August - Red River Classic Mustang Club
August - Red River Classic Mustang Club
Re d R ive r C l a s s i c M u s t a n g C l u b T HE PONY E XPRESS 2013 Board of Directors President Thomas Monahan 797-8385 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK same evening. All in all is was a great afternoon, with the group ending up at Monjunis for some great lunch. Just another example of how our Club comes together and helps out the community. Vice President Mark Winderweedle 347-8505 Secretary/Newsletter Lane Butler 423-5316 [email protected] Treasurer Vickie Doss 687-8818 Ext. 111 Show Director Erin Frostic [email protected] Activity Director Nicole Ferlito 470-7581 Internet Director Tommy Gayer [email protected] Member at Large Gene Brock 458-4746 [email protected] MCA Regional Director Ernie Lane MCA National Director Donna Arends 746-1823 Red River Classic Mustang Club P.O. Box 37724 Shreveport, LA 71133 August 2013 Summer is definitely here as temperatures rise and car shows start to dwindle. Since it is getting too hot, we decided to have a fan drive for the Caddo Council on Aging to try to collect up some fans for the elderly in Shreveport. We set up a time to cruise out to the Channel 12 Studios on Fairfield to deliver the fans on July 20th. We started out at the St. Vincent Mall parking lot with 12 cars and 18 fans to deliver to the studios. After standing around in the shade cleaning cars for about 30 minutes waiting for last minute Club members, we left St. Vincent Mall and got to the Studio at 11:45 where we met Jeff Ferrell and presented him with the 18 fans and a check for $500.00 to give to the Caddo Council on Aging. Thanks to all who came out in their Mustangs and cruised with us to the TV station. We got several pictures of our club members in the parking lot, and in the lobby of the TV station under the KSLA sign, and Jeff was nice enough to plug our Club and put the pictures on the 6PM news that Our 20th Annual Mustang Roundup and Ford Show at Wray Ford is now just 7 weeks away. We still need lots of Door Prizes and Goody Bag Stuffers. If you have any of these or can get some, please get with a board member so we can get the items to Lane Butler’s house for storage until the big day. Also, we are collecting 125 Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars still in packaging for our goody bags. Obviously we need the cars to be Ford Products. We have 50 so far, and we still need 75 more, so if you see any, please pick some up to donate to our show. See you all out there! Thomas Monahan P age 2 T h e Po n y E x p r e s s S H OW N E W S As of today’s Club meeting, our show is exactly 7 WEEKS AWAY!!!!!!! That said, and I know you hear it every month but, I really, REALLY need door prizes and goody bags stuffers. Our flyer advertises door prizes for the first 100 entrants. Historically, a door prize is given to everyone who participates in our show. If you have items to donate, please give them to any Board member no later than the September Club meeting. ANYTHING to advertise a business is great! So, if you, or a friend, have a business you would like to advertise, please donate some swag for the goody bags! A VERY significant part of our show is sponsors. For the low, low price of just $100 a company can be a Show Sponsor! They get their company logo on the back of our shirt and everything! This is a CLUB event and we need everyone in the Door prizes can be anything. Think of something club to help. Start thinking about where you would you would like to receive. Gift cards to restaurants, like to help out on the day of. Parking? Door prizor even for gas, make excellent door prizes! es? Registration? Judging? These are just a few… Goody bag stuffers are even easier. Typically, we See you in September! have catalogs, flyers, drink cozies, ink pens and etc. Erin PLEASE SUPPORT OUR CLUB SPONSORS T h e Po n y E x p r e s s P age 3 BreakFast and Fast Rides July 27th All photos stolen from Tommy Gayer’s Facebook page. T h e Po n y E x r e s s UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Can you believe the summer is almost over and what fun it has been. We have done lots as a club this summer including having a club picnic and a cruise to the track. With summer coming to an end and the kids going back to school we all know