the school board of seminole county
the school board of seminole county
NOTICE: Seminole County Public Schools' Board Meetings are broadcast on Seminole Government Television (SGTV). The schedule for broadcasting is the week of each Board Meeting --- Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and Friday at 1:30 p.m. SGTV is offered to Bright House subscribers on Channel 9. If you wish to address the School Board, please complete one of the request forms in the back of the room and give to the Clerk of the Board, Karen Ponder, prior to the meeting. SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AGENDA August 8, 2006 5:30 p.m. for regular School Board Meeting Educational Support Center 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard Sanford, FL 32773 I. CALL TO ORDER by Chairman Jeanne Morris A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call C. Acknowledgement of Business Advisory Board member representative, PTA representative and Seminole County Association of Student Councils representative in attendance D. Agenda Modifications 1. Items selected for removal: 2. Items selected for clarifying questions: 3. Items selected for separate consideration: E. Agenda Modifications – Other F. Approval of Agenda II. PRESENTATIONS/RECOGNITION A. You Make Us Proud B. “Leadership is Elementary” Conference Presentations AGENDA MODIFICATIONS PRESENTATIONS CONSENT AGENDA MINUTES FOUNDATION FOR SCPS PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS EDUCATIONAL EQUITY ACT PLAN TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES BIDS/REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS III. SCHOOL/DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS None IV. CONSENT AGENDA – Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. School Board Issues *A. That the School Board approve the minutes of July 24 and 25, 2006. *B. That the School Board approve The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools 2006/2007 Board of Directors. Personnel Issues *C. That the School Board approve the personnel recommendations as presented. *D. That the School Board approve the 2006 Annual Update of the Educational Equity Act Plan. Financial Issues *E. That the School Board approve Resolution 2006-09, authorizing Tax Anticipation Notes in an amount not to exceed $23,000,000. *F. That the School Board approve the recommendations for bids or requests for proposals listed. *Denotes an “Action Item” vs. an “Information Item.” Pg. 1 Pg. 2 Pg. 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 43 Pg. 44 Pg. 45 Seminole County School Board Meeting – August 8, 2006 PURCHASE AUTHORIZATIONS *G. That the School Board approve the purchases listed and applicable contracts/agreements that may be associated with the various purchases. Facilities Issues *H. That the School Board approve the 2006/2007 revised Five and Ten Year Capital Improvement Plans. 5 & 10 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS Pg. 46 Pg. 47 CCNA – ROOFING *I. That the School Board approve the selection committee’s recommendation for district wide roofing consulting services and authorize the Facilities Planning Department to negotiate contracts with A/R/C Associates, Inc.; D.B. Young & Associates, Inc.; Hanson Professional Services; Jay Ammon Architect and Rogers & Sark Consulting. Pg. 50 CONSTRUCTION MGT. AT RISK SERVICES *J. That the School Board approve the renewal of Clancy & Theys Construction; Construct Two Group; Pro-Spec, Inc.; Strategic Facilities Development and BE&K Construction Group, Inc. to provide continuing construction management at risk services for construction projects with budgets under $1,000,000. Pg. 51 TRANSPORTATION UST *K. That the School Board approve and execute Change Order No. 1 submitted by Petroleum Equipment Construction in the amount of $86,669.97 for the Transportation Facility Petroleum underground storage tank project. Pg. 52 FIELD TRIP School Issue *L. That the School Board approve student attendance on the field trip listed. Pg. 53 NATIONAL ACADEMY FOUNDATION Miscellaneous Issues *M. That the School Board approve the membership renewal agreement with the National Academy Foundation. Pg. 54 FOOD SERVICE CONTRACT WITH 4C PUBLIC COMMENTS *N. That the School Board approve the contract as presented. V. ITEMS REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION VI. BOARD: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX. NEW BUSINESS ii Pg. 55 Seminole County School Board Meeting – August 8, 2006 SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. XI. DISCIPLINE HEARING DISPOSITIONS XII. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. 1st Day of School – Verbal Reports B. Seminole County Public School (SCPS) – School Report Cards C. Food Services Nutritional Update D. 2006/2007 Hiring Season – Vacancies, Applications and Resumes E. Other Pg. 56 Pg. 57 Pg. 58 BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS DISCIPLINE HEARING DISPOSITIONS (closed session unless parent/ guardian requests open session) None CALENDAR Note: A list of all public meetings held by the school district may be obtained by visiting the district's website at and selecting the "Public Meetings" webpage. DATE TIME MEETING DESCRIPTION 8-Aug 4:30 PM Executive Session regarding litigation 8-Aug 5:30 PM School Board Meeting 14-Aug 9:00 AM Central Florida Public School Boards Coalition Meeting 22-Aug 22-Aug 3:00 PM 7:00 PM 12-Sep 3:00 PM Work Session - Update on the Strategic Plan School Board Meeting Work Session - Open Discussion between School Board Members 12-Sep 5:05 PM 12-Sep 5:30 PM 26-Sep 4:30 PM NOTES newly scheduled, will convene in open session then recess to closed session and then reconvene in open session to adjourn the meeting newly scheduled, Location: Polk County School District, Jim Miles Professional Development Center, 5204 US Hwy 98 South, Lakeland, Directions: 863/534-0529 Training Rooms 1 and 2 Public Hearing regarding Adoption of 2006/2007 Final Budget School Board Meeting Training Rooms 1 and 2 Joint Work Session with the Teacher Advisory Board and Principals' Forum 26-Sep 7:00 PM School Board Meeting 10-Oct 5:30 PM School Board Meeting Training Rooms 1 and 2 24-Oct 6:15 PM National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists Reception 24-Oct 7:00 PM School Board Meeting Training Rooms 1 and 2 14-Nov 5:30 PM Teacher Appreciation Reception 21-Nov 5:30 PM Reorganization of the Board 21-Nov 5:40 PM Seminole School Board Leasing Corporation Meeting 21-Nov 5:45 PM School Board Meeting *Note: Discipline Hearings are usually held every Monday (excluding holidays, Fall & Spring Breaks, etc.) **Note: Unless indicated otherwise, all meetings are held at the Educational Support Center, 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford NOTICE: The "Public Input" segment of the meeting is provided for the purpose of permitting persons to present specific matters to the School Board for its consideration and action or referral to the Superintendent and his staff for inquiry and action as appropriate. The public input segment of the meeting is not open to presentation of campaign issues by political candidates, matters involving student disciplinary actions, pending employee disciplinary matters, or pending litigation. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes and must clearly identify the matter to be addressed on the speaker sign-up form. NOTICE: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability, who require accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact Mr. John Reichert, Executive Director of Human Resources and Professional Standards, Seminole County Public Schools, Educational Support Center, 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, FL 32773 (407) 320-0097; TTD (407) 320-0273; or Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8770 (v). Reasonable notice is required. At least 5 days notice is requested. NOTICE: If any person appearing before the School Board anticipates or expects that he or she might appeal any decision made by the School Board, that person will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose, that person will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. F.S. 286.0105. iii THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY INFORMATION ITEM: YOU MAKE US PROUD II.A. Item Number The following staff and students will be recognized at the August 8, 2006 school board meeting for their achievement for the You Make Us Proud Award. Odyssey of the Mind 2nd Place State Finals and 7th Place World Chiles Middle Jazz Click Richard Hartig Paul Jaskowski Hunter Menning Business Professionals of America (BPA) State Leadership Conference Winter Springs High Daniel Mongiove – 2nd Place Word Processing Skills Event Perfect Score 2006 National Latin Exam Oviedo High Brooke Fidrick History Channel Creative Teacher Award Bear Lake Elementary Ms. Joyce Riemersma State Teaching in Excellence Award Finalist – NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence Hagerty High Ms. Trent Daniel Ms. Sandy Gardner – Sponsor and Coach International Internet Science and Technology Fair – Honorable Mention And Meritorious Achievement Sterling Park Elementary Ms. Mary Timmerman 2. Prepared by: John Reichert 3. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Human Resources and Professional Standards Regina Klaers, Director of Community Involvement/Public Information 8/8/06 Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: None Page 1 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: MINUTES IV.A. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board approve the minutes of July 24 and 25, 2006. 2. Background/Analysis: None 3. Fiscal Impact: Not applicable. 4. Prepared by: Bill Vogel, Superintendent 5. Board Meeting Date 8/8/06 Attachment(s): 7/24/06 Discipline Hearing minutes 7/25/06 Public Hearing minutes 7/25/06 School Board Meeting minutes Back-up not in agenda book: None Materials for signature: Original minutes Page 2 DISCIPLINE HEARINGS, July 24, 2006 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY The School Board of Seminole County convened on Monday, July 24, 2006, for the purpose of conducting discipline hearings. Board member, Mrs. Jeanne Morris was present to hear the recommendations. Mr. Gene Grace and Mrs. Maria Marrero were also present. CONSENT AGENDA Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the school board approve the Consent Agenda provided to the attending board member for students numbered 1-5 on the agenda. Recommendation of the Board: That the consent agenda be approved. DISCIPLINE HEARINGS Names of student’s numbered 1-7 with various recommendations were provided on a Discipline Hearing Agenda to the attending board member by Mr. Gene Grace. ASSIGNMENT OF STUDENT NO.1–LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL Superintendent’s Recommendation: That STUDENT NO.1–LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL be assigned to our District Alternative School through June 2006. Recommendation of the Board: That STUDENT NO.1–LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL be assigned to our District Alternative School through June 2006. ASSIGNMENT OF STUDENT NO.2– LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL Superintendent’s Recommendation: That STUDENT NO.2 –LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL be assigned to our District Alternative School through May 2007. Recommendation of the Board: That STUDENT NO 2-LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL be assigned to our District Alternative School through December 2006. EXPULSION OF STUDENT NO.3–CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL Superintendent’s Recommendation: That STUDENT NO.3-CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL be expelled and fully excluded from the District Alternative School and all Seminole County Public Schools through May 2007. Recommendation of the Board: That STUDENT NO 3-CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL be expelled and fully excluded from the District Alternative School and all Seminole County Public Schools through December 2006. EXPULSION OF STUDENT NO.4–RAYS OF HOPE Superintendent’s Recommendation: That STUDENT NO.4–RAYS OF HOPE be assigned to our District Alternative School through January 2007. CONTINUED Page 3 EXPULSION OF STUDENT NO.5– DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL Superintendent’s Recommendation: That STUDENT NO.5–DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL be expelled and fully excluded from the District Alternative School and all Seminole County Public Schools through January 2007. Recommendation of the Board: That STUDENT NO.5–DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL be expelled and fully excluded form the District Alternative School and all Seminole County Public Schools through May 2006. EXPULSION OF STUDENT NO.6-DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL CONTINUED EXPULSION OF STUDENT NO.7–DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL Superintendent’s Recommendation: That STUDENT NO.7–DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL be expelled and fully excluded from the District Alternative School and all Seminole County Public Schools through January 2007. Recommendation of the Board: That STUDENT NO.7–DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL be expelled and fully excluded from the District Alternative School and all Seminole County Public Schools through January 2007. George Kosmac Jeanne Morris Page 4 SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS JULY 25, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 2006/2007 BUDGET MINUTES Call Public Hearing To Order by Chairman Jeanne Morris at 5:07 p.m. The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were led by School Board Member Sandra Robinson. Roll Call: School Board Members Vice Chairman Diane Bauer, Member Barry Gainer, Chairman Jeanne Morris and Member Sandra Robinson were present. Also, present were Acting Superintendent George Kosmac, Attorney Ned Julian and Clerk Karen Ponder. School Board Member Dede Schaffner was absent. A. Discussion of Tax Millage Rates – Executive Director of Finance and Budgeting John Pavelchak provided an overview of the budget development process including a review of the tax millage rates. B. Public Comments – As Mr. Moore was approaching the podium, Chairman Morris informed the audience that the format of the legal advertisement is prescribed by the State legislature and clarified that school taxes for Seminole County residents are being decreased. Mr. Fred Moore addressed the Board regarding the budget. Specifically, he asked about figures reported in the Orlando Sentinel regarding student population increases not relating, proportionately, to the increase in the budget. Mr. Hiram Fuller also addressed the Board regarding the budget. He stated concerns regarding the advertisement of the budget and was concerned with the percentage of salary raises given to employees. C. Board Discussion – Vice Chairman Bauer requested Mr. Pavelchak to explain the timeline associated with the development of the budget. Mr. Pavelchak explained that the process begins in late winter of the previous year, the Budget Committee meets to develop recommendations and the Board meets in two budget workshops (open to the public). Member Robinson informed the audience that much of the budget is limited as categorical funds. D. Board Adoption of Tentative Millage Rates and Tentative Budget Item 1 Superintendent's Recommendation: That the School Board adopt in separate motions: 1. the tentative millage rates for 2006/2007 Board Action: Vice Chairman Bauer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2. the tentative budget for fiscal year 2006/2007 Board Action: Member Gainer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Vice Chairman Bauer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Page 5 E. Public Input on the Five Year Capital Outlay Plan – None F. Board Discussion of the Five Year Capital Outlay Plan – Director of Capital Outlay Scott Stegall updated the Board. The plan will be submitted at the August 8, 2006 School Board Meeting for approval. Adjournment at 5:51 p.m. Bill Vogel, Superintendent Jeanne Morris, Chairman Page 6 SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOL BOARD MEETING July 25, 2006 Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER by Chairman Jeanne Morris at 5:51 p.m. A. The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were led by School Board Member Sandra Robinson. B. Roll Call: School Board Members Vice Chairman Diane Bauer, Member Barry Gainer, Chairman Jeanne Morris and Member Sandra Robinson were present. Also, present were Acting Superintendent George Kosmac, Attorney Ned Julian and Clerk Karen Ponder. School Board Member Dede Schaffner was absent. C. Acknowledgement of Business Advisory Board member representative, PTA representative and Seminole County Association of Student