Issue 3~ June 2000 - Greater Nanticoke Area School District


Issue 3~ June 2000 - Greater Nanticoke Area School District
Issue #2 May 2016
Greater Nanticoke Area School District Nanticoke, PA 18634
GNA Elementary Center
601 Kosciuszko Street
Mrs. Sharon Baddick
Dr. Ronald Grevera
Greetings from the Office of the Principal~
This has been an exciting and innovative
year at GNA Elementary Center. The faculty
and support staff worked tirelessly to
enhance each student’s learning experience
through rigorous academics and studentcentered programming. In my short time at
GNA, I have come to recognize and deeply
appreciate the strong work ethic and
commitment to learning demonstrated by
our staff and students.
As most of us know, not only does “April
showers bring May flowers,” it also brings a
“down-pouring” of activities to our school.
Spring is one of the busiest and exciting
times of our school year! There are many
wonderful events planned for the coming
weeks, including field trips, programs,
Spring Carnival, and field days (please refer
to our calendar for a list of the upcoming
events and corresponding dates).
As we rapidly head toward summer, we
need your help keeping our little ones
focused on learning. Please make every
effort to send your child to school each day.
Also, talk to your child about school. Ask
questions and celebrate their work. If you
remain positive and excited about learning,
I look forward to experiencing a memorable
conclusion to a very successful school year
~Mrs. Sharon Baddick
Kennedy Elementary School
513 Kosciuszko Street
Mr. John Gorham
K-L Flier Staff
Editor------------------------ Theresa Jacopetti
Web Design-------------------Jim Verazin (JD)
Copies & Distribution---Donna Meck, Chris
Matthews & Debbie Munson
Savannah Atkins, Sabahudin Bilinovic,
Lynica John, Sophie Lukowski, Helena
Miller, Alexandra O’Connor, Sunni Rae
Popovich, Grace Reed, Alexis Schultz
Guest Reporter
MacKenzie Stratton
Hello from Ms. Perhacs!
The Victim's Resource Center came in this
year and presented to third grade on
Bullying and Friendships, and to 4th and 5th
grade on a book called Weird, which deals
with bullying. Second grade had
presentations on Safety and Bullying. Kelly
Gibbons, our presenter, did a fantastic job!!!
Our Schoolwide Positive Behavior Program
continues to help students to make good
choices and we have had some exciting
events this school year. Our program was
evaluated by the PA Department of
Education and we scored a 95%. We will be
recognized at the Positive Behavior
Implementers Forum in May. The PBS
Family Passport was a success and
we thank all of our families that
participated. A huge thank you to Subway
as they donated certificates to recognize
students for positive behavior and get a free
6 inch sub!!! We hope all students continue
to be safe, caring, and responsible through
the rest of the school year.
Thank you to all students who participated in
the Kindness Tree! We encourage you to
practice kind choices throughout the year.
Happy Spring!
Traveling Science Program from the
Franklin Institute Comes to GNA
Mackenzie Stratton, Guest Reporter
Hot and Cold
On March 22 , 2016 the Gifted Program got
to experience “The Traveling Science
Program” presented by The Franklin
Institute. We discussed solids (which is
where atoms get close together), liquids
(where they are somewhat further apart),
and gas (where atoms spread as far as they
can). This caught everybody’s attention.
Mr. Joe (the male who taught this) used
liquid nitrogen, which is -320 F, as his main
substance. He wanted us to be able to take
the liquid nitrogen home (jokingly) so he put
it in a corked bottle. It started to boil then
the cork flew all the way across the room.
He talked about how it’s boiling because it’s
not used to room temperature because it’s
so cold naturally. We also learned that if
you warm something up it expands and if
you freeze it then it shrinks. He showed us
if you mix hot water, and I mean boiling hot
water, with liquid nitrogen it makes a moist
cloud. That was the end of “The Traveling
Science Program.”
