FIATA World Congress – One of a kind in Taipei YIFFY Winners


FIATA World Congress – One of a kind in Taipei YIFFY Winners
Magazine of the
International Federation
of Freight Forwarders
No. 109, October 2015
FIATA World Congress – One of a kind in Taipei
YIFFY Winners – Young Forwarders inspiring and achieving
The FIATA Verification of Container Weights Toolkit
I am New Frontiers
Astrid Schoenenberger
Continuous Improvement & Kaizen Executive
They say the best way to predict the future is to invent it. So, on a regular basis our teams take
time off to work on new solutions, unorthodox approaches, and imaginative concepts that will help
our clients stay ahead of the game. It is yet another way We care for your cargo.
5 From the President’s Desk
6 YIFFY – Young Forwarders inspiring
and achieving
24 The FIATA Verification of Container Weights Toolkit
8 FIATA World Congress 2015 –
One of a kind in Taipei
Country and Region Report
16 Chinese Taipei – Transport and
Logistics assets strengthening Asian Dragon’s global position
23 Daniela Smal – YIFFY Award
Winner 2015
Here & There
26 Happy Birthday!
New to the FIATA Secretariat – Abigail Mills
27 Forthcoming Events
Avalon is the
Photo Vachiraphan Phangphan, 123RF
Provider of
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Connect with Us!
FIATA Secretariat
Schaffhauserstrasse 104, PO Box 364
CH-8152 Glattbrugg/Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)43 211 65 00, Fax +41 (0)43 211 65 65
[email protected],
Diver e
Cultu ality
Talen tion
f Re
ing o ber 2015
f Earl 16
th O
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In Association with
Hosted by
Irish International
Freight Association
Congress Organiser
F rom the P resident’s D esk
Let us now have a look at the content of
this issue: we obviously have the introduction of the YIFFY Award Winners. This is
I hope you have all safely returned home one of the most effective ways for FIATA
from Taipei. Here is my debut in the to work actively on its own future. These
FIATA Review as FIATA President. The are the successful practitioners that will
moment of the elections in Taipei came lead the way in the coming years, with the
after a long preparation; becoming the interview of the overall winner, Daniella
FIATA President is a long process involv- Smal from RAME, to end on a high tone.
ing your time and attention for several We also have a rather rapid overview of
years and there has been no exception for the several Meetings at the FIATA World
me. I am the first President from China Congress 2015; this gives a general idea,
and this is the result of CIFA’s enhanced but please do not limit yourselves to readcooperation at international level, of ing this article; you should actually delve
which I am particularly proud. Getting deeply into the information by consulting
on to business I found myself now fully the FIATA Reports and Minutes. We
involved with the many projects and as- could not pass by the report about Chinese
pirations that my predecessors have initi- Taipei, considering we have just been
ated. We have a vast policy agenda and we hosted in the magnificent island which
are successfully working on it, despite the the Spanish and Portuguese explorers had
limited resources, we have the Future of called “Formosa”, meaning beautiful.
FIATA in our minds and our hearts and
we have also the daily business which is Enough of celebrations, Bob Keen and
knocking on the door every minute: all in Jens Roemer bring us back to business
all I think there will be something to keep with their article on the SOLAS mandatory
us busy in the coming two years.
verification of container weight and the
FIATA toolkit, a precious instrument that
Let me go back to the Congress for a second, you will surely appreciate. We close our
I must commend our colleagues in Taipei number with a short introduction of our
for a well organised, lively and interesting new charming trainee Ms Abigail Mills,
Congress. It ticked all the boxes, a mo- form the UK, whom I met in Taipei.
ment for all delegates to rejoice at their
effectiveness. The reader will forgive this Looking forward to a productive term
expression of pride, but it is from some of office, please do not hesitate to call
points of view unavoidable. I am saying on me if you feel I can assist in any form
this more for my colleagues than or manner.
for myself.
Your President, Zhao Huxiang
Dear Colleagues and Friends
YIFFY – Young Forwarders inspiring
THE YIFFY AWARD is based upon the the International Transport Journal (ITZ), freight within Southern Africa and about
conviction that education is essential to a Switzerland and International Freight- worldwide shipping requirements.
healthy freight forwarding industry. Our ing Weekly (UK). Let’s Meet Our 2015
In 2013, Daniela and her husband had
vision is to ensure young professionals con- YIFFYA Winners!
tinue to be a catalyst for positive change
a beautiful baby boy and moved back to
and a force that can transform the industry.
Zambia shortly after. Daniela describes
This award is designed to encourage young Daniela Smal
living in Zambia as being ‘back at home’;
professionals to pursue training in freight Daniela Smal was born on the 7th June conveniences of first world life are scare
forwarding and use that knowledge in 1985. She spent most of her childhood but family and friends are true.
support of the industry.
in a quaint small mining town of Kitwe,
Zambia where she completed her primary
THIS YEAR WE ARE PLEASED to have education. Having grown up in the locontinued our mission of giving qualify- gistics industry, it was not uncommon
ing young freight forwarders the oppor- for her to be found at the Zambian border
tunity to reach their dreams. Of the 18 posts during her school holidays. She enentries submitted by FIATA Association joyed playing with new friends from the
Members around the world, four regional area as they drew pictures in the sand and
winners were awarded the prestigious watched all the trucks cross over, bringing
YIFFY Award. FIATA and TT Club are through mining equipment. She dreamed
proud to announce the following finalists: of the luxuries of sweets and comic books,
as these were not readily available on the
Region Africa/Middle East
She is now employed at one of the top
Zambian market in those days.
clearing and forwarding companies in
Ms Daniela Smal, Zambia
Not much has changed now; Daniela still Zambia. She works as a Logistics DevelopRegion Americas
finds herself at the borders, but instead of ment Manager and despite having thought
Mr Kaya Karakaya, Canada
being bare foot, she finds herself wearing she knew it all, she still finds herself
size 3 high heel shoes that are miracu- learning something new every day in an
Region Asia/Pacific
lously expected to become a size 11 boot industry with many challenges, but also
Mr Madi.Kassabekov, Kazakhstan
for kicking, fighting and moving groceries many rewards.
through the borders.
Region Europe
Daniela’s friends would describe her as
Ms Jeni Taylor, United Kingdom
Daniela completed her secondary educa- loyal, loving, focused and dedicated.
tion in Pretoria, South Africa, after which Daniela couldn’t help but notice that fun
These four young professionals were then she went on to obtain a Bachelor of Com- was not mentioned!
invited here to the FIATA World Congress merce degree at the University of Pretoria,
2015 in Taipei to face the judges and pre- specializing in Marketing and Communisent their dissertation topic. The Region cations. She then did her honours degree Kaya Karakaya
Europe Winner, Ms Jeni Taylor, could not in Business Management a year later at the Kaya Karakaya started his career in logistics in 2009. He chose the logistic indusattend the event, but was equally assessed University of South Africa.
try because of its dynamic nature and its
by the judges using new technologies.
During her work in the Freight and Lo- commitment to manage the flow of goods
The global winner of the award is Daniela gistics industry, in 2008 Daniela took between the origin and destination.
Smal from Zambia. The award comprises on courses in Customs Clearing and Fortwo weeks of practical and academic train- warding to expand her knowledge. The His first job was in a medium-size freight
ing plus one year's free subscription to combination taught her lots about moving forwarding company where he was
and achieving
determination and well-established network of business connections, he has positively contributed to Schenker’s business
In 2011, Madi received his bachelor’s degree in “Transport, Transport Technique
and Technologies”. In 2013, he got his
master’s degree in a similar major at Kazakh National Technical University.
Madi Kassabekov
Madi Kassabekov, from 2012 till present, Jeni Taylor
works in the Logistics Services Provider Jeni started her career in logistics as a
Company “Lomer Point Bridge” as a lead 16-year old school-leaver and has worked
expert of the Transportation Manage- in a number of different roles across difment Department in Astana. He started ferent parts of the industry since. It is
responsible for the distribution of high- his carrier in this company as a terminal this experience and ability that has made
end clothing across Canada by truck handling specialist in Almaty city. Due her able to see the business from different
and air.
to foreign language proficiency, he was perspectives, which has enabled her to bepromoted to the position of import-export come the all-round logistics professional
While working, Kaya completed the CIFshe is today.