Councils representative in attendance D. Agenda Modifications 1. Items selected for removal: None 2. Items selected for clarifying questions: Item IV.E., Authorization of Inventory Removals Item IV.F., Bid or Request for Proposal of Recommendations Item IV.G., Authorization to Purchase Item IV.H., Winter Springs High school Exit Door Installation Project: Guaranteed Maximum Price and Amendment No. 2 to the Construction Manager’s Contract Item IV.L., Succeed Florida – Career Academies Grant 3. Items selected for separate consideration: Portion of Item IV.B., Personnel Recommendations – Specifically, Page 45, Educational Support Professionals, Terminations, Resignations and Suspension, Item No. 1 E. Agenda Modifications – Addition of the addendum package: Item IV.B., Personnel Recommendations Item IV.M., 2006/2007 Contracts Item IV.N., Administrative Salaries – 2006/2007 Item X.D., District Report Card Additionally, Acting Superintendent Kosmac corrected a portion of Item IV.B., Personnel Recommendations. Specifically, page 20, Administrative Transfers and Promotions for 2006-2007, Item 2 should be contingent upon Item A not Item 3. F. Approval of Agenda: Chairman Morris stated that, without objection, the agenda would be approved including the addition of the addendum package for good cause. The agenda was approved by unanimous consent of the Board. II. PRESENTATIONS/RECOGNITION A. Pine Crest Elementary Video Presentation – 50 Year Celebration AGENDA MODIFICATIONS PRESENTATIONS *Denotes an “Action Item” vs. an “Information Item.” Page 7 Seminole County School Board Meeting – July 25, 2006 CONSENT AGENDA III. SCHOOL/DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS None IV. CONSENT AGENDA – Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. Member Gainer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. MINUTES *A. The School Board approved the minutes of the July 11, 2006 School Board Meeting and the revised minutes of the June 20, 2006 School Board Meeting. PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS *B. The School Board approved the personnel recommendations including those presented in the addendum package. Portion removed for separate consideration Item 1 OUT OF FIELD SURVEY *C. The School Board approved the out of field report as presented. Item 2 JOB DESCRIPTION *D. The School Board approved the revised job description for Coordinator, Instructional Resources as presented. INVENTORY REMOVALS *E. The School Board authorized the inventory removals as listed. BIDS/RFPs *F. The School Board approved the recommendations for bids or request for proposals listed. PURCHASES *G. The School Board approved the purchases listed and any applicable contracts/agreements that may be associated with the various purchases. Items 4 through 11 WSHS EXIT DOOR *H. The School Board approved the Guaranteed Maximum Price submitted by Pro-Spec, Inc. in the amount of $11,956 to install an exit opening and remodel means of egress in Building 02, Room 107, at Winter Springs High School and executed Amendment No. 1 to the construction manager’s contract agreement. Item 12 MARKHAM WOODS MIDDLE *I. The School Board approved Change Order No. 13 in the additive amount of $50,374 for the Markham Woods Middle School project. Item 13 REAL PROPERTY (SALE) *J. The School Board approved the sale of certain real property to Gary S. Leudeke and Monika W. Leudeke, as husband and wife, or assigns; authorize the Chairman and Acting Superintendent/ Superintendent to execute an appropriate deed of conveyance; and authorized appropriate staff to execute all other necessary closing documents. Item 14 FIELD TRIP *K. The School Board approved student attendance on the field trip listed. GRANT *L. The School Board approved submission of the SUCCEED Florida – Career Academies Grant applications. Item 3 ii Page 8 Seminole County School Board Meeting – July 25, 2006 CONTRACTS *M. The School Board approve the two bargaining unit contracts for 2006/2007, pending union ratification. ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES *N. The School Board approved an administrative salary package in the amount of $1,495,373, not including insurance, to be distributed in accordance with the “Performance Salary Adjustments for Administrators” plan. V. PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATION Item 15 Item 16 ITEMS REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION *B. Page 45, Educational Support Professionals: Terminations, Resignations and Suspension – Item No. 1, Jesse Fulghum, Recommendation for Suspension Attorney Daniel Perez, representing Mr. Fulghum, addressed the Board regarding this item. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board approve the personnel recommendation as presented. Board Action: Member Gainer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Vice Chairman Bauer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VI. BOARD: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Member Gainer and his wife visited Alaska. He discussed the recent meeting of the Transitional Living Advisory Board. This group was developed to assist young adults aging out of the foster care program. Vice Chairman Bauer thought the Leadership Conference was very successful. She reported on the work of the Energy Conservation Task Force. Member Robinson also commented on the Leadership Conference. She is always pleased with how invigorated administrators are after such a short time away. She discussed her service on the roofing consultant selection committee. Chairman Morris also commented on the Leadership Conference. She believes the conference helps crystallize the accomplishments of the previous school year. She attended the Longwood City Commission Meeting to support the City’s commitment to donate money for a sports facility. Chairman Morris assigned Member Robinson to serve on the geotechnical services selection committee. PUBLIC COMMENTS VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no requests to address the Board. iii Page 9 Seminole County School Board Meeting – July 25, 2006 VIII. SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT UNFINISHED BUSINESS *A. Chairman's Recommendation: That the School Board approve the new contract for Dr. Bill Vogel, as negotiated by the chairman, effective August 1, 2006. Item 17 Board Action: Member Gainer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. POLICY 2.80 *B. Superintendent's Recommendation: That the School Board adopt Policy 2.80, Reporting Child Abuse, as revised. Board Action: Vice Chairman Bauer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. POLICY *C. Superintendent's Recommendation: That the School Board adopt the 2006-2007 Student Conduct and Discipline Code. Board Action: Vice Chairman Bauer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Gainer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IX. POLICY 6.84 NEW BUSINESS *A. Superintendent's Recommendation: That the School Board consider public input and preliminarily approve, for advertising, the proposed revisions to Policy 6.84, Relationships with Students. Board Action: Vice Chairman Bauer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. POLICY 7.70 *B. Superintendent's Recommendation: That the School Board consider public input and preliminarily approve, for advertising, the proposed revisions to Policy 7.70, Purchasing. Board Action: Member Robinson moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Gainer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT X. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. July 2006 Excellence and Equity Report B. Boardroom Modifications C. Elementary Highlights D. District Report Card E. Other – Mr. Kosmac discussed preparations for the start of school. Seminole school buses are now operating on bio-diesel. Bus drivers are in the process of calling parents with notification of bus pickup times. The district is also opening the transportation information phone bank – 407/320-7588. The status of various construction projects is good – we’ll be ready to open. Mr. Kosmac discussed enrollment numbers. Lastly, he updated the Board on bargaining efforts. iv Page 10 Seminole County School Board Meeting – July 25, 2006 BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS XI. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS There were no additional Board Member comments. DISCIPLINE HEARING DISPOSITIONS XII. DISCIPLINE HEARING DISPOSITIONS (closed session unless parent/ guardian requests open session) *A. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board enter the Final Order, as presented, in the matter of expulsion of A.J., student #5991240344. Board Action: Member Gainer moved to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation. Member Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Bill Vogel, Superintendent Jeanne Morris, Chairman v Page 11 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: THE FOUNDATION FOR SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS - BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 2006-2007 IV.B. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools 2006-2007 Board of Directors. 2. Background/Analysis: The following individuals have been approved by The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools to serve as board members for the 2006-2007 school year. Heila Ammoun-Thomas - Orlando Sentinel Laurie Anderson - Working Well Connection Dan Askin - Winter Park Blue Craig Bair - Central FL Regional Hospital Sean Barth - Andreyev Engineering, Inc. Helen Bernstein - Darden Restaurants Mike Bernstein - Darden Restaurants Jeff Bissey - Orlando Magic Keith Blanden - Progress Energy Sandy Chace - Colonial Properties Trust Tom Conway - Lear & Associates Aileen Cubillos - Florida Hospital Larry Furlong - Land America George Gallant - Orlando Coca-Cola Holley Gosney - FEDEX/Kinko's Kevin Grace - Government Services Group, Inc. Jan Harmon - SCCPTA Mike Harris - Salomon Smith Barney Andria Herr - Allied Group Insurance Services Richard Hillman - SEA Lyn Hochman - Stein, Sonnenschein, Hochman & Peppler Sandy Hughes - Colonial Bank Tricia Johnson - Orlando Regional Healthcare Bette Jore – Community Volunteer Kevin Krause - Lockheed Martin Gary Kreisler - Clancy & Theys Construction Heather Larrimore - Bank of America Debbie Lee Cotton - Insight Financial Laurie Levin - Baker & Hostetler Gerry Marino - JET Construction Mike McCarthy - SunTrust Nancy McCarthy - Siemens Communications Kevin Miller - Central FL Educators FCU Jill Mross - JFM Public Relations George Papaioanou - Mitsubshi Power Systems Dan Peterson - Sprint Kelly Reabe - CIGNA Healthcare Tiffany Roberson - Teacher of the Year Debbie Roberts - AT&T Waldo Romanovski - Washington Mutual Wendy Ruskin - Colon & Rectal Specialists Dede Schaffner – SCPS Board Member Rich Sloane - UCF/ College of Education Bill Vogel – SCPS Superintendent Kathryn Walters - AAA Auto Club South Judy Wiant – PTA Representative 3. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to the District at this time. 4. Prepared by: John Reichert 5. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Human Resources & Professional Standards Eric Geboff, M.S.W. Exec. Director of The Foundation for SCPS 8/8/06 Materials for signature: None Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: None Page 12 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS IV.C. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the Personnel Recommendations as presented. 2. Background/Analysis: Pursuant to Florida Statutes 1012.22 (1) (a) (e) (f), all Personnel Recommendations must be approved by the School Board. Attached are the Superintendent’s recommendations for the current Board meeting. 3. Fiscal Impact: The Personnel Recommendations are within our budget allocation. 4. Prepared by: John Reichert 5. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Human Resources/Professional Standards 08/08/06 Attachment(s): Instructional Personnel Recommendations Educational Support Professionals Recommendations Temporary Duty Out-of State Leave Request Information Back-up not in agenda book: None Materials for signature: None Page 13 INSTRUCTIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION AT THE BOARD MEETING ON: 08/08/2006 INSTRUCTIONAL REAPPOINTMENTS for 2006-07 1. Agostini, Maria – Oviedo High School, Teacher, AC 2. Allen, Robert – Oviedo High School, Teacher, 1st Year PSC (Recommended by Robert W Lundquist) 3. Anderson, Sarah – Hamilton Elementary School, Teacher, AC 4. Averilli, Jennifer – Oviedo High School, Teacher, AC 5. Bergman, Carrie – Lake Mary High School, Teacher, 1st Year PSC (Recommended by Boyd E Karns Jr) 6. Cotto, Carla – Indian Trails Middle School, Teacher, AC 7. Dauphinais, Marc – Lake Mary High School, Teacher, 1st Year PSC (Recommended by Boyd E Karns Jr) 8. Evans, Daniel Bernard – Oviedo High School, Teacher, 1st Year PSC (Recommended by Robert W Lundquist) 9. Francois, Chonte – Forest City Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Speech Language Pathologist – 50%, AC 10. Head, Crill - Educational Support Center, Special Projects/Title 1, Teacher on Assnmnt/Crclm Spprt, AC 11. Gibson, James – Oviedo High School, Coach Only, AC 12. James, Tracia – Layer Elementary School, Teacher, AC 13. Johnson, Nicola – Oviedo High School, Counselor High, AC 14. Kelly, Stephanie – English Estates Elementary School, Teacher, AC 15. Mercurio, Rebecca – Jackson Heights Middle School, Teacher, AC 16. Patterson, Robin Roseann – Carillon Elementary School, Teacher, 1st Year PSC (Recommended by Henry R Leidner) 17. Perez, Deanna – Seminole High School, Teacher Exceptional Child, AC 18. Sontag, Heidi – Highlands Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, AC 19. Weerth, Sara – Seminole High School, Teacher, 1st Year PSC (Recommended by Walt Griffin) 20. Zepeda, Rosa – Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, AC INSTRUCTIONAL APPOINTMENTS for 2006-07 1. Abbey, Alicia C - Sterling Park Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 2. Acevedo, Deborah - Hamilton Elementary School, Teacher ESOL, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 3. Adams, Salena Lachelle - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 4. Aikins, Guy Lee - Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 5. Albright, Michael J - Winter Springs High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 6. Aleshe, Summer Serena - Highlands Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 7. Alexander, Carolyn Manning - Bentley Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 8. Ardin, Philip - Lyman High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 9. Arshad, Aisha - Jackson Heights Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 10. Arzonico, Theodore H - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 11. Ayala, Melisa - Oviedo High School, Teacher Vocational, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 12. Bailey, Jacquelyn Renetia - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 13. Bann, Erin Elaine - Sanford Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 14. Barker, Kelly Louise - Wekiva Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 Page 14 15. Bartoli, Kim Tammy - Wilson Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 16. Beane, Ruen Marie - Seminole High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 17. Beckman, Jenna M – Lake Mary Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 18. Bennett, Jamie Elizabeth - Jackson Heights Middle School, Speech Language Pathologist 60%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 19. Bistany, Keith R - Indian Trails Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 20. Blachstein, Kristie Michelle - Stenstrom Elementary School, Speech Language Pathologist 60%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 21. Bourret, Hana M - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 22. Brabson, David - English Estates Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 23. Brassler, Sara M - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 24. Browne, Vicki Jean - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 25. Buckner-Holcomb, Sandra D - Millennium Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 26. Butler, Tammy N - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 27. Campbell, Angela Nichole - Hagerty High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 28. Canney, Michelle Fee - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 29. Capps, Eden Shayla - Eastbrook Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 30. Carrow, Christina Chandler - Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 31. Channell, Nancy Thurston - Tuskawilla Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 32. Compton, Lyubov - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 33 Cooper, Kristine Nicole - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 34. Cordisco, Angela Marie - Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 