The Scoop - Spartanburg Humane Society


The Scoop - Spartanburg Humane Society
The Scoop
at the
This Issue:
Fall 2010
SHS Assists With
Cockfighting Raid...p5
The Year of the Cat
Two New Additions to
the SHS Team...p7
And More!
And the winner is...
TAZ Licht!
The first ever Pets of Spartanburg Calendar
Cover Contest raised $6,200 for pets...p3
photo credit: M. Licht
From the President
Sandy Christiansen
Board of Directors
Joe Brunson
Robert V. Pinson
Brooks Crenshaw
Susan Britt
Ann Dennis
Kimberly Fly
Jim Grier
Pam Howard
Ruth Knight
Francie Little
Past Chair
dad. And we were all delighted to read that
Java and first place winner, Taz, even get to
vacation with their families.
Keenan Mullen
Dixie Pinson
Harry Schoen, III
Darwin Simpson
John Tatham
Often animals are turned in when they have
been “destructive,” but we read that Dennis the
Menace remains in his home even after “the
flood,” which he caused when he pulled the
water pipe out from under the house. Grandma
even forgave Little Man, the horse, when he
broke the lens on her expensive camera.
Management Staff
Dr. Donovan Qualls
Kaye Cox
Amy Freeman
Katie Freseman
Sarah Hatfield
Behavior and
Ingrid Norris
Kelly Stockwell
Shelter Manager
Sandra Adorno
Assistant Shelter
Wayne Blackburn
Assistant Shelter
Hours of Operation
Shelter Adoption Hours
Monday - Friday 11 am - 6 pm
Saturday - Sunday 11 am - 5 pm
Receiving and Lost and Found
Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm
Saturday 8 am - 5 pm
Visit Adoptable SHS Cats & Kittens!
PetSmart Adoption Hours
Monday - Wednesday 11 am - 5 pm
Saturday 11 am - 5 pm
PETCO Adoption Hours
Monday - Saturday 9 am - 9 pm
Sunday 10 am - 7 pm
I am sure many of you share our concern for
animals who do not have shade or shelter in
the heat of summer. But we don’t need to
worry about K.C., who gets ice cubes from
his mom after their walks together, or Chloe,
who drinks from the bathroom faucet.
D. Bellows
Sandy Christiansen
President & CEO
Lisa Cook
Vice President of Operations
Natalie DiGiacomo
Vice President of
Community Programs
Dr. Melissa Elledge
Vice President of
Veterinary Services
I hope everyone reading this issue of the Scoop
had the chance to check our very first online
calendar cover contest! A heartfelt thank
you goes out to everyone who participated
in the special fundraiser. We raised $6,200
from 112 contestants and countless voters,
surpassing all of our expectations! But more
than that, we raised the spirits of everyone
who was lucky enough to tune in and read
the stories that accompanied each photo.
The stories kept us checking the contest late
into the evening and looking again first thing
each morning. For members of the SHS
team, they became an antidote to the daily
challenges we face, creating a shield against
the frustration that is inherent in an animal
shelter that sees several hundred animals in
need every week.
Waiting in vain for owners to come looking
for unidentified stray dogs and cats who
cannot tell us their phone number can get
overwhelming. Imagine how uplifting it was
to read about Dominic, the white and black
spotted dog who became “lost “when he fell
asleep on bed sheets that camouflaged him.
His owners were frantic while he enjoyed a
cat nap on the bed.
Our hearts break for pets who are
surrendered when their families move and
cannot keep them. Thank goodness for the
story of Sonny Bono, who break dances for
treats, and travelled across country with his
I could go on and on. They say a picture is
worth a thousand words. It was wonderful
to see so many beautiful pets captured in
comfortable surroundings, reflecting their
parents’ love and appreciation of them.
How fortunate we all were to find so much
additional meaning in the stories that
brought these pictures to life – the eloquent
descriptions celebrating that unique place
animals have in our lives and the joy we
find in their antics, their ability to give love
unconditionally, the way they can comfort
us with a purr or a paw, and so much more.
It is impossible to describe what this meant
to staff and volunteers who are exposed on
a daily basis to less fortunate pets, those
whose greatness is yet to be appreciated.
During the 6 weeks our contest ran, 2,268
animals came to the SHS in need. During the
busiest time of the year, this humble online
photo contest offered us inspiration and
served as a powerful reminder of who and
what we are working for.
