Recent Developments in Bleaching, Deodorisation and Physical
Recent Developments in Bleaching, Deodorisation and Physical
OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Recent Developments in Bleaching, Deodorisation and Physical Refining of Oils and Fats W. De Greyt, V. Gibon and M. Kellens Desmet Ballestra Group Zaventem, Belgium Desmet Ballestra Presentation 1 oils & fats OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 VEGETABLE OILS WORLD PRODUCTION 124 Mio Tons in 2006 PO+ SBO = 55% Desmet Ballestra Presentation 2 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 INCREASED DEMAND FOR FOOD USE Year 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Expected growth rate C onsum ption P opulation D em and k g/capita B illion M illion tons 12.8 15.3 18.3 20.9 23.8 4.4 5.3 6.1 6.6 7.4 56.8 80.5 110.5 139 175.3 ~ 3-4 Mio TPY extra for edible consumption Desmet Ballestra Presentation Oils and Fats production Yea r 1995 M illion tons 94.9 1998 103.1 2002 120.9 2005 144.5 ~ 4-5 Mio TPY extra production 3 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 NON-EDIBLE USE OF VEGETABLE OILS BIODIESEL ?!! 140 Million tons 120 81.4% 100 80 60 90.3% 89.4% 40 0 18.6% 10.6% 20 9.7% 1993/94 1999/00 2006/07 total 61,5 82,7 121,9 food 55 74,7 99,2 nonfood 6,5 8 22,7 Palm: 10 – Rape: 5 (BD) Desmet Ballestra Presentation 4 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 STRONG PRICE INCREASE FOR CRUDE OILS (FROM 2005) 1600 1400 Increase demand for food use (China, India) Booming biodiesel market (Europe,USA) Crude fossil oil > 100 US$/barrel Major vegetable oils price evolution US$/ton 1200 Palm (Mal) Soybean (US) 1000 Rapeseed (Rott) 800 Sunflower (Rott) 600 Peanut (Rott) Cotton (US) 400 200 0 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007 July 0 US$/barrel Production period Desmet Ballestra Presentation 5 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 QUALITATIVE SOLUTION : Food vs Technical Oils Primary’ Oils for Human Consumption * High Quality Commodity Oils (Soy, Rape, Sun, Palm, …) * Specialty oils with high nutritional value (Olive, Fish, Flaxseed,…) * Low Quality animal fats (tallow, lard, chicken, pig…) * Side streams (FAD, acid oils, …) and used oils (Used Frying Oils) * Oils from special industrial crops (Jatropha oil, Algae oil) Desmet Ballestra Presentation 6 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 TRENDS IN EDIBLE OIL PROCESSING Increased need for more efficient processes (commodity oils) * More cost efficient processes (lower investment & operating costs) * Valorisation and/or reduction of by-products * Flexible plants able to process wide range of different oils * Larger capacities (economics of scale) Increased demand for higher quality food oils * Low or no trans FA (formed during refining and hydrogenation) * Balanced FA composition (optimal ratio satured/mono-/polyunsaturated FA) * High concentration of natural anti-oxidants (tocopherols) and phytosterols * No contaminants (pesticides, PAH, dioxins, PCB,….) Desmet Ballestra Presentation 7 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 STABILITY FUNCTIONALITY Frying Oils Specialty Fats Shortenings Margarine fats Salad Oils INCREASED ATTENTION FOR NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF FOOD OILS AND FATS Structured Lipids NUTRITIONAL QUALITY Desmet Ballestra Presentation 8 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Cleaning Cleaning // Drying Drying Cracking Cracking Seed Seed Speciality Speciality Fats Fats Dehulling Dehulling Flaking Flaking Preparation Interesterification Interesterification Margarine Margarine Fractionation Fractionation Modification Soap Soap Biodiesel Biodiesel Meal Meal Solvent Solvent Extraction Extraction Extraction Crude Crude Oil Oil Hydrogenation Hydrogenation Frying Frying oil oil Lubricants Lubricants Mechanical Mechanical Extraction Extraction Degumming Degumming Neutralising Neutralising Refined Refined Oil Oil Oleochemical Processes Desmet Ballestra Presentation Bleaching Bleaching Winterising Winterising Deodorising Deodorising Refining 9 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Crude Oil Soybean oil ica em h C fi e r l Ph g nin ys ic al re Palm oil fin ing Degumming GUMS Degumming Neutralisation SOAPS Bleaching Bleaching SPLITTING FFA Steam refiningDeodorisation Deodorisation Refined Oil Desmet Ballestra Presentation 10 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 108 107 106 105 104 103 ! " 102 101 # # 100 99 98 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Desmet Ballestra Presentation 4 11 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 ADSORPTION PROCESSES Desmet Ballestra Presentation 12 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 $ % & % ' !