what that means. It's Roundup Time. It is time to get things wrapped up and finalized for our show. We are keeping our fingers crossed for fantastic show weather without last year’s drizzle. Don't forget we need door prizes and goody bag stuffers (anything of 100+ of a single item). You can bring your items to the August or September meetings or to the goody bag stuffing which will be held Sunday September 15th. It is usually held at the VFW Post, ask Donna for details. P age 4 day the 21st 6:30 Reed Industrial off of Mt. Zion Rd. Meeting are open to all club members in good standings. On the fourth weekend of the month we start that Saturday the 24th out with BreakFast and Fast Rides 9-11 am Denny's on Mansfield Rd. We will have the party room reserved to ourselves. Then the Asbury Motor Club will be leaving the church at 3:00 pm to cruise for dinner and a devotional. That is all for the month of August. If anyone has another activity please let us know and we will put it in the weekly emails. If you are not getting the weekly emails please let Thomas (the President) know so he can get you on the email list. If you want to get reminder text on events please make sure I have your cell phone We will also be needing volunteers for the day of the show. number. I sometimes send out reminder text a day or two We will have a signup sheet at the August and September before big events. meeting. Jobs that will be available are registration, raffle, goody bag duty, parking, judging, entering the participants Now just a few things for September, First Happy Labor into the computer and much more. Day. Yeah! for a day off. Then the Longview cruise night is Thursday the 5th at the Whataburger on Gilmer Rd. Our Now let’s get to this month’s calendar of events. August is monthly club meeting is on Saturday the 7th and we will one of our warmest months so not a lot going on. First to- be cruising to Pie Works on Benton Rd for dinner. Keep night we will be cruising to Ming Garden for club dinner. those ponies clean and gassed up - it's not over yet. Next weekend, the 9th-11th is the MCA show in Indianapolis. On Saturday the 10th will be the Marshall cruise Nicole Ferlito night. Due to the heat we will not be cruising as a club but Activities Director it is still a points event. The following weekend Saturday [email protected] the 17th is the monthly Collier's Customs cruise night held 318-470-7581 6-8 on Youree Dr. Our monthly board meeting is Wednes- T h e Po n y E x p r e s s P age 5 T h e Po n y E x p r e s s P age 6 August 2013 1 • 3 Club Meeting. 5 PM 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 17 Cruise Night at Colliers Classic Cars • 21 RRCMC Board meeting • 24 Breakfast & Fast Rides • 24 Asbury Motor Club Cruise • 5 Longview Cruise Night September 2013 • 7 Club Meeting. 5 PM 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August Birthdays • 10 Marshall Cruise • 13 Bomber Bash Movie Night • 14 Bomber Bash car show Donna Arends Cyndi Crockett Stephen Gayer Jay Jennings Doris Philyaw Steve Risner Travis Turnipseed • 15 Goody Bag Stuffing • 18 RRCMC Board meeting • 21 Mustang Roundup • 28 Breakfast & Fast Rides • 28 Asbury Motor Club Cruise MCA NEWS Just got back from the MCA quarterly meeting. This time we were at Streetside Custom Cars. This is a consignment sales operation. All I can say is "WHAT BEAUTIFUL CARS!" They sell anything on wheels. I fell in love with a beautiful Aston Martin. Strange looking, but cute. George Valeri was not there because he was at the Tour de Elegance car show in Kentucky. Check out the MCA website for I'm sure they have the pictures posted. Lot of Mustangs. The MCA has recently picked up some new corporate sponsors. Two of them are Mother's Car Care Products and Lucky Brand Jeans. Soon you'll be able to purchase a MCA car care bag loaded with all kinds of cleaning supplies from Mother's. It's a real nice heavy duty bag with the MCA logo on it. If you pull up the Lucky Brand jeans website and register for their newsletter you receive a certificate for 25% off your purchase. Check the marketplace on the MCA website for our sponsors. There's lots to find. Ron Bramlett talked about the 50th Birthday Celebration. I urge all to check on the website. Things are being added quite often now. Routes for the Great American Pony Drive