Thank you again to everyone who
participated, and to all of you whose support
and generosity helps the SHS give new hope
to future contestants.
Warmest regards,
Contest Winners Raise
Big Bucks for Animals!
The bond between people and their pets is undeniable. Proud
pet owners are always stopping by the SHS to show us pictures
and tell us stories of their beloved SHS alums (animals adopted
from the SHS).
To celebrate this special relationship people have with their
furry friends, we held a fundraiser in the form of a contest to
find this year’s Pets of Spartanburg Calendar Cover girl or boy.
Participants entered a photo and a story about their pet. After
entering, participants then solicited $1 votes from friends and
family. The pet with the most votes was declared the winner.
First Runner Up
We were overwhelmed by the expression of love people have
for their pets! We had 112 photos entered into this year’s
contest, each with a unique story. Together, these pets (and
their people) raised $6,200 to help animals at the SHS!
Everyone who entered the contest is already a champ in our eyes!
Read more about the winners of this year’s contest!
Taz Licht - “Tazzy” (featured on the cover)
Owner: Licht Family
Tazzy is a winner because he is so adaptable that we can take
him anywhere. He has been a “hotel dog,” an “airport dog,” a car
dog, and, as pictured, a “camping dog.” Most of all he is a winner
because he shows what great dogs you can get at the SHS!
Second Runner Up
Stickers - “Sticky”
Owner: Jean Peace
Stickers loves to chase her fuzzy mice and her tail and aggravate
her sister and daddy! She has the loudest purr of any cat I’ve
known. She plays really hard and when I say hard, I mean hard!
She head-butts everything just like a goat! I think that the most
endearing quality about Sticky is that she smiles like Elvis Presley.
Jerico - “Jear Bear”
Owner: Mikala Peace
Jerico’s favorite activity is to drink water from my water bottle!
He will actually take it from my hand and turn it up! He is a very
inquisitive horse and has taught himself to open the feed room
door so that he can help himself to all the food that he can hold!
Canine Best In Show
Feline Best In Show
Owner: Whitney Worley
Buddy’s favorite activities are sleeping under beds, chewing
squeaky toys while laying directly on his back, and chasing
flying insects. Adopting Buddy from the SHS was the best
decision I made because his name matches our relationship.
We are best buddies and you can’t help but fall in love with him
more every day.
Tobious - “Tobie”
Owner: LaChelle Burgess
Tobie’s been my companion since the day I brought him home.
Tobie has brought so much love to my household. All of my
friends, even the ones who don’t like cats, love Tobie before they
leave. They wish that Tobie could go home with them!
& Honors
4/1/2010 - 7/31/2010
Teachers at Pine
Street Elementary
& McCracken Junior
High School Beth Licht
Mrs. Samantha Adair
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Dr. Sarah Allen
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Miss Kesler Belmont
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Howard B. Carlisle, IV
Lindsey Brown
Bob & Sara
Mrs. Molly Cashman
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Mrs. Jeri Cason
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Emily Cohan
Ann H. Dobson
Mrs. Ramsey Corn
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Katie Freseman
Beth Brannan
Miss Jean Cecil Frick
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Mr. & Mrs. Sam
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Ms. Barbara Glenn
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Jim & Lynn Haller
Sandra Armstrong
Josh Harris
Cassandra Harris
Mrs. Hollie Hines
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Mrs. Ann Holmes
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Mr. & Mrs. Co Irwin
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Pinckney
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Mrs. Lawson Jenkins
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Mr. & Mrs. George
Dean Johnson
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Dr. & Mrs. David Jones
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Sonny King
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Bert Knight
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Emily Koth &
Alan Rossi
Pam Flynn
Kay Gifford
Sherry Jett
Dalene Parker
Mrs. Page Lee
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Mr. & Mrs. William
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Mrs. Caroline
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Patti Moran
Paul & Shirley
Bobby & Dixie Pinson
Jay & Nancy
Carter Pitts
Lee Sturgill
Mrs. Laura Raffle
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Claude
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Glyn Shackelford
Carolyn L. Moore
Kent Smith
Shelley S. Winkler
Volunteer Spotlight
PetSmart and PETCO Volunteers
& Honors
Jimmy & Mary
Rose Smith
Humane Society
Dr. James P. Weeks
Tracey Smith
Mrs. Kristy Young
Grant & Mary
Grace Close
Wilson J. Boggs
T.J. ‘s 12th Birthday
Renée Douglass
Buffy & Blue Linder
Marie & Lee Linder
Mac Little
The Frame Up
K. Freseman
K. Freseman
Here at the SHS, we rely
on volunteers for a lot
of things.
