Color Evaluation/Correction


Color Evaluation/Correction
Color Image
Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
by Taz Tally Ph.D.
A presentation of Taz Tally Seminars 2007©
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Quality Printing Presents
Color Image Evaluation,
Correction and Adjustment
Taz Tally
Taz Tally Seminars
E-mail: [email protected]
Topics for Today
ϖ Color Image Correction vs Adjustments
ϖ Color Image Fundamentals
ϖ Image Evaluation and Correction Tools
ϖ Evaluating images
ϖ Finding and Correcting Neutrals and Potential Neutrals
ϖ Working with Isolations
ϖ Evaluating and Correcting Skin Tones
ϖ Complex Multipoint Color Corrections
ϖ Creative Adjustments
ϖ Target Based Adjustments
Image Correction vs Adjustment
ϖ Color Image Correction
♣ Correcting color that is wrong
ϖ Color Image Adjustment
♣ Adjusting color to suit your creative desires
♣ Its not necessarily wrong … It’s just not
what you want
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Color Image Fundamentals
Color Image Fundamentals
ϖ Its ALL about Grayscale
Digital images don’t have color … only grayscale
You capture, measure, adjust and output grayscale
All color is created at output devices
RGB for Monitors
CMYK (+) for printers
RGB Image
Red Channel
Green Channel
Blue Channel
Color Image Fundamentals
ϖ Its ALL about Grayscale
Digital images don’t have color … only grayscale
You capture, measure, adjust and output grayscale
Grayscale measured 0-255 GS values for RGB
Grayscale measured 0-100% for CMYK
RGB Image
Red Channel
Green Channel
Blue Channel
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation Tools
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms
Shows distribution and quantity of image data
Where data is and isn’t!
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms
Shows distribution and quantity of image data
Where data is and isn’t!
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms
Shows distribution and quantity of image data
Where data is and isn’t!
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms
Shows distribution and quantity of image data
Where data is and isn’t!
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms
Shows distribution and quantity of image data
Where data is and isn’t!
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms
Shows distribution and quantity of image data
Where data is and isn’t!
Image Evaluation
ϖ Eye Droppers and Info Tool
Measure rather than view:Info tool will always tell the truth
Eye Droppers
Default Eye Dropper - Measure 1 Point
Color Sampler - Measure and monitor up to 4 points
Image Evaluation
ϖ Finding Highlights and Shadows
♣ Histogram Trick
♣ Hold Option/Alt key as you slide HL and SH sliders to ID pixels
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation and Correction:
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histogram, Eye Droppers and Info Tool
♣ Use Together
♣ Note: Low HL values and Blue cast
Image Correction
ϖ Histogram, Eye Droppers and Info Tool
♣ Master Histogram Adjustment
♣ All values rise but are not equal … B&G blow out here
♣ An improvement!
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Histogram, Eye Droppers and Info Tool
♣ Individual Channel Histogram Adjustment
♣ All values rise, are equal (245) … and NO blown out values
♣ Even Better!
Image Correction
ϖ Histogram, Eye Droppers and Info Tool
♣ Individual Channel Histogram Adjustment
♣ All values rise, are equal (245) … and NO blown out values
♣ Even Better!
Image Comparison
ϖ Histogram, Eye Droppers and Info Tool
♣ Individual Channel Histogram Adjustment
♣ All values rise, are equal (245) … and NO blown out values
♣ Even Better!
♣ Note how highlights pop and overall brightness and contrast. As well as color
saturation improves.
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
– Image Evaluation and Correction –
No Highlights - Histogram Only
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histogram Only Adjustment
No critical Highlight
Master Histogram shows flat areas in HL and SH
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histogram Only Adjustment
Individual histograms are centered
Master Histogram adjustment OK
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Histogram Only Adjustment
Individual histograms are centered
Master Histogram adjustment OK
Improved brightness, contrast + color saturation
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histogram Only Adjustment
No critical Highlight
Master Histogram shows flat areas in HL and SH
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histogram Only Adjustment
Individual histograms are centered
Master Histogram adjustment OK
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Histogram Only Adjustment
Individual histograms are centered
Master Histogram adjustment OK
Improved brightness, contrast + shadow detail
– Image Evaluation and Correction –
Locating Multiple Neutrals
Image Evaluation
ϖ Multiple Neutrals
♣ Locate neutrals
Flower petals (HL)
Boot fabric (M)
Black sole (S)
Key image char.