FA Certificate and Advanced Certificate
Programs. He also holds a Bachelor degree
Jeni now works for Santova Logistics Ltd,
in Business Administration from Istanbul
where her main role is managing the air
Commerce University and completed a
export department; coordinating global
postgraduate program in international
shipments of varying commodities and
business. He furthered his education at
looking for new ways to optimise and imGeorge Brown College by receiving a
prove cost effectiveness. Her ability to do
Transportation Certificate.
this has helped towards building strong
working relationships with clients. She is
In 2011, Kaya joined Schenker of Canada
now managing all shipments for internaLimited as a warehouse coordinator where
tional high-street fashion brands which
he gained knowledge of customs proce- expeditor in the International Forwarding have recently expanded into South Africa.
dures and warehousing solutions. In 2012, Department. He covered Europe, China
Kaya was transferred to the transborder and Middle East. After receiving the
department, which gave him an excellent FIATA qualification as an international
knowledge of trucking in the NAFTA freight forwarder, Madi has been offered
region. After a year he was promoted to a a position of lead expert in Astana branch.
special commodity transportation part of His task is to develop the Astana branch
the department. There he deals with the of the company by increasing the internause of special equipment to move oversize tional freight turnover.
shipments in the NAFTA region and creates solutions for non-standard ground Before coming to Lomer Point Bridge,
shipments. As the trucking rules are quite Madi Kassabekov had strengthened his
complex and vary by season in the United theoretical background in logistics by
States and in Canada, this responsibility lecturing in Almaty Industrial College in
requires an in-depth knowledge of laws 2011 the disciplines of “Organization of
and regulations that constantly need to Cargo and Passenger Transportation” and
be updated. Because of Kaya’s hard work, “Transport Logistics”.
FIATA World Congress 2015 –
The 2015 FIATA World Congress in Taipei was
very well organized from the beginning until
the end. All participants were very warmly
and FIATA with a view toward resolving
the remaining issues to the satisfaction of
both parties and their legal advisors.
welcomed to Taipei and spoiled with great
hospitality. Many interesting topics were
ICAO – Update
discussed during the meetings and the
Chairman Mr. Tanna stated that Air
Freight Forwarders daily business is in
one or the other way directly or indirectly connected with the policies of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Therefore, it is imperative
that FIATA maintains close coordination
with ICAO. Since Mr Gottlieb is FIATA’s
representative at ICAO, the AFI meeting received a brief update on ICAO’s
and FIATA’s cooperation on the area of
Dangerous Goods (DGs) Training which
continues growing and finding acceptance in the industry. FIATA’ contacts
were shifted within ICAO from the Air
Navigation Section, which includes the
DGs department, over to a new and specific ICAO Training Department. Here
new relationships are needed and will be their goods shipped may bear significant
built with the new counterparts so they risks. FIATA has committed to ICAO to
are familiar with what our industry is find ways to make better awareness of DGs
doing. Furthermore, it is important that to the shipping community at large.
ICAO realizes and acknowledges that the
safe transport of DGs does not start with Global Cargo Situation – Update and
the freight forwarder, but with the ship- Expectations in the Coming 10 Years
per. Strategies need to be elaborated on IATA’s Global Head of Cargo, Mr Glyn
how expertise about the importance and Hughes, conveyed to the meeting a widerelevance of DGs can be pushed down to ranging update on IATA’s views on the
the beginning of the supply chain. This is Global Cargo Situation and their expectaalso significant since the customers using tions for the Coming 10 Years. Mr Hughes’
aircargo are changing. It is no longer only presentation is available on the FIATA
the large commercial organizations that website under the tab “Congresses”.
are experienced in transporting goods and
have in place the infrastructure and under- Many took the opportunity to raise nustanding of their role and responsibilities merous questions and remarks to a variety
in the variety of transport modes. We of issues. The inputs also included cases
may now see the tremendous change that that led to feelings of frustration that emacomes with the internet. A growing num- nated from negative treatment of some
ber of e-commerce dealers are nowadays of IATA and its staff to IATA member
shipping all sorts of products. Some of airlines customers i.e. the Forwarders.
evening events were a great possibility to
experience the friendship and culture of our
Taiwanese friends.
The 93rd session of the Airfreight Institute (AFI) took place under the guidance
of AFI Deputy Chairman Mr. Keshav
Tanna who welcomed the participants.
He conveyed apologies of the AFI Chairman Mr Rodolfo Sagel, who was absent
under doctors’ advice. The Chairman
wished Mr Sagel a speedy recovery. The
meeting was glad to hear that Mr Sagel
was well and expected to resume soon.
IATA-FIATA Cargo Modernisation Programme
Mr William Gottlieb, former AFI Chairman and former President of FIATA served
as FIATA’s Head in the Working Group
on the Cargo Modernisation Programme.
He updated the meeting on recent developments. For the last three and a half
years, IATA and FIATA have had ongoing
discussions with the goal and objective
of modernizing the current IATA Agency
Program through a new framework that
would recognize freight forwarders and
airlines trade today as principal to principal. In March it was announced that
FIATA had engaged external lawyers to
determine if there are any legal or compliance issues that need to be addressed now
that the business and operational matters
are nearing agreement. Mr Gottlieb was
pleased to advise that such legal advice
had recently been received and that there
will be further discussions between IATA
One of a kind in Taipei
border agencies in developing appropriate frameworks to meet the legitimate
needs of trusted traders and their service
providers. The challenge is to deliver
with anticipated cost reduction while still
maintaining what most border agencies
perceive as their core functions – compliance and control. The Chair urged Associations Members to ensure their inclusion
in their National Committees on Trade
Facili­tation (NCTF). That objective was
conveyed in FIATA’s Position Paper of
12 May 2015.
The Chair also reminded Associations
Members as to the ongoing discussions as
to the impact of ecommerce, changes in
consumer patterns and FIATAs position as
to a de-minimis value threshold, not as to
comment on that value threshold but
more the need for uniformity and consistency in processing applications. These
economic changes create a significant
challenge to regulatory bodies as to how
Delegates had difficulties to understand CUSTOMS AFFAIRS INSTITUTE
this international e-commerce trade is besuch negative IATA attitude in view of (CAI)
the remarkable point made by Mr Hughes.
ing regulated and facilitated, noting comMr. Hughes also admitted that down the Review
munity protection and intellectual propline, IATA staff in various countries were This Customs Affairs Institute (CAI) erty rights. He referenced recent public
not competently reading and implement- meeting provided for delegates a commen­ commentary on the issue in Australia
ing IATA’s own resolutions, which ulti- tary on the wide-range issues being han- where a change in de-minimis levels will
mately led to incorrect interpretation of dled, e.g. border clearance enforcement, occur no later than 1 July 2017 (to allow
compliance, procedures, facilitation, ca- regulators and industry to determine polthese resolutions at the ground level.
pacity building and security. The CAI icy and process) and reviews on the issue
Mr Hughes strongly advocated that the Chair, Mr Stephen Morris, provided an being undertaken in New Zealand. In adCASS program that operates around the overarching commentary to delegates on dition the WCO has been tasked by its
world is the strongest testimonial to the matters which remain work in progress.
members to address these issues to look at
financial strength of the freight forwarders
ways and means as to how this challenge
community. If one looks at the fact that The Chair referenced his comments in the can be handled.
99.98% of every dollar is billed through FIATA Annual Report. He underlined
CASS, it results in 30 billion USD a a key issue related to the World Trade In assisting delegates to understand some
year. He does not think there is any other Organizations Agreement on Trade Facili­ of the trade and business related challengindustry that can match this level of pay- tation (ATF) and stated that its imple- es, present and future, two guest speakers
ment success. This is because the freight mentation can only be seen as a positive provided their insight on issues. These
forwarders are running their businesses in trade facilitation. The simple con- presentations are available on the FIATA
cept of trade facilitation will challenge website under tab “Congresses”.
professionally and successfully.
