Westchester`s Most Influential Weekly


Westchester`s Most Influential Weekly
PERMIT #3036
Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Watson: Counseling for the End of Life, Page 6; Heller: America on Trial, Page 7;
MacAlpine: Destabilization and the Cult of Economic Analysis, Page 8; Deskovic: Careers in the Innocence Movement, Page 9
Page 2
The Westchester Guardian
In this Issue...
Abady: New York Spurs the Nation to Stand Up for Free Speech......2, 3, 4
Letters tothe Editor.....................................................................4, 15, 16
OpEds: Mooney: Geoengineering Our Climate Future................... 5, 11
Godfrey: What is “Scary” about Mental Illness?................. 5, 11
Watson: Counseling for the End of Life................................................. 6
Heller: America on Trial................................................................... 7, 16
MacAlpine: Destabilization and the Cult of Economic Analysis..... 8, 17
Deskovic: Careers in the Innocence Movement................................ 9, 17
Siefe: Veteran Family Law Practitioner Hal Greenwald
Throws His Hat into the Ring.................................................... 10
Westchester Calendar.......................................................................12-13
Theatre Directory.................................................................................. 14
Legal Notices.................................................................................. 18, 19
Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly
Guardian News Corp.
P.O. Box 8
New Rochelle, New York 10801
Sam Zherka , Publisher & President
Sam Abady, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ellie Ellis - Advertising Manager
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News & Editorial: (914) 632-2540
Advertising & Photos: (914) 632-1230, x 405
Fax: (914) 633-0806
Published online every Monday
Print edition distributed Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Graphic Design: Watterson Studios, Inc.
New York Spu
Free Speech
On November 7, 2006, I published an
Op Ed in the Boston Globe co-authored
by noted civil liberties lawyer, Harvey
Silverglate, entitled “Libel Tourism
and the War on Terror.” It was the first
article published in this country about
the scourge of libel tourism, the practice
by wealthy Arabs linked to terrorism who
silence their critics by suing them for libel
in English courts.
Libel tourism compelled Random
House to drop plans to publish Craig
Unger’s U.S. bestseller, House of Bush,
House of Saud in Europe. Since 9-11,
libel tourists forced more than fortyfive publishers and authors to apologize,
publish retractions, pay fines and remove
their publications from the market.
Radical Islam brought its global war
to our shores in 1993 by bombing the
World Trade Center the first time. In
the words of Samuel Adams, one of our
Founding Fathers, Islamists are “men who
have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot
in our blood and hunt us from the face
of the earth.” They completed the job on
September 11, 2001.
Since then, Islamists added libel
tourism -- what some call “lawfare,” i.e.,
warfare by litigation -- as a battlefield
tactic in their global jihad. It is an example
of evil the late Supreme Court Justice
Louis Brandeis warned about, “silence
coerced by law.”
Why England? Because Britain
has no First Amendment, and English
libel law is plaintiff-friendly. Foreigners
can sue other foreigners if allegedly
defamatory words reach British shores.
In English and many Commonwealth
courts, the act of publication is deemed
to take place where the allegedly defamatory words are read, what some scholars
labeled “universal Internet jurisdiction.”
Moreover, English law puts the onus
on journalists to proof the truth of their
assertions, which shifts the evidentiary
burden from the plaintiff to the defendant.
Commission criticized Britain’s libel laws
because they discourage “critical media
reporting on matters of serious public
interest, adversely affecting the ability of
scholars and journalists to publish their
work, including through the phenomenon known as libel tourism.”
The First Amendment makes it
hard to win libel suits here, especially
after 1964 when the Supreme Court
decided the seminal case, New York Times
v. Sullivan, which elevated a free press
over personal reputation except in the
most egregious cases of reckless accusation. Under Sullivan, the nation’s interest
in being fully informed about matters of
public concern trumps the individual’s
interest in protecting his reputation.
No other nation goes as far to protect
speech. The Sullivan standard is not
accepted in Britain, Canada, Australia, or
any of the forty-one member states of the
Council of Europe.
The pushback against libel tourism
began with Israel-American counterterrorism scholar, Rachel Ehrenfeld, an
Op Ed contributor to this newspaper.
Ehrenfeld heads the New York-based
American Center for Democracy, and
pioneered investigation into the financial
roots of terrorism.
Former U.S. Attorney General,
John Ashcroft, said, “Terrorists cannot
terrorize without money.... Those who
knowingly finance terrorist organizations
are just as dangerous and just as responsible as those who carry out the ultimate
acts of terrorist violence.” Richard
Perle, former Assistant Secretary of
The Westchester Guardian
Page 3
rs the Nation to Stand Up for
Sam Abady
Rachel Ehrenfeld
Defense in the Reagan administration
and later, Chairman of the Defense Policy
Board, said about terrorist financiers, “if
we fail to understand them and how they
operate, they will win.”
If fanaticism is terrorism’s heart,
finance is its lifeblood. Without money,
there would be no terror because
terrorism is not cheap. To the contrary,
it is capital-intensive. It takes lots of cash
to corrupt public officials and pay for
training, weapons, vehicles, salaries, cell
phones, airline travel, lodging, food and
In Ehrenfeld’s 2003 book, Funding
Evil -- How Terrorism is Financed and
How to Stop It, she exposed billionaire
banker to the Saudi royal family and
terror paymaster, Khalid bin Mahfouz,
who funneled “tens of millions of dollars
in London and New York directly into
terrorist accounts” using Arab banks and
his Islamic charity, the Muwafaq (Blessed
Relief ) Foundation headed by Yassin
al-Qadi, designated by the State and
Treasury Departments as an international
terrorist. Bin Mahfouz insisted her claims
were libelous.
Most Islamic charities in the West
are fronts for terrorist groups. The prime
example is The Holy Land
Foundation, the largest
U.S. Muslim
charity headquartered
European Union
froze its assets, and
in 2009, its founders
were sentenced by a
Dallas federal judge
to life in prison because
million to Hamas (Islamic
The Justice Department
called the case “the largest
terrorism financing prosecution in American history.”
As far back as 1996, French, British
and U.S. intelligence knew bin Mahfouz
built a banking system to aid Osama
bin Laden. Bin Mahfouz ran the Bank
of Credit and Commerce International,
the cash till for Hezbollah, the Palestine
Liberation Organization, Hamas, and
Abu Nidal, to name but a few. The corrupt
bank was brought down by Manhattan
D.A. Robert Morgenthau, and Mahfouz
paid $225 million to settle Morgenthau’s
criminal charges.
Through his other bank, the National
Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia, and
his charity, bin Mahfouz funded Makhtab
al-Khidamat, al-Qaeda, and Abu-Sayyaf,
among other terrorist groups.
He was also the quintessential libel
tourist. He brought or threatened more
than forty lawsuits in England against
writers and publishers who exposed his
ties to terrorism. None of his English
libel actions were tried on the merits.
The New York Times, Wall Street Journal,
and Washington Post all settled with him.
Cambridge University Press not only
of settled, it issued a gushing apology
for publishing Alms for Jihad: Charity
and Terrorism in the Islamic World, and
destroyed its unsold copies, a shuddering
reminder of the Nazi practice of burning
books. Bin Mahfouz likewise silenced
Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume
Dasquié, authors of the 2006 book, La
Vérité Interdite (the Forbidden Truth)
which, like Alms for Jihad, linked him to
He and fellow libel tourists made
the English libel bar so rich The Times
of London declared the U.K. the “libel
capital of the Western world,” and
English lawyers refer to the “Arab effect”
to describe the explosion of these lawsuits.
Bin Mahfouz refused to sue Ehrenfeld
in an American court because under our
laws, he would have been forced to open
his finances to scrutiny and be deposed
under oath. He was not required to do
either in the English court.
His London litigation became frenzied after 9-11 because families of the
murdered victims sued him in New York
for funding al-Qaeda. He faced a damage
award of nearly $1 trillion if found liable.
Ehrenfeld refused to meet him on
English turf, and he obtained a $225,000
default judgment against her. Instead,
she sued him in New York to declare
his English judgment unenforceable
here. Ordinarily, foreign civil judgments
against American defendants are enforceable in American courts under “comity,” a
doctrine of legal reciprocity.
The federal court dismissed her case
challenging bin Mahfouz’s English libel
judgment, ruling that bin Mahfouz lacked
sufficient New York ties to assert jurisdiction over him here. Ehrenfeld appealed.
My Boston Globe editorial encouraged
the court to construe the jurisdictional
statute in light of the First Amendment
and give Ehrenfeld her day in court. The
American Society of Newspaper Editors,
the Association of American Publishers,
and fourteen other media groups filed
“friend of the court” briefs embracing this
Jurisdiction over foreign defendants
is determined by state law, so the federal
appellate court in Manhattan sent the
matter to New York’s Court of Appeals
in Albany. It confirmed the federal trial
court’s dismissal based on lack of jurisdiction over bin Mahfouz, thereby skirting
the critical First Amendment issue.
But New York’s high court signaled
a remedy; it said the matter “should be
directed to the Legislature.”
(D-Queens) and Senator Dean Skelos
(R-LI) heard the court loud and clear.
They introduced the bipartisan “Libel
Terrorism Reform Act” (A09652 and
S6676-B) dubbed by the media as
“Rachel’s Law” in honor of the courageous Ehrenfeld. As Lancman put it,
“The ability of our journalists, authors
and press to expose ... the truth is the
most important weapon we have in the
War on Terror.”
The bill blocked enforcement of
foreign libel judgments in New York
unless the foreign court satisfied “the
freedom of speech and press protections
guaranteed by both the United States and
New York Constitutions.” In effect, the
bill rendered all foreign libel judgments
unenforceable here because no court
outside the United States abides by the
Sullivan standard to protect free speech/
free press rights.
On February 25, 2008, I published a
second Op Ed with Silverglate, this time in
the New York Post, entitled “Rachel’s Law –
New York’s Libel Tourism Fix,” to spur the
Albany legislature to act, and said, “this bill,
if it becomes law, will do more than protect
our precious First Amendment freedoms
in New York. It also will serve as a template
for action by Congress - and attract foreign
counterterrorism scholars and journalists
to our shores.”
The editorial hit its mark. Rachel’s
Law passed by a rare unanimous vote
in both the Senate and Assembly, and
Gov. David Patterson signed it into law
on April 29, 2008. Thereafter, Utah,
Maryland, Illinois, California, Florida,
Tennessee and New Jersey adopted local
versions of Rachel’s Law.
Continued on page 4
Page 4
The Westchester Guardian
New York Spurs the Nation to Stand Up for
Free Speech
Continued from page 3
I sent a copy of the Globe and Post editorials to a
friend who was counsel to Pennsylvania Senator Arlen
Spector and the Senate Judiciary Committee. In response,
Spector, along with Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Ct.), introduced the Free Speech Protection Act of 2008, a federal
version of Rachel’s Law.
Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) sponsored the bill
in the House. He said, “Libel tourism threatens to undermine the principles of free speech” and “I believe our First
Amendment rights to be among the most sacred principles
laid out in the Constitution. It is vital we ensure that these
rights are never undermined by foreign judgments.”
