Fall Reunion - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Fall Reunion - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 1 Oc tob Scottish Rite News er ,2 For the Valley of Dallas 00 www.dallasscottishrite.org [email protected] Fall Reunion 5 October 15, 22 & 29 In Honor of: Clyde W. Howard, 33o See Reunion Schedule inside Use the included petition to bring in your candidate Let’s all get busy and bring in a candidate. Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 2 Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] Page 2 Clyde Wellington Howard, Jr. 33° Fall Reunion Honoree The Fall Reunion will be named for long time Masonic leader Clyde Wellington Howard, Jr. He was born and lived his entire life in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, Texas except for his service in the military during World War II. He worked for Washington National Life Insurance for over 30 years retiring as District Manager. He worked for a period as a Bank Officer for Citizens Bank of Grand Prairie. He then became business manager for the L. A. Pires Foundation. He gave many hours to the Masonic Fraternity and was active in many areas. He was a 50 year member of Tannehill Masonic Lodge; served Sam P. Cochran as their Worshipful Master; and was a Charter Member of Claud L. Austin Masonic Lodge. He served the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas as District Deputy Grand Master in 1981 and 1982. He was an active member of the Dallas Scottish Rite where he was honored in 1979 as a ThirtyThird Degree Inspector General Honorary. He occupied many offices in the Scottish Rite. Other memberships include the Red Cross of Constantine, Allied Masonic Degrees, The Royal Order of Scotland, and all the York Rite Bodies and served as Business Manager of the Masonic Service Bureau of Dallas. Clyde was a life long active member of the Oak Cliff Presbyterian Church where he served as an Elder for many years. He was married to his wife Francis for over 62 years; he preceded her in death by less than one week. It was her desire to join Clyde as soon as possible, and she received her wish. It has been said many times that Clyde was a man who loved his Church, Wife and Masonry. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2005 CLYDE WELLINGTON HOWARD, JR., 33° 7:00 AM………...…………………………..Opening Ceremony 7:10 AM - 17°….….………..……..Mark C. Mueller, 32° KCCH 8:10 AM - 18°.....…………….………...Wallace P. Finfrock, 33° 9:30 AM….…………………………….……...COFFEE BREAK 9:45 AM - 19°….….……………….….……..Greg L. White, 32° 10:35 AM - 20°.………...............Donald R. Dacon, 32° KCCH 11:25 AM - 21°.………………………….…..…Zola Blicker, 33° 12:05 PM .………….…..……...........…………………..LUNCH 12:50 PM - 22°.…….…....…..Douglas A. Kowalski, 32° KCCH 1:12 PM - 23°……..............…….………..…G. Clay Smith, 32° 1:55 PM - 24°.……………...….....James A. Moore, 32° KCCH 2:50 PM - 25°…….………...…...Russell C. Brown, 32° KCCH 3:10 PM………………….…………….……...COFFEE BREAK 3:25 PM - 26°………….…..…..John M. Wilkerson, 32° KCCH 4:00 PM – 27°……….…….…..Thomas W. Snyder, 32° KCCH 5:00 PM – 28°….……….………..…..Jeffrey B. Middleton, 32° 5:55 PM - 29°….……....………………...William A. Bilsing, 33° SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2005 Concludes Approximately 6:30 PM DALLAS SCOTTISH RITE BODIES DALLAS SCOTTISH RITE CATHEDRAL 500 S. HARWOOD STREET DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-6210 214-748-9196 371st REUNION HONORING 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM………………..………………...Registration 7:15 AM………..…………..….….………….Opening of Bodies 7:45 AM……..…..………...….….………Opening Ceremonies 8:00 AM - 4°………...…………….……..James E. Higgins, 33° 8:40 AM - 5°………….……….……..……..Craig A. Sutton, 32° 9:25 AM - 6°………..…...….......Charles E. McKay, 32° KCCH 9:40 AM……….…………......……………….COFFEE BREAK 9:55 AM - 7°………..…..Edwin G. Blankenmeister, 32° KCCH 10:25 AM - 8°…….….…...…………...Richard S. Lissauer, 32° 10:55 AM - 9/10°……........………………...Larry Van Hall, 33° 11:55 AM - 11°…………...Herbert E. Wellborn, Jr., 32° KCCH 12:15 PM………………..…………….…………………LUNCH 1:00 PM - 12°……….…..…..………...Raymond L. Luther, 32° 1:25 PM - 13°….............…….…..David G. Rogers, 32° KCCH 2:00 PM - 14°………....…...Matthew B. Strickland, 32° KCCH 2:40 PM………………….….…..…………….COFFEE BREAK 2:55 PM - 15°……………….………..Donald Ray Keasler, 32° 4:25 PM - 16°……………….……...Donald W. Broughton, 32° All times are approximate Concludes Approximately 5:15 PM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005 ONE DAY REUNION 6:30 AM – 7:35 AM……………..……….………….Registration 7:35 AM..…………………………………Opening Ceremonies 7:50 AM – 4°………………………………....Jerry N. Kirby, 33° 8:30 AM – 14°……….……..Matthew B. Strickland, 32° KCCH 9:10 AM………….…………….……..……….COFFEE BREAK 9:25 AM – 18°.………………………...Wallace P. Finfrock, 33° Three Day Class Joins One Day Class 10:45 AM – 30°…………………...…….…….Max F. Gilley, 32° 12:15 PM………..………......…Lunch and Tribute to Honoree Pass out Questionnaire w/instructions 1:25 PM – 31°……………...…………..Elmer Murphey, III, 33° 2:25 PM…………..…………………..…….…COFFEE BREAK Note: Candidate Must Turn In Questionnaire On Return To Auditorium 2:40 PM – 32°……….