Yo Sacramento!
Yo Sacramento!
------ Will Cleveland & Mark Alvarez Illustrations by Tate Nation The Millbrook Press Brookfield, Connecticut . ·- Cover illustration: Tate Nation Cover design: Paul F. Rossmann Book design: Deborah Fillion Copyright© 1994, 1997 by Goodwood Press Published in 1997 by The Millbrook Press 2 Old New Milford Road, Brookfield, Connecticut 06B04 Printed in the United States of America 5432 Ubrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cleveland, Will. Yo, Sacramento! : and all those other state capitals you don't know I Will Cleveland and Mark Alvarez. p. em . Summary: Presents facts about each state with cartoon-style illustrations to serve memory aids for the state capitals and quizzes to reinforce information. ISBN 0-7613-0252-2 (lib. bdg.).- ISBN 0-7613-0237-9 (pbk.) 1. United States-Geography-Jwenile literature. 2. Capitals (Cities}-United States-Jwenile literature. [1. United States--Geography Miscellanea.2. Capitals (Cities)] I. Alvarez, Mark. II. Title. E161.3.C44 1997 973- dc 20 96-42099 CIP AC as For Jeanne and Audrey with lots of love and laughs. T.N. Introduction y wife, Anne, will not let our three children dents in twenty minutes. It worked so well that listen to a Walkman when we go on family two things happened: First, it led to the creation of M trips in the car. She insists that we have "quality time. " During such a trip not too long ago, I sat driving, enveloped by the heavy silence, regret ting that we were not making more "constructive" our first book, Yo, Millard Fillmore! And second, my children's friends stopped coming by the house. Since Yo, Millard Fillmore! came out, Tate use of our time. All of sudden, like a bolt of pure Nation, Mark Alvarez, and I have hit the lecture inspiration, it struck me that we should ... memo circuit speaking to Library Associations, Reading rize the Presidents! Councils, and schools about the memory tech I got a list from the encyclopedia and, over niques used in the book. Our presentations have the next few trips, my children, Braden, Meg, and been received enthusiastically by educators and Will, made up the memory techniques that allow students, who keep asking for a similar book to anyone to memorize all the Presidents in twenty help learn the states and their capitals. So here's minutes. Later, one of Meg's friends was traveling with us and I insisted on "teaching" her all the Yo, Sacramento! Mark writes all of the history on the Presidents Presidents. She was so excited at how easy it all and the states. Tate spends thousands of hours was that she recited them the next day to her class. preparing the illustrations and my kids thought After that, whenever one of my children's friends up the memory tricks. Yet, I get to have my name would come by the house, I would take them into listed first on the book. Is this a great country, or the living room and teach them to recite the Presi- what? -Will Cleveland -- * * Contents * * How to Usc This Book ... ... . .. ...... .vi NEW ENGLAND .... .. ... . ... . .... 1 . . . ... . . . .. CONNECTICUT, Hartford ..............2 MAINE, Augusta .. . .... .. ..... .4 MASSACHUSETIS, Boston .... 6 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Concord ........8 RHODE ISlAND, Providence ...... 10 VERMONT, Nlontpelier .. . ... 12 Let's try this little review.................... 14 . . .. .. ..... . .... . .... .. ..... MIDDLE ATt..ANnC .... ..... .......... 15 . . DElAWARE, Dover . . . . 16 . ..... 18 NEW JERSEY, Trenton . . .....20 NEW YORK, Albany .... .. ... .... 22 PENNSYLVANIA, Harrisburg ... 24 Let's see what you remember . ... . 26 . ..... .. . . MARYLAND, Annapolis .. .. . .... . . ...... . ..... . .... .. . ... . ... .. .. .... SOUTH .. .. .. ... . ... .... .. . . .. . . . ... . .. 27 ...... .. . . AlABAMA, Nlontgomery . . ..... .28 .. . . . . .30 . .. 32 GEORGIA, Atlanta ....................... 34 KENTUCKY, Frankfort .. . . . 36 LOUISIANA, Baton Rouge ... . . . .. 38 ARKANSAS, Little Rock ........... . . FLORIDA, Tallahassee ......... .. ......... . . ..... ... . . . . . MISSISSIPPI, Jackson . ....... .... . ....40 . . NORTH CAROLINA, Raleigh . ...42 .. .. SOUTH CAROLINA, Columbia .. 44 . . TENNESSEE, Nashville .... . ........46 .. . . VIRGINIA, Richmond . . . .. . .48 ... 50 Let's review the southern states . .. . .52 .. . .. . WEST VIRGINIA, Charleston . ... ... .... . . .. . . . . . .... . 53 ILLINOIS, Springfield . ... ... 54 INDIANA, Indianapolis . .. 56 IOWA, Des Nloines . . ..... ... 58 KANSAS, Topeka ... . . 60 MICHIGAN, Lansing . .. .... .. . 62 MINNESOTA, St. Paul .. ... ... .64 MISSOURI, Jefferson City ...... ......66 NEBRASKA, Lincoln. ... . .. ... . .68 NORTH DAKOTA, Bismarck . .. .70 OHIO, Columbus ...... . . . ...... .72 SOUTH DAKOTA, Pierre .. ..... .74 WISCONSIN, Madison ................76 Let's go over the midwestern states 78 MIDWEST . ....... ..... ... . ..... ... . ... . .. ... ..... ... .... ...... .. . . .... ........ .... .... ... .... ... . .. .... .. . . ... . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... .. OKlAHOMA, Oklahoma City .......84 TEXAS, Austin .... .... .... . ... .. . ... .. ... ..86 For a little practice, answer these.......88 MOUNTAIN . . . . ... ..... . ..... 89 .90 IDAHO, Boise .... .. ... . ... .92 MONTANA, Helena . .... 94 NEVADA, Carson City ... . 96 UTAH, Salt Lake City ... . .. .....98 WYOMING, Cheyeme.. .. .. ...100 Let's see how you do . . ..... ....102 .. .... . ... .. . . . COLORADO, Denver.. .. ...... ... . .. . ....... . .. ......... .... ........... .... . .. .. .... .... . .. ... . ... ... .... . .. PACIFIC . ... .... .... ... ... . . .. 1 03 .... 104 CALIFORN lA, Sacramento .. .. . . 106 HAWAII, Honolulu . . ... ......108 OREGON, Salem. ... ...... . .110 WASHINGTON, Olympia . . ... 112 Let's see what you remember. ........ 114 . . . . .. ... ... ... . ......... .. AlASKA, Juneau . .. . .. . . .. .. .. ....... . . ..... . .. . . .... . ... SOUTHWEST .. . . ...... .... . .. ....79 . .. .. .. . . . . ARIZONA, Phoenix . . ...... . . .... 80 . . .. .. . NEW MEXICO, Santa Fe . ....... .... 82 . v . JUST FOR FUN.......................... 115 ????? 118 NAME THAT STATE............... 119 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................... 120 .............................................. How to Use This Book J ust look at the cartoons and read the little stories next to them. Then take the short test at the end of each section. That's all there is to it. Each picture has two parts. One of the parts looks like the way the capital sounds and the other looks like the way the state sounds. That way, when you say the state's name, you will be reminded of the picture that sounds like the state. W hen you remember that picture, you will also remember the part of the picture that sounds like the capital's name. ... boys eat a hoe. (Boise, Idaho) vi For instance, the capital of New Hampshire is Concord. The cartoon shows a nude hamster, which sounds like New Hampshire, riding on the Concorde jet. When you think of New Hampshire, you'll see in your mind the picture of the nude hamster and remember that he's riding the Concorde. Once you know all the states and their capitals, you can go back and read about each of them on the left page. We think you'll find them pretty interesting. vii � * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * � * � * � * � * � * � * � � ":.. ....,. , .....�� * ..h _.v-r * � * � * � * � * � * � * � � � * * ,a * � * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * viii MAINE NEW HAMPSHIRE VERMONT 0 New England Tucked up i n the far northeast corner of the U.S., New England landscapes run the gamut from seashore to deep woods to fierce and rugged moun tains. There are lots of cities here, but there are many small towns, too, and MASSACHUSETTS most of them still have Tow n Meet ings, where citizens vote o n the major issues facing them. It is a form of pure democracy that exists in few other CONNECTICUT RHODE ISLAND parts of the country-or the world. � :., Connecticut "C onnect icut" means " long tidal river" in the language of the la w sch ool in th is country was esta blished in L itchfield q:: 'I) _!:: 1- (CT) Capital: Hartford State Bird: Robin State Flower: Mountain Laurel State Tree: White Oak 5th state to enter the Union (January 9, 1788) O 'I) .. :;f..l:;ty U..lO(:j �-:1-Uno::J • .. AU..l 48th largest state who followed the directions expecting to see a weird animal or strange exhibit found themselves back on the street -"Egress" means "exit." Barnum got rich when he became the manager of a midget named Charles S. Stratton, whom he called General Tom Thumb. He took the General on a European tour, met with all manner or royal ty, and raked in the loot. Barnum later managed the American tour of Jenny Lind, "the Swedish nightingale," who was probably the most popular singer of the century. He eventually started a cir cus that he called "The Greatest Show on Earth," the slogan its successor, the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, still uses . ne of the most famous Americans of the mid1800s was P.T. Barnum. He was born in Bethel, and lived much of his life in Bridgeport. Barnum is usually called a "showman," because he built a vast fortune by promoting and display ing things-things people might not have known they wanted to see until Barnum persuaded them they did. For over 20 years, he ran the American Museum in New York, where many of his displays were, simply, fakes. Barnum even called himself, "Prince of the Humbugs." When crowds got heavy at the museum, and Barnum wanted to move people through quickly, he hung up a sign that said, To The Egress. People � * � ' ..lOJ :;111!6 01 :;fJ!J g u o -:1-nt:J :;11\t'i'Y I 1 �<'Y1 1:;1..l£/:;t..l I, P!�<'S oy M O..l:;ty -'�<'M AJf?U0!1n JOII:;12J g y-:1. ':;1Jf?H U �<'Y-:1-� N .. soo�n <Z 2 Hartford, Connecticut Don't cry if you get scratched. The heart in the Ford wi l l drive by and connect a cut. The heart Ford ( Hartford) wi l l connect a cut (Connecticut). 3 � * � (.f) More lo bsters harvested here than in any other state � �� Maine is one of the two New Eng land states that weren't Ill 3 0 :::s <S:> '""' :::r (1) 0 ...., .s:;· Maine (ME) Capital: Augusta State Bird: Chickadee State Flower: White Pine Cone and Tassel State Tree: White Pine 23rd state to enter the Union (March 15, 1 820) * 39th largest state -------� I ran out of ammunition. Then Chamberlain gave the command to fix bayonets, and led his remain ing men in a charge. The southern soldiers, who had lost hundreds of men in their attacks, and who were tired and worn out, ran away or surrendered. The left wing of the northern army had held, and the south had no chance to defeat the Federal Army that day. The next morning, northern troops hurled back Pickett's Charge, and won the battle. Maine is proud to this day that its men may have saved the Union. After the war, Chamberlain was elected governor of the state. He is one of the greatest heroes of a war that produced many on both sides. n July of 1863, the Confederate Army of North ern Virginia ran into the Federal Army of the Potomac at a little town in Pennsylvania named Gettysburg. This accidental meeting sparked a three-day battle that is often called the turning point of the Civil War. On the second day of the battle, southern troops planned to attack the far left end of the northern army, defeat it, and then "roll up" the whole northern line . At that far left end of the line were stationed the men of the Twentieth Maine Regiment, command ed by Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, who had been a college professor when the war began. They fought off many southern attacks, until they 0 u,o0 :;�tl D-:1- P!l:19 :;�J,n of ':;�u!l:1� JO '4-SI:io::J p:;�00nJ :;�y-:�- d n Y'4-JOU IQAI:1J1 n of u :;� y M ¥- 4 · s n :;�y-:1- UJ -:�-u,od 190W-uJ:;l-:).91:1:;1 :;�y-:�- 9! p1:1:;�H · � � D c g_ s:L '< Augusta, Maine Hold onto your hat, a m ighty gust of wind is blowing down Main Street! A gust of (Augusta) wi nd on Main (Ma i ne) Street. 5 ---------- ------ L 'I) ..I:> of the Massachusetts H ouse of Representatives E C\'l ...<: <..) 'I) ...<: +' * � Harvard, i n Ca m bridge, was the first col lege esta blished in Massachusetts (MA ) Capital: Boston State Bird: Chickadee State Flower: Mayflower State Tree: American Elm 6th state to enter the Union (February 6, 1788) Y ou know the poem about Paul Revere's ride, don't you? '"Twas the eighteenth of April in seventy-five ... One if by land, two if by sea ..." and all that? It's a terrific poem that tells of Revere's warning to the colonists that the British Redcoats were on the march. But Revere wasn't the only man who carried the message that "The British are corning !" that night. William Dawes and Samuel Prescott had also been sent into the countryside. Robert Newman, sexton of Christ Church (what we now call North Church) did hang two lanterns in the belfry, but the signal was received by Colonel Conant in Charlestown before Revere actu ally made it across the Charles River. � :::r (1) c (j) * (J) () * 45th largest state :::r 0 0 On a small, quick horse he later called "very good," Revere rode toward Lexington, spreading the alarm. Once there, he met Dawes and Prescott, and the three of them headed for Concord. Revere never made it. He was detained by a British patrol and his mount was taken from him. He walked back to Lexington and was dragging a trunk of vital papers belonging to John Hancock across the Green to safety when the British arrived to con front the local Minute Men and the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired to start the American Revolution. You can still see and visit Paul Revere's house in Boston's north end. it 9UM01. 91.! I I "" UJ UOJ1. E?9n p:;� 9J it:Jnd IEI..I:;IU:;�0 49!1t:JE11-9:;1 01. PI..IOM :;�41- UJ :;1..1 :;14MAUE? 1- U:;IWU..I:;I/\00 1.9..1!J :;�41- 9E?M 91.1.:;19n49Ei99EIV'I * 6 Boston, Massach usetts A city made of boxes is cal l ed Box Town . I n the center of Box Town is a massive chess set. Box Town ( Boston) surrounds a massive chess set (Massachusetts). 7 "Granite State" * President Frank lin Pierce was born here <�:> .£ +-' IS) � � The first of the original 13 c ol onies to dec lare that it was New Hampshire s:: S: 0 s:: � [ Cl> --.:::s Cl> ::s !>:I_ Cl> ::s � 0 -;-, (NH) Capital: Concord State Bird: Purple Finch State Flower: Purple Lilac State Tree: White Birch 9th state to enter the Union (June 21 , 1788) M * 44th largest state on pleasant summer days, you'll find many cars, lots of people, and plenty of souvenirs to buy. But Mount Washington is not to be trifled with . Its weather is famous, changeable, and vicious. Even in summer, temperatures can plummet toward freezing, mists can roll in, and hikers can be put to the severest tests. And in the winter-watch out ! The weather is often unendurable by humans. The highest wind speed ever recorded on earth blew here : 231 miles per hour-and then the wind gauge blew away! ount Washington, in New Hampshire's White Mountains, is the highest peak in the north east. It's part of the Presidential Range, in which you'll find summits named after both Adamses, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, and many others, right up to Eisenhower. This is rugged country, well above the tree-line, but at 6,288 feet, Mount Washington doesn't seem to measure up to the 14,000-footers of the West, let alone the 20,000 feet of Denali in Alaska. And it even has a road and a cog railway to its top, where, IS) L � � U0!