8th District - Eighth District Dental Society


8th District - Eighth District Dental Society
8th District
Volume 49
Number 5
Holiday 2013
Publication of the Eighth District Dental Society of the State of New York
2014 Eighth District Dental Society
President’s Reception
Dr. Joseph S. Modica will be installed as 2014 President of the Eighth District Dental Society at Park Country Club on
Saturday, January 25, 2014. The evening begins with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at 6:00 pm, the program at 7:00 pm,
with dinner and dancing to follow.
Dr. Joseph Modica received his DDS from SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in 1982 after completing a
Bachelor Degree in Biology & Psychology in 1978. He completed his general practice residency at Millard Fillmore
Hospital in 1983 and is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists. He went into private practice in 1983 in
Dr. Lawrence E. Volland will be the recipient of the prestigious Dr. Harvey Sprowl Leadership Award for 2014. It is
given to recognize the long term contributions of members of the Eighth District Dental Society to organized dentistry.
Dr. Volland received his DDS from SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in 1975. He was a Clinical Instructor at
the dental school for six years. Dr. Volland is a native of Western New York and has maintained a general dental
practice in Lockport for almost 35 years. Dr. Volland is a Past President of Eighth District Dental Society and the New
York State Dental Association.
Life membership is bestowed on members attaining the age of 65 and who have been members in good standing for 30
consecutive years or 40 total years. These are the members who will receive their Life Membership honor this year:
Robert W. Alexander
Timothy Augustine
Gail M. Dreyer
James T. Duval
Timothy R. Glor
Gregory E. Hudecki
Joseph A. Hyde
Norbert G. Koller
Thomas L. Kuhn
Robert J. Meisner
Walter G. Neuhaus
Thomas J. Pulvino, Jr.
Attire is black tie optional. Cost of attendance is $85 per person.
Reservations may be made by calling the Dental Society at 716995-6300.
We wish you and your loved ones
a joyous holiday season and a
very Happy New Year.
Michael H. Schmidt
Irene D. Strychalski
Lawrence H. Taylor
Mario J. Violante, Jr.
Gregory C. Woeppel
In this Issue:
From the Editor: Eye-to-Eye ……………... 2
From the President ………………………… 3
Calendar ……………………………..……. 4
Focus on Ethics ……………………………. 4
Executive Director’s Note: ……………..…. 5
Volunteer Opportunities ……………………6
Member Profile: Dr. David Weinman …….. 7
Children’s Christmas Party ………………... 10
Photo Pages ……………………………..12-13
Town Square for Aging …………………… 14
Local Study Club News ………………….... 16
Endorsed Vendor Listing ………………..... 19
Obituaries ………………………………….. 20
Mentor Program …………………………… 22
Classifieds …………………………………. 23
8th District
Volume 49, No. 5 Holiday 2013
Eighth District Dental Society
of the State of New York
3831 Harlem Road Buffalo, NY 14215
(716) 995-6300
FAX (716) 995-6305
American Dental Association
New York State Dental Association 800-255-2100
Chester J. Gary, Editor
Kevin J. Hanley, Associate Editor
Chris R. Klimecko, Associate Editor 995-6300
John J. Nasca, President
Joseph S. Modica, President-Elect
Michael J. Marrone, Vice President
James A. Hoddick, Secretary
David R. Bonnevie, Treasurer
Chris R. Klimecko, Executive Director
Patrick Anders
Frank Barnashuk
Mark Barone
Jeffrey Baumler
John Bonghi
David Bonnevie
Amy Bryan
Andrew Burke
Samuel Carocci
Robert Connelly
David Croglio
Brendan Dowd
Samir El-Chehabi
Robert Engl
Scott Farley
Michael Gaglio
Joseph Gambacorta
Chester Gary
Michael Glick
Kevin Hanley
Charles Hannum
James Hoddick
Ronald Jarvis
Amandip Kamoh
Yogini Kothari
Russell Marchese
Michael Marrone
Raymond Miller
Joseph Modica
John Nasca
Sanil Nigalye
Amy Rappold
Marlin Salmon
Charles Simpson
Steve Sokolovskiy
Amy Stone-Nagai
Stephen Stratton
John Tibbetts
Charles Travagliato
Donald Tucker
Lawrence Volland
Member Publication
American Association of Dental Editors
The Bulletin of the Eighth District Dental Society
(USPS 909-900) is published five times a year by the
Eighth District Dental Society for its members.
Unless officially adopted by the Eighth District
Dental Society and so indicated, opinions expressed
in this publication are not necessarily the views of the
Address all communications pertaining to this
Bulletin to the Editor, Eighth District Dental Society,
3831 Harlem Road, Buffalo, New York 14215.
Material for publication should be submitted three
weeks prior to the month of publication.
The Dental Society is organized for the purpose of
encouraging improvement of the health of the
public, to promote the art and science of dentistry,
and to represent the interests of the members of
the profession and the public which it serves.
Holiday, 2013
From the Editor
See “Eye-to-Eye” with Patients
By Chester J. Gary, DDS, JD
Misuse of texts, emails and social media in dental
practice robs dentists of strategic opportunities to
personally connect with their patients. Today, dentists
and patients increasingly attempt to communicate
online regarding clinical or management information.
