1 October 2015 - Leichhardt Municipal Council


1 October 2015 - Leichhardt Municipal Council
1 October 2015
Traffic Committee Agenda for 1st October 2015
Confirmation of Minutes ....................................................................................... 4
1.1. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting ........................................ 4
1.2. Council Resolution ........................................................................................ 4
FUNCTIONS .............................................................................................................. 5
Reports ................................................................................................................ 5
Nelson Lane, Annandale – Timed No Parking Restrictions ........................... 5
Albion Lane, Annandale - Relocation of ‘Loading Zone’ ................................ 9
Darling Street, Balmain - Road Occupancy ................................................. 11
Red Lion Street, Rozelle - Road Occupancy ............................................... 13
St Jerome’s Laneway Festival 2016 - Traffic Management Plan ................. 16
2.6 Derbyshire Road, Leichhardt - Modification to part-time ‘No Parking’
restriction .............................................................................................................. 21
Brenan Street & Catherine Street, Lilyfield – ‘No Stopping’ Restrictions ..... 23
Flood Street/Lords Road, Leichhardt – Pedestrian Improvements .............. 25
Darling Street, Rozelle – Norton Street, Leichhardt – Loading Zone Review
Status Reports ................................................................................................... 28
3.1 Lilyfield Road (between James Street and Hawthorne Canal), Lilyfield –
Status Update: Radar Speed Display ................................................................... 28
Mort Street, Balmain - Status Update: Radar Speed Display ...................... 30
Young Street, Annandale - Status Update: Radar Speed Display............... 31
Minor Traffic Facilities ........................................................................................ 33
Special Traffic Committee – Items supported between formal meetings ........... 39
Items Without Notice.......................................................................................... 39
Next Meeting of the Leichhardt Local Traffic Committee ................................... 39
Part B – Informal Items ...................................................................................... 39
PART C - TRAFFIC GENERATING DEVELOPMENTS .................................... 40
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Traffic Committee Agenda for 1st October 2015
List of Attachments
Appendix A
Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on
3rd September 2015
Appendix B
TMP St Jerome’s Laneway Festival 2016
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Acknowledgement of Country
Acknowledgement by Chairman:
“I acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation on whose country
we are meeting today and their elders past and present.”
1. Confirmation of Minutes
Confirmation of Minutes from the September 2015 Local Traffic Committee meeting
held on the 3rd September 2015 (refer to Appendix A).
Officer’s Recommendation:
That the Minutes from the 3rd September 2015 Local Traffic Committee meeting be
accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting’s proceedings.
Committee Recommendation:
1.1. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting
Committee Recommendation:
1.2. Council Resolution
Council at its Ordinary meeting held on 22nd September 2015 considered the
September 2015 Local Traffic Committee’s recommendations and Council resolved
the following:
1. That an index summary page be included in the report to Council listing a
summary of items and item numbers
2. That Council adopt the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting
held on 3rd September 2015.
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The accompanying recommendations as stated above are included in the Minutes
attached in Appendix A.
2. Reports
2.1 Nelson Lane, Annandale – Timed No Parking
Precinct: Annandale
Ward: Gadigal-Annandale
A consultation letter was sent out in May 2015 proposing the option of implementing
either full-time or timed ‘No Parking’ restrictions in Nelson Lane, Annandale. This
was in response to requests made by affected Nelson Street residents with rear
accesses (garages) in Nelson Lane, being blocked by parked vehicles including
nearby Mirvac Construction workers opposite their garage.
From the feedback received, a revised proposal was developed to only have timed
‘No Parking’ restrictions (preferred option) installed in sections where residents
supported it opposite their rear accesses in Nelson Lane. The proposed restrictions
are ‘No Parking 8am-6pm Mon-Fri’ and will cover opposite the following properties
(of Nelson Street) between Piper Street and Rose Street:
No. 299 to No. 331(Rose St corner)
No. 261 to No. No. 289
No. 253 to No. 257
The revised proposal which was consulted is detailed on the plan below.
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A letter outlining the above proposal
was mailed out to the affected
properties (52 properties) in Nelson
Street (eastern side) as indicated on
the following map, requesting residents’
views regarding the revised proposal.
Five (5) responses were received for
this proposal.
The following information is provided in response to the concerns raised by
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Residents’ Response (2 residents):
Recommends full-time ‘No Parking’ restrictions not the proposed timed ‘No
Parking; 8am-6pm; Mon-Fri’ as they require 24 hour, 7 days a week access to
their rear access in Nelson Lane.
Officer’s Comment:
The timed ‘No Parking’ restrictions were proposed as a result of the feedback
received from the initial consultation, as it was considered less invasive on
residents. The advantage of having timed ‘No Parking’ restrictions over fulltime ‘No Parking’ restrictions is that its success can be monitored and can be
reviewed if needed to be converted to full-time ‘No Parking’ restrictions.
Residents’ Response (2 residents):
Noticed that the proposed timed ‘No Parking’ restrictions does not extend to
opposite of their properties’ rear accesses and wished to have the parking
restrictions extended to cover their property.
Officer’s Comment:
As discussed with the resident the proposal has been modified to include
timed No Parking opposite their rear access as detailed in Modified Proposal
Residents’ Response (1 resident):
I want the space opposite my rear access to be unrestricted in order for
tradesmen to be able to park there during works on my property. I want my
property to be excluded from the proposed parking restrictions opposite my
rear access in Nelson Lane.
Officer’s Comment:
Property has been excluded from having the proposed ‘No Parking’
restrictions opposite its rear access. This only affects the property therefore it
does not need to be consulted and is included in the modified proposal
detailed below.
Modified Proposal
In response to the feedback received from the consulted revised proposal, the
proposal has been modified to include the rear of properties No. 297, 295, 293 & 291
and exclude No. 267, as shown in the following modified plan.
The modified proposal is supported and acknowledged by the residents requesting
the amendment.
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Officer's Recommendation:
a) That ‘No Parking 8am-6pm Mon-Fri’ restrictions be installed on the eastern
side of Nelson Lane, opposite the rear accesses of the following Nelson
Street properties:
No. 253 to No. 257
No. 261 to No. 263
No. 269 to No. 331
b) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s recommendation.
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Committee Recommendation:
2.2 Albion Lane, Annandale - Relocation of ‘Loading Zone’
Precinct: Annandale
Ward: Gadigal-Annandale
Concerns have been raised regarding the existing location of a ‘loading zone’ on the
southern side of Albion Lane, west of Young Street, Annandale with the view of
relocating it to the opposite (northern side) of Albion Lane.
The current loading zone location poses safety concerns for Chernway staff as they
are required to cross the road (to and from vehicle parked in the existing loading
zone) to access their garage door on the side of the building at No.2 Young Street.
Visibility is also reduced when the loading zone is in use for vehicles entering Albion
Lane via Young Street from seeing other road users in the lane, as through traffic is
forced to manoeuvre around in the opposite direction of traffic. This risk could be
minimised by relocating the ‘loading zone’ to the opposite side, next to Chernway’s
garage door.
Chernway also claims that the current ‘loading zone’ is located on the high side of
the lane and through traffic by larger vehicles on northern side/lower side are prone
to damaging Chernway’s building (at 4 Young St) due to lower grade of the lane.
With support from Chernway (No.2 Young Street, Annandale) as primary user of the
existing loading zone, it is proposed to relocate the existing 10m ‘Loading Zone
8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-12.30pm Sat’ zone to the northern side of Albion
Lane, by reducing the existing 20m ‘No Stopping’ zone to 10 metres to cater for the
proposed ‘loading zone’. The existing ‘loading zone’ on the southern side of Albion
Lane is to be converted to ‘No Parking’ restrictions (consistent with the remainder of
Albion Lane) as detailed in the proposal plan below.
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A letter outlining the above parking
proposal was mailed out to the
affected properties (26 properties) in
Parramatta Road, Albion Street and
Albion Lane as indicated on the
following map, requesting residents’
views regarding the proposal.
No responses were received for this
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Officer's Recommendation:
a) That the existing 10m ‘Loading Zone 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-12.30pm Sat’
zone on southern side of Albion Lane, west of Young Street, be converted to a
‘No Parking’ zone;
b) That the existing 20m ‘No Stopping’ zone on the northern side of Albion Lane
west of the Young Street intersection be reduced to 10m; and
c) That a 10m ‘Loading Zone 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri; 8.30am-12.30pm Sat’ zone be
installed on the northern side of Albion Lane, immediately west of 10m ‘No
Stopping’ zone.
Committee Recommendation:
2.3 Darling Street, Balmain - Road Occupancy
Precinct: Balmain
Ward: Birrabirragal-Balmain
BreastScreen NSW has requested approval to locate a mobile lab unit on Darling
Street, Balmain for 7 weeks from 22nd January 2016 to 5th March 2016.
Previously in January 2014, the BreastScreen mobile van was located on the
northern side of Darling Street, Balmain between the intersection of Ford Street and
McDonald Street. However, the placement at this location created significant
concerns for adjacent businesses directly affected (behind the mobile van unit).
As a result of the concerns raised by businesses regarding the previous location, it
was recommended that the BreastScreen mobile van be located near the Balmain
Police Station (No. 368 Darling Street). BreastScreen NSW was advised of the
proposed location on the southern side of Darling Street and a site meeting in
August 2015 confirmed that the location was suitable due to an available power
source (from the powerpole) in front of the Balmain Police Station.
The existing on-street restrictions where the van is proposed to be located is ‘No
Parking Police Vehicles Excepted’, however a Council permit to exempt the mobile
van can be issued pending approval. This will result in the temporary loss of two
police parking spaces.
The BreastScreen mobile van is approximately 12.5m in length, 2.4m in width and
4m in height. The mobile van will be towed on site on Friday evening (22 nd January
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2016) before the commencement and the service will operate for screening from
8.30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.
The applicant has been requested to provide a copy of their public risk insurance.
See below for its proposed location:
Officer’s Recommendation:
That the road occupancy for a BreastScreen NSW mobile lab unit on the southern
side of Darling Street, in front of Balmain Police Station (No. 368 Darling Street), for
the duration of 7 weeks from Friday, 22 nd January 2016 to Friday, 5th March 2016 be
supported, subject to the following conditions:
a) That all affected businesses, residents and other occupants must be
notified of the road occupancy and activities at least one week prior to the
commencement of the event. Any concerns or requirements raised by
business proprietors, residents and other occupants must be resolved or
accommodated by the applicant.
b) That the applicant contact Energy Australia/Ausgrid in relation to power
access to the mobile laboratory.
c) That the areas to be used for the activities must be maintained in a clean
and tidy condition to the satisfaction of Council’s Director Infrastructure
and Service Delivery, or else the applicant will be required to reimburse
Council for any extraordinary cleansing costs.
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d) That the Council and RMS must be indemnified against all claims for
damage or injury that may result from either the activities or from the
occupation of part of the public way during the activities. The applicant
must therefore produce evidence of its public risk insurance cover (under
which Council is indemnified) with a minimum policy value of at least
e) That a copy of the Council approval letter must be made available on the
site for inspection by relevant officers.
f) That the applicant must comply with any reasonable directive from
Council’s Compliance Officers.
g) That Council reserves the right to cancel this approval at any time.
Committee Recommendation:
2.4 Red Lion Street, Rozelle - Road Occupancy
Precinct: Rozelle/Lilyfield
Ward: Wangal Rozelle-Lilyfield
Council has received an application from the resident of 34A Red Lion Street,
Rozelle to conduct a Christmas street party in Red Lion Street between Darling
Street and Evans Street.
The street party is proposed to be held on Saturday, 19 th December 2015 between
4.00pm and 11.00pm. The applicant is seeking permission for a temporary full road
closure between Darling Street and Evans Street, Rozelle.
The Traffic Control Plan for the closure is as follows:
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This is an annual event and no issues have occurred in the past.
According to the RMS ‘Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special
Events’ (Version 3.4) a small street party is considered as a ‘Class 3’ event.
The RMS advises that features common to all Class 3 special events are that event:
does not impact local or major traffic and transport systems or classified roads
disrupts the non-event community in the immediate area only
requires Local Council and Police consent
is conducted on-street in a very low traffic area such as a dead-end or cul-desac
is never used for racing events.
Other features of a Class 3 special event are that it:
may, depending on Local Council policy, require a simplified Transport
Management Plan
may depend on each Council's Special Events Policy and is not available in
all Council areas
may not require advertising the event's traffic aspects to the community.
Council’s Employee Services section has prepared a policy for Special Events.
Leichhardt Council encourages properly conducted neighbourhood street parties as
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a means of building community spirit and improving neighbourhood security. Fees
for road occupancy are waived by Council for small community street parties.
Where the following conditions apply, organisers are only required to obtain approval
for a street party involving a temporary road closure:
the party is to be held outdoors for fewer than 100 people
no temporary structures or jumping castles are to be erected,
participants are to bring their own food and drinks, and food and drink are not
for sale
there will be no performers or amplified music involved
For approved street parties, Council will provide barricades and ‘Road Closed’ signs
free or at minimum cost. Any non-standard signs may be provided at cost. The
Street Party Co-ordinator will need to arrange delivery by Council at cost, or arrange
pickup from and return to Council’s Depot at no cost.
Subject to the approval of the street party by the Traffic Committee, if required,
Council’s Employee Services will undertake a risk assessment with the applicant to
ensure that the event is conducted in a safe manner.
Officer’s Recommendation:
1) That the temporary road closure of Red Lion Street between Darling Street
and Evans Street, Rozelle, on Saturday, 19th December 2015 between
4.00pm and 11.00pm be approved, subject to the following conditions:
a) That a TMP be submitted to RMS for approval as the subject area is in
proximity to Darling Street (State Road).
b) That an unencumbered passage minimum 3.0m wide be available for
emergency vehicles through the closed section of Red Lion Street,
c) The occupation of the road carriageway must not occur until the road
has been physically closed.
d) That the applicant notifies all affected businesses, residents and other
occupants of the temporary road closure prior to the event. Any
concerns or requirements in relation to the road closure raised by
business proprietors, residents and other occupants must be resolved
or accommodated. The notification shall involve at the minimum an
information letterbox drop distributed one week prior to the
commencement of the event. The proposed information, distribution
area and period must be submitted to Council’s Traffic section for
approval two weeks before the event.
e) That the approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP) be implemented at the
applicant’s expense including RMS accredited traffic controllers.
f) That the applicant be requested to install bicycle diversion signs to
advise cyclists to use Denison Street and the TCP be updated
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g) That the Fire Brigade (Balmain) be notified of the intended closure.
h) That the applicant provide and erect barricades and signs, in
accordance with the current Australian Standard AS 1742.3: Traffic
Control Devices for Works on Roads. As a minimum the following
must be erected at both ends of the road closure area:
i) Barrier Boards
j) ‘Road Closed’ (T2-4) signs
k) ‘Detour’ (T5-1) signs
l) That the Street Party co-ordinator be advised Council provides
barricades, ‘Road Closed’ and ‘Detour’ signs free or at minimum cost.
