Annual Report 2014
Annual Report 2014
For them. For you. For good. 2014 Annual Report Our uniquely mutual, diversified business strategy pays big dividends. Again. For the third consecutive year, we are raising both our dividend scale and dividend payout. Find out how on pages 4 and 5. Financial Highlights (IN $ MILLIONS) Policyholder Benefits and Dividends DECEMBER 31, 2014 DECEMBER 31, 2013 9,076 8,622 Individual Life Insurance In Force 871,138 840,455 Assets Under Management 540,895 425,139 2,024 1,764 21,937 21,141 1,213 1,195 Annuity Sales 11,289 9,673 Mutual Fund Sales 25,867 31,254 Operating Earnings Surplus and Asset Valuation Reserve Insurance Sales For definitions of the company’s performance measures, please see the Glossary of Terms on page 28. Note: “New York Life” or “the company,” as used throughout this Report, can refer either separately to the parent company, New York Life Insurance Company, or one of its subsidiaries, or collectively to all New York Life companies, which include the parent company and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Any discussion of ratings and safety throughout this Report applies only to the financial strength of New York Life, and not to the performance of any investment products issued by the company. Such products’ performance will fluctuate with market conditions. The New York State Department of Financial Services recognizes only statutory accounting practices for determining and reporting the financial condition and results of operations of an insurance company. The condensed consolidated statutory statement of financial position in this Report includes New York Life Insurance Company (NYLIC) and its domestic, wholly owned life insurance subsidiaries: New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation (NYLIAC) and NYLIFE Insurance Company of Arizona (NYLAZ). NYLAZ is not authorized in New York or Maine and does not conduct insurance business in New York or Maine. Policyholders may request a copy of the audited statutory financial statements applicable to their respective companies, New York Life’s consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and the detailed reconciliation of the company’s GAAP financial statements to its non-GAAP performance measure (i.e., Operating Earnings) by contacting the Secretary of the parent, New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10010. The individual company audited statutory financial statements, New York Life’s consolidated GAAP financial statements, and reconciliation to non-GAAP performance measures are also available on our website ( A message from Ted Mathas I am often struck by how strongly the insights of my children relate to business. Recently, I engaged my daughter in a conversation about trust. She concluded that trust exists when you believe the other person has your best interests at heart and the person has a track record of doing what he or she says. How true, and not only in families. American business has earned its trust deficit. The erosion of the past decade became a landslide with the financial crisis. And while many economic indicators are improving, trust remains in short supply. A recent CNN/ORC International public opinion poll revealed that only about 20 percent of people believe that big businesses can be trusted to do what is right.* From my perspective, the path to full recovery—and our nation’s ability to grow and prosper the way we know it can— requires reestablishing trust. It’s not something you buy or sell. It’s something you earn. And it’s something New York Life’s business has rested upon since opening our doors 170 years ago. When policyholders protect their families with our products, they aren’t just placing their money with us; they are placing their 2 New York Life Insurance Company trust in us. And their expectations are our singular focus: To be here, strong and secure, to fulfill our obligations, whenever they come due. To have our customers’ interests at heart and to do what we say we will do. In 2014, our agents and employees delivered another performance worthy of our mission. Strong sales and earnings further enhanced the overall financial strength that backs the guarantees we make to customers. Our company, in fact, is one of only two life insurers in the United States to have the highest ratings currently awarded for financial strength from A.M. Best, Fitch, Moody’s, and Standard & Poor’s.† We were also the only major mutual U.S. life insurance company to increase both its dividend scale and total dividend payout to eligible policyholders for the third consecutive year.‡ On pages 4–9 in this Report, you can find more details about our results and dividend increase. While the numbers provide a meaningful scorecard, they don’t convey the full story. Results in any given year are important. But how we consistently deliver those results, and what we do to strengthen people’s trust in us, is our most important scorecard. * † The “highest ratings currently awarded” refers to the highest ratings currently awarded to any life insurer, specifically: A.M. Best A++ (as of 6/4/2014), Fitch Ratings AAA (as of 3/26/2015), Moody’s Aaa (as of 12/4/2014), Standard & Poor’s AA+ (as of 6/27/2014). Source: third-party reports. ‡ Based on publicly available information on New York Life’s peer mutual U.S. life insurers. This peer group is comprised of major mutual U.S. insurance companies for whom life insurance is the primary focus and primary line of business, and whose dividend information is made publicly available. “Our interests are aligned with those of our policyholders. Their family’s protection. Their financial security. Their long-term goals.” At New York Life, the “how” begins with being a mutual life insurance company. We are not publicly traded; we do not have stockholders or other outside investors. Our interests are aligned with those of our policyholders. Their family’s protection. Their financial security. Their long-term goals. For most of our customers, securing peace of mind begins by working with one of our agents in communities, large and small, across our country. They are moms, dads, and neighbors. They are also among the most highly skilled insurance professionals in the industry. They have a track record to believe in. We are very proud that our team has led the United States in membership in the Million Dollar Round Table—the world’s premier association of insurance agents and financial service professionals—for 60 consecutive years.