fhqusandsIn $alinasMarch For Peace- Print This StoryNews Story - KSBW The Cent .. PageI of 2 KSBW.com Thousands In Sallnas l{arch For Peace RelatedTo Story 6-Year-OldAzahelCruz Killed By Stny Bullet P O S T E D :8 : 5 6 a m P D T M a r c h2 7 . 2 0 1 0 U P D A T E D :9 : 1 9 a m P D T M a r c h 2 8 . 2 0 1 0 SALINAS, (Calif. -- O"1aafter 6-year-oldAzahelCruz lost his life at the handsof gaugcrmsfire, motrethan 2,ooo peoplegatheredin Salinasto rememberthe first grader. they marcheddemandingand end to gangviolence,while standing up for peace. Video: Thousands in Salinas Honor Slain Boy ThebroaderCentralCoastcommunityjoinedthe grid strickenin Salinas,to paytheir respectsto Azahelvfrile pleadingfor peoce. 'Our childnn areilying.Conmunitiesale beingtom apart,"saiil DeaconPatrickConway,with Resurrection Church. NeighborscarnetogetherasoneSaturdayandto marth, c^llingout thosewith no valuefor human Iife. 'I just don'twant '\is anymorc.I wt my communityto bewhereerrcryone cancomethroug! anil feelsaft. I wantto ftel safemyself,isaidF'-miliCorvanubias. marchingalongsidethousandsof otherswasa fitting tribute for Azahelwhose ForCovamrbias, at the handsa straybullet. life endedabruptlyTrresday chiLl.SoI think it's importantthat we "Azahelwaslike my ownchilil. It shoulilbe errerJibody's to the community,"Covanubiassaidstandup andcometogetherandry to bring pea.ce "I think it showsour solidarity.I think that'ssomethingwe'rrclearnedthat uihenwestandup togetber,ws olnimthis. Insteailof lettingviolencetakeover,westandup to claimit for peae," miilConway, Chunh in Aptostrekled downto Salinasto take Conwayandzo membersofthe Resurrection part in the 2.5mile pmcession. Theywereamongthe countlesslocalsaleeplyafrectedby thelossof the first grader. 'the redity is thereansno easywaysto aililresssenseless violence,but for educatorslike whojust metlittle Azahela wee&bebre his death,effortslike the marth area start. Covamrbias, htB://www.ksbw.corn/print/229749061detnl.hhl 3t30120r0 ThousadslnSalinasldarchForPcace-PrintThisStoryNewsStory-KSBWTheC€nt.. Page2of2 'I dont knowho,vwecanfir this to behonestwith pu, but I rhink that a startis to come out herc. ' ohnnge Anil maybewecansomehorrfigureout whatwecan116 trs this situation CornrnrbiassaidAsfor the searchfor Azahel'skillers,policesaidtheyharrcnot madeanyan estsor namedany suspect& Anyonewith informationi6 askd to cal theanonlmouscrimetip line at ZS&7229. bpyright zoto by KSBWam- AII rigl6 rcend- http://www.ksbw.com/print/22974906ldetarl.hhl lhb mmrial nq notbe pntilished', reuritbn or rdigrihup.dMu*, 3130/2010