Steinlifters August 2016 Milwaukee Region Porsche Club of America
Steinlifters August 2016 Milwaukee Region Porsche Club of America
Steinlifters August 2016 Milwaukee Region Porsche Club of America Autocross fun — see page 8 Milwaukee Region members take a break during a drive to July 16. See more photos on pg. 15. Pin stripping technique is demonstrated at Prestige Auto Works at June 11 tech session. See pageLake 7 for aon Elkhart full report. August 2016 Steinlifters Page 2 Calendar of events Aug. 4—Board meeting. 6:30 p.m. Allly’s Bistro, Good Hope and Appleton, Meno Falls. Aug. 4 — 911 RSR Show Car – Patrick Pilet & Earl Bamber Q&A 6:30-8:30pm Porsche Milwaukee North. RSVP to [email protected]. Aug. 6—Social committee meeting. Contact Terry Royals for details. All are welcome to kick around ideas for 2017. [email protected]. Aug. 6 -7 — Porscheplatz at Road America. Turn 5 8 a.m. – Race end. Join us at Turn 5 Road America for visits with Drivers, Porsche NA, and sponsor representatives. Drawings for prizes including hot pit passes (long pants & closed toe shoes needed) are a few highlights besides watching the races. Transporter Tours for Park Place Porsche and Michelin are new with limited availability. Paddock is closed, parking at Porsche Park with shuttle to the Platz. Aug. 7– Cars & Coffee at Lake Mills. Not a region event but hosted by a region member. 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Aug. 28 — Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance, Veterans Park, Milwaukee. Information at Sept. 1—Board meeting. Fiddleheads, Mequon. 10530 N Port Washington Rd. Sept 7—11 — Treffen Lake Tahoe. http:// Sept. 11—Autocross at State Fair Park (north lot parallel to I-94). Registration is open. See page 7 for details. Sept. 17—Blind Horse Winery tour, Kohler, Wis. See pg. 12. id=896 Oct. 1—Gimmick Rallye. More details coming in Sept. Steinlifters. Will start and end in Cedarburg. Oct. 7—Drive for Babies, Road America, March of Dimes. (courtesy announcement) Aug. 12—DE at Road America. Enjoy a day of track time on the legendary 14-turn road course at Road America. See pg. 3. Aug. 12 — Drive at Road America for free — after the DE event. Details on page 9. Aug. 14—Drive to Botham Vineyards Classic Car Show. See pg. 11. http:// Aug. 19 — Werks Reunion, Carmel, Calif. Sponsored by PCA during Monterey Car Week. Aug. 27—Show & Glow by the Lake, a casual Saturday celebration of all things motorized, in Veterans Park on Milwaukee’s lakefront. Kicks off Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance weekend of events. Show your Porsche in our group. See pg. 13 for details. See pg. 10 for info about the region’s postcard contest! Dozens of Porsches were part of last year’s Saturday car show during the Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance weekend. Members are invited to show their Porsche on Aug. 27 in Veterans Park on Milwaukee’s lakefront. Your participation benefits three local charities. See pg. 13 for more details. You can sign up on the day of the event if you can’t commit now. Page 3 August 2016 Steinlifters Milwaukee PCA Drivers’ Education Event Q & A Aug. 12 Commonly asked participant questions Every year presents a common list of questions. Here are the questions and answers: Do you have to drive a Porsche at the event? No. We like to have a mix of cars, even convertibles that have roll bars or pop-up protection. Do you rent helmets at the event? Sorry, no we don’t. Can I have an instructor, even though I am in Group 2? For sure…just email us at [email protected] and let us know what you need. Can I share a car with another driver? Yes, but this does require a live discussion with us. Let us know your phone number and we’ll call to outline the options and decide. Do I have to have my car tech’d? If you are in RG 1 and RG2, Yes. There is a cursory tech at the track, where you will get a sticker that allows you on the track. Check out the tech form on PorschePark.Org for more details. Look at the Resources tab: or the DE page: During the day, can I change run groups if appropriate? Yes, just connect with one of the event coordinators to discuss. Do you allow walk-ups on the day of the event? Yes, but only if the appropriate RG is not full and the walkup has to be in RG 2 and 3 drivers (no Novices). If you are thinking you will do this, remember two things: Registration closes at 7:30 