The Street Party co-ordinator is required to arrange delivery by Council
at cost, or arrange pickup from and return to Council’s Depot at no
Any non-standard signs may be provided at cost.
m) That the applicant must comply with the risk assessment conditions
supplied by Council’s Employee Services Section prior to the event.
(Council contact: David Gollan on 9367 9222).
n) That the areas to be used for the activities must be maintained in a
clean and tidy condition to the satisfaction of Council’s Director
Infrastructure and Service Delivery, or else the applicant will be
required to reimburse Council for any extraordinary cleaning costs.
o) That the conduct of any activities or use of any equipment required in
conjunction with the road occupancy and temporary road closure not
results in any ‘offensive noise’ as defined by the Noise Control Act.
p) That a copy of the Council approval be available on site for inspection
by relevant authorities.
q) That Council reserves the right to cancel the approval at any time.
r) That the applicant complies with any reasonable directive from Council
Officers and NSW Police.
2) That the applicant be advised of the Committee’ recommendation.
Committee Recommendation:
2.5 St Jerome’s Laneway
Management Plan
Precinct: Rozelle/Lilyfield
Ward: Eora Leichhardt-Lilyfield
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Assure Event Safety Services on behalf of Sydney College of Arts has submitted a
Development Application including a Traffic Management Plan for the upcoming “St
Jerome’s Laneway Music Festival”, to be held in Callan Park on Sunday, 7 th
February 2016.
The Traffic Committee has previously supported the event subject to following:
The applicant must arrange additional special event buses with Sydney Buses
(State Transit Authority)
No on-site parking permitted in Callan Park
Operating the Event as ‘car free’ (no parking is available at the venue)
The applicant must obtain approval from the Transport Management Centre
for the Special Event Clearway restrictions on the northern side (Callan Park
side) of Balmain Road-Darling Street between Alberto Street and Victoria
Road, Rozelle between 2pm to Midnight
The applicant is requested to use ‘No Parking’ (R5-40) and ‘Pick up & Set
down Area”’ (R9-301) signs rather than the ‘Drop-Off zone’ signs proposed in
Section 6.7 of the TMP
Close vehicular access to Callan Park; at the Balmain Road/Cecily Street
intersection and at the Cottage Way/South Crescent intersection
Arrange crowd control barriers along both sides of Balmain Road south of
Cecily Street
This Event was held in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Debrief Meeting 2015 Event
Following the event, a debrief meeting was held with Police, Council staff, the event
organiser and security.
Council officers were also in attendance at the event held on 1 st February 2015 and
reported the following observations:
The shuttle bus service to Town Hall (near QVB) operated well with minimal
Pedestrian safety was a concern.
o As expected there was an overflow of pedestrians from Balmain Road
footpath onto the road carriageway as they crossed diagonally.
o A significant number of pedestrians jay walked across Balmain Road
east of Cecily Street.
o The traffic control/security company placed pedestrian fencing on
Balmain Road to control pedestrian overflow.
o Police and traffic controllers (from the security company) were present
to control the overflow of pedestrian traffic crossing the Balmain Road
by stopping/slowing down on-road traffic (when necessary) during
influxes from the egress period.
Recommended improvements next year’s (2016) event includes:
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Better and additional placement of VMS directional signage (off-road in Callan
Park) for crowds during egress directing where to queue for the shuttle bus
and where the general exit is. (There were many patrons during egress asking
where to go in 2015’s event)
Earlier or better notification to deter parked vehicles in the temporary taxi
zone on the southern side of Balmain Road west of Cecily Street, (due to a
parked vehicle within the proposed temporary taxi zone being fined and
claiming they did not know as it was parked the night before)
Event 2016 Overview
The organiser has advised the following key details of the event:
Sydney University College of Arts – Lilyfield,
Event Date:
Sunday, 7th February 2016,
≤ (up to) 12,500 patrons,
Bump-In commences date and Monday, 1st February 2016, 07:00hrs. (date
Event Starting Time:
Event Finish Time:
23:00 hrs,
Commences immediately after the event and
completed by end of 9th February 2016,
Event Type:
Off-Street. To be advertises as a
‘car free’ event
Event Class:
2 (subject to LTC assessment and
Annual event – 5 years.
Laneway Festival has engaged Assure Event Safety Services to carry out a
risk assessment for the event.
Key traffic risks identified during the 2015 event by representatives of NSW
Police, TMC, Sydney Buses and Assure were related to the hazard posed by
vehicles travelling along Balmain Road to pedestrians – event patrons –
leaving the event. Controls applied in 2015 proved mostly effective and
provided for:
o Level 2 Control - Substitute (free shuttle bus rather than walking,
hailing a taxi),
o Level 2 Control - Isolate (1.8m. fencing, crowd control barriers security
personnel deterring crowds),
o Level 3 Control - Administrative (VMS directional signage for crowds
during egress and loudhailer announcements)
Traffic and Parking Matters
Council has received a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) from the event organiser for
the event to be held in 2016. The Plan is attached in Appendix B.
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Other Traffic Generators:
Council’s Open Space Planner has confirmed that no sporting events would be held
on the Oval at Callan Park. The event organiser has advised that there were no
notable conflicts between the event and market events last year.
Variable Message Boards
Provision of three VMS boards to indicate
 On the northern side (Callan Park side) of Balmain Road, at the northern end
of Callan Park (facing outbound traffic): indicate ‘set-down’, ‘reduce speed’
and ‘prepare to stop’
 On the northern side (Callan Park side) of Balmain Road, opposite May Street
intersection (facing inbound traffic): indicate ‘set-down’, ‘reduce speed’ and
‘prepare to stop’
 On the northern side (Callan Park side) of Balmain Road, on Callan Park at
Park Street: ‘free shuttle bus’, turn right’, ‘leaving on foot’ and ‘head to traffic
(Inbound – towards Victoria Road: City, Outbound – towards Perry Street and
Balmain Road)
Road Closures
No road closures of public roads proposed.
The following closures on private roads are proposed:
o At the Park Drive gates to Callan Park at Balmain Road
o At the corner of South Crescent and Cottage Way.
The above road closure points will be controlled using barrier boards, signs and
positioning RMS-certified Traffic Controllers.
Emergency, event/authorized vehicles and patrons riding bicycles will be allowed
past the above hard road closure points.
Temporary Bus Stops
Temporary ‘Bus Zones’ are proposed on the northern side (Callan Park side) of
Balmain Road, outside Callan Park, west of the main entrance at Cecily Street.
Temporary Taxi Zone
A temporary ‘Taxi Zone’ is proposed on the southern side (opposite Callan Park) of
Balmain Road, west of Cecily Street.
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Also on-street parking (unrestricted on Sundays) on the southern side (opposite
Callan Park) of Balmain Road east of Cecily Street will be signposted as ‘Setdown/Pick-up’ zone (R9-301).
Special Event Clearways
Special Event Clearways are proposed between 2.00pm and mid-night on event day
at the following sections of Balmain Road and Darling Street:
o on the northern side (Callan Park side) of Balmain Road, from 200m south of
the main entrance to Callan Park at Cecily Street to Victoria Road (200m
allows a bus queuing area)
o on the southern side (opposite Callan Park side) of Balmain Road, between
Cecily Street and Alberto Street, to facilitate a Taxi Rank
It should be noted that the Rule 176 of the NSW Road Rules states that a driver of a
public bus and taxi may stop on a Clearway if the driver is dropping off/picking up
The event organiser is required to submit an application to the Transport
Management Centre for Special Event Clearways.
Other Public Transport Links
A shuttle bus system (free of charge) has also been proposed to transport patrons
from Balmain Road to the City. These shuttle buses will operate between 9.00pm
and mid-night. A total of 36 buses will be available, many of which are ‘bendy’ buses
with a larger capacity. The round trip from Callan Park to the City set-down is
expected to take approx. 12minutes.
Bicycle Parking
According to the TMP, a bicycle valet system and a bicycle parking area will be
provided to facilitate this mode of transport for patrons. An event staff member will be
designated to monitor and direct bicycle traffic and parking. Bicycle parking racks will
be located at prominent locations near event entry. They will be signposted and
Officer's Recommendation:
a) That the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) attached in Appendix B dated 5th
August 2015 submitted by the event organiser for the St Jerome’s Laneway
Festival 2016 at Callan Park to be held on Sunday, 7 th February 2016 be
supported, subject to the following:
 the TMP be implemented at the applicant’s cost;
 the maximum number of tickets sold to be 12,500, subject to NSW
Police approval;
 Operating the Event as ‘car free’ (no parking is available at the venue);
 The applicant must obtain approval from the Transport Management
Centre for the ‘Special Event Clearway’ restrictions on the northern
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side (Callan Park side) of Balmain Road and Darling Street (from 200m
west of the main entrance to Callan Park at Cecily Street, to Victoria
Road) from 2pm to Midnight;
Use standard parking restriction signage: ‘No Parking’ (R5-40) and
‘Pick up & Set down Area”’ (R9-301), Bus Zone (R5-20) and Taxi Zone
(R5-21) at the locations identified in the TMP; and
Liaise with Transport of NSW to ensure train and light rail services
operate at full capacity (no rail close downs)
b) That a Council officer be in attendance at the Event Operation Centre.
Committee Recommendation:
2.6 Derbyshire Road, Leichhardt - Modification to part-time
‘No Parking’ restriction
Precinct: Leichhardt
Ward: Eora Leichhardt - Lilyfield
In April 2014 Council approved a ‘No Parking 8:30am – 9:30am and 2:30pm –
3:30pm School Days’ and ‘No Stopping At Other Times’ restriction on the eastern
side of Derbyshire Road, north of Allen Street in order to assist mobility impaired
students with access to the Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Campus by
providing ‘pick up/drop-off’ spaces in the vicinity of the College gate in Derbyshire
Since that time, one of the drivers who provide the ‘pick up/drop-off’ service have
requested that the zone be extended to allow drivers to pick up/drop-off without
blocking a kerb ramp which is within this restriction.
The kerb ramp is used for access to the footpath by the disabled students as well as
providing access to the path which runs between Derbyshire Road and Balmain
The drivers operate commercial van/wagons approximately 6.5m long with additional
clearance required to load/unload wheelchairs.
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In order to provide sufficient space to accommodate a commercial Van/Wagon, it is
proposed to extend the existing ‘No Parking 8:30am-9:30am and 2:30pm-3:30pm
School Days’, ‘No Stopping At Other Times’ restriction southward by 4m, replacing
the existing ‘No Stopping’ restriction.
Currently there is only 3.5m of ‘No Parking 8:30am-9:30am and 2:30pm-3:30pm
School Days’, ‘No Stopping At Other Times’ restriction south of the kerb ramp. This
proposal will extend this restriction to 7.5m total, allowing the vans to park without
impeding the kerb ramp.
As this proposal is not effecting parking, consultation was not undertaken.
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Officer’s Recommendation:
That the existing ‘No Parking 8:30am-9:30am and 2:30pm-3:30pm School Days’, ‘No
Stopping At Other Times’ restriction on the eastern side of Derbyshire Road between
Allen Street and the school gate be extended 4m southward (toward Allen Street)
replacing the existing ‘No Stopping’ restriction.
Committee Recommendation:
2.7 Brenan Street & Catherine Street, Lilyfield – ‘No
Stopping’ Restrictions
Precinct: Lilyfield
Ward: Gadigal – Annandale/Leichhardt
Concerns have been raised by Enforcement Officers regarding the existing signage
at the Brenan Street/Catherine Street intersection.
The concern relates to the lack of ‘No Stopping’ signs on the south eastern corner of
the intersection, which should close the resident parking scheme restrictions in
Catherine Street and Brenan Street following the installation of the recent kerb
extension infront of No.375/379 Catherine Street.
Therefore, Council has proposed to provide 8m ‘No Stopping’ zones at the southeastern corner of the Brenan Street/Catherine Street intersection as shown on the
following plan.
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Note that driveways adjacent to the proposed ‘No Stopping’ zones prevent vehicles
parking within 10m of the intersection.
A letter outlining the above parking proposal was mailed out to the affected
properties (6 properties) in Catherine Street and Brenan Street as indicated on the
following plan, requesting their views regarding the proposal.
One response was received requesting further information regarding the proposal
which was subsequently provided to the resident.
Officers Recommendation:
That 8 metre ‘No Stopping’ zones be provided on:
o The eastern side of Catherine Street, south of Brenan Street (in front of
No.375/379 Catherine Street)
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o The southern side of Brenan Street, east of Catherine Street (in front of
No.375/379 Catherine Street)
Committee Recommendation:
2.8 Flood Street/Lords Road, Leichhardt – Pedestrian
Precinct: Leichhardt
Ward: Eora - Leichhardt
Council has received a number of requests from residents concerned with pedestrian
safety at the Flood Street/Lords Road intersection and have requested traffic calming
treatments to reduce speeds.
The intersection is currently controlled by a roundabout with a marked (zebra)
crossing provided on the southern and western approaches of the intersection.
Council’s adopted LATM budget for 2015/2016 includes funding of $12,000 for the
Flood Street/Lords Road intersection for proposed improvements as detailed in the
plan below comprising of kerb realignment works on the northern side of Lords Road
immediately west of Flood Street.
The intention of the modification is to reduce the exposure time for pedestrians
crossing Lords Road at the existing marked (zebra crossing). The proposed
measures will also reduce speeds of vehicles in Lords Road on approach to the
roundabout controlled intersection and prevent two lanes of eastbound traffic
queueing across the marked (zebra) crossing providing safer conditions for all road
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An on-site meeting was held with the Duty Manager at Leichhardt Bus Depot in order
confirm that the proposal does not impact on bus services as a bus layover space is
located immediate west of the kerb realignment works. The design has taken into
consideration any STA requirements to maintain adequate manoeuvrability of buses
making the left turn from Lords Road into Flood Street. The proposal does not result
in any loss of on parking.
Officer's Recommendation:
That the proposal to realign the kerb on the northern side of Lords Road on the
western approach to the Flood Street/Lords Road intersection as detailed on the
attached plan be supported.
Committee Recommendation:
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2.9 Darling Street, Rozelle – Norton Street, Leichhardt –
Loading Zone Review
Rozelle – Wangal – Rozelle – Lilyfield
– Balmain – Birrabirragal/Balmain
A review of the ‘Loading Zones’ (both timed restricted and full-time) on the main
streets of Norton Street, Leichhardt and Darling Street, Rozelle and Balmain was
requested by the Mayor earlier this year to assess whether there is potential to
remove any loading zones that are not being effectively used since the introduction
of ‘30min free’ parking tickets on the main streets in metered areas as it is been
observed that many deliveries/loadings by goods vehicles are occurring outside the
existing ‘Loading Zones’.
Consultation letters were sent in July 2015 to properties (Norton Street and Darling
Street), seeking the views of businesses on whether they supported the removal of
specific ‘loading zones’ on main streets that were deemed unutilised.
