Wind power forecast errors
Wind power forecast errors
Wind power forecast errors Future volumes and costs Elforsk rapport 11:01 Fredrik Carlsson May 2011 Wind power forecast errors Future volumes and costs Elforsk rapport 11:01 Fredrik Carlsson May 2011 ELFORSK Preface The purpose of this project was to investigate the imbalance volume due to wind power forecast errors for the system as well as for different actors and the costs associated to the imbalances. The reduction of imbalance costs by trading at the adjustment market Elbas for different actors is also investigated. The work was carried out by Fredrik Carlsson, Vattenfall Research and Development, as a project within the Swedish wind energy research programme “Vindforsk – III”. The report is the final report for project V-317. Vindforsk – III is funded by ABB, Arise windpower, AQSystem, E.ON Elnät, E.ON Vind Sverige, EBL-kompetanse, Falkenberg Energi, Fortum, Fred. Olsen Renwables, Gothia wind, Göteborg Energi, HS Kraft, Jämtkraft, Karlstads Energi, Luleå Energi, Mälarenergi, o2 Vindkompaniet, Rabbalshede Kraft, Skellefteå Kraft, Statkraft, Stena Renewable, Svenska Kraftnät, Tekniska Verken i Linköping, Triventus, Wallenstam, Varberg Energi, Vattenfall Vindkraft, Vestas Northern Europe, Öresundskraft and the Swedish Energy Agency. Comments on the work and the final report have been given by a reference group with the following members: Elisabet Norgren, SvK, Elin Broström, SvK, Rebecka Nilsson, SvK, Sture Larsson, SvK, Bo Wrang, Vattenfall, Kjell Gustafsson, Statkraft, Peter Blomqvist, Arise, Susanne Franzén, Fortum, Mohammad Hesamzadeh, KTH, Lennart Söder, KTH, and Anders Björck, Elforsk. Stockholm May 2011 Anders Björck Elforsk, Electricity and Power Production Vindforsk-III Programme manager ELFORSK ELFORSK Sammanfattning Vindkraften är en av de snabbast växande förnybara energikällor i elsystemet, vilket är helt i linje med både Sveriges och EU:s mål. För elmarknaden finns det framförallt två utmaningar vid en större andel vindkraft i elsystemet produktionens variation och förutsägbarhet. Produktionsvariationen är inte behandlad i denna utredning, men både variationen och förutsägbarheten är kopplade till behovet av reglerkraft, det vill säga att reglera produktionen till den nivå som konsumenterna använder. Förutsägbarheten är viktig eftersom försäljningen sker klockan 12.00 för nästkommande dygn på elmarknaden, det vill säga 12 - 36 timmar före produktionstimmen. En prognos behöver alltså göras för försäljningsvolymen, vilket är mycket svårt så långt i förväg för en intermittent källa som vindkraft. Det prognosfel som då uppstår måste om det är stort nog regleras med sekundärreglering som Svenska Kraftnät avropar och köper. Kostnaden för regleringen får de balansansvariga som orsakade prognosfelet betala. Mindre prognosfel på systemnivå regleras däremot enbart med hjälp av primärreglering och då debiteras ingen för det, men kostnaden som SvK har för att hantera detta får alla balansansvariga dela på genom avgifterna till SvK. För att studera kostnaden för framtida prognosfel har ett antal scenarier med 10 - 55 TWh ny vindkraft i det svenska systemet utvecklats och undersökts. Fokus är på 10 TWh, som kallas för 5 GW fallet, vilket består av 1,5 GW redan installerad effekt och 3,5 GW ny vindkraft. Storleken på prognosfelen för de framtida scenarierna har antagits kunna utvecklas till en standardavvikelse på 13% av installerad effekt, vilket är mycket bra då den ligger på cirka 20% i Sverige idag, men i andra länder som Tyskland runt 15%. Scenarierna bygger på existerande planer på nya vindkraftsparker för att göra scenarierna så troliga som möjligt. För att få olika perspektiv har åtta balansansvariga aktörer skapats med olika ägande. Aktörerna äger all ny vindkraft (dvs inte existerande) i scenarierna och aktörerna skiljer sig från varandra genom att äga vindkraft med olika geografisk placering och spridning. Det ger vindkraftsinvesterare en möjlighet att hitta någon aktör att jämföra sig med som liknar deras investeringsplaner. Rapporten har främst fokuserat på • att uppskatta volymen felprognoser för enskilda aktörer och för systemet, • att uppskatta kostnaderna för prognosfelen för de olika aktörerna vid olika scenarier, • att undersöka hur elområden påverkar ovanstående, • att undersöka olika alternativ till att minska kostnaderna för prognosfel, vilket kan göras genom att t ex minska storleken på prognosfelen genom att handla på intradagmarknaden Elbas eller genom att förbättra prognoskvaliteten eller genom att ändra marknadskonstruktionen. Eftersom de framtida scenarierna är osäkra, har några parametrar varierats, t ex prognoskvaliteten, utbyggnadens geografiska koncentration, samt hur ofta flaskhalsar i nätet uppstår. ELFORSK 35 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario Today's prices (2009) Future prices 30 Future prices & bidding zones kr/MWh 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figur A: Visar kostnaden för prognosfel idag utan elområden (blå), samt för ett framtida scenario med framtida reglerkraftspriser utan (röd) och med (gul) elområden i ett 10 – 15 TWh vindkraft scenario, dvs 5 GW GW. 50 Future wind power scenarios Today's prices (2009) 45 40 Future prices with bidding zones: 5 GW = 10 - 15 TWh 35 Future prices with bidding zones: 12 GW = 30 TWh kr/MWh 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figur B: Visar kostnaden för prognosfel idag utan elområden samt för framtida scenarier med elområden och framtida reglerkraftspriser med 10 – 15 och 30 TWh ny vindkraft, dvs 5 GW och 12 GW. ELFORSK Slutsatsen är att kostnaderna för prognosfelen för vindkraftsägarna ökar från dagens kostnader om cirka 5 - 10 kr/MWh upp till 30 kr/MWh (3 öre/kWh) med 10 TWh ny vindkraft, se Figur A. I Figur B visas även ett scenario med 30 TWh ny vindkraft. Observera att resultaten utgår från en mycket hög prognoskvalitet, i dagens verklighet är kostnaden redan ca 15 - 20 kr/MWh med dagens prognoskvalitet, varför ökningen inte blir så dramatisk i praktiken om prognoskvaliteten ökar i takt med att vindkraften byggs ut. Kostnaden för olika aktörer varierar eftersom de har sin vindkraft i olika elområden och eftersom de har olika geografisk spridning, vilket påverkar sammanlagringen av prognosfelet. De huvudsakliga skälen till högre kostnader för vindkraftsägarna kan sammanfattas genom nedanstående fem punkter, där 10 TWh sceneriet är utgångspunkten. 1. Reglerpriserna blir högre när efterfrågan på reglerkraft ökar med ökande prognosfel. Dock skulle reglerpriserna kunnat ha bli ännu högre om toppnoteringarna av reglerpriserna hade beaktats i modellen. De timmar med toppnoteringar av priser är dock relativt få och representerar situationer med brist på billig kraft, där dyra anläggningar måste startas. Det skulle kunna höja kostnaden med ytterligare cirka 10%. 2. Det blir fler timmar med prognosfel åt samma håll som systemet för de enskilda vindkraftsägarna, vilket gör att vindkraftsägarna måste betala för fler timmar, eftersom man betalar när man ökar systemets prognosfel. Det sker eftersom vindkraften blir den som orsakar prognosfelet i systemet i allt större utsträckning och medför att vindkraften måste betala för 70% av reglertimmarna i stället för 50% som det är idag. 3. Det blir färre timmar utan sekundärreglering, eftersom sannolikheten för små prognosfel blir lägre. Det medför att antalet timmar som inte behöver betalas för minskas från cirka 2000 h till 1 500 timmar. 4. De överföringsbegränsningar som finns i transmissionsnätet kommer från och med den 1 november 2011 att hanteras genom införandet av elområden. Det innebär också att aktörerna måste hålla balansen inom varje elområde och att det inte längre blir någon ekonomisk sammanlagringseffekt mellan elområdena för positiva och negativa prognosfel eftersom de alltid ska avräknas separat. Dock är det så att även utan elområden så måste prognosfelen hanteras, och kostnaden för att hantera dem med Sverige som ett elområde hade då marknaden fått betala via t ex tarifferna. 5. En ytterligare orsak till ökade kostnader är att prisnivån för att reglera upp i södra Sverige kommer att gå upp eftersom sekundärreglering uppåt ofta måste köpas lokalt. Eftersom de flesta vindkraftverk planeras i söder får det en viss effekt, eftersom modellen antagit att inget utrymme för sekundärreglering reserveras mellan snitten. ELFORSK 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario 40 35 Future Prices & Bidding zones Future Prices & Bidding zones and Elbas 30 kr/MWh 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figur C: Fördelen med att handla på intradagmarknaden Elbas i ett framtida Sverige med elområden och 10 – 15 TWh (5 GW) vindkraft. Två av de fem förklaringarna (punkt 2 och 3) handlar om antalet timmar som man måste betala för och lägger man ihop dessa så är det nästan tre gånger så många timmar som aktörerna måste betala för. Det är därför det främsta skälet till den högre kostnaden för aktörerna och tillsammans med stigande priser - särskilt i södra Sverige – blir kostnaderna höga. Det finns dessutom möjligheter för vindkraftsägarna att minska sina kostnader genom att t ex handla på intradagmarknaden Elbas, eller genom att förbättra sina prognoser, se Figur C. Det finns dock kostnader förenade med detta, vilket gör att det inte lönar sig för små aktörer. Att tänka på är att även om elområden ger en negativ effekt för vindkraftsägare, speciellt i södra Sverige, kommer förmodligen det högre spotpriset i södra Sverige sannolikt ge mycket mer intäkter än de extra kostnaderna. Slutligen så bör man relatera kostnaderna för prognosfel till inkomsterna från försäljningen på Nord Pool Spot, och resultaten visar att kostnaden och kostnadsökningen inte är särskilt stora, kostnaden hamnar på cirka 1 – 10% av inkomsten från försäljningen på Nord Pool Spot. ELFORSK Summary Wind power is one of the renewable energy sources in the electricity system that grows most rapid, which is in line with both Swedish and EU governmental goals. There are however two market challenges that need to be addressed with a larger proportion of wind power – that is variability and predictability. Predictability is important since the spot market Nord Pool Spot requires forecasts of production 12 – 36 hours ahead. The forecast errors must be regulated with regulating power, which is expensive for the actors causing the forecast errors. The variability is not addressed in this report; however, both variability and predictability are connected to the need for the electric power system’s ability to regulate power – that is, to be able to produce what the consumers consume. This report has investigated a number of scenarios with 10 – 55 TWh of wind power installed in the Swedish system. The focus has been on a base scenario with 10 TWh new wind power consisting of 3,5 GW new wind power and 1,5 GW already installed power, which gives 5 GW. The size of the forecast errors of future scenarios have been assumed to develop to a standard deviation at 13% of installed capacity, which is very good since it is around 20% in Sweden today, however in other countries such as Germany, around 15%. The scenarios are based on planned wind farms to make the scenarios as true as possible. Eight different actors with balance responsibility have been created that own all the new wind power (not the already installed) in the scenarios. They have been chosen to differ from small to large and from concentrated location to wide spread – which give present owners of wind farms a possibility to find some of the constructed actor that is similar to their targets. The investigation in this report has mainly focused on • the forecast error volumes due to wind power forecast errors for the system as well as for different actors, • the costs associated to the forecast errors, • the effect of the introduction of four bidding zones in Sweden, and • options to reduce costs such as reduction of forecast errors by trading at the intraday market, better forecasts, and changed market design. To be able to simulate the consequence of forecast errors on the future market, models of forecast errors and the market are developed. That means that the forecast errors have been modelled for single farms, small areas and the whole country. The regulating market has been modelled so that its correlation to the spot market and the effect of increased forecast errors has been taken into account. Since future perspectives are uncertain, some parameter variations have been investigated to see their influences. The main attention has been on varying the standard deviation of forecast errors. Other parameter variations have been on the geographic location/distribution of new wind farms, and the amount of hours with congestions. ELFORSK 35 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario Today's prices (2009) Future prices 30 Future prices & bidding zones kr/MWh 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figur A: The costs for forecast error Today without bidding zones (blue), and for future scenario with future prices without (red) and with (yellow) bidding zones in a 10 – 15 TWh wind power scenario, that is 5 GW. 50 Future wind power scenarios Today's prices (2009) 45 40 Future prices with bidding zones: 5 GW = 10 - 15 TWh 35 Future prices with bidding zones: 12 GW = 30 TWh kr/MWh 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure B: The costs for forecast error with today’s regulating prices and without bidding zones; and for the future with future regulating prices and with bidding zones with 10 – 15 TWh (5 GW) and 30 TWh (12 GW) new wind power. ELFORSK The main conclusion that is drawn from the study is that the costs for forecast errors for the wind power owners increase from today’s costs that is about 5 – 10 kr/MWh to future 30 kr/MWh (3 öre/kWh) with 10 TWh new wind power, see Figure A. In Figure B a 30 TWh scenario is also shown. It should be noted that the present and future cost is based on very high forecast quality, and as the forecast error quality is much lower today, the cost in reality is about 15 20 kr/MWh. So, the increased costs will not be so dramatic in practice. The cost varies between the actors since they have their wind power in different bidding zones and also different concentrations which affect the forecast error volume. It should be noted that these numbers represents higher forecast quality than used today. To sum up the main reasons to the higher cost for the wind power owners; they can be explained by five main points below, which are focused on the 10 TWh scenario: 1. The regulating prices become higher, due to higher demand for regulating power with increased forecast errors. However, the prices for up regulation could possibly be even higher if peak price hours had been taken into account. These hours usually represents cases where there is a lack of possibility to increase the power in running plants, where very expensive reserve plants needs to be up started. That could increase the price further with another 10%. 