her work file
her work file
Layam Cultural Events & Training Pvt Ltd TC NO XII/3292, Ida Garden, Kusavarkal, Vayalikada/Mukkola Road, Mukkola-PO THIRUVANANTHAPURAM– 695044, Kerala, INDIA Corporate Identity Number: U92140KL2011PTC027338 Evolutionary pedagogy in theater by Françoise Calvel Her influences, her teachers, her vocational work since 1988, her theatrical teaching and its educational tools. I. a. b. c. d. II. a. b. c. Her influences: The reflections and the teaching of Stanislavski, or what is now known as 20th century realistic theatre. This type of theatre focuses on the true portrayal of emotions that emerge from deep within a person’s stomach, as this is the center of the human body. The school of "Open Theatre ", in which there are exercises to develop in the student: self-respect, respect for others, self-confidence and the abilities to empathize with others. The European school of “Commedia dell'arte”, founded in the 16 th century, focusing on the styles of: pantomime, song and dance, with improvisation and the wearing of traditional masks. Jacques Lecoq methodology: neutral mask, larval mask, Theatre Clown. Her training: From T.N.S. (National Theatre in Strasbourg, France), a classical text based drama course teaching stage performances. Intensive courses with André Pomarat and his team of the T.J.P., Strasbourg. This style utilizes full and half facial masks to complement self-expression through the balance of the body and breathing (as per the exercises of Meyerhold) as well as vocal training. She was apprentice to Fredj Cohen, a famous stage-director and playwright (who also worked with Ariane Mnouchkine). As assistant director to Fredj Cohen, she was taught to direct a complete play from conception to performance including playwriting. http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] +91 9 567 421 039 III. a. b. c. d. IV. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. V. Her professional trainings: A professional training course with Carlo Boso, a contemporary master of Commedia dell’arte (student, actor and follower of Giorgio Strehler). Pavel Rouba was also present during this Commedia dell’arte workshop to teach pantomime. Underwent long training courses from “Club Méditérranée” where different world dance styles were taught. Suzanna Ribeiro, follower of Jerzy Grotowski for some years, she teach the importance of the body, the breathing, and the projection. Her bibliography: “The training of the actor” by C. Stanislavski. “The construction of the character” by C. Stanislavski. “Les deux voyages” by Jacques Lecoq. DVD. “Encyclopedic Dictionary of the theater” by M. Corvin. “The energy which dances” by E. Barba and N. Savarese (I.S.T.A.: International School of theater Anthropology) “Exercises” collection “Bouffonerie”. “The Commedia dell’arte” collection “Bouffonerie”. “The empty space, written on the theatre” by P. Brook. “The theater and its double” by A. Artaud. “The theatrical work” by V. Meyerhold. “Written on the theater” by V. Meyerhold. “Of the art of the theater” by E.G. Craig. The creation of a workshop, or a training course, or an educational project for a class, or directing and managing a special event: a. b. c. Analyzing and conceptualizing the individual project. Working in association with teachers, social workers, entertainment professionals, doctors and other artists. Creating the specific pedagogic program according to the requirements. http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 VI. a. b. c. d. VII. Her method of teaching students: One third of the total workshop time will be dedicated to experimenting through various theatrical exercises. Students will be invited to brain-storm their ideas to create their own stage performances. This method ensures that all students become active and involved in the entire process of staging a performance, with the emphasis on preparation and creation of the show rather than just the final performance itself. Feed-back and assessment of the progress of the students will be given to the necessary authorities of the establishment. Additional qualified staff may be required to help if the students have any particular disabilities. Examples of Establishments and types of people that she has taught: - VIII. Children in Preschool. Children in Primary school. Professional actors. High