Cast Shadows
Color absorbed
White highlight
Saturated colors
Shadow details
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation
ϖ Multiple Neutrals
♣ ID Specular and diffuse Highlights
Image Evaluation
ϖ Multiple Neutrals
♣ Sampler points and values
♣ Note the blue cast in neutrals
♣ Note lack of blue cast
in cast shadow
ϖ HL 239,239 255
ϖ Midtone 105, 106, 118
ϖ Shadow 40, 39, 53
ϖ Cast shadow 13,13,13
Image Correction
ϖ Multiple Neutrals
♣ Curve corrected values
Cmd/Cnt + click on neutral
Establish Curve control points
Loss of blue cast in neutrals
Cast shadow, color cast
HL 239,239 239
Midtone 105, 106, 105
Shadow 40, 39, 40
Cast shadow 13,13,9
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Comparison
ϖ Multiple Neutrals
♣ Before and after
♣ Colors are more saturated
- Yellow boots
- Pinks
- Stripes in boots
- Set off neutral gray boot fabric
– Image Evaluation and Correction –
Skin Tones
Image Evaluation
ϖ Key Image Areas
♣ Skin tone
♣ Diffuse white highlights
♣ Bright green colors
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ R>G>B
- R, G and B more separated in lighter areas
♣ Here G and B ~ =
Image Evaluation
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ Master Histogram shows blown out HL
Image Eval
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ Master Histogram shows blown out HL
- Especially on R and B channels
♣ Also note blue midtone hump
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correct
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ Curves correction
- Focus on Blue Curve
- Tweak Red and Green especially in HL
Image Correction
ϖ Skin Tones
ϖ R > G > B = Warmer skin tones
ϖ Note greens are more saturated
ϖ White Highlight NOT blown-out
– Image Evaluation and Correction –
Skin Tones and Neutrals
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation
ϖ Key Image Components
♣ Skin tones
♣ Red hair
♣ Orange Colored jacket
♣ Neutral gray fleece
Image Evaluation
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ Master Histogram shows good overall exposure/data
distribution - Full histogram
ϖ High Blue values in skin and neutral
♣ G~B
Image Evaluation
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ Individual histograms show an excess of
Blue and Green in image with so much red
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ Lower Blue for R > G > B
♣ But also lower Green
Use the neutral fleece as your guide
Use Red (~98) value as the target neutral value
Image Correction
ϖ Skin Tones
♣ Lower Blue for R > G > B
♣ But also lower Green
Use the neutral fleece as your guide
Use Red (~98) value as the target neutral value
Image Correction
ϖ Start
ϖ Blue Correct
ϖ Blue + Green Correct
♣ Note: Skin tone, Red hair, neutral fleece - nice set off to > popping orange
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
– Image Evaluation and Correction –
Using Potential Neutrals
Image Evaluation
ϖ Image Characteristics
♣ Low contrast
♣ Poor brightness
♣ Low color saturation
♣ Too dark overall
♣ Overall blah
ϖ Key Image Components
♣ White diffuse highlight (Hankie)
♣ Skin tones
♣ Colors: Red shirt and green grass
♣ Logs (potential neutral)
