Company Profile - PT. SAMGEO BOR
Company Profile - PT. SAMGEO BOR
PT. SAMGEO BOR D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R - G E O L O G I C A L C O N S U LTA N T SAMGEO PROFILE JAKARTA OFFICE : JL. MATRAMAN RAYA NO. 148 RUKAN MITRA MATRAMAN B.23 KB. MANGGIS - JAKARTA TIMUR PHONE : +62 21 8591 8172 - FAX : +62 21 8591 8173 BEKASI WORKSHOP : JL. PAHLAWAN NO. 10 RT. 007/RW. 016 KEL. DUREN JAYA KEC. BEKASI TIMUR - KOTA BEKASI Phone : +62 21 8839 7597 - Fax : +62 21 8835 4004 BALIKPAPAN WORKSHOP : Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km. 25 No. 36 RT. 45 Kec. Balikpapan Utara Kel. Karang Joang - Kode Pos 76127 Contact Person : SURUNG SIANIPAR Mobile Phone : +62813 197 23634 E-mail : [email protected] & [email protected] Website : PT. SAMGEO BOR K O N T R A K T O R P E N G E B O R A N - K O N S U LTA N G E O L O G I AKTIVITAS LAPANGAN Penjelasan Teknik-teknik pengeboran dari direktur utama SAMGEO PROFIL PT. SAMGEO BOR adalah Perusahaan Milik warga Indonesia yang didirikan pada tahun 2012 yang bergerak dibidang pengeboran eksplorasi Batubara dan Mineral lainnya dan untuk memberikan pelayanan komprehensif kepada perusahaan pertambangan batubara dan eksplorasi Mengeluarkan Core Batubara mineral atau industri pertambangan dan Jasa Pengeboran. Berbagai layanan jasa PT. SAMGEO BOR antara lain Pengeboran Eksplorasi Batubara Ø Jasa Pengeboran : ?• Pengeboran Batubara ?• Pengeboran Mineral ?• Pengeboran Geoteknik ?• Pengeboran sumur artesis Ø Konsultan geologi dengan pengalaman di bidang eksplorasi batubara dan mineral lainnya. Perpindahan Mesin Bor PT. SAMGEO BOR D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R - G E O L O G I C A L C O N S U LTA N T FIELD ACTIVITY Demonstration Drilling Technic - President Director SAMGEO PROFILE PT. Samgeo Bor is an Indonesian-owned company that was founded in 2012 and works in section of coal exploration drilling services and other minerals and to provide comprehensive services to the coal mining companies and mineral exploration or mining and drilling Pump out coal core sample industries. A few service provided by PT. Samgeo Bor Drilling Coal Exploration Ø Drilling Service : ?• Coal Drilling ?• Mineral Drilling ?• Geotechnical Drilling ?• Drilling artesian wells Ø Geologi Consultant with experience in section of coal and other minerals exploration. Drill Rig Moving PT. SAMGEO BOR K O N T R A K T O R P E N G E B O R A N - K O N S U LTA N G E O L O G I AKTIVITAS KANTOR Kantor Jakarta : Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148, Rukan Mitra Matraman Blok B 23, Kec.Matraman Jakarta Timur JASA PENGEBORAN SAMGEO BOR dilengkapi semua aspek pemboran eksplorasi dan lain sebagainya, pengeboran Rig manfortable yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pengeboran di berbagai situasi dan kondisi lapangan yang menjadi project dan untuk melakukan pengeboran batubara, emas, sumur artesis dll. Meskipun SAMGEO BOR belum lama berdiri, tetapi kami memiliki pengalaman dalam pengeboran di seluruh Indonesia dan akan membantu proyek Anda untuk menghindari masalah potensial dalam pengeboran, project operasi yang efisien dengan hasil kualitas dan produktivitas yang tinggi. Perusahaan yang telah mengugunakan jasa PT. SAMGEO BOR adalah sebagai berikut : 1. PT. GMT Indonesia 2. PT. Intan Sari Perkasa 3. PT. Tutui Bara Utama 4. PT. Duta Alam Cemerlang 5. PT. Andalan Satria Abadi 6. PT. Buana Inti Citra Prima 7. PT. Samindo Adi Perkasa 8. PT. Buana Bara Ekapratama 9. PT. Cahaya Nusa Pratama 10. PT. Citra Alam Cahaya 11. PT. Duta Alam Ekapratama 12. PT. Manggala Alam Lestari 13. PT. Nusa Indah Permai 14. PT. Global Nusantara Resources 15. PT. Lanna Mining Services 16. PT. Sumatera Ina Mining 17. PT. Triniti Mine Resources 18. PT. Vomgeo Indoresources 19. Red Hills Drilling Ltd 20. PT. Sari Bumi Sinar Karya 21. PT. Borneo Indobara 22. PT. Andhika Yoga Pratama 23. PT. PLN Batubara 24. PT. Grafit Geologi Konsultan 25. PT. Tata Nusa Indah Permai 26. PT. Geomin Services Indonesia 27. PT. Inti Omega Natura Energy 28. PT. Aecom Indonesia 29. PT. Super Unggas Jaya 30. PT. Semen Garuda 31. PT. Semen Jawa 32. PT. Khatulistiwa Inti Mineral 33. PT. Surya Jaya Engergi 34. PT. Mantimin Coal Mining 35. PT. Sinoma Engineering Indonesia 36. PT. Bangun Olah Sarana