Kindergarten Registration Medical Forms
Kindergarten Registration Medical Forms
CARROLL COUNTY IIEALT'II DEPARTMENT 290 SouthCenter Street Westminster,Ma ryland 21151 Toll-free: 800-966-3877 FAX:410-87G4988 ulvrv.carr.qlllllea Henry G. Taylor, M.D., M.P.H, Deputy Health Officer Larry L. Leitch, M.4.,l\{.P.A. Health Officer, Carroll County DearParents/Guardians: andthe Carroll TheCarrollCountySchoolHealthProgramis a jointendeavorof the Boardof Education is ourgoalto workwithall parentsin the countyto keepourchildren thatenablesthemto achievetheirfullpotential. healthyand to providean environment beforeyourchildenters is requiredand a dentalvisitstronglyrecommended A physicalexamination physician your anddentisthave and/orMarylandpublicschoolsfor thefirsttime. After kindergarten please returnthemto the school records, examination and immunization theaccompanying completed whereyourchildis enrolled. or firstgradewho lives kindergarten, ln addition,the parentof anychildenteringpublicpre-kindergarten, froma in,or haseverlivedin a designated "at-risk"area,is requiredto providecertifieddocumentation healthcareproviderof a bloodtestfor leadpoisoning. pertussis, measles,mumps,rubella,chickenpox,hepatitisB, and Diphtheria, tetanus,poliomyelitis, infections are seriousdiseaseswhichcanbe prevented.Yourchildmustbe immunized haemophilus againstthesediseasesby yourfamilydoctoror the HealthDepartment.MarylandStatelaw requiresthat or schoolauthority immunityto the preschool a parentor guardianprovideevidenceof age-appropriate (FormDHMH896)or computergenerated formpriorto schoolentry,lf Certificate on a MD lmmunization book you maypresentyourblackimmunization youdo not havethe previously mentionedpaperwork provider. provider's by the and then signed information (babybook).Thisbookmustbe stampedwiththe are met.lf you havequestionsabout Yourchildwill notbe admittedto schooluntilthese requirements at pleasecontactyourprivatephysician or theCarrollCountyHealthDepartment theserequirements, to helpyou. healthnursewillbe available A community 876-4942,876-4900. to childrenin previsionand hearingscreening willbe..performing CarrollCountyHealthDepaftment you problems will be notifiedso that grades. are found, lf any and Stn kindergarten, 1"t,4tn kindergarten, can be taken. measures appropriate the nursesin theschooland theteachers, schooleducation, Duringthe courseof yourchild'selementary yourchildmightdevelopwhichcould to detectanyproblems publichealthnurseswillbeworkingtogether affecthisabilityto learn. adversely Sincerelv. r'ffi.-.;*-7 'Henry ---FS< 7*-7- -en-r G. Taylor, M.D,,tvl-P.H. MedicalDirector DeputyHealthOtficer pb/school/m 1/08;1/09 1/13rev.1/0G, Rev.7/04,Revis€d1/05; 114 t h0,2h1;1t 12;7 |5l12,7113,7 *f tr PUBLICSCHOOLS COUNTY CARROLL SCHOOL DENTAL HEALTH RECORD Nameof Student Age Nameof School Grade All studentscan achieveand benefitfrom a healthymouth. Regulardental goodoralhygienehabits,healthydiets,and modernadvancesin dental examinations, prevention and control,can benefiteveryone.lf yourchildhasnotvisitedyour disease famil! dentistwithinthe last six months,we adviseyou to make an appointment the signedformshouldbe returnedto the Afterthe dentalappointment, immediately. school. REPORTOF DENTALEXAMINATION A. AT THISTIME IS NECESSARY TREATMENT NO DENTAL B. HASBEENCOMPLETED DENTALTREATMENT ALL NECESSARY C. IS IN PROCESS TREATMENT D. IS RECOMMENDED CAREPROGRAM PREVENTATIVE A REGULAR RECOM MENDATIONS: FURTHER DATE OF DENT IST SIGNATURE APPROVEDBY THE MARYLANDSTATEDENTALASSOCIATION Maryland Schools Recordof PhysicalExamination To Parentsor Guardians: ln orderfor your childto entera MarylandPublicschoolfor the firsttime,the followingare required: , A physical examinationby a physician or certified nursepractitioner must be completed within nine months prior to entering the public