kibble talk - Yorkie Haven Rescue
kibble talk - Yorkie Haven Rescue
Issue 13 April 2011 The Yorkie Haven Rescue Newsletter Post Office Box 219 Seabrook, TX 77586 [email protected] About Yorkie Haven Rescue Yorkie Haven Rescue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue of yorkie/yorkie m ixes regardless of age, sight, hearing or other handicaps and is run solely by unpaid volunteers. W e ensure that all yorkies we rescue from “throwaway land” are safe and can live their lives in a loving, caring, healthy environm ent until their forever hom e can be found. Our m ain goal is not finding the right pup for a hom e, but finding the right hom e for each and every pup. YHR receives no outside governm ent funding and is supported by private donations and our own fundraising efforts. 100% of the m onies received goes directly towards the care of the pups in our rescue. Please visit our website to see our rescues that are available for adoption. W e have an online application for adoption and also a form for surrendering a yorkie. W e also have a boutique of fabulous item s for your pupa current list of our donors, etc.. KIBBLE TALK Clearing up the Myths - Teacup/Toy/Pocket Yorkie! Teacup (T-cup) Yorkies, Toy Yorkies, Pocket Yorkies. They simply DO NOT EXIST! These myths were concocted by greedy backyard breeders and puppymills as simply a ploy to make more money by telling people that these are "special" or “rare” breeds. Occasionally, within a litter, there may be a puppy that is unusually small. That puppy is the “runt of the litter” and any other breakdown in description is not correct. Some unethical breeders take 2 poor little runts and breed them hoping to get a smaller dog. This is pathetic because it causes very unhealthy little babies. Not to mention that the female will always have to have a c-section for delivery. Why would anyone want to put a female dog thru a c-section every time she has a litter? MONEY!! They will sell these poor “runts” for large amounts of money. Sometimes ignorance comes into play also. Sadly, there are people out there breeding Yorkshire terriers who simply aren't knowledgeable enough about Yorkies to know that there is no such thing as a teacup, toy or pocket Yorkie. They hear it, believe it, so they sell it. A Yorkie should not be a frail nervous little dog, yet these little ones tend to be just that! The well bred Yorkshire Terrier "yorkie" is a proud, high spirited, exciting little terrier who thinks it's as big as a Great Dane. NONE of the kennel clubs: AKC, CKC (continental), APRI, CKC (canadian) etc. endorse or condone the use of any of these terms and are concerned that these terms may be used to entice perspective buyers into thinking that puppies described in this way are of greater monetary value. They are not; and the use of these terms is incorrect and misleading. To attach any of these additional labels to a particular pup is to misrepresent that animal as something that is rare or exceptional and causes a great deal of confusion. This is very much frowned upon by the kennel clubs. The breed standard states “Weight must not exceed 7 lbs. as an adult”. Most Yorkshire terriers that you see participating in the show ring tend to be 5 to 7 pounds. This is not to scare you away from wanting a runt of a litter at all. The runts are just as special as the rest of the litter. But please keep in mind that a very small and fragile Yorkie is going to need more attention (personal and medical). A 1-2 lb Yorkie, will not live as long as a 5-7 lb. Yorkie because they tend to have more heath issues. If you think you might be in the market for a Yorkie, please do your homework and research this breed. Don’t just see all the celebrities carrying them around in fancy bags and get in your mind that you want a dog that you can carry with you wherever you go. No matter their adult weight (since no one can truly judge this), you have to love the Yorkie for its personality and spirit, not its size. Please beware of any breeder that consistently advertises teacup, toy or pocket Yorkies for sale. If they are misleading you into thinking that they have very rare or special Yorkies by