A letter outlining the above parking proposal was mailed out to the affected
properties (405 properties) in Darling Street (Rozelle/Balmain) and Norton Street,
requesting businesses’ views on the potential removal of loading zone on main
The Rozelle/Balmain Chamber of Commerce and the Leichhardt/Annandale
Business Chamber were also consulted.
Seven (7) responses were received.
No responses were received relating to ‘Loading Zones’ on Norton Street,
The Balmain, Rozelle Chamber of Commerce surveyed 200 businesses regarding
Council’s review of the Loading Zone and found overwhelming support to keep the
existing loading zones. This view was backed up by five (5) other businesses that
responded directly to Council.
However, one (1) business replied requesting the removal of the existing timed
‘Loading Zone 8am-12pm Mon-Fri’ in front of No. 639-641 Darling Street, Rozelle.
The respondent claims that other businesses in the immediate area of the subject
loading zone favoured the relocation of this ‘Loading Zone’ to Merton Street (on the
side of IGA (No. 649 Darling Street)), a distance of approximately 50 to 100 metres
away. Currently a ‘Truck Zone 6am-8am Mon-Sat’ zone exists in Merton Street near
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Darling Street which reverts back to restricted metered parking after 8am. The
respondent recommends instating the relocated ‘Loading Zone 8am-12pm Mon – Fri’
restrictions to this location in order to have this 8am-12pm loading zone restriction
following the ‘Truck Zone’ restriction ending at 8am.
Officer’s Recommendation:
1) That all existing loading zones on main streets (Darling Street and Norton
Street) be retained in their current format.
2) Investigate the potential removal/relocation of the ‘Loading Zone 8am-12pm
Mon-Fri’ restrictions in front of No. 639-641 Darling Street, Rozelle to Merton
Street, Rozelle north of Darling Street in the same location as the ‘Truck Zone
6am-8am Mon-Sat’, in a future traffic committee meeting.
Committee Recommendation:
3. Status Reports
3.1 Lilyfield Road (between James Street and Hawthorne
Canal), Lilyfield – Status Update: Radar Speed Display
Precinct: Rozelle/Lilyfield
Ward: Eora Leichhardt-Lilyfield
In April 2014 the traffic committee recommended:
A traffic calming proposal for Lilyfield Road, west of James Street, Lilyfield was
reported to the November 2013, February 2014 and April 2014 Traffic Committee
The proposal consisted of three raised devices in Lilyfield Road outside Nos.198/241
and No.273 and between Maliyawul Street and Canal Road.
At the Traffic Committee meeting held in February 2014, the RMS representative
advised that flat top thresholds would be more appropriate in this road configuration
and the BAC representative raised safety concerns for cyclists as they would be
required to ride over a raised device on a road with a 10% gradient.
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Following this Traffic Committee, a meeting with the BAC representative was held on
19th February 2014 to discuss the design details of the calming treatments. The
following design requirements were agreed:
 Ramps of the flat-top raised thresholds to be at a 1:15 grade
 ‘Give-way’ signage and lines to be provided at all side streets along
Lilyfield Road, west of James Street
 The car parking space on the southern side of Lilyfield Road east of
Francis Street to be removed to improve sightlines towards westbound
cyclists for vehicles exiting Francis Street
Although the effect of modified raised thresholds (i.e. change of ramp gradients) may
favour bicycles travelling along this section of Lilyfield Road, such devices may not
be effective in reducing vehicular speeds to an acceptable limit.
Therefore, it was considered that there would be merit in installing radar speed
display units in Lilyfield Road for a 6-month period to educate the drivers along
Lilyfield Road. As such the recommendation of the April 2014 Traffic Committee was:
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That prior to taking any further action on installing raised devices in
Lilyfield Road, west of James Street, Lilyfield radar speed display units
be installed in the subject section of Lilyfield Road, for a 6-month
period and the results be reported back to the Committee.
b) That ‘Give-Way’ signs and associated linemarking be installed at all
side streets along Lilyfield Road, west of James Street, Lilyfield.
c) That the affected residents be notified of the Committee’s
recommendation above and be consulted regarding the extension of
the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone on the southern side of Lilyfield Road,
immediately east of Francis Street, Lilyfield by 6.3m towards the east.
Consequently a Radar Speed Display was installed in November 2014 in Lilyfield
Road immediately west of Hubert Street facing westbound (downhill) traffic.
This Radar Speed Display indicated speeds to motorists in amber text when speeds
exceeded 50km/h and in green text when speeds were below 50km/h (including a
‘Smile’ pictorial). When speeds exceed 55km/h motorists only received yellow text
reasding ‘SLOW DOWN’.
Following 8 months of implementation, traffic counts were again undertaken to
assess the effectiveness of the Radar Speed Display. The following table shows the
results of the before and after counts.
85th Percentile Speed
Eastbound (untreated)
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28 March 2013 (before)
51 km/h
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9 June 2015 (after)
51 km/h
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Westbound (radar speed
display Installed)
60 km/h
55 km/h
Average Speed
Eastbound (untreated)
Westbound (radar speed
display Installed)
28 March 2013 (before)
43 km/h
50 km/h
9 June 2015 (after)
43 km/h
46 km/h
The results demonstrate a 5km/h reduction in 85%ile speed and 4km/h reduction in
average speed in the westbound (downhill) direction. These motorists faced the
Speed Radar Display and were shown their speed in green text, if they travelled at or
below the speed limit, or in amber/orange text if they exceeded the speed limit of
There was no change in the untreated, eastbound (uphill) direction.
Officers Recommendation:
That the above report be received and noted and that 3 months after removal of the
radar speed display units in Lilyfield Road, speed data be collected for comparison
and reported to a future traffic committee.
Committee Recommendation:
3.2 Mort Street, Balmain - Status Update: Radar Speed
Precinct: Birchgrove
Ward: Birrabirragal Balmain
In March 2014, Traffic Committee considered a proposal to install two speed
cushions outside No. 29 & 55 Mort Street, Balmain in order to lower speeds of
vehicles to an acceptable level. Following community consultation, no action was
taken due to the immediately
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That the proposal to install two speed cushions on Mort Street, between
Curtis Road and Cameron Street, outside Nos. 29 and No. 55 Mort Street,
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Balmain is not supported due to objections received from the residents in
close proximity to the devices.
b) That a speed radar display unit be placed in Mort Street between Curtis
Road and Cameron Street, Balmain facing northbound traffic for 3 months
and the results of speed levels be evaluated to determine if further traffic
calming would be required.
c) That the properties in Mort Street between Curtis Road and Cameron
Street, Balmain be notified of the placement of the speed radar display unit
in Mort Street, Balmain.
Council officers listed Mort Street in the Radar Speed Display programme and a
Radar Display was subsequently installed in Mort Street in February 2015, facing
northbound traffic.
Six months following the installation of the Speed Radar Display, additional traffic
counts were undertaken in Mort Street as shown in the following table.
85th Percentile Speeds
February 2013
48 km/h
45 km/h
August (following install)
40 km/h
42 km/h
The results demonstrate an 8 km/h reduction in 85%ile speeds in the northbound
direction. These motorists faced the Speed Radar Display and were shown their
speed in green text, if they travelled at or below the speed limit, or in amber/orange
text if they exceeded the speed limit of 40km/h.
Officers Recommendation:
That the above report be received and noted and that 3 months after removal of the
radar speed display units in Mort Street, speed data be collected for comparison and
reported to a future traffic committee.
Committee Recommendation:
3.3 Young Street, Annandale - Status Update: Radar Speed
Precinct: Annandale
Ward: Gadigal Annandale-Leichhardt
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In June 2013, Traffic Committee considered a report outlining concerns from a
number of residents in Young Street (between Booth Street and Collins Street)
regarding speeding in the street.
The initial proposal considered speed outside Nos.193/195/202 & Nos.
229A/231/244 Young Street, Annandale. However following consultation, 59% of
responses received objected to the proposal and the majority of the residents close
to the devices were also not in support of the proposal. The main concern raised by
the residents was potential noise.
Therefore it was recommended the:
a) That speed radar units be installed in Young Street between Collins Street
and Booth Street, Annandale for three months.
b) That residents in the subject section of Young Street be invited to participate
in the ‘SLOW DOWN IN MY STREET’ sticker trial.
Council officers listed Young Street in the Radar Speed Display programme and
Radar Displays was subsequently installed midblock in Young Street in February
2014, facing northbound and southbound traffic.
Please note these Displays are currently being relocated to Donnelly Street,
12 months following the installation of the Speed Radar Display, additional traffic
counts were undertaken in Young Street as shown in the following table.
85th Percentile Speeds
September 2012
August 2015 (following
48 km/h
The results demonstrate a 9.9km/h and 7.7km/h reduction in speeds in the
northbound and southbound directions respectively. Motorists in both directions
faced the Speed Radar Displays and were shown their speed in green text, if they
travelled at or below the speed limit, or in amber/orange text if they exceeded the
speed limit of 50km/h.
Officers Recommendation:
That the above report be received and noted and that 3 months after removal of the
radar speed display units in Young Street, speed data be collected for comparison
and reported to a future traffic committee.
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Committee Recommendation:
4 Minor Traffic Facilities
4.1 Installation of ‘Disabled Parking’ Restriction – Alfred Street,
Council Ref: DWS 2410477
The resident of No.47 Alfred Street, Rozelle had requested the installation of a
‘Disabled Parking’ zone in Alfred Street, outside his property in early 2014. However
an on-site investigation has revealed that the property has off street parking.
At an on-site meeting with the applicant, it was revealed that the applicant requires a
wheelchair and was in the process of purchasing a custom fitted vehicle with hand
controls and a hoist for access. The hoist requires up to 1 metre of clear space
adjacent to the vehicle for access. Because of this clear space, it is difficult for the
applicant to utilise the existing off-street parking area. In addition, the existing
alignment of his property’s ramp access interferes with parking a vehicle in the hard
stand area.
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Concerns had been raised regarding the installation of a ‘Disabled Parking’ space in
Alfred Street as the use of an automated hoist for the application to alight from the
vehicle could come into conflict with vehicles in the travel lane due to the narrow
width of Alfred Street. In addition the applicant had an off street hard stand area
available for parking the vehicle.
Another on-site meeting was arranged with Council’s Home Maintenance and
Modification Section to assess how the grassed area adjacent to the hard stand area
could be improved. It was suggested that Council could provide a timber decking
(removable) adjacent to the hardstand area over the existing grass. This would allow
a vehicle to reverse into the property and for the applicant to safely exit the vehicle.
The ramp would also be adjusted to prevent interference with the vehicle.
However, the applicant however did not support this modification to his property and
requested that his application for a dedicated ‘Disabled Parking’ zone in Alfred Street
At the Traffic Committee meeting held in March 2014, the Committee considered a
‘Disabled Parking’ application made by the resident of No.47 Alfred Street, Rozelle.
However the Committee recommended, That the application for a ‘Disabled Parking’
space outside No. 47 Alfred Street, was not supported noting that Council’s Home
Maintenance & Modification section had offered to modify the applicant’s front yard
to assist with off street parking
The resident of No.47 Alfred Street then attended the meeting and requested the
Committee to review its previous recommendation. He advised the following:
If he uses the driveway on the property to store his vehicle, no space
would be left for him to take his scooter out and also to use his wheelchair.
Before his legs were amputated, he used on-street parking in Alfred Street
He will be purchasing a custom-built vehicle shortly
He is aware that if a ‘Disabled Parking’ space was installed on Alfred
Street anyone with a valid mobility parking permit is entitled to use the
After further consideration, the Committee recommended:
That the request for the installation of a ‘Disabled Parking’ restriction on Alfred Street
outside No.47 be deferred for further investigation on the following options:
a) Converting front yard (grass area) to allow a vehicle to be stored and
also for the driver to be able to transfer to a wheel chair, subject to
approval by the Planning Assessment Team.
b) Providing an indented ‘Disabled Parking’ zone on Alfred Street outside
the property to allow adequate width for the driver to be able to safely
transfer to a wheel chair
Both options were reviewed in the August 2015 Traffic Committee.
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In regards to option a) above, Council’s Team Leader Assessments advised that the
applicant would need to lodge a Development Application for an additional hard
stand parking space forward of the dwelling. The proposal would however be
contrary to Council’s controls and therefore is unlikely to be supported.
In regards to option b) above, Council’s Team Leader Infrastructure has advised that
indenting the kerb at this location would require significant modification to Council’s
infrastructure. Kerb space in front of No. 47 Alfred Street contains an existing power
pole and a kerb inlet (drainage) pit, both of these items would require relocation prior
to any kerb indentation. This would require extensive works and is not recommended
for the subject location.
Based on the above advice regarding investigation of the two options and resultant
outcome, the provision of a ‘Disabled Parking’ zone outside No. 47 Alfred Street was
not supported.
Council has recently been approached by the applicant again who has advised
Council that he is still unable to utilise his off street parking and parks on street in
front of his residence, when available.
He requested an additional on-site meeting to demonstrate how the wheelchair hoist
operated with his modified car and to explain why he cannot use his off-street
parking. An on-site meeting was subsequently held in September 2015 with Council
officers and the Police Traffic Sergeant.
During the meeting the applicant demonstrated safe use of the hoist which operated
within the width of the open car door. The width of the car with the open door is
2.7m, leaving a 4.4m two way travel lane width assuming a car is parked opposite
this location. The total width of Alfred Street at No.47 Alfred Street is 9.1m. This is
evident from the photo below. The travel lane width was considered adequate.
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Officer’s Recommendation:
That a 6m ‘Disabled Parking’ zone be installed outside No.47 Alfred Street, Rozelle.
Committee Recommendation:
4.2 Installation of ‘Disabled Parking’ Restriction – Waratah Street,
Council Ref: DWS 3281641
The resident of No.20 Waratah Street, Leichhardt has requested the installation of a
‘Disabled Parking’ zone in front of the resident’s property.
A site investigation has revealed that the property has an off-street parking facility;
however access from the rear of the property has 6 steps as opposed to the 1 step
from the front.
It should be noted that there is a current RPS investigation proceeding in Waratah
Street which may significantly improve parking availability if installed.
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Also note, the applicant does not require the use of a wheelchair.
Officer’s Recommendation:
That the request for the installation of a 6m ‘Disabled Parking’ zone outside No.20
Waratah Street, Leichhardt be not supported.
Committee Recommendation:
4.3 Installation of ‘Disabled Parking’ Restrictions – Marion Street,
Council Ref: DWS 3144999
A regular visitor of ‘The Marion’ aged care facility; (237 Marion Street Leichhardt)
has requested the provision of disabled parking in front of the Marion.
The visitor has a mobility issue and has claimed that when sports are on at Lambert
Park there is little parking available and visitors with mobility issues cannot park near
the centre. The existing parking restrictions are ‘No Stopping 6:30am-9:30pm
Monday to Friday’.
It should be noted that Marion Street is a regional road.
The Facility Manager of The Marion has confirmed that The Marion has limited offstreet parking facilities and so has expressed support for the provision of ‘Disabled
Parking’ restrictions.