Combine this with the trend of patients researching
their dental conditions and treatment options on the
Internet, and it results in reduced chairside interaction.
When electronic communications replace face-to-face
encounters, it impoverishes the dialogue in the dentist-patient relationship.
The resultant lack of interpersonal contact in electronic encounters threatens
the quality of care and mutual trust in the relationship. Ultimately, patient
communications form an essential element of clinical practice. Practitioners
must utilize appropriate methods of communication to act in the best
interests of their patients.
Communication research shows the manner in which we communicate
information carries as much weight as the substance.1 Face-to-face
encounters involve eye-to-eye and voice-tovoice contact. Eye contact allows the Personally connecting with
participants in a conversation both to send patients will enhance these
and receive non-verbal cues, such as body relationships and strengthen
our professional status in
language, posture, facial expressions and
appearance. These elements convey added the face of commercial and
political pressures.
meaning and underlying emotions which
statements. Voice-to-voice contact provides additional information through
tone, volume, speed, pauses and vocal quality. In fact, the non-verbal
elements often carry the majority of the intended meaning.2
Electronic communications rely solely on the asynchronous exchange of the
printed word. Treatment decisions, made without the benefits of face-to-face
and voice-to-voice communication, increase the risk for mishaps and
mistakes. Devoid of all non-verbal elements, texts, emails and social media
posts can make it impossible for dentists to meet the standard of care in
clinical situations. In addition, the communicators need not time synchronize
their conversation. These barriers make active listening difficult, if not
impossible. Hence, electronic communication with patients procreates
misinformation and misunderstanding and precludes the dentist from
obtaining potentially critical information.
Failure to engage in adequate face-to-face communication with patients
diminishes the therapeutic effect of the relationship. Dentists who maximize
personal contact can better express empathy and reduce patient anxiety.
Such connection with patients will encourage them to better acknowledge
their problems, cooperate with care and enjoy improved results.3
At no time will face-to-face communication benefit the dentist more than
with an angry or dissatisfied patient. The dentist must convey understanding
of the problem and reassurance of a solution. If the dentist takes the easy
way out and responds electronically to avoid the discomfort of a personal
confrontation, it will exacerbate the problem. Seeing eye-to-eye in those
situations provides the best opportunity to resolve the conflict and build
(Continued on page 9)
From the President
By John J. Nasca, DDS
“Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go.”
Henry Austin Dobson
I find it hard to believe how quickly my year as president
has passed. As the saying goes “time flies when you are
having fun” and I can honestly say I will remember my
term as a truly enjoyable and rewarding experience. I
recall my friend and predecessor, Dr. Brendan Dowd,
talking about how much he enjoyed his term, but I
wondered if he was just saying the right things and trying
to put a positive spin on all the hard work and countless
hours he put in during his term. I now know what he was
talking about; it really never did feel like work.
A main reason that this was true for me was that I had a
tremendous amount of help and support. Chris Klimecko
has done a fantastic job in his first year as executive
director. I was a bit nervous of the unknown in a new hire
for such an important position but I couldn’t be happier
with the result. I want to especially thank the staff of
Cyndy and Dana for the great work they had done in the
transition and to all three of them for making things run so
smoothly this past year.
I have also had the benefit of a great deal of help and
support from Brendan and the many others who have had
leadership positions and who continue to participate and
donate their time and efforts to the Society. They and the
rest of my fellow officers and members of the executive
council are the heart and soul of organized dentistry and
the strength of the Eighth District. I inherited a strong
organization when I took over and did my best to carry on
their tradition of effort and dedication. I believe I will be
leaving the Society in good shape and in capable hands
when my good friend, Dr. Joe Modica, takes over for me
as president in January 2014.
responsibilities have afforded me
the chance to meet a vast variety of
dental professionals throughout the
country. The one thing they all had
in common was active participation
in their profession beyond day to
day patient care.
At the ADA Convention this year, I
heard the Thomas Jefferson quote
“We don’t have government by the
majority, we have government by the majority who
participate”. This is true of our profession. If you want a
strong profession that protects our interests and projects a
positive image, then it is important to be involved. I urge
you to volunteer your time, participate in your local dental
societies and encourage membership in organized
dentistry by your friends and colleagues. I can tell you that
for me doing so has been personally and professionally
rewarding and reinvigorated my pride in my career.
I finish my term with a great appreciation of the
friendships and associations I have made along the way
and am thankful for the privilege and honor of
representing you as president.
As my term comes to an end, the thing I enjoyed the most
were the interactions I have had with colleagues
throughout the profession. In the past year I’ve had the
opportunity to visit the various county societies of the
District and attend their meetings and social events. As
president I also have had the privilege of participating on
the executive councils of the UB Dental School and the
UB Alumni Association. These and my NYSDA and ADA
Bring your laptop to meetings and
continuing education seminars at the
Society Office. Wi-fi is available. We will
give you the password upon request.