In a rare event, both houses of Congress followed the
New York legislature’s example and unanimously passed
a revised version of the Spector/Lieberman bill entitled the “Securing the Protection of our Enduring and
Established Constitutional Heritage (SPEECH) Act”
(H.R. 2765/S. 3518). President Obama signed it into law
on August 10th.
The law makes foreign libel judgments unenforceable in
all state and federal courts throughout the United States unless
the judgment complies with the First Amendment. The law
also creates a cause of action to countersue a libel tourist in an
American court for using the foreign court to censor the free
speech rights of American writers and publishers.
The new law reverberated across the Atlantic.
Parliament is now considering legislation to mitigate what
Justice Minister Jack Straw admitted was the “chilling
effect” of libel tourism. Britain’s Libel Reform Campaign
warned Britain’s reputation is being damaged internationally by “our restrictive, archaic and costly libel laws.”
Jo Glanville, editor of Britain’s Index on Censorship,
said, “The US’s response to our libel laws has already
played a key role in advancing the campaign for reform
in the UK. I’m hopeful that the government’s draft bill
will address the issue of libel tourism, which has a clear
chilling effect on freedom of speech, and make it harder
for claimants from outside the EU to bully publishers,
NGOs, bloggers and investigative journalists into silence.”
Jonathan Heawood, director of English PEN said,
“It’s hugely embarrassing that other countries are passing
laws to protect their citizens from libel actions in our high
court.” Padraig Reidy, a spokesman for the Index, told the
London Daily Telegraph the SPEECH Act “is a vindication of our argument that English libel laws in their
current state do not encourage or protect free expression.
The fact that Britain’s best ally feels the need to protect
itself from the English libel courts demonstrates the need
for reform.”
Americans remains confused about the true face of
Islamist terrorism. It is not the stereotype of underprivileged Muslim youth yearning to be religious martyrs, but
instead, an international network of corrupt dictators, drug
kingpins, and mega wealthy malevolents like bin Mahfouz.
Islamism is a totalitarian socio-political ideology
promoted as an alternative to democracy and antidote to
hated Western freedoms. Muslim clerics, richly funded
by the Saudis and their ilk, export their vicious ideology
to the West in hopes of radicalizing Muslim immigrants
and converting infidels to radical Islam.
Islamists seek to export their repression of civil
liberties worldwide. In 1969, the Saudis created the
Organization of the Islamic Conference comprised of
fifty-seven Muslim nations. Its charter is to “liberate
Jerusalem and al-Aqsa from Zionist occupation.” In
1999, the OIC introduced a U.N. resolution asserting that
“Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human
rights violations and terrorism.” On November 24, 2008,
the resolution finally passed. It condemns the so-called
“defamation of religion,” and calls on all U.N. member
states to pass domestic legislation against blasphemy.
Anti-blasphemy laws are routinely used in Muslim
nations to suppress free speech typically exercised by
dissidents who criticize their repressive governments,
often for human rights violations. When Western nations
reject blasphemy laws based on free speech, the fiftyseven OIC nations counter with charges of “racism” and
“Islamophobia” to deflect attention from the brutal fact
that most of the world’s terrorist violence is born and bred
in Muslim lands.
Islamists fear our freedom, in the words of Justice
Brandeis, “the freedom to think as you will and to speak
as you think” which he said was “indispensable to the
discovery and spread of political truth.” Among our
freedoms, the one Islamists fear the most is the First
Amendment. If free speech and a free press were let
loose in their own lands, their governments would come
crashing down like rotten trees.
In Koran 8:60 Mohammed exhorted his followers
to “make ready your strength to the utmost of your
power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the
hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies.” The
new SPEECH Act will strike terror in the hearts of libel
tourists; should they sue abroad to censor an American’s
free speech, they will be countersued here for substantial
damages, and have no chance of enforcing their foreign
judgment in our courts.
Former anti-terrorism federal prosecutor, Andrew
McCarthy, said “Libel tourism would not be a problem
if our political policy makers were offended by it.” By
passing the SPEECH Act, Congress and President
Obama declared they are offended by it. They deserve
enormous praise for enacting this law.
New Yorkers should be especially proud. Their legislators and Governor blazed this noble free speech trail
with Rachel’s Law.
The national law represents an enormous victory over
Islamists. It is a forceful statement by which we have asserted
our values and pushed back against the Islamist totalitarian
onslaught. It declares that free speech and a free press are
universal values Americans are prepared to defend.
It has struck a powerful blow for freedom against the
forces of darkness.
Letters to the Editor
All letters should be E-mailed to [email protected] with “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line.
To the Editor:
I write about the companion articles in The
Westchester Guardian of Thursday, August 5, 2010,
“New York State Education Department Announces
Tougher Grading on State Tests” and “From the Editor:
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics”.
First, however, I must comment on an article in The
New York Times of Sunday, August 8, 2010, entitled
“Little as They Try, Students Can’t Get a D Here”
about the Mount Olive, New Jersey, school district
which eliminated D grades.
I am a retired college professor and held an
administrative post for a proprietary college located
here in New York. The Times article struck a nerve. I
feel that a grade of D is a capitulation to those students
who do not try, but still want to graduate and move on.
Would any parent want an English teacher
teaching his or her children if that teacher received a
diploma with a grade point average of 2.0, and only
received grades of D in English?
I was a member of several academic committees
that set policy, and the lone voice to speak out against
our college lowering its acceptance of transfer credits
from C to D. I also questioned why a pharmaceutical
student only had to score 85, considered a threshold
grade, on an exam about medication. My question was;
“Does that mean if the pharmacist is wrong 15% of the
time, then it is okay for patients who receive the wrong
medications to die?” An extreme case, but an examination of malpractice suits would probably reveal that
percentage is not far from reality.
The Guardian’s cover headline about the state
Education Department report was “Dumbing Down
Our Kids.” Dumbing Down our World is more like it.
I couldn’t agree more with Sam Abady when he states
“This explosive report should have provoked a tsunami
of coverage.”
The daily newspapers are usually quick to respond
and point fingers when a school district does poorly on
state tests. Apparently, there were other more newsworthy stories when the report came out. It is a wakeup
call for all parents, especially those in Westchester who
elect the School Board leaders that control the hiring
of educators and administrators, and allocate monies
spent for education.
Where is the outrage? When I was working, I rode
Metro North from White Plains to Fordham every
morning. Many of my train-mates were teachers in the
New York City elementary school system. The majority
seemed to delight in telling their colleagues how well
their students did on state tests. When asked by the
Continued on page 15
The Westchester Guardian
Page 5
Geoengineering Our Climate Future
By Chris Mooney
On July 22nd,
Congress failed, yet
again, to pass legislation to cut our
carbon emissions.
Meanwhile, on July
28 scientists around the planet agreed
– yet again – that “global warming
is undeniable,” and declared the first
decade of the 21st century the warmest
on record.
Already, “glaciers and sea ice are
melting, heavy rainfall is intensifying,
and heat waves are becoming more
common and more intense,” said a group
of scientists from forty-eight nations in
the annual State of the Climate report,
a National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration document.
The upshot? In the absence of U.S.
leadership, it now seems inevitable to
all but the most rabid climate change
deniers that we, and our children, are
in for a hot, potentially catastrophic
century. That is, unless we find an alternate plan to deal with climate change.
But what plan?
Many scientists are proposing just
such an alternative. They call it “geoengineering,” a catchall label for a variety
of proposals to deliberately meddle with
the planet’s climate system to counter
the worst of global warming’s looming
Unfortunately, you’ve probably
never heard of “geoengineering.” Less
than one percent of Americans currently
know what it is, according to a recent
poll by the Yale Project on Climate
Current geoengineering schemes
include injecting mega-doses of sulfur
into the atmosphere, or the deployment of vast fleets of ships to spray a
seawater mist into the sky to whiten
clouds – techniques that would reflect
sunlight back into space and cool the
planet down. Another approach would
seed the seas with huge amounts of iron
to stimulate microscopic phytoplankton
growth, which would suck carbon
dioxide out of the air.
Needless to say, such extreme “treatments” could have unintended side
effects. The sulfur cure, for instance,
might damage the ozone layer. And iron
fertilization could damage ocean ecosystems. Possibly, anyway. We don’t really
know, which is the scary thing.
The utter lack of public awareness
sharply contrasts with what’s happening
in the expert arena, where talk of
geoengineering the planet has become
common. Top scientific organizations
like the British Royal Society and the
American Meteorological Society have
suggested that scientists should at least
study the possibility of interfering
with the climate system, while Russian
scientists have begun small-scale geoengineering field trials.
That’s right – this thing you’ve never
heard of could soon be on a fast track to
Understand, geoengineering isn’t the
first choice of scientists. They understand
better than anyone that we absolutely
must deal with the root cause of climate
change and cut emissions to avoid planetary catastrophe. The problem is, they
don’t see that happening. So, they argue
that geoengineering, if studied now
and implemented only when necessary,
Continued on page 11
What is “Scary” about Mental Illness?
By Peggy Godfrey
When the Interreligious Council of
New Rochelle holds its second annual
mental illness open house on October
21 at l0 A.M. at Shiloh Baptist Church,
Glenn S. will be there.
Glenn is an upbeat person who tries
to take mental illness in stride. He works
part-time as a page at the New Rochelle
library, and two days at St. Vincent’s
Hospital. His educational background
includes an M.B.A. in Management
and a B.S. in Accounting. He is married
and has one son. He has been published
a few times in various periodicals.
In his own unique, friendly way, he
describes the prayer service to be officiated by the Rev. DeQuincy M. Hentz
and discussions by peers and professionals that will take place on October
It is hard to believe Glenn has a
family history of mental illness and
addiction. It took many years for his
illness to become apparent. His condition surfaced soon after he was laid off
from a job he had for five years.
Following that, his condition got
worse and he had a series of hospitalizations: three at New York Presbyterian
Hospital, and twice at St. Vincent’s
Hospital. The second time at St.
Vincent’s, a Dr. Korey took him off
all his medications and finally figured
out the correct diagnosis. Glenn’s anxiety
and compulsive disorders have multiple
triggers. He now uses medications with
mild side effects, and said some previous
medications did not help.
Although his illness began to
manifest itself a few years after he was
married, his very religious family has
always been supportive. His wife always
came to visit him in the hospital and
her family accepted his mental illness.
Glenn’s spirituality through these years
has been reinforced by his pastor, Father
Martin Biglin, and also his spiritual
director, Sister Barbara S. Three times
a year, Glenn receives the anointing of
the sick. His therapy at St. Vincent’s
continues 2-3 times a week and in his
view, “is fantastic.” The social workers
and therapists individualize their services
because they know no two people can be
treated in the same manner.
Unfortunately, Glenn laments St.
Vincent’s is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy
reorganization as a “debtor in possession.” The Journal News reported that
St. Joseph’s Hospital in Yonkers may be
interested in taking over this facility.