Every day
we count on them to
faithfully walk and train
dogs and comfort cats
and kittens awaiting
homes. And, we know
our dedicated friends will
be by our side helping out
at each and every one of
Some of our many PetSmart (left) and PETCO (right)
our many events. Part of
volunteers pose for a picture recently.
the fun of our volunteer
program is found in the friendships formed between animals and animal-people!
Our satellite feline adoption programs are unique because they require specially trained
volunteers who work independently of the shelter. Each morning and each evening a volunteer
spends an hour of their time caring for cats and kittens who temporarily reside at PETCO and
PetSmart. This includes freshening up food and water, cleaning litter boxes, and making sure
everyone is happy and healthy. All of this adds up to over 120 hours each month! Simply put
– this program would not be possible without these extraordinary volunteers!
All their hard work has really paid off! Since beginning the programs at PetSmart and PETCO,
the SHS has helped over 100 felines find their very own forever homes. That’s a lot of happy
cats! Thank you volunteers for all your hard work!
Pass It On
Crocheting for the Kitties
K. Freseman
Janice Moore
Patrick & Ann
Ben Carson
Beth Carson
Myrtle Alice Carter
Shirley Blake
Mrs. Suzanne Coates
Roger & Wanda
John Riley Gray
Doris Fowler
Hanger Prosthetics
& Orthotics
Hayes Family
Ladies Auxiliary
V.F.W. Post 9539
Johnnie McClain
Frances McDowell
McMillan Pazdan
Smith, LLC
Nancy Curtis
Bob & Sara
Pat & Jan Kennedy Marion Fowler
Jim Ankiewicz
Susan & Gary
Wendy Howes
Ron, Julie, Gracie,
Hazele C. Bailey
& Luke Settle
Judy Martin
Danny Jackson
Frank Balentine
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L.
Gail Balentine
Katharine Valencia Sherry Jennings
Joe & Glyn
Mr. & Mrs. William Shackelford
& Patricia Burton Virginia Anne Kelley
Charles Godfrey, Jr. The Yates Family
Myrta Warren Holt Neil Kelly
Mary Ann & Olin Mr. & Mrs. R.L.
Gregory, Jr.
Marc & Miclo Wall Mrs. J. Michael
Kohler, Jr.
Pamela S. Berry
Donna Harris
Peggy Biggers
Virl Laflin
Harold Biggers Charles Kelly
Dennis Allen Boan JoAnnThompsonLarch
Joyce & Donald Columbia Gas
Alva&BerthaFlynn LLC - Asset
Helen Johnson Management
Bobby & Diann Department
Miller and Family Steve Lee
Gina Smith
Ella-Rose F. Lee
Jane Brandt
Carolyn Lidman
JoAnn Dixon
Minnie Whitt
John Braun
George McCoin
Betsy Braun
Mr. & Mrs.
William Lawrence
Michael Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Reed L.
David Bamond Cunningham
Margie Bostic
Joseph & Mary
Dianne Hall
Bernard Harvey Ruth Knight
Sarah & George
Mary Peasley is an avid volunteer
here at the SHS. She walks dogs.
She helps out with events. And, she
crochets for our cats! A few years ago,
Mary wanted to find a way to combine
her love for crocheting with her passion for
helping the animals at the SHS. After hearing
about someone else who crocheted blankets for cats
at their local shelter, Mary knew just what she could do.
What the cats could really use was a soft blanket to curl up in!
Mary Peasley taught
12 more volunteers to Mary began experimenting with different crochet patterns.
After a few tries, she developed her own pattern that would fit
crochet blankets for cats!
perfectly inside the cat condos here at the SHS. From then on,
Mary began taking her spare moments and turning them into blankets for deserving kitties.
Much to the delight of our cats, Mary’s blankets soon filled the condos in our cat room!