The first key note speaker Professor Kristy veyed information on key points from the
Hsu, Program Director of Chung Hua European Union Customs Code (UCC)
Institution for Economic Research Taiwan, that comes into force in May 2016. He
gave her presentation on the Implementa- highlighted the impact and changes to the
tion of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agree- global forwarding industry. He advised
ment and Its Benefits to Taiwan. This noted there will be a transition period until Dethe tangible benefits to trade and for service cember 2020 as to do the required changes
providers in international trade logistics which are very complex as well as resource
and supply chain management and the intensive. The first changes will be in
leverage for trade. Professor Hsu’s echoed the Import Control System. He urged all
the Chairs thoughts in the work on NCTE. members to be cognisant of the changes
Her empirical data in the presentation sup- and as to the impact on their respective
ported the arguments as to close attention regulatory compliance.
to NCTF’s by FIATA members.
Mr James Compton, Senior Director MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT
Asia-Pacific of TRAFFIC – The wildlife INSTITUTE (MTI)
monitoring network, provided a differ- The Chairman of the MTI, Mr Robert
ent perspective as to how facilitated and Keen (UK), welcomed participants to
legitimate trade provided the vehicle for the meeting.
illegitimate trade in a variety of forms. In
his presentation he highlighted the need Road
for collaborative actions with the Trans- Mr. Kostas Sandalcidis (Turkey), Chairport and Logistics sector to combat the man Working Group Road Transport, reillegal trade in wild animals and plants. ported that on 1 January 2015, the GerTrafficking in wildlife was not in compli- man government introduced a minimum
ance with international trade as regulated wage of EUR 8.50 per hour. This applies
by for example CITES (the Convention to German and foreign operators performon International Trade in Endangered ing transport activities on the territory of
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). FIATA Germany, including international transmembers had the opportunity as service port operations to and from Germany, and
providers in international trade logistics transit as well. The employee receives the
and supply chain management to help amount of EUR 8.50 for each hour of work
in the challenge. “Minimising Business on German territory whilst driving and
Risk, Maximising Collaborative Efforts to performing other activities recorded by
Stop Illegal Wildlife Trade” by Mr James the digital tachograph.
Compton will be published in FIATA
It seems that this National Regulation is
review number 110 in December.
unjustified and excessively burdensome as
Mr Steve Parker, British International regards to international transports, bilatFreight Association (BIFA), Chairman eral, transit and between the Federal
CLECAT Customs Institute and FIATA Republic of Germany and other countries.
Vice President as Member of the Extended Therefore, an infringement process has
Board added a further dimension on com- been started by the European Commission.
pliance with regulatory requirements in Since 1 August 2015, the German
the European context. His presentation Government eased the reporting and
The Storm Clouds of Change are Gath- documentation requirements for miniering over Europe, are you ready? con- mum wages.
The WG Road Transport welcomes that
34 Russian border-crossing points with
Azerbaijan, Estonia, Finland, Georgia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland and Ukraine have been re-opened to
TIR. According to information available,
TIR Carnets should be accepted at these
border-crossing points as of 17 June 2015.
However, it still remains unsure whether
the mentioned crossing points are operating in a proper way. A further final list of
Russian border-crossing points is being
prepared by the FCS RF.
Pakistan has ratified the United Nations
TIR Convention and it will enter into
force on 21 January 2016. It will support the establishment of international
economic cooperation corridors and effectively strengthen trade links with key regional trading partners and the rest of the
world. Once TIR is operational, Pakistan
will be better plugged-in to the global
economy and well placed to promote
regional development and integration, especially along the regional trade corridors.
It will underpin the growth of Pakistan’s
rapidly developing deep water ports and
national road network.
FIATA has been informed that China
speeds up the TIR accession process. By
the end of October at the latest, the
WG will have a much clearer picture in
this regard.
Furthermore, the MTI took note:
• that Norway also introduced a minimum wage for national and certain international goods transport operations
• that in the South East part of Turkey – at the border cross point between
Turkey and Iran – some trucks and
drivers have been attacked and unfortunately some trucks were burned and
one driver was killed
• that IRU and UNECE finally agreed
at a high and technical level to work
suggestions of development and implementations of the best practices
• Make efforts to form balanced freight
flows on IRFC to minimize empty runs
• Suggest decisions for border-crossing
together to achieve a concrete pilot
project for eTIR system
• that Clandestine is a remarkable problem for road freight operators, especially at the Serbian and Hungarian border
and at the Channel between France and
the UK
Mr Kostas Sandalcidis announced that he
will step down as chairman of the FIATA
Working Group Road Transport after ten
years. The MTI honoured his personal efforts with a warm applause. His successor
will be Mr Tomas Suhanyi from Slovakia.
Dr Ivan Petrov (Bulgaria), Chairman
Working Group Rail Transport, referred to
the enlarged UIC/FIATA Contact Group
who met for the first time in Vienna, Austria on 23 and 24 April 2015. The Group
debated various topics about the EURASIAN link. Approximately 40 to 45 participants attended the meeting, including
advisors from China, Kazakhstan, Georgia
and Russia. The themes were discussed in
four sessions during two subsequent days.
UIC and FIATA concluded in a common
Vienna declaration to increase the competitiveness of international rail freight
between Europe and Asia. FIATA and
UIC see the need for a consistent corridor
management “from terminal to terminal”.
Such Euro-Asian or Inter-continental Rail
Freight Corridors (IRFCs) might consist
of different regional corridors (e. g. Trans-
There are 13 OSJD corridors linking
Europe and Asia, 6 of them overlapping
with EU Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs
5 to 9). The recent new initiatives, e.g.
from China to Spain, show that there is
even potential cooperation between corriSiberian Corridors and New Silk Way Cor- dors that do not necessarily reach external
ridor or European Rail Freight Corridors EU borders. The aim is to have a closer
in EU member states) to which different cooperation between the EU and OSJD
Corridors. Freight forwarders expect a
regulations apply.
Freight reduction of customer's costs for
Therefore, UIC and FIATA call on the au- re-consignment.
thorities responsible for concluding, implementing and enforcing agreements on An acceleration of transports between the
such IRFC’s. In the relationship between CIM and SMGS system should be possithe respective manager of the infrastruc- ble. When shipping goods from countries
ture and the freight operator, a common where CIM is used, it is possible to accept
legal regime shall ensure that the follow- the shipment with CIM/SMGS consignment note without prior negotiation and
ing principles are observed:
authorization of involved carriers. When
• Non-discriminatory access to the infra- shipping goods from countries where
SMGS is used it is still necessary to apstructure along the entire corridor
• One-Stop-Shop, i.e. a joint body to prove transportation among participating
request and receive answers, in a single railways. This approval should be elimiplace and in a single operation, regard- nated in order to provide smooth transport
ing infrastructure capacity for freight in both directions.
trains crossing at least one border along
Investments on all railway infrastructures
the freight corridor
• Inter-operability (both of technology are essential to improve the transit times.
Multifunctional terminals along the corriand of operational rules)
• Free access of every stakeholder to all dors would be an asset for the industry and
all companies should have access to the
information concerning track access
• Both parties should promote advan- corridors in a non-discriminatory manner.
tages of IRFC
• UIC & FIATA should regularly in- The 7th Market Place Seminar jointly orform their members about the actual ganised by FIATA and UIC took place on
situation in IRFC and the potential of 24 and 25 September 2015 in Antwerp/
Belgium under the title “Rail Crossroads”.
• Both parties would promote initiatives It aimed to create opportunities for inin corridors development in interna- creased cooperation and business developtional organizations and bodies to form ment within the rail sector by offering
a common platform for railway under­
takings, freight forwarders and customers.
