the heritage horn - Heritage Hunt Country Club


the heritage horn - Heritage Hunt Country Club
the heritage horn
Newsletter of Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club
June 2016 Volume 18, No. 6
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
President........................................................................Ken Aitchison
Vice President................................................................ Sandy Painter
Treasurer............................................................................ Rex Geikes
Secretary...................................................................... Kathy Vergano
Director........................................................................... Jack Martins
Director......................................................................Richard Murphy
Director............................................................................Cathy Walsh
Advisory for Strategic Planning...........................................Paula Daly
Budget & Finance...................................................... Barbara Marotta
Community Relations ............................................Charlotte Kennedy
Architectural Review .................................................... Andy Johnson
Emergency Preparedness ...............................................Bernie Leech
Facilities............................................................................... Al Stearns
Food & Beverage....................................................... Mary McFadden
Golf....................................................................................Walt Meyer
Grounds.............................................................................Bob Denger
LSTV............................................................Jerry Surbey & Larry Alger
Community Management Corporation (CMC):
General Manager Yale Feldman*............... [email protected]
HOA Mgr Rachel Mancinelli*..................... [email protected]............... 703-743-5482
HOA Asst. Mgr Laura Marshall*.................. [email protected]
HOA Admin. Asst Tracey Hallebach*.......... [email protected]
Lifestyle Director Mark Hillis*.................... [email protected]
Covenants Admin......................................... [email protected]
Bookkeeper (club accts) Marsha Brooks­*.. [email protected]
Bookkeeper (HOA Dues) Carol Granger*.... [email protected]
Facilities Engineer Nestor Pangilinan......... [email protected] ..... 703-743-5488 x106
Facilities Engineer Kirk Wallace.................. [email protected]........... 703-743-5488 x107
Front Desk Super. Shelly Friend**.............. [email protected]
Front Desk Admin. Leander Diaz**............ [email protected]
Front Desk Admin. Mohamed Sharfi**[email protected]
*Offices on the second floor of Marsh Mansion, 13451 Fieldstone Way
**Clubhouse front desk closed 12-1 p.m. Monday–Friday for lunch
Up To Par Management, LLC
Director of Operations, Shaun Fronk........................................................................ 703-743-1100
Office Administrator, Rachael Cooper...................................................................... 703-743-2003
Food and Beverage Manager, Susan Naugle ........................................................... 703-743-2002
Director of Sales Cary Muirhead .............................................................................. 703-743-2005
Golf Pro, John Yancy................................................................................................. 703-743-1000
Golf Superintendent, Carey Bailey........................................................................... 703-753-8223
Golf Membership Director, Trudy Franklin .............................................................. 703-743-1000
Offices are located on the ground floor of the Clubhouse, 6901 Arthur Hills Drive
Guest Mgmt System (Gate Key ).......................... / 703-988-5702
American Disposal Services (trash/recycling pick up).........................................703-368-0500
Clubhouse Fax..................................................................................................... 703-743-2004
Clubhouse Front Desk......................................................................................... 703-743-2000
Clubhouse Woodworking Shop........................................................................... 703-743-1999
COMCAST (Ask for “Bulk Services.”)....................................................................855-638-2855
Condos I Managing Agent, A. R. M. I., Community Mgr Will Austin..... 703-753-1801/540-347-1901
Condos II Community Manager Laura Weesner..................................................703-743-2000
Heritage Hunt Dining Room Reservations...........................................................703-743-2021
Heritage Hunt Fitness Center.............................................................................. 703-743-2007
Heritage Hunt Front Gate Guard......................................................................... 703-743-5909
Heritage Hunt HOA Fax (Marsh Mansion)...........................................................703-743-5476
Heritage Hunt Pro Shop....................................................................................... 703-743-1000
Hunt Country Tavern........................................................................................... 571-248-2077
Prince Wm. County Non-Emergency...................................................................703-792-6500
4840 Westfields Boulevard, Suite 300, Chantilly, VA 20151
P. O. Box 10821, Chantilly, VA 20153-0821
Corporate Phone Number: 703-631-7200
After Hours Emergency Number: 301-446-2635
CLUBHOUSE (6901 Arthur Hills Drive)
Monday-Saturday .....................................................8 AM – 10 PM
Sunday......................................................................... 9 AM – 8 PM
Weekdays ................................................................... 8 AM – 8 PM
Weekends.................................................................. 12 PM – 7 PM
Tuesday-Friday...........................................................11 AM – 8 PM
Saturday Lunch...........................................................11 AM - 2 PM
Sunday Brunch.................................................... 9:30 AM-1:30 PM
Daily, April–September................................................7 AM – 7 PM
Daily, October–March.............................................7:30 AM – 5 PM
MARSH MANSION (13451 Fieldstone Way)
Monday-Friday............................................................9 AM – 9 PM
Saturday-Sunday......................................................9 AM - 6:30 PM
Monday-Friday............................................................8 AM – 5 PM
Holidays**............................................................................. Closed
**New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, Christmas Day and the day following Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Friday-Monday...........................................................11 AM - 6 PM
FITNESS CENTER (6880 Heritage Hunt Drive)
Daily.......................................................................... 5 AM – 11 PM
Access between 5–6 AM and 9–11 PM require an activated ID card.
Monday–Friday........................................................... 6 AM – 9 PM
Saturday–Sunday, Holidays*........................................8 AM – 6 PM
Guests under 18 years–Monday–Friday.................... 1 PM – 3 PM
Guests under 18 years–Weekends & Holidays........ 12 PM – 4 PM
*Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. The pool is closed New Year’s
Day, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
OUTDOOR POOL - Season is Memorial Day to Labor Day
Monday-Sunday.......................................................... 10 AM-8 PM
Guests under 18 years–Monday–Saturday................ 10 AM-1 PM
Guests under 18 years–Sundays & Holidays*...............4 PM-6 PM
*Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day.
TENNIS COURTS...................................................Open till 9:30 PM
Board of Directors–Third Monday, 9:30 AM, Marsh Mansion Parlor; Fourth
Thursday, 1 PM, Clubhouse Mountain View Rm
Advisory Committee Strategic Planning - Second Tuesday, 10 AM, Garden Rm.
Architectural Review Committee–Second and fourth Wednesdays, 9 AM,
Mountain View Rm
Budget & Finance Committee–Third Wednesday, 1 PM, Mountain View Rm
Community Relations Committee–First Monday, 1 PM, Garden Rm
Emergency Preparedness Committee-Third Wednesday, 9:30 AM, Garden Rm
Facilities Committee–First Thursday, 1 PM, Mountain View Rm
Food & Beverage Committee–Third Tuesday, 10 AM, Mountain View Rm
Golf Committee–Second Wednesday, 3 PM, Mountain View Rm
Ad hoc Golf Handicap Committee– Monday preceding the Golf Committee
meeting, 3 PM, CH Board Rm
Grounds Committee–First Tuesday, 2:30 PM, Mountain View Rm
Meeting dates and/or locations are subject to change.
The Heritage Horn is published monthly by the Heritage Hunt
Homeowners Association, 6901 Arthur Hills Dr., Gainesville, VA 20155
Policy: Submit items by the tenth of the month prior to Mark Hillis, Editor. Articles
must be dated and signed and include the author’s phone number. The Heritage
Horn reserves the right to edit or postpone printing certain items. Advertisers are
not endorsed by the Heritage Hunt Homeowners Association.
Display & Classified Ads: Please contact the Editor at TheHorn@HeritageHunt.
net for rates and space availability. Classifieds have a $5 minimum for 20 or fewer
words and 25 cents per additional word.
Payment: Check or money order made out to Heritage Hunt HOA. Residents may
also choose to charge the cost of their ad to their clubhouse account There is no
charge for free or lost-and-found items in the classified ad column.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
General Manager’s Message
Summer is finally here and hopefully we have put the
unseasonably cold weather and all of the rain behind us. It
has impacted our golf play to a very low number of playable
days in April and May and we are all looking forward to a
great summer enjoying all of the amenities that Heritage
Hunt living has to offer. From swimming, golf, tennis,
Bocce ball, long walks with our pets (and each other), club
activities and not to mention organized events such as
golf tournaments, and excursions there is something for
everyone. It has been exciting to see many of you participate
in one of the sold out excursions this past month and the
summer months look to offer a great mix of entertainment
options so check out what’s available in this issue and online.
On Memorial Day weekend, we saw our outdoor pool open
up offering a great place to relax and socialize with friends
and neighbors. Make your days at the pool carefree and take
advantage of the pool side food and beverage service offered
throughout the summer. Before you go though, you’ll need
to drop by the Clubhouse Front Desk to get your 2016 sticker
for your HH ID. The hours are listed on page 2 of this issue.
During the month a few projects will be under way such
as the renovation to the Clubhouse hallway floor on the
Resident’s side of the lobby from the Library to the exit
doors beyond the Mountain View Room. This should take
place toward the end of the first week in June, so please be
careful around the construction for a few days. We are also
continuing to transition the woodworking shop from the
Clubhouse to the Golf Maintenance facility, but this is not
expected to be complete until later in the summer.
This past month we saw a great dialog regarding the studied
potential renovation of the Fitness Center and Clubhouse
Lounge. A special thanks to the Task Force and Board for
their diligence in reviewing proposals from the architect,
The Princeton Companies, and to taking the time to listen
to all the feedback from the community during Task Force
and board meeting and the Town Hall. We will know more
about these projects as additional information and input
is gathered, so please continue to watch for upcoming
meetings, forums or questionnaires. Your voice is important!
Speaking of feedback, I want to thank the community for
their participation in the Web Services Survey last month.
Results will be shared later this month and will be useful as
we look towards future contracts for web services. Later in
July your Lifestyle Director, Mark Hillis, will give a workshop
on the community website and Facebook so you can stay
connected to what’s happening in Heritage Hunt.
Our community has a lot going on and never seems to slow
down. Stay connected by attending the Board, Committee
and Task Force meetings as mentioned in this issue and
on the website Events Calendar. These groups, that work
hard to make Heritage Hunt tick, are staffed with faithful
volunteers who not only look at and administer the rules for
the residents to abide by, but spend time to provide services
and amenities to residents and look for ways to stay ahead
of the game when it comes to being a desired community of
choice. So, check out the Resident Opportunities page found
on the Member Home page and see what interests you. May
June be filled with great memories and to the dads Happy
Father’s Day!
3 General Manager’s Message
4 Board Briefs
6 Design Guidelines - Signs
8 Policy Resolution 6 Proposed Revision
9 AAA Driver Safety Course / Team Trivia Night
10 CRC Resident Forum / Blood Drive
11 Tipss to Reduce Fall Potential
12 Household Chemical Safety Tips
13 CRC Health Series
14 Vehicular Heat Stroke / Garden Club
15 Gardener’s Garden
16 You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
18 Charity Classic Bingo Thanks
19 Giving Circle Soap and Paper Drive
20 HHWO Charity Donations
21 Fine Art and Photography Club News
22 HH HAM Radio News
24 Women of Note
25 HH Concerts
26 HH Little Theater
28 Excursions
29 Save the Dates
30 Wine Club News
31 GoCo / Free Movie Night
34 Weekend Aerobics / Seated Aerobics Classes
35 Fitness Sub Committee News / Hiking Club
36 Cycling Club
38 Bocce Playoffs and Championship
40 Fill Your Calendar...
51 Cheers...
52 Classifieds
59 19th Hole - Golf Handicap News
60 Golf Tournaments
61 Calendars
Front Cover Photo
Golf season is in full swing.
Photo by the Photography Club
Yale Feldman, General Manager
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
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Board Briefs
The Board thanks all residents who responded to the
website services survey asking for comments on the
current providers. The results are being reviewed and
along with responses from the administrative staff on
the point of sales system, these comments will
provide the basis to create a request for proposal
(RFP) from other web service providers to be sent out
in July for a September decision. Updates on this
project be will done at all upcoming Board meetings.
It is never too early to say ANNUAL ELECTIONS as
they do happen every year. An issue that the Board is
reviewing along with Committee Chairs is the subject
of floor nominations. These are happening more and
more and while it is a way to fill a vacancy, it also has a
ripple effect that impacts declared candidates as well
as the voting process. In many ways this
undermines declared candidates who have taken
the time to prepare a resume and put in the time to
present themselves to the community. It also affects
voting. You cannot write in a candidate and use on line
voting. You can use a proxy but only if you know that
person is running. So, if you cannot make the annual
meeting you lose your vote and do not really know
who is running.
It would seem we need a better way to handle
vacancies than the current method. We could
eliminate floor nominations and if vacancies still exist,
fill those spaces using the same process used now by
Committees and the Board. Currently, vacancies that
occur during the year are filled by advertising for
interested residents who then meet with the
Committee. After a decision is made by the
Committee, a request to approve their choice is made
to the Board. This option allows the interested
resident and the Committee to make sure they fit
together. To access community reaction to this
concept, a resolution to change Administrative
Resolution # 8 Voting eliminating floor nominations
will be presented at the June 23 Board. It will be a
request to allow this to be published in the July Horn
for resident comments The Board will review those
comments and decide how to proceed.
Please be advised that in no way does anyone want to
discourage volunteers. The effort is to make sure that
we are not just filling a seat because it needs to be
filled but we are filling it with the person that is most
interested in working on that Committee and
understands what is needed and expected of those
members. That has to be the best way to benefit
the resident volunteer, the Committee/ Board and
Heritage Hunt. Residents’ comments will be and are
sought, so please start now by sending them to
[email protected].
Resolutions that were approved at the April 28 Board
meeting are listed below. Please note that due to Horn
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Board Briefs (contd.)
publishing dates, this information appears a full
month after the meeting. Residents can always go to
the website for the full meeting minutes. Go to
Committees, Board of Directors, then Meeting Minutes.
If you have any questions, they can be directed to
Members of the Board, our Community Managers and
our Committee Chairs.
• Approval of Future Communications Services Task
Force Membership
• Approval to publish for community review proposed
revisions to 7/24/12 Design Guidelines
• Approval to update portions of the Food & Beverage
Charter as relates to their mission statement
Kathy Vergano, Board Secretary
Design Guideline Comment
Deadline Fast Approaching
June 3 is the deadline to provide feedback on the
proposed 2016 Design Guidelines. You can view a
copy either on the Member Home page announcement of the community website or a print copy in
the libraries at the Clubhouse and Marsh Mansion.
Comments should be sent to Laura Marshall at
[email protected] by June 3.
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Silk Wrap Refill & Pedicure .......... $47 ......... originally $50
Acrylic Refill & Pedicure............... $43 ......... originally $45
French Manicure ......................... $15 ......... originally $17
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
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Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Design Guidelines - Signs
Real Estate Signs
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:30-4:30 / Fri 8:30-2:00
Serving one neighborhood to provide quality
& attention to detail our customers
desire and deserve.
At the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meeting
on May 11, 2016, members of the real estate
community appeared before the ARC to request that
the ARC consider recommending to the HOA Board of
Directors (BOD) that the current criteria and
restrictions associated with real estate signs found
on page 36 of the July 24, 2012 Design Guidelines be
It was stated that the current
approved sign is not an effective
sign because it sits too low to the
ground and is easily blocked from
view by parked cars. It was also
noted that the green color causes it
to blend with the green grass and
shrubbery in front of homes, making it nearly invisible at a distance.
The presenters stated that the
wording required by the Design
Guidelines does not meet current
State requirements and that what
is required to be included on signs
seems to change almost every year.
Therefore, it is not appropriate for the HOA to dictate
what information should be on “For Sale” and “For
Rent” signs.
The presenters pointed out that requiring real
estate agents to procure a customized sign for use
only within Heritage Hunt was expensive, especially
for agents that do not sell homes in
the community on a regular basis.
The presenters recommended that
realtors should be allowed to use
their regular signs as they are allowed to do in surrounding communities, to include the traditional
post in the ground as seen in the
photos. It was proposed that while
all sign verbiage should
conform to Virginia laws governing
real estate signs, the HOA should
not require specific wording or art
work, such as the words “Heritage
Hunt” or the horn logo. Also, the
HOA should not require or restrict
colors to be used on signs.
It was proposed that one “For Sale”
or “For Rent” sign be allowed to be
displayed in the front yard of a
property until it is sold or rented. It was proposed
that one “Open House” sign be allowed to be placed in
the front yard on Saturdays and Sundays during the
period noon to 5 PM and be removed no later than 6
PM. This would be consistent with the Grounds Committee recommendation to the BOD that standard
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Signs (contd.)
realtor directional signs be allowed during Saturday
and Sunday open house events.
It was stated that Heritage Hunt residents should not
remove any sign that they feel is in violation of
current rules or any new rules put in place, but should
contact the HOA staff who would contact the realtor
and ask them to address the issue. Similarly, HOA
staff should not remove signs.
Prior to making any recommendations to the BOD
regarding changes to the rules associated with “For
Sale” and “For Rent” signs and allowing signs like
those shown, the ARC is seeking community comment. Please send your letters and emails to Laura
Marshall at [email protected] or through
the Association dropboxes no later than July 1.
Andy Johnson, Architectural Review Committee
Directional Signs
At the May 3 Grounds Committee meeting it was
recommended to allow directional real estate signs
to be posted in common areas between the curb and
sidewalk during open house days (Saturdays and
Sundays) for a period of five hours. Below is what was
presented to the Board of Directors at their May 26
meeting and comments may be sent to the committee
at [email protected] by July 1.
1. Directional signs are small signs placed at intersections in the community to help guide visitors to the
homes that are being held “OPEN” for viewing. They
either have a directional arrow on the sign or the
newer versions of the sign may be shaped in the form
of an arrow.
2. Standard Realtor directional signs may be used in
Heritage Hunt on Saturdays of Sundays between the
hours of 12 noon to 5:00 p.m.
3. All signs should conform to the VA law governing
real estate signs, but should have the name of the Brokerage and office telephone at a minimum.
4. Direction signs may be placed in the common
grounds between the street curb and the sidewalk.
Only wire racks are permitted to be stuck in the
ground. “A” frame signs which sit on top of the ground
will be permitted. If there is no common ground
available to place the sign, the realtor must ask
permission to place the directional sign on residents
property. Only one directional sign can be placed at an
intersection for each Open House. No directional signs
should be placed in the medians between lanes in the
Heritage Hunt roads. These directional signs must be
removed within 1 hour after the open house event
concludes and the Realtor holding the open house is
responsible for picking up the signs. If they are not
picked up, they will be removed by the HOA. Residents
should not pick these signs up.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
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Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Gainesville Plumbing Proudly Supports our Troops!
We offer a 10% Military Discount!
To our men and women in uniform both past and present:
Thank You and may GOD Bless!
