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Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out For navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out For navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine This is the third issue of the new IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, which was approved by the IEEE Technical Activities Board in 2012. This is an important achievement for GRSS since it has never had a publication in the magazine format. The magazine will provide a new venue to publish high quality technical articles that by their very nature do not find a home in journals requiring scientific innovation but that provide relevant information to scientists, engineers, end-users, and students who interact in different ways with the geoscience and remote sensing disciplines. The magazine will publish tutorial papers and technical papers on geoscience and remote sensing topics, as well as papers that describe relevant applications of and projects based on topics addressed by our society. The magazine will also publish columns on: - New satellite missions - Standard remote sensing data sets - Education in remote sensing - Women in geoscience and remote sensing - Industrial profiles - University profiles - GRSS Technical Committee activities - GRSS Chapter activities - Conferences and workshops. The new magazine is published in with an appealing layout, and its articles will be included with an electronic format in the IEEE Xplore online archive. The magazine content is freely available to GRSS members. This call for papers is to encourage all readers to prepare and submit articles and technical content for review to be published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. Contributions for the above-mentioned columns of the magazine are also welcome. All technical papers will undergo blind review by multiple reviewers. The submission and the review process is managed at the IEEE Manuscript Central as it is already done for the three GRSS journals. Prospective authors are required to submit electronically using the website and selecting the “Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine” option from the drop-down list. Instructions for creating new user accounts, if necessary, are available on the login screen. No other manners of submission are accepted. Papers should be submitted in single column, double-spaced format. The review process will assess the technical quality and/or the tutorial value of the contributions. The magazine will publish also special issues. Readers interested to propose a special issue can contact the Editor In Chief. For any additional information and for submitting papers contact the Editor In Chief: Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone University of Trento, Trento, Italy E-Mail: ______________________ [email protected] Phone: +39 0461 28 2056 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277688 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® SEPTEMBER 2013 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 3 WWW.GRSS-IEEE.ORG _____________ FEATURE 6 A Tutorial on Speckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images © WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/OLDTECHED by Fabrizio Argenti, Alessandro Lapini, Luciano Alparone, and Tiziano Bianchi PG. 6 SCOPE ON THE COVER: Synthetic Aperture Radar is a very important technology for Earth Obs e r v at ion . F or i mprov i ng understanding of SAR images it is important to use data processing techniques for speckle reduction. © WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/ASTRIUM GMBH IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine will inform readers of activities in the GRS Society, its technical committees, and chapters. GRSM will also inform and educate readers via technical papers, provide information on international remote sensing activities and new satellite missions, publish contributions on education activities, industrial and university profiles, conference news, book reviews, and a calendar of important events. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277527 SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 1 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS 3 FROM THE EDITOR 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 36 TECHNICAL COMMITTEES 39 CHAPTERS 42 EDUCATION 46 WOMEN IN GRS 48 CONFERENCE REPORTS 61 GRSS MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS 63 CALENDAR EDITORIAL BOARD 2013 Dr. Lorenzo Bruzzone Editor-in-Chief University of Trento Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science Via Sommarive, 5 I-38123 Povo, Trento, ITALY E-mail: ______________ [email protected] Dr. William Blackwell MIT Lincoln Laboratory Lexington, MA 02420-9108, USA E-mail: [email protected] _______ Dr. Kun Shan Chen National Central University Chungli, TAIWAN E-mail: [email protected] ____________ Dr. Paul Gader CISE Dept., University of Florida 301 CSE Bldg. Gainesville, FL 32611, USA _________ E-mail: [email protected] Dr. John Kerekes Rochester Institute of Technology 54 Lomb Memorial Dr. Rochester, NY 14623, USA _________ E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Antonio J. Plaza Department of Technology of Computers and Communications Escuela Politecnica de Caceres, University of Extremadura Avda. de la Universidad S/N E-10071 Cáceres, SPAIN E-mail: [email protected] ________ Dr. Gail Skofronick Jackson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 612 Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA ____________ E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Stephen Volz NASA Earth Science Div. 300 E St., SW Washington, DC 20546, USA E-mail: ________ [email protected] MISSION STATEMENT The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society of the IEEE seeks to advance science and technology in geoscience, remote sensing and related fields using conferences, education, and other resources. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (ISSN 2168-6831) is published quarterly by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE Headquarters: 3 Park Ave., 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997, +1 212 419 7900. Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members. IEEE Service Center (for orders, subscriptions, address changes): 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, +1 732 981 0060. Price/Publication Information. Subscriptions: included in Society fee for each member of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. Nonmember subscription prices available on request. Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. Copyright Law for private use of patrons: 1) those post-1977 articles that carry a code at the bottom of GRS OFFICERS President Dr. Melba M. Crawford Purdue University, USA Executive Vice-President Dr. Kamal Sarabandi University of Michigan, USA Vice-President of Meetings and Symposia Dr. Adriano Camps Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech, Spain Vice-President of Publications Dr. William Emery University of Colorado, USA Vice-President of Technical Activities Dr. John Kerekes Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Vice-President of Professional Activities Dr. Wooil M. Moon University of Manitoba, Canada Vice-President of Information Resources Dr. Steven C. Reising Colorado State University, USA IEEE PERIODICALS MAGAZINES DEPARTMENT Associate Editor Laura Ambrosio Senior Art Director Janet Dudar Assistant Art Director Gail A. Schnitzer Production Coordinator Theresa L. Smith Business Development Manager Susan Schneiderman +1 732 562 3946 __________ [email protected] Fax: +1 732 981 1855 Advertising Production Manager Felicia Spagnoli Production Director Peter M. Tuohy Editorial Director Dawn Melley Staff Director, Publishing Operations Fran Zappulla the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; 2) pre-1978 articles without fee. For all other copying, reprint, or republication information, write to: Copyrights and Permission Department, IEEE Publishing Services, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Copyright © 2013 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Postmaster: Send address changes to IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Canadian GST #125634188 PRINTED IN USA IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit _____ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277528 2 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FROM THE EDITOR BY LORENZO BRUZZONE T his third issue of the new IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine has been published shortly after the recent premier international remote sensing conference, IGARSS 2013 in Melbourne, Australia. One important news item regarding the magazine is that the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Administrative Committee decided during their July 2013 meeting to distribute both digital and electronic versions of the magazine to all GRSS members free of charge during 2013 and 2014. This will allow all GRSS members to access the magazine’s contents and to become familiar with the digital format of the magazine. The digital format is different from the electronic format, which is used by the IEEE Xplore web site. The digital format allows readers to navigate and explore the technical content of the magazine with a look and feel similar to that of an issue of a printed magazine. The electronic version provided on the IEEE Xplore web site does not have a magazine layout and only allows readers to access each article as a separate pdf file. Another important news item on the magazine is that Manuscript Central, the online submission and review web site, is open to accept article submissions. I would like to remind you that the goal of the magazine is to publish tutorial and technical papers on geoscience and remote sensing topics, as well as papers that describe relevant projects based on and applications of topics addressed by the GRS Society. All tutorial and technical papers will undergo blind review by multiple reviewers. In addition, the magazine publishes regular columns on education in remote sensing, remote sensing missions, standard data sets, women in geoscience and remote sensing, space agency news, book reviews, etc. Please refer to the call for papers in this issue for Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277529 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 more details on the topics of the magazine and on the procedure for submitting your contributions to the magazine. I would like to encourage everyone to prepare and submit articles and technical content for review to be published in the Magazine. This issue includes an excellent Feature article, which is a tutorial paper on despeckling methods for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images prepared by well-known and highly respected scientists in the field from Italy. The paper provides a critical review of the main despeckling techniques presented in the literature since their initial use over 30 years GRSM DIGITAL AND ELECago, highlighting trends and TRONIC VERSIONS WILL BE changes in the approaches to DISTRIBUTED FREE OF despeckling over years. Various fundamental and advanced CHARGE TO ALL GRSS MEMBERS IN 2013 AND 2014. concepts are presented with examples and critical discussion, thereby providing an updated and comprehensive overview of this topic. Moreover, future potential methods based on new concepts of signal processing, including compressive sensing, are discussed. The Technical Committees column contains an article announcing the results of the 2013 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest organized by the Data Fusion Technical Committee. After a brief overview of previous contests, the details of this year’s event are reported, including the outcome of the contest. The Women in Geoscience and Remote Sensing presents a short article written by Prof. Florence Tupin, ParisTech, France. She is an international leader in image processing in remote sensing and provides an example of a very successful career. The Chapters section contains an article that introduces the recently established GRSS Turkey Chapter. The article briefly describes the current activities of the IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 3 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® new chapter, which is warmly welcome in the GRSS community! This section also reports an updated table with all the active GRSS chapters. The Education column includes a report on the Remote Sensing “Summer” School 2013 held on July 18–19, 2013, in Melbourne, Australia, just before IGARSS 2013. The article provides a summary of the activities of this very successful school (which, considering its geographical location, was a Winter school rather than a Summer school). The Conference Reports section contains two contributions. The first is an article describing the GRSS Major Awards and Fellow Recognitions presented at the IGARSS 2013 Plenary Session held on July 22, 2013, in Melbourne, Australia. The article describes the excellent organization of IGARSS 2013 and provides information on all the Major URSI Commission F Microwave Signatures 2013 Specialist Symposium on Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth, Oceans, and Atmosphere October 28-31, 2013 Espoo, Finland URSI Commission F Aalto University Awards and Fellow recipients. Congratulations to all of them! The second report addresses the 7th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp 2013) held on June 25–27, 2013, in Banff, Alberta, Canada. This is one of the workshop series that have been technically cosponsored by IEEE GRSS since their first offering and that have been a growing success within our community. Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the various calls for nominations and calls for papers in this issue. I wish everyone an enjoyable and productive autumn. Lorenzo Bruzzone Editor-in-Chief GRS ICMARS 2013 9th International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing December 11 - 14, 2013 Pre Conference Workshop 10th Dec. 2013 Jodhpur, INDIA Sponsored by IEEE GRSS General Chair: Prof. Martti Hallikainen, Aalto University Abstract submission: May 20, 2013 One-page abstract Email: [email protected] Notification of abstract review outcome: July 15, 2013 Advance registration: September 10, 2013 ICMARS 2013 Chair: Prof. OPN Calla, Director, ICRS, Jodhpur IMPORTANT DATES: Abstract Submission Deadline: Aug 30, 2013 Abstract Acceptance Notification: Sep 05, 2013 Early Bird Registration: Sep 25, 2013 Deadline for Authors to Register: Oct 15, 2013 Deadline for Full length paper Submission: Nov 01, 2013 Abstract Submission deadline Likely to be extended Web Address: Web Address: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277690 4 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2278131 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY MELBA CRAWFORD J uly marks the end of an era for the GRSS Adcom, marked by the departure of Tammy Stein, who has served the Society for more than 20 years in multiple capacities. We wish Tammy great success in her new business venture, and we will greatly miss her professional contributions and her personal friendship over these many years. On behalf of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, I congratulate the IGARSS 2013 local organizing team, led by General Co-Chairs Peter Woodgate and Simon Jones, on the outstanding IGARSS that was held July 21–26 in Melbourne, Australia. The Symposium was attended by more than 1350 delegates from 66 countries. President Peter Staecker, the President of IEEE, spoke at the opening session, and was joined by a number of plenary speakers, including Professor Guo Huadong, Director-General of the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Chris Pigram, Chief Executive Officer of Geoscience Australia, Dr. Mike Goodchild, Professor Emeritus of Geography from U. of California Santa Barbara, and Dr. Rob Vertessy, Director of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. IGARSS provides a great venue to celebrate the many contributions of our members. President Staecker presented the IEEE Electromagnetics Award to Leung Tsang at the Plenary Session. Roger Lang received the GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award, Kamal Sarabandi was selected for the GRSS Education Award, and Carlos Lopez received the GRSS GOLD award. We also recognized the 10 newly elevated IEEE Fellows evaluated by the GRS Society. Winners of the publications awards and the 2013 Student Prize Paper Competition were announced and presented at the banquet. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277531 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 The Symposium was preceded by a very successful Remote Sensing Summer School, organized by Xiuping Xia, Kim Lowell, and Mike Inggs, the GRSS Education Director, which was attended by more than 50 graduate students. The IGARSS 2013 Technical Program was quite successful, with 12 parallel oral sessions, followed by the evening poster sessions. Our attendees appreciated the extended schedule for the exhibits which provided opportunities to engage, and we are grateful to the sponsors for their support. The social activities are always a highlight for IGARSS, and 2013 did not disappoint. The opening reception launched the Symposium with outstanding food and piano accompaniment. The Young Professionals Luncheon was a sellout activity—and Peter Staecker challenged attendees to engage and to make a difference, but to also consider work-life balance. The Women in Geosciences reception became a great opportunity for networking over wine and hors d’oeuvres, and everyone enjoyed the reception in the midst of the saltwater tanks at the Melbourne Aquarium. The symposium banquet was a true epicurean delight in the Plaza Ballroom. Attendees reluctantly left Melbourne after a terrific week—some off to explore more of Australia and the rest back to our real lives after an amazing experience! We look forward to seeing you in Quebec City, Canada, next year. Although IGARSS moves from one country to another every year, its permanent home is the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. Until next July, please join us at chapter meetings, join a technical committee, and contribute to our publications. Best Wishes, Melba Crawford President, IEEE GRSS [email protected] ______________ GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 5 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FABRIZIO ARGENTI, ALESSANDRO LAPINI, AND LUCIANO ALPARONE Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence, Via S. Marta, 3, 50139, Florence, Italy TIZIANO BIANCHI Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129, Torino, Italy Abstract—Speckle is a granular disturbance, usually modeled as a multiplicative noise, that affects synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, as well as all coherent images. Over the last three decades, several methods have been proposed for the reduction of speckle, or despeckling, in SAR images. Goal of this paper is making a comprehensive review of despeckling methods since their birth, over thirty years ago, highlighting trends and changing approaches over years. The concept of fully developed speckle is explained. Drawbacks of homomorphic filtering are pointed out. Assets of multiresolution despeckling, as opposite to spatial-domain despeckling, are highlighted. Also advantages of undecimated, or stationary, wavelet transforms over decimated ones are discussed. Bayesian estimators and probability density function (pdf) models in both spatial and multiresolution domains are reviewed. Scale-space varying pdf models, as opposite to scale varying models, are promoted. Promising methods following non-Bayesian approaches, like nonlocal (NL) filtering and total variation (TV) regularization, are reviewed and compared to spatial- and wavelet-domain Bayesian filters. Both established and new trends for assessment of despeckling are presented. A few experiments on simulated data and real COSMO-SkyMed SAR images highlight, on one side the costperformance tradeoff of the different methods, on the other side the effectiveness of solutions purposely designed for SAR heterogeneity and not fully developed speckle. Eventually, upcoming methods based on new concepts of signal processing, like compressive sensing, are foreseen as a new generation of despeckling, after spatial-domain and multiresolution-domain methods. I. INTRODUCTION ynthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing [1] offers a number of advantages over optical remote sensing, mainly the all-day, all-weather acquisition capability. However, the main drawback of SAR images is the presence of speckle, a signal dependent granular noise, inherent of all active coherent imaging systems, that visually degrades the appearance of images. Speckle may severely diminish the performances of automated scene analysis and information extraction techniques, as well as it may be harmful in applications requiring multiple SAR observations, like automatic multitemporal change detection. For these reasons, a preliminary processing of real-valued detected SAR images aimed at speckle reduction, or despeckling, is Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277512 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 This work has been carried out under the financial support of Italian Space Agency (ASI), COSMO-Skymed AO ID #2293. S 6 2168-6831/13/$31.00©2013IEEE IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® © WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/OLDTECHED of crucial importance for a number of applications. Such a preprocessing, however, should be carefully designed to avoid spoiling useful information, such as local mean of backscatter, point targets, linear features and textures. A steadily increasing number of papers specific on despeckling has appeared in the literature over the last ten years, presumably because the new generation of satellite SAR systems has dramatically raised the attention of researchers in signal processing towards this problem. The COSMO-SkyMed constellation—four satellites launched by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) between 2007 and 2010—features X-band SAR with low revisit-time; as a second generation mission, two additional satellites are foreseen in 2014 and 2015. The twin-satellite constellation TerraSAR-X/TanDem-X (2007/2010) launched by the German Space Agency (DLR) and the upcoming Sentinel-1a/1b satellite constellation (2013/2015) from the European Space Agency (ESA), which shall extend the EnviSat misSEPTEMBER 2013 sion, complete the European scenario of satellite SAR. Also, the Canadian RADARSAT 3 mission is expected in a near future, with 3 satellites operating at C-band, to be launched in 2017. A thorough overview of past, present and future missions can be found in [1]. The most recent advances in despeckling pursue the technological objective of giving an extra value to the huge amount of data that are routinely collected by current and upcoming SAR systems mounted on orbiting platforms. In fact, with the exception of applications related to production of digital elevation models (DEMs) or interferometric phase maps useful for studies of terrain deformation (landslides, subsidence, etc.), SAR data do not find the same full utilization, as optical data do, by either users’ or scientists’ communities. As an example, the functional development of efficient techniques for fusion between optical and SAR data would constitute an enabling technology that would allow a relevant number of new applications to bring IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 7 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® benefits both for data providers and for producers of software applications. Unfortunately, speckle is the main obstacle towards the development of an effective opticalSAR fusion [2], together with the different acquisition geometry of optical and SAR systems. This article is intended as tutorial on despeckling, rather than a simple review of despeckling methods. Therefore, emphasis is given to speckle and reflectivity models that are used for filtering. The review of methods that are not relying on the multiplicative noise model is kept very concise, since such methods have not encountered same progresses over time as model-based methods have. With only very few exceptions, despeckling methods specifically proposed for ultrasound images are not reviewed here. In fact, notwithstanding the similarity of the coherent imaging system, in the presence of weak echoes from tissues the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) introduced by the electronics cannot be neglected and the noise model also includes an AWGN term [3]. In SAR images, the AWGN term is always negligible, compared to the signal-dependent term [4]. Despeckling methods specifically pertaining to polarimetric SAR are not discussed in this tutorial. Readers interested to this topic are addressed to the seminal papers by Novak and Burl [5], Lee et al. [6] and Touzi and Lopès [7], as well as to more recent and developed contributions [8], [9]. Also despeckling methods designed to take advantage of the availability of a temporal sequence of SAR images, like [10], [11], are not addressed here. By default, speckle reduction is approached as mono-variate, even though a multivariate speckle reduction [12], if applicable, may be preferred. Only incoherent processing, that is, processing of SAR images in either power, referred to as intensity, or amplitude formats is dealt with. In fact, coherent processing of data in complex format does not increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), but only the coherence [13] of the interferogram and thus it is used in SAR interferometry [14]. The noisy phase of the complex interferogram may be filtered before it is unwrapped [15], [16], but in many cases the regularization is directly performed by the unwrapping algorithm [17]. Whenever two real valued detected SAR images of the same scene are available, the temporal correlation of speckle conveys information on the coherence of the interferogram Aie jzi A1e jz1 A2e jz2 FIGURE 1. Scattering model explaining fully developed speckle. 8 that would be calculated from complex data [18]. Thus, speckle is not only noise but in some sense has an information content, even if difficult to exploit. Excellent reviews of despeckling methods with high tutorial value have been written by Lee et al. [19] and Touzi [20]. Our goal is to update the presentation of methods to changing times, especially towards recently established concepts of multiresolution processing. A brief perspective on upcoming promising approaches to despeckling in particular, and to information extraction from SAR images in general, is also included in this survey. The organization of contents is the following. After a leisurely paced section on fundamentals of reflectivity, speckle and imaging system modeling, the problem is addressed and developed under a statistical signal processing perspective, as in [20]. Emphasis is given to Bayesian estimation in either space or scale-space domains. The main features of the latter are concisely surveyed. A comprehensive critical review of the most relevant speckle filters, beginning with the pioneering Lee filter [21], spans over thirty years and highlights trends and fashions that have been pursued and developed over time or quickly abandoned. The renewed interest of researchers towards despeckling occurred with the introduction of multiresolution analysis, when spatial domain methods had reached a degree of sophistication, together with a saturation of performances, that demanded a cross-fertilization from other fields of signal processing. A variety of wavelet-based, or more generally scale-space, despeckling methods is contextualized and discussed. Advantages of such methods over spatial domain methods is pointed out. Promising approaches like nonlocal filtering and total variation regularization are described. The second part of the article contains a more articulated review of a few selected methods, some of them recently proposed by the authors, that are presently indicated as highly performing [22] in a comparative assessment carried out on image specimens produced by a SAR simulator [23]. The most established and widely used statistical indexes to assess the quality of despeckling, both with a reference, like in the case of the SAR simulator, or of synthetically speckled optical images, and blind, i.e., without a reference, are surveyed. A brief section compares quantitative results of the selected methods and draws some considerations on the specific features of the different methods, which exhibit different behaviors, and on the suitability and limitations of the quality indexes. The trade off between performances and computational cost is analyzed. The influence of speckle correlation on the despeckling accuracy of singlelook images and a viable strategy for its preliminary reduction, without affecting the subsequent despeckling stages, is described. Eventually, a concluding section remarks the key points of the analysis and gives hints that may help researchers develop new and better despeckling filters, or more simply may help users choose the most suitable filter among those that are presently available, also as source or executable codes to download. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® II. SIGNAL AND NOISE MODELING Under a statistical signal processing perspective, despeckling filters aim at estimating the noise-free radar reflectivity from the observed noisy SAR image [20]. In order to describe the estimation methods that have been developed for the despeckling problem, we need firstly to introduce models for speckle, SAR system and reflectivity. A. SPECKLE MODELS SAR is an active acquisition instrument that produces a radiation and captures the signals backscattered from a small area of the imaged scene (resolution cell). The received signal, as output from the in-phase and quadrature channels, is complex. If we assume that the resolution cell contains several scatterers and that no one yields a reflected signal much stronger than the others (distributed target), then the received signal can be viewed as the incoherent sum of several backscattered waves, i.e., Ae jz = / i A i e jz i, as shown in Fig. 1. The amplitudes A i and phases z i are the result of several factors, including propagation attenuation, scattering of the illuminated targets, antenna directivity. Each individual component, however, can not be resolved within a resolution cell. A first approach to modeling the received signal is solving the Maxwell’s equations according to the propagation geometry and scattering medium [24], [25]. By using this approach, the way each propagation path interferes gives us basic information about the observed scene. On the other hand, if we consider that the phases of each path are highly different and that they may sum in a constructive or destructive way, then the amplitude of the received signal varies randomly. So, even if the underlying reflectivity field is uniform, it appears as affected by a “granular” noise after the imaging system. For visual inspection and for specific applications that involve visual information retrieval, such as mapping and segmentation, the highly varying nature of the signal may be considered as a disturbance and is commonly denoted as “speckle”. The phases z i are highly varying (since the wavelength is much shorter than the resolution cell size and scatterers distances) and may be considered as uniformly distributed in (-r, r) as well as independent of A i . If the number of scatterers is sufficiently high, the central limit theorem applies [26] and the resulting signal Ae jz = z 1 + jz 2 can be seen as a complex signal whose real and imaginary parts (in-phase and quadrature components) are independent and identically distributed zero-mean Gaussian variables with variance v/2. When this applies speckle is termed as fully developed [27]. The joint probability density function (pdf) is given by 2 2 z1 + z2 1 p z1, z2 (z 1, z 2) = rv e - v , (1) whereas the amplitude A is distributed as a Rayleigh pdf, that is 2 2A A p A (A) = v e - v SEPTEMBER 2013 (2) and the power or intensity I = A 2 is distributed according to an exponential pdf, that is 1 I p I (I) = v e - v (3) so that the mean of the intensity is equal to v. It can be shown [4], [28] that the intensity measurement carries information about the average backscattering coefficient (for distributed targets) related to the resolution cell. Hence, for specific applications, the parameter v is the actual information we would like to extract from a single channel SAR system. This can be considered as the radar cross section (RCS) of the observed resolution cell. The received signal pdf can be reformulated into 1 I p I v (I v) = v e - v (4) I = vu , (5) or where u is exponentially distributed, that is, p u (u) = e -u . (6) Eq. (5) is termed the multiplicative model of speckle. If only one image (realization of the stochastic process) is available, the best estimate of the scene average reflectivity is just the pixel-by-pixel intensity. This will be a quite noisy estimate because of the previously described constructive/destructive combination effects. From (3), it follows that the variance of the intensity in each pixel is v 2, so that brighter pixels will be affected by stronger disturbances than darker ones. A way to improve the estimation of v is to average L independent intensity values related to the same position. This processing, named “multilooking”, maintains the mean intensity v but reduces the estimator variance to v 2 /L. Independent “looks” of a target resolution cell can be obtained either by appropriate processing in the Doppler domain (splitting the Doppler bandwidth within the imaging system that compensates the quadratic phase variation created by the platform movement) or by averaging L spatial observations. In both cases, the cost to be paid for estimation accuracy improvement is spatial resolution loss by a factor L. If the hypothesis of independent intensity measurements holds (in the case of correlated data the assumption fails), the L-look averaged intensity I L is C-distributed, that is p IL v (I L v) = 1 ` L jL L - 1 - LIvL I e C (L) v L (7) whereas the relative amplitude image A L = I L has a square root C distribution [4]. For visual inspection and for automatic interpretation tasks, the use of amplitude images is preferable, thanks to their reduced dynamic range with respect to intensity images, which is accompanied by an increment in SNR. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 9 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® The model described above is valid under the assumption that the imaged scene is characterized by distributed scatterers. In the presence of a scatterer much stronger than the others (point target), the received signal pdf becomes a Rice distribution and the model above described does not apply. In this case, the received signal power is related to the single target reflection coefficient and, for the purpose of speckle removal, point targets are treated separately from distributed targets. B. SAR SYSTEM MODEL In the above analysis, the effect of the imaging system has not been taken into consideration. Indeed, the SAR system can achieve a spatial resolution of the order of the antenna size only if proper processing, referred to as focusing, is applied. The energy of the transmitted frequency modulated (FM) chirp pulse is spread into the range-Doppler domain and such a processing consists of matched filtering along the range and along iso-Doppler curves and is needed to compact energy back in the spatial domain [28]. From this point of view, a SAR system can be seen as an encoding transfer function h e (r) followed by a compression transfer function h c (r) [4], [29]. If S (r) denotes the complex reflectivity, the observed single look complex (SLC) signal after the imaging processor is g c (r) = [C $ S (r) ) h e (r) + n (r)] ) h c (r), (8) where the constant C absorbs propagation information (e.g., loss and antenna gains) and the term n (r) accounts for thermal noise at the receiver. For sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratios, the noise term can be neglected and the received complex signal becomes g c (r) = C $ S (r) ) h e (r) ) h c (r) = C $ S (r) ) h (r). (9) For well-designed SAR, the impulse response h (r) is pulselike and represents the point spread function (PSF) of the system that, in a first approximation, can be assumed as independent of the position. Again, the intensity g c (r) 2 is proportional to the average backscattering coefficient of the cell and is the information we would like to achieve from the observation. An accurate description of the model in (9) and of the statistical properties of the acquired SAR image is given in [29]. C. REFLECTIVITY MODELS The speckle formation model yields a pixelwise description of the observed signal. For many applications, including despeckling, more refined models are needed. Such models describe the observed received signal at a coarser scale than the single pixel one and try to intercept information about the underlying texture of the imaged scene and its correlation. It is then crucial to consider also the average intensity, i.e., RCS v, which is considered the information to be retrieved, as a random process. Unfor10 tunately, the RCS is not directly observable and its properties must be inferred from the intensity values over an area in which the texture is homogeneous. In this sense, RCS modeling can be seen as an inverse problem whose solution is made difficult by the fact that homogeneity can be stated only if a ground truth is available, but often this is not the case. Furthermore, since the problem can be formulated only in a statistical sense, the dimension of the homogeneous area becomes crucial: it should be as large as possible in order to reliably apply statistical hypothesis testing methods, but this contrasts with the natural scenes structure that is often characterized by the presence of limited size homogeneous areas (such as fields, woods, orchards, forests, trees, man-made areas) and mixing the information of different textures makes the hypothesis tests to fail. The starting point for solving this inverse problem is the statistics of the observed intensity over a homogeneous area. The pdf of the intensity signal can be written as p (I) = # p (I v) p (v) dv , (10) where p (I v) is the single pixel speckle model, given by (4) and (7) for the 1-look and L-look cases, respectively. Eq. (10) is referred to as the product model of the observed intensity [20]. One of the assumptions that must be made to state the validity of the model (10) is that the RCS fluctuation scale is larger than that of speckle. Even though several pdfs have been proposed for the intensity I (e.g., Weibull, log–normal), one of the most used pdf is the K distribution. The K distribution is a parametric pdf that, with a suitable choice of its parameters, well fits observed intensity histograms. It has also the advantage that a closed form of the RCS pdf, i.e., p (v), exists such that the product model in (10) yields a K distribution. In fact, if the RCS pdf is a C distribution, that is o o v o -1 ov p (v) = ` v j C (o) e - vr , r (11) where o is an order parameter and vr is the mean, then the pdf of the observed intensity signal is given by 2 Lo p (I) = C (L) C (o) a k rI L +o 2 I L +o -2 2 K o -L c 2 oLI m rI , (12) where K n ($) is the modified Bessel function of order n and rI is the mean of intensity. Fitting the parameters of the pdf to the observed signal allows information on the RCS to be retrieved. The model in (12) yields a pixelwise statistical description of the observed intensity values. A complete description of the scene, however, needs the inclusion of the autocorrelation function into the model. If such a function is estimated from the observed data, then the exact autocorrelation function of the RCS is quite difficult to achieve and usually it does not exist in a closed form [4]. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® III. SPACE AND SCALE-SPACE DOMAIN ESTIMATION From the previous discussion, it emerges that modeling the received SAR signal should take into account several physical, statistical and engineering aspects of the overall system. Such a complexity makes the process of extracting average backscatter information from the observed signal a nontrivial task. From a signal processing perspective, a first step towards finding efficient solutions is stating the acquisition model in the simplest form as possible. In [20], several multiplicative models of speckle are described and classified according to the autocorrelations of the imaged scene and of the noise term. In the following of this section, models of the noisy signal in both spatial and transformed domains are reviewed, Bayesian estimation principles are briefly recalled and the wavelet transform, in both decimated and undecimated versions, is introduced as a transformation suitable for despeckling. Eventually, the modeling of pdfs for Bayesian estimation in the wavelet domain is discussed and shown to be crucial for performances. A. MODELS OF NOISY SIGNAL Perhaps, the most used model in the literature on despeckling is the following: g = fu , (13) where v = (u - 1) f accounts for speckle disturbance in an equivalent additive model, in which v, depending on f, is a signal-dependent noise process. A second way that allows the multiplicative noise to be transformed into an additive one is using a homomorphic transformation [32]. It consists of taking the logarithm of the observed data, so that we have log g = log f + log u g l = f l + ul , (15) where g l , f l and ul denote the logarithm of the quantities in (13). Unlike the case in (14), here the noise component ul is a signal-independent additive noise. However, this operation may introduce a bias into the denoised image, since an unbiased estimation in the logdomain is mapped onto a biased estimation in the spatial domain [33]; in math form, if u exhibits E [u] = 1, E [ul ] = E [log (u)] ! log (E [u]) = log (1) = 0. Over the last two decades, approaches to image denoising that perform estimation in a transformed domain have been proposed. Transforms derived from multiresolution signal analysis [34], [35], such as the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), are the most popular in this context. Despeckling in a transform domain is carried out by taking the direct transform of the observed signal, by estimating the speckle-free coefficients and by reconstructing the filtered image through the inverse transform applied to the despeckled coefficients. where f is a possibly autocorrelated random process and represents the noise–free reflectivity; u is a possibly autocorrelated stationary random process, indeB. BAYESIAN ESTIMATION CONCEPTS pendent of f, and represents the speckle fading term; g From the previous discussion about the most widely used is the observed noisy image. All the quantities in (13) signal models for despeckling, it can be seen that the multimay refer to either intensity or amplitude as well as to plicative model is often manipulated in order to obtain an single-look or multilook images, whose pdfs have been additive one. Fig. 2 summarizes the various versions of the described previously. additive models. The variable u may be assumed as spatially correlated [30]. The block “Estimator” attempts to achieve a speckleRecently, it has been shown [31] that a preprocessing step that free representation of the signal in a specific domain; for makes speckle uncorrelated, that is “whitens” the complex signal, allows despeckling algorithms designed for uncorrelated speckle to be successfully applied also when speckle is (auto)correlated. Therefore, in the g=f+v Estimator fc following we shall analyze only algo(a) rithms working under the hypothesis of exp g = fu Estimator log uncorrelated speckle. fc The nonlinear nature of the rela(b) tionship between observed and g=f+v w -1 w Estimator fc noise-free signals makes the filtering procedure a nontrivial task. For this (c) reason, some manipulations have exp log g = fu Estimator w w -1 fc been introduced to make the observa(d) tion model simpler. Several authors adopt the following model, derived from (13): FIGURE 2. Additive models commonly used in despeckling algorithms: (a) signal-dependent in spatial domain, (b) signal-independent in spatial domain, (c) signal-dependent in transg = f + (u - 1) f = f + v, (14) form domain, and (d) signal-independent in transform domain. SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 11 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® The estimate in (17) would require the knowledge of the nonstationary joint pdfs of any orders. A simpler solution requiring only second order moments is the linear MMSE (LMMSE) estimator, in which the MMSE solution is sought by constraining the estimator to be a linear combination of the observed variables. The LMMSE estimator is given by example, in the transform domain, as in Fig. 2-(c), or in the homomorphic-transform domain, as in Fig. 2-(d), in which the noise-free informative signal is contaminated with additive signal-dependent or signal-independent noise, respectively. The basics of Bayesian estimation are now reviewed for the simplest case, shown in Fig. 2-(a), even though analogous derivations hold for all the other cases in Fig. 2. A Bayesian estimator [36] tries to achieve an estimate tf of f —which is assumed to be a random process—by having some prior information about the signal to be estimated, summarized in p F ( f), the a-priori pdf of f. Different Bayesian estimators can be defined according to the choice of the Bayesian “risk”, i.e., the function of the estimation error f = f - tf we would like to minimize. The minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator minimizes the quantity E [f 2] = E [( f - tf ) 2]. It is wellknown [36] that the solution is given by tf MMSE = E F G [ f g ], tf LMMSE = E [ f ] + C fg C -gg1 (g - E [g]), in which C fg is the covariance matrix between f and g and C gg is the autocovariance matrix of g. Prior knowledge is now embedded in the second order statistics of the noisefree and noisy signals, which can be derived by exploiting the additive model. The maximum a-posteriori probability (MAP) estimator minimizes the quantity E [C (f)], where C (f) = 1 for | f | > d and C (f) = 0 elsewhere. The solution, when d is small, is given by (16) tf MAP = arg max p F G [ f which is the expectation of the noise-free signal conditional to the noisy observation. By exploiting the Bayes rule and the additive signal-dependent model g = f + v, we obtain ft MMSE = # f g ]. (19) Again, by exploiting the Bayes rule and the additive model, we have fp F G ( f g) df tf MAP = arg max p G F (g f ) p F ( f ) f p G F (g f ) p F ( f ) df f p G (g) # # fp V (g - f ) p F ( f ) df = . # p V (g - f ) p F ( f ) df = (18) = arg max p V (g - f ) p F ( f ) (20) f (17) or, equivalently, tf MAP = arg max f Analysis Stage x[n] H1(z) 2 H0(z) 2 [log p V (g - f ) +log p F ( f )] Synthesis Stage H1(z) 2 2 G1(z) H0(z) 2 2 G0(z) + 2 G1(z) 2 G0(z) xc[n] + (a) Analysis Stage x[n] H1(z) H0(z) Synthesis Stage G1(z) 2 2 H1(z2) 4 4 G1(z2) H0(z2) 4 4 G0(z2) + + xc[n] G0(z) (b) FIGURE 3. (a) Two-level nonredundant wavelet decomposition/reconstruction and (b) the equivalent scheme obtained applying the noble identities. The undecimated wavelet transform is obtained by eliminating the downsamplers and upsamplers contained in the shaded box. 12 (21) Eqs. (17), (18) and (20) reveal that all solutions, besides to the a-priori information on f, require also knowledge of the pdf of the noise component v. C. WAVELET TRANSFORMS A Bayesian estimation carried out in the spatial domain leads to a solution that adaptively depends on local statistics, i.e., is a space-adaptive estimator. A Bayesian estimation carried out in the multiresolution, or scalespace, domain may have the extra value of leading to a scalespace adaptive estimator, that is, an estimator adaptive not only in space but also in scale. Such an extra value is not automatic and requires careful pdf IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® j H eq, l (z) = H j eq, h j -1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Normalized Frequency FIGURE 4. Equivalent filters frequency responses obtained from 8-tap Daubechies orthogonal wavelets [34]. r ~y HH LH HH HL LL HL -r 0 HH LH m =0 j -2 (z) = = % H 0 (z )G $ H 1 (z ~x HH (a) Lowpass Subband x(n) Bandpass Directional Subbands Bandpass Directional Subbands m 2m r -r % H 0 (z 2 ), (b) 2 j -1 ), (22) m =0 where the subscripts l and h refer to the approximation (low pass) and detail or wavelet (bandpass and high pass) signals, whereas j denotes the level of the decomposition. An example of the equivalent filters frequency responses, relative to a four level decomposition, is shown in Fig. 4. SEPTEMBER 2013 1 Magnitude modeling in the transformed domain, otherwise the spatial adaptivity may get lost in favor of the scale adaptivity. The wavelet analysis provides a multiresolution representation of continuous and discrete-time signals and images [35]. For discrete-time signals, the classical maximally decimated wavelet decomposition is implemented by filtering the input signal with a low pass filter H 0 (z) and a high pass filter H 1 (z) and downsampling each output by a factor two. The synthesis of the signal is obtained with a scheme symmetrical to that of the analysis stage, i.e., by upsampling the coefficients of the decomposition and by low pass and high pass filtering. Analysis and synthesis filters are designed in order to obtain the perfect reconstruction of the signal and by using different constraints (e.g., orthogonal or biorthogonal decomposition, linear phase filters). Applying the same decomposition to the low pass channel output yields a two-level wavelet transform: such a scheme can be iterated in a dyadic fashion to generate a multilevel decomposition. The analysis and synthesis stages of a two-level decomposition are depicted in Fig. 3-(a). In several image processing applications, e.g., compression, the DWT is particularly appealing since it compacts energy in few coefficients. However, for most of the tasks concerning images, the use of an undecimated discrete wavelet transform (UDWT) is more appropriate thanks to the shift-invariance property. UDWT is also referred to as stationary WT (SWT) [37], [38], as opposite to Mallat’s octave (dyadic) wavelet decomposition DWT [35], which is maximally, or critically, decimated. The rationale for working in the UDWT domain is that in DWT, when coefficients are changed, e.g., thresholded or shrunk, the constructive aliasing terms between two adjacent subbands are no longer canceled during the synthesis stage, thereby resulting in the onset of structured artifacts [39]. As to the construction of the UDWT, it can be shown that if we omit the downsamplers from the analysis stage and the upsamplers from the synthesis stage, then the perfect reconstruction property can still be achieved. The relative scheme for a two-level decomposition is depicted in Fig. 3-(b). In the block diagram, by applying the noble identities [40], the downsamplers (upsamplers) have been shifted towards the output (input) of the analysis (synthesis) stage. Eliminating these elements yields the UDWT. As a consequence, the coefficients in the transform domain can be obtained by filtering the original signal by means of the following equivalent transfer functions: FIGURE 5. Frequency splitting from a single-level separable DWT (a), obtained by low pass (L) and high pass (H) filtering along the rows and the columns (LL, HL, LH, and HH denote all possible combination); in (b), the splitting obtained from the nonsubsampled Laplacian pyramid decomposition (on the left) and the nonsubsampled directional filter banks (on the right) composing the contourlet transform. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 13 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Let A xj (n) and W xj (n) denote the approximation and wavelet coefficients, respectively, of the signal x at the jth level of the decomposition, whereas n is the spatial index. Since the wavelet transform is linear, from equation (14) we have j A gj (n) = A f (n) + A vj (n) j W gj (n) = W f (n) + W vj (n). (23) (24) Usually, only the wavelet coefficients (24) are processed for despeckling; the baseband approximation is left unchanged. The wavelet transform is usually implemented for images by using separable filtering along the columns and the rows of the image. The effect of this processing is the extraction, in each subband, of a rectangular region of the frequency plane which corresponds, in the spatial domain, to the extraction of horizontal and vertical details with different degrees of resolution. The frequency plane splitting relative to a single level decomposition is given in Fig. 5-(a). However, extracting directional information has been demonstrated to be useful in several image processing tasks. Recently, multiresolution transforms embedding directional information, such as contourlets [41], curvelets [42], [43], and many others, have been successfully applied to denoising in general and despeckling in particular. The nonsubsampled contourlet transform is a combination of a nonsubsampled Laplacian pyramid (NLP) decomposition and of nonsubsampled directional filter banks (NDFB). The relative frequency splitting is depicted in Fig. 5-(b). As in the case of the UDWT, also the coefficients of the nonsubsampled contourlet transform can be achieved by means of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems directly applied to the input, which allows statistical parameters to be easily computed. Using directional information is effective in terms of despeckling performance [44], even though a higher computational cost must be paid due to the need of a nonseparable implementation. By assuming that the transform is linear, the additive models in (14) and (15) can be easily generalized to the transformed domain. Specifically, for the formulation given in (14), if W x denotes the transform operator applied to the signal x, we have W g = W f + Wv . (25) In an analogous way, by applying both the homomorphic filtering concept and the linear transform, the observation model in (15) becomes W gl = W f l + W ul . (26) The Bayesian estimator explicitly derived for the additive model in (14), can also be applied to the additive models defined in (15), (25), and (26) by simply changing the type of variables and prior knowledge, that is: 1) the prior pdf of the signal of interest (related to the reflec14 tivity) and represented by f, f l, W f and W f l in equations (14), (15), (25), and (26), in that order; 2) the pdf of the additive noise component, represented by v, ul , W v and W ul, in the same equations. D. PDF MODELING Bayesian estimation relies on an accurate probabilistic modeling of the signals under concern. However, the choice of pdfs suitable for modeling the data of interest is not a simple task. In Section II, we have described some of the most used pdfs for the speckle and reflectivity processes. While the former derive from the image formation mechanism and may be considered as valid in most of the images where the fully developed speckle model holds, the latter highly depend on the imaged scene. We highlight again that different types of landscapes and land covers induce different distributions on the reflectivity signal. Models of the underlying land cover may help to derive a pdf of the imaged signal, but this knowledge may not be available for despeckling or may be insufficient. As to the modeling of signals in the homomorphic domain, an exact derivation of the log-intensity and of the log-amplitude of the fading variable is available [33], whereas the characterization of the backscattering coefficient still remains crucial. The modeling of the involved variables may be simpler and more robust if one works in a multiresolution, or scalespace, domain, instead than in the spatial domain. In fact, it is well-known that the pdf of wavelet coefficients can be approximated by several unimodal distributions—as noticed by Mallat in his seminal paper [35], where a generalized Gaussian was used—that can be described by a small number of parameters. They can be adaptively estimated from the coefficients of the observed image, independently of the distribution of the image that is transformed. Validating a hypothetical pdf model is, in general, quite hard. In some works, wavelet coefficients pdfs are validated “globally” from the observation of the histogram of the amplitude of the coefficients in a whole subband. However, since the signal is nonstationary, spatially adaptive methods should be used instead. A single observation, or realization, of the scene is usually available; thus, one may only conjecture that wavelet coefficients “locally” follow a given distribution (only few samples are available to perform the validation of the local model) whose parameters locally vary. A way to check the validity of the pdf model is experimentally observing the performances of despeckling filters on either true SAR or synthetically speckled images. As a general rule of thumb, the higher the number of parameters, or degrees of freedom, of the pdf, the better its ability to model the true wavelet coefficients pdf within a whole subband, but the lower their estimation accuracy from the few samples available in a local window within a subband and the higher the complexity of the resulting estimator. Therefore, the use of reasonably simple distributions may be expected to yield better results than more complex ones, that is, overfitting is not rewarding. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Another fact that should be considered when a pdf model is chosen is the computational cost. Some combinations of estimation criterion and pdf model yield a Bayesian estimator that can be achieved only numerically [45]. This fact may prevent from using the filter when huge amounts of data need to be processed. In this case, a closed form solution may be preferred, even though a possible loss of performances may be experienced. IV. A REVIEW OF DESPECKLING METHODS A multitude of despeckling filters can be obtained by combining the different domains of estimation (spa- tial, homomorphic, wavelet, homomorphic-wavelet), the estimation criteria, e.g., MMSE, LMMSE, minimum mean absolute error (MMAE), MAP or non-Bayesian, and the pdf models. A nonexhaustive review and classification of methods is attempted in the following of this section. A. BAYESIAN METHODS IN SPATIAL DOMAIN Early works on despeckling were deployed in the spatial domain and were obtained by making assumptions on the statistical properties of reflectivity and speckle, e.g., pdf and autocorrelation function. (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 6. Examples of the application of Bayesian estimators in the UDWT domain: (a) original 5-look ERS-2 image and filtered versions obtained with, (b) Lee refined filter [49], (c) refined C-MAP filter [56], and (d) Rational Laplacian Pyramid filter [59]. SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 15 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Lee Filter—The local-statistics filter, introduced by Jong-Sen Lee in 1980, is reportedly the first model-based despeckling filter. The original paper [21] contained solutions for both additive signal-independent noise and speckle noise. The latter solution was thoroughly developed in [46] and reviewed in [47] together with the sigma filter. An LMMSE solution was derived by linearizing the multiplicative noise model around the mean of the noisy signal. In this way, the author devised an approximate but effective solution which is identical to the exact solution, apart from the term (1 + v 2u) -1, in which v 2u is the variance of the multiplicative noise u. The contribution of this term can be practically neglected for multi-look images, in which v 2u % 1 [19], [48]. Lee Refined Filter—This filter [49] was designed to overcome the drawback of edge boundaries that are left noisy by Lee filter. To improve filtering, once an edge is detected in a 7 # 7 sliding window, the algorithm uses the local gradient to estimate its orientation. Eight edge-directed non-square windows are allowed. The estimation of the local mean and of the local variance are performed within the local window that better fits the edge orientation. If no edge is detected, the estimates are computed on the whole 7 # 7 window. Filtering results are quite impressive, particularly on edges and high contrast areas. Some artifacts may occur when the filter processes textured areas that result to be overly segmented. Another limitation is that the filter works with a window of fixed size 7 # 7: textures characterized by a high spatial variation and thin linear features may be altered. An ERS-2 image of Florence is shown in Fig. 6-(a); processing of refined Lee filtering in Fig. 6-(b). Frost Filter—In Frost filter [50], starting from a model of the coherent imaging system, a parametric approximation of the autocorrelation function of reflectivity is derived from local statistics. Such a function is used to devise an LMMSE solution for the noise-free reflectivity itself. The filtered value is a linear combination of pixel values within the local window with a Gaussian weighting function that depends on the local coefficient of variation of the noisy image g, namely C g, defined as the ratio of local standard deviation to local mean. Despite its large popularity in the image processing community, Frost filter had no developments over time, either by the authors or by others, apart from the heterogeneity adjustment common to all spatial Bayesian filters [51], which will be reviewed at the end of this subsection. Kuan Filters—Kuan’s filter [52] exactly implements the LMMSE solution (18) starting from a signal model that features nonstationary mean, nonstationary variance and thus a diagonal covariance matrix in (18). The resulting LMMSE solution is referred to as local LMMSE (LLMMSE) to indicate that it contains only local first order statistics, mean and variance, that are easily calculated in a sliding window. Accordingly, the optimum estimate of reflectivity, tf, is given as a combination of the unfiltered noisy pixel value g and of its local average gr, approximating the local mean, 16 with weights nonnegative and summing to one. The center pixel is more or less weighted depending on its local signal to noise ratio (SNR). Besides despeckling, also restoration for the effects of the imaging system can be carried out [53]. The price is a considerable increment in the computational complexity of the procedure. MAP Filters—The prototype of MAP filters in spatial domain is the C-MAP filter, introduced in [54] and thoroughly analyzed in [55]. It assumes that both the radar reflectivity and the speckle noise follow a Gamma distribution and solves the MAP equation (21) accordingly. It is designed to smooth out noise while retaining edges or shape features in the image. Different filter sizes greatly affect the quality of processed images. If the filter is too small, the noise filtering algorithm is not effective. If the filter is too large, subtle details of the image will be lost in the filtering process. A 7 # 7 filter usually gives the best tradeoff. A refined version of the C-MAP filter that features an improved geometrical adaptivity, analogously to Lee refined filter, was proposed in [56]. The visual result appears in Fig. 6-(c). This achievement marks the beginning of a certain performance saturation in spatial despeckling methods, although highly sophisticated Bayesian methods in space domain, featuring MAP estimation associated to, e.g., Gauss-Markov and Gibbs random fields for prior modeling have been introduced later [57] and are still used [58]. Despeckling Filters and SAR Heterogeneity—The filters described in this subsection can be adjusted to the heterogeneity of SAR images, as suggested in [51]. The rationale is that in true SAR images at least three statistical classes can be recognized: homogeneous, textured, and strong, or persistent, scatterer. The first class is characterized by a spatially constant reflectivity and in this case the best estimator is a plain average of intensity pixel values in a neighborhood. Pixel belonging to the third class should be detected and left unprocessed, as they are intrinsically noise-free and are used for calibration, registration, etc. The intermediate class may be processed through the desired filter, e.g., Lee, Frost and Kuan filters. The resulting filters are known in the literature as enhanced Lee, Frost and Kuan filters [51]. The C-MAP filters was originally defined in enhanced version [54]. The three classes are found by thresholding C g . The two thresholds, namely C min and C max are empirically set equal to v u, the standard deviation of speckle, and 3 v u [51]. B. BAYESIAN METHODS IN TRANSFORM DOMAIN Apart from a few methods that employ multiresolution concepts without a formal multiresolution analysis, like Meer’s filter and especially the filter based on the Laplacian pyramid, all filters reviewed in this subsection exploit the discrete wavelet transform, either decimated or not. Meer’s Filter—Meer’s filter [60] considers a local neighborhood constituted by a set of three concentric sliding windows, 7 # 7, 5 # 5, and 3 # 3. A homogeneity index is given by C g, computed over each of the windows. The IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® the reflectivity signal and to a Gaussian pdf for the noise; spatial average on the largest window satisfying a homogethe previous method has been extended to the MAP criteneity criterion, defined by thresholding its C g, is given as rion in [75]. In [76], MAP estimation is used associated to output. If such a window does not exist, Kuan’s LLMMSE a heavy-tailed Rayleigh prior for the signal and to Gamma estimate on the innermost 3 # 3 window is assigned to the or Nagakami models (for images in intensity or amplitude center pixel. This filter is effective in preserving point tarformat, respectively) for the noise. gets, linear features and edges, thanks to its Non-Homomorphic Filtering in Wavecapability to shrink its window size. Perlet Domain—Nonhomomorphic waveletformances on point targets and linear feaDESPECKLING PURSUES domain despeckling (see Fig. 2-(c)) has been tures are slightly better than those of Lee’s THE TECHNOLOGICAL considered less frequently in the literature. refined filter which, however, is superior on OBJECTIVE OF GIVING AN Even though the absence of the bias due to linear edges. EXTRA VALUE TO THE the nonlinear mapping of the logarithm is an RLP Filter—The rational Laplacian pyrHUGE AMOUNT OF DATA advantage, the estimation of the parameters amid (RLP) filter [59] is an evolution for ROUTINELY COLLECTED of the signal and noise pdfs becomes more speckle filtering of the denoising method BY SATELLITE SAR complex. In fact, in the equivalent additivebased on the enhanced Laplacian pyramid SYSTEMS. noise model for the non-homomorphic case, [61]. The latter is commonly used for spathe noise term is signal-dependent and, theretially scalable layered video coding as well fore, its parameters are much more difficult to as for lossless and near lossless compresbe estimated. sion of still images by exploiting quantization noise feedIn the seminal paper by Foucher et al. [77], undeciback [62], [63]. mated wavelet was firstly used for despeckling. EstimaRLP differs from LP because its passband layers are tion is based on the MAP criterion and the Pearson system obtained by taking the ratio pixel by pixel between one of distributions. In [78], the LMMSE estimator, optimal level of the Gaussian pyramid and the interpolated version under the Gaussianity assumption, has been presented. of the lower resolution upper level. While the baseband In [79], the LMMSE estimator with mixtures of Gaussian icon, corresponding to the top of the Gaussian pyramid, pdfs is enforced by the use of the ratio edge detector [80] to may be left unprocessed because of its high SNR obtained improve despeckling of contours. In [81], MAP estimation through cascaded low pass filtering and decimation stages, is used along with the assumption of normal inverse Gaussanalogously to multi-looking, the bandpass levels of RLP ian distributions for the wavelet coefficients. MAP estimaare processed by means of Kuan’s filter [52]. The despecktion associated to locally varying generalized Gaussian led image is synthesized from the denoised RLP. This mul(GG) distributions has been used in [82]. In [83] a segmentiscale LLMMSE filter outperforms its spatial counterpart tation-based MAP despeckling with GG priors is achieved. thanks to multiresolution processing. The result of RLP filThe method in [82] has been extended to the domain of tering can be watched in Fig. 6-(d). the nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) in [44]. Homomorphic Filtering in Wavelet Domain—FilterAnother method in the contourlet domain has been proing in the wavelet-homomorphic domain (see Fig. 2-(d)) posed in [84]. MAP and MMSE estimators associated to has been extensively used during the last twenty years and Laplacian and Gaussian PDFs for the signal and noise compotentially superior performances over conventional spaponents have been proposed in [85]. Generalized C and tial filters have been recognized [64], [65]. In fact, each wavelet subband is associated to a speckle contribution that Gaussian distributions have been used for MAP despeckmay be exactly measured [66] and filtered out. Thus, spaling in [86], [87]. An interesting example of despeckling tially adaptive filtering become also scale-adaptive. not pertaining SAR but ultrasound images and based on Classical hard- and soft-thresholding methods [67] statistical classification of signal/noise wavelet coefficients were applied in [68]. Thresholding based on nonlinear is presented in [88]. Also non-Bayesian methods based on functions (sigmoid functions), adapted for each subband, the classification of signal and noise wavelet coefficients has been used in [69]. In [70], MMSE estimation has been have been proposed in [89], [90]. used associated to a combination of generalized Gaussian (GG)/Gaussian pdfs for the reflectivity and for the noise C. NON-BAYESIAN APPROACHES components, respectively. In [71], MMSE estimation have A number of despeckling filters published over the last been used after modeling wavelet coefficients by means of thirty years do not follow a Bayesian approach. In the folGaussian mixtures and Markov random fields to characlowing, the most popular approaches and related methods terize their spatial and interscale dependency. In [72], the are summarized. MAP criterion has been used associated to a-stable disOrder Statistics and Morphological Filters—Starting with median filter, order-statistics filters encountered a certributions for the prior of the signal and to a log-normal tain popularity for despeckling, thanks to their peculiar feapdf for the noise. In [73], MAP estimation is applied based ture of edge preservation. A conditional version of median on normal inverse Gaussian distributions. In [74], MMAE filter [91], replaces the central pixel value of the local sliding estimation has been used associated to a Cauchy prior for SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 17 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® window with the sample median if and only if the former is recognized as an outlier, i.e., an extremal value within the window. An adaptive version of the weighted median filter was specifically proposed for despeckling [92]. It is substantially a center weighted median filter, in which the weight is adaptively calculated from local statistics, in order to preserve edges, retain textures and smooth the noisy background. Geometric filter (GF) [93] is a powerful tool for edgepreserving smoothing of noise and especially of speckle, the purpose it was designed for. GF iteratively erases noise samples regarded as geometric artifacts of the 3-D shape defined by the 2-D gray-level function. GF is a nonlinear local operator that exploits a morphologic approach to smooth noise one image line at a time using a complementary hull algorithm, whose iterations converge towards roots, i.e., steady patterns invariant to further iterations, in which spatial details thinner than a critical size are completely suppressed. Thicker objects are just slightly smoothed and therefore fairly preserved as filtering is iterated. A decimated version of GF [94], suitable for spatially correlated noise, including speckle, consists of applying GF to the four polyphase components, in which the original image is preliminarily decomposed, and of reinterleaving the filtered components to yield the denoised image. None of the methods reported above explicitly accounts for the speckle noise model. However, their computational speed together with the capability of preserving abrupt discontinuities of level was found to be of interest in computer vision and object recognition applications. Nowadays these methods are less and less frequently used, though they might be valuable for high-resolution images of man-made environments, in which persistent scatterers and not fully developed speckle are frequently encountered. Anisotropic Diffusion—Anisotropic diffusion [95] is a technique, extremely popular in the image processing community, that aims at reducing image noise without removing significant parts of the image content, typically edges, lines or other details that are important for the interpretation of the image. The derivation speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion (SRAD) is tailored to coherent images [96]. SRAD is the edge-sensitive diffusion for speckled images, in the same way that conventional anisotropic diffusion is the edge-sensitive diffusion for images corrupted with additive noise. Just as the Lee and Frost filters utilize the coefficient of variation in adaptive filtering, SRAD exploits the instantaneous coefficient of variation, which is shown to be a function of the local gradient magnitude, and Laplacian operators. SRAD overcomes traditional speckle removal filters in terms of mean preservation, variance reduction, and edge localization. However, the unrealistic smoothness introduced after iterated processing makes SRAD unsurpassed for cartoon-like images, i.e., made up by textureless geometric patches, but may be unsuitable for real SAR images, because fine details and textures that may be useful for 18 analysis are destroyed. A notable application of SRAD is for coastline detection in SAR images [97]. Simulated Annealing Despeckling—Simulated Annealing (SA) was originally used for SAR image despeckling and segmentation by White [98]. SA is a stochastic optimization method used for finding the global maximum of an a-posteriori multivariate distribution, or equivalently the global minimum of a multidimensional energy function, which is often made difficult by local maxima (minima), which can easily trap the optimization algorithm. SA is iterative by nature, where a new configuration for iteration is found from the previous configuration by applying a generation mechanism and accepting the new configuration using an acceptance criterion based on the energy divergence. The temperature variable controls the optimization, and it is decreased throughout the optimization process. For the first iterations, when it is high, there is a high probability of accepting configurations resulting in an increase in the energy, thus making SA able to get out of local minima. As the temperature is gradually decreased, the probability of accepting configurations resulting in increasing energies is reduced, so that at the end of the minimization no increases are accepted, and the global minimum configuration is ideally reached. Despite its potentiality, the unlikely cartoonlike smoothness produced by SA was noticed in [99]. After that, SA was used only in conjunction with complex multivariate pdf models, like in polarimetric SAR [100]. Sigma Filter—A conceptually simple noise smoothing algorithm is the sigma filter originally developed for additive signal-independent noise [101] and promptly extended to speckle removal [102] also in a comparison with local statistics filtering [47]. This filter is motivated by the sigma probability of the Gaussian distribution, and it smooths the image noise by averaging only those neighborhood pixels which have the intensities within a fixed sigma range of the center pixel. Consequently, image edges are preserved, and subtle details and thin lines, such as roads, are retained. An enhanced version of Lee’s sigma filter [103] is derived and proposed for unbiased filtering of images affected by multiplicative noise with speckle statistics. Instead of the plain point value, a more accurate start value is first produced, and then fed to the procedure of conditional average. A robust estimate of the nonstationary mean is defined according to a decision rule. The start value is provided by a nonlinear decision rule, aimed at rejecting noisy samples, that is performed on the averages computed within four isotropically balanced pixel sets able to capture step edges and thin lines. The level range of pixels to be averaged, adaptively defined as the product of the space-variant mean estimate by the constant noise variance, is also forced to account for the imbalance of the noise distribution, for unbiased processing. Eventually, in [104] the bias problem is solved by redefining the sigma range based on the speckle pdf. To mitigate the problems of blurring and depressing strong reflective scatterers, a target signature preservation technique is IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® bilistic measure that takes into account the pdf of SAR developed. In addition, the LLMMSE estimator for adaptive data, and by proposing an iterative procedure for refining speckle reduction [21], [52] is incorporated. the weights. Following a similar approach, an improved Bilateral Filtering—The bilateral filter (BF), originally similarity measure has been recently proposed in [112]. introduced in [105] for gray scale images, has been recently Other approaches consider a Bayesian NL framework extended to despeckling in [106]. The rationale of BF is that [113], which has been applied to the despeckling of both each pixel value within a sliding window is weighted both ultrasound images [114] and SAR images [115]. The NL for the distance to the center, as in Frost filter, and for the principle has been successfully applied also to despeckdifference to the value of the center, as in sigma filter. In ling in the wavelet domain [109], [116]. Namely, in [109] an adaptive version of BF suitable for despeckling [107], the authors extend the BM3D filter by redefining the the spatial weighting is a Gaussian function, whose span similarity measure among block of pixels according to depends on the local coefficient of variation, analogously [108], and employing the LMMSE principle [78] in the to the enhanced Frost filter. A rule borrowed from [108] estimation step. defines the weights as the gray level difference between the Total Variation Regularization—Another popular central pixel and each neighboring pixel, as the probabildenoising approach is based on total variation (TV) reguity of two values in a speckled image that exhibit the same larization [117]. In such a method, denoising is achieved reflectivity value. The adaptive method in [107] exploits an through the minimization of a suitable cost function, order statistic filter, like [91], to reject outliers that often combining a data fidelity term with a prior that enforces occur. Despite its elegance and relatively low computasmoothness while preserving edges. Several solutions tional cost, in the presence of strong noise, like for singleexist to apply TV methods in the case of multiplicative look images, speckle-oriented BF suffers from limitations noise [118]–[124]. These solutions differ according to the given by the finite size spatial function, same as all local domain in which the optimization is performed, which spatial filters. A way to overcome such a drawback is adoptcan be either the intensity or the logarithm of the intening a nonlocal filtering approach. sity, and the definition of the data fidelity term. In [119], Nonlocal Filtering—Among the despeckling methods the authors define the optimization problem in the that cannot be included in the classical Bayesian frameoriginal intensity domain and apply a data fidelity term work, nonlocal (NL) filtering is surely one of the most interbased on a maximum a posteriori approach, assuming esting and promising solutions [108], [109]. NL filtering is a a Gamma distributed speckle and a Gibbs prior. Due to generalization of the concept of data-driven weighted averthe difficulty of defining strictly convex TV problems in aging, in which each pixel is weighted according to its simithe original intensity domain, several authors have conlarity with the reference pixel, as in the pioneering sigma sidered the logarithmic domain instead. When applying filter. The NL mean filter [110] extends the above method, TV regularization in the logarithmic domain, convex by defining the weights as a function of the Euclidean disTV problems can be obtained by applying different data tance between a local patch centered at the reference pixel fidelity terms, including the L 2 norm [120], MAP based and a similar patch centered at a given neighboring pixel. The block-matching 3-D filter (BM3D) [111] combines the advantages of Subband Bayesian the NL principle and of UDWT Domain Spatial PDF Estimation Statistics Statistics the wavelet representaModeling tion: 3-D groups of pixels are formed by collecting blocks of pixels drawn from different image Speckled Subband Inverse Despeckled UDWT locations and chosen Image Processing UDWT Image according to their similarity with a reference block, and Wiener filterLegend: ing is applied to the wavelet coefficients of such “Necessary to” Relation 3-D groups. Processing Flow In [108], NL filterSubband UDWT: Undecimated Wavelet Processing ing has been applied Transform to despeckling by subUDWT Domain stituting the Euclidean distance used in the NL mean filter with a proba- FIGURE 7. Flowchart of Bayesian filtering in the undecimated wavelet domain. SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 19 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® on Gamma distributed speckle [120], [124], a combination of the previous terms [121], the generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence [123], the L 1 norm on curvelet coefficients [122]. It is worth noting that all the above methods have been mainly validated on simulated data. The literature regarding the application of such methods to actual SAR images is quite scarce [125]–[127], and there is a general lack of comparisons with Bayesian and NL despeckling methods. Despeckling Based on Compressed Sensing—A new signal representation model has recently become very popular and has attracted the attention of researchers working in the field of restoration of images affected by additive noise as well as in several other areas. In fact, natural images satisfy a sparse model, that is, they can be seen as the linear combination of few elements of a dictionary or atoms. Sparse models are at the basis of compressed sensing [128], which is the representation of signals with a number of samples at a sub-Nyquist rate. In mathematical terms, the observed image is modeled as y = Ax + w, where A is the dictionary, x is a sparse vector, such that ;x; 0 # K, with K % M, with M the dimension of x, and w is a noise term that does not satisfy a sparse model. In this context, denoising translates into finding the sparsest vectors with the constraint ;y - Ax; 22 < e, where e accounts for the noise variance. The problem is NP-hard, but it can be relaxed into a convex optimization one by substituting the pseudo-norm ; $ ; 0 with ; $ ; 1 . Recently, some despeckling methods based on the compressed sensing paradigm and sparse representations have appeared [129]–[131]. V. MULTIRESOLUTION BAYESIAN FILTERING In this section, we review some methods recently proposed for despeckling in the undecimated wavelet domain that use a multiresolution analysis. The methods refer to the additive model in (26), that is, they do not exploit the homomorphic transform, which may introduce bias in the estimation of the despeckled image. Fig. 7 outlines the flowchart of Bayesian despeckling in UDWT domain. As it appears, the majority of processing is carried out in the transform domain. Statistics in the transform domain are directly calculated from the spatial statistics of the image by exploiting the equivalent filters (4), as firstly proposed by Foucher et al. [77]. A. LMMSE FILTER In the case of zero-mean Gaussian pdf modeling for the quantities W f and W v, the MMSE and MAP Bayesian estimators are identical. The expression of the filter has a simple and closed analytical form that depends only on the space varying variance of the wavelet coefficients [78], that is t LMMSE = Wg $ W f 2 vW f -1 -1 . 