school, Secondary school, University. Teenagers with difficulties at school. Physical and behavioral disorders, including physical disabilities. Elderly persons in a nursing home. Prison inmates. Business managers. School teachers. Unemployed people. Introducing amateur adult enthusiasts to theater. She has taught or still teach Theatre in India with Layam since 2010: - Rainbow Montessori School, Trivandrum in 2010 to 2012, grade LKG to IV. Alliance française de Trivandrum, children and adults groups, in 2010. L’école Chempaka International, grade VIII and IX, 2011 to 2014. Toonz Academy, academy studio and senior studio, in 2012/2013. Master class for adults, teachers, and professional actors in Trivandrum, Mumbai and Bangalore, since 2013. Schoolkutti, for summer camp 2015 in Trivandrum, children 8 to 14 years. Christ Nagar International School, grade VIII, IX and X, since 2013. Trivandrum International School, grade KG to V, since 2014. Sacred Heart International, grade X and XI, since 2015. http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 French Press Revue http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 Indian Press revue http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 TC NO XII/3292, Ida Garden, Kusavarkal, Vayalikada/Mukkola road, Mukkola P.O. Thiruvananthapuram 695044 Kerala – India 9 567 421 039 [email protected] http://www.layam-events.com Françoise Calvel, is born 2nd August 1970 in France Performer, director of play and playwright in Performing Arts since 1988. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Since 2010: With Layam Cultural Events and Training Pvt Ltd Performer, Director of play of the creation: “Once upon a time…", a family show in English. Theatre Workshop for Professionals actors, Teacher, Primary school and High school, adults, and for Technopark Company: mask, clown, puppets, body expression, improvisation, voice… Events: “street clown” for shop and festival, storytelling, shop concept… In 2010: She create her own Indian Company: “Layam Cultural Events and Training Pvt Ltd” Since 2006: With the French Company “Sarasvati India” Coordinator of art courses and professional workshop France/India. From 2002 to 2006: With the Company "Le Petit Chêne Théâtre" in Cluny (71) Performer in creation for children show: "Légendes" 40 performances since 2002, and “La folle nuit d’Aurore" created in 2004, 50 performances 2004/2006, Burgundy. From 2000 to 2006 She create her own Company : "Vaguedivague", she's the Artistic Director of the Company. Director and playwright of 3 big events : the "magical night" (200 performers in one big park), "object", "European meeting of art". Director of several workshops for children 3 years to 18 years and adults. Creation of exhibition: 400 m2 about "in the footsteps of dinosaurs", September 2001. Lectures in collaboration with the Association Polyphonia during the concert season organized in some library. Moving theatre in several librarys : event creation. Moving theatre in supermarket, shop, street : events creation. Creation of the "Impromptu", Commedia dell'arte, a national tour in May to July 2004. Actress and director. 2002 With the Company "Le Pois de Senteur" in Paris (75) Actress in "The Garden of Néroline", children show, Burgundy exclusive tour, 30 performances. http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 From 1996 to 2006: With the Company "A Contre Jour" in Feurs (42) Forum theater performer in "L’affaire Manu" national tour, 90 performances since 1998, "Mon auto, ma famille et moi”" 30 performances since 2001, "Ne me regardez pas comme çà" 30 performances since 2002. Performer and director of play: events, street theater, "Les milles ans de l’arrivée des moines de Cluny", "Dessine-moi un château" (40 actors, musicians, and dancers), many creative events: markets, in general meetings, in public parks. Director of play and playwright in 10 creations in "theater for prevention", and 12 creations in “Workshop Theater" Director of play in "Le médecin imposteur" of Molière, national tour, 40 performances. Playwright and performer in "sortir de l’ombre", about epilepsy, created in Strasbourg (67). 2002: With the Company "Le Pois de Senteur" in Paris (75) Performer in "Le jardin de Néroline", children show, Burgundy exclusive tour, 30 performances. 