Glenn finds people accept his mental
illness, both because he maintains his
friendships and others are open-minded
toward him. He expressed concern that
other mentally ill people may feel there
is a stigma or a bias against them based
on their condition and so they unnecessarily keep to themselves. While his
parents’ generation “never discussed
mental illness,” Glenn believes mental
illness has become more acceptable to
the public during his lifetime. Young
people with mental issues spotted earlier
do not face as much stigma.
Continued on page 11
Page 6
The Westchester Guardian
Health MatteRS
Jane Watson, M.B., B.S., M.D.
Counseling for the End of Life
Last week, Gov. David Patterson
signed an amendment to the state Public
Health Law which requires physicians
to discuss treatment options with their
terminally ill patients.
The New York State Medical Society
objected to the bill, claiming it would
“intrude unnecessarily upon the physician-patient relationship.” Doctors are
understandably suspicious of legislators
telling them how to practice medicine.
In fact, many doctors do a poor
job of helping terminally ill patients.
Hence, it was time for this badly needed
Doctors are human, and like everyone
else, fear confronting mortality. Imagine
how it feels to get up in the morning
knowing you must tell your patient his or
her existence is coming to an end. And
by the way, here are your care options. It
is deeply painful.
For years, I taught medical students
and residents. In that capacity, I designed
courses to improve listening and communication skills for doctors, and a course to
train residents how to solicit family permission for autopsy after a patient’s death. It
was remarkable how resistant all doctors
are to confronting grieving families.
Residents who routinely asked
for autopsy permission were, by and
large, highly insensitive. They had little
empathy, so talking to people in pain did
not bother them. Most others, however,
were horrified by their own potential reaction in confronting grieving relatives with
the distasteful request to examine a loved
one’s remains. Some common reactions
of my residents were: “that means I have
to be in pain too, and think about dying;”
for days;”
and, “I am always afraid
that I will cry, or get emotional,
and ruin my image as a doctor.”
The same is true for palliative
care discussions. Doctors become
very attached to patients; we do not
want to lose them. We certainly do
not want to cause them emotional
pain by spelling out what little time
they have left. And on some level,
acknowledging a terminal illness is to
acknowledge our failure as physicians.
It is not emotionally easy to practice
medicine as it ought to be practiced.
But a physician’s personal sadness
is not sufficient reason to disserve
the dying. The sadness of the dying
patient and those who love him or her
is infinitely greater and more important. Despite this, more than half of
all primary care physicians never have
an end-of-life discussion with their
terminal patients.
Many studies have shown the terminally ill and their loved ones do vastly
better if doctors speak to them about
the end of their lives. Studies published
in the last two years in the Journal of the
American Medical Association and the
Archives of Internal Medicine reveal that
patients suffer less depression and feel
closer to loved ones after having end-oflife discussions because such discussions
allow patients to speak more honestly
and openly about the future.
The terminally ill who are given
palliative care options are also more
likely to die at home, suffer less pain, and
have fewer drug side effects. They cost
the health
care system a great
deal less money in aggressive,
unnecessary, treatments. These
options vary with the underlying
illness, but prime among them is
adequate pain relief which can
usually be achieved by physicians
experienced in treating terminal
illness, although not those who
lack that clinical experience.
is often important in maintaining
quality of life for a dying person. It
enables the patient to hold onto his
or her personality and interact with
Home hospice care is covered by
many forms of insurance, including
Medicare. Family members often feel
enormous relief knowing an experienced
nurse or physician is coming regularly to
assess the dying patient and suggest care.
Having a nurse’s aide turn and
bathe an immobilized person once a
day relieves stress for both patient and
family alike. Home oxygen is available
for terminal patients with breathing
In short, counseling is vital to have a
dignified death.
Patients do not know to ask for these
treatments. How could they? Too many
doctors fail to explain them to avoid
their own discomfort. The Obama health
reform plan would have reimbursed
physicians for time spent in critical, time
consuming end-of-life counseling, but the
measure was abandoned after opponents
falsely mislabeled it as “death panels.”
The new state law defines a terminal
illness as “an illness or condition which
can reasonably be expected to cause
death within six months, whether or
not treatment is provided.” It permits
a medical practitioner to transfer a
patient to another physician if the
practitioner is unwilling to have an
end-of-life discussion with the patient.
Unfortunately, the law also allows
end-of-life information to be delivered “orally or in writing.” Now there
is a horrible image, receiving a slip of
paper as you leave the doctor’s office
announcing your terminal prognosis and
care options.
The law implicitly recognizes physicians need help understanding how
best to deliver palliative care information to patients. The law also establishes
a commission on palliative care, and
provides palliative care training grants
for medical school faculty and students.
Most importantly, the new law
compels doctors in the trenches to
do what most know they ought to do
anyway: talk to their terminal patients,
which enhances dignity because,
empowered with end-of-life and palliative care information, patients can make
their own choices and prepare to leave
this world on their own terms.
Dr. Watson, a British and American physician,
was educated at the University of London and
is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. She
has been a member of the academic faculties of
medicine at Einstein, NYU and Cornell, and
Director of Ambulatory Medicine at Booth
Memorial in Queens
The Westchester Guardian
Page 7
America on Trial
If heroes exist, Johnny Hopper
(1913-1991) was a hero. He was born in
England and moved to France as a child
with his family. He fought the Nazis in
France from 1940-45.
Robert Wernick wrote an article
about Hopper excerpted in the October
1993 Smithsonian magazine. He says
Hopper “derailed trains, he blew up
oil and ammunition depots, he assassinated French policemen and German
Army officers, he shot his way out of
ambushes laid for him by the Gestapo
and the Sicherheitsdienst and the
French Gendarmerie. When he needed
money ... he robbed a bank.... When he
needed a German colonel’s uniform ...
he waylaid and killed a German colonel.”
Wernick says Hopper fought “his
own war. He wore no uniform. He
reported to no Commanding Officer.
He planned and executed his own
actions.... ‘I don’t believe in taking
things lying down,’ is all he ever said to
explain why. ‘It was the Germans who
set the rules, don’t you see. I did terrible
things, things as bad as the Germans
did. I was responsible for the death of
innocent people. But when you meet
an aggressor, you have to aggress back,
aggress all the time.’”
Hopper’s parting advice to Wernick
was, “Never shoot a man in the head
with a small-caliber gun.”
Fast forward fifty-seven years.
Omar Khadr is a Canadian born
in Toronto. His father, a naturalized
Canadian from Egypt, took Omar to
Afghanistan and allegedly put him to
work for al-Qaeda.
Khadr is accused of setting explosives for terrorists, spying for them, and
murdering an American soldier with a
hand grenade. The Pentagon calls him
an “unprivileged enemy belligerent.”
He is the first alleged al-Qaeda
captive to be tried by military commission under the Obama administration.
His trial, interrupted by problems with
his military lawyer’s health, is set to
resume this month.
Khadr was fifteen when he was
captured by American soldiers. He was
found under rubble created by a half ton
of bombs dropped from an American
aircraft. A U.S. soldier shot him twice in
the back, leaving him lame, scarred and
blind in one eye.
Under duress, Khadr confessed to
throwing the grenade that killed U.S.
Army 1st Sgt. Christopher Speer. No
one saw him throw the grenade. When
an American noted Khadr had been
shot in the back, Khadr said he threw
the grenade backward over his shoulder.
This gravely injured, shocked, and
frightened kid told his interrogators
whatever they wanted to hear. One
interrogator told a U.S. military judge
Khadr was threatened with rape if he
did not confess. Other interrogators
admitted Khadr was questioned after
being softened up with stress positions
defined as “torture” in a U.S. Army field
manual. Much more mistreatment,
physical and mental, has been alleged
and admitted. Nonetheless, the military
judge ruled Khadr’s confession may be
introduced in evidence.
Khadr was a child. He was in
Afghanistan because his father
took him there and told him what
to do. Civilized governments
and international law consider
child soldiers to be victims, not
Yet, Khadr was threatened
with rape and tortured by adult
Americans, then jailed -- and
some say abused -- for eight years
and counting without having been
convicted of anything.
Even if Khadr was an “adult” at age
fifteen and did all he is accused of, by
what right does the U.S. prosecute him?
Afghanistan. From the locals’ point of
view, Americans are armed aggressors
looking for trouble on Afghan turf.
Afghanis and their allies like Khadr do
what Johnny Hopper did, “aggress back,
aggress all the time.”
Our attack on Afghanistan was
justified by 9-11. Our troops rightfully
kill or capture those who resist. But it is
arrogance for Americans to treat resistance to our invasion as a “war crime.”
One is reminded of what German
Nazis called the French Underground,
the Yugoslav partisans, the Warsaw
ghetto’s Jewish Military Union and
Jewish Combat Organization who
resisted: “bandits;” “sub-humans;”
If Khadr killed an American
soldier, the Army says he is a murderer
eligible for the death penalty. If a
uniformed soldier kills an enemy, it is
all in a day’s work.
Omar Khadr
Why? Because soldiers on a government payroll, wearing government
clothing, using government weapons to
execute government orders are deemed
engaged in legitimate conduct.
In contrast, our targets in
Afghanistan are like Johnny Hopper in
France. They are not government paid;
they wear their own clothing and use
personal weapons; they fight independent of a central authority. Indeed, there
is no meaningful central authority in
Uniforms and paperwork make
soldiers “legal.” Without them, armed
fighters are “criminals.” It is all in the
Our soldiers are “heroes” and their
targets are “terrorists” -- an appropriate
label when they attack our homes. But
what about when we attack their homes?
We invaded Afghanistan, but do
not allow locals the privilege of fighting
back. We insist they do what Hopper
refused to do: “take it lying down.” If
they die, we cheer. If they survive, we jail
them, potentially for life, like criminals.
Continued on page 16
Page 8
The Westchester Guardian
Gl bal Reach
Christopher MacAlpine
Destabilization and the
Cult of Economic Analysis
Destabilization has been a tool of
nation states for nearly as long as they
have existed. Destabilization is defined
as non-military action designed to cause
a foreign government to fall.
Destabilization is considered an
attractive tool of statecraft because, in
theory, it allows a nation to undermine
an enemy state and reap nearly the same
rewards as a full-scale military invasion,
but with considerably less political and
economic risk.
A prime example is the use of
mercenaries as proxies for a state’s
armed forces. The Byzantines began to
reintegrate the Western and Eastern
halves of the Roman Empire in the
Seventh Century. Visigoth invaders
poured into the Iberian Peninsula -Spain and Portugal today -- and exerted
much stress on Byzantine administrators and military forces which strove to
keep the Visigoths out. Byzantine rulers
lacked the funds to raise, train, equip
and transport an army from one side
of the Mediterranean to the other. The
capital, Constantinople, lay in what is
now Istanbul in Turkey.
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Their solution was
to enlist the Moors,
mercenaries, to drive out the Visigoths.
In 711 C.E., Moors crossed over
from North Africa and drove the
Visigoths back to the rim
of Aragon in northeastern Spain.
Use of mercenaries was a
the Romans employed Goth mercenaries to repel advancing Huns. They
were stopped in what is now Hungary.