-:1-:J:;�I:;� l r? !1U:;IP!9:;1Jd U! A.ir?wpd 19.-I!J :;�y-:1- 9! Nr?W !Jd 9,:;1J !Y9dwr?H M:;IN 8 () 0 c � IS\ � ::s CI> " <S;" <S:> Cl> IS\ ¥- 9Jgt:jwgw OOV JgAo-A.i-:1-unw gy-:1- U! gJn1r? l 9!"gl �r?-:1-9 � Concord, N ew Ham pshire Fasten your seat belt, a nude hamster is rid i ng atop the Concorde! The Concorde (Concord) i s bei ng flown by a nude hamster (New Ham pshire). 9 s::: � � State" * The sec ond m ost densely p opu lated state � * 0� �0 * Last of the original 13 states to sign the Constituti on Rhode Island 0 * � Cb (RI) Capital: Providence State Bird : Rhode Island Red State Flower: Violet State Tree: Red Maple 13th state to enter the Union (May 29, 1790) T 9! -:)...WdMgN 50th largest state and cared for by an Indian band led by Massasoit, who had years before welcomed the Pilgrims to Plymouth. Eventually, Williams bought land from the Narragansetts and established a village that would become Providence. Soon after, Anne Hutchinson was forced to flee from Massachusetts for her religious beliefs. She was welcomed by Williams, who helped her buy land and establish the town that became Portsmouth. People in other colonies called Rhode Island "a chaos of all religions," and "Rogue Island," but these two pioneers of religious freedom set a tone of tolerance in Rhode Island that was eventually written into our Bill of Rights . he Puritans came to Massachusetts for religions freedom. But for them, that didn't include reli gious freedom for others. T hey persecuted t hose who didn't believe as they did. In doing so, they caused the founding of Rhode Island. Roger Williams came to Massachusetts with his family in 1630, and was a preacher in several towns . But he had strange ideas . He thought, for one thing, that people should be able to worship as they please . For another, he thought it was wrong to steal land from the Indians. For t hese and other "dangerous opinions," Williams was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He went south, w here he was temporarily taken in 1f ·s·n gy':l- U! gn0o0t=:UA9 0U!-:).9!Xg -:)_SgpiO gy':l- * U! gn6o6t=:UA£3 10 o.m01 1f put=:IU!t=?L.U JO �uny::> t=3 put=: 9pUt=3 1S! 9£ JO dn gpt=:� 1f P rovidence, R hode I sland On the road island, a l l the prophets are having a dance-a prophet dance. A prophet dance ( Providence) on a road island ( Rhode Island). 11 +'> s:: 0 ' Vermont Montpeliec is the smallest state capital in the U.S. * The means "green moun tain" * Fiest in ma ple symp production E L � (VT) Capital: Montpelier State Bird: Hermit Thrush State Flower: Red Clover State Tree: Sugar Maple 1 4th state to enter the Union (March 4, 1791 ) E s:: L 0 ..!::> <I) <Sl � a 0 (_) s:: ·s: tiS (_) than Allen was born in Connecticut, but he became the most famous and colorful figure in Vermont history. Vermont wasn't an original colony, but was known as "the New Hampshire Grants," because the government of New Hamp shire granted land there to settlers. In 1764, the British decided that the area belonged to New York, and that New Hampshire land grants were invalid. Allen and other settlers weren't about to pay for their land t wice, so they resisted. T he fa mous Green Mountain Boys were essentially a gang of grantsmen who terrorized "Yorkers" and fought off attempts to enforce the new arrange ment. Ethan Allen, the loudest and pushiest * 43rd largest state among them, was their leader. New York leaders offered a reward of 20 pounds for his arrest. When the Revolution came, Allen and the Boys, along with Benedict Arnold (years before he be came a traitor) captured Fort Ticonderoga from a small and surprised British garrison. Allen was later captured in the attack on Quebec, and wrote a famous account of his cruel imprisonment. After his release in 1778, Allen still couldn't get the Con tinental Congress to recognize Vermont as a state ...so he turned around and began to negotiate with the British. He was accused of treason, but the charges were never pressed. Allen died two years before Vermont became the fourteenth State. v J:t1''"'YJ <:?1-U:t P!<:?:tJd 1f U0!1::J t:? put:?I 1SOW-UJ:ty� ou s,Jt:?M I !A!J :ty1 JO Q1-!S :ty1 put:? .my�y . 12 :<:>w:?t:ll \1 '1-S 1f Ql 0 :::s � 0 -;-, � z � :::: rn :::s lS:> iil :::s \;:>... � � \!\ :::s g l t:?U!6J..1 o :tlf:l- 6uow t:? Montpelier, Vermont Watch out when you go mountain cl imb i ng, a giga ntic varmint i s peel ing away layers of the mountain with h i s mountain peeler. A mountain peeler (Montpelier) varmint (Vermont). 13 ---- • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • • • • • • • \!;! • • • • • • • On what street is the gust of wind blowi . What's in the center of Box Town? � !fll :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·JtJd:JJ ��! · :::: : : : : : : : : . � Where are they having the prophet dance? • • What can the heart Ford do for you? What's riding on the Concorde? • • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Let's try this little revie � • a Who has a mountain peeler? ..· ···· · : : * * * * Who can drive out and connect a cut? fk1 What's the weather like on Main Street? � In what city will you find the massive chess set? �� '?J0 What type of jet does the nude hamster ride on? What type of dance is held on the road island? * * * * * * * * * * * * What's the varmint doing? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 14 NEW YORK Middle Atlantic T hree o f the Middle Atlantic states New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylva nia-are among our most populous, and are d efinitely " northern" in character. Delaware and Maryland, o n the other hand, are less heavily populated and are border states, with a more southern feel. Generally speaking, this is a n industrial part of the country, but any region that encompasses the Allegheny Mountains, New York City, and Chesapeake Bay is MARYLAND clearly very diverse. This is true of most of the regions in the U.S. 15 <I) highest point in Delawa re is only 442 feet a bove sea level .£ \- � Fi rst settled by the Swedes * Named for the English r a i1. Delaware (DE) Capital: Dover State Bird: Blue Hen Chicken State Flower: Peach Blossom State Tree: American Holly 1 st state to enter the Union (December 7, 1787) * 49th largest state -------� W s:: � 1:>.... 21:>.... gress, but that, at the last possible minute, he got the news from a black maid who smuggled it in to him. Although many thought he couldn't possibly make it to Philadelphia on time, he jumped on his horse (or into his carriage-historians are .still ar guing about this) and galloped off. He stopped on ly to change exhausted horses on his way, and made the 90-mile trip in the nick of time. He vot ed for independence. Eleven years later, Delaware became "the First State" by ratifying the Constitution before any of the other former colonies. e've all heard of Paul Revere's Ride, but the most famous event in Delaware history is Caesar Rodney's Ride. Rodney was a delegate from the Delaware counties to the Continental Congress of 1776. He returned home to help put down a threat by Tories who were gathering to fight for the king. Back in Philadelphia, the t wo remaining Delaware dele gates were split on the issue of whether or not to support the Declaration of Independence. Rodney was needed to break the tie. Legend has it that Tories intercepted a series of messages sent to Rodney by his colleagues in Con- ::s a � 'UO..l J 19-l JJ :;ilfJ.) ..lOf?U!'?Q, :;141- '{7i;r'lfl U l 1f :;�1 1-<:l!'?:JM:;IN u..W..lJ UM!i?..lp :J..l!'? u!'? -·s·n :;�41- UJ A..l!i? puno£1 p:;�puno..l /\1u o :;�41 "'! :;�u! l " 16 :::r Cl> ., :;I:J.!'?:J.<:l :::s Dover, Delaware Sometimes del icatessen owners just can't seem to get a l ong and they have a del i war. Maybe the dove over the deli war wi l l bring peace. A dove over (Dover) the deli war (Delaware). 17 -� ! has been home to the U.S. Naval Academy since 1845 * � Only one of the 13 original colonies to be settled orig inally Maryland (:> ( MD ) � Capital: Annapolis State Bird: Baltimore Oriole State Flower: Black-Eyed Susan State Tree: White Oak 7th state to enter the Union (April 28, 1 788) * 42nd largest state l * z Ill 3 Cl> s::._ 3" :::r 0 :::s 0 ""' -------� I � :::J ...,. \S) 5:L L Ill ..s;: U! n September of 1814, the British were attacking up the Chesapeake Bay, and one of their objec tives was the city of Baltimore. They had captured an American named William Beanes, and two of his friends wanted to get him released. John Skin ner and Francis Scott Key arrived in Baltimore Harbor and won their friend's freedom, but the British told them they'd have to stay on board a prisoner-exchange ship until after the attack. The Americans had asked Mrs. Mary Pickersgill to make a huge American flag-over 50 feet long-to fly above the fort. A great British bom bardment began on September 13, and lasted all day and all night . It included, not just cannon balls and shells, but Congreave rockets, which trailed through the sky and left a red glare in their wake. Through the smoke and haze and darkness, Key and his friends couldn't see what was happening. As the mist cleared early in the morning of the 14th, they could see a flag waving above Fort McHenry, and they soon realized it wasn't the British ensign, but Mrs. Pickersgill's star-spangled banner. Key was so moved he sat down on the spot and wrote the poem that was eventually set to music and became our national anthem. The huge flag still exists, and you can see it at the Museum of History and Technology in Washington, D.C. ., ill :::s () i.j\" (j) () 0 g Jt'/:1 U �:1:1J:J Wt'/ 1-:1!1-U Y 1-t'i :1 11-1-t'/<1 :1l1J 1f Jt=�M I!�'�!:J :1L-!1- tiu!Jnr A.J u:;�He� � 1-JO::J U! r:;�uoc:;pdw ! rut=� i? :11-<:> :1JJt=� <:>t=�M uoc:;rut=�J 0 <:>/ :1)l 18 Ann apolis, Maryland Al l the g irls are named Mary so they cal l the place Mary Ia nd They're all tak1ng · a nap a n d You 'd better not . wake them or you ' l l get�� trouble with the nap pollee. A nap police (Annapolis) i n Mary land (Maryland). is the greatest supply of fresh water in the Eastern U.S. L � � Washington crossed the Delaware to get to New Jersey * New Jersey (NJ) Capital: Trenton State Bird: Eastern Goldfinch State Flower: Purple Violet State Tree: Red Oak 3rd state to enter the Union (December 1 8, 1787 ) W hen the Revolutionary War began, a man named William Franklin was the governor of New Jersey. He was a London-trained lawyer, and as events led toward war, he supported the British, so he was what was known as a Loyalist (because he was loyal to the king), or a Tor y. He was also the son of Benjamin Franklin. Needless to say, father and son, who had been very close most of William's life, did not see eye to eye on political matters. In 1776, William was arrested by Revolutionary officials, and he was sent to a horrible, vermin-ridden jail in Connecti cut, far beyond the reach of those who might try to » lS.... I:L :::J \1) +-' (IS ..s::: +-' -\I) E L � � <.) :::J * 46th largest state rescue him . His father, Benjamin Franklin, didn't try to help him. In fact, his father made sure he was closely watched, and that he was not exchanged for prisoners held by the British. W hen William was finally freed in 1778, he went to New York, where the British Army had its head quarters. There he began to take his revenge by seeing to the execution of a number of prisoners held by the British. After the war, William Franklin spent the rest of his life in England, and never reconciled with his father. Benjamin Franklin, great American states man, seldom mentioned his son again. L . +-' • � 1\Ut:?I.U 9!:?4 II!W 1! .;:n.t:?-:t-S uQp..lt:?9, Q41 PQIIt:?J ..._ 1Quut:?4J 4 011f;u3 Q41 u , put:? l 9! ut:? 9! i\Q9.JQI ..PI O, 20 Trenton, N ew Jersey The engineer o n train ten gives out new jerseys to the football team . Train ten (Trenton) bri ngs new jerseys ( New Jersey). 21 � Revolution on America's side * Called the "Empire State" ® First European settlers were Dutch * Region was first g New York ( NY) Capital: Albany State Bird: Bluebird State Flower: Rose State Tree: Sugar Maple 1 1 th state to enter the Union (July 26, 1 788) T N () cCl � ·- he U.S. has always been a country of immi grants, but the tide from Europe was especially strong in the last half of the last century and the first few years of this one. Between 1892 and 1924, most people coming to the United States sailed into New York Harbor, glided past the Statue of Liberty, docked in Manhattan, were off-loaded in to barges, and were ferried to Ellis Island . Here, they walked under a large canopy into a huge building, picked up their belongings in the Baggage Hall, and then moved into the Great Hall, where doctors and inspectors processed up to 10,000 people a day. Immigrants had to be healthy, * 30th largest state so everyone was examined. Most people-about 80 percent-passed, but those who didn't were deported-sent back to the country they'd come from. This rejection often caused terrible anguish. Imagine how families felt when one member could not be allowed in. About a third of the people who passed through Ellis Island stayed in the New York area. The rest, of many nationalities and religions, fanned out across the country, looking, as new Americans always had, for a place to put down roots, live a decent life, and savor the freedom of the new world. 3 c 1u1od 1s�M 11'? r�4S!I£1r?W� sr?M fw�pr?:JV Nr?1!1!fAI · s· n �41 ¥- vZ$ 41-JOM s1��u1�1 �OJ sur?! PUI l l'l':JOI w o�J pur? 1s1 ur?11r?4Ur?fAI ..14�n o11.. <+ 22 Albany, New York The owl and bunny sure like riding on the brand new yak. An owl and bunny (Al bany) on a new yak ( New York). � Buchanan was born here * Called the "Keystone State" i E � Granted to Wil liam Pen n * Name means "Pen n's Woods" Pennsylvania £ CPA ) D .£ +-' :J 0 U) <I) ..s::: +-' L � L � {l:i -� � -� � � s:: <I) [ D c Ill "" C1> * 33rd largest state :;�6..11:14J 9,�-p�:?!d :;i..l:;i4M '6..int.j9/\��:;iSJ JO :;����E?g :If �od9LUE1!11!M U! p:;�pun oJ 91:1M ll l:?t.J:;iSE?g :;�n6E?:;�l :;ij1�!l 24 � � in Philadelphia than for Continental dollars to the starving army at Valley forge. Washington feared a mutiny. Instead, he got a better-drilled army. Baron von Steuben (who wasn't really a Baron, but who was a highly pro fessional soldier) arrived in February to teach military skills to the poorly-trained Americans. Morale improved, though conditions didn't. Wash ington broke camp in June. He and his army faced many more dark days before defeating Cornwallis at Yorktown, but Valley Forge became the symbol of hardships overcome. uring the Revolution, armies didn't campaign against each other during the winter- it was too hard to get around. The winter of 1777-1778 was an especially difficult one for the Americans. The British had taken Philadelphia, forcing Con gress to flee, and General Washington had estab' lished his winter camp at Valley Forge. During a fierce winter, the Americans faced their first, but by no means their last, great test of mis ery. Thousands of soldiers died of cold, hunger, and disease. Farmers in the countryside seemed much more eager to sell food for gold to the J3ritish t o 3· Ill Capital: Harrisburg State Bird: Ruffed Grouse State Flower: Mountain Laurel State Tree: Hemlock 2nd state to enter the Union (December 12, 1 787) � � Harrisb urg, Pennsylvania Which way is the wind blowing? Wel l , look up at the hairy bird on the pencil vane. A hairy bird (Harrisburg) on the pencil vane ( Pennsylvania). 