AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Belize’s Pre-European AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS1.a Understand some aspects of the social, economic and political conditions affecting the lives of pre-European people in Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Maya Settlement Location Organization SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Types of Maya Settlements 1. Types of Maya 2. Types of Maya Ketchi Mopan CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP2.h Accept major decisions Use pictures to tell a story about the location/organization of early Mayas in Belize. Use maps to locate early maya sites. Insert flashcards for Ketchi and Mopan communities on a map of Belize. 2. Types of Maya Learn Mayan words (Ketchi and Mopan) for basic English vocabulary Resource personnel- brief explanations on the reasons for Yucatec Maya coming to Belize. Insert flashcards to indicate Yucatec communities on map of Belize. -1- Locate on a map 3 major maya ruins in Belize Collect and display pictures of Maya ruins. Match the Mayan word to the correct English word. . 2. Types of Maya Make a table listing the English word and its Mopan and Ketchi translations List two reasons for the Yucatec Mayas coming to Belize. On a blank map of Belize, locate the Yucatec communities. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Belize’s Pre-European CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Culture of the Mayas (food, clothing) SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 3. Culture of the Mayas 3. Culture of the Mayas 4. Culture of the Mayas (language, religion) Resource personnel to talk about food and clothing Find or draw pictures of food and clothing typical of the Mayas List at least three Mayan foods and/or clothing. Make booklets with illustrations and written sentences about Mayan food and clothing 4. Culture of the Mayas 4. Culture of the Mayas 5. Achievements/ Contributions SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Brief explanation of the language and religious beliefs of the Mayas. Interview a Mayan person to find out about their religious beliefs. Oral or written explanation of interview results 5. Achievements/ Contributions 5. Achievements/ Contributions Brainstorm great Mayan achievements. Show pictures and locations of five major ruins in Belize. Sample of Mayan calendar and explain. 6. Subsistence farming On a blank map of Belize, locate Maya ruins. Identify two important months of the Mayan calendar (e.g. planting, harvesting). 6. Subsistence farming 6. Subsistence farming Slides or video to show milpa system. Compare Mayan way of farming to other ways of farming in Belize. Discuss food grown and gods related to farming. -2- Write stories about farming gods. List food grown by Mayas. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Belize’s Pre-European LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, convince and express feelings EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST1.a Understand some changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment -3- RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Flashcards (Mayan/ English) Resource personnel Map of Belize Blank map of Belize Booklets Markers, pencils, paper Pictures or information of Mayan food and clothing Calendar or picture of calendar Pictures of Mayan ruins Video/slides of milpa system Social Studies of Belize BK4 Nation We Are Making C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Slavery in Belize CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS1.b Understand the origins and dynamics of slavery, and the relationship between slavery and colonialism in Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. What is slavery in Belize? 2. Origin of slaves (Africa) SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. What is slavery in Belize? 1. What is slavery in Belize? Elicit what is slavery from children Discuss why slavery was in Belize List factors relating to slavery Write about your feelings towards slavery 2. Origin of slaves 2. Origin of slaves 3. Life on the slave ship SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Discuss origin of slaves. Explain the route slaves took to Belize by demonstrating on a world map. Trace the route on world map. Draw slave route on blank map. 3. Life on the slave ship 3. Life on the slave ship Provide and discuss picture of overcrowded boat. Read about life on the slave ship. Dramatize living conditions on slave ship. Make booklets describing and illustrating life on the slave ship. ` -4- C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Slavery in Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 4. African life 5. Colonialism in Belize 6. Logwood and mahogany trade SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 4. African life 4. African life Resource personnel- brief history of life in Africa List commonalities between Africans and Belizeans (food, etc.) Collection of pictures depicting life in Africa to make a scrapbook Response to questions asked from history given by resource personnel 5. Colonialism in Belize 5. Colonialism in Belize Define colonialism Brainstorm and list reasons for British arrival to Belize Write a paragraph explaining colonialism in Belize Oral explanation of feelings about colonialism 6. Logwood and mahogany trade 6. Logwood and mahogany trade Discussion on environmental effects of logwood and mahogany trade Brief explanation of life in the mahogany camp Dramatize life in the mahogany camp -5- Draw pictures depicting life in the mahogany camp Oral explanation of pictures- look for historical accuracy C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Slavery in Belize LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL2.d Follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL3.g Demonstrate unity and coherence in their writing EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, convince and express feelings EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech ST1.a Understand some changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media -6- RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT History of Belize- Nora Dobson A History of Belize Nation in the Making- Sunshine Books History of Belize- Sherlock Atlas of Belize World map Pencils, markers, paper Rulers Resource personnel Picture of people in mahogany camp C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Weather and Climate CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/ issue SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS2.a Understand weather changes and the factors which affect the different parts of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Definition of climate and weather SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Definition of climate and weather 1. Definition of climate and weather 2. Regional factors affecting climate SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Observe weather conditions then illustrate observations on weather chart Small groups- each group given different weather condition to draw and explain Make models of rain gauge, etc. Explanation of weather condition Oral explanation of definition and differences of weather and climate Creation of model 2. Regional factors affecting climate 2. Regional factors affecting climate Elicit factors that affect the climate of Belize Produce class model of the water cycle based on factors elicited Label the factors and terms associated with water cycle Correct labeling of diagram of a water cycle using the terms and factors affecting climate ` -7- C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Weather and Climate CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Physical features affecting weather SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 3. Physical features affecting weather 3. Physical features affecting weather 4. Importance of weather SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Provide scrambled terms associated with physical features and allow time for students to unscramble List the physical features (southern lowlands, coastal plains, etc.) Locate features on map of Belize Checklist based on terms of physical features located on map 4. Importance of weather 4. Importance of weather Brainstorm and discuss reasons why weather is important and how it affects us (clothing, transportation, etc.) Draw pictures showing the importance of weather Display and explain pictures 5. Natural disasters Hurricane Flood 5. Natural disasters 5. Natural disasters 6. Disaster preparedness 6. Disaster preparedness 6. Disaster preparedness Resource personnel- discuss natural disasters Find or draw pictures of natural disasters Share stories of experiences with natural disasters Show video/ slides on flood, fire, hurricane Brainstorms and discuss how we can prepare ourselves for disasters Dramatize ways to be prepared -8- Observe questions asked by students to resource personnel Make posters using pictures to show disaster preparedness List examples of disaster preparedness C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Weather and Climate LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL3.g Demonstrate unity and coherence in their writing EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, convince and express feelings EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech SL4.b Ask questions for information and understanding ST1.a Understand some changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment M4.a Make reasonable approximations based on relevant life experiences M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams H1.b Understand how safety practices contribute to healthy living and how to recognize and respond appropriately to dangerous situations EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media -9- RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Weather chart Natural environment Pencils, paper, markers Materials for water cycle model Flashcards Scrambled words Map of Belize Pictures Newspapers, magazines Belize Weather Bureau Encyclopedias Resource personnel Slides, video A Geography of Belize C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/ issue SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP2.g Help to create consensus SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS2.b Understand how natural landscape features influence the pattern of settlement in Belize SS2.c Understand how people use the natural resources of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Definition and example of natural resources Land Water Animals Humans Trees 2. Availability of natural resources SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Definition and example of natural resources 1. Definition and example of natural resources Discuss definition and list examples Dramatize various natural resources and have other students guess the correct one Collect samples or pictures of natural resources Write definition in your own words and illustrate using several examples of natural resources Label and display samples or pictures of natural resources 2. Availability of natural resources 2. Availability of natural resources Brainstorm where natural resources are available in your community Use pictures to illustrate the availability of some or all natural resources Give reasons for natural resources which are not found in your community Locate these areas on a map of Belize List the natural resources present in your area based on their availability On a blank map of Belize, label the natural resources present in your community Make posters showing the natural resources available in your community by using pictures from magazines or drawings ` - 10 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Uses of natural resources SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 3. Uses of natural resources 3. Uses of natural resources 4. Protection of Natural resources SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Review availability of natural resources Brainstorm and discuss the uses of natural resources Differentiate the uses of natural resources for subsistent living as opposed to commercial activity. Make a table (with pictures) indicating which uses of natural resources fall under which category Project utilizing pictures, samples and models of natural resources and how they relate to the development of settlements List at least five natural resources with respect to land, water, animals, humans and trees 4. Protection of Natural resources 4. Protection of Natural resources How to protect natural resources Introduce the laws governing the protection of natural resources Invite resource personnel to talk about he protection of natural resources Discuss and list different types of pollution that affect our community Dramatize the protection of natural resources - 11 - Compose jingles or slogans advocating the protection of natural resources Organize and participate in a cleanup campaign in school or community C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 5. Conservation of natural resources SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 5. Conservation of natural resources 5. Conservation of natural resources 6. Types of settlements in your community SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Brainstorm definition of conservation Give reasons for conservation Show video/ slides with the conservation of natural resources Collect or draw pictures relating to conservation Make posters showing the conservation of natural resources List two or three ways in which they can help conserve natural resources 6. Types of settlements in your community 6. Types of settlements in your community Brainstorm and discuss the different types of settlements in your community Collect or draw pictures showing the different types of settlements List reasons for settlements in your community Locate settlements on map of Belize - 12 - List at least three reasons for establishing different types of settlements in your community On a blank map of Belize insert flashcards with the different types of settlements in their community C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Brainstorm for the definition of of the word “Tourist” 7. Uses of Natural using a web. Resources Identify countries where tourist might come from. Tourism Display pictures of natural resources. What is a tourist? Identify/Discuss the importance of them. One who makes tour/tours List tourist attraction especially for reservation, Locate/make reference on a map of Belize. pleasure or culture. Study the flora/fauna of Belize. Name of Tourist Attractions GRAPH the benefits of tourism Create “poster” depicting the Do’s/Don’t’s of Maya Ruins, Cayes, Coral Tourism. (Display children’s work) Reefs, Building etc. Take children on a Tour (city/town) to view some tourist sites Benefit of Tourism Conduct a survey to collect information on career Foreign exchange opportunities in Tourism. Informational relation Job creation - 13 - SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Ability to define the word