However, the strategy was risky
because mercenary forces sometimes
overstepped their military boundaries or
overstayed their welcome. That is what
happened with the Moors. They stayed
in Spain until 1492 when the combined
forces of Ferdinand and Isabella finally
drove them from Iberia.
calculus of using
would be determined by a “cost benefit
analysis” or CBA. The University of
Chicago’s Harris School of Public
Policy defines CBA as “a process,
whether explicitly or implicitly,
that weighs the total expected
costs against the expected benefits of one or more actions in
order to choose the best or
most profitable option.”
CBA is based on economics,
the study of the distribution
of goods and services, and often
expressed in monetary terms. CBA is
used extensively by policy planners to
weigh the optimal course of action to
remedy social or environmental problems.
It was first employed by the Army
Corps of Engineers in the late 1930’s for
a federal waterway project. According to
George M. Guess and Paul G. Farnham,
authors of Cases in Public Policy Analysis,
the Flood Control Act of 1939 was the
instrumental legislation which established CBA as the chief guideline to fix
Continued on page 17
The Westchester Guardian
Page 9
Careers in the Innocence Movement
regularity, cases of people
wrongfully convicted and
subsequently cleared come to
light. They justifiably produce
feelings of shock and outrage
about wrongdoing by law enforcement. They also produce feelings
of sadness and relief that manifest
injustice was overturned.
There are many ways to
contribute to the innocence movement. Hopefully, some reading this
article will consider pursuing such a
Criminal defense lawyers, first
and foremost, exonerate the wrongfully convicted, and civil lawyers
then seek compensation for these
victims. My primary attorney, Nick
Brustin, is this kind of lawyer.
Paralegals also play an important
role in the process by helping lawyers
who file legal papers, present evidence
and conduct hearings in wrongful
conviction cases.
Psychologists are vital to the movement. They counsel the wrongfully
convicted damaged by years lost in
prison for someone else’s crime. They
also provide expert testimony about false
Dr. Matthew Johnson, a false
confession expert at the John Jay
College of Criminal Justice, is this
kind of psychologist. False confession
experiments by Saul Kassin, professor of
psychology at Williams College, led to a
greater understanding of why and how
such confessions occur. Several years
ago, Dr. Kassin testified as an expert
witness about false confessions in the
John Kogut case. His testimony led to
Kogut’s acquittal on retrial.
DNA proved that Kogut
and his co-defendants were
Likewise, psychological
research and experiments have generated a
greater understanding
perpetrators by eye
methods and processes to make
identifications more accurate.
Social workers play a key role in
the innocence movement. They assist
the exonerated in reconnecting with
family, friends and community; help the
freed prisoner tap into available public
resources to integrate back into civil life;
and help him adjust to the difficulties of
day-to-day living.
Journalists are critical to the innocence movement. They raise public
awareness of wrongful conviction cases
and spur the public to become sensitized
to this issue. Jessica Sanders directed the
documentary “After Innocence,” which
chronicled the difficulties wrongfully
convicted men experience reintegrating
back into society. The documentary won
six awards.
The Innocence Network is a collective of groups dedicated to clearing the
wrongfully convicted. The network
hailed Mike Wagner and Peter Dutton
who wrote a 14-part series in The
Columbus Dispatch following a “yearlong review that uncovered deep flaws
in Ohio’s system for post-conviction
DNA testing. They learned that police
and courts regularly destroy evidence,
prosecutors routinely oppose DNA
testing, and judges often dismiss inmate
requests without a reason, though the
law requires one.”
Wagner and Dutton worked with
the Ohio Innocence Project and “identified 30 cases of prisoners who might
be exonerated through DNA testing.
So far, two people have been exonerated
through the project: Joseph Fears -- who
served 26 years in prison, and Robert
McClendon who served 17 years.”
The Columbus Dispatch series
“also helped spark statewide legislative reforms in Ohio on access to
Continued on page 17
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landscape areas
Page 10
The Westchester Guardian
The Race for Family Court
Veteran Family Law Practitioner
Hal Greenwald Throws His Hat
into the Ring
By Andy T.C. Seife
Hal Greenwald
has been an active
family law practitioner since he of
obtained his law
degree from Pace
University in 1986,
nearly fourteen years after he graduated
from Lehman College in 1972.
Now, Greenwald is throwing his hat
in the ring as one of the six candidates
for Westchester Family Court in the
upcoming November election.
The other five candidates for the four
open Family Court seats are incumbents
Nita Horowitz and David Klein; acting
Family Court judge William Edwards;
yet-to-be confirmed Interim Judge
Michelle Schauer, and former Deputy
County Attorney Patricia O’Callaghan.
Attorneys Sharon Bell-Adamo and
Guy Parisi were in the running, but
submitted certificates of declination to
the Westchester Board of Elections and
will not be on the ballot.
Greenwald worked at his family’s
retail business in the Bronx during the
day and spent nights getting his MBA
at St. John’s University and his law
degree from Pace.
“I wanted to do a little more than
just be involved in my community,” he
explained. “I went to school in the sixties,
so I was one of those persons who had
a change-the-world kind of attitude.
I guess I never lost that idealism, and
wanted to participate by representing
people in the Family Court where help
seems to be most needed.”
Greenwald views family law as the
most challenging and yet rewarding area
of the law. “It’s difficult because you’re
dealing with people and families. You’re
not dealing with a contract or a dollar
amount to be paid by an insurance
company, “ he said. “You’re dealing with
real people and real issues that concern
their lives.”
The Yonkers attorney may have an
uphill battle because four of his five
opponents have served on the Family
Court in one capacity or another already,
given them the incumbents’ advantage.
However, Greenwald’s bid for Family
Court is backed by the Democratic,
Conservative, and Working Families
parties, and he is no stranger to leadership positions and responsibility, having
served as President of the Yonkers
Lawyers Association and currently
serves as President of the Greenburgh
Hebrew Center synagogue.
“These are families in crisis,” he said
referring to people who appear in Family
Court, “and you have to help them. One
way to help is to make a decision.”
Greenwald offered this by way of
illustration. “You’re representing the
child, and if they’re not old enough to
make the right decision, you need to
intervene. Maybe the child needs to be
placed in a residential facility, if he’s a
runaway, for his own safety. You want
the child to go home, but sometimes,
the homes children go home to just
aren’t the right place. I’m willing to
make that tough decision if I need to.”
In 1999 and 2001, Greenwald ran
unsuccessfully for Yonkers City Council,
and in 2003, lost in what he described
as a “credible campaign” against Lou
Mosiello for 15th district seat on the
Westchester Board of Legislators.
“I’m really pleased to be considered
a candidate, it’s something I’ve really
worked for,” Greenwald says. “Coming
out of night school, to be considered for
a judicial candidacy is a pretty amazing
thing from my perspective.”
The Westchester Guardian
Page 11
Geoengineering Our Climate
Continued from page 5
could act as a backup plan or global
insurance policy. It would give us one
more lever to throw that might steer the
Earth back to a climate safe zone.
Understand, too, that geoengineering isn’t at all attractive to scientists.
It’s simply more attractive than the
worst-case scenario alternative: a world
where massively higher seas and disastrous storms could force us to abandon
many of our coastal cities.
Thought about in that way, geoengineering appears less appalling, more
utilitarian. The highly nuanced, cautious
position that has emerged among scientists is that we should actively study
geoengineering, but with strict ethical
guidelines, and only employ it in the
case of a planetary emergency.
Thanks to the failure of governments to cut emissions, we are left with
a stark reality: global warming is real,
increasingly difficult to halt, and could
run away on us, creating a dangerously
different Earth from the one our species
now inhabits. Under such a horrific
threat, we shouldn’t take any potential
solution off the table.
Which is why everyone needs to get
informed about geoengineering. If you
care about your future and want to know
all the options, read two recent books
by science writers popularizing geoningineering – Eli Kintisch’s Hack The
Planet and Jeff Goodell’s How to Cool
the Planet.
Meanwhile, if the Obama administration wants to innovate in its approach
to global warming, it can begin to
educate the public on geoengineering
possibilities – and fund the needed
studies that will allow us to safely implement those options if it comes to pass
that we have to make that terrible choice
– if things turn really hot and ugly.
Chris Mooney hosts the popular science
podcast Point of Inquiry, (www.pointofinquiry.org) and has authored numerous
books including, with Sheril Kirshenbaum,
Unscientific America: How Scientific
Illiteracy Threatens Our Future. He lives
in Washington, D.C.
What is “Scary” about
Mental Illness
Continued from page 5
Glenn says Social Security benefits
ease the financial burden on mentally ill
people. His community in New Rochelle
provides places to go for support, such as
The Guidance Center and Dimensions
located on Main Street. A national
organization, National Association of
Mental Illness (NAMI), is also helpful
and supplies useful information.
As Glenn said, “greater strides will
be made” in the cure of mental illness as
more medical research is done, yielding
better medications and improved therapeutic techniques such as Dialectical
Behavior Therapy. Glenn keeps
mentally active by reading history and
spiritual books, watching political and
religious televisions shows (especially
EWTN), gardening and jig saw puzzles
have helped him.
According to Glenn, the mind needs
to be kept focused on “positive affirmations and events because our minds can
be our worst enemy. The mind works
against me, creating doubt, questions,
etc. The disease has taken a lot from our
lives and others who suffer, but I keep
on trying to move forward.”
Mental illness is “scary,” he said,
because “You don’t know what, where or
when the next trigger” will be.
To the impartial observer, however,
Glenn appears well adjusted, happy, and
through his activities, willing to address
political and social inequities in the
community and the nation.
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Page 12
The Westchester Guardian
Sunday • Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday • Saturday
Wednesday 9/1
Friday 9/3
Saturday 9/4
Event: S
ummer Breeze Concert
Event: M
usic in the Square at
Event: The Romantics
dvance film screening at Sarah
Starring Katie Holmes, Anna
Paquin, Josh Duhamel, due in
theaters 9/10
The Pelham Picture House is
closed for renovations. During this
time, The Picture House is partnering with Sarah Lawrence College
to hold special events, open to the
The screening will be followed by
Q&A with the director and producer.
Heimbold Visual Arts Building,
Donnelley Theatre.
1 Mead Way, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville
7:15 Reception 7:45PM screening
$15, $12 for students
Contact: (914) 738 3161
Website: www.thepicturehouse.org
J azz, R & B, and Latin Artists
perform during
merchants’ sidewalk sales.
Intersection of Main St., So.
Broadway & Palisade Avenue
12-1:30 PM
Contact: (914) 969 6660
Website: www.yonkersdowntown.com
am Waymon w/ a Tribute to Nina
City Hall Plaza
Mount Vernon
7 PM
Contact: (914) 665-2300
Website: www.cmvny.com
Event: Jazz and Blues at Dusk
Maciek Schlejbal Quartet performs
Yonkers Waterfront Amphitheatre
(foot of Main St.)
6:30-8 PM
Contact (914) 969 6660
Website www.yonkersdowntown.com
Event: School? Already?!!!
tories about school for the entire
White Plains Public Library
100 Martine Ave White Plains, NY 10601 Time:
11:00AM & 4:00PM Cost: Free
Contact: (914) 422 1480
Website: www.whiteplainslibrary.org
J oin the Westchester Amateur
Astronomers in the Meadow
parking lot for star gazing through
Cloud date: September 11.
