Okipage 10ex - Fireball PC
Okipage 10ex - Fireball PC
OKIPAGE 10ex LED Page Printer Troubleshooting Manual with Component Parts List ODA/OEL/INT 1999. 1. 18 Rev.1 40990901TH Rev.1 1 / 143 CONTENTS 1. OUTLINE......................................................................................................... 3 2. TOOLS ............................................................................................................3 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................4 4. TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................35 5. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ......................................................................................61 6. COMPONENT PARTS LIST .........................................................................96 40990901TH Rev.1 2/ 1. OUTLINE This manual has been written to provide guidance for troubleshooting of the OKIPAGE 10ex Printer (primarily for its printed circuit boards), based on the assumption that the reader has a thorough knowledge concerning the printer. Read the maintenance manual for this printer, if necessary. Notes: 1. The power supply board containing a high voltage power supply is dangerous. From the viewpoint of the safety standards, the local repairing of a defective board is not allowed. Thus, the objects to be locally repaired as a result of troubleshooting are switches and fuses. 2. Replacement of CPU (MHM2029) is not recommended. If CPU is found to be defective, board replacement is suggested. 2. TOOLS For troubleshooting the printer, the tools listed below may be needed in addition to general maintenance tools. Tool 40990901TH Rev.1 Remarks Extension cord kit P/N: 40581901 Oscilloscope Frequency response 100 MHz or higher Soldering iron A slender tip type, 15-20 watts 3/ 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Outline The main control board controls the reception of data transferred through a host I/F and processes command analysis, bit image development, raster buffer read. It also controls the engine and the operator panel. Its block diagram is shown in Fig. 3-1 . (1) Reception control The OKIPAGE 10ex Printer can be equipped with one I/F port by adding an RS232C I/F option board in addition to the Centronics I/F on the main control board. Either of the two I/F ports which receives data first can be used automatically. The other I/F port outputs a busy state signal. The parallel I/F port can specify the following item when set by the control panel: I-PRIME: Enabled/Disabled The serial I/F port can specify the following item when set by the control panel: Flow control : DTRHI/DTR LO/XONXOFF/RBSTXON Baud rate : 300/600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 (Baud) Data bit : 7/8 (bits) Minimum busy time : 200/1000 (ms) Parity : NONE/ODD/EVEN An interface task stores all data received from the host into a receive buffer first. (2) Command analysis processing The OKIPAGE 10ex Printer support PCL6 (Hewlett Packard LJ6P compatible). An edit task fetches data from the receive buffer, analyzes commands, and reconstructs the data in such a way that print data are aligned from up to down and from right to left; then it writes the resultant data into a page buffer with such control data as print position coordinate, font type, etc. added. (3) Font Processing When one page editing is finished, a developing task makes an engine start and fetches data from the page buffer synchronizing with a printing operation, then it developes the fetched data to a bit map as referring to data from a character generator, and writes the resultant data into the raster buffer (of band buffer structure). (4) Raster buffer read. As controlling the engine operation, an engine task sends data from the raster buffer to the LED head. 40990901TH Rev.1 4/ 1MB Memory Board (Option) Main Control Board or RS232C Interface Board (Option) For optional board Multi-Purpose Feeder (Option) Program & Font ROM 6MB Mask ROM Resident RAM 512K x 8 bit DRAM (2MB) DATA BUS (32bit) High Capacity Second Paper Feeder (Option) EEPROM Operation Panel Centronics parallel I/F Drum motor & Registration motor drive circuit M Drum Motor M Registration Motor 7407 1 Chip CPU FAN FAN Driver FAN ALM LED Head HEAT ON +8V -8V 0V +5V +38V Reset circuit Power Supply Board Cover open switch Inlet sensor 1 Inlet sensor 2 Charge roller Transfer roller Low voltage generation circuit High voltage generation circuit Paper sensor Developping roller Toner supply roller Outlet sensor LSI Cleaning roller Paper out sensor Fusing temperature control circuit Heater drive circuit Toner low sensor AC transformer Filter circuit Thermistor Heater AC IN Figure 3-1 Block Diagram 40990901TH Rev.1 5/ ALS244 A2 to A23 ALS244 D0 to D31 RAS2 ORE WR RAS3, 4 WR SIMM2 Flash SIMM SIMM1 DRAM SIMM DRAM 1M Byte RAS2 to RAS4 ORE, RD, WR ALS244 CAS0 to CAS3 ALS244 OPTION CONNECTOR PD2, 3 BSY RD WR CS3, EEPCS, EECLK EEPDAT IOS1 Figure 3-2 Memory Expansion Board Block Diagram (Option) 40990901TH Rev.1 6/ ALS244 A2 to A23 ALS244 D0 to D31 RAS2 to RAS4 ORE, RD, WR RAS3, 4 WR SIMM2 Flash SIMM SIMM1 DRAM SIMM ALS244 CAS0 to CAS3 ALS244 OPTION CONNECTOR PD2, 3 BSY RD WR CS3, EEPCS, EEPCLK EEPDAT IOS1 TXD, RST, DTR 75188 RXD RS-232C CONNECTOR Figure 3-3 RS-232C Serial Interface Board Block Diagram (Option) 40990901TH Rev.1 7/ 3.2 CPU and Memory (1) CPU (MHM2029-004K) CPU core CPU clock Internal CPU CLK RISC CPU (MIPS R3000 compatible) 7.067 MHz 28.268 MHz (2) Program and Font ROMs ROM capacity 6M bytes (24M bit mask ROM two pieces) ROM type 24M bits (1.5M x 16 bits) Access time 100 ns (3) Resident RAM RAM capacity RAM type Access time 2M bytes (4-Mbit D-RAM four pieces) 4M bits (512k x 8 bits) 70 ns (4) Option Board RAM capacity (chip) RAM type (chip) Access time (chip) 1M byte 4M bits D-RAM two pieces 60 ns SIMM 1 socket SIMM 2 socket } Memory Expansion Board only 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32M bytes, 72 pin DRAM SIMM, 60 to 100 ns Flash SIMM (72 pin) The block diagram of CPU and memory circuit is shown in Fig. 3-4. The timing chart of CPU and memory ciucuit is shown in Fig. 3-5. 40990901TH Rev.1 8/ CPU D00 to D32 CS0 CS2 CS3 CS4 Option board CS0 A00 to A25 RD RAS0 RAS1 RAS2 RAS3 RAS4 RAS5 RAS0 CAS0 CAS1 CAS2 CAS3 IC2, IC3 Mask ROM (1.5M x 16 bits) 2 pieces <Program> IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7 DRAM (512 k x 8 bits) 4 pieces RD/WR Main control board CAS0, 1, 2, 3 CAS0, 1, 2, 3 RD/WR Option board RAS2, 3, 4, 5 RAS2 WR CAS0,1,2,3 DRAM 1M Byte (Memory Expansion Board only) RAS3, 4 WR CAS0,1,2,3 CS3, RD/WR SIMM 1 DRAM SIMM SIMM 2 Flash SIMM Figure 3-4 Block Diagram of CPU & Memory Circuit 40990901TH Rev.1 9/ Figure 3-5 Timing Chart of CPU & Memory Circuit 40990901TH Rev.1 10 / D00~D31-P RD-N DCAS0~3-N DRAS0~5-N A00-A25-P (28.268 MHz) SYSCLK 223.8 ns 101.7 ns 80 ns 223.8 ns 223.8 ns 101.7 ns 70 ns 101.7 ns 183.1 ns 101.7 ns 60 ns 100 ns 162.8 ns 61.0 ns 53.1 61.0 ns 61.0 ns 61.0 ns 61.0 ns 40.7 ns T3 T4 (DRAS0-N) 27.3 17.91 12.25 VARID No SIMM T1 35.4 T2 TIME T3 T3 29.32 17.7 T1 SIMM speed 0 142.4 ns 142.4 ns 142.4 ns 142.4 ns 122.1 ns T4 T2 T2 (DRAS1~5-N) T2 39.13 T2 70.8 VARID 14.6 106.1 123.8 DATA 141.5 159.2 CPU detects the type of SIMM memory installed on the memory expansion board, and sets the suitable timing as shown in the left handside table. Due to this, T1~T4 values shown above vary depending on the type of SIMM memory being used. 88.4 176.9 (ns) 3.3 Reset Control When power is turned on, a CLRST-N signal is generated by the rising sequence of +38V and +8V power supply. +38V +8V +5V D2 (15V) 11 172 + 10 – CPU 13 IC10 To Option Board Power OFF Power ON +38V +38V +8V IC10-11 IC10-10 Q10 Input CLRST-N +5V +8V 40990901TH Rev.1 11 / 3.4 EEPROM Control The 93LC46A is an electrical erasable/programmable ROM of 64-bit x 16-bit configuration. Data input to and output from the ROM are bidirectionally transferred in units of 16 bits through a serial I/O port (SSTXD-P) in serial transmission synchronized with a clock signal from the CPU. The EEPROM operates in the following instruction modes 3 SSTXD-P DI DO 4 154 1 EEPRMCS0-P CPU CS 150 SK 2 EEPRMCLK-P 151 The EEPROM operates in the following instruction modes Instruction Start bit Operation code Address Data Read (READ) 1 10 A5 to A0 Write Enabled (WEN) 1 00 11XXXX Write (WRITE) 1 01 A5 to A0 D15 to D0 Write All Address (WRAL) 1 00 01XXXX Write Disabled (WDS) 1 00 00XXXX Erase 1 11 A5 to A0 Chip Erasable (ERAL) 1 00 10XXXX D15 to D0 Write cycle timing (WRITE) Min. 450 ns STATUS CS SK 1 2 DI 1 0 4 1 A5 A4 A1 9 10 A0 D15 25 D14 D1 D0 Max. 500 ns DO BUSY READY HIGH-Z Max. 10 ms Read cycle timing (READ) CS SK 1 2 DI 1 1 DO 9 4 0 A5 A4 A1 10 25 26 A0 0 D15 D14 D1 D0 D15 D14 HIGH-Z 40990901TH Rev.1 12 / 3.5 Centronics Parallel Interface The CPU sets a BUSY-P signal to ON at the same time when it reads the parallel data (PDATA1P to PDATA 8-P) from the parallel port at the fall of PSTB-N signal. Furthermore, it makes the store processing of received data into a receive buffer terminate within a certain fixed time and outputs an ACK-N signal, setting the BUSY-P signal to OFF. CENT 87, 88, 91 to 96 PDATA1-P to PDATA8-P 97 85 2 to 9 PSTB-N 1 IC11 PBUSY-P 11 86 PACK-N 10 CPU 83 PPE-P 12 81 PSEL-P 13 79 PERROR-N 32 80 PINIT-N 31 82 PSELIN-N 36 84 PAUTOFD-N STB-N BUSY-P ACK-N PE-P SEL-P FAULT-N IPRIME-N SELIN-N AUTOFEED-N +5V 5V DATA8-P to DATA1-P 14 18 +5V 3.9kΩ PARALLEL DATA (DATA BITs 1 to 8) 0.5 µs min. 0.5 µs min. 0.5 µs min. DATA STOROBE 0.5 µs min. 0 min. 0.5 µs max. BUSY 0 min. 0 min. ACKNOWLEDGE 0.5 µs to 10 µs 0 min. 40990901TH Rev.1 13 / 3.6 Operator Panel Control The operator panel consists of the following circuits. OLCC-2 Main control board SSTXD-P 154 SSRXD-P CPU CN1 PANEL 3 4 SSCLK-N 6 SSLD-N 1 LSI 1 153 44780 LCD Control Driver DB4~DB7 4 3 158 LED BU6152S RS R/W E 6 152 Zebra Rubber LCD Flexible Cable (1) BU6152S (LSI) This LSI is connected to a clock synchronous serial port of the CPU. It controls switch data input, LED data output and LCD data input/output according to the commands given by the CPU. The CPU sends the 2-byte (16-bit) command (SSTXD-P) together with the shift clock signal (SSCLK-N) to the LSI and then makes a predetermined input/output control if the command decoded by the LSI is found to be a normal command. On receiving a command sent from the CPU, the LSI, synchronizing with the serial clock of the command, returns a 2-byte command response to the CPU. SSTXD-P bit 0 bit 7 Command (first) Command (second) SSCLK-N SSRXD-P bit 0 Command response (first) bit 7 Command response (second) SSLD-N 40990901TH Rev.1 14 / 3.7 LED Head Control An LED correcting head, which is capable of correcting the illumination of the LED for each dot, is being used in this printer. LED illumination correction function of 16 steps is carried out by using an EEPROM which is installed in the LSI that maintains the LED illumination correction values, and an LED correction drivers (MSM6731BWAF or MSM6732BWAF) together as a pair. The LED correcting head consists of the correction control LSI (MSM6730WAF), LED drivers (MSM6731BWAF or MSM6732BWAF), and an LED array. STRB1-N STRB2-N STRB3-N STRB4-N From CPU LED Driver MSM6732BWAF MSM6730 WAF LED Driver MSM6732BWAF LED Array LOADI LED CLOCKI DATAI0 DATAI1 DATAI2 DATAI3 LED LED LED LED LED LED EEPROM Correction Values LED Driver MSM6731BWAF LED Driver MSM6731BWAF Printing and correction data combined signal line Correction data signal line 40990901TH Rev.1 15 / Normal Mode Printing Timing Chart CLOCKI LOADI DATAI3~0 STRB1I-N STRB2I-N STRB3I-N STRB4I-N First line printing data sent Second line printing data sent First line printing The printing operation is carried out in the following sequence. First, the printing data DATAI3 through DATAI0 are stored, sequentially shifted, in the shift registers of the LED drivers, by the printing data synchronous clock, CLOCKI. Then the printing data stored in shift registers are latched by the high level pulse of LOADI. The latched printing data turns the LEDs on by STRB1IN through STRB4I-N and actuates printing. 40990901TH Rev.1 16 / 3.8 Motor Control (1) Registration and main (drum) motors A registration motor and a drum motor are driven by means of control signals from the CPU and a driver IC. Main Control Board CPU IC9 DMPH1-P 13 DM +38V A2918SW DMPH1-N 1 1 132 DMPH2-P 8 DMPH1-P 2 Main (Drum) Motor M 17 131 DMON1-N DMPH2-N 3 7 127 2 14 DMPH2-P 4 4 IC8 RMPH1-P 134 RMPH1-P 1 MTD2005F RMPH2-P 3 Registration Motor M RMPH1-N 2 17 7 133 RMON-N 3 RM +38V 26 Current control (IC10) RMPH2-P 3 20 8 23 RMPH2-N 4 12 (2) Drum motor DMON1-N DMPH1-P DMPH2-P T0 T1 T2 T3 Operation at normal speed: T0 to T3 =1.016 ms 40990901TH Rev.1 17 / (3) Registration motor RMON-N RMPH1-P RMPH2-P T0 Rotation Stop T1 T2 T3 Forward rotation Reverse rotation Hopping drive Registration roller drive Operation at normal speed: T0 to T3 = 1.016 ms (4) Drive control Time T0 to T3 determines the motor speed, while the difference of phase direction between phase signals DMPH1-P and DMPH2-P (RMPH1-P and RMPH2-P) determines the rotation direction. DMON1-N and RMON-N signals control a motor coil current. According to the polarity of the phase signal, the coil current flow as follows: 1) +38V → SW → motor coil → SW → resistor → earth, or, 2) +38V → SW → motor coil → SW → resistor → earth The voltage drop across the resistor is input to comparator, where it is compared with a reference voltage. If an overcurrent flow occurs, a limiter operates to maintain it within a certain fixed amount of current. 