school system or within six months after entering the system. A PhysicalExaminationform designatedby the Maryland StateDepartmentof Educationand the Departmentof Healthand Mental Hygiene shallbe used to meet this requirement. ) ) Evidenceof completeprimary immunizations againstcertain childhood communicable diseases is required for all sfudenfs in preschool through the twelfth grade. A MarylandlmmunizationCertificationfofm for 4ewly gnrollip.gsfudenfs may be obtainedfrom the local health departmentorfrom schoolpersonnel. The immunizationcertificationform (DHMH 896)or a printed or a computergenerated immunizationrecord form and the requiredimmunizationsmusf be completedbefore a child may attend school.This form can be found at: http://wvwv.edcp. orq/pdf/DHMH896new.pdf. . Evidence of blood testing is required for all sfudenfs who reside in a designated at risk area when first entering Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, and I"t grade. The blood-leadtestingceftificate(DHMH4620) (or another writtendocumentsigned by a Health Care Practitioner)shallbe usedto meet this requirement.This form can be found at: 620.pdf. are permittedif theyare contraryto and immunizations from a physicalexamination Exemptions a students'or family'sreligiousbeliefs.Studentsmay alsobe exemptedfrom immunization practitioner officialcertifiesthatthereis or healthdepartment if a physician/nurse requirements testingis permittedif it from Blood-Lead a medicalreasonnotto receivea vaccine.Exemptions mustbe is contraryto a familiesreligiousbeliefsand practices.The Blood-leadcertificate was done. statinga questionnaire signedby a HealthCarePractitioner on thisformwill be availableonlyto thosehealthand education The healthinformation personnelwho havea legitimate interestin your child. educational PleasecompletePart I of this PhysicalExaminationform. Part ll must be completedby a physicianor nurse practitioner,or a copy of your child's physicalexaminationmust be attachedto this form. lf your child requiresmedicationto be administeredin school,you must havethe physiciancompletea medicationadministrationform for each medication.This form can be obtainedat http://www.marylandpublicschools.orq/NR/rdonlvres/8D9E900E-1349-4700lf you do not have accessto a 9AA8-5529C5F4C749/3341imedicationform404.pdf. health physicianor nurse practitioneror if your child requiresa specialindividualized procedure,pleasecontactthe p.rincipaland/orschool nurse in your child's school. MarylandStateDepartmentof Education MarylandStateDepartmentof Healthand MentalHygiene Records Retention - This form must be retained in the school record until the student is age 21. MarylandSchools-Recordof PhysicalExaminationRevised 12104 PARTI . HEALTHASSESSMENT To be com rentor Student'sName(Last,First,Middle) Address(Number,Street,City,State,Zip) Wheredo you usuallytakeyour childfor routinemedicalcare? \ryhenwas the lasttimeyourchildhad a physicalexam? Month \Nheredo you usuallytakeyour childfor dentalcare? OF STUDENTHEALTH ASSESSMENT To the.bestof your knowledgehas yourchildany problemwiththe following?Pleasecheck Doesyourchildtake any medication? Yes Name(s)of Medications: No ls your childon any specialtreatments?(nebulizer,epi-pen'etc.) (catheterization' etc.) Doesyourchildrequireany specialprocedures? Yes No MarylandSchools-Recordof PhysicalExaminationRevised 12104 PARTII . SCHOOLHEALTHASSESSMENT n/Nurse To be eted ONLY Practitioner Student'sName(Last,First,Middle) 2. Doesthe childhavea healthconditionwhichmay reguireEMERGENCY ACTIONwhilehe/sheis at school? (e.9.,seizure,insectstingallergy,asthma,bleedingproblem,diabetes,heartproblem,or otherproblem)lf yes, pleaseDESCRIBE.Additionally, please'Workwithyour schoolnurseto developan emergencyplan". for concern? 