Mr Zhang Zhao, General Manager of
the land transport department of SINOTRANS & CSC Holdings Co., Ltd reported that the trade scale between China
and Europe has been expanded over the
past years. According to “China-Europe
2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation”,
the trade is expected to increase by up to
1 Trillion USD by 2020. 95% of trade in
goods are transported by marine route and
less than 5% of products are transported for dual filing. A major point for discusby rail route (75% by Siberian land bridge sion is the identity of the “buyer” and
and 25% by New Eurasian Land Bridge). “seller” of the goods before vessel loading.
The advantages of the Eurasian Rail Trans- If this regulation is implemented in its
port are its high reliability as well as that current draft, exporters to the EU will
the rail corridor is much safer than marine be required to provide the identity of the
route either through the Suez Canal or buyers of their goods to their carrier or
Cape of Good Hope. Also there are lower NVOCC prior to vessel loading, for them
risks of congestion and weather influence to be able to provide a complete ENS
on transport in rail route. The average filing. CLEACT together with the World
transit time for current China-Europe Shipping Council, the European Shippers
block trains is 12–16 days, 1/3 of marine Council, and the European Community
transport time.
Shipowner’s Association (ECSA) is opposing the Commission’s current proposal
because the identity of the buyer should
Mr Jens Roemer (Belgium), Chairman not be part of the ENS.
Working Group Sea Transport, reported
that the WG identified various items that Mr Roemer referred to the Proposed
require attention and discussion with ship- Changes to the FMC’s OTI (Ocean
ping lines. The WG will attempt to discuss Transport Intermediaries) Regulations. In
subjects of concern to the freight forward- December 2014, TIA filed comments
ing industry ideally on a global level. In on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
this context, also the current implementa- (NPRM). These comments were further
tion of the SOLAS amendment will require supported by FIATA by means of a sepapractical solutions from the stakeholders. rate letter. This questioned the utility and
Possible global dialogues will not take necessity of additional claims reporting
away the need and responsibility of As- and license renewal requirements, as well
sociation Members to deal with the issues as attempts by the FMC to increase reguon a regional and national level; our global lation of agents of freight forwarders and
NVOCCs. Dozens of public comments
approach is meant to support and guide.
were received and currently FMC is in the
European ENS filings must be made to process of formulating a proposed rule,
the European Customs office on first entry taking into account those comments. Ac24 hours before a container is loaded onto tion on a proposed rule has not been scheda ship for transport to the EU; it allows uled but can be expected later in 2015.
In a related development, the FMC seem
to have increased efforts to ensure compliance with existing FMC regulations.
Various companies are under investigation and fines have been issued.
The WG wishes to remind all members
that the US has strict rules related to
NVOCC activities that are controlled
by the FMC in their Ocean Transport
Intermediaries (OTI) legislation. Among
others, it requires registration with the
FMC as well as the filing of tariffs.
Other items discussed
• Digitalisation of FIATA Documents
• Angola and the release of containers
from the terminals
• Copying of Container Seals with 3D
printing technology
Mr Keny Chou, Senior Executive Vice
President of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. referred in his presentation to
the bottleneck between Ports and Railroads on the U.S. West Coast. He said
that the terminal congestion caused by
vessel/cargo influx into ports on peak
days overwhelmed terminal operation.
There is also an on-dock operation complexity generated by East/ West bound
railcar imbalance for on-dock operation
and by a minimum volume required for
on-dock movement.
Truck Cost increase is a further problem The extensive work of ABIA over the past (MMT) in UNCEFACT with its objective
due to the trucking capacity shortage months included advocating at the UN to develop a Standardized Semantic framewith higher driver’s wages and limit- and various international organisations work. This framework is an implementaed chassis resources limited. Solutions the need to integrate a focus on logis- tion tool for users as a subset of CEFACT
could be: weekday operation, terminal tics connectivity in the Proposed Goals Core Components applicable to Transport/
cooperation including terminal auto- and Targets Document which outlined Logistics. This is in the form of a strucmation, increased on-dock opportunity, 17 SDGs and 169 targets.
tured database and takes into account
the security/safety aspects in relation
truck appointment system and secure
with Customs.
trucker capacity.
Closing the meeting, FIATA gave a brief
The need to adopt IT solutions has never update on the practical projects with
been more critical, with the FIATA mem- industry partners. The project with e-FBL
The Advisory Body International Affairs bership requesting more IT options to be platform producers’ essDOCS stressed the
(ABIA) held its second World Congress made available to them while also main- importance for forwarders to approach the
meeting with vibrant participants in at- taining standards.
project with a shipper ready to trial, in
tendance to hear about the body’s work
order to ensure a successful pilot.
ABIT delivered on the memberships’ deover the past 5 months.
mands. A highly reputable organization in
ABIA Chair, Mr Babar Badat quickly the name of Mercury Gate took the stage ADVISORY BODY LEGAL
briefed delegates on the recent activities in Taipei joining FIATA’s ABIT Chair, MATTERS (ABLM)
with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), President and Director General in an of- The FIATA ABLM met in Taipei on
outlining both the infrastructure as well as ficial MoU signing which would bring Friday 11th September 2015, chaired by
the training initiatives.
Mr Richard Gluck (USA).
forth great benefits for both sides.
The next speaker to be introduced by
the Chair was Mr Roland Haas, of the
ASEAN-German Technical Cooperation;
he highlighted the environmental impacts
of freight transport and the involvement
of the German technical cooperation in
sustainable (“green”) freight and logistics
in South East Asia. This was an area that
was covered by ABIA but has now been
put under a new WG within FIATA on
Sustainable Logistics.
Mr Daniel Vertachnik, Mercury Gate’s
Chief Commercial Officer advised “We
have really never offered such a deal like
this and it’s exclusive to FIATA Members”.
The IT product provided by Mercury Gate
comes with a list of key functions and
features at an affordable price to enhance
efficiency in FIATA members’ day to
day operations.
As application solutions become more
available, there is also a need to ensure
The third guest speaker was Ms Nicolette standards are met to allow efficient
Van der Jagt who gave delegates a recap operations throughout our industry.
of the co-hosted FIATA – CLECAT Ms Nicolette van der Jagt briefed delInternational Transport Forum Side Event, egates on ABIT’s new initiative known
held in May 2015. She said the speakers as the European Commission’s Digital
at the Forum engaged in in-depth discus- Transport and Logistics Forum working
sions around the concept of logistics con- towards a digitally connected single marnectivity, each showcasing its importance ket in the EU. The initiative is expected to
throughout the industry in achieving gain further strides in the coming months.
sustainable outcomes.
Ms Sandretto reaffirmed the importance
of the MultiModal Transport Project
The first presentation was provided by
Mr Dean Song, MD of CMI and Deputy
General Secretary of China Maritime Law
Association, on Rotterdam Rules. He said
that the initial work was done by the
Comite Maritime International (CMI).
The consultation with UNCITRAL took
eight years and the Convention was approved by the UN General Assembly in
2008. The signing ceremony was held in
Rotterdam in 2009.
The Rotterdam Rules will have a significant impact on international trade when
compared to The Hague Visby Rules,
which only apply from the point of loading
to the point of discharge from the vessel.
A primary goal of the Rotterdam Rules,
by contrast, was to embrace the modern
development of “door to door” shipping.
They provide that the carrier’s period
of responsibility commences “when the
Continued on page 18
Country and Region Report
Chinese Taipei – Transport and Logistics assets
Major investments to reinforce the island as
a main “logistics value added gateway” in
the Asia-pacific region.
Chinese Taipei was ranked by the IMF as
the 22nd largest global economy in 2014.
machinery manufacturing and textiles.
Today, for example, Chinese Taipei produces 72% of the world’s notebooks made
by well-known brands such as Acer or
Asus, and 68% of LCD screens. Chinese
Taipei is also the location of the 101 Tower.
At 509 meters, it’s the world’s second
highest building after the Burj-Khalifa
tower in Dubai.
