BRAZILIAN CAR RENTAL ASSOCIATION - ANNUAL REPORT ANUNCIO SETA.pdf 22/7/2010 15:11:11 The ABLA National Training and Qualification Programme is strong than ever. We are developing a concept of quality for the car rental segment. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS LOCADORAS DE AUTOMÓVEIS Be part of our campaign and training programmes. S us your suggestions a co-operate with our rese to improve our sect C M Y CM MY CY CMY K This annual report had its greenhouse emission compensated by rainforests. 2010 Log on our Blog of PQA THE RENT A CAR INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS LOCADORAS DE AUTOMÓVEIS National Training and Qualification Programme Sensacional! 4 Paulo Gaba Jr. Chairman of the Board of directors ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT EDITORIAL Brazil: The country of the present during the last decade, and still with a huge nomist” and the “Har- potential to keep growing if compared to ma- vard Business School ture markets. The credit expansion has made Publishing”, Brazil has been car rentals popular and the market is ready transformed from “country of for this growth. tomorrow” to “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”. And YES, I totally the 2014 World Cup and of Rio de Janeiro agree with them! to host the 2016 Summer Olympics is proof positive that Brazil has “made it”. The domes- Latin America’s largest The selection of Brazil as host of both economy is expanding at a record tic demand continues to recover in the pace, with the largest annual rate “favourite of the BRICs”and ABLA is suppor- of GDP of its neighbours, and ting the Educational improvement in partner- showing the fastest recovering af- ship with the Ministry of Tourism. ter global economic crisis. Brazil has never been so popular, and the Car Rental Industry in the fleet replace- some of the reasons are the stable ment, no other Industry will invest more in currency, privatisation, libera- the World Cup and in the Olympics till 2016. lisation, smooth political power Educated and trained staff , renewed fleet and beside a boom in global demand the brazilian’s smile will be the trademark of for our commodities. the global events to come. And the legacy of these events will be an even more globalized The brazilian Car Rental Industry is taking advantage of such an environment to grow more than ten per cent annualy If we consider the investments of industry in our country. 5 A ccording to “The Eco- The 2010 ABLA annual report is now even more complete than the previous ones. We stress the importance of the segment of the car rental to the national economy, the strength of our development of skills SETS F F O ON B training program, the R A C F EO T A C I generation of taxes TIF CER port lRe a u and the impact that n An A ABL the sector will have on this year and on the next few years to come, EN with the realization of the GRE E ATIV INITI 2014 World Cup and the Olympic Games of 2016. AT S TH IE RTIF YCE EB R EHE IV IAT IT 8 THE NIN E E R G SET 6.99 I- F TR G OF N D IS HE VIN A D T RHA N O F O I O F T , S C L E U E TRE EA OD EES THEPR IV T -FR A N M O BO 45N R R F F A O C S N HE ION N T TIO ISS . TA E ITHESEM N LA RST EDW P AS E FO RD G H N A I E T W S A H A R U T I O N A E H C W I T T BE EN C N E DU LA HAS O O 10 AT FGR I PR IL20 NES H S APR FT nco ra , O TON O oB N lh e te UL O I Cas A iv T P itiat ho U el O enIn Bot B Gre SA no ag nt- M de resi P ECONOMIC FIGURES GDP - 2009 - Index Selic Tax ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Savings - 2009 - - 2009 - -0,19% 8,75% 6,92% T INTRODUCTION his year’s annual report represents the mapping of the entire motor production chain in Brazil, with emphasis to the car rental segment, our “core business”. When the subject is car rental, our readers can find useful information such as numbers, graphics, who is who, in fact, everything that can contribute to help on a day to day activities. We are highlighting the strength of the sector that is the largest customer of the national motor industry, with more than 300 thousand vehicles purchased almost every 16 months (length of the We contribute with R$1.44 billion in tax revenue for the government and generate 240.644 direct and indirect jobs. We want to show that our segment is of vital importance for the business and leisure tourism. Turn the pages Foreign currency 2009 1,85 (US commercial/average) Trade commercial balance and travel through our world. 2009 24,615 (US$ billions) 9 fleet used by car rental companies). TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 8 12 EDITORIAL Welcome message from Paulo Gaba Jr. 40 -Regional board – South The contents of the annual report 41 - Regional board – Southeast STATISTICS 42 - Regional board – Midwest Financial results of the vehicle rental sector 43- Regional board – North 14 - New fleet – Economy cars 44 - Regional board - Northeast 18 - Customers’ profile ANFAVEA Industry: National figures CESVI Quick repair at low-cost 24 - Level of safety 26 - Level of visibility 28 - CESVI tips 30 34 35 Heads and deputies 38 - Audit committee INTRODUCTION 16 - Good business – Financial figures 20 22 36 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ABLA ACTIONS The highlights of 2009 46 48 50 52 56 PERSPECTIVE The growth of the vehicle rental segment CNT Message from the Confederation SERASA A commercial eye for detail TRAINING PROGRAMME The challenges VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS 56 - Volkswagen 57 - Fiat 58 - Chevrolet INSURANCE COMPANIES 60 - Ford/Renault How to calculate your insurance premium 62 - Toyota/Honda OPINION EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Message from João Claudio Bourg ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 64 - Kia/Hyundai 66 - Citroën/Nissan 67 - Mitsubishi/Mahindra EXECUTIVE BOARD Board of directors: Paulo Gaba Jr., Paulo Nemer, 68 70 Alberto de Camargo Vidigal, José Adriano Donzelli, Saulo MINISTRY OF TOURISM Fróes, Nildo Pedrosa, Carlos Rigolino Júnior, Alberto Faria, Message from Luiz Barretto - Minister Roberto Portugal, Erozalto Nascimento (in memory), Luiz Mendonça and Marcello Simonsen. Board of directors (assistants): Carlos Teixeira, João Carlos de Abreu Silveira, ENTITIES/PARTNERS Eládio Paniágua , Luiz Carlos Lang, Cássio Lemmertz, Paulo Miguel, Alberto Nemer Neto, Reynaldo Tedesco, Valmor Associated companies E. Weiss, Marcelo Fernandes, Carlos Faustino, Nelma Cavalcanti Audit committee: Antonio Pimentel, Eduardo Corrêa, Paulo Bonilha Jr., Flavio Gerdulo, Raimundo Teixeira, Jacqueline Moraes de Mello. Audit committee (assistants): Joades Alves de Souza, Felix Peter, José Zuquim Militerno, João José Regueira de Souza, Marco Antonio Lemos e Emerson Ciotto. Editorial board: Aleksander Rangel, Eduardo Corrêa, Marconi Dutra e Saulo Froés. Executive president: João Claudio Bourg. BRAZILIAN CAR RENTAL ASSOCIATION - ANNUAL REPORT 22/7/2010 15:11:11 ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS LOCADORAS DE AUTOMÓVEIS FATTO STAMPA ANUNCIO SETA.pdf The ABLA National Training and Qualification Programme is strong than ever. We are developing a concept of quality for the car rental segment. Be part of our campaign and training programmes. Send us your suggestions and co-operate with our researches to improve our sector. ABLA – Annual report 2010 Project, creation and execution Fatto Comunicação 360º +55 11 5507-5590 General co-ordination Decio Cudmane/ Nilvando Filgueira/ Weber de O. Mesquita Director of contents Rogério Nottoli (Journalist in charge - MTB: 31056) - r.nottoli@ Art editor Renato Prado Art assistants Erica Igue and George Gargiulo Editors Roberto Ferreira and Juliana Nottoli Photos George Gargiulo e Shutterstock Trainees Gabrielle Victoriano e Mariana Fernandes. C M Printing and design HR Gráfica e Editora. Y CM MY CY CMY K The Brazilian Association of Car Rental Rua Estela, 515 - Bloco A - 5º Andar Cep: 04011-904 - São Paulo/SP Telephones: + 55 11 5087-4100 Fax: + 55 11 5082-1392 This annual report had its greenhouse emission compensated by rainforests. 2010 Log on our Blog of PQA THE RENT A CAR INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS LOCADORAS DE AUTOMÓVEIS E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] WebSite: National Training and Qualification Programme Sensacional! SAUS Quadra 01 Conjunto J, 6º Andar, sala 602 Edifício CNT Cep: 70070-010 Brasília/DF - Telephone: + 55 61 3225-6728 Fax: + 55 61 3226-0048 The ABLA annual report has no responsibility upon opinions expressed in all articles published. The reproduction of the articles published is permitted as long as their original source is properly informed. Financial results of the vehicle rental sector T he national motor industry played a significant role in the market which has accelerated the national economy in 2009. The final financial figures have exceeded our expectations. 12 ABLA has also played a large scale contribution and also it increased the number of vehicle sales. The total revenue of the sector was around R$ 4.37 billion. The vehicle rental sector practically purchases from all national manufacturers and even from accredited importers. These figures show the importance that these entrepreneurs have to this sector. The vehicle rental units are still the most valuable clients to the national car manufacturers. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT STATISTICS Efficiency of the sector (R$ in billions) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 - 9,02 2008 - 11,40 2007 - 8,22 2006 - 11,09 2005 - 11,05 2004 - 11,30 2003 - 9,20 2009 - 4,37 2008 - 3,99 2007 - 3,49 2006 - 3,17 2005 - 2,91 2004 - 2,68 2003 - 2,35 13 Sales participation – Automotive sector (Percentage) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Composition of the fleet per manufacturers* Volkswagen Fiat GM Ford Renault Toyota Outros 2003 34,1 30,2 27,1 8,6 2004 33,3 26,4 30,2 10,1 * Source: Manufacturer (Percentage) 2005 32,6 29,3 30,1 2,8 5,2 2006 30,7 30,7 30,1 2,9 5,6 2007 31,1 28,7 32,8 2,7 4,7 2008 30,91 29,48 29,61 1,83 1,16 7,01 2009 29,52 27,32 23,74 3,92 3,54 1,03 10,93 New fleet – Economy cars t he market demands - the sector responds to it. The average age of all vehicles of the national vehicle fleet from all rental business is around 16.5 months old, more specifically for large fleet owners. 14 For the rent a car sector the average is 12 months old, taking into consideration that the consumer is aware of the vast range of options and offers in relation to vehicle rental sector. The number of the existing car rental companies in the market has grown in relation to 2008, when there was a slight decrease in relation to 2007. This shows that the entrepreneurs of this business are expecting a real growth and profits that the vehicle rental business offers nevertheless with great caution, given the nature of this business which is not suitable for high risk takers ”gamblers” neither amateurs. