundercat, Mt. Cat, 1993-94 900, Thundercat, Mt. Cat, 1995-97 900, ZR 900 EFI/Sno Pro, 2003-06 1000, F 1000, LXR, Sno Pro, 2007-08 1000, Crossfire 1000, Sno Pro, 2007-08 1000, M 1000, Sno Pro, 2007-08 1000, Pantera, 2001 1000, Thundercat, Mt. Cat, 1998-02 CYL 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C FULL SET PRICE $44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 44.90 94.90 86.00 94.90 94.90 77.90 77.90 86.00 60.90 74.90 94.90 60.90 74.90 77.90 60.90 74.90 74.90 77.90 86.00 61.90 94.90 94.90 94.90 73.90 94.90 61.90 61.90 73.90 61.90 73.90 140.00 140.00 80.90 140.00 80.90 86.00 80.90 86.00 44.90 80.90 77.90 86.00 80.90 230.90 230.90 230.90 86.00 86.00 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711189 711275 711216 711275 711275 711266 711266 711216 711227 711249 711275 711227 711249 711266 711227 711249 711249 711266 711216 711180 711275 711275 711275 711267 711275 711190 711190 711267 711190 711267 711295 711295 711262 711295 711262 711217 711262 711217 711051 711262 711193 711217 711262 711296 711296 711296 711217 711217 KAWASAKI 225 340 400 440 340 440 Reed 340 400 440 400 440 KEC225 KEC340 KEC400 KEC440 CCW 340 CCW 440 Valve Engines KEC 340 KEC 400/21 KEC 440/21 KEC 400/22 KEC 440/22 82R, 82R4 260R 54R2, 54R3, DI 54/1 54R4, DI 54/2 55R, 56R, DI 55/1 CYL 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 3 F/C FULL SET 711001 711001 711005 711037 711002 711040 711000 711038X 711038 711041 711000 711042A 711039 711042 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711043 711013 711016 711014 711015 711017 711107 711020 711020 711019 711017X 711018 711018E 711035 711035E 711106AE 711106A 711106B 711106BE PRICE 21.90 21.90 $21.90 30.90 21.90 21.90 30.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 30.90 32.90 34.90 40.90 JLO/CUYUNA/SCORPION L227, L230 L292 L295, L300 (30MM) (6 bolt head) L297, (30MM) (5 bolt head) L340 L372, L380 295/2 axial fan LR340/2 manual LR340/2 electric LR440/2 manual LR760/2 (6 bolt head) LR399/2, 2F400/2-7 manual (4 bolt head) LR399/2, 2F400/2-7 electric (4 bolt head) LR440/2, 2F440/2-7 manual (4 bolt head) LR440/2, 2F440/2-7 electric (4 bolt head) 2F400/8, & up, electric (6 bolt head) 2F400/8, & up, manual (6 bolt head) 2F440/8, & up, manual (6 bolt head) 2F440/8, & up, electric (6 bolt head) 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 JOHN DEERE (CCW) 340, KEC340, 1972-74 2 F/C 711052X 340, JDX4 Special, 1974 2 F/C 711052X 340, Liquid Cooled 340, Liquifire, 1976-78 2 L/C 711050 400, KEC400, 1972-74 2 F/C 711052 440, KEC440, 1972-74 2 F/C 711087 440, 500 Series 25 & 35, 1971-72 2 F/C 711087 440, 600 Series 45, 55, 65, 1973-75 2 F/C 711087 440, Liquid Cooled 440, Liquifire, 1976-78 2 L/C 711051 REED VALVE ENGINE 340, 340 Cyclone, 1976-78 2 F/C 711046 400, 400 (serial #55000), JDX4, 1974-75 2 F/C 711088 440, JDX8, 1974-75 2 F/C 711089 440, Cyclone 440, 1976-78 2 F/C 711089 440, 800,1975 2 F/C 711089 30.90 30.90 44.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 44.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 JOHN DEERE/KOHLER 295, 295, 340, 340, 295 Spitfire AM54423 295/2 axial fan 340/2 axial fan 340-2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 711006X 711091 711092 711006X 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 2 F/A 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711054X 711054X 711047 711049 711048B 711048 711048A 32.90 32.90 32.90 40.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711032 711111B 711054 711149 711032 711048B 711112 711048B 711111 711150 711118 32.90 32.90 30.90 39.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 51.90 JOHN DEERE/KAWASAKI 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711090 711052X 711052 711087 711050 711051 25.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 44.90 44.90 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711046 711151 711152 711088 711089 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 1 F/C 2 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 711004 711037 711001XA 711001XB 711001XC 21.90 30.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 JOHN DEERE/KAWASAKI 246 291 300 300 300 MODELS 300, 190R, 191R, 193R 317, 192R, DI 19/2 338, 194R, DI 19/3 338, 261R 26/2 372, 200R, DI 20/1 372, 160R, DI 16/1 399, 210R, 211R, DI 22/1 438, 273R, 275R, DI 27/21 440, 270R, 271R, 272R, DI 27/1 493, 180R, DI 18/1 493, 220R, DI 22/1 600, 170R, DI 17/1 650, 280R, DI 28/1 793, 230R, DI 230/1 340, 340, 340, 440, 440, 440, 440, Spitfire, 1980-82 Snowfire, 1982-84 Trailfire, 1979-84 Liquifire, 1980-84 Sportfire, 1980-84 Trailfire, 1979-81 Trailfire, 1982-84 KAWASAKI 340, 340, 340, 340, 340, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 88 Drifter, 1979-80 Drifter, 1981 Drifter, 1980 Invader, 1978-80 Inviter, 1978 Drifter, 1979-80 Drifter, 1981 Intriguer, 1978 Intruder, 1978-82 Invader, 1978-81 LTD, 1981-82 Engine Gasket Sets - Cont. MODELS CYL FULL SET PRICE KOHLER 250, 295, 295, 295, 295, 340, 340, 340, 340, 340, 399, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, K250 RLC K295-1T, K309-1T K295-2AX K295-2T K295-2RS K340-2AS K340-2RS K340-2AX K340-2T K340-RLC K399-2T K440-2AS K440-2RS K440-2T K440-RLC K440-2LC K440-2AX 2 L/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 711097 711006 711091 711092 711006X 711093 711094 711092 711007 711098 711008 711095 711096 711009 711099 1043A 711095X 44.90 21.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 30.90 32.90 30.90 30.90 44.90 30.90 30.90 32.90 2 F/C 711003 35.90 2 F/C 711089 30.90 711064 711066 711065 31.90 30.90 30.90 2 2 2 711183 711183 711184 54.90 54.90 54.90 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 711263 711085 711085 711085 711069 711069 711070 711070 711070A 711070A 711071A 711070 711071 711070 711072 711072 711073A 711174 711073A 711073 711073A 711174 711074 711109 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 21.90 21.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 45.90 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711173 711173 711173 711173 711173 711075A 711173 711073 711075 711075B 711109 711109 38.90 38.90 38.90 38.90 38.90 34.90 36.90 36.90 34.90 34.90 45.90 30.90 30.90 26.90 30.90 LLYOD 386, LS400 MERCURY 440, 440MX, 440S/R (-43999999) MOTO SKI (BSE) ALSO SEEE ROTAX 295, BSE 1973-75 400, BSE 1974-75 440, BSE 1974-75 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C O.M.C. (JOHNSON & EVINRUDE) 400, JX, Skimmer, 1974-76 440, JX, Skimmer, 1974-76 650, JX, Skimmer, 1974-76 POLARIS/FUJI 120, 175, 175, 175, 244, 244, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 295, 295, 340, 340, 340, 340, 340, 340, 340, 340, 340, XC SP - 4 cycle, 2000-08 Colt 1972-76 Playmate, 1971 TC 1974-75 Indy, Starlite, GT, All Colt 250, 1972-77 Colt SS, 1974-76 Colt, 1975-78 Colt SS, 1977 Gemini, 1979-80 Starfire, 1973-76 TX, 1974-75 TX, 1976-79 TX250, 1974-75 Charger, TX, 1972-73 Colt, Colt SS, 1972-74 Apollo, 1978-79 Apollo, Galaxy, 1980-81 Cobra, 1978-79 Colt, Colt SS, 1972-76 Colt SS, 1977-78 Cutlass, 1980-81 Electra, 1974-77 Indy Cross Country, 1983 Indy Classic,Touring, LX, Transport, 2003-08 340, Indy Lite/Deluxe, GT, 1991-02 340, Indy Sport, GT, 1987-90 340, Star, Star ES, 1985 340, Sprint, Sprint ES, 1986-90 340, Starfire, 1976 340, Super Sport, 1987-90 340, TX 1972-74 340, TX 1975-79 340, TX, TX-C, 1980 340, TXL 1977-83 340, TXL Indy, 1980-83 45.90 MODELS CYL 400, Charger/SS, Custom, Mustang, TX, 1970-74 400, Indy 1984 400, Indy 1985-87 440, Cutlass SS, TX-C, 1981-82 440, Electra, 1975-77 440, Galaxy, 1980-81 440, Indy, Indy SKS, 1992-95 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, Indy Indy Indy Indy Indy Indy XC, 1997 XCF, 1997-98 XCF, 1999 XCF SP, 2001 XCR, 1992-94 XCR, 1998 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 711077 711109B 711109C 711110A 711078 711078A 711187 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711233 711186 711236 711236 711187 711233 440, Indy, 1996-98 2 L/C 440, Indy XCR, XCR Special, 1994-95 2 L/C 440, Indy XCR, XCR Special, 1996 2 L/C 440, Indy Trail, 1983-85 2 F/C 440, Indy Trail Deluxe, 1994-95 2 F/C 440, Indy Transport, 1996-99 2 F/C 440, Long Track/Reverse, 1983-89 2 F/C 440, Indy Sport/GT, 1991-99 2 F/C 440, Pro X 440, 2001-04 2 L/C 440, Pro X 440, 2002-03 2 F/C 440, Sport, SST, Super Sport, 1983-86 2 F/C 440, TX 1973 2 F/C 440, TX 1974 2 F/C 440, TX 1975-76 2 F/C 440, TX 1977-79 2 F/C 440, TX 1980 2 F/A 488, Indy Super Sport, 1997-98 2 F/C 488, Indy Supertrak, 1991-93 2 L/C 488, Indy Trail, 1986-99 2 F/C 488, Indy Trail, DLX, 1988-92 2 F/C 488, Indy Trail, Widetrak GT, 1994-97 2 F/C 488, Indy Trail DLX, Touring, 1994-99 2 F/C 500, Centurion, 1979-82 3 L/C 500, Indy Carb, 2001-03 2 L/C 500, Indy, 1998-00 2 L/C 500, Indy, Carb, SKS, RMK, 1996-97 2 L/C 500, Indy, Classic, SKS, SP, SPX, EFI, 1989-95 2 L/C 500, Indy Classic, RMK 488, 1998-00 2 L/C 500, Indy Classic, 2001-06 2 L/C 500, Indy, Classic, SKS, RMK, EFI, 1996-97 2 L/C 500, Indy Classic Touring, 2000-03 2 L/C 500, Indy Classic Touring, Classic, WT LX, 1998-99 2 L/C 500, Indy 500 SKS - Euro, 2002 2 L/C 500, Indy 500 RMK, SKS - Euro, 2000-01 2 L/C 500, Indy 500 RMK, 2002 2 LC 500, Indy Wide Track LX, Classic, 1996-97 2 L/C 500, Indy Wide Track LX, 1993-95 2 L/C 500, Indy Wide Track LX, 2001-08 2 L/C 500, XC, XC SP, 1999-01 2 L/C 500, XC, XC SP, 2000-07 2 L/C 530, Charger, Mustang, 1972-73 2 F/C 530, Charger SS, 1972 2 F/A 530, Custom, 1974-75 2 F/C 550, Classic (Before 8-13-02), 2002-03 2 F/C 550, Classic (After 8-13-02), 2003-06 2 F/C 550, Pro X 550, 2004 2 F/C 550, Sport Touring, 2004 2 F/C 550, Super Sport (Before 8-13-02), 1999-03 2 F/C 550, Super Sport (After 8-13-02), 2003-08 2 F/C 550, Trail RMK, 1999-03 2 F/C 550, Trail RMK, 2004-08 2 F/C 550, Trail Touring, Sport Touring, 2000-03 2 F/C 550, Trail Touring, DLX, 2004-08 2 F/C 550, Trail SKS - Euro, 1999 2 F/C 550, LX, 200-08 2 F/C 89 FULL SET PRICE 711228 711229 711209 711110B 711186 711186 711110B 711186 711264 711236 711110B 711081 711082 711079A 711079 711079B 711110C 711110C 711110C 711110C 711110C 711110C 711109A 711253 711232 711208 34.90 49.90 49.90 36.90 34.90 34.90 62.90 74.90 36.90 51.90 51.90 62.90 74.90 62.90 69.90 75.90 36.90 36.90 36.90 36.90 36.90 59.90 51.90 36.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 59.90 69.90 74.90 58.90 711185A 711232 711253 54.90 74.90 69.90 711208 711253 58.90 69.90 711232 711250 711237 711250 74.90 69.90 59.90 69.90 711208 711185A 711253 711237 711250 711083 711083 711083 711238 711286 711286 711286 58.90 54.90 69.90 59.90 69.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 51.90 89.90 89.90 89.90 711238 711286 711238 711286 711238 711286 711238 711286 51.90 89.90 51.90 89.90 51.90 89.90 51.90 89.90 Engine Gasket Sets - Cont. MODELS 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, Classic, 2001, Classic, 2002-06 HO IQ, 2007-08 HO Switchback, 2007-08 HO RMK, 2007-08 HO IQ, Touring, LX, CFI, 2007-08 HO Switchback, CFI, 2007 DLX 2000 Indy, 1983 Indy/LE, 1984-87 Indy Triumph, 2000 Indy Touring, 2000-06 Indy Ultra SPX, SPX SE, 1997 Indy XCR, 1995-96 Indy XCR SP, 1996 Indy XCR, XCR SE, 1997-98 Indy XLT, SKS, Special, 1992-94 Indy XLT/Touring/SKS, 1996 Indy XLT, Touring, SKS, RMK, 1997 Indy XLT/Touring/SP/RMK, 1995 Indy XLT, RMK, XLT SP, 1996 Indy XLT SP, XC, LTD SP, 1997-99 Indy XLT Classic, XLT Touring, 1998-99 600, Indy RMK, 1998-01 600, RMK HO, 2006 600, Pro X 600, 2001-04 600, RMK, 2002-05 600, Switchback, 2004-05 600, Switchback, Fusion, HO, 2006 600, XC 1998-00 600, XC SP, 1999 600, XC SP, 2000-05 650, Indy RXL/SKS/EFI, 1990-97 650, Indy, SKS, 1988-92 650, TX Starfire, 1972-73 700, Classic/Touring, 2002-04 700, Classic & Fusion, 2006 700, Dragon, RMK, CFI, 2007-08 700, IQ, IQ Dragon, 2008 700, Frontier, 2002-05 4 700, RMK, 2002-05 700, RMK & Touring, 2006 700, Indy SKS, RMK, XC, 1997-98 700, Indy Ultra, Ultra SP, 1997-98 700, Indy Ultra SP, SKS, RMK, 1996 700, Indy XCR, 1998 700, Indy RMK, SKS, Classic, 1999-01 700, PRO X 700, 2003-04 700, XC SP, 2002-05 700, EV XC SP, 2001 700, Indy XC, XCSP, XC DL, 1999-01 700, Switchback, 2004 700, Switchback, Dragon, 2008 744, Indy Storm, SKS, 1993 800, Indy Storm, SKS, 1994-95 800, Indy Storm, SKS, 1996 800, Indy Storm RMK, SE, 1996-97 800, Classic, 2003-04 800, Pro X 800, 2003-04 800, 800 LE, 2001 800, RMK (all), 2000-05 800, RMK 151” before 3/01, 2002 800, RMK 151” after 3/01 also 144” & 156”, 2002 800, Switchback, 2004-05 800, Touring, 2003-05 800, XCR, 1999-03 800, C SP, 2001-05 900, Fusion, 2005-06 900, RMK, 2005-06 900, Switchback, 2005-06 CYL FULL SET PRICE 2 L/C 711230 $69.90 2 L/C 711251 74.90 2 FC 711297 117.90 2 L/C 711297 117.90 2 L/C 711297 117.90 2 L/C 711298 117.90 2 L/C 711298 117.90 2 L/C 711230 69.90 3 L/C 711110 59.90 3 L/C 711175 55.90 3 L/C 711205 94.90 2 L/C 711251 74.90 3 L/C 711206 85.90 3 L/C 711205 94.90 3 L/C 711206 85.90 3 L/C 711206 85.90 3 L/C 711191 81.90 3 L/C 711204 108.90 3 L/C 711204 108.90 3 L/C 711204 108.90 3 L/C 711205 94.90 3 L/C 711205 94.90 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 F/A 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C Stroke 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711205 94.90 711230 69.90 711291 110.90 711251 74.90 711251 74.90 711251 74.90 711291 110.90 711230 69.90 711230 69.90 711251 74.90 711181A 59.90 711181A 59.90 711081X 36.90 711265 69.90 711288 123.90 711298 117.90 711300 CALL 711281 182.90 711265 69.90 711288 123.90 711223 69.90 711206 85.90 711206 85.90 711206 85.90 711231 69.90 711265 69.90 711265 69.90 711287 100.90 711231 69.90 711265 69.90 711300 CALL 711192 81.90 711199 86.90 711207 95.90 711218 81.90 711252 74.90 711252 74.90 711252 74.90 711252 74.90 711252 74.90 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711252 711252 711252 711254 711252 711282 711282 711282 74.90 74.90 74.90 88.90 74.90 120.90 120.90 120.90 1 F/C 711257 1 F/C 711024 23.90 21.90 JOHN DEERE/KAWASAKI 120, Mini Z, 4 Cycle, 1998-08 250, Elan 1971-96 MODELS CYL FULL SET PRICE 711119A $31.90 711024 21.90 711119A 31.90 711164 25.90 711164 25.90 711164 25.90 711119B 21.90 711119C 21.90 711119B 21.90 711119C 21.90 711195 21.90 711022Y 21.90 711064R 31.90 711064R 31.90 711064R 31.90 711195 21.90 711064R 31.90 711120B 29.90 711120 29.90 711120A 29.90 711021 21.90 711195 21.90 711022 21.90 711120B 29.90 711120 29.90 300, Olympic, 1977 late 2 F/C 711120A 29.90 300, Olympic, 1978 2 F/C 711120A 29.90 300, TNT, Capri 294, 1973-74 2 F/C 711064R 31.90 340, Olympic, 1971-73 1 F/C 711022Y 21.90 340, Skandic, 1971-73 1 F/C 711022Y 21.90 340, Everest & E, 1977-79 2 F/C 711117 29.90 340, Futura, Nuvik, 1975 2 F/C 711026 29.90 340, Olympic S, SE, 1973 2 F/C 711026 29.90 340, Olympic & E, 1973-75 2 F/C 711026 29.90 340, Olympic & E, Nuvik, 1976-77, early 2 F/C 711121 29.90 340, Olympic & E, Nuvik, 1977 (late)-79 2 F/C 711117 29.90 340, Sonic TS, 1975-78 2 F/A 711116 31.90 340, TNT - Fan, 1976 2 F/C 711121 29.90 340, TNT F/A, 346, 1973-78 2 F/A 711086A 29.90 340, TNT RV, 1976-78 2 F/A 711116 31.90 340, TNT, 340S, 1972-75 2 F/C 711026 29.90 350, Blizzard X-Country, 7500, 1979-80 2 L/C 711163 41.90 350, Blizzard 6500 Plus, 1978 2 L/C 711163Y 41.90 350, Blizzard 7500, 1981 2 L/C 711163X 41.90 350, Super Sonic 354, 1979-81 2 L/C 711163 41.90 350, Super Sonic, X-Country 354, 1979 2 L/C 711163 41.90 377, Citation SS, 4500, 1980-83 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Mirage III, 1985 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Mirage II, IIE, SP, 1980-83 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Nordic, 1981-83 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Safari 377, 377E, 1984-88 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Safari Saga, 1989 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Safari, Scout E, 1989 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Safari L, Safari LE, Deluxe, 1993-94 2 F/C 711023C 32.90 377, Safari, Scout, 1990-92 2 F/C 711023C 32.90 377, Skandic, 1981-87 2 F/C 711023A 32.90 377, Skandic II, Skandic IIR, 1993 2 F/C 711023C 32.90 380, Formula, 1995-01 2 F/C 711210 36.90 380, Formula Deluxe, 2000-01 2 F/C 711210 36.90 380, GSX, GTX 380F, 2005-06 2 F/C 711210 36.90 380, Legend 380F, 2002-04 2 F/C 711210 36.90 380, MXZ 380 F, GT 380F, 2001-06 2 F/C 711210 36.90 380, Skandic, Touring, E, LE, 1995-01 2 F/C 711210 36.90 380, Touring E, LE, SLE, 1995-00 2 F/C 711210 36.90 399, Nordic TNT, 1970 2 F/C 711023 29.90 399, Nordic, Alpine, 1970-71 2 F/C 711023 29.90 399, Olympic, 1970-74 2 F/C 711023 29.90 400, Blizzard, 1972 2 F/A 711068 29.90 440, TNT 398, 1972 2 F/A 711067 29.90 440, TNT 396, 1973-74 2 F/A 711067A 29.90 440, Alpine, 1972-74 2 F/C 711025X 32.90 440, Elite1973, 2 F/C 711025X 32.90 440, Elite, Everest, 1974 2 F/C 711084 31.90 440, Formula MXZ, GT LE 440F, 1997-01 2 F/C 711210 36.90 440, Futura, 1975-76 2 F/C 711084 31.90 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 277, 277, 277, 277, 277, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 90 Sonic, 1976 Spirit, 1976-83 TNT RV, 1975-76 Citation LS, LSE, 1985-88 Safari Citation, 1989-91 Tundra, Tundra LT, 1985-92 Citation 3500, 3500E, 1980-82 Citation 3500, 3500E, 1983-84 Mirage I, 1980-82 Skandic, 1983 Tundra II, LT, 1993-06 TNT 15”, 292, 1971-72 Citation 294, 300SS, 1978-79 Elan 294, 300SS, 1974-75 Mirage 300, 1979 Freestyle Session, 2007-08 MF-S294, 1973 Nuvik, 1975 Nuvik, 1976-77 Nuvik, 1977 late Olympic, 1967-69 Scandic Tundra, 2007-08 Olympic, 300, 300S, 1972-76 Olympic, Nuvik, 1975 Olympic, Nuvik, 1976-77, early 2 F/A 1 F/C 2 F/A 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C Engine Gasket Sets - Cont. MODELS 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 440, 444, 444, 444, 447, 447, 447, 447, 454, 454, 454, 454, 462, 462, 462, 