MJCA Newsletter


MJCA Newsletter
saints news
September 16, 2016
MJCA Newsletter
HS Homecoming is September 23
 Homecoming t-shirts available. Order through Booster
Club. Extras will be available on first come first serve
basis next week.
 Pep Rally/Powder Puff Football 2:30 at football field.
 Football game at 7:00pm
Grandparents to share stories and musical talents
with the elementary students and families on
Grandparents Day.
 High School and Alumni Bonfire after the game.
Spirit Days for Homecoming Week
Monday—America Day
If your grandparent is interested in playing their
favorite instrument with the band or share a memorable story from when they were younger please
contact Beth Davis at [email protected] for more
October 7, 2016
Sanctuary at MJCA
Tuesday—Tacky Tourist
Wednesday—Black Out
Thursday—Decade Day (60s 70s 80s)
Also, if you have special photos to share of you
and your grandparents email them to Mrs. Davis.
Friday—Spirit Day
Middle School Retreat
September 22nd and 23rd
This will be a two day event (not over-night) leaving at
7:30am, returning at 3:00pm.
If you have not approved the
permission form do so
Smiles, love and
priceless memories
Opens to the public Wednesday, September 21 and runs through Friday, September 23.
FRIDAY IS DISCOUNT DAY—marked Items 50% off.
Volunteers still needed. Sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0945ada82da13-fall
Concession Stand Volunteers
Softball Camp
Football concessions can use
some help. Volunteers are needed
every home football game.
September 27-29
You can go to http://
and look for open games that need volunteers or text
More information and
form on Renweb under
the Resource Documents
Melanie West at 615-497-7729.
MJCA Outerwear
MJCA outwear can be purchased from Nippers Embroidery.
Orders can be placed online or you can visit the store.
Thank you to the 43 families who
shop at Kroger and contributed
$474.96 to the MJCA VIP!
If you already have a Kroger card
it must be renewed annually.
Choose MJCA as your non-profit
Follow the instructions for MJCA orders.
MJCA families have the unique opportunity to
purchase tickets for the December 6 Nashville
Predators v. Colorado Avalanche game. Tickets
are reduced to $30 each.
Please log on to Renweb and fill out the form
under Resource Documents and return with payment by October 28.