calling them something that they are not, why or how can you trust buying a puppy from them? Raising the price to get more money proves that they are in it for the money and not the well being of the puppy or the betterment of the breed! Yes, there are Yorkies out there that are Championship show dogs, agility champions or conformation champions that deserve a higher price for their puppies. They have worked very hard to uphold the integrity and bloodline of the Yorkie breed and the high quality is worth the money. They go for thousands of dollars and, of course, people that are looking to show are the people that are willing to pay those prices. Also keep in mind those puppies are NOT 1-2lbs but the standard 5-7 lb. Yorkies. Otherwise they could not register for the shows. W e come in many shapes and sizes!! DOGGONE GOOD EATIN POETRY CORNER The Happy Dogs’ Bedtime Prayer Author: Unknown 15 M inute Liver Treats (found at Ingredients: 1 1 1 1 1 1 lb. chicken livers cup flour cup corn m eal egg tablespoon garlic powder 1/4 cup flour Preparation and Cooking: Place chicken liver and liquid in blender, liquify. Add egg, m ix a m inute m ore. Pour into bowl. Add flour, corn m eal and garlic powder. Mix. Spray jelly roll pan with pam . Pour m ixture into pan. Bake 15 m inutes at 400 degrees. Cut into sm all squares while still warm . Som e dogs like them frozen too! Now I lay me down to sleep, The queen-size bed is soft and deep. I sleep right in the center groove, My human being can hardly move. I've trapped her legs, she's tucked in tight, And here is where I pass the night. No one disturbs me or dares intrude, Til morning comes and I want food. I sneak up slowly and it begins, My nibbles on my human's chin. She wakes up slowly and smiles and shouts, "You darling beast! Just cut it out!" But morning's here and its time to play, I always seem to get my way. So thank you Lord, for giving me, This human person that I see. The one who holds me tight, and shares her bed with me at night. LOOK WHO’S HOME: TOTO A/K/A ANDY DID YOU KNOW??? Dogs sweat from the pads of their paws. They discharge heat by panting. The call and email came in from the LA-SPCA on November 22, 2010, explaining that they had a male yorkie that they could not put up for adoption themselves because he failed the food aggression test. For those who do not know, this is when they give the dog a bowl of food and reach in the bowl and move the bowl around with a fake hand on a stick. Well, Toto did not care to share his food with this "hand" and took quite the nip at it. This deemed him adoptable to the general public since they cannot screen for potential applicants for issues such as food aggression. So, on November 27th, the Yorkie Haven Rescue volunteers went to visit with Toto and see just how big his bite was. They determined that he could and would be worked with and bailed him out of doggy jail right away. Even though Toto missed Thanksgiving Toto at the LA-SPCA turkey, he entered a loving foster home just two days after Thanksgiving day and that was something to be thankful for. Over the next few weeks, Toto proved to have more anxieties than just food issues. He was not good in public and with certain men. He would snarl and bark as if he were a 90 lb. Doberman when at the pet store, at the vet, and sometimes, when just on a walk. This, along with other certain behaviors proved to us that poor Toto had really been worked over in his previous home or on the street (since he was picked up as a stray by the SPCA) and just needed to learn love and patience to see that not all humans were bad and instead of punishing him for his shortcomings, he would be taught to deal with them in a positive manner. While in his foster home, Toto did make friends with another male foster yorkie in the home and they loved playing together. He was such a sweet, happy dog and deserved a home of his own that would be patient and let Toto come around to the good life at his own pace. Well, on January 7, 2011, just that application came into the YHR database. This family of true animals lovers had previously dealt with, were currently dealing with and were ready to deal with