Dicing Saws, ADT SOP


Dicing Saws, ADT SOP
P a g e | 1 S O P
tandard perating rocedures Advanced Dicing Technologies 7100 Dicing Saw Location: NRF 122 P a g e | 2 Contents: Page General Information: 3 Pre process considerations: 4 Machine Start‐up: 4 Sample Preparation: 10 21 Programming a Simple Dicing routine: 31 Running the cutting routine: 50 Dicer shutdown: Writing and running a Recipe: 53 Blade change Routine; 54 P a g e | 3 General Information: The ADT dicing saw is an advanced, fully programmable microprocessor controlled saw intended to be used for cutting wafer thin materials into smaller component pieces. Typically silicon wafers are diced but any thin material can be cut with the correct configuration and blade type. The maximum thickness is only limited by the blades that are available. The NRF stocks blades that are intended for use on silicon wafer die separation, users may consult with staff for direction on how to purchase blades for other materials. Safety Issues: The Saw is protected by many different safety interlocks that are intended to protect the saw from being damaged or the user from being injured. Circumventing any of the interlocks will result in an operator losing all access to the machine. During a dicing routine there is the production of very fine particulate that will adhere to anything that it touches, be aware of the toxicity of the material that is being cut, if poisonous materials are being diced then specific permission must be acquired well in advance. During any dicing process a relatively high level of noise is present around the machine; operators are required to acquire their own well fitting hearing protection wear it while the saw is in operation. The machine uses a high volume of water to cool the blade and the material being cut and so the material must be able to withstand being wetted with significant force. High frequency vibrations can be generated by the actions of the saw which can destroy small fragile structures that are left unprotected. All materials must be able to withstand being taped or glued to a substrate. Since dicing is a very dirty process the devices must be able to withstand cleaning afterwards. Operational Restrictions: No dicing chuck travel speed greater than 1 mm per second will be used otherwise use the speed recommended by the manufacturer of the blade for the composition and thickness of the material. All cuts will be 30 mm greater than the actual width of the sample so that a lead of 15 mm pre and post blade contact with the sample. This conserves the blade and reduces the amount of programming that is necessary. Use new tape for every mounting use tape will not hold the sample securely and break the blade. Operators may only alter recipes, alignments and blade property libraries. No other parameters used in calibration, directing safe P a g e | 4 motion of the parts, or any other adjustment not directly related to the efficient execution and running of a recipe or blade change routine is allowed by an operator. Pre process considerations: Blades: Before a job can be planned the substrate must be known; we stock blades that are specifically designed to cut average silicon wafers. Any other materials will require a consultation with staff for blade availability and sources; users will have to purchase their own blades for unusual materials. The thickness (Kerf) of the blade needs to be considered if the intention is to stay within the width of a street between dies. The exposure of the blade needs to be greater than the thickness of the device. The standard blade will cut streets greater than 35 µm and dies as thick as 750 µm. Mounting methods We stock the materials to provide several different mounting methods. For tape mounting there are three different tapes with three levels of tackiness (how sticky they are) • The Low tack tape is intended for large substrates that are being cut into large pieces of not less than 2 cm at the narrowest. • The medium tack tape is intended for smaller dies that are no less than 1 cm at the narrowest. • The high tack tape (blue) is intended for smaller dies that are no less than 2 mm at the narrowest. • Hot melt glue (QuickStickTM 135) is intended for very small dies, less than two mm at the narrowest, for mounting to a larger carrier substrate for maximum stability. Machine Start‐up: NOTE: Operators are required to log on to and start the machine before sample preparation!!! P a g e | 5 1 Log on to the TUMI system; you will hear the vacuum pump start. 2 To the right rear of the saw; turn on the valve labeled with the green “Clean Dry Air” label. On is when the valve handle is aligned with the tubing. The hissing of air can be heard 3 To the left rear of the machine down near the floor; turn on the water valve. On is when the valve handle is aligned with the tubing. The water can be heard as it runs through the dicer 4
press the “ON” button and allow the machine to boot up. 5
During software start up the loud “click” of the blade enclosure safety lock snapping open allowing the operator to inspect the integrity of the blade before proceeding any farther. The lock will re‐lock after 15 seconds. P a g e | 6 6
Open the blade enclosure cover. Slide the spindle cover latch to the left and… 7
open the window so that the blade can be inspected. 8
This is what a new “standard” blade looks like. P a g e | 7 if the blade were broken, it would have the jagged appearance of this example. If the blade is broken then continue with the start‐up routine through login and initiallation then go to the blade change section of this SOP. these are the parts of the blade. P a g e | 8 now is a good time to clean the spindle cover and rinse it off; After that close the spindle cover and blade enclosure cover with a firm snap of the locking mechanism. Log in to the operators computer; the keyboard may be hidden under the console. All operators log in as NRF Users and the password is nrf. P a g e | 9 Before clicking the OK button make sure that the “Init System” box is checked.