…….Richard E. Davies, Sr., 32° KCCH Concludes Approximately 3:55 PM Oct05sr.qxp Page 3 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 3 www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas I.T. Committee is working hard for the Valley For the Valley of Dallas The Information Technology Committee that has been appointed by Chairman, Doug Adkins has been doing yeoman’s duty for the Valley. In addition to the new computers and server, they have been doing surveys on the telephone system, security system, surveillance system and many other related items. The committee chairman, Stephen Apple, Sr. along with the members, Stephen Apple, Jr., Craig Sutton, Noel Coward, Greg Adkins, Ed Kirkpatrick and Matthew Strickland have been very busy bringing the Valley into the 21st Century. Steven Apple, Sr. and Craig Sutton have been working lots of hours on the computer system and it is finally up and running in good form. This enhancement allows everyone in the office to have private e-mail addresses, full backup of files on the server, access to network printers and various other needed enhancements. When you see any of these brothers, thank them for their great job above and beyond the call of duty. Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas is published monthly by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Valley of Dallas, 500 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201-6210. Subscription rate is $1.00 per year. Postmaster: Send address changes to SCOTTISH RITE NEWS, 500 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201-6210. (214) 748-9196. ALLEGIANCE: The Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Dallas, Orient of Texas, acknowledge and yield alliance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-Third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose See is at Charleston in the State of South Carolina (now sitting in Washington, D.C.), of Ill. Ronald A. Seale, 33o, is Sovereign Grand Commander; Ill. John E. Moyers, 33o, Grand Secretary General; Ill. Jack Hightower, 33o, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Texas, Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction. PRESIDING OFFICERS: Hon. M. Douglas Adkins, 32o KCCH, Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Valley of Dallas; Hon. Lester Robert Smith, 32o KCCH, Venerable Master, Dallas Lodge of Perfection (4o-14o); Hon. Thomas Graves Keithly, 32o KCCH, Wise Master, Dallas Chapter of Rose Croix (15o-18o); Hon. Wendell Paul Miller, 32o KCCH, Commander of Kadosh (19o-30o); and Ill. Herman Houston Bennett, 33o, Master of Kadosh, Dallas Consistory, Masters of the Royal Secret (31o32o). EDITOR: Hon. Edwin F. Kirkpatrick, 32o KCCH, to whom all letters pertaining to the items or articles for the Newspaper should be addressed at 500 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201-6210. E-MAIL: [email protected] Craig Sutton thinking about a problem with Regenia’s computer after Stated Meeting in September STATED MEETINGS: Stated Meetings are held on the Second Monday of each month at 12:00 PM, except for December and it is held on the Third Monday at 12:00 PM, at the Temple, Harwood Street at Young (500 South Harwood Street), Dallas, Texas. If every member of Dallas Scottish Rite would get just one petition each year, we could double our membership in just one year. Use the petition attached here to get your new member. Be sure to keep a petition with you every time you visit your Blue Lodge or other Masonic Body. Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 4 Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas Honors www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] The Valley of Dallas has been notified they we will receive 22 Thirty-Thirds and Fifty-Eight Knights Commander of the Court of Honor on October 3rd at the biennium meeting at the Supreme Council in Washington, D.C.. This is the largest number of Honors that we have received in a number of years. This is in recognition of the great work that was performed by our Valley in 2003 and 2004 the years that determined the number for this upcoming meeting. Thanks for all the hard work. In the Southern Jurisdiction fewer than two percent have received the Honor of the Thirty-Third Degree. The KCCH is worn by fewer than three percent of the members. We are looking forward to receiving the names for these Honors for the Valley of Dallas. Page 4 Matthew Brady Strickland 32o KCCH Matt Strickland, 32o KCCH will once again lead the Knight Commander of the Court of Honor Ceremonial of Investiture Team for the Scottish Rite Valley of San Antonio as Sovereign Grand Commander. It is an Honor for Brother Strickland to be chosen to again take part in this wonderful ceremony. Congratulations, Matt. ATTENTION: 32o KCCH and 33o DEGREE TEAMS 32o KCCH DEGREE TEAM SCHEDULE October 12 - Organizational Meeting - 6:30 PM October 26 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM November 2 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM November 9 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM Novembr 16 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM November 19 - Honors Day 33o DEGREE TEAM SCHEDULE York Rite School of Instruction North Texas York Rite College No. 118 is hosting a York Rite School of Instruction on Saturday-November 12, 2005, 9:00 AM3:00 PM, at Travis Lodge, 2817 N. Travis St., Sherman, Texas. Registration starts at 8:00 AM with coffee and donuts. All interested Companions are asked to RSVP so that we can determine a head count for lunch. Contact Secretary-Raymond