25 : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Q * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Let's see what you remember. � : * * * What is the peace dove over, that he might have a chance of stopping? * Where do the nap police patrol? * � What does train ten give out to the team? What do the owl and bunny ride on? @ What type of vane does the hairy bird sit on? � What flies over t�e deli war? � � Who will arrest you for making noise in Mary land? @ Which train brings the new jerseys? * * * * * * * * * * * * What two animals ride on the new yak? * What type of bird sits on the pencil vane? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 26 WEST VIRGINIA VIRGINIA TENNESSEE ARKANSAS South With a few exceptions, this region is made up of "the old Confed eracy." The exceptions are Ken tucky and West Virginia, which are included but never seceded FLORIDA from the Union, and Texas, which seceded from the Union but isn't included. Parts of the South have been industrialized for years, but much of the region remained a gricultural a n d relatively poor while other parts of the country boomed. This is changing quickly. 27 * I n Enterprise, there is a monu ment to the Boll Weevil -· a Montgomery was the first ca pita l of the Confederacy * Alabama CAL) Capital: Montgomery State Bird: Yellowhammer State Flower: Camellia State Tree: Southern Pine 22nd state to enter the Union (December 1 4, 1819) * 29th largest state --------� -J The first segregated outfits were deployed to n July 1941, twelve men began training at I Tuskeegee to become Army Air Force combat fliers . That doesn't sound like a big deal does it? We were soon to enter World War II, and millions of men would be training to be fliers, sailors, Marines, and soldiers. But these men were black, and they were the first African Americans ever taught to be fighter pilots. Many white people at that time didn't think black men had the courage or the will to perform under danger and pressure . The Tuskeegee airmen proved them wrong, as their fathers and grandfa thers had done during the Revolution, the Civil War, and as "Buffalo Soldiers" on the frontier. North Africa in April of 1943. From that point to the end of the war, they compiled an outstanding record, flying 1,600 combat missions, 15,000 sor ties, and shooting down almost 600 enemy planes. One of the main jobs of the Tuskegee airmen was to protect American bombers during their missions over Italy and other parts of Europe. During the whole war, the Tuskeegee airmen never lost a single bomber to an enemy plane . Benjamin 0. Davis, their commander, became the first African-American general. President Harry S Truman ordered the integration of the Armed Forces in 1948. Montgomery, Alabama Ali Baba found a treasure in the magic mountain of gum. A mountain of gum (Montgomery) holds Ali Baba's (Alabama) treasure. 29 � Fort Smith was a rough and ready gateway to the west i IJ * Called the "Land of Opportun ity" * The smal lest state Arkansas IS'> s::: ·;:: :::s D � � � Cl> Capital: Little Rock State Bird: Mockingbird State Flower: Apple Blossom State Tree: Pine 2s th state to e nte r th e u n ion < J u n e 1 s , 1 8 36 ) * 2 7 th la rgest state _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ __________ 4= a +> ""<:s 'l) +> (.) 'l) s: \i)' \SI \i)' �. CAR ) I � from the only diamond mine in the United States. A few of the stones were very fine, high-quality gems suitable for jewelry, although most were good only for industrial purposes. (Diamonds are among the hardest substances known to man, and are often used to cut or abrade metals.) After 1925, the mine was no longer making its investors enough money, and it was closed. Nowadays, the site is called Crater of Diamonds State Park. It is open to the public, and if you pay a fee, you can hunt for diamonds yourself. n 1906, a man named John M. Huddleston picked up a few stones from his farm three miles outside Murfreesboro, and took them to a jeweler in town. Huddleston knew he had something out of the ordinary, but both men were astonished to find that the stones were diamonds. Once the word got out, the area vibrated with excitement. Within two years, investors had bought Huddleston's farm for $38,000-a small fortune in 1908-and got about the business of mining. For the next 17 years they extracted gems � � Cl> � � � � :;�ys-� <Y.J.""u:;�s ·s·n u!S:'w oM 1"'�!J :1111 <:>IS:'M AIS:'MIS:'��""J :1!11""H ¥ 1 oo y:Js y0!H 1""�1U:1J s,�:Jo21 :1111!l :;1119'� 0:;11u! 30 <Y.J. r�""n9 wu o!1""N � � Cl> Little Rock, Arkansas Did you know that an ark can saw a little rock? A little rock (Litt le Rock) that an a rk can saw (Arkansas). 31 iC Many baseball tea ms hold spring training in Florida * o·o·o• o. •o Florida means "full of flowers" * St. Augustine: the first Florida � (FL) � 3 Cb :3 <"+ Capital: Tallahassee State Bird: Mockingbird State Flower: Orange Blossom State Tree: Sabal Palm 27th state to enter the Union (March 3, 1 845) T he Indians most associated with Florida are the Seminoles, who actually were Creeks who moved south late in the 1700s. The Seminoles wel comed fleeing slaves, and Andrew Jackson at tacked them in the First Seminole War in 18 1 7 in an attempt to recapture these runaways. The Seminoles were driven south, and were giv en a reservation near Lake Okeechobee. By the 1830s, white settlers wanted that land, and the Sec� ond Seminole War began. It was expensive for both sides. The U.S. lost 2,000 soldiers and spent about $50 million. For the Seminoles it was even worse. They lost their land when their leader, * "'Cl Cb ...., 3 1).) :3 Cb :3 <1(l\ Cb � rn c 3 22nd largest state Osceola, was captured when he agreed to a meet ing under a flag of truce. The tribe was forced on to the "trail of tears" to "Indian Territory" in Ok lahoma. The trail got its name from the Cherokees who called it Nunna dual Tsunyi, "the trail where we cried," because thousands of their people died of disease and hunger as they were marched west by the U.S. military. A Third Seminole War broke out in the 1850s, when the government wanted to clear out the few remaining bands of Indians. The most "trouble some" were paid by the U.S. to join their relatives who had already made the trek to Oklahoma. "'Cl Cb 1).) :3 (l\ ill' iii" ::> 1).) (l\ (l\ Cb � 0 :3 Cb � 0 :3 .J'f3M I!II!J 32 :1 41- 0uJ.Jnp ::t.Jn1-d-e::J 1-ou P!P u o1u n :141- 1-'f341- S l 'f31-!d-e::J ::t1-'f31-S OM1-« Tallahassee, F lorida The taller Lassie stands on a floor of dots while the shorter Lassie is on a plai n floor. A taller Lassie (Ta l lahassee) is on a floor of dots (Florida). 33 � Ruth's career record-in Atlanta's Fulton County Stadium � I E 0 _s:: _s:: .� _s:: :e _s:: s:: � :r 0 ..... -.:::5 Cl> � <+ :r rn :::s lS> U\' :r s::.... Cl> Capital: Atlanta State Bird: Brown Thrasher State Flower: Cherokee Rose State Tree: Live Oak s:: ::J L 'll 4th state to enter the Union (January 2, 1 788) E li Whitney got rich as the inventor of mass pro duction, in which relatively unskilled workers assemble products out of parts that are all exactly alike. But he is most famous as the inventor of the cotton gin. In the early 1790s, he was staying on the plantation of Catherine Greene, widow of Nathaniel Greene, a famous Revolutionary War general. He learned that planters could sell all the cotton they had to textile mills in England. There was a problem, though. It took forever to separate the desirable cotton fibers from the unwanted cot ton seeds. Whitney quickly designed a simple machine in which wires plucked the fibers from the seed pod. ·- s1-nws 1..1!9 ::��1- p�E?1-s Mol uop..1o9 1-::1!1nr * � ..... \1'1 2 1 st largest state This didn't quite do the trick, though. The fibers still had to be stripped by hand from the wires. Catherine Greene suggested adding a brush to the apparatus. With this modification, the cotton gin was complete. Cotton soon became King in the South and-tragically-planters turned more and more to slave labor to raise and harvest their crops. Catherine Greene's contribution in perfecting the cotton gin is forgotten by almost everyone. Maybe this is because she was a woman. Maybe it's because Whitney's reputation grew so large in later years. Whatever the reason, there's no reason for us not to remember her. :If ..�1-n os M::IN, ::��1- JO 11'?1-!d E?� ::��1- r:�IIE?� u�o S! E?1.UE?I1-Y :If ,dd!SS!SS!If'-l ::��1- JO 1-SE?::i 34 0 lS> Cl> (GA) 'll s:: 0 'll _s:: ..., r:::: * Named for King George I I * Originally settled by James Georgia ts th ¥ � 0 -.:::5 � � � Atlanta, Georgia How wou ld you l i ke to be tried i n court where there is a hat lantern doing the judging? The hat lantern (Atlanta) is i n court judging (Georg ia). 35 _\Sl --.::5 L largest prod uction of bou rbon * The "Bluegrass State" � � The Kentucky Derby, run since 1875 at Churchill Downs in Kentucky iC r 0 c (Si" S. ( KY) Capital: Frankfort State Bird: Kentucky Cardinal State Flower: Goldenrod State Tree: Kentucky Coffeetree 1 5th state to enter the Union (June 1 , 1 792) H * 37th largest state Because Mammoth Cave has a constant temper ature of 54 degrees, it "inhales" when the outside temperature is higher and "exhales" when the outside temperature is lower. At Mammoth Cave, you can see underground rivers, lakes, and waterfalls, as well as colorful, oddly shaped rock formations. As a visitor, you can see about 12 miles of Mammoth Cave, and you can descend as far as 360 feet below ground level. But that's just a small part of the whole system, in which over 200 m iles of passages have been explored. People who explore caves are called "spelunkers." ave you ever stopped to think what's under your feet? In parts of Kentucky, you can't help but wonder. The bedrock in large areas of the state is limestone, which is relatively soft, and which reacts chemically to dissolve in mildly acidic water. This process, going on for millions of years, has formed Mammoth Cave, which is part of Mam moth Cave National Park. The cave was discovered in 1799 by a hunter who was tracking a wounded animal. Combined with the Flint Ridge cave sys tem, to which it's connected, the Mammoth Cave system is the longest we know of. � iC 9LD UJ 4 0no..1 oq<:>gu oog pgpuno:J- guoog l gJUt?CJ ¥- g�gq;g..1 r1o0 <:>,UOJ1-t?U g41- JO 4�mu q;gq;n o 4 xou)l 1-..I O::l ¥- giiJAugf;poH ..l i':i'gu woq \l\ 36 F ra n kfort, Kentucky To keep it from being eaten too soon, the frank fort protects the canned turkey. A frank fort ( Frankfort) protects a canned turkey ( Kentucky). 37 <U � Na med after King Louis XI V of France * Baton Rouge in the Un ion that has "parishes" instead of "counties" � Louisiana 2> (LA ) Capital: Baton Rouge State Bird: Brown Pelican State Flower: Magnolia State Tree: Bald Cypress 18th state to enter the Union (April 30, 1812) D \l'l s::: � � � 0 31 st largest state ly against the barricades Jackson's men had built of cotton bales, planks, and mud. These troops were veterans of the brutal campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. They were brave, well-trained, and used to success against the best army in the world. But over 2,000 of them were killed in a series of assaults. Pakenham himself was shot out of the saddle, mortally wounded. The Americans, well protected behind their barri cades, lost only seven men. It was one of the worst defeats ever suffered by the British Army. And it was all for nothing-the peace treaty had been signed two weeks before, but word hadn't made it across the ocean yet. uring the war of 1812, the British wanted access to the Mississippi River. To get it, they had to take New Orleans, where General Andrew Jackson had been assigned to hold them off. Jackson had about 1,000 regular troops, 2,000 mili tiamen of varying quality, and the services of smuggler Jean Lafitte and his crews. There were actually several battles around New Orleans from late December, 1814, through early January, 1815, as the British General Pakenham tried to defeat the force his superiors called "the contemptible Dirty Shirts." In the final British assault, Pakenham had over 6,000 troops to use. He sent his main force direct- < Gllfl- :J-0 * 0�UE?pUGI:J0Gip G1 4� GIJ E/ 'J E?!ndod 00 GI WO:JG!t:j 0 Ei4 fiU!�009 GI004M '0unfE?J Gi4l 38 � � 1\) 3 \l'l Baton R ouge, Louisia na The roach never could hit ! Once again, the batting roach loses an inning. The batting roach C Baton Rouge) loses an inning . ( Louisiana). 39 \S s.: Ill La Sa lle both explored through the Mississippi region * v James Meredith integrated the U n iversity of M ississippi � �� Mississippi (MS) � Capital: Jackson State Bird: Mockingbird State Flower: Magnolia State Tree: Magnolia s.: 20th state to enter the Union ( December 10, 181 7) M ississippi's most famous statesman was also for a few years the most hated man in the United States. Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederacy during the Civil War. He was born in Kentucky, but was brought to Mississippi as a baby. He grew up at Rosemount Plantation in Wilkinson County, and eventually established his own plantation, Briarfield. Davis was a soldier and politician who eventually became a Congressman, a Senator, and Secretary of War, before becoming a Senator again. He was the strongest and most respected spokesman of the South during the de bates over states rights and the extension of slav ery into the territories. !? p0o::J.S4�!M l?.mtjS�:J!;\ JO g1d ogd g4� � !?M IJII!J g4� I?UJ..In(] 1f. () ::::s- * c:;· "' Ill \SI Ill _::E. Ill 3 !>L z Ill 32nd largest state � ::::sCb N 3 !>L �· 3 \SI When Mississippi seceded, Davis resigned from the Senate and went home, hoping to be named to head t he new Confederate army. Instead, he was named President. He was a dignified man of ab solute integrity, but he was a rigid man, and he had many bitter opponents even in the South. As the war ended, Davis fled south, hoping to reach Cuba, from w hich he could start a new life. He was captured by the Union Army, w hich false ly accused him of disguising himself as a woman, and imprisoned for two years, under indictment for treason. He was eventually freed, and lived out most of his last years at "Beauvoir," which you can visit near Biloxi. 4�0U g4� put? SU!?QI..IQ MQN UQQM�Qtj U!?..l ,p:J!?..Il ZQ4�!?N, g41 40 � � <-+ ::::sCb Ill � Ill \SI0 ...., .s;· 3 � 3 ::::sIll " ¥ i:+ Ill 3 <-+ \SI Jackson, M ississip pi No matter how much the I ittle guy tries, the jack's son a lways misses a sip of tea. The jack's son (Jackson) misses a sip of tea (Mississippi). 