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT STATISTICS Existing car rental branches in the market (quantity) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Fleet of the sector (number of cars) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 - 16,5 2008 - 16 2007 - 15 2006 - 14 2005 - 15 2004 - 15 2003 - 15 2009 - 363.456 2008 - 318.865 2007 - 283.562 2006 - 250.204 2005 - 223.811 2004 - 203.650 2003 - 181.900 Average age of the fleet (months) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 15 2009 - 1.955 2008 - 1.893 2007 - 1.905 2006 - 1.952 2005 - 1.964 2004 - 1.985 2003 - 2.340 Good business – financial figures T he car rental segment is an excellent business for the Brazilian economy. In 2009, R$ 1,433 billion were automatically collected by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a real high 16 taxation rate for a segment that generates 240 thousand direct and indirect jobs. Car manufacturers, car dealers, motor shops, petrol stations, indeed an important segment linked directly to the vehicle rental sector. The main scope of the business is still the subcontracting of the car fleet, nonetheless with the projection of tourism, leisure segments and more business, this segment tend to grow over the next years. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT STATISTICS Business profile (percentage) 2004 57 27 16 2005 55 28 17 2006 54 29 17 Contribution to taxes (in R$ billions) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 - 240.644 2008 - 209.061 2007 - 194.838 2006 - 185.560 2005 - 178.240 2004 - 168.200 2003 - 165.500 2007 55 27 18 2008 55 27 18 2009 52 22 26 2009 - 1,443 2008 - 1,273 2007 - 1,056 2006 - 0,941 2005 - 0,867 2004 - 0,790 2003 - 0,697 Generation of jobs (direct and indirect) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 17 2003 Fleet Outsourcing 58 Tourism (leisure) 24 Tourism (businesses) 18 More than just an economy car Composition of the Fleet by Model 2004 70,4 12,9 5,9 10,8 2005 71,1 12,6 6,1 10,2 2006 70,8 12,9 5,9 10,4 2007 72 12 6 10 2008 2009 66 71 14 13 6 6 14 10 18 Economy Medium Luxury Utility/ Vans 2003 69,7 12,5 7,2 10,6 (percentage) 2009 - 16,8 2008 - 16,2 2007 - 15,1 2006 - 14,1 2005 - 12,2 2004 - 10,1 2003 - 8,7 ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Number of customers (in millions) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 STATISTICS Profile of the car rental branches Area of Action Service: 41% Industry: 30% Trading: 11% Professionals: 7% Others: 11% Male: 80% Female: 20% Marital status Married: 65% Single/Divorced: 35% Average age Between 21 and 24 years old: 4% Between 25 and 45 years old: 85% 45 years old and over: 11% Education Higher education: 89% Secondary education: 11% 19 Gender T It was a good year his was the evaluation of the Brazilian motor industry for 2009, despite of a slight decrease in the production of cars in relation to 2008 as a result of the global recession and the Brazilian economic situation. 3.18 million vehicles were produced and this represented a slight fall of 1% in relation to 2008, the best year of the motor industry over the past 10 years. The reduction of the IPI (Brazilian Federal Tax) for vehicles, which expired in 31. March. 2010 helped the commercialization of vehicles stimulating the Brazilian people to buy. The dream of a new car has turned into reality and the level 20 of employment in the motor industry grew significantly. There was a huge boost in the importation sector. With the stability of the American dollar, even knowing that it was one of the most dramatic fall during the entire year, 500 thousand imported vehicles were officially registered in Brazil. On the other hand exportation was hindered due to the weak American dollar. In Brazil last year the total number of sales of vehicles stayed around 3.341 million, a growth of 28.2% in relation to 2008. The 1.0 litre car models were highly demanded in 2009, 1.178.752 vehicles were sold: 51% of the internal sales of national cars. Nonetheless flex motorization vehicles represented 84% of the internal sales, showing a growth of 3% in relation to 2008. 2010 – The year has started with full power. In the first two months of 2010, 495.689 vehicles were manufactured, showing a growth of 13% in relation to the same period in 2009. The numbers of exportation grew 50%, with 101.223 vehicles sold to the external market comparing to the same period in 2009 when 49.7 thousand vehicle were sold. The number of registered cars was very significant: 434.269 in 2010, 396.800 in 2009. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT ANFAVEA (Brazilian Automotive Industry Association) Annual production figures 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Registration of imported and national vehicles figures 1,79 1,82 2,20 2,52 2,61 2,98 3,22 3,18 Year Imported National Total 2005 0,088 1,626 1,714 2006 0,142 1,785 1,927 2007 0,267 2,194 2,462 2008 0,375 2,445 2,820 2009 0,476 2,664 3,141 In millions In millions Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Units Sold 48 thousand 328 thousand 812 thousand 1,430 million 2,003 millions 3,329 millions 2,54 millions Internal sales of 1.0 liter vehicles (Imported and National) Internal sales of national vehicles Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Grand Total 1,3 1,3 1,5 1,6 1,7 2,2 2,4 2,7 In millions Market Share (percentage) 4% 22% 50% 78% 86% 87% 84% Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1.0 liter vehicle 820.135 707.430 742.005 757.235 874.507 1.066.516 1.110.059 1.178.752 1000cm3 participation in % 66,7 63,2 57,3 56,2 56,2 54,0 50,6 37,8 21 Sales of flex models Quick repair at low cost T he automotive market can now use the CAR Group (Automotive CESVI Rating) to obtain technical information for both consumers and insurers about the estimated cost of the quick repair services of the vehicles sold in Brazil. This ranking was developed by the Research & Development 22 Department that points out to each category of vehicle models which are better able to provide a low cost service and quick repair service for the motor shop. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT CESVI (Automobile Studies Center) Tips for brand new and used cars The benefits of the vehicle classification With this information, consumers can compare, at the time of purchase, any kind of vehicles they are interested. The trend shows that models with better ranking within the ranking patterns can also secure more advantage, since the cost of repair is used as a basis for calculating the total amount charged by the insurance companies. Data from the CAR Group can also be very useful during the choice of used cars, so the cost of any repairs will not be a great loss to the consumer’s pocket, since the majority of cars older than five years of use do not have insurance. The CAR Group represents an evolution which provides real information that builds up gradually a solid relationship among car manufacturers, car dealers and insurance companies. It also provides greater transparency to the consumer. The consequences are beneficial to all involved. Insurance companies can set up premium rates the excess or deductible amounts more accurate, since they will be based on technical information. The car manufacturers and car dealers have the advantage of having all innovations in terms of vehicle repair costs. The consumers can now buy vehicles based on the repair costs. to get to the indexes? The name of this ranking comes from the fact that the vehicles are classified into groups. Each group represents a range of values in relation to their weighted average cost of repair. On a scale from 10 to 60, the lower is the number of the group classification of the vehicle the better is the cost of the repair services. To get to the indexes from the CAR Group, the vehicle passes through a technical analysis. The CESVI receives the vehicle before its release, conducts crash tests of the model on the front and rear areas and it also makes all the necessary repairs and an analysis of each specific part involved. In this work are identified ‘part-numbers’, the values and times of replacement of repair parts. They also provide budget of the costs of materials and supplies for painting. The study ends with general analysis of the damage, conclusions about the repairs, replacements made and suggestions for modification to the car manufacturers. 1 - Front bumper 2 - Hood or bonnet 3 - Optical assembly front left 4 - Optical assembly front right 5 - Rear bumper 6 - Front grill 7 - Front logo 8 - Rear right emblem 9 - Front reinforcement crossmember 10 - Front panel assembly 11 - Front left fender 12 - Front right fender 13 - Radiator 14 - Front left bumper stand 15 - Front right bumper stand 16 - Front impact absorber 17 - Rear left emblem 18 - Radiator deflectors 19 - Grill fender 20 - Front left mud flap 21 - Hood latch or bonnet 22 - Rear logo 23 - Front right mud flap 24 - Rear left light 25 - Front bumper molding 26 - Rear right light 27 - Windshield ornament 28 - Rear panel 29 - Front left door molding 30 - Windshield 31 - Trunk or boot door 32 - Front left door 33 - Front right door molding 34 - Front right door 35 - Condenser (air conditioner) 23 How Parts that require replacement more often Level of safety T he classification of the vehicles in relation to safety is based on a study which mainly focuses on passengers and the vehicle as well, called Level of Safety. By using this tool the 24 consumer can compare which vehicle offers the highest level of safety before buying a brand new car. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT CESVI Methodology Some conclusions of the study According to the weighting among the components related to active safety, passive safety and patrimonial safety in each model, the rankings are divided into categories of vehicles. The classification of vehicles in this ranking varies from 0.5 to 5 stars (5 being the highest score). High scores indicate better availability of components of safety. The score of each component takes into account the following weights: Vehicles rated with 3.5 stars, mainly provide key components for security, such as AIR BAG and ABS. 69% of vehicles which have been analysed did not exceed 3 stars. None of the vehicles categories COMPACT PICK UP, MULTIVAN and COMPACT SW exceeded the rating of 2 stars. In the category COMPACT HATCH, which includes the majority of vehicles sold in Brazil, the highest score was 3 stars. In the categories COUPE and ROADSTER, which leads the imported vehicles, the lowest score starts from 4.5 stars. Serial production component: 100% of punctuation. Optional: 50% of the points. 