Final Program - Professional Heart Daily
Connecting the World to Stroke Science Final Program Education. Inspiration. Illumination. 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM TUES • FEB. 16 SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium Pre-Conference Symposium I: Stroke in the Real World: To Infinity and Beyond: Endovascular Therapy and Systems of Care Pre-Con II: The Nuts and Bolts of Pre-clinical Behavioral Testing in Animals Oral Abstracts Acute Endovascular Treatment Oral Abstracts I Aneurysm Oral Abstracts Cerebral Large Artery Disease Oral Abstracts I Nursing Oral Abstracts Pediatric Stroke Oral Abstracts Preventive Strategies Oral Abstracts Vascular Malformations Oral Abstracts VCI Mini-Symposium Clinical Dilemmas in Vascular Cognitive Impairment Symposia Stroke Genetics: Influence on Clinical Practice Towards Definitive Medical Therapies for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Oral Abstracts Acute Neuroimaging Oral Abstracts I Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Oral Abstracts I Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Oral Abstracts I Emergency Care/Systems Oral Abstracts I Assessment of Cognition in Stroke Units Symposia Improving Reperfusion Therapy in the Era of Endovascular Treatment The Nuts and Bolts of Organizing a Telestroke Network Surgical Interventions in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Junior Investigator Session Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts I Oral Abstracts SHORT BREAK VCI Mini-Symposium BREAK / SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL / CASE STUDIES THEATER Perioperative Stroke Selecting Ischemic Stroke Patients for Acute Endovascular Therapy: The State of the Evidence LUNCH BREAK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL Oral Abstracts Symposia PLENARY SESSION I AHA’s CEO Welcome AHA Presidential Address ISC Program Chair’s Welcome William M Feinberg Award Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts SHORT BREAK / SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL Debate One, Two, Three Steps toward Cell Therapy for Stroke, and in the Future (Debate) SHORT BREAK WED • FEB 17 Vascular Cognitive Impairment Oral Abstracts SHORT BREAK / SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL VCI Mini-Symposium Symposia Designing the Next Generation of Rehabilitation Clinical Trials New Insights and Therapeutic Targeting of the Blood Brain Barrier in Ischemic Stroke Take It to the Limit: Cutting-edge Applications of Technology in the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease Fellow and Early Career / Stroke Leader Luncheon: Developing Successful Career Paths in Stroke Nursing & Rehabilitation Professionals Luncheon International Stroke Conference 2016 PROFESSOR-LED POSTER TOUR SESSIONS (60 MINS) REGULAR POSTER SESSIONS (30 MINS) Community/Risk Factors Oral Abstracts I Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Oral Abstracts I International Stroke Conference 2016 Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts II Oral Abstracts Acute Neuroimaging Oral Abstracts II Emergency Care/Systems Oral Abstracts II Experimental Mechanisms and Models Oral Abstracts II Symposia Stroke, Dementia and the Sustainable Development Goals Stroke Performance Measures and Addressing Disparities in Stroke Care Providing Very Early Rehabilitation after Acute Stroke Management of Stroke in the Young: Controversies in Anticoagulation Treatment of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Vertebrobasilar Disease: Update on Evaluation and Treatment Options Stroke Guidelines Session SHORT BREAK Beyond Atrial Fibrillation: Atrial Cardiopathies as a Cause of Unexplained Stroke Issues in the Neurocritical Care Manangement of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage The Interface between Infection and Cerebrovascular Disease BREAK / SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL / CASE STUDIES THEATER Fellow and Early Career/ Stroke Leader Roundtable Luncheon Advance Practice Providers’ Luncheon Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Oral Abstracts II Community/Risk Factors Oral Abstracts II Experimental Mechanisms and Models Oral Abstracts I In-hospital Treatment Oral Abstracts David G Sherman Lecture Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts LUNCH BREAK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL Oral Abstracts PLENARY SESSION II SHORT BREAK / SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL KOL Neuroimaging Session Surrogates of Rupture for Intracranial Aneurysms Regional Pre-hospital Triage and Treatment of Stroke Patients in the New Era of Endovascular Therapy SHORT BREAK / SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HALL Oral Abstracts Cerebral Large Artery Disease Oral Abstracts II Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Oral Abstracts II Health Services, Quality Improvement, and PatientCentered Outcomes Oral Abstracts I Intracerebral Hemorrhage Oral Abstracts I SHORT BREAK THURS • FEB 18 Advances in Cerebrovascular Biology State-of-the-Art: Advances in Acute Stroke Management Nutrition to Prevent Further Brain Injury after Stroke Symposia Symposia Symposia PROFESSOR-LED POSTER TOUR SESSIONS (60 MINS) REGULAR POSTER SESSIONS (30 MINS) International Stroke Conference 2016 Oral Abstracts Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Oral Abstracts Health Services, Quality Improvement, and PatientCentered Outcomes Oral Abstracts II SAH and Other Neurocritical Management Oral Abstracts Symposia Addressing Unmet Palliative Care Needs of Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers Clinical Trials of Cell Therapy for Stroke: Where Are We Now? Oral Abstracts Acute Endovascular Treatment Oral Abstract II Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Oral Abstracts II Intracerebral Hemorrhage Oral Abstracts II Vascular Biology in Health and Disease Oral Abstracts PLENARY SESSION III The Next Big Thing in Stroke (at Lightning Speed) Thomas Willis Lecture Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts ISC 2017 Program Chair’s Closing Remarks ADJOURN Debate Acute Endovascular Intervention in Pediatric Stroke (Debate) Debate Stroke Journal Debate: Stroke Controversies SHORT BREAK Global Burden & Challenges: Stroke Care in Developing Countries Neuroprotection and Intervention: From Bench to Angio Room and Back Clinical and Basic Perspectives on the Role of Physical and Cognitive Activity and Neural Progenitors in Stroke Recovery SHORT BREAK FRI • FEB 19 Symposia SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE BY CATEGORY Acute Endovascular Treatment Acute Neuroimaging Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Aneurysm Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Cerebral Large Artery Disease Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Oral Abstracts I Wed, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 408 Oral Abstracts I Wed, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 515 B State-of-the-Art: Advances in Acute Stroke Management Thurs, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 408 Oral Abstracts Wed, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 502 B New Insights and Therapeutic Targeting of the Blood Brain Barrier in Ischemic Stroke Wed, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 502 A Oral Abstracts I Wed, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 515 B Designing the Next Generation of Rehab Clinical Trials Wed, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 515 A Selecting Ischemic Stroke Patients for Acute Endovascular Therapy Wed, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 408 KOL Neuroimaging Session Thurs, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 151 Oral Abstracts Fri, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 152 Surrogates of Rupture for Intracranial Aneurysms Thurs, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 502 A One, Two, Three Steps toward Cell Therapy for Stroke, and in the Future (Debate) Wed, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 151 Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 515 B Oral Abstracts I Wed, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 502 B Neuroprotection and Intervention: From Bench to Angio Room and Back Fri, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 502 B Oral Abstracts I Wed, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 502 A Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 152 Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 515 B Vertebrobasilar Disease: Update on Evaluation and Treatment Options Thurs, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 502 B Clinical and Basic Perspectives on the Role of Physical and Cognitive Activity and Neural Progenitors in Stroke Recovery Fri, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 515 A Oral Abstract II Fri, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 408 Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 515 A Providing Very Early Rehab after Acute Stroke Thurs, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 515 A Clinical Trials of Cell Therapy for Stroke Fri, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 515 B Community/Risk Factors Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Emergency Care/ Systems Experimental Mechanisms and Models Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes In-hospital Treatment Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke Genetics: Influence on Clinical Practice Wed, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 151 Oral Abstracts I Wed, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 515 B Oral Abstracts I Wed, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 408 Improving Reperfusion Therapy in the Era of Endovascular Treatment Wed, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 151 Cutting-edge Applications of Technology in the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease Wed, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 151 Perioperative Stroke Wed, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 515 A Towards Definitive Medical Therapies for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Wed, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 152 Oral Abstracts I Wed, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 152 Atrial Cardiopathies as a Cause of Unexplained Stroke Thurs, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 515 A The Nuts and Bolts of Organizing a Telestroke Network Wed, 3:30 - 5:00 pm Room 502 B Oral Abstracts I Thurs, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 502 B Oral Abstracts I Thurs, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 151 Oral Abstracts Thurs, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 515 A Surgical Interventions in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Wed, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 502 A Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 152 Oral Abstracts II Fri, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 151 Regional Pre-hospital Triage & Treatment of Stroke Patients in the New Era of Endovascular Therapy Thurs, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 408 Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 502 B Stroke Performance Measures and Addressing Disparities in Stroke Care Thurs, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 152 Oral Abstracts I Thurs, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 152 Oral Abstracts II Fri, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 151 Oral Abstracts II Fri, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 152 Global Burden & Challenges: Stroke Care in Developing Countries Fri, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 408 Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 151 Nursing Pediatric Stroke Preventive Strategies SAH and Other Neurocritical Management Vascular Biology in Health and Disease Vascular Cognitive Impairment Vascular Malformations Non-category Specific Sessions Oral Abstracts Wed, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 152 Oral Abstracts Wed, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 502 B Oral Abstracts Wed, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 515 B Issues in the Neurocritical Care Management of Aneurysmal SAH Thurs, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 515 B Advances in Cerebrovascular Biology Thurs, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 502 A VCI Mini-Symposium: Oral Abstracts Wed, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 152 Oral Abstracts Wed, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 502 A Junior Investigator Session Wed, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 153 Addressing Unmet Palliative Care Needs of Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers Fri, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 502 A Management of Stroke in the Young: Controversies in Anticoagulation Thurs, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 515 B Nutrition to Prevent Further Brain Injury after Stroke Thurs, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 502 B Oral Abstracts Fri, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 515 B The Interface between Infection and Cerebrovascular Disease Thurs, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 502 A VCI Mini-Symposium: Clinical Dilemmas in VCI Wed, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 515 A Treatment of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Thurs, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 502 A Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts I Wed, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 408 Oral Abstracts Fri, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 502 B VCI Mini-Symposium: Assessment of Cognition in Stroke Units Wed, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 515 A Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts II Thurs, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Room 408 Stroke, Dementia and the Sustainable Development Goals Thurs, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 151 Stroke Guidelines Session Thurs, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 408 Acute Endovascular Intervention in Pediatric Stroke (Debate) Fri, 7:00 am - 8:30 am Room 502 A Stroke Controversies (Debate) Fri, 8:45 am - 10:15 am Room 515 A The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is grateful to the members of the International Stroke Conference 2016 Program Committee for their dedication and leadership provided throughout the year in planning the program. Program Committee Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Chair Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, FAHA, Vice Chair Catherine M Amlie-Lefond, MD Craig Anderson, MD, PhD Heinrich Audebert, MD Gregory Bix, MD, PhD Joseph P Broderick, MD, FAHA, Past Stroke Council Chair Kevin Cockroft, MD, MSc, FACS Anne Dorrance, PhD, FAHA David Fiorella, MD, PhD Nina Gentile, MD Steven Greenberg, MD, PhD, FAHA, Past Chair Richard Harvey, MD Tudor Jovin, MD Scott Kasner, MD, MS, FAHA Michael E Kelly, MD, PhD, FRCSC Walter Kernan, MD Eng Lo, PhD, FAHA William Mack, MD, FAHA Elaine T Miller, PhD, RN, CRRN, FAHA, FAAN Jonathan Rosand, MD Leonardo Pantoni, MD, PhD Gustavo Saposnik, MD, MSc, FAHA, FRCPC Peter Schellinger, MD, PhD, FESO, FAHA Eric Smith, MD Amytis Towfighi, MD Roland Veltkamp, MD Babu Welch, MD Dear Colleague: This is a very exciting time in the field of cerebrovascular disease. The rate of discovery of new diagnostic and therapeutics for stroke has never been greater. Our program emphasizes basic, clinical and translational sciences as they evolve toward a more complete understanding of stroke pathophysiology with the overall goal of developing more effective prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Stroke systems of care, quality and outcomes are also key parts of the conference. The International Stroke Conference 2016 provides unique opportunities to meet and network with colleagues from around the world with wide-ranging research interests and expertise in stroke prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. For 2016, we anticipate more than 4,300 professional attendees, as well as exhibitors displaying new stroke products and services. We are truly dedicated to the international nature of this conference with attendees, presenters and faculty coming from all corners of the world. The 2016 program offers three specialized pre-conference symposia: the State-of-theScience Stroke Nursing Symposium; the ISC Pre-Conference Symposium I: Stroke in the Real World: To Infinity and Beyond: Endovascular Therapy and Systems of Care which will focus on scientific advances in cerebrovascular disease while emphasizing their application in the real world; and the ISC 2016 Pre-Conference Symposium II for Students, Trainees and Early Career: The Nuts and Bolts of Pre-clinical Behavioral Testing in Animals. The main days of the ISC include invited symposia; debates; oral scientific abstract presentations; scientific abstract posters; and special lectures on recent advances and state-of-the-science technologies. This premier conference is intended for adult and pediatric neurologists; neurosurgeons; neurointerventionalists; neuroradiologists and interventional radiologists; physiatrists; endovascular specialists; emergency medicine specialists; primary care physicians; hospitalists; nurses and nurse practitioners; rehabilitation specialists; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; and pharmacists. Additionally, the ISC is just as much home for basic scientists, clinical scientists, stroke program coordinators, policy makers and public health officials who work in the stroke field. The Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing has planned another extraordinary preconference symposium. The State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2016 program will include topics in: essentials of standard and advanced clinical practice; rehabilitation and recovery; coordination of care and strategies for quality enhancements; and stroke topics among select groups. The ISC 2016 Pre-Conference Symposium I: Stroke in the Real World: To Infinity and Beyond: Endovascular Therapy and Systems of Care highlights scientific advances in cerebrovascular disease while emphasizing their application in the real world. This year’s symposium will focus on stroke systems of care including: pre-hospital screening and logistics; transporting to the closest center or the comprehensive stroke center; mobile stroke units and their role in the endovascular world; integrating community hospitals for advanced stroke treatment; imaging techniques (advanced penumbral or collateral imaging vs CTA/MRA and ASPECTS); an interventionalist’s perspective on maximizing work flow; and international strategies to maximize thrombectomy. There will also be a series of challenging breakout sessions. The ISC 2016 Pre-Conference Symposium II for Students, Trainees and Early Career: The Nuts and Bolts of Pre-clinical Behavioral Testing in Animals was designed to discuss the newest methods for assessing behavioral deficits and functional recovery in animals, the first step in assessing the potential translation of therapeutics into human populations. This half-day symposium highlights several new methods to assess cognitive impairment in rodents, the use of large animals including primates, and the use of behavioral testing to examine outcomes in models of intracerebral hemorrhage and vascular cognitive impairment. The main days of ISC will have special symposia, debates and abstract presentations which will focus on numerous topics from 21 stroke-related categories. Sessions in clinical categories will center on community risk factors; emergency care; acute neuroimaging; acute endovascular and acute nonendovascular treatment; diagnosis of stroke etiology; cerebral large artery disease; in-hospital treatment; clinical rehabilitation and recovery; and health services, quality improvement, and patient-centered outcomes. Sessions in basic science categories focus on vascular biology in health and disease; basic and preclinical neuroscience of stroke recovery; and experimental mechanisms and models. Further specialized topics include pediatric stroke; intracerebral hemorrhage; nursing; preventive strategies; vascular cognitive impairment; aneurysms; subarachnoid hemorrhage; neurocritical care; vascular malformations; and ongoing clinical trials. This year, not only will you have the opportunity to experience exceptional education and network with more than 4,300 cerebrovascular research and practice experts from around the globe, you will also have the chance to experience the many thrills of the sports and entertainment capital of the world – sunny Los Angeles, California! Thank you for joining us for this unique event. For the most current conference and programming information, please download the ISC Mobile Meeting Guide app or visit and the online program planner. And don’t forget to mark your calendar for next year, Feb 22 – 24, 2017, in exciting Houston, Texas! Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA Chair, International Stroke Conference 2016 Program Committee —1— International Stroke Conference Program Committee Disclosure Table COMMITTEE MEMBER CONFLICT OF INTEREST Kyra Becker None. Bruce Ovbiagele Research Grant; Modest; NIH-NINDS U01 NS079179-01, NHGRI, NIH-NINDS U54 HG007479, NIH-NINDS R21 NS094033. Catherine M Amlie Lefond None. Craig Angerson Honoraria; Modest; Takeda China. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Medtronic, Astra Zeneca. Research Grant; Significant; National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia. Heinrich Audebert Research Grant; Significant; Zukunftsfond Berlin with co-funding by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Honoraria; Modest; Lundbeck, BMS. Honoraria; Significant; Pfizer. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Roche Diagnostics, BMS, Pfizer, Sanofi Aventis, Daiichi Sankyo, Bayer Vital. Consultant/ Advisory Board; Significant; Lundbeck. Gregory Bix None. Joseph Broderick Other Research Support; Modest; Genentech provides monies to my department for my role as PRISMS steering committee member. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Pfizer – consultant on potential new treatment for ICH. Kevin Cockroft Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Actuated Medical. Consultant/Advisory Board; Significant; Medtronic. Kevin Cockroft Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Actuated Medical. Consultant/Advisory Board; Significant; Covidien Neurovascular. Anne Dorrance None. David Fiorella Ownership Interest; Modest; Vascular Simulatar LLC, TDC technologies, CVSL, Codman & Shurtleff. Other; Modest; Siemens, Microvention, Sequent, Penumbra. Consultant/Advisory Board; Significant; Covidien ev3, Cordis. Nina Gentile Research Grant; Significant; NINDS research grants. Steven Greenberg Research Grant; Significant; National Institutes of Health. Richard Harvey Research Grant; Modest; Nexstim Corporation, Acorda Therapeutics, SPR Therapeutics, Allergan Corporation. Honoraria; Modest; Cornell University, University of Missouri, Healthsouth. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; St. Jude’s Medical. Tudor Jovin Research Grant; Modest; Fundacio Ictus Malaltia Vascular, PI REVASCAT unpaid. Honoraria; Modest; Neuravi, Steering Committe Member, J&J DSMB Member. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Stryker neurovascular, PI DAWN unpaid, Medtronic, SWIFT PRIME Steering Committe unpaid. Research Grant; Significant; No. Honoraria; Significant; No, NO. Consultant/Advisory Board; Significant; NO. Scott Kasner None. Michael E Kelly Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Medtronic. Walter Kernan Research Grant; Significant; Takeda Pharmaceuticals provides Yale with drug to support a trial Dr. Kernan is conducting and funds for blood storage. Eng Lo None. William Mack Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Penumbra DSMB stroke and stent trial, Lazarus Effect Core Lab stroke trial, Medtronic DSMB stent study. Elaine Miller None. Jonathan Rosand Research Grant; Significant; National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Leonardo Pantoni None. Gustavo Saposnik Other Research Support; Significant; Dr. Saposnik is supported by the Distinguished Clinician Scientist Award from Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada following an open peer-reviewed compentition. Peter Schellinger Speakers’ Bureau; Modest; Boehringer Ingelheim, BMS Pfizer, Cerevast, Daiichi Sankyo, Medtronic, ev3 covidien, Biogen Idec. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Boehringer Ingelheim. Eric Smith None. Amytis Towfighi Research Grant; Significant; AHA, NINDS. Roland Veltkamp Other Research Support; Significant; Bayer, BMS, Boehringer, Daiichi sankyo. Honoraria; Modest; Daiichi sankyo, Biogen, Boehringer, Pfizer, BMS, Bayer. Ownership Interest; Modest; Bayer. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Bayer, BMS, Boehringer, Pfizer, Daiichi Sankyo, Morphosys, Biogen. Babu Welch Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Stryker Neurovascular, Covidien, Cerevasc. International Stroke Conference Program Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Boehringer-Ingelheim, Genentech, Merck. Research Grant; Significant; Pfizer. Seemant Chaturvedi Committee Disclosure Table This table represents the relationships of program committee members which may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure Questionnaire which all members of the program committee are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “Significant” if (a) the person receives $10,000 or more during any 12 month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10,000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “Modest” if it is less than “Significant” under the preceding definition. — 2 — International Stroke Conference February 17 – 19 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California The American Stroke Association would like to acknowledge the following companies for their generous support of the International Stroke Conference Education Programming: Program Description The International Stroke Conference is the world’s premier meeting dedicated to the science and treatment of cerebrovascular disease. This 2½-day conference features more than 1,500 compelling presentations that emphasize basic, clinical and translational sciences as they evolve toward a more complete understanding of stroke pathophysiology with the overall goal of developing more effective prevention and treatment. Houston Methodist CME Sessions in clinical categories will center on community risk factors, emergency care, acute neuroimaging, acute endovascular and acute nonendovascular treatment, diagnosis of stroke etiology, cerebral large artery disease, in-hospital treatment, clinical rehabilitation and recovery, and health services, quality improvement, and patient-centered outcomes. Sessions in basic science categories focus on vascular biology in health and disease, basic and preclinical neuroscience of stroke recovery, and experimental mechanisms and models. Further specialized topics include pediatric stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, nursing, preventive strategies, vascular cognitive impairment, aneurysms, subarachnoid hemorrhage, neurocritical care, vascular malformations, and ongoing clinical trials. Cutting-edge presentations on these topics attract a wide range of healthcare professionals and investigators including adult and pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and interventional radiologists, physiatrists, emergency medicine specialists, primary care physicians, hospitalists, nurses and nurse practitioners, rehabilitation specialists, physical, occupational, and speech therapists, pharmacists, clinical scientists, and basic researchers spanning the fields of cerebrovascular function and disease. Additionally, the ISC is just as much home for stroke program coordinators, policy makers and public health officials who work in the stroke field. Legacy Health Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the International Stroke Conference, participants should be able to: AtriCure, Inc Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Inc Chiesi DNV Healthcare Inc. Massachusetts General Hospital Medtronic (formerly Covidien) Medtronic, Inc Microvention MIVI Neuroscience National Stroke Association NICO Corporation Pulsara Stryker Neurovascular The Medicines Company Identify recent advances in basic models of stroke and their translation to clinical research. • Evaluate recent advances in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of cerebrovascular disease. • Analyze new and ongoing advances in clinical research through late-breaking science and ongoing clinical trials sessions. • Discuss new research, treatments and interventions with scientists and investigators working in all areas of cerebrovascular disease. • Interpret the rapidly changing areas within the stroke spectrum such as emerging options for the diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke, mechanisms of stroke recovery, and the impact of vascular cognitive impairment. • Appraise the diverse challenges presented by cerebrovascular disease to specific populations, including ethnic and racial minorities, women, children, and developing communities. • International Stroke Conference and Nursing Symposium Abstracts Abstracts from the International Stroke Conference 2016 and the Nursing Symposium 2016 will be published as an online-only supplement to the February 2016 issue of Stroke at Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trials abstracts will be available online on the ISC Web site at Joint Accreditation Statements The American Heart Association is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. VisualSonics, Inc Wolters Kluwer (As of January 8, 2016) —3— AMA Credit Designation Statement – Physicians The American Heart Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 22.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. American Stroke Association – Join Together To End Stroke The American Stroke Association has launched Together to End Stroke™, sponsored nationally by Covidien, to teach all Americans that stroke is largely preventable, treatable and beatable. Through Together to End Stroke, the ASA is focusing its efforts across the entire stroke continuum of care in the areas of prevention, acute treatment, and post-stroke rehabilitation by providing tools and resources for consumers and health care professionals, an online digital strategy, national branding and messaging, local grassroots events and multicultural outreach. We need your help spreading this message to your patients and networks. Visit the ASA HeadQuarters Booth (Hall J, Booth 235). To receive updates on stroke, advocacy and new resources, go to signup. Let’s work Together to End Stroke. AAPA Credit Acceptance Statement – Physician Assistants AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society. Physician assistants may receive a maximum of 22.00 hours of Category I credit for completing this program. AANP Credit Acceptance Statement – Nurse Practitioners American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME. **AMA Credit must be claimed within 6 months of attendance. CME/CE will no longer be available to claim after August 19, 2016. ANCC Credit Designation Statement – Nurses The maximum number of hours awarded for this CE activity is 22.00 contact hours. **ANCC Credit must be claimed within 6 months of attendance. CME/CE will no longer be available to claim after August 19, 2016. Disclosure Policy All persons who develop and/or control educational content in CME/CE activities provided by the American Heart Association will disclose to the audience all financial relationships with any commercial supporters of this activity as well as with other commercial interests whose lines of business are related to the CME/CE-certified content of this activity. In addition, presenters will disclose unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices discussed in their presentations. Such disclosures will be made in writing in course presentation materials Legal Disclaimer The International Stroke Conference is a scientific and educational meeting for the purpose of exchanging and discussing research results and scientific developments in the field of cerebrovascular disease. Accordingly, the American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association cannot and does not offer any assurance or warranty of the accuracy, truthfulness or originality of the information presented at the conference. AHA Research Funding Opportunities The American Heart Association is proud to fund research related to cardiovascular disease and stroke. The Association supports research in clinical, basic and population sciences. The AHA is and always has been a strong supporter of stroke research. Over the past 5 years, the AHA has funded over $71 million in research closely related to stroke and another $92 million in broadly stroke-related research. Proposals for stroke research funding are reviewed by experts in the field, with fundability determined by peer review criteria, not by science focus. For more information about our funding opportunities and upcoming application deadlines, please visit our Web site at American Stroke Association HeadQuarters Get information on professional education, consumer awareness activities, quality improvement programs, professional membership opportunities, and scientific publications. Make ASA HeadQuarters your headquarters throughout the conference. Location: Booth 235 (in the Science and Technology Hall, Hall J) Hours: Wednesday and Thursday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Your badge holds your contact information and can be used to request information from exhibitors and to access the Communication Center. CME/CE Credit You have two ways to complete your conference evaluation and claim your CME/CE credits for the conference, pre-conference symposia and/or nursing symposium: 1. Stop by the Communication Center, which is located in the South Hall Lobby, Level 1. 2. Visit from any computer with internet connection. For both options: • Sign in with your Professional Education Center user name and password at If you do not have an account, please create one. • Find the courses that you attended under the “Course Catalog” tab and select to enroll. • Authorization codes to enroll will be listed on a ticket you receive with your badge. • Complete the evaluation and claim your credit. Learners are strongly encouraged to claim CME/CE credit within 30 days of activity completion. For assistance please contact our National Support Center at 1-888-242-2453 or e-mail [email protected]. Embargo Guidelines International Stroke Conference 2016 abstracts, lectures and presentations are embargoed for release at the date and time of presentation or time of AHA/ASA news event. Late-Breaking Science abstract results are embargoed for release at the date and time of each session’s start time in which the abstract is scheduled. Ongoing Clinical Trials abstracts are embargoed for release at the date and time of the Ongoing Clinical Trials Poster Session start time. Information may not be released before the scheduled presentation time. Written embargoed information cannot be shared with anyone but one-on-one embargoed media interviews can be conducted as long as the reporter agrees to abide by the embargo policy. General Information Badges Name badges must be worn at all times in the Los Angeles Convention Center. A $20 cash-only fee will be charged for badge reprint or replacement. Photo ID is required. International attendees may obtain an attendance verification form at one of the selfservice terminals in Registration, located in Hall J, Level 1. CME/CE Credit will no longer be available to claim for this activity after August 19, 2016. Conference Bags A complimentary conference bag will be available to registered attendees of the International Stroke Conference, Nursing Symposium and the Pre-Conference Symposia at Registration, located in Hall J, Level 1 of the Los Angeles Convention Center. Supplies are limited and are based on a first come, first served availability. Dining/Concessions On Wednesday and Thursday, concessions will be available in the Science and Technology Hall, Hall J. Concessions, including coffee and other beverages, will be available for purchase for the duration of the conference throughout the Convention Center. Exhibits/Science and Technology Hall On Wednesday and Thursday, visit the Science and Technology Hall in Hall J, where cerebrovascular products and services will be featured. Exhibit Hours: Wednesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Thursday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Infants/Children in the Science and Technology Hall Children over 6 months and under the age of 18 years will not be allowed in the Science and Technology Hall. Infants under the age of 6 months will be allowed in the Science and Technology Hall during exhibit hours only. For reasons of insurance liability and safety, however, infants must be held at all times. Strollers and infant carriers will not be allowed. The parent must sign a liability waiver at the Registration Desk before taking the infant into the Science and Technology Hall. Badges will be marked to reflect that permission has been given for the infant to be carried into the Science and Technology Hall. Infants/Children in the Session Rooms and Poster Hall Because of limited seating capacity and the highly technical nature of the program, children and infants are not allowed to attend presentations. For safety reasons, children and infants are not permitted in the Poster Hall. — 4 — Exhibitors A comprehensive listing of exhibitors and their products and services can be found in Stroke News, the Mobile Meeting Guide app and at Guests of Speakers Guest badges will be available at Registration for immediate family members of speakers and must be returned after the presentation. Guests are not eligible for CME/CE credits. No Smoking Policy American Heart Association/American Stroke Association policy prohibits smoking in convention center meeting rooms, the Poster Hall and the Science and Technology Hall. We appreciate your cooperation. Photography and Audio/Video Recording No person may record any portion of the AHA Scientific Sessions, scientific conferences, and the AHA/ASA International Stroke Conference, whether by video, still or digital photography; audio; or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supporting A/V materials and of poster presentations and supporting poster materials. Hotel Questions A Housing Desk is located in Registration, in Hall J, Level 1 of the Los Angeles Convention Center and will be open during regular registration hours. Additionally, science information shared by investigators during a meeting is confidential and often unpublished data. Taking photos of or recording the content of meeting room slides is also prohibited, and is considered intellectual piracy and unethical. Attendees who ignore this policy will be asked to leave the educational session and are at risk of losing their badge credentials. International Attendees International attendees may obtain an attendance verification form at one of the self-service terminals in Registration, located in Hall J, Level 1 of the Los Angeles Convention Center. Loss of Badge Credentials The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association reserves the right to revoke or deny attendance of any registered participant, speaker, exhibitor, news media reporter, or photographer of presentations or activities at AHA/ASA scientific conferences and meetings. The American Heart Association (AHA) will take photographs and video during its conferences and may display, reproduce and/or distribute them in AHA educational, news or promotional material, whether in print, electronic or other media, including the AHA Web site. Your registration for an AHA conference is your grant to AHA the right to use your name, image and biography for such purposes as well as any other purpose. All photographs and/or videos become the property of AHA. Medical Emergencies The First Aid Station is located in the South Hall Medic Office, Level 1 of the Los Angeles Convention Center. An AED is available. Please report emergencies to the nearest security guard or the Show Office, Room 404 A-B on Level 2 of the Los Angeles Convention Center. Power To End Stroke Power To End Stroke is an education and awareness campaign that embraces and celebrates the culture, energy, creativity and lifestyles of African-Americans. It unites people to help make an impact on the high incidence of stroke within their communities. Multimedia Products/Services The following multimedia products/services are available at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Power To End Stroke encourages physicians, nurses and other medical professionals to join the mega community of faith leaders, community organizations and business leaders in an effort to save the lives of millions. Learn more at http:// AHA/ASA Scientific Statements and Practice Guidelines – Download any of the 11 Wolters Kluwer – published AHA journals’ iPad® apps for free to access the iPad supplement of the AHA/ASA Scientific Statements and Practice Guidelines. This special supplement is free to access for everyone. Included in the annual collection is the most frequently cited cardiovascular and stroke stats reference – the AHA Statistical Update. More information is available at the American Stroke Association’s HeadQuarters Booth 235, Hall J. Registration Onsite Registration Hours – Onsite registration will take place in Hall J, Level 1, at the Los Angeles Convention Center during the days and hours listed below: Tuesday, Feb 16 Wednesday, Feb 17 Thursday, Feb 18 Friday, Feb 19 Communication Center – Convenient computer stations are available for attendees to leave and retrieve conference messages, access the internet, search for other attendees, print airline boarding passes, and claim CME/CE credit. It is located in the South Hall Lobby, Level 1. We encourage participation by all individuals. If you have a disability, advance notification of any special needs will help us to serve you better. E-Posters – A different way for attendees to view poster presentations. Posters presented during the International Stroke Conference will be available during the meeting electronically at work stations in the Poster Hall (Hall H, Level 1) and at Attendee login is required. Mobile Meeting Guide – For on-the-go access to meeting information, including live audio streaming of the educational sessions, download the AHA Mobile Meeting Guide App by searching “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. Helpful staff is available in Registration, Hall J, to answer questions. (Supported by Medtronic.) Online Program Planner – Create a personal itinerary by searching the International Stroke Conference by specialty, author, keyword, title, session or category at Posters: QR Codes – In addition to traditional poster boards at the International Stroke Conference 2016, Digital Acumen also offers a way for attendees to download information directly from a poster onto their smart phones and tablets. It’s called a QR code, and it’s simple to use. Just download a QR code reader from the App Store or Google Play on your phone (we recommend QR Reader) and then scan the code on the poster. You will then have a link to view the poster online as well as the author’s contact information in order to ask questions. Science News from ISC – Visit for official AHA/ ASA news coverage of the science presented at the 2016 meeting including: exclusive video interviews, presentation slides and audio, summary slides, news releases, and more. Wireless Internet – Complimentary WiFi will be located at various hot spots throughout the Science and Technology Hall, Hall J. 6:30 am – 5:00 pm 6:30 am – 5:00 pm 6:30 am – 5:00 pm 6:30 am – 12 Noon Registration Refund/Cancellation Policy – Registrants who cancel must request a refund of fees paid in writing. Cancellation requests received at Convention Data Services by Jan 27, 2016, midnight EST will be processed, less a $75 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued until 7 – 15 days post-event. No refunds will be made after Jan 27, 2016. Purchased meal tickets are non-refundable. Refunds will not be granted for no-shows after the conference. No refunds will be issued onsite. Important: If you must cancel your registration, you cannot transfer it to someone else, nor can you substitute another person’s name for your name. A name change is a cancellation. Please note: The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association shall not be liable for cancellation of the International Stroke Conference caused by labor strikes, or threats of strikes or disputes, civil disorders, fires, weather conditions, or other acts of God, acts of war, acts of terrorism, government regulation, or for any damages or losses resulting from such cancellation. Restaurant Reservations Visit the LA Visitors’ Information Desk in the South Hall Lobby for information and reservations at the many fine restaurants in Los Angeles and to pick up city attraction guides and brochures. Safety Inappropriate behavior or undesirable conduct, including, but not limited to, verbal or physical abuse, whether threatened or performed, will not be permitted or tolerated. You must wear your name badge at all times in the convention center. Be sure to remove your badge when you leave the convention center or your hotel room. News Media From Feb 16 – 19, for media interviews, news conferences or inquiries about news releases, contact News Media Headquarters, Room 402 A-B on Level 2. —5— Sessions Seating Session seating is on a first come, first served basis. According to fire code, a session must and will be closed if the room fills to capacity. Infants and children are not permitted in session rooms. Stroke OnDemand TM Miss a session? Experience every session just as if you had been in the room by purchasing Stroke OnDemand™ Premium, a comprehensive digital video library of this year’s meeting online and on a portable DVD. Convenient online and mobile viewing on your iPad, iPhone and Android Device. Purchase at the Stroke OnDemand™ booth in the South Hall Lobby, Level 1. Buy onsite and save $100. For safety reasons, children and infants are not permitted in the Poster Hall. Shuttle Information Complimentary shuttle service is provided between the hotels listed below and the Los Angeles Convention Center, South Hall (LACC). If you have questions about the shuttle or if you need to make a reservation for a wheelchair-accessible vehicle, please see the supervisor at the LACC or call KUSHNER & ASSOCIATES at (310) 274-8819 ext. 211. Please note only presentations that have been approved by the speakers will be included. SM Get With The Guidelines®–Stroke and Target: Stroke Get With The Guidelines-Stroke is the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association’s in-hospital quality improvement program focused on improving stroke care by providing medical teams tools and resources to increase adherence to the latest scientific treatment guidelines. Target: Stroke is a Get With The Guidelines-Stroke initiative that aims to improve acute ischemic stroke care by reducing door-to-needle times for eligible patients being treated with IV tPA. Stop by our booth in HeadQuarters (Booth 235) or visit to learn more about the programs. Tues, Feb 16 Shuttle from hotels to LACC South Hall 6:00am – 10:30am* NO SHUTTLE 10:30am – 2:00pm Shuttle from LACC South Hall to hotels 2:00pm – 6:00pm** Every 20 minutes NO SHUTTLE Every 20 minutes Wed, Feb 17 and Thurs, Feb 18 Shuttle from hotels to LACC South Hall 6:00am – 10:30am* NO SHUTTLE 10:30am – 2:30pm Shuttle from LACC South Hall to hotels 2:30pm – 7:45pm** Transportation Taxi Service Taxi service is available curbside outside of baggage claim at LAX. There is a flat rate of $25 to the downtown area, plus an additional passenger charge of $1 when accompanying original passenger and proceeding to same destination. Every 15 minutes NO SHUTTLE Every 15 minutes Fri, Feb 19 Shuttle between hotels and 6:00am – 12:00pm* Every 15-20 minutes LACC South Hall Shuttle from LACC South Hall to hotels 12:00pm – 1:30pm** Every 15-20 minutes * Time last shuttle departs hotels coming to the LACC. ** Time last shuttle departs LACC returning to hotels. Last shuttle departs hotels coming to LACC approximately 45 minutes prior to this time. Car Rental There is a large selection of car rental companies located at Los Angeles airport (LAX). American Heart Association has negotiated rates with the following: • National Car Rental: 877-222-9058 • Enterprise: 1-800-261-7331 Reference contract ID #XZ09D02 Reference contract ID #XZ09D02 Parking The Los Angeles Convention Center can accommodate 5,600 vehicles. Please refer to the exact location of your specific event to ensure selection of a parking lot within close proximity. Learn more about parking at the Los Angeles Convention Center at Route #1 Boarding Location • Westin Bonaventure: Curbside on Figueroa Route #2 Boarding Location • Omni Los Angeles: Curbside on Olive St. • Millennium Biltmore: Across the street on Grand. • Hilton Checkers: At Millennium Biltmore. • Sheraton Los Angeles: Curbside on Hope. Ground Transportation in Los Angeles Several modes of public transportation can be used to reach the Los Angeles Convention Center. Simulation Zone Learn in the Simulation Zone. Test your stroke knowledge, skills and critical thinking in AHA’s new hands-on, interactive Simulation Zone. Don’t miss six new educational offerings in the Science and Technology Hall, Booth 159. Please go to for additional information. • • Metro RailMetro Bus Dash BusMetrolink Regional Rail System Wed, Feb 17: 1:30 / 2:30 / 3:30 Thurs, Feb 18: 1:30 / 2:30 / 3:30 Map and Directions Conveniently located in the heart of Downtown, the Los Angeles Convention Center, on 1201 S. Figueroa Street, is easily accessible by car and public transportation. Please go to for additional information. Body Interact is an immersive training platform that virtualizes acute and chronic medical conditions. Experts will facilitate realistic user experiences with a life-like patient. Twitter Speaker Resource Center The Speaker Resource Center is located in Room 409 A-B, Level 2 of the Los Angeles Convention Center. All oral presentations will be in electronic format. Speakers are required to submit their presentations to the Speaker Resource Center at least 12 hours before session start time. All speakers must check in at Room 409 A-B at least two hours before session start time to review their presentations for technical and format issues. Last-minute submissions disrupt the flow of sessions and will not be allowed. Any presenter who fails to submit his/her presentation in a timely manner will be prohibited from speaking. The Speaker Resource Center has technicians available to assist presenters and is open during the following times: Tuesday, Feb 16 Wednesday, Feb 17 Thursday, Feb 18 Friday, Feb 19 6:00 am – 5:30 pm 6:00 am – 5:30 pm 6:00 am – 5:30 pm 6:00 am – 12 Noon Use Twitter to tweet your questions/comments during the meeting or just talk about what is happening at ISC 2016. Use hashtag: #ISC16. Venue Los Angeles, California Discover Los Angeles. Beaches, mountains, ocean and desert to explore. Theme parks, nightclubs and parks to play in. An incredibly diverse mix of cultures and neighborhoods to discover. Exotic ethnic restaurants, uniquely California cuisine and world-class dining to savor. Shopping, museums, sports, live music and more. And wrap it all up with a sunny climate and lifestyle that is desired the world over. What you’ve got is a wealth of experiences that few other destinations in the world can match. The Sports & Entertainment Capital of the World – Los Angeles! Web Resources HealthJobsPLUS for Professionals This is a Job Placement Service that can be found online at (HealthJobsPlus) or at the Communication Center, located in the South Hall Lobby. This Web site is where healthcare professionals can complete the conference evaluation and claim CME/CE credits for ISC, the Pre-Conference Symposia and the Nursing Symposium. — 6 — My AmericanHeart for Professionals is the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s powerful internet resource for healthcare professionals devoted to the fight against cardiovascular disease and stroke. Depending on the level of membership selected, AHA/ASA Professional Members may have access to all 12 AHA scientific journals, biweekly clinical updates, core clinical textbooks, a continually updated drug database and much more. Online Itinerary/Program Planner Create a personal itinerary by searching the International Stroke Conference by specialty, author, keyword, title, session or category at The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Web site provides information on AHA/ASA resources and programs for professionals and consumers. Stroke warning signs, advocacy news, practice enhancement tools and more can be found on this site. STROKE COUNCIL ACTIVITIES Wednesday, Feb 17, 12:10 pm – 1:30 pm, Petree Hall C Nursing and Rehabilitation Professionals Luncheon The Stroke Council’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Professions Committee will hold an interdisciplinary roundtable luncheon welcoming nurses, social workers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech/swallowing therapists, physiatrists, neurologists, psychologists and others involved in stroke care. Moderators: Dorothy F Edwards, PhD, Madison, WI Claranne P Mathiesen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNRN, Stroudsburg, PA 12:10Introduction Claranne P Mathiesen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNRN, Stroudsburg, PA 12:20 Improving Outcomes and Community Participation Post-stroke Joan C Breen, MD, Bradford, MA Jeanne Andrusin, APRN, Bradford, MA The Stroke Resource Center is the American Stroke Association’s new tool to deliver stroke information beyond mainstream media approaches. By providing the general public and healthcare providers with trusted stroke information at the click of a button, we intend to increase awareness that stroke is largely preventable, treatable, and beatable and drive action among Americans to reduce the overall impact of stroke. Visit the site to obtain free printable patient education materials. 1:05 Discussion This Web site offers healthcare professionals anytime, anywhere access to all aspects of the annual meeting. Visit the site to learn about products and services exhibited at the International Stroke Conference and keep up with the latest news from the meeting as it happens. Plus, get access to pertinent meeting tools and information including: an online itinerary/program planner, registration and housing information, final programming, important conference deadlines, and link to the Professional Education Center to access the overall evaluation and claim your CME/ CE credit. All of this and much more can be found at Wednesday, Feb 17, 12:10 pm – 1:30 pm, Room 403 B Fellow and Early Career Luncheon: Developing Successful Career Paths in Stroke WiFi WiFi is available throughout the convention center. 12:30 Walking the Path of a Stroke Epidemiologist Lewis B Morgenstern, MD, FAHA, Ann Arbor, MI Conference attendees must register for this luncheon. Tickets are $25 and seating is limited. We would like to thank Claranne Mathiesen, Lorie Richards and the Nursing and Rehabilitation Professions Committee for their time and effort in planning this luncheon. Moderator: Pooja Khatri, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH 12:10 Introduction Pooja Khatri, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH 12:15 Walking the Path of a Stroke Clinical Trialist Karen C Johnston, MD, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA 12:45 Walking the Path of a Stroke Interventionalist Colin Derdeyn, MD, FAHA, Iowa City, IA 1:00 Walking the Path of a Stroke Clinical Director Isaac E Silverman, MD, FAHA, Hartford, CT Primary 1:15 Discussion This short seminar will provide early career professionals with some practical advice, tools and strategies that can be useful through their careers. This luncheon is open only to students and early career registrants (those who have completed training in the last five years or those in the first five years after faculty appointment.) Conference attendees must register for this luncheon. Tickets are $25 and seating is limited. Wednesday, Feb 17, 6:45 pm, Poster Hall, Hall H Stroke Council Annual Business Meeting All Stroke Council Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The Stroke Council will hold its Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, February 17 from 6:45 pm – 7:30 pm in the Los Angeles Convention Center, in the Lounge area of the Poster Hall, Hall H. Remain in the Poster Hall after the poster sessions to enjoy refreshments, hear the latest council news, network with your peers. Stroke Council Chair: Colin P Derdeyn, MD, FAHA —7— Thursday, Feb 18, 12:10 pm – 1:30 pm, Room 403 B Fellow and Early Career/Stroke Leader Roundtable Luncheon Thursday, Feb 18, 12:10 pm – 1:30 pm, Room 501 A-C Advance Practice Providers’ Roundtable Luncheon One of the most exciting and motivating experiences for early career professionals is connecting with a successful leader who can provide meaningful mentorship and guidance. This lunch will provide an informal forum for new connections to be made between early career professionals and leaders in stroke. Special efforts have been made to ensure a memorable and worthwhile activity for all attendees. This luncheon is open only to students and early career registrants (those who have completed training in the last five years or those in the first five years after faculty appointment.) Moderator: Krista Jordan, PA-C, St Louis Park, Minnesota Conference attendees must register for this luncheon. Tickets are $25 and seating is limited. Stroke Units Sandy Middleton, PhD, RN, Darlinghurst, Australia Victoria Swatzell, DNP, RN, AG-ACNP, ANVP-BC, NVRN-BC, Memphis, TN Facilitator: Pooja Khatri, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH Table Moderators/Leaders: Gregory W Albers, MD, Palo Alto, CA Acute Stroke Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, FAANS, FACS, FAHA, Chicago, IL Neurosurgery William G Barsan, MD, FACEP, FAHA, Ann Arbor, MI Acute Stroke Erin M Conahan, BSN, Allentown, PA Nursing Colin Derdeyn, MD, FAHA, St Louis, MO Neurointevention Gabrielle deVeber, MD, Toronto, ON, Canada Pediatric Stroke Alexander Dromerick, MD, Washington, DC Rehabilitation Mitchell Elkind, MD, MS, FAAN, New York, NY Epidemiology Marc Fisher, MD, FAHA, Boston, MA Stroke Journal Matthew Gounis, PhD, Worcester, MA Basic Science James C Grotta, MD, FAHA, Houston, TX Acute Stroke Scott Janis, PhD, Bethesda, MD NINDS/StrokeNET Part I: DNP vs PhD / Part II: Developing a Program of Research & Presenting Your Work at ISC (Two Part Table) Anne W Alexandrov, PhD, RN, ANVP-BC, NVRN-BC, FAAN, Fountain Hills, AZ NET SMART Program & Advanced Certification in Acute Neurovascular Practice Fern Cudlip, MSN, RN, ANVP-BC, NVRN-BC, Castro Valley, CA Becoming a Comprehensive Stroke Center Joanna Yang, DNP, ACNP-BC, FNP- BC, ANVP-BC, Loma Linda, CA Post-stroke Outpatient Follow-up Christina Condon, MSN, NP-C, Winston Salem, NC Sarah Lycan, NP, Winston Salem, NC Building MD-PA and MD-NP Relationships Jillian Belmont, NP, Lebanon, NH Diana Rojas-Soto, MD, Lebanon, NH Neuro ICU Sarah Livesay, DNP, RN, Houston, TX Community Hospital Audrey Paulson DNP, FNP, San Jose, CA Building Administrative Support for Stroke Services Dana Reiner Beenstock, MSN, RN, ANVP-BC, NVRN-BC, Paterson, NJ Systems of Care for Improving Door-to-Needle Michelle Whaley, MSN, CNS, Englewood, CO New Graduate / Career Advancement Salma Mansour, NP, Honolulu, HI Michele Starr, PA-C, Oklahoma City, OK Academic Medical Center Shannon Burton, AG-ACNP/CCNS, Salt Lake City, UT Conference attendees must register for this luncheon. Tickets are $25 and seating is limited. We would like to thank Krista Jordan for her time and effort in planning this Advance Practice Providers’ Luncheon. AWARD INFORMATION Karen C Johnston, MD, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA Acute Stroke The International Stroke Conference 2016 is pleased to offer awards for investigators in stroke-related research. Selected awardees will present and be acknowledged at the International Stroke Conference. Dawn Kleindorfer, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH Epidemiology William M Feinberg Award for Excellence in Clinical Stroke The International Stroke Conference 2016 Program Committee accepted nominations for the 2016 William M Feinberg Award for Excellence in Clinical Stroke. This award recognizes significant contributions to the investigation and management of clinical research in stroke. Walter Koroshetz, MD, FAAN, Bethesda, MD NINDS Louise McCullough, MD, PhD, Farmington, CT Basic Science Lorie Richards, PhD, OTR/L, Salt Lake City, UT Rehabilitation Tanya Turan, MD, FAHA, Charleston, SC Prevention Don Frei, MD, Englewood, CO Neurointervention We would like to thank Dr. Pooja Khatri for her time and effort in planning these Early Career Luncheons. Wednesday, Feb 17, 11:03 am, Hall K William M Feinberg Award for Excellence in Clinical Stroke: High Explosive Treatment for Ultra-Acute Stroke: Hype or Hope Phillip Bath, BSc, MB, BS, MD, FRCPath, FRCP, FESC, FAHA, Nottingham, United Kingdom David G Sherman Lecture This award was established in honor of David G Sherman, MD, a prominent stroke physician and an internationally recognized leader and researcher in stroke prevention and treatment. The award recognizes lifetime contributions to the investigation, management, mentorship and community service in the stroke field. Thursday, Feb 18, 10:33 am, Hall K David G Sherman Lecture: Visions of Stroke Bo Norrving, MD, PhD, FESC, FAHA, Lund, Sweden Thomas Willis Lecture This award was established in honor of Thomas Willis, a prominent physician credited with providing the first detailed description of the brain stem, the cerebellum and the ventricles, with extensive hypotheses about the functions of these brain parts. The award recognizes contributions to the investigation and management of stroke – basic science. — 8 — Friday, Feb 19, 11:33 am, Hall K Thomas Willis Lecture: Why Translational Stroke Research Cannot Succeed Without Failure Ulrich Dirnagl, MD, FAHA, Berlin, Germany NEW! Vascular Cognitive Impairment Award Understanding and preventing cognitive impairment due to cerebrovascular disease is one of the highest priorities for patients and a key step to improving brain health. This award encourages investigators to undertake or continue research or clinical work in the field of vascular cognitive impairment and submit an abstract to the International Stroke Conference. Mordecai Y T Globus New Investigator Award This award recognizes Dr. Mordecai Y T Globus’ major contributions to research in cerebrovascular disease, and his outstanding contributions to the elucidation of the role of neurotransmitters in ischemia and trauma; the interactions among multiple neurotransmitters; mechanisms of hypothermic neuroprotection; and the role of oxygen radical mechanisms and nitric oxide in brain injury. To be eligible for this award, you must submit an abstract to the International Stroke Conference. Wednesday, Feb 17, 8:45 am, Vascular Cognitive Impairment Oral Abstracts, Room 152 Vascular Cognitive Impairment Award: Dementia After Spontaneous Intra-cerebral Hemorrhage (43) Solène Moulin, MD, Lille, France Thursday, Feb 18, 8:45 am, Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Oral Abstracts II, Room 515 B Mordecai Y T Globus New Investigator Award in Stroke: Class IIa Histone Deacetylases Are Essential for Neuronal Remodeling and Functional Recovery After Stroke (127) Amjad Shehadah, MD, Bethesda, MD ISC Junior Investigator Travel Grants The International Stroke Conference 2016 Travel Grants for Junior Investigators encourage and support the efforts of early career investigators in cerebrovascular disease research and encourage participation in the International Stroke Conference by providing travel funds to attend the International Stroke Conference 2016, present research in oral or poster format, and engage in discussion with senior investigators. Robert G Siekert New Investigator Award in Stroke In recognition of Dr Robert G Siekert, founding chairman of the American Heart Association’s International Conference on Stroke and Cerebral Circulation, this award encourages new investigators to undertake or continue stroke-related research. To be eligible, you must submit an abstract to the International Stroke Conference. Application for travel grants for ISC 2017 will take place during the ISC 2017 abstract submission process. You must submit an abstract for ISC 2017 to be eligible to apply for a travel grant. The International Stroke Conference 2016 Program Committee would like to thank the AHA/ASA’s Stroke Council for their very generous contribution to the ISC 2016 travel grants. Friday, Feb 19, 9:57 am, Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Oral Abstracts II, Room 151 Robert G Siekert New Investigator Award in Stroke: Association between Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Ischemic Stroke in Patients Without Atrial Fibrillation (210) Hooman Kamel, MD, New York, NY NOMINATIONS FOR ISC 2017 AWARDS Nominations for ISC 2017 Awards ISC staff will begin accepting nominations for the named ISC awards on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. The deadline to submit nominations for the Feinberg, Sherman and Willis Awards is Wednesday, July 6, 2016. Please go to for more information about each of these awards. Stroke Care in Emergency Medicine Award The International Stroke Conference is pleased to present the Stroke Care in Emergency Medicine Award. This award is open to investigators at all levels who are an AHA/ASA member and submit an abstract in the Emergency Medicine category to the International Stroke Conference. Thursday, Feb 18, 1:30 pm, Emergency Care/Systems Oral Abstracts II, Room 151 Stroke Care in Emergency Medicine Award: Sustained Improvement of Door-to-Needle Times Using Toyota’s LEAN Manufacturing Principles: The Washington University Experience 2003-15 (162) Peter Panagos, MD, St Louis, MO Please note that you must be a FAHA to be eligible for these awards. Applications for the abstract-based awards will occur during the abstract submission process, May 25 – August 16, 2016. FAHA Application Submission and Deadlines The Stroke Council considers applications for AHA Fellowship during the spring and fall of each year. Applications must be received through the Council Awards Application System by 5:00 pm CST on December 1 for the spring review cycle and by 5:00 pm CDT on June 1 for the fall review cycle. Applications received after the deadline dates will be held until the next review cycle. New FAHA are notified after they are elected at the annual business meeting. Stroke Rehabilitation Award Rehabilitation after stroke is an essential part of stroke recovery and helps to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to stroke survivors. This award encourages investigators to undertake or continue research and/or clinical work in the field of stroke rehabilitation and submit an abstract to the International Stroke Conference. Wednesday, Feb 17, 2:30 pm, Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Oral Abstracts I, Room 502 B Stroke Rehabilitation Award: Exploring Efficacy and Safety of Very Early Mobilization Within 24 Hours of Stroke Onset Versus Usual Stroke Unit Care (A Very Early Rehabilitation Trial, AVERT): Pre-specified Subgroup Analysis (76) Julie Bernhardt, PhD, BSC, Heidelberg, Australia POSTERS NEW! Stroke Basic Science Award The International Stroke Conference is pleased to present the Stroke Basic Science Award. This award is open to investigators at all levels who are an AHA/ASA member. The research must be considered basic or translational science and it must be laboratory-based. Applicants must submit an abstract in one of the appropriate categories to the International Stroke Conference. Thursday, Feb 18, 9:57 am, Experimental Mechanisms and Models Oral Abstracts I, Room 502 B Stroke Basic Science Award: Aberrant Activation of ASK1 Mediates Proinflammatory and Neurotoxic Microglial Responses After Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion (147) Yejie Shi, MD, PhD, Pittsburgh, PA Professor-Led Poster Tours and Regular Poster Sessions During the ISC 2016 poster sessions, there will be both Professor-Led Poster Tours and Regular Poster Sessions. During the Professor-Led Poster Tours, leaders in the stroke field will take groups of conference attendees around 12 speaker-attended posters ordered by category. Each poster presenter will have approximately 2 minutes to present the highlights of his or her work, followed by 3 minutes for a Q&A from attendees. There are 10 different poster tours to select from during each Poster Tour Session. To be a part of a Poster Tour, please turn to pg 50 and pg 80 in the Poster Abstracts section of the Final Program and decided which section/category of posters you would like to attend during each of the two Poster Tour Sessions. Five – ten minutes prior to the Poster Tour Session start time, simply go to the correspondingly numbered “Section” sign for that section/category of posters. During the Regular Poster Sessions, poster presenters will stand by their poster for individual Q&A time with attendees; they will not give a formal presentation. These posters are separate and not a part of the Professor-Led Poster Tours. To see the posters in the Regular Poster Session, please turn to pg 57 and pg 88 in the Poster Abstracts section of the Final Program. A map of the Poster Hall is available at the front of the Poster Abstracts Section; it will highlight the Professor-Led Poster Tour sections and the Regular Poster sections. —9— Posters will be available for viewing in the Poster Hall (Hall H, Level 1) from 8:00 am – 6:45 pm on Wednesday, Feb 17 and Thursday, Feb 18. The speaker-attended poster sessions will take place at the following times: Wednesday, Feb 17 Professor-Led Poster Tours Regular Poster Session 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm 6:15 pm – 6:45 pm Thursday, Feb 18 Professor-Led Poster Tours Regular Poster Session 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm 6:15 pm – 6:45 pm FAHAs and Other Stroke Leaders – please be sure to show your support for young investigators and attend the poster sessions. Please note that for safety reasons, infants and children are not permitted in the Poster Hall. Missed the poster presenter? Use your smartphone to view the poster information and listen to the author’s pre-recorded discussion about the abstract. Throughout the Convention Center and in the Poster Hall, you will see black and white boxes called QR codes. Use your smartphone to scan these boxes and you’ll have access to online audio and posters. Follow the directions below to download free software to your smartphone and enjoy this exciting feature. Download the free app: 1. Visit on your smartphone. 2. Download the free application (for almost all phones). iPhone users, go to the App Store and download app ScanLife. 3. Use the app to scan the code. Start Planning Now for the International Stroke Conference 2017 in Houston, Texas! CALL FOR SCIENCE Thank you for attending the International Stroke Conference 2016. Please don’t forget these important dates for the International Stroke Conference 2017: Submit Session Ideas Suggested Session Submitter Opens: Suggested Session Submitter Closes: Monday, Feb 15, 2016 Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Submit Your Best Science for Consideration for ISC 2017 Presenting your science at ISC offers you many benefits: •International Impact: Media coverage from around the world resulted in almost 1.5 billion media impressions from nearly 1,200 stories for ISC 2015. • Network with Leaders in the Stroke Field: Attend ISC and discuss your findings with stroke research and practice experts from around the globe. •Virtual Reach: The ISC 2015 virtual reach through the AHA/ASA Web site, e-mails, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter activity had more than 3.4 million hits. • Published Abstracts: Accepted ISC and Nursing Symposium abstracts will be published online on the Stroke journal Web site. Submit Abstracts Submission Opens: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Submission Closes: Tuesday, Aug 16, 2016 Submit Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trials Abstracts Submission Opens: Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016 Submission Closes: Wednesday, Nov 9, 2016 The link to submit abstracts and/or session ideas can be found at on the opening date listed above. In order to encourage a broad range of science and speakers, international authors and junior authors are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts for presentation. — 10 — International Stroke Conference 2016 How to Claim Your Credit Sign in with your username and password at If you do not have an account, please create one. • Select the International Stroke Conference link under the “Live Conference Credit Claim” box on the homepage • Click the ‘Register’ button and follow the prompts to enroll in the activity • Authorization codes will be provided with your badge • Complete the evaluation, then claim and print your certificate • Credit must be claimed within 30 days of program completion For a full list of conference accreditation statements and credit designation visit To see a full list of available CME/ CE activities check out the ‘Activities Catalog’ at On-Demand CME/CE Activities Available NURSING SYMPOSIUM PROFESSIONAL MEMB ERS H I P Join the Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Council NURSING SYMPOSIUM Benefits include: • Up to $500 in savings on International Stroke Conference 2017 registration and up to $300* in savings on State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium registration — plus registration savings at AHA’s other scientific conferences. • Complimentary access to Stroke OnDemand®.** • Benefits that extend beyond science so you can contribute to the AHA/ASA’s mission of building healthier lives free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. CVSN Council Mission The mission of the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing is to accelerate the discovery, translation and application of knowledge to promote and improve overall cardiovascular health. Our efforts focus on contributing nursing’s biopsychosocial expertise to AHA’s global agenda to promote ideal cardiovascular health, quality of life, and heart healthy lifestyles and environments. Learn more about the CVSN Council at Visit our staff at HeadQuarters Booth 235 to learn more about the CVSN Council and the benefits of joining the AHA/ASA Professional Membership and our network of nearly 33,000 members. Join or renew on-site and receive a free gift!* *While supplies last *Benefits depend on membership tier. **Only applies to premium level members. Members are where it happens ©2015, American Heart Association 11/15DS9791 Tuesday, Feb 16, 2016 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is grateful to the members of the 2016 State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium Program Committee for their dedication and leadership provided throughout the year planning the program. Program Committee Karen L Saban, PhD, APRN, RN, CNRN, Chair Dawn Aycock, PhD, MSN, BSN, Vice Chair Taura L Barr, PhD, RN Michelle Camicia, MSN, CRRN Jennifer Cohn, MSN, CNRN, FAHA, Immediate Past Chair Janice Hinkle, PhD, RN, CNRN Lori M Massaro, BSN, MSN Elaine T Miller, PhD, RN, CRRN, FAHA, FAAN (ISC Program Committee Liaison) Sue B Pugh, MSN, RN, CNRN, CRRN, CNS-BC, CBIS, FAHA Debbie Summers, RN, MSN, FAHA, ARNP (AANN Liaison) Joint Accreditation Statements The American Heart Association is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. Program Committee’s Conflict of Interest Information K L Saban: None. D Aycock: Research Grant; Significant; K01 grant NIH/NINR. T L Barr: Employment; Modest; CereDx LLC. M Camicia: None. J Cohn: Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Codman Neuro Nursing Matters Educational Events. J L Hinkle: Other; Modest; President of AANN. L M Massaro: Speakers’ Bureau; Modest; Genentech, Inc. E T Miller: None. S B Pugh: None. D R Summers: None. ANCC Credit Designation Statement – Nurses The maximum number of hours awarded for this CE activity is 7.00 contact hours. **ANCC Credit must be claimed within 6 months of attendance. CME/CE will no longer be available to claim after August 16, 2016. Disclosure Policy All persons who develop and/or control educational content in CME/CE activities provided by the American Heart Association will disclose to the audience all financial relationships with any commercial supporters of this activity as well as with other commercial interests whose lines of business are related to the CME/CE-certified content of this activity. In addition, presenters will disclose unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices discussed in their presentations. Such disclosures will be made in writing in course presentation materials. Sponsored by the American Heart Association’s Stroke Nursing Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing and co-sponsored by the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association. Please note that there is a separate registration fee to attend the Nursing Symposium. Symposium Description The State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium is a can’t miss forum designed to provide cutting-edge information for nursing, rehabilitation and other healthcare professionals who treat patients and families in all phases of stroke treatment from the emergency department through rehabilitation and community integration. The symposium will update and inform the audience about nursing issues along the continuum of stroke care (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke management, rehabilitation and program development.) The goal of the program is to share innovative best clinical practices that have been developed to optimize patient outcomes throughout the stroke continuum of care. An exciting plenary program and stimulating break-out sessions have been planned to meet the educational needs for nurses, rehabilitation and healthcare professionals at various levels of skill. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium, participants should be able to: Explain advanced clinical decision making utilizing systems of care Describe young stroke and changing the way we view stroke care in America • Discuss stroke topics among select groups including: o Women and stroke: clinical practice implications for nurses o Substance abuse prevalence in the aging stroke population o Narrowing the gap in awareness, symptom recognition, and response time to stroke among non-English speaking minority population o Acculturation, access to care, and risk factors for stroke among Asian Americans o Contents and the language on the Web-based information for stroke prevention and care o Health disparity and health illiteracy among the first generation immigrants • Define the essentials of standard and advanced clinical practice including: o The basics and beyond of neuroimaging 101 o The hemorrhagic stroke: current advances and future directions in patient care o Interpreting the guidelines for nursing care of the patient with large hemispheric infact • • Discuss rehabilitation and recovery, community integration including: o New strategies for dysphagia after stroke – improving health and quality of life o Neural priming for stroke rehabilitation o Development of an innovative infrastructure for support of stroke care and stroke bridge clinic o Post discharge care and navigation through telephone follow-up calls o Depression screening and management • Manage the coordination of care and strategies for quality enhancement including: o Nursing care in the endovascular suite o Telestroke implementation: evolving stroke system relationships o Improving your EMR: a collaboration to best practices for certified stroke centers • State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2016 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 For the most current program information and speakers, please go to the online Program Planner on or download the Mobile Meeting Guide app. 8:00 am – 11:30 am Plenary Session Hall K Moderators: Dawn Aycock, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, Atlanta, GA Karen L Saban, RN, PhD, APN, CNRN, Maywood, IL 8:00 Opening Remarks Karen L Saban, RN, PhD, APN, CNRN, Maywood, IL 8:05 Program Introduction (CVSN Stroke Nursing Committee Chair) Deborah Chyun, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, New York, NY 8:10 CVSN Stroke Article of the Year Award Tamilyn Bakas, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, Cincinnati, OH 8:20-9:50 Advanced Clinical Decision Making Utilizing Systems of Care 8:20 Clinical Confusion in Routing Stroke Emergencies Claranne P Mathiesen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNRN, Stroudsburg, PA 8:39 Clinical Decision Support for Triage and Treatment Debbie R Summers, RN, MSN, FAHA, ARNP, Kansas, MO 8:58 Interactions within the Stroke Systems of Care Lori M Massaro, MSN, CRNP, Pittsburgh, PA 9:16 Consequences of Multi-entry Points for Stroke Treatment Wende Fedder, RN, MBA, DNP, FAHA, Elk Grove Village, IL 9:35Discussion — 11 — 9:50 am – 10:05 am 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Short Break Concurrent B – Room 150 A-C Essentials of Standard and Advanced Clinical Practice 10:05-11:30 Young Stroke: Changing the Way We View Stroke Care in America Moderator: Debbie R Summers, RN, MSN, FAHA, ARNP, Kansas, MO 10:05 Survivorship: Distinguishing Unmet Needs of Young Stroke Survivors Amy Edmunds, MA, Conway, SC 1:00-2:00 Neuroimaging 101: The Basics and Beyond 10:30 Maximizing Quality of Care and Patient Safety for the Young Stroke Patient Mary Morrissette, RN, BSN, Richmond, VA 1:00 CT Anatomy & Basics Elizabeth Kim, MSN, APN, CNS, Stanford, CA 1:20 Stroke Pathology Franklin A Marden, MD, Elk Grove Village, IL 10:55 Personalized Rehabilitation for Post-stroke Relearning Preeti Raghavan, MD, New York, NY 1:40 Quiz Time – Putting It All Together Susan Ashcraft, MSN, Concord, NC 11:20Discussion 2:00-2:45 The Hemorrhagic Stroke: Current Advances and Future Directions in Patient Care 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Lunch – Hall G A boxed lunch will be provided. 2:00 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Cerebral Aneurysms: How Are We Helping the Patient? Chirag D Gandhi, MD, Newark, NJ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Concurrent A – Room 408 A-B Stroke Topics among Select Groups Moderators: Janice L Hinkle, RN, PhD, CNRN, FAHA, Washington, DC Taura L Barr, PhD, RN, Morgantown, WV 1:00-2:00 Women and Stroke: Clinical Practice Implications for Nurses 1:00 Identification of Key Stroke Risk Factors in Women Cheryl Bushnell, MD, MHS, Winston Salem, NC 1:13 The Epidemiology of Atrial Fibrillation and Women Judith H Lichtman, PhD, MPH, New Haven, CT 1:26 Pregnancy Risk Factors in Stroke Amytis Towfighi, MD, Los Angeles, CA 1:38 Nursing Implications for Stroke Prevention in Women Wende Fedder, RN, MBA, DNP, FAHA, Elk Grove Village, IL Intracerebral Hemorrhage: To Operate or Not To Operate? Chirag D Gandhi, MD, Newark, NJ 2:22 Ruptured Intracranial Vascular Malformations Kevin Cockroft, MD, MSc, FACS, Hershey, PA 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Short Break 1:50Discussion 2:00 2:11 Substance Abuse Prevalence in the Aging Stroke Population Marcella A Wozniak, MD, Baltimore, MD Karen Yarbrough, MS, CRNP, Baltimore, MD 3:00 Interpreting the Guidelines for Nursing Care of the Patient with Large Hemispheric Infact Daiwai Olson, PhD, RN, CCRN, Dallas, TX 4:00 Vigilant Nursing Glucose and Temperature Control for Stroke: Is There a Need in the United States? Anne W Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr – Memphis, Memphis, TN NS4 4:15 Improvement of Follow-up Rate After Discharge of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients by The Man-to-man Education for Stroke During Admission Jei Kim, Chungnam Natl Univ Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of NS5 4:30 To Rest or Mobilize... When to Start Early Mobilization in Acute Stroke: a Systematic Review Michelle Whaley, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO Anne W Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr – Memphis, Memphis, TN NS6 2:40Discussion 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm 4:45Discussion Short Break 3:00 Narrowing the Gap in Awareness, Symptom Recognition, and Response Time to Stroke among Non-English Speaking Minority Population Kyungeh An, PhD, Richmond, VA 3:15 Acculturation, Access to Care, Risk Factors for Stroke among Asian Americans Cha-Nam Shin, PhD, Phoenix, AZ 3:30 Contents and the Language on the Web-based Information for Stroke Prevention and Care Mikyung Lee, PhD, RN, Denton, TX 3:45Discussion 4:00 Access and Use of Information Technologies Among NS1 Hypertensive Older Adults to Reduce Stroke Risk Ayman Tailakh, California State Univ Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Cinthya Vasquez, California State Univ Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 4:15 Factors That Affect Health Promotion Behaviors in Urban Black Women Millie Hepburn, New York Univ Hosp Ctr, New York, NY NS2 The Influence of Chinese Culture on Caregiving Role Perceptions Among Stroke Caregivers Xichenhui Qiu, The Nethersole Sch of Nursing, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Haixia Feng, Affiliated ZhongDa Hosp, Medical Sch, Southeast Univ, Nanjing, China NS3 4:30 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Concurrent C – Room 403 B Rehabilitation and Recovery: An Ongoing Process: Community Integration Moderators: Michelle Camicia, MSN, CCRN, Vallejo, CA Elaine T Miller, DNS, RN, CRRN, FAHA, FAAN, Cincinnati, OH 1:00 The Need for New Treatment Strategies for Dysphagia and Stroke: A Neurorehabilitation Perspective Alexander Dromerick, MD, Washington, DC 1:10 New Strategies for Dysphagia after Stroke: Improving Health and Quality of Life: Impact of Dysphagia on Social Participation and Quality of Life Dorothy F Edwards, PhD, Madison, WI Primary 1:20 New Dietary Compensatory Strategies for Dysphagia after Stroke Jacqueline A Hind, MS, Madison, WI 1:40 New Rehabilitation Exercise Interventions for Dysphagia after Stroke: New Innovations, New Outcomes Joanne A Robbins, PhD, Madison, WI 2:00 Neural Priming for Stroke Rehabilitation: Movement and Sensory Priming for Individuals with Severe Upper Limb Impairment Mary E Stoykov, PhD, OTR/L, Chicago, 2:15 The Challenge of Developing Effective Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Treatment Trials after Stroke Dorothy F Edwards, PhD, Madison, WI 2:30 Stroke Rehabilitation Utilizing Brain Computer Interface Technology Vivek Prabhakaran, MD, PhD, Madison, WI 4:45Discussion — 12 — 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Short Break 3:00 Stroke Continuum of Care: Development of an Innovative Infrastructure for Support of Stroke Care and Stroke Bridge Clinic Hillary Crumlett, BS, RN, MS, Winfield, IL 3:20 Post Discharge Care and Navigation through Telephone Follow-up Calls Ryan Keiler, BSN, Winfield, IL 3:40 Depression Screening and Management Konstantinos Kostas, PhD, Elk Grove Village, IL 4:00 The Effects of a Theory-based Health Empowerment Intervention on Self-management and Functional Recovery Post-stroke Janet WH Sit, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SW Tang, Tung Wah Eastern Hosp, Hosp Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong NS7 4:15 Prevalence and Relating Factors of Sleep Disturbances at 3 Months Post Stroke Smi Choi-Kwon, Seoul Natl U, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Jong S Kim, Univ of Ulsan Coll of Med, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of NS8 4:30 ARN Professional Rehabilitation Nurse Competency Model: Application to Stroke Care Stephanie Vaughn, California State Univ at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA NS9 4:15 Using a Template in the Electronic Medical Record to Improve Communication Between Emergency Medical Services and the Emergency Department for Acute Stroke Melissa Richardson, Hillcrest, Mayfield Heights, OH Christopher Rankin, Hillcrest, Mayfield Heights, OH NS11 4:30 Effective Reduction of Stroke Readmissions Through Nurse Practitioner Initiated Follow-up Calls in a Comprehensive Stroke Center Maryika I Gibson, Legacy Health, Portland, OR NS12 4:45Discussion For the most current program information and speakers, please go to, online Program Planner or download the Mobile Meeting Guide app. Start Planning Now for the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium and the International Stroke Conference 2017 in Houston, Texas! 4:45Discussion CALL FOR SCIENCE Thank you for attending the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2016. Please don’t forget these important dates for the State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2017 and the International Stroke Conference 2017: Submit Session Ideas Submit your session suggestions for the Stroke Nursing Symposium 2017: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Concurrent D – Room 153 A-C Coordination of Care and Strategies for Quality Enhancement Suggested Session Submitter Opens: Monday, Feb 15, 2016 Suggested Session Submitter Closes:Tuesday, March 15, 2016 1:00-2:00 Nursing Care in the Endovascular Suite: The 4 Ws Submit Your Best Science for Consideration for the Stroke Nursing Symposium and the International Stroke Conference 2017 Presenting your science at ISC offers you many benefits: Moderator: Lori M Massaro, MSN, CRNP, Pittsburgh, PA 1:00 WHY: Optimizing Nursing Care in the Neuro Endovascular Suite Therese Dawson, Pittsburgh, PA 1:15 WHERE: Neuro IR Suite vs Cardiac Cath Lab Melanie Smith-Fortney, Pittsburgh, PA 1:30 WHO: The NICU Nurse in the IR Suite Benjamin Morrow, Pittsburgh, PA 1:45 WHAT: Data Collection – Optimizing Outcomes in IR Cherie Adams, Pittsburgh, PA International Impact: Media coverage from around the world resulted in almost 1.5 billion media impressions from nearly 1,200 stories for ISC and the Stroke Nursing Symposium 2015. • Network with Leaders in the Stroke Field: Attend ISC and the Nursing Symposium and discuss your findings with stroke research and practice experts from around the globe. • • 2:00-3:00 Telestroke Implementation: Evolving Stroke System Relationships Virtual Reach: The ISC and the Nursing Symposium 2015 virtual reach through the AHA/ASA Web site, e-mails, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter activity had more than 3.4 million hits. Published Abstracts: Accepted ISC and Nursing Symposium abstracts will be published online on the Stroke journal Web site. 2:00 Telestroke – Overview and Getting Started Claranne P Mathiesen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNRN, Stroudsburg, PA • 2:11 HUB Responsibilities Lori M Massaro, MSN, CRNP, Pittsburgh, PA 2:22 Spoke Responsibilites Jean Thomas, MS, BSN, RN, SCRN, Hagerstown, MD 2:33 Forging Strong Relationships and Quality Metrics Morgan Boyer, BS, Hershey, PA The International Stroke Conference includes a Nursing abstract category. You may submit nursing abstracts to both the Stroke Nursing Symposium and the International Stroke Conference. The same abstract may be submitted for both, but it can only be accepted for and presented at either ISC or the Stroke Nursing Symposium. Submit Abstracts Submission Opens:Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Submission Closes:Tuesday, Aug 16, 2016 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Short Break 3:00 Improving Your EMR: A Collaboration to Best Practices for Certified Stroke Centers Sharon Hammond-Heaton, MA, BSN, RN, EMT-P, Columbus, OH 3:20 Improving Your EMR: A Collaboration to Best Practices for Certified Stroke Centers Jenevra Foley, Ann Arbor, MI 3:40 Improving Your EMR: A Collaboration to Best Practices for Certified Stroke Centers Stephanie Casual, Stanford, CA 4:00 Rapidly Improving Stroke Symptoms - To Treat or Not to Treat Sherri H Friedrich, Providence Holy Cross Medical Ctr, Mission Hills, CA Anne Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Science, Memphis, TN Submit Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trials Abstracts Submission Opens:Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016 Submission Closes:Wednesday, Nov 9, 2016 The link to submit abstracts and/or session ideas can be found at on the opening date listed above. NS10 — 13 — — 14 — PRE-CONFERENCE Your patient education and community resource for stroke prevention, treatment and recovery. • Evidence-based patient education materials • Stroke warning signs information, including F.A.S.T. campaign materials • Cryptogenic Stroke (stroke of unknown cause) professional and patient resources • Stroke infographics, publications and guidelines • Community handouts and training tools for EMS Professionals PRE-CONFERENCE PRE-CONFERENCE STROKE RESOURCE CENTER Discuss: o Acute stroke imaging o Reimbursement issues for comprehensive and community hospitals o The role of nursing in community and comprehensive centers o Challenges in post-thrombectomy management • ISC Pre-Conference Symposium I Stroke in the Real World: To Infinity and Beyond: Endovascular Therapy and Systems of Care Tuesday, Feb 16, 2016 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is grateful to the members of the ISC 2016 Pre-Conference Symposium I Program Committee for their dedication and leadership provided throughout the year in planning the program. Program Committee Ted Wein, MD, FRCPC, FAHA, Chair Nina Gentile, MD Joshua Goldstein, MD, PhD, FAHA Susan L Hickenbottom, MD, MS, FAHA Michael D Hill, MD, MSc, FRCPC Sue B Pugh, MSN, RN, CNRN, CRRN, CNS-BC, CBIS, FAHA Jeffrey L Saver, MD, FAHA, FAAN Phillip Scott, MD, FAHA Kyra Becker, MD, FAHA (ISC Program Committee, Chair) Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, FAHA (ISC Program Committee, Vice Chair) AMA Credit Designation Statement – Physicians The American Heart Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 6.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. AAPA Credit Acceptance Statement – Physician Assistants AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society. Physician assistants may receive a maximum of 6.75 hours of Category I credit for completing this program. Program Committee’s Conflict of Interest Information T Wein: Research Grant; Modest; NIH, ASTRA Zeneca, ACCORDA , Allergan. Honoraria; Modest; Boeringher Ingelheim, Bayer, Allergan. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Bayer. Consultant/Advisory Board; Significant; Allergan. N Gentile: Research Grant; Significant; NINDS research grants. J Goldstein: Research Grant; Modest; CSL Behring. Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Bristol-Meyers, CSL Behring. S L Hickenbottom: None. M D Hill: Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Adjudication panel for Merck for a clinical trials outcomes panel.. Research Grant; Significant; Research grant to the University of Calgary from Covidien AG for the ESCAPE trial. Other Research Support; Significant; Drug in kind support for the TEMPO-1 trial from Hoffmann-La Roche Canada Ltd. Ownership Interest; Significant; Calgary Scientific Inc. S B Pugh: None. J Saver: Consultant/Advisory Board; Modest; Stryker, Neuravia, Cognition Medical, Boehringer, Ingelheim. Consultant/Advisory Board; Significant; Medtronic. P Scott: None. B Ovbiagele: Research Grant; Modest; NIH-NINDS. K J Becker: None. Symposium Description This Pre-Conference Symposium of the International Stroke Conference is designed to provide cutting edge information for healthcare professionals caring for patients with, or at risk for stroke. This one-day symposium highlights scientific advances in cerebrovascular disease while emphasizing their application in the real world. The symposium informs the audience about issues along the full continuum of stroke care and covers varied topics of interest to healthcare providers working in the emergency department, hospitalist settings, primary care, general neurology, pharmacies, and other stroke care arenas. This year’s symposium will focus on stroke systems of care including: pre-hospital screening and logistics; transporting to the closest center or the comprehensive stroke center; mobile stroke units and their role in the endovascular world; integrating community hospitals for advanced stroke treatment; imaging techniques (advanced penumbral or collateral imaging vs CTA/MRA and ASPECTS); an interventionalist’s perspective on maximizing work flow; and international strategies to maximize thrombectomy. There will also be a series of challenging breakout sessions. Participants will also have the opportunity to have an informal lunch with the faculty where questions or challenging stroke cases may be discussed. Learning Objectives After participating in this activity, participants will be able to: • Assess pre-hospital screening and logistics • Identify whether it is better to transport to the closest center or the comprehensive stroke center • Describe mobile stroke units and their role in the endovascular world • Summarize integrating community hospitals for advanced stroke treatment • Discuss imaging techniques: advanced penumbral or collateral imaging vs CTA/ MRA and ASPECTS • Explain an interventionalist’s perspective on maximizing work flow and how we can make their jobs easier • Apply international strategies to maximize thrombectomy Joint Accreditation Statements The American Heart Association is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. AANP Credit Acceptance Statement – Nurse Practitioners American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME. **AMA Credit must be claimed within 6 months of attendance. CME/CE will no longer be available to claim after August 16, 2016. ANCC Credit Designation Statement – Nurses The maximum number of hours awarded for this CE activity is 6.75 contact hours. **ANCC Credit must be claimed within 6 months of attendance. CME/CE will no longer be available to claim after August 16, 2016. Disclosure Policy All persons who develop and/or control educational content in CME/CE activities provided by the American Heart Association will disclose to the audience all financial relationships with any commercial supporters of this activity as well as with other commercial interests whose lines of business are related to the CME/CE-certified content of this activity. In addition, presenters will disclose unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices discussed in their presentations. Such disclosures will be made in writing in course presentation materials. Please note that there is a separate registration fee to attend the ISC Pre-Conference Symposium I. Tuesday, February 16 Stroke in the Real World: To Infinity and Beyond: Endovascular Therapy and Systems of Care For the most current program information and speakers, please go to the online Program Planner on or download the Mobile Meeting Guide app. 9:00 am – 12 Noon Plenary Session – Room 151 A-C Moderators: Theodore Wein, MD, FRCPC, FAHA, Montreal, QC, Canada Nina T Gentile, MD, Philadelphia, PA 9:00 “Go ahead; make my day.”: Welcoming Remarks Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA 9:05 “I feel the need.... The need for speed!”: Pre-hospital Screening and Logistics Sophia Dyer, MD, FACEP, Boston, MA 9:35 Q&A — 15 — 9:45 am – 10:25 am 2:40 pm – 3:35 pm Concurrent Sessions (Repeat) Debate: “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”: Is It Better to Transport to the Closest Center or the Comprehensive Stroke Center Concurrent IIA – Room 515 A “May the Force be with you.”: Acute Stroke Imaging Workshop Jens Fiehler, MD, Hamburg, Germany 9:45 CLOSEST Michael D Hill, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada Concurrent IIB – Room 502 A “Houston – we have a problem.”: Reimbursement Issues for Comprehensive and Community Hospitals Anand Viswanathan, MD, PhD, Boston, MA 10:00 COMPREHENSIVE Edward C Jauch, MD, MS, FAHA, FACEP, Charleston, SC 10:15 Q&A 10:25 “If you’re going to build a time machine in a car, why not do it with some style?”: Mobile Stroke Units: Role in the Endovascular World James C Grotta, MD, FAHA, Houston, TX Concurrent IIC – Room 502 B “Life is like a box of chocolates, Forest. You never know what you are going to get.”: The Role of Nursing in Community and Comprehensive Centers Sue B Pugh, MSN, RN, CNRN, CRRN, CNS-BC, CBIS, FAHA, Baltimore, MD 10:40 Q&A 10:50 “I love it when a plan comes together.”: Integrating Community Hospitals for Advanced Stroke Treatment Mai N Nguyen-Huynh, MD, Oakland, CA Concurrent IID – Room 515 B “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”: Challenges in Post-thrombectomy Management Wendy Ziai, MD, FRCPC, Baltimore, MD 11:10 Q&A 11:20 am – 12 Noon 3:50 pm – 5:05 pm Debate: “Elementary, my dear Watson.”: Imaging Techniques: Advanced Penumbral or Collateral Imaging vs CTA/ MRA and ASPECTS Closing Plenary Session – Room 151 A-C 11:20 Advanced Penumbral Imaging/Collateral Imaging Gregory W Albers, MD, Palo Alto, CA Moderators: Joshua Goldstein, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA Susan L Hickenbottom, MD, MS, FAHA, Ypsilanti, MI 11:35 CTA/MRA and ASPECTS Andrew M Demchuk, MD, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada “...the stuff that dreams are made of”: International Strategies to Maximize Thrombectomy 11:50 Q&A 3:50 International Strategies to Maximize Thrombectomy – Australia Bruce Campbell, MBBS, Parkville, Australia 4:00 International Strategies to Maximize Thrombectomy – Canada Michael D Hill, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada 12 Noon – 1:00 pm “Made it, Ma! Top of the world!”: Lunch with Investigators of Mr Clean, Escape, Swift Prime, Extend IA, etc... All Faculty (A boxed lunch will be provided.) 4:10 International Strategies to Maximize Thrombectomy – Europe Diederik W Dippel, MD, Rotterdam, Netherlands 4:20 International Strategies to Maximize Thrombectomy – Israel Natan M Bornstein, MD, Tel-Aviv, Israel 1:00 pm – 1:40 pm 4:30 International Strategies to Maximize Thrombectomy – Korea Oh Young Bang, MD, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Plenary Session (cont) – Room 151 A-C Moderators: Joshua Goldstein, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA Susan L Hickenbottom, MD, MS, FAHA, Ypsilanti, MI 1:00 4:40 “Come with me if you want to live.”: An Interventionalist Perspective on Maximizing Work Flow: How We Can Make Their Jobs Easier Mayank Goyal, MBBS, MD, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada International Strategies to Maximize Thrombectomy – USA Jeffrey L Saver, MD, FAHA, FAAN, Los Angeles, CA 4:50 Q&A 5:00 1:30 Q&A 1:40 pm – 2:30 pm Concurrent Sessions Concurrent IA – Room 515 A “May the Force be with you.”: Acute Stroke Imaging Workshop Jens Fiehler, MD, Hamburg, Germany Concurrent IB – Room 502 A “Houston – we have a problem.”: Reimbursement Issues for Comprehensive and Community Hospitals Anand Viswanathan, MD, PhD, Boston, MA Concurrent IC – Room 502 B “Life is like a box of chocolates, Forest. You never know what you are going to get.”: The Role of Nursing in Community and Comprehensive Centers Sue B Pugh, MSN, RN, CNRN, CRRN, CNS-BC, CBIS, FAHA, Baltimore, MD Concurrent ID – Room 515 B “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”: Challenges in Post-thrombectomy Management Wendy Ziai, MD, FRCPC, Baltimore, MD — 16 — “Hasta la vista, baby”: Closing Remarks Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, FAHA, Charleston, SC AANP Credit Acceptance Statement – Nurse Practitioners American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME. ISC Pre-Conference Symposium II The Nuts and Bolts of Pre-clinical Behavioral Testing in Animals For Students, Trainees and Early Career Professionals **AMA Credit must be claimed within 6 months of attendance. CME/CE will no longer be available to claim after August 16, 2016. Tuesday, Feb 16, 2016 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is grateful to the members of the ISC 2016 Pre-Conference Symposium II Program Committee for their dedication and leadership provided throughout the year in planning the program. Program Committee Louise D McCullough, MD, PhD, FAHA, Chair Gregory Bix, MD, PhD Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA (ISC Program Committee, Chair) Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, FAHA (ISC Program Committee, Vice Chair) ANCC Credit Designation Statement – Nurses The maximum number of hours awarded for this CE activity is 3.50 contact hours. **ANCC Credit must be claimed within 6 months of attendance. CME/CE will no longer be available to claim after August 16, 2016. Disclosure Policy All persons who develop and/or control educational content in CME/CE activities provided by the American Heart Association will disclose to the audience all financial relationships with any commercial supporters of this activity as well as with other commercial interests whose lines of business are related to the CME/CE-certified content of this activity. In addition, presenters will disclose unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices discussed in their presentations. Such disclosures will be made in writing in course presentation materials. Program Committee’s Conflict of Interest Information L D McCullough: Speakers’ Bureau; Modest; Genentech. G Bix: None. B Ovbiagele: Research Grant; Modest; NIH-NINDS. K J Becker: None. Please note that there is a separate registration fee to attend the ISC Pre-Conference Symposium II. Symposium Description This new Pre-Conference Symposium of the International Stroke Conference is designed for students, trainees and early career professionals. This pre-conference event was designed to discuss the newest methods for assessing behavioral deficits and functional recovery in animals, the first step in assessing the potential translation of therapeutics into human populations. This half-day symposium highlights several new methods to assess cognitive impairment in rodents, the use of large animals including primates, and the use of behavioral testing to examine outcomes in models of intracerebral hemorrhage and vascular cognitive impairment. We will begin with an introduction to the basics of behavioral testing, including discussion on the “fundamentals” that will increase reliability and reproducibility in animal experiments. The importance of blinding, randomization, and consistency of the testing environment to reduce variability will be highlighted. We will then discuss how to appropriately design and interpret behavioral studies, including the proper use of parametric and non-parametric tests, interactions, and power analysis. We will complete the session with a demonstration of newly developed cognitive tests for use in mice and rats. Learning Objectives After participating in this activity, participants will be able to: • Describe statistical interpretation including the use of appropriate statistical tests • Design and “power” your studies • Provide an introduction to the fundamental of behavioral testing in rodents • Discuss non-rodent models: large animals • Demonstrate cognitive testing in animal models • Illustrate new tests for hypoxia and touchscreens with a focus on ICH or VCI Joint Accreditation Statements The American Heart Association is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. AMA Credit Designation Statement – Physicians The American Heart Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 3.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Tuesday, February 16 The Nuts and Bolts of Pre-clinical Behavioral Testing in Animals For the most current program information and speakers, please go to the online Program Planner on or download the Mobile Meeting Guide app. 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Theater 411 Moderators: Louise D McCullough, MD, PhD, FAHA, Houston, TX Gregory Bix, MD, PhD, Lexington, KY 1:00Overview Theresa A Jones, PhD, Austin, TX 1:30 Introduction to Behavioral Testing in Rodents Courtney A Devries, PhD, FAHA, Columbus, OH 1:55 Discussion 2:05 Non-rodent Models: Large Animals Randolph J Nudo, PhD, FAHA, Kansas City, KS 2:30 Discussion 2:40 Cognitive Testing Marion S Buckwalter, MD, PhD, Stanford, CA 3:05 Discussion 3:15 Translational Session with Focus on ICH or VCI and New Tests for Hypoxia and Touchscreens Julie Deguil, MD, Lille, France 3:40 Discussion 3:50 Statistical Interpretation including the APPROPRIATE Statistical Tests Olga Vsevolozhskaya, PhD, Lexington, KY 4:15 Discussion 4:25 General Discussion AAPA Credit Acceptance Statement – Physician Assistants AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society. Physician assistants may receive a maximum of 3.50 hours of Category I credit for completing this program. — 17 — — 18 — Stroke An American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Journal Stroke Webinar Series Free, On-Demand Access At a time that’s convenient for you, tune into programs from the archived, on-demand Stroke Webinar series. Learn about recent advances and developments that will impact your practice and/or research. These free, online presentations cover current and novel topics and will help enhance your knowledge and ensure you stay up-to-date in this evolving field. More than 15 programs are available, including such topics as: • Cerebral Microbleeds • Immunology of Stroke • Evaluation of Cryptogenic Stroke • Advances in Stroke Rehabilitation • Cervical Artery Dissection • Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 Register and view all Webinars for free. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 Changes to the programming might have occurred since the Final Program went to print. For the current, most accurate programming information, please refer to the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. — 19 — Wednesday, February 17 (7:00 am – 8:30 am) Category Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Session Title Designing the Next Generation of Rehabilitation Clinical Trials New Insights and Therapeutic Targeting of the Blood Brain Barrier in Ischemic Stroke Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 515 A 502 A Moderator(s) Richard L Harvey, MD, Chicago, IL Alexander Dromerick, MD, Washington, DC Jill Roberts, PhD, Lexington, KY Louise McCullough, MD, PhD, FAHA, Houston, TX 7:00 How to Design Early Started Rehabilitation Trials Post-stroke: Some Lessons from the EXPLICIT Stroke Trial Gert Kwakkel, PT, PhD, Amsterdam, Netherlands 7:19 Patient Selection and Stratification in Rehabilitation Clinical Trials Cathy Stinear, MD, PhD, Auckland, New Zealand 7:38 Learning from Cancer: Early Stage Trial Designs and Predictive Analysis Ming Tan, MD, Washington, DC 7:57 Biomarker Discovery in Rehabilitation Trials Matthew Edwardson, MD, Washington, DC 8:15 Discussion Introduction to BBB Gregory J Bix, MD, PhD, Lexington, KY (7:05) Integrins as Novel Regulators of Barrier Function in Ischemic Stroke: A Potential New Therapeutic Target Gregory J Bix, MD, PhD, Lexington, KY (7:24) Stroke Effects on BBB Claudins: Imaging the BBB Tight Junctions Dritan Agalliu, PhD, New York, NY (7:43) BBB Ion Transporters and Channels in Ischemic Stroke: Effects of Diabetes Martha O'Donnell, PhD, Davis, CA (8:02) BBB Drug Transporters in Ischemic Stroke Patrick Ronaldson, PhD, Tucson, AZ (8:21) Discussion Category Acute Endovascular Treatment Aneurysm Session Title Acute Endovascular Treatment Oral Abstracts I Aneurysm Oral Abstracts Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 408 502 B Moderator(s) Thomas Devlin, MD, PhD, Chattanooga, TN Maarten G Lansberg, MD, PhD, Palo Alto, CA TBD 7:00 Effect of Intra-arterial Treatment in Patients Who are not Eligible for Intravenous alteplase. A Post-hoc Mr Clean Subgroup Analysis and Meta-analysis 1 Diederik W Dippel, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands Aad van der Lugt, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands The Pipeline Embolization Device: Midterm Results and Predictors of Outcomes in 335 Consecutive Patients 8 Nohra Chalouhi, Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience, Philadelphia, PA Pascal Jabbour, Jefferson Hosp for Neuroscience, Philadelphia, PA 7:12 Good Outcome After Successful Recanalization is Time Dependent in the Swift Prime Randomized Controlled Trial 2 Ashutosh P Jadhav, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Jeffrey Saver, Univ of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA A Novel Large Cerebral Aneurysm Model in Rats with Intraperitoneal Administration of Beta-AminoPropioNitril-Fumarate 9 Yusuke Shimoda, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan Kiyohiro Houkin, Hokkaido Univ, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan 7:24 Endovascular Thrombectomy Increases Disability-free Survival, Quality of Life and Life Expectancy After Ischemic Stroke With Reduced Costs 3 Bruce Campbell, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Australia Stephen Davis, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Parkville, Australia Smooth Muscle Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Plays a Critical Role in Formation and Rupture of Cerebral Aneurysms in Mice in vivo 10 Robert M Starke, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA David Hasan, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 7:36 Treatment Effect Modification By Extracranial Vascular Disease In Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Prespecified Subgroup Analysis In Mr Clean. 