a”tourist” Contribution to discussion Ability to locate and make reference on a map Project Report Creativity of poster C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.c Demonstrate the ability to punctuate and capitalize written work EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, convince and express feelings EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech ST1.a Understand some changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams H3.a Understand how maintaining a clean environment contributes to their personal health WT2.b Understand some of the processes within Belize’s industrial sectors WT5.a Identify a simple problem/ need EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media EA1.f Use rhythmic body movements to express feelings and emotions - 14 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Dictionary Encyclopedias Natural environment Paper, pencils, markers, tape Pictures- magazines Map of Belize Blank map of Belize Flashcards Charts Resource personnel Rakes, brooms, trash bags, hand gloves, soap, water A Geography of Belize SPSC Belize Primary Social Studies (Toucan) History of Belize- Nora Dobson Caribbean Social Studies C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Government CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS3.a Understand how the government of Belize is organized in order to provide for the needs of the people CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. Type of government (democratic) purpose of a political system process of nomination/election 2. Structure of local government (city council, town board, village council, alcalde system) The Need for Laws/Rules 3. Financing the local government Concept of Taxation Tax Distribution SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Type of government Mock Elections – Voting Day Each student votes. Discuss the result of Democratic Process of Elections, Brainstorm government and democracy Role play the voting process to illustrate democracy Discuss the concept of minority/majority rule. SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Type of government Define terms in your own words Mock election on issue of interest to class 2. Structure of local government 2. Structure of local government Elicit types of local government Probe and list the functions and duties of the local government List reasons for the existence of the present local government 3. Financing the local government Discuss how home is financed Resource personnel- explain and discuss how local government is financed Oral questions and answers for resource personnel Participate in group situation. Questionnaire based on types, functions and duties of local government Dramatize various duties of local government 3. Financing the local government Write paragraph about (and illustrate) the financing of the local government ` - 15 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Government CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 1. Political Independence 4. Political Independence 1. Political Independence 2. Human rights and responsibilities What is a human person Human Dignity (Right to be respected as a person Inter-relatedness of all forms of life 3. Child’s rights and responsibilities To rest and play To an education To proper nutrition and health To a family SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Review self-government Elicit definition of independence Give reasons for independence Discuss the significance and order of the colors of the Belizean flag Demonstrate raising of the flag while singing National Anthem Discuss Independence Day and celebrations that go along with it List at least two reasons for the importance of obtaining independence Draw or make samples of the Belizean flag with the colors in correct order. Explain significance. Create, display and explain posters showing the development of Belize up to political independence Observation of attitudes during flag-raising ceremony: respect, patriotism 2. Human rights and responsibilities 5. Human rights and responsibilities Brainstorm and list the rights and responsibilities of human beings Invite resource personnel to discuss the rights and responsibilities of human beings Role play various rights and responsibilities Questionnaire based on what rights and responsibilities humans have Create, display and explain posters advocating the rights and responsibilities of human beings 3. Child’s rights and responsibilities 6. Child’s rights and responsibilities Brainstorm the need for rest, play and socialization at school Discuss why these things are important for everyone Draw pictures or posters depicting examples of resting, playing and socializing Go over class timetable as a whole class to ensure time for rest, play and socialization - 16 - List five reasons why it is important to have rest, play and socialization Oral or written explanations of feelings about playing and being together C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Government CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Have children identify all forms of life in and around classroom and categorize them. Brainstorm for similiarity/differences between animals/humans. (Focus on the fact that humans are responsible for themselves, for others, for the earth; animals are not) why we make choices. Discuss the importance of making good choices. - 17 - SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Government LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.c Demonstrate the ability to punctuate and capitalize written work EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams H4.a Engage in physical activities that promote interpersonal skills and health of mind and body EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media EA1.f Use rhythmic body movements to express feelings and emotions - 18 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT How We Are Governed History of Belize- Nora Dobson Caribbean Social Studies The Nation We Are Making The Constitution Human Rights Education For Citizenship Belize Primary Social Studies SPSC About Games Belizean flag Colored paper, scissors, glue Markers, paper, pencils Chalkboard, chalk Resource personnel Video/ slides C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: The Earth as a Part of the Solar System CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SP3.b Assess progress in relation to achievement of goals and adjust goals or strategies as necessary AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS4.a Understand how the movement of the earth causes changes in time and movement CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. General description of Earth SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. General description of Earth 1. General description of Earth 2. Rotation of earth 3. Revolution SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Unscramble the letters to form the word “earth” Give clues to define earth Elicit from the children the natural landscape features of earth Nature walk to observe and identify natural landscape features Record findings in journal Draw pictures of findings 2. Rotation of earth 2. Rotation of earth Riddle to come up with the word “globe” Show the class a globe and elicit its uses Find Belize on the globe Demonstrate and explain the rotation of the earth on its axis which causes day and night 3. Revolution Write paragraph about the rotation of the earth 3. Revolution Definition of term “revolution” - 19 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: The Earth as a Part of the Solar System CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Illustration and explanation of the revolution of the earth around the sun using globe and diagrams Have volunteers explain in their own words and demonstrate revolution using the globe Discuss and explore the importance and relevance of revolution as it relates to the seasons 4. Seasons of Belize Draw pictures if the different seasons caused by the earth’s revolution Simple version of diagrams as it relates to revolution 4. Seasons of Belize Brainstorm names and descriptions of the seasons Discuss and list advantages and disadvantages of the different seasons Express feelings orally about the different seasons Dramatize/ do movements showing feelings about the seasons Make tables of activities that can be done in each season 5. Sub-tropical climate 5. Sub-tropical climate 6. Rainfall in Belize 4. Seasons of Belize 5. Sub-tropical climate SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Fill in the blank to complete the word “sub-tropical” List other types of climates and compare to subtropical climate Looking at a map of the world, determine why Belize has a sub-tropical climate Research other places with sub-tropical climates Make poster of features of a sub-tropic climate (foods grown, etc.) 6. Rainfall in Belize 6. Rainfall in Belize Riddle to come up with the term “rainfall” Discuss the rainy season and reasons for rain On a map of Belize, find and discuss the difference in rainfall among districts - 20 - Make graphs comparing the average rainfall in each district of Belize Draw pictures of the main product/s grown in the district with the most rain and the district with the least amount of rain. Explain the effect of rain on these crops C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: The Earth as a Part of the Solar System LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL3.g Demonstrate unity and coherence in their writing EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST2.a Understand some similarities between the earth, the planets and other celestial bodies ST6.a Understand time in relation to earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun, and the moon’s orbit around the earth EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media EA1.f Use rhythmic body movements to express feelings and emotions - 21 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Atlas of Belize World Atlas SPSC History of Belize- Nora Dobson Caribbean Social Studies The Nation We Are Making Belize Primary Social Studies Markers, paper, pencils Chalkboard, chalk Resource personnel Chart paper Journals Diagrams of revolution C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/ issue SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SP3.b Assess progress in relation to achievement of goals and adjust goals or strategies as necessary AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Land and Water AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS4.b Understand the division of the earth’s land and water and the physical features of which they are comprised SS4.c Understand some ways in which people in different regions of the world have adapted to their physical environment CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Sources of Water SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Sources of Water 1. Sources of Water 2. Uses of land and water SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Elicit sources of water Collection of pictures depicting different sources of water Nature walk to locations with different sources of water Oral questions and answers based on observation Create models representing different sources of water in small groups- each group makes a different water source 2. Uses of land and water 2. Uses of land and water Brainstorm uses of water List and categorize uses of water Role play activities showing the uses of water Elicit and list the uses of land Gardening project - 22 - Create poster showing uses of water Daily observation/care/recording of results of garden C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Land and Water ` CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Pollution of land and 3. Pollution of land and water water Collection of pictures clean/unclean environment (land and water) Utilize pictures to bring about the term pollution List disadvantages/ harms of pollution Brainstorm ways to reduce pollution 4. Main rivers of Belize 5. Continents 6. Adaptation to way of life in Belize SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 3. Pollution of land and water Write anti-pollution slogans Create anti-pollution skits 4. Main rivers of Belize 4. Main rivers of Belize Puzzle with words linking to the term “river” Definition of term Brainstorm and list importance of rivers Looking at map, list and discuss main rivers of Belize Locate main rivers of Belize on blank map of Belize Completion of puzzle 5. Continents 5. Continents Insert letters to complete the term “continent” Discuss definition of continent Solve riddles for the different continents Locate continents on world map On blank map of the world insert the names of the continents and display 6. Adaptation to way of life in Belize 6. Adaptation to way of life in Belize Brainstorm clothing worn in Belize Discuss reasons for wearing these types of clothing Brainstorm and discuss other adaptations of Belizeans (housing, food eaten, etc.) - 23 - Draw different adaptations and write sentences about them C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Land and Water LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.a Use context clues to read a selection EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL3.g Demonstrate unity and coherence in their writing EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M4.b Make reasonable approximations based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event ST2.a Understand some similarities between the earth, the planets and other celestial bodies ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media - 24 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Atlas of Belize World Atlas History of Belize- Nora Dobson Caribbean Social Studies The Nation We Are Making Belize Primary Social Studies World map Magazines for pictures of water sources Materials for models of water sources Gardening tools, seeds, soil, water, gloves, etc. Pictures of pollution River puzzle Blank world map, blank Belize map Poster board, markers Paper, pencils Continent puzzles and riddles C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Way of life in Belize in Relation to Central America AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS5.a Understand the way of life in Belize in relation to Central America, North America and the Caribbean CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. Our neighbors National boundaries Leaders CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/ issue SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SP3.b Assess progress in relation to achievement of goals and adjust goals or strategies as necessary SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Map Skills Recognize keys Interpret pictures, graphs, charts, and tables. Work with distance, direction, scale, and map symbols. Recognize the common characteristics of map grid systems (map projections.). Research leaders in the territory or the region. SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Map skills Ability to recognize keys To interpret, etc. Cooperative or social