Poster-IRATI-Project - IRATI Investigating RINA as an Alternative to
Poster-IRATI-Project - IRATI Investigating RINA as an Alternative to
IRATI IRATI! INVESTIGATING RINA! Investigating RINA as an alternative to TCP/IP !&-3".,'* \*?13,*6* 9B*'"&3,'* !B* 9B*'"&3,'* !&-3".,'* S*?13,*6* !B* 9B*'"&3,'* ?,'A15,* 7'"A1/,'* Q(5EQ"#,* 2#3,'#,3* R`* !&-3".,'*\* ?13,*O* !B* 9B*'"&3,'* 9B*'"&3,'* <WH* <WH* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* <WH* 9&Q+15* 2#3,'#,3* • Customer gets a private, isolated slice of the datacenter resources (compute, networking, storage) LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* LJ* LJ* LJ* UL* !&-3".,'*S* ?13,*!* B#/* &-,'* • Customer can extend the VDC slice to its own sites over the provider backbone network or over the Public Internet <WH* LJ* UL* • With RINA the customer can further segregate the VPN by creating VPNs on top only visible to certain applications. ;(3(*!,#3,'*\* ;(3(*!,#3,'*\* • !&-3".,'*S* ?13,*O* B#(Q+1#%*3@,*/,7+"I.,#3* (#/*"7,'()"#*"4*H286* "A,'*B3@,'#,3*L068-* • Source MAC @ (6 bytes) – Source shim IPC Process address • Destination MAC @ (6 bytes) – Destination shim IPC Process address • IEEE 802.1Q tag (2 bytes) – DIF name • Ethertype (2 bytes) – 0x0D1F CE = Customer Edge, PE = Provider Edge, TOR = Top of Rack Switch, HV = HyperVisor Machine, VM = Virtual Machine UL* LJ* 6/A(#3(%,-*"4*&-1#%*H286*"A,'* 5&'',#3*3,5@#"+"%1,-* ?,'A15,*7'"A1/,'*Q(5EQ"#,* !B* !&-3".,'*\*;2F* ?@1.*;2F*"A,'** ?@(',/*.,."'I* 9B* <WH* 9B* 9'"A1/,'*3"7[+,A,+*;2F* ;(3(5,#3,'*G1/,*;2F* 9* • Use the same structure to create as many layers as required (no need to differentiate between virtual or real layers) O(5EQ"#,*;2F* • Each layer (DIF, VPN) can be tailored to a specific use (addressing, routing, data transfer, security, resource allocation fully programmable) ?,'A15,*7'"A1/,'*Q(5EQ"#,* !&-3".,'*\*-13,*6*;2F* 677+15()"#*+"%15* 8,3+1#E* -"5E,3-* H,+(I1#%*(#/* J&+)7+,K1#%*<(-E* \* Z* !;69* %4@=8243+,/)#+8011;301+I7=8+ 4023>:=7+%#,+#7=@01101+ O(5EQ"#,*;2F* Y* S* _* ^* 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Future Internet Research and Experimentation – FIRE Investigating RINA as an Alternative to TCP/IP – IRATI Contacts: Sergi Figuerola, Eduard Grasa, i2CAT, Spain {sergi.figuerola, eduard.grasa}
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