4 Olvert A Berkhemer, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands Aad van der Lugt, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands Intra-arterial Infusion of Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells is Safe and Enhances Histological Healing in Rabbit Elastase Aneurysms 11 Amin Adibi, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Alim P Mitha, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada 7:48 Analysis of Workflow Aad Determinants of Delays in the Escape Randomized Controlled Trial 5 Bijoy K Menon, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Buenos Aires Experience With Flow Diverter in our First 1000 Patients Safety, Efficacy and Long Term Follow-up 12 Javier Lundquist, ENERI-Clinica Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires, Argentina Primary Pedro Lylyk, ENERI-Clinica Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires, Argentina 8:00 Patient Selection is a Better Predictor of Good Outcome Than Time to Reperfusion in Acute Ischemic Stroke 6 Jenny P Tsai, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Maarten G Lansberg, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA Wall Shear Stress Associated to Intracranial Aneurysm Wall Inflammation 13 Juan Cebral, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Juhana Frosen, Biomedicum and Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland 8:12 Thrace Study: Final Results 7 Serge Bracard, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France Xavier Ducrocq, Univ of Lorraine, Nancy, France Size Ratio can be a Strong Predictor for Future Rupture of the Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms 14 Akio Morita, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan Shinjiro Tominari, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan 8:24 Discussion Discussion Short Break (8:30 am – 8:45 am) — 20 — Wednesday, February 17 (7:00 am – 8:30 am) Category Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Session Title Take It to the Limit: Cutting-edge Applications of Technology in the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease Session Type Invited Symposium Room 151 Moderator(s) Thomas Hemmen, MD, PhD, La Jolla, CA Bart M Demaerschalk, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Phoenix, AZ 7:00 How Telehealth Is Disrupting and Transforming the Traditional Models of Care Delivery for Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease Lee H Schwamm, MD, FAHA, Boston, MA 7:19 Prescribing an APP for Stroke: Patient-provider Interface in the New Age Steven R Levine, MD, Brooklyn, NY 7:38 Diagnosing Stroke via Point-of-care Testing: Using mRNA to Develop the Stroke Tricorder? Frank Sharp, MD, FAHA, FAAN, Sacramento, CA 7:57 Remote Monitoring and Treatment of Patient after Stroke: Transition and Rehabilitation Steven C Cramer, MD, Irvine, CA 8:15 Discussion For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at or the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. Category Cerebral Large Artery Disease Nursing Session Title Cerebral Large Artery Disease Oral Abstracts I Nursing Oral Abstracts Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 515 B 152 Moderator(s) Wolf-Dieter Heiss, MD, Cologne, Germany Raghu Vemuganti, PhD, Madison, WI Tamilyn Bakas, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, Cincinnati, OH Janice L Hinkle, RN, PhD, CNRN, FAHA, Washington, DC 7:00 Trends in Performance and Outcomes of Carotid Endarterectomy Among Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries, 2003-2010 15 Judith H Lichtman, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT Thomas G Brott, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL Reducing Readmissions in Stroke Patients With a Structured Nurse Practitioner (NP)/RN Follow-up Program 22 Christina N Condon, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston Salem, NC Cheryl Bushnell, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston Salem, NC 7:12 Temporal Changes in Hemodynamics in Patients With Vertebrobasilar Disease: Results From the Prospective Multicenter VERiTAS Study 16 Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL Fady T Charbel for the VERiTAS Study Group, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL Feasibility of the Stroke COunseling for Risk REduction (SCORRE) Intervention 23 Dawn M Aycock, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA Patricia C Clark, Georgia State Univ, Atlanta, GA 7:24 Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Reduces New Vascular Brain Injury early after Carotid Artery Stenting: A Randomized Controlled Trial 17 Xunming Ji, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China Using a Tele-Presence Platform as a Neuro-ICU Nursing Education Tool: a Collaboration Between Two Comprehensive Stroke Centers 24 Giuliana LaBella, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Maureen DePrince, Thomas Jefferson Univ Hosp, Philadelphia, PA 7:36 Defining Clinical Presentation, Imaging Findings, and Management of Intracranial Fibromuscular Dysplasia: a Single Center Experience 18 Russell Cerejo, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, Heather L Gornik, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland OH, Evidence Based Aspiration Risk Tool: Improving Stroke Care 25 Lynn D Berger, Scripps Health, Encinitas, CA Ann Marie White, Scripps Health, Encinitas, CA 7:48 Multicenter Prospective Trial of Intracranial Stent Placement in Patients With Symptomatic High-grade Intracranial Stenosis 19 Peng Gao, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China Feng Ling, Xuanwu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China RACE to Treat Stroke 26 Andrea M Korsnack, University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OH Andrea Adams, Univ of Toledo Medical Ctr, Toledo, OH 8:00 Higher Stroke Risk With Lower Blood Pressure in Hemodynamic Vertebrobasilar Disease: Analysis From the Prospective Multicenter VERiTAS Study 20 Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL Fady T Charbel for the VERiTAS Study Group, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL Stroke Camp Offers Emotional and Physical Relief for Stroke Caregivers 27 Maureen Mathews, OSF Healthcare, Peoria, IL David Wang, OSF Healthcare, Peoria, IL 8:12 Hypo-intensity of MRI Vessel Wall Imaging Indicates Advanced Intracranial Atherosclerosis With Lipid Core 21 Xiangyan Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong HoKeung Ng, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong A Nursing Swallow Screen is Better Than the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at Predicting Dysphagia 28 Kristen G Cline, Catawba Valley Medical Center, Hickory, NC Rebecca C Tart, Catawba Valley Medical Ctr, Hickory, NC 8:24 Discussion Discussion Short Break (8:30 am – 8:45 am) — 21 — Wednesday, February 17 (8:45 am – 10:15 am) Category Pediatric Stroke Preventive Strategies Session Title Pediatric Stroke Oral Abstracts Preventive Strategies Oral Abstracts Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 502 B 515 B Moderator(s) Stéphane Chabrier, MD, Saint-Etienne, France Lauren Beslow, MD, Philadelphia, PA Jennifer L Dearborn, MD, New Haven, CT Amytis Towfighi, MD, Los Angeles, CA 8:45 Common Thrombophilias are not Associated With Specific Perinatal Stroke Diseases 29 Adam Kirton, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Mapping and Multilevel Modeling of Climate Change and Air Pollution With Risk of Stroke in the United States and China: Findings From the Drexel-SARI Low Carbon and Healthy City Study 36 Longjian Liu, Drexel University School of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA Mingquan Wang, Shanghai Advanced Res Inst of Chinese Acad of Science, Shanghai, China 8:57 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Children With Perinatal Stroke and Hemiparesis: a Randomized, Controlled Trial 30 Adam Kirton, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, AB, Canada Michael Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Novel Oral Anticoagulants for the Secondary Prevention of Cerebral Ischemia: A Network Meta-analysis 37 Georgios Tsivgoulis, University of Athens, Athens, Greece Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN 9:09 Incidence of Recurrence in Posterior Circulation Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke: A Prospective Cohort 31 Michael Y Uohara, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Rebecca N Ichord, Children's Hosp of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Comparison of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Risk Among Different Statin Exposures With Warfarin: An Electronic Health Record-based Retrospective Cohort Study 38 Jin Soo Lee, Ajou University Sch of Med, Suwon, Korea, Republic of 9:21 Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes Demonstrate Long-term Efficacy of Indirect Revascularization 20 Years After Surgery for Pediatric Moyamoya 32 Edward R Smith, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA R. Michael Scott, Boston Children's Hosp, Boston, MA Systematic Review of Radiographic and Symptomatic Brain Infarcts in Carotid Artery Interventions 39 Sung-Min Cho, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH Ken Uchino, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH 9:33 Non-invasive Urinary Biomarker Levels Correlate With Preoperative Disease Status and Predict 1-year Angiographic Outcomes in Pediatric Moyamoya Patients 33 Edward R Smith, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA Mortality Due to Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke Following Left Ventricular Assist Device 40 Jennifer A Frontera, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH Nader Moazami, Cleveland Clinic Fndn, Cleveland, OH 9:45 Low SpO2 and Lack of Heparin are Associated With Cardiac Catheterizationrelated Stroke in Children With Congenital Heart Disease 34 Sujatha Parthasarathy, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada Gabrielle deVeber, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada Stroke Unit Evaluation of Sleep Apnea: Validity of Screening Tools and Use of a Portable Sleep Study 41 Hugo J Aparicio, Boston University, Boston, MA Yelena G Pyatkevich, Boston Univ, Boston, MA 9:57 Transfusion Relieves Cerebral Metabolic Stress in Children with Sickle Cell Disease 35 Kristin P Guilliams, Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO Andria L Ford, Washington Univ in St Louis, St Louis, MO N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Protect Against White Matter Injury via Suppressing Inflammatory Response After Stroke 42 Wenting Zhang, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Yanqin Gao, Fudan Univ, Shanghai, China 10:09 Discussion Discussion Category Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery In-hospital Treatment Session Title One, Two, Three Steps toward Cell Therapy for Stroke, and in the Future (Debate) Perioperative Stroke Session Type Debate Invited Symposium Room 151 515 A Moderator(s) David Hess, MD, Augusta, GA Cesar Borlongan, MA, PhD, Tampa, FL Timothy J Gardner, MD, FAHA, Newark, DE Magdy Selim, MD, PhD, FAHA, Bostin, MA 8:45 Clinical Trials for Cell Therapy against Stroke Steven C Cramer, MD, Orange, CA 9:00 Next STEPS: Further Basic Science Required for Successful Clinical Trials Paul George, MD, PhD, Stanford, CA 9:15 New Guidelines for Cell Therapy against Stroke in Japan Hideo Shichinohe, MD, PhD, Sapporo, Japan 9:30 Clinical Studies: How to Take STEPS Forward, Not Backwards Sean I Savitz, MD, FAHA, Houston, TX 9:45 All Stem Cell Therapies Are Not the Same: Stem Cells 0.5 to Stem Cells 2.0 S Thomas Carmichael, MD, PhD, Los Angeles, CA 10:00 Discussion Incidence of Stroke Complicating Surgery Thomas F Floyd, MD, Stony Brook, NY (9:04) Preoperative Assessment for Stroke Risk Michael T Mullen, MD, Philadelphia, PA (9:23) Perioperative Neuroprotection Steven R Messe, MD, Philadelphia, PA (9:42) Acute Stroke Interventions following Surgery David Blacker, MB, BS, FRACP, Nedlands, Australia Discussion Short Break (10:15 am – 10:30 am) — 22 — Wednesday, February 17 (8:45 am – 10:15 am) Category Vascular Cognitive Impairment Vascular Malformations Session Title VCI Mini-Symposium: Vascular Cognitive Impairment Oral Abstracts Vascular Malformations Oral Abstracts Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 152 502 A Moderator(s) Maher Saqqur, MD, FRCPC, Edmonton, NM, AB, Canada Aditya S Pandey, MD, Ann Arbor, MI Amir Dehdashti, MD, FACS, Manhasset, NY 8:45 Dementia After Spontaneous Intra-cerebral Hemorrhage 43 Solène Moulin, Lille University Hospital, Lille, France Charlotte Cordonnier, Lille Univ Hosp, Lille, France Evaluation of Candidate Polymorphisms for Association With Brain Arteriovenous Malformations and Intracranial Hemorrhage in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia 50 Ludmila Pawlikowska, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Marie E Faughnan, St. Michael’s Hosp and Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 8:57 Enlarged Perivascular Spaces Correlate With CSF Biomarkers for Abnormal Blood-brain Barrier Permeability and Neuroinflammation in Patients With Vascular Cognitive Impairment 44 Laith Maali, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Gary A Rosenberg, Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Peripheral Regulatory T cells and Th17 Cells Is Associated With Pathogenesis of Moyamoya Disease 51 Leihua Weng, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing, China Yun Xu, Nanjing Drum Tower Hosp, Nanjing, China 9:09 Cerebral Microbleeds and Cognitive Function in a Community-based Study 45 Chih-Ping Chung, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Liang-Kung Chen, Taipei Veterans General Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan Clinical Impairment in Patients Followed With or Without Interventional Therapy in a Randomized Trial of Unruptured Brain Avms (aruba) 52 JP Mohr, Neurological Institute, New York, NY CJM (Karin) Klijn, Univ Medical Ctr, Utrecht, Netherlands 9:21 Adherence to Ideal Cardiovascular Health Guidelines Prevents Stroke and Preserves Cognitive Function 46 Matthew P Pase, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA Sudha Seshadri, Boston Univ Sch of Med, Boston, MA Variation in DNA Mismatch Repair Genes Nominally Associated With Severity of Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Type 1 53 Helen Kim, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 9:33 White Matter Atrophy in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy 47 Panagiotis Fotiadis, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA M Edip Gurol, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Soluble FLT1 Gene Therapy Through Systemic Viral Delivery Reduces the Severity of Mouse Brain Arteriovenous Malformation 54 Wan Zhu, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Hua Su, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 9:45 Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy in Asymptomatic Community-Dwelling Older Adults 48 M Edip Gurol, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Keith A Johnson, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Selection and Outcomes of Multimodality Interventional Treatment for Unruptured Arteriovenous Malformations in a Single Institution 55 Daisuke Maruyama, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Japan Jun Takahashi, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan 9:57 Cerebral Microbleeds are Associated With Incident Dementia: The Framingham Heart Study 49 Jose Rafael Romero, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA Sudha Seshadri, Boston Univ Sch of Med, Boston, MA Plasma Vitamin D and Non-HDL Cholesterol Reflect the Disease Severity of Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 56 Romuald Girard, University Of Chicago, Chicago, IL Issam A Awad, Univ Of Chicago, Chicago, IL 10:09 Discussion Discussion Category Acute Endovascular Treatment Session Title Selecting Ischemic Stroke Patients for Acute Endovascular Therapy: The State of the Evidence Session Type Invited Symposium Room 408 Moderator(s) William J Powers, MD, FAHA, Chapel Hill, NC Karen C Johnston, MD, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA 8:45 Stroke Severity: How Low Should We Go? Pooja Khatri, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH 9:00 Age: How High Can We Climb? Kennedy R Lees, MD, Glasgow, United Kingdom 9:15 Imaging: How Much Do We Need to See? Albert J Yoo, MD, Plano, TX The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. 9:30 Time: When Is It Getting Too Late? Tudor G Jovin, MD, Pittsburgh, PA The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. 9:45 Occlusion Site: Which One Should We Treat? Raul G Nogueira, MD, Atlanta, GA 10:00 Discussion For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at or the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. Short Break (10:15 am – 10:30 am) — 23 — Wednesday, February 17 (10:30 am – 12 Noon) Plenary Session Session Title Plenary Session I Session Type Plenary Room Hall K Moderator(s) Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, FAHA Charleston, SC 10:30 Welcome and Introduction of the AHA President Nancy Brown, Dallas, TX 10:35 AHA Presidential Address Mark A Creager, MD, FAHA, Lebanon, NH 10:50 ISC Program Chair Welcome Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA 10:57 Introduction of the William M Feinberg Award Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA 11:00 William M Feinberg Award for Excellence in Clinical Stroke: High Explosive Treatment for Ultra-Acute Stroke: Hype or Hope Philip M Bath, BSc, MB, BS, MD, FRCPath, FRCP, FESC, Nottingham, United Kingdom 11:20 Main Results of the Insulin Resistance Intervention After Stroke (IRIS) Trial LB1 Walter N Kernan, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT Lawrence H Young, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT 11:32 Finding Atrial Fibrillation In Stroke Patients - A Multicenter Randomised Evaluation Of Enhanced And Prolonged Holter Monitoring (Find-AFrandomised- Trial) LB2 Rolf Wachter, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany Mark Weber-Krüger, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany 11:44 Randomized Trial of Stent versus Surgery for Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis: Initial and Five-year Results of the ACT I Trial LB25 Lawrence R Wechsler, Univ of Pitts, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA on behalf of the ACT I Investigators 11:54 Closing Remarks Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA Short Break (12 Noon – 12:10 PM) Wednesday, February 17 (12:10 pm – 1:30 pm) Session Title Fellow and Early Career Luncheon: Developing Successful Career Paths in Stroke Nursing and Rehabilitation Professionals Luncheon Room 403 B (Ticket required; seating is limited.) Petree Hall C (Ticket required; seating is limited.) Moderator(s) Pooja Khatri, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH Claranne P Mathiesen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNRN, Stroudsburg, PA Dorothy F Edwards, PhD, Madison, WI 12:10 Introduction Pooja Khatri, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH 12:15 Walking the Path of a Stroke Clinical Trialist Karen C Johnston, MD, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA 12:30 Walking the Path of a Stroke Epidemiologist Lewis B Morgenstern, MD, FAHA, Ann Arbor, MI 12:45 Walking the Path of a Stroke Interventionalist Colin Derdeyn, MD, FAHA, Iowa City, IA 1:00 Walking the Path of a Stroke Clinical Director Isaac E Silverman, MD, FAHA, Hartford, CT Primary 1:15 Discussion Introduction Claranne P Mathiesen, MSN, BSN, RN, CNRN, Stroudsburg, PA (12:20) Improving Outcomes and Community Participation Post-Stroke Joan C Breen, MD, Bradford, MA Jeanne Andrusin, APRN, Bradford, MA (1:05) Discussion — 24 — Science and Technology Hall (Exhibits) Lunch Break Hall J Save the Date for the International Stroke Conference 2017! H o u s t o n , Te x a s Feb 21, 2017 Feb 21, 2017 Feb 22-24, 2017 State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2017 ISC Pre-Conference Symposia 2017 International Stroke Conference 2017 Call for Abstracts: May 25 – Aug 16, 2016 (11:59 pm CDT) Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trials Abstract Submission: Oct 12 – Nov 9, 2016 Housing & Registration Opens: FAHA/VIP: Members*: Nonmembers: Oct 12, 2016 Oct 19, 2016 Oct 26, 2016 *Must be an AHA/ASA Professional Member by Sept 28, 2016 to qualify for the opening of priority registration and housing. Save up to $500 on ISC 2017 registration fees**: Deadline to become an AHA/ASA Professional Member to receive registration discount: Jan 18, 2017. **Registration savings depend on registration level and membership tier. Advance Registration Deadline: Feb 1, 2017 Education. Inspiration. Illumination. Learn more at — 25 — Wednesday, February 17 (1:30 pm – 3:00 pm) Category Vascular Cognitive Impairment Community/Risk Factors Session Title VCI Mini-Symposium: Clinical Dilemmas in Vascular Cognitive Impairment Stroke Genetics: Influence on Clinical Practice Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 515 A 151 Moderator(s) Eric E Smith, MD, Calgary, AB, Canada Leonardo Pantoni, MD, PhD, Florence, Italy Arne Lindgren, MD, PhD, Lund, Sweden Jennifer Juhl Majersik, MD, Salt Lake City, UT 1:30 Thrombolysis in Dementia Patients with Acute Stroke: Is It Justified? Maurizio Paciaroni, MD, Perugia, Italy Monogenic Disorders Related to Stroke John Cole, MD, MS, Baltimore, MD 1:49 Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors for Post-stroke Dementia: Do They Help? Sandra E Black, MD, FAHA, Toronto, ON, Canada Results from GWAS Studies of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Jonathan Rosand, MD, MSc, Boston/Cambridge, MA 2:08 Preventing Stroke Recurrence: Will We Prevent Dementia, Too? Oscar Benavente, MD, FRCPC, Vancouver, BC, Canada New Methods following GWAS Studies of Stroke Hugh Markus, DM, FRCP, Cambridge, UK 2:27 Cognitive Impairment after TIA and Minor Stroke: How to Measure It, and Why Should We Care? Ken Butcher, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Edmonton, AB, Canada Pharmacogenomics in Stroke Guillaume Pare, MD, MSc, Hamilton, ON, Canada 2:45 Discussion Discussion Category Acute Neuroimaging Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Session Title Acute Neuroimaging Oral Abstracts I Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Oral Abstracts I Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 515 B 502 A Moderator(s) Martin Köhrmann, MD, Erlangen, Germany Gregory W Albers, MD, Palo Alto, CA Justin Fraser, MD, Lexington, KY Lauren Sansing, MD, MS, New Haven, CT 1:30 Main Results of the CTP to Predict Response to Recanalization in Ischemic Stroke Project (CRISP) 57 Maarten G Lansberg, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Gregory W Albers, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA Perlecan LG3 is Neuroprotective When Administered Intra-arterially After Experimental Ischemic Stroke 64 Kathleen Salmeron, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Gregory Bix, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 1:42 Ultra early CT-Perfusion May Overestimate Initial Infarct Core. The Ghost Infarct Core Concept 58 Sandra Boned, Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain Marc Ribó, Vall d'Hebron Hosp, Barcelona, Spain Restoration of Growth Differentiation Factor 11 Protects Against Stroke in Mice 65 Anjali Chauhan, Univ of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT Louise D McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 1:54 Extending the Time for Thombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits (EXTEND) - High Prevalence of Intracranial Vessel Occlusion in Wake-up-stroke Patients 59 Henry Ma, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institutes, Melbourne, Australia Geoffrey A Donnan, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Res Insts, Melbourne, Australia Endothelial α5β1 Integrin is Acutely Upregulated and Destabilizes the Bloodbrain Barrier After Stroke 66 Danielle Edwards, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Greg J Bix, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 2:06 Multiphase versus Single Phase CT Angiography for Detection of Distal Intracranial Occlusion 60 Bijoy Menon, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Novel and Safe Oxygen Carrier Prevents Brain Damage After Focal Ischemia and Improves Functional Outcomes 67 Natacha Le Moan, Omniox Inc, San Carlos, CA 2:18 MR Perfusion to Determine the Status of Collaterals in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: Look Beyond Perfusion Time-maps 61 Kambiz Nael, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Thomas Naidich, Icahn Sch of Med at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Exosomes from Rhesus Monkey MSCs Promote Neuronal Growth and Myelination 68 Benjamin Buller, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI Zhenggang Zhang, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI 2:30 Extending the Time for Thombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits (EXTEND) - Penumbral Patterns Among Patients 4.5-9 Hrs and Wake - Up Stroke 62 Henry Ma, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Institutes, Melbourne, Australia Geoffrey A Donnan, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Insts, Melbourne, Australia Cerebellar Dentate Nucleus is an Effective Brain Stimulation Target for Poststroke Recovery 69 Shunsuke Ishizaka, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Gary K Steinberg, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA 2:42 Novel Imaging of Protein Integrity to Better Define Ischemic Injury After Stroke 63 George Harston, Univ of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom James Kennedy, Univ of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom Neurogenesis in the Pediatric Brain Following Ischemic Stroke: a Potential Target for Endogenous Regeneration and Repair 70 Krista M Rodgers, Univ of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO Paco S Herson, Univ of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 2:54 Discussion Discussion Science and Technology Hall (Exhibits)/Break, Hall J (3:00 pm – 3:30 pm) Case Study: TBD Science and Technology Hall, Booth 445, Product Theater — 26 — Wednesday, February 17 (1:30 pm – 3:00 pm) Category Intracerebral Hemorrhage Session Title Towards Definitive Medical Therapies for Intracerebral Hemorrhage (an AHA/ ASA and Stroke Society of Australasia Joint Session) Session Type Invited Symposium For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at or the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. Room 152 Moderator(s) Kevin Cockroft, MD, MSc, FACS, Hershey, PA Stephen M Davis, MD, FRCP, Edin FRACP, FAHA, Melbourne, Australia 1:30 Hematoma Volume and Expansion as Therapeutic Opportunites Atte Meretoja, MD, Melbourne, Australia 1:52 Anticoagulant Reversal in ICH Hagen Huttner, MD, Erlangen, Germany 2:14 BP Management in Acute ICH Craig Anderson, MD, PhD, Sydney NSW, Australia 2:37 Management of Seizures, DVT and Other Complications of ICH Carlos A Molina, MD, Barcelona, Spain Category Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Emergency Care/Systems The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. Session Title Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Oral Abstracts I Emergency Care/Systems Oral Abstracts I Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 502 B 408 Moderator(s) Richard Zorowitz, MD, Washington, DC Prasanthi Govindarajan, MD, Stanford, CA 1:30 Final Results of the B01-02 Phase 2 Trial Testing the Safety and Efficacy of MultiStem® in Treatment of Ischemic Stroke 71 David C Hess, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA Robert W Mays, Athersys, Inc, Cleveland, OH Pre-hospital Rapid Neurological Improvement in Acute Stroke Syndromes: Frequency and Clinical Outcomes 78 Clotilde Balucani, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 1:42 A Novel VLSM-CST Lesion Load Model is a Superior Predictor of Motor Outcomes of Acute Stroke Patients 72 Gottfried Schlaug, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Pre-hospital Diagnosis in Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit 79 Rsmnath Santosh Ramanathan, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH Ken Uchino, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH 1:54 Improvement of Arm Function Following Intensive Rehabilitation in Chronic Stroke Correlates With Increase in Fractional Anisotropy in Major White Matter Tracts 73 Svetlana Pundik, Cleveland VA Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Janis J Daly, Gainesville VA Medical Ctr and Coll of Med, Gainesville, OH Drive-Time Proximity to Certified Stroke Centers in California, 2015 80 David J Reynen, California Department of Public Health, Sacramento, CA Janet Bates, California Dept of Public Health, Sacramento, CA 2:06 An Update on Meta-analysis of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Poststroke Motor Recovery 74 Pratik Y Chhatbar, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Wuwei Feng, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Telestroke Networks: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 81 Kristian Barlinn, Univ Hosp Dresden, Dresden, Germany Jochen Schmitt, Univ Hosp Dresden, Dresden, Germany 2:18 Effects of Physical Exercise Following Ischemic Stroke: Too Early is not a Good Thing 75 Hajra M Khan, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI Yuchuan Ding, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI Prehospital Enrollment Reduces Race-ethnic Disparities in Enrollment in Acute Stroke Treatment Trials 82 Lindsey Frischmann, UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA Jeffrey L Saver, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 2:30 Exploring Efficacy and Safety of Very Early Mobilization Within 24 Hours of Stroke Onset Versus Usual Stroke Unit Care (A Very Early Rehabilitation Trial, AVERT): Pre-specified Subgroup Analysis 76 Julie Bernhardt, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Australia Geoffrey A Donnan, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Parkville, Australia Field Validation of Prehospital LAMS Score to Identify Large Vessel Occlusion Ischemic Stroke Patients for Direct Routing to Emergency Neuroendovascular Centers 83 Alireza Noorian, UCLA Stroke Center, Los Angeles, CA Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA 2:42 2:54 The EQUITe Telestroke Study 84 Nina Solenski, University VA Hlth System, Charlottesville, VA Katharine Wibberly, Univ VA Hlth System, Charlottesville, VA TBD Discussion Discussion Science and Technology Hall (Exhibits)/Break, Hall J (3:00 pm – 3:30 pm) Case Study: TBD Science and Technology Hall, Booth 445, Product Theater — 27 — Wednesday, February 17 (3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Category Vascular Cognitive Impairment Experimental Mechanisms and Models Session Title VCI Mini-Symposium: Assessment of Cognition in Stroke Units Improving Reperfusion Therapy in the Era of Endovascular Treatment Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 515 A 151 Moderator(s) Steven M Greenberg, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA Sandra E Black, MD, FAHA, Toronto, ON, Canada Tavarekere N Nagaraja, PhD, Detroit, MI Gary A Rosenberg, MD, Albuquerque, NM 3:30 Introduction Sandra E Black, MD, FAHA, Toronto, ON, Canada 3:37 Implementation of Guidelines Concerning Cognition in Stroke Units and Stroke Patients Philip B Gorelick, MD, MPH, Grand Rapids, MI 3:54 Tools for Assessing Cognition in Acute Stroke Patients Christopher Chen, MD, Singapore, Singapore Tight Junctions in Ischemia Reperfusion Philip A Barber, MBBCh, MD, Calgary, AB, Canada (3:49) Selective Neuronal Loss and Microglial Activation after Short-term Reperfusion: New Therapeutic Targets? Jean-Claude Baron, MD, FRCP, FMedSci, Cambridge, United Kingdom (4:08) Targeting Brain Arterioles for Improved Stroke Treatment Efficacy Marilyn Cipolla, PhD, MS, FAHA, Burlington, VT 4:11 Influence of Cognitive Decline on Functional Outcome after Stroke Prudence Plummer, PhD, PT, Chapel Hill, NC 4.28 Definition and Criteria for the Diagnosis of Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment in Post-stroke Patients Anna Poggesi, MD, PhD, Florence, Italy 4:45 Discussion (4:27) Can Vascular Protection Enhance the Efficacy of Endovascular Intervention? Clues from Clinical Trials Susan C Fagan, PharmD, FAHA, Augusta, GA Discussion Category Community/Risk Factors Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Session Title Community/Risk Factors Oral Abstracts I Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Oral Abstracts I Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 152 515 B Moderator(s) Valeria Caso, PhD, MD, FESO, Perugia, Italy Peter Rothwell, MD, PhD, FRCP, Oxford, United Kingdom Michael Sharma, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Hamilton, ON, Canada David Thaler, PhD, Jamaica Plain, MA 3:30 Small Vessel Disease and Stroke During Sleep 85 Arne Lauer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Edip M Gurol, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Cerebral Microbleeds in Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Cerebrovascular Events 92 Charlotte Zerna, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Eric Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada 3:42 Hemorrhagic Complications Associated With New Oral Anticoagulant Use for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: The Impact of Combination Treatment With Clopidogrel 86 Kimon Bekelis, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH Nancy Morden, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Ctr, Lebanon, NH MR Black-Blood Thrombus Imaging (BTI) for the Early Detection and Quantification of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis 93 Qi Yang, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA Debiao Li, Cedars Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA 3:54 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage 87 Ahmed Z Obeidat, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH Matthew L Flaherty, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH Increased P450 Aromatase Level in Post-menopausal Women After an Acute Ischemic Stroke 94 Meaghan Roy-O'Reilly, University of Connecticut Health Center, Hartford, CT Louise D McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Health Ctr, Farmington, CT 4:06 Social Inequalities in Stroke Mortality, Incidence and Case-fatality in Europe. 88 Marco M Ferrario, Università dell'Insubria, Varese, Italy Giancarlo Cesana, Univ degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Monza, Italy MRI Description of an Adult Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System in the French COVAC Cohort 95 Gregoire Boulouis, Centre Hospitalier Sainte Anne, Paris, France Olivier Naggara, Ctr Hospier Sainte Anne, Paris, France 4:18 Trends in Long-term Case-mortality After Stroke From the International Stroke Outcomes Study (INSTRUCT): An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis of Incident Strokes 89 Seana Gall, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia Mathew Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI Neuroimaging Markers of Small Vessel Disease Differ Between Types of Recent Small Subcortical Infarcts 96 Ethem Murat Arsava, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey Mehmet Akif Topcuoglu, Hacettepe Univ Faculty of Med, Ankara, Turkey 4:30 Cerebral Microbleeds in CADASIL: Influence of APOE Genotype and Hypertension 90 Jungseok Lee, Jeju National University College of Medicine, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA Mark Fisher, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA Association between Non-Stenosing Carotid Artery Plaque and Acute Ischemic Stroke 97 Ajay Gupta, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY 4:42 Small Perivascular Spaces as Vascular Risk Factors 91 Jose Gutierrez, Neurological Institute, New York, NY Clinton Wright, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL Bilateral Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage Association With Simultaneous Bilateral Stroke 98 Michael McLaughlin Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Joseph S McNally, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 4:54 Discussion Discussion Short Break (5:00 pm – 5:15 pm) — 28 — Wednesday, February 17 (3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Category Intracerebral Hemorrhage Emergency Care/Systems Session Title Surgical Interventions in Intracerebral Hemorrhage The Nuts and Bolts of Organizing a Telestroke Network Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 502 A 502 B Moderator(s) Daniel F Hanley, MD, FAHA, Baltimore, MD David Mendelow, MBBCh, PhD, FRCS, Newcastle, United Kingdom Jeffrey Switzer, DO, MCTS, Augusta, GA Jennifer Juhl Majersik, MD, Salt Lake City, UT 3:30 Surgery for ICH: Latest Evidence and Devices Andrew Carlson, MD, Albuquerque, NM Organizing Hubs and Spokes Karin Nystrom, MSN, APRN, New Haven, CT 3:49 Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques: Patient and Technique Selection Neil A Martin, MD, Los Angeles, CA Quality and Outcomes Reporting in Telestroke Networks Lawrence R Wechsler, MD, Pittsburgh, PA 4:08 White Matter Preservation and ICH Surgery Paul Vespa, MD, Los Angeles, CA The Economics of Telestroke Chris Fanale, MD, BS, Englewood, CO 4:27 Evacuation of Intraventricular Hemorrhage by External Ventriculostomy Drainage Issam A Awad, MD, MSc, FACS, MA (hon), Chicago, IL Legal, Licensing and Credentialing Considerations Bart M Demaerschalk, MD, FAHA, FRCPC, Phoenix, AZ 4:45 Discussion Discussion Session Title Junior Investigator Session Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts I Session Type Invited Symposium Abstract Room 153 408 Moderator(s) Lewis B Morgenstern, MD, FAHA, Ann Arbor, MI Jonathan Rosand, Boston, MD, MSc, MA TBD 3:30 Risk Factors for Vascular Depressive Disorder among Intracerebral Hemorrhage Survivors Alessandro Biffi, MD, Boston, MA 3:35 Discussant 3:40 Q&A 3:48 Fluoxetine for motor recovery after acute intracerebral hemorrhage (FMRICH) study Juan Maniel Marques-Romero, MD, Aguascalientes Mexico, Mexico (3:42) ICTuS-2 Final Results LB4 Patrick Lyden, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA James C Grotta, Memorial Herman Health Care System, Houston, TX 3:53 Discussant 3:58 Q&A (3:54) High-dose Statin Therapy After Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Phase 2 Neuroprotection with Statin Therapy for Acute Recovery Trial (NeuSTART) LB5 Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia University, New York, NY Ken Cheung, Columbia Univ, New York, NY 4:06 An LMIC based Stroke Caregiver Support Program Ambreen A Gowani, MA, Karachi, Pakistan Category ARTSS-2: Final Results of a Pilot, Phase IIb, Randomized, Multi-center Trial of Argatroban in Combination With Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Stroke LB3 Andrew Barreto, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX James C Grotta, Clinical Innovation and Res Inst, Houston, TX (4:06) TGAMES (Glyburide Advantage in Malignant Edema and Stroke) RP: A Phase II Study Toward Preventing Edema After Ischemia LB6 Kevin N Sheth, Yale University, New Haven, CT W Taylor Kimberly, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA 4:11 Discussant 4:16 Q&A 4:24 Role of the LRRK2-regulated Hematoma Clearance by Microglia after ICH Bo Ma, MD, Gainesville, FL 4:29 Discussant 4:34 Q&A 4:42 Lifestyle Factors and Risk of Stroke: Understanding Biology through Refined Phenotyping and Genetics Hugo J Aparicio, MD, Boston, MA 4:47 Discussant 4:52 Q&A (4:18) Time is Brain in Endovascular Thrombectomy: Results From Individual Patient Pooled Data Analysis of Mr Clean, Escape, Extend IA, Swift Prime and Revascat LB7 Michael D Hill, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada (4:30) Virtual Reality in Stroke Rehabilitation: Results From EVREST Multicenter Trial LB8 Gustavo Saposnik, St Michael's Hospital, Uni of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Mark Bailey, Toronto Rehabilitation Inst, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada (4:42) TResults of the Pragmatic Ischaemic Thrombectomy Evaluation (PISTE) Trial LB9 Keith W Muir, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom Ian Ford, Univ of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom (4:54) Discussion Short Break (5:00 pm – 5:15 pm) — 29 — 5:15 pm – 6:45 pm Poster Sessions Poster Hall, Hall H 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm Professor-Led Poster Tours by Category: Brief Presentation and Moderated Q&A with Poster Presenters Moderated Posters WMP1 – WMP120; see pg 50 in the Poster Abstract index for a complete listing of all the posters in the Wednesday Professor-Led Poster Tour session. 6:15 pm – 6:45 pm Regular Poster Session: One-on-One Time for an Individual Q&A with Poster Presenters These posters are not included in the 5:15 Professor-Led Poster Tour Session above. Posters WP1 – WP439; see pg 57 in the Poster Abstract index for a complete listing of all the posters in this Wednesday session. Late-Breaking Science Posters LBP1 – LBP8; see pg 79 in the Poster Abstract index for a complete listing of all the Late-Breaking Science posters in this Wednesday session. FAHAs and other stroke leaders – please be sure to show your support for young investigators and attend the poster sessions. 6:45 pm – 7:30 pm Stroke Council Annual Business Meeting Poster Hall, Hall H, Lounge Area All Stroke Council Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The Stroke Council will hold its Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, February 17 from 6:45 pm – 7:30 pm in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Poster Hall, Hall H in the Lounge Area. Remain in the Poster Hall after the poster sessions to enjoy refreshments, hear the latest council news, and network with your peers. Stroke Council Chair: Colin P Derdeyn, MD, FAHA — 30 — THURSDAY, FEB. 18 THURSDAY, FEB. 18 What’s at the heart of a cryptogenic stroke? Diagnosing the cause of a cryptogenic stroke can be challenging. Exploring all options gives you the best chance to find a cause and reduce the risk of a recurrent stroke for your patients. F I N D H E L P F U L R E S O U R C E S AT: ©2015, American Heart Association 11/15DS9897 Changes to the programming might have occurred since the Final Program went to print. For the current, most accurate programming information, please refer to the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. — 31 — Thursday, February 18 (7:00 am – 8:30 am) Category Vascular Biology in Health and Disease Preventive Strategies Session Title Advances in Cerebrovascular Biology Nutrition to Prevent Further Brain Injury after Stroke Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 502 A 502 B Moderator(s) Marilyn Cipolla, PhD, MS, FAHA, Burlington, VT Jialing Liu, PhD, San Francisco, CA Ayesha Sherzai, MD, Los Angeles, CA Claudia Moy, PhD, Bethesda, MD 7:00 Cerebral Hemodynamics, Collaterals and Stroke Evolution David S Liebeskind, MD, FAHA, FAAN, Los Angeles, CA Should Obese Stroke Patients be Advised to Lose Weight? (7:15) Sodium, Potassium, and Health after Stroke Jennifer L Dearborn, MD, MPH, New Haven, CT 7:19 Insufficiency of the Collateral Circulation: Genetics and Environment James E Faber, PhD, Chapel Hill, NC 7:38 In Vivo Imaging of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Sava Sakadzic, PhD, Charlestown, MA 7:57 Angiogenesis and Neuroplasticity in Stroke Recovery Christoph Harms, MD, Berlin, Germany 8:15 Discussion Discussion Category Cerebral Large Artery Disease Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery (7:30) Foods That Are Good or Bad for the Brain J David Spence, MD, London, ON, Canada (7:45) Mediterranean Diet for Secondary Stroke Prevention Suzanne E Judd, PhD, Birmingham, AL (8:00) A Neurologist’s Approach to Facilitating Behavior Change after Stroke Amytis Towfighi, MD, Los Angeles, CA Session Title Cerebral Large Artery Disease Oral Abstracts II Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Oral Abstracts II Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 515 B 515 A Moderator(s) Brain Hoh, MD, Gainesville, FL J Mocco, MD, New York, NY Richard L Harvey, MD, Chicago, IL Svetlana Pundik, MD, MS, Cleveland, OH 7:00 Computational Fluid Dynamics of CT Angiography in SAMMPRIS Reveal Blood Flow and Vessel Interactions in Middle Cerebral Artery Stenoses 99 David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Research Core, Los Angeles, CA Edward Feldmann, Tufts Univ Sch of Med, Springfield, MA A Simple Screening Tool to Identify Stroke or TIA Patients With Moderate or Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The CHA2TS2 Score 106 Srikant Rangaraju, Emory University, Atlanta, GA Fadi Nahab, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA 7:12 Extracranial Vertebral Artery Atherosclerotic Disease in Patients With Symptomatic Stenosis of the Internal Carotid Artery. The North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial 100 Muhammad Shah Miran, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Institute, St Cloud, MN M Fareed K Suri, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Dextromethorphan/Quinidine for Treatment of Pseudobulbar Affect Secondary to Stroke: Results from the PRISM-II Study 107 Richard Zorowitz, MedStar National Rehabilitation Network, Washington, DC Joao Siffert, Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Aliso Viejo, CA 7:24 Repeat Bypass Surgery for Moyamoya Disease Refractory to Previous Surgery 101 Satoshi Kuroda, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan Naoya Kuwayama, Univ of Toyama, Toyama, Japan Women and Minorities Have Lower Patient-reported Functional Status 3 Months Post-stroke 108 Cheryl Bushnell, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston Salem, NC Sabina Gesell, Wake Forest Sch of Med, Winston Salem, NC 7:36 Carotid Endarterectomy versus Stenting in Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis 102 Mahmoud B Malas, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD The Long-Term Risk of Seizures After Stroke 109 Alexander E Merkler, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY 7:48 Infarct Patterns in the Anterior Circulation as Predictors of Recurrent Stroke in the Medical Arm of SAMMPRIS 103 Ashley M Wabnitz, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Marc I Chimowitz, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC A Multicenter, Double Blind Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Escitalopram for the Prevention of Poststroke Emotional Disturbances, and for Improvement of Neurologic, Cognitive Function and Quality of Life (emotion) 110 Jong S Kim, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Smi Choi-Kwon, Seoul Natl Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of 8:00 The Field Assessment Stroke Triage for Emergency Destination (FAST-ED): a Simple and Accurate Pre-hospital Scale to Detect Large Vessel Occlusion Strokes 104 Fabricio O Lima, UNIFOR, Fortaleza, Brazil Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Factors Associated With New-onset Depression Following Ischemic Stroke: Results From the Women’s Health Initiative 111 Joel Salinas, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Erin C Dunn, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA 8:12 Collateral Blood Flow and Inflammatory Markers in Intracranial Atherosclerosis: Angiography and Biomarker Correlates in the BIOSIS and SAMMPRIS Trials 105 David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Research Core, Los Angeles, CA Michael Frankel, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Predicting REcovery Potential of Upper Limb Function After Stroke to Increase Rehabilitation Efficiency 112 Cathy M Stinear, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Henrietta Lee, Univ of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand 8:24 Discussion Discussion Short Break (8:30 am – 8:45 am) — 32 — Thursday, February 18 (7:00 am – 8:30 am) Category Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Session Title State-of-the-Art: Advances in Acute Stroke Management Session Type Invited Symposium Room 408 Moderator(s) Sheila Martins, MD, PhD, Porto Alegre, Brazil Brian Silver, MD, Providence, RI 7:00 Advances in Neuroimaging: How to Effectively Identify the Best Candidates? Andrew M Demchuk, MD, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada 7:19 New Thrombolytic Agents: What, How, and Whom? (A Patient-centered Approach) Edward C Jauch, MD, MS, FAHA, FACEP, Charleston, SC 7:38 Advances in Medical Management: Glucose, Hypothermia, Hypertension and Oxygen Charlotte Cordonnier, MD, Lille, France 7:57 Decision-making in Acute Stroke Care: Lessons Learned from Neuroeconomics and Poker Players Gustavo Saposnik, MD, MSc, FAHA, FRCPC, Toronto, ON, Canada 8:15 Discussion Category Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Intracerebral Hemorrhage Session Title Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Oral Abstracts I Intracerebral Hemorrhage Oral Abstracts I Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 151 152 Moderator(s) Nerses Sanossian, MD, Los Angeles, CA Bart M Demaerschalk, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Phoenix, AZ Daniel Woo, MD, MS, Cincinnati, OH Eric E Smith, MD, Calgary, AB, Canada 7:00 Kentucky SEQIP Statewide Collaboration Improves TPA Administration Rates and Decreases Door to Needle Times 113 Kari D Moore, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Starr Block, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, Louisville, KY Cortical Superficial Siderosis in Community-dwelling Subjects: The Framingham Heart and Rotterdam Studies 120 Ashkan Shoamanesh, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada Meike W Vernooij, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands 7:12 Equitable Improvements in Sex and Race/Ethnic Specific Door-to-Needle Times in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Findings From Target: Stroke Phase I 114 Gregg C Fonarow, UCLA Med Cntr, Los Angeles, CA Lee H Schwamm, Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA Mechanisms of Cortical Superficial Siderosis in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy 121 Andreas Charidimou, Massachusetts General Hospital Stroke Research Center, Boston, MA M Edip Gurol, Massachusetts General Hosp Stroke Res Ctr, Boston, MA 7:24 Improving Door-to-Needle Times in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Interim Findings From Target: Stroke Phase II 115 Gregg C Fonarow, UCLA Med Cntr, Los Angeles, CA Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Cortical Superficial Siderosis is a Predictor of Early Recurrent Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy 122 Duangnapa Roongpiboonsopit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Anand Viswanathan, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA 7:36 Impact of Cerebral White Matter Disease Burden on the Critical Infarct Volume Predicting a Good 90-day Outcome 116 Jatinder S Patti, University of Massachhusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA Nils Henninger, Univ of Massachhusetts Medical Ctr, Worcester, MAI Correlation of Cerebral Microbleeds Distribution to Amyloid Burden in Patients With Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage 123 Hsin-Hsi Tsai, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Jiann-Shing Jeng, Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan 7:48 A Province-wide Triaging System Improves Mortality After Transient Ischemic Attacks: The Alberta Stroke Prevention in TIAs and Mild Strokes (ASPIRE) Interventions 117 Amy Ying Xin Yu, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Shelagh B Coutts, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Progression of Brain Network Alterations in Patients With Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy 124 Yael D Reijmer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Steven M Greenberg, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA 8:00 External Validation of the TeleStroke Mimic (TM) Score for Predicting Stroke Mimics Evaluated During Telestroke 118 Syed F Ali, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Lee Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Subacute Decline in Serum Cholesterol Precedes the Occurrence of Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From a Longitudinal Study 125 Chia-Ling Phuah, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Christopher D Anderson, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA 8:12 Can CREST Procedural Results be Reproduced in General Practice in Post CREST Era?: Analysis of National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) Registry 119 Vishal B Jani, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Importance of Untreated Hypertension for Intracerebral Hemorrhage 126 Opeolu Adeoye, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 8:24 Discussion Discussion For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at and the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. Short Break (8:30 am – 8:45 am) — 33 — Thursday, February 18 (8:45 am – 10:15 am) Category Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Community/Risk Factors Session Title Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Oral Abstracts II Community/Risk Factors Oral Abstracts II Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 515 B 152 Moderator(s) Masafumi Ihara, MD, PhD, Osaka, Japan Sunghee Cho, PhD, White Plains, NY Steven Kittner, MD, MPH, Baltimore, MD Karen C Johnston, MD, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA 8:45 Class IIa Histone Deacetylases Are Essential for Neuronal Remodeling and Functional Recovery After Stroke 127 Amjad Shehadah, NIH/NINDS, Bethesda, MD Zheng Gang Zhang, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation and the Short-term Risk of Ischemic Stroke 134 Gino Gialdini, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY 8:57 Human Tau Protects Ischemic Brain Injury 128 Xuefang Ren, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV James W Simpkins, West Virginia Univ, Morgantown, WV Heart Failure and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke Recurrence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 135 Georgios Tsivgoulis, University of Athens, Athens, Greece Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN 9:09 Optogenetic Inhibition of Striatal Neurons Improves the Survival of Implanted Neural Stem Cell and Neurological Outcomes After Ischemic Stroke 129 Yongting Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Stroke Incidence in the Greater Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky Stroke Study is Decreasing Significantly in Men but Not Women 136 Tracy E Madsen, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI Dawn Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH 9:21 Induced Neural Stem Cell Treated Stroke Pigs Show Improved White Matter Integrity and Brain Metabolism Post-ischemic Stroke 130 Franklin D West, University of Georgia, Athens, GA Hui Mao, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample Study 137 Kavelin Rumalla, Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, MO Manoj K Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS 9:33 Effect of Fetal Alcohol Exposure on Stroke Severity and Blood Flow in Adult Mice 131 Shameena Bake, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Bryan, TX Farida Sohrabji, Texas A&M Health Science Ctr, Bryan, TX Dolichoectasia of the Basilar Artery is Associated With Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Microbleeds in Young TIA and Ischemic Stroke Patients 138 Vincent Thijs, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Australia Christian Enzinger, Medical Univ of Graz, Graz, Austria 9:45 Chronic Optogenetic Stimulation of Thalamocortical Projections Promotes Axonal Rewiring and Accelerates Recovery of Function After Somatosensory Cortex Stroke 132 Kelly Tennant, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada Relative Improvements in Country-level Measures of Stroke Mortality, Incidence, and Disability From 1990 to 2010 are Associated With Higher Baseline Gross National Income Per Capita 139 Anthony S Kim, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 9:57 Donor Age Drastically Affects Structural and Functional Recovery After Cell Therapy Following Ischemic Stroke 133 Susumu Yamaguchi, Nagasaki Harbor Medical Center City Hospital, Nagasaki, Japan Takayuki Matsuo, Nagasaki Univ, Nagasaki, Japan Incidence of Stroke in and Around Pregnancy: A UK Population-based Cohort Study 140 Nikola Sprigg, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Laila J Tata, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom 10:09 Discussion Discussion Category Acute Neuroimaging Emergency Care/Systems Session Title KOL Neuroimaging Session (an American Heart/American Stroke Association and European Stroke Organisation Joint Session) Regional Pre-hospital Triage and Treatment of Stroke Patients in the New Era of Endovascular Therapy Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 151 408 Moderator(s) Tudor G Jovin, MD, Pittsburgh, PA Peter D Schellinger, MD, PhD, FESO, FAHA, Minden, Germany Claus Z Simonsen, MD, PhD, Aarhus, Denmark Shyam Prabhakaran, MD, MS, Chicago, IL Phillip Scott, MD, FAHA, Ann Arbor, MI 8:45 Introduction Peter D Schellinger, MD, PhD, FESO, FAHA, Minden, Germany 8:47 MRI for Imaging Salvageable Tissue: SIMPLY THE BEST Gregory W Albers, MD, Palo Alto, CA 8:57 CTP Core and Penumbra: WAY TO GO! Bruce Campbell, MBBS, PhD, Parkville, Australia 9:07 CTA Occlusion, Collaterals and Speed Count: FAST and DIRTY! Michael D Hill, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada 9:17 At the End, the One Third MCA Rule Rules: FASTER and DIRTIER! Joseph Broderick, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH 9:27 Does IV rt-PA Lose against Time or Control? IT’S BOTH LACK OF EFFECT AND CONTROLS! Kennedy R Lees, MD, Glasgow, United Kingdom 9:37 Tissue Imaging in the Angio Suite: BACK TO THE FUTURE Colin Derdeyn, MD, FAHA, Iowa City, IA 9:47 Perspective and Treatment Effects and Trade-offs: WHAT IS THE BEST DEAL? Werner Hacke, MD, PhD, FAHA FESO, Heidelberg, Germany 9:57 Discussion (8:45) Learning from Other Diseases: Triage Models of Trauma and Acute MI Jason T McMullan, MD, Cincinnati, OH (9:04) Clinical Recognition and Triage of Severe Stroke by EMS Personnel: Measurement Scales and Potential Approaches Brian S Katz, MD, Cincinnati, OH (9:23) Models of Regional Pre-hospital and Between-hospital Triage of Stroke Patients Andrew W Asimos, MD, Charlotte, NC (9:42) CT/CTA and Telemedicine Technology in the Pre-hospital Setting: Promise and Challenges Heinrich J Audebert, MD, Berlin, Germany (10:00) Discussion Short Break (10:15 am – 10:30 am) Thursday, February 18 (8:45 am – 10:15 am) Category Experimental Mechanisms and Models In-hospital Treatment Session Title Experimental Mechanisms and Models Oral Abstracts I In-hospital Treatment Oral Abstracts Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 502 B 515 A Moderator(s) Adviye Ergul, MD, PhD, FAHA, Augusta, GA Paco Herson, PhD, Denver, CO Gordian Hubert, MD, Munich, Germany Steven Warach, MD, Austin, TX 8:45 Endothelial TRPA1 Channel is Protective Against Ischemia and Hemorrhagic Strokes in Mice 141 Paulo W Pires, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV Scott Earley, Univ of Nevada Sch of Med, Reno, NV Age Disparities in Acute Stroke Treatment: An Analysis of Six Years of US Hospital Discharges 148 Michael Lyerly, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Mark R Harrigan, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 8:57 Extended Therapeutic Window of a Novel Peptide Inhibitor of TRPM2 Channels Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia 142 Ivelisse Cruz-Torres, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO Paco S Herson, Univ of Colorado, Aurora, CO Association of Ischemic Stroke Location and Demographic Variables with Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Placement 149 Michael Star, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Dawn O Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 9:09 Exosomal miRNA Profiling Following Ischaemic Stroke: Clinical and Pre-clinical Data 143 Josie C van Kralingen, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom Lorraine M Work, Univ of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom Complications and Outcomes of Thrombolysis in Stroke Patients Aged 90 and Over: UK National Registry Data 150 Lizz Paley, Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom Anthony Rudd, Guy's and St Thomas NHS Fndn Trust, London, United Kingdom 9:21 Astrocyte-Derived Interleukin-15 Accelarates Ischemic Brain Injury 144 Zhiguo Li, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ Qiang Liu, Barrow Neurological Inst, Phoenix, AZ The Stroke Oxygen Study - Subgroup Analyses of the Effect of Routine Oxygen Supplementation on Modified Rankin Scale Outcome at 90 Days 151 Christine Roffe, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom 9:33 MiR-15a/16-1 Mediates Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction in Ischemic Stroke 145 Ke-Jie Yin, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA Complications and Outcomes From Thrombolysis in Stroke Patients With Significant Pre-stroke Disability: Data From the UK National Stroke Registry 152 Lizz Paley, Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom Anthony Rudd, Guy's and St Thomas NHS Fndn Trust, London, United Kingdom 9:45 Inducible Conditional Deletion of Dicer in Neural Progenitor Cells Induces Cognitive Impairment 146 Rui Lan Zhang, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit,, MI Zheng Gang Zhang, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Shorter, More Frequent Out of Bed Activity Very Early After Stroke (AVERT) is Associated With a Favorable Outcome at 3 Months 153 Julie Bernhardt, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Australia Geoffrey A Donnan, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Parkville, Australia 9:57 Aberrant Activation of ASK1 Mediates Proinflammatory and Neurotoxic Microglial Responses After Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion 147 Yejie Shi, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Jun Chen, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Correlation Between Site of Venous Occlusion and Clinical Syndromes in Cerebral Venous Thrombosis 154 Miguel A Barboza, Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, México D F, Mexico Antonio Arauz, Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, México D F, Mexico 10:09 Discussion Discussion Category Aneurysm Session Title Surrogates of Rupture for Intracranial Aneurysms Session Type Invited Symposium Room 502 A Moderator(s) William Mack, MD, FAANS, FAHA, Los Angeles, CA E Sander Connolly, Jr, MD, FAHA, New York, NY 8:45 Natural History of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: What We Know Sudheer Ambekar, MBBS, MCH, Mumbai, India 9:04 Anatomical and Radiographic Surrogates to Determine Aneurysm Rupture Risk Nima Etminan, MD, Mannheim, Germany 9:23 Hemodynamic and Inflammatory Surrogates to Determine Aneurysm Rupture Risk Brian Hoh, MD, FAHA, FAANS, FACS, Gainesville, FL 9:42 Current Consensus on Management of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Robert Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD, FRCS(C), FAANS, FACS, Toronto, ON, Canada 10:00 Discussion For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at and the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. Short Break (10:15 am – 10:30 am) — 35 — The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. Thursday, February 18 (10:30 am – 12 noon) Plenary Session Session Title Plenary Session II Session Type Plenary Room Hall K Moderator(s) Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, MAS, FAHA, Charleston, SC 10:30 Introduction of the David G Sherman Lecture Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA 10:33 David G Sherman Lecture: Visions of Stroke Bo Norrving, MD, PhD, FESC, Lund, Sweden 11:00 Carotid Endarterectomy versus Stenting for Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis: Long-term Results of the Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs. Stenting Trial (CREST) LB10 Thomas G Brott, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL Robert W Hobson II, Gagnon Heart Hosp, Morristown, NJ 11:12 A Randomized Trial of Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (ARUBA): 5-year Results LB11 Christian Stapf, Univ de Montréal - CRCHUM, Montreal, QC, Canada Michael K Parides, InCHOIR - Icahn Sch of Med at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 11:24 Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage (CLEAR III) Results LB12 Daniel F Hanley, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD CLEAR III Investigators 11:36 Efficiency of Intraventricular Hemorrhage Removal Determines Modified Rankin Scale Score (CLEAR III) LB13 Issam A Awad, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL CLEAR III Investigators 11:48 Randomized Trial on Normalization of International Normalized Ratio Using Prothrombin Complex or Fresh Frozen Plasma in Vitamin-k Related Intracranial Bleeding LB14 Thorsten Steiner, Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst, Frankfurt, Germany Roland Veltkamp, Heidelberg Univ Hosp, Heidelberg, Germany Short Break (12 noon – 12:10 pm) 12:10 pm – 1:30 pm Science and Technology Hall (Exhibits)/Lunch Break Hall J Fellow and Early Career/Stroke Leader Roundtable Luncheon Room 403 B (Ticket required; seating is limited.) Moderator: Pooja Khatri, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH Acute Stroke Gregory W Albers, MD, Palo Alto, CA Acute Stroke William G Barsan, MD, FACEP, FAHA, Ann Arbor, MI Acute Stroke James C Grotta, MD, FAHA, Houston, TX Acute Stroke Karen C Johnston, MD, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA Basic Science Louise D McCullough, MD, PhD, FAHA, Houston, TX Basic Science Matthew Gounis, PhD, Worcester, MA Epidemiology Mitchell Elkind, MD, MS, FAAN, New York, NY Epidemiology Dawn Kleindorfer, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH Neurointevention Colin Derdeyn, MD, FAHA, Iowa City, IA Neurointervention Don Frei, MD, Englewood, CO Neurosurgery Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, FAANS, FACS, FAHA, Chicago, IL NINDS/StrokeNET Scott Janis, PhD, Bethesda, MD NINDS Walter Koroshetz, MD, FAAN, Bethesda, MD Nursing Erin M Conahan, BSN, Allentown, PA Pediatric Stroke Gabrielle de Veber, MD, Toronto, ON, Canada — 36 — Prevention Tanya Turan, MD, FAHA, Charleston, SC Rehabilitation Alexander Dromerick, MD, Washington, DC Rehabilitation Lorie Richards, PhD, OTR/L, Salt Lake City, UT Stroke Journal Marc Fisher, MD, FAHA, Boston, MA Advance Practice Providers' Luncheon Room 501 A-C (Ticket required; seating is limited.) Moderator: Krista Jordan, PA-C, St Louis Park, MN Academic Medical Center Shannon Burton, AG-ACNP/CCNS, Salt Lake City, UT Becoming a Comprehensive Stroke Center Joanna Yang, DNP, ACNP-BC, FNP- BC, ANVP-BC, Loma Linda, CA Building Administrative Support for Stroke Services Dana Reiner Beenstock, MSN, RN, ANVP-BC, NVRN-BC, Paterson, NJ Building MD-PA and MD-NP Relationships Jillian Belmont, APRN, MSN, Lebanon, NH Diana Rojas-Soto, Lebanon, NH Community Hospital Audrey L Paulson, DNP, FNP, San Jose, CA Part I: DNP vs PhD / Part II: Developing a Program of Research & Presenting Your Work at ISC Anne W Alexandrov, PhD, RN, CCRN, NVRN-BC, ANVP-BC, FAAN, Fountain Hills, AZ New Graduate / Career Advancement Salma Mansour, MSN, APRN-Rx, ACNP-BC, CNRN, SCRN, Honolulu, HI Michele Starr, PA-C, ANVP-BC, Oklahoma City, OK NET SMART Program & Advanced Certification in Acute Neurovascular Practice Fern Cudlip, MSN, FNP, CNRN, ANVP-BC, Castro Valley, CA Neuro ICU Sarah L Livesay, DNP, RN, ACNP, CNS-A, Houston, TX Post-stroke Outpatient Follow-up Sarah Lycan, NP, Winston-Salem, NC Christina N Condon, MSN, NP-C, Winston Salem, NC Stroke Units Sandy Middleton, RN, PhD, Darlinghurst, Australia Victoria Swatzell, DNP, RN, AG-ACNP, ANVP-BC, NVRN-BC, Memphis, TN Systems of Care for Improving Door-to-Needle Michelle Whaley, MSN, Englewood, CO — 37 — Thursday, February 18 (1:30 pm – 3:00 pm) Category Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology SAH and Other Neurocritical Management Session Title Beyond Atrial Fibrillation: Atrial Cardiopathies as a Cause of Unexplained Stroke Issues in the Neurocritical Care Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 515 A 515 B Moderator(s) David Tirschwell, MD, MS, Seattle, WA Elsayed Soliman, MD, MSc, MS, FAHA, FACC, Winston Salem, NC Paul Vespa, MD, Los Angeles, CA Neeraj Naval, MD, Jacksonville, FL 1:30 Cardiac Monitoring for the Detection of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Unexplained Stroke Richard Bernstein, MD, PhD, Chicago, IL Cerebral Microthrombosis after Aneurysmal SAH Mervyn Vergouwen, MD, PhD, Utrecht, Netherlands 1:49 Serum and Structural Biomarkers of Atrial Dysfunction and Stroke Risk Mira Katan, MD, Zurich, Switzerland Novel Drug Therapies for Cerebral Vasospasm Hiroyuki Kinouchi, MD, PhD, Yamanashi, Japan 2:08 Electrophysiologic Measures of Atrial Dysfunction and Stroke Risk Hooman Kamel, MD, New York, NY Cardiovascular Complications of Aneurysmal SAH Stamatios Lerakis, MD, Atlanta, GA 2:27 Therapeutic Implications of the Concept of Atrial Cardiopathy Shadi Yaghi, MO, Providence, RI Deep Vein Thrombosis after Aneurysmal SAH Conrad Liang, MD, PhD, Los Angeles, CA 2:45 Discussion Discussion Category Acute Neuroimaging Emergency Care/Systems Session Title Acute Neuroimaging Oral Abstracts II Emergency Care/Systems Oral Abstracts II Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 152 151 Moderator(s) David S Liebeskind, MD, FAHA, FAAN, Los Angeles, CA Jan Sobesky, MD, Berlin, Germany Peter Panagos, MD, St Louis, MO Wolf-Dieter Heiss, MD, Cologne, Germany 1:30 Proving CT Angiography of Collaterals Prior to Endovascular Therapy: TREVO & TREVO 2 155 David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Research Core, Los Angeles, CA Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Sustained Improvement of Door-to-Needle Times Using Toyota's LEAN Manufacturing Principles: The Washington University Experience 2003-15 162 Peter Panagos, Washington University, St Louis, MO Andria Ford, Washington Univ, St Louis, MO 1:42 Poor Correlation Between Non-contrast CT (NCCT) Aspects and CT Perfusion (CTP)-derived Ischemic Core Volumes 156 Diogo C Haussen, Emory University / Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, GA Raul Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Frequency and Determinants of Hyperacute Stroke Progress Before Hospital Arrival and During Initial ED Course 163 Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA 1:54 Hyperintense Acute Reperfusion Marker is an Important Risk Factor of Stroke Recurrence in Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack 157 Kyu Sun Yum, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea, Republic of Moon-Ku Han, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea, Republic of Specific Point-of-Care Testing of Coagulation in Patients Treated With Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants Part I (SPOCT-NOAC I) 164 Florian Härtig, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany Sven Poli, Univ of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany 2:06 The Malignant CTP Imaging Profile Predicts Worse Functional Outcomes 158 Michael Mlynash, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Maarten G Lansberg, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA Age Related Variations in Improvement in Door-to-Needle Times in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Findings From Target: Stroke Phase I 165 Gregg C Fonarow, UCLA Med Cntr, Los Angeles, CA Lee H Schwamm, Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA 2:18 Posterior Communicating Artery Flow Diversion in Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke: Angiographic Evidence from IMS III 159 David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Research Core, Los Angeles, CA Albert J Yoo, Texas Stroke Inst, Plano, TX Supervised Learning Based Detection of Stroke and Stroke Mimic 166 Ramin Zand, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN 2:30 Association Between Time From Stroke Onset and Flair Lesion Intensity is Modified by Status of Collateral Circulation 160 Anke Wouters, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Robin Lemmens, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Emergency Department Visits for Hypertension 167 Babak B Navi, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY 2:42 Prediction of Thrombolysis-induced Parenchymal Hemorrhage in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: Use of MR Perfusion and Diffusion Biomarkers 161 Kambiz Nael, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Chelsea S Kidwell, Univ of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Feasibility and Safety of Thrombolysis by Telestroke Through Off-site Mobile Teleconsultation With iPad 168 Thomas Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong 2:54 Discussion Discussion Science and Technology Hall (Exhibits)/Break, Hall J (3:00 pm – 3:30 pm) Case Study: TBDT Science and Technology Hall, Booth 445, Product Theater — 38 — Thursday, February 18 (1:30 pm – 3:00 pm) Category Vascular Biology in Health and Disease Session Title The Interface between Infection and Cerebrovascular Disease Session Type Invited Symposium Room 502 A Moderator(s) MingMing Ning, MD, Boston, MA Michael R Frankel, MD, Decatur, GA 1:30 Cerebrovascular Disease in HIV/AIDS Jason Sico, MD, New Haven, CT 1:49 Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Stroke Josef Anrather, VMD, New York, NY 2:08 Post-stroke Infections Ulrich Dirnagl, MD, Berlin, Germany 2:27 The Burden of Common Infections and Risk of Stroke Mitchell Elkind, MD, MS, FAAN, New York, NY 2:45 Discussion For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at and the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. Category Experimental Mechanisms and Models Late-Breaking Science Session Title Experimental Mechanisms and Models Oral Abstracts II Late-Breaking Science Oral Abstracts II Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 502 B 408 Moderator(s) Lorraine M Work, PhD, BSc (Hons), Glasgow, United Kingdom Jean-Pyo Lee, PhD, New Orleans, LA TBD 1:30 Human Dose tPA Improves Functional Outcomes in Both Sexes in Embolic Model of Stroke: Differential Effect on Hemorrhagic Transformation 169 Weiguo Li, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Predictors of Intracranial Hemorrhage and Clinical Outcome After Stentriever Thrombectomy: Pooled Analysis From Swift Prime, Swift and Star Trials LB15 Radoslav Raychev, UCLA Stroke Center, Los Angeles, CA David Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, 1:42 Arginase Contributes to Delayed Constriction of Large Cerebral Arteries in a Model of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 170 Raymond C Koehler, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD Randomized Trial of Revascularization with Solitaire FR® dDevice versus Best Medical Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Stroke due to Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion Presenting Within Eight Hours of Symptom Onset) REVASCAT Trial- Final Results at 12 Months LB16 Antoni Davalos, Hosp Germans Trias y Pujol, Barcelona, Spain Tudor G Jovin, UPMC Stroke Inst, Pittsburgh, PA 1:54 The Effect of Ischemia and Reperfusion and Tissue Plasminogen Activator on Cerebrovascular Function, Oxidative Stress and Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils in Ovariectomized Female Rats 171 Hilda Ahnstedt, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT Marilyn Cipolla, Univ of Vermont, Burlington, VT Expanding Opportunities for Intravenous Alteplase Treatment of Patients With Unwitnessed Acute Stroke Using MRI-based Patient Selection: Imaging Results of the MR WITNESS Multicenter Trial (NCT01282242) LB17 Ona Wu, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Lawrence L Latour, NINDS Intramural Stroke Program, Bethesda, MD 2:06 tPA Variant tPA-A296-299 Prevents Impairment of Cerebral Autoregulation After Stroke Through LRP Dependent Increase in cAMP and p38 MAPK 172 William Armstead, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Douglas Cines, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Endovascular Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data From Mr Clean, Escape, Extend IA, Swift Prime and Revascat LB18 Tudor G Jovin, UPMC Stroke Inst, Pittsburgh, PA 2:18 A Novel Dual Function Molecule for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke 173 Tun-Hsun Kuo, Lumosa Therapeutics, Taipei City, Taiwan Wendy Huang, Lumosa Therapeutics, Taipei City, Taiwan MultiStem® Treatment Reduces Length of Hospitalization When Administered Within 36 Hours After Onset of Ischemic Stroke: Implications on Lowering Stroke Related Health Care Costs LB19 Lawrence R Wechsler, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA Robert W Mays, ATHERSYS INC, Cleveland, OH 2:30 Development of a Novel Anti-inflammatory and Anti-osteoplastic Peptide Based on De-loop and Ef-loop in Rankl for Treatment of Ischemic Stroke 174 Hitomi Kurinami, Osaka University Hospital, Suita, Japan Ryuichi Morishita, Osaka Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Suita, Japan Validation of a Simplified Eight-item NIHSS to Identify Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients With Large Vessel Occlusion LB20 Jelle Demeestere, John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia Christopher Levi, John Hunter Hosp; Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia 2:42 A Novel Orally-Active Small-Molecule Antagonist of the Platelet ProteaseActivated Receptor-4, BMS-986120, Inhibits Arterial Thrombosis With Limited Impact on Hemostasis in Cynomolgus Monkeys 175 Pancras C Wong, Bristol Myers Squibb Company, Pennington, NJ Jing Yang, Bristol Myers Squibb Company, Pennington, NJ Cost-effectiveness of Solitaire + IV-tPA for Acute Ischemic Stroke: Results From the Swift-Prime Trial LB21 Theresa I Shireman, Brown University, Providence, RI David J Cohen, Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Inst, Kansas City, MO 2:54 Discussion Discussion Science and Technology Hall (Exhibits)/Break, Hall J (3:00 pm – 3:30 pm) Case Study: TBDT Science and Technology Hall, Booth 445, Product Theater — 39 — 5:15 pm – 6:45 pm Poster Sessions Poster Hall, Hall H 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm Professor-Led Poster Tours by Category: Brief Presentation and Moderated Q&A with Poster Presenters Moderated Posters TMP1 – TMP120; see pg 80 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the posters in the Thursday Professor-Led Poster Tour session. 6:15 pm – 6:45 pm Regular Poster Session: One-on-One Time for an Individual Q&A with Poster Presenters These posters are not included in the 5:15 Professor-Led Poster Tour Session above. Posters TP1 – TP463; see pg 88 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the posters in this Thursday session. Ongoing Clinical Trials Posters CTP1 – CTP52; see pg 110 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the Ongoing Clinical Trials posters in this Thursday session. FAHAs and other stroke leaders – please be sure to show your support for young investigators and attend the poster sessions. — 42 — Thursday, February 18 (3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Category Pediatric Stroke Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Session Title Management of Stroke in the Young: Controversies in Anticoagulation Providing Very Early Rehabilitation after Acute Stroke: From Neurophysiology to Bedside Care Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 515 B 515 A Moderator(s) Bryan Philbrook, MD, Atlanta, GA Ryan Felling, MD, PhD, Baltimore, MD Winston Byblow, PhD, Auckland, New Zealand Cathy Stinear, MD, PhD, Auckland, New Zealand 3:30 Thrombophilia in Pediatric and Young Adult Stroke: How Much Does It Matter? Leonardo Brandao, MD, MSc, Toronto, ON, Canada Stroke Recovery: Timing, Training, and Biological Determinants: A Rodent Perspective Steven R Zeiler, MD, PhD, Baltimore, MD (3:45) The Effects of Early Rehabilitation on the Reorganization of Cortical Maps S Thomas Carmichael, MD, PhD, Los Angeles, CA 3:49 The New Anticoagulants: Moving beyond Heparin, Warfarin, and Aspirin in Pediatric Stroke Marcela Torres, MD, Fort Worth, TX 4:08 ECMO and VAD: How Do We Decrease the Risk of Stroke Paul Monagle, MBBS, MD, MSc, FRACP, FRCPA, FCCP, Melbourne, Australia 4:27 The Role of Antithrombotic Therapy in Focal and Multifocal Cerebral Arteriopathy Mahendranath Moharir, MD, MSc, FRACP, Toronto, ON, Canada 4:45 Discussion (4:00) Early Recovery of Motor Control after Stroke: Human Perspective Tomoko Kitago, MD, New York, NY (4:15) A Limited Time Window of Heightened Plasticity after Stroke and the Need for Novel Intervention in Patients John W Krakauer, MD, Baltimore, MD (4:30) Discussion Category Vascular Malformations Cerebral Large Artery Disease Session Title Treatment of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Vertebrobasilar Disease: Update on Evaluation and Treatment Options Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 502 A 502 B Moderator(s) J Mocco, MD, MS, New York, NY Louis R Caplan, MD, FAHA, Boston, MA Adnan Siddiqui, MD, PhD, Buffalo, NY 3:30 Classification and Clinical Course: Grading of Cranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Colin Derdeyn, MD, FAHA, St Louis, MO Hemodynamic Evalaution in Vertebrobasilar Disease: The VERiTAS Study Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, FAANS, FACS, FAHA, Chicago, IL 3:49 Treatment of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: The Surgical Perspective Raphael Guzman, MD, Basel, Switzerland BAsics and the BAsics Trial Wouter J Schonewille, MD, Utrecht, Netherlands 4:08 Treatment of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: The Endovascular Perspective Felipe Albuquerque, MD, Phoenix, AZ Vertebral Artery Ischemia Stenting Trial (VIST) and Vertebral Artery Stenting Trial (VAST) Updates Hugh Markus, BA, BM Bch, DM, FRCP, London, United Kingdom 4:27 Multimodality and Combined Approaches to Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: Endovascular, Surgical and Radiosurgical Approaches Babu Welch, MD, FAANS, Dallas, TX Surgical Revascularization for Vertebrobasilar Disease Fady T Charbel, MD, Chicago, IL 4:45 Discussion Discussion Short Break (5:00 pm – 5:15 pm) — 40 — Thursday, February 18 (3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Category Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Vascular Cognitive Impairment Session Title Stroke Performance Measures and Addressing Disparities in Stroke Care Stroke, Dementia and the Sustainable Development Goals (an AHA/ASA and World Stroke Organization Joint Session) Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 152 151 Moderator(s) Mat Reeves, BVSc, PhD, East Lansing, MI Dana Leifer, MD, New York, NY Stephen M Davis, MD, FRCP, Edin FRACP, FAHA, Victoria, Australia 3:30 Current State of Comprehensive Stroke Centers in the US Jeffrey L Saver, MD, FAHA, FAAN, Los Angeles, CA Vascular Disease and Dementia: The Underlying Mechanisms Costantino Iadecola, MD, FAHA, New York, NY 3:49 EMS in Non-urban Environments: Reaching the Rural Hospital and Stroke Ready Center Reza Vaezaziz, MD, San Bernardino, CA Preventing Cognitive Decline and Dementia: What Is the Evidence? Michael Brainin, MD, Krems, Austria 4:08 Unraveling Non-endovascular Treatment of Stroke in Emerging Economies Conrado J Estol, MD, PhD, Buenos Aires, Argentina What Do the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals Mean for Stroke and Dementia? Bo Norrving, MD, PhD, FESC, Lund, Sweden 4:27 The Long and Winding Road: What Are Performance Measures; What Are Their Intended and Unintended Consequences; and How Do They Affect Reimbursement and Quality of Care? Lee H Schwamm, MD, FAHA, Boston, MA The New Stroke Proclamation: A Roadmap to Prevent Stroke and Dementia Vladimir Hachinski, CM, MD, FRCPC, DSc, London, ON, Canada 4:45 Discussion Discussion Short Break (5:00 pm – 5:15 pm) Category Session Title Stroke Guidelines Session Session Type Invited Symposium Room 408 Moderator(s) Karen L Furie, MD, MPH, FAHA, Providence, RI Walter Kernan, MD, New Haven, CT 3:30 Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage J Claude Hemphill III, MD, MS, FAAN, San Francisco, CA 3:49 Guidelines for Management of Patients with Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms B Gregory Thompson, MD, Ann Arbor, MI 4:08 2015 AHA/ASA Focused Update of the 2013 Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Regarding Endovascular Treatment William J Powers, MD, FAHA, Chapel Hill, NC 4:27 Scientific Rationale for the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for Intravenous Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke Bart M Demaerschalk, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Phoenix, AZ 4:45 Discussion For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at and the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. Short Break (5:00 pm – 5:15 pm) — 41 — The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. FRIDAY, FEB. 19 JAHA FRIDAY, FEB. 19 The AHA/ASA’s Open Access, Online-Only Journal Reach. Reputation. Recognition. Publish in JAHA. Editor-in-Chief: Barry London, MD, PhD •>455,000ArticlesDownloadedin2014* •>350,000OnlineVisitsin2014* •RankedAmongtheTop25JournalsintheCardiac&CardiovascularSystemsSubject Category(ImpactFactor,4.306;2015 Journal Citation Reports®ScienceEdition [ThomsonReuters,2015]) •FullyCompliantWithOpenAccessMandates •AllArticlesAreFreetoRead,Download,andShare •FeaturesAltmetricScores( *Referstofull-yearHTMLdownloadsandonlinevisitscalculatedbyHighWirePress. Followuson: Changes to the programming might have occurred since the Final Program went to print. For the current, most accurate programming information, please refer to the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (7:00 am – 8:30 am) Category Pediatric Stroke Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Session Title Acute Endovascular Intervention in Pediatric Stroke: Who, What, When, Where? (Debate) Clinical and Basic Perspectives on the Role of Physical and Cognitive Activity and Neural Progenitors in Stroke Recovery - the ASA-Bugher Collaborative Studies Session Type Debate Invited Symposium Room 502 A 515 A Moderator(s) Michael Rivkin, MD, Boston, MA Catherine Amlie-Lefond, MD, Seattle, WA Richard J Traystman, PhD, FAHA, Aurora, CO S Thomas Carmichael, MD, PhD, Los Angeles, CA 7:00 Younger Children Should Be Treated Within a Shorter Time Window, and Imaging Should Show Evidence of Collaterals and DWI/PWI Mismatch Prior to Neurointervention Paola Pergami, MD, PhD, Morgantown, WV Remote Ischemic Preconditioning: A Novel Therapy for Ischemic Stroke Latisha Sharma, MD, Los Angeles, CA 7:20 (7:19) Age Should Have No Impact on the Time Window or Imaging Requirements Elisa Ciceri, MD, Milan, Italy Cognitive Interventions Post-stroke from Bench to Bedside Clinton B Wright, MD, MS, Miami, FL 7:40 (7:38) Children Should Be Treated at Comprehensive Stroke Centers Where There Is Extensive Expertise in Neurointervention Todd Abruzzo, MD, Cincinnati, OH Plasticity in the Developing Brain: Translation from Humans to Mice and Back Again Timothy J Bernard, MD, Denver, CO 8:00 (7:57) Children Should Be Treated Within Pediatric Stroke Programs Affiliated with Well-developed Children’s Hospitals Darren Orbach, MD, Boston, MA Plasticity Potential of the Pediatric Brain Following Ischemic Stroke Krista Rodgers, PhD, Aurora, CO What and the Why in White Matter Stroke, Activity, and Neural Repair Kwan L Ng, Los Angeles, CA 8:08 8:16 Exercise and Cognitive Recovery Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rodents Mehdi Youbi, MD, Miami, FL (8:15) Discussion 8:24 Discussion Category Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Session Title Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Oral Abstracts Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Oral Abstracts II Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 152 151 Moderator(s) Gustavo Saposnik, MD, MSc, FAHA, FRCPC, Toronto, ON, Canada Hooman Kamel, MD, New York, NY Amytis Towfighi, MD, Los Angeles, CA 7:00 Clinical and Imaging Characteristics Associated With Poor Outcomes in Patients Not Thrombolysed Due to Mild or Rapidly Improving Symptoms 176 Syed F Ali, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Lee Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Trends in Hospitalizations and Cost Associated with Acute Ischemic Stroke by Age, United States 2003-2012 183 Xin Tong, CDC, Atlanta, GA Robert K Merritt, CDC, Atlanta, GA 7:12 Exploratory Results From the B01-02 Trial: Administration of MultiStem® Results in Decreased Circulating CD3+ Cells and Lower Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines 177 Wayne M Clark, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR Robert W Mays, Athersys, Inc, Cleveland, OH Relationship Between Hospital Mortality and Readmission for Patients Hospitalized With Ischemic Stroke 184 Judith H Lichtman, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT Larry B Goldstein, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 7:24 Cerebral Microbleeds and Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Post Intravenous Thrombolysis (IVT) 178 Ramin Zand, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN Residual Stroke Morbidity and Post-acute Care Cost: the IMS III Economic Data Cohort 185 Kit N Simpson, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Joseph P Broderick, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 7:36 Functional Outcomes of Pre-hospital Stroke Thrombolysis Compared to Conventional Care; the Stroke Emergency Mobile (STEMO) Project 179 Alexander Kunz Kunz, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany Heinrich J Audebert, Charité Univsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany PROs in Clinical Practice: SIS-16 Better at Detecting Change in Functional Status Than the Modified Rankin 186 Irene L Katzan, Cleveland Clinic Founda, Cleveland, OH Ken Uchino, Cleveland Clinic Founda, Cleveland, OH 7:48 Stroke Mimics in Drip and Ship Thrombolytic Therapy 180 Gaurav P Dighe, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Wei Liu, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY Are Limitations in Activities of Daily Living the Best Predictor of Well-Being After Stroke? 187 Darin B Zahuranec, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI James F Burke, Univ of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI 8:00 A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase tPA Administration 181 Mollie McDermott, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI James F Burke, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Differences in Quality of Life Across Modified Rankin Scale Categories in IMS-3 188 Srikant Rangaraju, Emory University, Atlanta, GA Michael Frankel, Emory Univ and Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA 8:12 The CLEAR Trials: A Pooled Analysis of rt-PA plus Eptifibatide for Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke 182 Opeolu Adeoye, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Mail Order Pharmacy Use is Associated with Greater Adherence to Secondary Preventive Drugs Among Stroke Patients 189 William Neil, Kaiser Permanente, San Diego, CA Bruce Ovbiagele, Medial Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 8:24 Discussion Discussion Short Break (8:30 am – 8:45 am) — 43 — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (7:00 am – 8:30 am) Category Community/Risk Factors Acute Endovascular Treatment Session Title Global Burden & Challenges: Stroke Care in Developing Countries (an AHA/ASA and Chinese Stroke Association Joint Session) Neuroprotection and Intervention: From Bench to Angio Room and Back Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 408 502 B Moderator(s) Yongchai Nilanont, MD, FRCP, Bangkok, Thailand Liping Liu, MD, Beijing, China David S Liebeskind, MD, FAHA, FAAN, Los Angeles, CA Antoni Davalos, MD, PhD, Barcelona, Spain 7:00 Global Epidemiology of Risk Factors for Cerebrovascular Disease Dennis Xavier, MD, MSc, Bangalore, India Mechanisms and Opportunities for Neuroprotection During Reperfusion Therapies Eng Lo, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA 7:15 Developing Strategies for Early Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients Jeyaraj D Pandian, MD, DM, FRACP, Ludhiana, India 7:30 Quality Control and Improvement of Stroke Care: From CNSR Yilong Wang, MD, Beijing, China 7:45 Organizing National Stroke Center Network Anding Xu, MD, Guangzhou, China 8:00 Prevention of Stroke in Low and Middle Income Countries Bo Norrving, MD, PhD, FESC, Lund, Sweden (7:50) Application of Neuroprotection/Reperfusion Combination in Clinical Practice: The Road Ahead Rishi Gupta, MD, Marietta, GA 8:15 Discussion (8:10) Discussion Category SAH and Other Neurocritical Management Session Title SAH and Other Neurocritical Management Oral Abstracts Session Type Abstract Room 515 B Moderator(s) Stavropoula Tjoumakaris, BS, MD, Philadelphia, PA Ketan R Bulsara, MD, New Haven, CT 7:00 Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Intraventricular Sustained Release Nimodipine (EG-1962) for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 190 Daniel Hanggi, Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany Herbert J Faleck, Edge Therapeutics, Berkeley Heights, NJ 7:12 Development and Validation of a Novel Risk Score for Assessing Risk of In-hospital Seizure Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 191 Blessing N Jaja, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada R Loch Macdonald, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 7:24 Mechano-growth Factor (MGF) and Cerebral Vasospasm (CV) Post Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (aSAH) 192 Magdalena M Przybycien-Szymanska, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL William W Ashley Jr, Loyola Univ Chicago, Maywood, IL 7:36 Clinico-radiologic Severity of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Predicts Coated-platelet Levels and Associated In-hospital Morbidit 193 Bappaditya Ray, The Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, OK Calin I Prodan, The Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, OK 7:48 Cognitive Outcome in Acute Simvastatin Treatment for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 194 George Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong 8:00 Nosocomial Infections are Associated with Delayed Cerebral Ischemia in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 195 Paul M. Foreman, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Christoph J Griessenauer, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA 8:12 Acute Kidney Injury in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes 196 Kavelin Rumalla, University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, MO Manoj Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS 8:24 Discussion (7:10) Neuroprotection/Reperfusion Approaches: Current State and Future Developments Michael Tymianski, MD, PhD, FRCSC, Toronto, ON, Canada (7:30) Who May Benefit? Timing, Clinical and Imaging Characteristics Andrew Ducruet, MD, Pittsburgh, PA For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at and the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. Short Break (8:30 am – 8:45 am) — 44 — The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (8:45 am – 10:15 am) Category Nursing Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Session Title Addressing Unmet Palliative Care Needs of Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers Clinical Trials of Cell Therapy for Stroke: Where Are We Now? Session Type Invited Symposium Invited Symposium Room 502 A 515 B Moderator(s) Barbara J Lutz, PhD, RN, CRRN, FAHA, WIlmington, NC S Thomas Carmichael, MD, PhD, Los Angeles, CA 8:45 Palliative Care Consultation Triggers Following Severe Stroke Claire Creutzfeldt, MD, Seattle, WA Lessons from Phase 1/2a Clinical Trial of SB623 Cell Therapy in Patients with Chronic Stroke Disability Gary Steinberg, MD, PhD, FAHA, Stanford, CA 9:00 Determining Goals of Care for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients: Factors Considered by Surrogate Decision Makers David Y Hwang, MD, New Haven, CT 9:15 Addressing Palliative Care Needs of Stroke Survivors Theresa Green, PhD, RN, BScN, MSc, HRM, Brisbane, Australia 9:30 Recognizing Unmet Palliative Care Needs of Stroke Family Caregivers Tamilyn L Bakas, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, Cincinnati, OH 9:45 Palliative Care in Stroke: It’s about Time Claire Creutzfeldt, MD, Seattle, WA (9:42) Design and Implementation of the Next Generation of Stem Cell Trials in Stroke Keith Muir, MD, Glasgow, United Kingdom 10:00 Discussion Discussion Category Acute Endovascular Treatment Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Session Title Acute Endovascular Treatment Oral Abstract II Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Oral Abstracts II Session Type Abstract Abstract (9:04) RECOVER-Stroke: Implications of 1-year Final Results of Intra-arterial Delivery of ALDHbr Cells in Subacute Ischemic Stroke Dileep Yavagal, MD, MBBS, Miami, FL (9:23) Safety and Efficacy of IV Stem Cell Therapy in Acute Stroke: What is the Evidence from the Multistem Trial? David Hess, MD, Augusta, GA Room 408 151 Moderator(s) Albert J Yoo, MD, Plano, TX Raul G Nogueira, MD, Atlanta, GA Scott E Kasner, MD, MS, FAHA, Philadelphia, PA Robert G Hart, MD, Hamilton, ON, Canada 8:45 Time is Brain: Standardized Neuro-interventional Thrombectomy Protocols Lead to Faster Recanalization Times 197 Donald Frei, Swedish Medical Center, Englewood, CO David Bar-Or, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO Transcranial Doppler Versus Transthoracic Echocardiography for the Detection of Patent Foramen Ovale in Patients With Cryptogenic Cerebral Ischemia: A Systematic Review and Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-analysis 204 Georgios Tsivgoulis, University of Athens, Athens, Greece Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN 8:57 Outcomes of Immediate Carotid Stenting With Mechanical Thrombactomy in Large Vessel Anterior Circulation Strokes 198 Tapan V Mehta, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT Louise McCullough, Univ of Connecticut/ Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT Preceding Valsalva Maneuver Significantly Associated With Pathogenic Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) in Patients With Cryptogenic Stroke 205 Krassen Nedeltchev, Cantonal Hospital of Aarau, Aarau, Switzerland Marie-Luise Mono, Univ Hosp of Bern, Bern, Switzerland 9:09 Greater Clinical Impact From Accelerating Endovascular Reperfusion for Acute Ischemic Stroke Than Acute Myocardial Infarction 199 Sudhir Aggarwal, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ Jeffery L Saver, Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA High False Positive Rates of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Among Stroke Patients who Receive Medtronic Implantable Loop Recorders 206 Fadi Nahab, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 9:21 Collaterals in SWIFT PRIME: Imaging Correlates and Ultimate Impact 200 David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Research Core, Los Angeles, CA Reza Jahan, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Signal Averaged Electrocardiogram can Indicate the Arrhythmogenic Potential of Right Insular Stroke 207 Hee-Kwon Park, Inha University Hospital Neurology, Incheon, Korea, Republic of Joung-Ho Rha, Inha Univ Hosp, Incheon, Korea, Republic of 9:33 Time is Brain: Results From the Escape Randomized Controlled Trial 201 Bijoy K Menon, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Non-gated Cardiac Ct Angiograms for Detection of Embolic Sources in Acute Ischemic Stroke 208 Leonard Yeo, NUHS, Singapore, Singapore Vijay Sharma, NUHS, Singapore, Singapore 9:45 Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke With Distal Large Vessel Occlusion in the Anterior Circulation 202 Amrou Sarraj, UT Houston, Houston, TX Rishi Gupta, Wellstar Kennstone Hosp, Merietta, GA High Yield of Long-Term Implantable Cardiac Monitoring Following Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke 209 Reuben D Burshtein, North Shore LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NY Jeffrey M Katz, North Shore LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NY 9:57 Acute Kidney Injury in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Receiving Endovascular Treatment: Analysis of the Interventional Management of Stroke (IMS) - III 203 Nabeel A Herial, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Institute / UCSD, St Cloud, MN Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St.Cloud, MN Association between Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Ischemic Stroke in Patients Without Atrial Fibrillation 210 Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY Costantino Iadecola, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY 10:09 Discussion Discussion Short Break (10:15 am – 10:30 am) — 45 — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (8:45 am – 10:15 am) Category Session Title Stroke Controversies - Debate (a Stroke journal Session) Session Type Debate Room 515 A Moderator(s) Lawrence Wong, MD, Shatin, Hong Kong Marc Fisher, MD, FAHA, Boston, MA 8:45 Presentation of Stroke Progress and Innovation Awards Marc Fisher, MD, FAHA, Boston, MA 8:50 Should You Bypass Primary Stroke Center? (PRO) Mayank Goyal, MBBS, MD, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada 8:58 Should You Bypass Primary Stroke Center? (CON) Karen C Johnston, MD, MSc, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA 9:06 Should You Bypass Primary Stroke Center? (REBUTTAL 1) Mayank Goyal, MBBS, MD, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada 9:08 Should You Bypass Primary Stroke Center? (REBUTTAL 2) Karen C Johnston, MD, FAHA, Charlottesville, VA 9:10 Should You Bypass Primary Stroke Center? (SUMMARY) Carlos A Molina, MD, Barcelona, Spain 9:14 Embolic Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, and Microbleeds: Is There a Role for Anticoagulation? (PRO) Hans-Christoph Diener, MD, PhD, FAHA, FAAN, Essen, Germany 9:22 Embolic Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, and Microbleeds: Is There a Role for Anticoagulation? (CON) Steven M Greenberg, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA 9:30 Embolic Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, and Microbleeds: Is There a Role for Anticoagulation? (REBUTTAL 1) Hans-Christoph Diener, MD, PhD, FAHA, FAAN, Essen, Germany 9:32 Embolic Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, and Microbleeds: Is There a Role for Anticoagulation? (REBUTTAL 2) Steven M Greenberg, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA 9:34 Embolic Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, and Microbleeds: Is There a Role for Anticoagulation? (SUMMARY) Magdy Selim, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA 9:38 Early vs Late Assessment of Stroke Outcome (PRO) Kennedy R Lees, MD, Glasgow, United Kingdom 9:46 Early vs Late Assessment of Stroke Outcome (CON) Joseph Broderick, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH 9:54 Early vs Late Assessment of Stroke Outcome (REBUTTAL 1) Kennedy R Lees, MD, Glasgow, United Kingdom 9:56 Early vs Late Assessment of Stroke Outcome (REBUTTAL 2) Joseph Broderick, MD, FAHA, Cincinnati, OH 9:58 Early vs Late Assessment of Stroke Outcome (SUMMARY) Magdy Selim, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA 10:02 Discussion Short Break (10:15 am – 10:30 am) For changes to the program made since the Final Program went to print, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner located on the ISC Web site at strokeconference. org and the Mobile Meeting Guide app. To download the app, search “AHA Events” in the App Store or Google Play. The Oral Abstracts list the Presenting Author (first) and the Senior Author (last) of the abstract. For the complete Author Block of an abstract (including the Conflict of Interest information), please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at, the Mobile Meeting Guide app, or the ISC abstracts online in the Stroke journal. The number listed immediately after the abstract’s title is the abstract’s presentation number. — 46 — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (8:45 am – 10:15 am) Category Intracerebral Hemorrhage Vascular Biology in Health and Disease Session Title Intracerebral Hemorrhage Oral Abstracts II Vascular Biology in Health and Disease Oral Abstracts Session Type Abstract Abstract Room 152 502 B Moderator(s) Andrew M Naidech, MD, MPh, Chicago, IL Joshua Goldstein, MD, PhD, FAHA, Boston, MA Richard Milner, MD, PhD, La Jolla, CA 8:45 Do Women Receive Less Aggressive Care Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage? 211 Seemant Chaturvedi, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Prevents Progression of Intracranial Atherosclerosis 218 James Stevenson, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Yuchuan Ding, Wayne State Univ, Detroit, MI 8:57 Andexanet Alfa, a Universal Antidote for Reversal of Anticoagulation of Factor Xa Inhibitors in Healthy Human Volunteers 212 Alexander M Gold, Portola Pharmaceuticals Inc., South San Francisco, CA John T Curnutte, Portola Pharmaceuticals Inc, South San Francisco, CA Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 and Subclinical Cerebrovascular Disease: the Levels of Inflammatory Markers in Treatment of Stroke Study 219 Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia University, New York, NY Oscar R Benavente, Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada 9:09 Effect of Idarucizumab on Intracranial Bleeding in Dabigatran-treated Patients: Initial Results From RE-VERSE AD 213 Richard A Bernstein, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Thorsten Steiner, Univ of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Neurovascular Uncoupling in Acute Ischemic Stroke Correlates Well With Clinical Fluctuations in Acute Ischemic Stroke 220 Rahul Rathakrishnan, Natl Univ of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Vijay K Sharma, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 9:21 Corticospinal Tract Integrity is Acutely Maintained Within Perihematoma Edema 214 Rebecca McCourt, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Ken Butcher, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Tlr-4 Activation Decreases Brain Endothelial Cell Survival in Hypoxia/ reoxygenation in Diabetes: Role of Necroptosis and Ferroptosis 221 Yasir Abdul, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA 9:33 Evaluation of Intracranial Pressure and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure in the Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage Trial (CLEAR III) 215 Wendy Ziai, Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Daniel F Hanley, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD Hyperglycemia Reduces Levels of Soluble Amyloid Precursor Protein-α in Mouse Hippocampus and Cortex - Role of Cerebral Microvessels 222 Tongrong He, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Zvonimir Katusic, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 9:45 Incidence and Severity of Catheter Tract Hemorrhage and EVD Placement Accuracy in the CLEAR-III Trial 216 W Andrew Mould, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Daniel Hanley, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD Leptomeningeal Arteriole Vasoconstriction during Hypertension: Targeting Pial Collaterals in Stroke Treatment 223 Marilyn Cipolla, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 9:57 Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Spontaneous Intraventricular Hemorrhage- Results From the Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage (CLEAR) III Trial 217 Jharna N Shah, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Wendy Ziai, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes in Patients With Long-term Effects of War-time TBI 224 Alexander Razumovsky, Sentient Neurocare Services, Hunt Valley, MD Donna Neuges, NiCoE, Bethesda, MD 10:09 Discussion Discussion Short Break (10:15 am – 10:30 am) — 47 — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (10:30 am – 12:30 pm) Plenary Session Session Title Plenary Session III Session Type Plenary Room Hall K Moderator(s) Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, MAS, FAHA, Charleston, SC 10:30 Acute Therapy Michael D Hill, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Calgary, AB, Canada 10:36 VCI Helena Chui, MD, FAHA, Los Angeles, CA 10:42 Epi Research George Howard, DPH, FAHA, Birmingham, AL 10:48 Recovery Bruce H Dobkin, MD, FRCP, Los Angeles, CA 10:54 Pediatric Stroke Gabrielle deVeber, MD, Toronto, ON, Canada The Next Big Thing in Stroke (at Lightning Speed) 11:00 Imaging Gregory W Albers, MD, Palo Alto, CA 11:06 Critical Care Stephan A Mayer, MD, FAHA, New York, NY 11:12 Basic Science Jaroslaw Aronowski, MD, PhD, Houston, TX 11:18 Prevention Robert G Hart, MD, Hamilton, ON, Canada 11:24 Neuroprotection Michael Tymianski, MD, PhD, FRCSC, Toronto, ON, Canada 11:30 Introduction of the Thomas Willis Lecture Kyra J Becker, MD, FAHA, Seattle, WA 11:33 Thomas Willis Lecture: Why Translational Stroke Research Cannot Succeed Without Failure Ulrich Dirnagl, MD, FAHA, Berlin, Germany 11:53 Primary Results of the ACTION Trial of Natalizumab in Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) LB22 Jacob Elkins, Biogen, Cambridge, MA Lahar Mehta, Biogen, Cambridge, MA 12:05 IV Alteplase in MR-selected Patients With Stroke of Unknown Onset is Safe and Feasible: Results of the Multicenter MR WITNESS Trial (NCT01282242) LB23 Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Steven Warach, Dell Medical Sch, Uuniversity of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX 12:17 GAMES (Glyburide Advantage in Malignant Edema and Stroke) RP Trial: Intermediate Endpoint Analysis as Proof-of-Concept LB24 W Taylor Kimberly, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Kevin Sheth, Yale Univ, New Haven, CT 12:29 ISC 2017 Program Chair’s Closing Remarks Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, MAS, FAHA, Charleston, SC Start Planning Now for the International Stroke Conference 2017 in Houston, Texas! Published Abstracts: Accepted ISC and Nursing Symposium abstracts will be published online on the Stroke journal Web site. CALL FOR SCIENCE • Thank you for attending the International Stroke Conference 2016. Please don’t forget these important dates for the International Stroke Conference 2017: Submit Abstracts Submission Opens: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Submission Closes: Tuesday, Aug 16, 2016 Submit Session Ideas Suggested Session Submitter Opens: Monday, Feb 15, 2016 Suggested Session Submitter Closes: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Submit Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trials Abstracts Submission Opens: Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016 Submission Closes: Wednesday, Nov 9, 2016 Submit Your Best Science for Consideration for ISC 2017 Presenting your science at ISC offers you many benefits: International Impact: Media coverage from around the world resulted in almost 1.5 billion media impressions from nearly 1,200 stories for ISC 2015. • Network with Leaders in the Stroke Field: Attend ISC and discuss your findings with stroke research and practice experts from around the globe. • Virtual Reach: The ISC 2015 virtual reach through the AHA/ASA Web site, e-mails, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter activity had more than 3.4 million hits. The link to submit abstracts and/or session ideas can be found at on the opening date listed above. In order to encourage a broad range of science and speakers, international authors and junior authors are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts for presentation. • — 48 — Expect Things BIG At AHA/ASA Scientific Events! YOUR You Ask. We Listen. We Deliver. You will see new offerings, enhanced favorites, and even more of the cutting-edge science you expect from AHA/ASA at our events! Quality of Care and Outcomes Research 2016 Scientific Sessions February 28–March 1, 2016 Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ EPI/Lifestyle 2016 Scientific Sessions March 1–4, 2016 Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ Ten-Day Seminar on the Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease July 24–August 5, 2016 Granlibakken Conference Center and Lodge, Tahoe City, CA Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology / Peripheral Vascular Disease 2016 Scientific Sessions May 5– 7, 2016 Omni Nashville, Nashville, TN Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2016 Scientific Sessions July 18– 21, 2016 Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ Council on Hypertension 2016 Scientific Sessions September 14–17, 2016 The Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, FL Scientific Sessions 2016 November 12–16, 2016 Exhibits November 13–15, 2016 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA Plan to attend. ©2015, American Heart Association 11/15DS9799 POSTER ABSTRACTS International Stroke Conference 2016 February 17–19, 2016 State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium February 16, 2016 ISC Pre-Conference Symposia February 16, 2016 Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA Join the Stroke Council PROFESSIONAL MEMB ERS H I P Benefits include: • Up to $500 in savings on International Stroke Conference 2017 registration and up to $300* in savings on State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium registration — plus registration savings at AHA’s other scientific conferences. • Complimentary access to Stroke OnDemand®.** • Benefits that extend beyond science so you can contribute to the AHA/ASA’s mission of building healthier lives free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Stroke Council Mission The American Heart Association’s mission is “building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.” The Stroke Council, one of 16 scientific councils within the American Heart Association, is uniquely dedicated to advancing the science of stroke prevention, treatment and recovery through research and education. The Stroke Council develops scientifically-based publications, meetings, professional education and training programs, and supports the American Stroke Association’s work in translating stroke-related science into effective initiatives and products for the public, healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities and policy makers. POSTER ABSTRACTS Learn more about the Stroke Council at Visit our staff at HeadQuarters Booth 235 to learn more about the Stroke Council and the benefits of joining the AHA/ASA Professional Membership and our network of nearly 33,000 members. Join or renew on-site and receive a free gift!