Waterloo News


Waterloo News
Spring 2013
Waterloo News
A Message From WNHA Chairperson
Board of Directors
Gregg V. Burg
Vice Chairperson
John Lixey
Carol Strahler
Dave Beck
Facebook Administrator
Dawn Elandt
Membership Chairperson
John Lixey
Program Coordinator
Kathy Claflin
Website Administrator
Dave Beck
Newsletter Editor
Tom Hodgson
Meg Gower
Jennifer Puntenney
Ray Steinbach
Bill Wells
Building Hours
The Building will be open
Tuesday through Saturday
from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Closed Monday
Trails and Grounds
are available daily
dawn to dusk the
year around.
It looks like winter is going to finally release
its icy grip, though as I write this, 3” of snow
is predicted for this Friday night, the 15th.
Hopefully after St. Patrick’s Day weekend
spring will be in full bloom. We’ve already
had red-wing blackbirds at our bird feeders
and have seen robins and turkey vultures. At
least they think spring is close at hand!
As many of you know we have been working
on fundraising efforts to replace the boardwalks on the trails around the Discovery
Center. Thanks to Tom Hodgson’s article in
the Winter 2013 Newsletter we all learned
about the history behind the boardwalks, and
the need to replace them after 37 years.
I want to thank the Yellow Door for putting
on a Lunch Fundraiser at the new Chelsea
Alehouse Brewery on 2 March as part of our
fundraising efforts. It was well attended and
almost $3,700.00 was raised. Thanks to everyone who attended and to Chris and Aubrey If you haven’t stopped by the Discovery
Martinson for hosting the event at their brew Center and visited the Gift Shop yet, I
pub. This has brought our fundraising efforts encourage all of you to do so.
to about $7,000.00.
Kathy Claflin, Meg Gower Jean McKim,
Park Manager, Gary Jones and I submitted a Lorin Kummer, Kathie Gourlay, Linda
Partnership Match Program Application in Allen and Jennifer Puntenney have the
an effort to double what we have already gift shop well stocked with a variety of
raised. We will know in late April if we are merchandise, from guide books to rock
successful. Thanks to everyone who has do- mineral samples. Remember, we accept
credit/debit cards in the gift shop now to
nated so far to this much needed project.
We also had our Maple Sugar Festival over make shopping easier.
the 9th and 10th of March. It was very successful with almost 400 people attending
over the 2 days. The weather held out, the
sap was running and we actually had a little
sunshine on Sunday. The American Legion
Post on Cavanaugh Lake held a pancake
breakfast in conjunction with the Maple Sugar Festival on Saturday and over 100 people
attended the breakfast
And now that spring is in the air I want
to remind everyone about upcoming programs that are sponsored by the WNHA.
We have a wide variety scheduled. You
will find a list of them on the following
pages. Don’t forget WNHA members are
admitted free to all WNHA sponsored
programs at the Discovery Center, and
get a 10% gift shop discount.
Gregg V. Burg, Chairperson WNHA
Naturalist’s Niche
Spring Hours
April is here, and that means the
Discovery Center is back open
for business during the week.
Spring and Summer hours begin
April 2nd. Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm, Sunday,
12 noon to 5 pm.
Spring Break Programs
Are you and your kids staying
home for Spring Break this year,
or are you the caregiver for
grandchildren during break? It
just so happens that the Discovery Center has plenty to keep
those children engaged! With 2
programs each day for 1st
through 6th grade, we hope to introduce a new generation to the
natural sciences, outdoor skills
and scientific inquiry.
Thank You Community!
In the last few months, the Discovery Center has benefitted
from a number of community partners and I’d like to take this
opportunity to acknowledge them.
American Legion Post 30 sponsored a pancake breakfast to
coincide with the Maple Syrup event at the Discovery Center.
The Legion also contributed $1000.00 to the Boardwalk Fund.
The Chelsea Ale House provided a venue and staff for the fantastic fundraiser for the Bog Boardwalk. Did you know they
named a beer after our Bog? “Bog Trail Brown” is fantastic!
The Yellow Door provided the food, culinary expertise and
volunteer waiters to make the boardwalk fundraiser the success
that it was. Yellow Door holds fundraisers for community projects through locally sourced meals being served in unique donated spaces.
The Big 400, which helps us a great deal in promoting our area
as a destination and increases our audience with their promotional efforts.