Gainesville Plumbing
For ALL your plumbing needs!
Proposed Policy 6 Revision
The Grounds Committee presents the following
revision of Policy 6 section IV for community review
based on recent discussion at their May 3 meeting.
Comments may be sent to the committee by email at
[email protected] by July 1. The
proposed revision would now state:
Additional Requirements For Common Area Parking
Space, Common Area Open Spaces, and Parking on
Private Streets
A. No vehicle shall be parked
in a common
open Supports ou
B. Vehicles shall be parked so as not to obstruct other
parking spaces, sidewalks, or ingress and egress areas.
C. No vehicles other than those clearly indicated as operated by or for a handicapped person shall be parked
in spaces reserved for handicapped parking.
D. Vehicles may be parked only in designated parking
spaces. All vehicles shall comply with No Parking areas
as posted or designated.
E. Guests, visitors and service providers may park in
driveways, common area parking spaces, or on the
street. For extended visits or service periods, parking
should be limited to driveways or common area parking
Common Area parking is temporary parking for visitors and guests. Owners / Residents are expected to
park their cars in their garages or driveways. However,
when necessary, Owner / Residents may use common
area parking for a total of 3 days per month.
F. When meteorologists or other weather forecasters
on television, radio or other media predict an imminent
snowfall of one inch or greater, owners, residents and
guests shall move any of their parked vehicles from
the street and common ground parking spaces to their
driveway, or the driveway of the person being visited, or
off the premises. This announcement may also appear
in the HOA community communications resources. This
will enable the community snow removal contractors
to plow all street surfaces rather than have to plow
around a parked vehicle on the street. Vehicles not
moved may be cited and towed by the HOA, with the
vehicle owner liable for the towing charge.
G. The Board of Directors reserves the right to assign
parking spaces to visitors at the Board’s discretion.
Toiletries For Veterans!
We need all sorts of toiletries, slippers, razors, for
patients at the Hunter Holmes VA McGuire Medical Ctr.
You may drop off your donations at Annette and Andy
Johnson’s front porch at 6715 Kimberwick Ct.
Questions, call 703-743-5181.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
AAA RoadWise Driver for
Seniors Course Offered
Mark your calendar for Thursday & Friday, July 14
& 15 from 10 AM to 1 PM for the AAA RoadWise for
Seniors course to be held in the Mt. View Room at the
clubhouse. This course will provide tips on how to reduce driving risks, manage distractions, and avoid the
top 5 causes of senior crashes. You will see video clips
showing real life crashes and the factors that contributed to them. The course combines the newest data,
best resources, and most learner-friendly features.
Dawn A. Brooks, Operations Supervisor, Driver Services from AAA Mid-Atlantic Region will conduct the
training. Students completing the 6 hour course (to be
held on 2 days for 3 hours each day) will be provided
a certificate that can be given to their auto insurance
carrier as many carriers will provide a discount on
their auto insurance premium. The cost of the course
is $25 per person or $40 per couple. We must have a
minimum of 15 students in order for AAA to bring the
course to here to HH.
Pre-registration is required and must be paid in advance no later than one week prior to the event. You
may pick up a form at the Front Desk to register or
contact Pat Phillips for more information at 703-7432660 or email [email protected].
Pat Phillips, Community Relations Committee
Team Trivia Night
Team Trivia Night: Thursday – June 9, 2016 7-9 pm,
Great Oak Ballroom. Doors open at 6:30. Cost of $5,
(becomes prize money for the top three teams,) will
be collected at the entrance table. Cash only, please.
Register your team of eight (all names needed at time
of registration.) Registrants who do not have a team
will be grouped with others to form a team of eight.
Two ways to register (a must) no later than June 6:
1) complete the green registration form found in the
main lobby and submit to front desk or 2) send an
email to [email protected]. If you would like
to help keep score, serve as quiz master (create the
questions) or be an emcee for future games, please
contact Nancy Langley at (703) 743-5356.
Nancy Langley
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
CRC Resident Forum
The Community Relations Committee (CRC) sponsors
the popular Residents Forum Series featuring a fellow
Heritage Hunt resident sharing professional experiences, hobbies or other areas of expertise with our
community. The Forums are held at the Heritage Hunt
clubhouse in the Mountain View Room on the 2nd
Tuesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Please
check HHTV, the Heritage Horn and the clubhouse
bulletin board for further updates.
June 14 - “Polio: The Scourge of Our Childhood,”
Howard E. Gold, MD, an 11 year resident of Heritage
Hunt, after practicing for 39 years as a Pediatric
Physician in Massachusetts, will share his interest in
the story of Polio and how it affected the lives of our
children. He will also cover the many aspects of Polio
from its earliest history to the present.
July 12 - “Plugged In,” Mark Hillis, CMC Lifestyles
Director, will give an interactive presentation on how
to stay connected to community happenings with
tips on the community website. You will learn how
to modify your profile, join buddy groups, sign up
for event/dining/golf events, view account activity,
engage in the community bulletin board, quick search
tips, trouble shooting and more.
The CRC invites all Heritage Hunt residents to share
their experiences with the community at future
Residence Forums. If you or someone you know in
the community has experiences of interest to the
community, or if you have a request for a repeat/
return speaker, please contact Emily Russell at 703
743-1875 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Emily Russell, Community Relations Committee
Monday, June 6 (12 to 5 PM), Ballroom
Please schedule an appointment by
calling Joanne Tuttle 703-743-5345
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Steps to Reduce Fall Risks
Every year, one in three adults over the age of 64 falls.
Falls are the main reason older people go to the emergency room and half of falls occur in a person’s home.
Thousands die from serious falls
A serious fall can, in a flash, change an independent
lifestyle. Many cannot continue to live at home if they
suffer serious injury. Most falls involve changing location, such as while walking or moving from a bed or
chair. Stairs are a problem for people with balance
problems. But simple home modifications and exercises that improve strength and balance can help reduce
the risk of falling. A wide choice of these exercise
classes are offered at the Fitness Center.
1. Remove all loose or slippery area rugs.
2. Keep electrical cords well out of the way.
3. Keep walkways and porches clear.
4. Be especially careful around pets. Your “best
friend” can inadvertently cause a fall, both in the
home or when outside on a leash.
5. Monitor your medications, both prescriptions and
over-the-counter. Drug interactions can cause dizziness, loss of balance and sedation.
6. Avoid situations where you are vulnerable to falling
- let someone else climb the ladder. Install railings on
both sides of a stairway.
7. Be extra careful during the winter when sidewalks,
porches, roads and driveways might be icy.
8. Be sure to have a clear path from your bed to your
bathroom, in case you have to uses the bathroom in
the middle of the night.
9. Use ample lighting and plenty of night lights.
Joey Wagner, Community Relations Committee
Adapted from
Osteoporosis: What it is and what you can do about it.
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Keep Your Family Safe
From Household Chemicals
Repairing All Makes of Garage Doors & Electric Openers
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• Service Contracts Available
• Lifetime Warrangy Springs
• Since 1973
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Chemicals you use in your home can be dangerous to
your health and the environment. To keep your family
safe, follow these safety tips when you use, store or
throw them out. Chemical Use and Storage Tips:
• Buy only the amount of product that you need. Leftover material can be shared with neighbors or donated to a business, charity, or government agency. For
example, excess pesticide could be offered to a greenhouse or garden center, and theater groups often
need paint. Some communities have organized waste
exchanges where household chemicals and hazardous
waste can be swapped given away or disposed of.
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the product’s label when you use and store it.
• Don’t mix products. This can cause deadly fumes or
cause a fire. Incompatibles, such as chlorine bleach
and ammonia, may react, ignite, or explode.
• Store products in their original containers and never
remove the labels unless the container is corroding.
Contents of corroding containers should be repackaged and clearly labeled.
• Never store hazardous products in food containers.
• Store materials that can catch on fire away from
your home.
• Only fill portable gasoline containers outdoors in
an airy area. Make sure to place the container on the
ground when you fill it.
• Never store materials that can cause a fire in direct
sunlight or near an open flame or heat source.
• Store hazardous materials out of the reach of children and pets.
• Use guardrails and safety locks on shelves and cabinets when you store materials. This will prevent them
from falling or tipping.
• Wear protective clothing, like gloves or goggles,
when using certain chemicals if it is recommended by
the manufacturer.
• Never smoke while using household chemicals.
• Aerosol cans might contain chemicals that can burn.
If you put them in the trash, they can be punctured
and explode or start a fire. Never use aerosol hair
spray, cleaning solutions, paint products, or pesticides
near an open flame. (E.g., pilot light, lighted candle,
fireplace, wood burning stove, etc.) Although you may
not be able to see or smell them, vapor particles in the
air could catch fire or explode.
Chemical Disposal Tips:
• Follow the instructions on the label when you need
to throw out the hazardous materials and dispose of
hazardous materials correctly. Take household hazardous waste to a local collection area. The Prince
William County (PWC) Landfill Facility, located on
Prince William Parkway, will take items between 10
a.m. and 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Check
the PWC website at:
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Household Safety (contd.)
Hazardous-Waste.aspx to learn which materials can
and cannot be disposed of by putting them in your
trash can.
• Do not dispose of household hazardous wastes by
pouring them down the drain, on the ground, or into
storm sewers. Check before putting them out with the
trash. Although the dangers might not be immediately
obvious, improper disposal can pollute the environment and pose a threat to human health.
• If you have a spill, clean the area and put the containers in an airy place. If you cannot control the spill,
or are unsure about cleanup and disposal, call your
local fire department.
Symptoms of Toxic Poisoning:
• Difficulty breathing.
• Irritation of the eyes, skin, throat, respiratory tract
• Changes in skin color
• Headache or blurred vision
• Dizziness
• Clumsiness or lack of coordination.
• Cramps or diarrhea.
Be prepared to seek medical assistance for chemical
• Post the number of the emergency medical services
(911) and the poison control center by all telephones.
In an emergency situation, you may not have time to
look up critical phone numbers.
• National Poison Control (800) 222-1222.
Caryl Welsh, Emergency Preparedness Committee
Adapted from FEMA website:
CRC Health Series - June 21
Your Health
When It
Comes to
Do You Have the
Hands On Philosophy
What’s in Your Food? GMO’s,
Hormones, Antibiotics Facts vs. Myths
Join us on Tuesday, June 21, at 7 PM in the Mt. View
room to hear Kathy Reily, MS, RD speak about the
additives in our food and how they affect our diets
and our health.Kathy is a dietician at Novant Prince
William Medical Center Wellness Center Diabetes
Joey Wagner, Community Relations Committee
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Increase and maintain
muscle strength and
Restore and increase
joint range of motion
Increase coordination
Decrease pain
Decrease muscle spasm
Conveniently located off
Route 29 in the
Gainesville Professional Village
Conveniently located in the Signal Hill
Professional Building at the intersection
of Liberia & Richmond Ave
7560 Gardner Park Drive
Gainesville, VA 20155
9161 Liberia Ave, Suite 205
Manassas, VA 20110
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Avoid Vehicular Heat Stroke
Summer is arriving and with it a danger for children,
pets, and people with mobility issues, who are left in
cars. On average, 38 children die in hot cars each year
in the US from heat-related deaths after being trapped
inside motor vehicles. Even the best of parents or
caregivers can unknowingly leave a sleeping baby in
a car; and the end result can be injury or even death.
Hundreds of pets and 9 Police dogs died last year from
being left too long in vehicles.
According to Kids And Cars: “The inside of a vehicle
heats up VERY quickly! Even with the windows
cracked, the temperature inside a car can reach 125
degrees within minutes. Cracking the windows does
not help slow the heating process OR decrease the
maximum temperature. 80% of the increase in temperatures happens in the first 10 minutes. Children
and pets have died from heatstroke in cars when the
outside temperature was as low as 60 degrees.”
• Never leave children or pets alone in cars; not even
for a minute.
• “Look Before You Lock” – Get in the habit of always
opening the back door to check the back seat before
leaving your vehicle. Make sure no child or pet has
been left behind.
• Create a reminder to check the back seat such as
putting a large stuffed animal in the child’s car seat.
When placing the child in the car seat, put the large
stuffed animal in the front passenger seat.
• Most children who have died in cars were inadvertently left in a car.
Ric Perez
Adapted from the Child Protection Partnership - PWC
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Garden Club
June 23 (10 AM) at the Marsh Mansion
This month’s topic is all about your trees and shrubs!
Bartlett tree experts will address various topics
relative to trees, like the scientific approach to caring
for young trees and shrubs in the landscape Optimizing the health, appearance, and longevity of
your trees and shrubs. Observations of common tree/
shrub pest, disease, and cultural issues in Heritage
Hunt landscapes and how to mitigate those problems.
Including Leafspot on Flowering Cherries, Problems
with Pines, Emerald Ash Borer, Mulch mounds, proper
pruning techniques, etc.
Please join us at the Marsh Mansion with your own
questions and get answers from the expert! For more
information please contact Jocelyn Hamilton at
[email protected]
Jocelyn Hamilton
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Gardener’s Garden
Beetlemania - Japanese Beetles
Experience is Priceless!
Heritage Hunt Specialist
Great Market in 2016 – Sellers & Buyers
 VIP service
 Home assessment
 Custom staging
 Smooth transaction
Full-grown adult Japanese beetles are difficult to kill,
but their larvae easily die of Milky Spore disease.
Short version: purchase and put Milky Spore down
in your yard/garden in June or early July (when the
grubs are feeding aggressively) to kill them. It is not a
poison nor an insecticide. It is 100% organic, specific
only for Japanese beetles - won’t harm humans, other
animals, ponds or plants. One application lasts 20
The adult beetles mate and lay eggs on the soil surface
of lawns/gardens throughout the summer period.
These eggs hatch and thousands of young Japanese
Beetle grubs burrow into the soil and begin to actively
feed on turf grass roots (and Milky Spores). As each
infected grub eats the Spores, it dies and releases 3
billion new Milky Spores into the soil.
The right conditions must exist for Milky Spore to
do its job best: the grub has to be aggressively feeding on grass and plant roots in warm soil to ingest
Milky Spores. If the soil is cooler than 65 degrees, the
Spores just pass right thru without harm.
Apply Milky Spore Powder in measured teaspoon
amounts every four feet, apart creating a checkerboard pattern of spots throughout your yard. Water
it in for 15 minutes or longer. Wait to mow your grass
until after the Spores have been watered deep into
the soil. Milky Spore must remain concentrated dust
(not mixed in water to spray). DO NOT apply Milky
Spore powder with fertilizer spreaders or grass seed
spreaders, nor mix with water. If another insecticide
is applied to an area treated with Milky Spore (your
lawn service might do this), it will slow the spread of
the spores and is therefore not a good idea.
Milky Spore applied this June/July will not deter the
adult beetles this summer, but will eliminate them
next summer. GOOGLE ‘Milky Spore’ to answer any
questions you have. For sale at most large garden
centers, big box stores or on-line/Amazon
Nancy Burns
Grounds Committee & Certified Master Gardener
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Thinking of
Call For
 Home assessment
Search Heritage Hunt listings at
Mary LaRoche, Associate Broker, SRES
 Custom staging
LaRoche, Associate Broker, SRES
[email protected]
 Best price
market 703-919-0747
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Jin S. Lim, MD
Board Certified Otolaryngologist
Rebecca M. Beckman, AuD
Clinical Audiologist
We specialize in the evaluation and treatment of:
• Snoring and sleep
• Voice and throat
• Head and neck
• Pediatric ENT
• Ear, balance and dizziness
• Total hearing care, including hearing aids
7001 Heritage Village Plaza, Suite 260, Gainesville, VA 20155
8650 Sudley Road, Suite 303 Manassas, VA 20110
We accept most major health insurance plans
Andrew Frizzle, Agent
7320 Heritage Village Plaza
Gainesville, VA 20155
Bus: 703-753-1700
It’s how I treat all my
customers. And you can be
sure I’ll always do my best to
meet your needs.
Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there.
You Can Teach An Old Dog
New Tricks
Technology is rapidly changing each year making
it more and more challenging to know how to do
things. Some of science fiction we saw in the movies
decades ago are now a thing of the past today. While
we are not using jetpacks, flying cars or teleporting
ourselves to get where we want most of us do have a
mini computer in our hands. And that device is aptly
called a “smart device.” This almost infers the one using it is not so smart and at times we do feel that way.
Siri has become a part of many households. Sad but
true, some communicate more with Siri then their live
family and friends. As with any new device there is a
learning curve.
For my family I have become the “technology guy”
by default. No, I do not possess a degree in computer
programming or electrical engineering (congratulations Leander), but just an innate ability to understand and figure things out. At least that is what I tell
myself and am praised for when I visit my septuagenarian parents. Lately, visits have become an opportunity to help my parents understand how to get more
out their “smart devices.” A sense of pride occurs
when one of them sends me a photo taken straight
from their phone while using Facetime (video conferencing) to chat with me.
That pride quickly dissipates when my nine year
old shows me how to do something with his “smart
device.” Yes, I too have joined the ranks of “old dog”
where I too learn new tricks from my kids. That is the
joy of being a dad. You get to impart some wisdom to
your kids and quietly learn from them. Dads can lay
the ground work and take a step back to see their kids
create something amazing.
Recently, my fourth grader created a multi-media
presentation for school. It was fun to sit down with
him and share tips on how to create an engaging
presentation. His enthusiasm led him to explore more
and share tips with me. The end product is more than
a good grade for an assignment. It is creating an environment where kids and parents can have fun learning together without “old age” or pride getting in the
way. So as our way of life continues to change, dads
you can still teach new “tricks” to your kids. Just don’t
miss out on the opportunity for them to teach you a
few new things. And if they can’t you always have Siri.
Mark Hillis, Lifestyle Director
State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Chelmsford Rental
Beautiful Basement Suite!
Fully furnished!!
Kitchen, Bedroom, Full Bath
Storage, Garage Parking
Private Patio Entrance faces Golf Course!
14033 Breeders Cup
A truly fantastic 2 level model, Large eat-in
kitchen with counter, island, sunny breakfast
area. Separate dining Room. Huge main-floor
master suite and guest bedroom. Extra bedroom and full bath in loft. Built in Bookshelves.
Sunroom with skylights. Screen porch, patio.
Chelmsford Condo
Stunning! Third Floor, Beautiful View!
3 Bedrooms! Many Upgrades!
Granite, Cherry, Custom Built-in office
Plantation shutters, Crown molding!!
Lovely, Lovely!!