35. Cowden, Karen L - Evans Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 36. Craven, Melanie Anne - Seminole High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 37. Crawford, Tiffany M - Seminole High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 38. Crumrine, James Everett - Winter Springs High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 39. Curcio, Frank D - Sanford Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 40. Currie, Lesley - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 41. Davis, Jerry L - Midway Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child - 50%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 42. Davis, Lydia Mikell - Hagerty High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 43. Day, Jessica Lyn - Milwee Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 44. Douglas, Susan Leonora - Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 45. Duddy, Erinn M - Crystal Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 46. Ellis, Johnathan A - Crooms Academy Of Inform Tech, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 47. Engle, Cami L - Altamonte Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 48. Flenker, Julie Hutcheson - Wilson Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 49. Fox, James M - Rock Lake Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 50. Franqui, Francis Luis - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 51. Frasca Jr., Robert - Lake Howell High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 52. Garces, Krista M - Jackson Heights Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 53. Gibson, Charles H - Seminole High School, Teacher ROTC, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 54. Gevero, Shannon Ann - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 55. Gingold, Jody Lee - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 56. Godfrey, Deanna J - Lyman High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 57. Gold, Frederick Martin - Teague Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 Page 15 58. Goldberg, Amber Louise - Stenstrom Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 59. Goodman, Kristy Margit - Highlands Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 60. Griffith, Cheryl L - Carillon Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 61. Haaland, Christen Melissa - Indian Trails Middle School, Speech Language Pathologist, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 62. Hampton, Christine Ivey - Oviedo High School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 63. Hand, Elana - Lyman High School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 64. Hardin, Mark W - Jackson Heights Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 65. Hart, Stephanie Lynn - Indian Trails Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 66. Hartage, Kara Dedekuma - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 67. Heier, Jeffrey S - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, School Psychologist, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 68. Hennessey, Susan - Hagerty High School, Teacher Vocational, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 69. Hill, Sharon Denise - Stenstrom Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 70. Hobkirk, Gretchen Gosline - Longwood Elementary School, Speech Language Pathologist, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 71. Hoh, Jeffrey W - Seminole High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 72. Holton, Virginia Crawford - Lake Mary High School, Reading Coach, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 73. Hopkins, Hanna E - Bear Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 74. Hubbard, Amy Lynn - South Seminole Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 75. Hudson, Jennifer A - Spring Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 76. Jahosky, Janette Carter - Millennium Middle School, Teacher - 60%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 77. Jones, Diane Elizabeth - Lake Mary High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 78. Jones, Terry Scott - Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 79. Jones, Tina Marie - Wicklow Elementary School, Counselor Elementary – 75% and Wicklow Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Counselor Elementary – 25%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 80. Kar, Mohua - Lyman High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 81. Kelly, Jessica D - Wekiva Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 82. Keltner, Jennifer - Lake Howell High School, Teacher - 50%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 83. Kemper, Victoria Norton - Lake Howell High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 84. King, Shawnda Martin - Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 85. Koenig, Valerie A - Teague Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 86. Koepke, Claudia Morales - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Therapist Physical MA, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 87. Lee, Antoinette C. - Rainbow Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 88. Lee, Pamela Sue - Teague Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 89. Lewis, Kristy Ann - Hamilton Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 90. Love-Johnson, Jacqueline Lavette - Lyman High School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 91. Mahoney, Shannon Dawn – Evans Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 92. Mallory, Christopher Todd - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 93. Martichuski, Anita Jean - Bentley Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 94. Martin, Lisa Anne - Longwood Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 95. Martinez, Etty Cybell - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, School Social Worker 2, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 96. Mavros, Kayla Marie - Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 97. McCall, Courtney J – Heathrow Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 98. McGlown, Lauren Audra - Evans Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 Page 16 99. McIntosh, Madeline - Winter Springs High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 100. McManus, Michael J - Lyman High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 101. McNabb, Judy Lynn - Pine Crest Elementary School, Speech Language Pathologist, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 102. Mikles, Steven A - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 103. Miller, Jarrod Sebastian - Chiles Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 104. Miller, Mary Anne - Red Bug Elementary School, Counselor Elementary - 50%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 105. Morehouse, Karen Lynn - Highlands Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 106. Navarro-Crespo, Lydia E - South Seminole Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 107. Noble, Lindsay Marie - Walker Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 108. Oliver, Thomas Edward - Lake Howell High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 109. ONeal, Karla Nadia - Lawton Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 110. Osman, Shirin Mohamed - Milwee Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 111. Pearce, Jennifer L - Jackson Heights Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 112. Pieper, Christine J - Winter Springs High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 113. Pierce, Chris Edward - Tuskawilla Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 114. Plothe, Theodore Wayne - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Teacher ESOL, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 115. Pool, Shane P - Lake Howell High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 116. Powell, Karen Williams - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 117. Presley, Wendy M - Evans Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 118. Price, Nancy H - Rainbow Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 119. Priske, Kristan Lauren - Red Bug Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 120. Reischauer, Audrey D - Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 121. Ritchie, Carla N - Woodlands Elementary School, Speech Language Pathologist - 90%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 122. Roberts, Alison Renee - Highlands Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 123. Rock, Elisa Camara - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 124. Roesel, Patricia Lynn - Rainbow Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 125. Rosa, Melissa - Evans Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 126. Rosemeyer, Nicole M - Sanford Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 127. Santiago, Ivette M Acevedo - Spring Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 128. Schlottfeldt, Stephanie W - Hagerty High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 129. Schomer, Kristin L - Seminole High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 130. Schwitters, Rachel - Spring Lake Elementary, Speech Language Pathologist - 50%, and Rock Lake Middle School, Speech Language Pathologist - 50%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 131. Shannon, Alexandra Marie - Wekiva Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 132. Shelton, Jacqueline Sloan - Indian Trails Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 133. Shroyer, Ami Lyn - Bentley Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 134. Sidman, Claire S - Longwood Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 135. Sloey, Jeffrey D - Lake Howell High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 136. Smith, Amy L. - Hopper Center, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 137. Smith, Robyn - Wilson Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 138. Spada, Niva Lennette - Milwee Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 139. Spradling, Jennifer M - Winter Springs High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 Page 17 140. Stark, Rachel - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Therapist Occupational MA 196, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 141. Stovall, Sharla Loree - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher Vocational, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 142. Swift, Mia Michelle - Hagerty High School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 143. Swisher, Jennifer C - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 144. Tarlton, Patricia Alison - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, School Board Nurse, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 145. Taylor, Carolyn M - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 146. Taylor, Charlene S - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 147. Theodore, Martha J - Casselberry Elementary School, Counselor Elementary, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 148. Tombros, Christina R - Wekiva Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 149. Unruh, Heidi M - Longwood Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 150. Valenti, Sherry Priestly - Bear Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 151. Verbyla, Kimberly Dawn - Bentley Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 152. Vite, Robert Glenn - Seminole High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 153. Warkentien, Jane A - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 154. Whitfield, Susan T - Partin Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 156. Williams, Margaret P - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 155. Winning, Constance - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, School Board Nurse, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 156. Yaroma, Adrienne - Hagerty High School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 157. Young, Tonia Dawn - Lawton Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 158. Zarcone, Jenna Elizabeth - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher - 50%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER AND PROMOTION for 2006-07 1. DePierro, Donald – Rock Lake Middle School, Assistant Principal Middle 10 TO South Seminole Middle School, Assistant Principal Middle 11, Position Start Date 7/19/2006 INSTRUCTIONAL TRANSFERS for 2006-07 1. Alexander, Carolyn Manning – Bentley Elementary School, Teacher, TO Bentley Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 2. Atkinson, Kathryn - Carillon Elementary School, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher TO Carillon Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 3. Babb, Shellane Melanie - Millennium Middle School, Teacher TO Millennium Middle School, Reading Coach, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 4. Barker, Diana Suzanne – Educational Support Center, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher TO Milwee Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 5. Bartlett, Dennis G - Rosenwald Center, Teacher Vocational TO Rosenwald Center, Exceptional Student Support, Teacher Vocational, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 6. Blankenship, Sharron W - Lyman High School, Teacher Exceptional Child - 20% and Teacher – 80% TO Lyman High School, Teacher Exceptional Child - 40% and Teacher – 60%,Position Start Date 7/26/2006 7. Brittain, Constance Jean - Lyman High School, Teacher - 100% TO Lyman High School, Teacher - 80% and Teacher Exceptional Child – 20%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 8. Campbell, Carrene Camille - Lake Mary Elementary School, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher, TO Carillon Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 Page 18 9. Capelle, Sean – Markham Woods Middle School, Teacher TO Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 10. Cardegnio, Marcia Ann - Wilson Elementary School, Teacher TO Bentley Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 11. Carver, Alicia Rivas - Teague Middle School, Teacher TO South Seminole Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 12. Cervo, Monica B - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher ESOL TO Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 13. Click, Billie June - Midway Elementary School, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher ESOL TO Lake Brantley High School, Teacher ESOL, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 14. Constantino, Linda Pescatore - Educational Support Center, Community Involvement, Student Advocate (Take stock) TO Lyman High School, Counselor High, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 15. Cory, Peter J - Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher TO Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 16. D'Angelo, Lindsay Ann - Sterling Park Elementary School, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher TO Sterling Park Elementary School, Teacher ESOL, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 17. Dershimer III, Wilbur P - Seminole High School, Teacher Vocational TO Quest Academy, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 18. Dorey, Megan Anne - Keeth Elementary School, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher TO Keeth Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 19. Dudley, Kimberly L - Wekiva Elementary School, Teacher TO Crystal Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 20. Duplantis, Jo Ann - Millennium Middle School, Reading Coach TO Educational Support Center, Curriculum Support Services, Teacher on Assnmnt/Crclm Spprt, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 21. Eaton, Cheryl A - Lyman High School, Teacher - 60% and Teacher Exceptional Child – 40% TO Lyman High School, Teacher - 40% and Teacher Exceptional Child – 60%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 22. Emens, Janet W - Keeth Elementary School, Teacher, Other - 50% and Teacher Exceptional Child - 50% TO Keeth Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child - 100%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 23. Fallon, Sharlyne M - Keeth Elementary School, Teacher TO Keeth Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 24. Forza, Christine Peltzer - Lyman High School, Teacher - 50% TO Lyman High School, Teacher - 100%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 25. Fuhrer, Pamela L - Educational Support Center, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher TO Red Bug Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 26. Gollman, Cris L – Rock Lake Middle School, Teacher TO Jackson Heights Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 27. Guy, Robert Lee - Millennium Middle School, Teacher TO Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 28. Hambor, Maegan Marie - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Teacher TO Crystal Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 29. Harrold, Oliver W - Seminole High School, Teacher Vocational - 50% TO Seminole High School, Teacher Vocational - 100%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 30. Hill, Sarah Elizabeth - Educational Support Center, County Office Miscellaneous, Teacher TO Wekiva Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 31. Hillis, Lonni - Lyman High School, Teacher - 20% and Teacher Exceptional Child – 80% TO Lyman High School, Teacher Exceptional Child – 100%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 32. Hillman, Linda Ann - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Teacher, Other TO Lake Orienta Elementary School, Reading Coach, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 33. House, Pamela Ann - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher TO Rock Lake Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 34. Huffman, Mary A - Hamilton Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child TO Lake Orienta Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 Page 19 35. Johnson, Niketah Marshala - Spring Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Other TO Educational Support Center, Curriculum Support Services, Teacher on Assnmnt/Crclm Spprt, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 36. Klein, Bonnie Jean - Seminole High School, Teacher - 80% and Teacher Exceptional Child – 20% TO Seminole High School, Teacher Exceptional Child - 100%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 37. Lyle, Martha – Lake Brantley High School, Speech Language Pathologist - 40%, Lake Howell High School, Speech Language Pathologist - 20%, Crooms Academy Of Infor Tech, Speech Language Pathologist - 20%, Oviedo High School, Speech Language Pathologist - 20%, TO English Estates Elementary, Speech Language Pathologist - 100%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 38. McCarthy, Anne Marie - Walker Elementary School, Teacher TO Partin Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 39. Mouton, Michelle Tillman - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher TO Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 40. Parker, Donna Mullins - Oviedo High School, Teacher TO Hagerty High School, Teacher Vocational, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 41. Pass, Sharon Kathleen - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Teacher, Other TO Teague Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 42. Pemoulie, Jennifer Marie - Wicklow Elementary School, Teacher TO Crystal Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 43. Rahill, Kim Lea - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Teacher Exceptional Child TO Teague Middle School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 44. Scott, David B - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Teacher, Other TO Educational Support Center, Special Projects/title 1, Teacher on Assnmnt/Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 45. Seifert, Donna Savasta - Midway Elementary School, Teacher TO Midway Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 46. Sjoberg, Cheryl Lynn - English Estates Elementary School, Speech Language Pathologist - 100% TO Carillon Elementary School, Speech Language Pathologist - 50% and Sterling Park Elementary School, Speech Language Pathologist - 50%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 47. Soutter, Rhonda Lynn - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Teacher TO Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 48. Sweeting, Allison L - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Teacher TO Heathrow Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 49. Tanner, Sandra M - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child TO Lake Orienta Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 50. Ward, Suzanne F - Indian Trails Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child TO Markham Woods Middle School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 51. Williams, Sandra Trippett - Pine Crest Elementary School, Teacher TO Eastbrook Elementary School, Teacher, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE for 2006-07 1. Becker, Gary H - Educational Support Center, Information Services, Manager Media Production, Extend Sick Leave with pay, Leave Date 7/01/2006, Expected Return Date 9/15/2006 INSTRUCTIONAL REQUESTS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE for 2006-07 1. Brozzo, Nanette M - Casselberry Elementary School, Teacher, Extend Sick Leave with pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 9/08/2006 2. Colandreo, Kathryn Moeller - Casselberry Elementary School, Teacher, Family and Medical Leave Act, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Return from Leave Date 9/16/2006 Page 20 3. Colandreo, Kathryn Moeller - Casselberry Elementary School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 9/17/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 4. Farran, Daniel - Tuskawilla Middle School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 1/02/2007 5. Foster, Jera Lynn - Spring Lake Elementary School, Teacher, Extend Sick Leave with pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 9/08/2006 6. Hill, Annette S - Rosenwald Center, Teacher Exceptional Child, Extend Sick Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 7. Hricko, Rhiannon Marie - Wilson Elementary School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 8. Jones, Angela Maria - Carillon Elementary School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 9. King, Teresa Leigh - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher, Extend Sick Leave with pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Return from Leave Date 8/04/2006 10. King, Teresa Leigh - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher, Extend Sick Leave without Pay, Leave Date 8/05/2006, Expected Return Date 8/21/2006 11. Klein, Kristine Lea - Red Bug Elementary School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 12. Reedy, Margaret M - Tuskawilla Middle School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 13. Rogers, David Lynn - Seminole High School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 14. Russell, Heather Lynne - Winter Springs Elementary School, Teacher, Family and Medical Leave Act, Leave Date 8/19/2006, Expected Return Date 10/30/2006 ADMINISTRATIVE TERMINATIONS AND RESIGNATIONS for 2006-07 1. Gruber, Doreen Elise - South Seminole Middle School, Assistant Principal Middle 11, Reason: Resig for employ in Educ in Fl, Termination Effective Date 7/27/2006 2. Jodejuan, Carolyn F - Partin Elementary School, Food Service, FS Manager Elem 10, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 7/07/2006 ADMINISTRATIVE TERMINATION AND RESIGNATION for 2005-06 1. Proudfoot, David Emerson - Walker Elementary School, Assistant Principal Elementary, Reason: Resig employ in educ out Fla, Termination Effective Date 6/16/2006 INSTRUCTIONAL TERMINATIONS AND RESIGNATIONS for 2006-07 1. Bradley, Misty M - Winter Springs High School, Counselor High, Reason: Resig employ in educ out Fla, Termination Effective Date 7/26/2006 2. Campbell, Delora G - Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Reason: Retired, Termination Effective Date 7/12/2006 3. Rosenke, Ronald M - Lake Howell High School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 7/26/2006 4. Thomas, Cheryl Lynette - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Teacher Exceptional Child, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 7/06/2006 INSTRUCTIONAL TERMINATIONS AND RESIGNATIONS for 2005-06 1. Alte, Ashley Elizabeth - Chiles Middle School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 Page 21 2. Atwater, Renita Lynn - Lawton Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 3. Bale, Vickie Lynn - Milwee Middle School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 4. Barnett, Christine E - Layer Elementary School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Reason: Resig for employ in Educ in Fl, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 5. Blaesser, Gina Marie - Tuskawilla Middle School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 6. Bolling, Kathleen C - South Seminole Middle School, Teacher, Reason: Resig for employ outside educa, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 7. Dewji, Fatema G - Wilson Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 8. Duque, Andrea Carolina - Oviedo High School, Teacher, Reason: Resig for employ in Educ in Fl, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 9. Field, Michelle L - Millennium Middle School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 10. Hinds, Nadine Natalie Sterling - Lake Mary High School, Teacher - 60%, Reason: Resig for employ in Educ in Fl, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 11. Jones, Marian M - Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Reason: Resig for employ in Educ in Fl, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 12. Klopfenstein, Sally Lee - Carillon Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Resig for employ outside educa, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 13. Narvaez, Gaby Jeannela - Sterling Park Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 14. Ramos, Edward J - Lyman High School, Counselor High, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 15. Raynor, Erik D - Goldsboro Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 16. Shelton, Christie - Woodlands Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Resig for employ in Educ in Fl, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 17. Skabicki, Charlene M - Wekiva Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 18. Smiley, Barbara Antwoine - Lake Brantley High School, Teacher Exceptional Child, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 19. Smith, Julie Anne - Keeth Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 20. Stoeffler, James B - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 21. Turner, Marla D - Walker Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Resig employ in educ out Fla, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 22. Winegar, Tonya Bernice - Bentley Elementary School, Teacher, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL RETURNING TO DUTY FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE for 2006-07 1. Lynch, Anne M - Highlands Elementary School, Teacher, Return from Leave Date 7/26/2006 ADMINISTRATIVE CORRECTION TO PRIOR BOARD ACTION 1. Coleman, Karen W - Geneva Elementary School, Principal Elementary, Return from Leave Date FROM: 7/10/2006 TO: 7/11/2006 Page 22 INSTRUCTIONAL CORRECTION TO PRIOR BOARD ACTION FOR 2006-07 1. Gow, Kimberly L – Stenstrom Elementary School, Teacher FROM: Sterling Park Elementary School, Teacher Other, TO: Stenstrom Elementary School, Teacher, Other, Position Start Daate 7/26/2006 INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL RESCINDING REQUEST for LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR 2006-07 1. Malkovich, Matthew S.- Hagerty High School, Teacher, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 Curriculum Revision For 2006/07/10 Thru 2006/07/24 Employee Name ----------------------------------Allman,Randy L Bloomfield,Miriam Sue Byrd,Jacqueline Denise Crawford,Linda S Cruickshank-Sadry,Paula-Rae Dearing,Jack D Dilmore,Margie Hamm Fitzgerald,Tracy R Fossitt,Harriett Bellamy Frye,Carrie I Gavarrette,Natalie J Hartman II,Richard F Henderson,David S Hilyard,Sherry Jensen,Beth C Kaesberg,Theresa Marie Kammeraad,Kathryn Victoria Kramperth,Joanne A Langston,Joshua L Manuel,Angela Christina Jones Miller,Melanie A O'Brien,Ann Carroll Parker,Peter Chisholm Parkhurst,Dalys Pennington,Sheryl Louise Reda,Patricia Ann Redwine Jr,David S Ricker,Holley K Rottler-Wysong,Nicole A. Ruebusch,Jenni Wren Smith,Daniel B Specht,Brandon M Steele,Ethel M Stickle,Jennifer Sweet,Teresa Diane Taylor,Nancy M Testa,Marianne Location -----------------------------SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL GOLDSBORO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Page 23 Valentin,Antonio Ward,Gail W Whalen,William P MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL Extended Contract-Instruct. For 2006/07/10 Thru 2006/07/24 Employee Name ----------------------------------Aagaard,Kristin R Abery-Lyman,Kim Alison Allen,Valerie Brewer Allman,Randy L Arena Jr,Anthony Wayne Arvai,Cindy L Aslin,Kathleen Frances Azcona,Alexander S Backes,Laurin E Baker,Kathleen Michele Barnett,Christen Eboni Bates,Donald L Beasley,Marion W Beauregard,Jacqueline Rita Bennett,John Randall Berman,Karli D Bess,Alita Gay Bevan Jr.,Kenneth V Bibby,Michael Geoffery Biron,Patricia Ann Bloom,Diane Beth Boatright,Betty A Borde,Gina Theresa Bradley,Misty M Brannon,Jeremy R Branson,Dorothy A Brewster,Dianna L Brink,Erica Anne Broome,Pamela Cox Brosch,Kathy Ann Broughton,Beverly A Brown III,Ken Brown,Eva Wilson Bruckart,Carol Jean Bungart,Gary Paul Campora-Roseborough,Andrea Paula Cannon,Daniel D Carter-Dixon,Lateisha Chapman,David Checefsky,Suzanne K Clark,Octavius R Clarke,Rebecca L Coffee,Charles E Cook,Rosalie Copeland,Amy Brough Cortes,Daphne Ivette Costello,Maureen Kae Cottingham,Delois Location -----------------------------IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL PARTIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL BENTLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL ROSENWALD CENTER EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER Page 24 Cronin,Jennifer Crowningshield,Carlton L Cullum,Laura L D'Agostino,Anna D'Agostino,Jeannine Daniels,Janice M Davis,Charles Verne Dawson,Cynthia S. DePaolo,Mahria Berndt Debonville,Mary Meier Decker,Maria Olivardia Delfiacco,MaryBeth Densberger,Stacey Leigh Deppe,Lisa A Diaz,Heather Raye Dickison,Po Southward Dilbert,Barbara A Donaldson,Mary Beth Dorman,Brian Charles Downs,Jennifer Leigh Doyle,Wendy K Duff,Christine Kim Dycus,Timothy Allen Dykstra,Laura L Eberwein,Joanna C Eckstein,Patricia B Ellis,Carolyn Ilona Eltonhead,April L Flory,Jesse Matthew Foster,Pamela Bavuso Frasqueri,Victor Luis Froess,Kristin N Frosch,Lauren Forster Gambuti,Danielle Marie Garner,Brad L Gay,Dana Yvonne Geary,Marsha A Gehron,Elizabeth D Geisler,Alison M Gjini,Xhuljeta Goldman,Patricia Pajak Gooch,Heidi Pape Griffin,Stephanie Anne Grigley,Winnola Gunn,Alison C Hampel,Diana Lynn Harper,Deana L Harris,Andrea Nichele Harris,Elke Katharina Harris,Michael R Harsh,Valena Hebert,Susan Elizabeth Hernandez,Diana Hesselbart,Mathew Anson Hicks,Brenda B Hill,Georgia Kirstan Hillman,Richard J EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL WEKIVA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRING LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROSENWALD CENTER SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BENTLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL BENTLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOREST CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOREST CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER HEATHROW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL SPRING LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL PINE CREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER Page 25 Hilson,Lourdes M Honadle,Katherine L. Horrell,M Stuart Hosack,Lindsey Beth Howard,Maureen E Hull,Lynette M Jacoby,Lisa Scudieri Jefferson,Susan H Johnson,Beverly Ann Johnson,Dolores Judy Johnson,Niketah Marshala Jucker,Katherine Ann Kelly,Debra S Kelly,Jerri J Kerr,Keron Sue Kersten,Zoe Kessler,Susan A King,Sara Beth Kolva,Eric T Kotkin,Summer Lyn Kriechbaum,Kari Aimee Langston,Lisa Jones LeMosy,Cecelia L Linamen,Sharon B Long,Sharon P Lorenz,Andrew Lovett,Emelda J Luczak-Herod,Diane Marie Lyster,Linda D MacDermott,Cheryl E Mahany,Deborah A Maness,John Charles Mann,Andrea Jeanne Marlette,Peggy F Marshall,Brett R Marteney,Dale Irvin Massoll,Mary A May,Patricia Leigh McAuliff,Yolanda McCall,Sally D McCollough,Brooke Dodson McGhee,Joan B McGrath,Janine Tania McKay,Bonnie Louise Milburn,Ann B Milliron,Barbara McCarthy Mills,Kathryn M Mirande,Laura Sisinni Misik,Sharon Frances Mitchell,Gaylar P Mogg,Heather Lynn Mohle,Kari L Morar,Jennifer Lynn Muldoon,Tricia L Murray,Ashley Michelle Nash,Deborah J Neeff,Norma J LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WEKIVA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRING LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL SABAL POINT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EASTBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROSENWALD CENTER OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EASTBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRING LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL EASTBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE MARY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WEKIVA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Page 