41 � rad io SOS was sent off the shores of Cape Hatteras * u:: c::£P First English colony in the New World was esta blished on 711 North Carolina 0 Ill :::s 0 ,._ C1> (NC) Capital: Raleigh State Bird: Cardinal State Flower: Flowering Dogwood State Tree: Pine 1 2th state to enter the Union (November 21 , 1789) 0 kay, you know that the Wright brothers made their first flight at Kitty Hawk but do you know why? This area, on North Carolina's Outer Banks, has wide beaches, high, soft hills of sand, and-most important of all-constant winds. Airplanes fly because their wings are shaped to create "lift" as air passes over them. For their low-powered, slow-moving m achine, the Wrights needed a steady, strong, and reliable breeze to fly their plane into if they hoped to create enough lift to get off the ground. They sailed gliders at Kitty Hawk for several years, experimenting with wing forms and learning lessons they would incorporate into their first airplane. * 28th largest state W ilbur and Orville Wright ran a bicycle shop in D ayton, Ohio. They had never graduated from high school, but they read everything they could about flight. On the morning of December 17, 1903, Orville climbed onto the wing of their 745-pound biplane. As the 12-horsepower engine moved the wheel less plane off its rail and into the air, Wilbur ran alongside to keep the 40-foot wing steady. The first flight lasted only 12 seconds and spanned about 120 feet-less than half the length of a football field. The brothers took turns flying through the day, and by the end of the afternoon they h ad stretched their longest flight to 59 seconds and 852 feet. iii" :::s- () :::s- i:L " 0 ' ::t::t.J1- � uo p::ttu�:J ..u �01-�0.JJ, p.JoM ::t41- .JOJ ':).d:;�:Jx::t ::t:Jt?.J-:J. � 1-n041-!M p::t.J t?::tdd�9!P fu o10J ::t� ou�O?J :d41 1f PI.JOM M::tN ::t41- U ! :::s 42 Raleigh, North Carolina Norse carrots line up in front of the crowd at a pep rally. At the rally ( Raleigh) the Norse carrots line up (North Carol ina). 43 -t5 Street Theater, the nation's oldest theater, is in Charleston a D � ..s:: I- r.Q Cha rleston was originally called Charles Town * Smallest South Carolina (SC) Capital: Columbia State Bird: Carolina Wren State Flower: Carolina Jessamine State Tree: Palmetto 8th state to enter the Union (May 23, 1 788) I L a � L til :r: n early 1780, Charleston fell to the British, and over 5,000 Americans were captured. It was a catastrophe for the Americans, and the British thought they would soon win the war. But a South Carolina officer named Francis Marion hadn't been in Charleston, and he remained free. By the end of the summer, he was leading a guerrilla force that was driving the British crazy. His men had very little ammunition, and they supplied their own horses and food. Marion knew the countryside, and he combined his formal training as a soldier with his under standing of "Indian-style" fighting to become one * 44 ::::s � � \SI 40th largest state of the great guerrilla fighters in American history. Marion and his men would hit the British sharply, often at night, and always at a vulnerable point, then escape back to the rivers, swamps, bogs, and tangles they knew so well. Marion's main refuge was on Snow Island in the Pee Dee River. The British commander finally ordered the famous British cavalry colonel Banastre Tarleton to follow Marion, find him, and capture him. Tar leton did his best, but finally gave up after track ing through the terrible terrain. It was he who gave the South Carolinian his nickname: "The Swamp Fox." u o�sgiJ"-'4J UJ Jg1wns � o::l 1"-' pgJ!} gJgM J"-'M I!A!J g41 JO 91049 1-f>JJ:J- g41 a ""'"' <"+ :::s � \SI a c <"+ :::s � ..., ::::s Ill ::::s '< Col u mbia, South Carolina When i t gets real cold sows don't l i ke walki ng through a cold l umber yard and they don't l i ke being crowded. So, sow carriers line up in a cold lumber yard. I n a cold lumber yard (Col umbia) sow carriers line up (South Caro l i na). 45 2> created to 0 work on the atomic bomb duri ng World Wa r II * �u � @ Andrew Jackson, "Old H ickory," l ived at The Herm itage in � ___, __ ¥-__7 r_ (_ (TN ) Capital: Nashville State Bird: Mockingbird State Flower: Iris State Tree: Tulip Poplar 1 6th state to enter the Union (June 1 , 1796) \Sl 0 0 ..s::: u \Sl " -� ::E ::::J s::._ II) II) \Sl \1) II) s;: s;: � s;: s;: 0 +> ::::J ] II) 't <S> s;: ..s::: u Ill � \1\ :r S. � Tennessee II) \Sl \Sl s B * 34th largest state Louis Blues, but he wrote the Memphis Blues first. Beale Street, now renewed, is still worth a trip. Halfway across the state, Nashville is the home of country music. The Grand Ole Opry started there in 1925, and was broadcast weekly for years from Ryman Auditorium downtown. The show moved to Opryland-a big, glossy entertainment park-in 1974, and continues as country music's premier showcase. A restored Ryman reopened in 1994, and is once again home to good singin' and pickin'. These are all great places to visit. orn on a mountaintop in Tennessee ...." Actually, as much as we love Davy Crockett, Tennessee's most famous legend, there's much bet ter music than this available in the Volunteer State. Tennessee is full of music. Elvis Presley, of course, was raised in Memphis, and built the fab ulous Graceland there. But Memphis had its own music long before Elvis came along. It's often called "the home of the blues," which makes it one of the homes of jazz, rock, and folk music, too. W.C. Handy's most famous piece may be the St. :1 41 p:1Mi:? l1nO 11:?41 Ml:? l 1:? UO UO!-:).U:/111:? p:�s n:?OJ UOlJ\1:?(] U! .. l l:? !..ll A:I� UO�, :141 '9 Z6 l U l 46 ¥ <;;'96 l U! 9!4dW:I � U! p:11i:?U !991:?991:? � \1\ Nashville, Ten nessee The sharks l i ke to gnash the veal served at the tent at sea. Sharks gnash veal (Nashvi l le) by the tent at sea (Tennessee). 47 <+- o ; g reat Civil War soldiers Robert E. Lee & Stonewall Jackson � � � Largest and most important colony before the Revolution * rn �· J Virginia � � (VA) Cil Capital: Richmond State Bird: Cardinal State Flower: Dogwood State Tree: Dogwood 1 0th state to enter the Union (June 25, 1788) D uring the American Revolution, there had been bitter fighting all through the South during 1780 and 1781. Lord Cornwallis, who commanded British troops in that region, eventually decided to move north. In August of 1781, Cornwallis led his army into Virginia, to Yorktown. He expected to be resupplied by ships coming from t he British headquarters in New York. But the French fleet, led by Admiral De Grasse, beat off the British ships. At about the same time, the joint American and French army led by George Washington sur rounded Yorktown and laid siege to Cornwallis' army. After two weeks of battering, Cornwallis iC �!UJ6..l!;\ 01- * 36th largest state surrendered his 8,000 troops. As they marched out to stack their weapons, British musicians played a tune called " T he World Turned Upside Down." You can still see the trenches the armies dug at Yorktown over 200 years ago. It's interesting to think about two things. First, Washington couldn't have won at Yorktown with out the aid of the French. And second, the defeat at Yorktown didn't destroy the British militarily. It simply forced a change in the political landscape in London, because the Prime Minister resigned. T he new cabinet decided to negotiate with the Americans, and a final treaty was signed in 1783. 1-y 6nOJtj ;;JJ;;JM �:JJ..l;;IL.UV Y1-JON Y 9!1-!..l<d UJ 9;;111�19 1-9..lJJ ;;�y1- '6l9l u1 Jf. L09 l UJ UM01.9;;JL.U�I 1-� ;;�p�L.U 9�M PIJOM M;;JN 48 ::::s ct ::r Cl> Richmond, V irginia A fur genie grants the wishes of a rich man. A rich man ( Richmond) a nd his fur genie (Vi rgi n ia). 49 <+- a U.S. mail began here in 1896 * The "Mountain State" � West Virg in ia consists of counties that seceded from the West Virginia � � ( WV ) Capital: Charleston State Bird: Cardinal State Flower: Rhododendron State Tree: Sugar Maple 35th state to enter the Union (June 201 1 863) I L a � � n 1859, a man who gave his name as Isaac Smith rented property across the Potomac River from Harpers Ferry, in what is now West Virginia. This man was, in fact, John Brown, a famous-some would say infamous-opponent of slavery in the United States. Brown and his family had been in volved in the bitter violence over slavery in the Kansas Territory, and he was now watching Harpers Ferry because he had an idea for an event that would trigger slave revolt throughout the southern states. On October 16, Brown and 18 others, including several of his sons, attacked and occupied the fed eral arsenal at Harpers Ferry. They expected -:)_U:;t ! OJA -:)_U:;tnb:;t.A::J :tf N-:).9npUJ ..lOri'?lU I'? 9! 6UJUJlU !i'?OJ :tf * 41 st largest state slaves to rise and flock to them to be armed. They were mistaken. Locals pinned down the raiding party in the building and called for help. A com pany of Marines under army colonel Robert E. Lee arrived and stormed the little band in the ar senal. John Brown was wounded, captured, and tried for treason. He was hanged on December 2, and immediately became a martyr to the cause of abolition. His actions and his death focused atten tion, not just on the institution of slavery, but on what sort of blood and struggle it might take to eradicate it . Many historians date the true beginning of the Civil War to Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry. * )> 9:;tl..li'?LlJ '.A:;tYW..l£1 9,U0-:).6UJ Y 91'?M :;t6.AO:;t9 Nj p:;tpUnO} 91'?M ..UMOJ 9:;t l..li'? YJ, lt so C h a rleston, West V i rg i n ia We don't know why he cooks them so long and then throws them away, but the wasteful genie l i kes to char stones. Charred stones (Charleston) cooked by a wasteful genie (West Vi rginia). 51 * * : a * * * * * * * * * * * * C.:';( . � : � � � Who can do what to a little rock? eo Where does the taller Lassie stand? � � What does the hat lantern do in court? � · * * * * * * Let's review the southern states Who hides his treasure in the mountain of gum? oo •o• •a . * What does the frank fort protect so it won't get eaten too early? ¥ \J At the rally, who lines up in front of the crowd? �o will you see in a line up in a cold lumber yard? 0@Where do the sharks get to gnash veal? Who grants the wishes of a rich man? * * * * � What kind of lantern does the judging in court? What's protecting the canned turkey . Who misses a sip of tea no matter how hard he tries not to? Who cooks and then throws away the charred stones? * * * * * , ·· · . * * � At what do the Norse carrots line up for people to cheer? Where do the sow carriers line up? � * * What do the sharks do to what's served on the tent at sea? * For whom does the genie grant wishes? * What does the wasteful genie like to cook and then throw away? � : * * Which dog is standing on the floor of dots? t:, t> lJ * � An ark can saw what? Who's always losing an inning? (1:{ * Where does Ali Baba hide his treasure? r What is the batting roach doing when he strikes out? \17"' � What does the jack's son do �when he tries to drink politely? t * * * * * 52 NORTH DAKOTA Midwest Generally speaking, this is a great agricultural area, with states like Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and parts of others making up the nation's OHIO NEBRASKA KANSAS INDIANA ILLINOIS MISSOURI 53 "breadbasket. " But there's lots of i n dustry and many big cities in the upper midwest around the Great Lakes, as well as Tugged woods and lakes in the far north. � i building) is 1,454 feet ta ll-5 times the Statue of Liberty � I O'Hare Airport in Chicago is the busiest airport in the world * I llinois ( I L) Capital: Springfield State Bird: Cardinal State Flower: Native Violet State Tree: White Oak 21 st state to enter the Union (December 3, 1 818) I -D E s -,;:; s:: lll 'I) E 0 _s;: 'I) \l) 0 _s;: !:: * 24th largest state to do. He detested the idea that a bank building, for example, should look like a temple to Zeus. He and his partner Dankmar Adler, had already designed a number of buildings that are now con sidered masterpieces of American architecture. Some, like the Auditorium, can still be seen in Chicago. Today, Louis Sullivan is remembered most often for being an early employer of another great ar chitect, Frank Lloyd Wright. But many of his pro jects have become American classics, and he de serves to stand alone, near the very top of his profession. n 1893, Chicago held the World's Columbian Ex hibition. Most of the buildings for this world's fair were white and columned-built to look as if they might have come from ancient Greece or Rome. So the Transportation Building, long, low and arched, with a colorful entry that came to be called the "Golden Door," stood out. Its designer was Louis Sullivan, one of Ameri ca's great architects, and one of the important members of what has come to be called "the Chicago School." Sullivan's idea was that the form of a building-what it looked like - should be dictated by its function-what it was supposed :4-ugp!�g..ld g41- ..l�r? ,.'UIO::JU!l JO pur<l, �r? UMOU� ..l�1-gtj 1-ntj .'�r?1-S g!..l!r?..ld, pg llt>'J • 54 ¥ "'" Ct 1:1:> � 3 ""13 ""13 0 .P�Ig g.J g4Mi\u r< g.J! r?UO! II!W r< Ur?41- o 0r<::J!4J U! � Sp ringfield, Illinois If you don't like com p l a i n i ng, cover your ears. In the spring field a l l you' l l hear is ill noises. In the spring field (Spri ngfield) you' l l hear ill noises ( I l l i nois). 55 't musical instru ments * Known as the "Hoosier State" The original I ndiana Territory included what is now I ndiana, Indiana (IN) Capital: Indianapolis State Bird: Cardinal State Flower: Peony State Tree: Tulip Tree 1 9th state to enter the Union (December 11, 181 6) Y * 38th largest state seh's brother, who was called the Prophet. The next day, the Indians attacked. In a brutal fight, both sides suffered serious losses (Harrison's troops actually lost more men than the Indians), but the P rophet and his men were driven off. Harrison reported that he had inflicted the worst defeat on the Indians "since their acquaintance with the white people." This wasn't true, but it made Harri son's reputation anyway. Once he was elected President, Harrison gave a long inaugural speech in bad weather, caught pneumonia, and was dead in a month. He was our shortest-serving President. ou know the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too," don't you? It had a lot to do with the vic tory of W illiam Henry Harrison in the 1840 Presi dential election . But, you may ask, what is all this Tippecanoe business? Way back in 1811, Harrison had been the gover nor of what was then Indiana Territory (which included much more than the current state of Indi ana). Tecumseh was trying to rally the Indians of the area to get together and fight the encroaching whites. Harrison moved to put a stop to the Indian threat. In the first week of November, he camped on the Tippecanoe River, near the camp of TecumIS\ � pul? �nU!I..U I? spun o.J ogz g.J!d- P l no::J �! - S!IOdi?U I?!PUI U! 6U!I�I?9 '(" P.JI?YCJ!j Nj p�ug!IU! SI?M un9 6U!I�I?9 gyl 56 Indianapolis, Indiana They don't have to fight anymore. The Indian ant is sharing the peace pipe with the Indian apples. Indian apples (I ndianapolis) take the peace pipe from the Indian ant (Indiana). 57 \S � � u the "Hawkeye State" * Delicious apples origi nated here cia. � I owa's eastern boundary is the M ississippi River; most of its � Cb � Iowa ..... 3 " 0 c 3 s:L Ill ( l A) « Capital: Des Moines State Bird: Eastern Goldfinch State Flower: Wild Rose State Tree: Oak 29th state to enter the Union (December 28, 1846) Y <I) ""&.. 