Pigeons in the Country of Bartje


Pigeons in the Country of Bartje
Proud owners, top animals and striking breed products
Part 1
Pigeons in the Country of Bartje
Drentse Sierduivenfokkers Club
16 – 17 november 2012
Text: Robert Hoornstra, De Pol (NL).
Photos: D.J. Hamer.
Report of the annual Fancy Pigeon Show of the Drenthe Fancy
Pigeon Club. After a few years of changing the show location
and date, the club has landed again in its ‘old’ place. So this
year’s exhibition is held in the heart of Drenthe and is very easy
to reach. The Wilhelmina Zalencentrum in Beilen is a beautiful
location (with ample parking) with possibilities to expand our
show in future years. This year nearly 400 birds in 30 breeds
were on display.
Judge Hamer started with 9 Dutch Croppers by Fedde van de Ploeg; 2 x 96 points, for a
young and an old male. Also a young Black
Light Tigered male was awarded 96 points;
the stance of the only hen was a bit
Dutch Cropper, light tigered, M/Y.
96 Points. Owner: Fedde van de Ploeg.
Right: Reverse Wing Cropper, black, M/O.
97 Points and Best in Show.
Owner: H. Sandmann.
12 Reverse Wing Croppers had been
entered in 3 varieties (Black, Red and Blue).
The black male by H. Sandmann was
awarded 97 points and won Best in Show
and the Golden Bartje figurine. (See
explanation http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartje) The red old hen failed in colour. Next came 9
Norwich Croppers in Blue Blackbarred Pied of which the first one was also the best with
97 points. The others had lesser points because of remarks on the rump, vent and the
Norwich Cropper, blue blackbarred pied,
M/O. 97 points and best Norwich Cropper.
Owner: A. Groote.
Right: Gaditano Cropper, brown, M/O.
96 Points.
Owner: R. van den Bosch.
Next came 9 Horseman Croppers in 6
colours, entered by G. de Laan and T.
Hummel. A bird of Hummel won with 95
points. Most of the comments were on the
10 Gaditano Croppers, all of them
entered by R. van den Bosch, a Brown
Whitehead as well as a Blue Blackbarred
gained 96 points.
6 Lille Pouters by Breedveld, all in Black.
The birds failed in back covering and eye
17 Brunner Croppers in Black and White,
entered by Boers en Kolker. Also here
several birds failed in back covering and
eye ceres. Kolker showed the best birds,
two of them were awarded 96 Points.
Left: Brunner Cropper, black, M/Y.
96 Points.
Owner: H. Boers.
4 white Holle Croppers entered by A. v/d
Spek completed the judging of judge
Hamer. The first was also the Best with 96
points. Alas the other 3 had a somewhat
frizzled looking plumage.
Right: Holle Cropper, white, M/O.
96 Points.
Owner: A. van der Spek.
The next classes of birds were judged by
Judge van de Wal, starting with 6 Coburg
Larks in Silver Barless by H. Kloeze. Both
the old cock and hen were good for 96
points; in the other hen the colour of flights
and tail should be better.
Left: Coburg Lark, silver barless, M/O.
96 Points.
Owner: H. Kloeze.
Next came 6 black Lahores by TJ. de Vries.
The birds were a bit too small with narrow
breast. Also some remarks on the foot
feathering which should be better shaped.
However, one old hen was good enough to gain 96 points. A large class of 30
Damascenes for Judge Apperlo, entered by Hoekman, Langenkamp and Datema. One of
Hoekman’s 4 chequered Damascenes, a beautiful young hen, was awarded 96 points.
Langenkamp won 2 x 96 points with his
Black Barred birds, one old cock and one old
hen. Hoekman and Datema showed the best
young birds with 96 points.
Right: Damascene, icecolour chequer, F/Y.
96 Points. Owner: P. Langenkamp.
6 black German Modena Schietti by
Mepschen. The cocks could be a bit more
elegant and the hens with more intense
colour. Best was a M/Y with 96 points.
Left: German Modena Schietti, black, M/Y.
96 Points. Owner: J. Mepschen.
Judge De Wal judged the 12 Giant Homer in 5 colour varieties, entered by R. Martens.
There were some remarks on the nose wattle and beak setting. Best was a young male in
(dominant) red with 96 Points.