26 Nelson,Cecil L Neris,Myrtha Niblack,Alan C Nix,Sarah L Nolan,Patricia Ann Osetek,Claire M Padawer,Gloria T Padilla,Aimee Lynn Pain,Carleton F Panarello,Triscia Marie Patel,Punam M Paymer,Michele A Pendergrass,Jean K Perry,Scott C Pfeiffer,Robin Michelle Pickelsimer,Wynn Porter,Brandy Yvonne Pounds-Harrison,Donna Kay Powers,Michael C Priske,Kristan Lauren Redding,Victoria Ann Redwine Jr,David S Register,Gregory S Reinecke,William Tighe Rodriguez,David E Roloff,Dorene A Rosenke,Ronald M Rottler-Wysong,Nicole A. Rotundo,Kathryn Marie Russell,Timothy J Salley,Wesley L Sanabria,Israel Sapp,Ellen Marie Scheer,Christine L Scheve,Patricia Schomer,Don Charles Sciaino,Maria Shalls,Joan D Shalls,Joan M Shelton,Tamicka S Sherwood,Mark R Shreve,John W Simpson,Samari Echevarria Siskind,Jeffery B Smith,Ashley Coop Spiess,Deborah A Spiliotis,Chris Springfield Jr,Wendell Lawton Stalker,Lisa S Stanley,Bonnie Grace Ann Steele,Ethel M Steinmetz,Heather Micheal Stoehr,Leah E Storms,Christopher M Strudgeon,Anne-Margaret Tango,Marilyn S Taylor,Michael S LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BENTLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL Sub/OPS Educational Support RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL CARILLON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL ROSENWALD CENTER MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROSENWALD CENTER SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL Page 27 Tolliver,Tisha P Tullis,Joyce D Tullis,Katie Ann Turnbow,Laura Ann Tyler,Rosetta M Tyree,Larry D Udvari,Natasha Danyelle Ulmer,Timothy P Vassalli,Elaine M Vick,Brittany Renee Vickers,William Joe Walden,Kelly Jane Walker,Johnny Wall-Townsend,Judy E Walsh,Michelle Mary Washburn,Robert J Weigandt,Jeri Lynn Welter,Tracy A Wertenberger,Thomas R West,Anne Louise White,Shannon Rae White,Stephen G Wileden,Nancy R Willadsen,Emily Anne Williams II,Robert G Williams,Jeanette J Williams,Rhonda Lewis Wilson,Vera M Winters,Sharon Sue Wynn,Jessie H LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL QUEST ACADEMY MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL RED BUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARTIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MARKHAM WOODS MIDDLE SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL IDYLLWILDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL BENTLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL QUEST ACADEMY LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EASTBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOREST CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EASTBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL WICKLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Summer School - Instructional For 2006/07/10 Thru 2006/07/24 Employee Name ----------------------------------Acey,Wendi M D Adams,Amy L Adams,Dia Marie Adams,Roberta M Ajayi,Olabisi M Albertson,Juliann C Alexander,Venturenia Argrett,Cherlottla S Aycock,Ronald W Babb,Shellane Melanie Baldorossi,Sandra Jean Barnard,Barbara A Beasley,Misty Michele Beck,Sandy J Behel,Susan N Blackwell,Charles E Bloomingdale,John W Body,Jacqueline Patricia Boggs,Jack T Bonjione,Gail A Bordner,Kiersten P Location -----------------------------WALKER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL STERLING PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOO SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL Page 28 Bouley,Dennis M Boyd,Sharon Bradley,Michael Mackin Bransfield,Adam E Brendlinger,James Karl Brooks,Cynthia Ann Brown,Bernard Brown,Betty L Bryant,Tammy Renee Bugar,Linda A Burlingame,Kathleen T Burton,Bo Kelsey Byers,Robert B Caballero-Rodriguez,Lynette M Campbell,David A Campbell,Judith J Campbell,Sean David Campbell,Tammy Scott Cappetta,Susan W Carmichael,Stephen R Carpenter,Martha E Casko,Scott T Caughell Jr,William W Cave,Rhonda G Cerasale,Mark William Chalone,Christine Churchill,Kathryn Leigh Clark,Barbara T Clark,Warren D Clarke,Peggy V Clayton Jr,George Wesley Coatoam Jr,Gary W Codrey,Dennis W Coffee,Charles E Coffman,Paula C Coleman,Virginia D Collins,Angel Tavonna Colon,Richard C Colter,Marcia Ellen Connelly,Anthony Bernard Conradi Vegas,Alice M Cooper,Jane N Cooperman,Larry Costello,Teresa Lynn Cross,Paula J Crowell,Ruth A Cutcher Jr,James Ronnie Dalfonso Jr,Ray P Darcy,Joseph Franklin Davis,Lisa Davis,Samuel Edgar Dawson,Cynthia S. Dehlinger,Erin L Delfiacco,David Delgado,Awilda Marie Denmark,Saundra L Dice,Chelsea Leigh LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL ROCK LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL Page 29 Dombrowski,Judith Dillon Dopson,Detra Patrice Dorman,Brian Charles Dorn,Cecil W Dougherty,Gina Pae Douglass,Jill Deanne Downs,Marilyn J Duffy,David M Duggar,Karan E Dunaye,Rodney T Duplantis,Jo Ann Edwards,Yaschika S Eissele,William R Eldemire,Kimberly Elliott,Melinda C Ellis,Pearle J Ellis,Susan Anne Ettinger,Donna E Eytchison,Melissa Kay Fagaly,Janet H Farsaci,Dawn L Faust Jr,William L Ferrell,Michael A Ferren,Matthew S Fisher,Jeannie Ann Fowler,John L Fred,Charles P French,Scott A Frongello,Wayne A Garcia Galva,Salvador A. Gardenour,Christine M Garner,Brad L Gee,Steven Grant Geeslin,William F Geiss,Shirley Eileen Gibson,Daryl Jeanne Gibson,Kathleen L Gierke,William Nathaniel Gilbert,Lesley Harper Gooch Jr,Frank R Goodridge,Gayle Marie Goodwin,Gemara Shinee Hunter Gordon Jr,George W Gorman,Joseph Francis Gowder,Amanda Beth Grace,Linion Gray,Virginia M Greenwell,Sabrina Marie Gundal,Karen E Hale,Nancy G Hall,Chad Michael Hall,Gene C Hallman,Hannah E Hamilton,Brett Beckly Hamilton,Kimberly A Hardy,Crystal Joy McEvoy Harper,Deana L CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL Page 30 Harper,Randy Alvin Harris,Charles Harris,Danya Jean Harris,Dorothy Marie Hauptkorn,George E Hayes,Clyde L Heavey,Brian Henry,Cynthia L Henry,Matthew C Henry,Michael Raymond Hewitt,Mark V Hikida,Kimberly K Hilston,Candace Rae Himmer,Cynthia L Hitt,Harold Coyner Hodge,Kelvin A Holman,Edward R Horrell,M Stuart Horton,Hollace G Hovland,Carol S Howard,Rosalind Renee Howell,John Norman Howell,Kenneth Hudson,Joni Lynn Iannuzzi,Theresa L Irizarry,Maria Ines Jesko,Brian J Johnson,David M Johnson,Vernon L Jones,Gloria M Keck,Nancy Lou Keeran,Denis O Keith,Ricky Stallings Kelly,Jerri J Kemper,Matthew W Kennedy,Christopher M Kennedy,Joani Ann Kerr,Keron Sue Kershner Jr,Guy Edward King,David A King,Ryan Patrick Kintz,Michael Joshua Kohn,Steven C Kohn,Tiffany S Kubis,James Christopher Laban,Harriet H Lake,Lisa Ruggerio Lanier,Darla M Laudani,Melissa Anne Leite,Jane Sueko M Leman,Scott Myer Levenhagen,Lynore J Lewis,Albert L Lief,Susan K Loeb,Roberta F Loiacono,Mary G Losch,Maureen JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL Page 31 Lovett,Emelda J Lowell,Robert A Lyon,Lory Arana Lyster,Carlisle Frederick Mabie,Howard Mackeon,Elizabeth Inez Mahfood,Elizabeth Ann Manias,Cassandra Rae Manias,John T Manuel,Melissa Cruz Marshall,James J Martin,Anne L Martin,Octavia Mathews,Courtney C Mathews,Kevin T McCall,Sally D McCants,Leon L McDougald,Camille McLean,Mackenzie L McNeill,Velma Rose McPherson,Ernest Mederos,Jose R Metzler,Kelly Denise Michalak,Mary Miessau,Keith William Miller,Valerie Celeste Mills,Diane T Mims,Beverly Mitchell,Cleveland M Mitchell,Deborah J Moise,Linda Doss Moncure,Jason Patrick Moon,Teresa Lee Moore,Rebekah Lynn Moran,Shannon Rita Mosure,Roger A Mudlock,Amanda Napolitano,Anthony Neris,Myrtha Newman,Karren V Nix,Sarah L O'Dell,Robert Ocasio,Ricardo Odom,Kristina Ingalls Orr Jr,Johnny Ernest Osetek,Claire M Owens Jr,Billy Joe Paolucci,Thomas Natalino Parker,Frank A Pauldo,Willie J Pearson,Genene Stallworth Perez,Jeffrey Andrew Peters,Douglas M Phillips,Wallace Dewayne Pietrangelo,Theresa Pletzer,Gretchen Mertz Pletzer,Kenneth E SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL CROOMS ACADEMY OF INFORM TECH SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL Page 32 Poit,Barry T Prevatt,Paulette Elaine Reagan,Andrew S Reese,Kimberly A Reyes JR,Louis A Richardson,Terry J Richardson,Willie Ridenour,Raymond Edward Rish,James M Rivera,Daianna Pagan Robart,Sharon Roberts,Karyn A Rocke,Robert P Roero,Gregory Roloff,Dorene A Rubin,Rachel Ellen Rumler,Brian Keith Runyan,Susanne N Russell,John D Russi Jr,David T Sawyer II,Henry F Sawyer,Pamela G Schenk,Lori Kistner Schomer,Don Charles Seaman,Randy K Seeram,Jasmine Alka Segreto,Cynthia F Shafer,Brian D Skeates,Gregory E Smith,Amy Turner Smith,Don E Smith,Gary J Smith,Michael D Steele,Willie C Stephan,Michelle L Stevens,William L Stringer,Sylvia B Tango,Marilyn S Terry,Kathy L Thomas,Latonya Tenise Thomas,Wilshenia D Tibbitts-Bryce,Christy Lynn Tighe,Michael J Torpey,Kathryn C Torres,Deborah E Toussaint,Marie Kamanthea Traeger,Sandra Lorraine Traina,Robert Edward Tribit,Richard H Tucker,Gina Pachuta Tullis,David W Tuttle,Robert A Tyler,Frederick D Vach,Kimberly K VanRees,Suzanne Marie Vellon,Rosiemar Garcia Walker Jr,Jesse MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL JACKSON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEAGUE MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL ROCK LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL MILLENNIUM MIDDLE SCHOOL INDIAN TRAILS MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL HAGERTY HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL Page 33 Walker,Joyce T Walker,Ruth A Wallace,Bethany Ensor Watts,Mark Allen Wenstrom,Denise Wenstrom,Jeffrey Paul Wetter,Kathryn Ann Wheeler,Amanda Lynn White,Diane J Wilkie,Paul E Williams,Jeanette J Williams,Jennifer L Wills,Rosaria Maria Wofford,Shannon Michelle Wolter,Erik V Wong,Agnes Ong Woods,Erin Louise Woods,Kelly Lynn Workman,Arbeata Lynn Wright,Mickel M Wynn,Sylvester G Yapo,Robert Yost,Christopher Bryan Zaremba,Edward P Zastrow,Charlene Macdonald Zigmond,Robyn M Zimolzak,Erica Jan Ziolkowski,Cheryl A ROCK LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL LAKE BRANTLEY HIGH SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL ROCK LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL MILWEE MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE HOWELL HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKE MARY HIGH SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL TUSKAWILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL SANFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL SEMINOLE HIGH SCHOOL ROCK LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL OVIEDO HIGH SCHOOL CHILES MIDDLE SCHOOL Page 34 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION AT THE BOARD MEETING ON: 08/08/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2006-07 1. Densberger, Anita Louise – Lake Brantley High School, Secretary 196alt, AE 2. Gant, Anthony Andre – Seminole High School, Head Custodian, AE 3. Holfeld, Lisa R – Bear Lake Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn – 188, AE 4. Landrau, Yvette – South Seminole Middle School, Secretary 223, AE4 5. Miller, Brook E – Geneva Elemenatry School, Assistant Instrctn Elem – 188, AE 6. Palmiotti, Debra – Lake Brantley High School, Secretary 223, AE 7. Santiago, Kyldyn M – Seminole High School, Custodian 12 Month, AE 8. Spear Jr, Bernard – Teague Middle School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, AE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS APPOINTMENTS for 2006-07 1. Adams, Shari N - Rock Lake Middle School, Custodian 10 month, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 2. Albershardt, Lilian M - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 3. Artegian, Ann - Lake Mary Elementary School, Food Service, FS Employee 189/5 - 70%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 4. Aybar, Denis - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 5. Balogh, Nell A - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 6. Barila, Barbara Anne - Rosenwald Center, Assistant SED 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 7. Bergeron, Kara Ann - Woodlands Elementary School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 8. Bingham, Jerome - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 9. Bohn, Ashley A Day - Geneva Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 10. Bryant, Tarsha Cherelle - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 11. Burkhalter, William Joe - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 12. Campbell, Fisley - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 13. Carter,Michele L – Oviedo High School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 14. Casillan, Meghan A - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 15. Chambers, Marilyn Murphy - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 16. Cillo, Teresa Daribeth - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 17. Cook, Susan Estok - Evans Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188 - 50%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 18. Davis, Martha M - Sabal Point Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 19. Del Garbino, Anthony R - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 Page 35 20. Fudge, Jermaine J - Midway Elementary School, Custodian 11 mo-223alt, Position Start Date 7/18/2006 21. Gonzalez, Z Ibrahim/Carlos - Lyman High School, Food Service, FS Assistant 189/7 - 50%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 22. Gray, Mary Elizabeth - Educational Support Center, Pre-kindergarten, Facilitator PreK/Nrsy Lead Deg, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 23. Green, Sunday Lee - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 24. Guastella, Karen A - English Estates Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 25. Haas, Deborah Sue - Heathrow Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 26. Hernandez Jr, Daniel - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 27. Hill, Sharon Jane - Teague Middle School, Secretary 196, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 28. Jackson, Erica Michelle - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 29. Johnson, William Leroy - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 30. Jusino, Tomas - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 31. Kachenmeister, Kunyah S - Sanford Middle School, Food Service, FS Employee 189/5 - 70%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 32. Key, Thelma - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 33. Kranz, Sue Hyrne - Evans Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 34. LaFave, Caroline M. - Jackson Heights Middle School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 33. Lausell, Zomarie Garcia – Eastbrook Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 34. Manore, Jodi Lynn - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Educ Interpreter, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 35. McDonald, Sabrina Werner - Spring Lake Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188 50%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 36. Miller, Deborah Ann - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 37. Miller, Ronda Jean - Casselberry Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 38. Myers, Shavon Michelle - Geneva Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 39. Nazario, Diana - Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 40. Ortner, Susan Ann - Lyman High School, Food Service, FS Employee 189/5 - 70%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 41 Pando, Monica A - Wicklow Elementary School, Secretary 196, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 42. Pardo, Mendy - Oviedo High School, Assistant ESOL 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 43. Pearson, Caroline Jane - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 44. Pocock, Douglas P - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 45. Ponce, Kim D - Sterling Park Elementary School, Pre-kindergarten, Assistant Pre-K/EE 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 46. Raviele, Nicholas Michael - Geneva Elementary School, Custodian 11 month - 50%, Position Start Date 7/24/2006 47. Raynor, Shannon A - Pine Crest Elementary School, Food Service, FS Employee 189/5 - 70%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 48. Redmond, Tony E - Seminole High School, Custodian 11 month, Position Start Date 7/10/2006 Page 36 49. Rhodes, Katherine Lynn - Wicklow Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 50. Richardson, Cheryl Avette - Lyman High School, Food Service, FS Employee 189/5 - 70%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 51. Rivera, Ashley Marie - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Paraprofessional ESOL 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 52. Rivera, Brunilda - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 53. Rivera, Carmen - Millennium Middle School, Secretary 223, Position Start Date 7/24/2006 54. Romero, Claudia P - Wekiva Elementary School, Custodian 11 mo-223alt - 50%, Position Start Date 7/10/2006 55. Sandoval, Jose – English