Industrial Belt Fasteners
Industrial Belt Fasteners
Belt Maintenance Product Catalogue Belt Lacing Systems for light tensile conveyor belts up to 750 kN/m MATO GmbH & Co. KG · Germany · [email protected] · Branch Herten: Hohewardstraße 329 · D-45699 Herten · Phone: +49 (0) 2366-9321-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 2366-9321-10 Head Office: Benzstraße 16 –24 · D-63165 Mühlheim a.M. · Phone: +49 (0) 6108-906-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 6108-906-120 since 1906 Table of Contents Belt Lacing Systems for Light Tensile Conveyor Belts Page Was b rau ch en Sie ? Bei spie le: Gurtdi cke Tromm el durchmesser (D min) R84 ( rund ) Dmin = 10 0mm (4 inc h) R73 Wie gehen Sie vo r ? ( rund ) Dmin = 7 5mm ( 3in ch ) Au swahltabel le S ei te 4 & Seite 5 M6 2 (flach) D min = 5 0mm (2 inc h) Treff en m ehrere Ty pen z u, dann wählen Sie: größte Schenkell änge bei R6 1 - (run d) Dm in = 25 mm (1 inch ) hoher V orspannung = große Eingrif fsl änge. - kleinste Drahtabm essung , wenn No r ma le Sp itz e (NP) Wunsc h nac h flac hem Auft rag = ruhi ger Lauf . G ur ts tä r ke 2 ,4 - 3, 2m m L a ng e S pit ze (LP) - größte Drahtabm essung , wenn Ku r ze S pit ze (SP) hoher V ersc hlei ß. G u r tst är k e 3 ,2 - 4 ,0 mm G u rt st är k e 1, 6 - 2 ,4 mm Materialauswahl ents prec hend Ihren Anforderungen Ex tr a ku r ze S pit ze s iehe A us wahltabelle unt en Verbindestabauswahl s iehe Seite 15 (XSP) G u rt stä r ke 0, 8 - 1 ,6 mm Weitere Erläuterungen: M = Fl ac hdraht R = R unddraht Papiergefasst: V erbinder in P apier gehalten - preis werte, gut e Vers ion. Querdraht: Verbinder auf Querdraht ges chw eißt - s ehr s ichere und eff iziente V ers ion. Selbstverständli ch beraten S ie die MATO-Spezi alisten bei der A uswahl des optimal en Verbinders für Ihre Anwendung und bi eten auch für außergewöhnl iche Probl em e eine Lösung an. G st ar k ma gne tisc h C st ar k ma gne tisc h S ma gne tisc h (Lebensdauer) widerstand Funkenbildung Korrosions- beständigkeit Säure- beständigkeit Magnetismus Kurzform S pez ialst ahl S tahl rost f rei , 1.4016 Verschleiß- Ausw ah ltab el le Verb in der materi al W erksto ff S tahl verzi nkt seh r g ut u ng enü gen d gu t seh r g ut u ng enü gen d m ang elh aft seh r g ut g ut s chw ach ma gne tisc h seh r g ut s ehr gu t au sg ezei chn et s chw ach ma gne tisc h aus rei che nd au sge zeich net au sg ezei chn et I nconel 600 IN n icht ma gne tisc h aus rei che nd au sge zeich net HA n icht ma gne tisc h seh r g ut au sge zeich net au sge zeich net Verfüg ba re Systeme R20, R 30 ja ja SS MO H ast ell oy C 4 R 80 ja gu t S tahl rost f rei , 1.4404 M onel 400 ja ja * au sg ezei chn et R20, R30, M60, R60, R 70, R 80 R20, R30, M60, R60, R 70, R 80 auf A nf rage ja auf A nf rage ja auf A nf rage Selection Charts for Wire Systems M and R 3-5 Rectangular Wire Fastener M60 6-7 * auch bei erhöhten Temperaturen Die MATO R und drah t-Verbinderserien R60, R20, R30, R70 u nd R80 sind Ve rbin der di e je na ch Anford erun g i n den meisten Marktseg menten fü r le ichte Förde rgurte stand ardmä ßi g ein gese tzt werd en. Die ge nan nten Ve rbin derseri en un te rschei den si ch durch - di e Te ilu ng (Maß vo n Verbi nde r zu Ve rbin der) - di e Art wie Ve rbin der un d Te ilu ng im Streifen fixi ert si nd (pa pie rgefasst ode r a uf Que rdrah t gewe isst) - de n Drah td urchme sse r (0 ,8 mm b is 1,4mm) - di e geom etri schen Form (für Gu rtstärke n von 1,6 - 9,0mm und mi nima le Tromme ldu rch messer vo n 25 - 15 0mm Verbi nde r d er Ru nd drah t-Verb inderserie R60 sind d ie klassi schen Ve rbin der de r Tei lun g 2,54mm. Ge gen übe r d en Flach drah tve rb ind ern gl eich er Te ilu ng un d Materia lkomp ositio n ist d er R60 u m ca . 10 -1 5% gü nstiger. D ie Serie R 60 ist auf Querd ra ht geschw eisst, h at e ine n Drah td urchme sser von 0,8mm un d ist i m Gu rtd ickenb erei ch von 1,6 - 3,2mm ein setzbar. Die R und drah t-Verbinderserie R20 hat ein e Te ilu ng von 3 ,1 75mm. Die Ve rbin der sin d pap ierg efasst, ha ben e ine n Drah td urchme sser von 1,0mm un d sind i m Gu rtd icken bere ich von 2 ,0 - 4,0mm ei nsetzba r. Gru ndsä tzl ich sin d pap ierg efasste Verbi nde r d ann zu w ähl en, wenn e rhöh te Fle xibi lität wie z.B. bei b all ige n Tro mmeln o der Bän dern mi t Mul dun g, e rfo rderl ich ist. Auch d ie Ru ndd raht-Verb inderserie R30 ist p api ergefa sst ha t ab er ein e Te ilu ng von 3,67 mm. Di e Verbi nde r h abe n ein en Dra htdurch messer von stan dard mäßig 1,40 mm u nd sin d im Gurtdicke nbe reich vo n 3,0 - 9 ,0 mm e inse tzb ar. (kl ein ere Du rchmesse r?). Ein e rund ba llen presse nge eig nete ho chfeste Son dera usführu ng M34 ½-H T mit die ser Te ilu ng fin den Si e auf Seite 12 . Di e Run ddra ht-Verbin derserie R70 ha t e ine Tei lun g vo n 3,175 mm. Di e Verbi nde r si nd au f Que rd raht gesch wei sst, hab en ei nen D rahtdu rchmesse r vo n 1,0mm und sin d im Gu rtd icken bere ich von 2 ,0 - 4,0mm ei nsetzba r. Auf Querd raht geschw eisste Verb ind er hab en ge gen übe r d en pa pie rgefassten Ve rbin dern d ie Vortei le, dass be i bestimmten Gu rten ein e We lle nbi ldu ng vermi ede n wird , wod urch ei n lei chtes Ein füge n des Verb ind estabe s e rmögli cht w ird. Auch be ugt das versch weisse n auf Querd raht dem verl ust e inze lne r Ve rbin der im Ein satz vor. Auch d ie Ru ndd raht-Verb inderserie R80 ist a uf Que rdrah t ge sch wei sst ha t ab er ein e Te ilu ng von 3 ,6 7mm. Di e Verbi nde r h abe n ein en Dra htdurch messer von stan dard mäßig 1,40 mm u nd sin d im Gurtdicke nbe reich vo n 3,0 - 9 ,0 mm e inse tzb ar. (kl ein ere Du rchmesse r?). Information Round Wire Fastener R20 - R80 Round Wire Fastener R60, R20, R30, R70 and R80 8 9-13 Nylostahl Nylo nummante lt er Fed erstahldra ht Nylorostfrei Nylo nummante lt er Ed elstahldraht Nylo nrundma terial, glatt ...NST ...NYN Ed elstahldraht, gla tt ...WSS Nylo nummante lt es St ahldrahtseil Nylo nummante lt es Ed elstahlseil st ark magne tis ch s ehr gut F le xib ilitä t s ehr gut s ehr gut s ehr gut a us ge zeic hnet aus- aus- sehr gut gut gut gut gut sehr gut sehr gut sc hw ach a us magne tis ch ge zeic hnet ausausgeze ichne t geze ichne t aus- aus- gut aus- ...NCS geze ichne t geze ichne t geze ichne t a usge zeichnet a usre ichend gering a usge zeichnet ...WSSN* ...NC W e c h s eln d e G u r ts p a n n u n g , s ch m ale G u r te St eif ig ke it M ag n et is m u s Ve r b in d e rs ta n d ze it K o r ro s io n s b e s tä n d ig k eit Sä u r e b e s tä n d ig k eit mäßi g a us reichend ausre ichend Stahldrah t rostfrei Nylorostfreilitze mäßig sc hw ach magne tis ch aus- ...NY Nylo nrundma terial, gepr ägte Kerben Ed elstahldraht, geprägte Ke rben ausausgeze ichne t geze ichne t ausausausausni cht geze ichne t geze ichne t geze ichne t geze ichnet magne tis ch ...NSS geze ichne t geze ichne t geze ichne t Nyloschnur Nylostahllitze Ve r b in d e s ta b v er s c h leis s fe s tig k eit A b kü rz u n g V e r bind e s ta b ty p Bestimmung des Verbindestabtyps gut magne tis ch gut s ehr gut gut sehr gut sc hw ach magne tis ch gut s ehr gut gut Selection Charts of Connecting Pins for Wire Systems M and R 14 Connecting Pins for Wire Systems M and R 15 Accessories for Wire Systems M and R 16-17 Special Ultra Low Profile Fastener M60L 18-19 Connecting Pins for Special Applications M60L 20 Accessories for Special Applications 21 Hammer Installed Fastener D70 and D80 23-24 Hammer Installed Fastener S80 for Repair 25 Hammer Installed Fastener DR 27 Connecting Pins and Accessories for Hammer System DR 28 Hammer Installed Fastener U20 and Accessories 31 Hammer Installed Fastener H20 and Accessories 32 Connecting Pins for Hammer Systems U20 and H20 33 Accessories for Hammer Sytems U20 and H20 34 Spiral Fastener Y (Non-metallic) 36-37 Order No. Index, Terms & Conditions, General Remarks 38-40 Page 1 Wire Systems M and R Page 2 Selection Chart Wire Systems M and R Fastener Selection of Wire Systems M and R To select the correct fastener determine: Examples: R84 (round) Belt thickness Minimum pulley diameter (Dia min ) Diamin = 100mm (4inch) R73 (round) Diamin = 75mm (3inch) See Selection Charts for: M62 (flat) Fastener material selection, see chart below Fastener and pin selection, see page 4 & 5 Pin material selection see page 14 Diamin = 50mm (2inch) R61 (round) Diamin = 25mm (1inch) Recommendations: - Select longest leg length for high tension belt - and larger pulley diameters Normal Point (NP) Select Low Profile wire for a smooth surface, Belt thickness 2.4 - 3.2mm results in less noise Select Standard Profile wire for normal Long Point (LP) applications Belt thickness 3.2 - 4.0mm Short Point (SP) Belt thickness 1.6 - 2.4mm Extra Short Point (XSP) Belt thickness 0.8 - 1.6mm M = Rectangular wire R = Round wire Carded: Fasteners are positioned in carded paper Barred: Fasteners are welded on a cross wire MATO helps you choosing the right fastener for your application and offers perfect solutions even for the most uncommon problems. Material Symbol Magnetic Abrasion Resistance Chemical Resistance Rust Resistance Sparking Fastener Material Selection Chart Available Systems Galvanised Steel G High Magnetic Very Good No Good Yes R20, R30 Special Steel C High Magnetic Very Good No Poor Yes R80 Stainless Steel, 430 S Magnetic Very Good Good Good Yes