Holiday, 2013
December 2013
Friday, December 6
Dr. Rick Fink Memorial Lecture:
“Oral Cancer and Head & Neck Cancer Symposium”
8AM Samuel’s Grande Manor
Saturday, December 7
Children's Christmas Party
9:30AM Walsh Duffield Office
January 2014
Tuesday, January 14
Eighth District Dental Society Executive Council Meeting
7PM Eighth District Office
Tuesday, January 21
Eighth District Dental Foundation Board Meeting
7PM Eighth District Office
Saturday, January 25
Eighth District Dental Society President’s Reception
6PM Park Country Club
February 2014
Saturday, February 1
Children’s Dental Health Month Mall Fair
10AM Boulevard Mall
Friday, February 7
Give Kids a Smile Day
8AM University at Buffalo Dental Clinic
Saturday, February 8
Children’s Dental Health Month Mall Fair
10AM Fashion Outlets of Niagara
Tuesday, February 11
Eighth District Dental Society Executive Council Meeting
7PM Eighth District Office
Thursday, February 13
Eighth District Service Corporation Board Meeting
6PM Eighth District Office
Wednesday, February 26
Eighth District Mentor Program Kick-Off Dinner
6PM 105 Harriman Hall at UB
March 2014
Focus On Ethics
Q: I have hear d adver tisements on the r adio wher eby a
dentist claims to be “specializing in” some individual
aspect of dentistry. These radio spots always seem to come
on when I am with patients, unable to write down notes on
the specific claims made. Are these types of claims
ethical? Is this advertising acceptable given our Code of
A: Under the Code of Ethics, one cannot utilize ter ms
that claim superiority or that may possibly mislead
patients. The test for this is what a reasonably prudent
patient would be likely to believe from an advertisement,
not what the most foolish person might be misled by or
what the wisest person would know not to be deceived by.
However, there is a presumption that patients possess
reasonable discernment and ordinary intelligence.
A dentist cannot make a claim of or imply “specializing
in” some aspect of dentistry that is not one of the
recognized Board Certified dental specialties. By the same
token, you cannot make a claim of specializing in
Endodontics, for example, if you are not Board Certified
in that discipline.
In terms of being unable to write down the specifics of an
advertisement (due to the fact that you never know when
the advertisement will be aired), Section 29.1(b)(12)(iii)(a)
of Title 8 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and
Regulations of the State of New York (8 NYCRR) - the
professional conduct rules for the Office of Professional
Discipline (OPD) - states the following:
All licensees placing advertisements shall
maintain, or cause to be maintained, an exact
copy of each advertisement, transcript, tape or
videotape thereof as appropriate for the
medium used, for a period of one year after its
last appearance. This copy shall be made
available for inspection upon demand of the
Education Department.
Therefore, if it was suspected that an advertisement made
such an improper or unsubstantiated claim, the complaint
could be sent to OPD for their investigation. They would
be the agency that would then request a copy of the actual
advertisement and review the claims made.
Friday, March 7
Eighth District Dental Society 2014 Spring All Day Seminar
Tuesday, March 11
Eighth District Dental Society Executive Council Meeting
7PM Eighth District Office
Holiday, 2013
8th District Bulletin Available Online
You may view the 8th District Bulletin online. Simply
visit the 8th District website at www.8thdistrictdental.org,
and go to “Eighth District Bulletin” Section. If you prefer
to receive a hard copy of the Bulletin, call the Society
Office at 716-995-6300.
Executive Director’s Note
Labor Laws and Your Business
By Chris Klimecko
Anyone involved in any kind of business has likely heard
the old “cost of doing business” cliché. This applies in a
variety of situations. It costs money to lease space,
maintain a building, maintain and buy new equipment, pay
staff, pay benefits, and so on. In the dental world, you
have additional costs to contend with relative to licensing,
continuing education, health code, liability, and again we
could go on. In the midst of all these costs, the last thing
anyone wants to pay for is fines, and I don’t mean those
that are levied by health departments or caused from
HIPAA or OSHA violations. I’m referring to potential
fines that all business owners with employees face—those
brought on by labor law violations. And, by the way,
there’s no “flying under the radar” because your practice
might be considered a small business. In 2009, the
Secretary of Labor announced that she was hiring an
additional 250 wage and hour investigators.1 There was a
time when labor law related investigations tended to center
around staff, or former staff complaints. Today however,
unannounced audits are becoming more prevalent.
Investigations don’t just happen on a federal level. The
states have investigators as well. Take Massachusetts as a
case in point. Over an 18 month period that concluded last
December, the state’s Joint Task Force on the
Underground Economy reported 21.4 million dollars in tax
and wage violations. That was more than previously
collected over a 40 month span.2 In New York State, an
investigation of 25 cafés and restaurants in Brooklyn was
conducted. Of the 25, only two were in compliance.3
It is possible that you will never see an investigator in
your doorway. Then again, it’s quite possible you will.
Either way, it is good to know some of the more common
labor related laws and requirements that may affect your
business. So, I’ve listed some of the more prevalent ones.
The office of primary responsibility is listed after each
item. Keep in mind, these are not necessarily legal
definitions. More detailed information is available from a
variety of sources.