0 <I) � w..i �::?:J. �::? s�::? uMOU)l 25th largest state and gradually earned the nickname "Parson" among his teammates and around the league . Af ter the 1890 season, he quit baseball and took a job at the YMCA. Before long, he had hit the road, preaching the gospel in tents and halls. He became famous for the physical nature of his preaching . He'd wave his arms, jump around the stage, and-always a crowd favori te - run full-tilt across the stage and throw himself into the kind of slide he used when he was stealing bases for Chicago . He used his baseball career as a source of lessons and stories, and Billy Sunday quickly became -and remained for many years the best known evangelist in the land. oung William Sunday of Nevada, Iowa, was a fine baseball player. He was so good that he was eventually signed to play for the great Chica go White Stockings of the National League-a club run by another Iowan, Adrian "Cap" Anson of Marshalltown, who is now a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Sunday was a very speedy runner, and he was an immediate success as an outfielder and baserunner, although he never developed into much of a hitter. Ballplayers in those days were a rough and ready lot. Most were poorly educated, and many were alcoholics . Sunday was different, though, 01-1 :J.O 0f.i? 1:1 uo 1-nt� '�1::?1-S * .._ L92l u1 :;u:J�::?ss�::? v-1 :;���::?l 1-J..I ! ds :;�41 58 Des M oines, Iowa After spending a l l day mowing a path to the l i brary, it's c l osed when he fina l ly gets there. "Oh no, my book is overdue, " he thinks. " Now, I owe a fi ne! " After a II day mowing ( Des Moi nes) he thi nks, "I owe a ( Iowa) fi ne. " 59 \1) s::: � of Abilene, Dodge City, and Hays City * "Sunflower State" S: -8 Ca lled "Bleeding Kansas" in 1850s, when slaveholders and C) <..) \1) a a UJ :::5 \i)" <1- \1) 2' ( KS ) c tS:> ::::> <1- Capital: Topeka State Bird: Western Meadow Lark State Flower: Sunflower State Tree: Cottonwood 34th state to enter the Union (January 29, 1 861 ) D � <I) \1) � :m 6E?g l .wrE?w oM-:]. U!E?6 put:? g�o1 YWtl 0-:). * 14th largest state Carry Nation took her campaign outside of Kansas, and was arrested a number of times for breaking up saloons in states where drinking was legal. She was the best known member of what was called the temperance movement (few of whose members were as violent as she was), which ultimately succeeded in passing an amendment to the Constitution which made drinking alcohol ille gal throughout the United States. This amendment was very unpopular in many parts of the country. During the "Roaring '20s" lots of people broke the law to drink any way, and the amendment was repealed after only 14 years in 1933. uring the 1890s, a big, strong woman from Kansas named Carry Nation became the most famous woman in the United States. An actress ? Nope. A writer ? Nope. A politician? Not too many women in that line back then. Carry Nation made herself famous -infamous, really - by smashing up saloons. In her younger days, she had been married to an alcoholic, and after she moved to Kansas with her new husband, she found that the state's prohibition laws were not being enforced. She decided to enforce them herself, and began a campaign of destruction that made her and her axe familiar images to Americans. " 2._ ;;1' cs· Kansas S: )> � s::._ c £06l g :J u!� g1E?1� !:1uo 1f 60 () (1) 1g�<?E?tjpE?gJtj, <?,AJ-:).U nO:J gy-:). <?!:? UMOU� �.1! '-:j.E?gyM y:Jn W 0� \1) .. Topeka, Ka nsas He's s o shy, look a t the toe peeking around the cans of S's. A toe peeking (Topeka) around cans of S's ( Kansas). 61 \Sl 'I) long -only Alaska's is longer * The 'Wolverine State" � Antoine de I a Mathe Cadillac founded Detroit * Ottawa Michigan (MI) () :r � (}l :::s � !Si. 0 [ Capital: Lansing State Bird: Robin State Flower: Apple Blossom State Tree: White Pine 26th state to enter the Union (January 26, 1 837) * 23rd largest state ---------fl M L :::J � ..s::: <..:) :::J 0 -\-' ..s::: .� ..s::: � in 1916. Ford could lower his prices on the "Tin Lizzie" because he had developed the first moving assembly line, w hich allowed quick, efficient mass production. Ford was a good friend of Thomas Edison, w ho had encouraged him to work on his " horse less carriage" back in the 1890s. The two became vacation neighbors, and Ford gave Edison a 1917 Model T that w as upgraded over the next ten years every time the designers or engineers back in Detroit made an advance. The result is a unique automobile that was Edison's favorite, and that can still be seen at the Edison /Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers, Florida. ichigan is the center of the American car in dustry. Its most important early figure was Henry F ord, who established the Ford Motor Company in 1903. Although his company had terrible labor trou bles in t he 1930s, Ford began as an enlightened employer. In 1914, w hen the going wage was un der $2 for a 9-hour day, he offered his adult work ers $5 for an 8-hour day. He wanted his workers to feel secure, and to have enough money to buy the product they were making. That product, in those days, was the f amous Model T, a simple, c he ap, well-made car that be gan selling for $850 in 1908, but that cost only $360 9t:?ln9u!u::�d OM':J. t\l l t:?::l-' 9! u t:? f3 ! Y 9 ! � ¥- -KJ't?l U! uo9�:Jt:?r ':J.t:? ::�wt:?u 91! p::11d o pt:? t\l l t:?W-'OJ t\1.Jt:?d u t:?�! l t:J nd ::�ij ::�y1 ¥- 66'2l U! �01�t:?J 62 0 � ...., Lansing, Michigan One of the lambs singing to the wolves is nervous because he's missing a gun. A lamb singing ( Lansing) is missing a gun (Michigan). 63 from Minneapolis * A major producer of dairy products L � i.\2 0�0 0 0 oo C) 0 0 Lake Itasca is the source of the Mississippi River * Called z 0 � :::> Minnesota (j) � > (MN ) � �: Capital: St. Paul State Bird: Common Loon State Flower: Pink and White Lady's Slipper State Tree: Norway Pine 32nd state to enter the Union (May 1 1 , 1 858) * 12th largest state DL :I:; � I\) 2 I\) ..s:: ..., s:: � 0 s:: 2 6 s 'iii 0 s:L I\) � � �j �l I n 1898, a farmer from Kensington named Olof Ohman claimed to have dug up a stone on his farm that was covered with ancient writings, called runes. The " Kensington Rune Stone" was studied by experts, who made this translation: "Eight Goths [Swedes] and twenty-two Norwe gians, on a journey of discovery from Vinland westward. We camp by two skarries [islands] one day's journey north of this stone. We were out fishing one day. W hen we returned home, we found ten men red of blood and dead. Ave Virgo Maria. Save us from evil" There were more runes on the edge of the stone: "[We] have ten men by ¥- j � pj 0£1 U�!P�U�J �Lf:!- j �:tu 9 �� � 1 JO 0pu�0 noy::�. uo /JJff::;, -� - I\) <:)) s:: � the sea to look after our ships fourteen days' jour neys from this island. [In the] year [of our Lord] 1362." Many people believed that this was proof of Viking explorations in North America long before Columbus. But the Kensington Rune Stone, now kept by the Chamber of Commerce of Alexandria, is today believed to be a hoax, perpetrated by Ohman, a local schoolmaster named Sven, Fogel blad, and a neighbor, John Gran. They all hoped to have a good laugh at the highly educated scholars they could fool into believing in the stone. The y certainly got what they were after. � UJ�ou �::J 99�W�PI!M j � l n::i�::J.::J� d g 9j�:!-JO �j�d I �UOJ:l�N 9jn� � �fO;\ 64 '""' :::> C1> ---\ :::> C1> \Jl 0 c ::s s::c. Ill « � �� () Ill ::s 0 C1> )> � Ill Ill ::s s::c. St. P a u l, M i n nesota Saint Paul did not need to worry a bout getti ng thi rsty because along the road there were many sodas. Saint Paul (St. Pau l ) wa l ked by many sodas (Mi nnesota). 65 Arch in St. Louis is the nation's h ighest monu ment * f � � The population center of the U .S ., which has been creeping � Missouri � � II) .s::: \- � il. � Ill ..... (MO) Capital: Jefferson City State Bird: Bluebird State Flower: Hawthorn State Tree: Flowering Dogwood 24th state to enter the Union (August 1 0, 1 821 ) Y ] -.::s s:: � 1::1.... ::l 3: � ou know Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, right? They are the two best-known characters created by Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Sam Clemens grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, and he used this childhood setting as the model for St. Petersburg, the hometown of his two young heroes. Just as they did, he and his friends spent a lot of time on the river, watching it carry odd and interesting things downstream during flood sea son. T here were real-life models of Huckleberry Finn and Becky Thatcher. 1 9th largest state W hen Sam Clemens grew up, he headed to South America to make his fortune, but on the way down river, he decided he wanted to be a riverboat pilot instead. He persuaded the pilot of the boat he was on to teach him the ropes, and for several years he held the job that every boy along the Mississippi River dreamed of. Sam Clemens later traveled all over the world, and he lived in many places, but his life would have been much different if he hadn't begun as a young Missouri boy on the river bank. c 3 s:>... C1> ..... ct :::r C1> i (!\' IS> u t;>w n..11 s N..l t;> H -::j.U :1 P!9:1..ld * :Jf. :1-::j. t;>-::j.S :1:1.-lJ t;> 9t;> U! :1t..U t;>9 :1UWV1 :1i!LjM ':1-::j.t;>-::j.9 :1/\t;'l9 t;> 9t;> UO! U n :1Lj-::j. 0-::j.U ! :1t..U t;>9 !..l n099! v-1 ,;:19!t..UO..l dt..U OJ 66 (S\ 0 c ..... -· Jefferson City, Missouri His dad punished h i m for making a mess and now the chefs son is sitting in misery a fter ruining the mea l . Chefs son sitting (Jefferson City) i n misery (Missouri ). 67 {5 corn, Nebraskans are called "Cornhuskers" or "Huskers" :J E � Nebraska has the only unicamera l state legislatu re in the 0 c 3 "' « Nebraska 0 \!) � 2 � I -.:::l C1> 0 -.:::l � ( N E) iC Capital: Lincoln State Bird: Western Meadow Lark State Flower: G oldenrod State Tree: Cottonwood 37th state to enter the Union (March 1 , 186 7) W * .. 1 5th largest state by most high school students in the U.S. They are sadly neglected today, but almost any youngster looking for a good read and interesting characters would enjoy them. Cather won the Pulitzer Prize for a book called One of Ours in 1921. As much as she loved the s pirit of the pioneers, Cather also wrote about how hard it can be for someone with ambition and talent to break out of the drudgery and hard work of country and small town life to pursue her dr eams. That's a feeling many of us have from time to time, and it is an other reason why many young readers enjoy the books of Willa Cather. illa Cather grew up in Red Cloud during the 1880s. Her family moved there from Virginia when she was nine years old. There were no schools near her family's ranch, so she studied at horne. When she was a teenager, her family moved to town where she attended Red Cloud High School. After graduating from the University of Nebraska in 1895, she worked as a journalist and a teacher before becoming an author of short stories and novels. Cather is best known for her books about Ne braska frontier life. 0 Pioneers! and My Antonia are her best known works, and they used to be read 3 "' ::sCI> � g \\) � 3 0 3 � � <?1-g�::J!1- ::l!1-�'<.J::Jowg(] .JO U�'<::l!ltJndg� g41- uo un.J 1-,uop <:;g1-�'<P!PU�'<::J g4168 () I (li" \\) 3 I Lincoln, Neb raska Happy birthday, Abe! Abraham Lincoln gets a new brass key. Lincoln ( Li ncol n ) gets a new brass key (Nebraska). 69 * The "Badlands" are in western North Dakota � Bismarck, orig inally called Edwinton, was rena med in honor 0 -+> North Dakota ( N D) Capital: Bismarck State Bird: Western Meadow Lark State Flower: Wild Prairie Rose State Tree: American Elm 39th state to enter the Union ( November 2, 1 889) Y * 1 7th largest state Once, in Nolan's Hotel in Mingusville, he knocked out a bully who had pulled his pistols, called him "four eyes," and tried to make him go for drinks. Another time, Roosevelt and a small posse chased three men who had stolen a boat and set off down the Little Missouri River. They cap tured the thieves, and Roosevelt -staying awake for 36 straight hours so he could keep his eyes on the bad guy s - brought them 150 miles back to jail in Mandan. This rough and tough experience is what gave Roosevelt the idea for the Rough Riders, and when he formed the regiment for the Spanish-American War, it was full of cowboys. ou know Teddy Roosevelt, right? Rough Rider? President? Face on Mount Rushmore? Over a decade before he became the youngest President, Theodore Roosevelt was a cattle rancher in what would become North D akota. He had worked hard to strengthen himself during and after a sickly childhood, but it was out west that he won the battle and became the husky, rugged, and powerful man we see in pictures of the Rough Rider or the President. As a r ancher, T R spent days at a time in the sad dle, in all weather, participating in round-ups, hunting, and scouting the country. He also became a real wild west character. z 0 � oi?J�:l UJ p�9W.J 9�M U96L U! L9) 9J..l�� .J�I?o2:J l?up1 u n.J�WOH 1f � 6n2:J .J��u 9! 1.U�UJ1.UO:J u�:Jp�wv :::r 70 Bismarck, North Dakota You're allowed on ly just so many Norse Ducks for your quota, so make sure the counter bees mark the numbers correctly. Bees mark ( Bismarck) the numbers for the Norse Duck quota (North Dakota). 71 <:5> ,;::: ·;:: :::J city in the world * Known as the "Buckeye State" * t � :::J � Seven Presidents were born here * So were the Wright Ill E � +S � � Ill <:5> 17th state to enter the Union (March 1, 1 803) I () Ill z (i\ Capital: Columbus State Bird: Cardinal State Flower: Scarlet Carnation State Tree: Buckeye � +S :::> C1> (OH) I Ill ,;::: � Ohio ,;::: n 1869, a Cincinnati businessman named Cham pion decided to give his city the best baseball team in the land. To do this, he broke the r ules of the day and openly paid his players. The result was a team -the Cincinnati Red Stockings -that toured the country from East Coast to West, played the best clubs in every city, and didn't lose a game all year. It was the sport's first great team, and it began the era of professional baseball that eventually led to the National and American Leagues. Cincinnati is, rightly, considered the birthplace of professional baseball. Football also has a home in Ohio. About a halfcentury later, a group of midwesterners decided it __?; p9ii!� Q..IQM 9-::).u ;;:�pn-::�.9 6U!-:1.9Q-:1.0..Id L.P!�M U! 'f:p;;:�l?t=�..l-::1. OL6 l t=1 * 35th largest state was time to organize professional football. The league they began soon evolved into the National Football League . Many of the early professional teams sprang from Ohio's smaller cities. The Can ton Bulldogs is perhaps the best remembered of these fabled clubs, and Canton today is the home of the Pro Football Hall Of Fame. Ohio has a lot going for it. Seven Presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, McKinley, Taft, and Harding -were born here. So were the Wright Brothers. But it's fascinating that two of our three main American professional sports also call the state home. :J-O QU999 72 \J) ;;:��-::�. 9t'IM 9-::).t'i-::I.S -::).UQ)l ¥ Colu mbus, Ohio Columbus, the explorer, was so startled at what he saw, that he said, "Oh" to the high 0. Columbus (Columbus) said, "Oh, high 0" (Ohio). 73 violent protest by the America n I ndian Movement in 1973 � --.::s s::: � .� L � \f) Capital: Pierre State Bird: Ring-necked Pheasant State Flower: American Pasqueflower State Tree: Black Hills Spruce ::::l <I) _s::: ..., £ � s::: .