Bulletin Boards
Not only do our bulletin boards look great
but they demonstrate our Webb’s Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)! We challenge you to be
and “CONNECT TO OUR TEXT” as you dig
deeper to find evidence of…
Level One (Recall)
define, draw, identify, list, label, illustrate,
measure, report, quote, match, name, use,
state, tell, arrange
Level Two (Skill/Concept)
graph, compare, relate, infer, display,
organize, construct, predict, interpret,
summarize, show
Level Three (Strategic Thinking)
develop, use concepts, explain, draw
conclusions, cite evidence, revise, critique,
formulate, construct, compare
Level Four (Extended Thinking)
design, connect, synthesize, apply concepts,
critique, analyze, create, prove
Mrs. Letteer Room 1
Amaih Ceruti wrote “I Am a Groundhog.”
I am cool. I have a brother and sister. I can
have fun. I cannot eat food I do not like. I
live in the ground. I worry about my friends.
Mrs. Fletcher Room 2
Ashley Mena wrote “If I Were A Snowman.”
Ashley, the snowman, wears a pink leather
jacket. She wears a rainbow shirt. She
wears a purple skirt. She has a hat with
Ashley Mena also created a Solar System
Poster. First, she drew the sun. Next, she
drew the planets in the order that they are
from the sun: Mercury, Venus (named after
the Roman God of Beauty), Earth, Mars,
Jupiter (the biggest planet with 33 moons),
Saturn (rings around it made out of ice and
rocks), Uranus, and Neptune.
Ms. Dembowski Room 3
Ella Steller wrote “Waddle into Winter Fun.”
In the winter I enjoy playing in the snow
because it is cold.
Mrs. Souder Room 4
Ayden Brlzusky wrote a acrostic poem about
W: Winter
I: Ice
N: Night
T: Tea
E: Eat
R: Rock Ice
Chris Julian wrote a little something for Dr.
Seuss Read Across America. If the “Cat in
the Hat” brought Thing 1 and Thing 2 to my
house, I would tell them to clean up and
leave! When my mom came home, I would
keep it a secret.
Ms. Ginocchietti Room 5
Julie Park wrote “Winter Time.”
In the winter, I like to go outside and play in
the snow. I like to go inside to have hot
cocoa with my family and hang out too. I
love my family.
Mrs. Cooney Room 6
Madison Grey wrote “Lost.”
Can you find which snowman is mine?
1. His scarf is blue.
2. His hat is pink.
3. His ribbon is green and red.
4. His buttons are red.
5. His face has black eyes.
Mrs. Cunningham Room 9
Please refer to the Positive Behavior Bulletin
Board Contest article.
Mr. Kozlofski Room 100
Isabella Gronka wrote “Why the Holiday is
Let me tell you three things that make the
holidays special for me. One thing is getting
to spend time with my family on Christmas.
Another thing is trading presents with my
family. The final thing is I like guessing may
presents before I open them. I hope you
enjoyed my three things that make the
holidays special for me!
Mrs. View Room 102
“Vote for Our Class Star Student” was the
theme for this bulletin board. Olivia Monska
wanted her classmates to vote for her. She
said vote for me and you will see what a star
I can be!
Mrs. Pierontoni Room 104
“Vote for Our Class Star Student” was the
theme for this bulletin board. Olivia Seery
wrote I am a hard worker!
Mrs. Stelma Room 105
Students reported on Animal Research.
Eric Robles reported….
Animal Name: Lions
Classification of Animal: Vertebrate Mammal
My animal lives in Africa.
Some foods my animal eats include
antelopes, zebras and wildebeests.
My animal’s body is mostly covered in fur.
My animal breathes with lungs.
My animal’s young are born live.
Three interesting things about my animal
1. Lions are one of the largest cats in the
2. During one meal, lions can eat up to 40
pounds of meat.
3. Lions are easily recognized by their
Earth Day
Joseph Waichulis wrote what he can do to
help out planet!
E: Eating organic foods keeps pesticides out
of our environment.
A: Adjusting the thermostat in our house can
decrease the amount of gas we use.
R: Recycling prevents pollution of our planet
with garbage.
T: Taking shorter showers will conserve
H: Hanging clothes to dry helps conserve
power used by electric dryers.
