a\.rnti` antennas
a\.rnti` antennas
high-performanoe base stations a\.rnti' antennas DUCTIVE Comblnlng lhc pcdomtnca ot 2 ot morc antcnnas lnlo onc dcslgn lot tncrcasad pctlormenca. .\ J ASTRO PLANE AV-101*- Co-inductive.5/8 wave omnidirectionalCB baseantenna.Extendscommunications range beyondthatof conventional bottomradiating omniantennas. Gain-4.46dBi:VSWR-Pre-Tuned To 1.3:1Or Less:RFSafety Factor-2000w; Height-12 ft.;Weight-4 lbs. PDL fl 4V.122^- Dual polaritybeam with orbital gamma match for increasedgain and rejectionand improvedband power.PatentedPDLll actually width.Patentedco-inductive contains10 elements- 5 on eachpolarity.ForwardGain12 dBi; Rejection-32dB; VSWR-1.3:1;RF SafetyFactor2000w; BoomLength-4 ft. 10 in.;Weight-13.5lbs.;Wind Load-2.Osq. ft. MOONRAKER@ 4 AV.140- Unleashesco-inductivepower like no other antenna.Famousfor rejectionof unwanted noise and interference. Super strong constructionof cast aluminum hubs, extruded aluminum mounting bracket, stainlesssteeltip elementsand aircraftqualitytubingallow the Moonraker 4 to survivewindandweatherwhenotherlarge fail. Strong,long distanceperformance antenn-as with dual polarity.Switchbox optional.ForwardGain-14.5 dBi; Rejection-38 dB;VSWR-1.3:1; R.F.SafetyFactor-2000w; Boom Length-16.5ft.;Weight-24 lbs.;WindLoad-S sq. ft. MOONRAKERo 6 AV.l46 - The ultimatebeam! 50X more power!6 dual elementswith a PDLreflector. 31.s-ft.boom! AVANTI'sultimateexpression of performance in CB antennas. Four position switch box included.ForwardGain17 dBi; Rejection-44dB; VSWR-1.3:1;RF SafetyFactor2000w; BoomLength-31.5ft.;Weight-39 lbs.;WindLoad9 sq. ft. ASTROBEAMAV.150'L Moreforwardgain than many4 or 5 elementbeams- morerejectionthana Moonraker!Forward Gain-11 dBi;Rejection-40dB; VSWR-Pre-Tuned To 1.3:1 Or Less:RF SafetvFactor-2000w: Boom Lenoth-10.5ft.:. Weight-14 lbs.;WindLoad-2.6sq. ft.; Co-lnduictive RAMROD4V.160'L CB - TV - FM - HAM - BusinessBand -Monitor- Marine...All from one antenna.(Adjustment chart provided.) Length-Upto 19 feet;Weight-3 lbs. SIGMAll AV.l70'L The international bestseller the world's number1 collinear!5/8Waveomni-directional CB baseantenna. Specialhorizontalmatchingloop eliminatescoils and transformerslNo moretroublesomeburn-outand detunino. Gives true 5/8 wave performancerange. Gain-5.14 dBI; VSWR-Tunableto 1.'1:1;RF Safety Factor-2000 w; Height-21.5;Radials-9ft.;Weight-9 lbs. -,VEW,$E vv- NEW NEW NEW*--NEW-N Ety, 3 uJ P S ü STGMA lV AV-174'- Unmatchedperformance and unequalled strength!Uniqueco-inductive design on this new 3/4 wave omni-directional antenna enablesyou to transmitand receivefurtherthan higher.(6 dBi) ever thought.possible.Produ.ces { = H & CB antenna. Tunableto 1.1:1S.W.R. at directional ..resonanceand 1.5:1or less beyondband edges. S Weight 12 lbs. R.F. Safety Factor:2000 w. *: - 30". Heioht- 27' . Diameter S = i': e i t New*- unw- .IvFw* NFw:,\,f hu-N f w - ^j t.fi ' SATURN4V.190'L Now! Horizontaland verticalpolarityin one5/8waveomni-directi0nal dual polarityantenna.Reduces interference as muchas 20 dB. lnteractionof thesehorizontal "beam"effectin a full 3600patdipolesgivesa co-inductive tern.Vertical/horizontal switchboxincluded.Gain-5.14dBi MOONROTOR AVR-1*- Exclusivesolid state electronics... Vertical;Gain-5.14 dBi Horizontal; VSWR-1.1:1Vertical, newstandards of accuracy andreliability in antennarotation. 1.3:1Horizontal; RF SafetyFactor-2000w; Height-21.5 ft.; 3600directdrivelocationsensoris linkedto the integrated cir- Radials-9ft.;Weight-25 lbs.;Co-lnductive. cuitry,for the highestdegreeof positioning fromthe accuracy high torque4-poleelectricmotor.5 presetazimuthmemory ASTROSCANAV-801"- Multiplyyour scannerpower.Tricircuits share this high degreeof positioningaccuracy bandstationmonitorantennawith Avanti'spatentedperformthroughthe useof 10turn potiometers. Windloadareainside ance. HF-25-50 MHz; VHF-140-174MHz; UHF-450-512 heavy duty tower-8.5 sq. ft.; Gear construction:Wing MHz (lncludesNew "T" Band).HF-Co-inductive5/8 wave gear-MachinedSteel;Spur gear system- StampedStain- AstroPlane4.4dBi gain;VHF-Full112wavedipole2.1dBi g a i n ;U H F - 1 - 1 / 2w a v ec o l l i n e a3r. 3d B i g a i n ;H e i g h t - 1 0 ' 2 " ; less Steel;Finaldrive-StainlessSteel;ShippingWeight21 lbs./9.56 Weight-2.25lbs. kg.