2. There are more hours with forecast error in the same direction as the system for the wind power owners, since the wind power will be the one causing the forecast error. This changes the number of hours that the wind power owners must pay for to 70% of the hours with forecast errors instead of 50% as it is today. 3. There are also fewer hours with no up or down regulations, since the chance for small forecast errors becomes lower. This changes the number of hours that does not need to be paid for from 2000 h to 1 500 h, that is a 25% reduction. 4. The transmission system has a limited transmission capacity, which will from November 1, 2011 be handled by introducing bidding zones. This means that the balance needs to be maintained within each zone for the wind power owners. For wind power owners with wind power in several bidding zones, the possibility to aggregate positive and negative forecast errors for several bidding zones will be financially impossible, since they will be settled separately. It should be noted, however, that even without bidding zones, the costs for handling forecast errors with Sweden as one bidding zone would be present in the system, and that cost would be distributed to the market via for instance the tariffs. 5. One additional reason to increased costs is that the price level for regulating power upwards in the South of Sweden will go up, since secondary regulation often needs to be bought locally and since most wind power is planned in the South of Sweden. Regulating prices in the north will however go down, but as said, as most wind will be located in the South of Sweden this has a minor effect. ELFORSK 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario 40 35 Future Prices & Bidding zones Future Prices & Bidding zones and Elbas 30 kr/MWh 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure C: The impact on forecast error related costs when acting on the intraday market Elbas with 10 TWh of new wind power. Two (number 2 and 3) of the five explanations above are about paying hours. We see that it is almost three times as many hours that the actor has to pay for. So, the main reason for higher cost is that the amount of hours to pay is so much higher, and together with rising prices – especially in the South of Sweden – the costs get very high. As a wind power owner, one should understand that although bidding zones give a negative effect on regulating costs, the increased spot price in the South will most likely give much more revenues than the added costs for regulating power. There are possibilities for the wind power owners to reduce forecast error related costs by either trading at the intraday market Elbas or improving quality of forecasts, which is shown in Figure C. It has also been investigated possible options for the TSO to change the market design to either one-price system or shorter time-horizons for the market. Finally, the forecast error related cost should be related to the revenues. The results show that although the cost is increasing much, it is still a relatively small part of the income related to the spot price, in the order of 1 – 10%, with 10 TWh new wind power. ELFORSK List of contents 1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 Wind power scenarios 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 4 4.4 5 6 25 Forecast errors on the market ......................................................... 25 Case studies ................................................................................. 25 Model of forecast errors.................................................................. 28 4.3.1 Forecast errors for single wind farms (sites) ........................... 28 4.3.2 Forecast errors for areas and neighbouring areas .................... 28 Actors .......................................................................................... 31 Simulations of forecast errors and costs 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 15 Background .................................................................................. 15 Description ................................................................................... 15 Bidding zones ............................................................................... 17 Implications of bidding zones .......................................................... 20 One- and two price systems ............................................................ 20 Market models .............................................................................. 20 Market coefficients and verification .................................................. 22 Jiggling ........................................................................................ 24 Note about 2009 market ................................................................ 24 Forecast errors 4.1 4.2 4.3 9 Looking into the future ..................................................................... 9 Scenario with about 5 GW wind power .............................................. 10 Scenarios with more than 5 GW wind power ...................................... 11 Actors .......................................................................................... 12 Electricity market 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 1 Background .................................................................................... 1 Variability and predictability .............................................................. 2 Investigation .................................................................................. 5 Limitations of work .......................................................................... 5 Literature review ............................................................................. 6 Outline of the report ........................................................................ 7 Acknowledgements .......................................................................... 7 33 Simulation environment ................................................................. 33 Forecast error with 5 GW wind power ............................................... 33 Market costs for forecast errors ....................................................... 34 Actors share of wind power ............................................................. 34 Forecast error costs ....................................................................... 35 Update of production plan ............................................................... 36 Trading on intraday market............................................................. 37 Influence of forecast quality on imbalance costs ................................. 38 Congestions .................................................................................. 38 Geographic distribution .................................................................. 39 Changed market design to 6 h markets ............................................ 40 Changed market design to one-price system ..................................... 40 30 TWh scenario ........................................................................... 41 All projects – 55 TWh ..................................................................... 42 Maximum forecast error ................................................................. 42 Summary ..................................................................................... 43 Closure 45 ELFORSK 6.1 6.2 Conclusions .................................................................................. 45 Future work .................................................................................. 47 7 References 49 8 Appendices 51 8.1 8.2 Wind power projects ...................................................................... 51 Distances used between areas and correlation coefficient .................... 53 ELFORSK 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Wind power is growing rapidly all over the world as it is one of the most promising renewable energy sources1 (RES) in terms of price. The focus on RES started due to the increased awareness that pollution from some energy production might harm our planet. This is and has also been the trend in Sweden, where wind power increases by 10% annually, and produces about 3,5 TWh during 2010, see Figure 1. In Sweden, the new installed RES mainly consists of wind power and biomass, and to support the development, the electricity certificate system has been introduced by the government. In 2009, about 17% of the electricity certificate obliged electricity was produced by wind power (2,5 TWh). The other parts was biomass (10 TWh), hydropower (2,5 TWh), solar power (0,2 TWh), etc. The electricity certificate has the goal to increase the renewable electricity production by 25 TWh at 2020 relative to the 2002 level. The Swedish Energy Agency made 2009 a forecast that the – now by the parliament decided quotas of the electricity certificate system – will lead to around 12,5 TWh wind power electricity at 2020. The electricity production in Sweden is about 150 TWh (40% hydro and 40% nuclear, 20% other sources), which means that wind power presently contributes by 2%. Increasing energy from wind power means more wind turbines and more installed power. The installed wind power in Sweden is about 1,5 GW which is produced by 1500 wind turbines. It is clear from these numbers, that more wind power is to come. Energy produced from wind power [TWh] 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 1: Annual wind power production (TWh) in Sweden 1994 – 2010 [1]. 1 "Energy from renewable sources" means renewable non-fossil energy sources: wind, solar, geothermal, wave, tidal, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases [EU] 1 ELFORSK 1,4 Wind power 2010 1,2 1,0 GW 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 01-jan 02-mar 01-maj 30-jun 29-aug 28-okt 27-dec Figure 2: Hourly wind power production in the whole Sweden during 2010. 1.2 Variability and predictability Renewable energy sources such as wind power and hydropower have some similarities and some differences. First of all, they both have a varying power source (wind speed respectively precipitation), however, since wind energy (kinetic energy) is more difficult to store than hydro (potential energy) the wind power production will vary almost instantly with changed wind speed. The variation of wind power is illustrated in Figure 2, and shows that although the wind power is quite spread out in Sweden, it varies much – peak production was 1386 MW and lowest was 8 MW during 2010. The variation that is also referred to as intermittency makes wind power quite unreliable in the short-term perspective (hours – days). In the longer perspective (annual) the variation of wind energy is quite small (±15%) and in fact smaller compared to hydropower (variation of precipitation). In Sweden the water inflow to hydropower stations is about 65 ± 20 TWh. Since there is no built-in energy storage in the wind power, the wind power producer has to sell the power when it blows. A power producer that has energy storage can choose when to produce electric energy, depending on the current and expected future market energy price and the producer’s costs of producing and storing electric energy, etc. It is not only wind power that has to sell at once; solar power and some hydropower stations with no reservoir (for instance Älvkarleby power station 130 MW) have to do it as well. These producers have no control over their energy production. It is of course possible to reduce or even stop the production; however that is only beneficial if it costs to produce, which could happen when spot prices are negative. 