� --.::s 40th state to enter the Union (November 2, 1 889) s::: 't � 'l: L � � <I) _s::: ..., <I) <I) s::: :.L i3 --.::s s::: ::J � � (SD) g C) _s::: � \Sl Pierre is pronou nced "Peer" * The U.S. geographical center -· South Dakota c5 ()) � <.) � � \Sl � E <I) :£; Q �0 W �:< 1 6th largest state which friends said he'd never done before. A drunken small-time crook called Broken-Nose Jack McCall thought he could make his name by killing the famous gunfighter. He walked into the saloon, came up behind Wild Bill, pulled a gun, and shot him dead. Supposedly, Hickock was holding aces and eights in his card hand, and to this day, that's known as "the dead man's hand." You can see James Butler Hickock's grave in the Mount Moriah Cemetery today. It's said that Calamity Jane helped bury him. hen "Wild Bill" Hickock arrived to mine gold in the boomtown of Deadwood City in 1876, he had already become famous as the man who cleaned up Hayes City and Abiline, Kansas. He was a tough guy with a quick trigger finger, and he was in the right place. Deadwood was full of gamblers, grifters, and scoundrels of all kinds, hoping to make a killing off of the men working the new gold fields. Hickock was playing poker in the Bella Union Saloon one day, sitting with his back to the door, w ¥- :;J9JOH f;z:eJJ JO :;�n��:<-:!-9 pn!9-U!t?�un oL.U * • 6U!A.lt?:J 9! AI!L.U t?J !�9MO�IO!Z :;�yl ¥74 Pierre, South Dakota The pear is a French i nspector named Pierre and wants to understand what the sow says, so he uses a sow decoder. Pierre the pear ( Pierre) uses a sow decoder (South Dakota). :::D ...., \l\ oct ?5: :::s $:>_ Cb Capital: Madison State Bird: Robin State Flower: Wood Violet State Tree: Sugar Maple 30th state to enter the Union (May 29, 1848) Y � Ill � :::s * 26th largest state survived made for the nearby river, and spent hours there, up to their necks, watching their town burn to the ground. One of them said, " I saw nothing but flames; houses, trees, and the air itself were on fire." More than four times as many people were killed in the Wisconsin fire than died in Chicago, but Peshtigo was a lot farther away from trains, telegraphs, and newspapers, though, so it took a lot longer for people to hear about the forest fire, and few people remember it today. ou know that song about Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicking over the lantern and starting the Great Chicago Fire? Well, on the very same day October 8, 1871-Wisconsin experienced the Peshtigo Forest Fire. The woods had been drying out all summer, and the people of Wisconsin and all of the woodland midwest were worried about fire. When it finally happened, it was spectacular and deadly. Eight-hundred people in the small town of Peshtigo were killed when the town seemed to explode into a firestorm. Those who � \l\ � � 0 Cb :::s -.:::s Cb $:>_ :::s � � �� :::s :::s C):> (Jl <S'l * :::: (i\" 0 :::s \l\ 3" (i\" () () � � � p:;�11-1-:;�<:> <?<?!MS t\ut=?V'l ¥ "'11!4 :J.O <:>:;�p!<:> :;�41- U! 0np t\:;�41- £?:;1/\E?:J U! '<:>J:;�0pt=?tJ :;��!1 'p:;�A!I <:>J:;IU!t.U pt=?:;� l AIJE?:;I :;�<:>nt=?:J:;Itj ..�E?1-S J:;�0pt=?g, :;�41- [ 76 Madison, Wisconsin The medicine whips the con's son if he misbehaves l i ke his dad. Medicine (Madison) whips the con's son (Wisconsin). 77 : � iC iC iC iC iC iC ie iC iC � � iC iC � * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l :��:� �� e��=: ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ������ ����:� �o h e m id w what roun d h l u Who do the Indian apples take the peace pipe from? What does the boy think when he's late after r? . spending all day mowing to the library? �� a � � Why is the lamb singing nervously? ([}§' What will Saint Paul find along the road �w� 0o to quench his thirst? o �What sad mood is the chefs son sitting in? What does Lincoln get for his birthday? b ises? � Who does the Indian ant give the peace pipe to? What type of cans is the toe peeking around? � · Who is doing what around the cans of S's? * Who walks down the road with many sodas? Who is in misery when he messes up the stove? Is he standing or sitting? * * * w � * ..._ * ,... * Who says "Oh, high 0" from the deck of his ship? * �o * of his investigation? What type of bottle whips the con's son when he's been bad? � o * * Q Who operates the sow decoder as part What does the medicine do for J:;flA punishment and to whom? <@�p * * Who is missing a gun? �r:1 d Norse duck quota? What does Pierre the pear use to understand the animal he's questioning? * * • •• What does Columbus say at the letter in the air? � How has the boy spent his day when he gets to the library and thinks, "I owe a fine." a new brass key on his birthday? � � WhoWhogetsdoes what to keep track of the For what type of quota do the bees mark? � : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 78 OKLAHOMA TEXAS Southwest There are only four states i n this region, but they make up a large chunk of the country. A little of this land came to the U.S. as part of the Louisiana Purchase. More came as a result of the Mexican War, a bit was bought from Mexico in the Gadsden Purchase, and Texas, having won its independence from Mexico on its own in 1 836, was admitted as a state in 1 845 . 79 » s::: \\1 E classic western movies * The "Grand Canyon State" * B ); Arizona was the last state in the lower 48 to be admitted 8" <"+ ::r eb Arizona c 3 cs· 3 (AZ ) Capital: Phoenix State Bird: Cactus Wren State Flower: Saguaro Cactus Blossom State Tree: Palo Verde 48th state to enter the Union (February 1 4, 1912) I t's hard to think about Arizona without thinking about the Grand Canyon. And it's hard to think about the Grand Canyon without thinking about one of the most remarkable men in the history of the American West, John Wesley Powell. Powell had lost an arm in the Civil War, but this injury hardly slowed him down. After the war, he headed west to lead scientific expeditions on behalf of the government. His most famous journey began at Green River City, Wyoming, and headed south through Glenn Canyon and, eventually, the Grand Canyon. His expedition traveled in four boats three 2 1-footers made of oak, and a lightweight 16footer made of pine, which Powell named after his * 6th largest state wife, Emma Dean (who was just about as tough as her husband, and had already become the first white woman to climb Pike's Peak). At one point, Powell managed to get stranded part way up a steep cliff. He was saved by one of his men, who stripped off his clothes and lowered his long johns as a rescue rope. By the time they made it to the end of the Grand Canyon, which Powell called "The Great Unknown," they had explored the Green and Col orado Rivers, and much of the land on either side. Powell later became the head of the National Geologic Survey. As always, he didn't follow maps-he made them! ¥- A-:J-!J nc:?ts>A ts>H :;��ts>l 1-ts> pun o:t :;1£1 uts>:J :;�6p!..1Q u o pu ol ��.m-:J-U:;IJ-41-0'� l ts":;I.J 80 -I ::r eb --�- ---- Phoenix, Arizona Even though the phoenix can rise from the ashes, it had better be carefu l ris i ng through the arrow zone or it might get shot! The phoenix (Phoenix) rises through the arrow zone (Arizona). 81 40 % Hispanic * Known as the "Land of Enchantment" ..., IS\ 0 E , Santa Fe is the oldest seat of government in the U.S. * New Mexico Ill -� (NM) Capital: Santa Fe State Bird: Roadrunner State Flower: Yucca Flower State Tree: Pinon 47th state to enter the Union (January 6, 1 912) ::::l IS\ s::.... » <S"l �'<) <S"l <S"l ]'; .ISl -.;:; -.::: � '<) .£ +' I IS\ '<) s:: ::::l -.;:; -.;:; s:: Ill IS\ Almost 1,500 years ago, Native Americans now ,.,., known as "Anasazis" or "ancient ones" settled 1111J 5th largest state The people who built the pueblos at Chaco Canyon were clearly skilled, well-organized, and a dominant force in the region. But soon after Pueblo Bonito was finished, the Anasazi vanished. Some think they were forced away by drought. Some believe they were pushed out by invaders. Others think they created an environmental disaster by cutting down the tens of thousands of trees that they used as roof beams. The mystery of their disappearance will proba bly never be solved, but the evidence of their skill remains in the stones of Pueblo Bonito. in Chaco Canyon in northwest New Mexico. They were f armers, who planted and harvested corn. But they were also builders, who built some of the most amazing and beautiful structures anywhere. In about 920, they began building what we now call Pueblo Bonito (beautiful village), one of what would eventually be 12 pueblos in the canyon. By 1100, P ueblo Bonito was finished. It was a huge, 0-shaped structure with 800 rooms -in fact, it re mained the largest apartment house in America until a bigger one was built in New York City in the late 1800s. �!4M JO * 6 >II � ::s 0 :::: <"+ :::> � 0 s:;: � \l\ <"+ ' 0 >II s:>... ::s 9! 1U9u.muo V'l l t:IUOJ1t:IN sput:�s �!4M 1f 9V6L UJ op.wf.io wt:IIV J t:l9u p�t:IU019P st:�M t:J WOt:J ::IJW01t:l WJ!J 941 1f ·s·n 82 <"+ :::> � Santa Fe, N ew Mexico J ust i n time for C hristmas and a l l those thi rsty holiday guests, you can get a huge bottle of new maxi Coke® which is decorated with Santa's face. Santa's face (Santa Fe) on a new maxi Coke® (New Mexico). * You can still see wagon wheel ruts o n the Santa Fe Trai l I1J Okla homa City i s t h e nation's third largest city, beh i nd Oklahoma L c 3 C1> l:ll F ( O K) Capital: Oklahoma City State Bird: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher State Flower: Mistletoe State Tree: Redbud 46th state to enter the Union ( November 1 6, 1 907) M s:: * 1 8th largest state of these took place at noon on April 22, 1889, when two million acres of land were made available. Fifty-thousand people crowded onto the terri tory's borders waiting for the pistol shot that would allow them to race into the territory to stake claims. Overnight, towns sprang up on the plains. Oklahoma City was founded and grew to a popu lation of 10,000- all in a single day ! Some settlers cheated and sneaked onto the land sooner than they should have. They gave Okla homa its nickname : the Sooner State. uch of Oklahoma was once known as "Indian Territory." Native Americans from the east were forced along the "Trail of Tears" to land no one else wanted at the time. After a while, "The Five Civilized Tribes"- Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole-each had their own chunk of the territory, and their own govern ments. Soon, though, white people did want that part of the country, and Indian Territory was opened up to the settlers in a series of Land Rushes. The biggest ISl -� .s::: S: f:tj 1-ugwg11-'4-gg 01- f:.JQ1-!.J.Jg1 U t>'!PUI gy1- ugdo 01- 1-ugwu.Jg11o6 gy1- p�u!>'M ..<:>.Jgwoog 84 , 1f ,\1-!J t>'WOY t>'I � O U! YWt! g.J !>' gw t>'::J JO l l t>' H � ;;r 3 C1> l:ll 3 s:L ct ::::r C1> z l:ll ct 6' 3 l:ll \.l) � lif = Oklahoma City, Oklahoma When okras g o to visit, they take their homes with them . So, okra's home is sitting next to okra's home. Okra's home is sitting (Oklahoma City) next to okra's home (Oklahoma). � 'I) ..s:::: the state was an independent republic from 1836 to 1845 ;:: \S) 0 -.:; Wi ..s:::: � 'I) � "iSi 'I) ..s:::: -l-' -l-' "iSi s � Wi <..) ::J � -<:S � � <:Sl � w �0 -.:; � 0 _J .E 3 1:1:> [ Capital: Austin State Bird: Mockingbird State Flower: Bluebonnet State Tree: Pecan +:s Wi -l-' � ;:: 1:1:> \ll \ll 1:1:> \ll �- (TX) \S) 'I) ..s:::: Called the "Lone Star State" * President Kennedy was Texas 'I) <..) a: \S) � s:::.._ � .\S) � � � � 28th state to enter the Union (December 29, 1 845) T he Alamo is the most famous battle of the war for Texas independence. But to gain their free dom from Mexico, the Texans actually had to win an important fight, and the Battle of San Jacinto was it. After the Alamo, and the slaughter of the garri son at Goliad, Sam Houston called for more volun teers and began a long retreat, keeping his men clear of the thousands commanded by the Mexican leader, General Santa Ana. Santa Ana gradually split his forces, and Houston finally found his chance to fight on nearly equal terms on the banks of the San Jacinto River near modem-day Galveston. The Texan force attacked when the Mexicans as- * 2nd largest state sumed it was too late for a fight The battle was short but very bloody. Shouting "Remember the Alamo," the Texans pushed hundreds of Mexican soldiers into a bayou behind their camp. They shot hundreds as they thrashed in the water. When the dust had cleared, there were 630 Mexicans dead almost half of Santa Ana's army. Only nine Texans were dead or mortally wounded. Santa Ana was eventually captured dressed as a common soldier, and he was eventually forced to sign an armistice that led to Texas' freedom. Houston was wounded in the foot, but lived to become President of Texas and, later, Senator and Governor. I 0 c � 3 1f pUI'?ISI gp04',?! Sl'? 0!£1 Sl'? -:j.n0£11'? S! 49UI'?',?j 0U!')l g41 1f SI'?SUI?)l U! Spi'?Oj l !t'?j 0-:t- l !l'?jl WIOS!4J g41 dn ugApp gjgM SUJ040UOl %'Xgl * 86 Austin, Texas If you get too many old taxis together, you're going to have a large oil stain. A big oil stain (Austin) from leaki ng taxis (Texas). 87 ---- - - - - ic: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ic: ic: C;;:! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ic: * For a little practice, answer these . * * B � * What dangerous zone is the phoenix rising through? What type of beverage is Santa's face on? * � * * What is Okra's home sitting next to? * * What leaks to cause the oil stain? * * * * What is rising from the ashes through the arrow zone? What do you put on the new maxi Coke® to sell it around Christmas time? What is next to the okra's home and is it standing or sitting? What will the taxis cause if they leak? [) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 88 * MONTANA IDAHO WYOMING Mountain These are all big states, and they all have high mountains, but the ter rain varies from the cool n orthern Rockies of Montana and Idaho to the frying deserts of Nevada. And there are all sorts of high, dry plains in between. NEVADA UTAH COLORADO 89 s:: the year of the nation's centennial - its 1 00th birthday * s;:: � �H Capital: Denver State Bird: Lark Bunting State Flower: Rocky Mountain Columbine State Tree: Blue Spruce � 'I) Ill :::l � \.) 'I) ..D 3 � 38th state to enter the Union (August 1 , 1 876) IS) J s;:: :::l 0 2 +> :::l 0 .:,L 0 0 _J s;:: 0 � (CO) 'I) ust before World War II, a small group of out doorsmen persuaded the U.S. Army to establish a force of mountain troops. W hat eventually be came the elite l Oth Mountain Division -America's "ski troops"-trained at Fort Hale between Vail and Leadville. Early recruits included most of the country's greatest skiers and mountain climbers. T he l Oth Mountain Division established a d istin guished record against the Germans in the moun tains of Italy, but never fought on skis. After the war, many l Oth Mountain D ivision men became leaders in the growing ski industry. Nowadays, there is a major ski resort at Vail, and a hut system named for our first mountain * () 0 c Colorado � � s;:: js;:: The Denver Mint is the third largest repository of gold in the � • 8th largest state troops has been developed in the mountains near by. If you have good skills on skis, and you don't mind carrying your own food and gear, you can follow the lOth Mountain Division Trail, spending the nights at huts all the way from Vail to Aspen, another great downhill skiers' mecca. T he huts are heated with woodstoves and have kitchens where you can prepare your food-pretty elegant stuff for the backcountry. Depending on the weather and your fitness, huts can be as close as a couple of hours apart, or as far as 12 hours or more. All this can be great fun-as long as you are fit, well equipped, and skilled. And now you can do it in the summer, too -on mountain bikes. � � s:>... N a a U) 6" c X �:;�tl13 ':).un o V'l SJ '-:J.:;�:;�J QQv'vL -:J.r:.? 