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) US Dept. of
Labor: This legislation (which has been revised several
times) states that workers are entitled to the current
minimum wage and provides for overtime pay at a rate of
not less than one and one-half times their regular rate of
pay after 40 hours of work in a workweek. It also requires
that employers keep records on wages, hours, and other
items which are generally maintained as an ordinary
business practice.4
Form I-9 Dept. of Hom eland Security/U.S. Citizenship
& Immigration Services (USCIS): We recently released an
e-mail blast regarding this one. In general, federal law
requires that at the time of hiring a new staff member, the
employer must complete a Form I-9, Employment
Eligibility Verification. Form I-9
will help you verify your
employment authorization.5 They
are very straightforward. The
instructions are located on the
actual form and they can be
obtained at no cost by visiting the
Security’s website. Once you have
completed a form, it is kept on file in your place of
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1985 (COBRA) US Dept. of Labor: “The Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives
workers and their families who lose their health benefits
the right to choose to continue group health benefits
provided by their group health plan for limited periods of
time under certain circumstances such as voluntary or
involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked,
transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life
COBRA generally requires that group health plans
sponsored by employers with 20 or more employees in the
previous year offer employees and their families the
opportunity for a temporary extension of health coverage
(called continuation coverage).
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) US Dept. of Labor,
Wage & Hour Division: There is often much confusion
when it comes to FMLA. The bottom line for our purposes
is that most, if not all of you, do not have to be concerned
with this one. The FMLA entitles eligible employees of
covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for
specified family and medical reasons with continuation of
group health insurance coverage under the same terms and
conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. The
total amount of time available to employees is 12
workweeks over a 12 month period. There are a variety of
reasons that an employee might be eligible for leave under
FMLA.7 All are available online at www.dol.gov.
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
Rights Act (USERRA) US Dept. of L abor: The
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
Rights Act (USERRA) protects service members'
reemployment rights when returning from a period of
service in the uniformed services, including those called
up from the reserves or National Guard, and prohibits
employer discrimination based on military service or
obligation. The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL)
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS)
administers USERRA.8
(Continued on page 11)
Holiday, 2013
2014 Dental Fairs Needs Volunteers
The Eighth District Dental Foundation is looking for
volunteer dental professionals to assist in staffing the
Dental Fairs sponsored by the Foundation during
Children’s Dental Health Month in February. According to
Dr. Scott Farley, Chair of the Eighth District Children’s
Dental Health Month Committee, assistance is needed for
brochure and dental product distribution, answering
frequently asked questions, and organizing children’s
dental health related entertainment. These are fun events
with surprise appearances from Dudley the Dinosaur.
You can volunteer for as little as on hour at one location or
all day at all locations. The Foundation will be at the
Boulevard Mall in Amherst on February 1st from 10am to
2pm and at the Fashion Outlets in Niagara Falls on
February 8th from 10am to 2pm.
Dentists and their staff are encouraged to participate in
these events. Any assistance you can provide would be
greatly appreciated. Additional information may be
obtained by contacting the Society Office at 716-995-6300
or email [email protected].
Volunteers Needed
The Dental Office at Good Neighbors is in need of
volunteer dentists and dental assistants to provide free
dental care to the people of WNY.
The Dental Office operates at the following times:
Monday evenings from 5:30-7:30 PM
Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:00 AM
Friday afternoons from 1:30-4:30 PM
The Dental Office at Good Neighbors
175 Jefferson Ave
Buffalo, NY 14210
Please call 856-2400 to volunteer.
Holiday, 2013
Member Profile Highlight: Dr. David Weinman
By Dr. David Weinman
This past summer I wrote a "My View" article that was published in the Buffalo News, which is reprinted below. In it I
share about my love of baseball/softball, and how I've expanded that hobby in recent years. Since the article was written,
I did play in Ireland as planned - in Limerick and Dublin; and in Edinburgh, Scotland. I'll be playing in another
tournament in Kona, Hawaii in January, and next summer tournaments are planned for London and Paris.
In the photo I am on the left and Bart Neckers, DDS is on the right. The photo
was taken in Kahului, on the island of Maui, Hawaii prior to our games against
the Maui teams in March 2012.
It occurred to me that a lot of local dentists have interesting hobbies and I'd like
to explore those interests in future issues of the 8th District Bulletin. So: please, I
ask any of you who are interested in sharing your outside interests with the
readers of the 8th District Bulletin to contact me at [email protected].
MY VIEW: (Published in the Buffalo News June 2, 2013)
My first memory of baseball is observing the game on television while visiting my grandfather in Indiana. He said he
was watching the Indianapolis Indians game. I was 4 or 5 years old. “Are they real Indians?” I asked. I knew a lot about
Cowboys and Indians, but nothing about baseball.
We moved to Syracuse when I was just turning 8, and all my new friends played baseball incessantly during the summer.
I had been wearing baseball pajamas to bed for the last three years, so I was ready to be a real player.
I was pretty bad at first. Most of us are. It’s not that easy to hit a baseball. Former Pirates great Willie Stargell explained
it well: “They give you a round bat and they throw you a round ball and they tell you to hit it square.”
