Thule Guide 2009
Thule Guide 2009
5210901020 English Discover our world Thule Guide 2009 Load carriers & rear mounted bike carriers Thule Sweden AB, Box 69, SE-330 33 Hillerstorp, Sweden. Tel +46 370-255 00, Fax +46 370-229 08. Load carrier Feet Content: Load Carrier feet are available as 4-packs and load bars as 2-packs. 3-61 Load carriers 62-71 Bike transport 72-73 Clamp On (Adapters for attaching to original racks) 74 This is how much you can carry 75 Thule One Key System This is how easy it is to find a load carrier solution that fits your car Bike carriers for rear door mounting 3OEINFACHüNDEN3IEDEN PASSENDEN,ASTENTR»GERFÓR )HR&AHRZEUG Was bedeuten die Symbole und Zahlen? Die Legende zu den Symbolen finden Sie in der Aufklapplasche am Ende der Kaufhilfe. ford - ford Load carrier feet in sets of four. For detailed information, see page 3. Fo r d Fiesta, 3-T Sc�r�g�eck,, ��-��2 75� Focus, 5-T Estate, ��-��3, �4, mit �ac�re�ing 7�1 o�� ��1 775 7�� o�� ��� oder 755 7�� o�� ��� Fusion, 4-T Sedan, ��-� (USA) �5� Fusion, 5-T Sc�r�g�eck,, �2-��5 Fusion, 5-T Sc�r�g�eck,, ��-� 7�� 1�25 777 5�� Inc� 7�� o�� ��� 7�� o�� ��� 145� 7�2 o�� ��2 1�4� 75� Inc� Inc� 7�1 or ��1 �51 7�2 �51 7�� or ��� 7�1 �5� 7�1 �5� �5� 7�1 75� 7�1 or ��1 LT� Crown Victoria, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��1 �5� 3�33 7�1 �17 11�� Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �3-��� 75� Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �3-�, wit� roof rai�ing 755 7�1 or ��1 75� 7�2 or ��2 7�1 or ��1 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �1-�, wit� T-profi�e 47�� Mentor, 4-dr Sedan, �5-� (ASIA) �5� 7�1 or ��1 7�1 75� 7�2 or ��2 75� 7�� or ��� 11�� 544 12�� 544 Inc� 471� Kit needed for fitting the bike carrier to your particular car. 41� Inc� Number of bikes you can carry with the actual bike carrier. 544 ��3 A 544 1445 544 144� 544 B C D Max. load 30 kg ıı 40 kg ıı 50 kg ıı 60 kg ıı 65 kg 1445 544 1��5 544 E Inc� or or or or H The distance between the load carrier bars does not permit the fitting of a roof box. J Locked using the Thule Tool Key. 1025 1�25 760 o�� 7�� or ��� 860 760 o�� 7�� or ��� 860 769 7�� 2167 21�7 769 o�� 7�� or ��� 869 1124 777 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �3-��� 75� Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �3-���, wit� roof rai�ing 775 or 755 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �1-��3, �4-��7 596 5�� 761 or 860 760 or 860 760 or 860 Incl Inc� 7�1 or ��1 )NCL )NCL 1��5 Incl Inc� 7�1 or ��1 775 544 Inc� Mondeo, 5-dr Hatc�back, �3-��� Mustang, 3-dr Coupé, �4-� �5� 544 Orion, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��� �51 7�1 1458 145� 411 Orion, 4-dr Sedan, �4-��3 (EUR) Orion, 4-dr Sedan, �1-��� Probe, 3-dr Coupé, ��-��2 1040 1�4� 3�2� D � 22� 7�1 Incl Inc� 13� 7�1 or ��1 12�� 7�2 ��� One key for all your Thule gear. )NCL )NCL Make life easier and save * 544 yourself the trouble of C Fo r d 750 Focus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, 04, with roof railing 775 or 755 Fusion, Name 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) Thule Rapid 950 Fixpoint XT 750 Thule Rapid Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05 Fixpoint XT Low 753 Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ 751 Max Zuladung in kg1 95➝00, 01➝05, with100 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, roof railing 9,5 Fußhöhe5-dr MPV, 96➝00 Galaxy, 2 sets of keys for your load �5� 544 1��7 Ranger, 2-dr Singe� cab, �4-��� 7�2 �5� �5� 7�1 2��� 544 75� 7�1 or ��1 12�2 544 777 carrier, ski carrier, bike C 7625,5 or 862 775 769 or • 869 755 753 769 or 869 • No fit • 761 or 861 951 762 951 762 • • • • • • the lock cylinders in all your Thule 5�� products and use one key for them 544 System! Beachten Sie die Angaben in der Info Spalte! Ggfs. gibt es für Ihr Fahrzeug eine Einschränkung. 750 In einigen Fällen bieten wir Ihnen Wahlmöglichkeiten zwischen verschiedenen Trägersystemen – Sehen Sie hierzu die Produktbeschreibung in der Aufklapplasche. 761 or 861 775 or 755 760 or 860 Fusion, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) 950 769 750 Lastenträger Fahrradträger 750 760 or 860 769 or 869 769 or 869 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing Clamp On (!DAPTERSATZ#LAMP/NFÓRVERSCHIEDENE/RIGINAL1UERSTREBEN) Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 Soviel können Sie transportieren T-track adapters Thule One Key System 750 762 or 862 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing 755 769 or 869 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 01➝05 101 Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 (ASIA) 950 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 (USA) 950 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98 (ASIA) 950 761 243 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1110 LTD Crown Victoria, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 950 763 017 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 1109 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 755 761 or 861 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝99 Name • • • •777 • 596 242 101 Adapter für Fahrzeuge mit kurzem Dach (z.B. Coupés). Mit Hilfe des Adapters wird der nötige Mindestabstand zwischen der vorderen und hinteren Traverse eingehalten. Lastenträger in einer Verpackung, komplett. Der Schloßsatz ist inklusive oder optional erhältlich (siehe Tabelle). E 544 für Passend Dachrelinggrößen 544 D von 18-50 mm 544 Durchmesser. Complete packed 410, ??? cm 411, ??? cm Wichtige Informationen rund um Ihren Lastenträger, siehe unten. 544 Der passende Fahrradheckträger für Ihr Fahrzeug. 544 544 ford - ford 777 596 Incl 410 1109 Thule 544 Thule 1200 952 953 544 761100 or 861 4710 100 100 544 75 14 14 950 761 15 003 20 28 544 29-79 762 or • 862 1445 • 544 • • 769 or 869 • 762 or 862 • 761 or 861 • 761 or 861 761 or• 860 1005 Mondeo Schloss (MK III), 4-dr Sedan, 07➝ Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Estate, 07➝ One Key System 544 Passend für Aluschienenprofil3 • Passend für Vierkantprofil • Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝00 One Key 750 System 544 750 • • Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint TÜV-geprüft • or • Passendes Kit wird benötigt 1025 or Erfüllt den City Crashor Normenvorschlag or 777 • 750 750 753 Weitere Merkmale Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00 596 760 or 860 • 860 760 or Incl Incl 750 761 or 861 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 or 755 760 or 860 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07 750 761 or 861 Incl Thule Incl 1449 1445 3026 410 • • • Incl • )NCL • • )NCL 544 1226 544 544 Incl A • Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 775 755 544 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 750 761 or 861 761 or 861 1005 753 544 761 or 861 3026 760 or 860 761 or 860 760 or 860 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint or den meisten Fußsätzen von Thule, Bei or haben Sie die Wahl zwischen dem eleganten or Aluschienenprofil oder Vierkanttraversen. or Vergleichen Sie hierzu obige Tabelle, Zeile 4 und 5. Mustang, 3-dr Coupé, 94➝ 1458 Bei den Vierkanttraversen kann lediglich die Orion, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝90 Breite zwischen den Füßen zur Montage von Orion, 4-dr Sedan,werden. 84➝93 (EUR) Zubehör genutzt Durch Orion, die 4-dreingelassene Sedan, 91➝99T-Nut beim Aluschienenprofil kann Zubehör auf der gesaProbe, 3-dr Coupé, 88➝92 mten Länge der Traverse mittels Nutensteine Puma, 2-dr Coupé,Bei 97➝01 montiert werden. vielen Zubehör ist der T-Nutadapter inklusive. 411 1040 Ranger, 2-dr Singel cab, 94➝99 Sie haben die Wahl, abhängig davon wie viel Ranger, 2-dr Singel cab, 00➝ Sie auf Ihrem Lastenträger transportieren wollen. Ranger, 2-dr Singel cab, 03➝ 950 544 762 C D 226 B ıı 40 kg C ıı 50 kg D ıı 60 kg E ıı 65 kg • • H Zu geringer Traversenabstand. Es ist nicht möglich eine Dachbox zu montieren. J Abschließbar mit Spezialwerkzeug. K Bohrungen am Fahrzeugdach sind notwendig. L Nur eine Traverse möglich. Kann um 27-77 cm erhöht werden mit Adaptern: Incl 421410 (27-44 cm), 422 (38-55 cm), 423 (61-77 cm). Incl )NCL )NCL 761 139 544 750 761 or 861 1299 544 762 009 477 750 544 1087 777 950 762 056 544 950 761 2066 544 750 761 or 861 Incl 1292 544 C 596 Durch Auswechseln aller Schließzylinder können Sie ein und denselben Schlüssel für sämtliche Schlösser verwenden, sowohl für Lastenträger, Heckträger als auch für Dachboxen und sonstiges Zubehör. Das One-Key-System ist in 4 Versionen erhältlich: 4 Schließzylinder 544, 6 Schließzylinder 596, 8 Schließzylinder 588, 12 Schließzylinder 452. 596 C Incl 760is or not 860 included 1084 777 E If there is a596 letter in If750a lock 761 101 544 the Info column, be it950is optional, though 950 761 242 D sure to find544 out what highly recommended, 950 761 101 544 it means on page 75. to buy one. 243 544 761 or 861 1110 544 LTD Crown Victoria, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 950 763 017 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 1109 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 755 761 or 861 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 755 761 or 861 750 8,5 11,5 5,5 7,5 7,5 6 Lock • • • • • One Key System 544 Fits aero bars • • • • • Fits square bars • • • • • • Fitting kit needed • • TÜV approved • • • • • • Fulfils City Crash norms • • • • Fits railing sizes between 20-68 mm Fits railing sizes between 22-55 mm Fits railing sizes between 18-50 mm Complete packed 410, 115 cm Miscellaneous In some cases we propose alternative solutions. Thule Rapid System Thule Thule Thule Thule 4900 750 950 951 952/953 420 Load capacity (kg)1 75 75 75 100 100 75 Foot height (cm) 4,5 14 14 15 20/28 29-79 Lock • One Key System 544 One Key System 544 Accessory 527 Accessory 527 • Fits aero bars • • Fits square bars • • • • • • Fitting kit needed • • • TÜV approved • • • • • • Fulfils City Crash norms • 2 Miscellaneous Incl 762 or 862 1200 544 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 The most of our accessories are fitted, enabling usage of the07➝ entire length of the bar. Mondeo (MK III), 4-dr Sedan, 950 761 003 544 750 762 or 862 1445 544 On a square bar Mondeo (MKthe III), accessories 5-dr Estate, 07➝are attached around the bar, onlyMondeo permitting the distance (MK III),use 5-drof Hatchback, 07➝ in between the load carrier feet. 750 769 or 869 1449 544 750 762 or 862 1445 544 Incl 750 761 or 861 1005 544 753 761 or 861 3026 Incl 761 or 860 760 or 860 760 or 860 )NCL )NCL 1005 Can be rasied 27-77 cm with adapters. 421 (27-44cm) 422 (38-55cm) 423 (61-77cm) 775 760 or 860 755 760 or 860 Incl 750 761 or 861 775 761 or 861 755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 1005 544 753 761 or 861 3026 Incl 760 or 860 761 or 860 )NCL Incl 1226 544 411 Incl Incl Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl ¹Maximum load is the maximum approved weight for each type of load carrier. Consult your car manual and the Thule fitting instruction for your car’s maximum load limit. ²Foot height is the distance from the base of the foot to the top of the bar. Please note: for distances to the bottom of the bar, deduct 22 mm for squarebars and 27 mm for aero bars. Load carrier feet in sets of four. For detailed information, see abowe. One key for all your Thule gear. * 544 411, 120 cm Thule Rapid Intracker 596 544 761 or 861 100 Foot height (cm) 2 544 777 1109 750 410/411 100 Ein Lastenträger, verschiedenes Zubehör – ein Schlüssel um alles abzuschließen. C No fit 761 755 100 527 950 750 757 100 Name * 544 761 950 775 100 Vom Fahrzeughersteller vorgegebene max. Dachlast; 30 kg Incl 3033 751 100 Incl 951 760 or 860 753 Load capacity (kg)1 Incl 950 Incl Thule Incl 761 or 861 Lastenträger, Trägerrohre 1124 Thule Rapid Railing Ein fahrzeugspezifisches Kit ist notwendig, um den Fahrradheckträger an dem Fahrzeug zu befestigen. • 410 Incl or 2167 Thule Rapid Railing Incl • * 1005 Thule Rapid Crossroad 420 544 • 544 • 544 • Thule Rapid Fixpoint XT Maximale Anzahl an Fahrrädern, die Sie mit dem angegebenen Fahrradträger transportieren können. ¹Maximum load is the maximum approved weight for each type of load carrier. Consult your car manual for your car’s maximum load limit. ²Foot height is the distance from the base of the foot Estate, with roof railing 411 using Thule’s Incl original carrier. Please consult toMondeo, the top of5-dr the bar. Please01➝03, note: for04➝07, distances to the bottom of the bar, deduct 22 mm for squarebars and 27 mm for aero bars. ³Applies when your Thule dealer before using with another manufacturer’s carrier. Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 or or • Incl 527 • 527 • 762951 or 862 527 SquareMondeo, bars 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07, with roof railing Art. no.Mondeo, 760, 108 cm. 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝06, 07➝, with roof railing Art. no. 761, 120 cm. Art. no.or769, 127 cm. 5-drcm. Hatchback, 93➝00 Art. no.Mondeo, 762, 135 Art. no.Mondeo, 763, 150 5-drcm. Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint One Key System 544 761 or 861 762 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07 ?? Incl • Incl • 761 or 861 Thule 951 108 cm. 5-drcm. Estate, 93➝00 Art. no.Mondeo, 861, 120 Art. no.Mondeo, 869, 127 5-drcm. Estate, 93➝00, with roof railing Art. no. 862, 135 cm. or Art. no. 863, 150 cm. 7,5 544 • 750 Granada, 5-dr Estate, 80➝84 or or Aero bars Art. no.or860, 4,5 750 527 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝00 ?? 755 762 In short,Mondeo, which 4-dr option you choose is a matter of taste but Sedan, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint also of how much you want to fit to the load carrier. or 411 D 4700 761 or 861 Mentor, 4-dr a Sedan, 95➝where (ASIA) aero bar has t-track 100 Incl 75 Thule 750 951 For most of our load carriers you have the option of buying 5-dr SUV, 01➝ either aMaverick, traditional, square load bar, or an elegant aero bar Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 01➝, with T-profile made of aluminium. 75 Das Montagekit beinhaltet fahrzeugspezifische Halteklammern und Gummiauflagen zur Befestigung auf dem Fahrzeugdach. 410/411 950 Thule Rapid 753 Load carrier bars 755 544 Max Zuladung kg 01➝, with T-profile 75 Maverick, 5-drinSUV, Granada, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝84 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98 (ASIA) 4900 • 1084 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with T-profile 3-dr Hatchback, LookKa,up your car 97➝ The numbers represent Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, make, model and 90➝94 the(USA) components you (ASIA) type.Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 need to complete your Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 (USA) load carrier. Die Trägerrohre beinhalten 2 Traversen, wahlweise Aluschienenprofil oder Vierkant in Stahl oder Aluminium erhältlich. Für nähere Informationen siehe Tabelle. Incl Thule all. Simply ask for Thule One Key C Focus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, 04, with roof railing Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ Inhalt: 544 Thule Rapid Railing 544 C • 3033 • • 860 760 or Fußhöhe4-dr Sedan, 95➝ (ASIA) Mentor, Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05 1040 761 Passend für Dachrelinggrößen 761 von 20-68 mm 761 Durchmesser. 1 Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 1458 750 2 Ist der Fußsatz nicht abschließbar, empfehlen wir Ihnen diesen nach zu rüsten. 410 Incl 950 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ Die Nummern zeigen Ihnen die Komponenten, die Sie alle benötigen um Ihren Lastenträger zu vervollständigen. Incl Laser, Hatchback, 90➝94 (USA) Weitere3-dr Merkmale Ka, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝ Normenvorschlag 596 2167Thule Rapid 1124 Intracker 100 750 System Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing Suchen Sie nach Ihrem Fabrikat, Modell, Baujahr. 769775 or 869 • Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing Passend für Aluschienenprofil3 • Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 01➝05 Passend für Vierkantprofil • Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with T-profile Passendes Kit wird benötigt • Granada, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝84 TÜV-geprüft • Granada, 5-dr Estate, 80➝84 777 760 or 860 ?? Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof Schloss • railing 1025 760 or 860 carrier or roof box. Exchanging 5�� See page 2 for specifications of Info, markings A-L Fo r d 750 100 761 or 861 769 Rapid Thule Crossroad 769 or 869 keeping track of different 544 544 477 Ranger, 2-dr Singe� cab, ��-� 7�� or ��� Only permits fitting of one load carrier bar. Inc� 527 75� 75� Holes have to be drilled in the roof. L 544 C Ranger, 2-dr Singe� cab, �3-� Puma, 2-dr Coupé, �7-��1 K Inc� 1��5 7�1 or ��1 760 or 860 761 or 860 760 or 860 �5� �5� Incl Inc� Inc� Inc� Der THULE Fußsatz beinhaltet 4 Füße. Für nähere Informationen siehe Seite 3. Der Thule Fußsatz beinhaltet 4 Füße, die Thule Trägerrohre 2 Rohre. Inc� 7�1 or ��1 544 7�2 41� 544 7�1 or ��1 7�1 or ��1 75� 753 410 41� Inc� 122� 411 755 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatc�back, �1-��3, �4-��7, wit� fixpoint or or or or * 544 7�� or ��� 7�� or ��� 75� Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �1-��3, �4-��7, wit� roof rai�ing Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �1-��3, �4-���, �7-�, wit� roof rai�ing or fusssätze Erfüllt den City Crash- 3�2� 775 762 o�� 7�2 or ��2 862 Inc� 7�1 or ��1 750 75� 750 75� 41� 7�1 or ��1 755 Galaxy, 5-T Ga�axy, 5-drMPV, MPV,��-��� 96->00 The rear door bike carrier that fits your car. Inc� 75� 950 �5� Galaxy, 5-T Ga�axy, 5-drMPV, MPV,�5-���, 95->00,�1-��5, 01->05,mit with �ac�re�ing roof railing Important information regarding your load carrier, see below. 5�� 753 Fusion, 5-T 5-drSc�r�g�eck, Hatchback,, 02->05 �2-��5 769 o�� 7�� or ��� 869 Lock. Included in the footpack or optional. E � 544 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, �3-��� Fusion, 4-T 4-drSedan, Sedan,��-� 06->(USA) (USA) 7�2 or ��2 544 544 544 544 ford - ford 777 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, �1-��3, �4-��7, wit� fixpoint or oder 75� 5�� 544 1�1 7�1 or ��1 7�1 or ��1 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �1-� 777 1�1 242 243 111� 75� 755 Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Hatc�back, �7-� 750 75� A complete load carrier in one single package. Inc� 527 1��4 7�3 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, �3-��� Maverick, 3-dr SUV, �3-�, wit� roof rai�ing Mondeo (MK III), 4-dr Sedan, �7-� Fusion, 5-T 5-drSc�r�g�eck, Hatchback,, 06-> ��-� Adapters for cars with short roofs, to increase the distance between the load bars. 527 7�2 75� �5� Laser, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��4 (USA) Laser, 4-dr Sedan, �5-��� (ASIA) Laser, 4-dr Sedan, ��-���, �1-��3 Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Estate, �7-� 761 o�� 7�1 or ��1 861 753 Ka, 3-dr Hatc�back, �7-� Laser, 3-dr Hatc�back, ��-��4 (USA) Laser, 3-dr Hatc�back, �5-��� (ASIA) 750 75� Load carrier Kit in a set of four. For car specific fit of the load carrier feet to the car roof. No fit Granada, 5-dr Estate, ��-��4 Focus, 5-T 5-drEstate, Estate,��-��3, 98->03,�4, 04,mit with �ac�re�ing roof railing � 7�� o�� ��� 7�� o�� ��� Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-�, wit� T-profi�e Fiesta, 3-T 3-drSc�r�g�eck, Hatchback,, 96->02 ��-��2 C Inc� 544 775 755 Granada, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��4 Fo r d 544 544 Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-���, �1-��5, wit� roof rai�ing Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-���, �1-��5, wit� roof rai�ing Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, �1-��5 Load bars in sets of two. In steel or aluminium. For information, see page 3. Inc� 544 1124 411 Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-��� 41� Inc� 21�7 75� 75� Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, �5-���, �1-��5, mit �ac�re�ing ford - ford Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 Thule Rapid Fixpoint XT Low Name What do the symbols and numbers mean? You find a key on page 75. Make life easier and save yourself the trouble of keeping track of different sets of 410for your Incl load carrier, keys ski carrier, bike carrier or roof box. Exchange the lock cylinders in all your Thule products and use the same key for them all. Simply ask for Thule One Key System! Load bars in sets of two. In steel or aluminium. For information, see abowe. Load carrier Kit in a set of four. For car specific fit of the load carrier feet to the car roof. Adapters for cars with short roofs, to increase the distance between the load bars. A complete load carrier in one single package. Lock. Included in the footpack or optional. Important information regarding your load carrier, see table to the right. The rear door bike carrier that fits your car. Kit needed for fitting the bike carrier to your particular car. Max. number of bikes you can carry with the actual bike carrier. A Max load30 kg B ıı 40 kg C ıı 50 kg D ıı 60 kg E ıı 65 kg H The distance between the load carrier bars does not permit the fitting of a roof box. J Locked using the Thule Tool Key. K Holes have to be drilled in the roof. L Only permits fitting of one load carrier bar. AC U R A CL, 2-dr Coupé, 00➝03 950 761 2085 Coupé, 2-dr Coupé, 96➝99 950 761 219 544 EL, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝05 750 761 or 861 1068 Integra, 3-dr Coupé, 86➝89 950 761 003 Integra, 3-dr Coupé, 90➝93 950 761 109 544 Integra, 5-dr Hatchback, 86➝89 950 761 003 544 Integra, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝93 950 761 109 Legend, 2-dr Coupé, 91➝95 950 762 126 Legend, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝95 950 762 126 MDX, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 950 763 2195 RL, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝ 04 950 761 278 544 C TL, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝98 950 761 227 544 C TL, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03 950 761 2054 544 B TL, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) 950 762 2138 TSX, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ 950 762 2137 951 762 90, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝87 950 761 009 145, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1070 146, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝00 750 761 or 861 146, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝00 950 761 477 B 596 544 477 596 544 477 H H 596 544 477 596 544 A L E KO S/SL 527 A L FA R O M E O 147, 3-dr Hatchback, 01➝05 544 777 596 C 1069 544 C 145 544 C No fit 147, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝04 750 761 or 861 1213 544 155, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝97 750 761 or 861 1016 544 775 761 or 861 Incl 755/757 761 or 861 Incl 156 Crosswagon, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing or 156 Sportswagon, 5-dr Estate, 00➝05 156 Sportswagon, 5-dr Estate, 00➝05, with roof railing Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl No fit 755/757 761 or 861 156, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝05 750 761 or 861 1070 544 C 159, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1419 544 C 159, 5-dr Estate, 06➝ 750 761 or 861 1419 544 C 159, 5-dr Estate, 06➝ with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 755/757 761 or 861 Incl 166, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝03, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 Alfasud, 3-dr Hatchback, 72➝83 951 761 527 Alfasud, 4-dr Sedan, 72➝83 951 761 527 Alfasud, 5-dr Hatchback, 72➝83 951 761 527 Alfetta GT/GTV, 2-dr Coupé, 84➝87 951 761 527 Alfetta GT/GTV, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝87 951 761 527 Giulietta, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝86 951 761 Sprint, 3-dr Coupé, 83➝87 950 760 80, 4-dr Sedan, 79➝86 951 761 80, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝91, 92➝94 750 950 or 410 Incl 1132 544 527 009 544 760 or 860 1001 544 761 001 544 AU D I 80, 5-dr Avant, 92➝95 80, 5-dr Avant, 92➝95, with roof railing 755/757 527 760 or 860 Incl 90, 4-dr Sedan, 79➝86 951 761 90, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝91 750 760 or 860 100, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝82 951 761 100, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝90 750 761 or 861 1001 544 100, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝93 750 761 or 861 1002 544 100, 5-dr Avant, 77➝82 951 761 100, 5-dr Avant, 83➝91 950 761 English 527 1001 544 527 527 001 544 roof mounted load carriers AU D I 100, 5-dr Avant, 83➝91, 92➝94, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 100, 5-dr Avant, 92➝94 950 761 200, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝82 951 761 200, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝90 750 761 or 861 200, 5-dr Avant, 77➝82 951 761 200, 5-dr Avant, 83➝90 950 761 200, 5-dr Avant, 83➝90, with roof railing Incl 142 1001 544 001 544 761 or 861 Incl 761 527 4000, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝91 750 760 or 860 50/Fox, 3-dr Hatchback, 75➝81 951 761 527 5000, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝82 951 761 527 5000, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝90 750 761 or 861 5000, 5-dr Avant, 77➝82 951 761 A2, 5-dr MPV, 00➝05, without sunroof 750 A3, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 A3, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 1001 544 761 or 861 1195 544 750 761 or 861 1038 544 750 769 or 869 1417 544 A3, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝03 750 761 or 861 1038 544 A3, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1417 544 A3, 5-dr Sportsback, 04➝, with roof railing 4901 869 4914 Incl A3, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2168 544 A4, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99, 00 750 761 or 861 1019 544 A4, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝04, 05➝ 07 750 761 or 861 1212 544 A4, 4-dr Sedan, 07- 750 769 or 869 1462 544 A4, 5-dr Avant, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1019 544 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl A4, 5-dr Avant, 02➝07, without roof railing A4 5-dr Avant, 08➝, with roof railing Incl 544 1001 or 411 527 951 A4, 5-dr Avant, 96➝01, 02➝04, 05➝07, with roof railing Incl 527 4000, 4-dr Sedan, 79➝86 757/755 410 544 527 C D D No fit 753 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 410 Incl 775 769 or 869 Incl 411 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl A6, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝96 750 761 or 861 1002 544 A6, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1039 544 A6, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1423 544 A6, 5-dr Avant, 94➝97 750 761 or 861 1002 544 A6, 5-dr Avant, 94➝97, 98➝04, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 410 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 761 or 861 1039 544 A6 5-dr Avant, 05➝ 753 761 or 861 4001 Incl A6, 5-dr Avant, 05➝, with roof railing 4901 869 4915 Incl A8, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝94 950 761 001 544 A8, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00, 01➝02 750 762 or 862 1222 544 Coupé, 3-dr Coupé, 82➝89 951 761 Coupé, 3-dr Coupé, 90➝95 950 761 094 544 Q7, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 753 761 or 861 4002 Incl Q7, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 4902 769 or 869 4917 Incl A6 Allroad, 5-dr Avant, 00➝04, with roof railing A6 Allroad, 5-dr Avant, 06➝, with roof railing or or A6, 5-dr Avant, 98➝04 4007 Incl 527 Quattro, 4-dr Sedan, 81➝91 951 761 TT, 2-dr Coupé, 98➝06 750 762 or 862 1180 544 TT, 3-dr Coupé, 06➝ 750 769 or 869 1459 544 527 1502, 2-dr Coupé, 75➝77 951 761 2002, 2-dr Coupé, 68➝75 951 761 1-serie, 3-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 751 760 or 860 3028 Incl 1-serie, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3028 Incl or 4611 760 or 860 BMW D 527 527 Incl C BMW 3-serie, 2-dr Coupé, 77➝82 951 761 3-serie, 2-dr Coupé, 92➝98 750 761 or 861 1015 3-serie, 2-dr Coupé, 99➝00, 01➝05, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3065 or or 527 544 Incl 4650 J 4601 760 or 860 3-serie, 2-dr Coupé, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3039 Incl 3-serie, 3-dr Compact, 94➝00 750 761 or 861 1014 544 3-serie, 3-dr Compact, 01➝04, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3065 or or Incl Incl 4650 4601 760 or 860 3-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝97 750 761 or 861 1014 544 3-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝01, 02➝04, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3065 Incl or or or 750 761 or 861 1095 760 or 860 3-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 or 4611 760 or 860 3-serie, 5-dr Touring, 05➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3-serie, 5-dr Touring, 88➝95 951 761 3-serie, 5-dr Touring, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 or 3-serie, 5-dr Touring, 00➝01, 02➝05, with fixpoint or or J Incl 3028 Incl Incl 3028 Incl 527 1014 544 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 753 760 or 860 3065 Incl 5-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝87 951 761 527 5-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝95 369 761 527 5-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝00, 01➝03 750 769 or 869 1020 544 5-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝00, 01➝03, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3065 Incl or or or 750 769 or 869 1020 4601 760 or 860 5-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 5-serie, 5-dr Touring, 91➝96 369 761 5-serie, 5-dr Touring, 97➝00, 01➝03 750 5-serie, 5-dr Touring, 97➝00, 01➝03, with fixpoint 753 1325 544 761 or 861 1020 544 761 or 861 3065 527 Incl 4650 J 4601 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 5-serie, 5-dr Touring, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 7-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝93 951 761 527 7-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝01 369 761 527 X3, 5-dr SUV, 03➝, with roof railing or X5, 5-dr SUV, 00➝ 03, 04-07 X5, 5-dr SUV, 00➝ 03, 04-07, with roof railing 1325 544 No fit 951 761 527 Incl 775 762 or 862 757/755 769 or 869 750 762 or 862 Incl 1206 544 775 762 or 862 757/755 762 or 862 753 769 or 869 4003 Incl Century, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝96 950 762 009 544 Century, 5-dr Estate, 82➝96 950 762 009 or X5, Individual 5-dr SUV, 08➝ Incl J Incl or M3, 2-dr Coupé, 87➝92 410 544 4650 7-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝ Incl J 760 or 860 5-serie, 5-dr Touring, 97➝00, 01➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 410 Incl 4650 4601 or or J 544 4650 4601 3-serie, 5-dr Touring, 96➝99, 00➝01, 02➝04, 05➝, with roof railing Incl Incl Incl BUICK Century, 5-dr Estate, 82➝96, with roof railing 544 410 Electra Park Avenue, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝90 950 762 Electra, 2-dr Coupé, 77➝84 951 762 008 Incl 544 527 roof mounted load carriers BUICK Electra, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝84 951 762 527 Electra, 5-dr Estate, 77➝90 951 763 Excelle, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 A Excelle, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 B Lacrosse, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2157 544 Le Sabre, 2-dr Coupé, 77➝85 951 762 Le Sabre, 2-dr Coupé, 86➝91 950 762 Le Sabre, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝85 951 762 Le Sabre, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝91 950 Le Sabre, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝99 Le Sabre, 5-dr Estate, 77➝89 Park Avenue, 2-dr Coupé, 82➝84 527 527 009 544 762 009 544 950 762 151 544 951 763 527 951 763 527 Park Avenue, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝84 951 763 Park Avenue, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 950 762 Regal, 2-dr Sedan, 88➝96 950 762 082 Regal, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝ 04 950 761 2035 544 Roadmaster, 5-dr Estate, 92➝96, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 Skyhawk, 2-dr Coupé, 82➝89 951 762 527 Skyhawk, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝89 951 762 527 Skylark, 2-dr Coupé, 80➝85 951 762 Skylark, 2-dr Coupé, 92➝97 950 761 Skylark, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝85 951 762 Skylark, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97 950 761 753 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 527 527 151 544 477 596 544 527 177 477 596 527 177 544 3065 Incl CA D I L L AC BLS, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝, with fixpoint BLS, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing Incl Cimarron, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝88 951 762 De Ville, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝93 950 762 007 544 De Ville, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝99 950 761 2067 544 Fleetwood, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝92 950 762 007 544 Seville, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97 950 761 201 544 SRX, 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl or 527 410 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl CHEVROLET Astro, 2-dr MPV, 85➝05 Astro, 2-dr MPV, 85➝05, with roof railing 950 757/755 763 Avalanche, 4-dr Duoble cab, 02➝06 950 763 Aveo, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝06 (USA) 950 Aveo, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 Aveo, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ (USA) Aveo, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ Blazer Tahoe, 4-dr SUV, 83➝97, with roof railing Blazer, 2-dr Single cab, 95➝07 054 477 762 or 862 596 Incl 2107 544 761 2124 544 761 or 861 1420 544 950 761 2124 544 750 761 or 861 1303 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 950 761 236 477 596 Blazer, 3-dr SUV, 98➝05, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Blazer, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Blazer, 5-dr SUV, 95➝07 950 761 Caprice, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝90 951 763 527 Caprice, 5-dr Estate, 77➝90 951 763 527 Caprice, 5-dr Estate, 91➝96, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 Captiva, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl or Cavalier, 2-dr Coupé, 82➝94 951 762 Cavalier, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝04 950 761 Cavalier, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝94 951 762 B Incl 236 544 4710 544 527 245 477 596 527 C CHEVROLET Cavalier, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝04 950 761 245 544 Celebrity, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝90 950 762 009 544 Chevette, 2-dr Coupé, 76➝87 951 762 527 Chevette, 4-dr Sedan, 76➝87 951 762 527 Chevy Van, 95-02 952 765 Chevy Van, 95-02, with high roof 420 765 Cobalt, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2158 544 Colorado, 2-dr Crew cab, 04➝ (USA) 950 769 2159 544 Colorado, 2-dr Single cab, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1461 544 Colorado, 4-dr Double cab, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1461 544 Colorado, 4-dr Double cab, 04➝ (USA) 950 769 2159 544 Corsa, 5-dr Estate, 97➝, with roof railing (S. AMERICA) Corsica, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝96 Cruze, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝, with roof railing 757/755 950 757/755 527 421 761 or 861 761 Incl D D Incl 086 544 761 or 861 Incl A Epica, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ (USA) 950 769 2166 544 Epica, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 769 1429 544 D Evanda, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝06 750 762 or 862 1318 544 D Evanda, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ (USA) 950 769 2166 544 HHR, 5-dr MPV, 07➝, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 Incl Impala, 2-dr Coupé, 77➝85 951 762 527 Impala, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝85 951 762 Impala, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ (USA) 950 762 2174 544 Kalos, 3-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1303 544 C Kalos, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1303 544 C Lacetti, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ 950 769 2165 544 1338 544 B 141 544 D Lacetti, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing 527 757/755 760 or 860 Lacetti, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 Lumina, 3-dr Van, 90➝96 950 763 Lumina, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝01 950 761 