462, 464, 464, 464, 467, 467, 467, 467, 467, 467, 467, 467, 467, 467, 496, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 503, 503, 503, 503, 503, 503, 503, 503, 503, 503, 503, Futura, 1977-78 MXZX 440, 1999 MXZX 440, MXZ 440, 2000-06 Nordic, 1972 Nuvik, 1977 Olympic, 1973/76 Olympic, 1974 Olympic, 1977 Skandic LT 440F, 2001-07 Touring E, LE, SLE 440F, 1996-00 TNT 1973-75 TNT 1977 TNT 18”, 1971 TNT 18”, Valmont, 1972-73 TNT Everest, 1975 TNT Everest, 1976 TNT 440, 1977-78 Elite 1978-80 Everest, 1978-79 Futura, 1978-79 Nordic 50, 1988-90 Nordic 50, 1991 Safari & E, 1984-86 Safari LX, LXE, 1990-91 Blizzard 9500, 1979-80/82 Blizzard 9500, 1981 Formula MXZ 440, MXZ X, 1995-98 Ultra Sonic, 1980-82 Formula SP, 1986 Formula SS, 1985 Formula SS-25, 1984 Sonic, 1984 Everest, 1980-83 Elite, 1981-82 Futura, 1980-82 Formula MX, MXLT, 1985-87 Formula MX, MXLT, 1988-89 Formula MX, MXLT, 1990 Formula MX, XTC, XTCR, 1991 Formula MX, XTC, XTCR, 1992-93 Formula MX, MXZ, ST, 1994-95 Formula MXZ X, 1994 GT 470, 1995 Summit, 1994 Safari GLX, LC, 1990-91 Skandic II, SLR, 1993 Formula 500/Deluxe, 1997-00 Formula Deluxe, 2001 Formula GT, Touring, 1996-00 Formula MXZ, Z, 1998-99 Formula S, SL, SLS, 1996 GSX 500 SS Sport, 2004-08 GTX 500 SS Sport, 2005-08 Grand Touring 500, 2001-03 Legend 500 SS, GT Sport, 2004 Legend 500, 2002-03 MXZ 500, 2000-03 MXZ Adrenaline, TNT, 2007-08 MXZ 500 SS, Trail, 2004-08 Skandic, SWT, WT, 1997-00 Summit 500, 1996-98 Summit 500, 2002 All 503cc up to 1989, 1979-90 Alpine II, Alpine IV, 1990-91/93-95 Formula SL, 1995-01 Legend 500F, 2002 MXZ 500F, 2001-02 Grand Touring 500F, 2002 Nordic 60, 1990-91 Safari Rally, 1993-94 Skandic 500 WT, SPWT, 1997-03 Skandic II, SLT, 1993-96 Skandic Wide Track, Super WT, 1995-97 CYL FULL SET PRICE 2 F/C 711084A $31.90 2 F/C 711234 77.90 2 L/C 711258 77.90 2 F/C 711025X 32.90 2 F/C 711084A 31.90 2 F/C 711025X 32.90 2 F/C 711084 31.90 2 F/C 711084A 31.90 2 F/C 711210 36.90 2 F/C 711210 36.90 2 F/A 711068 29.90 2 F/A 711068A 29.90 2 F/C 711025 29.90 2 F/C 711025X 29.90 2 F/C 711084 31.90 2 F/C 711084A 31.90 2 F/C 711084A 31.90 2 L/C 711115 31.90 2 L/C 711115 31.90 2 F/C 711115 31.90 2 F/C 711162C 32.90 2 F/C 711162D 32.90 2 F/C 711162C 32.90 2 F/C 711162D 32.90 2 L/C 711163A 41.90 2 L/C 711163B 41.90 2 L/C 711211 70.90 2 L/C 711163A 41.90 2 L/C 711166 42.90 2 L/C 711166 42.90 2 L/C 711166 42.90 3 L/C 711166 42.90 2 L/C 711163A 41.90 2 L/C 711163A 41.90 2 L/C 711163A 41.90 2 L/C 711165A 42.90 2 L/C 711165B 42.90 2 L/C 711165C 44.90 2 L/C 711165D 44.90 2 L/C 711165E 44.90 2 L/C 711203 59.90 2 L/C 711292 86.90 2 L/C 711203 59.90 2 L/C 711203 59.90 2 L/C 711165C 44.90 2 F/C 711196 32.90 2 L/C 711212 62.90 2 L/C 711256 87.90 2 L/C 711212 62.90 2 L/C 711212 62.90 2 L/C 711212 62.90 2 L/C 711283 124.90 2 L/C 711283 124.90 2 LC 711256 87.90 2 L/C 711283 124.90 2 F/C 711256 87.90 2 L/C 711256 87.90 2 L/C 711283 124.90 2 L/C 711283 124.90 2 L/C 711212 62.90 2 L/C 711212 62.90 2 L/C 711256 87.90 2 F/C 711162B 32.90 2 F/C 711162A 32.90 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711196 711196 711196 711196 711162A 711196 711196 711196 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 2 F/C 711162A 32.90 MODELS 503, 503, 503, 532, 534, 536, 536, 537, 537, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, CYL FULL SET PRICE 32.90 32.90 32.90 38.90 38.90 53.90 53.90 42.90 42.90 54.90 54.90 54.90 54.90 54.90 54.90 Ski Hill Special, 1995-96 2 F/C 711162A Summit, 2001-02 2 F/C 711196 Touring SLE, 1995-01 2 F/C 711196 Safari Grand Luxe, 1985-86 2 L/C 711169 Blizzard 9700, 1983-84 2 L/C 711170 Formula Plus/LT, 1989-90 2 L/C 711177 Formula Plus, E, XTC, XTCE, 1991 2 L/C 711177A Formula Plus, 1985-87 2 L/C 711165A Formula Plus, 1988 2 L/C 711165B Expedition Sport 550F, 2005-08 2 F/C 711277 Legend 550F, GT 550, 2003-04 2 F/C 711277 MXZ 550F, Summit 550, 2003-08 2 F/C 711277 Skandic Sport SUV/WT/SWT, 2004-08 2 F/C 711277 Skandic Tundra LT550F, 2008 2 F/C 711277 GSX, GTX, 2005-08 2 F/C 711277 Freestyle Session, Back Country, Park, 2007-08 2 F/C 711277 582, Formula Plus, E, XTC, XTCR, 1992 2 L/C 711178B 582, Formula Plus, X, E, XTC, EFI, 1993 2 L/C 711194 582, Formula Grand Touring, XTC, SE, 1993-96 2 L/C 711194 583, Formula MX, XTC, 1992 2 L/C 711178C 583, Formula MXZ, 1997-98 2 L/C 711214 583, Formula Mach I, 1989 2 L/C 711178 583, Formula Mach I, 1990 2 L/C 711177B 583, Formula Plus X, 1992-93 2 L/C 711178C 583, Formula Z, STX, 1994-96 2 L/C 711178C 583, Formula Z, DLX, 1997-99 2 L/C 711214 583, MXZ 583, 1996 2 L/C 711178C 583, Summit, 1994-96 2 L/C 711178C 583, Summit, GT, 1997-99 2 L/C 711214 600, Expedition 600 HO, TUV, SDI, 2005-08 2 L/C 711278 600, GSX,GTX 600 HO Sport, Ltd., 2004-08 2 L/C 711278 600, Legend 600 HO, 2004 2 L/C 711278 600, Summit 600 HO, 2003-06 2 L/C 711278 600, Formula III, LT 599, 1995-99 3 L/C 711213 600, Formula DLX, 2000-01 2 L/C 711259 600, Formula Z, 2000 2 L/C 711259 600, GT, SE; Legend Sport, SE; MXZ Trail, 2003 2 L/C 711283 600, GT SE 600, 2000-02 2 L/C 711259 600, Legend, Sport, SE, 2002 2 L/C 711259 600, MXZ 600, 1999 2 L/C 711235 600, MXZ Renegade, X, SDI, 2007-08 2 L/C 711278 600, MXZ Sport Trail, 600 HO, 2003-07 2 L/C 711278 600, MXZX, X-RS, Blizzard, Adrenaline, 2007 2 L/C 711278 600, MXZ 600, 2000-02 2 L/C 711259 600, MXZ 600 RS, 2008 2 L/C 711303 600, Skandic, WT, SUV 600, 2001-02 2 L/C 711259 600, Skandic 600 WT, SUV, 2003-08 2 L/C 711283 600, Skandic SUV, SDI, 2008 2 L/C 711278 600, Summit 600, 1999 2 L/C 711235 600, Summit 600, 2000-02 2 L/C 711259 600, Summit 600 HO, Adren, SDI, 2003-08 2 L/C 711278 640, Alpine, Nordic, 1969-71 2 F/C 711022X 640, Alpine, Nordic, 1972-80 2 F/C 711021X 640, TNT 1971-72 2 F/C 711022X 643, Formula Mach I, XTC, 1991 2 L/C 711178A 643, Formula Mach I, XTC, XTC2, 1992 2 L/C 711178C 670,Formula Mach I, GT, 1993-94 2 L/C 711197 670, Formula, SS, 1995-96 2 L/C 711293 670, Formula GT SE, Mach I, 1996 2 L/C 711215 670, Formula MXZ, 1996-99 2 L/C 711215 670, Formula DLX, Z, 1999 2 L/C 711215 670, Summit, GT, Mach I, 1995 2 L/C 711293 670, Summit, 1996-99 2 L/C 711215 700,Formula GT 700, SE, 1997-00 3 L/C 711222 700, Formula Mach I, 1997-00 3 L/C 711222 700, Formula III, 1998-00 3 L/C 711222 700, Formula DLX, 2000-01 2 L/C 711255 700, GT 700, 2001-02 2 L/C 711255 91 54.90 53.90 53.90 53.90 53.90 56.90 53.90 53.90 53.90 53.90 56.90 53.90 53.90 56.90 98.90 98.90 98.90 98.90 88.90 84.90 84.90 123.90 84.90 84.90 84.90 98.90 98.90 98.90 84.90 CALL 84.90 123.90 98.90 84.90 84.90 98.90 31.90 31.90 31.90 53.90 53.90 53.90 92.90 77.90 77.90 77.90 92.90 77.90 88.90 88.90 88.90 87.90 87.90 Engine Gasket Sets - Cont. MODELS 700, GT 700, MXZ, Summit, 2003 700, Legend, Sport, SE, 2003-04 700,MXZ 700, 1999 700, MXZ, Summit, 2000-02 700, Formula Z, 2000 700, Legend, 2002 800, Formula Mach Z 799, 1994-96 800, Formula Mach I, Mach Z, 1997-03 800, Formula III 809, 1999-00 800, GSX, GTX 800 HO, 2004-07 800, GSX LTD 800R, 2008 800, Legend, GT 800/HO, 2003-04 800, Grand Touring 809, 1999-01 800, Grand Touring & Legend, 2002 800, MXZ 800/Summit 800, 2003 800, MX ZX, MXZ X-RS, 2007 800, MXZ Adrenaline, Blizzard, 2007 800, MXZ Renegade, X, 2007 800, MXZ, X800R, 2008 800, Summit, MXZ 800, 2000-02 800, Summit, MXZ 800 HO, 2004-06 800, Summit, X800R, 2007-08 1000, Mach Z Adrenaline, X, 2005 RUPP/TOHATSU 340 400, 440 CYL FULL SET PRICE 711284 $113.90 711284 113.90 711260 84.90 711255 87.90 711260 84.90 711255 87.90 711198 69.90 711221 88.90 711221 88.90 711285 124.90 711302 CALL 711285 124.90 711221 88.90 711261 87.90 711285 124.90 711285 124.90 711285 124.90 711285 124.90 711302 CALL 711261 87.90 711285 124.90 711302 CALL 711289 196.90 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711044 711045 29.90 29.90 1 F/C 1 F/C 711010 711011 21.90 21.90 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711011A 711102 711103 711012 711012E 25.90 29.90 29.90 29.90 29.90 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711032 711033A 711033 711113 711114 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 34.90 2 F/C 2 F/A 1118 1119A 26.90 26.90 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711153 711154 711155 711156 711157 711158 711159 711161 711160 25.90 36.90 36.90 36.90 36.90 39.90 39.90 39.90 39.90 SACHS/SKIROULE SA280, 293, 290C SA340, 340SS, 370 SA 290SS, 290R, 340R, 340C, 340 SA290/2, 340/2 SA400/2 SA440/2 C & R SA440/2 electric SNO JET/KAWASAKI & YAMAHA Astro 340 (Kawasaki) Astro 400 (Kawasaki) Astro 440 (Kawasaki) SST 340 (Yamaha) SST 440 (Yamaha) SUZUKI 440, 1973-74 440, Sm Fury, 1975 XENOAH/RUPP/CHAPARRAL 250, 290, 340, 440, 484, 340, 440, 340, 440, (G25A) (G29B) (G34B) (G44B) (G50B) (G34BW) (G44BW) Rupp Rupp YAMAHA 246, 246, 246, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 294, 300, 300, 338, 338, 338, 338, 338, 338, All Bravo, 1984-08 Enticer 250, 1977-81 GP & GS, 1974 SL 1971 SL & GP, 1972 SL 1972-73 GP 1973-75 SM 1973 SM 1974 Enticer 300 C-H, 1979-81/83-84 GP 1976 GS 1976-77 GP 1973-74 GS 1975 SL 1969-73 GPX 1974-75 GS 1976-78 Ovation, 1989-90 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 1 F/C 1 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 711027A 711138 711138B 711030 711030 711030 711030 711134 711136 711138A 711030 711136 711139 711139 711029 711100 711140 711142C 26.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 34.90 25.90 25.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 MODELS 338, 338, 338, 338, 338, 338, 338, 338, 340, 395, 395, 395, 400, 433, 433, 433, 433, 433, 433, 433, 433, 433, 433, 433, 439, 439, 439, 439, 439, 439, 439, 480, 480, 480, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 570, 570, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 700, 700, 700, 700, 700, 700, 700, 743, 800, 800, 92 SS 1969-70 Enticer B-M, TM, TRM, 1978-88 Enticer 340 TG & TH & TF, 1982-84 Enticer 340 TRN, TRP, 1989-90 Excel E-M, 1981-88 Exciter, 1976-78 STX, 1976-77 SRX, 1976 ET340TR, 1992 GP, SW, 1971 SL, 1969 SS, 1969-70 ET400, 410, 1993-95 EL, 1972-73 EW, SW, 1972-73 GP, 1972-73 GP, 1974-78 GPX, 1974-75 SL, 1972-74 TL, 1974 TL, 1975 TW, 1975 Exciter, 1976-78 Exciter, 1979-81 PR, 1976-77 SRX, 1976 SRX A-D, 1977-80 SRX E, 1981 SS D-H, 1980-84 SS, 1985 STX, 1976-77 Phazer, 1984-90 Phazer, 1991-99 Venture VT, 1991-98 Phazer, Mt Lite, 1999-01 Phazer, Venture Lite, Mt. Lite, 2007-08 4 SX 500R, 2000-01 V-Max, Deluxe, 1994-99 V-Max, Deluxe, 2000-01 VT 500 Venture L/C, 1997-99 VT 500 Venture L/C, 2000-01 VT 500 Venture F/C, 1999-00 Excel V, 1979-80/82 SRV, 1980-81 SRV, 1982-84 SRV, 1985-90 V-Max, 1983-87 XL-V, 1985-96 VK 540,VK 540 II, 1988-91, 93-05 Exciter, LE, 1987-90 Exciter, 1991-93 V-Max, 1994-95 V-Max, 1997-99 VX 600 V-Max ER, DLX, SX, 1999-03 Mt. Max, 1997-99 Mt. Max, 2000-01 SRX 600, 1998-99 SX 600, 1998-99 SX 600 Venom/ER, 2000-06 VT 600 Venture, 1997-98 VT 600 Venture, 1999-06 SRX 700, 1998-02 SX 700R, 2000-01 SX Viper, ER, 2002-04 SX Viper MT, 2003-06 Mt. Max MM 700, 1997-03 VT 700 Venture, 1998-03 V-Max ER VX 700, 1997-02 V-Max, 1992-94 Mt. Max MM 800, 1997 V-Max VX 800, 1995-97 CYL FULL SET PRICE 711029 $34.90 711142 34.90 711142A 34.90 711142B 34.90 711142 34.90 711141 34.90 711141 34.90 711139A 36.90 711301 CALL 711031 34.90 711036 34.90 711036 34.90 711301 CALL 711144 34.90 711144 34.90 711143 34.90 711146 35.90 711101 34.90 711144 34.90 711144 34.90 711146 35.90 711144 34.90 711146 35.90 711146A 35.90 711146B 35.90 711147A 39.90 711147B 36.90 711176 38.90 711147C 34.90 711147F 34.90 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/A 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 711147 711168 711168B 711168B 711239 34.90 35.90 35.90 35.90 41.90 Stroke 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 F/C 2 F/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 2 L/C 711299 711268 711200 711268 711200 711268 711239 711147D 711147D 711167 711167A 711140A 711147G 711182 711171 711171A 711201 711247 72.90 72.90 66.90 72.90 66.90 72.90 41.90 34.90 34.90 35.90 35.90 43.90 34.90 35.90 47.90 47.90 66.90 92.90 3 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 2 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 3 L/C 4 L/C 4 L/C 4 L/C 711240 711247 711240 711242 711247 711240 711247 711240 711246 711241 711269 711269 711241 711241 711241 711202 711243 711243 157.90 92.90 157.90 85.90 92.90 157.90 92.90 157.90 85.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 157.90 94.90 94.90 94.90 ATV ENGINE GASKET SETS ) : ]: ! ) % \ f ] \ ARCTIC CAT 2 CYCLE 50 2 Cycle 90 2 Cycle 04-05 03-05 810857 $12.90 — 810840 $12.90 — ARCTIC CAT 4 CYCLE 250 300 400 454 400 400 400 500 500 650 All 2x4, 4x4 All 2x4, 4x4 Manual Manual Manual Auto DVX Manual Auto Twin 99-05 98-05 98-02 96-98 03-07 03-07 04-07 99-07 00-07 04-07 810827 810826 810800 810800 810846 810846 810847 810828 810828 810879 $29.90 $29.90 $29.90 $29.90 $41.90 $41.90 $41.90 $31.90 $31.90 $85.90 — — — — — — — — — — 02-06 02-06 02-05 02-05 02-06 810857 $12.90 — 810856 $12.90 — 250 250 250 250 250 R R R R (.010SS Head) 81-84 85-86 86-89 85-86 86-89 810866 810814 810814 810815 810815 $27.90 $27.90 $27.90 $28.90 $28.90 811814 811814 811815 811815 $68.90 $68.90 $68.90 $68.90 810842 810842 810816 810816 810816 810816 810816 810816 810817 810817 $27.90 $27.90 $22.90 $22.90 $22.90 $22.90 $22.90 $22.90 $25.90 $25.90 811842 811842 — — — — — — 811817 811817 $73.90 $73.90 '"(?fZ% TRX 90 Sportrax 90 ATC 185 ATC 200X ATC 200S TRX200, Fourtrax 200 ATC 200E, ES Big Red ATC 200M TRX 200 Fourtrax ATC 200 X TRX 250X Frourtrax 250X 300 TRX EX TRX 250 Recon TRX 250 Recon ES TRX 250 EX Sportrax 250 EX TRX 250 EX 250 ATC SX 250 ATC ES Big Red 250 TRX Fourtrax TRX 300 Fourtrax TRX 300 EX Fourtrax TRX 300 FW Fourtrax 350 TRX Fourtrax Rancher, ES TRX 400 FE, FM Foreman TRX 400 FA/FGA 400 TRX EX Fourtrax 400 TRX EX Fourtrax TRX 450 FE, FM Foreman TRX 450 S, ES 93-05 02-05 80-83 83-85 84-86 84 82-84 84-85 86-97 86-87 $26.90 $26.90 $31.90 $39.90 $39.90 $39.90 $39.90 $26.90 $26.90 $26.90 $29.00 $26.90 $29.00 810801 810801 810841 810888 810888 810888 810888 810802 810802 810802 810900 810801 810900 00-06 810867 $42.90 811867 95-03 04-08 99-04 05-08 810858 810902 810829 810829 02-04 98-01 810859 $37.00 811859 810859 $37.00 811859 $117.90 $37.00 $45.90 $29.90 $29.90 811801 811801 811841 811888 811888 811888 811905 811802 811802 811802 811900 811801 811900 $70.90 $70.90 93-06 97-01 02-08 03-08 01-05 03-08 85-87 85-87 85-87 88-00 93-08 88-00 87-88, 91-92 811858 811902 811829 811894 04-05 06-08 01-08 810868 $63.90 811868 $145.90 810904 $72.90 811904 $163.90 810843 $78.90 811843 $138.90 05-08 810896 $67.90 811896 $171.90 05-08 810896 $67.90 811897 $158.90 01-03 04-06 01-03 01-04 05-08 03-04 05-07 85-06 94-99 94-02 810892 810892 810840 810840 810840 810840 810840 810806 810807 810808 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $17.90 $17.90 $24.90 811892 811892 811887 811887 811908 811887 811908 811806 811807 811808 $38.90 $38.90 $38.90 $38.90 $38.90 $38.90 $38.90 $28.90 $28.90 $57.90 POLARIS 4 CYCLE 810855 $30.90 — 810854 $72.90 — 810853 $72.90 — '"(^fZ% ATC ATC TRX ATC TRX TRX 450 R TRX 450 R/ER TRX 500 Rubicon, FA TRX 500 FE Foreman Electric TRX 500 FM, TM Foreman 50 Scrambler 50 Predator 90 Scrambler 90 Sportsman 90 Sportsman 90 Predator 90 Predator 250 All 300 All 400 All BOMBARDIER 4 CYCLE 90 4 Cycle 500 4 Cycle 650 4 Cycle DS ] \ f POLARIS 2 CYCLE BOMBARDIER 2 CYCLE 50 2 Cycle 90 2 Cycle ) % \ ! 325 Trail Boss, Magnum 330 Trail Boss, Magnum 325 Expedition 335 Sportsman 425 Magnum Auto 425 Magnum 6x6 Auto 400 Sportsman Auto 450 Sportsman 425 Expedition Manual 500 Sportsman 500 Xplorer 500 Scrambler 500 6x6 500 Magnum 500 ATP 500 Ranger 2WD, 4WD, 6x6 500 Sportsman, X2EFI 500 Ranger 4WD,EFI 500 Predator 500 Predator 500 Outlaw $73.00 $73.00 $87.90 $94.90 $94.90 KAWASAKI 2 $94.90 KFX 50 $104.90 KFX 80 $73.00 KXT 250 Tecate $73.00 KXT 250 Tecate $73.00 KXF 250 Tecate $73.00 $73.00 KAWASAKI 4 $73.00 KLF 220 Bayou KLF 250 Bayou $91.90 KSF 250 Mohave KEF 300 Lakota KLF 300 Bayou $114.90 $87.90 KLF 300 Bayou 4x4 $69.90 KVF 300 Prairie 4x4 $85.90 KVF 360 Prairie KLF 400 Bayou 4x4 KVF 400 Prairie 4x4 KFX 400 $117.90 93 00-02 810836 $44.00 811836 $69.90 03-07 00-02 99-00 95-98 810836 810836 810837 810821 $44.00 $44.00 $49.90 $41.90 811836 811838 811837 811821 97 01-05 06-07 00-02 96-07 97 97-07 98-07 99-03 04-05 810821 810821 810821 810821 810830 810830 810830 810830 810830 810830 $41.90 $41.90 $41.90 $41.90 $46.90 $46.90 $46.90 $46.90 $46.90 $46.90 811821 811821 811821 811877 811830 811830 811830 811830 811830 811830 $68.90 $68.90 $68.90 $77.90 $73.90 $73.90 $73.90 $73.90 $73.90 $73.90 02-06 06-07 06 03-04 05-07 06-07 810830 810903 810903 810876 810876 810876 $46.90 $85.90 $85.90 $67.90 $67.90 $67.90 811830 811903 811903 811876 811907 811876 $122.90 $122.90 $111.90 $106.90 $111.90 810850 810849 810818 810819 810820 $12.90 $12.90 $25.90 $33.90 $35.90 811850 811849 811818 811819 811820 $40.90 $52.90 $62.90 $64.90 $70.90 810803 810874 810804 810805 810805 810805 810805 810845 810831 810831 810847 $27.90 $25.90 $27.90 $27.90 $27.90 $27.90 $27.90 $37.90 $34.90 $34.90 $41.90 811803 811874 811804 811805 811871 811872 811873 811845 811831 811860 811847 $55.90 $54.00 $64.90 $54.90 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $69.90 $106.90 $72.90 $68.90 $73.90 CYCLE 03-06 03-06 84-85 86-87 87-88 CYCLE 88-02 03-08 87-04 95-02 86-04 88-03 99-02 03-06 93-99 97-02 03-06 $101.90 $103.90 $104.90 $110.90 ATV ENGINE GASKET SETS ) : ]: ! f ) % \ ] \ q+qX?fZ% PART NO. PRICE PART NO. PRICE KVF 300 Prairie 4x4 KVF 360 Prairie KLF 400 Bayou 4x4 KVF 400 Prairie 4x4 KFX 400 KFX 450 KVF 650 Prairie Brute Force 650 Brute Force 650 4x4 KFX 700 V-Force KVF 700 Prairie Brute Force 750 SUZUKI 2 CYCLE LT-A 50 Quad Sport LT 80 Quad Sport LT 250R LT 250R LT 500R LT 500R SUZUKI 4 CYCLE LTF 160 Quad Runner LT 230 E LTF-2WD LT-4WD LTF-4WD LTZ 250 Z LTF 250 Ozark LTF 250 2WD King Quad LTF 300 F King Quad LTF 4WDX Eiger LTF 400 Manual Eiger LTA 400 Auto LTZ 400Z LTR 450 LTF 500 Manual LTA 500 Auto Twin Peeaks 700 PART NO. 810805 810845 810831 810831 810847 810920 810879 810879 810881 810880 810880 810881 $27.90 $37.90 $34.90 $34.90 $41.90 $61.90 $85.90 $85.90 $85.90 $85.90 $85.90 $85.90 811873 811845 811831 811860 811847 811920 811879 811879 811881 811880 811880 811881 $101.90 $103.90 $104.90 04-08 $110.90 85-01 $136.90 02-08 $141.90 05-08 $141.90 91-04 $141.90 04-08 $141.90 94-00 05-06 $141.90 $141.90 YFB 250 Timberwolf 2WD 92-98 02-05 87-06 85-86 87-92 87 88-90 810850 810849 810834 810822 810835 810823 $12.90 $12.90 $29.90 $29.90 $30.90 $30.90 811850 811849 811834 811822 811835 811823 $40.90 $52.90 $65.90 $68.90 $73.90 $74.00 810848 810809 810810 810810 810810 810886 810886 810886 810832 810832 810846 810846 810847 810916 810828 810828 810880 $33.90 $27.