Image Eval
ϖ Set Sampler Points
1. Hankie White HL: too dark + red cast
2. Skin tone: G ~ B, G should be > B
3. Gray Beard (neutral): Confirms red cast
4. Wood (Potential neutral): Green Low?
Correct others first then re-evaluate RGB values
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Eval
ϖ Histogram analysis
Master shows poor HL and SH values
Red data shifted to right
Green and Blue ~
Extra Red Peak (shirt)
Green should have more of a bump
Image Correction
ϖ Individual histogram channel adjust
♣ Neutralize white highlight
♣ Use Levels Adjustment layer
Image Correction
ϖ Individual histogram channel adjust
Neutralize white highlight (pt. 1)
Improves B & C
Better skin tones: R > G > B (pt.2)
Enhanced color saturation (reds and greens)
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Individual histogram channel adjust
Neutralize white highlight
Improves B & C and color saturation
Note Strong blue value in Neutral? Wood (pt. 4)
Image Correction
ϖ Blue Channel Curve Adjust
Lower Blue midtone to ~ neutralize wood
Wood looks more natural
Improves red and green saturation
Image Correction
ϖ Start,
ϖ Intermediate:
♣ HL & SH adjust
ϖ Final:
♣ Blue Curve neutralization
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
– Image Evaluation and Correction –
Highlights, Skin Tones and Isolations
Image Evaluation
ϖ Key Image Components
♣ White diffuse highlight (T-Shirt)
♣ Skin tones (Mark and Tauna)
♣ Marks gray shirt (potential neutral)
ϖ Image Characteristics
♣ Low contrast
♣ Poor brightness
♣ Low color saturation
♣ Too dark overall
♣ Overall blah
Image Eval
ϖ Neutrals, Skin tones, Isolation
♣ HL too dark
♣ Sky values lighter than critical
diffuse Highlight
♣ Isolate Sky to
prevent blow out
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Select Sky
♣ Use Blue channel for selection: Best contrast
♣ Select with Magic Wand + Similar
♣ Return to composite RGB image
♣ Select > Feather > 2-3 pixels
Prevents apparent abrupt transitions
View selection edges with Quick Mask
Image Correction
ϖ Save Sky and Foreground Selections
ϖ Selections can be loaded at any time
♣ Cmd/Cnt + Opt/Alt + Channel #
Cmd + Opt + 4 = Loads Sky Mask (Mac)
Cnt + Alt + 5 = Loads Foreground Mask (Win)
Image Evaluation
ϖ Eye Droppers and Info Tool
♣ Establish Color Sampler points on key areas
- Measure and monitor up to 4 points
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms Evaluation: Full Image
♣ Highlight too low/dark
♣ Blue channel offset = Blue cast
- Make individual channel corrections
Image Evaluation
ϖ Histograms Evaluation: Foreground
♣ Data offset to left - too low/dark
♣ Blue channel offset = Blue cast
Could make individual channel corrections
in levels -
Image Correction
ϖ Correct Foreground
♣ Curves correction
♣ Use Curves Adjustment Layer
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Correct Foreground
♣ Curves correction
♣ Use Curves Adjustment Layer
Image Correction
ϖ Correct Background Sky
♣ Levels correction
♣ Use Levels Adjustment Layer
♣ Master or individual channel adjustment
Image Correction
ϖ Correct Foreground
♣ Use Levels Adjustment Layer - Background
♣ Use Curves Adjustment Layer - Foreground
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
– Image Evaluation and Correction –
Complex Multipoint Color Correction
Image Evaluation
ϖ Key Image Components
♣ White diffuse highlights - direct sun
♣ Cast shadow neutrals
ϖ Image Characteristics
♣ Lower Contrast
♣ Lower brightness
♣ Color cast
From low angle sun
Yellow (R+G)
♣ Soft focus
ϖ Goals
♣ Improve overall B&C
♣ Remove color cast
Neutralize snow
♣ Sharpen focus
Image Adjustment
ϖ Create Levels Adjustment Layer
♣ Most important in complex image corrections
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Locate + Set Initial Highlight and Shadow
ϖ Highlight and Shadow locations
♣ Levels trick
♣ Diffuse highlight on ridge
♣ Foreground shadow: Fill in
Set Middle Highlight
ϖ Highlight and Shadow locations
♣ Set #1 HL Sampler point
Note Yellow (R+G) cast
♣ Slide Master HL till G = 242
♣ Remainder of adjustments
Image Evaluation
ϖ Note improvement in overall B & C
♣ Master levels adjustments
ϖ Locate other 3 Sampler Points
♣ 2 White diffuse highlights - direct sun (1 & 2)
♣ 1 Midtone - semi direct sun (3)
♣ 1 Cast shadow neutrals (4)
ϖ Note color casts
♣ Inconsistent
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Evaluation
ϖ Evaluate Sample Points
♣ White diffuse highlights (1 & 2): R > G >>B
♣ Midtone neutrals (3): (R ~ G) > B
♣ Cast shadow (4): B > (R~G)
Image Adjustment
ϖ Add Curves Adjustment Layer
♣ Most important in complex image corrections
Image Adjustment
ϖ Set four control points Red curve
