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Sample file - Unlock the Past
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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) but is not FASTFIND enabled Victoria Police Gazette 1894 Ref. AU7103-1894 ISBN: 978 1 921371 76 9 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by Griffith University Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD • This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. 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This is just one of over 500 Australian and New Zealand products and approximately 3000 internationally from the international Archive CD Books project Click on this box for the full online catalogue FREE download samplers available for most Australian and New Zealand products Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available in digital form, and to co-operate with family and local history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to digitise their collections in return for other benefits. Copyright © 2007 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved I NDEX TO THE VICTORIAPOLICE GAZETTE. FOR THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH, 1894. A. Absconders from industrial schoolsKinghorn , John, 55 Boddacker, Wm., 5,13 Bond, Lizzie, 19, 28 Lawrence , Emily, 13, 46 Liptrott , Chas., 19 Brown, Arthur, 19, 27 Lynch , John, 83 Brown, John Arthur, 69 Cain, Florence, 46 Lyons, Richard, 27, 47 Meagher , Wm., 88 Clark, Thomas, 62 Murphy, George Alfred, 54, Conway, James, 33 62 Cook, Bertram, 33 McDonagh, Edward, 19, 55 Dowdle, Harold, 40 McKay , Oliver George, 69 Ellory, Albert, 77 McLean, Finley, 62 Foley, John, 5, 13 Foley, John, 19, 76 McLeish , Robert, 88 Gordon, Edward, 77, 84 McLoughlin , Patrick, 77, 84 Parker , Emily, 13 Hamilton, Victor, 62 Harvey, Thos., 6 Pennar , Herman, 40, 47 Harvey, Thomas, 19, 27 Phillip, George, 18 Preston, Arthur, 63, 77 Hawthorne, Walter, 54, 62 Henderson, Allen, 76 Reardon , John, 84 Rickard , David, 19 Hemmingway, Ernest, 40 Homer, Emily, 13, 19 Robertson , Walter John, 47 Huddlestone, Philip, 55, 63 Rowlands , Wm., 33 Jenkins, George William, 54, Spence, Agnes, 40 62 Smith, Les li e Jas., 27 Jessop, Walter, 40 Smith, Leslie James, 46 Summers , Alice, 55 Job, Edward, 47, 69 Tucker, Samuel, 76 Jones, Louis, 19, 27, 33, 83 Wennel, Thomas, 54 Jones, Henry, 62 Kiernan, F., 19 Abbott, Wm . H., embezzlement on, 44 Abbott, George, commitment, 62 Adams, J. S., larceny as a bailee on, 7 Aiken, Robert Jackso n, larceny as a bailee, 29 Albrecht, Herman, larceny as a bailee on, 50 Aldridge, John, commitment, 18 Allan, Thos. H., false pretences on, 21 Allardyce, Robert, larceny as a bailee, 71, 85 Allen, Harriet , indecent assault on, 69 Analysts, 39, 53, 69 Anderson, Abraham, larceny as a bailee, 30 Anderson, George, forgery, 85 Arblaster, Amos, found at night unlawfully on premises, 62 Armstrong, Robt., commitment, 5 Arthur, John, larceny as a bailee on, 66, 71 Arnall and Jackson, forgery and uttering on, 35 Ashoo, -, illegal purchase of hawker 's licence, 84 Atcherley and Dawson, embezzlement, 15 Auctioneers' Ausperito, licences Antonio, , 25, 53, 76 commitment, 62 Avent, Ernest, disobeying an order of the Richmond 69 Ah Ching, assault on, 40, 47 AliLoon, commitment, 19 B. Baccino, Carico , commitment, 84, 88 Bailee, E., false pretences, 8, 57 Baker, Charles, assault, 40 Bandy, Henry, commitment, 84 Banks, Clement, commitment, 84 Barbour, Chas., deserting apprenticeship, 5, 13 Bark, Lucy, vagrancy, 12, 19 Barlow, James, false pretences on, 66 Bates, John, commitment, 77 Beck, Geo., larceny as a bailee, 50 Bennetts, Edwd. E., false pretences on, 22 Bennett, James, alias Semple, commitment, 40 Berg, Martin, larceny as a bailee on, 80, 85 Bernal, Hannah , vagrancy, 27, 32 Bieske, Herman , false pretences on, 22 Index - Quarter ending March.-A. bench, 40, Bird, -, larceny, 57 Blair, Edmund, assault on, 69 Blamey , Sydney, embezzlement, 72 Bligh, Mary Ann, false pretences, 15 Blouse, Thos., commitment, 6, 47 Bolger, Frank Leear, vagrancy, 32 Bongiorno, Joseph, embezzlement on, 72 Bourke , Edwd., escaped lunatic, 69 Bowen, Fred. W., larceny as a bailee, 35 Bowtell, Chas. W., false pretences on, 57 Bradly, Daniel, false pretences, 15 Brath, John, assault, 88 Broadhurst, Arthur, alias Dubo, vagrancy, 33, 46 Brown, -, insulting behaviour, 77 Brown, Geo., larceny as a bailee, 71 Brown, Isaac, commitment, 77 Brown, Joseph, unlawfully wounding on, 69 Brown, Thomas, alias Wingey, vagrancy, 33 Brown, Wm., commitment, 5 Bunsell, Amy, obscene exposure to, 88 Burials in certain cemeteries to be discontinued, 25 Burns, John, vagrancy, 62 Burton, John, escaped lunatic, 5 Burton , Walter , alias Barton , embezzlement, 30 Byford, Thos. F., vagrancy, 62, 83 C. Cadawalder , Elizabeth , false pretences on, 57 Caldwell, John, commitment, 47 Callender, Constable, assault on, 27 Carroll, John, larceny on, 72 Casey, Thos., commitment, 19 Catney, Phelix, wilful damage to property of, 33 Chalmers , Ernest, forgery and uttering on, 7, 22 Chapman, Andrew, larceny as a bailee on, 71 Ch4aapman, Walter, disobeying an order of the Richmond bench, Chehab, Alek, assault, 63 Chief inspector of factories, 25 Children abandonedFemale child found at St. Patrick's college, 3 Male child found on the Orrong-road, 3 Male child found at the back gate of Mr. W. Leonard, Boundary-road, Malvern, 33, 38 Male child found in Mahoney-street, Fitzroy, 38, 60 Male child found at salvation army home, Brunswick, 52 Chinese act, notices, 83 Clarke, Geo. W. F., larceny, 30, 43 Cleary, James, larceny on, 36, 49 Clerks of petty sessions, notices to, 46, 53, 76 Clifford, James, using obscene language, 54 Cocking, Thos., commitment, 47 Coffey, James, larceny as a bailee, 35 Cohen, Chas., false pretences, 15 Cole, Alfred, alias Rats, rogue and vagabond, 19, 27 Coleman, James, commitment, 32 Coleraine town common diminished, 4 Collins , Jas., false pretences on, 44 Conder, Arthur, commitment, 18 Conveyance of children committed to the reformatory schools, 61 Corry, John, commitment, 27 Copeland, Thos., forgery, 85 Coulter, Thos., embezzlement, 66 Court of general sessions at Echuca, time altered, 39 Courts of petty sessions altered, 5, 39 Craig, A., false pretences on, 50, 57 Crilly, James, assault on, 88 Crosby, Jane, larceny as a bailee on, 15, 29 Crown lands, cutting timber on, 4, 24 Culkin, Martin Wm., assault, 19 Cunningham, Jane, selling liquor without a licence, 77, 83 Curran, W. B., larceny by a trick on, 66 Currie, Anthony, commitment, 63 2 VICTORIA POLICE D. Daniels, Thos., larceny as a bailee, 22 Dann, Elizabeth, vagrancy, 63, 69 Dass, Ram, larceny as a bailee on, 7, 21 Davis, Albert Ernest, larceny, 8 Davis, D. G., false pretences, 57 Davis, John, commitment, 69 Davis, W. J., larceny as a bailee on, 29 Day, William, larceny on, 50 Deitrich, Edwin M., false pretences on, 57 Deserters from H.M. serviceCowell, Samuel, 13 Eatwdll, Frank, 41 Gay, Robert, 13 Halifax, Chas., 89 Hill, Archibald, 13 Hynes, Geo. F., 13 Jones, Robert, 13 Kelly, Michael, 64 King, Aaron, 56 Peek, George, 13 Thompson, John Jas., 63 Wareham, Wm. John, 56 Yarwood, John, 63 Deserters of wives, &c.Anderson, Jas., 24 King, Wm., 83 Annison, Fredk. H., 88 Matthews, Wm. John, 46, 53 Banks, Mitchell, 52, 83 Miller, Alfred, 61 Banks, Thos., 46 Morgan, James, 18 Barrie, Thos., 74 Morris, John H., 32 Bastow, William, 18 McDonald, John, 24 Beresford, Fredk. Herbert, 74 McMahon, John Thos., 61, 88 Black, Wm. Ed., 61 McMaster, Thos., 68 Blacklock, John, 61 Napier, Charles Alexander, Blackmon, Alfred, 10 52, 61 Breine , Alex., 68 Naylor, Samuel, 74 Brooks, Geo., 18 Nelson, Albert, 68 Nicol, Henry Arthur, 61 Castle, Ernest, 68 Cheslyn, Chas. Langley, 68 Palethorpe, Wm., 32 Chew, John Hibbert, 3, 18 Clohesy, Austin, 10 Phair, Wm., 24 Prebble, Edward Wm., 24 Davis, Edwin Samuel, 53 Davis, George, 38, 46 Rowan, William, 52 Edwards, Robert, 60 Ryder, William, 38 Scarlett Percy, 18 Eliot, John, 74 Fletcher, Frederick, 61 Shepherd, George Alexander, Foss, Wm., 3 Shiells, Daniel, 24 Grant, John A. McKay, 88 Grant, Robert Alex., 74, 83 Slater, W. H. G., 3, 32 Grebbin, John A., 32 Smith, Henry, 46, 68, 83 Grosvenor, James, 52 Stephens, Percy Edward, 32 Tremewan, William, alias Hallett, Harry, 88 Hambrook, Geo., 18 Rogers, 18 Hill, Frederick, 74 Urquhart, John, 39, 61 Weir, Thos. John, 3 Hives, Geo., 38 Wilkinson, Wm. F., 18, 38 Hodgson, Henry, 24 Williams, Thos., 74, 83 Howard, Jas., 32 Hubbard, William Henry, 52 Wilson, George, 18 John, 27 Jennings, Ernest Edward, 46, Worthington, Young, Edward, 32, 46 52 Younghusband, Nathaniel, Keegan, Jas. Henry, 38 M., 38 Kennedy, Wm., 52, 61 Dever, Arthur, commitment, 55 Dillon, Michael, false pretences, 66 Dimmick, Alfred, larceny as a servant, 91 Doherty, John, larceny as a bailee on, 85 Doyle, William, commitment, 19 Driscoll, John, escaped lunatic, 40, 63 Dunn, Louisa, idle and disorderly, 27, 32 Du Ve, Chas. J., false pretences on, 21, 29 Ferman, William, 38 4 E. Eder, Thos., embezzlement on, 29 Edmunds, Percy, embezzlement, 44 Edwards, Chas., illegally on premises of, 83 Ellis, Ben. A., false pretences, 29, 35 Enault, Joseph, vagrancy, 62, 69 Evans, Geo., disobeying a summons, 83 F. Farmer, Jessie Matilda, vagrancy, 47 Farmer, John, commitment, 63 Field, Henry, unlawful wounding, 69 Fishing in Lake Tyers, 40 Fishing boundaries in Port Fairy and the river Moyne, 12, 62 Fitzberger, Annie, vagrancy, 69 Fletcher, Frederick, commitment, 61, 88 false pretences, 22 Ford, Herbert, vagrancy, 69 Foy and Gibson, false pretences on, 15 Francis, Edward, larceny as a bailee, 7 Fraser, George and Margaret, larceny as a bailee on, 85 Free gardeners' lodge, embezzlement on, 44, 50 French, Ben., forgery, 7, 66 French, Ernest, commitment, 88 Foley, Patrick, G. Gale, W. H., embezzlement on, 29 Gay, Peter, commitment, 69 Gannon, Frederick, commitment, 63 Geffert, Jas. Paul, larceny on, 7, 15 Geffert, Mary, larceny, 7, 15 Gell, Joseph, false pretences on, 43 Gessner , John, false pretences, 21 Ghee, John, false pretences, 7, 44 Gibam, Walter, assault, 27 Gibbs, J. B., larceny as a bailee, 15, 29 Gibbs, James Burgess, commitment, 27 Gilbert, Charles, wilful trespass, 19 Gillies, Finning, disobeying a maintenance order, 40 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1894. Glennon, John, commitment, 19 Godfrey, Raish, commitment, 12 Graham, Geo., uttering a forged cheque, 7 Wm. Porter Floyd, disobeying an order of maintenance, Gray, 27 Greany, William, using insulting words, 84 Greatorix and Quinlan, larceny on, 15 Greig, Wm., larceny as a bailee on, 80 Griffin, Thos., larceny as a bailee on, 29 Griffith, Mary Alice, idle and disorderly, 27 Grogan, John, commitment, 40, 54 Gun, James, riotous behaviour, 32 Gunstone, Wm. H., false registration of death, 49 H. Halfey, Percy, illegally on premises of, 83 Hammond, Alice, false pretences on, 71 Hanrahan, Andrew, commitment, 62 Hart, Catherine, larceny as a bailee on, 8 Hart, John, larceny, 7, 15 Hart, S. H., alias Kann; alias Doscher, Hershman, alias Oppenheimer, absconding Hassett, Patk., commitment, 13, 27 alias Cann, banker, 22 alias Hassel, Delia, commitment, 77 Haworth, Harold, embezzlement, 15 Hayes, Jeremiah, larceny, 36, 49 Hayward, Charles, larceny as a bailee, 80 Health act notices, 18, 69, 83 Health officers, 12, 25, 39, 53, 69, 83 Hemsley, Martha, attempt to murder, 9 Hesenmeyer, Marion, larceny as a bailee on, 57 Highland, Henry, false pretences, 35, 44 Highway robbery, arrested forCampbell, Henry, 35 Dugdell, Wm. Jas., 43 Garrott, Samuel, 73 Gerber, Thos., 21 Germain, Harry, 15 O'Connor, Martin, 43 O'Neill, Friday, 67 Paul, Michael, 49 Warren, Thos., 71 Whelan, James, 43 Wile, E., 51 Williams, Jas., 71 Williams, Robt., 71 Wright, Geo. Thos., 71 Highway robbery, charged withBoy, name unknown, larceny on Geo. Rhodes, 71 Briggs, Frederick, alias Bull Briggs, 29 Hawke, Richard, 29 Hunter, Alexr., 71 Man, name unknown, robbery on Wm. Tetley, 43 O'Neill, Friday, 43 Paul, Michael, 43 Two men, assault and robbery on John McDonald, 85 Two men, robbing Josephine Woods, 43 Two men, robbing Powell Andrews, 7 Watson, -, 21 Wile, Ernest, 49 Highway robbery committed Ah Moy, 51 Allison, Chas, 73 Armstrong, Wm., 45 Barge, Wm. Henry, 67 Bourke, Winnifred, 2 Boyd, John, 73 Brady, John, 2 Bramah, James, 73 Brown, Lindsay, 2 Brown, Jas., 17 Bulch, T. E., 87 Burrell, David, 2, 9 Butler, Herbert, 31 Camille, Carosin, 2 Casey, Wm. Henry, 9 Clarke, Phillip, 17 Colhoun, Grace, 73 Crowley, John, 15, 29 Dean, James, 9 Dougall, Joseph, 51 Downey, Matilda, 2 Duggan, Daniel, 31 Durrant , Albert, 51, 67 Dyer, F. F., 9 Fahey, Michael, 59 Frazer , Donald, 31 Fullarton, Daniel, 59 Gibson, John, 81 Hamilton, John, 81 Harris, David, 81 Hassan, Ali, 43, 49 Henrickson, Chas., 81 Hermen, Chas. L., 31 Ruddy, John, 73 Hunter, Alex., 71, 73 Humphreys, William, 51 Irwin, Jas., 23 Keleher, Wm., 81 Kiley, James, 2 Laing, Geo., 73 Langtrey, John, 37 Latham, Basil L., 59 Leach, John, 81 Leatch, Thomas, 43 Lyons, Teresa, 43, 57' Mahon, Thomas, 31, 37 Manson, David Thos., 87 Marckwald, Max, 49, 51 Markham, John, 23, 32 Marshall, John, 17 Michael, Fannie, 37 Molloy, James, 37 Moore, Thompson, 2 Murray, Wm., 2 McAllister, James W., 51 McDonald, John, 85 McDonald, Patrick, 85 McGhie, Margt., 9 McKinley, Chas., 87 McLean, Wm., 51 McMahon, Ponsonby, 31 McMillan, Jas., 51 Nichols, Mary, 31, 37 Poore, George, 59 Powell, Andrews, 7 Puddefoot, Wm. Thos., 9 Reardon, David, 2 Regan, Jeremiah, 51 Rhodes, Geo., 71 Roberts, Albert, 17 Rochfort, Lawrence S., 67 Ryan, K ate, 9 Scanlan, Patrick, 59 Scanlon , Thos., 21 Seabrook, Chas., 2 Sexton, John, 81 Shanahan, John, 45 Smith, Walter, 9 Souden, Emma, 15 Staf, Charles, 21 Steel, Samuel, 23 Stewart, John Campbell, 59 Stuckey, Mrs., 87 Sullivan, Patrick, 67 Taylor, Alexander, 45 Tetley, William, 43 Todd, Ulrick, 9 Turner, James, 81, 87 Walker, Arthur F., 87 Wall, Emma, 2 Were, Mrs. J. B., 31 White, Charles, 51 White, Thos., 31 Whitehead, Jane Eliz., 9 Williams, Henry Hampton, 31, 45 Woods, Josephine, 43 Wyburn, Mrs. Frank, 9 on- Hindmarsh, Wm., false pretences, 21, 57 Hill, Wtn., false pretences, 8, 57 Hobart coffee palace co. ltd., embezzlement on, 66 1894.] VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.-INDEX. 3 Horses and cattle stolen from-continuedWarner, Joshua W., 33, 77 Williams, David, 40, 47 Hooper, John H., false pretences, 22 W 7 mouth, Percy Coleridge, Williams, W. S., 55 Hopkins, Chas., commitment, 5 Wilson, Sarah J., 41 Webb, Albert, 20 Wilson and Lucas, 55 Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingWegner, H., 20, 70 Winter, John, 47 Campbell, Robert, 72 Rowe, Frederick, 66 Weinsberg, Samuel, 84 Woolcott, B. R., 6 Ketty, John, 8 Stephens, Frederick,' .15 Wilkinson, George W., 55, 63 Yols, Samuel, 89 McGuire, Jas., 77 Willey, Thos., 6 Horses and cattle, charged with stealingHousebreaking, arrested forCampbell, Robert, 57 Stephens , Frederick, 8 Ah Lin, 43 Myers, Rudolph, 7 Cameron, James, 49 Nauman, Amanda, 71 Horses and cattle stolen fromChinese Jimmy, 71 Roulard, -, 71 Hession, Martin, 6, 40 Alexander, Robt., 6, 19 Edwards, William, 55 Ryan, Nellie, 17 Allen, George, 63 Higgins, Thos. 28 Gore, William, 57 Ryan, Polly, 43 Allgood, Joseph, 84, 89 Hills, George Harold, 41 Hassell, Delia, 79 Stewart, Henry, 65 Holinshaw , Jas., 77 Anson, Jos., 6 Hansling, Otto, 81 Vickery, Edward, 85 Anderson, Wm., 20 Hope, Messrs . J. and G. R., Watson, Charles, 65 Hutchinson, Phoebe, 71 Argent, Fredk. Thos., 6 6, 13 Wilson, Alfred, 79 Jones, Nellie, 35 Horneman , John, 33 Atkins, Charles, 40 Loong Sun Wing, 17 Ayrey, Charles, 63 Hoyne, Rev. Father, 70 Housebreaking, charged withBailey, Richard, 33, 40 Hudson , Thos., 70 Balchin, Jas., 6 Hunt, Walter, 84 Barry, Jas., 7 Miles, Fanny, 57 Baldassari, J. B., 28 Hunter , John, 41, 84 Brown, -, 49 Morris, Thos., 79 i Ballarat water commissioners, Hutcheson , John, 28, 70 McGuiness, Geo., 65 Brown, Catherine, 65 28 Irwin, Thomas, 55 Nolan, Sam., 29 Cameron, James, 35 Bannister, John, and sons, 84, Jackson , J. B., and sons, 6 Peace, Annie, 79 Creswelle, J., 57 Johnston , Hugh C., 84 89 Peterson, Sigvard, 7 Doyle, James, 21 Baynes, John, 89 Johnstone , Isaac, 89 Duce, Annie, alias Marshall, Rogan, Jas., 65 Kay, J. P., 89 Bazeley, Samuel J., 13 Roulard, -, 66 Beach, Richd. W., 20 Kelly, J. J., 70 George, -, 49 Ryan, Polly, 29 Keogh, John, 84 Bean, Josiah, 55 Smith, -, 49 Guiseppi, Patani, 79 Kirchner , F. H., 55 Beasley, James, 41, 57, 66 Hutchinson, Phoebe, 65 Smith, J., 35 Knaggs , T. A., 89 Bell, Alexander, 55 Jones, John, 7 Spengel, Oscar, 15, 21 Larkin, Geo., 55 Bell, Chas., 47 Three men, names unknown, King, Frank, 49 Lawrie, Agnes, 6 Bennett, John, 20 Man, name unknown, for for burglary on D. J. ThompLawrence , Edwd., 70, 84 Bentick, George, 20, 40 housebreaking on Augusta son, 21 Leach , Thomas, 28 Berry, Edwd., 89 Watson, -, 91 Meyer, 21 Lewis, Thomas, 63, 77 Berry, Sarah, 20 Williams, F., 65 Man, name unknown, houseLeydon, John, 40 Bidstrup, Neills, 84 Woman, for larceny on Peter breaking on C. Cook, 35 Lockett, Howard, 47, 63 Bilton, Joseph, 63 Man, name unknown, robbery Burn, 29 Long , Henry, 40 Bogan, John, 19 of H. W. Maynard, 65 Lowe, John, 70,77 Boota Singh, 84 Housebreaking committed on-Lucas and Wilson, 55 Bourke, P. J., 70, 84 Fell, Joseph, 9, 17 Allwood, Mary, 7 Lyne , Thomas, 33 Bradford, Herbert, 89 Finlayson, John, 65 Andrews, Lomer, 24 Maddison , George, 47 Bradley, John, 89 Finkelstein, Harriet, 17 Ashton, Francis John, 37 Mamiel, Henry D., 19 Briggs Bros., 55 Fisher, Solomon, 10 Ah Chung, 82 Millett, Geo., 13 Britt, Percy, 33, 40 Flavey, Daniel, 91 Ah Loon, 43 Millett , Jas. H., 77 Bruggy, Patrick, 33 Garland, Jean, 82 Chinaman Jimmy, 32 Mitchell, Robt., 28 Burley, Edward, 13 Garside, Henry, 38 Chinaman Singapore, 32 Montgomerie, John, 40 Cahill, Patk., 13 Lee Chee, 87 Gayle, Chas. W., 59 Moore , Mary, 8, 13 Caldwell, John T., 33, 47 Baird, James, 31 Gibbs, Edward, 82 Moran, Alfred, 41 Cameron, Malcolm, 6 Glassett, Walter, 82 Barclay, Wm., 51 Munro , Margaret, 63 Campbell, David, 13 Barnard, Francis G. A., 65 Green, Chas., 21 Cerutty, Richard Wm., 33, 77 Murch , George, 63 Barrett, John G., 23 Green, John, 17 Murphy bros., 77 Chandler, John S., 47 Bennett, Geo., 88 Greenwood, John, 17 Murphy , Mrs., 28 Clarke, Kate, 47 Grimwood, Thos., 15, 21 Blake, Alexander, 2 McColl , John, 70, 84 Cleave, Wm. John, 33, 40 Guild, David, 60 Blake, Thos. S., 10 McDermott , Hugh, 6 Craig, Robert, 70 Hall, Grace, 59, 68, 79 Blakeman, Wm., 52 McDonald, Mary Ann, 13, 33 Crawford, Charles, 63, 89 Hampton, Henry, 3 Boane, Lizzie, 74 McFadyn, D., 77 Crowley, Jas., 89 Hansen, Chas., 82 Bohl, Mary, 3 McGeoghwan , Patrick, 55, 70 Cobain, John, 89 Harper, Elizabeth, 66 Bool, Henry, 87 McGuan, Jas ., 28, 63 Cocksedge, F. J., 20, 40 Harris, Wm., 24 Bradley, Frank, 17 McInerney, Michael, 63 Coldwell, James, 77 Hawkeswood, William, 51 Bray, James, 24 McKean, Jas., 66 Collier, Thomas, 33, 40 Healy, Wm., 52 Britton, Henry, 57 McKeand, Alfd., 84 Cooper, Thos. W., 77 Henderson, David Wm., 32 McNamara, Patrick, 63 Brumley, John W., 37, 45 Corbett, Win., 20, 47 Herberte, Henry J., 10 Brunissi, Thos., 2 McPherson , Jas. D., 77 Costello, Jane, 55 Higgs, Jacob, 59 Burger, Louis, 3 Nash , Albert, 55 Costelloe, Rev. J. P., 6 Hopton, Thomas, 52 Burman, Israel, 17 Newman , Richd ., 28, 33 Coughlin, John, 70 Hutchinson, David, 67 Burn, Peter, 24 O'Brien, Wan., 20 Dale, John Dunn, 19 Hutchinson, Thomas, 49 Olive , William, 47 Burnie, Pellam, 81 Delaney, Cornelius, 6, 33 Hyams, Misses, 82 Cadden, Chas., 67 Peoples , Robert, 13, 47, 55 Dennant, J., 47, 55 Isaacson, Michael, 2 Perridge , Thos., 6 Carter, Crisp H., 87 Deverall, Patrick, 47 Irving, M. H., 65 Plant, Henry, 28 Cassels, Robert, 51 Devlin, Joseph Patrick, 89 Jackson, Arthur, 17 Potter , the Rev . Hunter, 63, Charles, Thos., 74 Down, T. J. B., 20, 28 James, Chas., 9 Cheetham, Joseph, 82 Downes, Thos., 13 77 Johnston, Amelia, 67 Chinnick, Herman J., 60 Power, John W., 28 Duffy, James Gavan, 33, 40 Jones, Mrs. E. L., 45 Clancy, Patrick, 60 Price, Wm., 13, 28 Dunn, P., 13 Jones, Thomas, 37 Clarke, Henry, 59 Quayle, Jane, 89 Dyer, William, 33 Jones, Rev. T. E., Clarke, Owen, 45 Rapley, William, 41 Eadhouse, Benjamin, 13 Joy, Stanley, 73 Robertson , James, 55 Collinson, Joseph, 23,31 Emery, Wm., 20 Keats, Geo., 68 Cook, Chas. Martinson, 35 Rogan bros., 70 Fahey, Paul, 63 Kennon, Thomas, 82 Cooper, Samuel, 49, 65 Ross , Wm., 13, 19 Fenton, Herbert, 47 Kerville, Horace A., 57 Corr, Thos. Henry, 2 Rourke , Andrew, 13, 33 Fraser, Chas., 70, 77 King, Wm., 67 Cotter, Isabella, 65, 71 Salmon, Harry, 63, 77 Fuller, David, 89 Kohn, Mrs., 37 Salvation army authorities, 8 Cozens, Henry, 9 Gallimore, James, 55, 63 Lamplough, Lily, 60, 67, 73 Craig, Kate, 67 Schultz, Frederick W. F., 47 Gardener, William, 41 Larkin, Frederick, 23 Crawcour, Michael, 23 Simpson, William, 41 Garrett, Joseph, 89 Lawrie, John, 81 Smith , John, 20, 40 Crews, Chas. F., 79 Garvey, Patrick, 41 Lemmon, Benjamin, 73 Crisp, John F., 23 Smith, Joseph, 28, 41 Gerraud, Robt., 28 Linton, Geo., 67 Damyon, Anne, 45 Smith, T. V., 28, 47 Gill, Wm., 28 Loggins, Leyton, 51 Snell, Frederick, 13 Darragh, Samuel, 17 Gorrie, James, 63, 70 Long, Benjamin, 49 Spink, Thomas, 33 Davidson, Joseph, 52, 59, 60 Grady, James, 41 Longden, Richard, 52 Delahunty, Miss, 87 Stewart, John, 33 Graham, Elizabeth, 55 Lowe, Joseph E., 24, 31, 38 Starkie , Joseph, 20 Dillon, Patrick, 38, 59 Grey, W. H., 55 Lucas, Wm. Jos., 73, 81 Thomas , Wni., 84 Doyle, John, 3 Lyall, Alexander, 81 Ducie, John, 2 Thompson, R., 28 Hamon, Johanna, 55 Lyons, Mrs. John, 7 Thorn, Jas., 84 Duncan, Colin C., 79 Hardy, David, 13, 40 Mann, Janet, 59 Trangmar , George, 63 Dunn, Mrs., 37 Harris, Chas., 77 Manning, Jas., 82 Tulloch, Robt., 70 Easey, Joseph, 59 Harris, Thos. C., 77 Mansfield, John B., 24 Turnbull, Geo., 6 Ebbott, John, 74, 91 Harrison, Wm., 84 Marriott, Wm., 35 Turner , John, 6 Ellery, Manfred, 7 Hawkins, Eli, 47 Martin, J. W., 51 Turner, Thomas, 63 Edwards, Arthur, 17 Healy, Edwin Bartholomew, Martin, Janet, 59 Wake, Frederick, 84, 89 Edwards, W. J., 51 Matteo, Natta, 79 Walden, Chas . Edwin, 77 English, Christopher, 23 Hedges, Wm., 43 Matthias, Wm. H., 60 Fabian, Miss, 45 Walker , Benjamin, 89 Heily, Dr. J. V., 6 Mayer, Augusta, 21 Fagg, Wm., 2 . Ward, Mary Ann, 13 Heron, A. A., 8 Hogan, Henry W., bench, 6, 84 disobeying an order of the North Melbourne 9 Griffith, Davis, 6,13 4 VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.-INDEX. Housebreaking committed on-continuedMaynard, Henry W., 65, 81 Rodda, W. J., 67, 73 Miller, Robert, 52 Ryan, John, 31 Milne, John, 88 Saunders, Jas., 60 Miscamble, Bessie, 3 Schmitt, Ferdinand, 74, Moodie, Agnes, 2 Scott, James, 9 Moody, Wm., 81 Shannon, John, 37 Moody, William Jeffrey, 51 Sheehy, Kate, 31 Moloney, Mary, 82 Sherry, John, 59 Moore, Ernest, 74, 81 Silvers, Tolver, 2 Moore, James, 82 Sinnott, Francis, 2 Moore, Miss, 67 Small, Mary, 52 Morilley, Matthew, 88 Smart, Elizabeth, 60 Morris, John, 91 ' Smith, Samuel, 88 Muldoon, Elizabeth, 37 Spears, Gregory, 87 Murray, Catherine, 60 Stanworth, Jas. R., 82 McCaffery, Edward, 37 Stead, Joseph, 37 McCarthy, George D., 51 Sterne, Edward, 23 McCarthy, Lizzie, 60 St. John, Grace, 82 McConchie, Mary, 81 Symes, Annie, 73 McCoy, Campbell E., 87 Synnott, Jennie, 88 McDonald, John, 73 Sullivan, John, 65 McDonald, Mary, 52 Taylor, C. J., 68 McEntee, Elizth., 9 Taylor, Rose, 35 McKenzie, Samuel, 87 Thomas, W. J., 52, 59 McQuat, James, 38 Thompson David J., 21 Nelson, Peter August, 24, 43 Thomson, W. K., 37 Nettleton, Annie, 60 Tierney, Patrick, 24 Neville, Martin, 2 Tolchard, Alfred, 82 Neunheaffer, Chas. J., 17 Trench, Henry Le Poer, Nichols, Alfred, 67 Wain, Walter, 24, 35 Nichols, Elizabeth, 45 Wallace, Wm., 73 O'Brien, Sarah, 31 Walsh, Annie, 67 Ocean, James, 67 Walsh, James, 59 O'Neill, Felix, 2 Watson, Henry, 73, 81 Opie, Adelaide, 31, 52 Watts, Julia, 2 Pagram, Walter, 73 Webb, Thomas, 49 Paul, Margaret, 91 Webster, Mrs., 81 Perry, Elizabeth, 2 Weir, Campbell, 24, 43, Peterson, Mabel M., 7 Wells, Chas., 38 Pim, Fredk. A., 60 Whelpton, David, 45 Pleydell, Margaret, 23 White, James, 35, 49 Porteous, Richard, 23 Whittaker, Wm., 81 Prendergast, Cornelius, 87 Wicks, Frank R., 60 Rae, Laucblan McKinnon, 32, Wilkins, Robert, 67 37 Wilkinson, Thomas, 23, Raphael, H., 73 57 Reardon, Annie, 45, 51 Wilson, Chas., 81 Reeves, Mrs. John, 74 Wilson. Jacob, 49 Reid, Emily, 52 Winter, Henry, 45 Richards, Win., 23 Woods, Jas., 82 Robbie, Maggie, 71 Wright, Ellen, 45 Robinson, Ada, 71 Yates, Thomas, 45 Howe, Robert Richard, commitment, 55, 83 Howard, -, imposition, 41 Humphreys, John, larceny, 35 Humphreys, Geo., false pretences, 36, 49 Hunter, James, commitment, 69, 88 Huxley, John, larceny and felonious assault, 65, 85, 91 King, John W., endeavouring to impose on, 44, 50 Kirwan, Ellen , false pretences on, 29, 35 Kirwin , Ellen Mary , larceny on, 44 Kozminsky, Simon, false pretences on, 36, 57 81 45 65 32, 37, I. K. Katzenstein, Franz, larceny as a bailee, 15 Kelberg, Janet, larceny as a bailee on, 79 Kelly, Geo. W., larceny on, 36 Kelly, James, insulting behaviour, 27 Kelly, James, riotous behaviour, 83 Kelly, Rose, wilful and obscene exposure to, 47 Kemp, Win., embezzlement as a servant of the government, 49 Kerby, J., false pretences, 8, 15 L. Lake Cooper, use of nets in, 83 Land act, regulations altered, 25 Lane, Wm., larceny on, 35 Lang, Ernest, false pretences, 43 Lawrence, Wm., larceny, 15 Leech, Archie, gaming, 63 Leedham, John, commitment, 12 Leedham, John, commitment, 5 Leibner, Adolph, larceny as a bailee on, 15 Le Levre, Abraham, larceny as a bailee on, 22 Leonard, George, insulting behaviour, 47, 76 Leslie, John, larceny as a bailee, 85 Lever, James, vagrancy, 62 Levy, Loo, false pretences, 57 Lillis, Constable John, assault on, 19 Londy, Wm., false pretences on, 50, 57 Long, -, false pretences, 22 Looney, Maria, selling liquor without a licence, 77, 84 Luscombe, Thos., commitment, 27 Luscombei, W. J., false pretences on, 7, 44 Incendiarism onKelly, Walter, 67 Walsh, -, 67 Smyth, R. H., 67 Wallace, -, 67 Inquests held onBody of female child found in the sea near St. Kilda pier, 41 Body of female child found in railway enclosure, St. Johnstreet, Windsor, 56 Body of male child found at Murray and co.'s, Collingwood, 6 Body of male child found at 199 Stanley-street, West Melbourne, 33 Body of male child found in reserve, Park-street, South Melbourne, 47 Body of man found in the Yarra near Queen's-bridge, 6 Body of man found in the Yarra near Prince's-bridge, 13 Body of man found at Ocean grove, 13, 20 Body of man found on the railway line at Mordialloc, 47, 56 Body of man found in the Richardson river at Bismarck, 64, 78 Body of man found on the Inglewood-road, Wedderburne, 70 Body of swagman found at Woodend, 78 Body of man found in the Yarra near No. 10 shed, 89 J. Jacka, Mary, disobeying a maintenance order, 40 Jackson, Geo., forgery on, 7 James, Wm., wilful and obscene exposure, 12, 19 Joe, -, illegally on premises, 83 Johnson, Michael, disobeying an order of maintenance, Jones, -, false pretences, 22 Jones, Alfred, negligent driving, 84 Jones, Frederick, embezzlement, 29, 35 Jones, James H., commitment, 84 Jones, Phillip, forgery and uttering, 7, 22 Jones, W. H. H., false pretences, 21, 57 Jordan, Charles, false pretences, 15 Jukes, Frank, larceny, 71 Justices of the peace resigned, 5, 18, 25, 39, 53, 62, 76 [1894. 46 Victorian M. Mackay, Neil, false representations, 21, 29 Mack, John K., false pretences, 91 Madigan, Patrick, disobeying a summons, 27 Magistrates appointed, 25, 61 Magistrates removed, 76 Magistrates, transfers of, 76 Maguire, Patrick, commitment, 27 Mahony, Michael and Elizabeth, selling liquor without a licence, 77, 84 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Edward Revel, 15, 44 Man, name unknown, false pretences on James Warne, 29 Man, name unknown, false pretences on James Collins, 44 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Sargood, Butler, and Nichol, 50, 66 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Min Sing, 35 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Alice Hammond, 71 Man, name unknown, forgery and uttering, 35 Man, name unknown, passing spurious coin on Isabel Spence, 9, 79 Man, name unknown, larceny by a trick on W. B. Curran, 66 Man, name unknown, larceny by a trick on John Roberts, 57 Man, name unknown, breach of the gaols act, 46 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Rose Kelly, 47 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Amy Bunsell, 88 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Florence Rowley, 18 Man, name unknown, assault on Edward Scholes, 76 Man, name unknown, indecent assault on Harriet Allen, 69 Man, name unknown, for indecent assault on Mary McCubbin, 32 Man, name unknown, wounding Peter Petersen, 84 Man, name unknown, insulting behaviour to Constable A. McKinnon, 18 Man, name unknown, larceny on John Carroll, 72 Maran, Alexander, assault on, 63 Marks, L., false pretences, 57 Marriages, officers for celebrating, 25, 75 Marriages, officers for celebrating, resigned, 25 Martin, Wm. J., larceny as a bailee, 57 Mason, -, false pretences, 66 Mason, John, assault on, 40 Massilica detained in quarantine, 69 Maudesley, Arthur, endeavouring to impose, 15 Medical practitioners, 12, 25, 46 Medland, E., assault on, 88 Megerney, James, commitment, 27 Men, two, assault on M. W. Culkin, 19 Men, names unknown, false pretences on Missive Saxang, 79 Millar, Rebecca, vagrancy, 40 Milne, John, commitment, 5, 13, 54 Millett, Alice, felonious assault on, 65, 85, 91 Mills, Robert, alias Smedley, attempted murder, 9 Min Sing, false pretences on, 35 Missing friends :Barnard, Arthur, 20 Marcuse, Isydor, 78 Barton, Geo. M., 89 Marshall, Rachel, 20 Blacklock, John, 41 Morissey, Daniel, 89 Davidson, Ernest Rutherford, Pitts, Seymour, 6 78 Riggiardo, Antonio, 28 Davitt, Wm. C., 28 Shepperd, Sidney Hand, 56 Delaney, William, 41 Taylor, Maurice R., 84 Doyle, Edward, 70 Udy, Elizabeth, 78 Head, Roland Riley, 28 Vial, Maria, 70, 78 Macgrath, John, 89 Wilson, Archibald B., 56, 64 Montague, Vere, commitment, 46 Montague, W., false pretences, 36, 57 Moon, William, assault, 88 Morris, Mrs., commitment, 33 Morris, Wm., commitment, 27 Moulding, Geo., larceny as a bailee, 35 Mullins, John, assault, 69 Murder ofFemale child found in Loch-avenue, near Lake Wendouree, 2 Female child found in John-street, Windsor, 59 Female child found off Somerset-street, Richmond, 73 Female child found at night-soil depot, Oakleigh, 87 Male child found in William-street, South Yarra, 1 Male child found at the corner of Wills and Hanna streets, South Melbourne, 17 Male child found in the Reilly-street .drain, Abbotsford, 23 Male child found in Harcourt-street, North Melbourne, 37 Male child found at the night-soil depot, Brighton, 45 Petersen, Peter, 84, 87 VICTORIA 1894 .] POLICE i'Iurder , charged with Man, name unknown , murder of Peter Petersen, 84, 87 Mason, William , alias De Beer, murder in South Africa, 31 Murder, arrested forWilliams , Robert, 59 Murdoch and co., larceny as a bailee on, 85 Murphy, -, assault, 40, 47 Mc. McCrae, Chas., commitment, 27 McCubbin, Maggie, wilful exposure to, 12 McCubbin, Mary, indecent assault on, 32 McDonald, Edith, commitment, 88 McDonald, Jas., false pretences, 79 McDonald, Mary, attempted rape on, 12 McDonald, Mrs., alias Edith McDonald, commitment, McEwan, Wm., commitment, 77 McGinley, Neil, assault, 33 McGonigal, John, larceny as a bailee on, 71, 85 McGoun, Geo., larceny as a bailee on, 29 McIntosh, -, assault, 77 McIntyre, John, alias Snider, commitment, 27 McKay, Donald, commitment, 19 McKenna, Patrick, disobeying a summons, 27 McKenzie, Wm., forgery and uttering, 91 McKinnon, Constable A., insulting behaviour to, 18 McLean, John, commitment, 47 McLennon, Norman, endeavouring to impose on, 15 McMillan, David, commitment, 5 McQuade, Edwd., larceny as a bailee, 43, 79 87 N. Nash, John, disobeying a maintenance order, 40, 50 Nathan, Samuel, larceny as a bailee on, 7 Neroz, August and Sophia, selling liquor without a licence, 77, 84 New South Wales-Anderson, John F., larceny, 70 0. O'Connell, Chas., larceny as a bailee, 57 O'Brien, John, disobeying an order of maintenance, O'Brien, John Francis, larceny as a bailee on, 71 O'Brien, Martin, larceny as a bailee on, 21, 29 O'Brien, Mary, commitment, 88 O'Brien, Thos., endeavouring to impose, 44, 50 Obstruction on the railway line, Mirboo, 46 O'Keefe, Francis, vagrancy, 27, 55 27, 32 P. Page, John, commitment, 27 Parer, John, commitment, 13 Patrick, F., and Co., embezzlement on, 30 Patterson, Eugene Daylesford, larceny, 44 Pascoe, Thos., commitment, 6 Peterson, Sigvard, larceny as a bailee, 21, 29 Police, acting chief commissioner of, 10 Police force, appointments as clerks of petty sessionsWade, Jas., 10 Walsh, Patrick F., 5 Police force, appointments as clerks of licensing courtsLyons, John, 10 Walsh, Patrick F., 5 Wade, James, 10 Police force, appointment as collector of impostsHocking, William Henry, 53 Police force, appointments as crown lands bailiffsAhern, Timothy, 39 McLeod, A., 76 Cahir, James Joseph, 39 McWilliams, Horatio R. C., 5 Dawkins, Arthur, 76 Power, John James, 53 Dwyer, Joseph Jeremiah, 53 Ryan, Edward, 61 Mahoney, William John, 53 Shannon, John, 39 Mulcare, Patk., 5 Turner, Frederick Edwin, 76 Police force, appointments as electoral inspectorsAshton, Francis John, 10 Corbett, Thos., 10 Cameron, Allan, 10 Robinson, Wm. Henry, 10 Cantwell, Edward, 10 Police force, appointments as honorary assistant ',inspectors of fisheriesDempster, Edward, 39 Perry, Francis, 53 Lynch, Matthew, 4 Police force, appointments as inspectors of licensing districtsConnolly, Joseph, 11 O'Flaherty, Martin, 11 Deasey, Denis, 11 Roche, Joseph, 11 Gray, John, 11 Thomas, William, 11 James, Frank, 11 Toohey, Jeremiah, 11 Mahony, Michael, 11 Webb, Richard John, 11, 39 Murphy, Edward, 11 Police force, appointments as inspectors of factories and shops-Armstrong, Charles William, Mumford, Horace Morgan, 53 53 Nee, Peter, 53 Hall, John, 53 Walsh, Patrick Francis, 53 Lannin, Nathaniel, 53 Williams, Charles Albert, 53 Police force, appointments as inspectors under the vermin destruction actConsidine, John Richard, 76 McPhee, Kenneth, 76 Correll, Geo. Wm., 76 Power, John James, 25 Dawkins, Arthur, 76 Ryan, Edward, 53 Dwyer, Joseph Jeremiah, 25 Ryan, Jas. Michael, 25 Mahoney, Wm. John , 25 Shannon , John, 25 Martin , Robert Wilson, 76 Police force, appointments as keepers of powder -magazinesCorbett, Thomas, 39, 76 Kenny, Jeremiah, 39 Police force, appointments as officers of customs for a protective purposeAllwood, James, 39 Davies, Edward, 39 Police force, appointments as wharf managersMumford, Horace Morgan, 61 Weir, John, 61 Index- Quarter ending March.-B. GAZETTE.-INDEX. 