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $36.90 $36.90 $41.90 $41.90 $41.90 $56.90 $31.90 $31.90 $85.90 811848 811809 811810 811810 811810 811886 811886 811886 811832 811832 811846 811870 811847 811916 811828 811839 811880 $79.90 $74.90 $82.90 $82.90 $82.90 $68.90 $68.90 $68.90 $82.90 $82.90 $104.90 $133.90 $110.90 $137.90 YFM 250 Bear Tracker 2WD YFM 350 Warrior YFM 350 Raptor YFM 350 Wolverine YFM 350 Big Bear 2x4 YFM 350 Big Bear 4x4 YFM 350 Big Bear YFM 350 Bruin YFM 350 Wolverine YFM 400 Big Bear YFM 400 Kodiak YFM 400 Kodiak YFM 400 Kodiak YKM 450 Kodiak Rhino 450 4x4 YFM 450 Wolverine YFZ 450 YFM 600 Grizzly FW YFM 660Grizzly Rhino 660 Auto 4WD YFM 660 Raptor ) % \ f 99-02 03-08 93-99 97-02 03-06 08 02-03 05-08 06-08 04-08 04-08 05-08 89-04 87-93 88-01 87-93 88-02 04-08 02-08 02 99-02 91-98 02-07 02-07 03-08 06-08 98-07 00-07 04-05 $54.00 ! f!'^fZ% YFS 200 Blaster YFZ 350 Banshee f!'?fZ% YFM 50 Raptor YFM 80 Badger YFM 80 Raptor YFM 80 Grizzly YFM 125 Breeze YFM 125 Grizzly YFB 250 Timberwolf 4x4 YFM 250 Bruin 2WD 88-06 87-06 99-04 87-04 05-08 95-05 97-98 97-99 87-96 04-07 06-08 00-06 99 93-98 00-06 03-06 06-08 06-08 04-08 98-01 02-08 04-07 01-05 PART NO. PRICE 810811 $28.00 811811 $60.90 810812 $35.90 811812 $85.90 810878 810851 810851 810851 810885 810885 810824 810824 810824 $33.00 $33.00 $33.00 $33.00 $31.90 $31.90 $35.90 $35.90 $35.90 811878 811851 811851 811851 811885 811885 811824 811899 811899 $78.90 $83.90 $83.90 $83.90 $68.90 $68.90 $84.90 $82.00 $82.00 810824 810813 810813 810813 810898 810813 810898 810813 810813 810813 810813 810898 810875 810875 810875 810875 810869 810833 810865 810865 810852 $35.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $32.90 $30.90 $32.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $30.90 $32.90 $57.90 $57.90 $57.90 $57.90 $49.90 $37.00 $69.90 $69.90 $62.90 811899 811813 811813 811861 811898 811861 811898 811882 811882 811861 811861 811898 811875 811875 811875 811875 811869 811833 811865 811865 811852 $82.00 $88.00 $88.00 $91.90 $83.90 $125.90 $141.90 Z CALL TODAY TO PLACE YOUR ORDER ! 94 PRICE ] \ $113.90 $91.90 $113.90 $87.90 $87.90 $91.90 $91.90 $113.90 $117.90 $117.90 $117.90 $117.90 $108.90 $122.90 $172.90 $172.90 $147.90 Needle Cage Bearings Top end needle cage bearings manufactured to O.E.M. specifications. I.D. X O.D. X I.D. X O.D. X ":%:!: Z%(\)'!! <=)(": <=X% 19 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 16 16 16 18 20 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 23 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 23 21 23 21 23 26 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 24 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 24 09-500 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-501 09-502 09-503 09-502 09-503 09-502 09-503 09-523 $6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 7.25 x x x x x 22 22 21 22 20 x x x x x 23 22 20 22 24 09-504 09-505 09-502 09-505 09-506 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 18 x 22 x 22 20 x 26 x 32 09-505 09-511 6.95 6.95 CCW - KIORITZ 12-0000-60 18-0000-90 30-0000-80 34-0001-80 36-0001-80 18 18 16 18 16 HIRTH 046.15 046.7 16 16 18 20 20 20 x x x x x x 22 22 21 24 24 24 x x x x x x 17 20 18 30 22 30 09-515 09-516 09-423 09-517 09-509 09-517 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 09-518 6.95 JOHN DEERE (Kawasaki) AM54824 16 x 20 x 23 16 16 16 16 16 18 x x x x x x 20 20 20 20 20 22 x x x x x x 23 22 22 23 23 22 09-518 09-501 09-501 09-518 09-518 09-505 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 18 18 18 20 18 16 x x x x x x 22 22 22 24 22 20 x x x x x x 22 22 22 24 22 20 09-505 09-505 09-505 09-512 09-505 09-513 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 KOHLER Arctic 6200-408 Merc. 31-67160 Rupp 25032 X-1007-1 X-1007-2 X-1007-4 <=X% 3080265 3080410 3080998 3081072 3081073 3081629 3081648 3083216 18 x 23 16 x 20 16 x 20 16 x 20 18 x 23 18 x 23 16 x 20 18 x 23 x 21 x 20 21.7 x 20 x 21 x 21 x 20 x 22 09-520 09-513 09-525 09-513 09-520 09-520 09-513 09-503 $6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 20 x 24 x 22.7 15 x 19 x 20 18 x 22 x 22 09-524 09-514 09-505 6.95 6.95 6.95 18 x 22 x 22 09-505 6.95 22 22 22 22 22 09-505 09-505 09-505 09-505 09-505 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 16 x 20 x 20 18 x 22 x 22 09-513 09-505 6.95 6.95 09-507 09-507 6.95 6.95 09-508 6.95 09-509 09-508 09-508 09-508 09-507 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 09-508 09-522 09-505 09-505 09-505 09-505 09-505 09-521 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 ROTAX 420-8320-40 420-9320-23 420-9329-04 SACHS 3632-011-000 SNO-JET (Yamaha) 810480 810646 811064 811369 811495 18 18 18 18 18 x x x x x 22 22 22 22 22 x x x x x SUZUKI 09263-16004 09623-18008 17018 78063 18 x 22 x 19 18 x 22 x 19 XENOAH (Chaparral) 78623 20 x 24 x 19 XENOAH (Rupp) KAWASAKI & KAWASAKI/SNO-JET 13033-3001 59146-503 59146-509 59146-3001 59146-3002 811885 <=)(": TOHATSU (Rupp) JLO 000-39-112-53 000-39-112-73 000-39-114-20 008-39-117-00 000-39-117-03 000-39-119-10 Z%(\)'!! POLARIS (Fuji) ARCTIC CAT 3000-113 3000-227 3000-236 3000-314 3000-486 3000-663 3000-670 3000-677 3000-957 3001-041 3001-091 3001-107 3001-164 3001-199 3002-032 3001-162 3002-554 3002-644 3002-805 3003-107 3003-433 ":%:!: 95 79032 79344 26106 26107 26108 20 20 20 20 18 x x x x x 24 24 24 24 22 x x x x x 22 19 19 19 19 YAMAHA 26401 93310-216E1 93310-21848 93310-21854 93310-21870 93310-21874 93310-218A6 93310-320G0 20 x 24 x 19 16 x 20 x 22.5 18 x 22 x 22 18 x 22 x 22 18 x 22 x 22 18 x 22 x 22 18 x 22 x 22 20 x 25 x 24 Bearings All of these bearings have locking collars. They are used mostly on front axles and upper chain cases. Used on John Deere, Polaris, Chaparral, Scorpion and most others. I.D. 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 7/8” 1” 1” 1-1/8” 1-1/4” O.D. 35mm 47mm 52mm 52mm 52mm 52mm 2-3/8” 2-3/8” STYLE SEALS Flat Radiused Radiused Flat Radiused Flat Radiused Radiused Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double PART NO. 202RS RA-012-NPPB Z-1630 RA-014-NPP RA-1002-RSA Z-1631 (less collar) AEL-206-102 AL-206-104 JACKSHAFT BEARING DRIVEN SHAFT BEARING (USED ON ARCTIC CAT) (USED ON POLARIS & SKI DOO) _^?= _^^`= ^ PRICE $4.25 14.95 14.75 13.25 12.75 9.75 18.95 18.95 * Replaces Arctic Cat #0107-434 & 0107-123. Fits 1995-00 Bearcat; 75 Cheetah; 1986-94 Cheetah/Touring; 1976-77/79 Cross Country; 1985-95 Cougar/2-Up Mtn. Cat; 1973-93 El Tigre/2/EXT/EXT Mtn. Cat/Spec.; 1993-98 EXT/EFI/EFI Mtn. Cat/Powder Spec.; 1975-99 all Jag; 1991-93 Lynx; 1975-00 Pantera; 1975-00 Panther/DLX/Mtn. Cat; 1997-00 Powder Extreme/spec.; 1990-95 Prowler; 1994-97 Puma; 1979-81 Trail Cat; 1993-00 Thundercat/Mtn. Cat/Touring; 1988-96 Wildcat; 1995-01 Z 440; 1997-00 ZL; 1994-01 ZR (all); 1995-00 ZRT 600/800. Track Drive Shaft: Replaces Polaris #3514501/511/513/518 Used on most Polaris models 1970-97. Replaces Ski Doo #405-4011 Used on Formula Mach I 1989; Formula MX/MX LT and Formula Plus/LT 1987-90; Mach I/XTC 1990. PART NO. FG205-16 PART NO. AS205-16 PRICE $22.15 PRICE $15.90 These bearings are mainly used on rear axles, idler wheels, drive axles, and chain cases. Used on AMF, Arctic Cat, Harley Davidson, John Deere, Mercury, Moto-Ski, Polaris, Rupp, Ski-Doo and many others. 2-1627 I.D. 5/8” 20mm 20mm 25mm 25mm 30mm 1” O.D. 35mm 42mm 47mm 52mm 52mm 55mm STYLE SEALS Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Cup & Cone Double Double Double Single Double Double 96 PART NO. 202RS 6004-2RS 6204-2RS 6205-Z 6205-2RS 6006-2RS Z-1627 PRICE $4.25 6.50 6.50 6.40 6.40 9.80 7.95 MOTOR MOUNTS FOR ARCTIC CAT/ MOTO-SKI/POLARIS/SKI-DOO/YAMAHA ARCTIC CAT MOTOR MOUNT YAMAHA EXHAUST SPRINGS MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO MOTOR MOUNT Replaces Yamaha #90506-20272-00. ? Replaces #0608-054(rear). Fits: All 93-99 twin cylinder L/C’s. Replaces Bombardier #570-1268-00. Part No. 28-20MM . . . . . . .$15.95 Fits: !, 80-83 Mirage I/II/Special. , 80-92 Citation; 81-83 Nordic; 82-87 Skandic 377; 85-98 Tundra; 00-02 Tundra R. ARCTIC CAT MOTOR MOUNT : $8.90 Fits: 89-02 most models; 82-88 Enticer 340, Excel III, SRV; 87-88 Exciter; 84-88 Phazer; 83 SS440; 85-88 XL-V. Part No. 02-370 . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 Replaces #0608-162. Part No. 28-16 . . . . . . . . . Fits: 3 cylinder Mt. Cat/ ZRT/600/800 and Thundercat 900/1000. Replaces #3110020. Fits: 76-94 all models. Fits: 81-82 Cutlass; 83-88 Long Track; 83 Sport, Super Sport; 84-87 SS; 83-89 Star; 87-89 Sprint. Part No. 02-373 . . . . . . . . . .$2.50 $17.50 MOTOR MOUNT Part No. 28-23MM . . . . . . ARCTIC CAT POLARIS MOTOR MOUNT Replaces #3110022. Fits: 84 Indy 400; 86-89 Indy 400/Trail; 84-87 Indy 600. <(: 28-18 28-19 < 1/2”Fine Thread . . $9.90 7/8”Fine Thread . . $9.90 ARCTIC CAT/POLARIS MOTOR MOUNT Replaces #0608-198 and < #5410390. Fits: 77-99 models with one piece aluminum mounting plate. Fits: < 84-99 twin and triple cylinders. Part No. 28-21MM . . . . . . . . $9.95 SKI-DOO MOTOR MOUNT Replaces #570-1274-00. Fits: 85-94 Formula MX, Plus, Mach I. Part No. 28-22MM .............$15.95 MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO MOTOR MOUNT Replaces Bombardier #570-1277-00. Fits: !, 85 Mirage; 84 Sonic. , 89-94 Alpine; 89-91 Cheyenne; 87-89 Escapade; 96-00 Formula III/ LT/600/700/800; 97-00 Formula Dlx. (All); 93-94 Formula MX/MX Z/Mach Z; 94-97 Formula ST/STX/ STX-2/Z; 85-86 Formula SP/SS; 95-99 Formula S/SL/SLS; 00 Formula S 368; 94-00 Formula Z (All); 95-00 Grand Touring (All); 00-01 MX Z 500/600/700 (All); 84-92 Safari; 85-86 Safari Grand Luxe; 93-94 Safari L/DLX/Rally; 87/92-01 Skandic (All); 89-92 Scout; 84 SS; 87-88 Stratos; 94-00 Summit (All); 95-00 Touring E/ELT/ LE/ SLE; 89 Voyageur. Part No. 28-17 . . . . . . . . . . . $9.90 $10.50 YAMAHA MOTOR MOUNT Part No. 28-14 . . . . . . . . Replaces Yamaha #90506-16130-00. 9-3/4” : Replaces Yamaha #821-14773-00 and #90506-20038-00. ? : Fits: 71-82 Enticer, Exciter, Excel, EL, EW, GP, GS, SL, SM, SW, SR, and SS. Part No. 02-379 . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 Replaces #8V0-21486-00, #87F-21486-00. Replaces Yamaha #90506-16076-00.V Fits: 84-99 Phazer 480; 91-01 Venture 480. 60mm center to center mounting holes with 17mm long mounting bolt. Fits: 82-88 Bravo; 77-79 Enticer 250; 75-79 Exciter; 74-75 GP, GPX; 78-80 SRX. Part No. 28-09 . . . . . . . . . . YAMAHA MOTOR MOUNT : $8.90 Part No. 02-380 . . . . . . . . . $1.90 Replaces #87F-1485-00. Fits: 84-99 Phazer II/480; 91-01 Venture 480. Size: 25x50x13.4mm EXPANSION CHAMBER SPRINGS Part No. 28-10 . . . . . . . . . . . $4.90 YAMAHA MOTOR MOUNT <(: Replaces #8A5/8V0-21485-00. Fits: 84-86 Enticer 300-400, Excel 340; 84-99 Phazer II/480; 91-01 Venture 480. Size: 25x50x8.7mm Part No. 28-11 . . . . . . . . . . $4.90 YAMAHA MOTOR MOUNT UNIVERSAL EXPANSION SPRING $9.90 Part No. 02-377 . . . . . . . . . $1.90 YAMAHA MOTOR MOUNT MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO EXHAUST GROMMET $9.90 YAMAHA MOTOR MOUNT Replaces #857-21486-00. Fits: 76-81 Exciter; 74-75 GPX; 73 SR 433/643; 76-80 SRX 440; 76-77 STX 340/440. Part No. 28-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 95¢ 95¢ $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 Expansion Spring. Replaces #8F3-21486-00. Fits: 89-91 Enticer; 81-88 Excel III. Part No. 28-13 . . . . . . . . . . < 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2-1/4” 4-1/2” 5-1/4” ?,_^Z Universal Replaces #8V7-21486-00. Fits: 84-01 Bravo 250; 77-88 Enticer. Part No. 28-12 . . . . . . . . . . Z 02-105 02-372 02-371 02-374 02-378 Replaces Bombardier #570-1406-00. Fits: !, 76-79 Futura; 75/77 Sonic; 76-83 Spirit. , 71-96 Elan; 74-79 Everest; 71 Nordic 399; 71-74 Olympique; 77 RV, TNT F/A; 71-77 TNT F/C. 9.90 Part No. 02-147 . . . . . . . . . . . 8.90 ENGINE PART NO. 172 RETAIL OEM NO. $10.50 3000-038 172A 180 $12.90 $12.90 183 $14.50 180 $12.90 186 $9.50 172A $12.90 171 171B 180 180 $9.50 $9.50 $12.90 $12.90 APPLICATION - REWIND SPRINGS ARCTIC CAT - 72-74 Cheetah; 70-72 EXT; 71 EXT Spec.; 71-74 Lynx; 74 Lynx II; 70-75 Panther; 71-73 Puma; 74 VIP. 3002-921 ARCTIC CAT - 81-07 All models. 3001-077 ARCTIC CAT - 75-78 Cheetah; 76-77 Cross Country Cat; 73-80 El Tigre (All); 73 EXT; 75-80 Jag; 77-80 Lynx; 75-80 Pantera; 76-80 Panther; 76-77 Z 440. 3081234 POLARIS - 70-73 Charger; 73-74/76 Colt 175; 72-76 Colt 250; 72-74 Colt 295; 74-76 Colt SS 250; 72-76 Colt SS 340; 73 Custom; 74-77 Electra; 84 Indy 600; 70-73 Mustang; 74-75 TC 250; 72-75 TX; 70-71 TX Charger; 72-73 Starfire; 71 Voyager. 3082415/3083185 POLARIS - 76-84 Fuji engines with nylon recoil rope; 03-05 Indy Frontier Classic/Touring 3083097 POLARIS - 81-82 Cutlass SS 440; 83-84 Indy Trail, Long Track; 83 Sport; 83-84 SS 440; 81-82 TX-C. 3083376 POLARIS - 84-06 All Indy’s ( 88-92 Indy 650/RXL; 98 Indy 440/600 XCR; 00-01 Indy 500 RMK; 99-01 Indy 500 XC SP; 99-01 Indy 600 RMK; 98-01 Indy 600 XC/XC Dlx./XC SP; 00 Indy 600 Touring; 97-01 Indy 700; 01 Indy 800 LE; 00-01 Indy 800 RMK; 01 Indy 800 XC). 85-86 SS; 86-90 Sprint/ES; 91 Starlite. 420-9380-02 ROTAX - 73-85 All Moto-Ski; 64-92 All Ski-Doo ( Elan) 420-9391-10 ROTAX - 93-06 All Ski-Doo ( 93-95 Alpine; 93-96 Elan). 810827 SNO-JET - Most models with 338, 396, or 433 Yamaha engines 71-75. 811/8F3/8YO-15713 f!' - 79-01 Most models. ARCTIC-KAWASAKI PAWLS Replaces #3000-033. Fits: 72-74 Cheetah; 70-72 EXT; 71 EXT Special;71-74 Lynx; 70-75 Panther; 71-73 Puma; 74 VIP. Part No. .......$6.50 ARCTIC-SPIRIT PAWLS Replaces #3001-082 (pawls) plus other illustrated parts. Fits: 76-80 all models; 81 El Tigre 5000, Trail Cat. Part No. 211........$6.95 ARCTIC-SPIRIT PAWL KIT Replaces #0636-410 Fits: 81-03 most models. 11-328 Complete kit....... $9.95 SNO-JET/YAMAHA PAWLS Replaces , #810828, f #811-15741-00 pawls plus other illustrated parts. Fits: 71-81 all twins; 83-87 Vmax. Part No. 211...............$6.90 SKI-DOO/MOTO-SKI PAWL KIT Kit replaces #420-8522-90 starter pawl, #420-8523-00 pawl lock and includes locking spring, locking ring and circlips. Fits: !, 81-85 all models. , 80-05 all models. Part No. 253........$11.90 ROTAX WASHER KIT Kit has all necessary washers, springs and clips to service Rotax rewind starters. Rotax Part No. 290.........$6.90 NYLON STARTER ROPE #6 (3/16”) x 100 ft. . . . $15.95 #6 (3/16”) x 60” . . . . . . $1.95 q all thru 81 plus 82 Intruder. <(:Z< 162A 162P 164A 165A JOHN DEERE/KAWASAKI PAWLS Replaces #M68092; q #13069-504. Fits: all with Kawasaki engines thru 84 (except 82-84 Sprintfire, Sportfire, Trailfire LX 440). Solid double braided cord will last longer than most original equipment loosly woven ropes. #7 (7/32”) x 100 ft. . . . $17.95 #8 (1/4”) x 100 ft. . . . $19.95 PLASTIC STARTER HANDLE Black flexible heavy duty handle as used by Yamaha #8F315755-00 and others. Tested to minus 40 degrees. Can be used while wearing mitts or gloves. Part No. 159. . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.90 PLASTIC STARTER HANDLE Universal starter handle fits all snowmobiles. Can be used while wearing mitts or gloves. Part No. 160......$3.75 YAMAHA PAWLS Replaces #8F3-15741-01. Fits: 82-01 Bravo; 77-94 Enticer; 81/83-88 Excel III; 79-80 Excel V; 87-93 Exciter; 86-90 Inviter; 97-99 Mountain Max 600; 89-99 Ovation; 84-01 Phazer; 80-91 SRV; 80-85 SS 440; 00-01 SX 500R; 97-01 Venture; 88-91/93-01 VK 540; 94-98 Vmax 500/600/XT/XTC; 85-90 XL 540. Part No. 208 . . . . . . . . . . . $12.90 Part No. 211..........$6.95 POLARIS PAWLS Replaces #3082318 pawls plus other illustrated parts. Fits: 79-80 Apollo, Centurion, TX-C; 81-82 Centurion Indy; 78-79 Cobra; 77-78 Colt, Colt SS; 81 Cutlass; 77 Electra; 80-81 Galaxy; 79-83 Gemini; 83-84 Indy Star; 83 Indy XC; 84 Star LT; 76 Starfire; 76-80 TX; 77-82 TX-L; 80-82 TX-L Indy. Part No. 192B.........$6.90 POLARIS PAWL KIT Replaces #3083378 (pawl) Fits: 81-03 all models. 11-329 Complete kit.......$9.95 ROTAX PAWL ASSEMBLY Replaces #420-8812-75. Fits: !, and , models thru 79. Also fits: 80 Alpine and early production 80 models of engine types 250, 354, 464 and 503. Also fits: JLO 230 and Sachs with Fairbanks type starters. No. 170...........