§ This accomplishment would not be possible without people placing their trust in us. Our agents work to understand their customers’ needs and tailor financial solutions to help meet their unique goals. We stand 100% behind every promise we make and try to exceed those expectations whenever and wherever we prudently can. We believe that a sustainable business must be grounded in trust. We do not take imprudent risks with the guarantees we make. We value a lifelong trusting relationship with our customers. As their needs change, our agents and employees stand by them, committed to helping them each step of the way. As one retired agent recently wrote in a letter to me, “New York Life has always been blessed with good people with great integrity.” I couldn’t agree more. We don’t take trust for granted. Each of us works every day to maintain our customers’ trust and help them make important decisions to protect their families’ future. We are here for them. For good. Sincerely, Ted Mathas Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer § The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), the premier association of financial professionals, is an organization that recognizes excellence in the life insurance industry. 2014 Annual Report 3 By continuing to be a mutual company, we remain uniquely aligned with our customers. As is the case with any business, New York Life needs to generate earnings— or profits. But because we’re a mutual life insurer, earnings are not our true bottom line. Unlike publicly traded companies that must distribute the money they make to their shareholders, we put that money to work on behalf of our policyholders. We are the only major mutual U.S. life insurer increasing both its dividend scale and payout for the third consecutive year. In 2015, we will pay out $1.56 billion in dividends to eligible 4 New York Life Insurance Company individual life insurance policyholders—a new record for the company. This is a 12 percent increase over the amount of dividends paid during 2014. We also raised our dividend scale for the third consecutive year— the only company among our peers to do so. The following graph includes our annual dividend payouts, as well as other benefits paid, such as claims and annuity payments. Policyholder Benefits and Dividends For definitions of the company’s performance measures, see Glossary of Terms on page 28. How are we able to deliver this? Year 2014 9.1 2013 8.6 2012 8.1 2011 7.6 2010 7.2 When it comes to dividends, no other economic factor has a bigger effect than interest rates. And low interest rates over the last several years continue to be a significant challenge for life insurers. There are only a few options available to life insurers to help offset the adverse impact of a low interest rate environment on its ability to pay dividends to policyholders. This is where New York Life is different. In $ Billions We have a large and growing global investment management business. And we’ve begun using some of the earnings from that operation to enhance dividends for our life insurance policyholders. Over the last few years, we’ve also been able to direct a portion of our strong surplus to enhance dividends—something we continued to do this year. They can tap into surplus. They can chase higher yields by taking on more investment risk. Or they can operate other successful businesses to generate additional earnings to help support dividends. However, these options can prove very challenging for publicly traded life insurers, which answer first to their shareholders, or for mutuals that do not have a diversified business portfolio and robust financial surplus. continue paying a healthy dividend while maintaining our financial strength. That’s a unique advantage our policyholders enjoy. New York Life has a long track record of creating value for our policyholders in all that we do. Every year since 1854, through wars, pandemics, and financial crises, we have paid a dividend. That’s mutuality in action. Mutuality the New York Life way. This combination of our strong surplus and diverse mix of businesses enables us to 2014 Annual Report 5 More individuals and institutions are turning to us. Individual Life Insurance in Force Year Assets Under Management In $ Billions In $ Billions 2014 871.1 2014 540.9 2013 840.5 2013 425.1 2012 816.4 2012 378.4 2011 789.5 2011 335.9 2010 757.5 2010 304.5 Life insurance is a product that has withstood the test of time. No matter what is going on in the world, it continues to have a place in virtually every prudent financial plan. Our consistent growth in individual life insurance in force means more people are placing their trust in us to protect their families and businesses. For definitions of the company’s performance measures, see Glossary of Terms on page 28. 6 Year New York Life Insurance Company The premiums and fees we collect on the individual life insurance and annuity products we sell are invested and managed for our policyholders’ long-term security and peace of mind. Since the financial crisis, an increasing number of institutional customers are also turning to us for our investment expertise. This has significantly contributed to our strong growth in assets under management since 2010. Our customers’ trust, backed by our financial strength. Operating Earnings Year Surplus and Asset Valuation Reserve In $ Millions Year In $ Billions 2014 2,024 2014 21.9 2013 1,764 2013 21.1 2012 1,586 2012 19.6 2011 1,340 2011 17.9 2010 1,309 2010 16.8 The growth of our life insurance business and assets under management—along with the related investment returns we generate—drives our strong earnings and surplus. It helps to cushion against adverse economic events so we can continue to meet our obligations regardless of what’s going on in the world around us. When assessing the financial strength of a life insurer, no other measure is more important than surplus. It is an additional source of capital above and beyond the ample reserves already set aside to pay the benefits we promise. Of the more than 800 life insurers in the United States today, only two have the highest ratings for financial strength currently awarded to any life insurance company by the four major rating agencies. New York Life is one of them. For definitions of the company’s performance measures, see Glossary of Terms on page 28. 2014 Annual Report 7 8 New York Life Insurance Company We have the solutions people need. Insurance Sales Year Annuity Sales In $ Millions Year In $ Billions 2014 1,213 2014 11.3 2013 1,195 2013 9.7 2012 1,150 2012 7.5 2011 1,196 2011 8.1 2010 1,139 2010 8.7 Guaranteed Income Annuities All Other Annuities Mutual Fund Sales Year In $ Billions 2014 25.9 2013 31.3 2012 17.2 2011 18.9 2010 10.9 Protecting families or businesses against the unexpected. Helping parents save for their children’s college tuition. Guiding people as they plan for retirement. We help people across the nation achieve their financial objectives. Our strong track record of insurance, annuity, and mutual fund sales is not only a measure of the company’s growth, it’s an indication more people are turning to us for assistance. For definitions of the company’s performance measures, see Glossary of Terms on page 28. 