The software will automatically initialize all of the hardware and make the machine ready for operation. Note that the yellow areas flashing on the screen that indicate moving parts of the saw that have not been initialized; if at any time during operation of the saw these yellow areas appear then the machine will have to be re‐initialized. Any time the software asks “Do you want to create backup?” the answer will always be yes. P a g e | 10 If, by chance, the init system box was forgotten then initialization can be accomplished from inside the software by clicking “User” on the menu bar and selecting “system Init” and allowing the process to complete. Sample Preparation: Measure the sample thickness, length and width using the micrometer and calipers that are in the wooden case in the drawer. If these devices are missing then dicing cannot continue. P a g e | 11 This example is a somewhat complexx one that haas multiple d
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h the device then the blaade will havee to be changed. P a g e | 13 Remove the Micrometer from the box; it will turn on when the dial is adjusted, and zero it out. It doesn’t matter what units are selected as the saw will convert if set up properly. Open the jaws of the micrometer (turn the knurled knob CCW) and place the sample between the post and the rod so that the rod will make contact with the sample in a place that will not damage the devices, close the jaws by turning the knurled knob until it slips. P a g e | 14 If the devices are fragile then cover slips can be used to protect the surface. Place the protective covers on both sides of the sample and close the jaws, zero the micrometer, loosen the jaws and remove the sample then close the jaws on the covers. This subtractive measurement will be the thickness of the sample. Next, using the calipers (which must be turned on and off manually, by the way) measure the height and width of the sample and record it on the worksheet. Close the jaws, zero the caliper and select the desired units P a g e | 15 Measure the height and width and record them on the worksheet. Mounting the sample: It is recommended that, since the process of dicing is a very dirty process, the sample should be protected with some type of easy to remove coating. This make lifting off the silicon and blade dust and serves a secondary function of stabilizing and protecting fragile structures. Select the appropriate Tape for the overall size of the final dies to be cut; in the case of very small dies that are hot glued to a substrate carrier then select the appropriate tape P a g e | 16 for the size of the carrier. Cut a length of tape that will cover the entire tape mounting ring. The laminated alignment guide is a good guide for the correct size to cut. Place the alignment guide under the tape (tape should be sticky side up) then align the straight edge of the tape ring with the ring pattern on the guide and drop the ring on top to the tape. P a g e | 17 Turn the ring and tape over and squeeze out any big bubbles. Trim the excess tape from the outside of the ring; make sure that the notches at the top and the flat at the bottom are trimmed flush with the ring. P a g e | 18 Align the sample centered, top down on the alignment guide then drop the tape ring / tape sticky side down and use a swab to remove the bubbles from between the tape and the sample. Turn everything right side up and peel off the guide. The sample is ready to cut. P a g e | 19 Preparing a Hot melt sample: Materials needed are; hot plate, swabs, glue stick, carrier substrate, forceps and the cutting guide. Turn the hot plate dial to 5.5 and allow the hot plate to warm up. Select an appropriate substrate material (a 3 inch wafer in this case); any uniform and stable material will do as long as it is compatible with the blade that is being used. Clean off any residual glue off the hot plate (glue on the bottom of the substrate will have to be cleaned off with acetone before mounting to the tape). P a g e | 20 Place the substrate on the hotplate and hold it in place with the wooden end of the swab. Apply the glue stick to the hot substrate until there is a generous pool of melted glue. Place the sample very close to the glue pool without toughing it, and drop the sample into the pool face up. Using a clean swab wooden end gentily press the sample into the pool with a slight circuler motion untill the glue underneath is as thin as possible and the surface of the sample is parallel with the surface of the substrate. P a g e | 21 Remove the substrate and allow it to cool, the sample is mounted. Clean any residual glue off the back with acetone. Measure and record the substrate thickness and mount on the ring with tape as outlined above. Writing and running a Recipe: What follows the step by step process of creating a recipe and running it. The cut routine is purposely kept to a simple grid, more advanced cutting like multiple dies and or samples with variable index lengths between cuts are beyond the scope of this document and will be covered one on one with staff. P a g e | 22 This is a sample and the individual die array that must be diced out following that is a rough hand drawn diagram of the cut placement and order. P a g e | 23 Measuring the Street index distance: NOTE; this measurement is highly dependent on the initial alignment of the sample. If the alignment template was properly used, very little correction will be needed. If the streets are severely out of alignment then a manual alignment procedure must be preformed first (See manual alignment section). So