* *while supplies last *Benefits depend on membership tier. **Only applies to premium level members. Members are where it happens ©2015, American Heart Association 11/15DS9792 Ongoing Clinical LateTrials Breaking Science e-Poster Kiosks Poster Attendant — 49 — 376 377 378 379 380 385 384 383 382 381 421 422 423 424 425 430 429 428 427 426 371 372 373 374 375 390 389 388 387 386 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 440 439 438 437 436 435 434 433 432 431 9 108 107 106 105 104 103 97 98 99 100 101 102 8 96 95 94 93 92 91 85 86 87 88 89 90 7 84 83 82 81 80 79 73 74 75 76 77 78 6 72 71 70 69 68 67 61 62 63 64 65 66 5 60 59 58 57 56 55 49 50 51 52 53 54 48 47 46 45 44 43 37 38 39 40 41 42 Lounge 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 450 449 448 447 446 445 444 443 442 441 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 400 399 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 391 336 337 338 339 340 345 344 343 342 341 331 332 333 334 335 350 349 348 347 346 10 120 119 118 117 116 115 109 110 111 112 113 114 4 7 6 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 360 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 296 297 298 299 300 305 304 303 302 301 291 292 293 294 295 310 309 308 307 306 8 5 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 256 257 258 259 260 265 264 263 262 261 251 252 253 254 255 270 269 268 267 266 12 11 10 1 2 3 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 211 212 213 214 215 220 219 218 217 216 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 3 2 24 23 22 21 20 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Moderated Poster Tours/Sections 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 6 5 161 162 163 164 165 170 169 168 167 166 7 4 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 8 3 111 112 113 114 115 120 119 118 117 116 9 2 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 10 1 20 19 18 17 16 11 12 13 14 15 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 61 62 63 64 65 70 69 68 67 66 Previously Published Abstracts 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 51 52 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 36 35 34 33 32 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 9 4 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 xx xx xx xx 36 35 34 33 32 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 POSTER HALL MAP Poster Hall Hall H Entrance Entrance PROFESSOR-LED POSTER TOURS BY CATEGORY: SESSION I P O S T E R A B S T R A C T P R E S E N TAT I O N S WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM Hall H WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 5:15 PM – 6:45 PM HALL H THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 5:15 PM – 6:45 PM HALL H 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM Professor-Led Poster Tours by Category, Session I: Moderated Q&A with Poster Presenters (Hall H) 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM Professor-Led Poster Tours by Category, Session II: Moderated Q&A with Poster Presenters (Hall H) Moderated Posters WMP1 – WMP120; see pg 50 – pg 57 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the posters in this Wednesday Professor-Led Poster Tour session. Moderated Posters TMP1 – TMP120; see pg 80 – pg 87 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the posters in this Thursday Professor-Led Poster Tour session. Poster Board Number MP1 / Presentation Number WMP1 Factors Influencing Differential Outcomes in Stent Retriever Trials: Comparison to a new Outcome Model Based on Percent Utilization of rt-PA Pitchaiah Mandava, Sharyl R Martini, Vishank A Shah, Roderic H Fabian, Thomas A Kent, Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM Poster Session I: One-on-One Time for an Individual Q&A with Poster Presenters (Hall H) 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM Poster Session II: One-on-One Time for an Individual Q&A with Poster Presenters (Hall H) Poster Board Number MP2 / Presentation Number WMP2 A New Device to Prevent Embolization in New Territories During Mechanical Thrombectomy Michel Piotin, Hocine Redjem, Gabriele Ciccio, Stanislas Smajda, Raphaël Blanc, Fondation Rothschild, Paris, France Primary These posters are not included in the 5:15 Professor-Led Poster Tour Session above. These posters are not included in the 5:15 Professor-Led Poster Tour Session above. Posters WP1 – WP438; see pg 57 – pg 79 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the posters in this Wednesday session. Posters TP1 – TP463; see pg 88 – pg 109 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the posters in this Thursday session. Late-Breaking Science Posters LBP1 – LBP8; see pg 79 – pg 80 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all of the Late-Breaking Science posters in this Wednesday session. Ongoing Clinical Trials Posters CTP1 – CTP52; see pg 110 – pg 113 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all of the Ongoing Clinical Trials Posters in this Thursday session. PPS1 – PPS5; see pg 79 in the Poster Abstract Index for a complete listing of all the posters in this special Wednesday session. These posters contain relevant and important science that was either previously published (print or online) or was previously presented at another meeting prior to the International Stroke Conference 2016. PROFESSOR-LED POSTER TOURS AND POSTER SESSIONS During the ISC 2016 poster sessions, there will be both Professor-Led Poster Tours and Regular Poster Sessions. The Professor-Led Poster Tours are organized by poster category. Leaders in the stroke field will take groups of conference attendees around 12 speaker-attended posters ordered by category. Each poster presenter will have approximately 2 minutes to present the highlights of his or her work, followed by 3 minutes for a Q&A from attendees. There are 10 different poster tours to select from during each Poster Tour Session. To be a part of a Poster Tour, please turn to pg 50 (Wednesday) and pg 80 (Thursday) in the Poster Abstracts section of the Final Program and decided which section/category of posters you would like to attend during each of the two Poster Tour Sessions. Five – ten minutes prior to the start time of the Poster Tour Session, simply go to the correspondingly numbered “Section” sign for that section/category of posters. The regular Poster Sessions are organized by poster category. During the Regular Poster Sessions, poster presenters will stand by their poster for individual Q&A time with attendees; they will not give a formal presentation. These posters are separate and not a part of the Professor-Led Poster Tours. To see the posters in the Regular Poster Session, please turn to pg 57 (Wednesday) and pg 88 (Thursday) in the Poster Abstracts section of the Final Program. For the most current poster moderator and poster information, please check the online Program/Itinerary Planner on the ISC Web site at and the Mobile Meeting Guide app. Acute Endovascular Treatment Moderated Poster Tour WMP1 – WMP12 SECTION 1 Moderator: Jean Marc Olivot, MD, PhD, Toulouse, France Poster Board Number MP3 / Presentation Number WMP3 Grade 2 or Partial Collaterals in IMS III: Half Full or Half Empty? David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Tudor G Jovin, UPMC Stroke Inst, Pittsburgh, PA; Bijoy K Menon, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Osama O Zaidat, Medical Coll of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Fabien Scalzo, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Andrew M Demchuk, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Janice Carrozzella, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Ruediger von Kummer, Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany; Pooja Khatri, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Bernard Yan, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Lydia D Foster, Sharon D Yeatts, Yuko Y Palesch, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Joseph P Broderick, Thomas A Tomsick, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Albert J Yoo, Texas Stroke Inst, Plano, TX; for the IMS III Investigators Poster Board Number MP4 / Presentation Number WMP4 Analysis of Outcomes From the Endovascular Treatment of Posterior Circulation Strokes in the Modern Era of Stent Retriever Thrombectomy Maxim Mokin, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Ashish Sonig, Univ at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; Sananthan Sananthan, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Peter Kan, Edward Duckworth, Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX; Chethan Venkatasubba Rao, Baylor Coll of Med, Tampa, FL; Adam Arthur, Lucas Elijovich, Nitin Goyal, Semmes-Murphey Neurologic and Spine Inst, Memphis, TN; Italo Linfante, Guilherme Dabus, Miami Cardiac & Vascular Inst, Miami, FL; Aquilla Turk, Raymond Turner, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Kenneth Snyder, Elad Levy, Adnan Siddqui, Univ at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Poster Board Number MP5 / Presentation Number WMP5 Endovascular Therapy Stroke Outcome in Very Elderly: Meta-analysis Michelle P Lin, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; David S Liebeskind, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Steven Cen, William J Mack, Arun P Amar, Matthew Tenser, Amytis Towfighi, Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP6 / Presentation Number WMP6 Earlier Treatment is Associated with Higher Reperfusion Rates and Better Outcomes in the SWIFT PRIME Trial Dileep R Yavagal, Univ of Miami, Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Jeffery Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Mayanak Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Reza Jahan, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Raul Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Tudor Jovin, UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA; christophe cognard, Hôpital Purpan, Tolouse, France; Chris Diener, Univ Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany; elad levy, Univ of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; Alain Bonafe, Hôpital Gui de Chauliac, Chu de Montpellier, France; vitor Periera, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Greg Albers, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA Poster Board Number MP7 / Presentation Number WMP7 Cost Effectiveness of Stent-retriever Thrombectomy Compared With Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy Alone in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Saqib A Chaudhry, Michigan State Univ, Lansing, MI; Muhammad F Ishfaq, Kamesh Sivagnanam, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St CLoud, MN; Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, University of Minnesota, MN FAHAs and other stroke leaders – please be sure to show your support for young investigators and attend the poster sessions. — 50 — Poster Board Number MP8 / Presentation Number WMP8 Results of Trevo Acute Ischemic Stroke Thrombectomy Registry: Predictors of Clinical Outcome O O Zaidat, A Castonguay, Medical Coll of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; D Haussen, Emory, Atlanta, GA; J English, California Pacific Medical Ctr, SF, CA; H Farid, St Jude Med, Chicago, IL; E Veznedaroglu, M Binning, Capital Health, Pennington, NJ; A S Puri, U Mass, Boston, MA; S Y Hou, U Mass, Boston, NJ; V Janardhan, Texas Stroke Inst, Dallas, TX; N Vora, R F Budzik, Riverside Radiology, Columbus, OH; A Alshekhlee, SSM Neuroscience Inst, St Louis, MO; M G Abraham, Univ of Kansas, Kansas, KS; R Edgell, St Louis Univ, St Louis, MO; A Taqi, SNC, LA, CA; E Lin, St Vincent Mercy Hosp, Toledo, OH; R Khoury, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA; M Mokin, Univ of S Florida, Tampa, FL; A Q Majjhoo, Wayne State, Detroit, MI; M R Kabbani, Gunderson, La Cross, WI; M T Froehler, Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN; I Finch, John Muir Med Ctr, Walnut Creek, CA; S Prabhakaran, Northwestern, Chicago, IL; R Novakovic, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; T Nguyen, Boston Med Ctr, Boston, MA; S Mehta, St Louis Univ, St Louis, MO; S A Quadri, SNC, LA, CA; P Ramakrishnan, R G Nogueira, Emory, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number MP9 / Presentation Number WMP9 National Trends in the Use of Endovascular Stroke Treatment at Academic Medical Centers (2009-15) Elan Guterman, Zachary D Threlkeld, Wade S Smith, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Jay Chol Choi, Jeju Natl Univ, Jeju, Korea, Republic of; Anthony S Kim, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number MP10 / Presentation Number WMP10 Validation of the Pittsburgh Response to Endovascular Therapy (PRE) Score in IMS3 Srikant Rangaraju, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Diogo Haussen, Raul Nogueira, Emory Univ and Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Fadi Nahab, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Michael Frankel, Emory Univ and Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Tudor Jovin, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number MP11 / Presentation Number WMP11 Arterial Occlusive Lesion Location Does Not Impact Functional Outcome in Patients with Endovascular Reperfusion Sun Kim, Soren Christensen, Michael Mlynash, Jenny P Tsai, Christian Federau, Stephanie M Kemp, Nishant Mishra, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA; Michael Frankel, Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA; Seena Dehkharghani, Emory Univ Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Thomas G Devlin, Univ of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, SC; Dileep R Yavagal, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Naveed Akhtar, Saint Luke’s Marion Bloch Neuroscience Inst, Kansas City, MO; Jovin Tudor, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; Raul Nogueira, Emory Univ Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Roland Bammer, Stanford Medical Ctr, Stanford, CA; Matus Straka, iSchemaView, Menlo Park, CA; Greg Zaharchuk, Greg W Albers, Michael Marks, Maarten Lansberg, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA Poster Board Number MP12 / Presentation Number WMP12 Thrombectomy Saves Lives AND Saves Money: A Call for Action Mohammad Moussavi, Daniel Korya, Spozhmy Panezai, Jaskiran Brar, Siddhart Mehta, Audrey Arango, Ihtesham Qureshi, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Acute Neuroimaging Moderated Poster Tour WMP13 – WMP24 SECTION 2 Moderator:TBD Poster Board Number MP13 / Presentation Number WMP13 Predictive Value of Rapid-assessed Cerebral Blood Volume and Cerebral Blood Flow Ct Perfusion Thresholds on Final Infarct Volume Following Successful Reperfusion: Analysis of The SWIFT PRIME Trial Data Maxim Mokin, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Elad Levy, Univ at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; Jeffrey L Saver, David Geffen Sch of Med at the Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Alain Bonafe, Hôpital Gui-de-Chauliac, Montpellier, France; Christophe Cognard, Univ Hosp of Toulouse, Toulouse, France; Reza Jahan, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Gregory W Albers, Stanford Univ Sch of Med, Stanford, CA; for the SWIFT PRIME Investigators Poster Board Number MP14 / Presentation Number WMP14 Increased Diffusion Heterogeneity After Acute Ischemic Stroke is Associated With Salvageable Tissue Ona Wu, Arne Lauer, Gregoire Boulouis, Lisa Cloonan, Mark Etherton, Abigail S Cohen, Pedro T Cougo-Pinto, Katherine Mott, William A Copen, Natalia S Rost, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP15 / Presentation Number WMP15 Hyperperfusion on Arterial Spin Labeling: Objective Decision Support Using Pattern Recognition Fabien Scalzo, Songlin Yu, Sagar Patel, David Liebeskind, Danny Wang, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP16 / Presentation Number WMP16 Eloquence-Weighted Imaging Improves Clinical Outcomes Prediction in Endovascular Stroke Therapy Sunil A Sheth, David S Liebeskind, Conrad W Liang, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Albert J Yoo, Texas Stroke Inst, Dallas, TX; Reza Jahan, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Vitor M Pereira, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Jan Gralla, Inselspital Hosp, Bern, Switzerland; Greg Albers, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA; Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB; Jeffey L Saver, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP17 / Presentation Number WMP17 Severe CT Perfusion Bolus Delays Predict Infarct Growth Despite Reperfusion Soren Christensen, Jenny Tsai, Stephanie Kemp, Nishant Mishra, Sun Kim, Michael Mlynash, Christian Federau, Roland Bammer, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA; Michael Frankel, Seena Dehkharghani, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Thomas Devlin, Univ of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN; Dileep Yavagal, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Matus Straka, IschemaView, Menlo Park, CA; Greg Zaharchuk, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA; Naveed Akhtar, Marion Bloch Neuroscience Inst, Kansas City, MO; Diogo Haussen, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Michael Marks, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA; Tudor Jovin, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; Raul Nogueira, Emory Univ Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Greg Albers, Maarten Lansberg, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA Poster Board Number MP18 / Presentation Number WMP18 Thrombus Length Estimation on Delayed Gadolinium-enhanced T1 Shenqiang Yan, Qingmeng Chen, Mengjun Xu, Min Lou, the 2nd Affiliated Hosp of Zhejiang Univ, Sch of Med, Hangzhou, China Poster Board Number MP19 / Presentation Number WMP19 Effect of Onset to Treatment Time on Penumbral Salvage in IV Thrombolysis in Acute Stroke: MRI-based Study Kaylie Cullison, Lawrence L Latour, Richard T Benson, Amie W Hsia, Richard Leigh, John K Lynch, Jose G Merino, Zurab Nadareishvili, Marie Luby, NINDS, Stroke Branch, Bethesda, MD; NINDS, Stroke Branch Poster Board Number MP20 / Presentation Number WMP20 Validation of an Efficient Machine-learning Approach to Quantify CSF Volume Changes Using Multicenter CT Scans Yasheng Chen, The Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC; Raj Dhar, Tobias Kulik, Kristy Yuan, Laura Heitsch, Andria Ford, Washington Univ in St Louis, St Louis, MO; Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen, Hongyu An, The Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC; Jin-Moo Lee, Washington Univ in St Louis, St Louis, MO Primary Poster Board Number MP21 / Presentation Number WMP21 Which is a Better Predictor of Functional Outcome, TICI Score or Perfusion Imaging? Ilana Spokoyny, Michael Mlynash, Christian E Federau, Stephanie M Kemp, Maarten G Lansberg, Michael P Marks, Gregory W Albers, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA Poster Board Number MP22 / Presentation Number WMP22 Reduced White Matter Integrity in Acute Stroke Patients With Language Deficits: a Tract-based Spatial Statistics Study Pouria Mossahebi, Veena A. Nair, Christian La, Justin A. Sattin, Vivek Prabhakaran, Univ of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Poster Board Number MP23 / Presentation Number WMP23 Regional Assessment of Multi-phase CTA and CT Perfusion are Equivalent in Predicting Tissue Fate in Ischemic Stroke Christopher D d’Esterre, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Anurag Trivedi, Victoria General Hosp, Univ of British Columbia, Victoria, BC, Canada; Yukun Zhang, Shivanand Patil, Pooneh Pordeli, Emmad Qazi, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Seong Hwan Ahn, Chosun Univ Sch of Med, Gwang Ju, Korea, Republic of; Mohamed Najm, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Enrico Fainardi, Univ Hosp, Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; Marta Rubiera, Hosp Vall d’Hebron, Ps Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain; Michael D Hill, Andrew M Demchuk, Mayank Goyal, Tolulope Sajobi, Bijoy K Menon, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada — 51 — Poster Board Number MP24 / Presentation Number WMP24 Quantitative Relaxometry Quantifies Brain Edema After Ischemic Stroke Thomas W Battey, Iris Y Zhou, Ann-Christin U Ostwaldt, Takahiro Igarashi, Philip Z Sun, W Taylor Kimberly, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Aneurysm & Health Services, Quality WMP25 – WMP36 Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Moderated Poster Tour SECTION 3 Moderator:TBD Poster Board Number MP25 / Presentation Number WMP25 Periprocedural Predictors of Acute Ischemic Stroke and Mortality in Endovascular Treatment of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm Tapan V Mehta, Mohammed Hussain, Priya Narwal, Univ of Connecticut, Hartford, CT; Paul Mazaris, Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT; Violiza Inoa-Acosta, Hartfod Hosp, Hartford, CT; Martin Ollenschleger, Harford Hosp, Hartford, CT; Gary Spiegel, Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT; Louise McCullough, Univ of Connecticut, Hartford, CT Poster Board Number MP26 / Presentation Number WMP26 Missense Mutation in COL22A1 is Associated With Intracranial Aneurysms Quynh Ton, Daniel Leino, Cincinnati Children’s Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Joseph Broderick, Tatiana Foroud, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Saulius Sumanas, Cincinnati Children’s Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number MP27 / Presentation Number WMP27 Differential Gene Expression in Coiled Versus Flow-diverter Treated Aneurysms: a RNA-Seq Analysis in Rabbit Aneurysm Model Aymeric Rouchaud, Collin R Johnson, Evan P Thielen, Dana J Schroeder, Yong Hong Ding, Daying Dai, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Rochester, MN; Juan Cebral, George Mason Univ, Fairfax, VA; David F Kallmes, Ramanathan Kadirvel, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Rochester, MN Poster Board Number MP28 / Presentation Number WMP28 Association Between Diffusion Positive Lesion and Antiplatelet Drug Resistance After Coiling for Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm Kyung Il Jo, Je Young Yeon, Jong Soo Kim, Jong Soo Kim, Seung Chyul Hong, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number MP29 / Presentation Number WMP29 Safety and Efficacy of WEB Flow Disruption in Treatment of Bifurcation Aneurysms: Results in a Cumulated Population of 3 Good Clinical Practice Studies (WEBCAST, French Observatory, WEBCAST 2) Laurent Pierot, CHU Reims, REIMS, France; Andrew Molyneux, James Byrne, Oxford Radcliffe Hosp, Oxford, United Kingdom; WEBCAST, French Observatory, WEBCAST 2 Investigators Poster Board Number MP30 / Presentation Number WMP30 Quantitative Aneurysm Flow Evaluation of Combined FD and Coil Treatment Shows Higher Flow Reduction During the Healing Process Based on 2D DSA Images Aichi Chien, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Qianyi Yu, Xu Gao, Fernando Vinuela, UCLA, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP31 / Presentation Number WMP31 National Trends in Transfer of Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage to Teaching Hospitals Farhaan Vahidy, UT-HSC, Houston, TX; Karen Albright, John P Donnelly, Angela H Shapshak, Univ of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; Sean I Savitz, UT-HSC, Houston, TX Poster Board Number MP32 / Presentation Number WMP32 Variation in the Rates of Acute Ischemic Stroke Transfers Between Hospitals in the United States Syed F Ali, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Gregg Fonarow, UCLA, LA, CA; Eric Smith, Cumming Sch of Med, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Li Liang, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Robert Sutter, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; Ying Xian, Eric Peterson, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Deepak Bhatt, Brigham and Women’s Hosp Heart & Vascular Ctr, Boston, MA; Lee Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP33 / Presentation Number WMP33 Effects of Organized Stroke Care on In-hospital Mortality and Morbidity of Patients With Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke: J-ASPECT Study Satoru Kamitani, The Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Kunihiro Nishimura, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Akiko Kada, Nagoya Medical Ctr, Nagoya, Japan; Tetsurou Sayama, Ataru Nishimura, Ryouta Kurogi, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Fumiaki Nakamura, The Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Daisuke Onozuka, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Kuniaki Ogasawara, Iwate Medical Univ, Morioka, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ, Mitaka, Japan; Shigeru Miyachi, Osaka Medical Colledge, Takatsuki, Japan; Shinichi Yoshimura, Hyogo Coll of Med, Nishinomiya, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Jyouji Nakagawara, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Shinya Matsuda, Univ of Environmental and Occupational Health, Kita-kyushu, Japan; Kazuo Okuchi, Nara Medical Univ, Kashihara, Japan; Toru Aruga, Showa Univ, Tokyo, Japan; Junichi Ono, Chiba Cardiovascular Ctr, Ichihara, Japan; Izumi Nagata, Kokura Kinen Hosp, Kita-kyushu, Japan; Yoshihiro Miyamoto, Michiaki Iwata, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Akihito Hagihara, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Akifumi Suzuki, Res Inst for Brain and Blood Vessels Akita, Akita, Japan; Hiroharu Kataoka, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Koichi B Ishikawa, Natl Cancer Ctr, Tokyo, Japan; Koji Iihara, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan Poster Board Number MP34 / Presentation Number WMP34 Use of Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Patients Without a Stroke (Stroke Mimics): Findings From the get With the Guidelines Stroke Registry Ying Xian, Jerome J Federspiel, Margueritte Cox, Adrian F Hernandez, Andrzej S Kosinski, Janet P Bettger, Phillip Schulte, Barbara Lytle, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Gregg C Fonarow, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Deepak L Bhatt, Brigham and Women’s Hosp Heart & Vascular Ctr and Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Eric D Peterson, Duke Univ, Durham, NC Poster Board Number MP35 / Presentation Number WMP35 IV tPA-treated Stroke Mimic Rates Are Rising at CT-based Community Hospitals vs MRI-based Regional Stroke Centers: What is the Impact on Clinical Outcome? Tina M Burton, Marie Luby, Larry L Latour, Richard T Benson, John K Lynch, Zurab Nadareishvili, Amie W Hsia, NIH/NINDS, Bethesda, MD Poster Board Number MP36 / Presentation Number WMP36 Management of Hypertension in Primary Care Safety-net Clinics in the United States: A Comparison of Community Health Centers and Private Physician’s Offices Valy Fontil, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Oanh Nguyen, Univ of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX; David Guzman, Elizabeth Goldman, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Moderated Poster Tour WMP37 – WMP48 SECTION 4 Moderator: Jaroslaw Aronowski, MD, PhD, Houston, TX Poster Board Number MP37 / Presentation Number WMP37 Neurovascular Protection by Telmisartan Via Reducing Neuroinflammation in SHR-SR Brain After Ischemic Stroke Syoichiro Kono, Okayama Natl Hosp Medical Ctr, Okayama, Japan; Tomoko Kurata, Uohashi Hosp, Aioi, Japan; Kota Sato, Nozomi Hishikawa, Toru Yamashita, Okayama Univ, Okayama, Japan; Kentaro Deguchi, Okayama Citizens’ Hosp, Okayama, Japan; Koji Abe, Okayama Univ, Okayama, Japan Poster Board Number MP38 / Presentation Number WMP38 ABCA1/HDL Pathway Mediates GW3965 Induced Neurorestoration and White Matter Remodeling After Stroke Xu Cui, Jieli Chen, Alex Zacharek, Yisheng Cui, Cynthia Roberts, Michael Chopp, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number MP39 / Presentation Number WMP39 Exosomes Derived From Ischemic Cerebral Endothelial Cells and Neural Progenitor Cells Enhance Neurogenesis and Angiogenesis Wan Long Pan, Xiao Ming Zhang, North Sichuan Medical Univ, Nanchong, China; Xian Shuang Liu, Chao Li, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI; Jia Ni Hu, Wayne State Univ, Detroit, MI; Michael Chopp, Zheng Gang Zhang, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number MP40 / Presentation Number WMP40 Intra-arterial Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Large Animal Endovascular Canine Stroke Model: Findings on Serial Diffusion Tensor Imaging Luis Guada, Pattany Pradip, Kevin Ramdas, Ryan Pafford, Gaurav Saigal, Yavagal Dileep, Univ of Miami, MIAMI, FL — 52 — Poster Board Number MP41 / Presentation Number WMP41 Characterization of MicroRNAs and Their Target Proteins in Distal Axons of Cortical Neurons Chao Li, Yi Zhang, Albert M Levin, Michael Chopp, Zheng Gang Zhang, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number MP42 / Presentation Number WMP42 Astrocyte Specific rAAV-mediated Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Expression in Aging Female Rats Increases Post-Stroke Survival and Sensory Motor Performance Andre K Okoreeh, Shameena Bake, Farida Sohrabji, Texas A&M Health Science Ctr, Bryan, TX Poster Board Number MP43 / Presentation Number WMP43 Microrna-210 Improves Long-term Outcome in the Ischemic Mice via La Regulation of BDNF Lili Zeng, Guo-Yuan Yang, Ruijin Hosp, Shanghai, China Poster Board Number MP44 / Presentation Number WMP44 Mir-145 Mediates Bone-marrow-stromal Cell Derived From Type-one Diabetes (t1dm) Rats Induced Neurorestorative Effects in T1dm Rats Chengcheng Cui, Michael Chopp, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI; Xinchun Ye, The Affiliated Hosp of Xuzhou Medical Coll, Xuzhou, China; Alex Zacharek, Ruizhou Ning, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI; Tao Yan, Neurology of Tianjin Medical Univ General Hosp, Tianjin, China; Xu Cui, Peng Yu, Cynthia Roberts, Jieli Chen, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number MP45 / Presentation Number WMP45 Manipulation of the Microbiome Improves Functional Recovery After Ischemic Stroke Michal Jandzinski, Venugopal Venna, Anjali Chauhan, Univ of Connecticut, Farmington, CT; Joerg Graf, Univ of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; Louise D McCullough, Univ of Connecticut, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number MP46 / Presentation Number WMP46 Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, Sodium Butyrate, Exhibits Neuroprotective Effects in a Stroke Model of Middle-Aged Female Rats Min Jung Park, Farida Sohrabji, Texas A&M Health Science Ctr, Bryan, TX Poster Board Number MP47 / Presentation Number WMP47 Nrf2 Deficiency Exacerbates Sensorimotor Deficit and Impairs Long-term Functional Recovery After Ischemic Stroke Lei Liu, Yasmin Dweik, Matthew Weider, Katie Vollmer, Victoria Fernandez, Sylvain Doré, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Primary Poster Board Number MP48 / Presentation Number WMP48 Delayed Intravenous Administration of Drag Reducing Polymers Improves Brain Microcirculation and Neurologic Outcome After Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats Olga A Bragina, Univ of New Mexico Sch of Med, Albuquerque, NM; Jun Wu, Xiangya Hosp, Changsha, China; Yirong Yang, Univ of New Mexico, Coll of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM; Marina V Kameneva, McGowan Inst for Regenerative Med, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; Edwin M Nemoto, Denis E Bragin, Univ of New Mexico Sch of Med, Albuquerque, NM Community/Risk Factors Moderated Poster Tour WMP49 – WMP60 SECTION 5 Moderator: Tatjana Rundek, MD, PhD, Miami, FL Poster Board Number MP49 / Presentation Number WMP49 Temporal Trends in the Burden of Atrial Fibrillation in Acute Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack in the United States Fadar O Otite, Priyank Khandelwal, Seemant Chaturvedi, Jose G Romano, Ralph L Sacco, Amer M Malik, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med/Jackson Memorial Hosp, Miami, FL Poster Board Number MP50 / Presentation Number WMP50 Pregnancy in Advanced Age Increases the Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke in Postmenopausal Women Analysis of Women’s Health Initiative Study Adnan I Qureshi, Omar Saeed, Ahmed A Malik, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, StCloud, MN; Jan Jan Degenhardt, Roland Roland Ax-Fliedner, Thomas Kohl, Dept of Prenatal Med, Univ Hosp, Justus-Liebig Univ, Giessen, German, Giessen, Germany Poster Board Number MP51 / Presentation Number WMP51 Patients’ Social Networks Influence Timing of Hospital Arrival After Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Mixed Methods Study Amar Dhand, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO; Douglas Luke, Washington Univ in St Louis, St Louis, MO; Michael Tsiaklides, Catherine Lang, Jin-Moo Lee, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO Poster Board Number MP52 / Presentation Number WMP52 Shake, Rattle & Roll Trial – Effects on Blood Pressure Control and Therapy Mai N Nguyen-Huynh, Joseph D Young, Terrence A Chin, Mike Sorel, Charles Quesenberry, Stacey Alexeeff, Stephen Sidney, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA Poster Board Number MP53 / Presentation Number WMP53 Sex Differences n Long-term Mortality and Disability After Stroke: The International Stroke Outcomes Study Hoang T Phan, Menzies Inst for Medical Res, Tasmania, Hobart, Australia; Mathew J Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, MI; Leigh Blizzard, Menzies Inst for Medical Res, Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; Amanda Thrift, Dominique Cadilhac, Sch of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash Univ, Melbourne, Australia; Emma Heeley, The George Inst for Global Health, Univ of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Jonathan Sturm, Sch of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash Univ, Melbourne, Australia; INSTRUCT Study Investigators; Seana Gall, Menzies Inst for Medical Res, Tasmania, Hobart, Australia Poster Board Number MP54 / Presentation Number WMP54 Cerebrovascular Accidents in Patients With a Left Ventricular Assist Device Yuichi Miyazaki, Osamu Seguchi, Tomotaka Tanaka, Hiroki Hata, Mikito Hayakawa, Katsufumi Kajimoto, Hiroshi Yamagami, Masanobu Yanase, Kazuyuki Nagatuka, Jun C Takahashi, Tomoyuki Fujita, Takeshi Nakatani, Kazuo Minematsu, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number MP55 / Presentation Number WMP55 Racial Disparities in Stroke Recovery: a Meta-analysis Pratik Y Chhatbar, Hamin Lee, Bruce Ovbiagele, Daniel T Lackland, Robert J Adams, Wuwei Feng, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number MP56 / Presentation Number WMP56 Physical Inactivity and Slower Gait Speed in an Elderly Multi-ethnic Population: The Northern Manhattan Study Joshua Z Willey, Yeseon P Moon, Ying Kuen Cheung, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Clinton B Wright, Ralph L Sacco, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number MP57 / Presentation Number WMP57 Worsening Migraines in Current Hormone Replacement Therapy Users Predicts Higher Risk of Stroke Haseeb A Rahman, Houston Methodist Hosp, Houston, TX; Ahmed Malik, Omar Saeed, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, Minneapolis, MN; Abraham Thomas, Houston Methodist Hosp, Houston, TX; Adnan Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, Minneapolis, MN Poster Board Number MP58 / Presentation Number WMP58 Burden and Distribution of Cerebral Microbleeds Predict Long-Term Mortality in Lacunar Stroke Patients Tae-Jin Song, Ewha Womans Univ Sch of Med, Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jinkwon Kim, CHA Bundang Medical Ctr, CHA Univ, Seongnam, Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Dongbeom Song, Hyo Suk Nam, Young Dae Kim, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Yong-Jae Kim, Ewha Womans Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Ji Hoe Heo, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number MP59 / Presentation Number WMP59 Multiple Scattered Tiny Cerebral Infarctions Are Unlikely Cardiogenic Yi Dong, Dept of Neurology, Huashan Hosp, State Key of Lab of Neurobiology, Fudan Univ, Shanghai, China; Yuan Gao, Dept of Neurology, The 1st hospital Affiliated Zhengzhou Univ, Zhengzhou, China; Deepak S Nair, Sarah Parker, Jan L Jahnel, Terasa G Swanson-Devlin, Judith M Beck, Mathews Maureen, Clayton J Mcneil, Illinois Neurology Inst, OSF Medical Ctr, Peoria, IL; Qiang Dong, Dept of Neurology, Huashan Hosp, State Key of Lab of Neurobiology, Fudan Univ, Shanghai, China; Manas Upadhyaya, David Z Wang, Illinois Neurology Inst, OSF Medical Ctr, Peoria, IL Poster Board Number MP60 / Presentation Number WMP60 Interactive Children’s Stroke Program Yields High Profiecency Scores on 6 Month Assessment Janie L Wheeler, Cindy Swope, Mount Carmel St Ann’s, Westerville, OH — 53 — Emergency Care/Systems Moderated Poster Tour WMP61 – WMP72 SECTION 6 Moderator:TBD Poster Board Number MP61 / Presentation Number WMP61 Drip-and-Ship versus Front-Door Strategy of Preceding Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients Receiving Endovascular Therapy; An Analysis From the Clinical Research Center for Stroke-5th division Registry in Korea Hong-Kyun Park, Seong-Ho Park, Moon-Ku Han, Beom Joon Kim, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam-si, Korea, Republic of; Jong-Moo Park, Kyusik Kang, Eulji General Hosp, Eulji Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Soo Joo Lee, Youngchai Ko, Eulji Univ Hosp, Eulji Univ, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Jae-Kwan Cha, Dae-Hyun Kim, Dong-A Univ Hosp, Busan, Korea, Republic of; Tai Hwan Park, Seoul Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Bok Lee, Soonchunhyang Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jun Lee, Yeungnam Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; Keun-Sik Hong, Yong-Jin Cho, Ilsan Paik Hosp, Inje Univ, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; ByungChul Lee, Kyung-Ho Yu, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Anyang, Korea, Republic of; Dong-Eog Kim, Dongguk Univ Ilsan Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Ki-Hyun Cho, Joon-Tae Kim, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Jay Chol Choi, Jeju Natl Univ Hosp, Jeju Natl Univ Sch of Med, Jeju, Korea, Republic of; Wook-Joo Kim, Ulsan Univ Coll of Med, Ulsan, Korea, Republic of; Dong-Ick Shin, Min-Ju Yeo, Chungbuk Natl Univ Hosp, Cheongju, Korea, Republic of; Sung Il Sohn, Jeong-Ho Hong, Keimyung Univ Dongsan Medical Ctr, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; Min-Uk Jang, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Chuncheon, Korea, Republic of; Ji Sung Lee, ASAN Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Juneyoung Lee, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam-si, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number MP62 / Presentation Number WMP62 Achieving Ultra-Fast Door-to-Needle Times With a “Treat-in-CT” Acute Stroke Protocol Andria L Ford, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO; Jennifer A Williams, Brian Hoff, Barnes-Jewish Hosp, Saint Louis, MO; David Curfman, Rebecca Wiesehan, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO; Michael Steinkruger, Barnes-Jewish Hosp, Saint Louis, MO; Hawnwan Phil Moy, Laura Heitsch, Peter Panagos, Jin-Moo Lee, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO Poster Board Number MP63 / Presentation Number WMP63 Outcomes After Regionalization of Acute Stroke Care: Time Trend Analysis From Multiple Counties in the State of California Prasanthi Govindarajan, Stanford Univ Medical Ctr, Stanford, CA; Steve Shiboski, Barbara Grimes, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Larry Cook, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, UT; David Ghilarducci, American Medical Response, Santa Cruz, CA; SClaiborne Johnston, Dell Medical Sch, Austin, TX Poster Board Number MP64 / Presentation Number WMP64 Door to Groin Puncture Times in Patients Managed on a Mobile Stroke Unit: Pilot Data Amanda L Jagolino, Chunyan Cai, Mohammad Hossein Rahbar, Stephanie Parker, Ritvij Bowry, James C Grotta, Univ of Texas at Houston, Houston, TX Poster Board Number MP68 / Presentation Number WMP68 Smartphone Support System for Mobile Imaging Display and Management of Acute Stroke Kristina Shkirkova, Eftitan Y Akam, Josephine F Huang, Sunil A Sheth, May Nour, Conrad Liang, Michael H McManus, Van D Trinh, Gary Duckwiler, Jason Tarpley, F Vinuela, Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; UCLA Stroke Systems of Care Study Group Poster Board Number MP69 / Presentation Number WMP69 Access to Endovascular Treatment in Remote Areas: Analysis of the Reperfusion Treatment Registry of Catalonia Laura Dorado, Natalia Pérez de la Ossa, Hosp Univri Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain; Sonia Abilleira, Stroke Program, Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; Pere Cardona, Hosp Univri Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain; Eva Giralt, Hosp del Mar, Barcelona, Spain; Xabier Urra, Hosp Clínic, Barcelona, Spain; Marc Ribó, Hosp Univri Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; David Cánovas, Hosp Parc Taulí, Sabadell, Spain; Moisés Garcés, Hosp Verge de la Cinta, Tortosa, Spain; Jurek Krupinski, Hosp Mútua Terrassa, Terrassa, Spain; Joan Martí-Fábregas, Hosp Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain; Anna Pellisé, Hosp Joan XXIII, Tarragona, Spain; Francisco Purroy, Hosp Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida, Spain; Júlia Saura, Hosp Althaia, Manresa, Spain; Joaquín Serena, Hosp Univri Josep Trueta, Girona, Spain; Carlos Molina, Hosp Univri Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Antoni Dávalos, Hosp Univri Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain; Miquel Gallofré, Stroke Program, Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; Catalan Stroke Code and Reperfusion Consortium (Cat-SCR) Poster Board Number MP70 / Presentation Number WMP70 Accuracy of Emergency Dispatcher Stroke Recognition When Employing a Stroke Screening Tool: A Systematic Review John A Oostema, Trevor Carle, Nadine Talia, Michigan State Univ Coll of Human Med, Grand Rapids, MI; Mathew Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI Poster Board Number MP71 / Presentation Number WMP71 Multimodal Imaging Yields Low Number of Stroke Mimics Treated With Thrombolytic Therapy Without Sacrificing Door-to-Needle Times Allison E Arch, Sidney Starkman, Bryan Yoo, Rodel Alfonso, Kristina Shkirkova, Josephine Huang, May Nour, Jason Tarpley, Michael McManus, Jonathan T Kleinman, Paul M Vespa, Manuel Buitrago-Blanco, Kwan L Ng, Doojin Kim, Jason D Hinman, Neal Rao, Latisha K Ali, David S Liebeskind, Jeffrey L Saver, Ronald Regan UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP72 / Presentation Number WMP72 Onset-to-Arrival Time Varies by Race and Stroke Severity Kori Sauser-Zachrison, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Thomas Land, Thomas W Soare, Anita Christie, Laura Nasuti, Massachusetts Dept of Public Health, Boston, MA; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA In-hospital Treatment Moderated Poster Tour WMP73 – WMP84 SECTION 7 Moderator: Keith Muir, MD, Glasgow, United Kingdom Poster Board Number MP73 / Presentation Number WMP73 Interictal Epileptiform Discharges and Periodic Patterns After Acute Ischemic Stroke Are Associated With Poor Prognosis Fabricio O Lima, João A Ricardo, Ana C Coan, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil; Diogo C Soriano, ABC Federal Univ, Santo André-SP, Brazil; Wagner M Avelar, Li M Li, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil Poster Board Number MP65 / Presentation Number WMP65 A Dichotomized Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Score is Correlated With Revascularization Therapy in Acute Stroke Christopher T Richards, Northwestern Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL; Eddie Markul, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL; Leslee Stein-Spencer, Chicago Fire Dept, Chicago, IL; Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number MP74 / Presentation Number WMP74 Admission Volume Depletion is Associated With Poor Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Harn Shiue, Karen C Albright, Kara A Sands, April Sisson, Reza Bavarsad Shahripour, Michael Lyerly, Kanika Arora, Alissa Gadpaille, Ayaz Khawaja, Benjamin A Jones, Toby Gropen, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number MP66 / Presentation Number WMP66 Minnesota Prehospital Stroke Scale For Prediction of Emergent Large Vessel Occlusion Takamasa Higashimori, David Anderson, Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Poster Board Number MP67 / Presentation Number WMP67 Stroke Screening Tools Have High Specificity for Detecting Large Vessel Occlusion in a Southeastern US Prospective Cohort Study Sakib Qureshi, Ahmad Umair Janjua, Atlanta Medical Ctr, Atlanta, GA; Syed Ali Raza, Cynthia Brasher, Aaron Anderson, Samir Belagaje, Srikant Ranagaraju, Michael R Frankel, Raul Nogueira, Diogo C Haussen, James Greene, Paul MacDonald, Vijayakumar Javalkar, Robin Dharia, Mahmoud Obideen, Seena Dehkharghani, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Debbie Camp, Piedmont Newnan, Newnan, GA; James Lugtu, Georgia Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry, Atlanta, GA; Carole Ehleben, Atlanta Medical Ctr, Atlanta, GA; Fadi Nahab, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA — 54 — Poster Board Number MP75 / Presentation Number WMP75 Infection is Strong Predictor of In-hospital Stroke and Mortality in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis – Ten Year Experience Pawani Sachar, Monica Dhakar, Mohammed F Sunbulli, Kumar Rajamani, Wayne State Univ, Detroit Medical Ctr, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number MP76 / Presentation Number WMP76 Increased Systolic Blood Pressure Variability is Associated With Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Endovascular Treatment for Stroke Alicia Bennett, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Michael Wilder, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY; Jennifer Majersik, Safdar Ansari, Adam de Havenon, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Poster Board Number MP77 / Presentation Number WMP77 Neurovascular Complications During Long-term Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Support: Single Center Experience Saef Izzy, Massachusetts General Hosp and Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA; Simone Renault, Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA; Daniel Rubin, Massachusetts General Hosp and Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA; Henrikas Vaitkevicius, Jennifer Smallwood, Michael M Givertz, Steven K Feske, Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP78 / Presentation Number WMP78 Follow-up High-Sensitivity C-reactive Protein is Associated With Early Recurrent Ischemic lesions in Acute Ischemic Stroke Yohei Tateishi, Tadashi Kanamoto, Kenjiro Nakaoka, Jumpei Hamabe, Yoichi Morofuji, Nobutaka Horie, Tsuyoshi Izumo, Takayuki Matsuo, Akira Tsujino, Nagasaki Univ Hosp, Nagasaki, Japan Poster Board Number MP79 / Presentation Number WMP79 Sex-related Differences in Anti-thrombotic Therapy, Risks of Both Recurrence and Cerebral Bleedings as Well as Functional Outcome, in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Acute Stroke Kateryna Antonenko, Natl Bogomolets Medical Univerity, Kiev, Ukraine; Valeria Caso, Univ of Perugia, Perugia, Italy; on behalf of the RAF study Poster Board Number MP80 / Presentation Number WMP80 Stroke Mimic Treatment Rates and Physician-patient Language Discordance Sara K Rostanski, Olajide Williams, Joshua Stillman, Amelia K Boehme, Randolph S Marshall, Joshua Z Willey, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number MP81 / Presentation Number WMP81 Collaterals and the Severity of Hypoperfusion in Acute Ischemic Stroke are Independent of Dehydration or Volume Status David S Liebeskind, Graham W Woolf, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Dezhi Liu, Brandon Lopez, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Sunil A Sheth, Conrad W Liang, Latisha K Ali, Doojin Kim, Jason D Hinman, Neal M Rao, Sidney Starkman, Reza Jahan, Nestor R Gonzalez, Satoshi Tateshima, Gary R Duckwiler, Jeffrey L Saver, Bryan Yoo, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Fabien Scalzo, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; for the UCLA Stroke Investigators Poster Board Number MP82 / Presentation Number WMP82 Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Decreases Transiently After Stroke in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Parnian Riaz, Keith Phoa, Mahesh P Kate, Laura C Gioia, Thomas Jeerakathil, Ashfaq Shuaib, Brian Buck, Kenneth Butcher, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Poster Board Number MP83 / Presentation Number WMP83 Rivaroxaban Therapy Is Not Associated with Hemorrhagic Transformation After Acute Cardioembolic Stroke: A Prospective MRI Study Laura C Gioia, Mahesh Kate, Leka Sivakumar, Hayrapet Kalashyan, Dulara Hussain, Brian Buck, Miguel Bussiere, Ashfaq Shuaib, Thomas Jeerakathil, Derek Emery, Ken Butcher, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Poster Board Number MP84 / Presentation Number WMP84 Worse Functional Outcome in Stroke Patients With Elevated Urine Specific Gravity Mona N Bahouth, Argye E Hillis, Rebecca F Gottesman, Johns Hopkins Hosp, Baltimore, MD Intracerebral Hemorrhage Moderated Poster Tour WMP85 – WMP96 SECTION 8 Moderator: Matthew L Flaherty, MD, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number MP85 / Presentation Number WMP85 Significance of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The INTERACT2 Study Shoichiro Sato, Candice Delcourt, Emma Heeley, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia; Hisatomi Arima, Shiga Univ of Medical Sciences, Shiga, Japan; Shihong Zhang, Sichuan Univ, Chengdu, China; Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Univ of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Christian Stapf, Univ of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Daniel Woo, Matthew L Flaherty, Achala Vagal, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Christopher Levi, Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia; Leo Davies, Univ of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Jiguang Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Shanghai, China; Thompson Robinson, Univ of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; Pablo M Lavados, Univ del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile; Richard I Lindley, John Chalmers, Craig S Anderson, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia; The INTERACT2 Investigators Poster Board Number MP86 / Presentation Number WMP86 Evaluation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics and External Ventricular Drain Management in the Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage trial (CLEAR III) Wendy Ziai, Johns Hopkins Univ Neuro Criti, Baltimore, MD; Mariam Bhuiyan, Nichol McBee, Rachel Dlugash, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Kevin Sheth, Yale Univ, Boston, MA; Malathi Ram, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Public Health, Baltimore, MD; Steven Mayo, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Carol Thompson, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Public Health, Baltimore, MD; Karen Lane, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Issam Awad, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Daniel F Hanley, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number MP87 / Presentation Number WMP87 Inflammatory Response in Cerebrospinal Fluid is Triggered by Large Volume Intraventricular Hemorrhage Javed Khader Eliyas, Maged D Fam, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Sayona John, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL; Agnieszka Stadnik, Michael Jesselson, Lingjiao Zhang, Meijing Wu, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Nichol McBee, Karen Lane, Wendy Ziai, Daniel Hanley, Johns Hopkins Medical Insts, Baltimore, MD; Issam Awad, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number MP88 / Presentation Number WMP88 Perihematomal Edema Expansion Rate Predicts Functional Outcome in Deep Intracerebral Hemorrhage Zachary Grunwald, Sebastian Urday, Lauren A Beslow, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Anastasia Vashkevich, Alison Ayres, Steven M Greenberg, Joshua N Goldstein, Thomas W Battey, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; J Marc Simard, Univ of Maryland Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Jonathan Rosand, W Taylor Kimberly, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Kevin N Sheth, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT Poster Board Number MP89 / Presentation Number WMP89 CT Hypodensities in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Predict Hematoma Expansion Gregoire Boulouis, Andrea Morotti, Andreas Charidimou, H Bart Brouwers, Eitan Auriel, Octavio Pontes-Neto, Alison Ayres, Anastasia Vashkevich, Kristin M Schwab, Jonathan Rosand, Joshua N Goldstein, Steven M Greenberg, Massachusetts General Hosp Stroke Res Ctr, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP90 / Presentation Number WMP90 Florbetapir PET to Diagnose Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy M Edip Gurol, J Alex Becker, Grace A Riley, Panagiotis Fotiadis, Kristin M Schwab, Keith A Johnson, Steven M Greenberg, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP91 / Presentation Number WMP91 Hyponatremia is Associated with Higher Mortality in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Interact 1 and 2 Pooled Analysis Cheryl Carcel, Shoichiro Sato, Danni Zheng, Emma Heeley, Hisatomi Arima, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia; Jie Yang, Nanjing First Hosp, Nanjing Medical Univ, Nanjing, China; Guojun Wu, Hebei Yutian Hosp, Tangshan, China; Shihong Zhang, West China Hosp, Sichuan Univ, Chengdu, China; Candice Delcourt, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia; Pablo Lavados, Clínica Alemana, Univ del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile; Thompson Robinson, Univ of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; Richard Lindley, Xia Wang, John Chalmers, Craig Anderson, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia — 55 — Poster Board Number MP92 / Presentation Number WMP92 Location of Hemorrhage Predicts Hematoma Expansion and Poor Clinical Outcome Vignan Yogendrakumar, Univ of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Andrew M Demchuk, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Richard I Aviv, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; David Rodriguez-Luna, Carlos A Molina, Hosp Univri Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain; Yolanda Silva Blas, Dr Josep Trueta Univ Hosp, Girona, Spain; Imanuel Dzialowski, Elblandklinikum Meissen Academic Teaching Hosp of the Technische Univ, Dresden, Germany; Anna Czlonkowska, 2nd Dept of Neurology, Warsaw, Poland; Jean-Martin Boulanger, Univ of Sherbrooke, Montreal, QC, Canada; Cheemun Lum, Univ of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Gord Gubitz, Dalhousie Univ, Halifax, NS, Canada; Vasantha Padma, All India Inst of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India; Jayanta Roy, Apollo Gleneagles Hosp, Kolkata, India; Carlos S Kase, Boston Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Rohit Bhatia, All India Inst of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India; Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Dar Dowlatshahi, Univ of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; PREDICT/Sunnybrook ICH CTA Study Group Poster Board Number MP93 / Presentation Number WMP93 Cortical Superficial Siderosis in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: Higher Prevalence Among Convexity Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Than Among Intracerebral Hemorrhage Nicolas Raposo, Lionel Calviere, Vanessa Cazzola, Sofia Pastoura, Jean François Albucher, Hôpital Pierre-Paul Riquet, Ctr Hospier Univire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France; Jean-Bernard Ruidavets, Ctr Hospier Univire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France; Jean Marc Olivot, François Chollet, Vincent Larrue, Christophe Cognard, Fabrice Bonneville, Alain Viguier, Hôpital Pierre-Paul Riquet, Ctr Hospier Univire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France Poster Board Number MP94 / Presentation Number WMP94 Perihematomal Edema and Functional Outcomes in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Influence of Hematoma Volume and Location Santosh Murthy, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Yogesh Moradiya, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health system, New York, NY; Jesse Dawson, Kennedy Lees, Univ of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; Daniel Hanley, Wendy Ziai, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number MP95 / Presentation Number WMP95 Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Patients With Convexity Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Present Higher Risk of Subsequent Hemorrhage Than Those With Lobar Intracranial Hemorrhage Lionel Calviere, Nicolas Raposo, Vanessa Cazolla, Sofia Pastoura, Jean François Albucher, Jean-Bernard Ruidavets, Jean-Marc Olivot, François Chollet, Vincent Larrue, Christophe Cognard, Fabrice Bonneville, Alain Viguier, Univ Hosp Purpan, Toulouse, France Poster Board Number MP96 / Presentation Number WMP96 Incidence of Ischemic Strokes in the Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage (CLEAR) Phase III Clinical Trial Lucia A Rivera Lara, Saman Nekoovaght-Tak, Nichol McBee, Rachel Dlugash, Malathi Ram, John Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD; Richard Thompson, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch of Public Health, Baltimore, MD; Issam A Awad, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Daniel F Hanley, Wendy Ziai, John Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD; Clear III Investigators Pediatric Stroke Moderated Poster Tour WMP97 – WMP108 SECTION 9 Moderator:TBD Poster Board Number MP97 / Presentation Number WMP97 Regional Cerebral Oxygen Extraction is Elevated in Tissue at High Risk of Stroke in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Andria L Ford, Kristin P Guilliams, Melanie Fields, Dustin K Ragan, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO; Cihat Eldeniz, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; Michael Binkley, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO; Trey Rhodes, Washington Univ, Saint Louis, MO; Robert McKinstry, Joshua Shimony, Katie D Vo, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO; Danny J Wang, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Monica Hulbert, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO; Hongyu An, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; Jin-Moo Lee, Washington Univ Sch of Med, Saint Louis, MO Poster Board Number MP98 / Presentation Number WMP98 Thrombophilia Risk Factors in Perinatal Stroke: 213 Consecutive Cases Laura Lehman, Jeanette Beaute, Hayley Malkin, Michael Rivkin, Cameron Trenor, Boston Children’s Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP100 / Presentation Number WMP100 Factors Influencing Outcome After Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke Jay Gajera, Western Health, Footscray, Australia; Belinda Stojanovski, Mark T Mackay, The Royal Children’s Hosp, Parkville, Australia Poster Board Number MP101 / Presentation Number WMP101 Paramedic Management of Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke Belinda Stojanovski, Paul T Monagle, Fiona Newall, The Royal Children’s Hosp, Parkville, Australia; Leonid Churilov, The Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Parkville, Australia; Ian Mosley, La Trobe Univ, Melbourne, Australia; Grant Hocking, Ambulance Victoria, Mount Helen, Australia; Mark T Mackay, The Royal Children’s Hosp, Parkville, Australia Poster Board Number MP102 / Presentation Number WMP102 Infantile Spasms After Early Pediatric Arterial Ischemic Stroke Aleksandra Mineyko, Morris Scantlebury, Adam Kirton, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number MP103 / Presentation Number WMP103 Epilepsy is Associated With Poorer Neurologic Outcome After Pediatric Arterial Ischemic Stroke Christine K Fox, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Lori C Jordan, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, TN; Mark T Mackay, The Royal Children’s Hosp, Melbourne, Australia; Gabrielle deVeber, Hosp for Sick Children, San Francisco, ON, Canada; Seizures in Pediatric Stroke Investigators Poster Board Number MP104 / Presentation Number WMP104 Pediatric Cortical Vein Thrombosis: Frequency and Association With Venous Infarction Zak Ritchey, Amanda Kenny, David Weitzenkamp, Univ of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO; Laura Z Fenton, Emily Maxwell, Timothy J Bernard, Nicholas Stence, Children’s Hosp Colorado, Univ of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO Poster Board Number MP105 / Presentation Number WMP105 Quantitative Assessment of Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Paediatric Moyamoya Nomazulu Dlamini, Derek Armstrong, Peter Dirks, Mahendranath Moharir, Rand Askalan, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; Fenella Kirkham, Inst of Child Health, London, United Kingdom; Gabrielle deVeber, William Logan, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number MP106 / Presentation Number WMP106 Reversal of Tonic Inhibition Contributes to Recovery of Synaptic Function After Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia James E Orfila, Robert M Dietz, Himmat Grewal, Takeru Shimizu, Frank F Strnad, Myriam Moreno, Krista M Rogers, Richard J Traystman, Paco S Herson, Univ of Colorado, Denver – Anshutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO Poster Board Number MP107 / Presentation Number WMP107 Arterial Tortuosity: an Imaging Biomarker of Perinatal Stroke Pathogenesis? Felix Wei, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Karl Diedrich, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Aleksandra Mineyko, Adam Kirton, Alberta Children’s Hosp, Calgary, AB, Canada Primary Poster Board Number MP108 / Presentation Number WMP108 Endovascular Therapy in Children With Large Vessel Occlusion: a Clinical Series of Five Cases Tomas Bryndziar, Intl Clinical Res Ctr, Brno, Czech Republic; Nestor R Gonzalez, Satoshi Tateshima, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Neal M Rao, Jason D Hinman, Latisha K Ali, Dept of Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Reza Jahan, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; David S Liebeskind, Dept of Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Gary R Duckwiler, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Jeffrey L Saver, Dept of Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Viktor Szeder, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Vascular Biology in Health and Disease & WMP109 – WMP120 Vascular Malformations Moderated Poster Tour SECTION 10 Moderator: Michael Levitt, MD, Seattle, WA Poster Board Number MP99 / Presentation Number WMP99 Major Causes of Stroke in Children With Congenital and Acquired Heart Disease Jorina Elbers, Esther J Lee, Vamsi V Yarlagadda, Clara Lo, Debra Hanisch, Aileen Lin, Christopher S Almond, Andrew Y Shin, Lucile Packard Children’s Hosp, Palo Alto, CA Poster Board Number MP109 / Presentation Number WMP109 Activation of the Brain Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) Causes Selective Cerebrovascular Dysfunction Travice Michael De Silva, Justin Grobe, Frank M Faraci, Univ of Iowa Coll of Med, Iowa City, IA — 56 — Poster Board Number MP110 / Presentation Number WMP110 Improvement in Cortical Versus Subcortical Perfusion After Superficial Temporal Artery – Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) Bypass in Patients With Severe Stenosis of Intracranial Carotid and MCA Vijay K Sharma, Nagarjun Bolem, Ning Chow, Lily Y Wong, Hock-Luen Teoh, Bernard P Chan, Tseng-Tsai Yeo, Raymond Seet, Arvind K Sinha, Natl Univ of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Poster Board Number MP111 / Presentation Number WMP111 Stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease: Shared Mechanisms of Vascular Disruption Brandon Lucke-Wold, Aric Logsdon, Afroz Mohammad, Chris Adkins, Xuefang Ren, Jason Huber, Charles Rosen, James Simpkins, Paul Lockman, West Virginia Univ, Morgantown, WV Poster Board Number MP112 / Presentation Number WMP112 Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis and Flow Diversion: Relationship With Headache Nabeel A Herial, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst & Univ of California San Diego, StCloud, MN; Muhammad Shah Miran, Muhammad A Saleem, Ihtesham A Qureshai, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, StCloud, MN Poster Board Number MP113 / Presentation Number WMP113 Genetic Influences on Early Neurological Instability After Acute Ischemic Stroke Laura Ibanez, Laura Heitsch, Washington Univ in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO; Caty Carrera, Israel Fernandez, Joan Montaner, Vall d’Hebron Inst of Res (VHIR), Barcelona, Spain; Carlos Cruchaga, Jin-Moo Lee, Washington Univ in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO Poster Board Number MP114 / Presentation Number WMP114 Imaging of 68Ga-prgd2 Pet/ct for Integrin αvß3 in Cerebral Small Vascular Disease Shi Shu, Zhaohui Zhu, Yicheng Zhu, Jun Ni, Lixin Zhou, Ming Yao, Liying Cui, Fang Li, Bin Peng, Peking Union Medical Coll Hospit, Beijing, China Poster Board Number MP115 / Presentation Number WMP115 Interventional Therapy for Brain AVMs Before and After ARUBA Eric Sussman, Mario Teo, Aditya Iyer, Allen Ho, Arjun Pendharkar, Robert Dodd, Gary Steinberg, Stanford Univ Medical Ctr, Palo Alto, CA Poster Board Number MP116 / Presentation Number WMP116 Multi-center Assessment of Morbidity After Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Rupture Keiko A Fukuda, Monica Majumdar, Rush Univ, Chicago, IL; Hesham Masoud, Thanh Nguyen, Boston Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Amir R Honarmand, Sameer A Ansari, Northwestern Memorial Hosp, Chicago, IL; Lee A Tan, Michael Chen, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number MP117 / Presentation Number WMP117 Conservative versus Surgical Treatment for Brainstem Cavernous Malformation Hernan M Patino Sr, Monica Chavarria-Medina, Mayra Becerril, Gabriel Mauricio Longo, Edgar Nathal, Antonio Arauz, Insto Nacional de Neurologia y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suarez, Mexico DF, Mexico Poster Board Number MP118 / Presentation Number WMP118 A Radio-clinical Scale to Predict Long-term Outcome After Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Rupture: The Ruptured AVM Prognostic Score Eimad Shotar, Mathieu Debarre, Nader-Antoine Sourour, Federico Di Maria, Joseph Gabrieli, Aurélien Nouet, Jacques Chiras, Vincent Degos, Frédéric Clarençon, PitiéSalpêtrière Hosp, Paris, France Poster Board Number MP119 / Presentation Number WMP119 4d Digital Subtraction Angiography (4d-dsa) for Pre-treatment Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Diseases Ichiro Yuki, Shunsuke Hataoka, Toshihiro Ishibashi, Chihebeddine Dahmani, Yukiko Abe, Ayako Ikemura, Yukinao Kambayashi, Issei Kan, Shougo Kaku, Kengo Nishimura, Yuichi Murayama, The Jikei Univ Hosp, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number MP120 / Presentation Number WMP120 Radiosurgery Induces Novel Protein Changes on the Endothelium of Arteriovenous Malformations: Potential for Therapeutic Targets Lucinda S McRobb, Vivienne S Lee, Santosh G Thomas, Markus Wiedmann, Jude V Amal Raj, Zhenjun Zhao, Macquarie Univ, Sydney, Australia; Michael Grace, Vaughan Moutrie, Macquarie Univ Hosp, Sydney, Australia; Matthew McKay, Mark Molloy, Marcus A Stoodley, Macquarie Univ, Sydney, Australia POSTER SESSION I WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM Hall H These posters are not included in the Wednesday 5:15 pm Professor-Led Poster Tour Session. Acute Endovascular Treatment Posters I WP1 – WP36/437 Poster Board Number P1 / Presentation Number WP1 Evaluation of Clinical and Radiographic Variables Related to False Positive Detection of Tandem Carotid Artery Occlusion on CT Angiography Marcelo Rocha, Amin Aghaebrahim, Ashutosh Jadhav, Tudor Jovin, Univ Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P2 / Presentation Number WP2 Symptom Onset to Groin Puncture Determines Stroke Outcome: a Metaanalysis of Recent Acute Cerebrovascular Thrombectomy-after-Infarction Trials (MR ACTION) Jawad Kirmani, Daniel Korya, Siddhart Mehta, Jaskiran Brar, Azka Shaikh, Rushil Kalola, Mena Samaan, Audrey Arango, Spozhmy Panezai, Mohammad Moussavi, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Poster Board Number P3 / Presentation Number WP3 EMS Routing for Endovascular Patients – One Health Care Systems Successful Model Coleman O Martin, Angela M Hawkins, Karin Olds, Naveed Akhtar, William Holloway, Shelleen King, Jay McClintick, Saint Luke’s Hosp, Kansas City, MO Poster Board Number P5 / Presentation Number WP5 Outcomes Are Not Different Between Patients With Intermediate and High Dwi-aspects After Stent-retriever Thrombectomy Woong Yoon, Seul Kee Kim, Tae Wook Heo, Byung Hyun Baek, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Jaechan Park, Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P6 / Presentation Number WP6 RAPID Automated CT Perfusion Software Performance in Acute Ischemic Stroke From Anterior Circulation Tandem Occlusions Diogo C Haussen, Seena Dehkharghani, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Mikayel Grigoryan, Atlanta Medical Ctr, Atlanta, GA; Meredith Bowen, Leticia C Rebello, Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P7 / Presentation Number WP7 A Projection of Endovascular Therapy Eligibility in the United States: A Population-based Analysis Pooja Khatri, Charles J Moomaw, Kathleen S Alwell, Univ of Cincinnati Academic Health Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Jane C Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Mirjam Heldner, Urs Fischer, Inselspital, Univsspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland; Brett Kissela, Opeolu Adeoye, Matthew L Flaherty, Daniel Woo, Simona Ferioli, Univ of Cincinnati Academic Health Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Sharyl Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Felipe de los Rios La Rosa, Achala Vagal, Dawn O Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati Academic Health Ctr, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P8 / Presentation Number WP8 Minor Stroke With Large Vessel Occlusion Hazem Shoirah, Alhamza R Al-Bayati, Cynthia L Kenmuir, Amin Aghaebrahim, Tudor G Jovin, Ashutosh P Jadhav, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P10 / Presentation Number WP10 Peri-procedural Heparin Use in Stent-retriever Thrombectomy Diogo C Haussen, Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA; David S Liebeskind, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Wade Smith, UCSF, San Francisco, CA; Helmi Lutsep, OHSU, Portland, OR; Tudor Jovin, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Bin Xiang, Prospect Analytical, Inc, San Jose, CA; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P11 / Presentation Number WP11 Comparative Safety and Efficacy of the Trevo, Penumbra and Solitaire Devices in Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke Waleed Brinjikji, Harry J Cloft, Mohammad H Murad, David F Kallmes, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN — 57 — Poster Board Number P12 / Presentation Number WP12 Impact of Transfer Status into a Comprehensive Stroke Center on Outcomes Among Intra-Arterial Therapy Patients Donald Frei, Jan Leonard, Judd Jensen, Michelle Whaley, Kathryn McCarthy, Jeffrey Wagner, David Bar-Or, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO Poster Board Number P13 / Presentation Number WP13 The Rate of Hemicraniectomy Utilization for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Undergoing Endovascular Treatment is Decreasing in the United States Saqib A Chaudhry, Dept of Neurology and Ophthalmology, Michigan State Univ,, Lansing, MI; Ameer E Hassan, Valley Baptist Brain and Spine Network UTSCHA Dept of Neurology and Radiology, Valley Baptist, TX; Mohammad Rauf Afzal, Riaz Riaz, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Haseeb Rahman, Dept of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hosp, Houston, TX; Ahmed Malik, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Vishal Jani, Anmar Razak, Dept of Neurology and Ophthalmology, Michigan State Univ,, Lansing, MI; Ihtesham A Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Inst, St Cloud, MN; Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, st Cloud, MN Poster Board Number P14 / Presentation Number WP14 Identifying Potential Sliding Dichotomy Cutpoints for Thrombectomy Trials Using Baseline Age, Deficit Severity, and Core Lesion Volume Jason Tarpley, Prividence Saint Johns Health Ctr, Santa Monica, CA; Greg Albers, Michael Mlynash, Maarten Lansberg, Stanford, Palo Alto, CA; Jeffrey Gornbein, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Jeffrey Saver, UCLA, Los Angles, CA; The DEFUSE 2 investigators Poster Board Number P15 / Presentation Number WP15 Rates of Successful First-pass Recanalization During Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke are Higher in the Absence of a Hyper-dense Vessel Sign Cynthia L Kenmuir, Alhamza R Al-Bayati, Hazem Shoirah, Amin Aghaebrahim, Andrew F Ducruet, Brian T Jankowitz, Tudor G Jovin, Ashutosh P Jadhav, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P16 / Presentation Number WP16 Endovascular Recanalization Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Updated Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Joung-ho Rha, Inha Univ Hosp Neurology, Incheon, Korea, Republic of; Keun-Sik Hong, Inje Univ Ilsan Paik Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Sang-Bae Ko, Seoul Natl Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Ji-Sung Lee, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kyung-Ho Yu, Hallym Univ Coll of Med, Anyang, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P17 / Presentation Number WP17 Effect of Solitaire Retriever-predominant Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Pooled, Individual Patient Data, Systematic Analysis Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Alain Bonafe, Hop Gui-de-Chauliac, Montpellier, France; Bruce Campbell, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Antoni Davalos, Univ Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Stephen Davis, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Andrew M Demchuk, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Hans-Christophe Diener, Univ of Duisberg-Essen, Essen, Germany; Geoff Donnan, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Reza Jahan, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Tudor G Jovin, UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA; Elad I Levy, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; Bijoy K Menon, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Monica Millan, Univ Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Maria Angeles de Miquel, Hosp de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain; Peter Mitchell, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Vitor M Pereira, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Alexandre Y Poppe, Univ de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Jeremy L Rempel, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Marc Ribo, Hosp Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain; Luis San Roman, Hosp Clinic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Bruce Stouch, Philadelphia Coll of Osteopathic Med, Philadelphia, PA; John Thornton, Beaumont Hosp, Dublin, Ireland; Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; SEER Trialists Poster Board Number P18 / Presentation Number WP18 Futility and Predicted Therapeutic Gain of Endovascular Treatment According to the Baseline Stroke Severity in Acute Ischemic Stroke Sanghwa Lee, Beom Joon Kim, Moon-Ku Han, Seong-Ho Park, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang hospital, SeongNam, Korea, Republic of; Tai Hwan Park, Seoul Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Bok Lee, Soonchunhyang Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Byung-Chul Lee, Kyung-Ho Yu, Mi Sun Oh, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Anyang, Korea, Republic of; Min Uk Jang, Dept of Neurology, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hosp, Chuncheon, Korea, Republic of; Jae Kwan Cha, Jae Kwan Cha, Dae-Hyun Kim, Hyun-Wook Nah, Dong-A Univ Hosp, Pusan, Korea, Republic of; Jun Lee, Yeungnam Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; Soo Joo Lee, Youngchai Ko, Eulji Univ Hosp, Eulji Univ Sch of Med, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Jong-Moo Park, Kyusik Kang, Eulji General Hosp, Eulji Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Yong-Jin Cho, Keun-Sik Hong, Ilsan Paik Hosp, Inje Univ, Ilsan, Korea, Republic of; Jay Chol Choi, Jeju Natl Univ Hosp, Jeju Natl Univ Coll of Med, Jeju, Korea, Republic of; Joon-Tae Kim, Kangho Choi, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Dong-Eog Kim, Dongguk Univ Ilsan Hosp, Ilsan, Korea, Republic of; Wook-Joo Kim, Ulsan Univ Hosp, Univ of Ulsan Coll of Med, Ulsan, Korea, Republic of; Juneyoung Lee, Dept of Biostatistics, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Ji sung Lee, Clinical Res Ctr, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang hospital, SeongNam, Korea, Republic of; on behalf of CRCS-5 investigators Poster Board Number P19 / Presentation Number WP19 Rate and Speed of Reperfusion Explains Variations in Treatment Effect Sizes Across Recent Trials of Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Conrad W Liang, Reza Jahan, Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P20 / Presentation Number WP20 Pre-Notification of Large Vessel Occlusion Reduces Transfer Time for Endovascular Procedures Lindsay Olson-Mack, Gilda Tafreshi, Mary Kalafut, Giuseppe Ammirati, R Sean Pakbaz, Sara Deskin, Jean Rockwell, Lynn Berger, Cortlyn Elshire, Renee Richetts, Matt Cantonis, Scott Patterson, Melinda Perias, Scripps Health, La Jolla, CA Poster Board Number P21 / Presentation Number WP21 Primary Thrombectomy Within 3 Hours of Onset in Acute Ischemic Stroke From Large Artery Occlusion (PAST3-LAO)- A Pilot Study Yahia M Lodi, Varun Reddy, Upstate Medical Univ, Binghamton Campus/UHS-Wilson Regional Medical Ctr, Johnson City, NY; George Petro, UHS-Wilson Regional Medical Ctr, Johnson City, NY; Anas Hourani, Chun-An Chou, Thomas Watson Sch of Engianeering, Binghamton Univ, Binghamton, NY Poster Board Number P22 / Presentation Number WP22 Differential Effect of Intra-arterial Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke on Motor versus Language Deficit. A Post-hoc Mr Clean Subgroup Analysis Diederik W Dippel, Yvette Crijnen, Femke Nouwens, Hester F Lingsma, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Lonneke de Lau, Slotervaart ZIekenhuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Evy Visch, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Mieke van de Sandt-Koenderman, Rijndam Rehabilitation Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Olvert A Berkhemer, Academic Medical Ctr, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Puck S Fransen, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Debbie Beumer, Maastricht Univ Medical Ctr, Maastricht, Netherlands; Lucie A van den Berg, Yvo B Roos, Academic Medical Ctr, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Aad van der Lugt, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Robert J van Oostenbrugge, Wim van Zwam, Maastricht Univ Medical Ctr, Maastricht, Netherlands; Charles B Majoie, Academic Medical Ctr, Amsterdam, Netherlands; MR CLEAN Investigators Primary Poster Board Number P23 / Presentation Number WP23 Clot Burden and Collateral Flow on Multiphase CT: Predictor of Outcomes After Recanalization Therapy in Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction Jaechun Hwang, Mi Ji Lee, Hae Ree Park, Oh Young Bang, Gyeong-moon Kim, Chinsang Chung, Kwang Ho Lee, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P24 / Presentation Number WP24 Utility of the Sheath Guide Specifically Designed for Transbrachial Approach in Endovascular Treatment of Neurovascular Diseases Tomonori Iwata, Takahisa Mori, Yuhei Tanno, Shigen Kasakura, Kazuhiro Yoshioka, Shonan Kamakura General Hosp Stroke center,, Kamakura, Japan Poster Board Number P25 / Presentation Number WP25 A Novel Adaptive Trial Design Increases the Power of Endovascular Stroke Studies Maarten Lansberg, Ninad Bhat, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Joseph P Broderick, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Yuko Y Palesch, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Philip W Lavori, Tze L Lai, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Sharon D Yeatts, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Gregory W Albers, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA Poster Board Number P26 / Presentation Number WP26 Validation of Predictive Scales of Functional Outcome After Endovascular Therapy Using the REVASCAT Data Natalia Perez de la Ossa, Hosp Univri Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; Srikant Rangaraju, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Tudor Jovin, UPMC Stroke Inst, Pittsburgh, PA; Anoni Dávalos, Hosp Univri Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; REVASCAT Trial Investigators — 58 — Poster Board Number P27 / Presentation Number WP27 Endovascular Treatment Improves Executive Functioning in Acute Ischemic Stroke Elena López-Cancio, Monica Millán, Lucia Muñoz, Hosp Univri Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; Marc Ribó, Hosp Univri Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Joaquín Serena, Hosp Josep Trueta, Girona, Spain; Maria Angels de Miquel, Hosp Univri Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain; Alex Rovira, IDI Hosp Univri Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Luis San Roman, Hosp Clínic, Barcelona, Spain; Erik Cobo, Dept of Statistics, UPC, Barcelona, Spain; Carlos Molina, Hosp Univri Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Tudor Jovin, UPMC Stroke Inst, Pittsburgh, PA; Antoni Dávalos, Hosp Univri Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; REVASCAT Trial Investigators Poster Board Number P28 / Presentation Number WP28 Eligibility for Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Phase IV Multi-center Screening Log Registry Georgios Tsivgoulis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Nitin Goyal, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Robert Mikulik, St Anne’s Univ Hosp and Faculty of Med, Masaryk Univ, Brno, Czech Republic; Ramin Zand, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Andromachi Roussopoulou, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Ondrej Volny, St Anne’s Univ Hosp and Faculty of Med, Masaryk Univ, Brno, Czech Republic; Abhi Pandhi, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Christina Zompola, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Lucas Elijovich, Jason Chang, Anne W Alexandrov, Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number P29 / Presentation Number WP29 Clot Size: Speaking the Same Language in Endovascular Stroke Therapy Across the Globe David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Fabien Scalzo, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Bin Xiang, Prospect Analytical, Inc, San Jose, CA; Rishi Gupta, WellStar Medical Group, Marietta, GA; Tudor G Jovin, UPMC Stroke Inst, Pittsburgh, PA; Gregory W Albers, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Helmi L Lutsep, Oregon Stroke Ctr OHSU, Portland, OR; Wade S Smith, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Monika Killer-Oberpfalzer, Univsklinikum Christian Doppler Klinik Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria; Juan M Macho, Ctr de Diagnostico por Imagen Clinic, Barcelona, Spain; Olav Jansen, Univsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany; Nils Wahlgren, Karolinska Univ Hosp, Stockholm, Sweden; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; for the TREVO and TREVO 2 Investigators Poster Board Number P30 / Presentation Number WP30 Incorporation of Automated CT Perfusion-based Core Volume Measurement in a Prognostic Tool for Anterior Large Vessel Occlusions: Pittsburgh Response to Endovascular Score-2 (PRE-2) Srikant Rangaraju, Diogo Haussen, Leticia C Rebello, Michael Frankel, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Tudor Jovin, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Raul Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P31 / Presentation Number WP31 Site Experience and Relation to Outcome in the TRevo ACute Ischemic StroKe Thrombectomy Registry: Higher Volumes Translate in Better Outcomes Raul Nogueira, Diogo C Haussen, Alicia Castonguay, Leticia Rebello, Michael Abraham, Ajit Puri, Amer Alshekhlee, Aniel Majjhoo, Hamed Farid, Ira Finch, Joey English, Maxim Mokin, Michael Froehler, Mo Kabbani, Muhammad Taqi, Nirav Vora, Ramy El Khoury, Randy Edgell, Robin Novakovic, Thanh Nguyen, Vallabh Janardhan, E Veznedaroglu, Shyam Prabhakaran, Ron Budzik, Pankaja Ramakrishnan, Osama Zaidat, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA Primary Poster Board Number P32 / Presentation Number WP32 When and Where ADAPT in Anterior Circulation Ischemic Strokes Really Works? Raphaël Blanc, Hocine Redjem, Stanislas Smajda, Gabriele Ciccio, Marie Abrivard, Michel Piotin, Fondation Rothschild, Paris, France Primary Poster Board Number P33 / Presentation Number WP33 Anticoagulation, Mechanical Thrombectomy and rTPA: an Outcome Analysis Tapan V Mehta, Mohammed Hussain, Univ of Connecticut, Hartford, CT; Amre Nouh, Martin Ollenschleger, Gary Spiegel, Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT; Louise McCullough, Univ of Connecticut, Hartford, CT Poster Board Number P34 / Presentation Number WP34 Associations Between CTP Ischemic Core Volume, ASPECTS Scores and Clinical Outcomes After Endovascular Reperfusion Michael P Marks, Soren Christensen, Jenny P Tsai, Michael Mlynash, Stephanie Kemp, Nishant Mishra, Christian Federau, Sun Kim, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Diogo C Haussen, Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA; Seena Dehkharghani, Emory Univ Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Thomas G Devlin, Chattanooga Ctr for Neurologic Res, Chattanooga, TN; Dileep R Yavagal, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Naveed Akhtar, St Luke’s Health System, Kansas City, MO; Tudor Jovin, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Roland Bammer, Matus Straka, Gregory Zaharchuk, Gregory W Albers, Maarten G Lansberg, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA Poster Board Number P35 / Presentation Number WP35 Outcomes of Mechanical Embolectomy in Patients Treated Beyond 8 hours From Stroke Onset: a Subanalysis of the North American SOLITAIRE Stentretriever Acute Stroke Registry Alex Abou-Chebl, Baptist Health Louisville, Louisville, KY; Alicia Castonguay, Medical Coll Of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Franklin A Marden, Alexian Brothers Medical Ctr, Elk Grove, IL; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA; Robin Novakovic, UT Southwestern Medical Ctr, Dallas, TX; Osama O Zaidat, Medical Coll of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI Poster Board Number P36 / Presentation Number WP36 The Role of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Treated With Mechanical Thrombectomy Jonathan M Coutinho, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core and the Univ of California Los Angeles Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Lee-Anne Slater, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA; Blaise Baxter, Erlanger Hosp at Univ of Tennessee, Chattanooga, TN; Antoni Davalos, Hosp Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; Alain Bonafé, Hôpital Gui-de-Chauliac, Montpellier, France; Reza Jahan, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Elad I Levy, Buffalo General Hosp, Buffalo, NY; Osama Zaidat, Medical Coll of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Jan Gralla, Bern Univ Hosp and Univ of Bern, Berne, Switzerland; Jeffrey L Saver, David Geffen Sch of Med at the Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Vitor M Pereira, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P437 / Presentation Number WP437 Shear-activated Nanoparticle Aggregate Lysis Combined With Temporary Stentbypass to Treat Emergent Large Vessel Occlusions (ELVO) Miklos G Marosfoi, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA; Netanel Korin, Harvard Univ, Boston, MA; Matthew J Gounis, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA; Oktay Uzun, Harvard Univ, Boston, MA; Srinivasan Vedantham, Erin T Langan, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA; Anne-Laure Papa, Harvard Univ, Boston, MA; Olivia W Brooks, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA; Chris Johnson, Harvard Univ, Boston, MA; Ajit S Puri, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA; Deen Bhatta, Mathumai Kanapathipillai, Ben R Bronstein, Harvard Univ, Boston, MA; Ju-Yu Chueh, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA; Donald E Ingber, Harvard Univ, Boston, MA; Ajay K Wakhoo, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA Acute Neuroimaging Posters I WP37 – WP67 Poster Board Number P37 / Presentation Number WP37 Whole Brain CT Perfusion Identifies Ischemic Events in Patients With Mild Neurological Symptoms Robert Frank, Santanu Chakraborty, Alexander Mungham, James Ross <[email protected]>, Dariush Dowlatshahi, Matthew J Hogan, Grant Stotts, Univ of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P38 / Presentation Number WP38 Lower Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signal Intensity After Acute Ischemic Stroke is Associated With Better Discharge Outcomes in Thrombolysed Patients Ona Wu, Khawja A Siddiqui, Jamary Oliveira-Filho, Gregroire Boulouis, Mark J Bouts, Priyadarshini Vader, W T Kimberly, William A Copen, Pamela W Schaefer, Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P39 / Presentation Number WP39 The Accuracy of Arterial Spin Labeling Measurements of Cerebral Blood Flow is Dependent on Tracer Arrival Time Richard Leigh, Christian Dias, Lawrence Latour, Natl Insts of Health, Bethesda, MD; Reinoud Bokkers, Univ Medical Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Poster Board Number P40 / Presentation Number WP40 CT-based Evaluation is Faster and as Precise as MRI in Acute Stroke Evaluation Christine K Hansen, Anders Christensen, Inger Havsteen, Hanne Christensen, Bispebjerg Univ Hosp, Copenhagen, Denmark — 59 — Poster Board Number P41 / Presentation Number WP41 Predicting Acute Ischemic Stroke Tissue Fate Using Deep Learning on Source Perfusion MRI King Chung Ho, Suzie El-Saden, Fabien Scalzo, Alex A Bui, Corey W Arnold, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P43 / Presentation Number WP43 Advanced White Matter Disease is Associated With Increased Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and Early Diffuse Microstructural Changes in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Mark Etherton, Ona Wu, Arne Lauer, Gregoire Boulouis, Lisa Cloonan, Abigail S Cohen, William Copen, Pedro Telles Cougo-Pinto, Natalia S Rost, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P44 / Presentation Number WP44 NIHSS Score Components Predict Infarct Volume in Minor Ischemic Stroke Patients Shadi Yaghi, The Warren Alpert Medical Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Charlotte Herber, Amelia K Boehme, Howard Andrews, Joshua Z Willey, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Muhib Khan, The Warren Alpert Medical Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Randolph S Marshall, Ronald M Lazar, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Bernadette Boden-Albala, New York Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P46 / Presentation Number WP46 FLAIR Vascular Hyperintensity ASPECTS (FVH-ASPECTS) Pattern Predicts Outcome in Endovascular Therapy in Acute M1-MCA Occlusion Dezhi Liu, Jinling Hosp, Nanjing, China; Fabien Scalzo, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Sidney Starkman, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los angeles, CA; Neal M Rao, Jason D Hinman, Doojin Kim, Latisha K Ali, Jeffrey L Saver, AliReza Noorian, Kwan Ng, Conrad W Liang, Sunil A Sheth, Bryan Yoo, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Xinfeng Liu, Jinling Hosp, Nanjing, China; David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P52 / Presentation Number WP52 Impact of Baseline DWI ASPECTS Lesion Topology on Functional Outcome after Endovascular Treatment Adrien Guenego, Toulouse Univ Hosp, Toulouse, France; Mikael Mazighi, Lariboisiere Hosp, Paris, France; Leïla Sissani, Bichat Univ Hosp, Paris, France; Manabu Inoue, Showa Univ Fujigaoka Hosp, Yokohama, Japan; Elena Meseguer, Bichat Hosp, Paris, France; Julien Labreuche, Lille Univ Hosp, Lille, France; Michael Mlynash, Stanford Univ Medical Ctr, Stanford, CA; Pierre Amarenco, Bichat Univ Hosp, Paris, France; Jean Marc Olivot, Toulouse Univ Hosp, Toulouse, France Poster Board Number P53 / Presentation Number WP53 24-hour Infarct Volume on Non-contrast CT as a Predictor of Functional Outcome at 90 days Helin Daniel Bai, Matthew MacCormick, Petra Cimflova, Shivanand Patel, Bijoy Menon, Mayank Goyal, Michael Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P54 / Presentation Number WP54 Evaluation of the e-ASPECTS Automated Software for Detection of Acute Ischemic Stroke Iris Q Grunwald, Devesh Sinha, Southend Univ Hosp, Southend, United Kingdom; Christine Roffe, Keele Univ, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom; Silke Walter, Univ des Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany Primary Poster Board Number P47 / Presentation Number WP47 Dynamic Changes in MR-Defined Collateral Flow After Acute Ischemic Stroke is Associated With Larger Penumbral Signature and Improved Clinical Outcomes Matthew C Loftspring, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO; Cihat Eldeniz, Weili Lin, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; Andria L Ford, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO; Hongyu An, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; Jin-Moo Lee, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO Poster Board Number P48 / Presentation Number WP48 Inter-rater Reliability for Radiological Studies Used to Select Patients for Endovascular Stroke Therapy Jennifer E Fugate, Waleed Brinjikji, David F Kallmes, Harry Cloft, Alejandro A Rabinstein, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Primary Poster Board Number P49 / Presentation Number WP49 Distal Hyperintense Vessels Were not a Predictor of Large Vessel Occlusion in Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack Marcelo M de Figueiredo, Federal Univ of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Marcela R Vazzoller, Albert Einstein Hosp, São Paulo, Brazil; Edson Amaro Jr, Albert Einstein Hosp and Univ of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Renata A Miranda, Albert Einstein Hosp, São Paulo, Brazil; Gisele S Silva, Albert Einstein Hosp and Federal Univ of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Poster Board Number P50 / Presentation Number WP50 MRI Biomarkers in Acute Stroke: Addition of Clinical Parameters Improves the Identification of Patients Eligible for Thrombolysis Vince I Madai, Carla N Wood, Ivana Galinovic, Ulrike Grittner, Sophie K Piper, Gajanan S Revankar, Steve Z Martin, Charite Univ Med Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Olivier Zaro Weber, Max Planck Inst for Metabolism Res, Cologne, Germany; Walter Moeller-Hartmann, Ludmillenstift Meppen, Meppen, Germany; Federico C von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany; Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Max Planck Inst for Metabolism Res, Cologne, Germany; Martin Ebinger, Jochen B Fiebach, Jan Sobesky, Charite Univ Med Berlin, Berlin, Germany Poster Board Number P51 / Presentation Number WP51 Quantification of the Time of Flight (TOF) Angiography Signal to Predict Grade of Stenosis and Hypoperfusion Matthias A Mutke, Vince Istvan Madai, Steve Martin, Charité Univsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Federico von Samson-Himmelsternja, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany; Cornelius Herzig, Sarah Zweynert, Thoralf Thamm, Charité Univsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Stefan Hetzer, Berlin Ctr for Advanced Neuroimaging, Berlin, Germany; Jan Sobesky, Charité Univsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany Poster Board Number P55 / Presentation Number WP55 Predicting Malignant Edema in MCA Infarct Using MRI and MR Perfusion Parameters Shin-Lei Peng, China Medical Univ, Taichung City, Taiwan; Marco Pinho, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; Hanzhang Lu, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD; Alejandro Magadan, Rashedul Hasan, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; Steven Warach, UT Southwestern, Austin, TX; Marie Luby, Natl Inst of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, Natl Insts of Health, Bethesda, MD; Bastian Cheng, Gotz Thomalla, Univ Medical Ctr Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; Ty Shang, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; On behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging investigators Poster Board Number P56 / Presentation Number WP56 Volume of Contrast Staining After Intra-arterial Thrombectomy is Predictive of Stroke Volume Sebina Bulic, William Mack, Michelle Lin, Arun Amar, Matthew Tenser, Nerses Sanossian, May Kim-Tenser, Gene Sung, Natalie Renda, Benjamin Emanuel, USC, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P57 / Presentation Number WP57 ASL MR Perfusion Imaging Detects Collateral Blood Flow Patterns and Dynamic Changes After Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke Reinoud P Bokkers, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; Richard Leigh, Amie W Hsia, John K Lynch, Zurab Nadareishvili, Ricard T Benson, Lawrence L Latour, Natl Inst of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, Bethesda, MD Poster Board Number P58 / Presentation Number WP58 Evolution of FLAIR Volume and Signal Intensity Following Endovascular Stroke Therapy Christian Federau, Michael Mlynash, Soren Christensen, Greg Zaharchuk, Brannon Cha, Max Wintermark, Maarten Lansberg, Greg Albers, Stanford, Stanford, CA; DEFUSE 2 Investigators Poster Board Number P59 / Presentation Number WP59 Long-term Survival According to CBF Grade of MR Perfusion in Acute Stroke Patients With the Carotid Artery Occlusion Takahisa Mori, Tomonori Iwata, Yuhei Tanno, Shigen Kasakura, Kazuhiro Yoshioka, Yumie Hirata, Shonan Kamakura General Hosp Stroke Ctr, Kamakura, Japan — 60 — Poster Board Number P60 / Presentation Number WP60 Distal Hyperintense Vessels on FLAIR is a Marker of Collateral Flow Grade and Outcomes in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Masatomo Miura, Natl Hosp Organization Kumamoto Medical Ctr, Kumamoto, Japan; Makoto Nakajima, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ, Kumamoto, Japan; Takaomi Singu, Stroke Ctr, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yoichiro Nagao, Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yuichiro Inatomi, Stroke Ctr, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Toshiro Yonehara, Natl Hosp Organization Kumamoto Medical Ctr, Kumamoto, Japan; Tadashi Terasaki, Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan; Yukio Ando, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ, Kumamoto, Japan Poster Board Number P61 / Presentation Number WP61 A Novel Application of Four-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using Arterial Spin Labeling for Assessment of Postoperative Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes in Moyamoya Disease Haruto Uchino, Masaki Ito, Ken Kazumata, Kiyohiro Houkin, Hokkaido Univ, Sapporo, Japan Poster Board Number P62 / Presentation Number WP62 Regional Leptomeningeal Score on TOF-MRA Predicts Collateral Flow Grade and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Masatomo Miura, Natl Hosp Organization Kumamoto Medical Ctr, Kumamoto, Japan; Makoto Nakajima, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ, Kumamoto, Japan; Takaomi Singu, Stroke Ctr, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yoichiro Nagao, Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yuichiro Inatomi, Toshiro Yonehara, Stroke Ctr, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Tadashi Terasaki, Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yukio Ando, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ, Kumamoto, Japan Poster Board Number P63 / Presentation Number WP63 Clinical Utility of Whole-brain 4D-CTA Using a 320-detector Row CT Scanner in the Evaluation of Spontaneous Lobar Intracerebral Hemorrhage Hiroyuki Tajiri, Shonan Fujisawa Tokushukai Hosp, Fujisawa, Japan Poster Board Number P64 / Presentation Number WP64 The Utility of Computed Tomography Angiographic Collateral Flow as a Predictor of Clinical Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke With ICA Occlusion Hea Ree Park, Jae Chun Hwang, Kwang Ho Lee, Samsung Medical Ctr, Sungkyunkwan Univ Sch of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P65 / Presentation Number WP65 Relationship Between Neurological Severity and CBF Grade of Mr Perfusion in Acute Stroke Patients With the Carotid Artery Occlusion Yuji Takahashi, Kazuhiro Yoshioka, Shigen Kasakura, Yuhei Tanno, Tomonori Iwata, Takahisa Mori, Shonan Kamakura General Hosp, Kamakura, Japan Poster Board Number P66 / Presentation Number WP66 Posterior Communicating Artery May Decrease the Severity of Hyperacute Posterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke and Predict Clinical Outcomes Kwonduk Seo, Wonkwang Univ Sanbon Hosp, Gunpo, Korea, Republic of; Sang Hyun Suh, Kyung-Yul Lee, Ji-Hwa Kim, Gangnam Severance Hosp, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Sung-Ik Lee, Wonkwang Univ Sanbon Hosp, Gunpo, Korea, Republic of; Kee-oog Lee, Konyang Univ Hosp, Konyang Univ Coll of Med, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P67 / Presentation Number WP67 VESCA: Semi-Automated Segmentation of Cerebral Vasculature in Angiograms Noah Stier, Cristopher Garduno, Sunil Sheth, Gary Duckwiler, Jeffrey Saver, David Liebeskind, Fabien Scalzo, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Posters I WP68 – WP85 Poster Board Number P68 / Presentation Number WP68 Tissue Type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) and Edaravone Combination Therapy Study (YAMATO Study) Junya Aoki, Kazumi Kimura, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan; Norifumi Metoki, Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Ctr, Hirosaki, Japan; Yohei Tateishi, Nagasaki Univ Sch of Med, Nagasaki, Japan; Kenichi Todo, Kobe City Medical Ctr General Hosp, Kobe, Japan; Naomi Morita, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Masafumi Harada, Tokushima Univ, Tokushima, Japan; Koji Hayashi, Univ of Fukui Hosp, Fukui, Japan; Nobuaki Yamamoto, Tokushima Univ, Tokushima, Japan; Norio Tanahashi, Saitama Medical Univ Intl Medical Ctr, Saitama, Japan; Takeshi Inoue, Kawasaki Medical Sch, Kurashiki, Japan; Takeshi Iwanaga, Japanese Red Cross Okayama Hosp, Okayama, Japan; Nobuyuki Kaneko, Okinawa Kyodo Hosp, Naha, Japan; Yasuyuki Iguchi, The Jikei Univ Sch of Med, Tokyo, Japan; Yasushi Ueno, Shinko Hosp, Kobe, Japan; Toshiyasu Ogata, Fukuoka Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Shigeru Fujimoto, Steel Memorial Yawata Hosp, Kitakyusyu, Japan; Mutsumi Yokoyama, Yokohama Sakae Kyosai Hosp, Yokohama, Japan; Shinji Nagahiro, Tokushima Univ, Tokushima, Japan; YAMATO Study Group Poster Board Number P70 / Presentation Number WP70 Cause of Stroke is not Associated With the Risk of Symptomatic Post-thrombolytic Intracerebral Hemorrhage Sami Curtze, Gerli Sibolt, Susanna Melkas, Satu Mustanoja, Elena Haapaniemi, Jukka Putaala, Tiina Sairanen, Marjaana Tiainen, Turgut Tatlisumak, Daniel Strbian, Helsinki Central Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland Poster Board Number P72 / Presentation Number WP72 Administration Rates for IV TPA Varies by Type of Stroke Center Mark J Alberts, UT Southwestern Medical Ctr, Dallas, TX; Scott Williams, MJ Hampel, Stephen Schmaltz, Alessandra Donini-Lenhoff, David Baker, The Joint Commission, Oakbrook Terrace, IL Poster Board Number P73 / Presentation Number WP73 No Influence of Dabigatran or its Specific Reversal Agent, Idarucizumab, on rTPA-induced Thrombolysis of Clots in Human Plasma: an <i>in vitro</i> Study Joanne van Ryn, Johanna Schurer, Davina Fischer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Biberach, Germany Poster Board Number P76 / Presentation Number WP76 Utility of Individual NIH Stroke Scale Items as a Predictor of Functional Outcomes in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Presenting With Mild Neurologic Deficits Jay Chol Choi, Jeju Natl Univ Sch of Med, Jeju-si, Korea, Republic of; Ji Sung Lee, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Tai Hwan Park, Seoul Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Yong-Jin Cho, Keun-Sik Hong, Ilsan Paik Hosp, Inje Univ, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Jong-Moo Park, Kyusik Kang, Eulji General Hosp, Eulji Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Bok Lee, Soonchunhyang Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Soo-Joo Lee, Youngchai Ko, Eulji Univ Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Jun Lee, Yeungnam Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; Joon-Tae Kim, Kang-Ho Choi, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Mi-Sun Oh, Kyung-Ho Yu, Byung-Chul Lee, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Anyang, Korea, Republic of; Jae-Kwan Cha, Dae-Hyun Kim, Dong-A Univ Coll of Med, Busan, Korea, Republic of; Juneyoung Lee, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Dong-Eog Kim, Wi-Sun Ryu, Dongguk Univ Ilsan Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Beom Joon Kim, Moon-Ku Han, Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P77 / Presentation Number WP77 Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage Rates and Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator Treatment Time Windows: Does Treatment Window Make a Difference? Jeffrey C Wagner, Alessandro Orlando, Christopher Fanale, Kathryn McCarthy, Michelle Whaley, Judd Jensen, David Bar-Or, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO Poster Board Number P78 / Presentation Number WP78 The Cost of Alteplase Has More Than Doubled Over the Past Decade Dawn Kleindorfer, Joseph P Broderick, Univ of Cincinnati Hosp, Cincinnati, OH; Bart M Demaerschalk, Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ; Jeffrey L Saver, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P79 / Presentation Number WP79 Appropriate Timing of Fluoxetine and Statin Administration Reduces the Risk of Secondary Hemorrhagic Infarct After Ischemic Stroke Moner A Ragas, Maria H Balch, Danny Wright, Amber Hensley, Kenny Reynolds, Bryce Kerr, Adrian M Corbett, Wright State Univ, Dayton, OH Poster Board Number P80 / Presentation Number WP80 Impact of Lipoic Acid Use on Stroke Outcome After Thrombolysis in Patients With Diabetic Polyneuropathy Kangho Choi, Jahae Kim, Seungho Kang, Taeseung Nam, Sungmin Choi, Seunghan Lee, Manseok Park, Byungchae Kim, Myungkyu Kim, Kihyun Cho, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of — 61 — Poster Board Number P81 / Presentation Number WP81 Headache-clinical Symptom as a Contributor of Intravenous Thrombolysis Decision Making in “Stroke Alert” Vijay M Pandav, Jordan Mayberry, The Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, OK; Rohan Sharma, The Univ of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK; John Wedlake, Sarah Johnston, The Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, OK; David M Thompson, Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences Ctr, Oklahoma City, OK; Evgeny V Sidorov, The Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, OK Poster Board Number P82 / Presentation Number WP82 Retrospective Study of Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Negative Post-treatment Neuroimaging Stephanie Hendrick, Michigan State Univ Coll of Human Med, Grand Rapids, MI; Bradley Haveman-Gould, Jiangyong Min, Amy Groenhout, Baljit Deol, Muhammad U Farooq, Mercy Health Saint Mary’s, Grand Rapids, MI Poster Board Number P83 / Presentation Number WP83 The Relationship Between Decline in Blood Pressure and Recanalization in Acute Ischemic Stroke Qingfeng Ma, Qiang Huang, Xuanwu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Wuwei Feng, Bruce Ovbiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Xunming Ji, Jianping Jia, Yuping Wang, Moli Wang, Jianping Ding, Yang Hua, Haiqing Song, Xuanwu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P84 / Presentation Number WP84 Thrombolysis is Safe in the Nonagenarians With Acute Ischemic Stroke Tapan Abrol, Zeeshan Hussain, Varun Chaubal, Gaurav Dighe, Muhammad F Bilal, Elizabeth Wise, Kari Moore, Ann Jerde, Laura Bystrek, Michael J Wilder, Jignesh J Shah, Kerri Remmel, Wei Liu, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY Poster Board Number P85 / Presentation Number WP85 Paradoxical Role of Vascular Stiffness in Lacunar Stroke in Progression Dong Hoon Shin, Hanul Park, Min-Ju Kang, Gachon Univ Gil Medical Ctr, Incheon, Korea, Republic of Aneurysm Posters I WP86 – WP95 Poster Board Number P86 / Presentation Number WP86 Treatment Patterns and Outcomes for Ruptured and Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms in Patients With Polycystic Kidney Disease Fahad Saeed, Univ of Rochester Medical Ctr, Rochester, NY; Ahmed Riaz, Mohammad Rauf Afzal, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Saqib A Chaudhry, Michigan State Univ, East Lancing, MI; Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Poster Board Number P87 / Presentation Number WP87 Coronary Artery Disease and Intracranial Aneurysm; Identical Risk Factors but Different Vascular Responses Bum Joon Kim Dr, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Hyun Goo Kang, Chosun Univ Hosp, Gwang Joo, Korea, Republic of; Jae Sung Ahn, Beyong Deok Kwon, Deok Hee Lee, Dong-Wha Kang, Jong S Kim, Sun U Kwon, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P88 / Presentation Number WP88 Hemodynamic Localizations in Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms in Comparison With Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysms With Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis Shunichi Fukuda, Natl Hosp Organization Kyoto Medical Ctr, Kyoto, Japan; Yuji Shimogonya, Tohoku Univ, Sendai, Japan; Miyuki Fukuda, Tetsuya Tsuskahara, Natl Hosp Organization Kyoto Medical Ctr, Kyoto, Japan Poster Board Number P89 / Presentation Number WP89 Hemodynamic Differences Found Between Growing and Stable Aneurysms of Comparable Dome and Neck Sizes Vicki Lau, Qianyi Yu, UCLA, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, Los Angeles, CA; Feng Liang, Tiewei Qi, The First Affiliated Hosp of Sun Yat-sen Univ, Guangzhou, China; Pablo Villablanca, UCLA, Dept of Radiological Sciences, Los Angeles, CA; Aichi Chien, UCLA, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P90 / Presentation Number WP90 Intraoperative Premature Rupture of Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysms: Risk Factors and Sphenoid Ridge Proximation Sign Jaechan Park Park, Kyungpook Natl Univ, Daegu, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P91 / Presentation Number WP91 Long Term Outcome of Unruptured Large and Giant Aneurysms; a 12 years, Single Center Experience in Consecutive160 Aneurysms Issei Kan, Yuichi Murayama, Toshihiro Ishibashi, Ichiro Yuki, Hiroyuki Takao, Shogo Kaku, Kengo Nishimura, Jikei Univ, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P92 / Presentation Number WP92 Neutrophil-lymphocyte Ratio in Cerebral Aneurysm Kee Ook Lee, Konyang Univ Coll of Med, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Kyung-Yul Lee, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jae-Youn Kim, Cheol-Young Lee, Sang-Jun Na, Konyang Univ Coll of Med, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Ji Hoe Heo, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P93 / Presentation Number WP93 Predictors of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms in Patients with Headache : Findings from the National Inpatient Survey (NIS) 2011 Database Neville M Jadeja, Krishna Nalleballe, Montefiore Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Shilpa Deshmukh, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Ctr, New York, NY; Atul Ramesh, Montefiore Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Peter Mabie, Lenore Ocava, Jacobi Medical Ctr, New York, NY Poster Board Number P94 / Presentation Number WP94 Clinical Outcomes of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Treated With Clipping or Coiling in Japan: The J-aspect Study Ataru Nishimura, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Kunihiro Nishimura, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Akiko Kada, Nagoya Medical Ctr,, Nagoya, Japan; Satoru Kamitani, Graduate Sch of Med, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Ryota Kurogi, Tetsuro Sayama, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Jyoji Nakagawara, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Kuniaki Ogasawara, Iwate Medical Univ, Morioka, Japan; Junichi Ono, Chiba Cardiovascular Ctr, Chiba, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ, Mitaka, Japan; Toru Aruga, Showa Univ Hosp, Tokyo, Japan; Shigeru Miyachi, Osaka Medical Coll, Takatsuki, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Shinya Matsuda, Sch of Med, Univof Occupational and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu, Japan; Shinichi Yoshimura, Hyogo Coll of Med, Nishinomiya, Japan; Kazuo Okuchi, Nara Medical Univ, Kashihara, Japan; Fumiaki Nakamura, Graduate Sch of Med, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Koji Iihara, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; J-ASPECT Investigators Poster Board Number P95 / Presentation Number WP95 Parent Artery Curvature and Angle of Incidence of Blood Flow Affect Flow Diversion Effect of Pipeline Shinnosuke Obi, Chaitanya Chandrakant Kulkarni, Raphael Segas, David Duong, Keio Univ, Yokohama, Japan; Satoshi Tateshima, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angels, CA Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Posters I WP96 – WP114 Poster Board Number P96 / Presentation Number WP96 The Role of T-Lymphocytes in Neuroregeneration After Cerebral Ischemia Kai Diederich, Antje Schmidt, Jan-Kolja Strecker, Univ of Muenster, Muenster, Germany; Wolf-Rüdiger Schäbitz, Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Bielefeld, Germany; Jens Minnerup, Univ of Muenster, Muenster, Germany Poster Board Number P97 / Presentation Number WP97 Neuroprotective Effect of Progranulin Against Focal Cerebral Ischemia via Inhibition of Proteolysis of TDP-43 by Caspase-3 Toriyabe Masafumi, Masato Kanazawa, Misaki Koyama, Minami Miura, Tetsuya Takahashi, Masatoyo Nishizawa, Takayoshi Shimohata, Brain Res Inst, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan Poster Board Number P98 / Presentation Number WP98 Intra-Arterial Transplantation of Low-Dose Stem Cells Provides Functional Recovery Without Adverse Effects After Stroke Susumu Yamaguchi, Nagasaki Harbor Medical Ctr City Hosp, Nagasaki, Japan; Nobtaka Horie, Nagasaki Univ, Nagasaki, Japan; Yuhtaka Fukuda, Nagasaki Medical Ctr, Nagasaki, Japan; Katsuya Satoh, Takayuki Matsuo, Nagasaki Univ, Nagasaki, Japan Poster Board Number P99 / Presentation Number WP99 Specific and Local Overexpression of Hemopexin Improves Anatomical and Functional Outcomes in the Autologous Blood Intracerebral Hemorrhage Model Jenna Leclerc, Juan Santiago-Moreno, Alex Dang, Sylvain Dore, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Primary — 62 — Poster Board Number P100 / Presentation Number WP100 Thymosin β4 for the Treatment of Sub-Acute Stroke in Aged Rats Daniel Morris, Michael Chopp, Wing Lee Cheung, Yischeng Cui, Talan Zhang, Mei Lu, Li Zhang, Zheng G Zhang, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number P101 / Presentation Number WP101 Involvement of the Contralesional Angiotensin Type 2 Receptor in Compound 21 Mediated Functional Recovery After Stroke Abdelrahman Y Fouda, Tauheed Ishrat, Heba Ahmed, Bindu Pillai, Sandeep Artham, Adviye Ergul, Susan Fagan, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number P102 / Presentation Number WP102 Cerebrolysin Improves Neurological Outcome in Rats After Acute Stroke: a Prospective, Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-controlled Study Li Zhang, Michael Chopp, Mei Lu, Talan Zhang, Pardeep Pabla, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI; Stefan Winter, Edith Doppler, Dieter Meier, EVER Pharma GmbH, Oberburgau 3, Austria; Zheng Gang Zhang, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number P103 / Presentation Number WP103 Mitochondrial/endoplasmic Reticulum Dysfunction Exacerbates Oxidative Damage in Aging White Matter Ischemia Selva Baltan, Chinthasagar Bastian, Katharine Stahon, Shelby Griffith, Sylvain Brunet, Cleveland Clinic Fndn, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P104 / Presentation Number WP104 Neuron-microglia Crosstalk Mediated by Soluble Fas Ligand after Ischemic Stroke Hailan Meng, Xiaoxi Li, Dan Ye, Leihua Weng, Yanting Chen, Yun Xu, Nanjing Drum Tower Hosp, Nanjing, China Poster Board Number P105 / Presentation Number WP105 Therapeutic Time Window for Conivaptan Treatment of Cerebral Edema and Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown in Mice Emil Zeynalov, Susan M Jones, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO; J Paul Elliott, Colorado Brain and Spine Inst, Englewood, CO Poster Board Number P106 / Presentation Number WP106 Optogenetic Neuronal Stimulation Reduces Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase After Stroke Michelle Y Cheng, Lorenzo Gonzales, Eric H Wang, Stephanie Wang, Shunsuke Ishizaka, Guohua Sun, Gary K Steinberg, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA Poster Board Number P107 / Presentation Number WP107 Molecular Disorganization of Axons Adjacent to Human Cortical Microinfarcts Hamza Coban, Spencer Tung, Harry V Vinters, Jason D Hinman, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P108 / Presentation Number WP108 Co-transplantation of NPCs and EPCs Synergistically Promotes Brain Recovery After Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Mice Jinju Wang, Wright State Univ, Dayton, OH; Xiaotang Ma, Affiliated Hosp of Guangdong Medical Coll, Zhanjiang, China; Shuzhen Chen, Xiang Xiao, Ji Bihl, Wright State Univ, Dayton, OH; Bin Zhao, Affiliated Hosp of Guangdong Medical Coll, Zhanjiang, China; Yanfang Chen, Wright State Univ, Dayton, OH Poster Board Number P109 / Presentation Number WP109 Repairing the Brain by Hematopoietic Stem Cell Factors 6 Months Postexperimental Stroke: a Causal Link Between Functional Improvement and Neurovascular Remodeling in the Peri-infarct Cavity Cortex Li-Ru Zhao, Lili Cui, Dandan Wang, SUNY Upstate Medical Univ, Syracuse, NY Primary Poster Board Number P110 / Presentation Number WP110 The Next Generation of Autologous Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Transplantation Against Stroke Hideo Shichinohe, Chengbo Tan, Hisayasu Saito, Michiyuki Miyamoto, Shuji Hamauchi, Takeo Abumiya, Naoki Nakayama, Ken Kazumata, Kiyohiro Houkin, Hokkaido Univ, Sapporo, Japan; Satoshi Kuroda, Univ of Toyama, Toyama, Japan Poster Board Number P111 / Presentation Number WP111 Activation of α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Improves Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity in Mice with Ischemic Stroke and Bone Fracture Dingquan Zou, Zhenyi Han, Lei Zhan, Wan Zhu, Shuai Kang, Chen Bao, Alireza Sadighi, Zhao Li, Jeffrey Nelson, Rui Zhang, Hua Su, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P112 / Presentation Number WP112 Trans-arterial Regional Hypothermia Provides Robust Neuroprotection in Rat Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model Kota Kurisu, KKR Sapporo Medical Ctr, Sapporo, Japan; Takeo Abumiya, Masaki Ito, Hideo Shichinohe, Naoki Nakayama, Ken Kazumata, Toshiya Osanai, Kiyohiro Houkin, Hokkaido Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Sapporo, Japan Poster Board Number P113 / Presentation Number WP113 Dose-response and Therapeutic Time-window of Compound 21: a Randomized Preclinical Trial in Rat Model of Thromboembolic Stroke Tauheed Ishrat, Abdelrahman Y Fouda, Bindu Pillai, Wael Eldahshan, Heba Ahmed, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA; Jennifer L Waller, Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA; Susan C Fagan, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number P114 / Presentation Number WP114 Retrograde Labeling, FACS Isolation, and Transcriptional Profiling of Layer 5 Cortical Neurons After White Matter Stroke Reveals Unique Pathways of Degeneration and Regeneration Stefanie Nunez, Mary Teena Joy, Jason D Hinman, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Cerebral Large Artery Disease Posters I WP115 – WP139 Poster Board Number P115 / Presentation Number WP115 Atrial Fibrillation and Acute Stroke Recurrence in Minor Stroke Patients With Carotid Stenosis Shigeru Fujimoto, Masato Osaki, Naoki Tagawa, Makoto Kanazawa, Yuichiro Oya, Steel Memorial Yawata Hosp, Kitayushu, Japan; Takanari Kitazono, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan Poster Board Number P116 / Presentation Number WP116 Patterns of Vascular Calcification in Young Patients With Intracranial Stenosis Tamara Strohm, Irene Katzan, Ken Uchino, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P118 / Presentation Number WP118 Low Free Triiodothyronine May Predict Poor Functional Outcome in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Satoshi Suda, Kanako Muraga, Takuya Kanamaru, Seiji Okubo, Noriko Matsumoto, Arata Abe, Junya Aoki, Kentaro Suzuki, Yuki Sakamoto, Kazumi Kimura, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P119 / Presentation Number WP119 Effects of Indirect Revascularization with Synangiosis in New Vessel Formation in an Animal Model of Cerebral Ischemia Nestor R Gonzalez, Raymond Liou, Yinn Ooi, Azim Laiwalla, Juan F Toscano, Austin McDonald, Luisa Iruela-Arispe, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P120 / Presentation Number WP120 Measuring Carotid Stenosis With a Novel Non-contrast Enhanced MR Angiography Technique (SNAP): Comparison With Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography Hongge Shu, Jie Sun, Niranjan Balu, Haining Liu, Daniel S Hippe, Thomas S Hatsukami, Chun Yuan, Univ of Washington, Seattle, WA Poster Board Number P121 / Presentation Number WP121 An Evaluation of Hemodynamics Across Intracranial Steno-occlusive Lesions by Computational Fluid Dynamics Florence SY Fan, Vincent HL Ip, Alexander YL Lau, Anne YY Chan, Lisa WC Au, SH Ma, Yannie OY Soo, Thomas WH Leung, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; David Sigmund Liebeskind, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Lawrence KS Wong, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Poster