2 ELFORSK Lillgrund forecast 100 Lillgrund production MWh/h 80 60 40 20 0 2009-02-27 2009-03-01 2009-03-03 2009-03-05 2009-03-07 2009-03-09 2009-03-11 2009-03-13 2009-03-15 2009-03-17 Figure 3: Hourly production and 12 – 36 h forecast for Lillgrund. Electrical energy is sold at the Nord Pool Spot. To do that, it is necessary to predict (forecast) the production, as the energy is sold 12 – 36 hours ahead. All producers do forecasts of their production, wind power producers by using weather forecasts of wind speeds, and by that, estimating their future production. Such a forecast of wind power production is illustrated in Figure 3 for the Lillgrund wind farm (Figure 4). If the actual production differs from the planned production, the producer will have to pay for the deviation. Since the electric power system needs to be in balance, the TSO (SvK) needs to buy power from someone (another electric power producer) when there is a forecast error to compensate that. This is called regulation and costs money for the compensating (regulating) actor. The actors causing the forecast errors must pay for their forecast error volumes. The costs are settled according to the regulating prices and distributed among the actors who caused forecast errors. The process is called balance settlement and takes place the day after the production day. To conclude this, as wind power producers have difficulties to do precise forecast as compared to hydropower or nuclear power, additional costs are added for handling the forecast errors. One new aspect on the Nord Pool market is that Sweden will be divided into four bidding zones (price areas) November 1, 2011 [7], when there are congestions at bottlenecks in the grid. Today, actors that have production and corresponding forecast errors in two or several bidding zones are able to sum up all forecast errors in Sweden and only pay for the net contribution of forecast errors. As this new rule is introduced, the actors need to maintain their own balance in each bidding zone every hour (and not only at congestions), which means that the actors will have to pay for forecast errors in each bidding zone and not for the sum of them (net contribution). This also implies that some actors may not be able to internally regulate to be in balance between different price areas – this will result in more need for regulating power on the market or more trading on the intraday market Elbas. 3 ELFORSK Figure 4: Lillgrund wind farm. If an actor knows that his plan will not be fulfilled, for instance if the actor has updated the wind forecast that shows a deviation from earlier forecasts, there is an option to improve the balance by buying or selling power at the intraday market Elbas. This could be done up to one hour before the actual production hour. The drawback of trading at the intraday market is that the trade itself costs money and that the new forecast usually is not correct, however usually lower. A producer who has other controllable production sources besides its wind production in the same bidding zone may control that production in order to keep the production plan. That control, is not totally free of costs, due to that • the regulating power is often produced at lower efficiency, • the production must consider the forecast error from the wind power and reserve space in the production to handle the forecast error, such as having larger margins in the water reservoirs, etc. It may also have the consequence that it will not be possible to produce maximum at the hours with highest prices, and • sub-optimisation occurs in the market, so several producers regulate more together than needed. The conclusion of this is that internal reduction of forecast errors may lead to a sub-optimisation that is not beneficial for the producers and the market. Denmark has chosen to cancel the rule for the actors of being in balance, and instead put higher demand on updating the production plans. 4 ELFORSK 2005 700 2006 2007 600 2008 2009 500 2010 2011 GWh 400 300 200 100 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec Figure 5: Monthly wind power production during 2005 – 2010 in Sweden [1]. 1.3 Investigation This investigation focuses on the future forecast errors and its associated costs. As a starting point, a scenario with 10 TWh new wind power in Sweden has been created. Furthermore, additional scenarios with 30 and 50 TWh has been created as well. The report investigates • the size of wind power forecast errors for the system as well as for different actors, • the costs associated to the forecast errors, • how the introduction of bidding zones impacts forecast errors and corresponding costs, • what options the actors have to reduce costs, for example reduction of forecast errors by trading at the intraday market or improved forecast quality, and • the impact of different market designs. 1.4 Limitations of work This work is modelling the electricity market. However, models do always contain simplifications of reality, and this work is no exception to that. This work has been simplified in the following way: • All actors are assumed to buy the same forecast per area (six areas), and with the same quality. However, as the forecast quality has been set to a very high quality, this does not have much effect. • The correlation between forecast errors, congestions, and wind power production is not taken into account. However, as the new rules state that forecast errors will be handled per bidding zone regardless of congestions, it is only the wind power production that will have some effect. That effect is quite small, since only up (not down and non) 5 ELFORSK regulating hours have got higher prices, and more or less limited to bidding the zone in the South of Sweden (SE4). • Future transmission capacity extension between the bidding zones. • Possible decommission of production plants (for instance nuclear), or reduced capacity of for instance hydro due to new rules of more spilling, etc. However, since several scenarios are studied and simulated on the amount of congestions, the last two items on the list above can be extracted from these studies. 1.5 Literature review There have been a number of investigations in adjacent areas that have been published. Some of these publications are listed below with a brief summary and how it relates to this report. • The report “A massive introduction of wind power - Changed market conditions?” investigates the forecast errors in a scenario with 4 000 MW wind power in Sweden, where 50% of the installed capacity is in the North and 50% in the South of the country [6]. This is one of the differences to this study, where about 75% of the wind power is located to the South of Sweden. Another difference is that the imbalances in the system 2006 was 0,9 TWh/year, while in this study which uses imbalances from 2009, the imbalance is 1,3 TWh/year. • The paper “Future wind power production variations in the Swedish power system” investigates the variation of wind power in a 4 000 MW scenario and the conclusion is that the variation from hour to hour is about 500 MW [22]. • The report “Effektvariationer av Vindkraft” investigates a scenario with 4000 MW wind power in Sweden. The size and location of possible future wind power farms are suggested and possible production is calculated [10]. • The report “4000 MW wind power in Sweden” evaluates the increased need for regulating power, due to increased wind power production, based on the calculated production data [14]. • The possibility to profit from providing regulating power is investigated in the report “Future Trading with Regulating Power” [9]. • In the PhD thesis “The Impact of Large Scale Wind Power Production on the Nordic Electricity System” [8] the influence of a large amount of wind power on the Nordic power system is investigated, proving that if wind power is installed over a large area the influence of a sudden change in the power supply is decreasing due to the smoothing effect. This smoothing effect is of important concern for the wind power producer and for this investigation as well. 6 ELFORSK 1.6 Outline of the report This report is divided into six chapters and a brief outline of these chapters is listed below. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the subject and the background of the topic, as well as what has been done before. Chapter 2 summarises the future plans of new wind power in Sweden. Based on that, scenarios in Sweden with eight wind power actors with balance responsibility are derived. Chapter 3 explains how the electricity market works in the Nordic countries and presents the model of the market to be used in this study. Chapter 4 investigates forecasting of wind power, and how the forecast errors can be modelled for a single site, larger areas with many sites and spread-out sites and areas. Chapter 5 shows simulation results of the forecast errors and gives results on costs today and for the future. Chapter 6 makes conclusions from the investigation and also gives some suggestions on how the forecast errors could be handled. Some ideas on future work are also suggested. 1.7 Acknowledgements The reference group are thanked for valuable comments on the report as well as good suggestions during the work. The author would also like to thank Mr Emil Eriksson, formerly at Vattenfall R&D, for the work with scenarios and Dr Viktoria Neimane, Dr Jonas Persson, and Mr Urban Axelsson, at Vattenfall R&D, for valuable comments. 7 ELFORSK 8 ELFORSK 2 Wind power scenarios 2.1 Looking into the future To construct future presumable wind power scenarios, we can base that on facts, incentives, plans, and ideas on what the future will look like. One way to do that is to look on investment plans made by wind power owners. Plans have been made on building small and large wind farms by a number of electric power producers, companies and associations, since wind power is becoming a safe and good investment. Future plans for large (> 10 MW) wind farms in Sweden are compiled in a map and published monthly by Svensk Vindenergi at its homepage [12], and can be seen in Figure 6. There are also others who have compiled lists, for instance SvK and the daily newspaper DN. These compiled lists will serve as base scenarios in this investigation. In general, there are plans for the near future that consist of about 4 GW new wind power capacity giving 10 TWh that is very realistic to be built, since most of these projects are either under construction or have got permission to build or are seeking permission to build. Beyond that, plans for another 40 – 50 TWh (15 – 20 GW) exists, however these are less certain. This report focuses therefore on a 5 GW scenario (10 - 15 TWh) consisting on today’s 1,5 GW and 3,5 GW of new wind power. This will be the base scenario, and beyond that all other projects will serve as linear expansion scenarios, that are further explained in the following chapters. Figure 6: Operating and planned projects in Sweden >10 MW [9]. 9 ELFORSK 2.2 Scenario with about 5 GW wind power The base scenario is based on wind power projects that are under construction, have got the permissions or are seeking permissions. These have been listed in the appendices in Table 17, and as can be seen, these wind farm projects sum up to about 3,5 GW (11,3 TWh). Together with wind power already installed in Sweden (1,5 GW), the scenario represents 5 GW installed capacity, which will generate about 15 TWh. However, there are some indications that the full load hours in the future projects are overestimated, in this scenario 5 GW probably represent 10 – 15 TWh. From the table, it can be seen that the most of the wind power is located in bidding zone four (SE 4) that is in the South of Sweden. This is illustrated in Figure 7. In some scenarios, even the scenarios below 5 GW will be studied, then the 5 GW scenarios will be scaled down linearly as Case xGW = 1,5 GW + c1 ⋅ 3,5 GW , (1) where c1 is variable between 0 and 1. For instance, to study the effect of 1,75 GW new wind power, the variable c1 is selected to be c1 = 0,5. Table 1 shows the full load hours that are used in this report in each bidding zone. These are based on the wind power projects shown in Table 17. However, these numbers are quite high compared to the full load hours from the wind power today in Sweden, which is in the order of 3 TWh / 1,5 GW = 2000 h. The electric power production from the wind farms as well as the energy production per year is also shown in the table. 12,00 10,00 [TWh] 8,00 6,00 4,00 2,00 0,00 4 3 2 1 Total Area Figure 7: New wind power in each bidding zone in a scenario with 3,5 GW new wind power. 10 ELFORSK Table 1: Energy and power in each bidding zone. Area Full load hours [h] Energy production [TWh] Rated power [MW] 2.3 SE 1 SE 2 SE 3 SE 4 Sum 2800 2800 3000 3200 3080 685 1985 1010 7620 11300 245 709 337 2381 3671 Scenarios with more than 5 GW wind power In this report, scenarios with more than 5 GW are also studied. These scenarios are based on the projects that have not been seeking permission yet, but have done initial studies that include installed power, expected annual energy delivery, site location, number of turbines, etc. A listing of these projects can be found in the appendices in Table 18. These additional projects sum up to about 40 TWh of new wind power, which means that when we add the base scenario we have about 50 TWh of new wind power projects. Intermediate scenarios between the base scenario and maximum of 50 TWh will be scaled as Case xGW = 1,5 GW + 3,5 GW + c 2 ⋅ 15 GW , (2) New wind power production in each bidding zone [new TWh] where c2 is variable between 0 and 1. For instance, to study a 30 TWh (≈ 12 GW) scenario, the variable c2 is selected to be c2 = 0,5. 20 SE 1 SE 2 SE 3 15 SE 4 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Scenario [new TWh] Figure 8: Location of new wind installations. 