November 2014 Kedge - Maryland Yacht Club


November 2014 Kedge - Maryland Yacht Club
The Voice of the Maryland Yacht Club
November 2014
Flag Officers
Paul Dolan
Vice Commodore
Dave Perlman
Rear Commodore
Barbara Franklin
P/C Arne Reistad
Power Fleet Captain
Gary Bullis
MYC Office: M onday thru Fri-
Sail Fleet Captain
Larry Korpanty
Board Of Governors
Members at Large
David Derby
Winfried Wiegmann
Hal McClure
Sandy Pabst
Paul Mermelstein
Jim Ferrari
Immediate Past
Emory Quaskey
Social Member Rep
Barbara Corkhill
Membership Chair
Carl Treff
Dick Love
Chris Wallis
Volume CIV, Issue # 1
2014 Elections of
Maryland Yacht Club
Election Results
The Club is thankful for the votes of those members who came out to vote on Election Day
for MYC. The results of this year’s election were as follow:
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Social Member Representative
Board Members at Large
Paul Dolan
Dave Perlman
Barbara Franklin
Barbara Corkhill
David Derby
Jim Ferrari
Winfried Wegmann
Board Appointments
Power Fleet Captain
Sail Fleet Captain
Director of Marketing
Program Director
Fleet Chaplain
Pool Chairman
Gary Bullis
Larry Korpanty
Warren Robinson
Vicki Dulko
Sue Love
Stella & Bob McDonnell
Dick Love
Skill LevRace Length
Or Other
Average Handicap
Bill Zelenakas
Chris Wallis
Greg Pabst
365 KTH
Dave Butler
Larry Korpanty
Dave Perlman
Shawn Harlan
Hal McClure
Scott Free
Brad Houck
Sea Doo Too
mx 1 38
Richard Ewing
Molto Bene
Start Time
Lag from
Lag from
Previous Boat
12:00:00 PM
Actual Cross
Scott Free
Sea Doo Too
Molto Bene
Boat Name
Well, another election season has passed and ball season is upon us. I want to thank everyone that supported me and everyone that came to the general membership meeting. We
have a lot to look forward to this year and lots of work to do on the bridge. I hope to have
the support of everyone going forward.
Now that it is November it’s time for our Commodore’s Ball. Carole has sent out the invitations and I hope everyone can make it. First Lady Mary and I are looking forward to a
great time! Shiftwork will be playing, drinks will be flowing and the food will be fabulous.
I have presented the Board of Governors with a plan to bring racing back to Maryland
Yacht Club. I think it’s time we had a taste of what Maryland Yacht Club used to be. Plus, I
think it’s a great way to recruit new members for the club. It’s time we give the Baltimore
area a yacht club to talk about! Commodore Jim Gorman did a great job initiating the
MYC Cup Challenge with the Rock Creek Sailing Association. I hope to expand on that and
bring back some power boat racing too! This weekend we are having our Princess Regatta
(I’m writing this on the 24th of October) and looking forward to as many participants as we
can round up among the fleet to participate. Once upon a time Maryland Yacht Club had
a Regatta Weekend with over 600 races over 3 days each Fall. Just think what a sight that
would be to have Rock Creek full of boats racing in the Maryland Yacht Club Regatta
We also have an opportunity to have the MYC youth compete in sailing regattas around
the bay and at home. We are looking into that as well. We have a lot to look forward to at
MYC and a wonderful past to use as we head to the future.
Look around the club as we progress in ALL areas of our operations to improve the total
quality of the member’s experience. In light of making this a great place for every member
of Maryland Yacht Club please keep in mind the bylaws and rules that govern our club.
They are for everyone.
Until next time,
Commodore Paul
Vice Commodore
From the Vice Commodore
First of all thank you for the support and voting me to advance from Rear Commodore to
Vice Commodore. Even though there was no opposition it was great to see the members support by voting. Donna and I are busy planning what we hope is a memorable Opening
Weekend which will be heavily focused and directed on our membership. We have settled on
a “fun theme” which will be revealed at the Commodores Ball November 15.
