KALADAR/BARRIE JOINT FIRE COMMITTEE May 1, 2015 – 9:30 A.M. AGENDA NORTHBROOK FIRE HALL – 11905 HIGHWAY 41 NORTHBROOK, ONTARIO 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. DELEGATIONS None. 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES a) Minutes of a Special Meeting re: Budget dated February 2, 2015. 6. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES a) Approval of the Amended Joint Fire Committee Agreement by Councils – Amended Copy Attached for Information; b) Approval of KBFD Budget by Councils; c) Per Resolution #23-15 Clarification on Disposition of the Tanker per Procurement Policy; d) Fire Prevention Agreement – Extension. 7. MEMBER REPORTS AND STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS a) Fire Chief – Monthly Reports January 2015 - March 2015; b) Fire Chief – Current Roster for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department; c) Fire Chief – NEFE Conference Highlights; d) Fire Chief – One Year Service Agreement with CompAir; e) Fire Chief – Driver Certification Program; f) Member Wayne Good – Pine Meadow Nursing Home and North Addington Education Centre Planning; g) North Frontenac Council Resolution #96-15– Increase in Wages for Firefighters for Training; h) North Frontenac Council Resolution #137-15 – Policy #0005 re: Personal Equipment Costs and Insurance. 8. FINANCIAL REPORTS a) January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015 Financial Reports b) Per Resolution #25-15 – Clarification on Financial Reports Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee May 1, 2015 Agenda Page 1 of 2 Note: The Treasurer provided three types of Financial Reports for the Committees consideration (Budgetary Control; General Ledger and Pay List by Fund). 9. COMMUNICATIONS None. 10. PUBLIC FORUM Items on Today’s Agenda Only (time permitting) 11. CLOSED SESSION a) Adopt Minutes of a Closed Session of the Committee dated November 28, 2014; b) Personal Matters about an Identifiable Individual i) Fire Chief’s Performance Appraisal. 12. ADJOURNMENT Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee May 1, 2015 Agenda Page 2 of 2 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE KALADAR/BARRIE JOINT FIRE COMMITTEE REGARDING THE 2015 BUDGET HELD ON FEBRUARY 2, 2015, AT THE BARRIE FIRE HALL, CLOYNE, ONTARIO. PRESENT: Addington Highlands Members: Bill Cox, Henry Hogg and Kirby Thompson; North Frontenac Members: Denis Bedard and Fred Perry (Acting Chair). ALSO PRESENT: Tara Mieske, Acting Secretary; Christine Reed, Treasurer; and Casey Cuddy, Kaladar/Barrie Fire Chief. AF T ABSENT WITH REGRETS: North Frontenac Member: Wayne Good. 1. CALL TO ORDER Fred Perry was chosen to Chair the Meeting in the absence of Wayne Good. Chair Perry called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Fred Perry asked to amend the Agenda to add two items under Business Arising. 6c) Operating Costs of the New Fire Hall in Northbrook and 6d) Treasurer’s Financial Reports including Voucher Payment Details. Moved by Denis Bedard, Seconded by Kirby Thompson #21-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee approves the Agenda for the Joint Fire Committee’s Special Meeting dated February 2, 2015 regarding the 2015 Budget, as amended. Carried 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None declared. D R 4. DELEGATIONS None. 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Denis Bedard, Seconded by Kirby Thompson #22-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee adopts the Minutes of the Joint Fire Committee Meeting dated January 23, 2015, as circulated. Carried 6. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES a) Per Resolution #19-15 – Fire Chief’s Administrative Report and 2015 Draft Budget provided January 26, 2015; b) North Frontenac Treasurer – 2014 Budget vs. Proposed Budget Draft #3 for 2015 Moved by Denis Bedard, Seconded by Kirby Thompson #23-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report dated January 23, 2015 advising he has been able to reduce the overage on the previous draft and come to a 2.79% increase in the Operating Expenses over the 2014 Budget; Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee February 2, 2015 Page 1 of 4 AND THAT the Committee receives for information the 3rd Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Draft Budget as provided by the Fire Chief; AND THAT the Committee instructs the Fire Chief to reduce the equipment replacement reserve to $55,000; and forward the budget to the Clerks of each Township for their Council’s consideration; AF T AND THAT the Committee instructs the Secretary review previous Resolutions with respect to the disposition of the old tanker and report back to the Committee; AND THAT the Committee will consider increasing the reserves to meet the capital replacement needs in the 2015 Budget. Carried c) Operating Costs of the New Fire Hall in Northbrook Moved by Denis Bedard, Seconded by Kirby Thompson #24-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee advised the operating costs for the new Fire Hall in Northbrook shall be the responsibility of Addington Highlands Township until such time as the Fire Hall is fully operable. Carried d) Treasurer’s Financial Reports including Voucher Moved by Denis Bedard, Seconded by Kirby Thompson #25-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee instructs the Secretary to amend the Joint Fire Agreement Clause #13 to add “The Treasurer shall provide the Secretary with a copy of each Voucher Payment details (cheque register) to be included in the JFC Agenda; D R AND THAT this matter is referred to the Council of the Township of North Frontenac for clarification. Carried 7. MEMBER REPORTS AND STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS a) Fire Chief – Fire Chief Workplace Moved by Denis Bedard, Seconded by Kirby Thompson #26-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report