1 2 3 Presidents Message 20082008-2010 I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. My term as the president of our association will end with the upcoming Ugadi program on May 1, 2010. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Telugu community for electing me to be the president for two consecutive terms and giving me this opportunity to serve our community. I am also honored to be the first female president of our association, which is one of the oldest and most reputable Telugu associations in the Northeast of United States. It saddens me to realize that my term as the president has concluded but I am excited and happy to introduce the newly elected Executive committee. They are enthusiastic to continue the tradition of organizing excellent programs throughout their term. For the upcoming Ugadi celebrations, we have put together an exciting cultural program and tasteful Vindu Bhojanam. I would like to invite you, your family and friends to these festivities. Your active participation and commitment are essential to the success of our organization. I sincerely hope you will continue to support our organization in all of their future activities. I would like to, once again, extend my best wishes to you and your family on behalf of the TAGDV community and wish you all a very happy and prosperous Telugu New Year. Sincerely Saroja Sagaram 4 5 6 అా ల ఉా - ాయవరం జయ స ఏ ేశ ఎందుా#$%, మనంద) మ*న+ిక ఉల*./ా01 క#ం2ే మన పండ5గల7. సూర:చందు<ల 0రంతర పయనంల ాలచక>ం ఎంత ?@గంా A, మనసు మ*త<ం, మన జBCపాల చట<ంల AరEగFతG ఉంటHం. మనం జరEపIJన1 పండ5గల7, అ 2ేసుJ@ KతLల0 ఎపMటN) మనసుల ఉంచుJంటం. మన పండ5గల7 మFఖ:ంా ప<కృAQ సంబంSంTన ాబటNU పI ప<పంచంల ఎక$ై అ జరEపIXవచుY. ాకZ[\ే ప<కృAాంత ]^భల7 అ01 2`ట. ఒకటN ావI ాబటNU, పండ5గ ఆ2ాల7 యcSా 2ెయ:$0Q మనQ ZాటH . తపMవI. మFఖ:ంా అాల de పండ5గక7 fిల.ల7fgదhలందరi క#+ి ఆాjటంా రంగFలZ[ాటం 2ే+ి, రంగFల హంగF ?l#+m లా, మన పలn. ల.ల*ా ఇకడ కp$ ప<కృA Jతq వాr#1 +ింాంచుXవడం sదల7 fgడ5తLం. గజగజల*$%ం2ే చ# తగFtమFఖం పటNU ఎండల7 sదలవI\u. ఎటH చూ+ి Jతq ప<కృA మF/ాqబFల\v వసంత]^భల7 దరwనx/ాqu. TగFాక7ల7, Jతq పyలsగt ల\v కళకళల*$ే 2ెట.\v అాల కp$ ‘Jతq ఋతLవI’ ాక, పI Jతq సంవత|ర}న ఉా పండగ ల*ంటNే! ఇక పండగ సంబాల షయ*0J+mq , Jతq బటU ల Jదవలదు, సగటH ?ాQ ?ాల*రEU, రEపIల ?ాQ మ మ*ర ఉండ@ ఉ1u. fిం$% వంటలకp Jరతలదు, వండగ#\ే ఇంట., +m1తLల దగt ందు, లకZ[\ే భ?ాY, ో/ా హ, ే ల! ఇవ1 మనక7 ఉా జరEపIXవ$0Q /ానుకpల. అాల Jతq బటU లకp, fిం$% వంటలకp పండగా బహ]ా ఎవరE ?@T ఉండక Z[u, ఈ ండ5 ల0 ఏ పండ ఊంచుXవడం కషU . ఇవ1 బా@ ఉ1u ా, మ, షడృచుల సమ*ర}న, మFఖ:}న ఉా పచY$% ఎల*? ఈ పచY$% మన \నుభ?ాలQ సూTక అ0 మన fిల.లQ 2ెfmMెల*? ?@పపIవI ొరకే?! ఈ మధ: J01 జన]ాలల., గFళల., ఇం$%య /[Uర. ల fgడ5తL1రE ా0, ఆ పచYళల ?