Blalack (903)893-8948, E-Mail: [email protected]; or Tim La Vergne (903)583-1891, E-Mail: [email protected]. ALL YORK RITE MEMBERS INVITED! October 13 - Organizational Meeting - 6:30 PM October 28 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM November 3 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM November 10 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM November 17 - Rehearsal - 6:30 PM November 19 - Honors Day A light dinner will be served on each of these dates All degree team members are requested to be at each of the above mentioned Meetings and Rehearsals. Due to the fantastic number of new KCCH’s and 33rd’s we want to put on an exemplary performance. Oct05sr.qxp Page 5 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 5 www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas Some Pictures from Stated Meeting, September 12, 2005 Our new stage really enhances the Auditorium The Chef’s Committee and Bus Boys Committee perform a much needed function at all of our events. Thanks, everyone. Lunch at Stated Meeting is always a great meal prepared by Chef Basil Stergios Larry V. Hall and Kenneth E. Cooley are in charge of collecting the $5.00 charge for Lunch. The Treasurer, Bob Hurt and General Secretary, John Marshall chat in the foyer before lunch on Stated Meeting day. Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 6 Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas 33o Birthdays Frank Whitcombe Amadon William Albert Bilsing Burnis Lloyd Covington Leonard Elbert Hoffman, Jr Robert Lee Jensen Jerry Nelson Kirby Henry Sam Miller 32o KCCH Birthdays Jimmy Don Emmons John McClellan Marshall Pete Martinez James Ellis Parsons Thomas Anderson Parsons Denard Swain Pryor, Jr Eugene M Roberts Lester Robert Smith Robert Dale Telford John Toliver Towles Larry Scott Wall John Monroe Wilkerson 32o Birthdays Kenneth Arthur Abbott Gary Wade Adams James Eddy Adams Philip Paul Adkins Henry Alaniz Claud Eugene Alexander Teddy Joe Alford Harry Thomas Allred David Laroy Anderson Dean Bell Anderson James Lee Anderson James Kenneth Andrus Stephen Wade Apple Roscoe Taylor Arnold Olly Cullen Ashley William Leslie Atkins Willard F Aultman Francis Earl Babin Tommy Ray Bain Billy James Baker Ronald Jay Baker Bobby Wayne Ballard Edwin George Banning Bradford Stanley Barber Adolfo Gollardo Barrera Frank Rawls Barrow John Bartlett Roy Arthur Barz Elias Edward Bass Walter Joseph Baudoin Joe Donald Beam Arville Lee Beard Jimmy Mearon Beard Charles Raymond Bearden Cecil Douglas Beasley Jimmy Eugene Beavers Earl Harvey Beeler Benny Charles Beene Elias G Benavidez Alwin Melvin Benefield James Rudolph Benes Richard Guy Bennet Garry G Bennett Ernest Berglund Aubrey Quentin Berry James Andrew Beverley Gerald Lee Bickle David Michael Biddler Billy Bud Biggar Freddie Taswell Biggs John Gerard Birch Robert Lloyd Birmingham William Frank Bishop Stephen A Bishopp Emory Morris Black Ben Dode Blackburn Richard Paul Blackford Kenniston Fred Blackington Thomas D Bland Donald Edison Blevins Gerald Henry Bluhm E S Bogue Carol Dean Bohannan William Thomas Bolt Jimmy Dale Bostwick www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Jason Brad Boulton Anthony Louis Bovis Charles H Bowen David B Bowers Donald Wesley Bowling Donald Ray Box Richard Rex Boyd William N Braden Michael Keith Bradley John Branson Dewayne Elton Brawner Norwood M Brenneke Joe Alfred Brewer Edmond Sharp Bright William Claude Bristow Floyd Brizendine Bobby G Broomfield Thomas Edgar Brower Arnold Dee Brown Daniel Gene Brown David John Brown Joe Kenneth Brown Paul Neeley Brown Ray Weldon Brown Thomas Woodrow Brown Troy Fred Brown Robert Gaylord Brubaker Bobbie Joe Bruner David Washington Buchanan Billy Ray Buckingham Jiten Jay Budhrani James Ray Bullock Robert Henderson Bunting Victor John Burgess James Roy Burk Jack Lawrence Burkarth Paul Clark Burke Carrell Edward Burleson Johnny Edward Burleson Donald Gene Burras Terry Lynn Burross Lee Bushman James Lewis Butler John Edward Butler John Wilson Buttram Connie Byrne Lance Alan Cain Robert Harry Callanan Jerry Leo Callaway John Ross Campbell Roscoe Leonard Canada William Thomas Capps Brian Keith Carlan James Temple Carlile John L Carlisle Dany Clifton Carney Leon Carpenter Marvin Wayne Carpenter James Garland Carr Merle Dean Carter William Ray Carter Thomas Ebb Castloo Gorman Edward Cates Stanley Wayne Caviness Fredrick Doyle Cearley Eugene D Cecil Donald Glen Chapman Roy Eugene Chesney Melvin Byrd Chesnut Robert Eugene Childress Roy Bowden Childs John Thomas Choate Edgar Poe Chrisman Larry Burleson Christensen Aldo Alberto Cindo Clarence Wm Clark Robert Willard Clark Terry Foster Clark William Herbert Cleary Bob Lee Clements Donald Hugh Clemons Gerald Franklin Cleveland Leon Benjamin Cohen Willia Harold Collum, Jr Ronald Gene Congleton Melvin George Cook William Thomas Cook Loyd W Cooper Robert Alan Cooper Charles Matthew Cope Thomas Henry Copeland Daryl Bert Cordell Roger Dale Corley Paul Luther Cotten Jackie Dewane Couch Robert Bruce Counts Daniel Covarrubias Thomas Milton Covert Alston Ray Cox James Weldon Cox John Willard Cox Robert Coleman Cox Tommy Dean Cox Grady Crain George Theodore Cramer Gene Thomas Crane William Alfred Craven Garland Irvine Crocker H K Crouch Donald Ray Crow Randall James Crow Joe Robert Crowder Cory D Crowell Craig