The Service Industry and External trade
represents 70% of GDP. Air cargo is one
of the main components of the Service Transport and logistics are important asIndustry, acting as the engine of the boom- sets for the island. Major airlines are
ing economy. Chinese Taipei is known as headquartered in Taipei, such as Eva Air.
one of the Four Asian Dragons that has In addition, there are several shipping
been leading Asia’s economic development lines that belong to the top 25 in the
since the 1980s. Foreign exchange reserves world, including: Evergreen Marine, Yang
are the 4th largest in the world. On the Ming and Marine. In the field of logistics,
manufacturing side, small and medium- there are over 1000 airfreight forwarders,
sized enterprises that have helped Chinese more than 650 ocean freight forwarders
Taipei become an international economy and over 500 customs brokers
have now evolved into global corporations in the region. Now with the
headquartered in Taipei and have facto- recent introduction of the IoT
ries invested in the main global trading (Internet of Things) concept,
zones including Mainland China, South it is prime time for our LogisEast Asia,and EU regions. Currently tics industry to welcome new
about 10% of Mainland China’s exports technology and expand not
to Europe are produced by Taiwanese- only domestically, but also
owned companies. The key sectors are IT, internationally.
Association members of FIATA
There are in total four FIATA Association members in Chinese Taipei: TAFLA
(Taipei Airfreight Forwarders & Logistics Association of Taiwan, over 1000
members); IOFFLAT (International Ocean
Freight Forwarders and Logistics Association Taiwan, around 650 members);
TCBA (Taipei Customs Broker’s Association, 520 members); and TILSCA (Taiwan
International Logistics and Supply Chain
Association, around 100 members). All
strengthening Asian Dragon’s global position
and Supply Chain
Management industry, in Chinese Taipei.
This will improve
collaboration and allow construction of
international firstclass software infrastructure, promoting
Chinese Taipei’s key
position in sea and air
transport in the Asia
Pacific region. The
integration of the local economy, logistics
and its trade in the global economy will
also all be enhanced.
four Associations represent the major
players of the freight and logistics industry on the island.
Investment in logistics
Chinese Taipei is an important logistics
value added zone in the Asia-pacific region.
Several recent changes reinforce this position, such as: administrative measures to
promote the inter-ministerial integration
between the customs, harbors and trade.
This is thanks to the opening of direct air
and sea transport with Mainland China
since 2009. Following the recent signing
of the Economic Cooperation Framework
Agreement (ECFA) with Mainland China,
a vehicle to regulate economic cooperation
activities across the Taiwan Strait including tariffs exemptions on a large number of
products has been deployed.
Future Strategy
The next step will emphasize several main
areas, including the continuous reinforcement of basic strengths of the logistics
Chinese Taipei adopts the “Logistics Performance Index” of the World Bank in
order to set up an objective and a reliable performance index,
especially for “customs
efficiency”, “infrastructure”, and “logistics
service”. This will particularly benefit the
import and export of
cargo, through a largescale decrease of customs
processing times.
Chinese Taipei – Facts & Figures
Official Name:
Chinese Taipei
Taipei City
36000 sq. kilometers = 14400 sq. miles (Taiwan/Kinmen/Penghu/Matsu)
23.4 million
Ethnic Groups:
Han Chinese 95%, Taiwan aborigines 1.5%,
Others 3.5%
Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism,
Christianity, Islam
Mandarin Chinese / Min Nan (Southern Min dialect) / Hakka / English / Japanese
Administrative Divisions:
6 main cities + 11 counties
Major trading partners:
USA, Mainland Chinam Japan, EU,
ASEAN countries, Australia, New Zealand
carrier or a performing party receives
the goods for carriage and ends when the
goods are delivered.” Containerised shipments and E-documents are also a part of
the Rotterdam Rules.
The next presentation was made by Mr
Vincent S.W. Cheng, Senior Partner in
Pan Asia International Law Office, on legal
matters relating to the Freight Forwarders’ Liability for Cargo Claims in Chinese
Taipei. He explained that freight forwarders shall be exempted from all liability if
they prove that they have exercised due accounts are requested to be used. He
diligence/care. The forwarders may be recommended the following prevention
deemed as carriers, and responsible for strategies:
cargo claims as carriers, if a Bill of Lading or Waybill for the shipment has been • Awareness of officers
• Education of staff members
issued by them.
• Perform due diligence
The Ocean Carriers shall be held liable for • Verify the instruction by phone
the loss of or damage to goods occurred
during the shipment; this is also applica- The issue of Anti-Dumping Duty fines
ble when freight forwarders act as carrier. was also debated. Mr Michael Brown
The freight forwarder may be held jointly Avalon from Risk Management said that
and severally responsible for cargo claims numerous cases were reported where the
FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Ladwith their foreign principals.
ing (FBL) has been fraudulently issued,
Time limit in Chinese Taipei for claims:
either by a party not authorized to issue
FIATA transport documents or by a party
• One Year: when the cargo claim is un- pretending to be a company that is authorder the air or ocean forwarding contract. ized to issue FIATA transport documents.
• One Year: when the cargo claim is un- In these instances, the fraudulently issued
der the contract of ocean carriage, if it is FBL was employed as the fraud was able to
deemed as an Ocean carrier
produce what seemed like a genuine titled
• One Year: when the cargo claim is un- document. The motives of these frauds
der contract of air transportation, if it is involve obtaining payment for a shipment
deemed as an Air carrier
that was never sent or to obtain release of
cargo without payment.
The FIATA ABLM Insurance committee member Mr Michael Yarwood from These schemes have not only resulted in
TT Club London reported that fraud has financial harm to beneficial cargo ownbecome somewhat pervasive in today’s ers and other interested parties who are
society. He referred to mandate fraud and making payment for shipments that were
payment frauds, which are most likely never transported, but also raised the
to occur during the busiest periods in question of possible liability to FIATA for
an office. This is caused by fraudulent the fraudulent use of documents bearing
email addresses and when alternative bank FIATA branding.
The potential for fraud is somewhat significant; in excess of one million FIATA Bills
of Lading are issued each year through authorization by over 100 Association Members. The FIATA Presidency has asked
ABLM to present a recommendation for
mitigating the fraudulent use of the FIATA FBL. The chairman of the ABLM has
consequently formed this working group
and tasked it with presenting the said recommendation to the ABLM for approval
and a subsequent presentation to the
Presidency. A core feature of the recommended solution should be the mitigation
of potential liability to FIATA and the
Association Members arising from the
fraudulent issuance of documents bearing
FIATA branding.
Furthermore the topics of the transport
legislation in Argentina and the eFBL
and UNCITRAL model law on electronic
transferable documents have been debated.
The meeting started with a quick update
from Mr Brian Lovell on the Australia Security Changes followed by a presentation
on latest technology challenging security
by the ABSS Chair.
Following the short updates from ABSS’
key note speaker, Mr Gary Bukowicki,
Executive Director, G4S Security Systems • Australian Federation of International
(HK) Ltd really opened eyes on the pitfalls
Forwarders – AFIF (new validation)
of security systems with the aim of shedding better understanding onto the crowd. Adding these to the previous validations,
there have been quantum leaps of New
Having been more and more involved and Re-Validated Programmes in recent
in the discussions surrounding the Joint years. This has resulted in the issue of
Working Group on Air Cargo Information 11’461 FIATA Diplomas in Freight For(JWGACI), the ABSS Chair, Mr David warding since 1996. 366 were issued
Fielder, invited Mr Marco Sorgetti, Direc- within the last six months. Additionally,
tor General FIATA to give an update on
the recent activities. Mr Sorgetti briefed 15 Association Members have validated
delegates on the meaning of PLACI, the FIATA Higher Diploma in Supply
also known as Pre-Loading Advance Chain Management. As a last note on this
Cargo Information.
front, the ABVT will publish a guideline
to further support the validation process.
Closing out the speakers’ list, Mr Stanley “The key is all about content that is easy to
Lim delivered a presentation on Strategic share”, says the ABVT Manager.