40990901TH Rev.1 18 / 3.9 Fuser Temperature Control For the temperature control by heater control, the variation in the resistance of the thermistor is A/D converted in IC2 and the resultant digital value is read and transferred to the CPU. The CPU turns on or off the HEATON-N signal according to the value of the signal received from IC2 to keep the temperature at a constant level. Immediately after the power is turned on, the thermistor is checked for shortcircuit and breakdown. If the thermistor is shorted, the A/D converted value shows an abnormally high temperature, so that the shortcircuit can be detected. If the breakdown of the thermistor occurs, the A/D converted value shows the normal temperature. In this case, the thermistor breakdown can be detected by the sequence shown at the end of this section. If the heater is overheated, 5V supply is turned off when the resistance of the thermistor is detected to be exceeding the predetermined value. Power Supply Board Main Control Board IC2 Thermistor TH1 CPU 5V 5V IC11 HEATON-N 116 TH2 Power Supply Interface 27 CN2 Heater Thermistor Breakdown Detector Circuit 1 2 PC1 1 0C 2 Abnormally High Temperature Detection Circuit 20 ACIN 40990901TH Rev.1 19 / The temperature control is described below. Vt Temperature ˚C V2 V1 HEATON-N ON OFF V2 176˚C V1 175˚C ON OFF ON * The values V1 and V2 vary according to setting mode. (Standard temperature) When Vt rises to V2 or more, the heater is turned off (by setting HEATON-N signal to LOW). When Vt drops to V1 or less, the heater is turned on (by setting HEATON-N signal to HIGH). In this way, the temperature can be kept within the predetermined range. 40990901TH Rev.1 20 / For heater breakdown detection, the heater must first be turned on. When a temperature rise which corresponds to the switching on of the heater does not occur, then a heater breakdown is detected. To shorten the breakdown detection time, the following circuit is used. Immediately after the power is turned on, the thermistor is checked and THERM-CMP signal is turned on to turn the resistor Q44 on. The reading resolution is increased through the variation of the thermistor resistance value. If, for whatever reason, temperature control fails and the temperature rises abnormally, the abnormal high temperature detection circuit shown below forcibly cuts the power supply to the fuser. 5V Thermistor IC2 A/D Converter Thermistor Breakdown Detection Circuit R24 1.5kΩ R25 100kΩ Q6 From CPU THERM-CMP Abnormal High Temperature Detection Circuit HEAT-N0 +5V R26 1kΩ To PC1 +5V IC4 R28 1kΩ Q7 + R27 1.8kΩ 40990901TH Rev.1 – 324 21 / 3.10 Fan Motor Control The stop/rotation of the fan motor is controlled by FANON1-P and FANON2-N signals. When the fan motor rotates normally, FANALM-P signal generated in the hole element built in the fan motor is input to the CPU. 38V TR503 R554 3 TR504 FANON1-P 109 1 1 TR501 R540 R4 FANON2-N 126 Fan Motor TR502 339/2901 M 2 D503 R545 CPU 3 5V 8VR 1 0V 38V D1 FAN 5V R549 IC10 3 0V 0V 0V FANALM-N 110 FANON1-P FANON2-N H L Normal speed H H Half speed L X STOP Fan motor rotation FANON1-P FANALM-P 0.7 sec max FAN MOVE Lock Fan motor start: Initial request, heater on, print start request Fan motor stop: • • • The motor immediately stops when an engine error or a fan error occurs. The motor stops 0 second or 20 minutes after the occurrence of a paper jam, size error, or fuse error. The motor stops in the power save mode as below. Main (drum) motor ON OFF Heater control ON OFF Fan motor Heater hold time 8 min. or 0 sec. Rotation state 40990901TH Rev.1 30 sec. Stop state 22 / 3.11 Cover Open When the cover is opened, a cover open microswitch is opened. This makes a CVOPN-N signal low, thereby the CPU detects the open state. Furthermore, opening the cover stops applying a +5V power to the high voltage power supply unit, resulting in stopping all high voltage outputs. Main Control Board Power Supply Board +5V 125 CVOPN-N CPU +5V Cover Open Microswitch Low Voltage Power Supply Unit High Voltage Power Supply Unit High voltage output +5V +5V CVOPN-N 0V Cover close 40990901TH Rev.1 Cover open 23 / 3.12 Power Supply Board (1) Low voltage power supply An AC power from an inlet is input to a transformer via fuses, AC switch and noise filter and then lowered to a 32 VAC power and a 10 VAC power. The 32 VAC power is converted to a +38 VDC output through a rectifying/smoothing circuit. A +5 VDC output is derived from the resultant +38 VDC power through a regulation circuit. The 10 VAC power is converted to a +8 VDC output and a -8 VDC output through a rectifying/smoothing circuit. Power supply board CN1 ACIN L F1 F2 FG Filter Circuit N 1 CN2 CN3 F3 Thermal Fuse 1, 2 +38V +38 V 17, 18 Smoothing Circuit 3, 4 +5V Stabilizing Circuit +5 V 11, 12 2 ±8V Rectifying/ Smoothing Circuit 6 Fuse Ratings AC Input Fuse F1 120 V 230 V 125 V 6.3 A 250 V 5 A F2 125 V 1.6 A F3 125 V 3.15 A 5 AC Transformer 0 V 9, 15, 16 +8 V 24 -8 V 22 13, 14 +3.3 V Generating +3.3 V Circuit – 250 V 2.5 A (2) High voltage power supply The +5 VDC power supplied to the high voltage power supply unit via the cover open microswitch as source voltage. The high voltage power supply unit supplies necessary voltage for electro-photography print to output terminals CH, DB, SB, TR, and CB according to a control signal from the CPU. The table on the next page shows the relationship between control signals and high voltage outputs. +5V Cover Open Switch SCLK SQCR DATA IN DATA OUT CPU High Voltage Power Supply Unit CH DB SB TR CB TRSEL 3 TRSEL 4 TRSEL 5 40990901TH Rev.1 24 / (3) Sensor control Power Supply Board +5V Main Control Board +5V PSOUT-N 7 PS1 WRSNS-N 6 PS2 PAPER-N 8 IC2 PS4 PSIN1-N 4 PS3 TNRSNS-N 3 PS6 PSIN2-N 5 PS5 Sensor signal OFF Shield 40990901TH Rev.1 ON Transparent 25 / (4) High-voltage power supply circuit This high-voltage power supply circuit receives the high-voltage generation timing control command that is transmitted in serial through the power supply interface from the control section. It decodes this command by LSI (IC2) and outputs high-frequency pulses to the corresponding high-voltage generating circuits through pins 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of LSI (IC2). It supplies +5V to each high-voltage generating circuit as the source voltage. When the cover is open, the supply of +5V is interrupted to interrupt all the high-voltage outputs. The relationship between the high-frequency pulse output pins and the high-voltage outputs is shown in the following table. Main Control Board Power Supply Circuit +5V 13 CPU SB SB DB DB 15 CB CB 11 14 TR TR CH CH IC2 Power supply interface LSI 12 High-voltage outputs High -frequency pulse output pins SB DB CB 11 TR -1.3kV 0V +300V -500V -265V TRSEL 3: Hi-Z TRSEL 5: L TRSEL 3: L TRSEL 5: Hi-Z +400V 14 15 Remarks +1.2kV 12 13 CH -1.1kV -1.35kV Part with slant line: no output 40990901TH Rev.1 26 / 3.13 Option Tray Control The kinds of option trays, High capacity Second Paper Feeder and Multi purpose Feeder can be connected to the printer. The trays are distinguished by two digit ID numbers. The option trays and the printer communicate with each other through bi-directional clock synchoronized serial interface. The printer always sends a command first, then each option tray interpret it. Because the command contains an ID, the selectes option tray takes approriate actions, then sends back a reply. The command and reply are transmitted back and forth on OPTSD-P signal line by synchronizing OPTSCLK-N clock signal which is sent by the printer. The printer knows the timing when it outputs the clock for the reply by sensing OPTSDR-N signal which is turned to zero by the option tray when it is ready for the reply. The option tray’s paper feeding action is triggered by a command sent by the printer. When the tray delects a signal on OPTPSIN-N signal line, which indicates the paper reaches a input sensor in the printer, the tray stops the paper feeding after carrying out the paper feeding according to the predetermined steps which have been downloaded from the printer at power-up time. Status of the option trays such as no paper cassette, paper out and cover open, are informed to the printer though a reply in response to a status inquiry command. 40990901TH Rev.1 27 / TQSB-2 (Option) 5V IC1 3 Main Control board 6 PU 2ND TRAY CPU 3 OPTSD-P 2 OPTSCLK-N 3 4 OPTSDR-N 2 1 OPTSIN-N 4 8 1 0C 4 5 0C 1 2 IC2 65-43 3 F0 G0 7 5 F2 F1 4 9 9 G2 0C 10 3 28 E0 C2 22 A C1 21 B C0 20 D0 E1 5V TR2 CN2 6 D1 2 270Ω C 24 30V 1 560Ω D 29 0V High capacity Second Paper Feeder D2 IC3 MS4646 2 VR1 MA1 4 27 VR2 MA2 25 14 A PH1 MB1 10 15 B PH2 MB2 19 5V SEN1 3 OLEV-(Option) M 5V 1 SEN2 3 1 (Paper) 5V C IC1 8 ENVELOPE CN2 3 OPTSD-P 2 OPTSCLK-N 3 4 OPTSDR-N 2 1 OPTPSIN-N 4 1 3 11 0C 9 10 4 2 12 0C 13 A0 0V 5V TR1 30V 1 CN2 D1 2 C 24 1, 2 11 2 4 (Cover Open) 0V IC2 65-43 3 F0 G0 7 5 F2 F1 4 1 9 G2 0C 2 28 3 E0 C2 22 A C1 21 B C0 20 D0 D 3, 4 0V D2 IC3 MS4646 2 VR1 MA1 4 27 VR2 MA2 25 14 A PH1 MB1 10 15 B PH2 MB2 19 M SW1 0V 5V SEN2 3 1 (Paper) Multi purpose Feeder C 4 2 0V Option Tray Connection and Block Diagram 40990901TH Rev.1 28 / 40990901TH Rev.1 Option Tray Control Serial Interface Time Chart Command (CPU→Tray) OPTSD-P Next Command (CPU→Tray) Reply (Tray→CPU) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 OPTSCLK-N OPTSDR-N 1.5µS Min. 1300µS 40µS 21µS Max. 3000µS Min. 3000µS 29 / Option Tray Serial Interface Time Chart 40990901TH Rev.1 Motor Control Time Chart Motor on (C2) Phase change (C1, C0) Paper sensor (OPTPSIN-N) # of Phase changes after paper sensor detection is downloaded by CPU Triggered by CPU 30 / Option Tray Motor Control Time Chart Automatically stops Memory Expansion Option Board A2 to A23 ALS244 3.14 ALS244 D0 to D31 RAS2 ORE WR RAS3, 4 WR SIMM2 Flash SIMM SIMM1 DRAM SIMM DRAM 1M Byte RAS2 to RAS4 ORE, RD, WR ALS244 CAS0 to CAS3 ALS244 OPTION CONNECTOR PD2, 3 BSY RD WR CS3, EEPCS, EEPCLK EEPDAT IOS1 Memory Expansion Board Block Diagram (Option) The Memory Expansion Option Board is provided with two DRAM chips and two SIMM slots. The SIMM1 slot is used for installation of a DRAM SIMM. The SIMM2 slot is used for installation of Flash SIMM. With the Board, a printer will have 3M bytes of Memory even without any additional DRAM SIMM memory on the SIMM1 slot because 1M DRAM is mounted on the board. (1) DRAM Two 4M bits DRAMs are installed. Memory capacity totals 1M byte. (2) SIMM Memory Module The board is provided with two Slots for a 72-pin DRAM SIMM Memory Module and Flash SIMM. The SIMM1 slot is used for installation of a 72-pin DRAM SIMM Memory Module. Up to 6 types of SIMM Memory Module can be installed. 1M byte, 2M bytes, 4M bytes, 8M bytes, 16M bytes and 32M bytes. 4 types of access speed can be used. 60, 70, 80 and 100n sec. The SIMM2 slot is used for installation of a Flash SIMM. The Flash SIMM is a Flash ROM Memory Module. 40990901TH Rev.1 31 / RS-232C Serial Interface Option Board A2 to A23 ALS244 3.15 ALS244 D0 to D31 RAS2 to RAS4 ORE, RD, WR RAS3, 4 WR SIMM2 Flash SIMM SIMM1 DRAM SIMM ALS244 CAS0 to CAS3 ALS244 OPTION CONNECTOR PD2, 3 BSY RD WR CS3, EEPCS, EEPCLK EEPDAT IOS1 TXD, RST, DTR 75188 RXD RS-232C CONNECTOR RS-232C Serial Interface Board Block Diagram (Option) The RS-232C Serial Interface Option Board is provided with a RS-232C I/F and two SIMM slots. The SIMM1 slot is used for installation of a DRAM SIMM. The SIMM2 slot is used for installation of a Flash SIMM. 40990901TH Rev.1 32 / (1) RS-232C Interface The serial data RXD from the host system, whose line voltage is clamped at the TTL level by D4/D512, are received by the CPU built-in serial controller. DSR and CTS signals are terminated through 5.6kΩ resistors. Send signals TXD, RTS and DTR are put out from the CPU and are sent to lines through a line driver IC (75188). Option connector +5V SERIAL 3.3K RSRXDO-N 101 560pF 2 RXD 5.6K 6 DSR 5.6K 5.6K 8 1 CPU 75188 RSTXDO-P 108 RSRTDO-N 102 RSDTDO-N 103 3 7 4 Idle 9 CTS CD TXD RTS DTR SSD +8V -8V (a) Send signal level Input 0V (b) Receive signal level +8V TTL level Input 0V -8V +8V Output 0V TTL level -8V Output 0V 40990901TH Rev.1 33 / (2) SIMM Memory Module The board is provided with two Slots for a 72-pin DRAM SIMM Memory Module and Flash SIMM. The SIMM1 slot is used for installation of a 72-pin DRAM SIMM Memory Module. Up to 6 types of SIMM Memory Module can be installed. 1M byte, 2M bytes, 4M bytes, 8M bytes, 16M bytes and 32M bytes. 4 types of access speed can be used; 60, 70, 80 and 100n sec. The SIMM2 slot is used for installation of a Flash SIMM. The Flash SIMM is a Flash ROM Memory Module. 40990901TH Rev.1 34 / 4. TROUBLESHOOTING 4.1 Troubleshooting Table (A) Power Supply Board (OL1- or OL2-PCB) Note: The malfunction of the power supply is not repaired by an agency. The abnormality to be treated here is that of sensors only. Failure Paper input jam occurs frequently. #: TRAY1, TRAY2, FEEDER, MANUAL Paper feed jam occurs frequently. #: TRAY1, TRAY2, FEEDER Paper-exit jam occurs frequently. #: TRAY1, TRAY2, FEEDER, MANUAL Paper size error occurs frequently. #: TRAY1, TRAY2, FEEDER, MANUAL Flowchart No. LCD Message A-1 # I N P U T J A M A-2 # F E E D J A M A-3 # E X I T J A M A-4 # S I Z E E R R The message "TRAY PAPEROUT" remains displayed on the LCD. # A-5 #: TRAY1, TRAY2, FEEDER P A P E R O U T The message "COVER OPEN" remains displayed on the LCD. C O V E R A-6 O P E N The message "TONERLOW" remains displayed on the LCD. A-7 T O N E R L O W E R R O R or 7 7 The message "TONERSNS" remains displayed on the LCD. A-8 T O N E R S N S The printer does not function at all, and the LCD does not display any messages. A-9 Thermistor open error. E R R O R 7 2 A - 10 Thermistor short error. E R R O R 7 3 A - 10 Serial interface does not connect to the host device. 