Officer’s Recommendation:
That 6m of ‘No Stopping 6:30am-9:30pm Mon-Fri’ be converted to ‘No Stopping
6:30am-9:30pm Mon-Fri, Disabled Parking at other times’ zone be installed outside
No.237 Marion Street, Leichhardt (The Marion).
Committee Recommendation:
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4.4 Installation of ‘Disabled Parking’ Restrictions –Daniel Street,
Council Ref: DWS 2797503
The resident of No.24 Daniel Street, Leichhardt had previously requested the
installation of a ‘Disabled Parking’ zone in front of the resident’s property. A site
investigation has revealed that the property does have off-street parking.
The resident had advised that steps from the off-street parking to the house prevent
access and use of this facility has resulted in 5-6 falls (resulting in hospital
The resident also considers that there is insufficient space to provide a ramp at this
section of the house. Additionally, the resident stated that exit from the vehicle is too
close to the wall if the car is parked in the forward direction.
The application for a ‘Disabled Parking’ zone was discussed at the May 2015 Traffic
Committee meeting. However, as there was an off-street parking facility the
Committee did not support the provision of a ‘Disabled Parking’ zone.
Information regarding Councils Home Maintenance and Modification Section was
then provided to the applicant to assist making the home more accessible.
Recently, Council has been provided documentation from an Occupational Therapist
from NSW Health supporting the application for a ‘Disabled Parking’ zone
The letter explains that an Occupational Therapy assessment was recently
conducted on the home then a joint inspection with the Leichhardt Home
Maintenance and Modification section was carried out. They were unable to assist
with enhancing access to the off street parking facility however were able to provide
ramp access from the front of the property to Daniel Street.
Officer’s Recommendation:
That a 6m ‘Disabled Parking’ zone be installed outside No.24 Daniel Street,
Committee Recommendation:
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4.5 Installation of ‘Works Zone’ Restriction – George Street,
The applicant has requested the installation of a 16m 'Works Zone 7.00am - 5.00pm
Mon-Fri, 7.00am - 1.00pm Sat' across the frontage of No.30-40 George Street,
Leichhardt for 12 weeks.
Officer’s Recommendation:
That a 16m 'Works Zone 7.00am - 5.00pm Mon-Fri, 7.00am - 1.00pm Sat' be
installed in George Street, across frontage of No.30-40 George Street, Leichhardt for
12 weeks.
Committee Recommendation:
5 Special Traffic Committee – Items
supported between formal meetings
6 Items Without Notice
7 Next Meeting of the Leichhardt Local
Traffic Committee
Officer’s Recommendation:
That the next meeting of the Leichhardt Local Traffic Committee be scheduled for
Thursday, 5th November 2015.
8 Part B – Informal Items
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There are no matters to report.
There are no matters to report.
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Appendix A
Minutes of the Local Traffic
Committee meeting held on 3rd
September 2015
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Councillor John Jobling
Brandon Morson
Jason Bruce
Sgt DC
Bill Holliday
Jason Scoufis
Manod Wickramasinghe
Kim Fagan
Khanh Nguyen
Roads & Maritime Services
State Transit Authority
NSW Police
Jamie Parker MP Member for Balmain
LMC – Team Leader Traffic
LMC – Traffic & Parking Engineer
LMC – Administration Assistant
LMC – Traffic & Parking Engineer
Mayor Rochelle Porteous
John Stephens
Ryan Horne
Deputy Chairperson
LMC – Traffic Manager
RMS Representative
Confirmation of Minutes
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the Minutes from the August 2015 Local Traffic Committee be accepted as a
true and accurate record of the meeting’s proceedings.
Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting
2.1 Resident Parking Restrictions – Crescent Street, Rozelle
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ restriction
be installed on both sides of Crescent Street between Parsons Street/Brent
Street and Mansfield Street, Rozelle.
b) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ restriction
be installed on the western side of Crescent Street between Robert Street and
the boundary of Nos.39/41, Rozelle.
c) That a 10m ‘No Stopping’ zone be installed on the western side of Crescent
Street at the Robert Street intersection, Rozelle.
d) That 6m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed at the following locations:
i. On the western side of Crescent Street, south of Mansfield Street
ii. On the western side of Crescent Street, north of Brent Street
iii. On the eastern side of Crescent Street, north of Parsons Street
e) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s recommendation.
Resident Parking Restrictions – Ewell Street and Carrington Street,
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders Excepted, Area B1’ restriction
be installed on both sides of Ewell Street, Balmain.
b) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area B1’ restriction
be installed on both sides of Carrington Street, Balmain.
c) That no Resident Parking schemes be installed in Beattie Street (Ewell StreetEvans Street), High Street, Evans Street (Goodsir Street-Beattie Street),
Reynolds Street, Clay Street, Clare Street, George Street and Henry Street
due to less than 50% support received from the residents.
d) That 10m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed on both sides of Carrington Street,
at the Evans Street intersection.
e) That a 10m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed on the northern side of Ewell
Street at the Evans Street intersection.
f) That the installation of parking restrictions around the curves in Clare Street,
Balmain be investigated.
g) That speed and volume counts be arranged in High Street to ascertain if any
action is required
That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s
2.3 Event – Weekend to End Women’s Cancer
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the Event “Weekend to End Women’s Cancers” to be held on Saturday 7th
and Sunday, 8th November 2015 be supported, subject to the applicant
RMS accredited traffic controllers at all unmarked crossing
points identified in the course
Council with a copy of a current Public Liability Insurance Policy
which includes Leichhardt Council being as an Interested Party
prior to the event.
2.4 ‘No Parking’ Restriction – Collins Lane, Annandale
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a ‘No Parking’ zone (approx.25m) be installed on the eastern side of Collins
Lane opposite the driveways of No.92 Booth Street, Nos.233, 235, 237 and 239
Young Street (or rear of Nos. 186 and 188 Annandale Street).
2.5 Pedestrian (Zebra Crossing) linemarking improvements – Balmain
Road at Stanley Street, Leichhardt
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That zig zag advanced pavement markings be installed in Balmain Road on both
approaches to the pedestrian (zebra) crossing location in Balmain Road, south of
Stanley Street, Leichhardt.
2.6 ‘No Stopping’ Restrictions – intersection of Henry Street and William
Street, Leichhardt
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the statutory 10m ‘No Stopping zones be signposted:
 On the western side of Henry Street north of William Street, Leichhardt
 On the northern side of William Street, west of Henry Street, Leichhardt
2.7 Intersection Improvements – Montague Street at Llewelyn Street,
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That ‘Keep Clear’ text linemarking and holding lines and ‘Do not queue across
intersection’ signposting be provided at the intersection of Montague Street and
Lleyelyn Street, Balmain.
2.8 ‘1P’ Parking Restrictions – Nelson Street, Annandale
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That a 23 metre ‘1P’ 8am-6pm Mon-Fri; 8.30am-12.30pm Sat’ parking zone
be installed along the frontage of No. 43-53, (immediately north of the existing
timed ‘½ P’ parking restrictions).
b) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee recommendation.
2.9 Road Occupancy – Big Bike Day 2015
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the Big Bike Day 2015 event proposed to be held on Sunday, 13th
September 2015 be supported.
2.10 Road Occupancy – Seven Bridges Walk 2015
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That the Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk to be held on Sunday,
25th October 2015 be approved.
b) That a current Public Liability Insurance Policy which includes Leichhardt
Council being as an Interested Party be submitted by the event organiser
prior to the event.
3. Status Reports
There are no matters to report.
4. Minor Traffic Facilities
4.1 Installation of ‘Disabled Parking’ Restrictions – Seale Street, Leichhardt
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a 5.5m ‘Disabled Parking’ zone be installed in Seale Street outside No.4
Seale Street, Leichhardt, adjacent to the driveway.
4.2 Installation of ‘Works Zone’ Restriction – Queens Place, Balmain
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a 9m 'Works Zone 7.00am - 5.00pm Mon-Fri, 7.00am - 1.00pm Sat' be
installed in Queens Place, across the side boundary of No.201 Darling Street,
Balmain for 12 weeks and temporarily replace the existing RPS restriction.
Special Traffic Committee – Items supported between formal meetings
Items Without Notice
6.1 Wise Street/Terry Street, Rozelle
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a TMP be prepared detailing the impact of banning left turning vehicles greater
than 9 m long from Wise Street into Terry Street including details of consultation with
Telfords and that it be bought back to a future traffic committee for consideration
6.1 Coo-EE March Re-enactment
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the Coo-ee March proposed to be held on Wednesday 11th November 2015 be
Next Meeting of the Leichhardt Local Traffic Committee
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the next meeting of the Leichhardt Local Traffic Committee be scheduled for
Thursday, 1st October 2015.
8.1 Resident Parking Scheme – Albion Street, Ferris Street and Clarke Street,
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That the proposed ‘2P 8am-6pm MON-FRI Permit Holders Excepted Area
A1’ on both sides of Albion Street (Young Street-Macquarie Street), Ferris
Street (Albion Street-No.66 Ferris Street) and Clarke Street, not be
supported due to less than 50% support from the residents.
b) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s
recommendation and the availability of car share facilities in Albion Street
and Reserve Street.
There are no matters to report.
2 Reports
Resident Parking Restrictions – Crescent Street, Rozelle
Precinct: Rozelle/White Bay
Ward: Wangal Rozelle-Lilyfield
A number of residents in Crescent Street have requested the installation of a
Resident Parking Scheme in the street to prevent commuter/employee parking.
Crescent Street is in close proximity to Loughlin Street, Joseph Street and Parsons
Street which currently have Resident Parking restrictions. Properties in the section of
Crescent Street between Brent Street and Parsons Street are primarily commercial.
The nature of mixed landuses in the area and Crescent Street being 100m away
from the bus stop on Victoria Road (prior to ANZAC bridge), there is a considerable
parking demand generated from residents, commuters, employees and customers.
Parking occupancy surveys undertaken in Crescent Street and the results have
indicated high parking occupancy levels (85% or over).
Site investigations have revealed that the majority of properties do not have off-street
A Resident Parking Scheme proposal has been prepared as shown on the following
This proposal retains unrestricted parking outside the commercial properties.
A letter outlining the above parking
proposal was mailed out to the affected
properties (75) in Crescent Street and
in the vicinity as indicated on the
attached plan, requesting residents’
and businesses’ views regarding the
The proposal was also sent to the Balmain Rozelle Chamber of Commerce and
Rozelle/White Bay Precinct and Council received no objection to the proposal.
Consultation survey results are summarised as follows:
North of Parsons Street
Number of properties
Number of properties responded
Number of properties supported
20(excluding multi-unit developments)
Response Rate
Support Rate
Number of residential properties
Number of properties responded
Number of properties supported
Response Rate
Support Rate
South of Parsons Street
According to Council’s policy on Resident Parking, a minimum of 50% support from
the properties in the subject section of the street is required for consideration to
implement a RPS.
Based on the above results, the RPS proposal received more than 50% support from
the residents and businesses.
The following information is provided in response to the concerns raised by
Resident’s Response:
Under this scheme, we won’t be able to park on-street as we have one offstreet parking space.
Officer’s Comment:
The objective of a Resident Parking proposal is to assist the residents who do
not have off-street parking and also to manage the limited on-street parking
supply amongst various users. Under the RMS requirement and Council
policy, as the vehicle can be stored off-street, the resident is not entitled to
receive a permit, although a Visitor permit could be issued.
Resident’s Response:
Extend Resident parking restrictions to the eastern side of Crescent Street
(Parsons St-Robert St) to prevent commuter parking.
Officer’s Comment:
The number of parking spaces allocated in the Resident Parking Scheme is
adequate to meet the residents’ parking demand. The unrestricted parking
retained in the street is unlikely to impact on residents’ parking needs and is
required to allocate some space for commuter parking.
Resident’s Response:
Public buses currently use Crescent Street and Parsons Street and this is a
concern for residents. A 15km/hr speed limit should be introduced on buses
and vehicles of 4 tonne.
Officer’s Comment:
This matter will be raised with the STA representative to provide advice at the
Risk Analysis
A Risk Analysis has been undertaken to determine if the statutory ‘No Stopping’
zones at the following locations can be reduced marginally to maximise retention of
on-street parking. See Appendix B for details of the analysis:
 On the western side of Crescent Street, south of Mansfield Street
 On the western side of Crescent Street, north of Brent Street
 On the eastern side of Crescent Street, north of Parsons Street
As per the analysis, the installation of reduced 6m ‘No Stopping’ zones in Crescent
Street in the section between Parsons Street and Mansfield Street is unlikely to
cause significant impacts on sightlines or turning paths for trucks at the intersection.
Officer's Recommendation:
a) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ restriction
be installed on both sides of Crescent Street between Parsons Street/Brent
Street and Mansfield Street, Rozelle.
b) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ restriction
be installed on the western side of Crescent Street between Robert Street and
the boundary of Nos.39/41, Rozelle.
c) That a 10m ‘No Stopping’ zone be installed on the western side of Crescent
Street at the Robert Street intersection, Rozelle.
d) That 6m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed at the following locations:
i. On the western side of Crescent Street, south of Mansfield Street
ii. On the western side of Crescent Street, north of Brent Street
iii. On the eastern side of Crescent Street, north of Parsons Street
e) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s recommendation.
The STA Representative advised that some 5 out of service buses use Crescent
Street-Parsons Street-Robert Street-Mullens Street route to turn around outside of
peak times to start the route at the Roberts Street bus stop.
Swept path analysis and an updated Appendix B Risk Analysis was tabled at the
Committee’s Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ restriction
be installed on both sides of Crescent Street between Parsons Street/Brent
Street and Mansfield Street, Rozelle.
b) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area R1’ restriction
be installed on the western side of Crescent Street between Robert Street and
the boundary of Nos.39/41, Rozelle.
c) That a 10m ‘No Stopping’ zone be installed on the western side of Crescent
Street at the Robert Street intersection, Rozelle.
d) That 6m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed at the following locations:
i. On the western side of Crescent Street, south of Mansfield Street
ii. On the western side of Crescent Street, north of Brent Street
iii. On the eastern side of Crescent Street, north of Parsons Street
e) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s recommendation.
2.2 Resident Parking Restrictions – Ewell Street and Carrington Street,
Precinct: Rozelle/White Bay
Ward: Wangal Lilyfield-Rozelle
Council received parking concerns from a number of residents in Ewell Street and
High Street. They have requested the installation of Resident Parking restrictions in
those streets to prevent all-day parking by non-residents.
As shown on the following map, there are a number of streets that are in between
restricted parking zones.
Council officers undertook parking occupancy surveys in Ewell and High Streets and
also nearby streets and the results indicated that only some streets experience high
occupancy levels. As the introduction of Resident Parking restrictions in one street
could cause parking impacts in nearby streets, all residents within the area (see plan
attached) that has unrestricted parking, were surveyed to assess their views on
parking conditions in their streets.
The subject streets were Beattie Street (Ewell Street-Evans Street), Ewell Street,
High Street, Evans Street (Goodsir Street-Beattie Street), Carrington Street,
Reynolds Street, Clay Street, Clare Street, George Street and Henry Street.