skills inventory 2. Ethnic groups in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras 2. Cultural Ties 2. Ethnic groups in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras Family life Music Food Quality of life Discuss and explain local food, shelter, clothing, etc. of these countries Invite resource personnel to speak about some of the ethnic groups in Central America Small groups- each group assigned a different Central American country to research the different ethnic groups - 25 - Small groups- create and explain displays of food, clothing, etc. of various ethnic groups in their assigned country Make tables comparing the ethnic groups of Belize to those in other Central American countries C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Way of life in Belize in Relation to Central America ` CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 1. Education in Belize as it relates to Central America SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 3. Education in Belize as it relates to Central America 3. Education in Belize as it relates to Central America 2. Trade between Belize and Central America Trade Balance Surplus/Deficit Devaluation of Currency 5. Transportation/ Communication between Belize and Central America Internet SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Explain concept and importance of Student Exchange Programme Write to pen pals in other Central American countries. Find out about what their schools are like Create charts comparing education in Belize to other Central American countries 4. Trade between Belize and Central America 1. Trade between Belize and Central America Explain cooperation between Central America and Belize (Fruit Fly Eradition) Elicit products that are imported and exported between Belize and Central America Create chart of pictures and drawings showing the goods exported and imported in each Central American country 5. Transportation/Communication between Belize and Central America 2. Transportation between Belize and Central America Illustrate on a map of Central America the means of transportation among Central American countries Make pictographs showing the different types of transportation in Central American countries Invite resource personnel from Immigration to discuss traveling to various Central American countries Fill out sample passport forms - 26 - Display and explain charts Observation of questions asked to Immigration personnel Correct filling out of passport forms Display and explain pictographs C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Way of life in Belize in Relation to Central America LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL2.a Identify main ideas and supporting details EL2.d Follow instructions/ directions EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M4.b Make reasonable approximations based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams SL2.a Fill out forms and questionnaires ST2.a Understand some similarities between the earth, the planets and other celestial bodies ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment WT3.a Understand how industrial sectors contribute to the wealth of a nation WT3.b Understand how regional and global trading links affect the capacity of Belize to create wealth - 27 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Atlas of Belize World Atlas History of Belize- Nora Dobson Caribbean Social Studies The Nation in the Making Belize Primary Social Studies SPSC Geography of Belize Map of Central America Graph and chart paper Markers, pencils, paper Pen pals material- postage, stationery Passport forms Resource personnel Information or pictures of items of ethnic groups C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Organization of Different Ethnic Groups in Belize CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SP3.b Assess progress in relation to achievement of goals and adjust goals or strategies as necessary AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS5.b Understand how the different ethnic groups in Belize organize themselves CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2 weeks) Customs of Ethnic group education, food, family life religion, music, etc. Compare/Contrast Ethnic group The influence of immigration on Culture Cultural Contribution of Selected Ethnic groups Cultural characteristics – folktales, art, nationalism tradition. The provision for Continuity of Ethnicity. Ethnic groups (Human resources) help determine the kinds of job available in districts Locating places of historical significance SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Organization of major ethnic groups 1. Organization of major ethnic groups Play game “hangman” to derive the word organizations Brainstorm and discuss reasons why ethnic groups organize themselves In small groups (each group is assigned a different ethnic group of Belize) research how the group is organized. Research should include interviews of members of organization Present research (in small groups) findings. Use visuals to show understanding of organization of the ethnic group 2. Positive changes to enhance the culture of ethnic groups 2. Positive changes to enhance the culture of ethnic groups Discuss positive changes noticeable with ethnic groups in their community Resource personnel (e.g. president of organizations) to discuss positive changes - 28 - List and illustrate positive changes discussed C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Organization of Different Ethnic Groups in Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Contribution of National/Cultural Heroes. Talent/Skills/Interest of Ethnic groups. Human Rights Tolerance/Respect for all ethnic groups (differences in people.) SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Brainstorm for the definition of ethnic group. Discuss the various aspects of family life in Belize observe/comment on pictures of family and family life Children can make family tree. Ethnic Graphs Children can collect information about ethnic composition of the school or classroom and graph the data. Children can make arts/craft materials that represent aspects of other culture. Children make a scrapbook of contribution made by National/Cultural Heroes. Children can classify food, music, dance item with the correct ethnic group. - 29 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD II UNIT/THEME: Organization of Different Ethnic Groups in Belize LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL2.a Identify main ideas and supporting details EL2.d Follow instructions/ directions EL3.a Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST1.a Understand some changes in living things and their environment - 30 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT History of Belize- Nora Dobson Caribbean Social Studies The Nation in the Making Learning for Living Social Studies Alive Workbook Belize Primary Social Studies SPSC Resource personnel C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: The Mayas- First People of Belize AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS1.a Understand some aspects of the social, economic and political conditions affecting the lives of preEuropean people in Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Maya settlement Ancient Mayas Major ceremonial center 2. How the Mayas used to live Occupation Hunting Fishing Entertainment Pok-a-Tok games Dwelling Education Family Life CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP2.h Accept major decisions SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Origin of the Maya 1. Origin of the Maya Discuss the origin of the Mayas Group work- trace the origin of the Mayas on a map Discuss and draw obstacles Mayas encountered on their journey to Belize On a blank map, trace the origin of the Mayas through their journey to Belize Imagine yourself as one of the first Mayans on that journey. Write stories on your feelings during travel 2. How they live 2. How they live Provide handout on how the Mayas lived and discuss Visit a Mayan community or picture discussion on how Mayas lived Formulate questions to ask during visit Make a chart comparing living conditions of past and present day Mayas (health, education, religious practices, etc.) Create a model of a Maya house - 31 - Draw pictures showing how the Mayas lived Display and explain charts C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: The Mayas- First People of Belize ` CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. How the Mayas governed themselves SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 3. How they governed themselves 3. How they governed themselves 4. Mayan achievements (Mathematics/ calendar, architecture, Mayan ruins, agriculture, trade) Word search for vocabulary words relating to government (city-state, alcalde) Interview someone who is part of the government in a Mayan village Make a table comparing present day Mayan government to that of the past Summarize interview results in a written paragraph Oral presentations of tables 4. Mayan achievements ` 4. Mayan achievements 5. Present customs of the different types of Maya in Belize (Ketchi, Mopan, Yucatecan) SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Small groups- each group assigned a different Mayan achievement to research. From research, each group makes one booklet page about that Mayan achievement to be compiled into class booklet called “Mayan Achievements” List and draw pictures of items Mayans sell for economic gain (baskets, blouses) Worksheet converting numbers and solving simple problems from the Mayan system to the Base 10 system we use today Evaluation of each group’s contribution to the booklet 5. Present customs of the different types of Maya in Belize 5. Present customs of the different types of Maya in Belize Provide handout on customs of all three groups In small groups, compare similarities and differences in customs of each group - 32 - Draw pictures of the customs of each group Present orally the differences and similarities found C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: The Mayas- First People of Belize LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.e Ask questions and give information M1.g Understand other systems of writing numbers M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST1.a Understand some of the changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present SL4.b Ask questions for information and understanding - 33 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT World map Blank world map Paper, pencils, markers Bristol board/ chart paper Pictures of Mayan communities Word search of government terms Resource personnel Handouts on how Mayans live A History of Belize Belizean Studies Module 5- Lawrence Vernon Belizean Studies Module 3, p. 21-35 A Geography of Belize Caribbean Social Studies The People Came Worksheet of Mayan math problems C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Slavery in Belize/ Caribbean AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS1.b Understand the origins and dynamics of slavery, and the relationship between slavery and colonialism in Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2 weeks) 1. The logwood/ mahogany trade SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. The logwood/ mahogany trade 1. The logwood/ mahogany trade 2. Slavery in Belize CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals Brainstorm and list things made from logwood/ mahogany View and draw pictures of the logwood and mahogany tree Using the Atlas of Belize, identify the present day countries that were shown as 17th Century areas of British logwood settlements (comparing with map of probable British Logwood Settlement in Belizean Studies Module 5, p. 8) Find newspaper/ magazine articles about current issues of concern about forest exploitation 2. Slavery in Belize Compare the similarities and differences between logwood and mahogany Summarize the newspaper/magazine articles 2. Slavery in Belize Research to find out the answers to these questions: - 34 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Slavery in Belize/ Caribbean ` CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES What was the primary occupation of male slaves? Name three other occupations of male slaves What jobs were available to female slaves? Read and discuss labor conditions in the slave camps Brainstorm and give examples of the effects of slavery in Belize- economic, political and social 3. The Anglo-Guatemalan Dispute Make a journal entry about your feelings about slavery in Belize Draw pictures of different systems under labor conditions (truck system, advance system) 3. The Anglo-Guatemalan Dispute 3. The Anglo-Guatemalan Dispute Debate the following topic: “Be it resolved that Belize belongs to Guatemala” Panel discussion on feelings and effects on the Anglo-Guatemala Treaty 4. The Belize-Guatemala Dispute SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Discuss the Anglo-Guatemalan dispute Review Article 7 of the 1859 Anglo-Guatemalan Treaty Write a proposal disagreeing with Article 7 Research key personnel involved with the AngloGuatemalan Treaty 4. The Belize-Guatemalan Dispute 4. The Belize-Guatemalan Dispute Small group research- groups are each given one of the following dates: 1962, 1965, 1971, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1979 and 1981. Find out what occurred during this year relating to the Belize-Guatemalan dispute Read about the Heads of Agreement in the dispute. Write a paragraph about why Belizeans were against it - 35 - Make a class chronological timeline of events in the Belize-Guatemala dispute. Each small group that researched a date will put their findings on a flashcard with the date. Assemble the cards into a chronological timeline. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Slavery in Belize/ Caribbean LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.i Identify a sequence of events EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL2.c Predict what will happen in a sequence of events EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.b Use correct pronunciation and appropriate intonation and stress EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.e Ask questions and give information EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media SL4.b Ask questions for information and understanding ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment - 36 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Paper, pencils, markers A History of Belize Belizean Studies Module 5- Lawrence Vernon A Geography of Belize Caribbean Social Studies The People Came Belize A Junior History The Nation We Are Making Markers Flashcards for timeline C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Weather and Climate CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP2.h Accept major decisions SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS2.a Understand weather changes and the factors which affect the different parts of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Weather and Climate Weather- the atmospheric condition in specific place at a specific time Climate- the average or typical weather of a place, usually taken over a period of years SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Weather and Climate 1. Weather and Climate Discuss with students: What is the weather like today in our area? Do you think the weather in Belmopan is the same as it is in Punta Gorda? List the factors that contribute to weather (temp., winds, humidity, clouds, distance from the sea, altitude, etc.) Compare Belize’s climate to that in other areas 2. Elements of weather 2. Elements of weather Research and record climates by completing a table with the headings “country” and “climate”. (Find and compare climates of Los Angeles, Guatemala City, Alaska, Canada, etc.) 2. Elements of weather (temperature, air pressure, wind, moisture) Brainstorm and discuss elements of weather Draw pictures of the various weather elements Compile pictures into a scrapbook - 37 - Match the element of weather term to the correct picture or word description C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Weather and Climate ` CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. The influence of weather 3. The influence of weather on our lives on our lives Review difference between weather and climate Brainstorm and discuss how weather affects our lives (type of clothing, food, etc.) Brainstorm weather’s impact on agriculture Dramatize various effects weather has on our lives 4. Weather forecasting SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 3. The influence of weather on our lives Write a descriptive paragraph about a time weather has affected your plans 4. Weather forecasting 4. Weather forecasting Listen to weather report on radio or television Discuss how people are able to predict weather List instruments used in weather forecasting (thermometer, barometer, wind vane, etc.) Field trip to weather station - 38 - Write thank you letters to weather station stating what you have learned In small groups make models of the various weather instruments- one different instrument should be made by each group. Set up a pretend weather station using the models of the instruments and describe the functions of the weather instruments C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Weather and Climate CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 5. Climate in Belize SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 5. Climate in Belize 5. Climate in Belize 6. Clouds SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Discuss Belize’s climate Brainstorm why Belize has certain weather conditions In small groups create timelines showing where seasons begin and end Create posters of things they can do that other people living in different climates cannot do Display and explain posters and timelines 6. Clouds 6. Clouds Discuss this saying: “Gray clouds in the morning, shepherd's warning” Do older people in your community feel that clouds can give them information about the kind of weather to expect? What do you think? Go outside to observe clouds Name the types of clouds and identify them in the sky Diagram each type of cloud (height above ground, color, shape) - 39 - Make a chart classifying and labeling the different types of clouds Small groups- make a model of one type of cloud (paying attention to its characteristics) Have other groups guess which type of cloud C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Weather and Climate LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL2.c Predict what will happen in a sequence of events EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.b Use correct pronunciation, appropriate intonation and enunciation EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.e Ask questions and give information EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media EL1.g Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of concrete materials in the environment M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, tables, graphs and diagrams ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment - 40 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Paper, pencils, markers Skills for the Primary School Child Belizean Studies Module 2 Caribbean Social Studies Finding Out Bk.3 Flashcards for timeline Belize Weather Bureau Stationery, postage for thank you letters Radio, television Poster board Materials for cloud models- cotton, gray paint, glue, paper Materials for weather instruments C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources and Settlements of Belize AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS2.b Understand how natural landscape features influence the pattern of settlement in Belize SS2.c Understand how people use the natural resources of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2 weeks) 1. Settlements in the district 2. Natural resources in the district CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Settlements in the district 1. Settlements in the district Brainstorm the different settlements in the district Elicit if the settlements are coastal or inland Draw a sketch of your district and label the settlements Write a summary of the settlements in your district Label a blank map of the district with the names of the various settlements. Mark which are coastal and which are inland 2. Natural resources in the district 2. Natural resources in the district List and draw pictures of natural resources in the district Make chart comparing natural resources in one community of the district to another community in the same district View natural resources of the district on a physical map of Belize Panel discussion on the forms of natural resources (hills, rivers, etc.) Write a commentary on the results of the panel discussion On a blank map of Belize students identify and label the natural resources in their district ` - 41 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources and Settlements of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Natural resources related to the development of the district SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 3. Natural resources related to the development of the district 5. Natural resources related to the development of the district 4. Protection/ conservation of natural resources Discuss the economic gains of natural resources in our district (fishing, tourism, etc.) Compile booklets on natural resources with small groups of students making a page of it Check booklet for accuracy/ creativity 4. Protection/ conservation of natural resources 4. Protection/ conservation of natural resources Puzzles to come up with the terms pollution and conservation List and discuss ways to protect and conserve natural resources List resource personnel from different societies that protect/ conserve natural resources Discuss what endangered species are and which ones live in Belize - 42 - Oral presentations on ways to protect and conserve natural resources Draw your favorite endangered species of Belize and explain why the chose it C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources and Settlements of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Using a map help people to locate/identify tourist 5. Tourist destination destination in the region. Positive/Negative Research for local and world (group children) Aspect of Tourism heritage sites in the region. Eg.Belize’s Barrier Reef Belize’s Tourist Industry Archeological sites etc. Prepare a - Benefits illustrative/colorful booklet providing information of - Arrivals interest relating to site. - Season Choose one of these sites and make a model using clay, plasticine Location of Tourist Class discussion on positive Negative Aspect of Attraction Tourism. Children can work in small group then share. Study the Belize Tourist Industry. Use topic and Integrated skill day, conduct survey and obtain information Using a map of Belize, have children locate places of historical, cultural, or natural heritage. Design a tourist campaign including posters to attract visitors to a site. Visit a site. Write or advertise a slogan for a site Showcase children’s work under theme “Tourism”. - 43 - SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Recognize distance direction scale map symbol Information gathering skills Interpretation skills Accuracy of Data Accuracy of model Design/color of model Contribution to discussion Creativity in design, language, etc. Attractiveness of display. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources and Settlements of Belize LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.b Use correct pronunciation and appropriate intonation and enunciation EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.a Express ideas and opinions SL4.b Ask questions for information and understanding EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, tables, graphs and diagrams ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment - 44 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Paper, pencils, markers Caribbean Social Studies The Nation We Are Making A Geography of Belize A History of Belize Destination Belize Learning for Living Chart paper Blank map of Belize; the district Map of Belize Resource personnel- Audubon Society Puzzle C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Government CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP2.h Accept major decisions AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS3.a Understand how the government of Belize is organized In order to provide for the needs of the people CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3-4 weeks) 1. Constitution of Belize SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Constitution of Belize 1. Constitution of Belize 2. Three branches of government SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Definition of the Constitution of Belize List the components/ sections of the constitution Discuss and dramatize the rights of the citizen outlined in the constitution Panel discussion on content of the constitution Write a paragraph on the components/ sections of the constitution 2. Three branches of government 2. Three branches of government Legislative Define legislative Name the two houses that make up the legislative branch Field trip or view video to witness the sitting of the house Make a flow chart showing the normal flow of power in Central government. Legislative Make a chart depicting the sitting of the House Dramatize the sitting of the House ` - 45 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Government CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Executive Define executive Research and discuss information about the leader of opposition, judges, Governor General and Prime Minister and their roles and responsibilities Executive Compile booklet about the Governor General and his roles Judiciary Define and discuss meaning of judiciary List the different courts that exist under the judicial system of Belize Interview people about Magistrate, Family and Supreme Courts (members, duties, cases heard) Judiciary Oral summary of interview results Dramatize a court scene and have class guess which court 3. Rights of the child The right to a safe environment, free from drugs, gangs and violence a) Rights of the child 3. Rights of the child Abuse and Neglect The right to be protected from torture or other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment Right to name and nationality. The Family (Human Rights) Define Human Rights Share ideas on what are drugs Invite resource personnel (NDACC, etc.) to discuss drugs Conduct surveys on violence and gangs Interview peers to find out why they are happy or sad about home and school environment Brainstorm situations that cause students to be afraid Discuss the rights and responsibility of a child Provide scenario for children to discuss/role play etc. - 46 - List names of drugs found in the community Write summary of results of surveys Draw pictures showing what makes them afraid or sad C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Government CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS The right to voice their opinions and to be listened to respectfully 4. Importance of government (Ministries of Works and Health) SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES List a familiar topic (e.g. current news event) and have children express ideas and opinions freely Practise listening to peers by interviewing each other about personal interests SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Observe children behavior when others are expressing their opinions Match scenarios with “yes” or “no” indicating whether or not their rights are being violated 4. Importance of government 4. Importance of government In groups, web ideas on topic Resource personnel from the two ministries to discuss functions List and discuss current projects being implemented by these ministries - 47 - List projects each Ministry is working on C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Government LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions and directions EL2.a Identify main ideas and supporting details EL2.c Predict what will happen in a sequence of events EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.e Ask questions and give information H1.a Understand the relationship between proper hygiene practice and healthy living and apply these practices to their daily living H1.b Understand how safety practices contribute to healthy living and how to recognize and respond appropriately to dangerous situations - 48 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Paper, pencils, markers Skills for the Primary School Child Belizean Studies Module 7 Convention on the Rights of the Child Caribbean Social Studies How We Are Governed Resource personnel Social Studies Module 7 Belize Teachers College C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Government CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS3.a Understand how the government of Belize is organized In order to provide for the needs of the people CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. Electoral system SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Electoral system 1. Electoral system 2. Criteria for voting 3. Standing Committee (House of Representatives) SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Brainstorm and discuss meaning of the electoral system Discuss electoral divisions in Belize Match the number of electoral divisions to each district 2. Criteria for voting 2. Criteria for voting Brainstorm criteria for voting Resource personnel to discuss criteria for voting Hold a mock election in the classroom about an issue important to students Dramatize criteria for voting 3. Standing Committee 3. Standing Committee Research and list chairpersons of the different standing committees Present and discuss information found Make booklets showing the names and roles of different members of standing committees ` - 49 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Government CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 4. Becoming a