a.m, which is when the drivers’ meeting starts. Day of registration fee is $375. Online registration closed at midnight Aug. 1 on http:// If you missed this deadline, you must sign up at the track on the day of the event. Remember to be there early — well in advance of the 7:30 a.m. close of on-site registration. Should you have any questions please email the DE committee: [email protected]. August 2016 Steinlifters Page 4 Welcome, new members Timothy Van de Kamp, River Hills, 1982 928 Meteor Gray Metallic Greg and Shari Riehle, Richfield, 2014 Cayenne Mike Padovano, Sussex, 2000 911 Carrera 4 Millennium Violet Chromaflair Christopher Roethel, West Bend, 2009 911 Turbo Cabriolet Aqua Blue Metallic Rodney Winter, Dousman, 2007 Cayman Black Paul Buffoni, Hartland, 1996 911 Targa Black Thomas Frizzle,Waukesha, 2014 Cayenne Diesel Black Michael Coello, New Berlin, 2014 911 Carrera S Sapphire Blue Metallic Bill Kagel, Campbellsport, 1988 911 Carrera Cesar Chan and Nan Chan, Menomonee Falls, 2011 911 Carrera GTS Blue Eilene Ribbens, Sheboygan, 2008 Boxster S Silver Members share their story of Porsche ownership Mike Padovano recently joined PCA. He drives a 2000 Special Edition Millennium 911. Number 439 of 911 built, “the exterior color like all Millennium's is Violet Chromaflair. The interior is natural brown leather,” said Mike. He has owned the car since 2013. “At first I set out to purchase a coupe with an automatic. I was looking for about three months. I had just extended my search out of state. After driving a cabriolet with a stick, I decided that's what I wanted. After attending Bastille days we stopped at Concours on Silver Spring. “They had just taken in trade my 911 a couple hours earlier. When an affordable 911 comes across your path you can't be picky of color, transmission or body style. Make sure it's in good condition and buy it. I drove it and made the deal,” Mike said. “I've always been attracted to the styling of a Porsche. I never dreamt I'd own a 911. I saw a movie many years ago with a 356 roadster, from then on I fantasized of owning one or a 911.” Rod Winter drives a 2007 Cayman base. “It is black inside and out. I purchased it used from Concours Motors in Glendale in March of 2015,” Rod report. “ It had 32K miles on it and I have added about 1200 since. I am the third owner. It is a six-speed manual,” he said. How did he find it? “I found the car while casually browsing on Autotrader. After several weeks of ogling, I stopped in to see it in person. I found the condition to be very excellent, which is important to me. This is my first Porsche, and we are enjoying it very much. “I am very impressed with the engineering, workmanship and performance. We took it to Road America for Classic Car weekend. It was a great weekend, and we'll get back there again hopefully soon.” Editor’s note: Concours Motors is now Umansky Motors. Greg and Shari Riehle joined PCA and the Milwaukee Region with their 2014 Cayenne. It is black over black and they've owned it since April 2016. They are the second owners. "We found it locally, but we were looking for many months," said Greg. "In the late '80s, we owned a white 924. Although we sold it, we always wanted to get another Porsche. And we finally did," he said. Page 5 August 2016 Steinlifters Membership anniversaries in August Wayne Rindt Gary A. Glojek Daniel N. Wilke Tim Rindt Russell E. Greenham Erik Winberg Kenneth J. Rohman Michael J. Trebatoski August J. Jurishica James M. Wilke Daniel J. Stritzel James E. Montoure Moises Rodriguez Craig A. Claerbout Deborah S. Lind Stephen J. Murphy Daniel G. Beckett Wayne L. Moses William R. Hotz DeWayne Egly 1971 1973 1986 1987 1987 1992 1992 1993 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2003 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 John M. Marzullo Peter Thermansen John P. Jacobs Donna R. Daufenbach Mark Daufenbach Michael P. Bolton Pamela J. Mueller Robert E. Prellwitz Eric J. Hagmayer Mark R. Anderson Gerald Habeck Matthew J. Goetzinger Chad D. Windsor Michael G. Klein Andy Murawski Ken Gozdowiak Christopher Eliopulos Jacob Prather Brian Eiche Chris Klimowicz Gil Loppnow 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Region contacts Officers Directors President & Membership Chair Donna Daufenbach 262-695-2980 [email protected] Alan Bloom 414-540-0478 [email protected] Vice President Tony Quebbemann 847-650-0981 [email protected] Secretary Greg Kizevic 414-352-6611 [email protected] Treasurer Greg Kovacs 920-650-3374 [email protected] Kevin Ford 414-350-3563 [email protected] Terry Royals 414-559-9302 [email protected] Mike Wiviott 414-759-8589 [email protected] For other committee chairs, see the region website, Look at the Contact Us tab. We are always in need of help to make our region as productive and valuable for our members as possible. Want to serve on a committee? Be a liaison for our club with our local Porsche dealers? Lead a tour or arrange a tech session at a local shop? Suggest a place where we could meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner? We have room for you. Contact any board member to ask a question or raise your hand to help. Page 6 August 2016 Steinlifters 2005 Snell-rated helmets acceptable By Terry Royals For those of you familiar with SNELL ratings, you recall that we (this is tied to PCA’s Club Racing requirement) follow a particular guideline where the helmets are "dated" within 10 years of the upcoming season. Ideas, input needed for our 2017 calendar of events. The 2015 helmets are currently in short supply and in working to stay consistent with club race rules, we will accept your 2005 version for the Milwaukee Region Aug. 12 driver education event as well as the Milwaukee Region Sept. 11 autocross. Learn more about helmet requirements on the region website. This season we will continue to accept the 2005 rated due to the delay in new 2015 models. Social Committee meeting Aug. 6 -- all invited Our Social Committee has been without a chairperson for the past year or so, but our calendar continues to fill with great event as members step up and volunteer their time to create events you enjoy. Terry Royals will host a meeting of anyone interested in being on our Social Committee. During this time he will discuss upcoming events, collect ideas on new activities, collect feedback on the quarterly mailer and help to begin a more formalized social committee. If you are interested in participating (the more the better) or just seeing what’s coming up next, drop Terry a note ([email protected]). The meeting will be held on Aug. 6, at 2 p.m. Location to be announced by mid-July as he will pick a central location based on who’s coming. Note, this isn’t a long-term commitment. The committee will meet occasionally to kick around ideas and attempt to lay out plans for a year. Getting started in August for 2017 is excellent planning strategy. If you like what we’ve been doing, come to the meeting and tell us. If you have other ideas for more drives to breakfast, lunch, picnics, pot-luck dinners, movie nights, or other ideas, let us know too. Order a name badge to wear at Region events. Region_badge_order_form.pdf Page 7 August 2016 Steinlifters Autocross returns Sept. 11 at State Fair Park Autocross is a low -speed event that tests a driver’s and car’s agility to navigate a course laid out in an obstruction-free parking lot. It has been a great summer in the Milwaukee Area with warm weather, lots of Porsche-centric events and more to come. One of the upcoming events is the September Autocross at Wisconsin State Fair Park. By that time kids will be back in school, the DE at Road America will be history, the Show and Glow by the Lake will be over and you'll be looking for something fun to do while the weather is still nice. We have just the perfect solution for you. Come and join us at Wisconsin State Fair Part on the North End of the grounds on Sunday Sept. 11, 2016, for a great day of exercising your car at the limits of its tire adhesion and your skill. How to register: Registration is open on MotorSportReg. Sign up, pick up the necessary tech, waiver and emergency contact forms on line and then come out and join us for a fun event. Be sure to arrive prepared. Download and complete the Tech Inspection Form and bring it with you. And don’t forget your Emergency Contact Form. Complete and bring along on the day of the event. Schedule Arrive by: 8 a.m. Event concludes about 4 p.m. 