138 544 Lumina, 5-dr MPV, 90➝96, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Malibu Maxx, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2156 544 Malibu, 2-dr Coupé, 78➝81 951 762 527 Malibu, 4-dr Sedan, 78➝81 951 762 527 Malibu, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝03 950 761 2015 544 Malibu, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 950 762 2152 544 Malibu, 5-dr Estate, 78➝81 951 762 Matiz (Mk. I), 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Matiz (Mk. II), 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 Matiz (Mk. II), 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 757/755 760 or 860 Matiz, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05, with roof railing (MK1) or Incl 527 1105 544 Incl 1415 544 C Incl Incl Metro, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝01 950 761 2017 544 Metro, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝ 950 761 2017 544 Monte Carlo, 2-dr Coupé, 78➝88 951 762 Monte Carlo, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝99 950 761 138 477 596 Monte Carlo, 2-dr Coupé, 00➝05 950 761 2074 477 596 Monza, 2-dr Coupé, 80 951 762 Niva, 5-dr SUV, 03➝ 750 769 or 869 Nomad, 2-dr Coupé, 55➝57 952 765 527 Nova, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝88 951 762 527 Nova, 5-dr Hatchback, 86➝88 951 762 Nubira III, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 757/755 760 or 860 Optra, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 A Optra, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 B Rezzo, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1207 544 Nubira III, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing 527 527 1359 544 C 527 1338 544 A Incl roof mounted load carriers CHEVROLET Rezzo, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04, 05➝, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl S-10, 2-dr Single cab, 94➝00, 01➝ 950 761 236 Silverado, 2-dr Single cab, 99➝01, 02➝ 950 763 2082 477 596 Silverado, 3-dr Crew cab, 99➝01, 02➝ 950 763 2082 477 596 Silverado, 4-dr Double cab, 00➝01, 02➝ 950 762 2082 544 Spark, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1415 544 Spektrum, 3-dr Hatchback, 85➝88 950 760 010 Sprint, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝91 950 761 043 596 C Sprint, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝91 950 761 043 544 C Suburban, 5-dr SUV, 00➝02, 03➝ 950 763 2107 544 Suburban, 5-dr SUV, 00➝, with T-profile 4700 762 or 862 4710 544 Tahoe, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 757/755 762 or 862 750 762 or 862 1181 544 Trailblazer, 5-dr SUV, 02➝, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3062 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 757/755 761 or 861 Tahoe, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05, with roof railing Tracker, 5-dr SUV, 99➝ Trans Sport, 4-dr MPV, 97➝, with roof railing Trans Sport, 4-dr MPV, 98➝, with one sliding door Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 97➝, with roof railing 950 757/755 762 544 410 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl H C 544 477 544 Incl 544 Incl 2016 544 761 or 861 Incl Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 98➝, with dual sliding doors 950 762 2016 544 Truck, 2-dr Single cab, 88➝ 950 763 083 544 Venture, 4-dr MPV, 97➝05, with one sliding door 950 762 2016 544 Venture, 5-dr MPV, 97➝05, with dual sliding doors 950 762 2016 544 Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 98➝04, with fixpoint 4304 761 Incl C H I N A AU TO M O B I L E CEO, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with roof railing or Jonway Ufo, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with roof railing or 775 762 or 862 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl C H RYS L E R 300C, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) 950 762 300C, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 761 or 861 775 769 or 869 757/755 761 or 861 or 300M, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝03 Aspen, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing or 109 544 1117 544 Incl Incl Cirrus, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 950 761 255 544 Conquest, 87➝89 950 761 003 544 Grand Voyager, 4-dr MPV, 95➝00, with one sliding door 950 762 268 544 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 91➝95 951 763 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝03, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00 750 762 or 862 1043 544 757/755 761 or 861 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝03, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 750 762 or 862 1260 544 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 04➝07, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3040 Le Baron, 2-dr Coupé, 82➝89 951 762 527 Le Baron, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝89 951 762 527 Neon, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝97 950 761 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝97 950 761 232 544 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝99 950 761 2056 544 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝04 750 760 or 860 1192 544 New Yorker, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝89 950 762 009 544 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, with roof railing 527 Incl Incl Incl Mini Van, 84➝95, with roof railing 411 232 477 Incl 596 C D C H RYS L E R PT Cruiser, 5-dr Estate, 00➝ 750 761 or 861 1203 544 PT Cruiser, 5-dr Estate, 00➝, with T-profile 4700 Sebring, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝06 750 761 or 861 4710 544 761 or 861 1227 Stratus, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 544 950 761 255 544 Town & Country, 4-dr MPV, 95➝00 with one sliding door 950 762 268 544 Town & Country, 4-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝03, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 90➝95 951 763 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝03, 04➝07 750 762 or 862 1043 544 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝03, 04➝07, with roof railing 527 757/755 761 or 861 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝03, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ 07, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3040 Incl Vista, 3-dr MPV, 92➝95 950 762 169 544 Voyager, 4-dr MPV, 95➝00 950 762 268 544 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 88➝95 951 763 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝03, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00 750 762 or 862 1043 544 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 757/755 769 or 869 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 750 762 or 862 1260 544 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 04➝07, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3040 Incl Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 08➝, with roof railing 775 762 or 862 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 08➝, without railing 750 763 or 863 2 CV/Dyane, 4-dr Sedan, 71➝90 951 762 AX, 3-dr Hatchback, 86➝98, with fixed side rear window 950 761 064 AX, 3-dr Hatchback, 86➝98, with openable rear window 950 761 064 544 950 761 064 544 or C Incl 527 Incl Incl Incl 1470 544 D CITROËN AX, 5-dr Hatchback, 86➝98 527 477 596 Berlingo Family, 4-dr MPV, 03➝, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Berlingo Top, 5-dr MPV, 01➝, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Berlingo Van, 97➝02, 03➝07 750 761 or 861 1184 544 Berlingo Van, 08➝, with fixpoint 751 769 or 869 3072 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 769 or 869 Incl BX, 5-dr Estate, 89➝94, with roof railing C-crosser, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with roof railing or 757/755 769 or 869 C1, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 C15, 3-dr Van, 85➝05 952 762 C2, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ C3 X-TR, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with roof railing 544 410 Incl 411 Incl C 542 C 527 No fit 775 769 or 869 Incl 769 or 869 Incl C3, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝ 750 769 or 869 C4 Picasso Grand, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 762 or 862 C4 Grand Picasso, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ (with fixpoint) 753 761 or 861 C4 Picasso, 5-dr MPV, 07➝, with roof railing 775 762 or 862 757/755 762 or 862 C4 Picasso, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ (with fixpoint) 753 761 or 861 3056 Incl C4, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝, with fixpoint, without sunroof 753 760 or 860 3019 Incl C4, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝, with fixpoint, without sunroof 753 760 or 860 3019 Incl C5, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝04, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3041 Incl C5, 5-dr Estate, 01➝04, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3041 Incl C5, 5-dr Estate, 01➝07, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl C5, 5-dr Estate, 08➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl or Incl Incl 1444 757/755 or 410 1270 544 D Incl 3056 Incl Incl Incl roof mounted load carriers CITROËN C5, 5-dr Sedan, 08➝, with fixpoint 751 761 or 861 3017 Incl C6, 5-dr Liftback, 05➝, with fixpoint 751 761 or 861 3017 Incl C8, 5-dr MPV, 02➝, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3035 Incl or 4610 761 or 861 C8, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 1313 544 C25, 83➝94 952 765 C25, 83➝94, with high roof 420 766 C35, 74-92 953 766 Chanson, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝03 750 760 or 860 1046 544 C Chanson, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝03 750 760 or 860 1046 544 C CX, 4-dr Sedan, 75➝89 951 761 CX, 5-dr Estate, 75➝92 951 762 Dispatch, 3-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Dispatch, 4-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Dispatch, 4-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 Incl Dispatch, 5-dr Van, 95➝03, 05➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Dispatch, 5-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 Incl Evasion, 5-dr MPV, 94➝02, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3035 Incl or 4700 762 or 862 4710 GSA, 72➝93 951 761 Jumper, 2-dr Single cab, 00➝06 950 766 2095 544 L Jumper, 2-dr Single cab, 06➝ 750 394 1439 544 A Jumper, 4-dr Van, 95➝05, with fixpoint 753 393 3054 Incl Jumper, 4-dr Van, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 763 or 863 3031 Incl Jumper, 4-dr Double cab chassi, 00➝06 950 766 2095 544 Jumper, 4-dr Double cab, 06➝ 750 394 1439 544 Jumpy, 3-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Jumpy, 3-dr Van, 05➝, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Jumpy, 4-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Jumpy, 4-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 Incl Jumpy, 5-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Jumpy, 5-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 LNA, 2-dr Coupé, 82➝86 951 761 Nemo, 3/4-dr Van, with railing 775 763 or 863 Nemo, 3/4/5-dr Van, 08➝, with fixpoint 751 769 or 869 RE/RD 953 766 527 or 420 766 Incl Saxo, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝03 750 760 or 860 1046 544 C Saxo, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝03 750 760 or 860 1046 544 C Visa, 2-dr Coupé, 80➝89 951 761 Visa, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝89 951 761 Xantia, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝01 750 761 or 861 or 4602 760 or 860 XM, 5-dr Estate, 90➝00 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 XM, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝00 750 761 or 861 1003 544 Xsara Picasso, 5-dr MPV, 00➝03, 04➝08 750 761 or 861 1184 544 C XM, 5-dr Estate, 90➝00, with roof railing Xsara Picasso, 5-dr MPV, 00➝03, 04➝, with sunroof J D 527 422 Incl 527 527 527 544 527 D Incl 527 Incl 3070 Incl 527 527 1003 544 1003 544 Incl 750 761 or 861 1056 544 D Xsara, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝ 750 761 or 861 1056 544 D 1012 544 1012 544 ZX, 5-dr Estate, 92➝98, with roof railing ZX, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝98 10 Incl 410 Incl No fit Xsara, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝ ZX, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝98 410 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 Incl DAC I A Logan, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 Logan MCV, 3-dr Van, 07➝, with roof railing 757 760 or 860 Logan MCV, 5-dr Estate, 07➝ , with roof railing 757 760 or 860 Logan, 5-dr MPV, 07➝, with roof railing 1378 544 C 775 760 or 860 757/755 760 or 860 750 761 or 861 1378 544 Aranos, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 950 761 138 544 Cielo, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝97, with fixpoint 4304 760 d’Artz, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝05 750 761 or 861 1105 544 Espero, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 950 761 138 544 Evanda, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝06 750 762 or 862 1318 544 D Kalos, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1303 544 C Lacetti, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 A Lacetti, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 B Lanos, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 750 760 or 860 1107 Lanos, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝03 750 761 or 861 1107 544 Lanos, 5-dr Hatchback, 97➝ 750 761 or 861 1107 544 or Sandero, 5-dr hatchback, 08➝ Incl Incl DA E WO O Le mans, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94, with fixpoint 4304 760 Le mans, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝94, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl 777 596 Incl Incl Leganza, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝ 750 761 or 861 1107 544 Matiz, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝05 750 761 or 861 1105 544 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 1203 544 Matiz, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05, with roof railing Musso, 5-dr SUV, 00➝ Nexia, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98, with fixpoint 4304 Incl 760 Incl Nubira I, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝99 750 761 or 861 1107 544 Nubira II, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝02 750 761 or 861 1107 544 757/755 760 or 860 750 761 or 861 1338 544 757/755 760 or 860 Nubira II, 5-dr Estate, 97➝03, with roof railing Nubira III, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ Nubira III, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing Incl 410 950 761 Racer II, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝97, with fixpoint 4304 760 Rezzo, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04, 05➝ Rezzo, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04, 05➝, with roof railing 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 2023 544 1207 544 Incl Incl Royal 951 762 Tacuma, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Tacuma, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04, 05➝, with roof railing A Incl Nubira, 5-dr Estate, 97➝03, 04➝, with roof railing Nubira, 5-dr Hatchback, 97➝02 C 410 Incl 410 Incl 527 1207 544 DA F Daf 66, 4-dr Coupé, 72➝76 951 761 527 Daf 66, 4-dr Sedan, 72➝76 951 761 527 Daf 66, 5-dr Estate, 72➝76 951 761 527 Daf 200, Van, 89➝97 953 765 or 420 765 421 Incl Daf 400 LWB, Van 420 766 422 Incl Daf 400 LWB, Van, with high roof 420 766 423 Incl 850, Van 420 762 421 Incl Altis, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝06 750 762 or 862 Applause, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝97 951 761 527 Applause, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00 369 761 527 Atrai, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ (JPN) 952 769 Bego, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 527 DA I H AT S U 1261 1395 544 527 C 544 B 11 roof mounted load carriers DA I H AT S U Boon, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ (JPN) No fit Charade, 3-dr Hatchback, 83➝86 951 761 Charmant, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝87 951 761 Charade, 5-dr Hatchback, 03-07 750 761 or 861 1424 544 C Cuore (Mk VII), 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 761 or 861 1457 544 C Cuore (Mk VI), 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝07 750 761 or 861 1424 544 C Cuore, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 950 760 151 477 596 C Cuore, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝00, 01➝02 750 761 or 861 1162 777 596 C Cuore, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 950 760 151 Cuore, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝00, 01➝02 750 761 or 861 1162 Feroza, 2-dr SUV, 88➝00 951 761 542 527 Feroza, 3-dr SUV, 88➝00 951 761 542 527 Feroza, 3-dr SUV, 88➝00, with roof railing 527 527 544 544 760 or 860 Incl Hijet, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ (JPN) 952 769 527 Materia, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 1394 Mira (Mk V), 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝02 750 761 or 861 1162 Mira (Mk V), 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝02 750 761 or 861 Sirion, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝04 750 761 or 861 757/755 Sirion, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ C 410 C 544 B 596 C 1162 544 C 1133 544 777 No fit Storia, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝04 750 761 or 861 1133 544 Terios, 5-dr SUV, 97➝99 950 760 094 544 3024 Incl Terios, 5-dr SUV, 00➝05, with T-profile No fit Terios, 5-dr SUV, 98-99, 00-05, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 Terios, 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Trevis, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ 750 761 or 861 1433 544 D YRV, 5-dr Estate, 00➝ 750 761 or 861 1220 544 C 400, 2-dr Coupé, 82➝83 951 762 527 400, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝83 951 762 527 600, 2-dr Coupé, 83➝88 951 762 527 600, 2-dr Sedan, 83➝88 951 762 527 Aries, 81➝89 951 762 527 Incl DODGE Caliber, 5-dr SUV, 06➝ No fit Caravan, 4-dr MPV, 84➝95 951 765 Caravan, 4-dr MPV, 84➝95, 96➝00, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Caravan, 4-dr MPV, 96➝00, with one sliding door 950 762 268 544 Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 950 762 268 544 Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝07, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 762 or 862 4710 Challenger, 2-dr Coupé, 78➝83 951 762 Charger, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) 950 762 2175 544 Colt Vista Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 92➝95 950 762 169 544 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝92 950 761 074 544 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝ 950 761 158 544 Colt, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝95 950 761 186 544 Dakota, 4-dr Quad Cab, 00➝ 950 761 2100 544 Dakota, 2-dr Single cab, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2164 544 Dakota, 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2164 544 Diplomat, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝89 950 761 009 544 Durango, 5-dr SUV, 03➝ (USA) 950 761 2100 544 Grand Caravan, 4-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝07, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝07, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Neon, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝97 950 761 232 12 527 Incl 544 527 477 596 D C Incl DODGE Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝97 950 761 232 544 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝99 950 761 2056 544 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝04 750 761 or 861 1192 544 Omni, 78➝90 951 762 Ram, 79➝94 952 765 Ram 1500, 2-dr Single cab, 02➝ 950 762 2100 544 Ram 1500, 4-dr Double cab, 02➝ 950 762 2100 544 Ram, 2-dr Single cab, 94➝01 950 762 082 544 Ram, 3-dr Crew cab, 94➝01 950 762 082 544 Ram, 4-dr Double cab, 98➝01 950 762 082 544 Stealth, 3-dr Coupé, 92➝96 950 761 207 544 Stratus, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99, 00 950 761 255 544 Stratus, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ 750 761 or 861 1227 544 Van, 5-dr MPV, 88➝03 952 765 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 950 762 268 544 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝07, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Summit, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝92 950 761 074 544 Summit, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝96 950 761 158 544 Summit, 3-dr MPV, 92➝96 950 762 169 544 Summit, 3-dr MPV, 92➝96, with T-profile 4700 760 or 860 4710 544 Summit, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝92 950 761 075 544 Summit, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝95 950 761 186 544 124 Sport, 2-dr Coupé, 68➝75 951 761 527 127, 72➝83 951 761 527 128, 70➝80 951 761 527 131, 74➝83 951 761 527 132, 73➝85 951 761 527 500, 3-dr Hatchback, 07- 750 761 or 861 Argenta, 4-dr Sedan, 81➝85 951 761 Brava, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 750 761 or 861 1059 544 D Bravissimo, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 750 761 or 861 1059 544 D Bravo, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 750 761 or 861 1059 544 D Bravo, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1451 544 Cinquecento, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 950 760 198 544 D 527 527 H C 527 E AG L E D F I AT Coupé, 2-dr Coupé, 94➝02 1464 777 544 527 No fit Croma, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝96 750 761 or 861 1003 544 Croma, 5-dr Estate, 05➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3053 Incl Croma, 5-dr Estate, 05➝, with roof railing or Doblo Malibo, 5-dr Van, 00➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Incl 775 762 or 862 757/755 769 or 869 Doblo, 3-dr Van, 00➝03, 04➝05, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3021 Incl Doblo, 5-dr Van, 00➝03, 04➝05, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3021 Incl or 750 761 or 861 1099 544 or Doblo, 5-dr Van, 00➝03, 04➝, with high roof 410 Incl Incl No fit Ducato, 83➝94, with high roof 420 766 Ducato, 2-dr Single cab, 96➝06 950 766 2095 422 544 Incl L Ducato, 2-dr Single cab, 06➝ 750 394 1439 544 A Ducato, 4-dr Van, 95➝05, with fixpoint 753 393 3054 Incl Ducato, 4-dr Van, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 763 or 863 3031 Incl Ducato, 4-dr Double cab, 95➝05 950 766 2095 544 Ducato, 4-dr Double cab, 06➝ 750 394 1439 544 Duna, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝95 950 761 016 544 D 13 roof mounted load carriers F I AT Duna, 5-dr Estate, 89➝95 950 761 Fiorino, 3/4-dr VAN, 08➝ with roof railing 775 762 or 862 Fiorino 3/4/5-dr Van, 08➝ (with fixpoint) 751 769 or 869 3070 Incl Grande Punto, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1413 544 C 1413 544 C Grande Punto, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 016 544 Incl 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Idea, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3004 Incl Linnea, 4-dr Sedan, 07➝ 750 761 or 861 1447 544 Marea, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝02 750 761 or 861 1059 544 Idea, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝, with roof railing Marea, 5-dr Estate, 96➝03, with roof railing Incl 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Multipla, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01, 02➝04, 05➝ 750 763 or 863 Palio, 5-dr Estate, 97➝00, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 or 1130 950 761 023 Panda 45, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝99, with openable rear window 950 761 023 477 775 769 or 869 Incl 769 or 869 Incl Panda, 3-dr Hatchback, 83➝02, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 544 775 769 or 869 769 or 869 Punto, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝98 750 761 or 861 1175 544 Punto, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1169 544 Punto, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝98 750 761 or 861 1175 544 Punto, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1169 544 3070 Incl Qubo, 5-dr MPV, 08➝, With Fixpoint 769 or 869 762 or 862 or 775 762 or 862 Regatta, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝90 951 761 Ritmo, 5-dr Hatchback, 78➝88 951 761 Scudo, 3-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Scudo, 4-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Scudo, 4-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 Incl Scudo, 5-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Scudo, 5-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 Incl Sedici, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Seicento, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝ 750 760 or 860 Stilo Multiwagon, 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Stilo Uproad, 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Stilo, 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3004 Incl Stilo, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3004 Incl or 750 762 or 862 1265 757/755 760 or 860 Strada, 2-dr Crew cab, 04➝, with roof railing Strada, 2-dr Single cab, 02➝ 1106 410 Incl Incl Incl 544 Incl H No fit 766 527 420 766 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Tipo, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝96 750 761 or 861 1016 544 Ulysse, 5-dr MPV, 94➝01, 02➝, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3035 Incl Ulysse, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 1313 544 Ulysse, 5-dr MPV, 02➝, with T-profile 4610 761 or 861 757/755 760 or 860 14 Incl 544 or Uno, 5-dr Hatchback, 84➝98 411 D 527 953 Uno, 5-dr Estate, 84➝98, with roof railing Incl C 527 Talento, Van, 95➝05 Tempra, 5-dr Estate, 89➝98, with roof railing 411 Incl 751 or C, H Incl 757/755 Qubo, 5-dr MPV, 08➝, with roof railing Incl Incl 1099 757/755 or 410 596 757/755 Panda, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝, with roof railing Incl 544 or Panda, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 410 544 Incl Panda 45, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝99, with fixed side rear window Panda 4X4, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with roof railing D 950 761 Incl D J Incl 016 544 FO R D Aerostar, 4-dr MPV, 85➝97, with T-profile Aerostar, 4-dr MPV, 90➝97 Aerostar, 4-dr MPV, 90➝97, with roof railing 4700 760 or 860 4710 950 762 056 757/755 544 477 596 761 or 861 Incl 527 Bronco II, 4-dr SUV, 84➝90 951 763 Bronco II, 4-dr SUV, 84➝90, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 Bronco SUV, 80➝96 951 763 Capri, 2-dr Coupé, 80➝94 951 761 Courier, 2-dr Single cab, 99➝ 950 761 2066 544 Courier, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝ 950 761 2066 544 Courier, 4-dr Van, 91➝95, 96➝00 960 760 2126 Econoline, 61➝, with high roof 420 766 Escape, 5-dr SUV, 00➝07 750 762 or 862 Escape, 5-dr SUV, 08➝ 775 761 or 861 Escape, 5-dr SUV, 00➝07, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 Escort Express, 80➝90 952 762 Escort Express, 3-dr Van, 91➝01, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Escort, 3-dr Hatchback, 81➝90 951 761 527 Escort, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝99 (EUR) 950 761 139 Escort, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝99 (USA) 950 761 129 544 Escort, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝99 750 760 or 860 1299 544 Escort, 5-dr Estate, 81➝90 951 761 4710 Escort, 5-dr Estate, 91➝99, with roof railing 527 527 544 422 Incl 1200 544 4710 544 Incl 527 477 596 950 761 C 527 410 144 Incl 544 760 or 860 Incl 951 761 527 Escort, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝99 750 761 or 861 1299 544 Excursion, 5-dr SUV, 00➝, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Expedition, 5-dr SUV, 97➝02, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Explorer Sport Trac, 5-dr SUV, 01➝, with roof railing (USA) 775 762 or 862 Incl Explorer Sport, 3-dr SUV, 01➝, with roof railing (USA) 775 762 or 862 Incl Explorer, 3-dr SUV, 91➝95, 96➝01, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Explorer, 5-dr SUV, 91➝95, 96➝01, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Explorer, 5-dr SUV, 02➝05, with roof railing (USA) 775 761 or 861 Explorer, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 F-150 Single cab, 04➝ (USA) 950 763 2140 544 F-250, 2-dr Single cab, 05➝ (USA) 950 763 2173 544 F-350, 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ (USA) 950 763 2173 544 Fairmont, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝02, 03➝ (AU) 750 761 or 861 1143 544 C Falcon, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝02, 03➝ (AU) 750 761 or 861 1143 544 C Falcon, 4-dr Sedan, 08➝ (AU) 750 762 or 862 1506 544 Escort, 5-dr Hatchback, 81➝90 757/755 Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝95, 96➝02, with fixpoint Incl 410 951 761 4304 760 Incl 750 761 or 861 1025 Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝05, 06➝ 750 762 or 862 1322 Fiesta, 5-dr Hatchback, 78➝89 951 761 750 761 or 861 Fiesta, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝95, 96➝01, with fixpoint Fiesta, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05, 06➝ Focus (Mk III), 5-dr Estate, 08➝, with roof railing 4304 777 596 544 761 or 861 1025 544 1278 544 Incl 775 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Focus C-Max, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3015 or or or 751 761 or 861 3015 4601 761 or 861 Focus II, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝07, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3015 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3015 Incl or C 527 760 750 Incl 527 Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 Fiesta, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝95, 96➝01 C Incl Festiva Mini Wagon, 5-dr MPV, 97➝99, with roof railing Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 78➝89 Incl 544 Escort, 5-dr Estate, 81➝90, 91➝99, with roof railing Escort, 5-dr Estate, 91➝99 (USA) 411 Incl Incl Incl Incl 4650 Incl 15 roof mounted load carriers FO R D Focus II, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝07, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3015 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3015 Incl Focus II, 5-dr Estate, 04➝07, with T-profile 751 761 or 861 3033 Incl Focus II, 5-dr Estate, 04➝07, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3015 Incl or or 751 4700 761 or 861 761 or 861 3015 4710 Incl 544 Focus II, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝07, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3015 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3015 Incl Focus, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝03, 04 750 761 or 861 1129 Focus, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝03, 04 750 761 or 861 1129 544 or 4605 761 or 861 Focus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, 04 750 761 or 861 1129 544 Focus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, 04, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Focus, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03, 04 750 761 or 861 or 4605 761 or 861 Freda, MPV, 98➝02 953 763 or 420 763 Fusion, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) 950 769 Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05 750 Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ 750 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing or or 777 596 1129 769 or 869 1124 544 C 769 or 869 1458 544 D 750 762 or 862 1040 544 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 761 or 861 951 762 527 Granada, 5-dr Estate, 80➝84 951 762 527 Ka, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝ 750 760 or 860 Kuga, 5-dr SUV, 08➝ 775 769 or 869 Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝94 (USA) 950 761 101 544 Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 (ASIA) 950 761 242 544 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 (USA) 950 761 101 544 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98 (ASIA) 950 761 243 544 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1110 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 1109 757/755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 3033 1084 777 596 596 Incl 1109 544 761 or 861 762 or 862 1200 544 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 01➝07, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Mentor, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝ (ASIA) 950 761 003 544 Mondeo (MK III), 4-dr Sedan, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 1445 544 Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Estate, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1449 544 Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 1445 544 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝00 750 761 or 861 1005 544 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl or or or 750 4601 760 or 860 760 or 860 1226 544 Incl Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00 750 761 or 861 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 750 761 or 861 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 761 or 861 4650 1005 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 16 544 411 1005 J 544 1226 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07, with roof railing or Incl D 544 777 750 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 410 E Incl 757/755 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07 Incl Incl Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ or 410 No fit 753 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing Incl Incl 544 Granada, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝84 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝99 410 527 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with T-profile Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing Incl 544 2167 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 01➝05 410 Incl 544 FO R D Mondeo, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl or or 750 4601 761 or 860 760 or 860 1226 544 Incl Mustang, 3-dr Coupé, 94➝ 950 762 226 544 Orion, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝90 951 761 Orion, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝93 (EUR) 950 761 139 544 Orion, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝99 750 761 or 861 1299 544 Probe, 3-dr Coupé, 88➝92 950 762 009 477 Puma, 2-dr Coupé, 97➝01 750 760 or 860 1087 777 Ranger, 2-dr Single cab, 94➝99 950 762 056 544 Ranger, 2-dr Single cab, 00➝ 950 761 2066 544 Ranger, 2-dr Single cab, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1292 544 C Ranger, 4-dr Double cab, 98➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1292 544 C Ranger, 4-dr Double cab, 94➝99 950 762 056 544 Ranger, 4-dr Double cab, 00➝ 950 761 2066 544 Ranger, 4-dr Supercab, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1292 544 S-Max, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 769 or 869 3030 Incl S-Max, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, without Fixpoint 750 763 or 863 1472 544 B 1299 544 C Scorpio, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94, 95➝98 527 596 750 761 or 861 760 or 860 Scorpio, 5-dr Hatchback, 85➝94 750 761 or 861 Sierra, 3-dr Hatchback, 84➝93 368 760 527 Sierra, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝93, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Sierra, 5-dr Estate, 83➝94, with roof railing 1299 544 760 or 860 Incl 368 760 527 Sierra, 5-dr Hatchback, 84➝93 368 760 527 Taunus, 4-dr Sedan, 71➝82 951 761 Taurus, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 950 762 262 544 Taurus, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝06 950 761 2086 544 Taurus, 5-dr Estate, 86➝95 951 762 Taurus, 5-dr Estate, 86➝95, 96➝99, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Telstar, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97 950 761 168 544 Telstar, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝02 750 762 or 862 1053 544 757/755 761 or 861 Telstar, 5-dr Estate, 92➝, with roof railing C Incl Sierra, 5-dr Estate, 84➝93 757/755 C 596 757/755 Scorpio, 5-dr Estate, 85➝94, 95➝98, with roof railing C 410 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl C 527 527 Incl Telstar, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 950 761 168 544 Tempo, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝94 950 760 007 544 Territory, 4-dr SUV, 04➝ 753 760 or 860 3077 Incl Tourneo Connect, 5-dr Van, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3021 Incl or 960 762 2126 544 Tourneo Transit, 5-dr Van, 03➝ 951 766 Transit, 80/100/120/100 L/130/190, 86➝99 420 766 421 Incl Transit, 