2 = W g $ (1 + SNR ) v + vW v 2 Wf Thus, LMMSE estimation corresponds to a shrinkage of the noisy coefficient by a factor inversely related to its SNR. Unfortunately, the wavelet coefficients of noise–free reflectivity do not respect the Gaussian assumption, especially in the lowest levels of the wavelet decomposition, so that its performance are inferior to more complex Bayesian estimators. In Fig. 10-(a) a single-look COSMO-SkyMed image is shown. In Fig. 10-(b) the despeckled image obtained by applying the LMMSE estimator is presented. B. MAP FILTERS In this section, we present two different filters that use the MAP estimation criterion but different models for the pdfs of the wavelet coefficients relative to the original reflectivity and to the additive signal–dependent noise. Equation (21) can be rewritten as t MAP W = arg max [ln p WV f Wf 3 2.5 o=0.5 o=1 o=2 o=3 pX (x) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -3 -2 -1 0 x 1 2 3 FIGURE 8. Zero-mean GG pdfs obtained with unity variance and different os. 20 (27) WF (W g - W f W f ) + ln p WF (W f )]. (28) Since the signal and noise processes are nonstationary, space varying pdfs must be considered. The pdfs that are considered here can be seen as a trade-off between simplicity (few parameters to be estimated from the observed data) and modeling capability. MAP–GG filter—In [82], the MAP criterion is combined with a generalized Gaussian (GG) distribution for the wavelet coefficients. Since the birth of the wavelet recursive algorithm by Mallat [35], a GG pdf has been used to model image wavelet coefficients and several other authors use the GG distribution for many image processing tasks involving wavelets. A zero-mean GG pdf depends only on two parameters and is characterized by being symmetric around the mean. Its expression is given by o $ h (o, v) - [h (o, v) $| x |] o Fe , 2 $ C (1/o) (29) IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 p X (x) = < Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 6 WfMAP 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -6 -4 -2 0 Wg 2 4 6 2 4 6 (a) 6 4 WfMAP 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -6 -4 -2 0 Wg (b) tf FIGURE 9. Mapping of the W MAP estimates vs the observed W g: in (a) v W f = 2, v Wv = 1, o Wv = 2 and o W f varies from 0.4 to 2 with step 0.2; in (b) o Wv = 1.2 (the other parameters are unchanged). where C is the Gamma function, v is the standard deviation of the distribution, v is a shape factor, and h (o, v) is given by 1/2 1 C (3/o) F . h (o, v) = v < C (1/o) (30) The GG distribution is reasonably simple, since the use of only two parameters allows different levels of “peakedness” to be achieved. As particular cases, the GG pdf includes both the Laplacian and the Gaussian pdfs, for o = 1 and o = 2, respectively. A plot of GG pdf curves for different values of o is shown in Fig. 8. Substituting (29) into (28) yields hW f oW f t MAP W = arg max ;ln 2C (1/o ) - ^h W f W f hoW f f Wf Wf h Wv o Wv ln 2 (1/ ) - ^h Wv W g - W f ho WvE . C o Wv (31) In [82], a method for the estimation of the parameters relative to the GG model, i.e., the standard deviation v and the shape factor v of the distributions relative to W f and W v, is given. The estimation of the parameters is based on the computation of some moments of the observable variables g and W g . In the implementation SEPTEMBER 2013 of the filters, these moments are substituted by spatial averages. The solution of equation (31) is not known in a closed analytical form and a numerical optimized solution has been proposed in [82]. t MAP In Fig. 9, a set of curves plotting W vs W g is given f for particular values of the parameters of the GG model: in Fig. 9-(a), the curves refer to v W f = 2, v Wv = 1, o Wv = 2 and to o W f varying from 0.4 to 2 with step 0.2; in Fig. 9-(b), the parameter o Wv has been changed to 1.2 (the other parameters were not modified). Such curves define a remapping of the observed coefficients onto noise-free ones same as it is done by hard and soft-thresholding schemes commonly used for denoising signals affected by additive signalindependent noise [67], [132]. It is important, however, to point out that for despeckling the wavelet coefficients are modified according to the multiplicative model of speckle and thus adaptively vary according to the locally estimated parameters. MAP–LG filter—In [85], the empirical distribution of the shape factor of noise–free reflectivity coefficients has been investigated and an interesting behavior was noticed. For the lowest levels of decomposition, the shape factor is usually very close to one, whereas it tends to shift towards two in highest ones. The shape factor of signal– dependent noise coefficients, instead, are mostly concentrated around the value two. These facts suggest directly introducing a combination of Laplacian and Gaussian pdfs into the modeling: this yields some computational advantages with respect to using the more general GG pdf. In fact, by assuming that the wavelet coefficients W v and W f follow a zero-mean Gaussian and zero–mean Laplacian distribution, respectively, yields the following closed form estimator [133]: t MAP W = arg max p W f W g (W f W g) f Wf Z W g - t, if W g > t ] if W g < - t = [ W g + t, ] otherwise 0 \ (32) where t = 2 v 2Wv /v W f . Thus, the estimator is equivalent to a soft-thresholding algorithm with a locally adaptive threshold. Eq. (32) has been originally devised in [134] and used for processing ultrasound images with decimated wavelets. C. ADJUSTMENTS FOR SAR IMAGE HETEROGENEITY In several despeckling methods, different filtering strategies are used according to the texture content of the scene. In [51], [54], the coefficient of variation is used to discriminate among homogeneous, textured and highly heterogeneous (or point target) areas. Pixel belonging to the first two classes are filtered by using simple averaging and C-MAP, or another local-statistics filter, whereas no filtering is attempted on point targets. A strongly scattering target, however, is concentrated in space, but after wavelet analysis its response will be somewhat spread because of the finite support of the wavelet function. Thus, also IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 21 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 10. Examples of the application of Bayesian estimators in the UDWT domain: (a) original COSMO-SkyMed 4-look StripMap image, filtered versions obtained with (b) LMMSE, (c) MAP-GG with segmentation (GG–MAP–S), and (d) MAP-LG with classification (LG–MAP–C). UDWT coefficients around a point target one pixel wide will depend on the target response, unlike what happens in space. In the past, this was perhaps the main objection towards a systematic use of the wavelet transform to analyze SAR images. Starting from [83] a preprocessing step of point targets, and thicker strong scatterers in general, was devised. Targets are detected as upper percentiles of the image histogram, removed from the image and stored. Void pixels are smoothly filled by interpolating their neighbors. Then, wavelet analysis is performed. After synthesis of the despeckled image, point targets are reinserted in their original places. 22 The leftover two classes, namely homogeneous and textured, can be handled also by multiresolution methods to improve their performance. In [83], UDWT subbands are segmented into texture classes according to an energy index computed in the UDWT domain. Several classes of texture, from textureless onward, can be recognized. The wavelet coefficient of each segment on each subband are supposed to have a unique shape factor of the GG function, while the variance is calculated for each coefficient. Thus, the calculation of the v is more accurate than in [82], thanks to the more consistent sample size. In [85], the segmentation has been extended to the MAP-LG filter. This IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® time there are no parameters to estimate on segments, as for GG. Thus, a classified approach consists of switching among different estimators, e.g., MAP-LG and LMMSE, depending on the degree of texture of each segment. In Fig. 10-(c) and 10-(d), the results of MAP-GG and MAP-LG estimators, the former with segmentation (GG–MAP–S), the latter with classification (LG–MAP–C), on the image in Fig. 10-(a) are shown. A segmentation based approach seems also a natural solution to changes in the speckle model occurring as the spatial resolution of single-look products increases. This happens for very high resolution (VHR) new generation SAR systems, especially with Spotlight products. As the size of the elementary resolution cell decreases, the assumption of distributed scatterers is less and less verified. In substance, what is homogeneous at 10 m scale may no longer be so at 1 m. So, we expect that VHR SAR images are more textured and contain more persistent scatterers, and less homogeneous regions, than earlier products. A viable solution with segmented processing in UDWT domain is introducing corrective factors for under smoothing in textured segments, depending on the class of texture energy measured in the UDWT domain, analogously to what proposed in [78]. VI. NON-LOCAL MEAN FILTERING The NL mean (NLM) filter proposed by Buades et al. in [110] is based on the simple idea of estimating the noise free image as a weighted average of noisy pixels tf (n) = / m w (n, m) g (m) , / m w (n, m) (33) (a) where the weights w ^n, m h take into account the “similarity” between pixels g ^n h and g ^m h . The key idea of the NLM filter is that the weights w ^n, m h are based on the Euclidean distance between local patches centered at g ^n h and g ^m h, according to 1 w (n, m) = exp c - h / a k g (n + k) - g (m + k) 2 m , (34) k where a k ’s define a Gaussian window and h controls the decay of the exponential function. The NLM filter obtains a very good performance in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise, since the Euclidean distance is a natural similarity measure for this kind of model. However, in the case of SAR images, the weights have to be generalized to the case of multiplicative and non-Gaussian speckle. It is also interesting to combine the effectiveness of the NL principle with the benefits of the sparse representation offered by the wavelet transform. In the following, we will review two SAR despeckling filters based on the NL principle in the spatial [108] and in the wavelet domain [109]. A. PROBABILISTIC PATCH-BASED FILTER The probabilistic patch-based (PPB) filter, proposed by Deledalle et al. in [108], extends the NLM filter to the domain of SAR images by exploiting its connections to the weighted maximum likelihood extimator (WMLE). Namely, under the WMLE principle the noise-free image can be estimated as the value maximizing a weighted likelihood function of the observed data tf (n) = arg max / w (n, m) log p (g (m) f f ). (35) m (b) FIGURE 11. Examples of the application of (a) PPB filter and (b) SAR–BM3D filter to the 4-look COSMO-SkyMed image in Fig. 10-(a). SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 23 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® In the above equation, the weights w (n, m) can be thought of as a measure indicating to what extent a pixel at position m has the same distribution as the reference pixel at position n. The definition of the weights w (n, m) is the key problem of the WMLE approach. In the PPB filter, this problem is solved by expressing the weights as the probability, given the observed image g, that two patches centered at positions n and m can be modeled by the same distribution. By assuming the independence of the pixels of the patches, the weights can be formally expressed as w (n, m) = % p (f (n + k) = f (m + k) g (n + k), k g (m + k)) 1/h, (36) where k varies over the image patch and h is a decay parameter. According to a Bayesian framework, without knowledge of the prior probabilities p (f (n + k) = f (m + k)), the posterior probabilities in equation (36) can be assumed proportional to the likelihood p (g (n + k), g (m + k) f (n + k) = f (m + k)). This permits to adapt the weights of the PPB filter to several image distributions. For the case of SAR images, by assuming that pixel amplitudes a = g are modeled as independent and identically distributed according to a Nakagami-Rayleigh distribution, the PPB weights can be derived as [108] a (n + k) a (m + k) 1 w (n, m) = exp =- h / log d a (m + k) + a (n + k) nG (37) k and the despeckled image can be obtained according to the WMLE as 2 tf (n) = / m w (n, m) a (m) . / m w (n, m) (38) In [108], the model is further improved by letting the probabilities in (36) depend also on a previous estimate of the noise-free image. This leads to an iterative filtering approach, in which the weights are updated at each iteration according to the previous result of the filter. For the detailed derivation of the iterative PPB filter, the interested reader is referred to [108]. An example of the application of the PPB filter to the COSMO-SkyMed image in Fig. 10-(a) is given in Fig. 11-(a). As it appears, PPB filtering overly smooths textures, if any, and tries to achieve a hard segmentation of the scene also in the presence of softly switching classes. B. SAR BLOCK MATCHING 3-D FILTER The SAR block matching 3-D (SAR-BM3D) filter, proposed by Parrilli et al. in [109], is a SAR-oriented version of the block matching 3-D filter [111], which applies the NL principle in combination with a wavelet representation. The key idea of the BM3D filter is to apply the NL principle for collecting groups of similar image patches, and to compute 24 a wavelet decomposition of the resulting 3-D blocks. The NL grouping of similar patches is expected to form a highly correlated 3-D signal, which will likely have a very sparse representation in the wavelet domain, leading to an effective separation of noise–free and noisy coefficients. The processing flow of the BM3D filter can be summarized by the following steps: 1) for each reference patch in the observed image, collect the most similar patches according to a Euclidean distance criterion, and form a 3-D group; 2) apply 3-D wavelet transform, denoising of wavelet coefficients, and inverse transform; 3) return all filtered patches to their original positions, and combine them using suitable weights. It is worth noting that the above approach can be seen as a collaborative filtering: in general, the patches will be highly overlapped, so that each filtered pixel will result from the combination of several filtered patches. In [111], the final BM3D filter is obtained by repeating the above processing flow in a two iteration procedure. In the first step, wavelet domain denoising is achieved by simple hardthresholding, in order to yield a coarsely denoised image. The second step uses the denoised image obtained after the first step to improve the 3-D grouping accuracy, and replaces hard-thresholding with Wiener filtering, where the energy spectrum of the noise-free image is estimated form the coarsely denoised image. In order to adapt the BM3D filter to the case of SAR images, the SAR-BM3D filter considers two main modifications: 1) the similarity measure between patches is computed according to (37), following the same approach as in [108]; hard-thresholding and Wiener filtering are replaced with an LMMSE estimator [78] based on the additive signal-dependent noise model in (25). According to the two step procedure of the original BM3D filter, in the first step the LMMSE estimator is based only on the observed image g and the filtered wavelet coefficients are obtained according to equation (27), whereas in the second step it approximates the moments of the noise-free image according to the output of the first step, and the filtered wavelet coefficients are obtained according to t f (n) = W t 2f,1 (n) W t (n) + v 2Wv W g (n), W (39) 2 f, 1 t f,1 are the noise-free wavelet coefficients estimated where W at the first step and the variance of the wavelet coefficients of the signal-dependent noise is obtained as 2 vW v = 1 /7 t f,1 (k)A2 W g (k) - W |G | k!G (40) with G denoting the set of wavelet coefficients belonging to a 3-D group. The final despeckled image is obtained as a weighted average of the overlapped denoised patches, where the weights for each patch are inversely proportional to the corresponding value of v 2Wv [109]. An example of the application of the SAR-BM3D filter to the COSMO-SkyMed image in Fig. 10-(a) is given in Fig. 11-(b). IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® VII. TOTAL VARIATION REGULARIZATION Image denoising through TV regularization can be defined as the solution of a minimization problem tf = arg min J (f, g), (41) f where the cost function to be optimized can be expressed as J (f, g) = U (f) + mW (f, g) . (42) In the above equation, U (f) denotes a regularization term including prior information about the noise-free image f, whereas W (f, g) denotes a data fidelity term. The regularization term is usually defined as the TV norm of the noise-free image, i.e. U (f) = / n df (n) , (43) where df (n) denotes the magnitude of the gradient of f and can be computed as df (n) = fx (n) 2 + fy (n) 2 , (44) where fx (n) and fy (n) denote horizontal and vertical first order differences evaluated at pixel n, respectively. The minimization of the TV norm tends to promote a piecewise smooth image, which is usually a good prior for natural images, since it preserves important structures like edges. The data fidelity term can be defined according to several different approaches. A popular approach is to set the data fidelity term equal to the negative of the log-likelihood of f given the observed image g, that is W ( f, g) = - log p ( f g) . (45) If the TV norm is interpreted as a negative log-prior term, i.e., U ( f) = - log p ( f ) it is evident that the solution of the problem in (41) is equivalent to the MAP estimate of f. A. DESPECKLING USING TV REGULARIZATION When it comes to despeckling, the main problem is adapting the TV framework to the multiplicative noise model. In [119], the above problem is tackled in the original intensity domain by assuming a Gamma-distributed speckle, which in turn implies a Gamma p ( f g). The resulting problem can be expressed as tf = arg min / f n df (n) + m / d log f (n) + n g (n) n. f (n) (46) Despite its elegance, the above approach suffers from the fact that the functional is convex only for 0 < f < 2g. In order to obtain a convex problem, several authors have considered the logarithmic domain. A simple solution is to keep the same data fidelity term as in (46), but to replace f by f l = log f in the regularization term [120], which yields tf l = arg min / fl SEPTEMBER 2013 n df l (n) + m / _ f l (n) + g (n) e -f l (n) i . (47) n FIGURE 12. Example of the application of the TV filter in [122] to the 4-look COSMO-SkyMed image in Fig. 10-(a). Another natural solution is to consider a quadratic data fidelity term [117], [120], which yields tf l = arg min / fl n df l (n) + m / ^ f l (n) - g l (n) h . 2 (48) n Interestingly, the above solution is still equivalent to a MAP estimate when we can approximate the logarithmically transformed speckle as Gaussian. All of the above approaches consider solutions in the spatial domain. In [122], Durand et al. propose to combine the advantages of the TV regularization framework with those offered by a sparse representation. The proposed solution consists in computing the data fidelity term in the domain of a redundant multiscale representation. The rationale is that relevant structures in the image are more effectively preserved in a multiscale representation, while a TV prior helps in removing characteristic artifacts caused by wavelet thresholding. In order to limit the effects of noisy wavelet coefficients, the authors of [122] propose to compute the data fidelity term on a hard-thresholded version of the observed coefficients, where the coefficients are obtained by applying a curvelet transform to the log-transformed intensity image. The authors also suggest using an under optimal threshold, so as to preserve as much as possible curvelet coefficients relevant to edges and textures. In order to take into account the long tailed distribution of curvelet coefficients, the data fidelity term is defined as the mean absolute error between the despeckled coefficients and the hard-thresholded coefficients. The final optimization problem can be expressed as IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 25 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® tf l = arg min f l / n df l (n) + m / n W f l (n) - H [W gl (n)] (49) where H [$] denotes the hard-thresholding operator. Since the above estimator is prone to bias, the authors of [122] propose to compute the despeckled image as tf = exp (tf ') (1 + z 1 (L) /2), where z 1 (L) is the first-order polygamma function and represents the variance of L-look log-transformed speckle [33]. In general, the solution of the aforementioned optimization problems requires a suitable minimization scheme. According to the properties of the functional to be minimized, several schemes can be used, including gradient projection [118], iterative splitting methods [122], [123], inverse scale space flow [120]. The details of such minimization schemes are beyond the scope of this tutorial and the related literature is really vast. The interested reader is referred to the above cited papers and the references therein. An example of the application of the filter proposed in [122] to the COSMO-SkyMed image in Fig. 10-(a) is given in Fig. 12. VIII. ASSESSMENT OF DESPECKLING FILTERS One of the most challenging tasks is the validation and quality assessment of data processed for speckle reduction. The most evident problem is that the noise-free reflectivity that we wish to estimate is unknown, so that no comparison can be carried out between the output of the despeckling process and the actual ground truth. Another important issue is the relationship between quality and fidelity of despeckled SAR data. Like many other denoising frameworks, the quality of a processed SAR image is usually evaluated in terms of blurring of homogeneous areas, i.e., suppression of speckle noise, and detail preservation in heterogeneous areas. Nonetheless, in incoherent SAR imagery, a fundamental part of the information is represented by the relative values of the reflectivity of the targets, which allow measurements and inferences on the target scene. Consequently, the radiometric preservation of the signal is an important requirement: a good despeckling filter should not introduce bias on the reflectivity. An immediate and subjective approach for quality assessment is represented by visual inspection of filtered images. Visual inspection permits detection of the main human–visible features that characterize the behavior of a despeckling filter. Such features include edge preservation capability, degree of blur, point target preservation, as well as structural artifacts which are hardly detected by objective and direct measurements. On the other hand, visual assessment does not allow either quantitative comparisons between the performances of different despeckling filters to be made or the bias introduced by the filter to be effectively estimated. In order to overcome the limitations of visual comparison, several objective performance indexes have been 26 proposed in the literature for the quality assessment of despeckling filters. They can be mainly divided into two classes: with–reference and without–reference indexes. With–reference indexes are commonly used in the image denoising field. Their use implies that the noise– free, or reference, image is known. A typical approach consists in choosing a reference image, either optical or synthetic, representing the actual reflectivity or ground–truth, and creating a synthetically degraded version according to a given signal model. These indexes permit a quantitative and objective comparison between the performances of different filters, which are expected to perform similarly on real SAR images. Moreover, insights on filters behavior on specific image features, like edge preservation and homogeneous areas smoothing, can be easily highlighted by choosing appropriate reference images and even synthetic–generated patterns. Unfortunately, experimental results carried out on simulated SAR images often are not sufficient to infer the performances of despeckling filters on real SAR images, since the synthetically speckled image may not be consistent with the actual SAR image formation and acquisition processes. Furthermore, the statistical properties of the chosen reference image and of a real ground–truth reflectivity can substantially differ. On the contrary, without–reference indexes do not trust on the knowledge of the ground–truth. They are uniquely based on specific statistical hypotheses on the signal model. Since the signal model is strongly dependent on the degree of scene heterogeneity, a supervised selection of the most appropriate areas for the computation of a specific index, e.g., homogeneous areas, may be required. In the following, the most used indexes belonging to both the above mentioned classes are presented. Note that the statistical operator of expectation E [$] and the moments of the involved variables, such as the variance and covariance, here denoted as Var[$] and Cov [$] for the sake of simplicity, should be replaced by their empirical versions based on spatial averages when evaluating the indexes. A. WITH–REFERENCE INDEXES The mean square error (MSE), or Euclidean distance, between the ground–truth f and the despeckled image tf, and other measures derived from the MSE, like the signal–to–noise ratio (SNR), the peak signal–to–noise ratio (PSNR) and the energy signal-to-noise ratio (ESNR), have been widely used for the quality assessment of both denoising and despeckling [33], [57], [76]. Unlike the case of additive signal–independent noise, in the presence of signal–dependent noise the MSE is strongly influenced by the average signal level of the ground truth. Consequently, a quantitative evaluation of despeckling filters using this kind of indexes is strongly dependent on the content of the ground–truth image, even though performance hierarchy is usually preserved across different images. MSE–based measurements are useful to obtain a global performance assessment on the whole image, but usually IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® TABLE 1. LIST OF COMMONLY USED WITH-REFERENCE INDEXES FOR EVALUATING PERFORMANCES OF DESPECKLING ALGORITHMS. INDEX NOTE t t MSE = E [(f - f ) 2] f, f : speckle–free and despeckled images Var [f ] SNR = 10 $ log 10 ; MSE E Var [f] : speckle–free image variance 2 PEAK f PSNR = 10 $ log 10 ; MSE E fPEAK : maximum value allowed by the samples dynamic range 2 E [f ] ESNR = 10 $ log 10 ; MSE E E [f 2] : speckle–free image power t t 2 $ E 6fp@ $ E 7fpA + C 1 1 MSSIM = M / Mp =-01 > E 6f 2p@ + E 7f 2pA + C 1 t EC = Cov 7f H, f HA Var 6f H@ $ Var 7f HA FOM = 1 1 /N 2 max (N, N) n = 1 1 + d n a t t 2 $ Cov 7fp, fpA + C 2 H Var 6fp@ + Var 7fpA + C 2 t t t they yields little information about the preservation of specific features, for which other indexes can be used. The mean structural similarity index measurement (MSSIM) [135], proposed for the general denoising framework and adopted also in the context of despeckling, underlines the perceived changes in structural information after the filtering process. MSSIM takes values over the interval [0, 1], where 0 and 1 indicate no structural similarity and perfect similarity, respectively. As demonstrated in [135], MSSIM can substantially differ between images having very similar MSE values. The edge correlation (EC) index has been proposed as a measure of edge preservation for despeckling of echographic images [136] and has been extended to the SAR field [72]; it is defined as the correlation coefficient (0 # EC # 1) between high pass versions of the original and despeckled images. This index may be distorted by possible residual speckle noise that is enhanced by the high pass filtering. Another index of edge preservation is Pratt’s figure of merit (FOM), which has been used in [96] for the quality assessment of despeckled SAR and ultrasound images. FOM is defined on a local patch of the image containing an edge. The more similar the edge maps, the closer to zero the FOM values. Consequently, this index is strictly related to the map edge detector that is used, which is crucial especially for the despeckled image when a residual noise component is present. Table 1 summarizes the above mentioned indexes. A synthetically speckled images has been produced starting from a 512 # 512 digitized aerial photograph of San Francisco. The original speckle-free image, regarded as an amplitude format, has been squared and multiplied by an exponentially distributed fading term, in order to simulate a single-look SAR image in intensity format. The simulated speckle is spatially uncorrelated and fully SEPTEMBER 2013 t fp, fp, p = 0, f, M - 1: speckle–free and despeckled image patches; C 1, C 2: suitable constants. t f H, f H: high pass–filtered speckle–free and despeckled images t N, N: number of points belonging to an edge in speckle–free and despeckled image patches; d 2n: Euclidean distance between the edge pixels in the despeckled image patch and the nearest ideal edge pixel in the speckle–free one; a: suitable constant. developed. The noisy intensity image, together with all filtered intensity versions, has been square rooted, for displaying convenience, and is shown together with the 8-bit original, regarded as an amplitude image, in Fig. 13-(b) and Fig. 13-(a), respectively. The filters compared in this subsection are representative of different approaches to despeckling described in this paper: Kuan [52] and C–MAP [54] as classical spatial filters; GG–MAP–S [83] and LG–MAP–C [85] as Bayesian filters in the wavelet domain (input format is square root of intensity [137]); Probability Patch–Based (PPB) [108] and SAR–BM3D [109] as non–local mean filters in the spatial and wavelet domain; L1 Fidelity on Frame Coefficients (L1–FFC) [122] as a TV-based filter. Visual comparisons of the results obtained with the same filters can be made observing Fig. 13. What immediately stands out is that local spatial filter (Kuan and C–MAP) are unable to clean the noisy background. A residual inhomogeneity, like a coarse granular texture, is noticeable especially on the sea. This effect is thoroughly missing in wavelet-domain filters, as well as in nonlocal-mean and TV filters. Preprocessing of point targets was disabled in wavelet schemes, because the simulated speckle is fully developed. Fig. 14 shows the performance indexes obtained by means of the test despeckling filters. B. WITHOUT–REFERENCE INDEXES As previously stated, without–reference indexes do not rely on the complete knowledge of the true reflectivity, but are based on the statistical model of the SAR signal as well as on some simple assumptions on the degree of heterogeneity of the underlying scene. The equivalent number of look (ENL) [46] is an index suitable for evaluating the level of smoothing in IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 27 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) FIGURE 13. Results on a synthetically speckled image: (a) noise-free reference, (b) noisy (1-look), (c) Kuan, (d) C-MAP, (e) GG–MAP–S, (f) LG–MAP–C, (g) PPB, (h) SAR–BM3D, and (i) L1–FFC. homogeneous areas, that is where the scene variation is supposed to be negligible with respect to speckle noise fluctuations. The ENL of the original SAR image is related to the nominal number of looks through the autocorrelation function of speckle [142], whereas it increases after the despeckling stage according to the smoothing capability of the filter. Other typical measures can be computed from the ratio image r, defined as the point–by–point ratio between the noisy and the filtered image [4] 28 g (n) (50) tf (n) . The ratio image is a useful information in both homogeneous and heterogeneous scenes, wherever the fully developed speckle model holds. It represents the noise pattern removed by the despeckling filter that, according to the model, should be C-distributed. An ideal filter should result in a pure random pattern, whereas poor speckle noise removal causes structural information, such as borders and edges, to be clearly visible in the ratio image. The mean and r (n) = IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 PSNR (dB) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 EC MSSIM Noisy LG-MAP-C Kuan PPB 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Gamma-MAP SAR-BM3D FOM GG-MAP-S L1-FFC FIGURE 14. With-reference indexes computed for the image in Fig. 13-(b), with the image Fig. 13-(a) as speckle–free reflectivity. the variance of r, that is n r = E [r] and v 2r = Var[r], should be as close as possible to the respective theoretical statistical moments of the speckle noise process. For this reason, they are often used as indexes of bias and speckle power suppression, respectively. A measure of bias is also given by the B index [30], in which