@ప ]ాతం Jంచం తక7వా వIంటHం. ాకరాయ 2ేదుా వI1 మK ఉా పచY$ో. ?lయ:లం క? అా తం ఒ$%ంTన సq ాబటNU, మనకp మన fిల.లQ ఈ ఏ$ ఏ 2ేదు అనుభ?ాల7 ాకpడదూ, అందు ?@పపIవI ొరకకZ[u ప.దూ, అ0 సfgటU HJంట స! ాకZ[\ే ?@పల0 అదుjత}న గ0?ారణ శQq గFంT గ గFల. ?lAQ మK మన fిల.లQ 2ెపMడం మన బధ:త! ప0లప0ా,అనగననగ ాగమAశuల7.చునుండ5, Aనగ Aనగ ?@మF Aయ:నుండ5, /ాధనమFన పనుల7 సమకpరE ధరలన అ0 ?@మన పద:ం @M+mq స. 2ేదు అనుభ?ాల ప<వం కpడ, ¡fి జBCపాల\v క#fి\ే తగFtతLంద0, బ¢ల.ం కల7పI\ం. మ*x$% fింెల7 ా ొరకZ[u ?lQ\ే ొరEక7\u. Tంతపండ5గFంT Tంతలదు, ఉపyM ాాల7 ఎల*గ ఉం$ే?@. ఇల* ఉా పచY$% అాల అu అే ?ా01, రEచు#1 పంచుతLం క! ప<¡ సంవత|రం ఉా£ మ*త<, మనక7 60 సంవత|ాల7 వI1య0, ప<¡ ఉాQ ఒక fmరEంటHంద0, మన ]ా#?ాహన శకంల వI1మ0, మన ాలమ*నం 2ంద<మ*నం ద ఆSతమ, ¦క. ప§, కృషr ప¨©ల7 త పIగమన AగమలQ ప<¡కల0, Ac?ారన§\<ల7, మ*/ాల7, ఋతLవIల7, మన ాలమ*0Q Jలమ*0కల0, మనQ తలపIJసుqం. ªటNల. Jంచం Jంచం మన fిల.లQ ఎQంచ$0Q ఇకడ మనం 2ే+m పండ5గల7 మనQ అవాశx+mq , /ాంAక పజC Bనం పIణ:మ* అ0, ఇంట«1 ల పం2ంగం, \ెల7గF లండ చూసుJ0, మన ఆయ-వ:య-ాజ రవ-అవమ*ల0 2ెfmM కంయ ఫల*#1, భష:తL q 2ెfmM ాఫల*#1 కp$ చూసుXవచుY. మ0¯ి ఎకడ51, మనస|ం\ గతం గFంT Tంతల, భష:తL q గFంT ఉతంఠల! ఉా £ ఆ గ\01 ZాAfgటU N, భష:తL q \ెల7సుJ@ందుక7, అంద) మంT అవాశం, మనQ అో ’తLAq ’! మన ఊ±² అu\ే గFళల లక రచYబండ దగt , 2$% దగt ఒక పంతLల7 2ెfmq ంటం! మ ఇకడ, ఈ ట³ª ల, మ* ట³ªల, ´K ా చూ+m/q ాం. పటNద ఆశల7 మ*త<ం పలం, నూతన సంవత|ర ఆాం§ల7 మ*త<ం 0త:ం! నూతన ప<కృA\v, మన తం జౖతయ < *త<ా /ాగ$0Q కృA మసంవత|ర 2ైత¦ < దµ Zాడ:x, మనకలల01ంటN) /ాకృA ¡సుక7ా?ాల0, అ భగవంతL$%Q కృతLల7 సమMంచుJంట¶, ఈ ఉా మన తంల ఎ1 ¦లQ ఆ, పI ా?ాల0, ఆhం! ఒక సంఘంా, సx¯ిUా మ*నవమనుగడక7 ZాటHపడం! సజ సు¸భవంతL! ****** 7 8 A ! ! ! Rajendra Prasad, Prasad better known Dr. Rajendra Prasad, is a Telugu film actor. He was born in a middle class family from Nimmakuru, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. He acquired an engineering degree from Andhra University but preferred a career in acting. After initial hardships in search of a break in the film industry, he got a role in the movie Sneham. During the initial phase of his career he got petty roles but emerged as a very popular comedy actor starting from Vamsy's Ladies Tailor (1985). In his 33 years film career he acted in more than 200 Telugu movies and few Tamil movies. He is fondly called the King of Comedy, Natakireeti, Divine Comedian, Rastra Hasyapathi, Andhra Charlie Chaplin & Millennium Family Hero and many more by his fans. Dr Rajendra Prasad -- a legend initiated into the Telugu film kingdom in which comedy is a tradition. He is one of the preeminent comic actors in India. Rajendra Prasad joined in film institute after completing his Engineering