100/130/160/190, 86➝99, with high roof 420 766 423 Incl Transit 120/130/160/190, 75➝85 952 765 Transit 120/130/160/190, 86➝99 951 765 Transit Connect, 4-dr Van, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3021 or 960 762 2126 Transit, 2-dr Single cab, 00➝05, 06➝ 951 766 527 Transit, 4-dr Double cab, 00➝05, 06➝ 951 766 527 Transit, 5-dr Van, 00➝05, 06➝, with normal roof 952 766 Transit, 5-dr Van, 00➝05, 06➝, with high roof 420 766 Windstar, 5-dr MPV, 95➝96, with roof railing 527 527 527 Incl 544 527 421 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Windstar, 5-dr MPV, 98➝04, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Incl ZX 2, 2-dr Coupé, 98➝99 950 761 2056 544 D, H 17 roof mounted load carriers GAZ Gazelle 2705, 5-dr Van, 90➝02, with high roof 953 765 527 Gazelle 3221, 5-dr Van, 90➝02, with high roof 953 765 527 Sobol 2217, 5-dr Van, 96➝02 952 765 527 Sobol 2752, 5-dr Van, 96➝02, with high roof 953 765 527 Volga 2410, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝92 951 761 527 Volga 3102, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝ 951 761 527 Volga 310221, 5-dr Estate, 97➝04 951 761 527 Volga 3110, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝04 951 761 527 Metro, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝96 950 761 043 Metro, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝01 950 761 2017 544 Metro, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝01 950 761 2017 544 Metro, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝96 950 761 043 544 Prizm, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝92 951 762 Prizm, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝97 950 761 201 544 Tracker, 3-dr SUV, 90➝98 950 761 097 544 Tracker, 5-dr SUV, 96➝97 950 761 152 544 Canyon, 2-dr Crew cab, 04➝ (USA) 950 769 2159 544 D Canyon, 4-dr Double cab, 04➝ (USA) 950 769 2159 544 D Jimmy, 3-dr SUV, 95➝01 950 762 236 Jimmy, 5-dr SUV, 95➝01 950 762 236 Safari, 5-dr MPV, 85➝99 950 763 054 Sierra, 2-dr Single cab, 88➝91 950 763 083 Sierra, 2-dr Single cab, 99➝06 950 763 2082 Sierra, 3-dr Crew cab, 99➝06 950 763 2082 Sierra, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝06 950 762 2082 544 Sonoma, 4-dr Dubble cab, 94➝00 950 762 236 544 Vandura, 5-dr Van, 80➝96 952 765 Yukon XL, 5-dr SUV, 00➝02, 03➝06 950 763 2107 544 Yukon XL, 5-dr SUV, 00➝02, 03➝06, with T-profile 4700 762 or 862 4710 544 Yukon, 5-dr SUV, 00➝02, 03➝06, with T-profile 4700 762 or 862 4710 544 Astra, 3-dr Coupé, 00➝05, with fixpoint 4304 761 Incl Astra, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Astra, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl 760 or 860 Incl GEO 477 596 C C 527 GMC 477 596 544 477 596 544 544 477 H 596 527 HOLDEN Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97, 98➝03, with roof railing Astra, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 755 4304 760 Incl Astra, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3025 or or 751 760 or 860 3010 Incl Incl 4650 Astra, 5-dr Estate, 04➝06, with roof railing 4900 761 or 861 Astra, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing J 4912 Incl 4903 761 or 861 4919 Incl Astra GTC, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3025 Incl or 751 760 or 860 3010 Incl Barina, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝05, with fixpoint 4304 760 Barina, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝05, with fixpoint 4304 760 Commodore VE, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 762 or 862 Commodore, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝05 750 Commodore VE, 4-dr Estate, -08➝ 750 Jackaroo, 3-dr SUV, 93➝99 Jackaroo, 5-dr SUV, 93➝99 Incl Incl 1432 544 762 or 862 1149 544 762 or 862 1432 544 750 762 or 862 1091 750 762 or 862 1091 544 Vectra GTS, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or 751 760 or 860 3006 Incl Vectra, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝95, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1003 544 18 777 596 HOLDEN Vectra, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝05, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 or 751 760 or 860 3006 Incl Vectra, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝95, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1003 544 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl Viva, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 B Viva, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1338 544 B Zafira, 5dr MPV, 05➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3025 Incl Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 03➝04, 05➝, with roof railing Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 05➝06, with roof railing, with sunroof Incl No fit Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 05➝06, without sunroof, with roof railing 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 07➝, without sunroof, with roof railing 4903 761 or 861 4919 Incl H O N DA Accord, 80 951 761 527 Accord Aerodeck, 5-dr Estate, 86➝90, 98➝03, with roof railing Accord Aerodeck, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, with roof railing Accord Tourer, 5-dr Estate, 03➝ Accord Tourer, 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with roof railing 410 757/755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Accord, 2-dr Coupé, 90➝93 950 761 Accord, 2-dr Coupé, 94➝97 950 Accord, 2-dr Coupé, 98➝02 950 Accord, 2-dr Coupé, 03➝06 (USA) Accord, 3-dr Hatchback, 86➝89 Incl Incl 1324 544 E Incl 117 477 596 761 219 477 596 761 2028 477 596 950 762 2133 477 596 950 761 052 477 Accord, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝93, with roof railing D 596 410 Incl Accord, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝89 950 761 052 544 Accord, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝92 950 761 117 544 Accord, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝98 750 761 or 861 1018 544 Accord, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00 (ASIA) 750 761 or 861 1112 544 Accord, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝02 750 761 or 861 1134 544 Accord, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝07 750 761 or 861 1304 544 E Accord, 4-dr sedan, 08➝ 750 762 or 862 1492 544 C Accord, 5-dr Estate, 86➝90 950 761 052 544 Accord, 5-dr Estate, 91➝93 950 761 143 Accord, 5-dr Estate, 94➝97 950 761 219 Accord, 5-dr Estate, 86➝90, 98➝02, 03➝, with roof railing 411 Incl 544 477 596 Accord, 5-dr Estate, 94➝97, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Accord, 5-dr Estate, 98➝02, 03➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Accord, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝02 750 761 or 861 City, 3-dr Hatchback, 78➝86 951 761 City, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝05 750 762 or 862 Civic 13, 83➝87 951 761 Civic CRX, 2-dr Coupé, 84➝87 950 761 Civic CRX, 2-dr Coupé, 88➝91 950 761 077 544 Civic Ferio, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1068 544 Civic Ferio, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝05 750 761 or 861 1243 544 950 761 003 544 Civic Shuttle, 5-dr MPV, 84➝87 Civic Shuttle, 5-dr MPV, 88➝94, 95➝02, with roof railing 757/755 C 1134 544 1327 544 410 Incl 527 D 527 009 477 596 761 or 861 Incl 410 or Incl Civic Shuttle, 5-dr MPV, 95➝02 750 762 or 862 1075 Civic, 2-dr Coupé, 93➝95 (USA) 950 761 109 477 544 596 Civic, 2-dr Coupé, 96➝99 (USA/ASIA) 950 761 259 477 596 B, H Civic, 2-dr Coupé, 00➝03 (USA) 950 761 2097 477 596 B Civic, 3-dr Hatchback, 88➝91 950 761 077 Civic, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝95 950 761 109 477 596 Civic, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝01 950 761 259 477 596 B, H Civic, 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝03, 04➝05 750 761 or 861 1228 777 596 C Civic, 3-dr Hatchback, 06➝ (USA) 950 762 2172 477 544 E Civic, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝87 950 761 003 544 544 19 roof mounted load carriers H O N DA Civic, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 950 762 Civic, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝95 950 761 Civic, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝00 750 761 or 861 Civic, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝05 750 761 or 861 1243 544 Civic, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1425 544 Civic, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 750 761 or 861 1045 544 Civic, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 (EUR) 750 761 or 861 1045 544 Civic, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1228 544 Civic, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝05 750 761 or 861 1228 544 Civic, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ 750 769 1416 544 Concerto, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝95 950 760 001 544 Concerto, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝98 750 761 or 861 1061 544 CR-V, 5-dr SUV, 96➝01, with roof railing 077 544 167 544 1068 544 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl CR-V, 5-dr SUV, 97➝01 750 762 or 862 CR-V, 5-dr SUV, 02➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 4700 CR-V, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 or or H D 1102 544 761 or 861 4715 544 761 or 861 3042 Incl 751 761 or 861 3042 Incl Edix, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ (JPN) 750 763 or 863 1381 544 Edix, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with roof railing (JPN) 775 763 or 863 Incl 757/755 763 or 863 Incl 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl Fit Aria, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ 750 762 or 862 1327 544 D Fit, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝ (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1312 544 C FR-V, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ 750 763 or 863 1381 544 or Elysion, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with roof railing (JPN) or FR-V, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with roof railing 775 763 or 863 757/755 763 or 863 HR-V, 3-dr SUV, 99➝01, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 HR-V, 3-dr SUV, 99➝01, 02➝, with roof spoiler 750 HR-V, 5-dr SUV, 00➝01, 02➝ 750 HR-V, 5-dr SUV, 00➝01, 02➝, with roof spoiler or 762 or 862 1151 544 762 or 862 1150 544 750 762 or 862 1151 544 C Integra, 3-dr Coupé, 90➝93 950 761 109 544 C, H Integra, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝95 950 761 109 596 C, H Integra, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝93 950 761 109 544 H Jazz, 3-dr Hatchback, 78➝86 951 761 Jazz, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1312 544 Lagreat, 5-dr MPV, 99➝03, with dual sliding doors 950 761 2072 Legend, 2-dr Coupé, 91➝96 950 762 126 Legend, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 950 762 126 544 950 761 278 544 477 596 Logo, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1098 Logo, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1098 Mobilio, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ 750 762 or 862 1284 750 762 or 862 1075 544 757/755 761 or 861 2072 544 C Incl 777 596 544 777 596 A Incl Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 00➝02, with dual sliding doors 950 761 Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 00➝02 750 762 or 862 1199 544 Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ 750 762 or 862 1335 544 Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with roof railing 757/755 769 or 869 Pilot, 5-dr SUV, 02➝05, 06➝, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 B Incl Incl Prelude, 2-dr Coupé, 83➝87 950 761 Prelude, 2-dr Coupé, 92➝96 950 761 109 Quint Integra, 3-dr Hatchback, 86➝89 950 761 003 Quint Integra, 5-dr Hatchback, 86➝89 950 761 003 544 Ridgeline, 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ (USA) 950 763 2163 544 20 C 544 477 761 or 861 Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 95➝99, with roof railing Incl C 527 757/755 Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 95➝99 410 Incl 544 Life, 5-dr Estate, 99➝, with roof railing Incl Incl 1150 Legend, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝03 410 043 477 477 596 C 544 D, H 596 H O N DA Stepwagon, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 750 761 or 861 1066 544 Stepwagon, 5-dr MPV, 01➝05, with fixpoint 4700 Stream, 5-dr MPV, 00➝06 750 762 or 862 4717 544 761 or 861 1228 That’s, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 544 C 750 762 or 862 1283 544 A Torneo, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝02 750 761 or 861 1112 544 C Vigor Aerodeck, 3-dr Hatchback, 86➝89 950 761 052 950 761 052 Vigor Aerodeck, 5-dr Hatchback, 86➝89 Z, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝02, with roof railing 477 596 544 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Accent, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 750 760 or 860 1047 777 596 C Accent, 3-dr Hatchback, 00➝02, 03➝05 750 761 or 861 1186 777 596 C Accent, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝99 750 760 or 860 1047 544 Accent, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝02, 03➝05 750 761 or 861 1186 544 Accent, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 761 or 861 1412 544 Accent, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 750 760 or 860 1047 544 Accent, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝02, 03➝05 750 761 or 861 1186 544 Amica, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 750 761 or 861 1194 544 C Atos Prime, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 750 761 or 861 1194 544 C 1096 544 C H Y U N DA I Atos Prime, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ Atos, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 Atos, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03, with roof railing Avante, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝02, 03➝ Avante, 5-dr Estate, 96➝, with roof railing C No fit 750 761 or 861 757/755 760 or 860 750 761 or 861 Incl 1221 544 1221 544 757/755 760 or 860 Avante, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 Azera, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1414 Coupé, 2-dr Coupé, 97➝00 750 761 or 861 1060 Elantra, 91➝95 C Incl 596 750 761 or 861 1031 544 750 761 or 861 1221 544 C Elantra, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (AUS) 750 769 or 869 1434 544 D Elantra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1031 544 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Elantra, 5-dr Estate, 00➝06 950 761 101 544 Elantra, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1031 544 Elantra, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝02, 03➝06 750 761 or 861 1221 544 Excel, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝89 950 761 003 544 FC, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ 750 762 or 862 1255 544 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Galloper, 3-dr SUV, 99➝03 952 763 527 Galloper, 5-dr SUV, 99➝03 952 763 527 Genesis, 4-dr Sedan, 08➝ 750 769 or 869 757/755 760 or 860 750 761 or 861 1281 Getz, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1281 Grace H100, Van, 98➝04 953 763 527 or 420 763 Incl 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 Getz cross, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝, with roof railing Getz, 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝ Grandeur, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ H-1 Van, 97➝04, with roof railing 1488 411 Incl 544 Incl 777 596 544 1414 544 Incl 960 761 2126 544 H-1, 5-dr Van, 98➝04 960 761 2126 544 H1, iLoad, Starex, iMax, 5-dr van, 08➝ ,with dual sliding doors 750 763 or 863 1475 544 H1, iLoad, Starex, imax, 5-dr van, 08➝ ,with railing 775 763 or 863 i10, 5-dr Hatchback, 08➝ 750 761 or 861 1471 544 C I30 CW, 5-dr Estate, 08➝ 750 769 or 869 1478 544 C 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl or Incl C H-1, 4-dr Van, 98➝04 I30 CW, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 410 E No fit Elantra, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝02, 03➝06 FC, 5-dr MPV, 01➝, with roof railing Incl 544 777 Elantra, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 Elantra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99, with roof railing 410 C D Incl 21 roof mounted load carriers H Y U N DA I I30, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 iX 55, 5-dr SUV, 08➝ 775 769 or 869 JM, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ (JPN) 750 762 or 862 757/755 761 or 861 JM, 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with roof railing (JPN) Lantra, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝95 Incl 1361 544 Incl Incl No fit Lantra, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 Lantra, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝02, 03➝ 750 Lantra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99 750 757/755 760 or 860 Lantra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99, with roof railing 3061 1031 544 761 or 861 1221 544 761 or 861 1031 544 Incl Lantra, 5-dr Estate, 00➝02, 03➝ 950 761 101 544 Lantra, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1031 544 Lantra, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1221 544 1255 544 Lavita, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ Lavita, 5-dr MPV, 01➝, with roof railing Matrix, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ Matrix, 5-dr MPV, 01➝, with roof railing 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 527 1255 761 Pony, 3-dr Hatchback, 86➝90 950 760 098 Pony, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 750 760 or 860 1047 Pony, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝89 950 761 003 544 Pony, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝99 750 760 or 860 1047 544 Pony, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 750 760 or 860 1047 544 Santa Fé, 5-dr SUV, 00➝05 750 762 or 862 1215 544 Santa Fé, 5-dr SUV, 00➝05, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 753 760 or 860 3024 Incl 950 762 169 544 Santamo, 5-dr MPV, 96➝03 Santamo, 5-dr MPV, 96➝03, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 596 761 2126 544 Satellite, 5-dr Van, 98➝07 960 761 2126 544 Satellite, 5-dr Van, 08➝ ,with dual sliding doors 750 763 or 863 1475 544 Sonata, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝93 950 761 078 544 Sonata, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝97 750 762 or 862 1037 544 Sonata, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03, 04 750 762 or 862 1114 544 Sonata, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1388 544 Sonica, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝05 750 762 or 862 1114 544 Starex, 4-dr Van, 98➝04 960 761 2126 544 2126 544 Terracan, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 960 761 775 769 or 869 769 or 869 Terracan, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03, 04➝, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3040 544 or 4700 762 or 862 4711 544 Tiburon, 2-dr Coupé, 97➝00 750 761 or 861 1060 Trajet, 5-dr MPV, 00➝ 750 762 or 862 1202 757/755 761 or 861 Trajet, 5-dr MPV, 00➝, with roof railing Tucson, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl 411 Incl D Incl Incl 777 596 E 544 Incl 750 762 or 862 Tucson, 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Verna, 3-dr Hatchback, 00➝02, 03➝05 750 761 or 861 1186 Verna, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝02, 03➝05 750 761 or 861 1186 544 Verna, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 761 or 861 1412 544 Verna, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝02, 03➝05 750 761 or 861 1186 544 XG, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝01, 02➝03 750 762 or 862 1122 544 22 411 D Incl 757/755 or Incl C Incl 960 Starex, 5-dr Van, 98➝04 410 C 544 777 Satellite, 4-dr Van, 98➝07 Starex, 4-dr MPV, 97➝04, with roof railing Incl 544 951 Santa Fé, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 410 Incl Pony, 74➝85 or C 1361 544 Incl 777 596 C C E INFINITI EX37, 5-dr SUV, 08➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl FX, 5-dr SUV, 02➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 G, 4-dr Sedan, 91, 92➝96 950 761 131 544 G, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝06 950 762 2118 544 I30, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 750 761 or 861 1435 544 M, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2177 596 Q45, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝01 950 761 2079 544 QX4, 5-dr SUV, 97➝03 950 761 2019 544 QX4, 5-dr SUV, 97➝03, with T-profile 4700 760 or 860 4710 544 500 951 761 990 951 761 or Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl C INNOCENTI 527 527 Elba, 5-dr Estate, 92➝, with roof railing 410 Incl I S UZ U Big Horn, 3-dr SUV, 93➝98, 99➝02 750 762 or 862 1091 777 596 Big Horn, 5-dr SUV, 93➝98, 99➝02 750 762 or 862 1091 544 Campo, 2-dr Crew cab, 88➝93 950 762 003 544 Campo, 2-dr Single cab, 88➝93 950 762 003 544 D-Max Rodeo, 2-dr Single cab, 03➝ 750 769 or 869 1494 544 C D-Max Rodeo, 4-dr Double cab, 02➝07 750 761 or 861 1461 544 D Frontier, 4-dr Double cab, 98➝03 950 761 2084 544 Gemini, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝00 950 761 010 MU, 2-dr Single cab, 89➝93 950 761 003 477 596 MU, 2-dr Single cab, 94➝97 950 762 240 477 596 MU, 3-dr SUV, 89➝93 950 761 003 477 596 MU, 3-dr SUV, 94➝97 950 762 240 477 596 MU, 5-dr SUV, 89➝93 950 761 003 477 596 MU, 5-dr SUV, 94➝97 950 762 240 477 596 Pick-up, 2-dr Single cab, 88➝95 950 762 003 477 596 Trooper, 3-dr SUV, 93➝04 750 762 or 862 1091 777 Trooper, 5-dr SUV, 93➝04 750 762 or 862 1091 420 766 Daily Single cab, 76➝99 952 765 Daily, 2-dr Crew cab, 00➝ 950 766 2096 544 Daily, 4-dr Double cab, 00➝ 950 766 2096 544 Daily, 4-dr Van, 95➝05, with fixpoint 753 393 3054 Incl Daily, 4-dr Van, 00➝, with fixpoint, with high roof, with normal roof 751 762 or 862 3054 Incl Rein, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 775 761 or 861 Incl Refine, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ 775 760 or 860 Incl Daimler 4,2 951 761 527 Daimler Double Six 951 761 S-Type, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 Sovereign 951 761 X-type, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ 750 761 or 861 544 H 596 544 IVECO Daily Van, 99➝, with high roof 423 Incl 527 JAC JAG UA R X-type, 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with roof railing 527 1171 544 1229 544 527 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl XJ-Serie, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 XJ6/XJ12, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝02 951 761 527 XJS, 84➝96 951 761 527 or 1263 544 23 roof mounted load carriers JEEP Cherokee Renegade, 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Cherokee SUV, 80➝98 951 763 Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 85➝90, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 02➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Commander, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with T-profile 753 762 or 862 3040 Incl Compass, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 753 761 or 861 3067 Incl Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 92➝95, 96➝98 750 762 or 862 1101 544 Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 92➝95, 96➝98, 99➝01, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl or Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 99➝01 Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 02➝, with roof railing or Limited SUV Patriot, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing or Incl 527 4710 544 Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl No fit 775 769 or 869 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Incl 951 762 527 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Wagoner SUV, 80➝90 951 763 527 Wrangler, 2-dr SUV, 86➝ 951 763 527 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 527 H JMC Landwind, 5-dr SUV, 03➝, with roof railing or KIA Besta, 5-dr Van, 94➝ 952 763 Carens (Mk I), 5-dr MPV, 00➝01 750 761 or 861 1201 544 C Carens (Mk II), 5-dr MPV, 02➝06 750 761 or 861 1291 544 C 757/755 760 or 860 Carens (MK II), 5-dr MPV, 02➝06, with roof railing Incl or 411 Carens, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ 753 760 or 860 Carnival II, 5-dr MPV, 02➝05, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Carnival II, 5-dr MPV, 02➝05, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 Carnival II, 5-dr MPV, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl Carnival, 4-dr MPV, 98➝01, with one sliding door 950 762 268 544 268 544 or Carnival, 4-dr MPV, 98➝01, with roof railing, with one sliding door 757/755 4004 Incl Incl 544 761 or 861 Incl Carnival, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01, with dual sliding doors 950 762 Carnival, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01, with dual sliding doors, with roof railing 755 761 or 861 Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl Carnival III, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing or Cee’d, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Cee’d, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3061 Cee’d, 3-dr Hatchback, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3061 Incl Cerato, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1368 544 D Cerato, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1379 544 D Clarus, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 950 761 245 544 Clarus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝01 950 761 245 or Clarus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝01, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 477 596 Incl Credos, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98 950 761 Grace, Van, 98➝04 953 765 527 or 420 765 Incl Grand Carnival, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl or Joice, 5-dr MPV, 99➝02, with roof railing 245 544 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Magentis, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝02, 03➝05 750 762 or 862 1240 544 Magentis, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 769 or 869 1403 544 NB9, 4-dr MPV, 96➝ 950 762 272 544 or 24 C KIA Opirius, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ 750 762 or 862 Optima, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ 750 Picanto, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 Pregio, 4-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝02, 03➝ Pride, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 Pride, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝00, with roof railing Pride, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 Pride, 5-dr Hatchback, 97➝00, with roof railing 1321 544 762 or 862 1240 544 761 or 861 1344 544 950 762 272 544 950 761 072 544 757/755 950 760 or 860 761 D D Incl 072 760 or 860 Pro cee´d, 3-dr Hatchback, 08➝ 753 761 or 861 3061 Incl Rio (Mk I), 4-dr Sedan, 00➝05 750 761 or 861 1198 544 Rio (Mk I), 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝05 750 761 or 861 1198 544 Rio (Mk II), 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1396 544 D Rio (Mk II), 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1396 544 D Rio Cinco, 5-dr Estate, 02➝05 950 761 2130 544 Incl 950 761 2130 544 Rio, 5-dr Estate, 02➝05, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Sedona, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Sephia, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝97, 98➝00 750 761 or 861 1190 544 Sephia, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ 750 761 or 861 1190 544 Sephia, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00 750 761 or 861 1190 544 Shuma, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1190 544 Shuma, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00 750 761 or 861 1190 544 Shuma, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00 750 761 or 861 1190 544 Sorento, 5-dr SUV, 02➝ Sorento, 5-dr SUV, 02➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 760 or 860 Incl Soul, 5-dr Hatchback, 08➝ 775 769 or 869 Spectra, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1190 Spectra, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) 950 769 2162 Spectra, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ (USA) 950 769 Sportage, 3-dr SUV, 96➝03 750 761 or 861 Sportage, 3-dr SUV, 96➝03, with roof railing 477 544 2162 477 544 1109 777 596 761 or 861 Incl 761 or 861 Incl Sportage, 5-dr SUV, 94➝03, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 Sportage, 5-dr SUV, 96➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 761 or 861 099, 93➝ 951 760 110, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝00 750 761 or 861 Visto, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 410 Incl 410 Incl Incl 775 or Incl 544 757/755 or 410 No fit 757/755 or Incl 544 757/755 Rio, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝06, 07➝ 410 1109 544 1194 544 1170 544 C L A DA 111, 5-dr Estate, 98➝, with roof railing 527 757/755 760 or 860 112, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝ 750 761 or 861 1170 544 119, 5-dr Hatchback, (with fixpoint), 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1359 544 1200, 4-dr Sedan, 70➝ 951 761 527 128, 5-dr Estate 951 761 527 Incl 2102 Nova, 5-dr Estate, 84➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 2104 Nova, 5-dr Estate, 84➝, with roof railing 757/755 C Incl 761 or 861 Incl 2104, 5-dr Estate, 70➝96, 97➝ 951 761 527 2105 Nova, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝96 951 762 527 2106, 4-dr Sedan, 70➝01 951 761 527 2107, 4-dr Sedan, 70➝ 951 761 527 2108 Samara, 3-dr Hatchback, 84➝ 951 760 527 2109 Samara, 5-dr Hatchback, 87➝ 951 760 527 21099 Samara, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝ 951 760 527 2115 Samara, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝ 951 760 527 C 25 roof mounted load carriers L A DA 2120 Nadezhda, 5-dr MPV, 98➝06 951 762 527 2121 Niva, 3-dr SUV, 77➝ 951 762 527 212180 Fora, 3-dr SUV 952 762 527 2131 Niva, 5-dr SUV, 95➝ 951 762 527 Kalina, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ No fit Kalina, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ,with fixpoint 750 761 or 861 Nova Junior 951 762 1359 544 527 Nova, 5-dr Estate, with roof railing Samara C 411 Incl 951 762 527 2000 951 761 527 A 112, 3-dr Hatchback, 76➝85 951 761 527 Beta, 72➝84 951 761 Dedra, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝99 950 762 Delta, 3-dr Hatchback, 83➝92 951 761 527 Delta, 5-dr Hatchback, 83➝92 951 761 527 Kappa, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1175 544 Lybra, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝06 750 761 or 861 1177 544 Lybra, 5-dr Estate, 99➝06 750 761 or 861 1178 544 LANCIA Lybra, 5-dr Estate, 99➝06, with roof railing 527 128 544 757/755 761 or 861 Musa, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3004 Incl Incl Phedra, 5-dr MPV, 02➝, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3035 Incl Phedra, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 1313 544 Phedra, 5-dr MPV, 02➝, with T-profile 4610 761 or 861 Ypsilon, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 750 761 or 861 1176 544 C Ypsilon, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1351 544 C Zeta, 5-dr MPV, 94➝01, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3035 Incl or 4700 762 or 862 4710 544 Defender 90/110/130, 83➝ 953 765 or 420 765 Incl Discovery, 5-dr SUV, 89➝ 953 765 527 Discovery (Mk. III), 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 757/755 762 or 862 D J L A N D R OV E R Discovery, 5-dr SUV, 96➝01, 02➝03, with roof railing Discovery, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ 527 3027 Incl Incl No fit Discovery, 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Freelander II, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 Freelander II, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Freelander, 3-dr SUV, 98➝03 750 761 or 861 1191 Freelander, 5-dr SUV, 98➝03 750 761 or 861 1191 757/755 760 or 860 or Freelander, 5-dr SUV, 98➝03, 04➝06, with roof railing 1443 777 Incl H 544 D 596 D 544 D Incl 410 Land Rover SUV 951 763 Range Rover Sport, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ 750 763 or 863 1456 544 527 Range Rover, 5-dr SUV, 02➝ 750 763 or 863 1274 544 250, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝91 368 760 ES, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝06 750 762 or 862 1308 544 C D C LEXUS GS, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝04 527 No fit IS (Mk II), 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1426 544 IS, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝05 750 761 or 861 1152 544 IS, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1230 544 D 1298 544 D LS, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00 RX (Mk II), 5-dr SUV, 03➝ 26 No fit 750 769 or 869 Incl LEXUS RX (Mk II), 5-dr SUV, 03➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl RX (Mk I), 5-dr SUV, 98➝03, with T-profile 751 761 or 861 3040 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4712 544 751 763 or 863 Continental, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝94 950 762 Lincoln, 4-dr Sedan, 76➝81 951 763 Mark VI, 2-dr Sedan, 80➝83 950 761 009 544 Town Car, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝97 950 762 056 544 Zephyr, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) 950 769 2167 544 Bolero, 2-dr Single cab 952 763 527 Bolero, 5-dr SUV 952 763 527 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl or L DV Maxus, 4-dr Van, 05➝ 3052 Incl 056 544 LINCOLN 527 MAHINDRA Goa, 5-dr SUV, with roof railing or L MARUTI 1000, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝94 950 761 043 477 596 C 800, 5-dr Hatchback, 84➝90 950 761 072 544 Esteem, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝94 950 761 043 544 Omni, 5-dr Van, 94➝ 951 762 Zen, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝ 950 761 269 544 C 750 761 or 861 1271 544 C C C 527 M A Z DA 2, 5-dr MPV, 03➝07 2, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with roof spoiler No fit 3, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1334 544 3, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl 3, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1326 544 3, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl 5, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl 5, 5-dr MPV, 05➝, with roof railing D 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 6, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝04, 05➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl or 750 761 or 861 1302 544 D 1302 544 B or 6, 5-dr Estate, 02➝05, 06➝ 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 6, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl or 750 761 or 861 1302 544 121, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝03 750 761 or 861 1025 121, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝03 750 761 or 861 1025 544 323 F, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝94 950 761 101 544 323 F, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝97 750 761 or 861 1032 544 323 F, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1110 544 323 F, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl 323 Familia, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1110 544 323 Protegé, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1110 544 323, 3-dr Hatchback, 80➝89 951 761 323, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝94 750 761 or 861 1006 544 323, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 950 761 242 544 323, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝89 951 761 323, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 750 761 or 861 1006 544 323, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝97 750 761 or 861 1034 544 323, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1110 544 6, 5-dr Estate, 02➝05, 06➝, with roof railing Incl 777 410 Incl 411 Incl D 596 527 D 527 27 roof mounted load carriers M A Z DA 323, 5-dr Estate, 85➝96 951 761 527 323, 5-dr Hatchback, 80➝89 951 761 527 626, 80➝87 951 761 626, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 750 762 or 862 1021 544 626, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97 750 761 or 861 1008 544 626, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝02 750 762 or 862 1053 544 626, 5-dr Estate, 88➝97, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 626, 5-dr Estate, 98➝02, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 626, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝91 750 762 or 862 1021 544 626, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 750 761 or 861 1024 544 626, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝02 750 762 or 862 1053 544 929, 80➝86 951 762 929, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝91 