Chelmsford Dr
6303 Retriever Ln
13754 Heritage Valley
6626 Everbreeze Ln
6582 Alderwood Way
13793 Charismatic
13526 Ryton Ridge
13383 Fieldstone Way 13627 Heritage Valley
Rent $2,450
Madonna Padilla
Associate Broker, GRI, ABR
(703) 919-9233
Email: [email protected]
6767 Derby Run Way
Margaret Ireland
Office 703-378-8810
Associate Broker, GRI, CRS
(703) 625-2922
Email: [email protected]
If your home is currently listed by another broker, this is not intended to be a solicitation of that listing .
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Charity Bingo - A Big Hit
Attorney at Law
(571) 248-2210
Family Law
Divorce, Custody,
Child Support,
Wills & Trusts
Military Divorce
DUI & Traffic
Spousal Support,
We are located cross the street from Heritage Hunt at
7450 Heritage Village Plaza, Suite 202, Gainesville, Virginia 20155
On April 26th, over 200 patrons convened at the clubhouse ballroom for another round of classic bingo, our
12th event since starting in October 2010. It was another fabulous night of fun for all, over 25 free door prizes,
a lone winner of our $500.00 jackpot game, a winner of
$522.00 in the 50/50 raffle. Several beautiful afghans
donated from the wonderfully talented ladies from the
crochet club, a wine basket donated by our friends at
the Tribute at Heritage Hunt, and a mystery envelope
filled with gift certificates form local merchants were
auctioned during the evening. Best of all, every player
in the ballroom walked out winning something, like gift
certificates to the Chick-fil-A in Gainesville, or coupons
useable at the Gainesville Smashburger.
The evening was made possible thanks to a corps of
volunteers, our most generous sponsors, Community
Management Corporation (CMC), The Chadwick Washington Law Firm, Thrive, The Tribute at Heritage Hunt,
Natural Surroundings Lawn Service Company, and
Heritage Hunt residents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anzilotti.
Heritage Charity Classic wrote a check for $25,000.00,
representing income from our 2 bingo events and the
cancer walk in the past year. All went to the Novant UVA
Health Systems Cancer Center at Lake Manassas. The
proceeds from our latest bingo, our next walk scheduled for September 24th and our November 1st bingo
event will again be donated to the Cancer Center. Another huge thank you, and well done to our volunteers,
sponsors, and patrons.
Denny O’Malley
Lynn and Dave Forman
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Giving Circle Annual Soap
and Paper Drive
The Giving Circle Annual Soap and Paper Drive will be
going on throughout the month of June. Please bring
items to the Clubhouse Library and place them in the
container provided. All donations will go to the Haymarket Food Pantry.
Please consider giving diapers, feminine hygiene
products, household cleaning products, shampoo,
soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. None of these or
any non-food items are available with food stamps.
Please do not donate super-size or extra-large items.
Regular sizes allow more people to be served. Donations will be collected throughout the month of June.
Questions, please contact me at 703-743-5122. Thank
you in advance for your generosity.
Marie Louden
[email protected]
Call Me For a Free Home Value Assessment
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
(Direct Line: 703-569-7000)
●Estate Planning, Trusts, Wills
●Powers of Attorney
●Estates & Probate
●Corporate Law
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Heritage Hunt Women’s
Organization Donates To
Several Local Charities
The Heritage Hunt Women’s Organization (HHWO)
has selected the following organizations to receive
funding this year:
• Project Lifesaver – rapid response transmitters for
children and adults who may wander
• Prince William Public Library – toward a scanner
to convert photos to digital format
• Crossroads-Connection – weekend food for
• Sweet Julia Grace – granting wishes for seriously
ill children
• Haymarket Food Pantry
• CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) • provide support for one child
• Youth Orchestra of Prince William – scholarships
• Breast Cancer Hardship Fund – transportation,
babysitting for those in need who are receiving
cancer treatment
• BEACON for Adult Literacy – English classes for
adults new to this country
• PAK (Performing Arts for Kids) – allowing pubic
school children to experience a performance at
the Hylton Center
• Battlefield High School - scholarship for a young
• Northern Virginia Family Service - transportation
costs to interview for jobs.
A total of $17,000 was distributed among the above
charities this year making it the second most contributed in any one year. HHWO has contributed a total
of $147,008 to local charitable organizations since
2003-04. HHWO wants to thank all members of the
HH community who have supported our fundraising
efforts to make these gifts possible.
Diane Wilson
Board Certified Ophthalmologists
15195 Heathcote Blvd., Suite 310
Haymarket, VA 20169
8140 Ashton Avenue
Suite 120
Manassas, VA 20110
388 Hospital Drive
Warrenton, VA
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Community Art & Photos On
Display In The Clubhouse
The Virginian Dining Room and hallway leading to the
ballroom have a new look thanks to the joint efforts of the
Heritage Hunt Photography Club and the Heritage Hunt
Fine Art Group. The photographic and fine art works that
are on display were selected through a juried process and
will be changed periodically. It is our artists’ sincere hope
that their works will make the clubhouse an even more
inviting place for residents, their guests and visitors. The
display not only showcases the work of individual artists, it
reflects the extraordinary club and interest group network
that contributes so much to the vibrancy and desirability of
living in our community. We hope you enjoy viewing the art
as much as we have had in its creation.
The artists whose mixed media works adorn the Virginian
Dining Room are: Dick Silva (pastel), Ane Haycraft (oil), and
Janet Garney (watercolor). Photographers whose works
are displayed in the dining room are: Lois McDaniel, Sarah
Skerker, Allen Ruhl, and Linda Ruhl.
The artists whose works are displayed in the hallway are:
Kerin Vark (oil) and Kuniko Nagel, Louann Larkin, and Dave
Geddes (watercolorists). Photographers whose works are
hung in the hallway are: Russ Sernau, Sarah Skerker, Allen
Ruhl, and Linda Ruhl. Works of the Heritage Hunt Photography Club and Fine Art Group can also be seen in the downstairs hallway. The two clubs rotate the use of this space on
a quarterly basis. For additional information please contact
Sarah Skerker (Photography) or Janet Garney (Fine Art).
Alan Skerker
Natalie & Curt McArtor & Associates
Associate Broker
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7526 Limestone Drive | Gainesville, VA 20155
The McArtor Team specializes in all
areas of real estate, and a large bulk of
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Hunt Dental
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Heritage Hunt Hams Field
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CALL (703) 330-5363
Field Day is an annual event sponsored by the
American Radio Relay League for ham radio operators
across the United States and Canada to develop the
skills needed to communicate under field conditions
and meet the challenges of emergency preparedness.
To that end we will be using emergency power and
temporary antennas to demonstrate our capability to
rapidly deploy long distance and local communications. HH Hams are particularly proud to be part of
the Heritage Hunt Emergency volunteer force.
The Heritage Hunt Hams field day activity will be
located on the grassy area at the corner of Heritage
Hunt Drive and Victory Gallup Way on June 25th and
26th. Equipment setup will begin at 2 PM Saturday
afternoon June 25th and operations will continue
until 5 PM Sunday. Residents, their families and grandchildren are welcome to come by, learn about Ham
Radio, and even test the waters with our Get On the
Air Station (GOTA). The GOTA station will provide
an opportunity for Novice licensees, newly licensed
amateurs, inactive hams, and non-licensed persons to
experience, first hand, the fun of amateur radio under
the supervision of our GOTA coach.
Age is no barrier. Some members of HH Hams have
held FCC issued licenses since grade school, while
others have only recently entered the hobby. If you
have an interest in learning how to get your license
please ask any of our members. Our club periodically
holds classes for residents that express an interest in
getting their ham license. Whatever, your interest, we
hope you will stop by and see our Field Day operation.
By Alan Skerker, KC4ZA
Stay Connected
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Thinking of selling?
Amanda Scott
Put Amanda’s experience, marketing plan
& staging tips to work for you! Get your
home SOLD for the best possible price!
Call me today to discuss your real estate
needs, in confidence.
Realtor, ABR, SRES
Seniors Real Estate Specialist
[email protected]
Northern Virginia Office, Chantilly, VA 20151
- with finished walkout Lower Level.!
huge deck with Golf course view!
5 BR, 3.5 BA, Grmt Kit w islnd, Brkfst, Liv rm w Gas
Fpl, Din, Fam rm off Kit w Gas Fpl, Library, MBR & 2
more main lvl BRs, WICs, Rec Lts, Loft, unfin walkout
LL w rough-in for BA, 2 zone HVAC. 3 CAR GARAGE
w metal doors, Golf crs view!
3BR, 3BA, Gourmet Kit w NEW granite counters, NEW SS
appls, Fam rm off Kit, gas Fpl, Sunroom, Liv rm, Din rm
HDWDS, NEW neutral crpt, NEW Paint, lge Master BR w
walk-in closet, recessed lts, Workshop, Deck, 2 car Gar w
metal dr, close to Clubhs and entry gate. Mountain view!
Pls call for information
Pls call for information
porch, & magnificent golf course view!
SUPER, 2-LVL ‘OLEANDER’ 3-season porch
backs to secluded common area!
3BR, 3BA, Gourmet Kit w cherry cabs, island & granite,
Liv, Din, Fam rm off Kit, 2-sided Gas Fpl, fin LL w Rec
rm w pool table, Bonus rm, Cedar closet, Storage,
Screened porch & grill deck with steps down to yd,
irrigation system-VIEWS!
13776 Charismatic Way
3BR,3BA, Kitchen w pass-thru, HDWDS, Loft, Fam rm w
Gas Fpl, Din rm w tray ceilg, Liv rm /poss BR, Master BR
w walk-in closet, Laundry w sink, 3 season screened
porch w EZ Breeze wndws, lndscpd yd w Irrig syst, 2 car
gar. Close to Clubhs & entry gate.
13717 Currant Loop
cul de sac!
UPDATED 3-LVL ‘MARJORAM’ Cul de sac lot
3BR, 3BA, Gourmet Kitchen with SS gas cooktop,
refrigerator, wall oven & micro, Brkfst rm, Liv, 2-sided Gas
Fpl, Din, Sunrm/Den, lge Master BR w 2 walk-in closets,
Upper lvl w Loft & BR/BA 3, HDWDS, neutral carpet,
molding, 2 car Gar w metal dr. Cul de sac.
6916 Tred Avon Pl
4BR,4BA,Grmt Kit w NEW Silestone islnd & cntrs & NEW SS
appls. Brkfst rm, Fam rm, Din, Sun room, MBR w 2 walk-in
closets, HDWDS on 2 lvls, Storage, Loft, Tankless HWH, NEW
HVAC in 2013,NEW neut paint, Fin W/Out LL with Rec rm,
Games rm, BR4 & BA. 2 car Gar, Trim wrap, 2 Decks, Awning,
Lndscpd yd, Irrig system.
6714 Kimberwick Ct
porch, cul de sac lot!
3BR, 4BA, UPGRADED Gourmet Kit w granite cntrs &
glass front cabs, HDWDS, Custom Paint,
2 Gas Fpls, Master BR w WIC, UPDTD MBA w granite,
Loft ( BR 3), fin LL w Rec rm, Den/Craft rm, Storage rm,
molding, fans, Trex deck, 2 car Gar, prof lndscpd yd w
Irrig System.
3BR (2 on M/L),3BA, Gourmet Kit w island,
SS appls, cooktop & wall oven, Fam rm off Kit, Liv, Din,
Sun rm, Den, Master BR w 2 walk-in closets, Loft, Neutral
pnt, moldg, fans, wide plank HDWDs, Trex Scr Prch,
Deck, Lndscp yd, Irrig Syst, 2 car Gar w metal dr.
6920 Tred Avon Pl
6566 Alderwood Way
6208 Settlers Trail Pl
13024 Triple Crown Loop
6552 Alderwood Way
6852 Tred Avon Pl
6044 Calumet Ct
See all active Heritage Hunt listings at:
Call me to view any active listing!
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
‘Ashby Ponds’
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Say It With Music - A Review
Elegant Living
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9/13/11 12:51 PM
Say it with music was the theme of the Women of Note
Spring concert and say it they did. The music took
me back to a younger time and a younger me. It was
entertaining and pleasurable to hear, but the best was
the feeling of being back in time when some of the old
songs were sung. I didn’t want it to end.
Bobbie Bragg, our director, picks wonderful music and
the Women of Note sing from the heart as well as the
throat. That’s what makes the magic happen.
Now, the summer gives them a time to relax and soon
enough prepare for the Holiday Concert. It’s a fabulous feeling to give 100% of the musical gifts God gave
us and then to take time to rev up the old pipes to get
set to do it again.
Thanks to all the women who spend months learning
the music. Thanks to Bobbie for her dedication and
direction. Thanks to the Light Sound and Television
volunteers who work so hard. Thanks to Barbara
Kenefake, our group leader, Denny Cumber the stage
manager, greeters and ticket takers. It truly takes a
village to accomplish a show. I’m sure the women who
sing get more out the experience than anyone else. We
have become a family who welcomes your participation the most. You are the wind beneath our wings
and the very air upon that which the music floats.
Thanks, thanks and more thanks!
Joyce Mancini
Music is
the movement of sound
to reach the soul
for the education of its virtue.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Get it Priced Right. Get it Staged Right.
Get it Listed with Debbie and Pat.
Jay Siegel’s Tokens-June 23
What were you doing in 1961 when the airwaves
were filled with the glorious sound of The Lion Sleeps
Tonight? Relive those fabulous times with these great
songs: Runaround Sue, Earth Angel, One Fine Day,
Portrait Of My Love, See You In September, Silhouettes, You Send Me, The Wanderer, She Cried and
It’s like watching a magic show. How does he do it?
After all of these years, original lead singer Jay Siegel,
still hits all the notes in the original key. It’s a joy and
a wonder to watch him perform.
The group was formed in Brooklyn and had a huge
national hit in 1961 called Tonight I Fell In Love. But
they have carved their legend with The Lion Sleeps
Tonight which went to number one and remained
there for three weeks. In 1994 with the popularity of
The Lion King, it was rereleased and again charted,
some 33 years later.
This is a truly special show as we delight in bringing
a legendary group with timeless hits to Heritage Hunt
and a wonderful value at only $36.00
Use the ivory-colored forms in the clubhouse lobby
for this and all future HH Concert performances. Or
you can print a reservation form: www.HHconcerts.
org. Upcoming HHC Programs:
• July 28 – Annapolis Bluegrass Coalition...
Returning to Heritage Hunt
• August 26 – The Capitol Steps...Right in the heat of
the election season
• September 22 – The Attacca Quartet...
Internationally renowned string quartet
Dave Leveton, Committee Member, Rock & Roll
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
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4/13/16 2:38 PM
Heritage Hunt Little Theater rounded out the spring season
with a combination of activities, including performance,
education, community outreach, and a visit to a new
regional theater. With the conclusion of the spring production of “Boeing, Boeing,” our May meeting took us to the
“other side of the foot lights” and allowed us to enjoy and
learn from the
experiences of local actor and director Leland Shook. We
also took advantage of the first production of Leland’s own
theatrical company, Ghost Light Players, who staged “Steel
Magnolias” in Warrenton.
The big news of the month was the announcement of the
fall production. Directed by Bill Harrison and Ina Mayer,
HHLT will stage “The Book of Murder” by Ron Cowen. This
murder mystery will keep you on the edge of your seats as
the audience gets to participate in the drama. Dates for the
production are November 9 and 10.
Mindful of the many senior citizens who reside in
facilities all around us, HHLT under the direction of Ina
Mayer sponsors TTT, Traveling Theater Troupe. Ina and her
group of talented volunteers visit
nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the area and
provide programs with songs, skits, and
entertainment. The smiles, laughter, and recognition of the
“old favorites” among the residents make these visits so
Our June 16th meeting will be our own version of Improv
Night in the Mountain View Room at 7 PM. If you’re interested in joining, contact Ginny McCardle, Membership Chair,
at 703-7431803 or email at
[email protected].
Kathryn Schmiel
Boeing, Boeing-Another Hit!
4451 Brookfield Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Chantilly, VA 20151
Can you imagine one man having three fiancee’s? Can you
imagine juggling all those schedules at once and not making
any wrong moves? It gives me a headache to think about it.
But juggle our man does comes the big BUT. All
the schedules change and all three are about to meet, thinking they are the one and only. The playwright was very cleverly and gleefully managed. There was much coming and
going through the seven doors on the stage. One opens, one
closes, just in the nick of time. Just when you thought he’s
going to get caught now, nope, the moment was resolved.
Gene Schmiel was the chief deceiver, amply aided by his
partner in crime, John Johnson. The three hapless damsels, all stewardesses from different airlines were Kathryn
Schmiel (Alitalia), Gerogianna Ide (TWA) and Joan Patton
(Lufthansa). THey all played their parts with funny gestures
and clever lines. A side note, all their outfits were authentic.
The funniest part was played by Ginny McCardle who was
the put on maid who had to keep track of all the different
meals these women preferred. She was played to perfection
and in the end she got her just due in a big raise. My kind of
woman. The play was directed by Betty Hitchcock and Walt
Meyer. Kudos to all.
Joyce Mancini
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
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Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Upcoming Excursions
Flower Gallery
of Manassas
Doug Burroughs, owner of the Flower Gallery of Manassas, will present
another artistic and entertaining program for the HHWO. His theme is
“Garden Parties”. See you there!
Meeting, Program & Luncheon starting at
10:00 am in the Clubhouse Great Oak Ballroom
June 14th, 2016
HHWO Members: To reserve and order lunch, complete the white HHWO
form in the clubhouse lobby
No later than noon Tuesday June 7, 2016
Place the completed form in the wooden box marked HHWO
Info: Sharon Brown, 703.743.2325 or email [email protected]
HHWO Members who do not stay for lunch may be seated in the
Program Only section
The H.H. Genealogy Club
Two Programs
Monday, June 20, at 10 a.m. in
Mountain View Room
At this meeting of our genealogy club, we will have two separate programs. These programs were originally scheduled for
May but had to be moved to June.
Census Data Can Lead to Unexpected Discoveries: Mardie
Younglof will show us how she discovered that a great aunt’s
husband had been a bigamist! She will describe, in a 20-30
minute program, how she made an unexpected discovery in
census records and how she used various online “tools” to follow the story to its conclusion.
This will be followed by Lecture 7, “Your Ancestors in Naturalization Records,” by John Philip Colletta. He discusses how to
find the initial information about ancestors’ immigration and
explains how to find their naturalization records, covering
naturalization before 1790, 1790-1906, and after 1906.
All Heritage Hunt residents and guests are welcome
Nationals vs. Cubs Baseball Game
June 15, 2016 (Wednesday, 4:05 PM)
Cost: $90 (Includes ticket and transportation)
With a strong high expectations the Cubs hope this is
their year and look to prove their strength against a
resilent Nationals team.