and came out with a gold medal. He acted in a small role in Bapu's 'Sneham' in 1977. He did lot of secondary roles before he got a big break as a solo hero in Vamsi-Ramoji Rao's movie 'Preminchu Pelladu' in 1985. Then 1986 Rendu rellu aaru and Ladies Taylor, 1987 Aha naa pellanta and afterwards there is no stopping for him. He won nandi award for Yerra Mandaram in 1991 and for Aa Naluguru in 2004. He also won Filmfare award for best supporting actor 2004 for Aa Naluguru. As a singer he sang a song in Teneteega and did music direction for Topi Raja Sweety Roja. As we all know our Dr Rajendra Prasad is a well-molded artist with compulsive appeal. It’s really privilege to felicitate him on the eve of TAGDV UGADI celebrations. R.P. Patnaik is a Tollywood , Tamil and Kannada Movie music director. Some of his musical hits were 'nee kosam', 'chitram', 'nuvvu nenu' Jayam, Santosham, and Nijam. He also acted in the film Srinu Vasanthi Lakshmi as a blind person which impressed tollywood. He won the Nandi Awards "Best story writer" award for the Telugu film "Andamaina Manasulo"; he is also the director of the film (debut direction in Telugu). His latest directorial venture is AMY, a Hollywood movie which is going to release soon. Richa Gangopadhyay, Gangopadhyay who recently grabbed widespread attention after making her debut in Sekhar Kammula's latest Hit movies LEADER, who is also known to have held the title of Miss India USA 2007. Since the movie LEADER got released, the 21 year old stunning actress surely managed to impress the audiences who really liked her performance in her debut movie. Currently she is acting with Ravi Teja in her second film. She is also signed a movie with Venkatesh. Ravi Varma is a Telugu actor and is best known for his supporting roles. He debuted with Vennela, which released in 2005. Varma did his masters in USA and finished his acting course at New York Film Academy . Ravi 's latest movie Inkosari released in Febrauary 2010 and got good reviews, he also acted in movies classmates, Rakhi, Bommarillu, Sainikudu, Ready etc. 9 10 వ 0¨%పq కతల7 - బ¢ల.ంJండ లº »>ాం¼ తప+ీ.. కళ¾\ెరE ! ¿మల7 దూర0 TటU డల ! యజC హసు|ల7 ! వ¦డlౖ 2ెటU Hడన చట<Afgౖ ! ఉన1 సమయం వృc2ే/q ాÌ !! వ¦డlౖ పసనం ?@సుకpÀY0 జగత|\:01 అవలQంT ! ప<పంచం\v ప0లనటH . జపతZాలను సÍంT ! ే0Xసం ఓ తప+ీ జనస<వంAల మకం ా ! ?ాాతL<ల7 S:0సుq1Â?! అ1రEqలకp ఆపను1లకp ç ల§:}\ే ఆ¡యహసq ం అంంచు ! సృతLల7 కళ¾ \ెరEచుJ0 ! Îనుల+mవల ేవIడ51డ5 TరEమబFÅ /ా\ే ఒళ¾ రEచుJ0 ! +mంT తంచు ! \Ô#Tనుక7 ా#\ే తప+ీ కద#ా !! దwంT తంచు !! ాకనూంT S ాట+mq ! వ:థ X+m+mq ! బ<తLక7 దురjర} ! భత బFదుÅద} ! మంాల మFంట ! మ+ీదుల సంట ! 