A questionnaire was mailed out to the
affected properties (434) in Beattie
Street (Ewell Street-Evans Street),
Ewell Street, High Street, Evans Street
(Goodsir Street-Beattie Street),
Carrington Street, Reynolds Street,
Clare Street, George Street and Henry
Street as indicated on the attached
plan, requesting residents’ and
businesses’ views on current parking
conditions and Resident Parking
restrictions in their street.
The proposal was also sent to the Balmain/Rozelle Chamber of Commerce and
Council received no objection to the proposal.
The questionnaire survey results are summarised as follows:
Number of
Clare Street
Ewell Street
Beattie Street
Evans Street
Carrington Street
Reynolds Street
Clay Street (excl.
George Street
Henry Street (excl.
Number of
Number of
According to Council’s policy on Resident Parking, a minimum of 50% support from
the properties in the subject section of the street is required for consideration to
implement a RPS.
Based on the above results, only Ewell Street and Carrington Street indicated more
than 50% support for a Resident Parking Scheme in those streets. .
The following information is provided in response to the concerns raised by
Beattie Street
 Resident’s Response:
Do not change any parking in Beattie Street. Commuter parking is welcome.
Officer’s Comment:
Based in the low support rate received, RPS is not being proposed.
Clare Street
 Resident’s Response:
There should be a limit on the number of cars to a house. Some properties
have 3 vehicles and take up more parking spaces.
Officer’s Comment:
By introducing Car Share initiative in the LGA, Council is encouraging
residents to reduce private vehicle ownership.
Resident’s Response:
I am a pensioner living on my own. One Visitor parking permit per household
is not sufficient. It is unfair if I have a family gathering as I have 6 children and
16 grandchildren.
Officer’s Comment:
The Resident Parking restrictions are installed to manage excess parking
demand with the limited parking supply. Therefore, it is necessary to limit
number of permits issues to each property. Due to low support rate received,
no Resident parking restrictions are proposed for Clare Street.
Resident’s Response (3):
Need ‘No Stopping’ signs in Clare Street as it is often used for parking and
there is not enough room for traffic around the corner.
Officer’s Comment:
This will be investigated and reported back to the Committee is required.
Resident’s Response:
Parking between 8am and 6pm Mon-Fri is not the problem time. Friday to
Sunday nights are of more concerned.
Officer’s Comment:
Due to low support rate received, no Resident parking restrictions are
proposed for Clare Street.
High Street
 Resident’s Response:
Experienced more through traffic in High Street since Lawson Street was
made ONE-WAY. Make High Street ONE-WAY towards Darling Street, to
reduce through traffic.
Officer’s Comment:
Lawson Street has been ONE-WAY for the last 7 years. Other nearby streets,
Elliott Street and Wisbeach Street are TWO-WAY and can also be used to
travel between Darling Street and Beattie Street.
Resident’s Response:
Speeding is a problem, especially at the blind corner.
Officer’s Comment:
Speed and volume counts will be arranged to ascertain if any action is
The majority of residents in Ewell Street requested the restrictions to be from
Monday to Sunday as they currently experience non-resident parking in the street on
Officer's Recommendation:
a) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders Excepted, Area B1’ restriction be
installed on both sides of Ewell Street, Balmain.
b) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area B1’ restriction be
installed on both sides of Carrington Street, Balmain.
c) That no Resident Parking schemes be installed in Beattie Street (Ewell StreetEvans Street), High Street, Evans Street (Goodsir Street-Beattie Street),
Reynolds Street, Clay Street, Clare Street, George Street and Henry Street due
to less than 50% support received from the residents.
d) That 10m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed on both sides of Carrington Street, at
the Evans Street intersection.
e) That a 10m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed on the northern side of Ewell Street
at the Evans Street intersection.
f) That the installation of parking restrictions around the curves in Clare Street,
Balmain be investigated.
g) That speed and volume counts be arranged in High Street to ascertain if any
action is required
h) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s recommendation.
Committee’s Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders Excepted, Area B1’ restriction be
installed on both sides of Ewell Street, Balmain.
b) That a ‘2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area B1’ restriction be
installed on both sides of Carrington Street, Balmain.
c) That no Resident Parking schemes be installed in Beattie Street (Ewell StreetEvans Street), High Street, Evans Street (Goodsir Street-Beattie Street),
Reynolds Street, Clay Street, Clare Street, George Street and Henry Street due
to less than 50% support received from the residents.
d) That 10m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed on both sides of Carrington Street, at
the Evans Street intersection.
e) That a 10m ‘No Stopping’ zones be installed on the northern side of Ewell Street
at the Evans Street intersection.
f) That the installation of parking restrictions around the curves in Clare Street,
Balmain be investigated.
g) That speed and volume counts be arranged in High Street to ascertain if any
action is required
h) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s recommendation.
2.3 Event – Weekend to End Women’s Cancers
Precinct: ALL
Ward: ALL
The organiser for the “Weekend to End Women’s Cancers” charity walk has
submitted the proposal for support. This charity walk will raise money to benefit
the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse at RPA Hospital, Camperdown.
This is the second year that this walk event is being held in Australia.
The Event is scheduled for Saturday 7th and Sunday, 8th November 2015 and
comprises of a 60km walk completed in two days. The Event organiser expects
1,200 participants.
Event Details
Details of the Event are as follows:
Event Name
The Weekend to End Women’s
Event Owner
The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
Event Manager
(Organiser)/ Principal
CauseForce Australia Pty Ltd
T/A Conquer Cancer (brand)
Charity/ Beneficiary
The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
Type of Event
Charity Walk Event
Start/Finish Line
Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour
Overnight Camp
Meadowbank Park, West Ryde
Day 1
Saturday 7 November 2015
Day 1 Course Operations: 8:00am –7:00pm
Day 2
Sunday 8 November 2015
Day 2 Course Operations: 6:30am – 5:30pm
Expected Participants
Estimated Spectators
Estimated Volunteers
Estimated Staff
Charity/ Community
Majority Women
Start/Finish Location
Pit Stop Locations
Grab & Go Locations
Lunch Site Location
Camp Location
Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour
There are a total of 20 portable toilets
There will be 3 x3mx3m, 1 x3mx6m, 1 x5mx5m,
2x 6mx6m 4 x6mx12m tents
o These are tents to house the caterer,
medical, information area, registration etc.
o Stage Start/Finish Line Truss
o There are a total of 3 pit stops along the route
each day,
o These locations are: Day 1:
o Observatory Hills Park
o Easton Park
o Gladesville Reserve
o These locations are: Day 2:
o Majors Bay Reserve
o Bayview Park
o Hogan Park
o There will be 13 portable toilets (1 disabled)
o There will be 4 x 3mx3m pop up market tents
o These are tents to provide cover for volunteers,
water & snack stocks and trestle tables.
There are a total of 4 Grab & Go Locations along the
route each day,
These locations are: Day 1
o Hickson Road Reserve
o Pirrama Park
o Peppercorn Reserve
o Kissing Point Reserve
These locations are: Day 2
o Bicentennial Park
o Carbarita Park
o Easton Park
o Victoria Park
There will be 11 x portable toilets (1 disabled)
There are 2 x 3mx3m pop up market tents
o These are tents to provide cover for volunteers &
water services
There will be 1 Lunch site each day
These locations are:
o Day 1 – Bridgewater Park
o Day 2 – Timbrell Park
There will be 16 x portable toilets (1 disabled)
There will be 6 x3mx3m pop up market tents
o These are tents to provide cover for volunteers,
water and snack stocks and trestle tables
Meadowbank Park, West Ryde
30-40 portable toilets,
3 portable shower blocks,
Tents of multiple sizes; 1 x3mx3m, 1 x3mx6m , 1
x6mx6m, 4 x6mx12m, 1
o These tents are for caterer, medical, yoga,
massage, information area
Dining structure tent; approximately 25mx70m
Stage & production equipment
Lane & Road Closures
Special Event
Temporary No
Stopping Zones
Participant Car
Event Transport
Key Stakeholders
First Aid
Event Coordinator
There will be no lane and/or road closures for this
There will be no Special Event Clearways for this
There will be no Temporary No Stopping Zones for
this event.
The Weekend to End Women’s Cancers will be
investigating the reservation of a number of parking
bays throughout Darling Harbour. The parking bays
will ideally be located close to a walk way to allow
participants and spectators easy access to the
Opening Ceremony Site.
Event listed on www.transportnsw.info website with
information and maps on the walking route, public
transport options. Route details will also be included
on the www.livetraffic.com website
Identified Above
First Aid attendants will be supplied at each location
including start location, all pit stops along the route,
lunch sites, as well as camp site.
The event organisers will also be providing mobile
first aid units to access any potential incidents along
the route.
Medical support will be provided by 1300 Medics
Tim Emslie
The participants will be started in groups of 60 and will be released every 3
minutes; it will therefore take 60 mins (1hr) to release 1,200 participants.
Council’s Parks & Open Space Planner has advised that the Bridgewater Park
will not be available on the Event day as it has been reserved by another group.
The organiser has been informed.
Traffic and Pedestrian Management Plan
This Event does not require closure of any roads in the Leichhardt LGA. As the
participants would be using footpaths and crossing the street network with
assistance of traffic controllers, the Event does not cause significant impacts on
traffic and transport systems. Therefore, the Event can be considered as Class
3. Hence, Council’s approval for the Traffic & Transport Management Plan is
The route maps and relevant Traffic Control Plans for the proposed “Weekend
to End Woman’s Cancers” through Leichhardt LGA are attached in Appendix
Officer’s Recommendation:
That the Event “Weekend to End Women’s Cancers” to be held on Saturday 7th
and Sunday, 8th November 2015 be supported, subject to the applicant
i. RMS accredited traffic controllers at all unmarked crossing points
identified in the course
ii. another site in lieu of Bridgewater Park
iii. Council with a copy of a current Public Liability Insurance Policy
which includes Leichhardt Council being as an Interested Party
prior to the event.
It was advised that the applicant is using Callan Park and Eastern Park in lieu
of Bridgewater Park and that the plans in Appendix C assume the use of
Callan Park and Eastern Park.
Committee’s Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the Event “Weekend to End Women’s Cancers” to be held on Saturday 7th
and Sunday, 8th November 2015 be supported, subject to the applicant
RMS accredited traffic controllers at all unmarked crossing
points identified in the course
Council with a copy of a current Public Liability Insurance Policy
which includes Leichhardt Council being as an Interested Party
prior to the event.
‘No Parking’ Restriction – Collins Lane, Annandale
Precinct: Annandale
Ward: Gadigal Annandale-Leichhardt
A number of residents requested the installation of a ‘No Parking’ restriction in
Collins Lane to prevent parking opposite their driveways. As Collins Lane is narrow,
approx. 4.3m wide, access to driveways could be impacted by a vehicle parked
Consultation of Proposal
As there is a considerable number of driveways on both sides of the laneway, it was
proposed to install ‘No Parking’ restrictions on both sides of Collins Lane which is
approx. 248m in length. The proposal received some objections:
There are no driveway access issues
The introduction of ‘No Parking’ restrictions does not allow residents to have
full benefit of the lane.
However, the residents towards Booth Street supported the proposal as they advised
that vehicles often park particularly in this section of Collins Lane due to proximity to
Booth Street which has retail and is also a bus route.
Residents were then consulted regarding a modified parking proposal which is
detailed below:
to install approx.25m ‘No Parking’ zone on the eastern side of Collins Lane
opposite the driveways of No.92 Booth Street, Nos.233, 235, 237 and 239
Young Street (or rear of Nos. 186 and 188 Annandale Street)
The modified proposal is shown on the following plan.
No parking changes are proposed in the remaining section of Collins Lane at this
A letter outlining the above parking
proposal was mailed out to the affected
properties (71 properties) in Young
Street and Annandale Street as
indicated on the following plan,
requesting residents’ views regarding
the proposal.
No objections were received.
Officer’s Recommendation:
That a ‘No Parking’ zone (approx.25m) be installed on the eastern side of Collins
Lane opposite the driveways of No.92 Booth Street, Nos.233, 235, 237 and 239
Young Street (or rear of Nos. 186 and 188 Annandale Street).
Committee’s Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a ‘No Parking’ zone (approx.25m) be installed on the eastern side of Collins
Lane opposite the driveways of No.92 Booth Street, Nos.233, 235, 237 and 239
Young Street (or rear of Nos. 186 and 188 Annandale Street).
2.5 Pedestrian (Zebra crossing) linemarking improvements – Balmain Road at
Stanley Street, Leichhardt
Precinct: Leichhardt
Ward: Eora Leichhardt-Lilyfield
Due to the presence of a number of pedestrian generators in the area; Leichhardt
Primary School, Child Care Centre in Leichhardt Street, medical practices and shops
along Norton Street, there was a high demand for a pedestrian crossing facility in
Balmain Road and at the February 2013 Local Traffic Committee it was
recommended and subsequently adopted by Council:
That a marked pedestrian crossing including associated signage and adequate
lighting be installed in Balmain Road south of Stanley Street including the following
i. Extend the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone on the eastern side of
Balmain Road south of Stanley Street by 2m.
ii. Provide a kerb extension on the eastern side of Balmain Road
(south of Stanley Street) at the pedestrian crossing
iii. Provide a kerb blister within the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone on
the southern side of Stanley Street, east of Balmain Road
The facility was installed in the 2013-14 financial year.
A number of residents have since raised concern regarding the need for additional
warning to motorists of the facility and that they are concerned with vehicles not
stopping when pedestrians are waiting to cross the road at this location.
The following conditions have been observed:
the road surface in this section is concrete resulting in less contrast with the
white zebra lines than on a standard asphalt road surface.
There is a horizontal curve in the road approaching the crossing, heading
The other pedestrian (zebra) crossing in Balmain Road at Hill Street has zig
zag advanced pavement markings.
In order to provide additional warning of the upcoming pedestrian crossing it is
recommended that zig zag advanced pavement marking be installed on both
approaches to the crossing.
Officer's Recommendation:
That zig zag advanced pavement markings be installed in Balmain Road on both
approaches to the pedestrian (zebra) crossing location in Balmain Road, south of
Stanley Street, Leichhardt.
Committee’s Recommendation (unanimous support):
That zig zag advanced pavement markings be installed in Balmain Road on both
approaches to the pedestrian (zebra) crossing location in Balmain Road, south of
Stanley Street, Leichhardt.
2.6 No Stopping Restrictions – intersection of Henry Street and William
Street, Leichhardt
Precinct: Leichhardt
Ward: Eora Leichhardt - Lilyfield
Concerns have been raised regarding vehicles obstructing sight lines, manuevering
space and ramp access at the north-western side of the Henry Street and William
Street intersection, Leichhardt by vehicles parking too close to the intersection.
It should be noted that William Street is used as an access road to Sydney Buses
Leichhardt Depot and so carries a high percentage of heavy vehicles.
In order to allievate this concern, it is proposed to signpost 10m ‘No Stopping’ zones
as shown on the plan below.