Although I never was able to achieve my dream of being a professional player, I was good enough to pitch on semi-pro
(Continued on page 18)
Holiday, 2013
2013 Dr. Rick Fink Memorial Lecture
8th District Dental Society Fall All Day Seminar
Oral Cancer and Head & Neck Cancer Symposium
Symposium Moderators
Maureen Sullivan, DDS — Chief, Department of Dentistry & Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Thom Loree, MD — Director of Head and Neck, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at ECMC
The Role of HPV in Head and Neck Cancer: An Overview — Mary Reid, PhD
Clinical Presentation of Base of Tongue and Oral Pharyngeal Cancers — Lindsay Wachowiak, SLP, MA
Auto-fluorescent Diagnostics and Oral Cancer Surveillance — Jennifer Frustino, DDS, PhD
Timely Biopsy is Preferred Over Autopsy — Nestor Rigual, MD
Progression of Oral Cancer from Early to Late Stage after Invasive Dental Treatment — Nicole Hinchy, DDS
Dental Implications Involved in Head and Neck Treatment Modalities — Rachael Rossitto, DDS
Head and Neck Plastic Surgical Considerations and Oral Cancer — Mark S. Burke, MD
Clinical Presentations and Strategies for Drug Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws — Kathryn Korff, DDS
Samuel’s Grande Manor ~ 8750 Main St ~ Williamsville
Friday, December 6, 2013
with cocktail reception from 4-5PM (sponsored by Ivoclar Vivadent)
All attendees will be able to enter our Event Raffles - including a Kindle Paperwhite
All raffle proceeds to benefit the Dental Office at Good Neighbors Health Care Center
Call the Dental Society at 716-995-6300 to register.
Holiday, 2013
From the Editor: See Eye-to-Eye
(Continued from page 2)
Finally, the bonds formed in our dentist-patient
relationships provide the greatest satisfaction in the
practice of dentistry. Personally connecting with patients
will enhance these relationships and strengthen our
professional status in the face of commercial and political
pressures. Dentists should limit electronic communications
in dental practice to minor administrative tasks. In the
best interests of our patients and profession, take every
opportunity to “c i 2 i” with patients.
Dr. Philip Vullo
Winner of the iPad mini
(raffled by 8th District at the Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting)
Thank you to all who entered the raffle!
We raised $128 that went directly to the
Dental Office at Good Neighbors Health Care Center.
Please address any questions or comments to Chester J.
Gary, DDS, JD at [email protected].
Travaline MD, J, Ruchinskas PsyD, R, D’Alonzio, Jr DO, G.
Patient-Physician Communication:
Why and How JAOA,
Vol.105, No1, January 2005, p.13.
Stewart, J. The Danger of Texting: Crippled Conversation,
Travaline MD, J, Ruchinskas PsyD, R, D’Alonzio, Jr DO, G.
Patient-Physician Communication:
Why and How JAOA,
Vol.105, No1, January 2005, p.14
Holiday, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
9:30AM - 12Noon
Held at
Walsh Duffield office
801 Main St.
Buffalo, NY 14203
Light breakfast will be served
Santa Claus is sure to make an appearance with
gifts for all children in attendance
Please call the Dental Society to sign up your family!
This event is for 8th District Members and their families;
no staff members please!
Holiday, 2013
Executive Director’s Note
(Continued from page 5)
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) T he Departm ent of L abor’s (DOL) Employee
Benefits Security Administration (EBSA): This one sets the standards for employer sponsored retirement plans. It does
not however require that an employer actually establish one.9
There are a variety of other employee related laws, some state, some federal, that may apply to your place of business.
The difficulty lies in keeping up with them. Now you can of course stay up to date on your own. Then again, you may
choose to have your office manager take on the responsibility. A simpler and less time consuming solution though might
be to outsource your compliance needs. There are companies that, for a nominal fee, will perform an on-site audit and
provide you with a report which highlights areas that may need attention. They typically provide a variety of other
human resources related services as well. Expensive? Maybe a bit. However, compared to a fine or fines, maybe not so
much. Look at it as the cost of doing business!
Secretary of Labor. Statement by US Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on Wage and Hour Division’s increased enforcement and outreach
efforts. Nov 19, 2009. (accessed 11 5, 2013).
The Boston Globe. Fines jump for labor law violations in Mass. September 13, 2013. http://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2013/09/04/massinvestigators-report-jump-fines-penalties-for-labor-law-violations/g76j7nPwm26uSl1wUttaIK/story.html (accessed Oct 29, 2013).
NY State Dept of Labor. Leo Rosales. Nov 19, 2009. http://www.labor.state.ny.us/pressreleases/2009/November19_2009.htm (accessed Nov 5,
US Dept of Labor. Compliance Assistance - Wages and the FLSA. n.d. http://www.dol.gov/whd/flsa/ (accessed 10 29, 2013).
USCIS. I-9 Central Home. October 17, 2013.
60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=84c267ee5cb38210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD (accessed October 28, 2013).
Continuation of Health Coverage-COBRA. n.d. http://www.dol.gov/dol/topic/health-plans/cobra.htm (accessed 11 5, 2013).
US Dept of Labor. FMLA Frequently Asked Questions. n.d. http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/fmla-faqs.htm#1 (accessed Oct 29, 2013).
US Dept of Labor. USERRA. Unknown Unknown, . http://www.dol.gov/compliance/laws/comp-userra.htm (accessed October 28, 2013).
US Dept of Labor. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). n.d. http://www.dol.gov/compliance/laws/comp-erisa.htm
(accessed Nov 5, 2013).
Holiday, 2013
2013 Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting
This year’s Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting was September 25-27, at the
Buffalo Niagara Convention Center. The 8th District Business meeting,
on Thursday, September 26, 2013 featured Danny Gare as guest speaker.