Sukses 37. PT. Pratama Bersama 38. PT. Priamanaya Energi 39. Powerchina Zhongnan Engineering Corporation 40. Sinohydro Ltd 41. CV. Sinar Angel Mas 42. PT. Teknindo Geosistem Unggul dengan menggunakan Type SGB Power Rig, SGB 50, SGB 100, Type SGB 150, Type SGB 200 dan SGB 300 untuk menghasilkan coring dengan kualitas tinggi dan akurat. PT. SAMGEO BOR D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R - G E O L O G I C A L C O N S U LTA N T OFFICE ACTIVITY Jakarta Office : Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148, Rukan Mitra Matraman Blok B 23, Kec.Matraman Jakarta Timur DRILLING SERVICES SAMGEO BOR features all aspects of the exploration drilling and so forth. Drilling Rig manportable that serves to drill in various situations and conditions in the project field and serves well for drilling coal, gold, artesian wells and others. Though Samgeo Bor recently founded , but we have experience in drilling in Indonesia and the project will help you to avoid potential problems in drilling, and will give efficient operation project with quality results and high productivity. Some of company who have used PT. Samgeo Bor service is : 1. PT. GMT Indonesia 2. PT. Intan Sari Perkasa 3. PT. Tutui Bara Utama 4. PT. Duta Alam Cemerlang 5. PT. Andalan Satria Abadi 6. PT. Buana Inti Citra Prima 7. PT. Samindo Adi Perkasa 8. PT. Buana Bara Ekapratama 9. PT. Cahaya Nusa Pratama 10. PT. Citra Alam Cahaya 11. PT. Duta Alam Ekapratama 12. PT. Manggala Alam Lestari 13. PT. Nusa Indah Permai 14. PT. Global Nusantara Resources 15. PT. Lanna Mining Services 16. PT. Sumatera Ina Mining 17. PT. Triniti Mine Resources 18. PT. Vomgeo Indoresources 19. Red Hills Drilling Ltd 20. PT. Sari Bumi Sinar Karya 21. PT. Borneo Indobara 22. PT. Andhika Yoga Pratama 23. PT. PLN Batubara 24. PT. Grafit Geologi Konsultan 25. PT. Tata Nusa Indah Permai 26. PT. Geomin Services Indonesia 27. PT. Inti Omega Natura Energy 28. PT. Aecom Indonesia 29. PT. Super Unggas Jaya 30. PT. Semen Garuda 31. PT. Semen Jawa 32. PT. Khatulistiwa Inti Mineral 33. PT. Surya Jaya Engergi 34. PT. Mantimin Coal Mining 35. PT. Sinoma Engineering Indonesia 36. PT. Bangun Olah Sarana Sukses 37. PT. Pratama Bersama 38. PT. Priamanaya Energi 39. Powerchina Zhongnan Engineering Corporation 40. Sinohydro Ltd 41. CV. Sinar Angel Mas 42. PT. Teknindo Geosistem Unggul By using Type SGB Power Rig, Type SGB 50, Type SGB 100, Type SGB 150, Type SGB 200, and Type SGB 300 for produce coring with high quality and accurate. KONSULTAN GEOLOGI PT. SAMGEO BOR berkantor di Jakarta. Saat ini kami memiliki para ahli Geologist, Surveyor, assistants lapangan, personil logistik, operator, supervisor, mekanik perakitan rig, dll. ? Konsultan Geologi ? Konsultan Umum Eksplorasi di Indonesia ? Sastra pencarian ? Akuisisi dan Kompilasi Data ? Program Desain ? Anggaran persiapan dan kontrol ? Prosfect investigasi dan ascessment ? Kontraktor Geologi ? Penyediaan profesional geologi, teknis dan operasional ? Perakitan mesin bor (rig) Staff karyawan kami lebih dari 65 orang, yang terdiri dari semua disiplin ilmu dan spesialis dukungan teknis. Staf lapangan kami dilatih dengan standar tinggi untuk memastikan operasi pengeboran aman dan produktif. Setiap anggota manajemen senior SAMGEO BOR dan staf pengawas memiliki lebih dari 10 tahun pengalaman di eksplorasi. Dan termasuk pemilik PT.SAMGEO BOR telah bekerja di perusahaan pengeboran dibidang yang sama selama 22 Tahun (lihat lampiran CV) sehingga klien tidak usah ragu dengan kemampuan SAMGEO BOR, untuk menyediakan layanan berkualitas tinggi. SAMGEO BOR berpengalaman dalam : coring, open hole, RC (reverse cirlulation), dan lain-lain, baik dalam formasi sulit menggunakan cairan pengeboran khusus untuk pemulihan lobang dengan maksimal. GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT PT. SAMGEO BOR head office based in Jakarta. For now we have the expert geologist, surveyor, field assistant, logistic, operator, supervisor, mechanic for rig , etc. ? Geological consultants ? General exploration consultant in Indonesia ? Literature search ? Data acquisition and compilation ? Program design ? Budget preparation and control ? Prosfect investigation and ascessment ? Geological contractors ? Provision of professional geological, technical, and