3. Are thereany abnormalfindingson evaluation PhysicalExam \ NL ABNL Area of Concern HealthArea of Concern YES NO REMARKS:(Pleaseexplainany abnormalfindings.) - DHMH896 is requiredto be completedby a healthcareprovidergI a computergenerated 4. RECORDOF IMMUNIZATIONS record must be 5. ls the childon medication?lf yes, indicatemedicationand diagnosis. (A medicationadministrationform must be completedfor medicationadministrationin school), 6. Shouldtherebe any restriction of physicalactivityin school? lf yes,specifunatureand durationof restriction. MarylandSchools-Recordof PhysicalExaminationRevised 12l(X - continued PARTll - SCHOOLHEALTHASSESSMENT Practitioner To be completedONLY by Phvsician/Nurse has had a completephysical (Child'sName) examination and has: . . no evidentproblemthat may affectlearningor full schoolparticipation . . problemsnotedabove Additional Comments: (Typeor Print) Practitioner Physician/Nurse PhoneNo. Signature Physician/Nurse Practitioner -Record Revised12104 Examination of Physical Schools Maryland Date MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATE CHILD'S NAME FIRST LAST SEX: MALE ! FEMALE N MI BIRTHDATE COLINTY GRADE SCHOOL PHONENO. PARENT NAME OR GUARDIAN ADDRESS Zrc CITY (SeeNotes On Other Side) RECORD OF IMMUNIZATIONS VaccinesTwe Dose # DTP-DTaP.DT Mo/DayIYr Polio Mo/OayA/r Hib N.4olDay/Yr Hep B N,lo/Day/Yr Mo/Day^fr KOIaVtTUS Mo/Daynr'r Mo/DayfYr Hrv Mo/Day^/r Dose HepA N4o/Day^/r MI\4R l\,lo/Day^/r Varicella N,lo/Day^/r MofYr 1 1 Hrsroryor Varicella 2 Td Mo/Day^/r Mo/Day^/r J FLU Other Mo/Day^/r Mo/Day^/r 4 5 Clinic / Office Name OfficeAddress/PhoneNumber To the best of my knowledge, the vaccines listed above were administeredas indicated. l. Title Signature (Medical provider, local health department official, scbool official, or child care provider only) 2. Signature J. Signature Lines 2 and 3 are for certification of vaccinesgiven after the initial signature. LOST OR DESTROYED RECORDS: (Must be reviewedand approvedby a medicalprovider or the local health department. Seenotes) I hereby certifu that the immunization records of this child have been lost, destroyedor are unobtainable. Date: Signed: Parent or Guardian COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE SECTION BELOW IF THE CHILD IS EXEMPT F'ROM IMMUNIZATION ON MEDICAL OR RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. ANY IMMUNIZATIONS THAT HAVE BEEN RECEIVED SHOULD BE ENTERED ABOVE. MEDICAL CONTRAINDICATION : to being immunized at this time. Theabovechild hasa valid medicalcontraindication This is a fl permanent condition n temporarycondition until I / box, indicatevaccine(s)andreasons: Checkappropriate Date Signed: Medical Provider / LHD Official RELIGIOUS OBJECTION: I am the parent/guardianofthe child identified above. Becauseofmy bona fide religious beliefs and practices,I object to any immunizations being given to my child. This exemption does not apply during an emergencyor epidernic of disease. Signed: DHMII Form E96 Rev, 2/11 Date: Center for Imutriatiotr w.EDCP,org fl muniation) How To Use This Form The medical provider that gave the vaccinations may record the dates directly on this form (check marks are not acceptable)and certiff them by signing the signaturesection.Combination vaccinesshouldbe listed individually, per eachcomponentof the vaccine.A different medical provider, local health departmentofficial, school official, or child care provider may transcribe onto this form and certiff vaccination dates from any other record which has the authenticationof a medical provider, health department,school, or child care service. Only a medical provider, local health department official, school official, or child care provider may sign oRecordof Immunization' sectionof this form. This form may not be altered, changed,or modified in any way. Notes: 1. When immunization recordshavebeenlost or destroyed,vaccinationdatesmaybe reconstructedfor all vaccines exceptvaricella, measles,mumps, or rubella. 