Departs at 2 PM and returns around 9 PM
Kinky Boots at The Kennedy Center
June 16, 2016 (Thursday, 7 PM)
Cost: $130 (Includes ticket and transportation)
Inspired by true events, Kinky Boots takes you from a
gentlemen’s shoe factory in Northampton to the
glamorous catwalks of Milan.
Departs at 4:30 PM and returns around 10 PM
Maryland Live Casino
June 27, 2016 (Monday, 12 PM)
Cost: $25 (Includes transportation. Incentive TBD)
Try your luck at one of the hundreds of games available
at one of the Mid-Atlantic’s top casinos for games, food
and entertainment.
Departs 10:30 AM and returns around 5:30 PM
Bridges at Madison County at Kennedy Center
Nationals vs. Pirates
July 15, 2016 (Friday, 7:05 PM)
Cost: $90 (Includes transportation and ticket)
The Pirates look to challenge the Cubs with a win
against National League East division leader Nationals.
Departs 4:30 PM and returns around midnight.
Huey Lewis and the News at Wolf Trap
July 26, 2016 (Tuesday, 8 PM)
Cost: $60 (Includes transportation and ticket)
Relive some the greatest 80’s rock music around at one
of DC’s best outdoor concert venues. Sit under cover
and hear why this band has been a sellout for 35 years.
Departs at 6 PM and returns around 11 PM.
Excursion Registration
Each excursion has limited seating so please book
early. You can now sign up online by visiting the
calendar event and clicking on “Sign Up.” You may
also obtain and turn in a print form to the Clubhouse
Front Desk. If registering online please indicate your
payment method in the Notes Box..
You may pay one of three ways: charge to your clubhouse account; check; or money order made out to
Heritage Hunt HOA. When paying by check or money
order please indicate the excursion in the memo line
and drop off at the Clubhouse Front Desk.
Cancellation with two weeks of the event will still be
charged unless a substitute can be obtained by the
reserving party or from a possible wait list party. For
questions contact Mark Hillis at 703-743-5475.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Save the Date
June 15................................................................. Nats Excursion
June 16................................................. Kinky Boots Excursion
June 17........................................................... Free Movie Night#
June 23.................................................................... HH Concerts&
June 27...........................................MD Live Casino Excursion
July 14 & 15............... AAA Road wise for Seniors Course
July 15.................................................................. Nats Excursion
July 15............................................................ Free Movie Night#
July 26.................................. Huey Lewis Concert Excursion
July 28..................................................................... HH Concerts&
August 5.............................................................. Nats Excursion
August 11..................................Yo Yo Ma Concert Excursion
August 17........................ Phantom of the Opera Excursion
August 19...................................................... Free Movie Night#
August 25............................................................ Nats Excursion
August 25............................................................... HH Concerts&
Sept 8............................................ Cirque Du Soleil Excursion
Sept 24........................................... Charity Classic Walk/Run
Sept 27................................................Tudor Estate Excursion
Oct 18.....................................................Little Foxes Excursion
Nov 1........................................................Charity Classic Bingo
Nov 9........................................................... Carousel Excursion
Nov 9-10.......................................... Little Theater’s Fall Play
Dec 15............................................................Wicked Excursion
About Reservations:
• Events marked *: Event flyers list the dates that reservations open and close. Reservations are not
accepted prior to the date reservations open. Make
reservations utilizing the blue F&B reservation form
available in the clubhouse lobby or reserve online at the
address listed in the flyer. A reservation may be
cancelled at no penalty up to 72 hours prior to an event.
To cancel your reservation, complete a red
cancellation form available in the clubhouse lobby.
Reservations canceled within 72 hours of the event
time, incur a charge equal to 50 percent of the food
• Concerts marked & : For Heritage Hunt Concerts
reservations, fill out the ivory-colored form and attach a
check payable to “Heritage Hunt Concerts.”
• Events marked #: For Free Movie Night reservations,
call Darlene, 703-743-2291, or Dianne, 703-743-1453.
• Events unmarked: Either special reservation
instructions must be followed or no reservation is
required. Look for information as available in the
clubhouse and on
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Jay Siegel’s Tokens
The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
and much, much more!
With the original lead singer!
Pop, Rock and Doo-Wop
June 23, 7:30 PM
FREE In-Home Consultation
We Beat Next Day Blinds Everyday Prices!
Top Brands such as Hunter Douglas, Showcase Shutters, Cigma Blinds, CACO
83% OFF
[email protected]
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Tuesday Night Buffet Menu
Wine Club - June 20
JUNE 7 | Greek Salad, Lamb Kabob, Falafel, Basmati Rice,
& Baklava.
The Heritage Hunt Chapter of the American Wine Society invites members and their guests to explore quality
wines, vineyards, wineries, and wine-makers. Our club
is dedicated to wine education and the appreciation and
enjoyment of wine from around the world.
At our April meeting, we tasted the rich and delightful
wines produced in Mendoza, Argentina by Bodega Luigi
Bosca-Arizu and learned about wine making in the foothills of the Andes. Also in April, we made a Sunday afternoon excursion visit to The Local Taste in Upperville
VA. Chris Patusky introduced us to the wines that he and
his wife, Kiernan Slater, are producing just outside this
historic town at their Slater Run Winery. He also gave us
a great introduction to local history. We had fine wine,
excellent company, and a great time.
Virginia’s wine making is maturing and the wines are
getting better and better. Our May and June events take
advantage of this delightful development and our club’s
location within Virginia’s wine country. In May, we were
given an excellent presentation from Howard O’Brien,
founder and owner of Chateau O’Brien at Northpoint
Winery & Vineyard in nearby Markham. In June we host
another Virginia vinicultural gem.
On June 20, our guests will be Magnolia Vineyards &
Winery. Glenn and Tina Marchione are the proprietors of this family-owned winery in the rolling hills
near Amissville, VA. Both have Italian roots and they
are focused on “European” style wines made following
modern sustainable agricultural practices. Glenn and
Tina planted their first vines on three acres in 2009.
They produced their first wine from these vines in 2011.
Today they care for about 5,000 vines on seven acres
including Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Viognier and Sangiovese. Their 2012 Cabernet
Franc Reserve was recently awarded a 2016 Governor’s
Cup Bronze Medal – an outstanding accomplishment for
a new winery.
This is truly a boutique, small-production vineyard and
winery. Tina and Glenn grow the grapes and make the
wine. Their love for winemaking is readily apparent and
shows up in the quality of the wines they produce.
Meet the winemakers and sample their wine at our
June meeting. The Virginian Dining Room will open at
6:45pm on Monday June 20 with ‘social’ wines and the
opportunity for you to greet old friends and meet new
ones. The presentation of our featured Magnolia Vineyard wines will follow. We’ll have light fare for paring.
Door prizes will conclude a great event.
Reservations for our June 20 event are required for
members and guests (who are always encouraged). Registration closes at 12pm noon Friday June 17. To reserve
your seat contact Joey Wagner at joeyquilts@yahoo.
com or 703-743-1043. You can pay the tasting fee of
$22/person at the door by cash or check. Visit the Wine
Club on facebook at
Our Heritage Hunt Wine Club is a top-ten chapter of the
American Wine Society.
Walt Grabowski, HH Wine Club Communications
JUNE 14 | Iceberg Salad, Jerk Chicken, Grilled Asparagus,
Fried Sweet Potato, & Coconut Cream Pie.
JUNE 21 | Pork Potstickers, Vegetable Spring Rolls, Beef
Lo Mein, Sesame Chicken, Oranges, & Almond Cookies.
JUNE 28 | English Pea and Bacon Salad, Beer Battered
Cod, Hush Puppies, House-cut Fries, & Mixed Berry Trifle.
July 5 - Soft Pretzels with Beer Cheese * German Potato Salad
* Butter Spätzle * Grilled Bratwurst with Sautéed Peppers and
Onions * Black Forest Cake
July 12 - Chopped Salad * Potato Gratin * Grilled Lemon Thyme
Vegetables * Marinated Flank Steak with Chimichurri * Griddled
Pound Cake with Seasonal Berry Compote
July 19 - Roasted Beet & Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese and
Lemon Vinaigrette * Saffron Rice Pilaf * Broccoli Gratin * Baked
Lemon Pepper Atlantic Salmon * N.Y. Style Cheesecake
July 26 – Antipasto * Grilled Calamari Salad * Marinated Shrimp
Salad * Lemon Basil Capellini * Herb Crusted Pork Loin * Valencia Cake
COST | $15 plus tax and service charge
Magnolia Vineyards & Winery
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Gourmet Coterie (GoCo)
June 17, 2016 - 10 AM
Join us for the last meeting before the summer break.
Even though we will not be meeting during July and
August, the fun will continue. So, plan to attend this
month to hear important updates on our many events
such as Dining out, Cakes Galore, and other activities.
During August, members will enjoy a potluck dinner
made from recipes in the GoCo Cookbook—details
will be provided along with an opportunity to sign
up at the June meeting. Also, plans for the fall will be
discussed as well. New members are always welcome
to the meetings. If you choose to join, dues are only
$10 per year for each household.
James Brown
Starting May 10, 2016
For every $15 (exclusive of tax and service charge) you spend in the
Virginian Dining Room, you will receive one raffle entry. Your server will
provide you the entry form to complete and drop in the Raffle Box.
Every ten weeks, we will host a raffle drawing reception in
the Great Oak Ballroom for all raffle participants.
9 Lucky Winners every 10 Weeks
One GrAnD PriZe | $200 Heritage Hunt Gift card
eiGHT | $100 Heritage Hunt Gift cards
be in i
Gotta in it!
to w
Up To Par Management and
the Food & Beverage Committee
for your continued support
of the Virginian Dining Room.
Good luck!
Free Movie Night - June 17
Join your friends and neighbors in the Great Oak Ballroom on Friday, June 17, at 7:30 PM, to see the Oscarwinning Best Picture, “Spotlight.”
“When the Boston Globe newspaper’s tenacious
“Spotlight” team of reporters delve into allegations of
abuse in the Catholic Church, their year-long investigation uncovers a decades-long cover-up at the highest levels of Boston’s religious, legal, and government
establishment, touching off a wave of revelations
around the world.”
Free popcorn and cash bar will be available.
Reservations are necessary to assure that adequate
seating will be available. For reservations, call Dianne
at 703-743-1453 or Darlene at 703-743-2291 or
email [email protected], stating name and number
Dianne McAndrews & Darlene Leffler
The Cinema Sisters
6901 Arthur Hills Drive, Gainesville, VA 20155 | 703-743-2000 | | An Associa CMC & Up to Par Managed Property
Grandkids Day
Sunday, August 7 | 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. | The Knoll & Great Oak Ballroom
Contact Jill Peterson at [email protected] | 703-743-1757, or
Thomas Morrison at [email protected] | 301-529-0058.
Join us for a fun day out with the Grandkids.
Fun for all with relay races, games, and more!
Hamburgers | Chicken nuggets | Corn Dogs | Ranch Chips | Fruit Salad
Macaroni Salad | Worms in the dirt | Cookies
$21 adults | $15 kids 12-6 | $5 five & under
Reservations open July 1 through August 1.
Please complete a blue reservation form or visit the club’s website.
6901 Arthur Hills Drive, Gainesville, VA 20155 | 703-743-2000 | | An Associa CMC & Up to Par Managed Property
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
JUNE Friday & Saturday NIGHT DINNER
Dinner Special June 17 & 18
Yes, you heard right, we are open for dinner on Saturday June 18!
Full dinner menu is also available.
3-COURSE DINNER $30 (plus tax & service charge)
CHaMPaGNE salad
Seasonal greens, candied pecans, dried cherries, warm goat cheese,
and champagne dressing.
Stuffed pork chop served with gratin potatoes, Marsala roasted
mushrooms, and herb au jus.
CHoosE JaMBalaYa Pasta
Penne pasta with jumbo shrimp, Andouille sausage, peppers,
ENtréE and onions. Served in creole cream sauce.
Half roasted chicken finished on the grill. Served with rösti potatoes,
grilled vegetables and natural jus.
dEssErt BaNaNa
Made with dark rum, brown sugar, and Chantilly cream.
6901 Arthur Hills Drive, Gainesville, VA 20155 | 703-743-2000 | | An Associa CMC & Up to Par Managed Property
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Saturday Aerobics Offered
The HH/S&H membership program offers a
discounted monthly rate—$39.99 for
individuals and $51.99 for couples—and will
be billed on HH clubhouse accounts.
For members new to S&H a processing fee
of $49 is applicable to individual or couple
HH/S&H memberships. This fee will be billed
with the first month’s charges. If you are
already a member of S&H, a conversion fee of
$39 is applicable.
Membership cancellations must be submitted
in writing to HH management (via e-mail to
Tracey, [email protected] or by
handwritten or typed note left at the
clubhouse front desk or HOA office at Marsh
Mansion) by the 18th of the month to be
effective on the last day of the current month
(July 18 to end July 31).
Cancellation notices received on the 19th of
the month will be effective on the last day of
the following month, that is, cancellation on
July 19 will be effective August 31.
Membership changes must also be submitted
in writing to HH management as above.
Enrollment in the HH/S&H membership
program is an HH amenity and, as such, is
not available to a homeowner pending board
hearing action or 60+-days delinquent on HOA
or clubhouse accounts. Similarly, membership
in this program will be suspended at such time
a homeowner is deemed no longer in good
standing with the HOA.
To enroll in the HH/S&H program, complete
the HH/S&H enrollment form available at the
clubhouse front desk and at To activate your
HH/S&H membership, complete a separate
membership agreement at the Sport&Health
facility. S&H promotions for discounts, free
membership, waived processing fee, etc., are
not available with this program.
Come join us for the perfect way to start your weekend. My name is Lisa Moscatello-Hartung and I teach
the Saturday 9 AM aerobics class; late enough to get
your coffee, but early enough to get you out the door
with all the energy you need in time for your weekend
Most are aware of the importance of cardiovascular
exercise for heart health, but getting (and staying)
motivated can be tricky- finding a format that keeps
you challenged and having fun is the one that will
keep you coming back. Consistency is key for reaping
the long term benefits of exercise.
Our Saturday class utilizes movements from cardio
box, dance inspired fitness, to good old traditional
aerobics. Grapevines, mambos, lateral and rhythmic
movement are all included. If you’ve never heard of
those steps, I will teach them to you! Modifications
are always given so you can choose the intensity that
is right for you.
By combining techniques such as interval training and
body sculpting as well as balance, coordination and
functional strength, you receive an effective, FUN, full
body workout- all in 60 minutes! Your first class is
free! Why not give it a try?
Lisa Moscatello-Hartung, Fitness Instructor
Seated Aerobics Class
Seated aerobics, often called “dancing in a chair” is a
simple and effective way to begin an exercise
program. It is a functional fitness class including an
upper and lower body workout which can be
modified as needed. The class provides a full body
workout with no strain on knees, hips and back. Many
of the movements can be done at home on your own.
This class works for beginning exercisers, experienced
exercisers, those with medical conditions or those
who use a cane or a walker. The class includes three
1. Cardio workout to elevate heart and breathing rates
to increase oxygen volume in the body and the brain.
Most of the cardio benefits come from arm movements which can be modified as needed.
2. Stretching and flexibility for functional fitness to
ease tight muscles and stiff joints used for everyday
3. Strength training, by using simple resistance bands,
to build bone mass and ward off osteoporosis.
The one-hour sessions are held from 10-11am on
Mondays and Thursdays in the Great Oak Ballroom.
The ten week summer session runs from Monday,
June 20 through August 29. The June 20 class is FREE
for all residents. Please bring bottled water. Summer
session Fee: One class weekly for ten weeks-$80; two
classes weekly for ten weeks-$140. Direct any questions to Joey at (703) 743-1043 or via email [email protected].
Joey Wagner, Fitness Instructor
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fitness Sub-Committee
Working Hard On Your Behalf
In July, 2014, at the request of regular Fitness Center
users, the Facilities Committee established an Ad Hoc
Committee comprised of a member of the Facilities
Committee, a member of the Community Relations
Committee and frequent Fitness Center users. The
purpose was to evaluate the range of classes offered
and to determine if they were meeting the needs of
the Residents. The committee evolved in January
2015 to be a permanent sub-committee with new
tasks. Today the work includes:
• Evaluating current classes and considering future
• Replacing fitness equipment when possible
• Collecting and reporting statistics
• Writing policies and giving input on Resolutions
pertaining to Fitness Center Rules
• Overseeing the overall Fitness Center environment
• Encouraging Instructors to write articles for the
Heritage Horn
• Collecting information from Fitness Center users
to develop a “Wish List” for possible expansion.
Residents are welcome to join us on the first Monday
of each month in the Marsh Mansion Living Room at
4 PM and share your ideas or concerns.
Sue Waldron, Fitness Sub-Committee
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HH Hiking Group
April proved to be a difficult weather month with one
hike getting cancelled due to rain. We did manage to
enjoy one of our scheduled hikes. It started out as a
cool damp day but we lucked out and the weather
turned pleasant as we hiked the Hemlock Overlook
loop. This is always an enjoyable trek with challenging
rocky terrain along the Bull Run near Clifton. We were
fortunate that the trails were passable and not too
muddy. The banks of Bull Run were covered with fields
of Bluebells. Since all the leaves were not on the trees
yet, the water was visible for more of the hike.
June hikes include a return to Burke Lake Park’s 5 mile
trail around the lake as well as first about 5.5 mile First
Battle of Manassas Blue Trail.
To be added to the HH Hiking Club email contact list
please email Margi Worrest at [email protected].
This will keep you informed of where and when we
plan to hike as well as cancellations due to weather issues or changes to our hiking schedule
Margi Worrest
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
WARRENTON | 52 W. Shirley Ave., | 540.347.9220
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Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Cycling Club News
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In May, our start time has moved to 8:30 AM. After
school lets out, our start time at the Marsh Mansion
will be 8:00 AM. We will keep this start time throughout the summer and until school starts again.
Yes, flats do occur out on the trail. Are you prepared?
What do you need to repair a flat? You need a pair of
levers to help get the tire off and back on the rim, a
tube of the correct size, and a hand pump or a CO2 device to re-pressurize the tire. Yes, you can use patches, but they often fail and take a lot more time than
just replacing the tube. Riding with a group is always
helpful because someone knows how to do all of this.
Also, as it sometimes happens repairs cannot be made
and a member of the group can peddle back and get a
vehicle to rescue the rider and their bike.
April was expected be a good riding month, but high
winds and cold and winter-like temperatures during
the first part of the month kept many cyclists indoors
or over at Manassas Mall walking the mall. April 10th,
nine cyclists participated in the HH Community Open
House event and assisted in convincing prospective
homeowners that HH is truly an active adult community. In the picture below, the gent at the left is
wearing the club’s new jersey. The front of the jersey
depicts cyclists riding out at sunrise and the back
depicts cyclists riding home at sunset.