Trailside Nature Museum
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Routes 35 & 121 South
Cross River, NY 10518 Cost:
Contact: (914) 864-7322
Website: www.westchesterastronomers.org
Saturdays, Sundays & Labor Day
until Sept. 26, 2010
Sterling Forest Tuxedo Park, NY 10AM-7PM
(845)351 5171
Sunday 9/5
Event: W
WE presents “Smackdown World Tour”
Event: D
isney’s Alice in Wonderland (11 AM)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (3 PM)
Thursday 9/2
Event: Starway To Heaven
Event: N
ew York Renaissance
rove Summer Flicks. T
Rated PG
White Plains Pulic Library
100 Martine Ave, White Plains
11 AM, 3 PM
Contact: (914) 422 1480
Website: www.whiteplainslibrary.org
Event: Shelter Building
aturalist Melissa Sullivan will lead
this hands-on program and help
you make a backyard clubhouse or
an emergency shelter. Afterwards,
climb in and find if it can survive a
sudden rainstorm.
Cranberry Lake Preserve
Old Orchard Street North White Plains
Contact: (914) 428-1005
he Big Show vs. Kane – World
Heavyweight Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk w/The
Straight Edge Society
Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler
Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Championship
Chris Masters vs. Jack Swagger
Also featuring Matt Hardy, Alberto
Del Rio, Layla/Michelle McCool,
Kelly Kelly, MVP, Cody Rhodes,
The Westchester Guardian
Page 13
Sunday • Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday • Saturday
Chavo Guerrero and many more
Smackdown Superstars live! Card Subject to Change
Westchester County Center 198 Central Avenue, White Plains Time:
$76.50, $51.50, $41.50 and
$26.50 Contact: County Center Box Office Charge by Phone: 1-800-7453000
Website: www.wwe.com
Event: A
ttic Treasures Flea Market
egularly, every Sunday. New
vendors welcome
16 South Division St,
8AM-4PM Apr-Nov
Contact: Ferdinand (845)528 7756
or the Peekskill BID, (914) 737
Website: www.downtownpeekskill.com
Monday 9/6
931c E. Boston Post Rd. Mamaroneck 9/7 & 9/8 6-8PM, Sun & Tues
11AM-1PM & 5-7PM
Free Contact: Daniel Ferrante (914) 630-0804
Contact: Charlotte Klein (914)218-8535
Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.wchj.org
Event: M
ary Lou Seaman Westchester Employee
Blood Drive
Event: C
areer Counselling in
uring summer vacation months,
blood donations are reduced but
the need for blood is not. County
employees will again be donating
blood to fill the need. The drive is
open to any resident who wishes
to donate. Experienced donors are
encouraged to enlist a new firsttime donor. A picture ID is required. Free juice, coffee, cookies, and
tasty snacks provided.
Westchester County Center 198 Central Avenue, White Plains
Time: 9AM-4PM with the last donation
appointment at 3:45pm
Free Contact: Janet Lokay (914) 995-2127
Website: www.westchestergov.com
Event: 2
6TH Annual Labor Day
Antiques Fair
Wednesday 9/8
L asdon Park, Arboretum & Veterans Memorial
Route 35, Somers On the main lawn, rain or shine. Time:
10 AM - 5 PM
Adults $7; children under 13 free
Contact: (914) 273-4667
rinton Will Public Library
1500 Central Park Ave
Call to make a free 30 minute appointment with a career counselor,
Cost Free
Contact: (914) 337 1500 x315
uditions for our upcoming shows
are as follows:
“Urinetown” for grades 7-12, on
9/7th & 9/8 from 6-8PM;
“Alice in Wonderland” for grades
4-8 on 9/12 11AM-1PM and
9/14th 5-7PM;
“Aladdin” for grades K-5, on
10/ 17th 11AM-1PM and 10/19
Westchester Sandbox Theatre
hands-on experience for children
to learn about chickens.
Pre-registration required. At:
Muscoot Farm, Route 100,
10-11AM or 1-2 PM
$10 per child
Contact: (914) 864-7282
Website: www.muscootfarm.org
Event: R
osh Hashanah Celebration At:
L ooking for a way to celebrate
your Jewish heritage but remain
true to your secular beliefs? Join
our haimish group for this year’s
observance of Rosh Hashanah.
Service will be led by Rabbi Frank
Tamburello and will feature the
poet, author and scholar Jennifer
Hecht as guest speaker.
Community Unitarian Church
468 Rosedale Ave, White Plains,
their unique style of urban-Latino
Event: Ozomatli performs
Thursday 9/9
onstrations by local chefs.
Yorktown Grange Fairgrounds
99 Moseman Road Yorktown Heights
See website
(914) 962 3900
Event: C
hicken Chatter: Program for 3-To-5 Year
Tuesday 9/7
Event: W
estchester Sandbox
Theatre Young People’s
Theatre Auditions
hip hop, salsa, samba, funk, merengue, comparsa, East LA R&B,
New Orleans second line,
Jamaican reggae and Indian raga.
Paramount Center for the Arts
1008 Brown St., Peekskill
8 PM
Contact: (914) 739 2333
Website: www.paramountcenter.org
Friday 9/10
Event: Roberta Flack performs
Event: 8
6th Yorktown Grange
Westchester’s only agricultural fair.
Livestock and produce judging.
Family fun and entertainment.
Rides, Baking contest, food dem-
Paramount Center for the Arts
1008 Brown St., Peekskill
8 PM
(914) 739 2333
Page 14
The Westchester Guardian
Westchester Theatre Directory September 2, 2010
Now Playing:
Hudson Valley Shakespeare
End of Season, Final Performances
Rotating Repertory productions;
Troilus and Cressida
9/1, 9/4
The Taming
of the Shrew
9/2, 9/5
Bomb-itty of
9/3 includes
wine tasting
is a familyfriendly rap
adaptation of A Comedy of Errors)
Boscobel Restoration, 8 miles
north of the Bear Mountain Bridge
on Rt. 9D
Times: Tu, Wed, Thur 7 PM
Fri, Sat 8 PM
6 PM
Tu, Wed & Thur $34
Fri & Sun $40
Sat $47
Contact: (845) 265 9575
Website: www.hvshakespeare.org
Coming in the Fall:
Westchester Broadway Theater
Blueberry Pond Theater
The Lady With All the Answers
A play about Ann Landers
10/8 & 10/9
Hudson Stage Company
A new play by James McLindon
Pound Ridge Theater Company
This revolutionary rock musical
has transformed a generation of
theatre-goers. Set in New York
City’s East Village,it is an imaginative retelling of Puccini’s opera,La
Westchester Broadway Theater
1 Broadway Plaza, Elmsford
Times: 9/1, 9/2 11:15AM,
9/3, 9/4 6:15PM
9/5 11:45AM & 5:15PM
9/8 11:15AM, 9/9 11:15AM & 6:15
$80.53 – includes dinner
Contact: (914) 592 2222
Website www.broadwaytheater.com
Moon Over Buffalo by Ken Ludwig
Schoolhouse Theater
Brownsville Bred
Written, performed, and lived by Elaine Del
Yorktown Stage
Fiddler on the Roof
on the
The Westchester Guardian
Letters to the Editor
Continued from page 4
others “how?” they usually told tales of
keeping the previous years’ tests and
teaching to the tests. Sound familiar?
That is why I was delighted to see
Bloom’s Taxonomy as the focal point
of Mr. Abady’s editorial. The question
in my mind was always “Where is the
building of cognitive knowledge, and
the ability to think and reason?”
During my teaching career, I did
not use true/false or multiple guess (sic)
examinations. They are the equivalent
of the first step of Bloom -- knowledge. Instead, I used case studies and
thought provoking questions that
tested thinking, reasoning, and critical
The major problem I encountered
was students’ lack of writing skills. I also
taught in two other proprietary colleges
and one CUNY school. The demographic was the same, and poor writing
extended across the entire demographic.
There were students who excelled, but
the number of papers I received that
were incoherent or lacking the basic
Introduction-Body-Conclusion structure was the norm. Statistically speaking,
of course.
I have a Masters in Instructional
Technology, but unfortunately, I cannot
say I was able to use much of what I
learned. Whether the problem was the
students or the limits of the syllabus I
could not determine without research,
which was frowned upon.
Will the voters speak with their
votes, or will they cling to the old adage
when their children do poorly, “They
can always be civil servants.” (That is
not meant to disparage those people
who ably serve the people of New York
in that capacity.)
Michael Rothman
White Plains, New York
To the Editor:
Michael Limato wrote a provocative
and courageous article in your August
12th edition which is likely to cause
considerable discussion. His “The Black
and White States of America” paints
a powerful portrait of some of the key
cultural and political challenges we face
since the election of Barack Obama.
Unlike Eric Holder’s babble
regarding a dialogue on race, Limato
offers direct albeit arguable data and
opinion supporting a real dialogue
and not the usual monologues we get
from people on either side of the issue.
Frankly, it is time to put to rest this
whole notion of “racial debate” and look
at these issues in proper context. We
need to bring together all people in our
society by deed as well as word by simply
looking not at “celebrating diversity” but
“celebrating similarity.”
Barack Obama, my candidate and
now my president, had an opportunity to
put things on such a path several times
over the past year. He has chosen not to
for his own reasons. Limato’s account
of his appearance on the television
show, “The View,” is a perfect example
of a so-called “teaching moment” gone
astray. Barbara Walters asked him why
he did not identify himself as being
This was a moment to teach and
to lead; one that would not have been
wasted by Martin Luther King. King’s
celebratory moments would have been
directed at something quite different
than diversity or divisiveness. Obama
chose to waffle instead, and worse, to
label himself and so many others as
I don’t think it is important to take
offense at the term. Words are only
as powerful as we permit them to be.
Rather, we should be offended by the
loss of opportunity and ponder whether
or not he chose to maintain the political
status quo, substituting political correctness for “oneness.” a nation coming
together and not growing apart. He
seems to have chosen to maintain a
culture fragmented by the special needs
of groups of Americans to seek out some
sense of uniqueness rather than working
towards advancing America as “one
nation indivisible.”
It is time to put aside all of these
needs for special interests, entitlements,
victimization or whatever else supports
separation over collaboration.
We should be fair in judging this
good man. He has had nothing but
serious issues and obstacles in his path
since taking office. A number of these
are, frankly, malevolent and not worthy
of those representing the interests of the
American people. Specifically, he gets
little or no support from the opposition
party and many in his own party and his
staff have not served him well, especially
when they put their own biases and
prejudices ahead of serving the people
and their President.
However, Barack Obama must
come to terms with these facts as well
as measuring his footprint in history
differently from what he seems to be
articulating to the public. Yes, he has
passed historic legislation, but what
price glory if it divides the nation? The
Greeks label these kinds of accomplishments as “Pyrrhic victories”; or in more
common terms, winning the battle but
losing the war.