regarding Fire Chief Workplace; AND THAT the Committee authorizes the Fire Chief to work out of the new fire station in the Fire Chief’s Office; AND THAT a copy of all personnel files shall remain in the Addington Highlands’ Township office; AND THAT the Fire Chief shall move into the Fire Chief’s office at the Fire Hall after the occupancy permit has been issued. Carried Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee February 2, 2015 Page 2 of 4 b) Fire Chief – Physical Fitness Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Bill Cox #27-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report regarding Physical Fitness; AND THAT the Committee recognizes the importance of physical fitness and supports the fire fighters in maintaining a healthy fitness program; AF T AND THAT the Committee authorizes the Fire Chief to permit fitness equipment to be placed and used in the fire hall provided a Health and Safety Policy is drafted and approved by the Joint Health and Safety Committee; the fitness equipment is inspected and approved by the Fire Chief; and only firefighters who are trained on the safe use of the equipment and have signed a liability waiver shall be permitted to use the equipment. Carried c) Fire Chief – Joint Health and Safety Committee Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Bill Cox #28-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report entitled “Joint Health and Safety Committee”; AND THAT the Committee authorizes the Fire Chief to apply to the Ministry of Labour for a Multi-Site Designation and upon approval from the Ministry of Labour to amend the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department’s Joint Health and Safety Committee to include the Denbigh Fire Department and rename it the Kaladar Barrie Fire Department and Denbigh Fire Department Joint Health and Safety Committee; D R AND THAT the Fire Chief shall provide an update to the Joint Fire Committee once the application is approved by the Ministry of Labour including an amended Terms of Reference and Membership List for the new Joint Health and Safety Committee. Carried 8. FINANCIAL REPORTS a) Treasurer - Budgetary Control Fund – January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Bill Cox #29-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Treasurer’s Financial Report entitled “Budgetary Control Fund – January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.” Carried b) Treasurer - Accident Call Revenue Reserve – December 2014 Moved by Bill Cox, Seconded by Henry Hogg #30-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Treasurer’s Financial Report entitled “Accident Call Revenue Reserve dated December 2014”. Carried c) Treasurer - Vehicle/Equipment Reserve – December 2014 Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee February 2, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Moved by Bill Cox, Seconded by Henry Hogg #31-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Treasurer’s Financial Report entitled “Vehicle/Equipment Reserve dated December 2014”. Carried 9. COMMUNICATIONS – FOR INFORMATION None. AF T 10. PUBLIC FORUM None. 11. CLOSED SESSION None. 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Bill Cox #32-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee moves to adjourn 6:06 p.m. until May 1, 2015 or at the Call of the Chair. Carried _________________________ Secretary D R __________________________ Chair Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee February 2, 2015 Page 4 of 4 4th revision 2014 2015 approx. PROPOSED 60,800.00 48,882.00 60,800.00 2014 proposed volunteer Honorariums 16-2110-2 not accurate don’t have year end fire wages 16-2115-2 benefits 16-2116-2 48,345.00 3,855.00 46,704.00 4,198.00 50,000.00 4,200.00 Utilities & Communications 16-2120-2 25,700.00 27,334.00 38,000.00 K/B FD Depends on # of , type of & duration of calls & mandatory training. includes employer expenses WSIB $8,160 + honorariums captains 6x $455 + admin assistant $12,000 + acting fire chief 5 weeks x $420 to fill in during holidays recruit training $700 if completed, fire fighters doing pub ed for fire prevention (est $1,000) paid as call out hall duties callout per ff per time (est 2,000) + meetings ie H&S etc. @callout rate. (910) outside training 100 per day regular & outside training est $13,800 + calls $16,000 Training officer 15hr. week chief 20 hr. week inc. employer expenses + JFC adjustments as per policy 4.3 standard as per AH policy * Hydro - hydro keeps increasing 3,300 not sure what new fire hall costs will be?? * Propane - heat for both fire halls (6,100) not sure what new fire hall costs will be?? * internet service for Cloyne (900) and Northbrook station est (800) phones - Emerge. Forwarded line, 2 fire halls, cell + chiefs fax line 3,600) * dispatch 7,500 + set up 10,400 =(17,900) = 30% over last year or 3.5% overall budget increase annual CRTC license for base radio only (600) pager & radio repairs (1,000) * pagers & radios (3,800) new mobile for boat &utv & Northbrook base &tanker Bank fees Maintenance, vehicles & Equipment 16-2130-2 Final Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2015 9,200.00 11,990.00 9,700.00 Trucks - safeties, maintenance & repairs 5,000 lettering on boat & UTV 500 Break down emergency repairs 1,000 Rust proofing 1,000 Equipment maintenance & repairs 300 Pumper inspections / certification 700 pump heater for P1 to prevent freezing and damage 1,200 Page 1 of 5 +10,400 4th revision Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2015 2014 proposed 33,800.00 Materials & Supplies 16-2140-2 2015 proposed 39,565.00 29,168.00 43,165 Fuel for trucks, pumps, generator, jaws etc. (9,000) washer fluid, grease, fuel treatment, oil, etc. * * * * out out * snow removal at fire halls & water sources 1,200 dress shirts - part of pride in ownership and recruit & retention 600 