2014 Annual Report 9 2014 Investment Review The following investment review presents information for New York Life Insurance Company and its domestic insurance subsidiaries, New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation and NYLIFE Insurance Company of Arizona. The assets of these entities represent most of the invested assets of the company. The cash and invested asset information below is presented on a statutory accounting basis.* Sound principles and strict standards guide New York Life’s management of its investment portfolio. This includes conducting our own traditional, bottom-up research on individual investments and the underwriting of credit risk, rather than relying on third-party credit ratings. The company maintains strict diversification standards by asset classes, issuers, and sectors, while continuing to hold ample liquidity in its investment portfolio. Cash and Invested Assets As of December 31, 2014, New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries had cash and invested assets of $197.2 billion and maintained a well-diversified investment portfolio. * Includes New York Life’s investments in its non-insurance and international insurance affiliates. Cash and Invested Assets1 (IN $ MILLIONS) DECEMBER 31, 2014 Public Corporate Bonds and Loans $ 53,882 27% $ 50,962 27% Private Corporate Bonds and Loans 39,481 20% 36,736 20% U.S. Gov’t and Agency Securities 29,764 15% 30,762 16% Non-Agency Asset-Backed Securities 10,577 5% 8,035 4% Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 8,885 5% 8,900 5% Non-Agency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities 3,276 2% 4,069 2% $ 145,865 74% $ 139,464 74% $ 22,208 11% $ 20,458 11% 14,421 7% 13,436 7% 9,742 5% 9,491 5% Cash and Short-Term Investments 3,926 2% 3,961 2% Derivatives 1,074 1% 1,006 1% $ 197,236 100% Subtotal Fixed Income Mortgage Loans Equity and Other Interests 2 Policy Loans 3 Total Cash and Invested Assets Includes $84,118 million and $80,149 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation for 2014 and 2013, respectively. Includes New York Life’s investments in its non-insurance and international insurance affiliates. Includes cash primarily received on financing transactions of $2,076 million and $2,043 million for 2014 and 2013, respectively. 1 2 3 10 DECEMBER 31, 2013 New York Life Insurance Company $ 187,816 100% Fixed Income Assets The fixed income portfolio continues to be dominated by high-quality investments, with 93 percent rated as investment grade. The public and private corporate bond and loan portfolio remains well diversified across the broad industry spectrum and is comprised of securities issued by about 2,400 individual issuers. The fixed income portfolio is managed to limit exposure to individual issuers according to credit quality and other factors. No single corporate exposure was greater than $280 million. The portfolio’s 10 largest holdings by issuer represented 1.3 percent of cash and invested assets. Fixed Income by Quality* (IN $ MILLIONS) DECEMBER 31, 2013 DECEMBER 31, 2014 NAIC Rating Approximate Rating Agency Equivalent Quality NAIC 1 AAA to A- Highest Quality NAIC 2 BBB+ to BBB- High Quality Investment Grade $ 95,764 66% $ 89,257 64% 39,256 27% 39,879 29% $ 135,020 93% $ 129,136 93% $ 5,919 4% $ 5,500 4% NAIC 3 BB+ to BB- Medium Quality NAIC 4 B+ to B- Low Quality 3,738 2% 3,382 2% NAIC 5 CCC+ to CCC- Lower Quality 1,088 1% 1,375 1% NAIC 6 CC+ to D In or Near Default 100 0% 71 0% $ 10,845 7% $ 10,328 7% Below Investment Grade Total Fixed Income $ 145,865 100% $ 139,464 100% * Includes $68,111 million and $67,381 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation for 2014 and 2013, respectively. Diversification of Corporate Bonds and Loans* (IN $ MILLIONS) Utilities DECEMBER 31, 2014 $ 13,408 14% Cable & Media $ 3,551 4% Consumer Products 8,624 9% Energy 8,615 9% Transportation 3,384 4% Technology 3,179 3% Healthcare 6,731 Real Estate Investment Trusts 5,460 7% Chemicals 2,916 3% 6% Retail 2,897 3% Banking/Brokerage Municipal 5,254 6% Aerospace & Defense 2,756 3% 5,114 6% Sovereign/Foreign Governments 1,958 2% Conglomerates/Diversified Mfg. 4,782 5% Other (No single category exceeds $1.9 billion) 14,734 16% Total $ 93,363 100% * Includes $43,835 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. 2014 Annual Report 11 Non-Agency Asset-Backed Securities As of year-end 2014, New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries owned $10.6 billion in non-agency asset-backed securities, representing five percent of cash and invested assets. Approximately 80 percent of these securities were rated NAIC 1 and are collateralized by a broad range of collateral types. These securities are diversified by issuance year. Non-Agency Asset-Backed Securities by NAIC Rating Category* (IN $ MILLIONS) DECEMBER 31, 2014 NAIC Rating Approximate Rating Agency Equivalent Quality NAIC 1 AAA to A- Highest Quality NAIC 2 BBB+ to BBB- High Quality NAIC 3–6 BB+ to D Medium Quality and Below Total $ 8,516 80% 1,351 13% 710 7% $ 10,577 100% * Includes $5,316 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities As of year-end 2014, New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries owned $8.9 billion in non-agency commercial mortgage-backed securities, representing five percent of cash and invested assets. The majority of these securities are of the highest quality, as 98 percent were classified as NAIC 1. Notwithstanding the ratings, these securities are selected by our real estate investment professionals based on the quality of the underlying mortgage loans. Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities by NAIC Rating Category* (IN $ MILLIONS) DECEMBER 31, 2014 NAIC Rating Approximate Rating Agency Equivalent Quality NAIC 1 AAA to A- Highest Quality NAIC 2 BBB+ to BBB- High Quality NAIC 3–6 BB+ to D Medium Quality and Below Total * Includes $4,742 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. 12 New York Life Insurance Company $ 8,726 98% 115 1% 44 1% $ 8,885 100% Non-Agency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities As of year-end 2014, New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries owned $3.3 billion in non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities, representing two percent of cash and invested assets. The mortgage loans underlying these securities were held predominantly by prime borrowers. 