When other volunteers saw just how much our cats enjoy the colorful, handcrafted blankets,
they wanted to help out too. On July 7th, Mary taught her first class of 12 volunteers. Because
the class was so successful, we are already planning a second one!
We were so delighted by Mary’s crafty way of helping cats, we wanted to Pass It On!
With so many people wanting to crochet blankets for cats, the SHS is having trouble keeping yarn on
hand. Because so many cats are benefiting from the blankets, it’s a problem we are happy to have!
But, if you have spare yarn laying around, the cats at the SHS would love for you to share it with
them. The cats aren’t picky! They like any color, any weight, and any material.
A team of SHS employees arrived at the shelter early
on the morning of June 6th. Although staff members
have been known to work long, weekend hours,
this morning was different. The Greenville County
Sherriff’s Office had asked the SHS to help them with
the rescue of several hundred fighting roosters from
a cockfighting ring in Northern Greenville County and
the SHS was not going to let them down.
By 8 am, the team was on the road for a briefing with
Sheriff’s deputies in Greenville. The SHS’s job was
to assist with the handling of the roosters, evidence
documentation, and animal transporting. But, first
the deputies needed to secure the area.
K. Freseman
SHS Assists
With Cockfighting Raid
chickens to compete at the June
6th fight. That day, as many as
90 fights were scheduled to take
The cockfighters were not expecting these uninvited
guests and they made every effort to get away.
Fortunately, the deputies came prepared, surrounding
the area and preventing the cockfighters and their
evidence from escaping.
When deputies arrived at the
scene, this bird and several other
roosters were in the cockfighting
ring waiting to fight.
The SHS team put in a long day helping these animals.
From 11 am until 6 pm, they worked to make sure each
and every bird was properly handled and cared for. All
together, the SHS helped spare 197 chickens a bloody
and violent death in the cockfighting pit.
This particular cockfighting ring is just one of many
presumed to be operating in our state. Unfortunately,
South Carolina is one of only eleven states in the
country where cockfighting is not a felony. This
crime is considered a misdemeanor with a maximum
sentence of one year in jail or up to a $1,000 fine.
The maximum penalty is rarely given. From this raid
alone, the Greenville County Sherriff’s Office seized
almost $16,000 that would have been used to bet on
the day’s fights. With so much money at stake, the
penalties are just a slap on the wrist and seen as the
cost of doing business.
K. Freseman
K. Freseman
After about an hour, the sheriff’s office was ready
for our team to begin processing the many roosters
intended for the day’s fight. As each person was
ticketed, the SHS helped to carefully band each of
their birds and identify it as evidence.
This fighting pit was one of
several rings where chickens
Because of South Carolina’s weak stance on this were scheduled to fight
barbaric form of animal cruelty, it is a haven for throughout the day.
cockfighting, attracting fighters from out of state who want to avoid harsher penalties.
Of the 85 individuals who were arrested in the June raid, 39 were from out of state.
Efforts to strengthen the cockfighting laws failed again this year. Please tell your state
legislators that we need to increase the penalties for cockfighting!
& Honors
Sarah & George
Jeanne Mulvaney
Jack Mulvaney
Anthony Napoli
Jerry & Carolyn
Mrs. Lee Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Vivian Crocker
Mr. & Mrs.
Holland & Gay
W. Lee Owens
The Spartanburg
Amateur Radio
Rocky Pubins
Lige & Jerry
Robert Payne
Richardson, IV
Mellnee Buchheit
Howard B.
Carlisle, IV
Ben & Ella Cart
Judge & Mrs.
Robert F.
Jeffrey & Deede
Benjamin Correll
Evelyn Gardner
Lucy H. Grier
Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Ellerbe Grimball
Frank Halter
David & Harriet Ike
Dr. & Mrs. George
Lee Irvin, III
George & Susu
Melissa & Steve
Ruth Knight
W. Alan Lyles
Ed & Gail Medlin
John & Anita Ness
Mr. & Mrs.
Lawrence Scott
Robert Shelor, Jr.
Properties, Inc.
Richard & Eileen
Susan Towson
John T. Wardlaw
Wilson Southern
Elizabeth & Tommy
Susan Young
Haskel Sexton
Wanda Hayes
U.S. Group Inc
Larry James Shaw
Brenda Brennan
Josephine Curcio
Company, Inc.