Board Number P122 / Presentation Number WP122 Asymptomatic Moderate Carotid Artery Stenosis With Intraplaque Hemorrhage Progression of Degree of Stenosis and New Ischemic Stroke Kiyofumi Yamada, Sato Daiichi Hosp, Usa, Japan; Masanori Kawasaki, Gifu Univ, Gifu, Japan; Shinichi Yoshimura, Hyogo Coll of Med, Nishinomiya, Japan; Shigehiro Nakahara, Yoshikazu Sato, Sato Daiichi Hosp, Usa, Japan — 63 — Poster Board Number P123 / Presentation Number WP123 Changes of Signal Intensities Across Intracranial Arterial Stenosis on Magnetic Resonance Angiography Are Associated With Ipsilateral Cerebral Perfusion Linfang Lan, Xinyi Leng, Jill Abrigo, Vincent Ip, Thomas Leung, Simon Yu, Ka Sing Wong, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Poster Board Number P134 / Presentation Number WP134 Treatment of Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis With Heart Disease in Japan; J-ASPECT Study Tetsuro Sayama, Ryota Kurogi, Ataru Nishimura, Koji Iihara, Kyushu graduate school of medicine, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan Poster Board Number P125 / Presentation Number WP125 Plaque Inflammation Imaging in Carotid Stenosis and Recurrent Cerebral Ischemia Vijay K Sharma, Amit Kulkarni, Prakash R Paliwal, Hock-Luen Teoh, Bernard P Chan, Chiew S Hong, Jin-Tao Chen, Young-Heng Chee, Zhengdao Du, Philip Andrew Seow, Lily Y Wong, Bhartendu Chandra, Leonard L Yeo, Arvind K Sinha, Natl Univ of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Poster Board Number P135 / Presentation Number WP135 How to Get More From the NIH Stroke Scale Maria B Goggins, Cameron L Davis, Amy Wright, Grace Kim, Daniel Agis, Keity Meyokazaki, Kumiko Oishi, Kenichi Oishi, Argye E Hillis, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number P126 / Presentation Number WP126 Impaired Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation Predicts Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome After Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting Nai-Fang Chi, Yen-Ting Chen, Hsiao-Lun Ku, Lung Chan, Chaur-Jong Hu, Taipei Medical Univ- Shuang Ho Hosp, New Taipei City, Taiwan Poster Board Number P127 / Presentation Number WP127 Carotid Endarterectomy: The Change in Practice and Outcome Over 11 Years in an Australian Metropolitan Stroke Centre Gabrielle T Tse, Eastern Health, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia; Monique F Kilkenny, Monash Univ, Clayton, Victoria, Australia; Chris F Bladin, Michael J Grigg, Gishel New, Helen M Dewey, Eastern Health, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia Poster Board Number P128 / Presentation Number WP128 Susceptibility Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Regional Cerebrovascular Reservoir Capacity in Angiographically Proven Large Artery Disease in Acute Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack Si Baek Lee, Joong-Seok Kim, Yoo Dong Won, Do-Sung Yoo, Catholic Univ of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P129 / Presentation Number WP129 Nationwide Questionnaire Survey of Carotid Artery Stenting for Patients at High Risk for Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome Mikito Hayakawa, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Yuji Matsumaru, Toranomon Hosp, Tokyo, Japan; Nobuyuki Sakai, Kobe City Medical Ctr General Hosp, Kobe, Japan; Hiroshi Yamagami, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Koji Iihara, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences Kyusyu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Kuniaki Ogasawara, Iwate Medical Univ, Morioka, Japan; Hidenori Oishi, Juntendo Univ Sch of Med, Tokyo, Japan; Yasushi Ito, Brain Reserch Inst, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan; Kenji Sugiu, Okayama Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Okayama, Japan; Shinichi Yoshimura, Hyogo Coll of Med, Nishinomiya, Japan; STOP CHS study group Poster Board Number P136 / Presentation Number WP136 Clinical, Laboratory, and Imaging Characteristics Oof Transient Ischemic Attack Caused by Large Artery Lesion: A Comparison Between Carotid and Intracranial Artery Toshiyuki Uehara, Tomoyuki Ohara, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuo Minematsu, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number P137 / Presentation Number WP137 Validation of a New Diagnostic Scoring System of Transcranial Doppler for Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis Qing Hao, Steven R Levine, Clotilde Balucani, SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr, Brooklyn, NY; Edward Feldmann, Neurosciences and Rehabilitation, Springfield, MA Poster Board Number P138 / Presentation Number WP138 Effects of Intensive Medical Management (IMM) and Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis (EDAS) On VEGFA165a/b Ratios in Patients With Intracranial Atherosclerosis (ICASi Nestor R Gonzalez, Raymond Liou, Yinn Ooi, Jason D Hinman, Neal Rao, Juan Toscano, Azim Laiwalla, Neil Martin, David S Liebeskind, Latisha Ali, Lucas Restrepo, Jeffrey Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P139 / Presentation Number WP139 Pathological Study of Intracranial Artery Atherosclerosis in 7307 Autopsy Cases Hiroaki Kimura, Inst of Brain and Blood Vessels, Mihara Memorial Hosp, Isesaki, Japan; Masaki Takao, Saitama Intl Medical Ctr, Saitama Medical Univ, Hidaka, Japan; Ban Mihara, Inst of Brain and Blood Vessels, Mihara Memorial Hosp, Isesaki, Japan; Kazutomi Kanemaru, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hosp and Inst of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan; Norihiro Suzuki, Sch of Med, Keio Univ, Tokyo, Japan; Shigeo Murayama, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hosp and Inst of Gerontology, the Brain Bank for Aging Res, Tokyo, Japan Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Posters I WP140 – WP156 Poster Board Number P130 / Presentation Number WP130 Non-moyamoya Vessel Network Formation Along Steno-occlusive Middle Cerebral Artery Wei-Hai Xu, Yu-Yuyuan Xu, Ming-Li Li, Bo Hou, Zhao-Yong Sun, Hai-Long Zhou, Feng Feng, Shan Gao, Peking Union Medical Coll Hosp, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P140 / Presentation Number WP140 Infarct Location Predicts Quality of Life Outcomes After Minor Stroke Rajbeer S Sangha, Richard Bernstein, David Cella, Carlos Corado, Yvonne Curran, Andrew Naidech, Ilana Ruff, Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number P131 / Presentation Number WP131 Effects Of EDAS Surgery On The Circulating Angiogenic Factors Of Patients With Moyamoya And Intracranial Atherosclerosis Nestor R Gonzalez, Juan F Toscano, Raymond Liou, Neal Rao, Jason D Hinman, Lucas Restrepo, Azim Laiwalla, Yinn Ooi, David S Liebeskind, Neil Martin, Latisha Ali, Jeffrey Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P141 / Presentation Number WP141 Identifying Modifiable Predictors of Long-term Functional Outcome After Stroke Arunima Kapoor, Richard Swartz, Krista Lanctot, Mark Bayley, Alex Kiss, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Poster Board Number P132 / Presentation Number WP132 Carotid Artery Stenting Technique With Triple Protection: Clinical Experience With Mid-term Follow-up Results Kivilcim Yavuz, Mine Hayriye Sorgun, Meih Bozkurt, Canan Togay Isikay, Ankara Univ Sch of Med, Sina Hosp, Ankara, Turkey Primary Poster Board Number P133 / Presentation Number WP133 Long-term Outcomes of Carotid Endarterectomy and Carotid Artery Stenting: Real-World Status of Single Institute in Japan Kohkichi Hosoda, Taichiro Imahori, Atsushi Fujita, Yusuke Yamamoto, Hidehito Kimura, Masaaki Kohta, Eiji Kohmura, Kobe Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Kobe, Japan Poster Board Number P143 / Presentation Number WP143 Cardiovascular Events After Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults – a Prospective Follow-up Study Karoliina Aarnio, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Bob Siegerink, Ctr for Stroke Res Berlin (CSB) Charité Univsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Jani Pirinen, Juha Sinisalo, Mika Lehto, Elena Haapaniemi, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Alexander Nave, Ctr for Stroke Res Berlin (CSB) Charité Univsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Markku Kaste, Turgut Tatlisumak, Jukka Putaala, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland Poster Board Number P144 / Presentation Number WP144 Predictors of In-hospital Speech Therapy Referral in Aphasic Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Within a Population Elisheva R Coleman, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Heidi Sucharew, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Kathleen Alwell, Charles J Moomaw, Brett M Kissela, Daniel Woo, Matthew L Flaherty, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl R Martini, Michael E DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Opeolu Adeoye, Simona Ferioli, Felipe De Los Rios La Rosa, Dawn Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH — 64 — Poster Board Number P145 / Presentation Number WP145 Intra-arterial Stem Cell Therapy for a Persistent Vegetative State Patient: A DTI Analysis of Recovery Kevin N Ramdas, Luis Guada, Ryan Pafford, Diogo Haussen, Pradip Pattany, Dileep R Yavagal, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL Poster Board Number P146 / Presentation Number WP146 Intravenous Bone Marrow Derived Mononuclear Stem Cells in Chronic Ischemic Stroke-Paracrine Mechanisms of Recovery Ashu Bhasin, Padma Srivastava, Sujata mohanty, Vivekanandhan Subramaniyam, Senthil kumaran, Rohit Bhatia, All India Inst of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India Poster Board Number P147 / Presentation Number WP147 Advancing Rehabilitation in Ischemic Stroke Using Early Neurostimulants Michael E Reznik, Ajitesh Ojha, Joseph Durkin, Vivek K Reddy, Lori A Shutter, Bradley J Molyneaux, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P148 / Presentation Number WP148 Tactile-enhanced Motor Practice Improves Manual Dexterity Over Visuallyguided Practice Shashwati Geed, MedStar Natl Rehabilitation Hosp, Washington, DC; Gabriela G Silva, Univ Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, Brazil; Maira D Rodrigues, Federal Univ of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil; Sahana N Kukke, The Catholic Univ of America, Washington, DC Poster Board Number P149 / Presentation Number WP149 Greater Recovery of Upper Limb Function in Moderate/Severely Impaired Chronic Stroke in Response to Customized Whole Limb vs Prescribed Focused Training Janis Daly, Univeristy of Florida and Gainesville VA Med Ctr, Gainesville, FL; Jessica P McCabe, Cleveland VA Med Ctr, Cleveland, OH; Michelle Monquiewicz, Univ of Florida and Gainesville VA, Gainesville, FL; John Holcomb, Cleveland State Univ, Cleveland, OH; Svetlana Pundik, Case Western Reserve univeristy, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P150 / Presentation Number WP150 The Effects of Chronic Stroke on Brain Function While Driving Nathan Churchill, St Michael’s Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Kristin Vesely, Megan Hird, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Fred Tam, Sunnybrook Res Inst, Toronto, ON, Canada; Gustavo Saposnik, St Michael’s Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Simon Graham, Sunnybrook Res Inst, Toronto, ON, Canada; Tom Schweizer, St Michael’s Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P151 / Presentation Number WP151 Increased Risky Driving in Acute Compared to Chronic Ischemic Stroke Drivers Megan A Hird, Kristin A Vesely, Gustavo Saposnik, R Loch Macdonald, Tom A Schweizer, Keenan Res Ctr for Biomedical Science, St Michael’s Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P152 / Presentation Number WP152 Characteristics of Stroke Survivors Treated in an Interdisciplinary Outpatient Rehabilitation Program Who Return to Work Joan Breen, Jeanne Andrusin, Tom Ferlito, Whittier Rehabilitation Hosp, Bradford, MA Poster Board Number P153 / Presentation Number WP153 Establishing Kinimatic Age-referenced Normative Values of the Upper Extremity Using the InMotion 2 Robot Carly A Creelman, Grace J Kim, Michael Taub, Michael W O’Dell, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York City, NY Poster Board Number P154 / Presentation Number WP154 Bihemispheric Modulation of the Motor Cortex by Single-session Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation During Training in Subacute Stroke Patients I-Ju Kuo, Taipei Veterans General Hosp, Taipei City, Taiwan; Chih-Wei Tang, Far Eastern Memorial Hosp, New Taipei City, Taiwan; Yun-An Tsai, Taipei Veterans General Hosp, Taipei City, Taiwan; Chi-Hung Juan, Natl Central Univ, Jhongli City, Taiwan; I-Hui Lee, Taipei Veterans General Hosp, Taipei City, Taiwan Poster Board Number P155 / Presentation Number WP155 Increased Physician and Physical Therapist Communication is Associated With Earlier Mobility and Decreased Length of Stay in the Cerebrovascular and Trauma Neuroscience Population Danielle Burch, Silke Bernert, Justin F Fraser, UK HealthCare, Lexington, KY Poster Board Number P156 / Presentation Number WP156 Assessment and Provision of Rehabilitation Among Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Hospitalized in China: Findings From the China National Stroke Registry II ZiXiao Li, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China; Janet Prvu Bettger, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Ying Xian, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Liping Liu, Xingquan Zhao, Hao Li, Chunxue Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China; Linzi Li, Fudan Univ, Shanghai, China; Chunjuan Wang, Xia Meng, Anxin Wang, Yuesong Pan, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China; Eric D Peterson, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Yilong Wang, Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China Community/Risk Factors Posters I WP157 – WP209 Poster Board Number P157 / Presentation Number WP157 Stroke Risk Factors for Women With Preeclampsia in New York State, 2008-2012: a Case Control Study Eliza C Miller, Hajere J Gatollari, Gloria Too, Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Anna Colello, New York State Dept of Health, New York, NY; Mitchell S Elkind, Joshua Z Willey, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P158 / Presentation Number WP158 Case Fatality and Risk Factor Trend Contributions to Stroke Mortality in Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites, 1999-2012 Joanne Penko, Univ of California, San Francisco, CA; Andrew E Moran, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Antoinette Mason, Univ of California, San Diego, CA; Pamela G Coxson, Mark J Pletcher, David Guzman, Univ of California, San Francisco, CA; Stephen Sidney, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Div of Res, Oakland, CA; Anthony S Kim, Univ of California, San Francisco, CA; Lee Goldman, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Univ of California, San Francisco, CA Primary Poster Board Number P159 / Presentation Number WP159 The Association Between Cerebral Artery Calcification and Homocysteine Among Stroke Patients Kwang-Yeol Park, Jeong-Min Kim, Dong-Woo Shin, Moo-Seok Park, Chung-Ang Univerisity, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P160 / Presentation Number WP160 Inflammatory Markers and Outcomes After Lacunar Stroke: the Levels of Inflammatory Markers in Treatment of Stroke Study Amelia Boehme, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Leslie A McClure, Drexel Univ, Philadelphia, PA; Jorge M Luna, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Oscar H Del Brutto, Univ Espiritu Santo, Guayaquil, Ecuador; Oscar R Benavente, Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Mitchell Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P161 / Presentation Number WP161 Accessibility of Current Stroke Education Brochures: Linguistic Analysis of Written Style and Readability Measures Laura L Froeschke, Elmhurst Coll, Elmhurst, IL; Nickola W Nelson, Mary Lagerwey, Western Michigan Univ, Western Michigan University, MI; Evvy H Campbell, Wheaton Coll, Wheaton, IL Poster Board Number P162 / Presentation Number WP162 Shared Biological Pathways Among Genetic Variants Associated With White Matter Hyperintensity in CADASIL Anne-Katrin Giese, Cathy R Zhang, Lisa Cloonan, Natalia S Rost, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P163 / Presentation Number WP163 One in Three Stroke Survivors has Uncontrolled Blood Pressure 90 Days After Stroke Deborah Levine, Lewis B Morgenstern, Kenneth M Langa, Robert D Brook, Devin Brown, Darin Z Zahuranec, William J Meurer, Erin Case, Brisa Sanchez, Lynda D Lisabeth, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P164 / Presentation Number WP164 An Assessment of Stroke Knowledge in the Coulee Region Community Mouhammed Kabbani, Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, WI; Katherine Riley, Angela L Smith, Andrew Borgert, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Fndn, La Crosse, WI; John Gabbert, Andrea Schossow, Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, WI — 65 — Poster Board Number P165 / Presentation Number WP165 Silent Brain Infarction and Risk of Future Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Ajay Gupta, Ashley Giambrone, Gino Gialdini, Caitlin B Finn, Diana Delgado, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Jose Gutierrez, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Clinton Wright, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Alexa B Beiser, Boston Univ Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA; Sudha Seshadri, Boston Univ Sch of Med, Boston, MA; Ankur Pandya, Harvard TH Chan Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA; Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number P172 / Presentation Number WP172 Ethnic Disparities in the Use of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Among Young Adult Stroke Patients in Hawaii Cherisse S Ito, Sage L King, Kazuma Nakagawa, The Queen’s Medical Ctr, Honolulu, HI Poster Board Number P166 / Presentation Number WP166 Prediction of Recurrent Stroke in Lacunar Stroke Patients: Performance of the Small Vessel Disease (SVD) Score in the SPS3 Trial Thalia S Field, Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Lesly Pearce, Biostatistical Consultant, Minot, ND; Fergus Doubal, Univ of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Leslie McClure, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Carlos Bazan, Univ of Texas Health Sciences Ctr at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Ashkan Shoamanesh, McMaster Univ, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Hideki Ohba, Iawate Medical Univ, Morioka-shi, Japan; Luciana Catanese, Boston Univ, Boston, MA; Carole White, Univ of Texas Health Sciences Ctr at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Robert Hart, McMaster Univ, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Oscar Benavente, Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Joanna Wardlaw, Univ of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P174 / Presentation Number WP174 Prestroke Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Use and Functional Outcomes in Ischemic Stroke Mark Etherton, Khawja A Siddiqui, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Alison Ayres, J Philip Kistler Stroke Res Ctr, Boston, MA; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P168 / Presentation Number WP168 The Impact of Intracardiac Thrombi on Recurrent Ischemic Events in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients With Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation the Samurainvaf Study Naoto Kinoshita, Hiroshi Yamagami, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Kenichi Todo, Kobe City Medical Ctr General Hosp, Kobe, Japan; Kazumi Kimura, Kawasaki Medical Sch, Kurashiki, Japan; Eisuke Furui, Kohnan Hosp, Sendai, Japan; Tadashi Terasaki, Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ Sch of Med, Mitaka, Japan; Kenji Kamiyama, Nakamura Memorial Hosp, Sapporo, Japan; Shunya Takizawa, Tokai Univ Sch of Med, Isehara, Japan; Satoshi Okuda, NHO Nagoya Medical Ctr, Nagoya, Japan; Yasushi Okada, NHO Kyushu Medical Ctr, Fukuoka, Japan; Tomoaki Kameda, Jichi Medical Univ Sch of Med, Shimotsuke, Japan; Yoshinari Nagakane, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hosp, Kyoto, Japan; Yasuhiro Hasegawa, St Marianna Univ Sch of Med, Kawasaki, Japan; Satoshi Shibuya, South Miyagi Medical Ctr, Ogawara, Japan; Yasuhiro Ito, Toyota Memorial Hosp, Toyota, Japan; Takahiro Nakashima, NHO Kagoshima Medical Ctr, Kagoshima, Japan; Kazuhiro Takamatsu, Ohta Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama, Japan; Kazutoshi Nishiyama, Kitasato Univ Sch of Med, Sagamihara, Japan; Yoshiki Yagita, Kawasaki Medical Sch, Kurashiki, Japan; Kazuomi Kario, Jichi Medical Univ Sch of Med, Shimotsuke, Japan; Kyoko Higashida, Sohei Yoshimura, Shoji Arihiro, Masatoshi Koga, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number P173 / Presentation Number WP173 Mexican Americans Less Likely to Return to Work Following Stroke Lesli Skolarus, Jeffrey J Wing, Lewis B Morgenstern, Lynda D Lisabeth, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P175 / Presentation Number WP175 Stroke Prevalence Among US- and Foreign-born Adults in the United States Jing Fang, Keming Yuan, Carma Ayala, Renee Gindi, Brian Ward, CDC/NCCDPHP, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P176 / Presentation Number WP176 Electrocardiographic Left Atrial Abnormality and Silent Vascular Brain Injury: The Northern Manhattan Study Madeleine D Hunter, Yeseon P Moon, Dalila Varela, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Charles DeCarli, Univ of California, Davis, Davis, CA; Jose Gutierrez, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Clinton B Wright, Univ of Miami, New York, NY; Marco R Di Tullio, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Ralph L Sacco, Univ of Miami, New York, NY; Hooman Kamel, Weill Sch of Med, Cornell Univ, New York, NY; Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P177 / Presentation Number WP177 Bacterial Endocarditis and Acute Stroke: a Population-based Study Matthew L Flaherty, Dawn O Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Jane C Khoury, CIncinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Kathleen Alwell, Charles J Moomaw, Daniel Woo, Opeolu Adeoye, Simona Ferioli, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Pooja Khatri, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Cener, Houston, TX; Felipe De Los Rios La Rosa, Brett M Kissela, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P178 / Presentation Number WP178 Acute Stroke Ischemic Symptom Onset-to-Arrival Time in Michigan Hospitals Muhammad U Farooq, Mercy Health Saint Mary’s, Grand Rapids, MI; Kathie Thomas, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, Grand Rapids, MI Poster Board Number P179 / Presentation Number WP179 Global Risk Reduction: A Novel Method To Estimate The Impact Of Multiple Intervention Trials To Reduce Stroke Disparities Adam K Richards, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Robert J Bryg, Olive View-UCLA Medical Ctr, Sylmar, CA; Eric M Cheng, UCLA VA Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Amytis Towfighi, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr, Downey, CA; Nicholas Jackson, Arleen F Brown, Frances Barry, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Ning Li, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Barbara G Vickrey, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P169 / Presentation Number WP169 Racial Disparities n Risk of Stroke and Mortality Among Patients Undergoing Rhythm Control of Atrial Fibrillation Asad F Durrani, Siva Soma, Andrew Althouse, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Dingxin Qin, Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA; George Leef, Stanford, Stanford, CA; Samir Saba, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P170 / Presentation Number WP170 Infections Present on Admission and Stroke in the Young Rebecca Hazan, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Amelia K Boehme, Eliza Miller, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Shadi Yaghi, Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Sara Rostanski, Joshua Willey, Randolph Marshall, Mitchell Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P171 / Presentation Number WP171 Long Sleep is a Stronger Predictor of Stroke Than Short Sleep: Comparative Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression Model and Bayesian Belief Network Model Azizi Seixas, NYU Sch of Med, New York, NY; Dwayne Henclewood, Booze Allen Hamilton, Boston, MA; Stephen Williams, NYU Sch of Med, New York, NY; Olajide Williams, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; April Rogers, Gbenga Ogedegbe, Girardin Jean-Louis, NYU Sch of Med, New York, NY Poster Board Number P180 / Presentation Number WP180 Quantification of Cerebral White Matter Hyperintensities and Stroke Subtype Stratification for Predicting Stroke Outcomes Dong-Eog Kim, Wi-Sun Ryu, Sung-Ho Woo, Dawid Schellingerhout, Dongguk Univ Ilsan Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Keun-Sik Hong, Ilsan Paik Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Sang-Wuk Jeong, Dongguk Univ Ilsan Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Beom-Joon Kim, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of; Byung-Chul Lee, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Pyeongchon, Korea, Republic of; Min Uk Jang, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hosp, Chunceon, Korea, Republic of; Tai-Hwan Park, Seoul Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Soo Joo Lee, Eulji General Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Jae-Kwan Cha, Dong A Univ Hosp, Busan, Korea, Republic of; Jun Lee, Yeungnam Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; JoonTae Kim, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Kyung-Ho Yu, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Pyeongchon, Korea, Republic of; Jong-Moo Park, Eulji Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Bok Lee, Soonchunhyang Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Juneyoung Lee, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kiwon Lee, The Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr, Houston, TX; Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of — 66 — Poster Board Number P181 / Presentation Number WP181 Incidence of Transient Ischemic Attack in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2011-2012 Peter A Barber, Univ of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Rita Krishnamurthi, Priya Parmar, AUT Univ, Auckland, New Zealand; Varsha Parag, Univ of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Valery L Feigin, AUT Univ, Auckland, New Zealand; for the ARCOS Study Investigators Poster Board Number P182 / Presentation Number WP182 Long Term Risk of Ischemic Stroke After Acute Coronary Syndrome Shadi Yaghi, The Warren Alpert Medical Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Markeith Pilot, Loma Linda Univ, Loma Linda, CA; Christina A Blum, Brian Silver, Karen L Furie, The Warren Alpert Medical Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Dean Sherzai, Ayesha Z Sherzai, Cedars Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P183 / Presentation Number WP183 Renal function is Associated With Severity of White Matter Hyperintensity in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke/TIA Lixia Zong, Jun Ni, Ming Yao, Lixin Zhou, Jing Yuan, Bin Peng, Yi-Cheng Zhu, Liying Cui, Peking Union Medical Coll Hosp, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P184 / Presentation Number WP184 Allopurinol Use and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation Shona Boyle, Rachael L MacIsaac, Sandosh Padmanabhan, Matthew Walters, Rhian Touyz, Anna Dominiczak, Jesse Dawson, Univ of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P185 / Presentation Number WP185 The Risk of Pregnancy-associated Stroke Does not Increase With Age: an Analysis of Claims Data From New York State Hajere J Gatollari, Eliza C Miller, Gloria Too, Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Anna Colello, New York State Dept of Health, New York, NY; Mitchell S Elkind, Joshua Z Willey, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P186 / Presentation Number WP186 Prevalence of Health Care Discrimination Among Stroke Survivors: Data From a National Longitudinal Study of Older Americans Thu Nguyen, Maria Glymour, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Amani Nuru-Jeter, Univ of California, Berkeley, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P187 / Presentation Number WP187 Predictors of Medication Adherence Prior to Hospitalization in a Multi-ethnic Cohort of First Stroke Survivors Emily Goldmann, Bryan S Nelson, Nina S Parikh, Bernadette Boden-Albala, New York Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P188 / Presentation Number WP188 Clinical Severity and Timing of Onset for Acute Ischemic Stroke and TIA During Oral Anticoagulation Using Warfarin or Non-vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants Kenta Seki, Masatoshi Koga, Hiroshi Yamagami, Shoji Arihiro, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Kazuo Minematsu, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number P189 / Presentation Number WP189 Trends in Comorbidities Among Stroke-related Hospitalizations in California, 2000-2013 Anura W Ratnasiri, California Dept of Health Care Services, Sacramento, CA; Buddhika M Ratnasiri, Davis Senior High Sch, Davis, CA; Ralph DiLibero, California Dept of Health Care Services, Sacramento, CA Poster Board Number P190 / Presentation Number WP190 Clinical Features of Sarcoid Patients With Ischemic Stroke Ahmed Z Obeidat, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH; Heidi Sucharew, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Charles J Moomaw, Dawn O Kleindorfer, Brett M Kissela, Kathleen Alwell, Matthew Flaherty, Joseph P Broderick, Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P192 / Presentation Number WP192 The Association Between Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis and Silent Brain Infarction: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Cailtin Finn, Ashley Giambrone, Gino Gialdini, Diana Delgado, Hediyeh Baradaran, Hooman Kamel, Ajay Gupta, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number P193 / Presentation Number WP193 Age Related Trends in Stroke Patient Readmission Nadine Parker, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr, Toronto, ON, Canada; Patrice Lindsay, Heart and Stroke Fndn, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Jiming Fang, Inst for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Michael D Hill, Foothills Medical Ctr, Calgary, AB, Canada; Richard Swartz, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P194 / Presentation Number WP194 Stroke Risk and Mortality in Patients with Ventricular Assist Devices Josephine A Cool, Neal S Parikh, Hooman Kamel, Maria G Karas, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY Poster Board Number P195 / Presentation Number WP195 Patients Beginning Community Based Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Program More Than 6 Months Post Stroke Achieve Equally Excellent Outcomes as Sub-Acute Patients Joan Breen, Jeanne Andrusin, Tom Ferlito, Whittier Rehabilitation Hosp, Bradford, MA Poster Board Number P196 / Presentation Number WP196 Chronic Kidney Disease and the Burden of Microvascular Brain Damage Maria Cristina Zurru, Claudia Alonzo, Laura Brescacín, Pedro Ernesto Colla Machado, Geraldina Linares, Luis Camera, Edgardo Cristiano, Gabriel Waisman, Hosp Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Poster Board Number P197 / Presentation Number WP197 Spinal Manipulation Therapy and Risk of Cerebrovascular Events: Evidence Map and Meta-analysis Jessica K Paulus, Tufts Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Lisa M Redden, Tufts Univ Sch of Med, Boston, MA; Katie Murashka, Tufts Univ, Medford, MA; Issa J Dahabreh, Harvard Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA; David E Thaler, Tufts Medical Ctr, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P198 / Presentation Number WP198 Is There a “Smoker’s Paradox” in Acute Reperfusion Therapies? Reza Bavarsad Shahripour, John P Donnelly, Harn Shiue, Alissa Gadpaille, Kanika Arora, April Sisson, Michael Lyerly, Toby Gropen, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P199 / Presentation Number WP199 Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke Risk Among Persons With Pain Jason J Sico, Brenda T Fenton, Constance Carroll, Joseph Goulet, Cynthia Brandt, Robert Kerns, Yale Univ Sch of Med/VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT Poster Board Number P200 / Presentation Number WP200 Post-operative Infection Does not Increase Risk of Post-operative Stroke: Analysis From a Nationwide Quality Initiative Program Benjamin R Kummer, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Rebecca Hazan, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Hooman Kamel, Alexander E Merkler, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Joshua Z Willey, William Middlesworth, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY; Shadi Yaghi, Brown Alpert Sch of Med, Providence, RI; Mitchell SV Elkind, Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY Poster Board Number P201 / Presentation Number WP201 Ischemic Stroke Risk After Traumatic Head or Neck Injury Christine K Fox, Nancy K Hills, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Stephen Sidney, David R Vinson, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Oakland, CA; Heather J Fullerton, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P203 / Presentation Number WP203 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Long-Term Stroke Risk After Traumatic Brain Injury Nicholas A Morris, Columbia-Cornell New York Presbyterian, New York, NY; Josephine Cool, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Alexander E Merkler, ColumbiaCornell New York Presbyterian, New York, NY; Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number P204 / Presentation Number WP204 Increase in Rates of Pregnancy Hospitalizations With Concomitant Stroke 2000 to 2012: The National Inpatient Sample Philip R Khoury, Jane C Khoury, CCHMC, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P205 / Presentation Number WP205 C-reactive Protein Levels Are Associated With Cerebral Small Vessel-related Lesions Shingo Mitaki, Atsushi Nagai, Hiroaki Oguro, Shuhei Yamaguchi, Shimane Univ Sch of Med, izumo, Japan — 67 — Poster Board Number P206 / Presentation Number WP206 A Tale of Blacks With Stroke on Two Continents and in Two Eras: Comparison of Baseline Risk Profiles in Black Africans and Black Americans Mayowa O Owolabi, Univ of Ibadan and WFNR-Blossom Ctr for Neuro-rehabilitation, Nigeria, Ibadan,, Nigeria; Daniel T Lackland, Mulugeta Gebregziabher, Kevin S Armstrong, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Fred S Sarfo, Kwame Nkrumah Univ Teaching Hosp,, Kumasi, Ghana; Rufus Akinyemi, Federal Medical Ctr and Sacred Heart Hosp,, Abeokuta,, Nigeria; Lukman Owolabi, Aminu Kano Teaching Hosp,, Kano,, Nigeria; Reginald Obiako, Ahmadu Bello Univ Teaching Hosp,, Zaria,, Nigeria; Albert Akpalu, Univ of Ghana,, Accra, Ghana; Andrea D Boan, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Sylvia Melikam, Univ of Ibadan and WFNR-Blossom Ctr for Neuro-rehabilitation, , Ibadan,, Nigeria; Raelle Saulson, Bruce Ovbiagele Bruce Ovbiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; SIREN Investigators Poster Board Number P208 / Presentation Number WP208 Incidence of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults, a 4 Year Retrospective Review From an Urban Tertiary Care Center in North Philadelphia Mohsen Pirastehfar, Paul Katz, Nina T Gentile, Jaclyn E Jacobi, Guillermo Linares, Temple Univ Hosp, Philadelphia, PA Poster Board Number P209 / Presentation Number WP209 Pre-morbid Glycemic Control in Patients With Type II Diabetes Does not Modify Short-term Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Janelle Cyprich, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA; Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Alyana A Samai, Alexander George, Matthew T Ryan, Ramy El Khoury, Sheryl Martin-Schild, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Posters I WP210 – WP233 Poster Board Number P210 / Presentation Number WP210 Urgent Detection of Acute Type A Aortic Dissection in Ischemic Stroke or TIA Naoki Tokuda, Masatoshi Koga, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Tomoyuki Ohara, Kyoto Prefectural Univ of Med, Kyoto, Japan; Kenji Minatoya, Yoshio Tahara, Masahiro Higashi, Yuichi Miyazaki, Katsufumi Kajimoto, Soichiro Matsubara, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number P211 / Presentation Number WP211 The Association Between Arterial Stiffness and Perivascular Space Topography in Stroke Patients Jae-Han Bae, Kwang-Yeol Park, Jeong-Min Kim, Moo-Suk Park, Chung-Ang Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P214 / Presentation Number WP214 Transcranial Color Coded Sonography versus Transcranial Doppler for the Detection of Right-to-left Shunt and Patent Foramen Ovale in Young Patients With Stroke Milena C Libardi, Millene R Camilo, Soraia R Fabio, Rui Kleber V Martins Filho, Letícia J Rocha, Renata S Santos, Clara M Barreira, Pedro T Cougo-Pinto, Frederico F Alessio-Alves, Francisco A Dias, Daniel G Abud, Octávio M Pontes-Neto, Univ of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Medical Sch, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil Poster Board Number P215 / Presentation Number WP215 Role of Conventional Mri Brain for Basilar Artery Plaque Detection in Solitary Pontine Infarct Sombat Muengtaweepongsa, Waristha Kantrakul, Arvemas Watcharakorn, Utairat Chaumrattanakul, Thammasat Univ, Pathum Thani, Thailand Poster Board Number P216 / Presentation Number WP216 Stroke Recurrence in Patients With Cryptogenic Stroke Shigeru Fujimoto, Masato Osaki, Makoto Kanazawa, Naoki Tagawa, Yuichiro Oya, Steel Memorial Yawata Hosp, Kitayushu, Japan; Takanari Kitazono, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan Poster Board Number P217 / Presentation Number WP217 Sex Differences in Coagulation After Stroke: Factor XI Levels Drop After Acute Ischemic Stroke Chindhuri Selvadurai, Yu-Bo Wang, Meaghan Roy-O’Reilly, James J Grady, Louise D McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Sch of Med, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P218 / Presentation Number WP218 A Blood Test Capable of Discriminating Between Real Strokes and Mimics Lucas Restrepo, Sunil A Sheth, UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Phillip Stafford, Arizona State Univ, Tempe, AZ; Jeffrey Saver, UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Stephen Albert Johnston, Arizona State Univ, Tempe, AZ Primary Poster Board Number P219 / Presentation Number WP219 Chagas Disease is an Independent Risk Factor for Stroke or Death: Long-term Results From a Hospital-based Cohort Beatriz M Gonçalves, Jamary Oliveira-Filho, Alisson L Andrade, Nestor Barreto-Neto, Isadora L Ferreira, Rodrigo D Fernandes, Carolina C Reis, Lucas L Resende, Morgana J Lordelo, Adriano A Jesus, Louise M Porto, Camila B Pereira, Marília B Catto, Pedro J Muiños, Pedro A Jesus, Francisco J Reis, Roque Aras, André M Fernandes, Federal Univ of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil; Joel A Filho, Hosp Santa Izabel, Salvador, Brazil; Karen L Furie, Neurology Service, Brown Univ, Providence, RI Poster Board Number P220 / Presentation Number WP220 The Association Between Collagen-binding Protein of Streptococcus Mutans and Deep Microbleeds Shuichi Tonomura, Masafumi Ihara, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Ryota Nomura, Kazuhiko Nakano, Osaka Univ Graduate Sch of Dentistry, Osaka, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number P221 / Presentation Number WP221 Imaging Features and Prognostic Factors for Determining Outcomes in Cervicocerebral Artery Dissection Jun Lee, Min-Gyeong Kim, Jung-Im Gwon, Yeungnam Univ Medical Ctr, Daegu, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P222 / Presentation Number WP222 Comparison of Two Methods of External Prolonged Cardiac Monitoring for the Detection of Atrial Fibrillation: Cardiophone – satellite Real Time Device vs Sorin (Automated Software) for the Peaace Study Herbert Manosalva, Saad Hasan, Arif Pervez, Askar Mohammad, Dulara Hussain, Hayrapet Kalashyan, Maher Saqqur, Khurshid Khan, Univ of Alberta Hosp, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Wadea Tarhuni, Canadian Cardiac Ctr, Windsor, ON, Canada; Brian Buck, Kenneth Butcher, Thomas Jeerakathil, Yousef Hasan, Ashfaq Shuaib, Univ of Alberta Hosp, Edmonton, AB, Canada Primary Poster Board Number P223 / Presentation Number WP223 Factors Influencing Recurrent Stroke: TEE Study With Longitudinal Observation in Cryptogenic Stroke Yuji Ueno, Kazuo Yamashiro, Ryota Tanaka, Takuma Kuroki, Kenichiro Hira, Naohide Kurita, Juntendo Univ Sch of Med, Tokyo, Japan; Takao Urabe, Juntendo Univ Urayasu Hosp, Chiba, Japan; Nobutaka Hattori, Juntendo Univ Sch of Med, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P224 / Presentation Number WP224 Transverse Sinus Hypoplasia as a Predisposing Factor for Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Monica Chavarria-Medina, Miguel Barboza, Elizabeth Varela, Hernán M Patriño-Rdoriguez, Mayra Becerril, Antonio Arauz, Insto Nacional de Neurologia y Neurocirugia, Mexico, Mexico Poster Board Number P225 / Presentation Number WP225 Prognosis of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Provoking Risk Factors Eun-Jae Lee, Asan Medical Ctr, SEOUL, Korea, Republic of; Sang-Mi Noh, Asan Medical Ctr, SUWON, Korea, Republic of; Dong-Wha Kang, Jong S Kim, Sun U Kwon, Asan Medical Ctr, SEOUL, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P226 / Presentation Number WP226 Short Lasting Runs (<30 sec) of Atrial Fibrillation are More Commonly Observed in Ischemic Stroke Patients in Comparison to Controls Ethem Murat Arsava, Ezgi Yetim, Ugur Canpolat, Necla Ozer, Kudret Aytemir, Mehmet Akif Topcuoglu, Hacettepe Univ Faculty of Med, Ankara, Turkey Poster Board Number P227 / Presentation Number WP227 Noninvasive Blood Flow Measures in Atherosclerosis of the Posterior Circulation: Quantitative MRA Bests TOF Signal Intensity Ratio in VERiTAS David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL; Edward Feldmann, Tufts Univ Sch of Med, Springfield, MA; Xinjian Du, Linda Rose-Finnell, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Graham W Woolf, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Dilip K Pandey, DeJuran Richardson, Keith R Thulborn, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Gregory J Zipfel, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO; Frank L Silver, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Scott E Kasner, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Victor A Aletich, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Louis R Caplan, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Colin P Derdeyn, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO; Philip B Gorelick, Michigan State Univ, Grand Rapids, MI; Fady T Charbel, Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; for the VERiTAS Investigators — 68 — Poster Board Number P228 / Presentation Number WP228 Stratification of Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) Pathogenicity Using the RoPE Score Differs in Women and Men Marie-Luise Mono, Univ Hosp of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; Patrik Michel, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland; David E Thaler, Tufts Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Christian Weimar, Univsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany; Timo Kahles, Cantonal Hosp of Aarau, Aarau, Switzerland; Robin Lemmens, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Joaquin L Serena, Univ of Girona, Girona, Spain; Markus Krämer, Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus, Essen, Germany; Vincent Thijs, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Marialuisa Zedde, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy; Stefan Engelter, Univ Hosp of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Andreas Luft, Univ Hosp of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; Franz Eberli, Triemli Hosp Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; Andreas Müller-Eichelberg, Ammerland Klinik, Westerstede, Germany; Lester Collins, Mother Frances Hosp, Tyler, TX; Dimitri Hemelsoet, UZ Gent, Gent, Belgium; Adinda De Pauw, AZ Sint Blasius, Dendermonde, Belgium; Carmel Armon, Baystate Medical Ctr, Springfield, MA; Marcel Arnold, Univ Hosp of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; Krassen Nedeltchev, Cantonal Hosp of Aarau, Aarau, Switzerland; The International PFO Consortium, NCT00859885 Poster Board Number P229 / Presentation Number WP229 Prolonged Monitoring of Cardiac Rhythm With Wireless Cardiophone for Real Time Detection of Atrial Fibrillation After a Cerebral Ischemic Event (PEAACE II Study) The Edmonton Alberta Experience Saad Hasan, Herbert Manosalva, Arif Pervez, Askar Mohammad, Dulara Hussain, Hayrapet Kalashyan, Maher Saqqur, Khurshid Khan, Univ of Alberta Hosp, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Wadea Tarhuni, Canadian Cardiac Ctr, Windsor, ON, Canada; Brian Buck, Kenneth Butcher, Thomas Jeerakathil, Yousef Hasan, Ashfaq Shuaib, Univ of Alberta Hosp, Edmonton, AB, Canada Primary Poster Board Number P230 / Presentation Number WP230 No Difference of Cerebral Perfusion Between Transient Global Amnesia With and Without Acute Focal Lesion in Hippocampus Seong Hwan Ahn, Ji Yeon Chung, In Sung Choo, Chosun Univ Sch of Med, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Yul Lee, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Hyun Goo Kang, Chosun Univ Sch of Med, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Sang Won Han, Sanggye Paik Hosp, Inje Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P231 / Presentation Number WP231 Risk Factors for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter Detection Following Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke Michael Kahen, Claire E Carrazco, Daniel Golyan, Jordana S Schneider, Rohan Arora, Elliott Salamon, Paul Wright, Richard B Libman, Jeffrey M Katz, North Shore LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NY Poster Board Number P232 / Presentation Number WP232 Prevalence of Positive Troponins and Association With Abnormal Echocardiograms in Acute Ischemic Stroke Peter Wrigley, Kathleen Alwell, Brian Eckerle, Charles J Moomaw, Felipe De Los Rios La Rosa, Matthew Flaherty, Opeolu Adeoye, Daniel Woo, Simone Ferioli, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indiana, IN; Sharyl Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Jane C Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Brett M Kissela, Dawn O Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P233 / Presentation Number WP233 Validation of Multi-parametric Ultrasonography Criteria With Catheter Angiography in Internal Carotid Artery Disease: a Multicenter Study Kristian Barlinn, Carl Gustav Carus Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany; Henning Rickmann, Municipal Hosp Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; Ali Rabahi, Hagen H Kitzler, Andrij Abramyuk, Carl Gustav Carus Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany; Henning Strohm, Municipal Hosp München-Neuperlach, Munich, Germany; Christos Krogias, St Josef Hosp, Ruhr Univ Bochum, Bochum, Germany; Jessica Kepplinger, Timo Siepmann, Carl Gustav Carus Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany; Xina Graehlert, Uta Schwanebeck, Technische Univ Dresden, Dresden, Germany; Peter Mönnings, St Josef Hosp, Ruhr Univ Bochum, Bochum, Germany; Lars-Peder Pallesen, Ulf Bodechtel, Carl Gustav Carus Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany; Harald Mudra, Municipal Hosp MünchenNeuperlach, Munich, Germany; Jennifer Linn, Heinz Reichmann, Carl Gustav Carus Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany; Andrei V Alexandrov, The Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Georg Gahn, Municipal Hosp Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; Norbert Weiss, Volker Puetz, Carl Gustav Carus Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany Emergency Care/Systems Posters I WP234 – WP254/438/439 Poster Board Number P234 / Presentation Number WP234 A Modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Severity Score for Stroke Localization David P Lerner, Partners Neurology, Boston, MA; Larry B Goldstein, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Poster Board Number P235 / Presentation Number WP235 A Novel Pre-notification System Using a Smartphone Application Improves Quality Indzicator for Thrombolysis Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke Byung-Chul Lee, Mi Sun Oh, Kyung-Ho Yu, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Anyang, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P238 / Presentation Number WP238 Thrombolytic Use in Stroke Mimics via Telestroke Ganesh Asaithambi, Amy L Castle, Michael A Sperl, Aditi Gupta, Jayashree Ravichandran, Bridget M Ho, Sandra K Hanson, John Nasseff Neuroscience Inst, St Paul, MN Poster Board Number P239 / Presentation Number WP239 Development and Validation of The California Stroke Subtype (CASS) Scale for Prehospital Identification of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; David S Liebeskind, UCLA Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Sidney Starkman, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Marc Eckstein, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Samuel Stratton, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Franklin D Pratt, Torrance Memorial Medical Ctr, Torrance, CA; Robin Conwit, Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Gene Sung, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; FAST-MAG Investigators and Coordinators Poster Board Number P240 / Presentation Number WP240 Ultra-acute Diagnostics for Stroke: Large-scale Implementation of Prehospital Biomarker Sampling Olli S Mattila, Neurology, Clinical Neurosciences, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, and Molecular Neurology, Res Programs Unit, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Heini Harve, Emergency Medical Services, Dept of Emergency Care, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Saana Pihlasviita, Juhani Ritvonen, Molecular Neurology, Res Programs Unit, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Gerli Sibolt, Neurology, Clinical Neurosciences, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Mikko Pystynen, Emergency Medical Services, Dept of Emergency Care, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Daniel Strbian, Sami Curtze, Neurology, Clinical Neurosciences, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Markku Kuisma, Emergency Medical Services, Dept of Emergency Care, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Turgut Tatlisumak, Inst of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Acad at Univ of Gothenburg and Dept of Neurology, Sahlgrenska Univ Hosp, Gothenburg, Sweden; Perttu J Lindsberg, Neurology, Clinical Neurosciences, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, and Molecular Neurology, Res Programs Unit, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Poster Board Number P241 / Presentation Number WP241 Direct Doctor-to-Doctor Telecommunication Between a Stroke Center and Local Hospitals: a Tool to Enhance Clinical Outcome of Intraarterial Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients First Visit Local Hospitals Hye Seon Jeong, Hyon-Jo Kwon, Hyeon Song Koh, Hee Sun Yu, Na Young Yun, Chungnam Natl Univ Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Hyung Ki Kim, Okcheon St Mary’s Sacrifice Hosp, Okcheon, Chungnam, Korea, Republic of; Sang-Geun Oh, Baekje General Hosp, Nonsan, Chungnam, Korea, Republic of; Hyun Jeong Kwag, Daejeon Veterans Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Ho Sung Han, Eun Hee Kim, Daejeon and Yuseong Sun Medical Ctr, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Hee-Jung Song, Jei Kim, Chungnam Natl Univ Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P242 / Presentation Number WP242 A Prehospital Acute Stroke Trial has Only Modest Impact on Enrollment in Concurrent, Post-arrival-recruiting Stroke Trials Phoebe Johnson-Black, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Greg Wong, Sidney Starkman, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Latisha Ali, May Kim-Tenser, David Liebeskind, Lucas Restrepo, Miguel Valdes-Sueiras, Samuel Stratton, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Marc Eckstein, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Frank Pratt, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Robin Conwit, NINDS, Bethesda, MD; Scott Hamilton, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Judy Guzy, Ileana Grunberg, Kristina Shkirkova, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Claude Hemphill, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Jeffrey Saver, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; FAST-MAG Investigators and Coordinators — 69 — Poster Board Number P243 / Presentation Number WP243 Identification of IV tPA Delays Can Improve Future Occurences Sara R Deskin, Lindsay Olson-Mack, Jean Rockwell, Lynn Berger, Renee Richetts, Cortlyn Elshire, Gilda Tafreshi, Mary Kalafut, LG Aguilar Tabora, Scripps Health, San Diego, CA Poster Board Number P252 / Presentation Number WP252 EMS Use After Acute Ischemic Stroke in Korean Population: Familyism may not Help Kyungeh An, Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Richmond, VA; Cha-Nam Shin, Arizona State Univ, Phoenix, VA; Jeongha Sim, Jeonju Univ, Jeonju, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P244 / Presentation Number WP244 How Many Potential Mechanical Thrombectomy Patients Are Missed Because of Emergency Medical Systems Transport Windows of 4.5 Hours or Less Since Last Known Normal in the Field? Evan Allen, Florida Hosp Neuroscience Inst, Windermere, FL; Paul Banerjee, Polk County Fire Rescue, Bartow, FL; Donald Richards, Florida Hosp Neuroscience Inst, Orlando, FL; Chut Sombutmai, Carolinas HealthCare System Neuroscience Inst, Concord, NC; Abraham P Thomas, Houston Methodist Hosp, Houston, TX; Megan Walley, Florida State Univ Coll of Med, Orlando, FL; Cherlynn Basignani, Florida Hosp Neuroscience Res, Orlando, FL Poster Board Number P253 / Presentation Number WP253 Is Target Stroke Initiative Effective in Reducing Door-To-Needle Times in All Size Hospitals? Peggy Jones, Illinois Critical Access Hosp Network, Princeton, IL; Kathleen O’Neill, MIchelle Scharnott, American Heart Association, Chicago, IL; Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number P245 / Presentation Number WP245 Emergency Medical System Medics’ Understanding of Time Last Known Normal for Certain Strokes is Low but Can Be Significantly Improved With Education Evan Allen, Florida Hosp Neuroscience Inst, Windermere, FL; Paul Banerjee, Polk County Fire Rescue, Polk County, FL; Todd Husty, Seminole County EMS, Sanford, FL; Donald Richards, Florida Hosp Neuroscience Inst, Orlando, FL; Rhonda Lovec, Office of Clinical Effectiveness, Orlando, FL; Megan Wally, Florida State Univ Coll of Med, Orlando, FL; Walter Morgan, Celebration Health Stroke Ctr, Celebration, FL; Indrani Acosta, Florida Hosp Neuroscience Inst, Orlando, FL; Cherlynn Basignani, Florida Hosp Neuroscience Res, Orlando, FL Poster Board Number P246 / Presentation Number WP246 Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients With a Primary Language Other Than English Do Not Have Significantly Increased Door-to-Needle Times for Intravenous TPA Natalie T Cheng, Elizabeth A Cahill, Tomas Tesfasilassie, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Molly M Burnett, Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Ctr, Oakland, CA; Lara Zimmermann, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Anthony S Kim, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P247 / Presentation Number WP247 Paramedic Perspectives on Prehospital Stroke Care: A Qualitative Analysis J Adam Oostema, Maria Tecos, Michigan State Univ Coll of Human Med, Grand Rapids, MI; Deborah Sleight, Brian Mavis, Michigan State Univ Coll of Human Med, East Lansing, MI Poster Board Number P248 / Presentation Number WP248 Comparison of Large Vessel Occlusion Prediction Scores Toby Gropen, Amelia Boehme, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL; Sheryl Martin-Schild, Tulane Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, New Orleans, LA; Karen Albright, Brian Perrin, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL; Alyana Samai, Tulane Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Tulane, LA; Sammy Pishanidar, North Shore-LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NY; Nazli Janjua, Pomona Valley Hosp Medical Ctr, Pomona, CA; Steven R Levine, SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr, Brooklyn, NY; Ethan S Brandler, SUNY Stoneybrook, Stoneybrook, NY; Dov Rosenbaum, SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr, Brooklyn, NY Poster Board Number P249 / Presentation Number WP249 The “Bucket Test” may Improve Detection of Stroke in Patients With Acute Dizziness Deema Fattal, Atif Zafar, Berna Borte, Yasir Elhawi, Ali Maamar-Tayeb, Azeemuddin Ahmad, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Poster Board Number P250 / Presentation Number WP250 Prehospital Initiation of Neuroprotection Followed by Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Peggy L Nguyen, Nerses Sanossian, William J Mack, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; David S Liebeskind, UCLA Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Sidney Starkman, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Scott Hamilton, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Robin Conwit, Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; FAST-MAG Investigators and Coordinators Poster Board Number P251 / Presentation Number WP251 EMS Collaboration Reduces Door to Needle Times in Community Hospital Kathryn E Funk, Bon Secours Maryview Medical Ctr, Portsmouth, VA Poster Board Number P254 / Presentation Number WP254 Emergency Medicine Pharmacist Impact on Door-to-Needle Time in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Joshua S Jacoby, Lisa E Dumkow, Muhammad U Farooq, Heather M Draper, G R DeYoung, Kasey L Bucher, Mercy Health Saint Mary’s, Grand Rapids, MI Poster Board Number P438 / Presentation Number WP438 The Los Angeles Motor Scale (LAMS) is a Validated and Robust Tool for Paramedic Assessment of Stroke Severity in the Field Joon-Tae Kim, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Pil-Wook Chung, Kangbuk Samsung Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Sidney Starkman, David Geffen Sch of Med at the Univ of California, Los Angeles, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Keck Sch of Med of the Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Samuel Stratton, Harbor–UCLA Medical Ctr, Torrance, CA; Marc Eckstein, Keck Sch of Med of the Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Frank Pratt, David Geffen Sch of Med at the Univ of California, Los Angeles, CA; Robin Conwit, Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Scott Hamilton, Stanford Univ Medical Sch, Palo Alto, CA; Jeffrey L Saver, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Primary Poster Board Number P439 / Presentation Number WP439 Who Benefits From CT-Angiography Previous Intravenous Thrombolysis? Pedro Cardona, Helena Quesada, Blanca Lara, Nuria Cayuela, Paloma Mora, Roger Barranco, De Miquel M Angeles, Bellvitge Univ Hosp, Barcelona, Spain; Anna Escrig, Parc Sanitari St Joan de Deu, Sant Boi, Spain; Xavier Ustrell, Hosp Joan XXIII, Tarragona, Spain; Moises Garces, Hosp Verge Cinta Tortosa, Tortosa, Spain; Ester Catena, Hosp de l´Alt Penedes, Vilafranca del Penedes, Spain; Alfons Moral, Hosp Sant Camil, Sant Pere de Ribe, Spain; Teresa Bernal, Hosp Igualada, Igualada, Spain; Francisco Rubio, Bellvitge Univ Hosp, Barcelona, Spain Primary Experimental Mechanisms and Models Posters I WP255 – WP282 Poster Board Number P255 / Presentation Number WP255 Cftr Deficiency Increases Systolic Blood Pressure and Exacerbates Cerebrovascular Remodeling in Angiotensin-induced Hypertension Feng Yuan, Sun Yat-sen Univ, Guangzhou, China; Li-Yan Zhao, The First Affiliated Hosp , Sun Yat-Sen Univ, Guangzhou, China; Bin Zhang, Guangdong General Hosptial, Guangzhou, China; Wen-Liang Chen, Guangzhou Medical Univ, Guangzhou, China; Ni Pan, Sun Yat-sen Univ, Guangzhou, China; Wei-Lu Chai, Guangdong General Hosptial, Guangzhou, China; Jim Hu, Hong-Shuo Sun, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Jie Liu, Yong-Yuan Guan, Guan-Lei Wang, Sun Yat-sen Univ, Guangzhou, China Poster Board Number P256 / Presentation Number WP256 Serum Glutamate Level but Not NMDAR Antibody – A Potential Biomarker of Early Ischemia in Rat Stroke Model Shahpar Nahrir, Muhammad Al-Shardan, Natl Neuroscience Inst, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Aziz A Chentoufi, Pathology & Clinical Lab Med Admin (PCLMA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Falah AlMohanna, King Faisal Specialist Hosp and Res Ctr, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Abdullah M Assiri, King Faisal Specialist Hosp & Res Ctr, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Fahmi Al-Senani, Natl Neuroscience Inst, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Poster Board Number P257 / Presentation Number WP257 Metabolic Profiling in the Plasma of Rats in Response to Aging and Ischemic Stroke by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Vijesh J Bhute, Umadevi V Wesley, James F Hatcher, Robert J Dempsey, Sean P Palecek, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI Poster Board Number P258 / Presentation Number WP258 Effective Neuroprotection After Clinically Relevant Delay Using Intra-arterial Recanalization Plus Perivascular Hypothermia: Novel Approach to an Old Problem Jessica Lamb, Padmesh Rajput, Mani Nezhad, Shweta Kothari, Konrad Schlick, Patrick Lyden, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA — 70 — Poster Board Number P259 / Presentation Number WP259 Metabolomic Analysis of Ischemic Brain Tissue to Explore Specific Metabolic Pathway Assosiated With Cerebral Ischemia Yusuke Yamamoto, Kohkichi Hosoda, Yasuhiro Irino, Jun Tanaka, Taichiro Imahori, Tomoaki Nakai, Eiji Kohmura, Kobe Univ graduate school of medicine, Kobe, Japan Poster Board Number P270 / Presentation Number WP270 Myeloid P2X4 Receptor Deletion Confers Neuroprotection in Females but not in Males After Experimental Stroke Venugopal Reddy Venna, Sharon E Benashski, Rajkumar Verma, Louise D McCullough, Bruce T Liang, Univ of Connecticut Health Ctr, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P260 / Presentation Number WP260 The Dramatic Alteration of Microvascular Complexity and Endothelial Cell Gene Expression in Mice With Metabolic Syndrome Guanxi Xiao, Stefanie Nunez, Jason D Hinman, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P271 / Presentation Number WP271 Stroke Extensively Alters the Cerebral Expression of Transcribed Ultraconserved Regions of the Genome Suresh L Mehta, Univ of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Ashutosh Dharap, Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, NM; Raghu Vemuganti, Univ of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Poster Board Number P261 / Presentation Number WP261 Sex Differences in Circulating Leukocyte Subtype and Activation Following Ischemic Stroke Meaghan Roy-O’Reilly, Hetal Mistry, Madeline Levy, Louise McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Health Ctr, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P272 / Presentation Number WP272 Exogenous Hydrogen Sulfide With Normoxic Resuscitation Protects Hippocampal Neurons in a Mouse Model of Cardiac Arrest Shin Nakayama, Noriko Taguchi, Makoto Tanaka, Univ of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan Poster Board Number P262 / Presentation Number WP262 White Matter Stroke and Alzheimer’s Pathology Synergize to Worsen Outcomes in the First Clinically Relevant Mouse Model of Mixed Vascular and Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia Julia Huang, Stefanie Nunez, Gregory Cole, Edmond Teng, Jason D Hinman, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P263 / Presentation Number WP263 Mutagenesis Studies Revealed Minimal Impact of Human A120T Variant of Protease-activated Receptor 4 on Receptor function or Pharmacological Response to a Potent and Selective Antagonist Mario F Callejo, Jeffrey Colin, Sophie Desmeules, Univ de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada; Chi Sum, Tao Wang, John Feder, Gabe Mintier, Ke Xu, Zhaoqing Wang, Fraz Ismat, Xuewen Ma, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Pennington, NJ; Roger Rémillard, Jacques Banville, Anne Marinier, Univ de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada; Scott Priestley, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Pennington, NJ; Michel Bouvier, Univ de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada; Jing Yang, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Pennington, NJ Poster Board Number P264 / Presentation Number WP264 Possible Epigenetic Modulation of Cerebral Angiotensin Type 2 Receptor in the Cognitive Function in Vascular Dementia Jun Iwanami, Masaki Mogi, Kana Tsukuda, Xiao-Li Wang, Akinori Higaki, Masanori Kukida, Hirotomo Nakaoka, Toshifumi Yamauchi, Hui-Yu Bai, Bao-Shuai Shan, Li-Juan Min, Masatsugu Horiuchi, Ehime Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Tohon, Ehime, Japan Poster Board Number P265 / Presentation Number WP265 Anti-inflammatory Effects Of Ceria Nanoparticles In Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage Models Chi Kyung Kim, Dong-Wan Kang, In-Young Choi, Seul-Ki Ki, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Min Soh, Seoul Natl Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Do Yeon Kim, Jung Min Pyun, Han-Gil Jeong, Jun Yup Kim, Seung-Hoon Lee, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P266 / Presentation Number WP266 Deficiency of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 Causes Deterioration of Cognitive Function Jun Iwanami, Masaki Mogi, Xiao-Li Wang, Kana Tsukuda, Akinori Higaki, Masanori Kukida, Hirotomo Nakaoka, Toshifumi Yamauchi, Hui-Yu Bai, Bao-Shuai Shan, Li-Juan Min, Masatsugu Horiuchi, Ehime Univ Graduate Sch of Medic, Tohon, Ehime, Japan Poster Board Number P267 / Presentation Number WP267 9-Tert-Butyl Doxycycline Inhibits Neuronal Injury and Neutrophil Trafficking After Global Cerebral Ischemia Nguyen Mai, Landa Prifti, Marc W Halterman, Univ of Rochester, Rochester, NY Primary Poster Board Number P268 / Presentation Number WP268 Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Upregulates Superoxide Dismutase 3 in Neurons via Activation of Myeloid Zinc Finger-1 Stephanie M Davis, Lisa A Collier, Jawad A Fazal, Christopher C Leonardo, Craig T Ajmo Jr, Keith R Pennypacker, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL Poster Board Number P269 / Presentation Number WP269 New Insights Into Worsened Cerebral Ischemia in Hypertensive Rats: Roles of WNK-SPAK/OSR1-NKCC1 Signaling Mohammad Iqbal H Bhuiyan, Hui Yuan, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; Kristopher T Kahle, Yale Univ Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Sung-Sen Yang, Shih-Hua Lin, Tri-Service General Hosp, Natl Defense Medical Ctr, Taipei, Taiwan; Seth L Alper, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, and Dept of Med, Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA; Arohan R Subramanya, Univ of Pittsburgh Sch of Med, Pittsburgh, PA; Dandan Sun, Univ of Pittsburgh, Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Health Care System, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P273 / Presentation Number WP273 Focal Knockdown of Matrix Metalloprotease 3 Reduces Hemorrhagic Transformation and Improves Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Hyperglycemic Stroke Sherif Hafez, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA; Mohammed Abdelsaid, Sally Elshafey, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA; Susan Fagan, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA; Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number P274 / Presentation Number WP274 Inhibition of Na+/H+ Exchanger Isoform 1 and/or Voltage Gated Proton Channel Improves Outcomes in an Embolic Stroke Model Weiguo Li, Rebecca Ward, Jingping Sun, Xinyue Guo, Adviye Ergul, Paul O’Connor, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number P275 / Presentation Number WP275 Hemorrhagic Transformation in Large Cerebral Infarction of Rats Pretreated With Dabigatran or Warfarin Sunho An, Il Kwon, Jayoung Kim, Joonsang Yoo, Kijeong Lee, Jang-Hyun Baek, Young Dae Kim, Seung-Hee Yang, Hyun-Jung Choi, Hyo Suk Nam, Ji Hoe Heo, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Primary Poster Board Number P276 / Presentation Number WP276 Drag Reducing Polymers Based Resuscitation Fluid Improves Cerebral Microcirculation After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Hemorrhagic Shock Devon Lara, Gloria Statom, Olga A Bragina, Univ of New Mexico Sch of Med, Albuquerque, NM; Marina V Kameneva, McGowan Inst for Regenerative Med, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; Edwin M Nemoto, Denis E Bragin, Univ of New Mexico Sch of Med, Albuquerque, NM Poster Board Number P277 / Presentation Number WP277 Non-invasive Tracking of CD4 + T Cells With a Paramagnetic and Fluorescent Nanoparticle in Brain Ischemia Wei-Na Jin, St Joseph’s Hosp and Medical Ctr, Barrow Neurological Inst, Phoenix, AZ; Xiaoxia Yang, Tianjin Neurological Inst, Tianjin Medical Univ General Hosp, Tianjin, China; Zhiguo Li, Barrow Neurological Inst, St Joseph’s Hosp and Medical Ctr, Phoenix, AZ; Minshu Li, Samuel Xiang-Yu Shi, Kristofer Wood, Qingwei Liu, St Joseph’s Hosp and Medical Ctr, Barrow Neurological Inst, Phoenix, AZ; Ying Fu, Wei Han, Tianjin Neurological Inst, Tianjin Medical Univ General Hosp, Tianjin, China; Yun Xu, Affiliated Drum Tower Hosp, Nanjing Univ Medical Sch, Nanjing, China; Fu-Dong Shi, Qiang Liu, St Joseph’s Hosp and Medical Ctr, Barrow Neurological Inst, Phoenix, AZ Poster Board Number P278 / Presentation Number WP278 Effects of Prasugrel on Cerebral Infarction and Neurological Deficits in a Non-human Primate Model of Thrombotic Stroke Atsuyuki Tomizawa, Kousaku Ohno, Daiichi Sankyo, Tokyo, Japan; Joseph A Jakubowski, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN; Makoto Mizuno, Atsuhiro Sugidachi, Daiichi Sankyo, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P279 / Presentation Number WP279 Disruption of Cortico-hippocampal Functional Connectivity Underlies the Memory Impairment Following Experimental Stroke Gratianne Rabiller, Yasuo Nishijima, Jiwei He, Dept of Neurological Surgery, UCSF and SFVAMC, San Francisco, CA; Xavier Leinekugel, Bruno Bontempi, Univ de Bordeaux and CNRS, Inst des Maladies Neurodégénératives, UMR 5293, Bordeaux, France; Jialing Liu, Dept of Neurological Surgery, UCSF and SFVAMC, San Francisco, CA — 71 — Poster Board Number P280 / Presentation Number WP280 Caveolin-1, Ring Finger Protein 213, and Endothelial Function in Moyamoya Disease Jong-Won Chung, Suk Jae Kim, Jaechun Hwang, Mi Ji Lee, Hanna Choe, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Mi Jeong Oh, Soo Yoon Kim, Yeon Hee Cho, Gyeong Joon Moon, Samsung Biomedical Res Inst, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jihoon Cha, Keon Ha Kim, Pyeong Jeon, Je Young Yeon, Je Young Yeon, Jong-Soo Kim, Seung Chyul Hong, Chang-Seok Ki, Gyeong-Moon Kim, Chin-Sang Chung, Kwang Ho Lee, Oh Young Bang, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P281 / Presentation Number WP281 Plasma Kallikrein Inhibition Reduces Tissue Plasminogen Activator-induced Stroke Damage and Hemorrhage Transformation Fabricio Simão, Allen C Clermont, Edward P Feener, Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P282 / Presentation Number WP282 DS-1040 an Inhibitor of the Activated Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor Improves Behavior in Embolized Rabbits Paul A Lapchak, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr Neurology & Neurosurgery, Los Angeles, CA; Paul D Boitano, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr Dept Neurology, Los Angeles, CA; Kengo Noguchi, Daiichi Sankyo Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, Japan Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Posters I Poster Board Number P283 / Presentation Number WP283 Temporal Changes in Mortality and Hospitalization Days in Nationwide Hospital Cohort According to Stroke Subtype and Comprehensive Stroke Care Capabilities: J-aspect Study Ryota Kurogi, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Akiko Kada, Nagoya Medical Ctr, Nagoya, Japan; Kunihiro Nishimura, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Satoru Kamitani, Univ of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Japan; Ataru Nishimura, Tetsuro Sayama, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Jyoji Nakagawara, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Kuniaki Ogasawara, Iwate Medical Univ, Morioka, Japan; Junichi Ono, Chiba Cardiovasular Ctr, Ichihahra, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ Sch of Med, Mitaka, Japan; Toru Aruga, Showa Univ, Shinagawa, Japan; Shigeru Miyachi, Osaka Medical Coll, Takatsuki, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Shinya Matsuda, Univ of Environmental and Occupational Health, Kita-Kyushu, Japan; Shinichi Yoshimura, Hyogo Collage of Med, Hyogo, Japan; Kazuo Okuchi, Nara Medical Univ, Kashihara, Japan; Fumiaki Nakamura, Univ of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Japan; Koji Iihara, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; J-ASPECT Investigators Poster Board Number P284 / Presentation Number WP284 Regional Disparities in the Quality of Stroke Care Seth Seabury, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Katalin Bognar, Precision Health Economics, Los Angeles, CA; Yaping Xu, Genentech, San Francisco, CA; Caroline Huber, Precision Health Economics, Los Angeles, CA; S Renee Commerford, Darren Tayama, Genentech, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P285 / Presentation Number WP285 Sex Disparities in Stroke Care in Puerto Rico Hospitals Participating in the Florida-Puerto Rico Collaboration to Reduce Stroke Disparities (FL-PR CReSD) Study Juan Carlos Zevallos, Florida Intl Univ, Miami, FL; Maria A Ciliberti-Vargas, Kefeng Wang, Carolina M Gutierrez, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Enid J Garcia-Rivera, Univ of Puerto Rico Sch of Med, San Juan, PR; Ulises Nobo, HIMA San Pablo Caguas, San Juan, PR; Fernando Santiago, Univ of Puerto Rico Sch of Med, San Juan, PR; Jose G Romano, Negar Asdaghi, Chuanhui Dong, Olveen Carrasquillo, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Salina P Waddy, Natl Insts of Health/ Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Mary Robichaux, American Heart Association, Marietta, GA; Enmanuel J Perez, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Michael F Waters, Univ of Florida Coll of Med, Gainesville, FL; Tatjana Rundek, Ralph L Sacco, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL Poster Board Number P287 / Presentation Number WP287 Characteristics of Incident and Recurrent Stroke in Taiwan, 2000 to 2011 Meng Lee, Yi-Ling Wu, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Chiayi, Taiwan; Bruce Ovabiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number P289 / Presentation Number WP289 Patient Satisfaction Survey Prior to Discharge in Neuroscience Unit: Evolving Gap in Hospital Operational Models and Patient Requests Peter DeRosa, Mahesh Shenai, Barbara Mancini, James Ecklund, John W Cochran, Depart of Neuroscience Inova Fairfax Hosp, Fairfax, VA Poster Board Number P290 / Presentation Number WP290 Impact of TIA Training for General Practitioners on 90-Day Stroke Outcomes Following TIA Annemarei Ranta, Capital and Coast DHB, Wellington, New Zealand; Susan Dovey, Univ of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; John Gommans, Hawkes Bay DHB, Hastings, New Zealand; Mark Weatherall, Univ of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand Poster Board Number P291 / Presentation Number WP291 Predictors of 30-day Same Hospital Readmission After Ischemic Stroke Eema Hemmen, Emily D Botts, Debra L Paulson, Andrea G Snyder, Thomas M Hemmen, UCSD Medical Ctr, La Jolla, CA WP283 – WP338 Poster Board Number P286 / Presentation Number WP286 Race and Gender Differences Among Patients With First or Recurrent Ischemic Stroke Mary G George, Xin Tong, Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P288 / Presentation Number WP288 Variations in the Reliability of ICD-9-CM Codes by Hospital Characteristics and Stroke Severity: The Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program Tiffany Chang, Judith Lichtman, Yale Sch of Public Health, New Haven, CT; Larry Goldstein, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; Mary George, Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P292 / Presentation Number WP292 Discharge Disposition After Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Functional Outcomes Jennifer Osborne, Padmini Sekar, Charles J Moomaw, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH; David Y Hwang, Kevin N Sheth, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Carl D Langefeld, Wake Forest Sch of Med, Winston-Salem, NC; Anastasia Vashkevich, Massachusetts General Hosp Stroke Res, Boston, MA; Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P293 / Presentation Number WP293 Patient and Hospital Characteristics Associated With Assessing Stroke Patients for Rehabilitation During Acute Stroke Hospitalization: Findings From the National REGARDS Study Virginia J Howard, Jeralyn J Douberly, Univ of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Mathew J Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Abimbola Fadairo, J David Rhodes, Kimberly D Martin, Christopher M Gamboa, Univ of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Brett M Kissela, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Justin Blackburn, Monika M Safford, Univ of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P294 / Presentation Number WP294 Utilization of Hospice Care and Patient Characteristics Associated With Discharge to Hospice in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Syed F Ali, Nabeel Chauhan, Archana Hinduja, Univ of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR Poster Board Number P295 / Presentation Number WP295 Prediction of Discharge Destination for Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Irene L Katzan, Nicolas Thompson, Zeshaun Khawaja, Frederick Frost, Cleveland Clinic Founda, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P296 / Presentation Number WP296 Poststroke Dementia is Associated With Early Institutionalization Sibolt Gerli, Sami Curtze, Susanna Melkas, Tarja Pohjasvaara, Markku Kaste, Helsinki Central Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Pekka J Karhunen, Sch of Med, Tampere, Finland; Niku K Oksala, Tampere Univ Hosp, Tampere, Finland; Timo Erkinjuntti, Helsinki Central Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland Poster Board Number P297 / Presentation Number WP297 Healthcare Transitions, Service Use, and Home-time Among Stroke Survivors With Depression Gabrielle Harris, Janet Prvu Bettger, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Li Lang, Laine Thomas, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Pamela Duncan, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Ctr, Winston Salem, NC; Mathew Reeves, Michigan State Univeristy, East Lansing, MI; Ying Xian, Eric D Peterson, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Cheryl Bushnell, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Ctr, Winston Salem, NC Poster Board Number P298 / Presentation Number WP298 Patient and Caregiver Physical Health During the First Year Post-stroke Jill I Cameron, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada — 72 — Poster Board Number P299 / Presentation Number WP299 An Expanded Definition of Caregiving Among Elderly US Stroke Survivors: Have We Understated the Problem? Lesli Skolarus, Vicki A Fredman, Chunyang Feng, Jeffrey J Wing, James F Burke, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P301 / Presentation Number WP301 Noninvasive Beat-to-Beat Assessment of Blood Pressure Variability, Heart Rate Variability and Baroreflex Sensitivity: Which Parameters Best Predict Clinical Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke? Li Xiong, Ge Tian, Xiangyan Chen, Howan Leung, Thomas Leung, Yannie Soo, Ka-Sing Wong, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Poster Board Number P302 / Presentation Number WP302 Atrial Fibrillation First Diagnosed at the Time of Ischemic Stroke: A Missed Opportunity Daniel E Singer, Yuchiao Chang, Leila H Borowsky, Susan Regan, Steven M Greenberg, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P303 / Presentation Number WP303 Stability of High-Quality Warfarin Anticoagulation in a Community-Based Atrial Fibrillation Cohort: The ATRIA Study Liane O Dallalzadeh, Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA; Alan S Go, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, San Francisco, CA; Yuchiao Chang, Leila H Borowsky, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Margaret C Fang, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Daniel E Singer, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Primary Poster Board Number P304 / Presentation Number WP304 Improving Safety of Stroke Prevention Strategies in AF: Effect of Online CME Jelena S Spyropoulos, Medscape Education, New York, NY Poster Board Number P305 / Presentation Number WP305 Impact Of Metformin on Survival Following Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Diabetes: The Greater Cincinnati Northern/Kentucky Stroke Study (GCNKSS) Samrat Yeramaneni, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Dawn Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Heidi Sucharew, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Kathleen Alwell, Charles Moomaw, Matthew Flaherty, Daniel Woo, Opeolu Adeoye, Simona Ferioli, Felipe de Los Rios La Rosa, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Pooja Khatri, Brett Kissela, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Jane Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P306 / Presentation Number WP306 Low Rates of Screening and Treatment for Osteoporosis Following Stroke Marla Prager, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Jiming Fang, Inst for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Peter Austin, Angela Cheung, Leanne Casaubon, Peter Cram, Shabbir Alibhai, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Melissa Stamplecoski, Inst for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Brennan Rashkovan, Univ of Western Ontario, Toronto, ON, Canada; Moira Kapral, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P311 / Presentation Number WP311 In-hospital Depression and Anxiety and History of Depression Predict 3 Months Post-stroke Depression and Anxiety Nada El Husseini, Pamela Duncan, Ralph D’Agostino Jr, Walter T Ambrosius, Laura Bishop, Sabina Gesell, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston Salem, NC; Janet Prvu-Bettger, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Cheryl Bushnell, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston Salem, NC Poster Board Number P312 / Presentation Number WP312 The Association of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) With 30-day and 1-year Post Ischemic Stroke Mortality and Rehospitalization: Get With the Guidelines (GWTG) Stroke Nada El Husseini, Wake Forest Baptist Univ Hosp, Winston Salem, NC; Gregg C Fonarow, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Christine Ju, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Adrian F Hernandez, Phillip Schulte, Ying Xian, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Larry B Goldstein, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Poster Board Number P313 / Presentation Number WP313 Quality of Ischemic Stroke-related Care in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on Dialysis: Findings From Get With the Guidelines-stroke Nada El Husseini, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston Salem, NC; Gregg C Fonarow, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Christine Ju, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Adrian F Hernandez, Phillip Schulte, Ying Xian, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Larry B Goldstein, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Poster Board Number P314 / Presentation Number WP314 Renal Insufficiency Worsens Outcomes in Cerebrovascular Disease Sea mi Park, Albany Medical Ctr, Albany, NY; Shouri Lahiri, Asma Moheet, Konrad Schlick, Shlee Song, Jaspreet Mann, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Axel Rosengart, Cedars Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P315 / Presentation Number WP315 Acute Myocardial Infarction Associated With Worse Outcomes in Acute Cerebrovascular Disease Sea mi Park, Albany Medical Ctr, Albany, NY; Shouri Lahiri, Asma Moheet, Jaspreet Mann, Cedars Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Axel Rosengart, Cedars Sinai Medical Ctr, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Biomedical Sciences, CA Poster Board Number P316 / Presentation Number WP316 Incidence, Risk Factors, and In-Hospital Outcomes Associated With Hospital-Acquired Conditions and Patient Safety Indicators In Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Kavelin Rumalla, Univ of Missouri – Kansas City Sch of Med, Kansas City, MO; Ashna Rajan, Manoj K Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number P317 / Presentation Number WP317 Reducing Hospital-acquired Pneumonia Rate in Stroke Patients Elizabeth Diebolt, Rebecca Andrie, Thomas Bleck, Susie Drakes, Pamela Gayatin, Mary Henseler, Christian Hernandez, Diana Goodman, Sarah Livesay, John Segreti, Deval Daily, Anisa Jivana, James Conners, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number P307 / Presentation Number WP307 Social Factors That influence Follow-up in Stroke Clinic Nicholas Osteraas, Sarah Song, Bichun Ouyang, Vivien Lee, Laurel Cherian, James Conners, Elizabeth Diebolt, Shawna Cutting, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number P318 / Presentation Number WP318 Racial Differences in the Prevalence of Falls among Stroke Survivors Jeffrey James Wing, Grand Valley State Univ, Grand Rapids, MI; Lesli E Skolarus, Philippa J Clarke, Chunyang Feng, James F Burke, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P308 / Presentation Number WP308 Changes in Depressive Symptoms From the Hospital Setting to Outpatient Clinic Among Ischemic Stroke Patients Munachi N Okpala, Rozina Wadhwania, Mary C Denny, Farhaan Vahidy, Sean I Savitz, Anjail Sharrief, Univ of Texas Medical Sch, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P319 / Presentation Number WP319 Relationship Between Hospital Process Performance and Mortality Among Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Zixiao Li Sr, Yilong Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Ying Xian, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Linzi Li, Fudan Univ, Shanghai, China; Xingquan Zhao, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Xiaolei Bao, General hospital of Lanzhou Military Area Command, Lanzhou, China; Liping Liu, Chunjuan Wang, Hao Li, Chunxue Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Qing Yang, Janet Bettger, Duke Univ Sch of Nursing, Durham, NC; Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P309 / Presentation Number WP309 Detection of Depressive Symptoms Among Ischemic Stroke Patients not Screened in the Acute Setting Anjail Sharrief, Munachi Okpala, Rozina N Wadhwania, Mansoor Mughal, Farhaan Vahidy, Mary C Denny, Sean I Savitz, Univ of Texas Medical Sch, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P310 / Presentation Number WP310 A Depression Screening Protocol for Acute Stroke Patients: a Quality Improvement Project Celia A McIntosh, Rochester Regional Health, Rochester, NY Poster Board Number P320 / Presentation Number WP320 The Management of low Density Lipid Cholesterol and Predictors of Goal Achievement in Stroke Patients in China Chunjuan Wang Jr, Yilong Wang, Zixiao Li, Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China — 73 — Poster Board Number P321 / Presentation Number WP321 Smartphone Application Iodine: A Novel Method for Screening and Identification of Specific Stroke Study Population Lauren C Dennis, Parth Thakker, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC; Karen Cartrett, Palmetto Health, Columbia, SC; Neil Patel, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC; Josh Toub, Iodine Software, Austin, TX; Souvik Sen, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC Poster Board Number P322 / Presentation Number WP322 Inability to Identify Physician is Associated With Medication and Care Plan Knowledge Gaps Ii Stroke Patients Fred Cohen, Jeffrey M Katz, Jackie McCarthy, Ignacio Lopez, Paul Wright, North Shore LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NY Poster Board Number P323 / Presentation Number WP323 Bridging The Gap Between Acute Care and Public Health Kari D Moore, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY; Bonita Bobo, Peter Rock, Kentucky Dept for Public Health, Frankfort, KY; Elizabeth Wise, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY Poster Board Number P324 / Presentation Number WP324 Integrated Systems Enhance Equitable and High-Quality Stroke Prevention Clinic Care Sophia Gocan, Aline Bourgoin, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, The Ottawa Hosp, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Ruth Hall, Ferhana Khan, Limei Zhou, Inst for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Grant Stotts, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, The Ottawa Hosp, Ottawa, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P325 / Presentation Number WP325 Transitional Care Interventions Result in Statistically Significant Reduction in Stroke Readmission Rate Kimberly Gray, Susan Hickenbottom, St Joseph Mercy Hosp, Ypsilanti, MI Poster Board Number P326 / Presentation Number WP326 Improving Follow-up Visits for Patients from the Stroke Service Kimberly P Gannon, Scott Kasner, Hosp of the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Poster Board Number P327 / Presentation Number WP327 Implementation of a Pharmacist Driven Comprehensive Stroke Education Program Viet-Huong V Nguyen, Chapman Univ Sch of Pharmacy, Irvine, CA; Mary M Wen, LAC-USC Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Lyn A Clarito, UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Yana Bukovskaya, Ochsner Medical Ctr, New Orleans, LA; Grace L Minassian, Kimberly Panizzon, Sunita Dergalust, Roi Ann Wallis, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P328 / Presentation Number WP328 Seizure in Patients With Co-morbid Stroke in the United States: Frequency and Characteristics Oladimeji Akinboro, Montefiore New Rochelle Hosp, New Rochelle, NY; Odunayo Olorunfemi, Rochester General Hosp, Rochester, NY; Stephen Jesmajian, Montefiore New Rochelle Hosp, New Rochelle, NY; Bruce Ovbiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number P329 / Presentation Number WP329 Video Conferencing is the Preferred Method for Follow-up Communication for Post-hospital Stroke Patients Fred Cohen, Jackie McCarthy, Michelle Gribko, Jeffrey M Katz, Paul Wright, North Shore LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NY Poster Board Number P330 / Presentation Number WP330 Unreliable Long-term Cost Data Introduces Substantial Uncertainty Into Stroke Cost-Effectiveness Models Michelle Leppert, Univ of Colorado, Aurora, CO; James Burke, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Jennifer Simpson, Jonathan Campbell, Univ of Colorado, Aurora, CO Poster Board Number P331 / Presentation Number WP331 The Effect of ABCD2 Score as a Triage Tool for TIA Patients on 90 Day Hospital Re-Admission Theresa B Sevilis, Navdeep Sangha, Grace Tu, Cristina Valdovinos, Catherine Lui, David McCartney, Zoe Bider, Zahra Ajani, Kaiser Permanente LAMC, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P332 / Presentation Number WP332 Updating the Structure of Stroke Clinical Research Data: Version 2 of the Stroke Common Data Elements From the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Joy R Esterlitz, The Emmes Corp, Rockville, MD; Jeffrey L Saver, Comprehensive Stroke Ctr and Dept of Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Steven Warach, Medical Sch Univ of Texas Austin, Seton Healthcare Family, Austin, TX; Thomas G Brott, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; Ralph L Sacco, Univ of Miami, Coral Gables, FL; Muniza Sheikh, Sherita Ala’i, The Emmes Corp, Rockville, MD; Joanne Odenkirchen, The Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD Poster Board Number P333 / Presentation Number WP333 Clinical Research Coordinators’ Barriers and Best Practices to Minority Recruitment in Stroke Clinical Trials Jazmin Rivera, Lauren Southwick, Nina S Parikh, New York Univ, NY, NY; Sean Haley, Brooklyn Coll CUNY, NY, NY; Bernadette Boden-Albala, New York Univ, NY, NY Primary Poster Board Number P334 / Presentation Number WP334 American Indian Participation in Clinical Research: A Cultural Perspective Survey from a CREST-2 Site Delilah Robb, Native American Res Internship Program, Salt Lake City, UT; Adam de Havenon, Alicia Bennett, Kinga Aitken, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Mary Longbottom, May Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; Robert D Brown Jr, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Jennifer Majersik, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Poster Board Number P335 / Presentation Number WP335 Incidence of Stroke Mimics and Post R-tpa Hemorrhage in the Era of Telemedicine Alain Lekoubou, Dong In Sin, Alison Smock, Shelly Ozark, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number P336 / Presentation Number WP336 Patient Characteristics and in Hospital Complications Associated With High Cost Ischemic Stroke Admissions Khawja A Siddiqui, Xiu Liu, Karen E Lynch, Sadiqa B Mahmood, Hui Zheng, David M Shahian, Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P337 / Presentation Number WP337 Publication Bias and Low Power Contribute to the Efficacy Decline of Neuroprotective Drugs From Experimental Stroke Studies to Phase Iii Clinical Trials Antje Schmidt, Univ Hosp Münster, Münster, Germany; Jürgen Wellmann, Univ of Münster, Münster, Germany; Nils-Martin Bruckmann, Jan-Kolja Strecker, Kai Diederich, Jens Minnerup, Univ Hosp Münster, Münster, Germany Poster Board Number P338 / Presentation Number WP338 Combined Coiling and Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cell Therapy Could be a More Cost-effective Alternative to Coiling Alone Amin Adibi, Arindom Sen, Alim P Mitha, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada In-hospital Treatment Posters I WP339 – WP353 Poster Board Number P339 / Presentation Number WP339 Cerebral Blood Flow Response to Bolus Normal Saline Michael T Mullen, Hosp of the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Ashwin B Parthasarathy, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Ali Zandieh, Hosp of the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Wesley Baker, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Scott E Kasner, Hosp of the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Arjun G Yodh, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; John A Detre, Hosp of the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Poster Board Number P340 / Presentation Number WP340 Prevalence and Influence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Stroke Outcomes in Hospitalized Stroke Patients Oladimeji Akinboro, Montefiore New Rochelle Hosp, New Rochelle, NY; Odunayo Olorunfemi, Rochester General Hosp, Rochester, NY; Stanley Holstein, Daniel Pomerantz, Stephen Jesmajian, Montefiore New Rochelle Hosp, New Rochelle, NY; Bruce Ovbiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number P341 / Presentation Number WP341 Difference in Acute Ischemic Post Thrombolytic Stroke Outcomes in Pre Comprehensive and Post Comprehensive Status: Single Center Experience Vishal B Jani, Achint Patel, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Jillian Schurr, Michigan State Univ, Fort Worth, TX; Erin Shell, Julie Bey, Marylou Mitchell, Ray Shippey, Mounzer Kassab, Anmar Razak, Adnan Safdar, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Arshad Majid, Sheffield Inst for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN), Sheffield, United Kingdom; Syed Hussain, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI Poster Board Number P342 / Presentation Number WP342 Antithrombotics Within 24 Hours After Recanalization Treatment: Is it Safe? Beom Joon Kim, Han-Gil Jeong, Mi-Hwa Yang, Moon-Ku Han, Seong-Ho Park, Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of — 74 — Poster Board Number P344 / Presentation Number WP344 Vascular Unloading Technique for Continuous Non-invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring After Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Interim Analysis of a Prospective Method Comparison Study Timo Siepmann, Anne Koehler, Kristian Barlinn, Jessica Kepplinger, Alexandra Prakapenia, Martin Lesser, Ana Isabel Penzlin, Univ Hosp Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany; Sylvia J Buchmann, Char, Berlin, Germany; Charlotte Zerna, Univ Hosp Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany; Ben M Illigens, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Heinz Reichmann, Volker Pütz, Tjalf Ziemssen, Ulf Bodechtel, Univ Hosp Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany Poster Board Number P345 / Presentation Number WP345 ‘Palliative Care Encounter’ for Stroke Patients in US Tarvinder Singh, Claire Creutzfeldt, David Tirschwell, Univ of Washington, Seattle, WA Poster Board Number P346 / Presentation Number WP346 HIAT2 Predicts Poor Functional Outcome, Palliative Care Involvement, and Inhospital Mortality in tPA Treated and Untreated Ischemic Stroke Patients Manmeet Kaur, Amelia K Boehme, Karen C Albright, Micheal Lyerly, April Sisson, Kanika Arora, Ayaz M Khawaja, Angela Hays Shapshak, Toby Gropen, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P347 / Presentation Number WP347 Clopidogrel Plus Aspirin in Patients With Different Types of Single Small Subcortical Infarction_Subgroup Analysis of CHANCE Trial Yilong Wang, Xiaomeng Yang, Jing Jing, Xingquan Zhao, Liping Liu, Chunxue Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; David Wang, Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis Healthcare System, Univ of Illinois Coll of Med, Peoria, IL; Anxin Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China; Xia Meng, Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P348 / Presentation Number WP348 Palliative Care is Underutilized in Ischemic Stroke Patients With Poor Functional Outcome April Sisson, Karen C Albright, Sindhu Lakkur, Marie Bakitas, Kara Sands, Manmeet Kaur, Michael Lyerly, Toby Gropen, Kathryn Burgio, UAB, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P349 / Presentation Number WP349 Feeding Status After Stroke and Effect of Glyceryl Trinitrate: Data From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial Lisa Woodhouse, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Shaheen Hamdy, Univ of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; David Smithard, Princess Royal Univ Hosp, Orpington, United Kingdom; David Cohen, Northwick Park Hosp, Harrow, United Kingdom; Nikola Sprigg, Philip M Bath, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P350 / Presentation Number WP350 Pumping Against Gravity – Cardiac Function Affects Fluctuations in Cerebral Blood Flow Caused by Head Position Change in Acute Ischemic Stroke Joseph Miller, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI; Richard Thompson, Sarah Akhtar, Philip Jackson, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Jared Goldberg, Randy Bitrus, Christopher Lewandowski, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number P352 / Presentation Number WP352 Imaging Parameters Alone Predict Early Recurrent Cerebrovascular Endpoints in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke Shadi Yaghi, Sara K Rostanski, Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Sheryl Martin-Schild, Alyana Samai, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA; Brian Silver, Christina A Blum, Matthew Siket, Mahesh Jayaraman, Muhib Khan, Karen L Furie, The Warren Alpert Medical Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Mitchell S Elkind, Randolph S Marshall, Joshua Z Willey, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY Poster Board Number P353 / Presentation Number WP353 What Makes New Ischemic Lesions Symptomatic After Aortic Valve Replacement? Ronen Leker, Hadassah-Hebrew Univ Medical Ctr, Jerusalem, Israel; Steven Messe, Guray Erus, Michel Bilello, Molly Fanning, Michael Acker, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Tania Giovannetti, Temple Univ, Philadelphia, PA; Scott E Kasner, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Thomas Floyd, Stony Brook Univ, Stonybrook, NY; Determining Neurologic Outcomes from Valve Operations (DeNOVO) Investigators Intracerebral Hemorrhage Posters I WP354 – WP374 Poster Board Number P354 / Presentation Number WP354 Prophylactic Anti-epileptic Drugs and Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Ali Zandieh, Steven R Messé, Brett Cucchiara, Michael T Mullen, Scott E Kasner, Neurology Dept, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; VISTA-ICH Collaborators Poster Board Number P355 / Presentation Number WP355 Intracerebral Hemorrhage Care in a Stroke Unit is Safe and Associated With Lower Costs Corey R Fehnel, Linda C Wendell, N Stevenson Potter, Rhode Island Hosp/Brown Univ Alpert Medical Sch, Providence, RI; Kimberly Glerum, Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Richard N Jones, Brown Univ Alpert Medical Sch, Providence, RI; Muhib Khan, Brian Silver, Karen L Furie, Bradford B Thompson, Rhode Island Hosp/Brown Univ Alpert Medical Sch, Providence, RI Poster Board Number P356 / Presentation Number WP356 Eligibility Criteria in Clinical Trials on Intracerebral Hemorrhage Applied to an Unselected Cohort: The Lund Stroke Register Björn M Hansen, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Natalie Ullman, Johns Hopkins Medical Insts, Baltimore, MD; Bo Norrving, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Daniel F Hanley, Johns Hopkins Medical Insts, Baltimore, MD; Arne Lindgren, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden Poster Board Number P357 / Presentation Number WP357 The Impact of Specific Neuroanatomical Location in Deep Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH): Findings From the Ethnic/Racial Variations of ICH Study Kevin N Sheth, Yale Univ, New Haven, CT; Charles J Moomaw, Jennifer Osborne, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl Martini, Baylor, Houston, TX; Brian Katz, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH; Andreas Charidimou, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Mary Comeau, Carl D Langefeld, Wake Forest Sch of Med, Winston-Salem, NC; Anastasia Vashkevich, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P358 / Presentation Number WP358 APOE Polymorphisms Influence Longitudinal Lipid Trends Preceding Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage Chia-Ling Phuah, Miriam R Raffeld, Alison M Ayres, Alessandro Biffi, M Edip Gurol, Anand Viswanathan, Steven M Greenberg, Jonathan Rosand, Christopher D Anderson, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P359 / Presentation Number WP359 Incidence and Outcome of Direct Oral Anticoagulant-related Intracranial Bleeding Ghazala Basir, Michel Shamy, Grant Stotts, Dar Dowlatshahi, Univ of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P360 / Presentation Number WP360 Outcomes After Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients With Systemic Cancer: A Population-Based Study Santosh Murthy, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Yogesh Moradiya, Northshore Long Island Jewish Health, Long Island, NY; Daniel Hanley, Wendy Ziai, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD; Hooman Kamel, Babak B Navi, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number P361 / Presentation Number WP361 Patients From the Tranexamic Acid for Hyperacute Intracerebral Haemorrhage (TICH-2) Trial Suffering From Hyperglycaemia at Baseline; Their Characteristics and Day 90 Outcomes Nikola Sprigg, Katie Robson, Philip M Bath, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P362 / Presentation Number WP362 Subarachnoid and Subdural Hemorrhages Concomitant to Acute Lobar Intracerebral Hematoma are Markers of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Alain Viguier, Vanessa Cazzola, Nicolas Raposo, Sofia Patsoura, Lionel Calviere, Jean-Francois Albucher, Jean-Bernard Ruidavets, Francois Chollet, Vincent Larrue, Christophe Cognard, Jean-Marc Olivot, Fabrice Bonneville, Hop Pierre Paul Riquet – Purpan, Toulouse, France Poster Board Number P363 / Presentation Number WP363 DVT Prophylaxis in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients in a Large Health System: a 5 Year Analysis John F Zurasky, Tamela Stuchiner, Elizabeth Baraban, Providence Health and Services, Portland, OR — 75 — Poster Board Number P364 / Presentation Number WP364 Diabetes Mellitus and Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Clinical Features and Mortality Ron Liebkind, Neurology, Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Daniel Gordin, Folkhälsan Inst of Genetics, Folkhälsan Res Ctr, Helsinki, Finland Abdominal Ctr Nephrology, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland Res Programs Unit, Diabetes and Obesity, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Daniel Strbian, Neurology, Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Atte Meretoja, Depts of Med and the Florey, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Lena Thorn, Per Henrik Groop, Folkhälsan Inst of Genetics, Folkhälsan Res Ctr, Helsinki, Finland Abdominal Ctr Nephrology, Univ of Helsinki and Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland Res Programs Unit, Diabetes and Obesity, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Turgut Tatlisumak, Sahlgrenska Acad, Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden and Dept of Neurology, Sahlgrenska Univ Hosp, Gothenburg, Sweden; Jukka Putaala, Neurology, Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland Poster Board Number P365 / Presentation Number WP365 Role of Enhanced CT Findings in Endoscopic Surgery for Intracerebral Hematoma Atsushi Saito, Hiroyuki Kon, Taigen Nakamura, Wenting Jia, Tatsuya Sasaki, Aomori Prefectural Central Hosp, Aomori, Japan; Michiharu Nishijima, Saino Minami Hosp, Toyama, Japan Poster Board Number P374 / Presentation Number WP374 Validation of a Novel Claims-Based Stroke Severity Index in Patients Hospitalized with Intracerebral Hemorrhage Cheng-Yang Hsieh, Tainan Sin Lau Hosp, Tainan, Taiwan; Sheng-Feng Sung, LingChien Hung, Ditmanson Medical Fndn Chia-Yi Christian Hosp, Chiayi, Taiwan Nursing Posters I WP376 – WP405 Poster Board Number P376 / Presentation Number WP376 Using the Plan-Do-Study-Act Model to Improve IV TPA Administration Times Ashley Page, Deb Motz, Sara Hansen, Beth Cline, Michele Patterson, Tracy Moore, Dicky Huey, Tommye Austin, Baptist Health System, San Antonio, TX Poster Board Number P377 / Presentation Number WP377 Gender Differences of Modifiable Risk Factors of Stroke and Psychological Factors Among Community-residing Adults With Prehypertension Hee-Young Song, Yonsei Univ, Wonju, Korea, Republic of; Kyoung A Nam, Hallym Univ, Chuncheon, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P378 / Presentation Number WP378 Improving Data Quality for Stroke Performance Measures: a Comprehensive and Systematic Approach to Inter Rater Reliability in Ohio Alice Liskay, Irene Katzan, Coverdell Coordinating Ctr, Cleveland, OH; Ohio Coverdell Leadership Team and Hospitals Poster Board Number P366 / Presentation Number WP366 A Novel Risk Score to Predict In-hospital Deterioration After Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: ICH Progression Score Ruijun Ji, Runhua Zhang, Xingquan Zhao, Yongjun Wang, Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Primary Poster Board Number P367 / Presentation Number WP367 Comparison of Standard Emergency Room Care with Tele-Stroke Evaluation in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Management Sierra C Ford, Zahra A Ajani, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Qiaoling Chen, Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA; Vedasto S Sorreda, Grace M Tu, David L McCartney, Christina Valdovinos, Catherine L Lui, Adam L Sharp, Navdeep S Sangha, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P379 / Presentation Number WP379 Mode of Arrival Effects tPA Timeliness: a Retrospective Review Deb Motz, Tracy Moore, Dicky Huey, Tommye Austin, Baptist Health System, San Antonio, TX Poster Board Number P381 / Presentation Number WP381 DTN Too Slow? Who You Gonna Call? Clot Busters – and the Stroke Coordinator! Alicia Richardson, Kathy Morrison, Penn State Hershey Medical Ctr, Hershey, PA Poster Board Number P368 / Presentation Number WP368 Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage – Proportion of Patients With Indications for Anticoagulation David L Tirschwell, Harborview Medical Ctr, Seattle, WA; Kevin N Sheth, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Enrique C Leira, Univ of Iowa Coll of Med, Iowa City, IA; Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Steven M Greenberg, Jonathan Rosand, Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P382 / Presentation Number WP382 Feasibility Testing of mHealth for brainHealth: a Mobile Intervention to Support Secondary Stroke Prevention Carole L White, Byron Ihegword, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Michele Patterson, Deb Motz, Baptist Health System, San Antonio, TX; Richard Williamson, Jean-Louis Caron, Lee A Birnbaum, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX Poster Board Number P369 / Presentation Number WP369 Long Sleep Duration as a Risk Factor for Intracerebral Hemorrhage: a Nationwide, Multicenter Case-control Study Tae Jung Kim, Chi Kyung Kim, Yerim Kim, Han-Gil Jeong, Kiwoong Nam, Sang Joon An, Sang-Bae Ko, Byung-Woo Yoon, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P383 / Presentation Number WP383 Does Test-enhanced Learning Improve Retention of Patient/Family Stroke Education? Brenda Johnson, Johns Hopkins Medical Ctr, Baltimore, MD; Victor C Urrutia, Johns Hopkins Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Anne W Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr – Memphis, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number P370 / Presentation Number WP370 Differential Alternative Splicing of Leukocyte mRNAs After Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Ischemic Stroke of Different Etiologies Cheryl J Dykstra-Aiello, Glen C Jickling, Bradley P Ander, Xinhua Zhan, DaZhi Liu, Heather Hull, Miles A Orantia, Carolyn Ho, Frank R Sharp, Boryana S Stamova, Univ of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA Poster Board Number P371 / Presentation Number WP371 Characteristics of Fever in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Sabreena J Gillow, Sayona John, Vivien H Lee, Bichun Ouyang, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number P372 / Presentation Number WP372 Preeclampsia and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Risk in Later Life Sebastian Koch, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Steven Kittner, Univ of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Padmini Sekar, Charles J Moomaw, Jennifer Osborne, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Carl Langefeld, Wake Forrest Univ, Winston-Salem, NC; Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P373 / Presentation Number WP373 Hyperacute Blood Pressure Variability in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Clinical Outcome Georgy Cherkassky, Yasser Khorchid, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Georgios Tsivgoulis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Andrei V Alexandrov, Jason J Chang, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number P384 / Presentation Number WP384 Redesigning the Information Highway – Using Video to Improve Nurse Satisfaction with Patients’ Transitions from the Emergency Department to the Neuroscience Unit Melissa Richardson, Omid Salehi, Kevin Hinkelman, Clarke Tyan, Teresa Young, Melissa Meyers, Lori Holbert, Melissa Vandergriff, Hillcrest Hosp, Mayfield Heights, OH Poster Board Number P385 / Presentation Number WP385 The Stroke Transitions Education and Prevention Clinic: a Comprehensive Approach to Post-stroke Care Anjail Sharrief, Munachi N Okpala, Univ of Texas Medical Sch, Houston, TX; Kim Yen Thi Vu, Memorial Hermann Hosp, Houston, TX; Sean I Savitz, Univ of Texas Medical Sch, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P386 / Presentation Number WP386 Swallowing Assessment of Nurses and Speech-Therapists Joanna Stolzenburg, Anja Ott, Cem Bulut, Peter A Ringleb, Univ of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Poster Board Number P387 / Presentation Number WP387 Outcomes of a Wake-up Stroke Protocol Wendy Barrilleaux, Ruth Fredericks, Scott McPherson, Karl Hatten, Elizabeth Allen, Tracey Slawson, Brian Turnbow, Amber Nesenson, Ashley Smith, St Dominic Hosp, Jackson, MS — 76 — Poster Board Number P388 / Presentation Number WP388 Clinically Focused Stroke Coordinator: How to Successfully Contact All Patients Post Hospitalization at the Highest Target Georgia Weilbacher, Sharon Hammond-Heaton, The Ohio State Univ Wexner Medical Ctr, Columbus, OH Poster Board Number P389 / Presentation Number WP389 Understanding the Clinicians’ Experiences in Collecting Stroke Rehabilitation Intensity Data Within Ontario Elizabeth Linkewich, Toronto Stroke Networks, Toronto, ON, Canada; Janine Theben, West GTA Stroke Network, Mississauga, ON, Canada; Amy Maebrae-Waller, Central East Stroke Network, Barrie, ON, Canada; Shelley Huffman, Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario, Kingston, ON, Canada; Jenn Fearn, Northeastern Ontario Stroke Network, Sudbury, ON, Canada; Jennifer White, Central East Stroke Network, Barrie, ON, Canada; Jennifer Beal, Southwestern Ontario Stroke Network, London, ON, Canada; Gwen Brown, Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario, Kingston, ON, Canada; Ruth Hall, Ontario Stroke Network, Toronto, ON, Canada; Judy Murray, Donelda Sooley, Central East Stroke Network, Barrie, ON, Canada; Deb Willems, Southwestern Ontario Stroke Network, London, ON, Canada; Sylvia Quant, Toronto Stroke Networks, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P390 / Presentation Number WP390 The UTHealth Stomp Out Stroke Festival – A City Wide Public Education Initiative Elizabeth A Noser, Nneka L Ifejika, The Univ of Texas Medical Sch at Houston, Houston, TX; James C Grotta, Clinical Innovation and Res Inst, Memorial Hermann Hosp, Houston, TX; Sean I Savitz, The Univ of Texas Medical Sch at Houston, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P391 / Presentation Number WP391 Time out Process Prior to Administration of Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment Catherine Spahr, Ruth Linde, Sueanne McKniff, Julie Deel, John Mingle, Wellspan Health, York, PA Poster Board Number P400 / Presentation Number WP400 Decreasing Readmissions With Improved Stroke Education Teresa S White, Barbara Leach, SwedishAmerican Hosp, Rockford, IL Poster Board Number P401 / Presentation Number WP401 Code Fast: a Quality Improvement Initiated to Reduce Door to Needle Times Leslie N Busby, Wellstar Kennestone Hosp, Marietta, GA; Kumiko Owada, Samish Dhungana, VIctoria Coppola, Rebecca Ruban, Christopher Horn, Dustin Rochestie, Susan Zimmermann, Ahmad Khaldi, Joseph Hormes, Rishi Gupta, Wellstar Kennestone, Marietta, GA Poster Board Number P402 / Presentation Number WP402 Performance Measurement of Blood Pressure Management in the Acute Phase of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Christine Glendening, Hope Moser, Memorial Hermann Hosp, Houston, TX; Chunyan Cai, Renganayaki Pandurengan, Univ of Texas-Houston Medical Sch, Houston, TX; Carolina Diaz, Abigail Marcotte, Jacqueline Denzler, Jennifer Cao, Memorial Hermann Hosp, Houston, TX; Nicole Gonzales, Univ of Texas-Houston Medical Sch, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P403 / Presentation Number WP403 Empowering Certified Nursing Assistants through Stroke-Specific Education Nili E Steiner, Pamela Moore, Betty Robertson, Laurie Paletz, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P405 / Presentation Number WP405 Improving Adherence to Secondary Stroke Prevention Strategies Through Motivational Interviewing: a Randomised Controlled Trial Suzanne Barker-Collo, Peter A Barber, Univ of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Emma Witt, Valery L Feigin, AUT Univ, Auckland, New Zealand; Amy Jones, Univ of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Kathryn McPherson, Health Res Council