$9.90 156 98 Fuel Pump & Carburetor Repair Kits, Parts & Acces. UNIVERSAL CARB REPAIR KIT FOR MIKUNI AFTERMARKET MIKUNI SINGLE AND DOUBLE OUTLET FUEL PUMP SINGLE OUTLET PART NO. 07-187-01 PRICE $23.90 Fits all Polaris type zinc carbs, VM30/32/34mm PART NO. SM-07079 DOUBLE OUTLET PART NO. 07-187 PRICE $29.90 PRICE $10.95 Fits aluminum spigot mount carbs, VM36/38mm. PART NO. SM-07080 PRICE $10.95 Fits aluminum spigot mount carbs, VM30/32/34mm. PART NO. SM-07081 FUEL PUMP REPAIR KIT FOR MIKUNI PRICE $10.95 JET CARRIER Store 22 spare main jets in a molded neoprene rubber carrier. Comes with jet removal tool. Tool sold separately also. For all single outlet round style Mikuni pumps. PART NO. 450A PRICE $5.90 Fits all double and triple outlet, round style Mikuni DF-52 pumps. PART NO. 450B PRICE $6.90 FUEL PUMP REPAIR KIT FOR MIKUNI PART NO. 07-187-04 PRICE $6.50 CARRIER PART NO. 07-187-06 PRICE $1.50 WRENCH ONLY UNIVERSAL AIR FILTERS Pleated washable polyester filters with aluminum end caps. 61mm I.D., 92mm long, tapered. For all dual outlet square Mikuni pumps. Replaces Arctic Cat #0636-640. Fits Cheetah/Touring/550 1991--94; Cougar/2-Up/Mtn. Cat1991-94; EXT/Spec./Mtn. Cat 1990-92; Jag/Dlx./ Spec/Z 1992-94; Pantera 1991-92; Prowler/2-Up/Spec./Mtn. Cat 199093; Puma/Dlx. 1994. Also replaces Ski-Doo OEM #404-9022-00, 404-9023-00, 404-9024-00 and fits Formula MX/Plus/GT all 1991-93; Formula S/SL 1995; GrandTouring/ XTC/SE/380/500 1994-95; Mach I all 1991-94; Safari L/LE/LX/LXE/Rally/E 1991-94; Skandic II/IIR/503R/ RSLT 1992-94; Touring E/LE/SLE 1995. PART NO. 454A PRICE $6.90 Fits 36-38mm carbs PART NO. SM-07047 PRICE $21.95 71mm I.D., 92mm long, tapered Fits 40-44mm carbs FUEL PUMP REPAIR KIT FOR MIKUNI PART NO. SM-07048 For DF44 single outlet rectangular fuel pump. Replaces DK 44RK. Replaces Ski Doo #420-9012-00, 404-9016-00 & 404-9011-00. PRICE $21.95 TOOL KIT FOR MIKUNI PART NO. 449 PRICE $5.90 A service tool kit with all the necessary tools needed to service Mikuni carburetors. FUEL PUMP REPAIR KIT Fits Polaris 1999-02 with Walbro pentagon pumps. PART NO. 15-866 PART NO. 451457 PRICE $9.90 PRICE $7.00 99 Fuel Line/Primer Kits/Fittings LOW TEMPERATURE SNOWMOBILE FUEL LINE HOSE 100% Polyurethane Fuel Line The best material available. Not affected by sub-zero temperatures, or long term exposure to fuel. Transparent Blue PART NO. SIZE PRICE 714B 714B10 716B 716B10 715B 715B10 1/4” I.D. x 50 ft. 1/4” I.D. x 10 ft. 3/16” I.D. x 50 ft. 3/16” I.D. x 10 ft. 5/16” I.D. x 50 ft. 5/16” I.D. X 10 ft. $32.95 8.90 34.95 9.90 37.95 9.90 Blue Primer Line PART NO. SIZE 717B 1/8” I.D. x 25 ft. PRICE $9.90 PRIMER KITS PRIMER KITS Button type primer kit comes complete with hose, “T” fitting and bulb. Plunger type primer kit comes complete with hose, “T” fitting and Dash and mount installation. bulb. Dash mount plunger. PART NO. 7001 PRICE $14.90 PART NO. 7000 PRICE $15.90 PRIMER INLET CONNECTOR PRIMER BULBS Rubber bulb in-line primer comes complete with built-in check valve. Can be installed anywhere along fuel line. PART NO. APPLICATION 07-238 For use with 1/4” fuel line 07-237 For use with 3/16” I.D. fuel line PRICE $7.90 Inlet connector used to convert Mikuni VM model carbs to plunger or button type dash mounted primers. 7.90 PART NO. 07-231-01 100 PRICE $1.90 Tank Fittings & Shut off Valves METAL RETURN ELBOW RUBBER GASKET 90 degree metal return elbow fitting with orifice for 3/16” & 1/4” line. Replaces Tillotson #015455. Rubber gasket. Used with 1” metal fittings. PART NO. 7073 PRICE $2.75 PART NO. 7013 METAL TANK FITTING SHUT OFF VALVE 1” metal tank fitting. 3 tube 90 degrees. Shut off valve with 120 mesh monel screen. PART NO. 7067 PRICE $7.95 PART NO. 7727 PRICE $5.25 METAL TANK FITTING BUSHED ELBOW 1” metal tank fitting. 2 tube 90 degrees. Bushed elbow, metal press fitting. (Drill 1/2” hole). PART NO. 07-276 PRICE $1.50 PRICE $5.90 PART NO. 7728 FUEL FLOW SHUT-OFF VALVE PRICE $5.25 STRAIGHT SHUT OFF VALVE ON - OFF Virtually eliminates the problem of fuel sloshing back into the carburetor when the front of a snowmobile is in a “higher than normal” position while being towed or trailed on bumpy roads. This leak proof rugged steel construction ball valve is a panel mount 90 degree fuel flow. Complete with nut, washer and panel “offon” decal. Used with 1/4” I.D. line. Requires 9/16” diameter hole in panel. Use with 5/16” fuel line. PART NO 07-7118 PRICE $11.75 PART NO. 11-6294 101 PRICE $14.50 Tank Fittings/Fuel Filters PLASTIC “T” FITTING METAL “T” FITTING Plastic “T” fitting combination for 3/16” or 1/4” fuel line and 1/8” primer line. PART NO. 07-279 PRICE $1.00 5/16” to 1/4” metal “T” fitting. PLASTIC “Y” FITTING PLASTIC “T” FITTING PRICE $3.30 PART NO. 07-277 PLASTIC “T” FITTING IN-TANK FUEL FILTER Fits 1/8” primer line. Replaces Rotax #414-2474-00. In-tank fuel filter with metal ball check. Fits 3/16” & 1/4” fuel line. PART NO. 07-278 PRICE $4.95 Plastic “T” fitting 3/16” or 1/4” line. 1/4” plastic “Y” fitting. PART NO. 7227 PART NO. 07-7322 PRICE $1.00 PART NO. 07-241 PLASTIC “T” FITTING IN TANK FUEL FILTER Plastic “T” fitting combination for 3/16” or 1/4” fuel line and 1/8” line. Built-in filter. PART NO. 7161F PRICE $1.60 Brass w/steel mesh screen as used on Polaris. 102 PART NO. SM-0700 2 PRICE $1.40 PRICE $4.90 PRICE $4.90 Fuel Filters OIL INJECTION FILTER POLARIS and SKI-DOO IN-LINE FILTER Designed for use with 3/16” or 1/4” fuel line. Tops in protection against clogging, too much moisture in the fuel and prevents stalling and hard starts. Just cut the fuel line and insert filter. Replaces Purolator GF-11-24, Ski-Doo #414-3636-00 and others. PART NO. 07-246-03 PART NO. 07-246-04 3/4” 1/4” Replaces Polaris #2670071 and Ski-Doo #414-5365-00. Fits all models with injection system, except USA built Polaris PRICE $2.50 engines. Fits most Polaris ATV 1985-00. PRICE $1.95 PRICE $2.50 PART NO. 07-246-05 OIL INJECTION FILTER-YAMAHA SMALL IN-LINE FILTER Replaces Yamaha #J10-1341000 & 8G8-13410-00. This filter is used in all 1974-03 oil injection equipped snowmobiles. A must to maintain clean oil. Fits 3/16” or 1/4” fuel line. Sturdy nylon fuel filter. 11-12 gallons per hour capacity fuel flow. Nylon screen traps all dirt particles. Will fit 3/16” and 1/4” fuel line. PART NO. 07-244 PRICE $1.90 PART NO. 07-246-02 PRICE $1.95 IN-TANK FILTER WALBRO TYPE IN-LINE FILTER Jumbo type in-tank fuel filter used by Yamaha #8H5-24560- 00 and others. Universal application fits all gas tanks. Fits Yamaha 1971-04. The latest design O.E.M. filter used by Arctic Cat #0109-579, Rotax #414-1194-00 and others. A greatly improved see thru filter with a larger fuel flow capacity. Replaces Walbro #125-512. Will fit 3/16” or 1/4” fuel line. PART NO. 07-245 PART NO. 07-241-01 PRICE $2.95 PRICE $2.25 JUMBO IN-LINE FILTER SCREW-IN FILTER Jumbo in-line Nylon fuel filter. Screen has a self-cleaning action. Original equipment on many snowmobiles. Fits 3/16” or 1/4” fuel line. Screw-in base filter fits Tillotson & Walbro carbs. Purolator #GF-23, Rotax #4141227, Fram #G30 and others. PART NO. 07-246 PRICE $2.25 PRICE $2.25 PART NO. 07-243-01 4 - STROKE OIL FILTERS Model OEM No. Arctic Cat 4-Stroke Touring/Trail 02-03 3005-948 Bearcat WT 03-04 3005-948 T660 Touring 04 3005-948 T660 Turbo Touring/Trail 04 3005-948 Polaris Indy Frontier Classic/ Touring 03-04 2540006 Ski-Doo Elite 1500 04 420-9567-40/41 Grand Touring V-1000 03 420-9567-40/41 Legend V-1000/Sport/SE 03-04 420-9567-40/41 Legend GT V-1000 Sport/SE 03-04 420-9567-40/41 Yamaha RX-1/ER 03-04 5GH-13440-00/10 RX-1 Mountain 03-04 5GH-13440-00/10 RX Warrior 03-04 5GH-13440-00/10 Part No. PRICE SM-07068 SM-07068 SM-07068 SM-07068 $8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 SM-07073 8.25 SM-07074 SM-07074 SM-07074 SM-07074 8.25 20-006 20-006 20-006 8.25 8.25 8.25 SM-07068 SM-07073 8.25 8.25 SM-07074 103 20-006 FUEL SYSTEMS MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO GAS TANK CAP Replaces Bombardier #572-230300. UNIVERSAL Fit Part # Fits Mikuni VM26-VM28 HR bolt pattern 2-1/4”. $11.90 Fits Mikuni VM30-VM34 HD bolt pattern 3”. Fits Mikuni VM36-VM38 HD bolt pattern 3”. Fits Mikuni VM40-VM44 HD bolt pattern 3”. carbs. 467 Price Fits: Moto-Ski 81-82 Futura; 82 Sonic, Ultra Sonic. Ski-Doo 82-84 Blizzard; 81-82 Elite; 81-83 Everest. Part No. 1813 ........................... $11.90 carbs. 469A carbs. 470A carbs. 474 SKI-DOO GAS TANK CAP Replaces #580-0940/2594-00. Fits: 82-84 Blizzard (All); 90-91 Cheyenne; 81 Elite; 87-89 Escapade; 81-83 Everest; 85-91 Formula (All); 88-89 Safari 377; 90-91 Safari GLX/L/LE/LCE/ LX/LXE; 89 Saga; 89-91 Scout; 84 SS-25; 87-88 Stratos; 89 Voyager. $11.90 $12.90 $13.90 ARCTIC CAT/POLARIS COOLANT CAP Part No. Z-856 .......................... $11.90 BOMBARDIER GAS TANK CAP Replaces Arctic Cat #0607-035. Fits most late model Arctic Cats, and late model Replaces Bombardier #572-2305-00. This gas cap comes equipped with its own dip stick to measure the amount of gasoline left in tank. Made of sturdy plastic. Will not rust. Polaris Indy by drilling vent hole. Part No. SM-001 .........................$4.90 KAWASAKI GAS TANK CAP Replaces #51049-3501. Replacement gas tank cap with rubber gasket made of sturdy long life plastic. Fits 78-82 all models. Part No. 1816 GAS AND $11.90 OIL TANK CAPS For Bombardier/Ski-Doo Replaces #572-0396-00/0497-00/0377-00/ 0710-00. Part No. 1815 ........................... $12.90 YAMAHA GAS TANK CAP Replaces #8CW-24610-00. Fits: 97-03 Mountain Max 600/700; 03 RX-1; 99-01 SRX 700; 00-02 SX 500R/600R/700R; 02-03 SX Viper; 97-03 Venture (all); 97-01 Vmax 500 XT/ XTC; 97-03 Vmax 600/SX/XT/XTC; 97-01 Vmax 700 SX. Part No. 07-288-04 ................... $12.90 YAMAHA GAS TANK CAP LATCH Fits: Gas Cap Applications. 95-96 Formula III/SS/Grand Touring; 00 Formula Dlx. 600/700; 94-96 Formula STX/Z/Mach Z; 97-99 Formula Z; 97-01 Grand Touring; Replaces #81324628-01. Fits: All models with flip up gas cap. 94-95 MX. Fits: Oil Cap Applications. 94-00 Formula ST/STX/Z/Mach Z/Summit; 95-00 Formula III/SS/Grand Touring/Mach I; 96-00 Formula SLS/MX Z; 94-95 MX; 97-01 Skandic/WT/SWT/Touring; 93-00 Tundra II/LT. Part No. 1819 ............................. $4.90 ARCTIC CAT OIL TANK CAP Part No. 07-288-01 ................... $12.90 POLARIS/YAMAHA OIL TANK CAP Fits: 81-02 most models. Part No. 1814 ............................. $8.95 SKI-DOO OIL INJECTION TANK CAP Replaces Polaris #5430594, 5430779; Yamaha #863-21771-00. Replaces #580-5781-00. Fits: 85-93 all models (except Alpine, Elan); 95-97 Formula S/SL/Touring; 94 Grand Touring, Mach I, Safari/L/Dlx./ Rally; 94-95 MX Z; 94-97 Skandic. Fits: Polaris 81-03 most oil injected models. Yamaha 74 and newer models. Part No. 1817 Cap & Gasket ......$8.90 Part No. 07-288-02 ................... $11.90 104 Kelch Gas Gauges, Brake Levers and Throttle Cable Extension Kit KELCH SCREW ON GAS CAPS WITH GAUGE KELCH SCREW ON GAS CAP Replaces Arctic Cat OEM #0109-628 Polaris #2511102 9” Vented gas gauge. Replaces Arctic Cat #0109-938, 0115150. Fits many 1977-81 models including El Tigre and many other makes. Gasket included. Kelch screw on vented gas cap without dip-stick or fuel gauge. Gasket included. PRICE $8.95 PART NO. 54-1810 PART NO. 1814 UNIVERSAL THROTTLE CABLE EXTENSION KIT 12-1/2” non-vented gas gauge. Replaces John Deere #AM 54807. Fits 1979-82 Liquifire, Sportfire & Trailfire. Polaris #2511149 & 2511246. Fits 1981-88 all Indy models and some 1989-04 models. Ski Doo #572-1612-00. Fits many 1995-01 models including S-2000 Chassis. Gasket included. PART NO. 54-1811 PART NO. 54-1815 PRICE $22.95 ARCTIC CAT BRAKE LEVER Replaces OEM #0109-609 A replacement plastic brake lever. Fits models 1972-81, 00-04. PART NO. 05-927-01 PRICE $2.95 CNC ALUMINUM BRAKE LEVERS &(% PART NO. SM-08045 SM-08046 SM-08047 SM-08048 APPLICATION Fits Arctic Cat/Polaris - w/Magura hydraulic brake Fits Ski Doo 1996-2000 - w/Brembo hydraulic brake Fits Yamaha hydraulic brake systems 1997-2000 Fits Polaris 1999-2000 - w/Hayes hydraulic brake (includes aluminum pin & C-clip) PRICE $36.95 36.95 36.95 36.95 SHORT BRAKE LEVER - SKI DOO Black lever includes nylon nut PART NO. SM-08064 PRICE $16.95 13-1/2 non-vented gas gauge. Replaces Polaris #2511197 & 2511198. Fits 1992 -99 models with 11 gallon tank. Ski Doo #513-0329-01, 513-0330-20. Fits 1999-03 ZX models. Gasket included. Fits most late model snowmobiles. Includes cable, block and hardware. This kit allows you to raise your handlebars up to 10” PART NO. SM-08107 PRICE $14.95 APPLICATION PRICE Replaces OEM #507-0322-68. Fits all GSX 500/600/800 2004; $21.95 Grand Touring 2002-03; Legend 2002-04; Mach Z/Tech Plus 2001-03; MXZ 2000-04; MXZX 2001-04; MXZ REV 2003; Skandic 550 FC Sport 2003; Skandic 500 SWT/WT/600 WT LC/600 SUV 2002-04; Summit 500/550 FC 2002-04; Summit 600/700/800 2000-04. 105 PRICE $17.95 Choke Lever Kits/Cable Lube Tool/ Speedometer Parts/Grips MIKUNI/POLARIS/ARCTIC CAT TRIPLE CHOKE LEVER KIT MIKUNI SINGLE/DUAL CHOKE LEVER KIT Choke lever kit for Mikuni single and dual choke cables. Replaces Arctic Cat #0636-062. Polaris #2200188 on most ATV models 1985-00 and others. PART NO. 05-146-03 PRICE $2.75 Choke lever kit for Mikuni triple choke cables. Replaces Arctic Cat #0638-630 and Polaris #2200189 and others. PART NO. 05-146-07 PRICE $2.95 CABLE LUBE TOOL YAMAHA CHOKE LEVER KIT Replaces Yamaha #8L3-26374-00. Fits 1976-83 ET 250, 300, 340, STX 340, 440, EX 340, 440, 1977 SRX 440. PART NO. 05-921 PRICE $2.95 Replaces Yamaha #8L2-26374-00. Fits 1984-97 All models except V-Max and Mtn. Max. Easy way to lubricate the cables on your machine. Attach tool to either end of cable, insert spray nozzle from lube spray. Cables do not need to be removed from machine. PART NO. 7-100 PRICE $11.90 PART NO. 05-921-01 PRICE $2.95 POLARIS INDY SPEEDO CABLES CHOKE KIT FOR MIKUNI 05-978-03 05-978-02 PART NO. PRICE 05-978-03 05-978-02 FITS All Indys 88-92 All Indys 80-87 $18.90 $18.90 This kit includes all parts necessary to convert lever operated choke carbs 30-44mm to cable operation. PART NO. 07-185 PRICE $9.90 SPEEDOMETER KEY SPEEDOMETER CABLE KIT Replaces Arctic Cat #0602-154; John Deere #M6414; Polaris #3280017 and fits all thru 1999; Bombardier #414-0708-00 and fits Moto and Ski Doo all models from 1971-94. PART NO. 12-163 PRICE $1.95 HAND GRIPS Used on most Arctic Cat models 1980 and newer. Black in color. *I.D. 22.2 mm x 151.5mm long. Sold in pairs PART NO. SM-05029 PRICE $7.50 106 Fits most models of snowmobiles. 50” of cable can be cut to length. PART NO. 92-154 PRICE $11.90 UNIVERSAL THROTTLE CABLES FOR MIKUNI UNIVERSAL CHOKE CABLES FOR MIKUNI SINGLE CABLE Part No. 05-938 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.90 SINGLE CABLE For all single carbs. (24-1/2” long) Part No. Fits 05-932 05-933 05-934 VM28 to VM34 (28”) . . . . $11.90 VM36 to VM38 (28”) . . . . $11.90 VM40 to VM44 (28”) . . . . $13.90 Part No. 05-938-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.90 For all single carbs. 90º elbow fitting. (28” long) DUAL CABLE Part No. 05-928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.90 For all dual carbs. (24-1/2” long) DUAL CABLE Part No. 05-146-02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.90 For all dual carbs. 90º elbow fitting. (28” long) Part No. Fits 05-922 05-923 05-924 VM28 to VM34 (37”) . . . . $16.90 VM36 to VM38 (37”) . . . . $16.90 VM40 to VM44 (37”) . . . . $18.90 TILLOTSON/WALBRO AIR CLEANER Air cleaners fit all Tillotson and Walbro HR-HD, WR-WD carbs. Replaces Donaldson type air cleaners. TRIPLE CABLE Part No. 05-938-02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26.50 For all triple carbs. (25-1/2” long) UNIVERSAL THROTTLE CABLES HR-WR carbs 2 1/4” Part No. 430 ........................$10.90 HD-WD carbs 3” Part No. 431 ........................$11.90 TILLOTSON CARB PARTS DIAPHRAGM & GASKET SETS Part No. 05-979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.90 Universal dual throttle cable fits Tillotson, Walbro and Keihin carbs. Will fit many other brands also. 40” long. WALBRO DIAPHRAGM & GASKET KITS Diaphragm and gasket sets for TILLOTSON carburetors are manufactured from the same material used by OEM. All diaphragm and gasket set components are manufactured from the same high quality materials as the O.E.M. Stamped on exacting steel rule dies to assure clean edges and holes for a perfect “no-leak” tune up. Replaces #92-534. Fits all WR, WD, WDA except WDA-1 models. Part No. 410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.95 WALBRO REPAIR KITS Replaces #300-794. Fits all WF (float) models. Part No. 499A Replaces #300-730. Fits all WDA-1 models. Part No. 499B Replacement for Tillotson DG1 HR, Rotax 4040282-00 & others. Fits all HR models. Replaces #350-509. Fits all WF models. Part No. 401 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.90 Part No. 410A. . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.90 . . . . . . . . $24.90 . . . . . . . . $27.90 TILLOTSON CARB PARTS Universal Kits Replacement for Tillotson DG1 HD, Rotax 4040281-00 & others. Fits all HD models. Needle & seat not included Part No. 402 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.90 Replacement for RK1HL. Fits all HL models. Part No. 464 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17.90 Replacement for RK1HR. Fits all HR models. Part No. 465 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24.90 Replacement for RK1HD. Fits all HD models. 