operational ? Assembly drilling machines (rigs) Our staff more than 65 employees, which consists of all disciplines and specialist technical support. Our field staff are trained to high standards to ensure safe and productive drilling. All members of the senior management of PT. Samgeo Bor and supervisory staff has more than 10 years in exploration. And including PT Samgeo Bor owners, who has worked in the company's drilling and the same field for 22 years (see attachment CV) so that clients do not need to doubt the ability of PT. Samgeo Bor, to provide high quality service. PT. Samgeo Bor experienced in: coring, open hole, RC (reverse circulation), mud rotary system etc, well in difficult formations using special drilling fluid to the hole with a maximum recovery. Visi & Misi VISI Menjadi perusahaan terkemuka v yang dihormati MISI v Menjalankan usaha di bidang jasa pengeboran dan konsultan geologi v Untuk menjadi badan usaha yang d i k e l o l a s e c a r a p ro f e s i o n a l , kompetitif dan bertujuan pada nilai hasil yang sangat baik v Untuk memberikan nilai tambah kepada pelanggan, karyawan dan masyarakat Vision & Mission VISION Became a leading company that is v respected. MISSION v Running a business in drilling and geological consulting services. v To be a enterprise who is managed professionally, competitive and aiming at good results. v To p ro v i d e a d d e d v a l u e t o customers, employees, and public. WORKSHOP ACTIVITY Drill Pipes Asahi Product Workshop Views SGB Manpower Rig Workshop Maintenance SGB 50 SGB 200 Rig Fabrication SGB 100/SGB 150 SGB 300 Rig Fabrication SGB-150 (Built New Rig) Production Coretrays Balikpapan Workshop Drill Pipes / Drill Support FIELD ACTIVITY Drill Rig Break Down Geotech Instalation Clinometer of Beach Enviromental Drilling - Shell Fuel Station Jakarta CORE SAMPLE STORAGE MINERALS CORE SAMPLE MANGANESE CORE SAMPLE SGB POWER RIG Core Drill Diamond Technical data Sheet The SGB POWER RIG has been designed and manufactured at Jakarta workshop facility. This machine is a purpose built drill to service the Exploration/Mining Industry. The drill is lightweight at 213 kg's and “Skid Mounted/Hellyportable” to easily negotiate the sometimes difficult terrain encountered in Indonesia, this will mean lower for costs for preparation of access to drilling locations. SGB POWER RIG Core Drill Diamond Top Head Drive Rig Manportable/Hellyportable_Skid Base Depth Capacity - Coring / Open - Hole PQ-3 : 6.0 metres HQ-3 : 20 metres NQ-3 : 40 metres Diesel Engine YANMAR TF 65, 6,5 HP @ 2200 RPM, 1 Cylinder Rotation Head Hydraulic motor/ OMR 50, Single Speed – 400 RPM @ 150 NM Torque Hydraulic Feed System Feed Stroke : 1.5 metres Pull-Back : 250 kg’s , Manual lifting. Pull-Down : 100 Psi , Manual Main Winch/Wire line 8 mm Wireline – 500 kg Lifting Capacity Drill Rods Pull 3.0 metre. Foot Print: 2.0 metre x 0.80 metre Drilling Pump Sparate from Rig and Driven by Yanmar TF-65 Drill Pipe – Break-Out Stilson with manual to Break-Out pipe BREAK DOWN RIG No Description 1. Angle Support 7 Kg 2” (50mm) x2500 mm (Square box) 2 pcs Æ 2. Cooler 7 Kg 500mm x 150mm x 200mm 3. Engine 50 Kg 500mm x 400mm x 500mm 4. Fuel Tank 20 Kg 450mm x 300mm x 250mm 5. Hydraulic Pump 2 Kg 100mm x 200mm x 200mm 6. Hydraulic Rod Clamp 10 Kg 200mm x 200mm x 200mm 7. Hydraulic Tank 25 Kg 500mm x 300mm x 400mm 8. Mast 25 Kg 1800mm x 100mm x 250mm 9. Panel Control Box 10 Kg 200mm x 160mm x 150mm Hose 10 Plate Head 5 Kg 300mm x 300mm x 150mm No Head 11. Rotary Head 10 Kg 200mm x 150mm x 200mm 12. Skid 20 Kg 2000mm x 800mm x 100mm 13. Water Swivel 10 Kg Æ 140mm x 210mm 14. Safety guard rotary 7 Kg 200mm x 300mm x 400mm Total Break down Weight Weight 213 Kg’s Dimension Remark Frame SGB POWER RIG SGB POWER RIG SGB 50 Core Drill Diamond Technical data Sheet The SGB-50 has been designed and manufactured at Jakarta workshop facility. This machine is a purpose built drill to service the Exploration/Mining Industry. The drill is light weight at 378 kg’s and “Skid Mounted/Hellyportable” to easily negotiate the sometimes difficult terrain encountered in Indonesia, this will mean lower for costs for preparation of access to drilling locations. SGB-50 Core Drill Diamond Top Head Drive Rig Manportable/Helly portable_Skid