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. - Registration and tech inspection 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. -- Walk course 9:30 a.m. -- Drivers meeting 10 a.m. -- First car out. Cost: $40 per driver, PCA members $45 per driver non members + $5 discount for people who arrive by 7 a.m. to help set up. Pay the event with cash or check only. No credit or debit cards. Open to any vehicle. Other car clubs welcome. RSVP is not required. Attire: Dress appropriate to the weather since you will be both driving as well as working the course. Snell helmets SA or M 2005 or newer required. While long sleeve shirts and long pants are recommended, Milwaukee PCA has allowed short sleeves and shorts on hot days for Autocross events. Review the PCA PCR rules and other details on the Autocross events page. Questions? Contact our Autocross Chair Mike Bolton at [email protected] Page 8 August 2016 Steinlifters An invitation to join the Tour Committee Any committee seems to work better with a lot of input and ideas. By Al Wagner For a few years, the Tour Committee has been without a leader. Despite that, the region has been relatively successful in having an interesting slate of tours, ranging from short drive-to-breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) tours to longweekend (3-day) tours on the club’s calendar. Just think what the region could do if someone actually headed up the tour committee! Since shortly after purchasing our first Porsche in 2006, my wife, Ellyn, and I volunteered to lead tours. We started by leading short breakfast drives. We have always operated on a very simple philosophy: “If we enjoy going to interesting places, events and/or restaurants, following Porsche-friendly roads, there’s a strong likelihood that other club members would enjoy that same type of outing.” More recently, we have been leading more complicated to organize longweekend (3-day) tours along the Great River Road, as well as many other shorter tours. The tours have been popularly acclaimed the by the participants. We must have been doing something right. Now, I have been requested to consider heading up the tour committee and have agreed to do so, provided that I get some help from other region members. I’m happy to report that, as of now, Patrick and Linda Seroka, and Jim and Kay Schustedt have agreed to serve on the committee. Any committee seems to work better with a lot of input and ideas. That’s where you come in! Please consider joining the Tour Committee. The 2016 calendar is pretty full, at least through September, but it’s never too early to start thinking about the last several weeks of the 2016 driving season, and beyond to 2017. If you join the committee, you don’t necessarily have to lead a tour at first, but you may want to, and we would be happy to mentor you, and provide all the help you will need to be successful. Even if you don’t lead a tour, you can provide ideas, and help by making arrangements for a visit to a certain venue. If you’re interested, please email Al Wagner ([email protected]) and make him aware of your interest. It’s just that simple. Vintage rally The Peking to Paris Motor Challenge 2016 was held June 12 to July 17, with 107 crews crossing the start line at the Great Wall of China in Beijing. Organized by the Endurance Rally Association, the competitors journeyed through 11 countries including Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, Russia and Belarus before entering Europe to reach the center of Paris. A total of 98 crews passed over the finish line after the 8,500 -mile rally. This 1956 Porsche 356A1600 competed in the Peking to Paris 2016 motor challenge. Photographer Gerard Brown, See full article and more photos at peking-paris-motor-challenge-2016-report-photos/? awt_l=6Gqf.&awt_m=JUmEO2IrlOs.C0 Page 9 August 2016 Steinlifters Do you want to drive Road America for free? By Al Wagner Here’s an offer too good to pass up. We southeastern Wisconsinites are incredibly lucky to have one of the premier road racing circuits in the world practically in our back yard. Mario Andretti claims that the 14-turn Road America racecourse is THE BEST circuit of its kind in the world. Who are we to dispute Mario’s take? Tour Road America track (14-turn road course) in your car for free. Have you been thinking about signing up for DE, but don’t quite feel ready to take that step? Here is an opportunity to TOUR ROAD AMERICA (at legal highway speeds) at the end of our DE day on Friday, Aug. 12, 2016. From 5:30 p.m. to the track closure at 6 p.m., you can lap the track following behind PCA-Milwaukee Region instructor-driven pace cars. You’ll drive the “line” that racers take around the course. Furthermore, you