950 761 003 544 Astina, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝97 750 761 or 861 1032 544 Atenza Sport Wagon, 5-dr Estate, 02➝ (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1302 544 Atenza, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝, with fixpoint (JPN) 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl 527 626, 5-dr Estate, 88➝97, 98➝02, with roof railing Atenza, 5-dr Estate, 02➝, with roof railing (JPN) 410 Incl 527 B 757/755 761 or 861 Atenza, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝, with fixpoint (JPN) 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl Axela, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝, with fixpoint (JPN) 753 761 or 861 3069 Incl Axela, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with fixpoint (JPN) 753 761 or 861 3069 Bongo Brawny, Van, 99- 953 763 527 or 420 763 Incl B-Serie, 2-dr Crew cab, 99➝06 950 761 2066 544 B-Serie, 2-dr Single cab, 98➝06 750 761 or 861 1292 544 B-Serie, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝06 750 761 or 861 1292 544 B-Serie, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝06 950 761 2066 544 Bravo, 2-dr Crew cab, 99➝ 950 761 2066 544 Bravo, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝ 950 761 2066 544 BT-50, 2-dr Single cab, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1292 544 C BT-50, 4-dr Crew Cab, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1292 544 C BT-50, 4-dr Double cab, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1292 544 C Capella, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝02 750 762 or 862 1053 544 757/755 761 or 861 Capella, 5-dr Estate, 98➝02, with roof railing CX7, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ Incl Incl Incl 753 769 or 869 757/755 761 or 861 Demio, 5-dr MPV, 02➝05 (JPN) 750 761 or 861 E2000, Van, 88➝95 953 763 or 420 763 E2000, Van, 88➝95, with high roof 420 763 Familia, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝96 950 761 242 544 Familia, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝97 750 761 or 861 1034 544 Familia, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝03 950 761 2069 544 Freestyle, 4-dr Maxicab, 03➝06 750 761 or 861 1292 544 Lantis, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝97 750 761 or 861 1034 544 Lantis, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝97 750 761 or 861 1032 544 MPV, 5-dr MPV, 89➝96 950 762 100 544 MPV, 5-dr MPV, 89➝96, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 757/755 761 or 861 Demio, 5-dr MPV, 96➝02, with roof railing MPV, 5-dr MPV, 97➝99, 00➝03, with roof railing 3069 Incl 1271 544 Incl 410 Incl 411 Incl C Incl D C Incl 762 2083 544 Navajo, 3-dr SUV, 91➝94, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 New Familia VAN, 5-dr Estate, 07➝ (JPN) 750 769 or 869 1407 544 Persona, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝93 950 762 112 544 Pick-up B 2000 Single cab 951 761 750 762 or 862 757/755 761 or 861 28 Incl Incl 423 950 Premacy, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01, 02➝04, with roof railing 410 527 MPV, 5-dr MPV, 00➝01, 02➝03 Premacy, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01, 02➝04 C, L 527 1159 544 Incl A M A Z DA Protegé, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝97 950 761 RX7, 2-dr Coupé, 79➝85 951 761 RX7, 2-dr Coupé, 86➝91 950 761 RX8, 4-dr Coupé, 03➝ 243 544 527 003 477 596 No fit Savanna, 2-dr Coupé, 79➝85 951 761 527 Scrum, 5-dr MPV, 05➝, with normal roof (JPN) 951 769 527 Tribute, 5-dr SUV, 00➝03, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 Xedos 6, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝00 950 761 190 (W201), 4-dr Sedan, 83➝92 750 761 or 861 200-300 (W123), 78➝85, with normal roof 951 762 200-500 (W124), 4-dr Sedan, 85➝89, 90➝95 750 762 or 862 1009 544 200-500 (W124), 5-dr Estate, 85➝95 750 762 or 862 1009 544 207/208, with high roof 420 766 230 CE (W124c), 2-dr Coupé, 88➝96 960 761 2125 300 CE (W124c), 2-dr Coupé, 88➝96 960 761 2125 309 D / 310 D 420 766 410 / 814 420 766 A-klasse (W168), 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝04 750 761 or 861 1072 544 A-klasse (C169), 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 753 761 or 861 3066 Incl B-klasse (W245), 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 753 761 or 861 3066 Incl C-klasse (W202), 4-dr Sedan, 93➝99 750 762 or 862 1009 544 C-klasse (W202), 5-dr Estate, 93➝99 750 762 or 862 1009 544 C-klasse (W202), 5-dr Estate, 93➝99, 00, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 769 or 869 1200 544 181 544 1009 544 B MERCEDES BENZ 527 200-300 (W123), 5-dr Estate, 82➝85, with roof railing 410 200-500 (W124), 5-dr Estate, 85➝89, with roof railing or C-klasse (W203), 4-dr Sedan, 00➝03, 04➝06 C-klasse (W203), 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝06, with roof railing 410 Incl Incl 421 544 544 421 421 1204 Incl Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 761 or 861 Incl C-klasse (W204), 4-dr Sedan, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3049 544 C-klasse sport coupé, 3-dr Coupé, 01➝06 750 761 or 861 1233 544 C-klasse, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, without glass roof, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 757/755 769 or 869 CLC, 2-dr Coupé, 07➝ 750 761 or 861 1504 544 CLK (W208), 2-dr Coupé, 97➝02 750 761 or 861 1092 544 or CLK (W209), 2-dr Coupé, 02➝ E-klasse (W124), 5-dr Estate, 85➝95, with roof railing 750 762 or 862 E-klasse (W210), 5-dr Estate, 96➝02, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 E-klasse (W211), 4-dr Sedan, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3026 Incl or or 753 750 761 or 861 769 or 869 3012 1272 Incl 544 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl Incl 1009 763 527 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl GLK, 5-dr SUV, 08➝ 775 769 or 869 Incl MB100, Van, 88➝95 420 766 M-klasse (W163), 5-dr SUV, 98➝01, 02➝05, with roof railing 775 762 or 862 Incl 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Incl 775 762 or 862 757/755 769 or 869 R-klasse (W251), 5-dr Estate, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 S-klasse (W126), 4-dr Sedan, 86➝91 369 762 or Incl Incl 952 M-klasse (W164), 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 411 Incl GL, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing or Incl 544 G-klasse or 410 C No fit E-klasse (W210), 4-dr Sedan, 95➝01 or Incl Incl 761 or 861 E-klasse (W211), 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with roof railing 410 Incl 757/755 or Incl 544 757/755 or 410 422 Incl Incl 3038 Incl 527 29 roof mounted load carriers MERCEDES BENZ S-klasse (W140), 4-dr Sedan, 91➝98 950 S-klasse, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝05 762 154 544 No fit Sprinter, 95➝05, with normal roof 952 766 Sprinter, 95➝05, with high roof 420 766 Sprinter, 4-dr Van, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3032 Incl Sprinter, 4-dr Van, 06➝, with T-profile 753 763 or 863 3062 Incl TN 508, with high roof 420 766 V-klasse, 5-dr Van, 97➝03, with roof railing 775 763 or 863 Vaneo, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 527 421 Incl 421 Incl Incl No fit Vaneo, 5-dr MPV, 02➝, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Viano, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with roof railing 775 763 or 863 Incl Vito, 4-dr Van, 96➝02, 03➝, with T-profile 4700 763 or 863 Vito, 4-dr MPV, 04➝, with fixpoint 4610 762 or 862 Vito, 4-dr Van, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 Vito, 5-dr Van, 96➝02, 03➝, with T-profile Vito, 5-dr MPV, 97➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 4710 544 763 or 863 3029 Incl 4700 763 or 863 4710 544 775 763 or 863 951 762 411 J Incl M E R C U RY Bobcat, 75➝80 527 Grand Marquis, 5-dr Estate, 83➝91, with roof railing (USA) 411 Lynx, 5-dr Estate, 81➝87 951 762 Marquis, 79➝82 951 762 Milan, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) 950 769 Mountaineer, 5-dr SUV, 02➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Sable, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 950 Sable, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝05 Sable, 5-dr Estate, 86➝95, 96➝05, with T-profile Topaz, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝94 Incl 527 527 2167 544 762 262 544 950 761 2087 544 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 950 760 007 544 Tracer, 88➝90 951 761 Tracer, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 950 761 101 544 Tracer, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝99 950 761 2011 544 Tracer, 5-dr Estate, 91➝99 950 761 144 544 Villager, 5-dr MPV, 93➝98, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Villager, 5-dr MPV, 99➝02, with T-profile 4700 760 or 860 4710 544 ZR, 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝ 750 761 or 861 1044 544 ZR, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝ 750 761 or 861 1044 544 ZS, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝ 750 761 or 861 1045 544 ZS, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝ 750 761 or 861 1045 544 ZT, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 1154 544 757/755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 3000 GT, 3-dr Coupé, 93➝98 950 761 380, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ (AU) 750 762 or 862 Airtrek, 5-dr SUV, 01➝05 750 762 or 862 Incl 527 MG ZT-T, 5-dr Estate, 02➝, with roof railing Incl MINI Cooper, 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝05, 06➝ 1366 777 596 C 207 544 H 1404 544 D 1259 544 C 1081 544 MITSUBISHI Canter, 2-dr Single cab, 99➝ No fit Canter, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝ No fit Carisma, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝05 Carisma, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝05, with fixpoint 750 4304 761 or 861 761 Incl Carisma, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝05 750 761 or 861 1081 544 Challenger, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05 750 762 or 862 1236 544 Chariot, 84➝91 951 761 30 527 Incl MITSUBISHI Chariot Grandis, 3-dr MPV, 97➝03, with roof railing Chariot, 3-dr MPV, 92➝96 Chariot, 3-dr MPV, 92➝96, with roof railing 757/755 950 757/755 761 or 861 762 Incl 169 544 761 or 861 Incl Chariot, 5-dr MPV, 97➝03 950 761 2041 544 C Colt, 2-dr Coupé, 93➝95 (USA) 950 761 158 544 D Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝91 950 761 074 544 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝95 950 761 158 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝04 750 761 or 861 1078 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝03, with fixpoint 4304 544 777 761 750 769 or 869 1358 761 075 544 Colt, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1356 544 Delica, 5-dr Van, 79➝86 951 763 527 Delica, 5-dr Van, 79➝86, with high roof 952 763 527 Delica Starwagon, MPV, 99➝06, with high roof 953 763 527 or 420 763 Diamante, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 950 762 196 544 Dingo, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01 950 761 2041 544 777 596 544 C 596 C Incl 761 or 861 C Incl 761 2041 Eclipse, 3-dr Coupé, 00➝05 950 761 2080 eK Wagon, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 750 761 or 861 1275 544 A Emeraude, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝95 950 761 196 544 H Emeraude, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝ 750 761 or 861 1049 544 Endeavor, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 762 or 862 Eterna, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝ 750 761 or 861 1049 544 Euro Sport, 5-dr SUV, 98➝ 950 761 2041 544 Expo LRV, 3-dr MPV, 92➝97 950 762 169 544 477 Incl Expo LRV, 3-dr MPV, 92➝97, 98, with roof railing 410 169 Expo RVR, 3-dr MPV, 92➝97, with roof railing Galant, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝92, 93➝96, with fixpoint 760 C Incl 544 410 4304 Incl Incl Galant, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝05 750 761 or 861 1049 544 Galant, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝05 (JPN) 950 761 2041 544 C Galant, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03 (USA) 950 761 2059 544 D, H Galant, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) 950 762 2151 544 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Galant, 5-dr Estate, 97➝02, with roof railing or Galant, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝92 951 761 527 Galant, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝92, 93➝96, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Galloper, 3-dr SUV, 99➝03 952 763 527 Galloper, 5-dr SUV, 99➝03 952 763 Grandis, 5-dr Van, 03➝ 750 762 or 862 Grandis, 5-dr Van, 03➝, with roof railing Incl C 950 762 410 C Dion, 5-dr MPV, 00➝ (JPN) 950 Incl Incl 950 Expo RVR, 3-dr MPV, 92➝97 410 D, H Colt, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝91 757/755 Incl 596 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝ Dingo, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01, with roof railing 410 527 1333 544 D 757/755 761 or 861 Grandis, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ (EUR) 750 762 or 862 1333 544 Incl GTO, 3-dr Coupé, 93➝98 950 761 207 544 L 200 (KB4T), 2-dr Crew cab, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1401 544 C L 200 (KB4T), 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1400 544 C L 200, 95➝ 951 762 L 200, 2-dr Crew cab, 98➝05 750 762 or 862 1116 544 L 200, 2-dr Single cab, 98➝05 750 762 or 862 1116 544 L 200, 4-dr Double cab, 96➝98 (USA) 950 762 287 544 L 200, 4-dr Double cab, 98➝99 750 762 or 862 1116 544 L 200, 4-dr Double cab, 00➝05 750 769 or 869 1236 544 L 300, 5-dr Van, 81➝02 952 762 D 527 A, L 527 31 roof mounted load carriers MITSUBISHI L 300, 5-dr Van, 81➝02, with high roof 953 763 527 or 420 763 Incl Lancer Cedia, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝03 750 762 or 862 1239 544 D Lancer Cedia, 5-dr Estate, 00➝03 950 761 2041 544 C Lancer EVO VII, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝03 750 762 or 862 1239 544 D Lancer, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝92 950 761 075 544 Lancer, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝95 950 761 186 544 750 761 or 861 1079 544 544 Lancer, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 Lancer, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝03, with fixpoint 4304 761 Incl Lancer, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝03, 04➝06 750 769 or 869 1239 Lancer 4-dr Sedan, 07➝ 753 761 or 861 3071 Incl Lancer 4-dr Sedan, 08➝ without fixpoint 750 769 or 869 1477 544 Lancer, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96 950 761 186 544 Lancer, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96, with roof railing Lancer, 5-dr Estate, 00➝03, 04➝ Legnum, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝05 D C 757/755 760 or 860 750 769 or 869 1239 544 Incl D 950 761 2041 544 C Legnum, 5-dr Estate, 97➝05, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Libero, 5-dr Estate, 99➝05, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Magna, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝04 950 762 207 544 Maven, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1421 544 Minica, 84➝88 951 761 Mirage C24, 3-dr Hatchback, 88➝91 950 761 074 544 Mirage C41, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 950 761 075 544 Mirage, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝96 950 761 158 544 D Mirage, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝96 950 761 158 544 D Montero Sport, 5-dr SUV, 96➝97, 98➝, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Montero Sport, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05 950 761 2041 Montero, 3-dr SUV, 99➝06 750 762 or 862 1183 757/755 762 or 862 750 762 or 862 757/755 762 or 862 Montero, 3-dr SUV, 99➝06, with roof railing Montero, 5-dr SUV, 99➝06 Montero, 5-dr SUV, 99➝06, with roof railing Nimbus, 5-dr MPV, 98➝ Nimbus, 5-dr MPV, 98➝, with roof railing Outlander (Mk II), 5-dr SUV, 05➝ Outlander (Mk II), 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing or 950 762 544 777 169 544 1409 544 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 761 or 861 Pajero 4x4 SUV 952 762 Pajero IO, 3-dr SUV, 99➝ 750 762 or 862 1173 Pajero IO, 5-dr SUV, 99➝ 2041 750 762 or 862 1173 544 544 411 Incl Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Pajero Sport, 5-dr SUV, 96➝97, 98➝, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Pajero Sport, 5-dr SUV, 98➝06 750 762 or 862 1236 544 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 163 544 Pajero, 3-dr SUV, 91➝98, 99➝04, with roof railing Pajero, 3-dr SUV, 99➝04, 05➝06, 07➝, with roof railing or Pajero, 5-dr SUV, 91➝98 32 411 Incl 775 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 763 527 952 Incl 596 761 or 861 Pajero, 3-dr SUV, 99➝06 411 C 527 777 775 or Incl C Incl Pajero LWB, 5-dr SUV, 91➝98, with roof railing Pajero, 3-dr SUV, 91➝98, with roof railing 411 Incl 761 762 Incl 544 757/755 950 411 C Incl 775 Pajero, 3-dr SUV, 91➝98 Incl 596 1182 950 Pajero Sport, 5-dr SUV, 98➝06, with roof railing 410 Incl Outlander, 5-dr SUV, 03➝05, with roof railing or Incl 527 Outlander, 5-dr SUV, 03➝06 (USA) Pajero Pinin, 5-dr SUV, 00➝06, with roof railing 410 Incl Incl 1183 777 596 C MITSUBISHI Pajero, 5-dr SUV, 91➝98, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Pajero, 5-dr SUV, 99➝06 750 762 or 862 Pajero, 5-dr SUV, 99➝04, 05➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 757/755 769 or 869 or or 1182 544 Incl Incl Pajero, 5-dr SUV, 05➝06, with roof railing Pinin, 3-dr SUV, 99➝05, with roof railing 411 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 1173 Pinin, 5-dr SUV, 00➝05 750 762 or 862 1173 Precis, 3-dr Hatchback, 87➝89 950 761 003 Precis, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝89 950 761 003 544 950 761 003 544 Pinin, 3-dr SUV, 00➝05 Precis, 5-dr Hatchback, 87➝89 RVR, 5-dr MPV, 92➝97, with roof railing 757/755 Incl 777 761 or 861 2041 544 Sigma, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝94 950 762 196 544 Sigma, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96 950 762 196 544 169 544 Space Runner, 5-dr MPV, 92➝, with roof railing 950 757/755 760 or 860 762 410 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl C Incl 761 or 861 Incl Space Runner, 5-dr MPV, 99➝ 950 761 2041 544 Space Star, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01, 02➝05 750 761 or 861 1097 544 Space Star, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01, 02➝05, with roof railing Incl Incl 761 757/755 410 596 950 Space Runner, 5-dr MPV, 92➝98 Incl 544 477 RVR, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02 Sigma, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96, with roof railing 411 596 775 761 or 861 Incl or 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Space Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 84➝98, 99➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 C Incl Space Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 92➝98 950 762 169 544 Space Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 99➝03 950 761 2041 544 Space Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 99➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl Space Wagon, 5-dr MPV, 83 951 763 527 Space Wagon, 5-dr MPV, 84➝91 951 761 Starion, 2-dr Coupé, 87➝90 950 761 003 544 Triton (KB4T), 2-dr Crew cab, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1401 544 C Triton (KB4T), 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1400 544 C Triton, 2-dr Crew cab, 98➝05 750 762 or 862 1116 544 Triton, 2-dr Single cab, 98➝05 750 762 or 862 1116 544 Triton, 4-dr Double cab, 98➝99 750 762 or 862 1116 544 Vally Cristal 953 763 527 or 420 763 Incl C 527 Vista, with roof railing 410 A, L Incl NISSAN 200 SX, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝98 (USA) 950 761 253 477 596 300 ZX (Z31), 2-dr Coupé, 84➝89 950 761 009 477 596 AD, 5-dr Estate, 07➝ (JPN) 750 769 or 869 1407 544 A AD, 5-dr Van, 00➝06 750 760 or 860 1164 544 C Almera Tino, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01 750 761 or 861 1031 544 Almera Tino, 5-dr MPV, 02➝06 750 761 or 861 1295 544 D Almera, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 750 761 or 861 1030 777 596 C Almera, 3-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 750 761 or 861 1197 777 596 C Almera, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C Almera, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝03 750 761 or 861 1197 544 C Almera, 5-dr Estate, 99➝03, with roof railing C 757/755 761 or 861 Almera, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C Almera, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 750 761 or 861 1197 544 C Altima, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝97 950 761 200 544 Altima, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝01 950 761 2049 544 Altima, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝05, 06➝ 950 761 2101 544 Avenir (W10), 5-dr Estate, 91➝95, with roof railing Incl 410 H Incl 33 roof mounted load carriers NISSAN Avenir, 5-dr Estate, 96➝05, with roof railing (JPN) 411 Bluebird (WU11), 5-dr Estate, 84➝90, with roof railing 410 Incl Incl Bluebird Sylphy, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝ 750 761 or 861 1197 544 Bluebird, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 (ASIA) 950 761 200 544 Bluebird, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝ (ASIA) 750 761 or 861 1023 544 Cedric, 4-dr Sedan, 79➝83 368 762 Cedric, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝92 950 762 009 544 Cefiro, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝94 950 761 003 544 Cefiro, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 950 761 246 544 750 761 or 861 1157 544 757/755 762 or 862 Cefiro, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03 Cefiro, 5-dr Estate, 97➝03, with roof railing C 527 Incl or 411 Incl Cherry, 82 951 761 527 Cube Cubic, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ 750 763 or 863 1336 544 A Cube, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01 750 761 or 861 1124 544 C Cube, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 750 763 or 863 1336 544 A Double Cab, 4-dr Double cab, 89➝98 950 762 060 544 Elgrand, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 1282 544 Frontier, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝03, 04➝ 950 761 060 Frontier, 2-dr Crew cab, 98➝03, 04➝ 950 761 060 Frontier, 2-dr Single cab, 99➝03, 04➝ 950 762 060 Fuga, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (ASIA) 950 769 2177 596 Gloria, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝92 950 762 009 544 Homy Elgrand, 5-dr MPV, 97➝01 750 762 or 862 1090 544 Homy, 5-dr Van, 96 952 763 Interstar, 4-dr Van, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 Interstar, 5-dr Van, 02➝, with normal roof, with high roof 960 Interstar, 5-dr Van, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 King Cab, 2-dr Crew cab, 86➝97, 98➝01, 02➝05 C 544 477 596 544 527 3045 Incl 765 2122 544 763 or 863 3045 Incl 750 762 or 862 1086 544 King Cab, 2-dr Single cab, 86➝97 950 762 060 596 H King Cab, 2-dr Single cab, 86➝97, 98➝01, 02➝05 750 762 or 862 1086 544 A, L King Cab, 2-dr Single cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1408 544 A, L King Cab, 4-dr Crew Cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1408 544 King Cab, 4-dr Double cab, 89➝97, 98➝01, 02➝05 750 762 or 862 1086 544 King Cab, 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1430 King Van, with high roof 420 763 Kubistar, 5-dr Van, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3021 Incl or 960 760 2126 544 H Lafesta, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ (JPN) 750 762 or 862 1375 544 C 757/755 769 or 869 Lafesta, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with roof railing (JPN) Laurel (C32), 4-dr Sedan, 85➝88 369 760 Laurel (C33), 4-dr Sedan, 89➝92 950 762 Leopard, 2-dr Coupé, 84➝91 950 Livina, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ 750 Grand Livina,5-dr MPV 07➝ (ASIA) 477 A 544 422 Incl H Incl 527 112 544 761 009 544 769 or 869 1399 544 B 750 769 or 869 1474 544 B Lucino, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C Lucino, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C Lucino, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C March, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝02, with openable rear window 750 760 or 860 1108 March, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1300 March, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝02 750 760 or 860 1108 544 March, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1300 544 Maxima, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝94 950 761 075 544 Maxima, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 750 761 or 861 1435 544 Maxima, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝03 750 761 or 861 1157 544 Maxima, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) 950 762 2136 544 34 544 777 596 D D NISSAN Micra (K10), 3-dr Hatchback, 83➝92 950 761 010 544 Micra (K11), 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝99, 00➝02, with openable rear window 750 760 or 860 1108 544 Micra (K11), 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝99, 00➝02 750 760 or 860 1108 Micra (K12), 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1300 Micra (K12), 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1300 Mistral, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1109 1109 544 1397 544 Mistral, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝02, 03➝ 544 777 777 596 D 544 D 596 750 761 or 861 757/755 769 or 869 750 762 or 862 Navara, 4-dr Double cab, 04➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Navara, 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1430 544 Note, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1399 544 B Otti, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1275 544 A Murano, 5-dr SUV, 03➝, with roof railing Murano, 5-dr SUV, 05➝ Incl Incl PAO, 3-dr Estate, 89➝, with roof railing 410 Incl Pathfinder (R50), 3-dr SUV, 97➝00, 01➝04, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Pathfinder (R50), 5-dr SUV, 97➝00, 01➝04 (USA) 950 761 2019 544 Pathfinder (R50), 5-dr SUV, 97➝00, 01➝04, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Pathfinder (R51), 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Pathfinder (WD21), 3-dr SUV, 88➝96 750 762 or 862 757/755 761 or 861 Pathfinder (WD21), 3-dr SUV, 88➝96, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Pathfinder (WD21), 5-dr SUV, 88➝96 750 762 or 862 1086 544 Pathfinder (WD21), 3-dr SUV, 88➝96, with roof railing Pathfinder (WD21), 5-dr SUV, 88➝96, with roof railing 777 596 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl Incl 410 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Pathfinder, 5-dr SUV, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1430 544 Pathfinder, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl Patrol 160, 5-dr SUV, 81➝87 952 763 527 Patrol GR, 5-dr SUV, 88➝97 952 763 527 Patrol GR, 5-dr SUV, 98➝04, 05➝ 369 763 527 Patrol GR, 5-dr SUV, 98➝04, 05➝, with roof railing 755 762 or 862 Incl Prairie (M10), 5-dr MPV, 84➝88 Incl No fit 950 761 003 Prairie (M10), 5-dr MPV, 84➝88, with roof railing Presage, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02, 03➝, with roof railing 544 410 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Presage, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ 750 762 or 862 1339 544 Primastar, 4-dr Van, 02➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint, with high roof 753 762 or 862 3046 Incl Primastar, 4-dr Van, 02➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3046 Incl Primastar, 5-dr Van, 02➝06, 07-, with fixpoint, with high roof 753 762 or 862 3046 Incl Primastar, 5-dr Van, 02➝06, 07-, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3046 Incl Primera (P10), 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 750 761 or 861 1010 544 Primera (P10), 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝96 750 761 or 861 1010 544 Primera (P11), 4-dr Sedan, 97➝01 750 761 or 861 1023 544 Primera (P11), 5-dr Hatchback, 97➝01 750 761 or 861 1023 544 Primera (P12), 4-dr Sedan, 02➝ 750 761 or 861 1258 544 750 761 or 861 1258 544 757/755 761 or 861 Primera (P12), 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝ Primera (W10), 5-dr Estate, 91➝97, with roof railing Primera (W11), 5-dr Estate, 98➝01 Primera (W11), 5-dr Estate, 98➝01, with roof railing or Primera (W12), 5-dr Estate, 02➝ Primera (W12), 5-dr Estate, 02➝07, with fixpoint Primera (W12), 5-dr Estate, 02➝07, with roof railing C Incl 1086 Pathfinder (WD21), 5-dr SUV, 88➝96, with T-profile Pickup SE, 4-dr, 03➝ E Incl C No fit 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 761 or 861 1258 544 753 760 or 860 3014 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Primera Camino, 5-dr Estate, 98➝01, 02➝, with roof railing 411 Incl Pulsar (N14), 4-dr Sedan, 91➝94 950 760 131 544 Pulsar (N14), 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝94 950 760 131 544 Pulsar, 2-dr Coupé, 87➝90 950 761 067 544 35 roof mounted load carriers NISSAN Pulsar, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1030 Pulsar, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 Pulsar, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 Qashqai, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 757/755 769 or 869 4700 761 or 861 R´Nessa, 5-dr Estate, 98➝, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 Rasheen, 5-dr SUV, 99➝, with roof railing 757/755 763 or 863 Qashqai+2 , 5-dr SUV, 08➝ Quest, 5-dr MPV, 93➝98, 99➝02, with T-profile Regulus, 5-dr SUV, 97➝03 950 761 Safari 160 SUV, 81➝87 952 763 Sentra (N14), 4-dr Sedan, 91➝94 950 Sentra (N14), 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝94 777 596 C 1030 544 C 1030 544 C 1454 544 D 4710 544 Incl Incl Incl 2019 544 760 131 544 950 760 131 544 Sentra, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1030 596 C Sentra, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C Sentra, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝06 (USA) 950 760 2092 544 Sentra, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 750 761 or 861 1030 544 Serena Cargo, 96➝ 952 763 Serena, 4-dr MPV, 92➝99, 00 950 761 180 544 A Serena, 5-dr MPV, 99➝05 (JPN) 750 762 or 862 1179 544 C Serena, 5-dr MPV, 00, with high roof 750 761 or 861 1214 544 C Serena, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1390 544 C Short Cab, 2-dr Single cab, 86➝98 950 762 060 544 950 761 009 544 Skyline HT, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝88 Stagea, 5-dr Estate, 97➝01, with roof railing 777 Incl 760 527 Stanza, 5-dr Estate, 84➝88 950 761 Sunny (B11), (N13), 86➝90 369 760 Sunny (N14), 2-dr Sedan, 91➝94 950 Sunny (N14), 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝94 Sunny (N14), 4-dr Sedan, 91➝94 Sunny (N14), 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝94 003 544 760 131 544 750 761 or 861 1010 544 750 760 or 860 1010 544 1010 544 750 760 or 860 760 or 860 Sunny, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C Sunny, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98 750 761 or 861 1030 544 C Sunny, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝ 750 760 or 860 1023 544 Sunny, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝ (JPN) 950 760 2092 544 Sunny, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 750 761 or 861 1030 Terrano (WD21), 3-dr SUV, 86➝96 750 762 or 862 1086 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 757/755 761 or 861 Terrano (WD21), 3-dr SUV, 86➝96, with roof railing Terrano (WD21), 5-dr SUV, 86➝96 Terrano (WD21), 5-dr SUV, 86➝96, with roof railing Terrano II (R20), 3-dr SUV, 93➝02, 03➝ Terrano II (R20), 3-dr SUV, 93➝02, 03➝, with roof railing Terrano II (R20), 5-dr SUV, 93➝02, 03➝ Terrano II (R20), 5-dr SUV, 93➝02, 03➝, with roof railing 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 544 777 411 Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl C 596 Incl 1086 544 Incl 1109 777 596 Incl 1109 544 2019 544 C Incl Terrano, 3-dr SUV, 97➝03 (ASIA) 950 761 Terrano, 5-dr SUV, 97➝03 (ASIA) 950 761 2019 544 C Tiida Latio, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (JPN) 750 769 or 869 1386 544 B Tiida, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ (JPN) 750 769 or 869 1376 544 B Trade 420 766 Urvan, 5-dr Van, 81➝96 952 765 Urvan, 5-dr Van, 81➝96, with high roof 420 763 Vanette, MPV, 91➝97 953 763 or 420 763 Versa, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ (USA) 950 769 2183 544 Wingroad, 5-dr Estate, 06➝ (JPN) 750 769 or 869 1407 544 36 Incl 527 757/755 Sunny (Y10), 5-dr Estate, 91➝96, with roof railing 410 C 527 369 Stanza (U11), 85➝89 Incl 527 763 or 863 757/755 411 C 423 Incl 527 423 Incl 527 Incl A NISSAN X-trail Sport, 5-dr SUV, 04➝06 No fit X-trail, 5-dr SUV, 01➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 X-trail, 5-dr SUV, 04➝06, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 3063 Incl X-trail, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3059 Incl 98 Regency, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝90 950 763 008 544 98 Regency, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝97 950 762 151 Achieva, 2-dr Sedan, 92➝97 950 761 177 Achieva, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97 950 761 177 544 Alero, 2-dr Coupé, 99➝04 950 761 2057 544 Brougham 951 762 Custom Cruiser, 5-dr Estate, 91➝92, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Cutlass Ciera, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝96 950 761 009 544 Cutlass Cruiser, 5-dr Estate, 83➝94 950 762 009 544 Cutlass Supreme, 78➝87 951 762 Cutlass Supreme, 2-dr Sedan, 88➝96 950 762 082 Cutlass, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝99 (USA) 950 761 2015 Delta, 77➝85 951 763 Delta 88 Royale, 2-dr Sedan, 86➝91 950 763 009 544 Delta 88 Royale, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝91 950 763 009 544 Delta 88 Royale, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝04 950 762 151 544 Delta 88, 2-dr Sedan, 86➝91 950 763 009 544 Delta 88, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝91 950 763 009 544 Firenza, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝88 951 763 527 Firenza, 5-dr Estate, 82➝88 951 763 527 Olds 98, 77➝84 951 763 527 Omega, 80➝84 951 762 527 Regency, 84 951 763 Silhouette, 5-dr Van, 90➝96 950 763 141 544 Silhouette, 5-dr Van, 90➝96, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 1167 544 Incl OLDSMOBILE 544 477 596 H 527 Cutlass Cruiser, 5-dr Estate, 83➝94, with roof railing (USA) 411 Incl 527 477 596 544 527 527 D O PE L Agila, 5-dr MPV, 00➝07 Agila, 5-dr MPV, 00➝07, with roof railing Antara, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with roof railing or 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Ascona A, 70➝75 951 761 527 Ascona B, 76➝81 951 761 527 951 761 527 4304 760 Incl Ascona C, 82➝88 Astra Delvan, 3-dr Van, 98➝, with fixpoint Astra GTC, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3025 or 751 760 or 860 3010 Incl Incl Astra, 3-dr Coupé, 00➝05, with fixpoint 4304 761 Incl Astra, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, 98➝04, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Astra, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97, 98➝03, with roof railing C 775 761 or 861 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 410 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 411 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 04➝06, with roof railing 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 4903 761 or 861 4919 Incl Astra, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Astra, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 Incl 4654 or Calibra, 3-dr Coupé, 90➝97, with fixpoint Incl 3025 4304 760 Incl 37 roof mounted load carriers O PE L Combo Tour, 4-dr Van, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 or 751 761 or 861 3006 Incl Incl Combo Tour, 5-dr Van, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3006 Incl Combo, 3-dr Van, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3006 Incl Combo, 4-dr Van, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3006 Incl Combo, 4-dr Van, 02➝ 960 762 2123 544 Combo, 5-dr Van, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3006 Incl Commodore, 79➝83 951 761 527 Corsa A, 2-dr Sedan, 80➝92 951 761 527 Corsa A, 3-dr Coupé, 80➝92 951 761 527 Corsa A, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝92 951 761 527 Corsa B, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Corsa B, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Corsa C, 3-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Corsa C, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Corsa D, 3-dr Hatchback, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3006 