Estates Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem—188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 56. Spor, Joelle Christine - Sterling Park Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 57. Suarez Jr, Higinio - Bentley Elementary School, Custodian 11 month, Position Start Date 7/10/2006 58. Sutton, Cheryl Willoughy - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Custodian 10 month - 50%, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 59. Tapper, Randy Lee - English Estates Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 60. Torres, Carmen Rosario - Lake Mary Elementary School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 61. Tosh, Beth Ann - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 62. Waggoner, Carol Ann - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 63. Walters, Nadjla - Educational Support Center, Pre-kindergarten, Facilitator PreK/Nrsy Lead Deg, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS APPOINTMENTS for 2005-06 1. Gant, Anthony Andre - Seminole High School, Custodian Head, Position Start Date 6/29/2006 2. Santiago, Kyldyn M - Seminole High School, Custodian 12 month, Position Start Date 6/29/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS TRANSFER AND PROMOTION for 2005-06 1. Williams, Royce Edwin - Millennium Middle School, Custodian 11 month TO Maintenance Operations, Grounds Laborer 2, Position Start Date 6/23/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS TRANSFERS AND PROMOTIONS for 2006-07 1. Alexander, Mary Kathryn - Goldsboro Elementary School, Secretary 258 TO Goldsboro Elementary School, Assistant Data Entry 12, Position Start Date 7/18/2006 2. Anderson, Lenon - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 3. Bawa, Maureen A - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 4. Beacham, Marla Nanette - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 5. Bedient, Kelley Denise - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 Page 37 6. Burch, Terry – Bentley Elementary School, Custodian 10 Month TO Bentley Elementary School, Custodian 10 Month Alt, Position Start Date 7/20/2006 7. Burgess Jr, Robert L - Teague Middle School, School Security Officer 188 TO Winter Springs High School, School Security Officer 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 8. Butler, Mary Jo - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 9. Camareno, Maria Elena - Altamonte Elementary School, Assistant Data Entry 10 TO Hamilton Elementary School, Assistant Data Entry 12, Position Start Date 7/17/2006 10. Castellanos, Evelyn - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 11. Cordova, Juan M - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 12. Davidson, Bruce Edward - Red Bug Elementary School, Custodian Head TO Bentley Elementary School, Custodian Head, Position Start Date 7/01/2006 13. Decker, Janet A - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 7 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 6 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 14. Dell, Shawn Marie - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 6 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 15. Espada, Eunice - Bear Lake Elementary School, Assistant ESOL 188 TO Bear Lake Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 16. Eubanks, Phillip M - Bentley Elementary School, Paraprofessional—Elem 188 – 80% TO Bentley Elementary School, Paraprofessional—Elem 188 – 100%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 17. Feliciano, Veneranda - Sterling Park Elementary School, Custodian 11 mo-223alt TO Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 18. Felton, Delores - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 19. France, Allison C - Lawton Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188 TO Oviedo High School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 20. Franco, Raul L - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 21. Frederick, Shirley A - Bentley Elementary School, Custodian 11 month - 100% TO Heathrow Elementary School, Custodian 11 month - 50%, Position Start Date 7/10/2006 22. Gandy, Benay Duberstein - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 23. George, Carmen Melissa - Bentley Elementary School, Paraprofessional ESE 188 TO Pine Crest Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Paraprofessional ESE 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 24. Gerth, Kathleen Ann - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 25. Gonzalez, Edwin - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 26. Gordon, Andrea J - Rock Lake Middle School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188 TO Rock Lake Middle School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 27. Hinds, Elizabeth A - Layer Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188 TO Layer Elementary School, Pre-kindergarten, Assistant Pre-K/EE 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 28. James, Ella Mae - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 29. Johnson Sr, Britt Lavoss - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Custodian Head TO Idyllwilde Elementary School, Custodian Plant Maintenance, Position Start Date 7/19/2006 30. Jones III, Lemuel - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 31. Knight, Betty Jean - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 Page 38 32. LaSage, Christine Y - Sanford Middle School, Secretary 196 TO Sanford Middle School, Secretary 223, Position Start Date 7/25/2006 33. LaTorella, Roben L - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Vision 196 TO Teague Middle School, Secretary 223, Position Start Date 7/10/2006 34. Lapierre, Sharon Ortiz - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 35. Lorenzo, Carlos I Marrero - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 36. Marshall, Terry L - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188 TO Lake Mary High School, Assistant Clinic 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 37. Matos, Katherine L. - Forest City Elementary School, Secretary 196alt TO Greenwood Lakes Middle School, Secretary 258, Position Start Date 7/13/2006 38. Messina, Gloria - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 39. Monsanto, Norma Molina - Winter Springs High School, Secretary 223 TO Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Executive Secretary 258, Position Start Date 7/24/2006 40. Montijo, Cindy G - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 41. Navedo, Hector J - Markham Woods Middle School, Custodial Services, Custodian 11 month TO Markham Woods Middle School, Custodian 12 month, Position Start Date 7/01/2006 42. Nelson-Simpson, Sharetha Shirelle - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 6 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 43. Noga, Kaylee M - Bentley Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188 – 80% TO Bentley Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188 – 100%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 44. Oquendo, Ana M - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 5 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 45. Pallante, Florence M - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 7 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 6 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 46. Paslay, John Allen - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 47. Phillips, Audra Beth - Spring Lake Elementary School, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188 - 50% TO Woodlands Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188 100%, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 48. Queeley, La Chale S - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 49. Quinn, Samatria T - Sanford Middle School, Secretary 223 TO Educational Support Center, Instruct Excellence & Equity, Admin. Assistant Choices Dept., Position Start Date 7/24/2006 50. Remster, Dana - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 51. Reynolds, Nelson A - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 52. Rinaldi, Mary Karen - Hamilton Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188 TO Woodlands Elementary School, Secretary 223, Position Start Date 7/10/2006 53. Rodriguez, Betsy - Lyman High School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188 TO Hagerty High School, Assistant ESE Supplemented 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 54. Santos, Martin A - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 55. Sellers, Meghann E - English Estates Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188 TO Educational Support Center, Curriculum Support Services, Secretary 258, Position Start Date 7/24/200 56 Sheppard, Rosemary - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 7 Hour TO Goldsboro Elementary School, Assistant Clinic 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 Page 39 57. Sherman-Miller, Renee J - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 58. Stanton, Mildred K - Indian Trails Middle School, Assistant Technical 196 TO Winter Springs High School, Secretary 196, Position Start Date 7/26/2006 59. Taylor, Karen Maxine - Bentley Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188 TO Bentley Elementary School, Assistant Technical 188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 60. Tweady, Claudia Sue - Highlands Elementary School, ESE Supplemented 188 TO Highlands Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Position Start Date 7/27/2006 61. Ward, Catherine Eileen - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 62. Ward, W. Jay - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 63. Ward, Charlotte Denise – Bentley Elementary School, Custodian 10 Month TO Bentley Elementary School, Custodian 10 Month Alt, Position Start Date 7/20/2006 64. Williams, Gwendolyn M - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour TO Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Position Start Date 7/31/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS REQUESTS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE for 2006-07 1. Hancher, Christine Marie - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Extend Sick Leave with pay, Leave Date 7/31/2006, Return from Leave Date 8/03/2006 2. Hancher, Christine Marie - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Family and Medical Leave Act, Leave Date 8/04/2006, Expected Return Date 9/18/2006 3. Johnson, Jan E - Longwood Elementary School, Custodian 11 month, Family and Medical Leave Act, Leave Date 7/10/2006, Expected Return Date 10/09/2006 4. Jones, Shannon L - Spring Lake Elementary School, Pre-kindergarten, Assistant Pre-K/EE 188, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/27/2006, Expected Return Date 5/22/2007 5. Lopez, Manny - Chiles Middle School, Food Service, FS Employee 189/6.5, Extend Sick Leave with pay, Leave Date 7/29/2006, Expected Return Date 8/15/2006 6. Pajon, Silvia N. - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 8 Hour, Extend Sick Leave with pay, Leave Date 7/31/2006, Expected Return Date 9/05/2006 7. Porter, Clarence Lee - Maintenance Operations, Grounds Laborer 2, Extend Sick Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/01/2006, Expected Return Date 10/02/2006 8. Romero, Deborah P - Idyllwilde Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Extend Sick Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/27/2006, Expected Return Date 5/22/2007 9. Staples, Jesse - Sabal Point Elementary School, Custodian 11 mo-223alt, Extend Sick Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/19/2006, Expected Return Date 9/23/2006 10. Tempesta, Louretta R - Casselberry Elementary School, Assistant Data Entry 10, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/26/2006, Expected Return Date 5/24/2007 11. Zamarriego, Claudia - Casselberry Elementary School, Custodian 12 month, Personal Leave without Pay, Leave Date 7/10/2006, Expected Return Date 6/30/2007 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS TERMINATIONS AND RESIGNATIONS for 2006-07 1. DiFonzo, Patricia A - Casselberry Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Paraprofessional ESE 188, Reason: Retired, Termination Effective Date 7/19/2006 2. Gaus, Sharon L - Sabal Point Elementary School, Food Service, FS Assistant 189/7, Reason: Retired, Termination Effective Date 7/11/2006 3. Mathews, Joan J - Goldsboro Elementary School, Secretary 223, Reason: Retired, Termination Effective Date 9/01/2006 4. Ortiz, Cosme S - Evans Elementary School, Custodian 11 month, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 7/12/2006 Page 40 5. Smith, William F - Educational Support Center, Information Services, IS Operations Shift Lead, Reason: Retired, Termination Effective Date 8/19/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS TERMINATIONS AND RESIGNATIONS for 2005-06 1. Butts, Cathy Ann - Highlands Elementary School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant Instrctn Elem-188, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/25/2006 2. Cyphers, Dora A - Altamonte Elementary School, Secretary 196, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 3. Grubl, Leslie M - Lake Mary High School, Assistant Clinic 188, Reason: Resig for employ outside educa, Termination Effective Date 5/25/2006 4. Irizarry, Juana - English Estates Elementary, Exceptional Student Support, Paraprofessional ESE 188, Reason: Resig for employ outside educa, Termination Effective Date 5/25/2006 5. Ramserran, Margaret W - Rock Lake Middle School, Secretary 196, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 6. Rubin, Stewart H - Transportation Services, Bus Driver 7 Hour, Reason: Resig for employ outside educa, Termination Effective Date 5/25/2006 7. Tabor, Margaret Carla - Lake Orienta Elementary School, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 5/27/2006 8. Valleau, Cori A - English Estates Elementary, Paraprofessional--Elem--188, Reason: Resig for employ in Educ in Fl, Termination Effective Date 5/25/2006 9. Watkins-Hall, Angela D - Transportation Services, Bus Monitor 8 Hour, Reason: Resig for employ outside educa, Termination Effective Date 5/25/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS PERSONNEL RETURNING TO DUTY FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE for 2006-07 1. Britton, Sheena R – Lake Brantley High School, Secretary 196alt, Return from Leave Date 7/20/2006 2. Hillsman, Roosevelt - Spring Lake Elementary School, Custodian 12 month, Return from Leave Date 7/18/2006 Page 41 TEMPORARY DUTY OUT-OF-STATE LEAVE REQUESTS FOR THE BOARD MEETING ON: 8/08/2006 FOR INFORMATION/TEMPORARY DUTY OUT-OF-STATE-LEAVE REQUESTS FOR 2006-07 1. Kaesberg, Mary Ann - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Zone Administrator ESSS, Temporary Duty to attend the National Association for Gifted Children Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, Leave Date 10/31/2006, Return From Leave Date 11/05/2006 (Funded by Florida Diagnostic Learning Resource System) 2. Vong, Trung Kien – Seminole High School, Teacher, Temporary Duty to attend the MV ALPHA THETA National Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado, Leave Date 7/16/2006, Return From Leave Date 7/21/2006 (Funded by MU ALPHA THETA) Page 42 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF THE EDUCATIONAL EQUITY ACT 2005-2006 ANNUAL UPDATE IV.D. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the 2006 Annual Update of the Educational Equity Act Plan. 2. Background/Analysis: The Florida Educational Equity Act, Section 228.2001, Florida Statues requires that all school boards submit to the Office of Equal Educational Opportunity, within the Department of Education, an annual update which addresses various equity issues within the District. Part III of this year’s Annual Update request data emphasizing the performance of academic curricula methods and strategies from elementary, middle and high school students Black and Hispanic, male and female students are the emphasis of the evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is to eliminate performance gaps in the area of FCAT Reading, Algebra I and to increase the participation of minority students in upper level courses including AP,Dual Enrollment and IB. Part IV of the Plan is to verify the Athletics program to insure that they are all in compliance with the gender equity in athletic components. All Seminole County Schools were in total compliance. Part V, the Vocational Education Centers, was not applicable in that we have no such programs in Seminole County. 3. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to the District associated with this action. 4. Prepared by: John Reichert 5. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Human Resources and Professional Standards Brenedette Hardy-Blake Director, Recruitment/Retention and Educational Equity 8/8/06 Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: Educational Equity Act Plan 2005-2006 Annual Update Materials for signature: None Page 43 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: RESOLUTION 2006-09, AUTHORIZATION FOR TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES IV.E. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve Resolution 2006-09, authorizing Tax Anticipation Notes in an amount not to exceed $23,000,000. 2. Background/Analysis: The School Board issued Tax Anticipation Notes (TAN) for fiscal year 2005-2006. These notes mature on September 13, 2006. It is proposed that the School Board authorize the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes in the amount of $23,000,000 for fiscal year 2006-2007. The issuance of these Notes will help to ensure that funds will be available to cover the district’s expenditures prior to receiving the first of the property tax proceeds at the end of November. It is anticipated that net additional interest revenue will be received by the Board through the issuance of these notes (due to the difference in the anticipated interest and closing costs to be paid, compared to the estimated interest to be received from the proceeds of the notes). Finance staff members have been working with the School Board’s bond counsel and financial advisor to finalize the documentation needed for the issuance of the notes. 3. Fiscal Impact: It is anticipated that the Board will earn net additional income, after all costs have been incurred. 4. Prepared by: John G. Pavelchak Exec. Director of of Finance and Budgeting 5. Board Meeting Date 8/8/06 Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: None Materials for signature: Resolution 2006-09 Page 44 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: BID OR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONS IV.F. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the recommendations for bids or requests for proposals listed below. 2. Background/Analysis: Each board meeting the administration presents to the board for approval all bids, bid renewals or extensions for products or services in excess of $25,000. All bids presented are the lowest bids that meet advertised specifications and are made in accordance with Florida Board of Education rules and district board polices unless otherwise noted. Approved bids will have purchase orders issued on as needed basis. ITEM 1. 2. 3. BID TITLE & NUMBER Bid Extension / Renewal: Alternative to Discipline Program, RFP #102923 Bid Award: Music Equipment (Violins), #103007 Bid Award: Digital Piano Lab (Hagerty HS), #103010 AWARD AMOUNT ($) Est. 1,242,405. TBA 33,724. 3. Fiscal Impact: The estimated total of the bids awarded is $ 1,276,129. Finance Department will determine that funds are available before a purchase order is issued. 4. Prepared by: John Pavelchak 5. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Finance & Budgeting Barry G. Boyer, C.P.M. Director, Purchasing and Distribution Services Department Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: Executive Summaries/Tabulations *Materials for signature: None 8/08/06 Page 45 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE IV.G. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the purchases listed below and any applicable contracts/agreements that may be associated with the various purchases. 2. Background/Analysis: ITEM 1. DESCRIPTION Replacement Lamps AMOUNT ($) 29,397. 2. Student Assessment Testing: Psychological Corporation 42,318. 3. Annual Agreement Renewal for Samsung Email Software Support 30,175. 4. 8. Annual Agreement Renewal for Girls/Boys Town Alternative Education Program (Father Flanagan’s Boys Town) Annual Agreement Renewal for Alternative Education Program (South Seminole Hospital) Annual Agreement Renewal for Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Programs (Arbor Education & Training ) Annual Agreement Renewal for Excel Reentry and Grove Residential Alternative Education Program (Arbor Education & Training) Annual Telecommunication Services for Facilities Services Department 9. Cooling Tower for Rainbow ES 10. Stadium and Bleacher Inspection 35,700. 11. International Dry Box Delivery Truck 60,175. 5. 6. 7. Est. 98,748. Est. 45,734. Est. 579,318. Est. 314,465. Est. 78,000. 130,354. 3. Fiscal Impact: The total of purchase orders presented is $ 1,444,384. The Finance Department has determined that funds are available to cover the amount to be encumbered. 4. Prepared by: John Pavelchak 5. Board Meeting Date: Exec. Director of Finance & Budgeting Barry G. Boyer, C.P.M. Director, Purchasing and Distribution Services Department Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: Executive Summaries *Materials for signature: None 8/08/06 Page 46 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: REVISED 2006-2007 FIVE AND TEN YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS IV.H. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the 2006-2007 revised Five and Ten Year Capital Improvement Plans. 2. Background/Analysis: The capital improvement plan committee and staff have completed the 2006-2007 revisions to the district’s financially feasible 5 and 10 year capital improvement plans. The plans include the one time $21,076,049 appropriation from the State for Class Size Reduction projects. The plans allocates $10 million of these funds for new school sites, with the remainder of funds allocated to the Lake Mary ILC project, the purchase of 28 hybrid modular classrooms and fund reserve. Other significant update information on the plans is as follows: • • • • • • • • The funding allocation for the Oviedo High School project has been revised from the previous plan allocation of $8 million (06-07), $15 million (07-08), and $15 million (08-09), to $13 million (06-07), $20 million (07-08) and $7 million (08-09). This revised distribution of funds better fits the construction phasing plan that has been developed. The plan also increases the total project budget $2 million to address cost increases incurred in contract award. The funding allocation for the Seminole High School project has been revised from the previous plan allocation of $18 million (06-07), $13.5 million (07-08), and $9.5 million (08-09), to $22 million (06-07), $14 million (07-08) and $5 million (08-09). This revised distribution of funds better fits the construction phasing plan that has been developed. The plan currently maintains the total remaining project budget of $41 million. The budget may have to be increased the next fiscal year revision should construction costs continue to increase over the next year. The plans increase the maintenance support allocation from $2,882,089 to $3,517,843. This is funded from an increase in PECO maintenance revenue. The plans include $600,000 to improve the technology and equipment at Pine Crest Elementary. The revised plans also include an additional one time $950,000 allocation for “district wide requests”, including such needs as school bus cameras, magnet school computers, Facilities heavy equipment, orchestra instruments and other items identified by the capital improvement committee. The plan also includes $100,000 for fire alarm monitoring, and recurring allocations of $347,000 for instructional technology equipment, and $100,000 for magnet school equipment. Miscellaneous and small projects include various facilities capital needs throughout the district. One major project planned is the retention pond drainage improvements at Woodlands Elementary. Other planned projects remain on schedule. 3. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to the District at this time. 4. Prepared by: George Kosmac Deputy Superintendent/Operations Scott Stegall, Director of Capital Outlay Attachment(s): Five & Ten Year Capital Plans Back-up not in agenda book: None Materials for signature: None 5. Board Meeting Date 8/8/06 Page 47 SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PROPOSED 2006-07 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AUGUST 8, 2006 REVENUE 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 STATE % 9.8% CLASS SIZE REDUCTION $21,076,049 4.4% PECO NEW CONSTRUCTION $4,854,277 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 2.7% PECO MAINTENANCE $2,870,300 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 2.3% $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 0.4% 2 MILL $56,783,997 $61,326,717 $66,232,854 $71,531,482 $77,254,001 69.7% SALES TAX $15,977,735 $16,377,178 $11,491,324 $6,479,840 $6,634,781 11.9% $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 3.7% $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 0.1% CO&DS BONDS 0.0% CO&DS LOCAL 90.2% IMPACT FEES GASOLINE TAX REFUND COPS 0.0% RAN 0.0% LOCAL CAP IMPROVEMENT/INTEREST UNDESIG $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $86,709,288 $86,729,571 $87,016,715 $92,894,175 $17,275,460 SUB-TOTAL $124,805,882 PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVER $124,805,882 EXPENDITURES 2006/07 3.6% $24,255,039 $11,248,484 $29,008,212 $29,469,084 $110,964,327 $97,978,055 $116,024,927 $122,363,259 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 COMMUNICATIONS $150,000 $150,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 FLOOR CVRNG $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 HVAC $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 MAINTENANCE $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 REROOF $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 BAND UNIFORMS $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 STADIUM IMPVT $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $300,000 $300,000 SUPPORT GEN FUND BUS REPLACEMENT PAVEMENT SCHOOL CAP OUTLAY 11.6% PINE CREST IMPVTS $600,000 MISC. $600,000 $300,000 $300,000 $70,000 $40,000 $44,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $347,000 VIDEO SECURITY PROGRAM FIRE ALARM MONITORING INSTALL $100,000 LEASED PORTABLES $685,000 DISTRICT LEVEL EQUIPT $950,000 INSTRUCTIONAL TECH EQUIPT $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 MAGNET SCHOOL EQUIPT $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 VEHICLES $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $23,950,000 $24,330,000 $24,330,000 $21,560,000 $21,560,000 DEBT SERVICE COPS PAYMENT 25.8% NEW CONSTRUCTION LAND 12.6% $10,000,000 $10,000,000 NEW ELEMENTARY (SITE TBD) $1,000,000 NEW ELEMENTARY (SITE TBD) $15,000,000 $1,000,000 28 HYBRID CLASSROOMS $1,850,000 HAGERTY HIGH $1,200,000 NEW MIDDLE (SITE TBD) $15,000,000 $1,500,000 REMODELING & ADDITIONS 43.4% GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE $800,000 $10,000,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $10,000,000 $500,000 HAMILTON ELEMENTARY $1,000,000 IDYLLWILDE ADMIN JACKSON HEIGHTS ROUND BLDG LAKE MARY ELEM $8,000,000 LAKE ORIENTA $1,000,000 $12,000,000 $22,000,000 $14,000,000 $500,000 $500,000 PINE CREST ADDITION SEMINOLE HIGH SMALL PROJECTS 1.3% $5,000,000 $500,000 $500,000 SPRING LAKE $1,000,000 $9,000,000 WEKIVA $1,000,000 $11,000,000 SALES TAX PROJECTS OVIEDO HIGH $13,000,000 $20,000,000 $1,000,000 $12,000,000 RED BUG SABAL POINT $7,000,000 $1,000,000 STERLING PARK $1,000,000 $12,000,000 $300,000 $500,000 $7,000,000 TECHNOLOGY CROOMS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES 2.1% $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 MISC. CONTINGENCY ZOO TOTAL 4.6% $200,000 $100,550,843 $200,000 $99,715,843 $68,969,843 $86,555,843 $92,255,843 Page 48 \5yrplanattach1 SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2006-2007 TEN YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN August 8, 2006 REVENUE 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 % 2015/16 STATE 7.2% CLASS SIZE REDUCTION $21,076,049 2.22% PECO NEW CONSTRUCTION $4,854,277 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 $1,985,715 2.39% PECO MAINTENANCE $2,870,300 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 $2,051,614 2.24% $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 $368,064 0.39% CO&DS BONDS 0.00% CO&DS LOCAL 2 MILL $56,783,997 $61,326,717 $66,232,854 $71,531,482 $77,254,001 $79,571,621 $81,958,770 $84,417,533 $86,950,059 $87,819,559 79.28% SALES TAX $15,977,735 $16,377,178 $11,491,324 $6,479,840 $6,634,781 $4,667,560 $2,316,738 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 3.68% $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 0.11% $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 1.16% IMPACT FEES GASOLINE TAX REFUND 6.72% COPS 0.00% RAN 0.00% LOCAL CAP IMPROVEMENT/INTEREST UNDESIG $1,000,000 $17,275,460 SUB-TOTAL $124,805,882 PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVER $124,805,882 EXPENDITURES 2006/07 1.82% $86,709,288 $86,729,571 $87,016,715 $92,894,175 $93,244,574 $93,280,901 $93,422,926 $95,955,452 $96,824,952 $24,255,039 $11,248,484 $29,008,212 $29,469,084 $30,107,416 $44,296,147 $47,923,205 $47,592,287 $64,395,388 $110,964,327 $97,978,055 $116,024,927 $122,363,259 $123,351,990 $137,577,048 $141,346,130 $143,547,739 $161,220,340 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $150,000 $150,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 1.41% $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 0.21% SUPPORT GEN FUND BUS REPLACEMENT COMMUNICATIONS FLOOR CVRNG 12.4% $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 0.30% HVAC $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 1.38% MAINTENANCE $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 $3,517,843 3.89% REROOF $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 1.55% $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 0.30% PAVEMENT SCHOOL CAP OUTLAY $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 1.20% BAND UNIFORMS $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 0.09% STADIUM IMPVT $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 0.11% $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 0.37% PINE CREST IMPVTS $600,000 MISC. $600,000 VIDEO SECURITY PROGRAM $70,000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING INST $100,000 LEASED PORTABLES $685,000 0.07% $40,000 $44,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 0.63% 0.02% 0.01% DISTRICT LEVEL EQUIPT $950,000 INSTRUCTIONAL TECH EQUIPT $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 $347,000 0.38% MAGNET SCHOOL EQUIPT $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 0.11% 0.11% VEHICLES $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 0.28% $23,950,000 $24,330,000 $24,330,000 $21,560,000 $21,560,000 $21,560,000 $21,558,000 $21,558,000 $21,556,508 $21,556,508 DEBT SERVICE COPS PAYMENT 24.7% NEW CONSTRUCTION LAND 26.8% $10,000,000 $10,000,000 NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SITE TBD) $1,000,000 NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SITE TBD) $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $1,000,000 $15,000,000 NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SITE TBD) $1,000,000 NEW MIDDLE (SITE TBD) $1,500,000 NEW HIGH SCHOOL (SITE TBD) $30,000,000 28 HYBRID CLASSROOMS $1,850,000 HAGERTY HIGH $1,200,000 $15,000,000 $30,000,000 NEW MIDDLE (SITE TBD) $1,500,000 $30,000,000 $1,000,000 $17,000,000 $50,000,000 ROSENWALD REMODELING & ADDITIONS 28.9% GREENWOOD LAKES MIDDLE $800,000 $10,000,000 CASSELBERRY ELEMENTARY $1,000,000 HAMILTON ELEMENTARY $1,000,000 IDYLLWILDE ADMIN JACKSON HEIGHTS ROUND BLDG $500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 KEETH LAKE MARY ELEM $8,000,000 LAKE ORIENTA $1,000,000 $700,000 $7,000,000 $700,000 $12,000,000 $12,000,000 LAWTON MILWEE GYM/BLDG 11/CAFETERIA PINE CREST ADDITION SEMINOLE HIGH SMALL PROJECTS $22,000,000 $14,000,000 $500,000 $500,000 SPRING LAKE $4,000,000 $10,000,000 $500,000 $15,000,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $5,000,000 $500,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $9,000,000 $1,000,000 $11,000,000 $500,000 $500,000 $800,000 $7,000,000 $800,000 $6,000,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 STENSTROM WEKIVA $1,000,000 WILSON/GENEVA PODS SALES TAX PROJECTS OVIEDO HIGH $13,000,000 $20,000,000 $1,000,000 $12,000,000 RED BUG SABAL POINT $7,000,000 $1,000,000 STERLING PARK $1,000,000 $12,000,000 $300,000 $500,000 $7,000,000 TECHNOLOGY CROOMS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES 2.7% $300,000 $300,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 MISC. CONTINGENCY ZOO TOTAL 4.5% $200,000 $100,550,843 $200,000 $99,715,843 $68,969,843 $86,555,843 $92,255,843 $79,055,843 $89,653,843 $93,753,843 $79,152,351 $113,652,351 Page 49 \5yrplanattach2 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: CCNA ROOFING CONSULTANTS: SELECTION COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATION IV.I. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the selection committee’s recommendation for district wide roofing consulting services and authorize the Facilities Planning Department to negotiate contracts with A/R/C Associates, Inc.; D.B. Young & Associates, Inc.; Hanson Professional Services; Jay Ammon Architect and Rogers & Sark Consulting. 