25 (Automobile Studies Center) CESVI (Automobile Studies Center) H Level of visibility aving in mind, the question of accidents caused by lack of visibility of the driver, on the rear part or blind spots of the car, CESVI Brazil has concluded a study that classifies vehicles according to the level of visibility provided to the driver. We measured the level of visibility of the top sales domestic vehicles, which were divided by categories (hatchback, sedan, pick up, 26 minivan, utility and SW). Evaluation methods By defining the specifications and parameters, we can say that the level of visibility provided in the vehicles is assisted by external and internal rev mirrors. The items that determine the visibility are the windows, mirrors, rev mirrors, body and blind spots. Therefore, we took into account the analysis of three types of visibility in the vehicles: Rear view (provided by the internal rev mirror); Lateral view (provided by the side mirrors); Front view (provided by the windshield and the lateral windows). The results took into account the measurement and analysis of areas which obstruct or make, the visibility of the driver more difficult. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Ranking The calculation of the total level of visibility of the vehicle, was performed by an arithmetic average of the results of three types of visibility: rear, lateral and front view. The classification is based on a range of 0.5 to 5 stars, and may also show grades with 0.5 star (two and a half stars, for example). The higher the score, the better the visibility of the vehicle. On the official website of Brazil CESVI, it is possible to find a comparison of models of vehicles with the information from all those levels developed by the Centre’s research department. To check, log on to indices/ comparative.aspx 29 10 Tips from CESVI to save your car from flooding M any drivers have already faced situations of flooding on roads that resulted in damage to their vehicles, and even life-threatening conditions. Therefore, BRAZIL CESVI (Center of Experimentation and Road Safety) is describing below, ten recommendations for the driver to maintain vehicle in flooded areas. 28 1 If the engine dies during the trip, never try to re-start the engine, keep it off and remove the vehicle to a garage. Facing the possibility of admission of water, this practice reduces the risk of damage to the engine by a hydraulic shim. the height of water level in 2 Watch the flooded area as most of the car manufacturers establish a maximum height of the water level cannot exceed the centre of the wheel. advisable that during the flooding, 3 Ittheisvehicle should be driven at low speed, keeping the rotation of the engine around 2,500 rpm, which reduces the variation in the level of water splashing inside of the engine and the risk of damaging electronic parts. It also improves driving ability and reduces the level of slippage. vehicles equipped with automatic 4 For transmissions, gear shift should be done manually by selecting the “1” position. Thus, the vehicle can move at low speed and at higher rotation of the engine. Another possibility is to manually switch to change gears between “N” position and “1” position in order to maintain low vehicle speed during the situation, without affecting the rotation of the engine, which should be around 2,500 rpm. vehicles offer an optional 5 Some automatic adjustment of traction, known as “Winter” or “SNOW”. Though this function is to provide greater safety during areas of low grip, such as snow or mud, preventing the vehicle to skid, thanks to the differential lock, it should also be used during floods as it benefits the control of vehicle speed and the rotation of the engine. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT CESVI (Automobile Studies Center) on effort to steer (power steering), variation in the brightness of the dashboard lights, audible alerts, fluctuation of pointers, electronic injection alert light, battery and ABS (if available), an increase on the effort to apply the brakes and stop functioning traction 4 X 4 (diesel vehicles), probably because this whole situation is caused by loss of adhesion between the belt and its auxiliary pulley power steering pump, alternator and vacuum pump (diesel vehicle), and in most cases, a sporadic fact that does not prevent the passenger driving ability. Only reinforces the caution and keep the lowest number possible of connected devices. is recommended to turn off the air 7 Itconditioner, thus reducing the risk of hydraulic shim. This practice prevents some components from splashing water in the air collector of the engine. Lowered and turbocharged vehicles, most often, are more likely to suffer hydraulic shim, so it is advisable to maintain the originality of the car manufacturer. If the vehicle is under these conditions, please pay attention to step up of the suggested procedures. 8 For more serious cases of flooding, it is recommended to make a preventive check-up, correcting, for example, possible alterations of the electronic injection system, often simple and elusive at this stage, as bad contacts, but which subsequently can generate major disruptions. may be, among others, the 9 There contamination of the canister, transmission oil, rear and/or front axle, in the case of vehicles with rearwheel drive or 4X4, which determines the reduction of the durability of the components, and the increase on the risk of failures in the clutch, suspension and brakes. To tackle the effects of this possibility, it is recommended to go promptly to a motor shop and ask for the assessment of such items. there is consecutive driving on 10 Ifflooded areas, it is recommended to clean the ventilation system, as it will be subject to contamination by fungi, bacteria and micro-organisms, requiring cleaning the whole system for safe use. 29 calm while driving on flooded 6 Stay areas. Symptoms such as an increase “ Real achievement 30 The purpose of the requirement for sworn translation of the driving qualification for foreigners was a great achievement for the car rental segment. “ T he ABLA is pleased to announce another great achievement for the sector of car rental. It was published on March 23rd in “Diario Oficial da Uniao”, Resolution 345 of Contran full text of which we reproduce: “The foreigner who wants or needs to drive in Brazil no longer is required to submit the sworn translation of the original portfolio’s license. Simply present the original driver’s license within the period of validity, and identification document, which can be a passport. With this measure, was given the green light to foreign tourists to rent and drive a car in Brazil. That means big business opportunities for all, on the eve of World Cup 2014 and also the 2016 Olympic Games. The ABLA has closely followed the process that culminated at the end of the requirement, always encouraging the commitment of the authorities to resolve the issue. It was a great achievement for everyone! Certainly, the measure will positively influence the business of our industry. In the past many businesses were not concluded more specifically in the leisure segment due to the previous requirements. The sector is pleased with the new decisions T wo important legal achievements for the ABLA at the end of 2009. This first decision was made by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ): “All traffic violations reported after 30 days of the infraction will not be paid by the car rental branch owner or by the driver of the vehicle”; This second decisions refers to the illegality of the warden traffic officers to exercise the power of the police. The action of the lawyer Adriano Augusto Pereira de Castro, legal advisor to the ABLA, was of great importance in both cases. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Car sharing I t was already deployed in over 400 cities worldwide. The car sharing service is coming to several cities in Brazil. The number of users increases every month. In Sao Paulo, where the service began in the end of last year, users pay rates starting at R$ 22 per hour of use. The target audience are people who have to move quickly throughout the city, but who do not have a car. ABLA ACTIONS 2009 T he regulatory legislation 5.525/09 Act, elaborated by congressman Mr. Beto Albuquerque (PSBRS), is still in transit at the General Congress of Brazil, awaiting for approval. It aims to obtain statistical data about traffic accidents. This decision will result in having at least 30% of the total fleet of vehicles inspected. Radio T he National Qualification and Training Programme has developed several actions, being one of them the Radio ABLA, which can be accessed by logging on: www., which is the direct link to the Radio Abla. Suggestions, complaints, ideas and other requests are welcome. 31 Regulatory legislation – 5.525/09 Act ABLA ACTIONS 2009 The right decision 2 which states: “the car rental companies are responsible for any damage caused by their clients”. Arbitrarily, Act 492 states that the rental car company and the client are accountable to others (third parties) as a result of damage caused by the client. This position is not appropriated once the car rental companies 32 010 could not have started better for the segment. The decision of Judge Adriane Aparecida Bessa, 1st Vara do Juizado Civil e Criminal da Comarca de Pouso Alegre – MG - Brazil, enforces the inapplicability of the Act 492 (approved in 1969 as a result of three consecutive decisions in, 1966, 1967 and 1968 of the Federal Supreme Court) Fewer accidents T he programme, “No Accident” (CESVI - Brazil initiative along with other supporting parties, including the ABLA) has the main objective of drawing the attention of our society and authorities to the need of deploying a National Plan for Road Safety in Brazil, based on real statistics and data (which may be seen in this annual report pages 24-31) and coordinated actions across the country. The ABLA support all initiatives aimed at improving the quality of traffic in large urban centres and can help reduce the risk of traffic accidents, which is the major cause of death. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT and their clients have no relationship whatsoever with third parties. The liability of the car rental companies before their clients is straightforward, according to the Brazilian Civil Liability Rules. KNOW MORE 34 How insurance companies calculate their premium rate? T ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Major items/aspects that influence the pricing of automobile insurance. he final price of car insurance is calculated in a way that at the end of 12 months the total cost of the insurance is less than 100% of the premium charged. The costs of the insurance companies, in a simple and didactic way of explaining the cost, consist of the following groups: costs with accidents + administrative expenses + taxes + commissions paid to insurance brokers.” Therefore, the amount charged to the client for the premium during the length of 12 months, should be higher than the total cost of the items described above. It is easy to notice that among all the items described above, the most important one is the accident claim. The probability of this occurrence are determined by current calculations, susceptible to variations during the period in which the insurance company took the risk to indemnify, causing the prices of policies to increase or decrease over the time. The remaining items, to some extent, are more susceptible to control by the insurance companies. The costs of accidents can be influenced by direct consequences based on the frequency and the scale of the accident claims, as well as the increase in the cost of the services and parts, in terms of partial loss, total loss, the increase of theft / robbery of vehicles. In addition to this the actuarial calculations also reflect the composition of the amounts during the course of the time. Other variables, such as losses from acts of nature: hailstorms, floods, and etc… also influence more or less in final pricing depending on what the insurance companies provide based on the previous actuarial calculations. Another important aspect is that the acceptance or not of risk taking and the pricing calculation is not the only source for the insurance market. This means that each insurance company, based on previous experience and past results determined their insurance price according to region, client profile, brand, model, year of the vehicle, and general activity of the client. As you could notice, there is not even a single rule that determines the final pricing in the automotive insurance market. Therefore it is always advisable to seek guidance about the insurance policy with the broker you trust and in particular with those who have expertise in segment in which the insurance policy is inserted. C OPINION EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT The car rental market is booming C ompanies are subcontracting their fleets even more and the tourism and leisure businesses are boosting the day-to-day car rental industry. These new changes in habits is the reflection of the maturation and globalization of our industry. The expansion of car rental business in Brazil is something serious, competent which was generated by entrepreneurs who seek quality care and referrals to other segments. So the car rental companies are the largest customers of domestic automobile industry and also of the car importers. One sector that is responsible for generating 240,644 direct and indirect jobs and collects 1.443 billion in government taxes must be respected. We still have big challenges ahead in the next years to come. One of them is to improve the infrastructure of government services, in the airport, on federal, state and local roads. Our main objective of popularizing the rent a car sector has been reached. When talking about popularization means to allow those many credit card holders to have access to car rentals companies, something still currently limited because of credit restrictions. Nowadays there is a lot of talking about the 2014 World Cup and the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 as events that will boost the growth of Brazil. It won’t be necessary to wait that long! The industry is ready to grow together, starting today! João Claudio Bourg Executive president of ABLA Education: Degree in mechanical engineering. Recent business experience: Mr. Bourg held a variety of positions at Ford, Fiat, Kia, Caltabiano Group and Hyundai, with large knowledge in sales and after sales. 35 The car companies are producing more and the banking system is also financing more. Yes, Brazil is booming. President Vice-President PAULO GABA JR. PAULO ROBERTO DO VAL NEMER Assistant: ALBERTO NEMER NETO 36 Assistant: PAULO MIGUEL JÚNIOR Head of Department: Assistant: LUIZ LOPES MARCELO RIBEIRO MENDONÇA FILHO FERNANDES Head of Department: EROZALTO NASCIMENTO (In Memory) Assistant: VALMOR EMILIO WEISS Executive president: JOÃO CLAUDIO BOURG Head of Department: ROBERTO BACELAR PORTUGAL FILHO Head of Department: MARCELLO WALLACE SIMONSEN ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Assistant: CARLOS ROBERTO PINTO FAUSTINO Assistant: REYNALDO TEDESCO PETRONE NATIONAL BOARD Assistant: CARLOS BENEDITO ADÃO TEIXEIRA Head of Department: ALBERTO FARIA DA SILVA Assistant: JOÃO CARLOS A. SILVEIRA Head of Department: CARLOS CESAR RIGOLINO JUNIOR Assistant: CÁSSIO LEMMERTZ Head of Department: JOSÉ ADRIANO DONZELLI Assistant: LUIZ CARLOS LANG Head of Department: NILDO PEDROSA Assistant: NELMA CAVALCANTI SOBRAL Head of Department: SAULO TOMAZ FRÓES Assistant: ELÁDIO PANIAGUA JR. 37 Head of Department: ALBERTO DE CAMARGO VIDIGAL is the word to describe P rofessionalism the members of the national board and the executive board of ABLA. Nowadays only those companies that are serious and strong will receive solid investments from real entrepreneurs. The vehicle rental segment is one of the most important in the country. It generates more than 240.000 direct and indirect jobs. It also has a large contribution in terms of vehicles manufactured in Brazil. AUDIT COMMITTEE Assistant: JOADES ALVES DE SOUZA Head of Department: FLAVIO GERDULO Assistant: JOÃO REGUEIRA DE SOUZA FILHO Head of Department: EDUARDO CORRÊA DA SILVA Assistant: FÉLIX PETER Head of Department: JACQUELINE MORAES DE MELLO Assistant: EMERSON CIOTTO Head of Department: RAIMUNDO NONATO DE CASTRO TEIXEIRA Assistant: MARCO ANTONIO DE ALMEIDA LEMOS 38 Head of Department: ANTONIO PIMENTEL Head of Department: PAULO HERMAS BONILHA JUNIOR ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Assistant: JOSÉ ZUQUIM MILITERNO 49 South Paraná Rio Grande do Sul VALMOR WEISS FÉLIX PETER Santa Catarina 40 MARCO ANTONIO RAMOS GOMES Vehicle fleet Paraná Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Total 2004 13.134 9.736 3.907 26.777 2005 14.930 8.520 2.560 26.010 2006 15.500 7.983 2.591 26.074 2007 17.050 8.861 2.902 28.813 2008 20.144 10.103 3.279 33.526 2009 26.340 11.113 3.910 41.363 Number of vehicle rental branches Paraná Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Total ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2004 103 149 99 351 2005 98 133 88 319 2006 103 129 93 325 2007 110 109 95 314 2008 110 109 95 314 2009 116 121 102 339 REGIONAL BOARD Southeast Espírito Santo MARCIO CASTELO BRANCO GONÇALVES Rio de Janeiro GUSTAVO DO CARMO AZEVEDO Grande São Paulo FLAVIO GERDULO Minas Gerais LEONARDO SOARES NOGUEIRA SILVA São Paulo Interior MARCELO FERNANDES 41 Grande São Paulo ELÁDIO PANIAGUA JR. Minas Gerais MAURO ROBERTO ALVES RIBEIRO Vehicle fleet Espírito Santo Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro São Paulo SP interior Total 2004 5.975 20.365 18.261 61.346 19.115 125.062 2005 6.090 28.960 19.365 66.996 21.087 142.498 2006 6.255 33.145 22.936 75.324 23.875 161.535 2007 2008 2009 7.006 7.950 8.500 37.454 42.327 45.559 26.147 28.762 33.076 85.116 93.628 106.657 26.501 29.881 32.820 182.224 202.548 226.612 Number of vehicle rental branches Espírito Santo Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro São Paulo SP interior Total 2004 101 190 135 293 148 867 2005 94 201 131 312 151 889 2006 97 213 128 301 149 888 2007 82 220 117 250 194 863 2008 82 220 117 246 192 857 2009 89 216 118 225 179 827 Midwest Mato Grosso RODRIGO FLÁVIO SÁ RORIZ ALVANI MANOEL LAURINDO Mato Grosso do Sul Goiás MARCO ANTONIO DE ALMEIDA LEMOS JOADES ALVES DE SOUZA 42 Distrito Federal Vehicle fleet Distrito Federal Goiás Mato Grosso M. Grosso do Sul Total 2004 7.450 4.632 2.003 1.420 15.505 2005 9.225 4.830 2.110 1.520 17.685 2006 10.245 5.862 1.573 2.293 19.973 2007 2008 11.893 13.667 6.683 7.618 1.856 2.172 2.637 3.112 23.069 26.569 2009 15.180 7.000 3.423 3.215 28.818 Number of vehicle rental branches Distrito Federal Goiás Mato Grosso M. Grosso do Sul Total ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2004 43 48 26 36 153 2005 48 45 21 33 147 2006 47 45 29 17 138 2007 46 58 18 28 150 2008 46 52 18 28 144 2009 49 44 12 24 129 REGIONAL BOARD North Amazonas Rondônia/Acre VICTOR SIMÕES DA SILVA ANTONIO DA SILVA Roraima CÉLIO FONSECA Tocantins FÁBIO BERTOZZI 43 Pará/Amapá JOSÉ EMILIO HOUAT Vehicle fleet Acre Amapá Amazonas Pará Rondônia Roraima Tocantins Total 2004 89 656 2.281 4.379 291 256 249 8.201 2005 97 632 1.990 4.732 305 296 258 8.310 2006 98 731 1.996 5.387 312 309 351 9.184 2007 110 819 2.236 6.033 384 352 400 10.334 2008 131 950 2.594 7.328 457 426 489 12.375 2009 200 420 1.820 8.000 600 503 567 12.110 Number of vehicle rental branches Acre Amapá Amazonas Pará Rondônia Roraima Tocantins Total 2004 5 7 17 60 9 8 11 117 2005 5 6 16 68 8 10 12 125 2006 5 6 17 63 11 10 12 124 2007 5 6 18 60 8 8 9 114 2008 5 6 18 60 8 8 9 114 2009 7 7 21 51 11 12 12 121 Northeast Ceará/Piauí LUSIRLEI ALBERTINI ALEKSANDER RANGEL Bahia Bahia MARCONI DUTRA SIMONE PINO 44 Alagoas Maranhão ANTONIO CÉSAR DE ARAUJO FREITAS VALDIR LAURINDO (ASSISTANT) Vehicle fleet Alagoas Bahia Ceará Maranhão Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí R. Grande do Norte Sergipe Total ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2004 1.563 9.321 3.498 1.284 993 5.839 523 3.721 1.363 28.105 2005 1.231 9.500 3.510 1.490 1.011 5.923 597 3.935 2.111 29.308 2006 1.246 9.623 4.233 2.158 991 6.010 1.010 4.911 3.256 33.438 2007 1.383 12.244 4.699 2.395 1.090 6.791 1.111 5.599 3.810 39.122 2008 1.626 12.450 5.598 2.780 1.274 7.879 1.308 6.551 4.381 43.847 2009 1.980 13.650 9.997 3.100 1.490 9.060 1.600 9.993 3.723 54.593 REGIONAL BOARD Paraíba Pernambuco OLAVO BILAC CRUZ NETO ANTONIO PIMENTEL Sergipe Pernambuco 45 JORGE QUEIROZ OTÁVIO MEIRA LINS NETO Rio Grande do Norte ISRAEL JOSÉ PROTÁSIO DE LIMA Number of vehicle rental branches Alagoas Bahia Ceará Maranhão Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí R. Grande do Norte Sergipe Total 2004 27 180 49 33 32 67 16 71 22 497 2005 25 183 51 27 29 66 14 68 21 484 2006 28 179 49 32 35 62 16 53 23 477 2007 24 182 51 28 31 64 15 41 28 464 2008 24 182 51 28 31 64 15 41 28 464 2009 30 187 81 32 33 79 19 45 33 539 46 The growth of the vehicle rental segment Seasonal events such as the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games will boost the national market in the next six years to come. But according to the latest figures shown, the subcontracting segment of fleet represents a greater growth. ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT B PERSPECTIVE from the headquarters searching is a word of mouth statement for a secure and solid market to going around the major global guarantee their investments and economists, head of state from the launch of new products. The the 1st World countries. vehicle rental segment has grown as well. This has all to do with a very strong economic policy that controls the interest rates and almost 9.02% of vehicles sales in inflation. The Brazilian economy the national industry. surpassed the international It could even be better if the financial crises. Federal Government could review their taxes policy. More investment in This segment represents many sectors of the industry was Even though, this sector the result of strong measures invests, more specifically in introduced in the first months qualification programmes. The of 2009. The motor sector was ABLA programme is used as a one of them. There has never national parameter. been so much investment in There is still a lot of work to the national companies. Capital do, but we know we have a very promising future. 47 B razil has a promising future CNT 48 Promoting the interaction in the transport segment T ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT he CNT (National Confederation of Transport) a non-profitable labour union was founded on 28 January 1954, based in Brasilia with a high performance throughout the national territory. Among the main objectives of the CNT is the promotion of the road, rail, maritime and air transport segments and run social activities throughout its entities - members, especially the SEST (National Service for Transport) and SENAT (National Learning Service for Transport). The SEST and SENAT are also non-profitable organizations with legal status under the private legal terms. The SEST main focus is the presentation of services and promotion of social workers transportation and autonomous carrier, aiming to improve constantly the living standards of the workers and supporting social, health, cultural, leisure and job security programmes. The services provided by SENAT mainly focus in promoting professional development to the workers including the autonomous carrier. In addition to this it also contributes to the management of programmes which focus on the education, specialization and improvement of professional performance. The services provided by SEST and SENAT are held by the units installed in all regions of the country. They are located in strategic points, trying to be present wherever the needs of the employee is spotted. The goal is to provide support services to workers in transport and autonomous carrier, offering actions that address the technical capacity and the constant improvement by electing, as a priority, the projects of professional qualification. The integration of services between the structures SEST and SENAT aims to a constant search for improvement of living standards of workers in transport, managing, implementing and supporting programmes dedicated to social promotion in the areas of health, culture, leisure, job security as well as training / qualification of new professionals for efficiency and effectiveness of services to be rendered to the society. The SEST and SENAT still have as priority projects for qualification, re-training and job training, creating training programs synchronised with the sector’s needs. It also operates inside of the companies and operational entities by providing high qualified instructors for each specific course in order to offer training and qualification and also longdistance training. SERASA The importance of the car rental segment in the national market 50 Ricardo Loureiro CEO Serasa Experian and Experian Latin America T ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT he more solid and developed the economy the larger is the car rental industry. In Brazil, contrary to the reality of most developed countries, the car rental industry is full of opportunities by covering from the corporate client to the tourism. There is enough space to scale and broadening the profit margin. The sector is deeply investing, resulting in real participation towards the growth of the country. In relation to credit, the Serasa Experian is the key partner to the sector by offering the most advanced system in terms of decision-make, by broadening business security and profitability. Solutions to marketing planning and market segmentation in lifestyle patterns are also available by Serasa Experian. Improving customer relationship, reducing investment in efforts to generate sales and lower costs in the transaction, in addition to gain competitive advantages are some aspects achieved by using appropriate marketing strategies. Congratulation to ABLA Brazilian Association of Car Rental board of directors, in the person of its president Joao Claudio Bourg, the frontline work of their members, representing them in all levels of interest, transparency and ethics. Serasa Experian reinforces its bonds with the ABLA success and the entire industry. The Challenge A BLA has emanated efforts in terms of co-operation to strengthen the level of qualification of the vehicle car rental segment. Based on this in 2009 it started a new national qualification and training programme. In addition to its own resources, it is also working in conjunction with the Ministry of 52 Tourism – Mtur as a result of Sector Development Project for vehicle rental segment. The presentation of the programme mentioned above took place in 2009 where several exhibitions where held, with the participation of entrepreneurs, professionals and representatives of this sector. By drawing strategies and actions of this specific project, The ABLA National Qualification and Training Programme is the example for other segments ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT the participants have played an enormous contribution during the regional seminars held in Belem, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Cutitiba and Recife and also during the TRAINING PROGRAMMES MINISTRY OF TOURISM National Car Exhibition and IX Forum. In 2010 some actions aimed, above all, pave the way for the realization of training courses for professionals and businessmen and qualification of the services of car rental companies. Noteworthy among them the Development of Chart of Occupations and Responsibilities. The IDT - Institute of the Development of Transport, an entity linked to CNT is conducting 53 within the project, a survey to know what the knowledge, skills and attitudes are, required to perform the activities of 16 occupations in the sector. This research will provide diagnosis of training needs of the sector. Electronic forms can be accessed through the portal of ABLA ( or by the blog ( blog). With a 24hr program of the highest quality, radio ABLA has names in the Brazilian music and artists of new generation, still going for classic rock, blues and jazz. + TRAINING PROGRAMMES MINISTRY OF TOURISM In the intervals information about World Cup. The project, due to the the project are published. In the most covenant between ABLA and the acute phases will have extraordinary Mtur was among the first to join the live-video program. program, a fact which led to a series of implementations to the program in the The elaboration of the main sense it complies with the strategy of developed by the University of Santa Brazil to welcoming visitors since this Catarina, that was hired to draw up is the second largest sporting event in the contents of these courses and the planet. the application of training courses in the project “Program Welcome training professionals and improving Cup 2014” in order to prepare the quality of services from rental stores tourism business in Brazil for the are already scheduled. 54 contents for training courses were Anuário Abla 2010 Other actions are such as ZAFIRA 56 Volkswagen I t is responsible for the President largest number of vehicles manufactured in Thomas Schmall Brazil (857,5 thousand units in 2009). Volkswagen has plants in São Executive Sales Manager Bernardo, Taubaté and São Carlos (SP), and São Gustavo Schmidt José dos Pinhais (PR). VW is the leader of rental companies segment. (11) 4347-2355 ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Special Sales Manager Luiz Eduardo Pacheco da Silva VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS I t holds the top President vehicle sales ranking of its pro- Cledorvino Belini duction line: Fiat Palio. Its plant Commercial Director Lélio Ramos in Betim – MG is responsible for the 22% of the national production, generating Direct Sales Director Francelino Schilling 40.000 direct and indirect jobs. (31) 2123-2111 57 Fiat VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS 58 Chevrolet T he Brazilian branch of the American General Motors was not affected by President Jaime Ardila the global financial crisis. Its plants in Sao Caetano and Sao Jose dos Sales and Marketing Director Ronaldo Znidarsis Campos – SP and Gravatai – RS manufacture 598,773 Direct Sales Director units per year. (11) 4234-7700 ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Airton Cousseau Guia Duas Asas. Your company contacting over 140 million passengers* *The Brazilian airports moved over 140 million air passengers in 2008 Guia Duas Asas arrived. 