a value close to zero indicates an unbiased estimation. Under the hypothesis of multiplicative speckle noise, a measure of texture preservation on heterogeneous areas is given by the comparison between the coefficient of variation calculated on the despeckled image, namely Ctf , and its the expected theoretical value on the noise-free image, C f [20]. Intuitively, a poor preservation of details yields C f > Ctf , while the introduction of impairments leads to C f < Ctf . Since the speckle model does not hold in the presence of persistent scatterers or point targets, despeckling filters should keep their values unchanged. A point target is usually characterized by a cluster of pixels whose reflectivity values are much higher, even some orders of magnitude, than the mean reflectivity of the surrounding scene. The target–to–clutter ratio (TCR) [138], [139] aims at measuring the relative value of strong scatterers with respect to the values of the surrounding pixels. TCR values computed before and after despeckling are indicative about how much a filter preserves the radiometric properties in the patch. Table 2 summarizes the most commonly used withoutreference indexes for evaluating despeckling algorithms performance. Fig. 15 shows the without–reference indexes obtained on the image in Fig. 10-(a). The indexes have been computed for the original 1024 # 1024 image and for a 512 # 512 4–look version, generated by means of spatial multilooking (2 # 2 average). C. DISCUSSION The computational complexities of the most relevant filters among those reviewed raises an interesting concern. Early spatial filters are nowadays real-time (less than 1 s to process a 1024 # 1024 scene on a standard platform). Wavelet-based methods are at least ten times longer to run, up to one hundred times for GG–MAP–S, which requires numerical calculation of the maximum of a function [83], unlike LMMSE and LG–MAP–C, which admit closed form SEPTEMBER 2013 TABLE 2. LIST OF COMMONLY USED WITHOUTREFERENCE INDEXES FOR EVALUATING PERFORMANCES OF DESPECKLING ALGORITHMS. INDEX ENL = NOTE t t 2 E7f A Var 7 f A f, f : speckle–free and despeckled images; ENL is evaluated in homogeneous areas t n r = E [r], v 2r = Var [r] B = E= Cf = t r (n ) = g (n ) tf (n) : ratio image t (g - f ) G g t Var 7 f A E7f A t TCR = 20 log 10 C 2g - C 2u (expected value); 1 + C 2u C g, , C u: coefficients of variation of the observed noisy image g and of the speckle noise u Cf = max P 6g@ E P 6g@ P: patch containing a point target; max P , E P computed over the patch solutions. For all multiresolution methods, biorthogonal 9/7 wavelet filters and four levels of decomposition (corresponding to a baseband approximation having 4 4 = 256 nominal looks) have been used. Biorthogonal filters are preferred to orthogonal filters in image processing applications because they allow filters of different lengths, and hence of spectral selectivity, to be available for the low pass (9 coeffs.) and high pass (7 coeffs.) analyses. Conversely, NL filtering approaches, in either space (PPB) or wavelet (SAR–BM3D) domain, have a significantly higher computational cost, mainly because of iterated processing, with recalculation of statistics after each step. Eventually, the TV-based filter examined (L1–FFC) is comparable with NL filters. The numbers of iterations are those recommended by the respective authors in their implementations. Table 3 summarizes the complexity of despeckling algorithms. A key point in the despeckling of SAR images is the extent to which models assumed for the signal or the noise match the actual statistics of the data. By observing the results on 1-look data in Fig. 15, it is quite evident that all filters yield a biased outcome ^n r < 1, B > 1 h and a limited speckle removal capability ^v 2r < 1 h . Both these IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 29 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 100 1 80 0.95 60 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.9 40 0.85 20 0 0.8 ENL Mean[r] Noisy LG-MAP-C Var[r] Gamma-MAP GG-MAP-S SAR-BM3D L1-FFC Kuan PPB 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Coeff_Var CF (a) 250 1.1 0.4 200 1.05 0.3 150 1 100 0.95 50 0.9 0 0.2 0.1 0 0.85 ENL 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Mean[r] Noisy LG-MAP-C Var[r] Kuan PPB Gamma-MAP SAR-BM3D Coeff_Var CF GG-MAP-S L1-FFC (b) FIGURE 15. Without-reference indexes computed for different despeckling algorithms for the image in Fig. 10-(a). (a) One-look image (theoretical value C f = 0.355 ); (b) 4-look version of the same image (theoretical value C f = 0.544 ). effects occur because all filters do not take into account that speckle is spatially autocorrelated in real single–look SAR images [30], for the following reasons: 1) oversampling of SAR raw data with respect to the Nyquist rate given by twice the chirp bandwidth; 2) frequency windowing applied when the raw data are focused and aimed at improving the response of targets, avoiding Gibbs’ effects. As reported in Fig. 15 for 4-looks data, multilooking allows all filters to obtain values of n r and v 2r closer to the ideal ones. This mainly happens because the multilooking process reduces the speckle correlation; unfortunately, it also halves the image resolution in both range and azimuth directions. Very few despeckling filters that specifically consider the speckle correlation have been proposed in the literature (e.g., [30]). Recently, a blind speckle decorrelation method to be applied to SLC images has been proposed [31], [141] to enhance the performances of existing despeckling filters. The idea is estimating the SAR system frequency response on the original SLC image in order to compensate its effect by an inverse filtering (whitening stage), so that an SLC image having uncorrelated speckle noise, but preserving the radiometric features, is produced. In [140], it has been shown that the introduction of the whitening stage allows noticeable performance gains for filters based on the uncorrelated speckle model. A visual and numerical example on a single– look COSMO–SkyMed image is proposed in Fig. 16. The correlation coefficient t dramatically decreases after the whitening stage. MAP–GG–S outperforms its own results when it is applied to the uncorrelated speckled image. The problem of speckle correlation occurs only for one-look data, because the process of multilooking, equivalent to low pass filtering and decimation, lowers the correlation coefficient (CC) of speckle from about 35% to less than 10% [142]. A visual analysis of the image details in Fig. 16 highlights that wavelet despeckling suffers from the presence of structured artifacts mainly located around edges, referred to as glitches, that are due, in order of importance, to: 1) speckle correlation, 2) input image format (amplitude is preferable to intensity, because yields a more accurate MAP estimation in UDWT domain [143]), 3) type of wavelet filter (the shortest filters of Haar transform [89] produce the least noticeable artifacts). Also the type of decomposition (à trous wavelet (ATWT) [37] rather than UDWT) is a topic worth being investigated, also because ATWT accommodates all details TABLE 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY OF DESPECKLING METHODS. BETWEEN TWO CONSECUTIVE GRADES THERE IS APPROXIMATELY ONE ORDER OF MAGNITUDE. SO, PPB IS ABOUT 1000 TIMES SLOWER THAN KUAN’S FILTER, ON THE SAME COMPUTING PLATFORM. 30 Filter Kuan (7 Complexity Very low # 7) C –MAP (7 Very low # 7) UDWT LMMSE LG–MAP–C GG–MAP–S PPB SAR–BM3D L1–FFC Low Low Medium High High High IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 16. (a) Original one-look COSMO-SkyMed image ( t - 0.29 ); (b) MAP–GG–S [83] of original (ENL = 27.90, n r = 0.940, v 2r = 0.702 ); (c) whitened [140] ( t - 0.05 ); (d) MAP–GG–S of whitened (ENL = 142.29, n r = 0.997, v 2r = 0.936 ). t is the CC of speckle measured on the complex image [29]; ENL, n r and v 2r are calculated on a homogeneous patch after despeckling. of one scale in a unique plane; thus the number of coefficients to be despeckled, and hence computing times, would be three times lower. However, the adaptivity with orientation featured by UDWT would be lost with ATWT. The assessment of the performances of despeckling filters on real SAR data is often problematic due to the lack of with–reference indexes. In order to overcome such problems, a possible idea is to use electromagnetic SAR image generators [23]. Such simulators are based on more physical–oriented models, which consider the propagation of the electromagnetic wave and its interaction with targets and surfaces, and usually require a more detailed parametric description of the target scene with respect to the models used in signal processing applications. In [22], the authors use an electromagnetic SAR image generator to simulate several independent acquisitions of the same scene. If the number of acquisitions is sufficiently high, their average can be considered as a good approximation of the noise– free reflectivity and can be used to compute with–reference indexes. The advantage of this technique is that the simulated images do not necessarily obey the fully developed speckle model and provide insights on the behavior of the filter on point targets and highly heterogeneous areas. On the other hand, the underlying reflectivity follows a synthetically generated pattern, which may not be fully representative of the reflectivity usually encountered in real SAR images, especially in complex scenes, due to the ideal models of objects fed to the simulator. Another viable approach to devise a fully automatic method for quality assessment of despeckled SAR images was recently proposed by the authors [144]. The rationale of the new approach is that any structural perturbation introduced by despeckling, e.g., a local bias of mean or the blur of a sharp edge or the suppression of a point target, may be regarded either as the introduction of a new structure or as the suppression of an existing one. Conversely, plain removal of random noise does not change structures in the image. Structures are identified as clusters in the normalized scatterplot of original to filtered image. Ideal filtering should produce clusters all aligned along the main diagonal. In pracSEPTEMBER 2013 tice clusters are moved far from the diagonal. Cluster centers are detected through the mean shift algorithm. A structural change feature is defined at each pixel from the position and population of off-diagonal clusters [145]. Such a feature may be regarded as a spatial map of filtering inaccuracies. A preliminary validation has been carried out on simulated SAR images, with a good correlation between feature and objective filtering error. In experiments on COSMO-SkyMed images, the automatic ranking of filters matches the subjective trials of experts. The proposed feature detects filtering impairments but is unable to measure the overall effectiveness of filtering. Therefore, its use must be coupled with another index measuring the effectiveness of cleaning, e.g., ENL, regardless of its accuracy. IX. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES This tutorial has demonstrated that despeckling of SAR images takes into account several issues related to signal and noise modeling, signal representation, estimation theory and quality assessment. Concerning Bayesian estimation, starting from Lee filter, local-window adaptive filtering has been progressively enhanced, up to a saturation of performances, due to the trade off of using windows small enough to retain edges textures and fine details and large enough to allow a consistent and confident statistical estimate to be achieved. In the last two decades, the introduction of multiresolution analysis has been found to boost despeckling algorithms performances. Key points of wavelet-based despeckling is the modeling of the reflectivity and of the signal-dependent noise in the wavelet domain and the choice of the estimation criterion to achieve the noise-free wavelet coefficients. While several authors have chosen overfitting models sacrificing space adaptivity, others have tried to keep the advantages of an adaptivity in both scale and space by using pdfs with few parameters to be estimated locally on subbands/frames. A preprocessing step of point targets that must retain their radiometry after despeckling and a segmented approach, in which sample statistics are calculated on homogeneous segments, complete Bayesian despeckling in wavelet domain. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 31 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® As to non-Bayesian approaches, Lee’s sigma filter has evolved into bilateral filtering, which has possibly inspired nonlocal filtering, excellent examples of which are found both in spatial and in wavelet domains. In parallel, total variation has emerged as a powerful regularization technique that can be specialized to the signal dependent noise model and allows constraints to be set on several mathematical properties of the output image. As an example, setting a constraint on L1 norm definitely avoids glitches and other impairments. Presently, computational issues are mainly responsible for the moderate, yet increasing, popularity of such methods among users. New horizons are undoubtedly in the direction of compressed sensing, of which denoising seems to be one of the most promising application, notwithstanding objective difficulties come from the signal dependent, and hence nonstationary, noise model. Given the huge effort of researchers in this area, new developments and applications to despeckling are expected in a near future. Computational issues are also the main drawback of algorithms based on compressed sensing, with respect to spatial and wavelet domain Bayesian algorithms. The ever increasing diffusion of multiprocessor systems will be beneficial for methods that can be easily parallelized. X. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to C. Deledalle and to L. Verdoliva for providing us the codes of PPB and SAR-BM3D methods, respectively. The COSMO-SkyMed data were kindly made available by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). REFERENCES [1] A. Moreira, P. Prats-Iraola, M. Younis, G. Krieger, I. Hajnsek, and K. P. 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GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 35 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® TECHNICAL COMMITTEES FABIO PACIFICI, DigitalGlobe, Inc., USA QIAN DU, Mississippi State University, USA SAURABH PRASAD, University of Houston, USA Report on the 2013 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest: Fusion of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data T he Data Fusion Contest is organized by the Data Fusion Technical Committee of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). The Committee serves as a global, multi-disciplinary, network for geospatial data fusion, with the aim of connecting people and resources, educating students and professionals, and promoting the best practices in data fusion applications. The Contest has been held annually since 2006. It is open not only to IEEE members, but to everyone, with the goal of evaluating existing methodologies at the research or operational level to solve remote sensing problems using data from a variety of sensors. 1. OVERVIEW OF PREVIOUS DATA FUSION CONTESTS The focus of the 2006 Contest was on the fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images [1]. Six simulated Pleiades images were provided by the French National Space Agency (CNES). Each data set included a very high spatial resolution panchromatic image (0.80 m resolution) and its corresponding multispectral image (3.2 m resolution). A high spatial resolution multispectral image was available as ground reference, which was used by the organizing committee for evaluation but not distributed to the participants. In 2007, the Contest theme was urban mapping using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical data, and 9 ERS amplitude data sets and 2 Landsat multispectral images were made available [2]. The task was to obtain a classification map as accurate as possible with respect to the unknown (to the participants) ground reference, depicting land cover and land use patterns for the urban area under study. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277532 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 36 The 2008 Contest was dedicated to the classification of very high spatial resolution (1.3 m) hyperspectral imagery [3]. The task was again to obtain a classification map as accurate as possible with respect to the unknown (to the participants) ground reference. The data set was collected by the Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (ROSIS-03) optical sensor with 115 bands covering the 0.43–0.86 μm spectral range. In 2009–2010, the aim of Contest was to perform change detection using multi-temporal and multi-modal data [4]. Two pairs of data sets were available over Gloucester, UK, before and after a flood event. The data set contained SPOT and ERS images (before and after the disaster). The optical and SAR images were provided by CNES. Similar to previous years’ Contests, the ground truth used to assess the results was not provided to the participants. Each set of results was tested and ranked a first time using the Kappa coefficient. The best five results were used to perform decision fusion with majority voting. Then, re-ranking was carried out after evaluating the level of improvement with respect to the fusion results. A set of WorldView-2 multi-angular images was provided by DigitalGlobe for the 2011 Contest [5]. This unique set was composed of five Ortho Ready Standard multi-angular acquisitions, including both 16 bit panchromatic and multispectral 8-band images. The data were collected over Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in January 2010 within a three minute time frame with satellite elevation angles of 44.7°, 56.0°, and 81.4° in the forward direction, and 59.8° and 44.6° in the backward direction. Since there were a large variety of possible applications, each participant was allowed to decide a research topic to work on, exploring the most creative use of optical multi-angular information. At the end of the Contest, each participant was required to submit a paper describing in detail the problem addressed, the IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FIGURE 1. Composition of the hyperspectral and LiDAR data sets over the University of Houston campus. method used, and the final result generated. The papers submitted were automatically formatted to hide names and affiliations of the authors to ensure neutrality and impartiality of the reviewing process. The 2012 Contest was designed to investigate the potential of multi-modal/multi-temporal fusion of very high spatial resolution imagery in various remote sensing applications [6]. Three different types of data sets (optical, SAR, and LiDAR) over downtown San Francisco were made available by DigitalGlobe, Astrium Services, and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), including QuickBird, WorldView-2, TerraSAR-X, and LiDAR imagery. The image scenes covered a number of large buildings, skyscrapers, commercial and industrial structures, a mixture of community parks and private housing, and highways and bridges. Following the success of the multi-angular Data Fusion Contest in 2011, each participant was again required to submit a paper describing in detail the problem addressed, method used, and final results generated for review. buildings, highways, railway, and vehicles. The validation samples that the Contest organizers used to evaluate the submissions were not disclosed. Best Paper Challenge, with the objective of promoting novel use of hyperspectral and LiDAR data. The deliverable was a 4-page manuscript describing the problem, methodology, results and discussion. The goal of this challenge was to encourage the participants to consider hyperspectral and LiDAR data fusion problems and to demonstrate novel and effective approaches to address them. The Data Fusion Award Committee consisted of seven independent judges from universities and industries: ◗ Jocelyn Chanussot, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France ◗ Melba Crawford, Purdue University, USA ◗ Jenny (Qian) Du, Mississippi State University, USA ◗ Paolo Gamba, University of Pavia, Italy ◗ Fabio Pacifici, DigitalGlobe, Inc., USA ◗ Antonio Plaza, University of Extremadura, Spain ◗ Saurabh Prasad, University of Houston, USA Papers were judged in terms of sound scientific reasoning, problem definition, methodology, validation, and presentation. 3. OUTCOME OF THE CONTEST More than 900 researchers from universities, national labs, space agencies, and corporations across the globe registered to the Contest, demonstrating the great interest of the community in the DFTC activities in promoting cutting-edge research of remote sensing image processing and analysis. The data sets were downloaded from a total of 69 different countries, with a large number of registrations from less developed areas. Fig. 2 shows the geographical distribution of the participants, where other indicates the sum of all countries with less than 10 participants. 2. 2013 DATA FUSION CONTEST The 2013 Contest was aimed at exploring the synergetic use of hyperspectral and LiDAR data. The hyperspectral imagery was composed of 144 spectral bands from 380 to 1050 nm. A co-registered LiDAR derived Digital Surface Model (DSM) was also made available to all participants. Both data sets had the same spatial resolution (2.5 m). As shown in Fig. 1, the data was acquired by the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) in the summer of 2012 over the University of Houston USA 17% and the neighboring urban area. The data 17% China pre-processing was conducted by student India volunteers at UH’s Hyperspectral Image Iran 1% Canada Analysis group, and NCALM staff. A 1% 1% France ground truth corresponding to this data1% Germany 2% set was created by the contest organizing Italy 17% 2% committee via photo-interpretation. Pakistan This year, the Contest consisted of 2% Spain two parallel competitions: Turkey 2% Best Classification Challenge, with the Japan Belgium objective of promoting innovation in clas2% Malaysia sification algorithms, and to provide fair 3% Egypt performance comparisons among state3% Greece 14% of-the-art algorithms. For this task, users Other 4% were provided with training samples from 8% 14 classes of interest, including various types of vegetation, soil, water, but also FIGURE 2. Geographical distribution of the participants for countries with more than less common targets, such as commercial 10 participants. SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 37 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® (a) (b) FIGURE 3. The Data Fusion Technical Committee congratulates the winners of the 2013 Contest during the Chapters and Technical Committees Dinner at IGARSS 2013. From left to right in each photo: (a) Qian Du, Fabio Pacifici, Andreas Merentitis, and Saurabh Prasad; (b) Qian Du, Fabio Pacifici, Paul Scheunders (on behalf of Liao et al.), and Saurabh Prasad. You can contact the Committee Chairs by e-mail at: _______ [email protected]. If you are interested in joining the Data Fusion Technical Committee, please send an e-mail with: ◗ First and Last Name ◗ Institution/Company ◗ Country ◗ IEEE Membership Number (if available) ◗ E-mail Members receive information regarding Data Fusion research and applications, and updates on the annual Data Fusion Contest. Membership in the Data Fusion Technical Committee is free! Join the LinkedIn IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Discussion Forum: http://www. comes will be submitted for peer review to the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS). To further enhance its impact in the community, the Data Fusion Technical Committee will support its openaccess publication cost. Funding provided by the IEEE GRSS and DigitalGlobe, Inc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Technical Committee would like to express its great appreciation to NCALM for providing the data, to the Hyperspectral Image Analysis group, NCALM staff, both at UH, for preparing the data, and to GRSS and DigitalGlobe Inc. for their continuous support in providing funding and resources for the Data Fusion Contest. REFERENCES Final results were announced at the 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium held in Melbourne, Australia. The winners of the 2013 Data Fusion Contest are: ◗ Christian Debes1, Andreas Merentitis1, Roel Heremans1, Jürgen Hahn2, Nick Frangiadakis1, and Tim van Kasteren1 from AGT International and Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, are the winners of the Best Classification Challenge. Details can be found at http:// ____ _________________________ ◗ Wenzhi Liao, Rik Bellens, Aleksandra Pizurica, Sidharta Gautama, and Wilfried Philips from Ghent University, Belgium, are the winners of the Best Paper Challenge with a paper entitled “Graph-Based Feature Fusion of Hyperspectral and Lidar Remote Sensing Data Using Morphological Features”. Details can be found at http://hyper________ _____________________ As shown in Fig. 3, the winning teams were awarded IEEE GRSS Certificates of Appreciations and iPads during the Technical Committees and Chapters Dinner. Additionally, as is tradition, a manuscript summarizing the Contest out38 [1] L. Alparone, L. Wald, J. Chanussot, C. Thomas, P. Gamba, and L. M. Bruce, “Comparison of pansharpening algorithms: Outcome of the 2006 GRS-S Data Fusion Contest,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 3012–3021, Oct. 2007. [2] F. Pacifici, F. Del Frate, W. J. Emery, P. Gamba, and J. Chanussot, “Urban mapping using coarse SAR and optical data: Outcome of the 2007 GRS-S Data Fusion Contest,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 331–335, July 2008. [3] G. Licciardi, F. Pacifici, D. Tuia, S. Prasad, T. West, F. Giacco, J. Inglada, E. Christophe, J. Chanussot, and P. Gamba, “Decision fusion for the classification of hyperspectral data: Outcome of the 2008 GRS-S Data Fusion Contest,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 3857–3865, Nov. 2009. [4] N. Longbotham, F. Pacifici, T. Glenn, A. Zare, M. Volpi, D. Tuia, E. Christophe, J. Michel, J. Inglada, J. Chanussot, and Q. Du, “Multi-modal change detection, application to the detection of flooded areas: Outcome of the 2009-2010 Data Fusion Contest,” IEEE J. Select. Top. Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sensing, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 331–342, Feb. 2012. [5] F. Pacifici and Q. Du, “Foreword to the special issue on optical multiangular data exploitation and outcome of the 2011 GRSS Data Fusion Contest,” IEEE J. Select. Top. Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sensing, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 3–7, Feb. 2012. [6] C. Berger, M. Voltersen, R. Eckardt, J. Eberle, T. Heyer, N. Salepci, S. Hese, C. Schmullius, J. Tao, S. Auer, R. Bamler, K. Ewald, M. Gartley, J. Jacobson, A. Buswell, Q. Du, and F. Pacifici. (2013, June). Multi-modal and multi-temporal data fusion: Outcome of the 2012 GRSS Data Fusion Contest. IEEE J. Select. Top. Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sensing. [Online]. 6(3), pp. 1324–1340. Available: 6480856&isnumber=6541987 GRS _________________ IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CHAPTERS KADIM TAŞDEMİR IEEE GRSS Turkey Chapter R emote sensing has been a key element for environmental sustainability, protection and security of the citizens, disaster management and urban monitoring. It is an indispensable tool particularly for Turkey which is one of the major agriculture states in the region with a population of nearly seventy million (more than 70% live in the urban cities) and which often significantly suffers from disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, and forest fires. Therefore, remote sensing technologies have been selected as one of the technological areas with high priority for the Vision 2023 (the state goals for the centennial celebration of the Republic of Turkey). Specific state departments and research centers have been established to promote and advance space technologies at every scale from sensor development to launcher systems, including image information mining. Based on these initiatives, a national satellite with high spatial resolution, Göktürk-2, was launched early this year, and new satellite missions are in progress. Thanks to the increasing interest in geoscience and remote sensing, IEEE GRSS Turkey chapter was established this year with two main motivating factors: to serve the GRSS members, researchers and general public interested in geoscience and remote sensing in Turkey, through scientific, technical and educational activities; and to promote a high level of excellence among the GRSS members in Turkey by information exchange through meetings, workshops, and conferences. In addition, this chapter will be a good platform for building partnerships to address the challenges in the remotesensing research. Considering the vital priorities of Turkey’s special conditions such as the evaluation of agricultural and natural resources, disaster preparedness, and mineral exploration possibilities, this chapter Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277537 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 Professor Lorenzo Bruzzone and executive committee of the GRSS Turkey Chapter (left to right: E. Erten, K. Tasdemir, L. Bruzzone, and G. Taskin Kaya). Professor Lorenzo Bruzzone, during his presentation at ITU. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 39 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Professor Melba Crawford and Kadim Tasdemir at RAST’2013, Istanbul. is also of great importance for advancing geoscience and remote sensing applications in a collaborative manner. As a kick-off to start our chapter activities, we hosted Professor Lorenzo Bruzzone through GRSS Distinguished Lecturer Program at Istanbul Technical University at the end of April 2013. Professor Bruzzone gave a talk entitled “Current Scenario and Challenges in the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images” to an audience of nearly a hundred people composed of students, faculty and researchers. He also shared his valuable ideas on possible GRSS activities and gave productive suggestions on remotesensing image analysis. This program also set the scene to form collaborative agreements which have initiated projects on disaster management. In April, a special session, cochaired by Begum Demir from University of Trento and Kadim Taşdemir from Antalya International University, on “Remote Sensing Image Analysis” was also organized in Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (Sinyal ∙l şleme ve ∙lletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Sl∙U 2013) and fourteen studies on different aspects of remote sensing were presented. The sixth of the biannual international conference on recent advancements on space technologies (RAST’2013), technically cosponsored by GRSS, was held in Istanbul. Professor Melba Crawford was an invited speaker and informed the attendees about “IEEE GRSS and Remote Sensing Technologies: Accomplishments and Challenges for the next Decade” and gave a presentation on hyperspectral image processing. After 10 years of its first organization in 2003, the conference sponsored by main remote sensing societies has become internationally acknowledged on space technologies and received paper from more than thirty countries. The next one will also be organized in Istanbul, June 2015. Detailed information on RAST series can be found at The initiative of forming the chapter, started during the IGARSS 2012 in Munich, has already been paying off by doubling the number of GRSS members in Turkey in less than a year. The elected executive committee members of the GRSS Turkey Chapter are: Chair Kadim Taşdemir (Antalya International University), Vice-Chair Esra Erten (Istanbul Technical University), Secretary Gül∙şen Taşkın Kaya (Istanbul Technical University), and Treasurer Mehmet Kurum (TUBITAK). For more information on the chapter activities, please contact: ___________ [email protected]. GRS GRSS CHAPTERS AND CONTACT INFORMATION CHAPTER LOCATION JOINT WITH (SOCIETIES) CHAPTER CHAIR E-MAIL ADDRESS Boston Section, MA GRS William Blackwell [email protected] ________ Springfield Section, MA AP, MTT, ED, GRS, LEO Paul Siqueira _____________ [email protected] Western New York GRS Jan van Aardt ___________ [email protected] GRS Miguel Roman [email protected] _______________ Region 1: Northeastern USA Region 2: Eastern USA Washington, DC & Northern VA area Region 3: Southeastern USA Atlanta Section, GA AES, GRS Clayton Kerce ________________ [email protected] Eastern North Carolina Section GRS Linda Hayden [email protected] ______________ Region 4: Central USA Central Illinois Section LEO, GRS Weng Cho Chew [email protected] ___________ Southeastern Michigan Section GRS Adib Y. Nashashibi [email protected] ____________ Denver Section, CO AP, MTT, GRS Michael Janezic [email protected] _____________ Houston Section, TX AP, MTT, GRS, LEO Christi Madsen [email protected] ____________ Region 5: Southwestern USA Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277539 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 40 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CHAPTER LOCATION JOINT WITH (SOCIETIES) CHAPTER CHAIR E-MAIL ADDRESS Region 6: Western USA Alaska Section, AK GRS Franz Meyer [email protected] ___________ Los Angeles Section, CA GRS Paul A. Rosen ______________ [email protected] Region 7: Canada Ottawa Section, ON OE, GRS Yifeng Zhou [email protected] ____________ Quebec Section, Quebec, QC AES, OE, GRS Xavier Maldague [email protected] ____________ Toronto Section, ON SP, VT, AES, UFF, OE, GRS Sri Krishnan [email protected] _____________ Vancouver Section, BC AES, GRS David G. Michelson [email protected] ____________ Steven McClain [email protected] _____________ Region 8: Europe, Middle East and Africa Benelux Section AES, GRS Mark Bentum [email protected] _____________ Croatia Section AES, GRS Juraj Bartolic [email protected] ___________ France Section GRS Mathieu Fauvel [email protected] _____________ Germany Section GRS Irena Hajnsek [email protected] ___________ Islamabad Section, Pakistan GRS, AES M. Umar Khattak _____________ [email protected] Italy Section GRS Simonetta Paloscia [email protected] ___________ Russia Section GRS Anatolij Shutko [email protected] _________________ Saudi Arabia Section GRS Yakoub Bazi [email protected] __________ South Africa Section AES, GRS Meena Lysko [email protected] __________ [email protected] _________ South Italy Section GRS Maurizio Migliaccio [email protected] ________________ Spain Section GRS Antonio J. Plaza [email protected] _________ Student Branch, Spain Section GRS Pablo Benedicto [email protected] _____________ Turkey Section GRS Kadim Tasdemir __________ [email protected] Ukraine Section AP, MTT, ED, AES, GRS, NPS Kostyantyn V. Ilyenko [email protected] ____________ United Kingdom & Rep. of Ireland (UKRI) Section GRS, OE Yong Xue [email protected] _____________ Region 9: Latin America Student Branch, Colombia Section GRS Leyini Parra Espitia ___________ [email protected] Student Branch, South Brazil Section GRS Marcus Vasconcelos [email protected] ___________ Guadalajara Section, Mexico GRS Iván Villalón [email protected] ____________ Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales Sections, Australia GRS Xiuping Jia [email protected] _________ Bangalore Section, India GRS Daya Sagar Behara [email protected] ____________ Beijing Section, China GRS Ji Wu [email protected] _________ Delhi Section, India GRS O.P.N. Calla [email protected] ___________ Gujarat Section, India GRS Shiv Mohan _______________ [email protected] Region 10: Asia and Pacific Indonesia Section GRS, AES Arifin Nugroho [email protected] ______________ Japan Section GRS Yoshihisa Hara Hara.Yoshihisa@ _________ ______________ Malaysia Section GRS, AES Voon-Chet Koo [email protected] ___________ Melbourne Section GRS, AES William Junek [email protected] _____________ Nanjing Section, China GRS Feng Jiao [email protected] _______________ Seoul Section, Korea GRS Joong-Sun Won [email protected] ___________ Singapore Section AES, GRS See Kye Yak [email protected] __________ Taipei Section, Taiwan GRS Yang-Lang Chang [email protected] ___________ Abbreviation Guide for IEEE Technical Societies AES AP ED EMB LEO MTT SEPTEMBER 2013 Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Antennas and Propagation Society Electron Devices Society Engineering in Medicine and Biology Lasers & Electro-Optics Society Microwave Theory and Techniques Society NPS OE SP UFF VT Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Oceanic Engineering Society Signal Processing Society Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society Vehicular Technology Society IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 41 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® EDUCATION MICHAEL INGGS, University of Cape Town, South Africa XIUPING JIA, University of New South Wales SIMON JONES, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology KIM LOWELL, University of Melbourne The GRSS Summer School Melbourne 2013 I. SUMMER SCHOOL OVERVIEW he second deployment of the GRSS Summer School (GR4S) became a Winter School in Melbourne, Australia, held successfully on 18–19 July at a beautiful lecture theatre of RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. The event was opened by Professor Simon Jones, RMIT, Australia, and chaired by Dr. Xiuping Jia, University of New South Wales, Australia. There were 50 attendees (including speakers). T II. GOALS OF GR4S The GRSS Summer School, first held before the Munich IGARSS (2012) was designed as a pre-conference event that provides an outstanding opportunity to obtain a broad knowledge of the fundamentals of a range of image data and analysis, from leading Australian and international authorities, and to meet other attendees before the conference begins. The level of the GR4S is introductory, aimed at early Ph.D. students, or, advanced Masters students. This is to be contrasted with the Tutorials that are held the Sunday for an IGARSS starts. These Tutorials are intended to provide advanced updates to the Geoscience and Remote Sensing practitioner i.e. Continuing Professional Development. A further objective of the GR4S is to allow students to meet some of the well known local and international experts in the field of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. This personal contact can only assist in the development of the career of the students. (a) Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277554 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 42 III. THE PROGRAMME A. CONTACTS/ORGANIZERS Xiuping Jia ([email protected]), ____________ The University of New South Wales, Canberra Campus. Kim Lowell ([email protected]), Cooperative ______________ Research Centre for Spatial Information, University of Melbourne. Simon Jones ([email protected]), _________________ RMIT University, Melbourne. B. PROGRAMME Thursday, July 18 9:00–9:10 AM Opening 9:10–10:30 Nathan Quadros (Airborne LiDAR Acquisition and Validation) 10:30–10:50 Morning Tea (provided) 10:50–12:10 Suzanne Furby (Image Processing for the Land Cover Change Program of a National Carbon Accounting System) (b) (c) FIGURE 1. Summer School 2013 organizers. (a) Xiuping Jia, (b) Kim Lowell, and (c) Simon Jones. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 12:10–1:30 PM 1:30–2:50 2:50–3:10 3:10–4:30 5:00–? Friday, July 19 9:00–9:10 AM 9:10–10:30 10:30–10:50 10:50–12:10 12:10–1:30 PM 1:30–2:50 2:50–3:10 3:10–4:10 4:10–4:20 Lunch (on your own) Mihai Datcu (Image Information Mining) Afternoon Tea (provided) Lorenzo Bruzzone (Multi-Temporal Image Analysis) Social event Housekeeping Jocelyn Channusot (Hyperspectral Image Analysis) Morning Tea (provided) Phil Tickle (The Challenges of Developing Australia’s High Resolution Coastal DEM for Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Applications) Lunch (on your own) John Richards (Thematic Mapping from SAR Image Data) Afternoon Tea (provided) Mihai Tanase and Rocco Panciera (Calibrating airborne radar for soil-moisture extraction) Issue of certificate, photo, and wrap-up. C. THE INSTRUCTORS The GR4S in Melbourne benefitted from the following well known instructors. 1) John Richards: John is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia and a Life Fellow of the IEEE. He has held the positions of Master of University House at the Australian National University, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President of the ANU, and Dean of the Col- lege of Engineering and Computer Science. In the 1980s he was foundation Director of the Centre for Remote Sensing at the University of New South Wales. John is an Emeritus Professor of the Australian National University and the University of New South Wales, Visiting Professor at the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and President of the International Society for Digital Earth. 2) Lorenzo Bruzzone: received the Laurea (M.S.) degree in electronic engineering (summa cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1993 and 1998, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor of telecommunications at the University of Trento, Italy, where he teaches remote sensing, radar, pattern recognition, and electrical communications. Dr. Bruzzone is the founder and the director of the Remote Sensing Laboratory in the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento. His current research interests are in the areas of remote sensing, radar and SAR, signal processing, and pattern recognition. He promotes and supervises research on these topics within the frameworks of many national and international projects. Among the others, he is the Principal Investigator of the Radar for icy Moon exploration (RIME) instrument in the framework of the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission of the European Space Agency. He is the author (or coauthor) of 137 scientific publications in referred international journals (93 in IEEE journals), more than 190 papers in conference proceedings, and 16 book chapters. He was invited as keynote speaker in 24 international conferences and workshops. He is a member of the Managing Committee of the Italian Inter-University Consortium on Telecommunications. Since 2009 he is a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. He is an IEEE Fellow. FIGURE 2. GR4S Melbourne 2013. SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 43 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 3. Some scenes from the GR4S Melbourne. (a) Organizers and helpers: from left—Simon Jones, Xiuping Jia, Mariela Soto-Berelov and Lola Suarez Barranco (Kim Lowell was unavailable). (b) The fun part of summer school in winter: relaxing at the bar. (c) Talking with the instructor. (d) John Richards in action. 3) Mihai A. Tanase: received the engineering diploma in forestry from Stefan cel Mare University,Romania, in 1999; the diploma in economy from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania, in 2004; the M.Sc. degree in environmental management from the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, France, in 2007; and the Ph.D. degree in geography from the University of Zaragoza, Spain, in 2010. Since 2011, he holds a post doctoral position at the University of Melbourne/CRC for Spatial Information through the ARC Super Science Fellowship program. He is a Principal Investigator for ESA-ERS, DLR-TerraSAR/Tandem-X, JAXA-ALOS PALSAR2 and CSA-SOAR research programs and participated in the JAXA K&C Initiative as a Coinvestigator. He is interested in the use of remote sensing for vegetation characterization. His current activity is focused on SAR, InSAR and PolSAR data for re severity estimation, vegetation recovery monitoring and the retrieval of biogeophysical parameters of forests and agricultural crops. Dr. Tanase was the recipient of the IEEE GRSS-IGARSS Symposium Interactive Prize Paper Award in 2010. 4) Nathan Quadros: is an airborne LiDAR specialist working at the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information. He has advised and managed the acquisition of numerous LiDAR projects in Victoria, Australia and the Pacific. His recent research has focused on vertical datum 44 transformations, LiDAR validation and acquisition standards. Nathan has a particular interest in the acquisition of bathymetric LiDAR, and topographic LiDAR when it is used for modelling sea-level rise, coastal inundation and catchment flooding. 5) Rocco Panciera: received the M.S. degree in environmental engineering from the University of Trento, Italy, in 2003. In 2009 he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Melbourne, Australia, with a thesis on the effect of land surface heterogeneity on the accuracy of spaceborne soil moisture retrieval using passive microwave techniques. He then worked at the University of Melbourne as a Research Fellow within the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAPEx) project for algorithm development for NASAs SMAP mission. In this role he conducted two large scale field experiments in South-Eastern Australia including airborne active and passive microwave sensors. From January 2011 he has been based at the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRC-SI), Melbourne, Australia, where he is employed under the Superscience Fellowship from the Australian Research Council (ARC). In this role he has been working on techniques to estimate fine-resolution soil moisture by use of L-band and X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) measurements. He has also been investigating the use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) techniques for fine-resolution retrieval of IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® surface roughness characteristics in agricultural areas. His current field of interest is the retrieval of soil moisture from airborne and spaceborne SAR observations. 6) Suzanne Furby: is a member of the Terrestrial Mapping and Monitoring research group in CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, based in Perth, Western Australia. She coordinated the remote sensing program to monitor land cover change across the continent used in the National Carbon Accounting System. The group continues to work with the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education to develop further land cover change products for the NCAS and for natural resource management applications more generally. Suzanne is a key member of the team that is supporting Indonesia to build a National Carbon Accounting System similar to that of Australia and has worked with demonstration teams in China. 7) Jocelyn Chanussot (M04-SM04-F’12): received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP), Grenoble, France, in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree from Savoie University, Annecy, France, in 1998. In 1999, he was with the Geography Imagery Perception Laboratory for the Delegation Generale de l’Armement (DGA-French National Defense Department). Since 1999, he has been with Grenoble INP, where he was an Assistant Professor from 1999 to 2005, an Associate Professor from 2005 to 2007, and is currently a Professor of signal and image processing. He is conducting his research at the Grenoble Images Speech Signals and Automatics Laboratory (GIPSA-Lab). His research interests include image analysis, multicomponent image processing, nonlinear filtering, and data fusion in remote sensing. Dr. Chanussot is the founding President of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing French chapter (2007–2010) which received the 2010 IEEE GRS-S Chapter Excellence Award. He was the corecipient of the NORSIG 2006 Best Student Paper Award, the IEEE GRSS 2011 Symposium Best Paper Award, the IEEE GRSS 2012 Transactions Prize Paper Award and the IEEE GRSS 2013 Highest Impact Paper Award. He was a member of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society AdCom (2009–2010), in charge of membership development. He was the General Chair of the first IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote sensing (WHISPERS). He was the Chair (2009–2011) and Cochair of the GRS Data Fusion Technical Committee (2005–2008). He was a member of the Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2006–2008) and the Program Chair of the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, (2009). He was an Associate Editor for the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (2005–2007) and for Pattern Recognition (2006–2008). Since 2007, he is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Since 2011, he is the Editorin-Chief of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IV. CONCLUSION Once again, many thanks to the organizers of the GR4S in Melbourne, and to the instructors who gave so freely of their time and expertise. The opinions of the lectures by the students was very positive, and the comments will be used to fine tune the format of GR4S in future venues. If you feel that your GRSS event might benefit from a Summer School, please contact me. I would also like to remind the community of our quest for recently published Ph.D. theses. For publishing the Ph.D. thesis information you can contact Michael Inggs ([email protected]) ______________ or Dr. Lorenzo Bruzzone ([email protected]). _______________ Ph.D. dissertations should be in the fields of activity of IEEE GRSS and should be recently completed. Please provide us with the following: title of the dissertation, the students and advisors names, the date of the thesis defense or publication, and a link for downloading the electronic version of the thesis. GRS _____________________ ___________ SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 45 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® WOMEN IN GRS FLORENCE TUPIN, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France of data that has been acquired (an ocean of bytes every day!), this link has become a key point in data enhancement, information extraction and data mining. In the past, data were rare: a Ph.D. could be defended with methods that had been applied to … a single image! Nowadays, data are plenty, available through web sites and Opportunity Announcements of space agencies. The real difficulty now is how to handle all these data. The most recent advances in image processing rely both on more accurate mathematical modeling and on computational power. This combined with huge data set availability, has led to the emergence of new image models. A striking example of this is in the so-called “non-local” approaches for denoising or classification. The main idea behind these methods is redundancy which is by far a weaker assumption for an image than regularity, sparsity of gradients, or smoothness and texture decomposition hypotheses. This weak model, This month’s Women in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine features our first Guest Columnist: Florence Tupin, Professor at Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France. Please send comments and suggestions for future articles or guest columnists to gailsjackson@ ________ A lthough I have written quite a few scientific papers, I am a little undecided as to what to write for this Women’s Column. Should it be on Remote Sensing? On careers for women? On some new interesting scientific projects? (Or on bit on all of these topics?) Having carte blanche gives one freedom but can also plunge one into the void. Let me start by talking about image processing, my field of specialization. I worked at first on medical data and fingerprint images, but am glad I joined the exciting Remote Sensing world afterwards. Image processing is a link in the long remote sensing chain that starts from sensors and goes to the applications to observe the Earth. As such, the situation is not always quite comfortable. One is usually not a real expert about sensors and acquisition systems, but not on geoscience and applications either. Nevertheless, simply consider the huge place taken by data processing in the past fifteen years. With the enormous amount Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277557 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 46 Florence Tupin IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® however, was needed to handle a high diversity of images and computational power has made it possible. In my opinion, a fabulous experience for a researcher in image processing is to follow the birth of a new sensor. For example, CNES, the French space agency, and NASA are working on SWOT project, which is a future topographic mission for surface water and ocean measurement. SWOT will combine a Nadir looking altimeter with the KaRIN instrument, a Ka-band synthetic aperture radar. ESA is working on BIOMASS project to take measurements of forest biomass with P-band synthetic aperture polarimetric radar. These projects are ambitious projects, relying on teams of hundreds of people working over several years to provide new measurements of the Earth. Image and data processing are small parts of these huge programs but are absolutely essential if one is to extract valuable information efficiently and reliably. New advances in image processing have produced more efficient tools to process these data. But at the same time new data, very high resolution images (in spatial, temporal and spectral dimensions), and the combination of sensors have raised new challenges for researchers. Once again using the example of non-local approaches, their adaptation to interferometric and polari- metric data has made it necessary to define a new framework based on statistical modeling and that can be used for a much wider set of data. But what about women in Geoscience and Remote Sensing? Well, the situation is quite paradoxical... On the one hand, at a purely local level, things seem to be changing. Among the 14 Ph.D. students I have supervised, 9 were women. And during my career, I have not confronted any constraints linked to my gender, except, perhaps, the Unconscious Bias (my own unconscious bias?) that was referred to in the previous issue of this magazine. But on the other hand, when considered from a broader vantage point, the percentage of women in scientific domains does remain weak. Moreover, the distinction between boys and girls in society seem to be on the increase—for clothes, shoes, children’s toys, etc., this undoubtedly heightened by advertising. This tendency is without a doubt, much more greater now than in my own childhood. One of the main problems in scientific areas is the small percentage of women working there, not their abilities. My final message perhaps should be in favor of more Legos (even pink Legos) and fewer Barbies (or at least Computer Engineer Barbies) for little girls! GRS IEEE Open Access 6OSFTUSJDUFEBDDFTTUPUPEBZTHSPVOECSFBLJOHSFTFBSDIWJBUIF*&&&Xplore®EJHJUBMMJCSBSZ *&&&PčFSTBWBSJFUZPGPQFOBDDFTT0" QVCMJDBUJPOT t)ZCSJEKPVSOBMTLOPXOGPSUIFJSFTUBCMJTIFEJNQBDUGBDUPST t/FXGVMMZPQFOBDDFTTKPVSOBMTJONBOZUFDIOJDBMBSFBT t"NVMUJEJTDJQMJOBSZPQFOBDDFTTNFHBKPVSOBMTQBOOJOHBMM *&&&mFMETPGJOUFSFTU %JTDPWFSUPQRVBMJUZBSUJDMFT DIPTFOCZUIF*&&&QFFSSFWJFX TUBOEBSEPGFYDFMMFODF Learn more about IEEE Open Access SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 47 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CONFERENCE REPORTS MARTTI HALLIKAINEN AND WERNER WIESBECK, IEEE GRSS Awards Committee Co-Chairs IGARSS in Melbourne July 21–26, 2013 GRSS Major Awards and Fellow Recognitions at the Plenary Session I GARSS 2013 was organized in Melbourne with over 1,360 participants from 66 countries, 1025 oral papers and 448 poster presentations. The Plenary Session was held in the morning of July 22 in the Auditorium of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), starting with a special musical welcome. A more formal welcome was given by General Cochairs Simon Jones and Peter Woodgate, followed by the Australian government’s video presentation by Senator the Honourable Kate Lundy, Minister Assisting for Industry and Innovation, and responsible for developing Australia’s satellite utilization program. GRSS President Melba Crawford and IEEE President Peter Staecker then presented GRSS and IEEE activities, correspondingly. Assistant Minister Kate Lundy recently released Australia’s Satellite Utilisation Policy. Under the policy, a new Space Coordination Office was established on July 1, 2013, responsible for coordinating Australia’s domestic civilian space activities. The policy gives priority to Earth observation from space, satellite communications, and positioning and navigation. Satellite imagery alone was estimated in a 2010 report to contribute about AUD 3.3 billion per year to the gross domestic product. GRSS President Melba Crawford presented our Society’s activities and achievements. She showed Society membership figures from 2000 to present, demonstrating an encouraging trend in spite of tough times in global economy. The three GRSS journals—Transactions, Letters, and J-STARS—are constantly improving impact factor with GRSS now reaching 3.47 and being #2 in the field of remote sensing. All three journals are now hybrid open access. IEEE President Peter Crawford gave an overview of the organization with convincing facts: IEEE has Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277560 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 48 425,000 members in more than 160 countries, more than 116,000 student members, 45 Societies and Councils, 333 Sections in 10 geographic regions worldwide, 1300 sponsored conferences, 3 million documents in IEEE Xplore digital library, and it publishes 150 transactions, journal and magazines. Following these speeches GRSS Awards Cochair Martti Hallikainen, IEEE President Peter Staecker, and GRSS President Melba Crawford presented IEEE and GRSS level awards and Fellow recognitions. IEEE ELECTROMAGNETICS AWARD The IEEE Electromagnetics Award was established by the IEEE Board of Directors in 1996. It is sponsored by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, and the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. It is presented to recognize outstanding contributions to electromagnetics in theory, application, or education. In the evaluation process, the following criteria are considered: impact on the profession, innovation/originality, quality of publications, breadth, depth and duration of contributions, honors, other achievements, and the quality of the nomination. The award consists of a bronze medal, certificate, and honorarium. The 2013 IEEE Electromagnetics Award is presented to Prof. Leung Tsang from the University of Washington with the citation: “For contributions to statistical electromagnetic theory and applications in remote sensing of complex geophysical environments.” Leung Tsang (S’73–M’75–SM’85–F’90) was born in Hong Kong. He received the S.B., S.M., and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was with Schlumberger-Doll Research Center in 1976–1978. He was on the faculty of Texas A&M University in 1980–1983. Presently, IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society in 2000, the Distinguished Achievement Award from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society in 2008 and the Fiorino Oro Award from the CeTeM, Italy in 2010. He received the William Pecora Award cosponsored by the U.S. Department of Interior and NASA in 2012. He is the recipient of the 2013 IEEE Electromagnetics Award. He has been member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences since 2012. FIGURE 1. General Cochairs Simon Jones and Peter Woodgate opening IGARSS 2013. he is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, where he has taught since 1983. He was the Chair of the Department from August 2006 to September 2011. Between 2001 and 2004, he was on leave with the Department of Electronic Engineering of the City University of Hong Kong. He was a Visiting Professor of the National Central University of Taiwan between January to June 2013. Leung Tsang is the coauthor of 4 books, Theory of Microwave Remote Sensing and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves Volumes 1, 2 and 3. His current research interests are in waves in random media and rough surfaces, remote sensing and geoscience applications, computational electromagnetics, signal integrity and optics. He was the President of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society in 2006–2007, and the Editorin-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing in 1996–2001. He was the Chair of the IEEE TAB Periodicals Committee in 2008–2009, and the Chair of the IEEE TAB Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee (PRAC) in 2010–2011. He is presently a Member-atLarge of the IEEE PSPB and a Member of PRAC. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow the Optical Society of America. He received the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000, the Outstanding Service Award from the IEEE IEEE FELLOW RECOGNITIONS The grade of IEEE Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in the profession and shall be conferred only by invitation of the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in IEEE designated fields. The IEEE Bylaws limit the number of members who can be advanced to Fellow grade in any one year to 1‰ of the Institute membership, exclusive of students and affiliates. To qualify, the candidate must be a Senior Member and be nominated by an individual familiar with the candidate’s achievements. Endorsements are required from at least five IEEE Fellows and an IEEE Society best qualified to judge. The IEEE Fellow Committee, comprising about 50 IEEE Fellows, carefully evaluates all nominations and presents a list of recommended candidates to the IEEE Board of Directors for the final election. The following GRSS members were elevated to the Fellow status effective January 1, 2013: ◗ Dr. Maurice Borgeaud from the European Space Agency, Frascati, Italy ◗ Dr. Om-Prakash Narayan Calla from the International Centre for Radio Science, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India ◗ Dr. Mihai Datcu from the German Aerospace Center, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany ◗ Prof. Giles M. Foody from the University of Nottingham, UK ◗ Prof. Paolo Gamba from the University of Pavia, Italy ◗ Prof. Akira Hirose from the University of Tokyo, Japan FIGURE 2. GRSS President Melba FIGURE 3. IEEE President Peter Staecker Crawford welcoming attendees and presenting Society activities and achievements. providing an overview of IEEE. SEPTEMBER 2013 FIGURE 4. Leung Tsang saying a few words after he received the IEEE Electromagnetics Award from IEEE President Peter Staecker. Note the bronze medal. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 49 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ◗ Dr. Yann Kerr from CESBIO, Toulouse, France ◗ Dr. Gerhard Krieger from the German Aerospace Cen- ter, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany ◗ Dr. Riccardo Lanari from the CNR, Naples, Italy ◗ Prof. Shunlin Liang from University of Maryland, Col- lege Park, MD, U.S.A. ◗ Prof. Christian Pichot from Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France Six out of the eleven new Fellows attended the Plenary for their recognition: Dr. Mihail Datcu, Prof. Paolo Gamba, Prof. Akira Hirose, Dr. Yann Kerr, Prof. Shunlin Liang, and Prof. Giles M. Foody, The others were recognized with a round of applause. Dr. Mihai Datcu was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to information mining of high resolution synthetic aperture radar and optical Earth observation images.” Mihai Datcu received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and telecommunications from the University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Romania, in 1978 and 1986, respectively. In 1999, he received the title “Habilitation à diriger des recherches” in computer science from University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France. Since 1981, he has been a Professor with the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, UPB, working in signal/image processing and Electronic Speckle Interferometry. Since 1993, he has been a scientist with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. He is developing algorithms for analyzing Very High Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (VHR SAR) and Interferometric SAR (InSAR) data. He is engaged in research related to information theoretical aspects and semantic representations in advanced communication systems. Currently, he is Senior Scientist and Image Analysis research group leader with the Remote Sensing Technology Institute of DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen. Since 2011, he is also leading the Immersive Visual Information Mining research laboratory at the Munich Aerospace Faculty and is director of the Research Center for Spatial Information at UPB. He has held Visiting Professor appointments with the University of Oviedo, Spain, University Louis Pasteur and the International Space University, in Strasbourg, France, University of Siegen, Germany, University of Camerino, Italy, and the Swiss Center for Scientific Computing, Manno, Switzerland. From 1992 to 2002 he had a longer Invited Professor assignment with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich. Since 2001, he has initiated and led the Competence Centre on Information Extraction and Image Understanding for Earth Observation, at ParisTech, Telecom Paris, a collaboration of DLR with the French Space Agency (CNES). He has been Professor holder of the DLR-CNES Chair at ParisTech, Telecom Paris. His interests are in information and complexity theory, stochastic processes, Bayesian inference, and Image Information Mining (IIM). He and his team have developed and are currently developing the operational IIM processor in the Payload Ground Segment systems 50 FIGURE 5. Mihai Datcu (right) receives his Fellow recognition from IEEE President Peter Staecker. FIGURE 6. Paolo Gamba (right) receives his Fellow recognition from IEEE President Peter Staecker. for the German missions TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, and the ESA Sentinel 1 and 2. He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications, among them about 50 journal papers, and a book on number theory. He is a member of the European Image Information Mining Coordination Group (IIMCG) and of the Data Archiving and Distribution Technical Committee (DAD TC) of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. Prof. Paolo Gamba was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to very high resolution remote sensing image processing of urban areas.” Paolo Gamba (SM’00, F’13) is currently Associate Professor of Telecommunications at the University of Pavia, Italy. He received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering “cum laude” from the University of Pavia, Italy, in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from the same University in 1993. He is a Fellow of IEEE, and since January 2009 he has been serving as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. He has been the organizer and Technical Chair of the biennial GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshops on “Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas” since 2001. The next conference in the series, JURSE 2013, is going to be Sao Paulo in April 2013. He also served as Technical Co-chair of the 2010 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2010, and will serve as Technical Cochair of the 2015 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, in Milan, IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FIGURE 7. Akira Hirose (right) receives his Fellow recognition from IEEE President Peter Staecker. FIGURE 8. Yann Kerr (right) receives his Fellow recognition from IEEE President Peter Staecker. Italy. He has been Chair of Technical Committee 7 “Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing” of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) from October 2002 to October 2004 and Chair of the Data Fusion Committee of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society from October 2005 to May 2009. He has been the Guest Editor of special issues of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Remote Sensing Applications, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Information Fusion and Pattern Recognition Letters on the topic of Urban Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing for Disaster Management, Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing Applications. He has been invited to give keynote lectures and tutorials in several occasions. He has published 100 papers in international peer-review journals and presented nearly 250 research works in workshops and conferences. Prof. Akira Hirose was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to theory and radar applications of complex-valued neural networks.” Akira Hirose received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1991 in electronic engineering. In 1987, he joined the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo, as a Research Associate. In 1991, he was appointed an Instructor at the RCAST. From 1993 to 1995, on leave of absence from the University of Tokyo, he joined the Institute for Neuroinformatics, University of Bonn, Germany. SEPTEMBER 2013 Presently he is a Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, The University of Tokyo, Japan. The main fields of his interest are wireless electronics and neural networks. He served as the Editorin-Chief of the IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Associate Editor of journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, and the Chair of the Neurocomputing Technical Group in the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE). He serves presently as the Vice-President of Japanese Neural Networks Society (JNNS), Member of IEEE CIS Neural Networks Technical Committee, Governing Board Member of Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (APNNA), the General Chair of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR) 2013 Tsukuba and Associate Editor of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Newsletter. Dr. Hirose is a Senior Member of the IEICE and a Member of the JNNS. Dr. Yann Kerr was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to two-dimensional L-band microwave interferometer design.” Yann H. Kerr (M ’88, SM ’01, F’13) received the engineering degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, the M.Sc. degree in electronics and electrical engineering from Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, and the Ph.D. degree in Astrophysique Gophysique et Techniques Spatiales, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. His fields of interest are in the theory and techniques for microwave and thermal infrared remote sensing of the Earth, with emphasis on hydrology, water resources management. He is currently the Director of Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphère, Toulouse, France. He was an EOS principal investigator (interdisciplinary investigations) and PI and precursor of the use of the SCAT over land. In 1990 he started to work on the interferometric concept applied to passive microwave Earth observation and was subsequently the science lead on the MIRAS project for ESA. In 1997 he proposed the SMOS Mission, the natural outcome of the previous MIRAS work. He is currently involved in the exploitation of SMOS data, in the Cal Val activities and related level 2 soil moisture and level 3 and 4 developments. He is also working on the SMOS next concept and involved in both the Aquarius and SMAP missions. He received the World Meteorological Organization 1st prize (Norbert Gerbier), the USDA Secretary’s team award for excellence (Salsa Program), the GRSS certificate of recognition for leadership in development of the first synthetic aperture microwave radiometer in space and success of the SMOS mission, and is a Distinguished Lecturer for GRSS. Prof. Shunlin Liang was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: ”For contributions to remote sensing from satellite observations.” Shunlin Liang (M’94-SM’01-F’13) received his Ph.D. degree in 1993 from Boston University, Boston, MA, USA. He is currently a Professor with the department of geographical sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 51 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FIGURE 9. Shunlin Liang (right) receives his Fellow recognition from IEEE President Peter Staecker. FIGURE 10. Giles Foody (second from right) flew to Melbourne on Monday morning, but made it to the Plenary to receive his Fellow recognition from GRSS President Melba Crawford (second from left). IEEE President Peter Staecker (right) and GRSS Awards Cochair Martti Hallikainen (left) joined Melba in congratulating him. and the college of global change and earth system sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. His main research interests focus on estimation of land surface variables from satellite data, earth energy balance, and assessment of environmental impacts of vegetation changes. He published about 160 peer-reviewed journal papers, authored the book Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (Wiley, 2004), edited the book Advances in Land Remote Sensing: System, Modeling, Inversion and Application (Springer, 2008), and co-edited the book Advanced Remote Sensing: Terrestrial Information Extraction and Applications (Academic Press, 2012). He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and also a guest editor of multiple remote sensing journals. Prof. Giles M. Foody was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to the remote sensing of land cover.” Giles M. Foody (M’01, SM’11, F’13) earned the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Sheffield, U.K., in 1983 and 1986, respectively. He is currently Professor of Geographical Information Science at the University of Nottingham, U.K. His main research interests focus on the interface between remote sensing, ecology, and informatics. Professor Foody is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Remote Sensing and of the recently launched journal Remote Sensing Letters. He holds editorial roles with Landscape Ecology and Ecological Informatics and serves on the editorial board of several other journals. The following five new Fellows were unfortunately not able to attend the Plenary. Dr. Maurice Borgeaud was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For leadership in microwave remote sensing from spaceborne systems and retrieval of bio-physical and geophysical parameters for land applications.” Maurice Borgeaud earned a “Diplôme d’Ingénieur Electricien” from EPFL in Lausanne and then received a Master of Science and a Ph.D. Degree (1987) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He worked for the German Aerospace Agency (DLR) in Munich and was then member of the staff of the European Space Agency (ESA) from 1989 to 2002 at the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC). During this time, he was responsible for several space technology and Earth observation projects. He also spent a one-year sabbatical leave at the NASA/CALTECH Jet FIGURE 11. Five new Fellows at the Plenary (from left): Yann Kerr, Shunlin Liang, GRSS Awards Cochair Martti Hallikainen, GRSS President Melba Crawford, IEEE President Peter Staecker, Akira Hirose, Paolo Gamba, and Mihai Datcu. Giles Foody made it to the Plenary a few moments later. 52 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Gerhard Krieger Riccardo Lanari Christian Pichot Maurice Borgeaud O.P.N. Calla FIGURE 12. Five new Fellows could not make it to the Plenary. Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 1992 and received a Master of Space Systems Engineering from TU-Delft in 1997. From 2002 to 2004, he was affiliated with the Swiss Space Office and was member of the Swiss delegation to ESA where he was in charge of the Earth observation, satellite navigation and communications sectors. Between 2004 and 2010, he was the Director of the Space Center EPFL where he successfully led the university team which developed and built the first Swiss student Cubesat satellite named “SwissCube”. Between 2008 and 2010, he was Chairman of the ESA Programme Board on Earth observation. Since 2011, Maurice Borgeaud is back with ESA as Head of the department dealing with science, applications, and future technologies in the Earth Observation Directorate. His main tasks are to interact with both the scientific community and industry in order to propose new innovative spaceborne missions. He also participated in the recent definition of the long-term EO exploitation strategy to be realized via a coherent programmatic framework that addresses the full spectrum of EO user communities, including science, applications and services development. He is also managing the ESA effort on climate change and the development of essential climate variables. Dr. Borgeaud is a Member of the IEEE since 1979 and is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. He has authored and coauthored more than 100 publications in refereed journals or conference proceedings. Dr. Om-Prakash Narayan Calla was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For leadership in space applications of microwave technology and remote sensing.” O.P.N. Calla, FIEEE, FNAE, Dist. FIETE, FIE, FGAS, FVEDA, MGBMS, MISRS, MIMS, MASI, MATMS, FBES did his Post graduation (ME) in Electronics from Birla Engineering College, Pilani and was awarded with a silver medal. In December 1995, he retired as Scientist ‘H’ and Deputy Director, Satellite Communication Area of Space Application Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad. He is responsible to initiate Microwave Remote Sensing Activities in India. He is known as Father of Microwave Remote Sensing in India. Presently, he is the Director of International Center for Radio Science (ICRS) from May 1996. After completing his Masters, Prof. Calla was involved in research and development work at Atomic Energy EstabSEPTEMBER 2013 lishment, Trombay and INCOSPAR from 1962–70. From 1962–1963 he was involved in the RADAR Development at AEET (BARC). He made radar transponders during 1964– 1969. The First Rocket Borne Microwave Payload in India was also developed by him during this time only. In 1970, he was appointed as Head, Electronics Division of Microwave Antenna Systems Engineering Group (MASEG), and Secretary MASEG. At MID, he developed Low Cost Antenna for Rural TV for Site Experiment. He also developed feed for satellite communication earth station. In 1972, he was appointed as Head of Microwave Division, ISRO and was responsible for development of dual polarized feed for troposcatter and satellite communication antenna feeds. From 1977–85 he worked as Chairman, Communications Area of Space Applications Centre (SAC) of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and as Principal Scientist and Responsible for Development of Satellite Microwave Radiometer (SAMIR), one of the primary payloads of BHASKARA-I & II Satellites. Because of him, India became the third country in world who has put microwave remote sensing payload onboard a satellite. In 1985–88 he designated as Programme Director, Microwave Remote Sensing Programme of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). He was responsible for development of Airborne SLAR. After his retirement he established ICRS at Jodhpur, a centre to carry on MRS activities in India. At ICRS, he has been a principal investigator of more than 18 R&D projects related to microwaves and their applications. At ICRS, in the last few years the work related to measurement of electrical properties of natural earth materials, lossy and lossless materials used for missiles and the terrestrial Analogue of Lunar soil is being done. He has been working on soil moisture mapping over India & ocean salinity retrieval using MRS techniques. He is also working on physical and electrical modeling of the Lunar Surface. He is the first Indian who has developed microwave hardware for all the platforms viz. ground, air, rocket and space borne. He was honored with Hari Om Ashram Award by PRL Ahmedabad in 1978 for the contribution in the field of Satellite Communications, Ram Lal Wadhwa Gold Medal in 1979 by IETE, Delhi for contribution in the field of Electronics and Communications for last 10 years, President IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 53 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® of India’s Prize (Hindi) for 1984–85 for the paper titled “Modern Maritime Satellite Communication System— INMARSAT” which was published in the Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta Vol.65, Part Hindi 3, April 1985, Consolation Prize for Hindi Book titled Antariksh Mein Bharat under the Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Scheme for the year 1986–87 for writing original Hindi book, Certificate of Merit for 1992–93 by Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta for the paper entitled “Meteorological Satellites” published in their journal and by now he has published more than 500 papers in various national & international journals and conferences. He has been conferred Marwar Ratna Award for year 2007 by Mehrangarh Museum Trust, Jodhpur. He also served as President of IETE in the year 1991. He was Chairman of Ahmedabad Chapter of IETE, CSI, ISRS, IMS and GBMS. Recently he has received Lifetime Achievement Award from VEDA. He was awarded by ISM, the ISM-2010 Pioneer in Microwave Academics Award in 2010, and was Conferred ISM 2010 Pioneer in Microwave Engineering. Dr. Gerhard Krieger was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to advanced synthetic aperture radar systems.” Gerhard Krieger received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.S.) and Dr.Ing. (Ph.D.) degrees (with honors) in electrical and communication engineering from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, in 1992 and 1999, respectively. From 1992 to 1999, he was with the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, where he conducted multidisciplinary research on neuronal modeling and nonlinear information processing in biological and technical vision systems. Since 1999, he has been with the Microwaves and Radar Institute (HR) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, where he developed signal and image processing algorithms for a novel forward looking radar system employing digital beamforming on receive. From 2001 to 2007 he led the New Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Missions Group which pioneered the development of advanced bistatic and multistatic radar systems as exemplified by the TanDEM-X mission, as well as innovative multichannel SAR techniques and algorithms for high resolution wide-swath SAR imaging. Since 2008, he has been the Head of the new Radar Concepts Department of the Microwaves and Radar Institute, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. Gerhard Krieger has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed journal papers, 7 invited book chapters, about 300 conference papers, and 5 patent families. His current research interests focus on the development of multichannel radar techniques and algorithms for innovative Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) SAR systems, the demonstration of novel interferometric and tomographic Earth observation applications, and the conceptual design of advanced bi- and multistatic radar missions. Dr. Krieger received several national and international awards, including the W.R.G. Baker Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Board of Directors and the 54 Transactions Prize Paper Award of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. In 2012, he and his colleagues were nominated for the German President’s Award for Technology and Innovation. Since 2012, he has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Dr. Riccardo Lanari was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to synthetic aperture radar processing.” Riccardo Lanari was born in Naples, Italy, in 1964. He graduated in electronic engineering (summa cum laude) from the University of Naples, Federico II, Naples, in 1989. In the same year, following a short experience at ITALTEL SISTEMI SPA, he joined IRECE and after Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente (IREA), a Research Institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Naples, where, since November 2011, he is the Institute Director. He has lectured in several national and foreign universities and research centers. He was an Adjunct Professor of electrical communication with the l’Università del Sannio, Benevento, Italy, from 2000 to 2003, and from 2000 to 2008, he was the Lecturer of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) module course of the International Master in Airbone Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing offered by the Institute of Geomatics, Barcelona, Spain. He was a Visiting Scientist at different foreign research institutes, including the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan, in 1993; German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR), Germany, in 1991 and 1994; and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, in 1997, 2004, and 2008. His main research activities are in the SAR data processing field as well as in SAR interferometry techniques; on this topic, he is the holder of two patents, and he has authored or coauthored more than 70 international journal papers and the book Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing (1999, CRC Press). Dr. Lanari is a Distinguished Speaker of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society of IEEE, and he has served as the chairman and as a technical program committee member at several international conferences. Moreover, he acts as a reviewer of several peer-reviewed international journals. He received a NASA recognition and a group award for the technical developments related to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Prof. Christian Pichot was elevated to Fellow grade with the citation: “For contributions to microwave tomography and antenna designs.” Christian Pichot is currently a Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), working at the Electronics, Antennas & Telecommunications Laboratory (LEAT), University Nice-Sopihia Antipolis and CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, France. He is also codirector of The Centre de REcherche Mutualisé sur les ANTennes (CREMANT), a Joint Antenna Research Center, founded in September 2008, supported by the University of NiceSophia Antipolis, CNRS and France Telecom Orange Labs. He received the Ph.D. and the Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degrees from the University of Paris-Sud 11 in 1977 and IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® 1982, respectively. In 1978, he joined the Systems and Signals Laboratory CNRS/Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, where he was the Waves Division Leader from 1991 to 1992. During the 1989–1990 academic year, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA. From 1993 to 1995, he was with the Sophia Antipolis Computer Science, Signals and Systems Laboratory, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis/CNRS, Valbonne, France. In 1996, he joined Electronics, Antennas & Telecommunications Laboratory (LEAT) and from 2000 to 2011, he was Director of LEAT. In 2006 he was the local co-organizer of the 1st European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2006) in Nice, France. He has organized and chaired numerous special sessions in International Symposiums and IEEE Conferences (including AP-S conferences) and Workshops. He received in 1983 the European Microwave Prize. He has been elected in 2012 as a member of the IEEE AP-S AdCom. His research activities are concerned with scattering and propagation of Electromagnetic Waves, radiation of antennas, inverse scattering (Microwave Imaging and Tomography, Antenna Synthesis, Complex Permittivity Reconstruction, Object Detection and Recognition) for applications in Radar, Civil engineering, non-destructive evaluation (NDE), non-destructive testing (NDT), geophysics engineering, security and military applications, antennas, telecommunications, and medical domain (bio-engineering), VLF/LF frequencies, microwaves and millimetre waves. The Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society is proud to have a total of eleven new Fellows, working in Italy, France, Germany, the U.S., UK, India, and Japan. This is another indication on the international nature of our Society. IEEE GRSS GOLD EARLY CAREER AWARD The GRSS GOLD Early Career Award is to promote, recognize and support young scientists and engineers within the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society that have demonstrated outstanding ability and promise for significant contributions in the future. Selection factors FIGURE 13. Carlos López-Martínez (right) exchanges a few words with GRSS President Melba Crawford after receiving the GOLD Early Career Award from her. IGARSS General Cochair Simon Jones is in the background. SEPTEMBER 2013 include quality, significance and impact of contributions, papers published in archival journals—papers presented at conferences and symposia, patents, demonstration of leadership, and advancement of profession. The candidate must be an IEEE GRSS Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) member at the time of nomination and making contributions in a GRSS field of interest. Previous award winners are ineligible. The Award consists of a Certificate and honorarium. The 2013 GOLD Early Career Award is presented to Dr. Carlos López-Martínez from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, with the citation “In recognition of his outstanding ability and promise for significant contributions in the future.” Carlos Lopez-Martinez received the MSc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 1999 and 2003, respectively. From October 2000 to March 2002, he was with the Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik and Radar Systeme IHR, German Aerospace Center, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. From June 2003 to December 2005, he has been with the Image and Remote Sensing Group—SAPHIR Team, in the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes (I.E.T.R.