2. Reconstructeddatesfor all vaccinesmust be reviewed and approvedby a medical provider or local health departmentno later than20 calendardays following the datethe studentwas temporarily admitted or retained. 3. Blood test results are NOT acceptableevidence of immunity against diphtheria, tetanus, or perfussis (DTP/DTaP/Tdap/DT/Td). 4. Blood test verification of immunity is acceptablein lieu of polio, measles,mumps, rubella, hepatitisB, or varicella vaccinationdates,but revaccination may be more expedient. s. History of diseaseis NOT acceptablein lieu of any of the requiredimmunizations,exceptvaricella. Immunization Requirements (COMAR) appliesto schools: Thefollowingexcerptfrom theDHMH Codeof MarylandRegulations "A preschool or school principal or other person in chargeofa preschool or school,public or private, may not knowingly admit a studentto or retain a studentin a: (1) Preschoolprogram unlessthe student'sparent or guardianhas furnished evidenceof age appropriateimmunity againstHaemophilus influenzae,type b, and pneumococcaldisease; (2) Preschoolprogram or kindergartenthrough the secondgrade of school unlessthe student'sparent or guardianhas fumished evidenceof age-appropriateimmunity againstperfussis;and (3) Preschoolprogram or kindergartenthrough the 12th gradeunlessthe student'sparent or guardian has fumished evidenceof age-appropriateimmunity against:(a) Tetanus;(b) Diphtheria; (c) Poliomyelitis; (d) Measles(rubeola); (e) Mumps; (f) Rubella; (g) Hepatitis B; and (h) Varicella." Please refer to the " Sg@!q" to determine age-appropriate immunity for preschool through grade 12 enrollees. The minimum vaccine requirements and DHMH COMAR are available at (Immunization). Age-appropriate immunizationrequirements for licensed childcare centers and family day care homes are based on G & H andthe andCOMAR 13A.16.03.04 COMAR 13A.15.03.02 of HumanResources theDepartment 'r guideline ,, chartareavailableat DIIMH Fom Rev.2/11 896 Center for Immuniation (Imnuniation) MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE BLOOD LEAD TESTING CERTIFICATE CHILD'S NAME FIRST LAST MIDDLE CHILD'SADDRESS ADDRESS SEX: E MALE tr FEMALE CITY STATE BIRTHDATE COLINTY GRADE SCHOOL PARENT OR GUARDIAN ZIP FIRST LAST MIDDLE PHONE II ADDRESS CITY CERTIFICATION STATE ZIP INFORMATION The following applies to blood lead testing requirementsand the duties of health care providers, parentsiguardians,and the public schools: 1. The health care provider for a child who residesin an at-risk area,or has ever resided in an at-risk areaas designatedby the Maryland Targeting Plan for Childhood Lead Poisoning, shall administer a blood test for lead poisoning during the 12-month visit and again during the 24-month visit. Alrisk areasby Zip Code are listed on the back of this form. 2. Beginning not later than September2003, the parent or guardian of a child who currently resides,or has ever resided, in an atrisk area,shall provide to the designatedadministrator of the child's school or program, evidencethat the child has had blood lead testing, on entry into a Maryland public pre-kindergartenprogrilm or Maryland public school system at the level of prekindergarten,kindergarten or first grade. 