Waterloo Natural History Association and Members. Many
of you have also donated to the Boardwalk Fund, thank you for
your generosity and support
We are in search of the following items to be donated:
Bird seed
Craft supplies
Old Rubbermaid Tubs
Garden utensils
Child sized t-shirts
Fishing gear in like-new condition
If you can help please call me at 734-475-3170
Thanks So Much!
Katie McGlashen, Park Interpreter
Waterloo Natural History Association Programs
April through June 2013
Advance Registration Required, Call 734-475-3170
Saturday April 6, 8 to 9 p.m.
Join us this evening for a lively presentation featuring frogs, salamanders and
quivering masses of eggs from local
ponds. Find out how you can recognize
frogs by their calls. The program will
conclude with a walk to a nearby pond
to see and hear the frogs singing in the
night. Bring a flashlight and dress for
the weather.
Sunday April 14, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
April wildflowers are turning the drab
spring woodlands into a colorful tapestry. Naturalist Tom Hodgson will share
images of these beautiful spring blossoms
and those that will follow as the year progresses. He will also share information on
the best local spots for wildflower viewing.
Saturday Apr 20 & 27, 10 am to Noon
Here is your chance to learn the basics of
sketching so that you can record exciting
nature observations as you walk woods
and fields. We will begin indoors
where we will focus on developing
drawing techniques and observational
skills under the direction of Artemis
Eyster, and then head outside to practice
those skills. Cost: $2 plus materials fee.
Limited to 10 participants
Sunday April 21, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Sunday April 28, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday May 11, 1:30 to 3:00p.m.
Naturalist Tom Hodgson will introduce
you to many fascinating and littleknown creatures – from delicate damselflies to ferocious diving beetles. You
will also learn how to find these creatures yourself and to make your own
The popular animal rescuer and magician, Mark Rosenthal, will entertain,
educate and astound you with his combination of live animals and magic. As
you observe a variety of animals that he
cares for in his sanctuary, you will learn
how they survive in their exotic native
areas around the world
Come for a walk with wild edibles expert
Tom Jameson and discover what Mother
Nature has to offer. Tom will share some
of his recipes and his gourmet cooking
after the hike.
Program limited to 35
For more Programs
Turn the Page
Waterloo Natural History Association Programs
April through June 2013 Cont’d
Advance Registration Required, Call 734-475-3170
Sunday May 19, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
The Howell Nature Center will bring
several nocturnal birds and mammals so
that you can meet the creatures that only
come out at night. Find out about these
animals’ habits and their adaptations for
living in the dark.
Sunday June 2, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Learn about ancient Michigan by looking
at a rock. Geologist Larry Bean will
show you how to “read” the stories in
rocks and help you identify specimens at
a local quarry. We will meet at the Discovery Center and drive to the quarry to
do some collecting.
Sunday June 9, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Naturalist Tom Hodgson will introduce
you to Michigan’s turtles with several
live specimens for you to observe. Learn
about turtle biology and life cycles as
well as what to do when turtles are encountered in the wild.
MAY 4TH 10:00 – 4:00
Explore the Magic of Nature
Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Rd. Chelsea
WORKSHOPS: Faerie Houses and Gnome Homes (20 people each session)
10:00-12:00 Discover the realm of the wee folk as you hike through field and forest. Observe nature, create a story
and then use your imagination to construct a home made from natural materials provided.
DISCOVERY WALKS: (30 people each session)
HAPPENINGS (throughout the day)
10:00 Gardens of Lilliput: Miniature worlds are
revealed as you envision habitat through
the eyes of the wee folk.
11:00 Wildflowers: A Close-up Encounter: Magnifying Glasses will reveal the beauty of flowers.
12:00 Gnomes Underworld: Discoveries await you as
you view nature from below.
1:00 Rainbow Chips: Discover oranges, yellows and
blues hidden among the greens of spring!
2:00 Wildflowers: a close-up Encounter (repeat)
3:00 Gnomes Underworld: (repeat)
Scavenger Hunt: look for items faeries or gnomes
would use in their homes. (self-guided)
Boat Race: build a boat out of bark, seed pods or
other natural material and test it out!
Faerie Garden Homes: vote for your favorite!
The Garden Mill is sponsoring a contest and
you can view the entries.
Call the Discovery Center to reserve your spot.
Spring Break Workshops, Sponsored By DNR
NATURE DETECTIVES. Tuesday, April 2. 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.
10 a.m.