78% of these securities were classified as NAIC 1 and 92 percent are collateralized by fixed-rate mortgage loans. Non-Agency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities by NAIC Rating Category* (IN $ MILLIONS) DECEMBER 31, 2014 NAIC Rating Approximate Rating Agency Equivalent Quality NAIC 1 AAA to A- Highest Quality NAIC 2 BBB+ to BBB- NAIC 3–6 BB+ to D $ 2,549 78% High Quality 235 7% Medium Quality and Below 492 15% $ 3,276 100% Total * Includes $1,585 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. Mortgage Loans The $22.2 billion mortgage loans portfolio consists of $22.1 billion of loans on commercial real estate properties and $129 million of loans on single-family residential properties as of year-end 2014. Commercial Mortgage Loans The company’s mortgage loan investment style emphasizes conservative underwriting and a focus on high-quality properties. The commercial mortgage loan portfolio is broadly diversified by both property type and geographic location. The company employs a proactive portfolio monitoring program with a goal of early identification of potential problems. The commercial mortgage loan portfolio has historically performed very well, and the company believes that the portfolio is strongly positioned in the current economic environment. As of December 31, 2014, none of the commercial mortgage loans were delinquent, and there were no foreclosures during the year. Commercial Mortgage Loans by Geographic Region* (IN $ MILLIONS) Southeast DECEMBER 31, 2014 $ 5,407 25% Middle Atlantic 5,066 23% Pacific 4,689 21% North Central 2,802 13% South Central Other 1,409 2,706 6% 12% $ 22,079 100% Total * Includes $10,264 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. 2014 Annual Report 13 Single-Family Residential Loans Commercial Mortgage Loans by Property Type* (IN $ MILLIONS) Office Buildings DECEMBER 31, 2014 $ 7,120 32% Multi-Family 6,481 30% Retail 5,781 26% Industrial 2,379 11% 318 1% $ 22,079 100% Other Commercial Property Total In addition to the non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities highlighted earlier, New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries owned $129 million† in residential loans. † Includes $113 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. * Includes $10,264 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. Equity and Other Interests New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries had $14.4 billion of assets classified as equity and other interests as of year-end 2014. Of this amount, $4.4 billion represented limited partnerships and other interests invested in diverse sectors of the economy. Private equity investments of $3.9 billion primarily represent leveraged buyout funds in a range of vintage years that are managed by various thirdparty private equity groups. Allocations to private equity provide an opportunity to exceed the returns of public equities over the long term. The public equity portfolio of $2.4 billion consists primarily of high dividend-yielding stocks diversified across various companies, sectors, and regions. Real estate investments of $1.9 billion represent direct and indirect wholly-owned properties. Investments in affiliates consist of holdings in the company’s investment management and international insurance operating subsidiaries. Equity and Other Interests* (IN $ MILLIONS) Various Limited Partnerships and Other Interests $ 4,428 31% Private Equity 3,854 27% Public Equity 2,374 16% Real Estate 1,868 13% Investments in Affiliates 1,831 13% 66 0% $ 14,421 100% Preferred Stock Total * Includes $1,607 million of assets related to New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation. 14 DECEMBER 31, 2014 New York Life Insurance Company Derivatives As of year-end 2014, New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries had outstanding derivative asset positions of $1,074 million, offset by derivative liabilities of $500 million, resulting in a net asset value of $574 million. New York Life enters into derivative transactions to meet the hedging needs of the company or to replicate permissible investments. Derivatives include the purchase of cross currency swaps, forward agreements, and interest rate swaps and options. Cross currency swaps and forward agreements are typically used to convert assets or liabilities of the company that are designated in a foreign currency into U.S. dollars. Interest rate swaps are used to lock in yields of future investments, and to convert fixed-rate investments to floating-rate investments in support of floating-rate liabilities. Interest rate options are used to protect against a spike in interest rates, while equity options are used to mitigate the embedded equity risk in variable annuity guaranteed benefits. New York Life and its domestic insurance subsidiaries control over-the-counter derivative counterparty credit risk through the establishment of collateral support agreements. These agreements require the daily posting of cash collateral by the derivative counterparties if and when the market value of derivative positions with the counterparty exceeds a predetermined dollar limit, which in most cases is zero. These dollar limits are intentionally set at a low threshold. Credit exposure to each derivative counterparty is combined with other direct credit risk to the same counterparty and managed against prudent credit risk limits. To further enhance the safety of derivatives strategies, and as mandated under the Dodd-Frank law, the counterparty for all new interest rate swaps is a central clearinghouse. Asset/Liability and Investment Risk Management The long-term promises New York Life makes to policyholders are backed by sound asset/liability management. A well diversified fixed income portfolio forms the foundation of the investment portfolio that supports these liabilities. New York Life’s approach to asset/liability management is founded on the segmentation of assets supporting various products offered to clients. These portfolios are specifically tailored to fit the unique interest rate sensitivities and cash flow characteristics associated with each of these product segments. In addition, New York Life takes a comprehensive enterprise view, taking measures to mitigate overall risk exposures at the corporate level. New York Life has established policies and procedures at the enterprise and business unit levels to manage risk exposures. The Investment Committee of the Board of Directors provides oversight of New York Life’s investment activity, including review of various risk factors and establishment of investment policies. New York Life supplements our financial modeling with comprehensive stress testing, which is intended to assess the company’s financial resilience and sustainability of our business model under extreme events. The stress testing results lead to the implementation of risk mitigation strategies and contingency planning, both key to ensuring the long-term financial strength of the company. 