of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand; for the MIST Study Investigators Pediatric Stroke Posters I WP406 – WP414 Poster Board Number P392 / Presentation Number WP392 Ventriculitis Related to Venticular Catheteres Eradicated With the Creation of Strict Guidelines for Insertion to Maintenance to Removal Jennifer Freund, Patricia Simonowicz, Maria Rinaldi, Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT Poster Board Number P406 / Presentation Number WP406 The Importance of Pediatric Stroke Family Support Rhonda Knapp-Clevenger, Children’s Colorado, Aurora, CO; Amanda Kenny, Richard Boada, Timothy Bernard, Jennifer Armstrong-Wells, Univ of Colorado, Aurora, CO Poster Board Number P393 / Presentation Number WP393 Cervical Arterial Fibromuscular Dysplasia in a Bi-ethnic Population: a Retrospective Study in US-Mexican Border Ihtesham A Qureshi, Alberto Maud, Tatiana Chacon, Salvador Cruz-Flores, Gustavo J Rodriguez, Texas Tech Univ Heath Sciences Ctr, El Paso, Texas, El Paso, TX Poster Board Number P407 / Presentation Number WP407 Assessing Quality of Patient Care in Pediatric Stroke Hospitalizations: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Kavelin Rumalla, Adithi Reddy, Univ of Missouri-Kansas City Sch of Med, Kansas City, MO; Sirisha Tumalapenta, Manoj Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Primary Poster Board Number P394 / Presentation Number WP394 The Proteasome Subunit α Type 6 Rs1048990 Contributes To The Risk Of Ischemic Stroke And Its Subtypes: New Data And Meta-analysis Lihua Yu, Jingjing Zhang, Jian Guo, Jinghuan Fang, Ning Chen, Li He, Li He, West China hospital of Sichuan Univ, Chengdu, China Poster Board Number P395 / Presentation Number WP395 Improving Data Quality for Stroke Performance Measures: A Comprehnsive and Systematic Approach to Inter Rater Reliability in Ohio Alice Liskay, Coverdell Coordinating Ctr, Cleveland, OH; Ohio Coverdell Leadership Team and Hospitals Poster Board Number P396 / Presentation Number WP396 The Need for Speed: Streamlining the Stroke Alert Process Jennifer M Brackman, Kristen Beichler, Aultman Hosp, Canton, OH Poster Board Number P397 / Presentation Number WP397 CT Stroke Code Dramatically Reduces Door-to-needle and Door-to-groin Times for Reperfusion Therapy Estela Sanjuan, Marta Rubiera, Katherine E Santana, Pilar Giron, Marian Muchada, Sandra Boned, Marc Ribo, David Rodriguez-Luna, Jorge Pagola, Mireia Sanchis, Jesus Juega, Alan A Flores, Carlos A Molina, Hosp Vall D’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain Poster Board Number P398 / Presentation Number WP398 Can a Shorter, Colorful Education Book Improve Stroke Patient Satisfaction Scores? Julie M Fussner, Erin Supan, Jason Makii, Kelly Montgomery, Sophia Sundararajan, Cathy Sila, Univ Hosp Case Medical Ctr, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P399 / Presentation Number WP399 Effectiveness of Acute Stroke Team in a Regional Primary Health Care Hospital Brett Jones, Calvary Health, Bruce, Canberra, Australia; Ronak Patel, ACT Health, Garran, Canberra, Australia Poster Board Number P408 / Presentation Number WP408 Temporal Trends in Pediatric Stroke Hospitalization From 2000 – 2009: Analysis of the KID Inpatient Database John M Taylor, Paul Horn, Samrat Yeramaneni, Heidi Sucharew, Jane Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P409 / Presentation Number WP409 Analysis of the KID Inpatient Sample Demonstrates Improvements in Care for Children Hospitalized With Moyamoya From 1997-2015 W Lee Titsworth, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Edward R Smith, Boston Children’s Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P410 / Presentation Number WP410 Short-Term Outcomes in Pediatric Ischemic Stroke: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 2002-2011 Kavelin Rumalla, Univ of Missouri – Kansas City Sch of Med, Kansas City, MO; Aditya Singh, Ashna Rajan, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS; Vijay Letchuman, Univ of Missouri – Kansas City Sch of Med, Kansas City, MO; Manoj Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number P411 / Presentation Number WP411 Anatomical Venous Variants and Physiological Adaptive Changes in Children With Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis Elizabeth Kouzmitcheva, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; Andrea Andrade, London Health Sciences Ctr, London, ON, Canada; Derek Armstrong, Prakash Muthusami, Mahendranath Moharir, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada — 77 — Poster Board Number P412 / Presentation Number WP412 Neurovascular Imaging is not Always Normal in Neonatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke Rand Askalan, Ishita Siddiq, Derek Armstrong, Gabrielle deVeber, Daune MacGregor, Mahendranath Moharir, Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P413 / Presentation Number WP413 Recurrent Acute Ischemic Stroke in a Child on Novalung iLA® Treated Twice With Mechanical Clot Retrieval: a Case Report and Review of the Literature Maria C Buompadre, Kathleen Andres, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; Lee-Anne Slater, Toronto Western Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Hadi Mohseni-Bod, Ann-Marie Guerguerian, Helen Branson, Suzanne Laughlin, Derek Armstrong, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; Vitor Pereira, Toronto Western Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Mahendranath Moharir, Gabrielle deVeber, Tilman Humpl, Emilie Jean-St-Michel, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; Rebecca Ichord, The Children Hosp of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Rand Askalan, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; Timo Krings, Toronto Western Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Nomazulu Dlamini, The Hosp for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P414 / Presentation Number WP414 Ultrasonographic Changes after Indirect Bypass Surgery in Pediatric Patients with Moyamoya Disease Shin-Joe Yeh, Sung-Chun Tang, Li-Kai Tsai, Ya-Fang Chen, Hon-Man Liu, Ying-An Chen, Yu-Lin Hsieh, Shih-Hung Yang, Meng-Fai Kuo, Jiann-Shing Jeng, Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp and Natl Taiwan Univ Coll of Med, Taipei, Taiwan Preventive Strategies Posters I WP415 – WP424 Poster Board Number P422 / Presentation Number WP422 Mechanisms of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke Under Medical versus Device Therapy: Long Term Follow-up in the RESPECT PFO Trial David E Thaler, Tufts Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; John Carroll, Univ Colorado, Denver, CO; Jeffrey Saver, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Richard Smalling, Univ of Texas Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Diane Book, Medical Coll of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Larry Goldstein, KY Clinic – Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; Lee A MacDonald, South Denver Cardiology Associates, Littleton, CO; David S Marks, Medical Coll of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; David L Tirschwell, Univ of Washington, Seattle, WA Poster Board Number P424 / Presentation Number WP424 Prevalence and Determinants of Non-adherence to Secondary Preventive Medication in Stroke Patients Soo-Kyoung Kim, Da-hye Jeong, Nack-Cheon Choi, Rokbum Kim, Ki-Soo Park, Seungnam Son, Gyeongsang Natl Univ Hosp, Jinju, Korea, Republic of Vascular Cognitive Impairment Posters I WP425 – WP434 Poster Board Number P425 / Presentation Number WP425 Blood Brain Barrier Disruption and Vascular Cognitive Impairment in Early Stages of Heart Failure Development in Tgαq*44 Mice Mateusz G Adamski, Magdalena Sternak, Jagiellonian Univ, Cracow, Poland; Joanna M Wieronska, Polish Acad of Sciences, Cracow, Poland; Iwona Czaban, Monika Malinowska, Grzegorz M Wilczynski, Nencki Inst of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland; Andrzej Pilc, Polish Acad of Sciences, Cracow, Poland; Stefan Chlopicki, Jagiellonian Univ, Cracow, Poland Poster Board Number P415 / Presentation Number WP415 What Factors Determine Choice of Anticoagulant? Eli E Zimmerman, Vanderbilt Univ Sch of Med, Nashville, TN; Alison Ayres, M Edip Gurol, Steven M Greenberg, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P426 / Presentation Number WP426 Early Non-white Matter Changes in Cerebrovascular Integrity in Mouse Brain Following Bilateral Carotid Artery Stenosis Jill Roberts, Michael Maniskas, Gregory J Bix, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Poster Board Number P416 / Presentation Number WP416 African Americans are Less Likely to be Adherent to Statins After Ischemic Stroke: an Analysis of Medicare Beneficiaries Following Hospital Discharge Karen C Albright, Justin Blackburn, Virginia Howard, T Mark Beasley, Nita Limdi, Hong Zhao, Paul Muntner, UAB, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P427 / Presentation Number WP427 Cognitive Function of Ten-year Stroke Survivors Compared to Non-stroke Individuals: the Lund Stroke Register Hossein Delavaran, Skåne Univ Hosp, Lund, Sweden; Ann-Cathrin Jönsson, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Håkan Lövkvist, Skåne Univ Hosp, Lund, Sweden; Susanne Iwarsson, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Sölve Elmståhl, Skåne Univ Hosp, Malmö, Sweden; Bo Norrving, Arne Lindgren, Skåne Univ Hosp, Lund, Sweden Poster Board Number P417 / Presentation Number WP417 Oxygen Extraction Fraction Measured With MRI is Reduced After Blood Transfusion in Adults With Sickle Cell Anemia Lori C Jordan, Melissa Gindville, Allison Scott, Megan K Strother, Adetola Kassim, Sheau-Chiann Chen, Sumit Pruthi, Yu Shyr, Manus J Donahue, Vanderbilt Univ Sch of Med, Nashville, TN Poster Board Number P418 / Presentation Number WP418 Outcome Comparison Between Patients Suffering a Stroke/TIA or a Moderate/ major Bleed: Data From the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency After Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) Trial Lisa Woodhouse, Nikola Sprigg, Philip M Bath, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P419 / Presentation Number WP419 Predictors of Post-Discharge Physical Activity in Patients With Mild Ischemic Stroke Hiroyuki Kawajiri, Nagoya Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Aichi, Japan; Hiromi Mishina, Sho Asano, Aichi Medical Univ Hosp, Aichi, Japan; Yuji Kono, Nagoya Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Aichi, Japan; Hironori Hayashi, Jun-ichi Niwa, Masayuki Izumi, Manabu Doyu, Shinya Kimura, Aichi Medical Univ, Aichi, Japan; Sumio Yamada, Nagoya Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Aichi, Japan Poster Board Number P420 / Presentation Number WP420 Testing the Intensity of Multiple, Complex Interventions for Life-style Modification in Randomized Stroke Trials Michael Brainin, Yvonne Teuschl, Karl Matz, Alexandra Dachenhausen, Bernadette Firlinger, Martina Reiter, Jakkoo Tuomilehto, Danube Univ Krems, Krems, Austria Poster Board Number P421 / Presentation Number WP421 A Targeted Self-management Approach for Reducing Stroke Risk Factors in Young African-American Men who have Experienced Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack Martha Sajatovic, Univ Hosp Case Medical Ctr, Cleveland, OH; Curtis Tatsuoka, Elisabeth Welter, Kari Colon-Zimmerman, Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH; Carol Blixen, Ctr for Health Care Res and Policy, Cleveland, OH; Adam T Perzynski, Jamie Cage, Johnny Sams, Shirley M Moore, Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH; Svetlana Pundik, Cleveland VA Medical Ctr, Cleveland, OH; Sophia Sundararajan, Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH; Charles Modlin, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Cathy Sila, Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P428 / Presentation Number WP428 Changes of Microstructural White Matter in Vascular Cognitive Disorder and Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study Yang Yu, Dept of Neurology, Hongqi Hosp of Mudanjiang Medical Univ, Mudangjiang, Heilongjiang, China; Xinyu Liang, Gaolang Gong, State Key Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal Univ, Beijing, China; Ying Han, Dept of Neurology, Xuan Wu Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Changhao Yin, Dept of Neurology, Hongqi Hosp of Mudanjiang Medical Univ, Mudangjiang, Heilongjiang, China Poster Board Number P429 / Presentation Number WP429 The Cognitive Impairment in Stroke Screener (CISS) Tool: an Improved Screening Tool to Detect Cognitive Impairment Early Among Stroke Patients Julie Bonner, Srikant Rangaraju, Stuart Schleuse, Sarah Lampert, Debbie Sinsley, Vijay Javalkar, Minas W Gebru, Cynthia Brasher, Joshua Dunn, Katja Bryant, Chadwick M Hales, Fadi Nahab, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P430 / Presentation Number WP430 Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Incident Dementia Kaori Miwa, Shuhei Okazaki, Manabu Sakaguchi, Hideki Mochizuki, Osaka Univ, Suita, Japan; Kazuo Kitagawa, Tokyo Women’s Medical Univ, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P431 / Presentation Number WP431 Acute Stroke in Right Anterior Insula and Frontal Operculum Impair Empathy Jui-Hong Chien, Eun-Hye Kim, Chang-Chia Liu, Kumiko Oishi, Kenichi Oishi, Frederick Lenz, Argye E Hillis, Johns Hopkins Univ SOM, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number P434 / Presentation Number WP434 Decreased Manual Dexterity is Associated With Low Fractional Anisotropy in the Fornix of Healthy Middle-aged Persons at Risk for Vascular Disease Yousef Hannawi, The Ohio State Univ, Columbus, OH; Lisa R Yanek, Brian G Kral, Dhananjay Vaidya, Lewis C Becker, Diane M Becker, Paul A Nyquist, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD — 78 — Vascular Malformation Posters I WP435 – WP436 LATE-BREAKING SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Poster Board Number P435 / Presentation Number WP435 Changes in Pulsatility and Resistance Indices of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Feeder Arteries After Embolization and Surgery Sophia F Shakur, Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, Mohamed Abouelleil, Victor Aletich, Fady Charbel, Ali Alaraj, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL POSTER SESSION I WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM HALL H Poster Board Number P436 / Presentation Number WP436 Comparing Risk of Stroke and Death in Treated and Untreated Patients With Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (BAVM) Helen Kim, Jeffrey Nelson, Charles E McCulloch, Michael T Lawton, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Jay P Mohr, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Christian Stapf, Univ of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Univ of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Multicenter AVM Research Study (MARS) Investigators Previously Published Science: Abstracts Previously PPS1 – PPS5 Published or Presented after AHA Acceptance Poster Board Number PPS1 / Presentation Number PPS1 Summary of Evidence on Carotid Intervention For Recently Symptomatic Stenosis Based on Meta-analysis of Current Periprocedural Risks Paola De Rango, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Perugia, Italy; Seemant Chaturvedi, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Virginia Howard, Sch of Public Health, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Tudor Jovin, Stroke Inst and UPMC Ctr for Neuroendovascular Therapy, Pittsburgh, KS; Maurizio Paciaroni, Stroke Unit, Perugia, Italy; Michael Mazya, Dept of Neurology, Karolinska Univ Hosp, Stockholm, Sweden; Martin Brown, UCL Inst of Neurology,, London, United Kingdom; Alessandra Manzone, Luca Farchioni, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Perugia, Italy; Valeria Caso, Stroke Unit, Perugia, Italy Primary Poster Board Number PPS2 / Presentation Number PPS2 Endovascular Thrombectomy for Anterior Circulation Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Charlene J Ong, Chester K Yarbrough, Alexander B Beyer, Kim Lipsey, Colin P Derdeyn, Washington Univ in St Louis, St Louis, MO Primary Poster Board Number PPS3 / Presentation Number PPS3 BEnefits of Stroke Treatment Delivered Using a Mobile Stroke Unit Compared to Standard Management by Emergency Medical Services: Results of the Run-in Phase of the BEST-MSU Study Ritvij Bowry, Stephanie Parker, Tzu-Ching Wu, Elizabeth Noser, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr Houston, Houston, TX; Laura Richardson, Frazer Ltd, Houston, TX; Kamilah Jackson, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr Houston, Houston, TX; David Persse, City of Houston Emergency Medical Services, Houston, TX; Suja Rajan, Jose-Miguel Yamal, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr Houston, Houston, TX; James C Grotta, Memorial Hermann Hosp, Houston, TX Primary Poster Board Number PPS4 / Presentation Number PPS4 Predictors of Clinical Outcome After Stent-retriever Thrombectomy in Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion Woong Yoon, Seul Kee Kim, Tae Wook Heo, Byung Hyun Baek, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Jaechan Park, Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of Primary Poster Board Number PPS5 / Presentation Number PPS5 Contrast Induced Nephropathy in Multimodal Assessment of Acute Stroke: a Systematic Review Itay Keshet, Mount Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY; Roger Cheng, Mount Sinai Hosp, New York, NY; Stephan A Mayer, Mount Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY Late-Breaking Science Posters I LBP1 – LBP8 Poster Board Number LBP1 / Presentation Number LBP1 Pericyte Control of the Microcirculation in Ischemic Brain Kirsti Golgotiu, Douglas Zeppenfeld, Wenri Zhang, Jeffrey Iliff, Nabil J Alkayed, Oregon Health & Science Univ, Portland, OR Poster Board Number LBP2 / Presentation Number LBP2 Dual Antiplatelet Therapy May Decrease 1-year Stroke Recurrence for Patients With Minor Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack and Intracranial Arterial Stenosis: Subgroup Analysis of CHANCE Yuehua Pu, Liping Liu, Yilong Wang, Jing Jing, Xinying Zou, Anxin Wang, Xia Meng, Chunxue Wang, Xingquan Zhao, Beijing Tiantan Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; S Claiborne Johnston, Univ of California, San Francisco, CA; Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Poster Board Number LBP3 / Presentation Number LBP3 Kaiser Stroke EXPRESS Program – Expediting the Process of Evaluating & Stopping Stroke Mai N Nguyen-Huynh, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA; Jeff Klingman, Kaiser Permanente, Walnut Creek, CA Poster Board Number LBP4 / Presentation Number LBP4 Targeted Lipid Profiling Discovers Plasma Markers of Large Vessel Infarction: Interim Results of the ASPIRE-Stroke Study Sunil Sheth, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Anthony T Iavarone, Univ of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; Gregory J Wong, Raymond Liou, Abhishek Verma, Sidney Starkman, David S Liebeskind, Jeffrey L Saver, Nestor R Gonzalez, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number LBP5 / Presentation Number LBP5 The “Uncertainty Principle” as an Entry Criterion in Stroke Clinical Trials: Bias Towards Null Findings Annasha Vyas, Jeffrey Saver, Univ of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number LBP6 / Presentation Number LBP6 Incidence and 30-day Case-fatality Rate of First-Ever Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack: Program for the Epidemiological Evaluation of Stroke in Tandil, Argentina (PREVISTA) Maria Cecilia Bahit, INECO Neurociencias Rosario, Rosario, Argentina; Mariano Coppola, Hosp Ramon Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; Patricia Riccio, Dept of Clinical Neurological Sciences London Health Sciences Ctr,Western Univ, London, ON, Canada; Lauren Cipriano, Ivey Business Sch, Western Univ, London, ON, Canada; Gregory Roth, Inst for Health Metrics and Evaluation Univ of Washington, Seatle, WA; Renato Lopes, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Duke Univerity, Durham, NC; Valerie Feigin, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Natl Inst for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences, Auckland Univ of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; Brenda Borrego Guerrero, Sanatorio Tandil, Tandil, Argentina; M De Martino, Alejandro Diaz, Hosp Ramon Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; F Funaro, Sanatorio Tandil, Tandil, Argentina; Pablo Lavados, INECO Neurociencias RosarioClnica Alemana, Ctr de Neurociencias,Univ del Desarrollo Dept de Ciencias Neurolgicas, Univ de Chile, Santiago, Chile; M Laura Lewin, Hosp Ramn Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; D Lopez, Sanatorio Tandil Nueva Clinica Chacabuco, Tandil, Argentina; Patricia Macarrone, Sanatorio Tandil, Tandil, Argentina; R Marcielo, Hosp Ramon Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; D Marino, Sanatorio Tandil, Tandil, Argentina; C Martens, Hosp Ramon Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; Paula Martinez, Nueva Clinica Chacabuco, Tandil, Argentina; G Odrizola, Hosp Ramon Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; Alejandro Rabinstein, Dept of Neurology Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Gustavo Saposnik, Stroke Outcomes Res Ctr, Div of Neurology, Dept of Med, St Michael’s Hosp, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Damian Silva, Hosp Ramon Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; R Suasnabar, Nueva Clinica Chacabuco, Tandil, Argentina; T Truelsen, Dept of Neurology, Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Herlev, Denmark; A Uzcudun, Hosp Ramon Santamarina, Tandil, Argentina; C Viviani, Circulo Medico de Tandil, Tandil, Argentina; Luciano Sposato, Dept of Clinical Neurological Sciences London He — 79 — Poster Board Number LBP7 / Presentation Number LBP7 Patients with Acute Stroke are Less Likely to be Admitted Directly to a Stroke Unit When Hospital Beds are Scarce David Darehed, Norrbottens Lans Landsting, Lulea, Sweden; Bo Norrving, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Birgitta Stegmayr, Umea Univ, Umea, Sweden; Karin Zingmark, Mathias Blom, Norrbottens Lans Landsting, Lulea, Sweden Poster Board Number LBP8 / Presentation Number LBP8 Interim Analysis of an Australian Telestroke Service Using Multimodal CT Imaging Decision Assistance Jelle Demeestere, John Hunter Hosp, Newcastle, Australia; Claire Sewell, Sch of Med and Public Health, Univ of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia; Jennifer Rudd, Manning Rural Referral Hosp, Taree, Australia; Timothy Ang, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy, John Hunter Hosp, Newcastle, Australia; Louise Jordan, Hunter New England Health Local Health District, Newcastle, Australia; James Wills, Manning Rural Referral Hosp, Taree, Australia; Longting Lin, Andrew Bivard, Hunter Medical Res Inst, Newcastle, Australia; Ferdinand Miteff, Neil Spratt, John Hunter Hosp, Newcastle, Australia; Mark Parsons, Christopher Levi, John Hunter Hosp; Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia PROFESSOR-LED POSTER TOURS BY CATEGORY: SESSION II THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM Hall H Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Moderated Poster Tour TMP1 – TMP12 SECTION 1 Moderator: Yongchai Nilanont, MD, FRCP, Bangkok, Thailand Poster Board Number MP1 / Presentation Number TMP1 International Multicenter Study Demonstrating Safety of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Harboring Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Nitin Goyal, Georgios Tsivgoulis, Sulaiman Iftikhar, Ramin Zand, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Vijay K Sharma, Natl Univ Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Shailesh Male, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Kristian Barlinn, Dresden Univ Stroke center, Dresden, Germany; Aristeidis H Katsanos, Second Dept of Neurology, “Attikon” Hosp, Sch of Med, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Ulf Bodechtel, Dresden Univ Stroke center, Dresden, Germany; Adam Arthur, Lucas Elijovich, Ann W Alexandrov, Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number MP2 / Presentation Number TMP2 Is Eptifibatide a Viable and Safe Option as Stand-alone Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients? Daniel Korya, Mohammad Moussavi, Siddhart Mehta, Jaskiran Brar, Harina Chahal, Josh Daniels, Mena Samaan, Spozhmy Panezai, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Poster Board Number MP3 / Presentation Number TMP3 Low Concentration Normobaric Oxygen Enhanced Therapeutic Effect of Mild Hypothermia or Ethanol Through a Reduction in Apoptosis Kaiyin Liu, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Lipeng Cai, Luhe Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Changya Peng, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Xiaokun Geng, Luhe Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Xunming Ji, Xuanwu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Murali Guthikonda, Yuchuan Ding, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number MP4 / Presentation Number TMP4 Early Statin Intervention Can Reduce Progression in Acute Lacunar Stroke – An Analysis Using Propensity Score Kazuki Fukuma, Hiroshi Yamagami, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number MP5 / Presentation Number TMP5 Secondary Analysis of Eptifibatide Plus Full Dose rt-PA in Ischemic Stroke Opeolu Adeoye, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Heidi Sucharew, Jane Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Pamela Schmit, Joseph Broderick, Arthur Pancioli, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number MP6 / Presentation Number TMP6 Safety From Acute Carotid Revascularization in Octogenarians With Recently Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis Paola De Rango, Luca Farchioni, Alessandra Manzone, Gioele Simonte, Selena Pelliccia, Enrico Cieri, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Perugia, Italy; Valeria Caso, Stroke Unit, Perugia, Italy; Massimo Lenti, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Perugia, Italy Poster Board Number MP7 / Presentation Number TMP7 The Effect of Admission Systolic Blood Pressure on Mortality in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Ayaz M Khawaja, Amelia K Boehme, Harn Shiue, April Sisson, Kanika Arora, Michael Lyerly, Manmeet Kaur, Toby Gropen, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number MP8 / Presentation Number TMP8 The New Alteplase Package Insert: What is the Potential Impact? Harn Shiue, Karen Albright, Kara Sands, April Sisson, Michael Lyerly, Toby Gropen, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL — 80 — Poster Board Number MP9 / Presentation Number TMP9 Hospitals’ Performance on Timely Reperfusion in Stroke and Myocardial Infarction is not Correlated Kori Sauser-Zachrison, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Deborah A Levine, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Gregg C Fonarow, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Margueritte Cox, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Adam D DeVore, Duke Univ Sch of Med, Durham, NC; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary Cumming Sch of Med, Calgary, AB, Canada; Robert Suter, American Heart Association, Dallas, TX; Ying Xian, Duke Univ Sch of Med, Durham, CA; Deepak L Bhatt, Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP10 / Presentation Number TMP10 A Retrospective Comparison of Medical Eligibility for Acute Ischemic Stroke Clinical Trials Compared with Hospital Enrollment Rates: Greater Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky Population Dawn Kleindorfer, Charles J Moomaw, Univ of Cincinnati Hosp, Cincinnati, OH; Jane Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp, Cincinnati, OH; Kathleen Alwell, Univ of Cincinnati Hosp, Cincinnati, OH; Jeffrey L Saver, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Pooja Khatri, Opeolu Adeoye, Joseph P Broderick, Matthew L Flaherty, Univ of Cincinnati Hosp, Cincinnati, OH; Thomas G Brott, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL; Judith Spilker, Pamela Schmit, Daniel Woo, Felipe De Los Rios La Rosa, Univ of Cincinnati Hosp, Cincinnati, OH; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Sharyl Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Simona Ferioli, Brett M Kissela, Univ of Cincinnati Hosp, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number MP11 / Presentation Number TMP11 Hemicraniectomy versus Conservative Treatment in Large Hemispheric Ischemic Stroke Patients: a Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Muhammad F Ishfaq, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Haseeb A Rahman, Abraham P Thomas, Houston Methodist Hosp-Texas Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Rajeel Imran, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, StCloud, MN; Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Poster Board Number MP12 / Presentation Number TMP12 Does Prehospital Magnesium Sulfate Differentially Improve Outcome in Hyperacute Stroke Patients With Higher Pretreatment Blood Pressure? Phoebe H Johnson-Black, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Sidney Starkman, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; David Liebeskind, Samuel Stratton, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Marc Eckstein, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Frank Pratt, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Robin Conwit, NINDS, Bethesda, MD; Scott Hamilton, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Claude Hemphill, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Jeffrey Saver, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Cerebral Large Artery Disease Moderated Poster Tour Poster Board Number MP16 / Presentation Number TMP16 Morphologic Evolution and Remodelling of Intracranial Atherosclerosis Under Intensive Risk Factor Control Thomas Leung, Prince of Wales Hosp, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Yannie Soo, Vincent Ip, Ka Sing Wong, Simon Yu, Prince of Wales Hosp, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Poster Board Number MP17 / Presentation Number TMP17 Statin Pretreatment is Associated With Better Early Outcomes in Acute LargeArtery Atherosclerotic Stroke Georgios Tsivgoulis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Aristeidis H Katsanos, Sch of Med, Univ of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece; Vijay K Sharma, Yong Loo Lin Sch of Med, Natl Univ of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore; Christos Krogias, St Josef-Hosp, Ruhr Univ, Bochum, Germany; Robert Mikulik, St Anne’s Hosp and Masaryk Univ, Brno, Czech Republic; Konstantinos Vadikolias, Univ Hosp of Alexandroupolis, Democritus Univ of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece; Milija Mijajlovic, Clinical Ctr of Serbia, Sch of Med, Univ of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia; Apostolos Safouris, Brugmann Univ Hosp, Brussels, Belgium; Christina Zompola, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Simon Faissner, St Josef-Hosp, Ruhr Univ, Bochum, Germany; Viktor Weiss, St Anne’s Hosp and Masaryk Univ, Brno, Czech Republic; Sotirios Giannopoulos, Sch of Med, Univ of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece; Spyros Vasdekis, Efstathios Boviatsis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Anne W Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN; Konstantinos Voumvourakis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number MP18 / Presentation Number TMP18 TBD Poster Board Number MP19 / Presentation Number TMP19 Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients With Thrombocytopenia Analysis of National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) Registry Aiman Zafar, Vishal B Jani, Muhammad Shah Miran, Muhammad H Yousaf, Urvish Patel, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, StCloud, MN Poster Board Number MP20 / Presentation Number TMP20 Effect of Carotid Artery Revascularization for Ocular Circulation and Chronic Ocular Ischemic in Carotid Artery Stenosis Shoichiro Kawaguchi, Takatoshi Fujimoto, Ryo Nakano, Nara Prefectural Seiwa Medical Ctr, Nara, Japan Poster Board Number MP21 / Presentation Number TMP21 Effect of Non-evidence Based Practices in Carotid Artery Stenting on Outcomes Tammam Obeid, Isibor Arhuidese, Mahmoud Malas, Johns Hopkins Medical Insts, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number MP22 / Presentation Number TMP22 Histological Characteristics of Intracranial Atherosclerosis: a Post-mortem Study Wenjie Yang, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Mark Fisher, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA; Chunbo Niu, China-Japan Union Hosp Affiliated to Jilin Univ, Jilin, China; Hailu Zhao, Guilin Medical Univ, Guilin, China; Kasing Wong, Hokeung Ng, Xiangyan Chen, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong TMP13 – TMP24 SECTION 2 Moderator:TBD Poster Board Number MP13 / Presentation Number TMP13 The Prevalence of Microbleeds in Moyamoya Disease and Moyamoya Syndrome in the United States Mo Chen, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; Sepand Salehian, UT Southwestern Medical Ctr, Dallas, TX; Maki Mukawa-Sawada, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ, Tokyo, Japan; Marco Pinho, Babu Welch, Ty Shang, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX Poster Board Number MP14 / Presentation Number TMP14 Baseline Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Acute Symptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Stump Kyu Sun Lee, Sung Eun Lee, Ji Man Hong, Jin Soo Lee, Dept of Neurology, Ajou Univ Hosp, Suwon, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number MP15 / Presentation Number TMP15 Circulating Antiangiogenic Profile Predicts Lower Degrees of Neovascularization After Indirect Revascularization With Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis (EDAS) in Patients With Intracranial Atherosclerosis (ICAS) Nestor R Gonzalez, Yinn Ooi, Azim Laiwalla, Lucas Restrepo, Latisha Ali, Raymond Liou, Neal Rao, Jason D Hinman, David S Liebeskind, Juan F Toscano, Jeffrey Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP23 / Presentation Number TMP23 Increased VEGFA-165a/VEGFA-165b Ratio in Patients With Moyamoya Compared to Intracranial Atherosclerosis (ICAS) and Controls Nestor R Gonzalez, Raymond Liou, Neal Rao, Yinn Ooi, Lucas Restrepo, Azim Laiwalla, Latisha Ali, Hanning Xing, Juan F Toscano, Neil Martin, Mark J Connolly, Jeffrey Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP24 / Presentation Number TMP24 Duration of Asymptomatic Status and Outcomes Following Endarterectomy and Stenting in the Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs Stenting Trial (CREST) Wesley S Moore, UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Jenifer H Voeks, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Gary S Roubin, Cardiovascular Associates of the Southeast, Birmingham, AL; Wayne M Clark, Oregon Health and Science Univ, Portland, OR; Virginia J Howard, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Michael R Jones, Baptist Health Lexington, Lexington, KY; Thomas G Brott, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; for the CREST Investigators — 81 — Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Moderated Poster Tour TMP25 – TMP36 SECTION 3 Moderator: Elliot J Roth, MD, FAHA, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number MP25 / Presentation Number TMP25 Brain-computer Interface Therapy for Upper Extremity Stroke Rehabilitation Induces Corticospinal Tract Changes That Track With Individual Behavioral Gains Brittany M Young, Julie M Stamm, Jie Song, Alexander Remsik, Veena A Nair, Mitchell E Tyler, Dorothy F Edwards, Kristin Caldera, Justin A Sattin, Justin C Williams, Vivek Prabhakaran, Univ of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI Poster Board Number MP26 / Presentation Number TMP26 Cerebral Atrophy and Functional Outcome After Intensive Rehabilitation in Elderly Patients With Ischemic Stroke Makiko Tanaka, Taiji Ito, Ayako Nakanaga, Shiro Sugiura, Yoshiomi Shimizu, Kenji Yoshikawa, Tsutomu Takahashi, Hoshigaoka Medical Ctr, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number MP27 / Presentation Number TMP27 How Generalizable are Rehabilitation Trials? The Results of a Large International Rehabilitation Trial (AVERT) Julie Bernhardt, Audrey Raffelt, Leonid Churilov, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Australia; Richard I Lindley, The George Inst for Global Health and Univ Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Sally Speare, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Australia; Jacqueline Ancliffe, Royal Perth Hosp, Perth, Australia; Md Ali Katijjahbe, UKM Medical Ctr, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Shahul Hameed, Singapore General Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Sheila Lennon, Flinders Univ and Repat General Hosp, Daw Park, Australia; Anna McRae, Auckland City Hosp, Auckland, New Zealand; Dawn Tan, Singapore General Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Jan Quiney, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Parkville, Australia; Hannah C Williamson, Austin Hosp, Heidelberg Victoria, Australia; Janice Collier, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Australia; Helen M Dewey, Monash Univ and Box Hill Hosp, Box Hill, Australia; Geoffrey A Donnan, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Parkville, Australia; Peter Langhorne, Univ of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; Amanda G Thrift, Monash Univ, Clayton, Australia; on behalf of the AVERT Trialists’ Collaboration Poster Board Number MP28 / Presentation Number TMP28 Upper Extremity Motor Impairment After Ischemic Stroke – Implications for Stem Cell Therapy Hossein Delavaran, Skåne Univ Hosp, Lund, Sweden; Joseph Aked, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Andreas Arvidsson, Skåne Univ Hosp, Lund, Sweden; Olle Lindvall, Zaal Kokaia, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Bo Norrving, Arne Lindgren, Skåne Univ Hosp, Lund, Sweden Poster Board Number MP29 / Presentation Number TMP29 Rehospitalizations Post-stroke: a 10 Year Follow-up Gitta Rohweder, St Olav’s Univ Hosp, Trondheim, Norway; Øyvind Salvesen, Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; Hanne Ellekjær, Bent Indredavik, St Olav’s Univ Hosp, Trondheim, Norway Poster Board Number MP30 / Presentation Number TMP30 SICI During Voluntary Movement Reveals Persistent Impairment in Cortical Stroke Carolynn Patten, Qian Ding, Manjeshwar Sahana S Kamath, William J Triggs, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Poster Board Number MP31 / Presentation Number TMP31 Two Doses of Remote Limb Ischemic Conditioning Augment Learning in Healthy Adults Kendra M Cherry-Allen, Jeff M Gidday, Jin-Moo Lee, Tamara Hershey, Catherine E Lang, Washington Univ in St Louis Sch of Med, St Louis, MO Poster Board Number MP32 / Presentation Number TMP32 Intra-arterial ALD401 Cell Therapy is Associated With Reduction in Stroke Volume at 90 Days in a Subset of the RECOVER-stroke Trial Kunakorn Atchaneeyasakul, Sushrut Dharmadhikari, Charif Sidani, Kevin Ramdas, Luis Guada, Ryan Pafford, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; David Huang, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; Jim Hinson Jr, Unicorn Pharma Consulting, Nashville, TN; Sean Savitz, Univ of Texas Medical Sch at Houston, Houston, TX; Dileep Yavagal, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL Poster Board Number MP33 / Presentation Number TMP33 ATTEND (Family Led Rehabilitation After Stroke in India) Trial: Potential for Health System Change in India Richard I Lindley, Univ of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Cynthia Felix, Jeyaraj D Pandian, Christian Medical Coll, Ludhiana, India; Craig S Anderson, George Inst for Global Health, Univ of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Alim Mohammed, George Inst for Global Health, Hyderabad, India; Dorcas B Gandhi, Shweta J Verma, Christian Medical Coll, Ludhiana, India; ATTEND Collaborative Group Poster Board Number MP34 / Presentation Number TMP34 OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment in Post-stroke Lower Limb Spasticity: Longterm Results From a Phase 3 Study Theodore Wein, McGill Univ, Montreal, QC, Canada; Alberto Esquenazi, MossRehab Gait and Motion Analysis Lab, Elkins Park, PA; Wolfgang H Jost, Univ of Freiburg, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; Anthony Ward, Staffordshire Univ, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom; Tinna Kwan, Grace Pan, Rozalina Dimitrova, Allergan Inc, Irvine, CA Poster Board Number MP35 / Presentation Number TMP35 Higher Predicted Aerobic Fitness is Related to Above Median Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 in Individuals With Acute Stroke Anna Mattlage, Michael Rippee, Kansas Univ Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS; Janice Sandt, Univ of Kansas Hosp, Kansas City, KS; Sandra A Billinger, Kansas Univ Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number MP36 / Presentation Number TMP36 Disability, Quality of Life and Institutionalization After Inpatient Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Facility Care for Ischemic Stroke Patients Janet Prvu Bettger, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Cheryl D Bushnell, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Ctr, Winston Salem, NC; Li Liang, Laine Thomas, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Pamela W Duncan, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Ctr, Winston Salem, NC; Ying Xian, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Gregg C Fonarow, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Helen Hoenig, Duke Univ Medical Ctr, Durham, NC; Barbara Lutz, Univ of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC; Cris Montalvo, Duke Regional Hosp, Durham, NC; Joel Stein, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY; Lee Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Eric D Peterson, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Moderated Poster Tour TMP37 – TMP48 SECTION 4 Moderator: David Tirschwell, MD, MS, Seattle, WA Poster Board Number MP37 / Presentation Number TMP37 Physicians’ Preferences in the Management of Silent Stroke: Results From a Worldwide Survey Lauren Crump, Univ of Toronto, Pickering, ON, Canada; Yue Li, Univ of Toronto, Scarborough, ON, Canada; Mike Sharma, McMaster Univ, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Ralph L Sacco, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, ON, Canada; on behalf of the Stroke Outcomes Research Canada Working Group (SORCan-wwwsorcanca); Gustavo Saposnik, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number MP38 / Presentation Number TMP38 Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia is a Distinct Subtype of Intracranial Large Artery Disease: Computational Fluid Dynamics of Hemodynamic Abnormalities David S Liebeskind, Graham W Woolf, Justin M Zubak, Fabien Scalzo, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP39 / Presentation Number TMP39 Brain FLAIR Ischemic Lesion Burden as a Biomarker of Intracranial Atherosclerosis in SAMMPRIS David S Liebeskind, Graham W Woolf, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; George A Cotsonis, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Fabien Scalzo, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL; Jose G Romano, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Elena López-Cancio, Hosp Univrio Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; Michael J Lynn, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Colin P Derdeyn, Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO; David J Fiorella, Stony Brook Univ Medical Ctr, Stony Brook, NY; Tanya N Turan, Marc I Chimowitz, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Edward Feldmann, Tufts Univ Sch of Med, Springfield, MA; for the SAMMPRIS Investigators — 82 — Poster Board Number MP40 / Presentation Number TMP40 Impact of Age on Atrial Fibrillation Detection among a Large, Real-World Population of Cryptogenic Stroke Patients with Insertable Cardiac Monitors Mark Richards, ProMedica Physicians Cardiology, Toledo, OH; John D Rogers, Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CA; Scott W Ferreira, St Louis Univ, St Louis, MO; Allan J Nichols, OhioHealth Heart & Vascular Physicians, Columbus, OH; Jodi L Koehler, Shantanu Sarkar, Paul D Ziegler, Medtronic, Mounds View, MN Poster Board Number MP41 / Presentation Number TMP41 Assessment of Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis on CT-Angiography – Manual versus Semi-automated Vessel Analysis Software Measurements Kristian Barlinn, Thomas Floegel, Hagen H Kitzler, Jessica Kepplinger, Timo Siepmann, Lars-Peder Pallesen, Ulf Bodechtel, Volker Puetz, Carl Gustav Carus Univ Hosp, Dresden, Germany Poster Board Number MP42 / Presentation Number TMP42 Distinguishing Clinical and Radiologic Features of Non-Traumatic Convexal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Jonathan Graff-Radford, Jennifer Fugate, James Klaas, Kelly Flemming, Robert Brown, Alejandro Rabinstein, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Poster Board Number MP43 / Presentation Number TMP43 Routine Labs may Help Predict tPA-related Hemorrhagic Transformation: A Role for Serial Monitoring of Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) Post tPA Wenjun Deng, Thomas Wickham, David McMullin, Kathleen Feeney, Ferdinando Buonanno, Eng H Lo, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; MingMing Ning, Massachusetts General Hosp/Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP44 / Presentation Number TMP44 Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Can Detect Small Disruption of Carotid Plaques Related to Symptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis Soichiro Abe, Kozue Saito, Dept of Neurology, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Hatsue Ishibashi-Ueda, Dept of Pathology, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Shuichi Tonomura, Dept of Neurology, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Kota Mori, Dept of Cerebrovascular Med, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Rie Motoyama, Dept of Neurology, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hosp & Inst of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan; Hiroshi Yamagami, Dept of Neurology, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Hiroharu Kataoka, Jun C Takahashi, Dept of Neurosurgery, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Koji Iihara, Dept of Neurosurgery, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Dept of Cerebrovascular Med, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Dept of Neurology, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number MP45 / Presentation Number TMP45 Usefulness of Susceptibility Vessel Sign With Bright Vessel Appearance in Acute Ischemic Stroke Han-Gil Jeong, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Beom-Joon Kim, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of; Chi Kyung Kim, Jun Yup Kim, Dong-Wan Kang, Do Yeon Kim, Jung Min Pyun, Seung-Hoon Lee, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number MP46 / Presentation Number TMP46 Computed Tomography of Non-Stenotic Carotid Plaque in Patients with Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (ESUS) Jonathan M Coutinho, Sheldon Derkatch, Alphonse R Potvin, Univ Health Network and the Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; George Tomlinson, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Tim-Rasmus Kiehl, Frank L Silver, Daniel M Mandell, Univ Health Network and the Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number MP47 / Presentation Number TMP47 The Clinical Utility of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Detecting Disrupted Carotid Plaques Shuichi Tonomura, Kozue Saito, Hatsue Ishibashi-Ueda, Soichiro Abe, Kota Mori, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Rie Motoyama, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hosp &Inst of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan; Hiroshi Yamagami, Hiroharu Kataoka, Jun C Takahashi, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; Koji Iihara, Graduate Sch of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number MP48 / Presentation Number TMP48 Characteristics of Cryptogenic Stroke Patients with Occult Cancer Yasufumi Gon, Manabu Sakaguchi, Yasukazu Terasaki, Tsutomu Sasaki, Hideki Mochizuki, Osaka Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Suita, Japan Experimental Mechanisms and Models Moderated Poster Tour TMP49 – TMP60 SECTION 5 Moderator: Sylvain Dore, PhD, Gainesville, FL Poster Board Number MP49 / Presentation Number TMP49 Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification for Qualitative Assessment of Human Neural Stem Cells Transcripts in the Ischemic Rat Brain Ricardo L Azevedo-Pereira, Nathan C Manley, Mårten C Winge, Jack Berry, Guohua Sun, Tonya Bliss, Gary K Steinberg, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA Poster Board Number MP50 / Presentation Number TMP50 Suppression of α-synuclein Mitigates Secondary Ischemic Brain Damage TaeHee Kim, Balarama Kaimal, Raghu Vemuganti, Univ of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI Poster Board Number MP51 / Presentation Number TMP51 Activation of PGE2 EP1 Receptor Promotes Microglial Phagocytosis Though CD36 Receptor Recycling BO MA, Jason Day, Harrison Phillips, Bryan Slootsky, Sylvain Doré, Univ of Florida, Coll of Med, Gainesville, FL Poster Board Number MP52 / Presentation Number TMP52 Inactivated Microglia and Inhibition Neutrophil Infiltration Reduce Brain Injury Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Mice Yongmei Sun, Wenwu Chen, Min Liu, Henan Univ, Kaifeng, China; Yuming Xu, Zhengzhou Univ, Zhengzhou, China; Yanhong Li, Jue He, Xiaohui Li, Yuan Fang, Lingxiu Jiang, Jian Fang, Henan Univ, Kaifeng, China; V Wee Yong, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Mengzhou Xue, Henan Univ, Kaifeng, China Primary Poster Board Number MP53 / Presentation Number TMP53 Ifn-γ-inducible Protein 10 (IP-10) Levels Increase With Age and Stroke Nia Harris, Rajkumar Verma, Rodney Ritzel, Anjali Chauhan, Louise McCullough, UConn Health, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number MP54 / Presentation Number TMP54 The Role of Erythrocyte Cd47 in Intracerebral Hematoma Clearance Wei Ni, Guohua Xi, Jiawei Song, Richard F Keep, Ya Hua, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number MP55 / Presentation Number TMP55 TGF β1 Induces Microglial BDNF Production and Improves Functional Outcome After Intracerebral Hemorrhage Roslyn A Taylor, Youxi Ai, Lauren H Sansing, Yale Univ Sch of Med, New Haven, CT Poster Board Number MP56 / Presentation Number TMP56 Mapping the Dynamics of Brain Perfusion During and Following Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (tMCAo) in the Rat Using Functional Ultrasound (fUS) Jean-Claude Baron, Clement Brunner, Clothilde Isabel, INSERM, Paris 5 University, France; Abraham Martin, CIC biomaGUNE, University of San Sebastian, Spain; Clara Dussaux, Anne Savoye, INSERM, Paris 5 University, France; Julius V Emmrich, Berlin Stroke Ctr, Charité university, Germany; Gabriel Montaldo, Jean-Louis Mas, Alan Urban, INSERM, Paris 5 University, France Primary Poster Board Number MP57 / Presentation Number TMP57 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Signaling Contributes to Comorbidityenhanced Edema in Ischemic Stroke Eunhee Kim, Sunghee Cho, Burke-Cornell Medical Res Inst, White Plains, NY Poster Board Number MP58 / Presentation Number TMP58 Post Stroke Activation of Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptors Shows Sustained Neuroprotective Effects in Aged Rats Jacob D Isenberg, Douglas M Bennion, Alexander J Irwin, Allison T Harmel, Eduardo Candelario-Jalil, Colin Sumners, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Poster Board Number MP59 / Presentation Number TMP59 Experimental Pediatric Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonory Model Reveals Sex-specific Estrogen Signaling Guiying Deng, Paco S Herson, Richard J Traystman, Univeristy of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO — 83 — Poster Board Number MP60 / Presentation Number TMP60 RNA Sequencing Reveals Novel MicroRNA Profiles in Neural Progenitor Cells After Stroke Xianshuang Liu, Michael Chopp, Henry Ford Health System/Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI; Wanlong Pan, Medical Imaging Inst of North Sichuan Medical Univ, Nanchong, China; Baoyan Fan, Xinli Wang, Chao Li, Albert M Levin, Ruilan Zhang, Zhenggang Zhang, Henry Ford Health System/Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Health Services, Quality Improvement, and TMP61 – TMP72 Patient-Centered Outcomes Moderated Poster Tour SECTION 6 Moderator: Barbara Vickrey, MD, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP61 / Presentation Number TMP61 Outcomes After Ischemic Stroke Among “America’s Best Hospitals” Judith H Lichtman, Erica Leifheit-Limson, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Yun Wang, Harvard TH Chan Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA; Larry B Goldstein, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Poster Board Number MP62 / Presentation Number TMP62 Achievable Benchmarks for Quality of Care in the Coverdell Acute Stroke Program Mathew J Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Anping Chang, Xin Tong, Mary G George, Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number MP63 / Presentation Number TMP63 Region-wide, Prehospital Mobile Tele-Evaluation by a Central Neurologist Reduces Disparities in Lytic Therapy for Acute Stroke Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; David S Liebeskind, UCLA Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Sidney Starkman, Latisha K Ali, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Lucas Restrepo, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; May A Kim-Tenser, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Lindsey Frischmann, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Robin Conwit, Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Samuel Stratton, Univ of California Los Angelesles, Los Angeles, CA; Franklin D Pratt, Torrance Memorial Medical Ctr, Torrance, CA; Marc Eckstein, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; FAST-MAG Investigators and Coordinators Poster Board Number MP64 / Presentation Number TMP64 Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment Less Likely to Receive t-PA for Stroke Deborah A Levine, Lewis B Morgenstern, Darin Z Zahuranec, Kenneth M Langa, Jonggyu Baek, Brisa N Sanchez, Lynda D Lisabeth, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number MP65 / Presentation Number TMP65 What Changes Improve Door-to-Needle Times? Results From a Single Center Door-to-Needle Improvement Initiative Noreen Kamal, Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Caroline Stephenson, Foothills Medial Ctr, Calgary, AB, Canada; Andrew M Demchuk, Jessalyn K Holodinsky, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Charlotte Zerna, Erin Bugbee, Foothills Medial Ctr, Calgary, AB, Canada; Renee Vilneff, Alberta Health Services, Calgary, AB, Canada; Devika Kashyap, Foothills Medial Ctr, Calgary, AB, Canada; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number MP66 / Presentation Number TMP66 Sex Disparity in Stroke Quality of Care in a Community-Based Study Mollie McDermott, Lynda D Lisabeth, Jonggyu Baek, Eric E Adelman, Nelda M Garcia, Erin Case, Morgan S Campbell, Lewis B Morgenstern, Darin B Zahuranec, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number MP67 / Presentation Number TMP67 Sex Disparities in Atrial Fibrillation as a Predictor of Poor Discharge Disposition After Ischemic Stroke Hospitalization: The Florida-Puerto Rico Collaboration to Reduce Stroke Disparities (FL-PR CReSD) Study Ryan C Martin, David Z Rose, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Kefeng Wang, Maria A Ciliberti-Vargas, Jose G Romano, Chuanhui Dong, Negar Asdaghi, Sebastian Koch, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Salina P Waddy, Natl Insts of Health/ Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Mary Robichaux, American Heart Association, Marietta, GA; Michael F Waters, Univ of Florida Coll of Med, Gainesville, FL; Ralph L Sacco, Tatjana Rundek, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; W Scott Burgin, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL Poster Board Number MP68 / Presentation Number TMP68 Vulnerability to Health Disparities and Secondary Stroke Prevention: The REGARDS Study James D Rhodes, Asikhame Oikeh, Chris Gamboa, Abimbola Fadairo, Suzanne Judd, Virginia Howard, Monika Safford, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number MP69 / Presentation Number TMP69 Association Between Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Indicators and Hospital Readmissions After Stroke Judith H Lichtman, Erica Leifheit-Limson, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Yun Wang, Harvard TH Chan Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA; Larry B Goldstein, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Poster Board Number MP70 / Presentation Number TMP70 Assessment of Home Time Following Acute Ischemic Stroke in Medicare Beneficiaries Gregg C Fonarow, UCLA Med Cntr, Los Angeles, CA; Li Liang, Laine Thomas, Ying Xian, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Med Cntr, Los Angeles, CA; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Lee H Schwamm, Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA; Eric Peterson, Adrian Hernandez, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Pamela W Duncan, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Ctr, Winston-Salem, NC; Emily O’Brien, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Cheryl Bushnell, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Ctr, Winston-Salem, NC; Janet Prvu Bettger, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC Poster Board Number MP71 / Presentation Number TMP71 Timing of Carotid Revascularization Procedures After Ischemic Stroke Ajay Gupta, Gino Gialdini, Ankur Pandya, Babak Navi, Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number MP72 / Presentation Number TMP72 Geographic, Demographic and Socioeconomic Analysis of StrokeNet Research Network Population Coverage Cemal B Sozener, Univ of Michigan Medical Sch, Ann Arbor, MI; Karl E Longstreth, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Jamey Frasure, Dawn Kleindorfer, Opeolu Adeoye, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Phillip A Scott, Univ of Michigan Medical Sch, Ann Arbor, MI Nursing Moderated Poster Tour TMP73 – TMP84 SECTION 7 Moderator: Debbie R Summers, RN, MSN, FAHA, ARNP, Kansas, MO Poster Board Number MP73 / Presentation Number TMP73 Stroke VAN: a Large Artery Stroke Screening Tool for the ED and Field Use Mohamed S Teleb, Anna VerHage, Evelyn Smith, Jacqueline Carter, Banner Desert Medical Ctr, Mesa, AZ Poster Board Number MP74 / Presentation Number TMP74 Implementing CSTK Measures at a High Volume Comprehensive Stroke Center Maria I DeGuzman, MHH TMC, Houston, TX; Hari K Indupuru, Suhas Bajgur, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr, Houston, TX; Sandi Shaw, Stephanie Cooper, Christine Glendening, MHH TMC, Houston, TX; Melvin Sline, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr, Houston, TX; Hope Moser, Nicole Harrison, MHH TMC, Houston, TX; Amrou Sarraj, Sean I Savitz, Farhaan S Vahidy, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr, Houston, TX Poster Board Number MP75 / Presentation Number TMP75 The Georgia Stroke Professional Alliance (GA-SPA) – a Six Year Review, of a Collaborate, State-wide Stroke Professional Network, Reaching Across State-lines and the Nation to Improve Stroke Care, Professional Education, and Community Outreach Katja Bryant, Georgia Stroke Professional Alliance Leadership,, Atlanta, GA; Georgia Stroke Professional Alliance (GA-SPA); Alexis Thomas, Kelli Brennan, Susan Zimmermann, Denise Goings, Deborah Camp, Shannon Doppelheuer, Kerrin Connely, Cynthia Brasher, Georgia Stroke Professional Alliance Leadership, Atlanta, GA; Diadra Biles, American Heart Association, Atlanta, GA; James Lugtu, Georgia Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry, Atlanta, GA; Catherine Whitworth, Jean Pruitt, Georgia Stroke Professional Alliance Leadership,, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number MP76 / Presentation Number TMP76 Predicting Aspiration Following Stroke Using a New Reliable and Valid Dysphagia Screening Nirmala R Raghunath, Keri Danziger, Millie Hepburn-Smith, NYU Langone Medical Ctr, New York, NY Poster Board Number MP77 / Presentation Number TMP77 Development of a Collaborative Transition Coaching Program for Reduction of Post-stroke Hospitalizations Ann M Leonhardt, Univ of Rochester Medical Ctr, Rochester, NY; Denise M Burgen, Visiting Nurse Service, Rochester, NY; Jennifer Wolfe, Visitng Nurse Service, Rochester, NY; Kelly Luther, Univ of Rochester Medical Ctr, Rochester, NY — 84 — Poster Board Number MP78 / Presentation Number TMP78 Tick Tock we Don’t Stop – 24/7 Stroke Nurse Clinician Response Improves Care in the Stroke Patient Mary Zimmermann, Texas Health Harris Methodist Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX Primary Poster Board Number MP79 / Presentation Number TMP79 Inter-professional Implementation of an Evidence-based Bedside Swallow Screen Shelley Nichols, Scott Russell, Stacy Perrin, Ashley DePriest, Jackellyne Calderon, Louise Perdue, Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number MP80 / Presentation Number TMP80 Relationship Between Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio and Post-stroke Depression Ann N Lucke-Wold, Michael D Regier, Ashley Petrone, Connie Tennant, Taura Barr, West Virginia Univ, Morgantown, WV Poster Board Number MP81 / Presentation Number TMP81 Stroke Systems of Care: EMS Partnerships and Feedback Shellie VonCannon, Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Ctr, Charlotte, NC; Thomas Porcelli, Mecklenburg EMS Agency, Charlotte, NC Poster Board Number MP82 / Presentation Number TMP82 Community Education-Impact of Knowing Your Sign Kristin Peterson, Victoria Steinkoenig, Advocate BroMenn Medical Ctr, Normal, IL Poster Board Number MP83 / Presentation Number TMP83 Modifiable Factors Influencing Timely Carotid Endarterectomy among Stroke Prevention Clinic Patients Sophia Gocan, Aline Bourgoin, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, The Ottawa Hosp and Ottawa Hosp Res Inst, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Dylan Blacquiere, Div of Neurology, Dept of Med, Saint John Regional Hosp, Horizon Health Network, Saint John, NB, Canada; Rany Shamloul, Ottawa Hosp Res Inst, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Grant Stotts, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, The Ottawa Hosp and Ottawa Hosp Res Inst, Ottawa, ON, Canada Poster Board Number MP84 / Presentation Number TMP84 Reducing Door to Needle and Door to Reperfusion Times: The Trim Effect Marguerite Rowell, Baptist Hosp of Maimi, Miami, FL Preventive Strategies Moderated Poster Tour TMP85 – TMP96 SECTION 8 Moderator: Karen L Furie, MD, MPH, FAHA, Providence, RI Poster Board Number MP85 / Presentation Number TMP85 The Protective Roles of Sleep Duration and Physical Activity on Stroke Risk: Analysis of the 2004-2013 National Health Interview Survey using Machine Learning Azizi Seixas, NYU Sch of Med, New York, NY; Dwayne Henclewood, Booze Allen Hamilton, Boston, MA; Stephen Williams, Ferdinand Zizi, NYU Sch of Med, New York, NY; Olajide Williams, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Gbenga Ogedegbe, Girardin Jean-Louis, NYU Sch of Med, New York, NY Poster Board Number MP86 / Presentation Number TMP86 Folic Acid Therapy Prevents Stroke in Countries Without Mandatory Folic Acid Food Fortification: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Meng Lee, Shao-Wen Chiu, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Chiayi, Taiwan; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Keun-Sik Hong, Ilsan Paik Hosp, Inje Univ, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Yi-Ling Wu, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Chiayi, Taiwan; Bruce Ovabiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number MP87 / Presentation Number TMP87 The Efficacy of a Chronic Care Based Intervention on Secondary Stroke Prevention Among Vulnerable Stroke Survivors: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Eric M Cheng, UCLA VA Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; William E Cunningham, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Amytis Towfighi, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr, Downey, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Keck Med of USC, Los Angeles, CA; Robert J Bryg, Olive View-UCLA Medical Ctr, Sylmar, CA; Thomas L Anderson, Harbor-UCLA Medical Ctr, Torrance, CA; Frances Barry, Susan M Douglas, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Lillie Hudson, Monica Ayala-Rivera, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr, Downey, CA; Jeffrey J Guterman, UCLA Olive View Medical Ctr, Sylmar, CA; Sandra G Gross-Schulman, Los Angeles County Dept of Health Services, Sylmar, CA; Sylvia Beanes, American Heart Association, Los Angeles, CA; Andrea S Jones, Healthy African American Families Phase II, Los Angeles, CA; Honghu Liu, UCLA Sch of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA; Barbara G Vickrey, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number MP88 / Presentation Number TMP88 Cyp2c19 Polymorphisms Are Not Associated With the Long-term Clinical Outcomes in Stroke Patients Treated With Clopidogrel Tomotaka Tanaka, Hiroshi Yamagami, Masafumi Ihara, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Shigeki Miyata, Toshiyuki MIyata, Haruko Yamamoto, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; the Contribution of Genetic Analysis to the Efficacy of Clopidogrel (Cognac) Study Investigators Poster Board Number MP89 / Presentation Number TMP89 Prior Antithrombotic Use is Associated With Favorable Mortality and Functional Outcomes in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Evidence From Get With the Guidelines-stroke Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Phyo Myint, Univ of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom; Anne Hellkamp, Duke Univ Sch of Med, Durham, NY; Gregg Fonarow, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, LA, CA; Matthew Reeves, Michigan State Univ, Michigan, MI; Lee Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Phillip Schulte, Ying Xian, Duke Univ Sch of Med, Durham, NY; Robert Suter, Univ of Texas Southwestern, Texas, TX; Deepak Bhatt, Brigham and Women’s Hosp Heart & Vascular Ctr, Boston, MA; Jeffrey Saver, David Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, LA, CA; Eric Peterson, Duke Univ Sch of Med, Durham, NY Poster Board Number MP90 / Presentation Number TMP90 Limited Use of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation After Ischemic Stroke Emer R McGrath, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Alan S Go, Kaiser Permanente of Northern California, Oakland, CA; Yuchiao Chang, Leila Borowsky, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Margaret C Fang, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Kristi Reynolds, Kaiser Permanente of Southern California, Pasadena, CA; Daniel E Singer, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number MP91 / Presentation Number TMP91 Phase I Assessment of the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of the Oral Protease-activated Receptor-4 Antagonist BMS-986120 Fraz A Ismat, Xuewen Ma, Zhaoqing Wang, Charles E Frost, Yan G Ni, Jing Yang, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ Poster Board Number MP92 / Presentation Number TMP92 Higher Risk of Ischemic Events in Secondary Prevention for Patients With Persistent Versus Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: The SAMURAI-NVAF Study Masatoshi Koga, Sohei Yoshimura, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita Osaka, Japan; Yasuhiro Hasegawa, St Marianna Univ Sch of Med, Kawasaki, Japan; Satoshi Shibuya, South Miyagi Medical Ctr, Ogawara, Japan; Yasuhiro Ito, Toyota Memorial Hosp, Toyota, Japan; Takahiro Nakashima, NHO Kagoshima Medical Ctr, Kagoshima, Japan; Kazuhiro Takamatsu, Ohta Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama, Japan; Kazutoshi Nishiyama, Kitasato Univ Sch of Med, Sagamihara, Japan; Kenichi Todo, Kobe City Medical Ctr General Hosp, Kobe, Japan; Kazumi Kimura, Kawasaki Medical Sch, Kurashiki, Japan; Eisuke Furui, Kohnan Hosp, Sendai, Japan; Tadashi Terasaki, Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ Sch of Med, Mitaka, Japan; Kenji Kamiyama, Nakamura Memorial Hosp, Sapporo, Japan; Shunya Takizawa, Tokai Univ Sch of Med, Isehara, Japan; Satoshi Okuda, NHO Nagoya Medical Ctr, Nagoya, Japan; Yasushi Okada, NHO Kyushu Medical Ctr, Fukuoka, Japan; Tomoaki Kameda, Jichi Medical Univ Sch of Med, Shimotsuke, Japan; Yoshinari Nagakane, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hosp, Kyoto, Japan; Yoshiki Yagita, Kawasaki Medical Sch, Kurashiki, Japan; Kazuomi Kario, Jichi Medical Univ Sch of Med, Shimotsuke, Japan; Masayuki Shiozawa, Shoichiro Sato, Shoji Arihiro, Hiroshi Yamagami, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number MP93 / Presentation Number TMP93 Elevated Oxygen Extraction Fraction Measured With Noninvasive MRI may be Discriminatory for Stroke Risk in Adults With Sickle Cell Anemia Lori C Jordan, Melissa Gindville, Allison Scott, Megan K Strother, Adetola Kassim, Sheau-Chiann Chen, Sumit Pruthi, Yu Shyr, Manus J Donahue, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Ctr, Nashville, TN Poster Board Number MP94 / Presentation Number TMP94 Treatment With Pravastatin Decreases the Level of Serum Hs-CRP in Ischemic Stroke Patients – Hs-CRP Sub-study of the Japan Statin Treatment Against Recurrent Stroke (J-STARS) Kazuo Kitagawa, Tokyo Women’s Medical Univ, Tokyo, Japan; Naohisa Hosomi, Hiroshimal Univ, Hiroshima, Japan; Yoji Nagai, Tatsuo Kagimura, Translational research Informatics Ctr, Kobe, Japan; Hideki Origasa, Univ of Toyama Graduate Sch of Med and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama, Japan; Kazuo Minematsu, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Shinichiro Uchiyama, Intl Univ of Health and Welfare, Ctr for Brain and Cerebral Vessels, Sanno Hosp and Sanno Medical Ctr, Tokyo, Japan; Masakazu Nakamura, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr,, Suita, Japan; Masayasu Matsumoto, Hiroshima Univ, Hiroshima, Japan — 85 — Poster Board Number MP95 / Presentation Number TMP95 Large Centralized TIA Assessment Unit Associated With Reduction of Recurrent Stroke by up to 70% Andrew M Penn, Island Health Authority, Victoria, BC, Canada; Malcolm Maclure, Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Linghong Lu, Univ of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada; Maximilian B Bibok, Jaclyn L Morrison, Kristine Votova, Melanie Penn, Island Health Authority, Victoria, BC, Canada; Robert Balshaw, BC Ctr for Disease Control, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Mary L Lesperance, Univ of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada Poster Board Number MP96 / Presentation Number TMP96 Optimal Combination Drug Therapy and Clinical Outcomes After Stroke by Obesity Status Jong-Ho Park, Seonam Univ Myongji Hosp, Goyang-si, Korea, Republic of; Bruce Ovbiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC SAH and Other Neurocritical Management Moderated Poster Tour Poster Board Number MP106 / Presentation Number TMP106 Early Elevation of D-dimer Values Is Associated With Neurological Deterioration in Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Cerebral Artery Dissection Kazuki Fukuma, Masafumi Ihara, Hiroshi Yamagami, Masatoshi Koga, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan TMP97 – TMP108 SECTION 9 Moderator:TBD Poster Board Number MP97 / Presentation Number TMP97 The Frequency of ED Visits for Headache Preceding a Subsequent Hospitalization for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Elizabeth A Cahill, Univ of California Medical Ctr, San Francisco, CA; Molly M Burnett, Kaiser Medical Ctr, Oakland, CA; Tomas Tesfasilassie, Anthony S Kim, Univ of California Medical Ctr, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number MP98 / Presentation Number TMP98 TBD Poster Board Number MP107 / Presentation Number TMP107 Intra-arterial Vasodilators Treat Vasospasm in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage With Fair Angiographic Neurological Response, but the Impact on Outcome is Unknown: a Meta-analysis of Observational Studies Anand Venkatraman, Ayaz Khawaja, John P Deveikis, Mark R Harrigan, Gyanendra Kumar, Univ of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number MP108 / Presentation Number TMP108 Absence of Cortical Microvessel Spasm During Large Vessel Spasm Following Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Kurt W Short, Ephraim W Church, Akshal S Patel, Kevin M Cockroft, Patrick J Drew, Penn State Hershey Medical Ctr, Hershey, PA Vascular Cognitive Impairment Moderated Poster Tour Poster Board Number MP99 / Presentation Number TMP99 Risk Factors Related to Aneurysmal Rebleeding After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Characteristics in the Pre-, Intra- and Postoperative Period Nobutaka Horie, Nagasaki Univ Sch of Med, Nagasaki, Japan; Makio Kaminogo, Nagasaki SAH Registry Group, Nagasaki, Japan; Tsuyoshi Izumo, Hajime Maeda, Yoichi Morofuji, Izumi Nagata, Takayuki Matsuo, Nagasaki Univ Sch of Med, Nagasaki, Japan TMP109 – TMP120 SECTION 10 Moderator: Didier Leys, MD, PhD, Lille, France Poster Board Number MP100 / Presentation Number TMP100 Hemicraniectomy for Malignant MCA Syndrome: A Review of Functional Outcomes in Two High Volume Stroke Centers Shailesh Male, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN; Georgios Tsivgoulis, “Attikon Univ Hosp”, Sch of Med, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Nitin Goyal, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN; Efstathios Boviatsis, “Attikon Univ Hosp”, Sch of Med, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Abhi Pandhi, Jason Chang, Ramin Zand, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN; Christina Zompola, “Attikon Univ Hosp”, Sch of Med, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Lucas Elijovich, Anne W Alexandrov, Marc D Malkoff, Daniel Hoit, Adam S Arthur, Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number MP101 / Presentation Number TMP101 Safety and Outcome of High Doses IV Milirinone in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage With Refractory Vasospasm Abdullah S Alamri, Abdulrahman Alturki, Mohammad Badawy, Justin Letourneau, Marcelo Lannes, Mark Angle, Benjamin Lo, Jeanne Teitelbaum, Montreal Neurological Hosp, Montreal, QC, Canada Poster Board Number MP102 / Presentation Number TMP102 Do Statins Decrease Mortality and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage? – Results from a Meta-Analysis Prasanna Sengodan, Pushkal Jadaun, Gaurav Kistangari, Cleveland Clinic at Fairview Hosp, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number MP103 / Presentation Number TMP103 New Blood Velocity Indices Can Improve the Accuracy of Transcranial Doppler to Detect Vasospasm After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Jaiyoung Ryu, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; Xiao Hu, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Shawn C Shadden, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Poster Board Number MP104 / Presentation Number TMP104 Prevalence of Transcranial Doppler Monitoring in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Gyanendra Kumar, Karen C Albright, John P Donnelly, Angela H Shapshak, Mark R Harrigan, The Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number MP105 / Presentation Number TMP105 Endovascular Treatment of Severe and Refractory Cerebral Vasospasm Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Improves Outcome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Different Treatment Options Evaluated Since 2006 for Cerebral Vasospasm Gregoire Boulouis, Ctr Hospier Sainte Anne, Paris, France; Marc-Antoine Labeyrie, Lariboisière Hosp, Paris, France; Jean Raymond, Ctr Hospier de l’Univ de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Christine Rodriguez-Regent, Ctr Hospier Sainte Anne, Paris, France; Anne-Claire Lukaszewicz, Damien Bresson, Lariboisière Hosp, Paris, France; Wagih Ben Hassen, Denis Trystram, Jean-Francois Meder, Catherine Oppenheim, Olivier Naggara, Ctr Hospier Sainte Anne, Paris, France Poster Board Number MP109 / Presentation Number TMP109 Bidirectional Influence Between Vascular β-amyloid and Tau: An Experimental Evidence Masafumi Ihara, Satoshi Saito, Yorito Hattori, Yumi Yamamoto, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number MP110 / Presentation Number TMP110 Minocycline Reduces Hypoxia-mediated BBB Disruption by Protecting TJP Degradation and Promoting Angiogenesis in SHR/SP With Chronic White-matter Injury Yi Yang, Shihoko Kimura-Ohba, Jeffrey F Thompson, Victor M Salayandia, Millie Cosse, Limor Raz, Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM; Fakhreya Y Jalal, United Arab Emirates Univ, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates; Gary A Rosenberg, Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Poster Board Number MP111 / Presentation Number TMP111 Gradual Carotid Artery Stenosis in Mice Closely Replicates Hypoperfusive Vascular Dementia in Humans Yorito Hattori, Natl Hosp Organization MInami Kyoto Hosp, Joyo, Japan; Jun-ichiro Enmi, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Yoko Okamoto, Kansai Electric Power Hosp, Osaka, Japan; Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Rajesh N Kalaria, Newcastle Univ, Newcastle, United Kingdom; Hidehiro Iida, Masafumi Ihara, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number MP112 / Presentation Number TMP112 Procalcitonin and Mrproanp As Biomarkers of Subclinical Cerebrovascular Damage: The Northern Manhattan Study Mira Katan, Univ Hosp of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; Yeseon P Moon, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons,, New York, NY; Arnold von Eckardsteind, Katharina Spanaus, Univ Hosp of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; Janet T DeRosa, Jose Gutierrez, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY; Charles DeCarli, Univ of California in Davis, Sacramento, CA; Clinton B Wright, Ralph L Sacco, Miller Sch of Med, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY Poster Board Number MP113 / Presentation Number TMP113 Long-term Cognitive Decline After Intracerebral Hemorrhage Alessandro Biffi, Christopher D Anderson, Alison M Ayres, Steven M Greenberg, Jonathan Rosand, Anand Viswanathan, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Primary — 86 — Poster Board Number MP114 / Presentation Number TMP114 Cerebral Ischemia Combined With Amyloid Angiopathy Significantly Deteriorated Cognitive Impairment via Angiotensin AT1 Receptor in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Takashi Nakagawa, Yu Hasegawa, Shokei Kim Mitsuyama, Kumamoto university, Kumamoto, Japan Poster Board Number MP115 / Presentation Number TMP115 Diabetes-induced Neuronal Degeneration and Dysfunctional Neovascularization in the Hippocampus: Implications for Cognitive Impairment and Stroke Rebecca Ward, John Paul Valenzuela, Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number MP116 / Presentation Number TMP116 Patterns of Blood-brain Barrier Disruption Associated With Vascular White Matter Disease Richard Leigh, Christian Dias, John Lynch, Richard Benson, Marie Luby, Amie Hsia, Zurab Nadareishvili, Lawrence Latour, Natl Insts of Health, Bethesda, MD Poster Board Number MP117 / Presentation Number TMP117 Detecting Diseased Tissue in Normal Appearing White Matter of Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke Patients Using Texture Analysis Ajay Mahajan, Stephen Campeau, Rani Gupta Sah, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Helen L Carlson, Alberta Children’s Hosp Res Inst, Calgary, AB, Canada; Saad Khan, Adrian Tsang, Yunyan Zhang, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Adam Kirton, Alberta Children’s Hosp Res Inst, Calgary, AB, Canada; Shelagh Coutts, Phillip A Barber, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Primary Poster Board Number MP118 / Presentation Number TMP118 Increased Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Vascular Endothelial Growth (VEGF) After Long Term Remote Ischemic Conditioning (RIC): Possible Role in Neurovascular Plasticity During Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI) Mohammad B Khan, Kumar Vaibhav, Krishnan M Dhandapani, Md N Hoda, David C Hess, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number MP119 / Presentation Number TMP119 High Homocysteine Level is not Associated With White Matter Changes, Dementia nor Mortality After Ischemic Stroke Susanna Melkas, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Sami Curtze, Gerli Sibolt, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Niku K Oksala, Tampere Univ Hosp, Tampere, Finland; Jukka Putaala, Lauri Soinne, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Tarja Pohjasvaara, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Markku Kaste, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Pekka Karhunen, Tampere Univ Hosp, Tampere Univ, Tampere, Finland; Timo Erkinjuntti, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland Poster Board Number MP120 / Presentation Number TMP120 Race and Sex Differences in the Trajectory of Cognitive Decline After Incident Stroke Deborah A Levine, Andrzej T Galecki, Kenneth M Langa, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Frederick W Unverzagt, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Mohammed U Kabeto, Bruno Giordani, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; George Howard, Virginia J Howard, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Mary Cushman, Univ of Vermont, Burlington, VT; Suzanne E Judd, Virginia G Wadley, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL — 87 — POSTER SESSION II Poster Board Number P10 / Presentation Number TP10 Prediction of Thrombolytic Efficacy: Usefulness of Measurement of Enhancement in the Thrombus on Thin-reconstructed Perfusion CT Dong Hoon Shin, Eung Yeop Kim, Gachon Univ Gil Medical Ctr, Incheon, Korea, Republic of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM Hall H These posters are not included in the Thursday 5:15 pm Professor-Led Poster Tour Session. Acute Endovascular Treatment Posters II Poster Board Number P11 / Presentation Number TP11 Treatment Times and Outcomes With Utilization of Telemedicine Prior to Transfer for Stroke Endovascular Therapy Alhamza R Al-Bayati, Cynthia L Kenmuir, Hazem Shoirah, Amin Aghaebrahim, Maxim D Hammer, Ashutosh P Jadhav, Tudor G Jovin, Vivek K Reddy, Matthew T Starr, Lawrence R Wechsler, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA TP1 – TP36 Poster Board Number P1 / Presentation Number TP1 Stent Retrievers in Transferred Patients: What Percentage Are Eligible for Treatment and Are They Effective? Billy Gao, Nobl Barazangi, Charlene Chen, Christine Wong, Alan Yee, Ann Bedenk, Megan Morrow, Julia Fernandes, Warren Kim, Joey English, David Tong, CPMC, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P12 / Presentation Number TP12 Safety of Endovascular Intervention for Acute Stroke in Patients on Anticoagulation Donna Kurowski, Hosp of the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Karin Jonczak, Abinginton Hosp, Abington, PA; Qaisar Shah, Abington Hosp, Abington, PA; Shadi Yaghi, Randolph S Marshall, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Haroon Ahmad, James McKinney, Robert Wood Johnson Univ Hosp, New Brunswick, NJ; Brett L Cucchiara, Hosp of the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Poster Board Number P2 / Presentation Number TP2 Heparin Use Across Major Endovascular Trials Natalie Kreitzer, Pooja Khatri, Opeolu Adeoye, Todd Abruzzo, Aaron Grossman, Andrew Ringer, Joseph Broderick, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P3 / Presentation Number TP3 Endovascular Treatment for Acute Stroke and Weekend/off Hour Effect: Does it Really Exist ? Priyank Khandelwal, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL Poster Board Number P4 / Presentation Number TP4 Pre-treatment Systolic Blood Pressure Levels Predict Final Infarct Volume, and Early Outcomes Following Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients With Emergent Large Vessel Occlusion Nitin Goyal, Georgios Tsivgoulis, Yasser M Khorchid, Sulaiman Iftikhar, Vinodh T Doss, Ramin Zand, Jason J Chang, Dan Hoit, Andrei V Alexandrov, Adam Arthur, Lucas Elijovich, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number P5 / Presentation Number TP5 Long Term Experience Using the ADAPT Technique for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke Jan Vargas, Alejandro Spiotta, Raymond Turner, M Imran Chaudry, Aquilla Turk, MUSC, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number P6 / Presentation Number TP6 Prediction of Clot Fragility and Recanalization Outcome Using Susceptibility Vessel Sign on Susceptibility Weighted Image Dong-Wan Kang, Han-Gil Jeong, Chi Kyung Kim, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jun Yup Kim, Armed Forces Seoul Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Do Yeon Kim, Jung Min Pyun, Seung-Hoon Lee, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P7 / Presentation Number TP7 Intraarterial Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Dissection: Retrospective Series of 24 Cases Judd Jensen, Kristin Salottolo, Kathryn McCarthy, Donald Frei, David Loy, Jeffrey Wagner, Michelle Whaley, David Bar-Or, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO Poster Board Number P8 / Presentation Number TP8 A Pilot Study of Selective Brain Cooling by Intra-arterial Infusion of Cold Saline in Acute Ischemic Stroke Jian Chen, Hongqi zhang, Liqun jiao, Liqiang liu, Xiaokun Geng, Yuchuan Ding, Xunming Ji, Xuan Wu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P9 / Presentation Number TP9 Safety of Endovascular Treatment in Acute Stroke Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants Timo Uphaus, Univ Hosp Mainz, Mainz, Germany; Oliver C Singer, Joachim Berkefeld, Goethe Univ, Frankfurt/Main, Germany; Christian H Nolte, Georg Bohner, Charité Hosp, Berlin, Germany; Kurt Niederkorn, Hannes Deutschmann, Medical Univ of Graz, Graz, Austria; Hans-Peter Haring, Johannes Trenkler, Wagner-Jauregg Hosp, Linz, Austria; Tobias Neumann-Haefelin, Erich Hofmann, Klinikum Fulda, Fulda, Germany; Anett Stoll, Albrecht Bormann, Klinikum Altenburger Land, Altenburg, Germany; Matthias Bussmeyer, Anastasios Mpotsaris, Klinikum Vest, Recklinghausen, Germany; Arno Reich, Martin Wiesmann, Univ Hosp Aachen, Aachen, Germany; Gabor C Petzold, Univ Hosp Bonn, Bonn, Germany; Horst Urbach, Univ Hosp Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; Sebastian Jander, Bernd Turowski, Medical Faculty, Heinrich Heine Univ, Düsseldorf, Germany; Christian Weimar, Marc U Schlamann, Univ Hosp Essen, Essen, Germany; Klaus Groeschel, Stephan Boor, Sonja Groeschel, Univ Hosp Mainz, Mainz, Germany Poster Board Number P13 / Presentation Number TP13 Mechanical Thrombectomy in Octogenarian Stroke Patients is Safe and Effective Matthias Barral, Raphaël Blanc, Gabriele Ciccio, Hocine Redjem, Stanislas Smajda, Marie Abrivard, Michel Piotin, Fondation Rothschild, Paris, France Poster Board Number P14 / Presentation Number TP14 Final Infarct Volume as an Early Indicator the Clinical Outcome: Insight from ESCAPE Trial Fahad Al-ajlan, Mayank Goyal, Bijoy K Menon, Andrew M Demchuk, Muneer Eesa, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Jeremy L Rempel, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; John Thornton, Beaumont Hosp, Dublin, Ireland; Daniel Roy, Daniel Roy, Univ de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Tudor G Jovin, UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA; Robert A Willinsky, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Biggya Sapkota, Erlanger Hosp, Chattanooga, TN; Cheemun Lum, Univ of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Donald F Frei, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO; Walter J Montanera, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Alexandre Y Poppe, Univ de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Frank L Silver, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Ashfaq Shuaib, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Donatella Tampieri, McGill Univ, Montreal, QC, Canada; David Williams, Royal Coll Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland; Oh Young Bang, Samsung Univ Health Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Blaise W Baxter, Erlanger Hosp, Chattanooga, TN; Paul A Burns, Royal Victoria Hosp, Belfast, United Kingdom; Hana Choe, Abington Memorial Hosp, Abington, PA; Ji-Hoe Heo, Yonsei Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Christine A Holmstedt, MUSC, Charlston, SC; Brian Jankowitz, UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA; Michael Kelly, Univ of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada; Guillermo Linares, Temple Univ, Philadelphia, PA; Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P15 / Presentation Number TP15 Futile Recanalization Rate and Predictors in Subjects With Anterior Circulation Occlusion in IMS-III Trial Haitham M Hussain, Muhammad A Saleem, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, StCloud, MN Poster Board Number P16 / Presentation Number TP16 Intraarterial Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke: Analysis of Outcomes of Dissection vs Non-Dissection Mechanism in 445 patients Judd Jensen, Kristin Salottolo, Kathryn McCarthy, David Loy, Donald Frei, Jeffrey Wagner, Michelle Whaley, David Bar-Or, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO Poster Board Number P17 / Presentation Number TP17 Uric Acid Consumption in the Patients Receiving Intraarterial Thrombectomy Do Yeon Kim, Chi Kyung Kim, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jun Yup Kim, Armed Forces Seoul Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Han-Gil Jeong, DongWan Kang, Jung Min Pyun, Seung-Hoon Lee, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P18 / Presentation Number TP18 S-shaped Internal Carotid Artery Curve in Dissection-related Acute Ischemic Stroke Diogo C Haussen, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Ashutosh Jadhav, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Leticia Rebello, Samir Belagaje, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Tudor Jovin, Amin Aghaebrahim, Deepak Gulati, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Michael Frankel, Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ / Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA — 88 — Poster Board Number P19 / Presentation Number TP19 Charlson Comorbidity Index Predicts Mortality and Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated With Mechanical Thrombectomy Daniela Samaniego, Univ Hosp Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain; Maria Hernandez-Perez, Anna Planas, Lorena Martin, Laura Dorado, Elena Lopez-Cancio, Meritxell Gomis, Natalia Perez de la Ossa, Univ Hosp Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain; Ernest Palomeras, Hosp de Mataró, Mataró, Spain; Carlos Castaño, Antoni Davalos, Univ Hosp Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain Poster Board Number P20 / Presentation Number TP20 Prediction of Hemorrhagic Transformation After Endovascular Thrombectomy by Cerebral Blood Volume and Time to Reperfusion Tomohide Yoshie, Toshihiro Ueda, Tatsuro Takada, Shinji Nogoshi, Satoshi Takaishi, Takayuki Fukano, Daiki Tokuura, St Marianna Unvi Toyoko Hosp, Kawasaki, Japan Poster Board Number P21 / Presentation Number TP21 Patterns of Stroke Transfers and Predictors for Thrombectomy Post-MR CLEAN: a Single Center Experience Luciana Catanese, Christoph Griessenauer, Joseph Tarsia, Wendy Cohen, BIDMC/ Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA; Ashkan Shoamanesh, McMaster Univ, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Sandeep Kumar, Vasileios Lioutas, Magdy Selim, Ajith Thomas, Christopher Ogilvy, BIDMC/ Harvard Medical Sch, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P23 / Presentation Number TP23 Endovascular Treatment versus Best Medical Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: a Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Which Permitted Recruitment of Patients Aged > 85 Years Muhammad F Ishfaq, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Haseeb A Rahman, Abraham P Thomas, Houston Methodist Hosp-Texas Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Poster Board Number P30 / Presentation Number TP30 Risks and Benefits of Bypassing the Emergency Department for Ischemic Stroke Transferred in for Acute Endovascular Therapy Susan Deveikis, Karen Albright, John Deveikis, Kara Sands, Harn Shiue, Benjamin A Jones, April Sisson, Michael Lyerly, Mark Harrigan, Toby Gropen, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P31 / Presentation Number TP31 Variability of Stroke Patients Meeting Endovascular Stroke Trial Criteria in a Non-clinical Trial Setting Jennifer E Fugate, Waleed Brinjikji, Harry Cloft, David F Kallmes, Alejandro A Rabinstein, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Poster Board Number P32 / Presentation Number TP32 Endovascular Treatment of Posterior Circulation Strokes Improves Outcome Mohammad Moussavi, Siddhart Mehta, Daniel Korya, Jaskiran Brar, Azka Shaikh, Rushil Kalola, Shayan Nizam, Spozhmy Panezai, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Poster Board Number P33 / Presentation Number TP33 Ischemic Stroke Outcomes in Medical vs Endovascular Treatment of Proximal Carotid Artery Occlusion Yamin Shwe, Chunyan Cai, Anjail Z Sharrief, Amrou Sarrraj, Univ of Texas Health Sciences Ctr, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P34 / Presentation Number TP34 TNF Alpha is Detected in Clots Extracted From Neurointerventions in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Amitabha Sengupta, Jawad Kirmani, Daniel Korya, Siddhart Mehta, Mohammad Moussavi, Michelle Previtera, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Primary Poster Board Number P24 / Presentation Number TP24 Should the Decision for Mechanical Thrombectomy be Based on Pre-procedure CT Head Showing Early Changes in Specific Regions of the Brain? Daniel Korya, Mohammad Moussavi, Siddhart Mehta, Jaskiran Brar, Mena Samaan, Swathi Kondapali, Briana DeCarvalho, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Primary Poster Board Number P35 / Presentation Number TP35 Eptifibatide is Safe and May Improve Outcomes in Stroke Patients Undergoing Thrombectomy After Receiving IVtPA Siddhart Mehta, Mohammad Moussavi, Daniel Korya, Jaskiran Brar, Harina Chahal, Swathi Kondapalli, Mena Samaan, Azka Shaikh, Rushil Kalola, Yong-Bum Song, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Primary Poster Board Number P25 / Presentation Number TP25 Analysis of Workflow and Time to Treatment in the Swift Prime Randomized Controlled Trial Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Ashutosh P Jadhav, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Alain Bonafe, CHU Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier, France; Hans Deiner, Univ Hosp & Essen Headache Ctr, Essen, Germany; Vitor Pereira, Univ Hosp of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; Elad Levy, Univ of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; Blaise Baxter, Erlanger Hosp, Chattanooga, TN; Tudor Jovin, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA; Reza Jahan, Univ of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Bijoy Menon, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Jeffrey Saver, Univ of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P36 / Presentation Number TP36 Predictors and Associated Outcomes of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke Alexandros L Geordiadis, Muhammad A Saleem, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, StCloud, MN Poster Board Number P26 / Presentation Number TP26 The Outcome of Patients With Tandem Occlusion Remains Poor Despite Mechanical Thrombectomy Robert Fahed, Hocine Redjem, Raphaël Blanc, Fondation Rothschild, Paris, France; Julien Labreuche, Univ of Lille, Lille, France; Stanislas Smajda, Thomas Robert, Gabriele Ciccio, Marie Abrivard, Michel Piotin, Fondation Rothschild, Paris, France Primary Poster Board Number P27 / Presentation Number TP27 Endovascular Treatment Within 6 Hours is Safe and Benefitial in IV-tPA Ineligible Patients Leticia C Rebello, Diogo Haussen, Michael Frankel, Aaron Anderson, Andrey Lima, Samir Belagaje, Raul Nogueira, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P28 / Presentation Number TP28 Impact of Variations in Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction Grading Scheme Between Clinical Trials on Rates of Post Thrombectomy Partial Recanalization Asif A Khan, Mohammad Rauf Afzal, Nauman Jahangir, Mushtaq H Qureshi, Nabeel Herial, M Fareed K Suri, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Primary Poster Board Number P29 / Presentation Number TP29 Endovascular Thrombectomy and Medical Therapy Versus Medical Therapy Alone in Acute Stroke (EASI): a Randomized Care Trial Naim N Khoury, Univ of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Tim E Darsaut, Univ of Alberta Hosp, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Jimmy Ghostine, Yan Deschaintre, Nicole Daneault, André Durocher, Sylvain Lanthier, Alexandre Poppe, Céline Odier, LouiseHélène Lebrun, François Guilbert, Jean-Christophe Gentric, André Batista, Alain Weill, Daniel Roy, Serge Bracard, Univ of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada Acute Neuroimaging Posters II TP37 – TP67 Poster Board Number P37 / Presentation Number TP37 Cervical Vascular Findings and Clinical Correlates in Takayasu Arteritis Bree Chancellor, Gibran Shaikh, Adam Davis, Pam Rosenthal, Koto Ishida, NYU Neurology, New York, NY Poster Board Number P38 / Presentation Number TP38 Impact of CT Perfusion Scan Duration on Lesion Volume Aimen Kasasbeh, Søren Christensen, Matus Straka, Nishant Mishra, Roland Bammer, Gregory Albers, Maarten Lansberg, Stanford Stroke Ctr, Stanford, CA Poster Board Number P39 / Presentation Number TP39 High Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance T2*– Weighted Sequences for Detection of Intracranial Arterial Thrombus Afonso P Liberato, Santosh Shah, Noor Maza, Isabelle Barnaure, Ramon G Gonzalez, Javier M Romero, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P40 / Presentation Number TP40 CT Permeability Imaging Distinguishes Benign Oligemia From “At-Risk” Tissue Nan Liu, Military General Hosp of Beijing PLA, Beijing, China Primary Poster Board Number P41 / Presentation Number TP41 Perfusion CT Identifies Ischemic Stroke Patients With a Good Natural History Regardless of Treatment Andrew Bivard, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy, christopher Levi, Mark Parsons, Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia Poster Board Number P42 / Presentation Number TP42 Early Neurological Deterioration in Patients With Single Infarct in the Territory of Lenticulostriate Artery Territory Yasumasa Yamamoto, Kyoto Katsura Hosp, Kyoto, Japan; Yoshinari Nagakane, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hosp, Kyoto, Japan; Yasuhiro Tomii, Kyoto Katsura Hosp, Kyoto, Japan — 89 — Poster Board Number P43 / Presentation Number TP43 Delayed Phase Blood Pool Assessment of Multiphase-CTA in Acute Stroke Provides Further Information Beyond Non-Contrast CT Akinrinola O Famuyide, Christopher D d’Esterre, Emmad Qazi, Mohamed Njam, Khayam Khan, Bijoy K Menon, Phillip Barber, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P44 / Presentation Number TP44 Low Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) at Baseline Best Predicts Parenchymal Hematoma (PH) Post Revascularization Therapy Connor Batchelor, Calgary Stroke Program (Univ of Calgary), Calgary, AB, Canada; Connor McDougall, Patrick Wee, Mari Boesen, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Emmad Qazi, Mohamed Najm, Calgary Stroke Program (Univ of Calgary), Calgary, AB, Canada; Enrico Fainardi, Univ Hosp Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; Tolu Sajobi, Christopher D d’Esterre, Ting Y Lee, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Richard I Aviv, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr, Toronto, ON, Canada; Andrew M Demchuk, Mayank Goyal, Calgary Stroke Program (Univ of Calgary), Calgary, AB, Canada; Bijoy K Menon, Calgary Stroke Program, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P45 / Presentation Number TP45 One Threshold Does not Fit All: Hounsfield Unit Thresholds to Segment Clot on NCCT are Patient Specific Emmad Qazi, Alexis T Wilson, Connor McDougall, Mari Boesen, Fahad S Al-Ajlan, Pooneh Pordeli, Connor Batchelor, Khayam Khan, Tolulope T Sajobi, Ting-Yim Lee, Michael D Hill, Andrew M Demchuk, Mayank Goyal, Christopher D d’Esterre, Bijoy K Menon, Nils D Forkert, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P46 / Presentation Number TP46 A Score to Detect Proximal Artery Occlusion in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke of the Anterior Circulation Based on NIHSS and Non-contrast Brain CT: the PAO Score Rui Kleber V Martins Filho, Millene R Camilo, Milena C Libardi, Renata S Santos, Frederico F Alessio-Alves, Francisco A Dias, Luis Henrique C Afonso, Pedro T Cougo-Pinto, Clara M Barreira, Leticia J Rocha, Daniel G Abud, Octavio M Pontes-Neto, Univ of Sao Paulo (Ribeirao Preto Medical Sch), Ribeirao Preto, Brazil Poster Board Number P47 / Presentation Number TP47 Inverse PWI/DWI Mismatch is a Typical Feature of Acute Subcortical Ischemic Stroke Kersten Villringer, Ahmed Abdelrahim Khalil, Academic Neuroradiology, Berlin, Germany; Peter Brunecker, Ctr for Stroke Res, Berlin, Germany; Christian Nolte, Dept of Neurology, Berlin, Germany; Arno Villringer, Dept of Neurology, Leipzig, Germany; Jochen Fiebach, Academic Neuroradiology, Berlin, Germany Poster Board Number P48 / Presentation Number TP48 Prediction of Neurologic Outcome after Ischemic Stroke with Volumetric Measurements on CT and MRI Adam de Havenon, Bailey Donleavy, Haimei Wang, Lee Chung, Jennifer Majersik, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Poster Board Number P49 / Presentation Number TP49 Irreversible Ischemic Lesion Characterization: Does CBV_ASPECTS Add to CT_ASPECTS? Marina Padroni, Clinica Neurologica, Ferrara, Italy; Pilar Coscojuela, Sandra Boned, Marc Ribó, Jordi Cabero, David Rodriguez-Luna, Jorge Pagola, Marian Muchada, Alejandro Tomasello, Jesus M Juega, Estela Sanjuan, Carlos Molina, Marta Rubiera, Hosp Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain Poster Board Number P50 / Presentation Number TP50 Efficacy of Stent-retriever Thrombectomy in MRI Vs CT Perfusion Selected Patients in SWIFT PRIME Alain Bonafe, Hôpital Gui-de-Chauliac, Montpellier, Montpellier, France; Jeffery Saver, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Mayank Goyal, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Reza Jahan, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Hans-Christoph Diener, Univ Hosp of Univ Duisburg-Essen,, Essen, Germany; Elad Levy, State Univ of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, NY; Vitor Pereira, Univ of Toronto, University of Toronto, ON, Canada; Christophe Cognard, Univ Hosp of Toulouse, Toulouse, France; Dileep Yavagal, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Gregory W Albers, Stanford Stroke Ctr, Palo Alto, CA Primary Poster Board Number P51 / Presentation Number TP51 Cerebral Blood Flow Threshold for Infarction After 3 Hours of Ischemia Determined in a Porcine Model of Stroke Eric Wright, Univ of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada; Christopher d’Esterre, Foothills Medical Ctr, Calgary, AB, Canada; Laura Morrison, Neil Cockburn, Michael Kovacs, Lawson Health Res Inst, London, ON, Canada; Ting-Yim Lee, Robarts Res Inst, London, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P53 / Presentation Number TP53 Imaging Insight on Therapeutic Hypothermia with Thrombolysis: ICTUS 2 David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Karin Ernstrom, Karen Rapp, Univ of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA; Sachin Agarwal, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Mauricio Concha, Intercoastal Medical Group, Sarasota, FL; Syed Hussain, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Guy M Dugan, Alexian Brothers Medical Ctr, Elk Grove Village, IL; Teresa Rzesiewicz, Univ of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA; James C Grotta, Memorial Hermann Hosp, Houston, TX; Thomas M Hemmen, Rema Raman, Univ of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA; Patrick D Lyden, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; for the ICTUS 2 Investigators Poster Board Number P54 / Presentation Number TP54 Topographical Aspects Collateral Score is a Useful Prognostic Factor in Thrombolysed Anterior Circulation Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Leonard Yeo, Prakash Paliwal, Teoh Hock Luen, Rahul Rathakrishnan, Derek Soon, Eric Ting, NUHS, Singapore, Singapore; Wong Ho-Fai, Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan, Taiwan; Vijay Sharma, NUHS, Singapore, Singapore Poster Board Number P55 / Presentation Number TP55 Rate of Infarct Growth in Acute Ischemic Stroke is Independent of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Threshold Rani Gupta Sah, Saad Khan, Ajay Mahajan, Nils Daniel Forkert, Moiz Hafeez, Adrian Tsang, Christopher D d’Esterre, Phillip A Barber, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Primary Poster Board Number P56 / Presentation Number TP56 The Impact of Early Ischemic Changes on Head CT on Hemorrhagic Conversion and Outcomes in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Ayaz Khawaja, Karen Albright, Angela Hays Shapshak, Harn Shiue, April Sisson, Reza Bavarsad Shahripour, Manmeet Kaur, Michael Lyerly, Toby Gropen, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P57 / Presentation Number TP57 Assessing Acute Infarct Growth and Evolution Using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Quantitative R2 Imaging Rani Gupta Sah, Saad Khan, Ajay Mahajan, Nils Daniel Forkert, Adrian Tsang, Moiz Hafeez, Sana Tariq, Christopher D d’Esterre, Phillip A Barber, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P58 / Presentation Number TP58 A Comparison of Automated and Manual Volumetric Analysis of CT Perfusion in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Bailey Donleavy, Lee Chung, Haimei Wang, Jennifer Majersik, Adam de Havenon, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Poster Board Number P59 / Presentation Number TP59 Rapid MR in Suspected Acute Stroke: Identifying Mimics That Can Avoid Admission Julie Bykowski, Nathan Gaines, Brett Meyer, Dawn Meyer, Thomas Hemmen, William G Bradley Jr, Royya Modir, UC San Diego Health, San Diego, CA Poster Board Number P60 / Presentation Number TP60 Perfusion Abnormalities in Patients With Anterior Choroidal Artery (AChA) Stroke Saeed Alqahtani, Zurab Nadareishvili, Marie Luby, Lawrence Latour, Richard Benson, Amie Hsia, Richard Leigh, John K Lynch, Natl Insts of Health, Bethesda, MD Primary Poster Board Number P61 / Presentation Number TP61 Automated Labeling of Cerebral Vasculature on MR Angiography Using Nonparametric Bayesian Inference Benjamin Quachtran, Sunil Sheth, Jeffrey Saver, David Liebeskind, Fabien Scalzo, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA — 90 — Poster Board Number P62 / Presentation Number TP62 The Incidence of Post-treatment Cerebral Microbleeds After Combined Therapy of Endovascular Thrombectomy and tPA Yuhei Kanaya, Yuji Shiga, Shinichi Takeshima, Shinzo Ota, Yoshinobu Sekihara, Kazuhiro Takamatsu, Brain Attack Ctr Ota Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama,Hiroshima, Japan; Yutaka Shimoe, Brain Attack Ctr Ota Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, Japan; Akio Tanaka, Taisei Ota, Brain Attack Ctr Ota Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama,Hiroshima, Japan; Masakazu Nishigaki, Graduate Sch of Med and Faculty of Med Kyoto Univ, Kyoto,Kyoto, Japan; Masaru Kuriyama, Brain Attack Ctr Ota Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama,Hiroshima, Japan Poster Board Number P63 / Presentation Number TP63 Lacunarization After Endovascular Treatment: a Surrogate Marker of Good Functional Outcome Pedro Cardona, Helena Quesada, Blanca Lara, Nuria Cayuela, Bellvitge Univ Hosp, Barcelona, Spain; Xavier Ustrell, Hosp Joan XXIII, Tarragona, Spain; Moises Garces, Hosp Verge Cinta de Tortosa, Tortosa, Spain; Paloma Mora, Roger Barranco, M Angeles De Miquel, Bellvitge Univ Hosp, Barcelona, Spain; Ana Maria Escrig, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu, Sant Boi, Spain; Francisco Rubio, Bellvitge Univ Hosp, Barcelona, Spain Poster Board Number P64 / Presentation Number TP64 Negative-FLAIR Vascular Hyperintensities Serves as a Marker of Chronic Major Arterial Occlusion in Acute Stroke Junya Aoki, Kentaro Suzuki, Yuki Sakamoto, Arata Abe, Satoshi Suda, Seiji Okubo, Kazumi Kimura, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P65 / Presentation Number TP65 IV Thrombolysis in Minor Stroke: MRI Reperfusion Predicts Favorable Clinical Outcome Marie Luby, Aabha A Shah, Richard T Benson, Tyler A Brown, Amie W Hsia, Richard Leigh, John K Lynch, Zurab Nadareishvili, Lawrence L Latour, NINDS, Stroke Branch, Bethesda, MD; NINDS, Stroke Branch Poster Board Number P66 / Presentation Number TP66 Single Slice Maximal Lesion Diameter Predicts Malignant Pattern of Diffusion Lesions in Acute Ischemic Stroke Anke Wouters, Univ Hosp Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Patrick Dupont, KULeuven, Leuven, Belgium; Anna Kufner, Charité Univ Hosp, Berlin, Germany; Robin Lemmens, Univ Hosp Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Vincent Thijs, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia Poster Board Number P67 / Presentation Number TP67 Cerebral Microbleeds Are Associated With Hemorrhagic Infarction Among Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients With NVAF: The SAMURAI-NVAF Study Masayuki Shiozawa, Sohei Yoshimura, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Kenji Kamiyama, Nakamura Memorial Hosp, Sapporo, Japan; Shunya Takizawa, Tokai Univ Sch of Med, Isehara, Japan; Satoshi Okuda, NHO Nagoya Medical Ctr, Nagoya, Japan; Yasushi Okada, NHO Kyushu Medical Ctr, Fukuoka, Japan; Tomoaki Kameda, Jichi Medical Univ Sch of Med, Shimotsuke, Japan; Yoshinari Nagakane, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hosp, Kyoto, Japan; Yasuhiro Hasegawa, St Marianna Univ Sch of Med, Kawasaki, Japan; Satoshi Shibuya, South Miyagi Medical Ctr, Ogawara, Japan; Yasuhiro Ito, Toyota Memorial Hosp, Toyoya, Japan; Takahiro Nakashima, NHO Kagoshima Medical Ctr, Kagoshima, Japan; Kazuhiro Takamatsu, Ohta Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama, Japan; Kazutoshi Nishiyama, Kitasato Univ Sch of Med, Sagamihara, Japan; Kenichi Todo, Kobe City Medical Ctr General Hosp, Kobe, Japan; Kazumi Kimura, Kawasaki Medical Sch, Kurashiki, Japan; Eisuke Furui, Kohnan Hosp, Sendai, Japan; Tadashi Terasaki, Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hosp, Kumamoto, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ Sch of Med, Mitaka, Japan; Yoshiki Yagita, Kawasaki Medical Sch, Kurashiki, Japan; Kazuomi Kario, Jichi Medical Univ Sch of Med, Shimotsuke, Japan; Naoto Kinoshita, Soichiro Matsubara, Hiroshi Yamagami, Masatoshi Koga, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; the SAMURAI Study Investigators Acute Nonendovascular Treatment Posters II TP68 – TP84 Poster Board Number P68 / Presentation Number TP68 Recanalization of Large Vessel Occlusion in the Golden Hour of IV tPA Administration for Ischemic Stroke Rodica Bernatowicz, Megan Donohue, M Shazam Hussain, Seby John, Ken Uchino, Dolora Wisco, Cleveland Clinic Fndn, Cleveland, OH Primary Poster Board Number P69 / Presentation Number TP69 Administration of Tissue Plasminogen Activator: to Wait or not to Wait for Screening Coagulation Tests? Impact on Door to Needle Time and Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage Katie W Dahlberg, James Selph, Parth Thakker, Lauren C Dennis, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC; Amanda Cotter, Palmetto Health, Columbia, SC; Souvik Sen, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC Poster Board Number P70 / Presentation Number TP70 Short-term Outcomes Among Patients With Delayed Arrival or Uncertain Onset Who are not Treated With Iv Tpa Compared to Those With Guideline-based Tpa Treatment Khawja A Siddiqui, Ona Wu, Gregoire Boulouis, Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P71 / Presentation Number TP71 Prior Asymptomatic Parenchymal Hemorrhage Does Not Increase the Risk for Intracranial Hemorrhage After Intravenous Thrombolysis Mahmoud AbdelRazek, Ashkan Mowla, Nour Abdelhamid, Robert Sawyer, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Poster Board Number P72 / Presentation Number TP72 The PRISMS Trial: Baseline Characteristics of the First 100 Subjects Pooja Khatri, Univ of Cincinnati Academic Health Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Thomas Devlin, Erlanger Southeast Regional Stroke Ctr, Chattanooga, TN; Biggya Sapkota, Erlanger Medical Ctr, Chattanooga, TN; Pramod Sethi, Moses H Cone Memorial Hosp, Greensboro, NC; Jennifer Mejilla, OhioHealth Neurological Physicians, Columbus, OH; J Ivan Lopez, Renown Health, Reno, NV; Edward C Jauch, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Joseph Broderick, Univ of Cincinnati Academic Health Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Anjan Chatterjee, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Steven Levine, SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr, Brooklyn, NY; Jose G Romano, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Jeffrey I Saver, Geffen Sch of Med at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Sharon Yeatts, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Yunming Mu, Genentech, San Francisco, CA; Darren Tayama, Genentech, San Fransisco, CA; the PRISMS Collaborators Poster Board Number P73 / Presentation Number TP73 Lower Prehospital Blood Pressure Is Not Associated with Larger Infarct Volumes in Non-lacunar Ischemic Stroke Patients Rahel T Zewude, Laura C Gioia, Mahesh Kate, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Kim Liss, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Brian Rowe, Ken Butcher, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P74 / Presentation Number TP74 Early Administration of Tissue-plasminogen Activator Improves the Long-term Clinical Outcome at 5 Years After Onset Junya Aoki, Kazumi Kimura, Yuki Sakamoto, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P75 / Presentation Number TP75 Safety and Outcome of Thrombolysis in Acute Stroke with Prolonged Onsetto-Treatment Times and Low National Institute of Health Stroke Scale Scores Report on Experience in China, First 1000 Patients of 3300 Treated Pei-Lan Zhang, Jin-Huan Wang, Yu-Xin Wang, Yan Chen, Chen-Hao Zhang, Chen-Hua Li, Zhong Dong, Jing Liang, Zuo Wang, Tianjin Huanhu Hosp, Tianjin, China; Patrick J Oliverio, Edward D Greenberg, Nilesh Vyas, Inova Fairfax Hosp, Fairfax, VA; Lewis B Eberly, Inova Alexandria Hosp, Alexandria, VA; John W Cochran, Inova Fairfax Hosp, Fairfax, VA Primary Poster Board Number P76 / Presentation Number TP76 Role of Surgery in Patients With Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis With Visual Impairment Girish Baburao Kulkarni, Manjunath Sanehalli, Subasri Ramakrishna, Veerendrakumar Mustare, Natl Inst of MentalHealth and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, India Poster Board Number P77 / Presentation Number TP77 Race/Ethnic Disparity Trends in tPA Administration in the United States Michelle P Lin, Steven Cen, Amytis Towfighi, May Kim-Tenser, William Mack, Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P78 / Presentation Number TP78 When Non-revascularized Transfer Patients Come A-Knocking at a Stroke Center Kara A Sands, Karen C Albright, John P Donnelly, Benjamin A Jones, Manmeet Kaur, April Sisson, Harn Shiue, Michael Lyerly, Toby Gropen, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P79 / Presentation Number TP79 Patient Refusal and Informed Consent-related Delays for Stroke Thrombolysis in Chicago Scott J Mendelson, Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL; Neelum T Aggarwal, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL; Kathleen A O’Neill, American Heart Association, Chicago, IL; Chris Richards, Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL — 91 — Poster Board Number P80 / Presentation Number TP80 Pre-mixing tPA: Moving Past Gestalt Kathryn McCarthy, Lisa M Caputo, Michelle Whaley, Christopher V Fanale, David Bar-Or, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO Poster Board Number P81 / Presentation Number TP81 Faster Start of IV tPA Does not Decrease the Need for Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke Arun Chhabra, Kristina Shkirkova, Rodel Alfonso, Manuel Buitrago Blanco, Paul Vespa, Sidney Starkman, Bryan Yoo, Reza Jahan, Viktor Szeder, Doojin Kim, Latisha Ali, Neal Rao, Jason Hinman, David Liebeskind, Jeffrey Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P82 / Presentation Number TP82 High Rate of Recanalization and Attenuated Poor Outcome After Intravenous Thrombolysis in “Top-of-the-basilar” Syndrome Shenqiang Yan, Xiaocheng Zhang, Quan Han, Min Lou, the 2nd Affiliated Hosp of Zhejiang Univ, Sch of Med, Hangzhou, China Poster Board Number P83 / Presentation Number TP83 Sulfonylurea Pretreatment Does Not Impact Acute Ischemic Stroke Outcomes Following Intravenous Thrombolysis Georgios Tsivgoulis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Nitin Goyal, Ramin Zand, Shailesh Male, Sulaiman Iftikhar, Jason Chang, Lucas Elijovich, Anne W Alexandrov, Marc D Malkoff, Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Sciences Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number P84 / Presentation Number TP84 Predictors of Outcomes From Carotid Endarterectomy and Implications of SAPPHIRE Risk Criteria for the 30 day MACCE Endpoint – a Prospective Evaluation Roland Richard Macharzina, Carolin Müller, Matthias Vogt, Univ Heart Ctr Freiburg Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany; Steven R Messé, Dept of Neurology, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Werner Vach, Ctr for Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics, Univ of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; Matthias Reinhard, Dept of Neurology, Univ of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; Thomas Winker, Univ Heart Ctr Freiburg Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany; Andreas Hetzel, Univ of Freiburg, Bad Krozingen, Germany; Franz-Josef Neumann, Matthias Siepe, Friedhelm Beyersdorf, Thomas Zeller, Univ Heart Ctr Freiburg Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany Poster Board Number P92 / Presentation Number TP92 Prevalence of Aortic Aneurysms in Patients With Intracranial Aneurysms: A Retrospective Analysis Allison C Lure, Boxiang Jiang, Christina Chee, Thomas K Tandy IV, Andrew M Southerland, Bradford B Worrall, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Poster Board Number P93 / Presentation Number TP93 Early Morphological Changes in Cerebral Arteries of Cerebral Aneurysm Rupture Model Rats Hidetsugu Maekawa, Takeshi Miyamoto, Keiko T Kitazato, Kenji Yagi, Yoshiteru Tada, Kenji Shimada, Junichiro Satomi, Shinji Nagahiro, Tokushima Univ Graduate Sch, Tokushima, Japan Poster Board Number P94 / Presentation Number TP94 Effect of Flow Diversion on Large and Giant Aneurysms: an MRI-DSA Correlation Follow-up Study Seby John, Mark Bain, Muhammad S Hussain, Gabor Toth, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH Primary Poster Board Number P95 / Presentation Number TP95 Hypothyroidism is Associated With Cerebral Aneurysms in Women Kunakorn Atchaneeyasakul, Anita Tiperneni, Tony Zhang, Priyank Khandelwal, Brian Snelling, Sushrut Dharmadhikari, Sudheer Ambekar, Luis Guada, Kevin Ramdas, Dileep Yavagal, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery Posters II TP96 – TP114 Poster Board Number P96 / Presentation Number TP96 Functional Recovery and White Matter Repair After Exosomes Administration in Different Experimental Animal Models of Stroke Laura Otero Ortega, María Gutiérrez Fernández, Berta Rodríguez Frutos, Jaime Ramos Cejudo, La Paz Univ Hosp, IdiPAZ, UAM, Madrid, Spain; Irene Lorenzo Llorente, David Geffen Sch of Med, Los Ángeles, CA; Blanca Fuentes, Esperanza Medina, La Paz Univ Hosp, IdiPAZ, UAM, Madrid, Spain; S Thomas Carmichael, David Geffen Sch of Med, Los Ángeles, CA; Exuperio Díez Tejedor, La Paz Univ Hosp, IdiPAZ, UAM, Madrid, Spain Poster Board Number P85 / Presentation Number TP85 Impact of Periodontal Disease and -Bacteria on Intracranial Aneurysms Shotaro Yoshioka, Tokushima Univ Graduate Sch, Tokushima, Japan Poster Board Number P97 / Presentation Number TP97 Experimental Stroke During Aging: Docosahexaenoic Acid Therapy Provides Robust Neuroprotection Ludmila Belayev, Larissa Khoutorova, Louisiana State Univ, New Orleans, LA; Andre Obenaus, Loma Linda Univ, Loma Linda, CA; Nicolas G Bazan, Louisiana State Univ, New Orleans, LA Poster Board Number P86 / Presentation Number TP86 Predicting Aneurysm Occlusion After Flow Diversion Juan Cebral, Fernando Mut, BongJae Chung, George Mason Univ, Fairfax, VA; Ramanathan Kadirvel, David Kallmes, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Carlos Bleise, Esteban Scrivano, Pedro Lylyk, Insto Clinico ENERI, Buenos Aires, Argentina Poster Board Number P98 / Presentation Number TP98 Moderate Physical Exercise Promotes Cognitive Recovery Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats Mehdi Youbi, Charles H Cohan, Holly M Stradecki, Eduard Tiozzo, Kunjan R Dave, Clinton B Wright, Ralph L Sacco, Miguel A Perez-Pinzon, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL Poster Board Number P87 / Presentation Number TP87 Time and Risk Factor of Rebleeding After Coil Embolization of Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Hirotoshi Imamura, Shoichi Tani, Hidemitsu Adachi, Koichi Arimura, Takayuki Funatsu, Mikiya Beppu, Nobuyuki Sakai, Kobe City Medical Ctr General Hosp, Kobe, Japan Poster Board Number P99 / Presentation Number TP99 In vivo Tracking of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Using 111 In-oxine Labeling and SPECT Following Transplantation for Cerebral Infarct of Rats Hisayasu Saito, Hokkaido Univ, Sapporo, Japan; Satoshi Kuroda, Univ of Toyama, Toyama, Japan; Songji Zhao, Naoki Kubo, Yuji Kuge, Nagara Tamaki, Hideo Shichinohe, Kiyohiro Houkin, Hokkaido Univ, Sapporo, Japan Aneurysm Posters II TP85 – TP95 Poster Board Number P88 / Presentation Number TP88 Phase I Experience of Safety of Eptifibatide in Select Patients With Elective Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization Jaskiran Brar, Mohammad Moussavi, Siddhart Mehta, Daniel Korya, Harina Chahal, Joshua Daniel, Mena Samaan, Yong-Bum (Peter) Song, Mohammed Hussain, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Poster Board Number P90 / Presentation Number TP90 A Pilot Study of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor Blocker Eplerenone in Hypertensive Patients with Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Junichiro Satomi, Yoshiteru Tada, Yasuhisa Kanematsu, Kazuyuki Kuwayama, Kenji Yagi, Tomoya Kinouchi, Kohei Nakajima, Nobuhisa Matsushita, Masaaki Korai, Hideo Mure, Keiko Kitazato, Shinji Nagahiro, Tokushima Univ Graduate Sch, Tokushima, Japan Poster Board Number P91 / Presentation Number TP91 Vessel Wall Imaging Demonstrates Aneurysm Wall Enhancement in Unruptured Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms With Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Feng Liang, Tiewei Qi, Fanying Li, Siqi Ou, The First Affiliated Hosp of Sun Yat-sen Univ, Guangzhou, China; Aichi Chien, UCLA Radiological Sciences, Div of Interventional Neuroradiology, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P100 / Presentation Number TP100 PGE2 EP1-4 Receptor Expression Levels After Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Young, Aged, and EP1 Deficient Mice Jenna L Leclerc, Andrew R Fadool, Chase Chambers, Sylvain Dore, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Primary Poster Board Number P101 / Presentation Number TP101 CaMKII Reverts After Stem Cell Treatment in Ischemic Stroke Bharath Chelluboina, Jeffrey D Klopfenstein, Dinesh Ramanathan, David M Pinson, David Z Wang, Krishna Kumar Veeravalli, Univ of Illinois Coll of Med at Peoria, Peoria, IL Poster Board Number P102 / Presentation Number TP102 Modulation of Neuroinflammation by Haptoglobin Reduces Oxidative Stress and Improves ICH Outcomes Jenna Leclerc, Alex Dang, Juan Santiago-Moreno, Sylvain Dore, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Primary — 92 — Poster Board Number P103 / Presentation Number TP103 Activation of the Pi3k Pathway Plays Important Roles in Reduction of Cerebral Infarction by Cilnidipine Seong-Ho Koh, Jeong-Woo Son, Hojin Choi, Arum Yoo, Hyun-Hee Park, Young-Seo Kim, Kyu-Yong Lee, Young Joo Lee, Hanyang Univ Coll of Med, Guri-si, Gyeonggi Province, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P104 / Presentation Number TP104 A Novel in vitro Model of Cerebral Ischemia Using Patient-derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Shyanne Page, Alli Munsell, Abraham Alahmad, Texas Tech Univ Health Science Ctr, Amarillo, TX Poster Board Number P105 / Presentation Number TP105 Short-Term Intraventricular Infusion of IGF-1 Following Stroke Decreases Behavioral Phenotypes of Depression in a Rat Ischemic Stroke Model Justin Samorajski, Farida Sohrabji, Texas A&M Health Science Ctr- Coll of Med, Bryan, TX Poster Board Number P106 / Presentation Number TP106 Acute Intravenous Multistem Infusion Restores Homeostasis of Immune and Spleen Responses After Ischemic Stroke Sean I Savitz, Bing Yang, Univ Texas Medical Sch Houston, Houston, TX; Jason Hamilton, Novartis, Morris Plains, NJ; Annelies Bogaerts, ReGenesys, Heverlee, Belgium; Robert Mays, Athersys, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P107 / Presentation Number TP107 Inhibition of Ras-related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1 (rac1) Signaling Worsens Neurite Regeneration After Stroke Lin Liu, Hui Yuan, Louise McCullough, Jun Li, UCHC, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P108 / Presentation Number TP108 Blood Occludin Level Indicates the Extent of Early Blood Brain Barrier Damage in Ischemic Stroke Rong Pan, Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM; Kewei Yu, Fudan Univ, Shanghai, China; Theodore Weatherwax1, Handong Zheng, Yirong Yang, Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM; Wenlan Liu, Shenzhen Univ 1st Affiliated Hosp, Shenzhen, China; Ke Jian Liu, Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Poster Board Number P109 / Presentation Number TP109 Quantitative Gait Analysis Demonstrates Significant Changes in Motor Function Post-ischemic Stroke and Simulated Intraparenchymal Therapeutic Delivery in a Porcine Model Erin E Kaiser, Kylee J Duberstein, Simon R Platt, Vivian W Lau, Trinh Nguyen, Emily W Baker, Harrison E Grace, Elizabeth W Howerth, Shannon P Holmes, Univ of Georgia, Athens, GA; Liya Wang, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Steve L Stice, Univ of Georgia, Athens, GA; Hui Mao, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Franklin D West, Univ of Georgia, Athens, GA Poster Board Number P110 / Presentation Number TP110 Polymerase δ-Interacting Protein 2 Regulates Astrocyte Activation in Ischemic Stroke Marina S Hernandes, Bernard Lassègue, Manuel Yepes, Kathy Griendling, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P111 / Presentation Number TP111 Haptoglobin Improves Intracerebral Hemorrhage Outcomes by Modulating Angiogenic Responses Jenna Leclerc, Tina Esfandiary, Sylvain Dore, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Primary Poster Board Number P112 / Presentation Number TP112 Role of Renexin, a Mixed Compound of Ginkgo Biloba Extract and Cilostazol, for Synaptic Plasticity in Hippocampus of Rat Model of Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Yeon Soo Ha, Jin Sung Cheong, Hak-Seung Lee, Hyun-Young Park, Kwang Ho Cho, Dept of Neurology, Wonkwang Univ Hosp and Jeonbuk Regional Cerebrovascular Ctr, Iksan, Korea, Republic of; Min Sun Kim, Dept of Physiology, Wonkwang Univ Sch of Med and Brain Res Inst at Wonkwang Univ, Iksan, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P113 / Presentation Number TP113 Beneficial Effect of Faster Cooling Elicited by Combination of TRPV1 Agonist (Dihydrocapsaicin) and Mild Physical Hypothermia in Ischemia/ Reperfusion Injury Kaiyin Liu, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Jun Zhang, Yunxia Duan, Xuanwu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Murali Guthikonda, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Xunming Ji, Xuanwu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Yuchuan Ding, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number P114 / Presentation Number TP114 Modulation of Blood Accumulation and Angiogenic Responses by PGE2-EP3 Signaling After ICH in Aged Mice Jenna L Leclerc, Andrew S Lampert, Sylvain Dore, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Primary Cerebral Large Artery Disease Posters II TP115 – TP139 Poster Board Number P115 / Presentation Number TP115 Carotid Endarterectomy in Young and Middle Aged Patients Isibor J Arhuidese, Tammam Obeid, Besma Nejim, Kanhua Yin, Sophie Wang, Caitlin Hicks, Mahmoud B Malas, Johns Hopkins Medical Insts, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number P116 / Presentation Number TP116 Prevalence, Risk Factors and Healing Rates of Duplex Detected Carotid Plaque Ulcers Sushrut Dharmadhikari, Wayne State Univ, Detroit, MI; Ari Bennett, Nelly Campo, Jose Romano, Sebastian Koch, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL Poster Board Number P117 / Presentation Number TP117 What Have We Learned From the Pre-operative Evaluation of Patients With Moyamoya Disease? Shashank V Gandhi, Amir R Dehdashti, Hofstra North Shore LIJ Sch of Med, Manhasset, NY Poster Board Number P118 / Presentation Number TP118 New Markers for Basilar Artery Atherosclerotic Plaque on Conventional T2-weighted MR Imaging Mi Ji Lee, Jihoon Cha, Jong-Won Chung, Sung Tae Kim, Oh Young Bang, Kwang Ho Lee, Chin-Sang Chung, Gyeong-Moon Kim, Samsung Medical Ctr, Sungkyunkwan Univ Sch of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P119 / Presentation Number TP119 Angiogenic Factor Profiling in Medical Treatment of Intracranial Atherosclerosis (ICAS) Nestor R Gonzalez, Raymond J Liou, Neal Rao, Jason D Hinman, Lucas Restrepo, Latisha Ali, Mark J Connolly, Juan F Toscano, David S Liebeskind, Neil A Martin, Luisa Iruela-Arispe, Jeffrey Saver, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P120 / Presentation Number TP120 IL-17a Correlates With Coated-Platelet Levels Among Patients With Carotid Atherosclerosis Angelia C Kirkpatrick, Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences Ctr, Oklahoma City, OK; Andrea S Vincent, Univ of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; Leslie Guthery, Nhan Nguyen, Calin I Prodan, George L Dale, Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences Ctr, Oklahoma City, OK Poster Board Number P121 / Presentation Number TP121 Simulated Inanimate Model for Physical Learning Experience (SIMPLE) of Carotid Endarterectomy Using a 3-D Printing Technology Gabrielle Santangelo, Jonathan Stone, Doran Mix, Jennifer Park, Ahmed Ghazi, Michael Richards, Michael Stoner, George E Vates, Univ of Rochester Sch of Med and Dentistry, Rochester, NY Poster Board Number P122 / Presentation Number TP122 Correlation Between Collateral Circulations, Cerebral Metabolisms and Posterior Cerebral Artery Stenoses or Occlusions in Moyamoya Disease Seiichiro Eguchi, Jyoji Nakagawara, Sei Sugata, Daisuke Maruyama, Eika Hamano, Yoji Orita, Tetsu Satow, Hiroharu Kataoka, Jun Takahashi, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number P123 / Presentation Number TP123 RNF213 Polymorphisms as a Susceptible Gene for Intracranial Atherosclerosis: A High-Resolution MRI and Conventional Angiography Study Jong-Won Chung, Jaechun Hwang, Mi Ji Lee, Hanna Choi, Jihoon Cha, Pyeong Jeon, Je Young Yeon, Jong-Soo Kim, Seung Chyul Hong, Chang-Seok Ki, Gyeong-Moon Kim, Chin-Sang Chung, Kwang Ho Lee, Oh Young Bang, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P124 / Presentation Number TP124 Tapered Stent Geometry Provides Strong Hemodynamic Effect After Carotid Stenting Paola De Rango, Laura Cacioppa, Enrico Cieri, Giacomo Isernia, Gioele Simonte, Massimo Lenti, Luca Farchioni, Fabio Verzini, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Perugia, Italy — 93 — Poster Board Number P125 / Presentation Number TP125 Intracranial Stenosis Subtypes in Patients Aged 45 Years or Younger Wei-Hai Xu, Yu-Yuan Xu, Ming-Li Li, Zheng-Yu Jin, Zhao-Yong Sun, Bo Hou, Hai-Long Zhou, Feng Feng, Shan Gao, Peking Union Medical Coll Hosp, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P126 / Presentation Number TP126 Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring in Carotid Endarterectomy: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Kavelin Rumalla, Univ of Missouri – Kansas City Sch of Med, Kansas City, MO; Aditya Singh, Manoj K Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number P127 / Presentation Number TP127 Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Asymptomatic Extracranial Vertebral Artery Disease in Patients With Symptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis: Analysis of Stent-protected Angioplasty versus Carotid Endarterectomy (SPACE) Trial Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Saqib A Chaudhry, Michigan State Univ, East Lancing, MI; Peter A Ringleb, Heidelberg Univ Hosp, Heidelberg, Germany Poster Board Number P129 / Presentation Number TP129 Aging is Associated with Vulnerability of Carotid Plaques in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Keitaro Yamagami, Morio Takasaki, Takamasa Kinoshita, Taku Hongo, Tetsuo Hashiba, Eiji Miyahara, Keiichi Yamada, Yasuhiro Fujimoto, Kansai Electric Power Hosp, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number P130 / Presentation Number TP130 Safety and Efficacy of Vertebral Artery Stenting for Chronic Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency Sudharshan Parthasarathy, Ursula Kelly-Tolley, Minimially Invasive Surgical Solutions, San Jose, CA; Harmeet S Sachdev, Good Samaritan Hosp, San Jose, CA; Raul Guisado, Regional Medical Ctr, San Jose, CA; Arash M Padidar, Reza Malek, Minimially Invasive Surgical Solutions, San Jose, CA Poster Board Number P131 / Presentation Number TP131 Degree of Stenosis by Angiography Does not Influence Risk of Endarterectomy or Stenting in Patients With Severe Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis Gary S Roubin, Cardiovascular Associates of the Southeast, Birmingham, AL; Brajesh K Lal, Univ of Maryland Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Jenifer H Voeks, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Birmingham, AL; Donald V Heck, Novant Health Forsyth Medical Ctr, W, NC; William H Brooks, Baptist Health Lexington, Lexington, KY; Hormozd Bozorgchami, Oregon Health and Science Univ, Portland, OR; Thomas G Brott, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; for the CREST Investigators Poster Board Number P132 / Presentation Number TP132 The Clinical Role of Microembolic Signals in Adult Moyamoya Disease Chiman Jeon, Kyung-Il Jo, Seung-Chyul Hong, Jong-Soo Kim, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P133 / Presentation Number TP133 Should Early Identification of Stroke Patients be Focused on Stroke Mimics or Chameleons? A Retrospective Study on the Hospital Stroke Chameleon Prevalence Pitcha Chompoopong, Faculty of Med, Chulalongkorn Univ, Bangkok, Thailand; Nassir Rostambeigi, Hennepin County Medical Ctr, Minneapolis, MN; Kassar Darine, Alberto Maud, Paisith Piriyawat, Salvador Cruz-Flores, Gustavo Jose Rodriguez, Texas Tech Univ Health Sciences Ctr, El Paso, TX Poster Board Number P134 / Presentation Number TP134 Genome Wide Association Studies in Han Chinese Populations Identify Novel Susceptibility Loci for Specific Ischemic Stroke Subtypes Tai-Ming Ko, Inst of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; Tsong-Hai Lee Lee, Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Linkou Medical Ctr, Taoyuan, Taiwan; ChienHsiun Chen, Yuan-Tsong Chen, Jer-Yuarn Wu, Inst of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Poster Board Number P137 / Presentation Number TP137 The Association Between MRI-detected Carotid Vulnerable Plaque and Coronary Artery Stenosis Manabu Nagata, Kazumichi Yoshida, Kazumichi Yoshida, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan; Ryu Fukumitsu, Otsu Red Cross Hosp, Shiga, Japan; Yohei Takenobu, Takayuki Kikuchi, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan; Akira Ishii, Kokura Memorial Hosp, Fukuoka, Japan; Yasushi Takagi, Susumu Miyamoto, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan Poster Board Number P138 / Presentation Number TP138 Carotid Endarterectomy for Complicated Carotid Artery Disease ~ Application of Extracorporeal Circulation Technique Yoshimasa Niiya, Masato Kawabori, Motoyuki Iwasaki, Shoji Mabuchi, Otaru General Hosp, Otaru, Japan; Kiyohiro Houkin, Hokkaido Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Sapporo, Japan Poster Board Number P139 / Presentation Number TP139 Extracranial Carotid Occlusion: Incidence and Recanalisation Rates Moi-Pin Lee, Hui-Yee Gan, Singapore General Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Deidre A De Silva, Hui-Meng Chang, Natl Neuroscience Inst (Singapore General Hosp Campus), Singapore, Singapore Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Posters II TP140 – TP157 Poster Board Number P140 / Presentation Number TP140 Recurrence and Outcomes in Patients Who Experience a Mild Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review Michael Chan, Mogens Westergaard, AstraZeneca R&D, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Andrew Mayhook, Steven R Inglis, Oxford PharmaGenesis, Oxford, United Kingdom; Em Jennings, AstraZeneca R&D, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Saga Johansson, AstraZeneca R&D, Mölndal, Sweden Poster Board Number P141 / Presentation Number TP141 Navigation Services for Stroke Survivors and Caregivers Post-discharge Julia B Richards, Natl Stroke Association, Centennial, CO; Amy Larson, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO; Jamie Charbonneau, Natl Stroke Association, Centennial, CO Poster Board Number P142 / Presentation Number TP142 Factors Influencing Post-stroke Discharge to Institutional Rehabilitation Settings versus Home Sarah Reeves, Jonggyu Baek, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Jeffrey Wing, Grand Valley State Univ, Grand Rapids, MI; Lesli Skolarus, Lewis Morgenstern, Lynda Lisabeth, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P143 / Presentation Number TP143 Effects of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Novel Blood Biomarkers of Neuroplasticity After Stroke Dustyn Whitesel, Pierce Boyne, Daniel Carl, Jennifer Westover, Colleen Meyrose, Johnny Wilkerson, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Jane C Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Myron Gerson, Kim Seroogy, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Kristal Hatter, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Darcy Reisman, Univ of Delaware, Newark, DE; Brett Kissela, Kari Dunning, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P144 / Presentation Number TP144 Intracortical Circuits Reveal Muscle- and Task-specific Dysfunction Contributing to Weakness Following Stroke Virginia L Little, Eric R Walker, Carolynn Patten, Malcom-Randall VA Medical Ctr, Gainesville, FL Poster Board Number P145 / Presentation Number TP145 Cystatin C is a Strong Predictor of Short-term Functional Outcome After Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Tae Jung Kim, Chi Kyung Kim, Yerim Kim, Han-Gil Jeong, Kiwoong Nam, Sang Joon An, Sang-Bae Ko, Byung-Woo Yoon, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P136 / Presentation Number TP136 Four-dimensionally Guided Three-dimensional Color-doppler Ultrasonography Quantifies Carotid Artery Stenoses With Equally High Reproducibility and Accuracy Compared to Catheter Angiography Roland Richard Macharzina, Sascha Kocher, Univ Heart Ctr Freiburg Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany; Steven R Messé, Dept of Neurology, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Fabian Hoffmann, Thomas Rutkowski, Univ Heart Ctr Freiburg Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany; Werner Vach, Univ of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; Nian Fan, Björn Reuter, Franz-Josef Neumann, Thomas Zeller, Univ Heart Ctr Freiburg Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany — 94 — Poster Board Number P146 / Presentation Number TP146 Impaired Glucose Metabolism is Associated With Metabolic Inflexibility During Submaximal Exercise in Chronic Stroke Survivors Monica C Serra, Charlene E Hafer-Macko, Frederick M Ivey, Alice S Ryan, Univ of Maryland Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number P147 / Presentation Number TP147 Prior Stroke Predicts Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in a Multi-ethnic Cohort of Stroke Survivors Emily Goldmann, Nina S Parikh, Bernadette Boden-Albala, New York Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P148 / Presentation Number TP148 The Montreal Assessment of Connected Speech Offers Good Psychometric Properties to Monitor Ecological Language Recovery in Post-stroke Aphasia Anna Zumbansen, McGill Univ, Montreal, QC, Canada; Joséphine Frachon, Dorothée Quiquempois, Sylvie Hébert, Univ de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; Alexander Thiel, McGill Univ, Montreal, QC, Canada Poster Board Number P149 / Presentation Number TP149 Utilization of a Robotic Exoskeleton to Provide Increased Mass Practice for Gait Training and its Impact on Discharge Destination for Individuals With Acute Stroke Anthony Russo, Melissa A Perret, Kirk Endersby, Adam G Kesten, Marisa A King, Kessler Inst for Rehabilitation, West Orange, NJ; Kathleen Chervin, Karen J Nolan, Kessler Fndn, West Orange, NJ Poster Board Number P150 / Presentation Number TP150 Incidence of Vascular Cognitive Impairment After the First-ever Stroke in Korea: The KOSCO Study Chung Kang, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Min Kyun Sohn, Sch of Med, Chungnam Natl Univ, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Deog Young Kim, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jongmin Lee, Konkuk Univ Sch of Med and Konkuk Univ Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Sam-Gyu Lee, Chonnam Natl Univ Medical Sch, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Yong-Il Shin, Pusan Natl Univ Sch of Med, Pusan Natl Univ Yangsan Hosp, Busan, Korea, Republic of; Gyung-Jae Oh, Wonkwang Univ Sch of Med, Iksan, Korea, Republic of; Yang-Soo Lee, Kyungpook Natl Univ Sch of Med, Kyungpook Natl Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; Min Cheol Joo, Wonkwang Univ Sch of Med, Iksan, Korea, Republic of; Eun Young Han, Jeju Natl Univ Hosp, Jeju Natl Univ, Sch of Med, Jeju, Korea, Republic of; Junhee Han, Res and Statistical Support, Res Inst of Convergence for Biomedical Science and Technology, Busan, Korea, Republic of; Won Hyuk Chang, Yun-Hee Kim, Ctr for Prevention and Rehabilitation, Heart Vascular and Stroke Inst, Samsung Medical Ctr, Sungkyunkwan Univ Sch of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P152 / Presentation Number TP152 Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers for the Prevention of Post-stroke Epilepsy Richard V Scheer, Linda S Williams, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN; Laura E Myers, Richard Roudebush VA Medical Ctr, Indianapolis, IN; Alan J Zillich, Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, IN; Eric M Cheng, UCLA Sch of Med, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P154 / Presentation Number TP154 Recovery of Slow-5 Oscillations in a Longitudinal Study of Ischemic Stroke Patients Christian La, Veena Nair, Pouria Mossahebi, Julie Stamm, Rasmus Birn, Mary E Meyerand, Vivek Prabhakaran, Univ of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI Poster Board Number P155 / Presentation Number TP155 Robotic Retraining of Finger Movements After Stroke Morgan L Ingemanson, Justin B Rowe, Vicky Chan, Steven C Cramer, David J Reinkensmeyer, Univ of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA Poster Board Number P156 / Presentation Number TP156 Robot-Guided Ankle and Knee Therapeutic Training Improves Motor Functions in Stroke Yunju Lee, Kai Chen, Richard L Harvey, Elliot J Roth, Li-Qun Zhang, Rehabilitation Inst of Chicago, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number P157 / Presentation Number TP157 See, Imagine, Move – Upper Limb Action Therapy (SIMULATe): iPad-based Mental and Physical Motor (re)Learning for Stroke Recovery Sheree A McCormick, Paul S Holmes, Manchester Metropolitan Univ, Crewe, United Kingdom Community/Risk Factors Posters II TP158 – TP210 Poster Board Number P158 / Presentation Number TP158 Haptoglobin Hp2 Variant Associates With an Increased Risk of Ischemic Cardiovascular Death After First-ever Stroke Petra Ijas, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Susanna Melkas, Jani Saksi, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Antti Jula, Natl Inst for Health and Welfare, Turku, Finland; Matti Jauhiainen, Natl Inst for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland; Tarja Pohjasvaara, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Markku Kaste, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Pekka J Karhunen, Univ of Tampere, Tampere, Finland; Perttu Lindsberg, Helsinki Univ Central Hosp, Helsinki, Finland; Timo Erkinjuntti, Univ of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Poster Board Number P159 / Presentation Number TP159 Declines in Stroke-related Hospitalizations and In-Hospital Mortality Among Male and Female California Residents, 2000-2013 Anura W Ratnasiri, California Dept of Health Care Services, Sacramento, CA; Buddhika M Ratnasiri, Davis Senior High Sch, Davis, CA; Ralph DiLibero, California Dept of Health Care Services, Sacramento, CA Poster Board Number P160 / Presentation Number TP160 Degree of Functional Independence After an Ischemic Stroke Affects Quality of Life Similarly in Men and Women Stacie L Demel, Univ of Cincinnati Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Jane Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Charles J Moomaw, Univ of Cincinnati Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Heidi Sucharew, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Kathleen Alwell, Brett M Kissela, Pooja Khatri, Daniel Woo, Matthew L Flaherty, Simona Ferioli, Jason Mackey, Felipe De Los Rios la Rosa, Univ of Cincinnati Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Ope Adeoye, Dawn Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P161 / Presentation Number TP161 Gastrointestinal Bowel Obstruction in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes Kavelin Rumalla, Adithi Y Reddy, Vijay Letchuman, Univ of Missouri – Kansas City Sch of Med, Kansas City, MO; Paul A Berger III, Manoj K Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number P162 / Presentation Number TP162 Case Manager Guided Organized Post-stroke Care Aids in Achieving Risk Factor Goals Jessica Kepplinger, Kristian Barlinn, Uwe Helbig, Lars-Peder Pallesen, Timo Siepmann, Heinz Reichmann, Volker Puetz, Ulf Bodechtel, Univ Hosp Dresden, Dresden, Germany Poster Board Number P163 / Presentation Number TP163 Exome Array Analysis of Ischemic Stroke in a South Swedish Population Martin Söderholm, Peter Almgren, Lund Univ, Malmö/Lund, Sweden; Katarina Jood, Tara Stanne, Maja Olsson, the Sahlgrenska Acad at Univ of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; Andrea Illinca, Gunnar Andsberg, Bo Norrving, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden; Gunnar Engström, Olle Melander, Lund Univ, Malmö/Lund, Sweden; Christina Jern, the Sahlgrenska Acad at Univ of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; Arne Lindgren, Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden Poster Board Number P164 / Presentation Number TP164 Incidence and Temporal Trends in In-hospital Stroke: a Preliminary Analysis From the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study Brett M Kissela, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Jane C Khoury, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Kathleen Alwell, Charles J Moomaw, Daniel Woo, Matthew L Flaherty, Opeolu Adeoye, Pooja Khatri, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl R Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Felipe De Los Rios La Rosa, Simona Ferioli, Joseph P Broderick, Dawn O Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P165 / Presentation Number TP165 Cardiac Screening Does not Improve One-year Mortality Among Patients With Cerebrovascular Disease Jason J Sico, Yale Univ Sch of Med/VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT; Fitsum Baye, Laura J Myers, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN; John Concato, Yale Univ Sch of Med/VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT; Linda S Williams, Dawn M Bravata, Indiana Univ Sch of Med/Richard L Roudebush VA Medical Ctr, Indianapolis, IN — 95 — Poster Board Number P166 / Presentation Number TP166 A Population-based Study of the Incidence of Primary and Secondary Spinal Cord Infarction Mohammad Rauf Afzal, Morad Chugtai, Mushtaq H Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; M Fareed K Suri, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, Minneapolis, MN; Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Poster Board Number P167 / Presentation Number TP167 Short-Term Exposures to Ambient Air Pollution and Risk of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke Jeffrey James Wing, Sara D Adar, Brisa N Sanchez, Lewis B Morgenstern, Melinda A Smith, Lynda D Lisabeth, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P168 / Presentation Number TP168 Risk of Stroke and Hemorrhage in Patients Treated With Warfarin Versus Dabigatran Requiring Surgery Sudeepta Dandapat, Enrique C Leira, Harold P Adams Jr, Jeffrey C Miller, Mary S Vaughan-Sarrazin, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Poster Board Number P169 / Presentation Number TP169 Temporal Trends and Outcomes of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Urvish Patel, David M Simpson, Mandip S Dhamoon, Icahn Sch of Med at Mount Sinai, New york, NY Poster Board Number P171 / Presentation Number TP171 Cerebral Microbleeds and Cerebrovascular Reactivity in the General Population: The Edan Study Saloua Akoudad, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Edip Gurol, Panagiotis Fotiadis, Hemorrhagic Stroke Res Group, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Peter Koudstaal, Albert Hofman, Arfan Ikram, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Steven Greenberg, Hemorrhagic Stroke Res Group, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Meike Vernooij, Erasmus MC Univ Medical Ctr, Rotterdam, Netherlands Poster Board Number P172 / Presentation Number TP172 Prediction of All-cause and Stroke Mortalities by Carotid Intima-media Thickness in a General Population With a 13.7-year Follow-up: the Suita Study Yoshihiro Kokubo, Makoto Watanabe, Aya Higashiyama, Takuya Watanabe, Yoshihiro Miyamoto, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number P173 / Presentation Number TP173 Delay In Presentation To The Hospital For Young Adults With Ischemic Stroke Lester Y Leung, Tufts Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Louis R Caplan, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P174 / Presentation Number TP174 Incidence Rate of Transient Ischemic Attack and Subsequent Stroke Incidence Rates: a Meta-analysis Yoshihiro Kokubo, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Chisa Matsumoto, Tokyo Medical Univ, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P175 / Presentation Number TP175 Intensification of Statin Treatment is Associated With Improved Mortality Among Patients With TIA and Ischemic Stroke Jason J Sico, Yale Univ Sch of Med/VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT; Susan Ofner, Fitsum Baye, Indiana Sch of Med/Richard L Roudebush VA Medical Ctr, Indianapolis, IN; John Concato, Yale Univ Sch of Med/VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT; Alan J Zillich, Indiana Sch of Med/Richard L Roudebush VA Medical Ctr, Indianapolis, CT; Mat Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Eric Cheng, David Geffen Sch of Med, Los Angeles, CA; Michael S Phipps, Univ of Maryland Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Greg Arling, Indiana Sch of Med/Richard L Roudebush VA Medical Ctr, Indianapolis, IN; Jason Johanning, Univ of Nebraska Medical Ctr, Omaha, NE; Seemant Chaturvedi, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Linda S Williams, Dawn M Bravata, Indiana Sch of Med/Richard L Roudebush VA Medical Ctr, Indianapolis, IN Poster Board Number P176 / Presentation Number TP176 Stroke Recurrence Among South Asians With diabetes in Ontario, Canada Mandip S Dhamoon, Icahn Sch of Med at Mount Sinai, New York, NY; Limei Zhou, Melissa Stamplecoski, Inst for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Moira K Kapral, Baiju R Shah, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P177 / Presentation Number TP177 Preoperative Functional Status and Type of Surgery Influences Postoperative Stroke Risk: analysis from the Nationwide Surgical Quality Initiative Program Benjamin R Kummer, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Rebecca Hazan, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Hooman Kamel, Alexander E Merkler, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Joshua Z Willey, William Middlesworth, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY; Shadi Yaghi, Brown Alpert Sch of Med, Providence, RI; Mitchell SV Elkind, Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY Poster Board Number P178 / Presentation Number TP178 Relationship Between Deprivation and Outcome for Stroke Patients: Data From the UK National Stroke Registry Emma Vestesson, Royal Coll of Physicians, London, United Kingdom; Benjamin Bray, King’s Coll London, London, United Kingdom; Martin James, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Fndn Trust, Exeter, United Kingdom; Lizz Paley, Royal Coll of Physicians, London, United Kingdom; Pippa Tyrrell, Univ of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; Geoffrey Cloud, St George’s NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom; Rachel Otago, Royal Coll of Physicians, London, United Kingdom; Anthony Rudd, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Fndn Trust, London, United Kingdom; On behalf of the SSNAP Collaboration Poster Board Number P179 / Presentation Number TP179 Ischemic Stroke Subtypes and Relationship With Migraine in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study XM Androulakis, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC; Wayne Rosamond, Eunsil Yim, Univ of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC; Lauren C Dennis, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC; Rebecca Gottesman, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Ctr, Baltimore, MD; Souvik Sen, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC Poster Board Number P180 / Presentation Number TP180 Ankle-brachial Index and Recurrent Stroke Risk: a Meta-analysis Thomas Liman, Ja Bin Hong, Christopher Leonards, Bob Siegerink, Matthias Endres, Ctr for Stroke Res Berlin, Berlin, Germany Primary Poster Board Number P181 / Presentation Number TP181 A Risk Score for All-Cause Readmissions Using Get With the Guidelines-Stroke Data Elements Kelle D Howard, Univ of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX; Nagarajan Natarajan, Univ of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; Anurekha Ramakarishnan, Kathlean Ponds, Wendy Layton, Matthew Cowperthwaite, NeuroTexas Inst Res Fndn, St David’s Medical Ctr, Austin, TX; Inderjit Dhillon, Univ of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Poster Board Number P182 / Presentation Number TP182 Risk of Acute Ischemic Stroke Increases During Severe Flares of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Benjamin R Kummer, Alexander E Merkler, Gino Gialdini, Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number P183 / Presentation Number TP183 Race/ethnic Differences in Social Network Characteristics Among Stroke Survivors Emily Goldmann, Nina S Parikh, Lauren Southwick, Bernadette Boden-Albala, New York Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P184 / Presentation Number TP184 Did Race Impact Risk Factor Control in the SAMMPRIS Trial? Lidia B Yamada, Tanya N Turan, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; George A Cotsonis, Michael Lynn, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Oscar Benavente, The Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Colin P Derdeyn, Washington Univ, Saint Louis, MO; David Fiorella, SUNY at Buffalo Sch of Med, Stony Brook, NY; Bethany F Lane, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Jean Montgomery, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Scott L Janis, NIH/ NINDS, Bethesda, MD; Marc I Chimowitz, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; the SAMMPRIS Investigators Poster Board Number P185 / Presentation Number TP185 Stroke Symptom Recognition is Associated With Everyday Linguistic Style and not With Acculturation in Hispanic Americans Laura L Froeschke, Elmhurst Coll, Elmhurst, IL; Nickola W Nelson, Mary Lagerwey, Western Michigan Univ, Kalamazoo, MI; Evvy H Campbell, Wheaton Coll, Wheaton, IL Poster Board Number P186 / Presentation Number TP186 Lack of Insurance is Associated with Increased Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Jennifer L Sevush-Garcy, Alexander E Merkler, Babak B Navi, Hooman Kamel, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, 10065, NY — 96 — Poster Board Number P188 / Presentation Number TP188 Black-White Differences in Susceptibility to Stroke Secondary to Abnormal Sleep Duration Oluwaseun Akinseye, Icahn Sch of Med at Mount Sinai, Queens Hosp Ctr, Queens, NY; Stephen K Williams, Nwakile I Ojike, Azizi Seixas, Ferdinand Zizi, Girardin Jean-Louis, NYU Sch of Med, NY, NY; Olugbenga G Ogedegbe, NYU Sch of Med, Queens, NY Poster Board Number P189 / Presentation Number TP189 Hip Hop Stroke: Adapting a Facilitator-driven Evidence-based Multimedia Program into a Scalable Digital-only Version Ellyn Leighton-Herrmann, Mindy Hecht, Monique Hedmann, James Noble, Olajide Williams, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY Poster Board Number P190 / Presentation Number TP190 Bone Mineral Density is Inversely Related to Cerebral Pulsatility Index in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Sang Won Han, Joong Hyun Park, Sanggye Paik Hosp, Inje Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jong Yun Lee, Natl Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Seong Hwan Ahn, Chosun Univ Sch of Med, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Kyung-Yul Lee, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P191 / Presentation Number TP191 Sex Differences in Subsequent Ischemic Stroke After Transient Ischemic Attack: Results From a Prospective Multicenter Study Kota Mori, Toshiyuki Uehara, Tomoyuki Ohara, Mikito Hayakawa, Shoichiro Sato, Rieko Suzuki, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuo Minematsu, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Osaka, Japan; PROMISE-TIA study Investigators Poster Board Number P192 / Presentation Number TP192 Ability of the Khorana Score to Predict Recurrent Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients With Ischemic Stroke Dylan Bobrow, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr, New York, NY; Mary Cushman, Univ of Vermont, Colchester, VT; Hooman Kamel, Alexander E Merkler, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY; Mitchell SV Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Lisa M DeAngelis, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr, New York, NY; Babak B Navi, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number P193 / Presentation Number TP193 Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients With Pre-morbid Hypertension Does not Modify Short-term Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Janelle Cyprich, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA; Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Alyana A Samai, Alexander George, Matthew T Ryan, Ramy El Khoury, Sheryl Martin-Schild, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA Poster Board Number P194 / Presentation Number TP194 Albuminuria Predicts Early Neurological Deterioration in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stoke Takuya Kanamaru, Satoshi Suda, Kanako Muraga, Seiji Okubo, Yoko Watanabe, Syuichi Tsuruoka, Kazumi Kimura, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P195 / Presentation Number TP195 The Association of Body Mass Index With Post-stroke Mortality: a Systematic Review Doris YP Leung, Janet W Sit, Raina Ching, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Poster Board Number P196 / Presentation Number TP196 Nocturnal Desaturation is a Possible Risk Factor for Wake-up Ischemic Strokes Tae Jung Kim, Chi Kyung Kim, Yerim Kim, Han-Gil Jeong, Kiwoong Nam, Sang Joon An, Sang-Bae Ko, Byung-Woo Yoon, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P197 / Presentation Number TP197 Dyslipidemia Should be Associated With an Increased Risk of Hypertension in a Working-age Japanese Male Population Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Nippon Medical Sch Musashi Kosugi Hosp, Kanagawa, Japan; Toshiaki Otsuka, Masayuki Ueda, Kazumi Kimura, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P198 / Presentation Number TP198 Impacts of Periodontitis on Nonfatal Ischemic Stroke: Comparison With Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Hyun-Duck Kim, Myung-Seop Shin, Yoo-Been Ahn, Seoul Natoinal Univ, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P199 / Presentation Number TP199 Pre-morbid Management of Atrial Fibrillation Does not Modify Short-term Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Janelle Cyprich, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA; Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Alyana A Samai, Alexander George, Matthew T Ryan, Ramy El Khoury, Sheryl Martin-Schild, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA Primary Poster Board Number P200 / Presentation Number TP200 Family History and Risk of Recurrent Stroke Jun Yup Kim, Armed Forces Seoul Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Jong-Won Chung, Samsung Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Beom Joon Kim, Moon-Ku Han, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of; Kyusik Kang, JongMoo Park, Eulji General Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Sang-Soon Park, Tai Hwan Park, Seoul Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Yong-Jin Cho, Keun-Sik Hong, Ilsan Paik Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Bok Lee, Soonchunhyang Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Youngchai Ko, SooJoo Lee, Eulji Univ Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Dae-Hyun Kim, Hyun-Wook Nah, Jae-Kwan Cha, Dong-A Univ Hosp, Pusan, Korea, Republic of; Mi-Sun Oh, Kyung-Ho Yu, Byung-Chul Lee, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Anyang, Korea, Republic of; Myung Suk Jang, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of; Ji Sung Lee, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Juneyoung Lee, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P201 / Presentation Number TP201 Diabetes and the Risk of Death and Stroke Recurrence Following Ischemic Stroke Erin L MacDougal, Jeffrey J Wing, William H Herman, Lewis B Morgenstern, Lynda D Lisabeth, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P202 / Presentation Number TP202 Increased Pulse Pressure is Related to Higher Burden of Microvascular Brain Damage in Ischemic Stroke Patients Maria Cristina Zurru, Claudia Alonzo, Laura Brescacín, Natalia Balián, Maria Verónica Baroni, Luis Camera, Edgardo Cristiano, Gabriel Waisman, Hosp Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Poster Board Number P203 / Presentation Number TP203 Dementia Treatment was Associated with Reduced Risk of Intacerebral Hemorrhage Eunji Yim, Padmini Sekar, Charles J Moomaw, Jennifer Osbourne, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl R Martini, Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX; Li Xiong, Massachusetts General Hosp, Cambridge, MA; Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati Coll of Med, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P204 / Presentation Number TP204 Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Short-term Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Meyung Kug Kim, Yoon Suk Ha, Bong Goo Yoo, Kosin Univ Coll of Med, Busan, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P205 / Presentation Number TP205 Binge Drinking Habit can Increase Risk for Ischemic Stroke in Korean Men Soo Joo Lee, Jae Guk Kim, Youngchai Ko, Eulji Univ Hosp, Deajon, Korea, Republic of; Yong-Jin Cho, Keun-Sik Hong, Inje Univ Ilsan Paik Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Jong-Moo Park, Kyusik Kang, Eulji General Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Tai Hwan Park, Sang-Soon Park, Seoul Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Bok Lee, Soonchunhyang Univ Hosp Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Dae-Hyun Kim, Jae Kwan Cha, Dong-A Univ Hosp, Busan, Korea, Republic of; Jun Lee, Yeungnam Univ Medical Ctr, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; Joon-Tae Kim, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Juneyoung Lee, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Ji Sung Lee, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Moon-Ku Han, Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P206 / Presentation Number TP206 Clinical Predictors of Hemorrhagic Transformation in Non Lacunar Ischemic Stroke Maria Cristina Zurru, Claudia Alonzo, Laura Brescacín, Santiago Pigretti, Ariel Luzzi, Bibiana Guido, Luis Camera, Edgardo Cristiano, Gabriel Waisman, Hosp Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Poster Board Number P207 / Presentation Number TP207 Pre-stroke Dementia is Associated With Poor Functional Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Fukuoka Stroke Registry Yoshinobu Wakisaka, Ryu Matsuo, Junya Hata, Junya Kuroda, Tetsuro Ago, Masahiro Kamouchi, Takanari Kitazono, Kyusyu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Fukuoka Stroke Registry Investigators Poster Board Number P208 / Presentation Number TP208 1,5-anhydro-d-glucitol as a Predictor of Cerebral Infarction in Patients With Glycated Hemoglobin A1c-based Good Diabetes Control Yuji Shiga, Yuhei Kanaya, Shinichi Takeshima, Yasunori Fujikawa, Kazuhiro Takamatsu, Yutaka Shimoe, Brain Attack Ctr Ota Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, Japan; Masakazu Nishigaki, Graduate Sch of Med and Faculty of Med Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan; Taisei Ota, Masaru Kuriyama, Brain Attack Ctr Ota Memorial Hosp, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, Japan — 97 — Poster Board Number P209 / Presentation Number TP209 Decreased Heart Rate Variability in Patients With Minor Stroke Sungwook Yu, YooHwan Kim, Kyung-Hee Cho, Byung-Jo Kim, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P210 / Presentation Number TP210 The Genetic Polymorphisms in Oxidative Stress Genes, Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase, Correlated With Ischemic Stroke Binod Kumar Yadav, Res Inst of Clinical Med of Chonbuk Natl Univ-Biomedical Res Inst of Chonbuk Natl Univ Hosp and Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Inst of Med, Tribhuvan Univ, Jeonju, Korea, Republic of; Renu Yadav, Clinical Trial Ctr & Clinical Trial Ctr for Functional Foods, Chonbuk Natl Univ Hosp & Medical Sch, Jeonju, Korea, Republic of; Byoung-Soo Shin, Chonbuk Natl Univ Medical Sch and Hosp, Jeonju, Korea, Republic of Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Posters II TP211 – TP234 Poster Board Number P211 / Presentation Number TP211 Pediatric Age, but Not Treatment and Imaging Findings, Impacts Outcome in Contrast Induced Encephalopathy Nazli Janjua, Asia Pacific Comprehensive Stroke Inst, Pomona, CA; Alimohammed Moalem, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Kessarin Panichpisal, Asia Pacific Comprehensive Stroke Inst, Pomona, CA; Karen Tse-Chang, Kimberly Jones, Debbie Keasler, Bhupat Desai, Pomona Valley Hosp Medical Ctr, Pomona, CA Poster Board Number P212 / Presentation Number TP212 Have Clinicians Adopted the Use of Brain MRI for Patients With TIA and Minor Stroke? Seemant Chaturvedi, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Susan Ofner, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Fitsum Baye, Indianapolis VA Medical Ctr, Indianapolis, IN; Mike Phipps, Univ of Maryland Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Jason Sico, Yale Univ Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Teresa Damush, Edward Miech, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Mat Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Jason Johanning, Omaha VA Hosp, Omaha, NE; Linda S Williams, Roudebush VA Hosp, Indianapolis, IN; Dawn Bravata, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN Poster Board Number P213 / Presentation Number TP213 Accuracy of Transcranial Color-coded Sonography for the Detection and Measurement of Intracranial Arterial Stenosis When Compared to CT Angiography in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack Letícia J Rocha, Univ of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Medical Sch, São Paulo, Brazil; Maria Clara Z Zotin, Renata S Santos, Milena C Libardi, Rui Kleber V Martins Filho, Clara M Barreira, Millene R Camilo, Frederico F Alessio-Alves, Francisco A Dias, Pedro T Cougo-Pinto, Daniel G Abud, Octávio M Pontes-Neto, Univ of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Medical Sch, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil Poster Board Number P214 / Presentation Number TP214 Serum Activity of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 is Decreased During Ischemic Stroke in Humans Douglas M Bennion, Christian A Rosado, Emily A Haltigan, Colin Sumners, Michael F Waters, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Poster Board Number P215 / Presentation Number TP215 Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter as a Cause of Stroke in an Unspecific Stroke Population Stroke Subtypes in the Findaf Randomised Study Anna Messerschmid, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany; Peter U Heuschmann, Univ of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; Nico Behnke, Anna Schulte, Falko Jürries, Jan Liman, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany; Gerhard F Hamann, Bezirkskrankenhaus Günzburg, Günzburg, Germany; Pawel Kermer, Krankenhaus Sanderbusch, Sande, Germany; Götz Gelbrich, Univ of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; Mark WeberKrüger, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany; Klaus Gröschel, Univ of Mainz, Mainz, Germany; Rolf Wachter, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany Poster Board Number P216 / Presentation Number TP216 Atrial Fibrillation Detection in Patients With an Implantable Loop Recorder After Acute Embolic Stroke of Unknown Source (ESUS) Alkisti Kitsiou, Malik Kalyani, Lucy Ekosso Ejangue, Christoph Hagemeister, Johannes Manegold, Carsten Israel, Wolf-Ruediger Schäbitz, Protestant Hosp Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany Poster Board Number P217 / Presentation Number TP217 Different Features of Anterior and Posterior Circulation Dissections Jun Lee, Min-Gyeong Kim, Jung-Im Gwon, Yeungnam Univ Medical Ctr, Daegu, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P218 / Presentation Number TP218 Transoesophageal Echocardiography in the Diagnostic Work-up of Patients With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: A Necessary Investigation That Should Not Be Overlooked Georgios Tsivgoulis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Aristeidis H Katsanos, Sch of Med, Univ of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece; Rohini Bhole, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Alexandra Frogoudaki, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Sotirios Giannopoulos, Sch of Med, Univ of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece; Nitin Goyal, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Agathi-Rosa Vrettou, Ignatios Ikonomidis, Ioannis Paraskevaidis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Konstantinos Pappas, Sch of Med, Univ of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece; John Parissis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Athanassios P Kyritsis, Sch of Med, Univ of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece; Anne W Alexandrov, Marc D Malkoff, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN; Konstantinos Voumvourakis, Univ of Athens, Athens, Greece; Andrei V Alexandrov, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Ctr, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number P219 / Presentation Number TP219 Eight-minute Whole-brain Intracranial Vessel Wall MRI at 3 Tesla: Toward a Practical Imaging Protocol for Diagnosis of Stroke Etiology Zhaoyang Fan, Qi Yang, Shlee Song, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Xiuhai Guo, Xuanwu Hosp, Beijing, China; Zixin Deng, Ayesha Sherzai, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Xiaoming Bi, Siemens Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA; Dean Sherzai, Debiao Li, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P220 / Presentation Number TP220 Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Ji Hwa Kim, Gangnam Severance Hosp, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Sang Won Han, Sanggye Paik Hosp, Inje Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Seong Hwan Ahn, Chosun Univ Sch of Med, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Kyung-Yul Lee, Gangnam Severance Hosp, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P221 / Presentation Number TP221 A Novel Ultrasound Probe Attached to the Cervix Can Precisely Detect Large Patent Foramen Ovale Hidetaka Mitsumura, Ayumi Arai, Kenichi Sakuta, Kenichiro Sakai, Yuka Terasawa, Jun Kubota, Yasuyuki Iguchi, The Jikei Univ Sch of Med, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P222 / Presentation Number TP222 Frequency of Intracranial Arterial Imaging and its Yield in Consecutive Patients with Non-lacunar Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke: ESUS Global Registry Kanjana S Perera, Balakumar Swaminathan, Jackie Bosch, Robert G Hart, McMaster Univ, Population Health Res Inst, Hamilton, ON, Canada; on behalf of ESUS Global Registry Investigators Poster Board Number P223 / Presentation Number TP223 Mechanisms of Lateral Medullary Infarction Based on Combined MR Diffusion/ Perfusion Imaging Patterns Younggun Lee, Ji Hwa Kim, Kyung-Yul Lee, Gangnam Severance Hosp, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P224 / Presentation Number TP224 CHA2DS2-VASc Scores Are Correlated With Left Atrial Enlargement in Patients With Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation-related Stroke Joong-Seok Kim, Tae-Won Kim, Jaseong Koo, The Catholic Univ of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P225 / Presentation Number TP225 The Central Nervous System Varicella Zoster Virus (CNS-VZV) Vasculopathy in HIV Patients Kessarin Panichpisal, Asia Pacific Comprehensive Stroke Inst, Pomona, CA; Nuttawan Vongveeranonchai, Univ Hosp Case Medical Ctr, Cleveland, OH; Nazli Janjua, Asia Pacific Comprehensive Stroke Inst, Pomona, CA; Wassana Plengsombat, Bumrungrad Intl Hosp, Bangkok, Thailand; Kenneth Nugent, Texas Tech Health Sciences Ctr, Lubbock, TX Poster Board Number P226 / Presentation Number TP226 Vertebral Artery Dissection is More Common Than Carotid Artery Dissection and More Difficult to Detect on Non-invasive Imaging Mohammad O Nakawah, John Volpi, Houston Methodist, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P227 / Presentation Number TP227 Clinical and Radiological Features of Respiratory Dysfunction in Patients with Medullary Infarction Ken Ikeda, Masahiro Sawada, Harumi Morioka, Junpei Nagasawa, Ken Miura, Maya Kyuzen, Sayori Hanashiro, Masaru Yanagihashi, Yuchi Ishikawa, Takehisa Hirayama, Takanori Takazawa, Kiyokazu Kawabe, Testuhito Kiyozuka, Yasuo Iwasaki, Toho Univ Omori Medical Ctr, Tokyo, Japan — 98 — Poster Board Number P228 / Presentation Number TP228 TCD Preferred as the Screening Test for Right to Left Shunt in Cryptogenic Stroke Duy Le, Kaiser Fontana Medical Ctr, Fontana, CA; Konrad Schlick, Shlee Song, Brenda Rinsky, Mani Nezhad, Patrick Lyden, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P230 / Presentation Number TP230 Small Vessel Infarction as a Late Complication of Cranial Irradiation Yohei Takenobu, Kazumichi Yoshida, Yoshiki Arakawa, Yasushi Takagi, Susumu Miyamoto, Kyoto Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Kyoto, Japan Poster Board Number P231 / Presentation Number TP231 Echocardiographically Identified Left Atrial Enlargement is Associated With Non-valvular Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PAF) and is a Surrogate for PAF Associated Risk for Embolic Stroke Adeniyi O Molajo, Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P232 / Presentation Number TP232 Symptomatic Plaque with Low-grade Stenosis Which Retains Hyperintensity After an Ischemic Event may Indicate a High Risk of a Subsequent Ipsilateral Ischemic Event Yoshitaka Kurosaki, Masanori Kinosada, Toshinari Kawasaki, Megumu Takata, Naoki Matsumoto, Hitoshi Fukuda, Akira Handa, Masaki Chin, Sen Yamagata, Kurashiki Central Hosp, Kurashiki, Japan Poster Board Number P233 / Presentation Number TP233 Are Baseline Characteristics of Stroke Patients Included Into an Observational Study Similar to Patients Included Into a Randomised Controlled Trial? Anna Schulte, Falko Jürries, Anna Messerschmid, Nico Behnke, Jan Liman, Katrin Wasser, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany; Klaus Gröschel, Univ of Mainz, Mainz, Germany; Mark Weber-Krüger, Rolf Wachter, Univ of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany Poster Board Number P234 / Presentation Number TP234 New Clinical Application of Measurement of Blood Viscosity With an Electromagnetically Spinning Sphere Viscometer in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Takeo Abumiya, Hokkaido Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Sapporo, Japan; Koji Furukawa, Hokkaido Univ Sch of Med, Sapporo, Japan; Keiji Sakai, Miki Hirano, Inst of Industrial Science, the Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Toshiya Osanai, Hideo Shichinohe, Naoki Nakayama, Ken Kazumata, Hokkaido Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Sapporo, Japan; Toshimitsu Aida, Hokkaido Neurosurgery Memorial Hosp, Sapporo, Japan; Kiyohiro Houkin, Hokkaido Univ Graduate Sch of Med, Sapporo, Japan Emergency Care/Systems Posters II TP235 – TP255 Poster Board Number P235 / Presentation Number TP235 Does a 24/7 Stroke Service Make a Difference in Hyperacute Stroke Care? Early Experience of a Public Hospital in Bogota DC, Colombia Javier Vicini-Parra, Jenny Ospina, Cristian Correa, Natalia Gomez, Stephania Bohorquez, Lorena Arroyo, Luisa Echavarria, Jorge Ruiz, Adriana Casallas, Alejandra Guerrero, Camilo A Espinosa-Jovel, Martha L Ramos-Romero, Andres Betancourt, Gustavo Barrios, Daniel Hedmont, Fidel E Sobrino-Mejia, Hosp Occidente de Kennedy, Bogota DC, Colombia Poster Board Number P236 / Presentation Number TP236 Early Dispensing of Tpa After Patient Arrival is Associated With Faster Door to Needle Time for Tpa Administration Khawja A Siddiqui, Christopher D Anderson, Natalia Rost, Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P237 / Presentation Number TP237 Uneven Distribution of Stroke Patients and Stroke Centers Mark J Alberts, UT Southwestern Medical Ctr, Dallas, TX; Nimisha Bhakta, Texas Dept of State Health Services, Austin, TX Poster Board Number P238 / Presentation Number TP238 Evaluation of Transfer Delays for Emergent Stroke Patients From Regional Centers to a Comprehensive Center Michael T Froehler, Kiersten Espaillat, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, TN Poster Board Number P240 / Presentation Number TP240 Missed Ischemic Stroke Diagnosis in the Emergency Department at an Academic Center and Community Hospital Allison E Arch, Yale-New Haven Hosp, New Haven, CT; David C Weisman, Abington Hosp – Jefferson Health, Abington, PA; Steven Coca, Karin V Nystrom, Charles R Wira III, Joseph L Schindler, Yale-New Haven Hosp, New Haven, CT Poster Board Number P241 / Presentation Number TP241 High-yield Interventions Reduce Time to tPA in Ischemic Stroke Benjamin Kozak, Vineeta Singh, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Sara Cole, Christine Martin, San Francisco General Hosp and Trauma Ctr, San Francisco, CA; Christopher Mutch, Bhavya Rehani, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P242 / Presentation Number TP242 Optimization of In-hospital Workflow of Acute Stroke Patients Katharina Schregel, Ioannis Tsogkas, Daniel Behme, Michael Knauth, Jose Hinz, Jan Liman, Marios Nikos Psychogios, Univ Med Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany Poster Board Number P243 / Presentation Number TP243 Emergency Transport of Stroke Patients in a Rural State: Opportunities for Improvement in Arkansas Aliza Brown, Nicolas Bianchi, Feifei Wei, Sanjeeva R Onteddu, Univ of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR; Appathurai Balamurugan, Arkansas Dept of Health, Little Rock, AR; William C Culp, Univ of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR Poster Board Number P244 / Presentation Number TP244 A Successful Statewide Initiative to Designate Hospital as Remote Treatment Stroke Centers Shelley Nichols, Marcus Stroke & Neuroscience Ctr and Grady Memorial Hosp, Atlanta, GA; Debbie Camp, Piedmont Newnan Hosp, Newnan, GA; McCord Smith, St Mary’s Healthcare System, Athens, GA; Chris Threlkeld, Georgia Office of EMS & Trauma Region 10, Athens, GA; James Lugtu, Kerrie Krompf, Georgia Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry, Atlanta, GA; Doretha Peters, St Joseph’s Chandler Healthsystem, Savannah, GA; Julie Long, Appling Healthcare System, Baxley, GA; Beth Watkins, Good Samaritan, Greensboro, GA; David Briscoe, Natl EMS, Rockdale, GA; Joyce Reid, Georgia Hosp Association, Atlanta, GA; Kay Johnson, American Heart Association, Marietta, GA; Danita Kiser, Univ Hosp McDuffie, Thompson, GA; Nita Caudill, Georgia Regents Medical Ctr, Augusta, GA; Michael Frankel, Marcus Stroke & Neuroscience Ctr and Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P245 / Presentation Number TP245 Feasibility of Mobile, Wearable Telestroke Devices Steven Warach, Dell Medical Sch Univ of Texas, Austin, TX; Ben T King, Kristen V Chandler, Seton Healthcare Family, Austin, TX; Christopher Topel, Univ of Texas Health Sciences Ctr San Antonio, Austin, TX; Irene A Tabas, UTHealth Sch of Public Health, Austin, TX; Johanna L Morton, Seton Healthcare Family, Austin, TX; Truman J Milling, Dell Medical Sch Univ of Texas, Austin, TX Poster Board Number P247 / Presentation Number TP247 Results of the New York City Stroke Task Force Emergency Medical Services Stroke Prenotification Survey Kathryn F Kirchoff-Torres, Albert Einstein Coll of Med, Bronx, NY; Fabienne McClellan, Univ of North Carolina Hosp, Chapel Hill, NC; Daniel L Labovitz, Albert Einstein Coll of Med, Bronx, NY; Samantha A Johnson, The American Heart Association | American Stroke Association, Robbinsville, NJ; Dana Leifer, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York, NY Poster Board Number P248 / Presentation Number TP248 Can the Door to Needle Time Metric Be Achieved via Telestroke? Ganesh Asaithambi, Amy L Castle, Michael A Sperl, Jayashree Ravichandran, Aditi Gupta, Bridget M Ho, Sandra K Hanson, John Nasseff Neuroscience Inst, St Paul, MN Poster Board Number P249 / Presentation Number TP249 Predictors of Arrival by Ambulance Among Massachusetts Ischemic Stroke Patients Kori Sauser-Zachrison, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Thomas Land, Thomas W Soare, Anita Christie, Laura Nasuti, Massachusetts Dept of Public Health, Boston, MA; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P239 / Presentation Number TP239 Improving Door-To-Needle Time With Direct Pharmacy Ordering Process Trevor Perry, Scripps Health System, Chula Vista, CA; John Gama, Scripps Health System, San Diego, CA; Peter Jost, Juan Tovar, Scripps Health System, Chula Vista, CA; Lindsay Olson-Mack, Scripps Health System, La Jolla, CA; Jean M Rockwell, Scripps Health System, Chula Vista, CA — 99 — Poster Board Number P250 / Presentation Number TP250 Defining Technical Quality Standards for Mobile Telestroke Assessment: A Substudy of the Improving Treatment with Rapid Evaluation of Acute Stroke via Mobile Telemedicine (iTREAT) Mobile Telestroke Platform Jason M Lippman, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; Zachary G Sutton, East Carolina Univ, Greenville, VA; Timothy L McMurry, Brian Gunnell, Jack Cote, Nina J Solenski, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; Sherita Chapman Smith, Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Richmond, VA; Bradford B Worrall, Andrew M Southerland, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Poster Board Number P251 / Presentation Number TP251 Onset-to-Door Times and Means of Transportation for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Attending a Public Hospital in Bogota DC, Colombia Is an Ambulance the Fastest Way to Reach the Hospital? Javier Vicini-Parra, Jenny Ospina, Cristian Correa, Natalia Gomez, Stephania Bohorquez, Lorena Arroyo, Luisa Echavarria, Jorge Ruiz, Adriana Casallas, Camilo A Espinosa-Jovel, Martha L Ramos-Romero, Andres Betancourt, Gustavo Barrios, Daniel Hedmont, Fidel E Sobrino-Mejia, Hosp Occidente de Kennedy, Bogota DC, Colombia Poster Board Number P252 / Presentation Number TP252 Using Hospital Door-to-Needle Times to Individualize Hospital Bypass Times in Order to Minimize Regional Onset-to-Needle Times Jin-Moo Lee, Andria Ford, Washington Univ, St Louis, MO; Jo-Ann Burns, Barnes-Jewish Hosp, St Louis, MO; Peter Panagos, Washington Univ, St Louis, MO Poster Board Number P261 / Presentation Number TP261 Clot Integration Factor for <i>in-vitro</i> Quantification of Stent-retriever Configuration Using Cone-beam CT Kajo van der Marel, Olivia W Brooks, Robert M King, Ju-Yu Chueh, Miklos Marosfoi, Erin Langan, Univ of Massachusetts Medical Sch, Worcester, MA; Sarena L Carniato, Stryker Neurovascular, Fremont, CA; Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA; Ajay K Wakhloo, Matthew J Gounis, Ajit S Puri, Univ of Massachusetts Medical Sch, Worcester, MA Poster Board Number P262 / Presentation Number TP262 Computational Fluid Dynamics Characterization of Hemorheology in the Lenticulostriate Arteries Xiaofei Li, Bochu Wang, Peng Ren, Coll of Bioengineering, Chongqing Univ, Chongqing, China Primary Poster Board Number P263 / Presentation Number TP263 Whole Brain Screening of Cellular and Molecular Changes After Stroke Markus Aswendt, Stanford Univ Sch of Med, Stanford, CA; Brian Hsueh, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA; Shunsuke Ishizaka, Guohua Sun, Michelle Cheng, Stanford Univ Sch of Med, Stanford, CA; Karl Deisseroth, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA; Gary K Steinberg, Stanford Univ Sch of Med, Stanford, CA Poster Board Number P264 / Presentation Number TP264 ST2 Signaling is Essential in Restricting Acute Ischemic Brain Injury Yuanyuan Yang, Haiyue Zhang, Guohua Wang, Xiaoming Hu, Jun Chen, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P253 / Presentation Number TP253 Evaluating the Benefits of a Stroke Control Center Through a Power Analysis Ahmad Umair Janjua, Mikayel Grigoryan, Mark Waterman, Carole Ehleben, Sakib Qureshi, Atlanta Medical Ctr, Atlanta, GA Primary Poster Board Number P254 / Presentation Number TP254 The Use of Prehospital Telemedicine to Aid in the Decision to Airlift Patients to a Comprehensive Stroke Center From a Rural Area Angel Brotons, Ivette Motola, Jose Romano, Sandra Schwemmer, Barry Issenberg, Univ of Miami, MIami, FL Poster Board Number P255 / Presentation Number TP255 The Emergency Department Dysphagia Screen is Associated With Lower Rates of Pneumonia in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Jon W Schrock, MetroHealth Medical Ctr, Cleveland, OH; Linda Lou, Case Western Reserve Univ Sch of Med, Cleveland, OH Experimental Mechanisms and Models Posters II TP256 – TP284 Poster Board Number P256 / Presentation Number TP256 Mouse Model of Uremic Cerebral Microbleeds Wei Ling Lau, Mary Tarbiat-Boldaji, Hayley Smalls, Ane Nunes, Javad Savoj, Nosratola D Vaziri, Mark Fisher, Univ of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA Poster Board Number P257 / Presentation Number TP257 Apoptotic Erythrocytes Attenuate Macrophages Proinflammatory Phenotype in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Che-Feng Chang, Roslyn Taylor, Arthur Steinschneider, Youxi Ai, Lauren H Sansing, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT Poster Board Number P258 / Presentation Number TP258 Enoph1-ADI1-MT-MMP-1 Pathway Contributes to Ischemic Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cell Apoptosis in vivo and in vitro Yuan Zhang, Ting Wang, Yun Li, Peiyan Zhao, Jianlin Huang, Weiping Li, Wenlan Liu, Shenzhen Second People’s Hosp, Shenzhen Univ 1st Affiliated Hosp, Shenzhen, China Poster Board Number P259 / Presentation Number TP259 Surrogate MRI Signatures for Contrast Enhanced Imaging That Predict Acute Blood-brain Barrier Damage in Ischemia-reperfusion Tavarekere N Nagaraja, Kelly A Keenan, James R Ewing, Robert A Knight, Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number P260 / Presentation Number TP260 Efficacy of Laropiprant in Ameliorating Hyperglycemia-mediated Intracerebral Hemorrhage Monique Mendes, Sherry Ali, Sylvain Dore, Abdullah Ahmad, Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Poster Board Number P265 / Presentation Number TP265 Metformin Stimulates Sirtuin1 Expression and Inhibits Ischemic Brain Damage Eun-Hye Lee, Wenliang Zhong, Xiehua Xue, Suin Cho, Ye-Rim Kwon, Yi Zheng, Yujie Qiu, Hyun Jung Jun, Chi-yeon Lim, Omer Suat Gozel, MGH/HMS, Charlestown, MA; Won Cheol Choi, Dankook Univ, Yongin-si, Korea, Republic of; Jianhua Qiu, Boston Children’s Hosp, Boston, MA; Seong-Ho Koh, Hanyang Univ, Seoul, MA; Hyung-Hwan Kim, MGH/HMS, Charlestown, MA Poster Board Number P266 / Presentation Number TP266 Infiltrated CD36+ Monocytes/Macrophages are the Main Phagocytes in Acute Ischemic Stroke Moon-Sook Woo, Cesar Beltran, Sunghee Cho, Burke-Cornell Medical Res Inst, White Plains, NY Poster Board Number P267 / Presentation Number TP267 Stroke Induced Respiratory Dysfunction: Effects of Age and Sex Anthony Patrizz III, Yashasvee Munchi, UConn Health Ctr, Farmington, CT; Daniel Mulkey, Univ of Connecicut, Storrs, CT; Louise McCullough, UConn Health Ctr, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P268 / Presentation Number TP268 Combination Therapy of Normobaric Oxygen With Hypothermia or Ethanol Modulates Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex in Thromboembolic Cerebral Ischemia Alexa Thibodeau, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Lipeng Cai, Luhe Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Changya Peng, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Xiaokun Geng, Luhe Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Vicki Diaz, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI; Xunming Ji, Xuanwu Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Yuchuan Ding, Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number P269 / Presentation Number TP269 Therapeutic Application of an Angiotensin II Peptide Vaccine in a Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model in Rats Kouji Wakayama, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Munehisa Shimamura, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan; Jun-ichi Suzuki, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Mitsuaki Isobe, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ, Tokyo, Japan; Hironori Nakagami, Ryuichi Morishita, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan Poster Board Number P270 / Presentation Number TP270 Ischemic Preconditioning-afforded Neuroprotection Against Ischemic Stroke is Associated With Altered Peripheral Immune Responses Zongjian Liu, China-America Inst of Neuroscience, Beijing Luhe Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Chen chen, Mei Luo, Huishan Du, China-America Inst of Neuroscience, Beijing, China; Xunming Ji, Inst of Hypoxia Med, Xuanwu Hosp, Beijing, China; Xiaoming Hu, China-America Inst of Neuroscience, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P271 / Presentation Number TP271 Improvement of Cerebral Blood Flow With DS-1040 in a Rat Thromboembolic Stroke Model Kengo Noguchi, Naoko Edo, Yusuke Ito, Yoshiyuki Morishima, Kyoji Yamaguchi, Daiichi Sankyo Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan — 100 — Poster Board Number P272 / Presentation Number TP272 A Novel Designer Lipophilic Curcumin Analog Promotes Clinical Improvement Ii Rabbit Models Of Spinal Cord Neurodegeneration and Ischemic Stroke Paul A Lapchak, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr Dept Neurology & Neurosurgery, Los Angeles, CA; Daisy Chou, Ali Khoynezhad, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P273 / Presentation Number TP273 Nuclear Receptor NR4A1-deficiency Leads to Worsened Functional Outcome, Increased Inflammation but Inhibited Microglial Activation Following Cerebral Ischemia in Mice Jan-Kolja Strecker, Stefanie Hucke, Kai Diederich, Antje Schmidt, Luisa Klotz, Jens Minnerup, Univ Of Münster, Muenster, Germany Primary Poster Board Number P274 / Presentation Number TP274 Orosomucoid-1 Protein Increases Following Ischemic Stroke in the Brain and Periphery Hetal Mistry, Madeline Levy, Meaghan Roy-O’Reilly, Louise McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Health Ctr, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P275 / Presentation Number TP275 Effect of Transcranial Laser and Thrombolytic Combination Therapy on Clinical Function and ATP Production in Small Clot Embolized Rabbits Paul A Lapchak, Paul D Boitano, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr Dept Neurology, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P276 / Presentation Number TP276 Mild Short-term Hypertension Exacerbates Amyloid Pathology and Microhemorrhages in Mouse Model of Amyloidosis Vitaly Vasilevko, Kelley Kilday, Giselle F Passos, David H Cribbs, Inst for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, Irvine, CA Primary Poster Board Number P277 / Presentation Number TP277 Diabetes Amplifies Vascular Injury and Worsens Ischemic Stroke Outcome in Young Female Rats: Loss of Protection John P Valenzuela, Weiguo Li, Yasir Abdul, Rebecca Ward, Sally El-Shafey, Xinyue Guo, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA; Susan C Fagan, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA; Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Primary Poster Board Number P278 / Presentation Number TP278 Complement Cascade Inhibition Abrogates tPA-mediated Hemorrhage and Brain Edema Following Ischemic Stroke Xue-Jun Zhao, Timothy M Larkin, Andrew F Ducruet, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P279 / Presentation Number TP279 Hyperglycemia Mediates Matrix Metalloprotease 3 Activation Through Tyrosine Nitration After Stroke Sherif Hafez, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA; Mohammed Abdelsaid, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA; Susan Fagan, Univ of Georgia, Augusta, GA; Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number P280 / Presentation Number TP280 Resveratrol Preconditioning Alters MicroRNA Expression Profiles to Induce Neuroprotection Against Ischemic Stroke Mary S Lopez, Raghu Veumganti, Univ of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, WI Poster Board Number P281 / Presentation Number TP281 Increased Susceptibility to Excitotoxic Injury in Rat Hippocampal Slices Exposed to Intermittent Hypoxia Rekha Jagadapillai, Nicholas Mellen, Leroy R Sachleben Jr, Evelyne Gozal, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY Poster Board Number P282 / Presentation Number TP282 Eotaxin Shows a Sex-specific Association With Positive Ischemic Stroke Outcomes and Post-stroke Peripheral Leukocyte Activation Meaghan Roy-O’Reilly, Sarah Conway, Univ of Connecticut Health Ctr, Farmington, CT; Ilene Staff, Gilbert Fortunado, Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT; Madeline Levy, Louise McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Health Ctr, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P283 / Presentation Number TP283 Hemorrhagic Risk Assessment of DS-1040 in a Cerebral Ischemia/reperfusion Model of Rats With Hypertension and Hyperglycemia Naoko Edo, Kengo Noguchi, Yusuke Ito, Yoshiyuki Morishima, Kyoji Yamaguchi, Daiichi Sankyo Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan Poster Board Number P284 / Presentation Number TP284 MRI-based Non-invasive Assessment of Early Brain Injury and CBF for Functional Grading of Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice Kazumasu Sasaki, Development, Ageing and Cancer, Sendai, Japan; Kazuhiko Nakamura, Res Inst for Brain and Blood Vessels-AKITA, Akita, Japan; Tomoko Mutoh, Ryuta Kawashima, Development, Ageing and Cancer, Sendai, Japan; Tatsuya Ishikawa, Res Inst for Brain and Blood Vessels-AKITA, Akita, Japan; Tatsushi Mutoh, Development, Ageing and Cancer, Sendai, Japan Health Services, Quality Improvement, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Posters II TP285 – TP340 Poster Board Number P285 / Presentation Number TP285 Levers for Facilitating the Establishment of Stroke Systems of Care Jacqueline Amoozegar, Stephanie M Teixeira-Poit, RTI Intl, Research Triangle Park, NC; Joanna Elmi, Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA; Devon McGowan, Miriam Tardif-Douglin, RTI Intl, Research Triangle Park, NC; Alberta Mirambeau, Jennifer Foltz, Sallyann King, Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P286 / Presentation Number TP286 A Literature Review of Cost-effectiveness of Intravenous Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke Guijing Wang, Heesoo Joo, Mary G George, CDC, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P287 / Presentation Number TP287 Informed Consent for IV tPA in New York State Designated Stroke Centers: A Current Snapshot Michael I Weintraub, Phelps Memorial Hosp Ctr, Briarcliff Manor, NY; Anna D Colello, New York State Dept of Health, Albany, NY; Samantha A Johnson, American Heart Association | American Stroke Association, Robbinsville, NJ; Fabienne McClellan, Univ of North Carolina Hosp, Chapel Hill, NC; Steven P Cole, Res Design Associates, Yorktown Heights, NY; Curtis Benesch, Univ of Rochester Medical Ctr, Rochester, NY; Steven H Rudolph, Maimonides Medical Ctr, Brooklyn, NY; Steven R Levine, SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr, Brooklyn, NY Poster Board Number P288 / Presentation Number TP288 Does Transferring Patients to Stroke Centers Increase Length of Stay TC Cossey, Amanda L Jagolino, Shima Bozorgui, Farhaan S Vahidy, Tzu-Ching Wu, Sean I Savitz, Univ of Texas Health Sciences Ctr, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P289 / Presentation Number TP289 Time to Neurologic Evaluation Predicts the 90-Day Outcome After Ischemic Stroke Yunis M Mayasi, Johana Helenius, Goddeau Richard Jr, Majaz Moonis, Nils Henninger, Univ of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA Poster Board Number P290 / Presentation Number TP290 Decreased Recognition of Minor Stroke Patients Leads to Longer Door-toNeedle Time Sara K Rostanski, Olajide Williams, Joshua Stillman, Randolph S Marshall, Alexander Merkler, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Shadi Yaghi, Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Joshua Z Willey, Columbia Univ, New York, NY Poster Board Number P291 / Presentation Number TP291 Outcomes of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Mild and Rapidly Resolving Ischemic Stroke Lindsey Frischmann, Lee Birnbaum, UT Health Science Ctr San Antonio, San Antonio, TX Poster Board Number P292 / Presentation Number TP292 Telestroke vs Phone Consultation in Stroke Patients Eligible for Intra-Arterial Therapy Nicholas Osteraas, James Conners, Shawna Cutting, Sarah Song, Laurel Cherian, Elizabeth Diebolt, Josh Bock, Vivien Lee, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number P293 / Presentation Number TP293 Radial Access for Neurovascular Procedures-Patient Preference and Outcomes Sudhakar R Satti, Ansar Z Vance, Sohil Golwala, Neurointerventional Surgery, Newark, DE Poster Board Number P294 / Presentation Number TP294 Get With the Guidelines Award Winning Hospitals Are Associated With Decreased Door to Needle Times in Michigan and Wisconsin Syed I Ali, Aurora Healthcare, Burlington, WI; Lynn Mallas-Serdynski, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, Milwaukee, WI; Kathie Thomas, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, Grand Rapids, MI — 101 — Poster Board Number P295 / Presentation Number TP295 Predictability of Stroke Symptoms in Acute Stroke Maria J Bruzzone, Luka Vlahovic, Ramon Durazo, Sean Ruland, Loyola Univ Medical Ctr, Maywood, IL Poster Board Number P296 / Presentation Number TP296 Analytic Study of Neurology Residents’ Clinical Assessment of Potential Stroke Patients Prior to MRI Results Nour Abdelhamid, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX; Sandhya Mehla, State Univ of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; Salman Farooq, Medical Coll of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Katelyn Kavak, Annemarie Crumlish, Marilou Ching, State Univ of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Poster Board Number P297 / Presentation Number TP297 Stroke Outcomes When Stroke is Treated by a Stroke Physician: A Prospective Cohort Study Daniel D Varma, Flinders Medical Ctr and Flinders Univ, Adelaide, Australia; Susan Kim, Res Fellow (Biostatistician) Flinders Ctr for Epidemiology and Biostatistics | Sch of Med Flinders Univ, Adelaide, Australia; Paul Hakendorf, Chris Horwood, Lata Cheruvu, Owen Davies, Craig Whitehead, Celia S Chen, Andrew W Lee, Flinders Medical Ctr and Flinders Univ, Adelaide, Australia Poster Board Number P298 / Presentation Number TP298 Code Stroke Simulation Training Benefits Junior Neurology Residents Linda C Wendell, Bradford B Thompson, Mahesh Jayaraman, Muhib Khan, David Lindquist, Brian Silver, Karen L Furie, Rhode Island Hosp/Alpert Medical Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI Poster Board Number P299 / Presentation Number TP299 The Feasibility of the Aldrete-FAST Screening Tool to Detect Stroke in the Post Cardiac Catheterization Setting: FAST-PC Study Michelle C Johansen, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD; Bradford B Worrall, Andrew M Southerland, Matthew A Hodges, Michael Ragosta III, Nina J Solenski, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Poster Board Number P300 / Presentation Number TP300 tPA Administration Affects Stroke Patient Disposition and Mortality Kori Sauser-Zachrison, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Thomas Land, Thomas W Soare, Anita Christie, Laura Nasuti, Massachusetts Dept of Public Health, Boston, MA; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P301 / Presentation Number TP301 Improving Stroke Door-to-Needle Time Through a Recognition Program Whitney Kucey, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Isabelle Martineau, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, The Ottawa Hosp, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Dar Dowlatshahi, The Ottawa Hosp, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Grant Stotts, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, The Ottawa Hosp, Ottawa, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P302 / Presentation Number TP302 COAST: Coordinating Options for Acute Stroke Therapy Ilana Spokoyny, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Kunal Agrawal, Univ of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA; Stephanie M Kemp, Gregory W Albers, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; L Scott Janis, Natl Insts of Health, Bethesda, MD; Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Meighan Girgus, American Heart Association, Dallas, TX; Brett C Meyer, Univ of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA Poster Board Number P303 / Presentation Number TP303 Real-world Eligibility for Revascularization in Acute Stroke: A 12 Year Single Center Statistics Peter Vanacker, Dimitris Lambrou, Ashraf Eskandari, Patrik Michel, Ctr Hospier Univire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland Poster Board Number P304 / Presentation Number TP304 Use, Time Delay and Outcomes of the Drip-and-Ship Thrombolysis Paradigm for Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Jay Chol Choi, Jeju Natl Univ, Jeju-si, Korea, Republic of; Man-Seok Park, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Ji Sung Lee, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Tai Hwan Park, Seoul Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Yong-Jin Cho, Keun-Sik Hong, Ilsan Paik Hosp, Inje Univ, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Jong-Moo Park, Kyusik Kang, Eulji Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Kyung Bok Lee, Soonchunhyang Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Soo-Joo Lee, Youngchai Ko, Eulji Univ Hosp, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; Jun Lee, Yeungnam Univ Hosp, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; Kang-Ho Choi, Chonnam Natl Univ Hosp, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; Mi-Sun Oh, Kyung-Ho Yu, Byung-Chul Lee, Hallym Univ Sacred Heart Hosp, Anyang, Korea, Republic of; Jae-Kwan Cha, Dae-Hyun Kim, Dong-A Univ Coll of Med, Busan, Korea, Republic of; Juneyoung Lee, Korea Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Dong-Eog Kim, Dongguk Univ Ilsan Hosp, Goyang, Korea, Republic of; Beom Joon Kim, Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P305 / Presentation Number TP305 International Comparison of Patient Characteristics and Performance Measures in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Analysis of the American Heart Association Get With the Guidelines-Stroke Registry and China National Stroke Registry Ying Xian, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Zixiao Li, Yilong Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China; Li Liang, Phillip J Schulte, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Qihui Zhang, Beijing Univ of Chinese Med, Beijing, China; Xingquan Zhao, Liping Liu, Chunxue Wang, Chunjuan Wang, Hao Li, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China; Jeffrey L Saver, Gregg C Fonarow, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Deepak L Bhatt, Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Janet Prvu Bettger P Bettger, Adrian F Hernandez, Eric P Peterson, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P306 / Presentation Number TP306 Characteristics and Outcomes Among Patients Transferred to Regional Stroke Centers Across the United States for Specialized Stroke Care Syed F Ali, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Gregg Fonarow, UCLA, LA, CA; Eric Smith, Cumming Sch of Med, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Li Liang, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Robert Sutter, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX; Ying Xian, Eric Peterson, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Deepak Bhatt, Brigham and Women’s Hosp Heart & Vascular Ctr, Boston, MA; Lee Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P307 / Presentation Number TP307 Promising Practices to Improve the Quality of Pre-Hospital Stroke Care Transitions Stephanie M Teixeira-Poit, Jacqueline Amoozegar, RTI Intl, Research Triangle Park, NC; Joanna Elmi, Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA; Megan Chambard, Kyle Emery, Janice Tzeng, RTI Intl, Research Triangle Park, NC; Alberta Mirambeau, Jennifer Foltz, Sallyann King, Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P308 / Presentation Number TP308 Annual Trends in Door to Needle Time in a Statewide Telestroke Program Jessica A Hannah, Robert J Adams, Ellen Debenham, Christine A Holmstedt, Shelly D Ozark, Tanya N Turan, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number P309 / Presentation Number TP309 The Role of Teleconsultation in Acute Stroke Trial Enrollment Hazem Shoirah, Cynthia L Kenmuir, Alhamza R Al-Bayati, Amin Aghaebrahim, Maxim D Hammer, Vivek K Reddy, Matthew T Starr, Lawrence R Wechsler, Tudor G Jovin, Ashutosh P Jadhav, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number P310 / Presentation Number TP310 Overcoming Barriers to Reduce Door to Needle Times in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: Field to CT Spozhmy Panezai, Florence Chukwuneke, Audrey Arango, Jaskiran Brar, Joshua Daniel, Daniel Korya, Siddhart Mehta, Mohammad Moussavi, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Poster Board Number P311 / Presentation Number TP311 Multidisciplinary Stroke Simulation: Novel Team Based Approach to Decrease Door-to-Needle Times Christopher A Mutch, Zachary Threlkeld, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Sara Cole, Christine Martin, San Francisco General Hosp and Trauma Ctr, San Francisco, CA; Benjamin Kozak, Daniel L Cooke, Vineeta Singh, Bhavya Rehani, Univ of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number P312 / Presentation Number TP312 Simulation Based Education for Neurology Nurses to Improve In-hospital Stroke Emergency Performance Rick Gill, Teresa Rasmussen, Ravi Garg, Jessica Ray, Matthew McCoyd, Sean Ruland, Loyola Univ Medical Ctr, Maywood, IL Poster Board Number P313 / Presentation Number TP313 Virtual Stroke Patient Simulation Training for Residents and Medical Students Improves Knowledge, Skill Sets and Confidence in Acute Stroke Care Shreyas Gangadhara, David Craig, William Scott Burgin, Clifton L Gooch, Andrea Bozeman, Britany Telford, Michael Brannick, David Z Rose, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL — 102 — Poster Board Number P314 / Presentation Number TP314 Current Use of Strategies to Improve Door-to-Needle Times With Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Findings From the Target: Stroke Phase II Survey Ying Xian, Barbara Lytle, Jason Blevins, Adrian F Hernandez, Eric D Peterson, Duke Univ, Durham, NC; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Jeffrey L Saver, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Steven R Messe, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Mary Paulsen, Robert Suter, American Heart Association, Dalls, TX; Mathew J Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Edward C Jauch, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Gregg C Fonarow, Univ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number P315 / Presentation Number TP315 Predictors of Thrombolysis Administration in Patients with Minor Stroke or TIA in the Florida Puerto Rico Collaboration to Reduce Stroke Disparities (FL-PR CReSD) Study Negar Asdaghi, Jose G Romano, Kefeng Wang, Sebastian Koch, Maria A Ciliberti-Vargas, Chuanhui Dong, Hannah Gardener, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; David Z Rose, W Scott Burgin, Univ of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Salina P Waddy, Natl Insts of Health/ Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Mary Robichaux, American Heart Association, Marietta, GA; Carolina M Gutierrez, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Michael F Waters, Univ of Florida Coll of Med, Gainesville, FL; Ralph L Sacco, Tatjana Rundek, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL Poster Board Number P316 / Presentation Number TP316 Appraising the Quality of Patient Care in Hospitalization for Transient Ischemic Attack Kavelin Rumalla, Adithi Y Reddy, Univ of Missouri – Kansas City Sch of Med, Kansas City, MO; Ashna Rajan, Manoj K Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number P317 / Presentation Number TP317 Enteral Tube Feeding in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: a Multivariate Predictive Analysis Lais M Medeiros, Maíra M Honorato, Luiz Fernando R Oliveira, Maria Sheila G Rocha, Hosp Santa Marcelina, Sao Paulo, Brazil Poster Board Number P318 / Presentation Number TP318 Rates of In-hospital Procedures and Outcomes Among Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients Admitted to Joint Commission Primary Stroke Centers in United States Saqib A Chaudhry, Michigan State Univ, Lansing, MI; Mohammad Rauf Afzal, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Burhan Chaudhry, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Ahmed Riaz, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Ali Saeed, Gautam Sachdeva, Adnan Safdar, Mounzer Kassab, Michigan State Univ, Lansing, MI; aimen zafar, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Poster Board Number P319 / Presentation Number TP319 Racial and Gender Differences in Tissue Plasminogen Activase Metrics Over Telemedicine Amanda L Jagolino, Shima Bozorgui, Jignesh Patel, Malcolm K Irani, Christy Ankrom, T C Cossey, Anjail Z Sharrief, Farhaan S Vahidy, Sean Savitz, Tzu Ching Wu, Univ of Texas at Houston, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P320 / Presentation Number TP320 Fluoroscopy Time: an Early Predictor of Outcome After Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Matthew F Sharrock, Michael Abraham, Rawan Albadareen, Sanjeev Keshary, Manoj Mittal, Univ of Kansas Medical Ctr, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number P321 / Presentation Number TP321 Is Weekend Admission Associated With Increased 30-day Stroke Mortality? The Effect of Adjustment Using a Claims-Based Stroke Severity Index Cheng-Yang Hsieh, Tainan Sin Lau Hosp, Tainan, Taiwan; Sheng-Feng Sung, Ditmanson Medical Fndn Chia-Yi Christian Hosp, Chiayi, Taiwan Poster Board Number P322 / Presentation Number TP322 Additional Factors May Affect Hospital Performance Ratings on Ischemic Stroke Care in California Limin Wang, Merry Holliday-Hanson, Joseph Parker, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, Sacramento, CA Poster Board Number P323 / Presentation Number TP323 The Relationships Among Hospital Volume, Processes of Care and Patient Outcome in Ischemic Stroke: J-ASPECT Study Satoru Kamitani, Tokyo Univ, Tokyo, Japan; Kunihiro Nishimura, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Akiko Kada, Nagoya Medical Ctr, Nagoya, Japan; Tetsurou Sayama, Ataru Nishimura, Ryouta Kurogi, Fumiaki Nakamura, Daisuke Onozuka, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Kuniaki Ogasawara, Iwate Medical Univ, Morioka, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ, Mitaka, Japan; Shigeru Miyachi, Osaka Medical Colledge, Takatsuki, Japan; Shinichi Yoshimura, Hyogo Coll of Med, Nishinomiya, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Jyouji Nakagawara, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Shinya Matsuda, Univ of Environmental and Occupational Health, Kita-kyushu, Japan; Kazuo Okuchi, Nara Medical Univ, Kashihara, Japan; Toru Aruga, Showa Univ, Tokyo, Japan; Junichi Ono, Chiba Cardiovascular Ctr, Ichihara, Japan; Izumi Nagata, Kokura Kinen Hosp, Kita-kyushu, Japan; Yoshihiro Miyamoto, Michiaki Iwata, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Akihito Hagihara, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Akifumi Suzuki, Res institute for Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita, Japan; Hiroharu Kataoka, Natl Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ctr, Suita, Japan; Koichi B Ishikawa, Natl Cancer Ctr, Tokyo, Japan; Koji Iihara, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan Poster Board Number P324 / Presentation Number TP324 Mild Cognitive Impairment and Treatment for Ischemic Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction Deborah A Levine, Andrzej T Galecki, Darin A Zahuranec, Brahmajee K Nallamothu, Lewis B Morgenstern, Lynda D Lisabeth, Mohammed U Kabeto, Ryan McCammon, Kenneth M Langa, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P325 / Presentation Number TP325 Impact of Nocturnal Desaturation on Early Neurological Deterioration Following Ischemic Stroke Tae Jung Kim, Chi Kyung Kim, Yerim Kim, Han-Gil Jeong, Kiwoong Nam, Sang Joon An, Sang-Bae Ko, Byung-Woo Yoon, Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P326 / Presentation Number TP326 Predictors of Surgical Feeding Tube Placement in Acute Ischemic Stroke Kristin Brown, Andrew Barreto, Umair Saeed, Hari Indaparu, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX; Kim Vu, Paige Shoemake, Alana Clayton, Stephanie Cooper, Andrea Xavier, Isabel Deguzman, Memorial Hermann Hosp, Houston, TX; Chunyan Cai, Univ of Houston, Houston, TX; Amber Jacobs, Anjail Sharrief, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P327 / Presentation Number TP327 Predictors of Surgical Feeding Tube Placement in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Umair Saeed, Kristin Brown, Anjail Sharrief, Hari Indupuru, Amber Jacobs, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX; Maria Deguzman, Paige Shoemake, Alana Clayton, Stephanie Cooper, Memorial Hermann Hosp- Texas Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Andreea Xavier, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX; Chunyan Cai, Univ of Texas Medical Sch at Houston, Houston, TX; Kim Vu, Memorial Hermann Hosp- Texas Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Andrew Barreto, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P328 / Presentation Number TP328 Kentucky SEQIP Statewide Approach to Improving Bedside Dysphagia Screening Kari D Moore, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY; Bonita Bobo, Kentucky Dept for Public Health, Frankfort, KY; Melisa Herbert, St Elizabeth Healthcare, Edgewood, KY; Polly Hunt, King’s Daughters Medical Ctr, Ashland, KY; Peter Rock, Kentucky Dept for Public Health, Frankfort, KY; Bill Singletary, The Medical Ctr at Bowling Green, Bowling Green, KY; Debbie Tate, Owensboro Health Regional Hosp, Owensboro, KY; Stephanie Turner, Pikeville Medical Ctr, Pikeville, KY; Starr Block, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, Louisville, KY Poster Board Number P329 / Presentation Number TP329 True Failures Versus Ambiguous Documentation in Core Measures Noncompliance Natalie C Wheeler, William J Meurer, Aditya S Pandey, James F Burke, Jenevra Foley, Kate Maddox, Eric E Adelman, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Poster Board Number P330 / Presentation Number TP330 Substantial Progress yet Significant Opportunity for Improvement in Stroke Care in China Zixiao Li Sr, Yilong Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Ying Xian, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Xingquan Zhao, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Linzi Li, Fudan Univ, Shanghai, China; Chunjuan Wang, Liping Liu, Chunxue Wang, Hao Li, Anxin Wang, Yong Jiang, Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P332 / Presentation Number TP332 Neuro-QOL Measures Have Improved Statistical Power versus the Dichotomized Modified Rankin Scale in Stroke Thrombolysis Rajbeer S Sangha, Northwestern Univ, chicago, IL; Richard Bernstein, David Cella, Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, chicago, IL; Carlos Corado, Yvonne Curran, Northwestern Univ, chicago, IL; Andrew Naidech, Ilana Ruff, Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, chicago, IL — 103 — Poster Board Number P344 / Presentation Number TP344 Seizure is an Independent Predictor of Poor Outcome in Ischemic Stroke Alissa Gadpaille, Amelia Boehme, Harn Shiue, April Sisson, Michael Lyerly, Toby Gropen, UAB Comprehensive Stroke Ctr, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P333 / Presentation Number TP333 Independent Variables Contributing to Stroke Mortality in a Tertiary Medical Center With a Large Rural Referral Base Aleksey Tadevosyan, Patrick Chen, Sanjay Anandaram, Diana Rojas-Soto, Timothy Lukovits, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Ctr, Lebanon, NH Poster Board Number P334 / Presentation Number TP334 The Cultural Appropriateness of the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) in Singapore: a Survey on Healthcare Workers’ Opinions Fung Peng Woon, Kian Kheng Queck, Singapore General Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Natasha L Fabiaña, Natl Neuroscience Inst (Singapore General Hosp Campus), Singapore, Singapore; Daniel C Oh, Natl Neuroscience Inst (Tan Tock Seng Hosp Campus), Singapore, Singapore; Deirdre D Tay, Singapore General Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Wai May Ng, Natl Neuroscience Inst (Tan Tock Seng Hosp Campus), Singapore, Singapore; Deidre A De Silva, Natl Neuroscience Inst (Singapore General Hosp Campus), Singapore, Singapore Poster Board Number P335 / Presentation Number TP335 Lower NIHSS Score on Presentation to the Emergency Center Delays Head CT Turnaround Times Rebbeca Grysiewicz, Anna Glaser, Lisa Kotzen, Holly Weissman, Beaumont Hosp, Royal Oak, MI Poster Board Number P336 / Presentation Number TP336 Influence of Aversion to Uncertainty in STROKE Care Yue Li, Lauren Crump, Univ of Toronto Scarborough, Toronto, ON, Canada; Mike Sharma, McMaster Univ, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Ralph Sacco, Univ of Miami, Coral Gables, FL; Eric Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Gustavo Saposnik, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; on behalf of the Stroke Outcomes Research Canada Working Group (SORCan-wwwsorcanca) Poster Board Number P345 / Presentation Number TP345 The Association Between Stress Hyperglycemia, Hemorrhagic Transformation (HT), and Functional Outcomes in Diabetics and Non-diabetics Kanika Arora, Amelia Boehme, Karen C Albright, Alissa Gadpaille, Reza Bavarsad Shahripour, Michael Lyerly, Kara Sands, April Sisson, Harn Shiue, Ayaz Khawaja, Angela Hays Shapshak, Toby Gropen, UAB, Birmingham, AL Poster Board Number P346 / Presentation Number TP346 Implementation of a Tele-Swallow Safety Study Kathryn Morrell, Megan Hyers, Tamela Stuchiner, Lisa R Yanase, Providence, Portland, OR Poster Board Number P347 / Presentation Number TP347 The Effects of Early Anticoagulation Resumption with Apixaban on the Acute Stroke Patients Takayuki Matsuki, Kazunori Toyoda, Akira Okamoto, Takuya Okata, Toshiyuki Miyata, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Kazuo Minematsu, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number P349 / Presentation Number TP349 Incidence of Cerebral Ischemia Associated Seizures in Patients With Narrowing or Occlusion of the Ipsilateral Internal Carotid or Middle Cerebral Artery: The EC/IC Bypass Study Muhammad Shah Miran, Ahmed A Malik, MFareed K Suri, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, StCloud, MN Poster Board Number P337 / Presentation Number TP337 Variation in Total and Daily Relative Costs of Stroke Hospitalization by Departments Sadiqa Mahmood, Partners Healthcare, Needham, MA; Khawja A Siddiqui, Xiu Liu, Karen E Lynch, Hui Zheng, David M Shahian, Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P350 / Presentation Number TP350 Determinants of Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Ischemic Stroke Patients After Endovascular Therapy Alicia Bennett, Adam de Havenon, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Michael Wilder, Univ of Louisville, Louisville, KY; Ali Sultan-Quarraie, Univ of Washington, Seattle, WA; Safdar Ansari, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Poster Board Number P338 / Presentation Number TP338 Outcomes After Carotid Endarterectomy Among Dual-eligible MedicareMedicaid Beneficiaries, 2003-2010 Judith H Lichtman, Erica Leifheit-Limson, Yale Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Yun Wang, Harvard TH Chan Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA; James F Meschia, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; George Howard, Virginia Howard, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Thomas Brott, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL Poster Board Number P351 / Presentation Number TP351 Early Comfort Care Measures in Acute Stroke Patients: Analysis From the Get With the Guidelines Stroke Registry Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ, Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL; Margueritte Cox, Phillip J Schulte, Duke Clinical Res Inst, Durham, NC; Ying Xian, Duke Clinical Res Ctr, Durham, NC; Darin Zahuranec, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Eric E Smith, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Mathew Reeves, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Gregg C Fonarow, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Lee H Schwamm, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P339 / Presentation Number TP339 Operations Director, Neurosciences Clinical Program, Intermountain Healthcare Jeremy Fotheringham Esq, Julie Martinez, Elisabeth Malmberg, Shawn Smith, Katherine Thomas, Robert Hoesch, Intermountain Healthcare, Murray, UT Poster Board Number P340 / Presentation Number TP340 Imaging Related Radiation Dose and Cancer Risk Assessment of Brain in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Vijay K Sharma, Philip Andrew Seow, Eric Y Ting, Subhash Kapur, Natl Univ of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore In-hospital Treatment Posters II TP341 – TP356 Poster Board Number P341 / Presentation Number TP341 Risk Factors of Seizure Recurrence in First-ever Post-stroke Seizure Shinya Tomari, Tomotaka Tanaka, Takayuki Matsuki, Kazuki Fukuma, Hiroshi Yamagami, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan Poster Board Number P342 / Presentation Number TP342 Central Origin of Fever Should not be Assumed in Stroke Patients Eva Mistry, Adriel Barrios-Anderson, Jaya Paranilam, Jonathan Wiese, John Volpi, Houston Methodist, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P343 / Presentation Number TP343 Differential TNFααExpression in Patients of Acute Ischemic Stroke Janhavi M Modak, Univ of Connecticut Health Science Ctr/ Hartford Hosp, Farmington, CT; Meaghan Roy-O’reilly, Sharon DiMauro, Univ of Connecticut, Farmington, CT; Gil Fortunato, Ilene Staff, Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT; Louise McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Health Science Ctr/ Hartford Hosp, Farmington, CT Poster Board Number P352 / Presentation Number TP352 Intracranial Pressure Measured Immediately After Hemicraniectomy in Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction Sang-Beom Jeon, Sun U Kwon, Jung Cheol Park, Jae-Sung Ahn, Byung-Duk Kwun, Dong-Wha Kang, Jong S Kim, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P353 / Presentation Number TP353 Glucose on Admission Associated With Post-stroke Outcome Faisal Mukarram, Rebecca F Gottesman, Elisabeth Marsh, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number P354 / Presentation Number TP354 Trends in Stroke Severity and Incidence After Endovascular Repair for Descending Thoracic Aorta Diseases Paola De Rango, Giacomo Isernia, Gioele Simonte, Alessandro Marucchini, Enrico Cieri, Luca Farchioni, Fabio Verzini, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Perugia, Italy Poster Board Number P355 / Presentation Number TP355 The Threshold of Baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Score to Predict Favorable Outcome After Medical Therapy in Patients With Acute M2 Occlusion Naoto Kinoshita, Hiroshi Yamagami, Mikito Hayakawa, Yuichi Miyazaki, Masatoshi Koga, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan — 104 — Poster Board Number P356 / Presentation Number TP356 Effect of Stabilization of Blood Pressure of Ischemic Stroke on 3-month Functional Outcome Jihoon Kang, Samsung Changwon Hosp, Changwon, Korea, Republic of; Wook-ju Kim, Ulsan Univ Hosp, Ulsan, Korea, Republic of; Hee-Joon Bae, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Posters II TP357 – TP378 Poster Board Number P357 / Presentation Number TP357 Blood Brain Barrier Damage Predicts Perihematoma Edema Volume in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Mariam Bhuiyan, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Richard Leigh, Natl Insts of Health, Bethesda, MD; Peter Barker, Daniel F Hanley, Wendy Ziai, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number P358 / Presentation Number TP358 Prehospital Diagnosis of Intracerebral Hemorrhage in a Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit Daniel Vela-Duarte, Ramnath Santosh Ramanathan, Atif Zafar, Ather Taqui, Stacey Winners, Lila Sheikhi, Sung-Min Cho, Dolora Wisco, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Jon W Schrock, MetroHealth System, Cleveland, OH; Farren B Briggs, Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH; Muhammad Shazam Hussain, Ken Uchino, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; On behalf of the Cleveland Pre-Hospital Acute Stroke Treatment (PHAST) Study Group Poster Board Number P359 / Presentation Number TP359 Admission Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and Outcome Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage in a Multicenter Study Amelia K Boehme, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Mary Comeau, Wake Forest, Wake Forest, NC; Carl Langefeld, Wake Forest Univ, Wake Forest, NC; Aaron Lord, New York Univ, New York, NY; Charles Moomaw, Jennifer Osborne, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Sharyl Martini, Baylor Univ, Houston, TX; Fernando Testai, Univ of Illinois at Chicago Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL; Mitchell Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P360 / Presentation Number TP360 Clot Evacuation With or Without Decompressive Craniectomy for Spontaneous Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Single Center, Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial Rong Hu, Hua Feng, Southwest Hosp, Chongqing, China Poster Board Number P361 / Presentation Number TP361 Effect of Therapeutic Hypothermia on Innate Immune Responses and Functional Outcome After ICH Fred Rincon, Larry Harshyne, Douglas C Hooper, Thomas Jefferson Univ, Philadelphia, PA Poster Board Number P362 / Presentation Number TP362 Early Hematoma Enlargement in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients on the Mobile Stroke Unit Judy Jia, Ritvij Bowry, Chunyan Cai, Stephanie Parker, James Grotta, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr, Houston, TX Poster Board Number P363 / Presentation Number TP363 Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage treated in the Intensive Care Unit: Predictors of Admission, Prolonged Stay, and Functional Outcome Xia Wang, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia; Katja Wartenberg, Martin-Luther-Univ Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany; Craig Anderson, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia Poster Board Number P364 / Presentation Number TP364 Use of Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Forms Early in Haemorrahgic Stroke: Data From the Ongoing Tranexamic Acid for Hyperacute Primary Intracerebral Haemorrhage (TICH-2) Study Nikola Sprigg, Katie Robson, Philip M Bath, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P366 / Presentation Number TP366 National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is a Potent Predictor of Outcome in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Suzie Kazaryan, Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; David S Liebeskind, UCLA Neurovascular Imaging Res Core, Los Angeles, CA; Sidney Starkman, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Marc Eckstein, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Samuel Stratton, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Franklin D Pratt, Torrance Memorial Medical Ctr, Torrance, CA; Marianne Gausche-Hill, Harbor-UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Robin Conwit, Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD; Scott Hamilton, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; FAST-MAG Investigators and Coordinators Poster Board Number P367 / Presentation Number TP367 Impacts of Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage Locations on the Complexity of Heart Rate Variability Chih-Hao Chen, Far-Eastern Memorial Hosp, New Taipei City, Taiwan; Pei-Wen Huang, Natl Taiwan Univ, Taipei, Taiwan; Sung-Chun Tang, Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan; Jiann-Shing Hsieh, Yuan Ze Univ, Taoyuan, Taiwan; Dar-Ming Lai, Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan; An-Yu Wu, Natl Taiwan Univ, Taipei, Taiwan; Jiann-Shing Jeng, Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan Poster Board Number P368 / Presentation Number TP368 Prediction of Hemorrhagic Growth Using Textural Pattern Analysis Katherine Gray, Robin Wolz, Natalie Royle, IXICO, London, United Kingdom; David Werring, Univ Coll, London, United Kingdom; Zhiyong Xie, Pfizer, Cambridge, MA; Theresa Tuthill, Pfizer, New London, CT Poster Board Number P369 / Presentation Number TP369 Comparison of Hematoma Volume Estimates in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Muhib A Khan, Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Joshua Rodriguez-Srednicki, The Warren Alpert Medical Sch, Providence, RI; Grayson Baird, Rhode Island Hosp, Providence, RI; Roderick Elias, Brown Univ, Providence, RI; Sandra Yan, The Warren Alpert Medical Sch, Providence, RI; Shadi Yaghi Shadi Yaghi, Brian Silver, Scott Collins, Brown Univ, Providence, RI Poster Board Number P370 / Presentation Number TP370 Association Between Ventricular Symmetry and Perihematoma Edema in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Caroline Feigert, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Sharon Yeatts, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Magdy Selim, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; On behalf of the HI-DEF Execultive Committee and Investigators Poster Board Number P371 / Presentation Number TP371 Comparison of Three Stroke Severity Scales With Mortality Within an Intracerebral Hemorrhage Population: a Population-based Study Brian S Katz, Univ of