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ei oo Google Search K.Surachai What happens when you Google? > 450,000 servers. K.Surachai Google First Asian Data Centers K.Surachai Web Site http://www.alexa.com Global Sites K.Surachai Web Site http://www.alexa.com !"#$%&$' K.Surachai Google Search Results Approximate # of hits Database Google Used •URL, size, date last crawled •Cached link •Pages like this one Ads selected by Google based on you search terms Search terms are in bold K.Surachai 1. !)+",-+"&!? $/0' 1 Website (URL : (Uniform Resource Lacator) $/< 0 1=+! ,-+ #> http://en.wikipedia.org -!? ,@+A@+,B (Key word) $/0#=/0')1 2. !)GH/=+!, : #$,G,<+1I $/0"@+>)'#JG0 !"AG$HGK+J=+!, 3. !)GH/#?=+M=+!A?, 4. !)GH/=+!#=OM=+!A?, 5. !)GH/=+!#M'QJ!=+!A?, K.Surachai (Search Engine) 4 1. Keyword Search Engines =+!$@+1+T'!"UV<Q)! Spider $/, 0 '+ Web page +=#)O&U<<+1I Q)@++ $@+# >/A+@ -!A?, 2. Subject Directories and Guides Subject Categories -!? Subject Browsing $@+1+T'=+!!)!) Web page ^_+ # `+ T'/=+!#!/'1#?_-+1-# -)-<+@+>_ 3. 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