Incl Corsa D, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3006 Incl or 751 760 or 860 3006 Incl Corsa Combo, 4-dr Van, 94➝01 951 762 Frontera Sport, SUV, 92➝04, with hardtop Frontera Sport, 3-dr SUV, 92➝04 542 527 477 596 No fit 950 762 240 H Frontera Sport, 3-dr SUV, 92➝98, 99➝04, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 411 Incl Frontera, 5-dr SUV, 92➝98, 99➝04, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl Kadett, 2-dr Coupé, 78➝84 951 761 527 Kadett, 3-dr Hatchback, 85➝91, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Kadett, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝91, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl 4304 760 Incl 760 or 860 Incl 527 Kadett, 5-dr Estate, 85➝91, with fixpoint Kadett, 5-dr Estate, 85➝91, with roof railing Kadett, 5-dr Hatchback, 78➝84 757/755 951 761 4304 760 Incl Manta, 2-dr Coupé, 76➝88 951 761 527 Meriva, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 761 or 861 762 or 862 3006 1301 Incl 544 1091 Kadett, 5-dr Hatchback, 85➝91, with fixpoint Monterey, 3-dr SUV, 93➝ Monterey, 3-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing Monterey, 5-dr SUV, 93➝ Monterey, 5-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 750 762 or 862 757/755 762 or 862 750 762 or 862 757/755 777 596 Incl 1091 544 762 or 862 Incl Monza, 78➝86 951 761 527 Movano (L3H1), 4-dr Double cab, 01➝ 950 766 2095 544 Movano, 4-dr Van, 98➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3045 Incl Movano, 4-dr Van, 99➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3045 Incl Movano, 5-dr Van, 98➝ 960 763 2126 544 Movano, 5-dr Van, 98➝03, 05➝,with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3045 Incl Movano, 5-dr Van, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3045 Incl Omega, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝93, 94➝03 951 761 Omega, 5-dr Estate, 86➝93 951 761 527 527 Omega, 5-dr Estate, 86➝93, 94➝, with roof railing Omega, 5-dr Estate, 86➝93, 94➝03, with roof railing 410 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Omega, 5-dr Estate, 94➝03, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl Rekord E, 78➝86 951 761 527 Senator, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝92 951 761 Signum, 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 761 or 861 762 or 862 3006 1285 Incl 544 38 D 527 D O PE L Signum, 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with roof railing Sintra, 4-dr MPV, 96➝99, with one sliding door, with roof railing Sintra, 4-dr MPV, 98➝, with one sliding door Sintra, 5-dr MPV, 96➝99, with dual sliding doors, with roof railing 4900 769 or 869 757/755 761 or 861 950 757/755 762 4912 Incl Incl 2016 411 762 Tigra, 3-dr Coupé, 94➝00, with fixpoint 4304 760 2016 Incl 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 760 or 860 762 or 862 3006 1285 Incl 544 Vectra, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝95, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1003 544 or 4604 760 or 860 Vectra, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 760 or 860 762 or 862 3006 1285 Incl 544 757/755 760 or 860 753 761 or 861 Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with fixpoint Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 03➝04, 05➝, with roof railing Incl D J D Incl 3006 Incl 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl Vectra, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝95, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1003 544 or 4604 760 or 860 Incl Vita, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, 01➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Vita, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, 01➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Vivaro, 2-dr Single cab, 01➝06, 07➝ with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3047 or 960 765 2112 544 Vivaro, 4-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint, with high roof 753 762 or 862 3046 Incl Vivaro, 4-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3046 Incl or 960 765 2112 544 Vivaro, 5-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝ ,with fixpoint, with high roof 753 762 or 862 3046 Incl Vivaro, 5-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝ ,with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3046 Incl or 960 765 2112 4304 761 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02, 03➝04, with fixpoint Incl Incl 544 Vectra GTS, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝, with fixpoint Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝02, with roof railing 410 Incl Sintra, 5-dr MPV, 96➝99, with roof railing, with dual sliding doors 950 Incl 544 761 or 861 Sintra, 5-dr MPV, 98➝, with dual sliding doors 411 J Incl 544 Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02, 03➝04, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 410 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02, 03➝04, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 410 Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 05➝, with roof railing, with sunroof Zafira, 5dr MPV, 05➝, with fixpoint No fit 751 761 or 861 3025 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 05➝06, without sunroof, with roof railing 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 07➝, without sunroof, with roof railing 4903 761 or 861 4919 Incl Kelisa, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝ 750 761 or 861 1162 Nippa, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 950 760 151 Nippa, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 950 760 151 544 750 762 or 862 1428 544 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl PE R O D UA 544 477 C 596 PE U G E OT 1007, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 1007, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝, with roof railing or D 104, 5-dr Hatchback, 73➝83 951 761 106, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝04 750 760 or 860 1046 544 C 106, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝04 750 760 or 860 1046 544 C 107, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1444 544 C 205, 3-dr Hatchback, 84➝94 950 761 025 544 205, 5-dr Hatchback, 84➝94 950 761 001 544 206 SW, 5-dr Estate, 02➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 750 761 or 861 or 206, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝ 206, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝, with sunroof 206, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝ 207 SW, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing or 527 1131 544 1131 544 No fit 750 761 or 861 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 39 roof mounted load carriers PE U G E OT 207, 3-dr Hatchback, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3017 207, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3017 305, 4-dr Sedan, 78➝87 951 761 527 305, 5-dr Estate, 78➝87 951 761 527 750 761 or 861 1017 544 1073 544 1017 544 305, 5-dr Estate, 78➝87, with roof railing 306, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝00 306, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 306, 5-dr Estate, 97➝01, with roof railing 306, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 307 SW, 5-dr Estate, 02➝04, 05➝, with roof railing 307, 3-dr Hatchback, 01➝04, 05➝, with fixpoint 307, 5-dr Estate, 02➝04, 05➝, with roof railing Incl Incl 410 750 761 or 861 757/755 760 or 860 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 753 761 or 861 Incl Incl Incl 3013 775 761 or 861 Incl 761 or 861 Incl 307, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝04, 05➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 or 4609 760 or 860 308, 3-dr Hatchback, 07➝, with fixpoint 751 308, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝, with fixpoint 308, 5-dr Estate, 08➝ 309, 3-dr Hatchback, 86➝93 309, 5-dr Hatchback, 86➝93 4007, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, with roof railing or 405, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝96 405, 5-dr Estate, 89➝97, with roof railing 3013 Incl 761 or 861 3017 Incl 751 761 or 861 3017 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 951 761 527 951 761 527 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 950 757/755 406, 3-dr Coupé, 98➝05 761 079 Incl 750 761 or 861 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 1299 544 Incl 775 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 407, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 504, 4-dr Sedan 951 761 527 504, 5-dr Estate 951 761 527 505, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝94 951 761 or 411 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl C Incl 3017 Incl 527 505, 5-dr Estate, 80➝94, with roof railing 410 Incl 604, 4-dr Sedan, 77➝87 951 762 605, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝98 750 762 or 862 1241 607, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3011 Incl 607, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝ 750 761 or 861 1196 544 806, 5-dr MPV, 94➝02, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3035 Incl or 4700 762 or 862 4710 544 807, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3035 Incl or 4610 761 or 861 807, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ 750 762 or 862 Bipper, 3/4-dr Van, 08➝ (with railing) 775 763 or 863 Bipper 3/4/5-dr Van, 08➝ (with fixpoint) 751 769 or 869 3070 Incl Boxer, 2-dr Single Cab, 95➝05 950 766 2095 544 L Boxer, 2-dr Single cab, 06➝ 750 394 1439 544 A Boxer, 4-dr Van, 95➝05, with fixpoint 753 393 3054 Incl Boxer, 4-dr Van, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 763 or 863 3031 Incl Boxer, 4-dr Double cab chassi, 95➝06 950 766 2095 544 Boxer, 4-dr Double cab, 06➝ 750 394 1439 544 Expert, 3-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Expert, 4-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Expert, 4-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 Incl Expert, 5-dr Van, 95➝03, 04➝06, with fixpoint 753 769 or 869 3023 Incl Expert, 5-dr Van, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 3051 Incl 40 Incl No fit 406, 5-dr Estate, 97➝04, with roof railing 407 SW, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing 411 544 760 or 860 406, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝04 or Incl Incl 757/755 or 410 527 544 J 1313 544 D Incl D PE U G E OT J5 Van, 84➝93 952 765 J5 Van, 84➝93, with high roof 420 766 J9 953 766 or 420 766 J9, with high roof 420 766 Partner Air, 5-dr MPV, 01➝, with roof railing 527 422 Incl 527 Incl 422 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 750 761 or 861 1184 Partner, 4-dr Van, 08➝, (with fixpoint) 751 769 or 869 3072 Incl Ranch, 3-dr Van, 97➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1184 544 Arrow, 77➝80 951 762 527 Caravelle, 85➝ 951 763 527 Colt Vista Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 92➝95 950 762 169 544 Colt Vista Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 92➝94, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝92 950 761 074 544 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝94 950 761 158 544 Colt, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝94 950 761 186 544 Conquest, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝89 950 761 003 544 Gran Fury, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝87 950 761 009 544 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 Horizon, 78➝90 951 762 Neon, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝97 950 761 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝97 950 761 232 544 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝99 950 761 2056 544 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝01 750 760 or 860 1192 544 Reliant, 81➝89 951 762 527 Sapporo, 81➝83 951 762 527 Sunfire, 2-dr Sedan, 95➝03 950 761 245 Sunfire, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝03 950 761 245 Turismo, 83➝87 951 762 527 Vista, 84➝88 951 762 527 Voyager, 5-dr MPV 951 765 Partner Van, 5-dr Estate, 97➝02, 03➝07 Incl 544 410 Incl C C PLY M O U T H D 544 527 232 477 596 477 596 C D C 544 527 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 90➝91, with roof railing (USA) 411 Incl Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 950 762 268 544 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, with T-profile 753 761 or 861 3057 Incl or 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 1000, 3-dr Hatchback, 81➝86 951 762 2000, 3-dr Hatchback, 81➝86 951 762 6000, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝89 950 761 6000, 5-dr Estate, 82➝89 950 Aztek, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05, with T-profile 4700 Bonneville, 77➝86 951 763 Bonneville, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝99 950 762 151 544 Fiero, 2-dr Coupé, 84➝88 950 761 009 544 Firefly, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝91 950 761 043 596 C Firefly, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝91 950 761 043 544 C Firefly, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝91 950 761 043 544 C G3, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (S. AMERICA) 750 761 or 861 1420 544 G6, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ (USA) 950 769 2161 Grand AM, 2-dr Coupé, 92➝98 950 761 177 Grand AM, 2-dr Coupé, 99➝05 950 761 2057 544 Grand AM, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝98 950 761 177 544 Grand Prix, 79➝87 951 763 P O N T I AC 527 527 009 544 761 009 544 762 or 862 4710 544 527 477 544 477 596 H 527 41 roof mounted load carriers P O N T I AC Grand Prix, 2-dr Sedan, 97➝03 950 762 094 477 596 Grand Prix, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝03 950 762 094 Grand Prix, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) 950 762 2146 Le Mans, 78➝81 951 763 527 Parisienne, 83➝88 951 763 527 Phoenix, 80➝84 951 762 527 Sunbird, 76➝94 951 762 Sunfire, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝03 950 761 245 Sunfire, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝03 950 761 245 544 Tempest, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝92 950 761 086 544 Trans Sport, 4-dr MPV, 98➝, with one sliding door 950 762 2016 544 544 477 527 477 596 Trans Sport, 4-dr MPV, 98➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 90➝96, with T-profile 4700 762 or 862 4710 544 Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 98➝, with dual sliding doors 950 762 2016 544 Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 98➝, with roof railing 757/755 H 596 C Incl 761 or 861 Incl Trans Sport, 5-dr Van, 90➝96, 97 950 763 141 544 Vibe, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ (USA) 950 761 2119 544 951 761 Cayenne, 5-dr SUV, 02➝, with T-profile 753 760 or 860 3036 or 4700 761 or 861 4710 757/755 761 or 861 Incl D PORSCHE 911 Carrera, 2-dr Coupé, 84➝89 Cayenne, 5-dr SUV, 03➝, with roof railing 527 Incl 544 PR E M I E R 1,38 D 951 762 527 118 NE 951 762 527 Gen 2, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1372 544 Impian, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ 750 761 or 861 1234 544 Perdana, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝ 750 761 or 861 1049 544 Persona, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝ 950 761 158 544 Persona, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝99 950 761 186 544 Persona, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝99 950 761 186 544 Putra, 2-dr Coupé, 01➝ 950 761 158 544 D Satria, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝00 950 761 158 544 D Savvy, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1410 544 D Waja, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝06 750 761 or 861 1234 544 Wira, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝05 750 761 or 861 1049 544 Wira, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝05 750 761 or 861 1049 544 952 765 527 4, 3-dr Hatchback, 70➝82 951 761 527 5, 3-dr Hatchback, 73➝85 951 761 527 9, 82➝89 951 761 527 11, 82➝89 951 761 527 12, 70➝79 951 761 14, 77➝84 950 761 17, 72➝75 951 761 18, 5-dr Estate, 79➝86 951 761 19 Chamade, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝95 950 761 2132 19, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝95 950 761 2132 19, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝95 950 761 20, 75➝84 950 761 PR OTO N C D PU C H G, 97➝ R E N AU LT 42 527 005 544 527 527 544 E 596 E 2132 544 E 005 544 477 410 Incl 410 Incl R E N AU LT 21, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝89 950 761 057 544 25, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝92 951 761 30, 75➝84 950 761 005 Clio III, 3-dr Hatchback, 06➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3037 Incl Clio III, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1363 544 Clio, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝97 750 760 or 860 1013 596 C Clio, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝03, 04➝05 750 761 or 861 1119 544 C Clio, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝05 750 760 or 860 1119 544 C 21, 5-dr Estate, 86➝89, with roof railing Clio III, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 410 Incl 527 544 777 775 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Clio, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝97 750 760 or 860 1013 544 C Clio, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝03, 04➝05 750 760 or 860 1119 544 C Espace, 5-dr MPV, 91➝97 950 762 155 544 Espace, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02 750 762 or 862 1104 544 Incl or Incl Incl Espace, 5-dr MPV, 85➝97, with roof railing 411 Espace, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ Incl No fit Espace, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with T-profile 753 769 or 869 3062 or 4700 762 or 862 4710 544 Express, 4-dr Van, 90➝97 960 760 2126 544 Fuego, 3-dr Coupé, 80➝86 951 761 Grand Scénic, 5-dr MPV, 04➝, with fixpoint, without sunroof 753 761 or 861 3078 or 751 761 or 861 3078 Incl Kangoo, 5-dr Van, 98➝02, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3021 Incl 960 760 2126 or Kangoo, 5-dr Van, 03➝07, with roof railing 527 Incl 544 H Incl H Incl H 757/755 760 or 860 Kangoo, 5-dr Van, 08➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 Koleos, 5-dr SUV, 08➝ 775 769 or 869 Incl Laguna I, 5-dr Estate, 96➝00, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 761 or 861 or Laguna I, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝00 Laguna II, 5-dr Estate, 01➝04, 05➝, with roof railing 3021 1007 775 761 or 861 Incl 761 or 861 Incl Laguna II, 5-dr Estate, 02➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 Laguna II, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝ 750 Laguna III, 5-dr Liftback, 07➝ 750 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Laguna III, 5-dr Estate, 08➝, with roof railing or 1311 544 D 761 or 861 1311 544 D 769 or 869 1463 544 Master (T28), 4-dr Van, 98➝00, 01➝03 960 765 2122 544 Master (T28), 5-dr Van, 98➝00, 01➝03 960 765 2122 544 Master (T33), 4-dr Van, 98➝00, 01➝03 960 765 2122 544 Master (T33), 5-dr Van, 98➝00, 01➝03 960 765 2122 544 Master, 4-dr Van, 98➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3045 Incl Master, 5-dr Van, 98➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3045 Incl Medallion, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝89 950 761 057 544 Mégane Classic, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝02 750 761 or 861 1297 544 Mégane II, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝, with fixpoint, without sunroof 753 761 or 861 3078 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3078 Incl Mégane II, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝, with fixpoint, without sunroof 753 761 or 861 3078 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3078 Mégane II, 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 or 757/755 761 or 861 753 761 or 861 3078 or 751 761 or 861 3078 Mégane, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝02 750 761 or 861 1297 4304 760 411 Incl C Incl Incl Mégane II, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝, with fixpoint, without sunroof Mégane, 5-dr Estate, 99➝02, with fixpoint Incl 544 757/755 or 411 Incl Incl Incl 777 596 C Incl 43 roof mounted load carriers R E N AU LT Mégane, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 750 761 or 861 1297 544 C Modus, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1363 544 C Grand Modus, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1336 544 C Nevada, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝89 950 761 057 544 Safrane, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝96, 97➝00 950 761 192 544 Scénic II, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with fixpoint, without sunroof 753 761 or 861 3078 Incl or 751 761 or 861 3078 Incl Scénic RX4, 5-dr MPV, 00➝02 750 761 or 861 1036 544 Scénic, 5-dr MPV, 97➝02 750 761 or 861 1036 544 or 4304 761 Super 5, 3-dr Hatchback, 85➝90 951 761 T 1100/T 1400 420 766 Thalia, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ 750 760 or 860 1119 544 Trafic, 2-dr Single cab, 01➝06, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3047 Incl or 960 765 2112 Trafic, 4-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint, with high roof 753 762 or 862 3046 Incl Trafic, 4-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3046 Incl or 960 765 2112 Trafic, 5-dr Van, 81➝00 952 765 Trafic, 5-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint, with high roof 753 762 or 862 3046 Incl Trafic, 5-dr Van, 01➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3046 Incl or 960 765 2112 Twingo, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝02, 03➝06 950 761 212 596 D Twingo (Mk II), 3-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 761 or 861 1467 544 C Vel Satis, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 796 or 869 3065 Incl 25, 3-dr Hatchback, 00➝03, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1044 544 25, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1044 544 45, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝03, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1045 544 45, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1045 544 75, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1154 544 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 527 C Incl 527 423 Incl C 527 477 R OV E R 75, 5-dr Estate, 01➝, with roof railing 100-serie, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝99 951 762 100-serie, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝99 951 762 200-Serie, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝95 750 761 or 861 1061 544 200-Serie, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1044 544 200-Serie, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝95 750 761 or 861 1061 544 200-Serie, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝95 750 761 or 861 1061 544 200-Serie, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1044 544 400-Serie, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝95 750 761 or 861 1061 544 400-Serie, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1045 544 400-Serie, 5-dr Estate, 95➝99 950 761 001 544 400-Serie, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝95 750 761 or 861 1061 544 400-Serie, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1045 544 600-Serie, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 1018 544 800-Serie, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝98 950 761 078 544 Acclaim 951 761 527 Allegro 951 761 527 Metro, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝94 951 761 527 Metro, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝94 951 761 527 Mini, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝00 951 761 527 Montego, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝94 950 761 Montego, 5-dr Estate, 84➝94, with roof railing 527 009 544 410 Incl Morris Marina 951 761 527 Princess, 81 951 761 527 Range Rover SUV, 85➝94 951 763 527 44 410 Incl R OV E R Range Rover, 5-dr SUV, 95➝01, with fixpoint 4304 761 Incl Streetwise, 3-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl E Streetwise, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 Incl E 9-2X, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1210 544 9-3 SportCombi, 5-dr Estate, 05➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3065 Incl 9-3 SportSedan, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3065 Incl 9-3, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 750 761 or 861 1028 544 SA AB 9-3, 5-dr Estate, 05➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 9-3, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 750 761 or 861 or 4602 760 or 860 9-5, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 or 4602 760 or 860 or 9-5, 5-dr Estate, 99➝01, 02➝04, 05➝, with roof railing 1003 544 1048 544 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 9-5, 5-dr Estate, 05➝, with fixpoint 750 761 or 861 9-7X, 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl or 1048 410 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl 544 or 757/755 761 Incl 9-7X, 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 90 368 761 527 95, 67➝80 951 761 527 96, 67➝80 951 761 527 99 368 761 527 600 951 761 527 900, 3-dr Hatchback, 79➝93 368 761 900, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝97 750 761 or 861 900, 5-dr Hatchback, 79➝93 368 761 or 4602 760 or 860 900, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝97 750 761 or 861 1003 544 9000, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝98 750 761 or 861 1003 544 or 4602 760 or 860 9000, 5-dr Hatchback, 85➝98 750 761 or 861 1003 544 950 761 246 544 Aro, 2-dr Crew cab, 07➝ 952 763 527 Carpat, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 952 763 527 PS 10, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 953 763 PS-300 3-dr SUV 07➝ 950 761 97 PS-350 5-dr SUV 07➝ 950 761 150 Ion, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ (USA) 950 761 2139 544 LS, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝04 950 761 2088 544 SC 2, 3-dr Coupé, 97➝02 950 761 2018 544 SL 1, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝ 950 761 2060 544 950 763 2124 544 Alhambra, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 750 762 or 862 1040 544 Alhambra, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 527 1028 544 527 SAMSUNG SM5, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝ S A N TA N A 527 S AT U R N D H SCION Xb, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ (USA) S E AT or Alhambra, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ No fit 45 roof mounted load carriers S E AT Altea Freetrack, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 4901 761 or 861 4914 Incl Altea XL, 5-dr Estate, 06➝ 4901 761 or 861 4914 Incl D Altea, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1354 544 D Arosa, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝05 750 761 or 861 1052 544 Cordoba, 2-dr Coupé, 00➝02 406-1 Incl Cordoba, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝99, 00➝02 406-1 Incl Cordoba, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 Fura, 3-dr Hatchback, 81➝86 951 761 1266 544 527 Ibiza (6K), 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝99, 00➝01 406-1 Ibiza (6K), 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝99, 00➝01 406-1 Incl Incl Ibiza (6L), 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝07 750 761 or 861 1266 544 Ibiza (6L), 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝07 750 761 or 861 1266 544 Ibiza, 3-dr Hatchback, 91➝92 369 760 527 Ibiza, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝92 369 760 527 Ibiza, 5-dr Hatchback, 08➝ 750 769 or 869 Inca, 2-dr Single cab, 96➝03 950 761 Inca, 3-dr Estate, 96➝03, with fixpoint 753 Inca, 3-dr Van, 96➝03, with fixpoint 753 1493 544 D 274 544 C 760 or 860 3007 Incl 760 or 860 3007 Incl Léon I, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝05 Léon I, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝05, with fixpoint 4305 Incl 753 760 or 860 3020 Incl Léon I, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝05, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3020 Incl Léon II, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1398 544 Malaga, 85➝92 951 761 Marbella, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝97, with fixed side rear window 950 761 023 Marbella, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝97, with openable rear window 950 761 023 Ronda, 5-dr Hatchback, 82➝86 951 761 Terra, 86-98 420 763 753 760 or 860 Léon I, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝05 4305 527 596 544 527 Incl 4305 Toledo, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝98 Toledo, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 477 421 Toledo II, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝04 Toledo II, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝04, with fixpoint Incl Incl 3020 Incl No fit 750 761 or 861 1354 544 753 760 or 860 3003 Incl D S KO DA Fabia, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝, with fixpoint Fabia, 5-dr Estate, 00➝07 Fabia, 5-dr Estate, 00➝08, with roof railing No fit 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Fabia, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝06, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3003 Incl Fabia, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1452 544 757/755 760 or 860 or Favorit, 5-dr Estate, 93➝94, with roof railing 750 761 or 861 1055 544 Felicia, 2-dr Single cab, 97➝01 750 761 or 861 1055 544 Felicia, 5-dr Estate, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1055 544 757/755 760 or 860 Felicia, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝01 750 761 or 861 1055 544 Forman, 90➝94 750 761 or 861 1055 544 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Octavia I, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝00, 01➝04 Octavia I, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝99, 01➝04, with fixpoint 4305 753 760 or 860 Octavia I, 5-dr Estate, 98➝00, 01➝04 Octavia I, 5-dr Estate, 98➝00, 01➝04, with roof railing or Octavia II, 5-dr Estate, 05➝, with roof railing or 46 3003 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl L Incl Incl 4305 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Octavia II, 5-dr Estate, 05➝ 410 Incl Favorit, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝94 Forman, 5-dr Estate, 94➝, with roof railing Incl Incl 410 or Felicia, 5-dr Estate, 96➝01, with roof railing 410 No fit 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl S KO DA Octavia II, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with fixpoint Octavia Scout, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 750 769 or 869 1360 544 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl or 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Roomster, 5-dr Maxicab, 06➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl or Praktik, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing Roomster, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing Roomster, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing No fit 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Superb, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝04, 05➝08 750 761 or 861 1257 544 Superb, 4-dr sedan, 08➝ 750 769 or 869 1495 544 750 761 or 861 1347 544 C Actyon, 4-dr Double cab, 06➝ 750 762 or 862 1448 544 D Actyon, 5-dr SUV, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1448 544 D Family R/RS 952 763 Korando, 3-dr SUV, 97➝05 750 763 or 863 757/755 761 or 861 775 769 or 869 757/755 769 or 869 Incl 750 762 or 862 Musso, 5-dr SUV, 96➝05, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Rexton, 5-dr SUV, 01➝06, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Rexton, 5-dr SUV, 02➝06 750 762 or 862 Rodius, 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Forester, 5-dr Estate, 97➝02, with roof railing 4900 761 or 861 4913 Incl Forester, 5-dr Estate, 03➝05, 06➝, with roof railing 4900 761 or 861 4910 Incl Forester, 5-dr Estate, 03➝ with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 4005 Incl Forester, 5-dr Estate, 08➝ 775 761 or 861 Impreza WRX, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ 950 761 206 544 C, H Impreza, 2-dr Coupé, 95➝00 950 761 206 596 C Impreza, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝99, 00 750 761 or 861 1122 544 E Impreza, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝02, 03➝05, 06➝07 750 769 or 869 1210 544 950 761 206 544 or 410 Incl Incl 410 Incl Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl SMART Forfour, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ S S A N GYO N G Korando, 3-dr SUV, 97➝05, with roof railing Kyron, 5-dr SUV, 05➝07, with roof railing or Musso, 5-dr SUV, 95➝05 527 1349 777 596 1203 544 1309 C C 544 Incl SUBARU Impreza, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00 Impreza, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00, 01➝04, 05➝07, with roof railing Incl 477 757/755 760 or 860 Impreza, 5-dr Estate, 01➝07 750 769 or 869 1210 544 Impreza (Mk.III.), 4-dr Sedan, 07➝ 753 761 or 861 3068 Incl Impreza (Mk.III.), 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 753 761 or 861 3068 Incl Justy, 3-dr Hatchback, 85➝95 951 761 Justy, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 950 761 Justy, 5-dr Hatchback, 85➝95 951 761 Justy, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 950 761 043 544 C Justy, 5-dr MPV, 03➝07 750 769 or 869 1355 544 C 757/755 761 or 861 Incl C Justy, 5-dr MPV, 03➝07, with roof railing Incl 527 043 477 596 C 527 Lancaster, 5-dr SUV, 98➝03, with roof railing 410 Incl Legacy (Mk III), 5-dr Estate, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 Legacy, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝93 950 762 Legacy, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝98 750 761 or 861 Legacy, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03 750 762 or 862 1060 544 E Legacy, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 769 or 869 1340 544 C Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 89➝93, with high roof 950 761 146 544 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 89➝93, 94➝02, 03, with roof railing 757/755 760 or 860 3018 Incl 112 544 1062 544 Incl 47 roof mounted load carriers SUBARU Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 94➝02 750 761 or 861 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 94➝02, with high roof 950 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, with roof railing (JPN) 4900 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, with roof railing (USA) 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 Liberty, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03 Outback, 5-dr Estate, 97➝02, with roof railing 1058 544 760 241 544 760 or 860 4916 Incl D Incl 1060 544 950 769 Rex, 3-dr Hatchback, 72➝81 951 761 2155 544 527 Superstation 952 762 527 Tribeca, 5-dr SUV, 05➝07 750 763 or 863 Tribeca, 5-dr SUV, 08➝, with roof railing 775 762 or 862 or 755 762 or 762 Incl Turismo 951 761 527 Aerio, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝03, 04➝07 750 761 or 861 1235 Aerio, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝07 750 761 or 861 1235 Alto Works, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝04 (JPN) 750 760 or 860 1168 Alto Works, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝04 (JPN) 750 760 or 860 Alto, 3-dr Hatchback, 85➝93 950 761 Alto, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝98 950 Alto, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝01 (EUR) Alto, 3-dr Hatchback, 94➝98 (JPN) 1431 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl E Incl Outback, 5-dr Estate, 03➝07 (USA) 411 C 544 Incl S UZ U K I 544 C 544 C 596 C 1168 544 C 072 544 761 269 544 C 750 761 or 861 1168 777 596 C 750 761 or 861 1168 777 596 C Alto, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝04 (JPN) 750 760 or 860 1168 777 596 C Alto, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝01 (EUR) 750 761 or 861 1168 544 C Alto, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝98 (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1168 544 C Alto, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝04 (JPN) 750 760 or 860 1168 544 C Alto, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝06 (EUR) 750 760 or 860 1168 544 C APV, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1421 544 950 761 256 544 Baleno, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝02 Baleno, 5-dr Estate, 96➝02, with roof railing 757/755 777 760 or 860 410 or Carry, 00➝05 951 761 Cervo, 78➝84 951 761 Escudo, 3-dr SUV, 98➝05 950 761 2074 950 761 2074 Escudo, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05 Escudo, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05, with roof