11 35 40 45 50 ELFORSK 2.4 Actors Eight different types of wind power actors have been created to be able to study different ownership characteristics of wind power in terms of geographic concentration/spread out, location in different bidding zones, small scale/large scale, etc. The actor’s location and portfolio of wind power is compiled in Table 2. All actors are balance responsible actors. The actors have different amount of wind power in their portfolio and the geographical spread-out is also different for the actors. Actor number 1 owns the most of the wind power of the actors (about 50%), which is seen in Figure 9. All the actors except number 7 have their wind power at several sites in the areas that they are operating, while actor number 7 owns one single site. Actor number 7 will due to that not gain any effect of spatial smoothening, and will therefore have a higher relative forecast error compared to the other actors, which is explained more in detail in Chapter 4. The eight actors created in this report represent eight different ownerships and the ambition is that most of the wind power investors in Sweden should be able to find one of the created actors to correspond well with their investment plans. For example, since only the forecast errors is modeled, an investor in the Northern part of Sweden, who just wants to invest in one site, can look upon actor 7. The forecast error quality is not dependent on location; it is only the full load hours (and price) that depend on location. Table 2: The actors proportion of the amount of wind power in each bidding zone in a 5 GW scenario with 3,5 GW new wind power. SE 4 SE 3 SE 2 SE 1 1 100% 57% 100% 57% 100% 41% 100% 26% 2 26% 2% 27% 3 8% 8% 4 0% 5 9% 6 0% 7 8 Actor Sum Full Power Energy load h MW GWh 3 106 1 902 5 907 19% 3 089 862 2 664 0% 28% 3 083 281 867 0% 22% 19% 2 800 204 570 12% 0% 0% 3 167 253 801 10% 0% 7% 2 931 52 153 0% 0% 10% 0% 2 800 74 207 0% 10% 0% 0% 3 000 34 103 2373 337 709 245 3 078 3 664 11 275 12 ELFORSK Installed capacity [MW] 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Actors Figure 9: Installed capacity per actor with 3,5 GW new wind power. 13 8 ELFORSK Figure 10: The forecast error areas in the different bidding zones. 14 ELFORSK 3 Electricity market 3.1 Background The Nordic countries deregulated the market for electric power trading and created Nord Pool in 1993 as the market place for power trade. Norway was the first country trading on this market, and Sweden started trading 1996, Denmark and Finland joined some years later. 3.2 Description The Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Sweden is Svenska Kraftnät (SvK). Svenska Kraftnät is responsible for maintaining the country's spinning power balance. This responsibility is executed through, for instance, entering into agreements with companies who want to become balance responsible actors. The balance responsible actor undertakes to plan, on an hourly basis, in such a way that the production and purchasing of power correspond to the anticipated consumption and sales of the consumers/suppliers that the company has the balance responsibility for, and subsequently to financially regulate balance discrepancies vis-à-vis2 Svenska Kraftnät. A balance responsible has several possibilities of creating a balance between the supply and consumption of power; for example, through bilateral deals with other balance responsible actors, trading on the power exchange and planning own production resources. A power trading company can either handle the balance responsibility itself or engage a company, which has an agreement with Svenska Kraftnät regarding balance responsibility. Normally there is a fee associated with buying balance responsibility services from somebody else. Presently there are about 30 balance responsible actors in Sweden. Since electric power is traded for future actions, forecast of the future electric power consumption and productions have to be made. At Nord Pool Spot, the trades are performed mainly at the spot market, however the production plans can be adjusted at the intraday market Elbas and the balance service is supported by means of a regulating market. The market actors send bids to Nord Pool of their volumes and prices no later than 12.00 the day prior to the day of delivery (Figure 11). Bids are made for each hour of the day, so forecasts are needed for 12 – 36 hours ahead for all 24 hours. Several bids with different volume and price for each hour are possible to send to the spot market. Two hours before the spot market closure, the TSO informs the market of the existing transfer capacities at every existing bidding zone border. This is important information because the transfer capacity limitations have an impact on the spot price. 2 French for 'face to face'. Often used in the sense of 'in relation to'. 15 ELFORSK Figure 11: Sequence of events on the Nordic power market Nord Pool. The Nordic intraday market Elbas provides a possibility to adjust the production plans after the gate is closed (Figure 11). The regulating market provides the secondary regulation for balance service and is maintained by the TSO. Balance providers that are willing within 10 minutes to increase or decrease the level of production or consumption have the possibility to add regulating bids at the regulating market. The balance settlement is then settled the day after delivery. This forecast error for an actor is calculated by ΔE = E p − E s , (3) where Ep is the energy production during the hour and Es is the predicted energy sold at the Nord Pool spot market and the intraday market. The TSO in Sweden has a balance service function, and has the task to distribute the costs of maintaining the balance between the actors on the market via balance settlement. The actors will get paid according to rules, which state that if an actor for instance has overproduction that helps (reduces) the system’s imbalance (forecast error); the actor will get paid by the spot price Ps. In the opposite case (not helping), the actor will pay the down or up regulation price for the imbalance, Pd respectively Pu. This is illustrated in Figure 12. In other words if the difference between the spot price and regulating price is ΔPup = Pup − Pspot , (4) ΔPdown = Pdown − Pspot , (5) then the cost for the actors increasing the system’s forecast error can be expressed as Cost = ΔP ⋅ ΔE . 16 (6) ELFORSK Balance settlement Produced > Predicted Produced < Predicted Up regulation Down regulation Up regulation Down regulation Income = Ep * Ps Income = Es * Ps + (Ep - Es) * Pd Income = Es * Ps - (Es - Ep) * Pu Income = Ep * Ps Figure 12: Price calculation for actors at Nord Pool. In the case where no regulation is needed, all actors get the spot price for their over- or underproduction. For some few hours during the year there is both up- and down regulation. For these hours the largest volume determines the direction for the whole hour. The rules make it expensive to have high forecast errors, and are therefore driving actors to minimise them. This is good for the electric power system since it works as an economic regulator, which makes the electric power system stable. 3.3 Bidding zones At the Nord Pool markets, there are several bidding zones with different prices in the different areas. As long as there are no congestions (no transfer limitations of electric power) in the electric transmission system, the price is the same in the different areas. However, as congestions occur, the cheapest power is not available anymore in all bidding zones, which gives different prices. Presently, Sweden is kept as one bidding zone despite the congestions in the transmission network. This is handled by Svenska Kraftnät by limitation on export capacities at the planning stage and counter trading during the operation stage. However this will be changed in November 1, 2011. From this date, Sweden will have four bidding zones (see Figure 15) and when there are congestions between bidding zones, there will be different prices. Svenska Kraftnät has analysed the number of hours in each bidding zone that have indicated the need for limitation in trading capacity, see Figure 13. From the figure we can see that in most of the cases when there are congestions, they occur in SE4. About 4000 h (45%) during 2008 had this indication. The probabilities of congestions have been modelled according to Table 3. These probabilities are an assumption based on today’s market, but the probabilities for congestions have been reduced to 30% to compensate for future wind power and future transmission capacity increase. The introduction of bidding zones will also affect the market as well, since the marked player will adapt to the new system, however that is not taken into account in this study. The probability can of course be changed if transmission capacity between the bidding zones is increased further or vice versa if production plants are decommissioned or getting reduced capacity. Because of that, several simulations with different probabilities are included in this study. 17 ELFORSK Figure 13: Swedish bidding zones that indicated a need for restrictions on trade capacity measured in number of hours per quarter [7]. Measurement SE3->SE4 5000 Trade capacity SE3->SE4 4500 4000 MWh/h 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2009-1004 2009-1005 2009-1006 2009-1007 2009-1008 2009-1009 2009-1010 2009-1011 2009-1012 2009-1013 2009-1014 Figure 14: An example of trading capacity and what is transmitted through section 4 – between bidding zones SE3 and SE4. 18 ELFORSK Figure 15: Future bidding zones that will come into operation in Sweden, November 1, 2011 [7]. Table 3: Modelled cases of bidding zones and its probability to occur. Case SE 1 SE 2 SE 3 A B C D SE 4 Probability 5% 10% 15% 70% 19 ELFORSK 3.4 Implications of bidding zones As future bidding zones are introduced, the forecast errors in different bidding zones for the same actor are no longer summed up, which means that if an actor has – 50 MW in one zone and +50 MW in another zone, the actor will have to pay for 50 MW instead of 0 MW as it is today, if the regulation is the same in both bidding zones. In the worst case, if the regulation is in opposite directions in different bidding zones the actor in the example above can end up paying for 100 MW of forecast errors. The principle that forecast errors are settled separately for each bidding zone is done both during the hours with congestions when Sweden is divided into the bidding zones, and also during the hours when Sweden remains as one bidding zone. Because of this, the costs for forecast errors will be higher for actors with wind power in different bidding zones, as these will be gross settled, instead of net. A possible scenario is that this rule will be changed, so that forecast errors can be summed up when Sweden is not divided into bidding zones. For this case we assume the scenario with the number of hours with congestions corresponding to 30% of the time. Moreover, the correlation between forecast errors and congestion is not taken into account. 3.5 One- and two price systems In Sweden there is a two-price system for regulating power, so the settlement (buy/sell) depends on the actor’s direction compared to the system’s direction, see Figure 12. This implies that • the forecast error for an actor that has its forecast error in the same direction as the system is settled according to the regulating price, and • the forecast error for an actor that has its forecast error in the opposite direction to the system is settled according to the spot price. In other word, when you increase the error in the system, your error is settled to regulating price, while decreasing it, you are settled only to spot price, since you have helped the system to maintain balance. However, in some countries there is a one-price system where you are always settled to the regulating price, which means that you can earn money when you help (decrease the error of) the system. 3.6 Market models A model of the electricity market is needed to be able to study the effect of increased regulating volumes. The TSO will always buy the cheapest offer, however, the volumes are limited, and therefore there is a correlation between volume and price. Furthermore, there is of course a strong relation between the different markets: spot, Elbas, and regulating, as they all trade the same goods (electric energy). Models have previously been developed for instance in [20], which was further developed in [9]. Such models will be used here for Elbas and the regulating market. 20 ELFORSK 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2009-01-01 2009-03-02 2009-05-01 2009-06-30 2009-08-29 2009-10-28 2009-12-27 Figure 16: Spot price in (€/MWh ≈ öre/kWh) for the Swedish bidding zone 2009. 1000 900 Regulating price [kr/MWh] 800 700 600 Up 500 Dow n 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Spot price [kr/MWh] Figure 17: How the regulating price relates to the spot price. The model is described by the equations below. The variables k1, k2, and k3, are different for the different markets and different for up or down volumes. Pup = k1 ⋅ Pspot + k 2 ⋅ Ee + k 3 (7) Pdown = k1 ⋅ Pspot + k 2 ⋅ E e + k 3 (8) The equations provide the relation between the spot price Pspot, the hourly forecasted error volume Ee on the Swedish market and a bias term k3. To illustrate how the regulating prices relate to the spot price and the volume, these relations have been plotted in Figure 17 and Figure 18. There is as seen from Figure 17, a close relation between the down and up regulation prices in relation to the Elspot market price. However, the relation to the regulating volume is not as clear as seen in Figure 18, but there is still a trend with increased prices with increased volumes. 21 ELFORSK Spot - Regulating price [€/MWh] 50,00 Up 40,00 Dow n 30,00 Linjär (Dow n) 20,00 10,00 0,00 -1500 -1000 -500 -10,00 0 500 1000 1500 -20,00 -30,00 -40,00 -50,00 Volum e [MWh] 10,00 Up 8,00 Spot - Regulating price [€/MWh] Dow n Linjär (Dow n) 6,00 Linjär (Up) 4,00 2,00 0,00 -200 -150 -100 -50 -2,00 0 50 100 150 200 -4,00 -6,00 -8,00 -10,00 Volum e [MWh] Figure 18: How the regulating volume relates to the price increase. 