2014 Annual Report 15 Consolidated Statutory Statement of Financial Position (IN $ MILLIONS) DECEMBER 31, 2014 New York Life Insurance Company1 New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation1 $ 120,706 $ 84,118 $ 197,236 1,310 624 1,934 Consolidated2 Assets Cash and invested assets3 Investment income due and accrued Other assets 12,442 7,473 4,063 Separate account assets 11,809 34,622 46,431 $ 146,267 $ 126,837 $ 249,664 $ 104,165 $ 71,412 $ 172,495 1,625 -- 1,625 Total Assets Liabilities Policy benefit reserves Dividends payable to policyholders Other liabilities 7,641 13,088 8,819 11,792 33,775 44,788 $ 125,223 $ 118,275 $ 227,727 $ 2,438 $ 893 $ 3,331 18,606 7,669 18,606 $ 21,044 $ 8,562 $ 21,937 $ 146,267 $ 126,837 $ 249,664 Separate account liabilities Total Liabilities (excluding Asset Valuation Reserve) Surplus and Asset Valuation Reserve Asset Valuation Reserve Surplus Total Surplus and Asset Valuation Reserve Total Liabilities and Surplus Policyowners may request a copy of the statutory financial statements audited by an independent accounting firm by contacting the Secretary of the parent, New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10010. The individual company audited financial statements are also available on our website ( and from the New York State Department of Financial Services. 1 The unaudited condensed consolidated statutory statement of financial position compiled by management reflects the consolidation of the audited statutory statement of financial position of New York Life Insurance Company (NYLIC) with its domestic wholly owned life insurance subsidiaries, New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation (NYLIAC) and NYLIFE Insurance Company of Arizona (NYLAZ). The consolidated statutory statement of financial position has been derived from the individual separate audited statutory statements of financial position of NYLIC, NYLIAC and NYLAZ, which were prepared in accordance with accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the New York State Department of Financial Services, or the Delaware or Arizona Department of Insurance (statutory basis of accounting). NYLIC’s cash and invested assets and surplus include the surplus of its domestic wholly owned life insurance subsidiaries, which, along with all other significant intercompany transactions (primarily in other assets and other liabilities), have been eliminated in consolidation. As a result, amounts in the table above may not add across. NYLAZ is not authorized in New York or Maine, and does not conduct insurance business in New York or Maine. The NYLAZ audited statutory financial statements are available on our website or from the Arizona Department of Insurance. 2 3 For more detail on cash and invested assets, see 2014 Investment Review beginning on page 10. 16 New York Life Insurance Company (IN $ MILLIONS) DECEMBER 31, 2013 New York Life Insurance Company1 New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation1 $ 114,329 $ 80,149 $ 187,816 1,287 604 1,893 Consolidated2 Assets Cash and invested assets3 Investment income due and accrued Other assets 12,264 7,384 3,913 Separate account assets 11,318 31,809 43,127 $ 139,198 $ 119,946 $ 236,749 $ 99,335 $ 67,983 $ 164,361 1,467 -- 1,467 Total Assets Liabilities Policy benefit reserves Dividends payable to policyholders Other liabilities Separate account liabilities Total Liabilities (excluding Asset Valuation Reserve) 6,824 13,193 8,041 11,300 31,154 41,739 $ 118,926 $ 112,330 $ 215,608 $ 2,418 $ 868 $ 3,287 17,854 6,748 17,854 $ 20,272 $ 7,616 $ 21,141 $ 139,198 $ 119,946 $ 236,749 Surplus and Asset Valuation Reserve Asset Valuation Reserve Surplus Total Surplus and Asset Valuation Reserve Total Liabilities and Surplus 2014 Annual Report 17 Management’s Discussion of Financial Responsibility Management is responsible for the preparation and integrity of the financial information presented in the Annual Report. The company has complied with the internal control over financial reporting requirements of the NAIC Model Audit Rule. The requirements are similar to those required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, in that they identify management’s responsibilities over its financial statements and require management to certify as to the integrity of the financial statements and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. Our statement to that effect can be viewed on the company’s website, Certain of the financial information contained in this Annual Report has been derived from financial statements that have been audited by the company’s independent auditors, in 18 New York Life Insurance Company accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. We support strong and effective corporate governance from our Board of Directors, continuously review our business results and strategic choices, and focus on financial stewardship. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of New York Life Insurance Company, which is comprised exclusively of directors who are not officers or employees of the company, meets regularly with management, the internal auditors, and the independent auditors to provide oversight of management’s fulfillment of its responsibilities for accounting controls and preparation of financial statements. Theodore A. Mathas John T. Fleurant Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer April 1, 2015 Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer April 1, 2015 You have responsibilities and dreams. We can help you with both. Families grow. Careers take unexpected turns. Priorities change. Our business is personal. It’s about protecting families and helping to secure financial futures. It’s built on relationships that span decades and, sometimes, generations. A commitment like that requires a tremendous amount of trust. And earning your trust begins with one of our agents. Insurance and financial planning decisions are arguably among the most important you will ever make. That’s why you’ll often find yourself doing most of the talking when you meet with your agent. His or her job is not about pitching the latest and greatest product on our shelves. It’s about listening to your concerns and understanding what you want to achieve. Whether you are starting your first job, welcoming your first great-grandchild, or somewhere in between, your agent can help find the solutions you need today to protect tomorrow. Their guidance, in fact, is one of the most valuable services our agents offer all of our policyholders. And you can be certain our agents are among the best in the business. New York Life agents have led the United States in membership in the Million Dollar Round Table for 60 consecutive years. CONSECUTIVE YEARS According to its website, the Million Dollar Round Table’s mission is “To be a valued, member-driven, international network of leading insurance and investment financial services professionals/advisors who serve their clients by exemplary performance and the highest standards of ethics, knowledge, service and productivity.” 