( % ) *) % $ * '% *' + % *) *) , * ADSORPTION PROCESSES (1) Bleaching (adsorption of pigments, metals, polar components,….) (2) Silica treatment (adsorption of soaps and gums, replacing water wash stage ) (3) Activated carbon treatment (removal of contaminants like PAH and dioxins) $ % & % ' !( % ) *) $ +! * ) (1) Reduce adsorbent consumption (especially bleaching earth) (2) Improve overall efficiency (3) Reduce amount of solid waste and disposal costs Desmet Ballestra Presentation Combiclean Process 13 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 BLEACHING Unit Operation in Refining with Highest Operating Cost Main Objective : Reducing Bleaching Earth Consumption * Cost 1 : Cost of bleaching earth (depending on origin and degree of activation) * Cost 2 : Oil losses in spent bleaching earth (30-40% oil in spent BE) * Cost 3 : Disposal of spent bleaching earth : can be a cost factor as well Processes to reduce Bleaching Earth Consumption * Bleaching with pre-filtration over spent BE 10-20% BE saving * Bleaching with silica pre-treatment * Counter-current bleaching 30-40% BE saving Desmet Ballestra Presentation 14 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Continuous bleaching with pre-filtration Bleaching earth Vacuum unit cleaning Pre-filtration Polish filters final filtration steam Bleached oil From degumming neutralisation Spent bleach earth Degummed oil .. . . . . . . .. bleacher Sparge steam To deodorisation Spent bleach earth Leaf filters Citric acid First Adsorption of Metals, soaps, Color pigments Process with 3 filters : 1. 2. 3. Desmet Ballestra Presentation Prefiltration (used BE) Effective filtration Stand-by/cleaning 15 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Counter-current bleaching process Candle filter Vacuum unit steam Polish filters From degumming neutralisation Recycling spent earth Bleached oil Bleach earth Prebleacher Degummed oil To deodorisation Leaf filters Citric acid Prebleaching with used BE .. . . . . . . .. Final bleacher Sparge steam Spent bleach earth Desmet Ballestra Presentation 16 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Prebleaching More efficient use of BE Vacuum unit Active carbon Bleaching earth Silica Degummed oil final filtration cleaning Pre filtration Filter press .. . . . . . . .. Spent bleach earth .. . . . .. . .. bleacher Sparge steam Spent bleach earth Leaf filters Polish filters acid Adsorption of P and soaps COMBICLEAN process Spent carbon Final bleaching Removal of contaminants Desmet Ballestra Presentation Bleached oil To deodorisation 17 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 ( * '% ) !+ % 1. INTEGRATED ADSORPTION PROCESS - Modular and extendable with required/desired process stages 2.SEPARATE ADDITION OF EACH ADSORBENT - Increases overall efficiency of each adsorbent (lower costs) 3. SPLITTING OF SOLID WASTE STREAMS - Easier valorisation/disposal - ‘Pure’ Spent BE with no contaminants can be added to meal - Spent AC with contaminants has to be treated as ‘toxic’ waste Desmet Ballestra Presentation 18 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 DEODORIZATION – STEAM REFINING Desmet Ballestra Presentation 19 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 $ % & % ' !( % ) .% *) % $ * '% *& % $% $ + *- *' $ % $ + *- * ) ! " ! % !' % ( $ % & % ' !( % ) !) %% !+ %, ! % % % * % % + *- * ) " , , & ! ! % % %, % " #$$! % *) $ % $ * ) % % /) % % ' ,0 "#$! * " % Desmet Ballestra Presentation , "#$! . % , ! 