Fall is here in full force and the Club activities just keep on coming. Many thanks to Power
Fleet Captain Gary Bullis for his organizing the great Frostbite Cruise get together at Langford Bay Marina/Cacaway Island. A fun time was had by all with delicious appetizers. The
sail/ ride over was one of the best all season with the return trip the next day “challenging” to
say the least. Watching green water go over the top of Gary, Arnolds and Allan’s boat was
quite a sight as we all crawled forward to get past Love Point on our return trip. Many
thanks to Commodore Paul and Immediate Past Commodore Emory on greeting us as we
sailed past the MYC Pavilion in our first Fleet Review in many years. Thank you for reviving
the tradition.
Last Saturday we had our MYC Regatta with quite a few sailboats participating. The Commodore’s boat (Paul was gracious enough to sail with Donna and I, as his boat is on the
hard), placed a respectable 5th and we had a great time. We passed Emory on Larry’s Galeta
and he looked like he was having a blast. Everyone did. Thank you Sail Captain Larry Korpanty for doing a great job in organizing and running it. We need more events like this…and
guess what…stay tuned as Commodore Paul has some exciting new ideas to increase participation in many aspects of what we are about…..a yachting club and racing.
As the Vice Commodore this year my focus will be on members, social events, and the food
service. Helping the Program Director, Auxiliary, and our General Manager pull off great
events which get the club members involved. To this end, bring friends with you to the events.
This is one way we get new members. We need new members. We need new members of all
ages. I will continue to work to make our newly names porch dining, the AFTERDECK a popular as well as improved area to get together when we don’t have access to the Clubhouse
food/meals/drink is a necessary to get people to congregate. All you need to do is look at
Friday nights in the Clubhouse.
In order for our club to succeed not only do we need new members, we need the current
members to participate in activities. I often ask members why you did you join a club vs. a
marina. Time and time again the answer is we wanted to meet similar people who like
boating, we like to have a place to meet socially, or because our friends are here. Please
volunteer to help run activities. I spent 2 hours watching all the young kids have a blast on
Sunday at the kids Halloween party. Most all of us are/ were parents and it was so heartwarming and fun to witness. My hats off to the Auxiliary and members who helped give the
kids something they will remember. They volunteer as most of us do out of the kindness of
their hearts. It’s a way of “paying it forward”. If you want to get the true club experience
and meet others volunteering is the way to get it. If all you do is want a place to keep your
boat…well that’s what you will get.
Please sign up and enjoy New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance with some of your friends at MYC.
Great menu, great music, and here at your club. We are now opening it up for you to invite your friends.
VC Dave
A Look To the Rear
Message from the Rear
I am very excited
about putting out
my first edition of
Maryland Yacht
Club’s Kedge.
Please feel free to
pass on any suggestions to me at [email protected].
Right now I am wearing two hats for our Club – one as Rear Commodore and the other as Secretary. We need someone to volunteer
to be our Secretary. The position requires taking notes at both the
Board of Governors and Executive Committee meetings. The Board
meets on the 3rd Friday of each month and the Executive Committee
always meets two days prior to the Board meeting. The minutes of
each meeting are sent electronically to committee and Board members. Attendance at every meeting is not necessary as a recorder can
be used or another member can take notes. Wearing the officer’s
uniform is not required. Being the Club Secretary is a great way to
find out what is going on at the Club and to participate in making
improvements our members want.
I will be working hard this coming year as Rear Commodore generating the best issues of the Kedge that I can and continuing to work
with our Board to reach the best solutions to issues that our members
have asked us to work on.
