Dec 7, 2015 - Cottonwood Valley Charter School
Dec 7, 2015 - Cottonwood Valley Charter School
Cottonwood Valley Weekly December 7, 2015 August 17, 2015 Calendar December: 9: Governing Council Mtg 5:30pm Five CVCS Contestants: Five Winners! 11: NDI performances 17: BINGO Night fundraiser 19-January 4, 2016: Winter break Lunch Menu Tues: Lasagna Wed: Burritos Thur: Deli sandwiches Fri: Cook’s choice for remainder of year Science Olympiad Presents BINGO Night! December 17 One more time! Congratulations to Lynn Planck, Keller Ford, Niki Planck, Abby Watkins, and Jora Garner for winning trophies at the Socorro County Declamation last Thursday! 5:30pm Don’t miss this fun! Prizes, food, and a cakewalk, benefiting the 2015-2016 Science Olympiad Team and the 8th grade trip. The team would greatly appreciate donations of gift cards, new or gently used items that would make great bingo prizes. If shopping at, please log in to the school website, [email protected] and click on “how to help” and then click on “Amazon” and begin shopping! CVCS receives a check for a percentage of purchases— easiest fundraiser ever! Important Announcement About Friday, December 11 The ENTIRE school will attend the NDI performance on Friday, December 11 at Macey Center. Students will not be allowed to check out of school between 12:00 noon and 2:40pm, so please plan accordingly. Parents who want to attend the NDI performance need to attend the evening performance at 7:00pm. The NDI performance is extremely popular and there are no extra seats during the two youth performances. Please call the office if you have any questions. r Meet Aiden Masterson, CVCS Superstar! Age: 6 Grade: 1 Favorites: How many years have you attended CVCS? 1 Born: in Socorro Food: pizza Book: The Cat in the Hat Animal: horse, cow Sport: basketball TV show: Paw Patrol Ice cream: chocolate Word: mom Season: fall Sport team: Broncos Movie: Paw Patrol Candy Bar: Cookies & Cream Aiden has an older sister, Tameron-10. He has a Golden Retriever named Jace, two rabbits named Precious & Gordon, a horse named Poncho, and two fish named Jumpy and Bumpy. In his free time, Aiden likes to go to the lake, play with his cousins, and ride his horse. Aiden has been to Disneyland and the ocean with his mom, dad, and sister. What would you do if you were trapped in a cave with a crowbar, a firecracker, a jar of peanut butter, a 7’ King snake, and a trumpet? I would throw the firecracker at the snake and hit it on the head. Then I would try to chop its head off with the crowbar. I would then blow the trumpet so someone could hear me and come rescue me. When Aiden grows up, he wants to be a basketball player or a construction worker. Congratulations, Aiden, you are a superstar! Local School’s PAARC Scores on Website Please take a minute to peruse the Cottonwood Valley Charter School PAARC scores on the NM Department of Education website. The students took the test very seriously and exhibited the excellence that CVCS is known for! A great job to all students and teachers! Students’ individual scores will be sent home this week. Dashboard1?:embed=y&:display_count=yes&:showTabs=y&:toolbar=no&:showVizHome=no#3 Answer the following correctly: Please send your BoxTops and Labels for Education to CVCS! We especially need Pepperidge Farms labels.
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