63 Now air passengers have a true manual that brings all the information about the 134 airports classified by states and municipalities - operating commercial flights in Brazil, and are provided with the main information about the cities where these airports are located. Air passengers will find information about the following: ·Air Companies ·Hotels ·Restaurants ·Bars and Leisure ·Taxi services and rentals ·ATMs and banks ·Transfers and distances ·Services and utilities ·Mobile companies operating in the region Get onto Guia Duas Asas and make your business fly to new horizons and markets! Information: (11) 3255-0905 GUIA DUAS ASAS O GUIA DOS AEROPORTOS DO BRASIL VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS Ford I Y t was responsible for President manufacturing the first national SUV vehicle: Marcos S. de Oliveira Ford EcoSport. Its plants in Sao Bernardo – SP and Camacari – BA, manufac- Sales and Marketing Director tured 347.519 vehicles in 2009. Jorge Chear 60 (11) 4174-8855 Renault ear after year consumers President are gradually getting more sympathetic and confident Jean-Michel Jalinier due to its economy vehicle with large internal space. Its plant is in Parana. Direct Sales Director Alexandre Oliveira ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT (41) 3880-2000 63 VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS Toyota I I t was the first Japanese President vehicle manufacturer to be established in Brazil Shozo Hasebe with a modern plant in Sao Bernardo do Campo – SP. Gradually increases its Direct Sales Manager share in the sedan model market. Vladimir Centurião 62 (11) 5502-9100 Honda t has one of the most mo- President dern plants in Brazil with a test-drive track mostly Sho Minekawa used to develop its products. Based in Sumare – SP has still a small market General Manager share, although it’s global tradition. Alberto Pescumo (11) 5576-5122 ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT INCREASE THE RENTABILITY OF YOUR FLEET 65 A GOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT OF THE FLEET IMPROVES THE RENTAL COMPANY’S PROFITABILTY With CESVI BRASIL’s management expertise, you can reduce the car servicing costs and increase rentability of your business. • Have parameters to evaluate the purchase of new cars with a lower repair and servicing costs. • Access to data bank containing all the latest car repair and spare parts and labor costs. • Have control of preventive servicing of cars. • Rely on a competent and trained team of specialists in the market. A leading authority in car and road safety and a specialist in car repair, CESVI BRASIL is the only center of automobile studies in the country. Sixteen years of developing actions, research and advisory for the major carmakers, insurance companies and car repair shops in Brazil. Count on CESVI BRASIL’s strengths to optimize your company’s performance. Do a pre-evaluation and see how you can increase your cost-effectiveness of the fleet. Contact us by email [email protected] or telephone (11) 3948-4800. VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS Kia K ia has been through an intense President change in its profile in recent years. The new brand vehicles, José Luiz Gandini including Soul and Cerato, stand out in design and technology. In Brazil, the official importer has Sales Director just launched SUV Kia Sorento. 64 Ary Jorge Ribeiro 0800-7711011 Hyundai I ts sales represent a good market share in the Bra- President Carlos Alberto Oliveira Andrade zilian sector of imported vehicles. The SUV’s has a good share of the market and Azera and i30 models have a good demand. Its plant is in Anapolis – GO. (11) 5538-1000 ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 65 Citroën I I t has a plant in Porto President Real – RJ. This French brand has invested in Ivan Ségal two segments: compact and luxurious vehicles. Its vehicles outstand Commercial Director for its 1st World high technology. 66 Domingos Boragina Neto (21) 3506-4900 Nissan ts first model to be manufactured President was the pick-up in Parana. Slowly is introducing to the Christian Meunier market some of its conventional vehicles such as Tiida and Sentra. It is still analyzing the market Sales Director with the main intention of manufacturing vehicles in Brazil. Abelardo Pinto (41) 3380-2000 ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS Mitsubishi I I ts plant in Catalão-GO and President manufactures the L200 GL, L200 Outdoor, L200 Robert Rittscher Savana and L200 Triton pick-ups and also the SUVs Pajero HD, Pajero Sport and Commercial Director Pajero TR4. It mainly focuses on the off-road segment. Fernando Matarazzo Mahindra t was the first Indian car to President berth in Brazil. The public responded to the Mahindra Eduardo de Castro model which is manufactured in Manaus. Mahindra is very keen about Commercial Manager the medium segment which has grown in the last few years. Wesley Melo (11) 3016-8100 67 (11) 5694-2700 MINISTRY OF TOURISM The Car Rental Segment Boosts the Tourism 68 Luiz Barretto - Minister D ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT ue to the new situation the task of dealing with new realities, e.g. moving out of the “comfortable zone”, is not easy, but can be a pleasant experience. The new changes that Brazil has been experiencing in the last year demands a new challenge to the Tourism Industry: how this sector can adapt to the current market that has a new kind of consumers? The honourable admission of the C class population has created a new dynamic, but still not visible or clear to most of the entrepreneurs. Nonetheless for those more audacious and also those who are not afraid of new challenges the new reality of Brazil is already recognised as an emerging and promising country that offers real business opportunities and large profitability. It is important to keep a close eye on the common housekeeper and his/ her family who in fact never thought to be able to go on holidays, is now even using air transportation. With this new situation the search for superfluous items has increased substantially as the basic items are already secured. What has the car rental sector to do with all of this? What has to be done for this segment to be considered efficient and profitable in this new niche of the market? It’s clear that each company must be able to provide the most appropriate answer. The emotion of traveling to different locations other than the short distance traditional destination is now affordable to the consumer who will be able to go even further by renting a car. The Brazilian territory has a diversity of options and a one-day trip starting from any major capital can offer a fantastic experience. It might seem that renting a car is still the privilege of a selected class of the population – a luxurious item. Nonetheless air travel is now affordable to some classes that in the past were unable to use this type of transportation and therefore this same situation can be extended to other segments of the tourism. The challenge for the car rental segment is already in place. The Ministry of Tourism understands that the solution for this situation can bring huge benefits to all: to the end consumer, to the entrepreneurs who can increase their volume of business and to the small communities that live out of the traditional places. Sugar Loaf, Rio de Janeiro ,[JÙRUR\LJUURWPbX^ -NUNK[J]NURONQN[N Brazil is calling you to discover up close the exuberant beauty of the Wonderful City. Celebrate life here. Brasil te llama para que conozcas de cerca la belleza exuberante de la ciudad maravillosa. Celebra la vida aquí. PARTNERS - ENTITIES CATEGORIES ABAC - Associação Brasileira das Administradoras de Consórcios Rua Avanhandava, 126, 5º andar 01306-01 TEL. (11) 3231-5022 FAX. (11) 3258-2064 São Paulo - SP [email protected] 70 ABAG - Associação Brasileira de Agribusiness Av. Paulista 1754, 14º andar, Conj. 147 e 148, São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 3285 3100 ABAV - Associação Brasileira de Agências de Viagens Avenida São Luiz, 1º andar Cj. 1 B 01046-001 TEL. (11) 3231-3077 FAX. (11) 3259-8327 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABBTUR - Associação Brasileira de Bacharéis em Turismo Rua Conceição Pinto Ferreira, 275 Caiçara 30750-420 Tel. (31) 3412-8979 Fax. (31) 3411-8796 Belo Horizonte - MG [email protected] ABEIVA - Associação Brasileira das Empresas Importadoras de Veículos Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros, 717 Cj. 113 11º andar Itaim Bibi 04530-001 Tel. (11) 3078-3989 Fax. (21) 3168-2348 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT ABEL - Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Leasing Rua Diogo Moreira, 132, 8º andar, Cj. 806 Pinheiros 05423-010 Tel. (11) 3095-9100 Fax. (11) 3095-9105 São Paulo - SP - [email protected] ABEOC - Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Eventos Rua Teixeira da Silva, 660, 10º andar, conj. 101 Paraíso 04002-033 Tel. (11) 3887-3743 Fax. (11) 3884-4894 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABGEV - Associação Brasileira de Gestores de Viagens Corporativas Rua Américo Brasiliense, 1.479 Cj. 73 Chácara Santo Antônio 04715-002 Tel. (11) 5181-3237 Fax. (11) 5181-3237 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABIH - Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Hotéis Avenida Nilo Peçanha, 12, grupo 1005 20020-100 Tel. (21) 2533-5768 Fax. (21) 2533-7632 Rio de Janeiro - RJ [email protected] ABIMAQ - Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Máquinas e Equipamentos Av. Jabaquara, 2925, São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 5582-6311 ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas Rua Minas Gerais, 190, São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 3017-3600 PARTNERS - ENTITIES ABRACAF - Associação Brasileira dos Concessionários de Automóveis Fiat Rua Itápolis, 543 Pacaembu 01245-000 Tel. (11) 3661-9922 Fax. (11) 3661-8666 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABRACCEF - Associação Brasileira de Centros de Convenções e Feiras Rua Benjamin Constant, 67, 6ºandar Cj. 601 Centro 80060-020 Tel. (41) 3039-9236 Fax. (41) 3013-1334 Curitiba - PR [email protected] ABRACICLO - Associação Brasileira dos Fabricantes de Motocicletas, Ciclomotores, Motonetas, Bicicletas e Similares Rua Américo Brasiliense, 2171, Cj. 907 a 910, São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11)5181-0222 ABRADIF - Associação Brasileira dos Distribuidores Ford Avenida Indianópolis, 529 04063-900 Tel. (11) 5088-7788 Fax.