5 Police force, appointments as constables-Byrnes, Edward, 10 Lewis, John, 10 Duffy, Christopher, 10 Lomax, Frederick Alexander, Fitzgerald, Peter, 10 25 Green, Alexander Joseph, 10 Malone, John Jos., 10 Hein, Terence, 10 Matthew, Jas., 10 Howard, John Andrew, 10 Millar, Leander, 10 Johnston, Richard, 10 Miller, William Grant, 39 Kennedy, Martin, 10 Morey, Samuel George, 10 Kerr, Alexander Dempster, 10 Rowbottom, Thos., 10 Kroon, Cornelius Franciscus, 69 Ryan, John, 10 Lawford, John, 10 Strain, James, 69 Le Page, Augustine Joseph, 69 Ward, Grantville Jas., 10 Police force, deathsWhetnall, Thos., 32 Riley, Wallace Alexander, 53 Glynn, John Joseph, 53 Roche, Joseph, 74 Police force, dischargesAxtill, Wm. Thomas, 61 Green, Alexander Joseph, 39 Police force, instructions toClerks of petty sessions, notices to, 76 Annual leave, 18 Jury districts reduced, 18, 46 Issue of liquor licences (temporary) to persons at races, sports, &c., 24 Be certificate of Edward Holding, drowned on the 7th January last, 46 Salvation army maternity home removed to Fitzroy, 46 Illegal shooting of quail, 46 Conveyance of children committedto the reformatory schools, 61 Calling medical practitioners to make post-mortem examinations in cases of sudden death, &c., 69 Issue of a manual by Constable Crowe, entitled " The Duties of a Constable." Half-pay for sick constables, except in cases of injury in the discharge of their duty, 69 Be submittal of criminal statistic cards, 74, 83 Unlicensed persons acting as carriers ' agents, 74 Return of auctioneers who have failed to renew their licences for the current year, 75 Use of emery wheels in factories, 83 Police force, promotionsArnold, Wm., 3 Mahony, Michael, 3 Beckwith, Wm., 3 Mason, Wm., 3 Caulfield, John, 3 Millar, Michael, 3 Coll, John, 3 Molyneux, Robert C., 3 Couche, Wm., 3 Moore, James, 3 Davidson, Wm. R., 3 Moore, Wm., 3 Dempster, Edward, 3 Morris, Alonzo, 3 Finlayson, John, 3 Mumford, Horace M., 3 Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 3 McCurdy, Jas., 3 Flannery, Patrick, 3 McHugh, Robt., 3 Forrestal, Michael, 3 O'Flaherty, Martin, 3 Fowler-Wallace, Geo., 10 Oliver, Geo., 3 French, Wm., 3 Percival, Peter, 3 Gardiner, John, 61 Robinson, Geo., 3 Gleeson, Lawrence, 3 Roche, Joseph, 3 Glendinning, Wm., 3, 10 Swale , Richd., 3 Healey, Jas., 3 Tevlin, Michael, 3, 10 Heggart, Th'os., 3 Thomas, Wm., 3 Holland, Thos., 3 Walshe, John, 3 Irwin, James, 3 ' Webb, Richd., 3 Leverton, George, 3 Young, Wm. L., 3, 10 Police force, reinstatement as constableO'Reilly, Edward, 83 Police force , resignationsMartin, Thos., 61 Croft, Walter Francis, 69 Police force, superannuationsBourke, Richd., 3 Kennedy, Douglas Smith, 3 Brennan, Timothy Owan, 61 Madden, John, 3 Conlon, Bernard, 69 Maitland, Frederick W., 61 Daly, Henry, 3 Mitchell, Geo., 3 Dawson, Alexander, 3 Montfort, Wm. Bradish, 3 Doyle, Jas., 3 McGrath, James, 3 Drought, Wm. Gardiner, 3 Nolan, Hugh, 3 Duffy, Christopher, 3 Rennie, Jas., 3 Fahey, Patrick, 3 Rutledge, Adam, 3 Fitzgibbon, Jeremiah, 83 Scanlon , Edward, 3 Gleeson, John, 3 Scully, Jas., 3 Grady, Thos., 3 Sherson , James, 3 Jennings , John, 69 Simcox , Samuel, 3 Police station broken upTallygaroopna, 39 Police station formedWooroonook, 10 Police districts and stations, 4 Police gaol keeper at Warrnambool, 25 Police officers , list of, 4 Police sale of unserviceable horses, 18 Police widows and orphans' association, 10 Ports in Victoria, general rules for, 4 Potter, Wm., larceny on, 57 Presbyterian society for neglected and destitute children , institu• tion formed and approved, 39 Price, Edwd. Allan, larceny as a bailee, 29 Property, arrested for stealingCanning, Peter, 43 Ryan, Thos., 91 Cullum, Thos., 15 Stevens, Raymond, 71 Cunningham , Patrick, 29 Smithers , Albert, 43 Elliott, John, 57 West, William, 43 McDonald, Donald, 57 Willis, alias Oily Willis, 65 Rourke, John, 15 Property, charged with stealingBarry, -, 43 Cannon , -, 21, 43 Bower, Walter, 71 Costigan, -, 65 Brakewell, James, 43, 65 Cunningham, Patrick, 21, 29 6 VICTORIA POLICE Property, charged with stealing-continuedElliott, Harry, 49 Men, names unknown, robFinnegan, -, 85 bery on Askam R. Nottage, Hall, John, 79 57 Huxley, John, 65 Man, name unknown, larceny James, -, 171 on Robert Davies, 49 Jones, John, 15 Maxwell, -, 79 Lawson, Henry, 43 Nelson, -, 85 Man, name unknown, larceny Robinson, Thos., 65 on James Touet, 29 Smith, -, 21 Man, name unknown, for Smithers, -, 21 larceny on the Victorian Stevens, Raymond, 49 railways commissioners, 21 Property found in possession of•Benalla police, 55 Minyip police, 89 Bright police, 78 Moysey, William, 20 Brown, Thomas, 33 MyrtIeford police, 70 Brunswick police, 7, 20, 84 Nathalia police, 77 Epping police, 89 Northcote police, 84 Kew police, 55 Property stolen fromAnderson, David, 82 Mallett, Henry, 43, 65 Ashworth, Alfd., 68 Mankey, Jabez W., 60 Barber, George P., 60 Merrillees, B. C., 32 Beer, Chas., 21, 29, 43 Middlemiss, Wm., 52 Bergstrom, Cecilia, 38 Millett, Alice, 65 Beyer, Emil, 83 Millis, Joseph, 74 Berryman, C. H., 82 Monahan, James, 38, 52 Bill, Henry, 68 Moncrieff and Dalgliesh, 82 Brearley, Walter, 68 Morrissey, J. P., 74 Brown, Geo., 83 McCracken, Alex., 60 Cameron, Alexander, 65 McDonald, Patrick, 82 Cameron, Angus, 38 McDougall, Alex., 85 Cameron, R. G., 15 McDougall, Robt., 68 Campbell, Henry, 68, 88 McKenzie, Mrs. A., 38 Canucen, Michael, 68 McLean, Angus, 60 Cleland, Wm., 79 McLeod, N., 83, 88 Colman, Arthur Chester, 24 McMillan, Fredk., 3 Cowan, Alex., and son, 79, 85 McPherson, Victor, 24, 32 Crawcour, Edwin, 32, 43 McSweeney, Miles, 74 Crowe, Alexander, 82 Norman, Michael, 82 Davies, David, 60 Nottage, Askam: R., 57 Davies, Robert, 49 O'Donnell, James, 60 Davis, Robt., 68 Oxen, Joseph, 68 Davis, Robt. G., 38 Palmer, William, 68 Dean, Geo., 74 Permewan, Wright, and co., 38 De Beer, John V., 68 Pigdon, James, 60 Dever, Arthur, 52 Raddley, Misses A. and L., 60 Dillon, J. E., 82 Ramsey, Phenias, 17 Donaldson, Thomas, 32 Robertson, Annie, 65 Downey, Bernard, 24 Robertson, Mac, 85 Draper, Percy, 24 Ross, Alexander, 52 Dunn, John, 57 Ryan, Richard, 52 Eckersall, Wm. Jas., 88 Sager, Henry, 3 Edwards, J. B., 82 Salmon, Fredk., 68 Ettershank, Edward L., 55 Sampson, Fredk. H., 74, 82 Fleming, John W., 68 Schlyder, Ernest R., 49 Forrest, Thos., 68 Scott, James McIntosh, 82 Fox, Sydney, 74 Shaw, H. F., 60, 68 France, James, 24 Smethurst, Jas., 18 Fuller, H., 38, 46 Smith, Charles, 52 Garlich, Alfred, 21 Smith, James, 60 Graham, Chas., 83 Southern, Walter, 85 Griffiths, Alfred, 68 Southern, Wm., 74 Griffiths, Frederick, 52 Steell, Dr. John, 82 Guthrie bros., 38 Swan, James, 68 Goldsmith, Saml. J., 68 Taplin, John, 74 Hardiman, Robert, 46 Thomas, Weden, 24 Harding, Alfred, 74 Thompson, Lewis, 18 Hood, Richard, 60 Touet, Jas., 29 Hooper, G. A., 82 Tudor, Robt., 10 Hooper, Walter Henry, 18, 24 Turner, Walter, 74 Horwood, J. W., 171 Tyndal, Thos., 10 Howlett, A., 74 Unitarian hall, 65 Hunt, James Howard, 52 Veal, John, 17 Jenkins and co., 49, 57 Victorian railways commisJenkinson, George, 24, 32, 43 sioners, 21, 91 Johnson, Chas. H., 60, 71, 79 Walkenden, A. E., 10 Kennedy, Thos., 88 Wilkins and Jones, 60, 82 Kinane, John, 38 Wilson, John, and co., 68 Laming, Wm., 68 Whinfield, Steve, 60 Lattison, John, 38 Wolfe, Henry, 52 Lawton, John, 88 Wyatt, Ross, 18, 24 Lewis, John, 83 Young, Samuel, 88 Property lost byCook, James, 70 Harrison, Emily, 84 Pritchard, Dutton, using insulting words, 69, 76 Pritchard, George, cruelty to animals, 33, 40, 47 Public vaccinators, 5, 25, 39, 53, 61, 76 Public vaccinators resigned, 62 Purves, W. J., false pretences on, 35, 44 Quail, illegal shooting of, 46 Quarantine district abolished, 12 Quarantine grounds for imported dogs, 5, 12, 39, 62 Quarantine districts declared, 83 Quick, Arthur, commitment, 40 Quinn, Thos., false pretences, 50, 57 R. Ralph, Chas., larceny as a bailee, 35 Read, Wm., false pretences, 15 Registrars of births and deaths, 4, 18, 25, 39, 61, 75 Registrars of births and deaths resigned, 53, 62 Registration districts of Sandringham and Long gully, 46 Registration of certain premises under the infant life protection act, 18 Reid, Alex. Jolly, larceny as a bailee, 30 By Authority: GAZETTE .-INDEX. [1894. Revel, Edwd., false pretences on, 15, 44 Richards, -, assault, 19 Roberts; John, larceny by a trick on, 57 Robinson, Henry, commitment, 88 Rodgers, John, commitment, 5 Ross, Neil, larceny on, 71 Rothwell, Lionel, vagrancy, 40 Rowley, Florence and Nellie, wilful and obscene exposure to, 18 Ryan, Edmund, larceny as a bailee on, 30 S. Sargood, Butler, and Nichol, false pretences on, 50, 66 Saxang, Missive, false pretences on, 79 Schnatz, George, larceny as a bailee on, 66 Scholes, Edward, assault on, 76 Semple, Arthur, alias Bennett, commitment, 40 Shaw, John, larceny as a bailee on, 35 Sheeddy, John, commitment, 47 Sinclair, William, vagrancy, 54, 62 Smith, Ernest H. G., embezzlement, 44, 50 Smith, John, larceny, 36 Smith, Mrs., larceny as a bailee, 57, 79 Smith, Owen, assault, 40 Smith, Thos., false pretences, 21 Smith, William, gaming, 63 Smythe, John, assault, 33 Snitzky, Fanny, false pretences on, 36, 49 Solomon, Jessie, commitment, 69 Spence, Isabella, passing a spurious coin, 79 Staley, David John, larceny as a bailee-on, 43, 79 Stamps act notices, 25 Stanley, Geo. H., false pretences, 66, 91 Steele, Joseph Gilbert, embezzlement, 66, 80 Stewart, -, forgery, 85 Stewart, William, larceny as a bailee on, 79 Stolkeskey, Moses, uttering a forged cheque on, 7 Stones, F. P., larceny as a bailee,,29 Stratton, J. K., escaped prisoner, 19 Stretton, Ernest G., disobeying an order of the St. Kilda bench, 6= Superintendent of reformatory schools, 25 T. Taylor, Thomas , breach of goals act, 46 Testro, John Chas ., larceny as a bailee on, 91 Thompson , E. C., false pretences, 91 Timber reserves of Dereel and Enfield abolished, 83 Timber reserves diminished of Gunbower , Sandon, and Camp-belltown state forests, 10, 24 Tonkin, Richd . James , false pretences on, 15 Tonsonby , Chas ., escaped lunatic, 88 Townly, Harry, larceny as a bailee, 85 Tranver, John, larceny as a bailee, 85 Tremewan, Wm ., alias Rodgers, commitment, 63 Trevarrow, Richd., commitment, 5 Triado, James, forgery and uttering on, 80 Troy, Stephen, vagrancy, 19, 76 Turner, Samuel , commitment, 5 U. Urquhart , Sarah, vagrancy, 63, 69 Utter, Singh , larceny as a bailee, 7, 21 V. Vaughan, Bartholomew, escaped lunatic, 5, 19 Vermin, destruction of : action to be taken by inspector to prevent their again becoming a pest, 18 Victorian government , embezzlement on, 49 Village community purposes, land retained for, 4, 25, 39, 83 Voigt, Peter, alias Froggy , escaped prisoner, 40 W. Wakeham, James Rd., false pretences on, 66, 91 Walhallow station proprietors, larceny on, 30, 43 Walsh, Robert, false pretences, 8, 15 Walsh, Wm. B., imposition on, 91 Walsh, James, vagrancy, 55 Ward, Frederick, escaped lunatic, 63 Warden's clerk, 5 Warne, Jas., false pretences on, 29 Webster, Falty, larceny as a bailee, 66, 71 Webster, Wm. R., larceny as a bailee, 91 Weener, Levi, larceny as a bailee, 7 Wegener, Julius, false pretences on, 21 Wellmens, Benjamin, false pretences on, 22 West, Alfred, larceny, 50 Wetzel, Paul, larceny as a bailee, 80, 85 White, Chas., embezzlement, 29 White, Edith I., larceny as a bailee on, 35 White, George, alias Smith; larceny as a• servant, 91Whitely, Chadwick, embezzlement on, 66 Whitten,' Alfred, illegally on premises, 13 Williams, -, forgery, 85 Williams, Chas., larceny as a bailee, 8 Williams, Constantine, assault on, 63 Williams, Fredk., larceny as a bailee, 66 Williams, Joseph, commitment, 28 Williams, 0., forgery and uttering, 80 Williams, Robert, alias Smithson, attempted murder, 9 Wilson, Alfred and Mary Jane, commitment, 19 Wilson, Edwd. J., false pretences, 79 Wilson, Thomas, commitment, 47 Winne, John, larceny as a bailee, 30 Woman, name unknown, false pretences on E. E. Bennetts, 22 Woman, name unknown, false pretences on Chas. Wm. Bowtell, 57 Wootton, Elizabeth, false pretences on, 57 Wyatt, Wm., commitment, 12, 69 Y. York, Alfred, commitment, 77 Rosy. S. BRA= , Government Printer, Melbourne. VICTORIA INDEX POLICE OF PRISONERS FOR DISCHARGED DURING MARCH, 1894. POLICE INFORMATION Abbott , Alfred, 7th February Adams, Edward, 7th February Adams, Win., 29th March Adams, Walter , 7th February Aherne, John , 31st January Alberto, Pietro, 17th January Aldis, Kate , 7th February Alexander , Hy. Arthur , 14th February Alexander , Jas., 10th January Allen, John , 10th January Allen, Benjamin , 14th February Allen , Mary, 29th March Allietti, Wm ., 21st February Alway, James , 21st February Anderson , Fanny , 14th Febru ary Anderson , George, 14th February Anderson , Chas ., 24th January Andrews, Alexander , 14th Feb ruary Bridges, Phillip , 10th January Briggs, Fredk . W., 4th January Brooks, Mary Ann, 17th January Brooks , John , 7th March Brouard , Felix, 14th March Brown, Annie , 31st January Brown , Alexr., 28th February Brown, George, 21st March Brown , John, 21st March Brown , John , 7th March Brown, Ettie , 10th J anuary Brown , Thomas , 14th March Brown, Edwin , 21st March Brown, Thomas , alias Thomas Nash, 7th February Bryce, Thos ., 14th March Bunbury , Alfred , 21st March Buck, Mary Ann, 17th January Bullock , John , 31st January Burgess , John, 14th February Burnham, alias Wm. Scott, 28thFebruary Appleton , Wm., 21st March Archer , James, 7th March Ashurst, Thos., 24th January Astin , Thomas, 7th February Butler , Thos., 4th January Butler, Thomas, 21st March Butler , Thomas, 14th February Buxton , James, 7th March Ali Bit, James , 7th March Byrnes, Francis , 14th February Ching See , 28th February Cain, Edward , 28th February Callaghan , James, 28th FebruAli Coon , 4th January ary Ali Hip, 4th January Callender , Wm., 14th March Ah How, Geo., 29th March Callgan , John, alias Corry, 4th Mow, 14th February January Sam, 14th March Cameron, Ann, 14th March Shing, Jas., 29th March Cameron , Michael , 7th March Sing, 7th March Cameron, Samuel , 10th JanuAh Sue, 29th March ary Tie, 14th February Campbell, David , 14th March Tin, 4th January Campbell, Colin, alias Robert Ah You, 4th January Ann, 7th February Watson , 10th January Ali Yep, 21st March Campbell, Jane, 7th March Bailey, Elizabeth, 10th January Carlson, Eric, 24th January Baker, Martin, 4th January Carlon, Peter, 7th February Balfour, Robt., 29th March Carmichael, Chas., 21st March Balcke, Carl, 31st January Carter, George, 28th February Barnes, Jas., 10th January Carroll, Agnes, 17th January Barnes, Fanny, 14th March Carroll, Win., 24th January Barry, Patrick, 31st January Carroll, James, 10th January Bartlett, Clara, 24th January Casey, John, alias Thos. Jones, Bath, Elizabeth, 21st March 29th March Bayley, William, 4th January Casey, John, 31st January Baylie, William, 14th February Cash, William H., 21st FebruBeal, Alfred, 14th March ary Bell, John, 31st January Champion, Emma, 28th Febru. Bellis, Joseph, 7th March ary Bennett, John J., 21st March Chandler, Albert, 17th JanuBennett, Thos., 17th January ary Bennett, John. 7th March Charlie, -, 17th January Benson, George, 14th February Cheesley, George, 21st FebruBenson, Geo., 29th March ary Beray, William, 7th February Cheesley, John, 4th January Beymon, Edward, 14th March Child, Mary, 21st February Bitters, Emily, 24th January Ching See, 14th March Blackett, John H., 31st January Chisholm, Samuel, 21st March Blair, Emily, 11th February Clarke, Frederick, 17th Janu. Blandford, Alex. L., 29th ary March Clarke, John, alias Maher, 17th Bloomfield, John, 4th January January Bolke, Charles, 21st February Clarke, Peter, alias Jas. StewBourke, John, 14th February art, 21st March Bowker, George, 10th January Clare, Thos., 24th January Bradley, Michael, 21st FebruClarke, Andrew, 7th February ary Clarke, Geo., 29th March Bradshaw, Jas., 29th March Clarke, Jas., 29th March Braun, Carl, 14th March Clarkson, Wm., 14th March Brennan, Denis, 14th March Clayton, Win., 14th February Brennan, Chas., 21st March Cleary, Elizabeth, 7th March Index-Quarter ending March.-c. Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali AliWatt, GAZETTE. THE QUARTER ENDING ONLY. Clifford, Geo., 7th March Clotworthy, Geo., 17th January Coffey, Jas., 7th February Cohen, Samuel, 24th January Cole, Thomas, 31st January Cole, Jas. H., 29th March Coleman, Patrick, 4th January Collins, Geo., 14th March Collins, Thos., 31st January Collins, Edwd., alias Chas. James, 7th February Collins, Alfred, 24th January Connelly, William John, 4th January Corlin, Phillip, 21st March Corrigan, Thomas, 28th February Corrigan, Thomas, 24th January Coulthard, John, 24th January Cowan, John, 21st February Cranston, Walter, 21st February Crawford, John, 7th February Crowe, John, 14th March Crouch, Wm., 24th January Cripps, Lucy, 17th January Cross, Charles, 14th February Cullum, Thomas, 14th February Cullum, Thos., 10th January Curtis, Michael, 24th January Curry, Arthur, 24th January Dalton, James, 7th March Darby, Thomas, 17th January Davidson, John, 28th February Davidson, Chas., 10th January Day, John, 7th March Dell, Thomas, alias Geo. Green, 10thJanuary Dell, Thomas, 14th February Dewey, William Byron, 21st February Dever, John, 7th February Dickens, Geo., 7th March Dickson, Robert, alias Boswell, 31st January Digan, Wm., 29th March Disney, Win., 21st March Dolheagny, Thos., 28th February Dolphin, Harry, 14th February Donney, Thos., 24th January Donnelly, Mary, 28th February Donoghue, John, 21st February Donohue, Jane, 4th January Doris, Richd., 24th January Douglas, Andrew, 14th February Dowling, Andrew, alias James Malone, 14th February Dowsing, John, 21st February Dowsey, Catherine, 7th February Doyle, Chas., 21st March Drew, Nias J., 21st February Drury, Win., 29th March Dyke, Edward, 21st February Dyke, Edward, 14th March Dunbar, Martin, 31st January Dundas, William, 21st February Dwyer, John, alias Kavanagh, alias McGuire, 17th January Edgcumbe, Joseph, alias Ede, 29th March Edwards, Charles, 28th February Edwards, Wm., 24th January Edwards, ary Charles, 28th Febru- Edward, Cecilia, alias Mary Williams, 21st February Edwards, John, 4th January Edwards, Hy., 29th March Edwards, Ambrose, 21st February Egan, Edward, 31st January Elliott, Wm., 21st March Ellery, Osman, 24th January England, Patrick, 14th February Evans, Chas., 31st January Fahey, Edward, 7th February Farmer, Arthur, 10th January Farre, Chas., 7th February Ferguson, John, 10th January Ferguson, David, 14th February Fidler, Edward, 21st February Finucane, John, 17th January Finnigan, John, 24th January Finn, Patrick, 28th February Fitzgerald, Maurice, 14th February Fitzgerald, Alf d., 21st March Fitzroy, John, 31st January Firth, David, alias Wm. Taylor, alias Hunter, alias S. Simpson, 21st February Fisher, Robt., 21st March Fogarty, Andrew, 14th Feb. ruary Fogarty, Andrew, 14th February Fookin, Ellen, alias Nellie Brown, 28th February Forrester, Albert, alias Jas. Mitchell, 7th February Forrester, alias Alfd. Wilson, 21stMarch Ford, Sarah, 14th February Fordhain, Charles, 4th January Fox, Win., 21st February Flood, Joseph, 7th March Francs, Thomas, 31st January Freeman, William, 21st February Friday, John, 17th January Friday, Frederick, 14th March Friday, Jas., 29th March Frith, Alice, 29th March Fullarton, Win., 4th January Fullerton, Francis, 17th January Galldini, Jane, alias Gilmore, 29th March Gamble, Henry, 29th March Garrard, Thos. Edwin, 7th March Garrett, Arthur, alias Thorn. ton, 29th March Gavin, William, 21st February Gayland, Sarah, 17th January Gebbie, Geo., 10th January Gibbons, Win., 7th March Gibson, Catherine, 14th February Gillick, Peter, 7th February Gilchrist, Adam, 29th March Gleeson, James, 21st March Glover, George, 14th February Gordon, Hy., 4th January Gordon, John, 7th March Graham, John F., 31st Janu. ary PRISONPLRS Graham, John, 29th March Grace, Henry, 21st March Grant, Wm., 31st January Grant, William, 7th February Gray, Wm., alias Smith, 29th March Gray, Wm., alias Scott, 7th February Gray, Ethel, 7th March Green, John, 21st March Gregory, Winifred, 21st March Grey, John, 14th March Guise, Frederick, alias Walters, 17thJanuary Guroli, Christopher, 14th March Guy, Samuel Edward, 31st January Halford, Charles, 7th March Hamilton, Wm., 29th March Handley, Michael, 14th February Hand, Frederick, 14th March Hansen, Julia, 21st March Hansen, David, 14th March Hansen, Albert, 31st January Hardie, Alexander, 29th March Hardy, John, 24th January Harris, John, 17th January Harris, Wm., 21st March Harrison, Wm., 29th March Harrison, Arthur, alias Geo. Wilkins, 10th January Hart, Jas., 14th February Hartley, John, 24th January Hassett, James, alias James Thorn, 28th February Hassett, John, 4th January Hassett, Michael, 7th February Hastings, John, 10th January Haviland, Edward, 10th January Hawk, Mary, 4th January Hawkes, Henry, 14th February Hay, John, 14th February Hayes, John, 21st March Healy, William, 31st January Healy, Henry, alias Johnstone, 14thMarch Healy, Elizabeth, Heggarty, Andrew, Hehir, Wm., 29th Hepburn, David, Henden, Arthur, Hendon, Thomas, ary Hettenback, ary 14th March 21st March March 29th March 29th March 24th Janu- Maria, 17th Janu- Herrett, Ernest, 17th January Hickey, James, 21st February Higgins, Chas., 14th February Hill, Wm., 10th January Hoffman, Julius, 31st January Hogan, Thomas, alias Thos. Clancy, alias Thos. Egan, 21stMarch Hogan, John, 7th February Hope, Henry, 21st March Holmes, Francis, 7th March Hooley, Thos., 21st March Howard, Charles, 29th March Hudson, alias John Sullivan, alias John Mills, 4th January Hunter, Wm., alias David Firth, 21st February Hutton, William, 31st January Hurst, Sarah, 21st February Hughes, John, 24th January Hughes, Charles, alias William Bowack, 14th February Numbers, Henry, alias Henry Umbers, 7th March Hunt, Borden, alias Ernest Travers, 7th March Hunter, Robt., 4th January Irving, Thomas, 7th March Israel, Sigmund, alias Sigmund Villiers, 7th March Jackson, John, 4th January Jackson, Jonas, 31st January Jackson, Jas., 4th January James, Charles, alias Edwd. Collins, 7th February James, Geo., 7th March Jones, Alice 28th February Jones, Arthur, 14th February Jones, Charles T., 10th January Jones, David, 14th February Jones, James, 7th March Jones, Martin, 7th March Jones, Moses, 14th February Jones, Thomas, alias Patrick O'Meara, alias John W. P. McDonald, alias Patrick O'Brien, 10th January Jones, Thomas, alias David Evans, 14th March Jones, Thomas, alias Casey, 29th March John Jones, Walter, 29th March Johnson, Charles , 10th January Johnson, Edwd., 10th January Johnson , Robert, 21st February Johnson , Thos., 31st January Johnson, Wm., 29th March Johnson, Wm. Henry, 7th March Johnson , Kate, 14th March Jordan , G. E., 24th January Johnston , Thomas, 31st January Johnstone , Thomas, alias Henry Healy , 14th March Kane, Wm., 21st March Kavanagh , alias J. Dwyer, 17thJanuary Kean, Henry, 31st January Kearney, John, 31st January Kelly , John Francis, 28th February Kelly, Michael , 14th February Kelly, Frederick , 14th February Kelso, Michael , 7th March Kenna, John , 14th February Kennedy, Annie, 28th February Kennedy, John, 29th March Kenzor, Louis M. , 10th January Win., Kerr, 29th March Khuen , Victor, 10th January Kiely , alias Jas. Smith, 24th January Kilrain , John, alias James Wilkinson , 29th March King, John , 29th March King , Edwd ., 24th January King , William, 28th February Kingate, Norah , 14th February Kirby, Walter , 7th February Kyle, Thomas , 14th February Lacey , James, 14th March Lacey, William Nicholas, 7th February Joseph, 14th March Lang, James , 4th January Lang, Richard , alias A . Lloyd, 21stMarch Laithwaite , Wm. Jas., 21st March Larry, William, 21st February Laurence , Chas. , 10th January Lavournin , Wm., alias Lavora, 17thJanuary Lawlor, Michael Joseph, 7th February Lawless , Thomas, 28th February Lawson, James , 10th January Lawrence , Lewis C., 14th February Lazarus , Wm. C., 7th March Lea, Alfred , 7th February Lee, Frederick , 4th January Legg, Wm., 7th March Leydin , William , 28th February Lester, Henry , 17th January Lethwaite , John, 31st January Lever , James , 7th March Liddell , John , 28th February Liddy , John, 14th February Lister , Alfred, 10th January Literia , Jane, 29th March Lloyd , Arthur , alias Richard Lang, alias Alfred Thompson, 21stMarch Lockhart , William, 31st January Lorden , Joseph, 24th January Lowe, Sarah , 4th January Lowrey, John, alias John O'Leary, 17th "January Lucas, John, 14th February Lyons, James , 24th January Lyons, John, 14th March Lyons, Walter, 14th March Lysaught , James , 24th January Mabbett, Walter, 7th February Mack, Albert, 14th February Macumber , John , 14th March Madden , Jas. Dilley, 31st January Madigan, Patrick , 28th February Maguire, Thomas, 4th January Maher, alias John Clarke, 17th January Malone, James , alias Andrew Dowling, 14th February Maloney, James, 31st January Maloney, Mary, 17th January M alpas, Henry, 31st January Manning , Michael, 14th February Lamb, [1894. DISCFtARGED.--INDEX.. Mansfield, John, 14th March Manton, Samuel, 14th March Manty, Wm., 14th March Maragt, Edward, 14th March Marks, John, 7th February Marlow, Richard, 21st February Marmouch, Antonio, 7th March Marriott, Henry, alias M. Murphy, 10th January Martin, john, 24th January Martin, Patrick, 14th February Martin, Thomas, 4th January Marshall, Fredk., 4th January Matson, Elizabeth, 14th March Matthews, William, 17th January May, William, alias Michael Ryder, 14th February Mayne, Rosanna, 7th February Meusell, Frederick, 17th January Middleton, Chas., 29th March Miller, Phillip, 14th March Mills, Nellie, alias Neil, 21st March Minogue, William, 4th January Mitchell, George, 14th February Mitchell, Thomas, Mitchell, James, alias 10th January James, alias James Henry Smith, alias Albert Forrester, 7th February Mitchell, William, 14th February Molloy, John, 21st March Moloney, James, 7th March Monaghan, Wm., 17th January Montague, James II., 7th March Montague, Percy, 7th March Mooney, Michael, 17th January Moore, Alfred, 17th January Moran, Michael, 14th February Mountfort, James, 14th February Muench, Augusta, 14th March Mullane, Thos., 21st February Mullens, Mary, 10th January Munro, Murdock, 4th January Murphy, Edward, alias George Edwards, alias George White, alias George Russell, alias James King, alias James Mallett, alias George Thompson, 4th January Murphy, James, alias James Nolan, 24th January Murphy, John, 14th March Murphy, John, 21st March Murphy, Michael, alias Henry Marriott, alias George Thompson, 10th January Murphy, Patrick, 14th March Murphy, William, 4th January Musgrove, Harry, 28th February Murray, Charles, 31st January McCallum, Malcolm, 7th February McCarthy, Arthur, 21st March McCarthy, Charles, 7th February McCarthy, Cornelius, 14th March McCarthy, Mary, 10th January McClure, Robert, 21st March McCormack, Mary, 24th January McCoy, Robert, 21st February McDonald, Angus, 28th February McDonald, ruary John, 21st Feb- McDonald, Mary, 17th January McFall, Wm., 24th January McFarlane, Annie, 10th January McGann, Terence, 17th Janu- ary McGee, John , 17th January McGinty , John , 21st February McGrath , John , 21st March McGrath, Michael, 28th February McGregor , Donald, 10th January McGuire, alias John 17th January Dwyer, McInnes, Emily, 10th January McIntyre , Timothy, 31st January McKay , Hugh A., 7th February McKay , John, 14th February McKay, Richard, 14th February McKeegan, McKenzie, McLachlan, ary John, 7th February Edward, 21st March John, 10th Janu- McLaughlin, James, 14th March McLaren, Wm., 29th March McLellan, Arnecia, 14th March McLellan, James, 28th February McLeod, Murdoch, ary McLoughlin, John, ruary 10th 21st JanuFeb- McMahon, Patrick, 21st March McMasters, Johnston, 14th March McNamara, ary Daniel, McNaughton, January McPherson, January 24th Janu- Thos., 10th Barnaby, 31st McRae, Donald, 24th January McShane, Charles, 31st January McSwigan, Barney, 17th Janu. ary Nash, Richard, 14th March Nauman, Amanda, 29th March Newman, Wm., 28th February Newton, James, 4th January Nicholas, Mary Ann, 29th March Nicholson, Robt. J., 4th January Nilan, Delia, 14th February Nolan, James, alias James Murphy, 24th January Noonan, Annie, 10th January Noonan, Annie, 21st February Norman, John, 14th February Nott, James, 28th February O'Brien, Edward, 31st January O'Brien, Eliza, 28th February O'Brien, John, 7th February O'Brien, John, 7th February O'Brien, Thomas, 14th February O'Connor, ary O'Connor, O'Donnell, O'Gorman, ary O'Grady, Arthur, 10th Janu- Chas., 21st March Patrick, 21st March Laurence, 31stJanuRichard, 24th Janu- ary O'Halleron , James, 14th March Ohlsen, John, 4th January O'Keefe, James , 28th February O'Leary, John , alias John Low- rey, 17th January Oliver, Charles , alias Frederick Wilson, 7th March O'Miller, Andrew, 21st March O'Neill, Mary, 4th January O'Neill , Patrick, 7th March Orchard, alias Arthur Orlando, 28thFebruary O'Reilly , Joseph , 14th March Orlando, Arthur , alias Orchard, alias Stanley , 28th February O'Rourke , Michael , 21st March O'Sullivan , Cornelius, alias Henry Lorett , 31st January Orme, George, 21st March Owens, Thomas , 4th January Palmer, Albert, 31st January Parker, Fredk ., 7th February Parker, James, 14th March Parker , James, 21st February Patten , Peter, 7th March Patterson , Albert, 14th March Phillips , Ada, 28th February Perkins , Charles , alias Alexr. Murray, 28th February Phillips, Chas., 7th March Phillips , James, 21st February Phillips, John , 24th January Phillips , Richard, 31st January Phillips, Wil li am, 21st February Plumber, John , 31st January Pollate, Stephen , 4th January Polletti , Peter , 14th February Powell , J. D., alias J. D. Power, 28th February Power, John Dudley, alias John Downey Powell , 28th February Pratt, Wm., 29th March Premier, Joseph , 14th February Prescott , Chas. C., 29th March Proctor , Ernest, 21st March Price, Wm ., 7th March Quaife, Charles, 21st March Quinlan, Frederick , 7th Febru= ary 1894.] PRISONERS Quock Mow , 14th March Radley , James , 14th February Radley , Alex. E. , 4th January Reah , William F. , 14th February Reever, Chas., 7th February Reid , Wm. , 7th March Renny , Wm., 17th January Retchford , Walter, 7th March Richhardson Anderson, , James, alias James 21st March Richardson , John, 29th March Richardson , Alfred, 29th March Richter, Herman, 21st March Riley , Henry, 7th February Riley , John, 21st February Roberts, Duncan, 31st January Roberts, Robert, 24th January Roberts, Thomas, 21st March Robinson, James, 28th February Rodgers, Edwd., 21st March Rogers, Frederick J., 14th March Rooney, John E., 31st January Rosewarne, John, alias Henry, 4th January Rourke, Wm., 4th January Rowlands, Moses, alias David Murray, 29th March Rumble, Mary, 4th January Russ, Wm., Rusmire, 31st .Tanuary Benjamin, 7th Febru- ary Russell, Prosper E., alias Albert Williams, 10th January Ryan, William, 17th January Ryan, Polly, 17th January Ryan, Timothy, 28th February Ryan, Edward, 28th February Ryan, Richard, 7th March Ryan, James, 7th February Ryder, Michael, alias William May, 14th February Ryley, Wm., alias Wm. Morgan, alias Wm. Williams, 29thMarch Sargeant, Margt., 24th January Savage, Robert, 14th February Scanlon, John, 7th March Schaefer, Helen, 21st February Scott, Andrew, 21st March Scott, George B., 21st February Scott, William, 14th February Scott, William, alias Burnham, 28thFebruary Selbourne, Geo., 7th March Selim, Abdallah, 21st February Seward, Chas., 14th March Shiel, James, 7th February Shannon, Robert, 14th February Sinclair, Ernest, 17th January Silvester, Wm., 14th March Simmonds, Geo., 24th January Simmonds, George, 31st January Simmons, Thos., 21st February Simpson, S., alias David Firth, 21stFebruary Singleton, John, 7th February Slattery, Smith, Peter, DISCJIARGED.-INDEX. 10th January Alexander, 31st Janu- ary Smith, Alfred, 17th January Smith, Chas., 10th January Smith, Charles, 31st January Smith, Charles, 21st February Smith, Geo., 10th January Smith, Geo., alias Gladstone Smith, 29th March Smith, Geo. Leopold, alias Leopold Smith, 29th March Smith, Henry, alias Jas. Mitchell, 7th February Smith, Henry, 21st February Smith, James, alias January Smith, James, 31st January Smith, James, 7th February Smith, Jas. H., 7th March S._'ith, James, 29th March Smi.h, John, 17th January Smith, John, 14th February Smith, John, 7th March Smith, Joseph, 14th March Smith, Robt. Bruce, 4th Janu- Kiely, 24th ary Smith, Robt., 10th January Smith, Robert, 21st February Smith, William, 24th January Smith, William, 31st January Smith, 7th February William, Smith, Win., 14th February Smith, Wm., 14th February Smith, Wm., 7th March Smith, Wm., 14th March Smith, Wm., 21st March Smithey, Albert, 14th February Smyth, John, 14th March Spiden, Win., 21st March Sprague, William, 14th February Stafford, John, 7th February Stanley, John, 21st February Stanley, alias Arthur Orlando, 28thFebruary Standard, Louis, 7th February Steele, Wm., 7th March Stephens, Thomas, 7th February Stewart, Stewart, Chas., 24th January Daniel, 7th February Stewart, James, alias Peter Clarke, 21st March Stevens, Frederick, 28th February Stokes, Geo., 4th January Stratton, William, 4th January Stream, Charles, 4th January Stuart, Alfred, alias Hughes, alias The Rattler, 7th March Styles, Herbert, Swanson, Sweeney, Sweeney, Sweeney, Sullivan, Sullivan, Sullivan, 10th January John, 10th January Cornelius, 29th March John, 28th February Thomas, 14th March James, 7th February John, 7th March John, 21st February 3 Sullivan, Michael, 31st January Sullivan, Patrick, 21st February Summers, Wm. H., 10th January Taylor, Wm., 31st January Taylor, Wm., alias David Firth, 21stFebruary Taylor, John, 14th February Thompson, Geo., alias M. Murphy, 10th January Thompson, James, 10th January Thompson, Alfred, alias A. Lloyd, 21st March Thompson, Anne Jane, 31st January Thomson, Charles, 28th Febru- ary Thomson, Peter, 7th February Thomson, Wm., 10th January Thorpe, James John, 7th February Thorn, John, 7th March Thornton, Teresa, 24th January Thornton, alias Arthur Garrett, 29thMarch Tilley, Fredk., 4th January Tobin, Mary, 14th February Toisbin, Alfred, 17th January Toohey, Jas., 17th January Travers, Ernest, alias Bordon Hunt, 7th March Travers, Peter, 28th February Trew, Thomas, 24th January Turner, James, 4th January Turner, Jas., 28th February Turner, Thomas, alias William Turner, 10th January Tyler, Ada, 28th February Umbers, Henry, aliasHumbers, 14thMarch Upton, Mich. Hy., 4th January Villiers, Sigmund, alias Sigmund Israel, 7th March Voigt, Peter, 7th February Waite, Fredk., alias Fredk. Wyse, 7th February Wall, Wm., 29th March Wallace, Henry, 21st March Wallace, Alexander, 10th January Walsh, George, 28th February Walters, alias Fred. Guise, 17thJanuary Wane, John, 21st February Ward, Patrick, 31st January Warren, Thos., 10th January Watson, Chas., 17th January Watson, Chas., 24th January Watson, Joseph, 14th February Watson, Robt., alias Daniel, alias Colin Campbell, 10th January Watts, James, 29th March Watkinson, Albert, 17th January Webster, Thos., alias Henry Webster, 21st March Weekes, Wm., 17th January Welch, William, 4th January Wellington, James, 14th March Whelan, James, 14th March Whelan, Joseph, 21st March Whitehead, James, 7th February White, John, 29th March White, John T., 21st February White, Mary, 31st January White, Patrick, 7th March White, William, 21st February Wiffen, Henry, 29th March Wilkey, John, 21st February Wilkins, Geo., alias Arthur Harrison, 10th January Wilkinson, James, alias John Rilrain, 29th March Willis, John, 14th February Williams, Albert, alias Prosper Russell, 10th January Williams, Charlotte, 7th February Willis, Daniel, 14th March Williams, Edwd., 17th January Williams, Fredk., 31st Janu- ary Williams, Williams, Williams, Fredk., 14th March Geo., 7th March George, 24th Janu- ary Williams, Henry, 28th Feb- ruary Williams, James, 7th February Williams, John, 7th March Williams, Joseph, 14th March Williams, Mary, alias C. Edwards, 21st February Williams, Robt., 24th January Williams, Thomas, 7th March Williams, William, 7th March Williamson, William, alias William Morrison, 4th January Wilson, Ada, 24th January Wilson, alias Forrester, 21st March Wilson, F., alias Chas. Oliver, 7th March Wilson, Ellen, 21st February Wilson, James, 7th March Wilson, Jas., 14th February Wilson, John, 14th March Wilson, Robt., 4th January Wilson, Thomas A., 14th March Wilson, Thomas, 14th March Wilson, Thos., 21st March Willoughby, Charles, 7th Feb- Alfd., ruary Willoughby, Thomas, 28th February Woods, Agnes, 7th February Woods, Edward H., 4th January Woods, James, 14th February Wright, Geo., 17th January Wright, James, 4th January Young, James, 7th March I NDEX TO THE VICTORIA POLICEGAZE`1`fi'_.J'. FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JTJNE, 18944 A. Absconders from industrial schoolsMcCullagh, Edward, 141, 147 Bansgrove, Albert, 147 Beckstream, Gabriel S., 153 McLeish, Robert, 96 McLoughlin, John, 119 Bleane, Alfred, 126, 134 McGregor, Chas., 96 Connors, Wm., 141, 147 McGregor, Henry, 96 Dobson, Joseph, 167 Nugent, John, 141 Fitzpatrick, Eliza, 160, 167 Flannigan, Wm., 96 O'Neill, Alfred, 126, 134 Floyd, George, 104 Parker, Emily, 147, 153 Phelan, James, 183 Frayne, Geo., 127 French, Albert, 96, 112 Rosen, Max, 06, 112 Rowlands, Wm., 96 Gallagher, John, 183 Sharp, John, 104, 112 Geraghty, John, 96 Gordon, Edward, 141, 147 Skelly, James, 96, 104 Hargarty, Patrick, 153 Skelly, Patrick, 96, 104 Hammerston, Oscar, 104 Sleep, Geo. Henry, 112, 147 Henderson, Allen, 112 Smith, Frederick, 174, 182 Henderson, Alfred, 159 Sullivan, Chas., 104, 119 Stevens, Frederick, 167, 174 Hemmingway, Ernest, 127 Tabel, Fred.,126 Hooley, Jessie, 182 Jones, Alfred Ernest, 147, 153 Taylor, Robert, 119 Tobe, Edward James, 159 Jones, Lewis, 127 Tucker, Samuel, 112 Jones, Richard, 141, 147 Walsh, Michael, 104 Mitchell, Geo., 142 Warri (aboriginal), 104 Moose, Alfred, 160 Acting health officers, 153, 173 Adams, -, assault, 153 Aitcheson, John, larceny as a bailee, 178, 185 Aldridge, John, commitment, 96 Alderhaden, Louis, larceny, 154 Alexander, Thos., false pretences, 169 Alexander, John, false pretences, 169 Allowances to witnesses at electoral revision courts, 181 Allison, Jane, larceny as a bailee on, 150 Alston, Geo., commitment, 174 Analysts, 141, 153 Anderson, David, larceny as a bailee, 144, 149 Ansperito, Antonio, commitment, 141 Anstee, Wm., larceny as a bailee on, 163 Antone, W., false pretences, 155, 169 Application of Messrs. Duggan and South for a licence to give theatrical performances, 94 Arnot, Victor, commitment, 182 Artel, Emil, larceny as a servant, 178 Arthur, -, larceny, 185 Arthur, Arthur, commitment, 134 Auctioneers' licences, 111, 141, 173 Australian natives association, embezzlement on, 121 Ayton, Wm., false pretences on, 99 AliLoon, commitment, 174 Ah Sin, perjury, 163, 177 Ah Sing, Wm., alias Chung Soon, larceny as a bailee, 163 Ah Tong, deemed lunatic, 134 B. Baker, F., uttering a valueless cheque, 169 Baker, George, false pretences, 108 Balfour, Bethanuel, commitment, 142 Barnett, Fanny, false pretences on, 116, 121 Barton, Janet, wilful exposure to, 174 Basse, Geo., commitment, 174 Belton, Samuel P., larceny as a bailee on, 99 Benson, Alfred, larceny as a bailee, 115 Bird, Albert, larceny, 99 Blackburn, Geo., larceny as a bailee, 138 Bolton, Jas., commitment, 174 Bourke, Edward, escaped lunatic, 96 Bourke, Michael, uttering on, 169 Brath, John, assault, 160 Bree, Geo. Edward, false pretences on, 99, 121 Briggs, Elizabeth, disobeying a bench order, 127 Tndex-Quarter ending June,-A1 Bromley, Jos., false pretences on, 107, 1-38 Brooks, Thos., commitment, 134 Brown, Isaac , commitment, 96 Bujany Celestine , maliciously wounding, 144 Butler, G., forgery and uttering, 116 Burns , Maria, larceny , 144, 155 Burns, Mary A., larceny on , 144, 155 Burns, Wm ., disobeying a summons, 112 Butters, Angus , man found on premises of, 153 C. Cameron, Jessie, escaped lunatic, 167 174 Campbell, Alex., commitment, 127,134, 147 Causino, John, escaped lunatic, 182 Carlson, Eric A., false pretences, 138 Carmichael, Jas., forgery and uttering on, 116 Carnegie, David G., larceny as a bailee on, 115 Carpenter, Wm. C., larceny as a bailee, 155, 164 Carriers and innkeepers act, opinions of the Crown solicitor on section 13 and 14 of, 133, 146 Cavanagh, J. H., false pretences, 177, 185 Carroll, Jas., commitment, 96 