Ms. Smith Room 106
The students used math to decorate their
Math Cupcakes. Ashley Perez wrote: If you
give a cat 5 cupcakes each with 9 sprinkles,
it will have 45 sprinkles. Her sprinkles were
shaped like hearts and stars.
Ms. Verazin Room 107
Dylan Perillo wrote “My Dream.” Dr. Martin
Luther King’s dream was for everyone to
respect each other. He wanted everyone to
have equal rights. Last, he wanted everyone
to be free. Dylan’s dream is to go to Mars
and Pluto. Five things he will do to make
others feel good are:
1. If someone gets hurt, I will make them
feel happy.
2. If someone does not have a friend to play
with I will play with them.
3. If someone needs help getting something,
I will help them.
4. I will make someone happy.
5. I will treat others the way I want to be
Ms. McCabe Room 109
The students learned about the Animal Life
Cycle. Baby bats are called “pups.” They are
born after 50-60 days in their mother’s body.
When the pup is born, the mother hangs
upright (that is upside down for them) and
catches and cradels the pup in a basket she
makes with her wings. Laisha Tenelema
wrote that bat wings are made of two thin
layers of skin stretched over the bat’s arm
and fingers. Bat pups are taken care of in a
nursery when their mother is hunting. They
hang from the ceiling of a cave. At night,
they get to sleep hanging onto their mother.
Pups use their teeth and claws to hold onto
their mother while she flies and roosts. The
pup will start to fly at 2-3 months of age.
Around the age of one year, the bat is an
Our Amazing Earth
Katie Krieger wrote this!
Main Idea: Earth has a very specific place in
the solar system.
1. Earth is the third planet from the sun.
2. Earth is located between Venus and
3. Earth is the only planet known to have the
perfect environment for plants and animals
to survive.
Main Idea: Earth formed billions of years
1. Scientists believe Earth formed when
clouds of gasses and dust pulled together by
2. As the clouds of dust spun around, small
particles began to stick together.
3. Slowly, Earth became denser and bigger
and it formed a planet.
Main Idea: Earth has four layers.
1. The inner core is at the center of the
2. Earth’s outer layer is 1,300 miles thick.
3. The largest layer is the mantle.
4. The crust is the thin layer on the outside
of the Earth.
Main Idea: Sometimes natural disasters
occur on Earth.
1. An earthquake occurs when two plates
press against each other.
2. A volcano erupts when magma and
gasses push up from deep inside the Earth.
3. Tsunamis are gigantic walls of water that
crash to land causing destruction.
Main Idea: There are many ways that we
can protect Earth and its resources for a
better future.
1. Recycle cans, bottles, and paper!
2. Keep the air clean by riding bikes or
3. Conserve water and energy by turning off
lights and faucets.
Laisha Tenelema also wrote this to
celebrate the 100 Day! When I am 100, it
will be in March 2106. I will live on Yellow
Street in Nanticoke, Virginia. When I am
100, I will not like if someone takes my cane
and calls me old lady.
Polygons with Personality
Jillian Owen named her polygon
Timid Triangle.
Once upon a time, there was a triangle with
many wonderful attributes. The triangle had
three sides and three corners. It also had
green arms, purple legs, pink hair and
purple pom-pom nose. It had circle eyes.
Like all polygons, this triangle was very busy
hiding from thunder, lightning, scary movies,
and the dark. On Halloween, he likes
holding up roofs in the daytime because in
the night he thinks ghosts come out. He
likes when people put their hands on their
hips. But this polygon was different from the
others because he was alive and scared of
other shapes because he was timid. The
other shapes were not timid like him. He
was different because he likes sleeping on
his bed.
Mrs. Williams Room 202
Samantha Snyder wrote “How to Build a
Snowman.” Before you go outside to build a
snowman, be sure that the snow is wet
enough. First, you make the largest part of
your snowman, the bottom. Then, you make
the medium part of your snowman, the
middle. Next, you make the smallest part of
the snowman, the head. Now you decorate!