107 Part No. 466 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$26.90 STANDARD RESISTOR TYPE PRICE $2.95 BR8ES BR9ES BPR9ES BR10ES STANDARD RESISTOR TYPE PRICE $3.90 BR9EYA STANDARD RESISTOR TYPE PRICE $6.95 BR9ECS BR9ECS-5 BR8ESCS Spark Plug Accessories BOSCH TYPE PLUG CAP SPARKY PLUG CAPS Replaces Bosch #0-356-050-010. Universal Plug connector with screw built into assembly. Top quality neoprene spark plug cap with spring connector. PART NO. 01-109-01 PRICE $2.50 PART NO. 01-109 PRICE $1.95 ORIGINAL BOSCH PLUG CAP KLG TYPE PLUG CAPS (1000 OHM Resistance) Universal spark plug connector with built-in screw fastener and screw clamp. Bosch #0-356-351-032. Fits 14mm plugs. PART NO. 01-109-02 PRICE $3.25 PART NO. 01-110-01 PRICE $2.25 NGK RESISTOR COVER- ORIGINAL NGK #LB05EZ NGK TYPE RESISTOR COVER (5000 OHM Resistance) Original NGK plug connector is a 90 degree elbow type for use with 14mm spark plugs. Plug connector for use with 14mm plugs. PART NO. Z-1913 PRICE $2.95 PART NO. 01-109-04 PRICE $2.75 SPARK PLUG CAP NGK STYLE SPARKY WIRE ASSEMBLY No resistor for better spark. The most popular model of plug cap used on snowmobile, watercraft and many other applications. Sure-fitting, waterproof and soft molded rubber. PART NO. COLOR 01-109-22 01-109-25 Red Purple Top quality neoprene spark plug wire with 7mm x 29” long Hypalon wire attached. PRICE $4.15 PART NO. 01-110 PRICE $4.90 4.15 108 Spark Plug Accessories DOUBLE RIVET MOUNTED PLUG CADDY TRIPLE RIVET MOUNTED PLUG CADDY Handy plug jack holds two 14mm spark plugs. Bolts anywhere on a motorcycle or snowmobile. Handy spark plug jack holds three 14mm spark plugs. Bolts anywhere on a snowmobile or motorcycle. PART NO. 12-115-01 PART NO. 12-115 PRICE $7.90 PRICE $5.90 PLUG N’ BULB CADDY SPARK PLUG CADDY Dual plug caddy holds two 14mm spark plugs securely in place. It is small enough to fit in your pocket. PART NO. 12-114 PRICE $2.90 SPARK PLUG WRENCH This caddy stores 2 spark plugs (14 or 18mm), 2 taillight bulbs and 1 headlight bulb. It will accommodate all new and old style headlight bulbs. Also has a space for spare inner throttle or brake control cable. PART NO. 12-113 PRICE $5.90 HEAVY DUTY SPARK PLUG WRENCH Spark plug wrench fits all snowmobile engines. Universal double end for 14mm and 18mm spark plugs. PART NO. 12-121 PRICE $2.90 Cast chrome finished combination wrench fits 14mm and 18mm plugs. PART NO. 12-121-01 PRICE $6.50 SPARK PLUG INDEXING WASHER KIT SPARK PLUG WIRE Index spark plugs align the open end of the electrode toward the intake port. The hottest flame meets the new fuel charge for a performance gain, increase fuel mileage and plug life. This is a speed secret car racers have used for years. You simply mark the electrode side of the plug with a marker on the porcelain. You then shim the plugs with the washers to align the electrodes toward the intake ports. PART NO. SM-01047 SM-01048 APPLICATION PRICE For Twin Cylinders (8 pc. set) $3.75 For Triple Cylinders (12 pc. set) 7mm Hypalon covered spark plug wire. 25 ft. roll. PART NO. 01-114-01 109 PRICE $26.90 POINTS AND CONDENSERS POINTS $6.95 EACH Model CONDENSERS $4.95 EACH Year OEM No. Part No. OEM No. Part No. 1970-72 1972-74 1971-72 1973-75 1977-79 3000-077 3000-901 3000-182 3000-947 3002-806 022 021A 021 021A 028 3000-076 3000-900 3000-186 3001-445 3002-338 040 040A 039 039A 047 1-217-013-012 2-207-013-002 1-217-013-015 1-217-013-016 1-217-013-020 1-217-013-021 012 013 015 012 017 017 1-237-330-159 1-237-330-035 036 035 1-237-330-037 1-217-330-064 037 037 18-0005-10 25-0004-50 18-0005-13 25-0004-50 025 026 027 028 18-0007-40 25-0004-30/60 18-0004-92 36-0013-21 043 044 045 046 021.4/5,4/6 021.17/5,17/6 021.14/5,14/6 012 015 017 020.3/7 021.3/7 035 037 000-43-062-21 000-43-062-23 000-43-062-24 012 015 017 000-43-065-20 000-43-065-30 00-43-065-16 035 037 037 21008-507 027 21013-508 039 33-150-01 34-245-01 34-150-01 012 015 017 33-147-01 33-147-01 037 037 1973-75 1973 1974-75 1976-up 540801124 540801124 540801169 420983347 019 019 019A 017 540801066 540801066 540801208 420965910 034 034 034A 037 1972-81 1972-81 1972-74/76 1974-75 3081257 3082202/3 3082223 3082223 023 023A 023B 023B 3081970 3081133 3081569 3081569 041A 041 041B 041B early 420983348 1974 & earlier 420983341 1970 & earlier 1975-later 430983347 013 015 012 017 420865325 420965910 036 037 420965910 037 1970-72 17045 025 17046 042 0-983-106-000 2-783-039-000 012 012 0-265-052-000 0-965-091-000 035 037 810365 020 811397 038 78379 021A 78378 039A 806-81321-20 650-81321-10 806-81321-20 806-81322-20 020 020A 020 021 802-81325-20 207-81326-10 802-81325-20 802-81325-20 038 038A 038 038 ARCTIC CAT Kawasaki, 1 cyl Kawasaki, 1 cyl Kawasaki, 2 cyl Kawasaki, 2 cyl Spirit, 1 cyl BOSCH Hirth, JLO, Kohler Rotax Hirth, JLO, Kohler, Rotax, Sachs Rotax, Sachs Rotax Hirth, JLO, Kohler, Rotax CCW KIORITZ “K” = Kokusan “D” = Denso KEC340 E&G, KEC400S E&G “K” KEC290, 440S E&G, 2 cyl “D” KEC440 RV, 2 cyl “K” KEC400 & 440 RV “D” HIRTH 1 and 2 cyl 1 and 2 cyl 1 and 2 cyl (1 piece set) JLO 1 and 2 cyl 1 and 2 cyl 1 and 2 cyl (1 piece set) KAWASAKI 2 cyl 1977-79 KOHLER 1 and 2 cyl 1 and 2 cyl 1 and 2 cyl (1 piece set) MOTO-SKI BSE, 1 cyl BSE, 2 cyl BSE, 2 cyl Rotax POLARIS Fuji, 1 cyl Fuji, 2 cyl Colt 175, 1 cyl TC 175, 1 cyl ROTAX 2 cyl, 1 piece set 1 and 2 cyl, 2 piece set 1 and 2 cyl, 2 piece set 1 and 2 cyl, 1 piece set RUPP Tohatsu, 2 cyl SACHS 1 and 2 cyl 1 and 2 cyl SNO-JET Yamaha, 1 and 2 cyl 1970-77 XENOAH Chaparral, G40B, G44B, G50B, 2 cyl 1972 YAMAHA All except 250A/B, 1 cyl 250A/B 2 cyl, left side 2 cyl, right side 1970-77 1978 1970-77 1970-77 110 VOLTAGE REGULATORS Part No. 090 .............$16.90 Part No. 090-01 ........$44.90 Part No. 090-02 ........$21.90 Part No. 090-03 ........$19.90 Part No. 090-04 ........$19.90 Part No. 090-05 ........$21.90 Part No. 090-06 ........$23.90 Part No. 090-07 ........$24.90 Part No. 090-08 ... $21.90 Part No. 090-09 ....$23.90 VOLTAGE REGULATOR MANUAL START Part No. 091 ... $16.90 Part No. 091-01 ...$22.90 VOLTAGE REGULATOR Heavy Duty VOLTAGE REGULATOR ELECTRIC START Universal application for all 12 volt manual start electrical systems. Installs anywhere in-line from engine to headlight or taillights. Reduces blowouts to a minimum. Has capacity to handle highest wattage systems now in use. Original equipment replacement for ARCTIC CAT #0232-020 JOHN DEERE #AM53370 ROTAX #414-9089-00 RUPP #33386 SCORPION & others. Installation Instructions Part No. 090 ..............$16.90 Part No. 090-01 ......... $44.90 1- Attach yellow wire to O E.M. yellow wire. 2- Attach red wire to O.E.M. red wire. 3- Attach black wire to ground on chassis (frame). 4- Attach yellow wire to green wire on O.E.M. engine wiring. Universal 12 volt electric start systems. Reduces blowouts. Handles highest wattage systems now in use. (Same as #090 except for elec. start 200 watts or less with rectifier). Part No. 091-02 ... $32.90 John Deere #AM52886, AM53378, AM53930 Moto-Ski #410-9063, 410-9073, 410-9076, 410-9088, 540-1111 Polaris #4060066, 4060068, 4060071, 4060072, 4060075, 2200125 Rupp #19168 Scorpion #043588 Ski-Doo #410-9063, 410-9073, 410-9076, 410-9088 Skiroule #3082X9078, 4082X9078 Sno-Jet #040403, 040530 Yamaha #898-81910-10, 898-81910-11 Part No. 091 ............. $16.90 VOLTAGE REGULATOR APPLICATIONS Fits Model Part No. ARCTIC CAT All models 95-03 090-03 *Bearcat 550/Widetrack 99-02 091-01 Cheetah 72-78 090-02 Cheetah 86-94 090-03 Cheetah Touring 88-94 090-03 Cougar/Mt. Cat/2-Up 85-98 090-03 Cross Country Cat 76 090-02 Cross Country Cat 77 090-08 Cross Country 79 090-02 El Tigre 73-76 090-02 El Tigre Z 75 090-02 El Tigre 4000/5000 77 090-08 El Tigre 5000 78-81 090-02 El Tigre 6000 78-81/84 090-02 El Tigre 85-88 090-03 El Tigre EXT/MC/Spec. 90-94 090-03 (except * items & Kitty Cat) Fits Model Part No. ARCTIC CAT (CONTINUED) EXT/Mt. Cat/Spec. 93 EXT 600 Triple 97-98 Jag 75-76 *Jag 340/440 Dlx. 99 Jag 3000 77 Jag 3000 F/C 79 Jag 80-81/85-87 Jag/AFS/Dlx./Mt. Cat 88-94 Jag/Dlx. 97-99 Jag Long Track 91-94 Kitty Cat 94 Lynx 75 Lynx 2000S/2000T 77-80 Lynx/Deluxe 91-93 Pantera 340/440 75 *Pantera 550/600 02-03 *Pantera 800 98-99 111 090-03 090-03 090-02 091-01 090-08 090-03 090-03 090-03 090-03 090-03 090-03 090-02 090-08 090-03 090-02 091-01 091-01 Fits Model Part No. ARCTIC CAT (CONTINUED) Pantera 5000 76 Pantera 5000 F/A 77-78 Pantera 5000 F/C 77-79 Pantera 80-81/85-92 Panther 72-79 Panther 80-81/84-89 *Panther 440/550/580 EFI 98-01 Panther/Dlx./Mt. Cat 90-00 Powder Extreme/Spec. 97-00 Prowler/MC/2-up/SP. 90-94 Puma 72-73 Puma/Dlx. 94-97 Super Jag 87-94 Thundercat/Mt. Cat 94-00 Trail Cat 79-81 *Triple Touring 600 98-01 090-02 090-08 090-02 090-03 090-02 090-03 091-01 090-03 090-03 090-03 090-02 090-03 090-03 090-03 090-03 091-01 VOLTAGE REGULATOR APPLICATIONS Fits Model Part No. ARCTIC CAT (CONTINUED) Wildcat 650/700/MC 89-94 Z 250/440 76 Z, ZL, ZR, ZRT (All) (exc. below) 94-03 Z 370/440 ES 00-03 ZL 550/580 00-01 ZL 550 ESR 02-03 JOHN DEERE 300/400 76-77 300/400/600/800 75 Cyclone 76-78 JD340/S 75 JDX4 Special 74 JDX4 75 JDX6 74-75 Liquidator 76 Liquifire 76-78/80-84 Spitfire 78-82 Sportfire 80-84 Trailfire 79-84 KAWASAKI Interceptor 82 Intruder 440 78-79 Invader 340/440 78-80 LTD 440 81 MOTO-SKI Cadet 73-76 Capri 73-74 Chimo 74-75 Futura 74-82 Grand Prix Special 79-85 Grand Sport 74-75 Mirage 79-85 Nuvic 75-79 Sonic 75-78/82-84 Spirit 82-83 Super Sonic 79-81 Super Sonic X-Country 79 Ultra Sonic 80-81 POLARIS All 72-02 with manual start RUPP All 72 SKI-DOO Alpine 73/84-91 Alpine 84-91 090-03 090-02 090-03 091-01 091-01 091-01 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 090-04 090-04 090-04 090-04 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 091 090-05 090-05 090-05 091 091 091 090-05 Fits Model Part No. SKI-DOO (CONTINUED) Blizzard 5500/9500 79-82 Blizzard 7500/9500 79-81 Blizzard 9700 83-84 Citation LS 78-90 Elan 73-79 Elan 80-96 Everest 74-83 Formula III/LT 95-97 Formula III 700/800 00 Formula 380 99 Formula 500/583/DLX 97-00 Formula Dlx. 99 Formula Dlx. 600/700 00 Formula MX/LT 85-87 Formula MX/LT/XTC 88-95 Formula Mach I/XTC 89-95 Formula Plus 85-86 Formula Plus/LT/XTC 87-95 Formula S/SL/STX/Z 94-95 Formula S/SL/Z 96-99 Formula Z 600/700 00 Grand Touring 500/583 93-99 Grand Touring (All) 00-01 Mach I 00 Mach Z/MX Z (All) 93-99 Mach Z 00-03 MX Z/MX ZX (All) (except below) 00-02 MX Z 380 01 Nordic 81-83 Nordic 88-90 Olympique 73-78 Safari 377 84-86 (manual) Safari 377/503/503R 87-88 Safari Cheyenne 89-91 Safari Citation 89-91 Safari Saga 89 Safari Scout 89-92 Skandic 277/377 82-87 Skandic 380/500 97-00 Skandic 503 87 Skandic II 92-94 Skandic WT/SWT 95-01 Stratos 87-88 Summit (All) 94-99 Summit (All) 00-02 TNT F/A 73-78 TNT F/C 73-78 112 091 090-05 091 090-05 091 090-05 091 090-05 091-02 090-05 090-01 090-05 091-02 091 090-05 090-05 091 090-05 090-05 090-05 091-02 090-01 091-02 091-02 090-05 091-02 091-02 090-05 091 090-05 091 091 090-05 090-05 090-05 090-05 090-05 091 090-05 090-05 090-05 090-01 090-05 090-05 091-02 091 091 Fits Model Part No. SKI-DOO (CONTINUED) TNT RV 250/340 76-79 Touring (All) 95-00 Tundra 85-87 Tundra LT 88-03 Valmont 73 All 73-76 All 73-76 SKIROULE SNO-JET 091 090-01 091 090-05 091 091 091 YAMAHA All Models 88-93 (except 2-wire regulator) Bravo 250 82-87 Bravo 250 88-03 Enticer 92-01 Enticer 340/440 77-87 Enticer 340/440 88-91 Excel V 79-80 Excel III 81-87 Excel III 88 Exciter 77-81 Exciter 570 87-93 GP300/340 76-78 GS300/340 77-79 Inviter 88 Mountain Lite 500 00-01 Mountain Max 600/700 99-01 Ovation 94-00 Phazer 84-86 Phazer 480 87-98 Phazer 480E/ST 92-98 Phazer Mt. Lite 99-01 SRV 80-87 SRV 88-91 SRX 76-81 SRX 500/600 01 SRX 600/700 99-01 SS440 80-83 Venture (All) 92-01 VK540 88-03 Vmax 83-87 Vmax 88-91 Vmax 500/600/700 94-01 Vmax 750 92-94 Vmax 800 95-97 XL-V 85-87 XL 88-90 090-06 090-06 090-09 090-07 090-06 090-09 090-06 090-06 090-09 090-06 090-09 090-06 090-06 090-09 090-07 090-07 090-07 090-06 090-09 090-07 090-07 090-06 090-09 090-06 090-07 090-07 090-06 090-07 090-09 090-06 090-09 090-07 090-07 090-09 090-06 090-09 C.D.I. BOXES WARRANTY DISCLAIMER CDI boxes must be replaced only by experienced mechanics with the proper test equipment and familiarity with the electronic ignition system being repaired. Since improper replacement or replacement without first testing the rest of the ignition system may damage the new CDI box, NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED. OEM STYLE CDI’S Part No. 163-011 163-101 163-102 163-106 163-111 163-112 163-113 163-801 Part No. 01-299 01-301 01-303 01-304 01-306 01-307 01-308 01-311 01-400 01-401 01-401KX 01-404KX 01-409KX Price $145.90 $145.90 $145.90 $145.90 $145.90 $145.90 $145.90 $145.90 Price $66.90 $128.90 $99.90 $109.90 $83.50 $108.90 $108.50 $108.50 $81.90 $88.50 $116.90 $83.90 $133.90 Part No. 01-501 01-502 01-504 01-505 01-506 01-507 01-508 01-510 01-511 01-512 01-513 01-143-45 01-143-72 Price $66.90 $88.50 $88.50 $88.50 $86.90 $88.50 $83.50 $67.90 $88.50 $99.90 $83.50 $89.90 $101.90 OEM STYLE CDI BOXES Application Chart Sno Stuff Part No. Model OEM Style Part No. ARCTIC CAT/KAWASAKI Cheetah 340/440 74-75 El Tigre 250 73 El Tigre 295 74 El Tigre 340 73 El Tigre 340 74 El Tigre 340 75 El Tigre 400 73-75 El Tigre 440 73-75 El Tigre Z 250 75 El Tigre Z 340 75 El Tigre Z 440 75 EXT/Special 290 71-72 EXT/Special 340 71-72 EXT340 F/A 73 EXT400 71 EXT440 71 EXT440 73 Pantera 340/440 75 Panther 340/440 74-75 VIP 440 74 — — — — — 163-111 163-111 163-111 163-111 163-111 163-111 — — 163-111 — — 163-111 — — 163-111 ARCTIC CAT/SPIRIT Bearcat 340/440 95-97 Bearcat 550 95-97 Cheetah 340/440 94 Cheetah 440 76 Cheetah 500 76 Cheetah 550 94 Cheetah 5000 77-78 01-304 01-304 01-304 01-304 01-304 — — — — — — 01-304 01-304 — 01-304 01-304 — 01-304 01-304 — 163-122 01-303 — 01-401KX 163-122 01-303 163-101 01-306 163-101 01-306 — 01-401KX 163-102 01-308 Sno Stuff Part No. Model OEM Style Part No. ARCTIC CAT/SPIRIT (CONTINUED) Cheetah F/C 86-90 Cheetah L/C 86-88 Cheetah Touring 91-93 Cougar 85-90 Cougar 91-94 Cougar 95-96 Cross Country 340 76 Cross Country 340 77 Cross Country El Tigre 79 El Tigre 440/500 76 El Tigre 4000 77 El Tigre 5000 F/A 77-79 El Tigre 5000 80-81 El Tigre 5000 87-88 El Tigre 6000 L/C 78-79 El Tigre 6000 80-81/84-88 El Tigre EXT/ Mt. Cat 89-91 EXT 550/580/SP 91-96 EXT 580 Powder 95-96 Jag 2000 F/A 78-79 Jag 2000 F/C 80 Jag 2000 F/A 80 Jag 3000 76-77 Jag 3000 F/A 78-79 Jag 3000 F/C 79-80 Jag 3000 F/A 80 Jag 4000/4000LT 81 113 — 01-303 163-113 — — 01-512 — 01-303 — 01-512 — 01-401KX 163-106 01-311 163-101 01-306 163-101 163-101 163-101 163-101 163-112 — 163-101 163-113 01-306 01-306 01-306 01-306 — 01-303 01-306 — — 01-303 — 01-401KX — 01-401KX 163-106 01-311 — 01-303 — 01-307 163-101 01-306 163-106 01-311 — 01-307 — 01-303 — 01-307 Model Sno Stuff Part No. OEM Style Part No. ARCTIC CAT/SPIRIT (CONTINUED) Jag (All) 85-96 (exc. 96 LC) Jag Liquid 96 Super Jag 87-91 Lynx/Dlx./Mt. Cat 91-93 Lynx 2000S 80 Lynx 2000T (3) 77-78 Lynx 2000T (2) 78-79 Lynx 2000T 80 Pantera 5000 76-78 Pantera 5000 F/C 77-79 Pantera 5000 F/C 80-81 Pantera 80-81 Pantera 85-89 Panther 440/500 76 Panther 4000/ 5000 77-79 Panther 4000 F/C 80-81/84 Panther 85-96 (exc. 96 LC) Panther L/C 96 Prowler 90-93 Prowler 550 95 Prowler Special 92 Puma/2-up/Dlx. 94-96 Trail Cat 3000 F/C 79-80 Trail Cat 4000 F/C 80-81 Wildcat 650 88 — — — — 163-112 163-101 163-106 — 163-106 163-102 — — — 163-101 01-303 01-512 01-303 01-303 — 01-306 01-311 01-307 01-311 01-308 01-307 01-307 01-303 01-306 163-102 — 01-308 01-307 — 01-303 — 01-512 — 01-512 — 01-401KX — 01-401KX — 01-303 — 01-307 — 01-307 163-113 — WARRANTY DISCLAIMER C.D.I. BOXES CDI boxes must be replaced only by experienced mechanics with the proper test equipment and familiarity with the electronic ignition system being repaired. Since improper replacement or replacement without first testing the rest of the ignition system may damage the new CDI box, NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED. OEM STYLE CDI BOXES Application Chart Sno Stuff OEM Style Part No. Part No. Model ARCTIC CAT/SPIRIT (CONTINUED) Wildcat 700 (not EFI) 89-93 Z 250 77 Z 340 77 Z 440 76-77 Z 440 93-97 ZR 440 93-94 ZR 580 93-96 ZR 700 93-95 — 163-101 163-101 163-101 — — — — 01-401KX 01-306 01-306 01-306 01-303 01-401KX 01-401KX 01-401KX CHAPARRAL/RUPP/XENOAH Fits all models 73-78 with CDI 163-011 — CUYUNA All F/C & L/C engines with Nippondenso ign. 163-801 — JOHN DEERE All models with Presto-Lite Ign. systems. (Style “B”) 74-78 01-401 Liquifire 440 80-81 — 01-304 Sportfire 440 80-84 — 01-304 Trailfire 340 79-81 — 01-304 Trailfire 440 79-81 — 01-304 Trailfire LX 440 82/84 — 01-304 KAWASAKI Drifter 440 79-80 Intercepter 500 82 Intriguer 440 78 Intruder 440 78-80 Invader 340 78-80 Invader 440 78-80 Invader 440 81 LTD 440 81 — 163-111 — — — — — 163-111 01-304 — 01-304 01-304 01-304 01-304 01-304 — KOHLER Fits all models with Nippondenso ignition K250-RLC, (Style “B”) K295-2RS (Style “A”) K340-2AS, K340-2RS (Style “A”) K340-2AS, K340-RLC (Style “B”) K340-2LC, K340-2RS (Style “B”) K400-2RS, K440-3RS (Style “A”) K440-2AM, K440-2AS (Style “B”) K440-2AS (Style “A”) K440-2LC, K440-2RS (Style “B”) K440-RLC (Style “B”) 163-101 — — — 01-401 01-400 — 01-400 — 01-401 — 01-401 — 01-400 — — 01-401 01-400 — — 01-401 01-401 OEM Style CDI’s only: Style “A” - wiring harness plugs onto cdi box. Style “B” - 6 prong plug connector from cdi box plugs into wiring harness. MOTO-SKI Futura 500/E 82 Mirage I/II 82-83 Mirage III 85 Sonic 250/340 75-78 — — — — 01-299 01-299 01-299 01-301 Sno Stuff OEM Style Part No. Part No. Model MOTO-SKI (CONTINUED) Sonic 82 Sonic L/C 84 POLARIS Centurion 79-80 Centurion Indy 500 81-82 Cutlass SS440 81-82 Indy 340/Dlx. 99-03 Indy 340 Edge/Classic 03 Indy 340 Touring 99 Indy 400 84-89 Indy 400 90-91 Indy 440 92-98 Indy 500/Classic/ SKS/SP 89 Indy 500/Classic/ SP 90-00 Indy 500/EFI/ SP 91-99 Indy 600 (All) 83-87 Indy 650 88-90 Indy Classic/ Touring 91-00 Indy Cross Country 83 Indy Lite/Dlx./GT 91-98 Indy Sport/Sprint/ GT 88-90 Indy Sport/Super Sport/ Touring 95-99 Indy Star 89 Indy Supertrak 89 Indy Supertrak 90-92 Indy Trail 83 Indy Trail 84-85 Indy Trail/Dlx. 86-89 Indy Trail/Dlx. 90-92 Indy Trail/Touring 93-99 Indy Tran Sport 96-99 Indy Widetrak 90-00 Indy Widetrak GT 95-97 Long Track 84-89 SS 84-85 TX 78-80 TXC 340 79-80 TXC 440 81-82 TXL/Indy 78-82 XC 600 97 XCF 97-98 XCR 440 92-97 XCR 600 96 XLT (All) 93-97 SKI-DOO Alpine 83-90 Alpine II 91-92 Alpine II 93-95 Blizzard MX 5500 82-84 Blizzard Plus 82 Blizzard 9700 83-84 Citation (All) 82-88 Elite 82 Escapade 87-89 Everest 440 75 Everest 500/E 82-83 114 — — 01-299 01-299 — — — — — — — — — 01-502 01-502 01-507 01-404KX 01-404KX 