can transport a passenger in your car. So if you have a spouse, significant other, friend, child, grandchild, etc., who would like to experience the track, they may. The only requirements are: 1) the car driver be a member in good standing of PCA-MR, 2) the passenger be old/large enough to not require a child or booster seat, 3) any minor passengers must bring a PCA Minor Waiver signed by BOTH PARENTS, and 4) there will be absolutely no passing allowed. NO helmet is required for either driver or passenger. Signing up for this event is easy. Simply complete the registration form (here’s the link) and attach it to an email message to PCA-MR Tour Committee Chair Alan Wagner [[email protected]]. The firm deadline for registering for the track tour is Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016. There will be NO late registrations, nor on-site registrations accepted for the track tour, so plan accordingly. Further details will be provided ONLY to registered track tour participants. We are considering the possibility of breaking up the track tour into two 15minute sessions, which would afford the possibility of switching passengers (or even drivers) midway through the allotted half-hour tour time. Please indicate if this option would be preferred when you complete the registration form. You can complete most of the workday, and still arrive in time to participate, but we hope you’ll come early enough to watch the cars Download this registration form: Page 10 August 2016 Steinlifters Show us your postcard — win a prize By Terry Royals Where do you keep the postcard the region sends with dates of upcoming events? Hello fellow PCA members. We hope you are having an enjoyable summer and getting in some good windshield time. This note is coming to you requesting feedback on an awareness campaign we launched at this year’s holiday party, where we mailed a postcard invitation hoping that we would have a greater level of participation. It worked, as we had more than 90 people attend our event at Mo’s. This success inspired us to continue with the reminder cards, sending them out quarterly. The feedback we have gotten has been positive. Some of the favorite comments include: 1. “Wow, this is a piece of real mail… Love that.” 2. “Can we go back to Mo’s next year?” 3.“I don’t go on-line much, so this helps me know what’s going on.” 4.“Hi, I just joined the club and want to learn more about your driving tours.” Staying connected is important and getting feedback from you will make the club more fun. Keeping that in mind, we want to continue doing all we can to keep you informed (Last postcard mailed 7/14). This is where we need your help. The question we want you to answer is “where are you putting your card?” We aren’t looking for a long written answer, but really want a creative picture showing where you keep it. When you send the picture, feel free to include a short note on ideas you have regarding new events and/or methods to improve this sort of communication. But first, pull out your smartphone and snap a photo of where you are keeping your postcard, sending it to [email protected]. Include your name in your email as email addresses often don’t indicate the person’s full name. Terry will be collecting our collage of pictures and arrange to have a drawing in 30 days. The first three pictures drawn from the submissions will get a nice surprise gift from the board. While there are no “style” points for creativity…if you have something creative, it may show up in our national magazine or website. Let’s keep growing our club activity participation as it’s always good to be in a crowd with a bunch of Porsche owners from the Milwaukee Region. Drive every day. The newsletter editor photographed the latest postcard at her desk, using the mousepad as the background. She is keeping her fingers crossed that she will win a prize for entering the drawing. August 2016 Steinlifters Page 11 Botham Winery Annual Car Show You are invited to join other PCAMilwaukee Region members on Sunday, Aug. 14, for a drive to Botham Winery in Barneveld, Wis., to experience the Winery’s annual car show. We will depart from the west side of Milwaukee on a drive that will include a mix of freeway miles and Porsche-friendly backroads, with emphasis on the latter. Botham has held this event for many years, and features a different car marque each year. Porsche