1st - 3rd Grade: Animal Tracking. Participants practice gathering and examining clues to solve
animal mysteries. Make your own track to take home.
4th – 6th Grade: No Bones About It. Bones can tell us a lot about what animals eat. Look at skulls,
dissect an owl pellet and find out what clues scientist gather from animal bones.
12:30 p.m.
1st - 3rd Grade: No Bones About It. Bones can tell us a lot about what animals eat. Look at skulls,
dissect an owl pellet and find out what clues scientist gather from animal bones.
4th – 6th Grade: Animal Tracking. Participants practice gathering and examining clues to solve
animal mysteries. Make your own track to take home.
Advanced Registration Required, (734)475-3170 . Cost: $3 per child per session. Adult must accompany child. Lunch area available for those participating in morning and afternoon sessions.
EXPLORATION DAY. Wednesday, April 3, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.
10:00 a.m
1st - 3rd Grade: Geocaching and Orienteering. Practice the basics of using a GPS unit and reading a compass, then try it on the trail.
4th – 6th Grade: Habitat Explorations. Pond critters and backyard animals are the main attraction today.
12:30 p.m.
1st - 3rd Grade: Habitat Explorations. Pond critters and backyard animals are the main attraction today.
4th – 6th Grade: Geocaching and Orienteering. Practice the basics of using a GPS unit and reading a compass, then try it on the trail.
Advanced Registration Required, (734)475-3170. Cost: $3 per child per session. Adult must accompany
child. Lunch area available for those participating in morning and afternoon sessions.
PLANT MAGIC. Thursday, April 4, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
1st - 3rd Grade: Plants as Food. Kids and food go well together. Learn about what plant parts we eat,
and start your own garden to take home.
4th – 6th Grade: Pollinators. Learn about special relationships between plants and animals.
12:30 p.m.
1st - 3rd Grade: Pollinators. Learn about special relationships between plants and animals.
4th – 6th Grade: Plants as Food. Kids and food go well together. Learn about what plant parts we eat,
and start your own garden to take home.
Advanced Registration Required, (734)475-3170 Cost: $3 per child per session. Adult must accompany
child. Lunch area available for those participating in morning and afternoon sessions.
Free DNR Staff Conducted Programs - April - June 2013
Saturday April 6, 10 to 11a.m.
Turkey calling champion John Miller
will deliver a one hour workshop on
effective calls just in time for the
Spring Turkey season. John will cover
various clucking, purring, and yelping
techniques to assist you with a successful Spring hunt.
In honor of Arbor Day, kids can compete in a role play game as different types of
forest workers. Prizes for participation and winners. All kinds of people work in
the forest, from forest managers to loggers, scientists to naturalists. Everyone depends on properly managed forests for recreation, essential products, and a
healthy environment. Learn to keep your forest healthy and protected, but watch
out for unexpected natural disasters and invading insects. Age 7 and up. Come
dressed in your best flannel. Cost: Free. Contact: Katie McGlashen (734)475-3170.
Saturday, April 27, 2 to 4 p.m.
Saturday, May 11, 9 a.m.
Celebrate International Migratory Bird
Day with a hike at the Discovery Center. A light breakfast of fruit, bagels
and coffee will be served before we
head out on the trail. Bring your favorite mug. Cost: Free
Waterloo Recreation Area Portage Lake Unit, 10300 Seymour Rd., Grass Lake,
MI 49240. Learn to fish, try out archery, enjoy a tomahawk throwing demonstration and live critters. The Coast Guard Auxiliary and Jackson Area Bass
Busters will be on hand to help with safe summer fun. Public fishing peer is
available. No fishing license required.
Saturday, June 8, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
Gerald Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Rd., Chelsea, MI 48118.
Open Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm and Sundays, 12 pm to 5 pm
A Recreation Passport is required for entry in the Waterloo Recreation Area
Yellow Door Event a Huge Success!!!
Over $3,700 Raised for the Board Walk Project
Photos by Dawn Elandt
Great food, great friends,
great fun, for a great cause.
Many thanks to Yellow Door and the
Chelsea Alehouse Brewery
for making this event possible.
DNR staff and WNHA board members
gather to say thanks to all who contributed to the board walk project.
We would like to thank the following donors
who also gave generously to the board walk project.