First, you get a carrot and put it in your
snowman for the nose. Next, you get coal
for the eyes and mouth. Then, you put coal
for buttons. Dress your snowman with a hat
and scarf. Add sticks for arms. Then, you
are done!
Mrs. Biehl Room 203
Tropical Rainforest Poster
Isabel Henicheck
Tropical Rainforest Poster
5 layers of the tropical rain forest vegetation:
forest layer
shrub layer
under canopy layer
canopy layer
emergent layer
Butterflies have their skeletons on the
outside of their bodies. It's called an
Many plants found in the rainforest can be
used in medicine.
A chimpanzee community can be anywhere
from 15-120 chimps. The numbers are
dropping because of habitat destruction.
Most of the world's frog species are found in
the rainforest. Many Rain Forest Frogs have
pads of sticky hairs on their fingers and toes
that make them great climbers to escape
There are about 40 different kinds of
toucans. They can be from 7 inches to a
little over 2 feet in size.
Mrs. Wanchisen Room 204
Please refer to the Positive Behavior Bulletin
Board Contest article.
Ms. Price Room 206
Hailey Husted wrote this warning for the
Positive Behavior Bulletin Board Contest.
On the bus you must sit on the seat facing
forward. Another way to be safe is you must
keep your hands, feet and objects to
yourself. The last way you can be safe on
the bus is to place your bookbag on your
Mr. Jones Room 208
Our Social Studies State Project
Kaelyn Gregory researched Oregon and
made a poster. Scientists believe that
humans have inhabited the region of present
day Oregon for at least 15,000 years. It was
officially recognized in 1859. Today, Oregon
has a population of over 3 million people.
Portland, Salem and Eugene are the largest
cities. Salem is the capital. Their economy
depends on agriculture and high tech
industries and natural resource extraction.
Tourism is also a great part of the economy
with the coast being a major travel
destination. Oregon along with Washington
and sometimes Idaho are considered a part
of the Pacific Northwest. Oregon consists of
mountains, valleys, high elevation desert
plateaus, dense evergreen forests, with
redwood forests along the coast. Mount
Hood is the highest point and is part of the
volcanic Cascade Mountain Range. The
climate is mild with cool summers and cold
winters. The state flower is the Oregon
Grape. The state bird is the Western
Meadowlark. The state motto is "She flies
with her own wings."
Mr. Pientka Room 213
Super Bowl Persuasive Techniques
The students worked as a team in small
groups. Group C was Allie Brown, Jayla
Cortez, Ryan Wiaterowski, Isabella
Buchanan, and Caden Musick.
Used to make audiences laugh, but provides
little information about the product or
service. Group C thought that the Doritos
commercial was an example of humor
because a father gave his son Doritos and
later the son sends his father to space.
Emotional Appeals:
Make viewers feel certain emotions such as
excitement, sadness, or fear. Group C
thought that Cam Newton loves Pringles
was an example of an emotional appeal
because it makes viewers feel excited.
Uses the argument that a person should
believe or do something because everybody
else does. Group C said that “Everyone
loves Pringles so you should too!” is an
example of bandwagon.
Celebrity Spokesperson:
Uses a celebrity or famous person to
endorse a product. Group C thought Cam
Newton loves Pringles is an example of
celebrity spokesperson.
Products I Would Advertise & Why?
Group C stated Pringles because there are
many different flavors and they are enjoyed
by many different people.
Which Techniques would you use & Why?
Group C said humor because the majority of
people like things that are funny!
Persuasive Words & Phrases they learned
about included:
In my opinion…
I believe…
It is my belief that…
There is no doubt that…
For example…
In fact…
This results in…
In the same way…
I understand you…
Ms. Wilczynski Room 205
The class completed a “I Had a Dream”
puzzle. Students completed 20 addition and
subtraction problems with numbers having
decimals. Each correct answer
corresponded to a letter that in turn had an
associated color. Another page had a puzzle
with all the letters. Once the letters were
colored in they formed block letters that
solved the puzzle. Reading comprehension
was needed to understand the directions on
each of the pages.
Jamee Mazonis wrote about Earth Day!