01-404KX 01-505 01-506 01-506 — 01-505 — 01-506 — — — 01-506 01-502 01-502 — — — 01-506 01-501 01-404KX — 01-404KX — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 01-511 01-404KX 01-504 01-511 01-507 01-508 01-504 01-511 01-511 01-511 01-506 01-511 01-508 01-508 01-501 01-501 01-507 01-501 01-409KX 01-511 01-506 01-409KX 01-409KX — — — — — — — — — — — 01-299 01-143-45 01-510 01-299 01-299 01-299 01-299 01-299 01-299 01-301 01-299 Sno Stuff OEM Style Part No. Part No. Model SKI-DOO (CONTINUED) Formula 500 LC 00 Formula 500 Dlx. 99-00 Formula 583/670 Dlx. 99 Formula Mach I 89-90/92 Formula Mach I 91 Formula MX/Plus 85-89 Formula MX/Plus/ 500 90-92 Formula S/SL 95-97 Formula SS/SP 85-86 Formula Z 500/670 99 Grand Touring 500/583 99 MX Z 440F 97 MX Z 500 99 Nordic 50/60 82-83/88/90 Nordic 50/60 91 RV 77-79 Safari (All) 84-88 Safari Cheyenne 89-90 Safari Cheyenne 91 Safari Citation 89-91 Safari L/Dlx./503 Rally 93-94 Safari L/LE/LX/LXE 90 Safari L/LE/LX LXE 91-92 Safari LCE/GLX 90-92 Saga 89 Scout 89-90 Scout 91-92 Skandic 82-87 Skandic II/R 92-93 Skandic II 377/R/503R SLT 94 Skandic 380/500/ WT 95-97 Skandic WT/SWT 98-02 Sonic 82-84 Stratos 87-88 Summit 500 99 TNT FA 73-75 Touring (All) 95-97 Touring 500 LC 00 Tundra 85-91 Voyager 89 YAMAHA Enticer 340 84-86 Excel III 85-86 Phazer 480 85-93 SRV 540 85-91 Venture 480 GT 92 Vmax 540 91 XL 540 85-90 — — — — — — 01-143-72 01-143-72 01-143-72 01-299 01-510 01-299 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 01-510 01-143-45 01-299 01-143-72 01-143-72 01-143-45 01-143-72 01-299 01-510 01-301 01-299 01-299 01-143-45 01-299 — — — — — — — — — 01-143-45 01-510 01-143-45 01-510 01-299 01-299 01-143-45 01-299 01-143-45 — 01-143-45 — — — — — — — — — — 01-143-45 01-143-45 01-299 01-299 01-143-72 01-301 01-143-45 01-143-72 01-299 01-299 — — — — — — — 01-513 01-513 01-513 01-513 01-513 01-513 01-513 COIL APPLICATION CHART **All coils are made to OEM specifications** MODEL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE EXT. IGNITION COIL INT. IGNITION COIL LIGHTING COIL MODEL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE ARCTIC CAT Bearcat (All) 95-97 Bearcat 340/440 98-00 Bearcat 550/WT 95-97 Cheetah 72 Cheetah 73-74 Cheetah 74 Cheetah 75 Cheetah 75 Cheetah 76 Cheetah 77-78 Cheetah 86-87 Cheetah 88-89 Cheetah 90 Cheetah 86 Cheetah 87-88 Cheetah Touring 91-93 Cougar 85-87 Cougar 88-89 Cougar 90 Cougar 91-94 Cougar 95-97 Cross Country 76 Cross Country 79 El Tigre 73 El Tigre 73-74 El Tigre 74 El Tigre 4000/ 5000 76-77 El Tigre 5000 78-79 El Tigre 5000 80-81 El Tigre 5000 87-88 El Tigre 6000 78-79 El Tigre 6000 80-81/ 84-85 El Tigre 6000 86 El Tigre 6000 87-88 El Tigre 6000 89 El Tigre EXT 89 El Tigre EXT 90-91 El Tigre EXT Mt. Cat 90-91 El Tigre EXT Special 90 El Tigre 250 Z 76 El Tigre 250/340 Z 77 El Tigre 440 Z 76-77 EXT 71-72 (w/points) LIGHTING COIL ARCTIC CAT (Continued) Suzuki 340/440 F/C Suzuki 340/440 F/C Suzuki 550 F/C Kaw 340/400/440 F/C Kaw 340/400/440 F/C Kaw 340-S2A F/C Kaw 340/440 F/C Sachs/Wankel 295 Suzuki 440/500 F/C Suzuki 5000 F/C Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 530 L/C Suzuki 530 L/C Suzuki 440 Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 440 Suzuki 550 Suzuki 340 F/A Suzuki 440 L/C Kaw 250/340 F/A Kaw 400/440 F/A Kaw 295/340 F/A 067-01 143-63 067-01 083-01 083 112 112 080 094 094 067-01 097-02 068-02 094 112-01 089-08 112-01 097-02 068-02 089-08 067-01 086 094 112 068 (2) 072-01 — — — — 104 & 073 104-01 & 104-02 104-01 & 104-02 081-02 105 096 (Sensing only) 098-01 105-01 105-01 092 & 100 092 & 100 — 098-01 105-01 105-01 — — 092 & 098 105 104-01 & 104-02 104-02 & 101 104-01 & 104-02 — — — 103 077 077 108 — 093 — — — — — — — — — — — — 102 093 077 077 077 Suzuki 440/500 Suzuki 500 F/A Suzuki 500 F/A Suzuki 440 L/C Suzuki 440 L/C 094 094 094 112-01 094 105 105 099 098-01 105 093 093 093 — 093 Suzuki 500 L/C Suzuki 530 L/C Suzuki 530 L/C Suzuki 530 L/C Suzuki 530 L/C Suzuki 530 L/C 094 094 112-01 — — — 092 & 100 092 & 100 092 & 100 105-01 092 & 100 105-01 102 — — — — — Suzuki 530 L/C — 105-01 — — 078 094 094 105-01 — 105 105 — — 093 093 083 068 (2) 067-01 067-01 095 104-02 & 101 105-01 105-01 103 077 — — 067-01 — — 143-61 — — 143-62 143-63 067-01 083 067-03 097-02 097-02 143-63 097-02 097-02 094 094 094 094 094 094 — — 105-01 073 & 104 098-01 105-01 105-01 — 098-01 105-01 105 092 & 098 105 092 & 098 096 (Sensing only) 096 (Sensing only) — — — 108 — — — — — — 093 102 093 102 — — Suzuki 530 L/C Kohler 250 L/C Suzuki 250/340 L/C Suzuki 440 L/C Kaw 290/340/ 399/440 F/A EXT 73 Kaw 340/440 F/A EXT/EXT Mt. Cat 92 Suzuki 550 L/C EXT Special 92 Suzuki 550 L/C EXT 550, 580, EFI, Powder Special 92-97 Suzuki EXT 600 Triple/ Touring (coil 1) 97-99 Suzuki 594 L/C EXT 600 Triple/ Touring (coil 2) 97-99 Suzuki 594 L/C Firecat F5/F7 03 Suzuki 500/700 L/C Jag/Dlx. 90-97 Suzuki Jag 340 75 Kaw 340 F/A Jag 340 (All) 87 Suzuki 340 F/C Jag 340 (All) 88-89 Suzuki 340 F/C Jag 340 (All) 90-91 Suzuki 340 F/C Jag 340/440/Dlx. 99 Suzuki 340/440 F/C Jag 440 (All) 85-87 Suzuki 440 F/C Jag 440 (All) 88 Suzuki 440 F/C Jag 2000 76-77 Suzuki 275 F/A Jag 2000 78-80 Suzuki 275 F/A Jag 3000 F/A 76-77 Suzuki 340 F/A Jag 3000 F/A 78-79 Suzuki 340 F/A Jag 3000 F/C 79-80 Suzuki 340 F/C Jag 4000 (All) 81 Suzuki 440 F/C EXT. INT. IGNITION IGNITION COIL COIL Jag AFS (All) 89 Jag AFS (All) 90-93 Jag AFS Long Track 92 Jag AWS (All) 92 Jag Liquid 96 Lynx 71-72 Lynx 75-76 Lynx 2000S 77-79 Lynx 2000S 80 Lynx 2000T 77-78 Lynx 2000T 78-80 Lynx II 74 Lynx AFS (All) 91-93 Lynx Wankel 71/74 Mt. Cat 500/600/ 800 01-02 Mt. Cat 570/600/800/ 900 03 Pantera 75 Pantera 76-78 Pantera 77-81 Pantera 85-86 Pantera 87 Pantera 88 Pantera 89 Pantera 90-92 Pantera 93-97 Pantera 600/800 EFI 02-04 Pantera 800 (coil 1) 98-99 Pantera 800 (coil 2) 98-99 Panther 70/72 Panther 71 Panther 72 Panther 73 Panther 74-75 Panther 80-81/84 Panther 85-87 Panther 88-89 Panther (All) 90-97 Panther 340/440 98-00 Panther 370R 03 Panther 4000 76 Panther 4000 77-78 Panther 5000 76 Panther 5000 77-79 Panther Liquid 97 Panther Wankel 68-74 Powder Extreme 600 (coil 1) 97-98 Powder Extreme 600 (coil 2) 97-98 Powder SP EFI 99-00 Prowler 90-94 Prowler 95 Prowler Special 91-92 Puma 71 Puma 72 Puma 73 Puma/Dlx. 94-97 Super Jag 87 Super Jag 88-89 Super Jag 90-92 Thundercat/Mt. Cat (coil 1) 93-99 Thundercat/Mt. Cat (coil 2) 93-99 Trail Cat 3000 79-80 Trail Cat 4000 80-81 VIP 74 115 Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440 Kaw KT150 F/C Kaw 250 F/A SuZ 250 single F/A Suz 250 single F/A Suz 250 F2 twin F/A Suz 250 F3 twin F/A Kaw 340/440 F/C Suzuki 340 F/C Sachs/Wankel 303W 097-02 067-01 067-01 067-01 089-08 — 083 — 083-01 094 094 083 067-01 080 105-01 105-01 105-01 105-01 — — 104 — 099 105 092 & 098 104 105 081-02 — — — — — 106 108 093 093 093 102 077 — — Suz 500/600/800 L/C 143-63 — — Suzi 570/600-900 L/C Kaw 340/440 F/C Suzuki 500 F/A Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 440 L/C Suzuki 440 L/C Suzuki 440 L/C Suzuki 440 L/C Suzuki 446 L/C Suzuki 580 143-63 112 086 094 094 112-01 112-01 — 089-08 067-01 — 104-01 & 104-02 092 & 098 096 (Sensing only) 098-01 098-01 105-01 105-01 105-01 — — 108 102 — — — — — — — Suzuki 600/800 L/C Suzuki 794 L/C Suzuki 794 L/C Kaw 292 single F/C Kaw 340/400/440 F/C Kaw 340/400/440 F/C Kaw 340/400/440 F/C Kaw 340/440 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440/500 F/C Suzuki 440/500 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 340/440 F/C Suzuki 370 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 500 F/C Suzuki 431 Sachs/Wankel 143-63 143-61 143-62 — 068-01 083-01 083 112 094 097-02 097-02 067-01 143-63 143-63 094 094 094 094 089-08 080 — — — — — — 104 104-01 & 104-02 096 (Sensing only) 098-01 105-01 105-01 — — 105 096 (Sensing only) 105 096 (Sensing only) — 081-02 — — — 106 103 103 077 077 — — — — — — 093 — 093 — — 081-03 Suzuki 594 L/C 143-61 — — Suzuki 594 L/C Suzuki 500/600 L/C Suzuki 440 Suzuki Suzuki 440 L/C Kaw 340/400/440 F/C Kaw 340/400/440 F/C Kaw 440 F/C Suzuki Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C 143-62 143-63 089-08 067-01 — 068-01 083-01 083 067-01 067-01 097-02 067-01 — — — — 105-01 — — 104 — 098-01 105-01 105-01 — — — — — 103 103 — — — — — Suzuki 896 L/C 143-61 — — Suzuki 896 L/C Suzuki 340 F/C Suzuki 440 F/C Kaw 440 F/C 143-62 094 094 112 — 096 (Sensing only) 096 (Sensing only) 104-01 & 101 — — — — COIL APPLICATION CHART **All coils are made to OEM specifications** MODEL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE EXT. IGNITION COIL INT. IGNITION COIL LIGHTING COIL MODEL ARCTIC CAT (Continued) Wildcat 650 88 Suzuki 650 L/C Wildcat 650 ((All) ) 89-96 Suzuki 650 L/C Wildcat 700/EFI Wildcat Touring 89-96 Suzuki 700 L/C Z 370 99-03 Suzuki 370 F/C Z 440 94-97 Suzuki Z 440 98-03 Suzuki 440 F/C ZL 440 97-98 Suzuki ZL 500/600 EFI 99-03 Suzuki 500/600 L/C ZL 800 01-03 Suzuki 800 L/C ZR 440/580/700 93-97 Suzuki ZR 500/600 EFI 99-02 Suzuki 500/600 L/C ZR 800 01-03 Suzuki 800 L/C ZR 900 03-04 Suzuki 900 L/C ZRT 600/800 (coil 1) 95-99 Suzuki 599 L/C ZRT 600/800 (coil 2) 95-99 Suzuki 599 L/C KEC290/1/2/3 KEC340/1/2/3/4 KEC340S/1/2 KEC400/1/2/3/4/21/22 KEC440/1/2/3/4/21/22 092 & 100 105-01 — — 067-01 143-63 067-01 143-63 089-08 143-63 143-63 067-01 143-63 143-63 143-63 143-61 143-62 105-01 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 081 — 080 081-01 — 080 081-01 & 081-02 — 084 084 084 084 084 HIRTH ENGINES All single cylinder engines without external ignition coils All single cylinder engines with external ignition coils All multi cylinder engines with point type ignitions JLO (ROCKWELL) ENGINES All single cylinder engines without external ignition coils (except L230) All single cylinder engines with external ignition coils (except L230) All multi cylinder engines with point type ignitions — 081 — 080 081-01 — 080 081-01 & 081-02 — 081-01 & 081-02 — — — — — — — — 081-01 & 081-02 — — — — — — — — — — — — 104-01 & 104-02 105 104-01 & 104-02 104-01 & 104-02 105-01 — — — — — — — — — 081-03 — — — — — — — — — — — — 077 093 077 077 084-03 104 & 073 104 & 073 115 & 092 077 077 077 JOHN DEERE 300 74-77 400 72-73 400 74-75 400 76 500 72-73 500 74 600 73 600 74-75 800 75 JDX-4 73 JDX-4 75 JDX-4 Special 74 JDX-6 74-75 JDX-8 73 JDX-8 74-75 JD295/S 74 JD340/S 75 Cyclone 340 76-78 Cyclone 440 76-78 Liquidator 76 Liquifire 340 76-78 Liquifire 440 76-78 Liquifire 80-81 Spitfire 78-79 Trailfire 340 79-80 Trailfire 440 79-80 Trailfire 440 81-82 Kohler K295-2AX CCW/Kioritz KEC340 Kioritz KEC340/5 Kioritz KEC340/22A CCW/Kioritz KEC440 Kioritz KEC440/5 CCW/Kioritz KEC440 Kioritz KEC440/5 Kioritz KEC440/22 Kohler K295-2AX Kioritz KEC340/22 Kioritz KEC340/5 Kioritz KEC400/22 CCW KEC440/21 Kioritz KEC440/22 Kiroitz KEC295RS/2 Kioritz KEC340RS/2 Kiroitz KEC340/22A/B Kioritz KEC440/22A/B KirO KEC340RS/24LC Kioritz KEC340/23LC Kioritz KEC440/23LC Kaw TC440A Kohler K340-2FA Kaw TA340A Kaw TA440A Kaw TA440AE202 Astro 77 Drifter 340 79 Drifter 440 79-80 Kaw 340/440 F/C Kaw 340 F/C Kaw 440 F/C 080 084 084 078 084 084 084 084 084 080 084 084 084 084 084 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 083-02 094 083-02 083-02 083-02 KAWASAKI 083-01 083-01 083-02 LIGHTING COIL KAWASAKI (Continued) 067-02 067-01 CCW/KIORITZ 290 340 340S 400 440 EXT. INT. IGNITION IGNITION COIL COIL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE Intriguer 78 Intruder 78-79 Intruder 80 Invader 340 78-79 Invader 340 80 Invader 440 78-79 Invader 440 80-81 Inviter 78 SST 77 Kaw 440 F/C Kaw 440 F/C Kaw 440 F/C Kaw 340 L/C Kaw 340 L/C Kaw 440 L/C Kaw 440 L/C Kaw 340 F/C Yam 340/440 F/C 250 250 295 295 295 295 309 (40 Watt) 309 (75 Watt) 335 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 399 399 400 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 650 K250-1 AMS F/C K250-2RLC L/C K295-1 F/C K295-2 F/C K295-2AX F/C K295-2RS F/C K309-1 F/C K309-1 F/C K335-1 F/C K340-2 F/C K340-2AS F/C K340-2AX F/C K340-2FA F/A K340-2RS F/A K340-2RLC L/C SK340-2AS F/C K399-2 F/C RK399-2 F/C K400-2RS F/A K440-2 F/C K440-2AS F/C K440-2AX F/C K440-2RLC L/C K440-2RS F/A K440-3RS F/A K440-2SS F/A RK440-2 F/C K645-3SS F/A 200 70-71 (40 Watt) 200 70-71 (75 Watt) Lightning 71-72 Max 440 73-74 M/X 440 75 Trail-Twister 75-76 Hirth 193R/292 F/C Hirth 193R/292 F/C CCW KEC400/2/3 F/C KEC440/21/22 F/C CCW/Kioritz KEC440/22 F/C Kohler K400-2RS F/A K340/440-2RS F/A Kohler K250/340/ 440-2RLC L/C Kohler K340-2AX F/C CCW/Kioritz KEC440/22 F/C K340/440-2AS F/C Cadet 72-75 Capri 295 72 Capri 296 73-74 Capri 340 73 Capri 440 73 Chimo 74-75 F 296 73 F 340/440 73 Futura 295 74 Futura 300 82 Futura 340 74 Futura 400/E 77-79 Futura 440 74 Futura 440/E 75 Futura 440/E 76-79 Futura 444 78-79 Futura 464 80 BSE 250 F/C Hirth 193R/292 F/C BSE 296 F/C BSE 340 F/C BSE 440 F/C BSE 440 F/C BSE 296 F/C BSE 340/440 F/C BSE 296 F/C Rotax 377 F/C BSE 340 F/C Rotax 400 F/C BSE 440 F/C Rotax 440 F/C Rotax 440 F/C Rotax 444 L/C Rotax 464 L/C 083-02 083-02 083-02 083-02 083-02 083-02 083-02 083-01 085-01 115 & 092 115 & 092 083-05 115 & 092 083-05 115 & 092 083-05 104 104 077 077 102 077 102 077 102 077 077 — — 081-01 081-01 & 081-02 081-01 & 081-02 — 081 081-01 081-01 081-01 & 081-02 — 081-01 & 081-02 081-01 & 081-02 — — — 081-01 & 081-02 081-01 & 081-02 — 081-01 & 081-02 — 081-01 & 081-02 — — — 081-01 & 081-02 081-01 & 081-02 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 080 084 084 081 081-01 — — — — — — 084 078 078 — — — — — — 078 080 — 081-01 & 081-02 — — 084 078 — — — — KOHLER 080 078 080 080 080 078 — 080 080 080 078 080 080 078 078 078 080 080 078 080 078 080 078 078 078 080 080 080 MERCURY Sno-Twister 74 Sno-Twister 75 Sno Twister 76 S/R 340 75 S/R 440 74-75 MOTO-SKI 116 084 080 080 084 084 084 080 084 080 094 084 080 084 080 080 080 080 — 081-01 — 104 104 104 — 104 — 079-01 104 079 104 079 079 079 079 — — — 088-01 088-01 088-01 — 088-01 — — 088-01 087-02 088-01 087-02 087-02 087-04 087-02 & 087-04 COIL APPLICATION CHART **All coils are made to OEM specifications** EXT. IGNITION COIL MODEL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE Futura 464 81 Futura 464 82 Futura 500/E 80-81 Futura 500/E 82 Grand Prix 70-71 Grand Prix 72 Grand Prix Sp/MX 79-81 Grand Sport 74-75 Mirage 300 79 Mirage I 80-81 Mirage II/E 80-81 Mirage II/E 82-83 Mirage III 85 Mirage Special 80-81 Mirage Special 82 Nuvik 300/E 75 Nuvik 300/E 76-77 Nuvik 340/E 75 Nuvik 340/E 76-79 Nuvik 440/E 77 S 400/440 73 Sonic 250 76 Sonic 340 75 Sonic 340 76-78 Sonic 82 Sonic Cross Country 78 Sonic L/C 84 Spirit 76-83 Super Sonic 81 TS-400 74-75 Ultra Sonic 81-82 Zephyr 72-73 Rotax 464 L/C Rotax 464 L/C Rotax 500 F/C Rotax 500 F/C Hirth 171R/634 F/C BSE 340/440 F/C Rotax 503 F/C BSE 440 F/C Rotax 295 F/C Rotax 277 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 305 F/C Rotax 305 F/C Rotax 343 F/C Rotax 343 F/C Rotax 440 F/C BSE 400/440 F/C Rotax 250 F/A Rotax 340 F/A Rotax 340 F/A Rotax 503 F/C Rotax 340 F/A Rotax 464 L/C Rotax 250 F/C Rotax 354 L/C BSE 400 F/A Rotax 454 L/C BSE 340/440 F/C INT. IGNITION COIL LIGHTING COIL MODEL MOTO-SKI (Continued) 094 094 080 094 080 084 080 084 080 080 080 094 094 080 094 080 080 080 080 080 080 075 075 075 094 075 094 080 094 080 094 084 Fuji EC34PM F/C Fuji EC51PL L/C Fuji EC51PL L/C Fuji EC29PM F/C Fuji EC29PM F/C Fuji EC40PM F/C Fuji EC40 PM F/C Fuji EC54PM F/C Fuji EC40PF F/A Fuji EC54PF F/A Fuji EC34PM F/C Fuji EC44PM F/C Fuji EC17P F/C Fuji EC25PC F/A Fuji EC25PM F/C Fuji EC29PF F/A Fuji EC29PM F/C Fuji EC29PM F/C Fuji EC34PC F/A Fuji EC34PM F/C Fuji EC25PC F/A Fuji EC25PM F/C Fuji EC29PF F/A Fuji EC34PG F/A Fuji EC34PM F/C Fuji EC40PF F/A Fuji EC54PM F/C Fuji EC25PS F/C Fuji EC40PM F/C Fuji EC54PM F/C Fuji EC34PM F/C Fuji EC44-2PM F/C Fuji EC25PS F/C Fuji EC34PQ F/C Fuji EC34PQ F/C Fuji EC34PQ F/C Fuji EC44PQ F/C Fuji EC44PQ F/C Fuji EC44PQ F/C 084 084-04 084-04 084 084 084 084 084-02 084 084-02 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084-02 084 084 084-02 084 CDI Box 084 084-02 084 084-02 084-02 084 084-02 104 — — — 104 104 104 089-03 104 089-03 104 104 — 104 104 104 — 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 089-03 104 104 089-03 104 077-01 104 089-03 104 089-03 089-03 104 089-03 LIGHTING COIL POLARIS (Continued) 074 087-02 & 087-04 074 087-02 079 087-02 079-01 — 081-01 — 104 088-01 079 087-02 & 087-04 104 088-01 — — — 087-02 & 087-04 079 087-02 & 087-04 079-01 — 079-01 — 079 087-02 & 087-04 079-01 — 081-01 & 081-02 — 079 087-02 081-01 & 081-02 — 079 087-02 079 087-02 081-01 & 081-02 — 076 087-01 076 087-02 076 087-01 105 073 076 087-01 074 — 081-01 — 074 087-08 081-01 & 081-02 — 074 087-08 104 088-01 POLARIS Apollo 340 79-80` Centurion 500 79-80 Centurion Indy 500 81 Charger 295 72 Charger 295 73 Charger 400 72 Charger 400 73 Charger 530 72-73 Charger SS 400 72 Charger SS 530 72 Cobra 340 78-79 Cobra 440 78-79 Colt 175 73-74/76 Colt 250 75-78 Colt 250S 72-74/76-78 Colt 295 74 Colt 295 72 Colt 295 73 Colt 340 75-76 Colt 340 72 Colt SS 250T 74/76 Colt SS 250T 77 Colt SS 295 72-74 Colt SS 340 72-74/76 Colt SS 340 77 Custom 400 73 Custom 530 73 Custom II 250S 74 Custom II 400 74 Custom II 530 74 Cutlass 340 81 Cutlass SS 440 81-82 Electra 250S 75-77 Electra 340 74-76 Electra 340 77 (point ign) Electra 340 77 (CD ign) Electra 440 74-76 Electra 440 77 (point ign) Electra 440 77 (CD ign) EXT. INT. IGNITION IGNITION COIL COIL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE 084-05 — — — 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 — 084-05 077 084-05 — 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 077 077 084-05 084-05 084-03 077 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 Galaxy 340/E 80 Galaxy 440/E 80-81 Gemini 250S 79-81 Gemini 250T 79-80 Indy 400 (All) 84-89 Indy 440 Pro X 01-03 Indy 500 82 Indy 500/SKS 89 Indy 