far using the preceding examples the work sheet is filled out with everything needed to program a recipe except the distance between the streets that are to be cut. This is the process for gathering that information using the dicer as a measurement tool. Click on the load / unload work piece icon. Then load the mounted sample on the chuck. Then click finish below the wizard window. The sample will load to the center of the sample. P a g e | 24 Adjust the illumination so that the sample can be seen clearly. A magnification of 0.5 makes navigation easier. Use the x and y directional arrows to move to a street intersection. Clicking on the button in the center of the directional arrows will change the speed at which the chuck will move; F (really fast), S (slow) P (Precision), I (from defined index to another); note as well that the center button for the Z arrows changes as well but instead of an I there is an A (move from defined angle to the next). P a g e | 25 Put the cross hairs precisely in the middle of the intersection; the corners of the blue box can be pulled and adjusted to aid in the alignment and the up and down magnification arrows can be toggled between 0.5 (low) and 2 (high) to check for precision. Zero out the X, Y and Z boxes by clicking on the letter buttons next to the box; the buttons will turn blue and the field boxes will be set to zero for this location. This defined zero location will be returned to if zero (0) is entered on the field box followed by return. P a g e | 26 Using the X and Y arrows navigate to the next intersection P a g e | 27 Then align the crosshairs in the center of the intersection precisely as the first was done. The distance traveled will be displayed in the Y field box. This is very close to the needed street index. Note also that by pulling the blue box to the edges of the street that the width of the street is measured; this width should be greater than the width of the blade. In the case of a 12/35 blade the 1.2 mil (about 30 µm) blade will easily fit. Manual wafer alignment: What follows is the process for aligning the sample so the blade cuts precisely where the streets are. Note that in this example that a good starting point for the alignment has been found and zeroed so that when manual alignment is initiated this location can be returned to. Click on the “Wafer Manual Alignment” icon P a g e | 28 When the icon is pressed the chuck will move to a default position but the original position can be navigated back to by entering 0 followed by enter for the X, Y and Z positions respectively. The Wizard windo will instruct movement to the right align point then click next. Make sure that the crosshairs are precisely aligned in Y on a good reference feature; IE, the center of the street intersection, the top or bottom of a bond pad that is a good horizontal reference for alignment. P a g e | 29 P a g e | 30 Navigate to the same horizontal reference spot that was used on the right side of the sample. When next is clicked the chuck will be adjusted in theta to achieve precise horizontal alignment. Continue to press next and correcting alignment on both sides of the sample while zooming in until perfect alignment is achieved. Click finish to move on to defining the first cut. P a g e | 31 Programming a Simple Dicing routine: What follows is a simple dicing program for cutting dies with index dimensions that are equal in size, contact staff and refer to the manual for programming variations for cutting dies of unequal size. Click on the “Recipe Book” icon then navigate to and select Template_APC in the Template folder of the recipe library. Click on Duplicate recipe. Rename the recipe to a file name that makes sense to the routine that is being run; always finish the file name with “_APC” so that the type of file can be understood just by looking at the name. Click on the New recipe group arrow and select the “Users” folder then click OK P a g e | 32 Go to the Users folder and select the newly created recipe. Notice that the correct name and folder are indicated on general information cover page, but that the blade designation is wrong. P a g e | 33 Click in the Blade field until the grey box appears then click on it to bring up the blade list. Select the blade that is currently installed on the dicer (or the blade that is to be installed when the recipe is used); this information is on the post‐it note attached to the blade container that is always under the monitor. Ensure that the name, exposure and diameter data matches and take note of the Max RPM designated for the blade. Once the proper blade is selected click OK Click in the wafer shape field for the drop‐down arrow then select the appropriate designation; rectangular or circular. P a g e | 34 Using the information that was recorded on the dicing job worksheet, fill in the rest of the fields. The wafer type will always be regular. Make whatever comments that are helpful in identifying the recipe. Always click on the save Icon before proceeding on to another page or tab of the recipe. The recipe folder list will briefly grey during the save process. P a g e | 35 If this warning appears just close it and continue. Click on the “+” sign to the left of the file name to reveal the programming tabs for the recipe; then highlight “Air”. By default the recipe will have a general tab and two angular tabs; if horizontal and vertical cuts are desired (as in this case) then this is correct. If vertical cuts are not to be P a g e | 36 programmed then the “90/2” tab could be deleted by first selecting the tab then right clicking and