@ T H E I N N O V A T I O N I N T E R S E C T I O N A N D R E A L O F E S T A T E T E C H N O L O G Y, O P E R A T I O N S ] R E A L C O M M 2016 C A P A B I L I T I E S A B O U T REA L COMM R ealcomm C o n fere n ce G roup, L L C , is a w orld w ide researc h a n d e v e n t compa n y at t h e i n tersectio n of C ommercial R eal E state , C orporate R eal E state , A utomatio n a n d T ec h n olog y. T h roug h our a n n ual co n fere n ces , w ebi n ars , w or k s h ops , C I O F orums a n d ot h er strategic ser v ices , R ealcomm pro v ides n et w or k i n g a n d collaboratio n opportu n ities , w h ile educati n g i n dustr y professio n als about t h e latest busi n ess solutio n s a n d tec h n ologies to impro v e commercial real estate de v elopme n t, leasi n g , ma n ageme n t a n d operatio n s . O ur V i s i o n Realcomm was founded with the goal of bringing industry leaders together to discuss, demonstrate, and debate the latest innovations to impact our industry. Today, our Webinar, CIO Forum and Conference events reach more industry decision makers than ever, attracting commercial and A tte n dee D e m o g r a p h i c s corporate real estate professionals in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Realcomm’s programs are designed to meet the needs of India and the Middle East; and our commercial and corporate real estate practitioners at all levels – magazine and weekly newsletter executive, management, professional and support – from each publications are distributed to over of the following sectors: 55,000 industry professionals. • Appraisal • Economic Development • Architecture & Design • Facilities Management • Asset Management • Investment Brokerage • Brokerage • Ownership • City Planning • Property Management • Commercial Lending • Real Estate Academia • Commercial Real Estate Law • Real Estate Investment Trusts • Commercial Real Estate Consulting • Settlement Services • Corporate Real Estate • Tenant Representation • Development • Title CON F ERENCES A N D E X POSI T IONS O ur A n n ual C o n fere n ces a n d E x positio n s bri n g toget h er t h e brig h test, most v isio n ar y mi n ds to e x plore t h e latest tec h n ologies a n d i n n o v atio n s . O ur a n n ual flags h ip e v e n t, T h e R ealcomm | I B co n co n fere n ce , co - located toget h er but w h ic h focus o n t h e differe n t n eeds of t h e commercial real estate i n dustr y, is atte n ded b y o v er 1 , 4 0 0 commercial , corporate , go v er n me n t a n d i n stitutio n al members of t h e real estate commu n it y. F or more of t h e specifics o n t h e R ealcomm a n d I B co n C o n fere n ces a n d w h at n eeds t h e y address i n our i n dustr y, see t h e profiles belo w. San Jose 2016 2016 Realcomm is the premier event focused on technology, CoRE Tech, produced by Realcomm, is the first efficiency, innovation and automation solutions for the networking and educational technology conference for commercial real estate organization. It is a “must attend” the corporate real estate industry. This event brings conference event if your goal is to educate, collaborate corporate professionals together to collaborate and and connect with real estate decision makers who are share ideas to determine the best ways to harness the interested in improving their commercial development, power of technology to enable people, processes and leasing, accounting, management and operations. building operation efficiencies. June 22-23, 2016 November 2016 (Pre-Conference Events: June 21) San Jose McEnery Convention Center – San Jose, CA realcomm.com/realcomm-2016 IBcon is the first global conference and tradeshow specifically dedicated to bringing together ALL aspects of the “smart, connected, high performance, intelligent building,” including both the traditional building automation technologies like HVAC, lighting and security as well as the new building components like digital signage, parking, fire/life safety, access control and others. June 22-23, 2016 (Pre-Conference Events: June 21) San Jose McEnery Convention Center – San Jose, CA realcomm.com/ibcon-2016 W E B INARS T h e R ealcomm Webi n ars are desig n ed to pro v ide q ualit y educatio n a n d i n structio n o n t h e latest tec h n olog y solutio n s for t h e real estate professio n al . O ur goal is to prese n t tec h n ical i n formatio n i n a format t h at is eas y to u n dersta n d a n d practical , a n d to report true to life case studies directly from t h e e x perts t h emselv es . We e n courage solutio n pro v iders , co n sulta n ts , soft w are compa n ies , tec h n olog y part n ers a n d i n dustr y t h oug h t leaders to co n sider t h e n umerous opportu n ities across t h e y ear to participate w it h us a n d s h are y our e x pertise w it h h u n dreds of atte n dees . 