(11) 5088-7792 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABRAJET - Associação Brasileira de Jornalistas de Turismo Rua General Padilha, 134 20920-390 Tel. (21) 2509-1675 Fax. (21) 2509-1675 São Cristóvão - RJ ABRATI - Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Transporte Terrestre de Passageiros SAUS Quadra 1 Bloco J Edificio CNT 8º andar entrada 10/20 Torre A 70070-944 Tel. (61) 3322-2004 Fax. (61) 3322-2022 Brasília - DF - [email protected] ABRAVO - Associação Brasileira dos Distribuidores Volvo Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 1310 Cj. 21 80420-210 Tel. (41) 3301-8888 Fax. (41) 3301-8888 Curitiba - PR [email protected] ABRESI - Associação Brasileira de Gastronomia, Hospedagem e Turismo Largo do Arouche, 290, 9º andar 01219-010 (11) 3327-2086 (11) 3324-0228 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABREVIS - Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Segurança e Vigilância Rua Bernardino Fanganiello, 691, 1º andar Casa Verde 02512-000 Tel. (11) 3858-7360 Fax. (11) 3858-7360 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABRIVE - Associação Brasileira das Reparadoras Independentes de Veículos Avenida Indianópolis, 2.343 04063-004 (11) 5589-7722 (11) 5584-8090 São Paulo - SP [email protected] 71 ABRAC - Associação Brasileira de Concessionárias Chevrolet Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 2.012 Sumaré 01255-000 Tel. (11) 3872-1800 - Fax. (11) 3872-9202 São Paulo - SP - [email protected] ABRAMET - Associação Brasileira de Medicina de Tráfego Rua Dr. Amâncio de Carvalho, 507, São Paulo - SP Tel. (11) 2137-2700 72 ADIBRA - Associação das Empresas de Parques E Diversões do Brasil Rua Quirino dos Santos, 271, 8º andar, Sala 86 01141-020 Tel. (11) 3392-2312 FAX. (11) 3392-2312 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ASSESPRO - Associação das Empresas Brasileiras De Tecnologia da Informação, Software e Internet Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 417 3ºandar Cj. 33 05405-000 Tel. (11) 3064-0003 Fax. (11) 3064-0003 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABESC - Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Cartões de Crédito e Serviços Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1.485, 13º andar Torre Norte Jardim Paulistano 01452-921 Tel. (11) 3244-9930 Fax. (11) 3244-9930 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ASSOBRAV - Associação Brasileira dos Distribuidores Volkswagen Avenida José Maria Withaker, 603 04057-900 Tel. (11) 5078-5400 Fax. (11) 5079-5199 São Paulo - SP [email protected] AEA - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Automotiva Rua Salvador Correia, 80, São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 5575-9043 ANDAP - Associação Nacional dos Distribuidores de Autopeças Avenida Paulista, 1009 1º andar Cj. 101 01311-919 Tel. (11) 3266-7700 Fax. (11) 3266-7700 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ANEF - Associação Nacional das Empresas Finaceiras das Montadoras Alameda dos Maracatins, 992, Bloco B, 11º Andar Cj. 112 e 114 04089-001 Tel. (11) 5531-7314 Fax. (11) 5531-7314 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ANFAVEA - Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores Avenida Indianópolis, 496 04062-900 Tel. (11) 2193-7800 Fax. (11) 2193-7825 São Paulo - SP [email protected] ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT BRAZTOA - Associação Brasileira das Operadoras de Turismo Avenida Ipiranga, 324 Bloco C 14ºandar República 01046-010 Tel. (11) 3259-9500 Fax. (11) 3255-1226 São Paulo - SP [email protected] CBC & VB - Confederação Brasileira de Convention & Visitors Bureau SBN Quadra 01 Bloco B, sala 602 Edifício CNC 70040-010 Tel. (61) 3966-9444 Fax. (11) 3966-9402 Brasília - DF [email protected] CNT - Confederação Nacional do Transporte SAUS Quadra 1 Bloco J Edificio CNT 13º andar entrada 10/20 70070-944 Tel. (61) 3315-7000 Fax. (61) 3225-3416 Brasília - DF [email protected] PARTNERS - ENTITIES EMBRATUR - Instituto Brasileiro de Turismo Setor Comercial Norte, Quadra 02, Bloco G 70712-907 Tel. (61) 3429-7777 Fax. (61) 3429-7710 Brasília - DF [email protected] FENASEG - Federação das Empresas de Seguros Privados Rua Senador Dantas, 74/12º andar - Centro 20031-205 Tel. (21) 2510-7777 Fax. (21) 2510-7832 Rio de Janeiro – RJ [email protected] FAVECC - Fórum das Agências de Viagens Especializadas em Contas Comerciais Rua Dr. Bráulio Gomes, 25 Cj. 305, 3º andar 01047-020 Tel. (11) 3214-2535 Fax. (11) 3214-2535 São Paulo - SP [email protected] IQA - Instituto da Qualidade Automotiva Al. Dos Nhambiquaras, 1.509, São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 5533-4545 FECOMÉRCIO - Federação do Comércio do Estado de São Paulo Rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285 Bela Vista 01313-020 Tel. (11) 3254-1700 Fax. (11) 3254-1700 São Paulo - SP [email protected] FENABRAVE - Federação Nacional da Distribuição de Veículos Automotores Avenida Indianópolis, 1967 04063-003 Tel. (11) 5082-0000 Fax. (11) 5582-0001 São Paulo - SP [email protected] FENACTUR - Federação Nacional de Turismo Largo do Arouche, 290, 6º andar 01219-010 Tel. (11) 3331-4590 Fax. (11) 3224-0759 São Paulo - SP [email protected] NTC & Logística - Associação Nacional do Transporte de Carga e Logística Rua Orlando Monteiro, 1, São Paulo Tel. (11) 2632-1500 NTU - Associação Nacional das Empresas de Transportes Urbanos SAUS Quadra 1, Bloco J, Edifício CNT, 9º andar, Brasília (DF) Tel. (61) 2103-9293 Reed Exhibitions Alcântara Machado Rua Bela Cintra, 1200, 7º andar, São Paulo - SP Tel. (11) 3060-5000 SAE Brasil Av. Paulista, 2073, Horsa II, cj. 1003, São Paulo - SP Tel. (11) 3287-2033 São Paulo Turismo S/A - SPTURIS Avenida Olavo Fontoura, 1209, Parque Anhembi Santana 02012-021 São Paulo - SP / 73 FEBRABAN - Federação Brasileira das Associações de Bancos Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1.485, 15º andar 01452-002 Tel. (11) 3244-9800 Fax. (11) 3031-4106 - São Paulo - SP - [email protected] Ministério do Turismo Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco U, 2º e 3º andares 70065-900 Tel. (61) 2023-7024 Fax. (61) 2023-7024 Brasília - DF SEBRAE - Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio Às Micro e Pequenas Empresas SEPN- Quadra 515, Bloco C, Lote 03, Bloco C, Asa Norte 70770-900 Tel. 0800 570 0800 Brasília - DF - ÚNICA - União da Indústria de Cana de Açúcar Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2179, 9º andar, São Paulo (SP_ Tel. (11) 3093-4949 INTERNATIONAL ENTITIES SIMEFRE - Sindicato Interestadual da Indústria de Materiais e Equipamentos Ferroviários e Rodoviários Av. Paulista, 1313, 8º andar, cj. 801, São Paulo - SP Tel. (11) 3289-9166 74 SINDEPAT - Sistema Integrado de Atrações Turísticas Rua Verbo Divino, 431 04719-001 Tel. (11) 5181-0860 Fax. (11) 5181-0860 São Paulo - SP [email protected] SINDIREPA - Sindicato da Indústria de Reparação de Veículos e Acessórios do Estado de São Paulo Av. Indianópolis, 2357, São Paulo Tel. (11) 5594-1010 SINDIPEÇAS - Sindicato Nacional da Industria de Componentes para Veículos Automotores Avenida Santo Amaro, 1386 - Vila Nova Conceição 04506-001 Tel. (11) 3848-4848 Fax. (11) 3848-0900 São Paulo - SP [email protected] SINDETUR - Sindicato das Empresas de Turismo do Estado de São Paulo Rua Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 115, 11ºandar 01210-010 Tel. (11) 3224-8544 Fax. (11) 3331-6115 São Paulo - SP [email protected] UBRAFE - União Brasileira dos Promotores de Feiras Rua Frei Caneca, 91, 11ºandar Cerqueira César 01307-001 Tel. (11) 3120-7099 Fax. (11) 3120-7099 São Paulo - SP - [email protected] ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturer’s Association) Avenue des Nerviens, 85, Brussels (Bélgica/ Belgium) Tel. (32) 2 732-5550 Presidente/President: Carlos Ghosn ACRA AMERICAN CAR RENTAL ASSOCIATION 12324 E. 86TH ST. Nº 130 - Owasso cep 740552543 Oklahoma (EUA) tel. 888-200-2795 ADEFA (Asociación de Fábricas de Automotores) Av. Marcelo T. de Alvear, 638, piso 5 Buenos Aires (Argentina/Argentina) Tel. (11) 4312-3483 - Presidente/President: César Luiz Ramírez Rojas AMIA (Asociación Mexicana de la Indústria Automotriz) Ensenada, 90, Col. Condesa, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México, DF (México/Mexico) Tel. (55) 5272 1144 Presidente/President: Eduardo J. Solís Sanchez ANFAC (Asociacion Española de Fabricantes de Automoviles y Camiones) Fray Bernardino Sahagun, 24, Madrid (Espanha/Spain) Tel. (34) 1 343-1343 Presidente/President: Francisco Javier García Sanz ANFIA - Associazione Nazionale Fra Industrie Automobilistiche Corso Galileo Ferraris 61, Torino (Itália/Italy) Tel. (39) 11 554-6505 Presidente/President: Eugenio Razelli ANPACT (Associación Nacional de Productores de Autobuses, Camiones y Tractocamiones) Paseo de las Palmas, 1650, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, México D.F (México/Mexico) Tel. (55) 5202-4900 Presidente/President: Carlos García Fernandez PARTNERS - ENTITIES Autoalliance (Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers) 1401 Eye Street, N.W. Suite 900, Washington, DC (EUA/USA) Tel. (202) 326-5500 Presidente/President: Dave McCurdy KAMA (Korean Automotive Manufacture’s Association) 1461-15, Seocho-3dong, Sepcho-gu, Seul (Coreia do Sul/ South Korea) Tel. (82) 3660-1853 Presidente/President:Yeo-Chui Youn NAAMSA (National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa) 1st floor of Nedbank Plaza, corner of Church and Beatrix Streets, Pretoria (África do Sul/South Africa) Tel. (27) 323 2980 - Presidente/President: Nico M Vermeulen OICA (Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers) 4 rue de Berri, Paris (França/France) Tel. (33) 1 4359-0013 Presidente/President: Dave McCurdy CAAM (China Association of Automobile Manufacturers) 46, Fucheng Road, Haidian, Beijing (China/China) Tel. (86) 10 6812-3210 Presidente/President: Ying Tongyue SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders) Forbes House, Halkin Street, London (Reino Unido/United Kingdom) Tel. (440) – 171 235-7000 Presidente/President: Joe Greenwell CCFA (Comite Des Constructeurs Français d’Automoniles) 2, Rue de Presbourg, Paris (França/France) Tel. (33) 1 4952 – 5100 Presidente/President: Xavier Fels VDA (Verband Der Automobilindustrie) Westendstrasse 61 Postfach 17 05 63 Frankfurt (Alemanha/Germany) Tel. (49) 6997-5070 Presidente/President: Matthias Wissmann CVMA (Canadian Vehicle Manufactures’s Association) 170 Attwell Drive, suite 400 – Toronto, Ontário (Canadá/Canada) Tel. (416) 364-9333 Presidente/President: Mark A. Nantais VEHICLES MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS European Federation Of Leasing And Automotive Rental Associations Avenue de Tervuren 267-B, 1150 00XX 32 2778-0560 00XX 32 2778-0578 Brussels - Beilgium [email protected] JAMA (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association) Otemachi Bldg., 6-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tóquio/Tokio (Japão/Japan) Tel. (81) 5219-6653 Presidente/President: Satoshi Aoki Agrale BR 116 KM 145, N° 15104 CEP 95059-520 Caxias do Sul - RS Telefone: 54-3238.8000 Audi Brasil Distribuidora R. Verbo Divino,157 Chácara Santo Antônio 04719-002 Tel. 11-3041-2834 São Paulo - SP Citroën do Brasil R. James Joule,65 - 8º andar Novo Brooklin 04576-080 São Paulo - SP [email protected] 75 ARAC - Associação dos Industriais de Aluguer de Automóveis Sem Condutor Avenida 5 de Outubro, 70, 9º andar 1050-059 00XX 351 (21) 761-5230 00XX 351 (21) 761-5231 Lisboa- Portugal - [email protected] Secretário Geral: Joaquim Robalo de Almeida Fiat Automóveis Rod. Fernão Dias,km 429 - BR 