I especially enjoyed two of our October events – the Frost Bite Cruise
and the Auxiliary’s Halloween Party. Thank you Gary Bullis for organizing a very successful cruise – the hot sausages and breakfast
muffins were awesome. And hats off to the Auxiliary for a fun filled
afternoon of Halloween activities and treats for our children and
RC Barbara
Basin Director
Greg Pabst
Fuel Dock
Dave Itzel
Buildings and Grounds
Greg Franklin
Clubhouse and Food
P/HC Ken Valentine
Marketing and
Public Relations
P/C Warren Robinson
Program Director
Vickie Dulko
General Manager
Carole Suser
Office Manager
Nadine McEnaney
Executive Chef
Colin Suser
Ernie Jenkins
Before winter really sets in, Baltimore is hosting 3 international ships in November
that will be opened to the public for viewing as follows:
HNoMS Statsraal Lehmkuhl from Norway - viewing November 8 & 9 10-3
431’ Brazilian Navy Training Ship BNS Brasil — viewing November 8, 9 & 11 2-6
455’ HDMS Niels Juel Royal Danish Navy frigate — viewing November 11 10-4
And there will be more visiting ships in December!
Gary W. Bullis, Power Fleet Captain - November 2014 Kedge Article
I was very honored and pleased to be asked by Commodore Paul Dolan to be his Power Fleet Captain. I
have watched Larry Korpanty organize and lead the MYC Sail Fleet very successfully and I can only work
hard and hope to do the same. I am excited to bring some fresh ideas for Bay cruises to some new destinations as well as cruises to good ol’ standby ports of call.
I plan to offer at least one cruise per boating month to either a marina destination or a raft up anchorage. I
personally prefer to be out on the Bay more at anchor and rafting up with other boats. I look forward to
that camaraderie, the stories, the laughs, the cook outs, and those group dinghy explorations. Dinghies and
kayaks allow for such an expanded Bay experience where one can wander ashore if desired, further back in
that secluded cove or farther up that winding marsh lined creek. I feel that being at anchor allows for a
more true Bay experience. But there will be a good mix of both marinas and anchorages planned.
I welcome ideas from other power fleet members – resident and social members. I know there will be more
joint sail & power fleet cruises in 2015. I will welcome your ideas and will be sending out some tentative dates
and destinations in December or January as I know we have to book the good places early.
I look forward to your participation in one, two, or many planned cruises in the coming 2015 boating season.
Until next time, may your final fall cruise(s) be wonderful and your winterizing be thorough and successful.
Believe a Bull
2002 Mainship 390 Trawler
Maryland Yacht Club Frostbite Cruise
October 18th & 19th 2014
Gary W. Bullis
It was an Yachtoberfest indeed! Our MYC Frostbite cruise to Lankford Bay Marina
(seven boats) and Cacaway Island (four boats) was indeed an adventure. The
cruise over Saturday morning/afternoon was both pleasant and enjoyable - a
steady and healthy breeze was pushing us across the Bay. Being prudent boaters, I
sense every one of us had the return cruise on our minds. What cruises across, must
cruise back. But I digress.
Cruising the Chester River is always a wonderful journey and this trip was no exception. The winding River and the shoreline sights make for a great day on the water.
Approaching Lankford Creek, the Fall colors seemed to pop and as we entered the
protected waters off the marina, we seemed to be surrounded by nature – the
trees, the birds, the water, and the tranquility of it all.
Into their slip as the wind played havoc with our beams and thus our docking prowess.
We all did fine as expected. Once each boat was tied safe in the slip, each crew joined
in assisting the next boat
And shortly after that we were all gathered up in the marina’s pavilion preparing food
and festivities. Wonderful views from the hilltop, light fare and beverages of choice,
and friendship and laughter were shared by all. I believe I counted 21 MYC members all
enjoying themselves in conversations with each other. A fine gathering indeed.
Saturday night, Donna and Arnold hosted 11 of us on Chesapeake Pearl’s expansive flybridge. Good thing the bimini curtains were snug and tight as the wind outside reminded us of what was in store for us tomorrow on our return cruise.