2002: With the Company "Pirouette Circus" in Cimandre (71) Director of play "Sacré famille Pirouette!" Created in April 2002 at National Theatre of Macon (71). 1996-1999: With the Company "Les Comédiens Associés" in Dijon (21) Performer in “Cartes Postales” National Tour, 110 performances, "Maison Bobos” national tour, 40 performances," Les nouveaux embauchés "tour France and Switzerland, 20 performances," Les comédiens serveurs" Burgundy tour, 20 performances, "Ah! La famille ! "national tour, 20 performances. 1995-1996: With "Confluence Théâtre" in Roanne (42) Performer "Antigone" by J. Anouilh, role: Antigone, Loire tour, 30 performances. Director of play and playwright of 7 Workshops Theater for Primary school, High School and Secondary School in Roanne. 1991-1995: Creative events, designer, and director of play of Performing arts in International Tourism, with "Club Med" and "LTI International Hotel ". In Bulgaria, Crete, Dominican Republic and Sri Lanka. 1988-1991: Assistant director, and performer with Fredj Cohen, a former actor of the famous “Théâtre du Soleil" Creation: "Le Golem" Strasbourg and Czechoslovakia, and creating special events for the National Congress of the League of Human Rights. TRAINING 1981-1985: Acting classes, conservatory program, teachers: the National Theater of Strasbourg. 1985-1988: Student of "Tremplin" of T.J.P. Strasbourg with André Pomarat study the mask of the Actor's Studio, the Commedia, pantomime, the Open Theater. 1988-1991: Actress active member of the A. R.T.U.S. (University Theater of Strasbourg), with Colette Weil. 1991: Professional Training: “creator of international shows” with "Club Med", duration: 4 months, Pompadour. http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039 1994: Professional Training: "manager of entertainment" LTI International Hotel (German company), duration 3 months in Paris. 1998: Professional Training with the Company "Mystère Bouffe" with the famous teachers: Carlo Boso (Director), and Pavel Rouba (Pantomime) on Commedia dell 'Arte, duration 5 weeks in Paris. 1999: Professional Training with the Company "Footsbarn Theatre”, teachers: P. Bornant and I. Soler, with the theme "Theatre and Flamenco”, duration 3 weeks in Herisson. 2000: Professional Training with "Company Allegro", teacher: Carlo Colombaioni, famous international clown, duration 3 weeks in Lyon. 2001: Professional Training with the Company "Le chant des possibles", teachers: Carlo Boso (Director), Benoit Combes (polyphonic songs), Nelly Quette (choreographer), Florence Leguy (master of fencing), Commedia dell Arte, duration 4 weeks in residence. 2002: Professional Training with the "Theatre des Pays de la Loire”, for the 10th festival for theater in the Ile de Noirmoutier, teachers: Carlo Boso (Director), Pascal Arbeille (vocals), Pavel Rouba (Pantomime), Stefano Perroco Di Meduna (factor masks), Commedia dell'arte, duration 4 weeks in residence. 2003: Professional Training with the “company of nose", teacher: Gilles Padié "clown", creation "coffee clown", in Moulin. Professional Training with the Company “Bheeshma Art & Culture”, "Kathakali" in India (Fort Cochin), Duration: 4 weeks. 2014: Professional training with “Adishakti Research Theatre” near Pondicherry, 10 days in residence. Additional information - Member of the Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers : With "Une maille à l’endroit, une maille à l’envers", "Le Concept Villainpourçonnais", "Magic's Cartoon", "N’oubliez pas de rêver!", "Le jardin enchanté", " Une faim de papier”, "Orage! O espoir! ", "Ah! Quelle famille!”, "Le Manoir d’Escalator", «Croyez-vous au Père Noël? « "Epilepsie: sortir de l’ombre". And with 9 songs. - English: good, German and Spanish spoken. - Business trips or discoveries: Italy, England, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Crete, Dominican Republic, USA, Sri Lanka, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Germany, Turkey, India, Guatemala, Thailand, Cambodia. http://www.layam-events.com [email protected] 9 567 421 039
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Presents its show
Françoise Calvel took to professional shows in 1988, in Strasbourg, after a sound training from 1981 in drama,
at the Conservatory of Strasbourg, TJP and A. R.T.U.S. (university troupe).
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