8 Kings, 4 white and 4 Blue Blackbarred by D. de Vries and de Vries-Vaatstra. Best was an
old white hen with 96 points. The other birds were lacking condition.
Right: Italian Owl, icecolour chequer, M/Y.
96 Points. Owner: Mariska Martens.
Judge G. de Vries Jr. started with a class of
55 Old Dutch Turbits. He started with the
whites entered by three particpants, the
best, an old hen by K. Visscher was good for
96 points. The others had bad wing carriage
and lacked overall condition. Next came the
Blueshield Black Barred. Again three
participants, with 96 points for the old male
by Schouwstra. Comments were mainly on
the peak crest, which should be much more
pointed, other remarks were on the 3rd nose
wattle. The old Barless Silver hen gained
only 93 points, the type should be better.
Three mealy birds, the colour was needing to
be more intensive. An old male won Best
with 94 points. Ash yellow barred, the man
to beat here was W. Factory, but as usual he
won with an old cock with 96 points. Remarks on the judging cards considered the thumb
feathers and the unwanted 3rd bar, also some more head length was wanted. The 3
Blueshield Checker were actually 3 beautiful animals with only little comment, 2 x 95 and 1
x 96 points, the latter was an old hen by G. Kreeft. Then there were birds in the following
colours: Ash Red Chequer, Silver Chequer, Barred Ash Yellow, Blue Black Barred and
Chequered Ash Yellow, with two beautiful old hens by J.J.R. de Groot, both awarded 95
points. Not often seen at the shows, 3 Barbet of Liege entered by R. de Ruiter. Judge de
Wal continued with 18 Italian Owls in 6 different colours. Best was the young Ice coloured
Chequer cock with 96 points, by Junior Champion Mariska Martens. At the Ice coloured
Blackbarred Italian Owls the tail colour was needing to be more intensive, also the frill
should be fuller. Other entered colours were Yellow Chequer, meal barred, meal chequer
and Creamy; only one creamy old hen by W. Martens was awarded 95 points. The others
had remarks on the head shape.
Left: Old Oriental Frill, blue whitebarred, M/O.
95 Points. Owner: W. Martens.
Next birds were judged by Judge de Vries Jr. 3
Aachen Lacquer Shield Frills, a Blackshield,
a Redshield and a Yellowshield by T. Hummel.
The first was the best one with 93 points; the
second was too small and the Yellowshield
didn’t have enough white flights. 8 Old
Oriental Frills Satinet by W. Martens in 4
colours. On the Lavenders the head should be
better arched, best was a young male with 93
points. Also the 2 Red Whitebar should better
frontal in between the eye and beak, both birds
gained 94 points. 2 Blue Whitebar; the M/O
won Best with 95 Points. Pity the bars were a
bit rusty. Finally a Black laced, a nice bird, but
the ground colour was needing to be cleaner
and here also again the forehead needed to
be better filled in to give more frontal.
7 Indian Fantails by Mulder, one of the
white birds had poor tail performance and
the crest was too small, resulting in only 93
points. The others were Blue Blackbarred, in
most birds a fuller tail was wanted, the wrap
reaching to about a ¾+ circle. Another point
of attention was the tail feathers needed to
be carried better. Inspite of all the remarks,
one young hen gained 95 points.
Right: Starling, silverspangled, F/Y.
95 Points. Owner: R. Hoornstra.
Left: Nuremberg Swallow, black, M/O.
96 Points.
Owner: P. Gol.
The coulor pigeons class started with 4
Hyacinth Pigeons of R. Hoornstra. Most
have a nice type, but remarks on the shield
colour, also the mirrors in the primaries is a
point of attention. 20 Starlings by the same
participant, started with four Black Whitebarred, with especially remarks on the eye
ceres, also the bars on the back should be
better separated. The pigeon with the
highest score was a young hen with 95
points. 4 Blue Whitebarred, the pigeons are becoming more uniform in colour, but a point
of attention is the eye-color and the (red) eye ceres. The best was a young hen with 96
points. 4 Silver spangled. A young cock was the best with 96 points. In most birds, a
cleaner shield was wanted. 4 Black Whitebarred White Cap, a shortage of tail feathers and
drooping wings threw a spanner in the works. 4 Blue Whitebarred white spots, the best was
a young hen with 94 points. This rare colour was judged with care. 2 Silver spangleds white
spots, back in the Netherlands. Much remains to be done, but still cock and hen were both
awarded 94 points.