2. Background/Analysis: On Tuesday, July 18, 2006, the selection committee interviewed six (6) firms to provide roofing consulting services on a district wide, continuing services basis. The committee members were as follows: • • • • • Sandra Robinson, Board Member Greg Peschong, Business Advisory Board Representative Gene Holcomb, Building/Roofing Division Supervisor (Facilities Services Representative) John LeRoy, Project Manager (Administrative Representative) Andrew Berardicurti, Owner’s Construction Representative (Facilities Planning Representative) Jay Taylor, Supervisor of Construction, facilitated and administered the RFQ solicitation on behalf of the committee. Based on specific selection criteria, the committee recommends the following ranking: 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. A/R/C Associates, Inc. D.B. Young & Associates, Inc. Hanson Professional Services Jay Ammon Architect Rogers & Sark Consulting MACTEC The department will negotiate contracts with all of the number one ranked firms. 3. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. Funding source: N/A 4. Prepared by: George Kosmac Deputy Superintendent of Operations Jay Taylor, Construction Supervisor Attachment(s): None Back-up: Final Tally Sheet Materials for Signature: None 5. Board Meeting Date: 8/8/06 Page 50 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: FY 2007 CONTINUING SERVICES CONTRACTS: RENEWAL OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AT RISK SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS WITH BUDGETS UNDER ONE MILLION DOLLARS IV.J. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the renewal of Clancy & Theys Construction, Construct Two Group, Pro-Spec, Inc., Strategic Facilities Development and BE & K Construction Group, Inc. to provide continuing construction management at risk services for construction projects with budgets under $1,000,000. 2. Background/Analysis: On August 9, 2005, the Board approved a contract with the following firms for continuing CM at Risk Services for projects with construction budgets under $1,000,000: • • • • • Clancy & Theys Construction Construct Two Group, Inc. Pro-Spec, Inc. Strategic Facilities Development BE & K Construction Group, Inc. These services are procured under the Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act, FS 287.055 (commonly referred to as the CCNA process) and the contracts are typically for an annual term, with the option to extend up to and including three years. 3. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to the District associated with this action. Funding Source: N/A 4. Prepared by: George A. Kosmac Deputy Superintendent of Operations Scott Stegall, Director, Capital Outlay Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: None Materials for signature: None 5. Board Meeting Date 8/8/06 Page 51 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: TRANSPORTATION PETROLEUM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROJECT: CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 IV.K. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve and execute change order no. 1 submitted by Petroleum Equipment Construction in the amount of $86,669.97 for the Transportation Facility Petroleum underground storage tank project. 2. Background/Analysis: Change Order No. 1 in the net amount of $86,669.97 modifies the board’s contract with Petroleum Equipment Construction to address unforeseen soil conditions and disposal of contaminated soils. The revised contract amount of $601,016.00 is increased to $687,685.97 The Change Order breakdown of costs has been reviewed by PSI, Inc. (engineer) and Facilities Planning staff and recommends approval. Original Contract Amount: Change Order No. 1: Change Order No. : Revised Contract Amount: $ $ $ $ Contract Summary 601,016.00 Direct Purchases 86,669.97 $ $ - $ $ Change Items 86,669.97 - 687,685.97 $ $ Tax Savings Summary (Amount Credited in GMP Proposal) - Tax Savings To Date: Amount Previously Credited: $ $ Total Project Tax Savings: $ Revised Contract Amount: Total Direct Purchase Cost: (+) $ $ Project Cost Summary 687,685.97 - Total Project Cost To Date: $ 687,685.97 86,669.97 Sales Tax Savings $ $ $ - % Changes: 14.42% Previous District Total Tax Savings : $ Tax Savings This Change: $ 5,894,989.10 - District Total Tax Savings To Date (After Change Order): $ 5,894,989.10 3. Fiscal Impact: The net fiscal impact of this action is $86,669.97 and is within the project budget. Funding Source: 7400/4680/9009/8630 4. Prepared by: George Kosmac 5. Board Meeting Date Deputy Superintendent Operations Jay Taylor, Supervisor of Construction Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: Change Order No. 1 Materials for signature: Change Order No.1 (4 for signature) 08/08/06 Page 52 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: FIELD TRIP REQUEST IV.L. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve student attendance for the field trip listed below. 2. Background/Analysis: Mr. Boyd Karns, Principal of Lake Mary High School, recommends that five Lake Mary High School boys golf team members be allowed to participate in the 6th Annual McDonalds Tournament of Champions in Kingsport, Tennessee, September 9-11, 2006. Students will depart on September 8, 2006, and return on September 11, 2006. 3. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to the District associated with this action. 4. Prepared by: Raymond L. Gaines Exec. Director of Secondary Education 5. Board Meeting Date 8/8/06 Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: None Page 53 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: NATIONAL ACADEMY FOUNDATION (NAF) IV.M. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the membership renewal agreement with the National Academy Foundation. 2. Background/Analysis: The National Academy Foundation is a support organization for districts and schools that offer academy programs. The National Academy Foundation provides services in the form of model development, planning and implementation support and quality assurance. Seminole County Public Schools has three academies that have chosen to affiliate with the National Academy Foundation, Crooms Academy of Information Technology, Lake Brantley High School's Academy of Finance and Oviedo High School's Academy of Hospitality and Tourism. 3. Fiscal Impact: Fiscal Impact: Each participating school provides $1,000 in membership dues. 4. Prepared by: Anna-Marie Cote 5. Board Meeting Date Executive Director of Instructional Excellence and Equity 8-8-06 Hugh Harris - Director of Curriculum Services Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: National Academy Foundation Membership Agreement Material(s) for signature: Agreement Page 54 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: FOOD SERVICE CONTRACT WITH 4-C IV.N. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the contract as presented. 2. Background/Analysis: Community Coordinated Child Care is the agency that sponsors Headstart in Seminole County. Annually, they enter into a contract with Food Services to provide breakfast, lunch, and snack to these children. 3. Fiscal Impact: This contract contributes approximately $190,000.00 per year in revenue to the Food Services budget. 4. Prepared by: John Pavelchak Exec. Director of Finance and Budget Dan Andrews Director of Food Services Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: None Materials for signature: Contract 5. Board Meeting Date 8/8/06 Page 55 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY INFORMATION ITEM: SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (SCPS) SCHOOL REPORT CARDS X.B. Item Number The board has received hard copies of the SCPS Report Cards for all schools in the district. Report cards will be posted on each school’s website under the heading of FCAT Report Card. SCPS Report Cards provide a breakdown of a school’s 2005-06 FCAT performance data used by the DOE to determine each school’s A+ grade. The report card also provides information regarding student performance on the norm-referenced tests used to compare school achievement in the areas of reading and mathematics. In addition to student performance data, SCPS Report Cards provide information related to levels of parent satisfaction with the operation of a school. It also provides a listing of notable school accomplishments for the year. Principals have been encouraged to share this information with faculty, staff, parents, and community members. 2. Prepared by: Dr. Ron Pinnell 3. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Secondary Education-Middle Schools 8/8/06 Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: School Report Cards Page 56 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY INFORMATION ITEM: FOOD SERVICES NUTRITIONAL UPDATE X.C. Item Number Food Services has control over snack vending and what is served through the program, both reimbursable meals and ala carte. The snack vending machines have been in compliance with the student Wellness Policy since the start of school in August of 2005. Food Service program offerings come under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Agriculture. According to USDA guidance for NuMenus, all reimbursable meals are planned to meet, as a group, the calorie requirements of each grade level. They are also planned not to exceed 30% total fat and less than 10% saturated fat. There are also eight other vitamins and minerals that are met with each meal offering. These menus are planned to meet student eating preferences and checked by three dietitians and a computer program specifically designed for this purpose. Ala carte items are made up of items offered on reimbursable meals or are dictated by student purchasing patterns. The items not found on reimbursable meals are approved in the USDA law 7CFR210. 2. Prepared by: John Pavelchak Exec. Director of Finance and Budget Dan Andrews Director of Food Services 3. Board Meeting Date 8/8/2006 Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: None Page 57 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY INFORMATION ITEM: 2006-07 HIRING SEASON - VACANCIES, APPLICATIONS AND RESUMES X.D. Item Number The 06-07 Global Vacancy Advertisement period began on April 22nd and ended on May 12th. During this three week period, the Human Resources Department received 10,786 resumes for 451 vacant positions. During the same time period, 908 on-line instructional applications and 308 on-line support professional applications were received and processed by HR staff members. From April 22nd through July 28th 24,549 resumes were received, along with 3,399 new on-line employment applications, for 824 vacancy advertisements (requisitions) equating to 1,083 positions. Multiple positions can be advertised under one (1) requisition, i.e. Altamonte Elementary may have advertised for three (3) K-5 positions under one vacancy (requisition) number. Also, the total number of requisitions will include readvertisements. From May 31st through July 28th, 21 New Employee Orientation sessions were offered and 567 new employees were in attendance. The attached charts will provide a week by week breakdown of all applications and resumes received and vacancy advertisements posted during the 06-07 hiring season. Also provided is the total number of instructional, support professional and administrative employees attending each New Employee Orientation. 2. Prepared by: John Reichert 3. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Human Resources and Professional Standards 8/8/06 Attachment(s): Chart Back-up not in agenda book: None Page 58 06-07 Applications, Resumes, Requisitions and NEO Time Period From To 4/22/2006 4/28/2006 4/29/2006 5/5/2006 5/6/2006 5/12/2006 Resumes Inst On-line Applications ESP On-line Applications Requisitions Positions 3,888 2,554 4,344 300 282 326 90 90 128 10,786 908 308 319 451 5/13/2006 5/19/2006 5/20/2006 5/26/2006 5/27/2006 6/2/2006 6/3/2006 6/9/2006 6/10/2006 6/16/2006 0 1,397 660 2,021 1,629 191 130 126 139 127 43 63 56 83 86 211 324 6/17/2006 6/24/2006 7/1/2006 7/8/2006 7/15/2006 7/22/2006 6/23/2006 6/30/2006 7/7/2006 7/14/2006 7/21/2006 7/28/2006 1,543 1,512 1,026 1,577 1,068 1,330 143 135 98 82 87 89 90 76 71 68 98 102 294 308 TOTALS 4/22/06 TO 7 7/28/2006 24,549 2,255 1,144 824 1,083 GLOBAL TOTALS Page 59 06-07 Applications, Resumes, Requisitions and NEO NEO Total INST ESP ADM 5/31/2006 6/7/2006 6/14/2006 6/21/2006 6/28/2006 6/29/2006 6/30/2006 7/5/2006 7/6/2006 7/10/2006 7/12/2006 7/13/2006 7/17/2006 7/19/2006 7/20/2006 7/21/2006 7/24/2006 7/25/2006 7/26/2006 7/27/2006 7/28/2006 20 33 44 35 36 24 14 25 18 18 39 22 31 41 26 27 16 24 33 18 23 16 22 34 23 26 17 10 20 12 16 31 15 26 29 17 19 15 9 17 15 11 4 10 9 12 10 7 3 5 6 2 8 6 5 12 9 8 1 15 16 3 12 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 5/31/06 7/28/2006 567 400 163 4 Page 60 If you wish to address the School Board, please complete one of the request forms in the back of the room and give to the Clerk of the Board, Karen Ponder, prior to the meeting. SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADDENDUM August 8, 2006 5:30 p.m. for regular School Board Meeting Educational Support Center 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773 AGENDA MODIFICATIONS I.D. 1. II. C. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Items selected for removal: None at this time PRESENTATIONS Top 100 Companies for Working Families CONSENT AGENDA – Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Consent Agenda be approved as submitted. IV. PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS *C. That the School Board approve the personnel recommendations, including additions presented in the addendum package. Pg. 1 BIDS/RFPs *F. That the School Board approve the recommendations for bids or requests for proposals listed. Pg. 3 VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX. NEW BUSINESS X. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT * Denotes an Action Item vs. an Information Item THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS IV.C. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the Personnel Recommendations as presented. 2. Background/Analysis: Pursuant to Florida Statutes 1012.22 (1) (a) (e) (f), all Personnel Recommendations must be approved by the School Board. Attached are the Superintendent’s recommendations for the current Board meeting. 3. Fiscal Impact: The Personnel Recommendations are within our budget allocation. 4. Prepared by: John Reichert 5. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Human Resources/Professional Standards 08/08/06 Attachment(s): Personnel Recommendations Back-up not in agenda book: None Materials for signature: None Page 1 ADDENDUM PERSONNEL RECOMMENATIONS FOR ACTION AT THE BOARD MEETING ON: 8/08/2006 ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENT for 2006-07 1. Cerasale, Mark William - Educational Support Center, Exceptional Student Support, Program Specialist ATEN, Position Start Date 8/09/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESIONALS TRANSFER for 2006-07 1. Lee, Vanassa Sonia – Layer Elementary School, Assistant ESE Supplemented – 188 TO Millennium Middle School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented – 188, Position Start Date 8/09/2006 EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFEESIONALS TERMINATION,AND RESIGNATION for 2006-07 1. Paige, Maureen A – Winter Springs High School, Exceptional Student Support, Assistant ESE Supplemented – 188, Reason: Personal Reasons, Termination Effective Date 8/08/2006 Page 2 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ACTION ITEM: BID OR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONS IV.F. Item Number 1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the School Board of Seminole County approve the recommendations for bids or requests for proposals listed below. 2. Background/Analysis: Each board meeting the administration presents to the board for approval all bids, bid renewals or extensions for products or services in excess of $25,000. All bids presented are the lowest bids that meet advertised specifications and are made in accordance with Florida Board of Education rules and district board polices unless otherwise noted. Approved bids will have purchase orders issued on as needed basis. ITEM 1. 2. 3. BID TITLE & NUMBER Bid Extension / Renewal: Alternative to Discipline Program, RFP #102923 Bid Award: Music Equipment (Violins), #103007 - DELETED Bid Award: Digital Piano Lab (Hagerty HS), #103010 AWARD AMOUNT ($) Est. 1,242,405. 33,724. 3. Fiscal Impact: The estimated total of the bids awarded is $ 1,276,129. Finance Department will determine that funds are available before a purchase order is issued. 4. Prepared by: John Pavelchak 5. Board Meeting Date Exec. Director of Finance & Budgeting Barry G. Boyer, C.P.M. Director, Purchasing and Distribution Services Department Attachment(s): None Back-up not in agenda book: Executive Summaries/Tabulations *Materials for signature: None 8/08/06 Page 3
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