Sunday morning arrived with the winds about as expected. We were warmed by our
coffee, muffins, breakfast, and friendship. After some decisions of “should I stay of
should I go”, some departed and some stayed.
Let it be said that those that stayed were more relaxed, calmer, and would have less
cleaning up the scattered pieces of salon decorations, wine bottles, and dishes that
were not secured prior to the departure from Lankford Creek. But boy did they miss
an adventure. This return cruise will be talked about for years to come I am sure. Hitting the mouth of Chester River and Love Point, well, … let’s just say that seeing Hide
a Way’s 50 foot hull riding up and down what must have been 5-8 foot waves and
swells was quite a sight. Same for my 39 feet and 7 foot bow riding up and down and
plunging in and out of the next wave. Needless to say, we all were at our seaman’s
best as we made our way across the bay and safely back to MYC – with a fantastic
experience under our belt that you can never make up any other way. Here’s to the
Frostbite Cruise of 2014!
Managers’ Report
It is November and this means time for friends to gather around our warm fire, more great club
events, and sadly, to prepare for winter.
The following are 2 reminders of winter procedures:
Winter Slips
Here is what our resident members need to do for our winter maintenance.
If you are planning to leave your slip for the winter, it is your responsibility to let the office and our Basin Director, Greg Pabst know.
If you plan to take a different slip for the winter it is your responsibility to:
Submit in writing to the basin director your request and first choice of slip, Greg will then let you know if
that slip is available or spoken for already. Winter slips are approved on a first written notice basis.
Once you have received approval you must notify the office of the move and the date of intended move.
Please remember we will be reading both electric meters
You must vacate the “winter” slip no later than March 31, 2015.
You must notify the office when you vacate the winter slip for your contracted slip.
To notify the office you may email: [email protected], and/or [email protected]
To notify the Basin Director you may email: [email protected]
MYC Snow Policy
Just like any other community, reasonable snow removal policies are in place at MYC. The following are
some of the procedures to be aware of when the forecast calls for snow.
The News page of the website will be updated with any closings and will typically follow Anne Arundel
As with all bad weather, team up with another MYC member to check on boats and lines. MYC staff does
not do this.
We will salt the main walkways including the steps, bathhouse and the hill. We do not salt the piers. If you
would like salt anywhere else, you may do so with your own salt.
At 1inch of snow with continuing snow fall we shovel the walkways.
Keep all ropes and cords off the walk way of the pier, if they become damaged it is not MYC’s responsibility.
Remember to put a shovel in your car and on your boat as we do not shovel out cars or finger piers or clean
snow off boats.
The plow company is called with minimum of 3-4 inches with continuing snow expected.
The plow route has been established and will continue to be the same as previous years.
Due to the cost, the plow does not do the center of the basin parking lot.
Parking in the upper lot of D pier, please make every effort to have cars parked on just
one side of the lot. This will allow the plow better access to that lot.
It’s hard to believe but ½ of our year is almost over so please review your Chit statement. You have until March 31st to use your chits but please don’t wait that long
– come and enjoy the lounge & dining room now.
Managers’ Report cont.
Specials this month in the lounge and try one of our fall drink specials
Nutty Irishman Coffee
Enjoy a Side Car
Spiced Pumpkin Martini
** Important Dates to Remember **
Events are also listed on the Calendar of our MYC website.
November 7 - The Fall Wine Tasting – This tasting will include wines from Chateau
St. Jean, Columbia Founders and more. Please plan to join the fun. Complimentary
Hors d’oeuvres will be served. The wine tastings are $10.00 per person to offset the cost.
Rsvp [email protected]
Sunday, November 9 – 1:00pm Come watch the Baltimore Ravens with
November 15 - Commodores Ball – What a great evening at MYC. Plan to be here.
