Elizabeth Cooke
Elizabeth Cooke
Elizabeth Cooke In collaboration with Nina Hatch & Stuart Muldrew Cluster galaxies differ from field galaxies In the local universe: ◦ Redder (e.g. Bamford et al., 2009) ◦ Predominantly early types (e.g. Dressler et al., 1980) ◦ Older ellipticals (e.g. Rettura et al., 2010) At high redshift (z > 1.5): ◦ Larger (e.g. Papovich et al., 2012) ◦ More massive (e.g. Steidel et al., 2005) ◦ Redder (e.g. Hayashi et al., 2012) High z (proto)clusters can help constrain what processes are going on Elizabeth Cooke Abell 1689 No difference in sSFR between (proto)cluster and field Used K band flux to estimate masses Av ∝ M Do these results change with more robust measures of mass/Av? From Koyama et al., 2013a Elizabeth Cooke Study field around HzRG MRC2104-242 ◦ 2.5′ x 2.5′ ◦ z = 2.49 Study properties of any galaxies with respect to environment at this redshift MRC2104 A = 7.09 sq arcmin Elizabeth Cooke COSMOS UDS A =170.4 sq arcmin (total) GOODS-S NB survey ◦ VLT: ISAAC ◦ NB λcen = 2.29μm VLT HAWK-I: K, J, H ◦ (rest frame optical) Gemini GMOS: g, z ◦ (rest frame UV) IRAC: 3.6μm, 4.5μm ◦ (rest frame IR) Elizabeth Cooke Ks-NB colour vs NB magnitude Σ>2 Remove low-z contaminants (B-z) – (z-K) > -0.2 EAzY zphot > 1.4 ◦ Selection in SFR (Daddi et al., 2004) (Brammer, van Dokkum & Coppi, 2008, ApJ) Elizabeth Cooke FAST (Kriek et al., 2009, ApJ) SEDs robust measure of mass Line emission not accounted for Constrained redshift to width of NB filter Elizabeth Cooke Spatial density of 8.6 x control field density Overdensity of same order as other protoclusters (e.g. Hayashi et al., 2012; Hatch et al., 2011b; Kurk et al., 2004) MRC2104 COSMOS UDS 22 sources 60 sources (total) A = 7.09 sq arcmin A =170.4 sq arcmin (total) Elizabeth Cooke GOODS-S Masses from SED fit KS = 3x10-7 Consistent with previous surveys ◦ Steidel et al., 2005 ◦ Hatch et al., 2011b ◦ Koyama et al., 2013 Elizabeth Cooke Uncorrected for dust absorption KS = 0.66 Elizabeth Cooke E(B-V) = 0.25(B-z + 0.1)AB (Daddi et al., 2004) No B/z signal: ◦ Use convolved SED values KS = 0.1 Elizabeth Cooke Field LIR (x 1010 Lʘ) MRC2104 COSMOS UDS GOODS-S 5.8 0.8 1.6 0.4 Median stacks of Hα emitters: rest frame ~7 μm More hidden star formation? Elizabeth Cooke Corrected using Av from B-z colour KS = 0.02 Elizabeth Cooke Corrected for extinction Same sSFRno starbursts No clear relation MRC2104 galaxies more massive/star forming Elizabeth Cooke No difference in sSFR Different mass distributions 8.6 x density of control field Elizabeth Cooke ~40 x control field at M > 1010.5 Mʘ Lack of lowmass sources Detect in SFR, not mass Similar for SFR Elizabeth Cooke Not forming stars? Dust? Mass function turning over? Mass segregation? Elizabeth Cooke Not forming stars? Dust? Mass function turning over? Mass segregation? Elizabeth Cooke From Rudnick et al., 2012 Not forming stars? Dust? Mass function turning over? Mass segregation? Elizabeth Cooke Circle = 10 Mpc diameter, comoving MRC2104-242 field is overdense Protocluster galaxies more massive and more star forming Lack of lower mass objects ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Star formation shut off? Extincted? Mass function turning over? Mass segregation? Elizabeth Cooke