♣ Cmd/Cnt + Click on each Sampler point
ϖ Adjust 4 Sampler points till R = G
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Adjustment
ϖ Set four control points Blue curve
♣ Cmd/Cnt + Click on each Sampler point
ϖ Adjust 4 Sampler points till B = G
Image Adjustment
ϖ Neutralized Image
♣ Complex cast removed
Image Sharpening
ϖ Convert to Lab
♣ Image > Mode > Lab
ϖ Select L channel
♣ Sharpen L channel
Prevents creation of edge color casts
Amount = 50-200
Radius = 1
Threshold = 3-4 (prevents texture in snow)
♣ Sharpening values
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Image Adjustment
ϖ Before and After
♣ B&C improved
♣ Complex cast removed
♣ Sharper
ϖ Key points
♣ Image evaluation
Inset HL and SH
ID Complex Cast
Proper tools
Adjustment order
Multipoint Sampler
Adjustment Levels
Adjustment Curves
Lab sharpening
Initial HL Master Level
Red channel
Blue channel
Mode convert
– Creative Adjustments –
or why NOT to use Auto-Anything
Image Evaluation
ϖ Key Image Components
♣ No Diffuse white HL
♣ Really no easy neutrals
ϖ Image Characteristics
♣ Low contrast
♣ Low brightness
♣ Blue Color cast
ϖ Goals
♣ Improve overall B&C
♣ Pop Rainbow
♣ Experiment with color cast
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Auto Levels
ϖ Minor improvement
♣ Shadow point stays far left
Manual Levels
ϖ Major improvement
♣ Much better contrast and color saturation
Manual Levels
ϖ Master vs Individual Channels Adjustments
♣ Change in color cast
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
– Target-Based Color Correction –
Using Grayscale Swatches
Image + Target Capture
ϖ Capture multi-step grayscale target with image
ϖ Neutralize the grayscale swatches
♣ Swatches have known values
ϖ Color is corrected as a result
♣ Concept: All color is controlled by grayscale
– Simple 2-Step/2-Swatch –
Eye Dropper Correction
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Set Levels HL Dropper to HL Swatch = 245
♣ Double click on the Levels HL dropper to open Color Picker
♣ Set RGB values = 245
♣ Close Color Picker
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Click on the target’s 245 highlight swatch
ϖ Starting Target HL RGB values = 229, 255, 255
ϖ Corrected target HL RGB values = 245, 245, 245
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Click on the target’s 245 highlight swatch
ϖ Target HL is neutralized to 245
ϖ Colors in HL range are corrected
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Set Levels Midtone Dropper to midtone Swatch = 135
♣ Double click on the Levels HL dropper to open Color Picker
♣ Set RGB values = 135
♣ Close Color Picker
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Click on midtone 135 swatch
ϖ Target midtone is neutralized to 135
ϖ Colors near midtone range are corrected
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Before and After 2 Step Neutralization
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
– Multi-Swatch Curves Correction –
Image + Target Capture
ϖ Capture multi-step grayscale target with image
ϖ Neutralize EACH grayscale swatch
♣ Using known Swatches values
ϖ Color is corrected very accurately
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Capture multi-step grayscale target with image
ϖ Neutralize EACH grayscale swatch
♣ Using known Swatches values
♣ Cmd/Cnt click on swatch to set Curve point
♣ Set Output value = to swatch value (here 135)
ϖ Color is corrected very accurately
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Capture multi-step grayscale target with image
ϖ Neutralize EACH grayscale swatch
♣ Using known Swatches values
♣ Cmd/Cnt click on swatches to set Curve points
♣ Set Output values for each swatch/point pair
ϖ Color is corrected very accurately
ϖ Note: Use Curve Adjustment Layer
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Before and After Multi-Step Curve Neutralization
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Save Curves
ϖ Load Curves
♣ Correct multiple images captured under same lighting
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Target-Based Correction
ϖ Save Curves
ϖ Load Curves
♣ Correct multiple images captured under same lighting
The Book!
Taz Tally
Taz Tally Seminars
Homer Alaska
Phone: 907-235-3794
E-mail: [email protected]
The Color
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[email protected]
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and ship you your kit!
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars
Color Image Evaluation, Correction and Adjustment
Taz Tally
Taz Tally Seminars
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright 2007 – Taz Tally Seminars