has been the featured marque, however, this year, the featured marque will be Lincoln. There, no doubt, will be some vintage sports cars on display, probably including a few vintage Porsches. Check out Botham’s website: vintage-celebration, for more details. There will be no cost for this event, aside from the $10 per person admission fee charged by Botham. Botham will have food for sale on site, including grilled burgers, bratwurst, etc. Obviously, Check out our new photo albums Porsche Night at Brew City. https:// wine will be available for tasting and purchase. No carry-in alcohol is allowed, but carry-in food is allowed, if you prefer to bring your own. Botham will have bottled water and soda available for purchase. Registered participants will be provided with the requisite tour details, including meeting place and time. Registration is easy: simply send tour leader, Al Wagner, an email advising him that you plan to participate. Al’s email address is: [email protected]. The deadline for registering is midnight, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016. If you have questions, please send Al an email, or call his cell 262-416-8503. Situated in the heart of Wisconsin’s Iowa County Uplands and surrounded by more than 900 acres of nature conservancy, Botham Vineyards & Winery has been growing and producing regionally distinctive Wisconsin wines of international acclaim since 1989. Several of our members, including Mike Wiviott, Donna Daufenbach and Al Wagner regularly contribute photos for our newsletter and website. For those readers who want to see more photos, we have begun to use our Google account to display photo albums. Check out recent photos online. Kohler Grand Prix at Road America and Cars & Coffee, Lake Mills, July 2016 August 2016 Steinlifters Page 12 Blind Horse Winery Tour and lunch, Sept. 17 Join other PCA – Milwaukee Region members on Saturday, Sept. 17 for a drive through the twisty, hilly backroads of the North Kettle Moraine to the Blind Horse Winery in Kohler, Wis. There, we’ll have a private tour of their production facilities, followed by lunch on their patio. Upon arrival, our cars will be directed into an area of their parking lot reserved just for our Porsches. The event provides not only an interesting drive but also the opportunity to visit a true "Napa Valley" style winery and enjoy lunch in a rustic, elegant setting. We will be led on a tour of Blind Horse’s wine production area by chief winemaker, Thomas Nye. We’ll get to sample from some of their barrels and each participant will receive a bottle of Blind Horse wine with a “PCA-Milwaukee Regioncentric” label. For those not familiar with Blind Horse, they make serious wines, worthy of some of the better winemaking regions of California. We think you’ll be impressed with their vintages. For those wanting to further sample their products, an additional tasting of any five of their wines is available for $6. The cost of the tour (including one bottle of Blind Horse wine) will be $30 per participant. In addition, each participant (or couple) will be responsible for paying his or her (their) own lunch check. We must provide Blind Horse an exact count by noon, Saturday, Sept. 3, 2016. Afterwards, we’ll have lunch on Blind Horse’s patio (weather permitting…otherwise, we’ll be served inside) and order from their full menu. For a preview of their lunch menu, check their website, http:// Following lunch, feel free to linger on the patio (hopefully, in abundant sunshine!), and then return home on your own. There will be no organized return drive. To register for the event, please print out the reservation form, and send it with a check of $30 per participant to the address shown on the form. The form and check must be received by the above-noted deadline. Details regarding the starting place and time will be provided to registered participants the week prior to the event. If you have questions, contact information is provided on the reservation form. Blind Horse Winery Tour and Lunch — Sept. 17, 2016 Participant 1 name _____________________________________________________________________ Participant 2 name _____________________________________________________________________ Cell number that will be with you on the tour: __________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Winery Tour (includes 1 bottle of wine per participant)** Number of