20 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Distillation Operating Parameters Thermal Low pressure by chilled water / Ice condensing action Temperature Fatty acid removal Time wanted Continuous / Semicontinuous Trans isomerisation unwanted Crossflow (tray) / Countercurrent (pack) Stripping steam Tocopherol removal unwanted Odor - Flavor removal wanted Polymerisation Pressure Deodoriser design unwanted Heat bleaching Shallow bed / Deep bed Economizing / Cooling / Heating under vacuum wanted Desmet Ballestra Presentation 21 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Dual Temperature deodorizer : Principle - Lower temperature - longer time (stage 1) 210 for mild deodorizing and moderate stripping thermolytic/hydrolytic breakdown reactions 230 - Higher temperature - shorter time (stage 2) for final stripping and heat bleaching for controlled stripping of valuable minor components Desmet Ballestra Presentation 230 C 230 C 250 C 250 C 250 130 C 22 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Packed column stripper To FAD scrubber + vacuum unit liquid phase (oil) ∆P : 0.1 -0.5 mbar/m ∆T : min. 1.3ºC / %FFA H : 3-5 m D : f (vapor load) Structured packing 100-300 m2/m3 vapor phase (steam) Counter-current contact oil/steam Short residence time at high temperature liquid phase (stripped oil) Desmet Ballestra Presentation To deodorizer 23 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Features ! 1%$ '2 ( ) + *!!% + Efficient stripping because of counter-current contact oil/steam - Pressure drop over column can make stripping more difficult - Short residence time at high temperature Low trans formation, but no complete deodorization Applications Stripping of tocopherols/sterols from vegetable oils - Stripping of contaminants (pesticides) - Partial deodorization of cocoa butter Desmet Ballestra Presentation 24 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 ' 3 !+ % 2 +% $ % $ + *- * ) Deodorizing Pressure range : 2-5 mbar Low pressure required * For stripping of volatile components (FFA, contaminants,…) * Protection against oxidation Trend for lower pressure during deodorization * Allows same stripping at lower temp. and/or with less steam * Lower pressure (1.5-2 mbar) with Dry Ice Condensing * Cost factor (higher electricity consumption, but nearly no motive steam ) Desmet Ballestra Presentation 25 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Ice Surface Condenser (-26°C) Surface Ammonia condenser $ * 4! Noncondensables Surface Surface Condenser condenser Steam (30°C) Booster or pump ejector 1 mbar Spargefrom steam Vapor (100%) FA scrubber Non-condensables (8%) Motive steam (100%) Motive Steam Effluent Iced vapor Effluent (108%) Rest of condensed water (92%) (> 95%) Desmet Ballestra Presentation 26 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Condenser From FA scrubber Cooling water Condensation of steam (into ice) on surface condensers Freeze condenser Compressor To de-aeration Separator Valve, open Valve, closed Vapour (vacuum) LP steam Low pressure can be reached (< 2 mbar) Refrigerant (ammonia) Non-condensable gases Condensate Melt vessel process vapor De Smet SUBLIMAX water ammonia Strongly reduced odor emission 10x less waste water Nearly no motive steam but higher electricity consumption Desmet Ballestra Presentation 27 5 2 '* 1 $% $ +* %+ 4 4 ) HP-steam 821 heating "7 822 deodorising modular design: logical sequence of all operations 880A heat recovery 880B final cooling water 6 Deodorised oil 801 deaeration Bleached oil LP-steam vacuum Desmet Ballestra Presentation 814 scrubber FAD 28 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Qualistock deodoriser Simplified erection less building minimum space faster installation easy maintentance & access Desmet Ballestra Presentation 29 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Conclusions Objective of new developments in edible oil processing : (1) Increase Overall Process Efficiency - Lower investment costs (more efficient, easier to install equipment) - Lower operating costs (more efficient processes); - Reduction/valorisation of by-products (spent BE, FAD,…) (2) Enhance Nutritional Quality of Food Oils - Mild deodorizing conditions (less trans FA, less polymeric TAG) - Removal of contaminants (AC treatment, stripping,…) - Lower pressure during deodorization Desmet Ballestra Presentation 30 OFI Middle East 2008 Technical and Commercial Conference Hilton Hotel Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 15-16,2008 Desmet Ballestra Presentation 31
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