Cash, James, larceny as a bailee, 130 Caswell, Ellen, larceny, 119, 129, 138, 163, 177 Caswell, John Henry, larceny on, 119, 129, 163, 177 Chapman, Jas., escaped lunatic, 119 Chapman, Walter, commitment, 111 Children under 17 liable to be committed to the neglected children's department, desirable that they shall not be sent to gaol while on remand, 153 Children abandonedBoo 6found in front garden of 8 Bent-street, Essendon, 158, Child found in Buckley-street, Footscray, 180 Female child found at 24 Argyle-street, St. Kilda, 94 Female child found in Howard-street, Brunswick, 94 Male child found on the Sydney-road, beside the fence of Prince's Park, 146 Male child found in Orrong-road, Armadale, 166 Clapp, Samuel, disobeying a bench order, 174 Clapton, Mary E., indecent assault on, 95 Clerks of petty sessions, notices to, 111, 126, 147 Cock, Wm., vagrancy, 127 Coffey, Constable, assault on, 96 Cole, Ethel, wilful exposure to, 1.74 Cole, Joseph, commitment, 134 Collins, Adolphus Augustus, false pretences on, 178, 185 Collins, Jas., false pretences on, 130 Collyer, Henry, commitment, 112, 142 Commins, Fredk., embezzlement, 115 Commissioners of the supreme court, 103, 173 Connell, Michael, escaped lunatic, 147, 153 Coppin, Arthur, larceny, 167 Courts of petty sessions altered, 95, 126, 134, 147, 167, 173 Courts of petty sessions discontinued, 126 Courts of petty sessions held at, 159 Cowan, Jas., larceny, 163 Cox, Win. Henry, commitment, 119, 127 Creighton, Jas., escaped lunatic, 112 Crowley, James, larceny as a bailee on, 185 Cunningham, Thos. H., larceny as a bailee on, 115 D. Danvers, Lottie, larceny as a bailee, 138 Davies, Frederick, false pretences on, 115 Davis, Alfred, commitment, 160 Davis, Daniel, commitment, 160 Davis, Edwin Thos., larceny as a bailee on, 144 Delaney, Thos., illicit distillation, 134, 141, 154, 159 Delort, Louie, embezzlement, 177 2 VICTORIA POLICE Deserters from H.M. serviceBrown, W. A., 105 O'Neill, Michael, 112 Carthy, S. T., 112 Parsons, Wm., 112 Cato, A, T., 112 Sutherland, Robert, 97 Elliott, Thos. Edwd., 154 Terry, Alfred, 148 Fox, Chas. Jas., 97 Thompson, G. W., 105 Whelan, Jno., 105 Howse, Herbert, 161 Leahy, Ernest, 112 Willis, H. G., 120 Lynch, Thos., 105 Wray, Henry R., 97 Moore , Harry, 97, 105 Deserters from merchant vessels--Gronmark, Julius, 120 Neild, Edward, 97 Heliksen , Martin , 120 Otter, John, 97 Mackwood, -, 97 Deserters of wivesAdams, Geo., 166 Lloyd, Alexander, 158 Arnott, Wm. Herbert, 158 Mackay, Alex., 146 Marshall, Jas. H., 125 Aurish, Paul, 173 Bamber, T. P., 153 Meallenhauer, John, 180 Barnett, Fredk., 118 Mitchell, Wm., 158 Bentley, Francis H., 118 Moebus, Gustav, 140 Best, Geo., 158 Moran, Thos., 146 Blackman, Alfred, 102 Mulhare, Robt. Francis, 94 Munro, Richard, 102 Browne, Chas. H., 166 Brown, John Alex.; 111 McGregor, Alex., 94, 111 McGuinness, P. A., 166 Chapman, Phillip H., 133 McKenzie, John M., 111 Coleman, Arthur, 111 Ord, Robert, 166 Collier, R. G., 125 Oxley, Jas. Wm., 180 Colson; Carl, 94 Page, Joseph, 133 Crisp, Thos. E., 133 Palmer, Arthur, 166 Cunningham, Wm., 172, 180 Davison, Thos., 125 Patterson, Eugene D., 102 Detering, Fredk., 111 Patterson, Jas., 142 Dillon, M. C., 125, 133 Paul, Robt. Wm., 133 Duncan, Wm., 102 Porter, G. H., 180 Edwards, Win., 180 Poston, R. S., 185 Elbel, Edward, 158 Pugh, Jos., 180 Evans, John, 113, 172 Rank, Wm., 172 Forrester, J. G., 125, 140 Ray, Geo., 94 Fraser, Alex., 102, 125 Reynolds, David, 111, 133 Fraser, Wm., 153 Rutzou, Ferdinand, 154 Glenister, Herbert, 118 Shaw, Jas., 146 Gold, C. H., 166 Shegog, George, 118 Hadley, John, 140, 146 Sherrin, W. R., 173 Hallett, Harry, 94 Slater, W. H. G., 125 Harrington, John, 146 Stephenson, Wm., 166 Hart, .Tas., 173 Thorburn, Thos., 153 Hodgson, Henry, 146 Thornber, Jas., 172 Hunt, Edwin, 140, 146 Urbahns, A. H., 158 Vail, Wm. Knight, 173 Janes, Alfred MT., 111, 118 Kemp, Robert, 133 Vale, John, 153 Knowlson, J. C., 125 Wallis, R. J., 153, 166 Wardell, Wm. Thos., 146 Koeter, John Otto, 140 Watkins, Francis, 111, 133 Laby, Wm., 166 Wilks, Walter, 158 Lapthorn, Henry, 118 Younghusband, N. M., 153 Lee, Edward P., 111 Devereux, Phillip, unlawfully using a mare, 160, 167 Dinsdale, Henry, commitment, 119, Dix, Wm. Frederick, larceny, 163, 185 Doheny, -, false pretences, 163 Donald, John, commitment, 174 Donaldson, Win., larceny as a bailee on, Downey, Arthur, commitment, 183 Doyen, Richard J., commitment, 167 Drummond, Wm. J., buggery on, 182 Duncan, A. D., larceny as a bailee, 99 Duzanny, Chas., maliciously wounding, 144 Dyson, Thos. Jas., embezzlement on, 144 116,129 E. Eddy, Richard, commitment, 174 Ellement, Grace, indecent assault on, 127 Estale, Henry, shooting a cow, property of, 182 Examinations for mining and factory engine-drivers, 126 Extradition treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, 141 Extradition treaty between Great Britain and Liberia, 153 F. Fairfax, alias Blanch, larceny, 150, 155 Fallon, Wm., wilful damage to property of, 147 Farren, Nellie, false pretences on, 163 Fatata Khan, Mrs., larceny as a bailee, 144, 150 Finch, John, commitment, 111 Fischer, G. P., alias Dutchie,-larceny, 144, 150,163 Fisher, Jas., commitment, 147 Fitzgerald, Edward, commitment, 105 Fitzgerald, David, wilful damage, 147 Fitzpatrick, Alexander, false pretences, 178, 185 Flynn, John, commitment, 141 Fogarty, John, assault, 112 Forrest, Herbert, commitment, Foster, John, larceny, 99 Fry, Helena, commitment, 134 104 G. Gay, Peter, commitment, 167 George, John, false pretences, 99 Gholam All Hamet, escaped lunatic, 160 Gilbert, Elizabeth, disobeying a bench order, 127 Gildon, Henry, commitment, 119 Gissing, Ellen, wilful damage on, 147 Glynn, S. M., commitment, 142 Goldhorn, Ludwig B., forgery, 178 Graham, Mrs., commitment, 104 Graham, John, commitment, 104, 134 Green, John, commitment, 148 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1894. Green, Wm., commitment, 167, Greenland, George, commitment, 141 Greig, Wm., larceny as a bailee on, 99, 116 Guardian of minors, 126 H. Hall, Fanny, indecent assault on, 111, 115, 127 Hamilton, G., larceny, 169, 177 Hamilton, Peter, larceny as a bailee on, 107 Hansford, John, commitment, 126 Harlock, Henry, disobeying a bench summons, 167 Harris, Ernest H., larceny as a bailee on, 155, 164 Hart, Geo., commitment, 104 Harton, Jas., exposing liquor without a licence, 174 Hayes, Jeremiah, commitment, 104 Hayward, Charles, larceny as a bailee, 99, 116 Haywood, W. 0., breach of the insolvency law, Sydney, Health act notices, 95, 111, 126, 141, 153, 167 Health officers, 95, 111, 126, 141, 167, 180 Henckels, Otto, and Co., larceny as a bailee on, 138 Hendon, Henry, vagrancy, 153 155 Hendon, Thos., vagrancy, 153, 160 Henny, -, assault and wilful damage, 147 Henry, Wm., commitment, 119, 127, 1-34 Heron, Minnie May, carnal knowledge of, 160 Hewin, John, larceny as a bailee on, 144, 155 Hickey, Jas., commitment, 182 Hill, John, commitment, 141, 153 Hill, Pierre, commitment, 104 Hillmer, Robert, false pretences on, 155, 169 Higgins, Samuel, commitment, 148 Highway robbery, arrested forCousins, Lucy, 169 Perry, Thos., 139 Duffy, Michael, 109 Reynolds, Edwd., 129 McLeod, Theodore, 115 Williamson, Jas., 129 Highway robbery, charged withBoyle, Julia, 169 Man, name unknown, on Clohesy, Jemmy, 137 Jacob Bradley, 149 Fitzroy, Ada, 121 Three men, names unknown, Man, name unknown, on M. on Levi Arblaster, 149 King, 143 Two men, robbery on John Man, name unknown, on W. Buchanan, 177 J. Lobb, 107 Highway robbery, &c., committed on- Allen, R. H., 171 Lamb, Owen, 169 Arblaster, Levi, 149 Lang, Fredk., 139 Beakey, Timothy, 109 Lobb, Wm. John, 107 Manson, David T., 93 Beggs, Catherine, 117 Bodley, Frank, 145 Marron, Patrick, 93 Bradley, Jacob, 149 Murphy, Pat., 109 Brown, Edwd. A., 139 McCabe, John, 93 Brown, Robt., 131 McDonald, Hector, 93 Buchanan, John, 171 McGregor, Alex., 109 Cleary, Michael, 109 McKinley, Chas., 93 Condon, Michael N., 1G1 O'Brien, Wm., 137 Clough, Chas., 101 O'Dwyer, Annie, 129 Davis, Evan, 93 Percival, Wm. D., 117 Deaney, John, 109 Reading, Samuel, 131 Devine, Patrick, 151 Robertson, Wm., 165 Dilena, Frank, 117 Rosengrave, Wm., 101 Doheny, Wm. A., 157 Settler, Peter, 121 Dougall, Joseph, 109 Snelling, Theodore, 115 Eaton, John, 101, 109 Spice, Thos. C., 109 Gibson, John, 123, 131, 139 Stewart, John, 171 Gregory, Geo., 93, 101 Sullivan, Patrick, 131 Hamilton, John R., 157 Taylor, D. M., 145 Hokin, David, 117 Toogood, Wm., 151 Holmes, Wm., 171 Turrell, Sidney, 179 Hooper, Henry, 109 Twinem, Mrs., 179 Humphreys, Wm., 151 Wells, Annie, 165 Irving, Wm., 101 Wilkins, John G., 165 Johnson, Adam, 129 Williamson, Alexander, 145 Jolly, Mrs. Fred., 145 Young, Mrs. A. V., 151 King, Margaret, 143 Hoare, Catherine, assault on, 134 Hoare, John, false pretences on, 144 Hodge, Wm., commitment, 167 Hodgkins, Mary E., false pretences on, 169 Holland, John, obscene exposure, 182 Homestead associations and village settlements, areas set apart for, 95, 126, 141 Hood, Emily, larceny as a bailee on, 144, 150 Hookey, A. H., embezzlement, 138 Hopkins, Nellie, obscene exposure to, 134 Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingBlackett, J. H., 164 Marshall, Henry, 164 Bowman, John, 144 Swallow, Geo. E., 178 Hawes, Arthur, 150 Horses and cattle, charged with stealing'Bowman, John, 121 Man, name unknown, horse Fletcher, Frank, 164 stealing on H. F. Smith, 155 Hart, Alfred, 108 Marshall, Henry, 1.56 Man, name unknown, horse Smith, William, 185 stealing on Samuel Willett, Snowy, -, 108 108 Swallow, Geo. Edward, 164 Man, name unknown, horse Stewart, Thos., 156, 164 stealing on W. J. Wadmore, 121, 130 Horses and cattle stolen fromBaragny, P., 160, 174 Aikman, Ernest, 168 Barton, Thos., 127, 174 Anderson, Wm., 160 Anderson, R., 105, 134 Beggs, Henry, 183 Armstrong, Albert R., 174 Bence, C. J., 168, 174 Attygale, D. C., 112, 154 Berry, Edward, 96 Bailey, W. H., 161 Billett, Sidney R., 174 1894.] VICTORIA POLICE Horses and cattle stolen from-continued. Boota Lingh, 96 Major, Thos., 96 Bowman, Arthur P., 105 Malcolm, Win., 134 Bradford, Geo., 119 Mallow, Robert, 174 Bradley, John, 183 Mason, John, 174 Brady, Frank, 105, 168 Matchett, David, 96 Brady, M., 160, 168 Matthews, W., 148 Bridges, Captain, 183 Mein, Walter,-96, 112 Brown, Donald G., 120, 127 Merton, Wm., 135 Bull, John,' 119 Metcalfe, Thos., 148, 160 Bullivant, W. H., 134, 148 Miller, Charles, 119 Burgess, John, 183 Molden, J. W., 105, 154 Burnett, Mrs. J., 119, 154 Moloney, Edward, 127, 134 Burt, Geo., 97, 112, Molony, Jas., 97, 119 Cameron, John, 168 Moore, Wm., 119, 134 Campbell, Thos., 160 Morley and Co., 149,150 Carland, E., 168 Mortimer, Mr., 96, 105 Cavanagh, Jas., 148 Mousley, Geo., 148 Cleary, Peter, 96, 128 Murphy Bros., 142 Considine, Mary, 135 Murphy, Mrs., 135 Cook, Geo., 183 McBride, Rev. P., 174 Cooper, T. W., 96 McBride, Wm., 168 Coughlin, John, 134 McCann, John, 96 Coutts, Jas., 127 McCully, John, 96, 142 Curry, Michael, 154 McCallum, Alex., 160, 168 Davies, R. B., 105 McDonnell, Wm. J., 154, 183 Davis, Morris, 96 McFadyn, D., 105 Denis and Strauthman, 154 McGeehin, Edward, 154, 160 Derrick, Theodore, 105 McGill, Jas., 142 Devlin, J. P., 127 McIntyre, A. J., 160 Dobson, Jessie, 135 McKeaiid, Alfred, 96 Donovan, John, 105 McLeod, John, 96 Downes, Thos., 97 McMahon, Thos., 148 Downey, Wm., 168, 174 McPherson, Jas., 108 Duggan, M., 97 McSwain, Ewen, 127 Duvanel, Albert, 119 O'Dea, John, 183 Eddy, Nicholas, 174 Osborne, J. A., 105,112 Evans, Thos. M., 164 Peters, Jas., 164 Fisher, Andrew, 127 Pope, John, 121 Fletcher, Thos., 96 Pozzi, Stefano, 105 Frauenfelder, Phillip, 96 Proctor, John, 183 Gardiner, Wm., 174 Pyers, A., 174 Geachey, John, 168 Pygall, John, 105 Gilmour, Jas., 148 Quaife, John G., 127 Gouge, Robt., 183 Reeves, Thos., 154 Greenwood, W., 160 Reynolds, H. J., 148 Grills, R., 174 Richards, Ambrose, 96 Griffiths, John, 142 Ricketson, Henry, 135 Hagg, Thos., 127 Robertson, F. R. G., 96, 127 Halkyard, A. W., 120,127,128 Robinson, Joshua, 183 Harwood, Thos., 96, 105 Ryan, Jas., 174, 183 Harker, Thos., 174 Saily, Mrs. E., 105 Hender, Henry, 127, 142 Scott, Geo., 135 Henderson, H. C., 183 Scott, Robt., 148, 154 Henderson, Jas., 148 Shand, John, 135, 160 Hession, Martin, 154, 160 Sheldrake, Julia, 148 Hillary, Thos., 160 Shields, Ellen, 148, 168 Holinshaw, Jas., 183 Sim, John, 96, 105 Hollingsworth, Geo., 119, 127 Smith, H. F., 125, 142, 155 Hopkins, Francis, 128, 134 Smith, Jas., 134 Hosie, J. S., 128, 134 Smyth, Arthur, 148 Hoyne, Rev. Father, 96 Stewart, Jas., 135 Huggett, Mrs. W., 112 Stewart, Thos., 135 James, Jos., 160 Straughan, Thos., 96, 105 James, John, 105 Sweeney, Mary, 148, 154 Jess, Thos., 105 Thorn, Jas., 134 Jewry, Thos., 142 Toohey, Thos., 119, 127 Jones, A., 160 Tucker, Wm., 174 Jones and Son, 148 Umphelby, Thos., 148 Kelly, Andrew, 127, 135 Vaughan, Thos., 183 Kennedy, D., 164 Wadmore, W. J., 121,130 Kennedy, Donald, 105, 112 Walker, Arthur F., 96 Keogh, John, 142 Watkins, Wm., 185 Kerrins, P. A., 135, 160 Weinsberg, Samuel, 96 Krcrouse and Madden, 105 Whybrow, James, 96 Lamb, John, 127, 142 Willett, Samuel, 108 Lawler, John, 160, 168, 175 Williams, John, 154 Lawson, Alex. Jas., 148 Williams, Thos., 135 Leonard, Phillip, 127 Williamson, Ambrose, 96 Lewis, Thos., 142 Wilmott, Hettie, 160, 168 Little, Willis, 127 Wood, Jas., 97 Loeder, Mary, 183 Woods, Kate, 128 Horsham, Bundalong , and Peechelba commons diminished, 126 Hoskings, Jas., wilful exposure, 174 Housebreaking, arrested Brown, Joseph, 163 for- Casey, Wm., 185 Clegg, Mary Ann, 169 Collins, Edwd., 102 Cummings, Wm., 169 Duce, Annie, 169 Evans , Eliza, 177 Hansen, Joseph, 169 Housebreaking , charged withAchleone, Ida, 137 Arblaster, Amos, 143 Ah Yen, 115, 137 Brown, -, 99 Clegg, Mary Ann, 143 Cox, W., 155 Davis, Alice, 129 Gissing, -, 143 Gore, H., 177 Griffith, Frank, 99, 137 Man, name unknown, on A. Evans, 151 Henaghan , Maria, 131 Hughes, Henry, 143 Marlow , Gee., 169 Orne, James, 137 Prandt, Ernest, 129 Shiels , Henry, 185 Terlecki , F. 0., 143 Watson, Chas., 99 Man, name unknown, on M. Wilson, 155 Man, name unknown, on 0. Lee, 155 Man, name unknown , on Mrs. Hanson, 163 Man, name unknown, on Joseph Kennedy, 169 Man, name unknown, on W. Kennedy, 149 Man, name unknown, on You Kee, 149 GAZETTE.-INDEX. Housebreaking, charged with-continued. Man, name unknown, on O'Neil, Blakey, -155 Paterson, J., 163 Crawford and-Blair, 149' Man, name unknown, on Pendennis- Chas., 143 Moses Rabinor,=149 Pickett, Joe, 149 Man, name unknown, on W. Prandt,: Ernest, 121 Phillips, 115 Reilly, Jack, 138 Man, name unknown, on S. Richardson, Harry, 99, 107 Boyle, 107 Shiels, Harry, 137 Man, name unknown, on Thos. Smith, Thos. A., 137 Carroll, 99 Streeter, Thos., 163Man, name unknown, on D. Stubbings, Nellie, -137 Cooney, 121 Two men, names unknown, on Man, name unknown, on Chas. W. Wishart, 143 Gilheany, 143 Three men, names unknown, Man, name unknown, on E. on Joseph Glaysher, 137 Burgess, 129 Thompson, -, 121 Marlow, Geo., 143 Ware, Chas., 163 Moore, Geo., 115 Watson, M., 177 McGregor, -, 137 Williams, F., 138 Nelson, Carlo, 155 Williamson, Wm., 143, 169, Norah, -, 163, 169 Wilson, = , 143 Housebreaking committed onGondeur , Annie , 94 Abell , Mrs . A . J ., 118 Gracie , Thomas , 179 Achleone , Hector , 137 . Ackroyd , F . J ., 124 , 132 , 165 Greenwood , N. H. , 145 Groening , Wilhelmina , 132 Adamson , Jas ., 132 Anderson , Robert , 180 Gyton , Robert J. , 171 , 179 Hallam , Fredk. John , 117 Andrews , Jane , 180 Aronson , S . P ., 171 Hallon , Jas. , 110 Ah Chung , 93 Hamilton , Peter , 93 Hannaford , Arthur , 117 Ah Kit , 145 Hannan , John , 143 Baker , Harcourt J. , 146 Ball , Luke , 123 Hansen , Theresa , 169 Hanson , Mrs ., 163 Balli , Arnold , 121 Barnes , Julia , 171 Harris , Edwd. Jas. , 151 Barnett , Wm ., 109 Hart , Ludovick , 157 Reuben , 123 Barrett , John G ., 124 Healey , Annie , 123 Bassett , Walter , 93 Belton , Hannah , 123 Henry , Mortimer , 118 Berref , Thos ., 121 Hepburn , Patrick , 110 Hill , Geo ., 93 , 101 Berry , Emily , 157 Hinsey , Henry , 158 Bethell , Abraham , 1.23 , 131 Blackburn , John , 163 Horrigan , John, 101 , 110 Howie , James , 152 Blackmore , Jas. B. , 146 , 152 Hunter , Mrs. , 93 ' Boldini , Peter , 177 Huddlestone , Wm. , 157 Booth , Mrs ., 118 Ibston , Jas.` Thos. , 99, 107 Boyle , Samuel , 107 Ingram , Emma , 152 Brazier , Amos W. , 151 Irons, Alfred , 137 Broadman , Harry , 110 Brockbank , Thos ., 143 Jack , Mary , 93 Brooks , Richd . H ., 146 James , T. R. , 151 James , Wm. , 118 Brosnan , Maurice , 101 Jasper , George , 151 Brown , Thos ., 139 Brown , Thos . A ., 171 Johnson , Grove , 132 Burgess , Edwd ., 109, 129 Jones , Mary , 118 . Julian , Chas. , 165 Cain , John , 110 , 117 Kay , Chas . W.5 93, 110 Cam , John , 140 ' Kealey , Mary , 165 Cameron , Donald , 145 Keating , Patrick , 140 Carnie , Wm. , 132 Kennedy , Christopher , 152 Carroll , Michael B. , 132, 139 Kidd , Jas ., 166 Carroll , Thos ., 99 King , Wm. , 93 Cavanagh , Edith A. , 171 Kingston , N. , 139 , Thos ., 165 Chadwick Kiniary , Patrick , 132 Chapman , Frederick , 124 Kinley , Chas . J ., 123 , 145 Charles , G . A ., 172 , 179 Kirby , Ellen , 157 Cheslin , Edwin , 110 Le Bas ., H . C ., 171 Clarke , Mrs ., 139 Lee , Charles , 123 Cleary , John , 152 Lee , Charles , 152 Coglilan , James , 152 Lee , Emma , 137 Collins , Eliza , 157 Leslie , Thos. , 129, 155 Colvin , T . M ., 118 121 , Liegler , G. F. , 131 , Denis Cooney Linn , Wm. , 165 Cord , John R ., 137 Long , Benjamin , 99 Cordrey , Phillip , 123 Lothbury , Martha , 101 Couch , George , 172 Levy , Alfred , 110 , 139 Counsell , John , 165 Lewis , Arthur , 146 Davis , Lewis , f124 Main , -Robert , 101; 117 Dawson , Richard F. , 117 Mair , Geo. , 151 Dawson , Robert , 179 Malcolm , H. , Dickie , J . J. , 166 Doull , David, 143 Martin , Wm., 101; 109 Dowsett, John, 139 Martindale, Alice E., 94 Doyle, Peter, 124 Masters, Wm., 115 Dry, Mrs. Ann, 145, 151 Middleton, John, 157 Duncan, Elsie, 171 Mills, Wm., 123 Dunkinson, A. H., 101 Mooney, Mary, 143 Easey, Jos., 102 Moore, James , 152, 157 Edsall, Edward R., 145 Morrison , John, 151 Edsall, Edward S., 165 Moses , Lewis, 172 Edwards, Thos. D., 165 Mountford, Geo., 152 Ellis , Robert N., 179 Ervin, Alf. Ernest, 124 Moynihan, Elizabeth, 152 Evans , Arthur, 151 Mullally, Wm., 139 Munn, John, 117 Evans , Elizabeth, 124 Muntz, Joseph C., 157 Evans, Geo., 152, 165, 172 Fairbridge, Wm., 118 Murphy, Wm., 152 -Mute r, Wm., 115 Foden, Percy, 118 Forbes, Stewart Jas., 132 McCann, Jas., 157 Freeman, Archibald, 117 McFarland , R., -145 McFarlane, Hugh D., 101 Frost, Alfred, 166 McGrath, Patrick, 109 Fry, Herbert, 123 McGuinness , Thos., 132 Garland, Jean, 93 Mclvor, Andrew, 139, 145 Garlick, Miss, 123 McKelvey, Wm., 139 Gay, Chas., 172 McKindrick, John, 102 Gilheany, Chas., 143 McMahon , Mary, 118, 123, Glasson, W. S., 165, 171 131 Glaysher, Joseph, 137, 143 ' Harvey , 101 Marks, Jos.Oliver, 94 4 VICTORIA POLICE Housebreaking committed on-continued. McNamara. Lizzie, 131 Shroder, Henry, 179 McNaughton, Frederick, 179 Sing With, 99, 137 Nation, Alfred, 152 Simpson, Hannah, 132 Nichols, Edward, 124 Slater, Arthur, 143 Nicolson, John, 101 Smart, Mary, 139 Noall, W., 145 Smartt, Harriet, 117 Noel, Mary E., 172 Smelzer, John, 165 Noon, Daniel, 143 Smith, Amelia S., 101 Nott, John A., 146, 179 Smith, Frank, 166 Oakley, Amy Jane, 110 Smith, Geo., 139 O'Connor, Thos., 124 Smith, Montague H., 185 Ormsby, M. G., 157, 171 Smith, Wm., 117 O'Shea, John, 143 Smyth, John, 157 Padaghan, Alfred, 166 Smyth, Mrs., 101 Page, W. H., 171 Stamp, John B., 152 Parry, Mrs., 118 Stewart, Jas., 132 Parson, Alfred, 171 Strachan, Geo., 132 Paterson, J., 145, 151 Stubbings, Nellie, 145 Paul, Ellen, 171 Stutt, Wm.,157 Pearson, Mrs. S., 151 Suckling, Thos., 166 Petit, Chas. E., 143 Swan, Peter, 151 Pettit, Harriet, 152 Swanson , Olaf Henry, 110 Phillips, Wm., 115 Sweeney , Patrick, 179 Pizzey, W. P., 109. Tarrant, Jos. 132 Powell, Joseph, 177 Templeton, Francis, 171 Poulton, Jas., 140 Tonkyn, Christina, 179 Purvis, J. C., 157 Trumer, Francis, 172, 179 Quinn, Alex., 118 Turner, Francis, 172, 179 Quigley, Geo., 131 Turner, Wm., 110 Rainer, John C., 110 Ulbrich, Chas., 94 Rampling, Arthur, 117 Union trustees and executors Ratz, Conrad, 165 co., 157 Reid, Emily, 165 Vestris, Johanna, 139 Renison, Eliza, 110 Wadsworth, Thos., 145, 152 Renton, Wm., 117 Walbran, Mrs., 172 Rippen, John K., 172 Walker, John, 109 Roberts, John, 131 Walls, Hugh K., 152, 171. Robertson, Mrs. A. D., 123, Wardle, Mary Ann, 179 131 Watson, Wm., 102 Robinson, Guy, 91 Watts, G., 145 Roope, Emma, 172 Wilkinson, Robt., 118 Ross, Donald Munro, 179 Williams, Dr. Johnson, 165 Ryan, Dan., 151 Wilson, Margaret, 115 Saunders, John, 123 Wilson, Sophia, 124 Wishart, Wm., 143 Satchwell, Jas., 137 Scorer, Mrs., 165 Woodlard, Jos., 117, 1.37 Scott, Wm., 93 Young, George, 124 Howe, Robert, assault, 167, 174 Hoyt, Henry, embezzlement on, 177 Hutton, Minnie, vagrancy, 160 Hyde, Ethel, obscene exposure to, 183 Hynes, Thos,, escaped lunatic, 112, 134 1. Ingles, Joseph, false pretences, Incendiarism committed on- 107, 121 Morgan, Wm.,179 Pratt, Wm., 123 Summers, Chas., 139 Williamson, Abel, 1.79 Inquests held onBody of a man found in the Yarra, near No. 10 shed, Australian wharf, 97 Body of a. man found in the Yarra, near No. 8 shed, 105 Body of a woman found in the closet of 46 Stanley-street, West Melbourne, 168 Child found in the University gardens, 128 Female child found at the corner of Hotham and Hoddle streets, Collingwood, 113 J. Jackson, Henry, disobeying a bench order, 127 Jacobs, Edwin, embezzlement, 177 Jamieson, Daniel, commitment, 119, 167 Jenkins, Claudina, carnal knowledge of, 160 Jennings, W. P., false pretences on, 144 Jerim, Regie, larceny as a bailee, 144, 155 Jew, Margaret, commitment, 104 Johansen, Peter Nels, disobeying a maintenance order, 112, 182 Johnson, J., commitment, 182 Johnson, Samuel, indecent assault, 183 Johnson, Wm., false pretences, 115 Johnson, Eleanor, indecent assault on, 183 JohnsoWe Sidney, wilful damage to property of, 104 Jones, nry S., false pretences, 144 Jones, John, commitment, 160 Jones, James, commitment, 134 Jones, Lottie, obscene exposure to, 119 Jones, Wm. L., false pretences, 115, 130 Jordern, Chas., larceny as a bailee on, 115 K. Kane, Charles, perjury, 99, 108 Kemp, Honora, escaped lunatic, 112, 119, 126 Keen, John, embezzlement, 108 Kemp, Wm., embezzlement, 1,64 Kenny, Thos., disobeying a summons, 112 Kenny, Thos. Irwin, false pretences, 116, 121 Kerr, Edward, inflicting grievous bodily harm, 104 Kerton, W. J., larceny as a bailee, 99 Kohn, Victor, false pretences on, 144 T'C oon, -, larceny as a bailee, 150 Krom, John, larceny, 183 Kyle, Mary Ann, false pretences on, 99 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1894. L. Laidlaw, Win., commitment, 174 Lain,-, David P., larceny on, 163 Laird, Margaret, commitment, 104 Lancaster, Henry, larceny on, 99 Lanfranchi, Bernard, assault on, 182 Larnan, Peter, false pretences on, 115 Larenzo, Della Moretti, malicious wounding of, 127, 183 Leber, Henry, false pretences on, 108 Legally-qualified medical practitioners, 111 Leggart, Joseph, commitment, 183 Leslie, Annie, larceny as a bailee on, 138 Letton, W. H., disobeying a bench order, 127 Lewis, Harry, embezzlement on, 115 Lewis, Louie, larceny as a servant, 144 Littlejohn, Margaret, commitment, 111 Liverpool, -, assault, 96 Lloyd, Wm., false pretences on, 178 Lohman, Wm. D., americaii defaulter, 108 London and american tailoring company, embezzlement on, 138 Looney, John, false pretences, 178 Loughman, Constable John, assault on, 153 Loveless, Edward, embezzlement, 108 Lynch, Matilda, commitment, 159, 167 M. Madden, Jas., commitment, 134, 182 Magistrates appointed, 95, 103, 140 Magistrates resigned, 103, 141, 147, 159, 173, 180 Man, name unknown, indecent assault on Mary Whawell, 167 Man, name unknown, indecent assault on Grace Ellement, 127 Man, name unknown, indecent assault on Mary E. Clapton, 95 Man, name unknown, wilful and obscene exposure to Lottie Jones, 119 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Ethel Hyde, 183 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Edith Naisby, 174 Man, name unknown, indecent exposure to Glady Peters, 112 Man, name unknown, wilful exposure to Nellie Hopkins, 134 Man, name unknown, buggery on W. J. Drummond, 182 Man, name unknown, carnal knowledge of Minnie May Heron and Claudina Jenkins, 160 Man, name unknown, unlawfully on premises of Angus Butters, 153 Man, name unknown, imposition on M. J. Speary, 129 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Mary Ann Kyle, 99 Man, name unknown, false pretences on H. J. Warburton, 116 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Lydia Thomas, 164 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Win'': Ayton, 99 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Joseph Bromley, 107, 138 Man, name unknown, uttering on Wm. Sands, 129 name unknown, uttering a forged cheque on G. J. Wells, Man, Man, name unknown , larceny on Wm. Donaldson, 116, 129 Man, name unknown, larceny as a bailee on James Crowley, 185 Manifield, Stephen, larceny as a bailee on , 121, 129, 144 Mann, Joseph, commitment, 119 Manning, Richard, false pretences on, 1.07, 138 Manzie, John, commitment, 183 Martin, Joseph, commitment, 182 Martin, Mrs., false pretences, 150, 163 Marsh, Win. A., false pretences on, 134 Men, names unknown, assault on Chas. Schnorr, 182 Metcher, Thos., false pretences on, 116 Miller, Fredk., embezzlement on, 108 Mills, Ann, assault on, 159, 167 Mills, Thos., assault , 159, 167 129 Missing friendsBarton, G. M., 105 Bastow, Frank, 183 Bayly, John W., 175 Berry, John, 128 Clarke, Alfred, 113, 120 Demster, Adam, 154 Dundee, Jas., 168 Fulton, Wm., 135 Galbraith, Albert, 135 Gannon, Jas., 154 Gilmour, Frank, 128 Holmes, Geo. H., 168 Keillor, Geo., 161 Mackay, Andrew, 183 Martin, John, 168 McBean, John, 113 O'Donohue, Herbert, 148 O'Toole, Annie, 148 Pickering, Win. Thos., 113 Piebald, Albert, 97 Powell, Thos. J., 148 Reddy, Edward, 135 Scanlon , Bridget, 113 Scanlon, Kate, 113 Schieblich, Otto Mar, 154 Schroder, Hein, 97 Schroder, Klaas, 97 Smith, Mrs., 154 Swanton , Geo. W., 154 Thomas, Jane, 105 Wagner, Geo. Wm., 156, 168 Walker, John, 161 Williams, Jno., 135 Wood, Thos., 120 Mollenhour, John, disobeying a magisterial order, 113, 148 Mollenhour, John, larceny, 154 Montgomery, John, commitment, 119, 126 Moore, Geo., indecent assault, 111, 115, 127 Morgan, Evan, disobeying a summons, 159 Morris, Alfred, false pretences, 99, 121 Morton, Wm., commitment, 167 Munday, F, G., larceny, 154 Munroe , Gus, rape, 169 Murchie , D., false pretences , 178, 185 Murder, charged with"Blatch, Arthur, murder of Alfred Welch, 145 Brown, -, murder of Geo. Marisky, 139, 145 Jacky (aboriginal native), murder of Mary Smith and Seveyn Muzcovitch, 109 Mitchell, Jas., murder of Eugene Posset, 117, 131 Watson, Jas., murder of Eugene Posset, 117, 131 Willy (aboriginal native ), murder of Mary Smith and Seveyn Muzcovitch, 109 1894.] VICTORIA POLICE Murder ofChild found in water well on the farm of Mr. Wiseman, 131 Female child found 't 1 Scotia-street, North Melbourne, 131 Female child found in the yard of an unoccupied house in Nelson-street, Windsor, 151, 173 Male child found off O'Grady-street, Albert Park, 131, 157 Marisky, Geo., 139, 145 Petersen, Peter, 109 Posset, Eugene, 117, 131 Welch, Alfred, 145 iurphy, Geo. H., false pretences , 99,116 Me. McAllister, Hector, larceny as a bailee, 155 McAuliffe, Terence, commitment, 104 McCaw, Geo., escaped prisoner, 182 McCready, Samuel H., commitment, 159 McDonald, Mary, attempted rape on, 98 McEvoy, -, larceny as a bailee, 99 McGrath, John, disobeying a bench order, 134 McIntyre, Geo., riotous behaviour, 167 Mclvor, George, false pretences, 163 Mclvor, John, false pretences, 163 Mclvor, Wm., false pretences, 163 McKay, Donald, commitment, 96 McKenna, Patrick, disobeying a summons, 147 McKenzie, Robert, assault, 182 McLaren, Frank, forgery, 169 McMaster, Donald, resisting police, 105, 112 McNaughton, J., larceny as a bailee, 115 McPhee, Duncan, disobeying a summons, 119 Police force, appointment as inspector of stockWalsh, E. W. T., 180 Police force, appointments as inspectors under the destruction actCode, Benj. Stewart, 159 Lackmann, Jas. Aug., Ellis, John Thos., 159 McCurdy, Jas. Alex., Finlayson, J. McK., 159 Walsh, Walter Thos., vermin 159 159 125 Police force, appointments as inspectors of factoriesBlack, David, 173 White, John Thos., 173 Moore, Jas., 102 Williams, Chas. Alex., 102 Police force, appointment as keeper of powder magazineMoore, Jas., 103 Police force, appointment as officer of customs Crotty, Maurice, 103 Police force, appointments as vermin inspectorsKroon, Cornelius Franciscus, Le Page, Augustine -Jos., 159 159 Strain, James, 159 Horsfall,AlfredHerbert,133 Jones,AlbertEdward,133 Police force, superannuations- Gambley, Robert, 153 Maxwell, Michael, 180 Gough, Michael, 159 Strahan, Anthony, 133 Irwin, John, 133 Police force, instructions toAmended forms, No. 36 (tenders for farriery), 111 Criminal statistic cards, 173 Extradition treaty between Great Britain and Argentina, 119 Foundling children who come into the possession of the police, 102 Index of gazetted instructions, 173 Initiation and conduct of prosecutions, 94 Cases for hearing against children to be heard in the magistrate=s private room, 94 Committal and conveyance of the insane, 125 Police site, reservation at Rothwell revoked, 95 0. Oakley, J. D., false pretences, 185 O'Brien, Arthur, commitment, 134, 141 O'Brien, John, disobeying a bench order, 159 O'Connell, J., false pretences, 144, 150 O'Donnell, Arthur, false pretences on, 107, 121 Officers for celebrating marriages resigned, 103, 125 O'Hare, Joseph, commitment, 104 O'Neill, Chas., commitment, 127 P. Palmer, Louie, larceny as a bailee, 163 Paten, Edward, false pretences, 185 Pearce, Mary, assault on, 154 Pearce, G. R., assault, 154, 160 Penner, Joseph, who died in the Alfred Hospital, 174 Peters, Glady, indecent exposure to, 112 Petty sessions at Milawa, 126 Pidgeon, Arthur Joseph, unlawful carnal knowledge, 134, 153 Pittard, Wm., embezzlement, 138 Pizzie, -, embezzlement Son, 121 Police examinations for promotions, 140 Police force, appointments as clerks of petty sessionsNolan, Michael Robertson, Wade, James, 125 166 Woodhouse, Henry Mortimer Smelcher, Alfred, 159 Hyde, 103 Police force, appointments as constablesCarnegie, Wm. Dalrymple, Finlayson, John McKay, 94 133 Lackmann, Jas. Augustus, 94 Code, Benjamin Stewart, 94 McCurdy, Jas. Alex., 94 Ellis, John Thomas, 94 Police force, appointments as crown lands bailiffsCode, Benjamin Stewart, 159 McCurdy, Jas. Alex., 159 Considine, J. R., 125 McDonald, John, 95 Correll, Geo. Wm., 133 McLeod, Alexander, 95 Ellis, John Thos., 159 McPhee, Kenneth, 133 Finlayson, John McKay, 159 Ryan, Jas. Michael, 95 Kroon, Cornelius F., 159 Strain, Jas., 159 Lackmann, Jas. Aug., 159 Watt, Jas. Morrice, 133 Le Page, Aug. Jos., 159 Police force, appointment as commissioner for taking declarations and affidavitsNolan, Michael R., 167 Police force, appointments as collectors of impostsArnold, Henry W., 141 Gordon, Wm. Jas., 125 Police force, appointments as electoral inspectorsBeck, Wm. John, 133 Paton, J. J. C., 125 Bennett, Robt. Henry, 102 Ryan, John Geo., 166 Couche, Wm., 159 Simcocks, Thos., 102 Gilfedder, James, 133 Smith, Wheatley, 180 Kilmartin, Win. Jos., 166 Stewart, Cathels, 125 Muldarry, John, 159 Turner, Fredk. Edwin, 133 Police force,- appointment as honorary inspector of distilleriesWalshe, John, 141 Police force, appointments as honorary inspectors of explosivesDempster, Edward, 95 Waters, Wm., 95 Police force, appointment as honorary inspector of fisheriesArthur, Thos., 147 Police force, appointments as inspectors of licensing districtsConnolly, Jos., 103 Devine, Luke, 133 Deasey, Denis, 102 Gray, John, 103 of slaughter-houses, 5 Police force, appointments as wharf managersCawsey, Thos., 103 Radburn, Jas., 133 McCaig, John, 95 Police force, deathMcMahon, Henry Ernest, 94 Police force, promotionsArnold, Harry Warman, 94 Deasey, Denis, 119 Brown, Joseph, 119 Gray, John, 119 Carnegie, .Vim. Dalrymple, Larkan, Seymour, 119 133 Sharp, Robert, 119 Police force, resignationsGuthrie, James, 119 Janes, Alfred Walter, 111 N. Naisby, Edith, obscene exposure to, 174 Nathan, S., false jretences on, 150 Naughton, Emma, assault on, 167, 174 Nauman, Adolphus, commitment, 182 Newsome, Joseph, disobeying a bench order, 1610 Noonan, Wm. T., assault, 134 Police force, appointments as inspectors Index-Quarter ending June.-B. GAZETTE.-INDEX. 182 Police station formedGlen Wills, 147 Police stations broken upSheep Hills, 94 Lorne, 111 Police superannuation board, 180 Police widows and orphans association, 133 Police widows and orphans association , deaths in-. Dann, Nathaniel, 147 Hedges, Thomas, Prato, F. J., commitment, 127 Pratt, John, vagrancy, 96 Pringle, Adam, larceny on, 144, 150, 163 Prison for females at Pentridge, 147 Property, arrested for stealingBrennan, Edward, 169 Chandler, McLoughlin, 99 Cummins, Henry, 169 Dailey, Jas., 121 Finnegan, John, 132 Guppy, James, 169 Hawes, Arthur, 143 Johnson, C., 149 Lucas, Cora, 143 Property, charged with stealingBailey, Wm., 185 Bindon, Henry, 107 Brown, Harry, 115 Chanter, -, 107 Crough, Thos., 137 Cummins, Henry, 115 Curtis, Mrs., 121 Dawes, Arthur, 107 Dwyer, John, 129 Dubbo, -, 185 Harris, Jas., 137 Hawes, Arthur, 129 Johnston, Wm., 137 Jones, -, 115 Kirby, Cornelius, 129 Man, name unknown, on H. Brooks, 121' Man, name unknown, on Bridson, 115 Man, name unknown, Steadman Bros., 121 Man, name unknown, Amelia Fegan, 177 R. T. on on Property found byBeechworth police, 175 Bourke-street west police, 97 Buninyong police, 168 C. I. police, 161 Macedon police, 148, 161, 175 Myrtleford police; 112 147 Morel, Edward, 99 O'Brien, John, 172 Reilly, Jack, 143 Ridgway, John, 163 Stewart, Wm., 177 Streeter, Thos., 172 Summers, Patrick, 107 Terlecki, F. C., 155, 166 Williams, Fred., 166 Man, name unknown, on Catherine Graham, 177 Man, name unknown, on Janet Williams, 177 Man, name unknown, on Andrew Muir, 177 Man, name unknown, on Wm. Dowell, 177 Man, name unknown, on R. Reeves, 115 Man, name unknown, on J. W. Bagnall, 107 McLean, Stuart, 107 Richardson, -, 121 Ryan, Wm., 129 Scanlon, Jos., 185 Two boys, names unknown, on W. Sharnhurst, 107 Two men, names unknown, on Thos. Shillington, 121 Two men, larceny from Christian Bros. College, 169 Williams, Alfred, 107 Northcote police,. 105 Russell-street police, 148 Warrnambool police, 135 Wedderburn police, 168 Wilson, John, 154 Yea police, 97 6 VICTORIA Property lost byCheek , Mrs., 148 Lowe , Elizabeth, 161 Moore , Annie, 97 Property stolen fromAllsop , John , 107 Anderson , Edgar , 124 Anderson, Gerald, 152 Archer , J. L., 158 Attygale, D. C., 118, 132 Bagnall, J . W., 107 Bannel, Mrs . E., 180 POLICE McDonald , Donald, 148 Staughton , S. T., 161 0. Barlow, A., 118 Barrett , Roland A., 180 Bartlett, Geo . Fry, 172 Bates, E. G., 158 Bennett, W. R. C., 172 Blackwood , Daniel, 185 Bold , G. T., 124 Bond, J. W., 102 Bowley, A., 118 Brennan , Michael, 172 Bridson, Thos., 115 Brittain , Thos., 121 Brockhoff , A. F., and Brooks, Rd. H.', 121 Buckley , Mars, 166 Bush, Harry, 166 Campbell, Mary, 158 Carroll , Grace, 158, 180 Chaleyer , Jos., 118 Chapman , J., 158 Christian Bros. College, 169 Clampett, D., 118, 158 Clark, Fanny , 1.58,'166 Clark , J. T., 102 Cowan, Jas., 140 Crawcour , Edwin, 99 Crawford and Blair, 149 Crichton , Alex., 94 Culliver , Wm., Davy, Thos . H., 155 Dawes, Henry, 94 Delaney, Michael, 158 Desailly, Mrs., 155 Donovan , Wm., 158 Dooward, G. R., 107 Douglas, Daniel, 102 Douglas, David, 132 Dowell , Wm., 177 Dunlop, John A. W., 163 Fatta Khan, 158, 172 Fegan , Amelia , 177 Fox , Thos. , 152 Garrett , Herbert C. , 172 Gilding , Robert , 111 Gillespie , James , and Co. , 140 Good , John , 118 Graham , Catherine , 177 Gray , W. , 94 Grove , Alfred , 102 Haines , Thos. , 166 Hallet , Wm. Meech , 124 Hamilton , Bessie , 152 Harding, Alfred, Harper , Geo ., 118 , 124 Hawkins, Frank, 180 Hazelhurst , Wm., 110, 124 Heffernan , Rodger, 115 Heller, Thomas, 163, 172 Lloyd , Rosannah , 111 Lodge , Thos., 1.46 Lynch, Geo., 152 Lyons, Patrick F., 146 Martin , Joshua, 172 Mephain , Mr. J., 124 Miles, Abel, 180 Morgan, John S., 166 Mortimer , Janet, 185 Muir, Andrew, 177 McAlpin, Thos., 152, 158 McCandlesh , Mrs., 110, 124 McCoubrie , R. J., 152 McCraw, Jas., 102 McIntyre , Andrew J., 140 McLeod , Norman, 94 McMahon , Mary, 107 Nicols, Robt., 138 Nilfeyle, Geo., 155 Francis , 147, 152 O'Connell , David, 169 O'Connell , John; 125 O'Connor, John, 172 Olley, Harry, 180 O'Neill , Wm., 110 Painter, Harriet, 140 Paull , Jas., 132 Pelling, Daisy, 138 Porter , Stanley, 158 Prest, Robert, 125 Purdy, Geo., 166 Priestly , Samuel, 111 Rabinor, Moses, 149, 163 Ralph, Henry, 158 Ramsden , Richard, 158 Co.,11.1O'Brien, 102,110 107' Hickey, John, 107 Randal , George, 180 Reeves, Marshall, and Ander- son,125 Reeves, Robt., 115 Renard, Clement, 132 Rogers, John J., 172 Rowan , Dr., 110 Rule and Cromarty, 147 Savage , Wm., 102 Schnell, John , 146, 155 Sharnhurst, Walter, 107 Shillington, Thos. , 121, 149 Simmons, John , 129 Smibert , Geo., 152 Smith , Alfred , 110, 124 Spencer, Edward, 132 Squirrel, Chas. , 152 Stabback , Jas. I. , 124 Steadman Bros., 121 Stephenson , Jas., 115 Sugden , Henry Percival, 107 Syme , David, 180 Tait , Wm. , 124 , 140 Taylor, R., 125 Thom, Jas . Wm., 94 Todd , Jas. , 124 Treadwell , John F., 99 Twyford, Win. J., 146 Upton , Joshua, 118 Victorian railways commissioners, 158 Videlius , S., 132 Ward, Harold, 152 Warren, Dr . Wm., 115 Watson, I. J., 172 Watt, Jas., 132 Waxman, Louis, 110, 158 Williams, Janet, 177 Williamson, David, 172 Wilton, Moses, 132 Whitehead , J. T. C., 180 Woods, Mrs . J., 121 Yate, Alfred, 172 You Kee, 149 Higgins, Wm., 147 Hood, Richard, 172 Ivye, Elizabeth, 152 Jacob and Peatt, 125, 137 James, Frank , 125, 143, 149 Jillett, A. J., 124 Keafs , Thomas , 158 Kennedy , Wm., 149 Kenton , Alf. H. , 118 Kew Asylum , 129 Kyne , Mrs. , 140 Lanham , Alfd . , 125 , 132 Lewis , John, 94 Public vaccinators , 95, 103, 126, 159 Q. Quaranti n e districts abolished , 134 Quarantine districts declared , 95 , 104 , 134 Quarantine ground for imported dogs , 126 R. Reeder, Richard , commitment, 182 Registrars of births and deaths , 95, 102, 125, 140, 147, 153, 159, 166, 173, 180 Reid, Thomas, larceny as a bailee , 144, 178 Reidtman , J. H., larceny as a bailee, 130 Richardson , C. B., false pretences, 144 fly Authority GAZETTE.