renewal of certification for air filling (75) Equipment Testing / Servicing (ba's, jaws of life, ladders, etc) (5,000) BA & HUD straps (spiders) & cleaner, bags, etc cal gas for testing unit (sniffer 4 gas detector, HCN) & 4x unit 800 or sensors 770 + shipping Fire Extinguishers -refills, inspection, service and replacement as needed (halls & trucks) 500 Air Bottle Hydrostat tests 13 to do this year 1,000 (note over last couple years we have 4 bottles expire & not replaced) Bunker suits cleaned & tested - NFPA requirement 1,000 batteries for pass alarms, BA's, heat gun, etc. Occupational Health & Safety books must be available at fire halls Fit Testing for ba masks. OHSA requirement -our share of keeping Napanee's system. accountability (ohsa requirement) Refreshments & Food on long calls we must provide potable water and refreshments hose - replacement of older hose that is warn out and fails testing 6,000 = 100% increase +3,000 recruitment & retention 1,000 & JFC years of service awards Hosting expenses 300 = 30% increase rescue & safety equipment Office & Building supplies Travel Expenses - equipment, meetings, competitions, etc. Medical Supplies /replacement of equipment that cannot be reused 1,000 SCBA masks all tested in December, but should budget for damage repairs as needed wild fire fittings, nozzles, pack cans etc. depends on fire season , havn't bought anything in a couple years Miscellaneous -hosting of mutual aid & other meetings Photo Identification as Fire Fighter for fire prevention, inspections, security, etc. hydrant adaptors 1,500 Gear bags - protects PPE 1,000 - ordered in 2014 flash lights, batteries & bulbs garbage disposal for fire halls memberships - OAFC 275 dry hydrants at water sources make loading quicker and safer. Have parts for 2 hydrants & permit for 1 - 2,500 spill containment -absorbent used in halls and on highway incidents - as needed 500 use of fire fighters personal boats, atvs etc. & outside equipment - haven't needed last year but should allow for in case Storz adaptors so we can connect to neighbouring FDs 700 shore base rescue tool $1,000 Page 2 of 5 Final 4th revision Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2015 out out * Fire House software - time saver for SIRs and better record keeping $2,600 set up (suggest split with NF fd) software can be used to track training levels of all fd members and when due for refresher as well as call records equipment maintenance, etc. * traffic cones - New highway safety rules 1,000 * ladder 35'- calls last year proved we need a longer ladder than we have 1,540 Materials & Supplies cont. PPE 16-2145-2 13,000 13,000.00 14,557.00 12,000.00 part of due diligence OHSA says employer must provide appropriate ppe according to standards * Bush Fire Boot Allowance have 19 ff's who qualify for $150 boot allowance every 2 years Gloves (structure & extrication) ongoing - wear out quickly due to type of use + 10 year rule Bunker Boots ongoing as we replace damaged or warn out boots $240ea. NFPA 10 year rule Fire Helmets to meet reg 714/94.(4) - $240 ea. 10 year NFPA regulations Coveralls for wild fires -OHSA says that we cannot use bunker gear $250 ea. PASS alarms are starting to fail due to age and wear safety vests Balaclavas - part of ppe for fighting fires - 10 year rule safety glasses Hearing protection - for pumps, saws etc Bunker suits must be sized for person wearing it and meet standard. reg714/94 part 5(1,2) BS require annual inspections and must be replaced every 10 years > stronger US dollar = higher cost to us HUD spare heads up display - requirement under NFPA Insurance 16-2150-2 13,500.00 9,816.00 1,863.00 Training 16-2160-2 10,000.00 4,117.00 14,000.00 14,430 * NF rates Barrie 1 (now truck 6) & Cloyne Station AH rates trucks 1-5 & Northbrook Station - new station increase 2,,722 = 6.88% increase 8,000.00 * training = safer & more efficient operations education seminars Driver training Z course, and DCP fees etc. Other / outside training OHSA sec25(2)(a) Mutual Aid dues Medical EFR & CPR etc. medical exams for D licenses Training materials & supplies bringing in instructors * new NFPA curriculum Page 3 of 5 Depends on # of ff's that are available to take when courses offered Final 4th revision Fire Prevention 16-2170-2 Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2015 2014 proposed 4,000.00 Fire prevention contract 16-2170-2 6,000.00 legal& administration fees 16-2175-2 1,000.00 Sub Total before capital -operating Capital & Reserves 20-1200-2 boat, motor, trailer & accessories tanker equipment replacement reserve 16-2185-2 3,982.00 9,550.00 2015 proposed 3,000.00 FP program including signs, smoke alarm program, public presentations, membership PFSC etc. this is a very important part of the fire service and a requirement of compliance under the FPPA joint fire prevention equipment shared among L&A departments - looking into other opportunities 6,000.00 * contract for fire prevention inspections and code enforcement "if we know about an infraction and don’t do anything about it we are guilty" 229,200.00 865.00 213,026.00 2014 proposed 900.00 246,165.00 JFC admin. Costs, auditing, legal Operating costs before capital. 