again, issues just like Toto's. They saw his face, read his bio and knew that he had to be the newest addition to their home. After all interviews, home checks, etc were completed, everyone knew that this is exactly where Toto needed to be and the adoption date was set. Toto's new family lived in Texas, which was quite a drive to Toto's foster location, but they nevertheless gassed up the vehicle and set out to pick up their new baby boy. On January 16, 2011, Toto met his new family and happily hopped in the vehicle for his long ride home. The weather was absolutely horrible. They had rain from Houston to Baton Rouge and back. Their first introduction to Andy was very positive and they knew that he would be just perfect for their home. Since the SPCA deemed him aggressive with certain people and food, they wanted him to have a kinder, gentler name, so Toto is now Andy. FROM THE NEW FAMILY: It has now been 2 months since Andy joined us and he has settled in quite well and is a gem. He fits in well with our other two rescues, a poodle and blue heeler mix. Andy has learned the “pecking order” and routine of the household, and continues to learn in new situations. He has visited with his new Vet (male) without incident and he was very placid and cooperative with the groomer. He has had a couple “meltdowns”, and they always happen after 8pm (during darkness). We believe that when he was on the streets of New Orleans, he was terrified and became very defensive. We also believe that he was never socialized with his own litter mates and he was discarded in early puppyhood. Despite all this, Andy is definitely a lap pup who enjoys lap naps everyday and kisses everyone that takes the time to slowly and gently introduces themselves. Andy was deemed unadoptable, but that is not the case. All he needed is someone to love and care for him and assist him in accepting new situations. We are indeed very thankful that Andy is a part of our hearts and family. Later this spring we plan on introducing him to golf cart rides through the neighborhood with Alex and Sassie (his four legged siblings.) Andy today (freshly groomed)! YHR LOVES HAPPY ENDINGS, BUT COULD NOT DO ALL THIS WITHOUT YOU! PAWS UP TO YOU If you have given Yorkie Haven Rescue a donation, purchased from our boutique, donated craft items to sell on our website, etc., we would like to take this time to say THANK YOU very much. Through your acts of generosity, you, the public, are rescuers too. January 1, 2011 - March 31, 2011 Abby Hulick Humbles Kelly Brown Kelly Collins Allison Benton Kerri Ouber Bruce Denson Kim Bierwas Amanda Overton Kimberley Atherley Andrew Selke Kimberly Bigelow Ann Langlois Laura Mota Annette Larue Laurette Griffin Anooshea Taghdisi Leslie Aguiar Barbara "Cricket" Dionne Leslie Anderson Beth Fox Leslie Lapres Betty Cowin Linda Freedman Bill/Becky Aglinsky Linda Hawkins Bonny Sheppard Linda Herrera Brenda Van Valen Linda Renner Brie/Mario Lamorte Lisa Edwards Brooke Chodzinski Lisa Rainforth Camille Bourgeois Louanne Andrews Carol English Lynnette Madden Carol Yanche Macuqarie Group Foundation Carolyn Tapp Magnum Yorkies Catherine Walker Mar Gregory Cathy Sansonetti Marcella Strub Catio Sebastiany-Cho Margaret Hammerle Cecilia/David Hoyle Margaret Maloney Chana Peacock Marilyn Nauhaus Charmagne Cobb Mary Dorsey Chena Garrison Mary Snow Cheryl Geary Mava/Charles Vandervennet Cheryl Maifeld Melinda Miller Cherlyn Tumlin Merry Jones Chris Bell Michael/Anna Ray Christina Plaisance Michael/Ruthann Johnston Cindy Hasty Michelle Hilton Claude/Nicole Boyd Morgan Lamandre Consuelo Staser Nancy Gardner Corinne Haith Nancy Vise Cristy O’Herron Pamela Verrinder Cookie/Jim Ashe Pat/Ted Jenkins Dan/Joan Aumack Patricia Gonzalez-Powell Darlene Chodzinski Patricia Jenkins David Stukenbroeker Patricia Key Deb Sillers Patrick Fasano Debbie Misroon Patrick Loyd Debbie Suggs Peggy Storsved Deborah Stern Penny DeForest Debra Harscher Penny Needham Denis/Sean Beyer Rachel DeFelice Donna McSloy Rachelle Heiner Doug/Siobhan Marrone Robert/Linda Scallan Elaine Freund Robin/Pat Burke Elaine Kimberley Romas LaRue Elissa Carrick Rosemarie Sage Elizabeth/Tim Fox Rosmery Cruz Elizabeth