-INDEX [1894. Ricketts , Geo., false pretences , 130 Ring , Thomas , larceny, 119, 129, 138, 163, 177 Robertson , Ernest C., false pretences on, 144 Robertson, John, assault, 153 Robinson , Sarah, vagrancy , 160, 167 Rodgers , Michael, commitment, 183 Rogers , Eda Florence, 169 Round, Blanche , vagrancy , 104, 127 Rowe, Alexander , assault on, 147 Ryan, Hannah, false pretences on, 178, 185 S. Salmon, G. E ., larceny as a bailee , 130 , 144 Salmon , Dr. H. R . , uttering a forgery on , 116 Salter , William , larceny as a bailee on , 130 Sands , Wm. , uttering on , 129 Saunder , David , commitment , 159 Seaman , - , larceny as a bailee , 121 , 129 , 144 Seears , Mary Ann , assault on , 174 Seears , Wm. Jas. , assault , 174 Schnorr , Chas . , assault on , 182 Scott , Robert , uttering a forgery , 116 , 150 Scott , Robert , false pretences , 144 Shadwick , John , commitment , 141 Shaw, John , false pretences , 142 , 150 Shuttle , Geo., larceny on, 169, 177 Simpson , Elizabeth , . assault on , 141 Simpson , Frederick , larceny as a bailee on , 178 , 185 Sitting of the Supreme Court for the hearing of criminal trials and for the trial of causes elsewhere than in Melbourne , 95 Smith , Daisy , obscene exposure to , 119 Smith , Felix H. , false pretences on , 99 Smith , Harry , embezzlement , 121 Smith , Joseph , larceny as a bailee , 169 Smith , Mary Ann , disobeying a bench order , 154 Smith , Samuel H . , false pretences on , 163 Smithers , - , larceny as a bailee , 107 Snow , James , forgery and uttering on , 149 Solomon , Jacob, false pretences on, 177 Spakman , W. , larceny as a bailee , 115 Speary , M . J. , imposition on , 129 Stains, Sydney , larceny on , 121 State forests diminished , 12 Stayles , Thos. , wilful damage , 147 Stephens , Robert , forgery and uttering , 149 Stewart , Robert , commitment , 104 Stone , Jas. E . , false pretences , 144 Street , Percy , commitment , 104 , 127 Strond , Chas. , larceny on , 185 Sullivan , Mary Ann , assault , 141 , 159 13 T. Tainsh, David , commitment, 141, 147 Tasmania-Jacobs , Edwin, embezzlement, 177 Tenbury, Richard , commitment, 167 Thomas , John , commitment, 96, 134Thomas, Lydia, false pretences on, 164 Thompson, Arthur, commitment, 112, 119, 126 Thompson , Wm., larceny as a bailee, 107 Timber reserve abolished, 153 Toole, J. J., vagrancy, 141 Town , Wm., commitment, 134 Trinder, Thomas, commitment , 147, 154 Turner, F . L., embezzlement, 144 U. Upton, Frank, commitment, 182 V. Venesto , John , maliciously wounding , 127, 183 Venesto , Peter , maliciously wounding , 127, 183 Voigt , Peter , escaped prisoner , 104 Voyage , length of , particulars as to vessels carrying passengers from Victoria to certain places , 126 W. Walkerden, Henry, commitment, 104 Wall, George , grievous bodily harm inflicted on, 104 Warburton , H. J., false pretences on, 116 Waters, Margaret J., unlawful carnal knowledge of, 134, 153 Watson , John, larceny, 121 Way; Frank , commitment, 112 W e bb , Ch ar lotte , false p retences , 185 Weber, Constable , assault on, 112 Weeks , Chas., false pretences on, 142, 150 Weller , George , larceny as a bailee on, 130 Wells , G. J., uttering forged cheque on, 129 Whawell , Mary, indecent assault on, 167 White, Elizabeth , vagrancy , 119, 127 White, George, alias Smith, larceny as a servant , 150, 185 Whitton, Wm., commitment, 160 Whyte , J: , embezzlement , 138 Williams, Margaret , larceny as a bailee on, 99 Williams , 0., forgery and uttering, 116 Williams , Victor , larceny , 183 Wilson, C., uttering a forgery, 183 Wilson, Fredk., larceny as a bailee , 115, 138 Winchester, Wm., larceny as a bailee on, 144 : ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbourne. VICTORIAPOLICEGAZETTE. INDEX OF PRISONERS FOR Abrey, William, 6th June Ackland, Joseph, alias Joseph Williams, 23rd May Adams, John, 23rd May Adams, John, 30th May Adams, Matthew, 16th May Atkinson, Joseph, 16th May Aldridge, John, 20th June Alexander, Herbert William, 16th May Allen, Annie, 30th May Allen, Gustav W., 27th June Andrews, William, 30th May Anderson, James, 2nd May Anderson, Mary, 6th June Armstrong, Mary, 9th May Arnold, Henry, 4th April Arnold, Jane, 9th May Astard, Mary Ann, 18th April Ah Chee, 9th May Ah Goon, 20th June Ah Hong, 6th June Ah Kie, 4th April Ah Nou, 18th April Ah Pang, 25th April Ah Tep, Louey, 20th June Cinchn Yue, 6th June Hen Poy, 18th April Le Chung, 16th May Ni Fong, 16th May Ung Chow, 30th May Ung Ghin, 6th June Yee Choy, 20th June Backwater, William, 25th April Backwater, William, 23rd May Baillie, James, 4th April Baker, James, 23rd May Ball, Andrew, 11th April Ball, Andrew, 6th June Baker, William, 2nd May Barker, Geo., 11th April Barker, Hector, 9th May Barkman, John, 23rd May Barnan, Paul, 4th April Barnett, Lucy, 23rd May Barnett, Joseph, 11th April Beaumont, Frank, 4th April Beeby, Robert, 16th May Belmore, Fredk., 9th May Benjamin, Amy, 18th April Bencraft, Reginald, 2nd May Benham, Walter, 16th May Bennett, Henry, 11th April Berryman, Thomas, 18th April Bethell, Thomas, 20th June Bird, Albert Edward, 2nd May Bitton, Joseph, 27th June Blake, Charles, 25th April Bloss, Thomas, 20th June Blot, Louis, 13th June Boalk, alias Balke, alias Bilckie, Charles, 25th April Booth, Caroline, 6th June Boulter, Daniel, 11th April Bourke, Walter, 18th April Boylan, Walter, 23rd May Bray, Alexander, 4th April Bradley, John, 6th June Bray, John, 18th April Braybrook, Isaac, 18th April Brennan, Michael, alias Michael Madigan, alias Jno. -Brennan, 27th June Brierley, Wm. Arthur, 4th April Brody, James, 9th May Brooks, George, alias Henry Gassett, 11th April Index-Quarter DISCHARGED DURING THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE, 1894. POLICE INFORMATION Brooks, Mary Ann, 25th April Brooksbank, Fredk., alias Fredk. Leslie, alias Smith, 6th June Brown, Danl. Fredk., 4th April Brown, William, 6th June Brown, Walter, 30th May Bruce, John, 30th May Brumage, Albert, 16th May Bryan, John, 20th June Bullen, Edward, 20th June Bullen, Minnie, 11th April Buntin, John, 16th May Bunker, Geo., 2nd May Burgess, John, 6th June Burgess, Richard James, 2nd Burke, John, 16th May Burn, Michael, 20th June Burn, James, 4th April Buxton, James, 6th June Byrne, Francis, 18th April Cameron, Alex., alias Alex. Stephens, alias Alex. Stephenson, 25th April Campbell, Alexander, 6th June Cain, Frank, alias Frank Johnson, 18th April Carolan, Peter, 13th June Carter, John, 11th April Chackley, John, 16th May Chambers, Edward, alias Edward Whitbourn, 23rd May Chapman, Edward, 6th June Chapman, William, 11th April Charles, alias Joseph Clark, 9th May Charles, Jesse, 27th June Chambers, Alexander, 11th April Chehab, Alek, 2nd May Clark, Joseph, alias Charles, 9th May Clark, William, 23rd May Coffey, Dennis, 27th June Colgan, Peter, 4th April Collins, Annie, 6th June Collins, Chas. Henry, 9th May Colton, alias Win. Fagan, alias Win. Reid, 6th June Connor, Patrick, 4th April Conway, Arthur John, 6th June Cooper, Alfred, 2nd May Cooper, Duncan, 30th May Cordingley, Fredk. Henry, 2nd May Corrigan, alias Thomas Gannon, 20th June Cosgrove, Patk., 30th May Cottom, Ellis, 9th May Coughlin, Thomas, 2nd May Coulter, Henry, 20th June Coulter, Thomas, 18th April Couzens, Anastasia, 27th June Cox, Charles, 30th May Cox, George William, 18th April Crawford, David, 6th June Crabb, John, 6th June Crichton, James, 6th June Cross, Charles, 11th April Cross, Thomas, 9th May Crowe, Michael, 13th June Cuff, William, alias Jno. Steell, 27th June Cullen Patk., 4th April Cummins, Daniel, 9th May ending June.-C. ONLY. Cummins, James E., 11th April Cummins, Thomas, 9th May Cunningham, Patk., 2nd May Cunningham, Wm., 18th April Curly, Patk., 9th May Curran, Patk., 4th April Currie, William, 4th April Dalton, Win., alias William Doncie, alias Patk. Skeehan, 30th May Daniels, Thomas, 18th April Darcy, Thomas, 4th April Dass, John, 18th April Davidson, John, 23rd May Davey, Albert, 20th June Davies, Wm. H., 4th April Davis, Alfred, alias William Dawson, 27th June Davis, John, 16th May Dawson, Charles, 30th May Dawson, Kitty, 4th April Dawson, William, alias Alfred Davis, 27th June Dean, George, alias Thomas Williams, 20th June Dean, James, alias John Watson, 6th June Delaney, Johanna Teresa, 20th June De Luis, Charles, 23rd May Denecke, C., alias James Deucellenia, 6th June Deucellenia, James, alias C. Denecke, 6th June Develin, John, 4th April Dever, Arthur, 30th May Diggs, Thomas, 2nd May Dixon, Harry, alias Walter McDonald, 11th April Doherty, Henry, 25th April Doncie, William, alias Dalton, alias Patk. Skeehan, 30th May Donney, Thomas, 27th June Dorrance, Wm., 11th April Drummond, John, 4th April Ducate, Jules, 9th May Dudley, Henry, 9th May Duffy, Patrick, alias I. Gubbins, 25th April Duggan, James, alias John Willis, 16th May Dunphy, Pierce, 6th June Duprez, Frank, alias Henry Le Boeuf, 6th June Dwyer, Joseph, 6th June Dwyer, William, 20th June Earl, Henry, 4th April Eastwood, Charles, 25th April Edwards, Arthur, alias Charles Metcalf, 18th April Edwards, Ellen, 20th June Edwards, John, 25th April Edgcombe, Joseph, 25th April Edwards, William, 23rd May Ellis, Benjamin, 23rd May Ellis, Thomas, 6th June Ellis, Wm., 30th May Elliott, Wm., 23rd May Eslar, Mary, 4th April Fagan, Wm., alias Wm. Reid, alias Colton, 6th June Fahey, William, 23rd May Fahey, Jeremiah, 27th June Fallon, John, 6th June Farrell, Martin, 4th April Field, Mary, 23rd May Fisher, John, 18th April Fitcher, John, 2nd May Fitzgerald, Henry, 11th April Fitzpatrick, Henry, alias Harry Fitzpatrick, 6th June Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 23rd May Flannagan, Mary, 9th May Flannigan, John, 4th April Flannigan, Patk., 30th May Flynn, John, 6th June Flynn, Maurice, 16th May Foote, Wm., 4th April Forrest, Thomas, 30th May Fox, Thomas, 11th April Fraser, Edwd., 2nd May Frederickson, Chas., 30th May Free, Alfred, alias John Hill, 6th June Freeman, Robt., 18th April French, William, 13th June Galbraith, William, 16th May Gall, James, 2nd May Galt, Hugh Allen, 16th May Gannon, Thomas, alias Corrigan, 20th June Gardiner, Mary, 4th April Gardiner, William, 6th June Gassett, Henry, alias Geo. Brooks, 4th April Gaynor, Mark, 6th June Geary, Henry V. J., 30th May Ghee, John, 16th May Gibaud, Walter, 20th June Gibbs, James Burgess, 16th Gillard, George, 20th April Gillbey, Ellen, 23rd May Gibson, Richard, 11th April Gibson, Wm., 23rd May Golding, Jane, 16th May Gordon, Mary Ann, 27th June Gordon, Robert, 11th April Gould, Norah, 11th April Graham, Charles, 27th June Graham, Jane, 9th May Graham, John, 23rd May Gray, George, alias Lewellyn Edwards, 27th June Green, Alice, 18th April Griffin, Win., 4th April Gummer, alias June Gwault, Annie, 11th April Uallbrook, James, alias John Hall, 16th May Hall, John, alias James Hallbrook, 16th May Hall, Saml. S., 16th May Halpin, James Eaton, 9th May Hammill, Richard, 9th May Hammond, Edward James, 6th June Win. Win. Ryan, 6th Hannaberry, Thomas, 2nd May Hansen, Alexander, 16th May Hansling, Otto, 20th June Hare, Thomas, 4th April Hargraves, William, 6th June Harrington, James, 4th April Harrington, William, 4th April Harrison, William, 11th April Hart, Arthur, 30th May Harris, David, 13th June Harris, George, 20th June Harris, Henry, 27th June Harris, James, 4th April Haysom, Robert, 25th April Hayward, Alexander, 30th May Healy, David, 9th May Healy, Frank, 18th April Hehir, Wm. James, 27th June Hellier, Thomas, 2nd May 2 PRISONERS Hennessy, David, 4th April Hennessy, Richard, 4th April Hennessey, Thomas, 16th May Henry, Wm., alias John Shuttleworth, alias Wm. Shuttleworth, alias Saunders, 25th April Hermins, John, 6th June Hickey, James, 27th June Hickey, Michael, 20th June Hicks, Charles, 2nd May Higgans, Charles, 27th June Hill, Edward, 23rd May Hill, George, 2nd May Hill, John, 11th April Hill, John, 16th May Hill, John, alias Alfred Free) 6th June Hill, John, 20th June Hill, Sarah, 4th April Hirst, Horace, 9tli May Hoffman, Julius, 16th May Hogan, Peter, 2nd May Holden, Louisa, alias Roberts, 27th June Hoskins, George, 2nd May Howard, Edgar, 30th May Howard, John, 25th April Hughes, Henry, 11th April Hughes, Henry, 16th May Hughes, Thomas, 18th April Hughes, Thomas, 16th May Humphries, William, 25th April Hunter, Robert, 27th June Inglis, Joseph, 30th May I rvine, Charles, 4th April Irvine, Thomas, 30th May Irving, Isaac, 23rd May Jackson, Thomas, 25th April James, Alfred, 30th May James, Alfred, 20th June James, George, 30th May James, Nellie, 6th June James, William, 27th June Jamieson, Mary, 11th April Jennings, Annie, 4th April J oh nson, Ch ar l es, 4t h A pr il Johnson, Charles, 18th April Johnson, Frank, alias Frank Cain, 18th April Johnson, Myles, 13th June Johnson, Robert, 18th April Johnson, Robert, 18th April Johnson, Robert, alias Robert Perry, 20th June ohnson, Robert, alias Robert Perry, 27th June Johnson, Samuel, 11th April Johnson, Wm., 11th April Johnson, William, 9th May Johnston, Chas., 4th April Johnston, George, 23rd May Johnston, Nellie, 4th April Johnston, Thomas, 23rd May Johnston, Thomas, 27th June Jones, Alfred, 16th May Jones, Charles, 2nd May Jones, Harry, 2nd May Jones, John, 23rd May Jones, Joseph, 9th May Jones, Thomas, 2nd May Jones, William, 16th May Kaeppel, Fernando, alias Joseph Mayers, 16th May Kane, Charles, 2nd May Kane, John, 6th June Keating, John, 11th April Kelly, Henry, 23rd May Kelleher, Hugh, 4th April Kelly, John, 27th June Kelly, Wm., 30th May Kelson, Louis, 9th May Kennedy, Alexander, 13th June Kennedy, Annie, 16th May Kennedy, Daniel, 20th June Kennedy, James, 9th May Kennedy, Patk., 9th May Kennedy, William-, 23rd May Kenny, Mick John, 2nd May Kemp, Herbert, 18th April Kernick, Richard, 23rd May Kerr, Patk., 18th April Kerrigan, Mathew Patk., 30th May Killan, Patk., 27th June King, Alfred, 2nd May King, John Alexander, 27th June Kirk, James, 2nd May Kirkland, George, alias Michael O'Mera, 6th June Lafferty, James, 4th April Laini, Luigi, 11th April Laithwaite, Wm. James, 20th April Laity, Mary, 13th June Lalor, John, 6th June DISCHARGED.-INDEX. Lane, Wm., 25th April McNulty, Thomas, 30th May Lamb, Elizabeth, 18th April McPherson, John, 4th April Lambert, William, 16th May McPherson, John, 4th April Lander, Alexander, 6th June McVicar, Hamilton, 16th May Larsan, Peter, 16th May Nash, Alfred, 9th May Lawson, Oscar, 20th Juno l\Tash, James, 25th April Lawrie, Robert, 20th June I Neilson, Christian, 16th May Lawson, James, 27th June Nicholson, Alexander, 2nd May Leahy, Wm. John, 20th June Nicholson, Robert, 23rd May Nolan, James, 25th April LeBoeuf, Henry, alias Frank Nolan, Patk., 6th June Duprez, 6th. June Nolan, Samuel, 16th May Le Croix, Henry, 11th April Noonan, Margaret, 25th April Legard, Geo. Hubert, 30th May Norton, Annie, 6th June Leslie, Fredk,, alias Smith, Norton, James, 23rd May alias Fredk. Brooksbank, 6th Nugent, Patrick, 0th May June O'Brien, Michael, 11th April Lester, John, 4th April O'Brien, Patrick, 6th June Lewis, J .tne , 6th Juno O'B ien, William, alias SulliLewis, Jessie, alias Cora van, 9th May Whittaker, 18th April Lloyd, Alfred, alias Alfred O'Cain, Bridget, 20th June Williams, 23rd May O'Callaghan, Hugh, 2nd May Liedig, Albert, 9th May Ockwell, John, 16th May Lonsdale, Wm., 18th April O'Connor, Joseph, 27th June Long, Peter, 6th June O'Connor, Timothy, 2nd May Lynch, Edward, 23rd May Odeeney, Chas., alias Ferdinand Lyons, Edward, 23rd May Maybeck, 30th May Lyons, Francis, 2nd May O'Dell, Ann, 20th June Mackay, William, 4th April O'Donnell, Martin, 18th April Mader, Charles, 23rd May O'Keefe, Arthur, 18th April Madden, Robert, 30th May Oldham, William, 23rd May Madigan, Michael, alias Jno. O'Leary, Cornelius, 20th June Brennan, alias Michael BrenO'Leary, Patk., 23rd May nan, 27th June Olsen, Peter, 6th June Magaghan, John, 16th May O'Mera, Michael, alias Geo. Magnus, Thomas, 30th May Kirkland, 6th June Mallett, Louis, alias Crosmier, O ' Neil, John, 4t h Apri l 18th April Osborne, Egbert, alias Bert Maloney, James, 30th May Osburn, 4th April Maltby, Ernest, alias Chas. Osborne, Stanley, 18th April Rodgers, 4th April Osborne, William, 18th April Maynard, Walter, 6th June Osburn, Bert, alias Egbert Martin, Wnr., 23rd May Osborne, 4th April Martini, Chas., 4th April O'Shannassy, Patrick, alias Matson, Elizabeth, 27th June Shannon, 2nd May . Matthews, Joseph, 11th April Page, Arthur alias Alfred Matthews, William, 20th June Page, 23rd lkiay M ay b ec k , F er di nan d , a li as P a l mer, Willi am, 2 n d M ay Chas. Odeeney, 30th May Pascoe, Edward, 20th June Mayers, Joseph, alias FerPatterson, George, 6th June nando Kaeppel, 16th May Payne, George, 18th April Mayers, Victor, 16th May Peace, Annie, 20th June Maxwell, Louisa, 6th June Penrice, Edgar W., 25th April Meade, Margaret, 11th April Perdix, Jean, 30th May Meade, Wm., 23rd May Perry, Robert, alias Robt. Mehan, Mary Ann, 4th April Johnson, 27th June Metcalf, Charles, alias Arthur Perry, Samuel,,,l6th May Edwards, 18th April Peters, Williams, 27th June Meyers, Margaret, 27th June Peterson, Andrew, 27th June Midolo, Thomas, 27th June Pickering, Robt., 20th June Miers, Rudolph, 11th April Pickett, Sarah, 4th April Miller, Alf., 4th April Phelan, Charles, 30th May Miller, John Joseph, 2nd May Phillips, Gertie, 16th May Miller, John, 6th June Pook, Madaha, 2nd May Mitchell, Arthur, 6th June Powell, John Dudley, 4th Mitchell, John, 2nd May April Mitchell, Richard, 23rd May Prettyfoot, Joseph, 6th June Moles, Walter, 11th April Price, James, 18th April Montague, Henry, 25th April Prievel, Thomas, 4th April Moran, Edward, 20th June Pyke, George, 13th June Moran, James, 11th April Quigley, Daniel, 30th May Morgan, James, 6th June Quirk, James, 6th June Morgan, Mary J., 6th June Quinlan, Wm., 30th May Morris, Alfred, 30th May Quinn, Andrew, 20th June Morrissey, Michael, 25th April Quinn, Thomas, 2nd May Morrow, Win., 18th April Rackham, Harry, 4th April Morton, James, 6th June Ramsay, Robert, 4th April Moss, Hannah, 11th April Randles, Ebenezer, 18th April Mullins, Sarah, 25th April Ranken, Wm., 2nd May Munro, Henry, alias McCann, Raven, Win., 2nd May alias Clarke, alias Moreton, Read, James, 9th May alias Elton, 11th April Reardon, Michael, 23rd May Munro, William, 4th April Redley, Josephine, 25th April Murrell, George, 16th May Regan, James, 25th April McAlister, John, 30th May Regan, James, 6th June McCarthy, Edward, 30th May Regan, Patk., 30th May McCarthy, Martha, 6th June Reid, Thomas, 18th April McCarthy, Thomas, 30th May Reid, William, alias Wm. McCoy, John, 18th April Fagan, alias Colton, 6th June McCrae, John, 16th May Richard, Herbt. Edward, 20th McDonald, John, 27th June June McFarland, Arthur, 2nd May Richards, Thomas, 11th April McGarity, Patk., 20th June Richards, William, 9th May McGinlay, Daniel, 2nd May Rider, Richard, 25th April McIntosh, Fredk., 23rd May Rielly, Francis, 9th May McIntosh, Thomas, 30th May Rielly, Francis, 16th May McIntyre, Thomas J., 2nd May Rielly, William, 4th April McKale, Anthony, 11th April Ritchie, Richd., 2nd May McKay, Duncan, 16th May Roberts, alias Louisa Holden, McKee, Arthur H., 11th April 27th June McKenzie, Fredk., 30th May Roberts, John, 23rd May McKinnon, Robt., 2nd May Robertson, George, 6th June McLeer, Arthur, 30th May Robertson, James, 2nd May McLeish, John, 25th April Robinson, James, 2nd May McLeod, Roderick, 27th June Robinson, William, 4th April McMahon, Patk., 20th June Roche, Jane, 23rd May McMahon, Thomas, 25th April Rogers, Alfd., 2nd May McNeill, Peter, 25th April Rogers, James, 27th June [1894. Rogers, William, 16th May Ross, David, 9th May Rupert, William, 13th June Russell, George, 23rd May Russell, John William, 23rd May Russell, Ralph, 9th May Ryan, John, 4th April Ryan, Michael, 23rd May Ryan, Richard, 30th May Ryan, Thomas, 30th May Ryan, William, alias Gummer, 6th June Saunders, alias Wm. Henry, alias John Shuttleworth, alias Wm. Shuttleworth, 25th April Scanlon, Win., '18th April Schawab, Gottfried, 9th May Scilcock, Lucy, 27th June Scott, James, 25th April Scott, Robert, 4th April Searle, Fredk., 4th April Seiveis, Edwin, 11th April Shannon, alias O'Shannassy, Patk., 2nd May Shaw, Henry, 9th May Sheehan, Mary, alias Hoary, 20th June Shoard, Thomas, 20th June Shuttleworth, Wm., alias Wm. Henry, alias JohnShuttleworth, alias Saunders, 25th April Silver, Bertie, 30th May Sinclair, Richard, 4th April S k ee h an, P a tk ., a li a s Wm . Dalton, alias Doncie William, 30th May Skelby,Richard, 6th June Skene, Samuel, 20th June Skidmore, Mary, 20th June Smith, alias Fredk. Brooksbank, alias Fredk. Leslie, 6th June Smith, Arthur, alias Robt. Wilson, alias Arthur Tomlinso n, 27th June Smith, Ernest G. H., 16th May Smith, Henry, 16th May Smith, James, 4th April Smith, James, 20th June Smith, John, 11th April Smith, John, 18th April Smeaton, Mary A., 25th April Smith, Thomas, 25th April Smith, William, 23rd May Smith, William, 6th June Smith, William, 6th June Smith, William, 20th June Soland, Louis, 9th May Soule, Bradley, 6th June South, Francis, 13th June Stratton, William, 23rd May Spencer, John, 9th May Spears, Joseph, 27th June Spence, Agnes, 9th May St. Croix, Clarence, 27th June Steel, Jno., alias Wm, Cuff, 27th June Stephens, Alexander, alias Alex. Cameron, alias Alex. Stephenson, 25th April Stephens, Alfred, alias Thos. Wilson, 27th June Stevens, Catherine, 2nd May Stevenson, John, 16th May Stewart, Donald, 6th June Stewart, John, 16th May Stewart, Nellie, 4th April Stone, William, 9th May Street, Percy, 16th May Styles, William, 16th May Swanson, Jesse, 20th June Swanston, John, 16th May Sweeney, Cornelius, 11th April Sweeney, John, 20th June Sullivan, Thomas, 11th April Summers, Wm. Thomas, 4th April Sutherland, Allan, 6th June Sutton, Clarence, 20th June Tannah, Winnifred, 30th May Taylor, George, 9th May Taylor, William, 9th May Telford, John, 9th May Thirst, James, 13th June Thomas, Robert, 13th June Thomas, Philip, 2nd May Thompson, George, 18th April Thompson, John, 23rd May Thompson, William, 2nd May Thomson, Peter, 16th May Thorpe, Isabella, 27th June Thorpe, Henry Reid, 30th May Tobin, James, 27th June Toisbin, Alfred, 16th May 189.] Tomlinson, Arthur, alias Robt. Wilson, alias Arthur Smith, 27th June Tong, John Joseph, 20th June Tonsing, Fredk., 2nd May Trigg, Eliza, 18th April Turner, Frank, 11th April Turney, Catherine, 6th June Tyler, Charles, 4th April Vesperman, Henry, 11th April Vernon, Joseph, 6th June Vidler, Elhanan, 27th June Wacker, John, 9th May Wainliss, Sarah, 27th June Waite, Thomas, 23rd May Waldron, Thomas, alias Bennet, 25th April Walker, Agnes, 6th June Walker, Fredk. H., 23rd May Walker, George, 9th May Walkinshaw, Matilda, 25th April Walsh, James, 4th April Walsh, James, 4th April Walsh, John, 13th June PRISONERS DISCHARGED.---INDEX. Walshe, Michl., 18th April Walsh, Thomas, 25th April Walters, George, 4th April Walters, Jas., 4th April Walters, Margaret Jessie, 23rd May Ware, Charles, 11th April Watson, Bartholomew, 2nd May Watson, Daniel, 23rd May Watson, Edward, 9th May Watson, George, 6th June Watson, John, alias James Dean, 6th June Webb, Charlotte, 27th June Weener, Levi, 4th April Wentworth, John, 16th May West, Wm., 2nd May Whelan, Wm., 4th June Whitbourn, Edward, alias Edward Chambers, 23rd May White, Ellen, 4th April White, Mary, 9th May White, Robert, 30th May Whiting, Edwin George, 25th April By Authority Whittaker, Cora, alias Jessie Lewis, 18th April Whittaker, Louisa, 20th June Whyte, John, 13th June Wilkins, Frank, 9th May Wilkins, Fredk., 18th April Williams, Charles, 16th May 3 Willis, John, alias James Duggan, 16th May Willoby, George, 11th April Wingate, Mary, 6th June Wilson, Charles, 20th June Wilson, Fredk., 20th June Wilson, Harry, 6th June Wilson, James, 2nd May Wilson, John, 4th April Wilson, Kate, 30th May Wilson, Robt., 2nd May Wilson, Robt., alias Arthur Smith, alias Arthur Tomlinson, 27th June Wilson, Stewart, 16th May Wilson, Thomas, 2nd May Wilton, Thomas, alias Alfred Stephens, 27th June Wilson, William, 6th June Wolfe, Joseph, 6th June Wright, Geo. T., 11th April Wright, John, 16th May Young, James, 16th May Williams, Edward F.,20th June Williamson, Fred., 16th May Williams, Hy., 18th April Williams, James, 9th May Williams, John, 2nd May Williams, John, 16th May Williams, John, 23rd May Williams, John, 20th June Williams, Joseph, alias Joseph Ackland, 23rd May Williams, Martha, 16th May Williams, Richard, 4th April Williams, Richd. Henry, 18th April Williams, Thomas, 4th April Williams, Thomas, 13th June Williams, Thomas alias George Dean, 20th June : ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer , Melbourne. INDEX TO YICTO.TflA THE POLICE GL ZErIl F OR rj'}I ; QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBEP, A. Absconders from industrial schoolsAdams, Edward, 213 McGregor, Chas., 201 Bishop, Robert, 213 Nunan, Matthew, 250 Boyle, John, 207 Pedreina, Richard, 250 Ca,balzar, Wm,, 195 Phelan, James, 189 Currie, Arthur, 200 Rohl, Frederick, 20", 235 Foley, John, 250 Rowlands, Samuel, 219 Freen, Alex., 227 Sleep, J. H., 227 Gallagher, John, 189 Somerville, Laura, 266 George. John, 196, 207 Stone, Sarni iel, 227, 235 Gray, Wm., 219 Sullivan, Chas., 227 Jenkins, George, 219 Thomas, Herbert, 242 Jenkinson, Ernest, 200, 219 Watson, James, 189 Jukes, Henry, 213 Wheeler, R., 257 , Lowes, Fredk., 219, 257 Williams, Albert H., 250 McDermott, Patk., 219 Wilson, James, 242, 250 Ali Quong, commitment, 257 Alexander, John and Thomas, false pretences, 229 Allen, Hamilton, larceny as a bailee on, 223 Allen;. James H., false pretenc ' en, 262 Alston, Geo., commitment, 20-L Analysts, 195, 234 Anspeeito, Antonio, commitment, 219, 235 Anste m., larceny as a bailee, 216 Carpenter, Coleman, Coleston, Common onnell, Courts Amos, rogue and vagabond, 250, 266 C. Caldwell, Thos., larceny as a bailee on, 216 Campbell, -, larceny as a bailee, 230 Cambell,Archibald, commitment, 201 Catanino,John, escaped lunatic, 189 rato rye' r frig a r ir 200 of petty sessions, 18q, 195, 234 Craine, T., false pretences on, 223, 229 Crighton, Edward, false pretences, 197 Cunningham, Jane, selling liquor without a licence, 200 Cunnington, John, larceny as a bailee on, 238 Bencraft, Reginald, larceny, 238, 245 Kate, commitment, 213, 220 in Saltimur estate discontinued, 241 Wm., disobeying a summons, 195 Kate, maiming horse property of, 189 Hector, larceny as a bailee, 209, 215 in parish of Landsborough diminished, Thomas, larceny on, 245 Courts of petty sessions altered, 195, 200, 219, 241,-257 Couttrar, Eliza, larceny as a bailee on, 216 alias Butler, Burials Burns, 215 oVngAlly,Nellie, commitment, 250 Courts of general sessions altered, 257 Ilan, false pretences on, 245 As fa lse pretences on, 253 At 'nharles, larceny as a bailee, 246, 253 Augtioneers' licences, 207, 241, 249, 271 B. Brain, Daniel, larceny as a bailee on, 209 Baker, Geo., Geo. Brown, endeavouring to impose, 245 Baker, H. W., commitment, 258 Baker, James, false pretences, 209 Baker, John, larceny on, 246 Bamber, W. P., and Co., false pretences on, 203 Baner, Herman, false pretences, 237 Barnett, Lily, larceny as a ba}lee on, 209 Barton, Ethel, larceny as a servant on, 268 Barton, Janet, obscene exposure to, 241 Bell, William, commitment, 195 Bern, Martin , false pretences 'vn, 261 Berriman , Arthur, disobeying)i bench order, 227, 272 Blonstein , Joel, larceny as a bailee, 275 Blouse, Thomas, vagrancy, 24V Boase , John, found (lead at Bendigo, 189 Bockbund, J. W., false pretences on, 197 Bond, Charles, abduction, 223, 235 Booth, John, false pretences, 203 Branizar , Mash, commitment, 219, 235 Braybrook, Harry, alias Hiram, commitment, 258 Brealey, Louisa, larceny as a bailee on, 229 Bristow, Alfred, commitment, 213 Brown, James P., illegally using horse and trap property 216 Brown, Wm., commitment, 227 Brownlie, Wm., commitment, 242 Brooks, Mary Ann, false pretences on, 215 Brunton, Gee., larceny, 246 Bunsell, Amy, obscene exposure to, 207 Burke, Joseph, assault with intent to commit a rape, 250 Burke, Mrs., larceny as a bailee, 237, 275 as a bailee, C avan agh, J. H., false pretences, 223 Chamberlain, Win., commitment, 266 Charlton west, cutting timber on crown lands in parish of, prohibited, 189 Children abandoned, arrested forHanlon, Mary E., 194 Lynch, Mary, 194 Chinese act notices, 234 Chinese interpreter, allowance to, while acting for the crown at certain courts and inquiries, 219 Christian, Joseph, disobeying a summons, 258 Citizens' life assurance company, embezzlement on, 215 Clarke, Richard, embezzlement on, 209, 216 Clarkson, Robert, breach of the education act, 227 Clerks of courts, notices to, 271. Cohn, Magnus, embezzlement on, 223 Cole, Ethel, obscene exposure to, 241 T Arbla Ar I W. C., larceny 1804, of, D. Dalton, R. S., larceny as a bailee on, 268 Davies, W. M., false pretences on, 238 Davis, Ernest, commitment, 272 Davis, Win., embezzlement on, 275 Denton, Win., embezzlement on, 198, 203 Deprada, Peter, assault, 272 Deputy electoral registrars resigned, 206 Deserters of wives, &c.Allen, Thos., 226, 257 Keam, Joseph, 226, 240 Argall, John, 240 Kenny, John, 200 Arnott, W. H., 226, 232 Larcombe, Chas., 232 Aurish, Paul, 200 Lucas, Nathaniel, 249 Ballard, Edward, 200 Lyons, Walter, 265 Barton, Geo., 232, 249 Mellish, Dolph, 249 Lamer, Wm., 194 McCarthy, Wm., 249 Cameron, Win.,. 265 McDonald, P. F., 240 Carr, John, 232 McDonald, David, 257 Crossley, James Jeffrey, 218, Nicol, Henry A., 194, 257 226 O'Neil, Wm. J. E., 271 Cox, W. J., 188 Oxley, James W., 200 Davis, John, 206 Patterson , James, 240 Dodds, Robert, 240, 257 Porter, Alick , 200, 212 Dow, Thos., 226 Pryce, Thos. Esam, 271 Eisele, John W., 218, 226 Pugh, Joseph, 271 Fenton, Percival A., 271 Purse, Thos., 271 Forbes, Benjamin, 257, 265 Rogers, Alfred, 212 Fraser, John, 232 Ryan, Lanty, 249 Fry, Thos. W., 249 Shirreff, Edward, 240 Galsworthy, H. P., 249 Slee, Win., 188, 249 Glover, Samuel, 226 = Smith, Win., 214 Gordon, John, 271 Steele, Walter, 240 Grosvenor, James, 265 Stephenson, Win., 200 Hodgson, John A., 194 Swire, Jesse, 265 Hynes, B. B., 205 Todd, Gen. E., 232, 240 Jackson, Henry, 249 Walker, Joseph, 271 Johnson, C. S. P., 265 Webster, Alex., 2Q5 Deserters from H.M. serviceDean, James, 214 Leary, John, 273 Elliott, T. E., 2713 O'Brien, J., 259 Farr, A. J., 214 Rothschild, W. G. G., 214 French, R. J. 220 Ryan , John, 220 Hayes , John', K , 228 2 VICTORIA POLICE Highway Devereaux, John, commitment, 189 Dineen, Michael, commitment, 219 Doheny, --, false pretenc -s, 203 Doncaster shire council, embezzlement Dooley, Hugh, c )mmitment, 213 Douglas, Henry, insulting behaviour, Drew, Geo., false pretences, 203 on, 275 195 E. Egan, Thos., using obscene language, 207, 235 Elliott, Wm., selling l.quor without a licence, 213, 235 Ellis, Thos., commitment, 213 Eskell, John, cornmitrrrerit, 227 189 F. Fagan, John, disobeying a summons, 195 Farmer, Jessie Al., idle and disorderly, 250 Farren, Nellie, false pretences on, 203 Fine, Harris, false pretences, 191 Fraser, James, forgery and uttering, 253 Fullarton, Alex., embezzlement, 261 Grellis, Valentine, embezzlement, 198, 203 Gribbin, John, larceny as a bailee, 262, 269 Guardians of minors, 241 Guest, Sarah, false pretences, 203 Gunbower state forest diminished, 219 Guthrie and Geddes, false pretences on, 26S H. Richard, vagrancy, 261 Richard T'., larceny as a bailee on, 275 Hanney, Edwd., assault, 189 Hardy, Harris, Harris, Mary Ann, false pretences on, 209 Ernest Henry, larceny as a bailee, 215 H., assault on, 265 Harrison, Mrs., false pretences on, 230, 262 Hayes, T., imposition on, 261 Hayward, Chas., larceny as a bailee, 197 Haywood, W. breaches of the insolvency law, 191 0., Healey, Health Health John, false pretences, 262 act notices, 195, 207, 219, 227, 234 officers, 195, 206, 219, 265 Heath, John, wilful damage to property of, 242 Henderson. James, obscene exposure, 213 Heneghan, Martin, commitment, 250 Highway robbery, arrested forBoyle, Julia, 203 highway robbery, charged withon Man, name unknown, P. J. McGrath, 203 on Man, name unknown, Alex. Anderson, 203 on Man, name unknown, Ann Mangan, 223 on Man, name unknown, James O'Keefe, 261 Highway robbery committed onAdams, Mark, 211 Allen, R. H., 187, 193 Allison, E. G., 270 Anderson, Alex., 203 Baker, H. H., 270 Bandle, Mrs. C., 211, 217 Bartrop, Geo. F., 217 Bate, Thos., 269 Berry, David, 269 Blake, Thos., 231 Bodley, Frank, 187 Buckingham, Thus., 237 Buckley, D. J., 193, 199 Bysouth, Mrs., 225, 237 Clark, Chas., 239 Duggan, Honora, 225 Emery, Mary, 263 Ferris, Alexander, 205 Fischer, T hos., 211 Flannagan, Patrick, 187 Gartlan, Mrs., 261 Gower, Richard Pratt, 269 Haddrick, Alfred, 231 Hann, Mrs. P., 263, 269 Hannigan, Win., 247 Hansen, C., 255 Hardie, Rev. Andrew, 231 Hart, Dean, 187 Hatt, Edwin, 263 Henley, Francis, 255 Herback, George P., 269 Hobson, Ann, 211 Holt, Alfred, 193 O'Hare, robbery committed 259 [1894. on--continued. Smith, Sidney, 23 1 Spurgeon, Thos. H., 199 Stead, Joseph, 270 Stott, W. C., 231 Thackery, Wm., 211 Twomey, John, 225 Williamson, J., 269 Winstanley, Thos., 269 Woolett, Henry, 269 Hogan, Bernard, being an unwilling witness, 242 Hogan, H. W., commitment, 249, 266 Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingSmith, Win., 198 Horses and cattle, charged with stealingBencraft, Reginald, 224 Man, name unknown, horse 1,lliott, Thos., 216 stealing on J. C. Quaife, 238 Parris, Tom and Jack, sus- Man, name unknown, horse pected as cattle stealers, 224 stealing on Edward Garry, Man, name unknown, horse 268 stealing on T. Reeves, 198 Wilson, Geo., 224 Horses and cattle stolen or strayed fromHeaton, R. J., 208 Adams, Elizabeth, 236 Heller, Louis, 242 Aikman, Ernest, 220 Henderson, D., 196, 220 Allison, Arthur, 207, 213 Hewat, Wm., 258 Annie, Edwd., 272 Millman, John, 207, 214 Sing, 235 B inde, Jos., 258 Bailie, Samuel, 220, 235 Holden, Jas., 242 Balchin, James, 228, 272 Hoolahan, John, 2712 Ball, Samuel, 266 Hopkins, Win., 190 Bamford, Wm., 214 Houlehan, James, 272 Baragny, P., 250 Hutchison, Geo., 216 Barrah, Enoch, 201, 228 Johnson, Thos., 242 Barrett, Alfred, 201 Johnstone, Wm., 190 Bazeley, S. J., 242 Keily, Thos., 235 Beggs, Henry, 196 Kewith, R. J., 201, 208 Bell, John, 190 Kilburn, Anna, 228 Beyer, John, 196 Lawson, A. J., 196 Billingsley, Geo., 258 Leach, Win., 207 Bischoff, N. G., 207 Leonard, Phillip, 196 Bolton, Thos., 242 Lewis and Co., 266, 272 Borash, Leon, 220 Loeder, Mary, 272 Bridge, Captain, 190 Mack, Joseph, 272 Briggs, George, 190, 220 Mackenzie, G., 250 Brindley, Win., 220 Mackinnon, W. R., 242, 258 Brooks, Ellen, 242 Mallow, Robert, 201 Broom, Henry, 266 Mann, Jas., 208 Brown, Frank, 258 Marocco, Jas., 201 Brown, J. P., 216, 230. Burgess, John, 235 Mason, John, 190, 207 Mason, John, 235 Byrne, Win., 190 Matthews, Win. Jas., 266, 272 Caddy, Thomas, 228 Cahill, James, 207, 214 Mocking, E., 220 Membrey, Alfd., 272 Callaghan, Jeremiah, 214 Methven, Robert, 228 Caiman, Catherine, 250 Meyer, John A., 250 Cameron, John, 100 Miller, Frank, 201 Capes, Chas., 258 Minahan, Win., 242 Clancy, John, 258 Mitchell, Wni,, 19(5, 207 Clarke, W„ 258 Cleary, Thos., 266 Monahan Bros., 214 Moore, Geo., 214 Comden, Thos., 242 Moore, Thos. Francis, 201 Conn, Chas., 242, 250 Moore, James, 213 Cook, Samuel G., 272 Moriarty, James, 235 Cooper, G. J., 228 Morrison, James D., 190 Cooper, Win., 214 Mountjoy Bros., 220 Cox, Ebenezer, 258 Muirhead, Jas. A., 250 Cross, Edwd., 272 Muna, Fredk., 258 Cusden, Thos., 242 Murphy, James, 258 Davidson, Robert, 235 Murray, A., 242, 260) Delahoy, George, 190 McArthur, John, 258 Derrick, T., 201 McBride, Win., Doolan, J. J., 190 McColl, Angus, 190, 228 Doolan, Thos., 235 McConnell, John A., 228 Doyle, Gerald, 201, 207 McDowell, Walter, 242 Dunphy, Patrick, 228 McGill, James, 266, 27 Duggan, Matthew, 213 Eddy, N., 201 McGrath, T., 258 Ali G. Garvey, Thos., embezzlement, 262 George and George Limited, forgery and uttering on, 253 Gholam Ali Hamet, escaped lunatic, 189 Gilhane, G., larceny as a bailee on, 224, 230 Glendinning, John, carnal abuse of Catherine McLean, 219 Goss, J. C., embezzlement, 215 Gould, Thos., alias Wilkinson, vagrancy, 235, 249 Grearson, John, assault, 250 Green, Nellie, commitment, 189 Hammond, Hammond, INDEX. Ross, Alex., 239 Ross, Wm., 247 Ross, Henry, 247 Rooke, Miss, 187 Sheehan, James, 193 Sheffield, Emily, 211 Simpson, Edgar Wm., Sinclair, Frank, 270 Smith, James J., 269 Duff, James, false pretences on, 268 Dugdale, W. J., larceny as a bailee, 230 Dyer, Richard, larceny as a bailee, 223 Evans, Geo., disobeying a summons, Extradition treaties, 207 GAZETTE.-- James, 229 Men, two, names• unknown, on T. Buckingham, 237 Murray, John, 237 O'Hare, James, 215 Roberts, FitzgeraldN., 223, 237 Smith, Thos., 261 Howell, H. G., 263 Hunt, Geo., 205 Johnston, Emily, 231 Juckes, Harry, 269 Koekkoek, Herman, 211 Kurban, L. R., 217 Lamb, Owen, 203 Leahy, Florence, 225 Leeves, Win., 223, 231 Mangan, Ann, 223 Mann, Henry, 255 1\ransfie'd, Caroline. 