40990901TH Rev.1 A - 11 35 / (B) Main Control Board (1/2) Failure Flowchart No. LCD Message Abnormal message display on the LCD (no display, unclear display, display with some dot not lit). Program ROM error. Font ROM error. Resident RAM error. EEPROM error. Option RAM error. Cooling fan error. SSIO error. Operator panel I/F error. Option tray I/F timeout error Watchdog timer timeout occurs frequently, or illegal CPU version. Program error. 40990901TH Rev.1 B-1 E R R O R 1 0 E R R O R 2 0 E R R O R 3 0 E R R O R 4 0 E R R O R 6 0 E R R O R 7 0 E R R O R 7 4 E R R O R 8 0 E R R O R 8 1 E R R O R 9 * E R R O R F * B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B - 10 B - 11 B - 12 36 / (B) Main Control Board (2/2) Failure Processor error. Print overrun occurs frequently. Flowchart No. LCD Message E R R O R 0 * B - 13 B - 14 P R I N T O V E R R U N Error host I/F occurs frequently. H O S T I / F B - 15 E R R O R Error receive buffer overflow occurs frequently. R E C B U F B - 16 O V E R R U N Paper input jan occurs frequently. #: TRAY1, TRAY2, FEEDER, MANUAL Paper input jam occurs frequently. #: TRAY1, TRAY2, FEEDER, MANUAL B - 17 # I N P U T J A M B - 18 # F E E D J A M The key switch operation on the operator panel is disabled frequently. B - 19 Data sent through the Centronics I/F cannot be received. B - 21 Cover open occurs frequently. C O V E R B - 22 O P E N 40990901TH Rev.1 37 / (C) Operator Panel Board (OLCC-2-PCB) Failure (D) Flowchart No. LCD Message Abnormal message display on the LCD (no display, unclear display, display with some dot not lit, etc.) C-1 The key switch operation on the operator panel is disabled. C-2 The LCD does not display any message. C-3 Display on the LCD with some dot not lit. C-4 Unclear display on the LCD. C-5 High capacity second paper feeder board (TQSB-2) Failure Paper input jams occur frequently. Flowchart No. LCD Message T R A Y D-1 2 I N P U T J A M Paper out occurs even if the papersare in cassette or a tray. T R A Y D-2 2 P A P E R O U T Second tray cover open errors occur even if the cover is closed. C O V E R T 2 D-3 O P E N The printer does not recognize an option tray. 40990901TH Rev.1 D-4 38 / (E) Multi purpose feeder (OLEV) Failure Paper input jams occur frequently. Flowchart No. LCD Message E-1 F E E D E R I N P U T J A M Paper out occurs even if the papers are in cassette or a tray. E-2 F E E D E R P A P E R O U T The printer does not recognize an option tray. (F) Memory Expansion Option Board (MM6) Failure Option RAM error. (G) E-3 Flowchart No. LCD Message E R R O R 6 0 F-1 RS-232C interface option board (SMIF) Failure Error host I/F occurs frequently. LCD Message H O S T I / F Flowchart No. G-1 E R R O R Loop test error occurs during loop test. 40990901TH Rev.1 G-2 39 / 4.2 Troubleshooting Flowchart A-1 Paper input jam occurs frequently. • Is PS3 (Inlet Sensor 1) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes Is PS5 (Inlet Sensor 2) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes A-2 Replace PS3. Replace PS5. Replace IC2 (LC26023A). Paper feed jam occurs frequently. • Is PS3 (Inlet Sensor 1) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes Is PS5 (Inlet Sensor 2) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes • Yes A-3 Replace PS2. Is PS1 (Outlet Sensor) operating normally? • No ▼ Replace PS5. Is PS2 (Paper Sensor) operating normally? • No ▼ Replace PS3. Replace PS1. Replace IC2 (LC26023A). Paper exit jam occurs frequently. • Is PS1 (Outlet Sensor) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace PS1. Replace IC2 (LC26023A). 40 / A-4 Paper size error occurs frequently. • Is PS3 (Inlet Sensor 1) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes Is PS5 (Inlet Sensor 2) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes A-5 Replace PS3. Replace PS5. Replace IC2 (LC26023A). The message “TRAY PAPEROUT” remains displayed on the LCD • Is PS4 (Paper End Sensor) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes A-6 Replace PS4. Replace IC2 (LC26023A). The message “COVER OPEN” remains displayed on the LCD. • Is SW2 (Cover Open Switch) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes Is the CVOPN-N signal low at SW2? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes A-7 Replace SW2. Is CVOPN-N signal low at Pin-2 of R600? • No ▼ Replace SW2. Replace the power supply board. Replace R564. The message “TONERLOW” remains displayed on the LCD, or ERROR 77. • Is PS6 (Toner Sensor) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes A-8 Replace PS6 or check Main Motor/Main control board. Replace IC2 (LC26023A). The message “TONERSNS” remains displayed on the LCD. • Is PS6 (Toner Sensor) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace PS6. Replace IC2 (LC26023A). 41 / A-9 The printer does not function at all, and the LCD does not display any messages. • Is fuse F1 open? • Yes ▼ • No Replace F1. Is the voltage waveform between Pins 1 and 3 of the connector (CN2) same as the waveform shown below? T CH1 + CH1 CH1: DC 20V/div. Normal 5ms/div. • No Replace the transformer T1. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No Is the voltage output between Pins 2 and 3 of the filter L101 100 VAC? • No ▼ • Yes End. Replace the filter L101. Replace the filter L1. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No ▼ • Yes • No • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace F3. Is the voltage output of Pin 17 of the connector (CN3) about 38 VDC? • No ▼ Replace the capacitors C1, C2 and C3. Is the fuse F3 open? • Yes ▼ End. Replace the diode bridge DS1. Is the voltage output of Pin 11 of the connector (CN3) about 5 VDC? 42 / • No Replace the transistor Q1. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No End. Replace the transistor Q2. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? ▼ • No ▼ • Yes A-10 Replace IC1 (FA7617P-1). Check the connection between the power supply board and main control board. Thermistor open error (ERROR 72), Thermistor short error (ERROR 73). • Is the voltage output between (L) and (N) of the connector ACOUT correct (240V or 120V)? • Yes Replace IC2 (LC26023A). ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No ▼ • No Thermistor of fuser failure. Is Pin 2 (HEAT-N signal) of PC1 (S21ME4) low? • No • Yes End. Check the connection between the power supply board and main control board. Is Pin 1 (HEAT-NO signal) of PC1 (S21ME4) low? • No Replace the photo coupler PC1 (S21ME4). ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No ▼ • Yes • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace the thyristor D1 (TM1241/TM1261). Is Pin 10 of IC4 (324P) low? • No ▼ End. Replace Q7 (2SC3400). Replace IC4 (324P). 43 / A-11 Serial interface does not connect to the host device. • Is the voltage waveform between Pins 5 and 6 of the connector (CN2) same as the waveform shown below? T CH1 + CH1 CH1: DC 5V/div. Normal 5ms/div. • No Replace the transformer T1. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No ▼ • Yes • No Replace the diode D10. Is the voltage output at Pin 24 of the connector CN3 +8 VDC? • Yes ▼ End. Check the connector to the power supply board and main control board. Replace the diode D9. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No 40990901TH Rev.1 End. Replace the capacitors C17 and C18. 44 / B-1 Abnormal message display on the LCD. • Replace IC2, IC3. ▼ • Has the problem been solbed? • Yes ▼ • No Is the 7.067-MHz clock signal being sent to Pin 3 of OSC1? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes B-2 Replace OSC1 (CST 7.067MTW). Is the output at Pin 13 (CLRST-N) of IC10 (NJM2901 or µPC339G2) normal (see Section 3.3 Reset Control on page 7)? • No ▼ End. Replace IC10 (NJM2901 or µPC339G2). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Program ROM error (ERROR 10). • Replace IC2 and IC3. B-3 Font ROM error (ERROR 20). • Replace IC2 and IC3. B-4 Resident RAM error (ERROR 30). • Are negative pulses being put out to Pin 8 (DRASO-N) of IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7, (MSM514807C-70JS)? • No ▼ • Yes Are negative pulses being sent to Pin 23 (DCAS0-N, DCAS1-N, DCAS2-N, DCS3-N) of IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7 (MSM514807C-70JS)? • No ▼ • Yes B-5 Failure of 03E (MHM2029-004K). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Replace IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7 (MSM514807C-70JS). EEPROM error (ERROR 40). • Replace IC12 (93LC46A). ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No 40990901TH Rev.1 End. Failure of IC1 (MNM2029-004K). 45 / B-6 Option RAM error (ERROR 60). • The MENU PRINT memory capacity does not increase even when an expansion memory board is installed. • Are negative pulses being sent to Pin 83 (DRAS2-N), Pin 84 (DRAS3-N), Pin 85 (DRAS4-N), Pin 86 (DRAS5-N) of the connector (OPTION)? • No ▼ • Yes B-7 Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Failure of Option PCB. Go to flowchart F-1 , G-1 or H-1 . Cooling fan error (ERROR 70). • Is the fan rotating? • No Is +38V power being supplied to Pin 1 (FAN POW) of the connector (FAN)? • No Is the output at Pin 109 (FANON-P) of IC1 (MHM2029004K) at high level? • No ▼ • Yes Is +38V power being supplied to Pin 3 of TR501? • No ▼ • Yes ▼ ▼ • Yes Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Replace TR502, TR503 and TR504. Replace TR501 and IC10 (NJM 2901 or PC339G2) Are negative pulses being sent to Pin 3 (FANALM-N) of the connector (FAN)? • No Replace the fan. ▼ • Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). B-8 SSIO error (ERROR 74). • Is the connection at the connector (POWER) properly engaged? • No ▼ • Yes B-9 Replace the connector (POWER). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Operator panel I/F timeout error (ERROR 80). • Is the connection at the connector (PANEL) properly engaged? • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace the connector (PANEL). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). 46 / B-10 Option tray I/F timeout error (ERROR 81). • Is the connection at the connector (2NDTRAY) properly engaged? • No ▼ • Yes Is the connection at the connector (ENVELOPE) properly engaged? • No B-11 Replace the connector (2NDTRAY). Replace the connector (ENVELOPE). Watchdog timer timeout error occurs frequently (ERROR 90), or illegal CPU version (ERROR 91). • Failure at IC1 (MHM2029-004K). B-12 Program error (ERROR F*). • Replace IC2 and IC3. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No B-13 End. Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Processor error (ERROR 0*). • Replace IC4, IC5, IC6 and IC7. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No 40990901TH Rev.1 End. Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). 47 / B-14 Print overrun occurs frequently. • Is an option board mounted? • Yes ▼ • No Go to the flowchart B-6. Set DRAM SIMM Memory Module on an option board, then mount it to the printer. • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No B-15 Print Data is too complex to print out, so it is necessary to mount an option board with DRAM (SIMM Memory Module) to the printer. Go to the flowchart B-6. Error host I/F occurs frequently. • Remove the option PCB (RS-232C). Has the Problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No B-16 Failure of option PCB. Go to flowchart of each option PCB Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K) Error receive buffer overflow occurs frequently. [Centronics I/F] • Is the BUSY signal being sent to Pin 11 (BUSY-P) of the connector (CENT)? • No Is the BUSY signal being sent to Pin 3 (BUSY-P) of IC11 (7407)? • Yes ▼ • No ▼ • Yes Replace IC11 (7407). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Verify the host settings. [Serial I/F] • Is the DTR signal being sent to Pin 4 (DTR) of the connector (CN2 on the RS-232C option PCB)? • No Is the DTR signal being set to Pin 9 (DTR-N) of Q111 (75188 on the RS-232C option PCB)? • Yes ▼ • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace Q11 (75188 on the RS-232C option PCB). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Verify the operation of the host. 48 / B-17 Paper input jam. • Is the hopping motor rotating normally? • No Are the waveforms of RMPH1-P and RMPH2-P signals as shown in Section 3.9 (2) being sent to Pins 26 and 17 of IC8 (MTD2005F) respectively? • No ▼ • Yes When the motor is rotating, does the output to Pin 20 and Pin 23 of IC8 (MTD2005F) go high? • No Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). ▼ Replace IC10 (NJM2901 or µPC339G2). • Yes ▼ • Yes Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Is the voltage at Pin 1 of IC8 (MTD2005F) +38V? • No Is the voltage at Pin 2 of FU1 +38V? • No ▼ • Yes ▼ • No 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace FU1 (fuse). Replace IC8 (MTD2005F). Failure of the power supply board or mechanical parts. 49 / B-18 Paper feed jam occurs frequently. • Is the main (drum) motor rotaing normally? • No Are the waveforms of DMPH1-P and DMPH2-P as shown in Section 3.9 (1) being sent to Pins 13 and 8 of IC9 (A2918SW) respectively? • No ▼ • Yes When the main (drum) motor is rotating, is DMON1-N at Pin 7 and 14 of IC9 (A2918SW) low? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes ▼ • No B-19 Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Is the voltage at Pin 5 of IC9 (A2918SW) +38V? • No ▼ Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Replace FU1 (FUSE). Replace IC9 (A2918SW). Failure of the power supply board or mechanical parts. The key switch operation on the operator panel is disabled frequently. • Is the clock signal (285kHz) being sent to Pin 6 of PANEL during key operations? • No ▼ • Yes Is the data signal being sent to Pin 3 (PDATAOUT-P) of PANEL during key operations? • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Verify the connection of PANEL. 