2014 Annual Report 19 Throughout our history, New York Life has not only insured countless lives, we have also consistently helped people in the cities and towns where we live and work. Whether it’s helping grieving children recover from the loss of a loved one or providing relief to the victims of natural disasters, our missions in business and philanthropy are the same: to be there when we are needed. Since its inception in 1979, the New York Life Foundation has awarded over $200 million to charities and causes that share our commitment to building a better tomorrow. Our primary focus is helping young people in two specific areas: educational enhancement and bereavement. Studies show that kids who begin high school well-prepared are four times as likely to graduate and go on to college. To this end, we support organizations that offer programs to help build stronger academic foundations for students in middle school during the critical after-school and summer hours, such as: • A fter-School All-Stars, which provides free, high-quality after-school programs to low-income, disadvantaged youth in 14 cities across the country, serving over 92,000 kids annually in over 400 schools; • N ational 4-H Council, whose Juntos (“together”) program assists Latino youth to make a successful transition to high school and prepare them to graduate on time and achieve post-secondary success; and • Y MCA of Greater New York, which provides teens with comprehensive, year-round services designed to help them enter high 20 New York Life Insurance Company school prepared to thrive, graduate high school on time, and gain acceptance to college prepared to succeed. We also support organizations that help children grieving the death of a parent or other close family member, such as Comfort Zone Camp, the Moyer Foundation’s Camp Erin, and the National Alliance for Grieving Children. Along with providing important funding for these local and national programs, we work with experts in the field to develop and disseminate resources for adults who interact with grieving children. Our newest endeavor in this field is the Coalition to Support Grieving Students, which we helped convene and fully funded. The Coalition consists of the nation’s leading professional organizations representing educators, school administrators, and school mental health providers, that have come together to endorse, a website dedicated to training school personnel to help grieving students return to the classroom. Our own website,, also provides parents, family members, educators, and other concerned adults with the tools they need to help a child cope with the death of a loved one. Volunteers for Good Beyond our financial support, our employees and agents volunteer in communities all across our country through our Volunteers for Good program. In 2014, we contributed 68,000 volunteer hours—hours that improved childhood bereavement centers, provided families in need with nutritious food, and supported other worthwhile endeavors. We also awarded over $1 million in grants to the organizations where our people gave their time. Matching Gifts Program To support our agents, employees, and retirees in their philanthropy, the Foundation last year matched $2.87 million of their contributions to K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and childhood bereavement organizations. 2014–A Year of Giving $12.2M Foundation Grants $2.87M Matching Gifts $1.04M $800K Community Impact Grants $188K Scholarships Volunteer Grants 2014 Annual Report 21 Executive Management Committee As of April 1, 2015 Theodore A. Mathas Mark W. Pfaff CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CO-PRESIDENT OF THE INSURANCE AND AGENCY GROUP As CEO, Ted Mathas is responsible for managing all aspects of the company, including all domestic and international business operations. In addition, as chairman he has overall responsibility for matters pertaining to the Board of Directors. Mark Pfaff shares oversight of the company’s Insurance and Agency Group, the largest business division of New York Life. He is responsible for all aspects of the company’s Career Agency distribution channel, which includes recruiting, training and development, and management of all of New York Life’s field Managers, Agents, and General Offices across the United States. John Y. Kim VICE CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENT OF THE INVESTMENTS GROUP, AND CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER John Kim is responsible for all divisions and subsidiaries of the Investments Group, which includes the investment management, annuities, and retirement plan recordkeeping businesses. He also oversees New York Life’s Enterprise Technology division. Christopher O. Blunt EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CO-PRESIDENT OF THE INSURANCE AND AGENCY GROUP Chris Blunt shares oversight of the company’s Insurance and Agency Group, the largest business division of New York Life. He is responsible for strategic direction, marketing, finance, service, and technology functions for life and long-term care insurance products, for direct marketing and Group Membership Association business, as well as the company’s insurance operation in Mexico. 22 New York Life Insurance Company Sheila K. Davidson EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER, AND GENERAL COUNSEL Sheila Davidson oversees all of the company’s legal, compliance, corporate governance, and public relations operations. John T. Fleurant EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER John Fleurant oversees the company’s finance functions, including accounting policy, financial reporting and controls, tax, treasury, financial planning and analysis, risk management, and actuarial functions. He also oversees corporate services. We choose to do business in what we strongly believe is the only “right” way to do business. George Nichols III Joel M. Steinberg SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF THE OFFICE OF GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF RISK OFFICER, AND CHIEF ACTUARY George Nichols oversees New York Life’s Office of Governmental Affairs, which monitors state, federal, and international legislative and regulatory activity on behalf of the company. He is responsible for assisting senior management in developing New York Life’s position and strategy on public policy issues and in communicating with key policymakers and regulators. Joel Steinberg is responsible for the oversight of risk management and actuarial activities across the company, including monitoring and measurement of risk, financial reporting, product pricing and required capital determination. Katherine O’Brien SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER Katherine O’Brien oversees all of the human resources operations for New York Life. She is responsible for employee relations, talent acquisition and management, HR business partners, and compensation and benefits. She is also responsible for oversight of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Susan A. Thrope SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL, AND SECRETARY Susan Thrope is responsible for the Office of the Corporate Secretary, which assists New York Life’s chairman and CEO in all matters pertaining to the Board of Directors, its Standing Committees, and the Executive Management Committee, including the development and administration of policies, procedures, and legal advice with respect to corporate governance matters. 