211 May, Wm. Bowen, 269 Maynard, F. W., 255 Moran, John, 193 Miller, Win., 239, 255 McCarthy, Jos., 247 McDowell, Mark, 225 McGrath, Patrick J., 203 McKenzie, Kenneth G., 211 Nestor, Patrick, 205 O'Keefe, James, 261 O'Reilly, Daniel, 193 Page, Geo., 231 Pave, Thos., 215, 229, 237 Paterson, Alick. 231 Paton, James, 269 Pow, Geo., 239, 269 Pryor, Mary J., 263 Ralston, David, 247 Rashlei_Yh. Geo. H., 217 Read, IIcrury, 255 Richards, Albert, 269 190 2 Edwards, Owen, 190 Ellis, Richard J., 228 English, Daniel, 201 Espan, Arthur, 212, 250 Farley, F. C., 253, 272 Featherstone, Edwd., 214 Field, James, 214 Fitzgerald, R. P., 196 Foster, Wm., 260 Fraser, Wm., 258 Fysh, Win. H., 201 Gates, Geo., 266 Gaylard, James, 220 Gerrand, James, 235 Gibbins, John, 266 Gleeson, Win., 228 Glendenning, C., 214 Gouge, Robert, 190 Grant, A. L., 250 Griffin, Fredk., 272 Grills, R, 272 Groves, Richard, 196 Groves, Wm., 196 Gurry, Edward, 268 Haines, John, 228 Hall, Geo., 207 Hampton, Joseph, 220 Hannon, P. V., 201 Hansen, John, 235, 250 Harker, Thos., 207 Hearn, S. J., 228 McKee, Jaynes C., 235, 242 McTaggart, Jessie, 214, 242 Naughton, Patrick, 258 Needle, Cornelius, 207 Nugent, Jaynes, 235, 242 O'Grady, James, 242 Orenshaw, Chas., 242 O'Sullivan, Patrick, 201 Palling, H. R., 207 Parkin, Wnr., 214 Pask, David, 242 Patterson, Geoi ge, 190 207,236 Payne, Wm., Peachey, John, 190 Peoples, Robert, 272 Police stud depot, Dandenong, 220 Pollock, Alex., IN, 220 Post, John J., 220, 228 Price, John, 207 Prideaux, Arthur, 190, 233 Purdy, Geo., 196 Quaife, J. C., 238, 246 Raff, Wm., 196 Raphael, Louis, 196 Beeves, Ellen, 272 Reeves, Thos., 11,8 l:obeitson, Donald, 10 3 Rollason, Dr. A., 235, 258 Ross, Cha,;., 235, 250 Russell, Thos,, 272 1894.] Horses and cattle stolen or strayed Rutherford, Wm. 0., 190 Ryan, Edwd., 272 Ryan, Patrick, 250, 258 Sanderson, Henry T., 190 Sherlock, John, 236, 266 Smart, E. A., 272 Smethurst, S., 258 Smith, G. 0., 207, 242 Smith, John, 266 Smith, John, 242, 266 Smith, Wm., 214, 220 Spillane, John, 220 Stewart, John, 213 Stewart, Thos., 190 Taylor, Alfred, 228 Teale, Geo., 250 Todd, Alfred, 228 Todd, John, 207 VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.-INDEX. from-continued. Tram, Wallace, 220, 228 Tressider, Wm., 235, 266 Tribolet, J. H., 266 Trimble, James, 235, 242 Trimble, Wm., 214 Turner, Thos., 196 Ure, John, 213 Vincent, Patrick, 201, 207 Watkin, Wm., 198 Watson, John, 196, 208 Wendt, Herman, 250 White, D. J., 250 Widdicombe, James, 201 Williams, Annie, 250 Williamson, Allen, 258 Wilson, James, 250 Wilson, John, 272 Wood, James, 214 Hoskings, James, obscene exposure, 241 Howard, Geo., imposition, 245 Housebreaking, arrested for-Bond, Nellie, 229 Miles , Fanny, 229 Clarke, Mrs., 275 Moore, Geo., 217 Devereaux, Wm., 267 Norah, 215 Dineen, Michael, 275 Pope, Ethel, 197 Fortescue, -, 215 Spence, Agnes, 197 Hammill, R., 267 Stanley, Edmund, 275 Wells, Mrs. Clarke, 223 Harris, Fanny, 229 Hawkins, Arthur, 255 Wilson , Charles, 255 Kelly, Marion, 267 Housebreaking,charged Man, name unknown-, on Bond, -, 203 Andrew Allen, 261 Man, name unknown, on Clarke, J., 215 Clarke, Mrs., 229, 275 Wm. Bowie, 267 Dineen, Michael, 267 Man, name unknown, on Ennis, Wm., 261 A. H. Allen, 275 Fortescue, -, 209 . Man, name unknown, on Herman, -, 191, 197 Sydney Henley, 275 Ives, Alice, 275 Manton, -, 203 Johnson, C., 275 Men, two, names unknown, Kelly, Mary, 197 on S. A. Rocke, 191 Kirby, Mrs., 223 Morris, Mrs., 229 withBarclay, Francis, 245, 270 Knight, -, 203 Lindsay, -, 191 Lyle, Thos., 197 Man, name unknown, on T. McNamara, 209 Man, name unknown, on D. Ure, 209 Man, name unknown, on J. L. Smith, 237 on Man, name unknown, W. H. Float, 261 Housebreaking committed onAllan, Lewis, 247 Allan, Robert,_231 Allen, Andrew H., 261, 275 Aikman , George, 248 Alexander , Arthur, 231 Amess , George , 205, 217 Anderson , Thos., 211 Antone, Frederick, 194 Arkle , Alex., 264 Arsenault , Albert, 248 Ashby, F. L. W., 188 Baker , Joseph E ., 205, 211 Baker, Leonard, 218 Barker, Arthur, 225 Batten, Chas., 264, 275 Beard, Mary Ann, 270 Berry, Wni., 187 Bilton , Henry, 229 Bird , Mrs. E., 232 Blackburn , John, 215 Blass, Janet, 275 Bols, Henry, 226 Booth, Queenie, 205 Bowden , Alfred, 256 Bowden, Michael, 240, 270 Bowie, Wm., 256, 267 Boyle, Henry F., 217 Bradbury , M. W. H., 232 Bradley, Benjamin C., 205 Brand, Christopher, 240 Brandt Bros., 264 Briggs, Brock, Brohn, Brown, Brown, Bruno, Buchan, Byrne, Caelli , Mary, 217 Arthur, 211 Otto, 240 Mary, 187, 199 Wm., 212 Anton, 197 David, 194, 217 Annie, 263 Louis, 212 Cahill, Maria A., 193, 203, 229 Carthew, Wm., 248 Chamberlain , Chas., 205, 226 Charles, James, 270 Chown, Mary Ann, 247 Clarke , Herbert, 217 Cole, Edwin, 263 Connell, Thos., 232 Costa, Joseph A., 225 Courtney , D., 261 Currie, John, 187 Curtis , Tom, 225 Odell, Pope, Ryan, Smith, Spence, Stanley, Tilley, Turner, Wells, Wilson, Thos., 237 Ethel, 197 John, 267 Joseph, 215 Agnes, 191 Edmund, 267 Herbert, 229 Mrs., 221 Mrs. Clarke, 203 R., 245 Craik, James, 226 _ Crosby, James, 256 Daniel, Walter, 226 Davies, John, 187 Davis, Andrew, 187 Dawson, Wm., 270 De Faro, Minnie, 248 Delavalli, Laurenzi, 232 Delort, Jessie, 193 Dennis, Albert, 199, 211 Dent, Annie, 199 Dodd, John, 248 Donovan, Alice, 205 Dudley, Richard, 187 Duggan, John, 255 Dwyer, Richard, 226 Dyer, Nellie, 197 Dymond, Thos., 199 Eastaway, Geo., 1.93 Ellery, Sidney W., 193 Ellis, Robert, 270 Eve, Charles, 239 Fairbridge, Henry, 264 Farrell, Eliza J., 229, 275 Fehr, Edith, 245, 270 Female refuge, 191, 197 Finlay, James, 226 Fisher, John, 264 Fitzgerald, Gerald J., 205 Float, W. H., 261, 267 Fox, Bridget, 256 Friedler, Rudolph, 237 Gamble, Mary, 225 George, Rebecca, 225 Gane, Mary, 255 Gleeson, John, 239 Golding, Joseph, 194, 215 Dooley, Mary, 226 Gracie, Christina, 194, 203 Gray, Ethel, 231 Gray, John, 193 Greenhall, Ann, 248 Greenham, Alice, 218 Griffiths, Thos. A., 232, 239 Guinan, Margaret, 270 Harlem, Isaac, 199 Hart, Dean, 187, 199 Hawkey, Herbert, 199 Healey, J. D., 217 Hems, Wm., 248, 255 Henley, Sydney, 275 Henry, C. J., 103. 3 Housebreaking committed on-continued. Hill, Henry W., 212 Pickford, Ernest, 193 Hince, Joseph, 187 Potter, Frank, 218 Hine, Violet, 247 Fatter, Thos. James, 209, 215 Hinsey, Henry, 205 Froctor, H. N., 193 Hogan, Thos., 255 Quixley, Frederick, 231 Holt, Ellen, 248 Raselli, Frank, 218 Hope, Dr., 264 Reddie, James, 211 Hunt, Thos., 211, 225 Rees, Thos., 270 Hutchinson, Richard, 264 Reilly, James, 256 Jacobs, John, 226 Richards, John, 226 John, Isaac, 240, 270 Richardson, James, 231, 239 Johnson, Edward, 193 Riley, John W., 245 Johnson, Fred. M., 217 Robbins, Wm., 256 Jolly, Agnes L., 229 Jones, Albert E., 193 Jordan, Minnie, 229, 267 Krakoner, Fanny, 217 Land, Fredk. Wm., 248 Lander, John E., 255 Lang Lee Goon, 232 Lemon, Rose Ann, 191 Lenthall, Harry, 270 Lewers, Thos., 187 Lightbody, Wm., 256 Little, Win., 270 Lunderg, Olive, 229 Livingstone, Lillias M., 188 Magor, M., 199 Maloney, Daniel, 264 Mason, Geo. S., 270 Mather, Geo., 248 Mayman, James, 270 Miller, Andrew, 26t Moore, Eliza, 217 Morris, M. J., 263 Morris, Wm., 270 Mueller, Chas., 225 Muirhead, Robert, 248 Murphy, Win., 270 Roberts, Annie, 264 Robertson, Thos., 264 Rocke, S. A., 191 Roffindi, Giovanni, 193 Rogers, James, 188 Ross, Sarah Ann, 187 Round,- Wm., 231 Royle, Wm., 256 Ryan, Francis E., 217 Ryan, John, 267 Sass, Herman, 199 Saxton, Samuel, 255 Scott, Wm., 264 Selnordon, John, 239 Shapter, Louisa, 240 Shaw, David, 255 Simpson, Hannah, 187 Smart, Alfred Jas., 255 Smith, Chas. 0., 255 Smith, John L., 237 Smith, Thos., 239 Spence, Jas., 264 Spry, Frank, 263 Stanley, Albert, 267 Strachan, Hugh M., 191, 197 Stubs, Annie, 255 McAllen, Ernest F., 187 Sullivan, Edwin, 193 McCann, Jas., 217 Swan, Peter, 194 McCarthy, John, 217 Swift, Thos., 212, 23L McDonald, Lane, 239 Thomas, John, 247 McGregor, Wm., 248 Thompson, A., 270 McGuire, John, 225 Thompson, Alfred, 226 McInerney, Dr., 205 Thompson, Geo., 188 McLean, John, 239 Thompson, John, 255 McLean, Hugh, 270 Trevaskis, Catherine, 197 McLean, Robt., 270 Tunmer, Helen, 217 McMahon, Mary, 261 Ure, David, 187, 209 McNamara, Patrick, 205 Upton, F., 270 McNamara, Thos., 209 Waddingham, Caroline, 205 McNeal, Mrs., 263 Wallace, John L., 217 Naughton, John, 232 Watson, John, 226 Newington, Thos., 194 Watson, Mary, 240 Noot, Wm., 199 Webb, Thos. Cuff, 199 Nott, Wm., 264 Westbrook, Josephine, 231 O'Connell, John, 212 Westmoreland, Anne, 179, O'Connell, John, 225 209 O'Connell, John, 248, 267 Weylandt, W. G., 263 O'Connor, John Francis, 248 White, David, 212 White, Joseph, 226 O'Grady, D. W., 187 Orr, Alex., 256 Wilson, Chas. F., 240 Osborn, John, 232 _ Wilson, Elizabeth A., 255 Page, Kate, 212 Winkley, W. B., 215 Paton, Archibald, 256 Winn, Rev. J. L., 270 Pennington, Mr., 240, 263 Wollaston, Dr. H. N., 193 Percival, Wm., 232, 239, 248 Wood, John D., 212 Peterson, Chas., 263 Wright, Elizabeth, 205, 217 Hughes, Amy, larceny as a bailee, 215 Hurst, Henry, embezzlement on, 203 Hyde, Ethel, obscene exposure to, 213 1. Incendiarism, charged withMan, name unknown, on Mr. Hunter, 267 Incendiarism committed onHunter, Mr., 267 Inquests held onLane, Mrs., found at the Flagstaff restaurant, Melbourne, 228 Man found in Yarra, near Australian wharf, 201 Man found in Miller's paddock, Parwan, near Bacchus Marsh, 214 Man found on railway line near Oakleigh, 220, 251 Man found on Mount Napier, near Hamilton, 228 Man found washed up on to the rocks at Sandringham, 273 Ivory, James, commitment, 257 J. Jackson, Albert, larceny as a bailee, 216 Jacobs, Emil, false pretences, 245 Jacob, Lillian, selling liquor without a licence, 213 Johnston,-, rogue and vagabond, 220 Johnston, Agnes, larceny on, 237 Jones, Henry Smithson, false pretences, 209 Jones, Herbert, commitment, 258 Jordan, John, commitment, 213, 266 Justices act notices, 241 Justices, visiting, 206 K. Kane, Christopher, commitment, 195 Kelly, Mary, larceny, 203 Kenevitt, Frederick, commitment, 227 Kent, Kidd, King, Kirkup, George Joseph, Robert, breach Wm., attempted Isabella, larceny as a servant, of the education act, larceny, 275 endeavouring 216, 224 227 to impose on, 245 ' ICTt RIA_PPOLTC. .GAZETTE, Laby, Wtn:,.-disobeying-a-beneh order, 213 Laidlow, Wm,-, cenunitment,:219 Lahr ,•,I;1:; larceny as a-bailee, 215 Laly, Daiiial; commitment" T-9* Larenzo;:;DeilaMoretti, pia1icious wounding of, 183 Large, Herman, false pretences on, 191 Lawler, Bridget:,A.,,'larc,en,y o_ a bailee, 237 Leahy, Andrew;, larceny on, -246 Lee, Frederick, alias Cruikshank, commitment, 272 Leigh, Ethel,_id.le and disorderly, 219, 266, 272 Leonard;- D. L., embezzlerent, 245 Levey, Alfred, larceny as a bailee, 262 Levy, Arthur, einbezzlement,,275 Liddell, Andrew-, commitment, 189 Lombard,- Antonia„ false pretences, 262 Long, James W,, false pretences, 268 Looney, John, false pretences, 262 Looney, Maria, selling liquor without a licence, 200 Loskill, Frank, embezzlement, 209, 216 Lyons, James, commitment, 227 Lynch, Johp, commitment, 241 M. Mackenzie, Josiah, embezzlement, 275 Maffra public cemetery regulations, 227 Magistrate removed, 195 Magistrates appointed, 188, 212, 218 Magistrates resigned, 200, 207, 219, 227, 249, 257, 265 Magor, Henry, larceny as a partner, 261 Mahoney, Michael and Elizabeth, selling liquor without a licence, 200 Mall and Brady, larceny as a bailee on, 246 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to, May and Violet Parks, 235 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Amy Paterson, 189, 213 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Rosy Shannon, 257 Man, name unknown, riotous behaviour, 213 Man, name unknown, using obscene language to Constable O'Brien, 213 Man, name unknown, behaving in an offensive manner to Alice Tait, 235 Man, name unknown, being in a public place at Euroa with intent to commit a felony, 275 Man, name unknown, assault on H. Harris, 265 Man, name unknown, assault on H. Willoughby, 227 Man, name unknown, assault on W. D. Percival, 266 Man, name unknown, assault on N. Rosenfeldt, 189 Man, name unknown, unlawfully wounding W. Ross, 201 Man, name unknown, false pretences on J. W. Bockbund, 197 Man, name unknown, false pretences on W. P. Bamber and Co., 203 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Mrs. Harrison, 230, 2 Man, name unknown, false pretences on James Duff, 268 Man, name unknown, false pretences on A. Ashly, 253 Man, name unknown, false pretences on T. Craine, 223, 229 Man, name unknown, false pretences on H. Large, 191 Man, name unknown,-false pretences on F. Walkerden, 203 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Richard Richards, 253 Man, name unknown, false pretences on E. Richardson, 230, 262 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Mrs. H, Wilson, 223 Man; name unknown, indecent assault on Ruby Stevens, 213 Man, name unknown, imposition on T. Hayes, 261 Man narrte unknown, larceny as a ,bailee on G. Gilham, 224, 2 TT.DEX1 [1894, Missing friends--7--continued. O'Donoghue, Herbert, 220 Scrapton, O'Leary, - nn,- 201 Sergison, A. 'YY 259 O'Leary, Timothy, 201 Smith,-Mrs., 196 Parry,-, Vnx. H., 201 Summah-Singh, 214, 228, 243 Rolland, Horace, 201_ Walsh. Edmund, 243 Ryan, Wm,, c220, 228 Watson, 'George,, 196 Mitchell, Frederick, elubezzlernent, 209 Mitchell, Robert; loitering where prisonere_work, 20Q Morgan, Evan, disobeying -a summons, 258, 266 Morris, Wm., commitment, 241 Morse, Wm., larceny as -a bailee on, 238 Moschetti, Peter, assault.on, 189 Munday-, James, escaped lunatic, 189 Murder, arrested forCockcroft, Elijah, 255 Murder, attempted of-Crosbie, Chas. W,, 247 Vennell, Ellis John, 239, 269 Mercer, Henry, 231, 239, 263 1 ennell, Nettie Ann, 239, 269 Richardson, Jas., 231, 239 263 Vennell, May Katie 239, 269 Murder, charged withCockcroft, Elijah 247 Read, Jas.Canham, 225, 239 Murder ofCohen, John, 247, 263, 269 Dennis, Florence, 225, 239 Female child found at Forest Creek, Castlemaine, 205, 211 Male child found at the corner of Dorcas and Wills streets, South Melbourne, 205, 247 Male child found in Collins-street, East St. Kilda, 211 Male child found off Farnham-street, Flemington, 225, 247 Male child found in empty house in Cecil-street, South Mel. bourne, 255 Mott, Fanny, 247 Vennell, Ellis John, 247, 269 Murphy, M. D., commitment, 258 Murphy, P. L., larceny as a bailee on, 262 Murray, Robert, false pretences on, 215 G.W.,266 ?I A Mc. McCarthy, John, assault, 189 McConchie, W., false pretences on, 209 McGuinness, J„ larceny as a bailee, 223 McKenna, Michael, attempted larceny on, 275 McKenzie, David, forgery and uttering on, 238 McKenzie, Geo., larceny, 246 McLaren, Frank, false pretences, 215 McLean, Catherine, carnal abuse, of, 219 N. Nathan, Abraham, larceny as bailee on, 237 Nauman, Adolphus, larceny, 189 Neglected children's aid home of the Church of England in Brighton, 241 Neroz, August and Sophia, selling liquor without a licence, 200 New South WalesBollman, Frederick, embezzlement, 230 Bridge, Thos., embezzlement on, 246, 262 Broken Hill municipal council, embezzlement on, 262 Delloro, Chas., fraudulently obtaining property, 262 Friele, John, larceny, 253 Hawkins, Wm., embezzlement, 246, 262 Haywood, W. 0., breaches of the insolvency law, 191 Haynes, William E., missing friend, 259 Heath, Mrs., false pretences on, 262 Henekels, C., and Co., embezzlement on, 230 Kemp, Charles, false pretences, 262 Phillipson, W. B,, embezzlement, 262 Poston, R. S„ wife desertion, 191 Smith, Anne Maria, stealing from the dwelling of, 246 Sydney' and ' suburban hydraulic power company limited, larceny on, 253 Wood, Thos,, stealing from a dwelling, 246 New ZealandFlegeltaub, Lewis, shopbreaking on, 221 Moore, Wm., breach of bankruptcy act, 216 Nichol], John, commitment, 242, 266 Nichols, Mary Ann, embezzlement on, 209 Nichols, Mary Jane, abduction of, 223 Now Sing, commitment, 257 0, Man,nameunknown, larceny as'abailee onJ. McGuinness, 223Man, nameunknown, larceny asa bailee onLouisa Brealey, 229 Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, 197 name unknown, 3 larceny as a bailee on W. Sinclair, .230 larceny as a bailee on Nellie O'Connell, larceny as a bailee on Agnes Johnston, Man, Mansfield, Jessie, larceny on, 238, 245 Manton, T. J., embezzlement on, 245 Martin, James, breach of the education act, 227 Martin, Mrs,, false pretences, 198 Martin, Win., alias Texas Jack, rogue and vagabond, 227, 242 Mason, Eliza M., bigamy on, 268, 275 Mason, Geo., bigamy, 268, 275 Matheson, Edward, alias Donald, false pretences, 238 Mathews, Hieman, false pretences, 245 . Meah Chandoo, larceny on, 238, 245 Meah Shundoo, larceny, 238, 245 Melville, Harry, embezzlement, 203 Men, two, names unknown, imposition on Tong Goon, 209 Millin, Wm., obscene language, 258 Missing friendsBansley, Wm., 266, 273 Greaves, Alfred H., 259 Bellingham, John or Jack, Griffiths, Annie, 251 208, 214 Hannay, Andrew, 208 Blake, Edwd. Rd., 190 Holland, Irwin, 243 Brannigan, Patrick, 228 Hugo, Madeline, 236, 251 Bridge, James, 220 Kelley, A. W., 236, 273 Colthurst, Laura, 236, 243 Lang, Annie, 259, 266 Cowley, John, 243, 251 Man, name unknown, inquired Creally, Henry, 273 for by Mrs. Hunter, 228 Deltry, John, 266 Maher, Maurice, 196 Downing, Ellen, 266 Maher, Thos., 196 Enticott, Thos., 214, 242 McGuire, Mary, 220 Ewins, Harold, 236, 251 McNeil, Hector McKenzie, Fulton, Wm., 201 273 Gladstone, Annie, 243 Giai n, gravel 201 Nicholls --, 201 -fags , *oitsx, goo Oakes, Charles, commitment, 207 O'Brien, Constable, using obscene language to, 213 O'Brien, John, breach of the gaming act, 272. O'Brien, Patrick, commitment, 266 O'Connell, Nellie, larceny on, 197, 230 O'Connor, John, alias Martin, rogue and vagabond, 227, 242 O'Gorman, Lawrence, obscene language, 242 ' O'Hara, John and Martin, disobeying summonses, 272 Oldroyd, Thos., gaming, 258 O'Mahony, Cornelius, forgery and uttering on, 245 O'Neill, Phillip, larceny as a bailee, 209 Ortland, Paul, false pretences, 262 Oxley, Thomas, breach of the education act, 227 P. Page, Wm.- F. T., commitment, 220 Page, Joseph, commitment, 272 Palmer, Cornelius, embezzlement on, 262 Parkes, Robert, assault on, 189 Parks, May and Violet, obscene exposure to, 235 Parsons, Edward, embezzlement, 268 Paterson, Amy, obscene exposure to, 189, 213 Paynesville public cemetery regulations, .227 Pearson, George, larceny as a bailee, 191, 197 Pearson, Wm. Hy.) imposition, 245 F@nner,Joseph; died in the Alfred hospital, 169 1894.] VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.-INDEX. Percival, W. D., assault on, 266 Pettigrew, Wm., false pretences on, 209, 216 Phillips, Frank, larceny, 245 Police examinations for promotions, 194, 232, 241 Police force, appointment as acting keeper of powder magazinePolmear, Thomas, 213 Police force, appointments as clerks of petty sessionsArnold, H. W., 188 O'Shannassy, P. L. C., 188 Arthur, James Murdoch, 194 Sheehan, R. J., 227 Meredith, Joseph, 234 Police force, appointments as collectors of impostsDungey, A. C., 257 Ryan, J. S., 234 Polmear, Thos., 213 Property found, now in possession Branxholme police, 243 Brunswick police, 190 C. I. police, 243, 272 Dimboola police, 196 Property lost byAllan, Mrs., 258 Bourke, Michael, 272 Brogan, Miss, 190 Everist, James, 266 Harding, Mrs. E. M., 228, 236 Hilton, John B., 242 Matthews, Teresa, 242 Police force, appointments as court for taking affidavits- Miller, J. W., 242 Property stolen from- Crowe, M. R., 271 Keegan, Lawrence John, 271 McLennan, Duncan, 271 Police force, appointments Falkiner, John, 195 Police force, appointments commissioners of the supreme Shebler, G. H., 235 Smelcher, Alfred, 271 as crown lands bailiffsMartin, R. W., as customs officers- 265 Ross, Frederick, 257 Ryan, J. S., 234 Police force, appointments as electoral inspectorsDempster, Edward, 200 Meredith, Joseph, 195 Ferguson, Donald, 195 Williamson, Ebenezer, 195 Graham, Thos., 195 Police force, Mumford, appointment H. M., 200 Police force, appointment Douglas, R. B., 218 as honorary inspector as inspector of explosives- Police force, appointment destruction act- as inspector of fisheries- under the vermin Walsh, E. W. T., 195 Police force, appointments as wardens' clerks-Polmear, Thos., 213 Cox, F. J., 218 Police force, deathsFoley, James, 265 Johnston, John, 271 Fraser, Simon, 232 Kirkpatrick, -, 249 Police force, dischargesMolloy, Patrick, 207 McLennan, Alex., 207 Police force, reductionCommans, Patrick, 265 Police force, resignationsCorrell, Wm. Geo., 188 Johns, Henry Alex., 218, 227 Police force, superannuationsCasey, Wm., 188 Connell, Wm., 188 Commans, P., 265 Dimsey, W. T., 206 Police force, instructions toClaims of police pensioners, 200 Issue of railway requisitions, 212 Members of the police force requested to attend on duty at any railway station to travel free, 241 Members coming of the general police force to aid'returning elections, 249, 257 officers at the Be submitting account for the burial of destitute persons, 249 Trunks and boxes left by members of the police force at the Russell-street barracks, 194 Use of arms by police, 267 Police site at Cashel revoked, Police stations broken upNelson, 194 Dennington, 194 234 Tintaldra, 218 Police stations formedKaneira, 206 Brown Jinjellic, 218 Hill, 227 Police widows' and orphans' association, deathsDimsey, Wm. Thos., 249 Fraser, Simon, 249 Pope, John, larceny as a bailee on, 230 Prato, F. G., commitment, 200 Preece, Geo., commitment, 235 Property, arrested for stealingBailey, Wm., 215 Bonnefin, Charles, 229 D'Aubigne, Augustus, 275 Forrester, Henry, 253 Gay, Wm., 188 Hillard, Alfred, 209 Middleton, Geo., 218 Property, charged with stealingAnderson, Maggie, 267 Beddoe, Chas., 197 Boy, name unknown, on W. Wallace, 203 Boys, two, names unknown, on E. Twose, 203 Crowley, Alfred, 215 Enwright, -, 215 O'Gorman, O'Hara, Reynolds, Scanlon, Sinclair, Stewart, L., 188 James, 237 Patrick, 191 Joseph, 215 Harry, 229 Wm., 229 Man, name unknown, on Jules Copeland, 215 Man, name unknown, on Wm. Shelley, 215 Man, name Pike, 229 unknown, on A. Man,name unknown, onW. S. Keast and Co., 229 Hanlon, -, 191 Harrison, Wm., 191 Man, name unknown, on John McInnes, 229 King, Thos., 237 Kruger, F. W., 237 Larkin, James, 229 Fineston, 237 Man, name unknown, G. Whitelock, 237 Kogan, John,229 Looney, -, 215 Man, name unknown, Davis, 245 Man,name unknown, onM. on G. Man, name unknown, on John Kernan, 261 Man, name unknown, on P. F. Kavanagh, 268 Man, name unknown, on Concols mine, Redan, 191 Man, name unknown, on L. Myers, 197 Man, name unknown, on Geo. Lynett, 203 Index-Quarter on J. Men, three, names unknown, on Verey and Cross, 253 Men, two, names unknown, on W. C. Smith, 275 Moore, Thos., 191 Munro, -, 223 Powell, Ted, 203 Smith, Geo., 245 Smith, J., 275 Thompson, Wm., 203 Ware, Charles, 215 Wilkinson, F., 261 Williams, J., 275 Williams, T., 197 ending September.-B. 5 ofGeelong police, 214 Maryborough police, 236, 251 Newtown police, 190, 196 Steiglitz police, 272 Mills, Mrs., 220 McKenzie, Jamieson, 196 Permezel, Mrs. T., 228 Sayles, Irvine, 272 Tassie, Mrs. T. W., 251 Treweek, Miss, 272 White, Wm., 272 Vouell, Mrs., 220 Abbott, Wm., 256 Band of hope and albion consols mine, 191 Barnett, John, 206 Bates, E. G., 188 Beath, Schiess, and Co., 199 Maskeil, Chas., 229 Miles, Abel, 191 Minns, Robert, 271 Moreton, Samuel, 248 Morrissey, Thos. P., 200, 206 Myers, Chas., 240 Beddoe, Chas., 197 Beer, Thos. P., 188 Blackwood, Daniel, 215 Bockholt, Wm., 240 Boothroyd, Thos., 256 Breman, Jas., 206 Brockenshire, Edwd., 194 Bruche, Wm., 194 Bryan, Annie, 194 Burdett, Francis, 245 Carnaby, Arthur, 197 Carroll Bros., 256 Clarke, A. Heywood, 226 Copeland, Jules, 215 Myers, Julia, 194 Myer..s, Louis, 197 McCall, Win., 256 McDonald, Alex., 256 McGee, John, 200 McGill, John, 264 Mcllroy, Wm. F., 264 McInnes, John, 218, 229 McLeod, John R., 212 Nayler, Thos., 264 Nelson, M. A., 240 Nesbitt, Wm. T., 271 Norris, Dominick, 249, 264 Nunn, Ernest, 212 Copp, John, 218 Cotterell, Harry, 240 Dalgety and Co., 265 Daniels, Arthur, 232 Danks, John, and Son Ltd., 265 Darby, Wm., 271 Davis, Geo., 245 Davis and Cowell, 218 Donnelly, John, 256 Douglas and Son, 264 Dowell, VIm., 191 Dowie, Kenneth, 240 Dummett, Win., 191 Dunlop, John A. W., 215 Edwards, J. B., 271 Fairthorn, Edwd., 265 Fennell, A., 248 Findlay, R., 248 Fineston, M., 226, 237 Fitzgerald, Patrick, 212 Forest, Bertha, 200 Forrest, Thos., 199 Freeman, Fredk., 256 Galvin, Patrick, 237 Gill, Edmund, 270 Nutt, Samuel, 206 O'Brien, Kate, 215 Oliver, James, 232 Owen, Walter, 212 Paul, Joseph, 264 Fellow, Theodore, 248 Piggot, Patrick, 240, 249 Pike, Amos, 229 Pitt, Thos., and Co., 265 Postmaster-general, 271 Priest, Robert, 188 Pritchard, Wm., 223 Rea, Christina, 188 Renton, Edward, 226 Roberts, J. W., 256 Rogers, Joseph, 265 Ross, G. S., and Co., 218 Rudd, Henry, 265 Russell, James, 215 Ryan, Matthew, 200 Sambul, A., 264 Shelley, Wm., 215, 237 Shellard, R. W., 226, 249 Siddeley, W., and Co., 188 Sinclair, Geo. H., 240 Smith, W. C., 275 Gittens, Howard, 249 Godwin, Geo., 264 Gooderidge, Mrs., 264 Gordon, Geo., 256 Guest, G., and Co., 264 Gyton, R. J., 240 Hadday, Win., 261 Haines, Thos., 249 Hauseman, Mr., 256 Hehir, Patrick, 240, 249 Henderson, Wm., 248 Hocking, John, 264 Hooper, Walter H., 197 Howse Bros., 275 Hyndman, Miss A., 206 Ingwerson, Hugh, 212 Jermyn, Vincent, 232 Johnson, Dr. Cowper, 248 Johnson, S., 194 Kavanagh, P. F., 267 Keast, W. S., and Co., 229 Keene, Joseph H. N., 191 Kemp, Wm., 249 Kennife, Stephen, 249 Kernan, John, 261, 275 Kitson, Samuel, 226 Kock, J., 264 Kronheimer, J., and Co., 256 Snell, John, 223 Sparling, Arthur, 206 Spears, Alex., 218 Stephens, Frank, 226 Stevenson, H. W., 240 Stewart, J. F., 264 Stewart, Robert, 270 Stoneman, A. A., 248 Sullivan, Jeremiah, 188 Taplin, John, 248 Taylor, A. E., 218 Taylor, C. L., 264 Teague, J. H., 188 Toms, Rev. J. H., 194 Trumble, George, 240 Turner, Wm., 256 Twose, Elizabeth, 203, 229 Verdon, Stephen, 203 Verey and Cross, 253 Victorian railways commissioners, 212, 248, 256, 265 Wain, Frederick, 194, 212 Walker, Herbert, 240 Wallace, Win., 203 Waller, Laura, 267 Ward, John E., 232 Watson, Geo., 194 White, Wm., 206 Law, Ellen, 194 Leake, Alfred, 209 Levy, Joseph, 249 Lynett, Geo., 203 Mackay, John, 226 Mann, Jas. Geo., 226 Public health, chairman of board Public vaccinator, acting, 257 Public vaccinators, 194, 206, 218, Whitelock, John Geo., 237 Willen, Wm., 264, 271 Witt, Frederick W., 229 Woolhouse, Walter, 199, 206 Yencken, E. L., 237 of, 257 227, 241 Q. Quarantine Quarantine district, 234 district abolished, Quarantine ground for imported 257 dogs, 207, 257, 265 Quarantine, liability to, of vessels from Rio Janeiro, &c., 200 QueenslandMcInnes, John Thompson, commitment, 220 Smithies, Henry, missing friend, 220 Hong Kong, 6 VICTORIA POLICE R. Read, James R., false pretences, 245, 253 Reardon, James, false pretences, 198 Rees, Mary Ann, embezzlement on, 268 Reformatory school for protestant boys, 206 Reformatory, private charitable institution, 241 Reformatory school for roman catholic boys, 219 Registrarsof birthsand deathsappointed,188,195,200,206, 213,218 Registrars of births and deaths resigned, 219, 234 Reid, Joseph, alias Weicraft, assault, 235 Renwick, W. H., false pretences on, 197 Richards, Richard, false pretences on, 253 Richardson, M. J., commitment, 195 Richardson, E,, false pretences on, 230, 262 Rickards, Win., larceny on, 216 Ridley, Josephine, esc zping from South Yarra home, 272 Rigoll, Leonard, false pretences on, 198 Riordan, Stephen, larceny as a bailee on, 216 Roberts, Mrs., larceny, 216 Robertson, W. D., embezzlement on, 261 Robison Bros. Limited, larceny as a servant Robinson, Daniel John, disobeying a bench Rose, Thos., larceny as a bailee on, 275 on, 216, 224 order, 219 Rosenfeldt, N., assault on, 189 Ross, W., unlawful wounding of, 201 Rout, Caroline, false pretences, 197 Ryan, Denis, wilful damage, 189 S. Said Karey, issue of licence to, 271 Savage, Patrick, breach of the education Seears, W. J., assault, 200 Shabbard, Shadbolt, Shannon, Shotter, Simmeon, GAZETTE.-INDEF. Stott, Chas., disobeying a bench order, 213 Sullivan, Daniel, disobeying a summons, 266 Stone, James E., false pretences, 191, 198 Swallow, G. E., false pretences, 261 T. Tait, Alice , behaving in an offensive manner to, 235 Talbot, John , commitment, 250 Targett, Sidney , false pretences on, 268 Thomas, Lillie, carnal knowledge of, 207, 213 Thomas, Lydia , false pretences on, 191 Thomas, Richard, carnal knowledge of Lillie Thomas , 207, 213 Thompson , Arthur, commitment, 258 Tierney, James, commitment, 258 Tong Goon, imposition on, 209 Trend, James H., false pretences, 209 Turner, Alfred, commitment, 189 Turner, J . W., carnally knowing May Heron and Claudina Jenkins, 196 V. Venesto , John and Peter, maliciously wounding, 188 Victoria state forest diminished, 207 Village settlements , 189, 195, 200, 207, 219, 249, 265 Von Busse , Chas ., larceny as a bailee, 268 W. Wakefield, Henry, breach of the education Walker, Henry, gaming, 213 Walkerden, F., false pretences on, 203 act, 227 W. G., larceny on, 245 Alfred, larceny as a bailee, 191, 197 Rosy, obscene exposure to, 257 Leonard, commitment, 258 C., commitment, 250 Sinclair, W., larceny as a bailee on, 230 Sinclair, Daniel, larceny as a bailee, 209, 216 Sirett, Ernest, embezzlement on, 223 Sisson, Levi Lib, commitment, 227 Slater, S. J. T. S., forgery and uttering, 238, 245 Slouish, Joseph, commitment, 200, 227 Smith, Frederick, breach of the education act, 227 Smith, G., larceny as a bailee, 238 Smith, Henry, commitment, 207 Smith, John, attempted larceny, 275 Smith, Joseph, forgery and uttering, 238 Smith, Matilda, assault, 235 Solomon, Jacob, false pretences on, 223 South AustraliaHack, Wm., larceny on, 223 McGuire, Geo., larceny, 223 McKenzie, Duncan, false pretences on, 191 Page, Alfred, housebreaking on, 224 West, George, housebreaking, 224 Wilson, Henry, false pretences, 191 Spann, B. H., threatening life, 195, 250 Speed, Arthur, larceny as a bailee, 275 Speedie, J. K., false pretences on, 197 Spendlove, Charles, assault on, 250 Spike, James, larceny as a bailee, 237 Stevens, Ruby, indecent assault on, 213 Stewart, Chas., commitment, 213, 258 Stewart, Wm. John, larceny as a bailee, 238, 262 [ 1894. Wallace, Donald, alias Pollickett, rogue and Walsh, Michael, commitment, 207 Walsh, Thos., disobeying a summons, 189 Ward, Wm., lunatic on probation, 242 Waring, James, commitment, 200 act, 227 vagabond, Warr, H. J., larceny, 262 Warr, Thomas, larceny on, 262 Watkins, W. T., false pretences, 209, 216 Watson, Geo., unwilling witness, 227 Webb, John, alias Jerry Dwyer, commitment, 250 Wedge, Julia, commitment, 266 Weir, Lizzie, larceny as a servant, 268 Weisner, Wm., false pretences on, 237 Wells, Constable W. J., using obscene language to, 207 Wemyss, Chas., wilful damage to property of, 242 Wenborn, Alfred, breach of the education act, 227 Westernport bay, oyster dredging in, 195 Western, Claud, commitment, 213 Wheatley, Wm. I-I., perjury, 209 Wilkinson, -, vagrancy, 235 Williams, Chas., false pretences, 268 Williams, Frederick, false pretences on, 253 Williams, James, embezzlement, 223 Williams, Joseph, alias Wylie, commitment, 207 Williamstown general cemetery regulations, 219 Willoughby, H., assault on, 227 Wilson, D. J., sending threatening letters, 219 Wilson, Henry, escaped lunatic, 266 Wilson, Mrs. H., false pretences on, 223 Wilson, Newberry, disobeying a bench order, 213 Winn, Charles R., embezzlement, 223 Withers, Emily Rhoda, larceny as a partner on, 261 Wylder, John, escaped lunatic, 189 Y. Yates, Wm., larceny as a bailee , 209, 216 Yeoman, R., larceny as a bailee, 253 By Authority : ROBT.S. BRAIN , Government Printer, Melbourne. 227, 242 VICTORIA POLICE INDEX OF PRISONERS FOR Aitcheson, John, 1st August Allardyce, Robert, 18th July Allen, James, 19th September Allen, John, 12th September Allen, Henry, alias l{alen, Henry, 11th July Allen, Thomas, 26th September Anderson, George, 4th July Anderson, Hugh, alias Hugh Henderson, 12th September Antonio, Nicholas, 4th July Appleton, Dolly, alias Catherine Kelly, 8th August Armes, Arthur, 12th September Arnold, Thomas,alias Sam Hill, alias Stanley Aspinall, 25th July Arnott, John, 1st August Ashton, Robert, alias James Butler, alias Geo. Nicholson, 22nd August Ashurst, Thos., 12th September Aspinall, Stanley, alias Sam ill, alias Thomas Arnold, 25th July Astard, Mary Ann, 25th July Audas, Joseph, 18th July Austin, William, 12th September Ah Chun, 29th August Ah Goon, Jimmy, 5th September Ali Loon, 26th September Ah Toy, 8th August Chung Tuck, 18th July Hoey Ah Gin, 8th August Kee Ping, 22nd August Look Long, 19th September Loy How, 11th July Sun On Lee, 22nd August Tommy Quong, 15th August Wee Tah, 12th September Baillie, James, 12th September DISCHARGED DURING THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER, 1894. POLICE INFORMATION Win, Bradshaw , Thomas, alias O'Neill, 11th July Bray, alias Thomas Green, 4th July Brennan, Jas., 15th August Brodie , David, 19th September Brogo, Peter , 29th August Brook , Henry , alias Henry Hewlett, alias Wm. Thompson, 15th August Brooinhall , Luther Fredk., 8th August Brown , Catherine , alias Gibson, alias Eliz . Gibbs, 4th July Brown, Frank , 4th July Brown , James; 5th September Brown, Robert, alias Jno. McBride, alias Geo. Cross, 15th August Brown, Thomas, 8th August Brown , Thomas , alias Ryan, alias Dougherty , 19th September Brown, Thomas , 19th September Brunton , Margaret , 5th September Brushcot, Nicholas, 4th July Buckell, Mary, 5th September Burke , Thomas, 25th July Burns, Annie , 19th September Butcher , Joseph, 19th September Butler , James, alias Robt. Ash. ton, alias Geo. Nicholson, 22nd August Butler, Minnie , 22nd August Butler, Thos . F., 5th September Byrnes, Thomas, 4th July Calaby, Isaac, 18th July Caldercott, Edward, 19th Sep- Bailey, Michael, 15th August tember Balfour, Robert, 5th September Ballantyne, Jane, alias O'Donnell, 4th July Ballock, E. J., 18th July Banton, Kate, alias Banting, 26th September Barker, Henry, 5th September Barker, Henry, 19th September Barker, James, 1st August Barker, John Henry, 1st August Beaton, Win., 12th September Becker, Tiems, 12th September Becker, Tienis, 19th September Bell, Catherine, 11th July Bell, Caroline, 29th August Beller, Max, 26th September Bellingham, Alice, 26th Sep. tember Bennett, John, 1st August Bennett, Richard, 8th August Benson, James, 5th September Bentley, Francis H., 1st August Billings, Henry, 22nd August Blake, Mary, 5th September Blewitt, William, 18th July Bloomfield, Henry, 12th September Bogg, Edward, 11th July Bowen, Elizabeth, 19th September Bowley, Louis, alias Geo. Mullen, 19th September Bowman, Jane, 19th September Bourke, John, 4th July Bourke, John, 5th September Bourke, Michael, 1st August Callow, Thomas, 25th July Campbell, Alex., 11th July Canlin, Martin, 4th July Carolan, Phillip, 22nd August Carolin, Peter, 26th September Carr, Patk., alias Chas. Partridge, 11th July Carroll, Agnes, 8th August Casey, Chas., alias John Kane, alias Ptk. Kearney, 22nd August Clark, Agnes, 15th August Claridge, Henry, 19th Septemher Cleary, John. 5th September Chalmers, Eliz., 5th September Child, Henry, 11th July Child, Mary, 22nd August Chirgwin, Richard, 5th September Coates, Mary Ann, 19th September Cohen, alias Geo. Murray, 1st August Collins, George, 19th Septeinber Como, Grace, 11th July Conder, Joseph, 26th 'Septembar Connelly, Thomas, 1st August Conningham, John, 4th July Connor, Richard James Murdock, 19th September Conroy, John, 8th August Cosgrove, Samuel, 25th July Costello, Martin, 4th July Costello, Mary, 12th September Jndex--Q-wsrter ending September.--a. GAZETTE. ONLY. Coverdale, Margaret, 19th September Cown, Allan, 22nd August Cox, Chas., 11th July Crawford, David, 11th July Craven, Timothy, 15th August Creamer, Alfred, 15th August Cresser, Ellen, 8th August Croft, Thomas, 15th August Crosbie, David, 8th August Cross, George, alias Jno. McBride, alias Robt. Brown, 15thAugust Crotty, Frank, alias Chas. Martell, 25th July Curtis, Martha, 12th September Farr, Edward, 5th September Farthing, Horace, 19th September Faure, Alexander, 19th September Fergus, Richard, alias Richard King, 5th September Fernando, Caroline, 4th July Firth, Ernest, 15th August Fitzgerald, Edward, 12th Sep. tember Fitzgerald, John, 12th Septem. ber Fitzgibbon, James, 25th July Flannigan, Bridget, 29th August Dalton, George, 19th September Daly, Robert, 26th September Danby, John, 19th September Dart, John, 25th July Davis, Annie, 1st August Davis, Edward, 15th August Davis, James, 19th September Davis, John, 12th September Davis, Michael, 26th September Denecke, Charles, alias Deu- Flood, Herbert, 4th July Flood, Patk., 15th August Foster, Win., 26th September Franklin, Mark, 18th July Freeman, Henry, alias Joseph Farmer, 25th July Freeman, James, alias John Jackson, alias James Jones, 22nd August Fuller, Fredk, P., 11th July Fuller, George, 26th September Gallagher, Thomas, 22nd Deucellenia, alias Chas. Deneoke, 15th August Denny, John, 18th July Denton, Bartholemew, 19th September Denton, Elizabeth, 26th Sep. tember Deverouse, Henry Price, 11th July Direen, Edward, 11th July Diver, John, 19th September Dodd, William, 25th July Doherty, Henry, 29th August Dorrance, Wm., 8th August Dougherty, alias Ryan, alias Thomas Brown, 19th September Douglas, Ellen, 29th August Douglas, Mary Ann, 29th August Doyle, Edward, 11th July Doyle, Richard, 25th July Doyle, Thomas, 25th July Drew, Alexander, 12th September Duffy, Fredk., 12th September Duffy, Jas., alias Geo. Reid, alias J. Williamson, 1st August Duffy, John, 12th September Dugdale, Wm., 19th Septemher Duncan, Adam, 12th September Durham, Mary Ann, 15th August Duzany, Chas., alias Chas. Rogine, 12th September Dwyer, Ellen, 18th July Dwyer, James, 11th July Dyer, John, 25th July Eager, Fredk., 25th July Earl, Stephen, 25th July Edgcumbe, Joseph, 5th September Elliott, John, alias John James, 19th September Evan, David, 18th July Evans, Charles, 5th September Eyles, Henry W., 26th September Gately, William, 19th September Gibbs, Eliz., alias Gibson, alias Catherine Brown, 4th July Gill, Annie, 19th September Gill, Isabella, 5th September Gilmore, Michael, 26th September Goldsmith, Charles, 8th August Gordon, George, alias Moffatt, alias Wilson, alias Murphy, alias Wallace, alias Maitland, alias Campbell, 4th July Gore, William, 5th September Graham, Frank, 4th July Graham, John, 8th August Graham, Sarah, 11th July Green, James, 18th July Green, Thomas, alias Bray, 4th July Greenhill, Jno., alias Mornane, Patk., 15th August Greenwood, Edward, 11th July Griffin, alias Thomas Griffiths, 1st August Griffiths, Frank, 22nd August Griffiths, Thomas, alias Griffin, 1st August Guppy, Jas., 11th July Haig, Henrietta, 18th July Halen, Henry, alias Henry Allen, 11th July Hall, Thomas, 26th September Hamilton, Arthur, 15th August Hanstock, Walter V., 26th September Hardy, John, 1st August Hardy, Patrick, 18th July Hardy, William, 18th July Harris, Henry, 8th August Harris, James, 15th August Harrison, William, 18th July Hart, Patrick, let August Hartnett, Michael, 19th September Harton, James, 1st August Harvey, William, 11th July Hawkes. Alinie, 18th July Hayes, Ellen, 12th September Hazleton, Annie, 25th July Daley, James, 11thJuly cellenia, 15thAugust Fleming, James, 29thAugust August 2 PRISONERS DISCITARGED.