The Earth was colored and three hearts
hanging from it like a mobile. One heart
stated: I promise that I will never smoke. I
won’t smoke because it makes the air dirty.
The second heart displayed the words I
promise that I will never litter. I won’t do this
because it harms the Earth. The third heart
read: I take care of the Earth by recycling
paper. I do this because we won’t waste
Mrs. Kowalski Room 207
Positive Behavior Bulletin Board Contest
3 B’s Box
Alexandra O’Connor wrote and illustrated
Evil vs Awesome Being Safe, Caring and
Responsible Saves the Day!!!
Extra! Extra! Read All about It!!
The Alexis Schultz Times
March 1, 2016
My exclusive story told here for the very first
I am 10 years old. I am in fifth grade. My
teacher is Mrs. Kowalski. The members of
my family are my sister, brother and parents.
Some of my friends are Avery H., Lacey G.,
and Jordan L. My favorite food is wings. My
favorite sport is basketball. My favorite TV
show is Pokemon XYZ. My favorite song is
“Hello” by Adele. My favorite school activity
is art. When I grow up, I want to be an artist.
The nickname I’d choose for myself is
Purple Lexi.
In July of 2010, I went to Acadia National
Park in Maine with my family. We hiked,
went for a horse-drawn carriage ride, and
played on the beach. The water was
freezing cold.
My hero is my Dad. He served in the Army
and he likes to ride dirt bikes. He can fix
My favorite movie is Star Wars, The Force
Awakens. The best book I ever read is
“Pokemon Ash’s Quest for Kanto to Kalos”
by Simcha Whitehall. The book is about a
ten-year old boy who travels around Kalos
with his partner Pikachu.
Mr. Matusek Room 211
Our State Park Posters
Aden Newell
Lake Guntersville State Park
Things to Do:
Play golf, adventure outside, go to the
museum and cultural center, camping,
along the banks of the Tennessee River in
northeast Alabama
Facts about the State Park Environment:
Alabama's largest lake, has a beach and an
outdoor nature center, has 36 miles of biking
and hiking trails, swimming in the Ferro
River (its source) or ride on floats or tubes in
the Ferro River, watch bald eagles soar up
in the sky, thanks to conservation efforts the
bald eagle population is increasing,
excellent fishing, 6000 acres of woodland
Ms. Ferro Room 212
Our Book Burgers
Book Report by Noah Divers
Title: Captain Underpants The Sixth Epic
Fiction by Dav Pilkey
Settings: a school, city, and tissue factory
Main Characters: George Bean and Harold
Plot: Melvin, George, and Harold’s enemy
invented a machine that can combine stuff.
Melvin combined himself with a robot and
boogers by accident. This made a bionic
booger boy.
Conclusion: After Melvin turned himself into
a robot booger boy his principal, Mr. Krupp
took the whole class to the tissue factory.
Melvin got scared then he got bigger.
Captain Underpants, a Super Hero, bet him
and won, then turned him back into a boy.
Favorite part: George and Harold changed
the “Please wash your hands after using the
toilet” sign to “Please wash your hands in
the toilet”.
Ms. Yefko Room 214
A Snowgirl Named Snowball
Karlene Zegarski wrote:
Hello! My name is Snowball and I am a
snowgirl! This year, I was built by the bride
of Frankenstein and Frankenstein in
Transilvania at their house. It has been very
cold this year.
This year, I was built on New Year’s Day. If
you visit Transilvania, maybe you will get to
meet me. This is what I look like. I have
three snowballs like any other snowgirl but I
am put together with stitches. For my face,
they used two buttons for my eyes, a mini
pyramid for my nose and some coal for my
mouth. On my neck I have bolts and on my
head is a black hat with pink polka dots. I
have gloves and a scarf to match!
Unfortunately, you will not get to see me
because I am melting! The reason why I am
melting is because my bolts shocked me
and now the heat from them is melting me.