ASDA/8th District/7th District Tailgate Party
The 8th District & 7th District Dental Society’s joined
UB ASDA at the September 15th tailgate party prior
to the Buffalo Bills football game. The 8th District
New Dentist Committee in part sponsored this event.
Holiday, 2013
2013 Oktoberfest
This year’s Oktoberfest was October
24th at the Buffalo Zoo Rainforest
Falls. The 8th District welcomed 90+
guests for this fun and exciting event.
Christopher Nowak
Winner of the iPad
Holiday, 2013
Town Square for Aging, Inc., Getzville NY
Kenneth A. Rogers, Project Facilitator
The Town Square for Aging, Inc. is requesting letters of interest from dental practices and dental practitioners in the 8 th
District with interest in opening a practice site within the Town Square for Aging (TSA or Town Square) in Getzville
NY. This would be a geriatric dentistry practice dedicated to the special oral health needs of primarily frail older adults
who are living in the community and would be a regular private practice leasing space within the Town Square building.
The TSA is open to solo practitioners, group practices, and not-for-profit organizations providing dental services.
The Town Square for Aging will be a services delivery network in a 38,000 square foot facility located on the Weinberg
Campus, and is expected to serve approximately 2,500 frail older adults living in their homes in the Town of Amherst
and environs. The building is currently being re-purposed for use by the TSA with strong support from area foundations
and individual donors. Opening in spring 2014, it is being created in response to new understanding of both the needs
and the capacities of frail older people. New tools—especially digital networks—have made it possible to break away
from old ideas of institutional care and mobilize and realign underlying resources to support frail older people living in
the community. The consortium of agencies and providers that established TSA, Inc. realize that working in each other’s
company, in the knowledge of each other’s business, and in the shared interest of seeing the best for the older adults we
serve, is the best way for everyone - service providers and clients alike.
The TSA is intended to make frail community living more sustainable and resilient by creating combinations among
aging programs and by extracting, engaging and adapting, converting and deploying underlying community resources,
rhythms and processes that we’ve already developed on behalf of the frail old.
Besides a geriatric medical practice, participants in developing the TSA include Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center,
Catholic Charities of Buffalo, Independent Health (representing the geriatric medical practice), Jewish Family Service of
Buffalo & Erie County, Legal Services for the Elderly, Lions Club of Amherst, Town Square Apothecary, Inc., Olmsted
(Continued on page 15)
Holiday, 2013
Senior Center Oral Cancer Screenings
(Continued from page 14)
Center for Sight, a beauty shop, and Weinberg Campus. In
addition there are other partner organizations actively
engaged in the planning including the Town of Amherst
Center for Senior Services. All participating organizations
sit on the board of the TSA, Inc.
The Town Square for Aging would like to host the first
geriatric specialized practice, perhaps starting as a parttime initiative of an existing dental practice or group of
practices that would like to work in conjunction with other
professions to expand the role of dentistry as a part of
overall health maintenance and independence for at-risk
older adults.
Letters of Interest
Letters of interest should be addressed to:
Kenneth A. Rogers, TSA Facilitator
560 Lafayette Ave.
Buffalo NY 14222-1335.
October 2, 2013
Dale Senior Center
Mr. Rogers can be reached at 716.881.0753.
All letters of interest will be accepted through
December 31, 2013.
Holiday, 2013
Local Study Club News
Erie County Dental Society Installation Dinner
Dr. Amy Rappold will be installed as 2014 President of the
Erie County Dental Society at The Buffalo Club on
Saturday, January 11, 2014 beginning at 6pm. The cost is
$125 per person.
The evening will include the installation of all 2014
officers; the presentation of the 2014 Frank Stone Award to
Dr. Charles Marchetta; and the presentation of 2014 Life
Memberships to Drs. Timothy Augustine, Gail Dreyer,
James Duval, Timothy Glor, Joseph Hyde, Thomas Kuhn,
Walter Neuhaus, Lawrence Taylor, and Gregory Woeppel.
Niagara County Dental Society Holiday Party
Just a reminder, this year’s Niagara County Dental Society
annual holiday party will be held on Tuesday, December
10th at the Niagara Falls Country Club at 6:30pm. Drs.
Glen Donnarumma, Steven Vukas, and Tara HalliwellKemp have graciously offered to sponsor all Niagara
County Members that attend. We would like to thank them
for such a generous offer.
To RSVP, please contact Cheryl at Dr. Orlando Marra’s
office at 716-284-5888.
Upcoming Study Club Meetings
Cattaraugus/Allegany County Dental Society
Simplified Approach to Non-Surgical Correction …
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Contact: Dr. Dominic Colarusso at 716-372-8017
Metropolitan Dental Study Club
Selective Nuts & Bolts of Implant Treatment Planning …
Tuesday, December 10, 2013 6PM
Contact: Sarah at [email protected]
WNY Dentral Group Study Club
DENTSPLY Hands-On Endo
Friday, January 24, 2014
Contact: Dr. Richard Lynch at 716-646-3912
Erie County Dental Society
Ski Day & CE Program
Friday, January 31, 2014
Contact: Society Office at 716-995-6300
Erie County Dental Society
CPR/Basic Life Support
Monday, February 3, 2014
Contact: Society Office at 716-995-6300
Check the following websites for Study Club meetings:
Holiday, 2013
The Erie County Dental Society held an All
Day Seminar on October 25, 2013, featuring
Dr. John Gatti presenting “New Dimensions
in Endodontics” to approximately 45
attendees at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens.