Sunday, November 16 – 1:00pm Come watch the Washington Redskins with
November 19 - Executive Committee Meeting
November 21 – Board of Governors Meeting
November 22 - Winter Water will be on November 22, 2014. This also means, the
Pump Out station will be closed for the winter as of November 22, 2014.
November 27 - Happy Thanksgiving!!! - And as tradition the club will be closed
Friday the 28th after Thanksgiving and will reopen Saturday the 29th at 3:00pm.
Sunday, November 30 – 1:00pm Come watch the Baltimore Ravens with
Building and Grounds
Greg Franklin– Director
November 2014
As our boating season comes to a close we will not stop improving our club. There are big
plans for some more projects this fall and winter. One project is to identify all the dock boxes on
F pier. If you have a dock box along the wall by F pier please place your name on the box and
email me at [email protected], I have attached a picture of a box that we can’t identify
as belonging to a current member. We will open any boxes not identified as current resident
members and try to clean up this area. Also on November 1st I will be hosting a fall cleanup
day and another day to split some firewood for the club.
I would also like to know if there is any interest in water dingy dockage. As of this time, there
is no regulation on a dingy stored on a float in the basin but I plan to address this at the next
board meeting. Our staff has mounted a TV in the board room and is now hooked up to the
DVD player for members use. Please use this TV properly and keep all remotes with the units.
Greg Franklin
Building and Grounds
The club is in need of a Princess to foster goodwill and camaraderie
among the yacht clubs of the Chesapeake Bay with the opportunity to compete in the Queen of the Chesapeake Pageant and a Scholarship to further
their education.
The qualifications are very basic:
-Be a single, never married, young lady between the age of 15 and 21 years
old as of the day of the Queen of the Chesapeake Pageant, June 7, 2015
-Be related to a member (resident or social) of the club (child, grandchild,
niece, cousin, or ward)
-Be willing to attend events throughout the yacht club community from the
time of coronation through the final opening and possibly longer promoting
Maryland Yacht Club, the conservation of the Chesapeake Bay and the boating lifestyle.
If you know of any young ladies who love boating and would like to
represent Maryland Yacht Club in the coming year submit a letter of intent
to Commodore Paul Dolan at [email protected].
Barbara Corkhill– Auxiliary President
October was an exciting month for the auxiliary. The Craft Fair was
smaller than last year but still as successful! The DJ night and Halloween event for the adults was fun. Many members came in their best
costumes and we danced a lot. The DJ does a great job taking request
and playing the music all can enjoy. It has been great to see a busy
Friday night with members enjoying dinner and staying around to
dance and have fun. We are working on one more DJ night before the
club closes for the December break, more details coming. We ask all
members to come join us and make the night a success.
We held our elections and this year we are happy to have Pam
Schuller become our Vice President, thank you Pam for stepping up,
you have been a great asset to the auxiliary since you started and we
enjoy having you on our board. I would like to introduce the auxiliary
to everyone, here are our current members:
Barb Corkhill – President
Cheryl Hook – Secretary
Pam Schuller – Vice President
Terri Shaffer – Treasurer
Members at large: Linda Grunder, Vickie Dulko, Danee Mermelstein,
Sue Zelenakas, Vickie Ferrari, Donna Perlman, Nancy Gorman, Mary
Dolan, and Barb Franklin.
We would also like to take this opportunity to Thank all members
who have stopped in and helped on many of our events. A Special
thanks goes out to our husbands, when setting up and tearing down
events they have always pitched in. A big “Thank you” to the Chuck
Ballangee for his craftsmanship in building cut outs and the Corn Hole
boards for the silent Auction, Great Job! Another special “Thanks” goes
out to Burnell and Tony Roussos for their donations and all the help
Burnell gives us in any event we have.