selecting delete. Minimum exposure left should be a combination of the depth of the desired cut and a comfortable distance between the hub and the top of the die. In this case the thickness was measured at 394 µm so 404 gives a comfortable space. Minimum exposure warn delta will cause the dicer to start warning the user when the blade wears to this point. This should be greater than the minimum exposure left. The maximum cutting speed allowed on this dicer is 1 mm/sec; these three settings should all be the same ( there are some advanced programming options that are available for these fields but their utilization must be thoroughly discussed with staff before being used). Blades broken because of speeds higher than these will be charged to the user. P a g e | 37 Overcut and overtravel should be et to zero and the spindle speed set to the maximum for the blade (except in the case of resin blades where the spindle speed is specific to the type of blade and the material being cut, consult with the manufacturer of the blade). Height checking is user defined and is dependent on blade wear rate and set up of the recipe; if there is a danger that the blade will wear so much during a sequence of cuts that it will not cut all the way through the sample before the height is reset by the height check subroutine then it should be set for less. It is recommended that the Heights Check Rate be set to 1 initially until a durability standard is discovered for any particular material / blade combination. Remember to save the recipe before going to a new tab. Now is a good time to define the recipe as the default recipe and load the sample so that the recipe configuration can be checked against the actual sample. Click on Auto on the menu bar at the top of the screen then click on define job. P a g e | 38 Select the appropriate recipe from the users folder, notice that the Default Recipe radio button is already selected. If there were to be a sample loaded during this step then the “Dicer” button would be active as well and could be selected to load a recipe directly as the active recipe no matter what the default is. The advantage to having a recipe as default is that is loaded automatically when a sample is loaded. Click OK to load. The new recipe appears as the default recipe at the top of the screen. Click the load work piece icon, the chuck will move to the load/unload area; place the tape mounted sample on the chuck so that the poles in the rear are in the notches of the mount ring, rotate the cam lock out from under the ring then press the ring down releasing the cam lock so that the ring is held securely in place. P a g e | 39 The wizard tab gives instructions ; click finish and the sample and recipe will be laded simultaneously. The dicers screen areas are designed to give a true and accurate representation of the loaded sample. In this case there is a problem. The height and width of the sample are not represented properly on the screen. P a g e | 40 This is easily corrected by clicking on the recipe book icon and changing the height and width fields on the top page of the recipe. Don’t forget to save the changes. P a g e | 41 Go back to the recipe book page to set the proper cut lengths, Cut number and cut depth in the respective angular tabs. The cut length should always be the widest dimension plus 30 mm. setting the length this way avoids a lot of complex extra programming and serves to protect the blade from damage during the cutting run. The Cut No is the number of cuts for each angle. The depth is the height above the chuck at which the bottom of the blade travels (Not how far into the sample); in this case, since the tape is 64 µm thick this definition will have the blade cut all the way through the sample and 4 µm into the tape. The respective indexes were measured earlier but could be measured at any time and corrections made. Aligning the sample and defining the cuts: Return to the video view screen and press the Wafer Manual Alignment icon. By default the dicer will move to a default position near the top right corner of the defined sample. Adjust the lighting and the focus for a clear view. P a g e | 42 Navigate, using the x and y directional arrows, to an area of the sample that is a good alignment reference. Zoom out to 0.5 for a wider view to make finding alignment features easier. In this case these series of bond pads are good because they are arranged in a line that is repeated all the way across the sample. Do a rough alignment of the cross hairs along the edge. Zoom in to precisely place the cross hairs on the reference edge. P a g e | 43 Click the next button in the wizard window and the dicer will move to the other side of the sample in a straight line. Navigate to and place the cross hairs on the reference alignment features on the other side of the sample. Once again, zoom in for more precision. Pressing next at this time will align the two reference points. Continuing to press next without any adjustment will move from one point to the other for checking. Watch while the chuck is moving from point to point that the features streaming by create P a g e | 44 straight horizontal streaks on the video. If they do not then the second alignment point selected may have been a block off. Once satisfied with the alignment, press finish. Defining the cut: Remember that the cut length was defined as 3 mm longer that the widest part of the sample; the cut will be defined as starting 15mm before the right edge and ending 15mm after the blade clears the left edge. The purpose of this procedure is to keep the blade from