Taher Nutrition Information
Taher Nutrition Information
TAHER NUTRITION ANALYSIS UPDATED 9/2/13 !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'+), !"#$%&'-)./ 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 ?#@%$'0A3B@%7'C%D& .U/ `P_. .+P., >#S% >#S% >#S% *`U `P, /+PUa ??E'0A3B@%7'53FF# <N[ <N[ <N[ Ua_ U-PU_ .,P/+ >#S% >#S% >#S% ?%%G'7H'0A%%&%'EI%&#$311#'J/'%#BAK U`* /aPU+ .aP`* >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% ?%%G'5#66L'MN!"#OL'J.P*'2F'Q#66LR'/'2F'D"#OLK .U, _Pa* .`P*+ >#S% >#S% >#S% <N[ <N[ <N[ ?%%G'5#66L'MN!"#OL'J/'2F'Q#66LR'/'2F'D"#OLK <N[ <N[ <N[ <N[ <N[ <N[ .U, *Pa* ._P*+ ?%%G'>2G6':#B2'J/'%#BAK U*U /,P_* .-P/. >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% ?%%GL'<#BA2& _,. 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This institution is an equal opportunity provider. TAHER NUTRITION ANALYSIS UPDATED 9/2/13 !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'+), !"#$%&'-)./ 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 \3&A'5#66L'MN0A%%&%'27'W!'?I7 /-` U/P* ._P* >#S% >#S% >#S% U_` UU .a \"%7BA'?"%#$'53FF# U/* /*P,. .-P`U >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% !#"$%7'5#&6#'[1G"%$2 /-a U_Pa/ .+Pa* >#S% >#S% >#S% U-+ _+PU //PUU X6#13#7'C#&#D7#'J?%%G'C#&#D7#K /a+ /UP,/ .*P/- >#S% >#S% >#S% U+, U.Pa+ /`PU, T#B#"273'b'0A%%&%'J.N/'BIQK /_` /.P`/ .`P`a >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% T%#612#G /_* ,P_ .aP.U >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% T%Y3B#7'?#"'J:#B2'?#"K <N[ <N[ <N[ **. _-PU/ /.P-. >#S% >#S% >#S% T373'02"7'Z2D&'J=8'[/_`-R','%#BAK U`` U` - >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% T373'02"7'Z2D&'JWX'02SS2$36LR'0U`+R'+'%#BAK /U` U* ./ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% T2FF#"%11#'Z3QQ%"&'JT#Y'>63YR'=8'*,+./R'/'%#BAK U`` U_ ._ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% 9"#7D%'0A3B@%7 U._ UaP/- .+P*_ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% 5#7B#@%R'?I66%"S31@'_V'J/'%#BAK ._` /+ _ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% 5#7B#@%R'^>Z['J/'%#BAK .+` /aP_ UP_ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% 5#&6#'?#" <N[ <N[ <N[ __, **Pa /UP., >#S% >#S% >#S% 5%QQ%"273'53FF#'J./Y.+'??K U*, U/P./ .aP.U >#S% >#S% >#S% <N[ <N[ <N[ 5%QQ%"273'53FF#'J.+V'=2I7$'??K <N[ <N[ <N[ U*, U.P./ .aP.U >#S% >#S% >#S% 53FF#'?#@%'JB#&&%"21%K U.` /,P/, .aP*+ >#S% >#S% >#S% _.` UaPa /UP/, 53FF#'Z3QQ%"&'JT#Y'>63YR'/'%#BAK U`` U_ ._ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% 52QB2"7'0A3B@%7'J.U'%#BAK //` ._ .+ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% 526#62'?#"'J%&63S#6%'2G'36%S&'&%1%B6%$K <N[ <N[ <N[ U-a U+ .-P`- >#S% >#S% >#S% >#1&#'0A3B@%7'?2M1 *_` +_P. /,P/U >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#I&#D%'5#66L'J_`UU/K .,` . + >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#I&#D%'5#66L'J__a,+K /U` . a >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#I&#D%N5%QQ%"273'53FF#'JB2S42'Q3FF#K <N[ <N[ <N[ U/- U.PU. ._P`, >#S% >#S% >#S% >#I&#D%'53FF#'J./Y.+'??K U_/ U/P_- .aPa >#S% >#S% >#S% <N[ <N[ <N[ >#I&#D%'53FF#'J.+V'=2I7$'??K <N[ <N[ <N[ U,a U/ /`P+* >#S% >#S% >#S% >B"#S41%$';DD&'J.N_'BPK +` .P* *P* >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >2I6AM%&6':I"@%L'0"I7BA *U, *-P-U //P`/ >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >Q#DA%663'MNT%#6&#IB% U`_ U,P,- .*P*. >#S% >#S% >#S% _UU *aP, /.P*a >Q3BL'0A3B@%7'>#7$M3BA'J=8'a,_a+K U/` U_ .- >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% ;DD'b'0A%%&%'9S%1%6 8#M#33#7'53FF# >B#112Q%$'8#S'#7$'526#62%& Various selections offered daily. www.taher.com Menus are subject to change without notice. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. TAHER NUTRITION ANALYSIS UPDATED 9/2/13 !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'+), !"#$%&'-)./ 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 0#12"3%& 0#"4& 5"26%37 :#B2'?#" <N[ <N[ <N[ **. _-PU/ /.P-. >#S% >#S% >#S% :#B2'53FF#'J.+V'"2I7$'??K <N[ <N[ <N[ _`. U.P-+ .-P+_ >#S% >#S% >#S% :I"@%L'#7$'!"#OL'J.N/'BIQK ../ _PU/ .+P*, >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% c%DD3%'53FF# <N[ <N[ <N[ U-U UUP,* .-P++ >#S% >#S% >#S% W#GG1%'>63B@&'J[-_-+R'U'%#BAK /.` U` U >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% >#S% W#1@37D':#B2 */. 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This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 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