R20, R30, M60, R70, R80 Stainless Steel, 316 SS Slightly Magnetic Very Good Very Good Excellent Yes R20, R30, M60, R60, R70, R80 Monel 400 MO Slightly Magnetic Acceptable Excellent Excellent Yes on request Inconel 600 IN Non Magnetic Acceptable Excellent Yes on request Hastelloy C4 HA Non Magnetic Very Good Excellent Yes on request Material Key to selection: * = even at High Temperature Page 3 Excellent * Excellent Selection Charts for Fasteners and Connecting Pins Systems M60 and R60 Pitch: 2.54mm Min. Pulley Dia. 25mm 1" 50mm 2" 75mm 3" Wire Dimensions Belt Thickness Range 1/16" ≤ 0.8mm 1.6mm mm inch .035x.020 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 Ø 0.80 Ø .031 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 M62LXSP 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 M62XSP mm (type) 5/64" 3/32" 7/64" 1/8" 9/64" 5/32" 11/64" 2.0mm 2.4mm 2.8mm 3.2mm 3.6mm 4.0mm 4.4mm M61LXSP M61XSP 1.5 (MK15) M61LSP M61SP R61SP Ø 0.80 Ø .031 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 M62SP Ø 0.80 Ø .031 R62SP 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 Ø 0.80 Ø 0,31 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 1.5 (MK15) R62XSP M62LSP M62LNP 1.8 (MK18) M62NP R62NP M63SP Ø 0.80 Ø .031 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 Ø 0.80 Ø .031 0.9x0.7 .035x.028 M63LP Ø 0.80 Ø .031 R63LP R63SP 1.8 (MK18) M63NP R63NP M61L = Ultra Low Profile Pitch: 2.54mm 25mm 1" Connecting Pin Diameter ≤ 1/32" 0.9x0.5 Example: Min. Pulley Dia. Fastener and Pin Selection Chart for Series M60 and R60 Wire Dimensions M61 = Standard Profile R61 = Round Wire Fastener and Pin Selection Chart for Series M60L Special Connecting Pin Sizes ≤ 1/32" mm inch mm (type) 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 0.9x0.5 .035x.020 1.5 (MK15) Belt Thickness Range 1/16" ≤ 0.8mm 1.6mm 5/64" 3/32" 7/64" 1/8" 9/64" 5/32" 11/64" 2.0mm 2.4mm 2.8mm 3.2mm 3.6mm 4.0mm 4.4mm M61.2LSW M61.2LNW Carded Barred Page 4 Selection Charts for Fasteners and Connecting Pins Systems R20, R70, R30 and R80 Pitch: 3.175mm Min. Pulley Dia. 50mm 2" 75mm 3" Connecting Wire Dimensions Pin Diameter mm inch mm (type) 1.0 .040 1.8 (MK18) 1.0 .040 2.0 (MK20) 1.0 .040 1.8 (MK18) .040 2.0 (MK20) 1.0 Pitch: 3.67mm Min. Pulley Dia. 50mm 2" Fastener and Pin Selection Chart for Series R20 and R70 Belt Thickness Range 5/64" 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 9/32" 5/16" 11/32" 25/64" 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 7mm 8mm 9mm 10mm R22SP R72SP R22NP R72NP R23SP R73SP R23NP R73NP Fastener and Pin Selection Chart for Series R30 and R80 Connecting Wire Dimensions Pin Diameter mm inch mm (type) 1.4 .055 2.0 (MK20) 75mm 3" 1.4 .055 2.5 (MK25) 100mm 4" 1.4 .055 3.0 (MK30) 125mm 5" 1.4 .055 3.5 (MK35) 150mm 6" 1.4 .055 4.0 (MK40) Belt Thickness Range 5/64" 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 9/32" 5/16" 11/32" 25/64" 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 7mm 8mm 9mm 10mm R32 R82 R33 R83 R34 R84 R35 R85 R36 R86 Carded Barred Page 5 Rectangular Wire Fastener M60 - Pitch 2.54 mm - Barred Fasteners - Box without Connecting Pins The MATO Rectangular Wire Lacing System M60 has been developed mainly for special applications in the filter industry, in airports, in the food industry, in distribution centres and in the laundry industry. Depending on the area of use, two different types are available: - M60 Standard for regular applications (rectangular flat wire 0.9 x 0.7 mm) - Ultra Low ProfileType M60L, for extremly smooth surfaces (rectangular flat wire 0.9 x 0.5 mm) Upon request, the Low ProfileType M60M (rectangular flat wire 0.9 x 0.6 mm) is deliverable. Laces with fasteners mentioned above - are bedded well into the belt (smooth surface) - show less wear - are less noisy - and are kind to scraper and cleaning systems. MATO has continued developing the series M60L and the according equipment, especially for the laundry industry and for all its applications. An overview of these products can be found on pages 18 – 21. The patented system M60L-Patch (see picture) takes a huge leap regarding life, design and installation of larger series. Please request further information, we love to inform you. Description Belt Thickness Min. Pulley Diameter Strips/ Box Order No. kg M61XSP-SS-300-12 M61SP-SS-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 25 mm 12 12 42 704 26 10 42 704 26 11 0,2 M62XSP-SS-300-12 M62SP-SS-300-12 M62NP-SS-300-12 M62LP-SS-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 12 42 704 26 20 42 704 26 21 42 704 26 22 42 704 26 23 0,3 M63SP-SS-300-12 M63NP-SS-300-12 M63LP-SS-300-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 12 42 704 26 31 42 704 26 32 42 704 26 33 0,4 M61XSP-SS-600-12 M61SP-SS-600-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 25 mm 12 12 42 704 66 10 42 704 66 11 0,5 M62XSP-SS-600-12 M62SP-SS-600-12 M62NP-SS-600-12 M62LP-SS-600-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 12 42 704 66 20 42 704 66 21 42 704 66 22 42 704 66 23 0,6 M63SP-SS-600-12 M63NP-SS-600-12 M63LP-SS-600-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 12 42 704 66 31 42 704 66 32 42 704 66 33 0,8 M60 Standard Strip length 300 mm 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 Strip length 600 mm Connecting Pins see page 15. Page 6 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,8 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Wire Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.7 mm Rectangular Wire Fastener M60 Standard and Ultra Low Profile - Pitch 2.54 mm - Barred Fasteners Description - Box without Connecting Pins Belt Thickness Min. Pulley Diameter Strips/ Box Order No. kg M61XSP-S-300-12 M61SP-S-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 25 mm 12 12 42 703 26 10 42 703 26 11 0,2 M62XSP-S-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 50 mm 12 42 703 26 20 0,3 M62SP-S-300-12 M62NP-S-300-12 M62LP-S-300-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 42 703 26 21 42 703 26 22 42 703 26 23 0,3 M63SP-S-300-12 M63NP-S-300-12 M63LP-S-300-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 12 42 703 26 31 42 703 26 32 42 703 26 33 0,4 M61XSP-S-600-12 M61SP-S-600-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 25 mm 12 12 42 703 66 10 42 703 66 11 0,5 M62XSP-S-600-12 M62SP-S-600-12 M62NP-S-600-12 M62LP-S-600-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 12 42 703 66 20 42 703 66 21 42 703 66 22 42 703 66 23 0,6 M63SP-S-600-12 M63NP-S-600-12 M63LP-S-600-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 12 42 703 66 31 42 703 66 32 42 703 66 33 0,8 Strip length 300 mm 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 Strip length 600 mm Material: Chromium Steel 430 Wire Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.7 mm 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,8 M60L Ultra Low Profile Strip length 300 mm M61LXSP-SS-300-12 M61LSP-SS-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 25 mm 12 12 42 714 26 10 42 714 26 11 0,2 M62LXSP-SS-300-12 M62LSP-SS-300-12 M62LNP-SS-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 42 714 26 20 42 714 26 21 42 714 26 22 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Different strip lengths are available on request. Wire Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.5 mm Strip length 300 mm M61LXSP-S-300-12 M61LSP-S-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 25 mm 12 12 42 713 26 10 42 713 26 11 0,2 M62LXSP-S-300-12 M62LSP-S-300-12 M62LNP-S-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 42 713 26 20 42 713 26 21 42 713 26 22 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 Low Profile Fasteners M60M are available on request (see also page 6). Material: Chromium Steel 430 Connecting Pins see page 15. Wire Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.5 mm Page 7 Round Wire Fastener R60, R20, R30, R70 and R80 MATO Round Wire Fastener Systems R60, R20, R30, R70 and R80 are fasteners that are routinely used for light-duty conveyor belts, depending on the demand in most of the market segments. The named fastener series differ from - pitch (measurement from fastener to fastener) - the way, fastener and pitch are fixed into a strip (carded or barred) - wire diameter (0.8mm to 1.4mm) - geometrical form (belt thicknesses from 1.6mm to 9.0mm and minimum pulley diameters from 25mm to 150mm) Fasteners of the Round Wire Fastener System R60 are classical fasteners of the 2.54mm pitch. Compared to rectangular wire fasteners of the same pitch and same material composition, R60 is about 10 – 15% lower in price. R60 is welded on barred wire, has a wire diameter of 0.8mm and can be used for a belt thickness ranging from 0.8 mm – 4.0mm. Our Round Wire Fastener System R70 has a pitch of 3.175mm. The fastener is welded on barred wire, is 1.0 mm in diameter and can be used in a belt thickness range from 2.0 mm to 4.0 mm. Fasteners welded on barred wire have advantages compared to carded fasteners. Formation of waves can be avoided on certain belts, which enables light insertion of connecting pins. Welding on barred wire avoids loss of single fasteners during machine run. The Round Wire Fastener System R80 is also welded on barred wire, but has a pitch of 3.67mm. The fasteners have a wire diameter of standardized 1.40 mm and can be utilized in a belt thickness