500 Classic 89 Indy 500 RMK 00 Indy 600 (All) 83-87 Indy 600 Classic Edge 01-03 Indy 600 RMK 02-03 Indy 650 (All) 88-90 Indy 700/800 Classic/ Classic Touring 02-04 Indy 700/800 RMK/ SKS 02-03 Indy 800 LE 01 Indy Cross Country 83 Indy Storm (All) 96-98 Indy Trail 440 82-85 Indy Trail 488 85 Indy Trail 488 (All) 86-89 Indy Ultra (All) 96-98 Indy XC SP 440 00 Indy XC 600 97 Indy XCR SP 440 99 Indy XC 500 01-03 Indy XC SP 500/600/ 700/800 00-03 Indy XCR 600 95-96 Indy XCR 600/SE 97-98 Indy XCR 600 SP 96 Indy XCR 700 98-99 Indy XCR 800 99, 02-03 Indy XLT (All) 93-99 LT 440 84-89 LTR 440 86-88 Mustang 400 72 Mustang 400 73 Mustang 530 72-73 Sport 440 83 S/S 340 78 SS 440 (All) 83-86 Starfire 250 76 Starfire 340 76 TC 175 74-75 TC 244S 74-75 TX 250 74-77 TX 250 78-79 TX 295 72-73 TX 340 72-77 TX 340 78-80 TX 400 73 TX 440 73-77 TX 440 78-80 TX 440X 77 TXC 340 79-80 TXC 440 81-82 TXL 340 77 TXL 340 78-82 TXL 340 Indy 80-82 Fuji EC34PM F/C Fuji EC44PM F/C Fuji EC25PS F/C Fuji EC25PM F/C Fuji EC40PC L/C Fuji 440 F/C Fuji EC51PC L/C Fuji EC50PL L/C Fuji EC50PL L/C Fuji 500 L/C Fuji EC60PL L/C 084 084 084 084 CDI Box 143-69 084-04 CDI Box CDI Box 143-69 084-04 104 104 — 104 077-01 — 077-03 077-01 077-01 — 077-03 084-05 084-05 077 084-05 084-03 — 084-12 & 084-13 084-03 084-03 — 084-12 & 084-13 Fuji 600 L/C Fuji 600 L/C Fuji EC65PL L/C 143-69 143-69 084-04 — — 077-03 — — 084-12 & 084-13 Fuji 700/794 L/C 143-69 — — Fuji 700/794 L/C US 794 L/C Fuji EC34PL L/C Fuji EC800 L/C Fuji EC44-2PM F/C Fuji EC50PM F/C Fuji EC50PM F/C Fuji EC680 L/C Fuji 439 US 600XC L/C Fuji 438 US 500 XC L/C 143-69 143-69 084-02 143-67 CDI Box CDI Box CDI Box 143-67 143-69 089-04 143-69 143-69 — — 089-03 — 077-01 077-01 077-02 & 084-10 — — — — — — — 077 — 084-03 084-03 084-03 — — — — — US 500-800 XC L/C Fuji EC580PL L/C Fuji EC600 L/C Fuji EC600 L/C Fuji EC700 L/C Fuji 794 L/C Fuji 488/579 L/C Fuji EC44PM F/C Fuji EC44PM F/C Fuji EC40PM F/C Fuji EC40PM F/C Fuji EC54PM F/C Fuji EC44-2PM F/C Fuji EC34PM F/C Fuji EC44-2PM F/C Fuji EC25PT F/A Fuji EC34PT F/A Fuji EC17PM F/C Fuji EC25PS F/C Fuji EC25PT F/A Fuji EC25PT F/A Fuji EC29PS F/A Fuji EC34PS/PT F/A Fuji EC34PT F/A Fuji EC40PS F/A Fuji EC44PS/PT F/A Fuji EC44PT F/A Fuji EC44PT F/A Fuji EC34PT F/A Fuji EC44-2PM F/C Fuji EC34PC L/C Fuji EC34PL L/C Fuji EC34PL L/C 143-69 089-04 143-67 143-67 143-67 143-67 089-04 CDI Box CDI Box 084 084 084-02 CDI Box 084 CDI Box 084-02 084-02 084 084 084-02 084-02 084-02 084-02 084-02 084-02 084-02 084-02 084-02 084-02 CDI Box 084-02 084-02 084-02 — — — — — — — 077-01 077-01 104 104 089-03 077-01 104 077-01 089-03 089-03 — — 084-08 089-03 089-03 084-08 089-03 089-03 084-08 089-03 089-03 089-03 077-01 089-03 089-03 089-03 — — — — — — — 084-03 084-03 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-03 084-05 084-03 084-05 084-05 — 077 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-05 084-03 084-05 084-05 084-05 104 088-02 104 088-02 — 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 — RUPP American 30 71-72 American 30 73-75 American 40 72 American 40 73-75 American 50 72 117 Tohatsu TR340 F/C Tohatsu TR340 F/C Tohatsu TR440 F/C Tohatsu TR440 F/C Tohatsu TR650 F/C 084 089 084 089 084 COIL APPLICATION CHART **All coils are made to OEM specifications** EXT. IGNITION COIL MODEL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE M-400N 71 M-440N/W 71 M-600 71 Magnum 250 76-77 Magnum 340 76 Magnum 440 76 Nitro 250 77 Nitro 295 72 Nitro 295 73 Nitro 340 72 Nitro 340 73 Nitro 340 75 Nitro 340 76 Nitro 400 72 Nitro 400 73 Nitro 440 72 Nitro 440 73 Nitro 440 75 Nitro 440 76-78 Nitro F/A 340 75 Nitro F/A 440 75 Nitro II 340 74 Nitro II 440 74 Rally 76 Rally 78 Rogue 25 72 S-44 71 Sport 25 73-75 Sport 30 73-75 Sport 340 76 WT-440 71 Yankee 25 72 Yankee 30 72 Yankee 30 73 Yankee 40 72 Yankee 40 73 Tohatsu TR400S F/C 084 Tohatsu TR440S F/C 084 Tohatsu TR600SR F/C 084 Chap G25BWR L/C 089 Chap G34BWR L/C 089 Chap G44BWR L/C 089 Chap G25BWR L/C 089 Tohatsu TR295S F/C 084 Tohatsu TR295S F/C 089 Tohatsu TR340S F/C 084 Tohatsu TR340S F/C 089 Kohler SK340-2AS F/C 078 Chap G34BWR L/C 089 Tohatsu TR400S-2 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR400S-2 F/C 089 Tohatsu TR440S-2 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR440S-2 F/C 089 Kohler K440-2AS F/C 078 Chap G44BWR L/C 089 Kohler K340-2RS F/A 078 Kohler K440-2RS F/A 078 Kohler SK340-2AS F/C 078 Kohler K440-2AS F/C 078 Kohler K440-2AS F/C 078 Chap G50B F/C 084 Tohatsu TR295 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR440 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR295 F/C 089 Tohatsu TR340 F/C 089 Chap G34B F/C 089 Tohatsu TR440 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR295 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR340 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR340 F/C 089 Tohatsu TR440 F/C 084 Tohatsu TR440 F/C 089 INT. IGNITION COIL LIGHTING COIL MODEL RUPP (Continued) 088-01 088-01 — 089-02 089-02 089-02 089-02 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 089-02 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 — 089-02 — — — — — 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 088-01 — 081 — 080 081-01 — 080 081-01 & 081-02 — 079 079 079 105 079 079 079 079 079 079 070 & 071 070 & 071 070 & 071 093 070 & 071 070 & 071 070 & 071 070 & 071 070 & 071 070 & 071 081-02 & 081-03 081-02 081-02 079-01 081-02 079 079-01 — 081-01 — — 081-01 — — — — — — — — — — 087-02 — — — — — — — — — — — SCORPION Lil Whip 290 78-79 Cuyuna 294 F/C Range Whip 400 78 Cuyuna 399 F/C Range Whip Sting 440 78 Cuyuna 428 F/C Sidewinder 81 Suzuki AF44L3 L/C Sting 400 79 Cuyuna 399 F/C Sting 440 79-80 (point ign) Cuyuna 428 F/C TK340 80-81 Cuyuna 339 F/C TK440 80-81 Cuyuna 428 F/C Whip 340 Cuyuna 339 F/C Whip 440 Cuyuna 428 F/C 080 080 080 094 080 080 080 080 080 080 SKI-DOO Alpine 370 67-69 Alpine 399 70-71 Alpine 440 72-74 Alpine 500 83-87 Alpine 640 69-74 Alpine 640 75-82 Alpine II 88-90 Blizzard (All) 71 Blizzard 292 70 Blizzard 293 72 Blizzard 339 72 Blizzard 340 70 Blizzard 395 72 Blizzard 436 70 Blizzard 438 72 Blizzard 636 70 Blizzard 645 72 Rotax 370 F/C Rotax 401 F/C Rotax 440 F/C Rotax 503 F/C Rotax 640 F/C Rotax 640 F/C Rotax 503 F/C Rotax Rotax 291/1 F/A Rotax 293/3 F/A Rotax 339/3 F/A Rotax 340/1 F/A Rotax 395/2 F/A Rotax 436/2 F/A Rotax 438/2 F/A Rotax 640/2 F/A Rotax 643/3 F/A 080 080 080 094 080 080 094 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 EXT. INT. IGNITION IGNITION COIL COIL LIGHTING COIL SKI-DOO (Continued) 104 104 — 089-03 089-03 089-03 089-03 104 088-02 104 088-02 104 089-03 104 088-02 104 088-02 — 089-03 — — — — — 104 104 104 088-02 088-02 089-03 104 104 104 088-02 104 088-02 SACHS ENGINES All single cylinder/Wankel engines without external ignition coils All single cylinder/Wankel engines with external ignition coils All multi cylinder engines with point type ignitions ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE Blizzard 776 70 Rotax 776/2 F/A Blizzard 797 72 Rotax 797/3 F/A Blizzard 5500 79-81 Rotax 503 F/C Blizzard 5500 MX 82-84 Rotax 503 F/C Blizzard 7500 81 Rotax 354 L/C Blizzard 9500 81-82 Rotax 454 L/C Blizzard 9700 83-84 Rotax 534 L/C Cheyenne/R 90 Rotax 503 F/C Citation 300 78-79 Rotax 294 F/C Citation 3500 80-81 Rotax 277 F/C Citation 3500 82-84 Rotax 277 F/C Citation 4500/E 80-81 Rotax 377 F/C Citation 4500/E 82-83 Rotax 377 F/C Citation LS/LSE 85-88 Rotax 253 F/C Citation SS 80-81 Rotax 377 F/C Citation SS 82-83 Rotax 377 F/C Elan 250 71-72 Rotax 247 F/C Elan 250 73-76 Rotax 247 F/C Elan 250 77-92 Rotax 247 F/C Elan 250 DLX 75-76 Rotax 248 F/C Elan 250 DLX 77-79 Rotax 248 F/C Elan 250E 71-74 Rotax 247 F/C Elan 250SS 73-74 Rotax 249 F/C Elan 250T 73-74 Rotax 248 F/C Elan 292SS 71-72 Rotax 292 F/C Elan 294SS 74 Rotax 294 F/C Elan 300SS 75 Rotax 294 F/C Elite 73-75 Rotax 440 F/C Elite 78-80 Rotax 444 F/C Elite 81-82 Rotax 464 L/C Escapade 87-88 Rotax 503 F/C Everest 340 77-79 Rotax 343 F/C Everest 440 74/76-79 Rotax 440 F/C Everest 440 75 Rotax 440 F/C Everest 444 78-79 Rotax 444 L/C Everest 464 80 Rotax 464 L/C Everest 464 81-83 Rotax 464 L/C Everest 500/E 80-81 Rotax 503 F/C Everest 500/E 82-83 Rotax 503 F/C Formula III 600/LT/R 98 Rotax 598 Formula III 670 99 Rotax 669 Formula III 700/ R/800 98-99 Rotax 699/800 Formula 500/DLX/583 97 — Formula 500/ LC 98-01 Rotax 497 L/C Formula 583/670 99 Rotax 583/670 L/C Formula Dlx. 500/583 98 Rotax 499/583 L/C Formula Dlx. 670 99 Rotax 669 L/C Formula Mach I (All) 89-90 Rotax 580 L/C Formula Mach I (All) (exc. X) 91 Rotax 617 L/C Formula Mach I (All) (exc. X) 92 Rotax 617 L/C Formula Mach I X 91 Rotax 643 L/C Formula Mach I/MX/ MX Z 93-97 Rotax 670 L/C Formula MX (All) 85-89 Rotax 467 L/C Formula MX (All) 90-92 Rotax 467 L/C Formula Plus (All) 85-88 Rotax 537 L/C Formula Plus (All) 89 Rotax 536 L/C Formula Plus (All) 90-91 Rotax 536 L/C Formula Plus (All) (exc. X) 92 Rotax 582 L/C Formula Plus X 92 Rotax 583 L/C Formula Plus (All) 93 Rotax 580 Formula S/SL 99 Rotax Formula SP 85-86 Rotax 462 L/C Formula SS 85 Rotax 462 L/C Formula SS, ST 94-96 Rotax 462 Formula STX 94-96 Rotax 580 Formula Z 94-97 Rotax 580 Formula Z 500/ 583/670 98-99 Rotax 500/670 L/C 118 080 080 080 094 094 094 094 094 080 080 113 080 094 113 080 094 — 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 094 094 080 080 075 080 080 094 080 094 143-71 143-71 — — 079 079-01 074 074 079-01 079-01 081-01 — 079-01 079 079-01 079-01 079 079-01 081 081-01 — 081-01 — 081-01 081-01 081-01 081-01 081-01 081-01 081-02 079 074 079-01 079 079 076 079 079 074 079 079-01 — — — — 087-02 — 087-08 087-08 — — — 087-02 & 087-04 — 087-02 & 087-04 — — 087-02 & 087-04 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 087-02 — — 087-02 087-02 087-01 & 087-02 087-02 & 087-04 087-02 & 087-04 — 087-02 & 087-04 — — — 143-71 089-05 143-70 143-70 143-70 143-70 094 — — — — — — 079-01 — — — — — — — 094 — — 094 094 079-01 079-01 — — 089-05 094 094 094 094 094 — 079-01 — 079-01 079-01 — — — — — — — 094 094 089-05 143-70 094 094 089-05 089-05 089-05 — 079-01 — — 079-01 079-01 — — — — — — — — — — — — 143-70 — — COIL APPLICATION CHART **All coils are made to OEM specifications** MODEL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE EXT. IGNITION COIL INT. IGNITION COIL LIGHTING COIL MODEL SKI-DOO (Continued) Grand Touring (All) 93-97 Grand Touring 500/ 583 98-99 Grand Touring 700 98-00 Grand Touring 800 01 Grand Touring SE 98-00 Mach I/R/Z/Z LT/ Z LTR 98-00 Mach Z/Sport/Tech 01-03 MX Z 440/500/ 583/670 98-99 Nordic 371/E 69 Nordic 399 (All) 70-71 Nordic 440 (All) 72 Nordic 640 70-73 Nordic 640 74 Nordic 81 Nordic 82-83 Olympique 300 69-72 Oylmpique 300M 73-77 Olympique 300T 75-78 Olympique 320 69-71 Olympique 335 70-72 Olympique 335 73 Olympique 335E 70-72 Olympique 340 73-74 Olympique 340/E 75-79 Olympique 370 68-69 Olympique 399 69 Olympique 399 70-72 Olympique 400/E 73-74 Olympique 440 73-74 Olympique 440 75/77 Olympique 440 76 RV 250 75 RV 250 76 RV 340 76-77 RV 340 78 RV Cross Country 78 Safari 377/E 84-88 Safari 447/E 84-86 Safari 503/R 88 Safari Cheyenne 89 Safari Citation/E 89-90 Safari Escapade 89 Safari GLX/LC 90-92 Safari Grand Luxe 85-86 Safari L/LE 90 Safari LX/LXE 90 Safari Saga 89 Safari Scout/E 89-90 Safari Voyageur 89 Skandic 277 83 Skandic 335 73 Skandic 377/R 82-87 Skandic 503 87 Skandic SWT/ WT/WT LC 00 Skandic WT L/C 98 SS-25 84 Stratos/E 87-88 Summit (All) 94-97 Summit 500/583/670/ X 670 98-99 TNT 292 70-71 TNT 292 72 (1 cyl.) TNT 294 73 (1 cyl.) TNT 300 74 (1 cyl.) TNT 340 F/A 73 TNT 340 F/A 74-75 TNT 340 F/A 77-78 EXT. INT. IGNITION IGNITION COIL COIL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE LIGHTING COIL SKI-DOO (Continued) Rotax L/C 089-05 — — Rotax 499/583 Rotax 700 L/C Rotax 800 L/C Rotax 143-70 143-71 143-71 143-71 — — — — — — — — Rotax Rotax 143-71 143-71 — — — — Rotax 440-670 L/C Rotax 371 F/C Rotax 399 F/C Rotax 440 F/C Rotax 640 F/C Rotax 640 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 302 F/C Rotax 302 F/C Rotax 305 F/C Rotax 320 F/C Rotax 337 F/C Rotax 337 F/C Rotax 337 F/C Rotax 338 F/C Rotax 343 F/C Rotax 370 F/C Rotax 400 F/C Rotax 401 F/C Rotax 401 F/C Rotax 434 F/C Rotax 434 F/C Rotax 434 F/C Rotax 245 F/A Rotax 245 F/A Rotax 345 F/A Rotax 345 F/A Rotax 345 F/A Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 447 F/C Rotax 503 F/C Rotax 503 F/C Rotax 253 F/C Rotax 503 F/C Rotax 467 L/C Rotax 532 L/C Rotax 368 F/C Rotax 436 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 503 F/C Rotax 277 F/C Rotax 337 F/C Rotax 377 F/C Rotax 503 F/C 143-70 080 080 080 080 075 080 094 — 080 080 080 — 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 075 075 075 075 075 094 094 094 094 113 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 113 080 094 094 — 081-02 081-02 081-02 081-02 076 079 079-01 081 081-02 079 081-01 081 081-01 081-01 081-02 079 081-02 081-01 081-02 081-02 081-02 079 081-02 076 076 076 076 076 079-01 079-01 079-01 079-01 079-01 079-01 — 079-01 — — 079-01 079-01 079-01 079-01 081-01 079-01 079-01 Rotax Rotax 494 L/C Rotax 462 L/C Rotax 503 F/C Rotax 580/670 143-70 089-05 094 094 094 089-05 — — 074 (140 watt) 079-01 (160 watt) 079-01 — — — — — — — Rotax L/C Rotax 292 F/C Rotax 292 F/C Rotax 294 F/C Rotax 294 F/C Rotax 346 F/A Rotax 346 F/A Rotax 346 F/A 143-70 — 080 080 080 080 075 080 — 081 081-01 081-01 081-01 081-02 076 079 — — — — — — 087-02 087-02 — — — — — 087-02 087-02 — — — 087-02 — — — — — 087-02 — — — — — 087-02 087-02 087-02 087-01 087-01 — 087-01 & 087-02 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TNT 340 F/C 70 TNT 340 F/C 71 TNT 340 F/C 72 TNT 340 F/C 73 TNT 340 F/C 74 TNT 340 F/C 75-76 TNT 399 F/C 69-70 TNT 400 F/A 72 TNT 400 F/A 73 TNT 400 F/A 74 TNT 440 F/A 74 TNT 440 F/A 75 TNT 440 F/A 77 TNT 440 F/C 71-72 TNT 440E F/C 73-74 TNT 440 F/C 75/77-78 TNT 640 F/C 70-72 TNT 669 F/C 69 TNT 775 F/C 70-72 Touring 500 L/C 00 Tundra/LT 85-91 Tundra II/LT 92-97 Valmont 399 71 Valmont 440 72-73 Valmont 640 71-72 Rotax 340 F/C Rotax 342 F/C Rotax 343 F/C Rotax 343 F/C Rotax 343 F/C Rotax 343 F/C Rotax 400 F/C Rotax 398 F/A Rotax 396 F/A Rotax 396 F/A Rotax 436 F/A Rotax 436 F/A Rotax 436 F/A Rotax 435 F/C Rotax 435 F/C Rotax 440 F/C Rotax 640 F/C Rotax 669 F/C Rotax 775 F/C Rotax L/C Rotax 253 F/C Rotax 277 L/C Rotax 401 F/C Rotax 434 F/C Rotax 640 F/C Astro 340 77 Astro 440 77 Astro Jet 295 74 Astro Jet 295 75-76 Astro Jet 340 74 Astro Jet 440 74 Astro SS 295 74 Astro SS 340 74-76 Astro SS 440 74-75 Sabre Jet 440 74 SS Jet 292 71 SS Jet 338 71 SS Jet 396 71 — SS Jet 433 71 SST 295 72-74 SST 340 72-74 SST 340 77 SST 440 72-76 SST 440 77 SST 440 72 SST 340 F/A 75 SST 440 F/A 75 Star Jet 292/E 71-73 Star Jet 338 73 Star Jet 433 73 Star Jet +2 338/E 72 Star Jet +2 338 72 Star Jet Dlx. 338 71 Star Jet Dlx. 351 71 Super Jet 71 Super Jet 72 Thunder Jet 340 75 Thunder Jet 440 75 Thunder Jet Mod I 295 73 Thunder Jet Mod III 440 73 Thunder Jet Mod IV 650 73 Whisper Jet 73-75 — — 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 075 075 075 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 143-70 113 143-64 080 080 080 081 081 081-01 & 081-02 081-02 079 079 081-02 081-01 & 081-02 081-02 076 076 076 079 081-01 & 081-02 081-02 079 081-02 081-02 081-02 — 079-01 — 081-02 081-02 081-02 — — — — 087-02 087-02 — — — 087-02 — 087-02 087-02 — — 087-02 — — — — — — — — — Kaw 340 F/C 083-01 Kaw 440 F/C 083-01 Yam S292 F/C 085 Yam Y292 F/C 085 Yam S338 F/C 085 Yam S433 F/C 085 Yam Y292 F/C 085 Yam Y338 F/C 085 Yam Y433 F/C 085 Yam S433 F/C 085 Yam SS292 F/C 085 Yam SS338 F/C 085 Yam SL/SS/SW396 F/C 104 104 — — — — — — — — — — 085 077 077 — — — — — — — — — — — Yam SS/SW433 F/C Yam S292 F/C Yam S338 F/C Yam SB340 F/C Yam S433 F/C Yam SB440 F/C Yam Y433 F/C Yam SX338 F/A Yam SX433 F/A Yam SL/Y292 F/C Yam Y338 F/C Yam Y433 F/C Yam Y338 F/C Yam SL338 F/C Yam SL338 F/C Yam SL351 F/C Yam SL/SW396 F/C Yam Y433 F/C Yam 340 Yam 440 085 085 085 085-01 085 085-01 085 085-02 085-02 085 085 085 085 085 085 085 085 085 085-02 085-02 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Yam 295 085-02 — — Yam 440 085-02 — — Yam 650 Yam Y433 F/C 085-02 085 — — — — SNO-JET 119 COIL APPLICATION CHART **All coils are made to OEM specifications** EXT. IGNITION COIL MODEL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE Bravo 250 82-88 Bravo 250T 87-88 Bravo 250 (All) 89-03 EL433 73 Enticer 250 77-81 Enticer 300 79-81/83 Enticer 300 84 Enticer 340 (All) 78-83 Enticer 340 (All) 84-86 Enticer 340 (All) 87-88 Enticer 400/410 89-97 EW433 72-73 EW 643 72-73 Excel III 340 81-83 Excel III 340 84-86 Excel III 87-88 Excel V 540 79-80 Exciter 340 76 Exciter 340 77-78 Exciter 440 76 Exciter 440 77-81 Exciter 570 87 Exciter 570 88-90 Exciter 570 91-93 GP246 74 GP292 72-75 GP300 76 GP338 73-74 GP396 71 GP433 72-75 GP440 76-78 GP643 72-73 GPX338 74-75 GPX433 74-75 GS300 76-77 GS340 76 GS340 77 Inviter 86-88 Mountain Lite 500 00-01 Mountain Max 600 00-01 Moutain Max 700 97-00 Ovation 340 89-00 Phazer (All) 84 Phazer (All) 85-87 Phazer (All) 88 Phazer (All) 89-90 Phazer II 480 93-98 Yam S246 F/C Yam S246 F/C Yam 250 Yam Y433 F/C Yam S246 F/C Yam E294 F/C Yam E294 F/C Yam E338 F/C Yam E338 F/C Yam E338 F/C Yam 400 Yam Y433 F/C Yam Y643 F/C Yam E338 F/C Yam E338 F/C Yam E338 F/C Yam SA535 F/C Yam X338 F/C Yam X338 F/C Yam X433 F/C Yam X433 F/C Yam EX570 L/C Yam EX570 L/C Yam EX570 L/C Yam S246 F/C Yam Y292 F/C Yam S292 F/C Yam S338 F/C Yam Y396 F/C Yam S433 F/C Yam S433 F/C Yam S643 F/C Yam SX338 F/A Yam SX433 F/A Yam Y292 F/C Yam Y338 F/C Yam Y338 F/C Yam CF300 L/C Yam 500 F/C Yam 600 L/C Yam 700 L/C Yam CS340 Yam PZ480 F/C Yam PZ480 F/C Yam PZ480 F/C Yam PZ480 F/C Yam PZ480 F/C INT. IGNITION COIL LIGHTING COIL MODEL YAMAHA Part No. 067-01 $34.50 085-32 085-32 089-06 085 085 085-01 085-03 085-01 