crashing into the sample edge. Navigate to the street or feature where the first cut is to be and move along the feature until at the left most edge; zoom in to provide more precision. Pull the corners of the blue box so that it matches the height of the structure upon which you want the cut centered. Adjust the centering using the directional arrows in P a g e | 45 “P” mode to precisely center the crosshairs then press the X, Y and Z buttons to zero out the position fields. Click in the “Xr” field box and replace the 0 with ‐15 followed by enter; the crosshairs will move in the –X direction 15mm. Note that the marker on the virtual chuck window is to the left of the sample model. Minor variations in the X positional field can be ignored as the motor that drives the x position is not a precision motor. Click the finish button to define the cuts from this point. P a g e | 46 The sample representation of the virtual chuck will display the defined cut lines and the wizard will indicate that the alignment for the angle is complete. Double click in an area somewhere above the sample to move to a position above the defined lines so that the alignment and positioning of the defined lines can be confirmed. Using the directional arrows in “I” mode (index mode will only work in Y movements) move down through each of the indices that were defined and check for proper positioning. Any displacement can be corrected in the recipe in real time. Notice that P a g e | 47 the current angle, current cut and total number of cuts are displayed in green letters at the lower left of the video screen. P a g e | 48 If all is good for this angle proceed to the next angle. Make sure that the A is displayed in the Z axis directional arrows center button and press either of the rotation buttons to rotate the chuck to the next angle. Manual alignment and defining the cuts for angle 2/90 are exactly the same as for the previous angle. If the streets are exactly perpendicular then the alignment process may be just quickly clicked through by clicking next until the finish button appears then clicking it. Define the cuts in exactly the same way P a g e | 49 All of the angles have been aligned and cuts defined; indexing from line to line in all angles confirms correct positioning, so programming is complete. Click the rotational arrow to return to the first angle before running the recipe. Running the cutting routine: Watching the dicer make the cuts is best in the dicer view rather than video mode so click on the dicer icon then adjust the size of the virtual chuck window by clicking the larger of the boxes in the upper left corner and adjusting the scroll bars. P a g e | 50 Click on the running man icon (he will actually start to run) P a g e | 51 The saw will initialize the blade by doing a height check then start the defined cuts in turn, with the additional height checks as programmed. If this error occurs; just click ok as it is just informational. When all of the cuts are finished, the dicer will return the chuck to the load/unload position. Wash the sample and chuck area, then blow it dry P a g e | 52 Unloading the sample: Click finish then remove the sample holder and inspect the cuts for completeness, the cut sample can be left on the tape for easy storage. Dicer shutdown: Press the “off” button and click yes on the screen. The dicer will go through an automated shutdown routine and will be finished when only the AC INPUT light is lit After that turn off the water, clean dry air and log off on the TUMI. P a g e | 53 Blade change Routine; If the blade is broken, has too little exposure for the sample or is not the correct blade for the material that is being cut then it will have to be changed using the following routine. The steps included are measuring a new blade, creating the new blade in the system, and finally installing the blade. All operators will re‐install the standard 1235 (like our current vendor’s K5T12L35) blade after completion of their specialized run. The blade case and post‐it label for the blade that is current installed is under the computer monitor. P a g e | 54 If this blade is not broken and is in good condition for re‐installation later then change the cut length information as follows, however broken blades do not require these steps and the operator may proceed to blade measurement. Click on the “Blade Info Workspace” button then confirm that the blade the info in the software and the label match. P a g e | 55 Click on the “blade status” tab and record the cut length on the label. Measuring the blade On the menu bar click on User and select define job to bring up the recipe selection pane. Scroll up to the staff folder and select “blade change‐kerf check_APC” recipe and click OK to load the recipe as the default recipe upon work‐piece loading. P a g e | 56 Note that the last blade change should be the same blade that is loaded on the machine. In one of the drawers of the workbench in front of the saw there should be a black box containing all the tools that are needed to change the blade, P a g e | 57 Acquire a new blade from the blade storage drawer and make a post‐it label for it using the information printed on the blade. If the blade is a re‐load then an “R” would be added to the end of the blade name after the serial number on the existing label. Using scissors score, the security tape on the blade case and carefully open the case P a g e | 58 Remove the blacd handling tool from the box to transfer the blade fron its case to the blade measurement tray. Pull back on the ring to spread the blade flange clamps and