—CNRS UMR 6164), Rennes, France. In January 2006, he joined the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, as a Ramón-y-Cajal researcher, where he is currently associate professor in the area of remote sensing and microwave technology. His research interests include SAR and multidimensional SAR, radar polarimetry, physical parameter inversion, digital signal processing, estimation theory and harmonic analysis. He is associate editor of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing and he served as guest editor of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. He has organized different invited sessions in international conferences on radar and SAR polarimetry. He has presented advanced courses and seminars on radar polarimetry to a wide range of organizations and events. Dr. López-Martínez has authored or coauthored more than 100 articles in journals, books, and conference proceedings in the Radar Remote Sensing and image analysis literature. He received the Student Prize Paper Award at the EUSAR 2002 Conference and coauthored the paper awarded with the First Place Student Paper Award at the EUSAR 2012 Conference. IEEE GRSS MAJOR AWARDS The call for nominations for the GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award, GRSS Outstanding Service Award and the GRSS Education Award are published in the GRS Magazine. The nomination forms are available on the GRSS home page ( Any member, with the exception of GRSS Administrative Committee members, can make nominations to recognize deserving individuals. Typically the lists of candidates comprise three to five names. An independent Major IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 55 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Awards Committee makes the selection, which is approved by the GRSS AdCom. IEEE GRSS EDUCATION AWARD The Education Award was established to recognize an individual who has made significant educational contributions to the field of GRSS. Selection criteria include significance of the educational contribution in terms of innovation and the extent of its overall impact. The contribution can be at any level, including K-12, undergraduate and graduate teaching, professional development, and public outreach. It can also be in any form (e.g. textbooks, curriculum development, educational program initiatives). IEEE GRSS membership or affiliation is required. The awardee receives a certificate. The 2013 Education Award is presented to Prof. Kamal Sarabandi from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, with the citation: “In recognition of his significant educational contributions to Geoscience and Remote Sensing.” Kamal Sarabandi (S’87-M’90-SM’92-F’00) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1980, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1986, and the M.S. degree in mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1989. He is currently the Director of the Radiation Laboratory and the Rufus S. Teesdale Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. His research areas of interest include microwave and millimeter-wave radar remote sensing, Meta-materials, electromagnetic wave propagation, and antenna miniaturization. He possesses 25 years of experience with wave propagation in random media, communication channel modeling, microwave sensors, and radar systems and leads a large research group including two research scientists, 16 Ph.D. students. He has graduated 40 Ph.D. and supervised numerous post-doctoral students. He has served as the Principal Investigator on many projects sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Army Research Office (ARO), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Army Research Laboratory (ARL), National Science Foundation (NSF), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and a large number of industries. Currently he is leading the Center for Microelectronics and Sensors funded by the Army Research Laboratory under the Micro-Autonomous Systems and Technology (MAST) Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA) program. He has published many book chapters and more than 220 papers in refereed journals on miniaturized and onchip antennas, meta-materials, electromagnetic scattering, wireless channel modeling, random media modeling, microwave measurement techniques, radar calibration, inverse scattering problems, and microwave sensors. He 56 FIGURE 14. Kamal Sarabandi (right) receives the IEEE GRSS Educ- tion Award from GRSS President Melba Crawford. has also had more than 500 papers and invited presentations in many national and international conferences and symposia on similar subjects. Dr. Sarabandi served as a member of NASA Advisory Council appointed by the NASA Administrator for two consecutive terms from 2006–2010. He is serving as a vice president of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the IEEE. He was an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and the IEEE Sensors Journal. He is a member of Commissions F and D of URSI. Dr. Sarabandi was the recipient of the Henry Russel Award from the Regent of The University of Michigan. In 1999 he received a GAAC Distinguished Lecturer Award from the German Federal Ministry for Education, Science, and Technology. He was also a recipient of the 1996 EECS Department Teaching Excellence Award and a 2004 College of Engineering Research Excellence Award. In 2005 he received the IEEE GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award and the University of Michigan Faculty Recognition Award. He also received the best paper Award at the 2006 Army Science Conference. In 2008 he was awarded a Humboldt Research Award from The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany and received the best paper award at the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. He was also awarded the 2010 Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award from the University of Michigan. The IEEE Board of Directors announced him as the recipient of the 2011 IEEE Judith A. Resnik medal. In the past several years, joint papers presented by his students at a number of international symposia (IEEE APS’95,’97,’00,’01,’03, ’05,’06,’07; IEEE IGARSS’99,’02,’07;’11 IEEE IMS’01, USNC URSI’04,’05,’06,’10,’11 AMTA ’06, URSI GA 2008) have received best paper awards. IEEE GRSS OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD The Outstanding Service Award is not presented in 2013. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FIGURE 15. Roger Lang saying a few words after receiving the IEEE GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award from GRSS President Melba Crawford. IEEE President Peter Staecker is listening. IEEE GRSS DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The Distinguished Achievement Award was established to recognize an individual who has made significant technical contributions, within the scope of GRSS, usually over a sustained period. Selection criteria include quality, significance and impact of the contributions; quantity of the contributions; duration of significant activity; papers published in archival journals; papers presented at conferences and symposia; patents granted; and advancement of the profession. IEEE membership is preferable but not required. The award is considered annually and presented only if a suitable candidate is identified. The awardee receives a plaque and a certificate. The 2013 IEEE GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award is presented to Prof. Roger H. Lang from the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA with the citation: “For innovative and continuing contributions to the theory of microwave models for remote sensing, propagation and measurements, and his service to the community.” Roger H. Lang received his education at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now Polytechnic Institute at New York University) and earned a Ph.D. in Electrophysics. He did post-doctoral work on wave propagation in random medium at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University under JB Keller, and then joined the George Washington University where he became a Professor and was awarded the L. Stanley Crane Chair. Roger Lang’s research has focused on microwave remote sensing and wave propagation, and especially the effect of vegetation on remote sensing. He was the first to employ the Distorted Born Approximation, in conjunction with the discrete scatter model, to describe the effects of a vegetation canopy. This was significant because it was fully consistent with Maxwell’s equations and related the scattering and propagation to physical quantities of the canopy (e.g. the biophysical characteristics of leaves, stems and branches). The theory provided a systematic treatment of the double bounce contribution from vegetation which is important in the measurement of soil moisture and vegetation biomass. In 1989 Professor Lang was elected a Fellow of the IEEE based in large part on this work. Dr. Lang along with his students and collaborators applied the Distorted Born methodology in numerous NASA field campaigns. Many of these measurements involved a radar/ radiometer now known as ComRAD that he built in conjunction with NASA/GSFC. In all of these campaigns careful biophysical measurements of vegetation were made to help understand how models and measurements compared. Dr. Lang has made dielectric measurements of vegetation components and more recently has been involved in making measurements of the dielectric constant of seawater for the Aquarius project. Dr. Lang has been an active participate in IEEE GRSS. He has served on the GRSS AdCom and has been an associate editor of TGARS for many years. He served as Co-Technical Chair of IGARSS 1991, and more recently was the Chair of MicroRad 2010. Dr. Lang is also active in URSI where he is presently the Chair of International URSI Commission F. He has over 200 journal and conference papers. FIGURE 16. New Fellows and award recipients (from left): Carlos López-Martínez, Paolo Gamba, Yann Kerr, Shunlin Liang, GRSS Awards Cochair Martti Hallikainen, GRSS President Melba Crawford, IEEE President Peter Staecker, Leung Tsang, Akira Hirose, Mihai Datcu, Kamal Sarabandi, and Roger Lang. SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 57 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® FIGURE 17. Dr. Chris Pigram discussing geoscience and remote sensing in Australia. FIGURE 18. The topic of Prof. Guo Huadong was development of China’s Earth Observation in the global context. FIGURE 19. Prof. Michael Goodchild presenting ideas on enhancing the value of remote sensing. TPC Cochairs Clive Fraser, Jeff Walker, and Mark Williams have coordinated the work for the technical program of IGARSS’13. After the Plenary talks Clive Fraser presented a few figures concerning the Symposium. SOCIAL PROGRAM The Social Program of IGARSS 2013 provided lots of opportunities for discussions with colleagues and for having fun: ◗ Welcome Reception on Sunday FIGURE 20. Dr. Rob Vertessy discussing ◗ Young Professionals Luncheon on the role of remote sensing in monitoring FIGURE 21. TPC Cochair Clive Fraser Tuesday severe weather in Australia. providing information on IGARSS’13. ◗ Women in Geosciences and Remote Sensing Reception on Tuesday The Awards and Recognitions Ceremony was followed ◗ Melbourne Aquarium Reception on after the tea break by presentations of the distinguished Tuesday Plenary speakers: ◗ Futsal Soccer Game on Wednesday ◗ Dr. Chris Pigram, Chief Executive Officer of Geoscience ◗ Technical Committee and Chapter Chairs Dinner on Australia Wednesday ◗ Prof. Guo Huadong, Director-General of the Institute ◗ Symposium Awards Banquet on Thursday. of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy of Sciences YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND IGARSS 2014! ◗ Dr. Michael F. Goodchild, Emeritus Professor of IGARSS 2014 will be held in Québec City, Canada, July Geography at the University of California Santa Bar13–18, 2014, with Dr. Monique Bernier as the General Chair. bara, USA The symposium will be held in conjunction with the 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing and the theme ◗ Dr. Rob Vertessy, Director of Meteorology and Chief is “Energy and Our Changing Planet”. Please visit http:// Executive Officer of the Australian Government Bureau ____ for further information. of Meteorology. 58 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Multi-Temp 2013 Held June 25–27 in Canada I t has been 40 years since the launch of ERTS-1 (Landsat 1). At first, remote sensing research focused on improving individual image quality. Gradually, it became apparent that comparing images over time might yield information necessary to manage environments at many scales and over varying time periods. Especially, the years since 2000 have seen ever-increasing imagery available at different resolutions, and different time steps, from different agencies. Ever-improving techniques for radiometric equivalency have allowed more reliable discernment of environmental change. As images are shown to hold the keys to answering more and more questions, increasing numbers of researchers are becoming involved in the emerging multi-temporal image analysis field. And of course the need to manage change in our world is spurring on all of these developments. The “Multi-Temp” workshop series has been in the forefront of these developments. The first Multi-Temp was held in 2001 in Trento, Italy; workshops have been held every two years since, alternating between a European and North American destination. Multi-Temps have been held in Italy, Belgium, and the USA (Connecticut and Mississippi). Lorenzo Bruzzone (Trento, Italy), Pol Coppin (Leuven, Belgium), Roger King (Mississippi State University, USA) and Ross Lunetta (USA) have been instrumental in keeping the workshops of high quality and growing, as the Multi-Temp Permanent Steering Committee. The most recent Multi-Temp, The 7th International Workshop on the Analysis of MultiTemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp 2013) was held on June 25–27, 2013, at Banff Alberta in the Canadian Rockies, marking the first occasion MultiTemp has been held in Canada. With Mryka Hall-Beyer (University of Calgary, Canada) as General Chair, and Greg McDermid (University of Calgary) heading the scientific committee, MultiTemp 2013 featured sixty-six oral presentations, fifty-two posters, three plenary panels with invited speakers, as well as keynote addresses. This edition of MultiTemp also benefitted greatly from a partnership between the IEEE GRSS and The Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS), and its strong representation on the local organizing committee in the persons of Derek Peddle (University of Lethbridge, Canada), Joe Piwowar (University of Regina, Canada) and Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2278128 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 Greg McDermid (University of Calgary). The committee was rounded out by Guillermo Castilla (University of Calgary), Julia Linke (University of Toronto), Jennifer Hird (University of Calgary) with strong background support from John Yackel (University of Calgary). The timing of Multi-Temp 2013 coincided with the successful deployment of Landsat 8, providing an opportunity to look back on the Landsat series and explore improved future opportunities, and to find out about the specific program features that will make using both Landsat 8 images and the Landsat archive more productive for multi-temporal applications. To this end, MultiTemp 2013’s keynote address was delivered by Dr. Curtis Woodcock of Boston University who has been involved with Landsat over many years. The conference was framed by the last panel, on Landsat data continuity and science. This panel, organized by Warren Cohen (Oregon State University) brought together the perspectives of Dr. Woodcock and David Roy (South Dakota State University), Joanne White (Canadian Forest Service), Richard Allen (University of Idaho) and Todd Schroeder (U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service). Multi-Temp 2013 featured a panel session each day, to bring in wide expertise. In addition to the Landsat keynote and panel, the conference featured a panel of Editors-in-Chief of major remote sensing publications. This allowed free interchange on issues from peer-reviewing, publication quality, guidelines for new researchers to emerging issues of electronic publication. Organized by Derek Peddle (University of Lethbridge, Canada), Editors-in-Chief on the panel were Marvin Bauer (Remote Sensing of Environment), Russ Congalton (Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing), Derek Lichti (ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), Nicholas Coops (Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing) and Bill Emery (IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Journals). EiCs Emery and Congalton were unable to attend, so their presentations were given by Lorenzo Bruzzone and Derek Peddle, respectively. The final panel reflected the conference theme of “the changing environment” and focused on the uses of multitemporal images in monitoring environmental effects of the oil sands development in Alberta. Organized by Multi-Temp 2013 Science Committee Chair Greg McDermid (University of Calgary), this panel included Kirk Andries (Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute), IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 59 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Multi-Temp Delegates, Banff Alberta Canada—June 2013. Paola DeRose (Canada Centre for Remote Sensing), Jennifer Grant (Pembina Institute, Canada) and Shane Patterson (Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development). The very broad applications of multi-temporal images were reflected in the topic groupings at Multi-Temp 2013. Each day saw a plenary session allowing all attendees to hear about important new research in broad topic areas. In addition, individual sessions were devoted to a variety of specific topics. These ranged from “old favorites” like image calibration/data processing, change detection and vegetation dynamics/phenology through water/hydrology applications, forestry, environmental monitoring, and agriculture/grasslands (all reflecting strong Canadian interests). The final group was devoted to topics promising important future research, and becoming prominent because of the increasing availability of time series of high resolution and radar images. These topics were urban applications and SAR-microwave. Finally, a session grouped particularly innovative applications including data integration and representations of time series. A certificate was awarded for the best student oral presentation, and went to Brent Smith, of the University of Calgary, for his paper entitled “Examination of firerelated plant succession within the Dry Mixedgrass subregion of Alberta using MODIS and Landsat imagery” (coauthor Greg McDermid). Multi-Temp 2013 had to overcome some drastic environmental change to happen at all. When choosing the theme “Our dynamic environment” the committee had no inkling of just how dynamic the local environment would turn out to be, and the difficulties this would cause! Four days before the workshop was scheduled to open, southwestern Alberta experienced an extremely 60 heavy rainfall event which resulted in flooding in Calgary (fortunately, away from the airport) and closure of the Trans-Canada Highway, the direct route from Calgary to Banff. Faced with the possibility of having to move or even cancel the conference, the committee was much cheered by an e-mail from attendee Daniel Gann (Florida International University) reporting that he had arrived in Banff at the height of the emergency, albeit by an alternate route. The local committee felt almost like Noah receiving the dove’s olive branch indicating it was all right to come out of the Ark, the flood was over! The committee started calling Daniel “our man in Banff”. Thanks to the tireless efforts of emergency workers, a regular shuttle bus service was running from the airport to Banff by the day before the conference, and regular highway traffic was restored before the conference ended. Despite these challenges, almost all registered delegates arrived and resulted in a full conference as planned. On the bright side, the road closure meant that MultiTemp 2013 delegates saw Banff at its best, with brilliant sunshine, quiet streets, uncrowded sights and un-rushed services. Thanks to everyone who overcame difficulties, and to all the people at the Banff Centre who made sure we were welcome and superbly cared for. We look forward to the next installment of Multi-Temp! A complete program with abstracts for Multi-Temp 2013 can be downloaded from multitemp2013/. ___________ Multi-Temp 2013 presenters and others working in this field will have the opportunity to submit articles to special issues of IEEE J-STARS and the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. The Multi-Temp 2013 Proceedings volume will be available on the IEEE Xplore later this year. GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® GRSS MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS GRSS Past President Jon Atli Benediktsson Recognized As Icelandic IEEE/VFI Electrical Engineer of the Year P rof. Jon Atli Benediktsson, IEEE GRSS Past President was awarded on May 29 the Joint Icelandic Society of Chartered Engineers (VFI) IEEE and 2013 Electrical Engineer of the Year Award. The joint award was established in 2005 and is presented biannually. It is granted to recognize excellent performance in the field of electrical engineering or as a recognition to electrical engineers who have made significant contributions to Icelandic society. Prof. Benediktsson received the award “for outstanding technical achievements and world-wide recognition in the field of remote sensing, and in research and manufacturing of medical equipment that measures—without invasion—oxygen saturation in the veins of the eye.” FIGURE 1. From the Award Ceremony (from left): Prof. Jon Atli Benediktsson, IEEE/VFI Electrical Engineer of the Year, Mr. Saemundur Thorsteinsson, IEEE Iceland Section Chairman and Prof. Martin Bastiaans, IEEE Region 8 Chairman. A National Society Agreement between IEEE and VFI was signed in 2002 but IEEE has made such agreements with National Engineering Societies all over the world. PROF. BENEDIKTSSON The purpose of the agreements RECEIVED THE AWARD FOR is to encourage cooperation, OUTSTANDING TECHNICAL and coordinated joint activities ACHIEVEMENTS IN REMOTE between the country’s National Society, and the local countries’ SENSING AND FOR MEDICAL IEEE section. One of the coopEQUIPMENT THAT MEAerative activities has been the SURES OXYGEN SATURATION establishment of joint awards IN THE EYE. between the National Society and IEEE. FIGURE 2. From the Award Ceremony: Prof. Jon Atli Benediktsson, IEEE/VFI Electrical Engineer of the Year. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277563 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 61 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® GRSS Members Elevated to the Grade of Senior Member in the Period March–June 2013 MARCH: APRIL: JUNE: Mudrik Alaydrus Indonesia Section Raja Boddu Hyderabad Section Bruce Campbell Washington Section Ulf Hanebutte Seattle Section Nettie La Belle-Hamer Alaska Section Fabio Pacifici High Plains Section Yuqi Bai Beijing Section Francesca Bovolo Italy Section Alejandro Frery Bahia Section Philip Hall Victorian Section Hrishikesh Kulkarni Bombay Section Maneesha Ramesh Kerala Section Zvonimir Sipus Croatia Section Ahmad Abawi San Diego Section Naif Alajlan Saudi Arabia Section Gilbert Carmona Metropolitan Los Angeles Section Christian Debes Germany Section Roland Romeiser Miami Section Rama Nidamanuri Kerala Section Salvatore Stramondo Italy Section Senior membership has the following distinct benefits: ◗ The professional recognition of your peers for technical and professional excellence. ◗ An attractive fine wood and bronze engraved Senior Member plaque to proudly display. ◗ Up to $25.00 gift certificate toward one new Society membership. ◗ A letter of commendation to your employer on the achievement of Senior Member grade (upon the request of the newly elected Senior Member). ◗ Announcement of elevation in Section/Society and/or local newsletters, newspapers and notices. ◗ Eligibility to hold executive IEEE volunteer positions. ◗ Can serve as Reference for Senior Member applicants. ◗ Invited to be on the panel to review Senior Member applications. ◗ Eligible for election to be an IEEE Fellow. Applications for senior membership can be obtained from IEEE website: _______________________ services/membership/senior/application/index.html. __________________________________ You can also visit the GRSS website: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277566 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 62 GRS IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® CALENDAR See also HTTP://WWW.IEEE.ORG/CONFERENCES_EVENTS/INDEX.HTML HTTP://WWW.TECHEXPO.COM/EVENTS ___________________________________________ or ___________________________ 2013 2014 SEPTEMBER DECEMBER MAY THE ASIA-PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR (APSAR 2013) September 23–27, 2013 Tsukuba, Japan 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROWAVES, ANTENNA, PROPAGATION & REMOTE SENSING (ICMARS 2013) December 11–14, 2013 Jodhpur, India IEEE RADAR CONFERENCE: FROM SENSING TO INFORMATION May 19–23, 2014 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA OCTOBER URSI COMMISSION F, MICROWAVE SIGNATURES 2013 SPECIALIST SYMPOSIUM ON MICROWAVE REMOTE SENSING OF THE EARTH, OCEANS, AND ATMOSPHERE (URSI-F 2013) October 28–31, 2013 Espoo (Helsinki), Finland GRS Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2277581 Date of publication: 1 October 2013 Call for Papers 2014 IEEE Radar Conference: From Sensing to Information 19-23 May 2014 Cincinnati, Ohio (USA) Cincinnati Marriott at RiverCenter 10 th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar 03-05 June 2014 - Berlin, Germany Tutorials: 02 June 2014 General Chair: Prof. Brian Rigling – Wright State University Technical Chair: Dr. Muralidhar Rangaswamy – US Air Force Research Lab GRSS Liaison: Prof. Joel Johnson – The Ohio State University Abstract submission: 18 October 2013 (Up to 4 pages with figures) Author notification: 20 January 2014 Final papers: 21 February 2014 (Up to 6 pages with figures) EUSAR is Europe's leading forum dedicated to SAR techniques, technology and applications related technologies with an international audience. We invite you to participate in this world-class scientific event by submitting a paper. This will be a unique opportunity for you to present your research results, innovations and technologies to the world. Draft Paper Submission Deadline: October 31, 2014 Call for Exhibition and Sponsoring: Please refer to for details. EUSAR 2014 General Chair: Manfred Zink, DLR EUSAR 2014 Technical Chair: Gerhard Krieger, DLR Web Address: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2278133 SEPTEMBER 2013 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2278134 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page 63 M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page M q M q M q M q MQmags q THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® AD INDEX The Advertisers Index contained in this issue is compiled as a service to our readers and advertisers: the publisher is not liable for errors or omissions although every effort is made to ensure its accuracy. Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them through IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. IEEE Marketing Department CVR 4 James A. 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