ranging from 3.0 mm to 9.0 mm. The Round Wire Fastener System R20 has a pitch of 3.175mm. Fasteners are carded, have a wire diameter of 1.0mm and can be utilized for belt thicknesses from 2.0 mm – 4.0 mm. The Round Wire Fastener System R30 is also carded, but has a pitch of 3.67mm. The standard fasteners are 1.40mm in diameter and can be used for a belt thickness ranging from 3.0mm to 9.0mm. In case you could not find the desired fastener in our versatile price list, please do not hesitate to ask us. Special designs (in-between sizes and other wire measurements) are available on request. Page 8 Round Wire Fastener R60 - Pitch 2.54 mm - Barred Fasteners Description Order No. - Wire diameter 0.8 mm - Box without Connecting Pins kg Belt Thickness Min. Pulley Diameter Strips/ Box R61SP-SS-300-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 12 42 704 25 11 0,3 R62XSP-SS-300-12 R62SP-SS-300-12 R62NP-SS-300-12 R62LP-SS-300-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 12 42 704 25 20 42 704 25 21 42 704 25 22 42 704 25 23 0,3 R63SP-SS-300-12 R63NP-SS-300-12 R63LP-SS-300-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 12 42 704 25 31 42 704 25 32 42 704 25 33 0,4 R61SP-SS-600-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 25 mm 12 42 704 65 11 0,5 R62XSP-SS-600-12 R62SP-SS-600-12 R62NP-SS-600-12 R62LP-SS-600-12 0.8 - 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 12 12 42 704 65 20 42 704 65 21 42 704 65 22 42 704 65 23 0,5 R63SP-SS-600-12 R63NP-SS-600-12 R63LP-SS-600-12 1.6 - 2.4 mm 2.4 - 3.2 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 12 42 704 65 31 42 704 65 32 42 704 65 33 0,7 R60 Standard Strip length 300 mm 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 Strip length 600 mm Connecting Pins see page 15. Page 9 Abb. Runddraht 0,3 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Round Wire Fastener R20 - Pitch 3.175 mm - Carded Fasteners Description Belt Thickness Min. Pulley Diameter Strips/ Box Order No. - Wire diameter 1.0 mm - Box without Connecting Pins kg R20 Standard Strip length 300 mm R22SP-SS-300-12 R22NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 104 22 21 42 104 22 22 0,3 R23SP-SS-300-12 R23NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 104 22 31 42 104 22 32 0,4 0,3 0,4 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Strip length 300 mm R22SP-S-300-12 R22NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 103 22 21 42 103 22 22 0,3 R23SP-S-300-12 R23NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 103 22 31 42 103 22 32 0,4 0,3 0,4 Material: Chromium Steel 430 Strip length 300 mm R22SP-G-300-12 R22NP-G-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 101 22 21 42 101 22 22 0,3 R23SP-G-300-12 R23NP-G-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 101 22 31 42 101 22 32 0,4 0,3 0,4 Material: Galvanised Steel Connecting Pins see page 15. Page 10 Round Wire Fastener R70 - Pitch 3.175 mm - Barred Fasteners Description - Wire diameter 1.0 mm - Box without Connecting Pins kg Belt Thickness Min. Pulley Diameter Strips/ Box Order No. R72SP-SS-300-12 R72NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 704 17 21 42 704 17 22 0,3 R73SP-SS-300-12 R73NP-SS-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 704 17 31 42 704 17 32 0,4 R72SP-SS-600-10 R72NP-SS-600-10 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 10 10 42 704 57 21 42 704 57 22 0,6 R73SP-SS-600-10 R73NP-SS-600-10 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 10 10 42 704 57 31 42 704 57 32 0,8 R72SP-S-300-12 R72NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 12 12 42 703 17 21 42 703 17 22 0,3 R73SP-S-300-12 R73NP-S-300-12 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 12 42 703 17 31 42 703 17 32 0,4 R72SP-S-600-10 R72NP-S-600-10 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 50 mm 50 mm 10 10 42 703 57 21 42 703 57 22 0,6 R73SP-S-600-10 R73NP-S-600-10 2.0 - 3.0 mm 3.0 - 4.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 10 10 42 703 57 31 42 703 57 32 0,8 R70 Standard Strip length 300 mm 0,4 0,5 Strip length 600 mm 0,6 Material: Stainless Steel 316 0,8 Strip length 300 mm 0,4 0,5 Strip length 600 mm Connecting Pins see page 15. Page 11 0,6 0,8 Material: Chromium Steel 430 Round Wire Fastener R30 - Pitch 3.67 mm - Carded Fasteners Description Belt Thickness Min. Pulley Diameter Strips/ Box Order No. 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 12 12 12 12 12 42 104 13 22 42 104 13 32 42 104 13 42 42 104 13 52 42 104 13 62 - Wire diameter 1.4 mm - Box without Connecting Pins kg R30 Standard Strip length 300 mm R32-SS-300-12 R33-SS-300-12 R34-SS-300-12 R35-SS-300-12 R36-SS-300-12 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Strip length 300 mm R32-S-300-12 R33-S-300-12 R34-S-300-12 R35-S-300-12 R36-S-300-12 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 12 12 12 12 12 42 103 13 22 42 103 13 32 42 103 13 42 42 103 13 52 42 103 13 62 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Material: Chromium Steel 430 Strip length 300 mm R32-G-300-12 R33-G-300-12 R34-G-300-12 R35-G-300-12 R36-G-300-12 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 12 12 12 12 12 42 101 13 22 42 101 13 32 42 101 13 42 42 101 13 52 42 101 13 62 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Material: Galvanised Steel Special designs (different sizes or wire diameter) on request. Connecting Pins see page 15. Page 12 Round Wire Fastener R80 - Pitch 3.67 mm - Barred Fasteners Description - Wire diameter 1.4 mm - Box without Connecting Pins kg Belt Thickness Min. Pulley Diameter Strips/ Box Order No. 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 12 12 12 12 12 42 704 18 22 42 704 18 32 42 704 18 42 42 704 18 52 42 704 18 62 0,5 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 10 10 10 10 10 42 704 58 29 42 704 58 32 42 704 58 42 42 704 58 52 42 704 58 62 1,0 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 12 12 12 12 12 42 703 18 22 42 703 18 32 42 703 18 42 42 703 18 52 42 703 18 62 0,5 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 10 10 10 10 10 42 703 58 22 42 703 58 32 42 703 58 42 42 703 58 52 42 703 58 62 1,0 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 12 12 12 12 12 42 707 18 22 42 707 18 32 42 707 18 42 42 707 18 52 42 707 18 62 0,6 3.0 - 4.0 mm 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 8.0 mm 8.0 - 9.0 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 125 mm 150 mm 10 10 10 10 10 42 707 58 22 42 707 58 32 42 707 58 42 42 707 58 52 42 707 58 62 1,0 R80 Standard Strip length 300 mm R82-SS-300-12 R83-SS-300-12 R84-SS-300-12 R85-SS-300-12 R86-SS-300-12 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Strip length 600 mm R82-SS-600-10 R83-SS-600-10 R84-SS-600-10 R85-SS-600-10 R86-SS-600-10 1,2 Material: Stainless Steel 316 1,4 1,6 1,8 Strip length 300 mm R82-S-300-12 R83-S-300-12 R84-S-300-12 R85-S-300-12 R86-S-300-12 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Strip length 600 mm R82-S-600-10 R83-S-600-10 R84-S-600-10 R85-S-600-10 R86-S-600-10 1,2 Material: Chromium Steel 430 1,4 1,6 1,8 Strip length 300 mm R82-C-300-12 R83-C-300-12 R84-C-300-12 R85-C-300-12 R86-C-300-12 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 Strip length 600 mm R82-C-600-10 R83-C-600-10 R84-C-600-10 R85-C-600-10 R86-C-600-10 Other strip lengths on request. Special designs (different sizes or wire diameter) on request. Connecting Pins see page 15. Page 13 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 Material: Special Steel Selection Charts Connecting Pins for Wire Systems M and R The MATO Connecting Pins are aligned in design and material composition to the MATO Fasteners. Choosing the right Connecting Pin is an important contribution to reach the optimum performance of the splice in your application. Selection Chart Connecting Pin Size Fastener Type M61... M62...NP M62...LP M63... R62...NP R62…LP R63... R22SP R23SP R72SP R73SP M62...XSP M62...SP R61... R62...XSP R62...SP MK15... R22NP R33 R34 R35 R36 R23NP R32 R83 R84 R85 R86 R72NP R73NP R82 MK18... MK20... MK25... MK30... Connecting Pin Size MK35... MK40… Rust Resistance Chemical Resistance Magnetism Rigidity Flexibility Varying Belt Tension, Small Belts Smooth solid Nylon Fastener Wear Factor Nylostainless Nylon coated 316SS-solid wire Pin Wear Factor Nylosteel Nylon coated music wire Abbreviation Connecting Pin Type Selection Chart Connecting Pin Type ...NST Excellent Excellent Acceptable Acceptable High Magnetic Very Good Very Good Good ...NSS Excellent Excellent Excellent Very Good Slightly Magnetic Very Good Very Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Non Magnetic Acceptable Excellent ...NY Solid Nylon ...NYN Solid Nylon notched Smooth 316SS-solid wire Acceptable Acceptable Good Very Good Very Good Slightly Magnetic Excellent Not Applicable ...WSSN* 316SS-solid wire notched Nylocable Nylon coated zinc plated cable Nylocable Stainless Nylon coated 316SS cable Price List 2012 Excellent ...WSS Stainless Steel Wire Key to selection: Good Excellent ...NC Excellent Excellent Good Good Magnetic Good Very Good Good ...NCS Excellent Excellent Excellent Very Good Slightly Magnetic Good Very Good Good * = on request Page 14 Connecting Pins MK for Wire Systems M and R - Connecting Pins in several material compositions - Different diameters