We try hard to be sure and meet all new members, if you are a new
member and haven’t met us yet, please stop by and introduce yourself. The first Friday of each month there is a meet and greet for new
members. We love having new members and want to be sure and
welcome you! New or Not we would love to have all members join
the auxiliary. We meet the first Friday of each month, stop in and
check us out, we have a great group and would love to have you join
Barbara Corkhill
Vice President
Pam Schuller
Cheryl Hook
Terri Shaffer
Members at Large
Nancy Gorman
Vicki Ferrari
Donna Perlman
Linda Grunder
Vickie Dulko
Sue Zelenakas
Barbara Franklin
Mary Dolan
————————————-Web Master
Web Site Chairman
Barbara Franklin
By Laws Chairman
Junior Sail Fleet
Carl Treff
Dave Marcic
Fleet Chaplain
Sue Love
Vickie Dulko
Program Director
Hello Everyone,
It has been a busy month for the club. We have been holding the Tailgate Parties
down at the pavilion. We have had good food, drinks and friends. If you missed them,
we will be having them again next year. The weather is getting too blustery in November to have them, but you can join us in the clubhouse each Sunday, to watch the
game. The games are more entertaining to watch with friends.
On October 28th we had our very first Family Fun Day. The day was really amusing
with Michael Ricigliano and his silly games. The theme of the day was Olympics. We
had opening ceremonies, trivia, skill tests, and Olympic medals were given out. The
group of members and their families that attended truly enjoyed themselves. We are
looking forward to having Michael back to have another Family Fun Day next year.
There are so many events coming up at the club that you need to read the Blasts that
come out every week to keep current with events. New events maybe added and
there will be updated information about events such as the upcoming Commodores
Ball on November 15 at 6:30 PM. The cost for the affair will be $80.00 per person. In
December, we will have the Holiday Brunch on December 14th at 11:30 AM. That same
day, the Children's Christmas Party will be held at 1:00 PM. After a short hiatus, the
New Year's Eve Party is back. The cost of the event will be $70.00 per person and the
party will start at 8:00 PM.
Please look out for Blasts, fliers at the club house, basin restroom, pavilion and the 2
signs at the pier for all upcoming events. Often, I need people to help me with the
Club's Programs. If you are interested in helping with a particular event please email
me at [email protected]. I will be grateful for any assistance you choose to lend.
Be part of an old MYC tradition by
celebrating and dancing the year away to
“Whiskey Reign” on New Years Eve with
some of your closest friends.
When : December 31– 8:00 PM till 12:45 AM
Where: MYC Clubhouse
Attire: Men -Suit or Tuxedo required
Women- Formal or Semiformal
Invitation Only: Open to all MYC members and their guests
Cost: $70 per person
RSVP :David Perlman– [email protected] or
Vickie Dulko– [email protected]
Reservations will close on December 15 or upon reaching 120 people. Sign up early to
insure a seat. Payment by Member # or Credit Card. No refunds after December 7
New Years Eve Menu
Hors Devours
Chilled Shrimp lemon pepper and cocktail sauce
International Cheese Board with smoked Guoda, aged Vermont cheddar, Havarti
With Dill/ Caraway, Alpine lace Swiss
Baked Brie en Cruite with raspberry coulis
Assorted Canapes including:
 Smoked salmon mousse on English cucumbers with caviar
 Bruschetta Duet with green olive tapenade and traditions roasted tomato
 Pokatini Tuna sashimi and avocado on Belgian endive
 Cherry tomatoes infused with Bleu cheese
 Chilled Greek Satay with apple, feta cheese, wine cured olives , roasted peppers
 Pancetta wrapped melon with Balsamic drizzle
 Smoked turkey, spinach and horseradish cheese pinwheel bursts
Carving Station
 Pepper crusted Tenderloin of Beef with horseradish sour cream
 Roasted Turkey Breast with cranberry-pineapple chutney
Italian Sauté Station
 Tri colored cheese tortellini with sun-dried tomatoes, sliced olives,
Artichoke hearts and baby spinach in a Alfredo pesto sauce
Oriental Stir Fry Station
 Kung Pao chicken stir fry with snow peas, water chestnuts, baby corn