7.401832461 2015 proposed 25,000.00 262,000.00 24,839.66 55,000.00 55,000.00 276,000.00 55,000.00 for use on water access responses, prevention, inspection, and investigations. Used on a medical call after purchase in 2014 replace Tanker 3 - ordered last year; expect delivery in April 2015 = 5.3% increase over 2014 proposed +14,000 Joint fire agreement states that moneys will be put into a funded reserve and managed by the treasurer 18% increase if we add up the expected replacement cost of each truck and other equipment below over 25 year period = 1,948,000 divided by 25 years comes out to $77,992 per year...assuming we see an average revenue of 7,992 per year Section total 342,000.00 79,839.66 2014 proposed 331,000.00 to go into accident call reserve from collectible / billable calls we should be putting at least $70,000 into reserve annually. As of end of 2014 we have approx.. $249,318 in capital replacement reserve & $151,487 in the accident call reserve totaling $400,805 2015 proposed percent increase total budgeted expense 571,200.00 292,865.66 577,165.00 1.04 Page 4 of 5 Final 4th revision from reserve for capital at 25,000.00 262,000.00 24,834.00 0.00 276,000.00 287,000.00 24,834.00 276,000.00 Grand total for joint cost sharing 284,200.00 268,031.66 301,165.00 each township share 142,100.00 Total revenue Final Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2015 from reserves for boat, motor, trailer and accessories from reserves for tanker 5.97 150,582.50 13,482.50 long term capital items estimated replacement costs WISH LIST Mini pumper 6 - forecasted replacement 2016 est cost 225,000 SCBA - forecast replacement 2017 est cost 140,000 TIC forecast replacement 2018 est cost 18,000 Rescue 5 - forecasted replacement 2020 est cost 270,000 Jaws of Life - forecasted replacement 2020 est cost 70,000 Truck 7 - forecasted replacement 2021 est cost 60,000 Tanker 8 - forecasted purchase 2023 est cost 265,000 Pumper 1 - forecasted replacement 2029 est cost 245,000 Wild Fire 4 - forecasted replacement 2031 est cost 65,000 Tanker 2 - forecasted replacement 2033 est cost 270,000 UTV & trailer - forecasted replacement 2038 est cost 20,000 Tanker 3 - forecasted replacement 2040 est cost 300,000 (Barrie 1) Awning for R5 storage building / container training building / grounds first draft Dec 2014 revised officer meeting Jan. 7/15 revised JFC meeting Jan 23/15 revised JFC meeting Feb 2 / 15 msexelbudget2015draft 4 Page 5 of 5 From: Christine Reed [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: April‐14‐15 11:51 AM To: Tara Mieske Subject: RE: JFC Agenda for May 1, 2015 Hi Tara, Council did approve the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Budget at their first budget meeting held on February 13, 2015. Resolution is as follows: Moved by Cox, seconded by Thompson that the 2015 Joint Fire Committee budget (Addington Highlands share being $150,582.50) be approved by the Council as circulated. Carried #088/15 I apologize for not getting it to you sooner. Natalie is preparing some reports for you as examples of what’s available. Note the 2015 budget amounts are not included in the budgetary control given that Addington Highlands has not set their budget. Once set, May4th, these values will be added. I am very excited for spring…winter went on way too long!! Have a great day! Christine Reed Clerk‐Treasurer Township of Addington Highlands Excerpt from the Township of Addington Highlands - Procurement Policy From: Casey Cuddy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: April‐21‐15 7:46 PM To: Tara Mieske Subject: RE: Disposal of KBFD Tanker Tara, AH council would like to invite the JFC to meet at the new Northbrook Station for the May 1 meeting, thereby giving them an opportunity to visit the station. Location is 11905 hwy 41 Attached is my report to go with the air filling station service contract. As for the Fire inspection agreement we have with Napanee I feel it is working great. Dave is removing a good deal of liability and stress from my shoulders and the townships. I spoke with Chief Gervais and he said they are happy and don’t see any need for changes at this time. I recommend we continue with the agreement as is. If you think of anything I missed sending please let me know. Thanks, Casey Casey Cuddy Fire Chief Kaladar / Barrie Fire Department Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training 2015 Jan Location (Village or Highway/Road) Comments Jan-01 call hwy 41 MA Jan-01 call hwy 41 MA Jan-05 training cloyne fire hall monthly inspections Jan-07 meeting cloyne fire hall officers meeting Jan-08 call northbrook chimney fire Jan-12 call northbrook alarm activated Jan-12 training fire hall ropes and knots Jan-12 meeting cloyne fire hall JFC Jan-13 testing of CAD kingston dispatch testing prior to switch over Jan-14 meeting napanee recruit training Jan-14 meeting napanee chief officer meeting Jan-14 meeting fire hall JHSC Jan-19 training fire hall EFR Jan-21 meeting napanee recruit training Jan-22 call hwy 7 car fire -not found -out of our area stood down Jan-20 call harlowe MA To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Jan-23 meeting fire hall JFC Jan-24 call weslemkoon MVC - I stood them down Jan-25 call Kaladar oil smell Jan-26 training fire hall EFR Jan-27 inspections all over Dave on followup inspections Jan-28 call Skoot reported smoke Jan-31 call hwy 41 MVC located in Denbigh area- turned over To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training 2015 Feb Location (Village or Highway/Road) Comments Feb-02 meeting CFH JFC budget Feb-02 training fire halls monthly inspections and recruit orientation Feb-03 meeting Plevna recruit meeting etc Feb-04 training NFH air filling station Feb-04 meeting NFH site meeting Feb-05 training NFH NFH systems training - pd by AH Feb-05 meeting kingston dispatch meeting Feb-09 training fire halls book 7 traffic control / protection Feb-11 meeting napanee chief officers meeting DCP / joint opportunities Feb-11 meeting Napanee joint recruit training meeting Feb-12 call Northbrook medical assist Feb-12 fire drills Harlowe area vulnerable occ fire drills & training Feb-12 call harlowe area medical assist Feb-13 move NFH move in to new fire hall Feb-16 call Feb-16 training 506 medical assist NFH air management To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Feb-18 call hwy 41 CO Feb-21 call Hwy 7 MVC Feb-21 call kaladar structure fire Feb-23 training NFH hazard awareness/ electrical safety/ risk asse Feb-24 call northbrook medical assist Feb-25 call flinton medical assist Feb-25 call northbrook