--INDEX. Wm., 15th IV-letAugust Kerr, Kessell, Edward, Headfin, W. Healey, Elizabeth, 12th September Hedges, William, 26th September Heenan, John, 25th July Hennings, Oliver, alias Wm. Henry, alias Dixon, alias Jones, 4th July King, July King, King, King, Alice August 1st A ugust Charlotte, 11th Charles, 11th July I+redk., 29th August Richard, alias Richard Fergus, 5th September King, Thomas, 19th September Henderson, Hugh, alias Hugh Kirton, Wm. John, 1st August Knapp, Chas. J., 18th July Anderson, 12th September Henry, Annie, 22nd August Kohldorf, Emil, 15th August Lacey, William, 4th July Herbert, George, 5th September Laity, Mary, 1st August Hewins, Edward, 19th September Lang, Samuel, 4th July Hewlett, Hy., alias Henry Langley, Charles, 4th July Laundry, Fred. E., 29th August Brook, alias Lawrie, Samuel, 25th July 15th August Hettenbach, Mary, 26th Sep- Lawson, Oscar, 29th August Lear,- Benjamin, 11th July tember Hickey, John, 15th Angust Ledger, Win. B., 1st August Lee, George, 5th September Higgins, Jas., 8th August Hill, Samuel, alias Thomas Lemmon, George, 4th July Arnold, alias Stanley Leo, Thomas, alias Thomas Turner, 18th July Aspinall, 25th July Leslie, Jack, 11th July Hodder, Joseph, alias William O'Brien. 4th July Lester, John, 4th July Hogan, Edward, 15th August Lett, George, 18th July Lewes, Cornwall, 8th August Hogan, Mary, 19th September Lewis, George, alias George Hogan, Mary, 26th September Hood, Frances, 15th August Lyons, 5th September Loch, George, 12th September Hooper, William, 29th August Looney, Julia, 11th July Hooper, Wm., 5th September Hore, William, 5th September Lonsdale, William, 19th September Hudson, Andrew, alias Andrew Thompson, 26th September Loughton, George, 8th August Hudson, William, 29th August Lowe, Sarah, 11th July Hughes, Margaret, 5th Sep- Lowel, Wm. T., 1st August tember Lynch, Walter H., 8th August Hughes, William, 19th Sep- Lyons, . George, alias George tember Lewis, 5th September Hunter, Robert, 22nd August Lucas, Edward, 8th August Hutchinson , Henry, 8th August Ludlow, John, 8th August Huxley, Frank, 11th July Lurden, James, 4th July Hyde, William, 26th Sep- Mack, James, 8th August Mahon, Michael, 15th August tember Irvine, Isaac, 1Sth July Maloney, Roderick, 1st August Israel, Reuben, 4th July Mann, Louisa, 5th September Daniel, 12th SepJackson, John, alias James Mannix, tember Freeman, alias James Jones, 22nd August Martell, Chas., alias Frank Jacobs, Phillip, 4th July Crotty, 25th July Martin, James, 22nd August James, Donald, 29th August Peter, alias Henry James, John, alias John Martin, Elliott, 19th September Williams, 11th July Martin, Wm., alias Wm. May, Jamieson , John, 4th July 22nd August Johnson, Adolph, 26th SepMartin, Thomas, 4th July tember Robert A., 11th Johnson, George, 12th Sep- Marshall, July tember Marshall, Thomas, 26th SepJohnson, Thomas, 4th July tember Johnston, Alfred, alias J. Matheson, Alexander, 5th SepMoloney, alias John O'Brien, alias Jno. McGinty, alias tember Matthews, Catherine, 18th July James Dwyer, alias Patrick Matthews, Charles, 29th Fagan , 25th July August Johnston, James , 19th SepMatthews , Charlotte, 8th tember August Johnston , Thomas , 5th SepMatthews , Henrietta, 19th tember September Johnstone, Chas. Henry, 22nd August May, William, alias Win. Martin , 22nd August Johnston, Wm., 15th August Meyers, Catherine, 29th August Jones, Alice, alias Rose Miller, Miller , Henry, 19th September 5th September Jones, David, 19th September Miller, James, 19th September Jones. James , alias John Miller, Rose, alias Alice Jones, 5th September Jackson, alias James FreeMiller, William, 8th August man, 22nd August Jones, Thomas , 12th Sep- Minall , William, 25th July Minty, Julia, 19th September tember Thomas, 5th SepJones , Wm., alias Wm. H Mitchell, tember White, 11th July Montgomery, Alice, 5th SepJordon, John, 15th August tember Judd, Win., alias Harry Montgomerie , Walter, 18th Thompson, 15th August July Kane, John, alias Chas. Casey, alias Patk. Kearney, 22nd Moore, Edwin, 5th September Moore, John, 8th August August Moore, William, 4th July Kane, William, 18th July Edward, 19th SepKavanagh, Jane, 26th Sep- Morant, tember tember Patk., alias Jno. Kearney, Patk., alias Charles Mornane, Greenhall, 15th August Casey, alias John Kane, 22nd Morris, Edward K., 15th August August Keating, John, 5th September Morris, Thomas, 15th August Keen , Chas., 29th August Morrison, Jno. Bartholemew, Kein, Frank, 15th August 22nd August Kelly, Catherine, alias Dolly Moss, Fredk., alias, Fredk. Appleton, 8th August Trevor, 22nd August., Kelly, James, 25th July Mulder, Thomas, 22nd August Kelly, John, 8th August Mullen, George, alias Louis Kelly, John, 25th July Bowley, 19th September . Kelly, Julia, 26th September Murphy, Elizabeth, 26th SepKelly, William, 8th August tember Kennedy, John, 8th August Kennedy, William, 12th Sep- Murphy, John, 19th September Murphy, John, 8th August tember Win. Thompson, Murphy, Murray, Murray, August [1894. Wm., 22nd August Kate, 25th July Geo., alias Cohen, 1st Murray, William, 12th September McArthur, Jas., 25th July lvlcArthur, James A.,11th July McBride, Jno., alias Geo. Cross, alias 15th August Robert Brown, McCarthy, Ed., alias Martin Ryan, 8th August McCarthy, John, 29th August McCarthy, Mary, 29th August McClelland, Alecia, 12th September McCole, Ada, 18th July McCullough, Samuel, 4th July McDonald, George, 11th July McDonald, Jane, 5th September McDonald, McGann, McHenry, ber John, 15th' August John, 25th July James, 19th Septem- McIntyre, Kate, 8th August McKee, Arthur Hugh, 5th September McKeegan, John, 25th July McKenzie, Charles, 8th August McKenzie, Edward, 29th August McKenzie, John, 11th July McKinnon, Thomas, 22nd August McLelland, Daniel, 29th August McLennan, William, 1st August McLeod, Angus, alias Thomas Sullivan, 11th July McLeod, Chas., 8th August McMahon, Thomas, 4th July McMahon, Thomas, 12th September McMaster, Donald, 1st August McMillan, William, 5th September McNamara, Daniel, - 15th August McNamara, John, 18th July McNamara, Mary, 5th September McNamara, Patk., 5th September McPherson, Donald, 26th September McRae, George, 25th July Naumann, Adolphus, alias Wm. Adolph Naumann, 26th September Nedley, Harriet, 22nd August Neilson, Christian, 15th August Nelson , Chas ., 22nd August Netherton, Wm., 5th Septem , her Nicholson , Geo., alias Robt. Ashton, alias James Butler, 22nd August Nicol, James , 29th August Noblet, Fredk., 25th July Nolan, Thomas, 26th September Norris , George , alias Pett, 26th September Norton, William, 5th September Nott, James, 4th July O'Brien , George, 26th September O'Brien, John , 11th July O'Brien, Thomas , 4th July O'Brien, William , alias Joseph Hodder, 4th July O'Connor, Danl., 22nd August O'Connor, John, 18th July O'Dell, Ann, 4th July, 25th July, 19th September Od s, Percy Edgerton, 11th Jul O'Donnell , alias Jane Ballantyne, 4th July O'Keefe , Michael, 12th September O'Keefe, Patk., alias Pat. Smith, 25th July O'Mealley, Mick J., 12th September O'Neill, Arthur, alias Redmond Prenderville , 18th July O'Neill, Felix, 1st August O'Neill, Owen, 8th August O'Neill, Phillip, 12th September O'Neill, Thomas, 4th July O'Neill, William, alias Thos. Bradshaw , 11th July Parks, Robert, 5th September Parks, John, 5th September Parker, William, 4th July Parsons, Jas., 11th July Partridge, Chas., alias Patk. Carr, 11th July Patterson, Norah, 1st August Pearce, Henry, 4th July Pennell, Chas., 18th July Perry, Henry, -1st August Pett, J., alias Geo. Norris, 26th September Phillips, William, 1st August Plant, James, 4th July Pope, Henry, 18th July Pope, Richard, 8th August Pollard, Frank, 18th July Pollykett, Henry, alias Donald Wallace, 8th August Porter, Joseph, 18th July Poumie, Batcho, 18th July Power, John, 4th July Prato, Fredk. Geo., 15th August Prenderville, Redmond, alias Arthur O'Neill, 18th July Purcell, Edward, 4th July Purcell, Edward, 18th July Quinn, Augustus W., 4th July Quinn, Patk., 29th August Quinn, Theodore, 4th July Rae, Thomas Fredk., 5th September Ramsay, James, 12th September Randle, Ephraim, 8th August Raven, Win., 8th August Redfern, Herbert, 18th July Reece, Rose, 19th September Reid, Arthur, 22nd August Reid, George, alias Jas. Duffy, alias J. August Williamson, 1st Retler, Alfred, 1st August Rexson, James, 15th August Rice, Thomas, 22nd August Richards, Daniel, 5th September Richards, John, 22nd August Richardson, John, 5th Sep. tember Ridgeway, John, 4th July Ridley, Louisa, 5th September Riley, John, 29th August Roach, Edward, 15th August Robertson, William, 22nd August Rogine, Chas., alias Chas. Duzany, 12th September Ross, James, 18th July Ross, Jaines, 26th September Rowe, Fredk., Ist August Rowe, John, 8th August Ryan , alias Thomas Brown, alias Dougherty , 19th September Ryan, Martin , 8th August Ryan, Martin, alias Ed . McCarthy, 8th August Ryan, Mary Ann, 5th Septem. ber Ryan, Thomas , 4th July Ryce, Chas., 5th September Rutherford, Walter, 18th July Saint , Sarah Carter , 25th July Sanders , John, 18th July Saul, Bert , 26th September Saunders , George , 4th July Sauvarin , Wm., 26th September Scanlon, Clara , 19th September Scanlon, Joseph , 5th September Schmidt, Fredk ., 26th Sep• tember Schollard , James , 12th Sep4 tember Scott , Duncan, 1st August Serong , Albert, 4th July Seymour, Fanny, 25th July Shanks, James, 18th July Shannon, Robert, 8th August; Sharpe, Ernest , 5th September Shaw, John, 5th September Sheehan, Polly, 5th September Shewberg, Charles, 22nd August Simmons , Wm. H., 8th August Sinclair , Rose , 5th September Skidmore, George, 26th Sep= tember Slatter, Alice, 4th July Smith, Charlotte, 29th August Smith, Chas. H., 15th August Smith, Dick, 25th July Smith, George, 18th July Smith, James, 4th July Smith, Jno., 22nd August Smith, Joseph, 5th Septembea Smith, Marian , 25th July 1894.3 P12ISONtRS DISCHARGED.---INDE$. Smith, Patk., alias Pk. O'Keefe, Thomas, David, 18th July 25th July Thomas, John, 18th July Win., 29th .August , Smith, Smith, William H 4th July Smith, William, 29th August Snell, Bernard, 19th September Somerville, Charles, 5th September South, Francis, 18th July Spencer, Robert, 8th August Spring, William, 15th August Stephens, John, 19th September Stewart, Alexander, 15th August Stewart, Henry, 29th August Stewart, Wm. Thomas, 1st August Thomas, Samuel, 15th August Thompson, Andrew, alias Andrew Hudson, 26th September Thompson, Harry, alias Wm. Judd, 15th August Thompson, Nathaniel, 19th September Thompson, Wm., alias Hy. Hewlett, alias Henry Brook, 15th August Thomson, John, 15th August Tobin, John, 4th July Todd, Mary, 5th September Tommy Quong, 22nd August Trainor, George, 11th July Stewart, William, 4th July Treacey, Mary, 19th September Stokes, William, 8th August Trevor, Fredk., alias Fredk. Stratford, Robert, 1st August Moss, 22nd August Strugnell, Percy, 5th September Troy, Ellen, 5th September -Stubbings, Millie, 4th July Turner, Charles, 26th SeptemSullivan, Jahn, 29th August ber Sullivan, Mary Ann, 19th SepTanner, Joseph, alias Henry tember Freeman, 25th July Sullivan, Thomas, alias Angus Turner, Mary, 25th July McLeod, 11th July Turner, Michael, 25th July Sullivan, Wm., 18th July Turner, Samuel, 1st August Sutton, Margaret, 18th July Tainsh, David, 4th July Turner, Thomas, alias Thomas Leo, 18th July Talliday, Ernest, 18th July Turpenny, James, 4th July Tannock, John, 1st August Tyson, Annie, 1st August Taylor, James, 11th July Teager, Edward, 26th Sep- Van, John, 11th July Van Geyer, Thomas, 19th September tember Tempest, Edwin, 19th SepVassapoles, alias GeorgeWalib, tember 4th July Tennant, Charles, 15th August Vergoz, Ernest, 22nd August Voege, Lucy, 11th July Walker, George, 19th September Walker, Walter James, 29th August Wallace, Donald, alias Henry Pollykett, 8th August Walsh, George, alias Vassapoles, 4th July Walsh, Henry, 11th July Walsh, John, 29th August Walsh, Patrick, 1st August Walsh, Samuel, 22nd August Walters, Samuel, 19th September Wanliss, Sarah, 5th September Wardrop, John, 18th July Warren, John, 26th September Waters, James, 19th Watson, Henry, 5th September Watson, James F., 19th September Watts, William, 12th September Webb, John, 19th September Webster, Thos. Hy., 18th July Wells, Louisa Clarke, 12th September Wenzer, Ernest, 18th July White, Lizzie, 29th August White, Wm. H., alias Wm. Jones, 11th July Wilkins, John, alias Henry Steward, alias John Pearce, alias Jno. Williamson, alias James Byrne, 12th September Wilkinson, Nellie, 5th September Williams, Carrie, 11th July Williams, Harry, 4th July Williams, Henry, alias Peter Martin, 11th July Williams, James, 19th September Williams, Jas., 15th August Williams, John, 4th July Williams, Wm., 4th July Williams, Wm., 11th July Williamson, J., alias Jas. Duffy, alias Geo. Reid, 1st August Williamson, Robert, 5th Sep tember Wilson, Alice, 29th August Wilson, Annie, 12th September Wilson, Arthur, alias Jno. Wilson, 22nd August Wilson, Elizabeth, 12th September Wilson, John, 19th September Wilson, John, alias Arthur Wilson, 22nd August Wilson, Peter, 19th September Wilson, Robt., 15th August Wilson, Saml., 22nd August Wilson, Theodore P., 5th September Winter, Thomas, 26th September Wolf, Joseph, 5th September Wright, Joseph, 18th July Wright, William, 1st August Wylie, Kate, 5th September Yannah, Jaspar, 11th July Yoeman, William. 18th July Young, James, 5th September By Authority $ ROBT.S. BRAIN,Government Printer, Melbourne. IN DEX TO VICTORIA THE POLICE GA. ZE _!-T E. FOR THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER, 1894, A. Absconders from industrial schoolsBell, Elizabeth , 285, 307 McLean , Finlay , 336, 343 Boland, Maggie, 349, 356 O'Brien, Henry, 349, 365 Pedreina, Richard, 279 Cain, Florence, 365 Davis, Wm., 285 Dodds, James, 335, 365 Queen, Wm., 320 Dodson, Arthur, 279 Rowlands, Samuel, 279 Downie, Frank, 349 Ellis, Edward, 335 Shepherd, Daniel, 349 Foley, John, 327 Smith, Walter Edward, 300 Smyth, Walter Edwin, 343 Foley, Michael, 356 Summer, Chas., 279 Gibson, Kate, 285, 293 Virtue, Robert, 320 Goodwin, Joseph, 335 Hoban, Robert, 320, 328 Wennell, Thos., 292, 299, 349 Wigfull, Joseph, 293, 335 Hunter, Jennie, 349, 356 Williams, Arthur H., 349 Illingworth, Wm. Hy., 292 Williams, Herbert, 343, 349 Jones, Henry, 356 Willis,Jaines, 279, 292 Miller, John P., 300 Yeman, Louisie, 292, 300 Moore, Amos, 336 Ah Gie, alias Men Lock, having uncustomed goods, 293, 299 Ah Goon, alias Ah Sheng, having uncustomed goods. 293, 336 Ah Heng, assault on, 343. Allen, Mary, vagrancy, 349 Analysts, 279, 320 Anderson, -, vagrancy, 285 Anderson, Johan, larceny as a bailee on, 345 Anderson, Johan, wilful damage, 343 Anderson, Thos., commitment, 343 Andrea, Harry, fraudulent appropriation of property of, 315, 324 Archibald, Robt., larceny on, 324 Auctioneers' licences, 292, 327, 365 Peppard, yard,Arthur andAlbert, Clegg, Mary Ann, vagrancy, 285, 292 Cockney, -, passing a counterfeit sovereign, 331 Coghlan, Joseph, unlawful gaming, 328 Coghlan, Mary Jane, false pretences on, 303 Cole, Joseph, commitment, 285 Cole, Rev. G. H., neglected children may be committed to the care of, 291 Collins, Kate, vagrancy, 365 Colquhoun, Chas., commitment, 292 Commissioners for taking declarations and affidavits, 318 Conquest, James, embezzlement on, 287, 303 Cook, Mary,-wilful damage to property of, 327 Copeland, Annie, vagrancy, 357, 365 Cordell, Wm., false pretences on, 345 Correll, Richard, larceny as a bailee, 295 Bell, John, larceny as a bailee on, 315 Benolo, Thos., wilful damage, 327 Berkery, Constable, assault on, 312 Berry, Humphrey, commitment, 279 Beyer, Elizabeth, passing a spurious coin on, 345 Bigby, James, vagrancy, 3453 Bigelow, Amasa, commitment, 307 Bigelow, Amasa, neglected child, 356 Bird, Henry E., wilful damage to property of, 336 Black, Thos., alias Shepherd, alias Rd. Bennett, absconding from bail, 357 Blair, David, assault, 328, 349 Blanche, Ernest H., embezzlement, 340 Blouse, Thos., vagrancy, 312 Bloustein, Joel, larceny as a bailee, 303 Bollman, Fredk., embezzlement, 296 Bourke, John, larceny, 324 Bourke, Joseph, assault with intent to commit a rape, 312 Bradley, H., larceny as a bailee, 370 Bradley, Mary, infliction of rgrievous bodily harm on, 357 Bradshaw, Walter, commitment, 292 James, disobeying Kate, man exposing an order of the Traralgon his person to, 292 Bridge, Edwin, escaped lunatic, `?86 Brown, James, commitment, 279 Brown, John, commitment, 336 Brown, Robert, commitment, 327 Brown, Wm., larceny, 369 Bruckner, Annie, indecent assault on, 307, 313 Index-Quarter ending December.-A. bench, C. Cain, Mary, imposition on, 295, 324 Cains, Hugh, poisoning of dog of, 307 Campbell, Andrew, embezzlement, 309 Capewell, Ada, lunatic at large, 313, 336 Cardie, Hubert, false pretences on, 345, 353 Carson, James, commitment, 349 Casey, Thos., commitment, 328' Charley, -, larceny as a servant, 360 Cheel, James, larceny on, 360 Children abandonedFemale child abandoned in Leila-street, Prahran, 319 Female child found in the bush off the Yackandandah-road, 335, 348 Female child found in front of the Infant asylum, Berrystreet, East Melbourne, 342 Female child found off Goodall-street, Hawthorn, 362 Male child found in the closet of the ladies' waiting room at Spencer-street railway station, 306 Male child found. in railway carriage at Flinders-street railway station, 327 Chinese act notices, 292 Clarey, Mary, commitment, 320 Clark, F., imposition, 295, 324 Clark, Thos., imposition, 295 B. Bailey, Geo., wilful damage, 343 Baker, Wm., commitment, 292, 300 Bank of New South Wales, forgery and uttering on, 353 Barker, John, poisoning of dog of, 307 Barnswall, John, malicious poisoning of dogs of, 300, 307 ,Basse, Geo., commitment-, 299 Baster, Wm., escaped lunatic, 312, 320 Beach, Harry, larceny as a bailee on, 281 Beaconsfield, Isadore, wilful damage to property of, 349 Becker, August F., larceny as a bailee on, 370 Breen, Brett, Bry, George, alias Norton, larceny, 360 Bryson, A., false representations, 324, 331 Buckley, G. N., destruction of property of, 307 Bundy, Chas., embezzlement, 287, 303 Burford, Aubrie John, larceny, 281 Burge, Thos., larceny, 345 Burton, Ethel, larceny on, 303 Burton, Wm., larceny as a bailee on, 316, 324, 353 Busmita Singh, assault on, 328, 349 Byrnes, James, attempted storebreaking, 343 349 Couch, Courts Courts Lily, passing a counterfeit sovereign on, 331. of petty sessions, times of holding, 320, 327 of petty sessions held at, 299, 349 Cranfield, Arthur, hawking without a licence, 343, 350 Craven, Henry, larceny, 353, 360 Crichton, Win. S., embezzlement on, 340 Crown lands, cutting, digging, or removing timber from, prohibited at-Durdidwarrab, 292 Moreep, 292 Cuddy, John, commitment, 292, 336 Currie, John, imposition on, 295 D. Dale, Nelly, larceny as a servant, 287 Dalley, Fredk., false pretences, 303 Davidson, Henry, commitment, 327 Davis, Daws, Frederick, Thomas, intending to abscond from his bail, wilful damage to property of, 343 Deprada, Peter, commitment, Deserters of wives, &c.Austin, Henry, 306, 312 Baldwin, Jas. IT., 356 Boys, Alfred, 342 336, 343 344 Bracken, Chas., 362 Callaghan, James, 335 Cameron, Wm:, 342 2 VICTORIA POLICE Deserters of wives, &c.- continued. Casey, John , 335 McDonald, D., 319 Clayton, Fredk . W., 291 McDonald , Norman, 327 Cox, Walter , 356 McIntyre , Geo., 327, 335 Craven , Harry H., 291 McNicol, Hugh, 291 Crisp, Thos. E., 362 Ogilvey, Wm. Henry, 285 Deegan, Herbert E., 306 O'Neill, W. J. E., 299 Dodd, James, 327 Osborne, Walter,-312 Farrell , John , 319, 327 Parson, G. E. C., 356 Fenton , Percival A., 278 Shegog , George, 327 Flanagan , Peter, 319 Smith , Antony, 362 Flannagan, Peter, 312, 319 Smith, Henry, 285 Flannery, Win., 342 Smith , Thos., 342 Godfrey, Win., 342 Spry, John, 291 Harvey , Wm. Thos., 335 Stevens, John, 285 Hill, Fredk ., 278 Storkey , John, alias Fred.; 348 Hill, Samuel , 319, 327 Supple, Patrick, 356 Hoare , Fredk., 299 Swire, Jessie, 299 Hoffman , Christ., 299 Theobald , Thos . Herman, 278 Howell , Robert F ., 278 Thomson , Geo. Harrex, 278 Hunter, John , 335 Todd, Geo . Edward, 299 Keating, Paul , 342 Trebilcock , Francis, 291 Kelly, Andrew , 356 Voges , Frank, 362 Knowlson , John C., 306 Walker, Joseph, 278 Larcombe , Chas., 327 Webb, George, 356 Lyons , Walter, 306 Deserters from H.M . serviceBoice, Fredk . J., 301 Madden , Robt., 358 Cank , Joseph , 313 Mason , J. W., 358 Cavanagh , Peter , 286 Moss, Chas . T., 294 Clarke , Wm. Thos. , 337 McGregor , Joseph, 366 Collins, Robert H., 313 Rothschild , Win. C. G., 294 Connor , Chas., 313 Somerville , Win., 294, 308 Doherty, Patrick Vincent , 337 Walker , Chas. J., 313 Handcock , Thos. H., 366 Watson , John, 294 Layhe , Arthur, 294 Wickham, A . C., 313 Devereaux, John, commitment, 335 Digging of gravel prohibited from certain Crown lands, 320 Dinsdale , Henry, commitment, 349 Dowling, Andrew, deserting his apprenticeship, 320 Driscoll, John , escaped lunatic, 349 Downey Bros ., larceny as a bailee on, 316, 331 E. Eastwood, G. H., false pretences on, 339 Eddy, Richard, commitment, 300 Egan, Constable, assault on, 293 Elkington, Alfred, larceny, 331, 339 Elliott, Robt., poisoning of dog of, 307 Ellis; Robert, larceny on, 353, 360 Eskell, John, commitment, 300 Evans, Thos., commitment, 285 F. Farmer, Wm., false pretences on, 340 Farrell, John , being in a public place with intent to commit a felony, 281 Ferguson , John , larceny, 370 Fieter , Francis , disobeying a summons, 307 Fishing in Lady bay, 343 Fitzgerald , -, seduction, 370 Fitzgerald, David, commitment, 300 Fitzgerald , Raky, inciting a prisoner to resist and assault, 293 Flannigan , W. J., commitment, 320, 328 Flint, Thos., false pretences , 345, 353, 370 Flood, Robert John, bigamy , 281, 287 Flowers, Miss L. C., forgery of a letter purporting to be from, 317 Flude, Charles , assault., 328 Flude, Julia, assault on, 328 Foran , Win., false pretences on, 370 Foy and Gibson , forgery and uttering on, 303 Frazer, Richard G., larceny as a bailee, 315 Fullarton , Alex., embezzlement, 339 Fulton, Sonny, assault, 336 Furlong, Cecilia Mary, 336 G. Gannon, Wm., commitment, 336 Gaynor , John, disobeying a summons, 320, 343 Gazette, Antonio, unlawful wounding of, 279 Geary, John, wilful trespass, 349 Gibson , Alfred, commitment, 365 Gidney, James, larceny as a bailee , 360, 370 Gill, R. F., fraudulent appropriation of property, 315, 324, 370 Gleason, Albert, illegally using a horse, 331, 340 Gorman, Michael, larceny as a bailee, 324 Graham, Mona , larceny, 346 Grainger, James, larceny, 370 Greany, Win., using insulting words, 286 Grearson , John, assault, 292 Green , Nellie , commitment, 312 Gregan, Constable , assault on, 293 Gregory , Richard, larceny on, 281 Grindell , Joseph, commitment, 300 Grew , Frederick , commitment, 307 Gunbower state forest partly revoked, 335, 343 Gunbower state forest diminished, 365 Gunn, Doris , man exposing his person to, 292 H. Haine, H. W., false pretences, 370 Hall, Catherine, commitment, 336 Hall, John S., commitment, 343 Hallwood, Joseph, using threatening language, 343 Hampson, Kin, commitment, 365 Hannah ,R. C., uttering a forged order on, 315. Hanney , Edward, commitment, 285 [1894. GAZETTE.-INDEX. Hanrahan, Andrew, Hart, Geo., larceny, commitment, 324 365 Hart, Geo., commitment, 299 Hawkins, Clara, using threatening words to, 328 Hawkins, Elsie, obscene exposure to, 285 Hayes, Jeremiah, commitment, 292 Health act notices, 279, 327, 343, 365 Health officers, 291, 292, 307, 320, 349, 364 Henny, -, assault, 285 Henry, Arthur George, false pretences, 296, 303 Herd, Ernest, alias Sonko, wilful damage, 349 Herd, Alfred, larceny as a bailee, 33L Higgins, Win., poisoning of dogs of, 307 Highway robbery, arrested forFrancis, Wm., alias Anderson, Allan, Henry, 341 361 Brennan, Thos., 341 Bethel, Thos., 339 Kirby, Stephen, 369 O'Brien, Wm., 339 Cassidy, Jas., 341 Tanner, Thos., 331 Dart, John, 295 Days, James, 339 Wallace, Donald, 345 Duggan, Walter, 341 Watson, Jas., 295 Flood, Alfred, 295 Highway robbery, charged withKirby, Stephen, 359 Men, two, names unknown, on Maitland, -, 281 John Reese, 323 McCormick, M., 309 Men, two, names unknown, Man, name unkown, on Angus on A. Abrahams, 331 Robertson, 287 Men, two, names unknown, Man, name unknown, on J. J. on Wm. Newman, 339 Wastle, 309 Monteith, Jas., 295 Man, name unknown, on J. Woman, name unknown, on Randall, 309 Wm. Newman, 339 Man, name unknown, on J. Woman, name unknown, on Hickey, 339 Thos. Mars, 359 Men, two, names unknown, Wright, Thos., 295 on John O'Brien, 323 Highway robbery committed onAbrahams, Arthur, 317, 331 Morrison, John, 317 Anderson, Thos., 355 McCarthy, Joseph, 289 Bannon, Peter, 325, 347 McCluskie, George, 361 McColl, Bernard, 317 Beswick, Azarias, 283 Bittner, H., 347 McDonald, John and Patrick, Brown, Albert Edward, 277 331 Brown, Harry, 309 McDougall, W. B., 297 Brown, Thos., 297 McIntosh, Wm., 317 Buchner, Isaac, 355 McNamara, Michael, 325 Burns, Louis E., 325 McNichol, Jas., 297 Burton, Henry, 361 Newman, Wm., 339 Nicholas, Utar G., 355 Canny, Bryan, 317 Cranson, Elizabeth, 341 O'Brien, John, 323 O'Meally, Michael Joseph, 361 Crilley, Wm., 317 Cammack, Robert, 347 Pabst, H. 289 Deiglish, Robert, 311 Pearson, D., 317 Dixon, Thos., 361 Popple, Wm., 341 Eddy, Wm., 341 Ralgmarcher, Gerrard, 355 Ellis, Thos., 317 Randall, John, 309 Evans, George, 361 Redgrave, Christina, 297 Farrell, Hugh, 317 Reese, John, 323 Fox, Edward, 297, 305 Reiff, Mrs. L., 297 Freeman, Caroline, 317 Richards, Albert, 281 Gibson, James, 297 Riley, Samuel Thomson, 361 Gilbanks , Mrs. J. H., 355 Robertson, Angus, 287, 295 Robertson, Geo., 283 Glass, Mrs., 283 Rooney, James, 311, 317 Gleeson , John, 289 Ranger, John, 311 Gower, Richd. Pratt, 283 Russell, Robert, 339 Grano , F. C., 347 Salkeld, Albert, 297 Griffin , James, 277 Sengar, Edwin, 355 Hegarty, Daniel, 289 Sexton, J. P., 347 Henning, Angela, 355, 361 Slade, Elizabeth, 347 Herbert, Christopher, 311 Smith, Sidney, 283 Hickey , James , 339, 355 Smith, Win., 317 Hoffman , John, 283 Speedy, Walter, 361 Humphreys , Win., 317 Symons, Frank, 311, 325 Jacobs , T. F. A ,, 283 Thornton, Fanny, 283 Josephs, Leo., 277 Uffendell, Annie T., 317 Kawin , Edwd., 355 Wake, Geo., 283 Kelly, Jas., 305 Walters, John, 341 Kennear , Geo. F., 295 Kennon , Isabella J., 355, 361 Wastle, John J., 309 Weir, James, 311, 317 Landale, Jas., 361 White, John, 295 Lannie, 283 Williams, Cecilia, 305 Lawrie, Mrs., 325 Wilson, Wm., 305 Mars , Thos., 359 Young, James, 341 Martin, A., 297, 305 Morris , Geo., 333, 341 Hocking, Benjamin, disobeying a summons, 285 Hogan, Millie, threatening life, 293, 299 Homestead associations, 292, 320, 365 Hordern, Francis P., commitment, 356 Horn, Henry, absconding from bail, 370 Horses and cattle, charged with stealingArmstrong, Andrew, 340 Pierce, -, 332 Brooks, R., 360 Taylor, Samuel, 287 Falconer, David, 353 White, Thomas, 332 Horses and cattle stolen from- Abbott, John, 357 Bald, H., 366 Alcock, Richard J., 308 Ball, Win., 300 Baragny, Patrick, 293 Allen, Geo., 293 Annis, Edward, 279 Barr, John Thos., 308, 344 Arbuthnot, Joseph, 321 Barrett, Hugh St., 321 Armfield, Geo. H., 300, 328 Bennett, John, 350 Armstrong, Andrew, 340 Bivis, James, 329 Armstrong, John, 293 Bodey, A. H., 328, 350 Atkinson, James, 279, 286 Bodycoat, Joseph, 293 Ayrey, Chas., 350, 366 Bolton, Thos., 279 Barley, Walter, 357 Bookless, John, 336 Bailey, Robert W., 366 Bowen, Martin , 328, 350 Baker, P . R., 366 Bowen , Wm. F., 313 0., Win., 1894.] VICTORIA POLICE Horses and cattle stolen from-continued. Bowman, Arthur Percy, 286 Hawkins, John, 286, 307 Boys, W. R., 366 Heller, Louis, 2S6 Bradley, Samuel, 328 Henderson, Jas., 308, 344 Branigan, Thos., Hester, Edward, 313 Bridges, John, 314 Hewat, Wm., 313 Brooker, Joseph C., 300, 313 Hill, Wm., 300, 307 Brown, Alfred, 365 Hillsberg, Chas., 357 Brown, Jas. J., 357. 365 Hobson, Wm. It., 366 Brown, Joseph, 300, 336 Hogg, Thos., 293 Buckley, John, 300, 365 Holberry, Thos., 350, 365 Buckley, Jno., 366 Hooper, Richard, 350 Burke, Patrick, 286, 301 Hooper, Thos. F., 313 Burtt, John W., 366 Hooten, Thos., 328, 350, 357 Calman, Catherine, 336 Horsley, John, 328 Cameron, Alexander, 350 Houlehan, James, 279 Capes, Charles, 286 Howell, F., 36fj. Carmody, Daniel, 308 Hoy, Wm., 308 Carr, Stephen W., 321 Hughes, Peter, 286 Carter, Jas.. 366 Hunt., Jas. Isaac, 350 Cathcart, A., 300, 307 Hunter, Thos., 328, 344 Chapman, Edwd., 344 Huxtable, Robt. P., 337 Charles, Samuel, 321, 332 Humphrey, Chas., 357 Charriol, Paul, 337, 350 Irving, Wm., 357 Chivers, Joseph, 350, 357 Jackson, Edwd., 321 Clyne, Ralph, 308, 313 James, Wm. H., 308 Coffey, Julia, 293, 336 Jamieson, Wm., 321, 336 Collier, Jas. T., 365 Jessep, Jas., 301 Conant, P. H. G. P. N., 350 Johnston, Dr., 357 Connell, Thos., 300 Joy, F. G., 321, 336 Cooke, S. G., 293 Kane, John, 328 Cooper, Wm. It., 279 Keane, Patrick, 366 Cowan, Jas., 357 Kelly, John, 344 Creed, Wm., 350 Kelly, John, 337 Crompton, C. W., 308, 350 Kelly, Michael, 300 Cronk, Frank A., 366 Kelly, Thos., 321 Crowle, James, 350 Kenny, Dr. F. IT., 321 Cruikshank, Archibald, 336 Keppel Bros., 337 Cullen, Michael, 350 Kilgour, J., 329 Curry, Wm., 300 Kneebone, James, 320 Daly, John, 366 Lally, Peter, 350 Davies, James, 337 Larkin, David, 300 Davies, Thos., 366 Lawrence, Frank, 321 De Lany, J. W., 293 Leseberg, Charles, 344, 357 Do Little, Henry F., 328 Lillis, George, 350 Densmore, Robt., 321 Lyons, Harry, 344, 365 Derham, Thos., 337, 360 Mackenzie, G., 286 Deverall, Patrick, 328 Maher, John, 357 Devers, Win., 313, 320 Mair, Wm., 286 Devine, Edward, 328 Manning, Richard, 350, 365 Devine, Edward, 329 Manton, Wm. H., 337 Diamond, Thos., 321, 336 Martorana, Francis, 321, 328 Doherty, Wm., 337 Marsh, Thos., 308, 344 Don, John, 321, 328 Marshall, A., 344, 350 Donovan, Henry, 350 Maxwell, Joseph, 321 Doolan, Thos., 320 Miller, John, 350 Doude, John, 313 Minahan, Wm., 320 Dove, Wm., 300 Minter, Michael, 286, 293 Drew, James, 337 Mitchell Bros., 308 Duane, Patrick, 336 Mitchell, Mrs. J., 300 Dunn, Francis, 321, 328 Mitchell, Wm., 279 Duschke, Mrs., 286, 365 Mitchell, Wm., 286 Dwerryhouse, Thos., 328 Mitton, John, 308 Dwyer, John, 308, 313 Moran, Martin, 279 Dyer, John, 321 Morris, J. C., 300 Elliott, F. E., 300 Moulden, E. T., 286, 293 Elliott, James, 357, 365 Munyard, Jos. Henry, 357 Ellis, Annie, 279 Mumford, Howard, 300 Ellis, James, 337 Murray, Ellen, 337 Ellis, Thos. W., 336, 344 McBride, Rev. Peter, 293 Ellison, John, 313 McCann, Moses, 329 Ennes, Thos., 313, 320 McConnell, John A., 365 Evenden, Frederick, 293 McDonald, Christina, 313 Farmer, John A., 344 McEntee, Patrick, 328 McErvale, John, 308 Farrad, Isaiah, 350 Farrell, Wm. J., 308 McGilivray, Jas., 308, 328 Ferguson, Joseph, 308 McGuinness, James, 357 Field, James, 313 McIntosh, Win., 321 Fleming, James, 350, 357 McKenzie, Mrs., 300, 308 McLean, D., 313 Fon Boon, Chas., 344, 357 Ford, Chas., 308 McLennan, Duncan, 293 McLennan, Jas., 365 Forrest. Maurice, 365 McMerron, Joseph, 350 Friday, John H., 320 McMinn, John, 279, 287 Fulla, Andrew, 350 McNab, Jas., 366 Fuller, Alfred, 279 McSweeney, Eugene, 366 Fuzzard, Francis H., 357 Naughton, Patrick, 258, 280 Gannon, Edward, 300 Naughton, Patrick, 279, 293 Gannon, James P., 300 Neilson, Mrs. M. A., 293 Garner, Chas., 321 Nestor, Michael, 279, 300 Geary, Simon, 344 Nind, Vernon, 279, 293 Gentles, John, 313 Nugent, George, 366 Geraghty, Wm., 328 O'Connor, Edward, 350 Gibbons, John, 279 Oddy, Wm. 350 Gurry, Edward, 332 O'Donnell, John, 321, 328 Gill, E. R., 279 O'Mahoney, Ellen, 286 Gleeson, Win., 337 Orwin, Valentine, 321, 328 Gloster, Jas., 321, 357 Osie, David, 321, 328 Gobbi, Antilio, 321 Goldsmith, Oliver, and Co., 293 Ostrom, Charles, 350 O'Sullivan, Purcell, and Co., Goneding, John, 337 357 Graham, Archie, 300, 307 Owen, Wm., 329 Gray, John, 350 Pagles, Louis, 350 Hamilton, John, 337, 344 Palling, Henry, 366 Hamilton, Thos. M., 313 Pask, David, 320 Hannaburg, John, 344 Patterson, Catherine, 321, 328 Harbeck, J. F., 313 Peach, David, 366 Harrington, Geo., 293, 307 Pearce, Henry H., 366 Hayton, Richard, 350 32L GAZETTE.--INDEX. 