Cincinnati Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Jane C Khoury, Cincinnati Childrens Hosp Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Kathleen Alwell, Charlie J Moomaw, Mary Haverbusch, Brett M Kissela, Opeolu Adeoye, Daniel Woo, Matthew Flaherty, Simona Ferioli, Univ of Cincinnati Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH; Jason Mackey, Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, IN; Sheryl R Martini, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Ctr, Waco, TX; Felipe De Los Rios la Rosa, Dawn Kleindorfer, Univ of Cincinnati Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH Poster Board Number P372 / Presentation Number TP372 CT Angiography Spot Sign, Hematoma Expansion and Outcome in Primary Pontine Intracerebral Hemorrhage Andrea Morotti, Michael Jessel, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Bart H Brouwers, Brain Ctr Rudolf Magnus Univ Medical Ctr, Utrecht, Netherlands; Guido J Falcone, Kristin Schwab, Alison M Ayres, Anastasia Vashkevich, Christopher D Anderson, Javier M Romero, Edip M Gurol, Anand Viswanathan, Steven M Greenberg, Jonathan Rosand, Joshua N Goldstein, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P373 / Presentation Number TP373 Tracts Enfolded by Small Hematomas Remain Intact in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Rebecca McCourt, Taurian Guinand, Laura Gioia, Mahesh Kate, Sarah Treit, Christian Beaulieu, Ken Butcher, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Poster Board Number P365 / Presentation Number TP365 Surgical Performance in Minimally Invasive Surgery Plus rt-PA for ICH Evacuation (MISTIE) Phase III Clinical Trial Maged D Fam, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Daniel Hanley, Johns Hopkins Medical Insts, Baltimore, MD; Agnieszka Stadnik, Michael Jesselson, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Lynn Money, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Meijing Wu, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Paul Camarata, Univ of Kansas, Kansas City, KS; Karen Lane, Johns Hopkins Medical Insts, Baltimore, MD; Mario Zuccarello, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Issam Awad, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL — 105 — Poster Board Number P375 / Presentation Number TP375 Vitamin D Deficiency Correlates With Stroke Severity on Presentation in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Ekaterina Bakradze, Univ of Connecticut/Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT; Louise D McCullough, Univ of Connecticut/Hartford Hosp, Farmington, CT; Ilene Staff, Amre Nouh, Univ of Connecticut/Hartford Hosp, Hartford, CT Primary Poster Board Number P387 / Presentation Number TP387 An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Acute Treatment- Implementation of the Rapid Acute Stroke Protocol N Wilson, K Gourdine, T Roche, L Nanlal, J Mascitelli, H Shoriah, P Shearer, S Paramasivam, J Mocco, S Mayer, J T Fifi, S Tuhrim, Mount Sinai Hosp, NY, NY Poster Board Number P376 / Presentation Number TP376 Infections in Patients With Spontaneous Intraventricular Hemorrhage- Results From the Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage (CLEAR) III Trial Jharna N Shah, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD; Santosh B Murthy, Weill Cornell Medical Coll, New York City, NY; Nichol McBee, Rachel Dlugash, Malathi Ram, Karen Lane, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD; Issam Awad, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Daniel F Hanley Jr, Wendy C Ziai, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number P377 / Presentation Number TP377 Predictors of Diffusion-weighted Imaging Lesions and One-year Case-fatality in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Jason Mackey, Kevin F O’Connor, Ashley D Blatsioris, Elizabeth A Moser, Susan Ofner, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN; Ravan J Carter, Regenstrief Inst, Indianapolis, IN; Alec Stevenson, Abigail L Hulin, Darren P O’Neill, Aaron A Cohen-Gadol, Thomas Leipzig, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN; Daniel Woo, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Chelsea S Kidwell, Univ of Arizona Coll of Med, Tucson, AZ; Linda S Williams, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN Poster Board Number P378 / Presentation Number TP378 Intracerebral Hemorrhagic Expansion Occurs in Patients Using Novel Anticoagulants Kara R Melmed, Patrick Lyden, Asma Moheet, CSMC, Los Angeles, CA Nursing Posters II TP379 – TP419 Poster Board Number P379 / Presentation Number TP379 Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Stroke Survivors: Evidence From an Integrative Literature Review Qinglan Ding, Robin Whittemore,, Nancy Redeker, Yale Sch of Nursing, West Haven, CT Poster Board Number P380 / Presentation Number TP380 Change in the Medication Behavior During One Year After Stroke in Patients With Initial Mild Ischemic Stroke Akie Kobayashi, Kagawa Prefectural Univ of Health Sciences, Kagawa, Japan; Takako Ichihara, Ayako Tamura, Tokushima Univ, Tokushima, Japan Poster Board Number P381 / Presentation Number TP381 Evaluation Of A Modified Home Care Intervention For Stroke Patients In Transition From Hospital To Home Lu Chen, Janet Sit, The Nethersole Sch of Nursing, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Primary Poster Board Number P382 / Presentation Number TP382 Improving Door To Needle Time Using A Lean Transformation Rapid Improvement Process Gregg MacDonald, Patricia Mienel, Cheryl Grennes, Lesta Beller, Julia Liebscher, Larry Isaacs, Adam Heller, Holly Muller, Gulf Coast Medical Ctr, Fort Myers, FL Poster Board Number P383 / Presentation Number TP383 Creating Educational Modules for Family Caregivers to Reduce Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Stroke Survivors Linda L Pierce, Victoria Steiner, The Univ of Toledo, Toledo, OH Poster Board Number P384 / Presentation Number TP384 Educating Staff: A Travelers Guide Martha Power, Gabrielle L Daignault, John Frye, Michelle L Gallo, Bruce L McKee, Angela J Schaffer, Maggie M Stoppe, West Virginia Univ Hosp, Morgantown, WV Poster Board Number P385 / Presentation Number TP385 Decreasing Door-to-Needle Times for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Kelly Venters, Jessica Douglas, Amber Parker, Lake Cumberland Regional Hosp, Somerset, KY Poster Board Number P388 / Presentation Number TP388 Multidisciplinary Stroke Review Process and Prospective Record Review for Quality and Process Improvement Abbigayle M Doerr, Anne Lindstrom, Harish Shownkeen, Laura Pittner, Central DuPage Hosp, Winfield, IL Poster Board Number P389 / Presentation Number TP389 Improving 30 Day Event Monitoring Compliance for Patients Transferred to Acute and Subacute Rehabilitation Facilities Heather Turner, Lillian Currie, Univ of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA Poster Board Number P390 / Presentation Number TP390 Patterns of Care, Variations and Temporal Trends in Stroke Care: a Brazilian Primary Stroke Center Report Monique B Alves, Gisele S Silva, Albert Einstein Hosp and Federal Univ of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Renata A Miranda, Rodrigo M Massaud, Andreia M Vacari, Albert Einstein Hosp, São Paulo, Brazil; Miguel Cendoroglo Neto, Albert Einstein Hosp and Federal Univ of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Solange Diccini, Federal Univ of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Poster Board Number P391 / Presentation Number TP391 Working Within a Stroke System of Care to Decrease Door to Transfer Times From Spoke to Hub Michelle Whaley, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO; Alissa Dell, Sky Ridge Medical Ctr, Lone Tree, CO; Melissa Chase, Rose Medical Ctr, Denver, CO; Melissa Mooney, Presbyterian/St Luke’s Medical Ctr, Denver, CO; Jill Hulbert, Medical Ctr of Aurora, Aurora, CO; Amy Larson, Rebecca van Vliet, Swedish Medical Ctr, Englewood, CO; Brett Keiling, North Suburban Medical Ctr, Thornton, CO Poster Board Number P392 / Presentation Number TP392 Cracking the Code, a Multidisciplinary Approach to Safe, Effective, and Evidence Based Bedside Dysphagia Screening of Stroke Patients With Three Textures Katja Bryant, Aneesha Virani, Kristi Keable, Allison Painter, Kim Anker, Jennifer Croley, Jan Douglas, Kathi Moore, Jean Pruitt, Jenna Mersfelder, Northside Hosp, Atlanta, GA Poster Board Number P394 / Presentation Number TP394 Stroke Education- Are you REaDy? Nicole E Wolber, Laurie Paletz, Nili Steiner, Betty Robertson, Sonia Guerra, CedarsSinai, Los Angeles CA, CA Poster Board Number P395 / Presentation Number TP395 Objective Identification of Endovascular Candidates Lindsey Peters, Shawnee Mission Medical Ctr, Shawnee Mission, KS Poster Board Number P396 / Presentation Number TP396 Small Changes Yield Big Dividends Theresa Hamm, Mercy Medical Ctr, Altoona, IA; Brian Helland, Clive Fire Dept, Clive, IA Poster Board Number P397 / Presentation Number TP397 Dedicated Stroke Units With Bedside Monitoring and Better Blood Pressure Control Audrey Arango, Daniel Korya, Florence Chukwuneke, Yong-Bum Song, Jaskiran Brar, Siddhart Mehta, Mohammad Moussavi, Spozhmy Panezai, Jawad Kirmani, JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Poster Board Number P398 / Presentation Number TP398 Telestroke: Expanding the Utilization of Endovascular Treatment Amy Guzik, Rayetta Johnson, WFBH, Winston-Salem, NC Poster Board Number P399 / Presentation Number TP399 Ambulance Membership Impact on 911 Utilization for Prehospital Stroke Triage and Transport in a Rural Community Pauline M Rankin, Dianne Marsh, James McLaughlin, UPMC Northwest, Seneca, PA Poster Board Number P386 / Presentation Number TP386 Clinical Nurse Specialist Influence on the Implementation of Telestroke in a Community Hospital Nancy Nozicka, Amy Barnard, Laura A Meller, Northwestern Med Lake Forest Hosp, Lake Forest, IL — 106 — Poster Board Number P400 / Presentation Number TP400 Examining Five Year Trends of Documented Tissue Plasminogen Activator Contraindications in Wisconsin Michelle Scharnott, American Heart Association, Milwaukee, WI; Kathryn Miller, Wisconsin Office of Rural Health, Madison, WI; Dot Bluma, MetaStar, Inc, Madison, WI; Lynn Serdynski, American Heart Association, Milwaukee, WI Poster Board Number P401 / Presentation Number TP401 Can Leveraging the Electronic Medical Record Improve Compliance With Dysphagia Screening? Mary Helton, Julie Fisher, Fisher Titus Medical Ctr, Norwalk, OH Poster Board Number P402 / Presentation Number TP402 Stroke Nurse Coordinators: Role in Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Care in the National Veterans Health Administration Teresa M Damush, Edward J Miech, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN; Michael Phipps, Univ of Maryland Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Jason Sico, Yale Univ Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Greg Arling, Purdue Univ Sch of Nursing, West Lafayette, IN; Laura Myers, Roudebush VAMC, HSR&D, Indianapolis, IN; Curt Austin, Jared Ferguson, Linda S Williams, Dawn M Bravata, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, IN Poster Board Number P413 / Presentation Number TP413 How Good Is That “doc In The Box”? Morgan Boyer, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hersehy, Pa Poster Board Number P414 / Presentation Number TP414 Support from a Comprehensive Stroke Center Improves Door to tPA Times at Primary Stroke Centers Julie M Fussner, Kelly Montgomery, Tinatin Gumberidze, Erin Supan, Univ Hosp Case Medical Ctr, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P415 / Presentation Number TP415 Stroke Knowledge and Prehospital Delay in Elderly Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Cha-Nam Shin, Arizona State Univ, Phoenix, AZ; Kyungeh An, Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Richmond, VA; Jeongha Sim, Jeonju Univ, Jeonju, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P416 / Presentation Number TP416 Does Hands-on tPA Education Really Improve Nurses’ Knowledge Retention? Kelly Montgomery, Megan Louttit, Julie Fussner, Univ Hosp Case Medical Ctr, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P403 / Presentation Number TP403 Kansas Initiative for Stroke Survival: a Statewide Program to Improve Stroke Outcomes Marilyn Rymer, Craig Shipley, Lee Rosterman, Yunxia Wang, Michael Abraham, Tony Nunn, Colleen Lechtenberg, Janice Sandt, The Univ of Kansas Hosp, Kansas City, KS Poster Board Number P417 / Presentation Number TP417 Improving Stroke Rehabilitation Intensity Data Collection: Collaborative Implementation of a Quality Assurance Framework Elizabeth Linkewich, Donna Cheung, Jacqueline Willems, Shelley Sharp, Sylvia Quant, Toronto Stroke Networks, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number P404 / Presentation Number TP404 Transforming From a Primary Stroke Center to a Comprehensive Stroke Center Michele Patterson, Joseph Berumen, Susan Loyola, Deb Motz, Ashley Page, Tracy Moore, Beth Cline, Dicky Huey, Tommye Austin, Baptist Health System, San Antonio, TX Poster Board Number P418 / Presentation Number TP418 The Evolution of Four Stroke Support Groups into the City-wide Stroke Connection Wendy Barrilleaux, St Dominic Hosp, Jackson, MS; David N Kiihnl, Univ of Mississippi Medical Ctr, Jackson, MS; Teresa Ellerbusch, Baptist Medical Ctr, Jackson, MS; Susan Geiger, Methodist Rehabilitation Ctr, Jackson, MS Poster Board Number P405 / Presentation Number TP405 Raising the Bar, Lowering the Target Theresa M Price, Spectrum Health Hosp, Muskegon, MI Poster Board Number P419 / Presentation Number TP419 Shared Medical Appointments: Supporting Stroke Care Transitions Through Improved Knowledge and Peer Support Kathleen Burns, Karen S Theodore, Medina Hosp, Medina, OH Poster Board Number P406 / Presentation Number TP406 Mapping Stroke Team Network Structure and Function to Enhance Acute Stroke Care Quality Improvement Efforts Mark O Loveless, Oregon Health & Sciences Univ, Portland, OR; Aaron Kamauu, Andrew Wilson, Stroke Systems Analytics, Salt Lake City, UT Preventive Strategies Posters II Poster Board Number P407 / Presentation Number TP407 Implementation of Standardized Charting for Level 1 Stroke Cases in the Operating Room Kiersten Espaillat, Paula Buckner, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Ctr, Nashville, TN Poster Board Number P408 / Presentation Number TP408 The First 24 hours Post-Stroke: Improving Timeliness of Blood Pressure Monitoring and Neurologic Assessment Completion Amy Barna, Nick Kjos, Jacelyn McKee, Heather Pronschinske, Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, WI Poster Board Number P409 / Presentation Number TP409 Continuous Quality Improvement Implementation Across a Large Stroke Network of Affiliated Rural Hospitals Lisa M Bellamy, Kelley L Elkins, Michael R Dobbs, UK HealthCare, Lexington, KY TP420 – TP430 Poster Board Number P420 / Presentation Number TP420 At-risk Stroke Patients in Need of In-hospital Lifestyle Interventions: Data From a Multi-state Health System Elizabeth Baraban, Tamela Stuchiner, Theodore Lowenkopf, Providence Health and Services, Portland, OR Poster Board Number P421 / Presentation Number TP421 Ischemic Preconditioning From Preceding Cerebrovascular Events in Stroke Patients Pamela Noella Correia, Ivo Alexis Meyer, Ashraf Eskandari, Michael Amiguet, Patrik Michel, Ctr Hospier Univire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland Poster Board Number P422 / Presentation Number TP422 High Pulse Pressure and Risk of Stroke Recurrence in Patients With Tia Maria Cristina Zurru, Claudia Alonzo, Laura Brescacin, Santiago Pigretti, Pedro Colla Machado, Luis Camera, Giselle Fucile, Gabriel Waisman, Edgardo Cristiano, Hosp Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina Poster Board Number P410 / Presentation Number TP410 Utilizing the Stroke Team Coordinator to Improve End of Life Discussions Theresa Hamm, Mercy Medical Ctr, Altoona, IA Poster Board Number P411 / Presentation Number TP411 Banner Health Stroke Coordinator Collaboration Lowers Door to Needle Times for the Banner Health System of Primary Stroke Centers Jane A Bremer, Banner Baywood Medical Ctr, Mesa, AZ; Kimberley A Duke, Banner Estrella Medical Ctr, Avondale, AZ; Donna L Holland, Banner Boswell Medical Ctr, Sun City, AZ; Carmen Lombardo, Banner Thunderbird Medical Ctr, Glendale, AZ; Angie Wikas, Banner – Univ Medical Ctr Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ; Evelyn Smith, Banner Desert Medical Ctr, Mesa, AZ; Deborah A Liable, Banner Del Webb Medical Ctr, Phoenix, AZ; Rebecca D Milakovich, Banner – Univ Medical Ctr Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ Poster Board Number P412 / Presentation Number TP412 Stroke Survivors’ Perceptions About Risk Factor Management: Challenges and Opportunities Carole L White, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Michele Patterson, Deb Motz, Baptist Health System, San Antonio, TX; Richard Williamson, Jean-Louis Caron, Lee A Birnbaum, Univ of Texas Health Science Ctr at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX Poster Board Number P423 / Presentation Number TP423 A Fast Assessment of Diet in Stroke (FADS) Jennifer L Dearborn, Yale Univ Sch of Med, New Haven, CT; Haleigh Roach, Univ of Maine, Orono, ME; Pooja Narwal, Baystate Medical Ctr, Springfield, MA; Meghan Peterson, Univ of Scranton, Scranton, PA; Sameera Talegawkar, George Washington Univ, Washington, DC; Rebecca F Gottesman, Johns Hopkin Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Maria Luz Fernandez, Univ of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; Joseph Schindler, Walter N Kernan, Yale Univ Sch of Med, New Haven, CT Poster Board Number P424 / Presentation Number TP424 Acute Stroke Education Video Associated With Improved Stroke Literacy M Carter Denny, Farhaan Vahidy, Rutvij J Shah, UT Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX; Kim Y Vu, Memorial Hermann Hosp–Texas Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Anjail Z Sharrief, Sean I Savitz, UT Health Science Ctr at Houston, Houston, TX — 107 — Poster Board Number P425 / Presentation Number TP425 Post-stroke Blood Pressure Trajectory and Mortality Risk: Analysis of Racial/ Ethnic Differences in the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation Azizi Seixas, Tanya Spruill, Stephen K Williams, Mark Butler, Joyce Gyamfi, Girardin Jean-Louis, Gbenga Ogedegbe, NYU Sch of Med, New York, NY Poster Board Number P426 / Presentation Number TP426 PFO Closure Reduces Plasma Levels of Serotonin in Long Term Follow up of Stroke Patients Wenjun Deng, David McMullin, Thomas Wickham, Kathleen Feeney, Ignacio Inglessis, Igor Palacios, Ferdinando Buonanno, Eng H Lo, MingMing Ning, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P428 / Presentation Number TP428 Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Prior Stroke in GLORIA- AF Phase II (Global Registry on Long-term Oral Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation, Phase II) Hans-Christoph Diener, Univ Hosp Essen, Essen, Germany; Menno V Huisman, Leiden Univ Medical Ctr, Leiden, Netherlands; Jonathan L Halperin, Mount Sinia Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Sergio J Dubner, Clinica y Maternidad Suizo Argentina, Buenso Aires, Argentina; Chang S Ma, Beijing An Zhen Hosp, Beijing, China; Kenneth J Rothman, Boston Univ Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA; Kristina Zint, Amelie Elsaesser, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Ingelheim, Germany; Miney Paquette, Boehringer Ingelheim Canada, Burlington, ON, Canada; Christine Teutsch, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim, Germany; Greg Y Lip, Univ of Birmingham Ctr for Cardiovascular Sciences, Birmingham, United Kingdom; Dorothee Bartels, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim, Germany Poster Board Number P429 / Presentation Number TP429 Early Oral Anticoagulation After Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Andrew B Buletko, Rejo P Cherian, Christine Ahrens, Ken Uchino, Andrew Russman, Cleveland Clinic Fndn, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P430 / Presentation Number TP430 Interventions to Enhance Adherence to Secondary Preventative Medication After Stroke a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Sukainah Al AlShaikh, Terry Quinn, William Dunn, Jesse Dawson, Univ of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom Poster Board Number P435 / Presentation Number TP435 Hospital of Origin Does Not Influence Outcome in Patients Treated With Decompressive Hemicraniectomy After Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction Duncan Smyth, Wellington Hosp, Wellington, New Zealand; Mark Weatherall, Univ of Otago, Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand; Ian Rosemergy, Jeremy Lanford, Wellington Hosp, Wellington, New Zealand Poster Board Number P436 / Presentation Number TP436 Precision Medicine Using Quantitative Electroencephalography for Blood Pressure Augmentation in Penumbral Salvage After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Heustein Sy, Gregory Kapinos, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ Sch of Med, Manhasset, NY; Hira Shafeeq, St John’s Univ and North Shore Univ Hosp, Manhasset, NY Poster Board Number P437 / Presentation Number TP437 Clinical Outcomes of the First Neurocritical Care Unit in Korea Jin-Heon Jeong, Minju Yeo, Chungbuk Natl Univ Hosp, Cheongju-si, Korea, Republic of; Jeong-Ho Hong, Keimyung Univ Dongsan Medical Ctr, Daegu-si, Korea, Republic of; Kyu Sun Yum, Konyang Univ Hosp, Daejeon-si, Korea, Republic of; Jun Young Chang, Moon-Ku Han, Seoul Natl Univ Bundang Hosp, Seongnam-si, Korea, Republic of Poster Board Number P438 / Presentation Number TP438 De Novo Ivy Sign Indicates Postoperative Hyperperfusion in Moyamoya Disease Nobutaka Horie, Minoru Morikawa, Yoichi Morofuji, Tsuyoshi Izumo, Izumi Nagata, Takayuki Matsuo, Nagasaki Univ Sch of Med, Nagasaki, Japan Poster Board Number P439 / Presentation Number TP439 Clinical Predictors and Autcomes of Convulsive Status Epilepticus After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in United States Saqib A Chaudhry, Michigan State Univ, East Lancing, MI; Mohammad Rauf Afzal, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Haseeb Rehman, Houston Methodist Hosp, Houston, TX; Ali Saeed, Michigan State Univ, East Lancing, MI; Ahmed Riaz, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN; Mounzer Kassab, Michigan State Univ, East Lancing, MI; Ihtesham A Qureshi, Adnan I Qureshi, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Inst, St Cloud, MN Vascular Biology in Health and Disease Posters II TP440 – TP452 Poster Board Number P440 / Presentation Number TP440 Heart Failure is Associated With Elevated von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Antigen but not Factor VIII (FVIII) in Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) Alyana Samai, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA; Karen Albright, Univ of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; Eleni Antzoulatos, Laurie Schluter, Sheryl Martin-Schild, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA SAH and Other Neurocritical Management Posters II TP431 – TP439 Poster Board Number P431 / Presentation Number TP431 Improvement in the Outcomes of WFNS Grade V Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients Treated Endovascularly Over the Last 15 Years Joji Inamasu, Akiyo Sadato, Yuichi Hirose, Fujita Health Univ, Toyoake, Japan Poster Board Number P432 / Presentation Number TP432 Ventriculostomy Placement Improves Outcome in Hunt and Hess Grade 3-5 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients Irrespective of Hydrocephalus Nazli Janjua, Kessarin Panichpisal, Asia Pacific Comprehensive Stroke Inst, Pomona, CA; Karen Tse-Chang, Kimberly Jones, Debbie Keasler, Bhupat Desai, Pomona Valley Hosp Medical Ctr, Pomona, CA Poster Board Number P433 / Presentation Number TP433 Early Decompressive Hemicraniectomy Optimizes Highest Rehabilitation Potential in Patients With Acute Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Syndromes Lila E Sheikhi, Dhimant Dani, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH Poster Board Number P434 / Presentation Number TP434 The Effect of Therapeutic Modalities on Outcomes in Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: a Nationwide Study Using the Japanese Diagnosis Procedure Combination Database From The J-aspect Study Ryota Kurogi, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Akiko Kada, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Nagoya, Japan; Kunihiro Nishimura, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Satoru Kamitani, Univ of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Japan; Ataru Nishimura, Tetsuro Sayama, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Jyoji Nakagawara, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Kuniaki Ogasawara, Iwate Medical Univ, Morioka, Japan; Junichi Ono, Chiba Cardiovasular Ctr, Ichihahra, Japan; Yoshiaki Shiokawa, Kyorin Univ Sch of Med, Mitaka, Japan; Toru Aruga, Showa Univ, Shinagawa, Japan; Shigeru Miyachi, Osaka Medical Coll, Takatsuki, Japan; Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita, Japan; Shinya Matsuda, Univ of Environmental and Occupational Health, Kita-Kyushu, Japan; Shinichi Yoshimura, Hyogo Collage of Med, Hyogo, Japan; Kazuo Okuchi, Nara Medical Univ, Kashihara, Japan; Fumiaki Nakamura, Univ of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Japan; Koji Iihara, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; J-ASPECT investigators Poster Board Number P441 / Presentation Number TP441 Linagliptin Decreases Diabetes-induced Cerebral Pathological Neovascularization in a Blood Glucose-independent Manner Mohammed Abdelsaid, Raeonda Williams, Trevor Hardigan, Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number P443 / Presentation Number TP443 Homocysteine Level in PFO Related Stroke Patients With Respect to Medical Therapy vs PFO Closure Wenjun Deng, Thomas Wickham, David McMullin, Kathleen Feeney, Scott Silverman, Ignacio Inglessis, Igor Palacios, Eng H Lo, Ferdinando Buonanno, MingMing Ning, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P444 / Presentation Number TP444 Exploring Peripheral Mirnas as Biomarkers for Human Ischemic Stroke Stephen Kelly, Shu Wang, Nnamdi Uhegwu, Charles Porbeni, Mohammed Moussavi, Jawad Kirmani, Martin Gizzi, Neuroscience Inst and Stroke and Cerebrovascular Ctr @ JFK Medical Ctr, Edison, NJ Poster Board Number P445 / Presentation Number TP445 Angiotensin Receptor Type 1 Deficiency Attenuates Brain Damage and Improves Outcome After Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury Jong Youl Kim, Nuri Kim, Dept Neurology UCSF & SF VAMC, San Francisco, CA; Meshell Johnson, Dept Med UCSF & SF VAMC, San Francisco, CA; Midoir A Yenari, Dept Neurology UCSF & SF VAMC, San Francisco, CA — 108 — Poster Board Number P446 / Presentation Number TP446 Independent Measures of Cerebral Blood Flow in Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Disease Randolph S Marshall, MaryKay Pavol, Ken Cheung, Isabelle Strom, Kevin Slane, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Iris Asllani, Rochester Inst of Technology, Rochester, NY; Ronald M Lazar, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Ctr, New York, NY Poster Board Number P447 / Presentation Number TP447 Angiotensin II Increases Glymphatic Flow Through a Norepinephrinedependent Mechanism Adam Russak, G Edward Vates, Benjamin Plog, Maiken Nedergaard, Univ of Rochester, Rochester, NY Poster Board Number P448 / Presentation Number TP448 High Residual Platelet Reactivity (hrpr) for Adenosine Diphosphate (adp) Stimuli is a Determinant Factor for Long-term Outcomes in Acute Ischemic Stroke With Anti-platelet Agents Jae-Kwan Cha, Eun-Kyu Kim, Stroke Ctr, Busan, Korea, Republic of Primary Poster Board Number P450 / Presentation Number TP450 Angiotensin II-induced Hypertension is Associated With Parenchymal Arteriole and Posterior Cerebral Artery Remodeling and Reduced Cerebral Perfusion Janice M Diaz-Otero, Kelsey Downs, Erika Sarno, William F Jackson, Anne M Dorrance, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI Poster Board Number P451 / Presentation Number TP451 Age-associated Changes in the Structure and Biomechanical Properties of Parenchymal Arterioles Janice M Diaz-Otero, William F Jackson, Anne M Dorrance, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI Poster Board Number P452 / Presentation Number TP452 Systemic Inflammation Reverses Stroke-induced Changes in Astrocytic Aquaporin-4 Expression Ye Sun, Matthew D Howe, Monica Spychala, Rachael Rosow, Louise D McCullough, Univ of Connecticut Health Ctr, Farmington, CT Vascular Cognitive Impairment Posters II TP453 – TP463 Poster Board Number P453 / Presentation Number TP453 Physical Inactivity Associated With Vascular Depression or Apathy Leads to Hippocampal Atrophy and Memory Dysfunction in Community-dwelling Elderly Subjects: The Sefuri Study Hiroshi Yao, Natl Hosp Organization Hizen Psychiatric Ctr, Saga, Japan; Yuko Araki, Shizuoka Univ, Hamamatsu, Japan; Yuki Takashima, Kohjiro Nogami, Natl Hosp Organization Hizen Psychiatric Ctr, Saga, Japan; Akira Uchino, Saitama Medical Univ Intl Medical Ctr, Saitama, Japan; Takefumi Yuzuriha, Manabu Hashimoto, Natl Hosp Organization Hizen Psychiatric Ctr, Saga, Japan Poster Board Number P454 / Presentation Number TP454 Hemostatic Biomarkers Succeed While Inflammatory Biomarkers Fail To Differentiate Vascular Dementia From Alzheimer’S Disease Venugopalan Y Vishnu, Manish Modi, Vivek Kumar Garg, Manju Mohanty, Manoj Kumar Goyal, Dheeraj Khurana, Bhagwant Rai Mittal, Vivek Lal, Sudesh Prabhakar, PGIMER, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India Poster Board Number P456 / Presentation Number TP456 Coated-platelets Levels After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Predict Postdischarge Short-term Cognitive Outcome Bappaditya Ray, Vijay M Pandav, Eleanor A Mathews, David M Thompson, Aminata A Traore, Shuchi Chaudhary, Bradley N Bohnstedt, George L Dale, Calin I Prodan, The Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, OK Primary Poster Board Number P457 / Presentation Number TP457 Brain Functional Alterations in Patients With Leukoaraiosis Associated Mild Cognitive Impairment Na Li, Yu Mei Zhang, Yong Jun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp, Beijing, China Poster Board Number P458 / Presentation Number TP458 Is There “Crosstalk” Between Intracranial Arterial Pathologies and Small Vessel Disease?? Gregoire Boulouis, Andreas Charidimou, Eitan Auriel, Kellen E Haley, Ellis S van Etten, Panagiotis Fotiadis, Yael D Reijmer, Grace A Riley, Anastasia Vashkevich, Thomas M Gomes II, Alison Ayres, Kristin M Schwab, Sergi Martinez-Ramirez, Joshua N Goldstein, Anand Viswanathan, Steven M Greenberg, Mahmut Edip Gurol, Massachusetts General Hosp Stroke Res Ctr, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P459 / Presentation Number TP459 Higher Coated-Platelet Levels in Patients with Acute Stroke are Associated with Lower Cognitive Performance at 3 Months Angelia C Kirkpatrick, Julie A Stoner, Eleanor Mathews, George L Dale, Calin I Prodan, Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences Ctr, Oklahoma City, OK Poster Board Number P460 / Presentation Number TP460 Dominant Imaging Markers for Post Stroke Cognitive Performance in the TABASCO Study Efrat Kliper, Einor Ben Assayag, Dafna Ben-Bashat, Eitan Auriel, Shani Shenhar-Tsarfaty, Ludmila Shopin, Jeremy Molad, Estelle Seyman, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Ctr, Tel-Aviv, Israel; Amos D Korczyn, Sackler Faculty of Med, Tel Aviv Univ, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel; Natan M Bornstein, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Ctr, Tel-Aviv, Israel Poster Board Number P461 / Presentation Number TP461 Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Cognition: The Northern Manhattan Study Michelle R Caunca, Hannah Gardener, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Palma Gervasi-Franklin, Ying Kuen Cheung, Mitchell S Elkind, Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Ralph L Sacco, Tatjana Rundek, Clinton B Wright, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL Poster Board Number P462 / Presentation Number TP462 Cognitive Profile of Non-demented Cerebral Amlyoid Angiopathy Patients Li Xiong, Sigurros Davidsdottir, Roongpiboonsopit Duangnapa, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; Sekh Thanprasertsuk, Chulalongkorn Univ, Bankok, Thailand; Panagiotis Fotiadis, Andreas Charidimou, Alison M Ayres, Yael Reijmer, Ashkan Shoamanesh, Sergi Martinez-Ramirez, Mahmut Edip Gurol, Deborah Blacker, Steven Greenberg, Anand Viswanathan, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA Poster Board Number P463 / Presentation Number TP463 TLR2 Knockout Prevents Diabetes-induced Increase in Cerebral Perfusion and Decreases Fear Response Trevor Hardigan, Caterina Hernandez, Adviye Ergul, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA Poster Board Number P455 / Presentation Number TP455 Treatment With Trifluoromethoxyphenyl-3 (1propionylpiperidin-4-yl) Urea Improves Cognitive Functions and Endothelium Dependent Dilation in Penetrating Arterioles From Hypertensive Rats With Bilateral Common Carotid Stenosis Nusrat Matin, Courtney Fisher, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; Bruce Hammock, Univ of California – Davis, Davis, CA; William F Jackson, Anne M Dorrance, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI — 109 — Poster Board Number CTP6 / Presentation Number CTP6 The FRONTIER Trial: Field Randomization of NA-1 Treatment in Early Responders Laurie Morrison, St Michael’s Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Richard H Swartz, Sunnybrook HSC, Toronto, ON, Canada; Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Paul Raftis, Garrie Wright, Gary McAuley, Toronto Paramedic Services, Toronto, ON, Canada; Richard Verbeek, Sheldon Cheskes, Sunnybrook Ctr for Prehospital Med, Toronto, ON, Canada; Peter Dundas, Priya Kakar, Gordon Neville, Peel Regional Paramedic Services, Mississauga, ON, Canada; Jim Christenson, Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Devin Harris, Stroke Services British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Paul R Leslie, William Dick, British Columbia Emergency Health Services, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Daniel Selchen, St Michael’s Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Leanne Casaubon, Toronto Western Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; Manu Mehdiratta, Yael Perez, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga, ON, Canada; Oscar Benavente, Vancouver General Hosp, Vancouver, ON, Canada; Michael Tymianski, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada ONGOING CLINICAL TRIALS ABSTRACTS POSTER SESSION II THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM HALL H Ongoing Clinical Trials Posters II CTP1 – CTP52 Poster Board Number CTP1 / Presentation Number CTP1 Stroke Hyperglycemia Insulin Network Effort (SHINE) Trial Karen C Johnston, Amy Fansler, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Poster Board Number CTP2 / Presentation Number CTP2 Randomized Evaluation of Low-dose tPA and Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering in Acute Ischemic Stroke: The ENCHANTED Trial Craig Anderson, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; Pablo Lavados, Clinica Alemana-Univ del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile; Vijay K Sharma, Natl Univ Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Yining Huang, Peking Univ First Hosp, Beijing, China; Nguyen H Thang, 115 Hosp, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam; Thompson Robinson, Univ of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; Tsong-Hai Lee, Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan; Jong Sun Kim, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Richard Lindley, Hisatomi Arima, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; Mark Parsons, Christopher Levi, John Hunter Hosp, Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia; Sheila O Martins, Hosp das Clinicas Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil; The ENCHANTED Investigators Poster Board Number CTP3 / Presentation Number CTP3 Tenecteplase versus Alteplase for Stroke Thrombolysis Evaluation Trial Jelle Demeestere, Mark Parsons, Andrew Bivard, John Hunter Hosp, Newcastle, Australia; Bruce Campbell, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Melbourne, Australia; Patrick McElduff, John Hunter Hosp, Newcastle, Australia; Chung Y Hsu, China Medical Univ Hosp and Graduate Inst of Clinical Medical Science, Taichung, Taiwan; Ken Butcher, Div of Neurology, Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Christopher Bladin, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia; Richard Lindley, Sydney Medical Sch-Westmead Hosp and The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney, Australia; Werner Hacke, Dept of Neurology, Heidelberg Univ Hosp, Heidelberg, Germany; Gregory Albers, Stanford Stroke Ctr, Stanford Univ Medical Ctr, Stanford, CA; Henry Ma, Phan Than, Dept of Med, Monash Univ, Melbourne, Australia; Carlos Molina, Dept of Neurology, Hosp Vall d’Hebron-Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Vincent Thijs, Stroke Dept, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia; Geoffrey Donnan, Florey Inst of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia; Stephen Davis, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Melbourne, Australia; Christopher Levi, John Hunter Hosp, Newcastle, Australia Poster Board Number CTP4 / Presentation Number CTP4 Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs Stenting Trial (CREST): Presentation and Publication of Up To 10-year Results Alice J Sheffet, Rutgers, The State Univ of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical Sch, Newark, NJ; George Howard, Virginia Howard, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Ariane Mackey, CHU de Quebec, Quebec City, Quebec, QC, Canada; William Brooks, Baptist Health Lexington, Lexington, KY; Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Judith Lichtman, Yale Univ, New Haven, CT; Jenifer H Voeks, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Susan Hughes, MeeLee Tom, Linda Flaxman, Rutgers, The State Univ of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical Sch, Newark, NJ; Mary Longbottom, James Meschia, Thomas G Brott, for the CREST Investigators, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL Poster Board Number CTP5 / Presentation Number CTP5 Carotid Revascularization and Medical Management for Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis: CREST-2 Update James F Meschia, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL; Brajesh K Lal, Univ of Maryland Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; George Howard, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; Gary S Roubin, Cardiovascular Associates of the Southeast, Birmingham, AL; Robert D Brown Jr, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Rochester, MN; Kevin M Barrett, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL; Seemant Chaturvedi, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Marc I Chimowitz, MUSC, Charleston, SC; Bart M Demaerschalk, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ; Virginia J Howard, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; John Huston III, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Rochester, MN; Ronald M Lazar, Columbia Univ Medical Ctr, New York, NY; Wesley S Moore, UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Claudia Scala Moy, NIH NINDS, Bethesda, MD; Tanya N Turan, Jenifer H Voeks, MUSC, Charleston, SC; Thomas G Brott, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL Primary Poster Board Number CTP7 / Presentation Number CTP7 The ENhanced Control of Hypertension ANd Thrombolysis strokE stuDy (ENCHANTED): Arm B – Randomized Evaluation of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering in Acute Ischemic Stroke Craig Anderson, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; Pablo Lavados, Clinica Alemana-Univ del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile; Vijay K Sharma, Natl Univ Hosp, Singapore, Singapore; Yining Huang, Peking Univ First Hosp, Beijing, China; Nguyen H Thang, 115 Hosp, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam; Thompson Robinson, Univ of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; Tsong-Hai Lee, Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan; Jong Sun Kim, Asan Medical Ctr, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; Richard Lindley, Hisatomi Arima, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; Mark Parsons, Christopher Levi, John Hunter Hosp, Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia; Sheila O Martins, Hosp das Clinicas Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil; The ENCHANTED Investigators Poster Board Number CTP8 / Presentation Number CTP8 Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency After Ischaemic Stroke (TARDIS) A Randomised Controlled Trial Jason Appleton, Margaret Adrian, Diane Havard, Joanne Keeling, James Kirby, Lisa Woodhouse, Jennifer Smithson, Michael Stringer, James Longmate, Katie Robson, Nikola Sprigg, Philip M Bath, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Poster Board Number CTP9 / Presentation Number CTP9 NAVIGATE ESUS: Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Phase III Trial of Rivaroxaban vs Aspirin for the Prevention of Recurrent Stroke and Systemic Embolism in Patients with Recent Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source Scott E Kasner, Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA; Angel Chamorro, Univ of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Michal Bar, Univ of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic; Joan Marti-Fabregas, Hosp de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain; Gustavo Santo, Univ of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal; Meritxell Gomis, Hosp Univri Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain; Helmi Lutsep, Oregon Health and Science Univ, Portland, OR; Mukul Sharma, McMaster Univ / Population Health Res Inst, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Peter Dioszeghy, Josa Andras Hosp, Nyiregyhaza, Hungary; Calin Pater, Bayer Healthcare, Leverkusen, Germany; Hardi Mundl, Bayer Healthcare, Wuppertal, Germany; Scott D Berkowitz, Bayer Healthcare, Whippany, NJ; Ashkan Shoamanesh, Stuart J Connolly, McMaster Univ / Population Health Res Inst, Hamilton, ON, Canada Poster Board Number CTP10 / Presentation Number CTP10 TEMPO-2: Tenecteplase For Minor Ischemic Stroke With Proven Acute Symptomatic Occlusion Trial-2 Shelagh B Coutts, Carol Kenney, Amy Ying Xin Yu, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; Mark Parsons, John Hunter Hosp, Newcastle, Australia; Peter J Kelly, Neurovascular Unit for Neurovascular Unit for Translational and Therapeutics Res, Dublin, Ireland; Michael D Hill, Univ of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Poster Board Number CTP11 / Presentation Number CTP11 DEFUSE 3 Gregory W Albers, Maarten Lansberg, Stephanie Kemp, Soren Christensen, Jenny Tsai, Michael Mlynash, Sun Kim, Greg Zaharchuck, Stanford Stroke Ctr, Palo Alto, CA; Sharon Yeatts, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Max Wintermark, Roland Bammer, Stanford Stroke Ctr, Palo Alto, CA; Yuko Palesch, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Phil Lavori, Stanford Dept of Biomedical Data Science, Palo Alto, CA; Joseph P Broderick, Univ of Cinncinati, Cinncinati, OH; Michael Marks, Stanford Stroke Ctr, Palo Alto, CA; on behalf of the DEFUSE 3 Investigators — 110 — Poster Board Number CTP12 / Presentation Number CTP12 Thrombolysis for Acute Wake-up and Unclear-onset Strokes With Alteplase at 06mg/kg (THAWS) Trial: An Update Masatoshi Koga, Kazunori Toyoda, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita Osaka, Japan; Kazumi Kimura, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan; Haruko Yamamoto, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita Osaka, Japan; Makoto Sasaki, Iwate Medical Univ, Morioka, Japan; Hamasaki Toshimitsu, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita Osaka, Japan; Takanari Kitazono, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan; Junya Aoki, Nippon Medical Sch, Tokyo, Japan; Kenta Seki, Toshihiro Ide, Sohei Yoshimura, Kazuo Minematsu, Natl Cerebral and Cardiovascular Ctr, Suita Osaka, Japan Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr;, Los Angeles, CA; Shlee Song, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Shinyi Wu, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Phyllis Willis, Watts Labor Community Action Committee, Los Angeles, CA; Lilian Moreno, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Beatrice Martinez, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr; Harbor-UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Cynthia Munoz, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Mireya Macias, Tom Bailey, Worker Education and Resource Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Adam Richards, Frances Barry, Univ of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Valerie Hill, Univ of Southern California; Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr;, Los Angeles, CA; Brian Mittm Poster Board Number CTP13 / Presentation Number CTP13 The ECASS-4: ExTEND Study Peter A Ringleb, Univ Hosp, Heidelberg, Germany; ECASS-4 Steering Committee Poster Board Number CTP19 / Presentation Number CTP19 New Generation Hydrogel Endovascular Aneurysm Treatment Trial Jennifer D Ward, Byron K Yip, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL; Rami J Aoun, Mithum G Sattur, Bernard R Bendok, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ Poster Board Number CTP14 / Presentation Number CTP14 A Randomized, Open-label, Active-Controlled and Blinded-Endpoint Trial Comparing the Antiplatelet Effects of Ticagrelor Plus Aspirin Versus Clopidogrel Plus Aspirin in Chinese Patients With High-risk Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke Weiqi Chen, Capital Medcal Univ, Beijing tiantan hospital, Beijing, China; Yi Lin, Dept of Neurology and Inst of Neurology, First Affiliated Hosp, Fujian Medical Univ, Fuzhou, China; Xia Meng, Yilong Wang, Yongjun Wang, Capital Medcal Univ, Beijing tiantan hospital, Beijing, China Poster Board Number CTP15 / Presentation Number CTP15 Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST): an International Cluster Randomized Trial Pablo M Lavados, Paula Muñoz-Venturelli, Verónica V Olavarría, Alejandro M Brunser, Clínica Alemana de Santiago, Univ del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile; Octavio Pontes, Hosp das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Univ of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Hisatomi Arima, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; Maree Hackett, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydnew NSW, Australia; Joyce Lim, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; Sandy Middleton, Nursing Res Inst, Australian Catholic Univ & St Vincent’s Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; Caroline Watkins, Univ of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom; Thompson Robinson, The George Inst for Global Health, University of Leicester, United Kingdom; Bin Peng, Liying Cui, Peking Union Medical Coll Hosp, Chinese Academic Medical Science, Beijing, China; Tsong Hai Lee, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taoyuan, Taiwan; Ruey-Tay Lin, Kaohsiung Medical Univ Chung-Ho Memorial Hosp, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Craig Anderson, The George Inst for Global Health, Sydney NSW, Australia; The HeadPoST Investigators Poster Board Number CTP16 / Presentation Number CTP16 TICH-2 Trial – Tranexamic Acid for Intracerebral Haemorrhage 2 Philip M Bath, Jason Appleton, Hayley Foster, Margaret Adrian, Michael Stringer, James Longmate, Joanne Keeling, James Kirby, Jennifer Smithson, Polly Scutt, Katie Robson, Nikola Sprigg, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Poster Board Number CTP17 / Presentation Number CTP17 A European, Multicentre, Phase III, Clinical Trial of Hypothermia for Acute Ischaemic Stroke: EuroHYP-1 Philip M Bath, Jennifer Smithson, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Ken Lees, Univ of Glasgow, Inst of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Glasgow, United Kingdom; Malcolm Macleod, Univ of Edinburgh, Ctr of Clinical Brain Sciences, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Bart van der Worp, Univ Medical Ctr, Dept of Neurology, Utrecht, Netherlands; Derk W Krieger, Univ of Copenhagen, Dept of Neurology, Copenhagen, Denmark; Jesper Petersson, Skane Univ Hosp, Dept of Neurology, Malmö, Sweden; Dimitre Staykov, Stefan Schwab, Univ of Erlangen, Dept of Neurology, Erlangen, Germany; Nikola Sprigg, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Poster Board Number CTP18 / Presentation Number CTP18 Secondary Stroke Prevention by Uniting Community and Chronic Care Model Teams Early to End Disparities: The SUCCEED Trial Amytis Towfighi, Univ of Southern California; Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr;, Los Angeles, CA; Monica Ayala-Rivera, Theresa Sivers-Teixeira, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Elizabeth Mojarro-Huang, Los Angeles County-Univ of Southern California Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Magaly Ramirez, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Heather McCreath, Univ of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Jeremy Wacksman, Dimagi, Inc, Los Angeles, CA; Eric M Cheng, Univ of California at Los Angeles; Veterans Admin Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA; Jamie Tran, Olive View-UCLA Medical Ctr, Sylmar, CA; Ana Montoya, 6Olive View-UCLA Medical Ctr, Sylmar, CA; Marilyn Corrales, Rancho Los Amigos Natl Rehabilitation Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Nerses Sanossian, Univ of Southern California; Los Angeles Count – Univ of Southern California Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Ali Razmara, Univ of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA; Robert Bryg, Neal Rao, Univ of California at Los Angeles; Olive View-UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Bijal Mehta, Univ of California at Los Angeles; HarborUCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Tara Dutta, Univ of Southern California; Rancho Poster Board Number CTP20 / Presentation Number CTP20 Atrial Fibrillation Trial to Evaluate Real-world Procedures for Unearthing Its Location After Stroke Events (AFTER-PULSE): Study Protocol Meng Lee, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Puzi, Taiwan; Wen-Yi Huang, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Keelong, Taiwan; SungChun Tang, Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan; Sheng-Feng Sung, Chiayi Christian Hosp, Chiayi, Taiwan; Jann-Der Lee, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Puzi, Taiwan; Tsong-Hai Lee, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Linkou, Taiwan; Yung-Sung Huang, Buddhist Dalin Tzu Chi General Hosp, Chiayi, Taiwan; Jiann-Shing Jeng, Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei, Taiwan; Chang-Min Chung, Yi-Ling Wu, Chang Gung Univ and Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Puzi, Taiwan; Bruce Ovbiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Poster Board Number CTP21 / Presentation Number CTP21 Tailored Hospital-based Risk Reduction to Impede Vascular Events After Stroke (THRIVES) Bruce Ovbiagele, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Rufus Akinyemi, Oyedunni Arulogun, Univ of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; Mulugeta Gebregziabher, Raelle Saulson, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Ezinne Uvere, Mayowa Owolabi, Univ of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; THRIVES Investigators Poster Board Number CTP22 / Presentation Number CTP22 Extending the Time for Thombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits – The EXTEND Trial Henry Ma, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Insts and Monash Univ, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Bruce C Campbell, Dept of Med, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Mark Parsons, Chris Levi, Priority Res Ctr for Brain and Mental Health Res, John Hunter Hosp, Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia; Leonid Churilov, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Insts, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Chung Y Hsu, Dept of Neurology, China Medical Univ and Graduate Inst of Clinical Medical Science, China Medical Univ, Taichung, Taiwan; Stephen M Davis, Dept of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Geoffery A Donnan, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Insts, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; EXTEND Investigators Poster Board Number CTP23 / Presentation Number CTP23 Intracerebral Hemorrhage Deferoxamine Trial Caroline Feigert, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA; Sharon Yeatts, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Claudia Moy, NINDS, Bethesda, MD; Aaron Perlmutter, Andre Thornhill, Catherine Dillon, Lydia Foster, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Magdy Selim, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr, Boston, MA Poster Board Number CTP24 / Presentation Number CTP24 Rapid Intervention With Glyceryl Trinitrate in Hypertensive Stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2): Safety and Efficacy of Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate, a Nitric Oxide Donor Mark Dixon, Jason Appleton, Timothy England, Diane Havard, Harriet Howard, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Malcolm Jarvis, Patient public representative on behalf of Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Alan Montgomery, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Stuart Pocock, London Sch of Hygiene and Tropical Med, Dept of Medical Statistics, London, United Kingdom; John Potter, Univ of East Anglia, Norwich Medical Sch, Norwich, United Kingdom; Christopher Price, Univ of Newcastle, The Medical Sch, Newcastle, United Kingdom; Tom Robinson, Univ Hosp of Leicester, Dept of Cardiovascular Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom; Christine Roffe, Keele Univ, Inst of Science and Technology in Med, Keele, United Kingdom; Niro Siriwardena, Univ of Lincoln, Sch of Health and Social Care, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Nikola Sprigg, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Joanna M Wardlaw, Univ of Edinburgh, Ctr for Clinical Brain Sciences, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Philip M Bath, Polly Scutt, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom — 111 — Poster Board Number CTP25 / Presentation Number CTP25 Hospital Processes Reengineering of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke in China: PROMISE-CHINA Dawei Dong, Mu Li, Yusheng Zhang, Lian Huang, The First Affiliated Hosp of Jinan Univ, Guangzhou, China; Yilong Wang, Liping Liu, Beijing Tiantan Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Anding Xu, The First Affiliated Hosp of Jinan Univ, Guangzhou, China Poster Board Number CTP26 / Presentation Number CTP26 An Interim Analysis of the SAfety and Effectiveness of the Treatment of Wide Neck, Saccular IntracraniaL Aneurysms With the Neuroform Atlas™ Stent System Trial On Behalf of the ATLAS Trial Investigators Osama O Zaidat, St Vincent Mercy Hosp, Toledo, OH; Brian Jankowitz, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number CTP27 / Presentation Number CTP27 THE PRISMS TRIAL: A Phase 3b, Double-blind, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Alteplase in Patients With Mild Stroke Pooja Khatri, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; The PRISMS Collaborators Poster Board Number CTP28 / Presentation Number CTP28 DWI or CTP Assessment with Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing Neurointervention Raul G Nogueira, Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA; Christine C Yang, Amelia J Saliba, Stryker Neurovascular, Fremont, CA; DAWN Trialists; Tudor G Jovin, Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Ctr, Pittsburgh, PA Poster Board Number CTP29 / Presentation Number CTP29 Swipe out Stroke: Feasibility of Using Mobile Health Technology to Address the Obesity Disparity in Minority Populations Nneka L Ifejika, Farhaan Vahidy, Munachi N Okpala, Elizabeth A Noser, Chunyan Cai, UTHSC Houston, Houston, TX; James C Grotta, Mischer Neuroscience Inst; Memorial Hermann Hosp – Texas Medical Ctr, Houston, TX; Sean I Savitz, UTHSC Houston, Houston, TX Poster Board Number CTP30 / Presentation Number CTP30 NIH StrokeNet Trial Proposal Process Joseph P Broderick, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Yuko Y Palesch, Wenle Zhao, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Claudia S Moy, Scott Janis, Natl Inst of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, Rockville, MD Poster Board Number CTP31 / Presentation Number CTP31 Remote Preconditioning Over Time to Empower Cerebral Tissue (REMPROTECT) Study Latisha Katie Ali, Johanna L Avelar, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; David S Liebeskind, Neurovascular Imaging Res Core UCLA Dept of Neurology, Los Angeles, CA; Jeffrey L Saver, UCLA Stroke Ctr, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number CTP32 / Presentation Number CTP32 Extending the time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits – Australasia Europe (EXTEND-AE) Henry Ma, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Res Insts and Monash Univ, Melbourne, Australia; Peter Ringleb, Neurologische Univsklinik Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Chung Y Hsu, China Medical Univ Hosp and Graduate Inst of Clinical Medical Science, China Medical Univ, Taichung, Taiwan; Peter M Rothwell, Nuffield Dept of Clinical Neurosciences, Univ of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; Leonid Churilov, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Res Insts, Melbourne, Australia; Bruce Campbell, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Christopher Levi, Mark Parsons, John Hunter Hosp, Univ of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia; Atte Meretoja, Stephen M Davis, Royal Melbourne Hosp, Univ of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Werner Hacke, Univ of Heidelberg Medical Sch, Heidelberg, Germany; Geoffory A Donnan, Florey Neuroscience and Mental Health Res Insts, Melbourne, Australia; EXTEND-AE Investigators Poster Board Number CTP33 / Presentation Number CTP33 The Metoclopramide and Selective Oral Decontamination for Avoiding Pneumonia after Stroke (MAPS-2) Trial: A 2x2 Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial of Metoclopramide and Selective Oral Decontamination for the Prevention of Pneumonia in Patients with Christine Roffe, Univ Hosp of North Midlands NHS Trust, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom; Tracy Nevatte, Julius Sim, Keele Univ, Keele, United Kingdom; Anushka Warusevitane, Univ Hosp of North Midlands NHS Trust, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom; Brinton Helliwell, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom; Margot Gosney, Royal Berkshire NHS Fndn Trust, Reading, United Kingdom; Benjamin Bray, Kings Coll London, London, United Kingdom; Michael Harrison, Anglia Ruskin Univ, Chelmsford, United Kingdom; Adam Jeans, Salford Royal NHS Fndn Trust, Salford, United Kingdom; Pelham Barton, Univ of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom; Craig Smith, Salford Royal Fndn NHS Trust, Salford, United Kingdom Poster Board Number CTP34 / Presentation Number CTP34 Study Protocol of “Worth the Walk”: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Stroke Risk Reduction Walking Intervention Among Minority Hypertensive Seniors in Community Senior Centers Daniel Araiza, Ivy Kwon, Brian Mittman, Honghu Liu, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Sarah Song, Rush Univ Medical Ctr, Chicago, IL; Laura Trejo, Los Angeles City Dept of Aging, Los Angeles, CA; Phyllis Willis, Watts Labor Community Action Committee, Los Angeles, CA; John Kotick, Saint Barnabas Senior Services, Los Angeles, CA; Sina Ma, Chinatown Service Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Carol Lee Thorpe, Independent Living Systems, Los Angeles, CA; Carmen Reyes, Catherine Sarkisian, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Poster Board Number CTP35 / Presentation Number CTP35 The Surpass™ Intracranial Aneurysm Embolization System Pivotal Trial to Treat Large or Giant Wide Neck Aneurysms (SCENT Trial) Mark Bain, Gabor Toth, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Philip Meyers, Coulmbia Univ, New York, NY; Ricardo Hanel, Lyerly Neurosurgery, Jacksonville, FL Primary Poster Board Number CTP36 / Presentation Number CTP36 Acute Video-oculography for Vertigo in Emergency Rooms for Rapid Triage David E Newman-Toker, Vahid Eslami, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Jorge C Kattah, Univ of Illinois Coll of Med Peoria, Illinois, Peoria, IL; Kevin A Kerber, Univ of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Mich, Ann Arbor, MI; Ari Blitz, John P Carey, Daniel R Gold, Daniel A Herzka, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; William J Meurer, Univ of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Mich, Ann Arbor, MI; William V Padula, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch of Public Health, Guilford, CT; Richard E Rothman, Richard E Thompson, Zheyu Wang, David S Zee, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD; Jennifer Fowler, Univ of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Cynthia I Guede, Univ of Illinois Coll of Med Peoria, Illinois, Peoria, IL; John W Hafner, OSF Saint Francis Medical Ctr, Peoria, IL; Daniel McGillicuddy, St Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; Hardin Pantle, Bayview Hosp, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med,, Baltimore, MD; Joshua Betz, Rachel Dlugash, Jennifer Houser, Maningbe Keita, Karen Lane, Vanessa A Llewellyn, Ryan Majkowski, Steven Mayo, Nichol McBee, Andrew Mould, Daniel F Hanley, Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD Poster Board Number CTP37 / Presentation Number CTP37 Electronic Decision Support for Improvement of Contemporary Therapy for Stroke Prevention (EDICTS) Seemant Chaturvedi, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL; Adam Kelly, Univ of Rochester, Rochester, NY; Amer Malik, Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, Miami, FL; Lilly Lee, Jackson Memorial Health System, Miami, FL; Gustavo Saposnik, Univ of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Poster Board Number CTP38 / Presentation Number CTP38 Insights on Selected Procoagulation Markers and Outcomes in Stroke Trials (I-SPOT) Nina T Gentile, A Koneti Rao, Hannah Reimer, Temple Univ, Philadelphia, PA; Askiel Bruno, Georgia Regents Univ, Augusta, GA; Viswanathan Ramakrishnan, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; William Barsan, Univ of Michigan, Detroit, MI Poster Board Number CTP39 / Presentation Number CTP39 Platelet-Oriented Inhibition in New TIA and Minor Ischemic Stroke (POINT) Trial Clay Johnston, Univ of Texas Austin, Austin, TX; JDonald Easton, Anthony Kim, UCSF, San Francisco, CA; Jordan Elm, Medical Univ of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Mary Farrant, UCSF, San Francisco, CA Poster Board Number CTP40 / Presentation Number CTP40 Periodontal Treatment to Eliminate Minority Inequality and Rural Disparities in Stroke (PREMIERS) Souvik Sen, Lauren C Dennis, Erin M Suttman, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC; Saundra Glover, James Hardin, Anwar T Merchant, Brian Chen, Univ of South Carolina, Columbia, SC; David Hicklin, James Curtis, Cynthia Nichols, Palmetto Health Dental Ctr, Columbia, SC; Steven Offenbacher, Carol Culver, Sherrill T Phillips, UNC Sch of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC; William J Powers, David Y Huang, UNC Sch of Med, Chapel Hill, NC; Sonia Davis, Sheila Burgard, UNC Collaborative Studies Coordinating Ctr, Chapel Hill, NC Poster Board Number CTP41 / Presentation Number CTP41 Eric Acute Stroke Recanalisation Jens Fiehler, Univ Medical Ctr Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; Nils Forkert, Hotchkiss Brain Institure, Calgary, AB, Canada; Jan-Hendrik Buhk, Andre Kemmling, Goetz Thomalla, Univ Medical Ctr Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany Poster Board Number CTP42 / Presentation Number CTP42 BASE Biomarkers of Acute Stroke Etiology NCT02014896 Jeffrey June, Ischemia Care, Cincinnati, OH — 112 — Poster Board Number CTP43 / Presentation Number CTP43 Critical Periods After Stroke Study (CPASS): A Phase II Trial Alexander W Dromerick, Georgetown Univ/MedStar Natl Rehabilitation Network, Washington, DC; Dorothy F Edwards, Univ of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI; Matthew A Edwardson, Georgetown Univ, Washington, DC; Margot L Giannetti, Jessica Barth, Kathaleen P Brady, Claire P Wilson, MedStar Natl Rehabilitation Network, Washington, DC; Evan Chan, MedStar Health Res Inst, Hyattsville, MD; Shashwati Geed, MedStar Natl Rehabilitation Network, Washington, DC; Ming T Tan, Georgetown Univ, Washington, DC; Massimo S Fiandaca, Univ of California,Irvine, Irvine, CA; Howard J Federoff, Univ of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA; Elissa L Newport, Georgetown Univ, Washington, DC Poster Board Number CTP44 / Presentation Number CTP44 Community Engagement for Early Recognition and Immediate Action in Stroke (CEERIAS) Study Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ, Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL; Knitasha Washington, Governors State Univ, University Park, IL; Erin Wymore, Northwestern Univ, Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL; Peggy Jones, Illinois Critical Access Hosp Network, Normal, IL; Amy Eisenstein, Namratha Kandula, Christopher T Richards, Jen Brown, Northwestern Univ, Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL; Sarah Song, Rush Univ, Chicago, IL; Maryann Mason, Soyang Kwon, Northwestern Univ, Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL; Neelum Aggarwal, Rush Univ, Chicago, IL Poster Board Number CTP45 / Presentation Number CTP45 Comparative Effectiveness of Treatment Options Using Propensity Score Methods in Cervical Artery Dissection (COMPASS) Neil Patel, Nikil Swamy, Ravish Kothari, Lauren C Dennis, Erin M Suttman, Souvik Sen, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC Poster Board Number CTP46 / Presentation Number CTP46 Mechanisms of early Recurrence in Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease (MyRIAD) David S Liebeskind, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Shyam Prabhakaran, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, CA; Iszet Campo-Bustillo, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; Qi Long, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA; Edward Feldmann, Baystate Medical Ctr, Springfield, MA; Jose G Romano, Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; for the MyRIAD Investigators Poster Board Number CTP47 / Presentation Number CTP47 Noninvasive Assessment of Fractional Flow Using Supercomputing Techniques for Patients With Symptomatic Intracranial Stenosis Yuehua Pu, Beijing Tiantan Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Jia Liu, Shenzhen Insts of Advanced Technology, Chinese Acad of Sciences, Shenzhen, China; Liping Liu, Zhongrong Miao, Yilong Wang, Xin Liu, Baixue Jia, Beijing Tiantan Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China; Xiaochuan Cai, Shenzhen Insts of Advanced Technology, Chinese Acad of Sciences, Shenzhen, China; Yongjun Wang, Beijing Tiantan Hosp of Capital Medical Univ, Beijing, China Poster Board Number CTP48 / Presentation Number CTP48 Prognostic Value of Endothelial Injury in Patients Undergoing Mechanical Thrombectomy for Emergent Large Vessel Occlusion: A Prospective Registry Lucas Elijovich, Adam Arthur, Daniel Hoit, Tommy Doss, Univ of Tennessee/SemmesMurphey Clinic, Memphis, TN; David Morris, Mid South Imaging and Therapeutics, Memphis, TN; Andrey Belayev MD, Chris Nickele, Jay Vachhani, Univ of Tennessee/ Semmes-Murphey Clinic, Memphis, TN; Edward Hord, Juan M Cardenas, Cirquest Labs, Memphis, TN; Lisa K Jennings, Univ of Tennessee Dept of Internal Med, Memphis, TN Poster Board Number CTP49 / Presentation Number CTP49 Change in Antiplatelet Therapy in Prevention of Secondary Stroke (CAPS2) Ravish Kothari, Neil Patel, Nikil Swamy, Lauren C Dennis, Erin M Suttman, Souvik Sen, USC Sch of Med, Columbia, SC Poster Board Number CTP50 / Presentation Number CTP50 Memantine for Enhancement of Stroke Motor Recovery Alicia Bennett, KC Brennan, Edward DiBella, Ganesh Adluru, Lorie Richards, Jennifer J Majersik, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Poster Board Number CTP51 / Presentation Number CTP51 HEALS (Healthy Eating And Lifestyle after Stroke): A Pilot Trial of a Multidisciplinary Lifestyle Intervention Program for Stroke Survivors Valerie Hill, Rancho Los Amigos, Downey, CA Primary Poster Board Number CTP52 / Presentation Number CTP52 Systematic Evaluation of Patients TReated with Neurothrombectomy Devices for AcuTe Ischemic Stroke (STRATIS) Registry Nils H Mueller-Kronast, Delray Medical Ctr/Tenet South Florida, Delray Beach, FL; Ali Aziz-Sultan, Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston, MA; Michael T Froehler, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Ctr, Nashville, TN; Reza Jahan, UCLA Medical Ctr, Los Angeles, CA; Richard P Klucznik, Methodist Hosp, Houston, TX; Jeffrey L Saver, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Osama O Zaidat, St Vincent Mercy Hosp, Toledo, OH; Dileep R Yavagal, Univ of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hosp, Miami, FL — 113 — — 114 — Save the Date for the International Stroke Conference 2017! H o u s t o n , Te x a s Feb 21, 2017 Feb 21, 2017 Feb 22-24, 2017 State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2017 ISC Pre-Conference Symposia 2017 International Stroke Conference 2017 Call for Abstracts: May 25 – Aug 16, 2016 (11:59 pm CDT) Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trials Abstract Submission: Oct 12 – Nov 9, 2016 Housing & Registration Opens: FAHA/VIP: Members*: Nonmembers: Oct 12, 2016 Oct 19, 2016 Oct 26, 2016 *Must be an AHA/ASA Professional Member by Sept 28, 2016 to qualify for the opening of priority registration and housing. Save up to $500 on ISC 2017 registration fees**: Deadline to become an AHA/ASA Professional Member to receive registration discount: Jan 18, 2017. **Registration savings depend on registration level and membership tier. INDEX Advance Registration Deadline: Feb 1, 2017 Education. Inspiration. Illumination. Learn more at PROFESSIONAL MEMB ERS H I P How do you GET MORE out of your career and the International Stroke Conference? 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Aarnio, Karoliina WP143 Abdelhamid, Nour TP71, TP296, AbdelRazek, Mahmoud TP71 Abdelsaid, Mohammed WP273, TP279, TP441 Abdul, Yasir 221, TP277 Abdul Sultan, Alyshah 140 Abe, Arata WP118 TP64 Abe, Koji WMP37 Abe, Soichiro TMP44, TMP47 Abe, Yukiko WMP119 Abedi, Vida 166 Abilleira, Sonia WMP69 Abou-Chebl, Alex WP35 Abouelleil, Mohamed WP435 Abraham, M G WMP8 Abraham, Michael 202, WP31, TP320, TP403 Abramyuk, Andrij WP233 Abrigo, Jill WP123 Abrivard, Marie WP32, TP13, TP26 Abrol, Tapan 180, WP84 Abruzzo, Todd TP2 Abud, Daniel G WP214, TP46, TP213 Abumiya, Takeo 9, WP110, WP112, TP234 Acar, Bilgehan 96 Acker, Michael WP353 Ackerley, Suzanne J 112 Acosta, Indrani WP245 Adachi, Hidemitsu TP87 Adams, Andrea 26 Adams, Harold P LB1, TP168 Adams, Robert J TP308, WMP55 Adamski, Mateusz G WP425 Adar, Sara D TP167 Adelman, Eric E TMP66, TP329 Adeoye, Ope TP160 Adeoye, Opeolu 126, 136, 149, 182, WP144, WP7, WP232, WP305, TMP10, TMP5, TMP72, TP164, TP2, TP371 Adibi, Amin 11, WP338 Adil, Malik M 100 Adkins, Chris WMP111 Adluru, Ganesh CTP50 Adrian, Margaret CTP16, CTP8 Afonso, Luis Henrique C TP46 Afzal, Mohammad R 119, WP13, WP86, TP28, TP166, TP318, TP439 Agarwal, Sachin LB4, TP53 Aggarwal, Neelum CTP44, TP79 Aggarwal, Sudhir 199 Aghaebrahim, Amin TP11, TP18, TP309, WP1, WP15, WP8 Agis, Daniel WP135 Ago, Tetsuro TP207 Agrawal, Kunal TP302 Aguilar Tabora, LG WP243 Aguilar-Tabora, Giselle 25 Ahmad, Abdullah TP260 Ahmad, Azeemuddin WP249 Ahmad, Haroon TP12 Ahmed, Heba WP101, WP113 Ahn, Jae Sung WP87 Ahn, Jae-Sung TP352 Ahn, Seong Hwan WMP23, WP230, TP190, TP220 Ahn, Yoo-Been TP198 Ahnstedt, Hilda 171 Ahrendsen, Jared T 70 Ahrens, Christine TP429 Ai, Youxi TMP55, TP257 Aida, Toshimitsu TP234 Aitken, Kinga WP334 Aja, Lucia LB16 Ajani, Zahra A 161, WP331, WP367 Ajmo, Craig T WP268 Akam, Eftitan Y WMP68 Aked, Joseph TMP28 Akers, Amy 53 Akhtar, Naveed 6, 57, 158, WP3, WP34, WMP11, WMP17 Akhtar, Sarah WP350 Akinboro, Oladimeji WP328, WP340 Akinseye, Oluwaseun TP188 Akinyemi, Rufus CTP21, WP206 Akioka, Naoki 101 Akoudad, Saloua 120, TP171 Akpalu, Albert WP206 Alahmad, Abraham TP104 Ala’i, Sherita WP332 Al-ajlan, Fahad TP14 Al-Ajlan, Fahad S TP45 Al AlShaikh, Sukainah TP430 Alamri, Abdullah S TMP101 Alaraj, Ali WP435 Albadareen, Rawan TP320 Al-Bayati, Alhamza R WP8, WP15, TP11, TP309 Albers, Gregory W 6, 67, 57, 155, 158, 160, 200, LB21, CTP3, CTP11, WMP6, WMP11, WMP13, WMP16, WMP17, WMP21, WP25, WP29, WP34, WP58, TP38, TP302, TP50 Alberts, Mark J TP237, WP72 Albright, Karen C 148, WMP31, WMP74, WP248, WP346, WP348, WP416, TMP8, TMP104, TP30, TP56, TP78, TP345, TP440 Albucher, Jean François WP362, WMP93, WMP95 Aldrich, Francois 190 Alessio-Alves, Frederico F TP213, TP46, WP214 Aletich, Victor WP227, WP435 Alexander, David 107 Alexandrov, Andrei V 37, 135, 166, 178, 204, 37, LB3, NS4, NS6, WP233, WP28, WP373, TMP1, TMP100, TMP17, TP218, TP4, TP83 Alexandrov, Ann W TMP1 Alexandrov, Anne NS10 Alexandrov, Anne W 135, 166, 178, 204, 37, NS4, NS6, WP28, WP383, TMP100, TMP17, TP218, TP83 Alexeeff, Stacey WMP52 Alfonso, Rodel TP81, WMP71 Alger, Jeffry R 161 Ali, Latisha 82, TMP15, TMP23, TP119, TP81, WP131, WP138, WP242 Ali, Latisha K CTP31, WMP71, WMP81 WMP108, WP46, TMP63 Ali, Sherry TP260 Ali, Syed F 118, 176, WMP32, WP294, TP306 Ali, Syed I TP294 Alibhai, Shabbir WP306 Alkayed, Nabil J LBP1 Allen, Elizabeth WP387 Allen, Evan WP244, WP245 Almgren, Peter TP163 AlMohanna, Falah WP256 Almond, Christopher S MP99 Alonso de Leciñana, María TP96 Alonzo, Claudia WP196, TP202, TP206, TP422 Alper, Seth L WP269 Alqahtani, Saeed TP60 Al-Senani, Fahmi WP256 Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam WMP85, WP436 Al-Shardan, Muhammad WP256 Alshekhlee, A WMP8 Alshekhlee, Amer WP31 Althouse, Andrew WP169 Alturki, Abdulrahman TMP101 Alves, Monique B TP390 Alwell, Kathleen 49, WP7, WP144, WP177, WP190, WP232, WP305, TMP10, TP160, TP164, TP371 Alwell, Kathleen A 136 Amal Raj, Jude V WMP120 Amar, Arun WP56, WMP5 Amarenco, Pierre WP52 Amaro Jr, Edson WP49 Ambekar, Sudheer TP95 Ambrosius, Walter 108 Ambrosius, Walter T WP311 Amiguet, Michael TP421 Amin-Hanjani, Sepideh 16, 20, WP227, WP435 Ammirati, Giuseppe WP20 Amoozegar, Jacqueline TP285, TP307 Amoupyel, Philippe 88 An, Hongyu 35, WMP20, WMP97, WP47 An, Kyungeh W P252, TP415 An, Sang Joon WP369, TP145, TP196, TP325 An, Seong-Hwan 110 An, Sunho WP275 Anandaram, Sanjay TP333 Ancliffe, Jacqueline TMP27 Ander, Bradley P WP370 Andersen, John 30 Anderson, Aaron 156, WMP67 TP27 Anderson, Christopher D 125, WP358, TMP113, TP236, TP372 Anderson, Craig CTP15, CTP2, CTP7, WMP85, WMP91, TMP33, TP363 Anderson, David WMP66 Anderson, Thomas L TMP87 Ando, Yukio WP60, WP62 Andrade, Alisson L WP219 — 115 — Andrade, Andrea 34, WP411 Andres, Kathleen WP413 Andrews, Howard LB5, WP44 Andrie, Rebecca WP317 Androulakis, XM TP179 Andrusin, Jeanne WP152, WP195 Andsberg, Gunnar TP163 Ang, Timothy LBP8, LB20 Angle, Mark TMP101 Anker, Kim TP392 Ankrom, Christy TP319 Ansari, Safdar WMP76, TP350 Ansari, Sameer A WMP116 Antonenko, Kateryna WMP79 Antzoulatos, Eleni TP440 Aoki, Junya CTP12, WP118, WP68, TP64, TP74 Aoun, Rami J CTP19 Aparicio, Hugo 46 Aparicio, Hugo J 41 Appleton, Jason CTP16, CTP24, CTP8 Aragon, Rebeca LB5 Arai, Ayumi TP221 Araiza, Daniel CTP34 Arakawa, Yoshiki TP230 Araki, Yuko TP453 Arango, Audrey P310, TP397, WMP12, WP2 Aras, Roque WP219 Arauz, Antonio 154, WMP117, WP224 Arch, Allison E TP240, WMP71 Arenillas, Juan F 105 Arhuidese, Isibor 102, TMP21, TP115 Arihiro, Shoji TMP92, WP168, WP188 Arima, Hisatomi CTP15, CTP2, CTP7, WMP85, WMP91 Arimura, Koich TP87 Arling, Greg TP175, TP402 Armon, Carmel 205, WP228 Armstead, William 172 Armstrong, Derek WMP105, WP411, WP412, WP413 Armstrong, Kevin S WP206 Armstrong-Wells, Jennifer WP406 Arnold, Corey W WP41 Arnold, Magdalena LB2 Arnold, Marcel 205, WP228 Arora, Kanika WMP74, WP198, WP346, TMP7, TP345 Arora, Rohan 209, WP231 Arroyo, Lorena P235, TP251 Arsava, Ethem Murat 96, WP226 Artham, Sandeep WP101 Arthur, Adam CTP48, WMP4, TMP1, TMP100, TP4 Aruga, Toru WMP33, WP283, WP94, TP323, TP434 Arulogun, Oyedunni CTP21 Arveiler, Dominique 88 Arvidsson, Andreas TMP28 Asaithambi, Ganesh WP238, TP248 Asano, Sho WP419 Asdaghi, Negar WP285, TMP67, TP315 Ashley, William W 192 Askalan, Rand WMP105, WP412, WP413 Asllani, Iris TP446 ASPIRE investigators, 117 Assiri, Abdullah M WP256 Aswendt, Markus TP263 Atchaneeyasakul, Kunakorn TMP32, TP95 ATTEND Collaborative Group, TMP33 Au, Lisa 168 Au, Lisa WC WP121 Auchus, Alexander P 71 Audebert, Heinrich J 179 Auerbach, Sanford H 41 Auriel, Eitan 121, WMP89, TP458, TP460 Austin, Curt TP402 Austin, Peter WP306 Austin, Tommye WP376, WP379, TP404 Avelar, Johanna L CTP31 Avelar, Wagner M WMP73 Aviv, Richard I TP44, WMP92 Awad, Issam 56, 215, 216, 217, LB13, WMP86, WMP87, WMP96, TP365, TP376 Awosika, Oluwole O 122 Ay, Hakan 176, 85 Ayala, Carma WP175 Ayala-Rivera, Monica CTP18, TMP87 Aycock, Dawn M 23 Ayres, Alison 47, 85, 121, 122, 124, 125, WMP88, WMP89, WP174, WP358, WP415, TMP113, TP372, TP458 Aytemir, Kudret WP226 Azevedo-Pereira, Ricardo L TMP49 Aziz-Sultan, Ali CTP52 B01-02 Investigators, 177, 71, LB19 Backhaus, Roland 118 Badawy, Mohammad TMP101 Bae, Hee-Joon TP200, TP205, TP304, TP356, WMP61, WP18, WP180, WP342, WP76 Bae, Jae-Han WP211 Baek, Byung Hyun PPS4, WP5 Baek, Jang-Hyun P275 Baek, Janghyun WP213 Baek, Jonggyu TMP64, TMP66, TP142 Bahit, Maria Cecilia LBP6 Bahouth, Mona N WMP84 Bai, Helin Daniel WP53 Bai, Hui-Yu WP264, WP266 Bailey, Mark LB8 Bailey, Tom CTP18 Bain, Mark 18, CTP35, TP94 Baird, Grayson TP369 Bajgur, Suhas 202, TMP74 Bake, Shameena 131, WMP42 Baker, David WP72 Baker, Emily W 130, TP109 Baker, Wesley WP339 Bakitas, Marie WP348 Bakradze, Ekaterina TP375 Balamurugan, Appathurai TP243 Balch, Maria H H WP79 Balián, Natalia TP202 Balshaw, Robert TMP95 Baltan, Selva WP103 Balu, Niranjan WP120 Balucani, Clotilde 78, WP137 Bammer, Roland 158, 57, 6, CTP11, WMP11, WMP17, WP34, TP38 Ban, Lu 140 Banerjee, Paul WP244, WP245 Bang, Oh Young WP23, WP280, TP118, TP123, TP14 Banville, Jacques 75, WP263 Bao, Chen WP111 Bao, Xiaolei WP319 Bar, Michal CTP9 Baraban, Elizabeth WP363, TP420 Baradaran, Hediyeh 97, WP192 Barazangi, Nobl TP1 Barber, P A 112, 77 Barber, Peter A WP181, WP405 Barber, Phillip A TMP117, TP43, TP55, TP57 Barboza, Miguel A 154, WP224 Barker, Peter TP357 Barker-Collo, Suzanne WP405 Barlinn, Kristian 81, WP233, WP344, TMP1, TMP41, TP162 Barna, Amy TP408 Barnard, Amy TP386 Barnaure, Isabelle TP39 Baron, Jean-Claude TMP56 Baroni, Maria V TP202 Bar-Or, David 97, WP12, WP77, TP7, TP16, TP80 Barr, Taura TMP80 Barral, Matthias TP13 Barranco, Roger TP63, WP439 Barreira, Clara M A WP214, TP46, TP213 Barreto, Andrew LB3, TP326, TP327 Barreto-Neto, Nestor WP219 Barrett, Kevin M CTP5 Barrilleaux, Wendy WP387, TP418 Barrios, Gustavo TP235, TP251 Barrios-Anderson, Adriel TP342 Barros, Guilherme 8 Barry, Frances CTP18, WP179, TMP87 Barsan, William CTP38 Bartels, Dorothee TP428 Barth, Jessica CTP43 Barton, Pelham CTP33 Basignani, Cherlynn WP244, WP245 Basir, Ghazala WP359 Bassaganya-Riera, Josep 166 Bastian, Chinthasagar WP103 Batchelor, Connor TP44, TP45 Bates, Janet 80 Bath, Philip M 140, CTP16, CTP17, CTP24, CTP8, WP349, WP361, WP418, TP364 Batista, André TP29 Battey, Thomas W K WMP24, WMP88 Bautista, Alex 69 Bavarsad Shahripour, Reza WP198, TP345, TP56 Baxter, Blaise 2, 5, 201, WP36, TP14, TP25 Baye, Fitsum TP165, TP175, TP212 Bayley, Mark WP141 Bazan, Carlos WP166 Bazan, Nicolas G TP97 Beal, Jennifer WP389 Beanes, Sylvia TMP87 Beasley, T Mark WP416 Beaulieu, Christian 214, TP373 Beaute, Jeanette WMP98 Becerril, Mayra WMP117, WP224 Beck, Judi 27 Beck, Judith M WMP59 Becker, Diane M WP434 Becker, J Alex 48, WMP90 Becker, Kyra LB22 Becker, Lewis C WP434 Bedard, Catherine 67 Bedenk, Ann TP1 Behme, Daniel TP242 Behnke, Nico LB2, TP215, TP233 Behrouz, Reza 150 Beichler, Kristen WP396 Beiser, Alexa 46 Beiser, Alexa B WP165 Beiser, Alexa S 120, 49 Bekelis, Kimon 86 Belagaje, Samir 156, WMP67, TP18, TP27 Belayev, Andrey CTP48 Belayev, Ludmila TP97 Bellamy, Lisa 113, TP409 Beller, Lesta TP382 Beltran, Cesar T P266 Benashski, Sharon E WP270 Ben Assayag, Einor TP460 Benavente, Oscar CTP6, WP166, TP184 Benavente, Oscar R 219, WP160 Ben-Bashat, Dafna TP460 Bendok, Bernard R CTP19 Bendszus, Martin LB14 Benesch, Curtis TP287 Ben Hassen, Wagih TMP105 Bennett, Alicia CTP50, WMP76, WP334, TP350 Bennett, Ari TP116 Bennion, Douglas M TMP58, TP214 Benson, Lee 34 Benson, Ricard T WP57 Benson, Richard TMP116, TP60 Benson, Richard T WMP19, WMP35, TP65 Beppu, Mikiya TP87 Berger, Lynn D 25, WP20, WP243 Berger, Paul A 137, TP161 Berkefeld, Joachim TP9 Berkhemer, Olvert A 1, 4, LB18, LB7, WP22 Berkowitz, Dan E 170 Berkowitz, Scott D CTP9 Bernal, Teresa WP439 Bernard, Timothy J WMP104, WP406 Bernatowicz, Rodica TP68 Bernert, Silke WP155 Bernhardt, Julie 76, 153, TMP27 Bernstein, Richard WP140, TP332 Bernstein, Richard A 177, 213 Berry, Jack TMP49 Berumen, Joseph TP404 Beslow, Lauren A 31, LB6, LB24, WMP88 Betancourt, Andres TP235, TP251 Betensky, Rebecca LB17, LB23 Bettger, Janet P WMP34, WP319, TP305 Betz, Joshua CTP36 Beumer, Debbie 1, 4, LB18, WP22 Bey, Julie WP341 Beyer, Alexander B PPS2 Beyersdorf, Friedhelm TP84 Bhakta, Nimisha TP237 Bhasin, Ashu WP146 Bhat, Ninad WP25 Bhatia, Rohit WMP92, WP146 Bhatt, Deepak 114, 115, 165, WMP32, WMP34, TMP9, TMP89, TP305, TP306 Bhatta, Deen WP437 Bhole, Rohini 135, TP218 Bhuiyan, Mariam TP357, WMP86 Bhuiyan, Mohammad Iqbal H WP269 Bhute, Vijesh J WP257 Bi, Xiaoming TP219 Bianchi, Matt 85 Bianchi, Nicolas TP243 Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten WMP36, WP158 Bibok, Maximilian B TMP95 — 116 — Biby, Sharon NS4 Bider, Zoe WP331 Biffi, Alessandro 122, 125, WP358, TMP113 Bihl, Ji WP108 Bilal, Muhammad F 180, WP84 Bilello, Michel WP353 Biles, Diadra TMP75 Billinger, Sandra A TMP35 Billinghurst, Lori L 31 Bilston, Lisa 92 Binkley, Michael 35, WMP97 Binning, M WMP8 Biondi, Alessandra 52 Birn, Rasmus TP154 Birnbaum, Lee WP382, TP412, TP291 Birschmann, Ingvild 164 Bishop, Laura 108, WP311 Bishop, Nicole 171 Bitrus, Randy WP350 Bivard, Andrew CTP3, LB20, LBP8, TP41 Bix, Gregory J 64, 66, WP426 Blackburn, Justin WP293, WP416 Blacker, Deborah TP462 Blacquiere, Dylan TMP83 Bladin, Chris F WP127 Bladin, Christopher CTP3 Blanc, Raphaël WMP2, WP32, TP13, TP26 Blas, Yolanda Silva WMP92 Blasco, Jordi LB16 Blatsioris, Ashley D TP377 Bleck, Thomas WP317 Bleise, Carlos TP86 Blevins, Jason TP314 Bliss, Tonya TMP49 Blitz, Ari CTP36 Blixen, Carol WP421 Blizzard, Leigh 89, WMP53 Block, Starr 113, TP328 Blockley, Nicholas 63 Blom, Mathias LBP7 Blum, Christina A WP182, WP352 Bluma, Dot TP400 Blumenstock, Gunnar 164 Boada, Richard WP406 Boan, Andrea D WP206 Bobak, Martin 88 Bobo, Bonita 113, TP328, WP323 Bobrow, Dylan TP192 Bock, Josh TP292 Bodechtel, Ulf 81, WP233, WP344, TMP1, TMP41, TP162 Boden-Albala, Bernadette WP187, WP333, WP44, TP147, TP183 Boehme, Amelia 211, WP160, WP248, TP344, TP345 Boehme, Amelia K WMP80, WP44, WP157, WP170, WP185, WP194, WP200, WP209, WP346, WP352, TMP7, TP177, TP193, TP199, TP359 Boesen, Mari TP44, TP45 Bogaerts, Annelies TP106 Bogiatzi, Chrysa 204 Bognar, Katalin WP284 Bogner, Anna 27 Bohner, Georg TP9 Bohnstedt, Bradley N TP456 Bohorquez, Stephania TP235, TP251 Boitano, Paul D 67, WP282, TP275 Bokkers, Reinoud WP39, WP57 Bolem, Nagarjun WMP110 Bombois, Stéphanie 43 Bonafé, Alain 2, LB7, LB18, LB21, WMP6, WMP13, WP17, WP36, TP25, TP50 Boned, Sandra 58, TP49, WP397 Bonner, Julie P429 Bonneville, Fabrice WMP93, WMP95, WP362 Bontempi, Bruno WP279 Book, Diane WP422 Boor, Stephan TP9 Booth, Katrina 148 Borgert, Andrew P164 Bormann, Albrecht TP9 Bornstein, Natan M TP460 Borowsky, Leila H WP302, WP303, TMP90 Borrego Guerrero, Brenda LBP6 Borst, Jord 4 Borte, Berna WP249 Bosch, Jackie TP222 Bostwick, Jeffery 175 Botts, Emily D WP291 Boulanger, Jean-Martin WMP92 Boulouis, Gregoire 43, 95, 121, LB17, LB23, WMP14, WMP89, WP43, TMP105, TP458, TP70 Boulouis, Gregroire WP38 Bourgoin, Aline TMP83, WP324 Bouts, Mark J R J WP38 Bouvier, Michel 175, WP263 Boviatsis, Efstathios TMP100, TMP17 Bowen, Meredith WP6 Bowling, Susana M LB19 Bowry, Ritvij PPS3, TP362, WMP64 Boyer, Morgan TP413 Boyle, Shona WP184 Boyne, Pierce TP143 Bozeman, Andrea TP313 Bozkurt, Meih WP132 Bozorgchami, Hormozd TP131 Bozorgui, Shima TP288, TP319 Bracard, Serge 7, TP29 Bracho, Jorge 211 Brackman, Jennifer M WP396 Bradley, William G TP59 Brady, Kathaleen P CTP43 Bragin, Denis E WMP48, WP276 Bragina, Olga A WMP48, WP276 Brain Health, Inc CTP99 Brainin, Michael WP420 Brain Smarts, LB135 Brain Vascular Malformation Consortium HHT Investigator Group 50 Brandler, Ethan S WP248 Brandt, Cynthia WP199 Brannick, Michael TP313 Branson, Helen WP413 Brar, Jaskiran WMP12, WP2, WP71, TP24, TP32, TP35, TP88, TP310, TP397 Brasher, Cynthia WMP67, WP429, TMP75 Brass, Lawrence M LB1 Bravata, Dawn M TP165, TP175, TP212, TP402 Bray, Benjamin 150, 152, CTP33, TP178 Breen, Christopher R 143 Breen, Joan WP152, WP195 Bremer, Jane A TP411 Brennan, KC CTP50 Brennan, Kelli TMP75 Brescacín, Laura WP196, TP202, TP206, TP422 Bresson, Damien TMP105 Briggs, Farren B TP358 Brinjikji, Waleed TP31, WP11, WP48 Brinza, Ellen K 18 Briscoe, David P244 Broderick, Joseph P 159, 182, 185, CTP11, CTP30, WMP3, WMP26, WP190, WP25, WP78, TMP5, TMP10, TP2, TP72, TP164 Bronstein, Ben R WP437 Brook, Robert D WP163 Brooks, Olivia W TP261, WP437 Brooks, William H CTP4, LB10, TP131 Brotons, Angel TP254 Brott, Thomas G 15, CTP5, LB10, WP332, TMP10, TMP24, TP131, TP338 Brott, for the CREST CTP4 Investigators, Thomas G Brouwers, Bart H TP372 Brouwers, H B WMP89 Brown, Aliza TP243 Brown, Arleen F WP179 Brown, Craig E 132 Brown, Devin WP163 Brown, Gwen WP389 Brown, Jen CTP44 Brown, Kristin TP326, TP327 Brown, Martin LB9, PPS1 Brown, Robert TMP42 Brown, Robert D CTP5, WP334 Brown, Tyler A TP65 Bruce Ovbiagele CTP21, WP206 Bruckmann, Nils-Martin WP337 Brunecker, Peter TP47 Brunet, Sylvain WP103 Brunner, Clement TMP56 Bruno, Askiel CTP38 Brunser, Alejandro M CTP15 Bruzzone, Maria J TP295 Bryant, Katja, WP429, TMP75, TP392 Bryg, Robert J CTP18, TMP87, WP179 Bryndziar, Tomas WMP108 Bucher, Kasey L WP254 Buchmann, Sylvia J WP344 Buck, Brian WMP82, WMP83, WP222, WP229 Buckner, Paula TP407 Budzik, R F WMP8 Budzik, Ron WP31 Bugbee, Erin TMP65 Buhk, Jan-Hendrik CTP41 Bui, Alex A T WP41 Buitrago-Blanco, Manuel WMP7, TP81 Bukovskaya, Yana WP327 Buletko, Andrew B 79, TP429 Bulic, Sebina WP56 Buller, Benjamin 68 Bulut, Cem WP386 Buompadre, Maria C WP413 Buonanno, Ferdinando TMP43, TP426, TP443 Burch, Danielle WP155 Burgard, Sheila CTP40 Burgen, Denise M TMP77 Burgin, W S TMP67, TP315 Burgin, William Scott TP313 Burgio, Kathryn WP348 Burke, James WP330 Burke, James F 181, 187, WP299, WP318, TP329 Burnett, Molly M WP246, TMP97 Burns, Jo-Ann TP252 Burns, Kathleen TP419 Burns, Paul A TP14 Burshtein, Reuben D 209 Burton, Tina M WMP35 Busby, Leslie N WP401 Bushnell, Cheryl 22, 108, WP297, WP311, TMP36, TMP70 Bussiere, Miguel WMP83 Bussmeyer, Matthias TP9 Butcher, Kenneth 117, 214, CTP3, WMP82, WMP83, WP222, WP229, TP73, TP373 Butler, Mark TP425 Byblow, Winston D 112, 77 Bykowski, Julie TP59 Byrne, James WMP29 Bystrek, Laura 180, WP84 Cabero, Jord 58, TP49 Cacioppa, Laura TP124 Cadilhac, Dominique 89, WMP53 Cage, Jamie WP421 Cahill, Elizabeth A WP246, TMP97 Cai, Chunyan CTP29, LB3, WMP64, WP402, TP33, TP326, TP327, TP362 Cai, Lipeng TMP3, TP268 Cai, Xiaochuan CTP47 Cai, Xuemei 211 Cai, Yiling 19 Caldera, Kristin TMP25 Calderon, Jackellyne TMP79 Caliguri, Dennis 24 Callejo, Mario F WP263 Calviere, Lionel WMP93, WMP95, WP362 Camarata, Paul TP365 Camera, Luis WP196, TP202, TP206, TP422 Cameron, Jill I WP298 Camilo, Millene R TP213, TP46, WP214 Camp, Debbie WP214, TP244 Camp, Deborah TMP75 Campbell, Bruce 3, CTP3, CTP32, WP17 Campbell, Bruce C V 59, 62, CTP22, LB18, LB7 Campbell, Evvy H WP161, TP185 Campbell, Jonathan WP330 Campbell, Morgan S TMP66 Campeau, Stephen TMP117 Campo, Nelly TP116 Campo-Bustillo, Iszet CTP46 Candelario-Jalil, Eduardo TMP58 Cánovas, David WMP69 Canpolat, Ugur WP226 Cantonis, Matt WP20 Cantú-Brito, Carlos 154 Cao, Jennifer WP402 Caplan, Louis R TP173, WP227 Capozzi, Lori 94 Caputo, Lisa M 197, TP80 Carcel, Cheryl MP91 Cardenas, Juan M CTP48 Cardona, Pedro WP439, TP63 Cardona, Pere LB16, LB7, WMP69 Carey, John P CTP36 Carey, Leeane 59, 62 Carl, Daniel TP143 Carle, Trevor WMP70 Carlson, Helen L TMP117 Carmichael, S Thomas TP96 Carniato, Sarena L TP261 Carolei, Antonio LB1 Caron, Jean-Louis TP412, WP382 — 117 — Carrasquillo, Olveen P285 Carrazco, Claire E WP231 Carrera, Caty WMP113 Carroll, Constance WP199 Carroll, John WP422 Carrozzella, Janice 159, WMP3 Carsolio, Lisa 30 Carter, Jacqueline TMP73 Carter, Ravan J L TP377 Cartrett, Karen WP321 Cary, Stephen P L 67 Casallas, Adriana TP235, TP251 Casaubon, Leanne CTP6, WP306 Case, Erin WP163, TMP66 Caso, Valeria PPS1, WMP79, TMP6 Castano, Carlos LB7, LB16 Castaño, Carlos TP19 Castillo, Janice 212 Castle, Amy L WP238, TP248 Castonguay, A WMP8 Castonguay, Alicia WP31, WP35 Catalan Stroke Code and WMP69 Reperfusion Consortium (Ca, t-SCR) Catanese, Luciana WP166, TP21 Catena, Ester WP439 Catto, Marília B WP219 Caudill, Nita TP244 Caunca, Michelle R TP461 Cayuela, Nuria TP63, WP439 Cazolla, Vanessa WMP95 Cazzola, Vanessa WMP93, WP362 Cebral, Juan 13, WMP27, TP86 Cella, David WP140, TP332 Cen, Steven TP77, WMP5 Cendoroglo, Miguel TP390 Ceratto, Rosana 12 Cerejo, Russell 18 Cesana, Giancarlo 88 Cespedes, Sandino 91 Cha, Brannon WP58 Cha, Jae Kwan 110, WP18, TP205 Cha, Jae-Kwan WMP61, WP76, WP180, TP200, TP304, TP448 Cha, Jihoon WP280, TP118, TP123 Chacon, Tatiana WP393 Chahal, Harina WP71, TP35, TP88 Chai, Wei-Lu WP255 Chair, SY NS7 Chakraborty, Santanu WP37 Chalmers, John WMP85, WMP91 Chalouhi, Nohra 8, 10 Chambard, Megan TP307 Chambers, Chase TP100 Chambless, Lloyd E 88 Chamorro, Angel CTP9, LB16, LB7 Chan, Anne 168 Chan, Anne YY WP121 Chan, Bernard P L 208, 220, WMP110, WP125 Chan, Evan CTP43 Chan, Lung WP126 Chan, Michael TP140 Chan, Siu-Lung 223 Chan, Vicky TP155 Chancellor, Bree TP37 Chandler, Kristen V TP245 Chandra, Bhartendu WP125 Chandra, Ronil 59 Chang, Anping TMP62 Chang, Che-Feng TP257 Chang, Dae-Il 110 Chang, Hui-Meng TP139 Chang, Ih LB22 Chang, Jason 166, 204, WP28, TMP100, TP83 Chang, Jason J WP373, TP4 Chang, Jun Young 157, TP437 Chang, Tiffany WP288 Chang, Won Hyuk P150 Chang, Yuchiao WP302, WP303, TMP90 Chan Yip, Carmen WH NS7 Chapman Smith, Sherita TP250 Chappell, Michael 63 Charbel, Fady WP227, WP435 Charbel for the VERiTAS 16, 20 Study Group, Fady T Charbonneau, Jamie TP141 Charidimou, Andreas 85, 121, 122, WMP89, WP357, TP458, TP462 Chase, Melissa TP391 Chatfield, Fiona 82, 83 Chatterjee, Anjan TP72 Chaturvedi, Seemant 211, CTP37, CTP5, LB10, PPS1, WMP49, TP175, TP212 Chaubal, Varun WP84 Chaudhary, Shuchi TP456 Chaudhry, Burhan TP318 Chaudhry, Saqib A WMP7, WP13, WP86, TP127, TP318, TP439 Chaudry, M Imran TP5 Chauhan, Anjali 65, WMP45, TMP53 Chauhan, Nabeel P294 Chaumrattanakul, Utairat WP215 Chavarria-Medina, Monica WMP117, WP224 Chee, Christina TP92 Chee, Young-Heng WP125 Chelluboina, Bharath TP101 Chen, Brian CTP40 Chen, Celia S TP297 Chen, Charlene TP1 chen, Chen TP270 Chen, Chien-Hsiun TP134 Chen, Chih-Hao TP367 Chen, Jian TP8 Chen, Jieli WMP38, WMP44 Chen, Jin-Tao WP125 Chen, Jun 42, 147, TP264 Chen, Kai TP156 Chen, Liang-Kung 45 Chen, Lu TP381 Chen, Michael WMP116 Chen, Mo TMP13 Chen, Ning WP394 Chen, Patrick TP333 Chen, Peng R 202 Chen, Qiaoling WP367 Chen, Qingmeng WMP18 Chen, Sheau-Chiann WP417, TMP93 Chen, Shuzhen WP108 Chen, Weiqi CTP14 Chen, Wen-Liang WP255 Chen, Wenwu TMP52 Chen, Xian 51 Chen, Xiangyan 21, WP301, TMP22 Chen, Y E 145 Chen, Ya-Fang 23, WP414 Chen, Yan TP75 Chen, Yanfang WP108 Chen, Yanting WP104 Chen, Yasheng WMP20 Chen, Yen-Ting WP126 Chen, Ying-An WP414 Chen, Yuan-Tsong TP134 Cheng, Bastian WP55 Cheng, Eric TP175 Cheng, Eric M CTP18, WP179, TMP87, TP152 Cheng, Michelle 69, TP263 Cheng, Michelle Y WP106 Cheng, Natalie T WP246 Cheng, Roger PPS5 Chentoufi, Aziz A WP256 Cheong, Jin Sung TP112 Cherian, Laurel WP307, TP292 Cherian, Rejo P TP429 Cherkassky, Georgy WP373 Cherry-Allen, Kendra M TMP31 Cheruvu, Lata TP297 Chervin, Kathleen TP149 Cheskes, Sheldon CTP6 Cheung, Angela WP306 Cheung, Donna LB8, TP417 Cheung, Ken LB5, TP446 Cheung, Wing Lee WP100 Cheung, Ying K WMP56 Cheung, Ying Kuen TP461 Chew, Chrislynn 189 Chhabra, Arun TP81 Chhatbar, Pratik Y 72, 74, WMP55 Chi, Nai-Fang WP126 Chien, Aichi WMP30, WP89, TP91 Chien, Jui-Hong WP431 Chimowitz, Marc I 99, 103, 105, CTP5, TMP39, TP184 Chin, Masaki TP232 Chin, Terrence A WMP52 Ching, Marilou TP296 Ching, Raina NS7, TP195 Chiquete, Erwin 154 Chiras, Jacques WMP118 Chiu, David 71, 177, B19 Chiu, Shao-Wen TMP86 Chlopicki, Stefan WP425 Cho, Ki-Hyun WMP61 Cho, Kihyun WP80 Cho, Kwang Ho TP112 Cho, Kyung-Hee TP209 Cho, Suin TP265 Cho, Sung-Min 39, 40, TP358 Cho, Sunghee TMP57, TP266 Cho, Yeon Hee WP280 Cho, Yong-Jin WMP61, WP18, WP76, TP200, TP205, TP304 Choe, Hana TP14 Choe, Hanna WP280 Choi, Hanna TP123 Choi, Hojin TP103 Choi, Hyun-Jung WP275 Choi, In-Young WP265 Choi, Jay Chol WMP9, WMP61, WP18, WP76, TP304 Choi, Kang-Ho WP76, TP304 Choi, Kangho WP18, WP80 Choi, KC NS7 Choi, Nack-Cheon WP424 Choi, Philip M C 117 Choi, Sungmin WP80 Choi, Won Cheol TP265 Choi-Kwon, Smi 110, NS8 Chollet, Francois WP362 Chollet, François WMP93, WMP95 Chompoopong, Pitcha TP133 Choo, In Sung WP230 Chopp, Michael 68, 127, 146, WMP38, WMP39, WMP41, WMP44, WP100, WP102, TMP60 Choquet, Hélène 53 Chou, Chun-An WP21 Chou, Daisy TP272 Chow, Ning WMP110 Christenen, Soren 62 Christensen, Anders WP40 Christensen, Hanne LB14, WP40 Christensen, Soren 6, 57, 59, 158, 160, CTP11, WMP11, WMP17, WP34, WP58, TP38 Christenson, Jim CTP6 Christie, Anita WMP72, TP249, TP300 Chu, Yi 10 Chua, Michelle 195 Chudyk, Jorge 12 Chueh, Ju-Yu WP437, TP261 Chugtai, Morad TP166 Chukwuneke, Florence TP310, TP397 Chung, BongJae 13, TP86 Chung, Chang-Min CTP20 Chung, Chih-Ping 45 Chung, Chin-Sang WP23, WP280, TP118, TP123 Chung, Hsu Y 62 Chung, Ji Yeon WP230 Chung, Jin-Heon 157 Chung, Jong-Won WP280, TP118, TP123, TP200 Chung, Lee TP48, TP58 Chung, Pil-Wook WP438 Church, Ephraim W TMP108 Churchill, Nathan WP150 Churilov, Leonid 3, 59, 62, 76, TP123, 153, CTP22, CTP32, WMP101, TMP27 Ciccio, Gabriele WMP2, WP32, TP13, TP26 Ciechanski, Patrick 30 Cieri, Enrico TMP6, TP124, TP354 Ciliberti-Vargas, Maria A WP285, TMP67, TP315 Cimflova, Petra WP53 Cines, Douglas 72 Cipolla, Marilyn 171, 223 Cipriano, Lauren LBP6 Clarençon, Frédéric WMP118 Clarito, Lyn A WP327 Clark, Judith 41 Clark, Patricia C 23 Clark, Wayne LB1 Clark, Wayne M 71, 177, LB10, LB19, TMP24 Clarke, Philippa J WP318 Clayton, Alana TP326, TP327 CLEAR III Investigators, LB12, LB13, WMP96 Clermont, Allen C WP281 Clifton, Andrew LB9 Cline, Beth WP376, TP404 Cline, Kristen G 28 Cloft, Harry 99, 105, WP11, WP48, TP31 Cloonan, Lisa WMP14, WP162, WP43 Cloud, Geoffrey 150, 152, TP178 Coan, Ana C WMP73 Coban, Hamza WP107 Cobo, Erik LB16, WP27 Coca, Steven TP240 Cochran, John W TP75, WP289 Cockburn, Neil TP51 Cockroft, Kevin M TMP108 Cognard, Christophe LB21, WMP6, WMP13, WMP93, WMP95, WP362, TP50 Cognard, Cristoph LB15 — 118 — Cohan, Charles H TP98 Cohen, Abigail S WMP14, WP43 Cohen, Ashley LB8 Cohen, David WP349 Cohen, David J LB21 Cohen, Fred WP322, WP329 Cohen, Leonardo G LB8 Cohen, Wendy TP21 Cohen-Gadol, Aaron A TP377 Cole, Gregory WP262 Cole, Sara TP241, TP311 Cole, Steven P TP287 Colello, Anna WP157, WP185, TP287 Coleman, Elisheva R WP144 Colin, Jeffrey WP263 Colín, Jonathan 154 Colla Machado, Pedro E WP196, TP422 Collier, Janice 76, 153, TMP27 Collier, Lisa A WP268 Collins, Lester 205, WP228 Collins, Scott TP369 Colon-Zimmerman, Kari WP421 Comeau, Mary TP359, WP357 Commerford, S R WP284 Concato, John TP165, TP175 Concha, Mauricio LB4, TP53 Condon, Christina N 22 Conely, Pamela B 212 Conen, David LB2 Connelly, Alan 59, 62 Connely, Kerrin TMP75 Conners, James WP307, WP317, TP292 Connolly, Mark J TMP23, TP119 Connolly, Stuart J 212, CTP9 Conway, Sarah TP282 Conway, Sarah E 94 Conwit, Robin 82, 83, 163, 82, 83, LB1, WP239, WP242, WP250, WP438, TMP12, TMP63, TP366 Conwit, Robin 78 Cook, Larry WMP63 Cooke, Daniel L TP311 Cool, Josephine WP203 Cool, Josephine A WP194 Cooper, Stephanie TMP74, TP326, TP327 Copen, William A LB17, WMP14, WP38, WP43 Coppola, Mariano LBP6 Coppola, VIctoria WP401 Corado, Carlos WP140, TP332 Corbett, Adrian M WP79 Cordiner, James 143 Cordonnier, Charlotte 43, 52 Cornwall, Danielle 182 Corrales, Marilyn CTP18 Correa, Cristian TP235, TP251 Correia, Pamela N TP421 Coscojuela, Pilar 58, TP49 Cosse, Millie TMP110 Cossey, T C TP288, TP319 Cote, Jack TP250 Cotsonis, George A 99, 103, 105, TMP39, TP184 Cotter, Amanda TP69 Cougo-Pinto, Pedro T LB17, WMP14, WP214, TP213, TP46 Coull, Bruce M LB1 Coutinho, Jonathan M WP36, TMP46 Coutts, Shelagh B 92, 117, CTP10, TMP117 Cowperthwaite, Matthew TP181 Cox, Margueritte 115, WMP34, TMP9, TP351 Coxon, James P 77 Coxson, Pamela G WP158 Craig, David TP313 Cram, Peter WP306 Cramer, Steven C TP155 Creelman, Carly A WP153 Creutzfeldt, Claire WP345 Cribbs, David H TP276 Crijnen, Yvette WP22 CRISP Investigators, 158 Cristiano, Edgardo WP196, TP202, TP206, TP422 Croley, Jennifer TP392 Crowther, Mark 12 Cruchaga, Carlos WMP113 Cruden, Patrick 71 Crumlish, Annemarie TP296 Crump, Lauren TMP37, TP336 Cruz-Flores, Salvador WP393, TP133 Cruz-Torres, Ivelisse 142 Cucchiara, Brett WP354, TP12 Cui, Chengcheng WMP44 Cui, Lili WP109 Cui, Liying CTP15, WMP114, WP183 Cui, Xu WMP38, WMP44 Cui, Yischeng WP100 Cui, Yisheng 127, WMP38 Cullison, Kaylie WMP19 Culp, William C TP243 Culver, Carol CTP40 Cunningham, William E CTP18, TMP87 Curfman, David WP236 Curnutte, John T 212 Curran, Yvonne WP140, TP332 Currie, Lillian TP389 Curtis, Colleen 29 Curtis, James CTP40 Curtze, Sami WP240, WP296, WP70, TMP119 Cushman, Mary TMP120, TP192 Cutting, Shawna WP307, TP292 Cyprich, Janelle WP209, TP193, TP199 Czaban, Iwona WP425 Czlonkowska, Anna WMP92 Dabus, Guilherme WMP4 Dachenhausen, Alexandra WP420 D’Agostino, Ralph 108, WP311 Dahabreh, Issa J WP197 Dahlberg, Katie W TP69 Dahmani, Chihebeddine WMP119 Dai, Daying WMP27 Daignault, Gabrielle L TP384 Daily, Deval WP317 Dale, George L 193, TP120, TP456, TP459 Dallalzadeh, Liane O WP303 Daly, Janis WP149 Daly, Janis J 73 Damush, Teresa TP212, TP402 Dandapat, Sudeepta TP168 Daneault, Nicole TP29 Dang, Alex TP102, WP99 Dani, Dhimant TP433 Daniel, Joshua TP310, TP88 Daniels, Josh WP71 Dannenbaum, Mark 202 Danziger, Keri TMP76 Daou, Badih 8 Darehed, David LBP7 Darine, Kassar TP133 Darsaut, Tim E TP29 Darsie, Brendan 80 Dávalos, Anoni WP26 Davalos, Antoni LB16, LB18, LB7, TP19 Davalos, Antoni WP17 Dávalos, Antoni WP27, WP36, WMP69 Dave, Kunjan R TP98 Davidsdottir, Sigurros TP462 Davies, Leo WMP85 Davies, Owen TP297 Davis, Adam TP37 Davis, Brittaine 106, 206 Davis, Cameron L WP135 Davis, Charles 107 Davis, Sonia CTP40 Davis, Stephanie M WP268 Davis, Stephen 3, CTP3, LB18, WP17 Davis, Stephen M 59, 62, CTP22, CTP32, LB7 Davis, Tina 67 DAWN Trialists CTP28 Dawson, Jesse 143, LB3, WMP94, WP184, TP430 Day, Jason TMP51 Dean, Naeem 117 DeAngelis, Lisa M TP192 Dearborn, Jennifer L TP423 Debarre, Mathieu WMP118 Debenham, Ellen TP308 de Boysson, Hubert 95 DeCarli, Charles 46, 49, 120, 46, WP176, TMP112 DeCarvalho, Briana TP24 Deckert, Stefanie 81 Deel, Julie WP391 de Figueiredo, Marcelo M WP49 DEFUSE 2 Investigators, WP58 Degos, Vincent WMP118 DeGraba, Thomas 224 Deguchi, Kentaro WMP37 Deguzman, Isabel TP326 Deguzman, Maria TP327 DeGuzman, Maria I TMP74 de Havenon, Adam WMP76, WP334, TP350, TP48, TP58 Dehdashti, Amir R TP117 Dehkharghani, Seena 6, 57, 156, 158, WMP11, WMP17, WMP67, WP6, WP34 de Hoog, Leon 66 Deiner, Hans TP25 Deisseroth, Karl TP263 de Lau, Lonneke WP22 Delavaran, Hossein TMP28, WP427 Del Brutto, Oscar H 219, WP160 Delcourt, Candice WMP85, WMP91 Delgado, Diana WP165, WP192 Dell, Alissa TP391 De los Rios, Felipe LB8 De Los Rios La Rosa, Felipe 149, WP7, WP144, WP177, WP232, WP305, TMP10, TP160, TP164, TP371 del Zoppo, Gregory LB24, LB6 Demaerschalk, Bart M CTP5, WP78 De Martino, M LBP6 Demchuk, Andrew M 5, 117, 159, 201, LB7, LB8, LB24, WMP3, WMP23, WMP92, WP17, TMP65, TP14, TP44, TP45 Demeestere, Jelle CTP3, LB20, LBP8 Demel, Stacie 211 Demel, Stacie L TP160 De Miquel, M Angeles TP63 de Miquel, Maria A WP17 De Miquel, Maria Angeles LB16, LB18 de Miquel, Maria Angels WP27 Dempsey, Robert J WP257 Deng, Guiying TMP59 Deng, Wenjun TMP43, TP426, TP443 Deng, Zixin TP219 Dennis, Lauren C CTP40, CTP45, CTP49, WP321, TP179, TP69 Denny, M Carter 202, TP424 Denny, Mary C WP308, WP309 Denzler, Jacqueline WP402 Deol, Baljit WP82 De Pauw, Adinda 205, WP228 DePriest, Ashley TMP79 DePrince, Maureen 24 De Rango, Paola PPS1, TMP6, TP124, TP354 Derdeyn, Colin P 16, 20, 99, 103, 105, PPS2, WP227, TMP39, TP184 Dergalust, Sunita WP327 Derkatch, Sheldon MP46 DeRosa, Janet T TMP112 DeRosa, Peter WP289 Desai, Bhupat TP211, TP432 Deschaintre, Yan TP29 Deshmukh, Shilpa WP93 Deshpande, Abhishek 9 De Silva, Deidre A TP139, TP334 De Silva, Travice M WMP109 Deskin, Sara R WP20, WP243 Desmeules, Sophie WP263 d’Esterre, Christopher TP51 d’Esterre, Christopher D WMP23, TP43, TP44, TP45, TP55, TP57 Determining Neurologic WP353 Outcomes from Valve Operations (DeNOVO) Investigators Detre, John A WP339 Deutschmann, Hannes TP9 deVeber, Gabrielle 34, WMP103, WMP105, WP412, WP413 Deveikis, John P TP30, TMP107 Deveikis, Susan TP30 Devlin, Thomas WMP17, TP72 Devlin, Thomas G 158, 177, 57, 6, LB21, WMP11, WP34 DeVore, Adam D TMP9 Dewey, Helen M 76, 153, WP127, TMP27 DeWitt, L D LB19 DeYoung, G R WP254 Dhakar, Monica WMP75 Dhamoon, Mandip S LB5, TP169, TP176 Dhand, Amar WMP51 Dhandapani, Krishnan M TMP118 Dhar, Raj WMP20 Dharap, Ashutosh WP271 Dharia, Robin WMP67 Dharmadhikari, Sushrut TMP32, TP95, TP116 Dhillon, Inderjit TP181 Dhungana, Samish WP401 Dias, Christian WP39, TMP116 Dias, Francisco A WP214, TP213, TP46 Diaz, Alejandro LBP6 Diaz, Carolina WP402 Diaz, Vicki TP268 Diaz-Otero, Janice M TP450, TP451 DiBella, Edward CTP50 Diccini, Solange TP390 Dick, William CTP6 Diebolt, Elizabeth WP307, WP317, TP292 Diederich, Kai WP96, WP337, TP273 Diederichs, Brendan 60 Diedrich, Karl WMP107 — 119 — Diener, Chris WMP6 Diener, Hans 2 Diener, Hans-Christoph LB7, LB18, LB21, TP428, TP50 Diener, Hans-Christophe WP17 Dietz, Robert M WMP106 Díez Tejedor, Exuperio TP96 Dighe, Gaurav P 180, WP84 Dileep, Yavagal MP40 DiLibero, Ralph WP189, TP159 Dillon, Catherine CTP23 Di Maria, Federico WMP118 Dimauro, Sharon 94, TP343 Dimitrova, Rozalina TMP34 Di Napoli, Mario 150 Ding, Jianping WP83 Ding, Qian TMP30 Ding, Qinglan TP379 Ding, Yong Hong WMP27 Ding, Yuchuan 17, 75, 218, TMP3, TP8, TP113, TP268 Dioszeghy, Peter CTP9 Dippel, Diederik W WP22 Dippel, Diederik W J 1, 4, LB7, LB18 Diringer, Michael N 190 Dirks, Peter WMP105 Di Tullio, Marco R WP176 Dixit, Anand LB3 Dixon, Mark CTP24 Dlamini, Nomazulu WMP105, WP413 Dlugash, Rachel 215, 217, CTP36, WMP86, WMP96, TP376 Dobbs, Michael R TP409 Dodd, Robert WMP115 Doerr, Abbigayle M TP388 Doerr, Abby NS4 Dohmen, Christian LB14 Dominiczak, Anna WP184 Donahue, Manus J WP417, TMP93 Dong, Chuanhui 91, WP285, TMP67, TP315 Dong, Dawei CTP25 Dong, Qiang WMP59 Dong, Yi 27, WMP59 Dong, Zhong TP75 Donini-Lenhoff, Alessandra WP72 Donleavy, Bailey TP48, TP58 Donnan, Geoff WP17 Donnan, Geoffery A CTP22 Donnan, Geoffory A CTP32 Donnan, Geoffrey 3, CTP3, LB18 Donnan, Geoffrey A 153, 59, 62, 76, LB7, TMP27 Donnelly, John P WMP31, WP198, TMP104, TP78 Donohue, Megan M 18, TP68 Doppelheuer, Shannon TMP75 Doppler, Edith WP102 Dorado, Laura WMP69, TP19 Dording, Christina 111 Doré, Sylvain WMP47, WP99, TMP51, TP100, TP102, TP111, TP114, TP260 Dorrance, Anne M TP450, TP451, TP455 Doshi, Amish 61 Doss, Tommy CTP48 Doss, Vinodh T TP4 Doubal, Fergus WP166 Douberly, Jeralyn J WP293 Douglas, Jan TP392 Douglas, Jessica TP385 Douglas, Susan M TMP87 Dovey, Susan WP290 Dowlatshahi, Dar 5, 201, WMP92, WP359, TP301 Dowlatshahi, Dariush WP37 Downs, Kelsey TP450 Doyu, Manabu WP419 Drakes, Susie WP317 Draper, Heather M WP254 Drew, Patrick J TMP108 Dromerick, Alexander W CTP43 Drygas, Wojciech 88 Du, Huishan TP270 Du, Xinjian 16, 20, WP227 Du, Zhengdao WP125 Duan, Jiangang 93 Duan, Yunxia 17, TP113 Duangnapa, Roongpiboonsopit TP462 Duberstein, Kylee J 130, TP109 Dubner, Sergio J TP428 Duckwiler, Gary R WMP68, WMP108, WMP81, WP67 Duckworth, Edward WMP4 Ducrocq, Xavier 7 Ducruet, Andrew F WP15, TP278 Dugan, Guy M LB4, TP53 Duggins-Warf, Micah 33 Duke, Kimberley A TP411 Dukelow, Sean LB8 du Mesnil de Rochemont, Richard LB21 Dumkow, Lisa E WP254 Duncan, Pamela W 22, WP297, WP311, TMP36, TMP70 Dundas, Peter CTP6 Dunn, Erin C 111 Dunn, Joshua WP429 Dunn, Lauren E 109 Dunn, William TP430 Dunning, Kari TP143 Duong, David WP95 Dupont, Patrick 160, TP66 Durazo, Ramon TP295 Durkin, Joseph WP147 Durocher, André TP29 Durrani, Asad F WP169 Dusenbury, Wendy NS4, NS6 Dussaux, Clara TMP56 Dutta, Tara CTP18 Dweik, Yasmin WMP47 Dykstra-Aiello, Cheryl J WP370 Dzialowski, Imanuel WMP92 Earley, Scott 141 Easton, JDonald CTP39 Eberli, Franz 205, WP228 Eberly, Lewis B TP75 Ebinger, Martin 179, WP50 Ebner, Matthias 164 ECASS-4 Steering Committee, CTP13 Echavarria, Luisa TP235, TP251 Eckerle, Brian WP232 Ecklund, James WP289 Eckstein, Marc 78, 82, 83, 163, WP239, WP242, WP438, TMP12, TMP63, TP366 Edgell, R WMP8 Edgell, Randall 202 Edgell, Randy WP31 Edip Gurol, Mahmut TP462 Edmond, Cathy 117 Edo, Naoko TP271, TP283 Edwards, Danielle 66 Edwards, Dorothy F CTP43, TMP25 Edwardson, Matthew A CTP43 Eesa, Muneer 5, 11, 60, 201, TP14 Eguchi, Seiichiro 55, TP122 Ehleben, Carole WMP67, TP253 Eide, Sterling E 208 Eikelboom, John 213 Eisenstein, Amy CTP44 Ekosso Ejangue, Lucy TP216 Elbers, Jorina WMP99 Eldahshan, Wael WP113 Eldeniz, Cihat 35, WMP97, WP47 Elhawi, Yasir WP249 El Husseini, Nada 108, WP311, WP312, WP313 Elias, Roderick TP369 Elijovich, Lucas 166, 178, 202, CTP48, WMP4, WP28, TMP1, TMP100, TP4, TP83 El Khoury, Ramy TP193, TP199, WP209, WP31 Elkind, Mitchell S V 16, 20, 91, 105, 210, 219, LB5, LB22, WMP56, WP157, WP160, WP170, WP176, WP182, WP185, WP200, WP227, WP352, TMP112, TP177, TP192, TP302, TP359 TP461 Elkins, Jacob LB22 Elkins, Kelley L TP409 Ellekjær, Hanne TMP29 Ellerbusch, Teresa TP418 Ellery, Fiona 76, 153 Elliott, JPaul WP105 Elm, Jordan J CTP39, LB24, LB6 Elmi, Joanna TP285, TP307 Elmståhl, Sölve WP427 El-Saden, Suzie WP41 Elsaesser, Amelie TP428 El-Shafey, Sally 169, TP277 Elshafey, Sally WP273 Elshire, Cortlyn WP20, WP243 Emanuel, Benjamin WP56 Emery, Derek WMP83 Emery, Kyle TP307 Emmer, Bart J 4 Emmrich, Julius V TMP56 Endersby, Kirk TP149 Endres, Matthias 179, TP180 Engelter, Stefan 205, WP228 England, Timothy CTP24 English, J WMP8 English, Joey WP31, TP1 Engström, Gunnar TP163 Enmi, Jun-ichiro TMP111 Enserro, Danielle 46 Enzinger, Christian 138 Ergul, Adviye 169, 221, WP101, WP113, WP273, WP274, TMP115, TP277, TP279, TP441, TP463 Erkinjuntti, Timo WP296, TMP119, TP158 Ernstrom, Karin LB4, TP53 Erus, Guray WP353 ESCAPE Investigators, 5, 201 Escrig, Ana Maria TP63 Escrig, Anna WP439 Esfandiary, Tina TP111 Eskandari, Ashraf TP303, TP421 Eslami, Vahid CTP36 Espaillat, Kiersten TP238, TP407 Espinosa-Jovel, Camilo A TP235, TP251 Esquenazi, Alberto TMP34 Esterlitz, Joy R WP332 Etherton, Mark WMP14, WP43, WP174 Etminan, Nima 190 Ewing, James R TP259 EXTEND-AE Investigators, CTP32 EXTEND Investigators, 59, 62, CTP22 Faber, Thomas 84 Fabian, Roderic H WMP1 Fabiaña, Natasha L TP334 Fabio, Soraia R C WP214 Factor, Diane CTP18 Fadairo, Abimbola WP293, TMP68 Fadool, Andrew R TP100 Fagan, Susan 169, WP101, WP113, WP273, TP277, TP279 Fahed, Robert TP26 Fahimi, Jahan 167 Fainardi, Enrico WMP23, TP44 Faissner, Simon TMP17 Falcone, Guido J 122, TP372 Faleck, Herbert J 190 Fall, Pamela 94 Fam, Maged 56, WMP87, TP365 Famuyide, Akinrinola O TP43 Fan, Baoyan TMP60 Fan, Florence 168, 168 Fan, Florence SY WP121 Fan, Nian TP136 Fan, Zhaoyang 93, TP219 Fanale, Christopher V 5, 201, WP77, TP80 Fang, Jian TMP52 Fang, Jiming WP193, WP306 Fang, Jing WP175 Fang, Jinghuan WP394 Fang, Margaret C WP303, TMP90 Fang, Shoufan 117 Fang, Yuan TMP52 Fanning, Molly WP353 Fansler, Amy CTP1 Faraci, Frank M 10, WMP109 Farchioni, Luca PPS1, TMP6, TP124, TP354 Farid, H WMP8 Farid, Hamed P31 Farooq, Muhammad U WP82, WP178, WP254 Farooq, Salman TP296 Farrant, Mary CTP39 FAST-MAG Investigators 163, WP239, and Coordinators, WP242, WP250, TMP63, TP366 Fattal, Deema WP249 Faughnan, Marie E 50 Faye, Érica C C 104 Fazal, Jawad A WP268 Fazekas, Franz 138 Fearn, Jenn WP389 Feder, John WP263 Federau, Christian 6, 57, 158, WMP11, WMP17, WP34, WP58 Federau, Christian E WMP21 Federoff, Howard J CTP43 Federspiel, Jerome J MP34 Feener, Edward P WP281 Feeney, Kathleen TMP43, TP426, TP443 Fehnel, Corey R WP355 Feigert, Caroline CTP23, TP370 Feigin, Valerie LBP6 Feigin, Valery L WP181, WP405 Feldmann, Edward 99, CTP46, WP137, WP227, TMP39 Felix, Cynthia TMP33 Fendrikova-Mahlay, Natalia 18 Feng, Chunyang 187, WP299, WP318 Feng, Feng WP130, TP125 Feng, Haixia NS3 Feng, Hua TP360 Feng, Lei 161, 202 Feng, Wayne 72 Feng, Wuwei 74, WMP55, WP83 Feng, Wuwei (Wayne) 17 — 120 — Fenton, Brenda T WP199 Fenton, Laura Z WMP104 Ferguson, Jared TP402 Ferioli, Simona 136, 149, WP7, WP144, WP177, WP305, TMP10, TP160, TP164, TP371 Ferioli, Simone WP232 Ferlito, Tom WP152, WP195 Fernandes, André M WP219 Fernandes, Julia TP1 Fernandes, Rodrigo D WP219 Fernandez, Israel WMP113 Fernandez, Maria Luz TP423 Fernandez, Victoria WMP47 Ferrario, Angel 12 Ferrario, Marco M 88 Ferreira, Isadora L O WP219 Ferreira, Scott W TMP40 Ferrieres, Jean 88 Feske, Steven K LB5, WMP77 Fiandaca, Massimo S CTP43 Fiebach, Jochen TP47 Fiebach, Jochen B 179, WP50 Fiehler, Jens CTP41 Field, Thalia S WP166 Fields, Melanie WMP97 Fields, Melanie E 35 Fifi, J T TP387 Filho, Joel A P WP219 Finch, I WMP8 Finch, Ira WP31 Finn, Cailtin WP192 Finn, Caitlin B WP165 Fiorella, David TP184 Fiorella, David J 103, 105, 99, TMP39 Firlinger, Bernadette WP420 Fischer, Davina WP73 Fischer, Urs WP7 Fisher, Courtney TP455 Fisher, Julie TP401 Fisher, Mark 90, TMP22, TP256 Fisher, Winfield S 195 Flaherty, Matthew 149, TP371, WP190, WP232, WP305 Flaherty, Matthew L 87, 136, WP7, WMP85, WP144, WP177, TMP10, TP160, TP164 Flaxman, Linda CTP4 Flemming, Kelly TMP42 Floegel, Thomas TMP41 Floer, Amalia 29 Flores, Alan A WP397 Floyd, Thomas WP353 Foley, Jenevra TP329 Foltz, Jennifer TP285, TP307 Fonarow, Gregg C 114, 115, 165, WMP32, WMP34, WP312, WP313, TMP9, TMP36, TMP70, TMP89, TP305, TP306, TP314, TP351 Fontil, Valy WMP36 Ford, Andria L 35, 162, LB17, LB23, WMP20, WMP97, WP236, WP47, TP252 Ford, Gary LB9 Ford, Gary A LB1, LB3 Ford, Ian LB9 Ford, Sierra C WP367 Foreman, Paul M 195 Forkert, Nils CTP41 Forkert, Nils D TP45, TP55, TP57 Formella, Andrea 107 Foroud, Tatiana WMP26 Forsayeth, John 54 for the ARCOS Study Investigators, WP181 for the ARTSS-2 Trial Investigators, LB3 for the BIOSIS and SAMMPRIS 105 Investigators, for the Brain Vascular 53 Malformation Consortium (BV, MC) Study for the CREST Investigators, TMP24, TP131 for the ERICH Investigators, 211 for the EVREST Multicenter LB8 Study Group, for the ICTUS 2 Investigators, TP53 for the IMS III Investigators, 159, 185, WMP3 for the IRIS Trial Investigators, LB1 for the MIST Study Investigators, WP405 for the MORGAM Project, 88 for the MR WITNESS Investigators, LB17, LB23 for the MyRIAD Investigators, CTP46 for the SAMMPRIS Investigators, 103, 99, TMP39 for the SWIFT PRIME Investigators, 200, WMP13 for the TREVO and TREVO 2 WP29 Investigators, for the TREVO and TREVO2 155 Investigators, for the UCLA Stroke Investigators, WMP81 for the VERiTAS Investigators, WP227 Fortunado, Gilbert TP282 Fortunato, Gil TP343 Foster, Hayley CTP16 Foster, Lydia D 159, 185, CTP23, WMP3 Fotheringham, Jeremy TP339 Fotiadis, Panagiotis 47, 48, 124, WMP90, TP171, TP458, TP462 Fouda, Abdelrahman Y WP101, WP113 Fowler, Jennifer CTP36 Fox, Christine K WMP103, WP201 Frachon, Joséphine TP148 Frank, Robert WP37 Frankel, Michael 6, 105, 156, 158, 188, LB5, WMP10, WMP11, WMP17, WP30, TP18, TP244, TP27 Frankel, Michael H 104 Frankel, Michael R WMP67 Fransen, Puck S 1, 4, LB7, WP22 Fraser, Justin 64 Fraser, Justin F WP155 Frasure, Jamey TMP72 Fredericks, Ruth WP387 Fredman, Vicki A WP299 Freedman, Vicki A 187 Freeman, Janet LB9 Freeman, William D 215 Frei, Donald 5, 197, 201, LB7, WP12, TP7, TP14, TP16 Freiberger, Anja LB14 Freund, Jennifer WP392 Frey, James LB3 Friedler, Brett 94 Friedrich, Sherri H NS10 Frischmann, Lindsey 82, TMP63, TP291 Froehler, M T WMP8 Froehler, Michael WP31 Froehler, Michael T CTP52, TP238 Froeschke, Laura L WP161 Froeschke, Laura L O TP185 Frogoudaki, Alexandra 37, 135, 204, TP218 Frontera, Jennifer A 40 Frosen, Juhana 13 Frost, Charles E TMP91 Frost, Frederick WP295 Frye, John TP384 Fu, Ru-Huei 173 Fu, Ying WP277 Fucile, Giselle TP422 Fuentes, Blanca TP96 Fugate, Jennifer E WP48, TMP42, TP31 Fujikawa, Yasunori TP208 Fujimoto, Shigeru WP115, WP216, WP68 Fujimoto, Takatoshi TMP20 Fujimoto, Yasuhiro TP129 Fujita, Atsushi WP133 Fujita, Tomoyuki WMP54 Fukano, Takayuki TP20 Fukuda, Hitoshi TP232 Fukuda, Keiko A WMP116 Fukuda, Miyuki WP88 Fukuda, Shunichi WP88 Fukuda, Yuhtaka WP98 Fukuma, Kazuki TMP4, TMP106, TP341 Fukumitsu, Ryu TP137 Fukuoka Stroke Registry TP207 Investigators, Fullerton, Heather J WP201 Funaro, F LBP6 Funatsu, Takayuki TP87 Funk, Kathryn E WP251 Furie, Karen L 104, LB1, WP182, WP219, WP352, WP355, TP298 Furui, Eisuke WP168, TMP92, TP67 Furukawa, Koji TP234 Fussner, Julie M WP398, TP414, TP416 Gabbert, John WP164 Gabrieli, Joseph MP118 Gadodia, Gaurav 106 Gadpaille, Alissa WMP74, WP198, TP344, TP345 Gahn, Georg WP233 Gaines, Nathan TP59 Gajera, Jay WMP100 Galecki, Andrzej T TMP120, TP324 Galinovic, Ivana WP50 Gall, Seana 89, WMP53 Gallo, Michelle L TP384 Gallofré, Miquel WMP69 Gama, John TP239 Gamboa, Chris TMP68 Gamboa, Christopher M WP293 GAMES Investigators, LB24, LB6 Gan, Hui-Yee TP139 Gandhi, Dorcas B C TMP33 Gandhi, Shashank V TP117 Gangadhara, Shreyas TP313 Gangal, Anupriya 56 Gannon, Kimberly P WP326 Ganz, David CTP18 Gao, Billy TP1 Gao, Peng 19 Gao, Shan WP130, TP125 Gao, Xu WMP30 Gao, Xuguang 42 Gao, Yanqin 42, 147 Gao, Yuan WMP59 Garces, Moises TP63 Garcés, Moisés WMP69 Garces, Moises WP439 Garcia, Nelda M TMP66 Garcia-Rivera, Enid J WP285 Gardener, Hannah TP315, TP461 Garduno, Cristopher WP67 Garg, Ravi TP312 Garg, Vivek K TP454 Gatollari, Hajere J WP157, WP185 Gausche-Hill, Marianne TP366 Gayatin, Pamela WP317 Gebregziabher, Mulugeta CTP21, WP206 Gebru, Minas W WP429 Geed, Shashwati CTP43, WP148 Geiger, Susan TP418 Geisler, Frederik 179 Gelbrich, Götz LB2, TP215 Geng, Xiaokun 75, 218, TMP3, TP8, TP268 Gentile, Nina T CTP38, WP208 Gentric, Jean-Christophe TP29 Geordiadis, Alexandros L TP36 George, Alexander WP209, TP193, TP199 George, Mary WP288 George, Mary G 183, WP286, TMP62, TP286 George, Megan 202 Georgia Stroke Professional TMP75 Alliance (GA-SPA), Gerli, Sibolt WP296 Gerson, Myron TP143 Gervasi-Franklin, Palma TP461 Gesell, Sabina 108, WP311 Ghaffarzadegan, Navid 166 Ghazi, Ahmed TP121 Gheuens, Sarah LB22 Ghilarducci, David WMP63 Ghostine, Jimmy TP29 Gialdini, Gino 97, 109, 134, WP165, WP192, TMP71, TP182 Giambrone, Ashley 97, WP165, WP192 Giampaoli, Simona 88 Giannetti, Margot L CTP43 Giannopoulos, Sotirios 204, TMP17, TP218 Giantini Larsen, Alexandra 33 Gibbons, Michael 27 Gibson, Christopher C 56 Gibson, Maryika I NS12 Gidday, Jeff M TMP31 Giese, Anne-Katrin 138, WP162 Gill, Rick TP312 Gillespie, Cathleen 183 Gillow, Sabreena J WP371 Gindi, Renee WP175 Gindville, Melissa WP417, TMP93 Gioia, Laura C 214, WMP82, WMP83, TP73, TP373 Giordani, Bruno TMP120 Giovannetti, Tania WP353 Giralt, Eva WMP69 Girard, Romuald 56 Girgus, Meighan TP302 Giron, Pilar WP397 Givertz, Michael M WMP77 Gizzi, Martin TP444 Gladstone, David 210 Glaser, Anna TP335 Glendening, Christine WP402, TMP74 Glerum, Kimberly WP355 Glover, Saundra CTP40 Glymour, Maria WP186 Go, Alan S WP303, TMP90 Gocan, Sophia WP324, TMP83 Gocmen, Rahsan 96 Goddeau, Richard P 116 Goggins, Maria B WP135 Goings, Denise TMP75 Gold, Alexander M 212 Gold, Daniel R CTP36 Goldberg, Jared WP350 Goldman, Elizabeth WMP36 — 121 — Goldman, Lee WP158 Goldmann, Emily WP187, TP147, TP183 Goldstein, Joshua N WMP88, WMP89, TP372, TP458 Goldstein, Larry B 184, WP234, WP288, WP312, WP313, WP422, TMP61, TMP69 Golgotiu, Kirsti LBP1 Golwala, Sohil TP293 Golyan, Daniel 209, WP231 Gomes, Thomas M TP458 Gomez, Natalia TP235, TP251 Gomis, Meritxell CTP9, TP19 Gommans, John WP290 Gon, Yasufumi TMP48 Gonçalves, Beatriz M M WP219 Gong, Gaolang WP428 Gonzales, Lorenzo WP106 Gonzales, Nicole WP402 Gonzalez, Nestor R LBP4, WMP81, WMP108, WP119, WP131, WP138, TMP15, TMP23, TP119 Gonzalez, Ramon G TP39 Gooch, Clifton L TP313 Goodman, Diana WP317 Gordin, Daniel WP364 Gordon, David 175 Gordon, Deb 117 Gorelick, Philip B 16, 20, WP227 Gorman, Mark LB1 Gornbein, Jeffrey WP14 Gornik, Heather L 18 Gosney, Margot CTP33 Gottesman, Rebecca F WMP84, TP179, TP353, TP423, WMP84 Goulet, Joseph WP199 Gounis, Matthew J WP437, TP261 Gourdine, K TP387 Govindarajan, Prasanthi WMP63 Goyal, Manoj K TP454 Goyal, Mayanak WMP6 Goyal, Mayank 2, 5, 60, 159, 200, 201, LB7, LB15, LB18, LB21, WMP3, WMP13, WMP16, WMP23, WP17, WP36, WP53, TP14, TP25, TP44, TP45, TP50 Goyal, Nitin 135, 