medical assist Feb-25 call kaladar gas odour To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training 2015 Mar Location (Village or Highway/Road) Comments Mar-02 training fire halls monthly inspections/ recruit interviews Mar-02 call Kaladar structure fire Mar-09 training NFH PPE / SCBA / driver / recruit interviews Mar-10 call flinton false alarm Mar-11 meeting NFH JHSC Mar-12 meeting Napanee joint recruit training Mar-12 meeting ompha mutual aid meeting Mar-13 call Kaladar MA Mar-16 training NFH air management / hydrants Mar-17 call Plevna smell in twp office Mar-18 training Roblin joint recruit training orientation Mar-19 call northbrook MA Mar-19 call hwy 41 MVC - MTO invoiced Mar-19 call cloyne fluid in basement - water damage Mar-23 training NFH air management / SCBA /interviews Mar-24 meeting plevna fire pro software demo north bay NEFE conference - chief attended - cost shared mar 26 - 29 training To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. roster as of March 31, 2015 Northbrook area *Arney, Adam *Lesperance, Robert Captain, Tryon, Richard (portable #6) &Tryon, Andre Captain Younie, Tim EFR(Portable #17) Kaladar area Captain Alcock, Morgan EFR (Portable #7) *Kirkham, Steve Tryon, Terry (Portable #12) Harlowe area Chief, Cuddy, Casey (portable #1) EFR/ S200 Cell phone Fax # Cuddy, Brandon EFR (Portable #18) *Delyea, Randy Gray, Russell (Portable #15) Mousseau, Riley Snider, Mike EFR (portable #10) *Speck, Wayne 391-3529 336-1851 Flinton area &Blackwell, Josh Macarthur, Shayne *Miles, Jamie Robson, Brad EFR (portable #8) Thibault, Dwayne driver only Cloyne area Captain Alcock, Mitch EFR (p #9) Collins, Richard &Freeburn, Jordan Captain, Garey , Blake (p #5) S200 EFR Captain Irving, Bill (portable #13) Morrow, Gary driver only Nowell, James EFR Captain Nowell, John EFR (p #16) Nowell, Ryan EFR (portable #4) Raymo, Ryan EFR Deputy chief Smart, Kevin E(port #3) Smart, Nick Stapley, Chris EFR (portable #14) Warlick, Kristin & = coming off probation *= new recruits 5 of which are in current recruit program so should be done probation in July- pending paper work Last updated: March, 2015 msword, RosterKB Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Is your Chimney clean? Box 89 Flinton, ON K0H 1P0 Casey Cuddy, Chief Phone 613-336-1851 Fax 613-336-1851 Email [email protected] Prevent Chimney Fires or Deadly Carbon Monoxide poisoning by having your chimney cleaned regularly Report to JFC April 12, 2015 Re: NEFE conference highlights I recently attended the NEFE conference and had a chance to speak with the Fire Marshal and the Deputy Fire Marshal as well as listen to their presentations. Here are some of the highlights… Changes to Fire Code Background: the Fire Protection and Prevention Act and the Ontario Fire Code have been revised again. The Office of the Fire Marshal (OFMEM) is pushing for all fire departments to lay charges either under part 1 or part 3 as applicable for offences to the Fire Code. The OFMEM will not be providing any assistance in do so either by way of manpower or funds. In the new legislation there are 40 new Prudential Offences (PO)which can be ticketed much like a speeding fine. This will lessen the cost of laying a charge however if the charged person does not pay it then we would still have to take it to court and the costs start adding up quickly. Most of these ticketable POs will be like the smoke alarm charges. Note on average it cost $500+ to prosecute these charges should the person choose to fight the charge. Most PO fines are around the $200 to $350 and the revenue from these POs will go directly to the County Court system. The township will not see any revenues from the charge. The OFMEM is providing less services. While they did not come out and say that, there structure will be much like the changes to the OPP as there would not be area advisors as such. All OFMEM staff would be based out of their new offices in Toronto and whoever was available at the time would be our contact. When I ask the Fire Marshal if they would be providing staff for assisting on fire department organization reviews or things such as Master Fire Plans the answer was a direct no. Vulnerable Occupancies (senior homes, challenged persons or care occupancies) Changes to the regulations last year downloaded more responsibility on Fire Departments. It is our responsibility to find and register all vulnerable occupancies in our coverage area. The OFMEM did provide us with an online central registry for us to register them on. We must inspect all Vulnerable Occupancies to ensure they are up to code and evaluate them on their fire drills to ensure they can evacuate all residents with their minimum staffing levels in a calculated time limit based on the building. We must take all required training to be competent to complete this. The dead line for registry was January 1, 2015 We have 2 properties that we have registered and done fire drills evaluations with. However both are making changes and will have to be done again. We have one more property that I am aware of that is on the fence as to them being a vulnerable occupancy. We are working with that property as well. I do not know of any others. The OFMEM has threatened legal action against any municipality that does not comply. Deputy Fire Marshal Jessop said they have a list of Vulnerable Occupancies that we must register. I spoke with Jim and he said he would send me the list however when I sent him a reminder email he passed it on to the assistant deputy fire marshal who passed it on and on etc. if they do in fact have a list, I figure they will tell me at some point if I have missed any vulnerable occupancy. The rest of the conference was on building construction, building size up, fire flow paths, ventilation, recruiting, new science of fires, public education, scribe / note taking, and update on Eliot Lake inquest. Favor