2016 Schedule: Jan 21 Developing an IWMS and DATA STRATEGY for Corporate Real Estate Feb 11 Asset and Operational Management SOFTWARE Platforms – Faster and Smarter Mar 10NextGen LEASE MANAGEMENT – In-House vs. Industry Platform Mar 24 CONNECTING Existing Disparate Systems – Multiple Options and Strategies Apr 7 In-Building WIRELESS Strategies – Cellular, WiFi and More! Apr 21 THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) and Smart Buildings – Understanding the Relationship May 19 Building Data ANALYTICS – One of the Pillars of a Smart Building Solution June 2 Energy EFFICIENCY vs. COMFORT - Which has Higher Priority? Aug 11 Data Analytics & Visualization – A Comprehensive Look at How We Manage & See Data Aug 25 Defining and Designing the Base Building NETWORK Sept 15 Advanced Budgeting & Strategic Forecasting – A Roadmap to Swift and Accurate Reporting Sept 29 Investment Management Applications - Industry-Leading Solution for the Strategic Investment Manager Oct 13View from the Top – Industry Leaders Perspective - Part I Oct 27View from the Top – Industry Leaders Perspective - Part II Nov 17 CyberSecurity - Configuration Management & Protections – Enterprise to Facility Systems Dec 1 Building Information Modeling – Is It Time For BIM To Expand To Operations? Dec 15 Innovative Business Solutions for the Smart CRE Executive – A Best Practice Case Studies for 2015 Visit realcomm.com/webinars for additional details. CIO F O R U M S T h e R ealcomm C I O F orums pro v ide C I O s i n t h e local commercial real estate commu n it y a n opportu n it y to meet for n et w or k i n g a n d buildi n g professio n al relatio n s h ips . B y co n n ecti n g t h e local R E A L E S TAT E leaders i n t h ese i n formal , n et w or k i n g / discussio n groups , w e are able to facilitate co n v ersatio n s o n k e y issues impacti n g our i n dustr y a n d le v erage t h e collecti v e e x perie n ce of t h is po w erful peer group to bri n g greater strategic v alue to t h eir respecti v e orga n i z atio n s . The Realcomm CIO Forum is a luncheon event open to CIOs and equivalents as well as a limited number of sponsors from the commercial and corporate real 2016 Schedule: In t e r na t i ona l estate industries. These events are by invitation only Sydney - August 10 and not open for general attendance. Sponsorships London - September 14 F o r u ms include one pass to attend the networking segment and luncheon, opportunity for introductory remarks to the group and also includes the list of attendees. 2016 Schedule: N o r t h A m e r i c A F o r u ms New York - April 7 New York - September 8 Toronto - September 29 Washington, DC - October 6 Dallas - October 20 San Francisco - December 8 Visit realcomm.com/cio-forums for additional details Real Estate Investment Management FORUM T h e R ealcomm R eal E state I n v estme n t M a n ageme n t F orum is a lu n c h eo n or after n oo n e v e n t w it h coc k tail receptio n ope n to R eal E state I n v estme n t M a n agers a n d e q ui v ale n ts as w ell as a limited n umber of spo n sors from t h e commercial a n d corporate real estate i n dustries . T h ese e v e n ts are b y i n v itatio n o n ly a n d n ot ope n for ge n eral atte n da n ce . S po n sors h ips i n clude o n e pass to atte n d t h e n et w or k i n g segme n t a n d lu n c h eo n or after n oo n e v e n t w it h coc k tail receptio n , opportu n it y for i n troductor y remar k s to t h e group a n d also i n cludes t h e list of atte n dees . ME D IA S E R V I C E S R ealcomm offers se v eral media products de v eloped to k eep our i n dustr y at t h e fro n tli n es of t h e latest tec h n olog y n e w s , tre n ds , a n d product offeri n gs a v ailable . R eal - w orld e x amples from i n dustr y leaders are s h o w cased to i n crease t h e k n o w ledge a n d a w are n ess of t h e solutio n s a v ailable today. T H E I N T E R S E C T I O N O F C O M M E R C I A L / C O R P O R AT E R E A L E S TAT E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y MAY 2015 ADVISORY ROBERT ENTIN