A letter outlining the above parking proposal was mailed out to the affected
properties (8) in Henry and William Street as indicated on the following plan,
requesting residents’ views regarding the proposal.
No responses were received
Officer’s Recommendation:
That the statutory 10m ‘No Stopping zones be signposted:
 On the western side of Henry Street north of William Street, Leichhardt
 On the northern side of William Street, west of Henry Street, Leichhardt
Committee’s Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the statutory 10m ‘No Stopping zones be signposted:
 On the western side of Henry Street north of William Street, Leichhardt
 On the northern side of William Street, west of Henry Street, Leichhardt
2.7 Intersection Improvements – Montague Street at Llewelyn Street, Balmain
Precinct: Balmain
Ward: Birrabirragal Balmain
Concerns have been raised by Balmain Depot staff regarding obstructed works
vehicle access to the Leichhardt Council Depot in Llewellyn Street, Balmain west of
Montague Street.
Currently, traffic queues on Montague Street for northbound traffic from the traffic
signals at the intersection of Darling Street/Montague Street/Rowntree Street. These
queues often extend southward beyond Llewellyn Street (approx. 80m), which
prevents vehicles turning right from Montague Street into Llewellyn Street.
This right turn is the typical movement performed by Council works vehicles and as
Montague Street has only a single lane in each direction, this causes queuing of
southbound motorists into Darlign Street.
It should be noted that delays may also affect STA buses heading inbound to the
In order to prevent motorists queuing across the intersection, it is proposed to
provide ‘Keep Clear’ text linemarking and holding lines and ‘Do not queue across
intersection’ signposting.
Officer's Recommendation:
That ‘Keep Clear’ text linemarking and holding lines and ‘Do not queue across
intersection’ signposting be provided at the intersection of Montague Street and
Lleyelyn Street, Balmain.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That ‘Keep Clear’ text linemarking and holding lines and ‘Do not queue across
intersection’ signposting be provided at the intersection of Montague Street and
Lleyelyn Street, Balmain.
‘1P’ Parking Restrictions – Nelson Street, Annandale
Precinct: Annandale
Ward: Gadigal Annandale/Leichhardt
Concerns have been raised by business owners that there was a lack of parking
turnover in the unrestricted on-street parking spaces within the vicinity of the 6
businesses along Nos. 33 – 53 Nelson Street, Annandale causing a negative impact
on the small businesses.
Residents and businesses of Nelson Street south of Collins Street have raised
concerns in the past regarding commuter parking in the street using the bus services
on Parramatta Road.
In order to improve parking turnover and deter long stay parking, it is proposed to
install approximatedly 23 metres of ‘1P 8am-6pm Mon-Fri; 8.30am-12.30pm Sat’
parking restrictions (4 car spaces) on the frontage of Nos. 43-53 (north of the
existing timed ‘½ P’ zone) on the eastern side of Nelson Street, as shown on the
following plan.
A letter outlining the above parking
proposal was mailed out to the affected
properties (275) in Nelson Street as
indicated on the following plan,
requesting residents’ views on the
The survey received four (4) responses
raising concerns and commenting on the
The responses received are summarised below:
Residents’ (2) Opposing Responses:
The proposal would result in the loss of four (4) on-street parking spaces for
residents as there are no “permit holder exemptions”. I do support restricted
parking as it would deter commuter parking; however, would like to see
restricted parking with permit holders exemptions, i.e. residential permit
parking scheme in Nelson Street.
Objects to the proposal as the timed short term parking restrictions favour the
businesses over the residents. Claims that the influx from commuter parking
is causing the issue not residents and that the proposed timed ‘1P’ restrictions
will not work. Suggests the implementation of ‘2P’ residential parking permit
scheme restrictions in Nelson Street between Albion Street and Collins Street.
Officer’s Comment:
The proposed short term timed parking restrictions is without permit holders
exemptions or else it would be used by residents with (A1 area) permits and
defeat the purpose of the restrictions intended to improve parking turnover
and deter long stay parking.
Although the proposed timed ‘1P’ restriction is intended to increase turn over
for businesses, it is shared amongst six businesses and will only extend to the
frontage of the row businesses. Residents or any registered vehicle are able
to park in the zone outside restricted times e.g. in the evenings and overnight.
Many residents have raised concerns about commuter parking in Nelson
Street. Investigations will be planned for the potential of a resident parking
scheme in the unrestricted sections of Nelson Street, in accordance with our
resident parking scheme policy/procedure.
Resident’s (2) Supporting Responses:
The proposed timed parking restrictions to the 4 spaces in front of the
businesses should be ‘½ P’ restricted to be consistent with the existing timed
‘½ P’ restrictions. The proposed ‘1P’ restrictions may result in people staying
longer if not enforced regularly as opposed to ‘½ P’ restrictions.
The original requestor (one of the business owners) prefers ‘½ P’ timed
restrictions as it would be more efficient in providing turnover than ‘1P’
Officer’s Comment:
I note the concerns however 1P restrictions are expected to provide sufficient
turnover and will be monitored following its installation. Additionally only 2
suggestions were received for 1/2P parking out of the 275 properties
Officer's Recommendation:
a) That a 23 metre ‘1P’ 8am-6pm Mon-Fri; 8.30am-12.30pm Sat’ parking zone be
installed along the frontage of No. 43-53, (immediately north of the existing timed
‘½ P’ parking restrictions).
b) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee recommendation.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That a 23 metre ‘1P’ 8am-6pm Mon-Fri; 8.30am-12.30pm Sat’ parking zone be
installed along the frontage of No. 43-53, (immediately north of the existing timed
‘½ P’ parking restrictions).
b) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee recommendation.
2.9 Road Occupancy – Big Bike Day 2015
Precinct: Rozelle/Lilyfield,
Ward: Eora Leichhardt-Lilyfield, Gadigal
Council’s Sustainability Engagement Officer has requested approval for the
proposed Big Bike Day 2015 to be held on Sunday, 13th September 2015 between
10.00am and 2.30pm, to coincide with the first weekend of NSW Bike Week (12th
September – 20th September 2015).
This is considered as a Class 4 Event as per the RMS Event Classification.
Therefore, this event does not require submission of a Traffic and Transport
Management Plan.
RMS is offering funding for 2015 NSW Bike Week events; an application for funding
will again be submitted this year.
The event is organised by Leichhardt Council with the assistance of the Leichhardt
Bicycle Users Group (LBUG). The main objective of the event is to promote cycling
and the local cycling facilities. The Bike Week has been a fixed event on the annual
calendar since 1997.
The key features of the Event:
It anticipates a maximum attendance for the Big Bike Ride of 200 people;
riders must be 12 years of age or older;
All riders must bring and wear a helmet.
Bike checks are free and mandatory to go on the ride;
the ride commences at 12.00pm and concludes by 1.00pm;
Start and finish from War Memorial Park;
The big bike ride route uses on and off-road shared paths; and
LBUG volunteers and members of the Bike Police Unit will escort the group
during the ride.
Figure 1: Proposed Big Bike Ride Route for Big Bike Day 2015
Big Bike Day is an opportunity for bike riders and their families to take a ride on the
streets of Leichhardt and to learn more about bike riding generally. Based at War
Memorial Park the event will include:
 free bike checks and bike maintenance advice
 children’s bike races and competitions
 children’s entertainment
 cycling information booths
 The Big Bike Ride - a supervised, 6 km ride around Leichhardt (Figure 1)
 To assist the approval process the route for the Big Bike Ride has been kept
the same as in 2014.
Police assistance will be required at the following sections and intersections where
the route utilises a busy public road:
Balmain Road between Perry Street and Lilyfield Road
Catherine Street, at Lilyfield Road
Catherine Street, at City West Link
Darley Road/Allen Street
As in previous years, Leichhardt Highway Patrol has agreed to support and provide
assistance with their Bike Police Unit.
Officer's Recommendation:
That the Big Bike Day 2015 event proposed to be held on Sunday, 13th September
2015 be supported.
The representative for the Member for Balmain noted that the bike route plan
indicates the route will use the redundant pedestrian bridge to cross Hawthorne
Canal near the pedestrian underbridge. Council’s Sustainability Engagement Officer
has confirmed that the new bridge located near the Hawthorne Light Rail station is to
be used.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the Big Bike Day 2015 event proposed to be held on Sunday, 13th September
2015 be supported.
2.10 Road Occupancy – Seven Bridges Walk 2015
Precinct: Rozelle/White Bay,
Ward: Wangal Rozelle-Lilyfield
Rozelle/Iron Cove,
The Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk event will be held on Sunday, 25th
October 2015.
The Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk event concept was created and
developed by the Pedestrian Council of Australia (PCA) who will remain the owner of
the event. The PCA has engaged Event & Sports Projects Australia (ESPA) to
deliver the Event Operations and PCA to manage the marketing of the Event. The
Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk can be regarded as an active opportunity
to further enhance the councils and stakeholders charter toward promoting walking
as a healthy activity and as an increasingly important means of active transport. In
addition the event will provide a significant contribution to Cancer Council NSW
The Event is in its 10th year of operation. The 2014 CCNSW Seven Bridges Walk
attracted over 10,000 participants.
It should be noted that the annual event, ‘Italian Festa on Norton Street 2015’, will
also be held on Sunday, 25th October 2015 in Norton Street, Leichhardt. As both
these events operate in separate areas; Leichhardt and Rozelle, no traffic or
pedestrian conflicts are expected.
Event Details
The course for CCNSW Seven Bridges Walk will open at 7:30am, and close at
4:30pm and it is estimated that it may attract up to 12,000 participants. The walking
route is approximately 27km in length, and is a closed loop circuit that utilises
pathways around the inner metropolitan region of Sydney that skirts the Sydney
Harbour and includes the crossing of Seven Bridges. Special event buses will
operate in both directions around the course, and will be provided free of charge to
everyone holding an ‘event passport’.
Event Overview
Event Name:
Event Owner:
Course Opens:
Course Closes:
Participation Target:
Course Description:
Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk
Pedestrian Council of Australia Ltd (PCA)
Sunday, 25th October 2015
via one of the 7 Villages located around the
12,000 people throughout the day (Maximum
capacity of 15,000 walkers)
The walking route is approximately 27km in
length, and is a closed loop circuit that utilises
pathways around the inner metropolitan
region of Sydney that skirts the Sydney
Harbour and includes the crossing of Seven
The Seven Bridges are:
1. Sydney Harbour Bridge
2. Pyrmont Bridge
3. Anzac Bridge
4. Iron Cove Bridge
5. Gladesville Bridge
6. Tarban Creek Bridge
7. Fig Tree Bridge
Village Locations:
Event ‘Villages’ are located around the course and
will be used as check-in locations, First Aid points,
drink stations, light catering and entertainment.
The 7 Villages are;
1. Milsons Point Village (Burton Street, Milson
2. Barangaroo Village (Barangaroo Foreshore,
access off Hickson Rd Gate H4)
3. Pyrmont Village (at Pyrmont Bay Park, Pyrmont)
4. Rozelle Village (at King George Park, Manning
St, Rozelle)
5. Hunters Hill Village (at Hunters Hill Scout Hall,
Hunters Hill)
6. Lane Cove Village (at Central Park, Lane Cove)
7. Wollstonecraft Village (at Brennan Park,
Impact on Leichhardt LGA
The route through the Leichhardt LGA is via:
Anzac Bridge to Victoria Road
Use pedestrian bridge over Victoria Road to access Lilyfield
Burt Street
Denison Street
Cheltenham Street
O’Neill Street
Cecily Street
Through Callan Park to King George Park
Byrnes Street to Victoria Road
Approval of Traffic and Pedestrian Management Plan
This Event does not require closure of any roads in the Leichhardt LGA. As the
participants would be using footpaths and crossing the street network with
assistance of traffic controllers, the Event does not cause significant impacts on
traffic and transport systems. Therefore, the Event can be considered as Class
3. Hence, Council’s approval for the Traffic & Transport Management Plan is
This Pedestrian and Traffic Management Plan when approved by the relevant
authorities becomes the prime document detailing with the traffic and transport
arrangements under which this event is to proceed.
Changes to the Plan require the approval of the Police and the RMS, and
where necessary to the appropriate local government organisation. All
functional or single agency supporting plans are to recognise the primacy of the
Plan and nothing contained in those plans may contravene any aspect of the
In case of emergencies, or for the management of incidents, the Police are not
subject to the conditions of the Plan but will make every effort to inform the
other agencies of the nature of the incident and the Police response.
The route for the proposed Seven Bridges Walk and the Traffic Control Plans
for Leichhardt LGA are attached in Appendix D.
Officer's Recommendation:
a) That the Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk to be held on Sunday,
25th October 2015 be approved.
b) That a current Public Liability Insurance Policy which includes Leichhardt
Council being as an Interested Party be submitted by the event organiser
prior to the event.
RMS advised that the TMP must be submitted by the applicant to the Transport
Management Centre for approval.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
a) That the Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk to be held on Sunday,
25th October 2015 be approved.
b) That a current Public Liability Insurance Policy which includes Leichhardt
Council being as an Interested Party be submitted by the event organiser
prior to the event.
3 Status Reports
There are no matters to report.
Minor Traffic Facilities
4.1 Installation of ‘Disabled Parking’ Restriction – Seale Street, Leichhardt
Council Ref: DWS 3259280
At the August 2015 Traffic Committee meeting a request for a ‘Disabled Parking’ in
front of No.4 Seale Street, Leichhardt zone was considered,. The recommendation
was as follows:
That the proposed ‘Disabled Parking’ zone outside No.4 Seale Street, Leichhardt
be deferred for further investigations.
An on-site meeting was held with the applicant and his son to demonstrate the
difficulties they have accessing the off-street parking facility available at the rear of
the property.
The applicant lives with his son, however, he drives his own car. The
applicant has Parkinson's and the trembling makes it hard to enter his
driveway and drive into the car-port.
The driveway access is narrow at between 2.2-2.3 metres wide and the
driveway is 26 m long up to the car port.
If the applicant drives into the start of the driveway and parks, he is unable to
open his door due to the fence. The applicant’s son parks in the driveway
occasionally and climbs over the centre console to get out.
The applicant currently drives a Holden Barina, which is a small car; however,
still finds great difficulty in accessing the parking facility.
The applicant does not require the use of a wheelchair.
Officer’s Recommendation:
That a 5.5m ‘Disabled Parking’ zone be installed in Seale Street outside No.4 Seale
Street, Leichhardt, adjacent to the driveway.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a 5.5m ‘Disabled Parking’ zone be installed in Seale Street outside No.4 Seale
Street, Leichhardt, adjacent to the driveway.
4.2 Installation of ‘Works Zone’ Restriction – Queens Place, Balmain
Council Ref: DWS 3243521
The applicant has requested the installation of a 9m 'Works Zone 7.00am - 5.00pm
Mon-Fri, 7.00am - 1.00pm Sat' across the side boundary of No.201 Darling Street,
Balmain for 12 weeks. This would replace temporarily the existing RPS restrictions in
Queens Place.