quote from conference “as long as there are fire fighters willing to risk their lives there is no need for fire safety plans and sprinklers in buildings” chief Gardiner Respectfully submitted casey Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Is your Chimney clean? Box 89 Flinton, ON K0H 1P0 Casey Cuddy, Chief Phone 613-336-1851 Fax 613-336-1851 Email [email protected] Prevent Chimney Fires or Deadly Carbon Monoxide poisoning by having your chimney cleaned regularly Report to JFC April 14, 2015 Re: BA air filling station maintenance Background: as part of the tender for the new Northbrook Fire Station the Township of Addington Highlands paid for a new SCBA air filling station. The filling station has been a great godsend to the department as we are able to refill BA bottles right after a fire call or training exercise. It also means we are able to do air change outs as required by NFPA 1981 and better maintain our Respiratory Protection Program as required in Section 21 Guidance Note 49. This system must be serviced by a qualified service technician. I have contacted the company that installed the system and ask about a service contract. They provided me with the attached quote. I chose this company as they are the service company for many of our neighboring departments thus the travel costs should be much lower. I have spoken with other fire chiefs to see if the quote is in line with what they pay an it appears to be. Financial implications: while I did not budget for this directly and did not expect the cost to be quite as high, it is something that is needed so if need be I will find the funds somewhere in the joint fire budget. I Respectfully ask that the JFC authorize the fire chief to enter into a service contract with Comp Air for a 1 year term. Respectfully submitted casey 2390 South Service Rdt Oakville, ON L6L 5M9 CANADA April 13 2015 Telephone +1 905- -847- 0688 Facsimile +1 905-847-8124 Web Site - www.compair.ca E-Mail – [email protected] Township of Addington Highland 72 Edward St. P.O. Box 89 Flinton, Ontario KOH 1PO Telephone: 613-336-1851 Cell: 613-391-3529 Attn: Casey Cuddy Email: [email protected] We are pleased to offer the following proposal for your review and consideration. The purpose of this agreement: To give our valued customers the best pricing and service available in today’s market. And allowing us to monitor your equipment and give you a heads up if we feel there are points that need to be addressed before there is a major breakdown. When your agreement is in place, and you commit to us you will get additional discounts for any unforeseen services or breakdowns not related to the general services we provide. Subject: 1 Year Service Agreement: to cover the following compressed air equipment 1 x BAM06H s/n 5407H22654002 Bi-Annual service inspections. Full inspection of complete air system and service report on each visit. Minor adjustments to pressure settings, oil top ups etc. will be done if allowable at time of inspection This agreement and services are based on regular working hours during a regular Monday to Friday work week. Any work scheduled after hours or on weekends will be subject to premium labour rates applicable unless otherwise agreed to in the agreement. Service will be arranged following, or during, the inspection. Compressors and room will be kept clean. If waste products have to be brought back to CompAir for disposal environmental charges may apply Includes the following services to the equipment: 6 Month Service includes air sample, purification filter change and general check of system 12 Month Service includes air sample, purification change and full service on compressor. Note: This agreement covers only the consumable parts required as per operating manuals for CompAir & competitors factory specs. Parts included with service agreement: Purification Filters 2 Intake filter 1 Jug, Reavellite Oil 2 Air Sample Kits 2 Sintered Element 0 1 Lot – Labour to include travel & all consumable parts changes and service. System to be checked twice a year with full report. Service will be arranged following, or during, the inspection. Main electrical components are not included. Note: Township of Addington Fire Employees are still responsible for checking oil levels and temperatures daily. Any parts not required will be credited at the end of the contract year. Any additional work required over and above this agreement will also be honoured special discount pricing Pricing: Parts and Labour: 1901.67 Price based on 24-hour per day operation, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year. Option 1 - Invoiced twice a year $950.84 plus Applicable taxes. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. Very best regards, Cindy Wilson After Market Sales Preventative Maintenance Programs 416-209-2437 __________________________________________ Authorized Signature __________________________________________ Purchase Order __________________________________ Date Pricing effective for 30 days only from date of quotation Kaladar Barrie Fire Dept. Is your Chimney clean? Box 89 Flinton, ON K0H 1P0 Casey Cuddy, Chief Phone 613-336-1851 Fax 613-336-1851 Email [email protected] Prevent Chimney Fires or Deadly Carbon Monoxide poisoning by having your chimney cleaned regularly Report to JFC April 22, 2015 Re: Driver Certification Program (DCP) The MTO is making several changes to the DCP. The KBFD has been doing driver training and testing for class D and Z endorsements for over 20 years. With the changes AH council ask for a report. I felt the JFC should be aware of this as well thus this report. Background: in 1992, before I was involved the management, Kaladar Barrie Fire Department applied through Kaladar Township to MTO for certification, permitting us to train and license employees to operate the fire trucks etc. Reason for this was most of the volunteers