3.7 Market coefficients and verification The coefficients k1, k2 and k3 in equations (4) and (5), can be calculated from the real statistical data by using for example the least square method, and shown in Table 5. Since bidding zones is introduced, the model used in this study is extended in relation to the one used in previous studies [9], by including different coefficients for different bidding zones. It is assumed that the TSO will not reserve power in the transmission system between the bidding zones for secondary regulation, which means that secondary regulation needs to be bought locally. The coefficients for down prices have been considered to be the same as today for all bidding zones, since down regulation of hydro will always be possible in all bidding zones. However, for up regulation, today’s prices in Sweden have been used only to find the coefficient for bidding zone SE1. To find the coefficients for SE4, the prices in DK east has been used. For SE2 and SE3 intermediate values have been used. 22 ELFORSK Table 4: Statistics of the electricity market. Market Spot Down SE Up SE Up DK Down volume Up Volume Mean 393 311 465 717 196 182 Table 5: The coefficients in the model of the markets. Market Regulating market Elbas Symbol Down Up SE 1 Up SE 2 Up SE 3 Up SE 4 None k1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k2 0,05 0,2 0,3 0,5 1,5 0 k3 -41 50 50 50 100 0 k1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k2 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0 k3 -5 5 5 5 5 0 A fast and simplified verification of the model can also be done by using Table 4, and calculating the model value for up regulating to 393 + 182·0,2 + 50 = 479 kr/MWh, which is close to the mean 465 kr/MWh. To verify the model further, the regulating price was calculated based on the spot price and the regulating volumes for 2009. As can be seen in Figure 19, the model follows the real prices very well. The average difference between the regulating price and the spot price was about 80 kr/MWh during 2009. 60 Price Up Model 55 SE Spotprice €/MWh €/MWh 50 45 40 35 30 2009-01-03 2009-01-03 2009-01-04 2009-01-04 2009-01-05 2009-01-05 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Figure 19: The modelled regulating prices, and for comparison the real regulating and spot prices. 23 2009-01-07 ELFORSK 3.8 Jiggling The forecast errors are naturally never zero. There was a so-called “jiggle allowance3” up to 2009 at the regulating market, to avoid billing of very small amounts of forecast errors. On the other hand, the TSO do not call for regulation if the forecast error on a system level is very small, and it has been assumed that forecast errors lower than 100 MW on a system level and 50 MW on a bidding zone level do not result in regulation. That means that none has to pay during that hour, since primary regulation takes care of balancing the system. 3.9 Note about 2009 market The number of hours with regulation for up is 2900 h and down is 3864 h, so non-regulating hours are 8760 – 2900 – 3864 = 1996 h. 3 In Swedish this is referred to as ”vingelmån”. 24 ELFORSK 4 Forecast errors 4.1 Forecast errors on the market The electricity market is as described in the previous chapter designed to receive bids at noon for the following day. Thus power producers make forecasts for 12 – 36 hours ahead and since wind power forecasts are uncertain there will be forecast errors. Production forecasts are based on weather forecasts of wind speeds, wind direction, and temperature. Weather forecasts could be bought from forecasting institutes for instance SMHI4 or WPPT. The wind speed is then used to calculate the production. The relation between wind speed and production is well-known and is provided by the manufacturer of the wind power plant. The wind speed may vary fast and can in the most extreme situations change from very low wind speed to high within minutes. Production may also go from full production to zero production within minutes in case of a storm that forces the wind mills to shut down to prevent damage. A balance responsible actor has two choices on how to handle forecast error volumes; either to adjust the forecast errors at the intraday market Elbas or to leave the forecast error to balance settlement and take the corresponding costs. Choosing the intraday market means that the volume corresponding to the forecast error is most likely to be bought/sold at worse prices compared to the spot price and trading itself also costs money (personnel, updated forecasts, trading taxes). In the second choice there may be high costs associated with high regulating prices. Both choices are costly, however making improved forecasts is costly as well, which means that the actor has to optimise the costs of these three items (improved forecasts, trading at intraday market, or leaving to the regulating market). 4.2 Case studies To make a model of the forecast errors we can analyse statistical data of existing wind farms. Such data was made available for the wind farms Lillgrund, Horns Rev5 and on-shore wind in Denmark – all operated by Vattenfall. The wind power sites have the installed power 110 MW, 160 MW respectively 215 MW. The annual mean power production for Horns Rev is about 62 MW, which corresponds to 3370 full load hours. Figure 20 shows the wind power production for Horns Rev during March 2009, together with the forecasted production. Most of the time the forecasted production is near the real production, however during some hours the difference is very high. Compare with Figure 3. 4 SMHI = The Swedish Metrology and Hydrology Institute (Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institutet). 5 Horns Rev is an offshore wind power farm Southwest of Denmark. 25 ELFORSK 160 Hornsrev forecast 140 Hornsrev production 120 MWh/h 100 80 60 40 20 0 2009-02-27 2009-03-01 2009-03-03 2009-03-05 2009-03-07 2009-03-09 2009-03-11 2009-03-13 2009-03-15 2009-03-17 Figure 20: Hourly production and 12-36 h forecast for Hornsrev. The time series contain hourly discrete values. The values contain the average power during one hour in MW or MWh/h. From now on the production is denoted Pp(t) and the forecasted production is denoted Pf(t). The difference between them is then the forecast error and it is denoted as Pe(t) = Pp(t) – Pf(t). The forecast error has a mean value (mathematical expectation) that is E( Pe (t )) = 0 MW , (9) which means that μ = 0 MW as the mean value for our model of the forecast error. The standard deviation for the forecast error is σ abs = var(Pe (t )) = 34 MW . (10) The relative standard deviation6 of the forecast error for Horns Rev is calculated as σ rel = var( Pe (t )) 160 MW = 34 MW = 21% . 160 MW (11) Another measure is the mean absolute error (deviation) of the forecast error, that is for Horns Rev MAE = 26 MW , (12) and compared to the mean production 62 MW, it is 40%, and normalised with installed capacity it is NMAE = 16%. 6 With the relative standard deviation for the forecast error, the standard deviation is related to the installed power (and not the forecast error). 26 ELFORSK 1200 Number of hours [h] 1000 800 DK land 215 MW 600 Hornsrev 160 MW Lillgrund 110 MW 400 200 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -1 0 -2 0 -3 0 -4 0 -5 0 -6 0 -7 0 -8 0 0 Forecast error [MWh/h] Figure 21: The distribution of forecast error volumes during 2009. For the other sites the same calculations are made, which are shown in Table 6. On-shore wind in Denmark has a very low standard deviation that is only 6% since the wind power is spread out which lowers the forecast error. This is also seen in Figure 21, where the forecast errors are more concentrated around zero volume. The distribution is similar to a normal distribution; therefore that distribution will be used in the model. The annual forecast error for normal distribution can be calculated by using the following equation MAE σ 2 = π = 80% . (13) Table 6: Data for different sites for 2009. Symbol Lillgrund Horns rev DK on-shore Unit Power P 110 160 215 MW Energy E 320 550 300 GWh Full load hours T 2900 3400 1400 H Mean absolute forecast error MAE 22 26 8 MWh/h Normalised mean forecast error NMAE 20% 16% 4% - 190 230 70 GWh Annual forecast error Forecast error standard dev σ 31 34 12 MWh/h Forecast error standard dev rel σrel 28% 21% 6% - 27 ELFORSK Lillgrund prognosfel 100,0 60,0 MW 20,0 2009-01-07 -20,0 2009-02-06 2009-03-08 2009-04-07 2009-05-07 2009-06-06 -60,0 -100,0 Figure 22: A sample period of the hourly forecast error at Lillgrund. 4.3 Model of forecast errors 4.3.1 Forecast errors for single wind farms (sites) The distribution of forecast error for wind power will be approximated by a normal distribution. The standard deviation for 12 – 36 h is in the base scenario assumed to be 13% for sites, as this is assumed to be possible in the near future of 10 TWh new wind power as German reports has shown deviation of about 15% for 24 h forecasts, see Table 7. However, this is quite far from the studied cases Lillgrund (28%) and Horns Rev (21%), so higher standard deviation will be studied as well as more improved forecast below 13%. Table 7: Standard deviation of forecast error related to the forecast time [17]. Horizon 6 hours Time-horizon 12 hours Time-horizon 24 hours Time-horizon 36 hours Time-horizon 0 km 12% 15% 15% 18% 4.3.2 Forecast errors for areas and neighbouring areas A wind power actor that owns several wind farms at different sites will do forecasts for each site. As the forecast errors are normal distributions, these will add to each other. It is well known that the total forecast error for several wind farms is reduced (relatively, absolutely it increases), in mathematical terms that could be expressed as a reduced standard deviation for sums of forecast errors. Two forecast errors expressed as the normal distributed stochastic processes X(t)∈N(μx,σ) and Y(t)∈N(μy,σ) is also a normal distribution that is expressed as 28 ELFORSK X + Y ∈ N ( μ x + μ y , σ x2 + σ y2 + 2 cov( X , Y ) ) . (14) If the stochastic processes are independent then Cramér’s theorem may be used, and the stochastic process is reduced to X + Y ∈ N ( μ x + μ y , σ x2 + σ y2 ) , (15) so if we add two independent forecast errors, the standard deviation increases only with the square root. This is also referred to as spatial smoothing effect. Since there is often a correlation between wind forecast errors for nearby farms, the forecast error cannot be assumed to be uncorrelated to other forecast errors. The distance between Lillgrund and Horns Rev is 350 km, and the correlation between the forecast errors is ρ LG , HR = cov( PLG (t ), PHR (t )) σ LGσ HR = 0,1 , (16) and the standard deviation is 48 MW / (110 + 160 MW) = 18%. This is significantly lower than 21% respectively 28%, and represents about 75% of the original standard deviations. Observe that this is the average over a year, on daily basis that correlation is changed, which is seen in Figure 23, where the correlation is measured as a floating 24-hour average. That is due to that wind is coming from different directions and the speed of change in weather situations. There are studies made on the correlations between forecast errors from several wind farms (ensembles) [14]. These have investigated the relationships between the standard deviation for forecast errors for both large areas with several wind farms and for long distances between wind farm areas. For large areas, the relation between the standard deviation of a single wind farm and the standard deviation of an ensemble of several wind farms are shown in Table 8. Larger areas give lower standard deviation of the total forecast error. Table 9 shows the correlation of forecast errors for different distances between the ensembles of wind farms, and of course longer distances give lower correlation. It was found out in equation (13) that the correlation for Lillgrund and Horns Rev was 10%, which is well in line with Table 9. 29 ELFORSK 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 2009-01-01 -0,2 2009-01-03 2009-01-05 2009-01-07 2009-01-09 2009-01-11 -0,4 -0,6 -0,8 Figure 23: The correlation between forecast errors at Lillgrund and Horns Rev. One interesting conclusion is that for shorter time horizons, the correlation is lower, probably due to more accurate forecasts which are more precise in time and location. For longer time horizons, bad forecasting of weather fronts affects neighbouring areas more. The effect of that is for example that the standard deviation for an actor going from 24 h forecasts (σ = 13%) to 6 h forecast (σ = 10%) having a couple of farms in two neighbouring 350 km areas (0,71 → 0,65) and all power equal to 1 p.u., the standard deviation is changed from (0,13 ⋅ 0,71) 2 + (0,13 ⋅ 0,71) 2 + 2 ⋅ 0,15 ⋅ (0,13 ⋅ 0,71) 2 = 7% (17) (0,10 ⋅ 0,65) 2 + (0,10 ⋅ 0,65) 2 + 2 ⋅ 0,09 ⋅ (0,10 ⋅ 0,65) 2 = 5% . (18) 1 2 to 1 2 Table 8: The ratio between the standard deviation of an ensemble and single forecast error time series for various region sizes and time horizons [14] Diameter Equation 0 km σ ensemble σ sin gle 140 km 350 km 30 3 - 9 hours Time-horizon 12 - 36 hours Time-horizon 100% 100% 78% 82% 65% 71% ELFORSK Table 9: The correlation of forecast errors for different distances between ensembles [14] 3 - 9 hours Time-horizon 12 - 36 hours Time-horizon 0 km 100% 100% 300 km 10% 22% Distance Equation 350 km cov( X (t ), Y (t )) 9% 15% 400 km σ xσ y 7% 12% 500 km 5% 11% >600 km 0% 0% In this study, the correlation between congestions and forecast errors has not been considered although there is a correlation. However, the rules imply that forecasts errors will be treated separately for each bidding zone regardless of congestions. That means that the effect of this correlation is very small, since it do not affect the forecast error volumes, only the price on up regulating, since down regulating price is always the same for the whole of Sweden. 