participants: x $30 = **Winery Tour participants are invited and encouraged to have lunch on the patio after the tour. Lunch cost will be "on-your-own," and is not included in the cost of the tour. Total cost: Make check payable to PCA-Milwaukee Region Mail by Aug. 31, 2016 to: PCA-Milwaukee Region c/o Al Wagner, N32W7401 Lincoln Blvd., Cedarburg, WI 53012. Questions? Call 262-416-8503 or email [email protected] Register for Show & Glow by the Lake, Aug. 27 More than two dozen members of the region showed their Porsches at the 2015 car show at the lakefront and we hope to see more at this year’s event which kicks off the Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance weekend. Date: Aug. 27, 2016 Location: Veterans Park, on Milwaukee’s lakefront Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (open to the public) Arrive by: 9 a.m. Cost: $15 if you register before Aug. 12. After that, and including up to the day of the event, the price goes up to $25. Note: You can register on the day of the event this year. Your entry on Saturday includes free admission for the Sunday concours. All Porsches will be grouped in the same area of the show field. Join us to make a statement about German design and engineering and let’s outnumber the Ferrari club. Full details, including early registration, are available online. The Milwaukee Region, PCA, is a sponsor of Sunday’s Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance. Page 14 August 2016 Steinlifters Classifieds FOR SALE: Porsche 2005 911 Turbo S Cabriolet VIN: WP0CB29975S675800, 39,920 miles, 3.6-Twin Turbo, 444hp, No engine or body modifications, 6-speed, Black/Black leather, Bridgestone Potenza, 10 exclusive options, Retired one owner, Stored in climate-controlled garage, More photos: Photobucket. library/ Dale, 262-939-3390, or email [email protected] FOR SALE– 912 parts Flywheel, pressure plate and clutch disk; European heater system — all parts (will also fit a 356). Contact Glenn, 262-977-0566. FOR SALE: 1964 356 SC Coupe This is an outstanding 356 SC Coupe that has been fully restored with great care to exacting specifications. The exterior is Dolphin Gray over a green interior. Clear title. $100,000 firm. Call 262-689-5257 to set an appointment to see this car. It is located in Washington County. FOR SALE: 1978 911sc More of a project than I can handle. Superb paint job and most of the parts on hand sans some engine parts, interior carpeting and panels. Race car? Or with some time a very nice road car. More photos are available. Will sell for what I have in it. Arthur Cunningham, [email protected] WANTED TO BUY: Early Cayman or Boxster with removable hard top. Base or S, manual transmission. Cash purchase now or after this driving season. Buyer is founder and leader of the 2-seater sports car group. Please email offers to David Fisher, [email protected] FOR SALE: Ad material 1979 924 & 911 SC Turbo Porsche sales brochures in excellent condition. Five 1980 & 1 1979 Porsche Christophorus magazines excellent condition. Best offer. Contact Spencer Gore, [email protected] or 414-7500340. FOR SALE—Tires. Michelin Pilot sports 2235/35ZR19. 2305/30ZR19. Excellent condition. $450. Contact Allan Wasserman, 262-241-3448. August 2016 Steinlifters Page 15 Drive to Elkhart Lake Tour leader Tony Quebbemann reports that 36 attended the drive to Elkhart Lake on July 16 in 19 cars. They followed Tony on a short but complicated route “created by our own Treffen Master Al Wagner on streets without posted names. This was a challenge,” Tony said. Upon arriving at Elkhart Lake where a concours was being held on the town’s streets, “I was struck by the thought of walking right up to a wide variety cars - old and new, very expensive and mid-range priced in a crowd of people on a section of the old, historic Road America track,” Tony said. Before checking out the assembled cars, the group enjoyed dinner at Lake Street Cafe where service was outstanding especially given their stress of the weekend. Photos by Al Wagner and Donna Daufenbach. Steinlifters is published monthly for members of Porsche Club of America, Milwaukee Region. Comments and suggestions for content should be sent to the editor, Beverly Jurkowski, [email protected]. © 2016
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By Al Wagner
For a few years, the Tour Committee
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