Base Depth Capacity - Coring / Open - Hole PQ-3 : 12 metres HQ-3 : 40 metres NQ-3 : 100 metres Diesel Engine YANMAR TF 85, 8,5 HP @ 2200 RPM, 1 Cylinder Rotation Head Hydraulic Motor / OMR 100, single Speed - 400 RPM @ 150 N/M Torque Hydraulic Feed System Main Winch / Wireline Feed Stroke : 1.5 metres Pull-Back : 1.500 kg’s Pull-Down : 300 Psi Double hydraulic motors, Lifting Capacity 1.000 Kgs 8 mm Wire line Drilling Pump Sparate from Rig and Driven by Yanmar TF-85 Drill Pipe - Breakout Stilson manual to Breakout pipe Foot Print 2.00 metre x 0.80 metre Drill Rods Pull 3.0 metre’s BREAK DOWN RIG No Description 1. Angle Support 7 Kg 2” (50mm) x2500 mm (Square box) 2 pcs Æ 2. Cooler 10 Kg 500mm x 150mm x 200mm 3. Engine 60 Kg 500mm x 400mm x 500mm 4. Fuel Tank 20 Kg 450mm x 300mm x 250mm 5. Hyd Pump 5 Kg 150mm x 200mm x 300mm 6. Hyd Rod Clamp 15 Kg 350mm x 300mm x 300mm 7. Hydraulic Tank 40 kg 500mm x 300mm x 400mm 8. Mast 50 Kg 1800mm x 200mm x 250mm 9. Mast Lift Jack 20 Kg 50mm x 70mm 2 pcs 10 Panel Control Box 40 Kg 400mm x 160mm x 250mm Hose 11. Plate Head 5 Kg 300mm x 300mm x 150mm No Head 12. Rotary Head 10 Kg 200mm x 150mm x 200mm 13. Skid 40 Kg 2000mm x 1000mm x 50mm 14. Water Swivel 16 Kg 140mm x 210mm 15. Winch/Wire line Assy 20 Kg 230mm x 300mm x 250mm 16. Mast Support BASE 10 Kg 300mm x 400mm x 300mm 17. Safety guard rotary 10 Kg 200mm x 300mm x 400mm Total Break down Weight Weight 378 Kg’s Dimension Remark Frame SGB 50 SGB 100 Core Drill Diamond Technical data Sheet The SGB 100 has been designed and manufactured at Jakarta workshop facility. This machine is a purpose built drill to service the Exploration/Mining Industry. The drill is lightweight at 813 kg's and “Skid Mounted/Hellyportable” to easily negotiate the sometimes difficult terrain encountered in Indonesia, this will mean lower for costs for preparation of access to drilling locations. SGB 100 Core Drill Diamond Top Head Drive Rig Manportable/Hellyportable_Skid Base Depth Capacity - Coring / Open - Hole PQ-3 : 25 metres HQ-3 : 120 metres NQ-3 : 200 metres Diesel Engine KUBOTA V-1505, 30 HP @ 3000 RPM, 4 Cylinder Rotation Head Char-Lynn / E.T.N 104-1799-006, Single Speed – 800 RPM @ 2,200 NM Torque Hydraulic Feed System Feed Stroke : 1.6 metres Pull-Back : 2.500 kg’s, Double Bar line. Pull-Down : 500 Psi Main Winch Sinlge Line – Lifting Capacity – 1.500 kg Wire line 6 mm Wireline – 500 kg Lifting Capacity Drill Rods Pull 3.0 metre. Foot Print: 3.0 metre x 1.20 metre Drilling Pump Sparate from Rig and Driven by Yanmar TF-85 Drill Pipe – Break-Out Stilson with manual to Break-Out pipe BREAK DOWN RIG No Description 1. Angle Support 15 Kg 2” (50mm) 2 x 2700 mm (Square bos) 2 pieces Æ 2. Cooler 28 Kg 700mm x 200mm x 300mm 3. Engine 130 Kg 900mm x 600mm x 800mm 4. Fuel Tank 25 Kg 450mm x 300mm x 250mm 5. Hydraulic Pump 20 Kg 250mm x 450mm x 5300 mm 6. Hydraulic Rod Clamp 20 Kg 400mm x 330mm x 320mm 7. Hydraulic Tank 50 Kg 600mm x 300mm x 500mm 8. Mast 89 Kg 2000mm x 200mm x 300mm 9. Panel Control Box 70 Kg 600mm x 360mm x 350mm Hose 10. Plate Head 25 Kg 700mm x 400mm x 150mm No Head 11. Rotary Head 40 Kg 400mm x 250mm x 250mm 12. Skid 75 Kg 3000mm x 1200mm x 100mm 13. Water Swivel 16 Kg Æ 140mm x 210mm 14. Winchy Assy 60 Kg 430mm x 400mm x 480mm 15. Wire line Assy 50 Kg 370mm x 380mm x 400mm 16. Batteray 20 Kg 300mm x 150mm x 350mm 17. Mast Support BASE 60 Kg 500mm x 600mm x 400mm 18. Safety guard Rotay 20 Kg 200mm x 600mm x 600mm Total Break down Weight Weight Dimension 813 Kg’s Remark Frame 2 pieces SGB-100 COAL CORE SAMPLE SGB-100 COAL EXPLORATION SGB 150 Core Drill Diamond Technical data Sheet The SGB-150 has been designed and manufactured at Jakarta workshop facility. This machine is a purpose built drill to service the Exploration/Mining Industry. The drill is light weight at 911 kg’s and “Skid Mounted/Hellyportable” to easily negotiate the sometimes difficult terrain encountered in Indonesia, this will mean lower for costs for preparation of access to drilling locations. SGB-150 Core Drill Diamond Top Head Drive Rig Manportable/Helly portable_Skid Base Depth Capacity - Coring / Open - Hole PQ-3 : 40 metres HQ-3 : 150 metres NQ-3 : 200 metres Diesel Engine KUBOTA V2203, 40 HP @ 3000 RPM, 4 Cylinder Rotation Head Char-Lynn / E.T.N 