50 / B-21 Data sent through the centronics I/F cannot be received. • Is the signal at Pin 11 (BUSY-P) of the connector (CENT) low? • No Is the signal at Pin 3 (PBUSY-P) of IC11 (7407) change at data reception as shown below? ON-LINE OFF-LINE Low High PBUSY-P • No ▼ • Yes ▼ • Yes • Yes Replace IC11 (7407). Is the level of the signal at Pin 1 (PSTB-N) of the connector (CENT) change at data reception? • No ▼ Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Verify the connection of I/F cable or the operation of the host computer. Are the signals at Pin 5 (PACK-N), Pin 13 (PERROR-N) of IC11 (7407) respectively low and high in on-line mode? • No Replace IC11 (7407). ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ ▼ • Yes B-22 End. ▼ • No Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). Cover open occurs frequently. • Are Pins 2 and 3 of the diode D501 open? • Yes ▼ • No Replace D501. Is the connection of the connector (POWER), correct? • No Replace the connector (POWER). ▼ • Yes Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K). 40990901TH Rev.1 51 / C-1 Abnormal message display on the LCD (no display, unclear display, display with some dot not lit, etc.) • Is +5V power being supplied to Pin 8 of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ • Yes Is the CLOCK signal being sent to Pin 26 (OP-CLOCK-N) of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace IC1 (BU6152S). Is the E signal being sent to Pin 9 of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ Replace IC1 (BU6152S). Is the R/W signal being sent to Pin 27 of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ Replace IC1 (BU6152S). Is the RS signal being sent to Pin 22 of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ Replace CN1. (OLCC-PCB) Is the DB signal being sent to Pins, 19, 20, 29, 30 (DB4 to DB7) of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ Replace IC1 (BU6152S). Is +5V power being supplied to Pin 2 of CN1? (OLCC-PCB) • No ▼ Replace CN1. Is the DATA signal being sent to Pin 24 (OP-DATA-OUT) of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ Replace CN1. Is the LOAD signal being sent to Pin 11 (OP-LOAD-N) of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ Replace CN1. Is the DATA signal being sent to Pin 2 (OP-DATA-IN) of IC1 (BU6152S)? • No ▼ Replace CN1. Replace IC1 (BU6152S). Replace CN2. 52 / C-2 The key switch operation on the operator panel is disabled. • Do the signals at Pins, 3, 7, 10, 18, 23, 31 of IC1 (BU6152S) change from high to low level by key switch pushing? • No ▼ • Yes Is the connection of CN1 correct? (OLCC-PCB) • No ▼ • Yes C-3 Replace SW1 to SW8. Connect the connector correctly. Replace IC1 (BU6152S). The LCD does not display any message. • Is +5V power being supplied to Pin 33 of IC2 (HD44780)? • No ▼ • Yes Replace CN1. (OLCC-PCB) Are 4.15V, 3.3V, 2.46V, 1.61V, and 0.77V powers being supplied respectively to Pins 26,27, 28, 29 and 30 of IC2 (HD44780)? • No Are the resistance values of R5 through R10 correct? (OLCC-PCB) • No ▼ ▼ • Yes Replace R5 through R10. (OLCC-PCB) ▼ • Yes Replace IC2 (HD44780). ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No End. Replace CN1. (OLCC-PCB) ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No Is the contact surface of the zebra rubber dirty? • No ▼ • Yes End. Clean the dirt. Replace the zebra rubber. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No 40990901TH Rev.1 End. Replace the LCD. 53 / C-4 Display on the LCD with some dot not lit. • Are 4.15V, 3.3V, 2.46V, 1.61V, and 0.77V powers being supplied respectively to Pins 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 of IC2 (HD44780)? • No ▼ • Yes Is the COM signal being sent to Pins 47 through 62 (COM01 to COM16) of IC2 (HD44780)? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes • Yes Replace IC2 (HD44780). Is the contact surface of the zebra rubber dirty? • No ▼ Replace IC2 (HD44780). Is the SEG signal being sent to Pins 1 through 22 (SEG 19 to SEG40), Pins, 63 through 80 (SEG01 to SEG18) of IC2 (HD44780)? • No ▼ Replace R5 through R10. (OLCC-PCB) Clear the dirt. Replace the zebra rubber. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No C-5 End. Replace the LCD. Unclear display on the LCD. • Is +5V power being supplied to Pin 33 of IC2 (HD44780)? • No ▼ • Yes Are 4.15V, 3.3V, 2.46V, 1.61V, and 0.77V power being supplied respectively to Pins 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 of IC2 (HD44780)? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes Replace R5 through R10. (OLCC-PCB) Is the contact surface of a zebra rubbber dirty? • No ▼ Replace CN1. (OLCC-PCB) Clear the dirt. Replace the zebra rubber. ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No 40990901TH Rev.1 End. Replace the LCD. 54 / D-1 Paper input jams occur frequently. • Has the fuse F1 opened? • No Is the high voltage (around 38V being sent to Pin 2 of D1 and Pin 2 of D2? • No ▼ • Yes Is the signal level at Pin 22 of IC2 at low level? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes ▼ • Yes D-2 Replace R6 and R17. Are the signals at Pins 1 to 4 of connector (MOTOR) being altered? • No ▼ Replace TR2. Are the signal levels at Pin 20 and 27 of IC3 around 3.4V? • No ▼ Replace IC2. Is the signal level at Pin 2 of TR2 around 5V? • No ▼ Replace IC2. Are the signals at Pins 20 and 21 of IC2 being altered? • No ▼ Replace D1 or D2. Replace IC3. Replace motor. Replace the Fuse F1. Paper out occurs even if the papers are in a cassette. • Is paper sensor (SEN1) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes D-3 Replace the paper sensor. Replace IC2. High capacity Second Paper Feeder cover open errors occur even if the cover is closed. • Is cover open sensor (SEN2) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace SEN2. Replace IC2. 55 / D-4 The printer does not recognize High capacity Second Paper Feeder. • Do signal levels at Pin 2 (OPTSCLK-N) and 3 (OPTSD-P) PU alter at power-up time? • No Replace Cable. • No ▼ • Yes Replace D1 or D2. Do signal levels at Pin 4, 7, and 9 of IC2 alter at power-up time? • No Is signal level at Pin 2 of D5 at 3.9V? • No ▼ • Yes Is signal level at Pin 2 of TR1 around 5V? • No ▼ • Yes Replace D5. Replace TR1. Is signal level at Pin 2 of C3 high? • No Replace C3. ▼ • OK? ▼ • No Is OSC1 being oscillated at 4MHz? • No ▼ • Yes ▼ • Yes • Yes Replace IC1. Does signal level at Pin 6 of IC1 alter at power-up time when Pin 8 of IC1 is at low level? • No 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace IC2. Do signal levels at Pin 3 and 8 of IC1 alter at power-up time? • No ▼ Replace OSC1. Replace IC1. 56 / E-1 Paper input jams occur frequently. • Is the motor rotating? • No Has the fuse F1 opened? • No Is the high voltage (around 38V) being sent to Pin 2 of D1 and Pin 2 of D2? • No ▼ • Yes Is the signal level at Pin 22 of IC2 at low level? • No ▼ • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes • Yes ▼ • Yes E-2 Replace R6 and R17. Are the signals at Pins 1 to 4 of CN3 being altered? • No ▼ Replace TR1. Is the signal level at Pin 2 and 27 of IC3 around 1.8V? • No ▼ Replace IC2. Is the signal level at Pin 2 of TR1 around 5V? • No ▼ Replace IC2. Are the signals at Pins 20 and 21 of IC2 being altered? • No ▼ Replace D1 or D2. Replace IC3. Replace motor. Replace the Fuse F1. Paper out occurs even if the papers are in a cassette or a tray. • Is paper sensor (SEN1 in Second Tray and SEN2 in Multi-purpose Feeder) operating normally? • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace the paper sensor. Replace IC2. 57 / E-3 The printer does not recognize Multi Purpose Feeder. • Do signal levels at Pin 2 (OPTSCLK-N) and 3 (OPTSD-P) CN1 alter at power-up time? • No ▼ • Yes Replace Option Tray Cable. Do signal levels at Pin 4, 7, and 9 of IC2 alter at power-up time? • No Is signal level at Pin 2 of D4 at 3.9V? • No ▼ • Yes Is signal level at Pin 2 of TR4 around 5V? • No ▼ • Yes Replace D5. Replace TR4. Is signal level at Pin 2 of C2 high? • No Replace C2. ▼ • OK? ▼ • No Is OSC1 being oscillated at 4MHz? • No ▼ • Yes ▼ • Yes • Yes Replace IC1. Does signal level at Pin 8 of IC1 alter at power-up time when Pin 3 of IC1 is at low level? • No 40990901TH Rev.1 Replace IC2. Do signal levels at Pin 3 and 11 of IC1 alter at power-up time? • No ▼ Replace OSC1. Replace IC1. 58 / F-1 Option RAM error (ERROR 60) • Remove the DRAM SIMM. Has the problem been solved? • Yes Failure of DRAM SIMM. ▼ • Are negative pulses being sent to Pin 83 (DRAS2-N), Pin 84 (DRAS3-N), Pin 85 (DRAS4-N), Pin 86 (DRAS5-N) of the connector (CN1)? • No ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K) or Main Control PCB (M5B). Replace D1, D2 (514260). 59 / G-1 Error host I/F occurs frequently. • Is the connection at the connector (CN2) properly engaged? • No ▼ • Yes Is the voltage at Pin 14 of Q11 (75188) about +8V and the voltage at Pin 1 of Q11 (75188) about -8V? • No ▼ • Yes Replace the connector (CN2). Check the connection of the connector (CN1). Replace Q11 (75188). ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No End. Replace BF1 (ZBF253D-01). ▼ • Has the problem been solved? • Yes ▼ • No G-2 End. Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K) on the Main Control PCB (M5B). Loop test error occurs during loop test. • Does the state of RXD-N signal vary? • No Does the state of TXD signal at Pin 3 of Q11 (75188) vary? • No ▼ • Yes Does the state of TXD signal at Pin 2 of Q11 (75188) vary? • No ▼ • Yes ▼ • Yes 40990901TH Rev.1 Check the loop connector. Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K) on the Main Control PCB (M5B). Replace Q11 (75188). Failure of IC1 (MHM2029-004K) on the Main Control PCB (M5B). 60 / 5. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 40990901TH Rev.1 61 / 5. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Figure 5-1(1/11~11/11) Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) Figure 5-2(1/1) Operator Panel Board (OLCC-2-PCB, Rev.4) (4YA4130-1001G002) Figure 5-3(1/4~4/4) Power Supply Board (OL1-PCB, Rev.6) (40217701) Figure 5-4(1/4~4/4) Power Supply Board (OL2-PCB, Rev.6) (40217702) Figure 5-5(1/1) High Capacity Second (TQSB-2-PCB, Rev.1) (4YA4046-1651G002) Paper Feeder Board Figure 5-6(1/2~2/2) Multi Purpose Feeder Board (OLEV-PCB, Rev.4) (4YA4121-1014G011) Figure 5-7(1/5~5/5) Memory Expansion Board (MM6-PCB, Rev.4) (40369105) Figure 5-8(1/5~5/5) RS-232C interface Board (SMIF-PCB, Rev.4) (00025304) 40990901TH Rev.1 (40217002) 62 / F G F G E D C B A Y Y X X 9 9 0.1W 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 4.7K 4 3 3 0.1W 4 0.1W 0.1W 2 2 6.3 0.01u 0.5W 1 0.1W 1 0.1W H E D C B A 0.5W Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (1/11) 40990901TH Rev.1 63 / Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (2/11) H G F E D C 1 0.1W 2.7K 0.1W 2 0.1u 4.7K 3 0.1W 1.2K 0.1W 3 0.1W B 2 0.1W 3.3K 0.1W 4.7K A 1 4 4 0.1W 4.7K 40990901TH Rev.1 64 / 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 4.7K 5 5 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 2.4K 2.7K 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 2.7K 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W X 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W X Y Y 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 4.7K G F E D C B A C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (3/11) 40990901TH Rev.1 65 / G F E D B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 4.7K 0.1W 1 H G F E D C 1 2 2 0.1W Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (4/11) 40990901TH Rev.1 66 / 40990901TH Rev.1 67 / Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (5/11) 1 G G H F F E D C B A 1 2.7K 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 2 2 5.1K 0.1W 0.1u 3 0.1W 0.1W 3 4 4 0.1W 0.1W 5 5 0.51 0.1 4.3K 3.9K 0.5 0.51 0.5 0.1 0.1 6 6 0.1u 0.1 4.7K 7 0.1u 7 5.6K 0.1 8 8 0.1 9 9 0.5 0.5 X X Y Y E D C B A G F E D C B A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 3 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 1 H G F E D C B A 1 2 2 3 0.1W 4 4 5 5 6 6 0.1u Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (6/11) 40990901TH Rev.1 68 / Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (7/11) H G F E D C B A 1 1 2 2 0.1W 0.1u 40990901TH Rev.1 69 / 1.2K 3 3 1.2K 4 4 5 5 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 6 6 6.3 7 7 1.1K 8 0.1W 8 9 9 0.1W 0.1W X X 1.1K Y Y G F E D C B A Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (8/11) H G F E D C 1 2 3 4 5 5 2.2M 0.1W 0.1u 6 3.3K 0.1W 6 1.2M 0.1W 7 0.1W 7 0.1W 8 0.1W 0.1u 8 9 9 X X 0.01u 0.1W Y Y G F E D C B 4 0.1W 0.1W 2.4K B 3 0.1W A 2 0.1u A 1 0.1W 0.1W 40990901TH Rev.1 70 / G F E D C B A Y Y X X 8 8 9 9 0.1W 4.7K 6 6 7 7 0.1W 620 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 6.3 5 0.1W 5 1.5K 0.01u 0.01u 0.1W 0.1W 1 H G F E D C B A 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 4 0.1W Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (9/11) 40990901TH Rev.1 71 / 40990901TH Rev.1 72 / Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (10/11) H G F E D C B A 1 1 2 2 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 3 0.1W 3 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 4 4 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 3.3K 0.063W 0.1u 3.3K 0.063W 9 3.9K 9 3.3K 0.063W 0.1W 3.3K 0.063W X X Y Y G F E D C B A G F E D B B C A A Y Y 9 0.1W X X 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 