Control Management. He advised members of key red flags and common pitfalls The FFVT President Mr Aldo da Ros
that could be encountered throughout announced that the best student of each
the industry.
course will be granted a prize to celebrate
their efforts: they will be invited to the
FIATA HQ Session in Zurich.
Lithium Batteries course. Talent Connect
is an FLA project specially created to provide FIATA Members with an intelligent
CV database where they can search for
internship candidates globally.
The University Alliance is the place where
academic excellence of U.S. News &
World Report-ranked universities and the
latest innovations in e-learning come together to create an online classroom! FLA
will be collaborating with them.
Charles Dey, an FLA Mentor from South
Africa, informed the audience that 24%
of today’s world population is between
the ages of 15–29. Most of these young
individuals live in developing countries
and are unemployable due to lack of
competences. On the other hand, statistics
show that the logistics industry will grow
up to 22% between 2012 and 2022. The
FLA comes in to link this industry
trend and the great number of unemployed young individuals. According to
Mr Dey’s view, the FLA is the greatest
opportunity freight forwarders have to
change the world; the FLA is a vehicle to
Mike Yarwood, Chairman of the FIATA/
The success of the FIATA annual congress TT Club YIFFYA, announced that young
is measured in many ways, but a critical logistics professionals will find something
factor is the number of successful valida- unique that they can’t get elsewhere in
tions. This is because no congress has any the YIFFY social media. The YIFFYA will
meaning if it is not for the education it shine in LinkedIn and Twitter where users The new FLA Website – www.fiatalearnbrings to the industry. The interaction are in the driving seat and will screen-in – is where all these projects and
between validation applicants and the their career progression stories.
further information will be found. Don’t
Validation Working Group (WG) during
miss its launch on October 15th 2015.
the WG’s session results in a combination FIATA LOGISTICS ACADEMY (FLA)
of best practice sharing and improvement On a Wednesday afternoon the FLA comideas. The 38th Validation/Re-Validation munity experienced what can be described AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST
Session had 4 re-validations and a brand as a type of time travel to the future (RAME)
of higher education. All those present The Chairman, Mr. Basil Pietersen pronew validation:
listened to updates on the FLA and real- vided an update of the 2015 RAME
• Pakistan International Freight For- ized how this recently founded FIATA Field meeting in Dubai. Then, Mr. Issa
warders Association – PIFFA
entity is getting the most from educa- Baluch gave a short but in-depth update
• Sri Lanka Freight Forwarders Associa- tional engagements by leveraging small, on the Yamoussoukro Decision and Lome
tion – SLFFA
simple, strategic, and sustainable co­opera­- Declaration highlighting the importance
to raise awareness for both legislative
• Union des Enterprises de Transport et tive projects.
drivers to enhance aviation throughout
Logistique de France – TLF
• Estonian Logistics & Freight Forward- The audience was informed about Talent Africa. The RAME meeting continued
ing Association – ELFA
Connect, the University Alliance and the on by crowning the host of its next 2016
RAME Field Meeting. With two strong
applicants, the RAME delegation vote
resulted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
weighing the containers as the amend- a way they are providing a multimodal
ment provides for two methods. The service but conflict in reality. This is a
delegates looked forward to the use of a commercial matter and there is not much
unified method. Mr Gillespie explained FIATA can do.
Highlighting the importance of policy that it is ultimately the shipper who
work, Uganda provided a presentation on is responsible and stated: “For those Developments on Airfreight in the Americas
the input they delivered to FIATA to be who do consolidations as NVOCCs it A consultation by the Mexican delegation
brought to the forefront in international becomes really significant because ef- regarding the use of a multimodal docudiscussions at the UN. Following advo- fectively they have to verify every cargo.” ment for air transport lead to an interesting
cacy, Mr. Joseph Musariri gave an update He concluded that for freight forwarders discussion with the following conclusion:
it is a far more complex issue than it is FIATA Bill of Lading is appropriate for Sea
on the TOT experience in Zimbabwe.
to more direct shippers who are loading – Air Transport. Even if it is not specifically
Any concerns for political instabilities full containers.
mentioned, there is a clause paramount
in Nigeria were quickly silenced by
whereby any jurisdiction is covered.
Mr. Mike Jukwe in his presentation to del- On a different topic, the delegates were
egates assuring them a future of economic informed that the CFIA, Food Inspec- Security issues in the Americas
growth and zero corruption in Africa’s tion Agency in Canada, adjusted their Delegates agreed that hacked e-mail exlargest economy.
approach for containers containing wood changes were becoming a real problem.
packaging that did not meet ISPM 15 Very sophisticated frauds, viruses and scams,
Capping the meeting was none other than Standards. In instances where there are as well as with new technologies that make
Ms. Daniela Smal from Zambia, who no insects or evidence of insects they will it easy to track and identify valuable comcaptured the 2016 YIFFYA. This was the allow the importer to remove the wood modities, are all part of the burden.
that does not comply and have it properly
second year in a row for RAME.
destroyed in Canada. No exportation is Vocational Training issues in the Americas
required. This however as a consequence All Region Americas Association MemAMERICAS (RAMNS)
of the very broad wording leaves the final bers are strongly advised to participate
Delegates from the Region Americas from decision up to the customs officer, an in the Young International Freight For11 countries attended the meeting chaired odd situation as the CFIA amendment warder of the Year Award.
by the deputy Chairperson Mr Chris in their policy is quite clear and does not
Gillespie. The attendees exchanged their leave any room for interpretation i.e. if
knowledge and discussed recent develop- there are insects present or evidence of
ments in the region.
insect presence.
Presentations to the RAP Meeting in
Sea and Land transport issues
The meeting then dialogued on a situ- Chinese Taipei were coming up as an
in the Americas
ation in Mexico where, in Mrs Maria extension for broadening up the picture
The International Maritime Organization Elena Sierra’s words “Shipping lines are in view of information received on the Silk
(IMO) Amendment to the Safety of Life promoting that the freight forwarders sign Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century
at Sea Convention (SOLAS) requires, as a letter renouncing to their rights during Maritime Silk Road projects that go along
a condition for loading a packed con- land transport to the ramp. Addition- with tremendous infrastructure projects
tainer onto a ship for export, that the ally, the shipping lines don’t want to be and investments. All projects are having
container has a verified weight. This was responsible for warehousing.” Mrs the objective that Asia will be continuing
thoroughly discussed. This requirement Snowden replied that is was a contrac- and developing even more. In June 2015
will become legally effective on 1 July tual matter. Mr Richard Gluck added that presentations were given by the United
2016 and there are as many questions as “there are a lot of these bills of lading that Nations Industrial Development Organianswers, especially as to how this system say, on the back, that the shipping line is zation (UN IDO) and by the Chinese
will be put in place. The uncertainly has only acting as the agent for the shipper in International Forwarders Association
to do with how governments are going arranging the inland transportation. They (CIFA) at the 9th RAP Field Meeting,
to approach the issue of dealing with are not taking responsibility for it.” So in held in in Bangkok, Thailand.
RAP delegates and the Presidency have
agreed that the 10th RAP Field meeting in conjunction with UNESCAP’s
meeting will be held on 23 (UNESCAP)
and 24 (10th RAP Field Meeting) of
June 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. This
decision was made subsequently on
deliberations at last June’s meeting in
Bangkok and was based as well on a letter of interest that was received from the
hosting FIATA Member, the Indonesian
Logistics and Forwarders Association
In Chinese Taipei the RAP delegates re- Russia and other CIS Countries in transit
ceived India’s input from Mr Amit Kamat, through Iran was identified by FFFAI as Mutual exchange of experiences and delHonorary Secretary of Freight Forwarders the best route with optimal transit/cost for egates information about current issues
related to the forwarding industry of their
Association in India (FFFAI) about The the Indian Exporters.
region was again during this meeting
International North South Corridor (IN- Previous Route (Transit Time 40 to 60 days)
beneficial to all the participants.