2nd Annual
8th District/UB Dental CE Program
Friday, April 11, 2014
9am - 3pm
University at Buffalo/South Campus
Allen Hall
Speaker/Topic/Fees are still to be determined
Watch for more information & official brochure
Holiday, 2013
Member Profile Highlight: Dr. David Weinman
(Continued from page 7)
teams in the Syracuse area. Later, when I moved to Buffalo for dental school, I played in our Buffalo MUNY AAA
league. When I was 27, I began to develop arm trouble. It was time to switch to softball and I became an outfielder.
I’ve played softball every summer since. Even the summer my right hip went bad, eight years ago. I was lucky enough to
have a high-tech hip replacement that has allowed me to continue to play. Now that our two daughters are grown, I have
been able to extend this old passion of mine a bit longer. A few years ago, I learned about a group that travels all over
the world organizing softball tournaments for people 50-plus years old.
When I first saw the email regarding tournaments to be held in Madrid and Barcelona, Spain, I thought there was no way
my wife, Mindy, would want to go. It would mean closing our dental practice for two consecutive weeks, something we
had never done. We didn’t know anyone involved or how it would be run. To my surprise, Mindy was interested.
Soon, I received my uniform in the mail - dark blue with a red “USA” across the chest and on the hat. I was assigned to
one of the two squads of guys from around the United States and we scrimmaged at the old Olympic baseball stadium in
Madrid. It reminded me of the former Rockpile here in Buffalo. We played our tournament at a different location, which
had two beautiful, new artificial turf softball fields. The Madrid teams were primarily young men and a couple of young
women. Few spoke English, but our team’s translator, Kiko, helped a lot.
After a week in Madrid, we took an eight-hour bus ride to Barcelona. We once again scrimmaged in an Olympic baseball
stadium, this one from 1992. It was a beautiful stadium, with a perfect real-grass field, the way baseball should be. Later
that week, we played teams from Barcelona and Germany. We learned there were quite a few native Cubans on one of
the teams, the “Industriales,” and again, they were all much younger than 50. Those guys gave us our closest game, but
we Americans, old as we were, left Spain undefeated and with lots of new friends. I was named “best defensive player,”
a real thrill since it was my first trip.
Since then, I’ve played twice in tournaments in Hawaii and our next venture will be tournaments in Ireland and Scotland
this summer. I love the game, there’s no doubt about that. But the best part, and you only learn this later, is the friends
you make along the way.
Holiday, 2013
Eighth District Service Corporation: Endorsed Vendors
The Eighth District endorses the following products and services to our members. Please remember that when buying services or goods from
any of our endorsed vendors, in order to receive any negotiated discount pricing, you must let them know (prior to contracting services and/or
making a purchase) that you are an Eighth District member. Also, this helps the Service Corp., working with the various vendors, to track
member utilization. That information aids the Service Corporation in determining whether a particular vendor’s endorsement agreement
should be renewed for the next year.
Amalgam Separators:
SolmeteX thru Recycledent
Contact: Bonnie Meagher
(716) 957-0798
Handpiece Repair/In Office Services:
Dental Dynamics, Inc.
Contact: Peter Atkinson
(716) 685-9200/(800) 640-5524
Banking Services:
Summit Federal Credit Union
Contact: Dennis O’Leary
(800) 836-7328 x8705
Investment Management/Retirement Planning:
Altfest Personal Wealth Management
Contact: Walter Primoff
(212) 406-0850
Carpet Cleaning:
Carpet Care Services
Contact: Donna Scalfaro
(716) 706-0003
Payroll Service:
Contact: Laura Bernardoni
(716) 308-3474
Computer Network Solutions:
MVP Network Consulting
Contact: Kevin Kirby
(716) 362-7586
Secure Document Destruction:
Contact: James Kelly
(716) 626-1209
Credit Card Acceptance:
Retriever Systems
Contact: Andrea Lerman
(800) 337-3630 x2017
Waste Management:
BioServ Inc.
Contact: Richard Ragaini
(800) 378-8824
Direct Dependable Service
Contact: Bill Seaman Jr.
(716) 828-2203
Water Purification & Treatment:
WaterCure USA
Contact: Lance Orton
(716) 912-9939/(888) 456-9939
Bank of America Practice Solutions
Contact: Chad Widensky
(646) 265-3004
Malpractice & Other Insurance - Fortress Insurance thru Walsh Duffield
Contact: Bob Sauda & Tom Feidt
(716) 649-4174
Medical Insurance - Walsh Duffield
Contact: Victoria Weise
(716) 362-7366
Holiday, 2013
Dr. Judith D. Lampasso passed away on September
19, 2013 at the age of 52. Dr. Lampasso was the beloved
wife of 24 years to James Lampasso, MD. Dr. Lampasso
was an Active Member of the 8th District Dental Society,
New York State Dental Association, and the American
Dental Association. She practiced orthodontics in East
Amherst, NY.
Dr. Paul H. Will passed away on October 13, 2013 at
the age of 80. He was the beloved husband of Carol M.