2014 Annual Report 23 New York Life Board of Directors As of April 1, 2015 Back, Left to Right: William G. Walter, Gerald B. Smith, Mark L. Feidler, Kent B. Foster, Thomas C. Schievelbein Front, Left to Right: Ralph de la Vega, Christina A. Gold, Admiral Joseph W. Prueher, Theodore A. Mathas, Betty C. Alewine, Michele G. Buck, S. Thomas Moser 24 New York Life Insurance Company Betty C. Alewine Theodore A. Mathas Elected as a director in 1998, she is the former president and chief executive officer of COMSAT Corporation. Mrs. Alewine is chair of the Board’s Governance Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee. Elected as a director in 2006, he is chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer of New York Life. Michele G. Buck Elected as a director in 2013, she is the president, North America of The Hershey Company. Ms. Buck is a member of the Board’s Audit and Insurance & Operations Committees. Ralph de la Vega Elected as a director in 2009, he is the president and chief executive officer of AT&T Mobility. Mr. de la Vega chairs the Board’s Audit Committee and is a member of the Insurance & Operations and Investment Committees. Mark L. Feidler S. Thomas Moser Elected as a director in 2008, he is a former vice chairman of KPMG, LLP, the U.S. member firm of KPMG International. Mr. Moser chairs the Board’s Insurance & Operations Committee and is a member of the Audit Committee. Admiral Joseph W. Prueher Elected as a director in 2001, he is an Admiral U.S. Navy (Ret.), a former James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Professor at the University of Virginia, and former U.S. Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. Admiral Prueher is a member of the Board’s Compensation, Governance, and Insurance & Operations Committees. Elected as a director in 2006, he is a founding partner in MSouth Equity Partners and a former president and chief operating officer of BellSouth Corporation. Mr. Feidler is a member of the Board’s Audit, Compensation, Governance, and Investment Committees. He currently serves as the Board’s lead director. Thomas C. Schievelbein Kent B. Foster Gerald B. Smith Elected as a director in 1995, he is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Ingram Micro Inc. Mr. Foster is a member of the Board’s Governance and Investment Committees. Christina A. Gold Elected as a director in 2001, she is the former president, chief executive officer, and director of The Western Union Company. Mrs. Gold is a member of the Board’s Compensation and Governance Committees. Elected as a director in 2006, he is the chairman, president and chief executive officer of The Brink’s Company. Mr. Schievelbein chairs the Board’s Compensation Committee and is a member of the Audit and Governance Committees. Elected as a director in 2012, he is the chairman and CEO of Smith, Graham & Co. Investment Advisors, L.P. Mr. Smith is a member of the Board’s Audit and Investment Committees. William G. Walter Elected as a director in 2009, he is the former chairman, president and chief executive officer of FMC Corporation. Mr. Walter chairs the Board’s Investment Committee and is a member of the Insurance & Operations Committee. 2014 Annual Report 25 Offices of New York Life Its major subsidiaries and affiliates (as of April 1, 2015) New York Life Insurance Company Group Membership Association Division WWW.NEWYORKLIFE.COM 1 Rockwood Road Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 800-695-4226 (Disability Insurance Claims) 800-792-9686 (Life Insurance Claims) New York Life maintains more than 120 offices throughout the country, as well as a network of dedicated customer service centers. For questions about our products and services, please call your New York Life Agent or 800-692-3086. Home Office 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 212-576-7000 Home Office – Westchester Campus 1 Rockwood Road Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 914-846-7000 Long-Term Care Insurance Division 6200 Bridgepoint Parkway Suite 400 Austin, TX 78730 800-224-4582 NYL Direct 5505 West Cypress Street Tampa, FL 33607 866-801-9615 26 New York Life Insurance Company Seguros Monterrey New York Life WWW.MNYL.COM.MX Headquarters Paseo de la Reforma #342 Col. Juárez 06600 México, D.F. 52-55-53269000 New York Life Investments Group WWW.NYLINVESTMENTS.COM The retail products of the New York Life Investments Group are available to consumers through New York Life’s career Agents. For questions and further information, call your New York Life Agent or 800-692-3086. To contact one of the New York Life Investments Group companies directly, please refer to the list below. NYL Investors LLC WWW.NEWYORKLIFE.COM/NYLINVESTORS 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 212-576-7000 New York Life Investment Management LLC Cornerstone Capital Management 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 212-576-7000 WWW.CORNERSTONECAPITAL.COM 1180 Avenue of the Americas, 22nd Floor New York, NY 10036 212-938-6500 MainStay Investments1 3600 Minnesota Drive, Suite 70 Minneapolis, MN 55435 952-229-8100 WWW.MAINSTAYINVESTMENTS.COM 169 Lackawanna Avenue Parsippany, NJ 07054 800-624-6782 GoldPoint Partners LLC New York Life Retirement Plan Services WWW.GOLDPOINTPARTNERS.COM 51 Madison Avenue, Suite 1600 New York, NY 10010 212-576-6500 WWW.NEWYORKLIFERETIREMENTPLANS.COM 690 Canton Street Westwood, MA 02090 781-619-2000 Institutional Capital LLC (ICAP) Ausbil Investment Management Limited WWW.INSTITUTIONALCAP.COM 225 West Wacker Drive, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60606 312-424-9100 WWW.AUSBIL.COM.AU Level 23 207 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia +61 2 9259 0200 MacKay Shields LLC WWW.MACKAYSHIELDS.COM 1345 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10105 212-758-5400 Candriam Investors Group WWW.CANDRIAM.COM BELGIUM Madison Capital Funding LLC Avenue des Arts 58 B-1000 Bruxelles Belgium +32 2 509 60 00 30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3700 Chicago, IL 60606 312-596-6900 WWW.MCFLLC.COM FRANCE Private Advisors, LLC 40, rue Washington 75408 Paris Cedex 08 France +33 1 53 93 40 00 WWW.PRIVATEADVISORS.COM 901 East Byrd Street, Suite 1400 Richmond, VA 23219 804-289-6000 LUXEMBOURG 136, route d’Arlon 1150 Luxembourg Luxembourg +352 27 97 1 1 ainStay Investments is a registered service M mark and name under which New York Life Investment Management LLC does business. 