Patti Peele
Marge Rossi
Susan Wheeler
Clifford Smith
Ms. Mason Carlisle
Mrs. Nancy Carlisle
Charlie Tyrone Tate
Lige & Jerry
Trixie Turbyfill-Hyder
Bob & Paula
Lynne Davis Turner
Bob, Michael &
Pam Arnett
Jim & Jean
Hans, Lauren,
Lindsley &
Lamar W. Davis, Jr.
Michael & Susan
Ashley Gomez
Q. Stanford &
Dana Halliday
Gaye & Bill Holt
Robbie McPhail
Boyce & Carole
Stacey Morris
Hazel F. Nanney
Rick & Jody
Penny Pope
Sheri & Rodney
Shenandoah II
Tennis Friends at
Athletic Club
Donnie, Kathy,
& Ramey
Angie Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. R.W.
continued on p.6
The Year of the Cat
& Honors
It’s official! The Spartanburg community is excited
about cats. Felines, their owners, and their friends
are really getting involved with the Year of the Cat
(YOTC). There has been an outpouring of support for
the events and projects we have held in honor of cats
so far this year. And the best part is, cats are the ones
who are reaping all the benefits!
K. Paiz
The Numbers
Syria is just one of several cats
who came from the SHS who were
entered by their proud owners in
our newsletter contest.
Since beginning our YOTC celebration, Spartanburg
County pet owners have been taking full advantage
of the incredibly low priced feline spay and neuter
surgery available for 2,010 cats and kittens, thanks
to a grant from PetSmart Charities®. So far, we have
helped over 600 felines. That means over 1,400
cats and kittens can still be neutered for just $15 or
$5 (for individuals on fixed incomes)! If you know
someone who can benefit from this special, tell
them to schedule an appointment today by calling
us at 864-583-4805, ext. 115 or visiting our website
Newsletter Contest
In April, we invited our facebook supporters to enter
a contest to have their cat on the cover of our Spring
2010 newsletter. We received 25 pictures of some
of the luckiest cats around. It was a tough choice,
but Susan Ford’s picture of SHS Alum Dexter was
declared the winner!
K. Freseman
Deborah Ruppe
Molly & Lady
Judith Wenger
Norma Jean
Fred & Ann Wenz
Madeline Kennedy
Elizabeth Clark
Gregory Hunt
Mary Helen Wade
Rodie, Jack, Cookie,
& Callie
The Frame Up
Vickie Sluder
Mr. & Mrs.
Kenneth Norton
Tucker & Rosie
Barbara Leaphart
Petey Baeher
Stan & Paula Baker
Sugar Baehr
Paula & Stan Baker
Matilda Belcher
Jay & Ali Beeson
Radu Correll
Holly, Adair &
Phillip Watters
Blossom Hodge
Meghan Danahey
Sophie Lancaster
Paul & Ruth
Barri & Brian
Hoke Lancaster
Paul & Ruth
Barri & Brian
Cody Sluder
Jan Kennedy
Chloe Steed
Ivy Mantle
Sassy Talbert
Lois W. Harley
Anna Wallace
Natalie DiGiacomo
Amy Freeman
Sandy Christiansen
Maggie Williams
Caroline Phillips
Henry Lee Worley
Melissa & Steve
Henry & Alston
May Kitten Shower
Wesley loved lounging in his
hammock at the SHS’s first kitten
shower! He also enjoyed the kitten
chow and toys he received as well!
Summer is our busiest time at the shelter. Every
year we receive thousands of kittens during May,
June, and July. This year, we held a kitten shower
to help us prepare for the many animals we knew
would come to us in need. Just like a baby shower,
we registered for all the essentials - kitten chow,
litter, toys, brushes, and loving homes. We were so
grateful for the many supporters who came to the
shower and brought us over 250 pounds of kitten
chow, 400 cans of wet kitten food, 100 pounds of
litter, and many toys and goodies for our kittens!