381 Dist. Industrial Paulo Camilo 32536-000 Tel. 31-2133-3384 Fax. 31-2123-3594 Betim - MG Ford Motors Company Brasil Av. do Taboão,899 09655-900 São Bernardo do Campo - SP 76 Ford Motors Company Brasil/Divisão Troller Av. do Taboão,899 - Prédio 6 Caixa Postal - Interno 5099 09655-900 Tel. 11-4174-4519 Fax. 11-4174-4737 São Bernardo do Campo - SP General Motors do Brasil Av. Goiás, 1805 09550-050 Tel. 11-4234-7700 Fax. 11-4234-7217 São Caetano do Sul - SP Honda Automóveis do Brasil R. Dr. José Áureo Bustamante, 377 Santo Amaro 04710-090 Tel. 11-5576-5351 Fax. 11-5576-734 São Paulo - SP Hyundai Contato: Grupo Caoa 11-5053-3057 [email protected] Kia Motors do Brasil R. Francisco Ernesto Fávero,662 13309-290 Tel. 11-4024-8000 Fax. 11-4024-8015 Itu - SP ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Mahindra Brahmma Consultora de Negócios 11-3016-8100 [email protected] Mercedes Benz do Brasil Av. Alfred Jurzykowski,562 Vila Paulicéia 09680-900 Tel. 11-4173-6611 - São Paulo - SP MMC Automotores do Brasil (Mitsubishi) Av. das Nações Unidas,19.847 04795-100 Tel. 11-5694-2700 - Fax. 11-5694-2814 São Paulo - SP - Nissan do Brasil Automotores Av. Renault,1300 Borda do Campo 83070-900 Tel. 0800-111090 São José dos Pinhais - PR [email protected] Renault do Brasil R. Fidencio Ramos,223 - 9º andar Vila Olímpia 04551-010 Tel. 0800-05555615 Tel. 11-2184-9438 São Paulo - SP Toyota do Brasil Av. das Nações Unidas,12.901 - 15º andar Torre Oeste 04578-000 Tel. 11-5502-9100 São Paulo - SP Volkswagen do Brasil Via Anchieta,km 23,5 09823-901 Tel. 11-4347-4553 Fax. 11-4347-2416 São Bernardo do Campo - SP [email protected] PARTNERS - ENTITIES Moto Honda da Amazônia R. Doutor José Áureo Bustamante,377 - 1º andar Santo Amaro 04710-090 Tel. 11-5576-5471 Fax. 11-5576-7149 São Paulo - SP ACCREDITATED VEHICLE DEALERS Nova Distribuidora de Veículos (GM) Av. João Dias,2300 Santo Amaro 04724-003 Tel. 11-5643-0800 Fax. 11-5643-0809 São Paulo - SP - [email protected] Nova Quality Veículos (TOYOTA) Av. Tancredo A. Neves,135 - Vila Sant’Anna José Arnaldo Moinhos - Vendas Diretas Corporativas 07112-070 Tel. 11-2148-8400 Fax. 11-2148-8414 Guarulhos - SP Grand Brasil Comércio de Veículos e Peças (RENAULT) Av. Aricanduva, 5555 - Arco 06 Vila Aricanduva 03527-000 11-3847-7843 11-3847-7833 São Paulo - SP [email protected] Grand Bay Comércio de Veículos e Peças (NISSAN) Av. Dos Bandeirantes, 1585 Vila Olimpia 04.553-010 11-3847-7843 11-3847-7833 São Paulo - SP [email protected] Grand Brasil Litoral Veículos e Peças (FIAT) Av. Corifeu de Azevedo Marques, 5541 Butantã 05.339-005 11-3847-7864 11-3847-7833 São Paulo - SP [email protected] SPECIALIZED PRESS Autodata Editora R. Verbo Divino,750 Chácara Santo Antônio - 04719-001 Tel. 11-5189-8900 - Fax. 11-5189-8908 São Paulo - SP - Auto Esporte Editora Globo Av. Jaguaré, 1485 05346-902 – São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 3767-7728 Automotive News Brasil Rua Bela Cintra, 299 01415-000 – São Paulo (SP) Tel.: (11) 3217-2727 Brasil Econômico Av. das Nações Unidas , 11633 04578-901 – São Paulo (SP) Tel.: (11) 3320-2000 Brasilturis Jornal Rua General Jardim,60 - 4º andar 01223-010 Tel. 11-2198-2400 Fax. 11-3256-5818 São Paulo - SP [email protected] Brasil Travel News Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima,1903 - cj 1112 - 11º andar 04534-002 Tel. 11-2165-2344 Fax. 11-2165-2344 São Paulo - SP [email protected] 77 MAN Latin América Ind. Com. Veículos Rua Volkswagen,291 - 8º andar Jabaquara 04344-901 São Paulo - SP Business Travel Magazine Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima,1903 - cj 85 01452-001 Tel. 11-4111-4844 São Paulo - SP [email protected] Folha do Turismo R. Barão de Itapetininga,151 - Térreo 01042-001 Tel. 11-3123-2222 Fax. 11-3129-9095 São Paulo - SP - [email protected] 78 Jornal do Carro / Jornal da Tarde Av. Engenheiro Caetano Álvares, 55 02598-900 – São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 3856-2122 Jornauto Rua Oriente, 753 09551-010 - São Caetano do Sul (SP) Tel. (11) 4227-1016 Motor Press Brasil Rua Bragança Paulista, 284 04727-000 – São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 2165-8700 Panrotas Editora Ltda Av. Jabaquara,1761 Saúde 04045-901 Tel. 11-2764-4800 Fax. 11-2276-1602 São Paulo - SP Quatro Rodas Editora Abril S/A Av. das Nações Unidas, 7221 05425-902 – São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 3037-5869 Rodas e Motores Rua 806, Quadra 8 74633-210 – Goiânia (GO) Tel.: (62) 3945-3045 ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Transporte Moderno Av. Vereador José Diniz, 3.300, 7º andar 04604-006 – São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 5096-8104 Truck & Van R. Prof. Sebastião Soares de Faria, 57 01317-908 – São Paulo (SP) Tel. (11) 3285-6211 Valor Econômico Av. Jaguaré, 1485 05346-000 – São Paulo (SP) Tel: (11) 3767-1000 BANKS Banco BNDES Av República do Chile, nº 100 2031-917 - Centro do Rio de Janeiro (21) 2172-7447 Caixa Econômica Federal Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 4 - Lote 3/4 70092-900 - Tel. 61-3206-9000 - Brasília - DF DATA AND PERSONEL INFORMATION Serasa Experian Alameda dos Quinimuras, 187 Planalto Paulista 04068-900 0800-773-7728 São Paulo - SP David Nascimento – Marcas e Patentes Dra. Soraya Imbassahy de Mello 11-3372-3766 [email protected] DATA PROCESSING AND TECHNOLOGY Car Plus Serviços R. Cerro Corá,384 Vila Romana 05061-000 Tel. 11-3025-6308 Fax. 11-3025-6309 São Paulo - SP [email protected] [email protected] PARTNERS - ENTITIES Euroit Soluções em Informática Travessa da Lapa,96 - Sl 61 Centro 80010-190 Tel. 41-3074-9900 Curitiba - PR [email protected] Cesvi Brasil - Centro de Pesquisa e Segurança Viária Av. Amador Aguiar,700 - City Empresarial Jaraguá 02998-020 Tel. 11-3948-4822 Fax. 11-3948-4800 São Paulo - SP [email protected] Datadot Brasil Av. Amador Aguiar,700 - City Empresarial Jaraguá 02998-020 Tel. 11-3948-4854 São Paulo - SP PST Eletrônica S. A – POSITRON Carolina Amaral Analista Comercial 19 3787-6270 55 19 3787 6211 [email protected] VEHICLE DATA Autenticis Consultoria de Sistemas e Marketing Ltda (COMVEN) Av. Niemeyer,02 - Sl - 206 Leblon 22450-220 Tel. 21-3206-5960 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Cadastro Nacional de Veiculos Roubados (CNVR) Rua Três Cruzes,718 Vila Queiroz 02285-000 Tel. 11-2451-9527 São Paulo - SP Assessórios Automotivos Proda Comercial R. Topázio,258 Mutinga 06286-240 Fax. Tel. 11-2184-1504 11-2184-1545 Osasco - SP [email protected] INSURANCE COMPANIES Segplus Serviços e Corretagem de Seguros Av. Presidente Wilson,210 - 14º andar 20030-020 - Tel. 21-3906-2765/2770 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - [email protected] ST Administradora e Corretora de Seguros R. Araujo Leite,23-65 Vl Santa Tereza 17012-055 Tel. 14-2106-7676 Fax. 14-2106-7686 Bauru - SP [email protected] SLV - Consultoria de Seguros Av. Cursino, 2218 Jardim Saúde 04132-001 Tel. 11-2872-2546 Fax. 11-2769-2546 São Paulo - SP [email protected] TRACKING AND BLOCKING SYSTEM Movix - Empresa Bras. De Soluções de Mobilidade Marechal Deodoro,630 - 3º andar - sala 304 Centro 80010-912 Tel. 41-3091-3313 Fax. 41-3091-3317 Curitiba - PR [email protected] 79 Henji Informática R. Alzira Ferreira Ventura, 53 - Centro 09760-050 Tel. 11-4337-8319/8404 Fax. 11-4332-1944/9871 São Bernardo do Campo – SP Rcell Motorola R. Gomes de Carvalho,829- 12º andar Vl Olimpia 04547-003 Tel. 11-3053-1114 São Paulo - SP Seva Av. David Sarnoff,3814 32210-110 Tel. 31-3211-1000 Contagem - MG [email protected] 80 Siproel Indústria Eletrônica R. Leonilda S. Nadolny, 53 83413-700 Tel. 41-3675-4444 Fax. 41-3675-4433 Colombo - PR [email protected] Teletrim Rua da Quintana, 753 - 2º andar - Cj 21 04569-011 - Tel. 11-4003-8300 São Paulo - SP - LOGISTICS Tegma Gestão Logística Av. Nicola Demarchi, 2000 09820-655 Tel. 11-4343-2500 Fax. 11-4347-7001 São Bernardo do Campo - SP [email protected] AIR COMPANIES TAM Linhas Aéreas Av. Jurandir,856 - Lote 4 04072-000 Tel. 11-5582-9273 São Paulo - SP ABLA - 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Gol Linhas Aereas Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1692 12º andar Vila Olímpia CEP 04547-006 São Paulo - SP Tel. (11) 3169.6100/3169.6145/3169.6142 STATE SYNDICATE OF VEHICLE RENTAL COMPANIES - SINDLOC’S Sindloc - Alagoas R. Quintino Bocaiúva,129 Pajuçara 57030-570 Tel. 82-3327-4512 Fax. 82-3327-3388 Maceió - AL [email protected] Sindloc - Bahia Av. Tancredo Neves,274 - Centro Empresarial Iguatemi - BL A - Sl 618 A Pituba 41820-020 Tel. 71-3431-9640/3450-4218 Fax. 71-3431-9640 Salvador - BA [email protected] Sindloc - Ceará R. Dr. Pedro Borges,33 - 3º andar - Sl 311 60055-110 Tel. 85-3281-1455 - Fax. 85-3281-7886 Fortaleza - CE - [email protected] Sindloc - Distrito Federal S.I.A Trecho 03/04 - Lote 705/15 - S I A Guará I Parte C 71200-030 Tel. 61-3202-7774/3233-8272 Fax. 61-3201-3974 Brasília - DF [email protected] PARTNERS - ENTITIES Sindloc - Minas Gerais R. Chapecó,260 Prado 30410-070 Tel. 31-3337-1874/7660 Belo Horizonte - MG [email protected] Sindloc - Pará Av. Conselheiro Furtado,3906 Guama 66073-160 Tel. 91-3223-1471 Belém – PA [email protected] Sindloc - Paraná Rua Silva Jardim,2042 - 16º andar Rebouças 80250-200 - Tel. 41-3242-8260/3232-9408 Fax. 3242-6079/3223-6856 Curitiba - PR - [email protected] Sindloc - Pernambuco Rua Capitão Zuzinha, 22 - Ed. Setubal Center - Sl 305 Boa Viagem 51030-420 Tel. 81-3341-3361 Recife - PE [email protected] Sindloc - Rio de Janeiro Av. Guilherme Maxwell,516 - SL 604 Bonsucesso 21042-112 - Tel. 21-2573-0558 Rio de Janeiro - RJ [email protected] Sindloc Rio Grande do Sul Av. São Pedro,531 -2º andar -Sl 208 São Geraldo 90230-120 Tel. 51-3343-2422 Porto Alegre - RS [email protected] Sindloc São Paulo Praça Ramos de Azevedo,209 - Cj.22 Centro - 01037-010 Tel. 11-3123-3131 São Paulo - SP [email protected] Sindloc Sergipe “Sindicato em homologação” 81 Sindloc - Espírito Santo Av. Nossa Senhora da Penha,356 - Ed. Boulevard da Praia - 3º Piso - Lj 22 Praia do Canto 29055-131 Tel. 27-3315-5086/5051 Fax. 27-3315-5051 Vitória - ES [email protected] Sindloc - Rio Grande do Norte Rod. BR 101,nº800 Émaus 59148-160 Tel. 84-4008-2821 Fax. 84-4008-2824/2823 Parnamirim - RN [email protected] FATTO STAMPA The ABLA National Training and Qualification Programme is stronger than ever. We are developing a concept of quality for the car rental segment. Be part of our campaign and training programmes. Send us your suggestions and co-operate with our researches to improve our sector. Log on our Blog of PQA National Training and Qualification Programme BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF CAR RENTAL COMPANIES Ministry of Tourism