4.4 Actors In Chapter 2, eight actors were presented with different wind farm ownership structure in terms of size and locations. To be able to calculate the annual forecast errors resulted from forecast errors for the actors, six circular areas have been created with two different diameters. Area 1 has the diameter 140 km and the other five areas have the diameter 350 km. We assume that all actors are buying forecasts from the same weather institute in each area. This means that actors that have wind power in the same area have the forecast errors that are correlated by 100%. It is now possible to calculate the standard deviation of the forecast error for each actor in each area, by using Table 8. By using the data from Table 9, it is possible to sum up the standard deviation for each actor by using a more general form of equation (15), that is n σ all = var(∑ X i ) = i =1 n n ∑∑ cov( X , X i =1 j =1 i j ). (19) Table 10 shows the annual forecast error (imbalances) for the eight actors. For the actors, with wind farms located in all areas, particularly actor 1, the forecast error (and therefore imbalances) is very low compared to actors with just one site (actor 7) or just one area (actor 8). Another important observation, which can be made from the table, is that on the system level (column named “total” in the table), the relative forecast error are small – only σ =7,4% and 17% of production. 31 ELFORSK Table 10: Annual forecast errors for the eight actors 5 907 Standard deviation MW 151,6 Standard deviation % 8,0% Forecast error GWh 1060 Error / Production % 18% 2 664 68,5 7,9% 479 18% 281 867 21,3 7,6% 149 17% 4 204 570 14,9 7,3% 104 18% 5 253 801 23,6 9,3% 165 21% 6 52 153 3,5 6,7% 25 16% 7 74 207 9,6 13,0% 67 32% 8 34 103 3,1 9,1% 22 21% Total 3 664 11 275 269,6 7,4% 1885 17% Actor Power MW 1 1 902 2 862 3 Energy GWh 32 ELFORSK 5 Simulations of forecast errors and costs 5.1 Simulation environment The simulations have been carried out in Microsoft Excel. The normal distributions for the six areas have been randomly generated for all 8760 h (365 · 24 h) during the year. From these, each actor has got six distributions as in Figure 10, which is reduced to four distributions, corresponding to each bidding zone. These are scaled proportionally to the actors’ amounts of forecast error in each area. It is assumed that all actors use the same forecast error per area (100% correlation) and has the same quality. The distributions for each area are correlated according to Table 9, which is in order of about 10 – 20%, depending on the distance between the areas. The standard deviation of the forecast error for a single wind farm has been chosen to 13% for 12 – 36 hour forecasts as stated earlier. The cost of the forecast error is calculated by taking the volume of the forecast errors for each hour for each actor and then multiplying with the hourly price. The price has been calculated from the forecast error volume (today’s + new wind) on system level. This has been done for three cases: • Today’s prices - Balance settlement according to Today’s (2009) regulating market prices • Future prices - Modelled future (higher) prices for the system with 3,5 GW new wind power, that is a 5 GW scenario corresponding to about 10 – 15 TWh. • Future prices & Bidding zones - The introduction of future bidding zones together with future prices (as the previous bullet). 5.2 Forecast error with 5 GW wind power The annual forecast error during 2009 at the regulating market was 1,3 TWh. Related to the electric power production in Sweden, which is about 150 TWh, the forecast error is only about 1 percent. The introduction of new wind power in the electric power system will however generate additional forecast errors, see Figure 24. The 5 GW scenario will give annual forecast errors for the actors of about 2,0 TWh. However, since the forecast errors are not totally correlated, this amount partly reduces, and therefore gives only 1,8 TWh that needs to be regulated. When the future forecast errors are added to the forecast errors on the current market it sums up to 2,4 TWh. 33 Annual forecast error [GWh/Year] ELFORSK 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actors Figure 24: The annual forecast errors for all actors. 5.3 Market costs for forecast errors The forecast errors for the system are lower than or equal the absolute sum of the actors’ forecast errors, which means that the actors will pay more than the costs for regulating power. That is however not an increased market cost. It just means that the TSO will have increased revenues on that, which might lead to decreased costs on other costs for the actors, for instance tariffs. In other words the financing of the costs for the TSO will be shared differently. But, as this cost is put on forecast error generating actors, these actors gets increased costs. 5.4 Actors share of wind power A number of scenarios that have been simulated with different amount of future wind power and the actors’ proportion of that amount are shown in Table 11 and Table 12. These show the corresponding power respectively energy. Table 11: Scenarios in (TWh) and related power amount (MW) of wind power per actor. Energy Actor 1 5 10 951 1902 2 431 862 3 141 281 4 102 5 126 6 7 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2683 3464 4245 5026 5808 6589 7370 8151 1186 1510 1833 2157 2480 2804 3128 3451 535 789 1042 1296 1549 1803 2057 2310 204 375 546 717 888 1059 1230 1401 1573 253 348 442 537 632 726 821 916 1011 26 52 141 229 318 406 495 583 671 760 37 74 97 120 142 165 188 211 233 256 8 17 34 75 116 156 197 238 278 319 360 Total 1832 3664 5439 7215 8991 10767 12543 14319 16095 17871 34 ELFORSK Table 12: Scenarios energy amount (TWh) of wind power per actor. Energy Actor 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 3,0 5,9 8,3 10,6 13,0 15,3 17,7 20,0 22,4 24,7 2 1,3 2,7 3,6 4,6 5,5 6,5 7,5 8,4 9,4 10,4 3 0,4 0,9 1,6 2,3 3,1 3,8 4,5 5,3 6,0 6,7 4 0,3 0,6 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,4 3,9 4,4 5 0,4 0,8 1,1 1,4 1,7 2,0 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,1 6 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,7 0,9 1,2 1,4 1,7 1,9 2,2 7 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 8 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 1,0 1,1 Total 5,6 11,3 16,5 21,8 27,0 32,3 37,6 42,8 48,1 53,3 5.5 Forecast error costs The costs for the actors for their forecast errors is simulated in the base scenario with 3,5 GW new wind power, that represent about 5 GW installed wind in Sweden. The results are shown in Figure 25 for three different cases in section 5.1. It is seen that the costs for actor 7 who owns a single wind farm in SE2 increase its costs from about 10 kr/MWh to about 12,5 kr/MWh. The actors that own wind power spread over large areas have lower prices today (5 kr/MWh), however as these actors (e.g. actor 1) become market drivers for the forecast errors, they have to pay for more hours which increase their costs. The introduction of new bidding zones has an impact mainly on actors that have a large amount of installed wind power in SE4. The impact is quite dramatic, due to increased prices and the disability to reduce forecast errors from different bidding zones. Another driver for higher prices is that the number of hours with no regulation reduces. 35 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario Today's prices (2009) Future prices 30 Future prices & bidding zones kr/MWh 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A t Figure 25: Cost for the forecast errors on future market with and without new bidding zones in Sweden, and comparison with Today’s prices. 5 GW scenario. 35 ELFORSK 5.6 Update of production plan In 2009, there was a new rule introduced for presenting and updating the production plan. If an updated production plan is handed in (at latest 45 min before the production hour), the forecast error according to the plan will be settled according to a one-price system instead of a two-price system, see section 3.5. The forecast error that differs from the production plan will be settled according to two-price system as normal. One hour before the production hour, the standard deviation of the new forecast error is about 9%. This new forecast error is correlated to the original forecast error with about 50%. This means that the amount that will be charged (traded) with the one-price system is according to equation (14) about 0,13 2 - 0,09 2 - 2·0,13·0,09·50% = 6% . (20) So it means that 6% is traded with one-price system (1 PS) and 9% with twoprice system (2 PS). Table 13 shows some examples of the difference between this, where green means income and red means cost. As seen, with one-price system you can earn money when you help the system as opposed to two-price where you do not get anything (except the spot) when you help the system. This case was not simulated since the model was not made for it; however it is similar to the following chapters “Trading on intraday market” and “Changed market design to one-price system”. The general conclusion is that it is beneficial; however as most part of the forecast error still remains and the updated forecast error also has to be paid for the benefit is small. Table 13: The difference of charge between updated forecast that is charged with one-price (1) and not updated that is charged with two-price (2) system. Actor is Underproducing Overproducing Underproducing Overproducing Forecast 24h Forecast 1h Productio n 0h 100 MW 90 MW 80 MW 80 MW 90 MW 100 MW 90 MW 80 MW 100 MW 90 MW 100 MW 80 MW 36 Down 0 10 20 20 10 10 0 10 MW MW MW MW MW · · · · · ΔPdown ΔPdown ΔPdown ΔPdown ΔPdown MW · ΔPdown Up 20 20 0 10 0 10 10 10 MW · ΔPup MW · ΔPup MW · ΔPup MW · ΔPup MW · ΔPup MW · ΔPup PS 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ELFORSK 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario 40 Future Prices & Bidding zones 35 Future Prices and Elbas 30 Future Prices & Bidding zones and Elbas 25 kr/MWh Future Prices 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure 26: Cost of the forecast errors on the future regulating market and the total costs if Elbas is used. Scenario 5 GW (10 – 15 TWh). 5.7 Trading on intraday market The intraday market Elbas can be used to update the production plan, by buying or selling forecasted under- or overproduction. This may be a good option to reduce the costs on the regulating market. However, the new forecast must be significantly better (much lower forecast error), as there is a cost associated with trading on the intraday market. Updating the forecast can be done in several ways, for instance buying additional forecasts from a weather forecast institute. Another option is to use the persistence method, which does not require the actor to buy a service. However, there will be costs for trading. The persistence method for 1 h ahead gives a standard deviation of about 9% [6], [17]. If all actors trade on Elbas, this results in 1,4 TWh forecast errors annually for the actors, which reduces by spatial smoothing to 1,2 TWh. The contribution to the market is just 2,0 – 1,3 = 0,7 TWh/year, since the forecast errors are only partially correlated. That is a significant (25%) reduction compared to not trading on Elbas. The relation between the spot market and the intraday market is very close as seen from Table 5. As it is so close we assume there is only a trading cost of about 1 Mkr/year for personnel. The results are shown in Figure 26, and it is clear that for actors with a lot of wind power it is profitable to act on the intraday market since the additional personnel costs are so small. However, for small actors with costs that are in the same level as new personnel costs it is not beneficial. 37 ELFORSK 80 Std dev = 0,08 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario Std dev = 0,13 70 Std dev = 0,20 60 kr/MWh 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Aktör Figure 27: Costs due to different standard deviations (σ = 0,08, σ = 0,13, σ = 0,20) of the forecast quality. Scenario 5 GW (10 – 15 TWh) and future prices & bidding zones. 5.8 Influence of forecast quality on imbalance costs In this report it is assumed that the relative standard deviation of the forecast error is 13%. However, forecast quality is improving over the years as weather models become more reliable, and there is an increased demand on wind speed models as wind power is expanding all over the world. Improved forecasts result in lower forecast errors for the actors as well as on the system level, which in its turn reduces the regulating price and cost for regulating. In Figure 27, the actors’ costs have been calculated for different standard deviations, and it is very clear that the reduced forecast errors give lower costs. The standard deviation for forecast errors for Lillgrund and Horns Rev was calculated in earlier chapters to about 20%. This number will probably improve (decrease) slowly by a percentage point per year. 5.9 Congestions As new bidding zones are introduced, the cost will increase especially for those actors who have wind farms in different bidding zones, since each bidding zone will be charged separately at every hour (regardless of congestions). Wind farms located in bidding zone SE 4 will of course be affected most since price increases dramatically in SE 4, see Chapter 3. It has been assumed that the number of hours with congestion is about 30%; however, historically there have been indications on about 45% of the hours during some part of the year 2009. The effect of different number of hours that Sweden is split into bidding zones is presented in Figure 28. The number of hours that has been used in the simulation with congestions has been assembled in Table 14. 