It is time to concentrate our energy
and resources inwardly, and pull back
from over committing to other nations
especially in terms of financial foreign
aid. We have inner cities being consumed
by hatred and violence. Americans are
killing Americans indiscriminately and
this is not something we can or should
label in any racial or cultural term. It is
a tragedy transcending labels and is our
nation’s responsibility to assist in solving
this horror.
We have too long ignored the poor
and hungry of Appalachia; inadequately
addressed the issues in the Gulf Coast
both pre and post Katrina; stood by
while children in black, brown, white,
and multiracial communities have been
neglected, poorly educated, and left with
a legacy of despair and damage.
Where is this “hope we all can
believe in?” It lies in the will of our
President, our legislators, and in us to
demand change, to challenge hypocrisy,
special interests, and restore the vision
of our Founders as well as the work
of great Americans such as Abraham
Lincoln and Martin Luther King.
Mr Obama, you honor and ennoble
all mixed-race families, including your
own, by embracing similarity over
divisiveness and diversity. You must
be aware of the thousands of multiracial families; most coming together by
choice and enriching our society. They
are not mongrels. Neither are you! You
have it in your power to bring forth
change in your administration that
produces a climate to support oneness;
one America.
Attitudes change by personal experience and introspection; attitudes are
not the business of legislation or law. I
think we all can agree that most people
Page 15
are decent and open. We can and should
continue to work towards changing
behavior. Leave it to the individual
citizen to think about what is right and
wrong. Support the citizen by example,
and with your teaching moments.
Surely, the example set by Prof. Henry
Louis Gates and Sgt. Crowley is not
lost on any right thinking American.
They chose to become friends out of a
sad experience because they were decent
and open.
Thank you Michael Limato for an
important contribution to our American
experience and shared culture. I have
no idea what your personal ideology is
concerning the topic. Frankly, it doesn’t
matter that much. Your actions speak
well for you and I hope whatever sentiments this article brings forward go well
beyond what we sadly have come to
expect from too many people.
Can we at least sign up for the
importance of similarity and let the
movement of time and the inherent
decency of the American people bring
us to the balance we need and deserve?
Warren Gross
New Rochelle, New York
Editor’s note: Much is made of Obama’s use
of the word “mongrel.” It is not an epithet
unless you are a member of the tony Kennel
Club set. The dictionary definition is “any
animal or plant resulting from the crossing
of different breeds or varieties;” “of mixed
breed, nature, or origin.”
The President is a bi-racial man, half
black, half white, reared in a white environment. Barbara Walters asked why he
identifies himself as black and not bi-racial.
He explained how he settled on his identity,
pointing out that most American blacks are
“mongrels,” i.e., have some white ancestry,
and yet, still identify as African American
and not something else. Makes sense to me.
To the Editor:
Why is it that African Americans
are never mentioned when the topic of
illegal immigrants is brought up? We
are affected by illegal immigration more
than anyone because we are the ones
who must compete with them for work.
They even take jobs from kids.
I live in Mount Vernon and the
problem of illegal immigration is killing
us. It is said they do the jobs Americans
Continued on page 16
Page 16
The Westchester Guardian
Letters to the Editor
Continued from page 15
won’t do. That is not true. If the job
paid what the law said it should pay, we
would take it.
Everyone talks about how this
country was built on the backs of immigrants, as if we black people had nothing
to do with building this country. This
country was built by slave labor, but no
one wants to admit it. We were brought
here before most immigrants, and we
did not ask to come.
For those who say we need immigration reform or the law is broken, read
the law first. It is illegal to hire illegal
immigrants or harbor them, but they
are working all over Westchester in jobs
that any American would take if the pay
was right.
Why is our government not cracking
down? This is not good for the country.
If there were a crackdown, there would
be less crime and fewer people on
welfare because there would be more
jobs for all Americans.
Joshua Askew
Mount Vernon, New York
To the Editor:
Reading Jeffrey Heller’s article
“Hogs at the Trough” (Guardian, August
5, 2010), left me a bit confused, and a lot
There are several points Heller made
that I seriously question.
Regarding the food stamp shopper
who buys Kelloggs Cornflakes, Heinz
Ketchup, beefsteak, peppers from
Holland and Fiji water, did Heller ever
consider if the shopper used coupons or
if the items were on sale?
Brand name cornflakes and ketchup
can actually end up being less expensive with careful use of coupons, or
when “on special.” Additionally, generic
brands sometimes are tasteless and
watered down. I am almost certain the
food stamp shopper wasn’t buying filet
mignon or sirloin. London broil has
been on sale recently for $1.47 a pound
-- cheaper than a pack of hot dogs.
I don’t understand Heller’s advocating George Stigler’s menu of “wheat
flour, evaporated milk, cabbage, spinach
and dried navy beans.” This so-called
theoretical diet to maintain good health
was written in 1945. Guidelines to good
nutrition -- sixty-five years later -- have
certainly changed. Cabbage and spinach
are expensive when out of season. To eat
such a diet day in and day out certainly
does not give any pleasure or satisfaction.
Now, I agree that “For decades,
Americans spent more than we earned.”
However, Heller’s list of “Our big
houses, TV’s, cars, vacation, medical
bills, education, food and fuel” has some
items which should not be included.
Yes, MacMansions are obscene, and
so are 47 inch TV’s. Since TV’s went
digital, I no longer have a working TV.
But I object to medical bills being on
Heller’s list. After all, it is no fault of
individuals who get cancer, Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s, and a multitude of other
serious illnesses. What are they
supposed to do? Not take their medications and curl up and die in a corner?
Is it their fault that pharmaceutical
companies have a ten-year patent before
a drug becomes a generic, or that these
companies justify the high cost of some
medications by saying they are needed
to pay for research and development?
And why is “education” on Heller’s
list? Is he advocating cutbacks in elementary schools? I know, let’s go back to the
50s when my first grade class had fiftyfive students. Or are the cutbacks aimed
at high school? Why not encourage
teenagers to quit at sixteen and end up
in low-paying, dead-end jobs for the rest
of their lives? That would save a ton of
money. And if Heller is talking about
college, then he would not be a lawyer,
asylum expert, and registered nurse,
without his education.
I did not have an easy time getting a
college education. I worked for five years
in a corporate job, went to Westchester
Community College at night, earned my
two-year degree and enough money to
quit my job and attend Lehman College
full-time, thus paying 100% of my
college expenses. Easy, no. But higher
education was fulfilling, enriching,
ennobling, and soul-satisfying, though
not lucrative. A friend of mine who did
not graduate high school and parked
cars at Playland made more money than
I did as an elementary school teacher.
Heller said that “ending benefits like
Medicare and Social Security for people
who can make do without them” would
result in “real savings.” What about all
our seniors who paid into these two
funds for 40-50 years? Just who would
be in “charge” of determining who
“could make do without them”? And
besides, Social Security already has a
built-in system that seniors with an
annual income of more than $25,000
have to pay back $1 for every $2 received.
This includes distributions from 401k’s,
pensions, and interest income, thus
effectively limiting payments to those
who do receive Social Security.
I take exception to Heller’s ending:
“After all, all of us hogs had a place at
the trough.” I was not a hog. I had to
give up our car when my husband died
because I could not afford upkeep, insurance, etc. As a result, now I take trains
and buses, live in a rented apartment, go
to the public library for “recreation” and
take no, or low-cost, day “vacations” to
some of Westchester’s wonderful parks,
nature centers, etc.
Nor do I consider the majority of my
friends, acquaintances, and family to be
“hogs.” No, we are more like lost sheep,
following paths of destruction, set up by
those who promise love, happiness and
well being if we get that 7,000 square
foot house; the new car every two years;
the most up-to date electronics; designer
clothes; and take lavish vacations which
costs as much as feeding the people of a
Third World country for a year.
Mari Castrovilla
Yonkers, New York
Editor’s note: Jeff Heller was not blaming
the food stamp shopper, but the opposite.
His reference to Stigler’s diet was tonguein-cheek. His point was not that education
and medical care are bad, but rather, that
they have been paid for with borrowed
money. What is borrowed must be paid
Not sure why Ms. Castrovilla abandoned digital television service. The
government issued $40 coupons to buy a
converter. Electronic stores now sell them
for around $26.
To the Editor:
In what direction are we going in
the good old USA? To me, it appears
we are headed in the same direction as
the Roman Empire and the Third Reich
which was supposed to last a thousand
The reason for this is that we are
touting such things as a child in the
womb has no civil rights since it is not
human. How can a child in the womb
not be human? In addition, we hear
people touting gay marriage as a civil
Things of this nature are just the
beginning. I’m sure other things will
follow if the Supreme Court and other
agencies become more liberal.
It does not take much to ignite the
flames of hatred, immorality, greed and
the like. If you are like me, and want to
prevent these things from occurring, we
must then put truth and true justice into
our society so that the Star Spangled
Banner will be respected around the
God bless America and its people.
May true love and respect return to us.
George Imburgia
New Rochelle, New York
America On Trial
Continued from page 7
How would we react if foreigners
dropped bombs on our neighborhoods, broke into our houses, killed
and abducted our families and friends?
Wouldn’t we resist like Johnny
Hopper? Wouldn’t we tell our children to resist?
You would get out your deer rifle,
prepare a Molotov cocktail, and not
worry about legal “privilege” and fancy
packaging. You would fight back.
For doing that at his father’s
command, Omar Khadr faces life in
It is too late for America to treat
him fairly. Whatever his fate, eight
years of his life at Gitmo are gone; the
effect on this adolescent, now a young
man, is permanent.
But it is not too late to cut our
losses, and his. Omar Khadr belongs
in Canada. Justice demands we send
him home to his mother.
Not just for his sake, but for ours,
Jeffrey Heller is a lawyer, asylum expert
and registered nurse. He is a graduate of
Duke University and the University of
Chicago Law School, and former adjunct
professor at Brooklyn Law School and
Seton Hall University School of Law.
The Westchester Guardian
Page 17
Destabilization and the Cult of Economic Analysis
Continued from page 8
policy. CBA measured the social and
economic costs of dredging a river here,
building a dam there, to achieve the
benefit of an interconnected waterway
CBA has a relatively long history of
successful application in domestic problem
solving because domestic problems exist
in a relatively controllable environment.
The political apparatus exists to enact the
necessary laws and regulations to achieve
a CBA-dictated outcome.
This begs the question of how
successful CBA has been in the global
International politics is a different
beast. Historical developments determine the formation and type of
government in each nation state, and
affect each state’s alliances or ties with
other states. As a result, states which can
determine their own fate internally lack
the ability to unilaterally arrange the
external world as they wish.
Iran, once known as Persia, makes
the point. Iran is home to one of the
world’s oldest, continuous, major civilizations, dating back to nearly 3000
B.C.E. The Medes and Chaldeans of
the Old Testament were Persian. The
armies of the Persian King, Xerxes I,
fought the now-famous 300 Spartans
at Thermopylae. Persians fought the
Byzantines throughout the Seventh
Century. The Persians remained a major
player on the world stage until the
Mongol invasion of the early Thirteenth
Century. The advent of Europe moved
Persia back to the forefront of world
affairs as a counterweight to Turkish
and later Russian expansionism.