0.1u 1 H G F E D C 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6.3 Figure 5-1 Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev.5) (11/11) 40990901TH Rev.1 73 / Figure 5-2 Operator Panel Board (OLCC-2-PCB, Rev.4) (1/1) H G F E D C B 0V +5V 1 OP-CLOCK-N OP-DATA-OUT OP-LDAD-N OP-DATA-IN 5 2 1 3 6 4 ZC-106 CN1 +5V 0V C1 2 + 1 100µF 10V 0V 2 0V 1 1 NL 2 SW5 NL 2 SW1 +5V 0V 3 C2 1 2 100pF 50V C4 1 2 100pF 50V C3 1 2 100pF 50V C5 1 2 100pF 50V 3 C5 1 2 0.1µF 25V A 2 16 8 17 25 32 12 2 11 24 26 20 30 29 19 14 21 28 13 5 6 1 4 1 1 SWC1 SWC2 VDD1 SWC3 VDD2 VDD3 SWI1 VDD4 SWI2 SWI3 GND SWI4 NL 2 SW6 NL 2 SW2 18 23 10 3 31 7 15 DRIR 22 RWSG 27 ESOP 9 IC1 5148 PSIN LED1 LED2 SGCR-N SOUT LED3 SCLK-NLED4 LED5 LED6 LED7 LED8 P60S DT04 DT15 DT26 DT37 4 1 R1 2 180ΩJ 1/10W 1 1 NL 2 SW7 NL 2 SW3 1 R2 200ΩJ 1/10W 2 1 R4 200ΩJ 1/10W 2 D1 1 2 SEL3410G-YG 4 0V 5 5 1 1 NL 2 SW8 NL 2 SW4 6 6 +5V 1 R10 2 7.5KΩJ 1/10W 1 R9 2 7.5KΩJ 1/10W 1 R8 2 7.5KΩJ 1/10W 1 R7 2 7.5KΩJ 1/10W 1 R6 2 7.5KΩJ 1/10W 0V 1 R5 2 6.8KΩJ 1/10W 1 7 8 10KΩJ 1/10W 7 1 R18 2 91KΩF 1/10W 8 1 R11 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R12 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R13 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R14 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R15 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R16 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R17 2 C7 1 2 0.1µF 25V 40990901TH Rev.1 74 / 23 33 26 27 28 29 30 25 24 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 GND VCC V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 OSC2 OSC1 DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 36 RS 37 R/W 38 E 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 68 66 65 64 63 D0 35 CP 32 L 31 DF 34 COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 COM5 COM6 COM7 COM8 COM9 COM10 COM11 COM12 COM13 COM14 COM15 COM16 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 SEG13 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 SEG17 SEG18 SEG19 SEG20 SEG21 SEG22 SEG23 SEG24 SEG25 SEG26 SEG27 SEG28 SEG29 SEG30 SEG31 SEG32 SEG33 SEG34 SEG35 SEG36 SEG37 SEG38 SEG39 SEG40 IC2 44780 9 9 X X <L009>SEG40 <L010>SEG39 <L011>SEG38 <L012>SEG37 <L013>SEG36 <L014>SEG35 <L015>SEG34 <L016>SEG33 <L017>SEG32 <L018>SEG31 <L019>SEG30 <L020>SEG29 <L021>SEG28 <L022>SEG27 <L023>SEG26 <L024>SEG25 <L025>SEG24 <L026>SEG23 <L027>SEG22 <L028>SEG21 <L029>SEG20 <L030>SEG19 <L031>SEG18 <L032>SEG17 <L033>SEG16 <L034>SEG15 <L035>SEG14 <L036>SEG13 <L037>SEG12 <L038>SEG11 <L039>SEG10 <L040>SEG09 <L041>SEG08 <L042>SEG07 <L043>SEG06 <L044>SEG05 <L045>SEG04 <L046>SEG03 <L047>SEG02 <L048>SEG01 <L049>COM01 <L050>COM02 <L051>COM03 <L052>COM04 <L053>COM05 <L054>COM06 <L055>COM07 <L056>COM08 <L008>COM09 <L007>COM10 <L006>COM11 <L005>COM12 <L004>COM13 <L003>COM14 <L002>COM15 <L001>COM16 Y Y G F E D C B A C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-3 Power Supply Board (OL1-PCB, Rev.6) (1/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 75 / C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-3 Power Supply Board (OL1-PCB, Rev.6) (2/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 76 / C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-3 Power Supply Board (OL1-PCB, Rev.6) (3/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 77 / C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-3 Power Supply Board (OL1-PCB, Rev.6) (4/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 78 / C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-4 Power Supply Board (OL2-PCB, Rev.6) (1/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 79 / C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-4 Power Supply Board (OL2-PCB, Rev.6) (2/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 80 / C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-4 Power Supply Board (OL2-PCB, Rev.6) (3/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 81 / C D E F G D E F G B B C A A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-4 Power Supply Board (OL2-PCB, Rev.6) (4/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 82 / Figure 5-5 High Capacity Second Paper Feeder Board (TQSB-2-PCB, Rev.1) (1/1) H G F E D C FG1 FG 1 2 3 4 1 +5V 0VL +30V 0VP OPTSDR-N OPTSD-P 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 BF502 BF 2 BF501 BF 2 D3 2 1 EM01Z/SM1XN02/ . . 1 1 3 1 1A F1 3 2 +30V TR1 2 IC1 10 OC 8 LS38 4 IC1 5 OC 6 LS38 IC1 1 2 OC 3 LS38 D5 1 2 RD3.9E-B OPTSCLK-N 2 1 +5V 0VL EM01Z/SM1XN02/ . . D1 D2 1 1 2 2 EM01Z/SM1XN02/ . . 4 5.1KΩJ 1/8W +5V 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R510 5 2 OSC1 FAR 3 1 0VL 1 R508 10KΩJ 1/10W 2 1 R509 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 2 3 4 5 1 RM1 C1 1 + 2 10µF 50V B 1 R503 C506 1 2 0.1µF 25V 5 0VL 18 2 17 19 16 15 3 4 5 6 Not mounted S2 1 2 Not mounted S1 1 2 GND VCC TEST RES OSI ID/OS2 F0/SI F1/SD F2/CK F3/INT IC2 6543 11 12 13 14 G0 G1 G2 G3 6 7 8 9 10 E0 28 E1 29 E2 30 E3 1 D0 24 D1 25 D2 26 D3 27 C0 20 C1 21 C2 22 C3 23 A0 A1 A2 A3 6 3 TR2 0VL 2 1 +5V 7 +5V 2 270ΩJ 1/10W 1 R504 7 2 1 2 1 2 180ΩJ 1/4W 1 R506 2 12KΩJ 1/10W SEN2 SG-205 SEN1 SG-205 4 3 4 3 0VL +5V +28V 1 R505 2 560ΩJ 1/10W OPTSIN-N PU 2 1KΩJ 1/10W C502 1 2 470pF 50V C3 D4 1 1 2 2 0.33µF 50V 1S953/1S2075K/1S247 0VL +5V 0VP 1 S3 8 2 0VP 1 R513 47KΩJ 1/10W 2 C507 1 2 1000pF 50V R514 1 2 47KΩJ 1/10W C508 1 2 1000pF 50V 8 C505 1 2 0.1µF 25V 1 R502 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R507 2 15KΩJ 1/10W C2 2 + 1 33µF 10V C501 1 2 0.1µF 25V +28V 2 1 R3 180ΩJ 1/4W 1 R4 4 3 11 18 26 12 17 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23 16 27 15 13 2 14 9 VMM1 VMM2 VMM3 VMM4 VCC1 VCC2 GND1 GND2 GND3 GND4 GND5 GND6 GND7 GND8 T2 VR2 PH2 T1 VR1 E2 C2 MB2 MA2 E1 C1 MB1 IC3 M54646P PH1 MA1 9 4 +5V 24 28 19 25 5 1 10 1 R515 2 10KΩJ 1/10W A 3 1 R516 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 2 2 1KΩJ 1/10W 1 R511 1 R512 2 1KΩJ 1/10W X X 1 R518 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 1 R501 2 10KΩJ 1/10W C504 1 2 1000pF 50V C503 1 2 1000pF 50V 1 R517 2 10KΩJ 1/10W 1 R2 0VL 2 0.51ΩJ 1/2W 2 3 4 1 2 SIZE ZC-105 5 4 3 2 1 Y 0V Y SIZE0 SIZE1 SIZE2 SIZE3 M-T2 M-T1 M-T4 M-T3 00-8263-0412-00-000 MOTOR Not mounted 0.51ΩJ 1/2W 40990901TH Rev.1 83 / 1 R1 G F E D C B A Figure 5-6 Multi Purpose Feeder Board (OLEV-PCB, Rev.4) (1/2) H G F E D C B CN1 1 FG FG +5V 0VL +30V IC1 4 5 DC 6 LS38 OPTSDR-N OPTSD-P OPTSCLK-N 0VP 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TCS7698-01-201 CN2 OPTPSIN-N FG FG +5V 0VL +30V 0VP OPTSDR-N OPTSD-P OPTSCLK-N OPTPSIN-N 1 2 L3 1 2 L4 EM01Z/SM1XN02/.. 1 R11 2 10KΩJ 0.1W 2 D5 1 1 L2 2 2 3 1 1A F1 2 8 3 +30V 2 1 +5V D1 1 2 EM01Z/SM1XN02/.. DTA114K TR2 IC1 1 2 OC 3 LS38 LS38 9 10 OC IC1 12 IC1 13 OC 11 LS38 4 4 4 5 2 3 1 2 EM01Z/SM1XN02/.. D2 0V +5V 1 RM1 5.1KΩJ 1/8W 1 10KΩJ 0.1W 2 R9 5 2 OSC1 FAR 5 1 1 3 1 0VL 2 R10 10KΩJ 0.1W 1 R14 2 1 10KΩJ 0.1W 10µF 50V 1 + 2 C10 ZA2 ZA1 0VL 18 2 17 19 16 15 3 4 5 6 C12 1 2 100pF 50V C9 1 2 0.1µF 25V 0VL 1 1 GND VCC TEST RES OS1 S2 S1 IO/OS2 F0/SI F1/SO F2/CK F3/INT IC2 B543 2 2 6 G0 G1 G2 G3 7 8 9 10 E0 28 E1 29 E2 30 E3 1 D0 24 D1 25 D2 26 D3 27 C0 20 C1 21 C2 22 C3 23 A0 11 A1 12 A2 13 A3 14 6 3 0VL DTA114K TR1 7 7 2 1 +5V 2 1KΩJ 0.1W 1 R6 2 1 1 R12 2 12KΩJ 0.1W SW1 B3F-1000 8 4 3 8 0VL +5V +28V 1 R17 2 560ΩJ 0.1W TCS7698-01-201 3 D4 1 2 RD3.9E-B 1 2 1000pF 50V 2 47KΩJ 0.1W C4 1 1 R16 2 47KΩJ 0.1W C6 1 2 1000pF 50V 1 R15 0VL S4 2 C8 2 1 0.1µF 25V A 2 0VP +5V 2 1 2 1 3 11 18 26 12 17 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23 16 27 15 13 2 14 180ΩJ 1/4W 2 1 C7 1 2 0.1µF 25V 2 1 R2 180ΩJ 1/4W 1 R1 2 R13 1 15KΩJ 0.1W C11 2 + 33µF 10V 1 0VP -28V 9 E2 C2 MB2 MA2 E1 C1 MB1 SEN2 SG-205 SEN1 SG-205 VMM1 VMM2 VMM3 VMM4 VCC1 VCC2 GND1 GND2 GND3 GND4 GND5 GND6 GND7 GND8 T2 VR2 PH2 T1 VR1 IC3 M54646P PH1 MA1 9 4 4 3 4 3 24 28 19 25 5 1 10 1 R3 X X 2 S3 2 1KΩJ 0.1W 1 R4 2 1KΩJ 0.1W 1 C3 2 1 1000pF 50V C5 1 2 1000pF 50V 1 R8 2 10KΩJ 0.1W C1 2 1 470pF 50V 1 R5 2 1KΩJ 0.1W C2 D3 1 1 2 2 0.3µF 50V 1S953/1S2075K/1S247 0VL +5V 3 1 R19 2 0.51ΩJ 1/2W 1 R7 2 10KΩJ 0.1W 40990901TH Rev.1 84 / 1 R18 2 0.51ΩJ 1/2W 3 4 1 2 Y M-T2 M-T1 M-T4 M-T3 00-8263-0412-00-000 CN3 Y G F E D C B A Figure 5-6 Multi Purpose Feeder Board (OLEV-PCB, Rev.4) (2/2) 40990901TH Rev.1 85 / 2 H 3 4 FG FG 9 10 5 012C 012C 012C 012C 6 10 9 8 7 7 FG FG +5V 0VL +30V 0VP OPTSDR-N OPTSD-P OPTSCLK-N 8 012F 012F 012F 012F 012E 012E 012E 012E 012E 012D Location 9 X Y Y B A G +5V 8 6 Signal Name OPTPSIN-N X G 0VL 7 012C 5 4 3 2 Pin No. 9 F +30V 6 012B 012B 012B 012B 1 8 F 0VP 5 OPTSD-P OPTSCLK-N 012B Location Connector Name : TCS7698-01-201 Parts Number : 221A1622P0082 Ports Symbol : CN2 7 E 1 Signal Name OPTPSIN-N OPTSDR-N Pin No. 4 3 2 1 6 E Location 5 D 01YB 01YC 01YB 01YB Connector Name : TCS7698-01-201 Parts Number : 221A1622P0082 Ports Symbol : CN1 4 D M-T1 Signal Name 3 C M-T2 M-T3 4 2 3 M-T4 1 Pin No. Connector Name :00-8263-0412-00-00 Parts Number :224A3357P0040 Ports Symbol :CN3 2 C B A 1 A B C D E F G A B C D E F G Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-7 Memory Expansion Bord (MM6-PCB, Rev.4) (1/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 86 / F G F G E D C B A Y Y X X 9 9 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 4.7K 3 3 4.7K 1/10W 4.7K 1/10W 4.7K 1/10W 1 H E D C B A 1 2 2 4.7K 1/10W Figure 5-7 Memory Expansion Bord (MM6-PCB, Rev.4) (2/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 87 / A B C D E F G A B C D E F G Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-7 Memory Expansion Bord (MM6-PCB, Rev.4) (3/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 88 / B C D E F G B C D E F G A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H A 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-7 Memory Expansion Bord (MM6-PCB, Rev.4) (4/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 89 / B C D E F G B C D E F G A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 1 H A 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 4.7K Figure 5-7 Memory Expansion Bord (MM6-PCB, Rev.4) (5/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 90 / B C D E F G B C D E F G A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H A 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-8 RS-232C Interface Board (SMIF-PCB, Rev.4) (1/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 91 / D E F G D E F G C B A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 4.7K 1/10W 4.7K 1/10W 4.7K 1/10W 1 H C B A 1 2 2 4.7K 1/10W Figure 5-8 RS-232C Interface Board (SMIF-PCB, Rev.4) (2/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 92 / B C D E F G B C D E F G A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 H A 1 2 2 1 Figure 5-8 RS-232C Interface Board (SMIF-PCB, Rev.4) (3/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 93 / B C D E F G B C D E F G A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 1 H A 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 4.7K 1/10W Figure 5-8 RS-232C Interface Board (SMIF-PCB, Rev.4) (4/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 94 / E F G E F G D C B A Y Y X X 9 9 8 8 25 0.1u 25 0.1u 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 25 0.1u 2 H D 1 5.6K 1/10W 5.6K 1/10W 5.6K 1/10W C B A 1 3.3K 1/10W 2 3.3K 1/10W Figure 5-8 RS-232C Interface Board (SMIF-PCB, Rev.4) (5/5) 40990901TH Rev.1 95 / 6. COMPONENT PARTS LIST 40990901TH Rev.1 96 / DRAWING LIST Main Control Board (M5B-PCB, Rev. 5) 40217002 Operator Panel Board (OLCC-2-PCB, Rev. 4) 4YA4130-1001G002 Power Supply Board (OL1-PCB, Rev. 6) 40217701 Power Supply Board (OL2-PCB, Rev. 6) 40217702 High Capacity Second Paper Feeder Board (TQSB-2-PCB, Rev. 1) 4YA4046-1651G002 Multi Purpose Feeder Board (OLEV-PCB, Rev. 4) 4YA4121-1014G011 Memory Expansion Board (MM6-PCB, Rev. 4) 40369105 RS-232C Interface Board (SMIF-PCB, Rev. 4) 00025304 40990901TH Rev.1 97 / R44 R45 R27 ENVELOPE C33 C1 8 1 R59 R41 R17 R65 R25 RM27 BF7 R83 RM25 100 99 50 49 R29 R28 EM4 EM10 EM12 EM14 EM16 EM18 EM20 IC9 IC7 S1 FU1 C30 R80 C9 IC6 R10 C18 R6 R67 C22 OPTION C24 R5 R2 IC3 R81 IC13 IC5 C20 C21 IC10 C19 IC2 C23 R1 R3 C17 R9 IC4 EM2 BF3 EM1 EM3 R84 R4 EB5 C1 52 51 2 D4 C11 C4 1 C25 C16 2- 122 2- 123 R85 EM9 EM11 EM13 EM15 EM17 EM19 EM21 S3 IC8 TR1 D3 REMARKS R82 RM24 1 R11 R7 R12 C15 R56 R57 R53 R52 OSC1 RM30 RM29 CENT RM26 R69 R68 R39 R40 R38 R37 Q'TY BF9 R55 R54 R51 R50 R16 R15 R64 R23 PART NO. R24 R58 R36 R20 R35 RM31 R48 R49 R46 R70 R66 R30 R31 R32 R33 R42 R26 R43 R21 R22 R19 IC11 FU2 18 R79 R47 R77 C23 R62 C31 14 13 6 5 2ND TRAY R13 19 1 HEAD1 2 PANEL TYPE/NAME R86 R72 R18 R60 R14 R73 EM5 R88 12 11 36 R71 EM6 2 SYMBOL R75 EM7 1 RM 4 2 1 REF. NO. EM8 HEAD2 ICI2 R87 1 DM 4 BF11 R74 EM9 A13(26) B13(25) D1 D2 1 B1(2) A1(1) 3 FAN POWER TR504 R554 R562 R561 R560 R559 R558 R557 R556 R555 TR502 TR501 D503 TR503 C560 R547 C563 R553 R552 R551 R550 R549 R542 C559 C557 C555 R546 R545 R544 R543 R538 R541 R540 C568 C541 C542 R534 R535 R536 C537 C534 C570 C571 C533 R533 R531 R530 C526 R569 R570 C538 R537 C536 C532 R532 C530 R526 R528 R568 R567 R566 R565 R529 C522 C523 C520 R522 R527 R525 R523 R524 R564 R563 C516 D501 R510 C511 R507 R509 R521 R520 R519 R518 R517 R516 R515 R514 R513 R512 C512 R511 C510 R508 C509 C508 C507 R506 C506 C505 C504 C503 C502 R501 C501 R502 M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-1/9) 40990901TH Rev.1 98 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-2/9) REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 SYMBOL D3 D4, D503 D501 D2 D1 TYPE/NAME SB05-05CP D-Rectifying -C SS100MA80VACP D-Signal -C SS100MA80VKCP D-Signal -C RD15M-B2 D-Zener -C RD10F-B D-Zener - RM73B2A121F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A201F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A202F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A225F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A242F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A243F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A272F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A392F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A393F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A432F RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A621F RES-MET RN -C PART NO. Q'TY 610A0332N0001 1 611A0000N0001 2 611A0000N0002 1 613A0233M0222B 1 613A2232L0182 1 323A5003F0121 1 323A5003F0201 1 323A5003F0202 1 323A5003F0225 1 323A5003F0242 1 323A5003F0243 1 323A5003F0272 1 323A5003F0392 2 323A5003F0393 1 323A5003F0432 1 323A5003F0621 1 REMARKS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 R1 R2 R549 R551 R552 R536 R3 R535, R550 R4 R537 R5 40990901TH Rev.1 99 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-3/9) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RM73B2A100J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A101J RES-MET RN -C R9~R14, R502, R510, R521, R569, R570 RM73B2A102J RES-MET RN -C R15, R17, R507, R509, R544, R562 RM73B2A103J RES-MET RN -C R529 RM73B2A105J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A112J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A122J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A125J RES-MET RN -C R25~R27, R519, R520, R533 RM73B2A151J RES-MET RN -C R555 RM73B2A152J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A153J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A183J RES-MET RN -C R28~R33, R514~R517, R541 RM73B2A202J RES-MET RN -C R554, R560, R561 RM73B2A203J RES-MET RN -C R20, R35, R36, R58, R522~R524, R526~ R528, R530, R531, R565~R568 RM73B2A220J RES-MET RN -C R534 RM73B2A223J RES-MET RN -C R68~R75, R512, R513 R6~R8 R18, R19 R21~R23 R542 R501 R553 40990901TH Rev.1 323A5003J0100 10 323A5003J0101 3 323A5003J0102 11 323A5003J0103 6 323A5003J0105 1 323A5003J0112 2 323A5003J0122 3 323A5003J0125 1 323A5003J0151 6 323A5003J0152 1 323A5003J0153 1 323A5003J0183 1 323A5003J0202 11 323A5003J0203 3 323A5003J0220 16 323A5003J0223 1 100 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-4/9) REF. NO. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 SYMBOL TYPE/NAME RM73B2A241J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A242J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A270J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A272J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A331J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A332J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A333J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A392J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A471J RES-MET RN -C R62, R64, R65, R508, R518, R538, R545 RM73B2A472J RES-MET RN -C R66 RM73B2A511J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A512J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A562J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A621J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A680J RIπMMET RN -C RM73B2A681J RES-MET RN -C 2125JPW RES-MET RN -C R37~R45 R46 R532 R47~R49 R50~R57 R59, R543 R546, R547 R506 R60 R67 R540 R556, R558, R559 R24 R77, R511 R79, R86~R88, R525, R557, R563, R564, C33 40990901TH Rev.1 PART NO. Q'TY 323A5003J0241 9 323A5003J0242 1 323A5003J0270 1 323A5003J0272 3 323A5003J0331 8 323A5003J0332 2 323A5003J0333 2 323A5003J0392 1 323A5003J0471 1 323A5003J0472 7 323A5003J0511 1 323A5003J0512 1 323A5003J0562 1 323A5003J0621 3 323A5003J0680 1 323A5003J0681 2 323A5003P0001 9 REMARKS 101 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-5/9) REF. NO. 52 53 54 SYMBOL R81 R82, R83 R84, R85 TYPE/NAME 5:J-12YJ750 RES-MET RN -C MSF1/2B2ohmJ RES-MET OX - MSF1/2B0.5ohmJ RES-MET OX - MNR14ABJ101 RES-Block -C MNR14ABJ151 RES-Block -C PART NO. Q'TY 323A5019J0750 1 324A1001J0209 2 324A1001J0518 2 334A5012J0101 8 334A5012J0151 1 REMARKS 55 56 57 RM9~RM16 RM27 58 RM17~RM21, RM24 CN1J4/EXBV8V22ohmJ RES-Block -C 3345003J0220 6 59 RM26, RM29~RM31 MNR14ABJ332 RES-Block 334A5012J0332 4 -C MNR14ABJ680 RES-Block 334A5012J0680 1 -C CC2012CH1H101J CAP-Ceramic 50V 303A3007C0101 5 -C CC2012CH1H330J CAP-Ceramic 50V 303A3007C0330 1 -C CC2012CH1H680J CAP-Ceramic 50V 303A3007C0680 4 -C CC2012SL1H561J CAP-Ceramic 50V 303A3007K0561 1 -C C16~C18, C511, C512, C520, C526, C555, C563, C570, C571 CK2012B1H102K CAP-Ceramic 50V 303A6008K3102 11 -C C516, C523, C532, C536 CK2012B1H222K CAP-Ceramic 50V 303A6008K3222 4 -C 60 RM25 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 C502~C505, C541 C533 C507~C509, C559 C15 40990901TH Rev.1 102 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-6/9) REF. NO. 68 69 70 SYMBOL TYPE/NAME C19, C20, C31, C522, C530, C534, C542, C557, C560, C567, C568 CK2012F1C105Z CAP-Ceramic -C C21~C23, C25, C501, C506, C510, C537, C538 CK2012F1E104Z CAP-Ceramic -C C24 CK2012F1H103Z CAP-Ceramic -C URS1C221MNA1FA CAP-Alum (CE) - 10MS5-68M CAP-Alum (CE) - 6.3MS5-100M CAP-Alum (CE) - KMG50VB-220M CAP-Alum (CE) - UVS1A332MHA CAP-Alum (CE) - PART NO. Q'TY 16V 1µF 303A6008Z1105 11 25V 303A6008Z2104 9 50V 303A6008Z3103 1 16V 304A1007C1221 1 10V 68µF 304A1046A1680 2 6.3V 304A1046J0101 2 50V 304A1164H1221 1 10V 304A1137A1332 1 REMARKS 71 72 73 C1 C3, C4 74 75 76 77 C9, C11 C30 C13 78 79 IC11 74LS07FP Digital IC-BIP-S 700A0503N0007 1 80 IC13 TL431CLP/NJM431L-T3 Analog-BILPLIN -P 7200903M9001 1 81 IC8 A2918SWH Analog-BIPLIN 7201826M0001 1 - 82 IC10 NJM2901M/UPC339G2 Analog-BIPLIN -S 720A0503N0007 1 83 IC9 MTD2005F Analog-BIPLIN 720A1816N0001 1 40990901TH Rev.1 -S 103 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-7/9) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME 84 IC4~IC7 MSM514807C-70JS Memory-MOSDRAM-S 85 IC12 93C46LDP-NW Memory-MOSEEPR - MHM2029-004K-29 CPU-MOS -F 86 IC1 PART NO. Q'TY 8020024N2626 4 8160303M0000 1 8510440N0001 1 REMARKS 87 88 89 IC2 MX23C2410MC-10-101 Memory-MOSMROM -S or MX23C2410MC-10-107 Memory-MOSMROM -S or MX23C2410MC-10-110 Memory-MOSMROM -S 8174627N0012 or 8174627N0014 or 8174627N0016 1 90 IC3 MX23C2410MC-10-100 Memory-MOSMROM -S or MX23C2410MC-10-106 Memory-MOSMROM -S or MX23C2410MC-10-109 Memory-MOSMROM -S 8174627N0011 or 8174627N0013 or 8174627N0015 1 EM1, EM2, EM4 DSS306-OAE222Z COMP PAR-LC 342A1009P2222 3 - ZJSC-R10-470-TA COMP PAR-LC 3421000P0470 1 -P 2SA1338 TR-PNP/H FREQ 600A1032N0010 2 -C 91 92 93 94 EM9 95 96 TR502, TR504 40990901TH Rev.1 104 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-8/9) REF. NO. 97 98 SYMBOL TR501, TR503 TR1 TYPE/NAME DTC123YK TR-NPN/H-FREQ -C 2SD1623S TR-NPN/L-FREQ -C PART NO. Q'TY 602A1035N0019 2 603A1132N0001S 1 REMARKS 99 100 CENT 57RE-40360-830F-D29 Connector-SQR - 2201001P0360 1 101 ENVELOPE MD-S8000B-70 Connector-RND 2211001P0080 1 - 128A-026P2B-L14N Connector-PCB 224A3222P0261 1 - 00-8263-0412-00-000 Connector-PCB 224A3357P0040 1 - 00-8263-0412-00-003 Connector-PCB 224A3357P0041 1 - PQ100A2FA Connector-PCB 224A3516P1000 1 - S3B-XH-A Connector-PCB 224A3528P0030 1 - B8B-PH-K-S Connector-PCB 224A3529P0080 1 - ZC-006 Connector-PCB 224A3590P0060 1 - SLD12S-2 Connector-PCB 2243001P0120 1 - SLD14S-2 Connector-PCB 2243001P0140 1 - ZBF503D-00 Coil-HF 353A3004P2001 1 - 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 POWER DM RM OPTION FAN 2NDTRAY PANEL HEAD2 HEAD1 111 112 S1 113 40990901TH Rev.1 105 / M5B-PCB Assy. (Main Control Board) Rev. 5 (40217002-9/9) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY OSC1 CST7.06MTW040-TF01 OSC-Ceramic -P 3811000B0001 1 116 FU2 251-001 FUSE- 540A2208S1102 1 117 FU1 251-002 FUSE- 540A2218S1202 1 119 S3, BF3, BF7, BF9, BF11 LINK WIRE 0.65 P=2.5 KH-31036-25 5 120 EM3, EM5~EM8 SHORT WIRE (U TYPE) KH-31036-50 5 121 EB5 POWER BAR LH-31313-5 1 122 Screw PSW2W3-8C 2 123 Nut 3N3-HH 2 114 REMARKS 115 118 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 40990901TH Rev.1 106 / SYMBOL CN1 TYPE/NAME 1 PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 5 2 REF. NO. 6 C2 C5 SW4 SW8 C4 C3 SW3 SW7 IC1 SW6 SW2 R3 R14 R13 R12 R11 C6 R2 R4 R15 R17 R16 R8 R9 R10 SW1 R7 R6 R5 SW5 IC2 C7 R18 D1 R1 OLCC-2-Printed Circuit Board (Operator Panel Board) Rev. 4 (4YA4130-1001G002-1/3) 40990901TH Rev.1 107 / OLCC-2-Printed Circuit Board (Operator Panel Board) Rev. 4 (4YA4130-1001G002-2/3) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 1 2 650A0229M0018 1 50V 303A3007C0101 4 25V 303A6008Z2104 2 RM73B2A181J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0181 1 R2~R4 RM73B2A201J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0201 3 10 R5 RM73B2A682J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0682 1 11 R6~R10 RM73B2A752J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0752 5 12 R11~R17 RM73B2A103J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0103 7 R18 RM73B2A913F RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003F0913 1 16 IC1 BU6152S MOS Digital IC 702A4733M0002 1 17 IC2 HD44780UB01FS CPU-INF-IC (FP) 855A0421N0002 1 D1 SEL3910D-YZ LED 5 C2~C5 CC2012CH1H101J CC Capacitor (CP) 6 C6, C7 CK2012F1E104Z CK Capacitor (CP) 8 R1 9 3 4 7 13 14 15 40990901TH Rev.1 108 / OLCC-2-Printed Circuit Board (Operator Panel Board) Rev. 4 (4YA4130-1001G002-3/3) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 18 19 SW1~SW8 SOR-113HS Push-button Switch 205A1165P1000 8 CN1 ZC-106 PC Connector 224A3591P0060 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 40990901TH Rev.1 109 / PS6 S1 R120 S91 R69 R75 R76 S23 S20 PS4 C102 D103 S22 C118 S48 S5 D130 Q106 Q107 D128 C103 C105 D102 D106 R114 S44 R116 R115 R71 C119 S17 D134 D133 S4 S50 S28 D107 D108 D135 S90 D117 R105 S37 R87 D114 R58 R86 R117 R113 C117 S2 D112 C111 S35 C54 IC5 D115 R60 T2 C112 C112 R106 D119 S34 C22 R82 R84 C21 S11 S14 S43 D122 Q54 R81 S95 S74 R83 S29 S75 C68 C69 C59 C60 C58 S58 Q105 D125 S30 S77 C57 S54 C56 S13 Q7 Q58 R80 R65 R85 S76 R78 S78 C71 IC7 S46 S69 S92 S32 R25 Q52 OSC1 S84 D51 C4 S97 R74 R73 R70 R72 S81 S49 S93 C51 R2 S60 S82 S40 S33 R32 SW2 R79 R3 D1 PC1 S27 S70 R1 S21 R7 C11 C20 S39 C16 D6 S45 S56 C14 C3 R10 L3 CN3 IC6 C23 D5 IC1 R9 S61 S85 L101 123 F1 Q2 F2 L1 Q3 R34 Q4 Q5 Q1 SW1 C6 C18 C7 R23 R4 C17 C5 R22 D2 6 D10 D9 128 123 128 124 CN2 F3 1 PART NO. Q110 Q103 C109 R109 D123 D118 R111 C110 D113 D109 S26 D111 D110 R110 C106 R104 T6 D131 C108 T5 D105 C101 Q102 R101 C107 PS5 PS3 S42 D129 R103 Q108 S12 R122 C120 C104 S3 PS2 D132 Q101 S38 D101 R118 R108 C114 S83 D127 C115 R124 T4 S15 D136 R62 R107 S25 S36 S18 S99 R119 C52 C121 Q104 R28 C55 D126 D124 Q55 C116 R27 C122 S94 Q56 R57 R123 IC4 R67 C70 R26 R63 Q57 S10 S31 R68 S47 S7 S41 S59 R59 Q59 Q60 Q53 R64 R51 R52 S62 Q61 Q62 IC2 R66 S87 S9 S19 D104 S51 C113 S52 S80 S88 R53 R77 D116 R112 Q111 S79 R121 S98 C8 2 S68 R102 PS1 C9 S24 R8 R20 R19 R24 R16 L2 S55 R17 D121 Q109 S72 S65 S64 C12 R33 T3 R125 R61 S8 S6 R21 S96 D4 D3 R11 C13 R5 S89 S67 S63 R18 S73 Q6 R6 S86 S71 D7 S66 S57 S53 CN1 R15 D8 1 R14 D12 C10 A13(25) B13(26) 40990901TH Rev.1 TYPE/NAME A1(1) B1(2) L R13 SYMBOL OSI REF. NO. Q'TY REMARKS OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-1/9) 110 / 123 124 ACIN OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-2/9) REF. NO. 1 2 SYMBOL D2 DS1 TYPE/NAME TF341M THY-Gate - RBV-402/D3SBA20 D-Rectifying - 3 D7~D10 OR-D-Rectifying -Q 4 D101~D104, D106~ D109, D112, D113, D119, D126 EU02A/RL105F-F D-Rectifying -Q D5 FML-12S D-Rectifying - PART NO. Q'TY 620A0026M0002 1 610A1003M0001 1 40401401 4 6100003M0001 12 610A2226M0016 1 REMARKS 5 6 7 D51, D114, D122, D123 1S953/1S2075K/1S2473 D-Signal - 611A0003L0001 4 D6 RD5.6E-B D-Zener 613A1231L0122 1 - D3, D4, D12, D124, D125 RD22E-B2 D-Zener 613A1231L0262B 5 - D136 RD12E-B2 D-Zener 613A1231L0202B 1 - 1ZB270-Y/Z (TPA2) D-Zener 6132003M0001 1 -Q 1ZB390 D-Zener 613A2258M0350 3 40681301 6 6320003M0001 5 6320229M0003 1 6320229M0004 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 D105 D117, D118, D135 14 D110, D111, D115, D116, D121, D127 OR-DHM/ESJA/SHV-06 15 D128, D130, D132~ D134 ERZ/JVR-05N471 SEMICO-Vari - D131 ERZV05D391 SEMICO-Vari - ERZV05D271 SEMICO-Vari - 16 17 D129 40990901TH Rev.1 111 / OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-3/9) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 R26, R28, R63, R64, R66 RD16U/VTJ1Kohm RES-Carbon flm - R27 RD16UJ1.8Kohm RES-Carbon flm -N RD16UJ1.5Kohm RES-Carbon flm - SN15K2CU 33KohmF RES-MET RN - SN15K2CU 30KohmF RES-MET RN - SN15K2CU 43KohmF RES-MET-RN - R124, R125 R61, R62 R58 R59 3213420J0102 5 3213420J0182 1 3213420J0152 2 3233020F0333 2 3233020F0303 1 3233020F0433 1 25 R60 SN15K2CU 180KohmF RES-MET RN - 3233020F0184 1 26 R13 RD1/4Y300ohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0301 1 - RD1/4Y33ohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0330 2 - RD1/4Y15KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0153 1 - RD1/4Y3.6KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0362 1 - RD1/4Y100KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0104 3 - RD1/4Y110KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0114 1 - RD1/4Y2.4KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0242 1 - RD1/4Y1KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0102 5 - RD1/4Y150ohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0151 2 - 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 R17, R109 R7 R8 R10, R15, R25 R9 R11 R4, R5, R53, R57, R114 R21, R52 40990901TH Rev.1 112 / OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-4/9) REF. NO. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SYMBOL R6 TYPE/NAME RD1/4Y16KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R51, R102, R108, R120~R122 RD1/4Y1MohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R116, R119 RD1/4Y330ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R32, R67, R68, R115, R118 RD1/4Y5.1KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R101 RD1/4Y51KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y30ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y1.5KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y510ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y300KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R69~R71, R74, R113, R117 RD1/4Y10KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R72, R73 RD1/4Y20KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y68ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y4.7KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R75~R77 R24, R78, R79 R80~R84 R65 R33 R34 PART NO. Q'TY 321A1421J0163 1 321A1421J0105 6 321A1421J0331 2 321A1421J0512 5 321A1421J0513 1 321A1421J0131 3 321A1421J0152 3 321A1421J0511 5 321A1421J0304 1 321A1421J0103 6 321A1421J0203 2 321A1421J0680 1 321A1421J0472 1 48 R110 1/4W 75KohmF (AXIAL) RES-MET RN -Q 3231203F0753 1 49 R111 RNL1/4C3F10Kohm RES-MET RN 323A1222F0103 1 - RNL1/4C3F20Kohm RES-MET RN 323A1222F0203 1 - RNL1/4C3F2.4Kohm RES-MET RN 323A1222F0242 1 - 50 51 R19 R20 40990901TH Rev.1 REMARKS 113 / OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-5/9) REF. NO. 52 53 SYMBOL R18 R85~R87 TYPE/NAME RNL1/4C3F1.0Kohm RES-MET RN - RNL1/4C3F47Kohm RES-MET RN - PART NO. Q'TY 323A1222F0102 1 323A1222F0473 3 54 R112 RNF1/4W/RN26K2E360KF RES-MET RN -P 3234003F0364 1 55 R1 RD1/2Y1MohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1431J0105 1 327A1001J0101 2 3263120K0306 2 56 R2, R3 FMR1/2-100ohmJ RES-Fuse 57 R105, R123 HV-22-30MK RES-MET solid - - 58 R107 MRH100WK/HV-38-100MK RES-MET solid - 3263103K0107 1 59 R106 MRH200MK/HV-38-200MK RES-MET solid - 3263103K0207 1 60 R103 HMP1/4-106J RES-MET RN 323A1029J0106 1 - 61 R104 RK14B2ET52 20MohmJ RES-MET solid -Q 3261110J0206 1 62 R14, R16 MOS2-3KohmJL RES-MET OX 324A3024J0302 2 - MOS2-390ohmJL RES-MET OX 324A3024J0391 2 - 3064003J2103 4 3064003J2472 1 3062201M5104 1 3402003P0001 1 63 R22, R23 REMARKS 64 65 C101, C106, C116, C122 MY2A/CQMF-100V-103J CAP-Plast flm -P 66 C121 CQMF/MY2A472J-T CAP-Plast flm -P PA104-L CAP-Plast flm - 67 68 C3 C4 40990901TH Rev.1 100V ECQ-J0187Y/TA120033 COMP PAR-RC - 114 / OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-6/9) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME 69 C5, C12, C16, C21, C51, C52, C57, C58, C60, C68~C70, C71, C109, C110, C118~C120 MLRD/FK16Y5V1H104Z CAP-Ceramic -N 70 C59 UMA/50MS5-1M CAP-Alum (CE) -P 71 C13, C54, C55 HLY5P/DD05-500V-331K CAP-Ceramic -P 72 C14, C20 ECA0JMH222BQ CAP-Alum (CE) PART NO. 50V 1µF 6.3V Q'TY 3034003Z3104 18 3041103H1109 1 3024003K6331 3 3041101J0222 2 -P 73 C9 HLY5P/DD07-500V-102K CAP-Ceramic -P 3024003K6102 1 74 C10 HLY5P/DD09-500V-222K CAP-Ceramic -P 3024003K6222 1 75 C8 UVX/SME-16V-47µF CAP-Alum (CE) 16V 3041003C1470 1 -P UVX/SME-63V-10µF CAP-Alum (CE) 63V 3041003J1100 1 -P ECA1CMH102BQ CAP-Alum (CE) 16V 3041101C1102 2 -P 76 77 C22 C17, C18 78 C56 RD16XR/CK92C1H102 CAP-Ceramic -P 3034003M3102 1 79 C115 MLRD/FK16Y5V1H473Z CAP-Ceramic -N 3034003Z3473 1 80 C102, C103 HLY5P/DD05-500V-471K CAP-Ceramic -P 3024003K6471 2 81 C113 HNY5P/DE07-1KV-471K CAP-Ceramic -P 3024003K7471 1 82 C104, C105, C107, C108, C111, C114, C117 DE07/HCYB3F471 CAP-Ceramic 3024203K2471 7 -P C6, C7 UVR1J332MRA CAP-Alum (CE) 63V 3041102J1332 2 - DE1010B471K6K CAP-Ceramic 6KV 302A4028K4471 1 3034003M3681 1 83 84 85 C112 C11 40990901TH Rev.1 REMARKS RD16XR/CK92C1H681 CAP-Ceramic -P 115 / OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-7/9) REF. NO. 86 SYMBOL C23 TYPE/NAME KME50VB-47 CAP-Alum (CE) - 2SB1351 TR-PNP/L-FREQ - 2SD1590 TR-NPN/L-FREQ - 2SC1740S TR-NPN/H-FREQ - Q2, Q6, Q7, Q58~Q62, Q110 DTD114ESTP TR-NPN/H-FREQ -P Q52 2SA608SP/2SA933S TR-PNP/H FREQ - TM1261I-LE-LF625 THY-Bi/Dir - 2SC2235-Y TR-NPN/H-FREQ - PART NO. 50V 47µF Q'TY 304A1115H1470 1 601A1226M0002 1 603A1223M0022 1 602A1035M0002 3 6021035M0001 9 600A1003M0001 1 622A0026M0003 1 602A1125M0039Y 5 REMARKS 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Q1 Q5 Q3, Q109, Q111 D1 Q101~Q105 95 Q106, Q108 BCR1AM-12/MAC97-008 THY-Bi/Dir - 622A0003M0001 2 96 Q107 CR04AM-12 THY-Gate 620A0022M0008 1 - 2SA1152-K/L TR-PNP/H FREQ 600A1123M0015 6 - TLP666JF/S21ME4FY PHOTO-Coupler 652A0203M0002 1 - RPI-574/#9568 PHOTO-Coupler 652A0103M0002 6 - FA7617P-1 Analog-BIPLIN 720A0843M0001 1 - LC26023A-NA5 Digital IC-MOS 7024633M2003 1 - 97 Q4, Q53~Q57 98 99 100 101 102 PC1 PS1~PS6 IC1 IC2 40990901TH Rev.1 116 / OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-8/9) REF. NO. 103 104 105 106 107 SYMBOL IC4 IC5 IC6 IC7 OSC1 TYPE/NAME 324P Analog-BIPLIN - 358P Analog-BIPLIN - SI-3033C (LF1101) Analog-BIPLIN - PST592D-2 Analog-BIPLIN - CST10.0MTW OSC-Ceramic - PART NO. Q'TY 720A0000M0002 1 720A0000M0033 1 720A1029M8002 1 720A4037M0015 1 381A1045B0014 1 REMARKS 108 109 L1 SU10V07040/FUS325020 Coil-Choke - 350A0223P0402 1 110 L2 SN8S-300/SF-T8-30S Coil-Choke 350A0221P1001 1 - SK-24BS075-350 Coil-Choke 350A2512P0351 1 - SU16VD-40020 Coil-Choke 350A2027P0200 1 - 111 112 L3 L101 113 114 T2~T6 HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER YB4049-7078P003 5 CN1 5281-02A Connector-PCB 224A3907P0020 1 - 00-8263-0612-00-000 Connector-PCB 224A3357P0060 1 - 128A-026S2B-L14A Connector-PCB 224A3222P0262 1 - 115 116 117 118 CN2 CN3 119 40990901TH Rev.1 117 / OL1-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217701-9/9) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY 120 F1 51MS063L FUSE- 540A2076N0632 1 121 F2 51MS016L FUSE- 540A2076N0162 1 122 F3 GGS3.15 FUSE- 540A2036M1322 1 2423000P0001 6 161A1233P0001 2 2003200P2000 1 207A2020P0001 1 SPECIAL CORD YS4011-2894P001 1 Screw PSWW3-8C 2 123 124 125 126 127 SW1 SW2 INLET 128 F220 Holder-Fuse - OSH-1025-MP Heat sink- - SJ-W2P4A-03BB2 Switch-Toggle - SM-05S-04A-9 Switch-Micro - REMARKS 129 130 S1~S15, S17~S21, S24, S29, S40, S44, S79, S91 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 26 131 S22, S23, S25~S28, S30~S39, S49 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 17 132 S41~S43, S45~S48, S50~S68, S71, S76, S98 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 29 133 S69, S70, S72, S73, S75, S77, S78, S79 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 8 134 S80~S85, S87~S90 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 10 135 S86, S93, S94 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 3 136 S74, S92, S95~S97 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 5 40990901TH Rev.1 118 / PS6 S1 R120 S91 R69 R75 R76 S23 D103 C118 S22 S20 S48 S5 D130 D128 Q106 Q107 C103 C105 D102 PS4 S44 R115 D106 R114 R116 R71 C119 S17 D134 D133 S50 S28 D107 D108 D136 D135 S90 D117 R105 S37 R87 D114 R58 R86 R117 R113 C117 S2 D112 C111 S35 C54 IC5 D115 R60 T2 C112 C112 R106 D119 S34 C22 R82 R84 C21 S11 S14 S43 D122 S95 S74 Q54 R81 R83 S29 S75 C68 C69 C59 C60 C58 S58 Q105 D125 S30 S77 R80 C57 S54 C56 S13 Q7 Q58 R65 R85 S76 R78 S78 C71 IC7 S46 S69 S92 S32 R25 OSC1 S84 Q52 D51 C4 S97 R74 R73 R70 R72 R32 SW2 R79 S81 S49 S93 C51 R2 S60 L2 S82 S40 S33 R3 D1 PC1 S27 S70 R1 S21 R7 130 C11 C20 S39 C16 D6 S45 S56 C14 C3 R10 L3 CN3 IC6 C23 D5 IC1 R9 S61 S85 L101 123 F1 Q2 S123 L1 Q3 R34 Q4 Q5 Q1 SW1 C6 C18 C7 R23 R4 C17 C5 R22 D2 6 D10 D9 128 129 128 124 131 CN2 F3 1 PART NO. Q110 Q103 C109 R109 D123 D118 R111 C110 D113 D109 S26 D111 D110 R110 C106 R104 T6 D131 S4 C108 T5 D105 C101 Q102 R101 C107 PS5 PS3 S42 D129 R103 Q108 S12 R122 C120 C104 S3 PS2 D132 Q101 S38 D101 R118 R108 C114 S83 D127 R102 R124 T4 S15 C102 R62 R107 S25 S36 S18 C115 C121 Q104 C55 R28 C116 R27 C122 S94 S99 R119 C52 R26 S41 S59 R59 D126 D124 S7 Q56 R67 C70 R57 Q57 IC4 Q55 R68 S47 R63 Q53 R64 S10 S31 R51 R52 S62 Q59 Q60 Q61 Q62 IC2 R66 S87 S9 S19 S88 R53 R77 R123 S51 D104 PS1 C113 S52 S80 C8 R121 S98 D116 R112 Q111 S79 2 S68 C2 C9 S24 R8 R20 R19 R24 D121 Q109 S72 S65 S55 S64 C12 R33 T3 R125 R61 S8 S6 R21 S96 R17 S89 S67 S63 D4 D3 R11 C13 R5 R16 C1 R18 S73 Q6 R6 S86 S71 D7 S66 S57 S53 CN1 R15 D8 1 R14 D12 C10 A13(25) B13(26) 40990901TH Rev.1 TYPE/NAME A1(1) B1(2) L R13 SYMBOL OSI REF. NO. Q'TY REMARKS OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-1/10) 119 / 123 124 ACIN OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-2/10) REF. NO. 1 2 SYMBOL D2 DS1 TYPE/NAME TF341M THY-Gate - RBV-402/D3SBA20 D-Rectifying - 3 D7~D10 OR-D-Rectifying-Q 4 D101~D104, D106~D109, D112, D113, D119, D126 EUO2A/RL105F-F D-Rectifying -Q D5 FML-12S D-Rectifying -Q PART NO. Q'TY 620A0026M0002 1 610A1003M0001 1 40401401 4 6100003M0001 12 610A2226M0016 1 REMARKS 5 6 7 D51, D114, D122, D123 1S953/1S2075K/1S2473 D-Signal - 611A0003L0001 4 D6 RD5.6E-B D-Zener 613A1231L0122 1 - D3, D4, D12, D124, D125 RD22E-B2 D-Zener 613A1231L0262B 5 - D136 RD12E-B2 D-Zener 613A1231L0202B 1 - 1ZB270-Y/Z (TPA2) D-Zener 6132003M0001 1 - 1ZB390 D-Zener 613A2258M0350 3 40681301 6 6320003M0001 5 6320229M0003 1 6320229M0004 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 D105 D117, D118, D135 14 D110, D 111, D115, D116, D121, D127 OR-DHM/ESJA/SHV-06 15 D128, D130, D132~D134 ERZ/JVR-05N471 SEMICO-Vari - D131 ERZV05D391 SEMICO-Vari - ERZV05D271 SEMICO-Vari - 16 17 D129 40990901TH Rev.1 120 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-3/10) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 R26, R28, R63,R64, R66 R27 R124, R125 R61, R62 R58 R59 RD16U/VTJ1kohm RES-Carbon flm - RD16UJ1.8Korm RES-Carbon flm -N RD16UJ1.5Kohm RES-Carbon flm - SN15K2CU 33KohmF RES-MET RN - SN15K2CU 30KohmF RES-MET RN - SN15K2CU 43KohmF RES-MET RN - 3213420J0102 5 3213420J0182 1 3213420J0152 2 3233020F0333 2 3233020F0303 1 3233020F0433 1 25 R60 SN15K2CU 180KohmF RES-MET RN - 3233020F0184 1 26 R13 RD1/4Y300ohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0301 1 - RD1/4Y33ohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0330 2 - RD1/4Y15KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0153 1 - RD1/4Y3.6KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0362 1 - RD1/4Y100KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0104 3 - RD1/4Y110KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0114 1 - RD1/4Y2.4KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0242 1 - RD1/4Y1KohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0102 5 - RD1/4Y150ohmJ RES-Carbon flm 321A1421J0151 2 - 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 R17, R109 R7 R8 R10, R15, R25 R9 R11 R4, R5, R53, R57, R114 R21, R52 40990901TH Rev.1 121 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-4/10) REF. NO. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SYMBOL TYPE/NAME RD1/4Y16KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R51, R102, R108, R120~122 RD1/4Y1MohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R116, R119 RD1/4Y330ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R32,R67, R68, R115, R118 RD1/4Y5.1KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R101 RD1/4Y51KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y130ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y1.5KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y510ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y300KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R69~R71, R74, R113, R117 RD1/4Y10KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R72, R73 RD1/4Y20KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y68ohmJ RES-Carbon flm - RD1/4Y4.7KohmJ RES-Carbon flm - R6 R75~R77 R24, R78, R79 R80~R84 R65 R33 R34 PART NO. Q'TY 321A1421J0163 1 321A1421J0105 6 321A1421J0331 2 321A1421J0512 5 321A1421J0513 1 321A1421J0131 3 321A1421J0152 3 321A1421J0511 5 321A1421J0304 1 321A1421J0103 6 321A1421J0203 2 321A1421J0680 1 321A1421J0472 1 48 R110 1/4W 75KohmF (AXIAL) RES-MET RN -Q 3231203F0753 1 49 R111 RNL1/4C3F10Kohm RES-MET RN 323A1222F0103 1 - RNL1/4C3F20Kohm RES-MET RN 323A1222F0203 1 - RNL1/4C3F2.4Kohm RES-MET RN 323A1222F0242 1 - 50 51 R19 R20 40990901TH Rev.1 REMARKS 122 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-5/10) REF. NO. 52 53 SYMBOL R18 R85~R87 TYPE/NAME RNL1/4C3F1.0Kohm RES-MET RN - RNL1/4C3F47Kohm RES-MET RN - PART NO. Q'TY 323A1222F0102 1 323A1222F0473 3 54 R112 RNF1/4W/RN26K2E360KF RES-MET RN -P 3234003F0364 1 55 R1 RD1/2Y1MohmJ RES-Carbon f1mn 321A1431J0105 1 - FMR1/2-100ohmJ RES-Fuse 327A1001J0101 2 - HV-22-30MK RES-MET solid 3263120K0306 2 - 56 57 R2, R3 R105, R123 58 R107 MRH100MK/HV-38-100MK RES-MET solid - 3263103K0107 1 59 R106 MRH200MK/HV-38-100MK RES-MET solid - 3263103K0207 1 60 R103 HMP1/4-106J RES-MET RN 323A1029J0106 1 - 61 R104 RK14B2ET52 20MohmJ RES-MET solid -Q 3261110J0206 1 62 R14, R16 MOS2-3KohmJL RES-MET OX 324A3024J0302 2 - MOS2-390ohmJL RES-MET OX 324A3024J0391 2 - 63 R22, R23 REMARKS 64 65 C101, C106, C116,C122 MY2A/CQMF-100V-103J CAP-Plast flm -P 3064003J2103 4 66 C121 CQMF/MY2A472J-T 100V CAP-Plast flm -P 3064003J2472 1 67 C3 PA104-L CAP-Plast flm 3062201M5104 1 3402003P0001 1 68 C4 40990901TH Rev.1 - ECQ-J0187Y/TA120033 COMP PAR-RC - 123 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-6/10) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME 69 C5, C12, C16,C21, C51, C52, C57,C58, C60, C68~C71, C109, C110, C118~C120 MLRD/FK16Y5V1H104Z CAP-Ceramic -N 70 C59 UMA/5OMS5-1M CAP-Alum (CE) -P DE1007E222M-KH CAP-Ceramic - 71 C1, C2 72 C13, C54, C55 HLY5P/DD05-500V-331K CAP-Ceramic -P 73 C14, C20 ECA0JMH222BQ CAP-Alum (CE) PART NO. Q'TY 3034003Z3104 18 50V 1µF 3041103H1109 1 250V 3024000M5222 2 3024003K6331 3 3041101J0222 2 6.3V -P 74 C9 HLY5P/DD07-500V-102K CAP-Ceramic -P 3024003K6102 1 75 C10 HLY5P/DD09-500V-222K CAP-Ceramic - 3024003K6222 1 76 C8 UVX/SME-16V-47µF CAP-Alum (CE) 16V 3041003C1470 1 -P UVX/SME-63V-10µF CAP-Alum (CE) 63V 3041003J1100 1 -P ECA1CMH102BQ CAP-Alum (CE) 16V 3041101C1102 2 -P 77 78 C22 C17, C18 79 C56 RD16XR/CK92C1H102 CAP-Ceramic -P 3034003M3102 1 80 C115 MLRD/FK16Y5V1H473Z CAP-Ceramic -N 3034003Z3473 1 81 C102, C103 HLY5P/DD05-500V-471K CAP-Ceramic -P 3024003K6471 2 82 C113 HNY5P/DE07-1KV-471K CAP-Ceramic -P 3024003K7471 1 83 C104, C105, C107, C108, C111, C114, C117 DE07/HCYB3F471 CAP-Ceramic 3024203K2471 7 -P C6, C7 UVR1J332MRA CAP-Alum (CE) 63V 3041102J1332 2 - DE1010B471K6K CAP-Ceramic 6KV 302A4028K4471 1 - 84 85 C112 40990901TH Rev.1 REMARKS 124 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-7/10) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME 86 C11 RD16XR/CK92C1H681 CAP-Ceramic -P 87 C23 KME50VB-47 CAP-Alum (CE) - 2SB1351 TR-PNP/L-FREQ - 2SD1590 TR-NPN/L-FREQ - 2SC1740S TR-NPN/H-FREQ - Q2, Q6, Q7, Q58~Q62, Q110 DTD114ESTP TR-NPN/H-FREQ -P Q52 2SA608SP/2SA933S TR-PNP/H-FREQ - TM1261I-LE-LF625 THY-Bi/Dir - 2SC2235-Y TR-NPN/H-FREQ - PART NO. 50V 47µF Q'TY 3034003M3681 1 304A1115H1470 1 601A1226M0002 1 603A1223M0022 1 602A1035M0002 3 6021035M0001 9 600A1003M0001 1 622A0026M0003 1 602A1125M0039Y 5 REMARKS 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Q1 Q5 Q3, Q109, Q111 D1 Q101~Q105 96 Q106, Q108 BCR1AM-12/MAC97-008 THY-Bi/Dir - 622A0003M0001 2 97 Q107 CR04AM-12 THY-Gate 620A0022M0008 1 - 2SA1152-K/L TR-PNP/H FREQ 600A1123M0015 6 - S21ME4FY PHOTO-Coupler 652A0228M0004 1 - RPI-574/#9568 PHOTO-Coupler 652A0103M0002 6 - FA7617P-1 Analog-BIPLIN 720A0843M0001 1 - 98 Q4, Q53~Q57 99 100 101 102 PC1 PS1~PS6 IC1 40990901TH Rev.1 125 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-8/10) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME 103 IC2 LC26023A-NA5 Digital IC-MOS- 104 IC4 324P Analog-BIPLIN - 358P Analog-BIPLIN - SI-3033C (LF1101) Analog-BIPLIN - PST592D-2 Analog-BIPLIN - CST10.0MTW OSC-Ceramic - SN8S-300/SF-T8-30S Coil-Choke - SK-24BS075-350 Coil-Choke - SU16VD-40020 Coil-Choke - 105 106 107 108 IC5 IC6 IC7 OSC1 PART NO. Q'TY 7024633M2003 1 720A0000M0002 1 720A0000M0033 1 720A1029M8002 1 720A4037M0015 1 381A1045B0014 1 350A0221P1001 1 350A2512P0351 1 350A2027P0200 1 REMARKS 109 110 111 112 113 L2 L3 L101 L1 SU10V07040/FUS325020 Coil-Choke - 350A0223P0402 1 T2~T6 HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFO RMER YB4049-7078P003 5 CN1 5281-02A Connector-PCB 224A3907P0020 1 - 00-8263-0612-00-000 Connector-PCB 224A3357P0060 1 - 128A-026S2B-L14A Connector-PCB 224A3222P0262 1 - 114 115 116 117 118 119 CN2 CN3 40990901TH Rev.1 126 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-9/10) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 120 121 F1 540A2077T0155 1 540A2221S0252 1 2423000P0001 4 161A1233P0001 2 2003200P2000 1 207A2020P0001 1 SPECIAL CORD YS4011-2894P002 1 128 Screw PSWW3-8C 2 129 201840-23 Sleeve- 121A1037P0001 1 - 840622-23 Holder-Fuse 242A7041P0001 1 - PS TUBE YC4061-1076P006 2 122 F3 123 124 125 126 127 SW1 SW2 INLET 130 131 215005 FUSE - 21702.5 FUSE - F220 Holder-Fuse - OSH-1025-MP Heat Sink - SJ-W2P4A-03BB2 Switch-Toggle - SM-05S-04A-9 Switch-Micro - 132 133 S1~S15, S17~S21, S24, S29, S40, S44, S79, S91 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 26 134 S22, S23, S25~S28, S30~S39, S49 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 17 135 S41~S43, S45~S48, S50~S68, S71, S76, S98, S123 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 30 136 S69, S70, S72, S73, S75, S77, S78, S79 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 8 40990901TH Rev.1 127 / OL2-PCB Assy. (Power Supply Board) Rev. 6 (40217702-10/10) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY 137 S80~S85, S87~S90 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 10 138 S86, S93, S94 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 3 139 S74, S92, S95~S97 SHORT WIRE TA-0.6 5 40990901TH Rev.1 REMARKS 128 / SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS SEN2 REF. NO. SEN1 R514 C508 R4 R513 C507 MOTOR 4 R3 BF502 R2 BF501 R510 R509 C502 R508 R507 PU F1 8 C504 R512 C503 R511 R1 IC1 IC3 1 C505 S3 C506 OSC1 C2 R518 R517 C516 R515 R506 R505 R504 R502 R501 TR1 C1 R503 IC2 TR2 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 C3 C501 1 RM1 TQSB-2-Printed Circuit Board (High Capacity Second Paper Feeder Board) Rev. 1 (4YA4046-1651G002-1/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 129 / TQSB-2-Printed Circuit Board (High Capacity Second Paper Feeder Board) Rev. 1 (4YA4046-1651G002-2/4) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 1 2 3 D1~D3 EM01Z/SM1XN02/DSM1D2 Rectifier D1 610A0003M0001 3 4 D5 RD3.9E-B Zener-D1 613A1231L0082 1 5 D4 1S953/1S2075K/1S2473 Signal D1 611A0003L0001 1 7 R513, R514 RM73B2A473J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0473 2 8 R1, R2 MSF1/2B0.51ΩJ RS Resistor 324A1001J0518 2 9 R503, R511, R512 RM73B2A102J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0102 3 10 R3, R4 RD1/4Y180ΩJ RD Resistor 321A1421J0181 2 11 R501, R502, R508~R510 RM73B2A103J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0103 9 12 R515~R518 13 R506 RM73B2A123J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0123 1 14 R505 RM73B2A561J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0561 1 15 R507 RM73B2A153J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0153 1 16 R504 RM73B2A271J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0271 1 6 17 40990901TH Rev.1 130 / TQSB-2-Printed Circuit Board (High Capacity Second Paper Feeder Board) Rev. 1 (4YA4046-1651G002-3/4) REF. NO. 18 SYMBOL TYPE/NAME RM1 MRM-4-512JA Block Resistor 20 C1 SXE50VB-10-4D-FC CE Capacitor 21 C2 10MS5-33M CE Capacitor 22 C3 RPE122-127E334M50 CK Capacitor PART NO. Q'TY 334A3266J0512 1 50V 10µF 304A1008H1100 1 10V 33µF 304A1046A1330 1 303A4116M3334 1 REMARKS 19 0.33µF 23 C503, C504, C507, C508 CK2012B1H102K CK Capacitor (CP) 50V 303A6008K3102 4 24 C502 CC2012SL1H471J CC Capacitor (CP) 50V 303A3007K0471 1 25 C501, C505, C506 CK2012F1E104Z CK Capacitor (CP) 25V 303A6008Z2104 3 27 IC3 M54646AP BIP Linear IC 720A1822M0002 1 28 IC1 74LS38P BIP Digital IC 700A0503M0038 1 29 IC2 LC6543N-4E07 MOS-CPU (ROM) 853A0036M0003 1 BF501, BF502 CB30-322513 Beads Core (CP) 105A5001C1001 2 SEN1, SEN2 SG-205-B Photocoupler 652A0114M0001 2 26 30 31 32 33 34 40990901TH Rev.1 131 / TQSB-2-Printed Circuit Board (High Capacity Second Paper Feeder Board) Rev. 1 (4YA4046-1651G002-4/4) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY 35 TR1, TR2 DTA114S PNP-HF-TR 600A1035M0005 2 36 OSC1 CST4.00MGW Ceramic Oscillator 381A1025B0002 1 F1 251-001 Fuse 540A2208S1102 1 42 MOTOR 00-8263-0412-00-000 PC Connector 224A3357P0040 1 43 PU IL-S-8P-S2T2-EF PC Connector 224A3052P0080 1 S3 Short Wire (U type) 0.65 P=2.5 5KH-31036-25 1 REMARKS 37 38 39 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 40990901TH Rev.1 132 / SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS R16 C4 CN2 REF. NO. C6 L4 CN3 R18 R15 L2 IC3 L3 C10 R19 C3 S4 R3 D2 OSC1 IC2 C1 TR1 S1 R14 RM1 D3 D4 R8 R2 IC1 TR2 R12 R5 R6 C11 C5 C8 D1 F1 D5 R17 R4 R13 R10 R7 R9 C2 SEN2 C7 C9 S3 OLEV-Printed Circuit Board (Multi Purpose Feeder Board) Rev. 4 (4YA4121-1014G011-1/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 133 / OLEV-Printed Circuit Board (Multi Purpose Feeder Board) Rev. 4 (4YA4121-1014G011-2/4) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 1 2 3 D1, D2, D5 EM01Z/SM1XN02/DSM1D2 Rectifier Diode 610A0003M0001 3 4 D4 RD3.9E-B Zener Diode 613A1231L0082 1 5 D3 1S953/1S2075K/1S2473 Signal Diode 611A0003L0001 1 7 R15, R16 RM73B2A473J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0473 2 8 R18, R19 MSF1/2B0.51ΩJ RS Resistor 324A1001J0518 2 9 R3~R6 RM73B2A102J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0102 4 10 R2 RD1/4Y180ΩJ RD Resistor 321A1421J0181 1 11 R7~R10, R14 RM73B2A103J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0103 5 12 R12 RM73B2A123J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0123 1 13 R17 RM73B2A561J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0561 1 14 R13 RM73B2A153J RN Resistor (CP) 323A5003J0153 1 15 RM1 MRM-4-512JA Block Resistor (CP) 334A3266J0512 1 C10 50MS5-10M CE Capacitor 304A1046H1100 1 6 16 17 40990901TH Rev.1 134 / OLEV-Printed Circuit Board (Multi Purpose Feeder Board) Rev. 4 (4YA4121-1014G011-3/4) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME 18 C11 10MS5-33M CE Capacitor 19 C2 RPE122-127E334M50 CK Capacitor PART NO. 10V 33µF Q'TY 304A1046A1330 1 303A4116M3334 1 REMARKS 0.33µF 20 C1 CC2012SL1H471J CC Capacitor (CP) 50V 303A3007K0471 1 21 C3~C6 CK2012B1H102K CK Capacitor (CP) 50V 303A6008K3102 4 22 C7~C9 CK2012F1E104Z CK Capacitor (CP) 25V 303A6008Z2104 3 24 IC3 M54646AP BIP Linear IC 720A1822M0002 1 25 IC1 74LS38P BIP Digital IC 700A0503M0038 1 26 IC2 LC6543N-4B52 MOS-CPU (ROM) 853A0036M0002 1 28 SEN2 SG-205-B Photocoupler 652A0114M0001 1 29 TR1, TR2 A1344/UN2111/DTA114K PNP-HF-TR (CP) 600A1003N0003 2 30 OSC1 CST4.000MGW Ceramic Oscillator 381A1025B0002 1 32 S1, S3, S4, L2~L4 Short Wire (U type) 0.65 P=2.5 5KH-31036-25 6 33 F1 251-001 Fuse 540A2208S1102 1 34 CN2 TCS7698-01-201 Round-Shaped Connector 221A1622P0082 1 23 27 31 40990901TH Rev.1 135 / OLEV-Printed Circuit Board (Multi Purpose Feeder Board) Rev. 4 (4YA4121-1014G011-4/4) REF. NO. 35 SYMBOL CN3 TYPE/NAME 00-8263-0412-00-000 PC Connector PART NO. 224A3357P0040 Q'TY REMARKS 1 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 40990901TH Rev.1 136 / C10 D2 Q4 RM4 RM5 R24 R25 R26 Q3 C4 R27 RM6 RM7 C7 R28 R9 C21 C42 C5 Q2 R11 BF1 C22 R8 C23 FG1 C43 RM1 R10 D1 Q5 R16 + REMARKS C26 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 C3 C17 Q'TY CN1 SIMM1 PART NO. RM2 RM3 SIMM2 2 1 TYPE/NAME 2 1 SYMBOL C13 REF. NO. C2 + C16 C19 EM1 72 71 72 71 R5 R2 R1 Q1 R6 C1 C18 C6 C20 + R7 MM6-PCB Assy. (Memory Expansion Board) Rev. 4 (40369105-1/3) 40990901TH Rev.1 137 / MM6-PCB Assy. (Memory Expansion Board) Rev. 4 (40369105-2/3) REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 SYMBOL R8~R11 R18~R28 R1, R2, R5, R6, R7 R16 TYPE/NAME RM73B2A220J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A470J RES-MET RN -C RM73B2A472J RES-MET RN -C 2125JPW RES-MET RN -C MNR14ABJ680 RES-Block -C CC2012CH1H101J CAP-Ceramic -C CC2012CH1H330J CAP-Ceramic -C CC2012CH1H680J CAP-Ceramic -C CK2012F1C105Z CAP-Ceramic -C KME10VB-100 CAP-Alum (CE) - PART NO. Q'TY 323A5003J0220 4 323A5003J0470 11 323A5003J0472 5 323A5003P0001 1 334A5012J0680 7 50V 303A3007C0101 2 50V 303A3007C0330 4 50V 303A3007C0680 1 16V 1µF 303A6008Z1105 10 10V 304A1115A1101 3 700A2503N0244 5 324A1009P2222 1 REMARKS 5 6 RM1~RM7 7 8 9 10 11 C20, C21 C22, C26, C42, C43 C23 C1~C7, C10, C13, C18 12 13 C16, C17, C19 14 15 Q1~Q5 74ALS244AFP Digital IC-BIP-S EM1 DSS306-OAE222Z COMP PAR-LC 16 17 40990901TH Rev.1 - 138 / MM6-PCB Assy. (Memory Expansion Board) Rev. 4 (40369105-3/3) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 18 19 D1, D2 514260JP-70 Memory-MOSDRAM-S CN1 PQ100A2MA Connector-PCB 8020003N2601 2 224A3515P1000 1 377A1115P1309 1 245A1372P0720 2 20 21 - 22 23 BF1 ZBF253D-01 Filter-PW line - 24 25 SIMM1, SIMM2 2-176438-7 Socket-SEMICON or 11088-1 Socket-SEMICON or 2451002P0720 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 40990901TH Rev.1 139 / SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. JP1 C22 BF R76 R75 R74 C19 Q11 C20 C29 C27 C28 C26 C25 C24 C23 C13 C11 SIMM1 SIMM2 C14 C12 40 REMARKS C21 C18 R72 CN2 Q'TY JP2 REF. NO. R15 R14 R13 R8 R9 R10 R20 R19 R28 R27 R12 R11 C4 Q4 Q8 Q7 Q6 R35 JP3 JP4 EM1 C16 C15 Q5 R32 R33 R34 R38 R37 C17 R24 R25 R26 C8 R31 R30 R29 C7 R16 R17 R18 C6 R23 R22 R21 C5 R5 R2 R6 R1 CN1 SMIF-Serial Memory Interface PCB (RS232C Interface Board) Rev. 4 (0025304-1/4) 40990901TH Rev.1 140 / SMIF-Serial Memory Interface PCB (RS232C Interface Board) Rev. 4 (0025304-2/4) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY 1 R1, R2, R5, R6 RM73B2A472J RN RESISTOR (CP) 323A5003J0472 4 2 R8~R31 RM73B2A680J RN RESISTOR (CP) 323A5003J0680 24 3 R32~R35, R37, R38 RM73B2A220J RN RESISTOR (CP) 323A5003J0220 6 R72 RM73B2A332J RN RESISTOR (CP) 323A5003J0332 1 JP1~JP4 2125JPW RN RESISTOR (CP) 323A5003P0001 4 R74~R76 RM73B2A562J RN RESISTOR (CP) 323A5003J0562 3 C11, C12, C15 KME10VB-100 CE CAPACITOR 304A1115A1101 3 C4~C8, C13, C14, C16 CK2012B1H105K CK CAPACITOR (CP) 50V 303A6008K1105 8 15 C18~C20 CK2012F1E104Z CK CAPACITOR (CP) 25V 303A6008Z2104 3 16 C17 CC2012CH1H101J CC CAPACITOR (CP) 50V 303A3007C0101 1 REMARKS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 40990901TH Rev.1 141 / SMIF-Serial Memory Interface PCB (RS232C Interface Board) Rev. 4 (0025304-3/4) REF. NO. 18 SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY C21 CK2012B1H561K CK CAPACITOR (CP) 50V 303A6008K3561 1 C22 CK2012B1H102K CK CAPACITOR (CP) 50V 303A6008K3102 1 C23~C29 CC2012PHIH120J CC CAPACITOR (CP) 303A3007P0120 7 Q4~Q8 74ACT244FP MOS DIGITAO IC (SO) 702A2503N3244 5 Q11 75188NS BIP DIGITAL IC (SO) 710A0050N0188 1 D1, D2 SS100MA80VKCP SIGNAL DIODE (CP) 611A0000N0002 2 CN1 PQ100A2MA PC CONNECTOR 224A3515P1000 1 CN2 17LE-13250-27 (D4CC) PC CONNECTOR 220A1448P0250 1 SIMM1, SIMM2 2-176438-7 IC SOCKET 245A1372P0720 2 REMARKS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 40990901TH Rev.1 142 / SMIF-Serial Memory Interface PCB (RS232C Interface Board) Rev. 4 (0025304-4/4) REF. NO. SYMBOL TYPE/NAME PART NO. Q'TY REMARKS 35 36 BF ZBF253D-01 BEAD FILTER 377A1115P1309 1 EMI DSS306-OAFZ103N EMI FILTER 342A1009P3103 1 ADHESIVE BARCODE LABEL 4YC4100-1062P001 1 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 40990901TH Rev.1 143 / 143
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