[email protected]
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Cycling Club (contd.)
On April 18th, God gave us a perfect cycling day. Thirteen cyclists took advantage of it to meet at the bike
shop in The Plains and ride the hill country surrounding Marshall. They had lunch at “Front Porch” Market
and Grill in The Plains. Put that place on your “I have
to stop list”. The food is good and plentiful.
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April 23rd, several cyclists participated in a ride along
the new bike trail that connects Richmond and Williamsburg. This scenic trail, which was completed in
August of 2015, meanders along the James River for
50 miles. It’s a great ride. Put it on your bucket list.
The Cycling Club is meets every Monday – Friday at
the Marsh Mansion, except on days we transport our
bikes to start points outside of HH. On Tuesdays the
Club has been conducting a leisurely ride lasting 60
minutes (plus or minus a minute or two) over mostly
level terrain. The ride stopped for a water break at
30 minutes and at Subway at Merchants Square in
Dominion Valley for coffee, tea, sodas, and chit chat
before returning to HH.
Some folks have stated that they would like to ride
with us, but have an aversion to leaving the confines
of HH. So, we have started a new Tuesday option
that rides for one hour at a very leisurely pace in the
northern and flatter end of HH. Come on out and give
this new format a try. Remember, on all of our rides,
we never leave you to ride alone unless you ask us to
do so. We are always there to help with a flat tire and
to guide you home safely. The club has also started
another practice. On days when weather precludes
riding, folks meet at the Manassas Mall food court
around 8:30 to 9:00 AM and walk the mall until 10:00
AM when the stores open and then get a drink at McDonald’s. One loop around the mall equals a mile.
We have lots of fun rides outside of Heritage Hunt
planned for this summer and fall. Some will include
an overnight stay at interesting locations. Persons not
yet on the HH Cycling Club email list may get on the
list by emailing Bob Shannon at trebor927@gmail.
com. Being on the list will allow you to know when
weather conditions are considered too severe to ride
locally or when the club is going to take a ride with a
starting point away from HH.
Andy Johnson
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Bocce Playoffs And
Bocce is now Heritage Hunt’s second biggest participation sport, behind golf. The league, now in its
seventh season has grown from 40 players to 165 and
interest continues to grow as we now have two divisions with twelve teams in each division for a total of
24 teams.
Mark your calendars for the big games. The playoffs
have the four best teams in each division battling it
out over three weeks including the championship
game. Weather permitting, the playoffs are June 4,
June 11 and June 18 with matches beginning at 9 AM
and ending around 1 PM.
The championship is Saturday, June 25 at 10 AM,
when the two remaining roll against each other.
Matches are two-out-of three 11 point games and will
utilize both courts.
Come out and watch the best Bocce players Heritage
Hunt has. Cheer your neighbors and friends. See
some good shots and some that could be better. It’s
all part of the game. It’s really a fun social event. The
courts are located in front of the Marsh Mansion.
Bring lawn chairs as seating is limited.
The targets are there for the other teams so they will
know who to aim for.
Dave Leveton
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
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Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fill Your Calendar
• Alcoholics Anonymous “Friends of Bill” - The purpose
of the group is to provide support to residents who have a
desire to stop drinking, or to protect their current sobriety.
AA meets Tuesdays at 7 PM in the Ticket Room of the
Marsh Mansion.
• Allegro is a classical music and opera club that meets
on Thursday evenings in the board room at 7:30-9:00 pm.
Some members enjoy dinner together in the Virginia Room
beforehand. For information about programs, please email
[email protected]
• Beginners Bridge group meets every Saturday from
10 AM to 12 PM in the Clubhouse Billiards Room. This is
a group for people who would like to learn how to play
bridge. Please call Joan Turner 571-284-6978 if you are
interested in joining us for some fun.
• Bible Study group meets on Mondays 3:15-5 PM,
September through June. Questions? Please call Betty,
703-743-5053, or Mae, 703-743-5011.
• Bible Study meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30
PM in the Clubhouse Mountain View Room. For more
information contact Jim Beck 703-743-2241.
• Soul Refreshment Bible Study group meets on the
second and fourth Wednesdays from 10 AM to 11:15 AM in
the Marsh Mansion Living Room. For more information, call
Nancy Accipiter, 743-5440, or Pat LeDoux, 743-5307.
• Heritage Hunt Men’s Billiards Club – On Thursday
evenings at 6:30 PM in the Blue Ridge Room, billiards
players get together for several games. All are welcome to
attend and good times are had by all. Contact Al Daitch at
703-743-5135 for more information.
• Heritage Hunt Blanket Stitchers/Crocheters meet
every Wednesday from 1-3 PM in the craft room. Our
on-going projects are making blankets for veterans of the
Armed Forces in nursing homes, Project Linus (a group
that gives blankets to traumatized children), scarves for the
Special Olympics and Women’s Heart Health Organization.
We invite anyone who is having problems with a pattern
or would like to learn to crochet, or just wants to come and
chat a bit to join us. For more information, call Annette
Johnson at 703-743-5181.
• Book Club will meet in the Blue Ridge Room at 11 AM
on Thursday, June 16, Me Before You by Jojo Moyes; July 21,
The Lake House by Kate Morton; August 18, The Little Paris
Bookshop by Nina George; September 15, Thunderstruck
by Erik Larson; October 20, Herbert Hoover: The American
Presidents Series by William Leuchtenburg; November
17, Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner. The discussion
group meets the third Thursday of each month. For more
information call Pauline Cratty, 703-743-2737 or Nancy
Johnston at 571-261-9983.
• Bowling: The fall/winter season of the three leagues
has ended. The following Heritage Hunt residents ended up
as follows: MONDAYS: 3rd place: Shirley Holland and 4th
place: Mike Conboy and Tom Foskey. WEDNESDAYS: 1st
place: Betty Bottjer, John and Shirley Holland, 2nd place:
Lou Layne, 3rd place: Sal Buscema and 4th place: Ron Bernstein, Meg Bencivenga and Wally Johnston. FRIDAYS: 1st
place: John and Shirley Holland and 6th place: Mike Conboy
and Tom Foskey. Watch this column in the July issue for
the time and place for the orientation meeting for the
2016/2017 season.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fill Your Calendar (continued)
• Canasta Players: Everyone is invited to join HH’s
canasta group. Over 25 individuals have registered to
date to play with 5-12 showing up weekly. “Double draw,”
“discard stack always frozen,” “double Canasta to go out”
with most other standard rules applying played. We play
every Monday afternoon at 1 PM in the clubhouse Blue
Ridge Room. To register or receive answers to any
questions contact John Bonilla at 703-743-1549.
• Chess Club: Join us for a friendly game of chess in the
Marsh Mansion Garden Room, Wednesday nights, 6-9 PM.
Men and women at all levels are welcome. If you are rusty
or new to the game, lessons will be given. For additional
information, call Rey Pasa, 703-743-1610, or Christian
Neilsen, 703-405-4449.
• Couples Bridge – Do you and your spouse play bridge?
The Heritage Hunt couples bridge group is looking for new
members! This is a friendly, informal group that meets in
homes on the first and third Friday of each month. If you
are interested or would like more information, please call
Jill or Craig at 703-743-1757.
• Couples Golf – Each Sunday at 4:30 PM, couples gather
to play golf with a fun competition that requires a $2 entry
fee for each couple. The competitions are designed so
that handicaps are not necessary and any skill level can
compete. After the golf, we retire to a restaurant for dinner
where the winners are announced. The start is shotgun and
only the front nine is played. If interested, please call Carole
or John Denning at 703-743-1034 or e-mail
[email protected].
• Crossroads-Connection is a Christian community
service organization that manages a Weekend Food
Program for children suffering from hunger in 4 Gainesville and Haymarket schools - Mt. View Elementary, Tyler
Elementary, PACE West, and Bull Run Middle School. Each
is within 3 miles of the Heritage Hunt front gate. Volunteers pack food at 7 pm on Mondays: March 7 and 28, April
25, and May 23 for the remainder of the school year. All
packing is done at the home of Dave and Joan Gifford, 5960
Piney Grove Way. $250 provides weekend food for one
child for the entire school year. 100% goes to purchase
food. Tax-deductible gifts can be made to Riverside Presbyterian Church (Memo: Crossroads-Connection). For more
information, to volunteer, or to support this effort, contact
Dave or Joan Gifford at 703-743-2109, or crossroads.
[email protected].
• Cycling - Cycling - The Cycling Club meets Monday –
Friday at 8 AM at the Marsh Mansion parking lot during the
summer months, and changes to a later start time in the
fall and winter months. On Tuesdays, the Club conducts a
leisurely ride of about one hour over mostly level terrain,
stops at the Giant grocery store and Starbucks at Merchants
Square for coffee and chit chat, and then rides back to
Heritage Hunt. Persons not yet on the HH Cycling Club
email list may get on the list by emailing Bob Shannon at
[email protected]. Being on the list will allow you to
know when weather conditions are considered too severe
to ride locally or when the club is going to take a special
ride away from Heritage Hunt. These longer rides range
from about 25 to about 50 miles. For additional
information please contact Bob Shannon at 703-743-1882,
or Lynn Saunders at 703-743-2271.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
All Are Welcome! All Are Welcome! All Are Welcome!
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Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fill Your Calendar (continued)
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• Duplicate Bridge – Join us for a friendly game of duplicate bridge every Monday at 7 PM in the Mountain View
Card Room. Play begins promptly at 7 PM; please plan to
arrive a few minutes early. Call Alan Mager at 703-7435436 for more information.
• Everything Apple Club provides Heritage Hunters a
forum for swapping ideas and experiences as members help
one another to master and more fully enjoy iPhones, iPads
and Macs -- keeping us up to date on the best new apps
and other important developments. We meet in the Mountain View Card Room on the first Friday of each month, 10
AM-Noon. For info call Adele at 703-743-5912..
• Fine Arts Group meets every Thursday morning from
9AM to 12:30 PM. Current members work in various fine
art mediums, including, but not limited to: oil, acrylic, pastel
& watercolor. If you are interested in working in a congenial
environment while creating then join us. Contact Kerin Vark
703-743-1070 or [email protected].
• Garden Club at Heritage Hunt meets on the fourth
Thursday of the month at 10:00am in the Marsh Mansion
parlor. We have speakers and events, generally related to
the care and handling of plants, both indoor and outdoor,
gardens, lawns and the like. We take field trips on some
occasions and we enjoy getting together for lunch after the
meetings to share and visit with each other. It is a great club
for meeting the nicest ladies at Heritage Hunt. The Garden
Club is also the best deal at Heritage Hunt, our membership
year runs January through December and our membership
dues of $10 per year, covers the entire household! Yes we
welcome spouses!. contact [email protected] for
additional information..
• The Genealogy Club at Heritage Hunt will meet
Monday, June 20, at 10 AM in the Mountain View Room.
There will be two programs: “Census Data Can Lead to
Unexpected Discoveries,” by Mardie Younglof; and “Your
Ancestors in Naturalization Records,” a webinar by John
Philip Colletta. Members can check the full description of
the programs in this issue of the Horn and also on the club’s
page on the HH website.
• Giving Circle of Heritage Hunt is a group of residents
who pledge to contribute $365, one dollar per day, to help
non-profit agencies in the Western Prince William area.
Every fall, we pool our funds and make grants to agencies
who are addressing the food, shelter, clothing, health/safety,
or literacy needs of residents in our area. One of the agencies we funded in 2015 is the Haymarket Regional Food
Pantry right here in our own back yard. “The mission of the
Haymarket Regional Food Pantry is to eliminate hunger in
our community and surrounding areas by acquiring and
distributing food to those who seek aid. We will accomplish
this mission by educating, empowering and enlightening
the community about the issues of hunger and nutrition.
For further information, please call Ric Perez at 703-7435620 or [email protected]. Our next meeting will be on
Tuesday June 21st at 2:00 PM in the Marsh Mansion and all
residents are welcome to attend. Our Guest Speaker will be
Courtney Tierney, MSW who is the Director of the Prince
William County Department of Social Services. Courtney is
also a HH resident..
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator
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Fill Your Calendar (continued)
• Gourmet Coterie (GOCO) provides residents who love
any aspect of food—cooking, eating, learning, discussing,
or dreaming about it—the opportunity to meet with an
exclusive group dedicated to fine food and drink. Activities include education, recipe sharing, field trips, tastings,
knowledge-sharing, dining in, and dining out. You choose
to participate in the topics and projects that interest you.
We meet on the third Friday, January through June and
September through November at 10 am in the Mountain
View room. For more information go to our website or call Nadine Bishop at 703.743.5407.
• Heritage Hunt B Team – Heritage Hunt Golf & Country
Club is one of 20 clubs in the Northern Virginia Men’s B
Team League (
A 12-man team (handicaps 6 to 16) is selected to participate
in each of eight matches, which are played on a Saturday or
Sunday between April and August. Six players play at home
and six play at the opposing club on the same day. The day’s
events include lunch served on the course during the round
and a hospitality hour following the match at which hot hors
d’oeuvres and drinks are served. This is a chance for you to
play some of the premier golf courses in this area. Qualified
members are asked to contact Steve Burton, data analyst,
703-743-1018 or [email protected].
• Heritage Hunt Concerts brings monthly live
professional performances to the Great Oak Ballroom,
featuring music from our unique American heritage and
from the classical repertoire. Events are open to all
residents and their guests. For more information, please
visit the HH Concerts website or call
Elena Portoles at 703-743-1820.
• Heritage Hunt Hams (HHH) - An amateur radio club
that meets the third Tuesday of each month (except Dec) at
7 PM in the Garden Room, Marsh Mansion. Anyone interested in radio communications is welcome to join us. For
more Information call Alan Skerker (703-743-2051) or Tim
Tatum (703-743-1426).
• Heritage Hunt Hiking Group - We provide an organized forum for Heritage Hunt residents who enjoy hiking.
Hikes are usually scheduled twice monthly to locations in
the Northern Virginia and Piedmont area. We try to vary
the location and difficulty of the hikes so that people of
different hiking abilities can participate. To be added to
the HH Hiking Club email contact list please email Margi
Worrest at [email protected]. This will keep you
informed of where and when we plan to hike as well as
cancellations due to weather issues or changes to our
hiking schedule.
• Heritage Hunt Home Group - Join us for fun,
fellowship, prayer and non-denominational Bible study!
We meet in homes in Heritage Hunt one Sunday afternoon a
month from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Interested? Contact Duane or
Gayle Miller. Tel 703-743-1974.
• HH Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association promotes women’s
golf at Heritage Hunt in a league environment. The league
plays on Wednesday mornings from April through October.
New members are welcome. For information contact Avis
Scherer 571-248-2000, [email protected] or
Nadine Bishop at 703-743-5407, [email protected].
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fill Your Calendar (continued)
• Heritage Hunt Little Theater meets monthly (except
August and December) on the third Thursday at 7 PM in
the Mountain View Room. All Heritage Hunt residents are
welcome to attend our meetings. Contact Kathryn Schmiel
at [email protected] or visit HHLT’s website for more information.
• Heritage Hunt’s Men In Song normally practice every
Monday evening at 7 PM in the Great Oak Ballroom. Call
Bob Cloud, 703-743-5622, or Dave Klingman, 703-7431027, or just show up at one of our practices.
• Heritage Hunt Retired Men’s Golf Club (HHRMGC) is
a member of the Northern Virginia Retired Men’s Golf
Association (NVRMGA). We have matches with 14 other
clubs in the metropolitan area between April and October.
Please contact Spencer Chambliss at spencer1281@ or call 703-743-5147 if you are interested.
• Heritage Hunt Senior Strategies Forum provides HH
residents with useful and educational information dealing
with everyday issues—financial, health, safety and other
lifestyle topics. Speakers include HH residents with specific
expertise and outside presenters willing to share their
knowledge. All programs are strictly educational—at no
cost with no overt marketing or sales pitches. Programs are
scheduled on the third Wednesday (except as noted) of the
month, at 7 PM, September through June.
• HHWGA—18 is Heritage Hunt’s women’s 18-hole golf
association. Play is Wednesday mornings April through
October. Heritage Hunt handicaps are required (can be
created after 10 rounds or transferred from your old club).
New members are welcome. Contact Adrienne Mehl at
703-743-5579 or Bobbi Manley at 703-743-2089.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
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Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fill Your Calendar (continued)
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• Heritage Hunt Women’s Organization (HHWO)
is the largest club in Heritage Hunt. We gather for
meetings, programs and luncheons on the second Tuesday
of the month, September through June. Meetings are held
in the Great Oak Ballroom and begin promptly at 10 AM. All
women residents of HH are welcome to join. Please read
the organization’s newsletter, The Acorn Report, on the
Heritage Hunt website for details and contact information.
• Heritage Hunt Woodcarvers group meets 1 PM to 4
PM every Tuesday afternoon in the clubhouse craft room.
Beginners are welcome and beginner classes are always
starting. There is no cost involved as we provide the knife,
glove, wood and lesson for your first project. Check out the
carvings done by the club in the display case in the lower
lobby near the craft room. Contact J. C. Evans at
703-743-1321 if you would like more information.
• Knitting Group meets from 1 PM to 3 PM Monday
afternoons in the craft room. The Knitting Group welcomes
you, no matter your level of experience. We will help you
learn to knit and to finish a project. Come to the craft room
on Mondays. Knitters may work on individual projects or
projects to be donated to charities. For information please
contact Joanne Tuttle at 703-743-5345.
• Ladies Drop-in Bridge group meets 1–4 PM. The first
and third Thursday group meets in the Marsh Mansion; to
play call Charlotte Vedeler, 703-743-1702. The second and
fourth Thursday group meets in the main club Mountain
View Room; to play contact Jo Ward at 703-743-1683.
• Ladies’ Poker Night is held on Wednesdays at 7 PM
in the Blue Ridge Room. Questions? Call M.J. Brickach,
• Library Committee sorts and shelves donated books.
Please remember to sign out and sign in your borrowed
books in the book next to the computer in the clubhouse
library or on the small table in the Marsh Mansion library.
Residents are asked to borrow no more than five books at
any one time. Large-print books are available in the closet
at the back of the Clubhouse library. Please leave donations on the lower shelf of the book cart in the clubhouse
library—not in the Marsh Mansion library. Only fiction and
non-fiction books (please no magazines) concentrating in
biography, current affairs, and history published since 2006
are accepted. Questions call Annette at 703-743-5181.
• Line Dancing – Instruction and open dancing are held
every Tuesday from 6-8 PM in the Great Oak Ballroom.