'uJr:.?-:J. un ow w:;�LJ " !Ll sp-:J.r:.?W :;�Lll ¥- u:;�w r1 o pur:.? 'u:;�..�piJLJ:J 'u:;�woM AI-:J.sow • 90 Denver, Colorado Relaxing i n h i s den covered with fur, the l ion l i stens to his collar radio. A rich l i on has a den of fur ( Denver) and a collar radio (Colorado). 91 -.::5 !:: (1:5 Sawtooth mountain ra nges * Famous for potatoes * � Boise is home to a bout 10,000 Basques, origina lly from <:+ � � C1> t Idaho f:: L � CiS ( I D) Capital: Boise State Bird: Mountain Bluebird State Flower: Syringa (Mock Orange ) State Tree: Western White Pine 43rd state to enter the Union (July 3, 1 890) I J:;IA!J :;ilfl CY). 1 3th largest state to work, and before long they had designed the slopes, built the lodge buildings, and constructed the world's first chair lift (which they modeled on banana conveyors). Great skiers from Europe were imported to be instructors, and great chefs came to staff the new hotels. Sun Valley quickly caught on with those rich enough in the depression years to make the trip and pay for their stay. Movie stars were al ways having their pictures taken on the slopes. To this day, Sun Valley is among the great ski resorts of the world . n the mid-1930s, a man named Averill Harriman, who later became governor of New York and an important diplomat and statesman, was the chair man of the board of directors of the Union Pacific Railroad. He asked one of his employees to ride the rails all over the Rocky Mountain west to find the best place to build something new-a big "destination" ski resort. Harriman felt that such a place would encourage people to ride his trains to get to it. T he site that was chosen became Sun Valley, near Ketcham, Idaho. Harriman put his engineers � * UJ!J 91.! L.UOJJ 1-:;i:;iJ 006[.- !?::l!J:;IUJV 41-JON U! :;�6;o6 w:;�d:;�:;�p :;il.j1. 9! '( uo6:;�JQ >g OLJ!?PI U:;I:;IM1.:;itj J:;ipJOt:j :;il.j1. 9L.UJOJ Lj::l! LJM) 92 <:+ � C1> (J) 3 1:11 '"' C1> 7Q :;:: · � Boise, Idaho Boy, they're hungry ! These boys wi I I even eat a hoe. Boys (Boise) wi l l eat a hoe ( Idaho). 93 -:5 s:: U.S. Congress, was elected in 1916 * "Big Sky Country" � M ontana means "mou ntainous" * Glacier National Pa rk �· Montana (MT) Capital: Helena State Bird: Western Meadow Lark State Flower: Bitterroot State Tree: Ponderosa Pine 41 st state to enter the Union (November 8, 1 889) * 4th largest state -------·� T he man we remember as Chief Joseph was called Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekht by his own people -"thunder traveling to loftier mountain heights." Joseph was a Nez Perce Indian. (Usually pronounced "nez purse" by Americans, this means "pierced nose," because some men of the tribe inserted shells into small slits they made in their noses.) In 1877, after a series of broken treaties and promises, and a bloody skirmish with the army, the Nez Perce decided to go to Montana, where their friends, the Crows, would help them. On the trip, Joseph's job was to protect the women, the children and the old men who couldn't fight. They were followed by the army, and fought a series of costly battles, each time escaping. When they real ized that there would be no peace for them in Montana, the band headed for Canada. They were finally cornered just 40 miles from the border, on Snake Creek near the Bearpaws. Joseph had seen many of his people die, and was worried more would die soon. He felt he had no choice but to surrender. His words have become famous: "The little children are freezing to death. My people ... have no blankets, no food. Hear me, my chiefs ! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever." UJOH 0!g :.111!l :.41 JO :.111E?g :.41 11:? J:.wnJ IE?J:.u:.9 1n o p:.d!M <:J:.C1!J1 UE?!PUI I E?J:.A:.<:J 94 ::1-0 <:JJO!JJE?M * H elena, Montana . . . ·.� �· · : . . . .� Y· • · � ':. ; · · -. . . .. . Ooh, I bet that hurts ! There's a heel in a man tanning . . :· A heel in a ( H elena) man tanning (Montana). 95 'I) � s:: 'I) acupuncture as a medical treatment * The "Silver State" .� (§'....,.. � � The Mormon s orig inally asked that most of N evada be Sl.. C1> Sl.. Nevada s:: �. <"+ :r c <"+ Ill :r Ill 3 Sl.. ( N V) Capital: Carson City State Bird: Mountain Bluebird State Flower: Sagebrush State Tree: Single-leaf Pinon 36th state to enter the Union (October 3 1 , 1 864) W " C1> Ill Sl.. 3 * 7th largest state continued to travel around the region auctioning off his bag of flour over and over. The part of Nevada around Carson City was in credibly rich in those days, because of the discov ery of silver and gold. When Gridley went to this Comstock Load country, the miners of Virginia Cit y and other wealthy mining towns bid over $40,000 for the sack. Eventually Gridley's bag of flour raised about $275,000. It was the nation's first big charity drive. You can still see the bag of flour at the Nevada Historical Society Museum. hen the Civil War began, many people in Nevada were sympathetic to the Confedera cy. One of these was a baker named Reuel Gridley. Gridley lost an election bet and had to pay up by carrying a sack of flour decorated red, white, and blue through the streets of Austin, in the center of Nevada Territory. Somehow, this experience changed Gridley into a supporter of the Union. He auctioned off his flour for $6,000, proceeds to go to the Sanitary Commission, which looked after wounded soldiers, much as the Red Cross would today. The flour was returned to Gridley, and he � Sl.. 8" <"+ :r C1> c 3 a· 3 Ill \1'1 <"+ :r C1> (J) � � a -+> Q C1> \1'1 C1> � * () Ill � 5 3' 9.. c put'? o ug::J ¥- 9Q6� CY.1. OQ6� L.UOJ} 1-l !nt:� St'?M L.Ut'?CJ JgiiOOH g41 )(.. uosJt'?:J 1!-:::l J�41?!} Ut'?!PUI put'? Jgguo!d g41 J�t'? pgwt'?u St'?M A1!:J 96 � a 3 Carson C ity, N evada It's never safe to drink and drive. So, the car's son is sitting l i stening to this dad explain that he can have no Vodka. A car's son is sitting (Carson City) and can have no Vodka (Nevada). 97 � railway with a gold spike * Called the "Beeh ive State" s;: \1:) s;: +:5 s;: 0 <.) \1) s;: � Mormons make up about 70 percent of Utah's population Utah � +-' CUT) +-' � � \1:) ..s:::: +-' Capital: Salt Lake City State Bird: Sea Gull State Flower: Sego Lily State Tree: Blue Spruce 45th state to enter the Union (January 4, 1 896) I n the l ate 1840s, Brigham Young l ed a commu nity of Mormons to Utah, wher e they settled around t he Great Salt Lake. They had been forced out of a series of communities in the Midwest. Soon Congress created the Territory of Utah. Young w as appointed Governor, but then trouble began b etween the Mormons and the Federal gov ernment . In 1857, President Buchanan sent about 2,500 troops to the Territory, and t his triggered what is sometimes c alled "The Mormon War." Into the middle of this unpleasantness trundled a wagon train of settlers from Arkansas and Mis souri -undoubtedly anti-Mormon-heading for � +-' * puE? pE?o�I!Eii:J :Jl:}J:JE?d 1Ei�1-U:;t:J gLl1- 'G9<d l u1 1f A1-JJ :;t�E?l 1-IE?S * 1 1 th largest state California. A mixed group of Mormon militia and Indians, led by a Mormon called John D. Lee, attacked the w agon train and killed every single adult they found-somewhere between 100 and 120 men, women, and older children died. Only 18 small children were spared. Brigham Young had not ordered the attack on t he wagon tr ains, but he did try to protect Lee by throwing blame on the Indians alone. The Mormon War ended the next year, with the Mor mons retaining real power in the territory while accepting essentially meaningless conditions from Washington . UJ 1-gw 1-S:;tM gLl1- p u E? 1-SE?:;t gLl1- wo�J l?un�w S:;tUJI 1.1dE?� I?g1� 'l9gl u1 98 * Salt Lake C ity, Uta h The city around the salt lake looks out at the tall U . A salt lake city (Sa lt Lake City) has on its outski rts a U tall ( Utah). 99 \"\\ serious shoot-'em-up between big cattlemen and settlers Ill � � "The Cowboy State" * Fewer people than a ny other state * � Wyoming (WY) Capital: Cheyenne State Bird: Meadow Lark State Flower: Indian Paintbrush State Tree: Cottonwood 44th state to enter the Union (July 1 0, 1 890) A man named John Colter w alked across the country as part of the Lewis and Clark Expe dition, and on the way back, he asked to be al lowed to leave the troop to go off with two trap pers. He was given permission, and so became the first of what came to be known as " Mountain Men." Colter later found and described the gey sers and hot springs of the Yellowstone country of what is now northwestern Wyoming. As time went on, more and more men headed to the western mountains and lived a rugged life - men like Broken Hand Fitzpatrick, Jim Br idger, Kit Carson, Jedediah, Smith and many others. They were trappers, not explorers, but * 9th largest state their travels took them all over the Amer ican West, and they often became guides for later w aves of pioneers. Periodically, these mountain men would meet at a Rendezvous-a gathering. One of the most fa mous and most beautiful Rendezvous locations is J ackson Hole, in the Teton country just south of Yellowstone. Here and at other spots, trappers would trade pelts for supplies. They would also g amble, drink, fight, and compete at shooting, running, and riding. It was a big, rough party for the raw, tough men who opened up the country for settlement by the ranchers who followed. � • :IIOH u os ��t=?(' UJ 9! :�6np� � 1 3 Jt=?UOJ-::).t=? N :ILJl ¥ 1 00 �..lt=?d Jt=?UOJ-::).t=? N :JU0-::).9MOII:i,A_ -::). !'? 9! .. l nJ.LJ-::).Jt=?::J PI O .J:�sf::�6 snowt=:} .. � Cheyenne, Wyoming A shy ant normal ly wi l l l ive i n a home built in the shape of a Y- a Y home. A shy ant (Cheyenne) in a Y home (Wyoming). 1 01 � * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * � � � � � 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ Let's see how you do. What does the lion listen t o in his den of fur? What will the boys do when they are really, really hungry? * * * � If you didn't like people with sunburns, you would put a heel in a what? What does the car tell the car's son sitting about drinking? * * * * * In what type of home does the shy ant live? � * * * What's on the walls of the lion listening to his collar radio? * Who will eat a hoe when they are really hungry? What is in the back of the man tanning? CS' Who gets told by his dad, "No Vodka!"? What is the U tall next to? * * What large letter is on the outskirts of the salt lake city? � * · • • � . . . . • • . • . • • • . · · · • · · · •• · · · What little animal lives in the Y home? * '� • • � * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 02 ALASKA WASHINGTON •• .. -;,. • Pacific OREGON We're including our nation's -r �� two newest states here, along with the three that line our western coast. It is clear that *I v much of the economic action o f the 2 1 st century will occur on what's called "the Pacific Rim," which includes Asian countries, Australia and New HAWAII Zealand, a nd, of course, our CALIFORNIA own Pacific States. 1 03 +> () * Cape Wrangell is the nation's westernmost point * ISl !:: \ll a lD .. ... """� ., ...,.. _,__ ... ..L> ur * Capital: Juneau State Bird: Willow Ptarmigan State Flower: Forget-me-not State Tree: Sitka Spruce 49th state to enter the Union (January 3, 1 959) 7ll :::> () 5:1.. � (AK) ISl :::( Alaska is the biggest state-you could fit a lmost 500 Alaska \ll -""' ISl \ll & * 1 st largest state -------� T he highest mountain in North America is offi cially named Mount McKinley after William McKinley, our 25th President. But most Alaskans and many others prefer to call it by its original In dian name, Denali, which means "The Great One" or "The High One.". The mountain, which is part of Denali National Park, has two distinct peaks. The North Peak is 19,470 feet high. T he South Peak is a little higher, at 20,320 feet. Many people climb Denali every year. Most of them are flown by skilled bush pilots in small planes onto the Kahiltna Glacier from the little town of Talkeetna. There they set up base camp, wait for good weather, and then trudge up the :::J \ll '<) !:: :::J J mountain, often ferrying gear from camp to camp. Other climbers attempt different and even more difficult routes. Because of its harsh winds and weather, Denali is one of the most dangerous frequently-climbed mountains in the world. Many climbers have died on the mountain, and many others have been saved by heroic rescuers. Dr. Frederick A. Cook claimed to have climbed Denali in 1906, but those claims were soon ques tioned, and are seriously doubted today based on a study of photographs. A party of Fairbanks min ers reached the North Peak in 19 10, and the higher South Peak was reached in 1913. :Jf .f\11 0::1 Gp.lt=?M:;tS, p:;t ll t=?:J Gt=?M t=?�Gt'? l\1 ¥- :;tJ:Jt=? ut=? G1.U:;J:J OM'l JO 'UOJII!W ZZ.$ JO:J. L9<6L U! GUt=?!GGn� :;�41- WOJ:J. t=?�Gt=?IY 1-46n o11 pJt=?M:;tS • 1 04 * � (j) fu' � J uneau, Alaska He is so in love with the girl with the jewel nose, that he thi nks, "I'll ask her to marry me." If she has a jewel nose (Juneau ), I'll ask her (Alaska). 1 05 ----- -- --- --- it 134" F in Death Valley, highest temperatu re recorded in U.S. ui :::l 1\) .£ +> & Yo! Sacramento was the terminus of the Pony Express's g California s::: (CA) Capital: Sacramento State Bird: California Valley Quail State Flower: Golden Poppy State Tree: California Redwood 31 st state to enter the Union (September 9, 1 850) * 3rd largest state --------� I ers town" by the Sacramento Union newspaper, and one observer said that it witnessed an average of six fatal shootings a week during the 1880s. Mark Twain covered the area for a while as a jour nalist, and he said that "the smoke of battle almost never clears away completely in Bodie." Bodie's mines played out as the century came to an end, and a big fire in 1897 destroyed much of its main street. But you can still go to Bodie. It's a National Historic Site, protected and maintained by the federal government as a ghost town. n the late 1860s, a prospector named William S. Bodie discovered a rich vein of gold near Mono Lake close to the Nevada border. He didn't last long-he went out in a blizzard and was never seen again- but the town he established became one of the roughest, toughest, wildest mining towns of the West. Because it was far from the law, close to the state line, and full of gold dust, Bodie attracted all sorts of violent, unscrupulous characters who were interested in making a quick buck. Robberies and murders were common. Bodie was called "a shoot- 1 06 � Sacramento, California After touring all of the Nationa l Parks and Monuments and fi l l i ng her sack with mementos, the cow will phone you . With a sack of mementos (Sacra mento), the cow will phone you (Ca l ifornia). 1 07 s:: December 7, 1941, forcing American entry i nto World Wa r II 0 <ll \1) <ll s:: � D._ � J <ll ..s:: +-' £ -.;:s <ll -"' � Ha�ai!