STC) and about FFFAI’s participation and INSTC Route (Transit time 25–30 days; 40%
contribution. The International North- shorter, 30% cheaper)
South Transport Corridor is a multi-modal
transportation route established on 12 Mr Babar Badat, Senior Vice President EUROPE (REU)
September 2000 in St. Petersburg, by FIATA, Pakistan International Freight The REU meeting was chaired by Dr Ivan
India, Iran and Russia for the purpose Forwarders Association (PIFFA) delivered Petrov of Bulgaria and was attended by
of promoting transportation cooperation deep insight of Pakistan’s region. The 40 delegates.
among the Member States by enhanc- China corridor was encircled with ining connectivity with the land locked formation on Pakistan and its economy, Mr Čedomir Bojanić and Mr Robert Sever
region of Central Asia. The North-South infrastructure, PIFFA constituents, the from Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Transport Corridor is an ancient route that country’s forwarding and logistics indus- of Slovenia provided a country presentation and reported that Slovenia with its
connected South Asia with North Europe try and Pakistan’s connectivity.
geostrategic position represents a great
for centuries. This route was used by the
European, Indian, Russian and many other The China-Pakistan Economic Corri- potential for the development of logistics
foreign traders. During the late 17th and dor (CPEC), an important part of the services. The Port of Koper has an excelearly 19th centuries, Indian traders used China-initiated Silk Road Economic lent logistics and distribution centre and is
this route to reach out to the Central Asian Belt was agreed upon by both countries the fastest developing port in the Adriatic
markets. INSTC was expanded to include in May 2013. The CPEC is a develop- region. Quality link to regional market
eleven new members, namely: Republic of ment megaproject which aims to connect means that Slovenia has well established
Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Repub- China’s north-western region of Xinjiang to links with neighbouring business centres
lic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Re- Pakistani ports via a network of highways, of surrounding hinterland markets. These
public of Tajikistan, Republic of Turkey, railways and pipelines. The economic cor- markets can be reached from the Port of
Republic of Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, ridor will run about 2800 km from Kashgar Koper by road and by train in less than a
in Xinjiang to Gwadar and Karachi. On day. Slovenia has a well-developed transOman, Syria and Bulgaria (Observer).
20 April 2015, Pakistan and China signed port and forwarding sector. 95% of SloveFFFAI conducted successfully a dry run an agreement to formally commence work nian transport and forwarding companies
study to envisage the issues faced by the and China has committed to invest around are small or micro companies with an
trade with two containers on two different USD 46 billion in such energy and infra- average of 10 employees and 10 vehicles
routes. The proposed INSTC North South structure projects which will be completed per firm. Larger companies have in average
Corridor route via Bandar Abbas in Iran to by 2017.
45 employees.
Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information
is requested in aviation security.
• The EU PRECISE pilot scheme looking at advance data regime similar to
• The 7+1 data elements, provided by
forwarder and/or carrier prior to loading
of aircraft
• The referrals process tested with carriers, forwarders, express and post – no
further action/request further information/ request high-risk screening/do
not load
• DG TAXUD and DG MOVE workA public consultation will take place
ing to ensure coherence between cuscovering areas such as shipping competitoms and civil aviation authorities in
tiveness, sustainability and security. Issues
implementing PRECISE. Next stage:
such as the global level playing field and
risk criteria
short-sea shipping within Europe are still •Implementation as part of Union
Customs Code 2018/19
under examination.
Ms Van der Jagt, Director of CLECAT, reported that the European Commission intends to present its road package on market access, social issues and enforcement
in the coming year. The EU Commission
is also considering the review of the Revision of the Euro-vignette directive and a
proposal for a road agency to strengthen The EU Commission examines whether
the implementation of these rules. These new initiatives are required in order to
initiatives will be bundled in a Road Pack- fulfil the goals of strategy.
age, introduced by a Commission Communication and implemented step-wise A proposal for market access for port
over the coming years. A first meeting to services has been debated and the Council
discuss these initiatives with stakeholders agreement on 8 October 2014 watered
will take place on the 28 September 2015. down the proposal’s scope. Cargo handling
The new legislative will provide a proposal has been excluded from market access.
on road charging with toll services. There
will be also a new regulation on serious The European Parliament rapporteur proposed the removal of the market access
chapter, but recognised that he cannot
Minimum wages will be another topic impose a uniform organisational model.
and an interpretative communication on The vote is expected in September 2015,
application of the posting of workers advocating for maintaining the market
directive will take place.
access chapter.
The review of the initial qualification and
periodic training of professional drivers
will be a point to discuss, as well as the expost evaluation of Reg1071/2009 on the
access to the profession of road transport
The EU Commission undertakes a midterm review of 2009 strategy’s implementation.
The EU Commission set up the Digital
Transport & Logistics Forum. The main
focus of the Plenary and Technical Working
Group is:
• the interoperability
• the data protection/climate of trust
• the recognition of e-transport documents
• the collaboration and data-sharing
• the standardisation
Mr Steve Parker reminded delegates that
the Union Customs Code entered into
force on 30 October 2013 and will be
applicable as from 1 May 2016. The transitional period will end on 31.12.2020
due to the fact that not all electronic
systems required will be operational/ready
in time. CLECAT stated that they could
achieve the permission of Multiple filing.
The New Import Control System (ICS)
will be part of the IT transitional measures and requests information about the
“buyer/seller” as well as the “6 digit code”.
A joint letter issued by CLECAT/ESC/
WSC has been sent to the European
Commission calling for the new mandatory filing requirements to take effect at
the same time across the European Union.
Furthermore, the subjects of CEN standard of competence, additional duties applied by Turkey and the item of EKAER
in Hungary were debated.
Meet Daniela Smal
YIFFY Award Winner 2015
What where the first thoughts that went
through your mind when your name
was announced as the winner of the
YIFFY Award?
Honestly, my though process went like
this – ‘Me’... ‘No?’.... ‘Really?’...
‘Ok’... ‘Hide your face’..‘don’t cry’ ....
‘Be strong Daniella!’ ...‘Ahhhhh THIS IS
AMAZING!!!!!!!’ ‘Be Proud!’
Daniela Smal was born on the 7th June 1985.
She completed her secondary education in
Pretoria, South Africa, after which she went
on to obtain a Bachelor of Commerce degree
How do you think the award will
help you develop your skills as a freight
I have no doubt that the training and experience I will be receiving as part of this
award will further my knowledge in the
field and give me more confidence within
at the University of Pretoria; specializing in
Marketing and Communications.
Daniela is now employed at one of the top
clearing and forwarding companies in Zam-
The ability to gain exposure and insight
into logistics works outside of Africa is
just such an invaluable experience.
It is so rewarding to have people have
confidence in my ability and request for
my input.
I will be sure to make contact and keep ties
with different parties I have been linked
up with and remind them that Zambia
is full of opportunity and any requests for
assistance will be taken good care of.
What do you see as main challenges
facing the worldwide freight forwarding
Honestly, I am concerned with the ever
increasing prices in fuel as well as security
concerns in today’s world that not only apply pressure to the costs of moving freight
around the world but also the extra time
and efforts that is required to ensure that
cargo actually reaches the destination.
I am sure that these concerns are being
considered globally.
bia. She works as a Logistics Development
Manager and despite having thought she
knew it all, she still finds herself learning
something new every day in an industry with
many challenges, but also many rewards.
What are the main challenges of
your job?
Working in Zambia brings challenges
of their own right, where daily tasks are
made super frustrating by poor infrastructure, gas and fuel shortages as well
as electricity load shedding schedules that
leave us in the dark most of the day.
Trying to explain to clients and global
offices why something that should take
one hour takes one day is not easy.
FIATA connects a big network of
freight forwarders within the industry.
How will you use this new recognition
to expand your network?
Having been announced the winner of this
year’s award with the exposure and press
releases that are out have already expanded
my network.
Besides moving ahead in this industry,
what other life goals are you pursuing?
My first priority is to be a good mother to
my baby boy; he will be 2 in December
and is my silver lining.
