the pacific beach christian - Pacific Beach Christian Church
the pacific beach christian - Pacific Beach Christian Church
THE PACIFIC BEACH CHRISTIAN Pacific Beach Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 2015-16 Budget Totals Volume 69 Issue 7 July 28, 2016 Our Mission Statement We recently concluded our 2015-16 fiscal year and are pleased to report that we were able to finish in the black for the year, thanks in large part to reducing our expenses from what was originally budgeted. But we also hired Sadie last September as our Associate Pastor to children, youth and families, which means this year she will be with us for the full fiscal year, so your continued faithful and generous giving is very much needed and welcomed. God is good…all the time!!! 2015-16 Income: $187,293 2015-16 Expenses: $186,247 Year-end Surplus: $ 1,046 August Talent Show! Sunday, August 21st, 5pm Inside this issue: Pastor’s Column 2 August Calendar 3 Church Family 4 Ministry Beyond Our Doors 5 Prayers Back Cover It’s summertime… get ready for the 6th Annual PBCC Talent Show & Ice Cream Social! Yes, it’s that time of year again, when the awesome talents and skills of the PBCC family are showcased for all to enjoy. Last year’s show was highly entertaining and we know you’re ready to meet or exceed the standard. All ages, skills and talents are encouraged to sign up for a performance spot, and the fellowship area will showcase those whose entries are more suitable for display (art, photography, quilting, jewelry, etc.). Once again, the PBCC Praise Band is available to provide live music for your act but we do need advance notice to ensure proper preparation to help your star shine. Sign up now to secure your spot. Mark your calendar and save the date – it promises to be a night to remember! Page 2 The Pacific Beach Christian Our “Daly” Bread “Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.” Psalm 139:7-10 GOD WITH US—We are fed a steady diet of tragedy, death, disease and sadness. Kabul… Munich…Baton Rouge…Dallas…Nice…Orlando…Paris…San Bernardino…Israel/Palestine… Syria…Iraq. You get the idea. More dead. More wounded. More grieving. More despair. Even closer to home those we love are dealing with cancer, strokes, memory impairment, serious illness, falls, mental illness, addiction, death and grief. It is enough to dispirit and overwhelm. Unless… There is something that happens when we take time to really digest the words of Psalm 139. Not just with the mind, but with the soul. There is no place, no experience, no tragedy, no hurt, no loss that can separate us from God’s presence. Do you believe that? Do you really believe that? If so, a whole new world begins to open up for us. We are no longer in bondage to fear…even the fear of death. We are no longer prone to grief and despair. We begin to trust that God can and will work in all things for good for those who love him (Romans 8:28). And so we begin looking for the ways God shows up, even in the midst of our pain and grief. And when we look with eyes of faith, we see. And when we see, we are strengthened, encouraged and lifted. What if we spent as much (or more) time feeding our souls as we do ingesting the news of the day? Now I’m not suggesting we ignore the news of the day. I think it’s important to stay informed and aware of all that is going on in the world around us. But what if we spent an equal amount of time reading things and doing things that are good for our souls? It really can help to change the way we look at and experience the world. If you spend an hour reading or watching the news of the day, what if you were intentional about spending another hour reading and reflecting on a daily devotional…or reading a book that might help nourish and nurture your faith? Did you know we have a library at the church filled with books intended to do just that? What if you dedicated some intentional time to serving someone in some meaningful way? As disciples of Jesus we are called to live and move in the world in a different way. We are certainly not spared some of the pain, loss and heartache that comes with life in the 21st century, but as people of faith we are not controlled by it. To the contrary, at our best we continue to reflect a light, a love, a hope, a joy and a peace that provides a meaningful witness to that different way. I’m not sure the world is any more unsettled and violent now than it ever has been, but I am sure we have access to all of it in ways we never did before. So it’s up to us to limit our feasting on tragedy and bad news, that we might make more time to experience the God who is with us…always! Brian Page 3 Page 3 August Sun Sunday Schedule 9:00am Adult Sunday School Mon Missions Sunday Wed 1) 2) 6-7pm, Prayer Ministry 7pm, 7am, Adult Heavenly Bible Study Manna (Church) 10:30am Worship & Children’s Church 7) Tue 3) 8) 9) 10) 6-7pm, Prayer Ministry 7pm, 7am, Adult Heavenly Bible Study Manna (Church) Thu 4) Fri 5) 6:30pm Worship Rehearsal 8:00pm AA Big Book 6) Jr. Camp 11) 12) 2pm Homeless Working Group 6:30pm 7:15pm Recovery In Christ Worship Rehearsal Sat 13) 8:00pm AA Big Book 7pm, PYSL 14) 15) 16) 3:30pm Co-ed Softball 6-7pm, Prayer Ministry 7pm, 7am, Adult Heavenly Bible Study Manna (Church) 6:30pm 7:15pm Worship Recovery Rehearsal In Christ 8:00pm AA Big Book 9am, Green Chalice Workshop 25) 27) 7pm, Board Mtg 17) 21) 22) 23) 5pm 6-7pm, Prayer Ministry 7pm, 7am, Adult Heavenly Bible Study Manna (Church) 29) 30) Talent Show & Ice Cream 28) 1 pm, PYSL 4 pm, Assembly 24) 31) 7pm, 7am, 6-7pm, Adult Heavenly Prayer Bible Study Manna Ministry (Church) 7 pm, Elder’s Mtg. 18) 19) 26) 20) -Newsletter- 7:15pm 6:30pm Recovery Worship In Christ Rehearsal 8:00pm AA Big Book 10:30am Knit Wits Volume 69 Issue 7 Page 4 — IN THE LIFE OF OUR CHURCH — Knit Wits The Knitting Group meets on the 4th Saturday of each month from 10:30am to 12:30pm. All who want to learn are welcome to attend. We look forward to fellowship and learning to knit! Call Lucie Sovinsky at 858/ 483-0357 if you would like to attend. Prayer Ministry: “Hour of Prayer” Mondays, 6pm Small Groups Recovery in Christ (RIC): Friday’s, 7:15pm Adult Bible Study Groups: Sunday, 9-10am: Youth Room: The Book of Romans Classroom: Women of the New Testament Library: Women—”Jesus Freak” Tuesday, 7:00-8:30pm (at Church): A Study of each Sunday’s Sermon text Mark your calendars for this year’s retreat at Loch Leven on September 30 - October 2nd. See Andi Sanders if you have any questions. Becoming a GREEN CHALICE Congregation Those interested in creation care, and "going green" at the church as well as at your home and/or business, are invited to a practical three-hour workshop on how to become and sustain a Green Chalice congregation. Sat., Aug. 20, 2016, 9 am-12 noon at: Pacific Beach Christian Church RSVP/more details: Rev. Sadie Cullumber 8/06 Cory & Debbie Tedford 8/13 Brian & Laura Daly 8/19 Doug & Lucie Sovinsky 8/22 Craig & Christine Johnson 8/29 Howard & Leslie Smart 8/02 Brody McMoran 8/02 Carolyn Roberts 8/04 Linda Bergstedt 8/05 James Bishop 8/06 Polly Farmer 8/09 Pete Mendoza 8/10 Sherman Markland 8/10 Freda Lyman 8/10 Timothy Daly 8/12 Nick Dimakos 8/14 Ray Keffer 8/17 Casey Smith 8/18 Canda Williams 8/24 Debbie Tedford 8/25 Jason Williams Volume 69 Issue 7 — IN THE LIFE OF OUR CHURCH — Page 5 Leadership Retreat Worship in the Park &Picnic We encourage all board members, elders, staff and ministry leaders to mark your calendars now for our Leadership Retreat on Saturday, September 24th, 9am-4pm at Mission San Luis Rey. Our annual Worship in the Park and Picnic at Kate Sessions Park will be on Sunday, September 11th. Mark your calendars now and save the date! Regional Assembly Worship in the Park &Picnic This year’s Regional Assembly of gathered Disciples from across the Pacific Southwest Region is October 14-th - 15th at First Christian Church Fullerton. Anyone wishing to attend with our pastors is encouraged to contact the church office for registration information. In Memoriam We were saddened by the all-too-sudden death of John Parr a month ago. John suffered a series of strokes in a short period of time that compromised both his brain and his organs. John and Sylvia have been a par of our church family since they joined the church in 2010. John was buried earlier this month in his home state of Texas. It was good to see Sylvia back in worship last Sunday, but she would certainly value your continued prayers in the days and weeks ahead. Thank you. John David Parr March 6, 1937-June 30, 2016 We are having fun getting out monthly for a Co-ed softball game at PB Recreation Center. We will be playing again Sunday, August 14th, at 3:30pm. It’s a great opportunity for men and women, young and old to enjoy an hour of non-competitive (okay, maybe slightly competitive) fun together. So come join us on Sunday as we laugh a lot and...PLAY BALL!!! Mission First Event The PSW Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) encourages San Diego Disciples to come together for a “Mission First” Event at Casa de Oracion this Saturday, July 30th, from 5-8pm. Join us as we discuss our congregational mission and focus around dinner and conversation. These “Mission First” gatherings are happening all over the Region and country as the Disciples of Christ seek to identify missions that the whole Church can work together to live out and support. All are welcome! Saturday, July 30th, 5-8pm Casa de Oracion 201 Fir Street San Diego, CA 92101 Volume 69 Issue 7 — MINISTRY BEYOND OUR DOORS — Rock the Loch brings a day-long festival of multicultural music and praise to the 160 acre Loch Leven Christian Camp & Conference