In the past, people used to wash their clothes by
In the past, people used to wash their clothes by
In the past, people used to wash their clothes by hand. They would rub the clothes with a bar of soap and then rinse them in clean water. There were many different objects to help with the washing, such as a washboard, but it was always hard work. Heating the water Water was heated over a coal fire or in a gas boiler. After soaking, the washing was put into a big dolly tub. Drying After rinsing, much of the water could be removed by squeezing the clothes through a mangle (also known as a wringer). A dolly tub and dolly peg dolly peg 2 A long wooden device which would be turned back and forth up to 100 times to remove dirt from the clothes. Poster Jana2-2b.p65 Glossary Literacy Time 1/2 1 No 10. Spring term. © Scholastic Ltd 2004. dolly tub A big tub in which the clothes could be washed in hot water, using the dolly peg. Ironing Once the washing was dry, it would be time for the ironing. A heavy flat iron was heated over a fire, wiped to remove soot and ashes, and then used before it cooled. Irons were used in pairs, with one heating mangle flat iron iron while the A machine with wooden rollers A triangular-shaped piece of turned by a handle. The iron with a handle on top other was clothes were fed through the which could be made very hot rollers to squeeze out the being used. by standing in the fire. water. 09/10/2003, 10:28 © ILLUSTRATION © SYD BRAK, IRON © TOPHAM PICTURE POINT. Cleaning the clothes A dolly peg was twisted backwards and forwards in the tub, to agitate the clothes and remove the dirt.