Description Diameter mm Order No. kg 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 42 501 01 50 42 501 01 80 42 501 02 00 42 501 02 50 42 501 03 00 42 501 03 50 42 501 04 00 0,3 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 42 502 01 50 42 502 01 80 42 502 02 00 42 502 02 50 42 502 03 00 42 502 03 50 42 502 04 00 0,3 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 3,5 42 503 01 50 42 503 01 80 42 503 02 00 42 503 02 50 42 503 03 00 42 503 03 50 42 503 04 00 0,1 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,5 3,0 42 504 01 50 42 504 01 80 42 504 02 00 42 504 02 50 42 504 03 00 0,2 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 42 505 01 50 42 505 02 00 42 505 02 50 42 505 03 00 42 505 03 50 42 505 04 00 0,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,5 42 507 01 50 42 507 01 80 42 507 02 00 42 507 02 50 0,4 Connecting Pin MK - 30 Meter Coil Nylosteel NST MK15-NST MK18-NST MK20-NST MK25-NST MK30-NST MK35-NST MK40-NST 0,3 0,3 0,6 0,9 1,0 1,2 Nylostainless NSS MK15-NSS MK18-NSS MK20-NSS MK25-NSS MK30-NSS MK35-NSS MK40-NSS 0,3 0,3 0,6 0,9 1,0 1,2 Solid Nylon NY MK15-NY MK18-NY MK20-NY MK25-NY MK30-NY MK35-NY MK40-NY 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,4 Nylocable NC MK15-NC MK18-NC MK20-NC MK25-NC MK30-NC 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,7 Nylocable Stainless NCS MK15-NCS MK20-NCS MK25-NCS MK30-NCS MK35-NCS MK40-NCS 0,3 0,4 0,7 0,7 0,8 Wire Stainless WSS MK15-WSS MK18-WSS MK20-WSS MK25-WSS Other sizes in various material compositions on request. MK15-NYN, MK15-WSSN and 'cut to length' connecting pins NYN, see page 20 Page 15 0,6 0,7 1,2 Connecting Pins MK… Accessories for Wire Systems M and R Description Lacing width/ Comb width Pitch (mm) Order No. kg 42 150 61 63 42 200 61 63 42 150 20 70 42 200 20 70 42 150 30 80 42 200 30 80 42 250 30 80 1,9 Eco-Vice Lacer MA MA60/150 MA60/200 MA20-70/150 MA20-70/200 MA30-80/150 MA30-80/200 MA30-80/250 150 mm 200 mm 150 mm 200 mm 150 mm 200 mm 250 mm 2,54 2,54 3,175 3,175 3,67 3,67 3,67 2,3 1,9 2,3 1,9 2,4 Eco-Vice Lacer MA 3,1 Profi-Vice Lacer MATOVICE and Fastener Retainers UNICOMB V MATOVICE 120 120 mm UNICOMB 60/300V UNICOMB 20-70/300V UNICOMB 30-80/300V UNICOMB 35-85/300V 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 42 120 00 00 2,3 42 480 10 50 42 480 10 30 42 480 10 10 42 480 10 20 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Profi-Vice Lacer MATOVICE Fastener Retainer UNICOMB V Lacing Tool MATOROLL and Fastener Retainers UNICOMB R MATOROLL 600 mm 600 mm UNICOMB 60/600R UNICOMB 20-70/600R UNICOMB 30-80/600R UNICOMB 35-85/600R 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm MATOROLL 1000 mm 1000 mm UNICOMB 60/1000R UNICOMB 20-70/1000R UNICOMB 30-80/1000R UNICOMB 35-85/1000R 1000 mm 1000 mm 1000 mm 1000 mm MATOROLL 1500 mm 1500 mm UNICOMB 60/1500R UNICOMB 20-70/1500R UNICOMB 30-80/1500R UNICOMB 35-85/1500R 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 42 280 20 00 14,2 42 480 30 50 42 480 30 30 42 480 30 10 42 480 30 20 0,9 42 280 50 00 20,2 42 480 50 50 42 480 50 30 42 480 50 10 42 480 50 20 1,5 42 280 00 00 27,7 42 480 00 50 42 480 00 30 42 480 00 10 42 480 00 20 2,2 42 640 00 00 0,1 0,9 0,9 0,9 Lacing Tool MATOROLL 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,2 2,2 Fastener Retainer UNICOMB R 2,2 Special Accessories Supergrip-Skiver To install fasteners a UNICOMB with appropriate length and desired pitch for every basic machine MATOVICE or MATOROLL is needed. Page 16 Supergrip-Skiver Accessories for Wire Systems M and R Description Lacing Width/ Comb Width Pitch (mm) Order No. kg Hydraulic Basic Tool MATOHYD and Electro-Hydraulic Power Packs MATOHYD 200 MATOHYD Roller Set Power Pack MATOHYD PA 200-1 1,17l/min, 400V/50HZ/3Phases Power Pack MATOHYD PA 200-3 1l/min, 230V/50HZ/1Phase 200 mm 42 200 00 00 42 200 06 00 42 200 22 00 24,0 42 200 22 02 18,5 MATOHYD 400 400 mm 42 400 00 00 140,0 Power Pack MATOHYD PA 400-1/M (manual) 3,2l/min, 400V/50HZ/3Phases Power Pack MATOHYD PA 400-1/E (electronic) 3,2l/min, 400V/50HZ/3Phases 42 200 44 00 35,0 42 200 45 00 40,0 Foot Pump MATOHYD FP 42 200 05 00 7,4 4,2 18,5 MATOHYD MATOHYD PA 200 Different Types on request A functioning Lacing Tool consists of a MATOHYD, a MATOHYDVICE, an appropriate Fastener Retainer UNICOMB and either an Electro-Hydraulic Power Pack or a Foot-Pump FP. MATOHYD 400 with PA-1/E MATOHYD FP Lacing Tools MATOHYDVICE and Fastener Retainers VH/RH (case hardened) MATOHYDVICE 200 MATOHYDVICE 400 200 mm 400 mm 42 200 02 00 42 400 04 00 2,7 UNICOMB 60/300VH UNICOMB 20-70/300VH UNICOMB 30-80/300VH UNICOMB 35-85/300VH 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 42 480 11 50 42 480 11 30 42 480 11 10 42 480 11 20 0,5 UNICOMB 60/400VH UNICOMB 20-70/400VH UNICOMB 30-80/400VH UNICOMB 35-85/400VH 400 mm 400 mm 400 mm 400 mm 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 42 480 81 50 42 480 81 30 42 480 81 10 42 480 81 20 0,6 UNICOMB 60/600RH UNICOMB 20-70/600RH UNICOMB 30-80/600RH UNICOMB 35-85/600RH 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 42 480 21 50 42 480 21 30 42 480 21 10 42 480 21 20 0,9 UNICOMB 60/1000RH UNICOMB 20-70/1000RH UNICOMB 30-80/1000RH UNICOMB 35-85/1000RH 1000 mm 1000 mm 1000 mm 1000 mm 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 42 480 41 50 42 480 41 30 42 480 41 10 42 480 41 20 1,5 UNICOMB 60/1500RH UNICOMB 20-70/1500RH UNICOMB 30-80/1500RH UNICOMB 35-85/1500RH 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm 2,54 3,175 3,67 3,67 42 480 61 50 42 480 61 30 42 480 61 10 42 480 61 20 2,2 Routinely, a UNICOMB 300 is used in our MATOHYDVICE 200, while UNICOMB 400 can be found in our MATOHYDVICE with according fastener pitch. Page 17 6,2 0,5 0,5 MATOHYDVICE 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,2 2,2 2,2 Fastener Retainer UNICOMB VH Special Ultra Low Profile Fastener M60L for Market Segments Laundry-, Paper- and Printing Industry - Barred Fasteners - Box with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum pulley diameter 30 mm Belt Width Description Fasteners mm Per Strip - Pitch 2.54 mm - Belt thickness 1.6 - 2.4 mm No. Of Laces Order No. kg M60L cut to length M61.2LSW-SS-025 M61.2LSW-SS-030 M61.2LSW-SS-032 M61.2LSW-SS-035 M61.2LSW-SS-038.5 M61.2LSW-SS-040 M61.2LSW-SS-048 M61.2LSW-SS-048.5 M61.2LSW-SS-050 M61.2LSW-SS-057 M61.2LSW-SS-060 M61.2LSW-SS-063 M61.2LSW-SS-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 7/8 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 16/17 16/17 17/18 20/21 21/22 22/23 27/28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 268 02 50 42 268 03 00 42 268 03 20 42 268 03 50 42 268 03 85 42 268 04 00 42 268 04 80 42 268 04 85 42 268 05 00 42 268 05 70 42 268 06 00 42 268 06 30 42 268 07 50 0,2 M61.2LSW-SS-083 M61.2LSW-SS-088.5 M61.2LSW-SS-090 M61.2LSW-SS-095 M61.2LSW-SS-100 M61.2LSW-SS-110 M61.2LSW-SS-113.5 M61.2LSW-SS-115 M61.2LSW-SS-120 M61.2LSW-SS-140 M61.2LSW-SS-150 M61.2LSW-SS-168 M61.2LSW-SS-180 M61.2LSW-SS-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 29/30 31/32 31/32 33/34 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 268 08 30 42 268 08 85 42 268 09 00 42 268 09 50 42 268 10 00 42 268 11 00 42 268 11 35 42 268 11 50 42 268 12 00 42 268 14 00 42 268 15 00 42 268 16 80 42 268 18 00 42 268 19 00 0,3 M61.2LSW-SS-200 M61.2LSW-SS-280 M61.2LSW-SS-285 M61.2LSW-SS-292.5 M61.2LSW-SS-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 74/75 107/108 108/109 111/112 115/116 20 20 20 20 20 42 268 20 00 42 268 28 00 42 268 28 50 42 268 29 25 42 268 30 00 0,3 For Extra-Connecting Pins see page 20. Page 18 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Wire Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,6 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN (notched) Special Ultra Low Profile Fastener M60L for Market Segments Laundry-, Paper- and Printing Industry - Barred Fasteners - Box with Connecting Pin MK15-NYN - Minimum pulley diameter 30 mm Belt Width Description Fasteners mm Per Strip - Pitch 2.54 mm - Belt thickness 2.4 - 3.2 mm No. Of Laces Order No. kg M60L cut to length M61.2LNW-SS-025 M61.2LNW-SS-030 M61.2LNW-SS-032 M61.2LNW-SS-035 M61.2LNW-SS-038.5 M61.2LNW-SS-040 M61.2LNW-SS-048 M61.2LNW-SS-048.5 M61.2LNW-SS-050 M61.2LNW-SS-057 M61.2LNW-SS-060 M61.2LNW-SS-063 M61.2LNW-SS-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 7/8 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 16/17 16/17 17/18 20/21 21/22 22/23 27/28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 269 02 50 42 269 03 00 42 269 03 20 42 269 03 50 42 269 03 85 42 269 04 00 42 269 04 80 42 269 04 85 42 269 05 00 42 269 05 70 42 269 06 00 42 269 06 30 42 269 07 50 0,2 M61.2LNW-SS-083 M61.2LNW-SS-088.5 M61.2LNW-SS-090 M61.2LNW-SS-095 M61.2LNW-SS-100 M61.2LNW-SS-110 M61.2LNW-SS-113.5 M61.2LNW-SS-115 M61.2LNW-SS-120 M61.2LNW-SS-140 M61.2LNW-SS-150 M61.2LNW-SS-168 M61.2LNW-SS-180 M61.2LNW-SS-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 29/30 31/32 31/32 33/34 35/36 39/40 41/42 41/42 43/44 51/52 55/56 62/63 66/67 70/71 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 269 08 30 42 269 08 85 42 269 09 00 42 269 09 50 42 269 10 00 42 269 11 00 42 269 11 35 42 269 11 50 42 269 12 00 42 269 14 00 42 269 15 00 42 269 16 80 42 269 18 00 42 269 19 00 0,4 M61.2LNW-SS-200 M61.2LNW-SS-280 M61.2LNW-SS-285 M61.2LNW-SS-292.5 