Oh, I do not like melting because I don’t get
to see the Bride of Frankenstein and
Frankenstein be happy anymore! Wait!!! I
have a plan now that I am melted. I get to be
a ghost. That means I can haunt them
forever! Oh, I am so happy now! If you see a
snowgirl named Snowball, you’ll know it’s
Mr. Grant Room 216
Positive Behavior Bulletin Board Contest
Every Brick Matters
Grace Reed wrote this on her Lego Block:
Sharing playground equipment with others.
Some other great comments included:
Sit with people who are lonely at lunch.
Be considerate of others.
Say hello or good morning.
Walk nicely in the hallway.
Kindly wait your turn in line.
Help someone carry books.
Hold the door for others.
Treat school property like it is your own.
Help someone in need.
Be kind with words and actions.
Return lost items to the bus driver.
Say kind words to others.
Use inside voices during lunch.
Say excuse me, please and thank you.
Positive Behavior Bulletin Board Contest
A bulletin board contest was held between
classrooms in grades 2 – 5 to reinforce
Positive Behavior Support. Each classroom
was asked to incorporate being SAFE,
CARING, and RESPONSIBLE into their
bulletin boards using writing prompts,
drawings, poems, collages, etc. At the
conclusion of the contest one classroom
was selected as the winner from each
grade. The following are summaries of each
winning classroom:
2 Grade: Mrs. Cunningham’s class –
“Be Safe Be Caring Be Responsible We’ve
Got Positive Bee-Hive-ior in Room 9”
Dennise Summer’s beehive had “I know I
have positive behavior because I got a
Golden Ticket from Ms. O’Donnell. I was
being Safe, Caring, and responsible when I
pegged the door when Ms. O’Donnell was
not there. It was my first Golden Ticket.
Daddy was so proud of me.”
Other examples included:
I helped a friend to get to the nurse when we
were on the playground.
Use good table manners.
Walk in line.
Keep my hands and feet to myself.
Use one pump of soap and one paper towel.
Keep my hands off the walls and displays
because students work hard on them.
3 Grade: Mrs. Stelma’s class – “Working
together to be Safe, Caring, and
Sierra Vencloski wrote “To be caring on the
playground you should use kind words” and
she drew a picture of a sunny day on the
playground with one student asking “Can I
have the ball” and the other saying “Yes”
and passing the ball.
Other examples included:
GNA we’re here to stay. Be safe on the bus.
Be loud, have fun, but be careful at recess.
Play hopscotch together at recess.
Have fun, talk, and make friends.
teacher”, “Follow directions of Safety Patrol”,
and “Include others.”
4 Grade: Mrs. Wanchisen’s class –
“Behavior is a mirror in which you show your
Rhiya Moran circled “Safe” and
“Responsible” in the prewritten statement
“was caught being Safe Caring
Responsible when” which appeared after
her self portrait and wrote “on the bus by not
standing and being responsible by sitting in
my seat”. She also drew a Star Person that
had heart hands.
5 Grade: Ms. Ferro’s class – “Having
Good Character is Our Super Power 5
Grade Empower the Super Hero in You”.
The students were given papers with a
super hero’s body on it along with the hero’s
speech bubble, several Super Hero type
onomatopoeia (words which imitate natural
sounds) like Splat, Bang, Boom, and Splash
that are and a place to write their SUPER
Ariel Bebo received three Golden Tickets so
her entry was one the investigative reporters
selected from the class. There was a
picture of her head on the Super Hero’s
body and she added “Wait your turn” in the
provided speech buddle. In her SUPER
paragraph she wrote “As a top GNA Super
Hero you need the characteristics of being
safe, caring, and responsible. One way to
be safe is you can always do what you’re
told and always be good to everyone. That
would be safe. A way to be caring is you
can be very kind and help others in need.
The last is how to be responsible. For
example, following the rules and doing what
you’re told. Those are reasons to follow to
be a super hero and get lots of golden
Some of her classmate’s speech bubbles
had; “Do your homework every day”, “Give
your best effort”, “Listen when someone is
speaking”, “Speak kindly”, “Listen to your
Grade 3 Field Trip to Reptile Land
This year the 3 graders will be going to
Reptile Land for their field trip. Reptile Land
is full of fun and exciting new experiences
for children and adults. Reptile Land is
featuring a lot of cool exhibits. Now that you
know what Reptile Land is let’s look at what
they have to show us.