were driving the fire trucks without the proper license to do so. I recall an insurance person advising the township was covered for unlicensed drivers to drive fire trucks to calls but not bring them back. This was of course just a mitigation ploy by the insurance company as they did not want liable claims from the department not responding due to lack of licensed drivers. It was against the law back then just as it is now. One of the FD members (Harvey Humphry) was sent away for training to be able to do the teaching and testing and became a SA (signing authority). Since then the township has been annually audited without issues by MTO staff, and at no cost to the township. As Harvey was away for work a fair bit I was added as a second signing authority on recommendation of the MTO auditor. A couple of years ago the auditor told us we had to update and resubmit our program. We did and it was accepted by MTO. Since then the MTO has done a major revision on the DCP. (another means of Provincial downloading) the MTO no longer does the audit and we have to hire our own auditor. This results in a program that had very little costs to increase substantially. Once we go through the process and resubmit our program the annual audit cost should be much less. All our fire fighters are volunteers. Studies have shown a great decrease in volunteerism in Ontario over the past few years. There are increasing demands on volunteers such as requirements for training, CPICs, medicals, time requirements, etc., etc. The FPPA states a fire fighter is a fighter no matter if career or volunteer. Problem is career fire fighters require 2+ years of college. The MOL expects volunteer fire fighters to have the same training as a career fire fighter. Volunteers are expected to attend a minimum amount of regular training. All of this put together makes it is difficult to find enough volunteers who can meet all requirements, be physically capable for the job and come with required licenses. One of the things we can offer a volunteer and cover our liabilities at the same time is the drivers licensing program. I have been looking at the cost vs. benefit of the program. The difficulty is the MTO has not released all the upcoming requirements. The cost for a person to take the required driver courses at an independent academy ranges from $3,400 to $6,200 plus the MTO driver test fees per student for DZ. The cost may vary depending on travel. The cost for us to take a fire truck out of service for a new driver to do their driver exam at a MTO drive test center could be major if we miss a call while being in the city doing driver testing. I have been advised that coming soon a person will not be able to go and challenge the drive test at MTO testing centers without showing proof of them completing a certified driver training program at an independent school. Our neighboring fire departments feel the program is worthwhile as Tweed, Madoc, Stone Mills, Napanee, Loyalist , and Central Frontenac all have the program and are going through this revision process. I have had discussions with the fire chiefs of L&A over the possibility of doing a joint program and sharing the costs. There has been some interest but due to the MTO deadlines and where all townships currently are at, it was felt we should continue with redoing our own programs and once over this hurtle we can discuss joint opportunities again. Section 21 guidance note 7-2 says “the employer shall provide training and instruction regarding the safe operation of equipment and apparatus the fire fighters may be required to operate in the course of their duties”. All our fire fighters must operate and be evaluated on each apparatus and be signed off before operating it on their own. The DCP covers this off for us as we do most of the training with them anyway. While there are increased cost and workload to the program I believe the major benefits far outweigh the costs. If you have any question I would be happy to answer them. Thank you casey Sent: February‐27‐15 1:30 PM To: Tara Mieske Cc: Fred perry; Steve Redell; Cheryl Robson; [email protected] Subject: Pine Meadow ,NAEC Hi Tara I was talking to a fire fighter and he brought up the topic of if there was a fire at the Pine Meadow home or the NAEC High school or any other major facility ? That it would be a good idea to have a pre‐incident plan in place and all mutual aid chiefs, deputy chiefs, captains, etc. to have a tour of the place to know where all emergency equipment ,evacuation plans, water source, etc, are and what the jobs of everyone would be. This was a great idea and should be organized ASAP, should be passed on to the JFB for approval and response if required but I do not think it should wait till our next meeting in May Thanks Wayne I Date: February 17, 2015 Resolution Number 9fo -15 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH FRONTENAC lse~ ~. , BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives for information the Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief's Administrative Report entitled "Fire Training Per Diem"; AND THAT Volunteer Firefighters shall receive one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per day per Firefighter, if such Firefighter misses a regular day's earnings from their employer to attend approved training (at the discretion of the Fire Chief,) and the Firefighter shall not be paid for training days that are not their regular days worked (i.e. Saturday and/or Sunday if applicable); AND THAT Municipal employees, that are appointed to the Township of North Frontenac's Volunteer Fire Department, are authorized to attend approved training courses, provided they are approved in advance by the Fire Chief; in consultation with the employees Manager; and said training course expenses are within the approved fire budget; and they shall receive $150 per day, (or their regular pay if a Volunteer Firefighter is also a Township Employee working in another Township Department) and the $150 per day or regular pay if applicable, shall be charged to the Fire Department, for the duration of the training course; -A f'-SP "!