No fee; no sign up necessary. For information call Helen
Esposito 703-743-5385 or Lynn Levvis 703-743-5659.
• Monday Mah-jongg group meets every Monday from
1-3 PM in the Clubhouse Board room. New, intermediate or
experienced players are welcome.
• Tuesday Mah-jongg group meets every week,
10 AM– Noon, in the Blue Ridge Room. The format is
American Mah-jongg . Beginners are welcome. Please call
Agnes Garritty, 571-248-0262, for more information.
• Thursday Evening Mah-jongg players meet every
week at 7 PM in the Mountain View Room. If you would like
to join us or have any questions, call Cathie Schlupf,
703-743-5564, or Paula Daitch, 703-743-5135.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fill Your Calendar (continued)
Your Home In
Just 2 Hours!
• Men’s Poker players meet every Monday at 12 PM and
Wednesday at 6 PM in the Marsh Mansion. Standard poker
games are played. The stakes are “player friendly.”
Newcomers welcome. For more information call Dennis
Massie, 703-743-1043.
• MOAA Heritage Hunt Chapter (Military Officers
Association of America) supports four local Junior ROTC
programs as well as the Wounded Warrior program and
other local causes. The chapter hosts social events—with
local entertainment and special guest speakers—in April,
September, and December. Membership is open to all retired,
active, and former officers of the seven uniformed services
and their Guard and Reserve components. The chapter is
an IRS-approved 501(C)(19) War Veterans organization. All
donations to the chapter are tax deductible to the donor. For
more information and application, call Bill Baird at
703-743-1625. You may access the Heritage Hunt MOAA Web
site at
• The New York Club meets for brunch or dinner and
reminiscing. For more information about the club please
contact Elaine Adler at 571-248-2874.
• On Our Own - Singles - The On Our Own (Singles) group
plans activities for both men and women who are living alone.
The following activities are coordinated by volunteers and
are on-going: Dinner at a local restaurant every Thursday.
Game night at the Clubhouse on the 2nd Friday of each month.
Summer Social held in June and Holiday Party in December.
Dine-around groups of six form in September and set their
own schedule. For questions please contact Sandy Painter at
[email protected] or 703-743-1369.
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Fill Your Calendar (continued)
• Parkinson’s Disease Caregivers Support Group meets
the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the Clubhouse Boardroom. For more information call Harolyn Small
• Phase 10 Group: A rummy like game easy to master and
highly enjoyable is played on Wednesday 1-4 PM usually in
the Clubhouse Board room. If you want to join our group call
John Bonilla at 703-743-1549.
• Photography Club meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday
in the Mountain View Room at 7 PM, except in July. Meetings
focus on sharing images, learning skills, and planning group
photography trips. We go on many day outings and several
overnight trips each year. More information about the club
can be found on our Web site, www.heritagehuntphotoclub.
org. Questions? Call Sarah Skerker at 703-743-2051.
• Pickleball Club: For information call Joe Beres at
571-284-6121, [email protected] or Tom Wolf at 571-2482694, [email protected]
• Pinochle Players: Single deck at 1 PM. Every Thursday
in the Blue Ridge Room. Double deck pinochle at 1 PM every
Tuesday in the Marsh Mansion. New players are welcome. For
more information call Jane or Bill Daly, 703-743-1372.
• Quilters/Blanket Stitchers meet Mondays, 9 AM to noon,
in the craft room to make and give quilts to traumatized
children, nursing home residents, and veterans. For more
information call Kathy Keim at 703-743-1165.
• “Round the Block” Quilters meet at 1-4 PM the second
and fourth Thursday in the craft room. If you can thread a
needle, you can learn to quilt. Call Doris Judge at 703-7435160 or Karen Naylor, at 703-743-5091, for information.
• Spanish Club - Do you enjoy speaking Spanish? Would
you like to practice your communication and reading skills
while meeting some of your Heritage Hunt neighbors? Then,
if your ability is at the intermediate or advanced levels, please
join us on Mondays from 2-4 PM in the Ticket room at the
Marsh Mansion. For more info, call Linda Cullen at 703-7431046 or e-mail at [email protected].
• A Support Group for Caretakers of Loved Ones with
Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia will meet on the first
Thursday of the month from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. in the
Marsh Mansion Garden Room.
• Tennis players meet at 9 AM during the hot months.
The advanced group meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays; call Anne Van de Meulebroecke, 703-743-5555, for
more information. The beginning-to-intermediate group
plays Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays; call Phyllis
Maier at 571-248-0818, for information.
Ronald McDonald Pop Tops
Every pop top (pet food, soup,
soda can) makes a difference
for the families staying at the
Richmond Ronald McDonald
House. Want to help?
Then deliver to:
13554 Ryton Ridge Lane
We appreciate all your support.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
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The days of dentures and missing teeth are over! Now when, people lose permanent teeth for
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Call NOW for a reservation.
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
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Fill Your Calendar (continued)
• Tuesday Men’s Golf – Tuesday Men’s Golf – Every
Tuesday, April through October, the men of HHGC and
their guests play 18 holes of non-competitive golf for
fun. It features a shot-gun start beginning as early as
8 AM during the warm summer weather and 8:30 AM
in early spring and late fall. Just like last year, the HH
on-line system for sign up is being used beginning
on Tuesday, March 22nd. The tee sheet opens up at
6:30. Riders wishing to sign up as a rider should use
the yellow-highlighted slots and golfers wishing to
sign up as walkers should use the green-highlighted.
Golfers wishing specific starting holes need to send an
email to [email protected] requesting
their starting tee preferences starting at 6:30 AM on
the day on-line reservations are made. Requests are
honored on a first come, first serve basis. Draft and
final starting tee assignments will be sent out on the
Saturday and Sunday preceding the play date. If there
any questions, please contact Bruce Crandlemire at
[email protected].
• Wine Club meets on the third Monday of each
month at 6:45PM in the clubhouse Virginian Room.
Club members have the opportunity to learn about
wine making and wineries, and taste, appreciate and
discuss feature wines presented by local and national
experts. Socialization with old and new friends is
always a highlight. New members and guests are
welcome. Whether you’re a wine expert or just
starting your wine journey, this club will quench your
thirst. For further information contact Emily Russell
at [email protected].
• Women of Note are a women’s chorus. We practice on Monday evenings from 7-9 PM in the Billiards
Room. Call Barbara Kenefake at 703-743-1007 for
information on meeting with our director, Bobbie
Bragg, to assess which section your voice fits into.
• Writing Group will meet on Tuesdays, June 7 and
21, 10-noon in the Mountain View Room. No experience is necessary. Come join others interested in self
expression to write together using techniques that
stimulate memory, enhance creativity and provide
positive feedback. Questions? Call Nancy Langley at
Home Health Care Equipment Lending Bank
Offers a Useful Service for HH Neighbors.
Please call Sue Waldron at 703-743-5067
To let her know what health care
equipment you have to lend or
to inquire about equipment that is
available for lending by residents.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Dave and Jean
Milbradt moved
into Heritage Hunt
on Valentine’s Day
in 2000. Since
they moved away
from us to Virginia
Beach, VA on June
1st, it is appropriate to formally
thank them for
all their services to our community. Dave was one of
the original Light, Sound and Television (when it was
called LSTV) volunteers, way back when they climbed
tall ladders to hang and adjust the lights in the Great Oak
Ball Room ceiling. In addition to singing in the annual
Women of Note concerts, Jean has been the narrator. In
that role she always managed to warm up the audience
so that they appreciated the concert even more. Together, Dave and Jean started the couple’s golf on Sunday afternoons. It has subsequently grown into a much
anticipated event for our community. Jean also started
the Home Health Care Equipment Lending Bank, which
provides an immeasurable service to our residents when
they need standard pieces of medical equipment. As a
result of this endeavor, each one of us does not have to
purchase our own items, but can share those available
from our neighbors. They will be sorely missed. We cannot thank them enough!
Al Stearns
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The Heritage Horn • June 2016
703-436-9362 |
12191 Clipper Drive | Lake Ridge, VA
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
The Face You Know for:
Screened Porches
Finished Basements
Vinyl Rail Upgrades
Room Additions
...and much more
A CARPET & DRAPERY, furniture, oriental rug cleaning specialist. Also auto
and motor home interiors. Family owned/operated. COSTELLO & SONS
CARPET CLEANING. Phone estimates 540-402-6291 Courteous and prompt.
Truck mount unit. Odor control treatment available. References upon
A FRESH LOOK FOR YOUR HOME: SB Interior Design, your full in-home
design service. Arranging furniture, accessorize, selecting paint colors and
window treatments. Over 20 years experience. Please call Suzanne,
703-743-1551, for an appointment or e-mail [email protected]
A NOTARY (resident) who travels to your location to make it easier for you.
Discount to HH residents. 703-743-2280.
AAA rated driver and HH resident. Transportation service to airports, metro,
doctors and shopping. For fares and reservations email wsferro@comcast.
Free Estimates
Excellent Quality at a Fair Price
Donnie Brundage (703) 898-9980
Owner: Rx4Wood, Inc.
Licensed and Insured
Many Heritage Hunt References
Personally Serving Heritage Hunt Since 1999
Licensed gas contractor. John Papke, owner, 35 years experience. Son of HH
resident. Phone 703-691-9653.
AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION: HH to Dulles $50; to National Airport $75.
Metro Transportation Service, 703-919-0120.
ALTERATIONS AND TAILORING: Need alterations on jeans, shirts, pants,
etc? Aun Soon, a Heritage Hunt resident and a tailor with over 40 years of
experience will work her magic and make it a perfect fit for you! All orders
are by appointment only. Kim’s Tailoring and Alterations, 703-743-1935 or
703-965-9063, 13010 Triple Crown Loop.
ALZHEIMER PATIENT CARE is my specialty. CNA care for seniors since 2010,
I can sit with and care for your loved one while you keep doctor
appointments and go to meetings etc. I also specialized in helping seniors
live independently. I can cook, clean, run errands, shopping, drive to
appointments. References available, flexible hours, call Carrie Mendez 304240-4705.
APPLIANCE REPAIR - Fast response. All makes and models. Located in
Gainesville. Professional and courteous service. Heritage Hunt references
available. Call Ayers Appliance at 703-468-4939.
APPLIANCE REPAIR: Same day service,all makes and models,free service call
with repair, experienced technicians. Call us on Appliance Pro Inc. 703-3308833 or 703-738-9050.
on your home at regularly scheduled intervals while you are out of town so
you don’t have to worry about malfunctioning appliances which may result
in water damage, or other mishaps while you are out of town. We will send
you pictures of any problems that occur while you are out of town so you
don’t have any surprises when you return. Licensed, bonded and insured.
Have HH reference. Call Jennifer at Errand Works 703-881-1599 or email
[email protected]
AT YOUR SERVICE HOME REPAIRS, LLC - Minor Electrical and plumbing.
Interior and exterior painting. Drywall repairs. Deck and fence repairs.
Pressure washing. Wood rot repair. Lawn work. General home repair and
Free Estimates. Licensed and insured. HH references. Billy Reed 540-2723603 (cell) 540-788-4599 (office) [email protected].
BATH DRAINS RUNNING SLOWLY? Call Don at 703-853-0000, a Heritage
Hunt resident. Licensed and insured. License: VA 2701-031672 DDR
Plumbing Company. Major credit cards accepted.
BATHROOM REMODELING - Tile and marble work, HH references, son of HH
resident. Contact Gary at 703 678 1866 or [email protected]
BEV’S SEW WHAT: Draperies, Alterations, New Clothing, Weddings. In
business since 1990. 703-791-3407.
BOBBY G’s Disc Jockeys has been in business for over 20 years and is owned
and operated by Bobby G. a HH Resident. We play your requests, we help
you plan your event and then Emcee the event to make sure it runs
smoothly and on time. We have music that ranges from the 40’s Big Band to
Hits of today. We entertain clients at Weddings, Anniversaries and
Birthdays just to name a few types of events we cover. If you or anyone you
know is planning an event, please consider Bobby G’s. Music makes the
event more fun and memorable. Please call Bobby G at 703 743 2435 or
email us at [email protected]
CAR WASHING - We bring the car wash to you! Includes: Washing the
exterior body, wheels and tires, vacuuming out floor inside and more!
Starting at $50 7037951701 [email protected]
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY Cleaning, ORIENTAL Rug Cleaning, Pet Urine
Removal Treatment, Chem-Dry Protectant (renews stain resistance),
Deodorizer available. TILE & GROUT – clean and seal. HH references. In
business since 1992. Contact Scott Kennedy, Battlefield Chem-Dry at 703330-0052.
HTG Estate Liquidators
"Solutions made easy"
cleaning window cleaning, pressure washing, clean-out, move-out, new
construction. Family owned and operated. Insured and bonded. HH
references. Call Trish 540-522-7683 or [email protected].
CHRISTIAN CAREGIVERS – Health, home, transportation and companion
care services offered by experienced caregiver providers. Licensed, bonded,
and insured with great HH references. Free consultation service offered. Call
Patricia Collins at 571-332-3111 and visit us at www.christiancaregiversllc.
COMPANION CARE - Dependable, caring and reliable. 17yrs experience,
available weekdays at nights. I take pride in my work, my patients and their
well-being. 816-835-5161.
COMPANION CARE: Piedmont Companion Care Services, LLC. Continue living independently while allowing us to assist with respite care and/or your
daily routines and errands. Contact Melissa Hunt for a FREE consultation @
(703) 209-8080 or [email protected]. Bonded
and Insured.
COMPANION FOR APPOINTMENTS: Do you need a ride to a doctor or dentist appointment? Would you like help with paperwork at the appointment?
Would you like notes taken during your appointment to refer to later? Do
you need prescriptions picked up after your appointment? Let us help you.
Licensed, bonded and insured. Have HH references. Call Jennifer at Errand
Works 703-881-1599 or email [email protected].
COMPANION SERVICES - Greetings! Until 2011, I helped my elderly parents
with household work, transportation, food shopping and activities - and I
enjoyed it. Since then I’ve provided similar help to a lovely lady in Arlington,
and I’m now looking to share the same skills with someone who needs a
once or twice weekly visit to maintain independence. References happily
provided. Please call 571-309-9420 or email [email protected]. If i can
contribute good things to your life, I’d love to hear from you! Lisa Jo.
Downsizing? Relocating?
Passing of a loved one?
Let HTG lend a helping hand and
compassionate heart. We handle
the liquidation process from start
to finish. Give us a call today to set up
your free initial consultation.
(571) 436-2572
(703) 380-0312
703-594-GROW (4769)
A Custom Landscape Design Build & Maintenance Co.
Plantings • Patios • Lawn Care
Keep a good thing growing with Mason’s!
CREATE-A-SCENE: Custom slipcovers, cushions, pillows, upholstery, etc.
References. Over 30 years experience. On Angie’s List. Ruth, 571-213-2878.
quality interior painting, wallpapering and wallpaper removal at reasonable
rates. All work done with business owner on site at all times. Licensed and
insured. Call Jim at 540-636-1295 or 703-536-5095.
CROWN MOLDING INSTALLED - Picture frames, wainscoting, window
casing. 38 years experience. For all interior trim work, please call Jube
Henshaw at 703.795.9117 or 540.547.4105.
DAVE THE MOVER LLC. Local, distant, packing, intra home moves, piano and
antique expert. We provide above average service and value. HH references,
we are generally in HH twice a month or so. Dave Wassenaar 540-229-9999
cell or 703-753-4242.
DO YOU HAVE UPHOLSTERED furniture with accidental stains? Want professional results at a fraction of the cost? Call Luke (571) 445-5853.
6354 Bold Venture
DOES YOUR REFRIGERATOR or other appliance need thorough cleaning?
Reasonable rates, satisfaction guaranteed. Call Luke (571) 233-7833.
ELECTRICIAN - K & D Electric. Master electrician. Licensed, bonded,
insured. Ceiling fans, recessed lighting, phone/CATV cabling, security
lighting, hot tubs, computer network cabling, basement wiring, etc. Contact
Ken Fortner at 703-499-0522 or e-mail [email protected].
aka Bingo the Magic Clown, with over 30 years experience, can find you
quality entertainers to make your family events special. Cheer up a sick
friend or grandchild in the hospital with a comedy gram. Call for Santa, Mrs.
Claus, magicians, musicians, caricature artists, face painters—you name
it! But we only take off our nose, not our clothes! Safari Bingo’s comedy
birthday show now includes a performing doggy, Lolli-pup, along with
racing hamsters in cars and a hedgehog!, 703-743-2596.
FAUCET REPAIRED/REPLACED - Ask for Don. 703-853-0000, a Heritage
Hunt resident. Licensed and insured. License: VA 2701-031672 DDR
Plumbing Company. Major credit cards accepted
FOR SALE: Char-broil grill, 6 foot step ladder, 8 foot step ladder, an antique
3/4 white iron bed including a mattress. Please call 703-743-1868
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Brenda Agnew, SRES
Senior Real Estate Specialist
Staging Professional
Jim Agnew, Managing Broker
Top Producer 2% Nationwide
Heritage Hunt Residents for 13
years. We know and love our
Call Brenda 703-401-3073
13688 Paddock CT
6931 Walnut Hill Dr
13688 Pa
Licensed in Virginia
Avery Hess Realtors, Centreville,VA
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
FORWARD YOUR MAIL – While you are out of town Errand Works will
collect your mail from your mailbox weekly or biweekly, separate the important mail from the advertisements and magazines, and forward the important mail to you on the schedule you choose. This is a safe and secure way
to keep track of your mail while you are away. Errand Works is licensed,
bonded and insured. HH references available. Call Jennifer at Errand Works
at 703-881-1599.
FREESTANDING BAR, marble top; very similar to Haley Wood Home Bar on, $400, one grandfather clock, $300. Call (703)743-1704.
FURNITURE REPAIR - Furniture refinishing/repair, chair caning, rush
weaving, free pickup and delivery, references available. Call Jerry’s Caning
703-864-8187, [email protected].
FURNITURE: Wooden kitchen aisle. White, 42” long, 37” high, 16.5” wide. On
rollers. Natural wood top. Never used. Sale $260. Telephone 703-743-5068.
GAL FRIDAY! - Need help with chores, errands, pets or office work? I can
help! No job too small. All tasks insured and guaranteed. Email sleepy.
[email protected] or check my webpage:
GARBAGE DISPOSAL REPLACED - Ask for Don. 703-853-0000, a Heritage
Hunt resident. Licensed and insured. License: VA 2701-031672 DDR
Plumbing Company. Major credit cards accepted.
over 16 years experience specializing in all your gas appliance needs.