104-1799-066 Motor, single Speed - 700 RPM @ 2,700 NM Torque Hydraulic Feed System Feed Stroke : 1.6 metres Pull-Back : 2.000 kg’s Pull-Down : 500 Psi Main Winch 12 mm Single Line, Lifting Capacity 2.500 Kgs Wireline 6 mm Wire line, Lifting Capacity 500 kg Drilling Pump Sparate from Rig and Driven by Yanmar TF-85 Drill Pipe - Breakout Stilson manual to Breakout pipe Foot Print 3.0 metre x 1.20 metre Drill Rods Pull 3.0 metre BREAK DOWN RIG No Description 1. Angle Support 15 Kg 2” (50mm) 2 x 2700 mm (Square bos) 2 pieces Æ 2. Cooler 28 Kg 700mm x 200mm x 300mm 3. Engine 175 Kg 1000mm x 600mm x 900mm 4. Fuel Tank 40 Kg 600mm x 250mm x 270mm 5. Hydraulic Pump 20 Kg 400mm x 200mm x 300 mm 6. Hydraulic Rod Clamp 20 Kg 400mm x 230mm x 360mm 7. Hydraulic Tank 68 Kg 600mm x 300mm x 400mm 8. Mast 89 Kg 2000mm x 200mm x 300mm 9. Panel Control Box 85 Kg 700mm x 360mm x 350mm Complete Hose 10. Plate Head 40 Kg 600mm x 350mm x 150mm No Head 11. Rotary Head 50 Kg 400mm x 250mm x 250mm 12. Skid 50 Kg 3000mm x 1200mm x 100mm 13. Water Swivel 16 Kg Æ 140mm x 210mm 14. Winchy Assy 65 Kg 430mm x 400mm x 480mm 15. Wire line Assy 50 Kg 370mm x 380mm x 400mm 16. Batteray 20 Kg 300mm x 150mm x 350mm 17. Mast Support BASE 60 Kg 800mm x 400mm x 930mm 18. Safety guard Rotay 20 Kg 200mm x 600mm x 600mm Total Break down Weight Weight Dimension 911 Kg’s Remark Frame 2 pieces SGB-150 Iron ore Drilling SGB 200 Core Drill Diamond Technical data Sheet The SGB-200 has been designed and manufactured at Jakarta workshop facility. This machine is a purpose built drill to service the Exploration/Mining Industry. The drill is light weight at 1.072 kg’s and “Skid Mounted/Hellyportable” to easily negotiate the sometimes difficult terrain encountered in Indonesia, this will mean lower for costs for preparation of access to drilling locations. SGB-200 Core Drill Diamond Top Head Drive Rig Manportable/Helly portable_Skid Base Depth Capacity - Coring / Open - Hole PQ-3 : 50 metres HQ-3 : 200 metres NQ-3 : 300 metres Diesel Engine KUBOTA V2203, 40 HP @ 2800 RPM, 4 Cylinder Rotation Head Char-Lynn / E.T.N 104-1799-066 Motor, single Speed - 700 RPM @ 2,700 NM Torque Hydraulic Feed System Feed Stroke : 1.6 metres Pull-Back : 2.500 kg’s Pull-Down : 500 Psi Main Winch 12 mm Single Line, Lifting Capacity 2.500 Kgs Wireline 6 mm Wire line, Lifting Capacity 500 kg Drilling Pump Sparate from Rig and Driven by Yanmar TF-85 Drill Pipe - Breakout Stilson manual to Breakout pipe Foot Print 3.0 metre x 1.20 metre Drill Rods Pull 3.0 metre BREAK DOWN RIG No Description 1. Angle Support 15 Kg 2” (50mm) 2 x 2700 mm (Square bos) 2 pieces Æ 2. Cooler 28 Kg 700mm x 200mm x 300mm 3. Engine 175 Kg 1000mm x 600mm x 900mm 4. Fuel Tank 40 Kg 600mm x 250mm x 270mm 5. Hydraulic Pump 20 Kg 400mm x 200mm x 300 mm 6. Hydraulic Rod Clamp 30 Kg 400mm x 230mm x 360mm 7. Hydraulic Tank 68 Kg 600mm x 300mm x 400mm 8. Mast 150 Kg 2200mm x 300mm x 350mm 9. Mast Extension 20 Kg 700mm x 260mm x 350mm 10. Mast Lift Jack 33 Kg Æ 60mm x 970mm 2 pieces 11. Panel Control Box 92 Kg 740mm x 360mm x 350mm Complete Hose 12. Plate Head 55 Kg 700mm x 400mm x 150mm No Head 13. Rotary Head 50 Kg 400mm x 250mm x 250mm 14. Skid 50 Kg 3000mm x 1200mm x 100mm 15. Water Swivel 16 Kg Æ 140mm x 210mm 16. Winchy Assy 60 Kg 430mm x 400mm x 480mm 17. Wire line Assy 50 Kg 370mm x 380mm x 400mm 18. Batteray 20 Kg 300mm x 150mm x 350mm 19. Mast Support BASE 60 Kg 800mm x 400mm x 930mm 20. Safety guard Rotay 40 Kg 200mm x 600mm x 600mm Total Break down Weight Weight Dimension 1.072 Kg’s Remark Frame 2 pieces 2 pieces WORKSHOP LAY DOWN AREA SGB-200 GOLD EXPLORATION SGB 300 Core Drill Diamond Technical data Sheet The SGB–300 has been designed and manufactured at Jakarta workshop facility. This machine is a purpose built drill to service the Exploration/Mining Industry. The drill is light weight at 1.743 kg's and “Skid Mounted/Hellyportable” to easily negotiate the sometimes difficult terrain encountered in Indonesia, this will mean lower for costs for preparation of access to drilling locations. SGB-300 Core Drill Diamond Top Head Drive Rig Man Portable/Helly portable_Skid Base Depth Capacity – Coring / Open – Hole PQ-3 : 100 metres HQ-3 : 300 metres NQ-3 : 600 metres Diesel Engine KUBOTA V3300, 83 HP@ 2600 RPM, 4 