Right: Thuringian Wing Pigeon,
headed, red, M/Y. 96 Points.
Owner: Piet Gol.
Next in line were the Nuremberg
Swallows by P. Gol in Black and Red. An
old cock and hen, and also a young hen
gained 96 points. On the judge’s card were
some remarks on the ‘heart’-shape, that
these must be closed better, there were
also marks on the eye-ceres and the Judge
wished to see these birds having a rounder
head. The old cock was the best of the
Reds, with 94 points. For the other Red
several wishes were noted on the card; Neck feathering smoother, a better closing ‘heart’shape and a flesh coloured upper beak.
Left: Danish Tumbler, mealy, V/J.
96 Points.
Owner: Comb. El.Ja.
needed more intense colour.
2 participants had planned to enter black
Thuringian Wing Pigeons plain headed,
only P. Gol actually did. Two of his birds
were awarded 96 points and one 97 points,
the latter winning Third Best in Show and
the Bronze Bartje. Several improvement
wishes for the other birds: snip/spot
marking more defined, rounder heart
marking. 2 Reds; the young cock gained 96
points, the spot marking of the hen was a
bit too large and the heart marking needed
to be longer. The Thuringian Shield
Pigeons were absent. Next came 6 Saxon
Field Pigeons yellow whitebarred, the old
male gaining 96 points. The difference in
type and size was striking. The flights
Right: Memel High Flyer, white, M/Y.
96 Points.
Owner: R. Mulder.
The pigeons in the last two rows of cages
were judged by Judge Halsema, starting
with 8 Danish Tumblers clean legged in 3
colour varieties, White, Red and Mealy all
entered by Team El.Ja. 96 points were
awarded in both the White and the Mealy.
Pity the flights of the Red were not fully
coloured and lacked sheen.
Next birds for judge Halsema were 17 Memel
High Flyers in White and Creamy entered by
Mulder. Improvement wishes for the Whites:
better head form, eyes whiter and better
feather condition. Best of the Whites was a
young male with 96 points. The 4 Creamy
wanted a more compact beak, a more striking
head form and a more even coloured shield. A
young male was best with 95 points.
Left: Old-German Magpie Tumbler, blue, M/Y.
96 Points.
Owner: H. de Vries.
Above: Overviewing the Show in the Wilhelmina Zalencentrum in Beilen.
Photo taken at the Judging day.
7 Old-Germa Magpie Tumblers in Blue by H. de Vries. We prefer a whiter eye colour and
the forehead better filled in. Also the back colour is a point of attention. A young male was
awarded 96 points. Judge Halsema judged the fine class of Oriental Rollers with great
quality. Team Kleiman and Gubler had entered 26 birds. The young cock of Team Kleiman
was awarded 97 points and won the Silver Bartje. Also at the Red young males one of
Team Kleiman’s birds won Best with 96 Points. Some birds carried the tail too high. Also
the eye ceres should be less coarse in some birds. 3 of the five Andalusian were awarded
95 points. Here and there the colour could be a bit darker and the beak lighter. We are now
in the final part of the exhibition with 9 Berlin Short beak Tumblers in 6 colours, all by
TJ de Vries. The best was an old hen with 96 points. Finally 5 Gelderland Slenke red
(dominant) by 2 participants. Both the M / Y and F / Y by T. Hummel were awarded 96
Left: Gelderse Slenke, red, M/Y.
96 Points.
Owner: T. HummeL.
For more information about the
Drentse Sierduivenfokkers Club
Secr.: H. Lubbinge,
Geuzinge 20, 7963 RN Ruinen.
Tel.: 0522-472340
Email: [email protected]
website: http://www.drentsesierduivenclub.nl/
The next show will be held 15 & 16 November 2013.
Again in the WZC in Beilen. This will be the Provincial
Championship Show of the Dutch Fancy Pigeon
Association NBS.
You are welcome!
Copyright ©2013 Aviculture-Europe. All rights reserved by VBC.

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