Lee Crudgington Thomas J Cunningham Lewis Alex Cutshall Jack Wayne Dabbs Bobby Joe Dale Richard Bryan Daniel Fred Allen Daugherty Ivan S Davenport Bennie Bernard Davis Billy Wayne Davis Davie Lee Davis George Melvin Davis Jesse Gale Davis Howard Kevin De’Ornellas John Irvin De’Vine John Richard Deal James Mccord Denton Victor Albert Deterra William Edward Dickenson Noel Lee Dickinson Malcolm Ray Dillard C B Disman Richard F Dixon Jerry David Dodson James Edward Dolezalek RichardH Donley David Donosky Ervin Donsky William Cary Dorman Robert Alonzo Dotson David Anderson Draper James Scott Driver Charles B Dryden Howard Lawrence Duhan Billy Wayne Dulworth William Nichols Dungan John Thomas Dunkin Joseph Hanley Durbin James Earl Dyess Terry Lee Earnest Steven Lee Eason Warren Byron Eaton Frank Weldon Edwards Jon Alden Ekstrand Phillip Lynn Elery Spencer Jefferson Ellard William Ralph Elliott Billy Mack Ellis Earl Clifton Ellis Jerry Wayne Elrod Billy Emerson Mack Douglas England Earl Monroe Erickson Brian Louis Essary Saul Sonny Essenfeld Forrest Osmar Eubanks Bobby Dean Evans James A Everett William Price Everett Herbert Leon Evett Karlan Ray Fairchild Benny Harold Farmer Warren Bernard Fenske David Ray Fitzgerald James Ellis Fitzgerald James N Flanery Don Sander Flesher Jack William Flock David Bradley Flowers Joe Blanton Fogg Elmer Lawrence Ford Ongie Virgil Fox Tom Leo Fox Travis Ray Fralicks John Nichols Frank Isaac Alexander Fuller Marshal Neil Furr Gary Wayne Gajdica John Charles Galik Mike Samuel Galvan Edwin Ray Garner Teddy Ramsey Garner Willie Freeman Garner James Stanley Garrison Chester Gordon Garst Thomas Edwin Geddie Brent Eugene Gibson James Gailen Gibson Lonnie Dale Gibson Lowell Dean Gillie Thomas William Gilmore Jorge Giraldo Donald Everett Godwin Robert Evan Gold Don Gwin Gordon Philip Lee Goss William Kenneth Gossett Steven Laverne Goughnour Warren Olin Gould Fredrick Wayne Grant John T Grant Marc Barry Grant Michael Grant Wallace Drury Grasmuck Alva Lee Graves Donald Leon Gravitt Chad Aaron Green John Neil Green Walter Cannon Green Robert Martin Greenberg Charles Franklin Greene J T Greenhaw Marvin Lee Gregory Ross Lillian Griffin Duel W Grigg Johnny Mack Griggs Billy Gene Grimes Dalton Charles Grisham Ray Felty Grisham Jeffrey Todd Grose William Nelson Grosvenor Mance\ D Grubbs Bobby Fox Guinn Jimmy Clarence Gumm Joseph Dwayne Gunter William Stickney Guptill James Doyle Guthrie James R Hale Archie Amos Hall James Wayne Hall Wendell Lowell Halpin Jerry Wallace Hamilton Robert Leeding Hamilton Harvey David Hamm Richard H Hammonds Charlie W Hampton Joe R Hancock David Eugene Hanks Samuel Richard Hanks John P Hannel Thomas Jacob Hanson John Ervin Harber Alan Clark Hargis Charles Ray Harris David Jeffrey Harris James Carlyle Harris James Herschell Harris Stephen Vance Hartman Ira Omar Harvey John Gregory Hatfield Sidney L Hawkins Ira Hawley Calvin Edward Haworth Bobby Howard Hazelip Paul Fredrick Healy Ronald Gene Hendershot Daniel Jerome Henslee Page 6 Jimmy Lonzo Henson Robert Louis Hernandez Robert Lee Hersey Leroy F Heslekrants George Wesley Hicks James Charles Highfield Donald Ennis Hilburn Freddy Mac Hill Richard Keith Hill Francis Loyd Hinch Benjamin Leroy Hinds John Terrell Hinds Michael E Hipp, II Lloyd Joseph Hock Gerald Hamilton Hodges James Robert Holmes John Elbert Holton William Wayne Hooten Dennis Mitchell Horner Steven Hampton Howell Tony David Hudgins William Tillman Huffman Earl Keith Hughes Wurlington W Hughes Charles Michael Hunt Leonard Harper Hunter Ronnie Keith Hunter James Edward Huston Thomas A Hutson William Coleman Hutson David Wayne Irvin Kenneth Charles Irvin William Perry Irving Robert Malcom Ivey James Madison Ivie Roger Dale Ivy Darryl Lynn Jackson Woodrow Michael Jackson Marc Reece Jaco Roger A Jacobsen Robert John Jaeckle John William James Alvin Morris Jay Charles Wendell Jennings Gary Stephen Jennings Michael Alex Jinright Joseph Michael Joffrion Georgie Virginia Johnson Jerry Dewaine Johnson Joseph Irvin Johnson Paul C Johnson Richard Wayne Johnson Roy Allen Johnson Bobby Dean Johnston Don Lamar Johnston Michael Edward Johnston Robert Joseph Johnston Tony Dale Jolliff Morris Keith Jolly Aubrey Gene Jones Curtis Lee Jones Darrell Howard Jones Gary Wayne Jones Jerry Wayne Jones John David Jones Ronald Andrew Jones Royce Jon Jones William Judson Jones Clarence M Jordan Milton C Justice Paul Asa Kadane Leon Jay Kaplan David Wayne Karr Corey Michael Keese David Wayne Kelley Jackson Clay Kelley Warner Marion Kelly Charles William Kennon James Carl Key Robert Gordon Kietzman William Riley Killian Charles Raymond Kindle Charles Edward Kines Grady O’Neal King John Ira King Robert Lee King Michael James Kingsmore Roger Lee Kirk James OscarKitchen Oct05sr.qxp Page 7 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 7 www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] 32o Birthdays, cont. Joseph Daniel Kitchings Dave Klimist Dwain Paul Knight Steven Michael Knights Perry Joseph Knippa William Earl Knox William Bruner Koch Emerson Lowell Kratz Douglas Arthur Kraus Earle George Krause Duane Edward Krueger Richard L La Quey Carrol Jackson Lackey Robert Eugene Lake Jesse Harel Lambert Robert Russell Lamm Benson E Landrum Isadore Landsberg Clarence Joy Laney Charles Floyd Langford Grady B Lankford William E Lanman Jimmie George