(nee Glasser); loving father of Lynn Clark, Wendy
(Thomas) Rollek and the late Paul Jr. (Lois) Will; loving
grandfather of seven grandchildren and one greatgrandchild.
Members We Lost in 2013
Dr. A Alexander Drapanas: J anuar y 7, 2013
Dr. Robert E. Ebinger: Januar y 9, 2013
Dr. Joseph L. Warthling: J anuar y 25, 2013
Dr. David Krutchick: Mar ch 15, 2013
Dr. James C. Kenrick: Apr il 8, 2013
Dr. Harvey D. Sprowl: Apr il 27, 2013
Dr. Raymond M. Gibbons, Jr.: J une 14, 2013
Dr. Judith D. Lampasso: September 19, 2013
Dr. Paul H. Will: October 13, 2013
The Eighth District Dental Society has contracted with a
new credit card processing vendor. As part of the change,
we will no longer be accepting American Express. We
will however continue to accept Visa and MasterCard.
And as always, payments for CE and events may be made
by cash or check.
Holiday, 2013
Dental Donations
Contributions have been made to the Eighth District
Dental Foundation for the following:
In Memory of Dr. Paul Will
By: Walsh Duffield Companies
Assistance for Dependencies Available
The Council of Chemical Dependencies is in existence to
help colleagues, staff or families who may have a problem
with alcohol or other substance abuse. All inquiries are
kept strictly CONFIDENTIAL and will be acted upon in a
non-punitive, non-judgmental and caring way. If you
think you or someone you know has a problem, please
call our State Chairperson, Dr. Bob Herzog (716-5652160) or the Eighth District Chairperson, Dr. Amy Bryan
(716-433-7684) night or day.
Tax deductible contributions may be made anonymously, as a
memorial, or on behalf of an individual dental professional/donor by
sending checks payable to:
Eighth District Dental Foundation
3831 Harlem Road
Buffalo, NY 14215
The Eighth District Dental Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization, and is a tax exempt arm of the Eighth District Dental
Society. The management of its affairs is the responsibility of the
Board of Directors; Andrew L. MacDonald, DDS, President; David R.
Bonnevie, DDS, Treasurer.
To Our Endorsed Vendors and Sponsors
The Eighth District would like to thank you for your
support throughout this past year. You play a major
role in our effort to provide the best possible level of
member benefits and aid us greatly in our recruiting
efforts. We look forward to working with you in 2014!
Holiday, 2013
Eighth District Mentor Program
Mentors Needed for 2014!
The third year of our student mentoring program begins in February of 2014. For 2013, we had 58 mentors and 58
students. For those that aren’t entirely familiar with the program, a summary is available on our website at
If you wish to participate in the 2014 program, please contact the Eighth District office no later than December 20 th.
The 2013 Mentor Program held its final
meeting on November 13, 2013. Mentors
and mentees enjoyed the final group meeting.
Holiday, 2013
Classified Ads
Professional Services
Attorney at Law - Admitted in New York and Florida, licensed
dentist, practice concentrated in matters related to health care
practice. Chester J. Gary, The Williamsville Law Center Building,
17 Beresford Court, Williamsville, NY 14221. Call 716-565-2000.
Since 1981 – Jim Kasper Associates, LLC – Practice Sales and
Appraisals of professional practices. We have several excellent
general practices for sale in Western New York, Buffalo suburbs
and Rochester areas. Our Western New York representative is Dr.
Joe Breloff. If you are interested in exploring your transition
options, please contact us. All inquiries are confidential. Call
603-355-2260 or visit www.JimKasper.com.
Property For Sale
Dental Office for Sale (or lease): Clar ence/Williamsville on
Sheridan Dr, 1322 sq ft, 3 operatories, 1 post-op. Current occupant
relocating. If interested, call Dr. Joe Breloff at 716-417-3704
Employment Opportunities
General Dentist (Williamsville) looking for associate Dentist
for 1-2 days/week. Office is updated, digital, and has N2O. Call
Don Tucker DDS, 716-908-7280.
Dental Director
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine
Community Oral Health Center
The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine invites
applications for a full-time Dental Director - Clinical Assistant
or Associate Professor (HS), of a newly created Community
Oral Health Center located in the Erie County Health Mall
(ECHM) in Buffalo, NY. The ECHM is an exciting opportunity
that goes well beyond a traditional Oral Health Center, offering
active collaborations with Catholic Health Services, Lake Shore
Behavioral Health Services, Mid-Erie Counseling Services, Erie
County Department of Health, and the UB School of Public
Health. ECHM collaboration goals include developing a virtual
health home, inter-professional education, joint patient education
initiatives, public health research, etc. The Director will lead the
clinic, supervise staff and patient treatment by dental students,
evaluate students, and coordinate administrative responsibilities
with the SDM management team.
The Director will also teach in the SDM pre-doctoral clinic at
A DDS or DMD equivalent degree and eligibility for NYS
licensure is required. GPR, AEGD or other advanced program
certification; a minimum of five years experience in community
or public health dentistry and/or experience teaching/supervising
dental students/residents is preferred. Rank and salary will be
commensurate with qualifications/experience.
Apply on-line at: www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/applicants/Central?
The University at Buffalo is an EEO/AA Employer.
Holiday, 2013
Buffalo, N.Y. 14240
Permit No. 1238