Williams Services is a Class A licensed and insured and provides
professional and reliable service. Heritage Hunt residents receive a 10%
discount. Please call to schedule your annual fireplace cleaning. 257-1441.
GREG SCOTT HOME IMPROVEMENTS - We do exterior and interior painting,
power washing, rotten wood repair, cathedral ceiling crown molding and
built-in bookcase installation. No job too small. Local resident with 30 years
experience and serving HH since 2005. HH references. Top quality work
with affordable rates. Call 703-403-7522 or e-mail
[email protected].
Haymarket – Gainesville
Locally Owned Office
In–Home Senior Care
Personal Care
Meal Preparation
24 Hour Availability
Free In-Home Assessment
Respite Care
Errand Service
All Inclusive Pricing
GUARANTEED Body Fat Loss or YOUR MONEY BACK! 13-week program offers camaraderie and fun in a group setting and is the most inexpensive fitness training available anywhere. Work out up to four times a week around
YOUR schedule. TNT Fitness offers moderate-intensity group exercise at the
Sport & Health Fitness Center just outside the HH main gate. All ages and
levels of fitness welcome. First four sessions FREE. Call Luke 571-445-5853
HAIR STYLIST available for all services in your home. 30+ years experience.
Heritage Hunt references. Patti(H) 571-292-1922 or (Cell) 703-568-6006.
HANDYMAN 2 HOME IMPROVEMENTS: Superior Craftsmanship, Excellent
Value, Extensive Experience & References. Class A Licensed. Insured. 30+
years experience. Call Mark Ammons at 703-930-4472.
HANDYMAN 4 YOUR HOME: I live only 10 minutes from Heritage Hunt.
Haymarket resident since 1984. Over 35 years experience in all areas of
home repair and improvements including computer and Internet diagnosis/
repair. Many local references – several HH residents. Licensed, insured,
bonded. E-mail or call for my brochure listing all services. Call Larry at
703-304-6670, E-mail: [email protected].
I can do almost anything; no job too small. Call John at 703-581-2772 or
email at [email protected].
HANDYMAN & REMODEL: All home repairs and maintenance available.
Interior and exterior work including but not limited to moldings, drywall
and wood repairs, tile repairs, change light/plumping fixtures, powerwashing, masonry/stone repairs. Harding & Son is a family owned business with
35+ years experience. Located in Gainesville area. 703-408-6206 or [email protected]. See me at Harding & Son on Facebook.
HANDYMAN - General remodeling and carpentry. Basement, bathroom, and
kitchen remodeling. Exterior and interior painting and repair. Plumbing
and electrical. Drywall, window, door, fence and deck installation. Pressure
washing. Small jobs welcome. 25 years experience with many references.
Free estimates.. Licensed and insured. Jose Briceno - 571-501-8772.
[email protected].
HANDYMAN - Home Improvement Repairs and Remodeling in electrical,
plumbing, carpentry, tile, drywall, etc. 37 years experience. Licensed and
Insured. Jim Kirsch - 703-330-1690
HANDYMAN SERVICES - Interior/exterior home repairs. Damaged wood,
wood rot, etc. Power wash decks, seal repair. Interior lights, faucets, ceiling
fans, picture hanging, doors and trim, closet/garage storage, etc. No job too
small. Great rates! Virginia Home Service.
Mike Burnett, 703-303-4496.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
I have been in heating and air conditioning for over 20 years. I created “The
INTEGRITY HVAC Company” basically because, I am frustrated by companies pushing sales and accessories on customers. I will be honest and give
you an honest answer to your needs and let you be the decision maker. We
specialize in residential heating and air conditioning for Northern Virginia.
The equipment we service includes: Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners, Gas
Furnaces, Air Handlers, Electric Heat, Humidifiers, Air Filtration and Zoning.
Please see my web sight at See the savings and
request quotes online or call me at 703-220-6588.
HOME HEALTH CARE serving MD, DC and VA over 25 years. OPTIONS FOR
SENIOR AMERICA is licensed, bonded, and insured. Affordable home care
customized for you. Hourly or Live-In caregivers can help from 2 – 24 hours
per day. Our office in Manassas serves all of Prince William County. Try our
caring certified nursing aides. See the difference! Call Michele at 571-4496781 for more information or to schedule a free consultation. Visit our
HOME ELECTRONICS ASSISTANCE - Home lighting automation, web
security cams, wall-mounted flat panel TV/home entertainment systems.
Personal computer lessons. Low hourly rates. Virginia Home Service Mike Burnett 703-303-4496.
HOME CARE by Caring Senior Service - Locally owned and operated in Haymarket / Gainesville. Caring Senior Service uses the GreatCare method. We
understand that lifestyles may change with age, but the ability to maintain
a safe, independent life doesn’t have to. That is why Caring Senior Service
is the only agency using the GreatCare method. For more than two decades,
Caring Senior Service has set the standard for non-medical services. See our
ad in this month’s Heritage Horn and call today for a FREE in-home assessment. 571-222-5050. Visit us online at
HOME CARE - Quality and affordable house cleaning service. 15% off first
cleaning. Great references. Serving HH 5+ years. Call 571-234-9464.
HOME CARE WITH SENCURA - Helping seniors to live independently for
over seven years. We provide light housekeeping, transportation, meal
preparation, dog walking, companionship, and much more! Our compassionate caregivers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are fully
bonded and insured. Please visit our website, or call
703-880-2547. Free in-home consultation.
experience and references available. Contact me at 571-246-8401 or
[email protected].
HOME IMPROVEMENTS – Exterior/Interior REMODEL – Basement, Bath,
Kitchen, Decks, Painting, Carpentry, Drywall, Power washing, Flooring and
much more! Handyman services available. Family owned. Licensed, bonded,
insured. BBB member. References. No money down! Call Mike of PICTURE
HOME IMPROVEMENTS – Painting, Drywall, Kitchen and Bath Remodeling,
Wood Rot, Carpentry, Ceramic Tile, Plumbing, Electric, Handyman services.
“WE DO IT ALL!” Joel Riggs Home Services, Class A Licensed and Insured,
38 years local experience. Excellent Heritage Hunt references provided.
HOME IMPROVEMENTS: SGL SERVICES, Bill Leary, 540-878-1801.
Specializing in home improvements, decks, basements, painting and other
handyman needs. John Tweed is the reference for HH, 703-743-5566. Other
references available upon request.
HOME IMPROVEMENTS: We can Update your Kitchen Countertops and
Bathroom Vanities to look like Granite a fraction of the cost of replacing! Visit us as to learn more and call 703.754.3065
for a Free Estimate. In business 26+ years, licensed and fully insured.
HOT WATER HEATERS REPLACED - Ask for Don. 703-853-0000, a Heritage
Hunt resident. Licensed and insured. License: VA 2701-031672 DDR
Plumbing Company, Major credit cards accepted.
Candace Moe, REALTOR® ·
For SaleHunt
Please contact me with your summer
real estate needs! - Candace
[email protected] · 540-270-0274
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
HOUSE CLEANING - $10 off first cleaning. Affordable service by My House
Cleaning Service. In HH 17 years, some original customers. Steam carpet
and deep cleaning at low rates! Owner/supervisor. Same crew every time!
25 years experience. Licensed. Insured. Available weekends. Heritage Hunt
references. Miriam, 703-606-3395
Annual Eye Exams
Diabetic Eye Exams
Contact Lens Fitting
Medical Eye Care
Specializing in Golfer’s Glasses special HH Discounts on the best selection
of frames and high tech lenses in the area!
HOUSE CLEANING: $50 off initial cleaning, new customers only. Also, 10th
cleaning is free for new customers only. We give attention to detail, floor
to ceiling! 12+ years experience. In Heritage Hunt 9+ years. HH references.
Competitive rates. Monday–Saturday. Weekly, biweekly, monthly, special
occasions. Licensed, bonded, insured. Uniformed. All supplies provided.
KALIA’S CLEANING SERVICE. 703-508-4399, [email protected] | 571.445.3692
7001 Heritage Village Plaza Suite #110
Gainesville, VA 20155
HOUSE CLEANING - Affordable cleaning service. Reliable, no job too small,
hard worker, adjustable hours, competitive prices. Free estimates. References from HH residents. Karima Alimi 703-743-5797.
HOUSE CLEANING IN YOUR AREA: 10 years in HH, same customers. 20
years experience, some original customers! Same crew every time.
Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Contact our Heritage Hunt references.
ESCOBAR CLEANING SERVICE., LLC. Call Maria, 571-217-0418.
HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE BY ANA - Residents and/or commerical cleaning including move-ins and move-outs. Reasonable rates. Licensed. I have
great in/out HH references. Call Ana, 703-609-2482.
HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE: Great references, reasonable rates, years of
experience. Free estimates. Weekend, bi-weekly, monthly, move in/out.
Contact Vanessa at [email protected] or 703-507-8561.
INTERIOR REDECORATING – Featuring one-day room makeovers incorporating your own furnishings and accessories to create a space that reflects
your personality and style. Includes comprehensive written room plan
focusing on paint, lighting, color, window treatments, new furniture, and
accessories. Downsizing and resale-ready services also available. Please call
Kim at Marvelous Interior Makeovers, 703-753-9509, for an appointment or
email [email protected].
JUNK ??? We at Stuff N’ Stuff Junk Removal remove your unwanted items
from inside or outside your home or office. We do the lifting so you don’t
have to. 703-656-1984 or visit
JUNK HAULING - Yards, Garages and Basements clear, Furniture & Appliance
Disposal, Storage Cleanouts, Flooded Basements, Foreclosures. Pick up &
Deliver Furniture. E-mail [email protected]. Call 703-497-4976 or
LANDSCAPING - Lawn mowing, landscaping, seeding, fertilizing, bed design
and hedge trimming. Weekly service. Reasonable rates with free estimates.
HH references. Licensed; insured. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Smith’s
Landscaping at 703-754-1070 or 703-217-2226.
LAWN CARE SERVICES – Offered by Mason’s Lawn & Landscape. Keep your
lawn and garden looking beautiful. And Snow Removal Too! Call now to get
on our 2016 schedule. 703-594-GROW (4769)
LEATHER RECLINER FOR SALE - Crate and Barrel “The Carleton Model,
brown leather, excellent condition. Originally $2,500, asking $1.500. Photos
available. Walt Meyer, 703-743-1132.
LOOKING FOR AN AFFORDABLE 45 minute workout around YOUR schedule?? TNT Fitness offers moderate-intensity group exercise at the Sport &
Health Fitness Center. Fat Loss Guaranteed. Free Trial - 1st week/up to 4
sessions. Call Luke 571-445-5853.
MAILBOX POST REPAIR, mailbox post repair, mailbox post repair, mailbox
post repair. Call # 703-497-4976, Cell # 703-599-8385, E-mail: [email protected]
MOVER: DAVE THE MOVER LLC. Local, distant, packing, intra home moves,
piano and antique expert. We provide above average service and value. HH
references, we are generally in HH twice a month or so. Dave Wassenaar
540-229-9999 cell or 703-753-4242.
MUSICIANS - Eight member professional level combo (fascinating rhythms)
is in need of a trombone player to join this local dance band. Rehearsals
are at the Regency in Dominion Valley. Don Metzger (703) 754-8972, email
[email protected].
ORGANIZING – Do you need help with organizing your paperwork? Errand
Works will help you go through your mail, paperwork, medical papers, insurance papers and files, and then set up an efficient, organized system you
can use to keep track of these papers. We can also help you maintain these
files on a monthly basis so what you need will be at your fingertips. Errand
Works is licensed, bonded and insured. HH references available. Call Jennifer at Errand Works at 703-881-1599.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
OUTSIDE FAUCETS REPAIRED/REPLACED – New deck faucets. Ask for Don.
703-853-0000, a Heritage Hunt resident. Licensed and insured. License: VA
2701-031672 DDR Plumbing Company. Major credit cards accepted.
PAINTING: Class A Licensed and Insured, Interior/Exterior Painting,
Kitchen and Bath remodeling, Wood Rot, Plumbing, Electrical, Ceramic tile.
“WE DO IT ALL!” 38 years local experience. Excellent Heritage Hunt references. JOEL RIGGS HOME SERVICES, 703-929-4676.
PAINTING: Interior/Exterior Painting. In business 26+ years, licensed and
fully insured. We also provide other Home Improvements. Visit us as www. 703.754.3065.
PAINTING: Local resident with over 26 years experience. Exterior trim, deck
rails, walkways, patios, basement stairwells, foundations and garage floor
finishing. Mark 703-753-3856. Visit us at
PATIOS & WALKWAYS & RENOVATIONS – Offered by Mason’s Lawn &
Landscape. Install a beautiful Patio or Walkway accented with Landscape
Lighting. We can renovate your existing pavers with Power Washing, new
Stabilized Joint Material, and Sealing. Call now for a free one hour consultation. 703-594-GROW (4769).
PET SITTING AND DOG WALKING: Kathy’s Canine & Cat Care will walk your
pets when you are unable to, will love and care for your pets in your home
when you are out of town. Call Kathy at 540-272-0512 or Kathylavin@
PET SITTING AND DOG WALKING: Meg’s Loving Pet Care, LLC will provide
the highest quality care for all your pets. 24 years of experience, Bonded /
Insured. Please contact Meghan at: 703-338-3446 or megslovingpetcare@
PLUMBING – Ask for Don. 703-853-0000, a Heritage Hunt resident.
Licensed and insured. License: VA 2701-031672 DDR Plumbing Company.
Major credit cards accepted.
New and Exciting Services for HH Residents
Full-Service Beauty Treatment in the
Comfort of your Home
Master Stylist for Both Men and Women
25+ Years of Experience
Features Cuts, Color, Highlights and Perms
Reasonable Prices - $5 Discount for New
Client’s First Appointment
Call Evelyn Ullman at 703-401-9757, or email
[email protected]
Licensed Home Care Organization
Owner is a Heritage Hunt Resident
Remaining in your home is important to you and to us.
We can help you stay at home by providing:
All activities of Daily Living
Light household duties.
Affordable rates and phones answered by
knowledgeable employee 24/7.
7 0 3 - 62 2 - 33 4 3
Hopefully you won’t need us, but if you do , all of
our employees are background checked and bonded.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
PLUMBING SERVICES: Locally owned and operated, Gainesville Plumbing
has been providing excellent plumbing services to Heritage Hunt Residents
since 2004. We value your time … You’ll value our service! We offer a 5%
discount for Heritage Hunt Residents. Licensed & Insured. Call Gainesville
Plumbing for all of your plumbing needs: 571.248.8727
POWER WASHING– Clean the surface of your house deck or driveway. Get
rid of mildew, algae, and dirt. Several years’ experience in HH. Call Dan’s
Power Washing 703-795-1701 / [email protected] /
POWER WASHING - Go from green to clean. I do houses, sidewalks, decks,
fences, also exterior wood rot deck and fence repair deck staining and sealing roof and siding repair drywall finishing small jobs welcome. Licensed
and insured. Free estimates 703-987-5096-email [email protected].
POWER WASHING: Power Washing of Decks, Siding, Concrete and Fences.
In business 26+ years, licensed and fully insured. Visit us as 703.754.3065.
POWER WASHING SPECIALISTS: Free estimates, licensed/insured. Local
resident with over 26 years experience cleaning siding, decks, fences, patios,
stoops, steps, walkways and driveways. Deck clear sealing / staining and
railing painting. HH references. Mark, 703-753-3856. Visit us at
PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER: Specializing in family portraiture,
children, computer restoration, and parties. “Create Memories Today for
Tomorrow.” The Photo Bug, (H) 703-743-2323 or (C) 703-489-2273.
RADON REMEDIATION - JK Radon, LLC serving Heritage Hunt since 2010.
Several HH references. Call 703-655-4574 or email [email protected].
REVERSE MORTGAGE – if you would like a free, no obligation, no pressure
in-home consultation, please call Joe Howard of Liberty Home Equity Solutions Inc. at 301-928-3772. I have been helping seniors with reverse mortgages for over 10 years. NMLS # 506504. My email is Joseph.Howard@
ROOFING - KPM Home Improvement L.L.C. Replace, repair roofs. Gutters.
Siding. Windows. Licensed and insured. Jim Kirisch 703-330-1690 or email
[email protected]
SENIOR HOME CARE BY ANGELS: Our caring companions help seniors live
at home! Hygiene assistance, meals, housework, up to 24-hour care. For
care that’s straight from heaven. VISITING ANGELS, 703-530-8811.
SMOKE ALARMS-For battery or smoke alarm replacement contact Ken
Weinzapfel at 703-743-1607.
STAIR LIFTS - Never walk up steps again! New and certified pre-owned
chair lifts at reduced prices. Lifetime warranty. Local company. Lowest
prices guaranteed. Call 703.753.3855.
TAX PAPERS AND RECEIPTS – Do you need help organizing your important
tax papers and receipts in preparation for taking them to your accountant? Errand Works will help you gather your receipts and tax information
received in the mail, and then separate these into categories for your tax
accountant. We are experienced in organizing important paperwork, and
can take a lot of the stress out of the process. Errand Works is licensed,
bonded and insured. HH references available. Call Jennifer at Errand Works
at 703-881-1599.
TOILETS REBUILT/REPLACED - Ask for Don. 703-853-0000, a Heritage
Hunt resident. Licensed and insured. License: VA 2701-031672 DDR
Plumbing Company. Major credit cards accepted.
WATER PLANTS – Do you have plants that need to be watered while you are
out of town? Errand Works will tend to your plants per your instructions
and on a schedule you choose while you are out of town. Errand Works is
licensed, bonded and insured. HH references available. Call Jennifer at Errand Works at 703-881-1599.
WILL TRIM HEDGES, bushes, spring/fall cleanup, special projects 3 hrs/ $50
Luke 571-445-5853
WINDOW CLEANING: Squeaky Klean Windows of Gainesville offers professional , friendly service at great rates. Screen repair. Chandelier cleaning.
LIcensed and insured. HH are preferred clients. Free bids. Call Tom at 703888-9171.
WINDOW REPLACEMENT: Any problems with windows, contact Ken
Weinzapfel, 703-743-1607.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Golf Handicap Committee
Playing Alone - New USGA Rules 2016
You may have read recently, the USGA made changes to its
‘Rules & Regulations’ for the 2016 season. One major change
for those golfers that choose to play or prefer to “play alone”
for 2016 is causing quite a bit of discussion among the players, and members of individual club handicap committees.
Just as Heritage Hunt discovered, if your club chooses not to
abide by this new rule, Section 5-1e (vi), your certification
from the USGA may be discontinued for your particular club.
In other words, we MUST abide by the new rules! What does
this new rule really mean for those ‘playing alone’ members?