3 Horses and cattle stolen from-continued. Shelton, John, 308 Perry, Geo., 350 Sims, John, 313 Peterson, G., 357 Smith, Kennedy, 308, 313 Phillips, Alex., 350 Smith, W. K., 357 Pol warth, John, 344 Stammer, Chas., 344 Pope, Henry, 350, 357 Steen, John, 357 Price, John, 279 Stevens, John, 366 Purcell, Michael, 336, 344 Stewart, Geo., 320, 337 Purves, Wm., 328 Raff, Wm., 286 Rapp, Honorah, 308 Reece, John, 329 Reeves, Ellen, 293 Rhodes, Chas., 344 Ritchie, Win., 321 Robbie, Alexander, 344 Rogers, Wm., 344 Ross, Charles, 300 Russell, Phillip, 337 Ryan, Edward, 280 Ryan, Edwd., 350, 357 Ryan, John T., 328 Salvia, Peter, 336, 344 Sanders, Henry, 337 Sanderson, A., 366 Sandles, Wm., 344 Schade, Francis, 357 Schwarze, G., 357, 365 Scott, Samuel, 308, 313 Shannon, Bridget, 344 Sharp, John B., 301 Sharpe, J. B., 308 Sheehan, Michael, 357 Housebreaking, arrested forArblaster, Amos, 331 Baddington, Mary, 369 Bryan, John, 369 Davis, Alice, 309, 355 Dwyer, Peter, 347 Garrett, Ada, 333, 334 Harvey, Geo., 362 Hogan, John B., 341 Ives, Alice, 309, 331 Kennedy, Win., 326 Kirk, George, 334, 355 Kruger, F. W., 287 Lennon, Margaret, 345 Housebreaking, charged withAitkin, Elizabeth, 359 Austin, Win., 345 Bernell, Clara, 287 Boy, name unknown, on J. Bruce, 323 Bryan, John, 323, 369 Brown, Mary, 339 Cheel, Harry, 345 Clarke, George, 359 Gerathy, -, 323 Girdlestone, Fredk., 359 Henderson, Jimmy, 359 Ives, Alice, 323 Jones, James, 315 Lennon, Margaret, alias Mary Brown, 339 Man, name unknown, on Joseph Lane, 303 Man, name unknown, on C. Fowler, 315 Man, name unknown, on H. B. Wigstill, 339 Man, name unknown, on It. Kellett, 353 Man, name unknown, on Jos. Sullivan, 359 Housebreaking committed onAinger, James, 333 Albrecht, Frederick, 355 Allchin, W. J., 318 Allsop, Bonadali, 341 Andrews, Jane, 369 Androffe, Giavani, 348 Armstrong, Alex., 283, 295 Bain, Barbara, 325 Baker, Ernest, 284 Ball, Frederick, 341 Barker, Robt. G., 342 Battens, Chas., 281 Baum, Heinrich, 298 Benham, Wm., 318 Benjamin, Samuel, 318 Bennell, Clara, 295 Bennett, John, 318 Bent, Wm. G., 334, 341 Bolton, Thomas, 361 Bone, Elizabeth, 342, 347, 369 Booth, Reuben, 309 Bounds, Walter, 347 Bourchier, B. J., 342, 348 Brinkman, Geo., 284 Brock, Edward, 315 Brown, E. H. C., 287 Bruce, James, 323 Burrow, William, 334 Buston, Albert, 298 Butterworth, Agnes, 281, 295 Carlson, Alex., 339 Castrigue, Louis, 325 Cawley, Dennis, 334 Stitfold, Thos., 328 Sullivan, Patrick, 308, 321 Sutherland, Trail, 321 Taylor, John, 293, 313 Tehan, James, 350 Thomas, Wm., 321 Thompson, Joseph, 344 Tobin, John, 337, 357 Todd, Alfred, 293 Todd, John, 307 Trimble, Win.. 313 T ucker, Wm., 328, 357 Turner, Richard, 328 Walsh, James, 328, 336 Warke, Adam, 279 William, Olive, 313, 320 Williams, W. S., 357 Williams, John, 366 Willis, Mrs., 328 Wilson, Alfred, 300 Wilson, James, 336 Wright, Jane, 344 Yea police, 301 Lopez, Peter, 345 Morgan, Maud, 277 Morris, Agnes, 315 McGrath, Peter, 341, 361 Nott, James, 341 Picen, John, 311 Robertson, Robt., 361 Rowe, Edwd.,' 281 Sinclair, Jane, 341, 361 Trenbath, Richd., 341 Williams, James, 325 Williams, James, 333 Wilson, Walter, 362' Men, two, names unknown, on Jane Andrews, 369 Melnotte, Claude, 295 Miller, -, 369 Morris, Agnes, 309 Munro, Wm., 309 Neil, James, alias Wm. Fahey, 323, 331 Nixon, James, 287 Peace, Annie, 287 Reynolds, Wm., 331 Robinson, Emina, 281 Rooney, Joseph, 331 Sampson, Lena, 295 Smith, -, 339 Smith, -, 342 Smith, Charles, 287 Starkey, John, 323 Taylor, Robert, 353 Usher, G., 295 Valentine, -, 347, 353 Watson, -, 295 Whittenberg, Harry, alias Giller, 353 Woman, name unknown, on Win. Wilson, 315 Charles, James, 283 Charlton, Daniel, 306 Chessell, George, 305 Cocking and Skews, 362 Colebrook, Albert Ernest, 318 Cooke, Blanche, 295 Corbett, Thos. It., 326 Cornell, Frederick, 298 Corrigan, Thos., 369 Cosgrove, Thos., 305 Cotter, Michael, 333 Cozen, Nellie, 326 Craig, John, 347 Crittenden, Robert, 298, 305 Crosswaller, Mr., 325 Crowe, Patrick, 333 Cuthbertson, Thos., 298, 333 Cutts, Jane, 295 Davies, David, 289, 325 Davis and Co., 356 Davis, Thos., 323, 369 De Rinzy, Elizabeth, 353, 369 De Silva, Simon, 305 Desmond, J. P., 355 Dowdle, Miss, 361 Duncan, David, 333 Dusting, Henry, 361 Evans, Caroline E., 326, 362 Ewert, Ernest, 3,55 Fagan, Edward, 283, 305 Fink, Elizabeth, 355 Fisher, Robert, 341 Fitzgerald, Stephen, 362 A Housebreaking IOTORIA 1'OLIC committed on--continued. Flannagan, Luke, 326 Fleming, Margaret, 334 Float, W. H., 341 Foss, Mrs., 347 Fowler, Alice, 297 Fowler, Catherine, 315 Fox, Wm. Jas., 283 Garde, James, 317 Gasterbrook, Edwin Jas., 355 Geives, Alfred John, 341 Gillard, Geo., 290, 347 Glover, Henry, 306 Goldman, Rose, 362 Goldstraw, R. A., 295 Goodridge, Emma, 311 Graber, John J., 311, 325 Graudin, Wm., 361 Grayson, Harry, 277 Greenwood, Chas., 298 Grentz, R., 318 Griffiths, Henry B., 362 Grinlington, Mrs., 326 Haines, S. M., 298 Harris, James, 318 Harris, Minnie, 298, 305 Hart, Ernest, 318 Hart, Wm. H., 305 Harvey,Jas., 305 Harvey, Win., 359 Hebard, Chas., 289 Hegarty, Timothy, 341 Hemsworth, Wm., 318 Herbert, James, 333, 341 Heward, J. F., 311 Hewlett, Jane, 278, 284, 290 Hope, Dr., 277 Hooper, Joseph, 278, 284 Hornby, Nellie, 348 Howie, James, 311 Hunder, Frederick, 277 Hunt, Mary, 359 Hunt, Richard, 325 Irwin, Annie, 287, 295 Isaacson, Michael, 334 Jacobson, Jacob, 284 Jenkins, Chas., 347 Jenkins, Duncan, 317 Jenkins, Thos., 298 Jenkins, Wm. H., 284 John, Isaac, 318 Johnston, Barrington, 361 Jones, Robert, 341 Jones, William H., 323 Keenan, Terence, 297, 305 Keily, Geo., 318 Kellett, Robert, 353 Kelly, John J., 345 Kelly, Michael, 311 Kennedy, Jas., 355 Kilroy, Thos., 353 King and McIntyre, 309 Kirby, Ellen, 326 Knox, William, Lane, Constable J2ph, 303 Lamont, Charles, 31 Lawson, Maria, 355 Leith, John, 311 Leslie, Thos., 309 Lewis, Margaret, 298 Lineker, John F., 347 Lloyd, J. C., and Co., 305 Long, Annie, 339 Love, Wm., 345 Lurne, Israel, 348 Lyddy, John, 361 Mackereth, Alethea, 342 Maher, Thos., 347 Malone, Jas., 305, 325 Maloney, Dr. P., 278 Mann, Wm. Henry, 298 Martin, Caleb, 326 Martin, Richard, 333 Mason, Geo. S., 283 Mason, Nellie, 298 Mayman, Jas., 290 Mead, Henry Wm., 290 Mengal, Gustav, 289 Millane, Genetta, 284 Miller, Louisa, 333 Miller, Margaret, 326 Mills, Wm. Jas. H., 289 Morait, Spero, 290 Morel, Alice, 298 Morrison, Herbert, 361 Morrison, John, 277 Morrissey, Elizabeth, 277, 284 Mullin, John, 298 Murphy, Isabella, 298, 333 Murphy, Mary, 298, 359 Murray, Reginald, 341 McCann, Hugh J., 284 McCoy, Jas., 355, 362 McDonald, Wm., 311 McElroy, Frank, 326 McGrath, Francis P. McGregor, John, 290 McInerney, Margaret, 290, 326 McInnes, Duncan, 362 McLeod, Maud, 277 McNTurtrie, Duncan, 311 McNamara, Margt., 318, 333 McTaggart, John, 355 Napier, Mr., 312 Neilson, Neil M., 342 Nixon, Win., 287 Nolan, Bridget, 290, 298, 305, 361 Nottage, Askem, 318, 347 Oakley, Amy Jane, 311 O'Connor, Eveline, 348 O'Neil, Graham, 333 O'Sullivan, Hannah, 333 Oswald, Robert T)., 305, 325 Owens, Wm., 318, 326 Paul, Andrew, 341 Paul, Wm., 362 Pauley, David, 359 Parker, F., 277 Parker, Thos., 318 Peace, Annie, 295 Pegg, H. S., 298 Phillips, Charles, 277, 287 Pickett, Geo., 362 Pierce, Augustus, 290 Pleasants, W. B., 318 Purcell, Fredk., 362 Ratcliffe, Thos., 290 Ree, Thos., 270, 277 Reeves, Wybert, 289 Reid, Wm., 341 Reville, Wm., 326 Richards, Robert, 333 Riddell, Wm., 306 Riley, Mary A., 277 Robertson, Dr. Robt., 298 Robinson, Emma, 295 Ross, James, 309 Roxburgh, Mrs., 318 Ruddell, Sarah Jane, 311 Ryan, Mrs. A., 326 Sabernack, Julius Otto, 333 Salmon, Selina, 289 Savage, J. H., 323 Seeglison, P., 290 Sharp, Mrs., 347 Sheramy, John, 289 Sinclair,Maria, 284 Skipper, W. G., 289 Smith, Emily, 311 Smith, Mrs. J., 298 Smithers, Emily, 284, 355 Smyth, John, 325, 353 Spence, Jas., 306 Stanley, Mary, 342 Stapleton, Margaret, 323 Steele, Archibald, 298 Stevenson, John, 277 Stewart, Colin C., 333 Stewart, Joseph, 290 Stewart, Mary, 290 Stockman, Hy. Trood, 318, 325 Stubbs, Annie, 284 Stubbs, Jane, 297 Sue Sing, 311 Sugden, Revd. E. H., 298 Sullivan, Josephine, 359 Summers, Peter L., 333 Sumner, Edward S., 298 Symes, Frederick, 326 Thewlis, John, 305, 311 Thompson, John, 277 Thomson, Henry E., 278 Tumey, Albert A., 355 Turner, Wm., 284 Vanderauware, Emma, 362 Vickins, John, 347 Vorrath, Louis, 277 Wah Shue, 325 Wallwork, Albert, 297 Waterston, Mrs., 355 Wates, John, 306 Ward, John, 318 Watt, Peter, .325 Weatherston, Matilda, 348 Weaver, Chas., 298 Webster, Maria, 347 Wells, Chas., 318 Wendt, T., 341 Wheeler, V. J., 318 Whelahan, John, 362 Whelan, Bridget, 311, 318 Wigstill, H. B.. 339 Willis, Robt., 289 Wilson, Joseph, 284 Wilson, Wm., 315 Wimbladh, Amelia, 326 Winn, Rev. J. L., 277, 283 Wolff, Minnie, 305 Woods, Geo. H., 305 Woodley, Geo. Thos., 298 Wright, Alexander, 289 Wyse, Mary Ann, 289 Yates, John, 334 Zorel, Otto, 341 cA fiTE.---tiWi t. Ci $o4: Hukling, Thos., commitment, 292 Humphries, Elizabeth, seduction of, 370 Hunt, Alfred, vagrancy, 286 Hunter, Jane, vagrancy, 285, 300 Huxley, Elizabeth, inflicting grievous bodily harm on, 300 Hyem, Joseph, commitment, 336 1. IncendiarismAttempted burning of the Yeungroon East state school, 317 Inquests held onChinaman found near Taradale, 287 Man found in the Yarra, near the South wharf, 308 Man found in the Yarra, near the Botanical gardens, 313, 322, 351 Alan found intheYarra, neartheSouth wharf, 351 Man found in the Yarra, near the Prince's-bridge, Woman found in the Dandenong creel;, 367 367 J. Jepson, Nelson , imposition on, 346 Johnson, M ., commitment, 357 Johnston , --, assault, 307 Jones, Alfred , vagrancy, 328 Jordan, John , commitment, 357 Joyce, Albert S., larceny on, 360 L. Laidlaw, Adam, larceny on, 345 Lake Bolac, destruction of property at, 307 Lake Tyers, proclamation re fishing at, 365 Lamont, Elizabeth, infliction of grievous bodily harm on, 360 Land act notices, 365 Lehrke, Carl, larceny on, 324 Letch, Walter, larceny as a bailee on, 370 Leonard, Marv, vagrancy, 320, 328 Linden, James, alias Scott, larceny as a bailee, 360, 370 Loel, Salis, false pretences, 346 Loveless, Mary Ann, vagrancy, 307 M. Mackenzie, Josiah, embezzlement, 316 Magistrates resigned, 278, 31:9, 320, 335, 364 Man, name unknown, assault on Joseph McDonough, 300 Man, name unknown, forgery and uttering on the Bank of New South Wales, 353 Man, name unknown, false pretences on C. C. Murray, 309 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Wm. Foran, 370 Man, name unknown, inflicting grievous bodily harm on Elizabeth Lamont and on Elizabeth Huxley, 360 Man, name unknown, indecent assault on Agnes Moroney, 336 Man, name unknown, indecent assault on Ettie Reincke, 350, 356 Man, name unknown, imposition on Nelson Jepson, 346 Mari, name unknown, imposition on J. Wimderley, 315 Man, name unknown, exposing his person to Katie Brett and Doris Gunn, 292 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Elsie Hawkins, 285 Man, name unknown, larceny as a bailee on John Bell, 315 Man, name unknown, larceny as a bailee on M. German, 324 Ma 8 , name unknown, larceny as a bailee on A. Wrigglesworth, 27 Man, name unknown Man, name unknown, larceny on John McIntosh, 303. passing a spurious coin on Elizabeth Beyer, 34 Man, name unknown, receiving stolen property ofGeo. Morris, 346 Man, name unknown, rogue and vagabond, 343 Man, name unknown, unlawfully wounding Antonio 29 Man, name unknown, 281, 287 uttering counterfeit Man, name unknown, using threatening Pender, 312 Man, name unknown, vagrancy, 285 Mannix, Mary Ann, commitment, 300 Maher, Matthew, commitment, 327, 365 Marshall, Robert Albert, escaped lunatic, Martin, James, assault, 336 Gazette, coin on D. Whitton, language to Edward 285 Mason, John, commitment, 343 Mason, Samuel, larceny as a bailee, 296 Maso:.,, Thos., assault, 292 Matthews, W. J., false pretences, 370 Matthews, Wm., damage to property of, 320 Meagher, Phillip, damage to railway line near gate of, 293 Medical practitioners, legally qualified, additional list, 365 Melanos, Joseph, poisoning of dog of, 307 Menner; Charles, disobeying a summons, 279 307 Men , two, names unknown, assault on Constable Jas. McCnbbiii, 320,'348, 34 Men, two, assault on Constable Berkery, 312 Men, two, passing a counterfeit sovereign on John Shelton, 295 Meyer, Peter, false pretences on, 295 Miller, Elizabeth, larceny, 346 Mills, John, commitment, 285 Missing friendsErie, Charles, '293, 301 Appleyard, Richard, 351 Fraser, Richard G., 293 Armour, Alex. W., 329 Garside, James, 313 Bendix, J. W., 366 Brew, Wm. Wilson, 329 Haywood, Miss, 329 Buck, Henry, 351 Humphreys, Chas., 286 Churchus, Charles, 329 Hutchens, Mary Jane, 351 Denham, Alfred, 329 Irving, Eva, 329 Downing, Ellen, 280 Irwin, Wm., 280 Duff, Wallace, 358 Johnson, Henry, 344 Edwards, Dora, 329 Johnson, Henry, 351 VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE.-INDEX. Missing friends -continued. Kunze, Julius, 2l3 Logan, Geo., 329 Man, inquired for by Mrs. Hunter, 280 Morris, Susan M., 337 McLoughlan, Daniel, 344 McNeil, Rector McKenzie, 280 Newman, Dennis Jas., 293 Ogg, Robert, 322 O'Neil, Thos., 286, 293 Parker, Mrs., 358 Pope, Catherine, 293, 313 Reid, John, 322 Ryan, James, 344 Seymour, Thos., 322 Shann, Edith Ann, 329, 337 Sparrow, Emma, 286 Stron, i arl, 358 Swift, Joseph, 337, 344 Taylor, Harry, 293, 301 Ullathorne, Alfred John, 308, 344 Moffat, Thos., commitment, 344 Moffatt, Wan., destruction of property of, 307 Moon, Tom 0., inflicting grievous bodily harm, Moran, Henry, unlawful wounding of, 312 Moroney, Agnes, indecent assault on, 336 357 Morris, Geo., receiving the stolen property of, 346 Morse, Walter John, false pretences on, 296 Moulton, Sydney Leeds, embezzlement on, 310 Mudge, -, false pretences, 370 Mullaney, James Thos., larceny as a bailee on, 296 Mullins, John, assault, 349 Murder ofDuncan, Mary Ann, 289 Female, skeleton of, found in an old shaft at Chewton, Female child found alongside fence of a paddock off I A Pettigrew, James, false pretences, 287 Phelan, Wm., escaped lunatic, 343, 349 Pink Hock, larceny as a bailee, 316, 331 Pittard, Jas. A., false pretences on, 303, 370 Police force, appointment as clerk of petty sessionsHawkins, Wni. Fredk., 291 Police force, appointment as collector of imposts- Moore, William, 291 Police force, appointment as commisioner for takingdecla rations and affidavitsJohn, 291 Police force, appointments as crown lands bailiffsGeorge, William, 278 Walsh, Edmund, 364 McDonald, John, 299 Young, John Campbell, 364 Ryan, Jas. S., 278 Police force, appointment as electoral inspectorEvans, Chas., 343 Police force, appointments as honorary assistant-inspectors of fisheriesSullivan, Patrick, 364 Tevlin, Michael, 364 Police force, appointment as inspector of factories and shops- Stephenson, Love, Robert, 291 289 Police force, appointments as officers of customsAllwood, James, 364 Moore, William, 291 Police force, deathsDaer, Michael Jas., 335 Stannage , Wm. Joseph, 848 Dwyer, Thomas M., 307 Police force, dismissal-Robins, Wm., 348 Police force, promotionDuncan, John, 299 Police force, reductionMoore, Wm., 307 Police force, superanuationsMoore, Frank Naughton, 343, O'Reilly, Edward, 343 348 Youlden, Edmund, 278 Police force, instructions toRetirement of members of the police force, 307 Destruction of game, 307 Prevention of use of large-bore guns, 307 Enforcement of the vaccination provisions of the health act, 319 Preparation of vaccination returns, 319 Prevalence of bush fires, special vigilance "to be exercised, 335 Members of the force holding position of stewards under the Settlement on Lands Act 1893, p. 343 Warning of reports to be given to shopkeepers committing offences against the early closing provisions of the factories and shops act, 343 Persons registered under section 5 of the infant life protection act to renew their registrations in December of each year, 343, 348, 362 Allowances to witnesses in criminal eases on a prosecution by Glenferrie- road, Kew, 297 Female child found in the Yarra at Burnley, 311, 333 Female child found alongside Jolimont footbridge, 361 Female child found in the Carlton gardens, 361 Male child found off Gatehouse-street, Parkville, 283, 297 Male child found in the Albert Park reserve , Middle Park, 283, 297 Male child found in an unoccupied house in Cecil-street south, South Melbourne, 289 Male child found on the Eastern beach, Geelong, 325 Male child found in Reilly-street, Fitzroy, 325 Murray, C. C., false pretences on, 309 Mc. McColl, Harry, embezzlement, 360, 370 McCleery, Henry, forgery and uttering on, 353 McCubbin, Constable James, assault on, 349 McDonald, John, larceny as a bailee, 370 McDonald, Thos., commitment, 292 McDonough, Joseph, assault on, 300 McFarland, Archibald, false pretences, 345 Mcllwain, Emily, imposition on, 370 McIntosh, John, larceny on, 303 McIver, Wm. and Geo., false pretences, 310 McNeill, Alex., false pretences on, 370 McNeill, Geo., alias Friday O'Neil, 335 McGowan, Robert, commitment, 349 any N. Narrapumelap, destruction of property at, 307 Narum, Martin, larceny on, 339, 345 Nelson, Albert, vagrancy, 285, 292 Newman, Charlotte, disobeying a bench order, 312 New South WalesAndrea, Harry, fraudulent appropriation of property of, 315, 324 Brockhoff, Messrs. A. F., and Co., embezzlement on, 315 Buckleton, Geo., missing friend, 322 Gill, R. F., fraudulent appropriation of property, 315, 324 Hare, Harry, embezzlement, 353 Hayward, George, larceny, 332 Jackson, Margaret, breach of the children's protection act, 309 Michalis, Frederick, larceny on, 332 Mitchell, Robert Clarke, embezzlement, 315 Ross, Alex., fraudulent appropriation of property, 324 Stokes, Thos., embezzlement, 310 Whittington, Messrs., and Co., embezzlement on, 353 New ZealandStephenson, Oswald, breach of the New Zealand bankruptcy act, 281, 303, 316 Newton, Mrs. Fredk., larceny as a servant on, 287 Nicholas Bros., poisoning of dogs of, 307 Nilsen, Peter, larceny as a bailee, 345, 353 Noone, John, commitment, 292 Noone, William, commitment, 292 Norris, Mary Yeadle, larceny as a bailee, 340 Nugent, Patrick, commitment, 335 0. O'Brien, John P., embezzlement, 339 O'Donnell, Jas., indecent assault, 357 O'Donnell, L., embezzlement on, 860, 370 O'Gorman, Wm., inciting a prisoner to resist arrest, Oldroyd, Thos., breach of the gaming act, 285 Oliver, Clement, larceny on, 869 Olsen, Julius, vagrancy, 313, 336 O'Rourke, David, forgery, 359, 370 P. Page, Annie, vagrancy, 312, 320 Page, Joseph, commitment, 336 Paterson, -, false pretences , 339, 346 Patterson , Jane, commitment, 292 Payne, Phoebe, larceny as a bailee on, 331 Pender, Edward , using threatening language to, 312 Peter, A., larceny as a bailee , 316, 324, 353 Petrass , August, larceny as a bailee on, 287 328, 344 officer on behalf of the crown, 348 Telegrams, communciations sent as, 348, 362 Telegrams, withdrawal of privilege of sending telegrams " 0. H.M.S." without payment, 362 Charges, rate of, to be made for attendance of police for duty at fetes, &c., and disposal of money thus obtained, 362 Police Offences Statute 1890, part I., extended to Wood's Point riding, 330 Police site at Birchip and Quambatook, 335 Police stations formedKaneira, 348 ' Lorne, 362 Wooroonooke, 348, 362 Brim, 362 Jumbunna, 362 Police widows' and orphans' association, statement of receipts and expenditure from 1st June, 1893, to 30th November, .1894, pp. 363-4. Pollock, Anthony, embezzlement, 345 Postmaster- general , embezzlement on, 345 Powell, Jane, larceny on, 324 Preece, Geo., commitment, 328 Priestly, Elizabeth, vagrancy, 343 Public vaccinators, 278, 291, 299, 364 Property, arrested for stealing--Andrews, Jack, 339 Kelly, Wm., 326 Bailey, Thos., 331 Kennedy, John, 309 Beazley, Leonard, 298 Kingston , Thos., 331 Bower, Walter, 339 Kruger, F. W., 287 Burns, Thomas, alias Thos. Little, .John, 345 Kennedy, 315, 342 May, Wm., 369 Burnett, Samuel, 359 Mayers, James,, 339 Clarke, Henry, 281 Moore, Henry, 09 Colquhoun, Robt., 359 Moore, Thos., 281 Cook, Thos., 342 Moreland, Fredk., 359 Cooke, Thos., 334 Mortimer, Janet, 298 Corrigan, Patrick, 322 Murphy, Wm., 331 Curran, Patrick, 322 Norman, ,Arthur, 389 Devoin, Edgar, 353 Richardson, Albert, 306 Edwards, Geo., 360 Ridgeway, John, 806 Forster, Edwd., alias Ned Roberts, Thomas, 323 Kelly, 345 Ryan, Thos., 285 Hawley, John, 319 Scanlon, Patrick, 327 Hardon, Henry, 359 Trudgen, Wan., 319 Harrison, Wm., 298 Wilton, Robt., 369 Jones, Henry, 312 Property, charged with stealingBoys, two, names unknown, Kennedy, John, 303, 809 on Henry Jones, 323 Man, name unknown, on Carl Boys, two, names unknown, A. Oberdorf, 281 on E. R. Clark, 353 Man, , name unknown, on Carry, J., 323 Betsy Fisher, 281 Crowley, Alfred, 359 Man, name unknown, on Elliott, Allen, 359 the Postmaster- general, 287, Gooley, Alfred, 359 295 Hendon, Henry, 303, 309 Man, name unknewnn on W. Jock, -, 331 T. Nesbitt, 293' 6 Property , charged with stealing Man, name unknown, on D. Cargill, 303, 309 Man, name unknown , on S. Wellwood, 309 Man, name unknown, on T. K. Bennett and Co., 323 Man, name unknown, on Wm. O'Brien, 323 Man, name unknown, on Moss Aarons, 323 Man, name unknown, on Beath, Schiess, and Co., 339 Man, name unknown, on Kopel Mitelman , 345 Man, name unknown , on Thos. Piper, 345 Man, name unknown, on H. Hanslow, 353 Man, name unknown, on Wm. Howard Smith and Co., 359 Man, name unknown , on S. Powell, 359 Man, name unknown, on Den ton Bros., 360 Property found , now in possession Albert Park police, 358 Ballarat City police, 337 Brighton police, 366 Brown Hill police, 321 Cheltenham police, 366 C. I. police, 321, 357 Eaglehawk police, 286 Fitzroy police, 329, 337, 350, 366 Heyfield police, 350 Kew police, 358 Myrtleford police , 293, 337 Property lost byBellingham , Mrs., 366 Burke, Agnes, 329 Cobram, Ellen, 329 Collins, Captain, 308 Cooper, Catherine, 321 Darcy, Frank, 329 Davis, Mrs., 293 Everist, James, 357 Fielding, Lady Louie, 329, 337 Godfrey, Ethel, 344 Herman , Miss , 280 Property stolen fromAarons , Moss, 323 Adams, John Thos., 299 Adams, Samuel, 342 Ah Muoy Bros., 290 Ambling, Joseph, 319 Anderson, S. G., 312 Andrew, G. E., 306 Arndt, K., 318 Baker, Jane, 362 Bates, Henry, 299 Bates , Wm., 334 Beath, Schiess , and Co., 339, 353 Beckwith, Alfred, 278 Bellamy, James, 356 Bennett, T. K., and Co., 323, 331 Bennett , T. K., and Co., 353 Berry, Henry, and Co., 324, 334, 359 Bothell, Frances, 290 Blitz, Lion, 299 Brackley, Wm., 291 Brake, Hans, 342, 359 Bright, Reginald, 326 Brisbane , Win. Jas., 335 Brody, George, 312, 323 Brown, Captain J. F., 369 Brown, J., 359 Brundell, Geo., 306, 342 Bullock, Miss Lillie, 285, 290 Butters , Richard, 326 Byrne, John, 323, 369 Campi, A., 356 Carey , Ernest M., 326, 342 Cargill, David , 303, 309, 315 Cattach, Geo., 299 Chancellor , Wm. R., 334, 362 Chapman, Annie, 299 Clarke, Chas. L., 318 Clarke , Ernest Richard, 353 Cock , Josiah, 312 Cooke, Benjamin, 326 Copeland , Jules, 281 Coutt' s, John, 290 Darrah, Edmund, 278 Davis, H., 356 Denton Bros., 360 Dickie, Wm., 335 Dixon, Wm., 290 Ditty, Harry Wm., 306 Dobson, Dr., 334 Donald, Isabella, 319 Draper, Thos ., 334, 348 Ducrett , Alfred, 290 Duthie, Malcolm, 284 VICTORIA POLICE continued. Man, name unknown, on Augustus Smith, 369 Man , name unknown, on Richard Sadleir, 369 Man, name unknown, on Wm. McNeil, 369 Martin, -, 303 Mayers, James, 315 Men , three, names unknown, on T. Sinclair, 309, 315 Men, two, on Henry Berry and Co., 324 Men, two, on Abel Jones, 369 Montague , -, alias Norman, 369 Rinicke, Wm., 369 Walters, Edward, 331 White, John, 369 Williams, Geo., 346 Wilton , -, 323 Youths two, names unknown, on J. White, 315 ofNewport police, 286 North Fitzroy police, 344, 351 North Melbourne police, 322, 328 Richmond police, 322 Russell-street police, 313 Russell-street police, 344 Schollmeyer, F. H., 321 Sunbury police, 293 Surrey Hills police, 351 Tatura police, 358 Yea police, 344 Higham, Francis, 308 Houston, Chas. E., 308 Kinane, Mrs., 321 McCarthy, John, 366 O'Connell, Mrs., 357 Patton, James, 308 Rae, John. 313 Rodgerson, W. A., 357, 366 Sharp, A. H., 329 Simpson, D. C., 313 Steel, Alex., 329 Whitley, Mrs., 293 Dugdale, Lawrence, 312 Duggan, John, 312 Dummett, Wm., 281 Ellis, Mary M., 348 Fatt, E. C., and Co., 291, 298 Findlay, R., 291 Fisher, Betsy, 281 Franck, Matilda, 331 Fraser, Alex., 299 Galvin, Patrick, 287 Garnet, Benjamin, 342, 348 Gautier, M., 278 Gell, Joseph, 335 Gillies, Henry, 326, 335 Gorrie, Peter, 312 Graham, Wm., 356 Grants, Thos., 334 Gray, Robert, 342 Greenbaum, Moses, 342 Griffin, Edward, 326 Guest and Co., 278, 285 Guest, Wm. John, 285, 290 Hall, Geo. B., 320 Hanslow, H., 353, 359 Harris, Thos. W., 319, 326 Harrison, J. H., 284, 290 Harwood, T. C., 299 Hawley, Edwd., 334 Haywood, Wm., 334 Henderson, Wm., 285 Holnynest, M. 0., 326 Hooper, Richard, 319 Howarth, Edmund E., 335 Hunt, Alfred, 326 Hurley, D. P., 327 Hutchinson , John, 319, 327 James , Emma, 285, 290 Johnston, Henry W., 312, 318 Jones, Abel, 369 Jones, Henry, 323 Jones , Rev. J. H., 342 Jones , E. Talbot, 342 Kaiser, F. W., 312, 318 Kean, David, 356 Kernan, John, 299 King, Robt., 303 Klein, Mrs., 334 Knorr, Henry, 291 Kruger, John G., 299, 342 Lawrence , Sydney, 342 Leitch, James, 306, 312 L'Estrange, Ellen, 348 Looby, James, 306 Lording, Win., 315 Lynch, James, 334 Mackay, Angus, 342 GAZETTE.-INDEX. Property stolen from - continued. Manning, Geo. H., 284, 306 Marriott, Thos., 291 Matthews, Isaac, 348 Matthias, D., and Co., 342 Mercer, James, 291 Merrillees, Mrs., 356 Metropolitan Gas Co., 303 Millet, Thos., 319 Miller, Jane, 342 Mitchell, Frederick, 342 Mitchell, John, 318 Mitelman Kopel, 335, 345, 359 Molck, Alfred, 284 Montgomery, W. H., 290 Morgan, John S., 334 Morley, Wm., 298 Morrison, Walter, 306 Muncey, Richard, 318 Murray, James, 334 McClure, Wm., 285 McCormack, Wm., 285, 290 McCracken, Alex., 326 McCracken, Alex., 334, 342 McCulloch, Wm., 320 McDonald, Alfd., 318 McDonald and Peach, 362 McGrath, D., 356 McKenzie, Hugh, 291 McKinny, W. G., 334 McLachlan, Jas., 285 McLennan, John, 334 McLean, Harriet, 334 McNeill, Wm., 369 McQuin, Joseph E., 306 Naughton, Hannah, 334 Nelson, Geo., 306 Nesbitt, W. T., 295 Norton, Arthur T., 278 Noyes, Eleanor, 356 Nugent, D. H., 306 Oakley and Holt, 356 Oberdorf, Carl A., 281 O'Brien, Timothy, 284 O'Brien, Wm., 323 O'Callaghan. Ellen H., 348 O'Donnell, Jas. 290 O'Donoghue, James, 348 [1894. Reid, Robert, 326 Richards, Wm., 306 Richardson, W. A., 334 Robertson, Jas., 298, 327 Robinson, C. B., 284, 299 Rogers, John, 318 Rogers, John, 326 Rosari, Joseph, 335 Rosser, Felix, 356 Rothville, Peter, 327 Round, Sydney, 326 Ryan, Alex., 348 Sadleir, Richard, 369 Salmon, F. W., 342 Sanders and Co., 278 Scott, Alex., 326 Scott, Mr., 319 Scott, Geo. 284 Sell, Geo., 362 Sedgley, Wm. F., 299 Sharp, John, and Sons, 306 Sheahan, Daniel, 278 Sheridan, John, 334 Simmonds, Walter C., 369 Sinclair, Theodore, 309, 315 Smith, Adam, 348 Smith, Augustus, 356, 369 Smith, Henry R., 306 Smith, Wm. Howard, and Co., 359 Smith, W. C., 303, 309 St. Clair, Fred., 335 Stuart, James, 348 Sung Hing, 326 Swain, John, 284 Symons, Francis, 299 Thomas, Geo., 306 Thompson, Edward Geo., 326 Thompson, Wm., 306, 312 Thompson, Wm., 342 Tope, Herbert, 318 Topping, Miss R., 284 Townell, C. B., 284 Treverton, Wm. A., 319 Turner, John, 306 Victorian railways commissioners, 290, 365 O'Toole, Daniel, 299 Ozanne, Jas., 291, 306 Page, Geo., 284 Paull, Jas., 312 Peters, Adolph J., 306 Phillips, Thos., 320 Pigdon, James, 31.9, 342 Piper, Thos., 345 Pither, S. H. W., 342 Postmaslergeneral , 287, 295 Vining, Jas., 284 Warburton, Wm., 312 Watkins, W., 291 Wellwood, Samuel, 309 White, Jemima, 315 Whittle, Arthur, 291 Williams, Wm. M., 334 Willis, Robert, 334 Wilmoth, Alfred H., 306 Wilson, J. B., 356 Powell, R. J., 356 Powell, Samuel, 359 Power, Norman D., 278 Pugh, Chas. W., 362 Reid, Jas., 298 Wilson, W. J., and Co., 348 Windsor, J. T., 348 Wrixon, Henry, 345 Young, Win., 306 Q. Quarantine district abolished, 320 Quarantine grounds for imported dogs, 279, 292 QueenslandMartin, James , assault, 336 R. Rankin, Wm., uttering a forged order, 315 Rede, Reginald , commitment, 336 Registrars of births and deaths appointed , 278, 291, 299, 307, 319, 343, 364 Registrars of births and deaths resigned , 292, 327, 364 Reincke, Ettie, indecent assault on, 350, 356 Rice, H. T., embezzlement, 353 Robertson, Daniel J., disobeying an order of the Richmond bench,349 Robertson , James , false pretences , 303, 370 Rogan, Richard, perjury, 320 Roode, -, larceny as a bailee, 340 Ross , David , commitment, 279 Rothwell, Lionel, vagrancy, 357 Ryan, John, vagrancy, 335 Ryan , Richard, insulting behaviour, 327 Rumpf, Simon , embezzlement at Seattle , U.S.A., 303 S. Said Haddad, using threatening words, 328 Salt, Mary Jane , bigamy on, 281, 287 Schnapper , -, false pretences , 281, 287 Schultze , Geo. E. F., larceny as a bailee on, 315 Schwint, George , vagrancy, 349 Scott, Emily , threatening life of, 293, 299 Seymour shire council , embezzlement on, 339 Shaw, -, assault, 343 Shelton , John, passing a counterfeit sovereign on, 295 Shinnick, James Ambrose, commitment; 307 Shipperley, L., larceny as a bailee, 287 Shotter . Leonard , commitment, 365 Sidall, S., forgery on, 359, 370 Si Gin , larceny as a bailee on, 316, 331 Simmeon, C. , commitment, 307 Silverman , Morris , larceny on, 360 Simons, Richard, larceny as a bailee, 296 1894.] VICTORIA POLICE Si Ping, larceny as a bailee on , 316, 331 Smith, Frederick , larceny as a bailee, 281 Smith, Geo., commitment, 335 Smith, Thos. , insulting behaviour to, 327 Smith, Thos., false pretences , 345, 353, 370 Smith, W., larceny, 360 Smyth , Percy , larceny, 339, 345 Smyth , W. E., illegally using a horse, &c., 300, 309, 324 Spike , James, larceny as a bailee, 310 Spivey, Robert , commitment , 285, 292 Stevens, Patrick , inciting a prisoner to resist arrest and assault, 293, 313 Sutherland , M. 0., false representations to, 324, 331 U. Urquhart , Robert, commitment, 312 293 7 W. Wall, Frederick W., false pretences, 340 Wallace, Wm., larceny on, 360 Walters , Frederick , embezzlement on, 309 Ward , Hannah, commitment, 292 Ward, Michael, larceny on, 331 Warden's clerk, 364 Warr, Henry James , larceny, 353 Watson , Frederick , vagrancy, 315 Watson , Geo., unwilling witness, 279 Watts, James, forgery and uttering, 303 Webster , W. R., embezzlement, 310 Wedlock, Geo ., assault on, 307 Weir, Lizzie , larceny, 303 West P., shopbreaking on, 290 Davidson , Geo., debt, 367 West, John , vagrancy, 279 White, Denis, vagrancy, 365 Whitton, D., uttering of counterfeit coin, 281, 287 Williams , Harry, inciting a prisoner to resist arrest, 328 Williams , John, false pretences on, 281, 287 Williams, James , commitment, 300 Wilson, Henry, escaped lunatic, 285 Winter , Jas., commitment, 313 Winter , Jas., unlawfully wounding, 312 Wimderley, J., imposition on, 315 Wood , Frederick Albert, embezzlement on, 353 Worrall , Robert , inciting a prisoner to resist and assault, 293 Wrigglesworth , A., larceny as a bailee on, 287 Wright, Mary , larceny on, 346 Wyatt, Matthew Digby, disobeying an order of the Daylesford bench,312 Z. Zuckum, -, larceny, 324 Australia Seeglison, T. TasmaniaTrebilcock, Francis, deserting his wife, 291 Taylor, Ephraim, disobeying a bench order, 307 Teek, R., false pretences, 346 Teirney, Jas., commitment, 307 Thatcher, Richard H., larceny on, 331 Thomas, Jay or Frank, false pretences, 295, 309 Thompson, Dr., embezzlement, 339 Thompson, Wm., alias Smithers, larceny as a bailee, 315 Toohey, -, larceny, 331, 345 Tuomey, Michael, indecent assault, 307, 313 Turner, Larry, larceny as a bailee, 316, 331 V. Victorian ports , additional regulations for, 292 Victorian railways , damage to railway line at Inglewood, Victorian state forest diminished, 320 GAZETTE.-INDEX. By Authority s ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer , Melbourne. VICTORIA INDEX POLICE OF PRISON IRS FOR Abercorn, Geo., 10th October Ackerman, Alice, 14th Novem- her Adamson, Kate, 15th December Ah Chee, 31st October Chin, 15th December Ching, 3rd October Ah ChoeY, 10th October Ah Fook, 7th November Hip, 15th December Ah Hong, 22nd December Ah Kew, Isabella, 17th No vember Kim, 24th October Ah Kuorig, 24th November Ali Pee, 7th November Sick, 24th October Ah . Tin g, 22nd December Toy, 17th November You, 24th October You, 17th November Ah Wan or Woon, Jas., 31st October Allen, Benjamin, 7th November Allen, Mary Ann, 22nd December Allen, Susan, 24th October Anderson, Chas., 29th December Anderson, Fredk., 24th November Anderson, John, 24th November Anderson, John, 29th December Angus, Henry, 22nd December Andrews, Jack, 29th December Andrews, Thomas, 8th December Andrewsen, Chas., 29th December Anstead, Allen, 24th November Arblaster, Amos, 7th November Armstrong, Wm., 15th December Armstrong, Alfred F., 31st October Arnac, Alfred, 31st October Atkinson, Wm., alias Carrington, 7th November Baho, Minnie, 31st October Bailey, Chas., 24th October Bailey, Geo., 29th December Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali DISCHARGED DURING DECEMBER, 1894. POLICE INFORMATION Blair, Emily, 17th November Blake, Geo., alias Charles Streen, alias Geo. Wright, 10th October Block, Axel, 22nd December Blood, Agnes, 1st December Blyth, Fredk., alias Thos. McLean, 17th October Boase, Samson, 17th November Boland, Michael, 14th Novem- her Boland, Michael Henry, 31st October Bolton, Kate, 31st October Bowman, Eliz., 29th December Bown, Elizabeth, 24th October Borthwick, Fredk., 15th December Bothman, Christina, 29th December Bourke, David, 3rd October Bourke, Jas., 24th October Bourke, Peter, alias Joseph Moran, 10th October Bourke, Michael, 17th Novem- her Bourke, Thos., 17th October Bourke, Patrick, 22nd December Boyd, Henry, 24th November Boyd, John, 15th December Boyd, Robert, 8th December Bradbrooke, Dorothy, 31st October Bradlaugh, Jas., 14th Novem• ber Brennan, Edward, 24th Novem. ber Briggs, Rose, 29th December Brimmer, Wm., 1st December Bromage Albert, alias Peter, 14th November Brooks, Mary, 1st December Brooks, Mary Ann, 31st Octo- her Brown, Ann, 1st December Brown, Geo., alias Smith, 29th December Brown, Jas., 17th October Brown, Jas., 15th December Brown, James, 29th December Brown, John, 22nd December Brown, Maggie, 29th December Brown, Susan, 3rd October Brown, Thos., 14th November Bruce, John, 29th December Bruce, W., alias Disney, 14th November _Bruen, Michael P., 24th October Bryan, John, 7th November Buckley, John, 24th October Buckley, John, 31st October Bullen, Michael, 17th October Bullen, Minnie, 29th December Buntine, Alice, 1st December Burge, Thos., 7th November Burke, Edmund, 1st December Burns, Annie, 15th December Byrne, Thos.,, 8th December Cain, Thos., 10th October Callaghan, James, 1st December Callender, John, 14th Novem- Bailey, Silas, 14th November Baillie, David; 7th November Ballis, Joseph, 7th November Barclay, Jessie, 15th December Barton, Thos., alias Wm. Henry, 3rd October Bastin, Chas., 3rd October Bath, Elizabeth, 17th Novem- her Batten, John, 31st October Beasley, Leonard A., 15th December Beck, Fredk., 31st October Beesley, Leonard A., 3rd Octo- her Bell, Geo., 29th December Bell, John, 22nd December Bellingham, Jas., 17th October Bennett, Joseph, alias Win. Jackson, 29th December Bentan, Wm., 14th November Berg, Henry, 7th November her Beston, Laurence, 3rd October Cameron, Michael, 29th Decemher Birtles, Arthur, 17th November Cardie, Wm., 31st October Black, Thos., 22nd December Carey, Thos., 17th October Blackett, Samuel,1.4th NovemCarlstrom, Fredk., 24th October ber Carmody, John, 7th November Blair, Emily, 17th October Index-Quarter ending December.-n. GAZET TE. THE QUARTER ENDING ONLY. Carrington, Albert E., alias Arthur Cheesly, alias Wm. Atkinson, alias A. McCormack, alias A. McDonald, 7th November Carter, John, 1st December Casey, John, 24th November Casey, Wm., 24th October Cashin, Peter, 17th November Cato, Robert, alias Smith, 29th December Chang Chung, 17th October Child, Mary, 15th December Chin Ali Quee, 17th November Christie, Christian, 29th December Clancy, Stephen, alias Wilkinson ,. 24th November Clark, Henry, 3rd October Clarke, Benjamin, 24th November Clarke, Henry, 1.7th October Clarke, James, 22nd December Clarke, Roger J., 22nd December Clarke, Samuel,, 10th October Clarke, Wm. W., 24th November Clayton, Edward, 24th November Clement, Louis, 3rd October Colaster, Gertrude, 3rd October Cole, James, 1st December Colgan, Peter Jos., 17th November Daley, Jas., 17th October Daly, Mary, 14th November Daubigne, Augustus, 1st December Davidson, John, 14th November Davis, Alice, 8th December Davis, Annie, 24th November Davis, Fredk.,aliasF. Malcolm, 31stOctober Davis, James, 3rd October Davis, James, 14th November Davis, Rees, 8th December Davis, Thos., 15th December Davis, Wm. R., 10th October Day, Jane, 3rd October Day, John, 15th December Day, Matilda, 15th December Denny , Jno ., 29th December Derogee Hoinagee, 24th October Devine, Wm., alias Wm. Henry, 8th December Dixon, James, 22nd December Dilly, Robt. W., 17th October Disney, George, alias Bruce, 14th November Dodds,. Marco Jas., 7th November Domino, Elizabeth, 31st Octo. ber Donnolly, Ellen, 24th Novem. ber Donovan, John, 17th November Donough, Wm., alias Alfd. Smith, 24th November Dooley, Susan, 10th October Collins, Annie, 1st December Collins, Catherine, 24th November Collins, Edwd., 29th December Collins, James, 3rd October Collins, Peter, 7th November Collis, George, 1st December Colox, Susan, 17th November Comber, Win., 15th December Como, Grace, 14th November Connigham, John, 1st December Connolly, Tilly, 24th November Connor, Denis, 17th November Conroy, Thos., 3rd October Cook, Thos., 3rd October Cooper, Alfrd. J., 31st October Cordingly, Fredk. H., 22nd December Corlick, Jas. J., 1st December Cortesi, Ellen, 8th December Cosgrove, Wm., 24th October Costello, James, 24th October Costelloe, Michael, 1st December Cox, George, 14th November Couch, John, 17th November Coulston, Robert, 24th November Craig, Andrew, 1st December Craig, Eliza, 15th December Cripps, Lucy, 15th December Cronin, Jeremiah, 14th Novem. ber Cropley, alias Alfd. Smith, 24th November Cropley, Margaret, 14th November Cross, Chas., 14th November Crosthwaite, John, 17th October Cugnogie, Albert, alias A. West, 3rd October Cummins, John, 10th October Curry, Joseph, 24th October Dalrymple, John, 29th December Douglas,, Thos., 31st October Douglas, Wm., alias Alex. Stewart, alias John Smith, 17thOctober Drake, Jas., 29th December Drewitt, Phillip J., 24th November Driscoll, John, 29th December Duff, Mary, 17th November Duffy, Patrick, 31st October Dunbar, Edward, 8th December Dunbar, Robt., 17th November Duncan, Wm., 1st December Durant, Henry, 3rd October Dutton, Geo., 3rd October Dwyer, Michael, 29th December Dwyer, Richard, 3rd October Dwyer, Stephen, 7th November Edwards, Ambrose, 1st December Edwards, Ambrose, 29th December Edwards, Chas., 15th December Edwards, Geo., 29th December Edwards, Harry, 17th November Edwards, Harry, 22nd December Edwards, Wm., alias Thos. Davis, 15th December Ellis, Sarah Jane, 17th October Ennes, Robt., 15th December Evans, Eliza, 22nd December Evans, Geo., 29th December Fairfax, Alfd. J., 7th November Fallon, John, 3rd October Farrar, Mary,'24th November Farrell, Daniel, 24th November Fell, Wilfred George, 8th December Filgate, Susan, 8th December Fine, Harris, 10th October Finn, Patrick, 24th November Fischer, Geo. Paul, 24th November Caligari, Antonio, 24thOctoberDouglas, Ann,15thDecember 2 PRISONERS Fish, Tom, 3rd October Fisher, Alex. S., 15th December Fisher, John, 29th December Fitch, Mary Ann, 14th November Fitcher, Was. H., 8th December Fitzpatrick, James, 29th December Flannagan, John, 24th November Flynn, Thos., 31st October Fordham, Edwd., 17th October Fortescue, Wm., 7th November Osborn, 14th Novemb ee Fowler, Cuthbert, 3rd October Fosberg, DISCHARGED.