Lawrence Francis Wallace Lawson Bates Le Grand Louis A Lebel Harold David Lee Eugene Lennon Steven Glenn Leverett James Clifford Lewis Raymond Dupree Lewis William Arthur Lewis Hughie Monroe Libhart Gordon Samuel Lievsay Joe Dan Lightner Leonard H Limmer Robert Henry Lindop Richard Hugh Lindsey David Fred Little Ernest Joseph Livesay Kenneth Nyles Locke Howard Ross Lockmiller James Eldon Lough Richard Freeman Loughry Hiram Mckinney Lowe Odis Alexander Lowe Kenneth Jack Ludwig Victor Arnold Luedke William R Luth Raymond Lee Luther, Jr W Martin Lyford Duraid Khaled Malhas Jarrell Hugh Malone Michael Edward Malone Stephen Thomas Manley Truett Ward Mann Robert Edward Manus Harry Rudolph March Jeffrey Dennis Markle Douglas Morris Markley Vaughn Howard Marrs John William Marsh Randolph Branch Marston Edwin Earl Martin Kenneth Burl Martin Morris Dale Martin Phillip Anthony Martin David Gordon Matthews John Posey Matthews Jimmy Rayborn Maxwell Sterling R May John Henry Mayes Billy Tom Maynard Cloyce Efton McBride Benny Maurice McCaig Gary Olan McCain Wiley Arthur McCallum Willis Elvin McClammy Mahan Kenneth McCord James Howard McCown Ricky L McCullough Johnny Ray McCurley Byron John McDaniel James Robert McDaniel Thomas Brown McDaniel Billy Gene McDonald John B McDonald Michael Lee McDonald Harold Ray McDowell Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS, CONT. Ralph Lynn McDowell Bruce E McEwin Howard Payne McGriff Charles Ray McKinney John McLaughlin Martin McLemore Walton Wayne McNeel Dennis Edwin McWilliams Archie M Meador Thomas Winston Medlin Oliver K Meininger William Merryman Dennis Howard Michael Jeffrey Blake Middleton Clarence E Miller Clark Matthew Miller Don Michael Miller Edward Hunt Miller Ira Lee Miller Jerry D Miller Joe Berry Millhollon Charles Wm Minshew Eddie Mack Mitchell Frank Hearn Mitchell Glenn Carrell Mitchell John Joseph Mizera Alfred Ray Montgomery Ronald Gene Montgomery Chris Moore Dewey Malone Moore Gary D Moore George B Moore Bobby Don Morgan Frank Arthur Morris Lloyd Emerson Moseley James Howard Moser Joe Dale Moss Willie Howard Moss Jack Motley Gerald Lynn Mullins Floyd Jarmon Murchison Thomas Charles Murphy Virgil Lawrence Myers Thomas Barton Nash Henry Jack Naumann Robert Henry Naylor William Deloy Nelson Roy Arch Nesbitt Robert William Newsom James Louis Nieves William Levi Nixon Jimmy Ross Noble Prather Eugene Norman Larry Mac Norrell William Michael Norris Derrell Gene Norwood Ira Quintern Norwood James Spencer Norwood James Donald Noska Merril Edwin Nunn George Walton O’Neal Brian P O‘Shea Billy Steven Oates Louis Olivo William Buck Ord Charles Glenn Owens Robert Lee Padgett Joe Santford Page William David Pardue Patrick Claude Parker Richard Louis Parker Walton Cleburne Parker Rex S Parkison David Monroe Parr Brian David Parsons Curtis Raymond Parsons E W Paschetag Murvon Oliver Pate Joseph William Patterson Haldeen Peacock Miles English Pearce Marlin Plez Pendergrass Vernon T Peoples Alphonse Love Perot Stephen W Perritte Aden Jay Phillips Arthur Augustine Phillips Jerry Mack Phillips Kenneth Wayne Phillips Robert Gene Pickering David Eugene Pickett Charles Curry Pierce William Arthur Pierce Harold Hermas Pike Joe Max Pincus Larry Randall Pipkin James S Pirtle Mickey Eugene Plaster Kurt Leo Plaut Robert Conlee Plunk Craig Allen Pohl Harold Ralph Poindexter Willie Clinton Pointer Joe Vaughan Pool George William Pope William B Pope David Vernon Porter Thomas Joe Porterfield William Robinson Powell James Norman Powers Morris Randle Pratt Willie Edwin Pratt James Albert Prugel Anthony Ohral Pruitt William Kenneth Pullen Bobby Paul Pynes Michael Anthony Rader William Jasper Ramsey Billy Ransom Jerry Luke Rawlinson Lee Roy Ray George Waite Redpath Michael Reed Edwin Dale Reeves Kenneth Durwood Reeves William E Revis Frankie E Rhoden Donald Edgar Rice Thomas Julian Rich George Arthur Richards Carl Lee Richey Richard Edward Riggins Billy Harold Ring Anthony Michael Ripps Jimmy Rudolph Risner Morris Fred Rister John Harry Ritter Ken Rodney Ritter Dorris Glen Roberts James Tate Roberts Raymond L Robertson Billie Winston Robinett F Gene Robinson Robert Leonard Robinson Wallis Henry Robinson Charles E Rodgers Tommy Rea Rodgers Jimmy Dale Roe Thomas Hunter Romine Freddy Dean Rose Martin Emanuel Rosenfeldt Ben Hyman Rosenthal Eugene Fisher Ross Paul Olan Roundtree Jimmy Dale Royston James Harold Rozell Warren Lloyd Rubin Ralph Curtis Rumbo Neil James Russell Thomas Arthur Russell Woodson Reid Russell John Cooper Rutherford Joe Frank Sagnibene Michael A Salmon David Bryan Sample Curtis Wayne Sanders Otis O Sanders Jorge L Santana Tommy Eugene Sawyer Michael Lee Schaefer Frank Donald Schrieber Anthony L Schuman Quentin Oliver Scruggs Thomas Carney Sewell John S Sharrer Archie Nolan Shaver Milton Amos Shaw Lenox Edward Shelton Benjamin Candler Sheppard Harold Lloyd Shields Richard Shing Jerry Eugene Shipp James Lynn Shortnacy Joe Kent Silvers William Franklin Simmons Gilbert V Simpkins Vernon Lee Sims David Scott Sisk Billie Mac Smith Charles Edward Smith Chris John Smith Cledith Odell Smith David Lee Smith Eugene William Smith Francis Edwin Smith Freddie Donald Smith G Clay Smith Henry Frank Smith Jack David Smith James Dallas Smith Joe Daniel Smith Leslie Eugene Smith Marion Pembroke Smith Robert Lee Smith Theodore Ellis Smith Truman Elwood Smith