Straw mushrooms and bean sprouts accompanied by Basmati brown rice
Seafood Station
Wild Salmon mignons glaxed with a Jack Daniels honey sauce
Accompanied by a date and apricot quinoa
Salad Station
Traditional Caesar Salad
Roasted corn-black bean-red pepper– mago and golden pineapple
with lime vinaigrette
 Tomato-Buffalo Mozzarella
New Years Menu continued
Dessert Station
NY York Cheesecake with Strawberry topping
7 Layer Bar
Carmel Granny Smith Apple Bar
Key West Bar
Chocolate Fountain
Golden Pineapple
Apple Slices
Crème Puffs
Coffee Station
Unlimited Tap Beer ( Kilian's and Coors Light) and Wine ( Red and White)
Champagne Toast
Bottle Beer and Mixed Drinks upon request – Members # or credit card
Other Notes of Interest
Reciprocity with Yacht Clubs – As a member of the Maryland Yacht Club, you have
reciprocity with other yacht clubs. There are 2 types of reciprocity. The first is simply
if a Yacht Club offers reciprocity it typically means, as a fellow Yacht Club member,
you will be allowed into their club, at a reduced rate or special arrangement for a limited period of time. Boaters who are not Yacht Club members are generally not allowed. To locate these clubs, in our boardroom, the Yacht Clubs of America book lists
Yacht Clubs by state and the CBYCA book is a roster of local clubs. When you find
the club you would like to visit, call them and see what their arrangement is, every
clubs policy is different.
The second type of reciprocity is among the “Big 6” Yacht Clubs General Managers.
These clubs include; Baltimore, Chesapeake, Kent Island, North East, Miles River and
MYC. The special rate available is $25.00 per night plus electric. The agreement is
that this rate will not apply to a cruise. Cruises are very welcome, but come at the
standard reciprocity rate. So, go out exploring, have fun and return to your home port
with wonderful tales from the sea!
Pump-outs - You may have us put you on a weekly pump-out schedule or you may
request a portable pump-out 48 hours in advance by emailing [email protected]
or notifying the office 410-255-4444 [email protected] or [email protected]
Old Ropes – If you have old Ropes or lines you no longer need, let Ernie know, he has
several projects where he can make use of them. So far we have received one donation, Thank You. [email protected]
Dockage Assistance – Any members needing dockage assistance please feel free to
hail channel 9 and our dock staff will be happy to help. We monitor channel 9, 9:00am
– 4:00pm
Work Order Request Instructions
Requestor Instructions for completing Work Request Form:
Applicant Information: Give as much information so we may contact you.
Work Description:
Request Type: Select at least one check box indicating the type of wor k per formed
Work Request Description: Pr ovide as much detail about wher e and what
work you would like to be completed. Be as clear as possible and attach additional paper if necessary.
Signature: Requestor must sign and date. Electr onic Signatur e is acceptable if
you are emailing document.
Deliver or send request to the Office for review and approval by Director and General
Manager. You may send by email to [email protected]. Work will not begin until approval
is granted.
Director and General Manager Instructions:
Director and General Manger review work request together, verify details are clear and that
the requestor has signed and dated form.
Director will contact requestor if clarification is needed.
Verify request does not violate or circumvent By-Laws. If it’s not clear then work must be
approved by Board of Governors.
Complete Approval Section.
Accept or Decline the request
Provide comments
Sign and Date
Forward to appropriate party for completing work if so approved
After work is completed, have the Maintenance Manager inspect the work, sign and date
the inspection section and provide final cost if applicable.
Director completes final inspection then signs and dates inspection section.
Update the General Manager and forward request to Office Manager for member billing if
necessary, and internal processing.
Office Manager Instructions:
Bill requestor or club as noted for final cost in the inspection section
File work request