M61.2LNW-SS-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 74/75 107/108 108/109 111/112 115/116 20 20 20 20 20 42 269 20 00 42 269 28 00 42 269 28 50 42 269 29 25 42 269 30 00 0,3 For Extra-Connecting Pins see page 20. Page 19 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Wire Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.5 mm 0,5 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Solid Nylon NYN (notched) Connecting Pins MK for Low Profile Fasteners M60L - Notched - Diameter 1.5 mm Description Belt Width mm Length Pins Per PU Order No. kg Connecting Pins MK15-NYN - cut to length Solid Nylon notched MK15-NYN-025 MK15-NYN-030 MK15-NYN-032 MK15-NYN-035 MK15-NYN-038.5 MK15-NYN-040 MK15-NYN-048 MK15-NYN-048.5 MK15-NYN-050 MK15-NYN-057 MK15-NYN-060 MK15-NYN-063 MK15-NYN-075 25 30 32 35 38,5 40 48 48,5 50 57 60 63 75 21.5 26.5 28.5 31.5 35.0 36.5 44.5 45.0 46.5 53.5 56.5 59.5 71.5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 208 02 50 42 208 03 00 42 208 03 20 42 208 03 50 42 208 03 85 42 208 04 00 42 208 04 80 42 208 04 85 42 208 05 00 42 208 05 70 42 208 06 00 42 208 06 30 42 208 07 50 0,01 MK15-NYN-083 MK15-NYN-088.5 MK15-NYN-090 MK15-NYN-095 MK15-NYN-100 MK15-NYN-110 MK15-NYN-113.5 MK15-NYN-115 MK15-NYN-120 MK15-NYN-140 MK15-NYN-150 MK15-NYN-168 MK15-NYN-180 MK15-NYN-190 83 88,5 90 95 100 110 113,5 115 120 140 150 168 180 190 79.5 85.0 86.5 91.5 95.5 106.5 110.0 111.5 116.5 136.5 146.5 164.5 176.5 186.5 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 208 08 30 42 208 08 85 42 208 09 00 42 208 09 50 42 208 10 00 42 208 11 00 42 208 11 35 42 208 11 50 42 208 12 00 42 208 14 00 42 208 15 00 42 208 16 80 42 208 18 00 42 208 19 00 0,01 MK15-NYN-200 MK15-NYN-280 MK15-NYN-285 MK15-NYN-292.5 MK15-NYN-300 200 280 285 292,5 300 196.5 276.5 281.5 289.0 296,5 20 20 20 20 20 42 208 20 00 42 208 28 00 42 208 28 50 42 208 29 25 42 208 30 00 0,01 30.000 1 42 513 01 50 0,05 30.000 1 42 508 01 50 0,38 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 Connecting Pin MK15…N 0,01 (notched) 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 Connecting Pin MK15-...N - 30 Meter Coil Solid Nylon notched NYN MK15-NYN Stainless Steel Wire notched WSSN MK15-WSSN Different lengths and/or designs on request. Page 20 Accessories for Fasteners M60 Description Working Width Order No. kg 60 mm 50 mm 42 480 86 60 42 050 61 63 2,5 Textile Belt Cutter 50mm/90deg 50 mm Spare Blades for Textile Belt Cutter PU10 Tape Binder for Textile Belts (300g) Supergrip-Skiver 7 mm Belt Clamp W-1 100 mm Belt Cutter LD 150 150 mm Spare Blade for Belt Cutter LD PU1 42 050 10 10 42 050 10 11 42 232 02 00 42 640 00 00 42 480 90 00 42 510 01 50 42 510 11 50 0,38 Lacing Tools MATOLEVER Plier Lacer MZ60 1,6 Accessories MATOLEVER 0,01 0,39 0,06 1,21 2,40 0,01 Plier Lacer MZ60 Supergrip-Skiver Textile Belt Cutter Belt Clamp W-1 Tape Binder for Textile Belts Belt Cutter LD 150 Page 21 Hammer Systems D70, D80 and S80 Page 22 Hammer Installed Fastener D70 - Fastener installation without Installation Unit - Box including Connecting Pins Description Strip Length Min. Pulley No. Of Sets Diameter Per Box Order No. kg D70 Standard Belt Thickness up to 1.5 mm D70-C-300 D70-C-600 D70-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 4 4 4 42 101 70 30 42 101 70 60 42 101 70 12 0,1 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 4 4 4 42 101 71 30 42 101 71 60 42 101 71 12 0,2 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 4 4 4 42 101 72 30 42 101 72 60 42 101 72 12 0,3 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 4 4 4 42 101 73 30 42 101 73 60 42 101 73 12 0,3 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 4 4 4 42 104 70 30 42 104 70 60 42 104 70 12 0,1 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 4 4 4 42 104 71 30 42 104 71 60 42 104 71 12 0,2 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 4 4 4 42 104 72 30 42 104 72 60 42 104 72 12 0,3 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 4 4 4 42 104 73 30 42 104 73 60 42 104 73 12 0,3 0,3 0,6 Belt Thickness 1.5 - 2.0 mm D71-C-300 D71-C-600 D71-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 0,5 Material: Special Steel 1,0 Belt Thickness 2.0 - 2.5 mm D72-C-300 D72-C-600 D72-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 0,5 1,1 Belt Thickness 2.5 - 3.5 mm D73-C-300 D73-C-600 D73-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 0,6 1,2 Belt Thickness up to 1.5 mm D70-SS-300 D70-SS-600 D70-SS-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 0,3 0,6 Belt Thickness 1.5 - 2.0 mm D71-SS-300 D71-SS-600 D71-SS-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 0,5 1,0 Belt Thickness 2.0 - 2.5 mm D72-SS-300 D72-SS-600 D72-SS-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 0,5 1,1 Belt Thickness 2.5 - 3.5 mm D73-SS-300 D73-SS-600 D73-SS-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 0,6 1,2 One Set consists of two strips of Belt Fasteners and one Connecting Pin with appropriate length. Page 23 Material: Stainless Steel 316 Hammer Installed Fastener D80 - Fastener installation without Installation Unit - Box including Connecting Pins Description Strip Length Min. Pulley No. Of Sets Diameter Per Box Order No. kg D80 Standard Belt Thickness 3.0 - 4.0 mm D82-C-300 D82-C-600 D82-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 60 mm 60 mm 60 mm 4 4 4 42 101 82 30 42 101 82 60 42 101 82 12 0,4 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 4 4 4 42 101 83 30 42 101 83 60 42 101 83 12 0,5 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 4 4 4 42 101 84 30 42 101 84 60 42 101 84 12 0,6 125 mm 125 mm 125 mm 4 4 4 42 101 85 30 42 101 85 60 42 101 85 12 0,7 175 mm 175 mm 175 mm 4 4 4 42 101 86 30 42 101 86 60 42 101 86 12 1,0 225 mm 225 mm 225 mm 4 4 4 42 101 87 30 42 101 87 60 42 101 87 12 1,2 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 4 4 4 42 101 88 30 42 101 88 60 42 101 88 12 1,8 350 mm 4 42 101 89 30 2,1 0,8 1,6 Belt Thickness 4.0 - 5.0 mm D83-C-300 D83-C-600 D83-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 1,0 1,9 Belt Thickness 5.0 - 6.5 mm D84-C-300 D84-C-600 D84-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 1,2 2,5 Belt Thickness 6.5 - 7.5 mm D85-C-300 D85-C-600 D85-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 1,4 2,7 Belt Thickness 7.5 - 8.5 mm D86-C-300 D86-C-600 D86-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 2,0 3,9 Belt Thickness 8.5 - 9.5 mm D87-C-300 D87-C-600 D87-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 2,4 4,8 Belt Thickness 9.5 - 11.0 mm D88-C-300 D88-C-600 D88-C-1200 300 mm 600 mm 1200 mm 3,6 7,2 Belt Thickness 11.0 - 12.5 mm D89-C-300 300 mm One Set consists of two strips of Belt Fasteners and one Connecting Pin with appropriate length. Page 24 Material: Special Steel Hammer Installed Fastener S80 for Repair - Fastener installation without Installation Unit - 100 pieces per box Description Belt Thickness Leg Length mm mm - For rip repair Width mm Order No. kg 12 14 17 23 25 30 35 43 42 701 20 00 42 701 20 10 42 701 20 20 42 701 20 30 42 701 20 40 42 701 20 50 42 701 20 60 42 701 20 70 0,2 S80 Standard S82 (200) S83 (201) S84 (202) S85 (203) S86 (204) S87 (205) S88 (206) S89 (207) 4 6 8 10 13 15 18 21 8 10 12 16 20 23 29 38 0,3 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,4 4,1 6,7 Material: Special Steel Page 25 Hammer System DR Page 26 Hammer Installed Fastener DR - Pre-installed staples - Box including Connecting Pins Description Strip Length Min. Pulley Diameter No. Of Sets Order No. kg Per Box DR Conveyor Belt Splicing Kit incl. Hammer Installation Tool One set consists of 4 strips of DR in 300mm length, connecting pin of 600mm length Conveyor belt splicing kit 50 mm 1 DR62 for belt thickness 1.5 - 3.2mm, belt width of up to 600mm Conveyor belt splicing kit 75 mm 1 DR125 for belt thickness 3.2 - 4.8mm, belt width of up to 600mm Conveyor belt splicing kit 100 mm 1 DR187 for belt thickness 4.8 - 6.4mm, belt width of up to 600mm 55 380 00 24 0,4 55 380 00 17 0,5 55 380 00 00 0,7 Conveyor Belt Splicing Kit DR Standard Belt Thickness 1.5 - 3.2 mm DR62-G-300-NC 300 mm DR62-G-600-NC 600 mm DR62-G-1200-NC 1200 mm Connecting Pin MK20 50 mm 4 50 mm 4 50 mm 4 42 101 62 30 42 101 62 60 42 101 62 12 0,6 Belt Thickness 3.2 - 4.8 mm DR125-G-300-NC 300 mm DR125-G-600-NC 600 mm DR125-G-1200-NC 1200 mm Connecting Pin MK35 75 mm 4 75 mm 4 75 mm 4 42 101 12 30 42 101 12 60 42 101 12 12 0,8 Belt Thickness 4.8 - 6.4 mm DR187-G-300-NC 300 mm DR187-G-600-NC 600 mm DR187-G-1200-NC 1200 mm Connecting Pin MK51 100 mm 4 100 mm 4 100 mm 4 42 101 18 30 42 101 18 60 42 101 18 12 1,2 Belt Thickness 1.5 - 3.2 mm DR62-SS-300-NCS 300 mm DR62-SS-600-NCS 600 mm DR62-SS-1200-NCS 1200 mm Connecting Pin MK20 50 mm 4 50 mm 4 50 mm 4 42 104 62 30 42 104 62 60 42 104 62 12 0,6 Belt Thickness 3.2 - 4.8 mm DR125-SS-300-NCS 300 mm DR125-SS-600-NCS 600 mm DR125-SS-1200-NCS 1200 mm Connecting Pin MK35 75 mm 4 75 mm 4 75 mm 4 42 104 12 30 42 104 12 60 42 104 12 12 0,8 Belt Thickness 4.8 - 6.4 mm DR187-SS-300-NCS 300 mm DR187-SS-600-NCS 600 mm DR187-SS-1200-NCS 1200 mm Connecting Pin MK51 100 mm 4 100 mm 4 100 mm 4 1,2 2,4 1,6 3,1 Material: 4,9 1,2 2,4 1,6 3,1 Material: Stainless Steel 316 42 104 18 30 42 104 18 60 42 104 18 12 1,2 2,4 4,9 One Set consists of two strips of Belt Fasteners and one Connecting Pin