2014 Annual Report 27 Glossary of Terms Policyholder Benefits and Dividends1– include the consolidated results of NYLIC and its domestic insurance subsidiaries presented on a statutory basis. Intercompany transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Benefits primarily include death claims paid to beneficiaries and annuity payments. Dividends are payments made to eligible policyholders from divisible surplus. Divisible surplus is the portion of the company’s total surplus that is available, following each year’s operations, for distribution in the form of dividends. Each year the board of directors votes on the amount and allocation of the divisible surplus. Individual Life Insurance In Force2 – represents the total face amount of individual life insurance contracts (term, whole life and universal life) outstanding for NYLIC and its domestic insurance subsidiaries at a given time. Assets Under Management – consists of the cash and invested assets and separate account assets of the company’s domestic and international insurance operations and assets the company manages for third-party investors, including mutual funds, separately managed accounts, and retirement plans. Assets under administration associated with agreements under which New York Life Investments3 receives a revenue share are included in assets under management. Assets under administration associated with agreements where New York Life Investments receives only an administration fee are not included in assets under management. Operating Earnings4 – is the measure used for management purposes to track the company’s results from ongoing operations and the underlying profitability of the business. This metric is based on accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) with certain adjustments we believe are more appropriate as a measurement approach (non-GAAP). Operating earnings equal GAAP net income adjusted for, primarily, the removal of gains and losses from investments and related adjustments. Surplus and Asset Valuation Reserve – Total surplus, which includes the Asset Valuation Reserve, is one of the key indicators of the company’s longterm financial strength and stability and is presented on a consolidated basis of the company. Annuity Sales – represent premium income on our deferred annuities (both fixed and variable) and on our Guaranteed Income Annuities, which includes our immediate fixed annuity product (Guaranteed Lifetime Income) and our flexible premium deferred income annuity product (Guaranteed Future Income). Sales are generally recognized when premiums are received. Annuities are primarily issued by NYLIAC. Mutual Fund Sales – represent total cash deposited to new and existing accounts of the MainStay Funds, New York Life’s proprietary mutual funds. MainStay Funds are managed by New York Life Investment Management LLC and distributed through NYLIFE Distributors LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company. NYLIC’s policyholder benefits and dividends were $6.44 billion and $6.24 billion for the twelve months ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively. NYLIAC policyholder benefits were $2.64 billion and $2.41 billion for the twelve months ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively. Dividends are not guaranteed. 1 The company’s individual life insurance in force totaled $871.14 billion at December 31, 2014 (including $169.18 billion for NYLIAC). 2 New York Life Investments is a service mark used by New York Life Investment Management Holdings LLC and its subsidiary, New York Life Investment Management LCC. 3 A reconciliation of operating earnings to the company’s consolidated GAAP net income is available on the company’s website ( 4 Adjustments are made to reflect the relative importance of certain sales, primarily: single premium sales sold through our Agents and Advanced Markets Network (AMN) retail distribution channel, our network of independent agents and brokers, are counted at 10 percent. Sales are generated from both domestic and Mexican operations. 5 Insurance Sales5 – represent annualized first-year premiums on participating issued whole life insurance, term life insurance, universal life insurance, longterm care insurance and other health insurance products. A sale is generally counted when the initial premium is paid and the policy is issued. Where applicable, prior period numbers have been restated to conform to current year definition. MainStay Funds are managed by New York Life Investment Management, LLC, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, and distributed through NYLIFE Distributors LLC, 169 Lackawanna Avenue, Parsippany, NJ, 07054, a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, Member FINRA/SIPC. MainStay Investments is a registered service mark and name under which New York Life Investment Management LLC does business. MainStay Investments, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, provides investment advisory products and services. For more information about MainStay Funds, call 800-MAINSTAY (624-6782) for a prospectus, or a summary prospectus. Investors are asked to consider the investment objectives, risks and charges and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus and summary prospectus contains this and other information about the investment company. Please read the prospectus or summary prospectus, carefully before investing. 28 New York Life Insurance Company Variable annuities are issued by New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation and distributed by NYLIFE Distributors, LLC, Member FINRA/ SIPC and are offered by a prospectus. Contact your financial professional or call 800-598-2019 for a prospectus. Investors are asked to consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the investments carefully before investing. Both the product and the underlying fund prospectuses contain this and other information about the product and underlying investment option. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. 7777 (4/15) New York Life Insurance Company 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 (800) 692-3086
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