railing 757/755 Esteem, 5-dr Estate, 98➝, with roof railing Incl 527 527 477 596 544 761 or 861 Incl 411 or Escudo, 5-dr SUV, 05➝ 1402 Incl 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 544 Incl 527 Every, 79-05 953 761 or 420 761 Every, 79-05, with high roof 420 761 Every, 5-dr MPV, 05➝, with normal roof (JPN) 951 769 Forenza, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝04 (USA) 950 769 Forenza, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl or Incl 527 2165 950 761 072 950 761 2074 Grand Vitara, 3-dr SUV, 98➝04, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Grand Vitara, 3-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 753 761 or 861 3024 Incl Grand Vitara, 5-dr SUV, 98➝04 750 762 or 862 1181 544 544 477 596 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Grand Vitara, 5-dr SUV, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1402 544 Grand Vitara, 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 753 761 or 861 3024 Incl or 48 B 544 Grand Vitara, 3-dr SUV, 98➝04 Grand Vitara, 5-dr SUV, 98➝04, with roof railing B Incl 421 Fronte, 5-dr Hatchback, 85➝93 or D Incl B S UZ U K I Ignis, 3-dr Hatchback, 01➝05 Ignis, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05 750 761 or 861 1166 1166 777 596 C 544 C 750 761 or 861 Ignis, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Ignis, 5-dr SUV, 04➝07, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Jimny Sierra, 3-dr SUV, 98➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Jimny, 3-dr SUV, 98➝03, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Kei, 3-dr MPV, 99➝ Incl 411 Incl Incl 411 Incl 410 Incl 411 Incl 750 761 or 861 760 or 860 Kei, 5-dr MPV, 99➝ 750 761 or 861 1166 544 C Landy, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 1390 544 C Lapin, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝ 750 761 or 861 1280 544 A Liana, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝03, 04➝07 750 761 or 861 1235 544 C Liana, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝06 750 761 or 861 1235 544 C Samurai, 82➝98 951 761 Sidekick, 3-dr SUV, 90➝94 950 761 097 544 Sidekick, 5-dr SUV, 91➝98 950 761 152 544 SJ 3-dr SUV, 82➝92, with roof railing 757/755 596 C Incl 527 761 or 861 Incl Super Carry, 5-dr Van, 86➝98 952 765 Swift, 3-dr Hatchback, 89➝95, 96➝01 950 761 043 Swift, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 950 761 Swift, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝95, 96➝01 950 Swift, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 SX4, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ SX4, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing or 777 Incl 757/755 Kei, 5-dr MPV, 98➝, with roof railing 1166 411 527 596 C 043 544 C 761 043 544 C 761 or 861 1391 544 C 750 760 or 860 1437 544 C 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Tracker, 3-dr SUV, 98➝ 950 761 2074 Tracker, 5-dr SUV, 98➝ 950 761 2074 Verona, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ (USA) 950 769 2166 Vitara (LWB), 5-dr, 94➝97, with roof railing 477 477 596 544 544 410 Incl Vitara, 3-dr SUV, 90➝97 950 761 097 544 Vitara, 5-dr SUV, 90➝97 950 761 152 544 Vitara, 5-dr SUV, 98➝97, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 411 Incl Wagon R+, 5-dr MPV, 97➝05, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 411 Incl Wagon R+, 5-dr MPV, 99➝03, 04➝05 750 761 or 861 1167 544 C Wagon R, 3-dr MPV, 99➝03 750 761 or 861 1167 544 C Wagon R, 5-dr MPV, 99➝03 750 761 or 861 1167 544 C 757/755 760 or 860 411 Incl 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Wagon R, 5-dr MPV, 99➝03, with roof railing Wagon R, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ XL-7, 5-dr SUV, 01➝02, 03➝, with roof railing Incl 1343 544 A TA L B OT 1100 951 761 527 1507 Solara 951 761 527 1508 Soara 951 761 527 Horizon, 3-dr Hatchback, 78➝86 951 761 527 Samba, 3-dr Hatchback, 82➝86 951 761 527 420 765 Incl 760 or 860 Incl 951 761 527 750 761 or 861 TATA 407 Indigo, 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with roof railing 757/755 TAV R I A Tavria/XL T hink City, 3-dr Hatchback 07➝ 1479 544 B 49 roof mounted load carriers TOYOTA 4 Runner, 3-dr SUV, 90➝95 750 761 or 861 4 Runner, 3-dr SUV, 90➝95, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 4 Runner, 5-dr SUV, 90➝95 750 761 or 861 1085 544 757/755 760 or 860 4 Runner, 5-dr SUV, 90➝95, 96➝02, with T-profile 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 4 Runner, 5-dr SUV, 96➝03 750 761 or 861 1064 544 Allex, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1205 544 D Allion, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝07 750 761 or 861 1290 544 C Alphard, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 1267 544 D Alphard, 5-dr MPV, 08➝ 750 763 or 863 1491 544 B Altezza, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝05 750 761 or 861 1152 544 Altezza, 5-dr Estate, 01➝05 750 761 or 861 1230 544 Aurion, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (AU) 750 769 or 869 1438 544 Auris, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ 750 769 or 869 1440 544 B Auris, 3-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 753 769 or 869 1473 544 C Avalon, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 950 761 2070 544 Avalon, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝04 950 762 2090 544 Avanza, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1371 544 C Avensis Verso, 5-dr MPV, 01➝06 750 762 or 862 1231 544 D Avensis Verso, 5-dr MPV, 01➝06, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 Avensis, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝02 750 761 or 861 1077 544 Avensis, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1405 544 Avensis, 5-dr Estate, 98➝00, 01➝02, 03➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Avensis, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝02 750 761 or 861 1077 544 Avensis, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1405 544 Aygo, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1498 544 B bB, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝05 750 762 or 862 1172 544 D bB, 5-dr MPV, 06➝ 750 762 or 862 1394 544 A 757/755 762 or 862 4 Runner, 5-dr SUV, 90➝95, with roof railing Caldina, 5-dr Estate, 96➝01, 02➝07, with roof railing 1085 777 596 Incl 777 769 2056 477 544 Camry, 2-dr Coupé, 94➝96 950 762 166 477 596 Camry, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝86 951 761 Camry, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝91 368 760 Camry, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝96 750 761 or 861 1224 544 Camry, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝98, 99➝01 (EUR/ASIA) 750 761 or 861 1029 544 Camry, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝06 750 762 or 862 1261 544 Camry, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 769 or 869 1438 544 Camry, 5-dr Estate, 87➝91 368 760 950 761 Carib, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 951 757/755 188 527 761 Carina II, 5-dr Estate, 88➝91, with roof railing 757/755 Incl 527 087 544 760 or 860 Incl Carina E, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97 369 760 527 Carina E, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97 369 760 527 Carina E, 5-dr Estate, 93➝97, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl or Carina E, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 369 760 Carina ED, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝93 950 761 112 544 Carina, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝00 (ASIA) 750 761 or 861 1140 544 Celica GT, 3-dr Coupé, 81➝86 950 761 009 544 Celica, 3-dr Coupé, 87➝89 950 761 009 477 596 Celica, 3-dr Coupé, 00➝06 750 761 or 861 1174 777 596 50 Incl Incl 410 or 761 410 544 760 or 860 951 Incl 527 761 950 410 527 Incl Carina II, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 D 527 761 or 861 Carina, 82➝87 Incl D Incl 950 Camry, 5-dr Hatchback, 83➝86 410 D Incl 411 757/755 D Incl Camry Solara, 2-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) Camry, 5-dr Estate, 92➝96, with roof railing Incl Incl or Camry, 5-dr Estate, 92➝96 410 527 D C TOYOTA Chaser, 84➝87, 88➝91 951 762 527 Chaser, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝ (ASIA) 750 761 or 861 Corolla, 74➝79 951 761 Corolla Altis, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝06 (ASIA) 750 761 or 861 Corolla Compact, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝97 369 760 527 Corolla Compact, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝97 369 760 527 Corolla Compact, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝01 369 761 527 Corolla Escape, 5-dr Estate, 88➝92 952 762 Corolla Fielder, 5-dr Estate, 06➝ 750 761 or 861 1411 544 Corolla, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝97 750 761 or 861 1031 544 Corolla, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝ 750 761 or 861 1071 544 Corolla Rumion, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 763 or 863 1482 544 D Corolla Runx, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1205 544 D 1123 544 1245 544 527 527 Corolla Tercel 4WD XLI, 88➝, with roof railing 410 750 762 or 862 Corolla Verso, 5-dr MPV, 02➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Corolla Verso, 5-dr MPV, 04➝07, 08➝ 750 762 or 862 Corolla, 3-dr Hatchback, 88➝92 368 760 Corolla, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝99, 00➝01 750 761 or 861 1071 777 596 Corolla, 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝06 750 761 or 861 1264 777 596 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝87 951 761 527 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝92 368 760 527 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝97 369 760 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 (ASIA) 950 761 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝99, 00➝01 369 761 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝05 (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1205 544 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝06 750 761 or 861 1245 544 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 07➝ 750 761 or 861 1446 544 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 08➝ (USA) 950 769 2197 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 88➝92 952 762 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 88➝96, with T-profile (USA) 4700 761 or 861 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 93➝97 369 760 527 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 93➝97, 98➝99, 00➝01, 02➝06, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 544 D Incl 1353 544 D 527 D 527 112 544 527 D B E 527 4710 544 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 98➝99 369 761 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 00➝06 750 761 or 861 Corolla, 5-dr Hatchback, 80➝87 951 761 Corolla, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝92 368 760 Corolla, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝06 750 761 or 861 Corona, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 950 Corona, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝00 750 Cressida, 4-dr Sedan, 78➝83 951 761 527 Cressida, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝95 368 762 527 Cresta, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝87 951 762 Crown, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝98 950 762 Crown, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝04 (CHINA) 750 Duet, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝04 750 Echo, 2-dr Sedan, 00➝ (USA) 950 761 2116 Echo, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝ 750 761 or 861 1187 Emina, 4-dr MPV, 92➝99 750 761 or 861 1080 Emina, 5-dr MPV, 92➝99, with twin moon roof 750 761 or 861 1135 410 Incl 527 1205 544 D 527 527 1205 544 761 087 544 761 or 861 1140 544 D D 527 009 544 769 or 869 1418 544 761 or 861 1133 544 477 596 777 D 596 544 411 777 Incl 750 762 or 862 1080 Estima, 5-dr MPV, 90➝99, with twin moon roof 750 762 or 862 1135 544 Estima, 5-dr MPV, 00➝02, 03➝05 750 761 or 861 1165 544 Estima, 5-dr MPV, 90➝99, with roof railing (JPN) D 544 Estima Aeras, 5-dr MPV, 96➝, with roof railing (JPN) Estima, 4-dr MPV, 90➝99 544 Incl Corolla Verso, 5-dr MPV, 02➝03 or 1232 D 596 411 Incl C 51 roof mounted load carriers TOYOTA Estima, 5-dr MPV, 00➝06, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Estima, 5-dr MPV, 06➝ 750 769 or 869 F-model, 5-dr Van, 82➝90 952 762 Funcargo, 5-dr MPV, 99➝05 750 762 or 862 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 757/755 763 or 863 Funcargo, 5-dr MPV, 99➝05, with roof railing Gaia, 5-dr MPV, 98➝05 Gracia, 5-dr Estate, 97➝, with roof railing Incl 1384 544 1136 544 1126 544 C Incl Incl Grand Cruiser, 98➝, with roof railing (JPN) 411 Incl Granvia, 5-dr MPV, 95➝02 750 762 or 862 1153 544 Harrier (MkII), 5-dr SUV, 03➝ (JPN) 750 769 or 869 1298 544 Hi Ace Regius, 5-dr MPV, 97➝02 750 762 or 862 1153 544 757/755 762 or 862 Hi Ace Regius, 5-dr MPV, 97➝02, with roof railing B 527 D Incl Hi Ace Van, 83➝95 952 763 or 420 763 421 Incl Hi Ace Van, 83➝95, with high roof 420 765 423 Incl Hi Ace, 5-dr Van, 96➝06, 07➝, with fixpoint 753 762 or 862 Hi Ace, 5-dr MPV, 96➝04 950 763 Hi Ace, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ (JPN) 951 763 Hi Lux Surf, 5-dr SUV, 96➝03 750 761 or 861 1064 Hi Lux Surf, 5-dr SUV, 02➝ (JPN) 750 762 or 862 1289 Hi Lux, 2-dr Crew cab, 89➝97 750 761 or 861 1118 Hi Lux, 2-dr Crew cab, 97➝01 750 761 or 861 1083 544 D Hi Lux, 2-dr Single cab, 98➝04 750 761 or 861 1083 544 A, L Hi Lux, 2-dr Single cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1348 544 C Hi Lux, 2-dr X-tra Cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1348 544 C Hi Lux, 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1350 544 C Hi Lux, 4-dr Double cab, 94➝03 (BRAZIL) 950 761 111 544 Hi Lux, 4-dr Double cab, 98➝04 750 761 or 861 1083 544 D Innova, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1357 544 D 1065 544 Ipsum, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 3043 Incl 270 544 544 777 Ipsum, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 750 762 or 862 1231 544 D Isis, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ (JPN) 750 761 1352 544 C Ist (Mk II), 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 761 or 861 1468 544 C Kluger V, 5-dr SUV, 00➝06 750 762 or 862 1310 544 D Kluger, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 1490 544 D Land Cruiser 70 long SUV, 84➝04 953 765 or 420 765 Land Cruiser 80 long SUV, 90➝97 952 763 Land Cruiser 90, 5-dr SUV, 02➝03 750 762 or 862 Land Cruiser 90, 5-dr SUV, 03➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Land Cruiser 100, 5-dr SUV, 90➝97, 98➝01, 02➝07, with roof railing 757/755 762 or 862 Land Cruiser 100, 5-dr SUV, 98➝01, 02➝07 750 763 or 863 1288 544 D Land Cruiser 120, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1287 544 D Land Cruiser 120, 5-dr SUV, 04➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 762 or 862 Incl 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Land Cruiser Prado, 98➝02 421 Incl 527 1287 544 Incl 527 Incl Land Cruiser Prado, 5-dr SUV, 02➝ 750 762 or 862 Land Cruiser SUV, 80➝89, 90➝97 951 763 527 1287 544 775 762 or 862 Incl 757/755 762 or 862 Incl Land Cruiser, 5-dr SUV, 98➝02, with roof railing (USA) 775 762 or 862 Levin, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝94 950 761 52 D Incl 762 or 862 or Incl 527 762 Land Cruiser, 3-dr SUV, 03➝, with roofrailing 951 Incl 757/755 Land Cruiser Prado, 98➝02, with roof railing 411 D 596 761 or 861 or Incl 544 761 or 861 Land Cruiser 500, 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 411 E 527 750 or Incl 527 757/755 Ipsum, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝03, with roof railing 411 D Incl 185 477 596 C TOYOTA Levin, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝94 950 761 185 Lucida, 4-dr MPV, 92➝99 750 761 or 861 1080 Lucida, 5-dr MPV, 92➝99, with twin moon roof 750 762 or 862 1135 Mark II, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝91 951 761 Mark II, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝07 (ASIA) 750 761 or 861 1123 544 Mark Zio, 5-dr Estate, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 1481 544 Matrix, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ 950 761 2119 544 MR2, 2-dr Coupé, 89➝99 951 761 Nadia SU, 5-dr Estate, 00➝03 750 761 or 861 1120 544 Nadia, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03 750 761 or 861 1120 544 Noah (Mk. I.), 5-dr MPV, 01➝07 750 762 or 862 1256 544 D Noah (Mk. II.), 5-dr MPV, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 1460 544 D Paseo 951 762 527 Paseo, 2-dr Coupé, 96➝ 369 760 527 Passo, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 544 777 C 596 544 C 527 527 No fit PicNic, 5-dr MPV, 97➝00 750 761 or 861 PicNic, 5-dr MPV, 97➝00, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl PicNic, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ 750 762 or 862 1231 544 Platz, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝03 750 761 or 861 1187 544 Premio, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝07 750 761 or 861 1290 544 Previa, 4-dr MPV, 90➝99 750 762 or 862 1080 Previa, 5-dr MPV, 90➝99, 00➝02, 03➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Previa, 5-dr MPV, 90➝99, with sunroof 750 762 or 862 1135 544 Previa, 5-dr MPV, 00➝02, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1165 544 Prius, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝99, 00➝03 750 762 or 862 1103 544 Prius, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝03 (USA) 950 762 2124 544 Prius, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ (USA) 950 761 2142 544 Prius, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1345 544 D Probox, 5-dr Estate, 02➝ (JPN) 750 762 or 862 1316 544 D Pronard, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝04 (JPN) 950 762 2090 544 Ractis, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ (JPN) 750 762 or 862 1383 544 B Raum, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1305 544 C 757/755 761 or 861 or or Raum, 5-dr MPV, 97➝03, with roof railing RAV 4 (Mk III), 5-dr SUV, 05➝ 750 762 RAV 4 (Mk III), 5-dr SUV, 05➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 or 1065 544 777 1385 544 411 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl D Incl 1088 RAV 4, 3-dr SUV, 00➝03, 04➝05 750 760 or 860 1164 RAV 4, 3-dr SUV, 00➝03, 04➝05, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl RAV 4, 5-dr SUV, 94➝99 750 761 or 861 1088 544 RAV 4, 5-dr SUV, 00➝03, 04➝05 750 760 or 860 1164 544 RAV 4, 5-dr SUV, 00➝03, 04➝05, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Regius, 5-dr Van, 00➝02 750 762 or 862 1164 544 Rush, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1395 544 Sequoia, 5-dr SUV, 01➝, with roof railing 775 762 or 862 Sienna, 5-dr MPV, 98➝03 950 762 2052 544 C Sienta, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ 750 762 or 862 1315 544 C Incl 777 596 544 D D B Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Spacio, 5-dr MPV, 01➝06 750 762 or 862 1232 544 Sprinter Cielo, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝97 750 761 or 861 1031 544 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 761 527 951 Incl Incl 761 or 861 Starlet, 79➝84 411 C 761 or 861 Sprinter, 5-dr Estate, 98➝, with roof railing Incl 596 750 Spacio, 5-dr MPV, 97➝00, with roof railing 411 C 757/755 or Incl D RAV 4, 3-dr SUV, 94➝99 or 411 Incl D 53 roof mounted load carriers TOYOTA Starlet, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝95 951 761 Starlet, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 Starlet, 5-dr Hatchback, 90➝95 951 761 Starlet, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 750 761 or 861 1042 544 Succeed, 5-dr Estate, 02➝ (JPN) 750 762 or 862 1316 544 Supra, 3-dr Coupé, 81➝86 950 761 009 544 Tacoma, 2-dr Crew cab, 05➝ (USA) 950 763 2160 544 Tacoma, 4-dr Double cab, 05➝ (USA) 950 763 2160 544 Tacoma, 4-dr SUV, 96➝04 950 761 277 544 750 769 or 869 1384 544 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Tarago MK.II, 5-dr MPV, 06➝ (AU) Tarago Mk.II, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with roof railing (AU) 527 1041 777 596 527 Tercel, 3-dr Hatchback, 79➝85 951 762 527 Tercel, 5-dr Estate, 83➝ 952 762 527 Tercel, 5-dr Hatchback, 79➝85 951 762 527 Town Lite Ace, 5-dr Van, 80➝85, with roof railing D B 761 or 861 Incl Town Ace/Lite Ace, MPV, 96➝ 953 762 527 or 420 762 Town Ace/Lite Ace, MPV, 96➝, with high roof 420 762 Tundra Crew Cab, 4-dr Double cab, 07➝ 950 763 2124 544 Tundra, 4-dr Double cab, 99➝03, 04➝06 950 762 2076 544 Tundra, 4-dr Double cab, 07➝ 950 763 2124 544 Unser, 5-dr MPV, 00➝07 951 762 527 C Vigo, 2-dr Single cab, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1348 544 C Vigo, 2-dr X-tra Cab, 05➝ 750 762 or 862 1348 544 C Vigo, 4-dr Double cab, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1350 544 C Vista, 4-dr Sedan, 83➝86 951 761 Vista, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝05 750 761 or 861 Vista, 5-dr Hatchback, 83➝86 951 761 Vitz, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝03, 04➝05 750 761 or 861 Vitz, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝03, 04 750 761 or 861 1141 544 D Vitz, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ (JPN) 750 761 or 861 1427 544 C Voxy (Mk. I.), 5-dr MPV, 01➝07 (ASIA) 750 762 or 862 1256 544 D Voxy (Mk.II.), 5-dr MPV, 07➝ (ASIA) 750 762 or 862 1460 544 D Wish, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1296 544 D 1136 544 C Yaris Verso, 5-dr MPV, 00➝ Yaris Verso, 5-dr MPV, 00➝, with roof railing Yaris, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝03, 04➝05 Yaris, 3-dr Hatchback, 99➝>03, 04➝05, with roof railing 757/755 750 762 or 862 757/755 760 or 860 750 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 527 1187 544 527 1141 777 596 D Incl 1141 777 596 D Incl 763 2196 Yaris, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝05 750 761 or 861 1187 544 Yaris, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝03, 04➝05 750 761 or 861 1141 544 757/755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 2206, 5-dr Van, 96➝ 952 765 527 31514, 5-dr SUV, 93➝04 952 765 527 3153, 5-dr SUV, 96➝04 952 765 527 3159, 4-dr SUV, 00➝04 952 765 527 3159, 5-dr SUV, 99➝04 952 765 527 3741, 5-dr Van, 85➝ 952 765 527 3909, 5-dr SUV, 94➝ 952 765 527 3962, 5-dr Van, 85➝ 952 765 527 Alter, 86➝94 953 766 527 or 420 766 Incl D Incl 1427 544 UA Z UMM 54 410 Incl 950 Yaris, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ Incl Incl 421 Yaris, 3-dr Hatchback 08➝ (USA) Yaris, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝03, 04➝05, with roof railing 410 C VAU X H A L L Agila, 5-dr MPV, 00➝ Agila, 5-dr MPV, 00➝, with roof railing 750 761 or 861 757/755 1167 544 761 or 861 Incl 951 761 527 Astra, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Astra, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Astra MK I Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97, with roof railing 410 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Astra, 5-dr Estate, 04➝06, with roof railing 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl Astra, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 4903 761 or 861 4919 Incl Astra, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, 98➝03, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl 751 760 or 860 3025 or or 751 760 or 860 3010 Astra GTC, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝, with fixpoint 751 760 or 860 3025 751 760 or 860 3010 Calibra, 3-dr Coupé, 90➝97, with fixpoint 761 527 Cavalier, 80➝88 951 761 Cavalier, 4-dr Sedan, 89➝95 750 761 or 861 1003 544 Cavalier, 5-dr Hatchback, 89➝95 750 761 or 861 1003 544 951 761 527 4304 760 Incl Corsa B, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Corsa C, 3-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Corsa C, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Firenza, 71➝75 951 761 Frontera Sport, 3-dr SUV, 92➝98, 99➝04 950 762 527 240 477 596 Frontera Sport, 3-dr SUV, 92➝98, 99➝04, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Frontera, 5-dr SUV, 92➝98, 99➝04, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Kadett, 3-dr Hatchback, 85➝91, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Kadett, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝91, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Kadett, 5-dr Estate, 85➝91, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Kadett, 5-dr Hatchback, 85➝91, with fixpoint 4304 760 Incl Meriva, 5-dr MPV, 03➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 761 or 861 762 or 862 3006 1301 Incl 544 Monterey, 3-dr SUV, 93➝ 750 762 or 862 1091 Monterey, 3-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 777 D 1091 Incl 750 762 or 862 Nova, 83➝93 951 762 527 Omega, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝03 951 761 527 Monterey, 5-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing H 596 411 544 411 Incl 761 or 861 Incl 951 762 527 Senator, 83➝87, 88➝96 951 761 Signum, 5-dr Estate, 03➝05, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 761 or 861 762 or 862 3006 1285 Incl 544 Signum, 5-dr Estate, 03➝05, with roof railing 4900 769 or 869 4912 Incl Tigra, 3-dr Coupé, 94➝00, with fixpoint 4304 760 757/755 Incl 527 Corsa B, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, with fixpoint Rascal, 86➝94 410 Incl 951 Omega, 5-dr Estate, 94➝03, with roof railing Incl J Incl Incl Monterey, 5-dr SUV, 93➝ 411 Incl 4654 760 Chevette, 75➝84 Incl Incl 4304 Carlton, 79➝95 411 Incl Astra, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝, with fixpoint or C 527 D Incl Vectra GTS, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 760 or 860 762 or 862 3006 1285 Incl 544 Vectra, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝01 750 761 or 861 1003 544 or 4604 760 or 860 D J 55 roof mounted load carriers VAU X H A L L Vectra, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 Incl or or 751 750 760 or 860 762 or 862 3006 1285 Incl 544 757/755 760 or 860 Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝02, with roof railing Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 03➝04, 05➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3006 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl 750 761 or 861 1003 544 or 4604 760 or 860 Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02, 03➝04, with fixpoint 4304 761 Incl Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 03➝04, 05➝, with roof railing Vectra, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝01 Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02, 03➝04, with roof railing or Zafira, 5dr MPV, 05➝, with fixpoint 410 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl Incl J 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 751 760 or 860 3025 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 05➝06, with roof railing, without sunroof 4900 761 or 861 4912 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 07➝, with roof railing, without sunroof 4903 761 or 861 4919 Incl Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 05➝06, with sunroof, with roof railing D Incl No fit VO L KS WAG E N 1200, 2-dr Coupé, 60➝85 951 761 527 1300, 2-dr Coupé, 65➝73 951 761 527 1302, 2-dr Coupé, 70➝72 952 762 527 1303, 2-dr Coupé, 72➝75 952 762 Beetle, 2-dr Coupé, 98➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1094 544 Bora, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝05 750 761 or 861 1051 544 Bora, 5-dr Variant, 99➝05 750 761 or 861 1051 544 757/755 760 or 860 Bora, 5-dr Variant, 99➝05, with roof railing Bus Transporter, 80➝90, with high roof 952 765 Caddy (Mk II), 2-dr Single cab, 96➝03 750 761 or 861 or 950 761 Caddy (Mk II), 3-dr Estate, 96➝03, with fixpoint 753 Caddy (Mk II), 3-dr Van, 96➝03, with fixpoint 753 Caddy (Mk III), 3-dr Estate, 04➝, with fixpoint or 527 Incl 527 1055 544 274 544 760 or 860 3007 Incl 760 or 860 3007 Incl 753 761 or 861 3022 Incl 751 760 or 860 3022 Incl Caddy (Mk III), 3-dr Van, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3022 Incl or or 751 960 760 or 860 761 3022 2144 Incl 544 Caddy (Mk III), 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3022 Incl or 751 760 or 860 3022 Incl Caddy (Mk III), 5-dr Van, 04➝, with fixpoint 753 761 or 861 3022 Incl or 751 760 or 860 3022 Incl Caddy Maxi, 3-4 dr Van, 08➝ 753 761 or 861 3022 Incl California (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with T-profile 751 769 or 869 3034 4610 769 or 869 Caravelle (T5), 03➝, with T-profile 751 763 or 863 or and or 3034 J J, L J Incl 4652 4653 4610 Caravelle (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with high roof Caravelle (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with T-profile Incl 4652 4653 or and or J J, L J 769 or 869 No fit 751 Caravelle (T5), 4-dr Van, 05➝, with high roof 763 or 863 3034 Incl No fit Corrado, 3-dr Hatchback, 90➝95 950 761 094 Crafter, 4-dr Van, 06➝, with fixpoint 753 763 or 863 3032 Incl Crafter, 4-dr Van, 06➝, with T-profile 753 763 or 863 3027 Incl Cross Golf, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl or Cross Polo, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝, with roof railing or L 477 596 Derby, 78➝83 952 762 Fox, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ 750 761 or 861 1337 544 D Fox, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ 750 761 or 861 1337 544 D 56 527 VO L KS WAG E N Gol, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 950 761 2045 Gol, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝05 950 761 2058 544 544 Golf Country, 5-dr SUV, with roof railing 410 Golf I, 3-dr Hatchback, 75➝83 951 761 Golf I, 5-dr Hatchback, 75➝83 951 761 Incl 527 527 Golf II, 3-dr Hatchback, 84➝91 305 Incl Golf II, 5-dr Hatchback, 84➝91 305 Incl Golf III, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 404 Incl C 404 Incl C 404 Incl C Golf III, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, with sunroof No fit Golf III, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 Golf III, 5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, with sunroof No fit Golf III, 5-dr Variant, 94➝98 Golf III, 5-dr Variant, 94➝98, with roof railing or 775 760 or 860 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Golf III, 5-dr Variant, 94➝98, with sunroof 750 761 or 861 1050 544 Golf IV, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 750 761 or 861 1051 544 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl Golf Plus, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1406 544 Golf Plus, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ 750 769 or 869 1406 544 Golf V, 3-dr Hatchback, 04➝08 750 769 or 869 1323 544 1323 544 or Golf V, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝08 750 769 or 869 757/755 761 or 861 Golf VI, 3-5 dr Hatchback 08➝ 750 769 or 869 Jetta I, 75➝83 951 761 Golf V, 5-dr Variant, 07➝, with roof railing 1323 Jetta II, 5-dr Hatchback, 84➝91 305 Incl Jetta III, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 404 Incl Jetta III, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝97, with sunroof 750 761 or 861 1050 544 Jetta, 4-dr Sedan, 99➝04 950 761 2047 544 Jetta, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1393 544 Jetta, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝04 750 761 or 861 1051 LT, 75➝96 420 766 LT, 97➝06 953 766 or 420 766 LT, 97➝06, with high roof 420 766 LT Double cab, 00➝ Incl 410 Incl Incl 527 Incl 421 Incl No fit 750 761 or 861 1052 Multivan (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with T-profile 751 763 or 863 3034 544 Incl 4652 4653 J J, L J or and or 4610 762 or 862 Parati, 5-dr Variant, 98➝05 950 760 2058 544 Passat (B5), 4-dr Sedan, 01➝04 750 761 or 861 1218 544 Passat (B5), 5-dr Variant, 97➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl 750 769 or 869 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 527 1442 544 Passat, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝87 951 761 Passat, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝96 750 761 or 861 1113 544 Passat, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝00 750 761 or 861 1035 544 Passat, 5-dr Variant, 80➝87 951 761 527 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Incl or 410 D 544 423 Lupo, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝05 Passat, 5-dr Variant, 83➝87, 88➝96, with roof railing Incl No fit Jetta IV, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝04 or 410 D 527 Incl Passat (B6), 5-dr Variant, 06➝, with roof railing Incl 544 305 Passat (B6), 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ 410 D Incl Jetta II, 3-dr Hatchback, 84➝91 or Incl No fit Golf IV, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 Golf IV, 5-dr Variant, 99➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 410 57 roof mounted load carriers VO L KS WAG E N Passat, 5-dr Variant, 88➝96 750 761 or 861 Polo, 80➝94 951 762 1057 544 527 Polo Classic, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99, 00➝01 Polo Fun, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝, with roof railing 406-1 Incl 757/755 760 or 860 Polo, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝01, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3007 Incl Polo, 3-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1262 544 Polo, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝05 750 761 or 861 1262 544 Polo, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝01, with fixpoint 753 760 or 860 3007 Incl Polo, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04, 05➝ 750 761 or 861 1262 544 757/755 761 or 861 Polo, 5-dr Variant, 96➝01, with roof railing Incl Incl Polo, 5-dr Variant, 98➝01 406-1 951 761 527 Quantum, 5-dr Estate, 82➝88 951 761 527 Santana, 4-dr Sedan, 81➝88 951 761 527 Santana, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝04 (BRAZIL) 950 761 Scirocco, 3-dr Coupé, 70➝82 951 761 Sharan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 750 762 or 862 775 769 or 869 Incl 757/755 762 or 862 Incl or Shuttle (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with high roof 2046 544 1040 544 763 or 863 3034 Taro, 2-dr Crew cab, 87➝95 750 761 or 861 1118 Tiguan, 5-dr SUV, 07➝, without glass roof, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl Touareg, 5-dr SUV, 02➝06, with T-profile 753 760 or 860 Touareg, 5-dr SUV, 06➝, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 775 762 or 862 757/755 769 or 869 Touran, 5-dr MPV, 03➝06 Touran, 5-dr MPV, 03➝06, with roof railing or Transporter, 80➝90 420 777 411 Incl 596 3036 Incl Incl Incl 1328 544 Incl 766 423 Incl 496 542 544 952 762 Transporter (T5), 03➝ with T-profile 4610 762 or 862 Transporter (T5), 2-dr Single cab, 03➝, with T-profile 751 763 or 863 3034 Incl Transporter (T5), 4-dr Double cab, 03➝, with T-profile 751 763 or 863 3034 Incl Transporter (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with high roof D Incl Transporter (T4), 91➝96, 97➝02, with high roof or and or Incl Incl Transporter (T4), 91➝96, 97➝02 Transporter (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with T-profile 411 No fit 751 or Incl 527 Shuttle (T5), 4-dr Van, 03➝, with T-profile or 410 Incl Quantum, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝88 Sharan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝, with roof railing E 527 4653 J L No fit 751 763 or 863 3034 Incl 4652 4653 4610 J J, L J 762 or 862 Vento, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝98, without sunroof 404 Incl VO LVO 140, 67➝74 951 761 527 160, 69➝75 951 761 527 240, 75➝93 951 761 527 240, 5-dr Estate, 75➝93, with roof railing 260, 75➝82 411 Incl 951 761 527 951 761 360, 76➝91 951 761 440, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝90 950 762 096 544 440, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝96 960 761 2125 544 460, 4-dr Sedan, 86➝90 950 762 096 544 460, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 960 761 2125 544 740, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝91 951 762 527 761 or 861 Incl 260, 5-dr Estate, 75➝93, with roof railing 340, 76➝91 740, 5-dr Estate, 84➝92, with roof railing 58 411 757/755 Incl 527 527 VO LVO 740, 5-dr Estate, 85➝91 951 762 527 760, 4-dr Sedan, 82➝91 951 762 527 760, 5-dr Estate, 82➝91 951 762 527 761 or 861 Incl 760, 5-dr Estate, 82➝90, with roof railing 757/755 780, 2-dr Coupé, 87➝90 951 761 850, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝96 750 762 or 862 1011 544 750 762 or 862 1011 544 757/755 762 or 862 Incl 951 762 527 951 762 527 850, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96 850, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96, with roof railing 940, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝99 940, 5-dr Estate, 90➝99 940, 5-dr Estate, 90➝99, with roof railing 960, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝96 960, 5-dr Estate, 90➝96 Incl 951 762 527 951 762 527 757/755 761 or 861 Incl C30, 3-dr Hatchback, 07➝ 750 769 or 869 1441 544 S40, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99, 00➝01, 02➝03 750 761 or 861 1033 544 S40, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ 750 762 or 862 1341 544 D S60, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝04, 05➝ 750 769 or 869 1387 544 D S70, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝00 750 762 or 862 1011 544 S80, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝06 750 762 or 862 1111 544 S80, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ 750 762 or 862 1422 544 S90, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝98 951 762 V40, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99, 00➝01, 02➝03 750 761 or 861 V40, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99, 00➝01, 02➝03, with roof railing 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 750 762 or 862 960, 5-dr Estate, 91➝98, with roof railing or V50, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ V50, 5-dr Estate, 04➝, with roof railing or V70, 5-dr Estate, 97➝99 V70, 5-dr Estate, 97➝99, 00➝03, 04➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 757/755 761 or 861 750 762 or 862 1033 1369 V70, 5-dr Estate, 00➝03 750 762 or 862 1193 544 V70, 5-dr Estate, 04-07 750 769 or 869 1370 544 769 or 869 V70, 5-dr Estate, 07➝ 750 762 or 862 V90, 5-dr Estate, 97➝98 951 762 V90, 5-dr Estate, 97➝98, with roof railing XC60, 5-dr SUV, 08➝ XC70, 5-dr Estate, 98➝99, 00➝02, 03➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 757/755 761 or 861 753 761 or 861 411 Incl 411 Incl 411 Incl Incl Incl 1450 544 527 Incl 4006 Incl 769 or 869 Incl 769 or 869 Incl 775 761 or 861 Incl 757/755 761 or 861 Incl 951 762 527 45 951 761 527 55 951 761 527 65 951 761 Florida, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝ 950 761 138 544 C Miami, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝ 950 761 138 544 C Sana, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝ 950 761 138 544 C or Incl D 775 XC90, 5-dr SUV, 02➝, with roof railing 411 D 757/755 or Incl 544 Incl 769 or 869 411 Incl 1011 Incl 775 Incl Incl 769 or 869 757/755 411 544 769 or 869 or Incl 544 775 V70, 5-dr Estate, 07➝, with roof railing 411 527 757/755 or Incl 527 761 or 861 757/755 411 WA R T B U R G 353W Z A S TAVA / Y U G O 527 59 roof mounted load carriers 60 61 Re a r d o o r m o u n t e d b i k e c a r r i e r s Safe and practical bike carriers that you easily fit on the rear door These carriers can easily be folded up and mounted on the rear door with quick-mount attachments. Rubber frame holders keep the bikes firmly in place and protect the frames from scratches. When not in use, simply fold and store the carrier in the car or garage. For those who want to carry their bikes inside the car, we have got a smart solution for that too. Note! Not suitable for the majority of cars with spoilers. THULE ClipOn High 9105/9106 THULE BackPac 973 A fast-mounted and convenient bike carrier with a high position that keeps the rear lights visible. Special carrier for transporting bikes on MPVs and jeeps. •Easy to mount to the rear door with a unique snap-on system and patented locking mechanism. •Rubber-coated frame holders. •All parts in contact with the car are coated with rubber for protection. •Adjustable quick-release straps hold the wheels securely in place. •Quickly folds up for ease of storage. •Carries up to two bikes. •Note! Not suitable for the majority of cars with spoilers. •Raised position, will not obscure the number plate or rear lights. •A special kit adjusts the carrier to most vehicle models. •Carries up to two bikes, or three to four bikes with an adapter. •Note! Not suitable for the majority of cars with spoilers. THULE ClipOn 9103/9104 THULE FreeWay 968 A fast mounted carrier for stable transport of up to three bikes. Price worthy alternative, mainly for sedan cars. •Easy to mount to the rear door with a unique snap-on system. •All parts in contact with the car and bikes are coated with rubber for extra protection. •Adjustable quick release straps hold the wheels securely in place. •Quickly folds up for ease of storage. •Carries up to three bikes. •Note! Not suitable for the majority of cars with spoilers. • Will take up to 3 bikes of any type. • Note! Not suitable for the majority of cars with spoilers. THULE InDoor 592 Bike carrier for those who want to transport their bike inside the car. •Carries up to two bikes, or three bikes with an adapter. 