38 ELFORSK Table 14: Modelled bidding zones and its probability to occur. Case SE 1 SE 2 SE 3 SE 4 A B C D 10% 0% Probability As is=30% 5% 50% 10% 100% 100% 3% 10% 20% 0% 7% 15% 30% 0% 90% 70% 50% 0% 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario 80 Bidding zones = Every hour Bidding zones = 50% of hours 70 Bidding zones = 30% of hours Bidding zones = 10% of hours 60 kr/MWh 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure 28: Costs for the forecast errors depending on the amount of hours where Sweden is split into bidding zones. 5.10 Geographic distribution There might be other scenarios for wind power distribution between the North and South of Sweden. Several simulation cases have been run with modified wind power distribution. The same wind farms and actor ownership has been used, but the ownership in the south and north has been scaled up and down. The results show that if all wind power is moved to the south, the cost increases from about 15 kr/MWh to 21 kr/MWh with new prices and adding future bidding zones, then the cost increases from 30 kr/MWh to 43 kr/MWh. 39 ELFORSK 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario 40 3 - 9 h future prices 35 12 - 36 h future prices 30 3 - 9 h future prices & biddning zones kr/MWh 25 12 - 36 h future prices & biddings zones 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure 29: Costs of forecast errors due to different time horizons, with and without new bidding zones. Scenario 5 GW (10 – 15 TWh). 5.11 Changed market design to 6 h markets One way of reducing wind power owners exposure to the costs due to forecast errors is to change the market design. The market design could be designed to receive bids for 3 – 9 h ahead, which is every sixth hour. In [17], it was found that going from 24 h to 6 h forecasts, the standard deviation for wind power forecast error decreases from 15% to 12%. As we have been using 13%, this would mean that the standard deviation decreases also by three percentage points from 13% to about 10 %. The impact of this is illustrated in Figure 29, where we can see that the forecast error costs reduces significant. 5.12 Changed market design to one-price system In Sweden there is a two-price system (PS) for regulating power, which means that the forecast errors of the actors who help the system is settled according to the spot price while the ones creating the forecast error get the regulating price. With a one-price system, the actors always get the regulating price (if there has been regulation) for the forecast error volume, more explained in section 3.5. 40 ELFORSK 5 GW (10 - 15 TWh) scenario 40 2-price & No Net 2-price & Net 35 1-price 30 kr/MWh 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure 30: The effect of different market designs regarding different rules for billing the forecast errors. Scenario 5 GW (10 – 15 TWh) with future prices & bidding zones. When bidding zones are introduced in Sweden, each bidding zone will be settled separately, so the spatial smoothing effect between zones for an actor do not have any economic effect anymore, so you pay for the gross forecast error instead of the net forecast error. However, to illustrate the possibility of summing the forecast errors for all bidding zones that has been kept as one bidding zone (net), this is illustrated in Figure 30. It is clear that a one-price market is beneficial for everyone. However, for actors that have wind power in regions that is not a big part of the market earns most, and in regions with a lot of wind (and forecast errors) the benefit of a one-price system is very small. Table 15: Comparison between settlement with a one-price (1) and a twoprice (2) system, in relation to the spot price. Actor is Underproducing Overproducing Forecast 24h Production 0h 100 MW 80 MW 80 MW 100 MW System is overproducing 0 20 MW · ΔPdown 20 MW · ΔPdown 20 MW · ΔPdown System is underproducing 20 MW · ΔPup 20 MW · ΔPup 0 20 MW · ΔPup PS 2 1 2 1 5.13 30 TWh scenario A 30 TWh (12 GW = 10.5 GW new wind + 1.5 GW already installed)) scenario has been simulated as well, with future bidding zones. The results of the simulation are shown in Figure 31. It is clear that the costs for the actors reach even higher levels – up to 45 kr/MWh. The forecast error on system level increase to about 3,4 TWh annually. 41 ELFORSK 12 GW (30 TWh) scenario 50 Today's prices Future prices 45 Future prices & bidding zones 40 35 kr/MWh 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure 31: Cost for the forecast errors on future market with and without new bidding zones in Sweden, and comparison with today’s prices. 12 GW (30 TWh) scenario. 5.14 All projects – 55 TWh If all wind power projects for which it was applied for permission or just made the initial study were realised it would result in 17,5 GW new wind installed capacity producing up to 52.5 TWh wind. So that would give 19 GW (17,5 + 1,5) and 55 TWh (52,5 + 2,5). Figure 32 illustrates the result of the simulation for this scenario. It can be seen that the costs are increasing quite much. The forecast error on system level increase to about 5 TWh annually. 5.15 Maximum forecast error The annual forecast errors on the market increases from 1,3 TWh/year (2009) to about 2,5 TWh/year in the 10 TWh scenario, that is an average increase from 150 MWh/h to 285 MWh/h. The future wind power itself generates about 1,8 TWh/year, but the contribution to the market is just 2,5 – 1,3 = 1,2 TWh/year, since the forecast errors are only partially correlated. The worst case forecast error for an hour increases from 1,5 GW to 2 GW in the simulation. As new bidding zones are introduced, the ability for actors to internally balance the power will be more difficult (impossible for some) as it is no longer possible to balance a bad forecast of wind in the South with hydro in the North. That results in even higher forecast errors in the future, but is not part of this study. However, that could be a cheaper solution for everyone including the market, as sub-optimisation by each actor is decreased. 42 ELFORSK 19 GW (55 TWh) scenario 70 Today's prices Future prices Future prices & bidding zones 60 kr/MWh 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Actor Figure 32: Cost of the forecast errors on future market with and without new bidding zones in Sweden, and comparison with Today’s prices. 19 GW (55 TWh) scenario. 5.16 Summary To summarise the results for the 5 GW wind power scenario, some of the results has been assembled in Table 16. The revenues have been calculated by assuming that the spot price is 400 kr/MWh. The different cases are as earlier “Today’s prices”, “Future prices”, “Bidding zones with future prices”, and “Acting on Elbas”. The difference is the cost model, except for Elbas, where the standard deviation is lower. There are increased annual costs for forecast errors for the wind power actors; if we compare the cost on 2009 market and the future market, it is almost three times, as it increases from about 5 - 10 kr/MWh to about 30 kr/MWh. However, actors do probably not pay only 5 kr/MWh today, rather 10 – 15 kr/MWh, since the standard deviation of the forecast error is much higher today. However, it can be assumed to be improved in the future. Actor 7, who just owns one site in SE2, has only increased its cost by 30%, from 10 kr/MWh to 13 kr/MWh. The main difference between actor 1 and actor 7, is that actor 1 is so large that its forecast errors will influence the systems aggregated forecast error, consequently actor 1 has much more often its forecast error in the same direction as the system. The simulation have of course some limitations, and it should be pointed out that it could be even more expensive to pay for the forecast error, since the model do not reflect peek regulating price hours and the standard deviation is assumed to be quite low (13%). 43 ELFORSK Table 16: Summary of simulation results with 5 GW wind power. Actors Power MW Energy GWh Income Mkr FE GWh FE / Energy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 902 862 281 204 253 52 74 34 5 907 2 663 867 571 801 153 207 103 2 363 1 066 347 228 320 62 83 41 1 053 474 149 85 164 19 66 16 17,8% 17,8% 17,2% 14,9% 20,6% 12,9% 31,8% 15,6% 4,5 2,5 5,0 0,6 2,1 0,5 5,21 4,41 6,26 3,72 10,04 4,50 1,3% 1,1% 1,6% 0,9% 2,5% 1,1% Cost with today’s prices Cost 32,3 14,7 [Mkr/år] Cost 5,47 5,51 kr/MWh Cost / 1,4% 1,4% Income Cost with Future prices Cost [Mkr/år] Cost kr/MWh Cost / Income 88,5 39,8 12,3 3,7 13,7 1,0 2,7 0,8 14,98 14,95 14,14 6,45 17,06 6,34 13,04 7,72 3,7% 3,7% 3,5% 1,6% 4,3% 1,6% 3,3% 1,9% Cost with Future prices & Bidding zones Cost [Mkr/år] Cost kr/MWh Cost / Income 181 82,6 25,4 4,5 27,3 1,2 2,7 0,76 30,69 31,00 29,29 7,88 34,10 7,85 13,25 7,38 7,7% 7,7% 7,3% 2,0% 8,5% 2,0% 3,3% 1,8% Cost with Future prices & Bidding zones when acting on Elbas Cost [Mkr/år] Cost kr/MWh Cost / Income 96,2 44,3 14,2 3,2 15,7 1,6 2,6 1,4 16,28 16,61 16,33 5,67 19,58 10,17 12,55 13,98 4,1% 4,2% 4,1% 1,4% 4,9% 2,5% 3,1% 3,5% 44 ELFORSK 6 Closure 6.1 Conclusions There are two market challenges that need to be addressed with a larger proportion of wind power – that is variability and predictability. Predictability, which is the topic of this study, is important since the spot market Nord Pool requires production forecast of 12 – 36 hours ahead. Forecast errors must be regulated with regulating power, which creates costs for the actors who are causing the forecast errors. With a geographical spread-out of owners’ installed wind power, the relative forecast errors reduce, due to the spatial smoothing effect. With increased installed capacity of wind power, the forecast errors on system level will increase from 1,3 TWh/year (2009) to about 2,5 TWh/year in the 10 TWh scenario. In general that gives higher forecast errors per hour, (however during some hours there will of course be very low forecast errors and hence regulating prices close to spot prices). Owners can also reduce their forecast errors by acting on the intraday market Elbas which leads to reduced forecast error on system level as well, about 2,0 TWh. However as there are costs associated with additional trading; it is not necessary beneficial for small scale operators. The remaining forecast errors on system level must be handled by the TSO. As the TSO in general have to call for more regulating power, that will lead to both more hours with regulation and more volume per hour. Larger volumes will lead to regulating prices with a higher deviation from spot prices. With the introduction of 10 TWh new wind power in Sweden, there will be a large difference in annual costs for forecast errors; if we compare the cost on 2009 market and the future market, it is almost three times. For example, the cost could rise from about 10 kr/MWh to about 30 kr/MWh for some actors. It should be noted that the present and future cost is based on very high forecast quality, and as the forecast error quality is much lower today, the cost in reality is about 15 - 20 kr/MWh. So, the increased costs will not be so dramatic in practice. To sum up the main reasons to the higher cost; they can be explained by five main points, which are: 1. The regulating prices become higher, due to higher demand for regulating power with increased forecast errors. However, the prices for up regulation could possibly be even higher if peak price hours had been taken into account. These hours usually represents cases where there is a lack of possibility to increase the power in running plants, where very expensive reserve plants needs to be up started. That could increase the price further with another 10%. 2. There are fewer hours with error in the right direction for the wind power owners, since the wind power will be the one causing the 45 ELFORSK forecast error. This give a change that the wind power must pay for 70% of the hours with forecast errors instead of 50% as it is today. 3. There are also fewer hours with no up or down regulations, since the chance for small forecast errors becomes lower. This changes the number of hours that does not need to be paid for from 2000 h to 1 500 h, that is a 25% reduction. 4. The transmission system has a limited transmission capacity, which will from November 1, 2011 be handled by introducing bidding zones. This means that the balance needs to be maintained within each zone for the wind power owners. For wind power owners with wind power in several bidding zones, the possibility to aggregate positive and negative forecast errors for several bidding zones will be financially impossible, since they will be settled separately. It should be noted, however, that even without bidding zones, the costs for handling forecast errors with Sweden as one bidding zone would be present in the system, and that cost would be distributed to the market via for instance the tariffs. 5. One additional reason to increased costs is that the price level for regulating power upwards in the South of Sweden will go up, since secondary regulation often needs to be bought locally and since most wind power is planned in the South of Sweden. Regulating prices in the north will however go down, but as said, as most wind will be located in the South of Sweden this has a minor effect. Two (number 2 and 3) of the five explanations above are about paying hours. We see that it is almost three times as many hours that the actor has to pay for. So, the main reason for higher cost is that the amount of hours to pay is so much higher, and together with rising prices – especially in the South of Sweden – the costs get very high. As a wind power owner, one should understand that although the introduction of bidding zones in Sweden give a negative effect on regulating costs in the South of Sweden, the increased spot price in the south will most likely give much more revenues than the added costs for regulating power. Finally, the cost should be related to revenues. The results show that although the cost is increasing a lot, it is still a relatively small part of the income related to the spot price, just in the order of 1 – 10% with 10 TWh new wind power. However, as some wind owners have income in the range of several M€, 5% of that is a lot of money – that could be put into improving forecasts. 