Erasmus+ Programme
Erasmus+ Programme
Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Mobility fo r learners and staffHigher Education Stude nt a nd Staff Mobility Inter-i nstitutiona l a g reement 2014-2021 between prog ramme countries The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasm us+ prog ram me. They commit to respect the quality re quirements of t he Erasmus Charter for Higher Edu cation in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by t he partn er institution. A. Information about higher educat ion institutions UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI (E TARRAGOOl) School of Engineering Era smus Institut ional Coordinator: I nterna t ional Center Marina Casa/s - Head of International Center Av. Pa'lsos Catalans 17-19, 43007 Tarragona (Spain) Phone: +34 97 7 558 46 1 Fax: + 34 977 201 864 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Departmental Coordinator: Angel Cid Pastor Av/ Pa'lsos Catalans, 26 - 43007 - Tarragona Phone: +34 977 558 523 Fax: +34 977 559 605 t 1 BRNO U NIVE RSITY OF TEC HNOLOGY of Electri cal E CZ BRNOOl Erasmus Inst itut ion a l Coordinator: Mobility Progra m m es Department Be. Tomas Lady An t onfnska 1, 60 1 90 Brno, Czech Republic Phone: + 420 5 411 4 5 145, Fax: + 420 5 4114 5115 E-ma il: lady@ro .v Faculty Contact Person: Jarmila Poncova FEEC BUT, Resea rch and Foreign Department, Technicka 10,6 16 00 Brn o, Czech Republic Phone : + 420 5 411 4 6328, Fax : +4 20 5 4114 6353 E-ma il: poncova @feec. Departmental Coordin ator: doc. Ing. Jaromfr Hubalek, Ph.D. FEEC BUT, Depa rtment of Microelectronics Techn icka 10,61 6 00 Brno, Czech Repub lic Phone: + 420 5 4114 6 195, Fax: +420 5 4 114 6298 E-m ail: hubale .v ut 2 B. Mobility numbers per academic year The partners commit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no later than the end of January in the preceding academic year.] E TARRAG001 CZ BRN001 523 Electronics and automation 1st 3rd 2 X 6 m onths [= 12 total] Only by individual agreement CZ BRN 001 E TARRAG001 523 Electronics and automation 1st 3rd 2 X 6 months [= 12 total] Only by individual agreement E TARRAG001 CZ BRN001 523 Electronics and automation 1[5] CZ BRN001 E TARRAG001 523 Electronics and automation 1[5 ] 3 C. Recommended language skills The sending institution, following agreement w ith the receiving institution, is respo nsible fo r providing support to its nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended language skills at the start of the study or teaching period: Reco~mended language of mstruction level 1 Receiving institution [Erasmus code] Optional: Subject area Language of instruction 1 E TARRAGOOl Ca talan/ Spanish CZ 8RN001 English Language of instruction 2 English Student Mobility for Studies Staff Mobility for Teaching [Minimum recommended level: 81] [Minimum recommended level: 82] Recommended : 81 : Catalan or Spanish or En glish 81 Recommended 82 : Catalan or Spanish or English or French 82 For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution : E TARRAGOOl : Course Cata logue : http://www nternationaljmovilidad/en_tramites.htm l#subjects D. Additional requirements E TARRAGOOl : Internationa l we b page: http://www. .html Excha nge stud e nt s guide: http://www ationaljmedia/upload/arxius/Mobility/Students%20mobility%20guid e%20%28compilada%29 . pd f Guide for di sabled students: htt p:// www. urv .cat/at encio_d iscapacitat/e n_ i ndex. ht ml CZ BRNOO l Additional requirements fo r incoming stu dents: basic know ledge of technical university physics, mathematics and theoretical electrical eng ineering - minimal grade 6/ 10 . 1 For an easier and consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended, see http: //europass .cedefop.europa .eu/en/resources/europeanlanguage-levels-cefr 4 E. Calendar 1. Applications/information on nominated students must reach the receivi ng institution by: Receiving institution Autumn term* Spring term* [Erasmus code] [month ] [month] Nomi nation: from 15th March to 15th May Application: 15th June Nomi nation : from 1st March to 14th October Applicati on: 15th November E TARRAG001 CZ BRN001 App lication Deadlines ( by students) Autumn semester/Full academ ic year: 31th May Appli cation Deadli nes ( by students) Spring semester : 15th November [* to be adapted in case of a trimester system] 2. The receiving institution will send its decision within 6 weeks. 3. A Tra nscript of Records will be issued by the receiving institut ion no later than 5 weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEI. [It should normally not exceed five weeks according to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education guidelines] 4. Termination of the agreement A notice of at least one academic year should be given. This means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 1 Septem ber 20XX will only take effect as of 1 September 20XX+1. The termination clauses must include the following disclaimer: "Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict. F. Information 1. Grading systems of the institutions URV Grading System MH (Matrfcula d"Honor) (9-10)/10 Distinction EX (Excel ·lent) (9-10)/10 Excellent NT (Notable) (7-8.9)/10 Good AP (Aprovat) (5-6.9)/10 Pass SU (Suspens) (0-4.9)/10 Fail NP (No Presentat) Absent 5 BUT Grading System A (90-100)/100 Excellent B (80-89)/100 Very good c (70-79)/100 Good D (60-69)/100 Satisfactory E (50-59)/100 Sufficient F (0-49)/100 failed 2. Visa The sending and rece1v1ng institutions will provide assistance, w hen req uired, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education . Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: Institution Contact details [Erasmus code] (email, phone) E TARRAG001 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +34 977 25 6569 CZ BRNOOl Website for information Visas and immigration procedures: http ://www. urv .cat/international/vivirurv/en_visados-tramites-extranjeria.htm l https://www. vut br .cz/en/stud ies/studyabroad/information-for-incomi ng-students 3. Insurance The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, accord ing to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. The receiv ing institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assista nce can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: 6 Institution I. Website for information (email, phone) [Erasmus code) • E TARRAGOOl : Contact details ...h • _._ ' •• ..... ·.·.-·.._.... . E- mail: [email protected] Tel. +34 977 25 6569 CZ BRNOOl . .......... ~ ~ Health information: http://www. urv .cat/internationaljvivir urv/en Jnformaclon- sanitaria.html https://www. vutbr .cz/en/studies/studyabroad/information-for -incoming-students 4. Housing The receiving institution wil l guide incoming m obile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirem ents of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the fol lowing persons and Information sources: Institution Contact details [Erasmus code] (email, phone) E TARRAGOOl E-mail : [email protected] Tel. +34 977 25 6569 Website for information Accommodation at the URV: http:I Jwww. urv .catjinternational/vivirurv/en_ alojam iento.htm l E- mail: CZ BRN001 G. ub~tovatel k~@skm .v Tel. +420 54 1 142 9303 SIGNATURES OF THE INSTITUTIONS (lega l representatives) . ' Institution Name, function [Erasmus code] E TARRAG001 Sig~ature 2 Date '• Ora. Ann a Ardevol Grau Vice- Rector for International Relations pro f. Ing. Karel Rais, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c. CZ BRN001 2 http://www. kam .vutbr .cz/english/ Rector 23 .W.J.s l~ - 1 ~ - . . ,fJ'1~iJ1~ ~ IA I - ( .. , , _ Vt:\ ,u I I I 'Uf h ~? /:~, Scanned signatures are accepted 7 Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Mobility for lea rn ers and staffHigher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter- institutional a g ree ment 2014-2021 between programme countries The institut ions named below agree t o cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in th e context of the Erasmus+ program m e. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter fo r Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the m obil it y, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partn er institution. A. Information about higher educat ion institutions UNIVERSITAT ROVI RA I VIRGILI (E TARRAG001) School of Eng ineering Erasmus Institut iona l Coordinator: International Center Marina Casa/s - Head of Internat ional Center Av . Pa"isos Catal ans 17- 19, 43007 Tarragona (Spain) Phone: + 34 977 558 4 6 1 Fax: + 34 977 20 1 864 E-m ail: [email protected]; [email protected] Departmental Coordinator: David Girbau Sa/a Av/ Pa"isos Catal ans, 26 - 43007 - Tarragona Phone: + 34 977 558 668 Fax: + 34 977 559 605 E-m ail: coord [email protected] Exchange Students: http://www. urv .cat/i nternationaljen_index. html Course Catalogue: http://www. urv .cat/i nternat iona l/movilidad/en_tramites. htm I#subjects Facu e : htt 1 BRN O UNIVE RSITY OF TEC HNOLOGY Faculty of Electri cal Enginee ring and Communication CZ BRNOO l Erasm us Instit utional Coordinator: Mobility Program mes Department Be. Tomas Lady Antonfnska 1, 601 90 Brno, Czech Repub lic Phone: +420 5 4 114 5 14 5, Fax: + 420 5 4114 5115 E-mail: [email protected] t Fa culty Contact Pe rson: Jarmila Poncova FEEC BUT, Resea rch and Foreign Department, Technicka 10,616 00 Brno, Czech Rep ublic Phone: + 420 5 41 14 63 28, Fax: + 420 5 4114 6353 E-mail: poncova @feec. Departmental Coord inator: doc. Ing. Jaromfr Hubalek, Ph.D. FEEC BUT, Departm ent of Microelectron ics Technicka 10,61 6 00 Brno, Czech Republic Phone: + 420 5 4 114 619 5, Fax: + 420 5 41 14 6298 E-mail: hubale feec. vutb en llp/index.php.en 2 B. Mobility numbers per academic year The partners commit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no later than the end of January in the preceding academic year.] E TARRAG001 CZ BRN001 52 Eng ineering and engineering trades 1st 2 X 6 month s [= 12 tota l] Only by individual agreement CZ BRN001 E TARRAG001 52 Engineering and engineering trades 1st 2 X 6 months [ = 12 total] Only by individual ag reement E TARRAG001 CZ BRN001 CZ BRN001 E TARRAG001 52 Engineering and engineeri ng trades 1[5] 52 Engineering and engineering trades 1[5] 3 C. Recomme nded la nguage skills The sending institution, following agreement with the rece 1v1ng institution, is responsible for providing support to its nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended language skills at the start of the study or teaching period: Reco~mended