-\-\-A\ C__c_) 1...1 ii'\. c_: (_ 1"" s..-.\--v \ .J'-- cJ-s li"\ e._ Y\./'\, ~ s ~esc \ L.cl i ~ Ac ( -( C.0'> '\, ~ \5 O '"' e \l"'' ~ Carried - 1C1 e, CJ e~ ~, ~-~-re ::c ~+- rie.oc.t K [B J _("c ,, A '• °"") ...-h <'.'- ('. <Ovv\ -rt e <C- C' 0 LL S l"Vc '-\ '._(.:,,,-- \{ o \ LL n t ee c ffre., t ,'Vl, ', <CL<A.. fV'\ ee-l-1) :_:J.I ;~) -+ <0-; "-; "- j · ~- MINUTES of the Special Meeting of Council for The Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac, held February 20, 2015, at the Clar Mill Firehall, Upstairs Meeting Room, 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario. PRESENT: Mayor Ron Higgins; Deputy Mayor Fred Perry and Councillor Wayne Good Ward 1; Councillor Gerry Martin and Councillor Vernon Hermer – Ward 2; and Councillor John Inglis and Councillor Denis Bedard – Ward 3. ALSO PRESENT: Cheryl Robson, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO); Jenny Duhamel, Clerk/ Planning Manager; Corey Klatt, Manager of Community Development (MCD) and CAO Back-up; Jim Phillips, Public Works Manager (PWM); Angela Millar, Treasurer; Kelly Watkins, Deputy Treasurer; Steve Riddell, Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief and Tara Mieske, Deputy Clerk/Assistant to the Planning Manager (attended for Business Arising only). 1. CALL TO ORDER The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Higgins at 1:00 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Deputy Mayor Perry, Seconded by Councillor Good #136-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the Agenda for the Special Meeting of Council dated February 20, 2015, as circulated. Carried 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None declared. 4. DELEGATIONS a) Paul Dorman, JLT Insurance re Insurance Policies and Risk Management (see attached) Dorman advised there is no changes in our premiums from last year and advised Council that North Frontenac in-house policies are well organized re: Risk Management. Dorman advised personal boats and vehicles used in an emergency would be covered by the owner’s insurance policy if there was any damage to them. Their personal insurance policy comes first and JLT may cover anything over the million dollars for personal coverage (i.e. $50 M Non-owned Auto Policy). Every claim has a circumstance. The Municipality needs to provide proper tools for the job (i.e. should not use own personal equipment). The Memo to Employees re: “Use of Personal Vehicle, ATV, Equipment or Boats for Township Business” dated August 11, 2014 (see copy attached) is correct and is a great Risk Management. Dorman noted, for the use of personal equipment (lawn mowers, chainsaws, etc.) there is no coverage through the Municipality’s insurance. Dorman highly recommended not to allow this as there would be a liability issue. Volunteers are covered by the Township’s Policy if doing an activity approved by Council (i.e. Adopt-a-Road Program, etc.). It is good Risk Management to have a list of the Special Council Minutes February 20, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Volunteers and their emergency contacts. If any Volunteers are over 80 years of age there is no present coverage; however, the Treasurer will send a list to JLT re: possible separate accident coverage. The Township presently has Special Volunteer (FUEL) Insurance (liability only – not accidental) purchased annually to cover events (except Alcohol events – need own insurance for these). Bedard asked about allowing children to ride on the Fire Trucks for the Santa Claus Parade. Dorman said this should be discouraged. The Clerk was instructed to add this to the K/B Joint Fire Committee’s next agenda. In regards to Volunteer Fire Fighters providing assistance on the trail and running the bar (through a Liquor Licence) during the Volunteer Association’s (not a Committee of Council) ATV Ride for Dad, Dorman advised they would only be covered by the Township’s Insurance if they were performing duties for anything sanctioned by Council through a Resolution or By-law. Environmental Policy – Dorman noted there is a Broad Form for landfill sites for leachate; underground tanks, etc. back to 1993 if all reports have been completed for the Ministry of the Environment. The Treasurer will look into the cost of this and the PWM is to review past documents. Moved by Deputy Mayor Perry, Seconded by Councillor Good #137-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives for information the presentation from Paul Dorman, JLT Insurance regarding Insurance Policies and Risk Management and thanks him for his time spent today; AND THAT Council authorizes the Treasurer to have Jardine Lloyd Thomson Canada Inc. (JLT) continue with the Township of North Frontenac’s Insurance Renewal for 2015-2016 effective April 1, 2015; AND THAT Council instructs the Clerk to have the Joint Fire Committee revisit Policy #0005 re “Use of Fire Fighters Personal Equipment Costs”. Carried Note: The Manager of Community Development; Treasurer; Deputy Treasurer; Public Works Manager and Fire Chief left the meeting at this time. The Deputy Clerk arrived at this time. 5. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES a) By-law #70-14 – Procedural and Code of Conduct Review. Note: The CAO left the meeting at the start of these discussions and returned in approximately one half an hour. Council reviewed this by-law page by page. Moved by Councillor Martin, Seconded by Councillor Good #138-15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council shall review the Council make-up and Ward System in February/March 2016. Carried Special Council Minutes February 20, 2015 Page 2 of 3