gently place the handler on the blade hub flange then release. Pull back again to release the blade in the tray. P a g e | 59 Click on the Load / unload button, the chuck will move to the default loading position and information and instructions will appear in the operator’s wizard window. Open the Load station cover and place the blade measurement tray on the chuck so that the two metal posts in the rear are in the “V” grooves of the tape ring. P a g e | 60 Rotate the ring clamping lever out of the way while pressing dowm on the ring and then release the lever to secure the ring firmly in place on the chuck then close the cover. P a g e | 61 Click on finish and the chuck will move very quickly to the default loaded position for the recipe. Enter in the coordinates of the blade edge from the handy dandy map that is in the black box. Click in each of the x,y, and z windows respectively and enter the value from the map followed by enter. The chuck will travel to the new coordinate when enter is pressed. Click on the button in the center of the x and y arrows until it reads “ P “ (for pixel) then adjust the up or down arrow until the green crosshair is right on the blade edge at this magnification. P a g e | 62 Click in the zoom window and enter in 2 for maximum magnification, then adjust up or down to place the crosshairs right on the edge of the blade. Zero out the x and y coordinate windows by clicking on the buttons, they will turn blue. click the speed button again to select “s” (slow) then press the down arrow until the blade exposure is measured. Write the number from the y window on the blade label next to exposure. P a g e | 63 Press the down arrow until the other side of the blade comes into view (may have to re‐
focus using the z up or down arrows). Once again using P place the crosshair right on the bottom edge of the blade. Then record the value on the label. P a g e | 64 Press the Load / Unload button and the chuck will move safely to the proper position for the blade to be removed and placed safely in its container until installation. Create a new blade in the system. Click the programming workspace button (book) to bring up the recipe, click on the blade field so that a grey box appears and then click it. The blade list will appear. P a g e | 65 Click on duplicate blade so that a new blade name window appears, change the name to what is on the new blade label, press ok then change the exposure and diameter parameters to match the label then press save. Check that the new blade is listed in the blade field of the recipe. If it isn’t double click in the blade field and a dropdown arrow will appear allowing the selection of the new blade. P a g e | 66 Click on the blade icon then the change button. Be sure to open the spindle cover wen it unlocks. Click the drop down arrow on the “choose blade from list” field then select the blade that was just created, or the name of an older blade that is being reloaded. Then click OK. P a g e | 67 To change the blade open the spindle cover Using the T‐handled hex key and the knurled wrench remove the blade retaining nut and place it securely on the black box so that it can’t roll away. P a g e | 68 1
P a g e | 69 9
Using the blade handler remove the old blade; if it a good blade and to reloaded later place it in its original container and store it and its label in the blade storage drawer, broken blades and their containers are discarded. P a g e | 70 Using the blade handler place the new blade on the spindle, keep the handler aligned with the spindle and it should slip on easily, it is not necessary to force it all the way back and the retaining nut will allign and seat the blade. P a g e | 71 Replace the blade nut and tighten it firmly but not too tight (you might have to change it next time). Press the water adjust button and check to see of the jet is aimed at the center of the blade bottom. Clean the window and close the door and the spindle enclosure until the lock clicks. P a g e | 72 Click the “OK” button then click the finish button; the machine will automatically check and set the blades dimensions using the off the chuck height column. It may warn that the measurements entered are in error, the machine is always right so accept the machines measurements. The next step is to check and adjust any Y offset due to variation from one blade to another. The machine requires that there be an alignment and cut defined; since there is nothing to align or cut just go through the motions. P a g e | 73 Click on the load icon and the empty blade measurement tray holder will load when finish is clicked.
Center and zoom in on the chuck window then focus the scope on the tape and zero (blue) the Z position. Click on “Wafer Manual alignment” and then click “next” three times then “finish”. The “define cut position” message will appear; then click finish. P a g e | 74 Click the Manual Y Offset icon then click “Yes” Enter 0.5 in the magnification window so that the largest area of tape is visible. Then move to an area of the tape that has no visible test cuts and click Next. The machine will very quickly spin up the spindle and make a test cut and return to where the test was started allowing the cut to be inspected. P a g e | 75 Using the up or down arrow buttons center the crosshairs on the cut, zoom in the 2 magnification and pull the corners of the blue box so that the centering can be accurately determined. When satisfied that centering is correct press finish. Manual Y Offset and the blade change is complete. Put everything back in the black box and put it in the storage drawer.