166, 178, 202, WMP4, WP28, TMP1, TMP100, TP4, TP83, TP218 Gozal, Evelyne TP281 Gozel, Omer Suat TP265 Grace, Harrison E 130, TP109 Grace, Michael WMP120 Grady, James J WP217 Graehlert, Xina WP233 Graf, Joerg WMP45 Graff-Radford, Jonathan TMP42 Graham, Simon WP150 Gralla, Jan LB15, WMP16, WP36 Granham, Colin 168 Gray, Katherine TP368 Gray, Kimberly WP325 Greenberg, Edward D TP75 Greenberg, Steven M 47, 48, 85, 121, 122, 124, 125, WMP88, WMP89, WMP90, WP302, WP358, WP368, WP415, TMP113, TP171, TP372, TP458, TP462 Greene, James WMP67 Grennes, Cheryl TP382 Grewal, Himmat WMP106 Gribko, Michelle WP329 Griebe, Martin LB14 Griendling, Kathy TP110 Griessenauer, Christoph TP21 Griessenauer, Christoph J 195 Griffith, Shelby WP103 Grigg, Michael J WP127 Grigoryan, Mikayel WP6, TP253 Grimes, Barbara WMP63 Grimes, Julie 41 Grings, Anne LB2 Grittner, Ulrike 138, 179, WP50 Grobe, Justin WMP109 Groenhout, Amy WP82 Groeschel, Klaus TP9 Groeschel, Sonja TP9 Groop, Per Henrik WP364 Gropen, Toby 148, WMP74, WP198, WP248, WP346, WP348, TMP7, TMP8, TP30, TP56, TP78, TP344, TP345 Gröschel, Klaus LB2, TP215, TP233 Gröschel, Sonja LB2 Grossman, Aaron TP2 Gross-Schulman, Sandra G TMP87 Grotta, James LB4, TP362 Grotta, James C CTP29, LB3, PPS3, WMP64, WP390, TP53 Grunberg, Ileana WP242 Grunwald, Iris Q WP54 Grunwald, Zachary WMP88 Grysiewicz, Rebbeca TP335 Gu, He 10 Guada, Luis WMP40, WP145, TMP32, TP95 Guan, Yong-Yuan WP255 Guarino, Peter D LB1 Gubitz, Gord WMP92 Guede, Cynthia I CTP36 Guenego, Adrien WP52 Guerguerian, Ann-Marie WP413 Guerra, Sonia TP394 Guerrero, Alejandra TP235 Guido, Bibiana TP206 Guilbert, François TP29 Guillemin, Francis 7 Guillevin, Loic 95 Guilliams, Kristin P 35, WMP97 Guinand, Taurian 214, TP373 Guisado, Raul TP130 Gulati, Deepak TP18 Gumberidze, Tinatin TP414 Gummadi, Rajiv 196 Gunnell, Brian TP250 Guo, Diana E 50 Guo, Jian WP394 Guo, Xinyue 169, WP274, TP277 Guo, Xiuhai TP219 Gupta, Aditi WP238, TP248 Gupta, Ajay 97, WP165, WP192, TMP71 Gupta, Rishi 155, 202, WP29, WP401 Gupta Sah, Rani TMP117, TP55, TP57 Gurol, Edip M 85, TP171, TP372 Gurol, M E 122, 124, WP415 Gurol, M Edip 121, 125, 47, 48, WMP90, WP358 Gurol, Mahmut E TP458 Guterman, Elan WMP9 Guterman, Jeffrey J TMP87 Guthery, Leslie TP120 Guthikonda, Murali TMP3, TP113 Gutierrez, Carolina M TP315, WP285 Gutierrez, Jose 91, WP165, WP176, TMP112 Gutiérrez Fernández, María TP96 Guzik, Amy TP398 Guzman, David WMP36, WP158 Guzy, Judy 161, WP242 Gwon, Jung-Im WP221, TP217 Gyamfi, Joyce TP425 Ha, Yeon Soo TP112 Ha, Yoon Suk TP204 Haapaniemi, Elena WP143, WP70 Hacke, Werner CTP3, CTP32, LB21 Hackett, Maree CTP15 Hafeez, Moiz TP55, TP57 Hafer-Macko, Charlene E TP146 Hafez, Sherif WP273, TP279 Hafner, John W CTP36 Hagemeister, Christoph TP216 Hagihara, Akihito WMP33, TP323 Hajda, Janek LB14 Hakendorf, Paul TP297 Hales, Chadwick M WP429 Haley, Kellen 121 Haley, Kellen E TP458 Haley, Sean WP333 Hall, Judith LB8 Hall, Ruth WP324, WP389 Halperin, Jonathan L TP428 Halterman, Marc W WP267 Haltigan, Emily A TP214 Hamabe, Jumpei WMP78 Hamann, Gerhard F LB2, TP215 Hamano, Eika 55, TP122 Hamasaki, Toshimitsu TMP88 Hamauchi, Shuji WP110 Hamblin, Milton H 145 Hamdy, Shaheen WP349 Hameed, Shahul TMP27 Hamilton, Jason TP106 Hamilton, Scott 163, 78, WP242, WP250, WP438, TMP12, TP366 Hamm, Theresa TP396, TP410 Hammer, Maxim D TP11, TP309 Hammock, Bruce TP455 Hammond-Heaton, Sharon WP388 Hampel, MJ WP72 Han, Eun Young TP150 Han, Ho Sung WP241 Han, Junhee TP150 Han, Moon-Ku 157, WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP342, TP200, TP205, TP437 Han, Quan TP82 Han, Sang Won WP230, TP190, TP220 Han, Wei WP277 Han, Xuezhe 33 Han, Ying WP428 Han, Zhenyi WP111 Hanashiro, Sayori TP227 Handa, Akira TP232 Hanel, Ricardo CTP35 Hanggi, Daniel 190 Hanisch, Debra WMP99 Hanley, Daniel 216, WMP87, WMP94, WP360, TP365 Hanley, Daniel F 215, 217, CTP36, LB12, WMP86, WMP96, WP356, TP357, TP376 Hannah, Jessica A TP308 Hannawi, Yousef WP434 Hansen, Björn M WP356 Hansen, Christine K WP40 Hansen, Sara WP376 Hanson, Sandra K WP238, TP248 Hao, Qing WP137 Harada, Masafumi WP68 Hardigan, Trevor TP441, TP463 Hardin, James CTP40 Haring, Hans-Peter TP9 Harkness, Kirsty 52 Harmel, Allison T TMP58 Harrigan, Mark TP30 Harrigan, Mark R 148, 195, TMP104, TMP107 Harris, Devin CTP6 Harris, Gabrielle WP297 Harris, Gordon LB23 Harris, Gordon J LB17 Harris, Nia TMP53 Harrison, Michael CTP33 Harrison, Nicole TMP74 Harshyne, Larry TP361 Harston, George 63 Hart, Blaine 53 Hart, Robert WP166 Hart, Robert G TP222 Härtig, Florian 164 Hartmann, Andreas 52 Harve, Heini WP240 Harvey, Richard L TP156 Hasan, David 8, 10 Hasan, Rashedul WP55 Hasan, Saad WP222, WP229 Hasan, Yousef WP222, WP229 Hasegawa, Yasuhiro WP168, TMP92, TP67 Hasegawa, Yu TMP114 Hashiba, Tetsuo TP129 Hashimoto, Manabu TP453 Hassan, Ameer E WP13 Hata, Hiroki WMP54 Hata, Junya TP207 Hataoka, Shunsuke WMP119 Hatcher, James F WP257 Hatsukami, Thomas S WP120 Hatten, Karl W P387 Hatter, Kristal TP143 Hattori, Nobutaka WP223 Hattori, Yorito TMP109, TMP111 Haussen, D W MP8 Haussen, Diogo 57, 104, 156, 188, WMP10, WMP17, WMP67, WP6, WP10, WP30, WP31, WP34, WP145, TP18, TP27 Havard, Diane CTP24, CTP8 Haveman-Gould, Bradley WP82 Haverbusch, Mary TP371 Havsteen, Inger WP40 Hawkins, Angela M WP3 Hayakawa, Mikito WMP54, WP129, TP191, TP355 Hayashi, Hironori WP419 Hayashi, Koji WP68 Hays Shapshak, Angela WP346, TP56, TP345 Hazan, Rebecca WP170, WP200, TP177 HDS-SAH Study Group, 194 He, Jiwei WP279 He, Jue TMP52 He, Li WP394, WP394 He, Tongrong 222 He, Weiwen 19 He, Xiaosong 129 Healey, Jeff 210 Hébert, Sylvie TP148 Hecht, Mindy TP189 — 122 — Heck, Donald LB10 Heck, Donald V TP131 Hedden, Trey 47, 48 Hedmann, Monique TP189 Hedmont, Daniel TP235, TP251 Heeley, Emma 89, WMP53, WMP85, WMP91 Heiss, Wolf-Dieter WP50 Heistad, Donald 10 Heitsch, Laura 162, WMP20, WMP113, WP236 Helbig, Uwe TP162 Heldner, Mirjam WP7 Helenius, Johana 116, TP289 Helland, Brian TP396 Heller, Adam TP382 Helliwell, Brinton CTP33 Hellkamp, Ann TMP89 Helton, Mary TP401 Hemelsoet, Dimitri 205, WP228 Hemmen, Eema WP291 Hemmen, Thomas LB4, TP59 Hemmen, Thomas M TP53, WP291 Hemphill, Claude TMP12, WP242 Henclewood, Dwayne TMP85, WP171 Hendrick, Stephanie WP82 Hennerici, Michael LB14 Henninger, Nils 116, TP289 Hénon, Hilde 43 Henriquez, Laura 106, 206 Henseler, Mary WP317 Hensley, Amber WP79 Heo, Ji Hoe 110, WMP58, WP92, WP213, WP275 Heo, Ji-Hoe TP14 Heo, Tae Wook PPS4, WP5 Hepburn, Millie NS2 Hepburn-Smith, Millie TMP76 Herber, Charlotte WP44 Herbert, Melisa TP328 Herial, Nabeel 203, WMP112, TP28 Herman, William H TP201 Hernandes, Marina S TP110 Hernandez, Adrian F 39, 114, 115, 165, WMP34, WP312, WP313, TMP70, TP305, TP314 Hernandez, Caterina TP463 Hernandez, Christian WP317 Hernandez-Perez, Maria TP19 Herrero, Mia 30 Hershey, Tamara TMP31 Herson, Paco S 70, 142, WMP106, TMP59 Herzig, Cornelius WP51 Herzka, Daniel A CTP36 Hess, David C 71, 130, 177, LB19, TMP118 Hetzel, Andreas TP84 Hetzer, Stefan WP51 Heuschmann, Peter U LB2, TP215 Hickenbottom, Susan WP325 Hicklin, David CTP40 Hicks, Caitlin TP115 Higaki, Akinori WP264, WP266 Higashi, Masahiro WP210 Higashida, Kyoko WP168 Higashimori, Takamasa WMP66 Higashiyama, Aya TP172 Higazi, Abd Al-Roof 172 Hill, Michael 30, LB18, WP53 Hill, Michael D 5, 159, 185, 201, CTP4, CTP6, CTP10, LB10, LB7, WMP3, WMP23, WMP92, WP17, WP193 TMP65, TP14, TP45 Hill, Valerie CTP18, CTP51 Hillis, Argye E WMP84, WP135, WP431 Hillman, Diane 84 Hills, Nancy K WP201 Himali, Jayandra 46 Himali, Jayandra H 120 Himali, Jayandra J 49 Hinduja, Archana WP294 Hinkelman, Kevin WP384 Hinman, Jason D WMP71, WMP81, WMP108, WP46, WP107, WP114, WP131, WP138, WP260, WP262, TMP15, TP81, TP119 Hinson, Holly LB6, LB24 Hinson, Jim TMP32 Hinz, Jose TP242 Hippe, Daniel S WP120 Hira, Kenichiro WP223 Hirano, Miki TP234 Hirata, Yumie WP59 Hirayama, Takehisa TP227 Hird, Megan WP150 Hird, Megan A WP151 Hirose, Yuichi TP431 Hishikawa, Nozomi WMP37 Ho, Allen WMP115 Ho, Bridget M WP238, TP248 Ho, Carolyn WP370 Ho, King Chung WP41 Hobson, Robert W LB10 Hocking, Grant WMP101 Hock Luen, Teoh TP54 Hoda, Md N TMP118 Hodge, Jacquie 30 Hodges, Matthew A TP299 Hoenig, Helen TMP36 Hoesch, Robert TP339 Ho-Fai, Wong TP54 Hoff, Brian WP236 Hoffman, Alex 152 Hoffmann, Fabian TP136 Hofman, Albert TP171 Hofmann, Erich TP9 Hogan, Matthew J WP37 Hoh, Brian L 190 Hoit, Dan TP4 Hoit, Daniel CTP48, TMP100 Holbert, Lori WP384 Holcomb, John WP149 Holland, Donna L TP411 Hollander, Cathy 113 Holliday-Hanson, Merry T P322 Holloway, William WP3 Hollup, Nicole 24 Holmes, Paul S TP157 Holmes, Shannon P 130, TP109 Holmstedt, Christine A TP14, TP308 Holodinsky, Jessalyn K TMP65 Holstein, Stanley WP340 Honarmand, Amir R WMP116 Hong, Chiew S WP125 Hong, Ja Bin TP180 Hong, Jeong-Ho 157, WMP61, TP437 Hong, Ji Man 38, WP124 Hong, Keun-Sik WMP61, WP16, P18, WP76, WP180, TMP86, TP200, TP205, TP304 Hong, Seung Chyul WMP28, WP280, TP123 Hong, Seung-Chyul TP132 Hongo, Taku TP129 Honorato, Maíra M TP317 Hontecillas, Raquel 166 Hook, Jane NS1 Hooper, Douglas C TP361 Hord, Edward CTP48 Horie, Nobtaka 133, WP98 Horie, Nobutaka WMP78, TMP99, TP438 Horiuchi, Masatsugu WP264, WP266 Hormes, Joseph WP401 Horn, Christopher WP401 Horn, Paul WP408 Horwood, Chris TP297 Hoskins, Michael 206 Hosoda, Kohkichi WP133, WP259 Hosomi, Naohisa TMP94 Hosseinichimeh, Niyousha 166 Hou, Baojun 17 Hou, Bo WP130, TP125 Hou, S Y WMP8 Houkin, Kiyohiro 9, WP61, WP110, WP112, TP99, TP138, TP234 Hourani, Anas WP21 House, John LB21 Houser, Jennifer CTP36 Houser, Jessica 24 Howard, George 15, CTP4, CTP5, LB10, TMP120, TP338 Howard, Harriet CTP24 Howard, Kelle D TP181 Howard, Virginia J CTP4, CTP5, PPS1, WP293, WP416, TMP24, TMP68, TMP120, TP338 Howard, Virgnia LB10 Howe, Matthew D TP452 Howells, David 59, 62 Howerth, Elizabeth W 130, TP109 Hsia, Amie LB17, LB23, TMP116, TP60 Hsia, Amie W WMP19, WMP35, WP57, TP65 Hsieh, Cheng-Yang TP321, WP374 Hsieh, Jiann-Shing TP367 Hsieh, Yu-Lin WP414 Hsu, Chung Y 59, CTP3, CTP22, CTP32 Hsueh, Brian TP263 Hu, Chaur-Jong WP126 Hu, Heng 128 Hu, Jia Ni WMP39 Hu, Jim WP255 Hu, Rong TP360 Hu, Xiao TMP103 Hu, Xiaoming 42, 147, TP264, TP270 Hua, Ya TMP54 Hua, Yang WP83 Huang, David TMP32 Huang, David Y CTP40 Huang, Jianlin TP258 Huang, Josephine WMP71 Huang, Josephine F WMP68 Huang, Julia WP262 Huang, Lian CTP25 Huang, Pei-Wen TP367 Huang, Qiang WP83 Huang, Shengping 19 Huang, Wen-Yi CTP20 Huang, Wendy 173 Huang, Yining CTP2, CTP7 Huang, Yung-Sung CTP20 Huber, Caroline WP284 Huber, Jason MP111 Hubert, Gordian 118 Hucke, Stefanie TP273 Hudobenko, Jacob 65 Hudson, Lillie CTP18, TMP87 Huesing, Johannes LB14 Huey, Dicky WP376, WP379, TP404 Huffman, Shelley WP389 Hughes, Susan CTP4 Huisa, Branko 44 Huisman, Menno V 213, TP428 Hulbert, Jill TP391 Hulbert, Monica L 35, WMP97 Hulin, Abigail L TP377 Hull, Heather WP370 Humpl, Tilman WP413 Hundley, Lynn 113 Hung, Ling-Chien WP374 Hunsberger, Holly 128 Hunt, Polly TP328 Hunter, Madeleine D WP176 Hussain, Dulara WMP83, WP222, WP229 Hussain, Haitham M TP15 Hussain, M S TP68 Hussain, Mohammed 198, TP88, WMP25, WP33 Hussain, Muhammad S 18, TP94 Hussain, Muhammad Shazam 202, TP358 Hussain, Shahzam 79 Hussain, Syed LB4, WP341, TP53 Hussain, Zeeshan WP84 Hussen, Nebat 221 Hustey, Fredrick 79 Huston, John CTP5 Husty, Todd WP245 Hwang, David Y WP292 Hwang, Jae Chun WP64 Hwang, Jaechun WP23, WP280, TP123 Hyers, Megan TP346 Iadecola, Costantino 97, 134, 167, 210 Iavarone, Anthony T LBP4 Ibanez, Laura WMP113 Ibis, Tugba LB2 Ichihara, Takako TP380 Ichord, Rebecca N 31, WP413 Ide, Toshihiro CTP12 Ifejika, Nneka L CTP29, WP390 Iftikhar, Sulaiman TMP1, TP4, TP83 Igarashi, Takahiro WMP24 Iguchi, Yasuyuki WP68, TP221 Ihara, Masafumi W P220, TMP88, TMP106, TMP109, TMP111 Ihegword, Byron WP382 Iida, Hidehiro TMP111 Iihara, Koji WMP33, WP94, WP129, WP134, WP283, TMP44, TMP47, TP323, TP434 Ijas, Petra TP158 Ikeda, Ken TP227 Ikemura, Ayako WMP119 Ikonomidis, Ignatios 37, 135, 204, TP218 Ikram, Arfan TP171 Ikram, M A 120 Iliff, Jeffrey LBP1 Illigens, Ben M W WP344 Illinca, Andrea TP163 Imahori, Taichiro WP133, WP259 Imamura, Hirotoshi TP87 Imran, Rajeel TMP11 Inamasu, Joji TP431 Inatomi, Yuichiro WP60, WP62 Indaparu, Hari TP326 Indredavik, Bent TMP29 Indupuru, Hari K TMP74, TP327 Ingber, Donald E WP437 Ingemanson, Morgan L TP155 Inglessis, Ignacio TP426, TP443 Inglis, Steven R TP140 — 123 — Inoa-Acosta, Violiza WMP25 Inoue, Manabu WP52 Inoue, Takeshi P68 INSTRUCT Study Investigators 89, WMP53 Inzucchi, Silvio E LB1 Ip, Vincent 168, WP123, TMP16 Ip, Vincent HL WP121 Irani, Malcolm K TP319 Irino, Yasuhiro WP259 Iruela-Arispe, Luisa WP119, TP119 Irwin, Alexander J TMP58 Isaacs, Larry TP382 Isabel, Clothilde TMP56 Isenberg, Jacob D TMP58 Isernia, Giacomo TP124, TP354 Ishfaq, Muhammad F WMP7, TMP11, TP23 Ishibashi, Toshihiro WMP119, WP91 Ishibashi-Ueda, Hatsue TMP44, TMP47 Ishida, Koto TP37 Ishii, Akira TP137 Ishikawa, Koichi B WMP33, TP323 Ishikawa, Tatsuya TP284 Ishikawa, Yuchi TP227 Ishizaka, Shunsuke 69, WP106, TP263 Ishrat, Tauheed WP101, WP113 Ismat, Fraz A WP263, TMP91 Isobe, Mitsuaki TP269 Israel, Carsten TP216 Issenberg, Barry TP254 Ito, Cherisse S WP172 Ito, Masaki WP61, WP112 Ito, Taiji TMP26 Ito, Yasuhiro WP168, TMP92, TP67 Ito, Yasushi WP129 Ito, Yusuke TP271, TP283 Ivey, Frederick M TP146 Iwanaga, Takeshi WP68 Iwanami, Jun WP264, WP266 Iwarsson, Susanne WP427 Iwasaki, Motoyuki TP138 Iwasaki, Yasuo TP227 Iwata, Michiaki WMP33, TP323 Iwata, Tomonori WP24, WP59, WP65 Iyer, Aditya WMP115 Izumi, Masayuki WP419 Izumo, Tsuyoshi WMP78, TMP99, TP438 Izzy, Saef WMP77 Jabbour, Pascal 8 Jackson, Kamilah PPS3 Jackson, Nicholas WP179 Jackson, Philip P350 Jackson, William F TP450, TP451, TP455 Jacobi, Jaclyn E WP208 Jacobs, Amber TP326, TP327 Jacoby, Joshua S WP254 Jadaun, Pushkal TMP102 Jadeja, Neville M WP93 Jadhav, Ashutosh WP1, TP18 Jadhav, Ashutosh P 2, WP8, WP15, TP11, TP25, TP309 Jagadapillai, Rekha TP281 Jagolino, Amanda L WMP64, TP288, TP319 Jahan, Reza 2, 161, 200, CTP52, LB7, LB15, LB18, B21, WMP6, WMP13, WMP16, WMP81, WMP108, WP17, WP19, WP36, TP25, TP50, TP81 Jahangir, Nauman TP28 Jahnel, Jan 27 Jahnel, Jan L WMP59 Jaja, Blessing N R 191 Jakubowski, Joseph A WP278 Jalal, Fakhreya Y TMP110 James, Martin 150, 152, LB3, TP178 James, Michael 211 Janardhan, V WMP8 Janardhan, Vallabh WP31 Jan Degenhardt, Jan WMP50 Jander, Sebastian TP9 Jandzinski, Michal WMP45 Jang, Min Uk WP18, WP180 Jang, Min-Uk WMP61 Jang, Myung Suk TP200 Jani, Vishal B 119, WP13, WP341, TMP19 Janis, L S 103, TP302 Janis, Scott CTP30 Janis, Scott L TP184 Janjua, Ahmad U TP253 Janjua, Ahmad Umair WMP67 Janjua, Nazli WP248, TP211, TP225, TP432 Jankowitz, Brian T CTP26, WP15, TP14 Janrdan, Vallabh 202 Jansen, Olav 155, LB21, WP29 Jarvis, Malcolm CTP24 J-ASPECT investigators, WP94, WP283, TP434 Jauch, Edward C 185, TP72, TP314 Jauhiainen, Matti TP158 Javalkar, Vijay WP429 Javalkar, Vijayakumar WMP67 Jayaraman, Mahesh WP352, TP298 Jean-Louis, Girardin WP171, TMP85, TP188, TP425 Jeans, Adam CTP33 Jean-St-Michel, Emilie P413 Jeerakathil, Thomas 117, WMP82, WMP83, WP222, WP229 Jeng, Jiann-Shing 123, CTP20, WP414, TP367 Jennings, Em TP140 Jennings, Lisa K CTP48 Jensen, Judd WP12, WP77, TP7, TP16 Jeon, Chiman TP132 Jeon, Pyeong WP280, TP123 Jeon, Sang-Beom TP352 Jeong, Da-hye WP424 Jeong, Han-Gil WP265, WP342, WP369, TMP45, TP145, TP6, TP17, TP196, TP325 Jeong, Hye Seon NS5, WP241 Jeong, Jin-Heon TP437 Jeong, Sang-Wuk WP180 Jerde, Ann 180, WP84 Jern, Christina TP163 Jesmajian, Stephen WP328, WP340 Jessel, Michael TP372 Jesselson, Michael 56, WMP87, TP365 Jesus, Adriano A WP219 Jesus, Pedro A P WP219 Jezzard, Peter 63 Ji, Ruijun WP366 Ji, Xunming 17, 19, 93, WP83, TMP3, TP8, TP113, TP268, TP270, WP83 Jia, Baixue CTP47 Jia, Feng 36 Jia, Jianping WP83 Jia, Judy TP362 Jia, Wenting WP365 Jiang, Boxiang TP92 Jiang, Lingxiu TMP52 Jiang, Lu 129 Jiang, Yong TP330 Jiao, Liqun 19, TP8 Jickling, Glen C WP370 Jin, Wei-Na WP277 Jin, Weina 144 Jin, Zheng-Yu TP125 Jing, Jing LBP2, WP347 Jivana, Anisa WP317 Jo, Kyung Il WMP28 Jo, Kyung-Il TP132 Jo, Patricia 60 Johanning, Jason TP175, TP212 Johansen, Michelle C TP299 Johansson, Saga TP140 John, Sayona WMP87, WP371 John, Seby TP68, TP94 Johnson, Brenda WP383 Johnson, Chris WP437 Johnson, Collin R WMP27 Johnson, Kay TP244 Johnson, Keith 47 Johnson, Keith A 48, WMP90 Johnson, Melissa 25 Johnson, Meshell TP445 Johnson, Rayetta TP398 Johnson, Samantha A TP247, TP287 Johnson-Black, Phoebe H WP242, TMP12 Johnston, Clay CTP39 Johnston, Karen C CTP1 Johnston, S C LB22 Johnston, S Claiborne LBP2 Johnston, S Claiborne WMP63 Johnston, Sarah WP81 Johnston, Stephen A WP218 Jonczak, Karin TP12 Jones, Amy WP405 Jones, Andrea S TMP87 Jones, Benjamin A WMP74, TP30, TP78 Jones, Brett WP399 Jones, Brianna 31 Jones, Kimberly TP211, TP432 Jones, Michael R 15, TMP24 Jones, Peggy CTP44, WP253 Jones, Richard N WP355 Jones, Susan M WP105 Jönsson, Ann-Cathrin WP427 Joo, Heesoo TP286 Joo, Min Cheol TP150 Jood, Katarina TP163 Jordan, Lori C WMP103, WP417, TMP93 Jordan, Louise LBP8 Jørgensen, Torben 88 Joshi, Manish 60 Jost, Peter TP239 Jost, Wolfgang H MP34 Jovin, Tudor 2, 5, 6, 57, 155, 158, 159, 201, CTP28, LB16, LB18, LB21, PPS1, WMP3, WMP6, WMP10, WMP17, WP1, WP8, WP10, WP15, WP17, WP26, WP27, WP29, WP30, WP34, TP11, TP14, TP18, TP25, TP309 Joy, Mary Teena WP114 J Rodriguez, Gustavo WP393 Ju, Christine WP312, WP313 Juan, Chi-Hung WP154 Judd, Suzanne TMP68 Judd, Suzanne E TMP120 Juega, Jesus M 58, WP397, TP49 Jula, Antti TP158 Jun, Hyun Jung TP265 June, Jeffrey CTP42 Jürries, Falko LB2, TP215, TP233 Kabbani, M R WMP8 Kabbani, Mo WP31 Kabbani, Mouhammed WP164 Kabeto, Mohammed U TMP120, TP324 Kaczmarek, Sabina 179 Kada, Akiko WMP33, WP94, WP283, TP323, TP434 Kadirvel, Ramanathan WMP27, TP86 Kagimura, Tatsuo TMP94 Kahen, Michael 209, WP231 Kahle, Kristopher T WP269 Kahles, Timo 205, WP228 Kaimal, Balarama TMP50 Kaiser, Erin E TP109 Kajimoto, Katsufumi WMP54, WP210 Kakar, Priya CTP6 Kaku, Shogo WP91 Kaku, Shougo MP119 Kalafut, Mary WP20, WP243 Kalaria, Rajesh N TMP111 Kalashyan, Hayrapet WMP83, WP222, WP229 Kallmes, David F WMP27, WP11, WP48, TP31, TP86 Kalola, Rushil WP2, TP32, TP35 Kalyani, Malik TP216 Kamal, Noreen 5, 201, TMP65 Kamath, Manjeshwar Sahana S TMP30 Kamauu, Aaron TP406 Kambayashi, Yukinao WMP119 Kameda, Tomoaki WP168, TMP92, TP67 Kamel, Hooman 97, 109, 134, 167, 210, WP165, WP176, WP192, WP194, WP200, WP203, WP360, WP368, TMP71, TP177, TP182, TP186, TP192 Kameneva, Marina V WMP48, WP276 Kamigaki, Alisa 80 Kaminogo, Makio TMP99 Kamitani, Satoru WMP33, WP283, WP94, TP323, TP434 Kamiyama, Kenji TMP92, TP67, WP168 Kamouchi, Masahiro TP207 Kamphuisen, Pieter W 213 Kan, Issei WMP119, WP91 Kan, Peter WMP4 Kanamaru, Takuya WP118, TP194 Kanamoto, Tadashi WMP78 Kanapathipillai, Mathumai WP437 Kanaya, Yuhei TP62, TP208 Kanazawa, Makoto WP115, WP216 Kanazawa, Masato WP97 Kandola, Sandy LB8 Kandula, Namratha CTP44 Kaneko, Nobuyuki WP68 Kanemaru, Kazutomi WP139 Kanematsu, Yasuhisa TP90 Kang, Chul-hoo 90 Kang, Chung TP150 Kang, Dong-Wan WP265, TMP45, TP6, TP17 Kang, Dong-Wha WP87, WP225, TP352 Kang, Hyun Goo WP87, WP230, WP87 Kang, Jihoon TP356 Kang, Kyusik WMP61, WP18, WP76, TP200, TP205, TP304 Kang, Min-Ju WP85 Kang, Seungho P80 Kang, Shuai 4, WP111 Kantrakul, Waristha WP215 Kapinos, Gregory TP436 Kaplan, Berkan 96 Kapoor, Arunima WP141 Kappelhof, Manon 4 Kapral, Moira K WP306, TP176 — 124 — Kapur, Subhash TP340 Karas, Maria G 210, WP194 Karhunen, Pekka TMP119 Karhunen, Pekka J WP296, TP158 Kario, Kazuomi WP168, TMP92, TP67 Kasakura, Shigen WP24, WP59, WP65 Kasasbeh, Aimen TP38 Kase, Carlos S 46, WMP92 Kashiwazaki, Daina 101 Kashyap, Devika TMP65 Kasner, Scott E 16, 20, CTP9, WP227, WP326, WP339, WP353, WP354 Kassab, Mounzer WP341, TP318, TP439 Kassim, Adetola WP417, TMP93 Kassis, Haifa 127 Kaste, Markku WP143, WP296, TMP119, TP158 Katan, Mira TMP112 Kataoka, Hiroharu 55, WMP33, TMP44, TMP47, TP122, TP323 Kate, Mahesh 214, WMP82, WMP83, TP373, TP73 Katijjahbe, Md Ali TMP27 Katsanos, Aristeidis H 37, 135, 204, TMP1, TMP17, TP218 Kattah, Jorge C CTP36 Katusic, Zvonimir 222 Katz, Brian S WP357, TP371 Katz, Jeffrey M 209, WP231, WP322, WP329 Katz, Paul WP208 Katzan, Irene WP116, WP378 Katzan, Irene L 186, WP295 Kaur, Manmeet WP346, WP348, TMP7, TP56, TP78 Kautz, Steven A 74 Kavak, Katelyn TP296 Kawabe, Kiyokazu TP227 Kawabori, Masato TP138 Kawaguchi, Shoichiro TMP20 Kawajiri, Hiroyuki WP419 Kawano, Tomohiro 174 Kawasaki, Masanori WP122 Kawasaki, Toshinari TP232 Kawashima, Ryuta TP284 Kazaryan, Suzie TP366 Kazumata, Ken 9, WP61, WP110, WP112, TP234 Keable, Kristi TP392 Keasler, Debbie TP211, TP432 Kee, Frank 88 Keeling, Joanne CTP8, CTP16 Keenan, Kelly A TP259 Keep, Richard F TMP54 Keiling, Brett TP391 Keita, Maningbe CTP36 Kelly, Adam CTP37 Kelly, Michael TP14 Kelly, Peter J CTP10 Kelly, Stephen TP444 Kelly-Tolley, Ursula TP130 Kemmling, Andre CTP41 Kemp, Stephanie M 6, 57, 158, CTP11, WMP2, WMP11, WMP17, WP34, TP302 Kenmuir, Cynthia L WP8, WP15, TP11, TP309 Kennedy, James 63 Kenney, Carol CTP10 Kenny, Amanda WMP104, WP406 Kent, Thomas A WMP1 Kepplinger, Jessica 81, WP233, WP344, TMP41, TP162 Kerber, Kevin A CTP36 Kermer, Pawel LB2, TP215 Kernan, Walter N LB1, TP423 Kerns, Robert WP199 Kerr, Bryce WP79 Keshary, Sanjeev TP320 Keshet, Itay PPS5 Keshtkaran, Mahsa 3 Kessler, Christoph 138 Kesten, Adam G TP149 Khader Eliyas, Javed WMP87 Khaldi, Ahmad WP401 Khalil, Ahmed A TP47 Khan, Asif A TP28 Khan, Ferhana WP324 Khan, Hajra M 75 Khan, Khayam TP43, TP45 Khan, Khurshid WP222, WP229 Khan, Mohammad B TMP118 Khan, Muhib WP44, WP352, WP355, TP298 Khan, Muhib A TP369 Khan, Saad TMP117, TP55, TP57 Khan, Usman LB3 Khan, Yasir 53 Khandelwal, Priyank WMP49, TP3, TP95 Khanna, Omaditya 56 Khatri, Pooja 159, 185, CTP27, WMP3, WP7, WP177, WP305, TMP10, TP2, TP72, TP160, TP164 Khawaja, Ayaz WMP74, TMP107, TP56, TP345 Khawaja, Ayaz M WP346, TMP7 Khawaja, Zeshaun WP295 Khorchid, Yasser WP373, TP4 Khormaee, Sariah 134 Khoury, Jane C 136, 182, WP7, WP177, WP204, WP232, WP305, WP408, TMP5, TMP10, TP143, TP160, TP164, TP371 Khoury, Naim 162 Khoury, Naim N TP29 Khoury, Philip R WP204 Khoury, R WMP8 Khoutorova, Larissa TP97 Khoynezhad, Ali TP272 Khurana, Dheeraj TP454 Ki, Chang-Seok WP280, TP123 Ki, Seul-Ki WP265 Kibler, Kathleen K 170 Kidwell, Chelsea S 161, TP377 Kiehl, Tim-Rasmus TMP46 Kiihnl, David N TP418 Kikuchi, Takayuki TP137 Kilday, Kelley TP276 Kilkenny, Monique F WP127 Killer-Oberpfalzer, Monika 155, WP29 Kim, Anthony CTP39 Kim, Anthony S 139, WMP9, WP158, WP246, TMP97 Kim, Beom Joon WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP342, TP200, TP304 Kim, Beom-Joon WP180, TMP45 Kim, Bum Joon WP87 Kim, Byung-Jo TP209 Kim, Byungchae WP80 Kim, Chi Kyung WP265, WP369, TMP45, TP6, TP17, TP145, TP196, TP325 Kim, Dae-Hyun WMP61, WP18, WP76, TP200, TP205, TP304 Kim, Deog Young TP150 Kim, Do Yeon WP265, TMP45, TP6, TP17 Kim, Dong-Eog 110, WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP180, TP304 Kim, Doojin WMP71, WMP81, WP46, TP81 Kim, Esther S H 18 Kim, Eun Hee WP241 Kim, Eun-Hye WP431 Kim, Eun-Kyu TP448 Kim, Eung Yeop TP10 Kim, Eunhee TMP57 Kim, Grace WP135 Kim, Grace J WP153 Kim, Gyeong-Moon WP23, WP280, TP118, TP123 Kim, Hahn Young 110 Kim, Helen 50, 52, 53, WP436 Kim, Hyun-Duck TP198 Kim, Hyung Ki WP241 Kim, Hyung-Hwan TP265 Kim, Jae Guk TP205 Kim, Jae-Youn WP92 Kim, Jahae WP80 Kim, Jayoung WP275 Kim, Jei 110, NS5, WP241 Kim, Jeong-Min WP159, WP211 Kim, Ji Hwa TP220, TP223 Kim, Ji-Hwa WP66 Kim, Jin Young 110 Kim, Jinkwon WMP58 Kim, Jong S 110, WP225 Kim, Jong S NS8, WP87, TP352 Kim, Jong Soo WMP28, WMP28 Kim, Jong Sun CTP2, CTP7 Kim, Jong Youl TP445 Kim, Jong-Soo WP280, TP123, TP132 Kim, Joon-Tae WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP180, WP438, TP205 Kim, Joong-Seok WP128, TP224 Kim, Jun Yup WP265, TMP45, TP6, TP17, TP200 Kim, Keon Ha WP280 Kim, Meyung Kug TP204 Kim, Min Sun TP112 Kim, Min-Gyeong WP221, TP217 Kim, Myungkyu WP80 Kim, Nuri TP445 Kim, Rokbum WP424 Kim, Seong-Eun 98 Kim, Seongheon 110 Kim, Seul Kee PPS4, WP5 Kim, Soo Yoon WP280 Kim, Soo-Jeong 207 Kim, Soo-Kyoung WP424 Kim, Suk Jae WP280 Kim, Sun 6, 57, 158, CTP11, WMP11, WMP17, WP34 Kim, Sung Tae TP118 Kim, Susan TP297 Kim, Tae Jung WP369, TP145, TP196, TP325 Kim, Tae-Won TP224 Kim, TaeHee TMP50 Kim, Warren TP1 Kim, Wook-Joo WMP61, WP18 Kim, Wook-ju TP356 Kim, Yerim WP369, TP145, TP196, TP325 Kim, Yong-Jae WMP58 Kim, YooHwan TP209 Kim, Young Dae WMP58, WP213, WP275 Kim, Young-Seo TP103 Kim, Yun-Hee TP150 Kimberly, W T LB6, WMP88, WP38 Kimberly, W Taylor LB24, WMP24 Kim-Tenser, May 82, WP242, WP56, TP77, TMP63 Kimura, Hidehito WP133 Kimura, Hiroaki WP139 Kimura, Kazumi CTP12, WP68, WP118, WP168, TMP92, TP64, TP67, TP74, TP194, TP197 Kimura, Shinya WP419 Kimura-Ohba, Shihoko TMP110 King, Ben T TP245 King, Marisa A TP149 King, Robert M TP261 King, Sage L WP172 King, Sallyann TP285, TP307 King, Shelleen WP3 Kinosada, Masanori TP232 Kinoshita, Naoto WP168, TP355 Kinoshita, Takamasa TP129 Kinouchi, Tomoya P90 Kirby, James CTP16, CTP8 Kirchoff-Torres, Kathryn F TP247 Kirkham, Fenella WMP105 Kirkpatrick, Angelia C TP120, TP459 Kirmani, Jawad WMP12, WP2, WP71, TP24, TP32, TP34, TP88, TP35, TP310, TP397, TP444 Kirton, Adam 29, 30, WMP102, WMP107, TMP117 Kiser, Danita TP244 Kiss, Alex WP141 Kissela, Brett M 136, 149, WP7, WP144, WP177, WP190, WP232, WP293, WP305, TMP10, TP160, TP164, TP143, TP371 Kistangari, Gaurav TMP102 Kitagawa, Kazuo WP430, TMP94 Kitago, Tomoko LB5 Kitazato, Keiko T TP90, TP93 Kitazono, Takanari CTP12, WP115, WP216, TP207 Kitsiou, Alkisti TP216 Kittner, Steven WP372 Kitzler, Hagen H WP233, TMP41 Kiyozuka, Testuhito TP227 Kjos, Nick TP408 Klaas, James TMP42 Kleindorfer, Dawn O 136, 149, 185, WP7, WP78, WP144, WP177, WP190, WP232, WP305, TMP10, TMP72, TP160, TP164, TP371 Kleinman, Jonathan T WMP71 Klijn, CJM (Karin) 52 Klimpe, Sven LB2 Klingman, Jeff LBP3 Kliper, Efrat TP460 Klopfenstein, Jeffrey D TP101 Klotz, Luisa TP273 Klucznik, Richard P CTP52 Knapp-Clevenger, Rhonda WP406 Knauth, Michael TP242 Knight, Robert A TP259 Knitter, James 61, 161 Ko, Sang-Bae WP16, WP369, TP145, TP196, TP325 Ko, Tai-Ming TP134 Ko, Youngchai WMP61, WP18, WP76, TP200, TP205, TP304 Kobayashi, Akie TP380 Koch, Sebastian 211, WP372, TMP67, TP116, TP315 Kocher, Sascha TP136 — 125 — Koehler, Anne WP344 Koehler, Jodi L TMP40 Koehler, Raymond C 170 Koga, Masatoshi CTP12, WP168, WP188, WP210, TMP106, TMP92, TP67, TP355 Koh, Hyeon Song WP241 Koh, Seong-Ho 110, TP103, TP265 Kohl, Thomas WMP50 Kohmura, Eiji WP133, WP259 Kohta, Masaaki WP133 Kokaia, Zaal TMP28 Kokubo, Yoshihiro TP172, TP174 Kollmer, J LB14 Kon, Hiroyuki WP365 Kondapali, Swathi TP24 Kondapalli, Swathi TP35 Kono, Syoichiro WMP37 Kono, Yuji WP419 Koo, Jaseong TP224 Korai, Masaaki TP90 Korczyn, Amos D TP460 Korin, Netanel WP437 Koriyama, Hiroshi 174 Koroshetz, Walter J 104 Korsnack, Andrea M 26 Korya, Daniel WMP12, WP2, WP71, TP24, TP32, TP34, TP35, TP88, TP310, TP397 Kosinski, Andrzej S WMP34 Kothari, Ravish CTP45, CTP49 Kothari, Shweta WP258 Kotick, John CTP34 Kotzen, Lisa TP335 Koudstaal, Peter TP171 Kouperberg, Ephim 224 Kouzmitcheva, Elizabeth WP411 Kovacs, Michael TP51 Koyama, Misaki P97 Kozak, Benjamin TP241, TP311 Kral, Brian G WP434 Kramer, Lauren 27 Krämer, Markus 205, WP228 Kreitzer, Natalie TP2 Kreuzer, Jörg 213 Krieger, Derk W CTP17 Krings, Timo 5, 201, WP413 Krishnamurthi, Rita WP181 Krishnamurthy, Venkatesh LBP8, TP41 Krogias, Christos WP233, TMP17 Krompf, Kerrie TP244 Krtolica, Ana 67 Krupinski, Jurek WMP69 Ku, Hsiao-Lun WP126 Kubo, Naoki TP99 Kubota, Jun TP221 Kucey, Whitney TP301 Kufner, Anna TP66 Kuge, Yuji TP99 Kuhn, Joachim 164 Kuisma, Markku WP240 Kukida, Masanori WP264, WP266 Kukke, Sahana N WP148 Kulik, Tobias WMP20 Kulikowicz, Ewa 170 Kulkarni, Amit 220, WP125 Kulkarni, Chaitanya C WP95 Kulkarni, Girish B TP76 Kumar, Arooshi 180 Kumar, Gyanendra TMP104, TMP107 Kumar, Sandeep TP21 kumaran, Senthil WP146 Kummer, Benjamin R 109, 134, WP200, TP177, TP182 Kunz, Alexander Kunz 179 Kuo, I-Ju WP154 Kuo, Meng-Fai WP414 Kuo, Tun-Hsun 173 Kurata, Tomoko WMP37 Kurinami, Hitomi 174 Kurisu, Kota WP112 Kurita, Naohide WP223 Kuriyama, Masaru TP62, TP208 Kuroda, Junya TP207 Kuroda, Satoshi 101, WP110, TP99 Kurogi, Ryota WP94, WP134, WP283, TP434 Kurogi, Ryouta WMP33, TP323 Kuroki, Takuma WP223 Kurosaki, Yoshitaka TP232 Kurowski, Donna TP12 Kuulasmaa, Kari 88 Kuwayama, Kazuyuki TP90 Kuwayama, Naoya 101 Kwag, Hyun Jeong WP241 Kwan, Tinna TMP34 Kwansa, Herman 170 Kwon, Beyong Deok WP87 Kwon, Do-Young 110 Kwon, Hyon-Jo WP241 Kwon, Il WP275 Kwon, Ivy CTP34 Kwon, Ji-Won 207 Kwon, Soyang CTP44 Kwon, Sun U WP87, WP225, TP352 Kwon, Ye-Rim TP265 Kwun, Byung-Duk TP352 Kyritsis, Athanassios P 204, TP218 Kyuzen, Maya TP227 La, Christian WP45, TP154 Laage, Rico 160 LaBella, Giuliana 24 Labeyrie, Marc-Antoine TMP105 Labovitz, Daniel L TP247 Labreuche, Julien 43, WP52, TP26 Lackland, Daniel T WMP55, WP206 Lagerwey, Mary WP161, TP185 Lahiri, Shouri 109, WP314, WP315 Lai, Dar-Ming TP367 Lai, Tze L WP25 Laiwalla, Azim WP119, WP131, WP138, TMP15, TMP23 Lakkur, Sindhu WP348 Lakshminarayan, Kamakshi 111 Lal, Brajesh K 15, CTP5, LB10, TP131 Lal, Vivek TP454 Lamb, Jessica 67, WP258 Lambrou, Dimitris TP303 Lampert, Andrew S TP114 Lampert, Sarah WP429 Lan, Linfang WP123 Lanctot, Krista WP141 Land, Thomas WMP72, TP249, TP300 Lane, Bethany 105 Lane, Bethany F 103, TP184 Lane, Karen 215, 216, 217, CTP36, WMP86, WMP87, TP365, TP376 Lanford, Jeremy TP435 Lang, Brad 177 Lang, Catherine E WMP51, TMP31 Lang, Li WP297 Langa, Kenneth M WP163, TMP64, TMP120, TP324 Langan, Erin WP437, TP261 Langefeld, Carl D 126, 211, WP292, WP357, WP372, TP359 Langhorne, Peter 76, 153, TMP27 Lannes, Marcelo TMP101 Lansberg, Maarten G 6, 57, 158, LB22, CTP11, WMP11, WMP17, WMP21, WP14, WP25, WP34, WP58, TP38 Lanthier, Sylvain TP29 Lapchak, Paul A 67, WP282, TP272, TP275 Lappin, Richard I 167 Lara, Blanca WP439, TP63 Lara, Devon WP276 Larkin, Timothy M TP278 Larrue, Vincent WMP93, WMP95, WP362 Larson, Amy TP141, TP391 Lassègue, Bernard TP110 Latour, Larry L WMP35 Latour, Lawrence LB23, WP39, TMP116, TP60 Latour, Lawrence L LB17, WMP19, WP57, TP65 Lau, Alexander YL WP121 Lau, Helena W 41 Lau, Vicki WP89 Lau, Vivian W 130, TP109 Lau, Wei Ling TP256 Lauer, Arne 85, 122, LB17, WMP14, WP43 Laughlin, Suzanne WP413 Laupacis, Andreas LB8 Lavados, Pablo M CTP2, CTP7, CTP15, LBP6, WMP85, WMP91 Lavori, Phil CTP11 Lavori, Philip W WP25 Lawrence, Nick 84 Lawton, Michael T 50, WP436 Layton, Wendy TP181 Lazar, Ronald M CTP5, WP44, TP446 Le, Duy TP228 Le, Ngoc-Anh 105 Leach, Barbara WP400 Leak, Rehana K 147 Leaker, Michael 29 Lebrun, Louise-Hélène TP29 Lechtenberg, Colleen TP403 Leclerc, Jenna WP99, TP100, TP102, TP111, TP114 Ledon, Fred 107 Lee, Andrew W TP297 Lee, Byung-Chul 110, WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP180, WP235, TP200, TP304 Lee, Cheol-Young WP92 Lee, Deok Hee WP87 Lee, Esther J WMP99 Lee, Eun-Hye TP265 Lee, Eun-Jae 110, WP225 Lee, Eung-Seok 207 Lee, Hak-Seung TP112 Lee, Hamin WMP55 Lee, Henrietta 112 Lee, I-Hui WP154 Lee, Jann-Der CTP20 Lee, Ji Sung WMP61, WP18, WP76, TP200, TP205, TP304 Lee, Ji-Sung WP16 Lee, Jin Soo 38, WP124 Lee, Jin-Moo 35, 162, LB21, WMP20, WMP51, WMP97, WMP113, WP47, WP236, TMP31, TP252 Lee, Jong Yun TP190 Lee, Jongmin TP150 Lee, Jun 110, WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP180, WP221, TP205, TP217, TP304 Lee, Juneyoung WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP180, TP200, TP205, TP304 Lee, Jungseok 90 Lee, Kee Ook WP92 Lee, Kee-oog WP66 Lee, Kijeong WP275 Lee, Kiwon WP180 Lee, Kwang HoWP23, WP64, WP280, TP118, TP123 Lee, Kyu Sun WP124 Lee, Kyu-Yong TP103 Lee, Kyung Bok WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP180, TP200, TP205, TP304 Lee, Kyung Yul WP230 Lee, Kyung-Yul WP66, WP92, TP190, TP220, TP223 Lee, Lilly CTP37 Lee, Meng CTP20, WP287, TMP86 Lee, Mi Ji WP23, WP280, TP118, TP123 Lee, Moi-Pin TP139 Lee, Sam-Gyu TP150 Lee, Sanghwa WP18 Lee, Seung-Hoon WP265, TMP45, TP6, TP17 Lee, Seunghan WP80 Lee, Si Baek WP128 Lee, Soo Joo WMP61, WP18, WP180, TP205 Lee, Soo-Joo WP76, TP304 Lee, SooJoo TP200 Lee, Sung Eun WP124 Lee, Sung-Ik WP66 Lee, Ting Y TP44 Lee, Ting-Yim TP45, TP51 Lee, Tsong Hai CTP15 Lee, Tsong-Hai CTP2, CTP7, CTP20 Lee, Tsong-Hai Lee TP134 Lee, Vivien WP307, WP371, TP292 Lee, Vivienne S WMP120 Lee, Yang-Soo TP150 Lee, Young Joo TP103 Lee, Younggun TP223 Lee, Yunju TP156 Leeds, Janet M 212 Leef, George WP169 Lees, Ken CTP17 Lees, Kennedy WMP94 Lehman, Laura WMP98 Lehto, Mika WP143 Leifer, Dana TP247 Leifheit-Limson, Erica 15, 184, TMP61, TMP69, TP338 Leigh, Richard WMP19, WP39, WP57, TMP116, TP60, TP65, TP357 Leighton-Herrmann, Ellyn TP189 Leimgruber, Pierre P LB10 Leinekugel, Xavier WP279 Leino, Daniel WMP26 Leipzig, Thomas J TP377 Leira, Enrique C WP368, TP168 Leker, Ronen WP353 Lekoubou, Alain WP335 Lemmens, Robin 160, 205, WP228, TP66 Le Moan, Natacha 67 Leng, Xinyi WP123 Lennon, Sheila TMP27 Lenti, Massimo TMP6, TP124 Lenz, Frederick WP431 Leonard, Jan WP12 Leonardo, Christopher C WP268 Leonards, Christopher TP180 — 126 — Leonhardt, Ann M TMP77 Leppert, Michelle WP330 Lerario, Michael P 97, 109, 134, 167 Lerner, David P WP234 Leslie, Paul R CTP6 Lesperance, Mary L TMP95 Lesser, Martin WP344 Letchuman, Vijay WP410, TP161 Letourneau, Justin TMP101 Leung, Doris Y TP195 Leung, Howan 168, WP301 Leung, KT 168 Leung, Lester Y TP173 Leung, Philberta 67 Leung, Thomas 168, WP123, WP301, TMP16 Leung, Thomas WH WP121 Lev, Michael H 104, 176, LB17, LB23 Levi, Chris CTP22 Levi, Christopher 59, 62, CTP2, CTP3, CTP7, CTP32, LB20, LBP8, WMP85, TP41 Levin, Albert M WMP41, TMP60 Levin, Mindy LB8 Levine, Deborah A WP163, TMP9, TMP120, TMP64, TP324 Levine, Steven R 78, LB3, WP137, WP248, TP72, TP287 Levy, Elad 2, LB15, WMP4, WMP6, WMP 13, TP25, TP50 Levy, Elad I 200, LB7, LB18, LB21, WP17, WP36 Levy, Jerrold H 213 Levy, Madeline WP261, TP274, TP282 Lewandowski, Christopher WP350 Lewin, M Laura LBP6 Lewis, Sara E 128 Leys, Didier 43 Li, Chao 127, WMP39, WMP41, TMP60 Li, Chen-Hua TP75 Li, Dean Y 56 Li, Debiao 93, TP219 Li, Fang WMP114 Li, Fanying TP91 Li, Fengwu 218 Li, Hao WP156, WP319, TP305, TP330 Li, Janet J 211 Li, Jun TP107 Li, Kuncheng 93 Li, Li M WMP73 Li, Linzi WP156, WP319, TP330 Li, Ming-Li WP130, TP125 Li, Minshu 144, WP277 Li, Mu CTP25 Li, Na TP457 Li, Ning WP179 Li, Tianxiao 19 Li, Weiguo 169, WP274, TP277 Li, Weiping TP258 Li, Xiaofei TP262 Li, Xiaohui TMP52 Li, Xiaoxi WP104 Li, Yanhong TMP52 Li, Yue TMP37, TP336 Li, Yun TP258 Li, Zhao WP111 Li, Zhiguo 144, WP277 Li, Zixiao WP156, WP319, WP320, TP305, TP330 Liable, Deborah A TP411 Liang, Bruce T WP270 Liang, Carol 67 Liang, Conrad W WMP16, WMP68, WMP81, WP19, WP46 Liang, Feng WP89, TP91 Liang, Jing TP75 Liang, Li WMP32, TMP36, TMP70, TP305, TP306 Liang, Xinyu WP428 Liao, James K 56 Libardi, Milena C WP214, TP46, TP213 Liberato, Afonso P TP39 Libman, Richard 52 Libman, Richard B 209, WP231 Licht, Daniel J 31 Lichtman, Judith CTP4, WP288 Lichtman, Judith H 15, 184, CTP4, WP288 TMP61, TMP69, TP338 Liebeskind, David S 16, 20, 78, 82, 83, 99, 103, 105, 155, 159, 161, 163, 166, 178, 200, CTP31, CTP46, LBP4, LB15, WMP3, WMP5, WMP15, WMP16, WMP71, WMP81, WMP108, WP10, WP29, WP36, WP46, WP67, WP131, WP138, WP227, WP239, WP242, WP250, TMP12, TMP15, TMP38, TMP39, TMP63, TP53, TP61, TP81, TP119, TP366 Liebeskind, David Sigmund WP121 Liebkind, Ron WP364 Liebscher, Julia TP382 Lim, Chi-yeon TP265 Lim, Joyce CTP15 Lim, Sun Gyo 38 Lima, Andrey TP27 Lima, Fabricio O 104, WMP73 Liman, Jan LB2, TP215, TP233, TP242 Liman, Thomas TP180 Limdi, Nita WP416 Lin, Aileen WMP99 Lin, Ching-Po 45 Lin, E WMP8 Lin, Longting LB20, LBP8 Lin, Michelle WP56 Lin, Michelle P WMP5, TP77 Lin, Ruey-Tay CTP15 Lin, Shih-Hua WP269 Lin, Weili WMP20, WP47 Lin, Yi CTP14 Linares, Geraldina WP196 Linares, Guillermo WP208, TP14 Linde, Ruth WP391 Lindgren, Arne WP356, WP427, TMP28, TP163 Lindley, Richard CTP2, CTP3, CTP7, WMP91 Lindley, Richard I 76, 153, WMP85, TMP27, TMP33 Lindquist, David TP298 Lindsay, Patrice WP193 Lindsberg, Perttu TP158 Lindsberg, Perttu J WP240 Lindstrom, Anne NS4, TP388 Lindvall, Olle TMP28 Linfante, Italo WMP4 Ling, Feng 19 Lingsma, Hester F 1, 4, LB7, WP22 Linkewich, Elizabeth WP389, TP417 Linn, Jennifer WP233 Liou, Raymond LBP4, WP119, WP131, WP138, TMP15, TMP23, TP119 Lioutas, Vasileios TP21 Lip, Greg Y H TP428 Lippman, Jason M TP250 Lipsey, Kim PPS2 Lipsky, Robert H 195 Lisabeth, Lynda D WP163, WP173, TMP64, TMP66, TP142, TP167, TP201, TP324 Liskay, Alice WP378, WP395 Liss, Kim TP73 Little, Virginia L TP144 Liu, Chang-Chia WP431 Liu, DaZhi WP370 Liu, Dezhi WMP81, WP46 Liu, Haining WP120 Liu, Hon-Man WP414 Liu, Honghu CTP34, TMP87 Liu, Honghu H CTP18 Liu, Hui 36 Liu, Jia CTP47 Liu, Jialing WP279 Liu, Jie WP255 Liu, Kaiyin TMP3, TP113 Liu, Ke Jian TP108 Liu, Lei WMP47 Liu, Lin TP107 Liu, Liping CTP25, CTP47, LBP2, WP156, WP319, WP347, TP305, TP330 liu, Liqiang TP8 Liu, Longjian 36 Liu, Min TMP52 Liu, Nan TP40 Liu, Qiang 144, WP277 Liu, Qingwei WP277 Liu, Wei 180, WP84 Liu, Wenlan TP108, TP258 Liu, Xian Shuang WMP39 Liu, Xianshuang 127, 146, TMP60 Liu, Xin CTP47 Liu, Xinfeng WP46 Liu, Xiu WP336, TP337 Liu, Zongjian TP270 Livesay, Sarah WP317 Llewellyn, Vanessa A CTP36 Lloyd, Michael 206 Lo, Benjamin TMP101 Lo, Clara WMP99 Lo, Eng H TMP43, TP426, TP443 Lockhart, Dana 24 Lockman, Paul WMP111 Lodi, Yahia M WP21 Loftspring, Matthew C WP47 Logan, William WMP105 Logsdon, Aric WMP111 Lombardo, Carmen TP411 Long, Julie TP244 Long, Qi 105, CTP46 Longbottom, Mary CTP4, WP334 Longmate, James CTP8, CTP16 Longo, Gabriel M WMP117 Longstreth, Karl E TMP72 Lopes, Demetrius K LB21 Lopes, Renato LBP6 Lopez, Brandon WMP81 Lopez, D LBP6 Lopez, Ignacio WP322 Lopez, J I TP72 Lopez, Mary S TP280 López-Cancio, Elena 103, LB16, WP27, TMP39, TP19 Lord, Aaron TP359 Lordelo, Morgana J WP219 Lorenzo Llorente, Irene TP96 Lou, Linda TP255 Lou, Min WMP18, TP82 Louttit, Megan TP416 Lovec, Rhonda WP245 Lovejoy, Anne M LB1 Loveless, Mark O TP406 Lövkvist, Håkan WP427 Lowenkopf, Theodore TP420 Lowerison, Mark W 201, 5 Loy, David TP7, TP16 Loyola, Susan TP404 Lu, Genmin 212 Lu, Hanzhang WP55 Lu, Linghong TMP95 Lu, Mei WP100, WP102 Lu, Pinyi 166 Lu, Yifan 129 Luby, Marie WMP19, WMP35, WP55, TMP116, TP60, TP65 Lucke-Wold, Ann N TMP80 Lucke-Wold, Brandon WMP111 Luft, Andreas 205, WP228 Lugt, Aad V D LB18 Lugtu, James WMP67, TMP75, TP244 Lui, Catherine L WP331, WP367 Lukaszewicz, Anne-Claire TMP105 Luke, Douglas WMP51 Lukovits, Timothy TP333 Lum, Cheemun 5, 201, WMP92, TP14 Luna, Jorge M 219, WP160 Lundquist, Javier 12 Luo, Mei TP270 Lure, Allison C TP92 Luther, Kelly TMP77 Lutsep, Helmi L 103, 155, CTP9, WP10, WP29 Lutz, Barbara TMP36 Luzzi, Ariel TP206 Lycan, Sarah 22 Lyden, Patrick LB4, WP258, TP53, TP228, TP378 Lyerly, Michael 148, WMP74, WP198, WP348, TMP7, TMP8, TP30, TP56, TP78, TP344, TP345 Lyerly, Micheal WP346 Lylyk, Pedro 12, TP86 Lynch, John K WMP19, WMP35, WP57, TMP116, TP60, TP65 Lynch, Karen E TP337, WP336 Lynn, Michael J 99, 103, 105, TMP39, TP184 Lytle, Barbara WMP34, TP314 Ma, Bo TMP51 Ma, Chang S TP428 Ma, Chun 17 Ma, Henry 59, 62, CTP3, CTP22, CTP32 Ma, Qingfeng WP83 Ma, SH 168 Ma, SH WP121 Ma, Sina CTP34 Ma, Xiaotang WP108 Ma, Xuewen WP263, TMP91 Maali, Laith 44 Maamar-Tayeb, Ali WP249 Mabie, Peter WP93 Mabuchi, Shoji TP138 Macarrone, Patricia LBP6 MacCormick, Matthew WP53 Macdonald, Claire LB3 MacDonald, Gregg TP382 MacDonald, Lee A WP422 MacDonald, Paul WMP67 Macdonald, R L 191 — 127 — Macdonald, R Loch 190, WP151 MacDougal, Erin L TP201 MacGregor, Daune WP412 Macharzina, Roland Richard TP84, TP136 Macho, Juan M 155, WP29 Macias, Mireya CTP18 MacIsaac, Rachael L WP184 Mack, William WP56, TP77 Mack, William J WMP5, WP250 Mackay, Mark T WMP100, WMP101, WMP103 Mackey, Ariane CTP4, LB10 Mackey, Jason 136, 149, WP7, WP144, WP177, WP232, WP305, TMP10, TP160, TP164, TP371, TP377 Macklin, Wendy B 70 Macleod, Malcolm CTP17 Maclure, Malcolm TMP95 Macrae, I M 143 Madai, Vince I WP50, WP51 Maddox, Kate TP329 Maddox, Spencer 206 Madsen, Tracy E 136 Maebrae-Waller, Amy WP389 Maeda, Hajime TMP99 Maekawa, Hidetsugu TP93 Magadan, Alejandro WP55 Mahajan, Ajay TMP117, TP55, TP57 Mahmood, Sadiqa TP337 Mahmood, Sadiqa B WP336 Mai, Nguyen WP267 Majersik, Jennifer 118, CTP50, WMP76, WP334, TP48, TP58 Majid, Arshad WP341 Majjhoo, A Q WMP8 Majjhoo, Aniel WP31 Majkowski, Ryan CTP36 Majoie, Charles B 1, LB7, WP22 Majoie, Charles B LM4 Majoie, Charles B L M LB18 Majumdar, Monica WMP116 Majumdar, Sumit R 117 Makii, Jason WP398 Malas, Mahmoud B 102, TMP21, TP115 Male, Shailesh TMP1, TMP100, TP83 Malek, Reza TP130 Malik, Ahmed WMP57, WP13 Malik, Ahmed A 100, WMP50, TP349 Malik, Amer M CTP37, WMP49 Malinowska, Monika WP425 Malkin, Hayley WMP98 Malkoff, Marc D TMP100, TP83, TP218 Mallas-Serdynski, Lynn TP294 Malmberg, Elisabeth TP339 Malyutina, Sofia 88 Mamdani, Muhammad LB8 Mancini, Barbara WP289 Mandava, Pitchaiah WMP1 Mandell, Daniel M TMP46 Manegold, Johannes TP216 M Angeles, De Miquel WP439 Maniskas, Michael 64, WP426 Manley, Nathan C TMP49 Mann, Jaspreet WP314, WP315 Manosalva, Herbert WP222, WP229 Mantese, Vito A LB10 Manwani, Bharti 94 Manzone, Alessandra PPS1, TMP6 Mao, Hui 130, TP109 Mao, Lei 54 Marcielo, R LBP6 Marcotte, Abigail WP402 Marden, Franklin A WP35 Marinier, Anne 175, WP263 Marino, D LBP6 Marks, David S WP422 Marks, Michael CTP11, WMP11, WMP17 Marks, Michael P 6, 57, 158, WMP21, WP34 Markul, Eddie WMP65 Marosfoi, Miklos TP261 Marosfoi, Miklos G WP437 Marsh, Dianne TP399 Marsh, Elisabeth TP353 Marshall, Randolph S 97, 161, WMP80, WP44, WP170, WP352, TP12, TP290, TP446 Martens, C LBP6 Martí-Fábregas, Joan CTP9, WMP69 Martin, Abraham TMP56 Martin, Christine TP241, TP311 Martin, Christopher 68 Martin, Coleman O WP3 Martin, Hannah 143 Martin, Kimberly D WP293 Martin, Lorena TP19 Martin, Neil WP131, WP138, TMP23 Martin, Neil A TP119 Martin, Ryan C TMP67 Martin, Steve WP51 Martin, Steve Z WP50 Martineau, Isabelle TP301 Martinez, Beatrice CTP18 Martinez, Julie TP339 Martinez, Paula LBP6 Martinez-Ramirez, Sergi 47, 121, 124, TP458, TP462 Martini, Sharyl 136, 149, WP7, WP177, WP232, WP305, WP357, TMP10, TP160, TP359 Martini, Sharyl R 87, WMP1, WP144, TP164, TP203 Martini, Sheryl R TP371 Martins, Sheila O CTP2, CTP7 Martin-Schild, Sheryl 202, WP209, WP248, WP352, TP193, TP199, TP440 Martins Filho, Rui Kleber V WP214, TP46, TP213 Martus, Peter 138 Marucchini, Alessandro TP354 Maruyama, Daisuke 55, TP122 Mas, Jean-Louis TMP56 Masafumi, Toriyabe WP97 Mascitelli, J TP387 Mason, Antoinette WP158 Mason, Maryann CTP44 Masoud, Hesham WMP116 Masoud, Hesham E 41 Massaud, Rodrigo M TP390 Massicotte, Patti 29 Mathews, Eleanor TP459 Mathews, Eleanor A 193, TP456 Mathews, Maureen 27 Mathieson, Philip 63 Mathur, Vandana 212 Matin, Nusrat TP455 Matsubara, Soichiro WP210, TP67 Matsuda, Shinya WMP33, WP94, WP283, TP323, TP434 Matsuki, Takayuki TP341, TP347 Matsumaru, Yuji WP129 Matsumoto, Chisa TP174 Matsumoto, Masayasu TMP94 Matsumoto, Naoki TP232 Matsumoto, Noriko WP118 Matsuo, Ryu TP207 Matsuo, Takayuki 133, WMP78, WP98, TMP99, TP438 Matsushita, Nobuhisa TP90 Mattila, Olli S WP240 Mattlage, Anna TMP35 Mattle, Heinrich P 200, LB21 Matz, Karl WP420 Maud, Alberto WP393, TP133 Mauldin, Patrick D 185 Maureen, Mathews WMP59 Mavis, Brian WP247 Mavridis, Dimitrios 37 Maxwell, Emily WMP104 Mayasi, Yunis M TP289 Mayberry, Jordan WP81 Mayer, S TP387 Mayer, Stephan 190 Mayer, Stephan A PPS5 Mayhook, Andrew TP140 Mayo, Steven 215, CTP36, WMP86 M Ayres, Alison TP462 Mays, Robert TP106 Mays, Robert W 71, 177, LB19 Maza, Noor TP39 Mazaris, Paul WMP25 Mazighi, Mikael WP52 Mazya, Michael PPS1 McAuley, Gary CTP6 McBee, Nichol 215, 216, 217, CTP36, TP376, WMP86, WMP87, WMP96 McCabe, Christopher 143 McCabe, Dominick 138 McCabe, Jessica P 73, WP149 McCammon, Craig 162 McCammon, Ryan TP324 McCarthy, Jackie WP322, WP329 McCarthy, Kathryn 197, WP12, WP77, TP7, TP16, TP80 McCartney, David L WP331, WP367 McClellan, Fabienne TP247, TP287 McClintick, Jay WP3 McClure, Leslie WP166 McClure, Leslie A 219, WP160 McCormack, Michael 178 McCormick, Sheree A TP157 McCourt, Rebecca 214, TP373 McCoyd, Matthew TP312 McCreath, Heather CTP18 McCulloch, Charles E 50, 53, WP436 McCullough, Louise 198, WMP25, WP33, WP261, TMP53, TP107, TP267, TP274, TP282, TP343 McCullough, Louise D 65, 94, 171, WMP45, WP217, WP270, TP375, TP452 McDermott, Mollie 181, TMP66 McDonald, Austin WP119 McDougall, Connor TP44, TP45 McElduff, Patrick CTP3 McGillicuddy, Daniel CTP36 McGowan, Devon TP285 McGrath, Emer R TMP90 McIntosh, Celia A WP310 McKay, Matthew WMP120 McKee, Bruce L TP384 McKee, Jacelyn TP408 McKinney, James TP12 McKinstry, Robert C 35, WMP97 McKniff, Sueanne WP391 McLaughlin, James TP399 McLaughlin, Michael 98 McManus, Michael H WMP68, WMP71 McMullin, David TMP43, TP426, TP443 McMurry, Tim 84 McMurry, Timothy L TP250 McNally, Joseph S 98 McNeil, Clayton 27 Mcneil, Clayton J WMP59 McPherson, Kathryn WP405 McPherson, Scott WP387 McRae, Anna 112, TMP27 McRobb, Lucinda S WMP120 Meary, Eric 95 Medeiros, Lais M TP317 Meder, Jean-Francois TMP105 Medina, Esperanza TP96 Mehdiratta, Manu CTP6 Mehla, Sandhya TP296 Mehta, Bijal CTP18 Mehta, Lahar LB22 Mehta, S WMP8 Mehta, Siddhart WMP12, WP2, WP71, TP24, TP32, TP34, TP35, TP88, TP310, TP397 Mehta, Suresh L WP271 Mehta, Tapan V 198, WMP25, WP33 Meier, Dieter WP102 Mejilla, Jennifer TP72 Melander, Olle TP163 Melikam, Sylvia WP206 Melkas, Susanna WP70, WP296, TMP119, TP158 Mellen, Nicholas TP281 Meller, Laura A TP386 Melmed, Kara R TP378 Mendelson, Scott J TP79 Mendes, Monique TP260 Meng, Hailan WP104 Meng, Ran 17 Meng, Xia CTP14, LBP2, WP156, WP347 Mengistu, Andenet 206 Menon, Bijoy 2, 60, LB18, WP53, TP25 Menon, Bijoy K 159, 201, 5, LB7, WMP23, WMP3, WP17, TP14, TP43, TP44, TP45 Merchant, Anwar T CTP40 Meretoja, Atte 3, 59, 62, CTP32, WP364 Merino, Jose G WMP19 Merkler, Alexander TP290 Merkler, Alexander E 109, 134, 167, WP200, WP203, TP177, TP182, TP186, TP192, TP290 Merrill Persaud, Julie 25 Merritt, Robert K 183 Mersfelder, Jenna TP392 Meschia, James F CTP4, CTP5, LB10, TP338 Meseguer, Elena WP52 Messe, Steven WP353, WP354, TP84, TP136, TP314 Messerschmid, Anna LB2, TP215, TP233 Metoki, Norifumi WP68 Metter, Jeffrey E 166 Meurer, William J CTP36, WP163, TP329 Meyer, Brett C 161, TP59, TP302 Meyer, Dawn TP59 Meyer, Ivo A TP421 Meyerand, Mary E TP154 Meyers, Melissa WP384 Meyers, Philip 161, CTP35 Meyokazaki, Keity WP135 Meyrose, Colleen TP143 — 128 — Miao, Zhongrong CTP47 Michel, Patrik 205, WP228, TP303, TP421 Michell, Peter 62 Middlesworth, William WP200, TP177 Middleton, Sandy CTP15, NS4 Miech, Edward TP212 Miech, Edward J TP402 Mienel, Patricia TP382 Mihara, Ban WP139 Mijajlovic, Milija TMP17 Mikulik, Robert WP28, TMP17 Milakovich, Rebecca D TP411 Millan, Monica LB18, WP17 Millán, Monica WP27 Miller, Eliza C WP157, WP170, WP185 Miller, Jeffrey C TP168 Miller, Joseph WP350 Miller, Kathryn TP400 Miller, Michael 190 Milling, Truman J TP245 Min, Jiangyong WP82 Min, Li-Juan WP264, WP266 Minassian, Grace L WP327 Minatoya, Kenji WP210 Minematsu, Kazuo CTP12, WMP54, WP136, WP188, TMP94, TP191, TP347 Mineyko, Aleksandra 29, WMP102, WMP107 Mingle, John WP391 Minnerup, Jens WP96, WP337, TP273 Mintier, Gabe WP263 Mirambeau, Alberta TP285, TP307 Miran, Muhammad Shah 100, 203, WMP112, TMP19, TP349 Miranda, Rajesh 131 Miranda, Renata A N WP49, TP390 Mirtchev, Dimitre 198 Misaghi, Ehsan 214 Mishina, Hiromi WP419 Mishra, Nishant 6, 57, 158, WMP11, WMP17, WP34, TP38 Mistry, Eva TP342 Mistry, Hetal WP261, TP274 Mitaki, Shingo WP205 Mitchell, Marylou WP341 Mitchell, Peter 3, 59, WP17 Mitchell, Peter J LB18, LB7 Miteff, Ferdinand LBP8 Mitha, Alim P 11, WP338 Mitsumura, Hidetaka TP221 Mitsuyama, Shokei K TMP114 Mittal, Bhagwant R TP454 Mittal, Manoj K 137, 196, 202, WP316, WP407, WP410, TP126, TP161, TP316, TP320 Mittman, Brian CTP18, CTP34 Miura, Ken TP227 Miura, Masatomo WP60, WP62 Miura, Minami WP97 Miwa, Kaori WP430 Mix, Doran TP121 Miyachi, Shigeru WMP33, WP94, WP283, TP323, TP434 Miyahara, Eiji TP129 Miyamoto, Michiyuki WP110 Miyamoto, Susumu TP137, TP230 Miyamoto, Takeshi TP93 Miyamoto, Yoshihiro WMP33, TP172, TP323 Miyata, Shigeki TMP88 MIyata, Toshiyuki TMP88, TP347 Miyazaki, Yuichi, WMP54, WP210, TP355 Mizuno, Makoto WP278 Mlynash, Michael 6, 57, 158, CTP11, WMP11, WMP17, WMP21, WP14, WP34, WP52, WP58 Moalem, Alimohammed TP211 Moats, Harmon L LB5 Moazami, Nader 40 Mocco, J 61, TP387 Mocco, J 190 Mochizuki, Hideki 174, WP430, TMP48 Modak, Janhavi M TP343 Modi, Jayesh 92 Modi, Manish TP454 Modir, Royya TP59 Modlin, Charles WP421 Moeller-Hartmann, Walter WP50 Mogi, Masaki WP264, WP266 Mohammad, Afroz WMP111 Mohammad, Askar WP222, WP229 Mohammed, Alim TMP33 Mohanty, Manju TP454 mohanty, Sujata WP146 Moharir, Mahendranath WMP105, WP411, WP412, WP413 Moheet, Asma WP314, WP315, TP378 Mohr, J P LB11 Mohr, Jay P WP436 Mohr, JP 52 Mohseni-Bod, Hadi WP413 Mojarro-Huang, Elizabeth CTP18 Mokin, M WMP8 Mokin, Maxim WMP13, WMP4, WP31 Molad, Jeremy TP460 Molajo, Adeniyi O TP231 Molina, Carlos A 58, CTP3, LB7, LB16, WMP69, WMP92, WP27, WP397, TP49 Molloy, Mark WMP120 Molyneaux, Bradley J LB6, LB24, WP147 Molyneux, Andrew WMP29 Monagle, Paul T WMP101 Money, Lynn TP365 Monica, Millan LB16 Mönnings, Peter WP233 Mono, Marie-Luise 205, WP228 Monquiewicz, Michelle WP149 Montaldo, Gabriel TMP56 Montalvo, Cris TMP36 Montaner, Joan LB22, WMP113 Montanera, Walter J TP14 Montgomery, Alan CTP24 Montgomery, Jean 103, TP184 Montgomery, Kelly WP398, TP414, TP416 Montoya, Ana CTP18 Moodie, Marjorie 153 Moodie, Marjory 76 Moomaw, Charles 211, WP305, TP359 Moomaw, Charles J 87, 126, 136, 149, 211, WP7, WP144, WP177, WP190, WP232, WP292, WP305, WP357, WP372, TMP10, TP160, TP164, TP203, TP359 Moomaw, Charlie J TP371 Moon, Gyeong Joon WP280 Moon, Yeseon P WMP56, WP176, TMP112 Mooney, Melissa TP391 Moonis, Majas 116 Moonis, Majaz TP289 Moore, Kari D 113, 180, WP84, WP323, TP328 Moore, Kathi TP392 Moore, Pamela WP403 Moore, Shirley M WP421 Moore, Tara 68 Moore, Tracy WP376, WP379, TP404 Moore, Wesley S CTP5, LB10, TMP24 Moquete, Ellen 52 Mora, Paloma WP439, TP63 Moradiya, Yogesh WMP94, WP360 Moral, Alfons WP439 Moran, Andrew E WP158 Morden, Nancy 86 Moreno, Lilian CTP18 Moreno, Myriam WMP106 Morgan, Walter WP245 Morgenstern, Lewis B WP163, WP173, TMP64, TMP66, TP142, TP167, TP201, TP324 Mori, Hisae 55 Mori, Kota TMP44, TMP47, TP191 Mori, Takahisa WP24, WP59, WP65 Morikawa, Minoru TP438 Morioka, Harumi TP227 Morishima, Yoshiyuki TP271, TP283 Morishita, Ryuichi 174, TP269 Morita, Akio 14 Morita, Naomi WP68 Moriwaki, Takuya 9 Morofuji, Yoichi WMP78, TMP99, TP438 Morotti, Andrea WMP89, TP372 Morrell, Kathryn TP346 Morris, Daniel WP100 Morris, David CTP48 Morris, Nicholas A 109, WP203 Morrison, Jaclyn L TMP95 Morrison, Kathy WP381 Morrison, Laura TP51 Morrison, Laurie CTP6 Morrison, Leslie 53 Morrow, Megan TP1 Mortazavi, Farzad 68 Morton, Johanna L TP245 Moser, Elizabeth A S TP377 Moser, Hope WP402, TMP74 Moskowitz, Alan J 52, LB11 Mosley, Ian WMP101 Mossahebi, Pouria WP45, TP154 Motola, Ivette TP254 Motoyama, Rie TMP44, TMP47 Mott, Katherine WMP14 Motz, Deb WP376, WP379, WP382, TP404, TP412 Mould, Andrew CTP36 Mould, W Andrew 216 Moulin, Solène 43 Mountis, Maria 40 Moussavi, Mohammad WMP12, WP2, WP71, TP24, TP32, TP34, TP35, TP88, TP310, TP397, TP444 Moutrie, Vaughan WMP120 Mowla, Ashkan TP71 Moy, Claudia CTP23 Moy, Claudia S 52, CTP5, CTP30 Moy, Hawnwan Phil WP236 Mpotsaris, Anastasios TP9 MR CLEAN Investigators, 1, 4, WP22 Msayib, Yunus 63 Mu, Yunming TP72 Muchada, Marian 58, WP397, TP49 Mudra, Harald WP233 Mueller-Kronast, Nils H CTP52 Muengtaweepongsa, Sombat WP215 Mughal, Mansoor WP309 Muiños, Pedro J R WP219 Muir, Keith W LB9 Mukarram, Faisal TP353 Mukawa-Sawada, Maki TMP13 Mulder, Maxim J 1 Mulkey, Daniel TP267 Mullen, Michael T LB3, LB5, WP339, WP354 Müller, Achim 216 Müller, Carolin TP84 Muller, Holly TP382 Müller-Eichelberg, Andreas 205, WP228 Multicenter AVM Research WP436 Study (MARS) Investigators Munchi, Yashasvee TP267 Mundl, Hardi CTP9 Mungham, Alexander WP37 Munoz, Cynthia CTP18 Muñoz, Lucia WP27 Muñoz-Venturelli, Paula CTP15 Munsell, Alli TP104 Muntner, Paul WP416 Murad, Mohammad H WP11 Muraga, Kanako WP118, TP194 Murashka, Katie WP197 Murayama, Shigeo WP139 Murayama, Yuichi WMP119, WP91 Mure, Hideo TP90 Murray, Alicia LB9 Murray, Judy WP389 Murthy, Santosh 217, WMP94, WP360, TP376 Mustanoja, Satu WP70 Mustare, Veerendrakumar TP76 Mut, Fernando 13, TP86 Mutch, Christopher A TP241, TP311 Muthusami, Prakash WP411 Mutke, Matthias A WP51 Mutoh, Tatsushi TP284 Mutoh, Tomoko TP284 Muzikansky, Alona LB17, LB23 Myers, Laura TP402 Myers, Laura E TP152 Myers, Laura J TP165 Myint, Phyo TMP89 Na, Sang-Jun WP92 Nadareishvili, Zurab WMP19, WMP35, WP57, TMP116, TP60, TP65 Nael, Kambiz 61, 161 Nagahiro, Shinji WP68, TP90, TP93 Nagai, Atsushi WP205 Nagai, Yoji TMP94 Nagakane, Yoshinari WP168, TMP92, TP42, TP67 Nagao, Yoichiro WP60, WP62 Nagaraja, Tavarekere N TP259 Nagasawa, Junpei TP227 Nagata, Izumi WMP33, TMP99, TP323, TP438 Nagata, Manabu TP137 Nagatsuka, Kazuyuki WP136, WP168, WP188, WP210, WP220, TMP4, TMP44, TMP47, TMP88, TMP106, TMP109, TMP111, TP341, TP347, TP355 Nagatuka, Kazuyuki WMP54 Naggara, Olivier 95, TMP105 Nah, Hyun-Wook WP18, TP200 Nahab, Fadi 105, 106, 188, 206, WMP10, WMP67, WP429 Nahrir, Shahpar WP256 Naidech, Andrew WP140, TP332 Naidich, Thomas 61 Nair, Deepak 27 — 129 — Nair, Deepak S WMP59 Nair, Veena A WP45, TMP25, TP154 Najm, Mohamed WMP23, TP44 Nakagami, Hironori 174, TP269 Nakagawa, Kazuma WP172 Nakagawa, Takashi TMP114 Nakagawara, Jyoji WP94, WP283, TP122, TP434 Nakagawara, Jyouji WMP33, TP323 Nakahara, Shigehiro WP122 Nakai, Tomoaki WP259 Nakajima, Kohei TP90 Nakajima, Makoto WP60, WP62 Nakamura, Fumiaki WMP33, WP94, WP283, TP323, TP434 Nakamura, Kazuhiko TP284 Nakamura, Masakazu TMP94 Nakamura, Taigen WP365 Nakanaga, Ayako TMP26 Nakano, Kazuhiko WP220 Nakano, Ryo TMP20 Nakaoka, Hirotomo WP264, WP266 Nakaoka, Kenjiro WMP78 Nakashima, Takahiro WP168, TMP92, TP67 Nakatani, Takeshi WMP54 Nakawah, Mohammad O TP226 Nakayama, Naoki 9, WP110, WP112, TP234 Nakayama, Shin WP272 Nallamothu, Brahmajee K TP324 Nalleballe, Krishna WP93 Nalluri, Suman 202 Nam, Hye Suk NS5 Nam, Hyo Suk WMP58, WP213, WP275 Nam, Kiwoong WP369 TP145, TP196, TP325 Nam, Kyoung A WP377 Nam, Taeseung WP80 Nanlal, L TP387 Narayanan, Sandra 218 Narwal, Pooja TP423 Narwal, Priya WMP25 Nassir, Rami 111 Nasuti, Laura WMP72, TP249, TP300 Natarajan, Nagarajan TP181 Nathal, Edgar WMP117 Nave, Alexander WP143 Navi, Babak B 97, 109, 134, 167, WP360, TMP71, TP186, TP192 Nearing, Katherine 178 Neau, Jean-Philippe NS4 Nedeltchev, Krassen 205, WP228 Nedergaard, Maiken TP447 Neil, William 189 Nejim, Besma 102, TP115 Nekoovaght-Tak, Saman WMP96 Nelson, Bryan S WP187 Nelson, Jeffrey 50, 53, WP111, WP436 Nelson, Nickola W WP161, TP185 Nelson-Piercy, Catherine 140 Nemoto, Edwin M MP48, WP276 Nenov, Val 161 Nesenson, Amber WP387 Nettel-Aguirre, Alberto 30 Neuges, Donna 224 Neumann, Franz-Josef TP84, TP136 Neumann-Haefelin, Tobias TP9 Nevatte, Tracy CTP33 Neville, Gordon CTP6 New, Gishel WP127 Newall, Fiona WMP101 Newman-Toker, David E CTP36 Newport, Elissa L CTP43 Nezhad, Mani WP258, TP228 Ng, HoKeung 21, TMP22 Ng, Kwan WP46 Ng, Kwan L WMP71 Ng, Sarah 67 Ng, Wai May TP334 Nguyen, Nhan TP120 Nguyen, Oanh WMP36 Nguyen, Peggy L WP250 Nguyen, T WMP8 Nguyen, Thanh WMP116, WP31 Nguyen, Thanh N 41 Nguyen, Thu WP186 Nguyen, Trinh TP109 Nguyen, Viet-Huong V WP327 Nguyen-Huynh, Mai N LBP3, WMP52 Ni, Jun WMP114, WP183 Ni, Wei TMP54 Ni, Yan G TMP91 Nichols, Allan J TMP40 Nichols, Cynthia CTP40 Nichols, Shelley TMP79, TP244 Nickele, Chris CTP48 Niederkorn, Kurt TP9 Niiya, Yoshimasa TP138 Nilanont, Yongchai LB8 NINDS, Stroke Branch, WMP19, TP65 Ning, MingMing TMP43, TP426, TP443 Ning, Ruizhou WMP44 Nishigaki, Masakazu TP62, TP208 Nishijima, Michiharu WP365 Nishijima, Yasuo WP279 Nishimura, Ataru WMP33, WP94, WP134, WP283, TP323, TP434 Nishimura, Kengo WMP119, WP91 Nishimura, Kunihiro WMP33, WP94, WP283, TP323, TP434 Nishiyama, Kazutoshi WP168, TMP92, TP67 Nishiyama, Yasuhiro TP197 Nishizawa, Masatoyo WP97 Niu, Chunbo 21, TMP22 Niwa, Jun-ichi WP419 Nizam, Shayan TP32 Njam, Mohamed TP43 Noble, James TP189 Nobo, Ulises WP285 Nogami, Kohjiro TP453 Nogoshi, Shinji TP20 Noguchi, Kengo WP282, TP271, TP283 Nogueira, R G WMP8 Nogueira, Raul 156, 158, 188, LB15, WMP6, WMP10, WMP11, WMP17, WMP67, WP30, WP31, TP27 Nogueira, Raul G 6, 57, 104, 155, 159, 200, CTP28, LB21, WMP16, WMP3, WP6, WP10, WP10, WP29, WP34, WP35, WP36, TP18, TP261 Noh, Sang-Mi WP225 Nolan, Karen J TP149 Nolte, Christian 179, TP47 Nolte, Christian H TP9 Nomura, Ryota WP220 Noorian, Alireza 83, WP46 Nord, Peter LB8 Noreen, Samantha M 105 Norrving, Bo 138, 160, LBP7, WP356, WP427, TMP28, TP163 Noser, Elizabeth PPS3 Noser, Elizabeth A CTP29, WP390 Nouet, Aurélien WMP118 Nouh, Amre WP33, TP375 Nour, May WMP68, WMP71 Nouwens, Femke WP22 Novakovic, R WMP8 Novakovic, Robin WP31, WP35 Nozicka, Nancy TP386 Nugent, Kenneth TP225 Nunes, Ane TP256 Nunez, Stefanie WP114, WP260, WP262 Nunley, Marylee 27 Nunn, Tony TP403 Nuru-Jeter, Amani WP186 Nyquist, Paul A WP434 Nystrom, Karin V TP240 Obeid, Tammam 102, TMP21, TP115 Obeidat, Ahmed Z 87, WP190 Obenaus, Andre TP97 Obi, Shinnosuke WP95 Obiako, Reginald WP206 Obideen, Mahmoud WMP67 O’Brien, Emily TMP70 Ocava, Lenore WP93 O’Connor, Kevin F TP377 O’Connor, Paul WP274 O’Dell, Michael W WP153 Odenkirchen, Joanne WP332 Odier, Céline TP29 Odrizola, G LBP6 Offenbacher, Steven CTP40 Ofner, Susan TP175, TP212, TP377 Ogasawara, Kuniaki WMP33, WP94, WP129, WP283, TP323, TP434 Ogata, Toshiyasu WP68 Ogedegbe, Gbenga WP171, TMP85, TP425 Ogedegbe, Olugbenga G TP188 Ogilvy, Christopher TP21 Oguro, Hiroaki WP205 Oh, Dan-A 207 Oh, Daniel C T TP334 Oh, Gyung-Jae TP150 Oh, Jung-Hwan 90 Oh, Mi Jeong WP280 Oh, Mi Sun WP18, WP235 Oh, Mi-Sun WP76, TP200, TP304 Oh, Sang-Geun WP241 Ohara, Tomoyuki WP136, WP210, TP191 Ohba, Hideki WP166 Ohio Coverdell Leadership Team and Hospitals, WP378, WP395 Ohno, Kousaku WP278 Oikeh, Asikhame TMP68 Oishi, Hidenori WP129 Oishi, Kenichi WP135, WP431 Oishi, Kumiko WP135, WP431 Ojha, Ajitesh WP147 Ojike, Nwakile I TP188 Okada, Yasushi WP168, TMP92, TP67 Okamoto, Akira TP347 Okamoto, Yoko TMP111 Okata, Takuya TP347 Okazaki, Shuhei WP430 Okin, Peter 210 Okoreeh, Andre K WMP42 Okpala, Munachi N CTP29, WP308, WP309, WP385 Oksala, Niku K J WP296, TMP119 Okubo, Seiji TP64, TP194, WP118 Okuchi, Kazuo WMP33, WP94, WP283, TP323, TP434 Okuda, Satoshi WP168, TMP92, TP67 Olavarría, Verónica V CTP15 Olds, Karin WP3 Oliveira, Luiz Fernando R TP317 Oliveira-Filho, Jamary WP38, WP219 Oliverio, Patrick J TP75 Olivot, Jean Marc WMP93, WP52 Olivot, Jean-Marc WMP95, WP362 Ollenschleger, Martin 198, WMP25, WP33 Olmos, Lisandro LB8 Olorunfemi, Odunayo WP328, WP340 Olson, Scott 161 Olson-Mack, Lindsay 25, WP20, WP243, TP239 Olsson, Maja TP163 on behalf of CRCS-5 investigators, WP18 on behalf of ESUS Global Registry Investigators, TP222 on behalf of the AVERT Trialists’ Collaboration, 76, 153, TMP27 On behalf of the Cleveland Pre-Hospital Acute Stroke Treatment (PHAST) Study Group 79, TP358 on behalf of the DEFUSE 3 Investigators, CTP11 on behalf of the EXTEND-IA Investigators, 3 On behalf of the HI-DEF Execultive Committee and Investigators TP370 on behalf of the RAF study, WMP79 On behalf of the SSNAP Collaboration, 150, 152, TP178 On behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging investigators WP55 on behalf of the Stroke Outcomes Research Canada (SORCan) LB8 on behalf of the Stroke Outcomes Research Canada Working Group (SORCan-wwwsorcanca) TMP37, TP336 O’Neill, Darren P TP377 O’Neill, Kathleen A WP253, TP79 Ong, Charlene J PPS2 Ono, Junichi WMP33, WP94, WP283, TP323, TP434 Onozuka, Daisuke WMP33, TP323 Onteddu, Sanjeeva R TP243 Ooi, Yinn WP119, WP131, WP138, TMP15, TMP23 Oostema, J A WP247 Oostema, John A WMP70 Oppenheim, Catherine TMP105 Orantia, Miles A WP370 Ord, Emily 143 Orfila, James E WMP106 Organek, Natalie 79 Origasa, Hideki TMP94 Orita, Yoji 55, TP122 Orlando, Alessandro WP77 Osaki, Masato WP115, WP216 Osanai, Toshiya WP112, TP234 Osborne, Jennifer 87, 126, 211, WP292, WP357, WP372, TP203, TP359 Ospina, Jenny TP235, TP251 Osteraas, Nicholas WP307, TP292 Ostwaldt, Ann-Christian LB6 Ostwaldt, Ann-Christin LB24, WMP24 Ota, Shinzo TP62 Ota, Taisei TP62, TP208 Otago, Rachel TP178 Otero Ortega, Laura TP96 Otite, Fadar O WMP49 Otsuka, Toshiaki TP197 Ott, Anja WP386 Ou, Siqi TP91 — 130 — Ouyang, Bichun WP307, WP371 Ovabiagele, Bruce WP287, TMP86 Ovbiagele, Bruce 17, 189, CTP20, CTP21, WMP55, WP83, WP328, WP340, TMP96 Overbey, J R 52 Overbey, Jessica R LB11 Owada, Kumiko WP401 Owolabi, Lukman WP206 Owolabi, Mayowa CTP21 Owolabi, Mayowa O WP206 Oya, Yuichiro WP115, WP216 Ozark, Shelly D WP335, TP308 Ozer, Necla WP226 Pabla, Pardeep WP102 Paciaroni, Maurizio PPS1 Padidar, Arash M TP130 Padma, Vasantha WMP92 Padmanabhan, Sandosh WP184 Padroni, Marina 58, TP49 Padula, William V CTP36 Pafford, Ryan WMP40, WP145, TMP32 Page, Ashley WP376, TP404 Page, Shyanne TP104 Pagnoux, Christian 95 Pagola, Jorge 58, WP397, TP49 Painter, Allison TP392 Pajak, Andrzej 88 Pakbaz, R Sean WP20 Palacios, Igor TP426, TP443 Palazzo, Paola NS4 Palecek, Sean P WP257 Palesch, Yuko Y 159, CTP11, CTP30, WMP3, WP25 Palesh, Yuko Y 185 Paletz, Laurie WP403, TP394 Paley, Lizz 150, 152, TP178 Paliwal, Prakash TP54 Paliwal, Prakash R 220, WP125 Pallesen, Lars-Peder WP233, TMP41, TP162 Palomeras, Ernest TP19 Pan, Grace TMP34 Pan, Ni WP255 Pan, Rong TP108 Pan, Wan Long WMP39 Pan, Wanlong 146, TMP60 Pan, Yuesong WP156 Panagos, Peter 162, WP236, TP252 Pancioli, Arthur 182, TMP5 Pandav, Vijay M 193, WP81, TP456 Pandey, Aditya S TP329 Pandey, Dilip K 16, 20, WP227 Pandhi, Abhi WP28, TMP100 Pandian, Jeyaraj D TMP33 Pandurengan, Renganayaki WP402 Pandya, Ankur WP165, TMP71 Panezai, Spozhmy WMP12, WP2, WP71, TP32, TP310, TP397 Panichpisal, Kessarin TP211, TP225, TP432 Panizzon, Kimberly WP327 Pantle, Hardin CTP36 Papa, Anne-Laure WP437 Pappas, Konstantinos TP218 Paquette, Miney TP428 Parag, Varsha WP181 Paramasivam, S TP387 Paranilam, Jaya TP342 Paraskevaidis, Ioannis 37, 135, 204, TP218 Parides, Michael K 52, LB11 Parikh, Neal S 167, WP194 Parikh, Nina S WP187, WP333, TP147, TP183 Parissis, John 37, 135, 204, TP218 Park, Hae Ree WP23 Park, Hanul WP85 Park, Hea Ree WP64 Park, Hee-Kwon 207 Park, Hong-Kyun WMP61 Park, Hyun-Hee TP103 Park, Hyun-Young TP112 Park, Jaechan PPS4, WP5 Park, Jaechan Park WP90 Park, Jennifer TP121 Park, Jong Ho 110 Park, Jong-Ho TMP96 Park, Jong-Moo WMP61, WP18, WP76, WP180, TP200, TP205, TP304 Park, Joon Hyuk 90 Park, Joong Hyun TP190 Park, Jung Cheol TP352 Park, Ki-Soo WP424 Park, Kwang-Yeol WP159, WP211 Park, Man-Seok TP304 Park, Manseok WP80 Park, Min Jung WMP46 Park, Moo-Seok WP159 Park, Moo-Suk WP211 Park, Rae Woong 38 Park, Sang-Soon TP200, TP205 Park, Sang-Won 110 Park, Sea mi WP314, WP315 Park, Seong-Ho WMP61, WP18, WP342 Park, Tai Hwan WMP61, WP18, WP76, TP200, TP205, TP304 Park, Tai-Hwan WP180 Parker, Amber TP385 Parker, Dennis 98 Parker, Joseph TP322 Parker, Nadine WP193 Parker, Sarah 27, WMP59 Parker, Stephanie PPS3, WMP64, TP362 Parmar, Priya WP181 Parsons, Mark CTP2, CTP3, CTP7, CTP10, CTP22, CTP32, LB8, LB20, TP41 Parsons, Mark W 59, 62, LB1 Parthasarathy, Ashwin B WP339 Parthasarathy, Sudharshan TP130 Parthasarathy, Sujatha 34 Pase, Matthew P 46 Passos, Giselle F TP276 Pastoura, Sofia WMP93, WMP95 Patel, Achint 119, WP341 Patel, Akshal S TMP108 Patel, Jignesh TP319 Patel, Neil CTP45, CTP49, WP321 Patel, Ronak WP399 Patel, Sagar WMP15 Patel, Shivanand WP53 Patel, Urvish TMP19, TP169 Pater, Calin CTP9 Patil, Shivanand WMP23 Patino, Hernan M WMP117 Patriño-Rdoriguez, Hernán M WP224 Patrizz, Anthony 65, TP267 Patsoura, Sofia WP362 Pattany, Pradip WP145 Patten, Carolynn TMP30, TP144 Patterson, Michele WP376, WP382, TP404, TP412 Patterson, Scott WP20 Patti, Jatinder S 116 Paulsen, Mary TP314 Paulson, Debra L WP291 Paulus, Jessica K WP197 Pavlish, Nikki 24 Pavol, MaryKay TP446 Pawlikowska, Ludmila 50, 53 Payne, Stephen 63 Pearce, Lesly WP166 Pearman, David 164 Pedroza, Claudia LB3 Peduzzi, Peter N LB1 Pelliccia, Selena TMP6 Pellisé, Anna WMP69 Pendharkar, Arjun WMP115 Peng, Bin CTP15, WMP114, WP183 Peng, Changya TMP3, TP268 Peng, Hsiao-Yu 173 Peng, Shin-Lei WP55 Penko, Joanne WP158 Penn, Andrew M TMP95 Penn, Melanie TMP95 Pennypacker, Keith R WP268 Penzlin, Ana Isabel WP344 Perdue, Louise TMP79 Pereira, Camila B WP219 Pereira, Vitor 2, LB15, LB18, WP413, TP25, TP50 Pereira, Vitor M LB21, LB7, WMP16, WP17, WP36 Perera, Kanjana S TP222 Perez, Enmanuel J WP285 Perez, Yael CTP6 Pérez de la Ossa, Natalia WMP69, WP26, TP19 Perez-Pinzon, Miguel A TP98 Perias, Melinda WP20 Periera, Vitor WMP6 Perlmutter, Aaron CTP23 Perret, Melissa A TP149 Perrin, Brian WP248 Perrin, Stacy TMP79 Perry, Richard LB3 Perry, Trevor TP239 Persse, David PPS3 Pervez, Arif WP222, WP229 Perzynski, Adam T WP421 Peter, Andreas 164 Peters, Annette 88 Peters, Doretha TP244 Peters, Lindsey TP395 Peterson, Eric 114, 165, WMP32, TMP70, TMP89, TP306 Peterson, Eric D 115, WMP34, WP156, WP297, TMP36, TP314 Peterson, Eric P TP305 Peterson, Kristin TMP82 Peterson, Meghan TP423 Petersson, Jesper CTP17 Petoe, Matthew A 77 Petro, George WP21 Petrone, Ashley TMP80 Petzold, Gabor C TP9 Peveto, Theresa 164 Phan, Hoang T K 89 Phan, Hoang T Kim WMP53 Phillips, Harrison TMP51 Phillips, Sherrill T CTP40 Phipps, Michael TP402 Phipps, Michael S TP175 Phipps, Mike TP212 Phoa, Keith WMP82 Phuah, Chia-Ling 125, WP358 Piechowski-Jozwiak, Bart LB3 Pierce, Linda L TP383 Pierot, Laurent WMP29 Pigretti, Santiago TP206, TP422 Pihlasviita, Saana WP240 Pikula, Aleksandra 219 Pikula, Elizabeth 68 Pilc, Andrzej WP425 Pile-Spellman, John 52 Pillai, Bindu WP101, WP113 Pilot, Markeith WP182 Pineda, Stephen 33 Pinho, Marco WP55, TMP13 Pinson, David M TP101 Pinto, Pedro LB23 Piotin, Michel WMP2, WP32, TP13, TP26 Piper, Sophie K WP50 Pirastehfar, Mohsen WP208 Pires, Paulo W 141 Pirinen, Jani WP143 Piriyawat, Paisith TP133 Pishanidar, Sammy WP248 Pittner, Laura TP388 Planas, Anna TP19 Platt, Simon R 130, TP109 Plengsombat, Wassana TP225 Pletcher, Mark J WP158 Plog, Benjamin TP447 Ploughman, Michelle LB8 Pocock, Stuart CTP24 Pohjasvaara, Tarja WP296, TMP119, TP158 Poli, Sven 164, LB14 Pollack, Jr, Charles V 213 Pomerantz, Daniel WP340 Ponds, Kathlean TP181 Pontes, Octavio CTP15 Pontes-Neto, Octavio WMP89 Pontes-Neto, Octávio M WP214, TP46, TP213 Pooyania, Sepideth LB8 Poppe, Alexandre TP29 Poppe, Alexandre Y 5, 201, WP17, TP14, TP29 Porbeni, Charles TP444 Porcelli, Thomas TMP81 Pordeli, Pooneh WMP23, TP45 Porto, Louise M WP219 Potter, John CTP24 Potter, N Stevenson WP355 Potvin, Alphonse R J TMP46 Power, Martha TP384 Powers, William J CTP40 Prabhakar, Sudesh TP454 Prabhakaran, S WMP8 Prabhakaran, Shyam CTP37, CTP44, CTP46, WMP65, WP31, WP140, WP227, WP253, TMP39, TP79, TP332, TP351 Prabhakaran, Vivek WP45, TMP25, TP154 Pradip, Pattany WMP40 Prager, Marla WP306 Prakapenia, Alexandra WP344 Pratt, Frank 82, WP242, WP438, TMP12 Pratt, Franklin D 163, WP239, TMP63, TP366 PREDICT/Sunnybrook ICH CTA Study Group, WMP92 Prestopnik, Jillian 44 Previtera, Michelle TP34 Price, Christopher TP24 Price, Theresa M TP405 Priestley, Scott 175, WP263 Prifti, Landa WP267 Prodan, Calin I 193, TP120, TP456, TP459 PROMISE-TIA study Investigators, TP191 — 131 — Pronschinske, Heather TP408 Protsenko, Evgeny LB2 Pruitt, Jean TMP75, TP392 Pruthi, Sumit WP417, TMP93 Prvu Bettger, Janet WP156, WP297, TMP36, TMP70 Prvu-Bettger, Janet 108, WP311 Przybycien-Szymanska, Magdalena M 192 Psaltopoulou, Theodora 204 Psychogios, Marios Nikos TP242 Pu, Hongjian 147 Pu, Yuehua CTP47, LBP2 Puetz, Volker WP233, TMP41, TP162 Pundik, Svetlana 73, WP149, WP421 Puri, A S WMP8 Puri, Ajit WP31 Puri, Ajit S WP437, TP261 Purroy, Francisco WMP69 Putaala, Jukka WP70, WP143, WP364, TMP119 Pütz, Volker WP344 Pyatkevich, Yelena G 41 Pycard, Randa A 23 Pystynen, Mikko WP240 Pyun, Jung Min WP265, TMP45, TP6, TP17 Qazi, Emmad WMP23, TP43, TP44, TP45 Qi, Tiewei WP89, TP91 Qin, Dingxin WP169 Qiu, Jianhua TP265 Qiu, Xichenhui NS3 Qiu, Yujie TP265 Quachtran, Benjamin TP61 Quadri, S A WMP8 Qualls, Clifford 44 Quant, Sylvia WP389, TP417 Queck, Kian Kheng TP334 Quesada, Helena WP439, TP63 Quesenberry, Charles WMP52 Quigley, Jillian 30 Quillinan, Nidia 142 Quiney, Jan TMP27 Quinn, Terry TP430 Quiquempois, Dorothée TP148 Quiroz-Compean, Alejandro 154 Qureshai, Ihtesham A WMP112 Qureshi, Adnan WMP57 Qureshi, Adnan I 19, 100, 119, 203, WMP7, WMP112, WMP50, WP13, WP86, TMP11, TMP19, TP127, TP15, TP23, TP28, TP36, TP166, TP318, TP349, TP439 Qureshi, Ihtesham WMP12 Qureshi, Ihtesham A WP13, WP393, TP439 Qureshi, Mushtaq H TP166, TP28 Qureshi, Sakib WMP67, TP253 Quyyumi, Arshed 105 Rabahi, Ali WP233 Rabiller, Gratianne WP279 Rabinstein, Alejandro A LBP6, WP48, TMP42, TP31 Rackohn, Todd M 192 Raffeld, Miriam R 125, WP358 Raffelt, Audrey TMP27 Rafols, Jose A 75 Raftis, Paul CTP6 Ragan, Dustin K 35, WMP97 Ragas, Moner A WP79 Raghunath, Nirmala R TMP76 Ragosta, Michael TP299 Rahbar, Mohammad H LB3, WMP64 Rahman, Haseeb WP13 Rahman, Haseeb A WMP57, TMP11, TP23 Rajamani, Kumar WMP75 Rajan, Ashna WP316, WP410, TP316 Rajan, Suja PPS3 Rajput, Padmesh WP258 Ram, Malathi 215, 217, WMP86, WMP96, TP376 Ramachandran, Vasan 46 Ramakarishnan, Anurekha TP181 Ramakrishna, Subasri TP76 Ramakrishnan, P WMP8 Ramakrishnan, Pankaja WP31 Ramakrishnan, Viswanathan CTP38 Raman, Rema LB4, TP53 Ramanathan, Dinesh TP101 Ramanathan, Ramnath Santosh TP358 Ramanathan, Rsmnath Santosh 79 Ramdas, Kevin WMP40, WP145, TMP32, TP95 Ramesh, Atul WP93 Raminez, Sergi M 122 Ramirez, Magaly CTP18 Ramos Cejudo, Jaime TP96 Ramos-Romero, Martha L TP235, TP251 Ranagaraju, Srikant WMP67 Randazzo, Salvadore 24 Rangaraju, Srikant 106, 156, 188, 206, WMP10, WP26, WP30, WP429 Rankin, Christopher NS11 Rankin, Pauline M TP399 Ranta, Annemarei WP290 Rao, A K CTP38 Rao, Neal CTP18, WMP71, WMP81, WMP108, WP46, WP131, WP138, TMP15, TMP23, TP81, TP119 Raposo, Nicolas WMP93, WMP95, WP362 Rapp, Karen LB4, TP53 Rashkovan, Brennan WP306 Rasmussen, Peter 18 Rasmussen, Teresa TP312 Rathakrishnan, Rahul 208, 220, TP54 Ratnasiri, Anura W WP189 Ratnasiri, Anura W G TP159 Ratnasiri, Buddhika M WP189, TP159 Ravichandran, Jayashree WP238, TP248 Ray, Bappaditya 193, TP456 Ray, Jessica TP312 Ray, Roberta M 111 Raychev, Radoslav 200, LB15 Raymond, Jean TMP105 Raz, Limor TMP110 Raza, Syed Ali WMP67 Razak, Anmar WP13, WP341 Razmara, Ali CTP18 Razumovsky, Alexander 224 Razzak, Ammar 106 Rebello, Leticia C 156, WP6, WP30, WP31, TP18, TP27 Reckless, Ian 63 Redden, Lisa M WP197 Reddy, Adithi 137, 196, WP407, TP161, TP316 Reddy, Varun WP21 Reddy, Vivek K LB21, WP147, TP11, TP309 Redeker, Nancy TP379 Redjem, Hocine WMP2, WP32, TP13, TP26 Reed, Miranda 128 Reeves, Mat TP175, TP212 Reeves, Mathew 89, 165, WMP70, WP297, TP351 Reeves, Mathew J 114, 115, WMP53, WP293, TMP62, TMP89, TP314 Reeves, Sarah TP142 Regan, Susan WP302 Regier, Michael D TMP80 Rehani, Bhavya TP241, TP311 Rehman, Haseeb TP439 Reich, Arno TP9 Reichmann, Heinz WP233, WP344, TP162 Reid, Joyce TP244 Reijmer, Yael D 47, 124, TP458, TP462 Reilly, Paul A 213 Reimer, Andrew 79 Reimer, Hannah CTP38 Reinhard, Matthias TP84 Reinkensmeyer, David J TP155 Reis, Carolina C WP219 Reis, Francisco J F B WP219 Reisman, Darcy TP143 Reiter, Martina WP420 Rémillard, Roger WP263 Remmel, Kerri 180, WP84 Rempel, Jeremy LB18 Rempel, Jeremy L 5, 201, WP17, TP14 Remsik, Alexander TMP25 Ren, Peng TP262 Ren, Xuefang 128, WMP111 Renault, Simone WMP77 Renda, Natalie WP56 Resende, Lucas L WP219 Restrepo, Lucas 82, WP131, WP138, WP218, WP242, TMP15, TMP23, TMP63, TP119 Reuter, Björn TP136 Revankar, Gajanan S WP50 REVASCAT Trial Investigators, WP26, WP27 Reyes, Carmen CTP34 Reynen, David J 80 Reynolds, Kenny WP79 Reynolds, Kristi TMP90 Reznik, Michael E WP147 Rha, Joung-Ho 207, WP16 Rhodes, J D WP293 Rhodes, James D TMP68 Rhodes, Trey WMP97 Riaz, Ahmed WP86, TP318, TP439 Riaz, Parnian WMP82 Riaz, Riaz WP13 Ribó, Marc 58 Ribo, Marc LB16, LB18, WMP69, WP17, WP27, WP397, TP49 Ricardo, João A G WMP73 Riccio, Patricia LBP6 Richard, Goddeau TP289 Richards, Adam CTP18 Richards, Adam K WP179 Richards, Chris TP79 Richards, Christopher T CTP44, WMP65 Richards, Donald WP244, WP245 Richards, Julia B TP141 Richards, Lorie CTP50 Richards, Mark TMP40 Richards, Michael TP121 Richardson, Alicia WP381 Richardson, DeJuran 16, 20, WP227 Richardson, Laura PPS3 Richardson, Melissa NS11, WP384 Richetts, Renee WP20, WP243 Rickmann, Henning WP233 Riddle, Paula 22 Riley, Grace A WMP90, TP458 Riley, John 172 Riley, Katherine WP164 Rinaldi, Maria WP392 Rincon, Fred TP361 Ringelstein, Bernd 138 Ringer, Andrew TP2 Ringleb, Peter CTP32 Ringleb, Peter A CTP13, LB1, WP386, TP127 Rinsky, Brenda TP228 Rippee, Michael TMP35 Ritchey, Zak WMP104 Ritvonen, Juhani WP240 Ritzel, Rodney TMP53 Rivera, Jazmin WP333 Rivera Lara, Lucia A WMP96 Rivkin, Michael WMP98 Roach, Haleigh TP423 Robb, Delilah WP334 Robert, Thomas TP26 Roberts, Cynthia 127, 146, 146, WMP38, WMP44 Roberts, Jill 66, WP426 Robertson, Anne 13 Robertson, Betty TP394, WP403 Robichaux, Mary WP285, TMP67, TP315, WP285 Robinson, Thompson CTP15, CTP2, CTP7, WMP85, WMP91 Robinson, Tom CTP24 Robson, Katie CTP16, CTP8, WP361, TP364 Rocha, Letícia J A WP214, TP46, TP213 Rocha, Marcelo WP1 Rocha, Maria Sheila G TP317 Roche, T TP387 Rochestie, Dustin WP401 Rock, Peter 113, WP323, TP328 Rockwell, Jean WP20, WP243 Rockwell, Jean M TP239 Rodgers, Krista M 70 Rodrigues, Maira D S WP148 Rodriguez, Gustavo J TP133 Rodríguez Frutos, Berta TP96 Rodriguez-Luna, David 58, WMP92, WP397, TP49 Rodriguez-Regent, Christine TMP105 Rodriguez-Srednicki, Joshua TP369 Roffe, Christine 151, CTP24, CTP33, LB3, WP54 Rogers, April WP171 Rogers, John D TMP40 Rogers, Krista M WMP106 Rohweder, Gitta TMP29 Rojas-Soto, Diana TP333 Roland Ax-Fliedner, Roland WMP50 Rolfs, Arndt 138 Romano, Jose TP116, TP254 Romano, Jose G CTP46, LB5, WMP49, WP285, TMP39, TMP67, TP315, TP72 Romero, Javier LB24 Romero, Javier M TP372, TP39 Romero, Jose R 49, 120 Roongpiboonsopit, Duangnapa 121, 122 Roos, Yvo B LB18, LB7 Roos, Yvo B W 1 Roos, Yvo B W EM 4 Roos, Yvo B W WP22 Rosado, Christian A TP214 Rosamond, Wayne TP179 Rosand, Jonathan 85, 111, 122, 124, 125, WMP88, WMP89, WP358, WP368, TMP113, TP372 Rose, David Z TMP67, TP313, TP315 — 132 — Rose-Finnell, Linda 16, 20, WP227 Rosemergy, Ian TP435 Rosen, Charles WMP111 Rosenbaum, Dov WP248 Rosenberg, Gary A 44, TMP110 Rosene, Douglas 68 Rosengart, Axel WP314, WP315 Rosenthal, Pam TP37 Rosenwasser, Robert 8 Rosow, Rachael TP452 Rossi, Costanza 43 Ross, James WP37 Rost, Natalia S 176, WMP14, WP43, WP162, TP236 Rostambeigi, Nassir TP133 Rostanski, Sara K WMP80, WP170, WP352, TP290 Rosterman, Lee TP403 Roth, Elliot J TP156 Roth, Gregory LBP6 Rothman, Kenneth J TP428 Rothman, Richard E CTP36 Rothwell, Peter M CTP32 Roubin, Gary S CTP5, LB10, TMP24, TP131 Rouchaud, Aymeric WMP27 Roussopoulou, Andromachi WP28 Rovira, Alex LB16, WP27 Rowe, Brian TP73 Rowe, Justin B TP155 Rowell, Marguerite TMP84 Roy, Daniel 5, 201, LB18, TP14, TP14, TP29 Roy, Jayanta WMP92 Royle, Natalie TP368 Roy-O’Reilly, Meaghan 94, WP217, WP261, TP274, TP282, TP343 Rozanski, Michal 179 Ruban, Rebecca WP401 Rubiera, Marta 58, WMP23, WP397, TP49 Rubin, Daniel WMP77 Rubio, Francisco WP439, TP63 Rudd, Anthony 150, 152, TP178 Rudd, Jennifer LBP8 Rudolph, Steven H TP287 Ruff, Ilana WP140, TP332 Ruidavets, Jean-Bernard WMP93, WMP95, WP362 Ruiz, Jorge TP235, TP251 Ruland, Sean 149, TP295, TP312 Rumalla, Kavelin 137, 196, WP316, WP407, WP410, TP126, TP161, TP316 Rundek, Tatjana 91, WP285, TMP67, TP315, TP461 Russak, Adam TP447 Russell, Scott TMP79 Russman, Andrew TP429 Russo, Anthony TP149 Rutkowski, Thomas TP136 Ryan, Alice S TP146 Ryan, Matthew T WP209, TP193, TP199 Rymer, Marilyn TP403 Ryu, Jaiyoung TMP103 Ryu, Wi-Sun WP180, WP76 Rzesiewicz, Teresa TP53 Saba, Samir WP169 Sacco, Ralph L 91, WMP49, WMP56, WP176, WP285, WP332, TMP37, TMP67, TMP112, TP98, TP315, TP336, TP461 Sachar, Pawani WMP75 Sachdev, Harmeet S TP130 Sachdeva, Gautam TP318 Sachleben, Leroy R TP281 Sadato, Akiyo TP431 Sadighi, Alireza WP111 Sadry, Neema 127 Saeed, Ali TP318, TP439 Saeed, Fahad WP86 Saeed, Omar WMP50, WMP57 Saeed, Umair TP326, TP327 Safdar, Adnan WP341, TP318 Safford, Monika TMP68 Safford, Monika M WP293 Safouris, Apostolos TMP17 SAHIT Collaborators, 191 Saigal, Gaurav WMP40 Sairanen, Tiina WP70 Saito, Atsushi WP365 Saito, Hisayasu WP110, TP99 Saito, Kozue TMP44, TMP47 Saito, Satoshi TMP109 Sajatovic, Martha WP421 Sajobi, Tolu TP44 Sajobi, Tolulope T 5, 201, WMP23, TP45 Sakaguchi, Manabu TMP48, WP430 Sakai, Keiji TP234 Sakai, Kenichiro TP221 Sakai, Nobuyuki WP129, TP87 Sakamoto, Yuki WP118, TP64, TP74 Saksi, Jani TP158 Sakuta, Kenichi TP221 Salamon, Elliott 209, WP231 Salayandia, Victor M TMP110 Saleem, Muhammad A 203, WMP112, TP15, TP36 Salehi, Omid WP384 Salehian, Sepand TMP13 Saliba, Amelia J CTP28 Salinas, Joel 111 Salmeron, Kathleen 64 Salomaa, Veikko 88 Salottolo, Kristin 197, TP7, TP16 Salvesen, Øyvind TMP29 Samaan, Mena WP2, WP71, TP24, TP35, TP88 Samai, Alyana WP248, WP352, TP440 Samai, Alyana A WP209, TP193, TP199, WP209 Samaniego, Daniela TP19 Samorajski, Justin TP105 Sampson, Tomoko 162 Sams, Johnny WP421 Sananthan, Sananthan WMP4 Sanchez, Brisa WP163 Sanchez, Brisa N TMP64, TP167 Sanchis, Mireia WP397 Sandoval, Juan-Pablo 34 Sands, Kara WP348, TMP8, TP30, TP345 Sands, Kara A WMP74, TP78 Sandt, Janice TMP35, TP403 Sanehalli, Manjunath TP76 Sangha, Navdeep 202, LB3, WP331, WP367 Sangha, Rajbeer S WP140, TP332 Sanjuan, Estela 58, WP397, TP49 Sanossian, Nerses 78, 82, 83, 155, 163, 200, CTP18, WMP5, WMP81, WP29, WP56, WP239, WP242, WP250, WP438, TMP12, TMP38, TMP63, TMP87, TP366, TP77, San Roman, Luis LB16, LB18, WP17, WP27 Sansing, Lauren H TMP55, TP257 Santana, Katherine E WP397 Santangelo, Gabrielle TP121 Santhanam, Anantha 222 Santhanam, Lakshmi 170 Santiago, Fernando WP285 Santiago-Moreno, Juan WP99, TP102 Santo, Gustavo CTP9 Santos, Renata S A WP214, TP46, TP213 Sapkota, Biggua 5 Sapkota, Biggya 201, LB7, TP14, TP72 Saposnik, Gustavo CTP37, LB8, LBP6, WP150, WP151, TMP37, TP336 Saqqur, Maher WP222, WP229 Sarfo, Fred S WP206 Sarkar, Shantanu TMP40 Sarkisian, Catherine CTP34 Sarno, Erika TP450 Sarraj, Amrou 202, TMP74 Sarrraj, Amrou TP33 Sasaki, Kazumasu TP284 Sasaki, Makoto CTP12 Sasaki, Tatsuya WP365 Sasaki, Tsutomu TMP48 Satizabal, Claudia 46 Sato, Kota WMP37 Sato, Shoichiro WMP85, WMP91, TMP92, TP191 Sato, Yoshikazu WP122 Satoh, Katsuya 133, WP98 Satomi, Junichiro TP90, TP93 Satow, Tetsu 55, TP122 Satti, Sudhakar R TP293 Sattin, Justin A WP45, TMP25 Sattur, Mithum G CTP19 Saulson, Raelle CTP21, WP206 Saura, Júlia WMP69 Sauser-Zachrison, Kori WMP72, TMP9, TP249, TP300 Saver, Jeffery 199, TP50, WMP6 Saver, Jeffey L WMP16 Saver, Jeffrey I TP72 Saver, Jeffrey L 2, 78, 83, 114, 115, 161, 163, 165, 200, CTP31, CTP52, LB7, LB15, LB18, LB21, LBP4, LBP5, WMP13, WMP68, WMP71, WMP81, WMP108, WP14, WP17, WP19, WP36, WP46, WP67, WP78, WP131, WP138, WP218, WP239, WP242, WP250, WP332, WP422, WP438, TMP10, TMP12, TMP15, TMP23, TMP63, TMP70, TMP86, TMP89, TP25, TP61, TP81, TP119, TP305, TP314, TP366 Saver, for the FAST-MAG Trialists, Jeffrey 82 Savitz, Sean I 202, CTP29, WMP31, WP308, WP309, WP385, WP390, TMP32, TMP74, TP106, TP288, TP319, TP424 Savoj, Javad TP256 Savoye, Anne TMP56 Sawada, Masahiro TP227 Sawyer, Robert TP71 Sayama, Tetsuro WP94, WP134, WP283, TP434 Sayama, Tetsurou WMP33, TP323 Scalzo, Fabien 99, 155, 159, WMP3, WMP15, WMP81, WP29, WP41, WP46, WP67, TMP38, TMP39, TP61 Scantlebury, Morris WMP102 Schäbitz, Wolf-Rüdiger WP96 Schäbitz, Wolf-Ruediger TP216 Schaefer, Pamela W WP38 Schaer, Larry 27 Schaffer, Angela J TP384 Scharnott, Michelle WP253, TP400 Scheer, Richard V TP152 Scheibe, Madlen 81 Scheitz, Jan F 179 Schellingerhout, Dawid WP180 Schindler, Joseph TP423 Schindler, Joseph L TP240 Schlamann, Marc U TP9 Schlaug, Gottfried 72 Schleuse, Stuart WP429 Schlick, Konrad WP258, WP314, TP228 Schluter, Laurie TP440 Schmaltz, Stephen WP72 Schmidt, Antje WP96, WP337, TP273 Schmit, Pamela 182, TMP5, TMP10 Schmitt, Jochen 81 Schneider, Jordana S 209, WP231 Schossow, Andrea WP164 Schregel, Katharina TP242 Schrock, Jon W TP255, TP358 Schroeder, Dana J WMP27 Schulte, Anna LB2, TP215, TP233 Schulte, Philip J 114, 115, 165 Schulte, Phillip WMP34, WP312, WP313, TMP89, TP305, TP351 Schultz, Aaron 47, 48 Schulz, Ursula 63 Schumacher, William 175 Schurer, Johanna WP73 Schurr, Jillian WP341 Schwab, Kristin 47, 85, 121, 124, TP372 Schwab, Kristin M WMP89, WMP90, TP458 Schwab, Stefan CTP17 Schwamm, Lee 118, 176, WMP32, TMP36, TMP89, TP306 Schwamm, Lee H 114, 115, 161, 165, LB17, LB23, WMP34, WMP72, WP38, WP174, WP312, WP313, WP336, TMP9, TMP70, TP70, TP236, TP249, TP300, TP305, TP314, TP337, TP351 Schwanebeck, Uta WP233 Schwartz, Gregory G LB1 Schweizer, Tom WP150 Schweizer, Tom A 191, WP151 Schwemmer, Sandra TP254 Scott, Allison WP417, TMP93 Scott, Phillip A TMP72 Scott, R Michael 32 Scrivano, Esteban 12, TP86 Scutt, Polly CTP16, CTP24 Seabury, Seth WP284 Seegers, Joachim LB2 SEER Trialists, WP17 Seet, Raymond WMP110 Segas, Raphael WP95 Segreti, John WP317 Seguchi, Osamu WMP54 Seixas, Azizi WP171, TMP85, TP188, TP425 Seizures in Pediatric Stroke Investigators, WMP103 — 133 — Sekar, Padmini 87, 126, 211, WP292, WP372, TP203 Seki, Kenta CTP12, WP188 Sekihara, Yoshinobu TP62 Selchen, Daniel CTP6 Selim, Magdy CTP23, TP21, TP370 Selph, James TP69 Selvadurai, Chindhuri WP217 Sen, Arindom 11, WP338 Sen, Souvik 177, CTP40, CTP45, CTP49, WP321, TP69, TP179 Sengodan, Prasanna TMP102 Sengupta, Amitabha TP34 Seo, Kwonduk WP66 Seo, Woo-Keun 110 Seow, Philip A 220, WP125, TP340 Serdynski, Lynn TP400 Serena, Joaquín LB16, WMP69, WP27 Serena, Joaquin L 205, WP228 Sergentanis, Theodoros 204 Seroogy, Kim TP143 Serra, Monica C TP146 Seshadri, Sudha 46, 49, 120, WP165 Sethi, Pramod TP72 Sevilis, Theresa B WP331 Sevush-Garcy, Jennifer L TP186 Sewell, Claire LBP8 Seyman, Estelle TP460 Shadden, Shawn C TMP103 Shadi Yaghi, Shadi Yaghi TP369 Shafeeq, Hira TP436 Shah, Aabha A TP65 Shah, Aatman 69 Shah, Baiju R TP176 Shah, Jharna N 217, TP376 Shah, Jignesh 180 Shah, Jignesh J WP84 Shah, Ku 63 Shah, Qaisar TP12 Shah, Rutvij J 202, TP424 Shah, Santosh TP39 Shah, Vishank A WMP1 Shahian, David M WP336, TP337 Shahripour, Reza B WMP74 Shaikh, Azka WP2, TP32, TP35 Shaikh, Gibran TP37 Shakur, Sophia F WP435 Shamloul, Rany TMP83 Shamy, Michel WP359 Shan, Bao-Shuai WP264, WP266 Shang, Ty WP55, TMP13 Shapshak, Angela H WMP31, TMP104 Sharma, Gagan 59, 62 Sharma, Mike TMP37, TP336 Sharma, Mukul CTP9 Sharma, Rohan WP81 Sharma, Vijay 208, TP54 Sharma, Vijay K 220, CTP2, CTP7, WMP110, WP125, TMP1, TMP17, TP340 Sharp, Adam L WP367 Sharp, Frank R WP370 Sharp, Meredith 84 Sharp, Shelley TP417 Sharrief, Anjail WP308, WP309, WP385, TP33, TP319, TP326, TP327, TP424 Sharrock, Matthew F TP320 Shaw, Jennifer LB8 Shaw, Sandi TMP74 Shearer, P TP387 Sheerin, Fintan 63 Sheffet, Alice J 15, CTP4, LB10 Shehadah, Amjad 127 Sheikh, Muniza WP332 Sheikhi, Lila E TP358, TP433 Shell, Erin WP341 Shen, Dinggang WMP20 Shen, Fanxia 54 Shen, Jiamei 218 Shen, Loren LB3 Shenai, Mahesh WP289 Shenhar-Tsarfaty, Shani TP460 Shenkar, Robert 56 Shepard, Lucy Wylie 118 Shephard, Timothy 84 Sherzai, Ayesha WP182, TP219 Sherzai, Dean WP182, TP219 Sheth, Kevin 211, LB24, WMP86 Sheth, Kevin N LB6, WMP88, WP292, WP357, WP368 Sheth, Sunil A LBP4, WMP16, WP67, WMP68, WMP81, WP46, WP218, TP61 Shi, Changbin 56 Shi, Fu-Dong 144, WP277 Shi, Huaizhang 19 Shi, Jingfei 7 Shi, Samuel Xiang-Yu WP277 Shi, Yejie 147 Shiboski, Steve WMP63 Shibuya, Satoshi WP168, TMP92, TP67 Shichinohe, Hideo 9, WP110, WP112, TP234, TP99 Shiga, Yuji TP62, TP208 Shimada, Kenji TP93 Shimamura, Munehisa 174, TP269 Shimizu, Hideo 174 Shimizu, Takeru 142, WMP106 Shimizu, Yoshiomi TMP26 Shimoda, Yusuke 9 Shimoe, Yutaka TP62, TP208 Shimogonya, Yuji WP88 Shimohata, Takayoshi WP97 Shimony, Joshua WMP97 Shimony, Joshua S 35 Shin, Andrew Y WMP99 Shin, Byoung-Soo TP210 Shin, Cha-Nam WP252, TP415 Shin, Dahye 38 Shin, Dong Hoon WP85, TP10 Shin, Dong-Ick 157, WMP61 Shin, Dong-Woo WP159 Shin, Jong Wook NS5 Shin, Myung-Seop TP198 Shin, Paul 107 Shin, Yong-Il TP150 Shinohara, Yuki 176 Shiokawa, Yoshiaki WP94, WMP33, WP168, WP283, TMP92, TP67, TP323, TP434 Shiozawa, Masayuki TMP92, TP67 Shipley, Craig TP403 Shippey, Ray WP341 Shireman, Theresa I LB21 Shiue, Harn WMP74, WP198, TMP7, TMP8, TP30, TP56, TP78, TP344, TP345 Shkirkova, Kristina 163, WMP68, WMP71, WP242, TP81 Shoamanesh, Ashkan 49, 92, 120, CTP9, WP166, TP21, TP462 Shoemake, Paige TP326, TP327 Shoirah, Hazem WP8, WP15, TP11, TP309 Shoja, Mohammadali M 195 Shopin, Ludmila TP460 Shoriah, H TP387 Short, Kurt W TMP108 Shotar, Eimad WMP118 Shownkeen, Harish TP388 Shu, Hongge WP120 Shu, Shi WMP114 Shuaib, Ashfaq 5, 117, 201, LB7, WMP82, WMP83, WP222, WP229, TP14 Shutter, Lori A WP147 Shwe, Yamin TP33 Shyr, Yu WP417, TMP93 Sibolt, Gerli WP70, WP240, TMP119 Sico, Jason J WP199, TP165, TP175, TP212, TP402 Sidani, Charif TMP32 Siddiq, Ishita WP412 Siddiqui, Adnan H 200, LB21 Siddiqui, Khawja 176 Siddiqui, Khawja A WP38, WP174, WP336, TP70, TP236, TP337 Siddqui, Adnan WMP4 Sidney, Stephen WMP52, WP158, WP201 Sidorov, Evgeny V WP81 Siegerink, Bob WP143, TP180 Siepe, Matthias TP84 Siepmann, Timo WP233, WP344, TMP41, TP162 SIFAP1 Investigators, 138 Siffert, Joao 107 Sigfridsson, Emma 143 Sigmund, Curt 10 Siket, Matthew WP352 Sila, Cathy 71, WP398, WP421 Silva, Damian LBP6 Silva, Gabriela G B D WP148 Silva, Gisele S 104, WP49, TP390 Silver, Brian WP182, WP352, WP355, TP298, TP369 Silver, Frank L 5, 16, 20, 201, LB7, WP227, TMP46, TP14 Silverman, Scott 176, TP443 Silverman, Scott B 122 Sim, Jeongha WP252, TP415 Sim, Julius CTP33 Simão, Fabricio WP281 Simard, J M LB6, WMP88 Simard, J Marc LB24 Simonowicz, Patricia WP392 Simonte, Gioele TMP6, TP124, TP354 Simpkins, James WMP111 Simpkins, James W 128 Simpson, Annie N 185 Simpson, David M TP169 Simpson, Jennifer WP330 Simpson, Kit N 185 Sin, Dong In WP335 Sinclair, Adriane 34 Singer, Daniel E WP302, WP303, TMP90 Singer, Oliver C TP9 Singh, Aditya WP410, TP126 Singh, Mantinderpreet 178 Singh, Tarvinder WP345 Singh, Vineeta TP241, TP311 Singhal, Aneesh 176 Singhal, Aneesh B 104, LB22 Singletary, Bill TP328 Singu, Takaomi WP60, WP62 Sinha, Arvind K WMP110, WP125 Sinha, Devesh WP54 Sinisalo, Juha WP143 Sinsley, Debbie WP429 SIREN Investigators, WP206 Siriwardena, Niro CTP24 Sissani, Leïla WP52 Sisson, April WMP74, WP198, WP346, WP348, TMP7, TMP8, TP30, TP56, TP78, TP344, TP345 Sit, Janet TP381 Sit, Janet W NS7, TP195 SIT, Janet W H NS3 Sitton, Clark 202 Sivagnanam, Kamesh WMP7 Sivakumar, Leka WMP83 Sivers-Teixeira, Theresa CTP18 Skelly, Peggy 73 Skinner, Jonathan 86 Skolarus, Lesli 181, 187, WP173, WP299, WP318, TP142 Slane, Kevin TP446 Slater, Lee-Anne WP36, WP413 Slawson, Tracey WP387 Sleight, Deborah WP247 Sline, Melvin TMP74 Slootsky, Bryan TMP51 Smajda, Stanislas WMP2, WP32, TP13, TP26 Smalling, Richard WP422 Smalls, Hayley TP256 Smallwood, Jennifer WMP77 Smith, Angela L WP164 Smith, Ashley WP387 Smith, Craig CTP33 Smith, Craig J 150 Smith, Edward R 32, 33, WP409 Smith, Eric 92, 114, 165, WMP32, TP306, TP336 Smith, Eric E 115, WMP34, WP312, WP313, TMP9, TMP37, TMP65, TMP70, TMP89, TP305, TP314, TP351 Smith, Evelyn TMP73, TP411 Smith, Jeremy 86 Smith, McCord TP244 Smith, Melinda A TP167 Smith, Shawn TP339 Smith, Wade WP10 Smith, Wade S 104, 155, WMP9, WP29 Smithard, David WP349 Smithson, Jennifer CTP8, CTP16, CTP17 Smock, Alison WP335 Smoll, Nicolas R LB20 Smoller, Jordan 111 Smyth, Duncan TP435 Snelling, Brian TP95 Snyder, Andrea G WP291 Snyder, Kenneth WMP4 Soare, Thomas W WMP72, TP249, TP300 Sobesky, Jan WP50, WP51 Sobrino-Mejia, Fidel E TP235, TP251 Soderberg, Stefan 88 Söderholm, Martin TP163 Soh, Min WP265 Sohn, Min Kyun TP150 Sohn, Sung Il 110, WMP61 Sohrabji, Farida 131, WMP42, WMP46, TP105 Soinne, Lauri TMP119 Solenski, Nina 84 Solenski, Nina J TP250, TP299 Soma, Siva WP169 Sombutmai, Chut WP244 Son, Jeong-Woo TP103 Son, Seungnam WP424 Song, Dongbeom WMP58, WP213 Song, Haiqing WP83 Song, Hee-Jung WP241 Song, Hee-Young WP377 Song, Jiawei TMP54 — 134 — Song, Jie TMP25 Song, Jun 145 Song, Sarah CTP34, CTP44, WP307, TP292 Song, Shlee CTP18, LB23, WP314, TP219, TP228 Song, Shlee S LB17 Song, Tae-Jin WMP58 Song, Yong-Bum TP35, TP397 Song, Yong-Bum (Peter) TP88 Sonig, Ashish WMP4 Soo, Yannie WP301, TMP16 Soo, Yannie O 168 Soo, Yannie OY WP121 Sooley, Donelda WP389 Soon, Derek 208, TP54 Sorel, Mike WMP52 Sorgun, Mine Hayriye WP132 Soriano, Diogo C WMP73 Sorreda, Vedasto S WP367 Sourour, Nader-Antoine WMP118 Southerland, Andrew 84 Southerland, Andrew M TP92, TP250, TP299 Southwick, Lauren WP333, TP183 Sozener, Cemal B TMP72 Spahr, Catherine WP391 Spanaus, Katharina TMP112 Speare, Sally TMP27 Spence, J D LB1 Spencer, Charlotte 164 Spencer, Jeffrey 164 Sperl, Michael A WP238, TP248 Sperling, Reisa 47 Sperling, Reisa A 48 Spiegel, Gary 198, WMP25, WP33 Spilker, Judith TMP10 Spiotta, Alejandro TP5 Spokoyny, Ilana WMP21, TP302 Sposato, Luciano LBP6 Spratt, Neil LBP8 Sprigg, Nikola 140, CTP8, CTP16, CTP17, CTP24, WP349, WP361, WP418, TP364 Spruill, Tanya TP425 Spychala, Monica TP452 Spyropoulos, Jelena S WP304 Srivastava, Padma WP146 Stadnik, Agnieszka WMP87, TP365 Staff, Ilene TP282, TP343, TP375 Stafford, Phillip WP218 Stahon, Katharine WP103 Stamm, Julie TP154 Stamm, Julie M TMP25 Stamova, Boryana S WP370 Stamplecoski, Melissa WP306, TP176 Stanne, Tara TP163 Stapf, Christian 52, LB11, WMP85, WP436 Stapleton, David B 189 Star, Michael 149 Starke, Robert M 8, 10 Starkman, Sidney 78, 82, 83, 163, LB5, LBP4, WMP71, WMP81, WP46, WP239, WP242, WP250, WP438, TMP12, TMP63, TP81, TP366 Starling, Randall 40 Starr, Matthew T TP11, TP309 Statom, Gloria WP276 Staykov, Dimitre CTP17 Stefani, Marco Antonio 52 Stegmayr, Birgitta LBP7 Steiger, Hans-Jakob 190 Stein, Joel TMP36 Steinberg, Gary K 69, WMP115, WP106, TMP49, TP263, WP106 Steiner, Nili E WP403, TP394 Steiner, Thorsten 213, LB14 Steiner, Victoria TP383 Steinkoenig, Victoria TMP82 Steinkruger, Michael WP236 Steinschneider, Arthur TP257 Stein-Spencer, Leslee WMP65 Stence, Nicholas WMP104 Stephenson, Caroline TMP65 Sternak, Magdalena WP425 Stetefeld, H LB14 Stetler, Ruth A 147 Stevenson, Alec TP377 Stevenson, James 218 Stice, Steve L TP109 Stice, Steven L 130 Stier, Noah WP67 Stillman, Joshua WMP80, TP290 Stinear, Cathy M 77, 112 Stojanovski, Belinda WMP100, WMP101 Stoll, Anett TP9 Stolzenburg, Joanna WP386 Stone, Jonathan TP121 Stoner, Julie A TP459 Stoner, Michael TP121 Stoodley, Marcus A WMP120 STOP CHS study group, WP129 Stoppe, Maggie M TP384 Storey, Armide D 32 Stotts, Grant WP37, WP324, WP359, TMP83, TP301 Stouch, Bruce LB7, LB18, WP17 Stradecki, Holly M TP98 Straka, Matus 6, 57, 158, WMP11, WMP17, WP34, TP38 Strange, Poul 190 Stratton, Samuel 78, 82, 83, 163, WP239, WP242, WP438, TMP12, TMP63, TP366 Strbian, Daniel WP70, WP240, WP364 Strecker, Jan-Kolja WP96, WP337, TP273 Stringer, Michael CTP8, CTP16 Strnad, Frank A 70, 142 Strnad, Frank F WMP106 Strohm, Henning WP233 Strohm, Tamara WP116 Strom, Isabelle TP446 Strother, Megan K WP417, TMP93 Stuchiner, Tamela WP363, TP346, TP420 Sturm, Jonathan 89, WMP53 Sturzoiu, Tudor 41 Su, Hua 54, WP111 Suasnabar, R LBP6 Subramaniyam, Vivekanandhan WP146 Subramanya, Arohan R WP269 Sucharew, Heidi 149, 182, WP144, WP190, WP305, WP408, TMP5, TP160 Suda, Satoshi WP118, TP64, TP194 Sugata, Sei 55, TP122 Sugidachi, Atsuhiro WP278 Sugiu, Kenji WP129 Sugiura, Shiro TMP26 Suh, Minhee NS8 Suh, Sang Hyun WP66 Sullivan, Michelle N 141 Sultan-Quarraie, Ali TP350 Sum, Chi WP263 Sumanas, Saulius WMP26 Sumners, Colin TMP58, TP214 Sun, Dandan WP269 Sun, Guohua 69, WP106, TMP49, TP26 Sun, Hong-Shuo WP255 Sun, Jie WP120 Sun, Jingping WP274 Sun, Philip Z WMP24 Sun, Weiyun 170 Sun, Ye TP452 Sun, Yongmei TMP52 Sun, Yongxin 17 Sun, Zhao-Yong WP130, TP125 Sun, Zhengda 54 Sunbulli, Mohammed F WMP75 Sundararaghavan, Anirudh 118 Sundararajan, Sophia WP398, WP421 Sung, Gene WP56, WP239 Sung, Sheng-Feng CTP20, WP374, TP321 Supan, Erin WP398, TP414 Supsupin, Emilio 202 Suri, M Fareed K TP28, TP166 Suri, MFareed K 100, TP349 Surmava, Ann-Marie 34 Sussman, Eric WMP115 Suter, Robert 115, TMP89, TMP9, TP314 Sutter, Robert WMP32, TP306 Suttman, Erin M CTP40, CTP45, CTP49 Sutton, Zachary G TP250 Suzuki, Akifumi WMP33, TP323 Suzuki, Jun-ichi TP269 Suzuki, Kentaro WP118, TP64 Suzuki, Norihiro WP139 Suzuki, Rieko TP191 Swaminathan, Balakumar TP222 Swamy, Nikil CTP45, CTP49 Swanson-Devlin, Terasa G WMP59 Swanson-Devlin, Teresa 27 Swartz, Richard WP141, WP193 Swartz, Richard H CTP6 Sweet, Julie 171, 223 Switzer, Jeffrey 118 Swope, Cindy WMP60 Sy, Heustein TP436 Sze, Gordon LB6, LB24 Szeder, Viktor WMP108, TP81 Tabas, Irene A TP245 Tada, Yoshiteru TP90, TP93 Tadevosyan, Aleksey TP333 Tafreshi, Gilda WP20, WP243 Tagawa, Naoki WP115, WP216 Taguchi, Noriko WP272 Tahara, Yoshio WP210 Tailakh, Ayman NS1 Tajiri, Hiroyuki WP63 Takada, Tatsuro TP20 Takagi, Yasushi TP137, TP230 Takahashi, Jun 55, TP122 Takahashi, Jun C WMP54, TMP44, TMP47 Takahashi, Tetsuya WP97 Takahashi, Tsutomu TMP26 Takahashi, Yuji WP65 Takaishi, Satoshi TP20 Takamatsu, Kazuhiro WP168, TMP92, TP62, TP67, TP208, WP168 Takao, Hiroyuki WP91 Takao, Masaki WP139 Takasaki, Morio TP129 Takashima, Yuki TP453 Takata, Megumu TP232 Takazawa, Takanori TP227 Takenobu, Yohei TP137, TP230 Takeshima, Shinichi TP62, TP208 Takizawa, Shunya WP168, TMP92, TP67 Talegawkar, Sameera TP423 Talia, Nadine WMP70 Tam, Fred WP150 Tamaki, Nagara TP99 Tamosiunas, Abdonas 88 Tampieri, Donatella TP14 Tampieri, Donatella I 5, 201 Tamura, Ayako TP380 Tan, Chengbo WP110 Tan, Dawn TMP27 Tan, Lee A WMP116 Tan, Ming T CTP43 Tanahashi, Norio WP68 Tanaka, Akio TP62 Tanaka, Jun WP259 Tanaka, Makiko TMP26 Tanaka, Makoto WP272 Tanaka, Ryota WP223 Tanaka, Tomotaka WMP54, TMP88, TP341 Tandy, Thomas K TP92 Tang, Chih-Wei WP154 Tang, Sung-Chun CTP20, WP414, TP367 Tang, SW N S7 Tang, Weihua LB22 Tang, Weizhu 170 Tani, Shoichi TP87 Tanislav, Christian 138 Tanne, David LB1 Tanno, Yuhei WP24, WP59, WP65 Taqi, A WMP8 Taqi, Muhammad WP31 Taqui, Ather 79, TP358 Tarbiat-Boldaji, Mary TP256 Tardif-Douglin, Miriam TP285 Tarhuni, Wadea WP222, WP229 Tariq, Sana TP57 Tarpley, Jason WMP68, WMP71, WP14 Tarsia, Joseph TP21 Tart, Rebecca C 28 Tata, Laila J 140 Tate, Debbie TP328 Tateishi, Yohei WMP78, WP68 Tateshima, Satoshi WMP81, WMP108, WP95 Tatlisumak, Turgut 138, WP70, WP143, WP240, WP364 Tatsuoka, Curtis 73, WP421 Taub, Michael WP153 Tay, Deirdre D Y TP334 Tayama, Darren WP284, TP72 Taylor, John M WP408 Taylor, Roslyn TMP55, TP257 Taylor-Piliae, Ruth E NS7 Teasell, Robert LB8 Tecos, Maria WP247 Tee, Yee Kai 63 Teitelbaum, Jeanne 5, 201, TMP101 Teixeira-Poit, Stephanie M TP285, TP307 Teleb, Mohamed S TMP73 Telford, Britany TP313 Telles Cougo-Pinto, Pedro WP43 Teng, Edmond WP262 Tennant, Connie TMP80 Tennant, Kelly 132 Tenser, Matthew WMP5, WP56 Teo, Mario WMP115 Teoh, Hock Luen 208 Teoh, Hock-Luen 220, WMP110, WP125 Terasaki, Tadashi WP60, WP62, WP168TMP92, TP67 Terasaki, Yasukazu TMP48 Terasawa, Yuka TP221 Tesfasilassie, Tomas WP246, TMP97 Testai, Fernando TP359 — 135 — Teuschl, Yvonne WP420 Teutsch, Christine TP428 Thakker, Parth WP321, TP69 Thaler, David E 205, WP197, WP228, WP422 Thamm, Thoralf WP51 Than, Phan CTP3 Thang, Nguyen H CTP2, CTP7 Thanprasertsuk, Sekh TP462 Theben, Janine WP389 the Contribution of Genetic Analysis to the Efficacy of Clopidogrel (Cognac) Study Investigators TMP88 The DEFUSE 2 investigators, WP14 The ENCHANTED Investigators, CTP2, CTP7 The HeadPoST Investigators, CTP15 The INTERACT2 Investigators, WMP85 The International ARUBA Investigators, LB11 The International ARUBA Investigators (21 co-authors) 52 The International PFO Consortium, NCT00859885, 205, WP228 The Investigators at the 39 International ARUBA Centers 52 Theodore, Karen S TP419 The PRISMS Collaborators, CTP27, TP72 the SAMMPRIS Investigators, TP184 the SAMURAI Study Investigators, TP67 The Stroke Oxygen Study Collaborative Group, 151 Thibodeau, Alexa TP268 Thiel, Alexander TP148 Thielen, Evan P WMP27 Thijs, Vincent 138, 160, 205, CTP3, WP228, TP66 Thomalla, Goetz CTP41 Thomalla, Gotz WP55 Thomas, Abraham WMP57 Thomas, Abraham P WP244, TMP11, TP23 Thomas, Ajith TP21 Thomas, Alexis TMP75 Thomas, Katherine TP339 Thomas, Kathie WP178, TP294 Thomas, Laine WP297, TMP36, TMP70 Thomas, Santosh G WMP120 Thomas-Seaton, LaTeshia C 23 Thompson, Bradford B WP355, TP298 Thompson, Carol WMP86 Thompson, David M 193, TP456, WP81 Thompson, Jeffrey 44 Thompson, Jeffrey F TMP110 Thompson, Nicolas 186, WP295 Thompson, Richard 215, WMP96, WP350 Thompson, Richard E CTP36 Thorn, Lena WP364 Thornhill, Andre CTP23 Thornton, John 5, 201, LB18, WP17, TP14 Thorpe, Carol Lee CTP34 THRACE Investigators, 7 Threlkeld, Chris TP244 Threlkeld, Zachary WMP9, TP311 Thrift, Amanda 89, WMP53 Thrift, Amanda G 76, 153, TMP27 THRIVES Investigators, CTP21 Thulborn, Keith R WP227 Tiainen, Marjaana WP70 Tian, Ge WP301 Timaran, Carlos LB10 Ting, Eric 208, TP54 Ting, Eric Y 220 Ting, Eric Y S TP340 Tiozzo, Eduard TP98 Tiperneni, Anita TP95 Tirschwell, David WP345 Tirschwell, David L WP368, WP422 Titsworth, W Lee WP409 Tjoumakaris, Stavropoula 8 Todo, Kenichi WP68, WP168, TMP92, TP67 Togay Isikay, Canan WP132 Tokuda, Naoki WP210 Tokuura, Daiki TP20 Tom, MeeLee CTP4 Tomari, Shinya TP341 Tomasello, Alejandro 58, LB7, LB16, TP49 Tomii, Yasuhiro TP42 Tominari, Shinjiro 14 Tomizawa, Atsuyuki WP278 Tomlinson, George TMP46 Tomsick, Thomas A 159, WMP3 Ton, Quynh WMP26 Tong, David TP1 Tong, Xin 183, WP286, TMP62 Tonomura, Shuichi WP220, TMP44, TMP47 Too, Gloria WP157, WP185 Topcuoglu, Mehmet Akif 96, WP226 Topel, Christopher TP245 Toscano, Juan WP138 Toscano, Juan F WP119, WP131, TMP15, TMP23, TP119 Toshimitsu, Hamasaki CTP12 Toth, Gabor 18, CTP35, TP94 Toub, Josh WP321 Touyz, Rhian WP184 Tovar, Juan TP239 Towfighi, Amytis CTP18, WMP5, WP179, TMP87, TP77 Toyoda, Kazunori CTP12, WMP33, WMP54, WP94, WP136, WP168, WP188, WP210, WP220, WP283, TMP4, TMP44, TMP47, TMP88, TMP92, TMP106, TP67, TP191, TP323, TP341, TP347, TP355, TP434 Tran, Jamie CTP18 Traore, Aminata A 193, TP456 Traystman, Richard J 70, 142, WMP106, TMP59 Treiman, Gerald 98 Treit, Sarah 214, TP373 Trejo, Laura CTP34 Trenkler, Johannes TP9 Trenor, Cameron WMP98 Triggs, William J TMP30 Trinh, Van D WMP68 Trivedi, Anurag WMP23 Trotti, Lynn Marie 106 Truelsen, T LBP6 Trystram, Denis TMP105 Tsai, Hsin-Hsi 123 Tsai, Jenny CTP11, WMP17 Tsai, Jenny P 6, 57, 158, WMP11, WP34 Tsai, Li-Kai 123, WP414 Tsai, Yun-An WP154 Tsang, Adrian TMP117, TP55, TP57 Tse, Gabrielle T WP127 Tse-Chang, Karen TP211, TP432 Tsiaklides, Michael WMP51 Tsivgoulis, Georgios 37, 135, 166, 178, 204, NS4, NS6, WP28, WP373, TMP1, TMP17, TMP100, TP4, TP83, TP218 Tsogkas, Ioannis TP242 Tsujino, Akira WMP78 Tsukuda, Kana WP264, WP266 Tsuruoka, Syuichi TP194 Tsuskahara, Tetsuya WP88 Tu, Grace WP331 Tu, Grace M WP367 Tubbs, R Shane 195 Tudor, Jovin WMP11 Tuhrim, S TP387 Tulamo, Riikka 13 Tumalapenta, Sirisha WP407 Tung, Spencer WP107 Tunstall-Pedoe, Hugh 88 Tuomilehto, Jakkoo WP420 Turakhia, Mintu 210 Turan, Tanya 20 Turan, Tanya N 103, 105, CTP5, TMP39, TP184, TP308 Turk, Aquilla WMP4, TP5 Turnbow, Brian WP387 Turner, Heather TP389 Turner, Raymond WMP4, TP5 Turner, Stephanie TP328 Turowski, Bernd TP9 Tuthill, Theresa TP368 Tyan, Clarke WP384 Tyler, Mitchell E TMP25 Tymianski, Michael CTP6 Tyrrell, Pippa 150, 152, TP178 Tyson, Jon LB3 Tzeng, Janice TP307 UCAS Japan Investigators, 14 Uchino, Akira TP453 Uchino, Haruto WP61 Uchino, Ken 18, 39, 71, 79, 186, WP116, TP68, TP358, TP429 Uchiyama, Shinichiro TMP94 UCLA Stroke Systems of Care Study Group, WMP68 Ueda, Masayuki TP197 Ueda, Toshihiro TP20 Uehara, Toshiyuki WP136, TP191 Ueno, Yasushi WP68 Ueno, Yuji WP223 Uhegwu, Nnamdi TP444 Ullman, Natalie WP356 Unverzagt, Frederick W TMP120 Uohara, Michael Y 31 Upadhyaya, Manas WMP59 Uphaus, Timo LB2, TP9 Urabe, Takao WP223 Urbach, Horst TP9 Urban, Alan TMP56 Urday, Sebastian WMP88 Urra, Xabier WMP69 Urra, Xavier LB16 Urrutia, Victor C WP383 Urtecho, Jacqueline 24 Ustrell, Xavier WP439, TP63 Uvere, Ezinne CTP21 Uzcudun, A LBP6 Uzun, Oktay WP437 Vacari, Andreia M H TP390 Vach, Werner TP84, TP136 Vachhani, Jay CTP48 Vader, Priyadarshini WP38 Vadikolias, Konstantinos TMP17 Vagal, Achala WMP85, WP7 Vahidy, Farhaan CTP29, WMP31, WP308, WP309, TP424 Vahidy, Farhaan S TMP74, TP288, TP319 Vaibhav, Kumar TMP118 Vaidya, Dhananjay WP434 Vaitkevicius, Henrikas WMP77 Valdes-Sueiras, Miguel 82, WP242 Valdovinos, Christina WP367 Valdovinos, Cristina WP331 Valenzuela, John P TP277 Valenzuela, John Paul 169, TMP115 Vanacker, Peter TP303 Vance, Ansar Z TP293 van den Berg, Lucie 4 Van den Berg, Lucie A 1, LB18, WP22 Vandergriff, Melissa WP384 van der Lugt, Aad 1, 4, LB7, WP22 van der Marel, Kajo TP261 van der Worp, Bart CTP17 van de Sandt-Koenderman, Mieke WP22 van Etten, Ellis 121 van Etten, Ellis S TP458 van Kralingen, Josie C 143 van Oostenbrugge, Robert J 1, 4, LB7, WP22 van Oosterbrugge, Robert J LB18 van Ryn, Joanne WP73 van Vliet, Rebecca TP391 van Zwam, Wim H 1, 4, LB7, LB18, WP22 Varela, Dalila WP176 Varela, Elizabeth WP224 Vargas, Jan TP5 Varma, Daniel D TP297 Vasdekis, Spyros TMP17 Vashkevich, Anastasia 122, 124, WMP88, WMP89, WP292, WP357, TP372, TP458 Vasilevko, Vitaly TP276 Vasquez, Cinthya NS1 Vates, G Edward TP447 Vates, George E TP121 Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary S TP168 Vaughn, Stephanie NS9 Vaziri, Nosratola D TP256 Vazzoller, Marcela R WP49 Vedala, Kishore 118 Vedantham, Srinivasan WP437 Veeravalli, Krishna K TP101 Vela-Duarte, Daniel 79, TP358 Veltkamp, Roland LB14, LB22 Vemuganti, Raghu WP271, TMP50 Venkatasubba Rao, Chethan WMP4 Venkatraman, Anand TMP107 Venna, Venugopal WMP45 Venna, Venugopal Reddy WP270 Venters, Kelly TP385 Verbeek, Richard CTP6 VerHage, Anna TMP73 Verma, Abhishek LBP4 Verma, Rajkumar WP270, TMP53 Verma, Shweta J TMP33 Vernooij, Meike TP171 Vernooij, Meike W 120 Veronesi, Giovanni 88 Verzini, Fabio TP124, TP354 Vesely, Kristin WP150 Vesely, Kristin A WP151 Vespa, Paul TP81 Vespa, Paul M WMP71 Vestesson, Emma TP178 Veumganti, Raghu TP280 Veznedaroglu, E WMP8, WP31 Vibbert, Matthew 24 Vicaut, Eric LB11 Vicini-Parra, Javier TP235, TP251 Vickrey, Barbara G CTP18, WP179, TMP87 Viguier, Alain WMP93, WMP95, WP362 — 136 — Vilain, Katherine A LB21 Villablanca, Pablo WP89 Villringer, Arno TP47 Villringer, Kersten 179, TP47 Vilneff, Renee TMP65 Vincent, Andrea S TP120 Vinson, David R WP201 Vinters, Harry V WP107 Vinuela, F WMP68 Vinuela, Fernando WMP30 Virani, Aneesha TP392 Visch, Evy WP22 Viscoli, Catherine M LB1 Vishnu, Venugopalan Y TP454 VISTA-ICH Collaborators, WP354 Viswanathan, Anand 47, 85, 121, 122, 124, 125, 176, WP358, TMP113, TP372, TP458, TP462 Viviani, C LBP6 Vlahovic, Luka TP295 Vo, Katie D 35, WMP97 Voeks, Jenifer H CTP4, CTP5, LB10, TMP24, TP131 Vogt, Matthias TP84 Vollmer, Katie WMP47 Volny, Ondrej WP28 Volpi, John TP226, TP342 Volpi, John J LB3 VonCannon, Shellie TMP81 von Eckardsteind, Arnold TMP112 Vongveeranonchai, Nuttawan TP225 von Kummer, Ruediger 52, 159, LB24, WMP3 von Samson-Himmelsternja, Federico WP51 von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Federico C WP50 Vora, N WMP8 Vora, Nirav 202, WP31 Votova, Kristine TMP95 Voumvourakis, Konstantinos 37, 135, TMP17, TP218 Vrettou, Agathi-Rosa 37, 135, 204, TP218 Vu, Kim TP326, TP327 Vu, Kim Y T TP424 Vu, Kim Yen Thi WP385 Vyas, Annasha LBP5 Vyas, Nilesh TP75 Vyas, Nilesh A 195 Wabnitz, Ashley M 103 Wachter, Rolf LB2, TP215, TP233 Wacksman, Jeremy CTP18 Waddy, Salina P WP285, TMP67, TP315 Wadhwania, Rozina WP308 Wadhwania, Rozina N WP309 Wadley, Virginia G TMP120 Wagner, Jeffrey WP12, TP7, TP16 Wagner, Jeffrey C WP77 Wagner-Heck, Michaela LB2 Wahlgren, Nils 155, WP29 Waisman, Gabriel WP196, TP202, TP206, TP422 Wakayama, Kouji TP269 Wakhloo, Ajay K TP261 Wakhoo, Ajay K WP437 Wakisaka, Yoshinobu TP207 Waldschmidt, Carolin 179 Walker, Eric R TP144 Wallace, Carla 60 Waller, Edmund K 105 Waller, Jennifer L WP113 Walley, Megan WP244 Wallis, Roi Ann WP327 Wally, Megan WP245 Walsh, Kyle B 126 Walter, Silke WP54 Walters, Beverly 195 Walters, Matthew WP184 Wang, Anxin LBP2, WP156, WP347, TP330 Wang, Bochu TP262 Wang, Chunjuan WP156, WP319, WP320, TP305, TP330 Wang, Chunxue LBP2, WP156, WP319, WP347, TP305, TP330 Wang, Daming 19 Wang, Dandan WP109 Wang, Danny WMP15 Wang, Danny J WMP97 Wang, Danny J J 35 Wang, David 27, WP347 Wang, David Z WMP59, TP101 Wang, Eric 69 Wang, Eric H WP106 Wang, Guan-Lei WP255 Wang, Guijing TP286 Wang, Guohua TP264 Wang, Haimei TP48, TP58 Wang, Jasmine 72 Wang, Jiguang WMP85 Wang, Jin-Huan TP75 Wang, Jinju WP108 Wang, Kaijun LB21 Wang, Kefeng WP285, TMP67, TP315 Wang, Limin TP322 Wang, Liya 130, TP109 Wang, Mingquan 36 Wang, Moli WP83 Wang, Pei-Ning 45 Wang, Sainan 218 Wang, Shu TP444 Wang, Sophie 102, TP115 Wang, Stephanie WP106 Wang, Tao WP263 Wang, Ting TP258 Wang, Xia WMP91, TP363 Wang, Xiao-Li WP264, WP266 Wang, Xinli 146, TMP60 Wang, Yilong CTP14, CTP25, CTP47, LBP2, WP156, WP319, WP320, WP347, TP305, TP330 Wang, Yong Jun TP457 Wang, Yongjun CTP14, CTP25, CTP47, LBP2, WP156, WP319, WP320, WP347, WP366, TP305, TP330 Wang, Yongting 129 Wang, Yu-Bo WP217 Wang, Yu-Xin TP75 Wang, Yun 15, 184, TMP61, TMP69, TP338 Wang, Yunxia TP403 Wang, Yuping WP83 Wang, Zhaoqing WP263, TMP91 Wang, Zheyu CTP36 Wang, Zuo TP75 Warach, Steven LB17, LB23, WP55, WP332, TP245 Ward, Anthony TMP34 Ward, Brian WP175 Ward, Jennifer D CTP19 Ward, Rebecca 169, WP274, TMP115, TP277 Wardlaw, Joanna WP166 Wardlaw, Joanna M CTP24 Warren-Findlow, Jan NS1 Wartenberg, Katja TP363 Wartenberg, Katja E LB14 Warusevitane, Anushka CTP33 Washington, Knitasha CTP44 Wasser, Katrin LB2, TP233 Wassertheil-Smoller, Sylvia 111 Watanabe, Makoto TP172 Watanabe, Takuya TP172 Watanabe, Yoko TP194 Watcharakorn, Arvemas WP215 Waterman, Mark TP253 Waters, Michael F 103, WP285, TMP67, TP214, TP315 Watkins, Beth TP244 Watkins, Caroline CTP15 Watson, Carol 175 Watson, Tim J 117 Weatherall, Mark WP290, TP435 Weatherwax1, Theodore TP108 WEBCAST, French Observatory, WEBCAST 2 Investigators WMP29 Weber, Joachim 179 Weber-Krüger, Mark LB2, TP215, TP233 Wechsler, Lawrence R 71, 177, LB19, TP11, TP309 Wedlake, John WP81 Wee, Patrick TP44 Wei, Feifei TP243 Wei, Felix WMP107 Wei, Min 146 Weider, Matthew WMP47 Weilbacher, Georgia WP388 Weill, Alain TP29 Weimar, Christian 205, LB14, WP228, TP9 Wein, Theodore TMP34 Weintraub, Michael I TP287 Weisman, David C TP240 Weiss, Norbert WP233 Weiss, Viktor TMP17 Weissman, Holly TP335 Weitz, Jeffrey I 213 Weitzenkamp, David WMP104 Welch, Babu TMP13 Wellmann, Jürgen WP337 Welter, Elisabeth WP421 Wen, Mary M WP327 Wendell, Linda C WP355, TP298 Wendt, Matthias 179 Weng, Leihua 51, WP104 Werring, David TP368 Wesley, Umadevi V WP257 West, Franklin D 130, TP109 Westergaard, Mogens TP140 Westover, Jennifer TP143 Wexler, Ruth 175 Whaley, Michelle NS6, WP12, WP77, TP7, TP16, TP80 TP391 Wheeler, Janie L WMP60 Wheeler, Natalie C TP329 White, Ann Marie 25 White, Carole WP166 White, Carole L WP382, TP412 White, Jennifer WP389 White, Phil LB9 White, Teresa S WP400 Whitehead, Craig TP297 Whitehead, Kevin J 56 Whitesel, Dustyn TP143 Whittemore,, Robin TP379 Whitworth, Catherine TMP75 Wibberly, Katharine 84 Wickham, Thomas TMP43, TP426, TP443 Wiedmann, Markus WMP120 Wiens, Brian L 212 Wieronska, Joanna M WP425 Wiese, Jonathan TP342 Wiesehan, Rebecca WP236 Wiesmann, Martin TP9 Wikas, Angie TP411 Wilczynski, Grzegorz M WP425 Wilder, Michael 180, WMP76, TP350 Wilder, Michael J WP84 Wilkerson, Johnny TP143 Willems, Deb WP389 Willems, Jacqueline TP417 Willey, Joshua Z WMP56, WMP80, WP44, WP157, WP170, WP185, WP200, WP352, TP177, TP290 William, Christopher M 122 Williams, David 5, 201, TP14 Williams, Jennifer 162 Williams, Jennifer A WP236 Williams, Justin C TMP25 Williams, Linda S TP152, TP165, TP175, TP212, TP377, TP402 Williams, Olajide WMP80, WP171, TMP85, TP189, TP290 Williams, Raeonda TP441 Williams, Scott WP72 Williams, Stephen WP171, TMP85 Williams, Stephen K TP188, TP425 Williamson, Hannah C TMP27 Williamson, Richard WP382, TP412 Willinsky, Robert A TP14 Willis, Phyllis CTP18, CTP34 Wills, James LBP8 Willson, Morgan 60 Wilson, Alexis T TP45 Wilson, Andrew TP406 Wilson, Claire P CTP43 Wilson, Katina 10 Wilson, N TP387 Wing, Jeffrey J WP173, WP299, WP318, TP142, TP167, TP201 Winge, Mårten C TMP49 Winger, Jonathan A 67 Winker, Thomas TP84 Winners, Stacey 79, TP358 Winter, Benjamin 179 Winter, Stefan WP102 Wintermark, Max 161, CTP11, WP58 Wira, Charles R TP240 Wisco, Dolora 79, 202, TP358, TP68 Wise, Elizabeth 180, WP84, WP323 Witt, Emma WP405 Wolber, Nicole E TP394 Wolf, Philip A 49 Wolfe, Jennifer TMP77 Wolz, Robin TP368 Won, Yoo Dong WP128 Wong, Christine TP1 Wong, George 194 Wong, Greg WP242 Wong, Gregory J LBP4 Wong, Ho-fai 208 Wong, Ka Sing WP123, TMP16 Wong, Ka-Sing WP301 Wong, Kasing 21, TMP22 Wong, Lawrence 168 Wong, Lawrence KS WP121 Wong, Lily Y H 220, WMP110, WP125 Wong, Pancras C 175 — 137 — Woo, Daniel 87, 126, 136, 149, 211, WMP85, WP7, WP144, WP177, WP190, WP232, WP292, WP305, WP357, WP372, TMP10, TP160, TP164, TP203, TP359, TP371, TP377 Woo, Moon-Sook TP266 Woo, Sung-Ho WP180 Wood, Carla N WP50 Wood, Kristofer 144, WP277 Woodhouse, Lisa CTP8, WP349, WP418 Woodrich, Elisabeth 211 Woolf, Graham G 83 Woolf, Graham W 99, WMP81, WP227, TMP38, TMP39 Woon, Fung Peng TP334 Work, Lorraine M 143 Worrall, Bradford B TP250, TP299, TP92 Wouters, Anke 160, TP66 Wright, Amy WP135 Wright, Clinton B 91, WMP56, WP165, WP176, TMP112, TP98, TP461 Wright, Danny WP79 Wright, Eric TP51 Wright, Garrie CTP6 Wright, Paul 209, WP231, WP322, WP329 Wrigley, Peter WP232 Wu, Abel 202 Wu, An-Yu TP367 Wu, Guojun WMP91 Wu, Jer-Yuarn TP134 Wu, Jun WMP48 Wu, Meijing WMP87, TP365 Wu, Ona LB17, LB23, WMP14, WP38, WP43, TP70 Wu, Shinyi CTP18 Wu, Tzu Ching TP319 Wu, Tzu-Ching PPS3, TP288 Wu, Wei 19 Wu, Weijuan 17 Wu, Yi-Ling CTP20, WP287, TMP86 Wymore, Erin CTP44 Xanthakis, Vanessa 46 Xavier, Andrea TP326 Xavier, Andreea TP327 Xi, Guohua TMP54 Xian, Ying 114, 115, 165, WMP32, WMP34, WP156, WP297, WP312, WP313, WP319, TMP9, TMP36, TMP70, TMP89, TP305, TP306, TP314, TP330, TP351 Xiang, Bin 155, WP10, WP29 Xiao, Guanxi WP260 Xiao, Xiang WP108 Xie, Zhiyong TP368 Xing, Hanning TMP23 Xiong, Li WP301, TP203, TP462 Xu, Anding CTP25 Xu, Ke WP263 Xu, Mengjun WMP18 Xu, Na 42 Xu, Wei-Hai WP130, TP125 Xu, Yaping WP284 Xu, Yu-Yuan TP125 Xu, Yu-Yuyuan WP130 Xu, Yuming TMP52 Xu, Yun 51, WP104, WP277 Xue, Mengzhou TMP52 Xue, Xiehua TP265 Yadav, Binod Kumar TP210 Yadav, Renu TP210 Yaghi, Shadi WP44, WP170, WP182, WP200, WP352, TP12, TP177, TP290 Yagi, Kenji TP90, TP93 Yagita, Yoshiki WP168, TMP92, TP67 Yamada, Keiichi TP129 Yamada, Kiyofumi WP122 Yamada, Lidia B C TP184 Yamada, Sumio WP419 Yamagami, Hiroshi WMP54, WP129, WP168, WP188, TMP4, TMP44, TMP47, TMP88, TMP92, TMP106, TP67, TP341, TP355 Yamagami, Keitaro TP129 Yamagata, Sen TP232 Yamaguchi, Kyoji TP271, TP283 Yamaguchi, Shuhei WP205 Yamaguchi, Susumu 133, WP98 Yamal, Jose-Miguel PPS3 Yamamoto, Haruko CTP12, TMP88 Yamamoto, Nobuaki WP68 Yamamoto, Yasumasa TP42 Yamamoto, Yumi TMP109 Yamamoto, Yusuke WP133, WP259 Yamashiro, Kazuo WP223 Yamashita, Toru WMP37 YAMATO Study Group, WP68 Yamauchi, Toshifumi WP264, WP266 Yan, Bernard 59, 62, 159, WMP3 Yan, Sandra TP369 Yan, Shenqiang WMP18, TP82 Yan, Tao WMP44 Yanagihashi, Masaru TP227 Yanase, Lisa R TP346 Yanase, Masanobu WMP54 Yanek, Lisa R WP434 Yang, Bing TP106 Yang, Christine C CTP28 Yang, Guo-Yuan 129, WMP43 Yang, Jie WMP91 Yang, Jing 175, WP263, TMP91 Yang, Mi-Hwa WP342 Yang, Qi 93, TP219 Yang, Qing WP319 Yang, Seung-Hee WP275 Yang, Shih-Hung WP414 Yang, Sung-Sen WP269 Yang, Wenjie 21, TMP22 Yang, Xiaomeng WP347 Yang, Xiaoxia WP277 Yang, Xuan 36 Yang, Yi TMP110 Yang, Yirong WMP48, TP108 Yang, Yuanyuan TP264 Yang, Yuchen 192 Yao, Hiroshi TP453 Yao, Ming WMP114, WP183 Yarbrough, Chester K PPS2 Yarlagadda, Vamsi V WMP99 Yarovoi, Serge 172 Yassi, Nawaf 59, 62 Yavagal, Dileep R 6, 57, 158, 161, 177, LB15, CTP52, LB21, WMP6, WMP11, WMP17, WP145, WP34, TMP32, TP50, TP95 Yavuz, Kivilcim WP132 Ye, Dan WP104 Ye, Xinchun WMP44 Yeatts, Sharon CTP11, CTP23, TP72, TP370 Yeatts, Sharon D 159, WMP3, WP25 Yee, Alan TP1 Yeh, Sheng-Wen 173 Yeh, Shin-Joe WP414 Yen, Ruoh-Fang 123 Yenari, Midoir A TP445 Yeo, Leonard 208, TP54 Yeo, Leonard L L 220, WP125 Yeo, Min-Ju 157, WMP61 Yeo, Minju TP437 Yeo, Tseng-Tsai WMP110 Yeon, Je Young WMP28, WP280, WP280, TP123 Yepes, Manuel TP110 Yeramaneni, Samrat WP305, WP408 Yetim, Ezgi WP226 Yim, Eunji TP203 Yim, Eunsil TP179 Yin, Changhao WP428 Yin, Kanhua 102, TP115 Yin, Ke-Jie 145 Yin, Long 19 Yip, Byron K CTP19 Yodh, Arjun G WP339 Yogendrakumar, Vignan WMP92 Yokoyama, Mutsumi WP68 Yonan, Charles 107 Yonchek, Joan C 70 Yonehara, Toshiro WP60, WP62 Yong, V Wee TMP52 Yoo, Albert J 159, 200, 161, LB17, WMP16, WMP3 Yoo, Arum TP103 Yoo, Bong Goo TP204 Yoo, Bryan WMP71, WMP81, WP46, TP81 Yoo, Do-Sung WP128 Yoo, Joonsang WP213, WP275 Yoo, Sangeun NS5 Yoon, Byung-Woo WP369, TP145, TP196, TP325 Yoon, Cindy W 207 Yoon, Dukyong 38 Yoon, Woong PPS4, WP5 Yoshida, Kazumichi TP137, TP137, TP230 Yoshie, Tomohide TP20 Yoshikawa, Kenji TMP26 Yoshimura, Shinichi WMP33, WP94, WP122, WP129, WP283, TP323, TP434 Yoshimura, Sohei CTP12, WP168, TMP92, TP67 Yoshioka, Kazuhiro WP24, WP59, WP65 Yoshioka, Shotaro TP85 Youbi, Mehdi TP98 Young, Brittany M TMP25 Young, Joseph D WMP52 Young, Lawrence H LB1 Young, Rhonda NS4 Young, Teresa WP384 Yousaf, Muhammad H 119, TMP19 Yu, Amy Ying Xin 117, CTP10 Yu, Hee Sun NS5, WP241 Yu, Kewei TP108 Yu, Kyung-Ho WMP61, WP16, WP18, WP76, WP180, WP235, TP200, TP304 Yu, Lihua WP394 Yu, Peng WMP44 Yu, Qianyi WMP30, WP89 Yu, Simon WP123, TMP16 Yu, Songlin WMP15 Yu, Sungwook TP209 Yu, Yang WP428 Yuan, Chun WP120 Yuan, Feng WP255 Yuan, Hui WP269, TP107 Yuan, Jing WP183 Yuan, Keming WP175 Yuan, Kristy WMP20 Yuki, Ichiro WMP119, WP91 Yum, Kyu Sun 157, TP437 Yun, Na Young NS5, WP241 Yuzuriha, Takefumi TP453 Zacharek, Alex WMP38, WMP44 Zafar, Aiman 100, 119, TMP19 Zafar, Aimen TP318 Zafar, Atif 79, WP249, TP358 Zaharchuck, Greg CTP11 Zaharchuk, Greg 158, WMP11, WMP17, WP58 Zaharchuk, Gregory 6, 57, WP34 Zahuranec, Darin TP351 Zahuranec, Darin A TP324 Zahuranec, Darin B 187, TMP66 Zahuranec, Darin Z WP163, TMP64 Zaidat, O O WMP8 Zaidat, Osama WP31, WP36 Zaidat, Osama O 99, 159, CTP26, CTP52, WMP3, WP35 Zand, Ramin 166, 178, WP28, TMP1, TMP100, TP4, TP83 Zandieh, Ali WP339, WP354 Zaro Weber, Olivier WP50 Zedde, Maria Luisa 205 Zedde, Marialuisa WP228 Zee, David S CTP36 Zeller, Thomas TP84, TP136 Zeng, Lili WMP43 Zeppenfeld, Douglas LBP1 Zerna, Charlotte 92, WP344, TMP65 Zevallos, Juan C WP285 Zewdie, Ephrem 30 Zewude, Rahel T TP73 Zeynalov, Emil WP105 Zhan, Lei 54, WP111 Zhan, Xinhua WP370 Zhang, Bin WP255 Zhang, Cathy R WP162 Zhang, Chen-Hao TP75 Zhang, Haiyue TP264 zhang, Hongqi TP8 Zhang, Jingjing WP394 Zhang, Jun TP113 Zhang, Li WP100, WP102 Zhang, Li-Qun TP156 Zhang, Lingjiao 56, WMP87 Zhang, Pei-Lan TP75 Zhang, Qihui TP305 Zhang, Rui 54, WP111 Zhang, Rui Lan 146 Zhang, Ruilan TMP60 Zhang, Runhua WP366 Zhang, Shihong WMP85, WMP91 Zhang, Talan WP100, WP102 Zhang, Tony TP95 Zhang, Wenri LBP1 Zhang, Wenting 42 Zhang, Xiao Ming WMP39 Zhang, Xiaocheng TP82 Zhang, Xiaoming 146 Zhang, Yi 68, 127, WMP41 Zhang, Yu Mei TP457 Zhang, Yuan TP258 Zhang, Yukun 5, 201, WMP23 Zhang, Yunyan TMP117 — 138 — Zhang, Yusheng CTP25 Zhang, Zheng G WP100 Zhang, Zheng Gang 127, 146, WMP39, WMP41, WP102 Zhang, Zhenggang 68, TMP60 Zhao, Bin WP108 Zhao, Hailu 21, TMP22 Zhao, Hong WP416 Zhao, Li-Ru WP109 Zhao, Li-Yan WP255 Zhao, Peiyan TP258 Zhao, Songji TP99 Zhao, Wenbo 17 Zhao, Wenle CTP30 Zhao, Xin 114, 165 Zhao, Xingquan LBP2, WP156, WP319, WP347, WP366, TP305, TP330 Zhao, Xue-Jun TP278 Zhao, Yize 105 Zhao, Zhenjun WMP120 Zhao, Zhenwei 19 Zheng, Danni WMP91 Zheng, Handong TP108 Zheng, Hui WP336, TP337 Zheng, Ping 147 Zheng, Yi TP265 Zhong, Wenliang TP265 Zhou, Hai-Long WP130, TP125 Zhou, Iris Y WMP24 Zhou, Limei WP324, TP176 Zhou, Lixin WMP114, WP183 Zhu, Fengshui 19 Zhu, Tianqing 145 Zhu, Wan 54, WP111 Zhu, Yi-Cheng WP183 Zhu, Yicheng WMP114 Zhu, Zhaohui WMP114 Ziai, Wendy 215, 216, 217, WMP86, WMP87, WMP94, WMP96, WP360, TP357, TP376 Ziegler, Paul D TMP40 Ziemann, Ulf 164 Ziemssen, Tjalf WP344 Zieschang, Katja 179 Zillich, Alan J TP152, TP175 Zimmerman, Eli E WP415 Zimmermann, Lara WP246 Zimmermann, Mary TMP78 Zimmermann, Susan WP401, TMP75 Zingmark, Karin LBP7 Zint, Kristina TP428 Zipfel, Gregory J 16, 20, WP227 Zizi, Ferdinand TMP85, TP188 Zompola, Christina 135, WP28, TMP17, TMP100 Zong, Lixia WP183 Zorowitz, Richard 107 Zotin, Maria Clara Z TP213 Zou, Dingquan 54, WP111 Zou, Xinying LBP2 Zubak, Justin M 99, TMP38 Zuber, Mathieu 95 Zuccarello, Mario TP365 Zumbansen, Anna TP148 Zurasky, John F WP363 Zürn, Christine S 164 Zurru, Maria C WP196, TP202, TP206, TP422 Zweynert, Sarah WP51 Expect Things BIG At AHA/ASA Scientific Events! YOUR You Ask. We Listen. We Deliver. You will see new offerings, enhanced favorites, and even more of the cutting-edge science you expect from AHA/ASA at our events! International Stroke Conference 2016 February 17–19, 2016 State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium February 16, 2016 ISC Pre-Conference Symposia February 16, 2016 Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA Quality of Care and Outcomes Research 2016 Scientific Sessions February 28–March 1, 2016 Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ EPI/Lifestyle 2016 Scientific Sessions March 1–4, 2016 Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ Ten-Day Seminar on the Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease July 24–August 5, 2016 Granlibakken Conference Center and Lodge, Tahoe City, CA Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology / Peripheral Vascular Disease 2016 Scientific Sessions May 5–7, 2016 Omni Nashville, Nashville, TN Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2016 Scientific Sessions July 18–21, 2016 Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ Council on Hypertension 2016 Scientific Sessions September 14–17, 2016 The Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, FL Scientific Sessions 2016 November 12–16, 2016 Exhibits November 13–15, 2016 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA Plan to attend. ©2015, American Heart Association 11/15DS9799 Save the Date for the International Stroke Conference 2017! H o u s t o n , Te x a s Feb 21, 2017 Feb 21, 2017 Feb 22-24, 2017 State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium 2017 ISC Pre-Conference Symposia 2017 International Stroke Conference 2017 Call for Abstracts: May 25 – Aug 16, 2016 (11:59 pm CDT) Late-Breaking Science and Ongoing Clinical Trials Abstract Submission: Oct 12 – Nov 9, 2016 Housing & Registration Opens: FAHA/VIP: Members*: Nonmembers: Oct 12, 2016 Oct 19, 2016 Oct 26, 2016 *Must be an AHA/ASA Professional Member by Sept 28, 2016 to qualify for the opening of priority registration and housing. Save up to $500 on ISC 2017 registration fees**: Deadline to become an AHA/ASA Professional Member to receive registration discount: Jan 18, 2017. **Registration savings depend on registration level and membership tier. Advance Registration Deadline: Feb 1, 2017 Education. 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