with appropriate length. Extra Connecting Pins see page 28. Product Catalogue Galvanised Steel 2,4 Page 27 Connecting Pins for Hammer System DR Description Diameter mm Order No. kg 2,0 42 504 02 00 0,3 2,0 3,5 5,1 42 505 02 00 42 505 03 50 42 505 05 10 0,3 Connecting Pin MK - 30 Meter Coil Nylocable NC MK20-NC Nylocable Stainless NCS MK20-NCS MK35-NCS MK51-NCS 0,7 1,4 Connecting Pins MK… Other sizes and cut into length Connecting Pins on request Accessories for Hammer System DR Description Reference Order No. kg 42 490 01 00 42 490 03 00 42 490 06 00 1,1 42 490 00 03 42 490 00 04 42 490 00 02 42 490 00 01 42 490 00 05 42 490 00 06 42 490 00 07 42 490 00 08 0,10 DR Installation Units with Punch DR DR Installation Unit 100 mm DR Installation Unit 300 mm DR Installation Unit 600 mm 2,9 5,5 Spare Parts for Installation Units DR Comb DR Die DR Upper Plate DR Separate Punch DR Clamping Lever complete Compression Spring D13 Screw for Comb DR (VPE 10) Screw for Die DR (VPE 10) A B C D E F Page 28 0,16 0,18 0,21 0,09 0,01 0,02 0,03 DR Installation Unit with Punch DR Market Segments Belt Lacing Systems for Light Tensile Conveyor Belts Page 29 Hammer Systems U20 and H20 Page 30 Hammer Installed Fastener U20 - For agriculture and industry - Plate from chromium steel, rivet from stainless steel Description Belt Min. Pulley Strips Thickness Diameter per Box - Belt strength up to 450 kN/m Order No. kg 12 12 12 41 114 24 05 41 114 24 01 41 114 24 06 0,91 12 12 12 41 114 24 02 41 114 24 00 41 114 24 03 0,98 U20 Standard without Connecting Pins U24AS/12-15 U24BS/12-15 U24CS/12-15 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 7.0 mm 75 75 75 0,91 0,92 with Connecting Pins T2F (6 complete splices) U24AS/12-15/T1F175 U24BS/12-15/T2F175 U24CS/12-15/T2F175 4.0 - 5.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 7.0 mm 75 75 75 0,99 0,99 U20 Special Chromium Steel 430 / Stainless Steel 304 with Connecting Pins T2F (5 complete splices) U24BS/10-17/T2F200 U24BS/10-18/T2F200 U24CS/10-17/T2F200 5.0 - 6.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 6.0 - 7.0 mm 75 75 75 Materials: Plate / Rivet 10 10 10 41 129 60 55 41 129 59 33 41 114 60 56 0,87 0,99 0,87 Accessories Description Width Order No. kg 41 129 58 17 41 129 58 70 41 129 58 82 5,59 41 129 58 25 0,45 U20 Vice Lacers Profi and Accessories Profi 19 Profi 7 Profi 5 209 mm 77 mm 55 mm Separate Punch, Hand for U20 3,34 2,89 U20 Belt Lacing Set Profi-Belt Lacing Set consisting of: Profi 19, Belt Skiver 18, Pneumatic Hammer Profi 1 box Fasteners with Pins U24BS/12-15/T2F175/6KV Profi 19 41 129 58 26 10,01 41 129 58 06 44 121 02 03 41 129 58 27 41 129 58 28 42 123 00 00 41 129 69 50 41 129 60 97 2,10 more Accessories Pneumatic Hammer Profi Hammer 05 (500g) Belt Skiver 18 Spare Blade for Skiver 18/PU 5 Belt Knife Squaring Template BB7 Belt Edge Chamfer Tool 25 0,60 1,04 Profi 7 0,03 0,10 0,30 0,38 Profi 5 Pictures 'more Accessories' see page 34. Connecting Pins see page 33. Page 31 Hammer Installed Fasteners H20 - For agriculture and industry - Plate from chromium steel, rivet from stainless steel Belt Min. Pulley Strips Description Thickness Diameter Per Box - Belt strength up to 450 kN/m Order No. kg H20 Standard with Connecting Pins T2F H24BS/12-15/T2F175 H24BS/6-30/T2F341 5.0 - 6.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 75 mm 75 mm 12 6 41 115 24 00 41 115 24 03 1,0 75 mm 75 mm 12 6 41 115 24 01 41 115 24 02 0,9 0,9 without Connecting Pins H24BS/12-15 H24BS/6-30 5.0 - 6.0 mm 5.0 - 6.0 mm 0,9 Connecting Pins see page 33. Materials: Plate / Rivet Chromium Steel 430 / Stainless Steel 304 Accessories Description Width Order No. kg H20 Installation Units and Accessories Profi Installation Unit H20-180/7" Profi Installation Unit H20-350/14" 180 mm 350 mm 41 129 69 61 41 129 69 62 4,2 Eco Installation Unit H20-180/7" Eco Installation Unit H20-350/14" 180 mm 350 mm 41 129 69 63 41 129 69 64 3,6 41 129 69 74 41 129 69 75 0,4 41 129 69 66 6,7 6,8 6,2 Profi Installation Unit 350 Separate Punch H H20 Profi Separate Punch H H20 Eco 0,2 H20 Belt Lacing Sets Eco 180 Basis-Set 180 mm consisting of: Eco Installation Unit H20-180/7", Hammer 03 1 box H24BS/12-15/T2F175/6KV, Tool Box Eco 350 Basis-Set 350 mm Eco Installation Unit 180 41 129 69 67 9,3 41 129 69 68 7,3 consisting of: Eco Installation Unit H20-350/14", Hammer 03 1 box H24BS/6-30/T2F341/3KV, Tool Box Profi 180 Basis-Set 180 mm consisting of: Profi Installation Unit H20-180/7", Hammer 03 1 box H24BS/12-15/T2F175/6KV, Tool Box Profi 350 Basis-Set 350 mm Punch H H20 Profi 41 129 69 69 10,3 41 129 58 06 44 121 02 02 42 123 00 00 41 129 69 50 41 129 60 97 41 130 58 27 41 130 58 28 2,1 consisting of: Profi Installation Unit H20-350/14", Hammer 03 1 box H24BS/6-30/T2F341/3KV, Tool Box more Accessories Pneumatic Hammer Profi Hammer 03 (300g) Belt Knife Squaring Template BB7 Belt Edge Chamfer Tool 25 Belt Skiver 18R Spare Blade for Skiver 18R/PU1 Pictures 'more Accessories' see page 34. Connecting Pins see page 33. Wider Profi Installation Units on request. Product Catalogue Punch H Eco 0,4 0,1 0,3 0,4 1,0 0,03 Tool Box Page 32 Connecting Pins for Hammer Systems U20 and H20 The MATO Connecting Pins are aligned in design and material composition to the MATO Fasteners. Choosing the right Connecting Pin is an important contribution to reach the optimum performance of the splice in your application. Selection Chart Connecting Pin Size Fastener Type U24BS U24AS U24CS H24BS K1... K2... O1... O2... T1... T2... Connecting Pin Size Selection Chart Connecting Pin Type High Belt Tension Trough No Trough Rust Resistance Chemical Resistance Abrasion Resistance (Life Time) Magnetism Good Good Acceptable Good Poor Acceptable High Magnetic O…K* Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Acceptable Good Magnetic T…F* Excellent Poor Excellent Poor Poor Excellent High Magnetic Connecting Pin Type K… Key to selection: * = Rust- or chemical resistant material compositions on request Description Belt Thickness Length Per PU Order No. kg Stainless Steel Cable With Special Steel Armour Wrap O...K Diameter min. 3.0 mm O1K O1K 4 - 5 mm 4 - 5 mm 10 meter 30 meter 41 129 59 88 41 129 59 89 0,5 5 - 7 mm 5 - 7 mm 10 meter 30 meter 41 129 59 23 41 129 59 24 0,7 4 - 5 mm 4 - 5 mm 10 meter 30 meter 41 129 59 86 41 129 59 87 0,5 5 - 7 mm 5 - 7 mm 10 meter 30 meter 41 129 59 25 41 129 59 26 0,5 1,6 Material: Core / Wrap Stainless- / Special Steel Diameter min. 3.4 mm O2K O2K 2,0 Galvanised Cable K... Diameter min. 3.0 mm K1 K1 1,4 Material: Galvanised Steel Wire Diameter min. 3.4 mm K2 K2 1,6 Special Application Round Hay Balers Notched Spring Steel T...F Diameter min. 3.0 mm T1F/175 4 - 5 mm 6 x 175 mm 41 129 59 60 0,1 5 - 7 mm 5 - 7 mm 5 - 7 mm 6 x 175 mm 5 x 200 mm 5 x 208 mm 41 129 58 08 41 129 59 09 41 129 58 16 0,1 Diameter min. 3.4 mm T2F/175 T2F/200 T2F/208 More material compositions and 'cut to length' connecting pins on request. Page 33 0,1 0,1 Material: Notched Spring Steel Accessories for Hammer Systems U20 and H20 Description Order No. kg Pneumatic Hammer Pneumatic Hammer Profi includes Punch "L U20/H20" for Lacing Tools U20 and H20 Separat Punch L U20/H20 for Pneumatic Hammer Profi 41 129 58 06 2,10 41 129 58 07 0,09 Pneumatic Hammer Belt Cutter and Accessories Portable Belt Cutter TGS Spare Blade for Portable Belt Cutter (PU 5) up to 300 mm Belt Knife (incl. 5 Spare Blades) Spare Blade for Belt Knife Belt Edge Chamfer Tool 25 Spare Blade 25 mm 46 430 00 12 46 400 10 26 5,61 42 123 00 00 44 123 00 10 0,10 41 129 60 97 42 050 10 11 0,38 41 130 58 27 41 130 58 28 1,04 41 129 68 01 41 129 68 02 0,75 0,02 Punch L U20/H20 0,02 0,06 for Belt Edge Chamfer Tool 25 (PU10) Belt Skiver Belt Skiver 18R Spare Blade for Belt Skiver 18R (PU 1) Belt Skiver 25 Spare Blade GH25 for Skiver 25 (PU 1) Portable Belt Cutter Skiving width 18 mm Skiving width 25 mm 0,03 0,03 Belt Knife Squaring Template Squaring Template BB7 up to 180 mm 41 129 69 50 0,30 44 121 02 02 44 121 02 03 0,40 Belt Skiver 0,60 Hammers Hammer 03 (300g) for H20 Hammer 05 (500g) for U20 Squaring Template Hammer Belt Edge Chamfer Tool Page 34 Market Segments Belt Lacing Systems for Light Tensile Conveyor Belts Page 35 Spiral Fastener Y - To use with very small drum diameters 10 mm and up - Utilization at high temperatures - FDA-approved - Non-metallic The MATO Spiral Fastener System Y has been developed for special applications, in which non-metallic splices are required. Since our fasteners are made of FDA-approved materials, they would be perfect for the food industry. Its running ability for even very small drum diameters (10 mm and up) as well as utilization at higher temperatures (up to 240°C), make further applications possible. Description Min. Pulley Spiral Height Maximum Temperature Diameter mm Order No. kg Spiral Lace With White Single Web 50 mm width Y50PWS/3 meters Y50PWS/10 meters Y50PWS/30 meters 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 2,0 2,0 2,0 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 605 52 11 42 605 52 12 42 605 52 13 0,1 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 3,0 3,0 3,0 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 606 52 11 42 606 52 12 42 606 52 13 0,2 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 3,5 3,5 3,5 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 