Marney Leeroy Snow Paul Eugene Snyder Robert Scott Songer Garrett Leslie Southwood Jay Brian Spalding Lamar Q Sparks Morris Eugene Spears Raymond Lewis Speer Earl D Spicer Eugene Euclid Spillman Thomas James Spivey Steven Larry Spradlin Joe Albert Staley Charles David Starek Chester Lee Stark Robert Michael Starnes Wayne Cleaburne Starnes Jerry Wayne Steenson James Leroy Stephens Rudy Harrison Stephens Shawn Stephenson Edward Earl Stevens John Allen Stevens Rudolph Steward James C Stewart William Leo Stewart Calvin Ancel Stiefer William Horace Stiles Norvell Shapley Stith Billy Joe Stoffregen Vergil Earl Stone Billy Harold Stotts Darwin T Strickland Donald Robert Stricklin Robert Earl Strock Ben Clayton Stubbs Charles Howard Stubbs William Colvin Sutton Richard Lee Taaffe Lawrence Edward Tabak Thomas James Talley William W Tanton J L Tanzy Dewayne Loyd Tatom Cleatus Waitzel Taylor Steve George Tefas Barry Bradford Telford Leroy F Tellgren Gregory Lynn Terrell W T Terrell Ralph Terry Sidney Gaston Terry Michael Jim Thaten Henry William Theriot Herbert Dale Thomas Danny Leon Thompson Michael Todd Thompson Gray N Thornton Jeffrey Patrick Thrasher Stanford Rogers Thurman Philip Wayne Tice James Travis Tolbert William James Traywick Ernesto Carlos Trevino Edward Frank Trieb Dennis Ray Tubb Arch Lee Tucker Kenneth Charles Turman Sumner Doyle Tye William David Tygett Robert Daniel Tyson Hoye Gene Underwood Irvin August Uphoff Spiva Guy Vaden Greg Blanco Valera Kenneth Raymond Vance Dale Robt Vandermolen Robert Ray Varnum John Edward Vaughan Franklin Delano Vaught Joseph Michael Vest Willie Gene Vest Charles Villasana Morris Lynn Vincent Dominic D Vogt Kenneth Darrell Wade Marvin Clay Wade Thomas Allen Wafer Athel Lee Wagnon David Craig Walker John A Walker Bill Dell Wall Larry Allen Waller Christopher Ethan Walters Jackie Bernard Walton Kenneth Lonnie Walton Thomas Ray Walton Mark A Wammack Jimmie Louis Wardlow Donald Edmond Warrington Alvin Hall Watkins Kenneth Don Watkins Robert Lee Watson Claude Wayne Webb George Orie Webb Tommy Milam Weston Harry Theodore Wetz Glenn Red Whaley John Harding Whaley William Henry Whatley Bobby Wheatley Bobby Lavon White Shelby Sutherland White Royce Harold Whitman Robert William Whitney James Hoyt Whittle Steven Mark Whitworth Frederic George Wicks Harold Dean Wilder Ronald Joe Wilkerson Ricky Allen Wilkins Joe Frank Willard Harley Major Willey Arthur Berri Williams George W Williams Harold Lee Williams James Alexander Williams Jimmy Earl Williams John Terry Williams Lester Marion Williams Rodney Pat Williams Thomas L Williams Weldon Williams Clayton Edward Wilson Harold Leo Wilson John Jay Wilson Robert Dwane Wilson Charles Michael Wood R B Woodard Ellison Penn Wootten Paul Eugene Workman David A Wright Frank Hartwell Wright Grady Ray Wright Larry John Wright Roscoe Upton Wright Shelby Onelom Wright Virgil Shaw Wulfson Robert Oscar Wyatt Thomas Charles Wyatt Buddy Wynne John Scott Yates Daniel E Yaw Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 8 Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] Page 8 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE It was a dawn morning and there was a smell of death in the air; children were dying, women were crying, men were screaming for help – slowly the Marine chopper settled down for a landing amidst chaotic conditions – suddenly the chopper took fire from an unseen, unknown sniper – the pilot had to evacuate, leaving the helpless screaming below. Was this Afghanistan? Was it Iraq? No, it was New Orleans, Louisana, USA, reeling from the terrible devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The national media were pointing fingers of blame while the helpless stood on their roofs pleading for their lives. This is an unfamiliar experience or scene from the pages of Masonic history – yet, this is 2005, not 1805 and this is the United States of America, not foreign soil. Masons are assisting the victims as you read this article. Masons were some of the first to bring relief in the form of aid, food, clothes, and unselfish compassion. Most peo- ple know of the generosity exhibited by churches and lodges, but is this the only time that a tear of compassion should be shed for our Brethren, for our friends and for the strangers? NO. Masonry should be practiced proactively – not reactively! The love of God, our fellowman and Country is our heritage and that light should not be hidden under a bas- ket. Others should know about our craft and our mission before the hurricanes of life hit – before the tragedy – not afterwards. The lawlessness and callous disregard for our fellowman reflects a serious breach in the fabric of our great Country. President Kennedy admonished us to “ask not what our Country could do for us but what we could do for our Country.” President Bush brushed aside the blame game and directed a courageous rescue effort saving the lives of thousands. There is a lesson for us to learn: what would our forefathers have thought about the orchestration given the tragedy by the media? Masons need to read the tea leaves in today’s society and redouble our efforts to reach out to good men and seek to encourage them to become better men. It is later than we think. George Washington’s picture on the cover of “US News and World Report” is another wake up call. I urge you to