Dave Beck & Angela Johnson
Tom & Sharon Hodgson
Bill & Charity Steere
Jane & Dan Hayes
American Legion Post 31, Chelsea
Jeff Holden & Sandra Noll
Klaus & Debarah Wolter
John and Kathleen Lixey
Tom and Sandra Jameson
David and Susan Horvath
Guerin Wilkinson & Mary Waldron
Lorin Kummer
Kathy and Lathe Claflin
Robert and Sally Devol
Edward Rutheford & May Lynn Stevens
Rita & Morton Dunlop
John and Anne Mann
Burnadette Malinoski
Jane Levy
Total Funds Raised to Date
The Maple Sugar Festival
Photos by Dawn Elandt
Above ,Carol Strahler teaches the history of syruping.
Below Gregg Burg explains the evaporator.
Above Cheryl Greany and John Strahler sell maple
products. Below the evaporator bubbles away.
March 9 and 10 nearly 400 participated in WHNA’s
maple sugar festival. The event included a number
of sweet activities. Guided trips to the sugar bush
emphasized sap collecting methods both past and
present with special attention to do it yourself syrup
This year over 100 people took advantage of a companion event hosted by American Legion Post 31 at
their building on nearby Cavanaugh Lake. Pancakes,
syrup and all that goes with them were served, and a
great time was had by all.
Programs about the history of maple syrup making
were presented in the Discovery Center’s small
classroom. The film “ The Maple Sugar Farmer”
was shown continuously throughout the festival.
Visitors left the event with a thorough understanding of the process of maple syrup making and valuable how-to information for those who might like to
make some at home.
Legion members were pleased with the response to
this first-time event and plan to do it again next year.
WNHA usually hosts the Maple Sugar Festival every
other year, but this may change as the program
evolves into more of a community-wide event.
How Sweet it Was!!!
The Discovery Center Gift Shop
The One Stop Nature Shop
Nature-Related Gifts for the Whole Family - Limited Supply - Don’t Miss Out!!
Over 300 nature-related book titles.
Nature related jewelry.
Nature Knick Knacks
Affordable binoculars, butterfly/fish nets, bug boxes
Interactive toys and activity kits for kids.
Rocks, minerals, and break-your-own geodes
Squeeze and sing cuddly animals
Note cards, post cards, bluebird nest box kits.
Waterloo Natural History Association
17030 Bush Rd.
Chelsea, MI 48118
Official Newsletter of the Waterloo
Natural History Association
To View this Newsletter In Color Go To www.wnha.org
The Waterloo Natural History Association gratefully acknowledges the support of the following
new members and those who have recently renewed their memberships:
Roger Wykes
Wayne Abbott
Jack Dunn
Ruth Vail
David Fleming
Ann Fulmer
Diane Good
Carey Jones Meg Gower
Jennifer E. Puntenney
John & Lisa Adams
Sharon & Kris Kegerreis
Robert Ayotte
Nancy Connell David Foster
Alexandra Moore
Wolf Family
Bob & Linda Allen
Campbell Family
Lon Nordeen Carol Westfall
John & Kathy Gourlay
Gary & Nancy Siegrist
Henry & Patsy Schmidt
Larry Stalker
Bill & Charity Steere
Donna Clark
Dawn & Matt Elandt
Bob & Emilie Polens
Connie & Mark Winters
Larry, Cathy & Jasper Bean
Kathy Mahoney
Aaron Wilson-Ahlstrom
Diana Newman
Barbara & Don Webb
Al Barber
Larry & Cecilia Robinson
Robert Clayton
Don Enderby
John E. Gannon
Wayne Uckele
Valerie B.Carey
Charley & Barbara Fredette
Smilka & Dan Zdravakovska-Burns
Melvin Conley
Catherine Jones
Audrey Kowalk
Larry & Sarah Nooden
Ron & Mary Warren
Elizabeth Kinney
Deborah Oakley
Susan Morse
Ann & Michael Feeney
Olga M. Steiner
Dayle and Steve Wright
Jane & Gerald Levy
Gregg & Laurie Burg
Peter & Grace Duren
Stephanie Doll
Barbara Lixey
John & Gloria Mitchell
Karen Reid
John& Carol Strahler
Faith & Ralph Krug
Kathy & Lathe Claflin
Nancy Edminster
Irene & Tim Eiseman
Tim & Diann Murphy
Elizabeth Sensoli
Jean Vargas
Peter & Judy Gray
The Fisher Family
Howdy Holmes, Chelsea
Milling Co.
Midwest Mineralogical &
Lapidary Society