Cylinder Rotation Head Char-Lynn / 17 Tooth: 122-1088 Motor, single Speed – 700 RPM @ 2,700 NM Torque Hydraulic Feed System Feed Stroke : 4.0 metres Pull-Back : 5.000 kg’s Pull-Down : 1.500 Psi Main Winch 20 mm Single Line, Lifting Capacity 4.500 kg Wireline 6 mm Wire line, Lifting Capacity 700 kg Drilling Pump Sparate from Rig and Driven by Yanmar TF-85 Drill Pipe – Breat-Out Stilson with manual to Break-Out pipe Foot Print 3.50 metre x 1.20 metre Drill Rods Pull 6.0 metre BREAK DOWN RIG No Description 1. Angle Support 2. Dimension Remark 80 Kg 2” (50mm) x2700 mm (Square box) Æ 4 pcs Cooler 50 Kg 1000mm x 300mm x 300mm 3. Engine 200 Kg 1100mm x 700mm x 1000mm 4. Fuel Tank 50 Kg 600mm x 250mm x 270mm 5. Hydraulic Pump 40 Kg 500mm x 200mm x 400mm 6. Hydraulic Rod Clamp 40 Kg 400mm x 230mm x 360mm 7. Hydraulic Tank 68 Kg 800mm x 500mm x 600mm 8. Mast 200 Kg 2200mm x 300mm x 350 mm 9. Mast Extension 70 Kg 700mm x 300mm x 400mm 10 Mast Lift Jack 80 Kg Æ 60mm x 970mm 2 pieces 11. Panel Control Box 100 Kg 800mm x 400mm x 400mm Complete Hose 12. Plate Head 55 Kg 700mm x 400mm x 150mm No Head 13. Rotary Head 50 Kg 400mm x 300mm x 250mm 14. Skid 200 Kg 3500mm x 1200mm x 100mm 15. Water Swivel 30 Kg Æ 140mm x 210mm 16. Winch Assy 90 Kg 700mm x 400mm x 500mm 17. Wire line Assy 80 Kg 370mm x 380mm x 400mm 18. Batteray 20 Kg 300mm x 150mm x 350mm 19. Mast Support BASE 90 Kg 1000mm x 400mm x 1000mm 20. Safety guard Rotary 40 Kg 200mm x 600mm x 600mm 21. Tool Box 60 Kg 1000mm x 400mm x 400mm 22. Tool Box/ Fuel Tank 50 Kg 1000mm x 600mm x 500mm Total Break down Weight Weight 1.743 Kg’s Frame 2 pcs 4 pcs WORKSHOP LAY DOWN AREA SGB-300 GOLD EXPLORATION LAMPIRAN PENDUKUNG DOKUMEN (DOCUMENTS SUPPORTING) 1. PROFILE COMPANY PT. SAMGEO BOR 2. NOMOR POKOK WAJIB PAJAK (NPWP) 3. SURAT KETERANGAN DOMISILI 4. SURAT PENGUKUHAN PENGUSAHA KENA PAJAK (PKP) 5. SURAT IZIN USAHA PERDAGANGAN (SIUP) 6. TANDA DAFTAR PERUSAHAAN (TDP) 7. SURAT IZIN USAHA JASA PERTAMBANGAN (IUJP) 8. SERTIFIKAT JAMSOSTEK 9. SERTIFIKAT POLIS ASURANSI EQUITY LIFE 10. RIG SPESIFIKASI 11. CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) PEMILIK (OWNER) CURRICULUM VITAE Name Position Passpo rt no . Place/Date of Birth Religion Marital Status Nationality Address : Surung Sianipar : Director of PT.SAMGEO BOR : P 018080 : Kutacane December 10th 1971 : Christian : Married : Indonesia : Perumahan Villa Ma kmur II Blok B 8 No. 12 A Kel.Mangun Jaya – BE KASI. EDUCATION 1990 COURSES 1991 1998 1999 2001 2001 2003 2006 2009 : Senior High School. : Computer course by Pusat Pendidikan Komputer Jambi ( PPKJ ) : Fire Extingusher Course by PT.Barisan Tropical Mining Rawas : Management Education & Development Program for Supervisor : Eastman Single shot Survey Camera Training course : English Course ( ELTI ) : Drilling Certificate course : AMC Drilling Fluid Training. : Pengawas Operasional Pertama (POP),Direktorat da n Lingkungan Mineral Batubara dan Panas Bumi. WORK EXPERIENCE 1991 – 1993 1993 – 1994 : PT.Geotama Bumi Servindo ~ As Mud Boy / Assisten Driller ,Mo jokerto Yodium Exploitation for PT.KIMIA FARMA . : PT.DRILLCORP INDONESIA ~ As General / assistent Driller & Drilling Fluid man ,Subang Geothermal Exploration for PERTAMINA UEP 3 Ci rebon ~ As assisten Driller , Kelian Gold Drilling for PT.KELIAN EQUATOR MINING . 1994 – December 2011: PT.Maxidrill Indonesia As : Driller / Drilling Supervisor/Site Manager/ Branch Manager/ Drilling Operational manager. ~ Driller , Manado Gold Drilling for PT.MEARES SOPUTAN MINING ~ Driller , Banjarmasin Gold Drilling for PT. AURUM TANAH LAUT ~ Driller , Rawas Gold Drilling for PT.BARI SAN TROPI CAL MINING ~ Senior Driller , Sumbawa Water well for PT.NEWM ONT NUSA TENGGARA ~ Drilling Supervisor , Banyuwangi Gold Drilling for PT.HAKMAN PL ATINA METALINDO ~Drilling Supervisor , Bengkulu Coal Drilling for PT.DANMAR EXPLORINDO ~ Drilling Supervisor , Cibaliung Gold Drilling for PT.CIBALIUNG SUMBE R DAYA ~ Drilling Supervisor , Pangalengan Gold Drilling for PT.STRA IT RESOURCES ~1~ ~ Drilling Supervisor , on Coal Drilling Program in Pulau Sebuku ( offshore/swamp ) for PT.BAHARI CAKRAWALA SEBUKU ~ Drilling Supervisor on Iron Ore Drilling program in Muara Soma for PT.BUTIR MUTIARA INDAH ( SMG Consultant ) . ~ Drilling Supervisor , Purukcahu Gold