Cat Days of Summer Special
K. Kimzey
Lynne Davis Turner
continued from p.5
Bridget & Bubba
Woodruff Senior
High School
YMCA of Greater
Jackson Gray Turpin
Grace Keinath
Abbey Baker
Students &
Faculty of
Converse College
Al Lech
Teressa Graydon
Lois W. Harley
The Frame Up
Biscuit & Jasper
Amber Murray
Dale & Joann
Susan Tate
Sandy Ferguson
Cynthia D. Stewart
Harry & Della
Samuel Cox
Joan Narron
Janice & Michael
Jill & Sam
Rachel Hopper
Sandy Sprouse
David & Evelyn
Mark & Karen
Little Ceaser
Dorothy Putnam
Yvonne Littlefield
Dr. & Mrs.
Miss Kitty
Theresa G.
Karley’s new owner was one of 53
people to take advantage of the
special $20.10 adoption rate when
she brought this bundle of joy into
her life!
The summer heat wave didn’t stop us from finding
forever homes for cats in July! We celebrated the
dog days of summer with the Cat Days of Summer
Adoption Special. From July 3rd - July 11th, adopters
welcomed 53 cats and kittens into their homes for
the all time low price of $20.10 (in honor of 2010,
the Year of the Cat)! Adopters and their new feline
friends received all the same services and benefits of
adopting at the regular price.
Coming Soon...
We have more exciting ways to get involved and
celebrate the Year of the Cat. Be sure to join our
online mailing list so you can be one of the first to
find out about upcoming events.
New Additions
to the SHS Team
This spring, the SHS was happy to add two new staff members to our management team. Each has proven their dedication to
animals in need and will be working hard to help animals in the Spartanburg community. Please join us in giving each one a warm
SHS welcome!
Sarah Hatfield, CPDT-KA
K. Freseman
Several months ago, the SHS learned that SHS Animal Behavior and Training Coordinator,
Erin James, would be relocating with her husband. We had six months to find a successor.
It was a tall order to fill, but we found someone who is a great match for both the SHS and
the Good Dog Academy! While we miss Erin, and remain grateful for the mark she left on
the SHS, we feel fortunate to be able to introduce Spartanburg to Sarah Hatfield! Sarah
joined us in May and immediately hit the ground running.
Sarah Hatfield works with Rucker and
his owner on mastering long distance
recalls in a recent class at the Good
Dog Academy.
With over four years of professional dog training experience, Sarah has successfully
helped hundreds of pets and their people. She has also proven her skills by earning the
Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) title, earned through the
Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT). The Council offers the CPDT-KA
certification for trainers who have not only established their understanding of the field but
have also demonstrated their knowledge of canine ethology, animal husbandry, classroom
management, technique, and much more. Sarah is the only trainer in Spartanburg with this
Sarah’s determination to help animals started at a young age. After successfully transforming her family’s rambunctious lab and
Newfoundland mix into a polished therapy dog, Sarah caught the dog training bug. As an adult, Sarah pursued her passion for animals
through volunteer work with a local animal adoption agency. But, it was a challenging foster puppy she credits for leading her to
training professionally. Sarah was able to combine her passion for training with her love for helping animals in need on a full time basis
when she became the Behavior Specialist at a humane society in Alabama.
Sarah’s experience professionally training dogs and her work enriching the lives of animals in a shelter setting make her a perfect fit for
both the SHS and the GDA.
Donovan Qualls, DVM
Donovan was a senior accountant in his former life, but he always knew he wanted more from
his job. A stray dog he found and befriended near his workplace made up his mind for good.
Donovan enrolled in classes to become a veterinarian. He began working as a veterinary
technician to learn as much as he could about the field. During his studies, Dr. Qualls worked in
a variety of clinics and hospitals, but he found work in shelters to be the most rewarding.
Donovan was attracted to the progressive and proactive spirit of the Spartanburg Humane
Society. In addition to a strong medical program, the SHS offered a variety of valuable
community programs and services, all aimed at combating the pet overpopulation problem.
The SHS appreciated Donovan’s vision, and wealth of experience, including his work in high
volume spay and neuter settings. We are all excited by his arrival and the many opportunities
he brings with him.
K. Freseman
In June, we welcomed Dr. Donovan Qualls to our SHS Veterinary Clinic to meet the ever increasing
demands for affordable veterinary care. Dr. Qualls, a recent graduate of the Louisiana State
University School of Veterinary Medicine, brings with him a wealth of experience and a passion
for helping animals.
Dr. Qualls, pictured with his dog
Manny, joins the team at the
SHS Low Cost Veterinary Clinic.