Belizean citizen SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 5. Becoming a Belizean citizen 4. Becoming a Belizean citizen 5. Importance of oneself as a Belizean SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Word search for terms relating to becoming a Belizean citizen (naturalization, citizen, etc.) Discuss the meaning of these words Interview immigration personnel to discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizenship Create survey/compile information about amount of immigration over the last ten years Discuss ways to become a Belizean citizen Use survey information to create a graph showing changes in amount of immigration over the last ten years Match scenarios with type of citizenship (by marriage, by birth, by naturalization, dual citizenship0 5. Importance of oneself as a Belizean 5. Importance of oneself as a Belizean Brainstorm the importance of being a Belizean Discuss and encourage patriotism Debate the issue of being a Belizean - 50 - Class survey of attitudes of being Belizean Observe acts of patriotism Write descriptive paragraph about “Myself As A Belizean” C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Government LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL2.d Follow instructions/ directions EL3.e Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of styles and forms EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.b Use correct pronunciation, appropriate intonation and enunciation EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, tables, graphs and diagrams SL1.d Follow instructions and directions SL4.b Ask questions for information and understanding - 51 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Paper, pencils, markers Caribbean Social Studies The Nation We Are Making Social Studies Module 7 How We Are Governed A History of Belize Belize Constitution Chart paper Resource personnel Word search Voting criteria C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: The Earth as a Part of the Solar System CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS4.a Understand how the movement of the earth causes changes in time and seasons CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. The sun SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. The sun 1. The sun 2. The Moon SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Show diagram that demonstrates size of sun and earth Draw circles the size of the earth inside of the sun. Discuss how many circles fit inside of the sun Panel discussion: if the sun is so much larger than earth, why does it look so small to us on earth? Tell stories about the sun Brainstorm the importance of the sun Create models of the sun and earth demonstrating size difference 2. The Moon 2. The Moon Discuss folktales and stories they know about the moon Look at and discuss diagrams of the moon in relation to earth. Discuss the importance of the moon to life on earth In groups create moon boxes: - 52 - Label the moon and the earth in a diagram of the solar system Write paragraph on observations of moon box C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: The Earth as a Part of the Solar System CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT a. Cut holes into two sides of the box b. Spray the inside of the box with black paint or tape black paper inside c. Tape string to two balls inside the roof of the box so that they hang down d. Shine flashlight into the box e. Discuss observations 3. Planets of our Solar System 3. Planets of our solar system 3. Planets of our Solar System Discuss television shows where you have seen people traveling to outer space Use a dictionary to find out about these words: planets and satellites Using a diagram of our solar system, answer questions: a. How many planets are in our solar system? b. Name the planets in order of nearest to the sun outwards. c. Which planet is farthest from the sun? d. Between which two planets is Earth located? Small groups- discuss and report on: Do you think living things could survive on Mercury and Neptune? Explain. - 53 - Make a model of the solar system and label C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: The Earth as a Part of the Solar System CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 4. Time factors in regards to location of places on a map 5. Four seasons of the world SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 5. Time factors in regards to location of places on a map 4. Time factors in regards to location of places on a map Identify lines of latitude and longitude on a map Discuss the earth’s rotation and time zones Recognize the 24- hour time system Use a map of the world identify the following: Line of latitude just north of Ambergris Caye Line through Gulf of Honduras Line of longitude through Lighthouse Reef Line near Guatemala/Belize border Compare time in Belize with time in other countries of the world 5. Four seasons of the world 5. Four seasons of the world List and discuss the four seasons of the world and the causes for the different seasons Read stories about the different seasons Create charts comparing the effects of the different seasons (clothing worn, food, etc.) Discuss the four seasons of the world compared to Belize’s two seasons - 54 - Draw the pictures depicting the four seasons and write sentences explaining Oral presentations on the four seasons Create movements to show feelings about the different seasons C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: The Earth as a Part of the Solar System LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS ST2.a Understand some similarities and differences between the earth, the planets, and other celestial bodies ST6.a Understand time in relation to earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun, and the moon’s orbit around the earth EL3.f Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of words and phrases to express thoughts and feelings EL4.a Express ideas and opinions M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams EA1.g Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of concrete materials in the environment EA1.f Use rhythmic body movements to express feelings and emotions - 55 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT A Geography of Belize Earth and Man Pathways in Science Science Module 15 HBJ Science- Book 3 Diagrams of solar system, moon and earth and earth and sun Pictures of seasons Globe Maps of Belize Chart paper, markers Paper, pencils Black paper/ paint, cardboard boxes, scissors, glue, string, balls, flashlight C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Adaptation to Physical Environment CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others SP2.e Lead and follow where appropriate SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS4.b Understand the division of the earth’s land and water and the physical features of which they are comprised SS4.c Understand some ways in which people in different regions of the world have adapted to their physical environment CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. Water bodies SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 6. Water bodies 1. Water bodies 2. Land and water pollution SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Brainstorm what they understand about water bodies List the names of water bodies they know Word search of various bodies of water (lake, river, etc.) Research the physical features of which they are comprised Cut out magazine pictures showing different types of water bodies Compile a booklet from research Completion of word search 7. Land and water pollution 2. Land and water pollution Identify and list pollutants that are thrown into water and on land Brainstorm solutions for land and water pollution Draw pictures of different pollutants - 56 - Puppet show demonstrating solutions for land and water pollution Write a paragraph about the importance of keeping land and water clean C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Adaptation to Physical Environment ` CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Physical boundaries of the continents SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 8. Physical boundaries of the continents 3. Physical boundaries of the continents 4. Land use 5. Adaptation to physical environment SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Page 5, Atlas of Belize. Identify the continents on the map Trace the borders of the continents Make rhymes and riddles about the continents Make charts comparing land and water and their physical features Fill in a blank map of the world with the names of each continent 9. Land use 4. Land use Brainstorm and list ideas for the usage of land In groups, make posters showing one use of land (for each group) Display and explain posters 10. Adaptation to physical environment 5. Adaptation to physical environment Elicit from students different ways people dress because of their physical environment Brainstorm types of housing and transportation in various environments Make charts comparing these and other adaptations - 57 - Journal entry on topic Compile booklets explaining and illustrating different types of adaptations C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Adaptation to Physical Environment LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.a Express ideas and opinions ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through the use of a variety of artistic tools and media H3.a Understand how maintaining a clean environment contributes to their personal health - 58 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT A Geography of Belize Man on the Earth Finding Out Bk. 3 Belize- A Land and Its People Atlas of Belize Caribbean Social Studies Booklets Blank world map Puppets Chart paper, markers Paper, pencils Magazines Journals C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to the Caribbean AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS5.a Understand the way of life in Belize in relation to Central America, North America and the Caribbean CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Countries in the Caribbean Location National boundaries Leaders (Politics) Physical features Resources 2. Trade relationship of Belize and Caribbean countries Export/import Embargoes Balance of Trade Surplus Deficit Currency CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or a problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP2.h Help to create consensus SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Countries in the Caribbean 1. Countries in the Caribbean Identify, locate and list the Caribbean countries on a map of the region Make a graph comparing the countries by size and population Choose one Caribbean country to research and report on Oral or written presentation of Caribbean countries Display information or pictures of typical food, clothing, housing, etc. from Caribbean countries Use names of Caribbean countries to label blank map of region 2. Trade relationship of Belize and Caribbean countries 2. Trade relationship of Belize and Caribbean countries Research/ collect information on industries in Belize and the Caribbean Compare, contrast and discuss trade relationship Make table of products imported and exported from each country - 59 - Worksheet- match names of countries with their products exported Draw pictures showing products imported by each country C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to the Caribbean ` CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Caricom ECONOMY/FINANCES 4. Industries of the Caribbean Tourism The Cultural Arts SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 5. Caricom 3. Caricom Provide fact sheet on Caricom Read and discuss the information In groups, list the countries who are members of Caricom Discuss the following questions: a. Where did Caricom evolve? b. When was it established? c. Why was it established What factors (past or present) serve as common bonds for holding together the Caricom countries? 4. Industries of the Caribbean 4. Industries of the Caribbean Research to find some industries of the Caribbean Role play various industries Discuss the importance and purpose of the industries of the Caribbean countries MAP different tourist destination in the Caribbean Collect picture to display tourist destination in the Caribbean. - 60 - Label a blank map of the Caribbean with the members of Caricom Label map of Caribbean with corresponding industries Complete a table with the headings of “country” and “industry” C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to the Caribbean CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 5. Caribbean countries as a part of the United Nations 5. Caribbean countries as a part of the United Nations Brainstorm the term “United Nations” On a map of the word, color the countries that are a part of the United Nations On the same map, mark which of the United Nations countries are a part of the Caribbean Interview resource personnel about the UN - 61 - (2 Caribbean countries as a part of the United Nations Summarize interview results in written report Compile a booklet explaining what the UN is and which Caribbean countries are a part of it C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to the Caribbean LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech SL4.b Ask questions for information and understanding ST8.a Understand the natural processes which support and maintain the environment ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams WT2.b Understand some of the processes within Belize’s industrial sectors WT3.a Understand how industrial sectors contribute to the wealth of the nation WT3.b Understand how regional and global links affect the capacity of Belize to create wealth H3.a Understand how maintaining a clean environment contributes to their personal health - 62 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT A Geography of Belize Atlas of the Caribbean Belize Today Belize- A Land and Its People Atlas of Belize Caribbean Social Studies Learning for Living Booklets Blank world map Resource personnel Worksheet- matching Table Chart paper, markers Paper, pencils C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Organization of the Garifuna and Maya Ethnic Groups AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS5.b Understand how the different ethnic groups organize themselves CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (1-2 weeks) Identify various cultural groups. Role in transmitting traditions customs and inventions. Immigration/Emigration of Ethnic groups . Impact on Belize culture. The influence of Art on culture in Belizean Society. Geographic/ Occupational specialization contribution of Ethnic groups. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Ethnic groups organized as a council 1. Ethnic groups organized as a council Research and record the different ethnic groups that are organized as a council Invite resource personnel from Garifuna and Maya councils to discuss his/her involvement in the council Picture collection of the councils Oral questions for resource personnel Web the executive members of the two councils 2. History of the Garifuna and Maya councils 2. History of the Garifuna and Maya councils Interview members of the two councils to find out the history Compile information into booklet- one for each council Role play the duties of the executive members of the two councils - 63 - Display and explain booklets C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Organization of the Garifuna and Maya Ethnic Groups CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Factors related to Make a list of familiar songs “Ereba” , “Las influencing Mananitas” and Freetown Gial.” Be sure to cover all settlement/immigration ethnic groups have children listen and choreograph patterns. songs, dance and movement to go along. The present status of Class discussion and display about other aspect of Ethnic groups and its culture such as language, food, drama, poetry, effect on social traditional religious beliefs. (Display groupwork) changes, Belize and the Read folklore stories for enrichment. world. Carry out an inquiry about ability to report and The effects of collect information. Interaction between Ethnic groups ethnic groups. Do library research Current Events of Interview older people various Ethnic groups Conduct surveys Perhaps your school has participated in Children Human Right Festival of Arts. Make a list of the different cultural Priviliges, obligations, Arts presented. rights, duties among Discuss the changing roles of cultural groups ethnic groups Create a recipe book using cultural dishes. Eg. Respecting culture Create a cultural museum in class. Children can Religious values collect artifacts that represent each group. Equality and non Discuss the importance of making good choices (i.e. discrimination those which keep us safe, healthy, respected by Cultural status and its others, free). All people are the same, and at the impact on an same time different. List some of the needs which individual’s self – are the same and some which are different. concept. - 64 - SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Creativity of movements Differentiate facts from opinions C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD III UNIT/THEME: Organization of the Garifuna and Maya Ethnic Groups LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech - 65 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Caribbean Social Studies Garifuna Dictionary- E. Roy Cayetano Garifuna Language, History and Culture of Belize and Central America- Sebastian and Fabian Cayetano Resource personnel Paper, pencils Booklets C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Mayan Civilization AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS1.a Understand some aspects of the social, economic and political conditions affecting the lives of pre-European people in Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. Origin of the Mayas The Mayan World (Mundo Maya) Location Boundaries SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES How they were governed Nobles Freemen Slaves SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Origin of the Mayas 1. Origin of the Mayas 2. CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests Discuss the origin of the Mayas (Mongolia) Discuss the Caste War and draw pictures to illustrate it Discuss the original settlement of the Mayas in Belize (Cuello, Orange Walk) Identify the original settlement of the Mayas in Belize on a blank map of Belize Write five sentences explaining the origin of the Mayas 2. How they were governed 2. How they were governed Resource personnel- discuss the hierarchical government of the Mayas Compare and contrast the Mayan system of government with present system of government in Belize Observation of questions students ask resource personnel Create charts showing comparisons of the two governments ` - 66 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Mayan Civilization CONTENT ORGANIZED SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. The Mayan culture 3. The Mayan culture Religion and Gods Writing Research economic practices Music/Dancing Read about religious practices Clothes/Beauty Resource personnel- discuss beliefs Food Folklore 4. Mayan achievement 4. Mayan achievement calendar system astronomical advancement 5. How tourism benefit from Mayan achievement. Research project on achievements of Maya In small groups prepare presentation (with visuals) on one achievement of the Maya) SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 3. The Mayan culture In small groups role play what they have learned through research Oral presentations 4. Mayan achievement Observation of presentation List at least 3 achievements of the Maya 5. Mayan contribution to tourism 5. Mayan contribution to tourism Discuss different contributions the Mayas have made to tourism (ruins, artifacts, clothing, etc.) On a map, identify Mayan sites in Belize that attract tourists Field trip to a Mayan ruin - 67 - Journal entry on feelings about field trip Recreate or draw pictures of things Mayans contribute to tourism C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Mayan Civilization LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.c Read fluently with appropriate intonation and expression for information and pleasure EL1.f Discriminate between fact and fiction EL2.b Identify a sequence of events EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M1.g Understand other systems of writing numbers M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST1.a Understand some of the changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment - 68 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT History of Belize Belize: A New Nation in the Making Caribbean Social Studies World Map/ Atlas Social Studies Module 6 People Who Came Resource personnel Chart paper Pencils, markers C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Political Development of Belize AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS1.c Understand the main developments that Belize experienced on the way to independence CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. Public Meeting SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Public Meeting 1. Public Meeting 2. The Legislative Assembly Superintendent and adult suffrage CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests Read about the establishment of the Public Meeting and the hierarchy of the Public Meeting List the criteria for eligibility for membership (property, income, color) Discuss how abolition of the Public meeting came about Debate the fairness of Public Meeting Draw pyramids to show hierarchy Group presentations on what they have learned 2. The Legislative Assembly Superintendent and adult suffrage 2. The Legislative Assembly Superintendent and adult suffrage Word search to find vocabulary words (suffrage, legislative, etc.) Discuss amount and origin of members in Assembly - 69 - Explanation of vocabulary words after completion of word search Observation of role play C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Political Development of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Legislative Assembly Role play duties of the superintendent 3. The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council 3. The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council 3. The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council 4. The National Assembly and Cabinet True and false questions Read stories to the rest of the class and discuss 4. The National Assembly and Cabinet 4. The National Assembly and Cabinet 5. The Independence Constitution Discuss membership in the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Discuss establishment and implications of universal adult suffrage Write stories about what it might be like today if there was not universal adult suffrage and why we benefit from universal adult suffrage Create rhymes to remember which year the National Assembly came into effect Resource personnel- citizens who remember the granting of self-government discuss their memories on it Read about/ research information on House of Representatives and Senate Interview resource personnel. Observation of questions asked Role play duties and members of House of Representatives and Senate 5. The Independence Constitution 5. The Independence Constitution List what the Constitution entails Highlight rights of the child Discuss how Belize achieved political independence in 1981. Draw pictures to go with explanation Field trip to National Assembly - 70 - Journal entry about field trip Write stories describing feelings about Independence. Illustrate. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Political Development of Belize LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.a Use context clues to read a selection EL1.g Predict what will happen in a sequence of events EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.e Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of styles and forms EL3.h Apply the writing process to their work EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event ST1.a Understand some of the changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present - 71 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Journals Pencils, markers, paper Word search History of Belize Belize: A New Nation in the Making Caribbean Social Studies Social Studies Module 6 C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Physical Environment of Belize AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS2.a Understand weather changes and the factors which affect the different parts of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. Types of weather Belize experiences CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Types of weather Belize experiences 1. Types of weather Belize experiences Keep an ongoing monthly/ yearly weather chart to identify the types of weather we experience Explore and express different moods that correspond to weather conditions through movements, dance, poetry, painting and music Tracking/ recording of weather Observation of expression of weather conditions 2. Factors affecting weather (temperature, latitude, slopes, mountains, altitude, wind, rain) 2. Factors affecting weather 2. Factors affecting weather 3. Types of rainfall Belize experiences 3. Types of rainfall Belize experiences 3. Types of rainfall Belize experiences List and draw pictures of the factors affecting weather Explanation of each factor Describe various kinds of rainfall and around which months they occur (e.g. convectional, relief) Explore and dramatize the benefits of rainfall (health, etc.) - 72 - Dramatize different factors affecting weather Worksheet matching the factor with the correct explanation Oral presentations C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Physical Environment of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 4. Natural disasters of Belize (flashfloods, sandstorms, hurricanes) SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 4. Natural disasters of Belize 4. Natural disasters of Belize 5. Importance of meteorology SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Discuss types of natural disasters affecting Belize and neighboring countries Make charts showing names and years of hurricanes that have hit Belize, and the extent of damage caused List categories of hurricanes Brainstorm list of items that can be contributed to victims of natural disasters Compile a brochure about disaster preparedness and give to neighbors and friends Organize a clothing/food drive at the school for victims of natural disasters 5. Importance of meteorology 5. Importance of meteorology Word search for term meteorology. Discuss definition and importance of this term Compare the effects of the lack of having an up-todate meteorology system of the past and the one that exists today Field trip to weather bureau - 73 - Write thank you letters to weather bureau and express what they liked and learned Make chart comparing and contrasting old and new systems of meteorology C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Physical Environment of Belize LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M4.a Make reasonable approximations based on relevant life experiences M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST1.a Understand some of the changes in living things and their environment from prehistoric times to the present ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment EA1.c Identify and produce sounds from a variety of instrument types EA1.f Use rhythmic body movements to express feelings and emotions EA1.e Explore and experiment to create visual images through use of a variety of artistic tools and media - 74 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Belize Weather Bureau Belizean Studies Module (2) Finding Out Bk. 4 Skills for the Primary School Child Caribbean Social Studies Resource personnel Chart paper Pencils, paper, markers Word search Matching worksheet C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources and Settlements of Belize CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/issue SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP1.b Choose between alternatives based on values SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS2.b Understand how natural landscape features influence the pattern of settlement in Belize SS2.c Understand how people use the natural resources of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. Settlements in Belize Mouth of Belize river = Baymen Mouth of Stann Creek river = Garinagu Consejo = Yucatecan Mayas (Caste War) Gales Point = Maroons New Town (prior to Hopkins)= Garinagu 2. Natural resources of Belize SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Settlements in Belize 1. Settlements in Belize Research early settlements in Belize in small groups- 1 settlement per group Identify and discuss patterns that emerge Present pictures of settlements to compare Make chart showing the pattern of settlement 2. Natural resources of Belize 2. Natural resources of Belize List natural resources of Belize. Divide into those from land and from sea. Dramatize uses of natural resources Resource personnel to discuss economic contribution to Belize - 75 - Interview resource personnel and summarize (oral or written) results On a map of Belize draw in natural resources and indicate from which part/s of the country they originate C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources and Settlements of Belize CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Protection and conservation of natural resources 4. Tourist Industry in the Region Benefits Destination Attractions History of sites Local, National, Regional or World Tourism Tourism and the Environment Eco-tourism – conservation effects possible threats Geographical Locations and Types of heritage sites Belize Tourist Board and the National Policy on Tourism SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 5. Protection and conservation of natural resources 3. Protection and conservation of natural resources List ways of conserving and protecting natural resources (reforestation, etc.) Plan an excursion to a nearby heritage site that is popular to tourist. Have children write a report of the visit. Group Discussion Whether or why (or why not) the site has been a tourist destination for a long time. Whether the history of the site make it relevant to local, national, regional or world tourism. Debate/role play the value of tourist site and possible threats from tourism. Use graphs or statistics to discuss tourist trends. Benefits etc. Role play the role of a tourist guide. Find the different heritage site using a map. Hold a class discussion on tourism and the environment. Create a list of local tourist attraction. Make poster, pamphlet to attract visitors to a site. Set up a learning center in the classroom to (group work) showcase “The Belize Tourist Industry”. - 76 - Create posters advocating the protection ad conservation of out natural resources Use criteria to write and assess report. Contribution to discussions . Pupil’s background knowledge of the history of tourist sites. Ability to argue persuasively Presentation of evidence (statistics) to support discussion Creativity, imagination of character Ability to make reference on a map Contribution to discussion , accuracy of facts, information Display on tourist industry using evidence. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Natural Resources and Settlements of Belize LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment - 77 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Map of Belize Pictures of settlements Chart paper, markers Paper, pencils Resource personnel History of Belize Caribbean Social Studies Belizean Studies Module 2 Library Television C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Government AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS3.a Understand how the government of Belize is organized in order to provide for the needs of the people CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2 weeks) 1. Function of the government CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/issue SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP1.b Choose between alternatives based on values SP1.c Take action based on principled choice SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.g Help to create consensus SP2.h Accept major decisions SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Function of the government 1. Function of the government Discuss functions of local government (supervise towns, villages) List functions of Central Government (disbursement of finance to various ministries, etc.) Discuss the Central Emergency Organization and its functions) Resource personnel from National Security and Defense Discuss policy and law making and implementation Create chart of government leaders. 2. Constitution of Belize 2. Constitution of Belize 2. Constitution of Belize Checklist to ensure understanding of each function of government Participation in group discussions Dramatization to show understanding of the constitution Discuss what the constitution is Role play certain sections of the constitution Choose a section of the constitution you think is important and write about why it is important - 78 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Government CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Human Rights 3. Rights of the child SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 5. 4. How National Government is financed to meet the needs of the people Taxation- sales, income tax, custom duties Loans- World Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, Social Security Services provided from taxation. Economic Problems Inflation Unemployment Rights of the child Explain how societies arrive at rules. Debate the differences between rights/responsibility. Discuss articles 6,7,23,30,32 from the Rights of the Child Using magazines, find pictures depicting various articles in Rights of the Child 4. How National Government is financed to meet the needs of the people Brainstorm ways the government is financed Write paragraph on one important thing you feel the government should finance Report how taxes are distributed to and from the National Level. List ways government uses money received from taxation. Research organizations such as Port Authority, Customs Write a report on the activities of one of these organization Explain the Laws of supply and demand. Explore an issue objectively Recognize propaganda Debate government issues on unemployment etc. - 79 - SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 3. Rights of the child Small groups- present one picture and explain how it related to an article from Rights of the Child Match the correct article to the picture portraying it 4. How National Government is financed to meet the needs of the people Interview resource personnel Evaluate written paragraph C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Government CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 5. Government Influence on daily life. Censorship, competition, religion, consumer protection, SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Use illustrations from appropriate sources. Analyze problems of our emerging society. Compare/contrast the relationship of current trends to major themes/trends of history. Describe basic world governmental structures Demonstrate the process of vote count and vote challenges. Construct/use a sample survey to gather information Use problem solving techniques to resolve social problem. - 80 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Government LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.a Use context clues to read a selection EL1.e Identify main ideas and supporting details EL1.g Predict what will happen in a sequence of events EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M4.a Make reasonable approximations based on relevant life experiences M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams - 81 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Convention on the Rights of the Child How We Are Governed Belize Constitution Skills for the Primary School Child Families and Children Act, 1998 Resource personnel Magazines Paper, pencils Pamphlets, leaflets C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Three Branches of Government CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/issue SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP1.b Choose between alternatives based on values SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.c Identify feelings SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others SP2.h Accept major decisions AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS3.a Understand how the government of Belize is organized in order to provide for the needs of the people CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (3 weeks) 1. The Legislative House of Representatives Senate SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. The Legislative 1. The Legislative Mock political campaign List definitions of term legislate Explanation that Legislative branch includes House of Representatives and Senate Name members of House of Representatives and portfolios Invite resource personnel (e.g. area rep.) to speak to class about roles of members of House Discuss duties of Senate members as it relates to the cabinet Role play the duties of the members of both House and Senate - 82 - Compare the duties/ roles of members of House of representatives to members of Senate Make booklets explaining the Legislative branch C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Three Branches of Government CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 2. The Executive 2. The Executive 2. The Executive The cabinet SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Using a dictionary, find all definitions of the term execute Discuss term as it relates to the word executive Research duties of the executive branch (make policies to govern country) Show picture of the cabinet identify how many members students have heard of Resource personnel- explain the role of public officers as it relates to the cabinet List the names of people and institutions recognized as public officers SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Dramatize the various duties of the executive branch and have other students guess the answer 3. The Judiciary 3. The Judiciary 3. The Judiciary Supreme Court Relate history of the Supreme Court Field trip or video to witness the opening of the Supreme Court Discuss jurors, how they are selected, how many, etc. Word search of terms pertinent to the Judiciary (complainant, defendant, prosecutor, magistrate, bailiff, summons, etc.) Invite attorney/lawyer to discuss educational background necessary to become lawyer Magistrate Courts Supreme Court Privy Council Judiciary as it relates to minors In small groups create pamphlets and booklets about various aspects of Judiciary branch Dramatize selecting a jury Write stories showing various responsibilities you have that go along with having rights Court of Appeals and Privy Council Discuss the right “to be heard in a court of law and - 83 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Three Branches of Government CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT be given a fair judgement” and how it relates to the Court of Appeals Illustrate with a story to bring out the definition of Court of Appeals Brainstorm about the Privy Council and how a case is forwarded to this department Read about where the Privy Council is located List cases that are forwarded to the Privy Council (murder, etc.) Judiciary as it relates to minors Note-take while resource personnel speak about rights of child and responsibilities that go along with rights Field trip to National Assembly or Town Board. - 84 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Three Branches of Government LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.e Identify main ideas and supporting details EL1.g Predict what will happen in a sequence of events EL1.i Identify a sequence of events EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.d Produce work that is legible and acceptable El3.g Demonstrate unity and coherence in their writing EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams - 85 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Pamphlets, booklets Television, videos Resource personnel Dictionary Word search Pencils, paper, markers Belize WAV Councellor/ Advocate Legal Guide Belize Constitution How We Are Governed Caribbean Social Studies Families and Children Act, 1998 1999 Promoting the Rights of the Child Calendar C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Earth’s Movement and its Effects on Time and Seasons AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS4.a Understand how the movement of the earth causes changes in time and season CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2-3 weeks) 1. The universe and its components SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. The universe and its components 1. The universe and its components 2. Location of earth CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/issue SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others SP2.g Help to create consensus SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests Play the game hangman to find the word “universe” List and describe what the universe contains (earth, moon, stars, solar systems, etc.) Discuss differences in judging time and direction in the past and today. Past- used sun and stars (e.g. Three wise men found Jesus by using star as their guide). Present- use clocks, calendars, road maps Draw diagrams of heavenly bodies Make booklets with illustrations explaining components of universe Display diagrams 2. Location of earth 2. Location of earth Review of solar system (Earth is third from sun) Word search for vocabulary. (revolve, rotate) Discuss- earth takes 365 days to revolve around sun once. Earth rotates once every 24 hours which causes day and night Brainstorm the effects of weather on planet earth, and why the poles are cold in comparison with - 86 - Display diagrams Create mnemonic devices to remember planets’ distance from sun (My Very Energetic Mother… Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) Observation of models Draw diagrams depicting rotation and revolution C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Earth’s Movement and its Effects on Time and Seasons CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT the equator Make a class model of the solar system and demonstrate the planets’ orbit Research and list ways in which gravity, the moon and tides affect earth (e.g. Phase of the mon depends on the position of the earth, moon and sun) 3. Factors influencing changes in time Time zone = band of longitude about 15 degrees wide in which time is the same Time is changed because one day is added when going east and subtracted when going west 3. Factors influencing changes in time 3. Factors influencing changes in time Brainstorm- What is a time zone? Understanding latitude and longitude: 1. Draw diagram of classroom on chalkboard using letter and number symbols to represent each desk. 2. Label horizontal rows of desks by letter and vertical rows by number: A B D 2 E G 3 H 6 4 C Small groups- create your own problems relating to longitude and latitude and time zones. Have other small groups solve the problems 7 International dateline 5 F I - 87 - 8 9 C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Earth’s Movement and its Effects on Time and Seasons CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 3. Call on students to give their letter and number. 