3. Evidence ofblood testing for lead poisoning sent to or received by a program or school shall be documentedon a form approved by the Departmentthat includes the following: name of the child, addressof the child, date of the blood test(s) for lead poisoning, and the signatureofthe child's health care provider or designee,or school health professionalor designeethat transcribedthe information onto the approved form. 4. A list of children (including home contact information) whose parent/guardiandoes not comply with the requirementto provide evidenceof blood lead testing, must be forwarded to the Local Health Departmentin the jurisdiction where the child resides. RECORDOF BLOOD LEAD TESTING Test# 2. Test#1. Date Comments: Date Signature Health Care Provider or Desisnee OR School Health Professional or Desisnee Date RECORD OF'BLOOD LEAD TESTING EXEMPTION certifu that mv child doesnot AND has never resided in an at-risk area. Parent or Guardian (Print) Signature Date Parent or Guardian COMPLETE TIIE SECTION BELOW IF TITE CHILD IS EXEMPT FROM LEAD TESTING ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS.ANY LEAD TESTS THAT HAVE BEEN ADMINISTERED SHOI.ILDBE ENTERED ABOVE. A LEAD RISK ASSESSMENTQIIESTIONNAIRE MUST BE ADMINISTERED BY A HEALTH CARE PRO\IDER IF THE CHILD IS EXEMPT FROM LEAD TESTING ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. RELIGIOUS OBJECTION: I. 2. I am the parent/guardianof the child identifred above. Becauseof my bona fide religious beliefs and practices,I obj ect to any blood lead t_ testing of my child. Signed Parent or Guardian Lead Risk Assessment Questionnaire Administered: YES tr Date NO tr Signed Health Care Provider DHMH #4620 Revised May 2004 410.767.6713 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Center for Maternal and Child Health Date HOW TO USE THIS FORM The documentedtests should be the tests at 12 months and24 months of age. Two test datesare required if the 1" test was done prior to 24 months of age. If the 1't test is done after 24 months of age, one test date is required. The child's primary health care provider may record the test datesdirectly on this form (check marks are not acceptable)and certiff them by signing or stamping the signature section. A school health professional or designeemay transcribe onto this form and certiff test datesfrom any other record that has the authenticationof a medical provider, health department,or school. All forms are kept on file with the child's school health record. A list of children (including home contact information) whose parent/guardiandoes not comply with the requirement to provide evidence of blood lead testing, must be forwarded to the Local Health Department in the jurisdiction where the child resides. Marvland Childhood Lead Poisoning Targetine Plan At Risk Areas bv Zip Code Allesanv ALL Anne Arundel 20'711 20714 20764 20779 21060 21061 21225 21226 21402 BaltimoreCo. 21027 2t052 21071 21082 21085 21093 21tl1 Z] TJJ 21155 21161 21204 21206 2t207 2t208 21209 21210 2t2t2 21215 21219 21220 21221 21222 21224 2t227 2t228 2r229 21234 21236 2t237 Baltimore Co. (Cont.) 2t239 2t244 2t250 21251 21282 21286 BaltimoreCitv ALL Calvert 20615 20714 Caroline ALL Carroll 21155 21757 2r776 2r787 21791 Cecil 21913 Charles 20640 20658 20662 Dorchester ALL Frederick 20842 2t701 2t703 2t704 21716 21718 21719 21727 Frederick. (Cont) 21757 21758 2t'762 21769 2t776 2r778 2t780 2t783 2r787 2t791 21798 OueenAnne's 21607 21617 2t620 2 to2-3 21628 21640 21644 21649 2165r 21657 21668 21670 Garrett ALL Harford 21001 21010 2t034 2t040 21078 21082 21085 21130 2tltl 21t60 21161 lloward 20763 Kent 21610 21620 21645 21650 21651 21661 2t66',7 Montgomerv 20783 20787 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Blood Lead Testing Certificate DHMH #4620RevisedMay 2004 410.767.6713 Montsomerv(Cont) 208t2 20815 20816 20818 20838 20842 20868 20877 20901 209r0 20912 20913 PrinceGeorpe's 20703 20710 20712 20722 20731 20737 20738 20740 20741 20742 20743 20746 20748 20752 20770 20781 20782 20783 20784 20785 20787 20788 20790 20791 20792 20799 20912 20913 Somerset ALL St, Marvts 20606 20626 20628 20674 20687 Talbot 2t612 21654 21657 21665 21671 21673 21676 Washington ALL Wicomico AIL Worcester ALL htto:ir'rl''ochlhtrnlr'lead.himl Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Center for Maternal and Child Health