Center in Mentone, California. Come join us for a full day of music, great food, raffles, silent auctions, a kid's center, campus tours, incredible speakers and more on September 24th! Our mission is to raise awareness, volunteerism, and financial support for this incredible place that has been an integral part of spiritual growth for so many! SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, September 18. More information will be made available very soon. Monday, September 19th San Dimas Canyon Golf Club With the 2016 Don Shelton Memorial Golf Classic now just a little more than two months away, now is the time to start registering for the big event. See Pastor Brian to sign-up! Individual Golfer - $185 Foursome of Golfers - $740 First Time Participants - $100 High School Youth - $75 Page 6 CCSA News & Current Needs As we enter into the mid-summer, weather, CCSA has many needs for the homeless. Don’t forget the Open House in Clairemont from 6:30 – 7:30pm on Tuesday, August 2nd. URGENT NEEDS Men’s and Women’s jeans & shorts (30-38) White socks Men’s T-shirts (L, XL, XXL) Women’s underwear (S, M, L) Men’s underwear Reading glasses 2t & 3t boys and girls clothes 5 & 6 girls clothes 7 & 8 boys clothes 18 to 24 months boys & girls clothes THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NEEDED ON A REGULAR BASIS Clothing Boys & Girls clothing (school age) Men’s belts Hygiene Sunscreen Shampoo & conditioner Sunglasses and reading glasses Lotion (travel size) Nail clippers Lip balm Food Fruit cans (small & regular) Mac & cheese Canned vegetables Canned soup BACKPACK/SHOE/SOCK DRIVE We have 2 more weeks to collect children’s shoes, socks and backpacks. These items help children return equipped to start school and feel good about themselves. If you need lists, or information – see Lucie Sovinsky or Darwin Mann. Thank you for your generous hearts!! The Pacific Beach Christian A Monthly publication of P ACIFIC B EACH C HRISTIAN C HURCH (D ISCIPLES OF C HRIST ) RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 1074 Loring Street, San Diego, CA 92109 Rev. Brian Daly, Pastor Rev. Sadie Cullumber, Assoc. Pastor Revs. Don & Susan Gonzales-Dewey, Regional Ministers Rev. Sharon Watkins, General Minister & President Phone: (858) 483-4504 Pastor’s Email: [email protected] Assoc. Pastor: [email protected] WE’ RE ON THE WEB! WWW. PBCHRISTIAN. COM BY OUR PRAYERS BY OUR ATTENDANCE 7/03/16 7/10/16 7/17/16 7/14/16 122 111 117 99 BY OUR TITHES & OFFERINGS Weekly Need: $3,572 7/03/16 $3,479 7/10/16 $3,450 7/17/16 $2,839 7/24/16 $3,629 Budgeted (YTD): Received (YTD): $14,288 $13,397 Congregation Podhorsky Family Shanti du Coeur David Lloyd Sylvia Parr & Family Harold Hoffner Susie McHenry Kai Widmark Alice Roth Lyn Beattie Peggy Neal Annie Kelley Jill McIlwain Rita Rohrssen Sarah Meader Ken Hawkins Lori Widmark William Dudas Ken McCartney Denny Goodwin Wolford Family Shane Brunberg Janice Calabrese Leona BonDurant Friends & Family Joy Rusin Ann Hiskes Eloise Johnson Billy Zoom Arliss Dooley Kraig Kelley Carr-Carranza Family Al Armstrong Rena Yachad Carol Suiter Stemberger Family Monica Farrar Cardena Family Bewley Family Andrew Aston Cuervo-White Family Turner Family Jose Mendoza Edde Family Dan Summerlin Heilsburg Family Tiffany Egeston Aidan Good Gibson Family Ann Black Mayorga Family Linda Weinstein Jim Weatherly Yost Family Liz Redloff Trudi Craven & Daughter Daljean Davis Steve Sanders Kenneth Smith Chris Lynch Rachel McHenry Bill & Joyce Ferguson Mark LaMura Robin Folk Amber & Michelle Grace Hairston Steve Soule Kevin Mawhinney Mercedes Delucien Joao Medina Teeza Russell -PV2, Army Brenda & Ethan Allen Lindsay Strack Donnie Alexander Nia Greely Marion Meyer Rosalia Petty Megan Fuller Maria McGuire Dan & Fay Moore Brandon Myers Mandy Mendoza Duke Carolina Andrew Gunther Mattie Carter Bruce Horncastle Branch Family George DeHaven Penny Juday Scott Brown Kay Fleming Elizabeth Edwards Cassidy Woodard David & Sondra Roger & Cuma Wickerd Patricia Lucchesi Graham Lloyd Morgan & Kevin Pinegar Francisca van den Elzen Ameret Budihas Karen Harrison Garrett Baumann Ginny Murphy Meghan Haber Kurt Vasbinder Alexa Rysedorph Kristi Sherwood Shelly McKittrick Laura Southworth Alyssa Montalbano Dorothy Stutzman Christopher Harris Chekela Turner Robert Fuller Henry Torres Bette Pegram Emily Rangel Joan Lomberto Michelle Faust Art & Janet Bishop Paula & Noel Stuart Chris Mischle and Chris Barker TJ Jo Cox Susan P. Jill Cobb Ted Sitek Eric Moth Jeff Danko Joe Bailon Iris Puente Zach Frost Rob Baxter Alan Casey Gene Sykes David Sudo Neil Corbin Terry Rinke Mary Julian Frank Ortez Gail Depew Peggy Deitz Julie Parnell Alisha Perry Frank Fasula Dusty Miller Andrea Cross Will Stewart TUMI Boyds — MAF Farrars — Philip. Eubanks— Thai. Recovery In Christ Kairos Prison Ministry Debbie Bishop-Rwanda