attend your Stated Meetings and your Reunions in order to strengthen your dedication to the upholding of this great Country and to encourage others to do likewise. Fraternally; M. Douglas Adkins, Personal Representative of the SGIG for the State of Texas ood g s i r e Laught ul!! o s e h for t Patient: “Doctor, can I get a second opinion?” Doctor: “Of course you can. Come back tomorrow.” Patient: “Doctor, I’ve broken my arm in two places.” Doctor: “ Don’t go back to either one of them.” Doctor: “I’m afraid you are anemic.” Patient: “I want a second opinion.” Doctor: “You’re ugly too.” THE SECRETARY'S MINUTE Illustrious and Worthy Brethren, This is to remind you that on October 15, 22, and 29 we will be having our Fall Reunion. This is a most important event in the life of the Valley of Dallas, particularly as we have had such a great August Reunion. Please be sure that you have those petitions for initiation that you have sponsored into the office BY OCTOBER 10 so that they can be voted upon at the Stated Meeting as required by the Statutes of The Supreme Council. Those of you who have not had the opportunity to attend a three-day reunion or who have a candidate, please plan to attend. You will enjoy it, I promise. THANK YOU!!!! Also, Bro. Doc Whit, "The Fiddler", is looking for any of the Brethren who are interested in playing in a Bluegrass/Country group for Masonic events to please contact him at 214-3882756. We look forward to seeing you at the Reunion in October. Fraternally, John McClellan Marshall, 32º KCCH General Secretary Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 Page 9 SUNDAY 10:32 AM Page 9 www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas DALLAS SCOTTISH RITE EVENTS CALENDAR OCTOBER, 2005 MONDAY 2 3 9 10 5th Degree Rehearsal 6:30 PM 24th Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM Stated Meeting 12:00 Noon 15th Degree Rehearsal 5:30 PM 24th Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM TUESDAY 4 18th Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM 11 20th Degree WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 17th Degree Rehearsal 6:00 PM 9/10 Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM 20th Degree Rehearsal 6:00 PM 5th Degree Rehearsal 7:15 PM Rehearsal 5:00 PM 18th Degree Rehearsal 9/10 Degree Rehearsal 5th Degree Rehearsal 8th Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 11:00 AM 6:30 PM 32O KCCH Organization 33o Organizational 32nd Degree Rehearsal 19th Degree Rehearsal Meeting 6:30 PM Meeting 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:45 PM Fall Reunion Day 1 7:00 AM 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31st Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM 31st Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM 21st Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM 30th Degree Rehearsal 6:30 PM 32o KCCH Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM 20th Degree Rehearsal 32nd Degree Rehearsal 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 28th Degree Rehearsal 7:00 PM 33o Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM Fall Reunion Day 2 7:00 AM Fall Reunion Day 3 (1 day class) 6:30 AM 30 NOVEMBER, 2005 SUNDAY 6 MONDAY 1 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 3 32o KCCH Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM THURSDAY 33o Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM FRIDAY 4 5 SATURDAY 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Black Cap Presentation 2:00 PM Stated Meeting 12:00 Noon Lunch to follow 32o KCCH Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM 32o KCCH Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM 33o Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM 33o Degree Team Rehearsal - 6:30 PM Thanksgiving Day Office Closed Happy Thanksgiving Office Closed Honors Day Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 10 Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] Members of the Scottish Rite Valley of Dallas Page 10 Are deeply saddened to learn that the Supreme Architect of the Universe has called the following Brethren to that Celestial Lodge above..... BIRTH DATE DEATH DATE February 14, 1908 September 9, 1939 October 14, 1918 October 28, 1909 April 15, 1913 July 17, 1921 June 28, 1920 November 12, 1907 October 29, 2003 August 15, 2005 August 17, 2005 February 18, 2000 December 13, 1997 February 7, 2005 April 18, 2004 August 31, 2005 NAME Calvin Hope Felts, 32o Billy Frank Fowler, 32o John Jackeb Haynes, 32o Haskell Joseph Howell, 32o William Bonner Merchant, Jr., 32o Raymond Donald Rose, 32o James Edward Stephenson, Jr., 32o John Charles Wilson, 32o BLUE LODGE Telephone #348 Midlothian #584 Commerce #439 Memphis #729, Memphis TN Faith #1158 Irving #1218 Travis #117 Gibraltar #1179 He lived respected and died regretted Farewell, my Brother, until we meet again. Meet your Office Staff Visitation Report September, 2005 As the largest Valley in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, The Valley of Dallas is a very busy place. In order to get all of the work done and insure that the records are current, our office staff is extremely busy. The staff consists of two ladies who work very hard for you. For those of you who do not get down to the Cathedral during office hours, I would like to introduce you to them. Fraternal Visitation Committee