From the middle of WWI to the
end of WWII, the British were chiefly
involved in the development of modern
day Iran. Afterward, the U.S. assumed
the leadership mantle in world affairs
previously occupied by Britain. It
focused on containing Soviet expansionism during the Cold War.
In 1951, Iran held parliamentary
elections and elected the immensely
popular Iranian nationalist, Mohammed
Mossadeq, as Prime Minister. The
election was ratified by the Shah,
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Mossadeq
sought to nationalize his nation’s oil
industry controlled by the British to
secure a strong future for an independent, democratic Iran.
The British and Americans were
alarmed. They feared Mossadeq was
falling into the Soviet orbit. They
weighed the costs of military action
against Iran to protect British oil interests against the alleged benefits of lesser
aggression. They decided to embargo
Iranian oil shipments to destabilize Iran.
After that, the U.S. under Dwight
Eisenhower undertook the first
CIA-hatched plan to undermine a
foreign nation, “Operation Ajax.” It was
successful, Iran suffered a coup d’état,
Mossadeq was deposed, and the CIA
installed Pahlavi on the Peacock thrown
as Iran’s empowered monarch.
The resulting tragedy was practically a foregone conclusion. The
autocrat Pahlavi used Savak, the Shah’s
secret police, to torture dissidents, and
created the conditions which gave rise
to the reactionary Islamic Revolution of
1979. To this day, the U.S. and Iran do
not have diplomatic relations. Had we
not deposed Mossadeq, it is likely Iran
would be a modern democracy today,
albeit possibly a socialist one.
In 1961, the U.S. employed destabilization again to foment a coup in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
headed by the popular anti-colonialist,
Patrice Lumumba. The CIA facilitated Belgium agents who assassinated
Lumumba. The result was fifty years of
internal war, famine and millions dead.
The U.S. employed destabilization
again in Guatemala which left over
200,000 people dead from government-sponsored genocide against the
indigenous Mayan population.
Destabilization was employed in the
1980s in Afghanistan when the U.S.
armed bin Laden’s forces who fought
the Soviets. Today, we are fighting those
same Islamists we previously armed.
Destabilization was employed
again in Serbia in the 1990s to curb
Russia’s influence in Yugoslavia and
Islamic elements in Bosnia. This led to
Slobodan Milosevic’s genocidal actions
against Bosnian Muslims.
The destabilization list goes on -Haiti, Rwanda, Somalia, to name a few.
Each time, destabilization was
determined by a cost-benefit analysis. In
each case, the long-term consequences
have been disastrous.
In 1999, President Clinton apologized for U.S. destabilization of
Guatemala. In 2000, Secretary of State
Madeline Albright apologized for
Operation Ajax, the Mossadeq coup
and U.S. destabilization of Iran.
Destabilization exposes the inherent
flaw in employing CBA as a decision
making tool in foreign affairs. CBA
distorts our perception because, as an
economic paradigm, it cannot account
for variables which do not fit the paradigm. As a result, information used to
determine foreign policy is incomplete
and the resulting policy is flawed.
If your neighbor’s living arrangements make you uncomfortable and
you want him to change, first, you must
understand how and why he lives as
he does. Otherwise, you cannot induce
him to change. Measuring the costs and
benefits of imposing change on him by
military force versus destabilizing him
by other means does not bring about
long-term change for the better, as the
above examples demonstrate.
Destabilizing foreign governments
has long outlived its usefulness. It
would be far more productive to employ
dialogue, not confrontation, as our
primary means of conflict resolution.
Millions of fatalities and decades of war
attest to the failure of CBA-determined
destabilization as a political tool in
global affairs.
This book did much to raise awareness
of the issue, as has Jim Dwyer’s book,
Actual Innocence, co-authored by Barry
Scheck and Peter Neufeld. It is a textbook about the systemic deficiencies
that lead to wrongful convictions, and
details real cases of wrongful conviction.
Public relations professionals also
represent a vital arm of the innocence
movement. Non-profits dedicated to
righting wrongful convictions need
exposure. The Innocence Project, for
example, has its own media department.
Each exoneration represents an opportunity to educate the public and elected
officials about wrongful convictions,
and hopefully, this sensitizes them to
the need for remedial legislation. Public
relations experts issue press releases,
coordinate press conferences, arrange
media interviews, utilize social
Continued on page 19
Christopher MacAlpine is a professional musician and has B.A. and M.A.
in International Relations from the
University of Pennsylvania. He previously published The Springfield Sun. His
music can be heard at www.soundclick.
Careers in the Innocence Movement
Continued from page 9
DNA testing, eyewitness identification
procedures, and other critical measures
to improve the state’s criminal justice
Peter Shellem posthumously won the
network’s Lifetime Achievement Award
for his work as an investigative journalist
who “almost singlehandedly exonerated
five people in unrelated cases. They
served a combined total of more than
68 years in prison. In each case, Shellem
uncovered evidence of innocence that
police, attorneys and courts had missed
and spent years working to free people
who were wrongfully convicted.”
Writing books is another way to
aid the innocence movement. Noted
potboiler/legal thriller writer, John
Grisham, wrote The Innocent Man about
the wrongful conviction and exoneration
of Ron Williamson and Dennis Fritz.
Page 18
The Westchester Guardian
Notice of Qualification of AEF LLC,
NYS fictitious name AEF BURGESS
LLC. Authority filed with Sec of State
of NY (SSNY) on 6/25/10. Office location: Westchester County. LLC
formed in DE: 3/19/10. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom
process against it may be served
and shall mail process to: c/o Adam
Frieman, 15 Burgess Rd, Scarsdale,
NY10583. DE address of LLC: c/o
CSC, 2711 Centerville Rd, Ste. 400,
Wilmington, DE19808. Arts. of Org.
filed with DE Sec of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE19901. Purpose:
any lawful activity.
Name of Company: Eco-Structure
Construction Services, LLC Date
of Filing : May 11, 2010 County Location: Westchester County The
secretary of state is designated as
agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it
may be served. The post office address within or without this state to
which the Secretary of State shall
mail a copy of any process against
the limited liability company served
upon him is : Mojgan Mirfachrai, 270
Bronxville Road, suite B33, Bronxville, NY 10708. Registered agent:
Mojgan Mirfachrai, 270 Bronxville
Road, Suite B33, Bronxville, NY
10708. Character / Purpose of business: Construction Management,
Contracting and Consulting.
Edmen Holdings, LLC Articles of
Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)
5/21/2010. Office in Westchester
Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC
upon whom process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process to
C/O Stern Keiser & Panken LLP 1025
Westchester Ave STE 305 White
Plains, NY 10604. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Private Label Autographs, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State
(SSNY) 8/24/2010. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of
LLC upon whom process may be
served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to C/O Salvatore M. Di Costanzo / Mcmillan Constabile Maker &
Perone, LLP 2180 Boston Post Road
Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: Any
lawful activity.
KLJ Meetings & Events LLC Articles
of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)
5/10/2010. Office in Westchester Co.
SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon
whom process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process
to Alison McCartin 2 Bassett Court
Baldwin Place, NY 10505. Purpose:
Any lawful activity.
Notice of Qualification of PTERODACTYL HOLDINGS LLC. Authority
filed with Sec of State of NY (SSNY)
on 6/25/10. Office location: Westchester County. LLC formed in DE:
4/9/10. SSNY designated as agent
of LLC upon whom process against
it may be served and shall mail
process to The LLC, 16 Colonial Rd,
White Plains, NY10605. DE address
of LLC: c/o CSC, 2711 Centerville Rd,
Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE19808 . Arts.
of Org. filed with DE Sec of State,
401 Federal St., Dover, DE19901. Purpose: any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation
PROFCME, LLC Arts. of Org. filed
with SSNY 8/3/2010. Off. Loc.: Westchester Cnty. SSNY designated as
agent of LLC whom process may be
served. SSNY shallmail process to:
c/o The LLC, 500 Central Park Ave.,
Unit 333, Scarsdale, NY10583. Purpose: all lawful activities.
569 East 184th Street, LLC Articles
of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)
5/3/2010. Office in Westchester Co.
SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon
whom process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process to
C/O Stern Keiser & Panken, LLP 1025
Westchester Ave Ste 305 White
Plains, NY 10604. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Tekne’ LLC Articles of Org. filed NY
Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/16/2010. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail
copy of process to The LLC 77 Lime
Kiln Road, 2G Tuckahoe, NY 10707.
Purpose: Any lawful activity
27-29 North Mortimer Avenue, LLC
Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State
(SSNY) 6/24/2010. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC
upon whom process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process to
The LLC P.O. Box 85 Yorktown, NY
10598. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation RYABB PROPERTIES LLC Arts. of Org. filed with
SSNY 8/11/2010. Off. Loc.: Westchester Cnty. SSNY designated as
agent of LLC whom process may be
served. SSNY shall mail process to:
c/o The LLC, 2965 Saddle Ridge Dr.,
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. Purpose: all lawful activities.
Cavallari Enterprises, L.P. Articles
of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)
5/18/2010. Office in Westchester Co.
SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon
whom process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process
to C/O Christopher Romano, CPA
800 Westchester Ave Ste N405 Rye
Brook, NY 10573. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Latest date to dissolve
Reliance Air LLC Articles of Org. filed
NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/19/2010.
Office in Westchester Co. SSNY
design. Agent of LLC upon whom
process may be served. SSNY shall
mail copy of process to The LLC 18
Rockinghorse Trail Rye Brook, NY
10573. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
LENOX BLIDGEN, et al Defendant(s).
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on March 12,
I, the undersigned Referee will
sell at public auction at the Lobby
of the Westchester County Courthouse, 111 Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. Boulevard, White Plains, N.Y. on
the 22nd day of September, 2010 at
12:30 p.m. premises Beginning at a
the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of McClellan Avenue with the southwesterly side of Vernon Avenue; Thence
running northwesterly along said
southwesterly side of Vernon Avenue 54.17 feet to the southeasterly
line of Lot No. 19, Block 7 on said
map; Thence southwesterly at right
angels to said southwesterly side
of Vernon Avenue and along said
southeasterly line of Lot No. 19,
Block 7, 94.50 feet to the northerly
line of Lot No. 25, Block 7 on said
map; Thence easterly along said
northerly line of Lot No. 25. 6.03
feet to the northeasterly corner
of said Lot 25, Block 7; Thence
southerly at right angels to the last
mentioned course and through Lot
No. 25 Block 7. 45 feet to a corner;
Thence easterly at right angles
with said last mentioned courses
and through Lots Nos. 24, 23, 22 and
21, Block 7 on said map, 100 feet to
the westerly side of McClellan Avenue; Thence northerly along said
westerly side of McClellan Avenue
69.76 feet to the point or place of
Said premises known as 286 McClellan Avenue, Mount Vernon, N.Y.
(Section: 165.28, Block: 4047, Lot: 13).
Approximate amount of lien $
548,267.38 plus interest and costs.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms
of sale.
Index No. 13231-09. Frank C.
Praete, Jr., Esq., Referee.