As Associate Veterinarian, Dr. Qualls will work side by side with Dr. Melissa Elledge, Vice President of Veterinary Medicine, in the SHS
Low Cost Veterinary Clinic. He will perform spay and neuter surgeries, complete wellness appointments, tend to the medical needs
of animals at the shelter, and help at community events like our monthly vaccine clinics.
Happy Tails!
Greetings! I’m Charli, a poodle/yorkie terrier mix (75%
Poodle, 20% Yorkie, 5% classified). I was brought to
the Spartanburg Humane Society as a small, 3 pound,
6 week old stray. I was so infested with fleas that I
had lost some of my fur and had small scabs on my
body. The shelter staff members were top-notch
professionals; they cleaned me up, treated my health
needs, gave me food, and fussed all over me. As I was
so tiny when I came into shelter care, the staff thought
Charli Connorton
it would be best for me to go into foster care first.
Happily, I entered the foster care program and soon
discovered my “assignment.” My mission: get my foster
parents to adopt me! I realized this would not be an easy mission; my “marks” were
seasoned, well-trained foster parents. They had spent years fostering needy dogs
& pups. This would take the infiltration techniques of a super spy puppy, but I felt
up to the challenge. I began with some subtle and stealth charm (batting my big
terrier eyes, offering puppy kisses, etc.), followed by the elimination of all potential
competition (see picture). Over the next 8 weeks, I could tell the deployment of my
highly specialized training was wearing down their defenses (resistance is futile!). On
February 6, 2010, my foster parents went into the shelter and signed the adoption
papers..…Mission Accomplished!
-Charli (aka Special Agent Barker)
We came to the SHS looking for an older, Australian
Shepherd. But, all that changed when I saw Buddy
lying in the kennel with his head on his front paws so
quietly. His big brown eyes went right through me
and caught hold of my heart. When I brought Buddy
home and into the house, he was afraid of the ceiling
fan and almost wouldn’t come in. He was also afraid
of the microwave. I don’t think he knew what it was
like to be in a house. I put a blanket on the floor in
Buddy Lillis
front of the couch for him. He stayed on that blanket
in front of me for about a week. But, it didn’t take long
before he was placing his head and front feet in my lap
and finally bringing his back feet up onto the couch. Now, Buddy never leaves our
side. He is very affectionate and is gentle with our other dogs, as well. Buddy won’t
leave Casey, his German Shepherd sister, behind on a walk. His brother, Little Buddy
the Mini Australian Shepherd, is his favorite playmate in the living room. Buddy’s
favorite pastime is watching Animal Planet or videos and slideshows on my laptop
computer. Our Buddy is an amazing dog, a faithful companion, and is truly one of the
family. We are lucky to have a dog like him in our lives.
-The Lillis family
Don’t be shy! We love to hear from our lucky shelter alums who have found happiness in new
homes. Your special “tail” may be considered for an upcoming edition of The Scoop or may be
featured on our website.
Please send your stories and pictures to 150 Dexter Road, Spartanburg, SC 29303,
care of “Happy Tails.” You can also submit your photos, videos, and stories
online at:
Tour de Paws
September 11th
Calling all cyclists! The 8th annual
Tour de Paws 28 or 62 mile ride
is quickly approaching. The race
starts at 9:00 am. Start and finish is
at Tyger River Presbyterian Church,
5961 Reidville Road in Moore.
For more information and online
registration, visit:
Auction for a Cause
October 8th
Join us at the Uptown Sertoma’s
Auction for a Cause at Spartanburg
Memorial Auditorium for two
silent auctions and a live auction.
All proceeds from the sale of items
donated to the SHS will benefit
our Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)
program. You can also support
AAT by purchasing your tickets,
which are just $10, from the SHS.
For more information and to
purchase tickets online visit:
Santa Photos
December 4th and 11th
Mark your calendars now for our
annual photos with Santa! This
year, Santa will be at the SHS from
12:00 - 4:00 pm to visit with all
the good, furry (and sometimes
feathery) little boys and girls.
Volunteer photographer Aaron Moller
( will be
assisting Santa by snapping photos.
In addition to a variety of sizes,
photos may also be purchased on
a CD, so that proud parents can
easily reproduce them. Remember,
photos with Santa make great
holiday gifts and holiday cards. The
SHS would love to see you and your
pets for this annual event.