-INDEX. Hoban, Thos., 8th December Hodder, Thomas, 1st December Hoffman, Geo., 14th November Hogan, Jas., 29th December Hogan, James, alias J. Thomas, alias J. Mahoney, alias John Thompson, 24th November Hogerty, Win., 24th November Hogwood, James, 8th December Holden, Mary, 24th October Holmes, Nellie, 24th November Holt, Geo., 15th December Horrocks, Samuel, l7thNovember Howe, Annie, 31st October Huess, Ferdinand, 17th November Hughes, John, 22nd December Hughes, Thos., 24th November Hugman, Louisa, alias Fisher, Foxcroft, Charles, 8thDecember Franks, Fredk., 22nd December Fry, Thos., 7th November Fury, Darby, 1st December Gaffney, Edward, alias Alex. Stewart, 17th November Gallagher, Thomas, 24th October Gamble, Henry, 3rd October Gardiner, David, 24th October Gardiner, Elizabeth J. S., 1st December Gardiner, Wm., 15th December Garner, Patrick, 24th October Gaston, Joseph, 3rd October Geddes, Wm., 14th November Gibson, Isabella, 22nd December Gibson, John S., 14th November Giese, Ernest, 14th November Gilbey, Ellen, 24th October Gilding, Samuel, 17th November Gilmour, Jane, alias Galldini, 29th December Gibson, Kate, 29th December Golomhosen, Chas., 31st October Gordon, Robt., 24th October Gordon, Wm., 1st December Gleeson, Jane, 22nd December Green, Nellie, 1st December Gray, James, 24th November Green, George, 8th December Gregory, Stephen, 24th November Haig, Win., 1st December Haines, Henry, 8th December' Hall, Henry G., 31st October Hansen, alias Fredk. Harris, 22nd December Hanson, John, alias 1st December alias Price, 15th December Hynes, John, 14th November Jackson, Christopher, alias Patrick Monaghan, 8th December Jackson, Henry, 24th November Jackson, Thos., 29th December Jackson, Thos., 15th December Jackson, Wm., alias Bennett, 29th December James, Fredk., alias T. Harper, 1st December Jasper, Mary, 17th October Jeffrey, Thos., 29th December Jensen, John, 31st October Jessup, James A., 7th November Johannson, Carl 0., 3rd October Johnson, Arthur, 14th November Johnson, Charles, 31st October Johnson, Claude Alfred, 3rd October Johnson, Clara, 14th November Johnson, alias Fredk. Harris, 22nd December Johnson, -Fredk., 17th October Johnson, Harry, 17th October Johnson, John, 31st October Johnson, Richard, 14th November Johnson, Thos., 31st October Johnston, Annie, 15th December Johnston, Wm., 22nd December Jones, Annie, 22nd December Jones, Bridget, 17th November Jones, Harry S., 17th November Jones, Jane, 22nd December Jones, alias R. Wilson, 24th October Joppini, Lucca, 17th November Joseppi, Vangu, 10th October Keating, Jack, 22nd December Keegan, Julia, 17th November Kelly, Henry, 17th November Kelly, John, 22nd December Kelly, Julia, 22nd December Kelly, Win., alias John Hanson, 1st December Kenny, Renzi, 29th December Kennedy, John, 24th October Kennedy, John G., 3rd October Kennedy, John Jas., alias John Murphy, alias Robt. Kitchen, 22nd December Kent, Kate, 29th December Kerr, Fanny, 29th December Kerr, Francis, 3rd October Kerwin, Jas., 10th October Kiely, Daniel, 1st December Ki Fong, 24th November Kilby, Margaret, 24th October Kilfoile, Geo., 15th December King, Arthur, 1st December King, Thos., 10th October Kinsella, Michael, 15th December Kirby, Jas., 17th October Kitchen, Robt., alias Kennedy, 22nd December Kleesh, Robt., 15th December Klinghorn, John, 22nd December Knowles, Thos., 24th November Koce, Johann, 22nd December Korner, Frederick, 24th November Lane, Thos., 17th November Langham, Patrick, 7th Novem- Win. Kelly, Harper, Thos., alias Thos. Williamson, alias George Wilson, alias C. McCarthy, alias Frederick James, 1st December Harper, Wm., 29th December Harrington, Wm., 3rd October Harris, Fredk., alias Alex. Johnson, alias Hansen, alias White, 22nd December Harris, Lewis, alias F. Russell, 3rd October Harris, Win., alias Win. Armstrong, 15th December Harrison, Lewis, 7th November Harrop, Elizabeth, 8th December Hart, Arthur, 22nd December Hart, Margt., 15th December Hart, Thos., 24th November Harten, Kate, 31st October Harvey, Rd., 3rd October Hawkes, Annie, 10th October Henderson, Jas., 14th November Hendon, Thos., 1st December Hennessy, Patrick, 14th November Henry, Win., alias Devine, 8th December Henry, Win., alias Thos. Barton, 3rd October Herben, Frank, alias Kithers, 29th December Hetherington, Amelia, 17th November Hettenbach, Mary, 31st October Hickey, John, 24th October Hickey, Martin, 15th December Hicks, Annie, 14th November Higgins, Edward, 24th October Hill, Andrew, 29th December Hill, Fredk., 10th October Hilliard, Alfred, 24th October Hinchcliffe, Jos., 29th Decem. her Hingston, Denis, 24th October ber ' ber Laurence, Lawson, Lawson, Lawson, Martha, 1.4th Novem- Win., 22nd December Andrew, 24th October Alex., 24th November Jas., 15th December [1894. Lawrence , Elizabeth , 22nd-December Lee, George, 31st October Leddie, John , 8th December Leech, Kate, 1st December Leonard, Elizabeth , 24th October Lendin, Fredk ., 29th December Leroy, Julien Pierre, 8th December Wm., 14th November Lilley, Thomas , 14th November Logie, Wm., 1st December Londrigan , Michael, 29th December Loskill, Frank, 14th November Love, James , 17th November Lloyd, Alfred , let December Lloyd, Thos. Evan, 17th November Lynch , Winifred , 17th November Leyshon, Lyons, Edwd ., 17th Lyons, Edward , 24th Macumber, John, 8th Mackinnon , Robt., cember November October December 22nd De- Mackinnon , Robt., 14th November Madden, Martin, 8th December Mahoney, J ., alias J . Hogan, 24th November Malcolm, Fred., alias F. Davis, 31stOctober Patrick , 17th November Maloney, Makon, Elizabeth , 3rd October Marsh, Win., 8th December Marshall, Rosannah , 31st October McCarthy, Michael, 15th December .MaCole, Maria, 24th October McConroy, Thos., 3rd October McCormack, Archibald, alias McDonald, alias Atkinson, alias Cheesly, alias Carrington,7thNovember McCormack, John, 17th October McDonald, Bob, 29th December McDonough, Ann, 24th October McDermott, Patk., 29th December McDermott, Wm., 22nd December McEvoy, Maud, 3rd October McEwan, Jane, 10th October McGee, Thos., 31st October McGorlick, Mary A., Sth December McGregor, Donald, 17th October McGrath, Jas., 29th December McGrath, John, 17th November McInnes, John, 29th December McIntyre, James, 10th October McIntyre, John, 24th October McIntyre, John, 22nd December McKay, Kate, 24th November McKay, Nelly, 29th.December McLean, Thos., alias Fredk. Blyth,17thOctober McLeod, ber Roderick, 1st Decem- McMillan, Andrew, alias W. Young, 24th October McNamara, Martin, 17th November Marshall , Samuel, 14th NoNeill, Wm., 29th December vember Martin, James , alias James Nelson, Maria, 17th October Newhouse, Robt. S., alias Williamson , 17th October Walter Simpson, 1st DecemMartin, alias Thos . Williams, 24thOctober ber Matthews , Richard , 29th De- Newton, James, 3rd October Nicholson, Albert, 31st October cember Maulden, Wm ., 17th November Nielson, Thos., 8th December Noel, Annie, 3rd October Mayes, Jas., alias McIntyre, 29th December Norwood, Francis E., 7th November Merryweather , Mary Ann, 17th Nott, Jas., 31st October November Oakley, Thos., 31st October Midolo, Susan , 29th December O'Callaghan, Bartholomew, 7th Miller, John , 24th October November Mills, Rose, 3rd October O'Callaghan, Bartholomew, 7th Minogue, James , 8th December November Minogue, Patrick , 8th DecemO'Connor, Henry, 31st October ber O'Dell, Ann, 15th December Minogue , T hos., 17th October Mitchell, Francis Geo., 24th O'Donnell, Edwd., 3rd October O'Halloran, Margt., 7th NoOctober vember Mitchell, Thos. , 29th December Mitchell , Wm., 17th October O'Keefe, Mary, 24th October O'Neill. Patrick, 8th December Moffett, Andrew , 7th November Monaghan , Patrick, alias Chris- O'Neil,, Robert, 24th November topher Jackson , 8th Decem- O'Reilly, Thos., 14th November ber O'Riley, Patrick, 24th NovemMontgomery , Geo. A., 10th Ocber tober Owens, Thomas, 17th November Moran, Thos. , 10th October Park, Win., 22nd December Moriere , Edwd., 14th Novem- Parker, Catherine, 14th Nober vember Morgan , Maud, 14th November Parletti, Peter, 17th November Morton, Jas., 15th December Parsons, Jas., 29th December Morris, Ada , 14th November Payne, Edwd. Henry, 24th NoMorrison , alias Thos . Williams, vember 24th October Paynter, Mary E., 22nd DeMorrison , John B ., 24th Nocember vember Paynter, Elizabeth, 1st DeMorrison , Murdoch , 29th December cember Peace, Annie, 17th November Morrissey , Michael, 22nd Peate, John Robt., 10th October Moss, Hannah, 10th October Pemberthy, Wm. James, 10th Muerie , Edward, 14th NovemOctober ber Pengelly, Henry John, 17th Mu ins , Sarah, 24th October November Munro, James, 17th November Perry, Jenny, 3rd October Murphy , Edwd ., 14th Novem- Pettigrew, Jas., 7th November Phelan, Florrie,15th December Murphy, Josephine , 3rd October Phillips, Ellen, 24th November Murphy, John , alias Kennedy, Phillips, Jno., 17th October 22nd December Pillou, Thos., 17th November Murphy , Michael, 29th Decem- Plouright, Henry R., 15th Deber cember Murphy , Win., 15th December Pollard, Win., 14th November Murray, Win., 1st December Poole, Jno., 29th November Myres, Margaret , 22nd Decem- Power, John Wm., 8th December ber McAllister , Thos., 3rd October Power, Mary Jane, 14th NoMcBryen, vember McCarter , Joseph , 3rd October Power, Patrick, 15th December McCarthy , Chas., alias T. Har- Pratt, Alice, 24th October per, 1st December Margaret, 29th DecemMcCarthy , Edwd., 31st October b McCarthy , Edwd., 22nd De- Pretz, Wm., 29th December cember Pride, Martin, 31st October cember De- ll ber Edward, 31st October Pratt, 1894. PRISONERS DISCHARGED. Provis, Francis A., 17th No- Shaw, Geo. Nathaniel, 3rd Ocvember tober Purcell, George , 17th October Sheedy , Patk. , 7th November Purton, Thos., 22nd December Sheehan , David, 29th DecemQuinn,Thos., 22nd December ber Quinn, Thos., 8th December Sheehan , Mary , 1st December Quiirke, John, 31st October Sheppard, Jack, alias Youlten, Radley, Edward, 24th Novem14th November ber Shuster, Wm. August, 17th Rankin, Alexander, 24th OctoNovember ber Simmons, Fanny, 31st October Rankin, Thos., 1st December Simpson, Albert, 24th October Ranson, Win., 22nd December Simpson, Jas., 29th December Ramsay, James, 24th October Sinclair, Catherine, 1st DecemRasmussen, Peter, 24th November ber Skewes, Irwin, 31st October Ray, Esther, 24th November Slattery, Michael, 15th DecemReardon, Edwd., 15th December ber Smethurst, Thos., 8th DecemRedman, Joseph, 17th October her Reid, John, 22nd December Smith, Annie, 31st October Reid, Wm., 3rd October Smith, Alfred, alias Cropley, Reilly, John, 7th November alias Reilly, Michael, 24th October November Remington, T., 15th December Smith, Chas., 15th . December Rent, John, 22nd December Smith, Eugene T., 8th DecemRichards, Albert, 3rd October ber Richardson, Alfred, 8th Decem- Smith, Eugene T., 24th October ber Richardson, Jno. W., 22nd De- Smith, Geo., 1st December ber Smith, Geo., 29th December Riddell, Robert, 17th October Smith, Isaac, 15th December Riley, James, 1st December Smith, Jane, 31st October Roberts, John, 14th November Smith, James, 8th December Roberts, Robt., 7th November Smith, John, 29th December Robertson, alias R. Wilson, Smith, John, alias Wm. Doug24th October las, 17th October Robertson, John, 14th NovemSmith, Mary A., 31st October ber Smith, Percival A., 10th OctoRoche, Alice, 14th November ber Romsay, Wm., 17th November Smith, Susan, 14th November Rosenberg, Fredk., 29th De- Smith, Thos., alias Geo. Brown, cember alias Robert Cato, 29th DeRowe, James, 29th December cember Rowlands, Moey, 24th October Smith, Wm. H., 17th October Rowlands, Samuel, 24th Octo- Spark, John, 17th October ber Spears, Mary, 17th October Ryan, Elizabeth, 17th NovemSpeed, Win., 14th November ber Spence, Agnes, 15th December Ryan, Elizabeth, 24th NovemSpencer, John, 14th November ber Squires, Fredk. W., 17th NoRyan, Jas., 22nd December vember Ryan, James, alias John E. Stack, Win., 1st December Trevor, 22nd December Steen, Henry, 8th December Ryan, John, 24th November Stephens, Fredk., 29th DecemRyan, Mary, 3rd October ber Ryan, Mary, 10th October Stevens, Samuel, 3rd October Ryan, Thos., 15th December Stewart, Alex., alias Russell, Frank, alias Lewis Douglas, 17th October Harris, 3rd October Stewart, Alex., alias Gaffney, 17th November Samuels, Lewis, 24th Novemher Stewart, alias R. Wilson, 24th Sandles, Albert, 22nd DecemOctober her Stokes, Win., 1st December Stratton, Win., 3rd October Seymour, Chas., 3rd October SeYmour, Fredk., 24th October Streen, Charles, alias George Scott, Alfd., 17th November Blake, alias George Wright, Scott, Henry, 14th November 1.0th October Schuster, Win. August, 24th Sullivan, Ada, 3rd October November Sullivan, Geo., 24th November Shannon, Robert, 14th NovemSullivan, John, 15th December her Sullivan, Thos., 1st December Win.Donough, 24th Win. INDEX. Sutherland, John, 8th December Swallow, Jemima, 3rd October Swanson, John, 31st October Talbot, Frank, Tanner, Thos., 15th December Taylor, Susan, 29th December Tench, Margaret, 14th November Tobin, Nellie, 24th October Tombs, Burton, 7th November Toohey, Ellen, 24th October Toohy, Jas., 17th October Toora, Sarah, 24th October Touchnitz, Robert, 31st October Thomas, Agnes, 15th December Thomas, David, 24th October Thomas, J., alias Jas. Hogan, 3 - Webb, James, 29th December Webb, John, 10th October West, Albert, alias Albert Cugnogie, 3rd October White, alias Fredk. Harris, 22nd December .8thDecember 24th November Thomas, Wm., 17th November Thomas, Wm., 7th November Thompson, alias R. Wilson, 24thOctober Thompson, Frank,15WDecember Thompson, Geo., alias Geo. Williams, 29th December Thompson, George, 22nd De. cember Thompson, John, alias Hogan, 24th November Thompson, Win., 29th December Tranter, James, 10th October Treacy, Kate, 24th November Tremoene, Francis, 10th October Troy, Ellen, 15th December Trevalla, Cornelia, 14th November Trevor, John E., alias Ryan, 22nd December Turner, Larry, 15th December Turvey, Edward, 17th November Vale, James, 14th November Varnard, Aletha, 14th November Vaughan, Michael, 3rd October Vintow, Edwd., 15th December Waghorn, Arthur, 17th October Wah Yee, 24th October Walker, Geo., 7th November Walker, John, 1st December Walker, Win., 8th December Walsh, Faulkner, 17th November Walsh, John, 24th October Warley, Jas., 10th October Warner, Stewart, 10th October Warren, Thos. Win., 3rd October Watson, Geo., 10th October Watson, Jane, 15th December Watson, Kate,24thOctober Watson, Leonard, 29th December Watt, John, 14th November Webb, Abraham, 29th December White, Hugh Logan, 7th November Whelan, Michael 24th October White, Wm., 29th December Wicks, H. W., 7th November Wiles, Elizabeth, 31st October Wiles, George, 7th November Wills, Christina, 14th November Wilkinson, Jas., 15th December Wilkinson, Stephen, alias Clancy, 24th November Williams, Cecelia, 14th November Williams, Frank, 7th November Williams, Geo., alias Thompson, 29th December Williams, Geo., alias Geo. Barker, 24th November Williams, Jane, 29th December Williams, Jas., 29th December Williams, John, 17th November Williams, John, 8th December Williams, John, 15th December Williams, Louisa, 24th November Williams, Thos., alias J. Martin, alias T. Morrison, 24th October Williamson, Jas., alias Jas. Martin, 17th October Williamson, Thos., alias T. Harper, 1st December Wilson, Albert, 17th November Wilson, Fdwd., 31st October Wilson, Frederick, 14th November Wilson, Geo., alias T. Harper, 1st December Wilson, Henry, 1st December Wilson, James, 17th November Wilson, Mary, 3rd October Wilson, Robert, alias Stewart, alias Thompson, alias Robertson, alias Jones, 24th October Wilson, Thos., 15th December Woolf, Joseph, 15th December Wrathall, Arthur, 8th December Wright, Fredk., 17th November Wright, Geo., alias'Geo. Blake, alias Chas. Streen, 10th October Wylie, Bridget, 8th December Yelland, George, 17th November Yon Tan, 24th October Youlten, Elisha, alias Jack Sheppard, 14th November Young, Walter, alias Andrew McMillan, 24th October Zelly, Robert, 17th October By Authority : RoBT. S. Bxuix, Government Printer, Melbourne. C 73 ] rN/ +1 IV-,D,4 -u ,017Y P LICE VICTORIA. PUBLISHED BY WEDNESDAY, No. 11.] MURDER. At half-past Eight a.m. on the 7th inst., two boys, Edwin Newell, and Thomas O'Halloran, of 15 and 33 North-street, Richmond, found the dead body of a newly-born female child on a vacant piece of land off Somerset-street, Richmond. It was naked, had the navel string around its neck, after-birth and two sugar bags near by. No marks of violence could be seen on the body. At an inquest held on the 10th inst., a verdict of "Wilful Murder " was returned.-0.2103. 13th March, 1894, HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND STEALING FROM THE PERSON. GEORGELAING, 33 Stanley-street, Richmond, reports stolen from him, at the Flemington Race-course, on the 8th inst., a pair of nickel-plated field-glasses, small dent near sight outside of rim, opens out to 5 inches, has " Jockey Club " in gold letters on it. Value £5.-0.2136. 9th March, 1894. See Police Gazette, 1893, p. 333. JOHN HUDDY'S larceny.-The watch and chain have been recovered. They were pawned at the Mont de Pidtd pawn office, Swan-street, Richmond, by a man who gave the name of Wilson. He cannot be identified or described.-0.10793. 9th March, 1894. See Police Gazette, 1894, p. 71. ALEXANDER HUNTER'S larceny.-Samuel arrested by the Talbot police.-0.10336. Garrott 10th March, has been 1894. JOHN BOYD, groom, McCrae-street, Bendigo, reports stolen from him, at O'Brien's Hotel, Knowsley, 20 miles from Bendigo, on the 8th inst., a gold hunting elgin lever keyless watch, No. 2140640; a gold hunting geneva lever watch, No. 146629, has initials " S. C." stamped on inside case ; and a double gold albert, short links, gold medal attached, name "John Boyd" engraved thereon. Value £70.-0.2161. 10th March, 1894. CHARLES ALLISON, fruit dealer, 14 Bouverie-place, opposite Carlton Brewery, Carlton, reports stolen from him, at the Queen's Wharf, Melbourne, on the 9th inst., a silver hunting english lever watch, No. 6377, makers Stewart Dawson and Co.; and a double silver albert chain, curb pattern, two coins attached. Value £4. -0.2167. 12th March, 1894. See Police Gazette, 1892, p, 275. JAMES BRAMAR'S larceny.-The watch was pledged at Langley's pawn office, corner of Lonsdale and Elizabeth streets, Melbourne, by a man who gave the name of R. Mitchell.-0.8828. 12th March, 1894. GRACE COLHOUN , care of the manager, National Bank, Bridgeroad, Richmond , reports stolen from her, in Collins -street, Melbourne , on the 12th inst ., a silver open -face geneva watch, fancy face ; a small trinket ; a gold pencil ; a fancy seal ; a gold fox's head ; a gold chain ; and a gold sovereign purse . Value £5.0.2242. 13thMarch, 1894. HOUSEBREAKING AND STEALING FROM DWELLING - HOUSES. See Police Gazette, 1893, p. 170. STANLEY Joy's housebreaking.-Some of the underclothing stolen has been traced to the possession of Henry G. Grant and Richard Salter, now undergoing sentences of four years on other charges of housebreaking.-0.5219. 7th March, 1894. Police Gazette, No. 11.-A. GAZETTE. AUTHORITY. MARCH 14. [1894. WALTER PAGRAM, groom, "Pomroy," Sackville-street, Kew, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 5th inst., a gold ring, set with three small stones, one red and two white, has a dent at bottom ; a black paget coat ; a grey tweed trousers and vest. Value £4. Entrance effected by forcing the bedroom door during his absence.-0.2093. 10th March, 1894. ANNIE SYMES, servant, Benalla Club Hotel, Benalla, reports stolen from her bedroom, on the 7th inst., a lady's gold dress ring, set with two diamonds'and one sapphire in centre. Value £6.0.2144. 10th March, 1894. See Police Gazette, 1892, p. 268. . JOHN McDONALD'S larceny .-The watch was pledged at Rubenstein 's pawn office, Lonsdale -street east, Melbourne, on the 8th October, 1892, by a man who gave the name of Williams. He cannot be described or identified .-0.8673. 10th March, 1894. WILLIAM WALLACE, horse trainer, Barr 's Niagara Hotel, Packenham-street , Echuca, reports stolen from his bedroom, on the 8th inst., a silver english lever watch , No. 112099 , maker Evans Jones, 0 71 Royal Arcade, Sydney , small dent in front case , and has some initials not known also on front case . Value £5.-0.2188. 12th March, 1894. MRS. H. RAPHAEL, 1 George-street, Fitzroy, reports stolen from her dwelling, on the 9th inst., a lady's gold dress ring, set with five diamonds and two rubies. Value £10.-0.2191. 12th March, 1894. . See Police Gazette, 1894, p. 67. R. RODDA'S larceny.-The watch is a silver watch, not gold.0.1987. 12th March, 1894. BENJAMIN LEMMON, teacher, 30 Gibbs-street, Balaclava, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 11th inst., a gent's gold english lever watch, No. 81345, " D. Lemmon " engraved on outside of case ; a gold albert, round-link pattern ; a gold locket, round-link pattern ; a lady's gold geneva watch, case engraved ; a lady's old-fashioned english gold chain ; a gent's silver chain, longlink pattern, each link stamped ; a pair of gold earrings, imitation diamond button ; a pair of gold sleeve links, has"B. L." in monograms. on each; a gold oval locket, chased, heavy brass chain attached ; 2 pairs of white kid gloves ; a pair of black kid gloves ; and a pair of tan kid gloves. Value £50. 0.2201. 13th March, 1894. HENRY streets, the 11th on front WATSON, grocer, corner of Michael and Woodside Clifton Hill, reports stolen from his dwelling, on inst., a silver hunting keyless waltham watch "m W." case. Value £6.-0.2202. 12th March, 1894. See Police Gazette, 1894, pp. 60 and 67. LILY LAMPLOUGH'Slarceny.-The second watch is now described as made by Thornton and Son, London, and No. 5949.-0.1764. 13th March, 1894. WM. JOSEPHLUCAS, contractor , 11 Mill-street , Toorak, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 12th inst., a lady's double-cased gold geneva watch, No. 86168; a large plain gold ring; a lady's gold ring, set with five or six pearls; a gold medal , oval shape, with engraving of a schooner race and date " 1876 " on it ; 2 ovalshaped gold lockets; a hair guard ; and 2 plain -link steel chains. Value £31 2s . 6d. Entrance effected by forcing open a window during the absence of the inmates .- 0.2258 . 13th March, 1894. 68 VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE. [ MARCH7, 1894. GEORGE KEATS, labourer, "Clifton Cottage," Barkly-avenue, Malvern, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 5th inst., a silver hunting lever watch, maker Hennessy, Swansea, Wales ; 6 sovereigns ; and 2s. 6d. in silver. Value £10.-0.2055. 6th March, 1894. JOHN V. DR BEER, shipbroker, No. 3 Queen-street, Melbourne, reports stolen from the Viaduct Buildings, Flinders-street, on the 1st inst., a large danish or german boar-hound dog, dark blue-black colour, white splash on chest, cropped ears. Value £50.-0.1999. 5th March, 1894. See Police Gazette, 1894, p. 59. GRACE HALL'S housebreaking.-The watch has been recovered at Aarons' pawn office, Smith-street, Fitzroy, where it was pledged on the 23rd ult., by a man who gave his name as Alfred Wilson. Description :-24 to 25 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, medium build, fair complexion, light-brown moustache ; wore a snuff-coloured sac suit and a black boxer hat.-0.1699. 6th March, 1894. HENRY BILL, State school teacher, Regent-street, Preston, reports stolen from a stable, on the night of the 28th ult., a gent's old riding saddle, square nickel stirrup irons, left knee pad repaired, patch put on with glue, crupper staple out, maker Lomx, Maryborough; and a full-sized lady's saddle, a good deal worn and repaired, white cord girth, lining stained by a red saddle cloth. Value £6.-0.2001. 5th March, 1894. Mn. C. J. TAYLOR, Federal Coffee Palace, Collins-street, Melbourne, reports stolen from his bedroom, on the 4th inst., a gent's gold hunting keyless Waltham watch, No. 2278153, name " C. J. Taylor " inscribed on outside front case ; a gent's gold double albert, curb pattern ; and a silver sovereign case, containing a sovereign. Value £30.-0.2033. 6th March, 1894. STEALING OTHERWISE THAN FROId THE PERSON OR FROM DWELLINGS. See Police Gazette, 1894, p. 60. H. F. SHAW'S dog stealing.-The dog has been found.-O.1707. 2nd March, 1894. JOHN WILSON AND Co., merchants, Flinders-street, Melbourne, report stolen from their stable, in Custom House-lane, off Flinders-street, on the night of the 26th ult., a silver-mounted saddle and breeching, and a pair of reins, belonging to lorry harness. Value £4.-0.1831. 2nd March, 1894. FREDERICK SALMON, bootmaker, 75 Johnston-street, Collingwood, reports stolen from his shop window, on the 25th ult., a pair of men's ooze-calf lace shoes, narrow toes, size 7; a pair of men's glace kid balmorals, narrow toes, size 7; a pair of men's tan balmorals, narrow toes, size 8; and 3 pairs of men s balmorals. Value £3.-0.1834. 2nd March, 1894. ALFRED ASHWORTH, musician, 293 Hoddle-street, Collingwood, reports stolen from his stable, on the 27th ult., a set of brassmounted new buggy harness, except collar ; and a pair of traces, strap on right side broken. Value £5.-0.1875. 2nd March, 1894. JOHN W. FLEMING, J.P., Park-street, Brunswick West, reports stolen from his garden, on the 26th ult., a 4-inch indict-rubber hose, 40 or 50 feet long, brass joint and rose. Value £2.0.1905. 2nd March, 1894. WILLIAM PALMER, dealer, Balwyn, reports stolen from his stable, at Long Hill Farm, Balwyn, on the 28th ult., a gent's riding saddle, partly worn, round stirrup irons, two girth straps missing, maker Pritchard. Value £2.-0.1909. 2nd March, 1894. JosEPH OXEN, music teacher, Warrnambool, reports stolen from his buggy, in the yard of Duff's Koroit Hotel, on the 28th ult., a violin and black case, " Maker Villaunce, Paris" stamped inside, case has brass clasps, one hinge on back broken. Value £5. -0.1918. 3rd March, 1894. WALTER BREARLEY, tanner, Corio Tannery, Geelong, reports stolen from his office, on the 28th ult., a lady's gold ring, set with five diamonds; and 15s. Value £ 10.-O.1919. 3rd March, 1894. ALFRED GRIFFITHS, jockey, Tooronga-road, East Malvern, reports stolen, at the Seymour Race-course, on the 18th ult., an english racing saddle, makers Boyce and Rogers, Newmarket, England ; a surcingle, branded "T. Browne" in ink; a girth, branded " 14. Sue," pink lining, under flap near side worn by girth buckle, one stirrup iron bent under part of loop, the other welded on front side, has name "Altson" stamped underneath. Weight of saddle 1i lbs. Value £1212s.-0.1932. 3rd March, 1894. " JAMES SWAN, civil engineer, Metropole Hotel, Bourke-street, Melbourne, reports stolen from the arcade at the hotel, on the night of the 1st inst., a black scotch collie dog, few white hairs on chest, 19 months old, stands about 2 feet high, answers name of " Bob." Had on a leather collar. Value £5. -0.1942. 3rd March, 1894. ROBERT MODoUGALL, sheep drover. 34 Wreckyn-street, North Melbourne, reports stolen, on the 11th ult., a sheep dog, black and tan, small white spot on breast, one fox ear, one droop ear, answers name of "Glen." Value £50.-0.1946. 3rd March, 1894. SAMUEL J. GOLDSMITH, Clerk of Courts, Melbourne, reports stolen from his garden, corner of Park and Wallan roads, Hawthorn, on the night of the 1st inst., about 60 feet of garden hose, bound with wire one inch apart, with nozzle and rose. Value 22 10s. -0.1958. 5th March, 1894. HENRY CAMPBELL, blacksmith, Maffra, reports stolen, at Maffra, on the 22nd ult., a red greyhound dog, 3 years old, white chest, white tip on tail ; a black greyhound pup, 12 months old, white chest, white tip on tail. Value £10.-0.2046. 6th March, 1894. WILLIAM LAMING, tobacconist, 451 Swanston-street, Melbourne, reports stolen from his shop, on the 5th inst., a gent's silver hunting english lever watch, No. 63639; an afghan gold chain, snake's head and one round link alternately, has a small piece broken off one end. Value £8. -0.2047. 6th March, 1894. MICHAEL CANNCEN, farmer, Runnymede, near Elmore, reports stolen from his shed, on the night of the 28th ult., a second-hand riding saddle, small piece let in under where thigh rests, round stirrup irons, new cord girth, rather large knee pads, one newer than the other. Value £2.-0.2048. 6th March, 1894. THOMAS FORREST, carrier, Warracknabeal, reports stolen, at Warracknabeal, on the 3rd inst., a silver hunting Waltham watch, No. 1542618, has " T. Forrest, Warracknabeal " written inside ; a silver albert, a long and a short link alternately, long links slightly twisted ; a silver medal, struck at Adelaide Exhibition 1887; a square bar of Broken Hill silver, 11 inches long, one end filed to diamond shape, bar and medal attached to albert. Value £7. Stolen from complainant's vest which was hanging on the fence of the yard in which he was working.-0.2052. 6th March, 1894. ROBERT DAVIS, fire-brick maker, 73 River-street, South Yarra, reports stolen from his factory at Yarra-street, South Yarra, on the night of the 4th inst., 12 half-round brass bearings, taken from the engine of a pipe-making machine. Value £12.-0.2056. 6th March, 1894. DESERTERS OF WIVES AND CHILDREN. ALEXANDER BREINE is charged, on warrant, with deserting his two children, Alexander and Clarence Breine, at Richmond about three weeks ago. Description :-29 years of age, short and stout, fair complexion, dark eyes, dark-brown hair, sandy moustache and small sideboards, broken nose which is a little to one side. Supposed to be about Melbourne.-O.1849. 2nd March, 1894. ERNEST CASTLE is charged, on warrant, with deserting his two children at Prahran on the 27th ult. Description :-English. man, 34 years of age, 6 feet high, medium build, stooping gait, dark complexion and hair, dark moustache only, high cheekbones, slight impediment in speech. Was once a ship's officer. May be on one of the boats trading between Melbourne and Sydney. -0.1880. 3rd March, 1894. CHARLES LANGLEY CHESLYN is charged , on warrant , with deserting his wife , Miriam Cheslyn , 25 Pine-street , Hawthorn, on the 28th ult. Description :- Welshman , groom, 35 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high , slight build , fair complexion, small fair moustache only, light-brown hair, large blue eyes ; wore a black paget coat, grey trousers , and black boxer hat with black band.-0.1941 . 3rd March, 1894. ALBERT NELSON is charged, on warrant, with deserting his ille. gitimate child by Alice Stow, 36 Errol-street, East Prahran, on the 1st inst. Description :-Tentmaker, 24 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, stout build, ginger hair and moustache, fair complexion, sore on one cheek; wears a dark suit and black boxer hat. May be living in Brunswick.-0.1989. 5th March, 1894. HENRY SMITH is charged, on warrant, with deserting his wife, Bridget Smith, 106 Clarendon-street, South Melbourne, on the 2nd inst. Description :-Victorian, labourer, 38 years of age, dark hair and blue eyes, thin build, moustache only ; wore, when last seen twelve months ago, a black dress coat, brown vest, black trousers, coloured shirt, brown boxer hat, and lace-up boots. May be heard of at Mr. McLaurin's station, Morse, via Deniliquin, N.S.W.-O.1991. 5th March, 1894. THOMAS MCMASTER is charged, on warrant, with deserting his illegitimate child by Lily Oakley, servant, No. 3 Pridmorestreet, Hotham Hill, on the 1st inst. Description :-Labourer, 21 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, thin build, fair complexion, ginger hair, freckled face, no hair on face; wore lightcoloured clothes and black soft-felt hat ; larrikin appearance. May go to Brunswick or Port Melbourne.-0.2002. 5th March, 1894. PRISONERS Name, Gaol• Where tried. 1 REPORTED Sentence. Offence. When. AS ETC.-continued. DISCHARGED, Native of Complexion. Born . Height. Trade Hair. Eyes. Remarks and Previous Convictions., Geelongcontinued Lazarus, William C., 26191 Young, James, 25973 Sullivan, John, Johnson, 26190 William Henry, 21946 Patten, Peter, 24976 Lever, James, 25848 Reid, William, 20988 Wilson, James, 22925 „ Williams, Thomas, 22924 1, Day , John Jones, Hamilton .. .. Martin, .. .. 22026 11th Sept., 1893 begging alms 6 months Melbourne G. S. Melbourne P. S. 5th April, 1893 14th Sept., 1893 receiving 12 months Victoria vagrancy 6 months Ireland Belmont P. S. .. 20th Jan., 1894 insulting 1 month or fine England Melbourne P. S. 20th Feb.. 1893 12 months Heidelberg 20th 12 months England England England 12 months Victoria ., Melbourne P. S. behaviour Geelong P. S. „ 7th April, 1893 vagrancy vagrancy vagrancy Geelong 8th 1893 rogueand vagabond Geelong P. S. .. 8th April, 1893 rogueand vagabond South Melbourne P. S. GeelongP. S. 24th Nov., 1893 larceny P. S. P. S. White, Patrick, 21 .. .. Merino P. S. Cameron, Michael, 23 „ Casterton .. .. Feb.,1899 April, Victoria 12 months .. ., 12thApril, 1893 vagrancy 8th Feb., 1894 igniting inflammable material, 12th Feb.,1894 insulting behaviour .. .. .. .. .. printer .. 1854 5 fresh brown 1 sallow dark - brown 5 fresh grey .. blue .. 1 .. blue Thirty -seven previous convictions. hazel Left arm shrunk and withered. Nose broken , sear on forehead, previous convictions. clerk .. 1868 5 labourer .. 1832 5 printer 1836 5 5 fresh brown grey Six previous convictions. .. moulder boilermaker carpenter .. 1838 1822 1833 5 6 5 42 0 81 fresh fresh fresh black .. grey dark-brown blue brown hazel Bald. Nil. Scar labourer .. 1861 5 81 fair brown hazel „ Melbourne Holmes, Francis, 6050/9778 James, Geo., 5600/25928 Villiers, sound Williams Herbert, alias SigIsrael, 4475/26186 ; Geo. , 4597/26188 Smith, John, 6096 Price, Wm., alias Ruffits, Gordon, .. John, 350 Selbourne, a Kelso, Michael, 331.. Jones, James, 332/24491 20th Dec., 1893 larceny 20th Nov., 1893 Prahran 14th larceny .. imposition P. S... Geo., 5525 Sept., 1893 .. St. Kilda P. S... 15th Sept., 1893 larceny, 2 charges Shepparton 21st Dec., 1898 larceny 22nd illegally Prahran P. S. P. S. .. Melbourne P. S. Melbourne P. S. 654.2/23562.. 1, Bacchus Marsh P. S. Melbourne P. S. MelbourneP. S. .. Fitzroy Ryan, Richard, 39719112 Oakleigh P. S, .. Montague,Percy, 4892/22445/Melbourne P. S. P.S. Feb., 1894 „ .. .. .. .. larceny from the person larceny .. .. .. larceny . , found by night in a yard .. rst joint convictions. right thumb , two scars outside right leg. 5 Top forefinger lefthand disfigured, Nine previousconv i ct i ons. Scar inside right forearm , scar left side of forehead. Eight pre v i ous conv i c ti ons . .:. ' -- t 12 months Victoria .. bricklayer .. 1862 5 92 fair brown ,. hazel Victoria „ labourer .. 1870 5 82 fresh brown .. grey Blue dots left arm , lost front teeth . 12 months Sweden .. labourer .. 1815 5 5J fresh brown „ blue Right arm dislocated at elbow. 14 days Victoria .. labourer „ 1874 5 8 sallow dark -brown hazel Long nose , prominent mouth, small chin, scar on knucklejoint of first linger. 14 days or 40s... Victoria .. labourer .. 1872 5 82 sallow dark-brown blue Rom an nose , prominent mouth, round chin, scar on knee of right leg and right cheek, right instep has been broken. Nine previous convictions. 2 months Victoria .. labourer .. 1856 5 92 fresh brown brown Seven previous convictions. 3 months 6 months Victoria .. Hamburg „ plumber clerk .. . 1855 1860 5 5 fresh 21 fresh 3 brown black blue hazel One previous conviction. Two previous convictions. months, 1871 5 8 fresh red grey Nil. 1868 5 5 fresh brown 1864 5 5 fresh black 1846 1868 5 84 5 5 fresh fresh black black grey grey grey grey Nine previous convictions. Three previous convictions. Ten previous convictions. One previousconviction. 5, 4 5 6 fresh fresh brown brown grey grey Nil. Six previous convictions. 5 510 fresh grey grey Thirty -five previous fresh brown grey Six previous convictions. 3 months, Victoria labourer .. .. cumu lati ve 2 months labourer .. Victoria month Tasmania .. labourer .. England .. painter „ 6 months 1 month, 2 months, cuNew South decorator .. mu l a ti ve W a l es month Mauritius .. horsebreaker 1 month ., labourer Victoria „ Ireland labourer „ 1 month .. .. 6 months „ cook .. Victoria ., 1873 1870 6 months Victoria 3 months England 3 I on premises .. 14th Sept., 1893 larceny . 23rd Nov., 1893 larceny, 2 charges 24thJan.,1894 25thJan.,1894 25th Jan., 1894 25th Sept., 1993 .. previous fi Four previous con v i c tions . 3 months thereby injuring property P. S. Three No prey cus convictions. bald on crown. Twelve I 1868 1840 5 One previous "am-1 conviction. Nine previous convictions. convictions. 23891 Dalton, Jas., 4707/22935 .. Melbourne P. S. Richmond P. S. Brunswick P. S. Retchford, Walter, 5736 Dickens, George, 193 found by night in an enclosed yard 2nd Dec., 1893 larceny .. .. .. .. .. .. 17thJan.,1894 larceny .. 25th Sept., 1803 resisting Gray, Ethel, 750 Campbell, Jane, 796/5993 .. ff Cli ord, Geo., 546/22531 Smith, Jas. H., 6232/92/ 25034 Sale „ Warrnambool 19 Scanlon,John,25943 St. Kilda P. S... South Melbourne P. S. Melbourne P. S. Melbourne G. S. 13th Feb., 1894 15th Feb., 1894 larceny, 2 charges larceny 1st Feb., 1894 2nd Nov.,1891 larceny Bairnsdale C. S. 11th 16th Jan., 1894 warrant of commitment 21st Feb., 1894 warrant Bellis, Joseph, 3658.. ., WarrnamboolP.S. Steele, William, „ Koroit P. S. 3659 constable ., ,. embezzlement vant arson April, 1893 ,. , as a public .. ., of commitment sec- .. .. 1 month , Victoria 14 days or ne, cumulative 14 days, 14 days England .. .. Scotland 14 days .. fi • labourer 1868 5 9 fresh brown bluff; Seven previous convictions. carpenter„ plasterer .. .. 1854 1843 5 22 5 72 fresh fresh black black .. .. blue blue Two previous convictions. Two previous convictions. none ., servant .. 1875 1840 5 2 fresh esh fr brown brown .. „ blue blue Nil. Seven previous convictions. fresh labourer .. 1861 5 journalist .. 1863 5 112 fresh brown brown .. „ blue blue Twelve previous convictions. Nil. 1847 5 4 dark brown „ blue Burn marks on both sides of face , mark on left temple, 1840 5 sandy „ blue Short brown .. brown victions . i' - , cc,,zmo Straight nose , medium mouth , round chin a First conviction. 1 month Victoria 3 years Victoria 12 months Ireland .. labourer „ 48 hours.. London .. 48 hours.. England ., .. 5 01 fish hawker labourer .. 1875 8 4 5 4 fair , fair nose , large mouth , round chin. Four Nil] previousycon- Getting around this CD NAVIGATING ARCHIVE CD BOOKS CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required. SEARCHING TEXT ON ARCHIVE CD BOOKS AUSTRALIA CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched. The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type. OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book! DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF ADOBE ACROBAT READER Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended. • • • Acrobat Reader v4 has both a "Find" and a "Search" tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool Acrobat Reader v5 has only a "Find" tool (not a "search" tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. Adobe Reader v6 has only a "Search" tool (not a tool labelled "Find") HOWEVER — what is called "Search" is the same as the tool that used to be called "Find" Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there. ADOBE ACROBAT SEARCHING IS A WONDERFUL FIRST FINDING AID. BUT DO NOT RELY ON IT TO PICK UP ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WANT
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