language of mstruction level 1 Receiving institution [Erasmus code] Optional: Subject area Language of instruction 1 E TARRAGOOl Catalan/ Spanish CZ BRNOOl English Language of instruction 2 English Student Mobility for Studies Staff Mobility for Teaching [Minimum recommended level: 81] [Minimum recommended level: 82] Recom mended: Bl: Catalan or Spanish or English Bl Recommended B2 : Catala n or Spanish or English or Frenc h B2 For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see t he course catalogue of each institution: E TARRAGOOl : Course Catalogue : http ://www. international/ movi lidad/en_tramites.html#subjects D. Additional requirements E TARRAGOO l: Inte rnati ona l web pa g e: http://www. internat ional/en_index .html Excha nge stud e nts gu id e : onal/med ia/ uploa d/ arx ius/Mob ilit y/Students%20mobility%20gu id e%20%28compil ada%29. pdf Guid e fo r disabled students: http://www. urv .cat/a t encio_ discapacitat/en_ i ndex. html CZ BRNOOl Additiona l require ments for in com ing st udents: basic knowledge of technical university physics, mathematics and theoretical electrical engineering - minimal grade 6/10. 1 For an easier and consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended, see http://eu rop ass / resources/ europeanlanguage-levels-cefr 4 E. Calendar 1. Applications/information on nominated students must reach t he receiving institution by: Receiving institution Autumn term* Spring term* [Erasmus code] [month ] [month] Nomination: from 15th March to 15th May App lication : 15th June Nomination: from 1st March to 14th Oct ober Application: 15th November E TARRAG001 CZ BRN001 Appli cation Deadlines (by students) Autumn semester/Fu ll academ ic year : 31th May Application Deadlin es (by students) Sp ring semester: 15th November [ * to be adapted in case of a trimester system] 2. The receiving institution will send its decision w ith in 6 w eeks. 3. A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than 5 weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEI. [It should normally not exceed five weeks according to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education guidelines] 4. Termination of the agreement A notice of at least one academic yea r should be given. This means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 1 September 20XX will only take effect as of 1 September 20XX + 1. The termination clauses must include the following disclaimer: "Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict. F. Information 1. Grading syst ems of the institutions URV Grad ing System MH (Matrfcula d" Honor) (9-10)/10 Distinction EX (Excel·lent) (9-10)/10 Excellent NT (Notable) (7-8.9)/10 Good AP (Aprovat) (5-6 .9)/10 Pass SU (Suspens) (0-4 .9)/10 Fail NP (No Presentat) Absent 5 BUT Grading System A (90-100)/100 Excellent B (80-89)/100 Very good c ( 70-79)/100 Good D (60-69)/100 Satisfactory E (50-59)/100 Sufficient F (0-49)/100 failed 2 . V isa The sending and rece1v1ng institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, accord ing to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education . Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact poi nts an d information sources: Institution Contact details [Erasmus code] (email, phone) E TARRAG001 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. + 34 977 25 6569 CZ BRN001 Website for information Visas and immigration procedures: http://www .urv .cat/international/vivirurv/en_visados-tramites-extranjeria .html https://www. v ut br. cz/en/studies/studyabroad/information-for-incoming-students 3. Insurance The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requ irements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Th e receiv ing institution will inform mobile participants of cases in whi ch insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: 6 Institution I. Website for information (email, phone) [Erasmus code) • E TARRAGOOl : Contact details ...h • _._ ' •• ..... ·.·.-·.._.... . E- mail: [email protected] Tel. +34 977 25 6569 CZ BRNOOl . .......... ~ ~ Health information: http://www. urv .cat/internationaljvivir urv/en Jnformaclon- sanitaria.html https://www. vutbr .cz/en/studies/studyabroad/information-for -incoming-students 4. Housing The receiving institution wil l guide incoming m obile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirem ents of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the fol lowing persons and Information sources: Institution Contact details [Erasmus code] (email, phone) E TARRAGOOl E-mail : [email protected] Tel. +34 977 25 6569 Website for information Accommodation at the URV: http:I Jwww. urv .catjinternational/vivirurv/en_ alojam iento.htm l E- mail: CZ BRN001 G. ub~tovatel k~@skm .v Tel. +420 54 1 142 9303 SIGNATURES OF THE INSTITUTIONS (lega l representatives) . ' Institution Name, function [Erasmus code] E TARRAG001 Sig~ature 2 Date '• Ora. Ann a Ardevol Grau Vice- Rector for International Relations pro f. Ing. Karel Rais, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c. CZ BRN001 2 http://www. kam .vutbr .cz/english/ Rector 23 .W.J.s l~ - 1 ~ - . . ,fJ'1~iJ1~ ~ IA I - ( .. , , _ Vt:\ ,u I I I 'Uf h ~? /:~, Scanned signatures are accepted 7
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