2ౌర/ాq రEల. ! 2ౌకబరE ?ాడల. ! శర\ల సుందర ాA< +ిగt FలÏ# sగt SA< ఆ..! ఆ వదనం వయ*ాల చ#త ల7 సృAÇనుల*. సంచం2ే ! +ిగమF$%ల పyల7 ధA<0ం$ పం$% ఉ1రE !! మధుర /ాల7 ?ాళం\ \vబFటHUవIల ! మFవ ల*/ా:ల7 ?lఱ Ö× క fgటU ! మ#. యల7 +mq మ*రEతం చ#+mq సMరw@ తలT కరEణభతం ఆ హృదయం జల7. క7+mq వl1ల7 పIలQ+mq ల#త నయల7 అథలnంద ! హల7. +mq ?ll1ల TగF+mq పyరr చంద<ం శతXటN \రల7 ప?ా:fితL$ై ప?@¯ిÊతL$ై చకచా ?lÓZ[uం !! @ ొ+ి# పటU ! అ01?@ళల* ! నువI ?l ]ÉశరEడ5 TరEనవIల7 రEవIతG నవIల Jర ఆ..!..! ల*ాశ ?@ణÐభరమF త#. వసుధ ?È$%ల Zాపల ! @ వ0త 2ెంత ?ా#\ే 0శYలమయ*: ! అ012`టHల* ! అగF:లnంద ! వలపం\ మ టకటNU నను1 @ను మ2 ! ప<కృAల ప<A అణFవy /Ñందా:/ాద@ ]ాస fm< మతం ప<పంచ /Ñఖ:ం అÒమతం ప<AZా<ణËల ?È ఉ1డ5 !! \ె#fm ఉ0 ప# ఊ+m సృతLల క7 ]ాస ! వలfm \శ !! ************** ఉగ>తపసు|ల7 ! 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Special thanks to our Donors Dr Ramesh & Sailaja Eluri PA - Grand Sponsor Sponsorss Vijay& Seetha Annamreddy MD--$500.00 Dr Jayender & Madhavi Konreddy PA -$500.00 Dr Srinivas & Suhasini Aravabhumi PA- $250.00 Srinivas & Saroja Sagaram PA$250.00 Ravi & Indumathi Potluri PA $ 216.00 Dr Krishnaprasad babu & Annapoorna Varada PA- $200.00 Bhaskar & Jyothi Sarikonda PA- $ 200.00 Krishnam Raju & Suneetha Vegesna PA- $200.00 Raj kumar & sujatha kuppuswamy $200.00 Dr Ramesh & Maya Parachuri PA- $ 116.00 Nagesh & Bharathi Palepu PA- $116.00 Viswanath & Srisudha Palepu PA-$ 116.00 Rajgopal & Aruna Dhanisetty PA- $116.00 Sambaiah & swaroop Kotapati $60.00 1. అమ తమF$%0 ాను, ా క7 నమ*మ0! 2. ఆక7లయదు, రE \<గదు,@ల0Zాకదు,ఏxట ¡గ 3. ఒJక అడ5గF Z[uన JÎh \vక Jం2ెం తగFtతLం! 4. Tంfి Tంfి గFడ ల7 ర\1లల*ంటN Øడ ల7. 5. \ÔండమF1 ఏనుగF ాదు, కల71 ప¨% ాదు, ఆరE ాళ¾1 ¿మ ాదు, ఏxట? (ZÙడ5పI కథల7- జ?ాబFల7: 1. చందమ*మ 2. కంటH ¡గ 3. సూÎ రం 4. sకజÛన1 ZÙతL q 5. +ీ\Xక Tల7క) 20 21 Name: Ameya Patel Grade:6th Bala Vihar: Harleysville Can you guess? Their shady and green They shed in the winter And regenerate in the spring What are they? Can you guess? Yes, they are living and so are we They have been here since the worlds beginning They suffer carbon dioxide Give us oxygen to live Some provide food while other gets cut to give you the comfort of living So you should never think that no one cares for you Can you guess what they are? Name: Anirudda Grade: 5th Bala Vihar: Harleysville What am I? I am a fruit at the bottom and a tree on the top When you cut me I am yellow inside You can twist the top off I am a tree and a fruit without any root People admire me because I am a combination of both So what am I? 22 23 24
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