Other than that I hope to be able to complete my MBA in the next two years as
well as set up and encourage public speaking forums in Zambia that can give our
people a forum to use their voice, be heard
and build confidence.
The FIATA Verification of Container Weights Toolkit
What you need to know before
(Method 1) or all of the
individual pieces in the
in Taipei, the main item highlightcontainer have each been
ed in the Multimodal Transport
weighed and there is an alInstitute (MTI) was the forthlowance for dunnage etc.
coming changes to operational
(Method 2). As mentioned
procedures, known informally as
above, there are only two acContainer Weighing.
ceptable methods to arrive at
Many of the readers know the
a verified weight. Although
common interpretations are
background almost by heart by
emerging, it is currently the
now: at its 94th session, IMO’s
Maritime Safety Committee
responsibility of each counhas adopted the amendments
try to devise procedures
to the Safety of Life at Sea
specific to that country. In
(SOLAS) Convention (Chapter
many countries the Government department responsible
VI, Regulation 2 and associated
Authors: Mr Robert Keen, Chairman MTI and Mr Jens Roemer,
will authorise the shipper,
guidelines) that will introduce
forwarder, NVOCC or other
Chairman WG Sea
a mandatory requirement for
party (subject to meeting prethe certificated verification of
container weights prior to loading on members can use in their work at a na- determined criteria) to be an authorised
board of a vessel. The amendments will tional level. The Working Group Sea was weight declarant. Such criteria could be
pleased to publish the “toolkit” on the Authorised Economic Status in an EU
enter into force in July 2016.
FDDS system on 3 September 2015 (Doc. State or having the procedures written
The main catalyst for the change was GI013). This is the weaponry we came to into an ISO status. If such a standard cannot be achieved, then weighing the loaded
caused by the breaking up of the MSC Taipei with.
container is the only other option.
Napoli, off of the coast of England in
January 2007. The subsequent investiga- At the Taipei FIATA World Congress
tion by UK authorities concluded that (Sep 8th–13th 2015), the Chairman of In the MTI meeting there was a detailed
miss-declared container weights played Working Group Sea, Jens Roemer, and the examination of contractual relationships
a large part in the problems that the ship MTI Chairman, Robert Keen, detailed to between all of the parties involved. A
encountered. The IMO level amendment those present the proposed changes; why number of different scenarios were exhas been sought by the bodies represent- they have been introduced and how the amined on who was the shipper in law
ing shipping lines following a number of changes can affect a forwarding business. and responsible party at different stages
maritime incidents where shipping con- Finally, they gave information on what of the supply chain. These modelling
tainers have been found to have a different FIATA Association Members should do to exercises are fully covered in the “toolkit”
prepare the industry in their country for mentioned in the title of this article which
weight from that on the booking.
can be downloaded from the FIATA FDDS
the changes.
under General Information. The toolkit is
The Working Group Sea Transport Advisors have prepared the FIATA guide to From 1 July 2016 it will be mandatory a guidance document covering the backthe amendments of SOLAS. The Work- to provide an accurate “verified” weight ground to the changes and an overview of
ing Group is confident to have created of a shipping container to the shipping the new legislative requirements. There
a comprehensive document looking at line when making a booking. Verified is a detailed analysis of contractual scethe SOLAS amendment from the Freight means that the loaded container has narios when the forwarder transacts with
Forwarder’s point of view which FIATA been weighted on calibrated equipment shipping lines or with other parties and
At the recent FIATA World Congress
July 2016
it concludes with a “next steps” section
giving helpful advice to FIATA Members in dealing with stakeholders in their
own countries.
The Working Group has come to the conclusion that stakeholders should recognise
that Forwarders acting as Contractual
Carriers have special functions, such as
the function of Consolidators. Is must be
foreseen that Forwarders acting as Carriers can produce their own verified weight
document, as requested by the SOLAS
amendment. However, forwarders must
use the information provided by veri140035FIATAReviewAd_FINAL.pdf
fied weight documents issued by actual
Shippers. This would be a practical solution for the commercial parties and is
something the IMO is referring to on
various stages of the guidelines.
complicated contractual relationships and
how you should prepare yourself for next
year. The global dialogue will not take
away the need for Association members to
deal with this issue on a regional and national level; our global approach is meant
FIATA Working Group Sea will try to to be of support and guidance without the
assist with further questions, although intention to substitute FIATA to its assoFIATA cannot accept any liability for deci- ciation Members’ laudable efforts. FIATA
sions that the operators make in their best will be glad to receive comments and sugjudgement and after appropriate due dili- gestions in this regard, if appropriate.
gence, after reading FIATA’s toolkit paper.
Mr Robert Keen, Chairman MTI and
It is designed as a self-help document to
Mr Jens Roemer, Chairman WG Sea
assist in understanding the reasons for the
law amendment, the specific changes, the
2:38 PM
Here & There
Happy Birthday!
FIATA congratulates five well known delegates to their birthday. We wish them many more years of good health and happiness.
Mr Jean-Claude Delen
Mr Brian J. Kelleher
Mr Jiri Kadanik
Mr Peter Jones
Mr Herman Donker
(Belgium), 70 on 5 August
(United Kingdom), 85 on
(Czech Republic), 85 on
(Canada), 80 on
(Belgium), 75 on
2015. Mr Delen was
8 August 2015.
14 September 2015.
9 September 2015.
11 September 2015.
Vice President from
Mr Kelleher was FIATA
Mr Kadanik was FIATA
Mr Jones has been a FIATA
Mr Donker has been a
2000–2005, was a
President from 1995–1997,
President from 1987–1989,
Delegate since 1989, was
FIATA Delegate since
Senior Vice President
was Immediate
was Immediate Past
Chairman ABLM from
1989, was Chairman AFI
from 2005–2008, was
Past President from
President from 1989–1991,
1999–2003, and has been
from 2003–2005, and
Chairman WG Security
1997–1999, and has been
and has been an Honorary
an Honorary Member
has been an Honorary
in 2006, was FIATA Presi-
Honorary Board Member
Board Member since 1991.
since 2004.
Member since 2012.
dent from 2009–2011,
of FIATA since 1999.
was Immediate Past
President from 2011–2013
and has been Treasurer of
FIATA since 2013.
New to the FIATA Secretariat – Abigail Mills
Abigail joined FIATA in July 2015 and
has already had the chance to meet many
FIATA delegates at the congress in Taipei.
She is a fluent English speaker, having
grown up in England and then completing her Bachelors in Computer Science at
the University of Southampton. Having
a strong technical background, Abigail
enjoys working at FIATA Secretariat as
technical advisor and has been working
on a number of projects, such as the forth-
coming FLA website. Abigail has also
started her first German lessons, for which
she is enjoying and working hard on her
pronunciation! In regards to her past time
hobbies, Abigail is a competent horse rider
and rock climber; sports you will find her
doing often when she is home in the UK.
Now in Switzerland, she looks forward
to trying skiing to make the most of the
snowy Swiss winter.
Forthcoming Events
October 27—29 2015, Dubai / UAE
Global Trade Development Week 2015
Next Edition
December 20
Bi-monthly Magazine of the International
Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
Circulation 7200 copies
Published by FIATA International Federation
of Freight Forwarders Associations
Articles written by outside contributors do not
necessarily reflect the views or policies of FIATA
November 19 2015, Antwerp / Belgium
CLECAT Freight Forwarders Forum
International Federation of Freight Forwarders
Associations FIATA
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CH-8152 Glattbrugg/Switzerland
Telephone +41 43 211 65 00
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Design: René Uhlmann Art Direction, Zurich
Printing: Hürzeler AG, Regensdorf
March 18—20 2016, Zurich / Switzerland
FIATA Headquarters Session
June 7—9 2016, Barcelona / Spain
XXXIII ALACAT Congress 2016
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Reach the
freight forwarders’
October 3—8 2016 Dublin / Ireland
FIATA World Congress
Next Edition December 2015
Advertising Deadline: 23 October 2015
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