It means simply that if you choose to play alone without
“peer review” your scores for that round are not eligible to be
posted for handicap purposes.
If a member of Heritage Hunt chooses to participate in our
annual tournaments, Men’s Retired League, Women’s Golf
League or those events that require a handicap to enter, this
will impact your handicap index. The rules state you must
post each eligible round played. (Section 5-2) The new rule regarding Playing Alone is basically meant to support the ‘peer
review’ aspect of the Handicap System. Even though the game
of golf is about honesty, integrity and etiquette; this change
helps golfers to form a better basis to support or dispute
scores that have been posted to a player’s scoring record.
This change underscores the importance of providing full and
accurate information regarding a player’s potential scoring
ability and the ability of other players to form a reasonable
basis for supporting or disputing a posted score. (Section 5-1:
Acceptability of Scores). What constitutes NOT playing alone
you ask? USGA says that as long as someone accompanies you
(the player) during a round (e.g., a fellow competitor, opponent, caddie, marker for a tournament, a friend riding along
in the cart [but may or may not be playing golf], you are NOT
playing alone. Thus your score may be posted for handicap
A player must be accompanied for at least seven (7) holes for
a nine-hole score or thirteen (13) holes for 18-hole score. For
holes played alone (unaccompanied), the player would treat
those holes as not played under the Rules of Golf and post
accordingly to “par plus” any handicap strokes the player is
entitled to receive. [keep in mind the maximum number of
holes that can be played alone in a round eligible for posting is
two holes (9-hole) and five holes (18-hole) round].
Two basic premises underlie the USGA Handicap System,
namely that each player will try to make the best score at
every hole in every round, regardless of where the round is
played, and the player will post every acceptable round for
peer review. The player and the player’s Handicap Committee
have joint responsibility for adhering to these premises.
Fundamental to providing all players an opportunity to compete on a “level playing field”, is a properly administered and
monitored handicapping program.
The Heritage Hunt Handicap Committee encourages each
player to enjoy a round of golf; be paired by the Pro-Shop
or bring a partner. HH also offers an ambassador program;
sign- up sheets are available in the Pro-Shop. You may find a
partner or sign up to be a partner.
Golf Handicap Committee
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Let’s share smiles now and forever
Grand Opening of Gainesvil e Dental Arts in Heritage Hunt!
My team and I wish to extend a warm welcome to everyone in the community to my new
dental practice, Gainesvil e Dental Arts.
Grand Opening Special
$59 New Patient Visit
Savings of $343
(Includes dental cleaning, comprehensive exam, and all necessary x-rays)
 Senior courtesies & exclusive discounted rates are offered for those eligible.
 Door to door car service is available upon request
 A lovely welcome gift wil be given to all new patients
We know you have your choice of dentists and it would be our privilege to serve you. My team
and I look forward to meeting you in person and making you a part of our dental family.
Dr. Palwinder Kaur & Team
7949 Heritage Vil age Plaza Gainesvil e, VA 20155 P# 703-743-2324
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
Three Ways Beautiful
Salon and Spa
7917 Heritage Village Plaza
We are so excited to announce the
opening of our new salon on June 1,
2016! We would like to invite the
residence to a Grand Opening open
house on June 25th from 3-6 for
food, drinks, door prizes, and gift
bags for the first 25 people. We will
be offering specials for services and
products exclusively to your
community!! Looking forward to
being part of this community!!!
Saturday, June 4 | 9:00 a.m. Shotgun
2 Person Scramble
Each player chooses any 3 clubs plus a putter.
Pick a partner or be paired by the Golf Shop.
Entry Fee is $20.00
(plus usual greens and cart fees)
Includes 2 drink tickets & complimentary coffee.
Contact the Golf Shop to register.
Heritage Hunt Masters Golf
Tournament Results
Flight 1: 1st – Joe MacFarlane (57); 2nd – Brian Stai
(53); 3rd – Tim Shanahan (43)
Flight 2: 1st – John Johnson (48); 2nd – Mike Anzilotti
(42)*; 3rd – John Yang (42)
Flight 3: 1st – Yoshiaki Ide (52); 2nd – Ron Cayton
(47)*; 3rd – Doug Anderson (47)
Flight 4: 1st – Bill Kreykenbohm (54); 2nd – James
Ross (48); 3rd – Richard Murphy (44)
Flight 5: 1st – Joe Cestaro (48); 2nd – Jim Love (44);
3rd – Lillian Forgacs (42)
Flight 6: 1st – Raul Ricaurte (50); 2nd – Jerry Manley
(49); 3rd – Robert Bettini (48)
Flight 7: 1st – Ira Cebulash (58); 2nd – Maureen Gilmore (54); 3rd – Rolando Chavez (46)
Flight 8: 1st – Eugene Schmiel (55); 2nd – Eduardo
Plagata (48); 3rd – Peggy Irving (45)
Flight 9: 1st – Maureen Titsworth (58); 2nd – Curt
Dierdorff (53); 3rd – Donna Sellinger (47)
Flight 10: 1st – Margaret Dierdorff (48); 2nd – Cliff
Pitts (40); 3rd – Norma Smith (38)
*Won Scorecard Playoff (Stableford Points Scoring)
Friday & Saturday
June 17 and 18
9:00 a.m. Shotgun
Individual Stroke Play
Entry Fee is $20.00
(plus usual greens and cart fees)
Includes 2 drink tickets &
complimentary coffee.
Contact the Golf Shop
to register. 703-743-1000
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
*All times are approximate
and subject to change.*
June 1-30
All times are approximate and subject to change
8am Ladies’ Day
avl. after 12:45pm
10am 9-Hole
League Clinic
9am Three Club
avl. after 2pm
10am B Team
4:30pm Couples
8am Men’s Day
avl. after 12:45pm
8am Ladies’ Day
avl. after 11:15am
3pm Green Tee
Club Fun Event
closed 2:45-3:45pm
10am Women’s 18
Free Clinic
Three Club
Scramble Rain Date
closed 2:45-5pm
4:30pm Couples
closed 2:45-5pm
4:30pm Couples
closed 2:45-5pm
10am B Team
4:30pm Couples
Topdress Greens
and Tees
Front 9 closed until
Back 9 closed 10am1pm
Club Championship
Rain Date
9am Event
closed 8:45am12:30pm
8am Men’s Day
avl. after 12:45pm
8am Men’s Day
avl. after 12:45pm
8am Men’s Day
avl. after 12:45pm
8am Ladies’ Day
avl. after 12:45pm
8am Ladies’ Day
avl. after 11:15am
8am Ladies’ Day
avl. after 12:45pm
9am Club
avl. after 2pm
closed 8:30am-12pm
9am Club
avl. after 2pm
10am B Team
course open
closed 2:45-5pm
Saturday, July 9 | 9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
Individual Net Medal Play.
Play 6 tee shots of your choice from red, white, and blue tees.
Entry fee is $20 plus usual greens and cart fees.
Contact the Golf Shop at 703-743-1000.
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Saturday, July 23 | 9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
2 Person Best Ball. Callaway Format.
Members may bring up to 3 guests.
Entry fee is $20 plus usual greens and cart fees.
Contact the Golf Shop at 703-743-1000.
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
June 1-July 2 Fitness Schedule
Attend your first fitness class free of charge! Purchase a fitness pass coupon booklet at the
main Clubhouse Front Desk at a cost of $90 to participate in 15 aqua and land classes.
Turn in a coupon each time you attend a class. The coupon booklet does not expire.
* Separate Fee Schedule.
Class schedule and locations are subject to change. Please check online or the Front Desk for the most up to date listing.
PL - Indoor Pool / BA - Clubhouse Ballroom / MM-Marsh Mansion - All other classes are held in the Fitness Center Aerobics Room
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
9 AM - Balls, Bands
and Balance, BA
9 AM – Yoga
10:10 - Tabata
10:15 AM - Gentle
Yoga, BA
19 Father’s Day
7:30 AM – Men’s Power
9 AM - Aerobics II
*10 AM - Seated
Aerobics, BA
10 AM - Gentle Yoga, MM
10:10 AM - Power Pump
6 PM –Step Aerobics
7:30 AM – Men’s Power
9 AM - Aerobics II
*10 AM - Seated
Aerobics, BA
10 AM - Gentle Yoga, MM
10:10 AM - Power Pump
6 PM –Step Aerobics
7:30 AM – Men’s Power
9 AM - Aerobics II
*10 AM - Seated
Aerobics, BA
10 AM - Gentle Yoga, MM
10:10 AM - Power Pump
6 PM –Step Aerobics
7:30 AM – Men’s Power
9 AM - Aerobics II
*10 AM - Seated
Aerobics, BA
10 AM - Gentle Yoga, MM
10:10 AM - Power Pump
6 PM –Step Aerobics
8:30 AM – Aqua Fit, PL
9 AM - Zumba Gold
10:15 AM – Mat Pilates
8:30 AM – Aqua Fit, PL
9 AM - Zumba Gold
10:15 AM – Mat Pilates
8:30 AM – Aqua Fit, PL
9 AM - Zumba Gold
10:15 AM – Mat Pilates
8:30 AM – Aqua Fit, PL
9 AM - Zumba Gold
10:15 AM – Mat Pilates
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
9 AM - Balls, Bands
and Balance, BA
9 AM – Yoga
10:10 - Tabata
10:15 AM - Gentle
Yoga, BA
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
9 AM - Balls, Bands
and Balance, BA
9 AM – Yoga
10:10 - Tabata
10:15 AM - Gentle
Yoga, BA
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
9 AM - Balls, Bands
and Balance, BA
9 AM – Yoga
10:10 - Tabata
10:15 AM - Gentle
Yoga, BA
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
9 AM - Balls, Bands
and Balance, BA
9 AM – Yoga
10:10 - Tabata
10:15 AM - Gentle
Yoga, BA
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
8:30 AM – Aqua
Fit, PL
9 AM - Tabata
6 PM - Step Aerobics
10:10 AM-Core
9 AM - Zumba Gold
*10 AM - Seated Aerobics, BA
10:10 AM - Power
9 AM - Zumba Gold
*10 AM - Seated Aerobics, BA
10:10 AM - Power
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
8:30 AM – Aqua
Fit, PL
9 AM - Tabata
6 PM - Step Aerobics
10:10 AM-Core
9 AM - Zumba Gold
*10 AM - Seated Aerobics, BA
10:10 AM - Power
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
8:30 AM – Aqua
Fit, PL
9 AM - Tabata
6 PM - Step Aerobics
10:10 AM-Core
9 AM - Zumba Gold
*10 AM - Seated Aerobics, BA
10:10 AM - Power
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
8:30 AM – Aqua
Fit, PL
9 AM - Tabata
6 PM - Step Aerobics
10:10 AM-Core
9 AM - Zumba Gold
*10 AM - Seated Aerobics, BA
10:10 AM - Power
6 PM - Step Aerobics
7:30 AM – Men’s
Power Flex
8:30 AM – Aqua
Fit, PL
9 AM - Tabata
9 AM – Aerobics
10:10 AM – Yoga
9 AM – Aerobics
10:10 AM – Yoga
9 AM – Aerobics
10:10 AM – Yoga
9 AM – Aerobics
10:10 AM – Yoga
9 AM – Aerobics
10:10 AM – Yoga
10:10 AM-Core
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club:
June 1-July 2 Group Activities Schedule
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
9 AM–Fine Art Group, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/interm)
Club, CH Crt
1PM–Quilt Project Meeting,CR
1 PM–Ladies’ Drop-in Bridge
(1/3), MMLR
1 PM–Pinochle, BL
9:30 AM–Bridge Lunch(1/3), CA
1 PM–Crocheting, CR
6 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
6 PM–Chess Club, MMGR
7 PM–Ladies’ Poker, BL
7:30 PM-HH Bible Study, CA
9:30 AM–Wed MenBridge, BO
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club,CH
10AM Everything Apple,(1)CA
1 PM–Ladies Bridge (1/3), CA
9 AM – Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM – Tennis (begin /interm)
Club, CH court
10 AM - Beg. Bridge, BL
3 PM–HH High Steppers, FC
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Men’s Billiards, BL
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
10 AM–Ladies Bridge, BL
12 PM - Blood Drive, BA
12 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
12:45 PM–Weekly Bridge, CA
1 PM–Knitting CR
1 PM–Canasta, BL
2 PM–Spanish club, MMTR
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Duplicate Bridge, CA
7 PM-Men in Song, BA
7 PM - WON, BL
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
10 AM - Ladies Bridge, BL
12 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
12:45 PM–Weekly Bridge, CA
1 PM–Knitting, CR
1 PM–Canasta, BL
2 PM–Spanish club, MMTR
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM - WON, BL
19 Father’s Day
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
10 AM-Mon Ladies Bridge, BL
10 AM-Genealogy Club, CA
12 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
12:45 PM–Weekly Bridge, CA
1 PM–Knitting, CR
1 PM–Canasta, BL
2 PM–Spanish club, MMTR
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Duplicate Bridge, CA
7 PM-Men in Song, BA
7 PM - WON, BL
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
12 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
12:45 PM–Weekly Bridge, CA
1 PM–Knitting, CR
1 PM–Canasta, BL
2 PM–Spanish club, MMTR
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Duplicate Bridge, CA
7 PM - WON, BL
7 PM-Men in Song, BA
The Heritage Horn • June 2016
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/inter), CH
10 AM–AmericanMahjongg, BL
10 AM–Writing Group (1/3), CA
1 PM–Woodcarvers, CR
1 PM - Social Mah Jongg, BO
1 PM - Double Pinochle, MMLR
6 PM–Begin/Inter. Line Dance
and Instruction, BA
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
9:30 AM–Wed MenBridge, BO
12:45 PM–Wed. (2/4) Bridge,CA
1 PM–Crocheting, CR
6 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
6 PM–Chess Club, MMGR
7 PM–Ladies’ Poker, BL
7:30 PM-HH Bible Study, CA
9 AM–Fine Art Group, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/interm)
Club, CH Crt
1PM–Quilt Project Meeting,CR
1 PM–Ladies’ Drop-in Bridge
(2/4), CA
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club,CH
9 AM – Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM – Tennis (begin /interm)
Club, CH court
10 AM - Beg. Bridge, BL
1 PM–Pinochle, BL
3 PM–HH High Steppers, FC
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Men’s Billiards, BL
7 PM - Team Trivia Night, BA
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/inter), CH
10 AM–AmericanMahjongg, BL
10 AM- HHWO Lunch, BA
1 PM–Woodcarvers, CR
1 PM - Social Mah Jongg, BO
1 PM - Double Pinochle, MMLR
6 PM–Begin/Inter. Line Dance
and Instruction, BA
7 PM - Resident Forum, CA
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/inter), CH
10 AM–American Mahjongg,BL
10 AM–Writing Group (1/3), CA
1 PM–Woodcarvers, CR
1 PM - Social Mah Jongg, BO
1 PM - Double Pinochle, MMLR
6 PM–Begin/Inter. Line Dance
and Instruction, BA
7 PM - Health Series, CA
1 PM–Crocheting, CR
1 PM-MahJongg Tournament,
6 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
6 PM–Chess Club, MMGR
7 PM–Ladies’ Poker, BL
7:30 PM-HH Bible Study, CA
1 PM–Ladies’ Drop-in Bridge
(1/3), MMLR
1 PM–Pinochle, BL
3 PM–HH High Steppers, FC
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
9:30 AM–Wed MenBridge, BO
9:30 AM–Bridge Lunch(1/3), CA
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club,
CH court
10 AM - GoCo, CA
1 PM–Ladies Bridge (1/3), CA
7:30 PM-Free Movie Night, BA
9 AM – Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM – Tennis (begin /interm)
Club, CH court
10 AM - Beg. Bridge, BL
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Men’s Billiards, BL
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
9:30 AM–Wed MenBridge, BO
12:45 PM–Wed. (2/4) Bridge,CA
1 PM–Crocheting, CR
6 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
6 PM–Chess Club, MMGR
7 PM–Ladies’ Poker, BL
7:30 PM-HH Bible Study, CA
9 AM–Fine Art Group, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/inter), CH
10 AM - Garden Club, MM
1 PM–Quilt Project Mt, CR
1 PM–Ladies’ Drop-in Bridge
(2/4), CA
1 PM–Pinochle, BL
3 PM–HH High Steppers, FC
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club,CH
9 AM – Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM – Tennis (begin /interm)
Club, CH court
10 AM - Beg. Bridge, BL
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Men’s Billiards, BL
7:30 PM-HH Concerts, BA
9 AM–Tennis (begin/inter), CH
10 AM–American Mahjongg,BL
1 PM–Woodcarvers, CR
1 PM - Social Mah Jongg, BO
1 PM - Double Pinochle, MMLR
6 PM–Begin/Inter. Line Dance
and Instruction, BA
9:30 AM–Wed MenBridge, BO
9 AM–Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM–Fine Art Group, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/interm)
Club, CH Crt
1PM–Quilt Project Meeting,CR
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club, CH
9:30 AM–Bridge Lunch(1/3), CA
1 PM–Crocheting, CR
6 PM–Men’s Poker, MML
6 PM–Chess Club, MMGR
7 PM–Ladies’ Poker, BL
7:30 PM-HH Bible Study, CA
9 AM–Fine Art Group, CR
9 AM–Tennis (begin/interm)
Club, CH Crt
1PM–Quilt Project Meeting,CR
1 PM–Ladies’ Drop-in Bridge
(1/3), MMLR
1 PM–Pinochle, BL
9 AM–Tennis (adv) Club,CH
10AM Everything Apple,(1)CA
1 PM–Ladies Bridge (1/3), CA
9 AM – Blanket Stitchers, CR
9 AM – Tennis (begin /interm)
Club, CH court
10 AM - Beg. Bridge, BL
3 PM–HH High Steppers, FC
3 PM–Pickleball, MM court
7 PM–Men’s Billiards, BL
Heritage Hunt Homeowners’ Association
6901 Arthur Hills Drive
Gainesville, VA 20155
Heritage Hunt Homeowners’ Association
June 1-July 2 Meeting Schedule
All times are approximate and subject to change.
Committee, 1 PM,
Garden Rm
Board of Directors,
9:30 AM, Parlor
Grounds Committee,
2:30 PM, Mtn. View
Review Committee,
9 AM, Mtn. View Rm
Golf Committee,
3 PM, Mtn View Rm
Committee, 9:30
AM, Garden Rm
Committee, 1 PM
Mtn View Rm
Facilities Committee
1 PM, Mtn. View Rm
Advisory Committee
Strategic Planning,
10 AM, Garden Rm
Board of Directors,
1 PM, Mtn View Rm
Committee, 10 AM,
Mtn View Rm
Review Committee,
9 AM, Mtn. View Rm