DeRose & Surico
Attorney(s) for Plaintiff
213-44 38th Avenue
Bayside, N.Y. 11361
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Devan Enterprises, L.P. Articles of
Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)
6/21/2010. Office in Westchester
Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC
upon whom process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process to
Catholing Shih 300 E 75th St Apt. 30G
New York, NY 10021. Purpose: Any
lawful activity
Divot Capital LLC Articles of Org.
filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)
7/30/2010. Office in Westchester
Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC
upon whom process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process to
Jeffery H. Title 23 Kingston Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: Any
lawful activity.
Notice of Qualification of Hoodwink
Films, LLC. Application for Authority
filed with the Secretary of State of
New York (SSNY) on July 20, 2010.
N.Y. Office Location: Westchester
County. LLC formed in Delaware on
September 17, 2004. SSNY has been
designated as agent of LLC upon
process against it may be served.
The P.O. address to which the SSNY
shall mail a copy of any process
against the LLC served upon him/her
is C/O the LLC: c/o Gelfand, Rennert
& Feldman, LLP, 360 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 100, White Plains, New
York, 10601. The Principal Business
Address of the LLC is 360 Hamilton
Avenue, Suite 100, White Plains,
New York, 10601. Certificate of LLC
filed with Delaware Secretary of
State: Delaware Secretary of State
Division of Corporations, John G.
Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal Street –
Suite 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose of
LLC: Film & TV Production.
Legal Notice
Notice of Formation of a Limited
Liability Company (LLC): Name: DILAPI HOLDINGS LLC, Articles of
Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on
07/27/2010. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been
designated as agent of the LLC upon
whom process against it may be
served. SSNY shall mail a copy of
LLC, 399 Knollwood Road, Suite 300,
White Plains, NY 10603. Purpose:
Any Lawful Purpose. Latest date
upon which LLC is to dissolve: No
specific date.
Index No: 3522/10
Date of filing: July 30, 2010
Plaintiff designates New York County as the place of trial
The basis of venue is that Defendants reside in New York County.
The transaction took place in New York County
Date Summons Filed: September 23, 2009
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action, and to
serve a copy of your Answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance upon the Plaintiff’s attorneys within
twenty (20) days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, where service is made by delivery upon you personally within the State
or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in
any other manner, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment
will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
The principal portion of the debt which you owe the Plaintiff, LANDMARK
CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, INC. is $99,600.00 plus interest thereon from April 25,
2007 to June 16, 2009 in the sum of $22,232.95 plus interest thereon from June
17, 2009 in the sum of $2,609.12, as of September 17, 2009, plus interest shortfall in the sum of $18,381.73 plus non-attorney fees of $140.00.
The name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed: LANDMARK CAPITAL
Unless you dispute the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, within thirty
(30) days after receipt hereof, the debt will be assumed to be valid by the
herein debt collector.
If you notify the herein debt collector in writing within thirty (30) days after your
receipt hereof that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, we will obtain
verification of the debt or a copy of any judgment against you representing the
debt and a copy of such verification or judgment will be mailed to you by the
herein debt collector.
Upon your written request within said thirty day period, the herein debt collector will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor if
different from the current creditor.
Dated: September 17, 2009
Batavia, New York
Danielle Mayer-Dorociak, Esq.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
26 Harvester Avenue
Batavia, NY 14020
Phone: 585.815.0288
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175 MAIN ST., SUITE 711-7 • WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601
The Westchester Guardian
NAMED DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint
in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not
served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff(s)
attorney(s) within twenty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive
of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this
Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In
case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you
by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Attorney for Plaintiff
has an office for business in the County of Erie. Trial to be held in the County
of Westchester. The basis of the venue designated above is the location of the
Mortgaged Premises. Dated this 9th day of August, 2010, TO: LUCILLE GLOVER
AND RENEE P. LOUIS, Defendant(s) In this Action. The foregoing Summons
is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of HON. WILLIAM
J. GIACOMO of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 2nd
day of August, 2010 and filed with the Complaint in the Office of the Westchester County Clerk, in the City of White Plains. The object of this action is
to foreclose a mortgage upon the premises described below, executed by
LUCILLE GLOVER dated the 19th day of September, 2003 to secure the sum
of $421,123.50, and recorded at Instrument No. 441810179 in the Office of the
Clerk of the County of Westchester, on the 30th day of July, 2004; The property in question is described as follows: 163 FISHER AVENUE, WHITE PLAINS,
NY 10606 SEE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION Section 130.26, Block 8 and Lot 5
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City of White Plains,
County of Westchester and State of New York, known and designated on a
map entitled “Map of the Fisher Estate, White Plains, N. Y., made by Charles
M. Harris, C.E.”, as and by the Lot numbers a portion of Lot No. 223 and all of
Lot No. 224, which said lots taken together are bounded and described as
follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Fisher Avenue at the
division line between Lots N. 224 and Lot No. 225 on the aforementioned map;
RUNNING THENCE along said Southerly side of Fisher Avenue due East 75
feet to a point; THENCE through Lot No. 223 on the aforementioned map South
0 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds West 124.90 feet to the Northerly line of Lot
No. 214 on said map; THENCE along said Northerly line of Lot No. 218 and
Lot No. 219, 75 feet to the division line between Lot No 224 and Lot No. 225
on said map THENCE along said division line North 0 Degrees 7 minutes 40
seconds East 124.90 feet to the point or place of beginning. Premises known
as 163 Fisher Avenue, White Plains, New York HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS
in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid
office, there are government agencies and non-profit organizations that you
may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work
with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may
call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-BANK-NYS (1-877-226-5697) or visit the department’s website
at WWW.BANKING.STATE.NY.US. FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are
individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly
profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about
any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over
your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter
into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees
they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you
until they have completed all such promised services. § 1303 NOTICE NOTICE
YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this
summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for
the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and
filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you
can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case
is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect
your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop
this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE
J. Baum, P.C., Attorney(s) For Plaintiff(s), 220 Northpointe Parkway Suite G,
Amherst, NY 14228 The law firm of Steven J. Baum, P.C. and the attorneys
whom it employs are debt collectors who are attempting to collect a debt. Any
information obtained by them will be used for that purpose.
Page 19
Careers in the Innocence Movement
Continued from page 17
media, and generate other written
materials invaluable to the innocence movement.
Development is critical to the
innocence movement, too. All
anti-wrongful conviction organizations need funds to carry out their
mission. Knowledgeable fundraising
professionals tap public grants,
private foundations and wealthy
individuals to support these groups.
Investigators are vital to the
innocence movement. DNA is
only available in 10-12% of all
serious felony cases. Investigation
corrected many injustices. For
example, investigator Jerry Palace
and others on his team were instrumental in uncovering information
presented to Justice Rory Bellantoni
who overturned Officer Richard
DiGuglielmo’s wrongful conviction.
Sadly, his conviction was recently
reinstated by the Appellate Division.
The matter is now before the Court
of Appeals in Albany.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, wrongful convictions can be
avoided or corrected by conscientious law enforcement professionals.
Dallas District Attorney Craig
Watkins created a conviction
integrity unit which reviews old
Index No.:2190/09
Motion Date: August 16, 2010
The following papers numbered 1 to 8 were read on this motion by Stecich
Murphy & Lammers, LLP, for an order granting it leave to withdraw as counsel
for defendant, Sean Farmer, declaring Stecich Murphy & Lammers, LLP, has
no further responsibility in this action, and staying the proceeding for 30 days.
Order to Show Cause - Affirmation in Support -Exhibits
Affirmations of Service - Affidavits of Publication 5-8
Upon the foregoing papers and oral argument held on August 16, 2010, it is
ORDERED that the motion by Stecich Murphy & Lammers, LLP, to withdraw as
counsel for defendant, Sean Farmer, is granted: and it is further
ORDERED that the movant shall serve a copy of this order with notice of entry
upon defendant Sean Farmer, by publication in two English language newspapers readily available at or near the place of Sean Farmer’s last known address, within ten days of entry: and it is further
ORDERED that this action is hereby stayed for a period of thirty (30) days to
allow defendant Sean Farmer, time to retain new counsel. Defendant, Sean
Farmer, is directed to notify the Court and all counsel in writing within the 30
day period as to new counsel’s name and address, or defendant’s election to
proceed pro se: and it is further
ORDERED that all counsel and defendant Sean Farmer, if proceeding pro se,
shall appear in the Compliance Part, Courtroom 800, for a conference on September 27, 2010 at 9:30 A.M.
The foregoing constitutes the Order of this Court.
Dated: White Plains, New York
August 16, 2010
Law Office of Jerrold W. Miles, LLC
Attorney for Plaintiff
313 North Main Street
Spring Valley, NY 10977
Stecich Murphy & Lammers, LLP
Attorneys for Defendants
828 South Broadway -Suite 201
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Sean Farmer
188 Tarrytown Road
White Plains, NY 10607
Sean Farmer
10 Eastview Ave. Apt 9
White Plains, NY 10605
cases to ferret out possible cases of
wrongful conviction. The Harris
County District Attorney’s office
has a similar unit. Numerous people
have been exonerated by the Dallas
program, and three by the Houston
program, including the recently
exonerated Michael Green who
served twenty-seven years for a rape
he did not commit.
Jeff Deskovic spent sixteen years in
prison for a murder and rape he did
not commit. He writes about wrongful
convictions and criminal justice issues.
8/23/10 JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA Plaintiff -against- Khristen Guerra f/k/a
Khristen M. Kerr, Individually and on behalf of the Estate of Tony Guerra, if
she be living, or, if she be dead, her spouse, heirs, devisees, distributes and
successors in interest, all of whom and whose names and places of residence
are unknown to Plaintiff; Washington Mutual Bank f/k/a Washington Mutual
Bank, FA; The State of New York; Any unknown heirs, devisees, distributes
or successors in interest to the late Tony Guerra, if they be living, or, if they
be dead, their spouses, heirs, devisees, distributes and successors in interest, all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to
Plaintiff, and “JOHN DOE” #1 through “JOHN DOE #10”, the last ten names
being fictitious and unknown to the Plaintiff, the person or parties intended
being the person or parties, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon
the mortgaged premises described in the complaint, Defendants. PROPERTY
ADDRESS: 189 Winfred Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704 TO THE ABOVE NAME
DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in
this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or a notice of appearance on
the attorneys for the Plaintiff within thirty (30) days after the service of this
summons, exclusive of the day of service. The United States of America, if
designated as a defendant in this action, may appear within sixty (60) days of
service hereof. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be
taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE
OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $180,000.00 and interest, recorded in the Westchester County Clerk’s Office on June 2, 2004, in Instrument
Number 441271699 covering premises known as 189 Winfred Avenue, Yonkers,
NY 10704. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the
sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgaged described above. Plaintiff designates Westchester County as the place
of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgaged premises is
THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: October 9, 2009 Shapiro, DiCaro
& Barak, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 250 Mile Crossing Boulevard Suite One
Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 247-9000 Our File No. 08-070990 Premises known
as 189 Winfred Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704. All that certain property situated
in the City of Yonkers, County of Westchester, State of New York. Section 6
Block 6357 and Lot 38.
Page 20
The Westchester Guardian