Drilling for PT.INDOMURO KENCANA ( Strait Resources ) . ~ Drilling Supervisor , Tanjung Tabalong Water well for PT. ADARO INDONESIA. ~ Site Manager ( Maxidrill Zambia Limited ),Africa – ZAMBIA Gold and Copper Drilling for ZAMBEZI RESOURCES LIMITED. ~ Indones ia Coal Drilling Program (all Projec t) Operational Manager in : Kutai Timur/Melak/Panajam/Berau/Sebuku/Batu licin/Ampah/Muara Lahung/Kaubun/Muara wahau/Bengkulu/Palembang , e.t.c. ~ Idonesia Gold Drilling program (all Projec t) Operatio nal Manager in: Sumatra/Wonogiri/Trengg alek/Banyuwangi/Malimping/Sumba, e.t.c. ~ Branch Manager, Balikpapan – Kalimantan Timur. ~ Drilling Operational Manager, JAKARTA Office ( Resign : 30 December 2011). January 2012: PT.SAMGEO BOR as : President Director ~2~ CURRICULUM VITAE Name Address Phone E-mail Place/date of birth Sex Marital status Health Religion Nationality : Kurniawan : Griya Cendekia D4/21 Curug Gunungsindur-Bogor : 081212998826 (0251) 8616759 : [email protected] : Semarang / June 26, 1977 : Male : Married : Good : Islam : Indonesian EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 1996 - 2001 : Geology Department, Pembangunan National University, Jogjakarta 1987 - 1990 : High school, SMA Negeri 1, Semarang 1984 - 1987 : Secondary school, SMP Negeri 5, Semarang 1978 - 1984 : Elementary school, SDK Kanisius, Semarang TRAINING AND COURSE 2012 : Young Manager Programme, PPM Management, Jakarta 2009 : Course and Competention Test for “Radiation Protection Officer” 2005 : Competention Test for “Pengawas Operasional Utama” 2005 : Competention Test for “Pengawas Operasional Madya” 2005 : Undergroundmining and Safety Course, BDTBT-Sawahlunto 2004 : Undergroundmining Environment Technic Course, BDTBT-Sawahlunto 2004 : Visual Basic.Net Course, BINUS Center WORK EXPERIENCE April 2010 – recent: with “PT. Global Nusantara Resources” Bogor, as Director. Project Involved : - 2012-2014, Coal Exploration at LAO PDR-Sadec Lao Mining - 2012, Coal Exploration at Tabalong District, South Borneo ProvinceCV. Berkat Mufakat Bersama. - 2011, Geotech Investigation, Asam-asam District, South Borneo Province. - 2010, Coal Exploration at Nunukan District, East Borneo-PT. Central Cipta Murdaya. - 2009, Engineering geology investigation for pier construction in Pacitan bay, Pacitan, East Java. - 2009, Coal resources estimation in Painan, West Sumatera. ~1~ - 2009, Coal drilling exploration and resources estimation in Jangga Aur – Jangga Baru, Jambi. 2009, Land subsidence monitoring in Semarang Region. July 2009 – recent: with “PT. Central Cipta Murdaya” Jakarta, as Technical Mine Manager. January 2008 – recent: with “PT. Bangun Obor Persada” Jakarta, as Technical Advisor. Dec 2003 – Dec 2007: with “Saratoga Investama Sedaya Group” Jakarta, as Project Coordinator. July 2001 – Dec 2003: with “PT. Catur Haksa Mandiri” Jakarta, as geologist/data processing. ~2~ CURRICULUM VITAE Name Address Phone E-mail Place/date of birth Sex Marital status Health Religion Nationality : Wahyu Budi Kusuma : Pasirjati Blok C/108 Rt 05 Rw 06, Jatiendah Cilengkrang, Bandung 40616 : 081220061941 (022) 7833709 : [email protected] : Magetan / November 9, 1971 : Male : Married : Good : Islam : Indonesian WORK EXPERIENCE Februari 2005 – recent: Staff of Engineering Geology Section, Center of Geology Environment, Geology Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Project involved: 2010 - Engineering geology investigation in Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo, East java - Land subsidence monitoring surrounding Sidoarjo Mud-Flow - Benchmark installation for land subsidence monitoring in Semarang Region - Coal drilling exploration in Payakumbuh, West Sumatera - Coal drilling exploration and resources estimation in Sebakis, Nunukan, East kalimantan 2009 - Land subsidence monitoring in Semarang Region Engineering geology investigation for Tangerang-Jakarta Barat Environmental Geology investigation for Jabodetabek-punjur Coal drilling exploration and resources estimation in Jangga Aur – Jangga Baru, Jambi Coal resources estimation in Painan, West Sumatera Engineering geology investigation for pier construction in Pacitan bay, Pacitan, East Java 2007 - Engineering geology campaign for Jogjakarta after earthquake 2006 - Research for