Webb Roxane Richter Eva Cardrino Ryan DeBattista Gita Bhatia Sallie Norsworthy Gloria Smith Sally Ann Frazier Harry Meyers Sandra Carr Hazel Levatino Sandra Chesnut Imperial Tresaures Sandy Dillion Jacqueline Babcock Sarah Kruse Jacquelyn Johnston Sharon Davis James Pruitt Sharon Forster Jean Payne Sharon Oswalt Jean Vitale Sherrie Orr Jeanie Geer Sherry Shiavone Jeanne Falzarano Sheryl Moulden Jennifer/John Beard Shinja Towsley Jennifer Carnahan Shirley Shelbyl Jennifer North Sonul Mahendra Jennifer Suey South Paw Sanctuary Jeremy Bergeron Stacey Wilson Jessica Endiso Stephanie Hoverman Joann Hickox Stephen Ridgill Joann/John Malinski Steve Anzalone Jose Gonzalez Sue Hegdahl Judith Palomar Susan Noblett Judy Leblanc1 Suzanne Montague Judy Stresser Karen Fratesi Karen Rene-Peterson Karen Rocher Karen van Lieshout Karen Walker Karis McCutchen Kat Edmondson Kathleen Spreng Katherine Hunter Kathryn McCurley T. Bumpkins & Co. Tanya Voelcker Teresa Ditlow Terri/Larry Way Thomas Flowers Tina Norman Valerie Leavitt Valerie McField Vicki Dykes Vicki Konikson Wes/Kathy Goforth Below is a summary of the pups Yorkie Haven Rescue has taken in, adopted out, and those who have crossed over to Rainbow Bridge while in our care. May 1, 2006 - March 31, 2011 Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Adopted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Rainbow Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 January 1, 2011 - March 31, 2011 Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Adopted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Rainbow Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 YHR currently has 31 pups in foster homes that are available for adoption. ways to help YHR 1. Fostering - YHR does not have a shelter and our members integrate each pup into their families. This is a very big responsibility and fostering is not for everyone, but if you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected] to request more information and an application. All foster homes must go through the same process as an adoption applicant. 2. Grooming - Yorkies are a high-maintenance breed when it comes to coat care. Many of us have learned to groom our own dogs and can groom the rescues as well. Unfortunately, some of the rescues come to us as one giant, matted mess, making professional grooming necessary. If you are a groomer and live in a state near where a YHR pup is being fostered and can donate or offer a discount to groom a rescue pup, you will be listed on the donor page of our website and your services will be greatly appreciated. To offer your grooming services, please e-mail us at [email protected] and let us know where you are located so we can determine whether we have a foster pup in your area in need of grooming. 3. Surfing the Net - When surfing the net, use as your search engine and designate Yorkie Haven Rescue as your charity. For every search you perform, a donation is made to YHR without any cost to you. Your clicking helps keep the Haven ticking. 4. Shopping on the Internet - When shopping on the internet, shop through and select Yorkie Haven Rescue as your charity. At no extra cost to you, a portion of each online purchase will be donated to YHR. You shop, they donate, the pups benefit. 5. Don’t know what to get those “hard to buy for pups”? Check out the Haven Boutique at You’ll get a great gift and at the same time, donate much needed funds to the welfare of YHR’s foster pups. 6. Last, but not least, by telling your family and friends about Yorkie Haven Rescue and all of the ways to help listed above, you bring awareness to YHR and animal rescue. Thank You! Join Yorkie Haven Rescue in providing care and food for animals in shelters and sanctuaries. To do this, go to and click ONCE A DAY - EVERY DAY on the “Click Here to Give - It’s Free” box. That is 365 chances each year to care for animals in need. If your memory isn’t that great anymore, don’t worry, you can sign up for “free click reminder service” and The Animal Rescue Site will send you a free e-mail reminder as often as you like to remind you to click to feed.
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