Officer’s Recommendation:
That a 9m 'Works Zone 7.00am - 5.00pm Mon-Fri, 7.00am - 1.00pm Sat' be installed
in Queens Place, across the side boundary of No.201 Darling Street, Balmain for 12
weeks and temporarily replace the existing RPS restriction.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a 9m 'Works Zone 7.00am - 5.00pm Mon-Fri, 7.00am - 1.00pm Sat' be installed
in Queens Place, across the side boundary of No.201 Darling Street, Balmain for 12
weeks and temporarily replace the existing RPS restriction.
5 Special Traffic Committee – Items supported
between formal meetings
6 Items Without Notice
6.1 Wise Street/Terry Street, Rozelle
A Swept path assessment was tabled at the meeting detailing issues associated with
large trucks making left turns from Wise Street to Terry Street. The swept path
assessment indicates that small rigid vehicles and medium rigid vehicles can make
the turn, however heavy rigid vehicles need to mount the kerb.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That a TMP be prepared detailing the impact of banning left turning vehicles greater
than 9 m long from Wise Street into Terry Street including details of consultation with
Telfords and that it be bought back to a future traffic committee for consideration
6.1 Coo-EE March Re-enactment
The committee was advised that a TMP had been prepared by the Transport
Management Centre for a re-enactment of Enlistment. The re-enactment March will
pass through Leichhardt Local Government Area on Wednesday 11th November
2015, along Parramatta Road, on its way to the City of Sydney from Ashfield.
There are no road closures or changes traffic conditions proposed.
Committee Recommendation (unanimous support):
That the Coo-ee March proposed to be held on Wednesday 11th November 2015 be
7 Next Meeting of the Leichhardt Local Traffic
Officer’s Recommendation:
That the next meeting of the Leichhardt Local Traffic Committee be scheduled for
Thursday, 1st October 2015.
8 Part B – Informal Items
8.1 Resident Parking Scheme – Albion Street, Ferris Street and Clarke Street,
Precinct: Annandale
Ward: Gadigal Annandale-Leichhardt
Council received a number of requests from residents in Albion Street and
Ferris Street, Annandale for the extension of a Resident Parking Scheme
(RPS) to prevent all day parking by non-residents in these streets.
The majority of properties in Albion Street and Ferris Street have access to a
rear lane.
A layout plan indicating the existing Resident Parking Schemes is shown
According to Council’s policy, the parking occupancy levels in the street are
required to be over 85% to warrant further investigation for a Resident Parking
Therefore, a number of parking occupancy surveys were undertaken during
various times of the day, on week days. The results of the surveys are shown in
the following table:
Albion Street
(entire length)
Clarke Street
Albion Street indicated high occupancy levels in all four surveys and Clarke
Street had high occupancy levels only in the morning.
As any parking restrictions introduced in Albion Street could cause some
impact on parking in Ferris Street and Clarke Street, it was proposed to install
Resident Parking restrictions in Albion Street, Ferris Street between Albion
Street and the laneway between Nos.66 and 68, and Clarke Street.
The surveys indicated a considerable amount of vacant parking spaces in
Ferris Street between Albion Street and the laneway between Nos.66 and 68,
see table below.
Nos. 66 & 68)
A proposal was developed to install Resident Parking restrictions: ‘2P 8am-6pm
MON-FRI Permit Holders Excepted Area A1’ on both sides of Albion Street
(Young Street-Macquarie Street), Ferris Street (Albion Street-No.66 Ferris
Street) and Clarke Street, as shown on the following plan.
A letter outlining the above parking
proposal was mailed out to the affected
properties (157) as indicated on the
following plan, requesting residents’ views
regarding the proposal.
Consultation survey results are summarised below:
Albion Street
No. of properties
No. of Responses received
No. of properties supported
Response Rate
Support Rate
48 (excl. multi-unit
developments at Nos. 192 and
Ferris Street & Clarke Street
No. of properties
No. of Responses received
No. of properties supported
Response Rate
Support Rate
Based on the consultation survey, the survey support rate for the Resident
Parking Scheme proposal was less than the minimum required rate of 50%.
It should be noted that Car Share facilities are available in Albion Street and
Reserve Street near Ferris Street. Four and five residents in Ferris and Albion
Streets respectively are currently members of Car Share.
The main concerns raised regarding the proposal are summarised as follows:
Resident’s Response:
Also notice a number of trailers parking in Albion Street taking up valuable
parking spaces.
Officer’s Comment:
Registered trailers are permitted to park in unrestricted parking zones.
However, Council enforcement officers have been requested to provide
additional measures to enforce any unregistered trailers.
Resident’s Response:
There is definitely a shortage of parking and we regularly have to park a fair
distance from our house in Young Street and Ferris Street. However, timed
parking is not a solution as it impacts on visitors. Also the installation of ‘No
Stopping’ restrictions at intersection removes available parking spaces.
Officer’s Comment:
The objective of Resident Parking Schemes is to manage the limited onstreet parking amongst all road users. Therefore, the Visitor parking
demand is controlled by issuing a maximum of ONE Visitor parking permit.
According to NSW Road Rules, vehicles are not permitted to park within
10m of an unsignalised intersection unless the zone is signposted
Resident’s Response:
Vehicles park blocking access to our garage in Albion Lane.
Officer’s Comment:
Council Parking enforcement officers have been advised to provide
additional enforcement measures in Albion Street between Macquarie
Street and Young Street.
Resident’s Response:
It would be inconvenient for a 3 car family with one off-street parking space
if we were not given 2 Resident and one Visitor parking permits.
Officer’s Comment:
The objective of Resident Parking Schemes is to manage the limited onstreet parking amongst all road users. Therefore, it is important to control
the parking demand generated from the properties in the street so that the
number of permits issued is not more than the number of on-street parking
Resident’s Response (from a multi-unit development which has been strata
subdivided after January 2001):
My property should be able to participate in the Resident Parking Scheme.
The property faces Albion Lane which has no on-street parking. The only
unrestricted parking available is on one side of Macquarie Street between
Albion Street and Albion Lane. These spaces are generally taken by the
residents from the directly adjacent properties.
Officer’s Comment:
There are three vehicles registered to the property which has one off-street
parking space.
According to Council’s policy, multi-unit developments approved after
January 2001 are not entitled to participate in a Resident Parking scheme
as the units should generate parking demand not more than the off-street
parking supply.
If a Resident Parking Scheme was installed in Albion Street, the subject
property would not be eligible to participate in the Scheme.
Resident’s Response:
Please implement the Scheme as there has been a significant increase in
non-residents parking in the street including GoGet vehicles and
commuters. Generally we had to park a significant distance from our house.
Officer’s Comment:
The survey received a low response rate, therefore, no changes to parking
are proposed. The parking occupancy surveys also revealed that although,
there are high parking occupancy levels in Ferris Street closer to Albion
Street, there is a considerable number of vacant parking spaces in the
remainder of Ferris Street within 160m radius from the subject property.
According to GoGet vehicle allocations in the vicinity of Ferris Street, one
car each is allocated in Albion Street and Reserve Street near Ferris Street.
These spaces are currently not signposted. It should be noted that currently
4 and 5 residents in Ferris Street and Albion Street are members of GoGet
and the demand for on-street parking may had been already reduced due to
these Car Share facilities available in the vicinity.
Resident’s Response (owner of 3 terrace houses):
I am not aware of commuters regularly using Ferris Street. Can’t we try
organising residents:
 to use their off-street parking,
 consider size and number of cars they own,
 park considerably,
 use GoGet car in Reserve Street.
Officer’s Comment:
The parking occupancy surveys also revealed that although, there are high
parking occupancy levels in Ferris Street closer Albion Street, there is a
considerable number of vacant parking spaces in the rest of Ferris Street.
The follow-up correspondence to residents will include the Car Share
facilities available in close proximity to Ferris Street.
Resident’s Response:
Consider longer ‘No Stopping’ zones in Albion Street at the Catherine Street
Officer’s Comment:
Due to property walls on the properties on either side of Albion Street at the
Catherine Street intersection, longer “No Stopping” zones in Albion Street
will not improve sightlines.
Resident’s Response:
Consider providing angle parking in Ferris Street.
Officer’s Comment:
According to the results of the parking occupancy surveys undertaken, there
is low parking occupancy in Ferris Street, north of the laneway between
Nos.66 and 68 Ferris Street. Therefore, angle parking is not warranted.
Officer’s Recommendation:
a) That the proposed ‘2P 8am-6pm MON-FRI Permit Holders Excepted Area
A1’ on both sides of Albion Street (Young Street-Macquarie Street), Ferris
Street (Albion Street-No.66 Ferris Street) and Clarke Street, not be
supported due to less than 50% support from the residents.
b) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s
recommendation and the availability of car share facilities in Albion Street
and Reserve Street.
Committee Recommendation:
a) That the proposed ‘2P 8am-6pm MON-FRI Permit Holders Excepted Area
A1’ on both sides of Albion Street (Young Street-Macquarie Street), Ferris
Street (Albion Street-No.66 Ferris Street) and Clarke Street, not be
supported due to less than 50% support from the residents.
b) That the surveyed residents be advised of the Committee’s
recommendation and the availability of car share facilities in Albion Street
and Reserve Street.
There are no matters to report.
Traffic Committee Agenda for 1st October 2015
Appendix B
TMP St Jerome’s Laneway Festival
g:\ltc's\2015\agenda\october 2015.docx
Page 42
St Jerome’s Laneway Music Festival 2016
Sydney University College of Arts - Rozelle Campus, Callan Park
Council Area:
Leichhardt Council
Plan Version:
Revision Date:
Developed by:
Momtchil Vassilev - Orange Card №: 4163014120
Reviewed by:
Jason Foster - Orange Card №: 2763015775.
To be read in conjunction with the event risk assessment
This Traffic & Transport Management Plan (TMP) and related Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) are aimed to provide
methods for transport, vehicular traffic and pedestrian control to assist in delivering safe logistical support for the
proposed ‘St Jerome’s Laneway Music Festival 2016’ (LF16) event at Sydney University College of Arts - Rozelle
Campus, Callan Park. The event is aimed to attract ≤ 12,500 patrons and has shown to have a growing popularity.
The fundamental aim of this TMP is to minimise safety conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles and disruption to
normal vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the event-affected area through the application of regulatory and best practice
controls in consultation with all key stakeholders.
Traffic control measures included in this document are result of the planning and experience during ‘St Jerome’s
Laneway Music Festival’ 2010 - 2015. More importantly, the measures applied during 2016 are considered herein with
minor modifications. Feedback from NSW Police, TMC and Transport-Sydney Buses from the 2015 event egress
indicates that the crowd control and transport management approach was overall successful. Feedback from Council
suggests improvements summarised as follows:
Pro-active communication and coordination with Sydney taxis e.g. NSW Taxi Council towards ensuring more
taxis available for patrons, especially during egress,
Altering crowd barriers configurations during egress to further deter patrons J-walking on Balmain Rd,
Involvement of NSW Police – Glebe LAC,
Stronger advertising of the event as a No Parking event.
The Event Organiser – The Laneway Festival Pty. Ltd. - is committed to meeting Council and other stakeholders’
reasonable requests. The Laneway Festival will advertise by all reasonable means available that patrons shall use public
transport options and no parking available on site. The demographic of the event has demonstrated during the 2010 –
2015 events that only very limited number of private vehicles arrive on site and most patrons opt for public transport
hence Assure does not anticipate heavy influx of cars to the event area. The Laneway Festival will use all available
means including online advertising and ticketing to promote use of public transport and evening event shuttle buses from
Balmain Rd. to Central Station or Town Hall (subject to consultation and confirmation with Sydney Buses as planning
progresses). The Laneway Festival will advertise that no patron parking is available.
Reference during the creation of this document (and associated TCPs) was made to RMS ‘Traffic Control at Worksites’
manual (TCAWS, v4, June 2010), RMS ‘Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events’ Vers. 3.4
August 2 2006, AS 1742 ‘Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices’ (series).
This TMP addresses ‘St Jerome’s Laneway Music Festival 2016’- related traffic and transport related matters. The format
of this document is adjusted to better suit the specific traffic and transport management requirements for the event. This
is a special event TMP and the proposed traffic and pedestrian control measures are unique. This document is written to
facilitate stakeholder consultation and planning, LTC review and applications for relevant approvals. Thus far the Council
Traffic Committee and Ordinary Council Meeting resolved that the TMP be supported subject to nine conditions. These
conditions are embedded in this document.
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 2 of 17
Listed below are the core objectives of this TMP:
- Ensure effective separation between event patrons, participants, and venue staff from vehicular traffic,
- Manage traffic on roads affected by the event activities,
- Minimise impact on non-event community, regular public transport and emergency services,
- Maximize patron safety during egress,
- Achieve the above within acceptable costs.
Event Name: ‘St Jerome’s Laneway Music Festival 2016’,
Location: Sydney University College of Arts - Rozelle Campus, Callan Park,
Event Date: Sunday 7 of February 2016,
Capacity: ≤ (up to) 12,500 patrons,
Bump-In commences date and time: Monday, 1 of February 2016, 07:00hrs. (date TBC),
Event Starting Time: 11:00hrs,
Event Finish Time: 23:00hrs,
Bump-Out: Commences immediately after the event and completed by end of 9 of February 2016,
Event Type: Off Street. To be advertised as a ‘car free’ event,
Event Class: 2 (subject to LTC assessment and classification),
Frequency: Annual event – 5 years.
4.1 Estimated Peak Arrival Times
Outside morning peak hour between approximately 13:00hrs. and 15:00hrs. most patrons on foot (using public transport)
are anticipated to arrive, as well as patrons arriving by taxi or kiss & ride. Ingress is expected to start with low patron
flows before 13:00hrs. and moderate after 15:00hrs.
4.2 Estimated Peak Departure Times:
Outside evening peak hours. It is expected that between 21:00hrs and 23:30hrs most patrons will leave. Timeframes are
approximations and dependent on patron demographics on the day.
4.3 Event Classification
As per RMS ‘Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events’ Vers. 3.4, the event is classified here as
Class 2 event however this classification may change subject to LTC review. Assure is seeking comment from LTC on
classification. Assure believes that the event is a Class 2 due to no significant impact on Victoria Rd. as major transport
road, even though SEC and VMS are proposed to be used.
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 3 of 17
A Risk Management approach shall be an integral part of the planning for any event. The risk identification, assessment
and control process is a legal obligation (as per the Work Health & safety Act and Regulations 2011) and should be
compliant with WorkCover NSW Code of Practice for managing work, health & safety risks and aligned with AS/NZS ISO
31000. The Laneway Festival, Sydney University College of Arts, and to some extent RMS and Leichhardt Council, are
responsible for the management of risks arising from ‘St Jerome’s Laneway Festival 2016’. N.S.W. Police is responsible
for upholding public order, thus has consent priority and critical input in the event’s planning and execution. It is noted
that Traffic Management Plan/s (TMPs) and Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) are traffic risk control measures but they alone
cannot substitute an AS/NZS ISO 31000 - aligned event Risk Assessment. The Laneway Festival has engaged Avert
Risk Management Services (Avert) to carry out a risk assessment for the event.