62 Yes, we have great bike carriers for roof and towbar mounting too. Visit or have a look in our catalogue to find out all about your options. A L FA R O M E O BMW 147, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 3-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝97, 98➝01, 02➝ FreeWay 968* or ClipOn 9103* 3 3-serie, 5-dr Compact, 94➝00 FreeWay 968* or FreeWay 968* 3 3-serie, 5-dr Touring, 96➝99 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 5-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝99 FreeWay 968* 3 5-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ FreeWay 968* 5-serie, 5-dr Touring, 97➝00 BackPac 973 AU D I 3 3 3 973-15 3 80, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝94 FreeWay 968* 80, 5-dr Avant, 92➝95 BackPac 973 973-17 3 100, 5-dr Avant, 92➝94 BackPac 973 973-17 3 A3, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 BackPac 973 973-15 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 5-serie, 5-dr Touring, 01➝03 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* 3 A3, 5-dr Hatchback, 99➝03 BackPac 973 973 or ClipOn High 9105 2 CA D I L L AC or ClipOn 9103* 3 BLS, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 A3, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 CHEVROLET or ClipOn 9103* 3 Astro, 2-dr MPV, 85➝93 InDoor 592 1 A3 Sportback, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ BackPac 973* 973-17 3 Evanda, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 Kalos, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 A4, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 A4, 5-dr Avant, 96➝01 BackPac 973 3 Lacetti, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Lumina, 2-dr MPV, 90➝96 InDoor 592 2 A4, 5-dr Avant, 02➝04 BackPac 973 3 Matiz, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* or FreeWay 968* 3 Nubira, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ BackPac 973 A4, 5-dr Avant, 05➝07, 08➝ BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 A6, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 Suburban, 5-dr SUV, 92➝98 InDoor 592 A6, 5-dr Avant, 94➝97 BackPac 973 3 Tacuma, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ BackPac 973* or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 A6, 5-dr Avant, 98➝04 BackPac 973 3 Tahoe, 5-dr SUV, 95➝98 InDoor 592 2 or FreeWay 968* Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 97➝ BackPac 973 973-16 3 A6, 5-dr Avant, 05➝07, 08➝ BackPac 973 973-17 2 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or InDoor 592 3 FreeWay 968* 3 973-15 973-16 973-15 973-17 973-17 973-17 3 973-17 973-17 3 3 3 3 3 973-15 3 2 973-16 3 A6 Allroad, 5-dr, Avant, 06➝ BackPac 973 2 C H RYS L E R or ClipOn High 9106 2 Grand Voyager, 4-dr MPV, 91➝95 InDoor 592 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Grand Voyager, 4-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝04 InDoor 592 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 973-17 * The number plate and/or rear lights are partly obscured by the carrier. Accessory Lightboard 976 (7-pin) available. 63 Re a r d o o r m o u n t e d b i k e c a r r i e r s C H RYS L E R DA E WO O Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 91➝95 BackPac 973 973-14 4 Rezzo, 5-dr Estate, 00➝ ClipOn 9104* 3 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 BackPac 973 973-17 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Sirion, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 Tacuma, 5-dr Estate, 00➝ ClipOn High 9106* 2 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝04, 05➝ BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝ FreeWay 968* PT Cruiser, 5-dr Estate, 00➝ BackPac 973 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 88➝95 BackPac 973 973-17 973-14 3 DA I H AT S U 2 Charade, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 87➝92 ClipOn High 9105 2 4 Charade, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 ClipOn High 9105 2 ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or or ClipOn 9104 3 Cuore, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 03➝06 ClipOn High 9105* 2 or InDoor 592 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 BackPac 973 973-17 3 Sirion, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Sirion, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝04 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or InDoor 592 2 Sirion, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝* ClipOn High 9105 2 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝04 InDoor 592 2 Trevis, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝04, 05➝ BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 DODGE or FreeWay 968* 3 Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 88➝95 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 01➝04, 05➝ BackPac 973 973-16 3 CITROËN Berlingo, 4-dr Van, 97➝, without sliding InDoor 592 1 doors C3, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Evasion, 5-dr MPV, 94➝02 BackPac 973 973-16 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 01➝04 BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 01➝04, 05➝ ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 Saxo, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 96➝03 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 F I AT Xantia, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝01 FreeWay 968 3 500, Hatchback, 3-dr, 07➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 XM, 5-dr Estate, 90➝00 FreeWay 968 3 or ClipOn 9104* 2 Xsara Picasso, 5-dr MPV, 00➝03, 04➝ ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Bravo, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104 9111 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968 3 Croma, 5-dr Estate, 05➝ BackPac 973 Xsara Picasso, 5-dr MPV, 99➝ InDoor 592 1 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Xsara, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝ FreeWay 968 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 3 or FreeWay 968* BackPac 973 ZX, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝98 FreeWay 968 973-17 2 3 ZX, 5-dr Estate, 93➝98 FreeWay 968 3 Doblo, 5-dr MPV, 00➝* ZX, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝98 FreeWay 968 3 Grande Punto, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* DAC I A 973-18 4 3 Sandero, 5-dr Hatchback, 08➝ ClipOn High 9106* 2 Idea, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 3 Marea, 5-dr Estate, 96➝03 BackPac 973* ClipOn 9103* DA E WO O Evanda, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ FreeWay 968* 973-15 2 3 Kalos, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or Lanos, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 FreeWay 968* 3 Multipla, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01 InDoor 592 1 Matiz, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05 FreeWay 968* 3 Multipla, 5-dr MPV, 02➝04, 05➝ InDoor 592 2 Matiz, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝05 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* Nubira, 5-dr Estate, 97➝03 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9105* 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 64 3 973-18 3 973-18 3 F I AT FO R D Panda, 5-dr Hatchback, 03➝ BackPac 973* 973-18 3 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝05 ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 9110 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9110 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, 06➝ InDoor 592 2 Punto, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 94➝98 ClipOn High 9105* 2 Ka, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Punto, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 99➝02 ClipOn High 9105* 2 or FreeWay 968* or ClipOn 9103* 3 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Punto, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ ClipOn High 9105* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Sedici, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝03 FreeWay 968* or ClipOn 9103* 3 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* 3 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00, 01➝03 ClipOn High 9106* 2 Seicento, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Stilo, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 02➝ ClipOn High 9106* 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Scorpio, 4-dr Sedan, 85➝94, 95➝98 FreeWay 968* 3 Ulysse, 5-dr MPV, 94➝02 BackPac 973 973-16 2 Scorpio, 5-dr Estate, 85➝94, 95➝98 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Scorpio, 5-dr Estate, 95➝98 BackPac 973 Uno, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 84➝98 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Sierra, 5-dr Estate, 84➝94 ClipOn High 9105* 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 S-Max, 5-dr MPV, 06➝ InDoor 592 Windstar, 5-dr MPV, 95➝97 BackPac 973 973-15 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or InDoor 592 2 FO R D 973-16 3 3 973-16 973-16 3 3 2 Aerostar, 5-dr MPV, 90➝97 BackPac 973 Escape, 5-dr SUV, 00➝07 ClipOn 9104* 3 Escort, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 91➝99 FreeWay 968* 3 Escort, 5-dr Estate, 91➝99 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 H O N DA or ClipOn 9104* 3 Accord, 3-dr Coupe, 94➝97 FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Accord, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝02 FreeWay 968* 3 Explorer, 5-dr SUV, 91➝93 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Accord, 5-dr Estate, 94➝97 FreeWay 968* 3 Fiesta, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 90➝95, 96➝01 ClipOn High 9106 2 Civic, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03 ClipOn High 9105 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝* ClipOn High 9105 2 Civic, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 04➝05 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Fiesta, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05* ClipOn High 9105 2 Jazz, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝07, 08➝ ClipOn High 9105* 2 Fiesta, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Focus, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 ClipOn High 9105* 2 Logo, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 95➝02 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Focus, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝04 FreeWay 968* Focus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03 BackPac 973 or 973-14 4 3 973-16 3 3 H Y U N DA I 3 Accent, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝05, 06➝ FreeWay 968* 3 ClipOn High 9106 2 Accent, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Atos, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 ClipOn High 9106* 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Focus II, 4-dr Sedan, 05➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Focus II, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ BackPac 973* 3 Atos Prime, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Elantra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9105 2 Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9106* 2 Getz, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝05 BackPac 973 3 Getz, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 973-15 973-15 973-16 * The number plate and/or rear lights are partly obscured by the carrier. Accessory Lightboard 976 (7-pin) available. 973-14 3 65 Re a r d o o r m o u n t e d b i k e c a r r i e r s H Y U N DA I KIA Matrix, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ BackPac 973* or 973-16 3 Magentis, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝02, 06➝ FreeWay 968* 3 ClipOn High 9106 2 Opirus, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Picanto, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ FreeWay 968* or FreeWay 968* 3 Pregio, 5-dr Van, 01➝04 BackPac 973 973-18 3 Santa Fé, 5-dr SUV, 00➝03, 04➝05, 06➝ ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Pride, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 95➝00 BackPac 973 973-15 3 or ClipOn High 9105 2 Santa Fé, 5-dr SUV, 06➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Rio, 5-dr Estate, 02➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 Sonata, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝00, 01➝04 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Starex, 5-dr MPV, 97➝03 InDoor 592 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 Terracan, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03 ClipOn High 9106 2 Rio, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝04 ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Rio, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 Trajet, 5-dr MPV, 00➝ BackPac 973 4 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or InDoor 592 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Tucson, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 Sephia, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00 FreeWay 968* or ClipOn 9104* 3 Sorento, 5-dr SUV, 02➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Sportage, 5-dr SUV, 04➝07 FreeWay 968* 3 Sportage, 5-dr SUV, 94➝03 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Sportage, 5-dr SUV, 08➝ ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 973-16 973-18 4 JEEP 973-16 3 973-17 3 Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 98➝00 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ InDoor 592 1 Cherokee Sport, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ ClipOn 9104* 3 Commander, 5-dr SUV, 06➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 LANCIA or FreeWay 968* 3 Ypsilon, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 ClipOn High 9105 2 Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 92➝98 BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 99➝04 BackPac 973 973-16 3 Ypsilon, 3-dr Hatchback, 03➝ FreeWay 968* or ClipOn High 9106 2 Zeta, 5-dr MPV, 94➝02 BackPac 973 973-16 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 05➝ BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Freelander, 5-dr SUV, 06➝ ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Freelander, 5-dr SUV, 98➝03 InDoor 592 1 Range Rover, 5-dr SUV, 95➝01 InDoor 592 1 973-17 3 3 KIA BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 LEXUS Carens, 5-dr MPV, 06➝ BackPac 973 973-15 3 IS250, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 RX 300, 5-dr SUV, 98➝03 ClipOn High 9106 2 or InDoor 592 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Carnival I, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01 BackPac 973 973-17 3 M A Z DA or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 121, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 95➝03 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 2, 5-dr MPV, 03➝05 ClipOn High 9106 2 Carnival II, 5-dr MPV, 02➝05 BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or InDoor 592 2, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ ClipOn 9104* 3 Carnival III, 5-dr MPV, 06➝ BackPac 973 973-15 3 3, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 323 F, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝00 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or InDoor 592 or FreeWay 968* 3 Cee’d, 5-dr, Hatchback, 07➝ ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 323, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 323, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝03 FreeWay 968* 6, 5-dr Estate, 02➝07 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 FreeWay 968* 3 L A N D R OV E R Carens, 5-dr MPV, 02➝05 or 973-16 3 2 3 3 3 Cerato, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 66 3 973-17 3 M A Z DA MITSUBISHI 6, 4-dr Sedan, 02➝ FreeWay 968* 3 Carisma, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝ FreeWay 968* 3 626, 5-dr Estate, 88➝97, 98➝02 FreeWay 968* 3 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝95 ClipOn 9103* 3 626, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝02 FreeWay 968* 3 Colt, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 CX7, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Colt, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ BackPac 973* 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Demio, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝02 or or BackPac 973 973-17 973-15 ClipOn High 9106 ClipOn 9104* 3 973-18 2 or FreeWay 968* MPV, 5-dr MPV, 00➝ BackPac 973 973-15 4 Galant, 4-dr, Sedan, 97➝05 FreeWay 968* or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Galant, 5-dr Estate, 97➝05 BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 MPV, 5-dr MPV, 99➝02, 03➝ InDoor 592 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 3 Galant, 5-dr Hatchback, 88➝92 FreeWay 968* 3 3 Lancer, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 4 Pajero, 5-dr SUV, 99➝04 InDoor 592 Premacy, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01, 02➝ ClipOn High 9106* 3 973-15 3 or ClipOn 9104* or FreeWay 968* Tribute, 5-dr SUV, 00➝06* BackPac 973* or ClipOn High 9106 2 Space Gear, 5-dr MPV, 95➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or InDoor 592 or FreeWay 968* 3 Space Star, 5-dr MPV, 98➝01, 02➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* Space Wagon, 5-dr MPV, 84➝98 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* Space Wagon, 5-dr MPV, 99➝03 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 973-16 MERCEDES BENZ 973-18 3 2 973-18 4 A-klasse (W169), 3/5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 B-klasse (W245), 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 C-klasse (W202), 5-dr Estate, 93➝99 ClipOn High 9105 2 NISSAN or ClipOn 9103* 3 Almera Tino, 5-dr MPV, 02➝06* ClipOn High 9106 2 C-klasse (W203), 4-dr Sedan, 04➝06 FreeWay 968* 3 Almera Tino, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01* ClipOn High 9106 2 C-klasse (W204), 5-dr Estate, 07➝ BackPac 973 3 Almera Tino, 5-dr MPV, 99➝01, 02➝06 ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Almera, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 FreeWay 968* 3 E-klasse (W124), 5-dr Estate, 85➝95 FreeWay 968* 3 Almera, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 00➝03 ClipOn High 9105 2 M-klasse (163), 5-dr SUV, 98➝05 InDoor 592 1 or ClipOn 9103* 3 M-klasse (W163), 5-dr SUV, 98➝01 BackPac 973 4 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Almera, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99, 00➝03 FreeWay 968* 3 M-klasse (W164), 5-dr SUV, 05➝ BackPac 973 3 Almera, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99, 00➝03 ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Micra (K11), 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝02 ClipOn High 9105 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 R-klasse (W251), 5-dr SUV, 05➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Note, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* Vaneo, 5-dr MPV, 02➝06 InDoor 592 2 Pathfinder, 5-dr SUV, 05➝ BackPac 973 973-18 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 Viano, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ BackPac 973* 973-18 4 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 Vito, 4/5-dr MPV, 95➝03 BackPac 973 973-16 4 or FreeWay 968* 3 Vito, 4/5-dr MPV, 04➝ BackPac 973* 973-16 4 Patrol GR, 5-dr SUV, 97➝04, 05➝ InDoor 592 1 V-klasse, 5-dr MPV, 97➝03 BackPac 973 973-16 3 Primastar, 5-dr VAN, 02➝06* BackPac 973* Primera (P10), 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 Primera (P11), 4-dr Sedan, 97➝01 FreeWay 968* 3 Primera (P11), 5-dr Hatchback, 97➝01 FreeWay 968* Primera (W11), 5-dr Estate, 97➝01 BackPac 973 Primera (W11), 5-dr Estate, 98➝01 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 973-15 973-15 973-16 973-15 973-19 3 1 973-16 3 3 MINI Cooper, 3-dr Hatchback, 01➝06 FreeWay 968* 3 * The number plate and/or rear lights are partly obscured by the carrier. Accessory Lightboard 976 (7-pin) available. 3 973-14 4 3 973-16 4 3 973-18 3 3 973-16 3 67 Re a r d o o r m o u n t e d b i k e c a r r i e r s NISSAN O PE L Primera (W12), 5-dr Estate, 02➝05 BackPac 973 or 3 Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 96➝02 BackPac 973* ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* Qashqai, 5-dr SUV, 06➝ BackPac 973 3 Vectra, 5-dr Estate, 03➝05 BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 Serena, 4-dr MPV, 92➝00 ClipOn 9104* 3 Vectra, 5-dr Hatchback, 96➝01 FreeWay 968* or InDoor 592 2 Vivaro, 4-dr Van, 01➝06* BackPac 973 973-18 3 Sunny, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 86➝90 ClipOn High 9105 2 Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 98➝02* BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 Sunny, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 95➝99 ClipOn High 9105 9111 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 9111 3 or FreeWay 968* Terrano (WD21), 3/5-dr SUV, 88➝96 BackPac 973 973-16 3 Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 03➝04* BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 X-trail, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03*, 04➝07* ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Zafira, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 X-trail, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03, 04➝07 or Serena, 4-dr MPV, 92➝00* 973-17 973-15 9111 ClipOn 9104* FreeWay 968* BackPac 973 973-15 O PE L 3 3 3 973-16 3 3 973-16 3 BackPac 973* or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 106, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 92➝04 ClipOn High 9105 2 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 2 FreeWay 968* 3 2 Agila, 5-dr MPV, 00➝07 or 973-18 973-18 PE U G E OT Astra, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 206, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝ ClipOn High 9105 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 207, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 or Astra, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 FreeWay 968* FreeWay 968* 3 Astra, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 207 SW, 5-dr Estate, 07➝ ClipOn High 9106* 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 3 306, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 FreeWay 968* 3 3 306, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝00 FreeWay 968* 3 3 306, 5-dr Estate, 97➝01 FreeWay 968* 3 307 SW, 5-dr Estate, 02➝04, 05➝ BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 3 307, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 01➝04, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 FreeWay 968* 3 2 Astra, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝ FreeWay 968* Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* Astra, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* Astra, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ or or or BackPac 973 973-19 973-19 973-15 ClipOn High 9106 ClipOn 9104* FreeWay 968* 3 973-15 3 Corsa, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, 01➝03 FreeWay 968* 3 or Corsa, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00, ClipOn High 9105 2 308, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ ClipOn High 9105 01➝03, 04➝05* or ClipOn 9103* or ClipOn 9103* 3 405, 5-dr Estate, 89➝97 BackPac 973 Corsa, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 406, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝04 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 407, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 605, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝98 FreeWay 968* 3 Meriva, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ BackPac 973* 3 806, 5-dr MPV, 94➝02 BackPac 973 973-16 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Omega, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝03 FreeWay 968* 3 1007, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 Omega, 5-dr Estate, 94➝03 BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Partner, 3-dr Van, 97➝02, 03➝ InDoor 592 1 or FreeWay 968* 3 Sintra, 5-dr MPV, 96➝99 BackPac 973 3 P O N T I AC or InDoor 592 2 Trans Sport 5-dr Van, 90➝96 InDoor 592 2 Vectra, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝01, 02➝ FreeWay 968* 3 68 973-15 973-16 973-16 3 973-16 3 R E N AU LT S eat 19, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 89➝95 FreeWay 968* 3 Leon, 5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 19. 4-dr Sedan, 89➝95 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 Clio, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 91➝97, 98➝00 FreeWay 968* 3 Clio, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Espace, 5-dr MPV, 91➝97 InDoor 592 2 Espace, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ Backpack 973* or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or InDoor 592 2 Grand Scénic II, 5-dr MPV, 04➝* BackPac 973* 973-15 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 Kangoo, 5-dr Van, 98➝02, 03➝ InDoor 592 1 Laguna, 5-dr Hatchback, 94➝00, 01➝05 FreeWay 968* 3 Megan Grand Scenic, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ InDoor 592 1 Megan Scenic, 5-dr MPV, 97➝02 InDoor 592 2 Megan Scenic, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ InDoor 592 1 Mégane, 4-dr Sedan, 97➝02 FreeWay 968* Mégane, 5-dr Estate, 99➝03 S KO DA Fabia, 5-dr Estate, 01➝07 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Fabia, 5-dr Hatchback, 00➝07 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Fabia, 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* Fabia, 5-dr Estate, 08➝ ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 Felicia, 5-dr Estate, 94➝01 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Felicia, 5-dr Hatchback, 95➝01 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* Octavia, 5-dr Estate, 98➝00, 01➝04 BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn High 9105 2 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Octavia II, 5-dr Estate, 04➝07 BackPac 973 Mégane II, 4-dr Sedan, 03➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Scénic, 5-dr MPV, 97➝02 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Scénic II, 5-dr MPV, 03➝* BackPac 973* 2 or FreeWay 968* or ClipOn High 9106* 2 Octavia III, 5-dr Estate, 08➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Trafic, 4-dr Van, 01➝06* BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 FreeWay 968* 3 973-18 973-15 973-18 3 3 3 973-15 973-17 3 3 3 973-17 3 Twingo, 3-dr Hatchback, 93➝02, 03➝07 ClipOn High 9105 2 or or ClipOn 9103* 3 Octavia Scout, 5-dr SUV, 07➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Twingo II, 3-dr Hatchback, 07➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Roomster, 5-dr Estate, 06➝ ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Superb, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝ FreeWay 968* 3 R OV E R 400-serie, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 96➝99 FreeWay 968* 3 800-serie, 4-dr Sedan, 87➝98 FreeWay 968* 3 S S A N GYO N G SA AB Musso, 5-dr SUV, 95➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 900, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 94➝97 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 9-3, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 FreeWay 968* 3 9-5, 5-dr Estate, 98➝05, 07➝ FreeWay 968* 3 S E AT SUBARU Forester II, 5-dr Estate, 02➝05, 06➝07 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 973-18 3 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Alhambra, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝ BackPac 973 973-16 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9111 3 Forester III, 5-dr Estate, 08➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or InDoor 592 2 Impreza, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00, 01➝03 ClipOn High 9106 2 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 89➝93 BackPac 973 973-16 3 2 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 94➝02 BackPac 973 973-16 3 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 3 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 03➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 ClipOn 9104* 3 Altea, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ or ClipOn High 9106 ClipOn 9104* Altea, 5-dr MPV, 07➝ BackPac 973 Arosa, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝00, 01➝05 ClipOn High 9105 or or Cordoba, 5-dr Estate, 98➝99, 00➝02 973-15 ClipOn 9103* FreeWay 968* BackPac 973 973-18 3 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or Ibiza, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝99 ClipOn High 9105 2 Outback, 5-dr Estate, 94➝02 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 * The number plate and/or rear lights are partly obscured by the carrier. Accessory Lightboard 976 (7-pin) available. 