blobo fndustries - Inland Supply Co.
blobo fndustries - Inland Supply Co.
blobo fndustries 41158&*re F,foueRoad"yuba City,Ca.95993 Phsns5306739964 Fax530 673g4t} ' ,:.- MATERI.AL SAFETY DATA SHEET . ..... PAGEI OF3 HAZARD RATING HEAITH 1 KEY OLEAST i SLICHT 2 MODERATE 3 MODERATE 4 HIGH 5 EXTREME FIRE O REACTIVTTY O FORINFORMATIONOR EMERGENCIES CALL 5306739418 FAX 5306730964 DATE AUGUST 122W5 SECTION I PRODUCTIDENTtrICATION: PRODUCTNAME Fragraace29240 Compotmd21 THIS PRODUCTIS A MIXTURE FORWHICHLOBO INDUSTRIESCONSIDERSTIM COMPONENTSTO BE A TRADE SECRETIN ACCORDANCEWTTHTI{E PROVISNCNS OF 1910.1200 OF IITLE 29 OFTHE CODEOF FEDERALREGULATIONS. SECTION2 PIIYSrcAIJCHEMICAL CHAIIACTERISTICS BOILINGPOINT 2I2F MELTINGPOINT N/A SPECIFICGRAVITY (wabr:l) 1.05 SOLI.IBIUTY 1OO5 APPEARANCEAl,{D ODOR SECTION3 VAPOR PRESSUREN/A VAPORDENSITY(AIR:1) N/a PERCENTVOLATIUE@ 70 DEGREE..F"'N/A EVAPORATIONRATE (Butyl Acehte= l) N/A A CLEARTO LrcHT YELLOW LIQUTDWrTr{ A FRESHCLEANESSENCE. FIRE AND E)(PLOSIONHAZARDS FLASH POS{T;N/A. FLAMh4ABLE LIMITS: Non Flamable EXTINGUBHINC MEDIA. N/A IvIATERLALSAFETYDATA SHEET SECTION4 pAcE 2 OF 3 REACTIVITY DATA l' This materialis a mixtureof,aff)rnaSpecialityproducts*ud ingredients.The specificidentitiesof the ingredientsin this mixtureareconsid"redto betade"seorets in accordance with theprovisionsof9.0.1200of Title 29of thecodeof Federat regrrlations. 2. Routesof Entqr Inhalationmd skin contact. 3. In thedilutedstate,therepoes no healththreasthroughinhalrion o, *, .;ncontact. 4. If eyecontactresultsin irritation,rinsewith waterforl0 minutesor more. SECTION 5 I,IAZARDOUSINGREDIENTS CIIEMICAL }IAIIvS N/A CARCINOGEMCITYNIF No SECTION 6 OSHANo. IARC No IfiALTH TTEZENPDATA COMPONENT N/A SECTION 7 CASNUMBERMA HAZARDDATA N/A EMERGENCYAI{D FIRSTAID PROCEDURES l. It hasbeendeterminedthat this productis safefrom anyinitating elementsandassuch poses no h3atthbazardetherthoughskincontactor eyespray. 2 INFIALATIONE)(POSURE;Removeto freh air environment.Contacta physicianif conditionporsists. 3 INGESTION;Do not iugest.trfingested, givecopiousamountsof waterto dilute. Contacta Physicianif anyproblemsdevelop. sEcrroN l0 PRoTEcTIoN INFORMATIONAl.rD HANDLING AND usE 1. GENERALINFORII{AfiON This productis ttreresultof dilution of u roor"nt utr *d assuchin tbefinal forcr pose$no knowheahhhazards. SECTION 11 SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSALPROCEDURES. I' Stepsto be taken if material is releasedor spilled: This material,in thediluted staeposes no threatof any type as a resultof spills or such. MATERIAL SAFETYDATA SHEET PAGE3 OF 3 T{ANDIII{G AND STORAGEPRECAUTIONS l. Storein a cool dry aea awayfromanyheatsource.Kee,pcontainerstightlyclosedaod uPrlgbtwhensot in use. This pnoductis tiqui4 it canbe abso$d usingsandard absorb€n8(sawdust,vegi-cultue)andsweptIry. It posesno knownhea'h hazza'rts. DISCLAIMER lvlat€rialSaftty Datesheet\nras prryred byLoboIndustries,Supersedes January4 2001 Thisinformationon i[e IvISDS-*asobbinetrftosl crulentmd repuablesourses.Howeve,rtbs 'latais ptrovidedwi&out my warrmty, e(pr€ssed or implied,regading it correctness or accuracy. It is theusa rcspnsibility to assumeliability for loss,ijury, damage,or exp€rseresultingfiom useof tbisprodncl KEY : N/E NOT ESTABI,ISIfi,D N/F Not found N?A Not aplicable