085-03 085-03 085-03 085 085 085-01 085-03 085-03 085-01 085-02 085-01 085-02 085-01 085-03 085-03 085-03 085 085 085 085 085 085 085 085 085-02 085-02 085 085 085 085-32 085-03 143-65 143-65 085-03 085-03 085-03 085-03 085-03 089-07 EXT. INT. IGNITION IGNITION COIL COIL ENGINE/ TYPE/SIZE LIGHTING COIL YAMAHA (Continued) 085-25 085-25 — — — — — 085-24 085-09 085-22 — — — — 085-09 085-22 — 085-11 — — — 085-09 — — — — — — — — — — 085-11 085-11 — — — — — — — — 085-09 085-09 — — — 085-31 085-31 — — — — — — 085-04 & 085-06 085-20 & 085-21 — 085-19 085-26 085-05 085-05 & 085-06 085-20 & 085-21 — 085-12 & 085-13 085-18 — 085-18 085-05 & 085-06 085-05 & 085-06 — — — — — — — — — 085-12 & 085-13 085-12 & 085-13 — — — — — — — — 085-05 085-05 & 085-06 085-05 & 085-06 085-05 & 085-06 — Phazer 500 99-01 Phazer Mt. Lite 99 Prestige 76-77 Sno Sport 125 90-92 SL292 71-73 SL338 71-75 SL433 72-74 SM292 73-74 SR292 73 SR433 73 SR643 73 SRV 80-83 SRV 84-87 SRV 88 SRV 89-90 SRX 340 76 SRX 440 76 SRX 440 77-81 SRX 500 01 SS 433 71 SS 440 80-83 SS 440 84 SS 440 85 SS R440 78 SW 396 71 SW 433 71-73 SXR 600/700 00-01 TL 433 74-75 TW 433 74-75 Venture (All) 91-98 Venture 480TF/500 99-01 Venture 500 XL 99-01 Venture 500/600 98-01 Venture 700 98-01 VK 540 88-92 VK 540 93-03 Vmax 83-87 Vmax 500/600 94-00 Vmax 500/SX/Dlx. 99-01 Vmax 600/700 Dlx./ SX 97-01 Vmax 750/800 92-97 XL-V 85-87 XL-V 88 XL-V 89 XL-V 90 Yam PZ485 F/C Yam PZ485 F/C Yam PR440 F/C Yam SS125 Yam Y292 F/C Yam Y338 F/C Yam Y433 F/C Yam Y292 F/C Yam SR292 F/C Yam SR433 F/C Yam SR643 F/C Yam SR540 F/C Yam SR540 F/C Yam SR540 F/C Yam SR540 F/C Yam RX338 L/C Yam RX433 L/C Yam RX433 L/C — Yam S433 F/C Yam SA437 F/C Yam SA437 F/C Yam SA437 F/C Yam RX439 L/C Yam Y396 F/C Yam Y433 F/C Yam 600/700 L/C Yam Y433 F/C Yam Y433 F/C Yam VT480 Yam 480/494 L/C Yam 485 F/C Yam 500/600 L/C Yam 700 L/C Yam 535 F/C Yam 535 F/C Yam VMX540 L/C Yam VMX500/600 Yam 494 L/C 085-03 089-07 085 089-06 085 085 085 085 085-02 085-02 085-02 085-01 085-03 085-03 085-03 085-02 085-02 085-01 089-07 085 085-01 085-03 085-03 085-01 085 085 143-65 085 085 089-07 089-07 085-03 143-65 143-65 085-03 089-07 085-01 089-07 089-07 — — — — — — — — — — — — 085-09 — — — — — — — — 085-09 085-09 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 085-04 & 085-06 085-04 & 085-06 085-04 & 085-06 — — — — — — — 085-04 & 085-06 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Yam 600/700 L/C Yam VMX750/800 Yam EC540 F/C Yam EC540 F/C Yam EC540 F/C Yam EC540 F/C 143-65 085-03 085-03 085-03 085-03 085-03 — — 085-09 — — — — — 085-05 & 085-06 085-05 & 085-06 085-05 & 085-06 085-06 Part No. 067-02 $50.95 Part No. 067-03 $48.95 Part No. 068 $39.90 Part No. 068-01 $29.90 Part No. 071 $12.95 Part No. 072-01 $40.95 Part No.074 $22.90 Part No. 075 $19.90 120 Part No. 068-02 $40.95 Part No. 076 $12.95 Part No. 070 $12.95 COILS **All coils are made to OEM specifications** Part No. 077 $20.90 Part No. 077-01 $36.50 Part No. 077-02 $14.95 Part No. 077-03 $18.95 Part No. 080 $21.90 Part No. 081 $24.90 Part No. 081-01 $6.95 Part No. 081-02 $10.95 Part No. 083-05 $15.95 Part No. 084 $23.90 Part No. 084-02 $29.90 Part No. 084-10 $25.95 Part No. 084-12 $26.90 Part No. 085-05 $18.90 Part No. 083-02 $29.95 Part No. 084-08 $40.95 Part No. 085-03 $33.90 Part No. 085-12 $27.95 Part No. 087-01 $14.95 Part No. 087-02 $21.95 Part No. 079-01 $41.90 Part No. 083 $29.95 Part No. 083-01 $20.95 Part No. 084-03 $29.95 Part No. 084-04 $20.95 Part No. 084-05 $33.95 Part No. 084-13 $22.95 Part No. 085 $29.90 Part No. 085-01 $29.90 Part No. 085-02 $17.90 Part No. 085-06 $12.95 Part No. 085-09 $28.50 Part No. 085-18 $30.95 Part No. 085-13 $26.95 Part No. 085-22 $21.95 Part No. 079 $19.90 Part No. 078 $29.90 Part No. 085-11 $27.95 Part No. 085-19 $31.95 Part No. 085-20 $14.95 Part No. 085-21 $18.95 Part No. 085-24 $22.95 Part No. 085-25 $16.95 Part No. 085-31 $26.95 Part No. 085-32 $21.95 Part No. 086 $23.90 Part No. 087-04 $16.95 Part No. 087-08 $28.95 Part No. 088-01 $14.95 Part No. 088-02 $18.95 Part No. 089 $22.95 121 COILS **All coils are made to OEM specifications** Part No. 089-02 $14.90 Part No. 089-03 $24.90 Part No. 089-04 $21.95 Part No. 092 $20.90 Part No. 093 $22.90 Part No. 094 $31.90 Part No. 099 $15.95 Part No. 100 $22.95 Part No. 104-01 $19.90 Part No. 104-02 $18.95 Part No. 105 $22.90 Part No. 112 $48.95 Part No. 112-01 $34.90 Part No. 098-01 $21.90 Part No. 089-06 $19.95 Part No. 089-07 $27.90 Part No. 089-08 $49.90 Part No. 096 $17.90 Part No. 097-02 $33.90 Part No. 098 $27.95 Part No. 101 $18.90 Part No. 102 $31.90 Part No. 103 $27.90 Part No. 104 $17.95 Part No. 105-01 $33.90 Part No. 106 $27.95 Part No. 113 $24.90 Part No. 115 $35.90 Part No. 089-05 $49.90 Part No. 143-61 $29.90 Part No. 143-62 $30.90 Part No. 143-63 $45.90 Part No. 143-69 $50.90 Part No. 143-70 $32.90 Part No. 143-71 $60.90 Part No. 143-64 $27.90 122 Part No. 108 $22.95 Part No. 143-65 $27.90 Part No. 143-67 $23.95 Halogen, Headlamp and Miniature Bulbs MINIATURE LAMPS HEADLAMP BULBS Volts/Watts “J” TYPE BASE 12V18W 12V25W 12V30W 12V35W 12V45W 12V60W 12V35W/35W 12V45W/45W 12V60W/60W Contact single single single single single single double double double “S” & “SA” TYPE BASE 12V35W/35W double 12V45W/45W double 12V60W/60W double 12V60W/60W double Part# 615J 625J 630J 635J 645J 660J 6235J 6245J 6260J PRICE $1.05 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.55 1.20 1.55 1.90 1.90 6235S 6245S 6260S 6260SA 2.40 2.40 2.90 2.90 “Y” TYPE BASE 12V/35W/35W double 6235Y 1.45 “B” TYPE BASE 12V35W single 12V45W single 12V60W single 12V21W/5W double 12V35W/35W double 12V45W/45W double 12V60W/60W double 12V45W/45W double 12V60W/60W double 635B 645B 660B 6215B 6235B 6245B 6260B 6245BA 6260BA 1.70 1.70 1.95 1.70 1.80 2.50 2.50 2.90 2.90 1 2 6 Volts 12V 12V 12V 12V 12V 12V 12V 12V 6V 12V 4 3 8 7 Contact single single single double single single double double single single Style 4 1 2 8 3 3 6 6 7 4 Part # PRICE GE-53A $.60 GE-72 .60 GE-89 .60 GE-90 .60 GE-194 .60 GE-194A(yellow) .60 GE-1035 .75 GE-1157 .75 GE-1888 .60 GE-1895 .60 HALOGEN BULBS ARCTIC HALOGEN BULB “SA” BASE “BA” BASE Replaces Arctic Cat OEM #0609-155, #0609-171. For models 1992-97. 12 V 65W/45W. 01-179B is Blue. PART NO. 01-179 PRICE $7.95 P45T PART NO. 01-179B PRICE $10.95 “BA” TYPE BASE (P45T) ARCTIC CAT/POLARIS HALOGEN BULB 12 volt bulb with two-prong base and 37.5 watts. Replaces Arctic Cat OEM# 0609-251 high beam left & right. Replaces Polaris OEM #4030046/48 high beam. Part # PRICE 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 $6.90 9.25 6.90 9.25 6.90 9.25 Volts/Watts 12V60W/55W 12V60W/55W HD 12V100W/55W 12V100W/55W HD 12V100W/80W 12V100W/80W HD “SA” TYPE BASE (P43T) PART NO. 01-178-08 PRICE $7.95 6260H 6260HD 6260HDS 6261 6261G 6262 6263 6263G 6264 6265 6265G ARCTIC CAT HALOGEN BULB Replaces Arctic Cat OEM #0609-252 12V 50W. Low beam center. Fits most models 1999-04. PART NO. 01-178-09 PRICE $7.95 6.90 9.45 12.15 6.90 6.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 8.90 8.90 8.90 12V60W/55W 12V60W/55W HD 12V60W/55W HDS 12V60W/55W Blue 12V60W/55W Gold 12V100W/55W 12V100W/55W Blue 12V100W/55W Gold 12V100W/80W 12V100W/80W Blue 12V100W/80W Gold NOTE: HD = heavy duty for extra vibration resistance. *HDS = super heavy duty. 200 hours longer life than regular heavy duty. 123 Headlamp/Tail Light Assy. and Lenses ARCTIC CAT TAIL LIGHT LENS Replaces OEM #0609-090 Lens Only #0609-091 Housing Only Fits 4 stroke Touring/Trail 02-03; Bearcat 340 95-00; Bearcat 440 I 99-00; Cheetah Touring 90-93; Cheetah 440/550 94; Cougar/Mt. Cat/2-Up 93-98; EXT/EFI/Mt. Cat/Spec./Powder Spec. 91-98; EXT 580/Mt. Cat 94-97; Jag AFS LT 91-93; Jag/DLX/Spec./Z 92-99; Super Jag 90-92; King Kat 04-05; Mt. Cat 01-04; Pantera 91-05; Panther/DLX 92-05; Powder Spec./Extreme 97-00; Prowler/Mt. Cat/Spec./2-Up 90-95; Puma/DLX/2-Up 94-96; T660 Turbo/Touring 05; Thundercat/Mt. Cat/Touring 93-02; Triple Touring 600 99-01; Wildcat/EFI/Mt. Cat/Touring 92-96; Z (all) 95-05; ZL (all) 97-03; ZR (all) 94-03; ZRT 95-02. PART NO. 01-104-09 Lens Only PRICE $9.95 ARCTIC CAT REAR LENS Replaces OEM #0609229 ARCTIC CAT TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY Replaces Arctic Cat OEM #0116-406 Fits all Bear Cat wide track models 440/550/570/WT from 1995 to present. Firecats and Sabercats 2003 to present. PART NO. SM-01046 Fits Cheetah 73-78; Cheetah F/C - L/C 86-88; Cheetah 340 94; Cougar 85-92; Cougar Mt. Cat 90; Cross Country Cat 77; El Tigre 73-89; El Tigre EXT 89-91; El Tigre EXT Mt. Cat 90-91; EXT Special 90; Jag 75-81/85-90; Jag AFS 89-91; Jag AFS Special 91; Jag DLX/Mt. Cat 89-91; Lynx 75-80; Lynx 300/DLX 91-93; Lynx Mt. Cat 92-93; Pantera 75-81/85-90; Panther 75-91; Panther DLX 91; Panther Mt. Cat 90-91; Puma 73; Super Jag 87-88; Trail Cat 79-81; Wildcat 88-91; Wildcat Mt. Cat 90-91. PART NO. 01-1818 PART NO. 01-104-10 Assembly Lens Only PRICE $8.25 JOHN DEERE/KAWASAKI TAIL LIGHT LENS Replaces John Deere OEM #M63816 Replaces Kawasaki OEM #23026-3503 Fits John Deere all 1972-84 models. Kawasaki Invader 1978-81; Intruder 1978-82; Drifter 1979-81; Interceptor 1982 and LTD 1980 - 82. PRICE $30.25 PRICE $5.90 MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY PART NO. 01-104-15 Lens Only PRICE $5.90 Replaces Bombardier OEM #414-1221-00 Housing Only #414-1220-00 Lens Only MOTO-SKI/SKIROULE TAIL LENS Replaces Moto-Ski OEM #540-0800-62 Replaces Ski-Roule OEM E6082-Z-9095 Fits Moto-Ski Nuvik, Sonic 1975 and all 1976-83 models. Ski-Doo Alpine 1984-87; Elan 1984-94; Blizzard/Citation/Skandic 1984 and all 1973-83 models. PART NO. 01-104-13 PART NO. 01-104-04 Housing Only Lens Only PRICE $9.90 PRICE $5.90 Fits Moto-Ski Cadet 1973-75; Capri 1973-74; MS-F/MS-S/Zephyr 1973; Chimo/Futura/Grand Sport/TS-400 1974-75. Ski-Roule Laser/ Sprint/Ultra 1976. PART NO. 1821 124 PRICE $6.90 Tail Light Lenses and Assemblies POLARIS TAIL LIGHT LENS MOTO-SKI/SKI-DOO TAIL LIGHT LENS/HOUSING Replaces Polaris OEM #5430423, 5430136 Replaces Bombardier OEM #414-5137-00 lens #414-5136 housing Fits Moto- Ski Sonic LC 84; Mirage III 85. Ski-Doo Alpine II 88; Citation 85-88; Escapade 87-88; Formula MX/MXLT/Plus/Plus LT/SP/SS 85-88; Mach I 88; Nordik 87-88; Safari/ Grand Luxe 84-88; Skandic 377/R 85-87; SS-25 84; Stratos 87-88; Most models 89-02 except MXZ 800 02; All models 03-05 except Mini Z; MXZ Rev 600/800 03; MXZX 440 03; Summit 800 Rev X HO/RER 03. PART NO. 01-104-14 PART NO. 01-104-05 Housing Only Lens Only Fits most Polaris 1972-05 except Widetracks. PART NO. 01-104-11 PRICE $5.90 YAMAHA TAIL LIGHT LENS Replaces Yamaha OEM #8K4-84721-00 PRICE $14.20 PRICE $8.25 SKI DOO TAIL LIGHT LENS Replaces Bombardier OEM #510-0038-26 Fits most models 1982 thru 03 anddddd VT and VK models thru 2005. PART NO. 01-104-18 PRICE $8.75 UNIVERSAL TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY Fits Mini Z; MXZ Rev 600/800 03; MX ZX 440 03 and Summit 800 REV X HO/RER 03. PART NO. SM-01091 PRICE $12.50 YAMAHA TAIL LIGHT LENS Replaces Yamaha OEM #821-84721-00 Universal tail light assembly can be mounted on any snowmobile or trailer. Replacement lens and bulb sold separately. PART NO. 1820 (Assembly) PART NO. 1821 (Lens Only) PRICE $11.60 PRICE $3.95 YAMAHA TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY Replaces OEM #5JJ-84710-1 Fits all models 72-79; EC340 82-83; EC540D 80; ET 250/300/340 8083; EX440 80-81; SRX 440 80. PART NO. 01-104-16 PRICE $7.50 YAMAHA TAIL LIGHT LENS (Includes Housing) Replaces Yamaha OEM #4XV-84540-00 Fits 2002-04 SX Viper and Venom. PART NO. SM-01079 Fits RX-1 2003-05 models and RS models 2005. PRICE $27.95 PART NO. SM-01094 125 PRICE $39.95 Shop Tools UNIVERSAL EXHAUST SPRING TOOL SPRING HOOK & handle, nickel chrome plated hook $-> springs, tank or seat holdings springs, cotter pins and many other hard to access parts. I PART NO. SM-02068 PRICE $6.25 CLUTCH HOLDER PART NO. SM-12162 PRICE $8.95 T-NUT INSTALLATION TOOL K <37E* I &2 I PART NO. SM-14228 PRICE $6.25 "959 :I5 T &# PART NO. SM-12163 (fits 1/4” T-nut) PART NO. SM-14227 (fits 7mm T-nut) PRICE $6.25 PRICE $22.95 TRACK CUTTER TOOL PISTON PIN PULLER ' - sizes of piston pins without damage to piston. PART NO. 09-610 &K I PRICE $22.95 UNIVERSAL FLYWHEEL PULLER PART NO. SM-04046 1/4” hole PRICE $6.60 PART NO. SM-04047 7mm hole PRICE $6.60 CYLINDER HONING TOOL 5E *E F PART NO. SM-12153 PRICE $24.95 PRE-LOADED SPANNER WRENCH 2 I &2 2 removal. GH%F""$HF!%G/"'FG8%G'G/%G'I PART NO. 09-620 PRICE $38.95 PISTON RING INSTALLER W2 63= - 3 PART NO. SM-08002 PRICE $3.50 FUEL DEHYDRATOR - I 63:7E<37E #4&I PART NO. SM-12022 PRICE $7.90 CABLE LUBE TOOL '2 IF either end of cable, insert the nozzle tube from your cable lube and spray. Cables do not need to be removed from machine. 2 -I #-2 I <E>NE I I PART NO. SD-50 PRICE $8.15 UNIVERSAL SHOCK ADJUSTER WRENCH PART NO. 7-100 F2H [QI PART NO. SM-08040 PRICE $11.90 126 PRICE $9.90 INDEX A Air filters, SNOW Arms, trailing ATV clutches ATV drive belts 99 31 59 52 Comet clutches Condensers Covers, SNOW Crankcase oil seals, SNOW 59-63 110 2 70 D B Backer plates, WOODY’S Balacalavas Bearings, SNOW Bearings, needle cage Belt holder, spare Belts, drive, ATV Belts, drive, SNOW Body accessoies, SNOW Brake lever Brake pads, Snow Bulb, primer Bulbs, light Bumper, front Bumber, rear Bushed elbow Bushing kits, suspension Bushing, radius rod Bushing, shock Bushing, trailing arms 46 1 96 95 55 52 53-58 17 75, 105 72-75 100 123 17 17 101 32 32 36 32 C CDI boxes Cable lubrication tool Caddies, bulb/spark plug Caddy, oil or cargo Cam arms Cam slider shoes CAMOPLAST plastic ski CAMOPLAST tracks CAMOPLAST track clips Carbide runners Carbide runners, WOODYS Carbide studs Carburetor Flange Carburetor parts, SNOW CARLISLE drive belts Chain, silent, SNOW Chain sprockets, SNOW Chaincase gaskets Chaincase oil seals Choke cables Choke kit, MIKUNI Choke lever kits Cleats, track Clips, track Clutch parts Clutch pullers Clutch rebuild kits Clutch springs Coils 113-114 126 109 19 65 66-67 20 49-51 47 24-29 24-27 45-47 104 99 53-58 70 71 67 70 107 106 106 48 47 59-63 68 69 65 115-122 Dolly, mini Drive belts, ATV - CARLISLE Drive belts, SNOW - CARLISLE Drive belt holder, spare Drive chain, silent, SNOW Drive clutch kits, SNOW Driven shaft bearing 2 52 53-58 55 170 59-65 96 H Halogen bulbs Hand warmer, electric Handlebar grips, SNOW Handlebar heaters, SNOW Handlebar mirrors, SNOW Headlights and bulbs, SNOW Heaters, handlebar/thumb Helmet Bag Hitches, tow Hose, fuel line Hydraulic shocks Hyfax 123 2 2 2 3-5 123 2 1 18 100 38 39-44 J E Electric handlebar grips Electric thumb warmers Engine gaskets, ATV Engine gaskets, SNOW Exhaust grommet Exhaust springs 2 2 93-94 87-92 97 97 Jackshaft bearing Jet carrier K KELCH gas caps F Face masks Filters, fuel, SNOW Filters, oil, SNOW Flared windshields Flywheel, puller, SNOW Front bumper Fuel dehydrator Fuel filters, SNOW Fuel fittings Fuel line Fuel pump repair kit, SNOW Fuel pumps, SNOW - MIKUNI Fuel shut-off valve 96 99 105 L 1 102-103 103 14-16 126 17 126 103 101-102 100 99 99 101 Lenses, taillight, SNOW Levers, brake, SNOW Light Bulbs 124-125 75, 105 123 M Masks, face MIKUNI carb parts Mirrors, SNOW Motor mounts 1 99 3-5 97 N G GARLAND, slides Gas cap, ATV Gas line Gas line filters, SNOW Gas line fittings Gas shocks, SPORT PARTS Gaskets, engine, ATV Gaskets, engine, SNOW Gloves, SNOW Graphite slides Grips, handlebar, SNOW Grips, heated, SNOW 127 39-44 104-105 100 103 100-102 33-38 93-94 87-92 1 39-44 106 2 NGK spark plugs Needle cage bearings Needle & seat Nose cones 108 95 99 17 O Oil caddy Oil filters, SNOW Oil injection filter O-rings Oil seals, chaincase 19 103 103 70 70 INDEX P Paul Kits 98 Piston pin puller 126 Piston ring installer 126 Pistons, SNOW 76-86 Plastic skis 20 Plug and bulb caddy 109 Points 110 POWERMADD snowmobile acces. 19 Primer bulb/kits 100 Starter Handles Starter Rope Steering parts Steffes skis Studs, track Suspension bushing kits Suspension shim kit, YAMAHA Suspension shocks Suspension trailing arms 98 98 30 21-22 45-47 32 32 33-38 31 T R Radius rod bushing kit Rear bumper Recoil Parts Regulators, voltage Repair kits, carb Repair kits, fuel pump Rewind Springs Rings, piston Rivets Runners, carbide 32 17 98 111-112 99 99 98 76-86 48 24-29 S Seals, chaincase Shim kit, front end, YAMAHA Shock absorbers, SNOW Shock bushings Shop dolly, mini Shop supplies/tools Shut off valve Silent chain, SNOW Ski, plastic, CAMOPLAST Ski boots Ski bumper Ski legs Ski skins Ski spreaders Ski shocks, SPORT PARTS Skis, CAMOPLAST, plastic Skis, STEFFES, steel Slides, GARLAND Spark plug caddy Spark plug caps Spark plug index washers Spark plug wire Spark plug wire assembly Spark plug wrench Spark plugs, NGK Speedometer parts, SNOW Spindle arm Spindle bushing kits SPORT PARTS, pistons, SNOW SPORT PARTS, shocks Spring, clutch Spring hook Sprockets, chain, SNOW 70 32 33-38 36 2 126 101 70 20 23 30 30 23 30 33-38 20 21-22 39-44 109 108 109 109 108 109 108 106 30 32 76-86 33-38 65 126 71 T-fittings Taillamp bulbs, SNOW Taillight assemblies, SNOW Taillight lens, SNOW Tank filters, fuel Tank fittings, fuel Throttle cables Throttle lever Thumb warmers Tie rod ends Tillotson carb parts Tool, cable lubrication Tool, spring hook Tool, track cutter Tools, shop Tow hitches Track cleats Track clips Track studs Track templates Track hole cutter Tracks, CAMOPLAST Traction accessories Trailing arm bushing kit Trailing arms Tunnel protectors/rails 101 123 124-125 124-125 102 101 107 75 2 30 107 126 126 126 126 18 48 47 45-47 47 126 49-51 45-47 32 31 44 V Valve, fuel shut off Voltage regulators 101 111-112 W Walbro carb repair kits Windshield, SNOW Wire assembly, spark plug WOODY’S carbide runners WOODY’S studs Wrench, spark plug 107 6-16 108 24-27 45-47 109 X X-Caliber carbides 128 28-29