�_A Capital: Honolulu State Bird: Nene (Hawaiian Goose) State Flower: Hibiscus State Tree: Kukui (Candlenut) <..) �� \1) � 50th state to enter the Union (August 21 , 1959) ::i ..s:: � 0 s:: 0 \Yihen Captain Cook "discovered" the islands, Y'f he saw the Whenever, from stormy weather, or any extraor dinary swell at sea, the impetuosity of the surf is in creased to its u tmost height, they choose that time for this amusement, which is performed in the fol lowing manner:-Twenty or thirty of the natives, taking each a long narrow board, rounded a t the ends, set out together from the shore. The first wave they meet they plunge under, and suffering it to roll 9! n 1 n 1ouoH 1nt� '!!�'>'M�'>'H p:�wl'>'u 9! pu�'>'l9! :�uo * •• ·� • 47th largest state over them, rise again beyond it . . . . As soon as they have gained, by these repeated efforts, the smooth water beyond the surf, they lay themselves at length o n their board, and prepare for their return . . . . [T]heir first object is to place themselves on the summit of the largest surge, by which they are dri ven along with amazing rapidity toward the shore . . . . The coast being guarded by a chain of rocks, with here and there a small opening between them, they are obliged to s teer their board through one of these, or, in case of failu re, to quit it before they reach the rocks . . . . This is reckoned very dis graceful . . . . Hawaiians doing something peo ple come from all over the world to do there now-surfing. One of his officers wrote about it in 1779: s:: 0 Only state that once had its own royalty * The state is Ill :::s Ill c:l :::s--.:::5 n. iS\ <S:> 9 0 ..... Ill () ::s Ill :::s � () 0 \1) n. « � 6 c --.::::; n. I:>.. i.!i. iS\ :::s I:>.. \1) " c � 0 :::s « n. <S:;. :::s� ¥- f:1.-1 :�doJ d �"""!Jd 9! :�9:141 JO :�u o pu�'>' ·uo p:�A!I :IJ �'>' :�9041 JO u:�11:�9 f:1uo 'Jor�'>'w :�J �'>' 1 08 Honolulu, Hawaii Some roads are straight, some are crooked . But Highway E is where the honey trucks m a ke loop loops. Honey loop loops ( Honolulu) are on Highway E ( H awai i ). 1 09 � s I:S"l Territory was created i n 1853 * The "Beaver State" * .� Lewis and Clark followed the Columbia River to the Pacific * -\ ::s CI> Oregon () Q_ (OR) Capital: Salem State Bird: Western Meadow Lark State Flower: Oregon Grape State Tree: Douglas Fir 33rd state to enter the Union (February 1 4, 1 859) Y ou know how common it is to see people in T-shirts and shorts or tights running or jogging along the streets or through the parks? Some of these folks are serious racers, but most of them are just trying to stay fit and healthy. Did you know that just a generation ago, you almost never saw anyone exercising that way, and you definitely never saw anyone togged out in "official" running clothes or fancy, expensive shoes -this stuff just didn't exist. Eugene, Oregon, is one of the birthplaces of the American running and fitness boom that started in � (..� 1-\l Vl I!M, p9::>unouo.;d) :n19W�I I!M 941 JO:J. p9p�94 9.J9M I W..ll * 1 0th largest state the early 1970s. Bill Bowerman, the great track coach at the University of Oregon, really got the ball rolling when he came back from a trip to New Zealand, where he had seen and participated in the citizen fun runs another coaching great, Arthur Lydiard, had established there. You can go to Eugene today and find miles of well-maintained, well-used public running trails. Bowerman also co founded the Nike shoe company. The story goes that he used the family waffle iron to invent a rev olutionary new sole for racing and training shoes. Hope he cleaned it up afterwards. L 0 ::::s :::s L >I) () 0 " )> � �? uo09JQ 941 uo <:JJ99UOJd 1<:301-\l � ll'd'l UJ �!J01<:JV p9puno:t f:u�dw o::> ...., 1 10 ------ -- - Salem, Oregon The sailor's oar is gone, causing h i m to row in a c i rcle. The sailor's ( Sa lem) oar is gone (Oregon). 111 ------ ---- � 0 :2 --- than half of Washington's people live in or a round Seattle � '<' · . . .. ,.. Ca lled the "Evergreen State" * The only state named �-Washington .r--�� ( WA) s:: Capital: Olympia State Bird: Willow Goldfinch State Flower: Coast Rhododendron State Tree: Western Hemlock 42nd state to enter the Union ( November 1 1 1 1 889) M s:: .8 -uMop w o tJ- ..l:IJ UI?;:;J '1 V'J :�:�s ul?9 nofl 'fll?p ..l t?:�p I? u o . . ¥ 20th largest state mals, from insects to large game, were killed. Crops were ruined. The glacier at the top of the mountain melted almost immediately, and ran off into nearby rivers. Floods and mud slides carried away cars, bridges, and houses. Yakima, the near est city, was covered in a layer of ash. When the ash cleared, people could see that Mount St. Helens was a perfect cone no more. The top 1,300 feet of the mountain was simply gone. In its place was a crater over a mile across. This was the first volcanic eruption in the lower 48 states since Lassen Peak erupted in 1921, but scientists expect that Mount St. Helens will erupt again in the future. ount St. Helens was a spectacular, perfect, cone-shaped volcanic peak in Washington's Cascade Mountains. In late 1979, it started rum bling and venting puffs of steam and ash . Scien tists knew that an eruption would probably come soon, but they had no idea it would be as spectac ular and violent as it was. On May 18, 1980, Mount St . Helens exploded . The eruption caused a landslide, which in turn let ash and gas burst sideways rather that straight up in the air. The ash immediately turned the whole area pitch black, and with the released gas, suffo cated 63 people. Forests as far as 20 miles away were flattened or stripped, and all sorts of ani- � * -\ ::r (1) \JJ 0 9!. � :1 1111?:/S U! p:i11?90I S! 'LvL :�y1 :1�!1 S..l:IUJI..l ! t? 0!<1 c;:;:��l?w Lj9!YM 'uOJ1t?..l od..l oJ 112 Olympia, Washington One of the new events i n the Olympics i s to see how fast you can wash a ton . At the Olympics (Olym pia), wash a ton (Wash i ngton). 1 13 : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (® �a * * * * * * * * * * * * * � Let's see what you remember What does the young man think when he sees the jewel-nosed girl? After collecting a sack of mementos, who will do what? � Jap::: Where can the honey trucks do loop loops? � <!.() Why is the sailor unhappy? �@ What do the trucks do on Highway E? Ii' * * * * * � t::.. � Whose oar is gone? Where ;o they compete in the wash a ton event? �� <\ � * * What does the girl have that makes a man think, "I'll ask her to marry me! "? What must she have before the cow will phone you? * * What is the new event at the Olympics? � : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 114 * Just For Fun Here's a Jeopardy-style q u i z to test your general knowledge about states and capitals. Some of the information can be found earl ier in thi s book, and some * 1 0. T h i s i s the largest city i n the country. 1 1 . This state worries about the San Andreas Fau lt. can't. The answers - er, questions-are at the end. 1 2 . This state touches four of the five Great Lakes. Have fun ! 1 3 . This is the "First State. " 1 . The world's tal lest bu i ld i ng stands in t h i s state. 2. The Comstock Load was d iscovered in this state. 3. Thi s state was once the "Grizzly Bear Republic." 4. Th is state capital was named after Queen Anne. 5. Th is state i s often cal led the " Nutmeg State. " 6 . This i s the state i n wh ich the Declaration of Independence was signed . 1 4. This is the "Sunshine State. " 1 5 . This is where Aaron Burr ki l led Alexander H a m i lton i n a duel . 1 6. This state is named after our seventh President. 1 7 . This city was destroyed by Sherman's army. 1 8. This state is an archipelago. 1 9. This state has the Mississippi River as its eastern boundary and the Missouri as most of its western boundary. 7. This state has the shortest seacoast of any state that has a seacoast. 8. Thi s state was once known as " I ndian Territory. " 20. This state's official bird is the Roadrunner. Beep-beep! 2 1 . This state conta ins the "wi ld west" towns of Dodge City and Abi lene. 9 . This city is the oldest seat o f government i n the U . S . 115 22. This city holds America's most famous auto race. 35. A battleshi p named for this state blew up i n Havana Harbor, preci pitating the Spanish-American War. 23 . This i s where you ' l l find Fort Knox, where much of the country's gold reserves reside. 36. This capital was named after a French trapper. 37. This state was the home of Ethan Allen and his Green 24. This state has the h ighest popu lation density i n the Mountain Boys . U.S. 38. This state was the site of the first Engl ish colony i n 25 . T h i s is the smal lest state west o f t h e Mississipp i . what became the United States. 2 6 . T h i s state is the home of Tabasco Sauce and H uey 39. This state was the site of the first successful Eng l ish Long. colony i n what became the U nited States. 27. This city is the location of the U nited States Naval Academy. 40. This state is the home of Glacier National Park. 28. This state capita l i s named after o u r 1 6th President. 41 . This was the first state to let women vote. 29. This is the state i n which you can find the Petrified 42 . This state conta ins the geographic center of North America. Forest. 30. The population center of the U n ited States is i n this 43 . You coul d find the Cowboy Ha l l of Fame in this state capita l . state. 31 . This is the "Mounta i neer State. " 4 4 . T h i s state is the home of Father Flanagan's Boys Town . 3 2 . The official bird of this state i s the sea gul l . 45. This is the state in which the Exxon Valdez oil spi l l occurred. 3 3 . This capital was fi rst known a s Fort Orange. 46. This is where you would find ski a reas l i ke Vai l and 34. This is the "Sooner State. " Aspen. 116 63. The Wright brothers were born in thi s state. 47. The strongest winds ever recorded on Earth blew here. 64. This state contains the geographical center of the U . S . 48. This is the state where you cou l d find "Sil icon Va l ley. " 65. This is the "Volunteer State. " 49. This city was home to the "Charter Oak." 66. T h i s state i s home of the source of the M ississippi . 50. This i s the " Hawkeye State. " 67. This state has a "panhandle" squeezed between 51 . This i s where you cou ld canoe down the Al lagash. Was h i ngton and Montana. 52. This state was at the end of the northern pioneer tra i l . 68. This state is the home of the Johnson Space Center. 53 . These capitals were also capita l s of the Confederacy. 69. This state is known as the "Mother of Presidents." 54. Little League Basebal l was founded in this state . 70. This i s the only state named after a President. 55. This state has a "unica m . " 71 . This city cal l s itself "The H ub . " 56. T h i s i s the "Badger State. " 72. T h i s is the only state t o have seceded from a secedi ng state. 5 7 . This capital city i s named after the lake it is near. 73. This i s the only state capital i n which you can find a 58. The state capital is named after our th i rd President. roya l palace. 59. This i s the country's smal lest state. 74. This state was the site of the northern-most land 60. This is the state where you ' l l find the headwaters of action of the Civi l War. the M issouri River. 75. The h ighest Mountain east of the Mississi ppi is in this 61 . This state has the longest official name of any state. state. 62. The fi rst shots of the C ivil War were fired in this state. 117 I f?f?f 0 1 . What is I l linois? 20. What is New Mexico? 3. What is Califomia? 22. What is Indianapolis, 2. What is Nevada? 4. What is Annapolis, Maryland? 5. What is Connecticut? • 0 • 0 39. What is Virginia? 57. What is Salt Lake City, 41 . What is Wyoming? 58. What is Jefferson City, 43. What is Oklahoma City, 59. What is Rhode Island? 44. What is Nebraska? 61 . What is Rhode Island? 40. What is Montana? 21 . What is Kansas? 42. What is North Dakota? Indiana? 23. What is Kentucky? 24. What is New Jersey? Oklahoma? 6. What is Pennsylvania? 25. What is Arkansas? 8. What is Oklahoma? 27. What is Annapolis, 46. What is Colorado? 28. What is Lincoln, Nebraska? 48. What is Califomia? 7. What is New Hampshi re? 9. What is Santa Fe, New Mexico? 1 0. What is Juneau, Alaska? 1 1 . What is Califomia? 26. What is Louisiana? Maryland? 30. What is Missouri? 47. What is New Hampshire? 64. What is South Dakota? Connecticut? 50. What is Iowa? 1 4. What is Florida? 33. What is Albany, New York? 52. What is Oregon? 1 6. What is Jackson, 35. What is Maine? 1 3 . What is Delaware? 1 5. What is New Jersey? Mississippi? 1 7. What is Atlanta, Georgia? 1 8. What is Hawaii? 1 9. What is Iowa? 32. What is Utah? 34. What is Oklahoma? 36. What is Pierre, South Dakota? 37. What is Vermont? 38. What is North Carolina? 60. What is Montana? 62. What is South Carolina? 31 . What is West Virginia? 1 2. What is Michigan? Missouri? 45. What is Alaska? 49. What is Hartford, 29. What is Arizona? Utah? 63. What is Ohio? 65. What is Tennessee? 66. What is Minnesota? 67. What is Idaho? 68. What is Texas? 51 . What is Maine? 69. What is Virginia? 53. What are Montgomery, 7 1 . What is Boston, Alabama, and Richmond, Virginia? 54. What is Pennsylvania? 55. What is Nebraska? 56. What is Wisconsin? 118 70. What is Washington? Massachusetts? 72. What is West Virginia? 73. What is Honolulu, Hawaii? 74. What is Vermont? 75. What is North Carolina? Name That State * Alabama Hawaii Massachusetts New Mexico South Dakota Alaska Idaho Michigan New York Tennessee Arizona Illinois Minnesota North Carolina Texas Arkansas Indiana Mississippi North Dakota Utah California Iowa Missouri Ohio Vermont Colorado Kansas Montana Oklahoma Virginia Connecticut Kentucky Nebraska Oregon Washington Delaware Louisiana Nevada Pennsylvania West Virginia Florida Maine New Hampshire Rhode Island Wisconsin New Jersey South Carolina Wyoming Georgia QhouQ o0 n \JJ �D,LY0� oo 9:JK OfJ:S 119 B i b l i ography Aten, Jerry. Fifty Nifty States. Columbus, OH: Good Apple, 1 990. Aten, Jerry. America: From Sea to Shining Sea. Columbus, OH : Good Apple, 1 988. Aylesworth, Thomas. Kid's WorldAlmanac of the SO States. Mahwah, NJ : World Almanac, 1 990. Bacon, Josephine. DoubledayAtlas of the Umted States ofAmerica. New York: Doubleday, 1 990. Black, S. Fabulous Facts About Fifty States. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1 991 . Brandt, Sue. Facts About the SO States. Danbury, CT: Watts, 1 988. Brandt, Sue. State lfees: Including the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico. Danbury, a: Watts, 1 992. Caney, Steven . Steven Caney's Ktd's America. New York: Workman, 1 978. Carpenter, Allan. Enchantment ofAmerica series. 50 volumes. Danbury, CT: Children's Press, 1 978. Dowden, Anne. State Flowers. New York: HarperCollins, 1 978. Garrison, Edward . Short Stories About States and Capttals. Hamlet, NC: EG Photoprint, date not set. Krulik, Nancy. All About the Fifty States: A Picture Puzzle Book New York: Scholastic Inc., 1 992. Lancaster, Derek. Picture America: States and Capttals. Salt Lake City: Compact Classics, 1 991 . Landau, Elaine. State Birds: Including the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico. Danbury, CT: Watts, 1 992. Landau, Elaine. State Rowers: Including the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico. Danbury, a: Watts, 1 992. Santrey, Laurence. State and Local Government Mahwah, NJ : Troll Associates, 1 985. Silvani, Harold. States and Capttals. Cypress, CA: Creative Teaching, 1 97 5 . 1 20