69 Re a r d o o r m o u n t e d b i k e c a r r i e r s S UZ U K I TOYOTA Alto, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 94➝01 ClipOn High 9105 2 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 93➝97 BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Alto, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝06 ClipOn 9103* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 3 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 98➝01* ClipOn High 9106* 2 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 FreeWay 968* 3 Baleno, 5-dr Estate, 95➝98 or or ClipOn High 9105 ClipOn 9103* FreeWay 968* 973-17 3 Baleno, 5-dr Estate, 99➝02 ClipOn High 9105 2 or or ClipOn 9103* 3 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 02➝04 BackPac 973 2 or ClipOn High 9106 2 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 3 or FreeWay 968* BackPac 973 Ignis, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 00➝05 or or ClipOn High 9105* ClipOn 9103* FreeWay 968* 973-15 3 3 Liana, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝07 ClipOn High 9106 2 Hiace, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ or ClipOn 9104* 3 Land Cruiser 90, 3/5-dr SUV, 03➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Land Cruiser, 100 5-dr SUV, 98➝01, 02➝07 InDoor 592 2 Swift, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 Land Cruiser, 90 5-dr SUV, 97➝01, 02➝ InDoor 592 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Picnic, 5-dr MPV, 97➝00 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 SX4, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104* or ClipOn 9103* 3 Picnic, 5-dr MPV, 01➝ BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Wagon R+, 5-dr MPV, 99➝03 BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 Previa, 5-dr MPV, 00➝02, 03➝ InDoor 592 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Previa, 5-dr MPV, 90➝99 BackPac 973 or FreeWay 968* 3 Prius, 5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ FreeWay 968* 3 RAV 4, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ InDoor 592 1 Yaris, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 99➝03 ClipOn High 9105* 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Yaris, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 04➝05 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Yaris, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Astra, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 FreeWay 968* 3 Astra, 5-dr Estate, 92➝97 FreeWay 968* 3 Cavalier, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 96➝ FreeWay 968* 3 Cavalier, 4-dr Sedan, 96➝ FreeWay 968* 3 Corsa B, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 FreeWay 968* 3 Omega, 4-dr Sedan, 94➝ FreeWay 968* 3 Omega, 5-dr Estate, 94➝ FreeWay 968* 3 Beetle, 3-dr Hatchback, 98➝ FreeWay 968* 3 Bora, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝05 FreeWay 968* 3 Bora, 5-dr Variant, 99➝05 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 or ClipOn 9104* Caddy Combi, 5-dr Van, 04➝ BackPac 973 Caddy Life, 4-dr MPV, 04➝ InDoor 592 Caddy Life, 5-dr Van, 04➝ BackPac 973 973-18 3 Cross Golf, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ BackPac 973 973-15 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 Cross Polo, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 973-18 TOYOTA Auris, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Avensis Verso, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or InDoor 592 2 Avensis, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝02 FreeWay 968* 3 Avensis, 5-dr Estate, 98➝02 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Avensis, 5-dr Hatchback, 98➝02 FreeWay 968* 3 Camry, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝96, 97➝01 FreeWay 968* 3 Camry, 5-dr Estate, 92➝96 BackPac 973 Carina, 5-dr Estate, 92➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 Carina E, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝97 FreeWay 968* 3 Carina E, 5-dr Estate, 94➝97 BackPac 973 973-16 3 Corolla Verso, 5-dr MPV, 02➝03, 04➝ BackPac 973 973-15 2 or ClipOn High 9106* 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Corolla, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 93➝97, 98➝01 FreeWay 968* 3 Corolla, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 02➝04 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Corolla, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Corolla, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝92, 93➝97, FreeWay 968* 3 973-16 973-16 973-14 3 3 3 98➝01, 02➝04 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 88➝92 ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 70 973-18 973-16 4 4 2 3 973-16 973-17 4 3 VAU X H A L L VO L KS WAG E N 973-18 3 2 3 973-18 3 1 VO L KS WAG E N VO L KS WAG E N Cross Touran, 5-dr MPV, 06➝ BackPac 973 973-18 3 Polo, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 95➝01, 02➝04, or ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 05➝ or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 Fox, 3-dr Hatchback, 05➝ ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 or FreeWay 968* Golf II, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 84➝91 ClipOn High 9105 ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 Polo, 5-dr Variant, 96➝01 BackPac 973 3 or ClipOn High 9105 2 2 or ClipOn 9103* 3 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 3 Sharan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝ BackPac 973 973-16 3 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9111 2 9111 3 3 973-18 3 or ClipOn 9104* or FreeWay 968* Golf III, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 92➝97 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9104* or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or InDoor 592 2 InDoor 592 3 973-16 Golf III, 5-dr Variant, 94➝98 BackPac 973 973-16 3 T5, 4-dr MPV, 03➝ or ClipOn High 9106 9110 2 Touran, 5-dr MPV, 03➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn 9104* 9110 3 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 Golf IV, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 98➝03 BackPac 973 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or InDoor 592 or ClipOn 9103* 3 Transporter (T4), 4-dr MPV, 91➝96, 97➝02 BackPac 973 973-18 4 or FreeWay 968* 3 Transporter (T5), 4-dr MPV, 03➝ BackPac 973 973-18 4 Golf IV, 4-dr Cabriolet, 98➝03 FreeWay 968* 3 Golf IV, 5-dr Variant, 97➝03 BackPac 973 or 973-14 973-18 4 1 3 VO LVO ClipOn High 9106 2 440, 5-dr Hatchback, 91➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 460, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 740, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝92 FreeWay 968* 3 Golf Plus, 5-dr MPV, 05➝ BackPac 973 3 740/760, 5-dr Estate, 82➝92 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 760, 4-dr Sedan, 84➝92 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 850, 4-dr Sedan, 91➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 Golf V, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 04➝ BackPac 973 973-15 3 850, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96 ClipOn High 9106* 9110 2 or ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 or ClipOn 9104* 9110 3 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 940, 5-dr Estate, 90➝96 ClipOn High 9106 9110 2 Golf V, 5-dr Variant, 07➝ BackPac 973 973-15 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9110 3 or ClipOn High 9106 9115 2 or FreeWay 968* or ClipOn 9104* 9115 3 940/960, 5-dr Estate, 90➝96 BackPac 973 Golf VI, 3/5-dr Hatchback, 08➝ BackPac 973 973-15 3 960, 5-dr Estate, 90➝96 FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn High 9105 9115 2 S40, 4-dr Sedan, 04➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9103* 9115 3 S60, 4-dr Sedan, 00➝ FreeWay 968* 3 2 V40, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04 ClipOn High 9105 2 ClipOn High 9105 2 3 Lupo, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝05 973-18 973-15 ClipOn High 9105 973-18 4 3 973-18 4 or ClipOn 9103* 3 V40, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99 or FreeWay 968* 3 V40, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99, 00➝04 ClipOn 9103* Passat, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝96, 97➝00, FreeWay 968* 3 or FreeWay 968* V50, 5-dr Estate, 04➝ BackPac 973* 4 or ClipOn High 9105* 2 3 01➝04, 05➝ 973-16 3 973-16 3 Passat, 5-dr Variant, 88➝96 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9105 2 or ClipOn 9103* or ClipOn 9103* 3 or FreeWay 968* or FreeWay 968* 3 V70, 5-dr Estate, 00➝03* BackPac 973 973-16 2 Passat, 5-dr Variant, 97➝00 BackPac 973 4 V70, 5-dr Estate, 04➝* BackPac 973 973-16 2 or ClipOn High 9106 2 V70, 5-dr Estate, 97➝99, 00➝03, 04➝ ClipOn High 9106* 9110 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9110 3 or FreeWay 968* 3 XC 70, 5-dr Estate, 02➝07 ClipOn High 9106* 9110 2 Passat, 5-dr Variant, 01➝ FreeWay 968* 3 or ClipOn 9104* 9110 3 Passat, 5-dr Variant, 01➝04 BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 Passat, 5-dr Variant, 05➝ BackPac 973 or ClipOn High 9106 2 or ClipOn 9104* 3 973-19 973-19 3 4 2 973-19 3 * The number plate and/or rear lights are partly obscured by the carrier. Accessory Lightboard 976 (7-pin) available. 71 Cl ampOn Thule ClampOn Adapter kit for factory installed roof racks. Clamp-Ons are adapter kits allowing certain Thule ski carriers to fit directly to factory-fitted and fixed-installation roof racks. Clamp-Ons are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. The following Thule ski carriers can be used together with Clamp-Ons: Snowpro 745, 746, 747, 748 . If you only want to transport skis on your roof rack, this is the perfect solution. BUICK ClampOn Ranier, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ 5906 Skyhawk, 4-dr Sedan,82➝89 5901 CA D I L L AC C H RYS L E R Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 5906 Escalade EXT, 4-dr Pickup, 02➝ 5906 CHEVROLET 5902 CITROËN C8, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ Escalade ESV, 5-dr SUV, 03➝ ClampOn 5904 DODGE Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 84➝91 5901 Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 94➝95 5905 Astro, 4-dr MPV, 94➝05 5906 Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 5906 Avalanche, 4-dr double cab, 02➝05 5906 Colt, 5-dr Estate, 84➝94 5901 Blazer, 3/5-dr SUV, 98➝05 5904 Durango, 5-dr SUV, 98➝02, 03➝ 5906 Cavalier, 4-dr Estate, 82➝87 5901 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 84➝91 5901 Full Size Blazer, 2/4-dr SUV, 92➝95 5906 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 94➝95 5905 Lumina APV, 4-dr MPV, 90➝96 5901 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 5906 S-10 Blazer, 3/5-dr SUV, 85➝92a 5904 Grand Caravan, 5-dr MPV, 01➝07 5903 S-10 Blazer 3/5-dr SUV, 92b➝94 5903 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 5901 Suburban, 5-dr SUV, 92➝99, 00➝03 5906 Suburban Z71, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03 5906 Tahoe, 3/5-dr SUV, 91➝98 5906 Tahoe, 5-dr SUV, 98➝05 5906 Tahoe Z71, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ 5906 Tracker, 5-dr SUV, 99➝04 5902 TrailBlazer, 5-dr SUV, 00➝ 5906 TrailBlazer EXT, 5-dr SUV, 02➝06 5906 Trans Sport, 4-dr MPV, 98➝ 5904 Venture, 4-dr MPV, 97➝03 5904 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 5903 Pacifica, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ 5904 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 94➝95 5905 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 5906 Town & Country, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 5903 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 90➝91 5901 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 72 Summit, 4-dr Sedan, 92➝96 5901 Summit, 3-dr MPV, 92➝96 5901 Summit, 3-dr Hatchback, 92➝96 5901 FO R D Aerostar, 4-dr MPV, 85➝97 Bronco II, 4-dr SUV, 84➝90 5905 5906 5901 5901 Escape, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ 5902 Escort, 5-dr Estate, 81➝90 (USA) 5901 Expedition, 5-dr SUV, 97➝02 C H RYS L E R Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 94➝95 E AG L E 5902 FO R D ClampOn Windstar, 5-dr MPV, 95➝97 5902 Windstar, 5-dr MPV, 98➝04 5902 GMC Denali, 5-dr SUV, 98➝00, 01➝ 5906 Denali XL, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ 5906 Envoy, 5-dr SUV, 98➝01 5904 Envoy XUV, 5-dr SUV, 03➝05 5906 Envoy XL, 5-dr SUV, 01➝06 5906 Jimmy, 3/5-dr SUV, 95➝01 5904 Safari, 5-dr MPV, 94➝05 5906 Suburban, 5-dr SUV, 92➝99 5906 S-15 Jimmy, 3/5-dr SUV, 85-92a 5904 S-15 Jimmy 3/5-dr SUV, 92b-94 5903 Yukon, 3/5-dr SUV, 92➝99 5906 Yukon, 5-dr SUV, 00➝06 5906 Yukon XL, 5-dr SUV, 00➝06 5906 H O N DA Civic, 3-dr Hatchback, 91 (USA) 5901 CRV, 5-dr SUV, 97➝98 (USA) 5901 CRV, 5-dr SUV, 99➝01, 02➝06 5902 Element, 5-dr SUV, 03➝ 5904 Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00 (USA) 5901 Odyssey, 5-dr MPV, 01➝03 5902 Passport, 2/5-dr SUV 94➝97 (USA) 5903 Passport, 3/5-dr SUV 98➝03 5904 Pilot, 5-dr SUV, 02➝ 5902 Explorer, 3/5-dr SUV, 91➝95 5903 Explorer, 5-dr SUV, 96➝01 5902 Explorer, 3-dr SUV, 96➝01 5902 Explorer, 5-dr SUV, 02➝05 5902 Explorer Sport, 3-dr SUV, 01➝03 5902 I S UZ U Explorer Sport Trac, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ 5902 Ascender, 5-dr SUV, 03➝05 5906 Focus Wagon, 5-dr Estate, 00➝ 5902 Oasis, 5-dr MPV, 96➝99 5901 Freestar, 5-dr MPV, 04➝05 5902 Rodeo, 3/5-dr SUV, 91➝93 5901 Taurus, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99 5903 Rodeo, 3/5-dr SUV, 94➝97 5905 INFINITI QX4, 5-dr SUV, 97➝03 5902 I S UZ U Rodeo, 3/5-dr SUV, 98➝03 ClampOn 5904 JEEP NISSAN Stanza, 5-dr Estate, 86➝89 ClampOn 5901 OLDSMOBILE S UZ U K I Sidekick, 5-dr SUV, 96➝98 (USA) ClampOn 5901 TOYOTA Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 87➝98 5901 Bravada, 5-dr SUV, 97➝01 5904 Camry, 5-dr Estate, 86➝96 (USA) Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 99➝01 5906 Bravada, 5-dr SUV, 02➝03 5906 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 88➝92 (USA) 5901 Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 93➝03 5905 Firenza, 5-dr Estate, 83➝88 5901 Corolla, 5-dr Estate, 93➝96 (USA) 5903 Grand Cherokee, 5-dr SUV, 98➝01 5906 Sillhouette, 5-dr Van, 90➝96 5901 Highlander, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03 5902 Sillhouette, 5-dr Van, 97➝03 5904 Land Cruiser, 5-dr SUV, 91➝97 (USA) 5901 Land Cruiser, 5-dr SUV, 98➝03 5902 KIA Carneval, 4/5-dr MPV, 98➝01 5906 PE U G E OT Sedona,4/5-dr MPV, 02➝05 5905 807, 5-dr MPV, 02➝ Sorento, 5-dr SUV, 03➝ 5904 Sportage, 5-dr SUV, 95➝02 5905 PLY M O U T H Colt Vista Wagon, 3-dr MPV, 88➝94 L A N D R OV E R Range Rover, 5-dr SUV, 98➝02 5905 LEXUS GX 470, 5-dr SUV, 03➝05 5902 LX 450, 5-dr SUV, 96➝97 5901 LX 470, 5-dr SUV, 98➝07 5902 RX 300, 5-dr SUV, 98➝99 5903 RX 300, 5-dr SUV, 00➝03 5902 RX 330, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ 5902 Aviator, 5-dr SUV, 02➝05 5902 Navigator, 5-dr SUV, 98➝03 5902 M A Z DA MPV, 5-dr MPV (USA), 89➝98 5901 MPV, 5-dr MPV, 00➝03 5902 Tribute, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ 5902 M E R C U RY 5901 Colt, 5-dr Estate, ‘92 (CANADA) 5901 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 84➝91 5901 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 94➝95 5905 Grand Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 5906 Neon, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝99 5901 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 84➝91 5901 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 94➝95 5905 Voyager, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 5906 Previa, 4/5-dr MPV, 91➝97 (USA) 5901 RAV4, 3/5-dr SUV, 01➝03 5902 Sequoia, 5-dr SUV, 01➝03 5902 Sienna, 5-dr MPV, 98➝03 (USA) 5901 Sienna, 5-dr MPV, 04➝ (USA) 5902 4 Runner, 5-dr SUV, 90➝92 (USA) 5901 4 Runner, 5-dr SUV, 93➝02 (USA) 5903 4 Runner, 5-dr SUV, 03 (USA) 5902 VO L KS WAG E N Polo, 5-dr Variant, 98➝01 5906 VO LVO XC70, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03 P O N T I AC Aztek, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝05 LINCOLN 5904 5901 5905 5902 2000, 5-dr Estate, 82➝84 5901 Montana, 4/5-dr MPV, 99➝03 5904 Sunbird, 85➝88 5901 Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 90➝96 5901 Trans Sport, 5-dr MPV, 97➝98 5904 R E N AU LT Mégane, 5-dr Estate, 99➝03 5904 Mégane Scenic, 5-dr MPV, 97➝ 5904 Lynx, 5-dr Estate, 81➝87 5901 Mariner, 5-dr SUV, 05➝07 5902 Monterey, 5-dr MPV, 04➝06 5902 Mountineer, 5-dr SUV, 97➝01 5902 SUBARU Mountineer, 5-dr SUV, 02➝ 5902 Baja 4-dr SUV, 03➝ 5903 Sable, 5-dr Estate, 96➝05 5903 Forester, 5-dr Estate, 98➝02 5903 Tracer, 5-dr Estate, 81➝90 5901 Forester, 5-dr Estate, 03➝ 5903 Villager, 5-dr MPV, 93➝02 5902 Impreza Outback, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99 5905 S E AT Cordoba, 5-dr Estate, 98➝02 5906 (USA) MITSUBISHI Impreza, 5-dr Estate, 95➝01 (USA) 5905 Diamante, 5-dr Estate, 93➝94 5905 Impreza WRX Wagon, 5-dr Estate, 5903 Endeavor, 5-dr SUV, 04➝ 5906 02➝05 Expo/Expo LRV, 3-dr MPV, 92➝95 5901 Legacy, 5-dr Estate, 95➝ (USA) 5905 Montero, 3/5-dr SUV, 89➝00 5901 Legacy Outback, 5-dr Estate, 95 5905 Montero Sport, 5-dr SUV, 97➝98 5903 (USA) Montero Sport, 5-dr SUV, 99➝00 5902 Legacy Outback, 5-dr Estate, 96➝99 5903 (USA) NISSAN Legacy Wagon, 5-dr Estate, 95➝99 5905 Armada, 5-dr SUV, 04➝05 5902 Legacy Wagon, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04 5903 Axxess, 5-dr MPV, 90➝95 5901 Loyale, 5-dr Estate, 90➝94 5903 Maxima, 5-dr Estate, 85➝88 5901 Outback Wagon, 5-dr Estate, 00➝04 5903 Pathfinder, 5-dr SUV, 90➝95 5901 Outback Sport, 5-dr Estate, 00➝01 5905 Pathfinder, 5-dr SUV, 96➝01 5902 Outback Sport, 5-dr Estate, 02➝03 5903 Pathfinder, 5-dr SUV, 02➝03 5902 Quest, 5-dr MPV, 93➝02 5902 73 how much can you carry? How much can you carry? An overview is found below of how you can use the loadcarrying capacity of your car roof, depending on the length of the load carrier you are using. The car manual will give you details of the maximum load the roof can carry. Always bear in mind that the heaviest part of the load should be located as close as possible to the centre Bikes Skis of the roof. Also keep in mind that your car will be sensitive to cross-winds. The load can alter the centre of gravity of the car, which will change the behaviour of the car on braking and cornering. Remember to check the height of the load before driving into your garage. Roof box/ combination Kayaks/ windsurfing Load bars 760/860, length 108 cm 3 + 3 pairs 1 kayak Place centrally on load carrier. Strap fore and aft. 4 pairs Box with 1 bike. 1-4 bikes Load staggered. 6 pairs 3 pairs of skis = 1 snowboard 1-3 Place centrally on load carrier. Load bars 761/861 length 120 cm, 769/869 length 127 cm. 3 + 3 pairs 1 kayak Place centrally on load carrier. Strap fore and aft. 4 + 4 pairs Box with 2 bikes. (staggered). 1-4 bikes Load staggered. 6 pairs 3 pairs of skis = 1 snowboard 1-3 Place centrally on load carrier. Load bars 762/862, length 135 cm 3 + 3 pairs 1 kayak Place centrally on load carrier. Strap fore and aft. 4 + 4 pairs Box with 1 kayak. 1-5 bikes Load staggered. 6 + 6 pairs 3 pairs of skis = 1 snowboard 2-6 Load bars 763/863, length 150 cm 3 + 3 pairs 2 kayak Place centrally on load carrier. Strap fore and aft. 4 + 4 pairs Box with 1 kayak. 1-6 bikes Load staggered. 6 + 6 pairs 3 pairs of skis = 1 snowboard 74 2-6 Load carrier Feet Content: Load Carrier feet are available as 4-packs and load bars as 2-packs. 3-61 Load carriers 62-71 Bike transport 72-73 Clamp On (Adapters for attaching to original racks) 74 This is how much you can carry 75 Thule One Key System This is how easy it is to find a load carrier solution that fits your car Bike carriers for rear door mounting 3OEINFACHüNDEN3IEDEN PASSENDEN,ASTENTR»GERFÓR )HR&AHRZEUG Was bedeuten die Symbole und Zahlen? Die Legende zu den Symbolen finden Sie in der Aufklapplasche am Ende der Kaufhilfe. ford - ford Load carrier feet in sets of four. For detailed information, see page 3. Fo r d Fiesta, 3-T Sc�r�g�eck,, ��-��2 75� Focus, 5-T Estate, ��-��3, �4, mit �ac�re�ing 7�1 o�� ��1 775 7�� o�� ��� oder 755 7�� o�� ��� Fusion, 4-T Sedan, ��-� (USA) �5� Fusion, 5-T Sc�r�g�eck,, �2-��5 Fusion, 5-T Sc�r�g�eck,, ��-� 7�� 1�25 777 5�� Inc� 7�� o�� ��� 7�� o�� ��� 145� 7�2 o�� ��2 1�4� 75� Inc� Inc� 7�1 or ��1 �51 7�2 �51 7�� or ��� 7�1 �5� 7�1 �5� �5� 7�1 75� 7�1 or ��1 LT� Crown Victoria, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��1 �5� 3�33 7�1 �17 11�� Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �3-��� 75� Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �3-�, wit� roof rai�ing 755 7�1 or ��1 75� 7�2 or ��2 7�1 or ��1 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �1-�, wit� T-profi�e 47�� Mentor, 4-dr Sedan, �5-� (ASIA) �5� 7�1 or ��1 7�1 75� 7�2 or ��2 75� 7�� or ��� 11�� 544 12�� 544 Inc� 471� Kit needed for fitting the bike carrier to your particular car. 41� Inc� Number of bikes you can carry with the actual bike carrier. 544 ��3 A 544 1445 544 144� 544 B C D Max. load 30 kg ıı 40 kg ıı 50 kg ıı 60 kg ıı 65 kg 1445 544 1��5 544 E Inc� or or or or H The distance between the load carrier bars does not permit the fitting of a roof box. J Locked using the Thule Tool Key. 1025 1�25 760 o�� 7�� or ��� 860 760 o�� 7�� or ��� 860 769 7�� 2167 21�7 769 o�� 7�� or ��� 869 1124 777 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �3-��� 75� Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �3-���, wit� roof rai�ing 775 or 755 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �1-��3, �4-��7 596 5�� 761 or 860 760 or 860 760 or 860 Incl Inc� 7�1 or ��1 )NCL )NCL 1��5 Incl Inc� 7�1 or ��1 775 544 Inc� Mondeo, 5-dr Hatc�back, �3-��� Mustang, 3-dr Coupé, �4-� �5� 544 Orion, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��� �51 7�1 1458 145� 411 Orion, 4-dr Sedan, �4-��3 (EUR) Orion, 4-dr Sedan, �1-��� Probe, 3-dr Coupé, ��-��2 1040 1�4� 3�2� D � 22� 7�1 Incl Inc� 13� 7�1 or ��1 12�� 7�2 ��� One key for all your Thule gear. )NCL )NCL Make life easier and save * 544 yourself the trouble of C Fo r d 750 Focus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, 04, with roof railing 775 or 755 Fusion, Name 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) Thule Rapid 950 Fixpoint XT 750 Thule Rapid Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05 Fixpoint XT Low 753 Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ 751 Max Zuladung in kg1 95➝00, 01➝05, with100 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, roof railing 9,5 Fußhöhe5-dr MPV, 96➝00 Galaxy, 2 sets of keys for your load �5� 544 1��7 Ranger, 2-dr Singe� cab, �4-��� 7�2 �5� �5� 7�1 2��� 544 75� 7�1 or ��1 12�2 544 777 carrier, ski carrier, bike C 7625,5 or 862 775 769 or • 869 755 753 769 or 869 • No fit • 761 or 861 951 762 951 762 • • • • • • the lock cylinders in all your Thule 5�� products and use one key for them 544 System! Beachten Sie die Angaben in der Info Spalte! Ggfs. gibt es für Ihr Fahrzeug eine Einschränkung. 750 In einigen Fällen bieten wir Ihnen Wahlmöglichkeiten zwischen verschiedenen Trägersystemen – Sehen Sie hierzu die Produktbeschreibung in der Aufklapplasche. 761 or 861 775 or 755 760 or 860 Fusion, 4-dr Sedan, 06➝ (USA) 950 769 750 Lastenträger Fahrradträger 750 760 or 860 769 or 869 769 or 869 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 95➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing Clamp On (!DAPTERSATZ#LAMP/NFÓRVERSCHIEDENE/RIGINAL1UERSTREBEN) Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00 Soviel können Sie transportieren T-track adapters Thule One Key System 750 762 or 862 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing 775 769 or 869 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing 755 769 or 869 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 01➝05 101 Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 (ASIA) 950 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 (USA) 950 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98 (ASIA) 950 761 243 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 750 761 or 861 1110 LTD Crown Victoria, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 950 763 017 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 1109 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 755 761 or 861 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝99 Name • • • •777 • 596 242 101 Adapter für Fahrzeuge mit kurzem Dach (z.B. Coupés). Mit Hilfe des Adapters wird der nötige Mindestabstand zwischen der vorderen und hinteren Traverse eingehalten. Lastenträger in einer Verpackung, komplett. Der Schloßsatz ist inklusive oder optional erhältlich (siehe Tabelle). E 544 für Passend Dachrelinggrößen 544 D von 18-50 mm 544 Durchmesser. Complete packed 410, ??? cm 411, ??? cm Wichtige Informationen rund um Ihren Lastenträger, siehe unten. 544 Der passende Fahrradheckträger für Ihr Fahrzeug. 544 544 ford - ford 777 596 Incl 410 1109 Thule 544 Thule 1200 952 953 544 761100 or 861 4710 100 100 544 75 14 14 950 761 15 003 20 28 544 29-79 762 or • 862 1445 • 544 • • 769 or 869 • 762 or 862 • 761 or 861 • 761 or 861 761 or• 860 1005 Mondeo Schloss (MK III), 4-dr Sedan, 07➝ Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Estate, 07➝ One Key System 544 Passend für Aluschienenprofil3 • Passend für Vierkantprofil • Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Hatchback, 07➝ Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝00 One Key 750 System 544 750 • • Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint TÜV-geprüft • or • Passendes Kit wird benötigt 1025 or Erfüllt den City Crashor Normenvorschlag or 777 • 750 750 753 Weitere Merkmale Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00 596 760 or 860 • 860 760 or Incl Incl 750 761 or 861 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 93➝00, with roof railing 775 760 or 860 or 755 760 or 860 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07 750 761 or 861 Incl Thule Incl 1449 1445 3026 410 • • • Incl • )NCL • • )NCL 544 1226 544 544 Incl A • Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝06, 07➝, with roof railing 775 755 544 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatchback, 93➝00 750 761 or 861 761 or 861 1005 753 544 761 or 861 3026 760 or 860 761 or 860 760 or 860 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint or den meisten Fußsätzen von Thule, Bei or haben Sie die Wahl zwischen dem eleganten or Aluschienenprofil oder Vierkanttraversen. or Vergleichen Sie hierzu obige Tabelle, Zeile 4 und 5. Mustang, 3-dr Coupé, 94➝ 1458 Bei den Vierkanttraversen kann lediglich die Orion, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝90 Breite zwischen den Füßen zur Montage von Orion, 4-dr Sedan,werden. 84➝93 (EUR) Zubehör genutzt Durch Orion, die 4-dreingelassene Sedan, 91➝99T-Nut beim Aluschienenprofil kann Zubehör auf der gesaProbe, 3-dr Coupé, 88➝92 mten Länge der Traverse mittels Nutensteine Puma, 2-dr Coupé,Bei 97➝01 montiert werden. vielen Zubehör ist der T-Nutadapter inklusive. 411 1040 Ranger, 2-dr Singel cab, 94➝99 Sie haben die Wahl, abhängig davon wie viel Ranger, 2-dr Singel cab, 00➝ Sie auf Ihrem Lastenträger transportieren wollen. Ranger, 2-dr Singel cab, 03➝ 950 544 762 C D 226 B ıı 40 kg C ıı 50 kg D ıı 60 kg E ıı 65 kg • • H Zu geringer Traversenabstand. Es ist nicht möglich eine Dachbox zu montieren. J Abschließbar mit Spezialwerkzeug. K Bohrungen am Fahrzeugdach sind notwendig. L Nur eine Traverse möglich. Kann um 27-77 cm erhöht werden mit Adaptern: Incl 421410 (27-44 cm), 422 (38-55 cm), 423 (61-77 cm). Incl )NCL )NCL 761 139 544 750 761 or 861 1299 544 762 009 477 750 544 1087 777 950 762 056 544 950 761 2066 544 750 761 or 861 Incl 1292 544 C 596 Durch Auswechseln aller Schließzylinder können Sie ein und denselben Schlüssel für sämtliche Schlösser verwenden, sowohl für Lastenträger, Heckträger als auch für Dachboxen und sonstiges Zubehör. Das One-Key-System ist in 4 Versionen erhältlich: 4 Schließzylinder 544, 6 Schließzylinder 596, 8 Schließzylinder 588, 12 Schließzylinder 452. 596 C Incl 760is or not 860 included 1084 777 E If there is a596 letter in If750a lock 761 101 544 the Info column, be it950is optional, though 950 761 242 D sure to find544 out what highly recommended, 950 761 101 544 it means on page 75. to buy one. 243 544 761 or 861 1110 544 LTD Crown Victoria, 4-dr Sedan, 88➝91 950 763 017 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 1109 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 755 761 or 861 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝99 750 761 or 861 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing 755 761 or 861 750 8,5 11,5 5,5 7,5 7,5 6 Lock • • • • • One Key System 544 Fits aero bars • • • • • Fits square bars • • • • • • Fitting kit needed • • TÜV approved • • • • • • Fulfils City Crash norms • • • • Fits railing sizes between 20-68 mm Fits railing sizes between 22-55 mm Fits railing sizes between 18-50 mm Complete packed 410, 115 cm Miscellaneous In some cases we propose alternative solutions. Thule Rapid System Thule Thule Thule Thule 4900 750 950 951 952/953 420 Load capacity (kg)1 75 75 75 100 100 75 Foot height (cm) 4,5 14 14 15 20/28 29-79 Lock • One Key System 544 One Key System 544 Accessory 527 Accessory 527 • Fits aero bars • • Fits square bars • • • • • • Fitting kit needed • • • TÜV approved • • • • • • Fulfils City Crash norms • 2 Miscellaneous Incl 762 or 862 1200 544 4700 761 or 861 4710 544 The most of our accessories are fitted, enabling usage of the07➝ entire length of the bar. Mondeo (MK III), 4-dr Sedan, 950 761 003 544 750 762 or 862 1445 544 On a square bar Mondeo (MKthe III), accessories 5-dr Estate, 07➝are attached around the bar, onlyMondeo permitting the distance (MK III),use 5-drof Hatchback, 07➝ in between the load carrier feet. 750 769 or 869 1449 544 750 762 or 862 1445 544 Incl 750 761 or 861 1005 544 753 761 or 861 3026 Incl 761 or 860 760 or 860 760 or 860 )NCL )NCL 1005 Can be rasied 27-77 cm with adapters. 421 (27-44cm) 422 (38-55cm) 423 (61-77cm) 775 760 or 860 755 760 or 860 Incl 750 761 or 861 775 761 or 861 755 761 or 861 750 761 or 861 1005 544 753 761 or 861 3026 Incl 760 or 860 761 or 860 )NCL Incl 1226 544 411 Incl Incl Incl 410 Incl 410 Incl ¹Maximum load is the maximum approved weight for each type of load carrier. Consult your car manual and the Thule fitting instruction for your car’s maximum load limit. ²Foot height is the distance from the base of the foot to the top of the bar. Please note: for distances to the bottom of the bar, deduct 22 mm for squarebars and 27 mm for aero bars. Load carrier feet in sets of four. For detailed information, see abowe. One key for all your Thule gear. * 544 411, 120 cm Thule Rapid Intracker 596 544 761 or 861 100 Foot height (cm) 2 544 777 1109 750 410/411 100 Ein Lastenträger, verschiedenes Zubehör – ein Schlüssel um alles abzuschließen. C No fit 761 755 100 527 950 750 757 100 Name * 544 761 950 775 100 Vom Fahrzeughersteller vorgegebene max. Dachlast; 30 kg Incl 3033 751 100 Incl 951 760 or 860 753 Load capacity (kg)1 Incl 950 Incl Thule Incl 761 or 861 Lastenträger, Trägerrohre 1124 Thule Rapid Railing Ein fahrzeugspezifisches Kit ist notwendig, um den Fahrradheckträger an dem Fahrzeug zu befestigen. • 410 Incl or 2167 Thule Rapid Railing Incl • * 1005 Thule Rapid Crossroad 420 544 • 544 • 544 • Thule Rapid Fixpoint XT Maximale Anzahl an Fahrrädern, die Sie mit dem angegebenen Fahrradträger transportieren können. ¹Maximum load is the maximum approved weight for each type of load carrier. Consult your car manual for your car’s maximum load limit. ²Foot height is the distance from the base of the foot Estate, with roof railing 411 using Thule’s Incl original carrier. Please consult toMondeo, the top of5-dr the bar. Please01➝03, note: for04➝07, distances to the bottom of the bar, deduct 22 mm for squarebars and 27 mm for aero bars. ³Applies when your Thule dealer before using with another manufacturer’s carrier. Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 98➝00, 01➝03 or or • Incl 527 • 527 • 762951 or 862 527 SquareMondeo, bars 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07, with roof railing Art. no.Mondeo, 760, 108 cm. 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝06, 07➝, with roof railing Art. no. 761, 120 cm. Art. no.or769, 127 cm. 5-drcm. Hatchback, 93➝00 Art. no.Mondeo, 762, 135 Art. no.Mondeo, 763, 150 5-drcm. Hatchback, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint One Key System 544 761 or 861 762 Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, 01➝03, 04➝07 ?? Incl • Incl • 761 or 861 Thule 951 108 cm. 5-drcm. Estate, 93➝00 Art. no.Mondeo, 861, 120 Art. no.Mondeo, 869, 127 5-drcm. Estate, 93➝00, with roof railing Art. no. 862, 135 cm. or Art. no. 863, 150 cm. 7,5 544 • 750 Granada, 5-dr Estate, 80➝84 or or Aero bars Art. no.or860, 4,5 750 527 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, 93➝00 ?? 755 762 In short,Mondeo, which 4-dr option you choose is a matter of taste but Sedan, 01➝03, 04➝07, with fixpoint also of how much you want to fit to the load carrier. or 411 D 4700 761 or 861 Mentor, 4-dr a Sedan, 95➝where (ASIA) aero bar has t-track 100 Incl 75 Thule 750 951 For most of our load carriers you have the option of buying 5-dr SUV, 01➝ either aMaverick, traditional, square load bar, or an elegant aero bar Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 01➝, with T-profile made of aluminium. 75 Das Montagekit beinhaltet fahrzeugspezifische Halteklammern und Gummiauflagen zur Befestigung auf dem Fahrzeugdach. 410/411 950 Thule Rapid 753 Load carrier bars 755 544 Max Zuladung kg 01➝, with T-profile 75 Maverick, 5-drinSUV, Granada, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝84 Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 95➝98 (ASIA) 4900 • 1084 Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with T-profile 3-dr Hatchback, LookKa,up your car 97➝ The numbers represent Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, make, model and 90➝94 the(USA) components you (ASIA) type.Laser, 3-dr Hatchback, 95➝98 need to complete your Laser, 4-dr Sedan, 90➝94 (USA) load carrier. Die Trägerrohre beinhalten 2 Traversen, wahlweise Aluschienenprofil oder Vierkant in Stahl oder Aluminium erhältlich. Für nähere Informationen siehe Tabelle. Incl Thule all. Simply ask for Thule One Key C Focus, 5-dr Estate, 98➝03, 04, with roof railing Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 06➝ Inhalt: 544 Thule Rapid Railing 544 C • 3033 • • 860 760 or Fußhöhe4-dr Sedan, 95➝ (ASIA) Mentor, Fusion, 5-dr Hatchback, 02➝05 1040 761 Passend für Dachrelinggrößen 761 von 20-68 mm 761 Durchmesser. 1 Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 1458 750 2 Ist der Fußsatz nicht abschließbar, empfehlen wir Ihnen diesen nach zu rüsten. 410 Incl 950 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 01➝ Die Nummern zeigen Ihnen die Komponenten, die Sie alle benötigen um Ihren Lastenträger zu vervollständigen. Incl Laser, Hatchback, 90➝94 (USA) Weitere3-dr Merkmale Ka, 3-dr Hatchback, 97➝ Normenvorschlag 596 2167Thule Rapid 1124 Intracker 100 750 System Maverick, 5-dr SUV, 93➝, with roof railing Suchen Sie nach Ihrem Fabrikat, Modell, Baujahr. 769775 or 869 • Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof railing Passend für Aluschienenprofil3 • Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 01➝05 Passend für Vierkantprofil • Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 06➝, with T-profile Passendes Kit wird benötigt • Granada, 4-dr Sedan, 80➝84 TÜV-geprüft • Granada, 5-dr Estate, 80➝84 777 760 or 860 ?? Galaxy, 5-dr MPV, 96➝00, 01➝05, with roof Schloss • railing 1025 760 or 860 carrier or roof box. Exchanging 5�� See page 2 for specifications of Info, markings A-L Fo r d 750 100 761 or 861 769 Rapid Thule Crossroad 769 or 869 keeping track of different 544 544 477 Ranger, 2-dr Singe� cab, ��-� 7�� or ��� Only permits fitting of one load carrier bar. Inc� 527 75� 75� Holes have to be drilled in the roof. L 544 C Ranger, 2-dr Singe� cab, �3-� Puma, 2-dr Coupé, �7-��1 K Inc� 1��5 7�1 or ��1 760 or 860 761 or 860 760 or 860 �5� �5� Incl Inc� Inc� Inc� Der THULE Fußsatz beinhaltet 4 Füße. Für nähere Informationen siehe Seite 3. Der Thule Fußsatz beinhaltet 4 Füße, die Thule Trägerrohre 2 Rohre. Inc� 7�1 or ��1 544 7�2 41� 544 7�1 or ��1 7�1 or ��1 75� 753 410 41� Inc� 122� 411 755 Mondeo, 5-dr Hatc�back, �1-��3, �4-��7, wit� fixpoint or or or or * 544 7�� or ��� 7�� or ��� 75� Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �1-��3, �4-��7, wit� roof rai�ing Mondeo, 5-dr Estate, �1-��3, �4-���, �7-�, wit� roof rai�ing or fusssätze Erfüllt den City Crash- 3�2� 775 762 o�� 7�2 or ��2 862 Inc� 7�1 or ��1 750 75� 750 75� 41� 7�1 or ��1 755 Galaxy, 5-T Ga�axy, 5-drMPV, MPV,��-��� 96->00 The rear door bike carrier that fits your car. Inc� 75� 950 �5� Galaxy, 5-T Ga�axy, 5-drMPV, MPV,�5-���, 95->00,�1-��5, 01->05,mit with �ac�re�ing roof railing Important information regarding your load carrier, see below. 5�� 753 Fusion, 5-T 5-drSc�r�g�eck, Hatchback,, 02->05 �2-��5 769 o�� 7�� or ��� 869 Lock. Included in the footpack or optional. E � 544 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, �3-��� Fusion, 4-T 4-drSedan, Sedan,��-� 06->(USA) (USA) 7�2 or ��2 544 544 544 544 ford - ford 777 Mondeo, 4-dr Sedan, �1-��3, �4-��7, wit� fixpoint or oder 75� 5�� 544 1�1 7�1 or ��1 7�1 or ��1 Maverick, 5-dr SUV, �1-� 777 1�1 242 243 111� 75� 755 Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Hatc�back, �7-� 750 75� A complete load carrier in one single package. Inc� 527 1��4 7�3 Maverick, 3-dr SUV, �3-��� Maverick, 3-dr SUV, �3-�, wit� roof rai�ing Mondeo (MK III), 4-dr Sedan, �7-� Fusion, 5-T 5-drSc�r�g�eck, Hatchback,, 06-> ��-� Adapters for cars with short roofs, to increase the distance between the load bars. 527 7�2 75� �5� Laser, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��4 (USA) Laser, 4-dr Sedan, �5-��� (ASIA) Laser, 4-dr Sedan, ��-���, �1-��3 Mondeo (MK III), 5-dr Estate, �7-� 761 o�� 7�1 or ��1 861 753 Ka, 3-dr Hatc�back, �7-� Laser, 3-dr Hatc�back, ��-��4 (USA) Laser, 3-dr Hatc�back, �5-��� (ASIA) 750 75� Load carrier Kit in a set of four. For car specific fit of the load carrier feet to the car roof. No fit Granada, 5-dr Estate, ��-��4 Focus, 5-T 5-drEstate, Estate,��-��3, 98->03,�4, 04,mit with �ac�re�ing roof railing � 7�� o�� ��� 7�� o�� ��� Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-�, wit� T-profi�e Fiesta, 3-T 3-drSc�r�g�eck, Hatchback,, 96->02 ��-��2 C Inc� 544 775 755 Granada, 4-dr Sedan, ��-��4 Fo r d 544 544 Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-���, �1-��5, wit� roof rai�ing Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-���, �1-��5, wit� roof rai�ing Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, �1-��5 Load bars in sets of two. In steel or aluminium. For information, see page 3. Inc� 544 1124 411 Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, ��-��� 41� Inc� 21�7 75� 75� Ga�axy, 5-T MPV, �5-���, �1-��5, mit �ac�re�ing ford - ford Fiesta, 3-dr Hatchback, 96➝02 Thule Rapid Fixpoint XT Low Name What do the symbols and numbers mean? You find a key on page 75. Make life easier and save yourself the trouble of keeping track of different sets of 410for your Incl load carrier, keys ski carrier, bike carrier or roof box. Exchange the lock cylinders in all your Thule products and use the same key for them all. Simply ask for Thule One Key System! Load bars in sets of two. In steel or aluminium. For information, see abowe. Load carrier Kit in a set of four. For car specific fit of the load carrier feet to the car roof. Adapters for cars with short roofs, to increase the distance between the load bars. A complete load carrier in one single package. Lock. Included in the footpack or optional. Important information regarding your load carrier, see table to the right. The rear door bike carrier that fits your car. Kit needed for fitting the bike carrier to your particular car. Max. number of bikes you can carry with the actual bike carrier. A Max load30 kg B ıı 40 kg C ıı 50 kg D ıı 60 kg E ıı 65 kg H The distance between the load carrier bars does not permit the fitting of a roof box. J Locked using the Thule Tool Key. K Holes have to be drilled in the roof. L Only permits fitting of one load carrier bar. 5210901020 English Discover our world Thule Guide 2009 Load carriers & rear mounted bike carriers Thule Sweden AB, Box 69, SE-330 33 Hillerstorp, Sweden. Tel +46 370-255 00, Fax +46 370-229 08.
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