46 ELFORSK 6.2 Future work The work has been simplified in some aspects and to move further some models could be improved. Here are some suggestions on future work. • The prices do not reflect the very high price hours, and as the demand for more regulating power is needed, there will be more of these hours. An attempt to develop the price model to reflect these hours could be done • Forecast errors have been modelled as normal distributions, which is not entirely correct. This model could be improved. Moreover, using forecast from several institutes could be studied as a way to reduce the forecast error. • Develop a Graphical User Interface to the model and export it to a program file, so wind power actors could use the program to put in their specific wind plans in some future scenarios and simulate future costs. • Investigate the historical effect on regulating power in countries that have introduced a lot of wind power. • Investigate the impact if the rule of being in balance was removed – how much the need for regulating power increase, and what would be the benefits and drawbacks on spot and regulating prices. • Investigate the impact on Swedish regulating power as European needs for future use of Swedish regulating power increases. 47 ELFORSK 48 ELFORSK 7 References [1] Statistiska Centralbyråns statistikdatabas på internet. [2] European Union: Proposal for a Directive Of The European Parliament And Of The Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. en.pdf. 23 jan 2008. [3] Regeringen: “Förnybar el med gröna certifikat”. proposition 2005/06:154. Riksdagsbeslut 2006-06-14. [4] Energimyndigheten: “Nytt planeringsmål för vindkraften år 2020”. ER 2007:45, ISSN 1403-1892. 2007. [5] Svensk energi: “Så här når vi förnybarhetsmålet” [6] Fredrik Carlsson, Viktoria Neimane: “A massive introduction of wind power - Changed market conditions?” Elforsk rapport 08:41. [7] Anmälningsområden på den Svenska Elmarknaden, Svenska Kraftnät, 2009-10-15, nr 2009/35. [8] Prisområden på Elmarknaden (POMPE). EMIR 2007:2. [9] Magnus Brandberg and Niklas Broman: “Future Regulating Power”, Uppsala Universitet, 2006. [10] Mikael Magnusson, Roland Krieg and Margitta Nord, Hans Bergström: “Effektvariationer av vindkraft”, Elforsk rapport 04:34, 2004. [11] Hannele Holttinen, “The Impact of Large Scale Wind Power Production on the Nordic Electricity System”, PhD thesis, VTT, 2004 [12] Svensk vindenergis hemsida: [13] Nordel Annual report 2006. [14] Urban Axelsson, Robin Murray, and Viktoria Neimane, “4000 MW wind power in Sweden”, Elforsk report, 2005. [15] Hannele Holttinen, “Optimal electricity market for wind power”, Energy Policy 2005. Publication H. [16] The Swedish Electricity Market and the Role of Svenska Kraftnät. Path: [17] Ulrich Focken, Matthias Lange, Kai Mönnich, and Hans-Peter Waldl: A Statistical Analysis of the Reduction of the Wind Power Prediction 49 Regeringens Trading with ELFORSK Error by Spatial Smoothing Effects, Department of Energy and Semiconductor Research, Faculty of Physics, Carl von Ossietzky, University of Oldenburg, Germany, 2001. [18] ISET Abschlussbericht: ”Entwicklung eines Rechenmodells zur Windleistungsprognose für das Gebiet des deutschen Verbundnetzes”. Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 0329915A, Laufzeit: 01.05.2002 – 31.03.2005. [19] Lange; Matthias, Analysis of the Uncertainty of Wind Power Predictions, Department of Mathematics and Science, Faculty of Physics, Carl von Ossietzky, University of Oldenburg, Germany, 2003. [20] Klaus Skytte: The regulating power market on the Nordic power exchange Nord Pool: an econometric analysis, 1999, Energy Economics 21; 295 – 308, System Analysis Department, Risö National Laboratory, Denmark. [21] TradeWind: “Forecast error of aggregated wind power”. April 2007. [22] Jonas Olsson, Lars Skoglund, Fredrik Carlsson, and Lina Bertling: “Future wind power production variations in the Swedish power system”. IEEE Innovative Smart Grids Conference, Göteborg, 2010. 50 ELFORSK 8 Appendices 8.1 Wind power projects Table 17: Wind power projects in the near future in Sweden Project Sjisjka Rautirova Uljabuouda Dragaliden Bondön Hornberget Storliden Jokkmokksliden Gabrielsberget Stor-Rotliden Hörnefors 1 Hörnefors 2 Håcksta Hudiksvall/Rogsta Storrun Havsnäs Stentjärnåsen Rätan-Digerberget Bliekevare Blaiken GlötesvåIen Hedboberget 1 Hedboberget 2 Högberget Klinte Vindpark Tavelberget Sundbyholm Vettåsen/Finnbergen Bösjövarden Mässingberget Säliträdberget Fjällberget/Saxberget Kyrkberget Korpfjället Gässlingegrund Brattön 1 Hud/Kil Röbergsfjället Silkomhöjden Torserud Årjäng NV Töftedalsfjället Brahehus Brattön 2 Tolvmanstegen Laholm Lillgrund Råbelöf Brunsmo Utgrunden 1 Yttre Stengrund Sotared Hjuleberg Mönsterås Hakarp Östra Herrestad Stora Middelgrund Kriegers flak Trolleboda Utgrunden 2 Skottarevet Kårehamn Total Company Energy O2 Vindkompaniet O2 Vindkompaniet Skelefte Kraftöft Svevind NordanVind Jämtkraft Skelefte Kraftöft Skelefte Kraftöft Svevind O2 Vindkompaniet Ume Energi Ume Energi Ume Energi Ume Energi Dong Energy RES Skandinavien Wallenstam Wallenstam O2 Vindkompaniet Skelefte Kraftöft O2 Vindkompaniet O2 Vindkompaniet O2 Vindkompaniet Dala Vind Siral Dala Vind Kafjärdens vindKraftöft Eolus wind O2 Vindkompaniet O2 Vindkompaniet O2 Vindkompaniet Stena renew energy Nordisk vindkraft O2 Vindkompaniet Vindpark Vänern Rabbalshede Kraft Rabbalshede Kraft O2 Vindkompaniet Eolus windus Universal Wind Rabbalshede Kraft Rabbalshede Kraft O2 Vindkompaniet Rabbalshede Kraft Eolus wind An Vattenfall Ari Ari Vattenfall Vattenfall Triventus Vattenfall Ari Eolus wind Vattenfall Universal Wind Vattenfall Vattenfall EON Favonius EON 0,25TWh 0,14TWh 0,08TWh 0,07TWh 0,08TWh 0,031TWh 0,052TWh 0,07TWh 0,24TWh 0,24TWh 0,03TWh 0,03TWh 0,025TWh 0,03TWh 0,08TWh 0,25TWh 0,03TWh 0,03TWh 0,83TWh 0,8TWh 0,27TWh 0,03TWh 0,03TWh 0,025TWh 0,025TWh 0,035TWh 0,06TWh 0,04TWh 0,05TWh 0,07TWh 0,04TWh 0,11TWh 0,062TWh 0,08TWh 0,08TWh 0,04TWh 0,04TWh 0,047TWh 0,031TWh 0,14TWh 0,05TWh 0,15TWh 0,05TWh 0,024TWh 0,24TWh 0,07TWh 0,33TWh 0,03TWh 0,037TWh 0,04TWh 0,03TWh 0,03TWh 0,13TWh 0,066TWh 0,04TWh 0,06TWh 3,00TWh 2,60TWh 0,45TWh 0,27TWh 0,50TWh 0,17TWh 11,3TWh 51 ELFORSK Table 18: Wind power projects in the not so near future in Sweden Project Luongastunturi Markbygden Klocktärnan Ytterberg Åmliden Vinliden Ögonfägnaden Björkhöjden Tandsjö Stormossen Norrhälsinge Dyrvallsåsen Sörby Stamåsen Bodhögarna Raftsjöhöjden Mörttjärnberget Ope Gevsjön Middagsfjället Lillhärdal Storgrundet Tönsen Fallåsberget Lingbo Vettåsen Finngrunden Forsmark Ljusterö Selaön Oxelösund Söderköping Mästermyr Loftahammar Västervik Årjäng Knappa Sögårdsfjället Gunnarsvattnet Mungseröd Skaveröd Forshälla Töreboda Ryfors bruk Hornamossen Mönsters Miletorp Eriksmåla Videbäcksmåla Karlskrona Södra Midsjöbanken Hanöbukten Taggen Berg Hökhult Skeppetorp Klaverström Herråkra Markaryd Erikdal Vråskogen Hjortseryd Byholma Sällstorp Ulvatorp Hylte Femsjö Gastensbo Sävsered Halmstad Orken Uddared Knäred Putsered Hönsholma Färingtofta Linderödsåsen Total Company O2 Vindkompaniet Svevind Wpd Scandinavia RES Scandinavien RES Scandinavien RES Scandinavien Statkraft Sverige Statkraft Sverige Wpd Scandinavia Wpd Scandinavia RES Scandinavien Eolus wind Kraftö Statkraft Sverige Statkraft Sverige Statkraft Sverige Statkraft Sverige Rabbalshede Kraft Prosperous Wind Fredr Olsen Rabbalshede Kraft Wpd Scandinavia O2 Vindkompaniet O2 Vindkompaniet Eolus wind Eolus wind Wpd Scandinavia Vattenfall Kraftö Kraftö Kabeko Arise Windpower Vattenfall Rabbalshede Kraft Arise Windpower Rabbalshede Kraft Gothia Wind Rabbalshede Kraft Vattenfall Eolus wind Rabbalshede Kraft Rabbalshede Kraft Prosperous Wind HS Kraft O2 Vindkompaniet Arise Windpower HS Kraft Vattenfall Wpd Scandinavia Arise Windpower Eon wind Blekinge offshore Vattenfall Vattenfall Vattenfall Vattenfall Arise Windpower Kraftö Svevind Stena Renewables Stena Renewables Stena Renewables Prosperous Wind Eolus wind Gothia Wind Arise Windpower Stena Renewables Eon wind Stena Renewables Arise Windpower Eon wind Stena Renewables Eon wind Stena Renewables Kraftö Eon wind HS Kraft Energy 0,42 12,00 1,90 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,20 1,35 0,08 0,08 0,50 0,08 0,19 0,25 0,37 0,05 0,21 0,17 0,07 0,50 0,54 0,80 0,27 0,06 0,10 0,05 5,50 0,14 0,10 0,06 0,60 0,15 0,26 0,20 0,27 0,23 0,08 0,07 0,08 0,04 0,08 0,10 0,08 0,10 0,14 0,27 0,06 0,11 0,07 0,10 3,00 5,00 1,00 0,16 0,12 0,16 0,30 0,18 0,24 0,16 0,40 0,24 0,12 0,08 0,08 0,11 0,16 0,08 0,08 0,24 0,05 0,08 0,08 0,15 0,05 0,10 0,20 42,10 52 TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh Twh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh TWh ELFORSK 8.2 Distances used between areas and correlation coefficient Table 19: Distances between areas with wind power 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 300 350 750 800 1200 2 300 0 400 550 700 1050 3 350 400 0 500 500 900 4 750 550 500 0 300 500 5 1050 700 500 300 0 450 6 1200 1050 900 500 450 0 Table 20: Correlation coefficient used between areas for 12 – 36 h. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 0,2 0,14 0 0 0 2 0,2 1 0,12 0 0 0 3 0,14 0,12 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0,2 0,11 5 0 0 0 0,2 1 0,12 6 0 0 0 0,11 0,12 1 53 ELFORSK Abbreviations AC Alternating Current AKF Auto correlation function DC Direct Current EU European Union EWEA European Wind Energy Association HVDC High Voltage Direct Current INPS Interconnected Nordic Power System MAE Mean Average Error NMAE Normalised Mean Average Error Nordel Organisation for the Nordic Transmission System Operators NPS Nord Pool Spot PS Price System (one or two) p.u. Per unit RES Renewable Energy Source SvK Affärsverket Svenska kraftnät TSO Transmission System Operator 54 ELFORSK List of Symbols Symbols Quantity Unit E Energy J, Wh f Frequency Hz I Current A J Inertia kgm2 MAE Mean Absoulute Error MWh NMAE Normalised Mean Average Error ΔP Regulating price – spot price kr/MWh P Cost / price kr/MWh P Power W Q Reactive Power VA, var r(τ) Covariance function or AKF r(τ) = cov(X(t),X(t+τ)) t Time s, h U Voltage V π Pi = 3,14159265358 ρ Correlation coefficient ρ = cov(X,Y)/(σxσy) ρ(τ) Correlation coefficient ρ(τ) = r(τ)/σ2 σ Standard deviation σ2 Variance μ Expected value, mean value τ Time difference s, h ω Angular frequency rad/s MW=MWh/h List of Operators E(X) Expected value cov(X,Y) Covariance N(m,σ) Normal distribution P(X>0) Probability var(X) Variance 55 ELFORSK Index balance responsible ................. 15 balance responsible actor ......... 15 balance service ....................... 16 balance settlement .................. 16 base case ............................... 11 bidding zones................. 3, 20, 22 bottlenecks ............................... 3 congestions ................... 3, 17, 31 correlation .............................. 29 Cramér’s theorem.................... 29 down regulation ...................... 17 eight actors ............................ 12 Elba....................................... 20 Elbas ....................................... 4 electricity production.................. 1 forecast ................................. 25 forecast error .......................... 12 full load hours ......................... 10 geographic concentration .......... 12 Hornsrev ........................... 25, 26 hydro....................................... 1 hydro power ............................. 2 imbalances ............................. 31 independent ........................... 29 intraday market ...................... 16 jiggle ..................................... 24 Lillgrund .............................. 3, 28 market design ......................... 40 mathematical expectation ......... 26 mean absolute error ................ 26 model .................................... 20 NMAE .................... 26, 27, 53, 54 Nord Pool Spot ..................... 3, 15 Nordic countries ...................... 15 normal distribution .................. 27 nuclear .................................... 1 one price system ..................... 40 precipitation ............................. 2 predict ..................................... 3 price areas .......................... 3, 17 regulating power ....................... 3 regulating price ....................... 23 Renewable energy sources.......... 2 renewable sources ..................... 1 RES ......................................... 1 scenarios ................................. 9 simulations ............................. 33 solar power .............................. 2 spatial smoothing effect ........... 29 spinning power balance ............ 15 standard deviation ................... 26 statistical data ........................ 25 stochastic process ................... 29 Svensk Vindkraft ....................... 9 time horizons .......................... 30 TSO....................................... 16 two price system ..................... 40 varying power ........................... 2 weather forecasts ................. 3, 25 weather institute ..................... 31 56 ELFORSK 2 ELFORSK 3