Equipper Focus - Central Baptist Church
Equipper Focus - Central Baptist Church
Monday-Friday, 6:30AM-6:30PM 919-365-6547 x32 cbcpreschool.org GUEST REGISTRATION CARD (Please place in the offering or one of our collection boxes) Today’s Date: 01/17/16 ________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ _____/_____/______ Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. Address Home Cell Email DOB Marital Status: Single Married Widowed _____________________ Here today? _____ DOB ____/____/_____ Spouse’s Name Children living at home or away at college: Name _____________________________ Here today? _____ DOB ____/____/_____ Name _____________________________ Here today? _____ DOB ____/____/_____ Name _____________________________ Here today? _____ DOB ____/____/_____ I am interested in more info about: Preschool Ministry Senior Adult Ministry Children’s Ministry Men’s Ministry Youth Ministry Women’s Ministry One Voice Choir Ministry This is my: 1st visit 2nd visit 3rd visit Are you a member of another church? ________ Name of church __________________________ 11109 Poole Road Wendell, NC 27591 Phone: (919) 365-6547 Fax: (919) 365-0160 www.centralwendell.org https://www.facebook.com/CBCWendell http://twitter.com/@CBC_Wendell OFFICE HOURS Mon—Thurs: 9AM-4PM Fri: 9AM-2PM January 17, 2016 LOVE Minister of Worship & Adult Education Dr. William Seeler (x25) Family Minister Evette Orcutt (x23) College Ministry Specialist Jonathan Williams High School Ministry Specialist Joshua Clark (x26) Preschool Ministry Specialist Lisa Jones (x29) Financial Secretary Connie Welch (x30) Pastor’s Administrative Assistant Christy Rose (x22) Church Secretary Amy Lovette (x21) Weekday Preschool Director Janine Andreasen (x32) Facilities Director Dannie Richardson MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT December Income: $ 116,351.58 December Expenses: $ 115,234.67 YTD Income: $ 454,428.26 YTD Expenses: $ 433,653.30 SERVE GO DATE CHANGE STAFF EXTENSIONS Senior Pastor Rev. Ed Rose (x22) Assistant Pastor Rev. Bill Kincaid GROW Sunday, January 31 @ 12:15PM Fellowship Hall Equipper Focus Session 1 (Jan 10-31) 6:00-7:30PM DEACON NOMINATIONS: As a church member you have the privilege and responsibility to participate in the process of nominating and affirming deacons. The nomination process for deacons will begin Jan 10 and end on Jan 31. For more detailed information, please refer to the CBC Bylaws, Article 4, Section 6, for a list of qualifications, expectations, responsibilities, term of service, and election process. Nomination forms are available in the foyer of the WRC. If you have any questions please contact an Elder or a Staff Member. February 1-21, 2016 *ROOM CHANGE ADULTS (3 Choices) ED106: Study of James Chapel: Indestructible Marriage Church: Office It Starts at Home: Learning to Confidently Teach Your Kids About God (Facilitator: Chuck Franks) (Facilitators: Mike & Robin Godwin) (Facilitator: Will Seeler) MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL Our study, by Frances Chan, will unpack what the Bible says about prayer, helping teens understand how they should pray, what they are called to pray for, and why God invites them to communicate with Him. CHILDREN Our first session of the Trinity study is God The Father. Each lesson will have scripture, conversation, and hands-on activities to teach kids vital truths about the Trinity. PRESCHOOL We will have fun at the Pond discovering that God really is three in one and that we can have a friendship with Him. We will learn about the Trinity through story time, crafts and games. A CALL FOR REVIVAL & AWAKENING 2015-2016 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land. (II Chronicles 7:14) THE N EXT T WO W EEKS N otes The Path to Real Life Change Matthew 6:1-4; 19-21 Pastor Ed Rose Sun Mon 17 DEACON NOMINATIONS Tues 18 9:00AM Central 101 (CR) 10:30AM Worship (WorshipCare: Alford Team) 9:00AM Sunday School 9:00AM Central 101 (CR) 10:30AM Worship (WorshipCare: Williams Team) Thur 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 6:00PM Praise Band (WRC) 23 7:00PM Worship Setup (Seeler Team) 6:30PM New Covenant (ED106) 6:30PM NT Survey (FH) 7:15PM One Voice Choir (WRC) 6:00PM Equipper Focus (All Ages) DEACON NOMINATIONS C ENTRAL 6:30PM Wellington Ministry (OC) 5:30PM Youth Praise Band (FH) 24 Wed 19 7:00PM 6:30PM Finance Apples of Committee Gold (OC) Mtg. (CR) 6:30PM Middle & High School Leaders Mtg. (FH) 9:00AM Sunday School AT 25 6:30PM New Covenant @ Carillon (OC) 26 27 6:30PM Apples of Gold (OC) 6:00PM Praise Band (WRC) 6:30PM Elder/ Deacon Fellowship (FH) 6:30PM New Covenant (ED106) 5:30PM Youth Praise Band (FH) 28 29 30 10:00AM Prayer Shawl Ministry (CHP2) 6:00PM 2nd-3rd Grade Fellowship (OC) 7:00PM Worship Setup (Horton Team) 6:30PM NT Survey (FH) 7:15PM One Voice Choir (WRC) 6:00PM Equipper Focus (All Ages) Listen Subscribe to Podcast–“Central Baptist Church Wendell, NC” RSS Feed– www.centralwendell.org/?podcast Download MP3’s–Click on “Sermons” @ www.centralwendell.org Appleseeds (according to scripture from Titus 2), is a mentoring program for middle and high school girls. Sessions begin on Wednesday, February 3rd, at 6:30PM. Sign up TODAY. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact Emily Williams @ 919-625-0441 or Holly Cossette @ 919-524-4698. Thank you for giving to the LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING Total Collected to Date: $15,270.95 Men’s Bible Study “Armor of God” By Tony Evans February 1 - March 21 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall Sign up in your SS folder or at the back of the WRC today!