Bob Heard, 32o KCCH, Chairman Mel Polen, 32o KCCH, Vice Chairman Jewel Franklin Graves, 32o KCCH Howard Smith Lard, 33o Edward Joseph Ochs, 32o James Anton Pipkin, Sr., 32o KCCH Regenia Schedule, Office Manager Ora W. Walk, 33o Lawrence Leon Turner, 32o Judge Dee Brown Walker, 33o John Ray Wallace, 33o Please keep these Brethren and all the others who are ill in your prayers. Cindy Scholander Whenever you get a chance to come by the Cathedral, be sure to drop by the office and introduce yourself to these great ladies. Oct05sr.qxp Page 11 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 11 www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas Committee Meetings, Club Meetings, Degree Rehearsals, etc. BUSBOY COMMITTEE WHERE: S/R CATHEDRAL CONTACT: HOMER RODRIGUEZ 214-616-2015 (H) [email protected] EMAIL: CONTACT: DON DACON 972-414-1813 (H) [email protected] EMAIL: DATES 10/10 STATED MEETING 10/15 FALL REUNION, DAY 1 FALL REUNION, DAY 2 10/22 FALL REUNION, DAY 3 10/29 WHERE: CONTACT: 10/10 10/15 10/22 10/29 CHEFS COMMITTEE S/R CATHEDRAL BASIL SERGIOS STATED MEETING FALL REUNION, DAY 1 FALL REUNION, DAY 2 FALL REUNION, DAY 3 REGISTRATION COMMITTEE WHERE: S/R CATHEDRAL CONTACT: WILLIAM TEAQUIST 972-427-8781 DATES FALL REUNION, DAY 1 10/15 FALL REUNION, DAY 2 10/22 10/29 FALL REUNION, DAY 3 SCOTTISH RITE STUDY CLUB WHERE: S/R CATHEDRAL LIBRARY CONTACT: WALLACE P. FINFROCK 214-348-6328 DATES 10/31 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 11/28 DEGREE TEAM REHEARSALS 5th DEGREE TEAM CONTACT: Craig Sutton 214-649-5780 [email protected] EMAIL: 10/05 - 6:30PM DATES: 10/06 - 7:15PM 10/14 - 11:00AM 8th DEGREE TEAM CONTACT: Richard S. Lissauer 972-881-4767 EMAIL: [email protected] DATES: 10/11 - 6:30PM 9th/10th DEGREE TEAM CONTACT: Larry Van Hall 214-348-7594 EMAIL: [email protected] DATES 10/05 - 7:00PM 10/13 - 7:00PM CONTACT: EMAIL: DATES: CONTACT: DATES: 15th DEGREE TEAM Donald R. Keasler 817-557-8622 [email protected] 10/10 - 5:30PM 17th DEGREE TEAM Mark C. Mueller 214-821-5801 (H) 214-221-6888 (W) 10/05 - 6:00PM 18TH DEGREE TEAM CONTACT: Wallace P. Finfrock 214-348-6328 EMAIL: [email protected] 10/04 - 7:00PM DATES: 10/12 - 7:00PM CONTACT: EMAIL: DATES: CONTACT: EMAIL: DATES: EMAIL: DATES: CONTACT: EMAIL: DATES: CONTACT: EMAIL: DATES: CONTACT: EMAIL: DATES: 32nd DEGREE TEAM Richard E. “Dick” Davies, Sr. 972-234-1719 [email protected] 10/14 - 7:00PM 10/21 - 7:00PM 19th DEGREE TEAM Greg White 972-208-1013 [email protected] 10/11 - 7:45PM 20th DEGREE TEAM Arthur P. Gale 214-363-4812 (H) 214-363-4409 (W) [email protected] 10/6 - 6:00PM 10/11 - 5:00PM 10/20 - 5:00PM 21st DEGREE TEAM CONTACT: Zola B. Blicker 972-661-5070 (H) 972-387-8806 (W) [email protected] EMAIL: DATES: 10/19 - 7:00PM CONTACT: 31st DEGREE TEAM Elmer Murphey, III 972-733-4084 (H) 469-287-3910 (W) EMAIL: [email protected] DATES: 10/18 - 7:00PM 10/25 - 7:00PM CONTACT: 24th DEGREE TEAM James A, Moore 972-722-5002 [email protected] 10/03 - 7:00PM 10/10 - 7:00PM 28th DEGREE TEAM Jeffrey B. Middleton 469-726-1272 (H) 972-205-7934 (W) 214-802-2703 (C) [email protected] 10/20 - 7:00PM 30th DEGREE TEAM Max Gilley 214-348-1629 [email protected] 10/26 - 6:30PM NOTE: Please have your information into the office by the 10th of the current month to guarantee it will be posted in the upcoming month. Please give specific dates, times and locations for a more informative notice to your club/committee members. Cards and letters are no longer being sent out. Attention Please!!! Stated Meeting now starts at 12:00 P.M. instead of 12:15 P.M. OFFICE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY M. Douglas Adkins, Ext. 106 Regenia Schedule, Ext. 103 Glenda Dohm (Bldg. Rental). 214-748-9270 Oct05sr.qxp 10/15/2005 10:32 AM Page 12 Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas www.dallasscottishrite.org - [email protected] CHANGING ADDRESS? IS YOUR ADDRESS LABEL CORRECT? Please notify the Scottish Rite News of your change of address, phone number or E-mail. Provide all the information listed below to insure the change will be made correctly. CHANGE MY ADDRESS TO: (Please type or print) ______________________________________________ (Name) ______________________________________________ (Address) ______________________________________________ (Address) Important Dates for 2005 Valley of Dallas OCTOBER 10 15 22 29 Stated Meeting - 12:00Noon - Lunch to follow Fall Reunion - Day 1 - Registration - 7:00AM Fall Reunion - Day 2 - Begins at 7:00AM Fall Reunion - Day 3 - 1 day Class - Registration 7:00 AM NOVEMBER 13 14 19 24 Black Cap Ceremony - Lunch 2 PM - LADIES EXPECTED Stated Meeting - 12:00 Noon - Lunch to follow HONORS DAY - LADIES EXPECTED Thanksgiving Day - Office Closed - Happy Thanksgiving DECEMBER 12 Stated Meeting - 12:00 Noon - Lunch to follow 25 Christmas Day - Office Closed - Merry Christmas JANUARY 9 Stated Meeting - 12:00 Noon - Lunch to follow ______________________________________________ (City / State / Zip ______________________________________________ (Phone No. / E-mail Address) Presort Standard Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 253 Dallas, Texas ______________________________________________ Scottish Rite ID Number) Dallas Scottish Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry 500 South Harwood Street Dallas, Texas 75201-6210 Page 12 Rite News October, 2005