608 52 11 42 608 52 12 42 608 52 13 0,3 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 3,0 3,0 3,0 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 609 52 11 42 609 52 12 42 609 52 13 0,3 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 3,5 3,5 3,5 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 600 52 11 42 600 52 12 42 600 52 13 0,4 0,4 1,3 60 mm width Y65PWS/3 meters Y65PWS/10 meters Y65PWS/30 meters 0,8 2,3 60 mm width Y90PWS/3 meters Y90PWS/10 meters Y90PWS/30 meters 2,6 2,6 100 mm width Y160PWS/3 meters Y160PWS/10 meters Y160PWS/30 meters 1,0 2,9 100 mm width Y190PWS/3 meters Y190PWS/10 meters Y190PWS/30 meters 1,3 3,9 Spiral Lace With Black Single Web 60 mm width Y65PBS/3 meters Y65PBS/10 meters Y65PBS/30 meters 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 3,0 3,0 3,0 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 606 54 11 42 606 54 12 42 606 54 13 0,2 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 3,5 3,5 3,5 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 608 54 11 42 608 54 12 42 608 54 13 0,3 0,8 2,3 60 mm width Y90PBS/3 meters Y90PBS/10 meters Y90PBS/30 meters 0,9 2,6 Spiral Lace With Brown Single Web - for elevated temperatures, hydrolyseresistant 100 mm width Y80EAD/3 meters Y80EAD/10 meters Y80EAD/30 meters 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 3,0 3,0 3,0 240°C 240°C 240°C 42 607 41 21 42 607 41 22 42 607 41 23 Connecting Pins see page 37. Page 36 0,2 0,8 2,5 Spiral Fastener Y - To use with very small drum diameters 10 mm and up - Utilization at high temperatures Description Min. Pulley Spiral Height Maximum Temperature Diameter mm - FDA-approved - Non-metallic Order No. kg Spiral Lace With White Double Web 50 mm width Y65PWD/3 meters Y65PWD/10 meters Y65PWD/30 meters 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 3,0 3,0 3,0 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 606 52 21 42 606 52 22 42 606 52 23 0,2 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 3,5 3,5 3,5 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 608 52 21 42 608 52 22 42 608 52 23 0,3 160°C 160°C 160°C 42 608 54 21 42 608 54 22 42 608 54 23 0,3 0,8 2,3 50 mm width Y90PWD/3 meters Y90PWD/10 meters Y90PWD/30 meters 0,9 2,6 Spiral Lace With Black Double Web 50 mm width Y90PBD/3 meters Y90PBD/10 meters Y90PBD/30 meters 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 3,5 3,5 3,5 1,1 3,2 Connecting Pins for Spiral Fastener Y Description Ø in mm Maximum Order No. kg 160°C 160°C 42 509 31 01 42 509 31 21 0,1 160°C 42 509 11 01 0,1 42 509 21 21 42 509 21 51 0,1 Temperature White - 100 meter Coils YK10-MW YK12-MW 1.0 1,2 0,1 Black - 100 meter Coils YK10-MB 1,0 Brown - 100 meter Coils - for elevated temperatures YK12-EA YK15-EA 1,2 1,5 240°C 240°C Page 37 0,2 Order Number Index Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page 411142400 411142401 411142402 411142403 411142405 411142406 411146056 411152400 411152401 411152402 411152403 411295806 411295806 411295806 411295807 411295808 411295816 411295817 411295825 411295826 411295827 411295827 411295827 411295828 411295870 411295882 411295909 411295923 411295924 411295925 411295926 411295933 411295960 411295986 411295987 411295988 411295989 411296055 411296097 411296097 411296097 411296801 411296802 411296950 411296950 411296950 411296961 411296962 411296963 411296964 411296966 411296967 411296968 411296969 411296974 411296975 411305828 411305828 420501010 420501011 420501011 420506163 421011212 421011230 421011260 421011322 421011332 421011342 421011352 421011362 421011812 421011830 421011860 421012221 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 31 32 34 34 33 33 31 31 31 31 32 34 31 31 31 33 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464300012 553800000 553800017 553800024 7 7 7 7 7 32 34 31 34 34 34 34 27 27 27 General Conditions Of Sales, Supply And Payment I. Quotation The documentation pertaining to the quotation such as illustrations, drawings, details of weights and dimensions are only approximately authoritative where they are not expressly designated as binding. The supplier retains the right to ownership and Copyright of all cost estimates, drawings and other papers. These must not be made accessible to third parties The supplier has an obligation not to make accessible to third parties any plans designated as confidential by the purchaser, without the latter's approval. II. Scope of the delivery The written order confirmation from the supplier is definitive for the scope of the delivery. In the case of a quotation from the supplier with a time commitment and timely acceptance, the quotation is definitive, where there is no confirmation of the Order in good time. Supplementary agreements and changes require the written confirmation of the supplier III. Price and payment 1. In the absence of any special agreements the prices are ex works, including loading at the factory, but excluding packing. VAT at the applicable statutory rate must be added to the prices, 2. In the absence of any special agreement payment is to be made in cash with no deductions and free of charge at the supplier's point of payment i.e.: 1/3 down payment on receipt of the order confirmation 1/3 when the purchaser is informed that the major components are ready for despatch the remainder within one month of this. 3. The withholding of payments or the offsetting of any counter claims by the purchaser which are disputed by supplier are not permitted. IV. Delivery time 1. The delivery time begins with the sending of the order confirmation but not before the purchaser furnishes the documents, approvals, clearances to be provided and also the arrival of the agreed down payment. 2. The delivery times will be extended commensurately in the event of actions which form part of labour disputes, especially strikes and lockouts and also in the event of any unforeseen impediments which are outside the control of the supplier where such impediments can be shown to have a considerable influence of the manufacture or shipment of the object being supplied. This also applies when these circumstances occur at sub-suppliers. The circumstances described are also not to be blamed by the supplier when they arise during an already existing delay. In important cases the supplier will notify the purchaser of the beginning and end of such impediments as soon as possible. 3. The delivery times has been adhered to if by the time it expires the object being supplied has left the factory or its readiness for despatch has been notified. 4. When damage is suffered by the purchaser as a result of delay which has occurred due to the supplier, the purchaser is entitled to request compensation for the delay, to the exclusion of further claims. For each full week of lateness this will amount to 1/2 of 1%, but at the most 5% of the value of that part of the total delivery which as a result of the delay cannot be utilised in good time or in accordance with the contract. 5. If despatch is delayed at the wish of the purchaser he will be charged for the cost of storage beginning one month after indication of readiness for despatch, for storage at the supplier's factory however at least 1/2 of 1% of the invoiced amount for each month. The supplier however is entitled after setting a suitable period and its fruitless expiry to make other use of the object being supplied and to supply the purchaser over a suitable extended period. 6. Adherence to the delivery period assumes the purchaser meets his contractual obligations. V. Transfer of risk and acceptance 1. The risk is transferred to the purchaser at the latest upon despatch of the supplied parts, i.e. even if partial deliveries are made or the supplier has taken on further services such as the costs of despatch or transport and setting up. At the request of the purchaser, and at his expense, the shipment can be insured against theft, breakage, transport, fire and water damage and other insurable risks. 2. If the despatch is delayed as a result of circumstances which are the fault of the purchaser, then the risk Is transferred to the purchaser from the day of readiness for despatch; the supplier is however under an obligation, at the wish and expense of the purchaser, to effect insurance which the latter request. 3. Objects supplied, even if they exhibit insignificant defects, are to be accepted by the purchaser regardless of the rights under section VII. 4. Partial deliveries are permissible. VI. Right of ownership 1. The supplier retains the right of ownership to objects supplied until the arrival of all payments under the contract to supply. 2. The supplier is entitled to insure the object supplied against theft, breakage, transport, fire and water damage and other damage at the purchaser's expense when the purchaser has not shown that he has taken out hat insurance himself. 3. The purchaser can neither pawn the object supplied nor transfer ownership of it as security. In the event of distrait or other possession by a third party he must inform the supplier without delay 4. If the purchaser behaves in a manner contrary to the contract, particularly by delaying payment, the supplier is entitled to take back the goods after warning and the purchaser is obliged to VII. Liability for defects in the delivery For defects in the delivery, which includes the absence of the properties explicitly promised, the supplier has the following obligations, to the exclusion of further claims regardless of section IX, 4. 