Key traffic risks identified during past events by representatives of NSW Police, TMC – Sydney Buses and Assure were
related to the hazard posed by vehicles travelling along Balmain Rd. to pedestrians – event patrons – leaving the event.
Controls applied in 2015 proved effective (as confirmed by NSW Police, Inspector Coffey and TMC – Aaron Gale) and
provided for:
Level 2 Control - Substitute (free shuttle bus rather than walking, hailing a taxi),
Level 2 Control - Isolate (1.8m. fencing, crowd control barriers security personnel deterring crowds),
Level 3 Control - Administrative (VMS directional signage for crowds during egress and loudhailer
As discussed with TMC during 2014-15 event planning, Assure will have a traffic controller/crowd controller available to
assist (if seen necessary) with slowing down traffic on Balmain Rd. should general pedestrians cross at safety isle
crossing due to event patrons blocking footpath (loaded onto charter buses) during egress.
6.1 General
The traffic measures following below are proposed in the interest of the safety of event participants, along with general
public, local residents and motorists, public transport and emergency services. Input from Leichhardt Council will be
carefully considered and included in this document as planning progresses. As traffic control measures are adjusted for
the scope of work, the common TCAWS type of approach is not utilized, but rather more dynamic traffic schemes are
6.2 Event bump-in and bump-out
No specialised traffic control actions are considered to be prescribed for the bump-in and bump-out periods, except an
RMS Blue Card certified traffic controller at the southern entry to the College footprint to direct freight vehicles (mainly
assisting with reversing/three-point-turns). The event site has reasonable levels of permanent regulatory signs, road
markings (zebra crossings) and speed restrictions to accommodate freight vehicle access/egress. General driver safety
guidelines, such as adherence to speed limits, use of hazard lights etc, will be issued by The Laneway Festival to each
and every freight vehicles driver involved with the event. Assure will develop TCP for the bump-in and bump-out period
and submit to Council as per condition b) of D/2014/352 of Council report.
6.3 Event day
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 4 of 17
Two TCPs (TCP 1 and TCP 2 inserted further below) are developed to apply soft road closures on event day ensuring
that patrons do not attempt to park near the event site (to be applied upon Police direction). TCP 3 is created to illustrate
the proposed arrangements to cater for the egress mode of the event on Balmain Rd, including the shuttle bus pick up.
6.4 Construction, Traffic Calming Devices and Traffic Generators
Assure seeks LTC input regarding identified traffic generators in the local area so appropriate assessment of their impact
is undertaken. Experience during the 2014-15 event indicated no notable conflicts between this event and local area
markets events. Assure will check www.livetraffic.com prior to the event to assess any potential traffic generators.
6.5 Variation of Speed Limits
No variations in speed limits are proposed. Assure assessed the current signposted (signs and lane marking) speed limit
on Balmain rd. as adequate - 50km/hr. Signposted speed limits within the vicinity of the College of Arts are also
6.6 Portable Variable Message Signs (VMS)
Two portable VMS are suggested to be used at the two directions of traffic on Balmain Rd. and one to be used for crowd
direction during egress. The purpose of the VMS board on the east side of Balmain Rd. (VMS 1) will be to direct WB
event traffic to the designated drop-off/pick-up zone. The VMS will face east - directing WB traffic.
VMS draft messages:
VMS 1 – Balmain Rd. Northern side. Facing WB traffic (see specific VMS 1 location overleaf).
Frame 1
(3 sec.)
10:30hrs. – 15:00hrs.
Frame 2
(3 sec.)
Frame 1
(3 sec.)
20:00hrs. – 23:30hrs.
Frame 2
(3 sec.)
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 5 of 17
VMS 2 – Balmain Rd. Northern side. Grass lawn. Approx: 15m. SW from May St. junction with Balmain Rd.
Frame 1
(3 sec.)
10:30hrs. – 15:00hrs.
Frame 2
(3 sec.)
Frame 1
(3 sec.)
20:00hrs. – 23:30hrs.
Frame 2
(3 sec.)
VMS 1 location: northern side of Balmain Rd at kerb lane.
VMS will be placed as per RTA VMS Policy 2010 and positions verified by the author.
VMS 3 will be located at Park Rd. and used for crowd direction during egress to facilitate the proposed egress
arrangement (please see TCP 3).
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 6 of 17
VMS 3 – Park Rd. facing West (facing exiting crowds).
Frame 1
(3 sec.)
21:00hrs. – 24:00hrs.
Msg 1
Frame 2
(3 sec.)
Frame 1
(3 sec.)
Msg 2
Frame 2
(3 sec.)
21:00hrs. – 24:00hrs.
6.7 Custom Directional Signs
The following signs will be applied to facilitate transport arrangements. Proposed application of signs: 08:00hrs. to
24:00hrs. on event day.
Taxi zone signs (R5-201) on Balmain Rd. (approx 3 car spaces in WB direction after Cecily Str; see TCP 3) will be
facilitated by application of taxi zone signs over the existing street parking signs.
Set-Down/Pick-Up zones on Balmain Rd. (please see TCP 3) will be facilitated by application of R9-301 and R5-40
Shuttle bus kerb sides lanes will be supported (in addition to Special Event Clearways) by R5-20 signs (examples
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 7 of 17
Assure recommends that The Laneway Festival installs customized Corflute directional signs along Grove Street guiding
patrons on foot who are arriving by Light Rail - tram and alighting at Lilyfield.
6.8 Special Event Clearways (SEC)
Assure strongly recommends that for public safety and efficient shuttle bus operation, Special Event Clearways (SEC)
are utilized on event day between 14:00hrs. and 24:00hrs. as indicated on TCP 3 (western/northwestern kerb of Balmain
Rd/Darling St. – odd numbers – between the corner with Alberto St. and Victoria Rd. intersection). This SEC (together
with R5-20 signs) will facilitate the shuttle bus operation at the egress pick-up point as well as VMS placements and
installation of crowd control infrastructure/crowd management during egress. Assure will submit relevant application to
TMC-PIU for the approval and application of SEC. The Laneway Festival will pay for the SEC implementation.
This SEC section would provide the following key benefits:
Enhance safety as patrons proceeding in EB direction on foot will be more visible to motorists heading in the
same direction. Should a patron step on road, a motorists would have increased line-of-sight hence an
improved change to take evasive action and/or apply the brakes,
Support better operation of the shuttle buses during egress from the event allowing for two clear lanes in EB
Enhance the traffic throughput along that section of the road.
To support the deterrent effect of SEC, Assure will place traffic cones at northern kerb of Balmain Rd. between the
corner with Cecily St. and Waterloo St. this method was applied during the 2014-15 event following instruction from TMC
representative and proved effective.
6.9 Road Closures and Detours - Public Roads
No road closures of public roads proposed.
7 Road Closures and Detours – Callan Park Roads (subject to Police direction)
In 2013 two soft road closures were proposed and applied in line with Council advice no on-site parking would be
approved. In 2014 the report from Inspector Gary Coffee NSW Police recommends and Assure supports that internal
roads be used for parking as is allowed every other day of the year.
Two soft road closures are proposed for contingency purposes only and are proposed to apply if and at the time of
internal roads being deemed to be ‘full’ on event day.
One closure is proposed at the Park Dr. gates to Callan Park at Balmain Rd. (see TCP 1; UBD Ref: Map 11, Grid: 1F).
Three barrier boards and T2-4 (‘ROAD CLOSED’) sign applied would be applied for the closure and the position will be
staffed by RMS-certified Traffic Controller. The second closure is proposed at the corner of South Cr. and Cottage Way
(please see TCP 2; UBD Ref: Map 11, Grid: 3C). This closure is effectively closing South Cr. and would deter motorists
progressing in EB direction. A second traffic controller will be at this position to direct motorists away and barrier boards
and T2-4 (‘ROAD CLOSED’) sign applied would be in place. Emergency services’ vehicles travelling in ‘response’
(responding to an emergency or other operational task), event/authorized vehicles and patrons riding bicycles will be
allowed past the soft road closures.
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 8 of 17
7.1 Traffic Control Points
Two traffic controllers (RMS Blue or Grey Card certified) will be positioned (if required – subject to Police direction) at the
two soft road closure points as described above and illustrated in TCP 1 and TCP 2. These workers will be supervised by
the traffic manager, wearing appropriate PPE and given adequate break periods as per TCAWS.
Residents: Local residents are not expected to be significantly impacted by the event traffic arrangements. Increase of
bus and car traffic along Balmain Rd. is likely however experience from previous years does not suggest significant
increase of queue lengths at the traffic signals at junctions of Balmain Rd./Cecily St. and Balmain Rd./Perry St. that is
directly attributable to event traffic. Bus Zone along the northern side of Balmain Rd. and SEC are not envisaged to
impact on residents.
Local Businesses: The proposed SEC in the vicinity of TCP 3 are not expected to cause notable impact to local
businesses as the aggregate kerb-side parking car space occupation is ~12 car spaces. Assure proposes the SEC
application times (northern side of Balmain Rd. towards Victoria Rd.) to be limited only for when required, thus allowing
local business patrons to use kerb parking during trading hours on the weekend – SEC applicable after local business
trading hours.
Transport - Sydney Buses (STA): The implementation of this TMP is not anticipated to affect STA operations
significantly. Consultation with STA will be carried out and shuttle bus services engaged for the event. Assure utilized
Sydney Buses feedback on 2013 event egress in the development of this TMP and TCPs.
General Public/Motorists: Low impact on general vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the event-affected areas. Please
see paragraph ‘Residents’ above.
NSW Ambulance Service: Low impact (based on previous events’ experience and proposed controls).
It is noted that the new playing fields will be open, but the schedule if any is not known at this time.
The Laneway Festival will encourage bicycle and public transport use and notify patrons that fee shuttle buses will be
provided on exit. The event demographic is a crowd using public transport.
To facilitate safe and timely egress The Laneway Festival will implement a free-of-charge shuttle bus system transporting
patrons from Balmain Road to the City. Bus route is TBC. Shuttle buses will operate between 21:00hrs. - 24:00hrs. The
round trip from Callan Park to the city set-down is approximately 6.5km and is expected to take an average of 12
The following is a breakdown of services (TBC in consultation with Transport – Sydney Buses, but applied effectively
during 2014-15 events):
4 at 20:30,
4 at 21:00,
4 at 21:30,
6 at 21:45.
A total of 18 buses will be available, many of which ‘bendy’ buses with a larger capacity. Transport-Sydney Buses
supervisors will be on site to oversee the operation - 2 x at 20:30 - 24:00, 1 x 21:30 - 23:30 (exact number TBC).
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 9 of 17
The shuttle bus service will be advertised on all forms of marketing and will be strongly encouraged by The Laneway
Festival. Considering the frequency of service and the quantity of buses Assure, purposes that the buses for this service
utilize the existing STA bus stop in EB direction on Balmain Rd. To facilitate this operation the event organiser will utilize
VMS messages during egress.
The Laneway Festival will designate a bicycle valet system and a bicycle parking area (proposed location illustrated
overleaf) to facilitate this mode of transport for patrons. An event staff member will be designated to monitor and direct
bicycle traffic and parking. Bicycle parking racks will be located at prominent location near event entry. They will be
signposted and staffed.
Pedestrian route from/to Lilyfield Light Rail Station is selected with pedestrian safety in mind. It provides zebra crossing at
Lilyfield Rd, reasonably wide local area footpaths (within local area of 50km/hr zone). Grove St. is a one way street for a third
of its length (northern side) which is also a favorable conditions as it suggests simpler traffic.
Light Rail services details: Central > Lilyfield ~25min. Tram total capacity 217 persons (74 seated). Services frequency is 1015mins.
Experience suggests that ingress crowds approach and arrive in orderly manner and no traffic related hazards are identified.
Assure proposes 2 crowd corridors to be created for egress management – Shuttle Bus crowd flow using the venue gates
and a corridor created with 1.8m. high fencing and a Leave On Foot flow towards the signalized crossing of Balmain Rd.
readers shall refer to TCP 3 and fencing map for representation of the proposed crowd and traffic control arrangements.
As per Council resolution, crowd control barriers will be applied on the footpaths of Balmain Rd. (both sides) south of the
corner with Cecily St. – to contain pedestrians on the footpaths.
Christian Pepper.
Matthew Lazarus Hall
Garry Coffey
Mark Falconer
John Stephens
Anoma Herath
Iain Betts
Navin Prasad
Raymond Carroll
Momtchil Vassilev
Force Events.
The Laneway Festival.
NSW Police – Inspector / Licensing, Leichhardt LAC.
NSW Police – Sergeant / Traffic, Leichhardt LAC.
NSW Police – Glebe Station.
NSW Taxi Council.
Leichhardt Council - Traffic Planning.
Leichhardt Council - Traffic Planning.
Leichhardt Council - Senior Assessment Officer.
RMS Representative - Leichhardt LTC.
TMC - Sydney Buses.
Assure Event Safety Consultants.
0404 843 471.
0417 022 370
02 9552 8068
02 9552 8099
02 9332 1266
02 9367 9298
02 9245 1327
02 9699 7711
The preceding version of this document was submitted to Leichhardt Council as part of event DA application. Feedback
from September LTC and General Council meeting was considered and integrated. This document will be submitted to
Council for further review and approval purposes.
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 10 of 17
Representative Names
Traffic Management Plan (TMP & TCPs).
Assure Event Safety Consultants.
Momtchil Vassilev
2 x Traffic Controllers.
Australian Concert & Ent. Security.
Momtchil Vassilev
2 x Traffic Control wands.
Australian Concert & Ent. Security.
Momtchil Vassilev
6 x Barrier Boards with legs.
Australian Concert & Ent. Security.
Momtchil Vassilev
2 x T2-4 ‘ROAD CLOSED’ signs.
Australian Concert & Ent. Security.
Momtchil Vassilev
2 x standard Taxi Zone sign plates.
Assure Event Safety Consultants.
Momtchil Vassilev
2 x R9-301 and 3 x R5-40 sign plates.
Assure Event Safety Consultants.
Momtchil Vassilev
4 x Portable VMS boards (medium size).
Alex Jacobs
4 x Corflute custom made directional signs.
The Laneway Festival.
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Page 11 of 17
DIAGRAM 1 - Projected pedestrian flows
Purple lines - pedestrian access/egress route from/to
Lilyfield Light Rail Station.
To the West [left on map] a sign-posted and solid structuresupported refuge island is available,
To the East [right on map] pedestrian traffic signals are in
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
ROL (Road Occupancy Licenses) to be inserted in due time
Assure Event Safety Services - trading name of Australian Concert and Entertainment Security Pty Ltd
ABN 16 002 990 794 | ACN 002 990 794 | NSW ML No. 404776913 | ASIAL Member 003749 | NTIS 90024
Document: Assure TMP - CE - 'St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival 2016' - 2015-08-05 | Date: 5/08/2015
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