The Realcomm Advisory is a complimentary email DAVE CLUTE newsletter sent each week to more than 36,000 commercial and corporate real estate professionals. KELLY MILLSAPS MICHAEL OSMENT HELANE STEIN Each edition highlights new technologies or best practices specifically targeted to the industry. Vendor Profile and Banner sponsorships give technology companies the opportunity to reach a targeted audience ON THE COVER – TODAY’S REAL ESTATE TECHNOLOGY LEADERS: HARNESSING THE POWER OF TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION TO BRING ABOUT CHANGE Featuring Robert Entin, Vornado Realty Trust; Helane Stein, PREIT; Dave Clute, Zurich Insurance Group; Michael Osment, Taubman; and Kelly Millsaps, Related Companies Smart Cities and the Energy Revolution Dynamic CRM Options for a New Era GSA Applies BIM Models to 100 Buildings in Portfolio IoT and the Impact on Buildings and Operations Trust But Verify - Smart Building Security NextGen Workspace in a Mall–Westfield Makes a Bold Move BONUS! 2015 SOLUTIONS MARKETPLACE DIRECTORY IN THIS ISSUE through branding, submitting an article (800-1000 words), and a 100-word company profile. W W W. R E A L C O M M . C O M C ON F EREN C E ED I T I O N RealcommEdge Magazine Cover _ CMYK_ trim size: 8.375” X 10.875” The Realcomm EDGEmagazine is the only publication focused exclusively on technology for the real estate industry. It provides our readership with astute analysis and real world case studies demonstrating the best use of technology for our industry. It is circulated in print Visit realcomm.com/advisory to sign-up. twice a year, Spring and Fall, to 10,000 and to more than 55,000 in digital format. It is also distributed to attendees at our annual flagship event, the Realcomm/ IBcon Conference, located in San Jose, CA on June 21st – 23rd. Advertising space (1/4 page up to full page and 2-page spreads) is available and we encourage the submission of case studies as articles. Subscribe today at realcomm.com/realcomm-edge MARKETPLACE As the Commercial & Corporate Real Estate Technology sector continues to grow and mature, it is becoming more and more difficult for the industry to keep track of the changing landscape. In order to bridge the gap between the needs of the clients and the solutions offered by our industry vendors, Realcomm has created the “Realcomm Marketplace.” The goal is simple...to connect the client needs with the industry solutions. A Marketplace listing includes a profile of your company (list of most influential clients, geographic region, contact info, etc), hyperlink to your website, attachments of videos, pdfs, marketing material as well as social media and other links. The Marketplace list is sent out by mail once a year, is printed in the RealcommEDGE magazine and the Realcomm – IBcon Conference Program Guide. Visit realcomm.com/marketplace PORTAL The Realcomm Main Portal Banner ad is the most visible advertising opportunity we offer. • Prominent location at the top of the Realcomm website • Remains visible on ALL Realcomm website page. • Packages of 3 or more, option to mail your marketing piece from our mailing house to Select list of 5,000 Real Estate Executives. – Postcard and postage cost is the responsibility of the mailing party. • 1 Copy of your Press Release or Product Announcement featured within Realcomm’s “News Feed” for each month sponsored. The banner ad is designed to rotate every 7 seconds to show a total of up to six different rotating banner ads. Banner size is 468 x 60 pixels and may be a static or animated Gif file. 150k or smaller file and if animated the animation should loop. Visit realcomm.com Sponsorship opportunities are available for all Media Services. Download our Media Kit for complete details. R e a l c o m m C o n f e r e n c e G r o u p, LLC 3 9 5 1 Pa r k D r i v e | C a r l s b a d, CA 9 2 0 0 8 | P : 9 4 9 . 5 8 9 . 0 3 1 5 | W W W. R EALCOMM . COM “ In challenging times when you have to make choices, Realcomm provides an essential forum for creative dialog with my peers and partners around a broad range of important topics. I always bring back and apply valuable takeaways from my attendance at Realcomm.” Jim Whalen SR. VP & CIO B oston P roperties “ The Realcomm Annual Conference brings together the top real estate industry professionals, consultants and service providers to create the premier learning and knowledge sharing event.” Tom Taddeo VP & CIO K i m co R ealty