4. (Or) Call location and have student who occupies that desk stand up Discuss how longitude affects time Using map or globe give students sample problems to solve (In the USA it is Monday. What day is it in Japan?) Discuss Daylight Savings Time and relate it to children’s experiences (Used to watch basketball at 6pm on channel 4, now it is on at 8pm) - 88 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Earth’s Movement and its Effects on Time and Seasons LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.d Use context clues to interpret a selection EL1.f Discriminate between fact and fiction EL1.g Predict what will happen in a sequence of events EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL2.d Follow instructions/ directions EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M2.c Understand degrees as a measure of turn M3.a Measure capacity, distance, weight and time using standard and non-standard measuring devices M4.b Use logical reasoning based on meaningful data to draw conclusions about the likely occurrence of an event M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST6.a Understand time in relation to earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun, and the moon’s orbit around the earth - 89 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Globe Maps Paper, pencils, markers Chalkboard, chalk Encyclopedias Scott Foresman- Earth Science Physical Geography of Belize First Lessons in Physical Geography Physical Geography in Diagrams C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Earth’s Physical Features and Physical Environment AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS4.b Understand the division of the earth’s land and water and the physical features of which they are comprised SS4.c Understand some ways in which people in different regions of the world have adapted to their physical environment CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2 weeks) 1. How the earth is divided CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/issue SP1.a Recognize the values associated with choices SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.h Accept major decisions SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. How the earth is divided 1. How the earth is divided Display map of world and elicit from pupils what they see. Discuss map legend Locate the following on the map: Five Great Lakes 4 oceans 7 continents Seas (Caribbean, Arabian, etc.) Using blank maps, label the above 2. Usefulness of land, oceans, seas SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Word search of vocabulary words (Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, etc.) Make riddles for various vocabulary words 2. Usefulness of land, oceans, seas 2. Usefulness of land, oceans, seas List and brainstorm usefulness of land and sea Make chart with columns for land, ocean and sea. Under each heading list the usefulness of each - 90 - Draw pictures illustrating the usefulness of land, oceans and seas Accuracy of chart C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Earth’s Physical Features and Physical Environment CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 3. Pollution and conservation of our natural resources SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES 3. Pollution and conservation of our natural resources 3. Pollution and conservation of our natural resources 4. Way of life in relation to regions of the world SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Discuss how land and water can be polluted Find and cut out pictures from magazines that show possible pollution to land or water Make tables listing ways of polluting land and water and then ways of conserving. Paste cut-out pictures on tables Accuracy of tables Write poems about pollution and conservation of land and/or water 4. Way of life in relation to regions of the world 4. Way of life in relation to regions of the world On a world map identify and discuss the five zones: N. Polar, S. Polar, N. Temperate, S. Temperate, Tropic (Torrid) In five small groups research the weather conditions in the different regions- 1 per group Oral reports by group on findings From reports on weather conditions, draw conclusions about how people in the various regions would live (clothing, work habits, transportation, agriculture, etc.) - 91 - Small group projects- each group will present a different region. Bring in information appropriate to that region and dramatize life in the region Worksheet- List the five different regions and match them to the correct weather conditions C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Earth’s Physical Features and Physical Environment LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.a Use context clues to read a selection EL1.e Identify main ideas and supporting details EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL2.d Follow instructions/ directions EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.b Apply common rules of spelling to their written work EL3.c Demonstrate the ability to punctuate and capitalize written work EL3.e Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of styles and forms EL4.e Ask questions and give information EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.f Express ideas and opinions EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST8.b Understand the need for protection, care and responsible use of the environment - 92 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT World map Blank world map Word search Worksheet matching weather conditions of regions Chart paper, markers Paper, pencils Scott Foresman- Earth Science Physical Geography of Belize First Lessons in Physical Geography Physical Geography in Diagrams C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to North America AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS5.a Understand the way of life in Belize in relation to Central America, North America and the Caribbean CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2 weeks) 1. Definition of culture (Culture consists of the abstract values, beliefs and perceptions of the world that lie behind people’s behavior and what behavior reflects. These are shared by members of a society, and when acted upon, they produce behavior considered acceptable within that society. Cultures are learned, largely through the medium of language, rather than inherited biologically, and the parts of a culture function as an integrated whole.) CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/issue SP1.c Take action based on principled choice SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.f Help the group to achieve its goals SP3.a Assess their needs/ interests SP3.b Assess progress in relation to achievement of goals and adjust goals or strategies as necessary SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Definition of culture 1. Definition of culture Discuss definition of culture using illustrations Explanation of how culture is studied and why it exists Dramatize a part of their culture - 93 - Students provide personal examples of culture, written or oral Make booklets on culture and display and explain Observation of dramatization- music, dance, etc. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to North America CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS 2. Belize Central America – North America Location Religion Ethnicity Politics (Leaders) Cooperation among territories eg. UN, NAFTA, CARICOM, International Relations 3. Economic Development and Trade among territories Export/Import Embargoes Balance of Trade Currency Tourism communication/ transportation 4. Global Interdependency Food Peace Quality of life Scarcity of resources Health SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 2. Life in Belize 2. Life in Belize Small groups- research the following as it relates to lifestyle: Occupations Education Health Recreation/ sports Military defense Music Industries Put research into booklet form 3. Economic Development and Trade 3. Life in Belize Identify on a map which countries are part of North America Interview a person from (or who has lived in) North America about way of life there Small groups- each group given a different North American country and research similar topics to those during Life in Belize lesson Oral presentation of research results Research for concepts in Economic Development Presentation of booklets to be displayed and evaluated Observation of oral presentations Dramatize results from research to go along with oral presentations 4. Comparison of life in Belize and North America 4. Comparison of life in Belize and the territories Using information gathered from the previous two lessons, discuss differences and similarities between Belize and Territories Create tables comparing and contrasting the two - 94 - Individual students create poems or riddles describing one aspect of life in either Belize or N. America. Class must guess which country is being described C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to North America CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Social Issues Crimes Death/birth rates Literacy Quality of life (Third world vs. Industrialized countries) SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Discuss (class) global issues that affect the region. Use graphs/tables to present data on crime,death, and birth rates. - 95 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: Life in Belize as it Relates to North America LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.a Use context clues to read a selection EL1.e Identify main ideas and supporting details EL 1.f Discriminate between fact and fiction EL1.h Identify cause and effect relationships EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL3.e Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of styles and forms EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams ST7.a Understand the characteristics of living things, the main categories into which they are grouped, and how these interrelate with the environment EA1.c Identify and produce sounds from a variety of instrument types EA1.f Use rhythmic body movements to express feelings and emotions - 96 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Chart paper, makers Resource personnel Pictures Paper, pencils Belizean Studies Modules 3 and 6 Caribbean Social Studies Our Country Belize Learning for Living through Social Studies C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: How the Creole, Chinese and Mennonites Organize Themselves to Preserve Their Culture CROSS-CURRICULAR OUTCOMES Pupils should: CP1.a Recognize an issue or problem CP1.b Examine information related to the problem/ issue CP1.c Suggest ways of dealing with the problem/issue SP1.c Take action based on principled choice SP2.a Take part in group activities SP2.b Express their opinions and feelings in a socially acceptable way SP2.d Respond to the feelings of others AREA OF STUDY OUTCOMES Pupils should: SS5.b Understand how the different ethnic groups organize themselves CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS (2 weeks) Cultural diversities among ethnic groups The basic value of family traditions, history and folklore. Cultural contribution of ethnic groups, individual and their origins. How cultural contribution are passed from one generation to the next. Cultural pattern and changes. How the use of natural resources, labour, trade and technology affect the cultural groups. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 1. Culture of the Creole 1. Culture of the Creole Interview Creole people in the community to find out about their history Collect pictures of Creole people portraying their culture List beliefs and traditions of the Creole Research Creole council formation- members, roles and contributions Journal entry about what they’ve learned about the Creole culture and the organization of the council 2. Culture of the Chinese 2. Culture of the Chinese Interview Chinese people to find out about their history, beliefs, religion, etc. Collect pictures of Chinese portraying dance, food, festivals, etc. Resource personnel to dicuss roles of the Chinese community/ organization - 97 - Make booklets explaining organization of Chinese. Illustrate with drawings about their culture C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: How the Creole, Chinese and Mennonites Organize Themselves to Preserve Their Culture CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS Geographical features used by various ethnic groups. Periods of timeline in chronological order for ethnic group history. Influence/Contribution of Ethnic groups. The role of selected individual in History. The relationship of current events among ethnic groups to major trends of history. Social changes among ethnic groups. Human Rights Form of discrimination The role of self concepts within one’s value/belief. Effects of population growth with geographic location. Racial/Ethnic origins Tolerance/respect Special rights Living in Harmony Democracy Freedom of expression system of justice. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT 3. Culture of the Mennonites 3. Culture of the Mennonites Interview Mennonites to find out about their origin, history, and beliefs. Collect or draw pictures of Mennonites that portray their culture Research the Mennonite community/ organization and how they are organized Field trip to Mennonite community in Belize Write thank-you letters to the community after field trip expressing what students have learned List contributions of Mennonites Make web of how the Mennonites organize themselves 4. Comparison of the three cultures 4. Comparison of the three cultures Using the information learned in the previous lessons, create tables comparing and contrasting the three cultures. Make sure to include organization of groups Debate scenario on cultural issues Research present data of cultural diversities. Class discussion on cultural pattern/changes. Incorporate maps to help identify location and geographical features used by various ethnic group. Research for definition of words such as: Culture – customs Festival - indigenous Ceremonial origins Arrange an ethnic food day at school In groups prepare meals using traditional dishes. Create timeline or flow chart to show developments in cultural groups. Collect research information about the functions of the National Arts Council. - 98 - Accuracy of table Compile and display information on all three groups showing all of the similarities ad differences between them Ability to argue persuasively. Report and present data. Map skills Concepts of words. Group presentation cooperation. Accuracy of facts Ability to distinguish between facts/opinions. C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: How the Creole, Chinese and Mennonites Organize Themselves to Preserve Their Culture CONTENT ORGANIZED INTO MANAGEABLE SETS SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES SUGGESTED STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES FOR ASSESSMENT Class contribution on how one can preserve and strengthen those aspects of culture that are good and remedy the bad ones. Debate/Role play scenarios about equality, non-discrimination, etc. - 99 - C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc AREA OF STUDY: SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARD IV UNIT/THEME: How the Creole, Chinese and Mennonites Organize Themselves to Preserve Their Culture LINKAGES/CONNECTIONS EL1.j Make inferences and draw conclusions EL1.k Interpret and follow instructions/ directions EL2.e Interpret and respond appropriately to messages conveyed through visual images and tone of voice EL3.a Demonstrate their ability to write grammatically correct sentences EL4.a Express ideas and opinions EL4.c Use appropriate language to share ideas, to convince and express feelings EL4.g Use body language and gestures appropriate to speech M5.a Collect, analyze and present data using charts, graphs, tables and diagrams EA1.f Use rhythmic body movements to express feelings and emotions - 100 - RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: TEACHER/STUDENT Resource personnel Interview questions Pictures portraying different cultures Stationery, envelopes, postage for thank-you letters Paper, pencils Chart paper, markers Belizean Studies Modules 3 and 6 Caribbean Social Studies Learning for Living through Social Studies C:\Documents and Settings\NORA\My Documents\MIDDILE DIVISION UoW nelson\Social Studies Middle Division.doc