One of the three new exhibits Reptile
Land is featuring is an exhibit called
“Parakeet Landing”. This exhibit will be
featured from April 23 to October 31 . In
this exhibit you can surround yourself with
hundreds of birds in the new aviary, which is
a large enclosure for confining birds.
The next exhibit is called “Island Giants”
and it features giant turtles, Komodo
Dragons, and other big reptiles. Komodo
Dragons are the world’s largest lizards, but
they only live on a few tiny islands in
Indonesia. These endangered predators are
renowned for bold hunting techniques and
are capable of killing pigs, deer, and even
water buffalo! The turtles are Aldabra
Turtles, one of the largest turtle species. A
witness says when they eat it is so cute and
that they are to die for.
Thank you for reading this article and I
hope you got a lot out of it. I know for a fact
that the 3 graders will have a great time.
By: Grace Reed
Grade 4 Field Trip to the Lackawanna
Coal Mine
The Lackawanna Coal Mine is a
museum and retired coal mine in Scranton’s
McDade Park. Visitors board mine cars and
descend into the Clark Vein of coal. When
you reach the foot of the shaft, you will begin
an hour-long guided tour through the main
gangway and you’ll stop at various points
along the way to discuss different aspects of
the anthracite mining industry. You will then
leave the Clark Vein via a rock tunnel and
stop at the Dunmore #1 Vein.
Once in the Dunmore #1 Vein, you will
talk about transportation and mining in a
fault room. Next you will continue to the
Dunmore #2 Vein and start to discuss
working in small veins of coal, air doors and
their role in vent systems, door boys, which
are also know as nippers, second means of
exit from the mine, and company stores
which is a grocery store.
The tour will conclude where the miners
ended their final days within the mine in
November 1966. The field trips are May 2
and May 9 , 2016. The temperature in the
mine is 50 F. to 54, so it’s best to bring a
light sweater.
By: Helana Miller
Grade 5 Field Trip to the Philadelphia Zoo
This year our fifth graders will be
attending the Philadelphia Zoo for their field
trip. The zoo holds many cool and exciting
adventures, for example there are many
trails, shows, and animal cages.
Animals at the zoo are on the move like
never before. With the new animal
exploration trail experience called Zoo360, a
campus-wide network of see-through mesh
trails affords more opportunities for animals
to roam around and above Zoo grounds.
The Philadelphia Zoo’s 42-acre campus
is filled with a variety of animal exhibits.
Each exhibit is designed to provide you and
your family with an up close and personal
experience. See where you can get within
inches of a lion, face-to-face with a gorilla,
and nose-to-nose with giant river otters! In
addition to the great animal exhibits,
Philadelphia Zoo offers a variety of other
opportunities to make your visit memorable,
from riding the carousel to feeding lorikeets.
I am sure they will enjoy this experience!
By: Sophie Lukowski
Every May is Better Hearing and
Speech Month. During this month we take
the opportunity to raise awareness about
communication disorders, understanding
various forms of communication
impairments, and learn about the role of
audiologist and speech language
pathologist. This year, the American
Speech Language and Hearing Association
(ASHA) chose the theme “Communication
Takes Care.”
Speech-Language Pathologists and
Audiologists are concerned with the
prevention, identification, and treatment of
communication impairments. After earning
a master’s degree (consisting of required
coursework and practicum experiences),
passing a national examination, and serving
a yearlong clinical internship, these
professionals are eligible for certification, in
the form of the Certificate of Clinical
Competence (CCC), from ASHA.
During Better Hearing and Speech
Month we encourage everyone to log on to
ASHA’s website to learn about ways that
you can raise awareness in your own
community and school to promote better
hearing and speech. One way to celebrate
during this month would be to see an
audiologist if you believe that you made
have possible hearing loss. Hearing loss
affects almost 28 million Americans, but only
less than 7 million use a hearing aid.
JUNE 1, 2016