are now being planned. These people aren't the Mustangs Across America people. This is another group. They usually take the northern routes where the Mustangs Across America people go the southern routes. Please check both for you might want to travel a different route. Most of us are going with the Mustangs Across America. You have a choice. Don't forget our show is just around the corner. Make sure you read all articles. Lots of things are needed. If in doubt on what to get, get something that you yourself would like to get. Till then, see you on the road Donna REGISTRATION Red River Classic Mustang Club's 20th Annual Roundup – September 21, 2013 Entry fee: $25 per car before September 1st, $30 day of show. Pre-registration must be postmarked on or before September 1st. First 100 pre-registered guaranteed a T-shirt, goody bag and door prize. Mail entry to: Red River Classic Mustang Club P.O. Box 37724 Shreveport, LA 71133 All pre-registered entries eligible for $100 drawing. Parking will be assigned on a first come first served basis and your parking space will be your participant number. If your club would like to park as a group, please send all registrations together or attach a note requesting the number of spaces to reserve. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 1964 ½ -1966 Coupe 1964 ½ -1966 Convertible 1964 ½ -1966 Fastback 1967 -1968 Coupe 1967 -1968 Convertible 1967 -1968 Fastback 1969 -1970 Coupe 1969 -1970 Convertible 1969 -1970 Fastback 1971 -1973 Coupe 1971 -1973 Convertible 1971 -1973 Fastback 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 1974-1978 All 1979 -1993 Hardtop 1979 -1993 Convertible 1994-2004 Coupe 1994-2004 Convertible 2005 – Present Coupe 2005 – Present Convertible Cobra Mustang – all years Shelby Mustang – 65-70 Shelby Mustang – 05 & up Mach 1/Bullitt – all years Boss Mustang – all years 125 Special Build: Saleen / Roush / Foose / Steeda / etc. 126 Cobra Roadster (AC) 127 Truck 128 Early Ford 1903 - 1931 129 Pre War Ford 1932 – 1943 130 Post War Ford 1948 - present 131 Special Interest 200 Street /Track all years 300 Non Ford Powered Fords 999 Not judged - display only Vehicles graded on point system for cleanliness, workmanship and presentation only. Please Print Preferred class # __________ Year ________ Model _________ Phone _________________________ T-shirt size ___________ Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ____ Zip _______ September 1st deadline for $100 drawing Email Address ________________________________________ Club Affiliation________________________________________ Signature _____________________________ Date__________ RULES AND REGULATIONS: Due to a limited amount of space, preregistration is strongly advised. By signing the Entry Form above, I state that I understand the rules and regulations concerning this event. All vehicles entered must be in running condition and must be presentable in appearance. All entrants must be 18 years old or older. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed at this event. I understand that Red River Classic Mustang Club, Inc. and Wray Ford assume no liability for damage done to my property or person during this event. Red River Classic Mustang Club, Inc. reserves the right to reject any entry at any time. All entrants will receive 1 Participant’s Choice voting ballot for each car entered. Entrants must be present to win 50/50, Pre-registration and Wipeout drawings. To be eligible for any trophies, the entrants Mustang must be on display from 10:00 am to 3:00 p.m. for judging. Entrants who have preregistered should be here by 10:00 a.m. or their space may be forfeited in the event that space becomes a problem. This is a rain or shine event. Any questions should be directed to Thomas Monahan at (318) 797-8385 between 10am and 7 pm, or email [email protected]. Signature on this form acknowledges release of all responsibility of Red River Mustang Club, Inc, Wray Ford, the City of Bossier, participating clubs, all club members associated with the participating clubs and the state of Louisiana to injuries or accidents sustained before, during, or after this function. Latest information available at our website:
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Red River Classic Mustang Club, Inc.
PO Box 37724, Shreveport, LA 71133-7724