Expansive Clay of Subang Formation, Jatiluhur Formation and Halang Formation Engineering geology evaluation for Kuningan-Ciamis road line, West Java ~1~ 2005 - Geological mapping and drilling for limestone mine in Sukolilo, Pati, Central Java Evaluation for development of waste disposal in Cilegon, West Java Waste dump evaluation of Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, Riau Engineering Geology evaluation for Bandung Raya waste disposal, West Java Engineering Geology evaluation for waste disposal in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan Engineering Geology evaluation for Rancabuaya – Cisela road line, Garut, West Java June 2000 - July 2004: Soil & Foundation Pte.Ltd. (Singapore), as Geotechnical Drilling Engineer Project involved: 2004 - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for MRT Circle Line Contract 855 - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for Proposed Medical Centre at Sinaran Drive for Novena Point - Jet Grout Coring Work for C824 at Gate No 3 & 9 - Installation of Recharge Well for Contract 824 - Marina Line - Soil Investigation Works - Contract No C854 - Construction & Completion of Thomson, Adam & Farrer Stations including Bukit Brown RTS Structure & Tunnels - Soil Investigation for CCL4&5 - C855 @ Holland, Buona Vista and NUH Station including One-North Station Fit Out Works and Tunnels - Contract 824 - Marina Line @ Additional Soil Investigation at the Vicinity of Boulevard Station and National Stadium Areas - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for MRT Circle Line Contract 852 - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for MRT Circle Line Contract 425 2003 - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for MRT Circle Line Contract 855 - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for MRT Circle Line Contract 425 - Cavity Probing for Expansion of Junction of West Coast Highway / Jalan Buroh and Bridge across Pandan River (RR0006) - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for Kallang / Paya Lebar Expressway C423 - Pile Instrumentation Work for C822 Circle Line Upper Paya Lebar Station to Macpherson 2002 - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for Construction of Diaphragm Wall for Extension Block to Singapore History Museum Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for LTA Contract 3229 Bridge across Kallang River at Geylang Bahru Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for Proposed Primary School at Woodlands Street 11 ~2~ 2001 - Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for Newater Service Reservoirs at Woodlands Additional Soil Investigation at DTSS T05 on Kranji Tunnel at Mandai Road Contract 8227 - Term Contract for Site Investigation Works between Marymount Road Habourfront Station (Period: 2 years from 10-05-2002 to 09-05-2004) Additional Drilling Works for Discharged Wells for Contract T05 Kranji Tunnel DTSS T-05 Kranji Tunnel S.I Works For Proposed Marine Line Contract 824 Term Contract No.21 for Site Investigation Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for Proposed Flyover at Braddell/Bishan Road Instrumentation & Monitoring Works for 26-store Residential Building with Basement 2000 - SI works for MRT (North East Line) Singapore Main objective: - Conducted soil description and laboratory analysis - Conducted in-site test (self penetration test, pressure-meter test, packer test, permeability test, etc.) - Installing instrument for soil characteristic and movement monitoring - Soil characteristic monitoring (water content, water pressure, permeability etc.) Dec 1996- Sept 1998: OPIC Peudada Corp (Indonesia), as Geologist Responsibility: - Seismic interpretation (2D & 3D) and developed geological map from seismic data - Well log interpretation and correlation Sept 1996: PT. GEOTREND as junior geologist for mapping and drilling quartz sand deposit in Lampung Nov-Dec 1995: Land movement monitoring in Tambak Lorok Power Plant, Semarang, Central Java Oct 1994–June 1995: Environmental Geology Investigation for Industry Area in Karawang, West Java, Indonesia Objective: - General geological mapping - Designed drill location and further geotechnical investigation - Analyzed laboratories result - Provided final report ~3~