1. All parts which within six month of commissioning prove to be unusable or whose usability is significantly impaired as a result of a state of affairs which was present before the transfer of risk, particularly due to faulty construction, poor material or bad workmanship will be repaired or supplied new at the choice of the supplier, as he judges best. The discovery of such defects is to be reported to the supplier in writing without delay. Replaced parts become the property of the supplier. If despatch, set up or commissioning is delayed, without blame being attached to the supplier then this liability expires at the latest 12 month after the transfer of risk. For essential third party products the supplier's liability is limited to the transfer of the entitlement to liability which exists vis a vis the sup-supplier of the third party product. 2. The right of the purchaser to assert claims due to defects expires in all cases in 6 months from the time of the punctually made complaint, or upon the expiry of the warranty period. 3. No warranty is taken on for damage which occurs due to the following reasons; unsuitable or improper use, incorrect fitting or incorrect repair by the purchaser of by a third party, natural wear and tear, incorrect or negligent treatment, unsuitable operating materials, replacement materials defective construction work, unsuitable construction site, chemical, electro-chemical or electrical effects for which the blame cannot be attributed to the supplier. 4. To allow the repairs and the supply of replacements to be carried out, which appear necessary in the best judgment of the supplier the purchaser, after agreement with the supplier, must provide the necessary time and opportunity otherwise the supplier is released from his obligation for the defect. Only in urgent cases where operational safety is a risk or to avoid disproportionately large damage, whereupon the supplier must be made aware immediately, or if the supplier is delayed in eliminating the defect, the purchaser has the right to eliminate the defect himself or have it eliminated by a third party and to demand reimbursement of the necessary costs from the supplier. 5. Of the direct costs in cured by the repairs of the supply of replacements the supplier will - insofar as the complaint is shown to be justified- bear the cost of the replacement items including the despatch, plus the reasonable costs for the removal and fitting and furthermore, where this can be rightly requested depending on the situation of the individual case, any necessary costs for providing his mechanics and assistants. The purchaser generally bears all other cost. 6. The warranty period on the replacement items and the repair is three months, but this will run until the time of the expiry of the original warranty period for the object supplied. If repairs are necessary the period of liability for the object supplied will be extended by the length of the interruption in operation caused by this. 7. Any modifications or repair work carried out on the part of the purchaser or a third party either inexpertly or without the prior approval of the supplier will cancel the liability for the consequences such actions. 8. Further claims by the purchaser, especially claims for damage which did not occur on the supplied object itself are excluded. The exclusion of liability does not apply if the owner or leading the owner or leading employee, the supplier is only liable for sensibly foreseeable damage typical of the contract. The exclusion of liability also does not apply in cases where in accordance with the product liability law liability is accepted for damage to persons or property on privately used objects, where faults exist on the object supplied. It also does not apply when properties. VIII. Liability for associated obligation When, through the fault of the supplier, the object supplied cannot be used by the purchaser in accordance with the contract as a result of omitted or incorrect implementation of suggestions or advice which occurred before or after conclusion of the contract and also other obligations related to the contract, especially instructions for the operation and maintenance of the object supplied then the rulings in Section VII and IX apply appropriately, to the exclusion of further claims by the purchaser. IX. The rights of the purchaser to withdrawal, variation and other liability of the supplier 1. The purchaser can also withdraw from the contract is the whole provision of supplies and/or services becomes completely impossible for the supplier before the transfer of risk. The same applies in the event of the supplier’s inability to deliver. The purchaser can also withdraw from the contract, for an order of objects of the same type, the implementation of a part of the delivery becomes impossible with respect to quantity or he has a justified interest in refusing a partial delivery, if this is not the case the purchaser can reduce the counter payment to suit. 2. If a delivery delay exists as defined under Section IV of the Conditions of Supply and if the purchaser grants the supplier who is in arrears with the delivery a suitable extension period with an explicit declaration that after the expiry of this period he will refuse to accept the goods and/or services, and it this extended deadline is not met, then the purchaser is entitled to withdraw. 3. If the impossibility occurs during the delay in acceptance or due to the fault of the purchaser then the purchaser remains obliged to make the counter payment. 4. The purchaser also has the right to cancellation of the contract if the supplier, through his own fault, allows a suitable extension period granted to him for repairs of the supply of replacements with regard to a defect, as defined in the conditions of supply and attributable to him, to expire fruitlessly. The right of the purchaser to cancellation of the contract also exists in other cases of failure of the supplier to repair or supply a replacement. 5. Further claims by the purchaser are excluded, especially to termination or reduction and also to compensation for damages of any kind i.e. also for any damages which did not occur on the supplied object itself. This exclusion of liability does not apply if the owner or leading employee have acted with intent or gross negligence and also if there has been blameworthy violation of essential obligations under the contract. In the event of blameworthy violations of essential obligations under the contract, except in cases of intent or gross negligence by the owner of leading employee, the supplier is only liable for sensibly foreseeable damage typical of the contract. The exclusion of liability also does not apply in cases where In accordance with the product liability law liability is accepted for damage to persons or property on privately used objects, where faults exist on the object supplied. It also does not apply when properties are absent which were expressly promised when the promise had the intention of covering the purchaser against damage which did not arise on the supplied object itself. X. Court of jurisdiction If the purchaser is a fully qualified merchant, a legal personage in public law or a legally separate property proceedings for all disputes arising from a contractual relationship are to be taken at the court with jurisdiction for the supplier's head office or the branch of the supplier which made the delivery. The supplier is also entitled lo take proceedings against the buyer at the court of jurisdiction for his head office. MATO Maschinen- und Metallwarenfabrik Curt Matthaei GmbH & Co. KG Page 39 General Remarks Availability and Delivery Time In order to provide the soonest possible delivery service, most of the products are available from stock. The delivery time for nonstock items will be advised. Product Liability All our items are checked according to the Product Liability Law dated 01.01.1990. However, we emphasise that the use of nonoriginal MATO parts may lead to loss of insurance protection. Furthermore any use of products other than originally inteded has to be excluded. The operation instructions of our tools/ machines as well as the hints on hazards have to be observed carefully. Minimum Order Value Please note that any order treatment involves costs wich are extremly high for small quanitites. Therefore, for order remaining under 50,00 EUR net, we have to charge a 10,00 EUR fee in order to cover the treatment costs. Price Validity The price validity will loose effectiveness in case of extraordinary price changes in the raw material sector. With this Price List all other price lists will loose their vailidity. The prices stated in this list are gross prices to which legal VAT has to be added. Changes Due to product development, we reserve the right to change pictures or accessories. Please observe our Conditions of Sale, Delivery and Payment. We connect anything! Please ask for more information about the MATO Belt Lacing Systems for high tensile conveyor belts above 750 kN/m. Page 40
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